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2010-05-01, 01:41 AM
Fayne swims around it, looking for an entrence in the hull, or a way on deck.

2010-05-01, 02:03 AM
It's easy enough to get into both the hull and upon deck since the ships deck is partially submerged in the water. First glance of the remains looks something like this (http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/82626159.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=6C4008C0FD9EB5A5EA586EDCAA4603332C0B3FBF0F0A000A 1484D2D06698D400). Still, there isn't much footing around that isn't decayed or partially submerged.

2010-05-02, 12:18 AM
Fayne makes her way on deck and searches around for doorways or cabins or anything fun.

2010-05-02, 12:54 AM
Searching through the ship finds mostly broken and rotted out boards and a various amount of organisms have now called this place home. Deeper within the ship near the bottom of the hull she bends down to move some debris out of the way, only to find her hand going through that debris as if it wasn't even there. Curious she runs her hand through again this time further and finds her hand wet. It appears she can pass completely through to the other side.

From the shore, you would have thought there was nothing beyond the ship in this direction aside from a rock face and perhaps more wilderness.

2010-05-02, 12:59 AM
Fayne sticks her head through the (illusionary?) floor.

2010-05-02, 01:10 AM
Sticking her head through the illusionary floor she finds more lake a small channel of water that meanders between two large rocks.

2010-05-02, 01:20 AM
Fayne, now more curious then ever, continues onward.

2010-05-03, 01:31 AM
The water splashes as Fayne pushes through and into the lake. She swims through the channel, the rock faces narrow from 60 ft to about 20 ft across before it begins to bend to the left (eastward). Rounding the bend she is slightly startled as two monstrous faces on either side jut out just above the water's surface, the rest of the statues body submerged beneath the water line. The waterway continues eastward.

Does Fayne turn back? :smallfurious:


2010-05-03, 06:16 PM
Au contraire, Fayne advances and examines the statues, above and underwater.

2010-05-03, 11:42 PM
Upon further inspection, Fayne discovers that the statue is....


Statue being examined...
Statue on her 6:

*smirk* I think this just may kill her this time.

2010-05-04, 04:34 PM

Stats: Fayne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=199389) Female CG Human Warblade/Swordsage
Level 4/1, Init +7, Speed 30ft (20 ft)
HP 49/49
AC 17 (+2 Dex; +5 Armor), Touch 12, Flat-footed 15
Saves Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +4
Base Attack Bonus +4
+1 Scythe +9 (+4 BAB; +3 Str; +1 MW; +1 WF) 2d4+5 (x4)
Masterwork Breastplate +5 Armor; -3 ACP
No Shield
Abilities Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition/Effects -6 Dex (14 AC); -1 Con (+5 Fort)
Senses Spot: +0; Listen: +0; Search: +2
Location Fighting some orc cleric. Where have I seen this before?

Sublime Way
5 Known - 4 Readied - 2 Stances
{table=head] Maneuver | School | Type | Level | Status | Effect
Moment of Perfect Mind | Diamond | Counter | 1 | Ready | Concentration replaces Will save.
Sapphire Nightmare Blade | Diamond | Strike | 1 | Not Ready | Concentration vs AC; success means FF and +1d6
Steel Wind | Iron | Strike | 1 | Used | Attack two opponents.
Mountain Hammer Strike | Stone | Strike | 2 | Ready | +2d6 damage; ignore DR and hardness.
Battle Leader's Charge | White | Strike | 2 | Ready | Charge; negate AoOs, gain +10 damage..[/table]
{table=head] Stance | School | Level | Active | Effect
Punishing Stance | Iron | 1 | No | +1d6 damage; -2 AC.
Stance of Clarity | Diamond | 1 | No | +2 AC vs chosen opponent; -2 vs others.[/table]

6 Known - 4 Readied - 1 Stances
{table=head] Maneuver | School | Type | Level | Status | Effect
Burning Brand | Desert | Boost | 2 | Ready | +5 ft reach; deal fire damage.
Hatchling's Flame | Desert | Strike | 2 | Not Ready | 15 ft cone deals 2d6 fire damage, Ref half.
Fan the Flames | Desert | Strike | 3 | Ready | Ranged touch attack deals 6d6 fire damage.
Zephyr Dance | Desert | Counter | 3 | Ready | +4 AC vs single attack.
Clinging Shadow Strike | Shadow | Strike | 1 | Not Ready | Foe suffers 20% miss chance.
Shadow Jaunt | Shadow | - | 2 | Ready | Teleport 50 ft.[/table]
{table=head] Stance | School | Level | Active | Effect
Holocaust Cloak | Desert | 3 | Yes | 5 fire damage against attackers.[/table]

2010-05-04, 04:39 PM
The stone face bares its fangs as you stare at it and looks upon you with evil intent.

You're up!

2010-05-04, 04:45 PM
Fayne, sensing she is in danger, strikes first!

[roll1] + [roll2] (Ignores Hardness and DR)

She then swims back 20 ft.

