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2010-05-10, 12:58 PM

Zarabeth is shocked into speechlessness by the display of power, and pure divsion between good and evil. She makes a careful note not to get on the unicorns bad side.

2010-05-10, 07:06 PM
Nanai says and does nothing, being familiar with the ways of his friend Pa-ari. Although, he grabs a handful of scrub and attempts to brush some of the gore from Don J.

2010-05-10, 08:08 PM
Don Julio puts up a "Don't!" finger, his jaw clenched tightly, when Nanai tries to be helpful.

Pa-ari backs up from Pahj, tilts his head briefly to try to get a better read on Pahj, then nods his head and stands at the forefront of the party's perceived direction of motion (which seems to be fairly right).

@Zarabeth (and anyone else who is interested in philosophical babble):First, the assumption after our PM is that you cast mage armor on Julio back at the room?

Second, concerning Pa-ari ... Imagine bringing a demon (for Hep-thait was CE) up into Elysium, let alone any of the upper planes. To a celestial, any creature so invested in darkness most assuredly has the werewithal of his/ her own soul to know they are blackhearted - or to be too irredeemable to dare give lenience to, so the concept of 'just a child' means nothing in this regard ... since children are supposed to be innocents.

No, a celestial on its home turf - minus some few exceptions - would band together with others of its kind (if the Invader appears strong) to obliterate the dark stain on its beautiful plane.

Now, one might argue that this particular celestial isn't on his home plane (let alone any of the Upper Planes), and that the World of Men is infused with evil and good in various ratios. If nothing else, the argument would simply devolve into a 'right to enact capital punishment outside ... jurisdiction.'

Khemit is a theocracy, make no mistake. Unless a celestial, working on the dictates (direct, implied, interpreted, or blanket) of his beliefs, poses a threat to the establishment of Khemit itself (such as is common with Set and his ilk), then what happens is seen simply as 'the will of the gods.' But if a deity's servant uses great alacrity to send an evil creature to its deserved fate in the Underworld, then it is an affrontery to the neteru as a whole, let alone the 'boss' god in question, to interfere.

Now, of course there has been abuse of this in the past. So priests (servants of the god in their own right) try to police their own god's servants on this plane (including other priests), but such policing includes the god's mandates. In this regard, wars are fought over religion in the shadows. But because out-and-out religious conflict would destabilize the kingdom - that kingdom led by the neteru's divine son, the Pharaoh - those that try to foment or act beyond their means are dealt with in an equally swift and harsh manner.

Of course, in a bureacracy, it doesn't matter what the prevailing alignment of the government and the land may be (LG in Khemit) ... there's always room for corruption.

Back to the Pa-ari bit, who is NG and not LG. Pa-ari is even more zealous to take actions into his own hooves to destroy evil. A LG servant might have reacted as harshly and as quickly based on a variety of factors. But if there is a chance to make an object lesson of the evil from which society can benefit, without incurring greater danger (such as the 'kill' or 'capture to execute' quandary), or if there are any particular strictures to observe, then the LG servant is likely to show more restraint.
Nanai, you know that the most likely place for the necropolis overseen by the Osirian priests would be ... naturally, the Gorge of Osiris to the north.

You amble up the 6' tall unicorn's bare back (for you never did outfit him with finery, saddlery, and barding ... something you should do soon), seemingly dwarfed by its great height and 9' length, and you and the 3/4-ton beast ride north. The party moves out, and you start making circuit and scouting rides, but never more than a quarter-bowshot away from the group (500' at the very most - not a standard distance, just the maximum).

The party travels for about 2 miles or so ...

Nanai, you are 410' ahead of the next member of the party (Khonsu') on a forward sweep. You are fully enjoying the ride on your friend, when your keen eyes fail to notice what Pa-ari did not. He calls your attention to it, "Nanai, ahead!"

There are 20 or more armed and horsed men about 600 feet distant. They have cocked crossbows ready, bows with arrows knocked, lances leveled, and swords unsheathed. (No, they don't have 10 arms. This is a mixed group with different weapons.) In a heartbeat or two they will surely discharge a volley of missiles and charge at you!

Pa-ari (who is surrounded by a permanent 10' radius magic circle against evil), when mounted, defers to your commands and goes on your initiative. So you don't have to worry about surprising actions ... he rides as he is ridden. However, it is always his judgement when to attack or how ... but it's alright to vocalize suggestions.

Anyway, Nanai. What do you do?

2010-05-10, 10:35 PM
Take us back to Khonsu. Quickly. We must warn the others

2010-05-11, 01:06 AM
No sooner does Nanai tell Pa-ari to hurry back to the party, then you hear ululating, cheering, and war cries.

R1T25-T13: About a dozen of the mounted raiders burst forth on their horses at a full run. Arrows and bolts come in from about 450' away, and one actually manages to hit you in the belly on a lucky shot for max damage of 8! Not that it really matters, but you can tell by the arrow and fletching in your belly that this is a Khemitian soldier's arrow ... so a likely deserter or former loyal Khemitian fired this arrow!

And their hard ride continues towards you. Those that ran closed the distance by half, moving 300' in one round.

R1T12.9: You [Nanai] turn and run, knowing that you are going to need the help of your friends instead of standing to make a suicidal fight. Since you can shoot a full attack's worth of arrows even when your mount is at a full run (-8 penalty to hit), do you try to take a few potshots at the lead bandits? They're still a little too far away to try and differentiate one from another. You don't get to define where you shoot from; shooting is assumed to take place halfway through the run. Pa' will cover 240' in a run this round, meaning that at the 120' mark, your arrow(s), if any, will be loosed. At 120', you will be about 420' away (on average) from the forward targets. 420' = In the 4th range increment, or -6 penalty for range. With the running penalty, that means you take a total -14 penalty. On one hand, that may seem to waste arrows. On the other hand, you have nothing to lose in movement by shooting; and they have lots of arrows!

2010-05-11, 10:01 AM
Despite being wounded, Nanai will try to get off as many shots as he can....

2010-05-11, 04:31 PM
R1T12.9 (Cont'd):"Fire as many arrows as I can," to me, means you will be using Rapid Shot to get off one more shot this round, but at an additional -2 penalty to all arrows. The first arrow fired is deflected off of a nomad warrior's shield. Using that as range bracketing, the second shot hits the same tribesman in the right upper arm for 8 damage total. Still great shooting to get a shot in at that range! :smallcool:

R1T12.8-End of Round: Two arrows hit you in the lower back for 4 and 8 damage (the first one grazing, the second a moderate hit), as several other arrows and bolts spatter around you, some visibly deflected by Pa-ari's anti-evil aura (which clues you in that the ones firing are evil, and that this isn't some 'misunderstanding'). Finally, you get grazed in the upper back for 2 damage from a crossbow bolt.

End Round One ... The rest of the party sees Nanai in the distance at a full-speed canter on Pa-ari, being chased by a untold horsemen and a loud dust cloud kicking up behind them. You are flat-footed and may not vocalize until your initiative is up. The following is the 'marching order' that was more casual than actually defined:Khonsu-khaibet

30' separation

Don Julio and Zarabeth (The two of you have been playing "Tell Me a Lie-Truth", a verbal game of bluffing and discovery. You have been honing [if you care to] your Bluff, while Don Julio has been working on his 'lie detector' listening skills.)

15' separation

Pahj & Sahu-ptah (Pahj discovered during the walk so far that Sahu' is very knowledgeable in Achitecture and Engineering, and the two of you have been 'talking shop'.)Begin Round Two...

R2T25-T18: Five more arrows and 2 more bolts land around Nanai & Pa'. The lead of the bandits is now only 210' from you (510' from Khonsu').

R2T17.1: Zarabeth, Nanai is coming in at full tilt, and some distant figures are bearing down on him. You really can't make out any particulars at this distance other than an amalgam of mount/rider. The closest bunch are some 550' or so feet from you and Don Julio. Nanai is being overtaken. What do you do?

2010-05-11, 08:26 PM

Zarabeth is a blur of action as she sees Nanai in trouble.

Swift Action: Casting Shield using Abjurant champion power. (+9 to AC)
Free Action: Quicken Spell to cast Mage Armour (+4 to AC, 5th level slot used)
Move Action: Move her speed towards the battle and draw both short swords
Standard Action: Cast stoneskin on self.

2010-05-11, 09:52 PM
Zarabeth, a battle dancer, lives for battle. And folks, I'm here to tell you, she has the tools .....

She casts two spells and becomes a veritable magical fortress, then darts forth while drawing her short swords. Then stops, cursing in Greek as it seems she forgot something.Curse: sometimes, we can't control when we are pissed and let out a curse or other unsavory word, and Greek is your home language. That's why I dared to take an RP liberty with your character. Just saying, cause some folks get so testy.

So, I went exactly in the order given ... and you were swept up in trying to do so many things in battle ... please don't ask for a "re-do." Sometimes we overextend ourselves. What, then, is the problem you may ask?

First, stoneskin is a spell requiring a somatic component. You must have one hand free. There is nothing in the world you are going to hold with both hands, however small, and still be considered to be both holding that thing and using one hand to cast a spell. You either have a hand free, or you don't. This is what causes you to curse.

Second, and this is where the "I could kick myself for not having thought about that," comes in ... the costly material component - any 'costly' material component for spells, actually - requires purchase, just like all the spell components that Don Julio and Nanai bought. You never provided Julio an input or a request for the 250 gp worth of diamond dust (mixed with powdered granite from your spell component pouch) to allow for a single casting of the spell. (Of course, that cost/material is required for each casting of the spell.)

That is what caused you to curse in Greek.

2010-05-13, 03:45 PM
R2T17-T16.9: Two more arrows whizz around Nanai.

R2T16.1: Sahu-ptah draws a small stone from his pouch. The stone has something inscribed upon it, and he breaks the stone in his bare hand (sandstone, not granite). As he does so, silver light bursts outwards and fades, but seems to settle on himself, Don Julio, and Pahj. The settled light stays over the hearts of these three in the symbol of Ptah.Zarabeth and Pahj both recognize the effect as a shield of faith, but this must be a mass version of the same spell.

+3 deflection bonus to AC, which is now reflected on your character sheets.

R2T16-T15.9: An arrow and a crossbow bolt miss Nanai.

R2T14.1: Pahj Rameshad, you just got a light boost in your defenses from Sahu-ptah. What do you do?

2010-05-14, 09:03 AM
Pahj chants a deep, throaty mantra "AUMMMMMM!". He moves towards the action while readying his trident.

Spend 9pp to manifest inertial armor (+8 AC)
Move ahead 30' and draw trident on the move

2010-05-15, 02:16 AM
R2T14.1: (Pahj acts as posted.) Pahj is now protected by a force as strong as full plate armor. And though slowed a little by his shield and carried weight, the boost to protection is still worth it overall.

R2T14-T13.9: Another arrow misses Nanai, but a crossbow bolt just glances off of the back of his right knee.

R2T13.1: Don Julio shoots his bow, and an arrow smacks and grazes a tribesman in the head for 6 damage, then hits the same man in the belly for another 6 damage.

R2T13: An arrow smacks into Nanai's back. It doesn't penetrate his leather scale to draw blood, but the impact is enough to hurt (2 damage).

R2T12.9: Nanai & Pa-ari continue at a full-tilt pace of 240', and he is able to just pass the last member of the party (Sahu-ptah) by 10' when he finally brings Pa' out of the inertia of his run. Meanwhile, Nanai shot during this charge. The first arrow goes wild, the second arrow hits a tribesman in the femoral artery (crit!) for 13 weapon damage, and 7 dessication burst damage! A third arrow if fired at the same man, hitting him in the belly for 7 arrow and 3 dessication damage.

Another bolt and arrow come in and miss Zarabeth and Khonsu ... then another three arrows in rapid succession miss Zarabeth.

R2T11: Eager to try things out, but willing to draw some fire, Khonsu-khaibet activates the Boots of Hapy and climbs straight up - on solid air - some 25' and fires his bow. The arrow sails off and bounces off the chest of a man who might be a tribesman - has weapons and strong eagle motifs - the same single man that just fired three arrows in rapid succession at Zarabeth.

R2T8: Having peeled off (or, more properly, up) to make himself a target, an arrow comes in and just misses critting Khonsu, slicing across the side of his throat for 6 damage.

Another few arrows and bolts come in from 150' range, one bolt bouncing squarely off of Khonsu's Curiass of Hapy. There is one horseman out there who falls off of his horse.

R2T6: There is a burst of light that fizzles off of one man's hands, though it looks like the galloping horse he was on ruined his spell. This man has a bald head, a chain shirt, and raiments of a priest of some sort.

R2T3: The very last horseman to catch up with his comrades fires his crossbow, but his horse leaps over the prone horseman, jarring this last horseman's aim. He fires his crossbow at his head and nicks his ear (1 hp).

End Round Two,

At this point, the main line of the bandits are 60' away from Zarabeth (the 'front line' for the heroes). The bald, priestly-looking man shouts orders, and then the ruffian with eagle-motif armor yells more orders to others.

At this point, you notice that while they are definitely a mixed bag of skirmishers, they have closed ranks.

Begin Round Three ...

Refer to the Battlemap (https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ahwnq-ov5La4dEc3eFFlWkh3c3FxbDhNOFJON0hjcVE&hl=en&ui=2#gid=0).
Okay, looking at the map ...

T[I]x = Tribesman
Exx = Ex-Soldier
RRx = Riff-Raff
C-T = Bandit Leader with Eagle Motifs
Shen = Your buddy, Shenau ... looking like his true red half-draconic self.
H-B = That priestly guy.
All these guys take up a 10'-square because of their horse.

Z = Zarabeth
K-K = Khonsu-khaibet. Note his current elevation of 25'.
PR = Prahj Rameshad
DJ = Don Julio
S-P = Sahu-ptah
N&P = Nanai & Pa-ari.
Note that there is a large yellow square around N&P. Though not shimmering, or even visible, this is to show the 10' magic circle against evil that surrounds Pa-ari.
R3T25-T18: At C-T's orders, T1, T5, T8, Ex2, T2, T6, & Ex4 all drop their longbows and take out weapon and shield. The tribesman take out scimitars and small steel shields. The Khemitian ex-soldiers ready their lances and small steel shields.

R3T17.1: Zarabeth, you are 60' away from a line of bandits, two deep in some places. They have all gone from a hard ride to a full stop, and the center of the line - which you could get to on a charge - have readied shields and taken out melee weapons, presumably for a charge.

What do you do?

2010-05-15, 08:12 AM

Zarabeth utters a few words, and then charges at T1 as her sword bursts into flames, she slashes at him as she arrives

Swift Action: Blades of Fire
Charge Action: Charge T1 and attack
[roll0] attack
[roll1] confirm crit if threat
[roll2] damage
[roll3] fire damage

2010-05-15, 08:55 AM
Pahj calls out "Zarabeth wait--" in vain. "Damn. Should have warned her of our powers, Poo. Don't berate me! A change of plans is in order." Pahj can't help but feel impressed by her bravado, skill, and... allure.

2010-05-15, 01:59 PM
R3T17.1: Zarabeth utters a few words, and then charges at T1 as her sword bursts into flames. She is like an arrow shut from a bow, and her short sword thrusts through and burns his lower swordarm for 11 weapon and 8 fire damage. He screams, for it is a grievous wound. He doesn't even recognize that Zarabeth had the good courtesy to cauterize the wound she made. :smallamused:

(Pahj's vocals and thoughts, as above.)

"Well," Poo's thoughts buzz in Pahj's, "at least she shows proper focus on a given task. Unlike some I know ..."

R3T17 & T16.9: T7 and Ex3 changeout weapons, as their fellows, above.

R3T16.1: Sahu-ptah advances while taking out a wand, advances 10' past Don Julio to screen him, and then reaches back to touch Don Julio with the wand. Don Julio's form wavers, shimmers, and then blur in various after-images back and forth. Nanai thinks he sees as many as 6 of Don Julio at one time, shifting into and out of the area Julio is standing in.
@Zarabeth (only)Sahu-ptah used a wand of mirror image.
R3T16/T15.9: Ex6 & RR1 conduct changeout of weapons. Unlike his fellows, RR1 (Riff-Raff) puts away his masterwork crossbow, and then gets out a shortspear.

R3T14.1: Your turn, Pahj. What do you do?

2010-05-15, 02:46 PM
Pahj buzzes back "Our focus here is on making these ruffians wish they never took up arms. We must do as much damage as possible, to man and horse, before they charge!"

Like a calculator Pahj accurately calculates distance along all three axes. Zarabeth hears a deep pitched "hum" to her left which violently explodes in a loud bass filled voice. Her hair stands on end as a ball of electricity engulfs the attackers not far from her. Pahj immediately refocuses and the hum followed by a ball of electricity explodes on Zarabeth's right side mere feet from her position.

Standard action manifest energy ball (electricity) for 10pp.
3 inspiration points on surge.
Standard action manifest energy ball (electricity) for 10pp.
Reflex save DC 23.

Here's a picture of where I target.

Pahj moves 30' diagonally forward to distance himself from the rest of the group and minimize area effects (end movement at H32).

2010-05-15, 05:03 PM
R3T14.1: Pahj buzzes back "Our focus here is on making these ruffians wish they never took up arms. We must do as much damage as possible, to man and horse, before they charge!"

Like a calculator Pahj accurately calculates distance along all three axes. Zarabeth hears a deep pitched "hum" to her left which violently explodes in a loud bass filled voice. Her hair stands on end as a ball of electricity engulfs the attackers not far from her. DC is only 22, not 23. Base DC for a 4th-level power for you is 21. You spent three extra power points. That increases damage to 10d6. However, for every two PPs, you increase save DC by 1. Since fractions are dropped in D&D (unlike Champions, where they are always in favor of the character), 3 (PPs extra)/ 2 (every 2 PPs spent) = 1.5, or simply +1 DC, for a DC of 22.

Damage on this first ball is 39, or 19 for a successful save.The ball of electricity decimates the entire left line. Everything with a red font means dead or dying. The one yellow font (T2 & LH) shows that while the man appears dead or dying (but still in the saddle), the light warhorse was skittish enough to have good reflexes and ony take half damage.

Pahj immediately refocuses and the hum followed by a ball of electricity explodes on Zarabeth's right side mere feet from her position. Damage is 32, but 16 on a successful save.T8 makes a soft fall as his mount goes down, but he is prone.
T3 tries to make a soft fall when he goes down, but takes 3 damage when he lands on the ground.
Ex-Khemitian Soldier #2 is dead/dying, but his horse is alive. Ex2 is still in his saddle.
T6 takes all the damage in the face, but his horse made the save ... so horse and rider are still up.
T7 makes a soft fall when his horse drops, and is prone.

Pahj moves 30' diagonally forward to distance himself from the rest of the group and minimize area effects

R3T14: RR2 draws his shortspear on the move (crossbow still in the other hand) and thrusts, but the shield of faith deflects the spear.

R3T13.1: Don Julio turns invisible. The images wink out of sight with him.

R3T12.9: Nanai, what do you do?

2010-05-16, 09:33 AM
Nanai lowers the goggles on his head over his eyes and points down range to the midst of the combatants.. A tiny ball of flame erupts from his extended hand and arcs through the air dropping into the middle of them and exploding over a large area wreaking havoc....

fireball dropped onto v17 lower left hand corner. 20 ft radius, dc14 [roll0]

2010-05-17, 12:57 AM
R3T12.9: Nanai lowers the goggles on his head over his eyes and points down range to the midst of the combatants.. A tiny ball of flame erupts from his extended hand and arcs through the air dropping into the middle of them and exploding over a large area wreaking havoc....Ex6 & RR1 drop, but their horses don't (despite taking full damage). They both remain in the saddle.
RR3 manages to deftly cling to the side of his horse opposite the blast; his horse takes full damage, but he takes none.
The priest (H-B), pulls his horse up so that it only takes half damage. The priest seems to have taken no damage.
The priest shouts in Khemitian:Those that can hear individual words, can't understand him. Those who might've understood him, can't hear his words, only that he is shouting.As he finishes shouting, he is pointing at the eagle-motif man, and then motioning to Pahj.

R3T12.8: RR3 moves from X19-M21. As he does so, he throws down his bow and draws his shortspear, thrusting at Zarabeth wildly.

R3T12: The eagle-motif ruffian (C-T) moves 120' in a curving 's' to pass clear of Zarabeth and then get around Pahj; he deftly skirts around Pahj while just keeping clear of easy reach of Sahu' so as not to provoke an AOO from either one. As he does so he takes out a potion and downs it.

R3T11: Khonsu', having seen the fireball-dodge made by another ruffian, realizes that RR2 (similarly garbed & outfitted) may possess a greater threat than Pahj might realize. He moves across the air (again, elevation 25') 10' and shoots down right into the man's heart for 29 critical arrow damage + 17 skirmish damage (46 damage total)! The arrow blasts a hole out of his back where his heart once was, and he falls out of the saddle, but his foot is caught in the stirrup and he is dragged by his horse.

R3T9: Ex10, who isn't even on the map, is the one who fell off his horse about 200' away or so. He gets up, and starts moving away from the battle while calling for his horse.

R3T8: T3 gets up, keeping his bow on the ground. He draws his scimitar. He looks like he wanted to run, but that priest is there glaring at him.

R3T6.2: A Large serpent made entirely of ice appears 10' from Pahj. It has a large, clubbed tail that freezes bits of the air around it. It slams at Pahj twice, the first attack slamming against his armor (w/o damage), and the second smacking off his shield. @PahjCould it be? It appears, from very faint traces of ectoplasmic residue that your keen eyes are trained to see, that this big serpent is some form of more-powerful and specialized version of an astral construct! You've heard that there were adaptations out there, but you never studied them. An astral construct - with some very limited exceptions - are strictly in the repertoire of a shaper.
R3T6.1: A pealing chime accompanies the appearance of a long, slender, malleable shaft of crystal that spirals out beautifully from Shenau. It travels out to wrap around Zarabeth but she just barely gets out of the way of this snare before it disappears. @PahjThis is the burrowing bonds power (CP79). Considering the timing of the summoned astral construct, it is quite clear that Shenau's "sorcery" either actually is, or includes, some powerful metacreative ability.
R3T6: The priest (H-B) rides his horse over more to center backfield, and then shoots a ray of freezing energy at Zarabeth, hitting her in the lower left arm for 30 cold damage. It is almost like the cold on her arm wants to spread up and into her torso to slow her down, but she moves fast enough to keep her blood pumping hard and hot.

R3T3: RR4 rides down and in, threatening Pahj from the east. This man threw down his bow and drew his sword on the move.

End Round Three, Begin Round Four ...

R4T22: T8 stands. He wants to flee, but fears the priest more. He readies his shield.

R4T21: The light warhorse carrying Ex2's unconscious form quits the field of battle, and is now at the top of the map.

R4T20: T2's warhorse, again with rider on back, likewise at the top of the map.

R4T18: T8, on the verge of death, attempts a vainglorious charge against Sahu'. Sahu' manages to wield the single showing edge of his two-bladed sword like an overly-long-hilted longsword (with a -4 penalty) and cuts through the man's head at an upwards angle (17 damage). The body is tossed off the horse as the horse continues past, just pulling up several feet before Nanai & Pa-ari.

R4T17.1: Zarabeth, your blades of fire spell ends. What do you do? Just so you know, the fallen bodies all count as 2 squares of movement - be it moving into, through, or out of those squares.

2010-05-17, 06:39 AM

Zarabeth is finally in her element, with her silks billowing every which way and both blades flashing in a deadly display of steel, she launches a full attack at the 'riff-raff' (3) that is threatening her.

[roll0] primary weapon attack
[roll1] primary weapon attack
[roll2] secondary weapon attack
[roll3] secondary weapon attack
[roll4] damage
[roll5] damage
[roll6] damage
[roll7] damage

EDIT: OH, COME ON. 6 months I wait for Zarabeth to finally unleash a full attack option, and you give me a freakin' 1 and 2??????????????? Stupid forum roller.

