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2009-11-22, 10:28 PM
This will be the gaming thread for my Sand and Blood IC thread. Under construction.

2009-11-23, 09:37 AM

When Zarabeth first walks into a room, your initial reaction is "hey, the entertainment is here". She looks nothing at all like a hardened adventurer, more like a belly dancer in her dancing silks, looking for a lap to snuggle into. She stands at 5'6", with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

However, on closer inspection, you can spot the tell tale signs of an adventurer. She always carries her dual short swords, and from the wear on the scabbards, you can tell that they are well used. The belt at her waist has a small spell component pouch within easy reach, and several of her jewels sparkle just a bit more than might be expected from the ordinary type.

2009-11-23, 02:53 PM

Ren appears as a tall man, simply dressed. Standing well over six feet, and broadly built, he is hard to miss. A rough and ragged cloak around his shoulders and a heavy walking stick in hand, he is every inch the weather-beaten traveler. His eyes tend to be distant, but assume the warmth of kindness when around animals of any sort.

Ren has a tendency to observe social situations quietly, eyes darting to whoever is speaking. He possesses a sleight animalistic quality, often acting on instinct. He will take his time to get to know people, usually very wary when he first meets them, but becomes very loyal to those who earn his trust.

2009-11-23, 07:38 PM
@Zarabeth & RenAs far as the rest of the world is concerned, there is no forgotten tomb in the Necropolis within the area knowns as the Gorge of Osiris. In fact, it's likely that most Khemitians haven't even heard of that place! To the world, the site is lost forever, but Julio Nyavel Rezendes-Goldfarb - your noble patron - is convinced otherwise, and he even has a map that shows the general location of the place.

The map's acquisition and a translation of the ancient hieroglyphs and its arcane code have cost him (and you) dearly, but now you are certain that your party will strike what can only be likened to the mother lode of treasures, an untouched tomb sealed up a thousand years ago after it was filled with riches and magical devices suitable to the internment of a great Archpriest of Khemit.

The one buried, Rahotep, was possibly a pretender to the throne, a virtual Pharaoh for a brief period in any event. Of that you are sure. Thus, his burial place will reflect his power and position when he lived and was the first ecclesiastic in the mighty kingdom of Khemit. No question. The effort, time, and money expended was a worthwhile investment ... you hope.

General Overview of the Gorge of Osiris (http://docs.google.com/View?id=df7mhq9k_21j94bskdb)

2009-11-23, 08:28 PM
@Ren & ZarabethThus having already spent a huge sum of treasure, more has had to be paid over to get your group all the way to Thebes, a city not too distant from the location of the gorge and its lost tomb. Arriving in the Triple Kingdom, and in the guise of a wealthy nobleman and his two servants, you have managed to progress inland all the way up the Great River to the metropolis of Thebes, the capitol city of the Middle Kingdom, seat of many of the temples of the deities in Khemit, and the "Palace of Pharaoh," the place from which all the empire is ruled.

In keeping with your roles, you have stayed (and entertained) in the finest inns, eaten in the most expensive restaurants, entertained lavishly, visited the famous places, and seen all the sights including the four great pyramids and twin sphinxes. Hunting, fishing, luxurious accommodations, entertainment, the grand barge, and more have brought your purses to low condition (except, perhaps, Ren) by the time you reached Thebes. Even Don Julio is feeling the pinch now.

Such news there! A recent proclamation by Pharaoh Tuthmosis IX announced that anyone caught desecrating an ancient grave (let alone despoiling a noble's tomb) is subject to summary execution on the spot, without trial! What coincidence triggered this decree, you can't guess, and you dare not query any native on the subject. So, knowing that there is official concern over old burial sites, speculative that there will be watchfulness, and certain that if you are caught robbing such a place your end will be death, things no longer seem quite as rosy as they did. Tough and capable as you are, the repute of the Priests, Wizards, and Warriors of Khemit makes it unlikely that force will prevail in case your true purpose for being here is discovered.

Knowing that once alerted the minions of Pharaoh will be able to carry out their duty, you determined to be even more cautious and circumspect as you proceeded. Thebes is, as noted, not too far from the location you ultimately seek. Getting to the town of Farnoc and on to the village of Aartuat is not likely to be a challenge. Penetrating the Gorge of Osiris without alerting any of the local population might be more difficult. The village is only some five miles distant from the Necropolis. Furthermore, there is a temple, a place of Osiris, in the Gorge. It might still be tenanted by clerics of that deity.

The greater difficulty is at the other end, so to speak, that time when you've finished and are loaded down with wealth. You could not be seen carrying such spoils from the desert Necropolis back through Khemit. Some route of exit other than a retracing of your journey to the place needs to be found. Then Julio had an inspiration.

Nomad raiders manage to get through the western barrens all the time. Your party could do the same! However, that requires someone to guide you through the wastes there, and who better than the raiders, the nomads of the deserts of the west? None, of course. By careful, seemingly casual inquiries, Don Julio managed to get in touch with certain tribesmen. For a price, these men put you in contact with other nomads, the Tuareg Warriors. Again, for a fee now and a larger one later, they agreed to assist you in your party.

There are ways through the Harkh-Attura, the range of old mountains, hills, and badlands on whose eastern verge is located the Gorge of Osiris known to the Tuareg. In one month's time, they promise, they will be waiting for you near where the hidden track to the Dakhla-Amun oasis meets the main route. They will wait for "two hands of the moon-rises, no more," for otherwise "Pharaoh's Soldiers will come in 20 times our number and attak us and even Warriors so great as Tuaregs can't defeat that many enemies."

They will have extra horses, water, food, and everything else needed for an escape all the way across the desert to the lands around the sea. Of course, you will have to give them a quarter share of your loot then, but that is a small price to pay. Merchants, while thieves, will pay you handsomely for ancient goods, antique items, old coins, and jewelry. Milliions, millions each, are the prospect there!!!

The 50 desert fighters promised should likewise serve as sufficient deterrent to other brigands too, whether Blemmyish, Bedouin, or Tuareg. Yet the matter is one that requires precise timing. You have sufficient time to manage it all, but not much to spare. Become familiar with the locale, get in solidly with the natives, and make them think you are mere explorers and tourists, not tomb-robbers. Then find the lost burial place, break in, gather up the wealth, and follow the track whose location is shown on your map to the rendezvous.

At last, all that accomplished, you returned to the matter of traveling to the caravanserai in Aartuat. Buying a place in a train of camels, mules, and horses carrying goods westwards to the deserts was not difficult. Your route will carry you 200 miles from the river to the outpost of Farnoc, and again almost straight on an equal distance to the village and its way station. There will you will leave the caravan, remaining to "see the land, hunt, and learn about the ways of the Khemitian barrens."

But you are visited before leaving Thebes ...

Note the post EDIT and time.

2009-11-23, 09:28 PM
[Everybody ... what occurs below will be with all of you in the room. Don Julio's party as the primary movers, Nanai as a holy man who might feel some obligation beyond money, and the big stone guy Sahu-ptah because he was activated for this very purpose.]

At the appointed times above, a man approaches and simply says, "Will you undertake a mission?" He refers to the fact that it has come to your attention that you intend to enter the Gorge of Osiris.

"If possible, remove the evil ones we are certain lurk there. Make no errors, though, and bring proofs of the wickedness and malign deeds done by any you slay in the process. That done, rest assured that Pharaoh will regard all of your acts as deeds he approves. Not only will you be allowed to retain such prize wealth as you might take in this process, but the Royal Tuthmosis will grant you honors as well. At worst, you will be made not only citizens of Khemit but Chiefs of Pharaoh ... and you might be granted positions as Warriors of Pharaoh or even Scribes."

He sees you are uncertain and adds, "the honors I speak of are great. Being made a Chief is something similar to knighthood bestowed by sovereigns in other kingdoms, while the ranks of Warrior and Scribe are more prestigious still, and bear grants of land.

"That is the optimum. If you find the foe too powerful to contest, you must gather all the information - proofs are mandatory - and bring it here to me in Thebes. For this my organization will pay you expenses, at least a gold drachma (100 gp) for each bit of proof turned over, plus three gold atens (3000 gp) apiece for your personal service. You will have the friendship of Thoth's temple, too, and if all goes well, thereafter the freedom to go where you will in Pharaoh's lands as honoored guests."

Doing a quick bit of mental calculation, the latter offer comes out to 3,000 gp clear for each of you, no expenses. Any sort of solid evidence could push that up to 4,000 gp or more. Not bad for a bit of nosing around as you sightsee in new places!

Thinking your hesitation is from uncertainty, the cleric takes something from his robe, and as he offers it to you, says: "Here is a purse of silver, 100 crescents (100 sp) total, as an advance against expenses. Take it, and the bargain is sealed."

You wonder how you will reach the place, and he introduces you to each other, assuring you that will be no problem.

The caravan guide is an itinerant holy man and worshiper of Nefertem, a god of sun and healing. Wherever you go, Khemitian and tribesmen refer to him as the Nub-kau-nefertem, but he merely refers to himself as Nanai.

Part of his holy status is that he often rides a legendary creature with a beauty you've never seen ... ever. [I'm describing it now, not because the unicorn is there, but for brevity's sake.] It is a horse with a deep red coat, and of thick and powerful dimensions. It's mane, tail, fetlocks, and thick, flowing beard appears as if it is made out of spun gold. There is a long, spiraling horn growing out of its head that looks like solid gold; and its hooves also apparently look to be made of solid gold as well. It is 5-1/2' high at the shoulders, and 9' long. It appears to be a fanastically beautiful representation of a Europan heavy warhorse or draft horse. Zarabeth recognizes that the creature appears to resemble a unicorn from the legends of her homeland, but that unicorns were usually white and could only be ridden by virgin women of purest heart. Kind of makes Z wonder if this guy is a virgin, and what would happen if she had her way with this fine specimen of desert stoicism. :sabine:

Traveling with the caravan is also a creature over 9' tall made entirely of stone named Sahu-ptah. Because he appears to be a 'thing' made to enforce the will of the gods in the world, and because Nanai is so gifted, respected everywhere, and has the grace of his god to be able to call on this Pa-ari Pen-tuauu-nefertem (the unicorn) ... they enjoy some measure of isolationism and comfort from the smellier caravaners.

Travel up the Great River will be arranged, your party going as explorers come to view the mighty stretches of the Triple Kingdom. Nearer to your destination there will be horses and all necessary gear waiting. He will furnish you with all necessary papers, but until you succeed to such extent as possible and return to him, you will otherwise be on your own. If there is trouble, the Temple of Thoth will deny all knowledge or connection.

2009-11-24, 08:52 AM

As the man speaks to the party, Zarabeth is seated on one of the beds, her dancing silks barely concealing her body, she seems casually unaware of the fact. Resting on her lap is a finely polished sword, and she is carefully running a whetstone up the edge of another one, sharpening it to a razor like finish.
As he continues to talk, she says nothing, but her eyes flicker between Don Julio and Ren, seemingly waiting for them to make the decision. Her eyes also wander to the newcomers, sizing them up in all ways.

2009-11-24, 01:03 PM
Upon first seeing Nanai, one is immediately struck by his poise. His features are that of a young man, but well worn by the sun and winds making his age hard to place. He carries his 6 foot tall, 180ish pound frame very smoothly and his dark black eyes gleam with good humor. He has shoulder length flowing black hair which he wears down and held in place by odd looking goggles. He is dressed in well worn brown desert garb and leather scale armour with a wide belt about his waist. His gloved hands rest easily on a well used scimitar but look as though they could quickly whip an arrow from the quiver on his back to be placed in the composite longbow with the oddly out of place jewel embedded in it that rests across his shoulder.

It should also be noted Nanai bears the darkened swarthy skin of a natural desert traveler.

2009-11-24, 03:47 PM
Don Julio Nyavel I-yeshua Dan-Levi Rezendes-Goldfarb

Description & Personality
Don Julio was born of an elven noblewoman from Iberia and a very wealthy Canaanite merchant whose properties were based out of Tel Jerusch (later, Jerusalem). He is small and slight of build (5' 3", 136 lb) and usually wears the very best clothing, with an uncanny knack for synthesizing all senses but actual sensate taste, despite having flawless fashion taste. His clothes look good, look as though they'd feel good on him, smell good, and even 'sound' good (no soft scraping noises, but something more ... plush). His dark brown hair is lustrous, thick, and curly and falls about (and out) his shoulders and down to the upper-middle of his back when he does not have it tied up and under a kaftan (usually he'll just wear a keffiyah). His features are high, broad cheekbones, long-but-graceful aquiline noise, pointed chin, smooth, bronzed skin, and striking emerald eyes that are nearly almond shaped.

When not on the road, he is usually only outfitted with a slender elven sword referred to as a 'rapier' ... but his carriage is of a man who chooses such an object more as a piece of male jewelry than a man who has any skill with it. The rapier itself is particularly beautiful, and probably too much so to be very serviceable anyway. All of his clothes (and ample jewelry) are of the finest Elf-Iberian make, and on the road he carries with him a bow and quiver that reflects the pure artistic nature of the man himself. Zarabeth and Ren both know that his doublet and cloak and blousy clothing often conceals a breastplate of gleaming metal - with a shine and beauty far greater than steel, or even silver - but he carries it to easily for it to be truly sturdy.

Also lately, he has 'gone native' quickly with his clothing. But whereas your guide Nanai is simply and almost monochromatic in his color choices, Don Julio chooses colorful desert garb (aba and keffiyah-caftan and sash) made from the finest Galilean wools and dyes, primarily of dark reds, purples, and blues ... but with gold thrown in for good measure ... making him look very much the part of a Bedouin prince. Everything he loves is based in feeling, sensation, and new experiences. As such, he can be a bit of a hedonist.

Don Julio has capitalized on the nigh-unique nature of his birthright and has perfectly blended the outlook and skills of an elf and a human. Living in both worlds (and often abroad) has made him particularly canny to styles, fashions, clothing, and most of all ... customs and greetings. While it will become apparent that Sahu-ptah possesses a fantastic logic, unflinching mathematical capability, and technical finesse, Don Julio is as sharp as a mortal mind you know, especially as befits a staggering variety of different types of lore on countless subjects. It was his efforts that was able to decipher not only the Blemmyish Tribesman's Account, but also conducted all of the historical research, cross-referencing, transliteration, and intuitive leaps required to divine where he believes this vast treasure lies.
Don Julio flashes Zarabeth that winning smile - and his green eyes catch the light to flash at the thought of this proposition. (He is expert at using his surroundings in subtle ways like the eye-flash trick to augment his personal appeal. It's not magic, it's years of skill knowing how to eke the very best advantage in social situations that it is nigh automatic for him.)

In a side-smile-smirk that is his trademark, he looks at the priest and says, "I think I can speak for I and my associates when I say that we are honored to be chosen for this holy task." (Poke-Indigo, I choose you!)

2009-11-24, 06:28 PM

Ren leans back against the wall, arms crossed. His eyes dart around the room, surveying everyone, resting comfortable only on Zarabeth and Don Julio. He waits carefully until everyone else had had a chance to speak. When there is a lull in the conversation, he quietly interjects while nodding softly:

Aye my lords, this be a worthy undertaking.

2009-11-24, 07:47 PM
And you are on your way ... [feel free to have FBC's, Flashback Conversations, but be sure to post as such. You may have met, but all of you are still 'strangers'.]

In the nameless jumble of mud dwellings across the river from the Theban metropolis, you come to the little bazaar to which you have been directed. There is indeed a caravan readying to head to Farnoc and westwards. It is Nanai that was previously hired by this caravan to lead them there, but the caravan master is your actual contact.

He is there, and he has news that impacts you gravelly. He tells you: "In order to pass without delay and undue attention from officials, none of you can wear foreign armor."

After inspecting what armor your have, he feels that none are going to bother you with a 'maug' with you ... and your armor isn't really all that heavy and easily concealable. The 'maug' has armor from ancient times and craftsmanship that no longer exists; but would be too hot for a human, anyway. (The maug, like Ren and Don Julio, wears mithral armor; but it is mithral battle plate.)

"See," he continues, "I also have camels for you to ride. You do ride camels, no? Horses are not advisable beyond Farnoc, you know. Sometimes there are sandstorms, and those poor animals do not survive them."

Nothing of interest then occurs. The caravan leaves for Farnoc, a town of some 10,000 souls, about 60 miles by road and track from the Nylle. From there it is about the same distance to the little village, although as the crow flies it is closer to 50 miles. Sahu-ptah is not nearly so fast as a camel, but he hustles without effort and in doing so is able to keep up. Nanai calls on Pa-ari, and that is when you meet his trustworthy (and vocal) unicorn companion; as can be expected, Nanai is as beautiful to behold in his horsemanship bareback on Pa-ari as Pa-ari is simply beautiful. Don Julio, who as quite the urban fellow has only minimal riding skill, has a devil of a time with his camel ... and it is funny hearing the otherwise unflappable noble cursing the camel. The camel only manages to throw him once, though, on the fifth day, but his bruises heal by the next day. Zarabeth is actually an agile and capable rider, and is able to adapt her equestrienne abilities to the camel.

Poor Ren, however, is really at a loss. Ren only ever internalized his naturalist studies, and never really learned how to work with animals or to ride. He is thrown 5 times during the entire 6-day trip; each time, he takes 1d3 damage - as much to his pride as to his body. It's minor scratches, but still.

Nobody pays much attention to the group, and they manage the trip quite handily other than camel problems. Again, it takes a total of six days to reach Farnoc. During this time, you also realize that Nanai can only call Pa-ari once a day, but has his services all day and then dismisses him in the evening. Sometimes Pa-ari (dis)appears right next to Nanai, other times he rides from/to a horizon line or other distant point when summoned/dismissed.

You then leave Farnoc. (This kind of feels like the fast-forward trip-guide of the Indiana Jones movies, huh? Line draws from one place - bing! point of interest - then continues to another, all to act like a montage to move things along to the real action/adventure story.)

Now that you are well along your way to the Village of Aartuat, you have time after the end of each day's trek to discuss what to expect, how you will behave, what actions and reactions might be needed to succeed. Thus, the time passes swiftly.

[Okay, we are finally here to actually jump in real-time. Assume that the following discussions occur over the several nights to the Village of Aartuat. Who are you? What can you do? Y'all need to really acquaint yourself to get things moving. In other words, 'Role-play, role-play, role-play' ...:smallwink: ]

2009-11-25, 07:56 AM
(on the first night out)

After supper, Zarabeth sits quietly by herself; she seems engrossed in arranging her beads and baubles, along with her silks and cymbals. She watches the fire, burning in the pit as well, seemingly waiting for something, only she knows what.
Finally, she seems to think the flames are just perfect, and she stands, moving gracefully over to it. She poses for a moment, with her arms raised over her head, and then two sets of her cymbals cling lightly together. With that, her dancing begins, even though there is no music other than the light ringing of her cymbals, she seems perfectly in rhythm with something only she can hear. And, as you watch her, you would swear you hear music as well, so in tune is she with her routine.
Her jewels sparkle and catch the light of the flames, creating a dazzling display at times. Her veils seem to float about her, with the constant flashes of tanned skin that you see, you would swear she is removing them as she dances, however when you manage to tear your gaze away from her and look to the ground, there are none there.
She seems to be dancing to all at the same time, yet there are times when Don Juan is the focus, then Ren; but seeing as Nanai is the newcomer, she dances mostly for him.
Her supple dancer’s body moves lithely through a routine that you would not think possible and you sit mesmerized, unaware of the passage of more than an hour, until she finally finishes with a sinuous flourish.


And that, my friends, is how you keep the nasties from sticking sharp, pointy things into you. There is a shorter, battle version to it as well

2009-11-25, 09:27 AM
Don Julio sits atop a stack of packs from the caravan, with right leg bent at the knee and on top of the left (the left leg set on the ground), as are several other men in the caravan (for you are not alone). [Also, I will switch to Green since Indigo is too close to Ren's DarkOrchid.]

Don Julio: "My dear, I want you to know: even though we are all sitting down..." (all the men drop their right leg and then cross with their left in unision) "... we're giving you a standing ovation."That was one of my favorite lines to deliver ... ever ... as Max Bialystock in two versions of The Producers onstage here in Washington. My thanks to Mel Brooks.

2009-11-25, 12:02 PM

The stone man, encased in his armor as is always the case, sits just out of reach of the firelight. His looming shadow gives more to the impression that he comes from a time far distant than he himself does, as his bright grey eyes are the only thing absolute in the moonlight.

The head upon his shoulders resembles that of a scholar, with a finely groomed beard and tiny cap made entirely of stone, normally encircled by his heavy, ancient armor.

Every evening, no matter what had happened the day previous, Sahu-Ptah would take his sword from its scabbard on his back and lay it on his knees. Then he would proceed to etch the days events in a minuscule portion of the uppermost blade, like some sort of razor sharp quilt, patchwork and mostly empty.

However, when Zarabeth does her dance, he politely stops, banking his fires for a time so that she may light hers. Once she is finished, he politely claps, a strange sound with his stone hands and metal gauntlets, before returning to his work, adding a tiny foot at the top of the picture.

2009-11-26, 02:24 AM
ZARABETH (on the first night out) ... *Zarabeth's Dance* ... rolled result of 28

[After an audit of her character, subtract 6 from the final result from a 28 to a 22. This means that instead of a "memorable performance" she simply gave a "great performance".]

2009-11-26, 02:51 AM
Don Julio (second night out)

"Well, we are going to be working for some time together, perhaps ... and hopefully for the profit of all.

"Nanai, Sahu-ptah, ... we are guests in your country, and both of you seem to be very closely aligned with your religions. I'd sure like to know more about each of you ... especially as to what you are, Sahu-ptah (and I mean more than a name or a category, sir ... do I call you, sir?).

"I already told you my basic lineage and by now you've gathered that I am what I say I am ... maybe inclusive of more, but the core that I am a man that enjoys new experiences and craves new delights and pleasures of the senses is true. To that end, and my exquisite taste, I always have to be on the lookout for the means to fund that. To that end, I am sort of a gentleman-explorer-adventurer; I have studied a little swordplay but have no taste for it, a little magic, a little this and a little that. Mainly, however, I am a scholar.

"The Thothian may give us a boost, sure ... and I have that hundred crescents in trust for the party, don't worry I won't cheat you ... but several years ago when I was in Greece I came across a man named Telemos Chiros, who told me about a journal of a Blemmyish warrior. With his transliterations and my own aid to him, we determined that there is very likely an incredibly ancient fortune in or around the Gorge of Osiris.

"Please bear with me as I share with you this account ... it is a bit lengthy."



"Too bad we never looted the Great Tomb! We came over from Khalla Wadi1 along the wild game and camel trails and thus entered the lands of the mud-dwellers.2 It was a good raid, for along the way we took slaves and much booty, all of which we sent back to our tribe with two hands3 of warriors as guards and to tell of our success. The sheikh and most of our chief warriors were for riding on toward the sunrise, but then I discovered the fort,4 and that changed everything. The enemy had built their strong place not far from where we had camped. Everyone knew that mud-dwellers stuff these forts with wealth, so all were agreed that we should attack it instead of moving onwards.

"The place was too strong for us to storm, for the ones who always stay close to water5 are great cowards who hide behind walls of bricks or stones and use their magic6 in battle because they can't fight at all. We knew that their could only be a few enemies in the fort, because otherwise the soldiers and wagon-fighters7 would have come forth to do battle when we rode in and surrounded their place. After we spent two days camped so as to surround the fort, our scouts found that the enemy had a rich burial place nearby. We abandoned the useless squatting,8 and all of us rode with eagerness into the ravine where there were many weak forts,9 mastabas,10 buildings, and tombs hewn into the rock. This sort of thing proves the mud-dwellers are crazy people, for they pay more heed to their dead than to the living. They build fine dwelling places for and squander precious things upon dried and useless corpses. This is known by all warrior tribes.11

"It was sad, for most of the places we found and entered had already been plundered. Mud-dwellers steal from the sacred burial places of their own. They have no shame! Besides, there are heavy curses placed upon such tombs - mostly against their own kind.12 The great ones of this land must have thought that real men would never come to where their dead bodies were placed. We showed them differently. After taking the small forts one by one, we shared out the silver and gold and other valuable stuff, too. We killed all prisoners, of course, as we now had too few warriors to guard slaves.

"My cousin, Jhunna, had discovered a long, narrow path that he thought led back out of the ravine and into the mountains.13 We wanted such a trail of course, for now it was nearing the time to take our plunder and return to the clean sands of our homeland to the west. However, along the narrow way were tombs not yet touched! This was indeed the work for warriors.

"Because there was yet room for precious cargo, all of us sought out and broke into the burial caves14 here. We looked into all of the small ravines around, too, and found many, many more tombs. Too bad! It was as I have already said. Those jackals rob their own! The filthy thieves had left nothing for us. So all we managed to loot were a few miserable little tombs, taking care to burn the withered corpses we found, for that is a great insult and harm to the mud-dwellers. We feared no magic, for the puny stuff of these gutless folk have no effect on the brave.15 We also knew such acts pleased the Lord of Warriors.16

"It was I who found a rich-looking tomb, sealed, hidden on a ledge high above. It was at the end of a long ravine that had two forks.17 Why this one had been left unmolested for so long I cannot say. It was not very well hidden. The mud-dwellers are stupid, so their robbers must be likewise. That is my guess. Warriors can climb as well as they ride, and none ride so well as the brave. I shouted, and others came to join me there on a ledge before the sealed entrance. This was a Great Tomb, for it had the full picture-writing18 of the mud-chiefs all around it. Then the dung-gods19 of the land interfered.

"Before we were able to begin breaking the big stone door beyond the two pillars hewn from the rock face, we were set upon by clu-clu-cluta20 (525, 5 times, 5 times 25) of the mud-dwellers' soldiers. I managed to fight so well, I escaped, as did Jhunna beside me. A few hands21 of our brothers likewise battled free. The path my cousin had found did, as we discovered then, lead us to our own clean lands.22 Although we paused for a moment of mourning for the many brave warriors lost, we who survived were rich indeed, so we moved fast. Enemies and poisonous creatures took their toll as we went, and on the return journey we lost half of our brothers. I was uneasy, for it was dung-god curses, not bad luck that caused that! It was the will of the Lord of Warriors, and we smiled, for the remainder of us were thus made richer still, and it was of much benefit.

"Now I am returning to the desert with Jhunna. He and I are the only ones left of the warrior braves23 who returned from the east. The fortunes we each carry will make our families wealthy and the tribe famous. I will certainly be the Great Sheikh and my cousin will be a chief man, too. Jhunna will have almost as many horses, camels, carpets, wives, asses, goats, and slaves as I do then!

"My sons24 will certainly return to the place of the mud-dwellers one day to avenge the deaths of my brothers and to take wealth from useless places such as their houses and graves. My sons will never deal with you25 when they return laden with riches. You are all thieves. You cheat and steal shamelessly from a poor warrior. You give less than a tenth of the value of the fine jewelry and other fine things I have brought to you to sell. I curse you never to enjoy the refreshment and health of camel urine! Your sons will be eunuchs and serve as girls --"

Here the text is abruptly cut off. The man who transcribed and retained this tale for a time made some observations of his own herafter, but they pertained to the man with whom he dealt and the Blemmyish nomads in general, not the "Great Tomb."

TRANSLATOR'S NOTES1. Khalla Wadi is the pass to the oasis of Dakhla-Amun.
2. Lands of the mud-dwellers refers to civilized, non-desert Khemit.
3. Two hands of warriors means 10 mounted tribesmen. The plunder taken must have been considerable to send off that many of their men. Incidentally, the Blemmyish, their kindred tribes, as well as most of the Yarban nomads now intermingled in the desert lands surrounding Khemit, use a quinary rather than a decimal system for counting. Numerals are used for 1 through 4, a glyph for 5, 25, 125, etc.
4. Fort is probably erroneous, as there is no mention of great wealth inside, so it is likely that the author of this tale discovered a fortified temple.
5. The ones who always stay close to water is an expression for the Khemitians in general. The nomadic tribesmen call their cavalry "soldiers," also a derisive name, for it is not "warriors," but nonetheless the nomads avoid confrontation, save if they can manage an ambush.
6. Magic is of course anything magical and the use of spells. The tribes are virtually helpless in this account, having no spellcasters able to match a priest or wizard, albeit they have at times managed to develop some potent sorcerers and the like.
7. Wagon-fighters is a reference to the chariots and their warrior crews still used by the Khemitians until recently, albeit on rare occasions and usually only in mass formations where the terrain is flat and hard. I suspect the barbarian is embellishing his yarn.
8. Useless squatting means the tribesmen were getting nowhere with their siege and knew it. Any fighting not done from camel or horseback is deemed improper.
9. Weak forts certainly refers to small temples or shrines, if the "fort" proper was indeed a large temple.
10. Mastabas is the Yarban word for bench, of course, and by this the tribesman means a Khemitian tomb of rectangular sort with a flat roof and inward sloping supporting walls.
11. Warrior people tribes means the Blemmyish, of course, and by inference all nomads.
12. Curses ... mostly against their own kind seems ignorant. Magical wards and traps will function particularly well against anyone who happens to trip them. Perhaps these tomb robbers found unguarded places or broke in through walls to avoid triggering these dweomers.
13. Mountains evidentially refers to the plateau, bluffs, hills, and ravines that form a barrier beyond the Khemitian western desert in the Middle Kingdom area. These savage nomads have probably never seen a real mountain.
14. Burial caves here must mean the usual Khemitian sort, which are either actual or artificially dug places on the faces of ravines and cliffs. A large area might contain one important tomb or a whole series of minor ones beginning at ground level and working up.
15. The brave refers to those warrior nomads who have, I recall, slain more than two foes and ridden on more than four raids.
16. Lord of Warriors is the chief deity of the strange little Blemmyish pantheon. He is said to have as many names as there are different sorts of weapons, but no single one of them may be uttered by a tribesman, on pain of death!
17. Two forks is possibly misleading, and if so, purposefully done. In the patrols of the nomads, this might mean a single splitting of the ravine, a forking into two tines, but he might also mean two separate branches of the main defile. Such inexactness is typical of the Blemmyish.
18. Picture-writing means not only hieroglyphs, but those contained in cartouches, for otherwise the reference to "chiefs" makes no sense.
19. Dung-gods could be an epithet of derogatory sort for the Khemitian pantheon in general, but this being related after the fact, it is possible that it actually refers to unclean or evil deities worshipped by the attacking force. Deital standards are sometimes carried by troops serving a temple.
20. Clu-clu-clata, literally 525 as indicated, also means very, very many in Blemmyish. In any event, a force whose number was "too few ... to guard even slaves" is unlikely to have needed such a number of troops to defeat, nor could this nomad have fought his way through such a number of soldiers.
21. A few hands can mean no fewer than 15 and no more than 24 total escapees. If 25 had been able to flee, he would have used cluta after hands.
22. Clean lands refers to the filthy deserts over which the Blemmyish rove.
23. Warrior braves combining, as it does, the two terms separately noted above, seems to indicate that this band of marauders was seasoned veterans.
24. My sons is probably a general term, as is "brothers" as used in the text. He likely means those of kindred spirit.
25. Deal with you is clearly aimed at and addressing the Cyrenaic merchant traders -- the mean spirit and dishonest nature of whom I myself have been too frequently suffered to endure.
The following was a crudely drawn map that was contained within the original work.Blemmyish Account Drawing (http://docs.google.com/View?id=df7mhq9k_23g477nncv)

[His actual storytelling of the account was a 34 on his Perform check; the best category possible: "Extraordinary Performance." However, he was careful to make sure none of the caravan persons were nearby when he told you this.]

