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2010-02-14, 07:10 PM
Meidani walks over, and sits next to Kwen.

Kwen looks at her, with her odd, glowing blue eyes.
Still, she says nothing.

2010-02-14, 07:12 PM
Hello there.

2010-02-14, 07:15 PM
Hello there.

Should come the reply, unless Meidani has mental wards.
If so, there should just be a poking at the wards/defenses/whatever you want to call them.

2010-02-14, 07:18 PM
Well, there's a feeling of curiosity about why Kwen's so down.

However, Meidani does have quite a bit of willpower, so Kwen might not get more than that.

Just came over because you looked a bit... down.

2010-02-14, 07:20 PM
Well, there's a feeling of curiosity about why Kwen's so down.

However, Meidani does have quite a bit of willpower, so Kwen might not get more than that.

Just came over because you looked a bit... down.

She's not trying to pry, I'm sorry for making it sound that way.
She was just trying to get the telepathic communication through.
Well . . . I am. I guess.

But I won't trouble you with them.
Who are you? If I may ask.

2010-02-14, 07:22 PM
My name's Meidani.

2010-02-14, 07:23 PM
My name's Meidani.

Nice to meet you.
I'm Kwen.

Not sure about anything more than that, though . . .
She didn't mean for the last bit to get through, but when talking telepathically to someone, it can be hard to stop very strong random thoughts.
(Or, so I figure, anyway.)

2010-02-14, 07:28 PM
Nice to meet you too. What did you mean by that last bit?

2010-02-14, 07:31 PM
Nice to meet you too. What did you mean by that last bit?

Just that . . .
Kwen sighs slightly.
Just things I need to figure out.

2010-02-14, 07:32 PM
Ah... is there anything I could do to help?

2010-02-14, 07:34 PM
Ah... is there anything I could do to help?

Not that I know of.

You know that feeling that you get at times, sort of wondering what you really are? Or who you really are?

Well, I found out yesterday, that I have no clue about either.

2010-02-14, 07:40 PM
Ah, I see.

2010-02-14, 07:44 PM
Ah, I see.

Kwen sighs mentally again, and drinks a few more melon juices.

2010-02-14, 07:45 PM
Well, I'll leave you to it, for now.

2010-02-14, 07:46 PM
Well, I'll leave you to it, for now.

Kwen nods, and drains more glasses full of drink.

(Hmm . . . how to proceed?
She's sort of backed herself into an un-RPwithable mood/corner.

I dunno.
You have any ideas?)

2010-02-14, 07:48 PM
{{Sorry. No idea}}

Meidani goes and sits elsewhere.

Where anyone else who wants to could interact with her.

2010-02-14, 07:52 PM
{{Sorry. No idea}}

Meidani goes and sits elsewhere.

Where anyone else who wants to could interact with her.


Meidani could always ask why she's drinking non-alcoholic drinks.
There's an interesting story there.))

Well, Kwen keeps drinking.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 07:57 PM
Obsidian's back over here at the DFI.

The black dragon, disguised as a 12-year old girl, still.

2010-02-14, 08:07 PM
Well, Kwen is still at the bar, draining the glasses of Melon Juice that seem to just keep appearing. (Sneaky bartenders.)
Right now, there's a fairly large pile of them on the bar around her.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 08:11 PM
Obsidian skips over to Kwen (Oh! Skipping's so fun! I like it! I should do it more often!), and picks out a seat next to her.

Wow, that's a lot of drinks, says the dragon-disguised.

Also, if Horngeek wants, I will have another character come in for Meidani.

2010-02-14, 08:12 PM
Obsidian skips over to Kwen (Oh! Skipping's so fun! I like it! I should do it more often!), and picks out a seat next to her.

Wow, that's a lot of drinks, says the dragon-disguised.

Also, if Horngeek wants, I will have another character come in for Meidani.

Kwen nods, then drinks another one.

((Yeah, skipping is fun.))

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 08:14 PM
How many have you drunken? she asks, counting the empty glasses by pointing at them. Meanwhile, I try to remember if Obsidian knows her name or not.

2010-02-14, 08:17 PM
How many have you drunken? she asks, counting the empty glasses by pointing at them. Meanwhile, I try to remember if Obsidian knows her name or not.

I think I'm up to 27.
Comes the reply, mentally.

I don't know.
How about we assume they're just meeting for the first time.

Also, there are closer to 50 glasses scattered around.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 08:20 PM
Twenty-seven? Obsidian wasn't expecting that reply to come in her mind.

Unless I'm a really bad counter, I think there's more than twenty-seven. There must be at least seventy-six! A little bit of a bad counter, but that's just because she doesn't know Human numbers so well.

2010-02-14, 08:20 PM
Fenric comes into the Inn, resisting the urge to imitate the name, and finds an out of the way table.

2010-02-14, 08:22 PM
Twenty-seven? Obsidian wasn't expecting that reply to come in her mind.

Unless I'm a really bad counter, I think there's more than twenty-seven. There must be at least seventy-six! A little bit of a bad counter, but that's just because she doesn't know Human numbers so well.

There . . . very well may be.
Kwen 'says', sighing, and drinking another.
These don't work, by the way.
In case you ever wanted to lose yourself in them.
They appear to not be alcoholic.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 08:24 PM
Obsidian swishes her long black hair, behind her.

Why would you want to lose yourself in them, anyway? asks Obsidian, looking over at the glasses.

My name's Obsidian, by the way. What's yours?

2010-02-14, 08:25 PM
Obsidian swishes her long black hair, behind her.

Why would you want to lose yourself in them, anyway? asks Obsidian, looking over at the glasses.

My name's Obsidian, by the way. What's yours?

To try to forget things.
I guess.
I just know it's not working.

Anyway, I'm Kwen.
Nice to meet you.

Sorry I'm such a mess.
She says, sighing again, and putting down the half-drunk glass of Melon Juice.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 08:29 PM
Nice to meet you, says Obsidian.

What are you trying to forget? Anything in particular?

((Is there anyone else online to RP with Fenric?))

2010-02-14, 08:30 PM
Nice to meet you, says Obsidian.

What are you trying to forget? Anything in particular?

((Is there anyone else online to RP with Fenric?))

Something I found out yesterday, is all.
Kwen says, shrugging slightly.

((Not that I know of.
Sorry, Fenric.
Though if you want, you could come talk to these two.))

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 08:34 PM
Oh. I'm sorry. Did your mom die, or something? asks Obsidian, because that's always why you get sad.

2010-02-14, 08:38 PM
Oh. I'm sorry. Did your mom die, or something? asks Obsidian, because that's always why you get sad.

I don't even know if I have a mom.
Which is my problem.
I have no clue what I am.
Kwen says, sighing again.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 08:42 PM
What? You don't have a mom?

Of course you have one! Everybody does, says Obsidian. Maybe she's trying to cheer Kwen up, I guess.

2010-02-14, 08:48 PM
Something I found out yesterday, is all.
Kwen says, shrugging slightly.

((Not that I know of.
Sorry, Fenric.
Though if you want, you could come talk to these two.))

(( No worries: I'm watching the Olympics more than I'm paying attention here. And I've got Hawkeye/Merant in the temple. ))

Fenric sips his drink and tries to avoid eavesdropping.

2010-02-14, 08:48 PM
What? You don't have a mom?

Of course you have one! Everybody does, says Obsidian. Maybe she's trying to cheer Kwen up, I guess.