2010-05-17, 09:00 PM
R4T17.1: Zarabeth is finally in her element, with her silks billowing every which way and both blades flashing in a deadly display of steel, she launches a full attack at the 'riff-raff' that is threatening her. Her first stab goes through the man's cheek and into the far side of his jaw, nearly severing the tongue. The man might've choked to death on his blood, but Zarabeth pulls him towards her as she tries to extricates her first sword. This frames him for her second strike through his heart. This probably ends him instantly, but Zarabeth's movements are too fast even for her eyes to register, working on years of muscle memory and instinctive fighting movements. Her right hand has to work to finally get her sword out of the dead bandit's mouth (the miss) and she finally drags him off the horse and practically staples him to the ground through the hollow of his right shoulder ... before taking her sword out of him.

R4T7: Tribesman 7 comes over with scimitar and shield to stand over the man Zarabeth just killed. Amazingly, despite all the carnage, this bandit has not yet been harmed.

R4T16.9: Ex-3 readies lance and shield, riding around (he could've come to Zarabeth, but she is getting mobbed. (His rationalization for not wanting to come near that devil-dervish.) He rides around to threaten Pahj from reach with his lance. You'll note he shares a square with Khonsu-khaibet, but remember Khonsu's 25' elevation.

R4T16.1: Sahu-ptah calculates - based on how well-defended Pahj's 'magic' is, how powerful his offensive 'magic' seems, and the excellent cover fire from Khonsu' - that the real threat are the offers hanging in the background. Ex-3 tries to get a cheap shot in with the lance as the living monolith walks by, but barely grazes the mithral plate armor. He moves 40', and then uses his wand to cast mirror image on himself (2 images), noting that the priest has been using some form of targeting magic against Zarabeth.

R4T16/15.9: The corpse-bearing horses for Ex3 & RR1 do a full gallop off the field to the north.

R4T14.1: Pahj, you are threatened at reach from the north by some serpentine astral construct. You are threatened at reach to the east by a soldier with a lance (who just used an AOO). You are threatened to the west by a bandit with a spear. You are threatened to the southwest by the eagle-motif bandit. What do you do?

2010-05-17, 09:35 PM
Pahj calls out "Shenau is no sorcerer but a psion! You must strike him down quickly or he can teleport away with a moment's thought!"

Pahj tumbles to J30. The same deep hum echoes forth as five bolts of fire appear and dart from his body.

Use 10pp to defensively manifest energy missile (fire) [roll0] DC 17 aimed at all 5 targets (serpent, tribesman, ruffians, and ex soldier)

[roll1] reflex save DC 26 half

2010-05-17, 09:38 PM
Messed up my tumble rolls.

[roll0] DC15
[roll1] DC17
[roll2] DC19
[roll3] DC21
[roll4] DC23

2010-05-17, 10:25 PM
R4T14.1: Pahj calls out "Shenau is no sorcerer but a psion! You must strike him down quickly or he can teleport away with a moment's thought!"

Pahj tumbles to J30. The same deep hum echoes forth as five bolts of fire appear and dart from his body.There is no RR2 there, and RR3 is yellowed to show that the ruffian is down but his horse is there.
RR3LW and Ex3H are just horses, with no riders.The first fire missile hits the serpent squarely in the body about 1/4 of the way down for only 39 fire damage.
The tribal leader gets hit in the left shoulder for 49 damage. He's still standing. Wounded, but standing.
The ruffian holds up his hand in fear and instinct. The flame burns through his hand, up his arm, blasting bone and sinew, and fire erupts out the back of his chest. He is blasted off his horse, a charred mass with his center burnt out.
The fire hits the soldier in the side of the head. The entire head explodes in super-heated and boiled brain-gore, all over the place, as he falls off the other side of his horse.

R4T14: RR3's horse bolts in a run to the west directly away from Pahj. RR3's body is still caught in the stirrup and dragged like Hector away.

R4T12.9: Nanai, what do you do? Do you direct Pa-ari to go anywhere/ do anything?

2010-05-18, 12:32 PM
Nanai will fire off 2 shots at T6 standing in front of him while directing Pa-ari to ride to the left to take on Shenau.

2 shots using Rapid Fire and due to range, Point Blank Shot bonus applies as well as Ranged Precision. [roll0] [roll1]

2010-05-18, 09:28 PM
[T6-LW was to represent T6's horse. Note that T6 got blasted off his horse earlier. Anytime you see "-H" or "-LW", the horse is the 'active participant.]

R4T12.9: Nanai & Pa-ari skirt towards the west, then north on a double move. A little too far to do a precise shot, Nanai still does what he can. He fires a single shot that slices across Shenau's left bicep for 4 damage, but then begins to suck the moisture out of that spot for another 3 dessication damage.

R4T12.8: RR3's horse, sans fallen rider, double moves off the map to the north.

R4T12: The eagle-bandit (C-T), lingers with the anger of being burned so badly and shrieks in fury. He moves his horse around to the ENE of Pahj, and managing to keep enough room between himself and the powerful foreign caster so as not to provoke more mundane wrath (from the trident with the silver cord). The combination of flanking, high ground, and preternatural speed give the bandit leader excellent offense as his brilliant scimitar swordsmanship easily feigns and diverts Pahj's trident and shield.

Pahj tries to protect the body, but leaves his arm open as the scimitar cuts in deep across the bicep and knicks the brachial artery longitudinally for 22 damage. The blow, while guided by what appears to be strength far greater than you'd expect from the man's size, is more increased by a phenomenal use of swordsmanship and Pahj's distraction of the other opponents. As Pahj recoils in pain, he realizes that his trident arm (and thus all of him) is somewhat crippled by this attack (-2 Strength).

His warhorse also kicks at Pahj, but misses.

R4T11: Foreseeing the entire backfield moving north, and wanting to keep up with the now beleagured Pahj, Khonsu moves north 30', but maintains his 25' height. He shoots at the eagle-bandit, but the latter is such a dervish of energy on horseback - and is quite observant to boot - that he manages to spin and knock the arrow away with his shield.

R4T3: A nearly mortally-wounded T3 moves west until due north of Zarabeth and clambers onto fallen bodies while readying his shield.

R4T6.2: The serpentine creature slams Pahj in the left upper leg for 18 slam and 4 cold damage. Pahj doesn't even have much of a prayer as the serpent enfolds him into its coils and is grappled by the great snake. It tries to slam him again in the grapple, but fails (Pahj is still held fast).

"Everybody!" shouts Khonsu, "Pahj is in trouble!!"

R4T6.1: Shenau's form starts to crackle with motes of electricity darting about the surface of his body, but not harming the horse upon which he is astride. He then moves his horse due east, but his horse suddenly gets struck by something for 14 damage in its thick neck (but not in an artery). The instant this happens, Don Julio appears with that long, thin blade in his hand, his invisibility ended by his attack (E12). Shenau and his horse continue east past the priest.

R4T6: The priest very calmly takes out a scroll ... and reads it. He slowly points to Don Julio as the scroll burns up in his hands. Don Julio screams in absolutely agony as his entire form collapses in on itself - painfully, graphically, and horribly - and he and all that is with him disappears.
@ZarabethWow. That scroll held one of the most powerful spells known in existence: implosion. Worse ... you know enough about this powerful spell to know that the priest can target three more people with it. Simply as a result of this spell's sheer power alone, it is very difficult to resist.

R4T3: RR4's riderless horse (he's dead) bolts north, ducking past Pa-ari and the field of bodies.

End Round Four, Begin Round Five ...

R5T22: T8 clambers up onto bodies and comes around NNE of Zarabeth and attacks her with a scimitar. Even a natural '19' isn't enough to hit her.

R5T21/20/ 19: Ex2's warhorse (and his body) go off-map to the north. Same with T2's horse (and body). T6's riderless horse moves NE.

R5T17.1: Don Julio - your lover - just got taken out with a spell that not only kills ... but kills in an extremely painful way without leaving much behind (some splattered gore from the initial implosion, but not much more than that). That priest is screened from your ability to charge it by the bodies littered in a line on the field (difficult terrain ruins your charge). However, it also means that unless Nanai closes on it ... if the priest is simply choosing 'close' opponents ... he might be targeting you next! :smalleek:

What do you do? :smallfrown:

2010-05-19, 09:08 AM

Zarabeth screams in anguish as she watches Don Julio be destroyed by the black-hearted priest. She forgets about the rest of the opponents on the field, even Shenau no longer matters to her, and makes a double move towards the priest, dodging all bodies and opponents as she makes her way steadily towards him.

2010-05-19, 10:31 AM
Pahj arches his back to keep the air in his lungs and yells out "I can handle myself! Hit that priest hard or we all fall!"

2010-05-19, 08:10 PM
R5T17.1: Zarabeth screams in anguish as she watches Don Julio be destroyed by the black-hearted priest. She forgets about the rest of the opponents on the field, even Shenau no longer matters to her, and makes a double move towards the priest, dodging all bodies and opponents as she makes her way steadily towards him."Dodging all ...opponents" tells me that you took the most economical route to minimize contact with enemies while using Tumbling to make your way past the ones you can't help but get near ... but also not straying 'offline' of your intended target: the priest.

For tumbling, instead of diminishing an entire move action by half, I instead just double the square cost of any square in which tumbling occurs.
Pahj arches his back to keep the air in his lungs and yells out "I can handle myself! Hit that priest hard or we all fall!"

The priest cackles moderately to himself, smiling as Zarabeth closes on him. "Good, good! Fill your heart with the hatred Set has given me to give to you. You will need it to succeed! When you get to the Underworld, tell them Hu-Benti sent you! Hahahahahahaha!"

R5T17: Tribesman(7) double moves, going due north across the body line and then NW to intersect Zarabeth before she gets to the priest. This is the only bandit 'regular' to not be wounded at all. He obviously counts on his lucky stars too much.

R5T16.9: Ex3's horse moves east to NE to quit the field.

R5T16.1: Sahu-ptah quickly does the math and calculates probabilities. It realizes that there is no way it can reach Hu-Benti in time to engage it in melee. It settles on boosting it's and Khonsu-khaibet's speed, movement, and reaction time to help it move quicker now and have superior mobility later. A possibility was to increase Zarabeth's speed (alone), but being a creature of mathematics, the fact that she is closer is second to the ability to boost the speed of two significantly faster combatants.

He simply double-moves now, since his boosting capability is extremely limited to a handful of seconds, and he might assist Zarabeth - if only briefly - with this ability once he gets nearer. He moves slightly NE, then north, with RR3 and T8 making AOOs ... both failing miserably. As Sahu' calculated.

R5T14.1: Pahj ... you are significantly wounded and partially crippled. You are grappled by some form of astral construct that Shenau made, and it is Large and fantastically strong ... made for grabbing. You might have seen an intellectual/ knowledge rival in Don Julio, but he is dead and the group is now leaderless. The power of the priest is beyond your ken. Shenau is at least as powerful a psion as yourself. The eagle-motif bandit is far more dangerous than at first realized, and as you are grappled you realize that the psychopathic look in his eyes - combined with his extremely well-placed and far superior swordsmanship - is downright scary.

What do you do?

2010-05-19, 09:22 PM
Pahj calls out "I'll cover you guys from afar and Nanai hit that priest!" Pahj concentrates and vanishes completely.

Defensively manifest dimension door and teleport 400' to the southeast (Pahj prefers a dune/hill/plateau/some kind of elevation but any clear area will do).

Concentrating while in grapple is DC 20 and manifesting defensively DC 19 so it should be automatic unless there's some effect messing with my concentration.

2010-05-19, 11:51 PM
R5T14.1: Pahj calls out "I'll cover you guys from afar and Nanai hit that priest!" Pahj concentrates and vanishes completely. Location = 400' due SE of J30. I am not (yet) going to balloon out the map that insane distance. Yet."You're welcome, of course," buzzes Poo in Pahj's mind.

R5T14: R2-LW, with RR2 still draggged by stirrup, goes west and then north.

R5T12.9: Nanai, what do you do? What do you do for riding Pa-ari?

2010-05-20, 07:16 AM
R5T12.9: Nanai, what do you do? What do you do for riding Pa-ari?

Nanai will close with the Priest and once in range will loose one well aimed shot from his bow.

[spoiler] Ranged Precision after closing to within 30'. [roll0] [spoiler]

2010-05-20, 08:14 PM
R5T12.9: Nanai and Pa'ari go straight for the priest, not even worrying about going around the 'body field' ... as it would give Nanai the best chance of getting one well-aimed precise shot in on Hu-Benti (the priest). Nanai doesn't revel in his knowledge, but his capacity to heal people - and his experience in having purged bandits from troubled areas previously - makes him relatively seasoned at knowing where to hit a man for effective shots. The arrow just misses Hu-Benti's lap and cross to hit the inside of his lower left arm for 25 base weapon damage and 2 dessication damage.

In addition, as the healer and holy mount come near, Zarabeth is infused with a feeling that evil will have to be powerful indeed to bring her to harm. Pa-ari generates a 10' magic circle against evil, which is the yellow box on the map.Pa-ari throws his head back to touch Nanai, but his golden spiral horn only brushes Nanai ... healing him of 6 hit points [minimum for him on a CLW].

R5T12: The eagle-motif bandit spurs his mount to charge, coming directly behind Nanai and slashing Nanai in the back for 11 damage with his scimitar.

R5T11: Khonsu' grimaces at Don Julio's demise. But he is an experienced warrior and hunter of the desert, and while that death was truly horrible, he manages to focus on his task. He moves directly north (maintaining 25' elevation) and fires at the priest. The arrow hits the priest in the lower right chest for 23 base damage.

R5T8: T3 slashes at Zarabeth with his scimitar, but misses completely.

R5T6.2: The serpent, guided by unseen forces, moves north and slightly east to bite at Nanai, but is rebuffed by the pure power of Pa-ari's goodness, and the iridescent serpent cannot near either horse or rider.

R5T6.1: Shenau rides down around the eastern flank of the body field. Zarabeth feels something funny as the once invisible lines of force protecting you become visible as crackling motes of energy that disappear.Both your mage armour and your shield spells have been dispelled.
R5T6: While the angry woman closes on him, the priest is more than a little disturbed that a stone servant of the gods - from a god so opposed to his own deity is bearing down on his position with more than half a ton of emotionless killing power. Hu-Benti continues his concentration, and points his finger at the large construct.

For all of his physical prowess, as an unliving object fashioned of stone, Sahu's form is not imbued with that vital spark of life that helps tough folk overcome bodily distress. Sahu-ptah's body crackles ... his sword splits in half ... the stone cannon instantly caves upon itself ... and with a final great *CR-R-ACK!* ...

... Sahu-ptah and all that was once him is gone, his form having imploded upon itself until there was nothing left.

The priest easily concentrates while riding his horse.

R5T3: RR4's horse quits the field, running north.

End Round Five, Begin Round Six ...

R6T22: The mortally wounded tribesman clambers north over fallen horses and bodies, and closes west to threaten Zarabeth.

R6T22: Zarabeth, The strongest, smartest, most agile creature you've ever known is now destroyed - wiped away from the earth like your lover before it. (Sahu-ptah was uber-ific, but understated.)

If you double-moved this round, you still would be 5' shy of being able to attack the priest. And that tenacious, bloody mess that is barely walking - and too afraid to die (T8) - is blocking any charge you could make if you could reach the priest. What do you do?

2010-05-20, 09:32 PM

Zarabeth is forced to drop her secondary scimitar (free action) in order to recast her Shield spell (swift action), followed by a set of full round attacks on the bloody mess, if only to get him out of the way for a charge on the priest

[roll0] attack
[roll1] attack
[roll2] damage
[roll3] damage

Im still coming for you, dont think Ive forgotten.

2010-05-21, 12:53 AM
R6T17.1: Zarabeth is forced to drop her secondary short sword in order to recast her Shield spell, followed by a set of full round attacks on the bloody mess, if only to get him out of the way for a charge on the priest. Her attack is a downwarb stab through the suprasternal space into the upper chest. (That is the hollow at the bottom-center of your neck where it meets the top of the chest.) The damage is 18 and he is killed instantly. She stabs him again in the upper lung behind the shoulder and the already-deceased tribesman slumps away.

She looks at the priest, glowering, and says, "I'm still coming for you; don't think I've forgotten." :smallfurious:

R6T17: Zarabeth is barely finished before T7 steps SE to block Zarabeth from running down his master. The very tip of his scimitar just skims across the invisible force field, creating little sparks that tell the enemy that your defenses have returned.

R6T16.9: Ex3's horse double moves around to the north-east to escape the battle. For a second it hesitates in front of Hu-Benti (with Zarabeth probably thinking "No, no, no!"), but that was only one move action and it continues on northwards. ("Whew!")

R6T14.1: Pahj, You are 400' due SE of J30. The Walking Wall was whalloped. What do you do?

2010-05-21, 02:37 AM
Pahj regains his bearings in time to see the noticeable stone figure vanish and he immediately understands what happens. His thoughts merge with his psicrystal's as they 'think' in unison "Focus... cast emotions to the void... this Hu-Benti must concentrate to target a foe. We wait then we strike."

Pahj delays until after Khonsu's move.

2010-05-21, 09:16 AM
R6T14.1: Pahj regains his bearings in time to see the noticeable stone figure vanish and he immediately understands what happens. His thoughts merge with his psicrystal's as they 'think' in unison "Focus... cast emotions to the void... this Hu-Benti must concentrate to target a foe. We wait then we strike."

Pahj delays until after Khonsu's move.

R6T14: RR2's horse (w/ him dragged along), leaves the map to the north.

R6T12.9: Nanai (and Pa-ari's movement), what do you do?

2010-05-21, 02:53 PM
As much as he would like to, Nanai cannot ignore the attacker from behind. He asks Pa-ari to spin around to face the foe and he points his finger. 5 darts of energy fly forth striking the eagle-motif bandit in the chest leaving burn marks and a small trail of smoke curling up to his nose....While turning he says, Pa, if you would be so kind as to gore that fellow......

Magic missile from Gloves of the Starry Sky. [roll0]

2010-05-21, 04:46 PM
R6T12.9: As much as he would like to, Nanai cannot ignore the attacker from behind. He guides Pa-ari to spin around to face the foe and he points his finger and says, "Pa', if you would be so kind as to gore that fellow..."

Five darts of energy fly forth striking the eagle-motif bandit in the chest. The bandit seems to barely register having been hit, and the force (it doesn't burn) of the missiles leave no trace.

Pa-ari Pen-tuauu-nefertem focuses all of the righteousness salient within his form and strikes the eagle bandit in the left shoulder for 34 damage with a smite attack. He then rears to kick, but overextends so badly while balancing his back feet partly on the ground and partly on a horse body, that he falls over prone. Pa' seems stunned from the fall, and does nothing else.

Nanai makes a snap decision (phonecon). Knowing that he may be sacrificing himself somewhat, instead of falling away from the eagle-bandit, he falls on the east side that he can keep the bandit leader (and possibly others) off of Zarabeth so she can pursue the priest. He easily makes a soft fall on a fallen horse, but is prone.

R6T12: The bandit leader calls to RR3 in Khemitian:"Hosut, go across from me and help me flank the foolish archer!"
The priest then calls out to the eagle-bandit in Khemitian:"Captain Turpur, take out the God-Servant first, if possible!"
The eagle-bandit nods, and then cuts across Pa-ari's belly for 42 hit points and 1 point of Strength. Another cut at supernatural speed across Pa's belly for 37 damage (& 1 Str). One more super-fast slice to totally open Pa-ari Pen-tuauu-nefertem's belly for 36 (1 Str) damage. Luckily, Pa-ari disappears so quickly that Nanai is not forced to see the carnage (and he fell on the opposite side (somewhat) of Pa's belly so Nanai didn't see the gore.

Still, when Pa-ari winks out of view, Nanai knows with certainty that Pa-ari is gone .... dead. The magic circle against evil disappears (Nanai and Zarabeth both feel that, as does the eagle-bandit.) Nanai is filled with immense sorrow and shame, and is unfocused.Nanai, you will suffer a -4 to all attack rolls and all weapon damage rolls for about a month while the shock of Pa-ari's loss works its way through you.But even with this, Captain Turpur isn't finished while he makes one last swing down at Nanai at the prone (and flat-footed) Nanai. Nanai gets hit hard in the shoulder, right along the bone and rotator cuff, and suffers 31 damage and is now weakened (-1 Strength). The pain and injury are bad, but the worst is that little bit of crippling of his strength. Nanai, even with your belt of the wide earth, you have been weakened enough that you are now carrying a medium load, which drastically effects your dexterity-based dodging ability and your land speed. Even worse than that, your strength is no longer quite commensurate with your bow's pull, meaning you suffer another -2 penalty on attack rolls with it (-6 total attack penalty because you're distraught).From weight, -1 Dex bonus to AC (+3, vice +4), 20' [4 squares] speed.
It is now clear to everyone that the eagle-bandit is not only a superior swordsman (and granted some kind of psychotic super-strength), but seems to be operating under some manner of haste-like effect.

R6T11: Khonsu-khaibet seems conflicted. On one hand, the priest was laying waste to two valuable members of the party ... and might be out of reach of Zarabeth before he perhaps destroys her. On the other hand, she might prove tougher than he thought, but Nanai is so sorely pressed by this "Captain Turpur." It is evident now to Khonsu' that Turpur is something akin to a very focused barbarian-rogue.

He hangs his head and calls out, "Zarabeth, Pahj is more than a hundred yards from here but still observing the battle. I can't let Captain Turpur," he motions at the eagle-bandit, for Zarabeth could not understand the priest's Khemitian, "kill a powerful and gods-blessed healer. Isis be with you."

Khonsu, without moving, fires one arrow at Turpur, just barely getting deflected by the target's buckler. "Nanai!" he calls. "Concentrate defensively to cast as good a healing spell on your self as possible. And don't bother wasting time standing! He'll only cut you down that much quicker."

A second and third shot, and both are deflected solidly by Turpur's buckler. Khonsu' then steps forward and down 5' (20' elevation).

Pahj, you were delaying until after Khonsu's move. What do you do?

2010-05-24, 06:01 PM
Pahj sees Pa-ari fall but his focus is clear. He moves 30' closer to the battle to get a better view and readies himself to drop a full powered ball of fire on the priest the moment he so much as raises a limb.

Move 30' closer to the battle. Readied action: energy ball fire (10pp) on priest as soon as he begins concentrating/targeting with his spell.

2010-05-24, 07:28 PM
Forgot damage

edit: woot! Possible massive damage death.

2010-05-24, 11:28 PM
R6T10.9: Pahj sees Pa-ari fall but his focus is clear. He moves 30' closer to the battle to get a better view and readies himself to drop a full powered ball of fire on the priest the moment he so much as raises a limb.

R6T6.2: The serpent, again guided by an unknown will, slides over and around horses and bodies, stopping right next to Nanai and within reach of Zarabeth. The first attempt to club her with its tail misses, but the second strikes true. The heavy, knobbed tail slams down on her left shoulder for 17 slam and 1 cold damage. Her troubles aren't over, however. In a means that is backwards from any constricting snake (i.e., from a club of the tail, rather than a bite from the head), Zarabeth is pulled closer, rolled into its coils and is now grappled. [As shown by the black gridlines surrounding the squares of the active grapplers.

R6T6.1: Shenau takes a little something-something out of something (hard to see) while riding south-west-ish. By the time it gets within 100' of Pahj and he notices the little red blossom, it's too late to change his action. Instead, Pahj looks deep within himself to find the best bodily profile to give to the flame, successfully minimizing the ball of fire as it erupts all around him. He suffers 16 fire damage.

Shenau shouts something to Hu-benti in Khemitian.

R6T3: Hu-Benti starts to ride south, before Pahj's ball of fire erupts on him at point blank range.

The bad news: Hu-Benti seems to have taken absolutely no damage from the base 52 fire damage eruption.