"So, in summation ... there is a vast and ancient fortune buried beneath the sands that once belonged to a powerful and ancient ... Something. The riches are one thing, make no mistake ... and we would all share equally. But can you imagine the fame we might achieve if - once safely out of Khemitian reach our exploits were to be known? We would be legends, every one of us. And is this the right thing? Sure it is. At the same time we get rich and famous, we have the chance to excise some evil from the world."

2009-11-27, 07:35 AM

Zarabeth tentatively approaches the strange, stone man. She looks both to him and to Nanai as she speaks.

Is...he..alive? Is he even a he at all? What exactly is he...or it...or whatever he is?

2009-11-27, 05:40 PM

Zarabeth tentatively approaches the strange, stone man. She looks both to him and to Nanai as she speaks.

Is...he..alive? Is he even a he at all? What exactly is he...or it...or whatever he is?

@NanaiThis is a maug, a creature of stone that serves the gods here in Khemit. They are extremely rare, and you've only heard of them in stories. Supposedly, in ancient times they were more prevalent. This particular maug is obviously devoted to Ptah (see the PM I sent you on Ptah).
@RenYou don't have a clue. However, you can flawlessly name the type of granite of which Sahu' is made, and you do notice that oddly, there is a sheath of shale on its chest which makes Sahu' noiser than he would otherwise be. Also, his fantastic armor is mithral battle plate. Mithral is rare enough (Don Julio has mithral breastplate), but this battle plate is obviously Khemitian in look ... and yet never have you seen armor this heavy since you and yours arrived in Khemit.

"He's a maug," says Don Julio. "Of course, 'he' is an appellation given to define the personality he has been given. He is a construct of the neteru (the Khemitian pantheon) that were made to serve each god's purposes in the world in ancient times as untiring warriors and servants. His armor harkens back to secrets of armorsmithing known only to Ptah's greatest servants as he is the artisan of the gods, and likely the creator of the gods as well.

"Sahu-ptah, my studies have shown me that the maugs were only ever activated when a great need arose for that god's designs. What are your designs? and what, besides the obvious brawn of 10-foot-tall stone, are your skills? I imagine you are some manner of artisan, and I see you are an artist. But what do you bring on this trip?"

2009-11-28, 04:55 PM

The caravan winds through the rock and sand all day on the third day of travel on the Farnoc Road, but near sunset it finally arrives at the place that you plan to make your initial base of operations, the Village of Aartuat. It is a welcome sight to all. Tall palms and a variety of lower vegetation glow with lush verdancy before you. There is water ahead and thick-walled buildings to keep out the chill of the desert night adn the heat of the day's blazing sun. A bath with any luck, a proper meal, and a good rest are all you really need right now.

The distance you've covered since leaving Farnoc is nearly 60 miles, your route heading generally west from that town to bring you to Aartuat. Your destination isn't much of a place, but it is better than the wastes you've passed through! The village is a collection of small buildings of mud brick or stone surrounding a large caravanserai strengthened so as to serve as a fort. Nomad raiders certainly abound in this region, as that construction testifies.

Tomorrow, the hundred camels, mules, and asses that bear the burdens carried by the Farnoc caravan will depart at dawn. Amidst a great uproar of yelling and shouting -- dromedaries groan and spit, mules and asses bray as they are whipped, pushed, and pulled to start them westwards once again -- the train will be on its way. By sun-up they will be gone, wending their way toward the Dahala Amun oasis, Aartuat being the half-way point on this leg of the endless caravan routes that crisscross the deserts and barrens.

According to your rough map, this unprepossessing collection of habitations is very near to the Necropolis hidden in the Gorge of Osiris. Certainly the villagers will wonder why you stayed in Aartuat instead of leaving with the caravan, but you have a story prepared that should suffice to cover that matter.

The master of the train has informed you that your group can stay in the caravanserai for an indefinite time without charge. "Our Great Pharaoh thus provides comfort and safety for all travelers within the boundaries of his mighty kingdom," the fellow related to you with pride. Yet you have heard of such wayside rest houses elsewhere. If those of Khemit are similar, there will be a big dormitory room or two with wooden benches for beds, much noise and commotion, and sand fleas -- the permanent tenants -- by the score to give you glad welcome.

There is a little stream running across the track, bisecting the village.

You see that it flows generally northwards out into the waste, tangled rush at the end of Aartuat giving way to scrubby growth that marks its course as it stretches on into the desert. You know that the sand will swallow the trickle before a few miles' further travel. However, before it disappears, the water makes many little fields and garden plots grow, and you see domestic ducks and geese in numbers here.

As you come near to the square construction of the caravanserai, you see uniformed men bearing arms. There are soldiers here, and that's good news in one way at least. With military present, thievery will be kept to a minimum. You'll need but a single member of your team on watch through the night - the eternally vigilant Sahu-ptah, no doubt, for he does not sleep -- to assure that no one steals your belongings while the rest slumber.

Somewhere in the village is the person who is your contact, and you will have to begin searching for him or her tomorrow. Considering the size of this place, it shouldn't be much of a chore.

Then there's the matter of the camels. It would be far better if you could manage to trade those things for good horses!

No question about it, you'll have plenty to do tomorrow, checking out this place, getting to know how things operate here, and trying to find decent animals to ride!

MAP: VILLAGE OF AARTUAT:Direct Link Here to Village of Aartuat (http://docs.google.com/View?id=df7mhq9k_25c3v9mkvz)
Likely Broken Image Thingy that never works ... http://docs.google.com/View?id=df7mhq9k_25c3v9mkvz
Also, I will E-mail this map to each of you.

Looking at the map, you come in along the Farnoc Road from the east. You pass two large buildings, one on each side before the stream.#4: This mud-brick place is built in a square of about 90 feet per side. The backside, the north portion, is simply a walled-off compound. That portion facing the road appears to be a pair of adjoining buildings forming a U-shape. These structures are some 25 feet tall and flat-roofed.

Signs on both walls of the southwest corner are written in both Khemitian and Common. They proclaim the place as "The House of Horus' Fortune". Although there are barn-like doors on the easternmost building facing south overlooking the road to Dakhla-Amun Oasis, the entrance is on the west side. By the traffic in and out, the odors, and sounds coming from within, you are certain that this is a tavern.

#5: This is the only other all-sandstone building in Aartuat. It is as tall as the caravanserai, 30 feet or so, although there is no battlement atop it. The whole appears to be a rectangle 90 feet long east and west, 60 feet north and south. Above each of the three doors you have seen there is a sign painted on the wall, the writing done in beautifully drawn and colored hieroglyphs. Beside each entrance there is painted a figure of a lioness-headed goddess crowned with a solar disc.

Don Julio and Sahu' can read the hierogphs, and Sahu' and Nanai know the deity involved. The sign proclaims the place to be "The House of All Neteru," the term for gods in Khemitian. The ferocious deity flanking each door is called Sekhmet. [If Sahu' or Nanai want to mention anything more about who Sekhmet is, let me know, I will PM you the data.]

You cross the stream known as the Fading Brook which cuts through town. The large caravanserai is to your left, and two other buildings to your right. After crossing the Fading Brook, the road is now known as the Dakhla-Amun Oasis Road.#1, The Caravanserai of Aartuat: Sahu' (and any others who care to notice) will note that the sandstone walls of the structure are some 30 feet high and about 4 feet thick at the base. The buildings inside the place are 25 feet high, the rooftops providing space both for normal activities such as evening cooking, eating, and sleeping, and for fighting in time of attack.

The exterior dimensions of the place are 180 feet E-W, 120 feet N-S.

1A, Gatehouse Entryway: The line of men and animals approaches the caravanserai. A high tower situated in the central portion of the north wall serves as the gatehouse. The entrance is 10 feet wide and some 15 feet high. A soldier on either side of the gates watches the newly arrived train with keen eyes.

1B, Inner Yard: There are structures built to either side and against the south wall so as to make the open space here some 110 feet E-W, 75 feet deep. The main building seems to be the one to the south, directly opposite the gate tower.

The yard is open, dusty, and dirty. How many thousands of pack animals have left their wastes on the dry ground here can't be guessed. It smells like a farm yard, of course, even though there seems to be a fellow ready to clear any dung dropped by your caravan's beasts of burden. Besides the cot of doves, some rabbit cages, and a score of chickens wandering about, there are about a dozen people in the yard, including another pair of armed soldiers lounging at the entrance of the big place that is the chief building of the caravanserai.

A quick count reveals 10 civilians in the courtyard. One is the sweeper with wheelbarrow and shovel ready to collect droppings. The others appear to be as follows:
A bald ecclesiastic of some sort asking alms of the caravan.
A food cooker with brazier and skewers of meat and vegetables.
A small urchin begging for coins.
An old man selling things that might be amulets, charms, and the like.
A woman with baskets of bread she is selling.
A grubby lad who seems to be offering to assist with the animals - a stable boy, most likely.
Another woman selling her wares, being some fairly nice looking pottery.
A fellow sitting on the ground beckoning to the new arrivals.
A man with a cart and baskets of various fresh fruits and vegetables.
Don Julio says, holding a kerchief over his nose, "We are definitely staying at the House of Horus' Fortune tonight. Who knows, my dear," looking at Zarabeth, "perhaps we can provide some entertainment.

"For now, I am going to go inside and declare us to the office here. I understand that the Khemitians like foreigners to declare their presence. Feel free to mill about as you like. I'm sure I can't really lose anyone here," he says with a smirk.

Aaaand .... begin. Roleplay-roleplay-roleplay. What do you all do?

2009-11-29, 09:00 AM

I dont know about the rest of you, but the first thing on my list is a bath. If Im going to dance in that tavern, Im not doing it covered in sand and smelling of camel. A long warm one, with lots of soapy bubbles if possible. Then a meal, and while Im sure the tavern will be able to provide the basics in terms of meat and vegetables, I would love to have some fruit to go with it.

Saying that, Zarabeth wanders over to the vendor selling fruits and looks over his wares.

2009-11-29, 11:07 PM
In response to Don Julio (second night out)

I am a simple man, who's skills lie in the heart of my Goddess Sekhmet. She has granted me great precision with the bow, especially against those who are......improperly deceased. She has also blessed me with great healing abilities.

Strike Sekhmet and replace with Nefertem. <sigh>

2009-11-30, 12:31 AM
Sahu-ptah mill and Ren mill about in the caravanserai courtyard waiting for Don Julio, while Zarabeth goes over to the fruit peddler as Nanai excuses himself for personal business.
@Zarabeth:The produce is all very fresh. The people of the caravan buy his produce for their evening meal, breakfast, and the trek ahead. Small melons, oranges, onions, leeks, carrots, and big radishes seem the favorite. Zarabeth is an athletic, high-calorie girl (16 Con and very physical, regardless), so the man charges her a dinar. She gives him a drachma (a Grecian gold piece) figuring that has to pay for it (rightly so), and for change she gets a large silver coin with a crescent on it, and two smaller silver coins. She has seen enough to recognize the large silver coin is known as a crescent, though while it is definitely much more silver than a normal silver piece (and the coin with most common use), and even the smaller silver coins are a little more silver than in Greece ... she is not quite sure of the trade value, having trusted in Don Julio for most of these things. She asks about the smaller silver coin and the man (in Common, since she doesn't understand the native Khemitian tongue) calls it a tek. (Your "Currency" has been updated in the narrative portion.)

As she eats her Vegan Select (TM) dinner, she sees a stable boy trying to earn a few coins by "volunteering" to unload, feed, water, rub down, and otherwise care for the pack animals. The soldiers put up with him for the most part, but whenever he gets in their way they give him a kick, as do most members of the caravan. She has seen a lot of things that may be unjust in other lands, but this is the world you live in. Does she leave well enough alone?............................................ .......
@NanaiUntil you say otherwise - which you are free to do, of course - you only have Pa-ari stick around when you are out on the road. He does not care for cities and he draws unnecessary attention. However, there was no way to keep the caravaners from opening their mouths about the Nub-kau-nefertem and his famous unicorn, so you made the profession into town before giving Pa-ari leave to enjoy his evening in the celestial realms away from this fracas.

You politely give your leave to Zarabeth as Don Julio goes in to declare himself and the other foreigners. You go back to Structure #5, which you discover is the Trader's Establishment. You go inside ...

This is certainly the most unusual place you have seen in many a day. The whole ground floor of the building is literally bulging with religious statuary and associated materials! There is an inner courtyard of about 30 by 40 feet, and the receding sunlight of the long day comes in through flat-arched openings leading to it. There are also glowing, magically burning candles of all sizes and shapes, lamps, and braziers and burners from which tiny wisps of incense smoke arise.

The plastered interior walls are filled with shelves or niches, or else hidden by racks and cases or things hanging on them. There are tables and stands, too, crowding the floor upon which stand a company of big idols. Everywhere you look, you see statutes and statuettes of animals, animal-headed deities, gods, and strange idols and figures.

Just inside the east entrance stand a flanking pair of big lions carved from some soft, reddish-hued stone. In fact, lions and lionesses along with lion- and lioness-headed statues must make up at least a tenth of all that are herein.

You note that there are a fair number of ibis-headed ones, as well as figures of jackals and jackal-headed men. In fact, you can find just about every sort of thing represented in one form or another: sphinxes with all manner of visages; human-bodied figures with such heads as those of an ass, bull, cat, cobra, cow, crocodile, dog, falcon, frog, hawk, hippopotamus, owl, ram, and so forth. Some are blue or green-skinned humanlike forms, others of mummiform. A leering dwarf with a cap of feathers stands next to a strikingly beautiful woman.

These forms are of cast metal, carved stone, pottery, wood, ivory, and bone. Some few are as high as the 10-foot-tall ceiling, while most are but little figurines that would fit in the palm of your hand.

There are censers, boxes, altars, screens, shrines, paintings of deities, tablets of strange writing, candle sticks and candelabras, ewers, plates, bowls, and all sorts of service implements of religious use.

After a moment, an elderly man approaches. Two cats weave around his feet as he walks. You note he wears unusual dress: a long white gown and a headdress of yellow and orange striped linen bound with a torc showing a lioness' head in its front.

"Greetings, traveler," he intones in a soft but resonant voice. "Welcome to the House of All Gods and may they watch over you always. I am Atmu-thoth-rahat, the owner of the establishment. Have you come to look? I was about to close shop for the evening, but enjoy the company of strangers from the road. Buying or selling, I am at your service."

You never were very good at telling apart the various types of officials and nobles and such ... but despite this backwater town, this man appears to be a Khemitian nobleman of some importance.

2009-11-30, 08:12 AM

Zarabeth watches the treatment of the stable boy as she eats, but realizes that in a situation of 1 vs. the whole world, she has little chance of winning. However she figures she can even the odds, just a little bit, for the boy. When he comes to inquire about her camel, she makes a big deal about his help, making him think like hes doing the most important thing in the world for her. She waits until no one is looking, and then for payment, gives him a drachma and the crescent that she got in change, as well as a big beaming smile and a naughty wink.

2009-11-30, 10:37 AM

The boy is nearly in tears and hides away his coin and gives her a hug (if she doesn't stop him). And in her ear he whispers, "Watch out for the other boy, he's a thief and his whole family is bad."

He skips along to wherever he calls home ... and for good measure Zarabeth notices that the boy didn't take any money or anything from her when he hugged her.

2009-12-01, 09:00 AM

Zarabeth finishes up her fruit salad and stores away the useful information about the other boy. She checks her inventory, smiling to herself that the little urchin did not take further advantage of her generosity, and then waits for Don Julio to finish registering them.
While she waits, she does a few stretching exercises to keep herself limber, and if she notices any of the soldiers watching her, she starts to make her stretches go just a little farther and hold them just a little longer....

2009-12-03, 01:03 PM
@ ZarabethThese must not be very good soldiers. I mean, they aren't doing a great job of keeping their eyes on the entire caravanserai but seem settled on you for some reason. Huh. Strange. :smallwink:

Don Julio comes out, looks at you in your calisthenics, smiles when he sees the guards, then talks to Ren for a spell. Ren nods and heads out of the caravanserai.

Don Julio comes up to you and says, "You know, if I were a little more carefree with local laws, I'd say that now would be a great time for me to go pick a few pockets."

You leave the caravanserai, and for now the stone monolith known as Sahu-ptah stays behind. Once out on the tiny little road, Don Julio says, "I have to say, that is one Big piece of living stone. I wouldn't want to tangle with him. I'd love to know more, but we should get our lodgings ... things Sahu' probably neither wants, nor would really be able to have as big as he is."

Fortune being what it is ... when Nanai is done where he is, he will happen to meet these two strolling down the little road.

2009-12-03, 01:11 PM

Id rather not bang one of my good swords against him, it would probably break before he did. To say nothing about engaging him hand to hand.

(when both Ren and Nanai rejoin us)

I should also mention to you that I am somewhat skilled in the creation of some magic items. Not swords or armour yet, but some of the other things. If you want me to create something for you, its quite likely that we would have to procure a scroll with the needed spells on it, as all of my spells are combat type ones, and I have studied the art of drawing a tiny piece of your life essence out to power it (OOC: You pay the XP cost) but the price of me making something for you would be a lot lower than the local mage.

2009-12-03, 01:32 PM
Don Julio stops and takes her arm, bringing her to him, "The only magic I really care about is when we both are making something. And trust me, I share more than a little of my life essence. You just may have my soul, if I have such a thing."

He looks into your eyes, but recognizes that Khemitians frown on any public display of affection, so holding your hand to his heart is the best he will do on the street.

Then, he suddenly snaps to a more matter-of-fact, "Oh, I almost forgot. Ren wanted to do a little bit of exploring. He's been anxious to find some attunement between himself and the spirits of the land. He may be awhile before he rejoins us."

2009-12-03, 07:51 PM
"Greetings, traveler," he intones in a soft but resonant voice. "Welcome to the House of All Gods and may they watch over you always. I am Atmu-thoth-rahat, the owner of the establishment. Have you come to look? I was about to close shop for the evening, but enjoy the company of strangers from the road. Buying or selling, I am at your service."

Bowing with arms spread and palms upturned.

"Good evening good Sir. I am but a humble traveler, Nanai by name, weary from the road and new to your town. I would be honoured if you would share with me some history of this fine place?

2009-12-03, 08:23 PM
"Come see me tomorrow. Bring friends, too," says Atmu' to Nanai. "Maybe then the day will not find us feeling rushed for our evening meals; for history here is long and glorious, Nanai."

2009-12-03, 08:28 PM
Touching my head I turn and exit and attempt to track down the other folks.

2009-12-04, 01:03 AM
You come out of the Trader's Establisment, across the street from the tavern, and you see Don Julio and Zarabeth there.

"Ah, Nanai! Come with us in here and we shall enjoy a repast and talk of your past ... for I am interested to know you more."

Nanai, Don Julio accepted the 100 silver coins for all of you, but never did distribute them ... and your pouch is lacking in any weight.

2009-12-04, 07:23 AM
Crossing to them.

Gladly. I am ready for a rest. We should discuss the division of the initial funds as well. Thank you for securing them.

2009-12-04, 09:09 AM

Zarabeth holds Don Julios hand close to her heart for a moment as well, with a look in her eyes that says later.

She then looks around.
You are right about getting the lodgings, its amazing how cold the desert gets at night, despite how hot is during the day. And even as filling as the fruits and vegetables were, a little meat never hurts.

She pauses for a moment
But the bath is the most important thing
and shakes some sand out of her hair for emphasis

2009-12-05, 02:02 PM
Don Julio already gave Sahu' and Ren their 20 dinar (sp) each. He then gives the same (20 sp individually) to Zarabeth and Nanai (sheets are updated). Oh, and I nearly forgot, Don Julio and Zarabeth are still leading their camels.

The three of you enter "The House of Horus' Fortune". Inside is a big common room (running east) with tables, wall benches of brick with mats to soften them, and a scattering of chairs. A plain board serves as the bar.

A woman is currently running the bar. She is approaching middle age, and there are two young children, a small slave boy, and a middle aged man with a club and a small steel shield at his back helping run the kitchen and provide the food and so forth.

The cooking is done in the open kitchen near the entrance. A stairway at the east end ostensibly leads to the sleeping rooms above. The woman is assisted at the bar by a tough-looking man in leather with a small steel shield.

Don Julio asks that Zarabeth lead the way to the bar. Unlike large men who muscle their way through, Zarabeth is more effective at walking leisurely as the men in the way part for her. Don Julio asks about rooms. The woman tells the PCs that there are seven large rooms over the stable building, and three smaller ones above the common room. You have your choice of any five you wish, stated for all to see. Rather than bargain, she simply points to the sign; it likewise being done in (modern) hieroglyphs and Common with the prices in dinar (sp):Large Room, daily 35, by the week 200
Small Room, daily 35, by the week 150
Stabling horse or camel, daily 10, by the week 60
Morning or Noon meal as prepared, 4-6
Evening meal as prepared, 8-10
Coffee or tea (sugared & minted), 1
Beer, pot or date wine, cup, 2
Ouzo or raki, shot, 2
Bread or bowl of dates, figs, fresh vegetables, etc., 2
Whole roast rabbit or chicken, 10
Whole roast duck (advance order), 12
Whole roast goose (advance order), 80
(Please be generous to our servants and entertainers. Thank you.)Don Julio introduces himself and Zarabeth and Nanai and says, "We'll take your best and largest room for the week. Stabling for two camels, the same. A single roast rabbit and a single roast chicken. (I will have the one you do not desire, Zarabeth.) Serve this with a full bottle of wine and bread. After our meal, pleaes provide a bowl of dates and figs and a minted tea for myself and a (___Zarabeth's choice___) for the lady. During the meal, please provide our room with two tubs and hot water drawn for a bath, soap, and towels."

The lady of the house, Behutt-aa, has her husband Abfernehu show come over to show you to your rooms.

Nanai, what do you do?

2009-12-05, 07:18 PM

Zarabeth considers for a moment and then suggests to Don

Why dont we split both the rabbit and the chicken, and that way, both of us can sample each one. A straight tea after the meal would be fine for me.

She then leans into Don, and whispers in his ear.

Are you going to inquire about whether they are interested in any dancing entertainment, or will I?

2009-12-05, 08:55 PM
He whispers back, "I am curious to see what they have first, since they mention entertainment. Let's not be too forward and offend, but watch and see what is offered. I warrant we will be here at least a few days."

2009-12-06, 08:44 AM
Awaiting the completion of Don Julios order, I step forward. I will partake of your evening fair if you please.

I then follow Don Julio and Zara to a table and sit.

2009-12-06, 10:09 AM
Don Julio and Zarabeth return from having been shown their rooms, ordering their camels stabled, dropping off their gear in their room, and freshening up some with the wash basin provided. When they return, Nanai rejoins them (as posted above) and they manage to barely find a table and chairs, no thanks to the pickier members of the caravan in town.

A burly man, Abfernehu - the proprietar of this establishment and husband to the woman tending the bar, comes with the order for the "foreign nobleman and his concubine." [Sorry, MikelaC, but in Khemit a person's clothing is akin to a tattoo of their profession on their forehead.] Don Julio says, "Nanai, go ahead and order your meal. We shall not partake of ours until we can break bread together as friends. So, are you all settled with your lodging?"

2009-12-06, 10:14 AM
I have placed my order. I merely await it's delivery and yes. I have lodging. Thank you. He sits quietly studying his table mates. Taking note of the closeness with which they sit.....

2009-12-06, 10:51 AM
Nanai, Don Julio and Zarabeth are very complex. You can 'think' that they are definitely an 'item'. But both of them are incorrigible flirts with others and with themselves, and yet they do not do anything in public that gives away their advantage of seeming 'available' which gives them each a form of social power and they both use it very well. They may flirt ostentatiously, yet there are no little grazes of the hand or any other 'secret' things which you happened to pick up on.

They know this, because you've seen this during travel and they play with others who ask if they're together. They've done things which make you think "of course they are ... right? maybe?" but actually it's simply left up to your own pre-judgement and they never give any confirmation to that behavior. And that makes it even more infuriating that you can't have a 'firm' answer.

All you know about them, personally, beyond what they tell you ... is that he 'picked' her up in Greece and 'added her' to his noble house as a fellow performer and a 'bodyguard'. Anything after that is conjecture.Basically, despite you rolling a modified 22 on your Sense Motive check ... their ability to create confusion regarding their situation is better than that - both of them.

2009-12-06, 11:41 AM
We have been invited by Atmu-thoth-rahat to visit the House of All Gods tomorrow. He may be able to shed some insight on the town and perhaps some on our quest as well. Looks to the bar for some sign of his meal and remembers that patience is one of the many tenants spoken of by his Goddess.

2009-12-06, 12:54 PM
Abfernehu and a slave returns with the meal (and continues to serve the meal for the two noble travelers throughout the evening) for all at the table. The rich, sumptious meal is placed before Don Julio and Zarabeth. A bowl of soup with a lot of browth and some vegetables, and little meat with a not verifiably pre-boiled, clay cup of water are placed in front of the Nub-kau-nefertem (aka Nanai).

(Nanai speaks as above...)

"Excellent work, Nanai! Making friends already. I noticed the place when we came into town. Definitely the house of the wealthiest man, being the second biggest structure after the caravanserai - bigger even than that of the provisioner's place.

"He could be our contact, our reason for being here. But even if he isn't, judging from the look of the place he might be a scholar worth getting to know."

Nanai notices that Don Julio and Zarabeth each eat half of the roast rabbit and roast chicken, sharing the other half with each other. But while they may play at feeding each other every now and then, they look like too very good friends and do not have "gushy-eyes" for each other.

Also, Nanai does notice that Don Julio is a bit hedonistic in his approach to food (and spirits). Even if something he admits isn't very good, yet he still takes several bites and seemingly studies everything about the food - the look, the smell, the mixes of taste, the texture - all as if he is cataloguing this information; he even practically looks excited when he finds something he doesn't like. Still, the rabbit is superb, though the chicken is unexceptional (tasty, but not to his standards). Everything he mentions about the food is as if he were some type of food critic. You have never seen anything like it.

In fact, you have noticed that he is keenly observant of most things in his analyzing both object and occupant of a space, and on the road here you didn't spend much time with him but got to learn that he is a master negotiator. You've seen a lot of people that can negotiate, bluff, and read people well; but this guy has a real gift - he seems to be able to make liars (those telling tall tales or shady merchants) trip themselves up in a dizzying circuitous path, seemingly going along with them and then making some 'innocent' comment that if left alone is almost obvious to others. The equivocator invariably notices the gaffe and tries to cover, gets flustered, and by that point it's all over. Don Julio has raised this ability to an Art.

The bill comes for the meal. Don Julio pays for himself and Zarabeth, paying the 124 dinar bill with 15 drachmas - a tip of 26 dinar. Nanai's bill comes - 10 dinar (sp). Does Nanai provide a tip?

After the evening meal, a trio of musicians and two dancing girls - Mastuti and Khepifar - perform for a half hour every hour from around eight until midnight (if you stay so long). Obviously, this is where the villagers go for entertainment. Having a keen eye for this, Zarabeth notices that Mastuti is the more talented. She has Profession [dancer] +8 and Perform [dance] +11. The younger, more nubile Khepifar is a little more than a beginner, and has Profession [dancer] +5 and Perform [dance] +6. However, Mastuti is not at peak and it is Khepifar's night to shine; Mastuti's performance tonight is enjoyable, but Khepifar's is great. Julio lavishes dinar on them (5 for Mastuti and 10 for Khepifar) and as expected, they begin to play to him about 40% of the time (which, considering the full state of the tavern with the caravan in town, is a lot). And it seems that each is vying for the stunning and generous nobleman's attention; Nanai notices that Zarabeth may pout and feign jealousy comically, but seems relatively nonplussed. By evening's end, he has also put a drachma into the musician's cup.