2010-05-04, 04:57 PM
Fayne's Scythe smashes into the beast before she pulls away. The beast eager to strike pursues the girl and swipes at her with it's claws. The other beast dives beneath the service and swipes at Fayne from beneath her.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
1st one get's charge bonus, second gets flanking bonus.

2010-05-04, 05:01 PM
Fayne does her best to get out of the bad position she is in.

Standard: Shadow Jaunt 50 ft away, the way she came.
Swift: Recover Warblade maneuvers.
Move: Swim 20 ft away, the way she came

2010-05-04, 05:10 PM
The beasts are somewhat surprised with the speed at which you escape, but nevertheless continue their pursuit. The first one swims rapidly under water it's claws extended.

[roll0] [roll1]

The second beast stays beneath the water and travels at a quick pace arriving behind you, but remains below the girl.

2010-05-04, 05:18 PM
Fayne, prepared for the beasts charge, dodges out of the way, and counters with her scythe.

Counter: Zephyr Dance (+4 AC to single attack)
Standard: [roll0] (Ignores DR)
[roll1] + [roll2]

Also, both take 5 damage for hitting me in the first round.

2010-05-05, 09:02 AM
The Kapoacinth becomes quite angry after that last strike and presses with a full on attack, clawing, biting and goring... The second attacks violently as well.

Kapoacinth on Surface:
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

Kapoacinth Below:
[roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11]
[roll12] [roll13]
[roll14] [roll15]

hrm.. interesting thought, each of these count as separate attacks. So I guess each could incur fire damage. Though, I don't remember when you got into the stance.

2010-05-05, 12:16 PM
I've been in the stance the whole time. I never dropped it, actually. You can hold stances indefinatly. So do I take less damage from that one dying mid-attack or anything *crosses fingers*

2010-05-05, 12:24 PM
As the beast bites into Fayne it succumbs to the flames she has draped herself in and begins to sink into the water.

No gore damage from the first one

2010-05-05, 01:03 PM
Fayne, seeing one of her attackers drop, turns to face the other.


Recover Warblade maneuvers.

2010-05-05, 01:08 PM
The Scythe though hampered by the water finds it's mark on the gargoyle, but it remains as furious as ever.


2010-05-05, 01:15 PM
Fayne swims backward as her scythe erupts in flames!

5 ft back
Swift: Burning Brand
[roll1] + [roll2]

2010-05-05, 01:21 PM
Maddened even more the beast grabs at Fayne with it's claws attempting to drag her below.


2010-05-05, 01:25 PM
Well it went down with possibly two crits...

The beast begins to drag Fayne down, but the cloak of fire draped about her once again proves too much for the Kapoacinth as it's clutch is released.

You gain: 2000 XP

2010-05-05, 06:15 PM
Fayne, feeling stronger then ever, advances forward past where she found the gargoyles.

Stats: Fayne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=199389) Female CG Human Warblade/Swordsage
Level 5/1, Init +7, Speed 30ft (20 ft)
HP 25/57
AC 17 (+2 Dex; +5 Armor), Touch 12, Flat-footed 15
Saves Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +4
Base Attack Bonus +4
+1 Scythe +10 (+5 BAB; +3 Str; +1 MW; +1 WF) 2d4+5 (x4)
Masterwork Breastplate +5 Armor; -3 ACP
No Shield
Abilities Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Senses Spot: +0; Listen: +0; Search: +2
Location Waterway of doom!

Sublime Way
6 Known - 4 Readied - 2 Stances
{table=head] Maneuver | School | Type | Level | Status | Effect
Moment of Perfect Mind | Diamond | Counter | 1 | Not Ready | Concentration replaces Will save.
Sapphire Nightmare Blade | Diamond | Strike | 1 | Not Ready | Concentration vs AC; success means FF and +1d6
Steel Wind | Iron | Strike | 1 | Ready | Attack two opponents.
Mountain Hammer Strike | Stone | Strike | 2 | Ready | +2d6 damage; ignore DR and hardness.
Battle Leader's Charge | White | Strike | 2 | Ready | Charge; negate AoOs, gain +10 damage..
Iron Heart Surge | Iron | - | 3 | Ready | Negate everything ever. EVER! [/table]
{table=head] Stance | School | Level | Active | Effect
Punishing Stance | Iron | 1 | No | +1d6 damage; -2 AC.
Stance of Clarity | Diamond | 1 | No | +2 AC vs chosen opponent; -2 vs others.[/table]

6 Known - 4 Readied - 1 Stances
{table=head] Maneuver | School | Type | Level | Status | Effect
Burning Brand | Desert | Boost | 2 | Ready | +5 ft reach; deal fire damage.
Hatchling's Flame | Desert | Strike | 2 | Not Ready | 15 ft cone deals 2d6 fire damage, Ref half.
Fan the Flames | Desert | Strike | 3 | Ready | Ranged touch attack deals 6d6 fire damage.
Zephyr Dance | Desert | Counter | 3 | Ready | +4 AC vs single attack.
Clinging Shadow Strike | Shadow | Strike | 1 | Not Ready | Foe suffers 20% miss chance.
Shadow Jaunt | Shadow | - | 2 | Ready | Teleport 50 ft.[/table]
{table=head] Stance | School | Level | Active | Effect
Holocaust Cloak | Desert | 3 | Yes | 5 fire damage against attackers.[/table]

2010-05-06, 10:12 AM
In the distance she thinks she can make out a village of some kind.