I don't know.
I really don't.
Kwen says, shrugging again.
Anyway, doesn't really matter.
I guess.

So, what is a little girl doing here by herself anyway?
She asks, looking at Obsidian.

2010-02-14, 08:48 PM
Silva undeadtimes at the bar. She would order a drink, but robots don't drink. Kinda hard.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 08:54 PM
I'm...sitting, she says, pointing at the chair.

And talking. She really needs to stop taking these kinds of questions literally. And what is someone else doing here, drinking seventy-something drinks?

Chas the mage
2010-02-14, 08:55 PM
Chas, Richard, Liam, and the half-dozen some soldiers are here.

2010-02-14, 08:59 PM
Chas gets a wave from Silva.

He might not recognize her, since she's gotten all robot now. She even lost her hair.

Chas the mage
2010-02-14, 09:01 PM
Chas waves back, not knowing who it is. Hes playing his guitar.

2010-02-14, 09:02 PM
I'm...sitting, she says, pointing at the chair.

And talking. She really needs to stop taking these kinds of questions literally. And what is someone else doing here, drinking seventy-something drinks?

Awesome answer.

I told you what I'm doing here.
Kwen points out, starting to smile slightly.

2010-02-14, 09:04 PM
I didn't know you played guitar, Chas.

Now, he might recognize her voice. It's robotic sounding, yeah. But it's still her voice.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 09:04 PM
Thanks, she says because she just got complimented. She smiles, too.

So... The pseudo-12 year old girl- starts swinging her legs. What do you do around here, besides drink a lot?

Chas the mage
2010-02-14, 09:05 PM
Hes still somewhat confused. "Well, now you know." Chas responds.

2010-02-14, 09:07 PM
She sees his confused expression, and it clicks. She facepalms.

Crap. You'd think I wouldn't forget something like this.

It's me, Silva. I got affected by some random curse.

2010-02-14, 09:08 PM
Thanks, she says because she just got complimented. She smiles, too.

So... The pseudo-12 year old girl- starts swinging her legs. What do you do around here, besides drink a lot?

Honestly, not much.
As there isn't much else here to do.
Kwen says, shrugging again.
What about you?
What do little girls do around here?

Chas the mage
2010-02-14, 09:10 PM
He nods, "Well, that would explain the odd robot greeting me fondly." He takes a sip of his drink. "hows it been with you recently, asides from random curses?"

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 09:10 PM
Ooh, two questions.
This could get tricky.

Me? I like flying. It's really fun.
I'm not quite sure what everybody else does.

Yay! She did it!

2010-02-14, 09:13 PM
Ooh, two questions.
This could get tricky.

Me? I like flying. It's really fun.
I'm not quite sure what everybody else does.

Yay! She did it!

Yeah, flying is fun.

I dunno either.
I also playing computer games.
And programming things.
Kwen admits, slightly guiltily.


2010-02-14, 09:14 PM
Not too bad, I guess. Found out when I'm like this, I can survive getting pierced by steel.

Still hurts like hell.

Chas the mage
2010-02-14, 09:18 PM
"Yeah, I wouldn't recommend doing that a lot..." he replies.

2010-02-14, 09:20 PM
Fenric finishes his first drink and contemplates another, while a strange and unusual niggling worry bothers his calm...

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 09:22 PM
The disguised black dragon says, Oh. Computers, and programming things? I...haven't ever done those.

She looks down.

I also wonder why Kwen's a little guilty.

2010-02-14, 09:24 PM
Silva smirks. Also found out I bleed hydraulic fluid now.

I'm still not sure how my abilities still work, but... She holds her hand out, palm up, and a little fire appears above it. They still do. She closes her hand to put the flame out.

So what have you been up to?

2010-02-14, 09:26 PM
Tiresias, the blond androgynous happy mage, and Tony, the brown haired serious cleric, are both here.

2010-02-14, 09:29 PM
The disguised black dragon says, Oh. Computers, and programming things? I...haven't ever done those.

She looks down.

I also wonder why Kwen's a little guilty.

Kwen says, pulling out her laptop, then, if that's okay, shows Obsidian how to make it so that when you hit a certain key, a bit of text shows up.
Probably something like 'hi', or whatever.
If that's okay.
If not, that's good too.

((And probably because . . . I dunno.
She just does.))

Chas the mage
2010-02-14, 09:29 PM
"Not a whole lot, just enjoying the peace."

2010-02-14, 09:32 PM
Peace is good.

So, how long have you been playing guitar?

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 09:34 PM
Kwen says, pulling out her laptop, then, if that's okay, shows Obsidian how to make it so that when you hit a certain key, a bit of text shows up.
Probably something like 'hi', or whatever.
If that's okay.
If not, that's good too.

((And probably because . . . I dunno.
She just does.))

Wow, cool! says Obsidian, watching. She tries it out too, pressing whichever letters look pretty. So, the 'enter', 'space', H, G, 'shift', A, Q, V, Z, X, N, K, 5.

(Yes, it's okay that Kwen shows Obsidian)

Chas the mage
2010-02-14, 09:35 PM
"Long long time," he responds, "I started again recently."

2010-02-14, 09:38 PM
Wow, cool! says Obsidian, watching. She tries it out too, pressing whichever letters look pretty. So, the 'enter', 'space', H, G, 'shift', A, Q, V, Z, X, N, K, 5.

(Yes, it's okay that Kwen shows Obsidian)

The keys don't do too much, other than make those figures appear (Except for the shift, of course.) in a text file.
Yeah. This is fun to play with.
Kwen says, watching, and making sure that Obsidian doesn't mess anything up.
Which would be fairly hard to do.
But possible.

Tiresias, the blond androgynous happy mage, and Tony, the brown haired serious cleric, are both here.

Rachel is around.
Should you wish to RP with her.

2010-02-14, 09:40 PM
My dad used to play guitar. Back home, they're kinda hard to come by.

2010-02-14, 09:41 PM
Well Tiresias isn't doing anything but sitting at his table and watching everybody.

Tony is drinking wine at the bar, and I'm sure Rachel knows about him.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 09:41 PM
You're right, it would be fairly hard to do.

It turns out, she doesn't do anything that would mess it up anyway, like press Alt-F4, or mess up with the configuration.

So what else can you do with it, other than make the letters show up on it? asks Obsidian.

Chas the mage
2010-02-14, 09:42 PM
"Cool. Where exactly is 'home'?"

2010-02-14, 09:44 PM
Uh...well, I guess technically it would be another dimension.

The planet is called Wen Rahte. And I lived near a city called Rembress.

2010-02-14, 09:45 PM
You're right, it would be fairly hard to do.

It turns out, she doesn't do anything that would mess it up anyway, like press Alt-F4, or mess up with the configuration.

So what else can you do with it, other than make the letters show up on it? asks Obsidian.

Quite a lot, actually;
Kwen goes off to explain some of the other things you can do with computers.
Which I don't want to even try to list off.
If you don't mind.

Well Tiresias isn't doing anything but sitting at his table and watching everybody.

Tony is drinking wine at the bar, and I'm sure Rachel knows about him.

Uh huh.
In that case!

Rachel walks over to him.
"Hiya, Mithter."
She says, adopting her usual lithp.

2010-02-14, 09:46 PM
Tony looks down and smiles at her. Hello child. What are you doing alone in a place like this?