Don Julio gets up after the first set is complete and talks to Abfernehu and Behutt-aa (the proprieters) and returns to the table. "I've talked to the owners," he says to Zarabeth. "After this break, their girls will dance again, and then you will dance during their break. On the next break, I'm up."

This gives Zarabeth approximately an hour to bathe (Don Julio made sure to have the baths set up in time for her to take a bath and enjoy it ... but not too long) and 'prep' herself as necessary.

Go ahead and describe your performance, Zarabeth. You will note that Don Julio slyly pushed the table just enough to the side that Nanai is a little more 'accessible' without being overt about it.

2009-12-07, 06:58 PM

Having danced in some of the finest dance halls all over the world (and some of the grubbiest too, for that matter), Zarabeth’s first step on her first performance night in Khemit is to study the local style, and the local limits. She watches the two performers, and very quickly picks up on what type they are doing, and what the limits are.
Once she gets that straight, she heads up to her room, and spends at least half an hour washing the sand out of her hair, and throughly soaking herself in the hot water, removing the dirt and smell of their camel trip across the desert. She spends the rest of her time primping and fussing over her appearance, making sure everything is just right. She dresses in her finest veils and returns, just before her number is about to start.
As the music starts up, Zarabeth is veiled to the point of being unrecognizable, only her eyes are showing. As she moves slowly and sensuously through her first number, she scans the crowd, seeking her quarry, the best dressed and presumably richest Khemitan in the crowd. Once she decides on her target, the first two of her veils float away from her, now beginning to expose just a tease of her navel.
As the second song starts, she moves off the stage, not heading directly towards him, but moving in that general direction. A third and fourth veil are removed as she makes her way slowly towards him, pausing for a moment to wind the veil as a scarf around the neck of someone she picks at random, staying long enough to give him a good look at her now fully exposed and gyrating belly.
The third song is just starting as she finally arrives at where she intends to be, the fifth veil discarded in her path. She begins a slow tease with the 6th veil over the man, draping him with it, letting it caress him as she draws it away and then looping it back. Her belly never stops its gyrating pattern as she dances in front of him, her 7th and final veil seems to cover everything and nothing at the same time, the illusion of everything being visible is created, even though the veil is still there.
Zarabeth stays in front of him until the middle of the fourth song, and then continues her pattern of movement through the club. Eventually, her path leads her to Nanai, and she stops for another performance in front of him. The sixth veil continues to float in her hands, and she teases with the removal of the last one, however despite the desire and calls of everyone in the room, the veil stays in place.
When she finishes with Nanai, she returns to the stage and does two more songs. The sixth veil is left twined around Nanai as a scarf, and Zarabeth continues her dance, clad only in her seventh veil. Her belly seems to twist with a mind of its own, following a pattern that should be impossible, yet still manages to be done.

[roll0] Perform: Dance

2009-12-08, 03:32 AM
Zarabeth scores a "memorable performance" - easily better than the other dancing girls, and the tavern erupts in thunderous applause. Despite this, the evening is such that she only makes 2 tek, 3 dinar, 3 abt, and 5 maash. It doesn't even compare to the other girls ... but that's because Don Julio smashed the standard earnings average.Don Julio does a great job promoting Zarabeth, but as a rule so as not to put an odd spin on their friendship neither Don Julio nor Zarabeth tip each other for their respective performances ... not even to drive the crowd.
Don Julio is already into the crowd five minutes before Zarabeth began her performance, effectively abandoning Nanai. Zarabeth knows this is standard, as through her performance and afterwards he likes to chat up the venue to see what goings-on he can. Instead of using this like a detective, he is expert at taking this information to determine the overall tone and mood of a potential audience, noting what is important to them. When it comes time for him to tell a story, an epic, a poem, an ode, or what-have-you ... he tries to put the proper spin on it to be even more palatable and accepted by the populace. And if there is a guy who can ferret out anything ... it is Don Julio.

I'll be interested to know if Nanai has anything to say to/ about Zarabeth and her performance.

After the other girls get back up, about an hour after Zarabeth began her routine, it is Don Julio's turn. He neither primps nor preens, choosing to continue to look road-worn and sandy (even playing it up a little without going overboard), giving him that well-traveled and 'knowledgeable' look that lends the story he's about to tell a particular creedence. As he tells his story, the audience is absolutely enthralled, including Nanai. At the tale's end, he masterfully blends profound sadness with an essence of hope. (In fact, seven lucky members of the audience are affected by the spell good hope ... those that Don Julio deems most needing of hope in their lives, not because of the combat affects that spell-like ability provides them). It is an 'extraordinary performance', and after collection of all the dinars, teks, and crescents, Don Julio pulls in a total of 5 gp.

Does Nanai say anything about anything beyond pleasantries when it is time to retire? Zarabeth is very, very skilled; but it is obvious to the healer that even were Don Julio not as skilled in his form, that he is the definite artist. Zarabeth could be a consort for a nobleman. Don Julio's talent, however, could put him in the presence of a Vizier, or even the Pharaoh Tutmoses IV himself ... such is the beauty with which Nanai has seen and your new friends have been blessed.

2009-12-08, 09:02 PM
Nanai is thoroughly enthralled by Zarabeths dance and forgets to leave a tip after paying his bill.

He is left humbled to be in the presence of such talent and indicates as much upon their return to the table.

Would that I could do anything as well as the 2 of you in creating the art that is dance. Simply marvelous. I will be retiring for the evening and I bid you goodnight. If you need me, I will be at the caravanserai.

He rises and bows to them both while touching his head.

2009-12-11, 08:08 PM
[PMs and phonecon conducted for both characters ...]

The next morning, Don Julio and Zarabeth dress and come down to breakfast and find that Nanai is there at breakfast with another. Invariably, Nanai would introduce Khonsu-Khaibet to Don Julio (who says his own full name as that may be difficult for Nanai) and Zarabeth, and that Khonsu-Khaibet is your contact here in Aartuat.Khonsu-Khaibet looks to be of some mixed heritage. The average Khemitian possesses a reddish skin, whereas Khonsu's skin is a sort of red-gold (no, not metallic but general color). He is 6'4" and very muscular, probably weighing in around 240 lb or so. He has several blue-ink tattoos at his temples, his cheeks, and on the underside of his biceps as shown in this picture here (http://docs.google.com/View?id=df7mhq9k_27g37kzshk). (Note the picture does not include the breastplate.)

He wears a Khemitian breastplate that looks a little slimmer than normal.Zarabeth recognizes this as a "tumbler's breastplate" and either it is a trophy from a fallen opponent, or this guy fancies himself acrobatic.His light metal shield is of the same gleaming metal as his breastplate ... similar to Don Julio's own (non-tumbler's) breastplate hidden under his desert aba, made of mithral. Though you just meet him now and his shield is at his back, later you will notice that his shield has an emblem of a lunar disc. He has a cloak made of a lion's pelt, including a lion's head at the right shoulder; he has leopard-skin kilt, and smatterings of other desert clothing.

At his side he carries a great scimitar, which is bigger than a normal scimitar and is the 'bastard sword' of scimitars in Khemit. With his shield that means he probably has some specialized focus with the weapon to be able to use such an unwieldy thing one-handed. Carried in his hand casually as one might carry a walking stick, however, is a shortspear. He carries a decent size money purse and another pouch that might be for spell components. Also at his belt is a special type of curved dagger, called a jambiya, used by nomad raiders. Everything but the jambiya appears to be of masterwork quality.

Don Julio says something in Khemitian (Nanai understands) and Khonsu' responds."Khonsu-Khaibet? I have heard of you. Your name means 'Chons' Shadow, does it not? I have heard several stories of you and your exploits, mighty hunter and a man of the peoples - a hero of great repute."

"Thank you, Don Julio. Though I know very little of you, you honor me with your knowledge.""It seems we have a great Khemitian hero in our midsts, my dear; a man of repute and no small hunting skill," says Don Julio to Zarabeth, referring to Khonsu'.

After some breakfast, it turns out that Khonsu-Khaibet is your contact here; that while he is not a Thothian, he works as an ally of the temple - much like his god Chons is an ally of Thoth - to rid the land of Khemit from the Things Which Lurk in Darkness. He offers to go with you on your journeys. He, too, has seen dark omens in his meagers spells. He is a junior priest of Chons, and is tutored by Merha-aptut, the priest of Hapy at the Pool of Hapy south of town. Merha-aptut, it turns out, was the priest seeking alms from travelers at the caravanserai yesterday so that he can build a proper shrine at his god's blessed pool.

"I cannot help notice that you possess singularly striking features, Khonsu'. What is your heritage?"

"My human heritage is that of Khemitian mixed with nomad. But supposedly on the nomadic side in the distant past, they were minor nobles whose blood was blessed by being mixed with that of a noble golden dragon. Some members of my ancestry have shown powers that vary, though most admit that this bloodline seems quite pronounced in me. With my studies of the worlds beyond and the True Nature of Fire, I have managed to harness my bloodline to be particularly adept at channeling elemental fire in my swordsmanship. That, and I fear no fire myself except truly powerful magics; and I may breathe water freely as my Most Blessed Forebears."

Don Julio thinks for a minute and then says, "You are an elemental warrior of fire, then?"

Khonsu' nods.

"Oh, we have such things to discuss. For I, too, am a scholar of many things, but the worlds beyond our own and such higher philosophies is one such thing." Don Julio looks at Zarabeth and Nanai, "I don't know much about them, but if you didn't know, elemental warriors are those that can call upon one of the four elements - a single one to which they have devoted themselves - and can gird themselves with greater offensive and defensive powers representing those elements! The do this by mastering combat and studying the pure essence of their chosen element."

2009-12-11, 10:46 PM

Zarabeth looks over Khonsu with a frank, and openly appraising stare. You somehow get the feeling like she is trying to decide whether you are prey or something else....
An elemental warrior, you say? Youre right, Ive never heard of such a thing, but then, I doubt he's heard of Battle Dancers either. After he finishes boring you with discussions of philosophy, we should talk about how you use fire in battle. Im always open to hearing about better ways to use weapons. He can go on at some length though, lasting power seems to be one of his strengths.

2009-12-14, 09:02 AM
Nanai looks at Zarabeth with a tinge of shock in his eyes and turns to Khonsu.

It seems that we all, barring the stone giant, are in agreement then. We shall welcome your strength to our quest.

2009-12-15, 03:01 PM
Don Julio rolls his eyes and smiles, "She is always praising my oral skills so warmly. This is what I must travel with! Actually, I am interested too, in your usage of fire magics in combat."

Khonsu-Khaibet replies sheepishly, "Well, I do not think it is anything I can teach. I believe it stems from my heritage with a fire-breathing dragon. But I think I've heard of battle dancers; though in my land we call them dervishes."

After breakfast, Khonsu-Khaibet says, "I offered to escort the Nub-kau-nefertem to formally meet Atmu-thoth-rahat at the Trader's Establishment, and I would like to extend this invitation to all of you. It is not only because he is a friend that I think you should visit him and perhaps see his wares, but also because the nature of my country - for you may not know it - is such that those who revere the neteru and choose a local patron that best fits their home deity or beliefs will survive longer. It is important to gain the blessings of the gods in this land."

"Well," Don Julio replies, "after reading the Blemmyish Tribesman's Account ... I am more than willing to sacrifice a goat for each god in the neteru."

Khonsu': "There are some fifty deities in the neteru of Khemit."

Don Julio: :smallamused: "Like I said, I would be willing to sacrifice a goat, just one, for all of the gods in the neteru. Shall we, my dear?"

2009-12-15, 08:54 PM

Shall we what? Sacrifice a goat? I suppose we can find the spare coin for that. Sacrifice 50 goats? That sounds a bit excessive. Or are you talking about going to see Atmu-thoth-rahat? Because that I can really go for.

Zarabeth takes out of her swords, and starts polishing and sharpening it. She looks up with a wicked gleam in her eye

And just how do you go about sacrifcing one of these goats? and with that, she strokes her blade softly and meaningfully.

2009-12-16, 02:43 AM
"It just so happens that my father's people have a whole book on just how to do that very thing," says Don Julio with a smirk. "But I was talking about seeing Atmu'."

2009-12-16, 06:39 AM
Nanai looks at Khonsu and gently shakes his head and smiles. Rising he says Lead on then.

2009-12-18, 12:15 PM
The four of you step outside of Horus' Fortune and cross the street to the Traders' Establisment.This is certainly the most unusual place you have seen in many a day. The whole ground floor of the building is literally bulging with religious statuary and associated materials! There is an inner courtyard of about 30 by 40 feet, and the receding sunlight of the long day comes in through flat-arched openings leading to it. There are also glowing, magically burning candles of all sizes and shapes, lamps, and braziers and burners from which tiny wisps of incense smoke arise.

The plastered interior walls are filled with shelves or niches, or else hidden by racks and cases or things hanging on them. There are tables and stands, too, crowding the floor upon which stand a company of big idols. Everywhere you look, you see statutes and statuettes of animals, animal-headed deities, gods, and strange idols and figures.

Just inside the east entrance stand a flanking pair of big lions carved from some soft, reddish-hued stone. In fact, lions and lionesses along with lion- and lioness-headed statues must make up at least a tenth of all that are herein.

You note that there are a fair number of ibis-headed ones, as well as figures of jackals and jackal-headed men. In fact, you can find just about every sort of thing represented in one form or another: sphinxes with all manner of visages; human-bodied figures with such heads as those of an ass, bull, cat, cobra, cow, crocodile, dog, falcon, frog, hawk, hippopotamus, owl, ram, and so forth. Some are blue or green-skinned humanlike forms, others of mummiform. A leering dwarf with a cap of feathers stands next to a strikingly beautiful woman.

These forms are of cast metal, carved stone, pottery, wood, ivory, and bone. Some few are as high as the 10-foot-tall ceiling, while most are but little figurines that would fit in the palm of your hand.

There are censers, boxes, altars, screens, shrines, paintings of deities, tablets of strange writing, candle sticks and candelabras, ewers, plates, bowls, and all sorts of service implements of religious use.

After a moment, an elderly man approaches. Two cats weave around his feet as he walks. You note he wears unusual dress: a long white gown and a headdress of yellow and orange striped linen bound with a torc showing a lioness' head in its front.
"Greetings, travelers, and many happy returns to the Nub-kau-nefertem. Hello, Khonsu', my friend," he intones in a soft but resonant voice. "Welcome to the House of All Gods and may they watch over you always. I am Atmu-thoth-rahat, the owner of the establishment. Have you come to look? Buying or selling, I am at your service."

2009-12-18, 07:03 PM

Zarabeth browses through some of the items, but seems to give most of them only a cursory glance. She looks longer at those that are female, but only if they are fully human in form. Finally, she looks up at Atmu..
Do you have anything of Isis in this collection?

2009-12-19, 08:33 AM
Bowing to Atmu, Nanai responds I have returned and brought my associates at Khonsus invitation to seek more information.

2009-12-19, 08:44 PM
Khonsu' introduces Don Julio Iyeshua Nyarvel Dan-Levi Rezendes-Goldfarb and Zarabeth. Atmu' replies: "A noble Jew? A noble, half-elven Jew? How extraordinary! After I sell to you ... for it is good for a man to carry protection in these lands, yes? ... we must have tea and talk of the lands you've both seen."

Don Julio replies: "And despite the master of the house's humble demeanor, I am a student of politics and recognize your bearing and headdress as that of a noble Scribe of Khemit. I am honored that you would share your company and your art with me for a small donation."

Atmu' to Selinda: "Aaah, Isis. You've definitely heard the name, no doubt, but do you know who she is, beautiful young lady?"

Atmu' picks up a figurine of a woman with an L-shaped crown. "Isis is our goddess of fertility and magic. This ankh here is her symbol. She is mainly worshipped by women, mothers, wizards, clerics, and sorcerers.

"You know, Isis just might be the oldest deity in our lands and possibly the most important. She is the queen of the neteru, our pantheon, and is the mother-goddess of life and magic. She is never selfish and never cruel, and at one time she may have been more powerful than Ra and Osiris. She did after all trick Ra into giving her his truename, so that she might hold power over him.

"She is revered as the great protector, a guide, a peacekeeper, and loregiver. Together with Thoth, Isis taught mortals the secret of magic. Powerful and compassionate, crafty but merciful, Isis represents the qualities of women.

"Isis is the daughter of Nut and Geb, and the sister to Osiris, Set, and Nephythys. She is the mother of Horus. In an earlier age, she was not only the wife of Osiris, but his counterpart as well, equal in all ways and power. When Osiris was slain by Set, it was she, with the aid of Thoth, who gathered all his body parts and brought him back to life."

Atmu' holds up the little figurine (about 1" tall for the small ones) and looks at it side by side with Zarabeth. "Hmm, interesting, interesting. Isis could fit you, sure ... but her tendencies sometimes go for the conventional. Yet, despite the rather willfulness you display - the lack of convention as it were, still it seems that you extol the beauty and feminity of the female form; not cheaply, but the aspects of sexuality-to-fertility (even if you haven't realized that link with belly dancers here) are strong with you. And from your pouch I notice that you, too, know something of magic. This figuring here is the cheapest of my smaller ones, costing (after haggling with Don Julio) 150 dinar (sp)."

2009-12-19, 11:44 PM

Isis gave us the gift of magic, and I have always had a great reverence for her for that...the fertility aspect of her religion, Im not so sure about (with a sideways wink at Don Julio) but you never know how these things will turn out.

Zarabeth fishes 15 gold coins out of her purse

This should cover it, as I understand the local exchange rates. Now, do you have some sort of necklace or something similar that this could be attached to, in order that I might wear it properly. Or some other idea as to how I could wear it?

2009-12-20, 01:20 AM
Atmu' smiles at Zarabeth. "Young lady, your friend is correct: I am a Scribe of Khemit, and my real home is a fantastically rich appointment in Memphis. But I am old and leave such things to my capable son, for I enjoy traveler's tales and being able to give newcomers to our lands a sense of respect for the gods that are closer to us here then their gods in other lands. I am not charity, but I am rich and these costs are fair; and the gods demand that some sacrifice of coin be made on their behalf.

"Yet I enjoyed the brilliant exchange of your friend, the mensch Rezendes-Goldfarb. It has been a long time since I was so thoroughly bested in a haggle, and the cost you have saved is well won. These 15 drachma do equate to 150 dinar. I am glad to see that you are learning, dear one.

"Now, as for the figurine ... it is not a holy symbol for channeling prayers. You could try to put it in a pouch to hang from your neck, but the figurines are made to simply be carried on your person - from a pouch, to a bag, to a magic sack. And then, if you actually revere Isis, you can set up a small traveling shrine to her. I could show you the basics of prayer if you desire. But it is not worn, merely kept and possessed; to drill a hole through - Sekhmet forbid! - the head (since it would hang better being drilled at top) would be sacrilege and defacement."

"As it turns out," Khonsu' says, "Atmu-thoth-rahat's son is Heru Nebtcheru, a Rekh-khet - Scribe and Sage. He lives in his father's villa in Memphis, being employed by the Royal Court there. He is a devotee of Thoth, and it was he who set up your need to contact me here."

To Don Julio he offers a 2" tall statue of an ibis-headed man. "Behold Thoth, God of Knowledge and Magic, worshipped by scholars, sages, and travelers. You, sir, with your knowledge and excellent speech and willingness to embrace the culture around you ... exemplify all three. What you see in the figurine's hands are a scribe's palette and stylus. Most believe him to be the son of Ra, though it is believed among Thoth's devout followers that he created himself through the power of language. He is the sole creator of magic, the inventor of writing and speech, and the messenger of the gods. He is also the divine record keeper and acts as mediator when a quarrel erupts among his fellow deities.

It is Thoth who questions the souls of the dead before their heart is weighed against the feather of Maat."

Don Julio is struck at how fitting a match Thoth's description is to him, and haggles Atmu' from 600 down to 300 dinar (handing over 30 drachma).

"To the Nub-kau-nefertem, I offer this stunning 2" tall figurine of Nefertem for 1000 dinar ... but since you are a friend of Don Julio and a reputed man of unswerving faith and kindness (and I dare not haggle with Don Julio again), it is yours for only 500 dinar."[Bill, 500 dinar = 500 sp.]

2009-12-20, 09:08 AM

Zarabeth has a horrified look on her face.

Oh no, I had no intention of drilling a hole in her anywhere. I was merely thinking about a necklace strand somwhere around her. But now that you say that, I think she would be happy in my spell pouch, surrounded by what she created. And yes, I would appreciate being given an instruction in the basics of prayer.

2009-12-20, 09:19 AM
Atmu' smiles at Selinda and says, "After we are done with the figurines, I will show you. But if you want to take your time, I have written on papyrus such venerations for Isis: complete with hieratic script translated to Trade Common and pictures. I could sell it to you for 800 dinar."

Don Julio clears his throat.

"Well," Atmu' continues, "such works are a little harder to come by. This one is only a few, well-calligraphed sheets but let's say 760 dinar."

Don Julio pauses, then puts on a "sure, that seems fair" look and then looks at Selinda to see if she is going to purchase it.

2009-12-20, 09:23 AM
Nanai steps off to the side and looks down. Turning he replies, Thank you for your offer, good Sir. I am sorry but I am a man of humble means and I must decline at this time.

2009-12-20, 09:51 AM
Atmu' smiles at Selinda and says, "After we are done with the figurines, I will show you. But if you want to take your time, I have written on papyrus such venerations for Isis: complete with hieratic script translated to Trade Common and pictures. I could sell it to you for 800 dinar."

Don Julio clears his throat.

"Well," Atmu' continues, "such works are a little harder to come by. This one is only a few, well-calligraphed sheets but let's say 760 dinar."

Don Julio pauses, then puts on a "sure, that seems fair" look and then looks at Selinda to see if she is going to purchase it.

Zarabeth (gotcha, gotcha, gotcha) takes out 76 more gold coins, and pays Atmu.
Im sure this will be more than enough for me.

2009-12-20, 10:00 AM
Don Julio laughs. "Humble means?" and claps Nanai on his shoulder before looking at Atmu'.

"As humble of means as my father was, and just as tight with his purse. No, Atmu', this man-of-the-gods has a humility that blindsides you when playing dice. I have steadily lost to him, as have others, since we met in Thebes. The caravaners know him for his 'healing effect' on their wallets that no longer groan from the burden of weight.

"Here, allow me to pay off part of my debt, Nanai. You must understand, while I only pay 50 drachma now, I still expect what you would've paid without me to act as my gambling debt's reduction."
With that, Don Julio pays 50 drachma to Atmu', and Nanai is handed the figurine of Nefertem.

2009-12-20, 10:03 AM
Nanai looks at Don Julio with an odd look and wondering to himself where the catch is, but accepts the statuette.....

2009-12-22, 05:02 AM
Once that is done, Atmu' takes you around to the back where his slave has already prepared tea ... and one other stands there like a great monolith, but sensitive enough not to block the morning sun ... Sahu-ptah, the 9-1/2 foot tall stone maug.

(Re-)introductions are made with the big ...... thing, your party, and Khonsu-khaibet.

Atmu' is a decent and kind host, engaging in conversation. He especially enjoys talking religion with Nanai, Khonsu' and Sahu', but also answering Don Julio's many probing questions about Khemitian history. After all of the honeycakes are gone and the second pot of tea has been served, Khonsu' begins to speak.

"My friends, to business. There have been many omens of late that are foreboding, but of what nature I cannot tell. Heru-Nebtcheru and the Temple of Thoth has noticed ... something askew ... but likewise can only tell that something in this general area causes some to feel ill at ease. My friend at the Pool of Hapy just south of town as the stream flows, Merha-aptut, feels the same way.

"And in the past fortnight, there have been disappearances. One villager vanished eight nights ago. The caravan before you accounts two lost. Of the caravan with which you arrived but left this morning, one of the caravaners did not answer muster and could not be found, and none could say where he had gone. His equipment and pallet were left behind, and he was last seen heading out of the House of Horus' Fortune last night.

"I am a hunter - and one of repute - but this assumes that I know the type and source of evil to hunt. I am no investigator. And this is why your group was contacted. Do you know how we may proceed?"

2009-12-22, 02:09 PM
Nanai looks with interest at his figurine and thinks.... I believe we should start by looking at the most recent disappearance as that would be the incident with which we have fresh evidence. Talk to any who last saw him and look at his bedroll to see if there are any hints as to his recent activities. We should also speak with the friends and family of the missing villager. See if any of the missing have anything in common.

< OOC: Looks around as he hears a strange musical note sound twice...... (Law & Order homage) :wink:

2009-12-22, 02:39 PM
[OOC: That first sentence was the pinnacle of 10 Intelligence Nanai's entire speaking career. :smallamused: And I've only ever seen L&O once, so the musical note thing means nothing to me, nor can I en-hear it (cause it can't be en-visioned).]

"Well," Don Julio says, "Since Zarabeth and I are best at chatting folks up, I think we should split up. Zarabeth and Nanai will look at one lead, and I and Khonsu' will look at the other."There are really only two useful leads - the villager and the most recent caravaner. It is not likely any would remember a random member of the last caravan that disappeared. I want one of you (first to post decision 'wins') to choose which lead the two of you will follow-up.

2009-12-22, 03:47 PM

Zarabeth heads out in search of friends of the missing villager to see what she can gather from them.

[roll0] gather information...unless you RP these things out

2009-12-22, 04:40 PM
Luckily for Zarabeth, having a Khemitian like Nanai is good (especially since he speaks the language - the real language, not the Trade language, and also successfully aids her). After tooling around canvassing folks generally that you see moving to and fro, you finally learn that the villager was a teenage son of the potter and you learn where they live.Look at Area 7 on the Village of Artuaat map here (http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ARwnq-ov5La4ZGY3bWhxOWtfMjVjM3Y5bWt2eg&hl=en).
Just behind (south) of the brick maker's place (Area 6) is the potter's house (area 7). These two familiies - the potter and the brick maker - are friends, naturally. They have three children. They are poor, hardworking, and not unfriendly to strangers. They venerate Kanum and Ra equally.

The smoke and the lines of various sorts of earthenware around the place to the south of the brickyard indicate clearly that the family dwelling in this house are potters. The woman that displayed the goods from the caravanserai where she was peddling small items is here now. The plates, bowls, jugs, pots, cups, etc. are rather well made and nicely colored.

In talking with the family, they are distraught. The mother is stricken with grief and anguish, and the father is listless and wracked with guilt. Over a week ago, their eldest had an argument and left the house - not packed or anything - but simply left the house to cool off. He never returned. No one in the village saw him leave the house to go anywhere, and the father didn't follow him - allowing him to leave to cool off. There have been no signs of him.

2009-12-22, 09:21 PM

Zarabeth slowly approaches the house of the potters.

Pardon me, but I have heard of the disappearance of your son. As a matter of fact, there have been several similar disappearances over the past few days, and we are investigating to see if there is a connection about them.
I was wondering if there was anything else you could tell me about what happened to your son? Have you seen anyone new or suspicious about the village of late? Did you happen to notice what direction he left in and if anyone else followed him? As well, did someone track him after it was discovered he was missing, and if so, did they find anything where the tracks would have ended?

2009-12-23, 03:01 PM
There is nothing more that the potter and his wife can tell you other than what has been narrated already.

The caravans bring in strange people, but they haven't noticed anyone that is sticking around that casts a pall or a shadow. However, two weeks ago, they noticed a dung beetle kill a scorpion, which in its absurdity speaks a bad omen.

The father didn't follow him out the door, so he doesn't know in which direction his son headed.

Khonsu-khaibet, the local hunter, was contacted the following day. He wasn't able to find anything conclusive.

2009-12-26, 12:01 PM
Realizing that it has been a week since the disappearance and that Khonsu was called in, Nanai still chooses to take a look around outside the abode.

2009-12-26, 04:12 PM
Nanai doesn't find anything that gives him any hints as to the son's disappearance.

2009-12-27, 09:34 AM

Nanai, why dont you go and question the occupants of those 3 houses
houses 10, 11,12 and see if they saw the son leave. The way to the fields would have passed by them.

Zarabeth heads first to the brick makers house (#6) and then the houses #8, 9, 13 to see if they saw the son leave on that path.

2009-12-27, 02:09 PM
@ZarabethYou first go to the brickmaker's house (#6). This is a typical house with a low wall and shed just behind the trader's establisment. All round it are stacks of mud-bricks, while in the front of the place are ones laid out singularly.

The mother is talkative about her own affairs and wants to show such a pretty lady as yourself what happens here (possibly to push you off onto one of her sons for marriage?). It is a family of nine. They worship Ra and Ra's son Herakhty. The family brings clay and mud from the nearby stream and millpond bank (thus enlarging the reservoir as all in the village desire). This stuff, mixed with some straw, is then placed into forms, semi-dried, then taken out and sunbaked for a week or so to turn each brick into a good hardness.

The eldest son (of whom she talks very favorably to you ... :smallwink: )has built a kin and is experimenting with pure-clay bricks fired in it - a new technique that is growing popular in the big cities! He is such a silly boy in this regard, a little radical, and needs the love of a good woman - even if it is a strong-willed foreigner - to think more steadily and not about fads.