2010-05-07, 02:54 PM
Fayne advances cautiously, keeping an eye out for movement of any sort. She will try and determine what kind of people live here, if she can.

2010-05-07, 03:12 PM
A scruffy looking young boy wielding a wooden sword jumps out at Fayne.

"Halt! You will not hurt my people!"

2010-05-07, 03:27 PM
Fayne looks the boy over and decides to deactivate her cloak, just in case.

"Yeah, ok. Sounds like a plan. Don't want you to attack me with that mighty sword of yours. You have a mommy or a daddy I can talk to, kid?"

2010-05-07, 03:40 PM
"If you wish to speak to my father you'll surrender your arms!!!"

2010-05-07, 03:46 PM
"I'd rather keep my arms, thank you very much. I only have the two, after all."

Fayne puts her scythe in her pack.

"So, anyway, you gonna lead me somewhere, or am I doing this myself?"

2010-05-07, 03:55 PM
The boy glares at you with a piercing scowl, obviously not amused by your joke, "Come this way ma'am"

He leads you past a couple of huts and what looks to be a little shop within the village. Continuing further you come to what appears to be a guard shack. The boy raps on the door in an intricate pattern, before the door slides open. You are met by a tall dark and imposing brute of a man.

"The name is Salyne. How in this world have you arrived here, we haven't had a visitor hear in well over 300 years?"

2010-05-07, 04:00 PM
"No visitors in 300 years? Why? I was just wandering around and saw a half-sunk boat and decided to check it out. Few illusions, waterways and living statues later and here I am. I don't mean any harm to anyone, I'm just an adventurer who's, you know, adventuring."


2010-05-07, 04:28 PM
"Living statues, illusions" Salyne says as he clearly looks confused as to what you are talking about. "Yes, we've existed in this place for the past 300 years or so.. been hard to keep an accurate account of time with the moon and sun fixed within our sky. Always dusk around here. A wizard by the name of Maldon has basically trapped us here these past years. What business and word from the outside world do you bring? What year is it, after all?"

2010-05-07, 04:34 PM
Fayne, not sure of what to say, lists a few major accomplishments of the last 300 years, and also relays the current date.

"So, this wizard... He's trapped you guys here? Should I, like, kill him or something? Wheres he located at? Any idea what kind of spells he can cast?"

2010-05-07, 04:38 PM
"Quick to violence are you?" The man grips his warhammer a bit tighter. "You do, however sound like you wish to help... I suggest you go see Nhamdi the village elder. Watch yourself, the wizard trapped us for a reason, after all."

2010-05-07, 04:52 PM
"'Quick to violence'? Naw, more like 'loathe to give enemies a chance to respond'. So, you were trapped for a reason, you say. Care to share what that reason is?"

If he has nothing more of note to say, Fayne heads off to find the elder.

2010-05-07, 06:44 PM
With an attitude or mouth like that I'd expect you to have quite a few enemies... as for the reason you'd better just go see the elder about that." Looking over at his son, "Pip, go take this young lady to see the elder."

The scruffy young lad salutes his father and gives a quick, "Yes, Sir.!" before leading you onwards.

Once you arrive at the elder's hut you can see all sorts of various herbs, spices, and perhaps alchemical opponents scattered about. Shelves appear somewhat dusty and cluttered. The man is hunched over with age and he seems to be looking for something. Perhaps even cursing under his breathe.

2010-05-07, 08:10 PM
"Need help finding something, old man?"

2010-05-08, 02:36 AM
Woman! I'm 37, I'm 37 I'm not old...

"Confound it, where has my wickleblat gone off to" the man seems to ignore you tossing things and rummaging through things within the hut.

2010-05-08, 03:05 AM
"Er... Your wickelblat?"

Fayne looks around confused and picks up the first object that she doesn't recognize.

"Uh... Is this it?"

2010-05-08, 03:21 AM
"No, no.. just look for 'em would you??" the man looks crankier still and the boy that lead you here has long since scampered off.

2010-05-08, 03:33 AM
"Uh, ok... Care to clue me in on what it looks like?"

Fayne begins searching while waiting for a response, taking 20.

2010-05-08, 05:09 AM
Shuffling through his stuff with hardly a clue as to what exactly you were looking for Fayne suddenly receives a small bite on her finger. Looking closer at what bit her, she sees a strange toad-like creature.

Suddenly the grumpy old man gets a smile on his face. "Ah, you've found my wickleblat! Thank you, thank you. Now, who are you and what are you doing here?"

2010-05-08, 05:30 AM
"Not really sure, honestly. I was told something about you guys being trapped here and when I offered to help, I was sent here. Then I got my finger bit. Funny that, as I've had deadly orcs try and kill me and taken less damage.

