View Full Version : BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup Thread 2

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2010-04-12, 06:26 PM

It's not as bad...

part of the point of the character is she'll know what the implications of her Shikai are, and get highly embarrassed by it. :smalltongue:

Moon Wolf
2010-04-12, 06:27 PM
Dear god, I can just see that. :smalltongue::smalltongue:

2010-04-12, 06:29 PM
See what? The implications, or how embarrassed she'll be? :smalltongue:

Moon Wolf
2010-04-12, 06:30 PM
HG, I can't believe you're asking me that. :smalltongue::smallwink:

You should know. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-12, 06:31 PM
Good point. Remember that I'm not so good at 'getting' what people are talking about, though. :smalltongue::smallredface:

Moon Wolf
2010-04-12, 06:34 PM
Hint: I have a bad, bad, mind. :smallamused::smalltongue:

2010-04-12, 06:35 PM

2010-04-12, 06:39 PM
4th Division writeup:

Ude's predecessor, Horigome Chinatsu, ran a tight ship. Ude was her Vice Captain for almost a 100 years, and she spend most of them trying to coax the Shinigami into actually doing some work. Since ultimately, she failed, Chinatsu ended up doing everything. The woman, a friendly Shinigami who at the very least matched Ude in terms of mundane and Kido healing, was a relentless dynamo of energy, running everything at once. No matter where someone was hurt, she'd be there. The 4th was a model of efficiency under her.

She retired from Active service a 100 years ago, leaving Ude in charge of the 4th. She took a position at the Academy, teaching Healing Kido and acting as the nurse. She still is much the same, everywhere at once. Ude drops in on her from time to time, mostly to complain, and nap on her cots.

Ude's management style is rather different from Chinatsu's. Indeed, many unsophiscated observers wonder if he does anything at all. Many sophiscated observers know that he does absolutely as little as possible, and has largely set up the 4th Division to run itself. Most divisions wouldn't survive like that, but the medics of the 4th are an easy going bunch, and can mostly manage themselves. He's divided up the squads into areas and functions, each of his seated officers commanding a group of unseated, and he encourages the Seated to do the same with their unseated members. Almost all authority devolves to the seated. Appeals of decisions and disagreements between his seated are dealt with by his Vice Captain, who otherwise pretty much just roves about the divisions. That way they can't bother Ude. Appeals can be made to Ude himself, but he rarely disagrees with his Vice Captain.

Divsion Size: Unknown

Division Training Levels: Well, for the most part, the 4th is an oddly assorted lot. They are on average better at Kido then they are at Swordsmanship, usually relying on that if cornered. However, for the most part, the group prefers to avoid battle, fleeing if it becomes needed. Very few generalizations can be drawn, because of the differences in motivations to join the Division, and difference services they provide. The seated are a jumble, mostly because the division ends up giving out seats via seniority, rather then fighting prowess.


Healing: The primary function, and the one that all the others support. The 4th excels at healing, and the expertise on the subject is unmatched. There are numerous subspecialties within the Division:
First Responders
Hospital Staff
Long Term Care Specialists
Mental Health Professionals

Supplies: The 4th Division runs inventory, and dispenses requests to most of the other divisions.

Janitorial: The 4th Division has the exciting job of cleaning the Seireitei. Meet new and exciting dust bunnies, and do battle with them.

Skills required

Honestly, the 4th usually ends up taking whoever will join. They are pretty desperate. Kido Users are nice, and people with Healing Talent are appreciated, but honestly, if you can hold a broom, the 4th will take you.

I dunno. How many members should the 4th have?

Moon Wolf
2010-04-12, 06:47 PM

Nighty night, HG. :smallamused:

The Librarian
2010-04-12, 06:53 PM
*jaw drop followed by facepalm*
Why would you ask Moon that HG. WHY?!:smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

Moon Wolf
2010-04-12, 06:55 PM
*jaw drop followed by facepalm*
Why would you ask Moon that HG. WHY?!:smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

Meh. :smallbiggrin:


2010-04-12, 06:55 PM
Because I'm a social moron!

Moon Wolf
2010-04-12, 06:56 PM


*no comment.*

The Librarian
2010-04-12, 06:58 PM
Now your just putting yourself down HG. You didn't know what Moon was capable of. Most of us don't.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-12, 07:00 PM
Seriously. There is only one person who knows what I am capable of. And even she doesn't really know the full extent of it. But she knows pretty much all of it. And you wouldn't even be able to imagine the kind of stuff we do and talk about....it's all manga-related, though.

So I'm not going to do too much to your regular lives.

(Quick. Thank your personal gods for that.) :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

2010-04-12, 07:01 PM

Moving on.


2010-04-12, 07:02 PM
Seriously. There is only one person who knows what I am capable of. And even she doesn't really know the full extent of it. But she knows pretty much all of it. And you wouldn't even be able to imagine the kind of stuff we do and talk about....it's all manga-related, though.

So I'm not going to do too much to your regular lives.

(Quick. Thank your personal gods for that.) :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

Moon...you...you make me happy. That was hilarious.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-12, 07:07 PM
Moon...you...you make me happy. That was hilarious.

*bows theatrically*

Thhhank yoouuu, GiantITP! You were an excellent audience!

*trips on curtain while exiting stage*


The Librarian
2010-04-12, 07:21 PM
Seriously. There is only one person who knows what I am capable of. And even she doesn't really know the full extent of it. But she knows pretty much all of it. And you wouldn't even be able to imagine the kind of stuff we do and talk about....it's all manga-related, though.

So I'm not going to do too much to your regular lives.

(Quick. Thank your personal gods for that.) :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

I really do think I can handle at least a sample of your mindset Moon. Srsly, send me a PM if its is too much I think everyone will know.:smallbiggrin:...:smalleek:

Moon Wolf
2010-04-12, 07:31 PM

No, you can't handle it. Plus I think I'd embarass myself into changing my name, forsaking all of my current possessions, and moving to Timbuktu. :smallwink::smalleek:

Shades of Gray
2010-04-12, 07:33 PM
4th Division writeup:

Ude's predecessor, Horigome Chinatsu, ran a tight ship. Ude was her Vice Captain for almost a 100 years, and she spend most of them trying to coax the Shinigami into actually doing some work. Since ultimately, she failed, Chinatsu ended up doing everything. The woman, a friendly Shinigami who at the very least matched Ude in terms of mundane and Kido healing, was a relentless dynamo of energy, running everything at once. No matter where someone was hurt, she'd be there. The 4th was a model of efficiency under her.

She retired from Active service a 100 years ago, leaving Ude in charge of the 4th. She took a position at the Academy, teaching Healing Kido and acting as the nurse. She still is much the same, everywhere at once. Ude drops in on her from time to time, mostly to complain, and nap on her cots.

Ude's management style is rather different from Chinatsu's. Indeed, many unsophiscated observers wonder if he does anything at all. Many sophiscated observers know that he does absolutely as little as possible, and has largely set up the 4th Division to run itself. Most divisions wouldn't survive like that, but the medics of the 4th are an easy going bunch, and can mostly manage themselves. He's divided up the squads into areas and functions, each of his seated officers commanding a group of unseated, and he encourages the Seated to do the same with their unseated members. Almost all authority devolves to the seated. Appeals of decisions and disagreements between his seated are dealt with by his Vice Captain, who otherwise pretty much just roves about the divisions. That way they can't bother Ude. Appeals can be made to Ude himself, but he rarely disagrees with his Vice Captain.

Divsion Size: Unknown

Division Training Levels: Well, for the most part, the 4th is an oddly assorted lot. They are on average better at Kido then they are at Swordsmanship, usually relying on that if cornered. However, for the most part, the group prefers to avoid battle, fleeing if it becomes needed. Very few generalizations can be drawn, because of the differences in motivations to join the Division, and difference services they provide. The seated are a jumble, mostly because the division ends up giving out seats via seniority, rather then fighting prowess.


Healing: The primary function, and the one that all the others support. The 4th excels at healing, and the expertise on the subject is unmatched. There are numerous subspecialties within the Division:
First Responders
Hospital Staff
Long Term Care Specialists
Mental Health Professionals

Supplies: The 4th Division runs inventory, and dispenses requests to most of the other divisions.

Janitorial: The 4th Division has the exciting job of cleaning the Seireitei. Meet new and exciting dust bunnies, and do battle with them.

Skills required

Honestly, the 4th usually ends up taking whoever will join. They are pretty desperate. Kido Users are nice, and people with Healing Talent are appreciated, but honestly, if you can hold a broom, the 4th will take you.

I dunno. How many members should the 4th have?

They were said to be the largest division in canon, and had ~1000 members in the previous RP.

The Librarian
2010-04-12, 07:46 PM

No, you can't handle it. Plus I think I'd embarass myself into changing my name, forsaking all of my current possessions, and moving to Timbuktu. :smallwink::smalleek:

Okay, if you feel that its to protect your pride, go with it.

2010-04-12, 07:56 PM

How about a certain division, say, 10th (they don't have a job yet) is in charge of running the academy and instruction of recruits (And even any unseated or seated that want to learn something new.) The division would have a diverse selection of specializations as well as a few jack-of-all-trades.


Shades have good idea?
Yes, sounds like a good idea to me.

2010-04-12, 08:05 PM
Yes, sounds like a good idea to me.

I agree, and 10th would be great, considering that includes me!

Purple Rose
2010-04-12, 08:05 PM
Okay, so I decided to revisit and revise Ai:

Name:[/B] Kato Ai (last, first)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Very thin
Affiliation: Shinigami
Rank: Candidate for Third Squad Captain

Appearance: Very thin with youngish features. Her hair is a mousy brown and short cut. She has soft brown eyes and an almost permanent wistful look on her face. She wears sailor fuku style school uniform (in a rather modest way, you pervs :smalltongue::smallwink:). Most notable about her is a pair of small wings growing from her back. The wings are white and between two and three feet long. She also has a faintly glowing halo floating above her head. The halo is a physical ring that hovers over her head and can be grabbed and pulled. Though it seems to be "rooted" in place, meaning that if the halo is pulled, it would result in her head being yanked along as well. But it is able to be moved around though, that is, she can pull it off to the side or pull it down onto her head. It just snaps back into place afterward.

Personality: Somewhat shy and reserved, she tends to weigh on the serious side. Pensive, but she can be sweet and friendly too.

Background: Ai's background before joining the Seireitei is a bit of a mystery for those not in the know. What is known is that about one hundred years prior she was welcomed into the Seireitei by the third squad's previous Captain after some disturbance in the mortal world involving her. Her abilities are quite unique in the spirit world and made her of interest with the scientists of the twelfth squad. After a relatively short time, and to the unease of some of the court guard, Ai began working her way up the ladder in the third squad, becoming a seated officer and eventually the Vice Captain. It is widely rumored that Ai was romantically involved with the Captain, or that he owed her a debt of some kind. Either way, after the Captain's death, Ai superseded him as Captain, much to the disapproval of quite a few of the other Captains. Despite the misgivings about the decision, she has served admirably in her role.

When she took over the third squad she lobbied hard with the Central 46 to restore its role as the execution squad. She eventually won and instituted a very rigorous and ritualistic system of corporal punishment for those deemed dangerous or malicious of spirit enough to warrant execution for their crimes. She oversaw the construction of a temple and execution grounds for the purpose of carrying this out.

Execution grounds: Under Ai's instructions a temple was build on the large hill at the center of the Seireitei. The grounds, which are several hundred feet long and half as wide, are situated at the highest point on the hill, on a wide, level area.

At one end is a stunningly ornate pagoda with seven tiers. It rises high above the hill and is visible from almost anywhere in the Seireitei. Its peak is crowned in gold and catches the light like a beacon during the day.

At the far end, opposite the pagoda, is a large, raised circular platform carved from marble and engraved with intricate carvings that form a complex web of symbols and patterns throughout. At the center of the platform is another raised circle cut from the stone, on which rests a small shrine. Within the shrine is a plain looking ceremonial sword, resting on a raised dais and shielded by thin veils on all sides.

Running the length of the grounds between the pagoda and the shrine is a path of cut marble and granite, inlaid with jade and other semiprecious stones. Described in the priceless mosaic is a story of a spirit's passing from the mortal world into the seireitei and its eventual death and reincarnation in the mortal world once more. Woven into the story are scenes of hollows and shinigami in battle, families together, spiritual beasts of all kinds. The workmanship of the pathway is exquisite and unmatched. Lining the path on both sides are twelve cherry trees that are in blossom year round.

Standing on the outer side of the raised platform is a towering oak tree which nearly dwarfs the Pagoda on the far end of the grounds. The tree, like the others, is covered with leafs all year round. It's trunk it thick and ancient and it exudes its own spiritual presence.

Stationed around the grounds are 13 guards, 4 guard the pagoda, 4 the pathway, 4 the circumference of the platform, and 1 the shrine itself. They all wear elegant ceremonial uniforms and their faces are masked behind thickly veiled headgear and remain perfectly motionless throughout their shifts. Each wields a decorative, but also practical, lance and are trained to fight anyone who endangers the sanctity of the grounds. Though visitation is allowed, absolute silence is enforced on the grounds with violators being forcefully removed by the guards.

During actual executions only the soon to be executed and Ai are permitted to speak. The blade, through some unknown mechanism, destroys spiritual bodies and sends the soul off to he reborn in the mortal world. The ceremony is very complicated and a rather solemn event.

The entire area has been underlain with a special material that suppresses spiritual pressure, allowing even powerful criminals to be brought and punished there without exceptional risk.

Zanpaktou: She doesn't actually have a zanpaktou, but instead uses a combination of unarmed attack styles and her halo (covered below).

Shikai: Though she doesn't have a zanpaktou per se, she does have a form of release when she fights. Specifically, it results in her wings growing very large, allowing her to use them to fly very swiftly. When released, her physical attack power increases significantly, as well as her speed and agility. In addition, her halo gains the ability to fire off a beam of golden energy, similar to a Cero, which she does by grabbing the halo and pulling it down in front of her face, aiming at her target. She can only fire a limited amount during her release though and has to recharge after she reaches the limit.

Bankai: Again, it isn't a bankai exactly, just an attack on that level. Her halo rises into the air, growing wider rapidly, turning into a vast circle over the battle area with her at the center. After a moment of charging, the halo fires a column of devastating golden energy that blasts everything within its area, including its user, resulting, in most cases, with her release ending and her being left incapacitated afterward, making it an all or nothing attack. Either it defeats her enemy, or she leaves herself entirely vulnerable to attack after its use.

How does that look?

2010-04-12, 08:26 PM
Well, the material that supresses spiritual energy is easy. It is called sekiseki, or deathstone. The sword that destroys spiritual bodies and sends the souls to reincarnate through unknown means is also very much known, it is called a normal weapon. :smalltongue:

Just kidding. But yes, when a spiritual being is killed, unless the attack obliterates or devours the soul of the victim, then they are, by default, sent to reincarnate in the material world.

Purple Rose
2010-04-12, 08:34 PM
:smalltongue: Okay, so a general failure to grasps some general well known facts of the universe aside, any suggestions or critiques?

2010-04-12, 08:37 PM
Well. There is a rather strong contrast between her looks and the execution role. But other than that, well, I will have to approve I guess.

I recommend removing the mentions of cero in her entry. Gives an odd hollow feel to it all. Just say it is a laser of some sort.

2010-04-12, 08:57 PM
Updated version of Damara, passing it through here before it goes in the Character Registry.

Age: 465 (looks mid-thirties)
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 135 Ibs.
Reiatsu: White, appearing as a soft glow that slowly grows more intense as he releases more power.
Faction: Soul Society
Division: Sixth Division
Rank: Vice Captain

Appearing as a man in his prime, Damara has a slender but very fit form. His eyes are a light gray and highly observant, and he studies new people or phenomena very carefully when he first encounters them, either obviously or not. His hair is black, and flows down his neck to his shoulders. His personal appearance is always immaculate, without so much as a hair out of place. This is not due to vanity; he simply feels it is his duty to look proper because of his high position, and in times of extreme duress he begins to look more unkempt. Damara wears a standard Shihakusho, as well as a small silver neck band and a thin, long white scarf that hangs down both his front and back almost to the feet. He wears his Zanpakuto on his left hip.


Damara has been described by many people who have worked with him as cold, callous, or heartless. This is not, technically, correct. Damara rarely shows emotion, and is a private, introverted person. He has great difficulty bonding with other people, and has never put in a significant effort to do so. As a result, he can come off as uncaring. Despite this, Damara is a kind person who is devoted absolutely to the Soul Society and has a strong sense of personal justice. Damara has a keen analytical eye, and is very perceptive of occurrences around him. He is an extremely meticulous person, and he doesn't do anything by half. Damara's greatest asset is his ability to learn; he can take in information very well, and is excellent at improving himself. Damara is also extremely intelligent. He enjoys learning new hobbies, and has mastered a large number of skills. These pursuits fill the void left by his lack of friends.


Very little is known about Damara's life before he became a Shinigami; nobody has ever really talked to him about it, and he doesn't seem particularly inclined to volunteer the information without provocation. It isn't hard to imagine him living quietly in some corner of the Rukongai, and this is the general assumption of his time there by any who have cared to speculate.
What is known is that Damara entered the Shinigami academy at a relatively young age, the thought of keeping the balance between the Mortal World and the Afterlife appealing to him. He committed himself to his studies with the quiet, unceasing effort that has become characteristic of him. He made no friends in his school days, devoting most of his time to study and practice. His constant efforts paid off, however. Damara consistently got extremely high marks in all of his classes, showing extraordinary skill at sword fighting and a high level of technical ability with Kido.
Damara graduated from the academy (valedictorian) and was initially assigned to the Thirteenth Division Squad. He took well to field work, and quickly gained a reputation as a cold, but hardworking and unquestioning shinigami. However, he continued to remain apart from other people, and had no real friends. Due to his constant distance, Damara was reassigned repeatedly because of his diverse skill set and high learning ability. Eventually, he was assigned to the Sixth Squad, where he was able to get along well because of the more fluid organization of the Division. Over time, Damara has climbed through the ranks at a fast but not startling rate, eventually reaching his current position as Vice-Captain.