Unfortunately, of all asked, no one knows or saw anything.

2009-12-27, 03:05 PM
Nanai heads off to the three houses observing as best he can...

2009-12-27, 04:20 PM
Having stumbled upon a possible lead, an idea pops in to Nanais head and he seeks out Zarabeth.

We must gather the others. I have a suggestion and I need to consult with you all.

2009-12-27, 07:11 PM

Zarabeth immediately uses the appearance of Nanai as the perfect opportunity to escape the potential clutches of the brickmaker mother. She latches on to his arm, giving him a big kiss as she does so, and her voice takes on a vapid, almost air-headed tone.

Oh honey, do you really? Thats wonderful, I just knew you would come up with the answer, being so clever as you are. Lets do go find the others, and free these unfortunates from their fate

She almost pulls Nanai away as they go in search of the others.

2009-12-27, 09:10 PM
Was that the matchmaking brickmother? or, the brickmatch mother-maker? or ...? I'm not sure. Anyway ...

You find Don Julio and Khonsu' outside Atmu's place. He is engaging several locals in conversation by telling stories. Obviously, he is hard at work. :smallamused:

2009-12-28, 01:35 PM
Nanai looks slack jawed and stares vacantly at nothing as they approach Don Julio. Shaking the stars from his eyes and trying to wipe the tingly feeling off his cheek where Zarabeth kissed him he says,

The thought occurred to me that I might commune with my God and ask His advice concerning our situation. I generally granted answers to 4 questions. The questions must be able to be answered either yes or no. I have been trying to think of good questions to ask, but I wanted to consult you all for suggestions.

He looks at each of them in turn awaiting a response....His eyes lingering on Zarabeth slightly longer then he is comfortable with and he coughs and turns away....

2009-12-28, 05:34 PM

Zarabeth has a sly smile on her face, as she turns to Don Julio.

Should we ask if they are still alive? Perhaps we could ask if they were headed in a certain direction, but with 4 directions to chose from and only 4 questions, that would take up too much of them, unless we got lucky on the first try.

Zarabeth turns back to Nanai, batting her eyes slightly, and making sure that he sees her in profile.

2009-12-30, 06:22 PM
Khonsu' guides you all back in to sit with Atmu' and Sahu', both of whom are having an enlightening discussion. The old man makes no suggestions for Nanai, for he believes that such power is meant for the intuition and faith of the one blessed with such a gift.

Sahu' suggests asking if the three missing persons or their remains of those whom you seek are still within the Village of Aartuat.

Khonsu' agrees that Nanai should ask if any of the victims are still alive (which keeps the indecision away in case you foolishly ask if "all" are alive).

Don Julio says, "These questions are good for now. Make sure you are public as you receive this information, Nanai. I will try to guide you for the fourth based on the information given."

2009-12-30, 06:35 PM
Very well. The best time for me to do this is at sunrise. If we can reconvene then, I will ask the questions.

2009-12-30, 06:43 PM
Don Julio nods, not wanting to interfere with Nanai's Mighty Mojo.

Nanai, Selinda [OOC: Dammit!] Zarabeth ... what do you do with the rest of your day?

2009-12-30, 07:28 PM

Zarabeth seeks out a cool place in the shade, and sets the statue of Isis in front of her. She takes out the notes given to her by Atmu, and reads up on the practice of worship of Isis.

2009-12-30, 09:03 PM
As Nanai makes his way back through the village, he spots Zarabeth in one of the 2 shady spots in town. He approaches her silently and watches for a few seconds...Observing.....Crossing to her he bows and says,

Pardon my interruption, lady. May I offer some suggestions for your interest in Isis?

2009-12-31, 01:49 AM
Don Julio is going to stay and pick Atmu's brain awhile and read through some texts. Sahu-ptah will also do the same, though his interests are more for Khemitian architecture, mechanics, and metallurgy.

@ Zarabeth, those little gray cottonballs on the Village of Aartuat map ... that's scrub brush, not palms. You would have to follow the Hapy Path south to the Pool of Hapy (the source of the Fading Brook). BTW, #18 is merely a mill pond. The Pool of Hapy is a little off the map to the south. Also, Nanai's bit above won't happen until he "makes his way through town" (since he's already in town) and he's heading the other way.

@Nanai, you head back to the caravanserai, ostensibly to get an idea of the military presence in town.The following is a reprint of what was posted (or discussed on the phone) earlier...
#1, The Caravanserai of Aartuat: The sandstone walls of the structure are some 30 feet high and about 4 feet thick at the base. The buildings inside the place are 25 feet high, the rooftops providing space both for normal activities such as evening cooking, eating, and sleeping, and for fighting in time of attack.

The exterior dimensions of the place are 180 feet E-W, 120 feet N-S.

1A, Gatehouse Entryway: The line of men and animals approaches the caravanserai. A high tower situated in the central portion of the north wall serves as the gatehouse. The entrance is 10 feet wide and some 15 feet high. A soldier on either side of the gates watches the newly arrived train with keen eyes.

1B, Inner Yard: There are structures built to either side and against the south wall so as to make the open space here some 110 feet E-W, 75 feet deep. The main building seems to be the one to the south, directly opposite the gate tower.

The yard is open, dusty, and dirty. How many thousands of pack animals have left their wastes on the dry ground here can't be guessed. It smells like a farm yard, of course, even though there seems to be a fellow ready to clear any dung dropped by your caravan's beasts of burden. Besides the cot of doves, some rabbit cages, and a score of chickens wandering about, there are about a dozen people in the yard, including another pair of armed soldiers lounging at the entrance of the big place that is the chief building of the caravanserai.

A quick count reveals 10 civilians in the courtyard. One is the sweeper with wheelbarrow and shovel ready to collect droppings. The others appear to be as follows:
A bald ecclesiastic of some sort asking alms of the caravan.
A food cooker with brazier and skewers of meat and vegetables.
A small urchin begging for coins.
An old man selling things that might be amulets, charms, and the like.
A woman with baskets of bread she is selling.
A grubby lad who seems to be offering to assist with the animals - a stable boy, most likely.
Another woman selling her wares, being some fairly nice looking pottery.
A fellow sitting on the ground beckoning to the new arrivals.
A man with a cart and baskets of various fresh fruits and vegetables.

1C, West Stable: This is a long building with large wooden doors in the center of its east wall, one facing the yard.

The interior is about 70 feet in length and 25 feet deep. It is all open, with brick pillars supporting the ceiling. To the south there is a narrow flight of steps going upwards. The ceiling overhead is about 10 feet, and there are openings in it and ladders going through them. This is the place where camels are kept. There is room for some 20 such animals herein. If there are more animals than this, they simply stay outside in the yard. A flight of steps inside leads to an upper storage area and quarters for 4 civilian laborers attached to the caravanserai.

1E, Main Building: There is a big, rectangular building taking up the better portion of the south third of the caravanserai. A pair of big, barn-like doors opens outwards in the center front of it, and there are no ground floor windows at all. There are numbers of windows higher up, each with stout shutters. There are open steps at either side of the front of the place. They lead up to a walkway and a pair of regular doorways there.

This is where incoming caravans store their goods - the lower portion. At that time, the big doors are locked and the soldiers guard the place with some care.

Above, the interior is about 80 x 35 feet. This floor is where the caravaneers spend the night. In the center is a dormitory room of roughly square shape, about 35 feet square. It has 20 narrow wooden pallets with straw (and vermin) filled mattresses. To the east and west are a total of eight mirror-image rooms. The bigger two south corner rooms are about 15 feet square, the other six are some 10 x 15 feet. The beds here are double-sized, but they are likewise straw-mattressed and louse infested. The master of the train, merchants, and Freemen stay in these rooms, if they are empty. Now, you do know that 1F is the Administration Building, but you haven't gone inside like Don Julio did. You can tell that 1D is the eastern stable and that 1G is the refectory (aka, Mess Hall). Do you mess around inside any of these places or ask around for anything?

2010-01-07, 07:29 AM
(When Nanai arrives at her current location)

Im always interested in hearing helpful suggestions. Im new to the worship of Isis, in fact, new to the idea of worship at all. My old profession didnt have much of worship in it

She pats the grass beside her.

Sit, make yourself comfortable. I dont bite...at least, not hard. Tell me what you know of Isis.

2010-01-07, 10:14 AM
Nanai sits and taking the figurine in hand, examines it carefully. He then begins speaking and it is the most you have heard him speak since meeting him. 14 Knowledge Religion check

He speaks at length concerning Isis and her origins as well as methods of worship and various sects. He seems quite knowledgeable..... Though not as much as you would suspect.

(I screwed up the posting and goofed my roll. It came out as 14...... I rolled a 1....LOL How's that for honesty? Who would fudge a fumble? :smallsmile: )

2010-01-07, 09:14 PM

Zarabeth listens with interest to what Nanai is saying. She occasionally interjects by referring to her sheets, but mostly lets Nanai carry the conversation. When he is not noticing, she inches closer and closer to him, so that eventually, her thigh is resting against his.

And you yourself? You do not worship Isis, or do you? Which deity do you follow, if not Isis.

She gazes into his eyes, awaiting his answer.

2010-01-08, 11:12 AM
Nanai, quite aware of Zarabeths closeness looks around and seems flush....You could say it's the heat of the day......Or not....but he doesn't move away...

I worship the God Nefertem.

And he expounds in great detail about his God. [roll0] Knowlege Religion

(not sure if I needed to roll that for my own deity or not...)

2010-01-08, 01:58 PM
Nanai continues.... As he speaks, his face loses it's flush and his eyes become filled with passion. All else around him is nothing as he speaks of his sacred God.
Nefertem is the ancient sun-god. He is associated with the young boy (Atum) who emerged from the lotus of Nun at the beginning of time. It is this boy that shed the tears from which all of mankind emerged. Due to this relationship, Nefertem is often called "the young Atum".

The lotus from which Nefertem emerged is sacred to him. He is almost always depicted as a man wearing the lotus and two plumes on his head. It is said that Nefertem brought Re a sacred lotus to ease his suffering.

Nefertem is a member of the holy triad. He is the son of the god Ptah and the goddess Sekhmet.

Nefertem is patron of both the healing arts and the arts of beautification.

In art, Nefertem is usually portrayed as a man wearing the lotus and two feathers on his head, sometimes this elaborate headdress also includes two menet necklaces. Occasionally, Nefertem is also shown as a lion-headed man.

As he concludes he seems to regain his awareness and the light which shown in his eyes fades and he looks back at Zarabeth with a smile, once again, quite aware of her proximity, yet not shying away as his confidence grows.

2010-01-13, 09:09 AM

Zarabeth lets her closeness linger for a moment or two after he finishes speaking, and then seems to go through an impossibly quick change. She stands with a flourish, her silks billowing out from her, and in her hands in the blink of an eye are her two swords.

All this talk of deities and magic and missing villagers, and Im forgetting what I really am. A battle dancer.

With that, she begins to slowly move through the forms of her dance, but they are different now, yet still the same. The image of her blades in hand certainly changes things, and the swift cut of them at unseen assailants makes you cringe at the thought of approaching her, but there is still an incredible amount of sensuous beauty in them. The distracting effect of her lithe body and swirling silks makes it hard to follow exactly where she is, and where she is moving to, and you can see why her opponents find it so hard to lay a hit on her in battle, she seems to flow from one place to another in a moments notice.

[roll0] Perform: Battle Dance
EDIT: Old information and I added the wrong bonus, its only +12, so the net result is 31, which is still pretty impressive

2010-01-13, 01:05 PM
Nanai observes in quiet appreciation, Zarabeths dancing and swaying is mesmerizing and he can see how it would be a suitable distraction to the slashing blades.

I truly fear for any you may meet in battle. You would be a formidable opponent. I am not all prayers and healing either.

Rising as he speaks with smooth and almost imperceptible draws, knocks and fires an arrow over Zarabeths swirling skirts to land with a solid thunk in a piece of wood leaning against a brush near them.


2010-01-13, 01:10 PM

Nanai fires again?

Typed the first one wrong and then it didn't take in the edit.

2010-01-13, 01:13 PM
ROFLMAO Boy can you tell who the noob is in this line? I'll figure this stuff out eventually....

How do you post a Spoiler?

2010-01-21, 09:21 AM
Nanai walks quietly over to retrieve his spent arrow. Watching Zarabeth from the corner of his eye enjoying her from for a second before recovering.....

Have you any other hidden talents that I should be aware of?

2010-01-21, 11:28 AM
Conscious of Nanai's eye on her, Zarabeth does a long slow stretch, starting by bending over at the waist to touch the tips of her toes, and then straightening up to a full stretch on her tiptoes, reaching as high as she can over her head.

Other talents? As I said, I am a sorceress, although most, if not all of my spells are designed to aid me in battle, not the flashy displays of fireballs and lightning bolts. They can be used to aid others as well, of course, but they do require me to touch you.
She winks at Nanai
You dont have a problem with that, do you?

2010-01-21, 11:34 AM
Nanai stops in his tracks, coughs and flushes bright red at the realization of how what he said must have sounded...

He turns to Zarabeth, stammering and says...

Er...Umm..No...Not at all....I....

2010-01-26, 09:50 AM

Zarabeth looks to the sun to check the time.

We should be heading back to the plaza, and see what Don has been able to dig up. I want to talk to him about something else as well. About these disappearances.

She gathers her silks together and starts walking back into town.

2010-02-25, 10:17 PM
Zarabeth checks the time ...The sun says, "The time is now ... Six, forty-three p.m. ... and 40 seconds ........ *BEEP*"

Do you remember (Bill) when we were kids and there was a number we could call that told us the time? Huh. Now, we don't have to call ... our phones automatically update.

Nanai (ostensibly) follows Zarabeth back to town. While he might enjoy a little bit of quiet out here, he knows that there are more pressing matters and who knows if more lives are at stake?

The two of you return to Don Julio and Sahu' at Atmu's establishment.

"Well," Julio asks. "What have we learned?"At this point, feel free to look back over the posts to re-acquaint yourselves.

2010-02-26, 07:51 AM
Very little, Im afraid. No one saw him leave, no one saw which way he went, no one heard a thing. There are no tracks. There is no trace of him.
Zarabeth looks around
Don, can we speak in private? With Nanai, of course, but without anyone from the town. Nothing personal to them of course, but just in private.

2010-02-26, 12:56 PM
"The lady's request," Don Julio (Don is a title, Julio is his name) says with a smile to Atmu' and Sahu' (the latter, not from town, looks on impassively), "is like a command to me."

"Whither thou goest," he says to Zarabeth, and nods to Nanai.

Atmu' invites the lot of you to dinner, and allows you to use his gardens for privacy, with his servant (wearing a bell on his ankle to advise you to his presence when he comes and goes) providing the tea service while you converse in seclusion in his courtyard.

Don Julio says, "I trust Atmu' implicitly, and my summations of people - you may well remember - are rarely wrong. He is blessed by the gods, so I don't think that there are any 'listening sensors' or other spies or magic in this courtyard. Say on, Wind Gatherer."

('Wind Gatherer' is one of Don Julio's many pet names for Zarabeth. When he first saw her dance, he said it was like she commanded the wind to gather before her as she moved.)

2010-02-26, 01:38 PM

I am not trying to sound callous or uncaring about the disappearances of people in this area, but how is it our concern? As well, wouldnt investigating them jeopordize our greater mission? As I remember, you have made arrangements for us to meet people who will be able to courier us out of this area, once we have secured the items that we have come for. They are only going to wait in the appointed meeting area for a certain length of time, and then move on, with or without us. If we spend any time looking for these lost souls, then that is that much less time we have to complete what we came for.

2010-02-26, 03:08 PM
Any life is of value...... If we have a chance of finding these, the Gods will surely look upon us with greater favour.

2010-02-26, 03:25 PM
Don Julio smiles, somewhat amused. "Zarabeth, you have oft chided me - moreso ever I to you - about the sanctity of life; if not in your words, then in your actions. No, the mystery amuses me. To solve it means that we gain the trust of the locals and that makes our search of this area for ancient crypts and treasures much easier. And if the gods favor us for doing so as well," he adds, looking at Nanai, "so much the better.

"As for our contact, we already met him ... Khonshu-Khaibet is our contact, our ally, and our companion. He knows that this mission may take some time."

Sahu-ptah speaks up with his voice of the earth and the stone plates of his mouth grinding, "To find the extra-ordinary, we must seek the extra-ordinary. To do so, in lack of supernatural knowledge, we look for that which is out of the ordinary for what exists here. We may find it speaks of a connection to what we seek ... a chance greater for our success than to watch a baker bake his bread as he does day in and out."

Don Julio takes a few seconds to let the stone man's rare wordiness sink in, and the meaning (and insights of the maug) as well. "the we are agreed - though neither unanimously nor for the same reasons - that we should continue to solve this mystery for now. Nanai, what about you? Have you learned anything?"

2010-02-26, 06:40 PM

When it is explained in that fashion, then I do agree to make it unaminous. I just didnt want our transport running off without us, seeing as my investigations proved fruitless...except for discovering the fact that the matron mother of the brickmaker family sees me as the perfect bride for her son
Zarabeth makes a face
Nothing personal, but I dont see my life spent with my arms caked in mud for the rest of it.
She looks at Nanai and Julio
What about those questions we were going to ask via the spell.

2010-03-02, 11:50 AM
"the we are agreed - though neither unanimously nor for the same reasons - that we should continue to solve this mystery for now. Nanai, what about you? Have you learned anything?"[/QUOTE]

It would appear that the missing son and his fiance had a falling out and he stormed off in the direction of the Hapy Pond. No one has seen him since and his tracks have faded out to untraceable. As to the questions, I will ask them in the morning at sunrise. You may all be in attendance if you wish to observe.

2010-03-04, 11:28 AM
The suggestion has been made that I ask if any of the victims we seek are still alive as well as asking if the three missing persons or the remains of those whom we seek are still within the Village of Aartuat. The answer to the first question will allow us to better frame the second. We should have a basic idea of what we wish to ask for the 3rd and 4th questions based of course on the responses to the 1st two.

Nanai looks around, waiting for responses....Once again his eye falling upon the figure of Zarabeth, causing him to look away quickly and cough, flushing red.

2010-03-04, 09:12 PM

Zarabeth grins at his reaction, and gives herself a little shake, setting her silks to swirling a bit and and her beads to jangle.
Those are excellent questions and should move us forward in our quest.
She snuggles next to Julio
Anything else we can do tonight? She smirks a bit At least, in public?

2010-03-09, 04:26 AM
Sahu-Ptah adds flatly, "I understand your emotional responses to helping the missing. But, the gods have constructed the road our destinies take, but we decide how we ride our camels on that road. I believe that our focus should be on the source of the disappearances, as the information on the several disappeared persons is varied and incomplete, and through the source we may learn of the affected/ missing. I propose these assumptions:" "Persons - resident or visitors - do not often go missing in Aartuat, at least this commonly. This is a new development.
The missing are random persons with no verifiable link or similar shared trait, save that all are male.
The missing persons disappeared or were last seen at night.
The missing persons are aware of the dangers of the desert beyond the village, especially at night, and would not risk those dangers unless experienced adventurers in their own right.
None of the missing are believed to be capable adventurers or warriors.
This concentration of missing persons is uncharacteristic, and likely tied to a single Source.
This Source acts alone, at the lead of others, or is itself controlled by others.
Don Julio told me that he learned that only persons are missing; livestock and produce are unharmed. A span of two weeks occurred between missing persons.
With such easily procured food, the Source may (or may not) have consumed the missing, but this is secondary to its mere presence .... which seems to prefer sapient victims for an unknown Purpose. This itself denotes that the Source itself is sapient.
We were sent to investigate this area.
This inference drawn regarding this mission is that no single creature is responsible for the need of this mission to be undertaken.
The probability that the Source is directly or indirectly to our mission is high, given the low population density and relative stability of the village prior to this event.
This mission is not publicly (openly) of secular interest beyond Aartuat.
This mission, despite any secular interest, was given in confidence by a high-ranking priest of Thoth.
Priests of Thoth specialize in knowledge, secrets, and ferreting out Set and his associates and followers.
Though priests openly support the theocratic rule of Khemit, for one to support a low-key mission directly implies knowledge or belief of the actions of one of the evil gods, and by this extension, their followers.
Conclusion: The Source is evil, intelligent, and is - through some extension - related to others in the area, all receiving their marching orders by a belief that one of the evil gods directs them. A priest or other divinely-inspired spellcaster is likely related to the leadership hierarchy of the Source."
"Therefore, I recommend the following questions:
If Question A, than is the direct Source of the missing persons singular?
If Question B, than is the direct Source answerable to another tangible entity based in Aartuat?
If Question C, than is the direct Source humanoid?
If Question D, than are the Source and its accomplices limited to the general area of the Village of Aartuat?"

2010-03-09, 07:44 AM

Zarabeth scratches her head, and looks to Don Julio.
Is he always that complicated? I couldnt follow any of that. Im in the mood to skewer something.

2010-03-09, 02:19 PM
Sahu-ptah: "Battle Dancer, your swords are useless if you do not master the logic necessary to determine best where to place those swords. Perhaps if you less worried about your looks and less lived upon your hot passions, you might be able to do this as well." :vaarsuvius:

2010-03-09, 02:27 PM

Dont eschew hot passions, until you have tried them says Zarabeth as she snuggles up to Don Julio.

2010-03-09, 05:20 PM
Don Julio smiles and chuckles, nodding his head as if consenting with some joke. "For all of that, Sahu', that actually made a lot of sense. It would be wiser, perhaps, if we sought the source of the missing persons rather than run in circles for those whom we have no more trace.

"Nanai," Don Julio continues, stifling some hidden joke, "I can write these questions down if you need, but I think our resident rock is, ironically, our resident genius."

2010-03-11, 08:10 AM
Nanai stares at Sahu with a blank look and his jaw hanging slightly askew. When Julio speaks to him he snaps his jaw shut and looks at him saying, Ummmm...Yes....That would be wonderful. Please write the questions down...... and then looks at Zarabeth somewhat relieved that he was not the only one that was totally lost by that statement.....

2010-03-12, 09:03 PM
"Well," continues Don Julio, "Shall we to dinner? Atmu' has invited us all to dine with him .... here, conveniently enough, in the courtyard. If there are no other points to discuss?"

2010-03-12, 10:09 PM
Nanai looks around at the others saying.....Oddly enough, I'm famished.......Let us partake.

2010-03-12, 11:27 PM
"Before we do," says Don Julio, "Khonshu-Khaibet is our contact and Atmu-thoth-rahat our host. I trust them with what we've discussed, and would be willing to share this with them. What do the rest of you think?"

2010-03-13, 01:52 AM

A real home cooked meal instead of trail food rocks? Lead on for sure. And Don, if you trust them, thats enough for me.

2010-03-13, 10:01 AM
I agree. It would be best to share information. Perhaps they can offer more insight.

2010-03-13, 10:03 AM
Anachronous: "I agree. A real, homecooked meal instead of trail food does rock, indeed.":smallbiggrin:

The meal is decent, though not nearly as sumptuous as Don Julio could pay to have at The House of Horus' Fortune. Then again, while a Scribe, Atmu' enjoys a decent standard of living but never liked to be too extravagant - enough to show thanks to the gods for his own good fortune, but not enough to be dismissive of others.

Don Julio discusses what was learned, and what has yet to be gleaned from Nanai's 'gift' of discourse with the gods. Atmu' is more impressed with Nanai's gift than he really pays attention to the problems at hand. Khonsu can't wait for morning to come to get some answers ... even if that means he can't yet move. But to have something is something.

If you wish to discuss anything further, post it ... eitherwise we'll move on to morning. (Don Julio & Zarabeth to go back to the Inn ... not enough patrons to really entertain other than themselves. Khonsu & Nanai back to Khonsu's small house.)

2010-03-15, 08:00 AM
So, roleplay-roleplay-roleplay ... and!

The courtyard of Atmu's house includes a pretty, well-tended garden ... perfect for veneration to Nefertem.

Nanai conducts his morning ritual here, a welcome departure from bare sand in the desert and more befitting of his god's desires. He collects his daily energies before beginning the commune.

Nanai, over the 10 minutes that follow, is enraptured as he becomes connected with his god. The answer to his questions are as follows:
Is the direct Source of the missing persons singular?


Is the direct Source answerable to another tangible entity based in Aartuat?


Is the direct Source humanoid?


Are the Source and its accomplices limited to the general area of the Village of Aartuat?


2010-03-16, 10:27 AM
Nanai rises from where he was sitting. Please.....A moment to recover..... He crosses to the table and sits and pours himself some water from the pitcher.......After a few minutes he speaks. We have our answers.............Do they seem to have helped?

2010-03-16, 11:37 AM
Don Julio replies, "Yes. Yes, it does. We now know that regardless of whatever/whomever else this 'Source' may be in cahoots with, It is by itself in taking the missing. It may or may not be 'following orders,' but the 'Somewhat' tells me that it very likely is an independent entity released, developed, or conjured to act on its own accord ... presumably one which meshes with the Group's goals. We also know that there is a group of at least two: Master & Servant - even if the Servant is unwitting, - and Nefertem also told him 'Some' were in the village, meaning that there are definitely more. We've hit a 'real conspiracy' now . We know that the body-snatcher isn't human, or elf, or anything like .... but some sort of monster; it may or may not be sapient, but it is definitely a creature ... even with the 'Somewhat' answer.

"Now, unless it is some super-powered tiny critter that consumes its host ... it most likely is hidden and large enough to be threatening to a human. Not being humanoid that means it can't hide in broad daylight unless it's a shapeshifter, but then again most attacks occurred at night. We don't have the authority to go kicking in doors and demanding answers. But since it only 'Somewhat' answers to another, it is likely - as I said before - acting independently. This means it most likely isn't in a house, but hiding in the area.

"My guesses might be: 1) extraplanar, 2) hides in the air, 3) hides in the sand, or 4) hides in the water. #1 is too obscure, and I don't know if we're prepared to handle anything like that ... so hope keeps me from settling on that. #2 - if it is some type of ghost or faerie, often depends on signs of physical manifestation before you can begin to find it; This would be difficult. #3 and #4 are possible .... The Village is surrounded by sand, and while the stream is small, the Hapy Pool is a possibility. Since one of the missing was last seen walking down the path to the Hapy Pool ... that is where I suggest we begin.

"Nanai, you (and Khonsu') are our resident desert experts. Eliminate the things that don't make sense for now. What creatures are you aware of that might hide in sand or water and might be a threat. I assume, if in water, it has the ability to move beyond it. Also, something with a 'habit' of aggression, the possibility of low-level intelligence, and not ravenous .... or we'd have more disappearances."

Sahu', looking over at Don Julio, nods approval. Sahu' is able to take a pure logic standpoint, but Don Julio is better at taking those choices, extrapolating them, and then understanding motivations to reduce the choices.

2010-03-16, 01:04 PM

Zarabeth takes out her swords, and begins to sharpen them to razor like precision. Finally, they appeared to be moving towards something she could understand and deal with.

I will check out the Hapy pool. Does anyone know how deep it is, I want to know in case I have to wade into it to go after something. Or if I have to swim in to flush whatever might be there out.
Zarabeth also has a mischevious glint in her eye.
But I seem to have forgotten my bikini. What a bother, I guess I'll have to skinny dip if it comes to that. She says, with a wink at The Donald.

2010-03-16, 01:24 PM
Khonshu' speaks up, "Zarabeth, no doubt you are as deadly in combat as your beauty divine. But I think it unwise that we split up ... wholly. It might be interesting to have Zarabeth be a decoy."

The Orange Julius continues the thought, "It seems to be a decent plan. I say for now, though, we all (together) roam about the Hapy Path and Pool to see what we can see. If we don't turn up anything, let's wait until twilight since this thing historically only seems to enjoy the darker hours."

Sahu' nods its head, but adds, "If you need to flush out anything, I could go underwater as I do not need to breathe ... but I am sluggish and poor in combat underwater."

The Golden Corral (as in Goldfarb ... I wonder how much of his name we can turn into eateries, as 'The Donald' can be associated with McDonald's) closes: "Zarabeth .... Nanai .... how does that sound? We should do a close-in look of the path and travel around the pond. And just in case, we should have weapons drawn in case we stir the snake from its nest."

2010-03-16, 01:26 PM
Nanai rises and retrieves his bow.... That sounds like a good plan.

2010-03-16, 02:53 PM

Zarabeth gathers up her blades, twitches her silks into place and makes ready to leave with the others. She takes up a guard position beside Julio as they move out.

2010-03-21, 06:34 PM
Nanai has the front. He and Khonshu have had enough 'professional chatter' between them that Khonsu-khaibet accedes that the Nub-kau-nefertem is surely a better tracker and scout than he.

Khonsu follows behind him.

Then Don Julio and Zarabeth walk together, though Zarabeth is on the 'water' side.

The monolithic Sahu-ptah follows 10' behind them.

The party passes the mill pond (#18), where there are lots of ducks and geese around the water. Nanai and Khonsu' note that, oddly, there are ducks and geese all around the edge, but none are swimming in the water.

"I didn't notice this before since I don't spend time around the water's edge. But that isn't right. It's as if the fowl expect a predator to be within the pond. I recommend we ready weapons."

Don Julio take out his masterwork composite longbow and takes an arrow from his slender quiver. He separates himself from Zarabeth by 10' outwards from the water.

Khonsu-khaibet takes out a great scimitar (think of the bastard sword of scimitars) and readies his light mithral shield.