Chas the mage
2010-02-14, 09:47 PM
"Interesting... well my home is controlled by tyrannical war lords so there's not much left of it."

2010-02-14, 09:51 PM
Tony looks down and smiles at her. Hello child. What are you doing alone in a place like this?

"Waiting for mom, mothtly.
Th-hould I not be here?"
Rachel asks, looking up at him curiously.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 09:51 PM
I don't mind.

There's a lot of things.

Umm...could you show me one thing in particular? Just whatever you want, as long as it looks cool. It could be using Paint, or Inkscape, or a CAD, or changing the screensaver, or Flash, or anything really.

As long as it looks cool.

2010-02-14, 09:55 PM
Well, this place could be dangerous for a little girl to be in... From the look Tony gives the rest of the bar, it's clear he considers himself to be in a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Do you know where your mother is?

2010-02-14, 09:56 PM
That sucks.

Rembress is heavily military. Not sure id they control it, but it wouldn't surprise me.

2010-02-14, 09:58 PM
Well, this place could be dangerous for a little girl to be in... From the look Tony gives the rest of the bar, it's clear he considers himself to be in a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Do you know where your mother is?

"Could be.
Hasn't been, yet. But it could be.

Nope. She tends to take off a lot.
Haven't seen her in days."
Rachel says, losing the lisp, and sighing slightly.

I don't mind.

There's a lot of things.

Umm...could you show me one thing in particular? Just whatever you want, as long as it looks cool. It could be using Paint, or Inkscape, or a CAD, or changing the screensaver, or Flash, or anything really.

As long as it looks cool.

In that case, showing how to color in Paint would be good.
So she does that.

Chas the mage
2010-02-14, 10:00 PM
Chas nods, and takes a sip of his vodka.

2010-02-14, 10:00 PM
I'm sorry to hear that... The cleric of Nomos starts getting angry. What kind of mother would just leave a little girl alone for a few days? Are you staying with anyone while you're mother is gone...?

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 10:02 PM
Wow, cool! says the dragon who is disguised as a little 12-year old girl. (I know I keep on repeating that...)

Can I try? she asks, as she tries to figure out what to draw.

2010-02-14, 10:05 PM
Wow, cool! says the dragon who is disguised as a little 12-year old girl. (I know I keep on repeating that...)

Can I try? she asks, as she tries to figure out what to draw.

Go right ahead.
Kwen says, moving over, so that Obsidian can get to the laptop better.
((Congratulations. You got her out of her bad mood.))

I'm sorry to hear that... The cleric of Nomos starts getting angry. What kind of mother would just leave a little girl alone for a few days? Are you staying with anyone while you're mother is gone...?

She looks at him.
And nods multiple times.

2010-02-14, 10:06 PM
He relaxes. Well, that is good. Who are you staying with?

2010-02-14, 10:10 PM
Say, Chas, you wouldn't happen to know anybody who's really good at getting rid of curses, would you?

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 10:11 PM
(Yay! I can cheer up people!)

Okay...so... Obsidian moves over in front of the computer.

How about...this... She tries to make a flying black dragon using Paint.

It ends up looking more like a vampire cow preying on a panther.

How's that? It's a dragon.

Chas the mage
2010-02-14, 10:12 PM
"No, sorry..."


2010-02-14, 10:13 PM
(Yay! I can cheer up people!)

Okay...so... Obsidian moves over in front of the computer.

How about...this... She tries to make a flying black dragon using Paint.

It ends up looking more like a vampire cow preying on a panther.

How's that? It's a dragon.

That is a good dragon.
Kwen says, nodding.
If you want, I can show you how to open a new one, and make something else.

He relaxes. Well, that is good. Who are you staying with?

"Umm . . .

Rachel says, pointing to Kwen.


2010-02-14, 10:14 PM
Tony chuckles and shakes his head, not buying that for a second. Okay missy.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 10:15 PM
Thank you, says Obsidian, who looks proud of her artwork.
If you can call it that.

So...how do I open the new one? she asks, because she wants to know how.

2010-02-14, 10:19 PM
Thank you, says Obsidian, who looks proud of her artwork.
If you can call it that.

So...how do I open the new one? she asks, because she wants to know how.

Kwen shows her how to open a new file.
And how to save the old one, just in case.
And that's all there is to it.
Have fun.
She says, sitting down again.

Tony chuckles and shakes his head, not buying that for a second. Okay missy.

Rachel just nods.

2010-02-14, 10:21 PM
Fenric finishes his drink, pays up, and heads out.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 10:24 PM
Thanks, says Obsidian.

Next task, make a castle. She tries to make a large, grey castle in the midst of a country backdrop.

I guess...if you squint, you can tell what it is.

2010-02-14, 10:30 PM
Thanks, says Obsidian.

Next task, make a castle. She tries to make a large, grey castle in the midst of a country backdrop.

I guess...if you squint, you can tell what it is.

Well, Kwen doesn't stop her.
Instead, she orders another drink, and then slowly sips at it, instead of downing all of it.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 10:35 PM
There! She's finished. And, since it's easier to draw landscapes than dragons on Paint, it looks better.

How does it look? Guess what it is. asks Obsidian.

2010-02-14, 10:37 PM
There! She's finished. And, since it's easier to draw landscapes than dragons on Paint, it looks better.

How does it look? Guess what it is. asks Obsidian.

Looks good.

It appears to be . . .
A landscape with a castle?
Kwen thinks that's what it is, anyway.
Could be a cake on a green plate.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 10:41 PM
Yes! You got it! Obsidian makes a small clapping of joy.

She beams.

And, yes. It could be a cake on a green plate.

Or, it could be a Squarist painting. (I think that's what it's called?)

Or...something else that I haven't thought of yet.

2010-02-14, 10:50 PM
Yes! You got it! Obsidian makes a small clapping of joy.

She beams.

And, yes. It could be a cake on a green plate.

Or, it could be a Squarist painting. (I think that's what it's called?)

Or...something else that I haven't thought of yet.

Kwen does a silent sigh of relief at having gotten it right.
I wouldn't have been able to get it, if you weren't as good at drawing as you are.
She says, smiling slightly.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 10:52 PM
Thanks! she says, excitedly.

But, actually...I'm not that good. I just learned how to do origami, and I'm getting better, but I'm not so good at that, either. Although, I have no idea how those two trains of thoughts are related.

2010-02-14, 10:54 PM
Thanks! she says, excitedly.

But, actually...I'm not that good. I just learned how to do origami, and I'm getting better, but I'm not so good at that, either. Although, I have no idea how those two trains of thoughts are related.

Well, I'm sure you'll get better.
Kwen says, smiling again.

And, sadly, I must now deadtime.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-14, 10:58 PM
Okay. I"ll keep on practicing, she says.

What a coincidence! I was going to deadtime too!


2010-02-15, 01:28 AM
Though you look to still be online. Again?

Cleo offers Zophia a group of tulips he's gotten during the paladin's deadtime. "Here. For you."

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:32 AM
Yes, I'm online again.

I haven't fallen asleep and am posting in my sleep again, I promise.

Oh, thanks, says Zophia. She accepts the flowers, and smells them.

I realized what I have to do. I have to have Zophiel go meet other people, so she can turn to normal motivations.

2010-02-15, 01:35 AM
That's great!

They smell alive and yellow.
"You're welcome. Do you like them?"

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:37 AM
Yes, they're really nice and beautiful, says Zophie.