Damara is a highly adept swordsman, preferring the use of Zanjutsu over all other combat disciplines. His style revolves around pure skill, as Damara is neither unusually strong nor unusually quick for one of his level. Despite his preference for swordplay, Damara is well practiced in all areas of Shinigami combat techniques, retaining good levels of skill in both Hoho and Hakuda. Damara's distance with his Shunpo is average, but the movement itself is very fast and he has a high degree of control over the technique, and he can use it many times in succession. Damara has a high level of ability with Kido, as well, able to reliably cast up to Hado 88 or Bakuda 90. He has a moderate level of skill in healing kido.

Shiro Hoshi (White Star)

"Shine, Shiro Hoshi"
Inner World

Damara's Inner World appears as an unbroken vista of stars without visible planets. Occasional shooting stars can be seen.


Shiro Hoshi takes the form of a large, pulsing white light. It is a flippant, playful spirit, frequently urging Damara to action without his usual careful forethought. He serves as a more reckless and immediate voice to Damara's endless hesitance. Despite this contrast, Damara and Shiro Hoshi are very close, and Damara spends much of his free time communing with his Zanpakuto Spirit.

Sealed Form

In its sealed form, Damara's Zanpakuto is a simple katana with a crossguard shaped like a four-point star. The hilt is bright white, and meticulously wrapped in strips of white sharkskin. A small, flawless star sapphire is embedded into the pommel. The blade itself is brightly polished and razor sharp.


When the command is uttered, Shiro Hoshi flashes very brightly, blinding any but Damara who is looking at it. Afterwords, Shiro Hoshi continues to shine very brightly to the perception of anyone except Damara, who is not negatively affected by it. This can make it difficult to pin down the sword's exact location. The blade of the sword also trails an afterimage of its movements. Damara can control the length of this trail. Shiro Hoshi has three commands in this form:
White Wave: Damara swings Shiro Hoshi in a vertical or horizontal arc, which projects a wave of kido energy outwards. This is a simple attack which can be done repeatedly, and is moderately powerful. The wave is thin but strong and very sharp, allowing it to cut through most terrestrial materials.
Solar Flare: The light emerging from Shiro Hoshi pulses once and then flashes in a manner identical to its shikai command, potentially catching an opponent off guard and blinding them. The move also has a secondary effect, however, reflecting any moderately powerful energy based technique that gets caught in the second flash.
Fall: Shiro Hoshi is immediately pulled towards the largest immediate source of gravity at an extremely rapid rate, effortlessly slicing through obstructions or anything else that gets in the way. Damara has trained very hard to keep a hold on his Zanpakuto during this move. The technique is extremely powerful, and enables Shiro Hoshi to cut through almost anything. There are drawbacks, however. The technique is very difficult to control, and once it is started it cannot be stopped until Shiro Hoshi hits the ground or doesn't move for ten seconds, which can leave Damara vulnerable.

(Damara has not yet achieved Bankai)

Eikyuu Shiro Hoshi (Eternal White Star)
When Bankai is activated, Shiro Hoshi sheds its bright white glow, replacing it with a dull, dark blue one. The blade itself extends slightly, and the hilt fades in color until it is only a shade lighter than the sapphire in its pommel. The blade stops trailing at this point. Pricks of light appear on the blade of Eikyuu Shiro Hoshi, simulating a night sky.
Eikyuu Shiro Hoshi is nearly indestructible and impossibly sharp, creating a formidable weapon. It also is wrapped in a blanket of kido-like energy, allowing it to parry mystic attacks as well as physical ones.
Damara also gains large, indistinct wings of energy, similar to the one surrounding his sword but both stronger and tougher. These wings have three effects: they allow Damara to fly at high speeds, they can serve as shields against attacks, and they can be used as a weapon.
Activating Bankai also gives Damara a large boost to his physical abilities, and heals him of any injuries he has sustained in battle up to this point.
Eikyuu Shiro Hoshi has five commands:
Falling Star Blade: The stars in Eikyuu Shiro Hoshi's blade expand in size until the sword takes on the appearance of its shikai covered in white flames, and then the sword hurtles in a direction of Damara's choosing. Damara can switch direction mid strike or end it at any time. The technique is very similar to the Fall command of the Shikai, but has more control and more power.
Meteor Storm: The stars separate from Eikyuu Shiro Hoshi's blade, and then lance towards an opponent or opponents, forming a number of powerful strikes. It is very difficult to deflect all of the meteors, and they travel very quickly, making this a very deadly technique. Damara can also channel a much stronger and larger version of the attack through his wings.
Shield of the Night Sky: Damara swings Eikyuu Shiro Hoshi in an arc in front of him, trailing parts of its kido blanket, which can be used as a shield. If Damara desires, he can activate the Meteor Storm command from this shield.
Night Wave: This command is identical to the White Wave command, but is much more powerful.
Night Tide: Damara swings Eikyuu Shiro Hoshi in a vertical or horizontal arc, releasing a large wave of damaging kido energy. The technique is similar to the White Wave attack, but it is larger and stronger, making it unable to perform the precision cuts of White Wave in exchange for increased area of effect and power.
Heart of the Star: A blinding light fills a radius of twenty feet around Damara, making it almost impossible to see for anyone except him within this area. The area of the technique is ringed with white hot flames that do not harm anyone entering the area, but cause serious burns to any opponent attempting to leave. The technique lasts for two minutes or until dismissed before fading, and is very draining on Damara, likely causing him to drop bankai after it ends.

2010-04-12, 09:01 PM
When she took over the third squad she lobbied hard with the Central 46 to restore its role as the execution squad.
I've got nothing against the entry but I wish she'd have lobbied hard for the role of the third squad to not be execution because I think an entire division devoted to such a thing sounds silly. I wish it had a more general purpose but that's just how I feel about the division which was already like that before.

I suggest explaining in your entry why she wanted to be in charge of and reinstate the third squad's role as executioners. Why does this shy angelic looking person want to be in charge of ritualistically offing people?:smalltongue:

I'm not saying you shouldn't go with what you have but you might try coming up with an entirely new purpose for the division unless people actually want it to stay execution oriented. Maybe it still carries out executions but they are a secondary role of the organization. Do you really want your character to fill such a role? I don't think people would object much to the 3rd division getting a redo from canon and the past game. I have a slight suspicion you chose the 3rd because it was an uncontested slot for a captain character.:smalltongue: There's nothing wrong with that, I just think why tailor your character to something it doesn't necessarily have to be.

2010-04-12, 09:14 PM
I'm... going to come out against the character being a Captain. This is a more flexible, nicer Soul Society, but allowing a Non-Shinigami to run a division... that just seems a step to far. If you were to make her into a Shinigami with the exact same powerset, I'd be fine with it.

Sorry if it seems mean, but that is pretty much how I feel.

2010-04-12, 09:21 PM
That seem to be about the long and short of it? :smalltongue:

You forgot someone (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8270966&postcount=620)...He's not in the Registry or a Wiki yet, but I'm planning to get to work on it once my school isn't trying actively to kill me with schoolwork.

By the way, my plan is to only run 1 captain, but I'd rather run Taiki than Akira so if Taiki is accepted to a Division then Akira should not be, and vice versa. Just so people know.

Remember that if we stick to the symbols provided by Tite Kubo, 3rd Division has a lot of interesting options in addition to (and in fact that allow) execution duties. I'm planning on playing with that a bit, so hopefully people don't mind.

Actually, 3rd is a contested slot. Sorta.

On the character, Kato Ai seems so alien from an actual Shinigami that I'd prefer that she not be an acting Captain, or even a seated. She's not a Shinigami. Just make her an empowered mortal. It'll probably be better for you because not only will you get to play her more, but you can develop her from a base of low power to high power over the course of the game, which honestly seems more fun than just "This character is highly powerful, huzzah," especially for a new concept like that.

2010-04-12, 09:31 PM
So, I was reading TVTropes, found this, and got thinking... (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ptitle75avfncm)

Geist is the one New World of Darkness game I've not yet taken a look at, but the idea of someone dying, making a pact with some spiritual entity and then coming back... different intrigues me.

The main problem I forsee with this are the following:

1) The cycle of reincarnation. The only demonstrated way for soul to return to life in canon Bleach thus far is to be reincarnated into a new life.
2) There are currently no spiritual entities that can actively reverse a death.

So... ideas and discussions on those two points would be appreciated. Once at least some degree of handwavium has been achieved for them, I could begin writing up this (un)fortunate individual.

2010-04-12, 09:37 PM
So, I was reading TVTropes, found this, and got thinking... (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ptitle75avfncm)

Geist is the one New World of Darkness game I've not yet taken a look at, but the idea of someone dying, making a pact with some spiritual entity and then coming back... different intrigues me.

The main problem I forsee with this are the following:

1) The cycle of reincarnation. The only demonstrated way for soul to return to life in canon Bleach thus far is to be reincarnated into a new life.
2) There are currently no spiritual entities that can actively reverse a death.

So... ideas and discussions on those two points would be appreciated. Once at least some degree of handwavium has been achieved for them, I could begin writing up this (un)fortunate individual.

Miradar used his magic to reverse effective death in the current game once. It cost some poor sap's soul and damned the involved to hell, however.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-12, 09:38 PM
I'm going to come out and say No White Wolf in our Game.

Remember what happened the last time?

2010-04-12, 09:41 PM
So, I was reading TVTropes, found this, and got thinking... (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ptitle75avfncm)

Geist is the one New World of Darkness game I've not yet taken a look at, but the idea of someone dying, making a pact with some spiritual entity and then coming back... different intrigues me.

The main problem I forsee with this are the following:

1) The cycle of reincarnation. The only demonstrated way for soul to return to life in canon Bleach thus far is to be reincarnated into a new life.
2) There are currently no spiritual entities that can actively reverse a death.

So... ideas and discussions on those two points would be appreciated. Once at least some degree of handwavium has been achieved for them, I could begin writing up this (un)fortunate individual.You bury your own. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEBPrqITI0Q)

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

2010-04-12, 09:42 PM
I'm going to come out and say No White Wolf in our Game

If I get a vote, this is it. HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL NOOOOO!!!!!! This is Bleach. no white wolf.

2010-04-12, 09:47 PM
To make it clear: I'm not suggesting "Our Bleach has Geists". I'm presenting an idea for a one-off spiritually empowered mortal character who died and came back to life with some external assistance that now shares their body. The Geist page on TVTropes just sparked the idea.

Purple Rose
2010-04-12, 09:48 PM
So, the question is; is there a particular reason you disagree with her being a captain aside from her not being a shinigami? Would providing a reason in her backstory for her being in the squad help?

I'm just not sure what the conflict is beside knee jerk rejection of the idea.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-12, 09:53 PM
To make it clear: I'm not suggesting "Our Bleach has Geists". I'm presenting an idea for a one-off spiritually empowered mortal character who died and came back to life with some external assistance that now shares their body. The Geist page on TVTropes just sparked the idea.

What helping him though? Why can't he be a Hollowing...or something along those lines? Or just a spiritually empowered human? I don't think we need to make a whole new catagory of people just for one character...

It just seems...I don't know...why can't it just be fluff?

2010-04-12, 09:58 PM
It just seems...I don't know...why can't it just be fluff?

That's exactly what I'm suggesting.

I'm presenting an idea for a one-off spiritually empowered mortal character who died and came back to life with some external assistance that now shares their body.

I was merely asking for help regarding the nature of their benefactor, I guess. Is there any creature type currently extant in Bleach (either canon or our Reborn setting) that could potentially pull this off? I'd be perfectly willing to go for a strong Hollow with strange abilities tied to manipulating chains of fate or something, but currently I'm just looking for ideas to mull over.

2010-04-12, 10:04 PM
So, the question is; is there a particular reason you disagree with her being a captain aside from her not being a shinigami? Would providing a reason in her backstory for her being in the squad help?

I'm just not sure what the conflict is beside knee jerk rejection of the idea.

Yes. And in this case, I'm not very willing to bend. You want to be a part of Gotei? You better be a Shinigami. Never has Gotei 13 seemed particularly accepting of outsiders, and I don't think this Gotei should be different enough to allow that which is not a Shinigami.

That is my personal belief. If the character can be totally rewritten as a Shinigami, just making them not a Shinigami is not enough for me. You can make Mortal World characters if you want that.

2010-04-12, 10:05 PM
Said benefactor could be a renegade shinigami using forbidden kido or a hollow with ulterior motives.


Also Purple. I will reiterate the comment I made once, on the other thread, regarding your idea.

Captaincy... Is the highest military position in the Seireitei. Other than being Commander-General anyway. It is not a position you give to those who are not... Natives, to say. Much less one you give to those who aren't even your species.

Think what are the odds of say... A quincy or a bount becoming one of the Espada, it is kinda like that (not going to happen by the way, for anyone with ideas).

She looks right now, however, like a Living Shinigami (mortal with manifest shinigami powers while still in his mortal body) with an unusual zanpakutou and an odd spiritual mutation (like Kommamura, he's got an odd spiritual mutation).

2010-04-12, 10:09 PM
She's not a Shinigami. She has no Zanpakuto. That, for me, is a requirement.

2010-04-12, 10:11 PM
Liberal understanding of the term zanpakutou allows me to consider the halo as one.

2010-04-12, 10:14 PM
How does she perform Konso?

Also, her own bio explicitly states "I don't have a Zanpakuto."

If she wants to rewrite the character to be a Shinigami, with a Zanpakuto, then I have no problem with that. Until she does that, this character is clearly no Shinigami, and I have problems with this being a Captain.

2010-04-12, 10:19 PM
So, the question is; is there a particular reason you disagree with her being a captain aside from her not being a shinigami? Would providing a reason in her backstory for her being in the squad help?

I'm just not sure what the conflict is beside knee jerk rejection of the idea.

Because any backstory reason would involve distorting the Shinigami to the point of breaking. Your character would be one of the most powerful leaders in the world. That would involve bending the Seiteirei to the point where it breaks.

Bending some rules is fine. Breaking the rule that a Shinigami must... well, be a Shinigami, pretty much distorts the faction to the point where it isn't recognizable.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-12, 10:29 PM

Captain Kitano Takeshi of the Sixth Division
Reiatsu: Black, appearing as thick smoke
Height: 5’
Weight: 100lb
Age: 57 (Appears as 15)

Appearance: Kitano Takeshi appears as a young boy of fifteen, his black hair cut short and pulled back into a small, high pony tail. Despite regulation, Kitano Takeshi is quite fond of dying his hair outrageous colors, most often bright red or dark orange. A long opium pipe hangs from his lips constantly, despite his seemingly young age. Kitano Takeshi dresses in the customary white haori and black kimono of a Captain, though the haori seems two sizes to large, its sleeves forever obscuring his hands.

Personality: Takeshi was well known at the Academy for his perchance of sneaking into the women’s dorms for late night parties, and for his equally well earned reputation as a flirt and womanizer. Though young, Takeshi is fiercely determined to prove himself a proper candidate for his promotion, and despite his playful and sometimes childish behavior, is well known in his division as a hard worker, often pulling all nighters and taking others jobs on himself even if he himself is far over worked. Outside of his own Division, Takeshi is good natured, almost playful, and always willing for a drink or a toke from an offered pipe. His flirtatious and often times lecherous activities have not ceased, earning him more then several crude nicknames and a reputation as a womanizer.

Backstory: A proclaimed genius, Kitano Takeshi is the youngest and most recent promoted Captain of Soul Society. Hailing from the furthest reaching of Districts, Kitano Takeshi is a rags to riches story come to life. Enrolled into the Acadamy, he passed with flying colors in only two years, entering his Division as a high seated member immediately. He quickly climbed the ranks thanks to his perseverance, making friends and allies quickly and seamlessly.

Zanpakuto: Akachōchin- Akachōchin is a long nodachi worn on the small of Takeshi’s back. Its case is blood red, while a its hilt is wrapped in almost velvet smooth twine. The blade itself has a long blood groove etched into the metal.

Shikai: “Illuminate the Darkness, Akachōchin!” Takeshi’s nodachi suddenly disappears, a massive Chochin lantern floating into the air just above his head. The light itself seems to move gently in a soft wind. At will, Takeshi can produce a fifty yard area of darkness that permeates the immediate area around himself. In this darkness, all sensations are heightened save sight. Touch, taste, smell and hearing all increase to inhuman levels, the sounds of conversation filling all but Takeshi’s ears, the scents of perfume and wine addling the nose and the soft gentle touches of a lover’s embrace seeming to manifest directly from the darkness itself. Takeshi is immune to these effects, and can even see in the darkness, allowing him to attack or escape freely . Attacks directly on the lantern cease the darkness affect for several seconds, as if the flame inside was snuffed out.

Takeshi can remove his nodachi from the lantern at any time in a shower of candle wax and flame, though this effect is purely cosmetic. Along with the above effect, the blade of Akachōchin can produce powerful gouts of smoke from the blood grooves etched along its length. This smoke is a powerful narcotic, producing a numbing sensation that grows stronger the more smoke that is inhaled. Takeshi, like the above ability, is immune to the effects of this smoke. This smoke is highly addictive in large quantities, and is thus impossible to use as a benificial power. Addiction comes about only through continued use of the smoke, thus negating the addictive properties of the smoke itself against foes. This also removes the period of withdrawl one might go through once addicted.

Bankai: Akasen- The true name, and face of Takeshi’s zanpakuto, once called splits the large chochin lanterns into two rows of ten that seem to hang in the around on either side of Takeshi at all times. These lanterns can produce the above effect at the same range, and the blade itself can continue to produce the powerful narcotic smoke. These powers see no apparent boost in power or range whilst in bankai. Along with these effects, Akesen has three "Games" it can produce, all of varying powers and degree's.

Red Light, Green Light- The hanging lanterns slowly gutter and die as Takeshi calls “Off”, all movement in the area ceasing. Moving targets stop, though are not held. Anyone moving while caught in 20 yards of the Lantern’s are slashed by an invisable blade, including Takeshi. Takeshi can at any time call “On”, the lights of the lantern’s burning back to life. While the lantern’s are lit, anyone can move freely. This power only effects people, animals and summons, not kido or other effects. The slashs on those who move are simple sword attacks, carrying little exrta force behind them, and can be easily parried, though this will often produce another penality.