Sahu-ptah does a 'weapons check' of the strange looking "box with holes" on his shoulder". (For visualizations, think of something akin to a rocket launcher.) He takes out his odd sword. The sword is similar to a Celtic broadsword or an Etruscan spatha (longsword), but the handle portion is excessively long and not very well-balanced. Sahu' holds the clumsy thing in one hand and keeps the other hand free.

What do Nanai and Zarabeth ready?

2010-03-21, 07:01 PM
Nanai places the strange goggles that he wears about his neck up and over his eyes, snugs his gloves and draws his long bow knocking an arrow, whilst moving back and away to allow the sword combatants room to swing and himself a clear line of fire....

2010-03-21, 08:27 PM

Seemingly without a thought, Zarabeth activates her Shield spell
followed by her Mage Armour spell, and then draws her scimitars, ready for action
Shield is swift action by Swift Abjuration, Extend Abjuration, Abjurant armour, Shield bonus to AC +9. (20 minute duration) Mage Armour is standard action, Armour bonus to AC +4 (9 hour duration). AC now 36. Drawing scimitars is move action

2010-03-23, 08:10 AM
Nanai will also go around to the others and offer additional blessings to those who wish to accept before praying for himself. (protection from evil: +2 to AC and saves)

2010-03-23, 09:37 AM
Nanai will also go around to the others and offer additional blessings to those who wish to accept before praying for himself. (protection from evil: +2 to AC and saves)
You could just call forth Pa-ari Pen-tu-au, who has a magic circle against evil (10' radius).

2010-03-23, 09:39 AM
Egad, I forgot all about him....I'll just do that then......

2010-03-24, 06:57 PM
Khonsu-khaibet draws his great scimitar and readies his shield.

Nanai calls for Pa-ari Pen-tuauu-nefertem to join him. A creature appears next to him, similar to the descriptions that Zarabeth has heard of the fabled unicorns of her home forests. But instead of being snowy white, this creature has a reddish coat, and a golden mane, beard, tail, and fetlocks, and solid gold hooves with solid gold, spiraling horn.

Zarabeth does her spells and draws her short swords (she has short swords, btw, not scimitars).

Don Julio and Sahu'ptah, as above.

Before anything else can be done, a massive reptilian thing that is 30' long and with a body over 5 feet broad, bursts forth from the water. It looks like a standard river crocodile but for its immense size. It is just in the edge of the water, 10' from Khonsu. This thing is Huge!

R1T25: The Khemitian unicorn sends forth waves of goodness around it (10' radius) and it bursts forth before Nanai can command it. The super-croc bites at it as Pa-ari moves in, but is clumsy and misses. Pa-ari splashes into the mill pond's edge and gores the monster with its golden horn for 29 damage!

R1T24.9: Don Julio shoots his bow at the monster ... and fumbles!!! (To be Continued ... dunh-dunh-dunh!) :elan:

2010-03-27, 06:01 PM
R1T24.9(Cont'd): ... Don Julio's bows goes sailing thirty feet to the other side of the mill pond. He is still holding the arrow in his hand as when it was about to be set on the bow. He looks up to the sky and says, "Really, Lord? You couldn't see fit to bless me with my mother's skill against this evil just because the elves are 'heathens'?!?"

He then - very unenthusiastically - draws his rapier and dagger in a smooth, fluid motion.

R1T23: The Creature from the Artuaat Lagoon bites Pa-ari Pen-tuauu for modified 22 damage, as it seems that the bite didn't seem to score nearly as solid a hit (solid though it was) as youd've thought ... but it still significantly wounds the Khemitian unicorn. The monster hisses foully, and then its tail snaps around the side to attack Khonsu - in fact, despite the unicorn sent from the heavens - the titanic crocodile seems to view the Aartuatian hunter with particular anger, but the tail is deflected by the nimble warrior's shield.

R1T21: Zarabeth, to reach the thing in melee you would have to move 10' parallel to the pond's edge, and then 10' into the pond. Stepping into the pond that far looks like it might be up to your waist, and it has 10' reach. What do you do?

2010-03-27, 11:05 PM

Zarabeth moves toward the battle, calling out for the unicorn to try and draw the crocodile out of the water and onto the beach.

Move Action: move right to the edge of the water, but not entering yet.
Standard Action: Cast spell on self, Bull's Strength

Next Round
Zarabeth will enter the water and battle the croc if the unicorn hasnt been able to draw the beast out of the water

2010-03-30, 11:18 PM
R1T21: Zarabeth steps right up to the water's edge and casts a spell, all the while trying to get the unicorn to draw the croc-monster farther onto land. (Nanai does not recognize the spell.)Zarabeth, I updated your STR and your swords with the spell's effects.
R1T18: Khonsu-Khaibet stands his ground, taunting the 'bastard blood of Sebk' to come and fight him. Khonsu suddenly is engulfed in flames, but none so hot as his great scimitar. Khonsu seems unharmed.

R1T15: Nanai, what do you do?

2010-04-04, 10:12 AM
Nanai let's fly with a single arrow. 1d20+16

(sigh) maybe someday I'll figure this out......

2010-04-04, 10:17 AM
Ok....Got it now.....


2010-04-04, 04:45 PM
R1T15: Nanai takes aim, and lets loose with a single arrow ... and hits the creature in the left forefoot for 16 unmod damage plus 2 dessication damage as the area around the wound becomes mildly dry and parched.

R1T6: Two loud, disconcerting reports sound as the box-with-holes on Sahu-ptah's shoulder shoots forth two stones, one after the other. Both only do 3 unmodified damage ... but bounce off the monster's hide without any mark.Also, you know that Pa-ari speaks Khemitian, but you doubt he speaks the outlander common that Zarabeth used.

End Round One, Begin Round Two...

R2T25: Pa-ari fast heals 5 damage. Realizing that this monster is one tough hombre with a painful bite, Pa-ari sets up to fight defensively this round. Considering the preternatural speed of the unicorn, he will be incredibly tough to hit. Pa-ari gores it in the side for 28 unmodified damage, with a significant amount of damage buffered. He then strikes with both hooves for 9 unmodified damage each ... but neither hoof hurt the thing.

R2T24.9: Don Julio calls to Pa-ari in Khemitian: <"Come to shore where the rest of us can fight it without being in its element!>"

Then, in Common, he follows that up with: "That's a demoncroc! It can ignore most weapons that have not been infused with holy power [DR 10]. It is not a creature of this world, despite it's looking like a crocodile of greater proportions. If we kill this thing, its innards hold a clue to its master."

He looks to Nanai, "Healer, you're good with the bow, but don't let us getting chomped on make you forget your primary advantage to us if we need it ... as a healer!"

With that, Don Julio turns invisible.

R2T23: The demoncroc's wounds are slowly knitting as it compresses its body to bite at Pa-ari with greater power. The bite misses entirely, and its tail glances ineffectually against the mighty hide of the unicorn.

R2T21: Zarabeth, what do you do?

2010-04-04, 08:36 PM

Zarabeth takes note of the tough hide of the demoncroc. Normally, tough hided creatures present a problem for her multitude attack style, but she has a new trick up her sleeve from her Abjurant Champion training. She wades into battle and whacks the croc with extra force.

Swift Action: Arcane Boost, using 5th level spell for +10 on damage.
Move Action: Moves to attack Croc
Standard Action: Single attack on Croc
[roll0] attack roll
[roll1] damage

Chew on that, you stupid reptile

2010-04-05, 12:10 AM
R2T21: Zarabeth takes note of the tough hide of the demoncroc. Normally, tough hided creatures present a problem for her multiple-attack style, but she has a new trick up her sleeve from her Abjurant Champion training. She wades (literally) into battle. The croc attempts to bite her, and misses terribly.

Meanwhile, bright magical motes swirl about Zarabeth's arm and travel down to her blade, dissipating in a flash while Zarabeth's short sword stabs into the creature's back for a total of 10 modified damage. "Chew on that, you stupid reptile," she quips.

R2T18: With the demoncroc focused on Zarabeth, Khonsu' sloshes into 10' to attack the demoncrock well along it's middle portion (and is flanking at angles with Pa-ari and Zarabeth, thanks to the monster's size). As he closes on the creature, he appears filled with a fury at facing such an abomination. Though Khonsu' and his weapon is wreathed in flame, his scimitar seems to glow with a holy, golden light ... and Khonsu' seems as pleasantly surprised by that as anyone! His scimitar cuts a long fillet along the creature's vital muscles for 21 damage that bypasses the creature's DR, plus another 17 damage from his skill at striking vital areas on the move. The flame on his weapon erupts violently and would've done an additional 11 fire damage (flaming burst), but it seems this creature is unharmed by even that powerful fire.

R2T15: Nanai, no one seems to be badly wounded, and Pa-ari is already on the mend. What do you do?

2010-04-05, 08:14 AM
Nanai mutters something under his breath pointing his fingers at the creature and 3 glowing darts launch from his fingers striking the creature. magic missile [roll0] damage if it takes it.

2010-04-05, 05:47 PM
EDIT: Something was overlooked (or rather, not seen to the level of what is included) ... and the demoncroc took an additional 15 points from Khonsu's attack.

2010-04-05, 06:18 PM
R2T15: Nanai mutters something under his breath pointing his fingers at the creature and 3 5 glowing darts launch from his fingers striking the creature for 11 17 damage.Anything you muttered was strictly something you feel - a curse or a prayer or something. The abilities of your raiment, unless the spell's actuation really depends on speech (such as commune might), is a spell-like ability. This means that you are neither required to speak or use somatic gestures (pointing for targeting is not somatic). However, you would be required to concentrate to "cast defensively" if you were threatened in melee. Also, the spell activates at a specific, pre-programmed power ... a full 5 missiles, three times a day. You can choose multiple targets (3 missiles one one guy, and 2 missiles on another, for example), but the power is still 5 missiles.

R2T6: Sahu' moves over to where Zarabeth was standing when she was on the shore (5' move). His (sized-for-him) longsword in the over-sized hilt sprouts forth another longsword from the opposite end of the hilt. Sahu, also flanking at an angle with Khonsu', and whirs his blades around at amazing speed. One of each blade hits (one just missing a crit), for a total of 12 mod on the first strike, and 6 mod on the second strike. (He seems to have some rudimentary precision-strike ability.)

End Round Two, Begin Round Three...

R3T25: Pa-ari fast-heals 5. The unicorn continues to fight defensively, but in doing so its horn and one hoof misses. Another hoof hits hard, but not hard enough to do any damage.

R3T24.9: There's some splashing at the further along the same side Zarabeth is fighting on this demoncroc, and Don Julio appears ... but the croc is unwounded.

R3T23: The demoncroc fast heals as quickly as the unicorn (FH5). Its body turns into that of a giant carp and it tries to swim away. Everyone except Nanai gets an AOO on it...
Pa-ari: Gores for 14 mod.
Don Julio: Stabs w/ rapier for 10 mod (he's much better at finding weak points than Sahu').
Sahu': Misses badly.
Khonsu': Still working under his skirmish from before, so he does a whopping 43 damage outright! This is enough to kill it outright before it can escape!!!

2010-04-05, 06:42 PM

Zarabeth draws a breath after the croc dies, and then sheaths one of her swords. Ignoring the fact that her silks are getting soaking wet (and thus clinging to her form quite snugly), she turns to Julio with her other blade still drawn.
You said the belly of this beast might provide a clue to its master? Is there some special way we must cut it open....or should I just ginsu it?
Knowing her as well as Julio does, he can tell she was a bit disappointed at only getting one strike in on the croc

2010-04-05, 10:06 PM
Nanai checks the group over for damage and offers to heal any who might be wounded before crossing close to the dead.....thing....constantly averting his eyes from Zarabeth......

The muttering was purely a role playing attempt. Asking for silent blessings. As to the damage and whatnot from the magic missiles, sorry.....Forgot and went by PHB....

2010-04-06, 04:21 PM
Khonsu' lets the fire die out on him and his weapon. The powerful glow that was on his weapon ... and as his fire went out seems to be on Khonsu as well ... dies out also.

"What was that glow?" asks Don Julio. "How did you do that? Are you some manner of paladin or holy warrior?"

Khonsu-khaibet, who seems to be enlivened, says, "I'm not sure, but I believe it was Chons himself blessing me to rid the world of this abomination. While not as strong as when I fought the thing, I still feel a bit of that power within me..."

Don Julio notices Zarabeth's dismay and simply nods. Khonsu' offers to get Don Julio's bow, and the latter thanks him profusely. (Sadly, Don Julio does not know how to swim. Khonsu', on the other hand, swims passably even with his breastplate.)

Nanai, no one (amazingly) was wounded except for Pa'ari. Four rounds after the fight, Pa'ari is fine. You still inspect his closing wounds for any 'secondary' effect (poison, disease, whatever...) but he is clear.

Pa'ari (with some rope), Sahu', and Khonsu' will be able to drag the monster up the hillside out of the banks of the mill pond. By now, of course, a crowd of onlookers are seeing what the commotion was. A handful of soldiers were even dispatched to look to the disturbance ... but while lots of people are passing random prayers and praise to you all, none (incl. the soldiers) feel like coming down to question you further. It seems that even in death, the demoncroc demands a wide berth.

At Don Julio's request, Khonsu uses his scimitar to cut open the creature. In its stomach you find three figurines:
A statuette of Aapep, the greater deity and master of all evil Serpents, Draco-serpents, monsters, etc. On it, in red, is the crocodile hieroglyph, the reptilian head looking back, indicating a wrathful and dangerous form.
One of Set in boar-headed form. Inscribed in red upon this little statue is the rectangular hieroglyph for a body of ornamental water (or a pond and the like) - the "sh" sound.
A figurine of Sebk, upon which is also the “sh” hieroglyph noted above.

Don Julio 'leaves the vermin to the sanitation department,' and the soldiers go back to the caravanserai to report. "Come," he says, "let's go see what Atmu-thoth-rahat has to say about these."

By the time you get to Atmu's establishment, his servant has already told him the news and he comes out to praise you for your presence here. Don Julio shows him the statuettes, and Atmu' remarks:"Hmmm, I believe that these three ushabtu were used to conjure a spirit crocodile, a daimotherion. The hieroglyph on the figures of the Evil one and his ally seem to be implorations of the one conjuring the monstrous thing into being here, although I can't be certain. It is literally the phoneme 'sh.' The crocodile drawn on the vile serpent lord's form surely indicates the shape the fiend was to take.

"The figure of Aapep should be broken and destroyed in fire, for otherwise it will draw the attention of all manner of evil things to the vicinity of he who retains it!

"The other two might have some use in the future, provided that they are separately encased in gold containers, properly blessed to imprison malign influences from them, the metal shielding their nature from observation.

"I believe that I have a pair of reliquaries which will do for this purpose, although they are somewhat costly. I will let you have them for 1,500 gold drachma.

"In case you do decide to do so, I am certain Merha-aptut, the Priest of Hapy, dwelling in the cave behind the pool, will gladly assist you with spells.

"As to my interest in these two, I find them interesting for they are both very old and especially well-crafted. If you choose to sell them, I will pay 500 gold drachma each."Khonsu-khaibet and Sahu-ptah, both native (the latter ... sort of) Khemitians, understand that in Khemit evil relics can still aid good if proper measures are taken, and agree with Atmu's advice ... destroy the Aapep figurine and see if the party has the money for the other two.

Pa'ari also recommends the same to Nanai.

Don Julio is ready to take their advice, and has the funds to get the reliquaries. What do Zarabeth and Nanai suggest? (Remember, Nanai, also a native Khemitian, understands the same as what is written above.)

2010-04-06, 08:44 PM

Zarabeth is busy wringing the water out of her silks, and trying to get her hair back in some sort of order. When the group looks to her, she shrugs her shoulders
Im a simple warrior woman, with a few spells to boost me. I dont know about religious artifacts, evil taints, or anything else like that. I'll defer to your decision on whether or not they represent enough benefit for the cost to keep them. I can give some money to the things to keep them, but not much.
Do they tell us anything about who might have summoned the beast...and where the captives are?

2010-04-06, 08:52 PM
Nanai is also in agreement with the others.

2010-04-06, 10:45 PM
"Not directly, no," says Atmu', "but I would look to someone with a 'sh' at the first part of their name."

2010-04-22, 09:56 PM
Don Julio thinks about things, and notes the decisions of those he considers 'wise' (despite just meeting them). "No, perhaps - despite the interesting measure of Khemit's statues and figurines being a boon or bane regardless of outlook - we should look to what makes sense for us. Atmu', I purchased this figurine of Thoth from you," Don Julio says as he holds up the 2"-tall figurine. "Is this an idol worthy of a reliquary?"

Atmu' says "Why, of course. But, even after purchase of the reqliuary, you would require the help of someone like Merha-aptut to bless them appropriately."

Don Julio looks at Zarabeth. "Do you want a reliquary for your Isis? or shall you begin your relationship slowly with a simple idol and prayerbook? Do recognize that it seems that the reliquary, once blessed, is not meant to be opened for 'use' of that idol as a worship focus ... though the reliquary itself could be?" he asks as much as states, with the last looking at Atmu'. Atmu' nods his head.

2010-04-23, 09:42 AM

Im happy with my state as it is right now. Maybe as I learn more, I will get more into it. Isis seems to be a goddess of magic and that intrigues me, but I learned to be cautious of new things, especially when I dont fully understand them. I'll just go with this for now.

2010-04-23, 04:01 PM
Don Julio nods his head a couple times in thought, then looks at the group. "Well, that pet couldn't have been too easy to bring about. That was a hell of a killer that took our not-inconsiderable skills to dispatch. Whomever is in town will have to be more wary, but so will we.

"I want to go meet this touted holy man Merha-aptut, not only to have him bless my reliquary, but also to see if he has any insights on what may be afoot in town here. After that, I think we should start getting to know the town better ... and look for a 'Sh-' somebody. Thoughts? Suggestions?"

2010-04-23, 05:48 PM

I'll go out and about in the town. I might not have fanned the crowd to the same frenzy as you did, but I had the atttention of most of the men in the place. It shouldnt be too hard to find someone named 'Sh' something. No offense Atmu, but this isnt the biggest town out there, there cant be too many people in it. Hopefully 'Sh' isnt a common first name part.

do you want me to role play finding a name or 'roll' a gather. Im not looking for anything specific, just compiling a set of names

2010-04-23, 08:18 PM
Don Julio: "Khonsu, you know the town, perhaps if you can go with her it might jog your memory as to such a name ... and maybe keep her out of undue trouble.

"The rest of us will go and meet this Merha-aptut."

2010-04-24, 06:29 AM

Zarabeth attempts to feign a completely innocent look (despite the fact that she is still only in silks that are plastered to her)
Julio....since when have you known me to get into trouble ?
She bats her eyelashes at him.

2010-04-25, 02:35 AM
"Oh, it's not about getting you out of trouble you've gotten yourself into," Don Julio says, "but rather helping you get out of trouble you've caused."
Don Julio bats his eyelashes at you. :smallbiggrin: He has longer lashes than you. :smalltongue:

As you (Zarabeth) walk some distance away, Khonsu - the desert warrior with beautiful golden-red skin, gunboat arms, and flawless pecs - says, "Of course I know who has a 'sh' sound at the beginning of their name. But it's possible, since there are some closed-lipped types, that maybe I don't know everybody. It's also an allowance of time for us, if you desire." :smallwink: This last bit is said pointing to his cabin.

"Or, we can just find that instead of 'getting lucky' we are simply lucky in how quickly we find Shenau."

2010-04-25, 07:05 AM
Nanai sits in silence during all this.....Observing.....and then rises to accompany Don Julio at the appropriate time....

2010-04-25, 02:28 PM

Give me a moment to change into something more presentable for town.
causing trouble, as if, Im just a simple dancer, never making a scene, no one ever believes it wasnt my fault Zarabeth wanders off. She disappears for a few minutes, then returns in (only slightly) more modest clothing, which at least isnt wet.
Okay, lets go see what we can find.
As they walk into town...
Shenau, thats one to start with, who is he? And do you know of any 'sh's that are known for what people would describe as magical or occult powers?
Zarabeth seems completely oblivious (or resistant) to the idea of going to Khonsu's cabin.

2010-04-25, 08:55 PM

Khonsu lets his lost/ ignored innuendo go. "Shenau came here about two years ago after the old hedge-practitioner died. He kept out dangerous animals, kept rodent depredations to a minimum, and the like. But his fees were too high for most. Once my teacher, Merha-aptut, came to town and did most of these things for far reduced price, he lost a lot of custom. Sure, he lowered his fees, but most wonder why he sticks about since Merha' is sought for most of the guidance of what happens in the area."

He subtly gestures towards #13 on the map.The shabby house is evidentially the place of a widower and another man, for you see two cheerful-lookig fellows lounging on the pond-side of the place. With them is a boy who looks familiar - the one that you were warned about by the other boy back in the courtyard.

The lankier of the two men waves casually at you and grins, "Buy our fish if we catch any?" he calls out.

2010-04-26, 08:32 PM
@NanaiThe assumption is that you are riding, or at least travelling with, Pa-ari ... since you haven't dismissed him.Overall Description

The folk of the village have taken to calling the well worn track beside the stream running from the south, the "Hapy Path." This is for Hapy, of course, the god of the River, and thus also for all waters of a lesser sort, precious and life giving in this desert land. For the same reason, the large pond to the south from which the stream emanates bears the name, the "Pool of Hapy."

The watercourse is from 3 to 8 feet deep and 7 to 12 feet wide as it flows to form the millpond. Nanai & Sahu-ptah both note that it is already losing a fair amount of its volume because of irrigation channels and evaporation by the time it exits the dell to flow into the open where Aartuat is sited.

Nanai, you know this about the area ... Although measurable rain falls here only about 15-20 times annually, this precipitation - along with night dew, ground water seepage, the pools and streams, and irrigation - enables the villagers to live well. There are palms and other trees and bushes bearing fruit. Flowers grow, and abundant vegetable crops are watered, tended with care in this small valley.

Scrub grows up the gently sloping hillsides to the east and west, for the only abrupt and rocky rise is directly to the south, from whence the freshest of water comes forth from a cave you hear has been carved there. Game animals come here at night, and a place for them has been left in the magical "fences" surrounding the farmers' trees, bushes, and plots. These creatures, too, may share the precious water, grazing a little on the reeds and grasses and other foliage not protected by magic.

Nanai, you also understand that there is decent hunting just past the area beyond the dell, as it is undulating, barren, and with many steep ravines and cuts. The perfect terrain for antelopes, gazelles, and other game!
From the village, the Nanai and Pa-ari guide Don Julio and Sahu-ptah along the course of the stream to get to the dell in which the Pool of Hapy lies. The path beside the mill pond continues on along the eastern verge of the stream. In 120 feet, it enters a shallow-sided and gentle cut in the hill just south of Aartuat. Its flat portion is about 90 feet wide; it then inclines upwards another 60 feet on each side. This rise continues more steeply thereafter, and you can catch glimpses of rocky outcroppings and scrubby vegetation. This is certainly a gully washed into the higher ground by water and weather over the centuries. Its bottom and near sides are verdant, the villagers growing all manner of bushes and vegetable to either hand. You walk through this miniature valley for about 200 feet. Then you enter a beautiful dell, a bowl-shaped valley with a lovely pool of blue water in its southern portion.
The general conformation of the land is as follows...

North to South: 1000 feet of level land, the southern portion being taken up by the Pool of Hapy, which is roughly 300 feet in diameter, 16 feet or so deep on average, and 32 feet deep in its central position, a "hole" about 90 feet in diameter. The place is bisected by the pool and the stream, dividing it into an eastern two-thirds and a western third.

East to West: 600 feet level, then 300 feet to either hand of inward sloping land.

Almost all of the area consists of cultivated palms, trees, and bushes or in vegetable plots. The southeastern verge is hedged off by magic. The foliage is natural, and the animals come through this portion to drink and find food in the driest and most difficult times. Then, the priest will also employ magic to ensure sufficient growth.
So, you come in from the north. There are tall date palms and smaller banana ones. There are a few figs her, most being cultivated in the village area. The pathway wends through these palms and other trees, their foliage providing relief from the hot daytime sun.

As you go, it is plain that the folk come here and expend considerable effort in cultivation. All manner of vegetables grow in neat plots: here onions and leeks; there garlic and scallions; various kinds of lettuce everywhere; and all manner of things such as carrots, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons.

The beds are neat, well worked, and watered by little trenches that interlace the whole area. Along the rising slope of the dell, you see grape vines and berry bushes. And with that, you come to the lower part of the dell in which the big pond lies.

This could be one of the storied oases of the desert, for the brightly shining body of clear water seems a marvel. Of course, it isn't fed from an underground source, so it is a pool rather than an oasisi. No matter.

It is about half a bowshot in diameter, and from the looks of it, the water is very deep. The southern half's banks are marshy. It seems a perfect place for fishing. Or ...

Don Julio quickly strips off weapons and gear and goes jumping into the pool. He doesn't go out very deeply (he can't swim), but he does enjoy the feeling of the coolness of the pool. It is a marvel to watch this urbane fellow splash around like a little kid.

Pa-ari looks longingly at the water and snorts and stamps as he looks pleadingly at Nanai, who of course let's him go in. Sahu-ptah doesn't get it, and doesn't go into the water ... and Nanai does as he pleases. [OOC: I'm not stopping the post simply to make a decision point.] If Nanai does go in, he swims no better than Don Julio. Pa-ari can swim a little, but his fantastic strength does better for him than a simple horse's ability to swim. Either way, there is about a half-hour of cavorting and splashing and funning around. Then out to dry off and enjoy the shade of the palms. Then, it's time to continue onwards ...

The path leads away from the Pool of Hapy, heading straight south through the vegetable gardens. You are heading for a steep hillside. While the ground all round the little bowl of this dale rises in a gentle slope, at the southern end is a precipice that crests at 60 feet above the water to its north. Pa-ari cannot continue from this point, but is happy to gallop about and play in the Pool again (unicorns and horses just can't climb).

It's not a difficult climb (not one that has to be rolled out for danger elements, anyway). From about halfway up this rocky cliff flows a stream of silvery water, dropping in a bright waterfall.

There the track begins zigzagging up the rise, climbing some 30 feet, then it right-angles west toward where there is the cave mouth, from which the water pours forth to the pool below. The site is breathtaking.

As you get nearer, you see that the water actually rushes down a steep slope of about 30 feet in length before it shoots over a ledge to drop the remainder of the distance to the basin and course that flows on into the pool some 100 feet further north. There is a fair amount of noise, of course, and a mist of spray from the force of the stream of cool water impacting the smooth rocks below.

In fact, the area near the waterfall's base must be a popular spot on a hot Khemitian afternoon, for the mist and spray serve as a refreshing shower, no doubt! It just so happens that a couple of villagers are cooling off there now. Don Julio asks about Merha-aptut, and they point further back (south).

The emerging underground stream has cut a fairly large exit in the stone here 40 or more feet above the valley's floor. The water comes forth in a bed 15' wide, leaving ample room on either side to enter the cave it has carved. The path divides here, one part shading on up the steep hillside, as such an animal track as one for humans, the other a well trod footpath entering the eastern side of the cave.

This is the place where the Priest of Hapy, Merha-aptut, has taken up his solitary residence. It seems a very fine spot indeed, considering the beauty of the view, the abundance of good water, and the cool current of air that comes wafting forth from the cave mouth. Obviously from the tracks, the holy man leaves here frequently and many others come to see him ... such as yourself.

As your eyes adjust from the brightness of the light outside to the dimness herein, you see that the cave you have entered is about 5 feet broad toeither hand, extending back to the south beyond 80 or 90 feet as far as you can see.

There are some typical Khemitian country chairs of palmwood just a few paces inside the entrance, and they are obviously placed there for the comfort of callers. Nanai knows that it is proper etiquette to call out for the priest and be greeted ... rather than just go strolling into what is basically his house. Don Julio leaves it to Nanai to make the callout ...

Nanai, what do you do?

2010-04-27, 09:18 AM
Nanai follows protocol to the best of his knowledge and calls the priest out in greeting.

2010-04-27, 10:19 AM

Zarabeth leans closer to Khonsu and pitches her voice low so that the men and boy cannot overhear.
What do you know of that boy over there? The reason I ask was because when we arrived in town, a young stableboy took my mount, and when I tipped him for his service, he warned me against him. Said he was no good.

2010-04-28, 12:22 AM
@NanaiYou tell Don Julio the general gist of what makes a good greeting for a local holyman. Interestingly, however, Don Julio can sometimes - like a cat - be quite a challenge. For example, he calls out: "Ding Dong! Adventurers calling. Less-than-humble demoncroc killers looking for the Happening Hapy Padre to congratulate our ridding the world - and his village - of it!"Yup, even the party "face" can roll a '1'. Of course, this is a skill check and not a save or an attack ... which means even with Nanai's bonus (K:Religion) for good greetings Don Julio got a base of 18 on his Diplomacy check.A typical Khemitian priest-sorcerer in loose-fitting robes and with nothing but a dagger and a holy symbol comes out to greet you. "So, you're welcome to my humble place of dwelling, one and all. This place is fine for ordinary conversation and the folk here, but I suggest it might be wise for us to remove to my personal chamber. Please come this way."

Julio looks at Sahu-ptah, and then at the narrow hallways beyond, then looks back at Sahu'. Sahu' merely nods and offers, "I'll keep watch out here." And with that, the Living Monolith takes out a wand, and readies his magical two-bladed sword (fully extended) to act as a deterrent against intruders.