But...I think I should have gotten you something, rather than the other way around. I don't have anything to give you. Not even chocolate.

2010-02-15, 01:40 AM
"You can next week, if you'd like. Or come up with something that's not an object." Cleo says.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:43 AM
How about...I get you something tomorrow, says Zophia.

And, something else today to apologize. Like...a kiss. Just a kiss.

2010-02-15, 01:44 AM
"That would be very nice." She guessed what Cleo was hinting. Yay!

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:48 AM

Since Zophie got turned into a girl, she has gotten better at guessing what people are thinking.

It's also been harder to think about nothing, so there's always thoughts going through her head now.

So, kiss ends.

2010-02-15, 01:49 AM
"Thank you, Zophiel." Cleo says, smiling.
"We should probably get some rest though, shouldn't we?"

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:52 AM
Yeah, probably, says Zophie.

She yawns. Probably shouldn't stay up so late. For the baby! Because every extra hour awake is an extra day's worth for the baby.

2010-02-15, 01:55 AM
"Right. I'll see you later, okay?" Cleo asks, getting up from the table.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:00 AM
Okay. Later, she says.

Is Cleo leaving already?

What will the people she's staying with say?

2010-02-15, 02:02 AM
What do you mean what will they say? Because Cleo would probably think of that, while it has slipped my mind.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:04 AM
The people who Cleo's staying with.

What will they think when Cleo comes over as a guy?

Anway, Zophia stands up too.

2010-02-15, 02:06 AM
Oh. They probably already know.

Cleo waves goodbye to Zophiel and walks out the door.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:07 AM
Zophia waves back at Cleo as he leaves.

Then, she goes upstairs to go to bed.

2010-02-15, 01:18 PM
Meidani undeadtimes!

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:27 PM
Violet is here, too!

She has darkish red hair, is not genderbent, has a whip at her side, and...yeah. Slightly pointy vampire teeth, but she's not a vampire anymore due to dying again. Also, she seems to have a demonic strain throughout her. It's only mild, hardly recognizably noticeable.

She waves at Meidani. (Does Meidani have blue hair? Because that's cool.)

2010-02-15, 01:30 PM
{{Yes, she does.}}

Meidani waves back!

She's not genderbent either. :smalltongue:

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:32 PM
Hi, what's your name? she asks the blue-haired gal. She's smiling, as she does so. She also has a drink, that she ordered earlier. It's strawberry lemonade.

2010-02-15, 01:34 PM
Meidani. What's yours?

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:37 PM
Violet, says the girl who looks about 18 years old.

She's really not. She's 23. But that's thanks to being a vampire while time-travelling and having kids who didn't time-travel and grew up so they're only a year younger than she is.

Your hair looks very pretty, she says.

2010-02-15, 01:40 PM
Thank you...

Says the Exalted who's about 30 but looks about 23 or so.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:44 PM
Everyone looks younger than they really are.
Except the ones who look older than they really are.
(Obvious statement, I know.)

So what are you doing here? she asks, trying to continue the conversation.

2010-02-15, 01:47 PM
Well, I'm just having a drink here at the moment...

relaxing, you know.

How about you? The same?

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:50 PM
Yeah. The same, says Violet.

And, waiting for Leo and Diane. They seem to think they can ignore me, really. Leo and Diane are her twins.

2010-02-15, 01:51 PM
Who are they?

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:54 PM
Leo's my son, and Diane's my daughter, says Violet.

She then sips her strawberry lemonade, then stares at the glass, holding it up in front of her eyes. Strawberries have got to be the best food in existance, she says.

2010-02-15, 01:55 PM
They're pretty close to it.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 01:58 PM
Then what would you say's the best? she asks, setting down the glass again.

2010-02-15, 02:00 PM
Ohhh... I'm actually not sure. Not that much of a food-taster.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:07 PM
Awww...neither am I, says Violet. There are never any good food-tasters here.

Everyone's always a hero or a villain or a coward.

2010-02-15, 02:10 PM
Ah, I know the feeling.

So, how did you come here?

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:14 PM
Well...I grew up in the countryside, over that way, she says, pointing inland, past the mountains. Then, my dad and I moved over to the Abyss, but I hated it there and ran away. She also hated her dad, who was 1/4 demon. Her mom (1/8 fallen angel) died in childbirth. Also, Violet got tainted by a demonic corruption, back at Christmas.

I journeyed around, travelling, and then came back here after I caught my fiance sleeping with another woman on our wedding day.

2010-02-15, 02:17 PM
Rough times...

I never actually knew my birth parents.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:21 PM
I know. She sighs.

You didn't? That's so sad, says Violet. Everybody should know their parents.

2010-02-15, 02:23 PM
I was taken by slavers when I was about... a year old, really.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:27 PM
I'm so sorry. I hated being a slave, says Violet. It was awful.

Her children were slaves, too. Except they were slaves to angels rather than demons.

2010-02-15, 02:28 PM
I don't actually remember any of that, either. I was rescued by my adoptive father before half a year had passed.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:36 PM
You're lucky, then. Because it's awful.

Then, change of conversation! What's your adoptive father like?

2010-02-15, 02:39 PM
Wise, strong... acts like he doesn't care at times-

or flirts with the girls

but he does have good motives.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:41 PM
That's good; he sounds nice, says Violet.

And, if I recall correctly, he flirted with Violet once.

2010-02-15, 02:42 PM
Yes, I think he may have...

His name's Long Tooth.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:44 PM
Long Tooth... She thinks back.

Oh! I met him once; he was wrestling a gorilla. Yes, that's what happened after the flirting.

2010-02-15, 02:47 PM
Meidani chuckles. That sounds like exactly what he'd do.

Chas the mage
2010-02-15, 02:49 PM
Chas, Richard, Liam, and the half-dozen some soldiers undeadtime.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:54 PM
So he's always like that? she figures.

It makes sense, she supposes.

2010-02-15, 02:56 PM
Not always... if he gets serious- which I've only ever seen him do if slavers are involved- it's actually rather frightening.

Je dit Viola
2010-02-15, 02:59 PM
Oh, wow. I suppose so, she says.

But she has to deadtime. Bye!

2010-02-15, 03:01 PM
Bye! Meidani is here if anyone wants to interact with her.

Chas the mage
2010-02-15, 07:27 PM
my characters undeadtime.

2010-02-15, 08:59 PM
Silva undeadtimes at the bar. She looks around a little, seeing who all is here.

Chas the mage
2010-02-15, 10:30 PM
My characters undeadtime, once again...

2010-02-16, 08:18 AM
Sorry, all my characters with an opinion on yours are busy.

'cept maybe Riki sitting in the corner reading.

2010-02-16, 06:23 PM
Kwen and Rachel un-deadtime.

Kwen is at the bar, sipping at some tea, and Rachel is off in a corner, drawing.

2010-02-16, 06:36 PM
Riki is still reading.

And Cleo is walking in the door and sits at a table. He waves to Kwen and starts looking at something on his computer. As he hasn't gone back to normal yet.

2010-02-16, 06:41 PM
Riki is still reading.

And Cleo is walking in the door and sits at a table. He waves to Kwen and starts looking at something on his computer. As he hasn't gone back to normal yet.

Kwen waves back, notices the computer, smiles widely, and walks over to him.
HiwhatareyoudoingcanIhelpatall? It'snicetoseesoemoneelseinthisplacewithalaptop!!!! :biggrin::biggrin:

Well, Rachel happens to be at Riki's table!