Flash Lantern Tag: A Lantern hangs over an enemies head, its flame slowly guttering and dwindling down. A person may “hand” the lantern off to another through a physical strike or other form of physical contact. Doing so gives the flame a little more “life”. Once the flame is out, anyone caught with it becomes heavily inebriated, suffering the full effects of being well and truly drunk. Those drunk lose fine motor functions, growing dizzy and unable to stand upright without effort. Nausua and accute light sensitvity also plauge the one affected by the drunken stupor. Takeshi can be effected by this game.

Pachinko: Takeshi must stand dead still as the lantern’s slowly start to spin about him out to 25 yards. Opponents seeking to attack Takeshi must make their way through the spinning lanterns to attack him. All the while, the flames in the lantern’s slowly start to die. If an opponent or opponents cannot reach Takeshi before the lights go out, they are struck by a concussive force, and are teleported to the outer edge of the spinning lanterns. Anyone struck by one of the fast moving lanterns has lost the “Game” and is struck by a more powerful concussive force, powerful enough to bend metal and shatter stone. Losing ends the “Game”.

Zanpakuto Spirit: Akachōchin appears as a beautiful woman dressed in the most extravagant and expensive kimono’s. Her face is always a perfect mask of makeup, her lips pouty, her eyes the most stunning green. Her hair is always pulled up at just the right angle, her bangs framing her face generously. A long pipe is held between her well manicured nails, always smoking though it has been said she herself never partakes.

Akachōchin is vain and petty, despising anything more beautiful than her, or spoken of more often then herself. While simply a spirit, she demands a great deal of personal contact from Takeshi, requiring him to carry her with him at all times, even while he sleeps.

Inner World: The Inner World of Akachōchin would surprise most, consisting of a single large pagoda in a limitless forest of bamboo. It rainds constantly in the forest, the sounds of water through leaves almost deafening. Akachōchin herself resides in the massive pagoda, lounging and sleeping most times. She hates the sound of the rain, and attempts to drown it out with various musical instruments Takeshi has some how provided her.

Shinigami Powers

Kido: While his Zanpakuto is of the Kido Type, Takeshi is only sub par at the Demon Arts. His knowledge of Bakudo is fairly limited, and he cannot cast a single Kido without incantation.

Flash Step: Takeshi is quite adept at Flash Step, though is often times to lazy to use it. While in Bankai, his Flash Step becomes irratic, even drunken, placing him in locations he seemingly didn't mean to go to.

Hado: Takeshi is adept at Hado, though due to his small size and frame lacks hitting power, instead using his size and over all speed to lay into enemies.

The Sixth Divison-What it says on the tin.

The Sixth Division: Guardians of Soul Society

The Sixth Division has long been the guardian’s of Soul Society. While others police and enforce the rules, spy and gather data on enemies, the Seventh has endured every war with a sword in one hand, hammer and chisel in the other, and a stone on their back. Well known for their work ethic and rambunctious partying both, the Seventh is the working man’s Division, taking the brunt of all assaults, cleaning them up and celebrating those who lived while remembering those who died. Their motto is “Work hard during the day, party hard during the night. You’ll get to sleep when your dead.”

Takeshi specifically asked to be placed in the Sixth Division to prove his sincerity and work ethic to the wider community of Soul Society due mostly to his age. When the Vice Captain passed away, he took his position without complaint, having been voted by the entire Division for the job. The former Captain, an elderly man named Osugi Ren was placed into the 0 Division, promoting Takeshi on the spot to his position, over seeing his Captaincy Test alongside two other Captains and the Commander General himself.


Defense: The Sixth Division act as the guards of Soul Society, defending them during assault in times of war and general riots from unhappy souls from outside Soul Society.

Maintenance: As the Guardians of Soul Society, it also falls to the Sixth Division to make certain all walls, barriers and other buildings are up to proper code throughout Soul Society. Owing to their nature, it is likely that much of what they repair is also much of what they themselves damage in times of peace.

Morale: While the Sixth Division is known for their work ethic, they are also known for their ability to throw off the yolk and to party harder, stay up later, and generally cause more damage to their surroundings than any other Division. Their reputation as partiers and wild deviants is well earned, due in part to their presence throughout Soul Society.

Skills required

Members of the Sixth Division are expected to be strong, loyal and duitiful workers and allies, serving the greater good of Soul Society without question. They are also almost all required to have a good sense of humor, and hold their drink better then any other Division. Drinking tests are the most common form of rank promotion, among feats of strength and boasting skills.

2010-04-12, 10:31 PM
Could you please put the character in a spoiler and bold/resize a short sentence saying what you're posting above it? Like Character Name Entry Repost It doesn't bother me but it kind of takes up a lot of space.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-12, 10:33 PM
Done and done.

2010-04-12, 10:43 PM
“Work hard during the day, party hard during the night. You’ll get to sleep when your dead.”

They say the same thing in the mortal world! Where we go to when we die! IT NEVER ENDS!

*flips the bird at a quincy in hopes of being destroyed*

2010-04-12, 10:49 PM
Ah, but we apparently don't have soul destruction in this version of the game!

2010-04-12, 10:50 PM
That was the point. It literaly never ends.

2010-04-12, 10:57 PM
You could become a hollow...

2010-04-12, 11:02 PM

Koujin isn't a prospective captain anymore. He's currently the 12th seat of the 6th squad. I decided I wanted to have the fun working him up through his releases.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-12, 11:15 PM
They say the same thing in the mortal world! Where we go to when we die! IT NEVER ENDS!

*flips the bird at a quincy in hopes of being destroyed*

That was totally the point.

Its also something my Father told me since I was 10.

2010-04-13, 12:53 AM
They say the same thing in the mortal world! Where we go to when we die! IT NEVER ENDS!

*flips the bird at a quincy in hopes of being destroyed*

Where do bad folks go when they die
Don't go to heaven where the Angels fly
they go to the Mortal Word and...

Huh, doesn't really work after that.

2010-04-13, 04:12 AM
That's exactly what I'm suggesting.

I was merely asking for help regarding the nature of their benefactor, I guess. Is there any creature type currently extant in Bleach (either canon or our Reborn setting) that could potentially pull this off? I'd be perfectly willing to go for a strong Hollow with strange abilities tied to manipulating chains of fate or something, but currently I'm just looking for ideas to mull over.

I think that while it is an interesting idea, I do not think this is enough information to be able to help design such a character.

When he 'died' did he go to soul society before coming back? Or did he 'meet' this entity before going?
Is he or she still in the same body from when they died (or are they possessing another?) For that, does he still have his body?

Here are a few ideas:
1) The assistant is another mortal, and by some strange accident, your character ended up sharing that one's body. There are a lot of problems for this, but it would make for a good story until he can figure out what to do.

2) The character is 'possessing' another body (maybe it was a patient or someone else who was in a more 'minor' accident), but that one's spirit isn't here (maybe it went to soul society already).

3) The assistant was a spiritual human, like say Sayaka's family, who placed a seal on his body to keep his soul within. It is vulnerable of course to being removed, and will probably degrade over time, but it should help for now.

4) The assistant was a spiritual entity that made a pact with him. While a very light example of this would maybe be Erima and Takara's 'pact,' there are plenty of spirits that are good or bad which could do such a thing as possessing his own body. To detail further for this though, I would need more information. :smallredface:

There are a lot of possibilities I think for such a character to tell an interesting story. My opinion is biased though, because Hazuki was trying in some ways to tell a similar story of being caught between worlds. Until she met Yori, her mortal world journey was all about such a thing as 'death' and 'life.'

I would say that the main points I think would be important for such a character are:
1) It is a temporary solution for now... I think it would make for a much better (and fit much better into the world setting) story if he ultimately has to accept death and move on.
2) It is a good opportunity to play two very interrelated characters with very different perspectives.

To think about also- is he a Good or Evil person?

2010-04-13, 04:35 AM
We do have an example of something like that happening in canon...the Parakeet (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Y%C5%ABichi_Shibata), I believe. Apparently, some Hollows have the ability to trap souls in other forms.

2010-04-13, 06:16 AM

Koujin isn't a prospective captain anymore. He's currently the 12th seat of the 6th squad. I decided I wanted to have the fun working him up through his releases.
I recall you did a new write-up for him? Could you please edit his registry entry to match.

I've got nothing against the entry but I wish she'd have lobbied hard for the role of the third squad to not be execution because I think an entire division devoted to such a thing sounds silly. I wish it had a more general purpose but that's just how I feel about the division which was already like that before.

I suggest 3rd takes care of funerals as well.

Geist is the one New World of Darkness game I've not yet taken a look at, but the idea of someone dying, making a pact with some spiritual entity and then coming back... different intrigues me.

Just thinking... Elder might be able to pull off something like this via imaginative application of its Spawn and Possession abilities. Though it would require quite lot of convincing to do such thing.

2010-04-13, 01:03 PM

I redid his Wiki entry only, because I didn't think someone would be looking at the registry. :smallsigh:


Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 03:10 PM

Captain Kitano Takeshi of the Sixth Division
Reiatsu: Black, appearing as thick smoke
Height: 5’
Weight: 100lb
Age: 57 (Appears as 15)

Appearance: Kitano Takeshi appears as a young boy of fifteen, his black hair cut short and pulled back into a small, high pony tail. Despite regulation, Kitano Takeshi is quite fond of dying his hair outrageous colors, most often bright red or dark orange. A long opium pipe hangs from his lips constantly, despite his seemingly young age. Kitano Takeshi dresses in the customary white haori and black kimono of a Captain, though the haori seems two sizes to large, its sleeves forever obscuring his hands.

Personality: Takeshi was well known at the Academy for his perchance of sneaking into the women’s dorms for late night parties, and for his equally well earned reputation as a flirt and womanizer. Though young, Takeshi is fiercely determined to prove himself a proper candidate for his promotion, and despite his playful and sometimes childish behavior, is well known in his division as a hard worker, often pulling all nighters and taking others jobs on himself even if he himself is far over worked. Outside of his own Division, Takeshi is good natured, almost playful, and always willing for a drink or a toke from an offered pipe. His flirtatious and often times lecherous activities have not ceased, earning him more then several crude nicknames and a reputation as a womanizer.

Backstory: A proclaimed genius, Kitano Takeshi is the youngest and most recent promoted Captain of Soul Society. Hailing from the furthest reaching of Districts, Kitano Takeshi is a rags to riches story come to life. Enrolled into the Acadamy, he passed with flying colors in only two years, entering his Division as a high seated member immediately. He quickly climbed the ranks thanks to his perseverance, making friends and allies quickly and seamlessly.

Zanpakuto: Akachōchin- Akachōchin is a long nodachi worn on the small of Takeshi’s back. Its case is blood red, while a its hilt is wrapped in almost velvet smooth twine. The blade itself has a long blood groove etched into the metal.

Shikai: “Illuminate the Darkness, Akachōchin!” Takeshi’s nodachi suddenly disappears, a massive Chochin lantern floating into the air just above his head. The light itself seems to move gently in a soft wind. At will, Takeshi can produce a fifty yard area of darkness that permeates the immediate area around himself. In this darkness, all sensations are heightened save sight. Touch, taste, smell and hearing all increase to inhuman levels, the sounds of conversation filling all but Takeshi’s ears, the scents of perfume and wine addling the nose and the soft gentle touches of a lover’s embrace seeming to manifest directly from the darkness itself. Takeshi is immune to these effects, and can even see in the darkness, allowing him to attack or escape freely . Attacks directly on the lantern cease the darkness affect for several seconds, as if the flame inside was snuffed out.

Takeshi can remove his nodachi from the lantern at any time in a shower of candle wax and flame, though this effect is purely cosmetic. Along with the above effect, the blade of Akachōchin can produce powerful gouts of smoke from the blood grooves etched along its length. This smoke is a powerful narcotic, producing a numbing sensation that grows stronger the more smoke that is inhaled. Takeshi, like the above ability, is immune to the effects of this smoke. This smoke is highly addictive in large quantities, and is thus impossible to use as a benificial power. Addiction comes about only through continued use of the smoke, thus negating the addictive properties of the smoke itself against foes. This also removes the period of withdrawl one might go through once addicted.

Bankai: Akasen- The true name, and face of Takeshi’s zanpakuto, once called splits the large chochin lanterns into two rows of ten that seem to hang in the around on either side of Takeshi at all times. These lanterns can produce the above effect at the same range, and the blade itself can continue to produce the powerful narcotic smoke. These powers see no apparent boost in power or range whilst in bankai. Along with these effects, Akesen has three "Games" it can produce, all of varying powers and degree's.

Red Light, Green Light- The hanging lanterns slowly gutter and die as Takeshi calls “Off”, all movement in the area ceasing. Moving targets stop, though are not held. Anyone moving while caught in 20 yards of the Lantern’s are slashed by an invisable blade, including Takeshi. Takeshi can at any time call “On”, the lights of the lantern’s burning back to life. While the lantern’s are lit, anyone can move freely. This power only effects people, animals and summons, not kido or other effects. The slashs on those who move are simple sword attacks, carrying little exrta force behind them, and can be easily parried, though this will often produce another penality.

Flash Lantern Tag: A Lantern hangs over an enemies head, its flame slowly guttering and dwindling down. A person may “hand” the lantern off to another through a physical strike or other form of physical contact. Doing so gives the flame a little more “life”. Once the flame is out, anyone caught with it becomes heavily inebriated, suffering the full effects of being well and truly drunk. Those drunk lose fine motor functions, growing dizzy and unable to stand upright without effort. Nausua and accute light sensitvity also plauge the one affected by the drunken stupor. Takeshi can be effected by this game.

Pachinko: Takeshi must stand dead still as the lantern’s slowly start to spin about him out to 25 yards. Opponents seeking to attack Takeshi must make their way through the spinning lanterns to attack him. All the while, the flames in the lantern’s slowly start to die. If an opponent or opponents cannot reach Takeshi before the lights go out, they are struck by a concussive force, and are teleported to the outer edge of the spinning lanterns. Anyone struck by one of the fast moving lanterns has lost the “Game” and is struck by a more powerful concussive force, powerful enough to bend metal and shatter stone. Losing ends the “Game”.

Zanpakuto Spirit: Akachōchin appears as a beautiful woman dressed in the most extravagant and expensive kimono’s. Her face is always a perfect mask of makeup, her lips pouty, her eyes the most stunning green. Her hair is always pulled up at just the right angle, her bangs framing her face generously. A long pipe is held between her well manicured nails, always smoking though it has been said she herself never partakes.

Akachōchin is vain and petty, despising anything more beautiful than her, or spoken of more often then herself. While simply a spirit, she demands a great deal of personal contact from Takeshi, requiring him to carry her with him at all times, even while he sleeps.

Inner World: The Inner World of Akachōchin would surprise most, consisting of a single large pagoda in a limitless forest of bamboo. It rainds constantly in the forest, the sounds of water through leaves almost deafening. Akachōchin herself resides in the massive pagoda, lounging and sleeping most times. She hates the sound of the rain, and attempts to drown it out with various musical instruments Takeshi has some how provided her.

Shinigami Powers

Kido: While his Zanpakuto is of the Kido Type, Takeshi is only sub par at the Demon Arts. His knowledge of Bakudo is fairly limited, and he cannot cast a single Kido without incantation.

Flash Step: Takeshi is quite adept at Flash Step, though is often times to lazy to use it. While in Bankai, his Flash Step becomes irratic, even drunken, placing him in locations he seemingly didn't mean to go to.

Hado: Takeshi is adept at Hado, though due to his small size and frame lacks hitting power, instead using his size and over all speed to lay into enemies.

The Sixth Divison-What it says on the tin.

The Sixth Division: Guardians of Soul Society

The Sixth Division has long been the guardian’s of Soul Society. While others police and enforce the rules, spy and gather data on enemies, the Seventh has endured every war with a sword in one hand, hammer and chisel in the other, and a stone on their back. Well known for their work ethic and rambunctious partying both, the Sixth is the working man’s Division, taking the brunt of all assaults, cleaning them up and celebrating those who lived while remembering those who died.

Takeshi specifically asked to be placed in the Sixth Division to prove his sincerity and work ethic to the wider community of Soul Society due mostly to his age. When the Vice Captain passed away, he took his position without complaint, having been voted by the entire Division for the job. The former Captain, an elderly man named Osugi Ren was placed into the 0 Division, promoting Takeshi on the spot to his position, over seeing his Captaincy Test alongside two other Captains and the Commander General himself.

Flower: The flower for the Sixth Division is the Bumblebeee Orchid, which in the language of flowers means Industry. In an amusing turn, the flower itself is widely reputed for its intoxicating scent and shape, so like a female bumblebee that it actually traps and uses male bumblebee's to spread.

Motto: “Work hard during the day, party hard during the night. You’ll get to sleep when your dead.”


Defense: The Sixth Division act as the guards of Soul Society, defending them during assault in times of war and general riots from unhappy souls from outside Soul Society.

Maintenance: As the Guardians of Soul Society, it also falls to the Sixth Division to make certain all walls, barriers and other buildings are up to proper code throughout Soul Society. Owing to their nature, it is likely that much of what they repair is also much of what they themselves damage in times of peace.

Morale: While the Sixth Division is known for their work ethic, they are also known for their ability to throw off the yolk and to party harder, stay up later, and generally cause more damage to their surroundings than any other Division. Their reputation as partiers and wild deviants is well earned, due in part to their presence throughout Soul Society.

Skills required

Members of the Sixth Division are expected to be strong, loyal and duitiful workers and allies, serving the greater good of Soul Society without question. They are also almost all required to have a good sense of humor, and hold their drink better then any other Division. Drinking tests are the most common form of rank promotion, among feats of strength and boasting skills.

Reposting the character and the Division he's applying for. It seems someone was already signed up for the 7th, so I moved this down a number since no one is signed up for it or cleared its duties.

If no one has anything else to say, I'm going to post it in the registry.

