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Realms of Chaos
2010-04-21, 03:16 AM
The ocean sprays the air with a cool mist as another wave hits the piers of Parink. As the smaller of the two towns on Roven Isle, it comes as a surprise to most that most ships arrive here. The mist smells softly of soot, as does everything in the archipelago. As the sun begins to set beyond Mt. Roven, everything is cast in a pale, reddish light.
Across from the pier, on the other side of a worn cobblestone street, stands a particular building. Though quite old and ramshackle in design, bright lights, rowdy noises, and intoxicating aromas seem to waft from its doors and windows.
A faded wooden sign, hanging from above the doorway, labels the building as “The Kraken’s Tooth”. Beneath the wording, oddly enough, is a depiction of a cartoonish horse. It is at this strange old pub that countless trips start and end.
From the inside, The Kraken's Tooth looks roomy and inviting. Several pelts rest on the old wooden floor, dotted with a multitude of old stains. The chairs and tables seem sturdy enough, with a large one in the corner for the occasional large folk working on ships.
The bar, made of driftwood, separates you from an aventi bartender, his bluish skin shining in the dim light of the pub, and from a cornucopia of recipes for intoxication.
Apart from a few newcomers in the pub, five humans are sitting at the bar, drowning themselves in weak ale. On a raised platform up a few short steps to the right, a half-dozen more locals sit at a couple of tables, gambling with a deck of cards. A final human stands on a table in the middle of the room, singing a rather... provacative song about his imagined habbits of the merfolk. His singing isn't bad but the song is obviously being improvised on the spot.
In short, it's just like any other day in Parink. Well, except for one thing, that is.

The grand dhow known as the Silver Duchess has just arrived at port, allowing some of her crew to stop by for a drink while cargo is loaded. It won't be long now before passengers and crew are called to the ship once more. Until then, there is a moment of peace.

2010-04-21, 03:50 AM
A rather nondescript figure, wrapped in a simple brown cloak, is sitting at a table close to the bar, a mug of ale and a simple meal in front of it, untouched.
Something seems to preoccupy the stranger; a fact which doesn't go unnoticed by the barkeep.

"Something wrong with the food?"

Those who care to listen hear a slightly muffled mezzo-soprano voice answer curtly.

"No, it's fine."

Aroused from thought by the aventi, the woman takes a swig from the mug and starts to eat.

2010-04-21, 05:58 AM
A thin, handsome young human with short dirty blond hair sits at the same table as the cloaked figure and currently finishes his meal. He wears dark, robust clothing made to withstand the life at sea, including a hooded jacket, leather pants, boots and a black shirt. A blue oval crystal framed by a dragon wing and an angel wing hangs from a slender blue chain around his neck.

He notices people look over to him once in a while, curious, maybe intrigued. It served as a good reminder of what effect he has on others, as he was mostly among his friends and family for the past years who were used to his presence. Fayd chuckles a bit and shakes his head during the song with an amused smile. "I'll let him dream," he quietly says to himself, his voice pleasant and even. He considers going over to the gamblers, as apparently few people can tell when he bluffs, but decides not to since that would be mean.

"That was good." Having finished his meal, he breathes a content sigh. His soft silver eyes look at the cloaked figure, sees her being stirred from her thoughts. "Are your memories steering you towards Pemrose?" He makes an educated guess. He has something inviting about him, entirely missing flamboyance and arrogance.

This will be the only time I'll describe Fayd's presence and effect on others like this, don't worry, but I think it's appropiate in the introductory post with a character who has an effective +5 on charisma checks and very high social skills.

2010-04-21, 06:20 AM
Audr was also at a table. Not the same table, no - she was on her own, off to the side of the room. Audr was waiting. She knew the Silver Duchess was coming. She'd left her previous post on a cargo ship to enlist on the more... exciting... Dhow. Running Cargo would not earn one a place in Valhalla, after all. Serving on a larger, more adventurous ship offered greater promise...

Unlike the others, she had no food in front of her - having eaten earlier. But decorum dictated that you ordered at least one drink if you were going to wait around in a tavern... so, eventually, she rose and headed for the bar. By chance she ended up near to Fayd and Andromalia's table: albeit not *at* it. She'd have had no reason to join them yet...

To Fayd and Andromalia, she'd appear to be some burly barbarian sort, a mass of old furs surmounted by wild hair and a single piercing blue eye. But there were a couple of clues not all was as it seemed. Firstly, enough of the face was visible to show that Audr was not as... masculine... as her build would suggest. Secondly, listening carefully would reveal the metallic clinking of armor under the furs. In truth, she was a surprisingly thin person, with most of her bulk coming from the home-made full plate she wore underneath.

"Mead, please." was the request she made of the bartender. She'd gotten the 'Viking' accent down perfectly (it did come naturally to her, after all;)), but the words sounded less like a norseman and more like a librarian.

The bartender served her quickly enough - it was a simple drink, and she had money - and she turned back to survey the room at large. This sight was worthy of a comment. "I cannot wait to get back to sea."

It was worthy of a comment... just not a particularly approving one.

Now appropriately attired for her vigil, Audr turned to head back to her side table...

2010-04-21, 06:23 AM
The woman takes a small sip of ale before she turns her head towards the inquisitive young man. Under the hood of her cloak you can barely see more than the outline of an even, and probably handsome face.

"Jus' thought about woss 'appened to me durin' the las' few months. But yeah, I'm on my way to Pemrose. Goin' there, too, aincha?"

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-21, 07:08 AM
Tetelo often found pubs annoying. Maybe it was the noise and heat? No: in days past she'd often enjoyed chatting in bakeries, picking up some fresh gossip to go with the fresh bread. Maybe it was the alcohol? No: Tetelo liked a drink or two, although she found herself to be something of a featherweight.
Maybe it was the fact that almost every goddamn person went armed? Yes. That was it. Even as she pushed at the wood of the door to open it, she could feel the half-nauseating presence of steel. Some of the worst offenders in that respect were travelers like herself; big burly men who wore entire suits of the stuff, in the face of common courtesy.

Already grumbling slightly, Tetelo entered the Kraken's Tooth. With the door slamming shut behind herself, she drew a few glances, and it could't be said overall that she disappointed. Tetelo was tall, with rather unusually long legs, with a casual indifference in her manner as she walked along to the driftwood bar. As she walked, her goldenrod gaze wandered over the patrons, one or two of whom blinked and avoided her yellow eyes altogether. It was a small touch, those eyes, but it was the only real overt hint to her heritage, aside from her slightly unearthly beauty. She'd been mistaken for a Selkie or a Siren before. Men of the sea tended to be careful about that kind of thing.

Arriving at the bar, Tetelo gave a perfunctory nod to the tender.
The barman nodded, giving her a careful look in return, and set about filling a mug for her. The coinage exchanged, Tetelo looked about. She had some time to kill while the sailors were on leave. Maybe some conversation...?

2010-04-21, 07:19 AM
"Yeah, I'll see if the Duchess' crew are willing to hire some help for the trip. Probably won't stay there for long, but maybe I'll be able to do something meaningful there." Fayd momentarily turns to the warrior woman passing by them after hearing her comment. "Ah, I guess you're going to be on the Silver Duchess, too? Please, take a seat, no use in sitting there alone," he says with a friendly smile and offers her a chair at the table. Those who are near Fayd and look closely discover something looking like tiny, silvery scale on his neck.

He meets the new arrival's gaze momentarily, but doesn't seem to be bothered by her or try to avoid her, treating her as a person like everyone else in the room.

2010-04-21, 07:46 AM
"Glad to see I'm not the only one wivout any plan. So you're a sailor? 'Tis only my third time on a ship, an' I still need to keep meself from barfing all over."

Andromalia watches both Audr and Tetelo for a while during the conversation, her eyes lingering rather longer on Tetelo.

2010-04-21, 08:03 AM
"I am merely guessing, but I think the Silver Duchess will not be as bad as your last couple. It's pretty large, as ships in these parts go, and well made. It should not rock quite as badly as the smaller, cruder vessels." Accepting their offer, Audr took a seat alongside Fayd and Andromalia.

"And if it is not, always vomit away from the wind. Important health and safety tip..." The hint of white as some of her smile was visible around the fur hood. "I've spent about... five years on the water, now. Ships like me for a couple of reasons: One, if they're transporting female passengers, it helps to have a crew that's not entirely formed of drunken sex-starved men. Two, there are not a lot of blacksmiths willing to ship out on long voyages, and it always helps to have someone along who can fix broken weapons and tools, yes?" Raising one knuckle, she rapped herself on the chest. There was a muffled, though still audible, ringing of metal. "My own work. Quite proud of it, actually." Leaning forwards now, her mead forgotten on the table as she stared at her potential-crewmates-to-be. "I left a message for the Silver Duchess a couple of ports back, letting them know I wanted to change ship. They left a message here for me... One of the crew will be over to have a look at me when they're done unloading. Feel free to sign up when he shows, hm?"

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-21, 08:03 AM
Tetelo returned the strange hooded figure's gaze evenly. Hoods meant caution, usually. Caution meant fear tempered with intelligence. So...
Her voice is somewhat high-pitched, but soft. She leans against the bar, crossing her arms. She wrinkles her nose, as if smelling something foul, but then her expression returns to one of polite interest.