2010-02-16, 06:47 PM
Hi Kwen. Nothing much; just some reading. He thinks, a little nervously. Taps a few keys to close it all.
Well, you know, you gave it to me. so you shouldn't be surprised.

"Hello, Rachel dear. It's not working." Riki closes the book. Plain black, titleless.

2010-02-16, 06:50 PM
Hi Kwen. Nothing much; just some reading. He thinks, a little nervously. Taps a few keys to close it all.
Well, you know, you gave it to me. so you shouldn't be surprised.

"Hello, Rachel dear. It's not working." Riki closes the book. Plain black, titleless.

Kwen blinks a few times.
That I did.
So, what happened to you?
She asks, sitting down.

"I'm sorry."
Rachel apologizes.
"Anything else I can do? Besides keep you company?"

2010-02-16, 06:54 PM
Cursed bottle of cider. It's slowly wearing off, I think 6 more days till I'm normal. Cleo says, smiling wryly at Kwen.

"It's okay. I didn't expect it to do so well as Deece's fix. She knew my mind as well as it can be known." She goes to pick up Rachel and set her on her lap.

2010-02-16, 06:59 PM
Cursed bottle of cider. It's slowly wearing off, I think 6 more days till I'm normal. Cleo says, smiling wryly at Kwen.

"It's okay. I didn't expect it to do so well as Deece's fix. She knew my mind as well as it can be known." She goes to pick up Rachel and set her on her lap.

Kwen says, nodding.
She smiles back.
So, how do you feel?

"Yeah, but it should have lasted longer than this . . ."
Rachel says, sighing, and being picked up.

2010-02-16, 07:02 PM
I feel trapped. Kind of irrational, I know. And a little slow. I want to get back to normal.
Cleo shrugs, avoiding giving an explanation.

"Nah. You haven't had much practice, have you? And I was reminded of it, whatever it all was, by some things that happened. Paladins here, fighting."

2010-02-16, 07:10 PM
I feel trapped. Kind of irrational, I know. And a little slow. I want to get back to normal.
Cleo shrugs, avoiding giving an explanation.

"Nah. You haven't had much practice, have you? And I was reminded of it, whatever it all was, by some things that happened. Paladins here, fighting."

I see.
Kwen looks like she wants to try something, but decides not to.
Yeah. This is . . . not normal.

"Not much, no.

Oh great. Paladins.
Of whom?"
Rachel asks, ordering herself a drink.

2010-02-16, 07:43 PM
Lupy descends into the Inn in a pillar of fire that raises the room temperature 20 degrees.


Then he waits, sure that such an entrance must have grabbed her attention if she's in Town.

2010-02-16, 07:45 PM
Lupy descends into the Inn in a pillar of fire that raises the room temperature 20 degrees.


Then he waits, sure that such an entrance must have grabbed her attention if she's in Town.

Normally, that entrance would have gotten her, as if she were in Town, she'd be here.
Sadly, though, she's not in Town.

2010-02-16, 07:46 PM
Lupy scans the room.

Then, in his best god voice, he booms: Who amongst ye knows the location of the one called Orianna.

A glaringly bright halo circles his head, and his eyes blaze, to be sure he has everyone's full attention.

2010-02-16, 07:48 PM
Lupy scans the room.

Then, in his best god voice, he booms: Who amongst ye knows the location of the one called Orianna.

A glaringly bright halo circles his head, and his eyes blaze, to be sure he has everyone's full attention.

That would be . . .
Actually, no one.
She hasn't been around here in forever.

So no one pipes up.

2010-02-16, 07:48 PM
He glares at them all. And then vanishes.

2010-02-16, 07:49 PM
He glares at them all. And then vanishes.

And Orianna appears!
"Thanks for covering for me, everyone."

Well, Kwen is still at Cleo's table, awaiting a reply.
Just for the IC bit.

2010-02-16, 07:51 PM
((Psst. Mee. Halo.))

2010-02-16, 07:52 PM
((Psst. Mee. Halo.))

((Pssst, she's not there.
I'm not a part of HALO any more.))

Kwen orders a drink.
Take that, Lupy's OoC post! :smalltongue:

2010-02-16, 07:58 PM
((Crap. Where can I find her.))

An npc gets a beer, then fades back to the obscurity of his character status.

2010-02-16, 08:00 PM
((Crap. Where can I find her.))

An npc gets a beer, then fades back to the obscurity of his character status.

((Which is why I suggested a summoning spell . . .
Since she's an outsider, it would work . . .))

Kwen drains another glass full of melon juice.

2010-02-16, 08:02 PM
Lupy appears again, in a roar of fire and light, surrounded by a glittering halo and wearing a cloak apparently made of stars.

He raises his hands and a firey circle appears on the ground. He chants in supernal, summoning, summoning, summoning Orianna.

2010-02-16, 08:05 PM
Lupy appears again, in a roar of fire and light, surrounded by a glittering halo and wearing a cloak apparently made of stars.

He raises his hands and a firey circle appears on the ground. He chants in supernal, summoning, summoning, summoning Orianna.

Well, several minutes later, Ori appears in the circle.
She looks . . . somewhat stunned.
She also looks odd.
With the normal red hair, except for an odd, dark purple streak just over her left eye, her skin is more normal colored, instead of silver, purple eyes, instead of gold, and her facial structure is slightly different.

She's sitting there, blinking, curious as to where she is.

2010-02-16, 08:06 PM
Lupy switches to common,

Twice and twice the circle drawn,
Twice and twice the angel bound,
Twice and twice the warders set,
Twice and twice the summoning drawn.

Hello Orianna.

2010-02-16, 08:08 PM
Lupy switches to common,

Twice and twice the circle drawn,
Twice and twice the angel bound,
Twice and twice the warders set,
Twice and twice the summoning drawn.

Hello Orianna.

". . . and you are?"
She asks, slowly standing up.

2010-02-16, 08:11 PM
... I am Luperio Arellion.

2010-02-16, 08:11 PM
... I am Luperio Arellion.

"Well, send me back."
She says, waving a hand at him.
"You can do that, correct?"

2010-02-16, 08:12 PM
No. When you went to fight the Goddess Boudicca I accompanied you, at great personal risk. I now ask you to honor your debt and aid me too.

2010-02-16, 08:14 PM
No. When you went to fight the Goddess Boudicca I accompanied you, at great personal risk. I now ask you to honor your debt and aid me too.

". . . what?
I killed who?

And I will be honest, I have no clue who you are . . ."
It's pretty obvious that she's not the same one.
Not only is she talking differently, she ever looks a lot different.

2010-02-16, 08:15 PM
Lupy narrows his eyes. Who are you?

2010-02-16, 08:16 PM
Lupy narrows his eyes. Who are you?

She straightens.
"Orianna P-. . .

And you're . . . Mr. Lupe."
She says, frowning slightly.

2010-02-16, 08:17 PM
You are not who you say you are. The circle flares up around her, three feet across.

Get thee gone, alien! Dismissal.

2010-02-16, 08:18 PM
You are not who you say you are. The circle flares up around her, three feet across.

Get thee gone, alien! Dismissal.


Nothing happens.

Come on, you got me here, can't you send me back?"

Oh, and yeah, she does still have wings.

2010-02-16, 08:22 PM
He sighs.