Anyway, whats this villages deal?"

2010-05-08, 06:20 AM
"Tis true, we've been trapped here since we rose up against the wizard. He dealt with evil things that simply aren't to be messed with. His powers were evil, his armies of undead overpowering. Really, we should all be dead and gone by now- his magics were amazing. Had it not been for my brother we would have perished and should have been one of his undead. I tell you that wizard must have had help from beyond, perhaps even from..." he begins to whisper,"Prince Slith, himself."

"If you keep heading east you'll come to a cave and within you'll find a device. Perhaps if you are able to figure out how to work out what the device is for, you can free us from this miserable existence."

2010-05-08, 12:26 PM
"OK, a wizard, a bunch of undead and... What was Slith again?

Anyway, I'll do my best to help you, but I take no responsibility for anything that happens from destroying the device. Does this village have anything that can aid me? Or any idea what type of spells the wizard casts?"

2010-05-11, 04:23 AM
"Afraid not, miss. What we do know is that the answer lies in the cave at the end of the road. What we don't know is how to find our way in."

2010-05-11, 04:28 AM
"Hmm... Well, if there is one thing I'm good at, its getting into place I shouldn't."

Fayne heads out to the cave.

2010-05-11, 05:08 AM
On the way to the cave Fayne comes upon a little girl that seems to have lost something. She is holding a string in her hand with a a couple shells and flowers on it, but it appears broken and the little girl is struggling to get the pieces back on.

2010-05-11, 01:51 PM
"What happened, little girl? I bet it was that boy, wasn't it? He seems like the type. Anyway, you alright?"


2010-05-11, 01:56 PM
Whimpering, "My my my ne..ne..cccklace braa..oke and Th... th...e wi.... wiii.. wiind... ba..ba...bl...ew away...all my my pee..piee..ces." Upon finishing the sentence she begins to cry uncontrollably.

2010-05-11, 02:18 PM
Mountain Scythe Strike!

"Aww, I'm sorry little girl."

Fayne takes a moment to try and fix it, it's not like shes in a rush.

2010-05-11, 02:46 PM
Fayne finds the necklace hard to fix without all the pieces.

2010-05-11, 03:59 PM
Fayne, unable to fix it, tells the girl Hey, you know who seems like he'd love to fix your necklace? Salyne, Pip's dad. He certainly seems the type.

Fayne presses onward toward the cave.

2010-05-11, 04:16 PM
The girl begins to cry all the more, but is left behind by Fayne.

Continuing onward towards the cave you come upon a boy hiding from a monstrous crab. "It took it... it took my treasure."

2010-05-11, 04:22 PM
That crab took something from you? What'd it take? And why are you out here near beasties like this anyway?

Range from the crab?

2010-05-11, 04:45 PM
"Please please you must get it back, it was a trinket my father gave me. He'd be cross if I lost it."

Initiative time!!

2010-05-11, 04:55 PM
You better get out of here, kid, it looks like it's coming this way.


Fayne erupts in flames, and as she does, fire leaps from her to the crab.

Swift: Holocaust Cloak (aka Flame On!)
Move: To 30 ft away.
Standard: [roll1] (vs Touch AC)

2010-05-12, 10:53 AM
Singed by the flames, the monstrous crab lumbers forward as it "shrieks" and reaches at Fayne with its massive claws.


2010-05-12, 01:05 PM
Fayne smashes her scythe into the beast.

[roll1] + [roll2]

2010-05-12, 01:12 PM
The Scythe bounces off the crustaceans hard exoskeleton before snapping at her with both claws.



2010-05-12, 01:20 PM
Fayne, struck twice and now badly injured, takes comfort in the fact the crab took nearly as much damage as she did.

Fayne swings with all her might at the beast.


Swift: Recover Warblade Maneuvers
Move: Tumble 20 ft backward.

[roll2] vs DC 15

2010-05-12, 01:24 PM
Chasing the infernal girl, the crab launches another attack at Fayne


2010-05-12, 01:34 PM
Fayne dodges the blow easily and finds herself in position to execute another Mountain Scythe Strike. So she does.

[roll1] + [roll2]

Then she tumbles away again.

[roll3] vs DC 15

2010-05-12, 01:59 PM
The crustaceans eyes glare at Fayne as she tries to tumble past him.


Following its prey it strikes at Fayne again.


2010-05-12, 02:13 PM
Fayne tumbles away 20 ft.


Fayne readies an action to Shadow Jaunt away when the crab closes distance with her and attacks.

Assuming my action triggers, it's my turn and I am 55 ft away. I double move away, ending turn 95 ft away.

2010-05-12, 02:17 PM
The crab is clearly irritated after his prey slinks through the shadows turning to the boy- he may have a meal after all.

[roll2] Since, he's hiding behind a rock.

2010-05-12, 02:28 PM
Fayne lets her cloak of flames dissipate as she focuses on the crab.