2010-04-21, 08:36 AM
Andromalia lets out a small laugh , noticably lower than her speaking voice, at Audr's comments. She is about to answer her, when she hears Tetelo apparently address her. Her gaze falters, and if you watch closely she blushes slightly at being caught staring. Those near her suddenly notice a faint smell, just as if a match had just been burnt. You realize the smell had been there all along but wasn't strong enough to be noticed conciously.

"Apologies, din't mean to stare."

Still a bit flustered she turns back to Audr.

"I already paid for the trip, an' quite a bit at that, I'm not much use on a ship, after all. But say, 'ow much for a li'l refitting work? This chainshirt keeps goin' all over the place, drives me mad."

2010-04-21, 08:38 AM
Fayd chuckles when he hears about Andromalia's problem. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it with time. I can show you some methods against seasickness once we're aboard. Tell me if it's not bearable though, I should be able to mix something against it." Fayd takes a quick look into his backpack, but remembers something. "Ah, sorry, where are my manners. I'm Fayd, born and raised on the six ships I call home. You could call me a sailor, but I consider myself more as a healer, as I still have a lot left to learn about handling a ship, at least by my peoples standards."

Fayd listens attentively to Audr, smiling at the safety tip and nodding approvingly when she mentions her crafting talents. "Absolutely, thank you. Also, good craftsmen and -women are definitely worth their weight in gold aboard a ship and I guess I should consider myself lucky that I grew up amongst people who know how to control themselves and treat women with respect."

2010-04-21, 08:49 AM
"Andromalia. Lia for those what prefer me answerin' before the day's over."

2010-04-21, 08:59 AM
"I have long since found that mixed sex ships tend to prevent the erosion of men's behaviour. Especially when the woman on board has this" Audr strokes the hilt of her greatsword "beside her at night. But not all captains agree. Especially not the one I first sailed with. Especially not after two of his 'mates' thought I was bluffing about my swordsmanship. And *especially* not after I suggested selling them off as Eunuchs." Another hints-of-grin-grin, then Audr glanced over towards Lia. "Do not worry, my Viking days are long behind. I've been sailing merchant ships since then. Much safer." And towards Fayd. "And more civilized." Back to a more neutral pose, and one hand returning to her (still untouched) tankard of mead. "Anyway, names were offered, so mine is Audr."

2010-04-21, 09:08 AM
"Haha, really pleased to meetcha Audr. Though I must say, a decent lookin' fellow's better than a sword at times."

Andromalia takes another look around the room before continuing.

"Those seem to be the exception, though."

2010-04-21, 09:25 AM
"Pff, more power to you, if only for the sheer entertainment value. I remember seeing some strangers trying to do something to one of the flotilla's members, getting their tough manly man act on and all that and oh boy, did they regret that. I've never seen grown men run that fast, arms flailing in the air and screaming hysterically." Fayd pantomimes with his arms to visualize the story. "One jumped over the railing and somehow got caught in the rigging, so he was dangling against the side of the ship, flailing around and screaming 'help me, they got me, they got me'." He couldn't help but laugh at how absurd the whole scene was back then. "I swear, we wanted to catch them, but we were laughing so hard that we were rolling around the deck." Wiping a tear from his eye, he is still grinning. "Anyway, nice to meet both of you."

2010-04-21, 09:34 AM
"Been wonderin' 'ow people put up wiv livin' on a ship, but it seems the fun starts once you can keep your food."

2010-04-21, 10:18 AM
Your conversation is interrupted as deep, throaty laughter roars through the room. The source is an orc sitting in one corner, looking rather old, but judging by how the table rattles as he pounds it between fits, not much worse off for it.

"Oh, does that sound too scary for you?" he says to the two men sitting opposite to him, who seem to be standing up and getting away from him. "Fine! Hah. I'll find someone else to join me, this place is full of men of honor, I am sure!"

2010-04-21, 10:28 AM
Quietly: "That orc has far more faith in humanity than I do..."

Regular volume: "Getting your 'sea legs' helps, definitely. I grew up in a hunter's camp, so my first couple of weeks at sea... yeah, I've had more fun. But you grow used to it, and things improve from there. If you stay out long enough, you even start walking funny when you're on land - compensating for a sway the ground just does not have..."

A brief chuckle escapes her lips, followed by "On a related note: Have you ever tried repelling boarders by using a decent lookin' fellow as your weapon? Because if they're better for that than my sword and spear are, I may not need to carry them around much longer..."

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-21, 10:53 AM
Tetelo smiles to herself at the hooded person's reaction to getting caught, but then she lifts an eyebrow. A woman? Unexpected. She listens in with half an ear to their conversation.
"Find your sea legs?" She comments,
"So strange. How can anyone smell the salt and the smell of water and wood, and not feel at ease? Hm." She traces the rim of her mug with a finger as the discussion touches on men on ship.
"You're right, of course, that examples work to discourage them...but it helps to be warrior too, I guess."
She brushes a bit of her thick black hair behind her head.
"I'm not. But it would help."

2010-04-21, 10:56 AM
Tucked away in one corner of the Kraken's Tooth drinking area, a serene-faced woman watches the happenings with equal disinterest for all. Her blue eyes stare out from beneath the brim of a wide-brimmed black felt hat, tiny silver bells dangling from the edges. She seems to blink only when she remembers to, sometimes staring for over a minute before wetting her eyes again.

Her garb is simple, yet finely made, in the manner of a traveling lady of some wealth. Few proper ladies would ever wear the tightly-fitted crimson trousers she has on however, an item in stark contrast to the flowing silks in subdued browns and blacks that make up the rest of her attire.

The woman raises a tankard to her lips, but if she did more than wet them with it, it was the tiniest of swallows. Those with exceptional eyes or a keen sense of smell might notice that the tankard is full to the top with seawater.

The tune being played by the musician seems to tug at her memories. She draws a silver-plated flute seemingly out of nothingness, and begins to play along - not particularly well, but softly enough not to disturb the other patrons if she makes an occasional slip in the notes.

2010-04-21, 11:07 AM
Malon sat by herself in the middle of the room, tapping the edge of her empty glass as she stared through the wall, bored out of her mind. While the words in the rude song did reach her ears, she didn't take offence - she hardly considered herself part of the Merfolk, and for all she knew those songs could be right. Though her rainbow scales and sparkling, membranous wings certainly did light up the room, she despite her unearthly beauty did not receive any romantic advances - those who'd tried had been turned away by a single glare, though no one knew what it was that made her so frightening.

She'd heard the Duchess' name been mentioned a couple of times now, and it seemed to her that it was a more popular craft than she'd originally guessed. Not that she cared, though, as it was not as though she needed any space on the vessel itself. Another day, another cramped vessel to work on.

2010-04-21, 11:08 AM
"I luv the fresh salty air, I jus' could do wivout the green face. Sorry again for the starin', just din't fit into the rest of the scenery, though quite a few 'ere don'. Always peaks me interest. As for keepin' guys outta me pants, it's easier for me than for some."

It's meant to sound off-handedly but an air of regret swings in the background.

2010-04-21, 11:09 AM
Fayd looks over to the orc for a moment, worrying that he might do something rash. Maybe it is because he is a healer, but Fayd still hopes the orc doesn't get himself (or someone else) in trouble.

Leaning back as Lia and Audr talk to each other, he is content with just listening for a while, happy that he could bring people together and that they have a good time, even though they may part ways soon. His thoughts begin to drift, slowly approaching the sea. Back to the flotilla. Then going into the water. Back to...

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-21, 11:33 AM
Tetelo tilts her head to one side, in an almost avian way.
"Oh? I've never known men to be very discerning. If they don't fear it, they try to bed it. Besides..."
She nods towards the thick brown hood
"Of us...Don't you 'not fit' more? A burn that didn't heal, is it? A disease?"

2010-04-21, 11:44 AM
"Nah, nuffink like that. Just a... safety precaution against the more discernin'. 'ad quite some violent reactions in the past."

2010-04-21, 11:51 AM
"Actually, I've known one or two that tried to bed it *because* they feared it. That's a risky principle, though. Especially when drunkenly applied to bears." A wistful little shake of the head brings Audr's mind back from her childhood to the tavern.

"Besides, I lost an eye when I was young. Doesn't stop men when they're at sea and their pool of available women is restricted to you and the galley chickens..." Followed with a quick bark of laughter. "Looking prettier than a chicken can be both a blessing and a curse. So, what brings the lot of you to the port? I'm here for work, and you three...?"

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-21, 11:53 AM
Tetelo nods to herself in satisfied fashion. Caution.
"Mmm. Did I hear you mention the Silver Duchess? Aboard her as passenger, are you?"
Her manner retreats into polite interest one more.
"I'm... well, something like a navigator on board this time around. Most of what I do is just exist on board, and that's enough."

2010-04-21, 12:03 PM
"I know quite a few what choose the chicken for bein' less of a risk. An' noone what take the bear. But you're righ', enough of that. To answer your question, I really dunno woss been takin' me here. "

2010-04-21, 12:08 PM
"Passenger? No, I signed on as crew. The Duchess is hardly my first ship. I'm not too much use when it comes to navigation, but if you need someone on the helm, the lines, or the forge, I'm your woman."