Twice and twice the summoning broken,
Twice and twice the angel freed,
Twice and twice the warders banished,
Twice and twice the circle gone.

Greater dismissal.

2010-02-16, 08:23 PM
He sighs.

Twice and twice the summoning broken,
Twice and twice the angel freed,
Twice and twice the warders banished,
Twice and twice the circle gone.

Greater dismissal.


Nothing, again.

"This is . . . embarrassing."

2010-02-16, 08:25 PM
How are you here? Are you a god? Are you one of the Trojans?!?

2010-02-16, 08:27 PM
How are you here? Are you a god? Are you one of the Trojans?!?

"No, I'm not.

And am I a what?"
Ori asks, raising an eyebrow.

2010-02-16, 08:28 PM
I see.
Kwen looks like she wants to try something, but decides not to.
Yeah. This is . . . not normal.

"Not much, no.

Oh great. Paladins.
Of whom?"
Rachel asks, ordering herself a drink.

No; it's not. Did you want something?

Ignus, here. I don't know what I remember.

2010-02-16, 08:28 PM
I fear you not, Belazebub. Why should I not smite ye?

2010-02-16, 08:29 PM
No; it's not. Did you want something?

Ignus, here. I don't know what I remember.

Yeah, but I think you would seriously hate me for it . . .
Kwen says, smiling sightly.


Isn't that Lupy over there?"
Rachel asks, smiling widely, and pointing.

I fear you not, Belazebub. Why should I not smite ye?

Ori says, shrugging slightly.

2010-02-16, 08:30 PM
Speak not! Lest ye give the daemon power over ye!

2010-02-16, 08:31 PM
Oh? What is it? Cleo asks, smiling.

"Yes it is. Excuse me..." Riki tries to set down Rachel.

2010-02-16, 08:32 PM
Oh? What is it? Cleo asks, smiling.

"Yes it is. Excuse me..." Riki tries to set down Rachel.

Just something I'm curious about . . .

"Feel free."
Rachel says, still smiling widely.

Moofin Bard
2010-02-16, 08:33 PM
A very pregnant Alice walks down the stairs.


Also there is a young woman who looks like she barely reached adulthood and she walks in. She looks like this:


2010-02-16, 08:34 PM
Then die, snarky fiend! The circle fills with a portal to the abyss.

2010-02-16, 08:35 PM
And what is it that you're curious about. You can tell me.

Riki steps forward, and then stops and goes over toward the staircase.

2010-02-16, 08:36 PM
And what is it that you're curious about. You can tell me.

Riki steps forward, and then stops and goes over toward the staircase.

That or just do it.
Kwen shrugs, leans over the table, attempts to take one of Cle's hands, put it on her *cough!*, and kiss him/her.

Then die, snarky fiend! The circle fills with a portal to the abyss.

And everything goes, but Ori.
"Honestly, I'm not even doing anything!"
She taps her foot slightly.

Moofin Bard
2010-02-16, 08:37 PM
Alice smiles and waves.
Hey Riki. How are you?

2010-02-16, 08:38 PM
Lupy's eyes would show fear to any who knew him well. This Ori doesn't though, so they look angry.

What ARE you?!? The portal closes.

2010-02-16, 08:41 PM
Kwen succeeds, and then a moment later it occurs to Cleo to pull away from her. Which she tries.
Well, I don't hate you, but I'm rather annoyed.

"Hi. I am not so well except for getting to see you. Yourself?"

Moofin Bard
2010-02-16, 08:42 PM
Alice puts a hand on her belly.
I'm tired all the time and my back hurts.
I also have to pee a lot.
Why are you feeling bad?

2010-02-16, 08:43 PM
Kwen succeeds, and then a moment later it occurs to Cleo to pull away from her. Which she tries.
Well, I don't hate you, but I'm rather annoyed.

"Hi. I am not so well except for getting to see you. Yourself?"

Sooo . . . any odd feelings? Or are you still you, just looking male?
Kwen asks, sitting back down, after being pushed away/pulled away from.

Lupy's eyes would show fear to any who knew him well. This Ori doesn't though, so they look angry.

What ARE you?!? The portal closes.

She yells back at him.
Obviously very mad.

2010-02-16, 08:45 PM
I am the Exarch of Ignus, God of Fire and Lesser Creator of the World. You seem to be a Demon Princess or a Goddess. What am I to do with you?

2010-02-16, 08:48 PM
Yes. It's not just in looks. I do have a... well at the moment a girlfriend, so I'd rather you not be so forward...
Cleo thinks vaguely, glaring.

Riki goes to put a hand on Alice's shoulder.
"Mhm. My memories are coming back, that had been erased to protect me. Evidently of something rather horrible."

2010-02-16, 08:50 PM
Yes. It's not just in looks. I do have a... well at the moment a girlfriend, so I'd rather you not be so forward...
Cleo thinks vaguely, glaring.

All right. Then I won't. Thank you for telling me.
Kwen says, nodding.

I am the Exarch of Ignus, God of Fire and Lesser Creator of the World. You seem to be a Demon Princess or a Goddess. What am I to do with you?

"Oooo! Demon Princess sounds cool! I'll be one of those!
Yeah, that's it."
Ori says, nodding.

Moofin Bard
2010-02-16, 08:51 PM
Alice gives her a little hug.
I'm so sorry. That must be terrible.

2010-02-16, 08:52 PM
Then die, scourge of the world!

Lupy rains Balefire down on Orianna.

Balefire. (http://wot.wikia.com/wiki/Balefire)

2010-02-16, 08:53 PM
Well, at least not with me. You do need to interact with people more. Cleo thinks, grinning.

Riki hugs her back. "Yeah. Hopefully, I'll be able to handle things this time around."

Moofin Bard
2010-02-16, 08:54 PM
Alice starts toward a seat.
I know you will.
You're strong.

2010-02-16, 08:55 PM
Town (n.): A place where a demigod can rain fire from the skies and open portals to the abyss, and the smalltalk isn't interrupted.

2010-02-16, 08:56 PM
Well, at least not with me. You do need to interact with people more. Cleo thinks, grinning.

Yeah, I do.
But, you know, you're here, I've never heard of something like this happening before, so I was curious.

Then die, scourge of the world!

Lupy rains Balefire down on Orianna.

Balefire. (http://wot.wikia.com/wiki/Balefire)

NEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee-woop.

(You may want to think about Civvy, before you go attacking her sister, you know . . .
And as Civvy is just over there, *points to Rachel.*)

2010-02-16, 08:57 PM
Riki follows and will sit down. "I was strong back then too. Maybe I'm stronger now. ... I'll have to be."

Excuse me for a moment, Kwen.
But she sees that it's Lupy, and isn't confident enough to attack a demigod.

Because I have to deadtime them both for now.

2010-02-16, 08:59 PM
Lupy swivels to look at Civvi, finally noticing the feeling of power in the room isn't all his.

Rachel should see him staring, and Orianna in a glass-like cylinder on the floor, with white fire raging around her.

2010-02-16, 09:02 PM
Lupy swivels to look at Civvi, finally noticing the feeling of power in the room isn't all his.

Rachel should see him staring, and Orianna in a glass-like cylinder on the floor, with white fire raging around her.

First off, it's Civvy.
And second, there is no feeling of power. The feeling is being hidden.

Rachel waves to him, smiling.

Ori looks still mad at Lupy.