At about 70' in, there is a side passage some 4 or 5 feet wide on the east wall of the main cave. This branch slants south by southwest for about 20 or 25 paces, and then opens to a cul-de-sac cave, a chamber of 15' in width and 25' in length.

This small cave is illuminated in a deep and wonderful blue-green light from a continual flame spell. A pair of fish carved from crystal emanates the light, one glowing a soft, emerald green, the other aqua blue. Each is about a foot long and is suspended in mid-air, almost as if swimming there. The radiance enables the PCs to see the whole contents of the place quite well.

At the far end of the cave is a figure of Hapy in a shrine of gilded wood, before it a shell, bowl of water in which floats a lotus flower, an offertory dish of lapis lazuli, and many little figurines of the animals and plants that flourish in the Nylle. The wall around this area is covered with paintings of scenes of life in and along the banks of the great river, as well as prayers written in the ancient hieroglyphics of the land.

On the west wall is a pallet, a stool, a little writing table, and a small trunk. Opposite this are three pegs with Merha's garments hung on them, a wicker hamper, several woven baskets of varying sizes, a shelf holding personal hygien items (towels, razor, tweezers, soap, unguent, etc.), a leather bag, and the wooden alms bowl used by the ecclesiastic when he is in Aartuat.

Meditating cross-legged in front of the figure is a foreigner. "Pahj Rameshad, please meet our guests."

The stranger stands and comes to greet the party.Pahj Rameshad is an unassuming man of average height and appearance. His wiry frame belies a tough man hardened by years of travel. He has the brown, earth-colored skin of a far easterner with short, black curly hair, a full beard, and a handlebar mustache. He wears the traditional white paijamas of his nation with a plain brown robe tied off by cloths and a bright orange turban with a blue, palm sized crystal embedded into the cloth. Dangling from his chest are a multitude of wooden holy symbols to various gods, some conflicting. At his side are a sling, a finely crafted weapon he calls a talwar ("This country would call it a 'scimitar'" he says), and a curved hunting dagger he calls a kukri.
.................................................. ...
@ZarabethKhonsu-khaibet, taking a cue for 'quiet conversation,' says, "I really don't know these folks well beyond what I said of Shenau. I've seen the boy about. He's a toadying little punk that tries to do all sorts of services for strangers but usually charges higher prices than he's worth."

2010-04-28, 09:28 AM
Pahj presses his palms together, fingers upright, holds them to his chest and bows slightly. "Namaste, adventurers. I am Pahj Rameshad, tactician, treasure hunter, contemplative, and connoisseur of fine food and company. You honor me, less-than-humble-demoncroc-killers." He adds that last bit with a friendly chuckle.

2010-04-28, 12:11 PM
Nanai offers a bow in return. Namaste. Peace and salutations. He takes a moment to study the stranger.....

2010-04-28, 12:49 PM
Pahj physically looks young and spry but his face gives way to a man nearing his middle age. Aside from his weapons and simple traveler's garb his only other equipment is a backpack and a heavy wooden shield resting on the ground. He wears no armor, his weapons show signs of use but not the well worn wear and tear a true warrior who sharpens his blade every night would have, his shield is scratched but well taken care of, his dozen holy symbols (including local deities Nefertem, Thoth, and Isis) betray any kind of allegiance to a single deity or faith, he isn't particularly attractive, has a simple man's charm, and carries no spell component pouch, wands, scrolls, or other amenities expected of an arcane scholar.

Likewise Pahj looks over Nanai with his solid black eyes. Every feature from the man's goggles, down his hair, across his bow, down to his gloved hands, scimitar, and feet are judged. His eyes dart over to Don Julio in the same judging fashion and then to Zarabeth.

2010-04-28, 03:17 PM
[OOC: It has just come to my attention, after reviewing this post from the beginning, that Don Julio originally was Indigo and not Green for speech. Considering his elven-Spanish heritage on his mother's side, Indigo (as in Inigo ... Montoya) makes more sense than a wilderness Green. We shall switch Julio back to his original color.]

"May Yahweh bless you on your journeys, Pahj, and Thoth make you wiser for them. I am the Don Julio Nyavel I-yeshua Dan-Levi Rezendes-Goldfarb. And this humble archer is Nanai, the Nub-kau-Nefertem, Caller of Pa-ari Pen-tuauu. I am honored to meet another traveler so obviously far from home. I have never seen your garb before, though by the influences I would guess you are from much farther east than Khemit. Please, you must tell me of your home..."

@PahjNanai is a classic Khemitian, non-urban (meaning he likely comes from a nomadic desert tribe rather than a "proper" Khemitian family.

Don Julio ... you recognize Don as a noble title for the elves of legendary Iberia. This (obvious) half-elf, while adopting much of that culture, also calls upon, wears, and has as his name many components of the Hebraic tribes of Judea (formerly Canaan) and Sharmash. You passed through those lands before crossing through Philistia and finally down the Nylle before departing with a caravan that arrived two months ago. You heard of and found this place, and offered to stay awhile to help Merha-aptut since his home gave you such a peaceful, beautiful, and contemplative atmosphere. Still, this curly-headed, strong-nosed (not large or bulbous, mind you) half-elf must surely be half-Hebraic human, and the mix of both bloods makes for quite a strikingly handsome specimen ... if you looked at males with a general aesthetic eye, of course. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

2010-04-28, 04:41 PM
"I was born a kshatriya, a noble warrior, in the city of Kath nestled in the country of Mandu. The world's tallest mountains give way to rolling jungles, fertile grasslands, shrublands, and arid steppes. The wide variance in geographical elevation makes our land one of the most diverse in geography and climate within such a contained area.

We are a proud people, content with our position in life unlike the westerners I've met where farmers seek to be merchants, merchants seek to be nobles, and nobles sought to retire to farms. I was sent to study at a university to become a field tactician but you can't place a dwarf in a treasury and tell him to pick his favorite bauble. I jumped from subject to subject, trained with passing warriors, priests, and wizards always mastering the basics but the lure of another unexplored subject called my name.

As foreign influence and colonialism began to seep into our nation like a rotting cancer my 'powers' began to manifest. At this point I was old enough to be an adult but refused to marry. I effectively disowned myself, cast away the shackles of my former life, and lived amongst a mountain guru who helped me focus inward. I discovered that my love for adventure and my need for personal reflection could be kept in balance.

So, I've spent the past decade robbing tombs, thwarting evils, and 'liberating' ancient artifacts for preservation and study. It was only this past few months that I left the homeland to expand this far west although I was hoping for fairer skies and the fresh salt air like that of the Great Sea which borders your home, Sir Goldfarb.

I'm always looking for strong companions with a taste for adventure. I can serve you well. I am no substitute for a true master in any particular field of study but my strong focus grants me the inspiration to excel where needed."

2010-04-28, 05:35 PM
"You and I are a lot alike," says Don Julio to Pahj, "for I, too, am a lover of lore and libraries, but dabble in many fields. Though I must admit your knowledge of geography far exceeds my own, for you recognized my origin, but I not yours. I am a dilettante of experiences and senses. And if you want salt air, you should have sensed it in Philistia when you had the great trade-waters of the Mare Librum to the north, and the Mare Rubine to the south; in truth, the Nylle parallels the Mare Rubine - perhaps the saltiest of all known oceans. In fact, I would say the mare Rubine is about 500 miles or less from us, due east."

But please, call me 'Don Julio,' not 'Sir Goldfarb,' or 'Don Julio Rezendes-Goldfarb' for real formality. But 'Sir Goldfarb' .... That is a strange title and likes me not. In fact, since it seems we are peers among our classes, just calling me Julio is fine as well."

Don Julio then turns to Merha-aptut and recounts for Merha' and Pahj their recent adventures: being sent to find their contact - Khonsu-khaibet - to discover the evil in the area; what Nanai discovered from Nefertem; the slaying of the demoncroc; and what has been learned/ is yet to be learned, from the figurines.

When Don Julio mentions (vaguely, not naming who or of what association assigned the mission) that they seek to unearth, expose, and help destroy whatever growing evil is afoot, Merha' says, "It is good to see outsiders so concerned with our gods, our ways, our people. Your deportment is such that I will assist as I am able."

At mention of Khonsu-khaibet joining the group, Merha' praises the hunter saying, "Khonsu-khaibet is an upright and good young man. You are blessed indeed to have gained him as an ally."

At mention of Atmu's help and recommendation to bless the reliquary holding Set (for it turns out that Don Julio brought it, anyways), Merha says, "The wisdom of Atmu-thoth-rahat will certainly stand you in good stead: follow it!"

Nanai, you note that Don Julio either deceived, or renigged, on his decision not to use the reliquary for Set (vice Thoth). But before you say anything, it seems this holy man approves. You know that the half-elf is headstrong, so your wisdom holds your tongue - at least among strangers - for now.

Don Julio and Merha' barter, and Julio only has to pay an ankhen and nine drachmas, and Merha' happily consecrates and lays blessings on the container which hides the figurine of Set, thus assuring it is kept safely.

Merha' then says, "If there is anything more you require of me for spellcasting while you are in the area, do not hesitate to come see me. I could use your donations." [Read: NPC spellcasting fees]

"For now, though, if you wish to pay homage to the Beneficent Hapy, come with me to the special place. I have things which may help you and your men, Don Julio."

At a word from the Priest of Hapy, the two glowing crystal fish figures seem to come to life. "Abtu, Ant, swim after me," he calls, and the mineral forms suddenly seem like fat perch disporting themselves in the current of the river. Their co-mingled radiance lights your way as you go to the place where Merha-aptut's hidden shrine awaits. Pahj, out of respect for the priest, you have not yet dared to enter here unbidden...
You see another small cave about the same proportions as that in which the Priest dwells, but this one has a much higher ceiling. The stone here is striated in a mixture of minerals, so that the walls seem to be water! There are bands of blue and green and milky quartz too, all glazed over with ancient deposits of a clear sort from the stream that now flows lower down and westwards many yards off.

Upon a rock in the middle of the place is an elaborate shrine and encasing shell. Both are carved and painted so as to resemble the waterweeds of a great river. Upon opening the doors, a 3-foot-tall statue of Hapy stands. This is carved of lapis lazuli, with gems of peridot inset for eyes, a gold lotus crown, a papyrus scepter, and a water jar worn and held. Before this figure are arrayed three vessels of beaten gold: a tray, bowl, and ewer. On the tray are solid gold replicas of the fish of the Nylle and things that grow from its waters.

It's a good idea for the three of you - especially Nanai - to pay homage to Hapy. Remember, it is not some silly 'praying to other gods, you blasphemer' sin to do so. In Khemit, you may have a 'patron' but you still pay homage to all the gods when/ where it is appropriate to do so. Not doing so in a place like this, of extreme beauty and sanctity, would be the sin. The only exception is that folk may mutter a fearful veneration to the Evil Gods of Khemit, but it is never a devotion.

The cleric beckons to you to follow as he takes a few paces back along the route of entry to the shrine area. Then Merha-aptut bends, shoves a boulder aside, and points to the small tunnel in the rock thus revealed: "I will not go, but one of you can crawl in and get from the place beyond certain things of battle that will be of use to you in that which lies before you. And, no, do not ask what each does, for I am a man of peace, and I have no answers for you. But anything your group cannot use, return here for later heroes, for selling or hoarding these things will bring Hapy's displeasure."

Pahj is the least impeded by size/ armor, and so he is the one to naturally go and fetch these things. A long crawl, then some effort, and back he comes with weapons and armor. From this hiding place Pahj brings for the following:

A trident that has a cord of silvery material fashioned to its end.
An axe of a two-handed sort, obviously made for warfare. It has a golden blade! This is a complete contradiction.
A mace of shining copper, also of a two-handed sort.
A pair of golden boots, a cuirass, and an old-style Khemitian helmet with a flowing neck protector of silvery mesh and a crest of sun and silver moon crescent atop it ... these three items appear to be a matched set, and all consecrated to Hapy.

2010-04-28, 07:33 PM
"You honor us, Merha-aptut. We shall put this to good use and further the good name of Hapy.

I personally have little use for weapons or armor, friends."

2010-04-29, 05:53 PM

That depends on what you catch, and how much you are charging for it. I dont like eel for sure.

Zarabeth drops her voice to speak to Khonsu again.
Are you saying that one of those two people are Shenau...or are they just fishing behind his house? From what you know of Shenau, would he be able to summon up that croc, and if not, we need to dig up some more names. As for the child, is he malicious in any way, or just a troublemaker?

2010-04-30, 06:14 AM
@Zarabeth[spoiler]One of the men answers, "Mainly perch. What's an eel?"

Khonsu-khaibet softly answers, "One of the men there - the bald one - is Shenau. I only know of him and his hedge magic, but that doesn't mean that - especially with that figuring of the demoncroc - that he hasn't maintained an excellent cover; he could just as well be a more powerful magician than we know. I only know that the boy is a troublemaker, and know no more about his heart."

Since you're far enough away (because you have to call/ shout to the men fishing), Khonsu moves around you to be between your LOS and the other men, and he faces you as if he's talking to you (to mask spellcasting). He then casts detect evil. He turns around, and escorts you closer as if to make idle chatter ... but slowly, for he seems to make idle chatter with you. "Interesting, I sense no emanation of evil..."

2010-04-30, 10:27 AM

An eel is a long, slimy thing, sort of like an underwater snake. Very greasy, very tough and a very unpleasant taste.
So what are your names, Im Zarabeth by the way. Not from around here, obviously.

2010-04-30, 03:32 PM
Thank you for your generosity Nanai will do whatever is done to pay homage to Hapy.

2010-04-30, 04:03 PM
@Nanai/ Pahj"It's about time we had something worth focusing on!" says a familiar voice in Pahj's head. "By the gods! I don't know about you, but I know I was getting bored. I'm all for thrumming in contemplation and growing and such, but isn't it best when you're given a goal?"

Your trio bids farewell to Merha-aptut, and Don Julio promises that anything which the group decides does not fit them will be returned, along with anything else that acts as a 'replacement' for already owned items. Even the worldly Don Julio recognizes that gifts of this nature - which might as well be granted by the gods - are best received and returned in reverent spirit.

You make your way back to town, picking up Sahu-ptah and then Pa-ari on the way.
@ZARABETH"What a pleasure to meet so deliciously beautiful a lady," says the obviously more charismatic of the two. "I am Shenau, this good fisherman is my brother-in-law Gerhit, and that orphan youth is Hep-thait, who hopes that our fishing is good enough today that perhaps he can leech off of us."

This man has very short-cropped hair, a stubble-beard that goes along the line of his well-defined jawline, excellently manicured. He possesses an intense gaze, and wears a decorative two-layer bone choker, a pair of serpent-festooned bracers, and a rather large necklace in the form of a serpent so twisted and looped as if to resemble an upside-down Ankh attached on a leather thong looped through the coils.

Gerhit is a middle-aged, paunchy man. Hep-thait is a youth that isn't even yet a teenager.

"But everyone has heard of you, my dear," says Shenau with his intense gaze, going so far to kiss your hand (but keep his gaze fixed upon you) should you alow him. "Some for your beauty, of course, for I have never beheld your like. But most people didn't get to see the battle with that daimotherion crocodile like we did here on Gerhit's porch.

"I see that you are a more than capable sorceress. I, too, am a master of such magic. The wizards of my homeland are bound to the writings of their masters, but you and I are kindred spirits: we were blessed from birth to alter the world around us to suit our whims. There are so few true practitioners of magic in my brother-in-law's village here. I so miss a good challenge. Perhaps, Zarabeth, you would humor me in a contest? Maybe even a wager, hmmm?"

[If interested...]"I propose a contest of knowledge wherein we ask each other various questions pertaining to the mechanics of magic, magical traditions, arcane symbols and mystic phrases, knowledge of creatures infused with magic, and ancient mysteries. The first person not to be able to answer 5 questions loses.Basically, this is a contest of K:Arcana & SpellcraftI am not as rich, I'm sure, as a lady of your extravagance, so please forgive me when I humbly propose a wager of 2 aten." [1 aten = 10 gp].

[If Zarabeth agrees, go ahead and roll three K:Arcana checks and 2 Spellcraft checks. If this guy is a bad guy, I think of all the James Bond movies I have ever watched. Did you ever notice that there was always some contest of skill - knowledge, gambling, physical - with a baddie. Sort of like action-hero foreplay.]

2010-04-30, 06:20 PM

Zarabeth does allow him to kiss her hand, but makes sure to remove it from his grasp as soon as he does so.
Well, Im sure my knowledge of magic is not as good as yours, I can only use battle magic, stuff to make me fight better as it were. But, Im willing to try.
She settles herself opposite him, and prepares to ask and answer questions. It might just be by accident, but her silks seem to settle themselves in such a way that they almost, almost, almost but not quite show something, and maybe the slighest puff of breeze would do it.

[roll0] KA
[roll1] KA
[roll2] KA
[roll3] SC
[roll4] SC
EDiT: Oh great, a pair of 1s, even the distraction strategy wont work with that

2010-05-01, 12:49 AM
A little more description ... Shenau is rather small, but built like a beer keg. (Beer, by the way, is a bitter but delicious thing you've discovered since you've come to Khemit. A bit firmer in the punch than some of the Europan ales you've tasted.) He is handsome, but most of his stunning charisma is intensity-over-looks, but his looks are not 'princely' but rather very rough and very chiseled, almost angular-with-mass. His skin is much redder than the typical Khemitian, and he might be distantly related to whatever tribe Khonsu-khaibet's heritage claims, for the hunter's skin is a delicious red-gold (within normal human parameters, not four-color red-gold). Also, there is a classic Khemitian scholar's headdress on Shenau ... the one that is basically a linen cap-coif combo, kept in place by a circlet with the typical Khemitian cobra-looking front at the forehead.

The thing that throws you off, is that when he takes your hand to kiss it, his hand - and his kiss - is rough and textured moreso than you would've expected looking at him.
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll2]
Spellcraft: [roll3]
Spellcraft: [roll4]

He looks at those 'almost showing' spots, and doesn't even necessarily hide it, smiling as he sees them ... but he obviously believes in a classic concept of a Khemitian woman's place in society - to look attractive for man - and is bolstered by it.

Those 1s you rolled were because you were distracted, obviously, silly. It has come to my attention that Zarabeth is just as taken by her own beauty as men, and perhaps very much more so ... you narcissist! :smallbiggrin:Zarabeth, you might pride yourself on battle magic, but that doesn't mean that internally - regardless of what you said to Shenau - you have ever had reason to believe yourself a slouch in magical theory. Otherwise, you never would've had what it took to be an abjurant champion.

"Make no mistake, my desert flower," says Shenau, holding out his hand to take his winnings, "I am very impressed with your knowledge. I don't think I've ever met a woman who's known as much about magic as you. Sadly, you are still a woman who - by your own admission and my witnessing of the battle against the demoncroc - after all is said and done, just a woman."

"But, I am sure that a woman of your talents - many as they are - must bristle to not find a good center of learning such as you must be used to having. Perhaps another town? After all, you are guests in Aartuat, and there is the old, quaint desert saying about guests, and all."

Khonsu-khaibet, doubting Zarabeth got the reference [which, btw, she didn't - even if Mikela knows the reference], quickly cuts in just in case. He puts his arm around Zarabeth's shoulder (like a comrade-in-arms, not sleazily like a man coming on to a woman) and says, "Shenau, thanks for the lesson. Zarabeth, it is time for us to rejoin with your companions."

............ Insert any Parting comments Zarabeth may have here ...........

Later, if asked, Khonsu' tells Zarabeth the desert phrase that Shenau alluded to was "Guests are like fish; after three days they both stink."

2010-05-01, 02:12 PM

Zarabeth had been taking her loss in good grace....until Shenau started to insult her. At that point, her gaze went steely, and she 'accidently' dropped the coin that she was going to hand him as his winnings. Her hand starts to float dangerously close to her short sword

In my lands, the men are courteous and polite to women, and value their talents equally as their own. Sadly, there seems to be a shocking lack of men in this land. No matter.
And as for your remarks about the battle with the demoncroc, well, any time you think you can do better than he, Im sure someone can direct you where to find me. Although you probably wont be much more of a challenge than your pet.

2010-05-03, 12:48 AM
@Zarabeth (step-back time):"Why should I bother?" says Shenau, not bothering with the coin for the moment. "When I will let the desert do it for me?"

He returns a smoky stare of his own, and your eyes are fixed on each other. But 'hell hath no fury' they say, and while you stare at each other for an uncomfortably long time - and neither side's allies or bystanders wish to disturb the unsettling quiet - Shenau 'submits' just a millisecond before you felt your focus was almost lost by shrugging and looking away.Good job, gunfighter ... you're the first person to win a staredown in one of my games for a long time. Too bad this wasn't a battle, or you likely woulda' gained a psychological edge on him. Looks like some of Don Julio is rubbing off on you. I mean, it does a lot ... but it shows this time. I mean, uhh ... forget it.When Khonsu-khaibet guides you away, you do so while keeping face ... and either you hold your face rigid before jumping around once you're out of sight with a "I got you, punk!" dance, or beam triumphantly on the way out. Either way, it is a good feeling to 'win a fight not fought' as Julio is used to saying.
.................................................. .....................
Zarabeth and Julio wait some time for the others to return to Atmu-thoth-rahat's trading house. Finally, after about two hours, the others return ... with a friend.

Introductions are made, and everyone is brought up to speed on what occurred on each 'mission' - including the new guy and the new weapons.

Don Julio says he will need to sequester himself for many hours with the new items to determine their properties. He says, "I know a little bit about magic and other things, and will need to study these items, make notes, and cast several costly divinations. For now, I will pay the bill to an as-yet-to-be-created party fund, but credit that fund for my efforts."

(Zarabeth knows well that means no interruptions, not even friendly, staring or anything of the like. These are incredibly costly, time-consuming proceedings. He loves to lavish money and spend time, but not waste time or money. But before he does that ...)

"I have an idea," says Don Julio, and he chuckles as he thinks something to himself. "But, my dear," he says to Zarabeth, "for this to work, I need you to swallow a little pride for a much greater gain."

(I'll PM MikelaC for a little more detail...)

Don Julio then sets about writing a few lists of things and several errands. First and foremost, he sends Zarabeth out with a sealed letter and a pouch of coins to Shenau; she is to deliver it as quickly as possible. Nanai, who is prized for his non-confrontational nature and taciturn discretion, is her escort.

@NanaiListen, Pa-ari is balking to go home since he is not the stay-in-town and be your status-symbol kinda' legendary celestial companion. Unless you have another reason to keep him around right now - and Don Julio recommends that for what he plans its best not to 'be too intimidating for you can call on him later' - you should probably dismiss Pa-ari.
Khonsu-khaibet, who knows the town and folk best, is sent to the caravanserai's commander with another sealed letter and some money.

Sahu-ptah is sent with a list of hardware, provisions, and foodstuffs to reserve for possible immediate purchase from local sellers. Sahu' does not show the list to anyone else in the party.

Pahj, on the other hand, is invited to stay with him to help him divine the purposes of the new items. Atmu-thoth-rahat's library may prove very useful.
@PahjWhat you have for trinkets are truly the cheapest-of-the-cheap, seeing not a single copper was spent on them. Several items already are cracked clay falling apart, or missing because of cut-rate twine and the like. The point being that you have no true iconry that is of any worth (or usefulness to you) whatsoever. Benny in THE MUMMY was better equipped than you (and your religious paraphernalia).

That being said, and knowing (hoping) that you read the entire thread up to this point as part of the 'catching up' dialog with others, do you purchase any figurines, papers, or anything else from Atmu'?
Otherwise, Don Julio ... being the lover of dramatics that he is ... does not discuss his plans openly.

No, not even with you.

2010-05-03, 07:59 AM
Nanai will of course dismiss Pa-ari with affection and gratitude for his help. He will bless the house at the appropriate time when she and Zarabeth arrive.

2010-05-03, 09:37 AM

Zarabeth is still seething when she returns to the trading house, and immediately starts a vigorous training workout; after which many of the target dummies will need to have their stuffing replaced.
When introduced to the new member of the group her response is
Welcome to whack on the target the group whack on the dummy my name whack on the dummy is Zarabeth whack, whack on the dummy as it collapses
When Julio first proposes his idea, Zarabeth looks like she would rather bite his head off for even suggesting it. After several minutes of discussion, she submits to his make up efforts, but still seems slightly surly about it.
kick his ass...my place as a woman...he'll taste my blade before he tastes my lips...
When she has been made to look like she has been properly beaten and chastised, she will accompany Nanai back to Shenau, her grumbling ceases just before she arrives at his house. She delivers the apology letter wordlessly, adopting the humble mien as instructed by Julio.

[roll0] bluff check

2010-05-03, 10:10 AM
Gerhit will open the door and be in a half-second of shock before looking at you, stifling a giggle, and walking inside. Shenau comes out a few seconds later and stops when he sees your change in demeanor ... and that wicked shiner.

"Insolent cow, it seems that your master has shown you the proper way of the world in short order," he says. "Now there is a man that knows how to handle his chattel."

You worldlessly hand him the invitation and he reads it. He seems skeptical at first after he breaks the seal and starts to read. But after a few seconds, he seems fluffed up with his own self-importance. Pleased after reading, he says, "Please tell your master that I accept, and shall invite my friends and the like, and that I am interested in establishing relations with so puissant a company as his own."

He pauses before he goes back inside. He turns back with a leer and says, "And yes, if he can guarantee my 'gift' for the evening will be as docile as I see before me now, how can I refuse the Don's hospitality?" :smalleek:

Nani invariably prays a blessing appropriate for the situation and the two of you, leave to return back to Atmu's house.

It took all of your considerable acting skill, Zarabeth, to not gut him where he stood ... but (great Bluff roll, btw) you manage to hold it together. Julio damn well better know what he's doing.

2010-05-03, 10:13 AM
"...how can I refuse the Don's hospitality?" :smalleek:

OOC: ROFL...... makin an offer you cannot refuse......

2010-05-03, 11:44 AM

Zarabeth waits until the two of them are out of earshot of Shenau's house.

A Cow...A Cow..A COW?
He called me a Cow....I'll show him Cow.
Where Zarabeth is holding onto Nanai is experiencing a great rise in pressure and will be purple by the time they get back home.
Docile?...he expects me to be docile? NO ONE tells me to be docile.
Zarabeth even thinks about turning around and returning to Shenai's house to explain docility to him, but Nanai is able to steer her back to the trading house, where the newly repaired targets are put through their paces again.

2010-05-03, 12:11 PM
Where Zarabeth is holding onto Nanai is experiencing a great rise in pressure and will be purple by the time they get back home.....

Nanai calmly grits his teeth and walks back with Zarabeth....Seemingly smiling.....a big....teeth gritting....pain enduring....smile.....:biggrin:

2010-05-03, 02:58 PM
Pahj gives a customary bow to Zarabeth but his eyes are drawn instantly to the colossal stone and metal figure. Like a shy child to an imposing horse or animal, Pahj extends his hand out meaning to touch the "man." If no resistance is offered he runs his fingers across every feature, studying it and mumbling to himself while rubbing the crystal embedded on his turban. "Fascinating. I must know more about you! I have a thousand questions if you have the time for answers!!"

When Zarabeth and Sahu leave, Pahj's gaze turns to the hut as he regards the treasure filled building for the first time. He discusses at length with Atmu regarding the Khemetian pantheon and recalls the few local priests visiting his university in the past which inspires greater insight to forgotten knowledge.
Spend 1ip to gain +10 to knowledge: religion.

While no priest, Pahj reveres deities as the situation warrants whether it's praising a kindly god for a safe trip or studying a malignant god to better know its disciples and their beliefs. He asks for a symbol of Isis, preferably a portable one he could channel divine magic through. He'll also mention that he dabbles in magic and healing and would like to make proper offers to Thoth and Nefertem.

Afterward Pahj turns his attention to the ancient scripts and parchment. He discusses with Atmu, in a manner scholars would, on their importance all the while hinting that he would be interested in purchasing something that grabs his interest.

Pahj is an intelligent man yet it's quite clear he's a stranger in a strange land as any local can tell it's all applied knowledge, not experience. (what a stinker roll for both of those!)

2010-05-03, 08:54 PM
Regarding Sahu-ptah
Sahu-ptah doesn't resist, fascinated that one among all the land has the curiosity to know more about him, rather than hide away in fear of the god's displeasure. "I am a maug, a construct of Ptah's will, made to enact his will in the world. Others of my kind exist for every god in the neteru, though Ptah's craftsmanship of my stone-brothers is unequaled. Usually, my kind is found fighting battles in the afterlife as soldiers in wars of theology and matters not understood by mortals.

"I have not discovered the exact mission for which my talents are needed here in Khemit and the Living World itself. As with all my kind, I am a warrior. But what makes me Sahu-ptah is I am an artificer, architect, and craftsman. My particular academic inquiry of late is the subject of battlefield mechanics, specifically traps - making them being secondary to the discovery of, and defusing of, the efforts of enemy trappers and miners."

Interactions with Atmu-thoth-rahat
An inspiration point will not be spent to wow a person with your knowledge over an entire span of conversation. If used for Knowledge checks, it will be used to show an acute knowledge of a specific question. With that in mind, and having used an IP, basically you wow Atmu' with some incredibly finite bit of Khemitian pantheology (think of an 'oolie' in the Navy).