Quietly, to Lia, Audr adds "I doubt they'd have chosen the bear if they'd been sober..."

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-21, 12:12 PM
Tetelo makes a face.
"Yes, I thought I heard you say 'Forge.' You're a blacksmith then, I suppose." Her voice is a little dull, some vexation showing through.
"What's wrong with copper? Or bronze? Or brass? Why does everyone have to use steel?" The comment is rhetorical, and not really directed at anyone in particular. Tetelo gazes into her drink, pouting somewhat.

Forever Curious
2010-04-21, 12:16 PM
Like most of the other adventurers, Garen sat alone in the pub, drumming his fingers restlessly. Although the general mood of the evening was a present one, Garen heard occasional mentions of his actions the previous night. Ah, that merchant, whatever his name was. Garen rarely remembered names of his charges; it simply wasn't worth it to him. The changeling did notice the group chatting idlely a few tables away, and the repeated mention of the Silver Duchess reached his ears. He grinned to himself. Ah, fellow travelers... thought the assassin to himself. He took particular notice of the tall fey-like woman, but quickly disregarded the thought. Best never to mix business with pleasure...

2010-04-21, 12:21 PM
"Woss wrong wiv steel? What reminds me, Audr, 'choo want for the refit of my chainshirt? Or doncha do refittin's?"

2010-04-21, 12:21 PM
"I can work in all of those metals, if the need is great enough. But the reason I usually use iron or steel is simply that it is stronger. I can create items of equal strength with less metal, or with equal metal I can produce items stronger and longer lasting than with most of the older metals. I suppose, ultimately, the reason is this: An Iron Sword will cut through a bronze shield as though it were made of butter. The reverse is typically false."

Finally, a glance back at Lia. "No forge-work today. Even I need a *little* time to settle into a new crew. Ask me again in the morning."

2010-04-21, 12:23 PM
Opening the door and ducking her head under the doorframe as she enters, Dressed in just a close fitting sleeveless shirt partially covered by a chain shirt, with a belt on, and a large sword running along my flank. My long flowing hair is tied back in a braid and keen eyes take a look around. Hooves clip clopping on the wooden floor, she avoids the rugs. Never know when one might slip out and send you tumbling to the ground.

She walks up to the barman and orders a large mug of ale, and seeing new people, mostly women, sitting around a table decides to join them.

Laying down after moving a chair out of the way. I say, "Hello, not really seen you here before, though I've only been here a week or two myself. My names Sasha, couldn't help but overhear you talking about the Duchess, I hope I can sign on as part of the crew today. I hear it's a good ship, are any of you from the Duchess?" I ramble on after shaking hands with anyone who wants to.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-21, 12:28 PM
Cal walks into the tavern and takes a deep breath. Today seemed like a good day for reasons Cal could not explain. But he was here for business, not pleasure. He scanned the the room and eventually found someone that closest matched the description of the person he was looking for. (She was the only one with one eye.) Cal walked up the one eyed warrior women, whom appeared to be in mid conversation.

"Excuse me miss. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Cal pauses to take a glance at the centaur next to them before returning to the matter at hand. "Um, are you the one called Audr? If so I am Cal Blackbourne, crewman aboard the Silver Duchess. The Captain sent me to look for you."

2010-04-21, 12:38 PM
Since the talks about men seem to have stopped for the moment, none of which seemed to have bothered him in the slightest, he returns to the question at hand. "I'm... just travelling around. The Duchess happened to arrive soon, so I figured I should seek passage on that one and might as well put what I know to use."

Fayd shakes the centaur's hand. "I'm Fayd, nice to meet you. Actually, none of us currently work on the Duchess, but that might change soon." He looks at the latest newcomer and waits for Audr to respond to him.

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-21, 12:41 PM
Tetelo shrugs. "Steel is...nevermind. Besides, We-" She stops as the centaur clops into the bar. Steel shoes? How could anyone stand that?
Tetelo listens to the centaur talk with interest, but a positively elfin giggle escapes her lips when she hears that this creature wants... wants to work on board a ship!

2010-04-21, 12:41 PM
"Wow, now that's direct. Andromalia, Lia for short. Say, innit a bit hard for you to work on a ship? Jus' curious."

Andromalia seems excited and taken aback at the same time, not taking her eyes of the centaur.

2010-04-21, 12:59 PM
Responding to the Centaur first (since she arrived before Cal), Audr comes up with "Wow... two more legs and Sleipneir would be looking on with envy...". A moment later, she's pulled her mind away from the mating habits of celestial horses, and focused on the words. "Well, Sasha, the person you need to talk to is Cal here - whom comes from the Silver Duchess in response to my earlier correspondence with its Captain." Audr pushes her hood back down - giving the others their first proper look at her face - and takes a brief moment to check the position of her eyepatch. "I imagine that the Captain wants you to bring me to the ship, hm? In which case, we may as well begin. I am ready. All the others at the table are looking for berths as well - some as crew, others as passengers. Perhaps they should come too?" Standing up now, and downing the mead in one go, she finished, "Regardless, I am ready."

2010-04-21, 01:06 PM
Fayd looks at Cal. "If you have use for a healer with quite a bit of naval experience, I'd like to help out on the ship, at least until we get to Pemrose." Should Cal agree, Fayd gets up, having payed already, takes his backpack and follows.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-21, 01:09 PM
Cal looks around at the people with Audr. "Even the horse lady?" Cal shrugs. "Well anyways, it may be best if I just take the potential crew members. We are a little short staffed right now and the captain actually wanted me to get any potential help I could find to get things ready for the passengers."

Cal turns to Fayd "A healer? Yea we can always use one of those. Not that it is up to me. That is for the Captain to decide.

2010-04-21, 01:19 PM
"Help, eh? Well, I'll come along when you leave, then. Not much of a sailor, but long's only simple stuff..."

Forever Curious
2010-04-21, 01:20 PM
As the ramble continues, Garen notices a lone woman playing a flute a few tables away. His first impression was that she might be one of his kind, but after a bit he concluded this was not the case. Regardless, it would be best to mingle for a while, lest someone take too keen a notice... The changeling stood and approached the woman, offering a small smile. "You're not half bad. Surprised you aren't with the musicians."

2010-04-21, 01:24 PM
Smiling and blushing a little at the Sleipneir comment, Sasha looks on towards the newest person, who says hes part of the Duchess's crew! "Definately, I love the sea, it's in my heart as much as the plains is in the heart of my kin. And it's a little more difficult then I think it would be for one of you two leggers, but my father always said, "Sasha, you can do whatever you put your mind to." And I want to become a sailor, so thats just what im going to do. Ive even had a few pointers from an elderly fisherman and we went fishing together. I didnt sink his boat and even caught a few things!"

Standing up after downing half of the mug of ale, "I'm ready to go whenever you are!"

2010-04-21, 01:31 PM
Sigurd sat gambling with a few of the pub's other patrons, enjoying the anonymity. Anywhere else he might have stood out, but here, nobody took much notice. He looked very urbane, with a neatly-trimmed goatee and long hair (black, but flecked with silver; prematurely graying?) that looked as though it actually saw soap on a regular basis. He looked fairly well-off, too, if his new looking cloak and boots were any indication.

He had a few scars here and there, nothing too impressive, and a body that looked fit for combat despite being currently unarmed. He'd stashed his sword and bow - in his experience, carrying weapons openly tended to draw trouble. He kept his dagger, of course, because being completely unarmed tended to draw far worse trouble. Stone-gray eyes, but even that wasn't too odd.

Unfortunately, though, his luck seemed to have run out, and his losing streak finally got the better of him. Sighing, he reached for his coin purse, but the (rather drunk) sailor laughed and shook his head, pointing backwards with a thumb at the man on the table. "Keep yer money, city-boy, yeh ain't gettin' off that easy. Rule is, whoever loses 'as t'go give us a show. Sing, dance, wha'ever yeh can manage; we laugh all th'same, heh."

The man responds with a pained-sounding sigh, but seems resigned to his fate as he rises, drawing a rumble of laughter from his gambling mates. He waits patiently for the singer to finish his "song" before motioning him down from the table and taking his place. Having apparently already decided on a piece, he begins... well, singing wasn't quite the right word, for it wasn't really a song - more of a story, or maybe a poem, and it seemed to be translated from its original language - but a hint of melody was still there.

"Full many a wonder is told us in stories of old, of heroes worthy of praise, of hardships dire..."

And he launched into the tale of Sigurd the Dragonslayer, his own namesake, who felled the last red dragon on Farin, and in doing so rescued and won the respect of the silver dragonness Adalinda and wedded her, founding from their union the Einherjar clan. The story lasted for quite some time, but he didn't seem to grow weary of it; if anything, it seemed to quite invigorate him.

Taking 10 on a perform check, for an 18. Sigurd's skill is technically Perform: Storytelling, but in his case, he generally tells stories through song/poems.