Goblin Music
2010-04-13, 03:31 PM
what are the possibilities of two captains running a division?
also a would like a Zanpakuto name translated, something like "Stone Shard" thanks in advance.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 03:32 PM
None. One Captain per Division.

2010-04-13, 03:37 PM
@Innis: The one pegged for 7th is Akira - he's applicable for two other divisions as well, and will get cut if Taiki makes it. So... you didn't really need to change the division <.<

@Goblin Music: It might be possible, but currently the only reason to lobby for it is if you and Moon Wolf are both really attached to 2nd division. There are still completely open captaincies, you know.

Goblin Music
2010-04-13, 03:39 PM
i have no 2nd captain applicant.
i was just thinking it would be neat and possibly even the source of a plot.

2010-04-13, 03:46 PM
@Goblin Music: Ah yes, I misread you character entry. But anyways, there's little point in double captaincies.

In any normal army, if there are two equally applicable persons for the same spot, one will be made Captain and the other, most likely, a Vice Captain. If both jobs are already accounted for, the leftover officer will be placed wherever he's most useful, even another division entirely. Double captaincies only cause authority problems.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 04:39 PM
Eh, I'm attached to the second division since ninjas are cool. Soi Fon is cool. Yoruichi is cool. The Maggot's Nest is a badass jail. Catch my drift? :smalltongue::smallwink:

2010-04-13, 04:52 PM
Eh, I'm attached to the second division since ninjas are cool. Soi Fon is cool. Yoruichi is cool. The Maggot's Nest is a badass jail. Catch my drift? :smalltongue::smallwink:
But how cool are you?:smallwink::smallcool:

2010-04-13, 04:53 PM
Hey Draken. Is the Queen of the Hollows still going to be the principal of the high school or something like that?

2010-04-13, 04:54 PM
But how cool are you?:smallwink::smallcool:This cool:


2010-04-13, 04:57 PM
This cool:
I dunno bro. She doesn't seem that cool to me. I, on the other hand, I'm so cool I'm glacial.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 04:57 PM
But how cool are you?:smallwink::smallcool:

I'm....i'm cool. My mother...she's in London and she feels my chill. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-13, 05:01 PM
The Maggot's Nest is a badass jail.
"Only in the sense that my arse is aching after sitting in there for two centuries, dammit."

2010-04-13, 05:02 PM
Prime, how many spoilers are IN that stack? :smallannoyed:

Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 05:05 PM
Over 50. I got to 53, but then I just gave up. Because I'm cool like that. (There's a song for that.) :smallwink:

2010-04-13, 05:05 PM
Prime, how many spoilers are IN that stack? :smallannoyed:
62, if i counted right.

Shades of Gray
2010-04-13, 05:06 PM
It's 62.



Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 05:08 PM
Thanks for checking that for me...I knew I could count on you guys. :smalltongue:

2010-04-13, 05:10 PM
If there was something that was supposed to be in there, Prime, it's gone now.

If not, *stabs Prime*

Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 05:14 PM
+1 to that. I'll stab him with a Tide-to-go. So he won't get messy. :smallamused::smalltongue:

2010-04-13, 05:15 PM
He said:
Moderately.Anyways, I doubt Moon_Wolf is as cool as this ice pokemon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7i30dvoqig).

Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 05:20 PM
Oh. But let's keep the tide, shall we? 'Cuz I'm cool like that. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY0c2ZAeMK4) :smalltongue:

2010-04-13, 05:22 PM
Unfortunately, it wasn't 42.

2010-04-13, 05:24 PM
Hey Draken. Is the Queen of the Hollows still going to be the principal of the high school or something like that?

Yes, that is still the plan.

2010-04-13, 05:27 PM
Yes, that is still the plan.

After Nico becomes a half-hollow would it be possible for her to be the one who trains him in his basic powers? The arms, his Sonido, and Garganta? And could she give him a device like Ichigo has to exit his body?

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 05:28 PM
Yes, that is still the plan.

I was fairly certain Sucrose rose some issues with this plan...did they ever get resolved?

2010-04-13, 05:32 PM
Yes, Sucrose and I solved everything.

After Nico becomes a half-hollow would it be possible for her to be the one who trains him in his basic powers? The arms, his Sonido, and Garganta? And could she give him a device like Ichigo has to exit his body?

I don't see why he would need such a device, which she would not give, as she is unlikely to own one herself, seeing how hollow can force souls out of their bodies of their own power.

But yes, she could teach him how to use his powers. I guess I will have Reene pretend to be a living arrancar and keep a fake zanpakutou (a spirit sword without any powers, like Starrk's) on her office to help with the masquerade.

2010-04-13, 05:36 PM
I don't see why he would need such a device, which she would not give, as she is unlikely to own one herself, seeing how hollow can force souls out of their bodies of their own power.

Yeah, by killing them. :smalltongue:

2010-04-13, 05:36 PM
I don't see why he would need such a device, which she would not give, as she is unlikely to own one herself, seeing how hollow can force souls out of their bodies of their own power.

But yes, she could teach him how to use his powers. I guess I will have Reene pretend to be a living arrancar and keep a fake zanpakutou (a spirit sword without any powers, like Starrk's) on her office to help with the masquerade.

Didn't know that part.

Thank you Draken. Also, will it be ok if we simply assume that she can feel the hollowing in him when he comes back to school after it happens to him? Or should she see it happen? Or would you like to put off the details till closer to the start of Reborn?

2010-04-13, 05:45 PM
Acidwire could force Orihime's soul out of her body with his hands, without killing her. Shrieker apparently demonstrated the same power (my memory might deceive me, he could have just killed the kid) along with the ability to trap a soul in a different body a few chapters afterwards.

And she would most definitely smell feel the hollow power within him. No need to be present.

2010-04-13, 05:52 PM
Acidwire could force Orihime's soul out of her body with his hands, without killing her. Shrieker apparently demonstrated the same power (my memory might deceive me, he could have just killed the kid) along with the ability to trap a soul in a different body a few chapters afterwards.

And she would most definitely smell feel the hollow power within him. No need to be present.

Ok, whatever works works for me. And again thank you.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 07:01 PM
I've done it, people. I've chibi-fied my 'Lolcat' captain candidate, Yuuki Miyagawa. Prepare to squee. :smallbiggrin:


2010-04-13, 07:08 PM
I've done it, people. I've chibi-fied my 'Lolcat' captain candidate, Yuuki Miyagawa. Prepare to squee. :smallbiggrin:



It looks awesome Moon.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 07:14 PM
She looks more like a midget then an actual chibi.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-13, 07:17 PM
He's. A. Boy. :smallannoyed:

(Plus, almost all chibis are short and chubby. Look 'em up on google if you don't believe me.)

(Thanks Yeti! :smallredface:)

Purple Rose
2010-04-13, 09:07 PM
Okay, so there are a lot of concerns with Ai and now that I have had a good night sleep and am a lot less grumpy, I think I agree with them. But I like the idea of a Captain in charge of carrying out executions in a very spiritualistic manner. So I'll save Ai to rework later and save the bits I liked from her write up.

Name: Sakura (probably taken, but more of a placeholder for now)
Gender: Female
Height: 6'1"
Weight: -
Affiliation: Shinigami
Rank: Candidate for Third Squad Captain

Appearance: Sakura is a woman who appears to be in her mid thirties. She is mature and dignified with whitish yellow hair in a tall bun and a pair of thin framed glasses. She has deep brown eyes and her thin face is almost always in a look of calm reserve.

She wears a white priestess' uniform, though it doesn't restrict her movement when she needs to be agile and fast.
Personality: Quiet and very mellow in her actions and emotions, she is almost always contemplative and thoughtful. She never speaks without weighing her words carefully and is very slow to extreme emotions such as anger or passion. She moves with a fluid and measured grace, never making a move that does not seem 100% certain in its intent. She is known for her wisdom and spiritual nature.

As a Captain she is known for her strict adherence to the rules and traditions of the Gotei 13. She is not a lenient Captain and holds her subordinates to a very high standard, both in ability and behavior. She has been known to demote seated officers on the spot for even somewhat inconsequential breaches in conduct. However, those in her squad hold her in very high respects, finder her manner not cold but affectionate and caring in its own way. Despite her strict treatment of her squad, it is not doubted that she would give her life to save any one of them if it came down to it.

Background: Sakura's history with the Seireitei is a long one, dating back nearly 500 years with her appointment to Captaincy following the death of her predecessor. She has served admirably since her taking over the role and was key in the restoration of the execution grounds. Before being a Captain she was a skilled Vice Captain and before that a notable officer in the 13th squad.

Execution grounds: Under Sakura's instructions a temple was build on the large hill at the center of the Seireitei. The grounds, which are several hundred feet long and half as wide, are situated at the highest point on the hill, on a wide, level area.

At one end is a stunningly ornate pagoda with seven tiers. It rises high above the hill and is visible from almost anywhere in the Seireitei. Its peak is crowned in gold and catches the light like a beacon during the day.

At the far end, opposite the pagoda, is a large, raised circular platform carved from marble and engraved with intricate carvings that form a complex web of symbols and patterns throughout. At the center of the platform is another raised circle cut from the stone, on which rests a small shrine. Within the shrine is a plain looking ceremonial sword, resting on a raised dais and shielded by thin veils on all sides.

Running the length of the grounds between the pagoda and the shrine is a path of cut marble and granite, inlaid with jade and other semiprecious stones. Described in the priceless mosaic is a story of a spirit's passing from the mortal world into the seireitei and its eventual death and reincarnation in the mortal world once more. Woven into the story are scenes of hollows and shinigami in battle, families together, spiritual beasts of all kinds. The workmanship of the pathway is exquisite and unmatched. Lining the path on both sides are twelve cherry trees that are in blossom year round.

Standing on the outer side of the raised platform is a towering oak tree which nearly dwarfs the Pagoda on the far end of the grounds. The tree, like the others, is covered with leafs all year round. It's trunk it thick and ancient and it exudes its own spiritual presence.

Stationed around the grounds are 13 guards, 4 guard the pagoda, 4 the pathway, 4 the circumference of the platform, and 1 the shrine itself. They all wear elegant ceremonial uniforms and their faces are masked behind thickly veiled headgear and remain perfectly motionless throughout their shifts. Each wields a decorative, but also practical, lance and are trained to fight anyone who endangers the sanctity of the grounds. Though visitation is allowed, absolute silence is enforced on the grounds with violators being forcefully removed by the guards.

During actual executions only the soon to be executed and Sakura are permitted to speak. The blade, though simple and modest in appearance, serves the role of sending criminals off to the mortal world to be reborn. The ceremony is somewhat complex and a rather solemn event.

The entire area has been underlain with sekiseki, allowing even powerful criminals to be brought and punished there without exceptional risk.

Inner world: Sakura's inner world is a vast featureless wasteland filled with an almost continuous wailing in the distance.

Zanpaktou Spirit: Sakura's Zanpaktou spirit appears in the form of a pale woman in priestess robes with six arms, each holding a mote of fire. Her eyes are sewn shut and a band of alive branches rests on her head. Tightly coiled around her arms and legs are thirteen snakes of varying colors.

Zanpaktou: Name: Diamond Star (translation would be very muchly appreciated :smallredface: )

When sealed her blade appears as a normal zanpaktou but with a red tassel attached to the hilt.

Shikai: "Shine your divine light, Diamond Star!"

Upon release, Diamond Star retains the shape of a normal zanpaktou but its blade is transformed into pure diamond, stunningly beautiful and nearly unbreakable. In addition, the blade is able to cut through all but the most resilient materials. Despite it's ability to cut almost anything cleanly, none of its shikai abilities deal physical damage.

Three Strikes: Sakura attempts deals three consecutive blows to her opponent. If she manages to land all three then her opponent looses one sense for the duration of Diamond Star being released. For each subsequent use of the attack she seals another of their senses (providing she successfully lands all three attacks again). If she she fails to accomplish it, however, the sealed senses are restored. The order that the senses are sealed goes in order:

Reaistu detection

Seven Strikes: Diamond Star's Seven Strikes allows Sakura to hit her opponent with seven simultaneous hits, striking and sealing seven specific spiritual pressure points, sealing their spiritual power as well as her own for as long as her weapon is released, forcing the two of them to fight with only their physical abilities.

Forty-Three Strikes: Sakura's reaistu flares and she launches a volley of 43 nearly instantaneous blows against her target. A hollow hit with this attack has its ability to devour souls completely sealed, along with the mouth on its mask.

Bankai: Diamond Star vanishes in a cloud of fine diamond powder that fills the air and refracts rainbows throughout the battle area in a stunningly beautiful effect. Starting at the moment of the release, Sakura must remain withing three hundred feet of her opponent, unarmed, for a set amount of time. As she stays within proximity of her foe the diamond dust starts to collect on their body, coating them in ever thicker crystal platelets until, at the end of the time limit, they become encased in diamond permanently, sealed within an unbreakable prison. After this happens Sakura must wait months for her zanpaktou to regenerate, piece by piece. Should her opponent manage to get far enough away, the diamond dust falls off at a rate slightly faster than at which is collected.

2010-04-13, 09:09 PM
Someone already mentioned this as a possibility, but the third in the last BitP were also the graveskeepers and funeral servicemen in addition to executioners.

EDIT: Also, Wolf, I thought he was a girl too because of the pink you put on his lips.:smalltongue:

2010-04-13, 09:23 PM
Overall, very interesting Purple.

Minor quibble:

The entire area has been underlain with sekiseki, allowing even powerful criminals to be brought and punished there without exceptional risk.

This is, to my understanding, true of the Seireitei as a whole: it has a Sekiseki stone foundation. That's why no one can airwalk. It does not prevent people from using their powers in general; that would require individual restraints or the like.

2010-04-13, 09:55 PM
Not a foundation. It is the wall surrounding the seireitei.

The wall surrounding the Seireitei is made of Sekiseki, which is extremely resilient (but not impervious) to spiritual energy attacks, because it neutralizes the attack itselfs (but it doesn't negate the kinetic force of the attack on the air or other explosive effects, this can be gathered from the simple fact that Ichigo could damage the sekiseki wall with one of his Getsuga Tenshou).

The wall of sekiseki produces an invisible spherical barrier that goes both up and down, this barrier disintegrates reishi objects larger than... Well, relatively large I guess, that comes in contact with it. Forming a very effective protection for the seireitei. The one side-effect is that it blocks airwalking (and only that) for some random reason. Interestingly enough it doesn't block Quincy Hirenkyako, which uses the very same principle as airwalking does for the shinigami. My guess is that controlling reishi to airwalk requires a finesse that the shinigami just don't have when being blocked by sekiseki, but the quincy have.


Sekiseki close nearby will negate spiritual energy. This blocks Hoho, kido, cero, sonido, bala. Anything that relies on spiritual energy. It is like an antimagic field (straight out of D&D). Probably blocks Hakuda, Hierro and anything else you can think about too.

Standing on a walkway of the stuff? Yeah, you aren't much better than a muggle from the rukon now.

2010-04-13, 10:02 PM
Hm. A double-check of the wiki says you're correct. Forgive my mistake, Purple.

I guess my one other concern is....this feels almost too elaborate. I mean, it's good to keep this solemn, but....

This site is used to end a life. To kill. That's an inherently ugly thing. Necessary, right, yes (at least most of the time). Beautiful? No. I'm kind of concerned by how pretty this place sounds. It feels almost like it's celebrating what goes on there. I realize that's not the intent at all, but...

I'm not saying it should be dark and jagged and bloody, or something like that.

But this doesn't sound like the grounds where criminals are executed. It sounds like a place you'd go to pay respects or some such. I mean, semi-precious stones in the walk? That's pretty fancy.

This is mainly just a stylistic concern, mind you.

2010-04-13, 10:08 PM
My guess is that it takes just a fair amount of flair from japanese honorable suicide, I will have to ask for expert input about that.

*pokes kasanip*

Expert input please.

On the other hand. That seven tiered thingy gives me a... How can I say...

A Mayincatec feel.

Easier than expected. Gotta love TVTropes prepackaged terms.

I really liked it, myself. Death is an ugly thing for us muggles who can do nothing but conjecture and believe in what is on the other side. But our characters? They know. They know exactly what is on the other side because they are there, and they know that this execution is not really a death. It is a rebirth. It is exactly the same as purifying a hollow. Except the penitent soul is going to the Mortal World, not to the Soul Society.

Edit: Then again. Precious stones might be just a wee bit too much. It actualy detracts from the solemn feel in my humble opinion. Not my business, however. I run the Hollow City (which, by the way, won't have the artificial sun thing and huge dome this time around), not my place to pipe in on this subject since I am not even applying for the job.

2010-04-13, 10:16 PM
You're still forcibly cutting short their experiences in this stage. People obviously live lives in Soul Society. This cuts that short. Yes, it's known they will be reborn (unless that sword destroys souls like the firebirdhalberd), but you're still forcibly stopping their current experience, wiping them clean.

To boot, these aren't necessarily "penitent sinners". These would, I think, be murders and criminals of the worst sort.


I'm more of the idea that clean, stark white stone is good.

But. It may be a couple levels of culture that I'm missing.

Goblin Music
2010-04-13, 10:20 PM
The one side-effect is that it blocks airwalking (and only that) for some random reason. Interestingly enough it doesn't block Quincy Hirenkyako, which uses the very same principle as airwalking does for the shinigami. My guess is that controlling reishi to airwalk requires a finesse that the shinigami just don't have when being blocked by sekiseki, but the quincy have.

the quincy glove does something similar to the sekiseki, that same 'radiation' teaches a quincy archer how to gather the energy used to create their weapons more efficiently, which is probably why Ishida can use that technique

2010-04-13, 10:25 PM

Murderers and criminals are penitents. That is the purpose of the legal system, to give penance to the guilty, and to forgive them once their debt is paid.

Doesn't work all the time, sure, but penance (punishment) without forgiveness is not justice, it is vengeance.

Sure a death penalty is a brutal thing, it is why we don't have it down here (In Brazil), I suppose. But still, in this particular case, what I see isn't really the violent ending of experiences of life (unless it is an innocent, of course), but a true chance to start again with a clean slate.