This use of an IP for skills will continue for all skills and usages of the same. An IP is not meant (however you interpret it, for game balance comes sharply into effect here) for you to be a master at those things which take time ... and that is my final interpretation. Factotum is a great and viable class, but it is stomping on these 'gray areas' that makes it a class that many DMs don't allow ... it's not the arcane dilettante and combat bonuses, imho ... but the abuse of skills.

You will not conduct Craft, Knowledge, Perform, Profession, and similar checks that are meant to be over a significant period of time, or spanning a large breadth of lore, unless you can do so in a rather limited amount of time (usually interpreted as one that can reasonably be conducted in the span of an 'average' encounter - which in my view of D&D parlance equals 'combat encounter'). You do not drop a couple IPs on your Jack of Trades ability and become the unremitting master of all you discuss. You can use Bluff for fast-talk, but not for more long-term cons, seductions, and the like. Diplomacy can only really be IP-ed when using the "speed version." Sense Motive for getting an immediate read, rather than formularizing a hunch. IP is useless for Gather Information for the time involved. You get the idea...

That said, over the entire conversational strain, it will be seen that his knowledge of Khemitian religion only just outstrips your own. His main skill is that of Khemitian history and as a sage in general, backed up by his religious knowledge and devotion. For RP purposes, Atmu's knowledge of the neteru (Khemitian pantheon) is significantly more in depth than his knowledge of other religions and pantheons, where it is the reverse for yourself. However, he does have a fascination for all other pantheons.

For his smallest figurines of Isis (1" to 3" tall), he has every kind of material and craftsmanship to suit a cost of 200-1200 dinar. (A dinar is a bronze coin equaling about 1 silver piece.) So that is really on how much you wish to spend for what kind of quality ... Zarabeth just purchased some papyri detailing Isisian rites, he'll tell you.

He'll go over proper venerations to Thoth, and recommends you discuss rites for Nefertem with Nanai, the Nub-kau-nefertem.

You don't just pick up a piece of paper and decipher right off the bat. It takes time (something akin to 1 minute/ piece of parchment?), and you will be interrupted by Don Julio who seeks your help in studying these items in Atmu's library. Once it becomes obvious that you don't read either modern or ancient Khemitian, Don Julio will shrug and leave you be to "continue gaining a familiarity with the script in which you'll find scholarly works in this country."

You (the player/ character) will need to define what is interesting to you. If it is 'within reason' there is a pretty good chance that Atmu' has something covering that subject or even sub-subject (or even sub-sub-subject). Otherwise, it is way too easy for you to get lost. Of course, being who you are ... it might be a leisurely way to spend the rest of the day, seeing as your limitations with the language have made you useless in helping Julio in any timely fashion.

2010-05-03, 09:03 PM
Zarabeth and Nanai return in no time, and though conducting research Don Julio hasn't yet resorted to using a divination spell and asks, "So, how did it go?"

2010-05-03, 10:09 PM
Pahj hands Atmu a platinum coin and two gold coins of some foreign currency in exchange for his finest statue of Isis. "Haven't been in the area long enough, sorry. I'm sure you have a set of calibrated scales on hand, yes?" He spends the rest of the day studying the local language and performing whatever services are asked of him.

2010-05-03, 10:30 PM

One look at the expression on Zarabeth's face (and the bruises on Nanai's arm) and Julio would know that at least something didnt go right. Or perhaps its the way that Zarabeth storms into the practice area and methodically destroys one targeting dummy after another

COW?....COW?....COW?...he called me a COW?

Zarabeth comes back in and flops in chair

Oh he'll come to the show alright. He expects me to be docile. ME? DOCILE? Youd better know what youre doing Julio...because puncturing that windbag is really climbing on my list of things to do

2010-05-03, 11:02 PM
@PahjI've made the proper deductions/ additions to your sheet. The platinum coin is known as an ankhen: made of platinum, and equal to a classic platinum piece; of Khemitian origin. You traded them from smaller currency when you crossed from Tanis (on the border with Philistia; pop 100,000; seat of the Temple of Heru) into Avaris (Lower Khemit ... which is north, not south; aka "Per Rameses"; pop 110,000; major center of commerce and industry). It was very nice for you to be able to unload some weight. The gold coin is actually Greek, not Khemitian, called a drachma: equal to 1 gp; this is common parlance for foreign gold coins that are valued less than atens. You traded most of your Persian currency into the Grecian drachma while you were in Philistia.
@Zarabeth"I commend you for your growth and reserve, my dear," says Don Julio. "I remember getting ready to try something like this with the corrupt Thracian king's son ... but I never did get the chance. The downside is that we're not welcome in Thrace anymore. Pity."
@NanaiDo you dismiss Pa-ari?

2010-05-03, 11:43 PM
Pahj chuckles at Zarabeth's outburst and jokingly teases her. "Your offense is strange to me. In my country the cow is a most sacred religious idol. You are a holy woman, yes? Then your enemy has ignorantly blessed you with the most sacred title "Holy Cow."

2010-05-04, 05:38 AM

Holy woman? Me? Hardly? In fact, many priests regard what I do as a sin. This idol I carry points at her statue of Isis is something new for me. But for the most part, Im just a simple warrior woman. And in my country, calling a woman a cow cannot be a compliment in any context.

2010-05-04, 10:12 AM
Pa-ari was dismissed with gratitude a few posts back.....

2010-05-04, 05:42 PM
Sahu' and Khonsu' are about the village conducting errands and such, but Don Julio calls sends out Atmu's servant to come back with the rest of you after he has researched for several hours. (Atmu' is also invited.)

"Atmu-thoth-rahat," says Don Julio to Atmu', "most gracious host, I thank you for allowing me use of your library to research what I could on these items."

"Even with the library, the only items I could find any information concerning the items were with regards to the golden-bladed battleaxe," he holds up the battleaxe for all to see (it is a battleaxe, but can be used two-handed, in case the original description was unclear), "and the copper mace." He also holds up the mace, which is a heavy mace - but one which was only ever meant to be wielded by Large hands!

"The golden axe, or one similiar, was wielded by Fenti-mabheri, a Khemitian hero that lived in the Classic Triple Kingdom Period, under the rulership of Plye I, the first Nubian Pharaoh. He was also a powerful priest, and was particularly known for his skill in combatting ghosts and spirits. Studies of the axe show that it is, indeed, what refer to as a 'ghost-touch' weapon. This means that it hits incorporeal creatures as if they were made of flesh-and-bone. The enchantment itself is actually quite strong, being at the second-level of enchantment."The weapon is a +2 ghost-touch battleaxe.
"The copper mace bears markings and properties that are very similar to another group of weapons that were created by dwarves: the hammer of shattering.

"Only a small number of these weapons - the hammers - were ever made, and no more than a few are thought to exist to this day. The hammers of shattering were created in the deepest dwarven forges during the Divine War. Only one master craftsman, Jortok, was ever known to have created these weapons. A recent attempt was made to revive the lost art of their crafting by the obsidian dwarves in Nubia, but as dwarven smiths reached their goal, a massive earthquake collapsed their mountain around and upon them, burying the secrets the dwarves had uncovered. Dwarven priests claimed the buried titan, Gaurak the Glutton, sought to interfere with the smiths' efforts and rolled over in his subterranean prison, triggering the collapse. Even now, efforts are under way to exhume the buried smithy in the mountain range known as the Nubian Oversight. If only they had a hammer to open the way!

"It is believed that in the ancient days of the Pre-Dynastic Period, one weapon was made as a gift for an 'Eastern Prince of Unsurpassed Heroism,' and that this weapon was made to suit the weapons of that unknown prince's lands. I can only guess that this is that legendary weapon.

"The basic enchantment is far more powerful than any of these other weapons, at three levels. Only if the wielder is tremendously strong can the wielder unlock special abilities. Blows from the mace overcome the resistance to weapons that nonliving materials may have. Living creatures that derive some of their armor, hide, or carapace from nonliving materials find that their natural armor suffers as well. The wielder can attempt to sunder an enemy's weapon or shield as normal, but also delivers damage as if to nonliving objects. Golems, earth elementals, constructs, and animated objects (but not undead) suffer damage as if they were objects as well."+3 (Large) copper mace of shattering, although it can be wielded by human-sized hands, but is then considered a warmace - a weapon like a bastard sword or dwarven waraxe in that it is normally wielded two-handed as a martial weapon, or one-handed if a feat is spent to use it as an Exotic weapon.

"The rest of the objects required me to use up some of my pearls and identify spells. The last weapon, the trident, is a +1 dancing bane [evil outsider] trident. For those unfamiliar with what that means ... the dancing quality means that you may loose the weapon while fighting with it to allow it to fight on its own while you do something else, but for no more than about 25 seconds or so. The evil-outsider bane aspect means that the weapon is particularly efficacious and painful against creatures from the Underworld or the worlds beyond that are living incarnations of various forms of evil.

"Now, the golden boots, cuirass, and helmet. These are all what I will refer to as the Armor of Hapy. Not only are each of these items individually capable, but just like Nanai's raiment of the four, they were intended to all be worn by one person for a sort of power summed or complimentary effect."

Julio will explain the following, but the DM is providing it in game terms ...
The first item Julio shows of this set are the Boots of Hapy. These golden leather boots grant the wearer a +2 armor bonus to AC and allow the wearer to water walk or wind walk. Each spell-like ability is usable three times per day. They take up the "Feet" slot for magic items, and while the armor bonus is not considered Light Armor for need of proficiencies, the armor bonus does not stack with other armor bonuses (such as armor itself, or that provided by bracers of armor, mage armor, the inertial armor power, etc.).

The second item is the Cuirass of Hapy. This protective coat of leather armor functions as +2 scale mail of spell resistance 18. Otherwise, it has the same weight and characteristics of leather armor. Obviously, it requires the Armor [Light] Proficiency to wear.

The third item is the Helm of Hapy. This helm appears as an old-style Khemitian helmet with a flowing neck protector of silvery mesh and a crest of sun and silver moon crescent atop it. It grants the wearer a +6 resistance bonus to Will saves. The helm takes up the "Head" slot for magic items.

The Armor of Hapy ... If all three magic items of Hapy - the boots, cuirass, and helm - are worn at the same time, that character gains all the benefits of each individual magic item and a +8 armor bonus to AC (this bonus replaces the armor bonus gained from the boots and the cuirass).
Don Julio makes the following suggestions (and bid) for items:
+1 dancing bane [evil outsider] bane: Khonsu-khaibet. It may only ever be a backup weapon for him, but Khonsu' is knowledgeable in creatures of the outer planes. Khonsu, however, does not want it, as Nanai and Pahj both need good melee weapons.

With that, Don Julio recommends Pahj take the trident. Since he uses a shield and carries no missile weapon, the one-handed trident that can also be thrown is a good choice. Even though Pahj did nothing to kill the demoncroc, and ostensibly these gifts were given not just 'out of hand' but for that feat, Julio recommends that we allow all who would continue on our shared quest to get some boon, if possible.

[Don Julio and Zarabeth don't know how to use a trident, and it is too small for Sahu-ptah.]

+2 golden ghost-touch battleaxe: Since overall the battleaxe is a better weapon and Nanai is more of a warrior than Pahj (it would seem), Julio recommends Nanai take this weapon for when his bow is not viable.

[Don Julio and Zarabeth don't know how to use a trident, and it is too small for Sahu-ptah.]

+3 copper mace of shattering: Sahu-ptah ... no-brainer. Though it would be a secondary weapon for Sahu', his fantastic strength, skill with martial weapons, and knowledge of the weak points of objects to begin with and how to create effective follow-through using strength, will be an incredible "castle-door opener" as Julio calls it.

The choice likens Sahu' well.

The Armor of Hapy: The Armor was obviously meant to be worn by one person, regardless of whatever 'tactical' reasoning there may be ...

Sahu' is getting the mace, and It/He wouldn't fit in the armor, anyway.

Nanai could benefit from the set, but the armor is consecrated to Hapy, whereas his own is sanctified to Nefertem. It would be blasphemous to sanctify a set of armor to act as a holy symbol for your spells, when that armor was obviously given sanctification to another god. That is bad ju-ju.

Khonsu-khabiet is similar. While his light mithral shield is sanctified to Chons in addition to his armor, Khonsu feels that the Armor of Hapy is best for one who either worships Hapy, or one who does not derive powers from a deity.

Zarabeth, for all of her warrior skill, does not know how to wear armor of any sort. Indeed, it would thematically fly in the face of how she likes to present herself to the world.

This leaves Julio and Pahj, but Pahj is (likely) going to get the dancing trident. Worse, Pahj would have to give up his double-class-dependent circlet!

2010-05-04, 06:11 PM
Pahj accepts the trident. "I have little need for ranged weapons but my sling and talwar are mostly for show and status. I'd gladly accept a trident especially one that does the fighting for me! I don't care for armor as I'm a staunch believer in mind over matter. Besides, I think you'd look stunning in that matching set Don Julio."

2010-05-04, 07:56 PM

Zarabeth does not object to the division of items, but seems to have a strange smirk on her face as Pahj speaks.
You know, I think he will look stunning in that whole set. Not that he doesnt always look good. But...Im thinking that Im going to have to claw off those current ones tonight if hes going to use them

2010-05-04, 08:33 PM
(embellished by phonecon w/ BuckGodot...)

Nanai picks up the golden battleaxe and gives it a few swings and chops. Nods his head and says, "At least it matches my mount."

2010-05-05, 12:40 AM
Don Julio tells everyone that a feast has been set up at the caravanserai to act as a 'mixer' for your party and the powers-that-be in the town. First set of invitation went to Shenau (and any guests he brings), with understanding this was a large affair to begin with. The second 'mass invitation' was for the officers of the caravanserai.

Entertainment will be provided by 'his truly', but only after he personally cooks the meal that his retainers-for-the-evening have prepped (from the House of Horus' Fortune). In reality, knowing the location is what it is, Don Julio understands that nearly the whole of the town can expect to show up for this event. In the meantime, Zarabeth will be the primary dancer, though she will be helped by the ladies of the House of Horus' Fortune. Later, Zarabeth will give Shenau a dance as the 'movers and shakers' sit down to discuss politics and business, but only when signaled to do so by Don Julio.

Of course, if anyone else has any ability to entertain, that would be good as well ...

Khonsu-khaibet will start out the evening acting as an intermediary to introduce the party to the rest of the town. He offers to entertain as a tightrope walking, acrobatic, fire-eater.

Don Julio recommends Nanai give a 'trick shooting' show. Nothing dangerous, but exhibiting his archery ability.

Sahu-ptah states that he neither has any ability that translates to ridiculous and trivial diversions, nor would try even if Don Julio is clever enough to think of something. He will not be a staring post for the masses, at least any more than he is already. In fact, Sahu-will patrol around the caravanserai to maintain order. Sort of a non-bouncy bouncer.

Julio doesn't know Pahj's skills well enough ... [Khonsu' already has the 'acrobat' billet for entertainment, and there is not enough time in an evening of diversion among multiple participants for each person to try to go through their entire repertoir of 'possible' entertainment abilities.] ... does Pahj have anything to offer?

2010-05-05, 01:25 AM
Pahj puts on a tumbling show or at least performs in tandem with Khonsu to compliment his skills.


Although he stumbles a bit on a taut rope, Pahj puts on the greatest gymnastics performance this town has likely seen.

2010-05-05, 07:35 AM
@PahjAs I said before, you are not on the docket for a 'primary show,' and forcing your way in is in bad form (and no matter how good you are, would result in penalties). However, you do perform as 'other' performers do ... as a side show along with other villagers who perform. Yours will draw a lot of attention, but again, is not a 'main stage production.'

You rolled before I had everyone do so, because I want to make sure folks know what they need to do ... so you're going to keep your rolls as they are to show strictly your precision, and not your entertainment value.

The town saw the most precise show of acrobatics they've ever seen, for sure. I will allow your own precision - just this once and not for any other character - to act as an Aid roll for your own acrobatics, but only at a +2 (because it is yourself, not anyone else; Khonsu is not 'Aiding' you).

Roll your Tumble again, but this time with only your Charisma modifier, +2 for your Aid. Then, re-roll your Balance but with no Aid bonus; again, with Charisma modifier and not Dexterity.
@ZarabethAt the party, Don Julio will take you to the side and ask that when he signals for your 'special' dance to Shenau to begin, that you use the noise and verve of the party (looking away from Shenau) to cast detect magic, and then turn and start out slowly so you can concentrate on him. Once you get a read on him - including analyzing the schools of magic, if any, surrounding him - then continue your dance.

Immediately (w/in 3 minutes) before the dance, Don Julio will have you come to him, and he will look into your eyes to create a sense link. Let him. Once you do your detect magic and learn whatever you can (especially illusion-oriented), turn away and simply whisper to yourself what you notice. Don Julio will be able to see what you see, but with only 1 rank in Spellcraft compared to your 10, it is doubtful he can figure things out by himself. Whisper in Elven, just in case.

Go ahead and roll three things, a CL check for your detect magic. A Bluff roll to act as an Aid roll for the seductiveness of your dance. A Perform (Dance) roll.
@NanaiFor your trick shooting, roll 1d20+14, because you are using your Charisma vice your Dexterity as a modifier. You will do various sorts of shots that you learned among your tribe growing up, but only one roll will act as your 'entertainment value' for the evening.

2010-05-05, 08:01 AM
(Just because we are getting everything out of the way now as far as performances ...)
Khonsu-khaibet, the only 'main stage' jongleur to perform (again, Pahj does his as a side show before/ during the meal for more wandering/ restless souls), is given first time slot after the meal and everyone is situated for the evening's entertainment.
He uses various batons of fire and fire eating abilities ... while he does his acrobatics!! In addition, his acrobatics and balancing act includes several, several specific subskills (tricks) that Pahj cannot duplicate with a raw Tumble skill alone, regardless of his roll. The finale includes a whopping display while he is fully on fire.Overall Tumbling performance = [roll0]
Overall Balancing Act = [roll1]

Then the girls of the House of Horus' Fortune provides an entr'acte while things are set up for Nanai's trick-shooting, which then follows.

Next, Don Julio gives a poetic recitation and storytelling. While the raw roll might not be as great as others, he absolutely entrances the audience (and possibly PCs as well!). He adds in some very minor illusions (very minor), along with some flash-poof prestidigitation, to augment his stories.Oration = [roll2]

Once done, it is time to liven things up again ... with Zarabeth's dance!

2010-05-05, 09:01 AM

Zarabeth makes her preparations, including establishing the sensory link with Julio and then heads out on the floor for her dance. Despite her personal distaste for Shenau, she is able to put it aside, calling on her training as an exotic dancer. She likens Shenau to that stupid toad, Kravchuk, from her past.
As Zarabeth comes on stage, she poses for just a moment, and then begins her dance with intricate hand movements, which are actually a part of her casting detect magic she is not facing Shenau so that he cannot see what she is up to. Then she turns to face him and her dance truely begins. She calls on the belly dance techniques she has learned during her time in Khemit, as well as her old techniques from the past. Her eyes are locked on Shenau the whole time, its as if the dance was for him alone. When she sees something through her detection spell, she whispers it to herself, artfully shielding the movement of her mouth with her veils or hands.

[roll0] CL check on detect magic....I wasnt sure if this was a caster level check or spellcraft check, if the latter, add 3 to the result
[roll1] Bluff check as Aid to dance
[roll2] Perform:Dance

2010-05-05, 10:14 AM
Nanai sets his bow to work and demonstrates his marksmanship.


2010-05-06, 12:40 AM
With those rolls ... we step back.

The caravanserai (#1) officers are as follows:

Fifth Lieutenant Hamephat, the CO of the garrison, and only 23 years old. He is a devotee of Herakhty (Horus).
Platoon Sergeant Hetet-f, 25 years old, but a military veteran of 13 years. Courting Mastuti.
Cavalry Sergeant Nemekh, the best buddy and continual rival of Hetet-f, even though he is 10 years older.
Tchaqu the Scribe, a young man who is the model of bureaucracy. A Scribe, if you remember from Atmu-thoth-rahat, is the youngest non-hereditary noble title.
Subaltern Bas-f-py, the XO of the garrison. He is a follower of Khnemu.

The House of Hept-f-hra, Honest Merchant & Main Provisioner of Aartuat(#2) Hept-f-hra, leader of the house, and successful local merchant. He is a fellow of about 40, but seems in excellent physical condition, if a rifle beefy. He smiles ingratiatingly, but his eyes are crafty, measuring you.
Fa-t-tep, his wife. She is still nice-looking for her age, and doesn't look like a mother of four children, two of which are fully grown. She is demanding and bossy.
Sba-bennu, eldest son (age 19). Not bad-looking, but ill-tempered and a scornful look mars his appearance.
Nektinefar, beautiful daughter (age 18). Like Zarabeth, she is very good looking, knows it, and likes to play with her food (men). Hept-f-hra dotes on her.
Pansbek, middle son (age 16). Similar to Sba-bennu, but younger.
Afu-abtem, youngest son (age 13). Very shy and withdrawn.
Nehsi, a Nubian guard. He is an ugly man of husky build but smiles a lot. He is armed with a morningstar and a dagger.
Maq-t, a nomad warrior. Lanky with pale yellow eyes. He is armed with a heavy war axe and a dagger.

The town smithy (#3), Uptupi is introduced. Uptupi venerates Ptah. He doesn't seem overly bright, and will merely shrug during the whole of most conversations not connected with his work.

Tavern & Brewery, "The House of Horus' Fortune" (#4)
Abfernehu (husband) and Behutt-aa (wife) run the tavern, and have left what meager folks remain at the tavern to their bartender, Rutat-om. Both of them assist Don Julio in making the meal. The provide the basic provender and cater the event, while Don Julio himself makes up the entree and dessert.
There is a trio of musicians that play throughout most of the evening.
Also, the dancing girls ... Mastuti is a dancer specializing in dance, exotic dance, chants, the harp, melody, odes, dramas, and ballads.
Khepifar is also primarily a dancer, specializing in general dance, exotic dance, melody, drama, and ballads.
Gerhit, brother-in-law to Shenau, shows up. Also, Shenau, of course (see previous posts w/ Zarabeth for a better description).

An 11-year-old orphan, Hep-thait, is running wildly here and there in the crowd. He is seen for the first 30 minutes or so, and is last seen talking to Sahu-ptah. Sahu-ptah takes him to Don Julio, then Don Julio walks off with the youth privately. Don Julio comes back later, and walks out with the Fifth Lieutenant for a minute or so, then Don Julio comes back alone. The Fifth Lieutenant doesn't return for many minutes.

There are a smattering of other villagers that also attend and want to 'hero worship' by checking out the new celebs that killed some sort of super-croc that is believed to have been responsible for the recent spate of missing persons.

Events During the Dinner
@NanaiOnce introductions are made, you see the merchant's youngest boy. He comes near, stares at you with a strange gleam in his eyes, and speaks. "Beware!" he hisses the lad. "My father and others are part of a wicked plot." He looks afraid. He stares at you again, then turns and darts off, lost in the crowd at the banquet.
Given that Don Julio has, in his estimation, 'limited' goods with which to work, the meal is very, very good. (He got a 21 on his Craft (gourmet cooking) check.)

Pahj does his acrobatics as a side show during the meet-and-greet and such. His skill is superb, and he utilizes many interesting, focused exercises of contortion, acrobatics, and balance based on a group of body-control performers from his homeland known as fakirs. Unfortunately, despite his phenomenal skill, the more laid back and subtle motions of his application of physical skill does not translate in this land to a good performance. Of course, Khonsu', Don Julio, and Zarabeth all recognize the skill-behind-performance. But that is little comfort, and Pahj might even seem a little dejected. Still, he has enough panached to make it an enjoyable performane nonetheless.

Khonsu is the first 'main-stage' performer and becomes a nearly impossible act to follow. Never has anyone present (PCs included) ever seen such a phenomenal display of extreme tumbling and balance, all mixed with a great presentational use of fire! This performance was Legendary!

The girls of the House of Horus' Fortune gives a great performance, nonetheless, as an entr'acte.

Then, it is Nanai's turn. He also turns in a Great Performance with various different types of trick shooting.

The girls sing this time, but only a routine job.

Don Julio tells the story, that you all recently learned, of the Obsidian dwarves of the Nubian Oversight and their crafting of the hammers of shattering, and the fate of those that came after them. His telling enthralls everyone, but in the end it is only a Great Performance. Zarabeth can tell that it was one of his worst performances, and the stress of research, setting up this dinner in a day, cooking the dinner, hob-nobbing with everyone, and trying to do .... whatever the hell he thinks he's doing with all of this ... is just too much for him to focus upon. The choice of story itself was because it was easily accessible to memory. Only his raw ability to tell a story and entrance an audience made it as good as it seemed. He even begins to show signs of mental stress and fatigue.

Zarabeth's turn. She conducts her dance (as noted in her post). Her detect magic spell notes absolutely nothing on Shenau ... dead aura. Considering that he seems like he should be a sorcerer of some power, that is hard to believe and you think it is some type of nondetection effect, whispering as much to Don Julio.

The dance itself, though, is the main point of this exercise - the detect magic, if successful, merely would have been gravy. As she dances, Don Julio chats with Shenau. With the music and her focus, she doesn't quite hear what he says, and he's not trying to be distracting to others that might listen. Shenau seems intent on the display. Don Julio guides the patter to a quicker mark, and Shenau chats along, taken by Zarabeth's performance. At one point, though, the chatter diminishes as Shenau seems to notice something about Don Julio's conversation. Only Zarabeth (only) recognizes the very-well hidden face of failure on Don Julio's face. All of this presentation, but apparently to no avail.

The dance ends, a truly memorable performance, and a nice way to end the entertainment. The applause is loud for Zarabeth, and louder for the companions as a whole.

The Fifth Lieutenant gives as rousing a speech as he can muster, praising the heroes for slaying the monstrous threat to the village. More applause.

Don Julio stands, and says, "My friends, villagers of Aartuat, we were not alone in our endeavors. Many towns know no heroes for the want of such horrible beasts. But this town had one, but does one better. I want to thank you, Shenau," Don Julio says looking at the sorcerer. Shenau looks puzzled.

"Without you, the village of Aartuat would not stand in celebration today. Your personal involvement in helping us become the heroes we are ... with this, a figure bearing a symbol of your name found inside the demoncroc's belly. If it wasn't for your excellent conjuration skill, we never would have had such a capable foe to dispatch and offer us such celebratory status."

Shenau looks at the figurine, standing, challenging Don Julio. "I've never seen that before in my life. And the symbol on that figurine, despite the coincidental phoneme 'sh', happens to be that of an ancient river god. The demonic crocodile came from the river, no?"

Don Julio seems to submit. "You're right, Shenau. He's right, everyone. This is purely circumstantial, and I want to apologize publicly to everyone. You, villagers of Aartuat, are very lucky to have such a knowledgeable man among your midst. Please know that I wish Shenau to be vindicated for any seeming wrongdoing, as much as my word my stand."

Don Julio, looking dejected, and using body language to show apology to Shenau and the crowd, sits down and puts his head in his arms out of shame. The people begin to feel sorry for Shenau to have suffered pointless slander by the outlanders.

The Fifth Lieutenant stands up. "Excuse me, gentlemen. On behalf of the newcomers, who have been heroic but do not understand the mysteries of our lands, I beg you to please accept our apology. Villagers, do you not want to see such a wise man be more fruitful in your society again? Where else will you find such learnedness? Merha-aptut? He is helpful, but not a true scholar like Shenau."

The crowd applauses, feeling recalcitrant that they spurned the wise Shenau in favor of a 'cheaper' alternative in the form of the 'Hapy Beggar.' The Fifth Lieutenant taps Don Julio and says, "Allow me to demonstrate. Don Julio, where is that bauble you found?"

Don Julio, still with head buried in his arms, reaches into his sash and takes out a necklace with many bones upon it, and hands it to Hamephat. Hamephat holds up the necklace to Shenau and says. "Mighty Sorcerer, we are curious if you can define the purpose of this necklace?"

Shenau looks at it for a minute and says, "It is an interesting, if garish, bauble. I believe that it has no real purpose, and bares a misleading aura of enchantment."

Hamephat hands it to Don Julio. Don Julio sits up, then stands. He hems and haws over it for about two minutes and says, "I believe it is some type of necklace of aura shielding, acting as a means of protecting the wearer from various divinations, as well as presenting a false ma'at to the world, making a bad wearer seem good."

Those who might notice things, see that Sahu-ptah, who was away for a little bit, walks to the caravanserai exit from a position outside the courtyard. He practically blocks the courtyard, and his two-bladed sword is in his hands.

"Just like," Don Julio continues dropping the dejected ruse and picking up energy, "the ones that you, Gerhit, and nearly the entire house of Hept-f-hra wear. Of course, you won't mind showing us ... taking off the necklaces ... and then submitting to a divination by Hamephat himself, would you? I mean, Khonsu' is sort of a 'conflict of interest' as he's one of my friends. But since Hamephat is the supreme lawman in these parts ....

"Oh, and while you're at it? I can smell you like I see you, Scaly Wonder. You might as well drop the disguise."

By now, if heroes have the time to get weapons at the ready ... cause you sense trouble. You won't get caught with your pants down, or your swords scabbarded, for that matter.

Shenau gives Don Julio a long, hard, intense glaring stare. Don Julio can't quite whether the stare and nods, saying at a non-speech level, "It's over, half-breed."

Shenau's form melts, thaws, and resolves itself into a dew ... er, I mean, the illusion drops and while the man is no taller (5' 4"), he is a very stacked and built humanoid with reptilian features and red scales, and interesting fronds/ frills about the head, and a forked tongue. He also sports a tail.