The good news: Hu-Benti's horse was not so lucky. Hu-Benti takes a hard fall, suffering 5 damage. Hu-Benti stands in a very controlled fashion, cackling the whole way into his stand - and maintaining concentration as well. He then points to the one combatant in the nearby battle who is fighting without real impediment: Khonsu-khaibet. In a low, slow, wheezing cackle Hu-Benti releases more of the powerful energy of death. Energy surrounds Khonsu', and a holy glow erupts - the same glow he earned from his god by defeating the demoncroc.

But the one who penned the scroll that Hu-Benti is devastating the lines with was much more powerful and in tune with his evil god's purposes. Khonsu', the proud, no-nonsense, mighty hunter disappears. He doesn't scream. As an act of mercy, the holy power sustains him so that he collapses instantly and not gruesomely, as if folding into space or a portal to go be a servant in the Underworld for his beloved Chons.

The contact for the party, the bridge between the theocratic interests of Khemit and this wild area, is gone.

End Round Six, Begin Round Seven ...

R7T17.1: Zarabeth, you only have one short sword in your hand (the other is about 10' from you cause you put it down to cast a spell before) and you are being grappled by a fantastically strong, Large-sized, chilly iridescent serpent. Nanai is being cut to shreds not far from you - definitely in dire peril. Khonsu' just became the third victim of magics beyond your comprehension. Pa'ari also is gone. Pahj appears to have run away. Hope is dwindling.

What do you do?Be sure to read the rules on grappling. I mean, trying to grapple this beast is downright silly. But the short sword can be used because it is a light weapon. Spell usage is different - requiring at least a Concentration check to cast. If there is any material component required, you have to do a full-round action (negating the ability to use a spell that round) just to be able to get that item. This is your one big Achilles' heel ... grappling. My recommendation is to stabbity-stab the serpent and hope for the best ... but you might come up with something cooler. Just be sure you understand the grappling rules before you do so that there are no misunderstandings ... and also that there are no "common house rules/ gaming assumptions." If you want to ask me something first, that's fine.

2010-05-25, 06:58 AM

Zarabeth has no idea of what she is going to do once she deals with all the people that are opposing her, as the mission seems to be in tatters, but shes got to get out of the snakes coils first. She summons one of her Abjurant Champion abilities to boost the damage done by her blade (Swift action, Arcane boost; Im assuming that since it is swift action, and no somatic components, it isnt hindered by the snake, its an innate power)

[roll0] attack
[roll1] attack
[roll2] damage, 5th level spell (X2) boosting damage
[roll3] damage

2010-05-25, 02:15 PM
I just realized that a concentration check might be in order to use that Abjurant Champion ability, so here it is. If not, feel free to ignore

[roll0] Concentration

2010-05-25, 05:46 PM
R7T17.1: Zarabeth has no idea of what she is going to do once she deals with all the people that are opposing her, as the mission seems to be in tatters, but she's got to get out of the snakes coils first. She summons one of her Abjurant Champion abilities to boost the damage done by her blade, concentrating fiercely to ensure its success.

She calls upon the most powerful magics she has mastered, the power of a dragon itself, and as she stabs forward, arcane energies of a dragon's head and wisps of magical energy channel down the blade until impact ... on a hardened carapace. It seems that trying to fight within a grapple is more difficult than Zarabeth imagined, and the serpent has ice-hard skin. The second strike fares no better as it bounces off of the carapace.Wow, by the simple mechanism that your arcane boosts (et. al.) are supernatural abilities, you don't have to Concentrate to use them (unless the ability states otherwise. The cheesy sleaze continues. :smallsmile:
R7T17: T7 steps up 5 ft to attack Zarabeth (I can't edit map at work) and swings his scimitar. But he is too nervous about getting near the horrifying snake, and he hesitates (and misses) more than he actually attacks.

R7T16.9: Ex3's light warhorse leaves the field, heading north. [Again, I can't update the map from here.]

R7T12.9: Nanai, things are truly dire right now. You did see Pahj get struck some several hundred feet away by Shenau's fireball. You heard Khonsu's advice before he died. If you don't get on your feet, this Turpur guy is such a vicious and dirty b-tard that he will tear you apart even more than the tearing you're going to get should you stand.

What do you do?

2010-05-25, 10:22 PM
Nanai, sensing the crushing weight of the loss of his companion, Pa-ari, is stunned and falls to reactive action. He can only think to extract himself from immediate danger. He activates the Belt of the Wide Earth and winks out and reappears in space L8.

Activating the teleport ability of the belt.

2010-05-26, 12:22 AM
R7T12.9: Nanai, sensing the crushing weight of the loss of his companion, Pa-ari, is stunned and falls to reactive action. He can only think to extract himself from immediate danger. He activates the Belt of the Wide Earth by sacrificing the most powerful level of spell energy he knows how to expend at once, and winks out and reappears 55' to the north. He then stands on his feet.

R7T12: Turpur moves up closer to Zarabeth, and brings his scimitar down - lazily but precisely. Without any ability to wriggle out of the way, he cuts through her magical shielding to hit her right elbow for 35 hit points and 1 Strength.

R7T6.2: The great serpent continues to grapple, and successfully damages Zarabeth for another 12 grappling and 4 cold damage.

R7T6.1: Seeing the holy man escaped - and on his feet - some distance from the battle, Shenau closes. He rides right over the bodies of his fallen comrades. As he closes, he is surrounded by a visible, membranous distortion that refracts light. You can see him, but it is like looking through a jello mold or water - which may make targeting difficult.

R7T6.05: Pahj, what do you do?

2010-05-26, 09:10 AM
Pahj can't tell from this distance if Zarabeth is alive or dead but he sees a golden opportunity to wreak much damage or at the very least remove the more dangerous opponents' mobility. Pahj delays looking for signs of movement knowing his conscious wouldn't be clear with her death on his hands.

Delay until after Zarabeth's turn.

2010-05-26, 11:42 AM
R7T6.05: Pahj can't tell from this distance if Zarabeth is alive or dead but he sees a golden opportunity to wreak much damage or at the very least remove the more dangerous opponents' mobility. Pahj delays looking for signs of movement knowing his conscious wouldn't be clear with her death on his hands.

R7T6: Hu-benti gets ready to decimate the Nub-kau-nefertem, raising his finger. He halts briefly, looking around. He says something that no one can hear, then he says it again, but the shout can be heard by Zarabeth & Nanai: "Who said that?! Who said that!! Show yourself!"

There's a slight pause. "I'll do what pleases Set ... what pleases me!" he shouts again to the discorporate air.

The priest, one of his evil god's most devoted servants, is confused - but does not lose concentration. Without a visible target, he prepares to send Nanai into an imploding oblivion with energy welling up into his arms.

Nanai, you are sturdy and strong, but surely Khonsu' and Sahu' were sturdier? You have faith, but his magic is a juggernaut. You are ready. You were favored by your god, and Pa'ari died in battle against evil and not foolishly. A calm washes over you as the magic begins to reach its climax and Hu-Benti's arm stiffens into what you now recognize as the 'final pose.'

Nanai, perhaps you should roll a Fortitude saving throw against a DC of 23 ...

2010-05-26, 12:13 PM
Nanais' fingers close about the figure of Nefertem he carries and prays As is your will and braces himself......

Fortitude save: [roll0]

2010-05-26, 02:10 PM
R7T6.05: A loud "K i - y a h h h !"

A loud CRACK sounds as Hu-Benti's head nearly settles into his neck as he takes 54 damage from a Large ridge-hand strike that was executed by a left palm attached to some sort of bald, fat giant of about 13-1/2 feet tall that suddenly appears upon the end of the strike. Hu-Benti is made of stern stuff, and barely keeps from dying on the spot immediately, but he is stunned and blood is coming out of his nose and ears.

Hu-Benti's concentration is decimated. Nanai saw his life flashing before his eyes. (That was that lovely little '1' ... let's hope you got that out of your saving throws system, huh, Nanai?)

End Round Seven, Begin Round Eight ...

R8T17.1: Zarabeth, the appearance of the giant may have given Nanai a break, but you are still in dire peril and badly wounded. What do you do?

2010-05-26, 05:54 PM

Zarabeth summons another one of her spells and uses it to empower her blade once again. She could use the spell to enhance her ability to hit, but wants to do more damage, given the size of the beast, and so puts it into her damage instead

[roll0] attack
[roll1] attack
[roll2] damage
[roll3] damage

EDIT: If that doesnt score at least one hit, Ive got nothing else....

2010-05-26, 06:31 PM
Zarabeth scores one hit for 19 damage. The serpent is showing significant damage, but seems likely that it will outlast Zarabeth.

Pahj ... delayed action (especially with Big, Bald, & Beautiful finally taking care of the most dangerous opponent)?

2010-05-26, 10:27 PM
Pahj barely registers the sudden appearance of a giant as his calculator fast brain sights a sweet spot for his power. Without hesitation he launches a bead that explodes into a ball of chilling air that engulfs the tribal leader, one of the tribesmen, and Shenau.

10pp energy ball ice DC 22 fort [roll0] aimed at the point between J/K and 14/15. Hits Shenau, C-T, and T7. Aaaand possible massive damage yay!

2010-05-27, 12:26 AM
R8T17.05: Pahj barely registers the sudden appearance of a giant as his calculator fast brain sights a sweet spot for his power. Without hesitation he launches a bead that explodes into a ball of chilling air that engulfs the tribal leader, one of the tribesmen, and Shenau.

Shenau's horse is killed outright by the chilly blast, but Pahj has to concentrate a little harder to get over Shenau's no-nonsense power resistance (which he just barely does). For all of his concentrated power, Shenau depended on his resistance against Pahj's power to protect him. Despite his draconic heritage, he has no real training against body-affecting magics and is unable to fight off the full realm of the supernatural chill. He slides, more than falls, off of his horse as it is partially frozen mid-fall above he ground; while he ends up prone, he takes no more damage. And he still has just enough evil willpower not to die outright from the blast.

The tribesman (T7) is killed instantly, and is flash-frozen above in mid-stance above the ground.

Turpur's horse is likewise killed instantly. The man, however, is totally unprepared for the icy blast, and he takes all of the damage - though easily makes a soft fall, but still is prone. He also does not die instantly from the massive damage ... but it sure does take a nice chunk of change out of him. As he rolls to dissipate shock on the ground, his brittle buckler shield shatters. He rolls into square J17.

R8T12.9: Nanai moves south. As he does so, he draws (and immediately drops) his golden ghost-touch battleaxe because he is weakened enough that he is weighed down. He finishes movement at J14, and casts a spell that heals both himself and Zarabeth of 23 hit points.
@ZarabethFor some reason, your sheet didn't save the damage you had taken. You were exactly at one-half hit points (69 ... what a number, go fig), but I had 90 on your sheet. The 93 that is current is correct.

R8T12: Turpur sees that while sorely pressed, those accursed spellcasters of his are still alive. :smallmad: He stands, and then slashes at Zarabeth with both hands on the blade. He hits her squarely against the temple. Only her magical shielding kept her from being killed outright, as it helped absorb much of the blow. She takes 37 damage and 1 Strength.
@ZarabethI noticed that you have been giving yourself a base of +21 to hit. I calculate +19 = 10 (BAB) + 5 (Dex) + 2 (magic sword) + 2 (Greater Weapon Focus). Also, note that for the short sword you hold and your Unarmed Strike, I have adjusted for your reduced strength, as well as your Strength score.
R8T6.2: The serpent squeezes Zarabeth for 13 damage and 5 cold damage.

R8T6.1: Shenau gets up, realizing that while the magic is within him to easily escape, his cowardice will earn him scorn in the Underworld. He looks at Nanai, and faces just north of him so as not to affect Turpur, and breathes a great gout of flame for a base of 33 fire damage. If any other agile and quick a warrior as Nanai suffered this, they would have been fully affected. But Nanai comes from a nomadic tribe where withstanding the full heat of the desert is a daily occurrence. Throw on that some more resistance from his raiment of the four, and Nanai only takes 11 fire damage.That Heat Endurance feat gave you the +2 you needed to Shenau's fire effect to keep from taking the other 17 damage. Sometimes, it really does matter from whence we come.
R8T6.05: The bald giant has a sad look on his face as he reaches out with both hands and squeezes Hu-Benti's head so hard that the top 'pops' and brain gore goes splattering out. To his credit, the giant was able to aim it away from himself. He then has the time to close to U/V-16/17.

End Round Eight, Begin Round Nine ...

R9T17.1: Zarabeth, It's up to you if you want to feel upset about someone 'stealing your revenge,' or feeling satisfaction that the evil priest is simply dead. Either sentiment doesn't help you in your current situation, however. This serpent and Turpur are a deadly combination. The serpent is painful and annoying, but Turpur really knows how to capitalize on you being wide open for his attacks! What do you do?

2010-05-27, 09:01 AM

Zarabeth may be at the end of her rope and robbed of the chance to avenge Don Julio, but she is determined that she wont go down without a fight. She summons up her second last (5th level slot) best spell to empower her blade and stabs with an very unladylike oath into the serpent holding her.

[roll0] attack
[roll1] attack

[roll2] damage, boosted by spell

2010-05-27, 09:02 AM
Natural 20 and natural 1...the die roller giveth, the die roller taketh away

[roll0] Crit confirmation
[roll1] damage

EDIT: I feel very safe in saying that was a confirm, total of 37 damage.

2010-05-27, 09:58 AM
R9T17.1: Zarabeth may be at the end of her rope and robbed of the chance to avenge Don Julio, but she is determined that she wont go down without a fight. She summons up her second last (5th level slot) best spell to empower her blade and stabs with an very unladylike oath into the serpent holding her. Her first thrust is as perfect a stroke as could be hoped for, enough that it would've caused not only a critical, but some other injury as well. Her thrust only does 17 damage, boosted by the spell. That is when she realizes that this creature is something else ... and immune to critical strikes.


Nanai, you will immediately follow Pahj.

2010-05-27, 07:26 PM
Pahj continues pushing the momentum and fires another icey burst targetting the Captain.

10pp energy ball ice DC 22 fort 1/2 [roll0]
[roll1] at the point between F-G and 17-18.

2010-05-27, 10:53 PM
R9T17.05: Pahj continues pushing the momentum and fires another icy burst targeting the Captain, by actually aiming at the intersection of F/G-17/18. Only Turpur is affected, but he is still so badly affected by the last blast that he can't get his momentum up and suffers the full 38 cold damage.

Nanai's turn ...

2010-05-28, 02:28 PM
Nanai, sensing that Zarabeth is in dire straights and realizing that due to his injuries, he would perform best in his healing capability, closes the distance, placing himself once again in harms way and reaches out to bestow a healing touch on her.

cure critical wounds [roll0]

2010-05-28, 05:40 PM
R9T12.9: Nanai, sensing that Zarabeth is in dire straights and realizing that due to his injuries, he would perform best in his healing capability, closes the distance, placing himself once again in harms way and reaches out to bestow a healing touch on her.

Using the safest route possible, but still dangerous ... Nana moves from J14-K15-K16, then to K17 (15' movement total). As he makes this movement, Shenau bites at him, grabbing around the abdomen and almost penetrating Nanai's leather scale. Almost. Nanai then continues to K18. As he does so, Captain Turpur not ony gets an AOO, but he is flanking with Shenau when he does. The lanky juggernaut easily makes a back cut to Nanai's achilles tendon, damaging the healer for a whopping 46 damage + 1 Strength. Once again, Nanai - by being further weakened - is weighed down with a medium load!! 1-point penalty to AC for Dex. Only 20' speed [4 squares]
Heroically, Nanai - who is far, far closer to destruction than Zarabeth - forgoes his own wounds to effortlessly cast cure critcal wounds on the beleaguered battle dancer for 31 healing.

R9T12: It would be so easy for Turpur to launch a killing stroke at Nanai, or decimate Zarabeth further. But with the priest down, Zarabeth given another chance, Pahj launching withering magical attacks, a wall of flesh bearing down on his position, Shenau badly wounded, and all of his men dead or routed ... Turpur realizes that sometimes it really doesn't pay to get in a parting shot. He shouts in Khemitian to Shenau:[spoiler]"Enjoy the Underworld, Shenau! Give my regards to that arrogant Hu-Benti!"
He bolts northwards in a flat out run. Since Nanai only had his bow in hand, he gets no AOO. Still under the effects of his potion, he covers 240' in a single round of running!!!

R9T6.2: The serpent continues to coil and constrict Zarabeth for 18 damage and 3 cold damage.

R9T6.1/.05: Shenau sees that big man coming his way, and at a pace that he can't possibly outrun. Shenau's draconic features becomes one of resolve. "Set will welcome me for my service," he hisses.

He seems to ready for something ...

The smooth-pated, ball-shaped belly of a giant bears down on Shenau in a charge, not even slowing as he tramples Shenau's fallen horse. Just before the newcomer finishes his charge, Shenau steps back 5 feet and casts fireball with himself at ground zero.Yes, you heard me ... he casts, not manifests.Being born of a red dragon, Shenau is totally impervious to heat. The flames lick around the newcomer, but the magic dissipates just around him.Pahj, from this distance, the newcomer might have taken damage and is still standing ... you can't tell. Zarabeth, the effect is similar to one that has spell resistance.At the same millisecond the flames wrap around the newcomer, it hits Nanai.Nanai, roll a Reflex saving throw. Failure means you die instantly from taking 37 fire damage (modified to 32 with your fire resistance). Remember to add +2 to your save for your Heat Endurance feat.Zarabeth and the serpent are then affected. Zarabeth easily saves, using the serpent as cover when she sees the flames coming. She only takes 18 fire damage.

The flames destroy the serpent. The serpent discorporates into a puddle of some form of slimy, sticky goo. Zarabeth is no longer grappled.

The newcomer makes his charge with a mighty swing, but the membranous distortion surrounding Shenau causes the big man to poorly estimate the refraction and miss.

End Round Nine, Begin Round Ten ....

I need Nanai to roll his Reflex saving throw first (with a +2 bonus for Heat Endurance).

It will then be Zarabeth's turn, followed by Pahj ...

Zarabeth, things are more pressing right now. But if you're curious, your other short sword is sticking out of the sand at J17.

2010-05-28, 05:56 PM
As per request [roll0]

2010-05-28, 05:59 PM
Nanai stands .... barely, barely holding on. I forgot to account for his resist fire 5, so he still has 3 hps and is conscious.

Zarabeth, your turn ... (again, followed by Pahj).

2010-05-28, 07:31 PM

Zarabeth dodges past Nanai, blowing him a kiss on the way by as temporary thanks for saving her life. She makes a sidestep to where her other sword lies, scooping it up on her pass. She then steps forward to Shenau, and brandishes both her swords.

Lets dance, just you and I.

2010-05-28, 07:52 PM
R10T17.1: Zarabeth dodges past Nanai, blowing him a kiss on the way by as temporary thanks for saving her life. She makes a sidestep to where her other sword lies, scooping it up on her pass. As she grabs her other sword, Shenau makes (amazingly, on a nat '20') a cheap shot by biting Zarabeth in her left thigh for 4 damage. She then stands facing Shenau, and brandishes both her swords. Lets dance, just you and I.

Pahj? (Followed by Nanai...)

2010-05-28, 08:11 PM
Pahj contemplates striking down the fleeing leader but Shenau's strategy is too deadly to ignore. Knowing this may be the end he takes no chances against and with the help of Poo he ensures this attack will penetrate even the most stalwart of psionic defenses.

expend focus for greater penetration, 10pp energy ball ice DC 22 fort 1/2 [roll0] [roll1] aimed at the spot between G-H 15-16 so it hits Shenau only.

2010-05-28, 08:32 PM
Zarabeth feels the air go cold as a freezing wind, expelled outward forces her to shut her eyes from tears. When she opens them. Shenau is flash-frozen in place, without any part of him seeming surprised. He was so surprised from the deadly frost effect, that he died standing in place without knowing he was about to die ... that sneer of hatred against you being the last face he will ever make.

Turpur continues running and is now nearly 480' away from where he started.

The big man flurries downwards with his fist against Nanai, hitting his back. But instead of flattening him, this 'fist of mercy' heals Nanai of 27 hps. A second swing actually misses, but the third strike heals Nanai of 25 damage.

Zarabeth, what do you do?

Pahj, what do you do, if not dependent on Zarabeth?

If you guys want to let Turpur go, let me know, and we'll come out of "combat timing mode." Nanai and Zarabeth have no conceivable chance of catching up with a 240'/round runner (60' Speed). Pahj would have to burn two psionic dimension doors, and then would have low-juice (and be vulnerable for a re-in attack). The bald giant seems more interested in the health of those living, rather than desiring to visit any more death this day.

2010-05-28, 08:55 PM
Pahj just about launches an energy ball at the big man wailing on Nanai but Poo intervenes when the holy warrior isn't instantly flattened from the first blow. Exhausted from the immense mental stress of the past 60 seconds, Pahj staggers his way to the charred and frozen corpses to reunite with the surviving members and greet their mammoth savior. Pahj wants nothing more to do with that insane warrior and the only thought on his mind is gathering what the group can and discuss their future in peace.

2010-05-28, 09:22 PM
Once it is obvious that a 'pitchfork and torch' mentality will not be visited upon Big Baldy (for that is something he has dealt with before, for that and other reasons), he relaxes his pose and shrinks to Medium size. Immediately following that, he takes a few cleansing breaths and a light barely shines from him. In the sunlight, it is more just a gleaming of the skin. Once in less bright light, his whole body glows with the illumination of a candle.

Of course, Medium size is a misnomer. The man is 6' 9" tall, and weighs in around 350 lbs or so.Master Chin (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0Bxwnq-ov5La4MGJiZWUxZjEtNDI1Ny00OWJhLTk2YTAtOWMyMzc4YzQ3 ZGU1&hl=en)

Master Chin's 'quasi-visual'. He was originally based (many years ago) on Chien-Po of MULAN. One thing I can't do with HEROMachine (what drew the picture) is actually show him with that great medicine-ball belly, and the really big, round head like Chien-Po. Otherwise, this at least is a good approximation.

His clothes are very, very shabby. He has a tunic as in the picture, but it is threadbare. He has very worn sandals that barely hold together. He has no weapons, no armor, no equipment, no pouch, no holy symbol .... at least not anything visible. He is of foreign descent (Chinese) that is unrecognizeable to Zarabeth and Nanai, though Pahj recognizes him as one of the Chinese that live across the Impassable Mountains.

Also, while the halo is silly for the drawing, what I want to represent is the holy light that seems to suffuse his being once he allows it to show again.

2010-05-28, 09:44 PM
Pahj claps his hands together and bows. "Namaste, friend. I bow to you. My name is Pahj Rameshad, adventurer and tomb raider. You caught us in a losing struggle against this wicked man," he motions unceremoniously to the thawing Shenau "and your intervention has saved three lives for they surely would have chased me down in the end. I'm sorry, Nanai and Zarabeth, for you two have suffered a great loss in your holy companion and lover respectively but please don't think I'm inconsiderate when I suggest we greet each other and discuss future plans, now that we lack a guide and leader, on the way back to Artuat. I didn't catch that swordsman's name but who knows what other army he has hiding behind a dune.

If no one objects or stops him, Pahj begins searching and collecting whatever valuables he can off the dead and stuffs them into his haversack.

2010-05-28, 10:20 PM

Zarabeth doesnt even realize that Shenau is dead, in fact, she takes another step towards him and hammers him twice with her blades before the fact that he is frozen in death even registers with her.
She stops and as the emotion of battle leaves her, the rest of her feelings blast to the surface. She collapses in tears, sobbing for Don Julio, staggering to the last place that he stood, and dropping to the sand there. She digs futilely in the sand for any sort of remains of him, sobbing unconsolably.
When it finally registers with her that he is gone, she squats for a moment on the sand, and eventually drops to her knees.

I couldnt even avenge you....or myself.