2010-04-21, 01:33 PM
At just that moment a large figure creeps down the stairs in the back of the tavern. The creature in question has to be at least seven feet tall, but it moves with the grace of a cat. It's silhouette is so thin as to appear almost serpentine, if it weren't for the strange rigid body movements. As it walks closer to you, you can tell that it's nearly naked, wearing nothing but a pack, a loincloth, and a battered chainshirt. It stands like a man, but resembles nothing so much as a bipedal mantis. Its long legs bend several times before its clawed, two-toed feet hit the floor. Each of its four arms seem to have an extra joint, and are oddly thin for its frame. Its hands are large, and terminate in three wicked claws. Its head is a triangular shape, with sets of opposing mandibles at one end and two long, curving antennae at the other. Between them are its enormous, globe-shaped eyes, which seem to be crisscrossed with dark lines at random. The pack on its back is stuffed to the brim, with two strange weapons attached to it on either side. The whole creature is the color of beach sand, and even looks rough to the touch. Everyone in the bar has heard of this type of creature, but few have seen one this close. It's a Thri-Kreen, an escaped slave, a member of a dying race.

It walks directly towards Cal, seeming to recognize him. As it speaks, its jaws snap back and forth rapidly, punctuating everything it says with a strange clicking sound. "Good evening. I believe that you work aboard the vessel called the Silver Duchess, yes? I've signed on as a guard. I believe I've seen you there before. You're here as a recruitment agent, yeah? Consider K'Kichrak Tokchata a confirmed member of the crew, then." The strange creature turns to the group at the table. "My apologies, patrons. I mean no offense by my intrusion."

Lizard Lord
2010-04-21, 01:34 PM
Cal turns to the centaur, Sasha, rolling his eyes a little as he speaks."A horse on a boat? Of course, of course." Cal turns towards the Trikeen with an eyebrow raised. "Then again, stranger things have happened.

Cal then turns back to Sasha. "Well any way, like I told the healer, it ain't up to me. If the captain says a centaur can sail, then a centaur can sail. However, despite what your father said, if the captain says a centaur can't sail then a centaur can't sail. Not on his ship at least. So you better not complain if you get turned down."

"Still, you're all pretty lucky. Like I said, we are short staffed and now is the best time to apply for a job here. Even a bug and a horse can get hired right now. Anyways, anyone looking for work should follow me now. Cal heads towards the bar's exit, looking back to see how many had followed.

2010-04-21, 01:35 PM
Obviously Audr followed. She hadn't come this far just to lose her berth through tardiness!

2010-04-21, 01:41 PM
Adalias looks up from her playing as Garen approaches, but continues with her music for another few notes before setting the flute down on the table. As soon as it leaves her grasp, the flute... changes. The silver plating vanishes, replaced with a transparent material with a slick sheen to it.

"Thank you. One picks up certain talents after a while," she says. Her voice is muted somehow, as if she is speaking from a great distance. She draws another flute out of nothingness and offers it to Garen. "Do you play?"

2010-04-21, 01:44 PM
"Ah, well, you seem to 'ave more than enough muscle. See you on board," Andromalia says, sounding slightly annoyed. Before the Thri-Kreen had entered her eyes and ears were focused upon Sigurd and his story, now she glances from time to time at the giant insect.

2010-04-21, 01:45 PM
Fayd follows, glad to get moving again. Maybe he can convince the captain of allowing Sasha onboard, if need be.

Forever Curious
2010-04-21, 01:47 PM
Garen shook his head, impressed by the conjuration trick. "Sadly no. Haven't had the time to I'm afraid. I do have a knack for magic, such as yourself. Mind if I sit with?" Garen adjusted the satchel on his shoulder, trying not to appear threatening.

2010-04-21, 01:50 PM
The great arthropod follows the one called Cal.

2010-04-21, 01:50 PM
"By all means," Adalias says, gesturing for him to take a seat. She sets the second flute on the table as well, then brushes both away. They strike the ground with the sound of solid objects, despite looking for all the world as if they were made of liquid.

Taking a sip of her saltwater drink, Adalias smirks ever so slightly. "I'm not so magically inclined as many seem to believe, incidentally."

2010-04-21, 01:54 PM
"Young people are so loud these days." An old wrinkled gentlemen said, seated at the bar, two empty bottles in front of him as he worked on yet another. "'I'm on the Duchess, oh yeah, me too'." He mocked in a condescending voice, taking another swig of his strong drink.

Forever Curious
2010-04-21, 01:54 PM
Garen returned the smirk and sat, dropping his bag to the floor silently. "A clever trick nonetheless my dear." He sat with his hands folded, grinning friendly at the woman. "My name is Garren, by the way. You wouldn't happen to be awaiting the Silver Duchess, would you? Seems many here are."

2010-04-21, 02:00 PM
"Not as such. However, if so many of these..." She lets the pause linger long enough to be noticed. "...fine people are intending to go along, I believe convincing the captain that my talents are worth a space in his roster wouldn't be amiss." A twinkle in her eyes indicates that this wouldn't be the first time she'd "convinced" someone to admit her passage.

"Adalias," she says by way of introduction. "I'd offer to shake your hand, but I suspect you wouldn't like what you'd find."

Forever Curious
2010-04-21, 02:08 PM
Garen chuckled quietly. "Oh, I'm sure you could convince anyone you'd want to." He tilted his head to the side at her last comment. "Pardon my manners, but what do you mean by that?" Garen had seen a good many things in the underground and wan't shaken in the least. If worse came to worst he could defend himself with ease.

2010-04-21, 02:14 PM
"Oh, nothing so dastardly, master Garren!" Adalias says, laughing lightly, sliding easily into the mannerisms of a proper lady once more. "I simply meant that my touch can be a bit disconcerting; no need to get your hackles up."

Forever Curious
2010-04-21, 02:17 PM
Garen nodded, returning his hands to their folded position. "Ah, I see. Regardless, you strike me as a interesting and pleasant person. Perhaps we can remain acquaintances during the journey."

2010-04-21, 03:40 PM
Once Sigurd's recitation is over, Andromalia approaches him.

"That woz quite an epic tale what you told there. May I ask, d'you know any other stories abou' dragons?"

2010-04-21, 03:49 PM
Taking a long drink of wine to heal his dry throat after that tale, the storyteller carefully climbs off the table and takes a seat, motioning toward a second chair if Andromalia wishes to do the same. His voice, when not being used to project a tale through the entire bar, is surprisingly quiet. "Yes, I know many. None of it firsthand experience, though, I'm sad to say."

2010-04-21, 03:58 PM
"Full many a wonder is told us in stories of old, of heroes worthy of praise, of hardships dire..."

And he launched into the tale of Sigurd the Dragonslayer, his own namesake, who felled the last red dragon on Farin, and in doing so rescued and won the respect of the silver dragonness Adalinda and wedded her, founding from their union the Einherjar clan. The story lasted for quite some time, but he didn't seem to grow weary of it; if anything, it seemed to quite invigorate him.

Taking 10 on a perform check, for an 18. Sigurd's skill is technically Perform: Storytelling, but in his case, he generally tells stories through song/poems.

"Now that's more like it!" Uukoo shouts merrily at the completion of the tale.

2010-04-21, 04:32 PM
Andromalia sits down, as well.

"Hm, yeah. I'd rather 'oped you'd maybe've talked to one before. Well, no matter. Know any legends about the deities, maybe?"

2010-04-21, 04:36 PM
Malon frowned, but left her chair and floated out the door along with the others. She'd arranged this job a while ago, but there was no telling whether the mortal she'd spoken to might simply forget her out of incompetence. It was best to make sure. Also, if the Duchess had already arrived, she might as well make herself comfortable on the boat itself.

2010-04-21, 04:41 PM
The Thri-Kreen attempts to get a feel for those heading to the Silver Duchess. "What brings you to our ship?" the creature asks, looking away so that you can't tell whom it's addressing.

2010-04-21, 04:53 PM
Sigurd seems to think for a moment, staring meditatively into his wine, before nodding. "Of course. I know the story of how Bahamut and Tiamat came to be enemies, and how Io created heaven and earth. I can tell you how the moon goddess Celestine chases the wicked sun chariot of Pelor across the sky every day, driving him below the horizon to let the earth recover from its heat at night. I know the names of all seven of Lilith's mortal husbands, and how Sammael stole Asmodeus's divinity, and caused him to be cast down. Why do you ask? Is there something in particular that you would know?"

2010-04-21, 05:44 PM
"Hmm, dunno. Anyfink about a god's birf would be 'elpful."

2010-04-21, 06:00 PM
"Hmm, the birth of a god. A rare event, to be sure, but it has happened. Sometimes a mortal ascends to divinity, but that tends to be rather obvious. Sometimes a god simply has a child, who is also a god; if you look back far enough, most of them are actually related. And I have heard, though I can't speak for the truth of the tale, that it's possible for a new god to spontaneously form out of nowhere when enough people believe in it."

2010-04-21, 06:06 PM
"Yeah, I've 'eard somefink like that before."

Andromalia seems to be lost in though for a moment, before she suddenly changes the subject.

"So, woss brought you 'ere? You also on your way to Pemrose?"