This, of course, because there is one true difference there. Knowledge that it is not an ending, it is a beginning.

By the way I edited my other post to adress the gem thingy, I didn't see it before.

2010-04-13, 10:32 PM
Yeah. I mean, the thing that's really stretching it for me is the gems and mosaics. I think that having plain, white, clean marble or granite (whichever gives a smoother color tone) would be fine. It's somber, but not too depressing.

The overall structure isn't bad. It's a couple of the fine details that feel a bit off. It sounds too ornate for its purpose. I think there's a certain beauty in stark simplicity. And if there's anyplace that should be starkly simple, it's the place where people get forcibly sent on to the next cycle.

2010-04-13, 10:43 PM
Hey Purple? There's a slight problem with your potential captain, in that she jumps up and down on the toes of my character, Koujin. The basic style of her zanpakutou is the same as his (or at least one of them). However, the abilities have essentially no overlap...except for the 'really sharp' one. Which is essentially the only thing that Koujin's does.

I like your character's design and powers, but I'd like to find a way that they aren't too similar to Koujin's.

2010-04-13, 10:44 PM
I just thought of something.

In canon Bleach, they use the Sokyoku to perform certain executions. Based on the wiki...

The Sōkyoku is said to have power of 1 million Zanpakutōs and has the defensive ability to block Zanpakutō of equal power, and it can evaporate the soul of the one being executed by it.
...so what happens to said soul? Is it actually "evaporated" (I.E. ceases to exist)? That would make sense in terms of execution, since the Shinigami performed acts that makes it likely they should not be allowed to be reborn. If that's the case, how does the balance of spirits work?

Tite Kubo clearly didn't think too hard about his writing...

I've been working on my 3rd Division idea.

2010-04-13, 10:51 PM
1. I believe Kubo works under the assumption that new souls are created, and that the use of the Soukyoku wasn't common enough for it to affect the balance.

A whole crapton of quincy exterminating a whole crapton of hollows each, on the other hand, most certainly did, I guess. On the other hand, there was, in fact, a weighting of souls going to the mortal world. So it is perfectly possible that hollow souls were being sent back to the mortal world and neither side knew.


Back to Purple. Mage, save for the crystal thing there really isn't any overlap, I think. Far too similar releases are always something we want to avoid but we can't avoid two or more zanpakutou of the same type (crystal, in this case).

It did get me to read the entry more fully and I will suggest Purple to rewrite that Bankai. It is really unclear. I had to reread it twice to notice that the bankai did not, in fact, lock Sakura in a rock forever.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 10:54 PM
Back to Purple. Mage, save for the crystal thing there really isn't any overlap, I think. Far too similar releases are always something we want to avoid but we can't avoid two or more zanpakutou of the same type (crystal, in this case).

It did get me to read the entry more fully and I will suggest Purple to rewrite that Bankai. It is really unclear. I had to reread it twice to notice that the bankai did not, in fact, lock Sakura in a rock forever.

1. There really isn't that much overlap, as Draken said. Its negligable in fact.

2. I did the same thing Draken.

2010-04-13, 10:56 PM
Mostly, I'd like it if she just removed the "cut through all but the most resilient materials" ability, as it is what Koujin's shikai does, and hers does lots of things besides that.

2010-04-13, 10:58 PM
@MSH: Um...what? Ok, so they both turn into crystal swords. And?

The powers are nothing alike, so I really don't see an issue.

@Purple: Having read through things a couple of times now, I do have a couple of questions regarding the powers of the character.

1.)What does 43 strikes do to a non-Hollow? I realize it's unlikely she'd be fighting one, but it's still something to consider.

2.)What happens if someone dodges 1-2 hits of the 7 Strikes?

3.)The bankai feels unclear; what happens to her sword if she doesn't entomb an opponent?

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 10:59 PM
Mostly, I'd like it if she just removed the "cut through all but the most resilient materials" ability, as it is what Koujin's shikai does, and hers does lots of things besides that.

Well...there's more to what his Shikai does to if memory servers...its not that its "really sharp" only. Its got other stuff attatched that are just minor additions to its "sharpness"

2010-04-13, 11:05 PM
Koujin's shikai does nothing besides change the shape of his weapons, and make them sharp. Proto-bankai and Bankai have other abilities, But shikai is just sharpness. Sakura's zanpakutou does that, and other stuff besides.

(I specifically limited his shikai to 'gets sharp', so as to try and avoid complaints about his two zanpakutou being too strong.)

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 11:11 PM
I'm not a fan of the "Proto-bankai" still. It seems tacky...and really we've seen people with powers like that before in cannon. Its just a special power of the zanpakuto itself.

And there's a difference between "Very sharp" and "Cuts other people's blades sharp". The distinction, while narrow, is important.

He's also a seated while she's a Captain.

(This is not a true Bankai, but a result of the partially-connected nature of the two zanpakutou) Both the zanpakutou are held crossed before his face then quickly snapped to the sides, where they 'shatter' into Proto-Bankai form. The blades extend and narrow slightly, handgrip pinching off from the rest of the weapon. The blade floats separately from the hilt, but moves as if joined. The blade can invert itself for unexpected attacks though. Koujin gains thin, incredibly hard armor over his upper torso, forearms, shins and head. His Zanpakutou have increased in hardness to the point that they can even damage shikai with relative ease, and can cut just about any normal material. They can even slice through reirykou, disrupting kido, zanpaktou abilities, and practically anything created from reishi/reirykou.

To use this release, Koujin must select one or the other of his zanpakutou as the primary weapon (chosen by the name he uses during the release process). This determines both the material his armor is composed of, as well as the secondary ability he gains. If he picks Suishouba, he can feed his armor with his reirykou and cause it to grow crystalline spikes, attacking nearby foes. If instead Kyouba is selected, Koujin’s image becomes distorted as he moves. His image shimmers, fragments, and shatters, causing it to be very difficult to know what he’s doing as he moves.

This is technically his Shikai's power. Which is -alot- more then just sharpness.

Purple Rose
2010-04-13, 11:16 PM

Gems in the path: No problem editing that so that the path is plain stone.

Ban Kai: Yeah, it is a bit unclear at the moment. Her sword slowly encases her opponent in diamond until they are completely trapped. If she fails to capture them then her sword returns to its normal state.

I think I might modify it so that either she spends X amount of time within range she traps them and if she spends X amount of time out of range her Ban Kai fails.

43 strikes: I actually wanted an ability that was only useful against Hollows, as that is kind of what they are originally supposed to be used against. :smallwink:

7 strikes: I had planned on this being an all or nothing. Seven strikes that hit as if they are one. I went for the seven mostly for the number theme.

EDIT: In terms of her sword being very sharp... well... If you noticed, none of her abilities have to do with actually cutting things. This was intentional. So...

2010-04-13, 11:18 PM
I worry about the "instantaneous strikes" in relation to a character already suggested. This guy (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8282796&postcount=29), specifically, whose only current power is to do just that. Hopefully the strikes aren't nearly as "instantaneous" as they sound.

Otherwise, the power-set seems interesting.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 11:19 PM
I'd just like to say Purple, her Bankai when combined with Takeshi's Red Light, Green Light would be...well probably completly broken. Even if the range is only 60 feet.

2010-04-13, 11:22 PM
I'd just like to say Purple, her Bankai when combined with Takeshi's Red Light, Green Light would be...well probably completly broken. Even if the range is only 60 feet.

Why? And even still, its a one-shot type deal that breaks the zanpakuto for a long time.

EDIT: Ooooh I get it now:smallredface:

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 11:25 PM
Well, all things considered, maybe not broken, but particularly potent, as Red Light, Green Light punishs you for moving, while her whole power requries them to remain within a certain area. Movement suppresion and a timer on being sealed in daimond is a fairly strong combo

2010-04-13, 11:27 PM
Your point of 'sharp' compared to 'cuts swords sharp' is good. I suppose as long as that distinction is kept, it's alright by me.

Proto-bankai is him releasing one of his swords into bankai at a time. This is not shikai...at all. I would like to understand why it seems tacky to you, and if there's anything I could do to dissuade you of that opinion.

2010-04-13, 11:27 PM
Alternatively, they could take a sword and just get out of the area. Depends on the foe, though.

On the other hand, why there are two captains fighting together in this game is beyond me...

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 11:30 PM
Proto-bankai is him releasing one of his swords into bankai at a time. This is not shikai...at all. I would like to understand why it seems tacky to you, and if there's anything I could do to dissuade you of that opinion.

The fact he can release one sword in Bankai in and of itself is...what? He has -two- zanpakuto? Like, literaly?

Alternatively, they could take a sword and just get out of the area. Depends on the foe, though.

On the other hand, why there are two captains fighting together in this game is beyond me...

There could be tons of reasons. Even if its a lower powered game to start, that dosn't mean that the Captain's have to play stupid.

2010-04-13, 11:32 PM
I worry about the "instantaneous strikes" in relation to a character already suggested. This guy (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8282796&postcount=29), specifically, whose only current power is to do just that. Hopefully the strikes aren't nearly as "instantaneous" as they sound.

Otherwise, the power-set seems interesting.

Norenni is kind of the same deal. When he releases his Shikai, every one of his movements is as fast as a Captain using Shunpo.

Of course, he is a Brawler, so it less of a overlap.

2010-04-13, 11:34 PM
There could be tons of reasons. Even if its a lower powered game to start, that dosn't mean that the Captain's have to play stupid.

No, but the whole point is that the threat shouldn't be so great that we need two Captains in bankai to do it for us unless this is the end of the game and all the "weak" characters have leveled up to the point where they are relatively strong and could theoretically do the job.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 11:36 PM
I was simply making an observation. And there are still fairly powerful threats in the game, The Espada for example, or Kujo. Things that the mortal cast can't contend with.

2010-04-13, 11:40 PM
Things that the mortal cast can't contend with.
This is something I have a problem with. At some point, if I don't want Nick to fade off into the background of being the non sayn cast of DBZ (yes he's there, no, he can't do anything to the villains) I will have to make him way more powerful than I intend him to be, or let him get killed with a wave of an enemies hand.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 11:44 PM
This is something I have a problem with. At some point, if I don't want Nick to fade off into the background of being the non sayn cast of DBZ (yes he's there, no, he can't do anything to the villains) I will have to make him way more powerful than I intend him to be, or let him get killed with a wave of an enemies hand.

There are plenty of examples in the old game, and in other media not Shonen that should easily put those worries to rest. Perhaps I was to obtuse when I said "Can't contend with."

But its part of the structure now. Captain's and Espada are well above the power level of the mortal world. The focus is on the mortal and weaker characters, but the Captains are clearly still around. The big Bads are still around, the Espada is still around. The King and Queen of the Hollows have Segunda Etapa.

There are still high powered characters that Nick, and who so ever else populates the high reachs of the game. People are already discussing their "power ups"...The Captains, Espada etc don't get those sorts of things.

But even then, there will always be "teir's" of power by the very nature of the game. Thats just how it works. I for one won't be apart of the game if we take out the Espada and the Captain's. Thats just not Bleach.

2010-04-13, 11:45 PM
I was simply making an observation. And there are still fairly powerful threats in the game, The Espada for example, or Kujo. Things that the mortal cast can't contend with.

Isn't the whole point that the Mortal/lower-level Shinigami Cast can contend with them eventually? Having the Mortals and the lower-level shinigami be the focus of the game is sorta pointless if we don't have them also defeating the final enemy.

It is a semi-viable tactic. Or it would be, if it weren't two Bankais together. I mean, how often do two Captains need to both use Bankai? But I suppose it is something interesting to think about.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 11:47 PM
Isn't the whole point that the Mortal/lower-level Shinigami Cast can contend with them eventually? Having the Mortals and the lower-level shinigami be the focus of the game is sorta pointless if we don't have them also defeating the final enemy.

It is a semi-viable tactic. Or it would be, if it weren't two Bankais together. I mean, how often do two Captains need to both use Bankai? But I suppose it is something interesting to think about.

1. Yes. Thats the idea, but game start, there -are- things they can't contend with. It was merely a reference to that. Again, it was just an intesting side comment. You don't need to get the lynch mob ready for me.

2. See above.

2010-04-13, 11:49 PM
Your Captain really goes well with a lot of people, though not in typical ways.

For example. Stop moving, get nuked by Super-Death-Cannon-Bankai. Force movement through lantern maze while having limited vision and getting stabbed by invisible swords. The less obvious, the more strangely interesting.

2010-04-13, 11:50 PM
The thing is...

As it stands, those two Captains working together pretty much guarantee defeating an opponent.

So, if it's a situation where the Captains are mobilized at all, why wouldn't they decide to coordinate?

I mean, their powers, roughly speaking, would be known to each other and their fellow Captains. And Masaru (if he was made Captain) would certainly propose them working in tandem like this. It's not a hugely complicated strategy, after all.:smallwink:

2010-04-13, 11:54 PM
As it stands, those two Captains working together pretty much guarantee defeating an opponent.

Not really. My understanding of Innis's Captain is that the opponent can just move if they want, they just get slashed/stabbed. Depending on the opponent, that might not even be a great lost to avoid instant-death by crystallization (or at least the equivalent).

And if people did tactically correct things in Shonen, we'd be done with Bleach by now. But they don't, they do what's "best for the story," so to speak, so we really don't know what would happen.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-13, 11:55 PM
Their personalities also make the pair up oddly apt, as one is a serious and level headed Spiritualist. The other is a boozing, womanizing teenager....

2010-04-13, 11:55 PM
Acidwire could force Orihime's soul out of her body with his hands, without killing her.

Hate to bring up this old point again, but I want to point out that Acidwire could do that because Orihime was on the verge of death after she got hit. It was only because Rukia was there to help her that Orihime didn't die. :smallwink: Carry on.

2010-04-13, 11:57 PM
Not really. My understanding of Innis's Captain is that the opponent can just move if they want, they just get slashed/stabbed. Depending on the opponent, that might not even be a great lost to avoid instant-death by crystallization (or at least the equivalent).

And if people did tactically correct things in Shonen, we'd be done with Bleach by now. But they don't, they do what's "best for the story," so to speak, so we really don't know what would happen.

Hopefully we aren't expected to throw tactics out the window too much.

Or Masaru, and my "angle" on the 8th Division becomes pointless. Since their whole thing is "tactics and strategy".

2010-04-13, 11:58 PM
The fact he can release one sword in Bankai in and of itself is...what? He has -two- zanpakuto? Like, literally?

Not...quite. A zanpakutou is an incarnation of a shinigami's spiritual strength. Since before he became a shinigami, he's had a lot of potential power. So he 'subconsciously' split it into manageable pieces. Each Zanpaktou is composed of a portion of that power, and functions mostly independently. They can be (actually, must be) released into shikai separately. Same goes for bankai, but because of their separated nature but can't achieve the full capabilities of a real Bankai. Thus, a 'proto-bankai'.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-14, 12:00 AM
Not really. My understanding of Innis's Captain is that the opponent can just move if they want, they just get slashed/stabbed. Depending on the opponent, that might not even be a great lost to avoid instant-death by crystallization (or at least the equivalent).

And if people did tactically correct things in Shonen, we'd be done with Bleach by now. But they don't, they do what's "best for the story," so to speak, so we really don't know what would happen.

We're not a shonen series. We're...just RP. So tactics can be included.

As for the combo, the more you move, the more you get attacked. And while that dosn't seem that big a deal at first, its not just every step you take, its every major physical move you take. Block the attack, you get punished. So in the end, your fighting a losing battle -if- you decide to defend yourself. You don't -have- to. You can take the penalities. Against a well armored foe the Red Light, Green Light game isn't a threat at all.

Add in the threat of immobilization through being encased in diamond on the other hand...well. You don't have to stand still for that power to take effect, you just have to be within 300 feet of her. So, if your to busy defending yourself from getting the ever living crap attacked out of you, your -not- taking the time to get the hell away from the person thats coating you in a wedding ring commercial.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-14, 12:06 AM
Not...quite. A zanpakutou is an incarnation of a shinigami's spiritual strength. Since before he became a shinigami, he's had a lot of potential power. So he 'subconsciously' split it into manageable pieces. Each Zanpaktou is composed of a portion of that power, and functions mostly independently. They can be (actually, must be) released into shikai separately. Same goes for bankai, but because of their separated nature but can't achieve the full capabilities of a real Bankai. Thus, a 'proto-bankai'.

That...dosn't really make any sense.

First of all, the "proto-" part on the Bankai is as misleading as it is incorrect. Proto means "First" not "Part". To me, it implies it is a pre-bankai, sort of like the Proto-Cultures of many civilizations.

Second a zanpakuto isn't just the spiritual strength of the Shinigami or Arrancar, but literaly part of their soul. For the above to make sense, he'd have to have multiple souls inside of him, or have a fractured soul...which again that part dosn't really make sense, synch up with the rest of the game's lore or...really fit anywhere in the current set up.

Having to release his weapons into Shikai seperatly dosn't make sense. Then he -would- have two Zanpakuto, and...thats not possible. We've already established that in this very thread, or well..the last thread but the fact remains. Two Zanpakuto isn't possible.

His zanpakuto dosn't behave like a Shinigami's weapon. Or any other type of "Race" in Bleach.

2010-04-14, 12:07 AM
Since before he became a shinigami, he's had a lot of potential power.

This line worries me. A lot.

As for the Captain's not working together, if they were smart, yeah they would do that. But generally, nobody in Bleach is smart.

And there is a third Option Innis. Beat the ever living Crap out of your Captain. Since he doesn't have a Weapon, if they do more damage then your strikes, they win.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-14, 12:09 AM
And there is a third Option Innis. Beat the ever living Crap out of your Captain. Since he doesn't have a Weapon, if they do more damage then your strikes, they win.

He does have a weapon, he can pull out his blade at any time from the lantern's.

2010-04-14, 12:19 AM
Meh, I'm just saying, this isn't a tactic we should expect to use.

By the way, we should reduce 2nd Division's duties a bit from canon. I was reading the Onmitsukidō entry, and it seems they do everything in canon.

2010-04-14, 12:19 AM
He does have a weapon, he can pull out his blade at any time from the lantern's.