2010-05-28, 11:32 PM
One part of the description that was lacking, was his age. The man's fat (pushes out the wrinkles), health, and generally good nature makes his age nearly impossible to tell ... but there can be no doubt from the careworn lines around his eyes and mouth (merry that they might be in another situation) that he is well into middle age. This guy has been around awhile.

The 'giant' nods to Pahj. "Namaste, Pahj Rameshad. I am Master Chin. But you can just call me 'Ox' if you don't like the idea of such a self-inflatory title."

Pahj notes that the name is unremarkable, even a little trite, for the names he has heard from the Northern Kingdoms. 'Chin' is one of the 'hundred family names' from there, and it little better than saying "I am Master Chinese Person." You could just as well refer to yourself as Rameshad. But if anyone from your home was aware of the large, proud family from which you hail, you basically would tell them "Hello, I am random person from Mumbai."

It is basically very rude of him, especially after you just told him your name. Of course, from the looks of him, he may need to be (politely) made aware of proper etiquette as you doubt he comes from a rank of society that knows this. On the other hand, given his prowess and self-proclaimed title of "Master," he may need help from someone of your station in understanding these things so he does not give offense to someone else at a later time.

.................................................. .................................................. .

Zarabeth, when that initial surge of welling anger acts as if it is going to break your heart, you finally let it crack and sob in the ground. You are so lost in grief, that you only barely register something has changed. In those little interims of awareness that flicker when we are lost like that, you notice that Ox has taken you in his arms like a child. He has given you a place to allow your sorrow not to make you feel so naked and exposed.

That is when something far more elemental changes within you, that breaks the tap that has been holding back tears for as long as you can remember. Of course you grieve, but there is something else, something you've never experienced in your life before. This man looks at you with absolute love, but not the 'love' men claim they have but something far simpler, less selfish, and without any hint of sexuality whatsoever.

For as long as you've been alive, the more fluid and graceful your body became, it seems that the anger and emptiness of some of the life you had would make your heart and your emotions ever more rigid. You were outwardly passionate, but ever internally there was a numbness. Countless terrible things happened around you, and to you, when you were growing up. Being a young adult has been filled with nothing but strife and battle in a rather short time period. It wasn't until Julio came along that something more began to stir. But that took a lot of work because it was as much as a rivalry as a love affair.

In the arms of this behemoth, after several minutes of that post-emptying purge of tears, it finally dawns on you what this man would most closely resemble in his love and kindness. It takes you long enough to realize it because the misfortune of your youth kept you from experiencing this phenomenon .....

..... This must be what it is like to have a father when things go horribly, horribly wrong.

.................................................. .........................

Nanai, you do triage on the wounded:
* You know your hp's, but you are at 50% (exactly) and -2 Strength.
* Zarabeth is at 18% and -2 Strength. She is the toughest surviving member of the group, so remember that having more hp;s means that it takes more power to heal her than if you or Pahj were at a similar state.
* Pahj is at 45%, and is also likewise at -2 Strength.

So we don't waste time, I will deliver your post-battle healing.
* First, since Zarabeth only sorta needs her Strength, but it is far more critical to you (because you carry a heavier load and can't easily make the pull on your bow anymore), you use your cleanse spirit ability to remove the Strength penalty you've suffered. [Acts as a greater restoration, but you don't have to pay XP costs.] You also go collect your golden battleaxe.
* You cast lesser restoration on Zarabeth, healing her of all temporary Strength damage. Likewise for Pahj.
* Mass Cure Moderate Wounds (MCMW)on the party heals 23. A second use heals 21. A third shot heals 18, which fully heals yourself and Pahj.
* Cure Critical Wounds (CCW) on Zarabeth heals 35.
* Another check of Zarabeth (88%), and you cast cure moderate wounds (CMW) on her for 24 healing (WOW!!!). Everyone is now fully healed.

It is important for Pahj to note that even with general gear in his HH, he is carrying a medium load and has only 20' movement (and reduced Dex for AC). He is carrying 10 pounds of sling bullets ... perhaps he could put some in his HH?

2010-05-28, 11:52 PM
(Introductions will still be needed for Nanai and Zarabeth.)

Once Zarabeth has found her own two feet again, and introductions are complete, Zarabeth will probably most useful in helping Pahj find the magic items (hint, hint, hint). Because there is no way with all the mundane gear bandits have that Folks are going to carry absolutely every bit of saleable stuff here. I know that Hu-Benti and Shenau's body are of course going to be highest concern.

The newcomer does not concern himself with looting, but instead looks like a guardian or sentinel of flesh. Very focused on bending his senses to ensure that nothing more takes the party unawares. "Nanai," says the newcomer once he knows your name, "they have made tracks. You are healed. Shall we now chase them to their lair to catch Turpur at a disadvantage? If you wait until tomorrow, the winds will surely hide the signs of his passage. How, then, shall you honor your fallen by bringing justice to the last of the bandit leaders? Will he not be stronger and be able to better fortify himself?"

2010-05-29, 07:16 AM

Wordlessly, Zarabeth comes to her senses, and focuses on her magical powers. She uses her spells to detect magic and sweeps the area and the bodies, using as many as neccesary to cover everything. When they are all gathered up, she brings them back saying

This is all that I found, I have no idea of what they do, my forte was collecting, identifying them was always the job for....

2010-05-29, 08:05 AM
After Nanai completes his round of healing on all, he slowly crosses to where Pa-ari last stood. He kneels and bows his head, speaking words quietly.....He rises and blinks repeatedly.....

I do believe we should follow and strike immediately. He has much to answer for.......Thank you, Ox for your assistance. We are indebted to you. Could we ask of you, one more time to lend your aid in bringing this man to justice?

2010-05-29, 12:54 PM
((Yes, put the sling bullets in the pouch.))

Pahj balks at the idea and doesn't hide his frustration. "Thank you once again "master" Chin but we are in no condition to go assaulting bandit fortresses. Our wounds may be healed but the mental and emotional damage is still there. Our former leader Don Julio had all our supplies for an extended journey and I can only manifest a few more powers. If we chase after this man it's to find their base only. We will not attack until we are rested. Don't dishonor the sacrificed lives today by throwing away your own."

2010-05-29, 01:57 PM
Newcomer's Blah-RP-Blah ...

@Zarabeth/ Nanai: "Formally, I am Master Chin, but you can call me Ox. What worthies are before me? Your southern Indo-Persian friend already introduced himself."

@Zarabeth: "I have some knowledge of magic. Sadly, not of spells. Perhaps I could help you figure these things out the 'old-fashioned' way? I was on my way to Aartuat to meet a famous and blessed scholar, Atmu-thoth-rahat, as well as a pilgrimage to the fabled Pool of Hapy and meet the priest who oversees it, one Merha-aptut. I am sure the former's legendary library may have something to help us work together?"

@Nanai: "I can, and will. I don't know about the stone creature and the small man, but I saw the holy glow surround the flying man before he died. I also recognize the magnificent beast you rode as definitely blessed by the gods. Your own remarkable healing power can only come from a pure heart."

He muses for second, the weight of years on his memory. "Yes, I have known few blessed people in my life. But I do remember one dwarf ... forgive me, a humanoid that is short, squat, powerful, and full of zest for battle and ironmongery ... that nearly rivaled you in pure healing power."To all ... yes, that is an important description. Remember where you are ... it is not Oerth or Abeir-Toril, or any other 'standard' D&D setting with a constant array of mixed PC races. Don Julio was almost more exotic than the maug Sahu-ptah, for the latter could simply be viewed as a magical construct (which he was, anyway) rather than a 'race'. Zarabeth has heard of dwarves, and think she saw a few looking down on a caravan she was part of while going through some mountains in Germania. Nanai has heard of a legend of 'obsidian dwarves' that come from far to the south of Khemit ... short, squat creatures that supposedly are made of obsidian itself. Pahj has heard lots and lots and lots of legends of dwarves from the western lands ... but his only experience was of a kshatriya who went into the Emerald Kingdoms (China) and came back with several 'jungle dwarves' called korobokoru.

Otherwise, the term 'dwarf' is much more commonly applied to a person with a growth defect ... not a race.
He sighs, then brings himself back to the 'present' almost with a start when he realizes he trailed off. "But that was very long ago, and even farther removed from here."

"Nanai, I want you to do something for me. I saw your prowess with the bow when I came in from the east to investigate the dust clouds and fireballs. Rarely have I ever seen such mastery. Do you see that jut of rock to the northeast there? Yes, that one. It is about 400' or so away. There are plenty of arrows to collect from the fallen, so this would be little waste. Could you please shoot at that rock? Try to aim for that little crook on the left."

@Pahj: Master Chin smiles. "I see that the noble kshatriya is dismissive of my title. No matter. I am much more comfortable with the name of my childhood: Ox. 'Master' is arrogant, but whence I've come, it is almost always expected for me to use that or a similar title. Yes, Ox it is."

He looks you over. "With all the magic that you used, and all that power, I shouldn't wonder that you are fatigued. But I am curious that you are so well outfitted - with a fabulous trident at that - and you are so sturdy and agile and healthy. Yet, you would consider yourself weak. All of these possessions. And yet, they are just an outward manifestation of the fear you term 'caution' should one path to victory be inconvenient. You are weighed down by possessions that seem only a very little part of your strength.

"And the real dishonor would be to not act when momentum is yours. But the desire to hold back is your own, and at odds with Nanai's. Therefore, Zarabeth might decide. But first, I want to see Nanai's bowshot...

"And a good compromise, should we not press forward, is to scout ahead to learn of where these bandits lair."

2010-05-29, 02:31 PM
"The trident was a gift from blessed Atmu and only a loan at that. It was to help root out the evil in this land but that cursed priest (may Hapy deliver the greediest of vultures to peck at his brains you so gloriously smashed) destroyed the armor Khonsu (the warrior in the sky) was wearing and the equipment Don Julio, our half-elf leader, and Sahu-Ptah the stone giant were wielding.

As for my possessions, I've studied martial, arcane, and divine abilities but my strength is psionics. Poo," Pahj motions to the crystal on his turban "Is my friend and extension of my will. Where my studies take me to every corner of the known world without a care, this construct represents my mental strength and focus. It's a shame Shenau turned out the way he did so fanatically devoted to the cause of an evil god. True psions are rare in this world of superstition, dogma, wizardry and witchcraft."

"No, forgive my rudeness but this was a harrowing battle. I've known these people for a day yet they feel like kindred spirits in their devotion to a just cause. I call myself a "tomb raider" but my life's goal is to return to society what men jealously horde. Once we've sorted and shared this bounty I'll donate what I can to Atmu so that future adventurers will benefit like we have."

2010-05-29, 02:36 PM

I am sorry that I have not spoken earlier. I was lost in my own grief. My name is Zarabeth Sanitar, I have no fancy titles to my name, my talents lie in my skill with my blades, and in my innate skill with magic. No formal learning guides the second, and I have learned on my own, the first.
I feel we should definately press on, at least to find out where these bandits lair. We dont have to attack, not yet at least, but if we wait for any time, the tracks will be gone. Even if we just learn the location, we could then retreat and come back later. But we need to know where we are coming back to. And maybe if we are able to take these bandits, perhaps we can re outfit ourselves for travel.
Zarabeth looks around for a moment, and then turns back to Ox
Oh, and by the way, all of those men still live. In fact we talked to them all before leaving on this venture, as well as cleansing a foul beast summoned by this cretin pointing at Shenau from the pool of Hapy.

2010-05-29, 02:48 PM
I am anxious to be on our way. My name is Nanai. Some call me the Nub-kau-nefertem. I am a healer by the gifts granted to me by Nefertem but I am handy with a bow. If only so that we may move on, I will demonstrate if necessary.

Nanai nocks an arrow and aims carefully. Releasing with swiftness and ease.

Don't know if I need to do this but, [roll0]

LOL So much for showing off.....

2010-05-29, 03:49 PM
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Zarabeth Sanitar, and a pleasure, too, to see a powerful and independent spirit in a woman again. Every so often in the East, I have known a rare one ... but usually the patriarchal mode of society finds a way to keep them underfoot.

"I once knew a woman who commanded the loyalty, or at least the respect, of evil despots and half-angels. A woman who, more by the merits of her leadership and faith than actual skill, was allowed to continue her quest even after she was martyred. You are a freer soul, it seems, than she. But both of you have, or had, a strength of spirit that outstrips your uncommon beauty."

"I am honored to meet you, Nanai."

Nanai makes his bowshot ... it hits the rock, but not the part that was the actual target. Nanai understands how his grief has affected him, for he is wise.

Ox watches the proceeding, but spends 90% of his focus on Nanai and his actions and reactions, and only 10% on the actual flight of the arrow. He sighs, smiles, and says, "Where I come from, those that dedicate their life to the bow do so more out of philosophical contemplation and an expression of truth, rather than an expression of war. We will press no battles until your spirit has healed, Nanai. I believe Pahj Rameshad is better than he claims or he himself feels. You, on the other hand, claim yourself better, but your spirit so sorely grieves that you will not fight with a clear heart and a steady hand.

But we shall scout ahead ..."

2010-05-29, 04:14 PM

Don't know if I need to do this but, [roll0]

The forum roller strikes again. Pisses me off when I write up a huge long description of what my PC is doing, its purely for RP purposes, and the bot decides to be a snot...

2010-05-29, 05:56 PM
Pahj ends up putting 15 of his 20 sling bullets into his HH.

Nanai easily finds enough arrows to top off. Nanai also performs his holy duties as a healer by checking the fallen opposition for anyone that managed to dodge Death itself. They area all dead, however. Some might have stabilized, but the multipe AoE attacks finished them off.

Okay, here goes for bad guy equipment ... a lot was lost with all of the energy spells and trampling and relatively poor quality to begin with, but here is what you get that is saleable:COINS
* 2 aten
* 5 drachma
* 40 crescents
* 150 tek
* 150 dinar

* Leather Armor (5)
* Shield, steel, small (4)
* Studded Leather Armor, Masterwork (2)

* Arrows (99)
* Bolts (6)
* Dagger (1)
* Lances (2)
* Light Crossbow, Masterwork (2)
* Longbow (3)
* Scimitars (3)
* Short Sword, Masterwork (2)
* Shortspear (1)

* Turpur's bow, which he dropped in battle. It is a composite longbow with a +2 Str rating for pull. It carries a faint aura (unknown).

* Magical Items
** Chain Shirt, moderate aura, unknown.
** Amulet, moderate aura (transmutation).
** Wand, light aura (necromancy).
** Divine Scrolls: (2). 1 is moderate (evocation), the other is moderate (necromancy).
* Other Items
** Unholy Symbol of Set
** Masterwork Dagger
** Belt Pouch w/ 200 drachma.

* Magical Items
** Necklace of Aura Shielding: This is the item Don Julio surmised Shenau was wearing, that all of the other evils in town wore. The wearer is immune to detect thoughts, detect evil/ chaos, and the wearer's alignment also appears good.
** Wand, light evocation.
** Arcane Scrolls: (2). 1 is moderate (necromancy), 1 is moderate (conjuration).
** Serpent Ankh: This item appears as a magical item in the form of a Serpent so twisted and looped as to resemble an upside-down ankh. It detects as faint magic (unknown). However, when Zarabeth touches it, a chill of negative energy strikes her. It doesn't do any damage, but it is definitely an unsettling item ... especially for only appearing faintly as magic.
* Other Items
** Masterwork Dagger
** 3 vials of an unknown substance
** Belt pouch with 25 crescents
It is ridiculous to assume that you are going to sweep everything into haversacks. Some things (the lances and shields) won't fit, and some other items need to be capped (shortspears) if you were going to try.

Regardless, if you want to start loading all of the mundane stuff now ... rest assured that I will very painstakingly track encumbrance (80 pounds in main compartment, 20 each in the two side compartments). If you just tell me cash, magic, and certain 'defined items of interest', I'm good with that. I will need to know where each of these things go, however... it matters more than you think it does.

2010-05-29, 06:16 PM

If no one objects, Zarabeth will sweep all the coins into her Handy Haversack. The only items that she has any interest in are the amulet carried by Hu-Benti, and the two arcane scrolls carried by Shenau, and she pops them into her Haversack as well. She will help to carry a few other things, but doesnt think the money that could be gained from the armour makes up for its bulkiness and weight. Also:

Does anyone have any holy water, or similar concoction? I would like to pour it over that unholy symbol of Set, before I smash it against a rock. If not, I'll have to be satisfied with just smashing it.

2010-05-29, 06:26 PM
Master Chin takes the unholy symbol of Set, sets it against the rock, focuses, and shatters it with a single blow of his big hamfists.

2010-05-29, 06:37 PM
Pahj, apparently the only person with an extra-dimensional storage device, nominates himself "group treasurer" in Don Julio's absence. He wraps up Shenau's vials to protect them and stuffs them into a side pocket. The serpent ankh, scrolls, wands, necklaces, and amulets should all fit into the side pouches. He doesn't object to Zarabeth carrying the amulet and scrolls and he drops the ankh, wands, and necklace into his own pouch.

"I don't want to over stuff my sack. Nanai, I think you should carry Turpur's magical longbow. You're strong enough to use it as a backup and it's way too big for my sack. Zarabeth I think you should carry the masterwork short swords and daggers since those are your weapons of choice. If none of you object I'd like to keep the unholy symbol of Set. In case you haven't noticed I have a habit of collecting religious paraphernalia regardless of the deity. I wish you hadn't crushed that symbol as I have a habit of collecting paraphernalia."

Pahj folds up the chain shirt best he can and stuffs it into the main portion. He does the same with the masterwork leather armor and light crossbows in that order of significance and will toss aside the crossbows first if they don't fit.

Before Zarabeth dumps the coins into her sack Pahj asks Nanai what the conversion is for Western-European trade currency of platinum, gold, silver, and copper. "We should start a new party fund but I'm still learning this currency. I know an aten is kind of like a platinum piece, a drachma is equal to gold, and these crescents are more or less silver. What are these tek and dinars?"

The mundane equipment can sit around for a lucky traveler to discover in the neat little pile they provided (provided they aren't mentally scarred at the carnage around them). With everything counted/sorted Pahj suggests they leave immediately if they're going to follow Turpur.

EDIT: obviously I had to change a few things since posts were made before mine!

2010-05-29, 07:59 PM
@Zarabeth: [Mikela, it's time to move forth from your past. I am cutting/ pasting that very long background narrative onto Zarabeth's gestalt/ training sheet - which I'll be E-mailing to you today - to open up the "Private Notes" section.]

You are skilled with bows. Are you going to take one of the longbows and a quiver of 20 arrows? That would only add 5 lbs to your weight, and you can sling your bow over your shoulder, cross-chest, so you don't have to have it "in hand." Otherwise, you don't have any kind of ranged standoff weapon. Just in case you were wondering, Turpur's bow has a pull that is a bit much for you, but you could still use it with a -2 penalty on attack rolls.

In case you were wondering for future concerns ... no one in the group has holy water.

The amulet and scrolls are under your "Private Notes" as "Party Treasury" for now.

@Pahj: Zarabeth also has an HH ...

Also, your ability assumes (because of your opportunistic piety ability to turn - not rebuke or command - undead) that you would carry the symbols of good and neutral gods. An unholy symbol might be a religious curio, you can't use it to channel positive energy. In that regard, you either keep it as a distasteful chatchki ... or, since at the end of the day you are good ... you realize that some symbols invite trouble and do what is standard. That is not a hint one way or the other, honestly ... but I want you to realize that Set's symbol can never give you power.

Unless, of course, you ask Set for that power. Then, it's a whole new game. :xykon:

Speaking of that ability ... don't forget that you are also a healing monster.

I also am taking your background/ description and putting it on your gestalt/ training sheet to open up the "Other Notes" section. Class and in-play abilities have been moved to "Other Notes" so that you can click the link to see all at once. "Private Notes" now has a "Party Treasury" for you as well.

Nanai is actually pretty well loaded down. If Zarabeth doesn't carry it, it will fit in an HH.

Money changers do exist, and they make a living, so it is not a 'free' exchange if you need to change coins. Also, you don't pay for a drink with an ankhen and then ask for several hundred maash in change. That's like buying a soda with a $100 bill, and asking for change in all pennies.

Ankhen: equal to 1 pp, made of platinum. Requires no notation on the "pp" line.
Aten: equal to 10 gp (yes, 1 pp equivalent), usually a large gold coin. It is marked variously on the "pp" line as "at" or "aten".
Drachma: equal to 1 gp; this is common parlance for foreign gold coins that are valued less than Atens. There is no Khemitian equivalent. 80% of all drachmas are Greek. 18% of the others are Philistinian or Indo-Persian (the latter being a variety of places inclusive of Persia, Babylon, Asia Minor, and the Middle East). The other 2% are rarer, such as elven coins, Nubian, or other. These are under "gp" without notation.
Crescent: equal to 5 sp, universally made of silver. This is a very common coin in Khemit. These are marked as "crescent" or "cres" or the like on the gp line.
Tek: equal to 2 sp, normally made of silver or a large coin of bronze. This is the most common coin in the lands. These are noted as "tek" on the sp line.
Dinar: equal to 1 sp, usually made of bronze. There are some foreign coins (mainly Greek, Persian, Philistine, Hebrew) that fit under this heading as well. No special notation, found on sp line.
Abt: equal to 5 cp, usually made of brass, bronze, or copper. Noted as "abt" on the cp line.
Maash: equal to 1 cp, often made of brass or tin. No special notation, found on the cp line.

2010-05-29, 08:30 PM
Well, if Zarabeth also has an HHH then we should be able to fit all the masterwork/magical items into it and move on. Pahj as well will voice his opinion that Zarabeth should take a regular longbow or Turpur's bow. "You dance with those swords with the skill of a dervish but I think it's more practical to attack from afar and invite your opponent in as opposed to *ahem* single handily charging a line of twenty armed cavaliers."

2010-05-29, 08:38 PM
Master Chin off-handedly remarks, "A lion fights with the gifts it has been given, and does not seek to be something it is not."

2010-05-29, 09:38 PM
Pahj shoots back "A lion also doesn't charge headlong into a pack of elephants."

2010-05-29, 09:56 PM
Master Chin simply answers (without the 'shooting right back' feel), "She does when the conditions are right ... at night, with her pride. Tigers don't because they are solitary."

2010-05-29, 10:43 PM
"Unfortunately these analogies don't take into account that elephants aren't equipped with lances and crossbows. Is everyone ready to press on?"

2010-05-30, 12:24 AM
Master Chin replies, "I will concede you the crossbows. But an elephant's tusks reach as far as, and are far deadlier than, a lance. Zarabeth seems discerning enough to judge such things for herself."

The four of you make your way, with Nanai easily tracking the horses that invariably, and usually unerringly, head back to what they perceive as home. The plateau upon which Aartuat is situated sent you north along wide stretches of open, rocky-sandy soil. Every so often there were small outcroppings or faint rises. The farther you go over this plateau heading northwards, the ever-so-slightly down you go, with more rocky outcroppings appearing.

It only takes an hour for the trail before you find a desert tracking moving sharply to the northeast ... the road to the city of Tantere. But Nanai's keen sight notices that there is a hidden track going west to the badlands and gorges that you see not very far away. Still, the horses all went down into the valley leading to the open, sandy waste of the desert. For now, that is where you go.

An hour-and-a-half later, and Nanai notices that the road continues to the northeast to the city of Tantere. The horse trail, however (which for some time now has included the greater horse trail of the bandits when they rode out this morning), splits off to the west to the Ahar-Ptah Oasis - a much more likely point of hiding for bandits than a city. Already from here, you can see a large, lonely jut of rock in that direction not but a half-mile off or so.

You walk for merely a few more minutes, and in the distance you see several wounded horses without caretakers milling about some grasses and water of the oasis, which itself is right in the protective shade of that large, rocky outcropping.

"I think we have our answer," says Ox. "Let us return."

2010-05-30, 12:37 AM
"Back to Artuat then; to split the bounty, plan our attack, recruit a proper guide, pay our respects to the fallen, and most importantly rest."