Swift: Change to Stance of Clarity vs Crab (20 AC)

Move forward 20 ft (75 ft away)

Free: Shout at the crab, hoping to draw its attention. I'm in charge range, after all.

Standard: Ready Action to move when the crab attacks.

2010-05-12, 03:13 PM
The crab ignores the shouts from Fayne and tries to grab the boy once more.

[roll1] High means miss.

2010-05-12, 03:19 PM
The crabs attack triggers Faynes action, and she moves even closer.

Her turn begins with her 55 ft away. She moves closer still, trying to attract its attention with shouts.

Move: 35 ft away at turn end
Standard: Ready Action to move if crab attacks.

2010-05-12, 03:46 PM
Frustrated at it's attempts to get at the boy it makes a huge swipe with it's claw to remove the rock that's been jutting out and getting in the way.


The boulder quakes and debris hits the boy, but it remains in place.

2010-05-12, 03:54 PM
Fayne decides its time to end this.


2010-05-13, 10:15 AM
Fayne and her attack bounce off the carapace of the crab, it turns to Attack the annoying girl.


2010-05-13, 02:49 PM
Fayne dodges the would be killer-blow, and continues her attack for MASSIVE DAMAGE!

Counter: Zephyr Dance (+4 AC vs single attack)

Standard: [roll0]

Move: [roll2]

2010-05-13, 02:50 PM

2010-05-13, 03:14 PM
Fayne's Scythe rips deep into the crab's abdomen spilling it's entrails all over the beach and incidentally a small green gem lies amongst the mess. The small boy that was taking cover behind the rock takes a quick glance at his treasure and then a look at Fayne- and skitters off in fear.

2010-05-13, 03:28 PM
Hey, boy! Your gem! I... You... *sigh* I'll return it. I need to head back for some help anyway.

Deciding pressing on while a mere strong wind could kill her is a Bad IdeaTM, she takes the gem and heads back, looking for both aid and the boy.

2010-05-13, 03:43 PM
Fayne makes her way back to the village a bit worse for wear. The girl is still sobbing with her broken necklace. Fayne heads to where?

The village elder..
Salyne in the guard hut..
One of the four unexplored huts...
What looks like a village shop...

2010-05-13, 04:13 PM
Fayne heads to the elders house. There must be something there that can heal her, somewhere in all his junk.

2010-05-14, 09:55 AM
Fayne enters the elder's hut to find him talking to his Wickelblat, suddenly he looks up, "Quitting so soon, the walk to the cave got the best of you did it?"

2010-05-14, 10:01 AM
Wrong on both counts, old man. But I have no desire to bleed all over your house and could use some healing. I was hoping you could provide it, or at least point me in the right direction to find it.

2010-05-14, 10:10 AM
"Oh, yes. I guess I wouldn't want you making a mess of things here. Please take a step outside and we'll see what we can do- it's been ages since I've had to heal much of anything."

Once outside the man draws a circle around you and heads back into his hut a few times to grab a things he had forgotten. He mumbles and chants as he "dances" around you. Suddenly the majority of your wounds seem to close upon themselves leaving you feeling much better.

"Sorry, lass, it's been ages since I've practiced that bit of healing is the best I can do. In the old days I'd be pressed to charge you, but money has little value around here now."

Restore 75% of all damage

2010-05-14, 10:26 AM
Somewhat surprised that his ritual worked, Fayne thanks him, noting that she'd gladly take some of that worthless money off his hands if he so desired.

Fayne heads over to the store looking place and tries to see what kind of good they have.

2010-05-14, 10:54 AM
A bubbly looking maiden greets you as you enter the shop. "How can I help you, miss?"

Some of what you can find within the shop after browsing a bit:

Vodka (Oyster shot glass)
an iridescent nautilus shell vase
delicate seashell windchimes
a platter of opaque puffer fish
a striped beach towel
shark fin soup
a peach seashell pipe
a sweet-smelling orchid lei
a lavendar coral votive
cocktail (brandy cocktail in a half shell)

2010-05-14, 10:58 AM
Yeah, how much for that potion and that beach towel?

2010-05-14, 11:19 AM
"Well, Miss, it'll be five silver pieces for the towel and the potion will be 50 gold pieces."

2010-05-14, 11:46 AM
Fayne reaches into her pack and, with out looking or counting it out, puts down exactly 5 silver and 50 gold.

She then takes the potion off to the elder, hoping he can identify it for her.

2010-05-14, 12:05 PM
The elder chuckles as you show him the potion. "That there is a potion of sanctuary my brother brewed that oh so many years ago." His eyes grow a bit teary as he kindly asks you to leave him be.

2010-05-14, 12:17 PM
Fayne stores the potion in her pack and heads off again toward the cave.

2010-05-14, 03:28 PM
Fayne passes by the ever-crying girl once more and back towards the beach like area where the crab was...but eerily all remnants of the crab are completely gone. For a beast that size it surely would have taken any sort of bird quite a bit longer to consume.

Finally, Fayne reaches the cave entrance finding it impassable due to a large piece of stone with strange markings all about it.