2010-04-21, 06:08 PM
"Still trying to figure that out. I'm currently unemployed, but I have enough stored away that I'm in no hurry. I suppose I'm just wandering around for now. What about you?"

2010-04-21, 06:26 PM
"Huh, same 'ere. Travellin' an' lookin' for... somefink, I guess. Next's Pemrose, an' beyond that I dunno."

2010-04-21, 06:37 PM
"Well, Pemrose does sound like as good a place as any, and I don't have any desire to stay here. Perhaps I'll also go."

2010-04-21, 06:59 PM
"It's as good as anyfink else."

Andromalia readjusts her cloak, the chainshirt underneath it clinking around, and checks for everything she didn't have stowed away on the ship already. Fishing out her last few copper pieces from her pockets, she stands up.

"I'd better be claimin' me bunk. Seems everyone what set foot in this pub today'll be on the ship. Oh, my name is Andromalia by the way."

2010-04-21, 07:04 PM
Darrius Wavebreaker, Merchant Extraordinaire!
Male NG Draconic Azurin Sea-Kin Soulblade//Incarnate, Level 3,
Init +2
HP 39/39, Speed 30 ft (Land), 30ft (Swim)
AC 20 Touch 13, Flat-footed 18 (20)
Fort +5, Ref +5+E, Will +5+E
BAB/Grapple +3/+6
Abilities Str 17, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16
Condition Water Dependency (Day 1), DR 4/Magic, Uncanny Dodge
Immunities Wisdom Damage or Drain, Enchantment (Charm)

Soulmeld Effects
Essentia: 6-1. Capacity: 1, +1 Capacity Feat
[1] Soulblade: +E Enhancement to Attack and Damage. For every 2 E gain a +1 Enchantment. Shape as a move action.
Known Enchantments for the day: Sundering
[1] Enigma Helm: Divination must make CL check vs DC 13 or fail. +E Enhancement on Will saves.
: Immunity to Enchantment (Charm) effects.
[1] Astral Vambraces: DR/Magic of 2+2E
[Bound]: Astral Construct Menu A Ability: Deflection (+1 AC)
[1] Silvertongue Mask: +2+2E Insight to Bluff and Diplomacy
[1] Impulse Boots: Uncanny Dodge. +E Enhancement on Reflex Saves

Incarnum Feats Capacity: 1
[1] Sapphire Smite: +E uses of Smite per day and +E damage when Smiting.

[B]Class Features
Detect Good: At-Will
Smite Evil: 5(+1)/day add +2 Attack and +10(+1) Damage against Evil.

The door pushes itself open and through the door some of those within catch sight of a man sitting outside. His skin gleams wit what might seem to be a holy radiance if there was just a touch less gold in it and his voice didn't carry with it the hint of the harsh tones of draconic. Between harsh clicks it can be gathered that he is not actually speaking, but rather directing an animal. The pig, whom had pushed at the door with a curious nose, leaves it be and waddles back over to its current owner, "Thatagirl. Too loud in there for the likes of ye, I'm sorry to say. Plus, the centaur is likely to step on you, and that is simply not god for profits or cleanliness."

2010-04-21, 07:18 PM
Malon didn't answer the bug-man, though she did eye him with an interested look. She didn't think it had addressed her, especially not since she was trailing after the main group; he was an unusual creature, though, unlike any she had ever seen. Maybe... maybe he (or one of his kind, it didn't really matter) would make for a sufficiently exquisite gift for the dragon? Perhaps if it were gilded and jewel-encrusted? She'd have to observe it for a while longer, and the Duchess would be the perfect place for that.

2010-04-21, 07:34 PM
After she has paid, Andromalia leaves the pub only to stumble upon the fourth or fifth most unusual creature she has seen today - or ever, for that matter. And his pig.

"Aww, aintcha a cute fing. Does it have a name?"

Andromalia kneels down beside the pig and tries to pet it, while she takes a closer look at its owner. If you look carefully, you can see something moving under the back of her cloak.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-21, 09:19 PM
Cal said nothing as he led the group out of the Kraken's Tooth and pass two people standing around a pig. Cal was pretty sure Kick-itch-rash, or however the bugman said his name, wasn't talking to him.

2010-04-21, 11:45 PM

Craning his neck to look back towards the pig and the one now petting it the golden face of the draconic man seems warm and inviting. His voice loses many of its harsh qualities as he speaks, "Nay, the man from whom I bought it didn't think too hard about giving his animals names, and I between us I doubt he really did too much hard thinking at all, really. Hmm... call him Cross, err..." He leans back as if to look under the pig, "Aye, him, I think. You int'rested in buying a pig? I'm sure I can make you a fine deal." And then there is his smile, one hundred percent dragon in that smile, both bewitching and unnerving.

2010-04-22, 01:59 AM
"Not kind enough, I fear. I'm kinda broke righ' now. But say," Andromalia asks, standing up again. "are ya by any chance also on your way to Pemrose?"

2010-04-22, 02:44 AM
Darrius chuckles, "I suppose pigs aren't for everyone. Ah well, it'll eat scraps for me I guess and if worse comes to worse I have bacon for a week." He nods, "Aye, that I am. I've heard tell that someone I am looking for used to make port there fairly often. Then again, new port means new opportunities and I'm always got an eye peeled for a good trade. Nice cloak by the way. Hope you got a good deal on it. Heard tell round these parts that nice big cloaks like that go for quite a bit. Never have been able to understand it for the life of me. No use in the water and they attract dirt like nothing else. Well, I guess attractin' dirt is better than stares, but thats simply a matter of style. Gotta give people a show, after all."

And another one, a smile this time far too... human. Sitting as he was Lia would catch only half of it, but even then it was a genuine smile, a knowing smile. What exactly he knew or did not know was neither here nor there, as he hadn't really gotten a good look at her at all, but having a cloak and hood to begin with was telling enough.

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-22, 03:19 AM
Those of you outside
As you leave the Kraken's Tooth, a soft sea breeze blows past. The docks are filled with various workers going about their normal routines of loading and unloading cargo. Most other people have gone home for the night, including a couple drinkers and gamblers that left along with the rest of you.
The Silver Dutchess is a bit over 10 feet away from the pier, suspended in the deep water. The powerful dhow seems to be made of fine ironwood and possesses no visible barnicles or simlar nautical stowaways. Two large sails flap gently in the evening breeze.
In front of the dutchess, facing you all, is the boat's namesake. The boats silver figurehead takes the form of a young woman looking wistfully into the distance. Some say that the woman is Corica Farred, the first and last lawful ruler of Caerin.
As you talk and observe the scenery, you notice nothing amiss until you hear a call in the distance: "KILL THOSE RATS!" Running down the pier towards you are a couple of sailors. The one in front is a human who bears a wild main of black hair and a matching beard, grasping a rapier in one hand. Behind him is another human, a bald one with darker skin who wears a bandana on his head and holds a pistol.
Looking down, you notice a good five rats in the area, each one about a foot long all of which seem to be on fire, not that they seem to mind. Judging by some loud screaming from the pub behind you, some of them have already slipped by.

Lyndworm/Lizard Lord:
You recognize the scream as being that of the Dutchess' first mate, Ergin Worv. Ergin is the man with the wild hair and rapier.
The other man, armed with a pistol, is the Dutchess' captain, Levin Thompson

Those of you still inside
Once the supposed recruiter for the Silver Dutchess leaves with his recruits, a couple of other patrons take their leave as well. Two of the drunkards stumble out along with three of the would-be gamblers. The musician, having long since stopped to hear a superior performer, opens the door to leave when a few rats burst into the room, scattering about.
Normally, this wouldn't be much of a problem. Unfortunately, each one is about a foot long and on fire. As one of them ignites the carpet that it rests on and another singes the table is sits upon, the bartender draws out his musket and loads a bullet, bellowing.
"For the love of... Somebody help me squash these things!"

2010-04-22, 03:45 AM
Malon frowned, and raised herself slightly from the ground, well above the rats' feeble reach. She wasn't sure if it would be worth wasting any of her magic for the day on mere vermin, however - even if they did seem like they needed to cool down.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-22, 03:48 AM
"Aye Sir!" Cal yells as he pulls out his cutlass.

If I can move and be in a flanking position with against a rat I will do so. Otherwise Cal will simply charge at the nearest rat.

2010-04-22, 03:56 AM
Square N10, attacking N9:

OOC: I have no idea whether or not that's a hit. The +2 flanking bonus should help...

In one swift motion, Audr has her greatsword out'n'swingin! A huge diagonal sweep from above her right shoulder towards the Ash Rat... as it ducked to her left, into the blind spot from her missing eye...

2010-04-22, 04:02 AM
In one smooth motion, the creature called Chrak leaps into the air, draws the strange crescent weapons off of his pack, and lands atop one of the rats. Suddenly those blades don't seem so much odd as efficient.

Actions -

As a Move action, draw weapons and Jump into square J-10. As a Standard action, attack with primary crescent sword at -3/+6 Power Attack.