2010-05-30, 08:30 AM
Nanai, being the humble man that he is, says nothing, but, at the words,"recruit a proper guide", gives Pahj a sidelong glance......

2010-05-30, 09:49 AM
Zarabeth looks over the bows from the bandits, and decides which one of them is in the best condition (excluding the STR bow), and slings it over her shoulder, as well taking a quiver of arrows.

Perhaps a ranged attack, in some cases, would be advisable. But charging into a group of enemies, is something I do best.

At the sound of the smash of the item, she looks reproachfully at Ox.

I wanted to do that.

2010-05-30, 10:00 AM
Nanai will pick up the Str bow and test it to see if it is truly worthy of his attention......

2010-05-30, 10:48 AM

Ox looks kind of sheepish, lifting his shoulders while scrunching his head down slightly sideways with a "Sorry" look ... then smiles warmly. "Somehow, I think you'll have more than enough opportunity in the future. I will be sure to leave unholy symbol destruction to your capable swords.

[B]@Nanai: It is a masterwork bow, whatever magic it may hold, but the high pull makes it lose accuracy. And you only get the benefit of your own strength on the bow, not the full pull of the bow. If you really want a backup, just take one of the normal longbows. You'd be more accurate, and the damage would be only very slightly off. The only way that Turpur's bow might seem more interesting is if you knew the magic on it and it had a special quality you liked. For now, it is a waste of encumbrance and a normal longbow is better. And again, it is better (weight-wise) to simply have Zarabeth or Pahj keep an extra longbow in the pack.
@All: You trudge the 5-6 miles or so back to Aartuat ....

2010-05-30, 11:47 AM
Nanai will return the bow then.

2010-05-30, 07:01 PM
As you trudge back towards Aartuat, a lone figure is seen milling about the 'wreckage' of bodies you created. It sees you as well (nice, open terrain), though you get much closer to him before he stopped frittering around.

You close - partly to see what this person is doing in the area of all the bodies that you made in the big battle - and partly because Aartuat is simply on the way.

As you move closer, you see it isn't a man, but a boy ... or barely a man and barely a boy. He is somewhere around 16 years old, but only 5' 7" and very willowy. His face is almost androgynously beautiful ... more beautiful and stunning than any of you have ever seen. His wildly unkempt hair is a fiery red-orange, and his face is perfectly and absolutely smooth. His eyes are golden brown. He dresses in a manner unlike any of you have seen before. Whatever the origin of his dress, it is bedecked with jewelry and finery, though he carries no apparent weapons. He stands there regally, like a spoiled brat of royalty. He smiles, letting the smile linger to show how beautiful he is (and vain ... very, very vain).

"Hold, bandits! You see our handiwork here with this small army of ruffians? It is proof of our power and magic! Now, now, don't trifle with paltry defenses, but pay us a tribute for our puissance. Hmmm, what would scofflaws such as yourselves sacrifice that is dear and hard-earned, and oft taken for granted? Oh, oh! We have it!

"Pay us one song of joy, one joke to celebrate mirth, but also one story of tears that we may purge our own!"Obviously, it was YOU who killed the bandits, of course. But he says his bit with such convincing flair and conviction that you almost doubt yourselves. Almost.

2010-05-30, 07:38 PM

Zarabeth is no mood for this child's foolery, and attempting to take the credit for a battle that killed her lover Julio, pushes her over the edge. She strides forward, her face full of fury.

Begone from this place and take no credit for that which you did not do. WE fought this battle and it was our loved ones that had their blood spilled for it.
Seek not to trifle with us, or the joke that will be told will be the joke of you trying to say you won. The tears have already been spilled, and there is no joy to be had here.

2010-05-30, 07:53 PM
Pahj looks noticeably perturbed. "The joy of this day is survival to see the next, the joke is a child who claims half-picked prey like a hyena, but I'll tell you a "story of tears."

At sun's dawn six travelers from across the globe gather to purge the evil of a desert gorge. One was a half-life dilettante from the walled cities of the holy lands to the east, another was his fiery lover whose beauty and grace belayed their deadly swordplay. Two holy warriors lead the charge, one riding a holy unicorn whose stare could peer into the nature of a man's soul. A solemn stone giant and master trapsmith watched their flank followed lastly by a scholar and tomb robber from the jungles and hills of the far east.

At high noon a score of bandits and blackguards beset them lead by a priest whose heart is black as the starless sky, a savage warrior whose sword was swifter than the four winds, and a psion whose powers conjured a construct forged from the very essence of the astral plane that could squeeze a man so tight his head would pop from the pressure. The early moments of the battle claimed half their lives as explosive balls of lightning thinned the bandit's ranks but the heroes couldn't possibly predict the magics that awaited them.

The black heart priest cast a spell so vile it caused the half-elf to violently collapse into himself completely erasing him from existence. The fiesty woman danced her dance of death but the construct constricted her and the grief over her lover was too heavy a burden to strike effectively. The holy warrior atop the desert unicorn saw his friend's belly sliced open as the savage warrior cut through him in a whirl of sand and steel. The stone giant found himself eradicated by the priest as the eastern scholar retreated to high ground. The other holy warrior was the priest's last victim before the villain found his brains dashed by a passing giant.

With a swing in momentum the remaining three warriors and the friendly giant killed the psion and chased off the savage. Stricken with grief and mentally exhausted they tracked the savage to his lair and returned to town to discuss their plans. Now the evening sun slowly descends and a spoiled brat lacking the good sense and manners one of his apparent station should know claims the hero's sight as his own like a hyena who chases away a vulture.

The travelers are weary but frustrated and fueled by anger and spite. What shall become of this errant child who stands among the dead and addresses strangers as peasants? Tell me, boy? How does this story end?"

Pahj speaks plainly. There's no deception to his words, no forcefulness, and no anger in his voice (that is to say no diplomacy, bluff, or intimidation here. He speaks his mind pure and simple).

2010-05-30, 08:46 PM
The boy keeps his composure with Zarabeth's embittered words.

At the end of Pahj's story, the boy nods, and his eyes are tearful. Now, the tale is sad for all of you to hear, because you lived it. But this boy is fighting back some form of hyper-emotional shivering and tearfulness that seems even less fitting than his previously haughty display. It is very hard to understand what generates this bizarre mood shift, let alone why he should seem outwardly more grief-stricken.

One wonders if he is mocking you ...

"First," he says, his whole body shivering to contain himself from falling to pieces, "to the lady whose beauty is a non-pareil among humans. I never said that I dispatched the ruffians, and yet my handiwork is present with these murderers. You and your allies fought this battle, but I alone blessed their bodies and asked Chaav speak well of whatever joys they may have had: either for the guardians of the dead to use in case one among them was unwilling or under duress, and that agent might grant some leniency; or, to punish the truly blackhearted by whispering words of Joy into their ears, that such words might find their souls and punish them for not embracing such a quality in their life.

"A joke is a tool of levity, not a millstone of cynicism. Your foreign friend with the tale, for example, is very un-lev-ened.

"And no joy to be had here? Sure, there is great cause for grief to be had here. But that is an entirely different meaning from no joy being had here. Should you find grief in your home, can that home never be joyful again?

"You, easterner," the boy says, trying to manage a smile, "at least you admitted - however flatly - that there is some good to be found. That you beat the odds against a far greater foe and kept your own life.

"I am no thief, and have not picked through the bodies like a thief. You will notice that man and horse alike all have a violet placed on or next to them.

"And your story is in error, for the one who causes the greatest grief to that lady there is obviously not known to you. His father may be from the east, but Don Julio Nyarvel Daniel-Ieyeshua Rezendes-Goldfarb is from the lands to the west, in Hispania.

"He spent his life finding joy in every sensation possible. Even if that joy was simply through learning a negative experience and deciding never to do that again. You shame my cousin-in-law and his memory!"

The boy's form shifts slightly. It stays primarily the same, but his brown-gold eyes become pure gold with tiny points for pupils. Wings sprout forth, like a butterfly's, with all manner of iridescent colors - every color ever conceived, and yet all balanced and blended beautifully. The very air around him shimmers and is excited with some uplifting power. And yet, this aura of glory surrounds him and infuses all of you with a calm. His tears have melted away, and he now smiles again ... but much more serenely, having dropped his façade .

"My address was to determine something about the character of each of you. You are wounded, and well you should be, but don't lick your wounds in darkness ... leave your grief here, and go back to Aartuat. They will know your heart's loss, but will celebrate your victory if you celebrate it. If you go to them dejected and beaten - when you have victory, if Pyrrhic - then you will infect the entire town. People who have no reason to be sad will wallow in mock empathy without understanding all that was lost.

"How does it end? The story ends when one of you sings a song of joy, to celebrate Julio and his life and what he might have meant to you, and you do it here. That is the best way to strike at Darkness ... to show that your heart is yet full of love even where a great evil was perpetrated.
If at least one of you cannot do so, and with purity and selflessness of purpose, then you shall never know a day that my kinfolk give you a kindness for the affrontery you have shown our cousin with ill humours.

"Zarabeth, allow me to kiss you on the cheek, that your spirit may be refreshed."

2010-05-30, 09:26 PM
Pahj averts his eyes fearing a compulsion effect. "In my land we mourn for months if not years for the departed where the family and friends adhere to strict rules and scriptures.

I admit I've only known these people for a day's time but the kindred bond between good hearted adventurers drew me in. What brings me joy is striking down those who bully others with their power! Let all innocent travelers see this site and know there stands among them people who strike against evil with equal measure!"

Pahj whips himself into a fervor, finds Shenau's body and a shortspear, and sets about removing the half-dragon's head while shouting "To Artuat! A hero's feast on me!! Spare no expense for a tyrant lays dead today, hohoho!"

2010-05-30, 09:38 PM
Pahj averts his eyes fearing a compulsion effect. Interestingly enough, it is important for you to realize that you merely show due caution. As long as you are relatively close to the boy, you know no fear.

2010-05-30, 09:58 PM
Pahj's greatest fear is not knowing fear. It's the pain that keeps him grounded in reality. He's a simple man who can enjoy simple pleasures but the complacency that comes through calmed emotions and lack of fear which scares him the most (much to Poo's chagrin). He feels calm and safe next to the boy but outside that influence the feeling is completely unnerving. He trusts the kid but notably stays around the perimeter of the kid's aura.

2010-05-31, 05:11 AM
There's still a lot above that Zarabeth/ Nanai(especially) may want to comment on, still I am going to get the introduction out of the way (and expect the same)...

"I am Bjórn Tyrfingrson, but mainly I am known as Bjórn the Agreeable. I am Prince-Errant of the Nordheim Faerie, and Proven Fey Servant to Chaav, the Smiling God. I am an Arboreal-borne and ranking member of the Seelie Court, with traceable lineage to Oberon and Titania themselves, and my blood contains the power of angels and dragons alike. I am bon-viveur, priest, scholar, artist, divine magician, and destroyer of the unnatural mockeries.

"But above all things, I ... am ... beautiful!"

With this last bit of cheery exaltation, he flutters his rainbow-wings and slowly spins in place while flying upwards ... all the more to show you his splendor as radiances pour forth from him. It is at this time that it is noted that his wings are not wholly membranous like a butterfly's, but includes some feathery (or furry) fronds along the edges (especially the leading edge), much like that of a moth. He really is as beautiful as he says, though he is very obviously in love with his own beauty. Later you will note that he is often distracted and inattentive because of his constant preening himself or indulging in idle pleasures even when a task is underway.

2010-05-31, 06:41 AM

Zarabeth's demeanour changes when the boy changes form. She was surprised by the claim of kinship to Julio, but not by the boy's new form. It was as if she already knew about Julio's ancestry, which, in fact, she just had learned.

Your form and manners hid your nature from us. Forgive my earlier anger, even though it was warranted by your behaviour, we did not know who you were. My name is Zarabeth, I was friend and confidant to Julio. Perhaps, in time, more, but it seems that will not be.
But alas, singing is not my forte. It is not a talent I was born with, nor could I cultivate it. But, if someone else can pour forth the song, I can dance. Dance, to the memory of Don Julio.

2010-05-31, 08:24 AM
Nanai looks on in silence, but towards the end of the conversation and Bjorns introduction he finds himself smiling.

2010-05-31, 10:32 AM
Bjórn the Agreeable nods and says, "I had heard that Julio had taken a mortal lover, but that she was a stunningly beautiful water spider. Well, then, I will sing with my voice, and you sing with your body!"

He sings a silly song about some of Julio's more famous ealier misadventures; not adventures, but fun pranks and his mastery of trickery.
Perform (Sing): [roll0]
Perform (Comedy): [roll1]

2010-05-31, 11:36 AM

WATER spider? Zarabeths voice is indignant. Who is calling me a water spider? I'll show them water spider all right.

Zarabeth is not used to dancing to music with words, and even less to music that tells a story, but she does the best she can do.

[roll0] Perform: Dance

2010-05-31, 05:44 PM
Bjórn laughs at the water spider retort, and when he does so, you hear (in addition to his tenor laugh) the sound of crystal wind chimes clinking musically. "You obviously have never seen a water spider, or have not appreciated its grace, agility and balance as it glides over the water in its stunning dance! Hahahaha, so human. Well, I will need to be your guide to see what beauty lies in the world!"

Well, it looks like your 'best you can do' was the main event! :smallwink:

Retconned intro: Master Chin gives his standard terse introduction, and there is some undescribable tension between Ox and Bjórn. Ox is not pleased with this new .... person.

2010-05-31, 06:31 PM
Pahj, while brandishing Shenau's head on a shortspear, speaks to Ox on the side and has gotten used to saying his honorific. "What's wrong, Master Chin? His carefree spirit clashing with your solemn poise? Or perhaps you're suspicious that this 'butterfly' faerie appears out the blue, disguised, and challenges us to make assumptions of our individual 'character?'"

Pahj makes a general knowledge nature check for what he knows about fey and knowledge local check regarding what he may have read regarding Germania/Hispania and its folk tales.

That's two really tough questions.

"Yeah, I've read a bit about fairy tales. Every culture has cautionary stories mothers tell children and all legends bear some truth. Brownies, pixies, sprites and other mischievous little monsters, completely alien to human understanding and lacking any true empathy. Sometimes they help you while demanding odd gifts like a saucer of fresh milk every sunset or a lit candle over the hearth. Sometimes they torment humans needlessly; powered by no motivation other than pure joy before they become bored and find something else to occupy their time.

So what's the deal with this Bjorn besides confirming his 'cousin' is dead... several hours after the incident? His presence and unnatural jovial attitude makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't like tricks, games, and illusions when they become part of your very character."

2010-05-31, 07:10 PM
@jmbrownThis is why I normally make rolls, though your descriptions are fair enough as it is. A roll is not a roll, for while you understand the fey well enough generally ... you would receive a big minus on knowledge of Germania/ Hispania because of a penalty I inflict given your origins and areas of travel thus far.
(also on the side with Pahj) Ox says, "Exactly. Whether or not he has given some sort of 'final respect' to the bandits themselves, he would seek to turn our emotions on end. What I feel, sense, and know ... is mine. Everything has a proper place, and it horrifies me to see - however skillful they are - Zarabeth twirling and cavorting with the bizarre spirit singing and joking, and Nanai looking on smiling ... all the while we are standing here in a field of death. The vultures do not look like they will suffer our presence long before they will eat anyway.

"It's disgraceful and disrespectful. But each must find that measure of balance in themselves. Unfortunately, the grief those two feel - which is more than yours, and far more than mine - has them off-balance and easily swayed by the senses."

Ox shrugs. "He has a point, though, in knowing that we must understand that grief must give way - but we are mortal, and it must give way in proper time. He has no conception of that, because he lives so fiercely in the present. He believes in passions, and I sense in him what he sensed in me - for I saw him look my way as a fellow who has been blessed by higher powers. Unfortunately, he would allow wild passions to consume him and unbalance the harmony others would create. We humans thrive - or at least are meant to thrive - on focus, disipline, and harmony. We work together to find a shared happiness as a community and a civilization. But this creature almost demands that we throw off those necessary constructs and discipline to give in to frivolity now.

"Regardless, I have kept quiet and have not sought to be openly hostile. I, too, am interested that he should have such 'fortuitous timing' as all this."

2010-06-01, 03:24 PM
Unless there is more to be done or said, it is time to head back to Aartuat. Soldiers see you coming, and the cavalry sergeant (Nemekh) heads out to greet you with three soldiers. "Five leave and four return, and only two of those the original ones. What strange manner of people are these that are with you, Zarabeth? And where is your group's leader - Don Julio? What has happened in only a day? We found the Hep-thait's body, lanced through the center with his heart missing!"

2010-06-01, 04:22 PM
Pahj slams the shortspear with Shenau's head into the earth. "Today a tyrant and his score of bandits were slain, sergeant. Let us celebrate now and talk business at dawn."

2010-06-01, 07:56 PM
SGT Nemekh nods. "The creature is dead then ... and had bandit help? Come, you must make a report to the commandant at the caravanserai so he is well-informed."

2010-06-01, 08:29 PM
Nanai will follow to the caravanserai.....

2010-06-01, 08:57 PM

Zarabeth has been a conflicing mass of emotions during and since the battle, lows and highs, and right now is pretty much worn out. She wearily acknowledges the sergeant

Don Julio is dead, along with Khonsu, and the monolith, though not truly alive, has also been destroyed. The price to defeat Shenau and his priestly aide was high, perhaps too high. And yet more bandits live.

She follows to the caravanserai...

2010-06-01, 09:53 PM
Sergeant Nemekh and his contingent escort you to the caravanserai, whereupon Zarabeth is asked to give an account to Lieutenant Hamephat. Also, the newcomers are introduced (and Bjórn flamboyantly introduces himself, though he is only a swaggering-yet-inept seeming youth ... as are most young men his age). Shenau's head (and the spear) are taken out to the caravanserai gate and mounted on the wall overlooking the entrance.

The news is terrible for the Lieutenant. Personally, obviously, it is worse for the party. But he was very taken in by, and had a growing rapport with, the charismatic half-elven nobleman. Khonsu-khaibet was a well-known and beloved hunter, as well as a minor cleric of Chons. But worst of all, in his estimation as a government official, is the loss of Sahu-ptah. The loss of the semi-incarnate manifestation of Ptah's divine will surely will be taken poorly by the Creator of the Universe. Just as horrible was the loss of Nefertem's servant, granted to Nanai's care.

Lieutenant Hamephat, in hearing of what happened to Hep-thait, is mildly displeased at the open attack on the child - even if he should have a dark heart. Still, if the fabled unicorn saw darkness in the child's ma'at, then the gods have taken their due.

He is torn, because he must remain here. His garrison is small, and is only allowed close-range patrols for defense of the caravanserai. While you were gone today, he used his powers as an official to pass judgement on Gerhit and the others. He cannot claim their lives; that is too extreme for the 'possibility' of cupability, but he can - based on the linkage of the necklaces and what they were want to do (mainly, to deceive priests and others whose powers were to determine another's ma'at ... as is their purpose) - to exile them. The caravanserai's tiny prison isn't meant for long-term storage of prisoners, and it is less paperwork to exile them rather than have them transferred.

The exile only has power in Aartuat, and he has allowance to put them to death should they return, but the judgement has no legal powers beyond that point. In truth, any more senior commandant or official of any other town could overturn this exile. But it works, for now, in removing the potential troublemakers from town.

"I ask you, in the name of Herakhty," says Hamephat, "to seek vengeance against the survivors of this darkness. I shall exile the prisoners as I've said. If they take a path away from the darkness, they have chosen well. But give a little bit of time. If instead they choose to ally themselves with Shenau's remaining bandits, then they have chosen their lot and must be treated accordingly. I only ask you to do what I have not the capacity of manpower or freedom of position to do .... give time for the vipers to feel safe in their dens while they lick their wounds. And then grab your deserved vengeance!"

Master Chin (this is how he introduced himself to Hamephat, btw, not 'Ox')speaks up, "Nanai needs time for his heart to heal, as do the others. And there is much for me to learn about what originally was at stake while I enjoy my pilgrimage here at the Pool of Hapy. But I gladly strike at evil's heart. While the destruction of any life grieves me, I cannot abide to know that I had the power to help others and did nothing."

"Wai-, wai-, wait a minute!" says Bjórn. "Let me get this right. You," he points to Hamephat, "want a bunch of prisoners that supposedly were in league with the bodiless dragonling your men just stuck outside the gate on Pahj's spear. You expect them ... no, yes you do ... you expect them to meet up with the surviving bandit leader. Then, in future course, which of course just melds with Fat Man's belief that these worthies need 'time to grieve' - which they legitimately might - they will ride out to meet the bandit leader and .... oh, I don't know ... anyone he might have picked up along the way. The heroes here mow through them like an adamantine butterchurn, and the bandit leader, any suriviving or collected bandits and .... Whoops! ... the exiled, all get killed in one fell swoop?

"My friend, never fear. This may be a dinky hole you're living in, this backwater village, but you're only in your early 20's or so. Buddy? You have a bright future in politics, lemme' tell ya'!"

He then turns with a sly smile on Master Chin. "And you? Boy, oh, boy! You can't wait to tear them apart with your hands. I sense the power of the gods have blessed you for your holiness, but that doesn't mean the good gods all view life the same way. And all that chatter about 'hating to destroy life.' The only thing you love more than hating to destroy life, is loving to destroy evil! The greater good? No, when it comes to evil to smash ... you are the Good Grater."

Master Chin stares at Bjórn, holding back the desire to put some fire in that stare. He turns back to Lieutenant Hamephat. "I believe we have an understanding, Lieutenant ... for the greater good."

Hamephat smiles, looks over at the peevish brat, and looks at Master Chin.

"We do at that."

2010-06-01, 11:45 PM
"Bjorn, you're quite the loquacious fellow. Would helping identify this plentiful bounty shut you up?"

Pahj throws a feast for Nanai, Zarabeth, and Master Chin (and Bjorn as he's certain the boy will tag along) sparing now expense on food and drink. He orders a drink for everyone joining in the night's festivities. He spends the entire downtime training, assisting Atmu, and studying the local language.

2010-06-01, 11:54 PM
"Tell ya' what!" says Bjórn. "I'll shut up for the entire time it takes me to identify everything. I promise I will say no word until I have identified all you need me to, on the condition that this silence begins from the time you hand me all that needs identification ... at once, no holding out to keep me quiet ... and ends when I have confidently finished my analysis of everything. The only payment I request is that of all the items to identify, I get the choice of one item ... that's right, no silly pearls or none of that business. Just one item, and I will even share what the capacity, power, or whatever of that might be!

"What do you say, for all must agree that earned your bounty!"

2010-06-02, 12:57 AM
Pahj makes the loudest, most dramatic sigh man has ever heard. He dumps out the magical item contents from his haversack and bids Zarabeth to do the same. "Well, Zarabeth, pearls don't grow on trees. Take your time, Bjorn. By the four arms of Vishnu, take your time."

2010-06-02, 07:34 AM

Zarabeth dumps out the items that she had in her purse, adding them to the pile that Pahj created.

If you dont mind, I'll watch you, at least for a little while. The power to identify magic items is not something that has manifested itself in me, and I am interested in learning more about it. The study of all magic and such.

2010-06-02, 08:52 AM
Nanai will agree to the terms as well. After the banquet, he will drift off by himself and wander near the outskirts of town, taking in the beauty that is the inherent in the desert. He will pause and pray and meditate on all that has happened for a lengthy amount of time.

2010-06-02, 10:06 AM
"In the meantime we can sell this masterwork equipment to get our group fund back together and split the proceeds evenly with us three and Master Chin for his assistance. That should tie us over well enough until we're ready to strike and Bjorn finishes. Sergeant, if you want some spare equipment that's not too badly damaged we left the lot of bandits to rot in the sun some six miles out."

2010-06-02, 11:03 AM
Since everything has been dumped in the lieutenant’s office, he shakes his head and says, “I don’t think so.”