Excuse me for a moment, Kwen.
But she sees that it's Lupy, and isn't confident enough to attack a demigod.

Because I have to deadtime them both for now.

Kwen says, ordering herself another drink.

2010-02-16, 09:05 PM

What am I to do with you... I cannot bind you here in good heart, but nor can I banish or slay you... I could call down help, but I doubt that if I linked with anyone I know I'd have better luck...

2010-02-16, 09:06 PM
If the feeling of power is hidden, why would he look over at Rachel like yo want her to...? :smallconfused::smalltongue:

Tony undeadtimes and instantly steads up, calmly looking at Lupy and Ori as he tries to figure things out. He's wearing clerical robes, and has a platinum holy symbol shaped like a balanced scale around his neck.

And I guess Alex is still fight Ecthelion.

2010-02-16, 09:08 PM
If the feeling of power is hidden, why would he look over at Rachel like yo want her to...? :smallconfused::smalltongue:

Tony undeadtimes and instantly steads up, calmly looking at Lupy and Ori as he tries to figure things out. He's wearing clerical robes, and has a platinum holy symbol shaped like a balanced scale around his neck.

And I guess Alex is still fight Ecthelion.

I never told him to look at her.
I was pointing out that she was there, and that he may want to remember that they're sorta-siblings.
Never once did I say: Look at her, Lupy.
And if you mean that last bit, I was reminding him that Rachel = Civvy.
Sorry if I misspoke.


What am I to do with you... I cannot bind you here in good heart, but nor can I banish or slay you... I could call down help, but I doubt that if I linked with anyone I know I'd have better luck...

"Well, thank you for that."
Ori mutters, still upset.

2010-02-16, 09:08 PM
Tobias! It is a demon of unmatched strength, which I myself cannot banish after it's hijacking of my attempt to summon Orianna! Together we may be able to destroy it!

Your move in the swordfight.

2010-02-16, 09:12 PM
You wouldn't have brought it up if you didn't want her to. :smalltongue:

Needless to say, Tobias doesn't appear whenever somebody says his name. But Tony, taking note of the fire motif and Lupy's usage of Tobias' name, narrows his eyes coldly, but does nothing.

Ah, last that happened was Alex trying to knock Ecthy's guard down, but that didn't work... so Alex feints towards the head, then drops the blade down to slash at the legs.

2010-02-16, 09:14 PM
Ecthelion kicks up his leg, the iron sword probably bites into the bronze, but will not penetrate. Eccy rams Praesul at Alex's outstretched arm.

Lupy's focus is all on Orianna. Prithee help me!

2010-02-16, 09:14 PM
You wouldn't have brought it up if you didn't want her to. :smalltongue:

Needless to say, Tobias doesn't appear whenever somebody says his name. But Tony, taking note of the fire motif and Lupy's usage of Tobias' name, narrows his eyes coldly, but does nothing.

No, I was bringing it up so that Lupy's player doesn't accuse me of godmodding, or of just ignoring him.
Which . . . odds are good he wouldn't. But this is just to make sure.

Anyway, Ori is now tapping her foot in irritation.

2010-02-16, 09:18 PM
Alex flicks his sword up to deflect Praesul to the side, then advances into a lightning fast attack, stepping forward while aiming swift slashes at any weak spots in the armor and trying to drive the paladin back.

Tony slowly approaches Lupy and Orianna. You there, if you are truly a demon, than I command you identify yourself in the name of Nomos! He smiles wearily. If you are not a demon, than please consider it more of a polite request.

2010-02-16, 09:20 PM
Alex pulls his sword out of bronze? At a speed to parry?

You are not Tobias!

2010-02-16, 09:23 PM
Tony slowly approaches Lupy and Orianna. You there, if you are truly a demon, than I command you identify yourself in the name of Nomos! He smiles wearily. If you are not a demon, than please consider it more of a polite request.

"Yes, I am a demon.
A demon Princess. So don't forget it.

My name is Orianna."
Ori says, bowing slightly.

2010-02-16, 09:25 PM
Well it wasn't really stuck, but yeah, he's a Trueblade. He is three or four times faster than the average soldier given a sword. That's why he can attack two or three times in the blink of an eye.

Tony, the brown haired and brown eyed cleric, tenses and tightens his jaw again when Tobias' name is mentioned, but otherwise tries to ignore Lupy.
He solemnly bows back to Orianna. With all due respect, your abyssal highness, I do not believe you.

2010-02-16, 09:27 PM
Lupy sees what's going on, and drops the human guise and the starry cloak. Then he lightnings Tony with everything he's got. Ori's shield thins.

Eccy wear's no helmet, but his iron-bronze armor mix is very consistent. Armpits and the backs of the knees like normal though.

Praesul itself dances in front of Alex's sword, faster even than Eccy. Eccy then swings for Alex's stomach, but converts it to a stab at the knee.

2010-02-16, 09:27 PM
Tony, the brown haired and brown eyed cleric, tenses and tightens his jaw again when Tobias' name is mentioned, but otherwise tries to ignore Lupy.
He solemnly bows back to Orianna. With all due respect, your abyssal highness, I do not believe you.

"You should. It's completely true."
((It is, too. Ever since Lupy mentioned it.
This might just be what I need to bring her back.

She doesn't look any different, but there's just something about her eyes . . .))
"I mean, my name is Orianna."

2010-02-16, 09:31 PM
((...So she's evil now?))

Tony doesn't even get to hear her reply, as Lupy's lightning takes him completely off guard. He had mistaken Lupy for a Pyrite cleric and he is usually friendly with them. Even though this particular cleric seemed to be acquainted with an enemy of his, Tony had not expected any Pyrite cleric to attack a LG priest. So the blast sends him flying across the room and he crumples against the far wall with a sickening smack.

Alex sidesteps the stab and, while the blade is by his knee and he's still advancing forward, tries to quickly hold the edge of his sword to Eccy's neck.

2010-02-16, 09:33 PM
((...So she's evil now?))

Tony doesn't even get to hear her reply, as Lupy's lightning takes him completely off guard. He had mistaken Lupy for a Pyrite cleric and he is usually friendly with them. Even though this particular cleric seemed to be acquainted with an enemy of his, Tony had not expected any Pyrite cleric to attack a LG priest. So the blast sends him flying across the room and he crumples against the far wall with a sickening smack.

Alex sidesteps the stab and, while the blade is by his knee and he's still advancing forward, tries to quickly hold the edge of his sword to Eccy's neck.

((Of course not.
Just . . . slightly demonic.
I mean, look at Ravik!))

Ori looks at Lupy.
Blinks a few times, and attempts to blast out of the shielding using . . .
I dunno, something.

2010-02-16, 09:34 PM
I'll kill you both! He fires a large, white hot, massively dense fireball after Tony.

Lupy's fire goes from white to red, just like that. (Fire elemental form). The shield holds though.

Eccy freezes where he is. Sword out, muscles loose.

2010-02-16, 09:37 PM
I really hope Lupy drops an alignment for trying to murder an unarmed, LG cleric who bore him no ill will... >.>
The fireball hits a powerful magic shield, but Tony looks to be knocked out and too badly broken to do much...

Alex is breathing heavily and smiling coldly. Yield.

2010-02-16, 09:39 PM
I'll kill you both! He fires a large, white hot, massively dense fireball after Tony.

Lupy's fire goes from white to red, just like that. (Fire elemental form). The shield holds though.