Oh sorry, I misread that. But still it doesn't change the facts. Take the Penalty, and beat the crap out of Takeshi. If a character has the power to challenge a Captain Class Entity, then they could win that way. They just have to do more damage then Takeshi's Bankai can put out, or have some way of ignoring it.

For instance, my Captain can pretty much afford to ignore the Red Light/Green Light Game. The Function of his Bankai is singular. He Heals pretty much from anything, almost instantly, unless it is immedietely fatal in nature. He'll get slashed a lot, but he'll just heal through it. The CG is the same way. His Armor will take care of the slashes, and in the meantime, your Captain lacks the same. There are ways to beat the conundrum. It just takes a being with sufficient power (which I don't really see as a problem.)

Defeating two Captain Class Entities at once should be difficult, if not impossible, for one being.

2010-04-14, 12:21 AM
Meh, I'm just saying, this isn't a tactic we should expect to use.

By the way, we should reduce 2nd Division's duties a bit from canon. I was reading the Onmitsukidō entry, and it seems they do everything in canon.

They aren't Janitors.

That's the 4th's Job!

Innis Cabal
2010-04-14, 12:24 AM
Oh sorry, I misread that. But still it doesn't change the facts. Take the Penalty, and beat the crap out of Takeshi. If a character has the power to challenge a Captain Class Entity, then they could win that way. They just have to do more damage then Takeshi's Bankai can put out, or have some way of ignoring it.

For instance, my Captain can pretty much afford to ignore the Red Light/Green Light Game. The Function of his Bankai is singular. He Heals pretty much from anything, almost instantly, unless it is immedietely fatal in nature. He'll get slashed a lot, but he'll just heal through it. The CG is the same way. His Armor will take care of the slashes, and in the meantime, your Captain lacks the same. There are ways to beat the conundrum. It just takes a being with sufficient power (which I don't really see as a problem.)

Well, that was the idea. I didn't want to make the games unbeatable. Anyone with sufficent wit and tactical where with all shouldn't be to hard pressed against a single game. Takeshi can -also- do the same, or just end the game and switch it. The game dosn't have to have winner or loser, it can simply end.

His bankai isn't so much as over powering the opponent, as being as inconvinent and tenacious as possible. The enemy has to figure out the rules of the game as well...which none are designed to be difficult. But unlike Captain Grab Ass, Takeshi isn't forced to play them out to conclusion, explain the rules or even talk about it to his opponent until its way to late to make a difference.

2010-04-14, 12:27 AM
Proto-bankai is 'before' bankai. Not a complete bankai; still immature.

He has two spirits, one for each of his blades. Not unlike either of the cannon captains with dual zanpakutou. (granted that it's filler, but still) I guess I don't understand the reasoning behind not being able to split a soul into three, when being split into two is so common.

Why does that worry you, and how can I fix it? I was modeling it after Hitsugaya, and had that in mind for the description you quoted.

2010-04-14, 12:27 AM
Meh, I'm just saying, this isn't a tactic we should expect to use.

By the way, we should reduce 2nd Division's duties a bit from canon. I was reading the Onmitsukidō entry, and it seems they do everything in canon.


It has the "Executive Militia". The "Ninjas". In the last RP, I just folded this into 2nd Division proper, with no distinction of forces. I humbly suggest a similar route in Reborn.

It has the "Patrol Corps" for Seireitei. We gave that to one of the other Divisions in the last RP, I think. Suggest this be given to the "Patrol/Recon Division" in Reborn.

It has the "Detention Unit". Which, I believe, went to 8th in the last game. Would possibly go to the "Police Division" in Reborn.

And it has the "Reversal Counter Force", which is glorified messengers. I believe current BleachITP has this going to 5th Division. Suggest possibly doing the same for Reborn.

That way, we kind of make the Divisions more evenly spread, duty-wise.

2010-04-14, 12:29 AM
Well, that was the idea. I didn't want to make the games unbeatable. Anyone with sufficent wit and tactical where with all shouldn't be to hard pressed against a single game. Takeshi can -also- do the same, or just end the game and switch it. The game dosn't have to have winner or loser, it can simply end.

His bankai isn't so much as over powering the opponent, as being as inconvinent and tenacious as possible. The enemy has to figure out the rules of the game as well...which none are designed to be difficult. But unlike Captain Grab Ass, Takeshi isn't forced to play them out to conclusion, explain the rules or even talk about it to his opponent until its way to late to make a difference.

Oh I'm not disagreeing. I'm just saying that the dilemma that your combination tactic works one (the choice of standing still, and being encased, or being cut to Ribbons by the Game) isn't quite accurate. If someone decides to not play by the rules, it stops working. I think I kind of lost my point somewhere. I agree with you. It is a good tactic. It just isn't unbeatable. It is as powerful as Two Captain's working in concert should be.

And I rather like your Bankai. It is inventive.

(Also, Captain Grab Ass is awesome.)

2010-04-14, 12:32 AM
I think I kind of lost my point somewhere.

I think your point was it isn't that amazing when combined with Purple Rose's captain entry's powers.

2010-04-14, 12:33 AM
Why does that worry you, and how can I fix it? I was modeling it after Hitsugaya, and had that in mind for the description you quoted.

Tell me if I am reading it wrong then. Logical conclusion chain.

A) Koujin has lots of Spiritual Power.
B) Koujin has so much spiritual power that he had to split his Shikai up to make it managable.
C) Other Shinigami, including most of the Captains, have one Shikai.
D) Therefore, their spiritual power is at levels where it is controllable as one Shikai.
E) Koujin is therefore more powerful then all of the Captains (and other Shinigami) with one Zanpaktou.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-14, 12:33 AM
Proto-bankai is 'before' bankai. Not a complete bankai; still immature.

He has two spirits, one for each of his blades. Not unlike either of the cannon captains with dual zanpakutou. (granted that it's filler, but still) I guess I don't understand the reasoning behind not being able to split a soul into three, when being split into two is so common.

Why does that worry you, and how can I fix it? I was modeling it after Hitsugaya, and had that in mind for the description you quoted.

Because thats not how Zanpakuto behave? Like, at all?

With all the scrutiny and reworking of other peoples characters, I'm honestly not sure how that wasn't caught. He technically has -two- bankai. But not really.

Why can't it be a seperate power of his shikai? What makes it -have- to be this yet unseen "Proto-Bankai" even though thats not how zanpakuto's operate. We don't -know- dual zanpakuto's are the way they are because of "split spiritual power". Thats why its tacky, its an explaination on something that -already- has a well defined bit of lore behind it. Dual Zanpakuto are just that, two weapons. Its still one part of a Shinigami's soul.

And of the other 5 in this game, his is the only one who operate's like that. Which makes me ask the question. Why? Why is his uinque when dual zanpakuto's arn't really all that rare.

Dual-Blade Type: Zanpakutō that feature more than one blade in Shikai release. It is decidedly rare for one to possess such a weapon and therefore it says a lot about the uniqueness of its wielder's spiritual power.

There's a write up on what a Dual Blade Type entails taken from one of the Data-Books. Which, are cannon.

2010-04-14, 12:41 AM

It has the "Executive Militia". The "Ninjas". In the last RP, I just folded this into 2nd Division proper, with no distinction of forces. I humbly suggest a similar route in Reborn.

It has the "Patrol Corps" for Seireitei. We gave that to one of the other Divisions in the last RP, I think. Suggest this be given to the "Patrol/Recon Division" in Reborn.

It has the "Detention Unit". Which, I believe, went to 8th in the last game. Would possibly go to the "Police Division" in Reborn.

And it has the "Reversal Counter Force", which is glorified messengers. I believe current BleachITP has this going to 5th Division. Suggest possibly doing the same for Reborn.

That way, we kind of make the Divisions more evenly spread, duty-wise.

Here's my suggestion so far in reading:
"Executive Militia" goes to 2nd, as usual.
"Patrol Corp" goes to the "Police Division," because it seems their job is to basically control Sereitei itself. Sounds like the Police to me.
"Detention" goes to 3rd. The Police Division should actually spend time policing, another unit can be the jailors since they have the manpower and I don't expect there to be executions every day.
"Reversal Counter Force" goes where you suggested, the "Messenger Division."

I'll make a more official write-up for 3rd that might detail why I would like them to have the Detention Unit when I'm not swamped in enough work that my mind does not want to focus on writing things.

I'll have a write-up this weekend. Too much work right now to put it all down, but I have ideas churning around in my head.

2010-04-14, 12:48 AM
Your logic breaks down when you assume Koujin's shikai equals any other shinigami's shikai. Put together, they equal more than one shikai. But they aren't together, and can't be used together until the actual bankai. Also (I didn't specify this before, but it was my intention all along) part of the power is sealed away in the dividing process; each zanpakutou getting, for example, 2/5 of his strength, while the remaining 1/5 being used in the splitting process.

He has two half-bankai. Or 2/5 bankai, to use the previous explanation.

If anything, it would be an alternate ability of his Bankai, not Shikai. It was actually (originally) patterned off of Byakuya's bankai, with its three stages. It behaves a little differently in the reborn setup, but not fundamentally differently.

Is the little story/explanation I gave earlier not acceptable as to why he has two partially-independent zanpakutou? And besides that, why is it bad that Koujin's setup is unique?

2010-04-14, 12:49 AM
Hmmm... I might actually drop my Captain, and just go with my Substitute and the (probably 4th seat) officer I put the Z-pac idea up for recently. Give other people a bigger chance, especially as I had the CG spot last time. :smallsmile:

2010-04-14, 12:50 AM
Byakuya doesn't have "stages".

He just has a couple of special attacks. His Bankai doesn't fundamentally change, he's just shaping it differently. First into a whole bunch of swords, then cramming it all into one sword.

So it's really kind of a poor comparison.

Hmmm... I might actually drop my Captain, and just go with my Substitute and the (probably 4th seat) officer I put the Z-pac idea up for recently. Give other people a bigger chance, especially as I had the CG spot last time. :smallsmile:
At least wait and see if someone else tries for 11th Captain. I'd hate for us to run short. :smallwink:

Innis Cabal
2010-04-14, 01:07 AM
Your logic breaks down when you assume Koujin's shikai equals any other shinigami's shikai. Put together, they equal more than one shikai. But they aren't together, and can't be used together until the actual bankai. Also (I didn't specify this before, but it was my intention all along) part of the power is sealed away in the dividing process; each zanpakutou getting, for example, 2/5 of his strength, while the remaining 1/5 being used in the splitting process.

He has two half-bankai. Or 2/5 bankai, to use the previous explanation.

If anything, it would be an alternate ability of his Bankai, not Shikai. It was actually (originally) patterned off of Byakuya's bankai, with its three stages. It behaves a little differently in the reborn setup, but not fundamentally differently.

Is the little story/explanation I gave earlier not acceptable as to why he has two partially-independent zanpakutou? And besides that, why is it bad that Koujin's setup is unique?

1. Its not bad its unique. Its bad because it dosn't follow the way Zanpakuto function, interact with the Shinigami or...well. With your description its -not- a zanpakuto. Its something else all togather.

2. The Bolded. Its a shikai that togather (which, it -is- togather in a small way) is more then a Shikai? What? No. No way thats going to slide. Thats -not- how it works. You get one shikai. One Bankai. Not a Bankai and a Half or any other stupid crazy fractions.

I don't know how to be more clear on where the problem is comming from Mage.

2010-04-14, 01:10 AM
And I'm still worried by your explanation. If that is the case, then your Bankai will be more powerful then any of the Shinigami (including the Captains) who lack your characters condition, correct? There is no more splitting of power, after all.

2010-04-14, 01:14 AM
If I may, I think he just said that his zanpakuto is scaling up in equal increments of fifths rather than the normal 2 releases that have more exaggerated power gaps between eachother. So at its peak, 5/5 its no stronger than another shinigami's bankai.

But I've been wrong many times before, and, even if this were the case, Innis doesn't really think its such a great idea.

Innis Cabal
2010-04-14, 01:16 AM
If I may, I think he just said that his zanpakuto is scaling up in equal increments of fifths rather than the normal 2 releases that have more exaggerated power gaps between eachother.. So at its peak, 5/5 its no stronger than another shinigami's bankai.

But I've been wrong many times before, and, even if this were the case, Innis doesn't really think its such a great idea.

That goes counter to what he's saying. He's saying his Shikai -would- be stronger then any other shikai if it wasn't split. Which...that dosn't work under how shikai and bankai are set up.

And I don't think its a great idea, I think (like so many have hammered other characters for) it goes against what a Shinigami and Zanpakuto are. In fact, it isn't at all what they are as written or how any other character is set up.

2010-04-14, 01:27 AM
I just think the whole 2 spirits for 2 swords thing is unnecessary. Shunsui and Ukitake have zanpakuto split into two swords but each zanpakuto only has one spirit. Why is an extra spirit needed? Why not just say your one spirit has its own split personality but it is still only one spirit? If you want an incomplete bankai why not say your character has achieved bankai but to a very very limited degree? Like in canon a character says someone that learns bankai gets I forget, like 5 to 10 times stronger. Why not say you're only twice as strong in your bankai form starting out but then your bankai eventually becomes as strong as the rest? Why not say certain abilities you don't want your character to have at the moment are abilities he will learn later? Ichigo's hollow form knows how to use Getsuga Tensho before the regular Ichigo is able to. Why not say your character subconsciously knows his abilities but simply can't call upon them consciously yet?

2010-04-14, 01:29 AM
That goes counter to what he's saying. He's saying his Shikai -would- be stronger then any other shikai if it wasn't split. Which...that dosn't work under how shikai and bankai are set up.

And I don't think its a great idea, I think (like so many have hammered other characters for) it goes against what a Shinigami and Zanpakuto are. In fact, it isn't at all what they are as written or how any other character is set up.

I wasn't putting everything together at once... sorry about that. Also, don't take my word for it, I'm not Mage.

But this is not to say I don't agree with you Innis. I was just trying to make sense of the other side of the argument.

2010-04-14, 01:34 AM
How is a cloud of bladed cherry-blossom petals not fundamentally different than a collection of hanging swords, or a single one? I mean in fluff he's compressing them into smaller forms, but mechanically they're quite different.

For simplicity's sake, here's a different way of describing the situation. Koujin has two weak zanpakutou. They both spring from the same powersource, but exist independently. When fully released, they can be used truly together, rather than just at the same time. There, no fractions.

It works just like two zanpakutou, except for bankai, Where it's one zanpakutou. If you'd explain where it diverges from being a zanpakutou, I'd like to hear it. More than 'it does', preferably.

Kraz is accurate in his description, of the fully released bankai not necessarily being any stronger than another character's bankai. It's actually probably weaker, as i was planning on putting a time-limit on it, as well as the possibility of being knocked out of bankai (kind of like how Renji was thrown 'off balance' when fighting Byakuya).

Innis (again):
So, all shikai have to be just as strong as each other? The fact that one character in shikai can beat (or at least fight evenly) another character in bankai means their shikai doesn't 'work'?

Both captains mentioned (at least in filler) actually do have two spirits, or at least two manifested forms. The same could be said of Suishouba and Kyouba. Two halves of one zanpakutou? Two separate spirits? Either way...
What you described is almost exactly the same as how this character was designed in the previous game. I wanted to try and take a different spin on it, and give a more 'solid' reason that his abilities worked differently than normal.

2010-04-14, 03:26 AM

Resubmitting Vince for this game... as last time he was in the lower tiers I figure he shouldn't really need a power change, though I did make him more combat effective.. and less iffy.

Name: Vince Ramori

Rank: Captain of the 10th division.

Zanpaktou: "作詞家の追悼" or The Mourning Lyricist. A constant release type Zanpaktou, Vince is always carrying around a blue stratacaster electric guitar that bears a lightning pattern around the fretboard.

Personality: Fairly laid back, and easy going. He tends not to sweat other people's mistakes, and is fairly quick to forgive someone if they're genuinely trying to repent / seek forgiveness... however he cannot tolerate hypocrite's and liars, and those two things tend to be his biggest pet peeve's. Anything else, he can really tolerate to a degree, even if it comes to smacking him silly.



Upon release the form of "作詞家の追悼", In shikai his zanpaktou changes radically, from a hollow bodied acoustic, to a solid body electric, lightning literally running up the neck of the new form, a aura of similar energies forming a corona of defense around me, this aura is focused into tangible energies each time a note is plucked, sending out a lightning fast burst of energy, but this leaves him open to physical attacks if you manage to get around the lightning serpents.

Ban-Kai!: ("ハンマー地獄嵐!", (Fire rains from the sky, Holy Judgement now lost, punish the wicked, Raging God!)
In this form, The Mourning Lyricist changes entirely from it's Shikai, another neck being added to the guitar being added entirely, and Vince's body is immolated entirely in fire, and his body becomes enveloped in a psychoactive "skin" of burning red reiatsu that burns most anything that touches it, in this form, his guitar becomes a bass guitar, and by playing the right power chord, he can produce 3 effects that tie in with each other. Though this power burns out fast, his bankai is a roaring inferno in it's full release. Right now though, he simply doesn't have the control to keep it up for very long.

Act 1: Hybrid Rainbow (http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=5xE06hZRTYU&feature=related) (Duration 3 posts.): By playing this set of chords, and notes, Vince grows massive red wings, allowing him to fly with a good measure of dexterity, and to create massive gusts of burning wind that scorches those caught in it's gust.

Act 2: Bakunetsu Chuushin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls7oOxUBbYQ): With this ability active ( requires Act 1, duration 3 posts.), he can fire energy attacks equivalent to a Hado 72 from his guitar at intervals of 5 seconds, for a total of 5 attacks before he needs 10 seconds (two posts) of recharge time.

Final Act: (Requires both Act 1, and Act 2 to be played ( Required time to get to 6 posts. Total time duration: 6 posts.) kyuukyoku waza (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxTsZr6cNv0): In his final act, every chord he plays bursts with power, the end result being something like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=4Nb5Ohbt1Sg&feature=related), though each blast is fairly weak, weaker than even a basic zanpaktou attack from a Captain, it's the sheer BULK of beam spam that makes this dangerous, wearing down even the best defense with sheer rapid attrition.