"This isn't over; not hardly," Shenau says, raising his hands to show no weapon ... before disappearing.
@PahjYou're the only one who has a glimmer of a clue. Shenau is reputed to be a sorcerer, and if he is powerful enough to cast 4th-level spells and above, he might have cast a silent version of the spell (dimension door, teleport, or better). However, a silent version of the spell makes that spell even more powerful (or harder to cast, depending on how you look at it).
Hamephat gives the awaited order, and soldiers rush into the space Sahu-ptah allows. Gerhit and the House of Hept-f-hra are at spearpoint and made to remove the necklaces that they had hidden underneath their linen tunics. Only Hept-f-hra's youngest son has no such necklace. They give up without a fight, obviously outmatched. Hamephat casts a spell and determines that their auras are all unremittingly evil (again, except for the youngest boy, Afu-abtem).

The villagers are stunned by the display and that Shenau, some sort of reptilian half-breed of evil (no doubt devoted to Set), was in their midst for so very long.

2010-05-06, 02:41 AM
Pahj, having only brought the trident, stands when Sahu arrives and readies his trident. When Shenau vanishes he slowly migrates to the rest of the group.

2010-05-06, 06:37 AM

Zarabeth, who was dancing and likely did not have her weapons with her, had only moved to Julio's side as his little drama played itself out. When Shenau's form changed, she instinctively reached for them, only to find them missing and thus she was unable to engage the lizard/beast. Nevertheless, she does place herself between Shenau and Julio as the sorcerer prepares to cast.

For once, I agree with you, its not over. Not until I pay you back personally for the insults she calls out to the disappearing coward.

2010-05-06, 01:51 PM
Since Zarabeth intended to move "as he prepares to cast" you never got there before he was gone. He cast nothing. He simply disappeared immediately and instantaneously after his one-liner. You could still call out to the empty air in anger, though.

To the rest of the group. You probably have questions about how things were set up and came out. Now's the time to ask them ...

2010-05-06, 03:49 PM
Pahj is more interested in what this lizard creature was than the days events or Don Julio's build up to them. He watches silently, complying with any orders, answering any questions.

2010-05-06, 04:13 PM
Don Julio tells Pahj, "Shenau is half human, and half dragon. Specifically, a red dragon, the biggest and worst Western breed of dragon we have on this side of the world. The red dragon is known for its sheer power, avarice, vanity, and prevarication. Sorcerers are believed to have gained their power from draconic ancestry, so imagine how powerful a half-dragon sorcerer is."

2010-05-06, 06:05 PM
Nanai, who had drawn his bow, moves to the rest of the group and listens....

2010-05-06, 06:20 PM
"I see. The magic he used to vanish was a teleportation spell called dimension door. He was skilled enough to cast it silently which makes the complicated gestures of the moderately powerful spell more difficult to manage.

If he is a powerful sorcerer, what does he wish from traders in a small desert town? Surely there are more powerful businessmen in the pharaoh's halls?"

2010-05-06, 06:32 PM
Perhaps he seeks to work with small targets and build up to something more powerful. Perhaps he is gaining something from the people he captures and since there are none powerful enough in this town to challenge him, he can work in relative safety.
Either way, we now need to find out where he has taken them.

2010-05-06, 06:42 PM
Perhaps he seeks to work with small targets and build up to something more powerful. Perhaps he is gaining something from the people he captures and since there are none powerful enough in this town to challenge him, he can work in relative safety.
Either way, we now need to find out where he has taken them.

"Hm? Taken whom?"

2010-05-06, 07:15 PM
Sahu-ptah, who has moved up with the rest (as has Khonsu ... hail, hail, the gang's all here!) says, "It seems to me that Shenau was the primary one in Aartuat that controlled/ conjured the daimotherion crocodile. The others were his far-less-powerful accomplices. Considering our original mandate and Nanai's commune with Nefertem, it makes sense that Shenau has fled to regroup with the real 'Evil' in the area and report to it/them."

Khonsu-khaibet asks Don Julio, "How did you know about Shenau's true nature? Why the elaborate ruse? And what's the story with that necklace?"

Don Julio answers ...

"I already had it in mind to invite Shenau to a much smaller dinner to find out more about him. But after Zarabeth came back from his place, I smelled a strange smell on her hand ... human tinged with something different, somewhat reptilian, and yet not. This must be where Shenau shook when they first met.

"That's when I realized that something else was happening. I then resolved to make a show of it. I figured if I could trick-talk Shenau to unmask himself in public, or to mention his allies or his mission, it would all be worth it. With all of the distractions of the fine performances - especially Zarabeth's final performance when I tried to really put on the pressure - I figured that I could get him to trip himself up.

"You know, if it wasn't for a little bit of luck, I would've failed. That Shenau is one crafty customer, and is a fine progeny to show what tricky b****ds reds are. All the distractions and my best verbal tactics failed. If it was just that, the dinner would've only strengthened Shenau's resolve and we would have nothing to work with."

"The luck came in the form of a devious little youth - Hep-thait."

Sahu-ptah takes over when Don Julio gives him a prodding look. "The urchin came to me during the dinner and said, 'I am just a poor village boy, Master, but I know everyone and everything in and around Aartuat. Why, I can even show you a place where the ancient ones hid their Eternal Houses - it's in a big ravine, and I sometimes sneak in there, because there are little antique things to be found and sometimes even old coins. That's how I live, you know. I am an orphan and have to fend for myself.'"

"I believed him, for I so no reason that he should not be believed," Sahu' continues. "But I knew Don Julio would be interested in what he had to say, for it did not matter to me individually, so I took him to Don Julio."

Don Julio shrugs and says, "It was almost like talking to a wall, I guess."

"I questioned him further, and was able to trip him up when pressed for details, as I sensed he was lying. So, I took him with me and Lieutenant Hamephat to a more secluded spot where I told him what happens to little children that lie to demoncroc-killers. He then continued with the following banter:
"Forgive me, Masters, please! (Whine, snivel, sob!) I am like a slave, my dear mother is dead, and my father beats me; he even allows his friend to strike and kick me if I don't bring them money for strong drink. I have to lie and steal or he will kill me! I don't like it, and I want to live like other children do. Please help me by making me your slave!

I can show you how to get to the old necropolis where there are treasures. I can even make it so the greenfaces don't -

Oh, greenfaces is ... a slang name for the priests who serve Osiris. They don't let outsiders into the ravine. I think they want all the riches for themselves.""I still sensed a lie, but I didn't press the issue. He wants to be our slave and show us to this place? Fine. If he is sending us into an ambush where Shenau or another Evil awaits? Equally fine. Either way, we have some sort of connection to nearby entities that may be of interest to us.

"Now, I had Hamephat remove all but his loincloth at this point - he is my slave after all, and Hamephat acknowledges that; and shows that as a prisoner his father is unable to contest the charge - and other than a dagger and a pouch with a few silver, he had the necklace I had Hamephat show earlier.

"I recognized the odd bone-and-alchemy scent of this necklace, having smelled it on all of the House of Hept-f-hra (except for their youngest boy), on Shenau, and on Gerhit. A quick spell later and I noticed that it was magical. Lieutenant Hamephat then easily noticed Hep-thati's black heart. That's when we understood the necklace's function .... to hide the evil in a man's heart and thoughts.

"Hamephat took Hep-thait away to be locked up, and then on my advice we worked up the final strategy if my initial attempt failed .... ummmm, which it did."

2010-05-07, 01:29 AM
"A Hebraic half-life with an acute sense of smell, business acumen, and oratory prowess. I'd question why you're on the road and not a merchants guild but any other man would be stumbling blind.

I'm still confused to the events. Why draw attention by summoning a monster? What about this necropolis makes it special to worshipers of Osiris? How does a merchant family tie into this? Resources?

Hmmm, being a tomb raider by profession I'm a bit excited about this necropolis. Ah, not for profit mind you. It irks me when powerful people selfishly lock away valuable treasures that would better benefit the living."

2010-05-07, 07:10 AM
"Well, Pahj," Don Julio answers, "my people are known for their noses and keen horse sense. Besides, not only was my father a well-traveled merchant, but when I settle down I will probably settle by way of travel. I have a much longer way to go before that has to happen, and we can consider adventuring as a way to get 'seed money' for future mercantile adventures.

"I know it may be arrogant of me to say that we're worth it ... but the missing persons before disappeared without a trace in the dark of night. The demoncroc attacked us openly and visciously in the full light of day. I believe that Shenau figured we were getting to close to the truth and had it attack us.

"Osirites looking over a necropolis isn't too surprising. The story goes that Osiris was second only to his father, Ra, as the leader of the neteru here in the living world of Khemit. He makes his home in the underworld as the lord of the dead because, after Set killed him, Isis resurrected him, and even though he is a god, he can no longer dwell in the land of the living.

"In the underworld, Osiris sits on a great throne, where he passes judgement on the newly arrived souls. All those who pass the tests of the underworld become worthy to enter.

"Osiris remains in the underworld because Maat dictates that the dead, even dead gods, may not return to the land of the living. So it makes perfect sense that worshippers of Osiris are noble overseers of the dead ... to make sure they stay that way and do not escape into the world of the living as mockeries of life itself.

"Oh, and while I look to Khonsu-khaibet and Nanai here to make sure we do not transgress too mightily ... I also share your belief in liberating lost articles for the good of the economy at large." :smallcool:

As you stand around chatting, Cavalry Sergeant Nemekh rides up to Lieutenant Hamephat. "Sir, just as we rode across to arrest and question Hept-f-hra's guards, Nehsi and Maq-t, we noticed the house was open and heard horse's hooves in the distance. We also checked the house of Gerhit and Shenau, but we dared not enter. Still, Shenau's horse was also gone."

Hamephat answers, "And why didn't you enter and check Shenau's house?!"

"Forgive me, sir, but I thought I should get specific orders from you before ransacking a sorcerer's lair. I heard of several stories that spell the end for arresting guards - without specialized training - who thought to arrest magician's in their homes, what with magic traps and the like."

Hamephat thinks for a second and says, "You may have done right, Sergeant. No need for one of our few soldiers at this garrison getting blown up in a shower of fire or acid for tossing a house with wizardly things about." This last bit Hamephat says entirely to the party, not the sergeant.

"Yes, of course we will," offers Don Julio. "And since the entire house is now forfeit, and we were the ones to unmask this evil in town, may we claim that house as our own base of operations including all materials found within?"

Lt. Hamephat smiles and nods at length. "You can have the house and small yard, and any items of interest in it are yours to disperse among your group for your service. I merely ask that you give us 10% of any monetary take - consider it a tax - for having to clean up the mess you made in giving me all these prisoners to deal with, the paperwork to be done, the courier I have to send off with a report ..."

Don Julio laughs heartily and says "Done!" while shaking his hand.

Nanai feels a tug at his robe. When he looks down he sees Afu-abtem. "Thank you, Master, for bringing these folk with you and seeing that good can come to our village. I have no home, can I serve you?"

Don Julio laughs again and says, "We will have one boy to look after - though I trust Hamephat will watch him through the night - and that is enough. Besides, Afu', you have just become the richest man in Aartuat!"

Lieutenant Hamephat offers, "I will ask Atmu-thoth-rahat if he will govern the boy until he is legally able to run the business and live on his own. I trust that man will make no attempt to invoke his own avarice, while still seeing to trade for the town's benefit."

Don Julio tells the group, "Well, let's go see our new house!"

You get to the house (#13), and it is, after all, a shabby affair. Don Julio sends Sahu-ptah inside (he has to squeeze through the doorway and bend down once inside) to check the house out. "Pahj," says Don Julio, "surely a tomb raider such as yourself is good at finding and disarming the traps that invariably protect such places. Want to go in and give Rocky a hand, please?"

2010-05-07, 07:18 AM

If you wish, I can go just inside and give the whole area a preliminary sweep as it were, using my detect magic to uncover any magical traps that lie in wait for the unwary or untrained.

2010-05-07, 07:27 AM
Pahj gives a nervous chuckle. "Finding, yes. Disarming, No. I always had too much respect for the craftsmen and would rather step around them once found. 'Leave the traps, take the rupees' was once a common catchphrase during my early years."

2010-05-07, 12:35 PM
Nanai smiles to the young urchin and hears Don Julio answer for him. Follows all to the house to look around.

I regret that I have nothing in the way to offer as to searching for traps beyond detecting magic myself.

2010-05-07, 01:00 PM
Nanai smiles to the young urchin and hears Don Julio answer for him. Follows all to the house to look around.

I regret that I have nothing in the way to offer as to searching for traps beyond detecting magic myself.

"Hmm? You're a holy man, are you not? Does Nefertum not offer divine dispels and trap detection?

I have a plan of action. I will go in first followed by Zarabeth with her detection spells active. I'll sweep the building of traps, aided by a power that lets me see what is magically hidden, but like I said I always avoided traps out of respect for the master craftsman. If we plan on using this... shack as a base then I agree to set off whatever traps we find (with the aid of an 11' pole of course; one extra foot for added insurance)."

2010-05-07, 01:07 PM
The gifts I have been granted by Nefertem are more in the areas related to health and healing...Fear not....Should you be injured or poisoned by some method here, I will be able to help.

2010-05-07, 03:07 PM
Instead of Sahu-ptah, Zarabeth goes inside, followed by Pahj. Having cast detect magic, she goes in very slowly and carefully - for she must look through a limited cone while concentrating. It takes you about eight rounds for a 360-degree sweep, after taking two rounds to go in side while covering above/ below. Zarabeth finds no magical auras.

2010-05-07, 03:35 PM
Pahj calls out "If he was powerful enough to conceal his evil aura, he may be powerful enough to conceal magical auras. If we're not pressed for time..." Pahj touches the crystal on his turban and hums a mantra. His eyes flare with white light and he takes in the entirety of the abode to see if he notices any differences. Unless Don Julio protests, Pahj takes as long as possible searching the house.

Manifest true seeing then take 20 on searching each square.

2010-05-07, 03:40 PM
You find a chest underneath a false floor dug into the earth with a magical glyph. You recognize something veery interesting ... it is of moderate power, and has distinctive, faint ectoplasmic trails. This means that it isn't a 'magical' glyph at all ... it's a metacreative psionic power, though not one you're familiar with!!

2010-05-07, 04:14 PM
Pahj shakes his head and mutters to himself. "I submit, Poo. I should have put more time into studying the craft of our gifts but there was a whole world to see and who wants to spend a decade among smelly gurus performing mental exercises night and day? I promise to study harder in the future."

Pahj reaches for the chest and heads outside to the group.

2010-05-07, 06:54 PM
You reach for the chest and the glyph erupts in fire. Luckily, your ability to pierce reality's illusions noted a flare a millisecond before the explosion and you rolled out of the way with your heightened reflexes just in time to minimize the damage (only 13 fire damage). To add insult to injury, the chest is way too heavy for you to lift by yourself.

"Good job disarming the trap via the 'old-fashioned deactivation-through-activation' method," chimes Don Julio as looks at you with smoking eyebrows and beard. "I suggest that next time, you allow me and Sahu-ptah to actually try disarming the things, okay?"

The house is cleared and Sahu-ptah goes in, easily picks up the chest and squeezes back outside. The chest has no lock (it's more of a large coffer) and contains what must be hundreds of atens (large gold coins, each worth 10 gp)! Looks like the unsleeping Sahu-ptah will have something to keep him busy as he stands watch that evening ... for it is determined that it might be best to post a watch even here in the village, what with an extremely powerful sorcerer on the loose.

2010-05-07, 07:09 PM
"Yes, well I would have appreciated you adding "trap disarmer" to your resume of chef, scholar, entrepreneur, poet, traveler, and half-elven bloodhound."

2010-05-07, 07:38 PM
"Well, I did say that Sahu-ptah was a trapsmith, didn't I? I'm just a dilettante in such manners, but I am lead to believe that he is an expert," answers Don Julio.

(Without wasting time, it doesn't take Nanai much spell power to check Pahj's wounds and then heal him appropriately.)

Khonsu-khaibet returns to his own home. Sahu-ptah keeps watch outside the group's house, counting coins, while Pahj and Nanai set up a temporary lodging inside until things can be made up better. Don Julio and Zarabeth return to their comfy tavern room.

Sadly for Zarabeth, the 'tearing of clothes' ritual will have to wait ... Don Julio way overtaxed himself today and falls asleep in no time.

Baths for the morning at the tavern, and for those that take them upstream in the Pool of Hapy. The villagers, thankful to the heroes, provide food at no cost (within reason). So as not to offend, Don Julio eats the lesser-but-tasty provender provided rather than get top-shelf eats at the tavern.

You all meet at the House (your collective house now) and Sahu' tells all that he counted 1,000 aten in the coffer (equivalent to 10,000 foreign gold total). Out of that, as discussed before, Don Julio takes out 50 aten for what it cost him for identify spells on party treasure. Then, another 30 aten is removed for total costs involved with setting up the banquet (some of the costs were absorbed by Aartuat itself), leaving 920 aten.

With 6 members in the party, Don Julio recommends setting up a "party treasury" (in which he will keep detailed notes/ ledger) worth 2 shares of treasure ... meaning 8 shares of treasure at each split: 6 shares of 1 person each, and 2 shares to party fund. This will help keep people from feeling that to cast a spell it must all come from their own funds. Obviously, if more is needed, it can be discussed and resources pooled.

Any objections?

2010-05-07, 11:04 PM
Nanai nods at Don Julio for his suggestion. It seems fair.

2010-05-08, 12:48 AM

Zarabeth shrugs

That sounds fine to me. And you can keep track of my shares, I trust you. Gold just ends up weighing me down. Let me know when I can get some shiny baubles.

2010-05-08, 03:16 AM
"I knew I made a good choice by joining forces with a Hebraic half-elf. Struck gold in one night."

2010-05-08, 04:01 AM
"Excellent," says Don Julio. "In that case, we shall concede 10% of the original to the Village of Aartuat as a 'good will tax.' That way we can also get a proper read on Lieutenant Hamephat as an honorable man and how well he invests in the village. 100 aten equals 1000 drachma, so that is a more than healthy offering. That means another 102 aten per share, with 204 plus the remaining 4 to the party fund."

The gold aten are divvied up and handed out; probably none are so affected by such a massive influx of wealth as Nanai, who was bordering on destitute previously. Don Julio writes specific notes on everything, and the group as a whole gives the 100 aten tax donation to Lieutenant Hamephat with Tcharqu the Scribe as a witness. Don Julio holds onto Zarabeth's share. [Sheets have been updated. Notice that while put in the "pp" section of "Currency", it is specificially marked as "aten" or "at".]

"Now, business for the day," says Don Julio once Hamephat hands over Hep-thait. "And that is we have this lad show us to the necropolis, or an ambush. If the first, then maybe this is what is written in the Blyemmish Tribesman's account, or at least a clue for such. If the second, then may we send as many or all of Shenau and his kinsmen to a well-deserved rest in the Underworld!"

"I recommend those who prepare spells chat with each other and those of us who don't, and that may help you preparatory types with figuring out what may best be needed. We must assume the following: a) desert survival, b) mass combat, and c) the chance of dealing with priests or worse, undead and tomb-running. Let me know when you are ready." (From a PC standpoint, that really only is Pahj.)

"Also, take stock of what you need for food and water, as well as any costly material components you might need. Better that we think of it now then regret not having it later." (All PCs, I'm looking at you ...)

2010-05-08, 05:29 AM
"I only prepare a handful of spells each day and those I do are personal abilities. I excel at mass combat so I prefer to stand next to or behind the point man to minimize friendly fire during those hectic early moments of a battle. I'm 100% ready."

2010-05-08, 09:00 AM
Nanai will attempt to procure travel food and waterskins. He will fill the waterskins. He will also try to find the following: (3) M = 100 gp diamond dust, (5) M = 5 lb pwd silver [25 gp], F = clear crystal, (2) M = 250 gp ointment for eyes, F = 500 gp prayer device. In order of priority.

2010-05-08, 09:24 AM
"Nanai, can you turn undead?"

If not, Pahj visits Atmu and purchases a holy object to Nefertum or Osiris through which he can channel energy against the un-living.

2010-05-08, 09:49 AM
Don Julio will be the 'provisioner' as his actual best capacity in a group is Faceman and Logistics Expert: high diplomacy for haggling (Aid doesn't work well in haggling) and the Resourceful Buyer feat. He will buy 35 days of rations and 3 waterskins to cover what he, Khonsu' and Nanai need, and to double the amount of food Zarabeth carries in her pack. That way, if they take a wrong turn at Pismo Beach, the party can go longer without having to resort to create food & water. "And that," says Julio, "is something that even I can't do anything about."Create food & water, for those that aren't familiar with how I run that spell in my games, creates a nearly tasteless gray gruel. It is akin to the 'runny snot' that was served aboard the Nebuchadnezzar in THE MATRIX - not very good at all, but nutrifying. It is rock-bottom to help with mere survival. Don Julio buys 'trail rations' that keep well, but with his masterwork portable cookware and some spices, camp food that he has time to prepare will be yummy. Even prestidigitation can't help the taste or consistency of the food created by create food & water.

Atmu-thoth-rahat has indeed agreed to help raise Afu-abtem as a protector and legal guardian. He doesn't need to man his store very often during non-caravan times anyway, and the villagers know where to find him when he is at the provisioners. He also makes a good haggler, but not Don Julio's match, and the wily half-elf gets a faint discount on provisions. He also gets a backpack for Nanai.

In a town this size, items costing a maximum of 100 gp is the norm. But with the caravanserai's position on the main trade road and Don Julio's ability to "sniff out" what he needs, 800 gp is the maximum normal cost of any given goods you can get here, unless otherwise stated. (For example, some of Atmu's rarer and larger items well exceeds this amount.)

Atmu's trader's establishment - in addition to figurines, statues, reliquaries, and a library - also has nearly everything a spellcaster (especially religious ones) need. Atmu actually had the pearls Don Julio needed for identify. Don Julio is able to requisition all of the materials Nanai needs, though the 500 gp prayer device will come out of Nanai's own funds. Sadly, the nature of spell and material components is such that you might haggle with the merchant that sells you costly spell components, but not the gods (nor the primal forces of magic itself). So these items are purchased at cost.

@Pahj: You'll learn that Nanai cannot turn undead, as blessed as he is with powerful spells of faith. Khonsu-khaibet claims some skill at channeling holy power through his symbol of Chons, but only very recently took up the mantle of a cleric. As such, you definitely will be the party's 'primary undead turner.' Considering your lack of faith, Atmu' recommends a holy symbol of Isis, since that matches the figurine you purchased, and seems to be a good fit for you as well. What type do you get? (The figurine you have is not a 'holy symbol', per se, as far as turning undead is concerned.)

2010-05-08, 10:23 AM
Pahj picks up a silver or equivalent masterwork holy symbol. He makes up for his "lack of faith" with the best of the best.

2010-05-08, 12:19 PM

My spells as well are of a personal nature and primarily serve to aid me in battle. And there is no actual preparattion required, I merely chose the spell that serves the need of the time and cast it. I actually 'know' very few spells, but I cast them much more frequently. So, Im pretty much ready to go.

2010-05-08, 01:50 PM
@Pahj: Don Julio is able to talk Atmu' down a full 10% on the silver holy symbol, which of course is taken out of party funds. There is no such thing as a "masterwork" holy symbol or anything that gives you a bonus to turn undead.

At this point, I believe, the party is ready to head out with Hep-thait as a 'willing guide.'

2010-05-08, 06:52 PM
Nanai is prepared to go. Do we travel mounted or on foot?

2010-05-09, 02:55 AM
@NanaiI didn't even think about it when you asked about mounted. The group will be unmounted, but that doesn't mean you can't call Pa-ari. As the group's primary scout and ranger (Khonsu' is secondary), you can cover more ground and scout a decent distance. Also, Pa-ari provides a good 'battle-buddy' if you get too far ahead and find yourself in trouble.

Pa-ari mainly balked at being in a civilized place. He is NOT one for being a 'show horse.' Think of any unicorn that likes the wild places ... just this one is for the desert and wilds of Khemit, rather than lush European forests.

Don Julio has a long talk to the side with Khonsu-khaibet. As they finish their private conversation, Don Julio pulls the Armor of Hapy out of his handy haversack. Khonsu' dons the Armor of Hapy (all pieces), and Don Julio takes Khonsu's magical tumbler's breastplate and puts it in his haversack in place of the Armor of Hapy.

After returning to the group Don Julio says, "After careful consideration, I have managed to convince Khonsu' that the Armor of Hapy deserves to be worn by a true Khemitian hero, and that he still has his holy symbol and shield to draw upon Chons' power."

If there is nothing else, it's time to depart Aartuat to see what the gods have in store for you ...

2010-05-09, 08:04 PM
Nanai will then request that Pa-ari join them so that he may range farther ahead in scouting.

I say request since one cannot "summon" a steed of such nobility.

2010-05-09, 10:27 PM
I say request since one cannot "summon" a steed of such nobility.
Of course, one could 'request he answer a summons' ... but we call that a subpoena.
Nanai, the Nub-kau-Nefertem, calls for his friend to join him from Nefertem's Eternal Oasis. Pa-ari Pen-tuauu, the marvelous celestial Khemitian unicorn, of russet coat, red and gold mane, fetlocks, tail, and beard, and hooves and curving horn made of pure gold, comes forth through a rift in the air, already galloping ... eager to be doing something hopefully more worthwhile than being shown off to a town. He enjoyed the fight with an ancient enemy (the demoncroc), and is already healed of his wounds after eating the blue Nylle lotuses found in Nefertem's Garden.

Zarabeth is stunning and Don Julio unearthly in their individual beauty and magnetism ... but neither of them comes even a fraction close to the beauty, power, and majesty that is the boon friend and companion of the humble Khemitian healer and archer.

Nanai had moved ahead to dismiss Pa-ari yesterday, and Pahj only caught a glimpse of this creature. But now, to stand before it in such close proximity and realize its prowess is another matter entirely.

Pa-ari piaffes, noting two new faces as he looks round. He stops suddenly when he sees Hep-thait, the newly acquired, 11-year-old slave of Don Julio's. He walks carefully up to the boy, who waters himself in fear at the sight of one of the Great Servants of the Gods himself coming his way. Pa-ari bends his head down to seemingly get a better look at the boy.

There is a pause ... then in a burst of speed that no mortal (or construct) member of the party could possibly muster themselves, Pa-ari thrusts forth his spiraling gold horn through the boy's heart, his horn going clean through the youth til the body is flush with Pa-ari's head. Pa-ari, still moving nigh-impossibly fast steps a hoof on the boy's foot, then rips upward with his horn. The horn tears - on both sides of the body - through the boy's heart, lungs, esophagus ... then up the neck, then through the mouth, nose, brain and out the top of the head in a spray of gore ... some of which gets on Don Julio's garb (the wearer who is shocked and stunned and - if it can be believed - speechless beyond all reckoning).

The messy, nearly-bifurcated body falls to each side, poorly joined at the abdomen and groin.

Pa-ari says (in very Khemitian-accented Common, but sounding like a noble king), "His age means nothing with so black a heart as he had. I will be a part of no enterprise that tries to court - with grace - those without." He says this last bit to Don Julio.

[If any believe it necessary to roll initiative, lemme' know. The NPCs are a little too shocked unless a PC initiates hostilities. Even Don Julio doesn't know what to think of the slaying of a mere boy. Surely, there's a law against this?!?]

If unhindered, Pa-ari strolls up to Pahj Rameshad. He lowers his head to eye level to see eye-to-eye with Pahj ... which just naturally means that the horn seems to be pointed at him as well. "Foreigner, I met the others on their travels here with a caravan. I know Khonsu' by reputation, a holy champion - and even namesake - of Chons. The small evil human is dead.

Account yourself .... briefly, and without foolishness or flattery."

As it says the last, stares at you with its deep gold eyes, and exhales in your face, Pahj, you feel the heat of the very desert. As if it could cook you by merely glowering at you.

@PahjBecause of the whirlwind that was yesterday, and the lure of getting to see Atmu's library (which was only of limited use to you, since most of the writings were in another language though you did enjoy doing some deciphering), you were a little too distracted to get to the question of this beast's origins and nature ... as it was dismissed by Nanai from a small distance.

Here's the thing. Obviously, this creature takes its job very seriously ... so much so that it doesn't equate secular concerns of age when weighing the evil in a person's heart. If they're evil, they're going down. No laws are going to stop this thing on bureuacracies, let alone niceties, pleasantries, and chatter. You've heard of powerful creatures that are servants of your Brahmanic deities that - despite whatever moral code they purport - seem impervious to consequence when dispatching a disrespectful mortal .... the poor sap becomes part of a continuing 'show respect to holy animals, icons, and Gods' object lesson in society.

You are faced with a real, tangible, living link to Divinity and he is staring at you. Just wanted to put that by you before you - with your +1 total in Bluff and Diplomacy - want to play the part of the clever, 24 Int player-controlled cad. And no, it doesn't seem the sort that would appreciate a good stress-release joke. What do you do?

2010-05-10, 07:47 AM
Pahj's beard hides his crooked smile, a mixture of awe, joy over witnessing a divine beast in action, and pure fear that the horn is now leveled at him.

"Pahj Rameshad, adventurer, contemplative, and plunderer of secrets selfish men jealously withhold from the world at whole. I've joined these travelers to rid the gorge of the evident evil and to liberate any artifacts they're abusing for their own vile means."