Hmmm . . .
Time for some Fable 2.
Think 5th level fireball, centered on her, but of ice.
((Basically, it's just you stand there, charge up a very large glowing sphere, then hit it to the ground, whereupon a massive fireball explodes, and you take no damage.
But everyone else is dead.))
So yeah. She does that. But of ice.

2010-02-16, 09:39 PM
Lupy hasn't been Good in months. Not that attacking someone who seems to want to help a powerful demon escape is evil in my book.

The shield falls. Lupy collapses. Conscious, but with a look of clear horror on his face.

A fireball bursts from Eccy's holy symbol. He falls back, rolls, and gets back up.

2010-02-16, 09:43 PM
Lupy hasn't been Good in months. Not that attacking someone who seems to want to help a powerful demon escape is evil in my book.

The shield falls. Lupy collapses. Conscious, but with a look of clear horror on his face.

Hmmm . . . what now . . .

Ori stalks over to Lupy, slowly. Holding another, though smaller, ice-sphere in one hand.
"Now, now, now.
The tormentor is at my mercy.
The one who brought me here against my will, then tried to banish me.
Then tried to kill me.

What should I do with you, I wonder . . ."
She asks herself, still slowly walking towards Lupy.

2010-02-16, 09:44 PM
Um, where did you see anything about escape? Tony simply struck up a conversation, noted that she didn't look evil to him, and was about to use words before violence in order to see if there was really a misunderstanding... Using very lethal force when confronted with manners, while something I can sympathize with some school days, is Evil in my book. :smalltongue:
In any event, the cleric lies there and starts magically healing himself. He doesn't get very far through his injuries before passing out in pain.

Alex is hit and knocked back, but doesn't seem to be hurt very badly (I've mentioned before how his mom used to fireball him randomly when he was a kid, in order to build up his spell resistance stat).

2010-02-16, 09:46 PM
I fear ye not. His composure is back. His holy symbol blinks.

Your abyssal highness? I'd shoot him too. @Alex: And I thought my mom was bad. :smalltongue:

If I yield, will you break Praesul, or take it for your own?

2010-02-16, 09:49 PM
If I yield, will you break Praesul, or take it for your own?
"Take what?"
Ori asks, calmly tossing the ice-sphere between her hands.

Wait . . .
Darn it, which orange text was I talking to?

You need to stop using the same colors, Lupy.

I fear ye not. His composure is back. His holy symbol blinks.

"Well, you should."
She says, dropping the ice-sphere on him, mid-chest is where she's aiming.
After a few seconds of it hopefully hitting, and freezing, (As energy keeps feeding it, and it doesn't go away, unless countered epicly.) she says:
"Now, get up, and get out.
I never want to see you again."
she says, turning her back, and walking off.
Whether the sphere hit or not.

2010-02-16, 09:49 PM
... Clearly they don't have irony or sarcasm Down South, kid. :smalltongue:
It was a polite term of respect, but he was making a joke, in his dark sort of way.

Alex shakes his head. No, I do not desire your sword. Walk away and, if I never see you again, I'll let you keep your blade and your life...

2010-02-16, 09:52 PM
Somewhere in Patria, Knelious is bashing his head on a wall. Ecthelion free to go and Lupy getting an ass kicking.

Bastard. Ecthelion buries Praesul to its hilt in his own chest.

I fear no thing! <-- Lupy. Lupy ignores the ice, which steams at his touch, and stands. Turn and face me.

2010-02-16, 09:55 PM
I fear no thing! <-- Lupy. Lupy ignores the ice, which steams at his touch, and stands. Turn and face me.

"You're not worth my time."
Ori states simply, facing the bar.
"Could I get some tea, please?"
She asks, calmly, and while smiling, oblivious to Lupy's ire.

2010-02-16, 09:55 PM
Alex blinks. He'd probably be more surprised if that sort of thing wasn't slightly common back home. He steps over the body and approaches Lupy. Archbishop!

2010-02-16, 09:58 PM
Do you have vague katti? If not I suggest relocating.

((It's so refreshing to have him get a nice ass-kicking. :smallbiggrin: ))

2010-02-16, 10:02 PM
((It's so refreshing to have him get a nice ass-kicking. :smallbiggrin: ))

((You're welcome.
And to think! I'm just getting started.
I have at least one more attack I have planned.

Also, FF may have just had to deadtime.))

Ori smiles, and thanks the bartender as he brings her her tea.
She sips at it slightly, still facing away from Lupy.

2010-02-16, 10:04 PM
((Fine. But he'll have interesting toys if you wait much longer.))

Lupy calls nine ivory rods from nothing, and makes them form a wand, much smaller then any of the rods. He touches it to his holy symbol. And waits.

2010-02-16, 10:04 PM
Um, sir... Alex thinks quickly, and steps in front of Lupy before coming to a sharp military salute, holding the blade up. I apologise for not being able to assist you in the mission your... paladin... wanted me to, but I can not secure a release from my duties serving Tobias. If you could talk to him, I'm sure he would let you borrow me.

His plan probably won't work now that he deadtimes suddenly. >.< :smallsigh:

2010-02-16, 10:05 PM
((Fine. But he'll have interesting toys if you wait much longer.))

Lupy calls nine ivory rods from nothing, and makes them form a wand, much smaller then any of the rods. He touches it to his holy symbol. And waits.

((That's perfectly fine.))

She sips at her tea.
Ooo! Exciting! :smalltongue:

2010-02-16, 10:06 PM
I'm sorry about Ecthelion, I would kill him if I could, or if I didn't need him. I'm sure that Knelious will have a poster of you on his wall now. His voice changes to the many in one voice. Do you have the vague katti?

2010-02-16, 10:18 PM
I'm sorry about Ecthelion, I would kill him if I could, or if I didn't need him. I'm sure that Knelious will have a poster of you on his wall now. His voice changes to the many in one voice. Do you have the vague katti?

((So are you going to edit that, or something?
As FF just said that he has to deadtime . . .))

I suppose attacking the evil demon at the bar would be a good start.

2010-02-16, 10:19 PM
((Crap. Sorry.))

Lupy levels the wand with the back of Ori's head. What your or I would call a laser springs out, likely cutting through her head and the building.

2010-02-16, 10:21 PM
((Crap. Sorry.))

Lupy levels the wand with the back of Ori's head. What your or I would call a laser springs out, likely cutting through her head and the building.


It hits the back of her head, and 'pings' up, shooting out of the inn.
Ori sits there a moment longer, before slowly turning around, and saying:
"That's it.
You die now."
Also, her eyes are now glowing.
Sort of dark reddish, with flecks of purple here and there.

He has time for one more attempt before she starts.

2010-02-16, 10:23 PM
He laughs like a madman, and fireballs her again.

2010-02-16, 10:26 PM
He laughs like a madman, and fireballs her again.

The fireball is bisected by what appears to be a wall of cold.
The halves of the fireball, which just flowed around her, while being but in half, bast into, and (Up to you.) through the wall behind her.
Ori says, bringing her hands together again, forming another ice-sphere, and launching it at him.
However, this one . . . doesn't stop.
She keeps sending walls of ice, as one long blast.
Not just ice, but maaaaagical ice.
And with powerful magic behind it, too.

((Also, I shall now be replying a bit slower. So be patient, please.))

Oh, also, the sheet is about 8 feet tall, by 8 feet wide.
It's not just a point.