Attack Roll:
[roll0] threatens a Crit

Damage Roll:
[roll1] x2 = 46

Jump check (mostly a formality):
[roll2] (not a typo)

Also, if RoC deems it appropriate Chrak takes falling damage. As Chrak wouldn't attempt to fall more than 6-7 feet, I don't think this is necessary. However, it is a DM call.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-22, 04:06 AM
Attack: [roll0]
Damage if I hit: [roll1]

Lizard Lord
2010-04-22, 04:10 AM
I realize I should add in sneak attack just in case I managed to flank. Though I don't think I need to. [roll0]

Edit:Cal will move to n8 behind n9 so that him and Audr will be flanking, then attack.

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-22, 06:45 AM
Tetelo has been watching with bemusement the various antics of the weird, weird group of people, one eyebrow lifted as she sips her drink.
Then the flaming rats burst in. The half-fey eyes the monsters. On fire. Feral.
And she decides to wait for others to engage their attention first; no sense in attracting their particular ire.

After a few stout lads have engaged the rats inside, Tetelo raises her hands, and speaks a short phrase, a greeting in the Aquan language, Creating Water to put out the worst of the fire started; the animalskin rug. If the rat gets splashed as well? Merely a bonus. If the person fighting the rat gets splashed as well? Merely an amusing bonus.

2010-04-22, 06:58 AM
Standing close behind Audr, Fayd reacts quickly to protect the others. He raises a hand to signal those to his right (facing the pier) to wait a short moment before a sudden wave of frost erupts from his mouth, engulfing the rats and leaving ice crystals everywhere on the ground. "Clear," he calls out to the others to signal that his attack's area is safe now and gets ready to dodge any attacks.

(To the other players: please read below for the attack's area, unless your character waits a second or so)
Fayd stands at N11 and uses Frost Breath, aimed northwards. The breath weapon hits the squares K10-L12 and M11 for [roll0] cold damage (Reflex DC 15 for half).

2010-04-22, 07:14 AM
Having been mid-conversation, Andromalia seems a bit disoriented for a moment, but after she sees the rats and the fire in the pub, she jumps on one of the nearby crates and starts looking for a bucket as fast as she can, all the while unravelling her spiked chain from her belt.

Jump: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
(to a lesser extent) Search: [roll2]

2010-04-22, 09:00 AM
Sigurd is jarred from contemplation by the sudden chaos, and the near-simultaneous drawing of a dozen weapons. Deciding that he had no desire to get anywhere near the whirl of swords, chains, and pistols, he pulls the dagger out of his boot and whips it at the nearest rat in one smooth movement.

Attacking the rat in Q-9 with a thrown dagger. Sigurd is in Q-7.


2010-04-22, 11:24 AM
Adalias smiles knowingly at Garen. "Can't have a moment's peace in this life or any other, friend. Best keep yourself alive if you want to make good on your offer."

She draws a blade from her waist that any looking would have sworn was not there a moment ago, hurrying around the table (R-17) to close with the nearest rat (O-15; Adalias ends in P-16), then attempts to impale it while muttering words of arcane power under her breath.

Adalias casts her readied spell Blade of Blood as a swift action, taking the 5 damage, then initiates the Persistent Blade strike. Should she hit the rat, she'll expend Blade of Blood for +3d6 damage. If she doesn't, it remains charged until she does hit. If she hits, a Persistent Blade (Spell Compendium) appears, flanking the rat.

Should the rat survive and attack her, Adalias will use her prepared Counter spell Protection from Evil as an immediate action for +2 deflection AC.

Impale: [roll0]
Confirm (if crit threat): [roll1]
Kill: [roll2] + [roll3] Edit: +1 for the Paladin ability "The Blade and the Bow"; Adalias has Garen as her partner, giving both of them half of their ECLs to damage rolls, which is a +1 in this case.
Extra Kill (if crit): [roll4]

Persistent Blade's damage (if hit): [roll5]

RoC:I assume I don't need to spend rounds shaping Adalias's ectoplasmic armor and weapons, since with her HoDisguise there's no reason not to go around with them shaped all the time.

Forever Curious
2010-04-22, 12:26 PM
Garen let out a quiet whistle, watching Adalias skewer one of the rats. Impressive girl...I'll be sure to keep tabs on this one. He remains seated at the table (R-16) and calmly reaches into his satchel, drawing forth a small pouch of rainbow colored sand. Garen was content to watch the fray, but would be damned to let himself be caught off guard.

Readies an action to cast Color Spray if a rat comes within one square of him (Will DC 15 negates)

2010-04-22, 08:45 PM
"VERMIN! I will have your guts on a stick!" shouts Uukoo, as he leaps over the table he was sitting at, takes out an enormous trident that was on his back, and brings it down on the nearest rat.

Move action: Leap over table, draw weapon as part of movement. [roll0]
Standard action: Attack on the nearest rat, [roll1], [roll2]

Also, I have reach! Stopping 10' away from the rat.

At this point, now that he has stood up and stepped out of the shadowy corner, you should definitely all notice that on the Orc's back is a huge pair of ethereal-looking, feathery wings, which only now were unfolded.

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-23, 05:00 AM

As Malon Floats dreamily above, Sasha watches the rats crawl along, and Darrius tries to regain control over his pig, Audr hops into action.
In one swift motion, Audr has her greatsword out'n'swingin! A huge diagonal sweep from above her right shoulder towards the Ash Rat... as it ducked to her left, into the blind spot from her missing eye... Audr sees a few hairs fly into her path of vision but when she turns to face it...

...it is the blade of her recruiter, Cal, which is imbedded in the rodent. Cal had just managed to slip around the rat in the confusion and stab it at the base of it's skull.

The insectile guard of the dutchess hasn't been waiting impassively for this, however. In one smooth motion, the creature called Chrak leaps into the air, draws the strange crescent weapons off of his pack, and lands atop one of the rats. Suddenly those blades don't seem so much odd as efficient. Unfortunately, the weapon seems to have lost its target in the smoke that the flaming rat produces, giving the rat ample time to try to gnaw at Chrak's foot.

Standing close behind Audr, Fayd reacts quickly to protect the others. He raises a hand to signal those to his right (facing the pier) to wait a short moment before a sudden wave of frost erupts from his mouth, engulfing the rats and leaving ice crystals everywhere on the ground. "Clear," he calls out to the others to signal that his attack's area is safe now and gets ready to dodge any attacks. Two rats are caught in the frost and when the smoke has cleared, one of them has been frozen solid while the other shakes violently with the cold. This rat, looking Fayd in the eyes, decides to return the favor by exhaling a small gout of fire (4 fire damage, Fayd).

Having been mid-conversation, Andromalia seems a bit disoriented for a moment, but after she sees the rats and the fire in the pub, she jumps on one of the nearby crates and starts looking for a bucket as fast as she can, all the while unravelling her spiked chain from her belt. She finds one resting behind the crate. It's a bit battered but at least there aren't any visible holes.

The last rat, left to its own devices until now, takes notice of the merfolk floating above it. After cocking its head sideways for a moment, it decided to aim for Chrak instead, going with another gout of flame that lands its mark (3 fire damage). A mere moment later, the rat is slain by a pistol bullet put through its head, fired by one of the two crew members. The second crew member sinks a rapier into the rather chilled rat, easily cutting it in half.

All can hear a loud scream echo from inside of the pub. A few flames remain where the non-frozen rats last stood.

Fayd takes 4 fire damage
Chrak takes 3 fire damage
Only remaining rat is in J-10 with Chrak.

Sigurd is jarred from contemplation by the sudden chaos, and the near-simultaneous drawing of a dozen weapons. Deciding that he had no desire to get anywhere near the whirl of swords, chains, and pistols, he pulls the dagger out of his boot and whips it at the nearest rat in one smooth movement. The dagger, alas, sinks into one of the higher steps, landing inches from the rat. The rat launches a gout of flame from its mouth in Sigurd's general direction but it merely singes the wall.

At this moment, a cry goes out. "VERMIN! I will have your guts on a stick!" shouts Uukoo, as he leaps over the table he was sitting at, takes out an enormous trident that was on his back, and brings it down on the nearest rat. Unfortunately, the rat manages to scurry away from the trident just in time.

Garen Calmly reaches into his satchel as he watches Adalias try her hand at fighting the rats. She draws a blade from her waist that any looking would have sworn was not there a moment ago, hurrying around the table to close with the nearest rat, then attempts to impale it while muttering words of arcane power under her breath. The blade passes easily through the rat and makes a soft thunk as it hits the table below. As she withdraws the blade from the rat's carcass, a second, smaller weapon manifests in the air next to her, a translucent blade floating under its own power.

A few stout warriors having engaged the rats inside, Tetelo raises her hands, and speaks a short phrase, a greeting in the Aquan language, Creating Water to put out the worst of the fire started; the animalskin rug. The fire in the rug is quickly extinguished but though the rat looks soaked, its fire yet burns. Taking this as his cue, the musician draws a dagger and tried to stab at the rat, missing by a long shot.

As two of the drunkards looks on, lost in their own fantasy worlds or simply too drunk to care, the third throws a nearby wine bottle at the rat as well, missing in his inebriated state. This attack, coming so unexpectedly, throws off the bartender's aim as he shoots a small hole through the wall of his pub. The confused, worried, and soaked rat launches a gout of flame towards the musician but misses in his panic.