The one place that you know of for sure that is open is Shenau’s old house, which belongs to the party now. So, it makes sense that the items (and the rest of you go there. But not before Pahj mentions the masterwork equipment and tells Sergeant Nemekh (even though Lieutenant Hamephat is right there) that he can go six miles out to get them.

“Two miles,” says Bjórn, shrugging. If anyone looks at him, he simply says, “What? I haven’t started to identify yet.”

“Rameshad,” says the younger commander, “you will please address me and not my men when you and they are in my presence and you have advice to give. But, yes, I appreciate what you’ve done. If you left behind enough, I might be happy enough from what I’ve seen to not levy taxes on your ‘adventurer’s find’ – rather deferring that to the equipment.”

Pahj, you split off to the House of Horus’ Fortune to begin ordering up the banquet. The husband and wife proprieters are a bit surprised, but with substantial coin (we’ll talk about that) you will be able to get them moving like there’s no tomorrow.

Zarabeth, you have a very nice inn room waiting for you. Don Julio, in his gesture of ensuring he kept the best room, paid through the week for the best room, the best meals, and all the trimmings (including hot bath and scented oils). But for now, you watch the young boy sit outside the group’s hut and arrange everything nicely. You might not know the spell yourself, but you know it well enough from Don Julio that each casting takes one hour, only affects one magical item, and costs the value of a 100 gp pearl. You’re not sure how powerful a spellcaster the fey-boy is, but this many items may well take a few days … if just for him to recharge his own store of magical energy.

Nanai patiently waits at the group house for Pahj’s efforts at the House of Horus’ Fortune to be finished and told it is time to begin the banquet. Ox also hangs around waiting for the food to begin, and being a philosopher – and for him that includes arcane secrets – he is intrigued to watch Bjórn the Brat begin his ceremony.

Bjórn collects everything into a pile on his left. He begins the process by taking one random item from the pile. He then stares at it for all of a few seconds, then sets it to his right side. He does this with everything. He is done in under two minutes and says, “Well, that was easy. Curious to know what ya' got? For that matter, are you curious to know what I got for the easiest two minutes of magical work - considering the payout - I ever did?”

Pahj, whether he admits it or not, is understandably flummoxed when he comes to tell the party the banquet will be ready soon ... and Bjórn is chatting away.

2010-06-02, 11:26 AM

If you would please, we cant divide until we know what we have. As for what we lost to you, well, that was the price we agreed to pay.

Zarabeth is also waiting patiently for the banquet, and although she doesnt show it, she is of two minds about it. On the one hand, it will be hard to celebrate a fight that caused Don Julio's death, but on the other hand, it will serve as a way to delay the time before she must go back to their room, a room she knows that will seem terribly empty.

2010-06-02, 11:32 AM
To the lieutenant "Ah, sorry, I thought you followed the whole chain command bit. As a ranking warrior in my land I'm used to 'tell your superior who tells his superior who tells that superior' and so forth."

After Bjorn is finished he's both surprised and frustrated - at least he got a good few hours of peace coordinating the banquet. "Well, boy, give us all the details then take your pick."

2010-06-02, 01:03 PM
Bjórn's assessment of the magical items is in the spoiler. Please note that I did forget to include a pair of magical bracers (moderate unknown) that Shenau had worn.TURPUR'S ITEM
** +1 mighty composite longbow [+2 Str bonus].

* Magical Items
** +2 chain shirt.
** +2 amulet of natural armor
** wand of inflict light wounds (19)
** Divine Scrolls: flame strike (5th lvl), slay living (5th lvl)

* Magical Items
** Bracers of armor +3 … sorry guys, I forgot to include this item before, because it was under “Armor” rather than equipment.

** Necklace of Aura Shielding: This is the item Don Julio surmised Shenau was wearing, that all of the other evils in town wore. The wearer is immune to detect thoughts, detect evil/ chaos, and the wearer's alignment also appears good.
****** Bjórn tells you the same thing Don Julio told you about this item.

** wand of lightning bolt (21 charges remaining, 9th CL)
** Arcane Scrolls: fear (4th lvl), teleport (5th lvl)
** Serpent Ankh: This item appears as a magical item in the form of a Serpent so twisted and looped as to resemble an upside-down ankh. It detects as faint magic (unknown). When anyone touches it, a chill of negative energy strikes them. It doesn't do any damage, but it is definitely an unsettling item.
Bjórn wants the bracers, for he has no armor, nor wants any; it is too tough for him to find armor to fit his true winged form, and he doesn’t like steel against his skin. It chafes. Gold, however, is another matter entirely. The bracers are a delicate golden latticework, but being a magical item they are quite sturdy.

Concerning the Serpent Ankh, Bjórn believes that it has the effect it does – chilly negative energy and faint magical aura – either because it is an artifact level item and/or a “linkage” object to something else (a person, a creature, a site, other magic???). He’s not sure which, and it is impervious to his magical divination. He recommends you seek out a library to investigate this item. Master Chin mentions the library of Atmu-thoth-rahat in the Trader’s Establishment. This excites Bjórn to no end, and can’t wait to go there tomorrow (it’s too late tonight).

2010-06-02, 01:35 PM
"Welp, let's start sorting and requisitioning. Bjorn gets the bracers for saving us about a thousand drachmas in pearls. I ask for the divine scrolls. Zarabeth, if you can activate the wand of lightning and arcane scrolls then I think you should take it just in case you have to battle from range. If no one else can activate the wand or scrolls then I ask for them. That scroll of teleport will be handy in traversing the desert between trips. The wand of inflict wounds doesn't interest me."

2010-06-02, 01:47 PM
I think I should like the amulet of Natural Armour and Divine Scrolls if no one objects?

2010-06-02, 02:16 PM

I already have an amulet of natural armour, so I have no objections to you taking it. None of the other items are of any use to me, I cant 'pull' the bow, I dont wear armour, and I certainly cant activate the divine scrolls. I can only use the wand when I get the activation word, Bjorn, did your spell reaveal it? The arcane scrolls also are of little interest, I dont want to cast fear on my opponents, I want them to come to me, not run away. Its very hard to slice someone thats run away. Teleport, well, I suppose that could be useful.

2010-06-02, 03:19 PM
So far we've got

-Arcane scrolls

-Wand of Lightning Bolt

-Amulet and divine scrolls

"Take your pick, Master Chin. Anything unclaimed will be sold, a share will be used to create a group fund, and the rest split evenly."

2010-06-02, 05:08 PM
"Welp ...."Giggles. Bjórn is vain about his appearance and his majesty - you would be too - but he is not necessarily intellectually arrogant. Or, more to the point, if any ever considered him to be arrogant in that regard, that would be his 'honest' mistake. But I look at this, and the word is spelled "Whelp", and I can just imagine having an affected British accent like Baby Stewie arguing with Bryan on "Family Guy". They had this hysterical argument wherein Bryan said "wh" words in the normal American style ... pronounced with a silent "h". Baby Stewie, on the other hand, kept saying the same words with a decided breathy "h"-like sound. I almost made an argument on this point for fun, but sadly that doesn't fit the character ... who if anything has a slightly Nordic accent.Bjórn tells Zarabeth the activation trigger for the wand.

Ox says, "I make no claims on any items. I have forgone such earthly bindings and desires of possessions. However, I have made a vow of such in favor of those who cannot choose to do so themselves, and I understand that money is a function of reality."

He turns to Nanai, "Nanai, I can neither carry nor hoard these things for myself. This does not mean that I have not earned the right of spoils in the name of others. Would you be willing to take what I earn in trust, and place it in your backpack separately from your own? Then, when we are near a place that can handle such an influx, I will go with you that we might give it to a worthy charity."

Bjórn asks, "What about the serpent ankh? I don't think you should be selling that! I mean, it stinks of icky-badness, but would you really want it to fall into the wrong hands if it is an artifact? I think that bears more study before you go - 'Meh. Not useful to me. Let's see if we can't make a copper or two on it.' - No, not a good plan at all."

[Sounds like a good partition of treasure, with a major exception...]

@Nanai: You can't use either of these scrolls. For you to understand a scroll or use a wand and the like, the appropriate spells must appear on your class's spell list. As a healer, class list = your list. You have no training with evocations and negative-energy necromancy, other than what to heal or fight against. They might as well be arcane scrolls of fireball and enervation, for all of your ability to use them. Bjórn slyly says he could use them, but recognizes that he didn't earn them.

Pahj, the entire banquet for your group (plus a couple good vessels of fine alcohol) cost you 8 pp/ aten. Since you are going to be in Khemit for awhile (possibly), you spent your last platinum and now only have aten. [Sheet updated.]

2010-06-02, 05:25 PM

I never said anything about selling the ankh. Far from it. I only said I dont want it. It may be connected in some way to the burial grounds, or the bandits. For that reason, we need to hold onto it until we find ourselves in a position to see what it does. Then we destroy it

2010-06-02, 05:42 PM
"welp" is slang for "oh, well" or when commenting on a pointless event. Pahj is annoyed at Bjorn, even more so when he identified all the items in a minute, and has nothing further to say on the subject so "welp, let's get started." Now Pahj has nothing against adding whelp to his list of things-to-call-Bjorn-other-than-his-real-name but just "boy" seems good enough.

"Hmm? Oh, yes, the serpent ankh. I didn't plan on selling that. Until we, and by that I mean you, discern its powers it will remain in our possession. In fact, that little cubbyhole in the floor where we found the chest will make a good storage device. We need some real furniture around here, as well. Hell, this whole place can use a make over. How did Shenau live in such a dump?"

I'm assuming the next day we sell off all the leftovers and masterwork items. Pahj asks Zarabeth, Nanai, and Master Chin if it's okay to donate the inflict light wounds wand to Merha-aptut (a humble start to replacing the gifts that were destroyed, that and Pahj's whole shtick is turning the enemy's weapons against them). Pahj recommends 1/4 of the proceeds start a new group fund. What's left is split evenly between Pahj, Zarabeth, Nanai, and Master Chin's share which Nanai will be the keeper of.

For the period of downtime Pahj preoccupies himself with Merha and Atmu, helping either priest or merchant with their work while brushing up on Khemitian. He does mention to Atmu that he wants to refurnish Shenau's old house and says he has a 200 drachma budget to do so. Lounging chairs, rugs, idols, statuettes, wall hangings, mattresses, anything to make the place look decent for someone of his caste.

2010-06-02, 05:49 PM
Concerning selling items??? You assume horribly, horribly, wrongly. You are in the Village of Aartuat, bubbalah, and there's not one masterwork item you are going to get to sell here ... let alone any magic items. Nope, you need to take a trip if you want to sell anything.

Now, that being said. Ox, after discussion with Nanai over the next couple nights, says that it might be a couple of weeks before Nanai will be ready. All the cajoling by Bjórn just won't help ... only time.

With that in mind, it's possible for Pahj to sell to a passing caravan or two that comes in ... but for drastically reduced price. Otherwise, you would have to go to a much larger town/ city to be able to sell these things. Then again, you have the time, if you want to hitch yourself to a caravan, offering your services as a highly-paid arcane (to them) guard.

Let me know if you are willing to switch into 'down time' style timeline ...

Bjórn begs Pahj to allow him to decorate the house, and he will pitch in to help with the shoring of it and so forth. Fascinating enthusiasm for something that should be so beneath a "Prince-Errant" ... and one wonders if he is even up to the more construction-based aspects of the task.

2010-06-02, 06:06 PM
"It's evident we won't be making any money in this place. I'm heading to Tantare or Farnoc or wherever the closest city is" Pahj looks at Nanai while saying that. "If any of you wish to come... I trust you guys more than any caravan guard and who knows, maybe a little vacation will help heal your wounds. Bjorn, help yourself. Here's 100 drachmas to get started."

Pahj's to-do list for the downtime.

-Hop on a caravan to the nearest city to offload the goods
-Help out with Merha's daily tasks while studying with him
-Brush up on the local language
-Pray to Shiva that Bjorn doesn't turn the house into a gaudy playroom

2010-06-02, 11:25 PM
Nanai will agree to the terms as well. After the banquet, he will drift off by himself and wander near the outskirts of town, taking in the beauty that is the inherent in the desert. He will pause and pray and meditate on all that has happened for a lengthy amount of time.

Sorry, dude. But we practically steamrollered right over this. Nothing game noteworthy happens, but there is a peace that beckons to you. But your heart is breaking too much to embrace it elementally just yet.

Caravanning will probably be the last thing you need. It isn't a vacation; it's being stuck with folks less caring about the world and more caring about money and stature and government. The towns and cities would be worse. They serve a need, but people that know you are used to seeing you ride with your fabulous steed. The pain is still too deep.

There is more healing peace here and the surrounding southern slopes (where good gaming with antelope and the like is to be had), and at the Pool of Hapy - itself a contemplative and peaceful place. A caravan might give you some camaraderie with Pahj, but you need peace with yourself before that would be of any benefit. It is more likely that going with Pahj is more 'running away' then 'vacationing.'
.................................................. .................
Master Chin offers his help in many areas that Nanai and Zarabeth would find useful. For his part, interestingly for the odd duck that he is, Bjórn has no interest in the cities ... studying the Serpent Ankh and enjoying long philosophical discussions with Zarabeth on the arcane world are more interesting to him then going to noisy, offal-infested, crowded cities.

2010-06-03, 08:36 AM
Nanai will stay behind then and train with Master Chinup......and use the Pool of Hapy to its fullest meditative extent.

2010-06-04, 06:58 AM

I as well will be remaining behind. Im still not over the loss of Julio, and have no wish to share my grief with others. The calm of the pool will be good for me, and I am at a critical point in my life for training. I need to be with Master Chin, Nanai and Bjorn; as well as the library, to advance myself.

2010-06-06, 02:20 PM
It takes 30 days for Nanai to finally get a clean bill of 'mental health' from Master Chin ... a full month.

Zarabeth & NanaiThe three of you (Zarabeth, Nanai, and Ox) are all relatively equal in overall combat training and instincts, and enjoy many good group training sessions. Bjórn cares for nothing of the kind, and does not consider himself any kind of combatant; besides, since Atmu' is watching the the provisioner's store now, Atmu entrusts the his own place to Bjórn (it seems he is taken by the youth's knowledge). Your muscles get a little more taut, and each day your attacks get a little faster. Zarabeth in particular feels her body becoming ever so slightly more fluid than before. Master Chin takes up the mantle of 'Master' again, and for both of you that is a lot of what he calls 'ne kumite' (or groundfighting, in particular ... grappling). He is concerned about how vulnerable Zarabeth was before, and how equally vulnerable Nanai could be, so he instructs them in very basic techniques to support their combat skills. To top it off, Master Chin drills you both on very intensive body hardening exercises.

On the academic front, Nanai and Bjórn - utilizing the library as a backup - conduct many interesting discussions concerning the nature of life energies and white necromancy, and help Zarabeth understand those powers at least on an intuitive level.
NanaiMaster Chin, while not knowing a thing about using a bow, is a philosopher of immense proportions. He is able to coach Nanai in the principles of 'kyudo,' a more philosophical approach to all that is encompassed with the bow. This includes fluidity of soul translated to fluidity of body for faster shots. You spend many days guided in Eastern-style philosophy, meditation, and wisdom. The Pool of Hapy, as well as short sojourns in the desert, bring you closer to a sense of what Master Chin refers to as 'Enlightenment.' On the small hunting outings, Master Chin also teaches you the Principles of Guardianship, and helps you understand better ways to use your vision to notice the world around you.

Using the above, Master Chin helps you transfer this calm and focused 'warrior spirit' into your own meditations with Nefertem. Bjórn, in his unique way, as well does so much more simply - by teaching you to accept the small pleasures in life; though, of course, he doesn't actually try to teach you this so much as you observe him.

One thing Bjórn does manage to do, is surprise you with his knowledge of healing. Both of you are about equal, though he possesses an otherworldly wisdom which likewise surprises you, as well as some secrets of the fey. Both of you have many long, long discussions as peers in this regard, and these discussions do much to enhance your connection to Nefertem's powers. Sometimes, both of you go up and chat with Merha-aptut. While Merha' doesn't even come close to either of you, he has knowledge of Khemitian-specific techniques that are helpful as you enjoy the overlook to the Pool of Hapy. Sort of like a bunch of doctors going golfing or enjoying a vacation seminar. Bjórn is stunningly adroit of mind, and that includes keeping focus ... the last thing you might ever have expected of him. He teaches you how to take Master Chin's calming principles, and then how to apply that to keeping calm under fire, maintaining a smooth, even voice for spellcasting, and extra flexibility for non-optimal conditions.

Finally, we come to the 'hard skills' as an archer. You use what you learned (or discovered within yourself) to create canvas-covered targets, painted with human targets. Bjórn seems to possess a nigh-categorical knowledge of a stunning array of beasts, and together you discuss the weak points of these various creatures ... and you work on targeting those specific points. Master Chin gets in on the fun by having wooden slats, and then poking up a canvas target and then down ... testing your ability to target a covered opponent.
ZarabethThere is no doubt that, despite being on par with basic combat instincts, that Ox is your 'Master Chin' for combat secrets. His ability to launch a near-impossible barrage of very accurate attacks is confounding, and he teaches you the basic principles of this 'Natural Law' of motion so that you, two, can become a whirling dervish of death with your swords. But fast hands are not enough, as he drills you like a Grecian Olympic track coach to develop fast feet. He has a whopping base movement that more than doubles your own!

He is a punishing sifu (a term he uses sometimes to denote a common title for him in other lands), but fair. He gets on you constantly whenever you allow yourself to be too decadent, putting you through the ringer on diet, extreme calisthenics, and meditative practices to make your body a relative juggernaut. Comical, considering he is sooo fat. In time, however, you learn about the hara - or the seat of ki, the life energy that flows through you - and that hara is developed and stored in the abdomen. What seems like fat actually has the density and power of an iron pot filled with adamantine.

He does these things with you, though, so as not to become too soft himself. Still, there are times your rebellious nature (and Bjórn's own urging that you should enjoy yourself throughout all this) can make for some interesting heated moments. The parts where you really feel that pleasure, though, is when you spar. Nanai is primarily an archer, so you dance circles around him ... but Master Chin, though, is a different story altogether. That is one cat you are glad to have on your side.

But now you have a different, and very adept, second teacher: Bjórn. Bjórn possesses a keen mind that might even have put Don Julio's to shame ... and a knowledge base deep and broad, covering nearly every conceivable topic. The deepest and most venerable of these realms of learning cover the 'classic philosophies': the arcana, the religious, and the metaphysical-***-physical (ie, the planes). His encyclopaedic knowledge of the arcane - including an incalculable knowledge of spell mechanics, goes to prove that fey really are the masters of magical knowledge. He greatly advances your knowledge of occultism and mysticism, the reality of dragons, the concept and nature of constructs, but most importantly - other magic, of every conceivable variety (save psionics, the very concept of which is an anathema to him).

Bjórn is very hard to quantify. He casts divine spells, mainly - which seems to be counter from what you might first have thought. He is actually a cleric of Chaav. But, he also knows fey secrets that allow him to channel many spells usually reserved for the arcane, but through a divine formula. On top of this, he has numerous powers and abilities that are not spells, but rather spell-like abilities: many enchantments, some interesting and useful conjurations, an array of intense (and very holy) powers, a very weak fiery breath weapon, and something he calls 'feyfire'. Feyfire is a power wherein he shoots forth pure arcane energy that is boosted by a scarlet ribbon (with golden, arcane sigils) around his neck - one of his own making, as he claims to enjoy crafting many useful items of magic - into a very heavy-hitting blast. There is nothing known to him that can resist this power.

So in tune with his religious studies and his arcane powers, that he has combined them. He can shoot forth his Feyfire (which in combat can sicken his opponent), but imbue it with positive energy, so as to actually heal a friend of a like amount as would have been dealt to an enemy. This latter ability is centered around his ability to channel positive energy like a priest. As a wielder of the Smiling God's powers, undead embody all that is joyless - and would make like of others. He has very dedicated training to make his turning abilities both prolific and powerful.

He is vain, not arrogant, and for all of his intellect he is an amazingly insightful and resourceful teacher. He doesn't just tell you things, he guides you through exercises (sometimes without you realizing he is doing so). He has many folk aphorisms that seem silly, but withstand the test of scrutiny. He does much to advance your particular understanding of natural phenomenon - specifically energies, and he expounds on what Khonsu-khaibet already had started in discussions with you previously.

The real 'joyride' though, is planar studies. You find the studies themselves extremely difficult, involving very exacting philosophical concepts - often overborne by seeming contradictions. But Master Chin helps apply Bjórn's teachings ... and will show you (surviveable) conditions on many other planes - the Ethereal, the Astral, and some of the other 'healthy' planes. It seems that Master Chin can do this once a day, with his 'posse' being able to stay in the destination for a little over ten minutes. The first time this happened, you vomited. A few more times, and you were queasy. Now, it may or may not be thrilling (your call), but you have thought of a way in which you could consistently throw yourself forward-and-back in this plane in combat to confound an opponent's ability to actually land a blow upon you.
PahjThebes. The place where you are contacted and receive your mission (and some money). This is the Waset, the capital of the Middle Kingdom and the Royal Capital of all of Khemit. It has a population of several hundred thousand souls. It is the seat of the Temples of Amun, Chons, Mût, Tuart, and Apit. And, oh, yes ... has a major secular university that the Priests of Thoth to whom you sorta' answer give you basic access to.

Indo-Persia never had anything remotely like this. The Pool of Hapy might be great contemplation ... but the University at Thebes is a place where you can really get your learn on like no other place.

But all things come to an end, and it is time for you to return - with purses full. And you finally return to the Village of Aartuat.

2010-06-07, 01:14 AM
That was a lot of "look at the NPCs babble." However, feel free to expound on this by showing your fellow PCs things they might not have known about you other than the few short days you were together. That's a lot of time to get to know each other. Hopefully, some of that occurred in the post above, but what about quirks and personality things, likes and dislikes?

Things known/ understood/ capabilities that are beyond what have been seen? Pahj spent most of his time away, sure ... but Nanai and Zarabeth did spend some time together (though not nearly as much as the NPCs spent with you individually).

As regards the Serpent Ankh ... "I found nothing about it specifically," says Bjórn, "but that merely means that it is likely a singular item with a guarded history. Atmu-thoth-rahat told me what I knew, that it was a thing of divine power. He suggested that we 'keep it hidden from sight, guarded closely, for this thing has a purpose beyond my ken but which seems fated to be linked to you by the neteru.'"

Pahj, when you get back, you notice that Bjórn didn't do a lot to 'spruce up' the place artistically (a few simple touches here and there), but seemed to have done a fine job hiring out to a lot of the local craftsmen for various repairs and more practical improvements. First, in shoring up all of the old mud and brick, and then secondly in setting out some flower beds, providing a wide awning for sitting overlooking the mill pond, and several wicker tables and chairs for use outside and inside. It might not have cost 100 gp ... but he definitely chose the right people for the various jobs needed (stonemasonry, carpentry, canvassing, wickering, etc.) for an overall excellent craftsmanship.
@Nanai/ ZarabethBjórn might have roped you into helping from time to time, but he did all of the improvements himself. No one was hired. He planned the jobs, bought the materials and tools, conducted the repairs, and executed the improvements. He enjoys the quiet times of day wherein he worked with his hands. However, his favorite pleasure (after reading in Atmu's library) was working in the flower/ vegetable garden. He has a spell-like ability that allows him to create vegetale matter ... such as seeds. And then he casts a spell to create water to water that garden.
Pahj, do you conduct a 'brief' of the salient points of your journey ... sure, you probably recount the wonders ... but how about the barebones?

2010-06-07, 02:21 AM
((So, how much did we get for selling everything?))

Pahj returns with a noticeable pooch in his otherwise thin frame and a lot more hair. There's an extra spring in his step as he yanks a vegetable out of Bjorn's garden and takes a bite.