2010-05-15, 02:41 AM
Fayne, unable to decipher strange scripts, takes her time looking around the rock for some way to get in (Search: Take 20). If she is unable to get in, she will do the only logical thing she can and will smash the stone to rubble.

2010-05-15, 04:43 PM
After carefully searching the large slab covering the cave, three images stand out to her and each are positioned above a small hole in the rockface. The first appears to be an image of a stone, the second a ring-like object with various shapes hanging off of it, and the third appears to be that of a small creature (a small creature that Fayne seems to recall seeing recently).

You can still try to smash it if you wish....

2010-05-16, 11:32 PM
"Er... I need to steal a trinket from a small child to get in here?" Fayne rolls her eyes. "Truly he who constructed this cave is a master of all deeds evil and vile."

Fayne lifts her scythe.

"Here goes nothing!"

Fayne smashes her scythe into the boulder.

2010-05-17, 12:07 AM
Fayne smashes her Scythe into the boulder but is jolted back as blue sparks fly off from where her Scythe makes contact with the boulder.

2010-05-17, 12:29 AM
OK, guess I'm going in the hard way.

Fayne begins smashing her way through the face of the stone to the side, trying to cut her own path around the boulder.

2010-05-17, 12:55 AM
The scythe breaks off several bits of rock from the boulder, but as Fayne continues at it she finds that really she's just been smashing the same bits of rock off over and over.

25 xp... nice idea!

2010-05-17, 01:22 AM
"Hmm, it seems I've run into the dreaded Trollrock..."

Fayne focuses for a second, then tries to Shadow Jaunt to the other side.

2010-05-17, 01:31 AM
Key word- Tries.

2010-05-18, 03:31 AM
It seems this rock is protected by the power of plot. Unless I'm missing something, there is no reason my Mountain Scythe Strike shouldn't be able to penetrate this rock. :smallamused: I guess I'll do it your way then.

Fayne heads back to the weeping girl. "Hey, I might know where to find the missing pieces of your charms, come with me, child."


2010-05-18, 04:58 AM
The girl takes your hand and the tears in her eyes still very much present, but at least she isn't sobbing as uncontrollably as before.

Dang plot!!!

2010-05-20, 03:32 AM
When they get to the rock, Fayne says "Go touch that rock, please."

2010-10-07, 04:25 PM
As the girl touches the rock a nebulous swirl of colors overcomes Fayne as she finds herself covered in sweat and awaking as if from a dream. Once again finding herself at the bottom of the hull, yet now she can no longer make her way through through it. Somehow, she still feels stronger than she was when she here before. She now finds herself traveling further east.

Searching through the ship finds mostly broken and rotted out boards and a various amount of organisms have now called this place home. Deeper within the ship near the bottom of the hull she bends down to move some debris out of the way, only to find her hand going through that debris as if it wasn't even there. Curious she runs her hand through again this time further and finds her hand wet. It appears she can pass completely through to the other side.

2010-10-07, 04:33 PM
Fayne shakes her head. "I... What just happened?"

Fayne trys to make everything make sense as she continues on toward her destination.

2010-10-08, 10:23 AM
Continuing east along the path leads Fayne to another portion of the lake. As she scans the horizon for a way across she spies a ferryman sitting on a small dock smoking a long and beautifully carved pipe. Above the man is a sign stating, "50 gold pieces for passage across the lake". Looking further east you can see that the lake seems to flow either into or around a small portion of the mountainside.

2010-10-09, 11:21 PM
Fayne pulls out a load of silver from her pack and pays the man.

"So, anything of interest around here, friend?"

2010-10-10, 12:07 AM
The ferryman carefully sets his pipe aside as he receives payment from Fayne. Once payment is secured he goes back to puffing on his pipe and smiles warmly as he hears Fayne's question.

"What interest me around here is the quiet this lake affords. Though, I must warn you it is best you use someone experienced like me to cross the lake- wouldn't want a pretty thing like yourself disturbing ol' Khulhedra. She keeps to herself for the most part, but those who have chosen to provoke her have found themselves in the afterlife. The name is Nolan, by the way, and I am your best bet at reaching Cypratene from the West, here."

With the conversation finished, Nolan quietly goes to work at securing Fayne's equipment into the ferry and preparing it for the voyage across the lake. With everything in place, he sets at his pipe again and the two of you drift out onto the lake and head towards the cave you spotted in the distance.

As you approach the cave's entrance, Nolan whispers,"Ok miss, best the two of us keep as quiet as possible now. Tis' the home of Khulhedra and there is no need to stir her curiosity-especially if she happens to be out hunting. There is a fork within this cave that we'll not be taking as it leads to her nest." With the gentle warning he puts one finger to his lips, before working at his pipe once more.

Before too long you've made your way through the caves without disturbing the beast and now before you can see the beautiful city of Cypratene ahead. Gliding gently into the dock, Nolan helps you with your gear as you unload yourself onto the dock. "Is there anyone within the city you are looking to find, perhaps I can let you know the general direction you should take?"