The remaining two rats shoot their gouts of flame at at the one drunkard to think of attacking, both hitting and providing quite substantial burns to go with an equal scream. The driftwood bar is starting to blacken under one of them (Q-11).

Two of the three customers upstairs draw daggers as the third sweeps the game of cards off of the table.

No damage to PCs
Only 1 slain rat.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-23, 05:27 AM
Cal will head inside the inn. He didn't care much about the scream but Cal was pretty sure that the Captain and First Mate wanted all of the rats dead. Also it would be a waste to let a decent bar burn to the ground.

Besides, if the bug man, Kitchen Rack, can't kill that last rat on his own then the captain wouldn't have hired him as a guard.

2010-04-23, 05:46 AM
Given the amount of people standing near the door, Fayd decides to create an opening for the more able combatants around him. He turns towards the wet rat, adopting a threatening stance that further underlines their size difference and emits a low growl while exhaling the rest of his previous attack's icy freezing cold air towards the rat.

Demoralize opponent aimed at O12.
Intimidate check [roll0] (includes +4 bonus because of being one size category larger) vs. 1d20 + hit dice + Wis mod.
If Fayd wins, the ash rat becomes shaken (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#shaken) for 1 round.

Aura of Protection (Sanctuary effect, DC 14) currently working against all enemies.
Draconic Aura (Vigor) gives fast healing 1 to all allies (currently everyone but the rats) within 30 feet who are below half hit points.

2010-04-23, 05:52 AM
Andromalia gets the bucket, ties one end of her chain to its handle (or through the holes where the handle should be), and throws it into the water . Once it's filled, she pulls it up again and runs towards the pub with it to put out any remaining fires.

Use Rope: [roll0]
I'm not sure how long everything takes, at least two rounds, probably, so just tell me when I'm free to act again.

2010-04-23, 06:02 AM
"Pardon me for interrupting," Adalias says curtly, hopping up onto the bar and taking a quick tumble down its length. The semi-visible blade she summoned whizzes through the air next to her as she goes. Standing upright near the end of the low counter (Q-12), Adalias snaps her fingers, directing the floating blade to distract the rat harassing the barkeep. It complies, taking up a position behind the rat (Q-10) and taking a quick stab at the vermin.

"Really, as amusing as this all is, I'm sure the lot of us have much more important things to be doing, hm, yes?" she muses, attempting to skewer the distracted rat on her shortsword.

The bar has no listed height, and since the rat is sitting on a piece without climbing it, I assumed it's possible to move on those squares. If not, movement can be revised to include a tumble check as Adalias moves past the rat in the doorway.

Should anything attack her, Adalias will cast her readied spell Protection from Evil as an immediate action for +2 deflection AC.

Persistent blade attack: [roll0] (including flanking bonus) for [roll1] force damage.

Adalias's attack: [roll2] (including flanking bonus) for [roll3] damage.

2010-04-23, 08:32 AM
In the few stunned moments of seeing rats on fire running past her most of the fighting is over, though one rat still being alive through the open door she jumps to action and stabs at it with her longsword.

(moving to n13 and stabbing at rat at o12, if the door isnt open (looks like it) ill open the door too)


Forever Curious
2010-04-23, 09:54 AM
"Nicely done, Miss Adalias," commented Garen, grabbing his satchel and standing. He seemed almost impossibly scerene amid the rampant chaos, casually striding toward the fray (ending in P-13). He keeps his pouch at hand, ready to defend himself at a moments notice.

Garen stands and moves to P-13, continuing to ready an action to cast Color Spray

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-23, 12:28 PM
Tetelo backs slowly from the fight, determined not to get closely involved as she speaks the Aquan tongue again, this time putting forth a summons, an imperious incantation that summons forth a glistening form of water, a small elemental!
Summoned, Tetelo calls upon it to drench the ash rats, determined to put out the blaze of the one blackening the bartop!

Also, Water elementals Quench all natural flames they touch, and their touch also acts like dispel magic against magical flames.
EDIT: Nevermind. :smallsigh:

2010-04-23, 12:45 PM

The merchant is currently wrestling with his pig, but the man's natural oils that coat his body are making it incredibly difficult to keep hold of the pig as it flails about trying to escape from the rats.

"Damnations, hold still, Cross!"

Around K19ish I guess?

2010-04-23, 02:46 PM
"Cease your flaming and release yourself to death, little rat." Chrak continues his assault on the rat, slicing mercilessly.

Actions -

Full-Attack the rat.

Primary Attack roll:

Primary Damage roll:

Secondary Attack roll:

Secondary Damage roll:

2010-04-23, 02:56 PM
"Eh?" Caine says, finally looking up from his drinks. "Whatsa that goin' on?" He says, drunkenly as he tries to stand. He wobbles on his feet a bit and looks around the room. "You kids and your.. fights.." He mumbles, finally noticing the rats inside attacking everyone. "Rats!" He yells, picking up the bottle of wine he'd been drinking from and woozily stumbling towards the nearest rat. A sudden shine of intelligence passes over his eyes as he stabs the rat with a broken bottle.

Broken bottle attack!


2010-04-23, 03:33 PM
Flashing a quick grin at Cal, Audr spins back towards the doorway to hunt for another rat. She isn't coming out of this combat without a single kill... Bad for her pride, worse for her reputation.

Moving around Fayd to N12 (10' or 15' depending on DM fiat). If Audr's being resolved before Sasha, or Sasha fails to score a kill, she'll take another really, really big swing at a (hopefully) unlucky rat. Otherwise she'll continue to O11 and strike at O10, assuming she's got enough movement left.

Crit confirmation rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8360914&postcount=133)

Lizard Lord
2010-04-23, 05:20 PM
Cal runs into the Kracken's Tooth and spins behind the rat at the doorway. With a flash of his sword he strikes at the rat in front of the entrance.

Cal will move to p12 and strike at 012.
Attack role: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Possible sneak attack: [roll2]
Tumble if necessary to avoid AoO: [roll3]

2010-04-23, 06:02 PM
Seeing his dagger miss and the fire fall just short of roasting him, Sigurd backs away quickly. If he had his bow it would be one thing, but he'd left that back with his sword under the optimistic belief that he wouldn't need either at the moment. And there seemed no shortage of warriors itching for a chance to kill something. Better to sit this one out, for now.

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-24, 02:55 AM

For those Outside:
"Cease your flaming and release yourself to death, little rat." Chrak continues his assault on the rat, slicing mercilessly. Hidden beneath the smoke it emits, alas, the rat easily dodges both slices and bits Chrak's foot, breaking the surface of his carapace (take 1 damage).

Meanwhile, Malon watches on as Andromalia ties a stable knot around a bucket's handle with her weapon and starts lowering it into the water. The fires on the pier seem to have grown a bit...

The merchant is currently wrestling with his pig, but the man's natural oils that coat his body are making it incredibly difficult to keep hold of the pig as it flails about trying to escape from the rats. "Damnations, hold still, Cross!"

The two crew members walk over to entrance of the pub to see what is going on.

Chrak takes 1 damage
Fires are slightly larger

For those Inside:
After few stunned moments of seeing rats on fire running past her, the centaur Sasha has regained her composure. Seeing a rat through the open doorway, she jumps to action and stabs at it with her longsword, missing as it dodges out of the way.

For a quick moment, it looks as though the rat is planning to run outside. It is at this moment that Fayd turns to look at it, adopting a threatening stance that further underlines their size difference and emits a low growl while exhaling the rest of his previous attack's icy freezing cold air towards the rat.

As the rat retreats a few steps, Audr makes an attack of her own. She takes another big swing with her sword just as Cal dives past her.

With a thunk and a squeak, the rat's life is ended. Once again, however, it is Cal and not Audr who has slain the rat. The orc known as Uukoo simply scowls and grumbles to himself, his trident having been lifted up for another attack.

Meanwhile, another rat, resting on the bar, is having problems of its own. Namely, Caine Jagi has just descended from his momentary drunken introspective on life. "Eh?" Caine says, finally looking up from his drinks. "Whatsa that goin' on?" He says, drunkenly as he tries to stand. He wobbles on his feet a bit and looks around the room. "You kids and your.. fights.." He mumbles, finally noticing the rats inside attacking everyone. "Rats!" He yells, picking up the bottle of wine he'd been drinking from and woozily leans on the counter towards the nearest rat. A sudden shine of intelligence passes over his eyes as he stabs the rat with a broken bottle. The last drink seems to have worsened his aim, alas, and he only manages to remove the rat's tail.

Tetelo backs slowly from the fight, determined not to get closely involved as she speaks the Aquan tongue again, this time putting forth a summons, an imperious incantation that summons forth a glistening form of water onto the bar, a small elemental! Summoned, Tatelo orders it to drench the newly de-tailed rat. the form of water, having appeared next to this creature, slams its form down upon it. Although the rat doesn't seem injured by this turn of events, it and the counter are now thoroughly soaked.