Reiatsu: A deep sea blue is the color of his Reitsu, (text color is Royal Blue), but in Bankai it becomes Red.

Spirit: A boy seeming to be in his early teens holding a double necked bass in his hands, he seems to be fairly easy going most of the time, but when you insult his music... well let's say he'll attempt to harm you.

Addendum: Posts means 2-6 of MY posts, not including enemies, as this would make his bankai stupidly short in case of fighting multiple lower level foes.

2010-04-14, 08:34 AM
...I actually have another idea for a character who's recycled from the current BleachitP. Probably just an officer, because of my reasons for suggesting it.

Daisuke. Not Daisuke as a Vizard, and no Takeshi. But Daisuke, as just an ordinary officer, a lot younger, and significantly weaker. :smalltongue:

What do you guys think? Would this be a possibility?

Explanation of my reasons for this below in spoilers:

When I first made Daisuke, I was thinking 'what would a CG be like', but at the same time, I still wanted to make a character that would be able to... actually get in there. Into the thick of things.

In hindsight, I should have gone for another position if I wanted to do this. But I still want to use the Zanpaktou of Daisuke (and if you think about it, Shinken isn't overpowered in and of itself, it's CG Daisuke's reiatsu that made him so powerful). And I still want to use... Daisuke himself. There will be differences- he'll have a few differences in personality, and he'll probably be a... 3rd or 4th seated officer, maybe a Captain if I decide to drop Kichirou in favor of him, but then I get back to the problem of not being able to put him in an actual fight that much.

Indeed, the 'wanting to be in the thick of things' may lead me to drop Kichirou anyway- this time around, I'm a lot less interested in playing one of the leaders of Soul Society.

2010-04-14, 11:14 AM
For the record, Reene doe not have segunda etapa yet. She will acquire it ingame around the same time as the characters she will be primarily interacting with (the mortal world crew) gain power, or possible before, if she is taking a strong antagonic role to spurn the mortals towards achieving the heighs of their power.

The King, however, has segunda etapa. But much like the source material for his releases, he will be staying back and making sure the troops are churning out as fast as possible.

2010-04-14, 11:31 AM


Hollow Rush! Kekekekeke!

2010-04-14, 11:38 AM
So.. No comments on Vince, or his powers?

2010-04-14, 12:28 PM
Well, as resident Grammar Fascist, I should point out that the Shikai has some pronoun issues.

Beyond that, it seems interesting. The only ability that worries me is the Final Act technique. It seems like a rather strong incentive to make fights with him as quick as possible, and I honestly think that should be discouraged; it prevents proper buildup, in my opinion, making the fight less satisfying. Maybe some sort of drawback, like keeping that up for, say, two posts leaves him totally exhausted or something.

horngeek, I'm fine with Daisuke being brought back for the reasons that you describe.

2010-04-14, 12:37 PM
Well, as resident Grammar Fascist, I should point out that the Shikai has some pronoun issues.

Beyond that, it seems interesting. The only ability that worries me is the Final Act technique. It seems like a rather strong incentive to make fights with him as quick as possible, and I honestly think that should be discouraged; it prevents proper buildup, in my opinion, making the fight less satisfying. Maybe some sort of drawback, like keeping that up for, say, two posts leaves him totally exhausted or something.

horngeek, I'm fine with Daisuke being brought back for the reasons that you describe.

Well, I figured 6 posts of duration, after 6 posts build up... plus whatever you fight unreleased, and shikai release would be sufficent.

But I see your point, I'll say that after 2 posts after the 6 post duration he begins to suffer fatigue, and after 4 total posts, he's completely exhausted.

Giving him a total of 16 posts to work with in Bankai alone.

2010-04-14, 12:50 PM
@Horngeek: Sounds cool. This definitely means that Akira is dead, since light zanpakuto is basically the same between them. Not that Akira wasn't really dead anyways, unless someone really likes him and wants me to do something with him.

@Fan: How does he perform Konso?

2010-04-14, 12:53 PM
@Horngeek: Sounds cool. This definitely means that Akira is dead, since light zanpakuto is basically the same between them. Not that Akira wasn't really dead anyways, unless someone really likes him and wants me to do something with him.

@Fan: How does he perform Konso?

By smashing your face in with his guitar, that or preforming "Zelda's Lullaby".

The prior is for hollow, the latter is for pluses.:smalltongue:

2010-04-14, 12:54 PM
tvga, konso isn't really that much of an issue regardless of what the shape zanpakutou takes.

Hilt or no hilt, as long as the seal thingy is somewhere in the item for the shinigami to slap someone in the forehead with, konso can be performed.

2010-04-14, 12:57 PM
Fan, you mention he's going to carry over exactly the powers he had before. As he was a "low-tier Captain".

The powers mentioned here seem to be "lighting blasts", with the addition of the molten armor thing.

However, in the current game, you've had him displaying some level of magnetic power, up to the point of affecting the iron in peoples' blood, to slow them down and such.

As well, I recall him conjuring a roaring tower of fire or some such. Is that part of Act 2?

Finally, I recall him tanking punches from Satoshi rather handily. Is that same level of armoring/protection going to carry over?

2010-04-14, 01:01 PM
Konso is an issue you should have an answer to, because if you can't answer it then you don't have a Zanpakuto and you're not a Shinigami.

How does he excise hollows? Does bashing their faces in automatically do that?

I still have this problem with Zanpakuto that aren't swords in base form, because...it's not really a Zanpakuto as the definition states ("soul-cutter sword"), it's something else entirely. Maybe I'm the only person, but if you don't want to have a sword-type weapon as a base, you can be an Arrancar or have a full-release type.

2010-04-14, 01:01 PM
I took away the armor entirely, it no longer exists. What now is in it's place is a light sheath of burning energy that slightly injures hand to hand combatants that fight him. Anyone with a weapon isn't really going to be bothered by it.

The raging tornado of fire is also gone, the only thing present is now is the ability to shoot one blast of pure energy out of his guitar every post, before he needs a few posts to recharge due to "overheating" issues, and senbonzakura except with lasers instead of blades.

@ TGVA: Well, if you have an issue with it.. I'll just have it be a constant release type then. No real issue then right?

2010-04-14, 01:25 PM
Then no, there would be no issue. :smallwink:

2010-04-14, 01:28 PM
Konso is an issue you should have an answer to, because if you can't answer it then you don't have a Zanpakuto and you're not a Shinigami.

How does he excise hollows? Does bashing their faces in automatically do that?

I still have this problem with Zanpakuto that aren't swords in base form, because...it's not really a Zanpakuto as the definition states ("soul-cutter sword"), it's something else entirely. Maybe I'm the only person, but if you don't want to have a sword-type weapon as a base, you can be an Arrancar or have a full-release type.While I agree, I should point out that shinigami have been known to modify their weapons' sealed forms, such as Ikkaku adding a container of ointment and Yachiru adding wheels.

2010-04-14, 01:38 PM
Yes, but those are small things that are canonically added later. A guitar is a bit much of a deviation for a "base" form, and I apologize for causing trouble.

2010-04-14, 02:14 PM
Yes, but those are small things that are canonically added later. A guitar is a bit much of a deviation for a "base" form, and I apologize for causing trouble."Hey cool, a sword-cane!"
"Everything is sword. Sword-cane, sword-sword-sharpener, sword-pie...

Wait, what happened to my sword-pie?"

2010-04-14, 02:53 PM
"Modifications to a sword" is a bit different than "this isn't a sword" to me.

It's probably only an issue for a small number of people, but it's still an issue I have for flavor. I mean, there are other character options available if you don't want to use a sword.

2010-04-14, 02:57 PM
Okay. In that case, for the reasons I've already stated, I am going to be dropping Kichirou.

The only way I will end up playing a Captain in this RP is if one of my characters becomes one through events.

This is not very likely, since none of them have that as one of their goals.

2010-04-14, 05:05 PM
Possibly final write-up of my old character, with all the mentioned problems fixed. Any other comments/concerns?

Name: Isamaru Myojin (Family name, Given name)
Position: Assistant Captain, 10th Division (Hopeful)
Reiatsu: Dark Olive Green
Age: 729 (40's)
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 160

Avatar Version:
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4IwLop8bBhg/StIisJ2ulpI/AAAAAAAAAJk/x-ogBF0TodM/S1600-R/rect3344.pngCredit to grubblybubblyWARNING! Big Picture:
http://lh4.ggpht.com/_59cmAupDLPM/S8D-WEvLbxI/AAAAAAAAACE/SjwKE5V9O0g/myojin3.jpgCredit to my Aunt Kim
Appearance: Myojin is 5ft 10in, 160lbs, bald, mid-forties looking, and decently buff. His eyes were once blue, but are now shrouded, melding with his pupil to create a white eye with a sky blue dot where the iris and pupil should be. As far as anybody can tell, he never blinks. He wears the standard shinigami uniform, with the change of all white to sage green. Under that, he wears a short sleeved sage green shirt, black pants, and steel-toed black leather combat boots. He also wears an hat like this one here, ( pulled down over his eyes. The weave in the hat allows him to see through.

Personality: Myojin is very calm and collected, and as polite as is possible. He is formal to a fault, and refers to everyone as their rank or their last name unless asked to stop. Myojin is extremely loyal, he smiles a lot, and he believes he can tell what peoples personalities are like with his unique vision.

Myojin is an ex-samurai(due to death only), and was once on the shogunate. This makes him about 729 years old. He has spent many years speaking with other military leaders from different time periods and places, learning sandskrit, english, russain, and mongolian.

Zanpakuto: Myojin's Zanpakuto has two names, Tatsumasa and Umezawa. The sealed form is an ōdachi (http://www.samurai-swords-for-sale.com/store/images/P/japanese-swords-rittersteel-great-katana-odachi.jpg), about 5 ft long, 1 ft being handle. The handle and about a third of the blade is black and inscribed with 'Tatsumasa' the rest is silver and is inscribed with 'Umezawa'. As spirits, Umezawa appears as a young woman with short black hair wearing fencing clothing, holding the helmet. She always stands next to Tatsumasa, and old man with long silver hair, wearing a shogun's uniform. He has a scar across his face, running from his left cheekbone to his right temple.

Shikai: Gaitou to Tanken(Cloak and Dagger) Break!: Tatsumasa and Umezawa glow bright white and split in two, bending and forming a pair of 4ft hook swords, like these (http://www.wle.com/media/W056-C.jpg). Umezawa is silver, Tatsumasa is black. These two swords can be attached at the hooks, and spun around Myojin to produce blades of energy 3ft long.

Bankai: Saishuu Bushido (Ultimate Bushido): Myojin throws Tatsumasa and Umezawa into the air, and crosses his arms on his chest. Tatsumasa and Umezawa whirl about ten feet above him as pieces of jade green samurai armor fly out of nowhere and attach to Myojin. When he is completely covered in jade armor, Tatsumasa and Umezawa fall, Umezawa on his back in the form of an 8ft long Yari (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yari), Tatsumasa he catches in the form of a 6ft Kanabō (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanab%C5%8D). Umezawa can be spun or swung to produce blades 4 ft long. When Tatsumasa strikes anything, he produces massive shock waves, throwing back or knocking over enemies in the immediate vicinity.

Abilities: Myojin is, as noted above, blind. He 'sees' by a sonar-like ability, which reveals walls and other objects to him. He sees people by their reiatsu, which to him forms the shape of their body and clothing. The more reiatsu a person has, the farther away he can see them. (Essentially, people with high levels of power Myojin can see vividly from far away. Very low-powered people, such as mortals that aren't spiritually aware, he has trouble seeing when they're too far away.)

Other: His theme song is this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbwJaLTZ4QE)

Purple Rose
2010-04-14, 07:39 PM
Okay, well, I don't see any more objections/comments on Sakura aside from what was mentioned and dealt with... So can I assume it is safe to add to the registry for now?

Also, on the subject of her teaming up with Innis' captain as a tag team unbeatable combo, well... It occurs to me that if they did work together that their opponent would definitely have a hard time, but they would still be fighting two captains currently without zanpaktou. And if I am understanding Innis' Red Light concept correctly, Sakura would also be forced to take damage in order to keep her target within range if they decided to run. In addition, even if it works and they beat an opponent together, Sakura is going to loose her weapon for several months waiting for it to regenerate, so it will only work once during a battle and leave them down a captain at the end of it all.

Either way, it strikes me that regardless of the circumstances or penalties, it still doesn't seem like some kind of crisis within the game mechanics that fighting two captains in Ban Kai would be incredibly difficult to accomplish and come out the victor.

2010-04-14, 08:09 PM
The only way I will end up playing a Captain in this RP is if one of my characters becomes one through events.

This is not very likely, since none of them have that as one of their goals.*sneezes* .

2010-04-14, 08:13 PM
Interestingly, Daisuke in the original BleachitP backstory didn't WANT to become a Captain either- he became one because he was good at leading, and achieved Bankai at a time when Seretei needed a new Captain. :smalltongue:

Same story with the CG position- he was there, he had the skills, and they needed someone to fill the post.

OOC, if you guys want me to, I might RP a series of events like that. But otherwise... being a Captain this time around isn't what I'm looking to do. :smallsmile:

2010-04-14, 08:39 PM
I didn't mean IC. Originally Cecilia wasn't even intended to live beyond her first appearance. :smalltongue:

2010-04-14, 09:07 PM

Well, as I said: OOC, if there's enough demand, I might see how Daisuke would get dragged into the Captaincy. :smalltongue:

2010-04-15, 08:56 AM
Also, much thanks to Kasanip for this sketch of Izumi in Shikai.


And yes. I am well aware that her Shikai, physically, is like Katen Kyokotsu. That's a deliberate homage. :smalltongue:

2010-04-15, 09:32 AM
I wasn't expecting you to post it :smallredface:

I suppose I should link from my sketchbook for these two 'comic' pictures in thinking of BleachitpReborn
Though I think maybe everyone here already knows of them.
襟巻き  (Erima and Takara normal life) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8272274&postcount=327)

選んで (My thoughts for the students when they first must fight hollow and find their power (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8301534&postcount=338)

2010-04-15, 09:37 AM
選んで (My thoughts for the students when they first must fight hollow and find their power
That's the translation? Japanese is such a concise language. :smalltongue:

2010-04-15, 09:53 AM
That's the translation? Japanese is such a concise language. :smalltongue:

It is just more a title :smallredface:

Purple Rose
2010-04-15, 03:45 PM
I love your comics so much, Kasanip.

2010-04-15, 03:59 PM
Which students are those?

2010-04-15, 04:00 PM
Izumi's the one in the left of the bottom-right box.

2010-04-15, 05:21 PM
I wasn't expecting you to post it :smallredface:

I suppose I should link from my sketchbook for these two 'comic' pictures in thinking of BleachitpReborn
Though I think maybe everyone here already knows of them.
襟巻き  (Erima and Takara normal life) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8272274&postcount=327)

選んで (My thoughts for the students when they first must fight hollow and find their power (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8301534&postcount=338)

It has to be said. Kasanip is an art god! I truly love every drawing of yours I've seen.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-15, 05:22 PM
Agreed, she's good. Although, I don't know what she uses for colouring her coloured drawings. I use pencil crayons for mine, and the colour doesn't turn out so well...:smallsigh:

2010-04-15, 05:23 PM
Izumi's the one in the left of the bottom-right box.

And I'm pretty sure Kaito is the guy on the far right in the middle box. Not completely sure, though.

2010-04-15, 05:28 PM
Nakahiro is the one on the left in the middle panel.

At least I think. I don't know of anyone else who carries an umbrella around.

2010-04-15, 05:41 PM
...huh. I was expecting at least one negative comment on my idea for the physical form of Izumi's Shikai.

Pleased there hasn't been, though. :smallbiggrin: Seems we're not against homages, then. :smalltongue:

2010-04-15, 05:54 PM
...huh. I was expecting at least one negative comment on my idea for the physical form of Izumi's Shikai.

Pleased there hasn't been, though. :smallbiggrin: Seems we're not against homages, then. :smalltongue:

That's because Captain Grabass is awesome.

I was hoping that Izumi's Zanpaktou Spirit would just be him.


As well, the Quincy in the Lower Right is Aki.

2010-04-15, 05:55 PM
...actually, I might do that now. :smalltongue:

2010-04-15, 05:56 PM
...actually, I might do that now. :smalltongue:

Do it! Do it!

2010-04-15, 05:57 PM
And have weird flirtations between a zanpakutou and its (underage) wielder? :smallconfused:

2010-04-15, 06:00 PM
And have weird flirtations between a zanpakutou and its (underage) wielder? :smallconfused:

Does it make me a bad person if I say yes?

2010-04-15, 06:02 PM
I think so, but I'd have to contact my baatezu lawyer friend to make sure.

2010-04-15, 06:07 PM
I think so, but I'd have to contact my baatezu lawyer friend to make sure.

If it helps, I'm a Law Student.

And you don't want to hear how easily that can be justified.

2010-04-15, 06:16 PM
The fact that you find it so easy to construct a defence serves only to damn you further. :smalltongue:

2010-04-15, 06:19 PM
The fact that you find it so easy to construct a defence serves only to damn you further. :smalltongue:

Law Student. Tis my job, friend. Also, to find avenues of attack.

2010-04-15, 06:36 PM
Actually, good point. That does bring up... unfortunate implications. TECHNICALLY, she's of the age of consent in Australia (and I believe in Japan as well), but I still don't want to go there with someone under 18.

So, probably just the Samurai for her Z-pac spirit. Sorry, Tacky. :smalltongue:

2010-04-15, 06:40 PM
Alright, time to do a basic overview to check and make sure my idea doesn't conflict with anyone:

Karite is going to die, preferably by the third thread. I'm replacing him with his Zanpakuto, (Oblivion), as a character, and yes, I have a reason for it.

Karite was supposed to become "Death", and go to the king's realm. All memories of Karite will be erased, except for Oblivion's memories and Karite's closest friend. The sword "Oblivion" is a mark of the person who becomes the new "Death" and ascends to a higher plane. He becomes Death by using his Ban Kai and killing someone with it. (After Karite dies, the person comes back.) Afterwards, he will go on a rampage, and then be killed, where he is replaced by Oblivion and all memories of him are replaced with memories of Oblivion.