2010-10-10, 12:12 AM
Fayne, though she is full of questions about this beast, decides to keep quite for the time being.

"Yeah, I'm looking for someone by the name of Ralgar. Any information on where to find him would be appreciated."

2010-10-10, 12:39 AM
"hrm... Knowing Ralgar you'll either find him at the Imperium or within the Cerulean Spire. Both of which you can see from here. The Imperium is that alabaster structure over there to the north and the Spire you can see is a little ways to the east over there. Algiz protect you, miss."

With that Nolan heads back onto his ship and makes his back into the lake.

2010-10-12, 04:55 AM
Fayne, magical storage items filled to the brim, asks around and finds places to appraise and then offload all her loot. If nessicary, she'll spend the whole day doing this. She figures Ralgar will still be around tomorrow.

[OoC] Need to know just how much phat lewtz I haz before I can think about getting supplies and new gear. Also, sorry for the delays. Working on the whole "no job" thing. :smallsmile:

2010-10-18, 10:02 AM
Fayne made her way off the dock and headed in a northerly direction up Ruminic Ave. noting a few shops along the way that dealt in various types of goods, from freshly baked breads, sweet smelling teas to high quality martial weapons.. oh, and there was no shortage to the various different fashion shops. Cypratene was well known for its diversity in fashions and was well known throughout Sapience for it. Finding out just how much the gems and trinkets she had picked up being top on her list she inquired of a passerby where she might get them appraised. She was quickly directed to the home of the Arcane Kindred a guild of scholarly mages that often provided such services for the many visitors to Cypratene. The identification of objects, however, was often left to the students and thus items could easily be identified for 30 gold pieces. Fayne was happy to find that a couple of her items were imbued with magical properties. The wand was identified as a wand of magic missiles with a caster level of three and fifteen charges remaining. The garnet ring she had recovered from the troll fight was discovered to be a ring of minor fire resistance, to which Fayne chuckled a bit since she was quite certain it wasn’t resistant enough to protect that ugly troll from the pyre she built for him.

more to come… but I was interrupted

2010-10-19, 06:12 AM
Before leaving the Kindred's estate, Fayne was handed a small pocket guide to the various merchants about the city.

1 Crystal Lightning
23 The Runewarden's Tools (guild shop)
24 The Family Beacon
25 Rousseau's
26 Prosperian Trade and Supply
27 The Church Trading Company
28 Cypratenian Sundries
29 Emporium of Enlightenment (guildshop)
30 Ksiradhi Sarabhanda
35 Cyrpratene General Store
3 The Arcane Circle (guild shop)
4 Tools of Honour
11 Shadows of Nature
12 The Eight Pointed Star
16 The Silver Rose Bloom
18 The Epic Verse (guild shop)
19 The Red Falcon
20 The Hot Spot

*Numbers correspond to their locations on the map.

For the gems, Fayne was directed to the Prosperian Trade and Supply found along Center street in order to catch a fair price for them. She was able to exchange them for 3072 gold pieces. Javien, the shopkeeper, paid special attention to the gemstone she had recovered from within the necromancer's mine noting that it was special amongst the lot and if ever a source for that kind were found it would likely bring in quite the fortune. Dismissing the thought shortly thereafter, turned Fayne's eye towards the wares he had available within his shop. Several mundane and useful items could be found within the shop along with a good selection of silks.

Pressing onward along Center street she would note an old woman feeding a flock of pigeons in front of a fountain. Beyond the fountain furhter along center street at a crossroad just before the Imperium a young girl was found crying deeply. Through the tears, you could make out that she had lost something very dear to her. To the north the sound of hammering at a forge could be heard. To the east the Imperium could be seen with its elegant columns and grand entryway.

Cypratene- Some things you would know. (Brief descriptions for most)

Cypratene is home to the following guilds:
Mojushai - A humble house of monks. Known for their benevolence and peaceful philosophies.
Ty Beirdd- A guild of artist, all bards of note have their dealings with this guild.
Arcane Kindred- Guild of magi, sorcerers and wizards alike.
The Wardens- A knightly house and the noble defenders of Cypratene. (main military arm of the city). Also, known for their high quality forging of weapons and armor.
The Lumeni - a house of priests

Cypratene was discovered by the rest of Sapience after a great and terrible dragon began terrorizing the otherwise peaceful and secluded city amongst the mountains. A series of tremors were let loose that opened a pathway from the northeast allowing the heroic adventurers of Sapience arrive to deal with the foul beast. It was found that a member of the Pantheon had stolen the dragon's egg causing it to unleash its fury upon the town. Since then, the city has prospered within its own right and though they still tend to keep to themselves they do step in if they feel they or their allies are threatened.

Feel free to ask any questions you wish and I'll be more than happy to flesh out the answer for you. (Specific deities have been left out, since I've yet to decide who is the best fit for each.

2010-10-21, 05:07 AM
Let me see if I got my amount of wealth correct.