"Not a bad few weeks. Made us some cash, brushed up on my reading, gained a few pounds, and I'm pretty sure some diminutive fairies made a home out of my beard."

At the dinner table Pahj presents the sealed documents to Bjorn and Master Chin. He explains meeting a priest of Thoth, who also conscripted Don Julio and the rest of the team, and how they'll be paid for bringing an end to the evil or "presenting evidence."

"Tomorrow I shall requisition some supplies from Atmu for a journey to the desert, mounts included. I hope everyone is well rested because the enemy certainly hasn't been sitting idly by while we recuperate."

2010-06-07, 03:23 AM
Total take, including previous monetary gain, minus apothecaries cost (10 gp) = 11, 039.5 drachma.

The 3 vials of unknown magical substance turns out to be giant wasp poison. Did you want to sell that as well, Pahj? Only you can really make that decision since you didn't find out what it was until an apothecary in Farnoc deduced what it was. It is an honorable apothecary that doesn't buy it from you and tells you that it is illegal to buy, sell, distribute, manufacture, distill, and especially use poisons in Khemit without specific royal approval for the same.

It will be far easier for the DM if Zarabeth retains the monetary treasury, and if Nanai holds Master Chin's coins for future charities.

Master Chin says, "I have sought a new challenge for myself, and expunging what evil there is here gives me renewed purpose."

He gives the pouch with a 'gold' crescent to Nanai for safekeeping for now.The term 'gold' used before a denomination of money means a hundred of that coin. So, a gold crescent = 100 crescents.
Bjórn looks at the scroll ... and the gold crescent. :smallamused: He then looks up at Pahj, "Why, Pahj Rameshad, and all this time I thought I annoyed you. And here you are, you sly old battleaxe, offering me gifts of silver and promise of gold in the name of the Temple of Thoth. Well, though I am a priest of Chaav - in case you didn't know [you didn't] - I guess the two closest gods of the neteru would be a cross between Chons and Mert. And both of them also hold knowledge in high regard and the former is a known 'buddy' of Thoth ... so why not?" :elan:

"So, if I'm going to help you - as a mercenary of course - may I please take custody of those two scrolls? You know, the flame strike and the slay living? I mean, Nanai may be your resident juggernaut of healing, but I am the cleric in this group now, and since I don't fight (not really, anyway), that would give me some back-against-the-wall options. Also, I would like to volunteer to keep the Serpent Ankh safe in my possession. That which is my divine essence is more powerful an aura than the Ankh's, and if push comes to shove and we are in a position where we immediately believe scrying is taking place, I can always cast nondetection on myself .... cause I'm tricky like that."

2010-06-07, 05:23 AM
Pahj asks the apothecary to dilute and destroy the poison. If not he digs a hole outside the city and pours the poison into the earth. Upon returning and discussing the contracts, he also speaks highly of Thebes' libraries. Physically he's let himself go (and he is slightly chubbier) but he speaks of a new study of underground monsters and beasts alien to the minds of humans. "I figure it's best to know everything about what we may be dealing with. I know a bit about undead but aberrations are as fascinating as they are unsettling."

Pahj suggests 1/4 of the money go to a party fund totaling 2,759.80 drachma. The remaining 8,280 drachma are split evenly with Pahj, Nanai, Zarabeth, and Master Chin equaling 2,070 drachma. Does everyone agree to the split?

"Be sure to destroy those contracts after reading them. That was the priest's specific orders for whatever reason. Nanai, please give Bjorn those scrolls and I know where he can stick them."

2010-06-07, 07:01 AM
During the month off, those who remain in the village discover this much about Zarabeth. She is truly a warrior woman that lives for battle. While she trains diligently in other aspects, she is most at home sparring where she can let her wild side out. Battle dancer is really the only way to describe her, everyone else is used to people just standing there and letting their armour deflect or diffuse the blows, Zarabeth seems to just float away from them, her fluttering silks confuse the eye, the flashes of bare skin beguile the mind, and if you can get past all that, her invisible arcane shields seem to make all the rest bounce off her. Strategy and tactics dont seem to hold her attention, and (like James West in Wild, Wild, West, OOC) her decision seems to be strike first, strike second, strike some more, strike everything left and then maybe ask questions.
After hours, as it were, she seems to be just as wild. She can drink any number of men under the table if she chooses, but half the time, she turns the whole gathering into an impromptu party, with her as the feature dancing attraction. Any attempts to get her to behave as a "proper desert woman" are met with scorn, and quite likely an ale being dumped over the offenders head.
When Pahj returns and shows the contracts he has made, Zarabeth brings out both the maps, and the Tribesman's Account that Julio was holding, the impetus for this mission. She allows Pahj to read up, so that he knows what the whole deal is.

2010-06-07, 09:29 AM
Nanai is in agreement with the dividing up the money and giving the divine scrolls to Björn.....When working with said cleric, it might be noted that Nanai seems to hum alot....Not well, and only around Björn.....and occasionally the words "dancing queen" can almost be made out.....

2010-06-07, 10:33 AM
Considering the vast weight of even this in drachmas ... and that he would likely now be using local currency. The personal treasure is actually in atens, and the party treasury is mostly in atens, with a couple crescents, tek, and a maash left over.

[Nanai, regarding the "dancing queen" ... is that why he wanted the flame strike scroll so badly? :smallwink: Also, he'll correct you and tell you his name is pronounced Bjórn, not Björn. :smalltongue: ]

Björn ... dammit, now you got me saying it ... Bjórn does want positive verification that he keep the Serpent Ankh safe.

2010-06-08, 08:27 AM
Bjórn can keep the Serpent Ankh safe as far as Nanai is concerned......

2010-06-09, 12:38 PM
Bjórn claps his hands, "Yippee!" :elan:

"Finally, someone got the pronunciation of my name right." :smallwink: "Okay, so what now?"

2010-06-09, 01:09 PM
"We strike at the bandit's lair. We all agreed to investigate the evil infesting the gorge and I believe that's a good place to begin as any. We need provisions for a long desert trek particularly food, water, and mounts. We shouldn't make the same mistake of allowing our lack of mobility to hinder combat."

2010-06-09, 01:16 PM
And I need some powdered diamond and granite mixture. In fact, I should check up on all of my material components. And not get caught short again.

2010-06-09, 02:04 PM
"I can provide our food and water," says Bjórn. "As a member of the Seelie Court, I can bring forth a small feast that is much better fare than your rank-and-curate's create food & water. I'd prefer not to ride a horse, though ... I'm afraid my ventral wings might get damaged. Still, if anything happens, I can fly higher than a bow can shoot an arrow ... if they can even see me!" :elan:

Ox: "I, too, will not ride a horse. A horse is an extravagance I will not endure. I can outrun a horse unless it is in a flat-out run. I weigh about 350 lbs, and that would be cruel, painful, and encumbering to a horse anyway. I do recommend horses for the rest of you - at least Nanai, Mikela, and Pahj - so that you are not fatigued if we find ourselves travelling great distances. Were we attacked in the evening after a day of hard hiking, it may go poorly for us all."

2010-06-09, 03:02 PM
Nanai's face gets a briefly pained expression upon the mention of his needing a horse but he recovers momentarily and hopes no one noticed. I agree. We 3 should be mounted. I also would like to look for additional items needed for my granted gifts.

Diamond dust for restoration and/or Diamonds for Revivify.

2010-06-09, 03:13 PM
Pahj suddenly touches his psicrystal, twists his face in concentration, and turns to Nanai. "Forgive me if I'm being too direct but now that the wounds of your soul are healed can you request from Nefertum a new mount? Having a celestial beast on our side would do wonders."

2010-06-09, 04:40 PM
Nefertem's gifts are for Him to grant. Requesting a mount might be an option, but I do not wish to seem presumptuous.

2010-06-09, 04:49 PM
"I can't begin to understand the mind of a deity but surely this cause is reason enough to give a powerful holy champion a worthy stead if only to bring the murderer Captain Turpur to justice. I believe you deserve that call."

2010-06-09, 04:54 PM
Once we begin the plan to travel, I will attempt to request the assistance from Nefertem.

2010-06-09, 09:10 PM
"Nanai," says Ox kindly, "I believe that planning is what we are doing now."

2010-06-09, 10:05 PM
Nanai sighs quietly and steps off to the side. He then goes through the steps of requesting a mount to his side.....

2010-06-10, 09:07 AM

Zarabeth makes a list of ALL the material components she needs for her spells, not wanting to left wanting once again, and sets out with whoever is doing procurement to get them all.

2010-06-13, 03:18 AM
@Nanai: Just "stepping off to the side" won't work to call a new companion for the first time. You will have to go to a place of peace and beauty, preferably a large garden. There's a section near the Pool of Hapy where grow beautiful flowers that you can do this ... and you should do it alone, not with kibitzers. This is an intensely personal thing. You will hold a fast and a vigil, and it may take awhile.

There should be no good reason the group demands to tag along or anything. Everyone - even the not-quite-reverent-yet-contemplative Pahj - understands these things to some degree.

You will have to start in the pre-dawn hours, and for 12 hours you fast, and hold watch in your vigil. As the sun begins to wane in the western desert sky, a unicorn appears. This is a classic unicorn, not one like Pa-ari. She (for she sports no beard) is a patterned after an Arabian quarter horse (but larger, stronger, thicker) in style. She has a gleaming white coat and big, lively brown eyes. Long, silky white hair hangs down in a mane and forelock. A single ivory-colored horn, about 2 feet long, grows from the center of her forehead. She has cloven hooves.

She appears in the garden, and seeing you she bends down with her head tilted to look at you but outstretch one hoof in a sign of homage. "I come to serve you, whenever you should call me, Nub-kau-nefertem. I am Kha-hotep-nefer-temet." [Her name is the feminine form of "Beautiful Soul of Nefertem.]

"Lighten your heart, and be sad no more. You and Pa-ari, however it ended, struck a great blow against evil. Our Heavenly Lord has raised Pa-ari to take his place protecting his vast gardens. Pa-ari hopes that one day you may join him again ... but hopefully not anytime soon. It is my wish that I may serve you well enough that such a time is a long way off."

@Zarabeth: I already got you the 2 doses of diamond dust for stoneskin. However, you re-up your spell component pouch ... maybe getting a newer pouch that accessorizes the desert silks with which you've slowly replaced your old Grecian linens. Accessorizing is important, you know.

@All: What else?

2010-06-13, 08:32 AM
Pahj purchases two light warhorses for himself and Zarabeth.

2010-06-13, 11:10 AM

Zarabeth takes advantage of Nanai being tied up for the day, and drags both Pahj and Ox off on the shopping trip. She suffers the boring purchase of the horses with good grace, and then insists on both of them accompanyng her to the magic shop. They believe that the purchase of the diamond dust will be an easy task, and so it is. However, at this point, Zarabeth decides that she not only needs to renew her spell components, but purchase an entire new spell component pouch.
She models everyone in the store, insisting on them providing comments on how each one fits with her. She finally ends up purchasing one that is embroidered with the symbol of Isis.
But to the men's chagrin, the trip is not done. Although she does not yet have sufficient funds to purchase such an item, Zarabeth also insists on trying on items that boost her charisma (again requiring commentary). Normally, such items are in the form of cloaks, which she will try on, but she also looks to see if they have any robes or dancing silks that can do the same.
Does this cloak (robe, silks) make my butt look big?
She makes sure to press the mens patience to the limit, and then finally sets the last piece aside, hoping that this mission will give her necessary coin for this finery
Isnt shopping fun?

2010-06-13, 01:17 PM
Isnt shopping fun?

Nanai dodged the bullet on that one.....:eek:

2010-06-13, 01:44 PM
Nanai likes the idea of stashing the coins. Does anyone know of any wards we could place, to deter those that might be interested in taking our items?

2010-06-13, 03:05 PM
... and Bjórn will probably "Harrumph!" and sulk for not having been invited.

Zarabeth (ret-con), the funds for your stoneskin come from party treasury, since they really only help you ... (yes, regardless of the fact that you in turn blah-blah-blah). You do also conduct an errand for Nanai, in purchasing spell component items for him. His are 'party-general items' and they are 2 doses of 100-gp diamond dust (for restoration), and 1000 gp worth of diamond dust (for revivify).

The Trader's Establishment, while handling the diamond dust and spell component pouch, do not have anything the level of magical cloaks.

The horses ... Pahj and Ox together are actually quite good judges of horseflesh, and there is a bonus: Ox speaks to the horses. Pahj is better at determining actual quality of horseflesh, but Ox helps correct some choices because he is able to determine which ones have a better temperament. The cost for the light warhorses and full tack and harness come out of party equipment, since it is reasoned that you and Pahj wouldn't normally have had such mounts (cause you didn't before) but the specific mission calls for greater mobility. For having a vow of poverty, Ox is very potent in haggling (with his and Pahj's knowledge of the horses, Pahj's appraisal of the leather goods) ... and Zarabeth helps to second that with her, umm, charms. The total cost for all horses + riding gear (bit & bridle, saddle, saddle blanket, saddlebags, 4 days feed, and horse's waterpack) = 31 aten, 19 crescents, 1 tek, and 2 maash.

The chests and locks, since they are storing your personal wealth, should come from personal funds. Ox does not haggle for you in this regard. That leaves you each individually to do so. Atmu' is pretty good at focusing only on the perceived buyer, not any other banter - so Aiding won't help like it did with the horses. Zarabeth and Atmu' haggle well together, so the price of a chest and a superior lock is 15 aten and 2 drachma. Pahj is outsold, and is used to having better equipment anyway, and pays 15 aten, 9 drachma, and 6 dinar.

The following day, Bjórn will entice Nanai to pick out new digs for Nanai's new unicorn companion. Since this gear is more personal and is intended to be absolutely under Nanai's control, this will come out of Nanai's funds. Bjórn and Atmu' are equal in haggling over Nanai's tack. However, Kha-hotep-nefer-temet can eat when she returns to the celestial realms each day, so only needs saddle (and blanet and bags) and bit & bridle. She still needs a waterpack since she has to drink throughout the day. Bjórn convinces Nanai that he should use a military saddle, since saddlework is Nanai's key as a mobile-platform archer. It costs Nanai 2 aten and 16 crescents.

Then, Nanai sees very good quality (thought slightly used) masterwork studded leather barding It is very decorative, complete with multi-colored tassles on the bit & bridle and about the padding.

EDIT: This was edited to show studded leather barding, vice half-chain.

2010-06-13, 04:20 PM

Zarabeth takes advantage of Nanai being tied up for the day, and drags both Pahj and Ox off on the shopping trip. She suffers the boring purchase of the horses with good grace, and then insists on both of them accompanyng her to the magic shop. They believe that the purchase of the diamond dust will be an easy task, and so it is. However, at this point, Zarabeth decides that she not only needs to renew her spell components, but purchase an entire new spell component pouch.
She models everyone in the store, insisting on them providing comments on how each one fits with her. She finally ends up purchasing one that is embroidered with the symbol of Isis.
But to the men's chagrin, the trip is not done. Although she does not yet have sufficient funds to purchase such an item, Zarabeth also insists on trying on items that boost her charisma (again requiring commentary). Normally, such items are in the form of cloaks, which she will try on, but she also looks to see if they have any robes or dancing silks that can do the same.
Does this cloak (robe, silks) make my butt look big?
She makes sure to press the mens patience to the limit, and then finally sets the last piece aside, hoping that this mission will give her necessary coin for this finery
Isnt shopping fun?

"No, my dear, your big--" Pahj stops mid-sentence as Poo, his psicrystal, vibrates so furiously it almost falls off his turban. He stands motionless for ten seconds wearing the same dumb expression mouth agape before he finishes "Your robes are exquisite."


Pahj admires Nanai's new mount, and while he doesn't say it aloud, he's relieved her appearance and temperament is more pleasant than Pa-ari's. "Nanai, I'm a fool for overlooking this but if you don't mind I would like you to take Poo with you on your scouting runs." The green crystal on his turban floats away, grows wispy ectoplasmic legs, and lands on Nanai's shoulder. "Poo is my greatest friend and an extension of my will. Where my studies take me to every conceivable subject, Poo represents pure mental focus and contemplation required to master the psionic arts. I see all that he sees and we can avoid future ambushes if we're alert to your plight beforehand."

"He speaks common but I wouldn't engage him in conversation. He's a terrible bore and a nagging nanny."

2010-06-13, 08:13 PM
"No, my dear, your big--" Pahj stops mid-sentence as Poo, his psicrystal, vibrates so furiously it almost falls off his turban. He stands motionless for ten seconds wearing the same dumb expression mouth agape before he finishes "Your robes are exquisite."

Zarabeths' eyes were glittering dangerously, and she still gives Pahj a look as she swirls off the cloak she was trying and reaches for another....

2010-06-13, 09:10 PM
"Nanai, I'm a fool for overlooking this but if you don't mind I would like you to take Poo with you on your scouting runs." The green crystal on his turban floats away, grows wispy ectoplasmic legs, and lands on Nanai's shoulder. "Poo is my greatest friend and an extension of my will. Where my studies take me to every conceivable subject, Poo represents pure mental focus and contemplation required to master the psionic arts. I see all that he sees and we can avoid future ambushes if we're alert to your plight beforehand."

"He speaks common but I wouldn't engage him in conversation. He's a terrible bore and a nagging nanny."

Nanai nods.I would be glad to have the extra eyes. I'll try not to speak to him....

2010-06-14, 01:49 AM
@Pahj:The thing is, you've noticed that Zarabeth has also - maybe not nearly so much as yourself - but has ever-so-slightly gotten just the faintest bit soft around the middle in the last month, though her assets above and below perhaps never looked finer.

2010-06-23, 02:31 PM
Soooo, ready to move out?

2010-06-23, 08:36 PM
Ready here

2010-06-23, 08:37 PM
Nanai fits Kha-hotep with her saddle and bridle and climbs up. Ready.

2010-06-24, 01:22 PM
"Roll out!"

2010-06-24, 07:19 PM
Your party rides/ walks/ flies out and into the desert, finally ready to take on whatever comes your way ... but coming to trouble with murderous intent.

Lieutenant Hamephat has his men salute your party as you leave, and he wishes you good hunting.

You get to the remainders that were left by Aartuat's soldiers. Lots of cautionary signs surround the field of battle, with heads on pikes and warnings to other would-be raiders. Beyond that, dessication and being open to scavengers large and small have done much to pick the bodies to bones in just this month.

2010-06-25, 08:07 PM
Nanai will ride out to his customary point......With Pahj's Poo on his shoulder.

2010-06-25, 09:32 PM
What are Nanai's average and maximum roving distances from the party?

2010-06-25, 09:59 PM
500' at the most, averaging between 300 and 375.

2010-06-26, 12:13 PM

Zarabeth is clearly happy to be back on the road and back in action, and it shows from the spring in her step. Every so often, a frown crosses her face, but she makes an effort to send it away as quickly as it arrives. When the party stops for rests or meals, she tests the edge of her weapons and sharpens them exactingly. When she is doing this, she has a look of intense concentration on her face, you know without a doubt she is looking forward to sliding them in to the foes that slew her lover.

2010-06-27, 03:08 PM
It is a particularly hot day in Khemit right now ... which bodes poorly for the characters. A mid-day rest is set up. Bjórn creates tenting material and poles for him and Nanai to set up a sunbreak for the horses. Bjórn, Nanai, and Kha-hotep are fine. Master Chin is tough and suited to hot temperatures, though it is nearing his limit. That leaves Pahj and Zarabeth who are vulnerable (and the horses). The horses are given the main part of the shade (the unicorn is fine, too) and their tack and harness removed the horses are almost crowded, and anyone trying to squeeze between them to get shade would pretty much act as a heat insulator for themselves and the horses on each side (underneath is the same deal). This means that Pahj and Zarabeth are left 'out in the cold'.

Zarabeth, Bjórn can cast protection from energy [fire] on you, and that will help you through the hottest part of the day.

Pahj, energy adaptation works for a little more than an hour-and-a-half (for yourself, only). Do you use that to help dissipate the heat? It would take Bjórn a full hour just to re-allocate for another usage.

2010-06-27, 03:36 PM

Im all for a nice tan, it looks good on me...but this is ridiculous. Besides, in this heat, I'll probably burn before I could tan. So I thank you for the spell.

Zarabeth still choses a spot where there is at least a bit of shade (beside a rock or such), although not near the horses, and goes to work sharpening her blades once again. In the bright noon-day sun, the razor sharp edges glint dangerously.

2010-06-27, 05:23 PM
Nanai will rest some, but volunteers to take the first watch.

2010-06-28, 12:45 AM
Pahj squeezes between a horse and meditates. He doesn't manifest any powers and relies on his own endurance to resist the heat.

2010-06-28, 05:14 AM
Nanai, you know that Pahj is stealing the wicking effect of air from two horses ... effectively muting the shade effect, while at the same time doing nothing for himself. Do you say anything, or let it go and hope that two horses and Pahj just make do?

2010-06-28, 07:57 AM
Pahj squeezes between a horse and meditates. He doesn't manifest any powers and relies on his own endurance to resist the heat.

Friend Pahj. I am concerned that while you might be in the shade, you are still sandwiched between two warm creatures. Many is the time I recall having to huddle up on a cold desert night for warmth and I wonder if perhaps the same being done in the heat, will in fact make it worse?

2010-06-28, 01:03 PM
Pahj grumpily moves out of the shade and jokingly adds "Perhaps Master Chin could enlarge himself and I could sit in his shadow?"

2010-06-28, 01:07 PM
Something you could do, Nanai/ Pahj, but it's kind of silly given that you don't expect to be here too long, is called a 'sandpack.' Basically, Pahj's body is covered in sand (several inches, not just a light sprinkling) and only his head is showing. This would allow his head to stick out while still being cross wise to the horses body and still be in shade. This might make it meaningful to be here a little longer. Does Pahj just 'tough it out'?

2010-06-28, 01:19 PM
Nanai grabs a shovel and looks at Pahj with just a tad bit to much anticipation......:amused: Perhaps the sun is getting to him as well....LOL

2010-06-28, 02:53 PM
Zarabeth, even though the spell protects you against fire and heat damage, it seems that there might be some dessicating effect or something that's bothering you.

It starts with just feeling just a little 'off' about a half-hour after this reposo. A few minutes later, your head feels ever so slightly funny. You then start to feel hot. Meanwhile the smells of the many horses (even though you're not packed in) really gets to you, and your forehead starts to feel prickly as sweat pushes out and your stomach feels off. You can't get comfortable as the discomfort, the heat, the slight dizziness increases ...

... and then the dessicaion effect finally is brought home as you go off to the side to 'evacuate' breakfast. Then comes that sudden relief, that sudden cooling to almost chilly (because the spell makes it feel - barring physical distress such as you felt - that you're at 'room temperature'), and the mild shakiness of the limbs.

But you feel better now.

[Everyone else that could be affected made necessary saving throws.]

2010-06-28, 03:35 PM
Pahj glares at Nanai. "I don't know what you're thinking but I'm not a frail man. I can tough it until sunfall, thank you."

2010-06-28, 06:13 PM
Nanai, it seems that Zarabeth is suffering from dehydration effects, even though she has been taking water. This happens from time-to-time with those whose bodies are unaccustomed to dealing with this type of heat - their bodies do not yet 'know how' to regulate fluids. You'd have to do a diagnosis as a healer to determine how bad this effect is with her. The only troublesome thing is how quickly it set in.

Pahj, you take a total of 6 nonlethal damage over a two-hour period. This does not heal like other nonlethal damage (i.e., your HD/ per hour).

All, note that conditions were 'Hot' today ... meaning 91 - 100 degrees Fahrenheit. It will only get warmer from here as the days go on, especially at these lower elevations.

2010-06-28, 06:58 PM
"Poor Zarabeth. I'll prepare a few spells the next day to make our journey easier." The next day when spells are prepared Pahj swaps out protection from energy for endure elements and bull's strength for rope trick.