Basic Overview:

1st Thread: Karite achieves Oblivion.
2nd Thread: Karite achieves Ban Kai.
3rd Thread: Karite dies.

If you require further information, either PM me or post here.

Any questions?

2010-04-15, 06:40 PM
Boo. Now I tempted to go make a Shinigami just so I can have Captain Grabass as a Spirit.

2010-04-15, 06:46 PM
Eh. I am still a bit surprised that no one had negative views on the physical form of the Shikai.

I suppose, apart from the fact that it's cool, I'm not having the 'make children's games reality' part. *shudders*

Also, do you know what we need for the character entries? A theme music tab. :smalltongue:

2010-04-15, 06:48 PM
Alright, time to do a basic overview to check and make sure my idea doesn't conflict with anyone:

Karite is going to die, preferably by the third thread. I'm replacing him with his Zanpakuto, (Oblivion), as a character, and yes, I have a reason for it.

Karite was supposed to become "Death", and go to the king's realm. All memories of Karite will be erased, except for Oblivion's memories and Karite's closest friend. The sword "Oblivion" is a mark of the person who becomes the new "Death" and ascends to a higher plane. He becomes Death by using his Ban Kai and killing someone with it. (After Karite dies, the person comes back.) Afterwards, he will go on a rampage, and then be killed, where he is replaced by Oblivion and all memories of him are replaced with memories of Oblivion.

Basic Overview:

1st Thread: Karite achieves Oblivion.
2nd Thread: Karite achieves Ban Kai.
3rd Thread: Karite dies.

If you require further information, either PM me or post here.

Any questions?

Terry... you are going to need to explain this. Cause... yeah, I have no idea what any of it means, and if it means what it seems to... it is at conflict with pretty much all of the established cannon of Bleach.

2010-04-15, 06:50 PM
Also, do you know what we need for the character entries? A theme music tab. :smalltongue:There's a space for custom tabs, but I could add that to the template...

Does anyone second this?

2010-04-15, 06:53 PM
Eh. I am still a bit surprised that no one had negative views on the physical form of the Shikai.

I suppose, apart from the fact that it's cool, I'm not having the 'make children's games reality' part. *shudders*

Also, do you know what we need for the character entries? A theme music tab. :smalltongue:

I think the physical form looks cool.

And I'm the last person to get too uptight on purely physical homages. >_>

Though I am amused that you've got a character with the physical swords of Shunsui, and I've got one with his position. He's so awesome, he's spawned 2 homage characters, however indirect the homages.

Edit: @Prime: Theme music tab might not be bad.

...Not that I've been fiddling with the wiki much. <_<

2010-04-15, 06:55 PM
Terry... you are going to need to explain this. Cause... yeah, I have no idea what any of it means, and if it means what it seems to... it is at conflict with pretty much all of the established cannon of Bleach.

Basically, I had planned to kill Karite and replace him with the sword's spirit, which was really just absorbed into the sword as to allow the next wielder to become the new Death, and have a replacement. I basically took the entire "King's Realm" thing and turned it into a court.

The "King", then Death is behind the throne, While Life stands at the King's right, and Time stands at his left...

Besides, its an RP. I was just checking to make sure the general overview of the story wasn't totally screwed cause I had a random idea.

2010-04-15, 07:00 PM
Basically, I had planned to kill Karite and replace him with the sword's spirit, which was really just absorbed into the sword as to allow the next wielder to become the new Death, and have a replacement. I basically took the entire "King's Realm" thing and turned it into a court.

The "King", then Death is behind the throne, While Life stands at the King's right, and Time stands at his left...

Besides, its an RP. I was just checking to make sure the general overview of the story wasn't totally screwed cause I had a random idea.

Again... expand. What do you mean by this? Cause seriously, I have no idea. The notion of 'becoming death' is troublesome in a game which is quite literally centered around Soul Reapers.

2010-04-15, 07:00 PM
There's a space for custom tabs, but I could add that to the template...

Does anyone second this?
Well I sort of second it with a "why not?" We can all laugh at our different tastes in music. That should basically be the last default tab though. We shouldn't be getting too tab happy.

Goblin Music
2010-04-15, 07:00 PM
i am going to withdraw my 2nd division Vice Captain and possibly make a 11th character.

EDIT: on the note of Theme tab; i agree with nothingclever, sounds fun.

2010-04-15, 07:02 PM
Again... expand. What do you mean by this? Cause seriously, I have no idea. The notion of 'becoming death' is troublesome in a game which is quite literally centered around Soul Reapers.

Ah. I get it. By 'Death' I mean the Grim Reaper. Dude who wanders around with a Scythe. While the Soul Reapers collect souls, he sorts them. Shows them where they can go, and whether they deserve a reward or a punishment.

2010-04-15, 07:03 PM
...no. Intrinsically, that's all done by the konso/purification.

Never mind that no matter how you do it, he'd be completely overpowered.

2010-04-15, 07:04 PM
Ah. I get it. By 'Death' I mean the Grim Reaper. Dude who wanders around with a Scythe. While the Soul Reapers collect souls, he sorts them. Shows them where they can go, and whether they deserve a reward or a punishment.

What? Souls don't get 'punished' in Bleach. They get Reinacarnated, or they don't. There is no reward or punishment.

2010-04-15, 07:04 PM
Hollows that committed grievous sins in life are sent to Hell when they're taken out by a Shinigami, but again: function of the Zanpaktou itself.

2010-04-15, 07:06 PM
What? Souls don't get 'punished' in Bleach. They get Reinacarnated, or they don't. There is no reward or punishment.

Shall I direct you to here (http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll192/prime0321/bleach-1.png)?

...no. Intrinsically, that's all done by the konso/purification.

Never mind that no matter how you do it, he'd be completely overpowered.

He wasn't going to be a character. It was just an idea I was kicking around. Pretty much, if I ever actually used him in a story, it would be merely as a plot hook for like three people. He would never actually do anything, God no. That'd be horribly unfair.

2010-04-15, 07:08 PM
He still does not fit in, at all. Sorry, but this is not a good idea.

2010-04-15, 07:08 PM
Hollows that committed grievous sins in life are sent to Hell when they're taken out by a Shinigami, but again: function of the Zanpaktou itself.

Point taken (though that just raises even more questions about the balence of souls thing.)

But no, there is no being doing the selecting.

2010-04-15, 07:09 PM
Very well then. *waves goodbye to idea*

Time to go and just create the other character I was planning to kill Karite for instead. ^^

2010-04-15, 07:15 PM
Someone should probably type up, at the very least, an introduction on the main page of the wiki.


Also, those characters who aren't subject to general approval for their positions should probably start being sorted into their categories on the wiki as well. Some locations might also be typed up.

2010-04-15, 07:16 PM
I need to make a wiki account, at some point, don't I?

2010-04-15, 07:18 PM
No, not really.

2010-04-15, 07:21 PM
It's useful, but not necessarily essential.

2010-04-15, 07:22 PM
No, not really.


2010-04-15, 07:24 PM


Moon Wolf
2010-04-15, 07:27 PM

2010-04-15, 07:30 PM
I believe there was talk of 10th division teaching somewhere. Is that actually happening, or am I misinformed?

One another note, does this character look all right?
Name: Iwamori Higure (Family name, Given name)
Position: Spiritually Aware Human
Reiatsu: Dark Slate Grey
Age: 26
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 145lbs.

Appearance: Higure is a tall, thin man with almost gaunt features. His square, silver-rimmed glasses obscure his dark blue eyes, causing his pupil and iris to almost blend in with each other. His dark hair is almost shoulder length, and pulled away from his face. at a glance, he appears to be frowning, but almost never is.

In the way of clothing, Higure always wears his aforementioned glasses, dark pants or slacks, nice shoes, a short sleeved dress shirt of some pleasing pattern using purple, and a dark colored vest. Over this he has a long, grey coat, not quite a trenchcoat. Untaidake sits under his left arm, upside down. The sword hangs loosely, easy to draw with his right hand.

Personality: Higure is a calm man, easy to imagine in a lab coat inventing a cure for cancer or the newest chemical weapon. A chemistry major with a taste for DnD, he's not one to doubt any sort of outlandish explanation or request. He's joking around his friends, and always good for a conversation. Currently a consultant working for Daiichi Pharmaceutical, he gets a lot of free time, and will wander the streets looking for interesting things. He likes swords and knifes, and owns several of each. Of course he's always carrying one. Higure also likes computers and reading.

Zanpakuto: Untaidake
Untaidake was inherited from his grandfather, along with a note. The note said that the sword was called Untaidake, and was passed down from his grandfather before him. The beautifully crafted wakizashi is very sharp for looking so ceremonial.
Picture 1 (http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff251/Cmotdibbler/DSCN1616.jpg) Picture 2 (http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff251/Cmotdibbler/DSCN1615.jpg) Picture 3 (http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff251/Cmotdibbler/DSCN1614.jpg) Picture 4 (http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff251/Cmotdibbler/DSCN1613.jpg)
20' all together, 14' blade
Untaidake takes the spiritual form of a green Coatl* with yellow eyes.

Abilities: Higure has found that Untaidake can cut through almost anything, and that he seems to move faster while holding Untaidake. While Untaidake is short, Higure is fast, and doesn't need Untaidake to kill someone. He's not strong, but is a master of hand to hand combat. In addition to English and Japanese, he speaks some Russian.

*:a coatl is a type of winged, feathered serpent in DnD. The best picture I can find is this (http://towardsmecca.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/0105_mtgarb_en_lr.jpg).

2010-04-15, 07:35 PM

:smallyuk::smallconfused::smallwink::smallbiggrin: :smalltongue::smallannoyed::smallsmile:

2010-04-15, 07:35 PM


Yeah, the character looks fine. Except for the fact that Zanpakuto can't really be passed down. They go with being a Shinigami. So, if he's a subsitute Shinigami it'll be fine I guess.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-15, 07:38 PM

(The operation is...underway.)

2010-04-15, 07:40 PM
Are we done with the smiley joke?

2010-04-15, 07:41 PM

Yeah, the character looks fine. Except for the fact that Zanpakuto can't really be passed down. They go with being a Shinigami. So, if he's a subsitute Shinigami it'll be fine I guess.Tousen's zanpakuto was a hand-me-down.

2010-04-15, 07:41 PM
Tousen's zanpakuto was a hand-me-down.


You sir, are a hand-me-down.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-15, 07:42 PM
Haha, that explains the rough canvas tent appearance of his bankai. :smallamused:

Goblin Music
2010-04-15, 07:49 PM
it was eluded to that Suzumebachi was a hand-me-down

is there a greater need for a captain or seated officers? the character i am making would make an interesting captain for any place but is best with the 11th division seated.

Masamune Ryoichi (last first)
work in progress

Gender: Male
Age: 442
Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 120
Reiatsu: Dull gold
Division and Rank: working on that
Appearance: mid twenties, short, not very muscular. He wears the usual outfit with his sword slung at his back (like Hitsugaya).
Personality: serious but forgiving. Ryoichi loves to fight but dislikes using his sword.
Zanpakuto: Hold fast and prevail, Yamaban!

Spirit: a tall man garbed in a light armor made out of stone. Yamaban also has a short cat like tail also made of stone.
Sword:http://lh6.ggpht.com/_0Kv3yrbDOss/S8fAiK2ydrI/AAAAAAAAAIE/VXnUE5kjR5w/RyoichiSwords.gif from top to bottom: Sealed, Shikai, bankai.
Sealed: Yamaban takes the form of a standard ōdachi with a piece if quarts as the guard
Inner world: Sand. Almost like a beach if there was no lake or sea. There are also some stones and plant life in the ‘middle’ there is a tall mountain with smooth slopes, situated on the top is a small hut.
Yamaban rapidly grows into a huge stone sword the same size as Ichigo’s Zangetzu.
Yamaban is sharp enough to cut anything it touches, except resilient shikai and normal bankai (Ikkaku’s bankai could be cut for instance). Yamaban’s only other ability is when Ryoichi buries the tip into the ground (or similar substance) and while touching the sword, he can create shapes out of stone sprouting from the ground. All shapes must be of the most basic geometrical designs (Prism, Pyramid, Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, ect) which can be hollow. Ryoichi can also shoot these into the air to deal with aerial opponents. The maximin volume that can be shaped at once is about 5 cubic meters

Bankai: Yamaban shatters and reforms in a bladed staff, in general this staff acts like Ikkaku’s shikai (three section staff) it’s blades are no sharper than a normal katana. At the same time thin segmented stone armor with a huge stone tail with a blade on the end (much like the ones on the staff but as sharp as the shikai blade) forms on Ryoichi. By planting his tail in the ground Ryoichi can use the same stone formation ability with increased volume shape-able.

General Abilities:

Terrible; Ryoichi cannot use any kido without incantation and even then he cannot perform anything above level 5

Good; about the level of the average cannon VC

Master; Ryoichi practices daily during every free moment.

Very good, Ryoichi prefers hand to hand more than his using his overly large sword.

Ever since he came to the Rukongai Ryoichi had never remembered his past life. He grew up in some of the poorer districts of the Rukongai moving between them as he grew tired of the area. He spent a good while roughing up the more violent characters in hopes that they would improve their attitude on life. Eventually he made it to the academy by means of some highly fortunate events. There he studied the ways of the shinigami and their reason for existing. He quite enjoyed using his superior skill in swordplay to distinguish himself in class, thoroughly thrashing his classmates then helping them understand why they would not be looking foreword to the next day, and in turn grudgingly accepting help with his Kido, never quite getting the hang of it. After he graduated from the academy Ruoichi headed into the 11th division and worked his way up, leaving bruised and beaten comrades in his wake.
Possible connections:

2010-04-15, 07:50 PM
I think the physical blade was a hand-me-down but the spirit wasn't.

Not much of a stretch to say that the zanpakutou spirit can change swords if the shinigami owner so desires. There are "spiritless" zanpakutou used in the academy after all (and Starrk's fake), so the weapons can most definitely be forged.

Anyway, character looks like a living shinigami (he's a spiritually aware human) so that means he doesn't really have to follow all the hard rules of the common shinigami.

Edit: also, not Suzumebachi. Suzumushi.

2010-04-15, 07:50 PM
Hmmm... does anyone want to do an OOTS Izumi? :smallsmile:

2010-04-15, 07:55 PM
it was eluded to that Suzumebachi was a hand-me-down

is there a greater need for a captain or seated officers? the character i am making would make an interesting captain for any place but is best with the 11th division seated.

Masamune Ryoichi (last first)
work in progress

Gender: Male
Age: 442
Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 120
Reiatsu: Dull gold
Division and Rank: working on that
Appearance: mid twenties, short, not very muscular. He wears the usual outfit with his sword slung at his back (like Hitsugaya).
Personality: serious but forgiving. Ryoichi loves to fight but dislikes using his sword.
Zanpakuto: Hold fast and prevail, Yamaban!

Spirit: a tall man garbed in a light armor made out of stone. Yamaban also has a short cat like tail also made of stone.
Sealed: Yamaban takes the form of a standard ōdachi with a piece if quarts as the guard
Inner world: Sand. Almost like a beach if there was no lake or sea. There are also some stones and plant life in the ‘middle’ there is a tall mountain with smooth slopes, situated on the top is a small hut.
Yamaban rapidly grows into a huge stone sword the same size as Ichigo’s Zangetzu.
Yamaban is sharp enough to cut anything it touches, except resilient shikai and normal bankai (Ikkaku’s bankai could be cut for instance). Yamaban’s only other ability is when Ryoichi buries the tip into the ground (or similar substance) and while touching the sword, he can create shapes out of stone sprouting from the ground. All shapes must be of the most basic geometrical designs (Prism, Pyramid, Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, ect) which can be hollow. Ryoichi can also shoot these into the air to deal with aerial opponents. The maximin volume that can be shaped at once is about 5 cubic meters

Bankai: Yamaban shatters and reforms in a bladed staff, in general this staff acts like Ikkaku’s shikai (three section staff) it’s blades are no sharper than a normal katana. At the same time thin segmented stone armor with a huge stone tail with a blade on the end (much like the ones on the staff but as sharp as the shikai blade) forms on Ryoichi. By planting his tail in the ground Ryoichi can use the same stone formation ability with increased volume shape-able.

General Abilities:

Terrible; Ryoichi cannot use any kido without incantation and even then he cannot perform anything above level 5

Good; about the level of the average cannon VC

Master; Ryoichi practices daily during every free moment.

Very good, Ryoichi prefers hand to hand more than his using his overly large sword.

Ever since he came to the Rukongai Ryoichi had never remembered his past life. He grew up in some of the poorer districts of the Rukongai moving between them as he grew tired of the area. He spent a good while roughing up the more violent characters in hopes that they would improve their attitude on life. Eventually he made it to the academy by means of some highly fortunate events. There he studied the ways of the shinigami and their reason for existing. He quite enjoyed using his superior skill in swordplay to distinguish himself in class, thoroughly thrashing his classmates then helping them understand why they would not be looking foreword to the next day, and in turn grudgingly accepting help with his Kido, never quite getting the hang of it. After he graduated from the academy Ruoichi headed into the 11th division and worked his way up, leaving bruised and beaten comrades in his wake.
Possible connections:

Psst, my CG Candidate is named Ryouichi.

I don't personally mind if their names are similar, but just thought I'd mention.

Goblin Music
2010-04-15, 08:01 PM
Edit: also, not Suzumebachi. Suzumushi.

Hmmm... does anyone want to do an OOTS Izumi? :smallsmile:

i could try. i am a bit rusty though.

@ strawberryman: :smalleek: i just got it from Behind the Name honestly.

2010-04-15, 08:04 PM

Suzumebachi is Soifon's zanpakutou. Tosen's is Suzumushi.

2010-04-15, 08:05 PM
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091014151511/bleach/en/images/c/cb/PoisonCandy.jpg (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Colourful_Bleach)
...I just wanted to post that.

Moon Wolf
2010-04-15, 08:06 PM