11,940 in stuff, as of that PM I sent a while back. Assuming I sell the armor and axe for half, that goes down by 2,035 to 9,905. Add 3,072 from the misc gems, per your above post, to a total of 12,977. The wand of Magic Missile has a value of 675. Sold for half (and minus the 30 gp ID fee), that brings the total up to 13,284 wealth. 2,000 is spent on my scythe and 2,000 on my bag.

That means I should have 9,284+300= 9,584 gold to spend. That 300 is from gold I had on me already.

Also, you've got me dead on WBL. Impressive. :smallbiggrin:

Fayne, aware she needs to improve her armor, searches out an armorer capable of creating a magic mithral (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialMaterials.htm#mithral) set of full plate armor.

I'm looking for a +2 mithral full plate. I can't actually afford it right now, but I'd like to get it started (assuming they don't just have one on the rack :smallamused:). Market price on that armor is 14,500 (9000 for mithral, 1500 for full plate, 4000 for +2). So yeah, I got a bit more then 2/3 of the price of it right now.

2010-10-21, 11:49 AM
Hearing the clanging of a hammer to the north, Fayne, naturally thinks to ask the blacksmith shop at the end of the road. A large and long bearded dwarf could be seen hammering away at a set of half-plate. He is singing a song to Moradin as he hammers, focused on his work he doesn't even notice Fayne, standing there. However, you do see what appears to be a small doll torn and slightly singed by the heat emanating from the forge.

2010-10-21, 03:37 PM
Fayne thinks to examine the doll, but decides to ask about the armor first. She assumes the doll isn't going anywhere.

2010-10-21, 03:48 PM
The dwarf suddenly startled by the woman's voice looks up and begins to stroke his beard as he begins to answer the question. "Well, miss, for something like that you'd need a fairly hefty sum of money." Clearly he does not think you would be a person capable of acquiring such a sum. "and, even if you did it'd be best to seek out Uli Se'arc of the Wardens. He's who you would want to see about crafting an item of such quality. Tis' a gift for your sweetheart, I expect?"

2010-10-21, 03:55 PM
Fayne looks the dwarf over.

"Yes, it is a gift to protect my sweet sweet heart. Hopefully a few of my other organs as well. Thanks for the information. Also, if you don't mind my asking, what is this doll doing here?"

2010-10-22, 10:27 AM
"Acckkk!! My daughter will be heartbroken if she sees her favorite doll in such a state. No doubt, she's balling her eyes out right now if she thinks she lost it. Quick, take it to Dahlia, she should be able to fix it. She's got a shop just southeast of the fountain. Don't worry, I'll make it worth your while."

The dwarf thanks you and begins hammering away at the half-plate once more.

2010-10-25, 12:22 AM
"I... Sure, why not?"

Fayne does as instructed.

2010-10-26, 01:00 AM
Finding the Dahlia's fashions, Fayne makes her way into the shop and as with any tailor's shop there are spools of thread and bolts of cloth in a variety of different colors and patterns. There is also a great variety of clothing to choose from, in nearly any design one could imagine. Behind the short counter is a bright and cheery halfling woman who greets you warmly, and asks, "Now how could I be of service to you, dear?"

2010-10-26, 01:10 PM
"I guess I need this doll fixed. I asked a smith about some armor, got told I was not only too poor to afford it, but also too 'not a man' to wear it.

So, naturally, I'm helping him with his doll."

Fayne looks slightly confused at what she had just said, but gives up on thinking about it.

2010-10-26, 02:48 PM
"Ha, Ha... sounds like you talked to the backward headed Bruggio. He means well, he just isn't the brightest fellow around.. and if that's Fantine's doll no wonder he rushed you over here. She'll simply be heartbroken... as it was a special gift from her mother, before she passed. I'll gladly get to work on it for you, feel free to have a look around my shop and let me know if there is anything that interests you."

Any particular type of garment you might want- will likely be in here. Maybe even some (relatively cheap) magic ones.

2010-10-26, 03:05 PM
Fayne browses the shop while she waits, but finds nothing she is particularly interested in.

2010-10-26, 03:11 PM
The halfling woman brings out the doll and makes a slight wave of her hand over the doll, removing any singe marks. "Here you go dear, now did you see anything that you liked? Oh, and tell Bruggio he owes me a cup of tea." She says that last bit with a bit of a wink.

2010-10-26, 03:30 PM
Fayne takes the doll and excuses herself, returning to the dwarf.

Here you are. One significantly less singed doll, as requested.

2010-10-27, 11:44 AM
As you walk back into the Smithy, you can see that Bruggio is no longer hard at work at the forge. Instead he is in the corner of the room with the young girl you had seen crying in the streets, earlier. He is desperately trying to console her when you walk into the room waving the girl's doll. As soon as Fantine notices you she immediately jumps up shoots Bruggio a brief glare at hearing how it was singed and runs towards you, clearly aiming at snatching the doll from your hands.

Bruggio gets up and begins to saunter towards you and thanks you. "Now then, I did say I'd make it worth your while." He then turns and heads to the back room and you can hear him rummaging around. Leaving you with the young Fantine ever grateful for the return of Molly.