2010-06-28, 08:44 PM
And so, after a couple hours of the hottest part of the day, the party travels onwards.

Nanai, since you are the point-man, you get to where the desert track forks off to the city of Tantere on one, and to the Ahar-Ptah Oasis on the other. You ride another mile or so (the party behind you a couple hundred feet), and you see a cave entrance that is partially blocked by a hummock of sand about 15 feet high at its center and 30 feet in diameter. What do you do?

2010-06-29, 11:04 AM
If Zarabeth will allow it, Nanai will perform a check and diagnosis.

Nanai will ride back to the others.

There is a cave ahead with the entrance partially obscured by a sand hill. I thin we should check it out. It may also provide us and excellent respite from the heat of the day.

2010-06-30, 04:28 AM
"Or an excellent means to end up in a monster's belly. Shall we?

2010-06-30, 06:14 AM
"Or an excellent means to end up in a monster's belly. Shall we?

Such a lack of confidence, we're not ending up in any monsters belly for a long time. Lead on to this cave Nanai, lets see what treasures it holds for us.

Just in case, however, Zarabeth follows with her swords unsheathed

2010-07-01, 11:52 AM
Nanai will approach Zarabeth (retroactively) and sit beside her.

I am concerned about your response to the heat. My skills in healing may be of some assistance as long as I know what I am trying to heal. With your permission, I would like to examine you to determine the cause of such an extreme reaction.

2010-07-01, 12:02 PM
Zarabeth will allow Nanai to examine her to determine the cause of the illness, and any treatment that might aid her.

2010-07-01, 12:05 PM
Nanai will use his healing skills to examine Zarabeth. There isn't really a secluded place to do this, alas.

[spolier] Heal check [roll0] [/spoiler]

2010-07-01, 12:06 PM
Nanai will use his healing skills to examine Zarabeth. There isn't really a secluded place to do this, alas.

[spolier] Heal check [roll0] [/spoiler]

Spelling check.......fumble......

2010-07-01, 01:06 PM
Zarabeth, do you allow Bjorn to assist Nanai? He's also a physician ... and though less focused than Nanai, he knows some fey medicine Nanai doesn't.

2010-07-01, 01:49 PM
I suppose its a bit meta-gamey seeing the roll Nanai got....but then again, with the taste of her breakfast still in her mouth :smallyuk: she would take all the help she could get, even before she knew about the fail.

2010-07-01, 02:59 PM
[PM sent to BuckGodot and MikelaC1.] :smalleek:

2010-07-01, 07:59 PM
If anyone should notice, Bjorn and Zarabeth aside, they will see Nanai suddenly pause, go ashen white, and oddly break out in what appears to be a sweat. That is odd unto itself, given how acclimatized he is to the region...Then, after a couple minutes of what appears to be mental calculation, his colour will return to normal and he will continue conversing with Bjorn and Zarabeth.

2010-07-03, 08:38 AM
Nanai will lead the group back to the cave in such a way that we cannot be seen approaching it.

2010-07-03, 05:31 PM
The hummock conveniently does exactly that. Bjórn turns invisible. What do you do with the horses/ unicorn?

2010-07-03, 05:42 PM

Zarabeth comes back to the rest of the group, with Nanai and Bjorn beside her. She sits, and motions the others to join her.

We found out the reason I was affected so badly by the heat, Nanai and Bjorn have determined that I am pregnant. The responsible thing for me to do would be to return to the village, hang up my swords and await the birth of my child. But then, I've never been one to be too responsible. So I will continue, hopefully not receiving any belly cuts in my battles. For at least several months, its not going to be a problem, at least until I look like I have a pumpkin hiding under my silks.

2010-07-03, 05:45 PM
Kha-hotep. Would you please ask the horses to remain calm and stay here with them to ensure they are safe?

Since Nanai is no longer on point, unless he still is in the cave, does Pahj's Poo return whence it came?

2010-07-03, 06:11 PM
Absently, Pahj says, "Well, that makes sense."
Ka-hotep says, "Ummm, how, exactly? Whinny-whinny-bray-bray-whinny-bray. Snort-snort-lipflapple-whinny? I believe that's Horse for 'I am a Human, and use a latrine. Could you tell me where one is, please?'

"Yup, that pretty much exhausts my equinal repertoire."

2010-07-03, 06:29 PM
Forgive me. That was a foolish assumption. We can tie up the horses and decide which of us will watch them.

(Bet ya didn't know Nanai was a bigot! Speicieist!)

2010-07-03, 09:03 PM

As the party makes its preparations, Zarabeth does some prep of her own, casting Greater Mage Armour on herself. She also offers a Mage Armour spell to anyone who is currently not wearing armour. She unsheathes one of her short swords, but keeps her other hand empty for now, ready to either buff with another spell or draw for two weapon attack.

+6 for 10 hours on her AC, +4 for 10 hours on any other casting

2010-07-04, 05:46 AM
Ka-hotep can corral the horses, and there's really not much to tie the horses up with or to, as Bjórn dispelled the magical tarp and poles before travelling again).

So, you're standing behind the hummock, about to make preps (but not having made them already), when suddenly Zarabeth is drawn down into a quicksand-like morass. She is covered up to her knees. That is when the whole hummock seems to shimmer and move with life.

R1T29: Zarabeth, the force holding you down is immensely strong, and you realize that the entire hummock ... which spreads out to include the ground the group is standing upon ... seems to be some type of construct or sentient thing, making this a Huge creature! What do you do?

2010-07-04, 01:42 PM

Zarabeth is a blur of action as she casts 2 spells in quick succession on herself and draws her second sword for battle.

Swift action: cast Shield, quickened, extended, +9 to AC
Standard action: cast Greater Mage Armour, +6 to AC
Move action: draw second short sword for battle

2010-07-05, 04:41 AM
R1T29: Zarabeth is a blur of action as she casts 2 spells in quick succession on herself and draws her second sword for battle. Spells as posted.
R1T21: "It's some sort of elemental," Pahj says. "Which means that it has no weak points with which precise strikes can affect it."

Pahj tumbles back 15' effortlessly (now 20' from the creature) and manifests a max-power inertial armor. Poo, come to me when you can, Pahj calls with his mind, willing it to fly.

R1T20: Master Chin practically rolls into an oversized medicine ball as he tumbles back (also effortlessly) 35' (40' from the creature). He calls upon the gifts the janni gave him, and he increases to Large size (13' 6", ~2800 lbs).

R1T19.9: Nanai also recognizes the creature as some sort of elemental, but not one he's ever seen or heard of before. Take a look at the d20 SRD under Monster Types: Elemental, to get a feel of the general abilities of an elemental.
Realizing that Zarabeth probably doesn't have a prayer of out-muscling the sand monster, he concentrates and casts freedom of movement on Zarabeth. He then focuses his defense against the creature (Dodge) and moves back as carefully as possible (Mobility) to open datum. It's not enough though, as part of its sandy mass forms into a large fist that's tough to dodge. Nanai gets hit in upper chest, feeling it most in the supranatural sternum for 15 damage as he pulls away ... but he finally gets to his mark of 30' movement (35' from monster).

Zarabeth suddenly feels very alone. :smalleek:

R1T18: [Wow, there were a lot of high rolls for initiative this battle!] The creature's quicksand ability draws Zarabeth further down so that most of her upper leg is under the sand, and the pressure of the sand is even greater than it was before - holding her even more firmly.

A line of sand and rock fires out at Pahj. Pahj realizes that this attack is broad enough to slam into him without having to overcome his psionic armor. His neural synapses fire, seeing a way to dodge precisely to minimize damage, doing so easily. Even then, he still takes 13 damage.

A curtain of sand whirls up that obscures vision. It is 15' wide, 2' thick, and 30' tall. It is angled slightly to come from right in front of both Master Chin and Nanai. Master Chin's sixth sense easily kicks in for him to step back and profile his body to not be hurt by any of the scouring sand. Nanai's reflexes serve him as well, and he takes no damage and is not blinded. On the down side, it is in front of the men and neither of them can see more than what is 5' on the other side of the screen, thus losing sight of the creature, Zarabeth, and Pahj.

R1T10: Poo flies off of Nanai's keffiyah to a height of 50' in the air.

R1T5: Bjórn's voice is heard from somewhere above Pahj. Even with the whirling sand screen, Nanai and Master Chin hear it as well. Bjórn, a fey creature, not only has an incredible knowledge of the creatures of nature, but an even more comprehensive knowledge of planar monsters.

"Great spell, Nanai! Pahj is right: no special killing strikes; it has no 'sides' so no flanking; no bodily processes to affect. It's a sanddevil - not evil, but just a descriptive name. Tough to hurt without magic. It's body flows around any piercing attacks, thus being totally unaffected by such weapons. Sorry, Zarabeth. Seems like it is a permanent guard, so I doubt it is summoned or conjured; protection from evil is doubly useless. It can also sense anything touching the ground with its tremorsense.

Good attack choices? Large quantities of water slow it down briefly. Control winds, whirlwind, move earth, wind wall, transmute rock to mud, any fire-based attack (fuses the sand), and flesh to stone particularly damage its integrity."

Bjórn appears 25' overhead of the creature as several, several gallons of water (and lots of delicious food items ... it was the faerie equivalent of create food & water, so better than gruel) rain down on the creature. This water and food also splashes onto Zarabeth. :smallannoyed: :smallbiggrin: The water glops the creature's movements, slowing it down considerably. Of course, neither Nanai or Master Chin know this, nor do they see Bjórn.

End Round One, Begin Round Two ...

R2T29: Zarabeth, you just found out that your swords and bow are absolutely useless. On the plus side, you recognized Nanai's freedom of movement spell ... just the tool for this job! Though honestly this quicksand effect doesn't crush you. What do you do?

2010-07-05, 06:44 AM

Zarabeth curses the sand eloquently as she attempts to pull herself free of its crushing grip, hoping that Nanai's spell and Bjorn's water are enough; and tumble out of its reach. Shes not a naturally tumbler, but her earlier training in life as a Battle Dancer gave her at least an understanding of the skill, and she occasionally incorporated some of it in her routines. At the end of her tumble, she draws her only useful weapon against this creature, a wand of lightning bolts.

[roll0] Tumble

2010-07-06, 07:56 AM
R2T29: Zarabeth curses the sand eloquently as she attempts to pull herself free of its crushing grip, hoping that Nanai's spell and Bjorn's water are enough; and tumble out of its reach. Shes not a naturally tumbler, but her earlier training in life as a Battle Dancer gave her at least an understanding of the skill, and she occasionally incorporated some of it in her routines. Her acrobatic skills are a little rusty, though not entirely devoid, but the creature still manages to throw out a gloppy-wet extension of heavy sand that slams into the spot where she was held just a minute before as she drops one of her swords. Wands, to me, are 'weapon-like' objects and can be drawn on the move like weapons. For you to draw the wand, you had to loose a sword. Since the intention was ostensibly for you to fire at first opportunity ... I had you let 'er rip with a charge.
As she tumbles (ending up 20' from the creature), she draws her only useful weapon against this creature, a wand of lightning bolts. She steadies herself and then activates the wand, a 5-foot-wide arcing line of lightning cutting into the creature. As a slowed, Huge-sized pile of sand ... Reflex saves are not its forte. It takes the whole 36 electricity damage as it heats some of the sand into glass particles that drop off, and the voltage simply acts as a huge fist.

R2T21: Pahj and Zarabeth, both 20' from the creature, stand 'inside the sand screen blocking them from their friends (without going around the long way). Pahj realizes that even with the monster's slowed reflexes, a single step forward could still be disastrous, so he moves to the side and back - away from the sand screen, but still 35' from the monster. Comforted by finally seeing Bjórn's position, he lets loose with a full-power, psionic fireball. The monster takes 32 fire damage from the fireball, and an additional 22 fire damage because of the fusing effect of the heat on the sand, for 58 fire damage total.

R2T20: Now aware of what the threat actually is, the Large Master Chin rumbles forward through the sand screen without impediment towards the monstrosity, using incredible feats of deceptive acrobatics as he goes. When he gets to the creature he stops abruptly, fully adjacent to the creature, and stomps his feet (individually) into the ground to set up an extremely powerful pose in his horse stance. He uses his arms as a shield and thrusts forward his head to headbutt it for 24 damage, his ki fully empowered for extra damage and powering through its damage reduction.

Nanai's turn ...

2010-07-06, 08:10 AM
Seeing Master Chin enter close to the fray, Nanai points his gloved fingers at the sand wall launching 5 darts of magic to strike the creature.

magic missile [roll0]

2010-07-06, 12:41 PM
R2T19.9: Nanai cuts sideways across the battlefield to clear the sand screen to get a good shot, ending up 45' from the monster. Seeing Master Chin enter close to the fray, Nanai points his gloved fingers at the sand wall launching 5 darts of magic to strike the creature for a total of 13 force damage, with lots of sand spurrting and spraying as the eldritch bolts strike true and deep.

R2T18: Though slowed, and annoyingly so, the sanddevil knows the greatest threat was that scorching ball of fire sent by the man with the funny cloth hat. It sends out a line of sand and rock towards Pahj, who is ready for such a silly attack. Pahj's outstanding reflexes minimize damage to only 11 points. Still, the wounds start to stack some.

R2T10: Poo 'divebombs' its creator, and attaches itself back its normal position as the large crystal diadem on Pahj's turban.

R2T5: Increasing height to 30' above the creature, Bjórn sends forth a rainbow-colored bolt of arcane energy that does 12 damage.

End Round Two, Begin Round Three...

Zarabeth, if you 'slice the pie' (i.e., move around to the side), you will have an easy shot with the wand of lightning without hurting Master Chin. What do you do?

2010-07-06, 12:52 PM

Zarabeth easily sidesteps to her best angled shot at the sand beast without hitting any members of her party. She points her wand, chanting out
Ampere, watt, volt and ohm
Let this discharge find its home
An arc of lightning forms despite her bad puns, hitting the creature
[roll0] Damage

2010-07-06, 12:59 PM
I imagine I should have put a tumble roll in there to move to the new position
[roll0] Tumble

EDIT: If you tell me that I didnt need to roll that, I am going to be VERY pissed about 'wasting' a natural 20...

2010-07-06, 04:27 PM
R3T29: Zarabeth easily sidesteps to her best angled shot at the sand beast without hitting any members of her party. Before, despite the spell, she was trying to be more athletic out of stress and the feeling of the force of the sand; with the freedom of movement and her frenetic movments, her body overcompensated. Now that she is used to truly 'unimpeded' movement, she calms her mind to the manner she best employs her acrobatics: with finesse, disguised in dance motions. The sanddevil almost doesn't even realize she moved by the time she finds her new mark, having been mesmerized by the swaying motions of her dance - much like a cobra hypnotizes its prey.

She points her wand, chanting out:
"Ampere, watt, volt and ohm
Let this discharge find its home!"

An arc of lightning forms despite her bad puns, hitting the creature for 28 electricity damage. There seem to be fused, blasted sections of the sanddevil that it is having a much harder time filling in with surrounding sand now.

R3T21: Pahj looks at the creature's weakened integrity, does some super-speed analyses, and with a final calculation he sends forth a non-powered bolt of fire that hits the creature unerringly in center-mass for 11 fire damage total. It would've done more, but the creature seems to recognize the greatest danger Pahj represents. It seems just barely together, and Pahj tumbles back 15' (now 30' away).

R3T20: During the last several seconds, from the time he planted his feet, Master Chin has been firmly rooted despite the movement of the rest of his body. He thrusts out with a fist with a powerful shout. Had it hit a person it would have done grievous injury just by the merit of its perfect placement; in this case it does 22 damage. But so sublime is his punch that he thrusts it deep into the center of the sanddevil with a "Ki....", and as soon as his fist has gone in deep enough that his arm is buried up to the shoulder (all of this taking place very quickly), he finishes by saying "...ai!"

Sand explodes everywhere, and the sand screen drops. The creature apparently destroyed or dispelled. Master chin just pats away some sand that was on him. Poor Bjórn, however, who was 30 feet above the center of the creature's 'eruption', seems less thrilled. "Great!" he shouts, "now I have sand in places I didn't even know existed."

2010-07-06, 07:57 PM

Zarabeth looks at Bjorn as he makes his comment.
You and Don Julio, do all of you fey complain so much?
Zarabeth proceeds to dig into the sand, both to find her discarded short sword, and to see if there is any loot dropped by previous victims of the sand devil.

2010-07-07, 06:13 AM
Nanai will do rounds of healing on those in need. Twice checking Zarabeth.

2010-07-07, 10:14 AM

Zarabeth waves off the hovering and fluttering Nanai, muttering under her breath something about old mother hens (at least, thats what it might have been) and continues in her investigation for her missing sword and other trinkets.

2010-07-07, 01:11 PM
Bjórn replies to Zarabeth, "You know, if it were you in my place ... I imagine you would think it a little more uncomfortable. Sand has more places to go." :smallwink:

@NanaiActually, I did update your sheet with spells and such before. Call me if you need to know what to look for.
Nanai checks everyone, and Bjórn will help. Pahj gets a CCW that heals 29 hp's, bringing him to full, while removing all of his heat exhaustion. Nanai then plops a CLW on himself for max effect (14), bringing him to one point shy of full. Zarabeth keeps waving Nanai away, but it is obvious that the sand didn't crush in on her ... but merely held her fast until Nanai freed her with his spell. Without it, she likely would've been pulled under by its insescapable strength and suffocated.

Ox makes the observation that even though Bjórn wet and blasted it, the creature seemed to not even take any notice of him. Bjórn answers, "Huh. It seems it can't perceive its surrounding with the same eyeless 'sight' that other elementals can ... and it depends entirely on its tremorsense. Good observation, Ox! That's one to pen down for the records."

Pahj is glad to be healed, but just tries to hold the fact that he is more than a little crestfallen that such a tough creature carried no treasure.

"It's not a creature that happens to be here," says Bjórn. "I know, I actually specialize in conjurations and the like. So I have insight to placements. No, this wasn't conjured; but it's not incidental. It's position make me think it is some form of a guard. And if it doesn't have treasure to entice it, either it is was bound here by some other means...


"... then it is a guard here because it wants (or was convinced) to be. That means it was probably something tougher that could make it do this without any binding or pay!"

2010-07-09, 08:42 AM

Zarabeth retrieves her sword (or depending on your interpretation, she gets a new one), and shakes out the sand from her own 'places'.

So, we have a guardian, and obviously an opponent who has a method of compelling creations. Lets go see if we can make his life a little more inconvenient.

2010-07-09, 09:04 AM
Nanai will begin to slowly make his way into the cave, allowing time for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Battle-axe at the ready.

2010-07-10, 02:28 AM
Nanai, you slowly make your way inside. There is a small fore-portion about 8' wide by 17' deep. A fairly high opening to the east leads into a big cave in which mounts must be kept, as you hear some whinnying and snorting. A low passage to the west lies about 8' distance from the entrance. The ante-portion of this sandstone cave is about 9' by 18' in size. At the end is an opening to the west that is big enough for a camel to pass through. To the east, about halfway along the wall, is a low passage of about 4' in height and 3' in width.

Any further exploration will require a light source.

2010-07-11, 09:10 AM
I turn back, and look to the others.......whispering....Torch?

2010-07-11, 12:54 PM
It looks like we will need one. If you want, I can cast a light spell on something to do the same effect. Do you plan to go into the cavern with the horses.

2010-07-11, 06:11 PM
I think it best we leave the mounts here as a whinny could give us away. Bjorn, if you would be so kind as to light the way for me?

2010-07-11, 06:11 PM
A discussion is made concerning visual requirements in the darkness, and light-generating abilities. [See OOC post.] Only Bjórn can see in darkness or poor lighting (not counting Poo, Pahj's psicrystal). But, he also can generate daylight all day long as if he were shucking ears of corn ... so he is a dynamo of light-generation for the party.

He offers to cast daylight on Nanai's golden axe (since he's going in with light), Pahj's shield, Ox' shirt, and one or both of Zarabeth's short swords. He offers this many in case the party gets separated. He will not cast daylight on any of his (few) belongings, since he has stealthy options he does not wish to undo.

Any objects from Nanai or Zarabeth?

2010-07-11, 06:14 PM
No objection here.

2010-07-11, 07:40 PM
No objection here either...Zarabeth isnt into stealth...shes an upfront kind of gal...

2010-07-12, 02:51 AM
Pahj trusts in his wits more than trained 'stealth', but he doesn't want to paint himself a target, either, so passes on a daylight on his shield.

Ox figures that most of what you'll fight is human bandits, and there'll be enough powerful, moving light sources that he doesn't need to add another one just yet. Besides, if push comes to shove he can turn invisible. Oh, and by now Ox has returned to normal size.

Nanai, with his golden, glowing battleaxe, enters the cave - followed at some distance by the rest of the party. He then goes down the larger passageway where he heard horses. In about 3 or 4 feet he sees a big cave. This chamber is pierced by several openings high up, so light filters in and there is air movement. [Ha-ha, but at least you know limitations/ benefits of light with the party.] Dung litters the floor, and there are piles of the coarse fodder typically used to maintain the horses in the place. There is a little trickle of water coming down the stone wall in the south. It fills a natural rock basin there, then washes over the edge to be absorbed by the sandstone of the cave's floor.

The leather rope tied across the mouth of this cave is meant to keep animals within. There are 10 horsese here, unsaddled but sweaty, standing calmly in the area, munching the dry fodder, and stopping now and then to suck up water from the nearby pool.

There appears to be a low passage on the western wall of the entry.

Nanai, now what?

2010-07-12, 09:26 AM
Pahj? Can you fling your Poo ahead to perhaps scout out what's ahead for us? Or does it not work that way?

2010-07-12, 04:04 PM
Pahj gives Nanai a withering glare. "I am a man, not a monkey. I fling neither poo, nor Poo. Poo will remain with me. It is useful when you do long-range reconnaissance. Though small, its colors catch the light and it is terrible at hiding, and only provides limited information via telepathic speech and empathy, not visual. It has no defensive capability other than the hardness of a crystal. If pushed into a corner, it has no offensive capability, either.

"So, to answer your question ... while Poo could scout ahead, no it does not, nor will it - ever - work that way."

2010-07-12, 07:08 PM

Moving quickly to forestall any more arguments, Zarabeth gets in between the two men, placing a hand on both of their chests.

Lets save it for the bandits, not each other. Nanai, I'll go with you to scout, if you like.

2010-07-12, 07:27 PM
"Zarabeth, why are we whispering?" asks Bjórn almost mockingly. Then, sotto voce, "You do realize that my fantastically bright daylight spell can be seen from farther than it illuminates, right?

"Sooo, tell me again the reasoning for the super-creepy stealth mode?"

2010-07-15, 06:43 AM

Sparing a withering look for Bjorn (even though the little rascal is right about the brightness), Zarabeth, with both swords drawn, leads the way into the passage on the western wall.

2010-07-16, 01:23 PM
Turning and walking along with Zarabeth, Nanai prepares for combat.....

2010-07-19, 10:23 AM
There's a couple of brief split-offs, but several, several feet down the passageway ends in what looks like loose rubble. Nanai's sharp eyes and survival lore recognize that the rocks don't look right ... like they haven't fully settled over time.

2010-07-20, 08:59 AM
Nanai will cast detect magic and take a careful look around this area.

2010-07-20, 11:33 AM
Your spell detects nothing about the area. Now, if you are using the spell on your party members, too, to 'spy' what their magic is, let me know by PM. Otherwise, you probably clear people to the side as you make your sweep so they don't 'block your readings.'

2010-07-20, 03:05 PM
There is nothing of magic to this pile.....I think if we begin clearing, we may be through shortly.

2010-07-20, 03:07 PM

Zarabeth flexes her arms and steps forward

Hopefully, nothing is waiting right on the other side to catch us weaponless. Now, does anyone have any ideas about which ones to remove first to prevent the whole pile from falling on us?