The last to notice this rat is Adalias."Pardon me for interrupting," Adalias says curtly, hopping up onto the bar and taking a quick tumble down its length. The semi-visible blade she summoned whizzes through the air next to her as she goes. Standing upright near the end of the low counter, Adalias snaps her fingers, directing the floating blade to distract the rat harassing the barkeep. It complies, taking up a position behind the rat and taking a quick stab at the vermin, missing as it dodges away.
"Really, as amusing as this all is, I'm sure the lot of us have much more important things to be doing, hm, yes?" she muses, skewering the distracted rat on her shortsword.

Two of the drunkards, inlcluding the injured one (whose burns seem to have healed a bit, oddly enough). run to the rat-free left side of the bar (right side if you're looking at the battle map) as the bartender reloads his musket, giving Garen a chance to walk into the fight. "Nicely done, Miss Adalias," commented Garen, grabbing his satchel and standing. He seemed almost impossibly scerene amid the rampant chaos, casually striding toward the fray. He keeps his pouch at hand, ready to defend himself at a moments notice.

Upstairs, Sigurd quickly retreats a bit as two of the card players throw their daggers ineffectively towards the rat on the stairs and the third draws his dagger.

The two remaining rats are more than productive with their time, launching gouts of flame. One of them hits Cal as he withdraws his blade from the remains of the rat he slew (take 1 fire damage). The second one, however, is a point-blank shot into the back of Caine's head, dealing a good deal more damage (take 8 fire damage and make attack of opportunity). The last customer, inches away from Caine at the time, simply shakes in fear.

Cal takes 1 fire damage.
Caine takes 8 fire damage and may make an attack of opportunity.
Only 2 rats remain

Lizard Lord
2010-04-24, 04:12 AM
"You're going to pay for that rodent!" Cal shouts as he takes a swing at the rat that shot flames at him.
Cal will stay where he is and attack O12.
Attack : [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak attack: [roll2]

2010-04-24, 04:23 AM
Once full, Andromalia pulls the bucket up again, runs to the nearest fire with it, and empties the bucket on it.

2010-04-24, 04:56 AM
Fayd steps away from the door and exhales freezing cold air down at the fire next to him.

Moves to M10 with a 5-foot step and puts out the fire on L10. Pretty much a low-powered application of Frost Breath to cool whatever is currently burning below it's ignition temperature without blasting everything around Fayd.

2010-04-24, 07:56 AM
The Thri-Kreen jerks back it's foot in pain. "Little rat, you are beginning to pester me." Chrak jumps into the air and puts his full weight into his strike.

Actions -

Move action to Jump straight up, Standard action to attack. The Jump counts as a charge, so +2 to-hit, -2 AC.

Jump check:

[roll1] Really? A 3?

[roll2] x2 = 30

2010-04-24, 08:14 AM
Hissing quietly to herself, Audr turns back and heads after the rat still on the docks. True, this means she herself would be stealing the kill from Chrak...

...But her ego wouldn't stand another kill snatched from her grasp by the same person in a dozen seconds. So stealing from Chrak it was!

Moving to K11 and striking at Chrak's target.

2010-04-24, 09:34 AM

Full attack on the last indoor rat, no movement.
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3][roll4], [roll5]

Forever Curious
2010-04-24, 10:17 AM
Garen looked around, observing the chaos of the bar. "It appears my abilities went unneeded," he remarked to himself as the various fighters swarmed the last remaining rat. Garen grinned to himself, but remained on edge. Just in case.

Continues readying an action to cast Color Spray at any enemy who attacks him.

2010-04-24, 02:02 PM
"Ah, you little-" Caine says, shielding his face from the torrent of flames. "Looks like you've been drinking too, huh?" He asks introspectively, as he dusts himself off and stares at the broken bottle in his hand. Then he tries to slam the jagged end down on the bar several times, maybe hitting the rat too.

Current Alcohol Doses: 1


2010-04-24, 05:18 PM
Malon remained suspended in mid-air, well beyond the reach of the rats. She was no exterminator of vermin, and frankly didn't feel like wasting ammunition.

2010-04-24, 05:28 PM
Adalias sheathes her bade, which immediately vanishes from sight as though never there. Offering an apologetic smile to the barkeep for the damage she did to the table and bar, she hops down to the floor. Holding one hand out in front of her, palm up, she concentrates for a moment. A shimmering ball of light the size of a grapefruit appears suspended in midair above her outstretched palm.

"If any of you took serious injuries, I suggest you find someone more practiced in the art of healing. For scrapes or bruises however, I can be of assistance - just as soon as I see to myself."

Sword sheathing is contingent on the rats inside all being dead by this time.

Adalias creates a Font, per the Paladin ability, which will heal (Cha mod x 1/2 Paladin levels), or 3hp in this case, to one target at the start of each of her turns. It persists for a number of rounds equal to her Cha mod, or 3 in this case. She'll take the first two hits, bringing her up to full hp again, and will give the third to anyone who shows up and needs it.

This is, of course, assuming that all the rats are dead.

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-25, 04:05 AM
Combat Round Three:

Thoroughly fed up with the tenacious rat, Chrak decides to chop it to bits once and for all. "Little rat, you are beginning to pester me." Chrak jumps into the air and puts his full weight into his strike. Unfortunately, while he is floating up in the air, the one-eyed paladin Audr runs out from the pub and decides to take out the rat by herself. Slamming down onto it with the flat of her blade, the rat is squished like a bug with a sickenig crack. Chrak only barely manages to lift up his weapon on time and land safely on the smoldering carcass.

Meanwhile, as Andromalia runs towards the fires with her bucket of water, Fayd chooses to tackle the issue from another angle. With a visibly less intense burst of icy wind, the fires are both extinguished.

The only sounds to be heard are the subdued squeals of a pig just starting to realize that the danger is gone.


As Sasha pokes in her head to see where the rest of the rats are, Uukoo and Cal run towards the rat on the table, Cal swearing revenge on the rodent and Uukoo loudly grunting.
Using his superior reach, Uukoo strikes first. Uukoo knocks the rat unconscious with a single strike of his wing, slams it again with his second wing, and pins it to the wall with his trident.
Cal's attack comes but a moment later, swinging his blade into the rat's skull to be sure of its demise.

The other rat upon the steps fared a bit better in combat. Another musket round from the bartender missed, as did the thrown dagger of the third card player. Caine Jagi was not so unfortunate, however.
"Ah, you little-" Caine says, shielding his face from the torrent of flames. "Looks like you've been drinking too, huh?" He asks introspectively, as he dusts himself off and stares at the broken bottle in his hand. Then he tries to slam the jagged end down on the rat several times, missing with the first strike but skewering it with the second.

For a moment or two, the pub is completely silent, save for the crackling of the smoldering rat bodies. It is then that Adalias sheathes her bade, which immediately vanishes from sight as though never there. Offering an apologetic smile to the barkeep for the damage she did to the table and bar, she hops down to the floor. Holding one hand out in front of her, palm up, she concentrates for a moment. A shimmering ball of light the size of a grapefruit appears suspended in midair above her outstretched palm.

"If any of you took serious injuries, I suggest you find someone more practiced in the art of healing. For scrapes or bruises however, I can be of assistance - just as soon as I see to myself."

The drunkard burnt earlier timidly approaches Adalias. Even though he looks a bit better, half of his face is a large third-degree burn. His other eye seems to be crying in pain.

Meanwhile, one of the crew members that was watching from the entrance, the shorter one with the bandana, pushes his way past Sasha, and walks up to the bartender. He hands a large, jingling sack to the bartender and starts talking in hushed tones.

Those of you trying to eavesdrop:
Make a listen check. :smalltongue:

The bearded crew man with the rapier steps back a bit from the pub and calls out in a loud voice, "CAL! GRAB THE NEW RECRUITS! WE HAVE A SCHEDULE TO KEEP AND WE CAN'T BE LATE." With that said, he turns around, walks towards Chrak, and says something briefly before continuing towards the ship.

Audr and Chrak only
Looking at Chrak, the bearded man adds "Round up the passengers and assure them this won't happen again."

Tetelo only
You detected a pipe of metal embedded in the leg of the bearded man before he left

All rats are now dead
Check OOC thread for XP rewards.

2010-04-25, 04:21 AM
"Ah, well..."

Andromalia readjusts her cloak and armor, before returning the bucket to where she found it. After she has stowed away her weapon she returns to the pub to see if anybody needs help, but sees that Adalias is already taking care of everything.

"Ah, well... to the ship, then."

The sulfury smell around Andromalia is now much more noticeable, although it is already lessening again.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-25, 04:45 AM
Alright, everyone that wishes to go aboard Silver Dutchess please do so now. Don't worry. I promise this type of thing won't happen again. Everyone looking for work, follow me.
Cal will then walk outside and repeat the message.

2010-04-25, 04:47 AM
Now that the battle seems to be over, Fayd makes a mental note to check on Chrak later as he has been wounded but seems to still be doing fine. "I'm right with you in a second," he says to Cal as he passes him. Now that the people can calm down again, they can feel a soothing presence coming from Fayd as he approaches the burnt customer. After a quick examination of his wound and waiting for his powers to heal the worst of it, Fayd gently pushes him towards Adalias, encouragingly telling him not to be afraid. He nods at the woman to thank her for her help and goes over to the older man with the broken bottle in his hand.

"May I take a look at your wound?" Should Caine agree, Fayd draws power from his belt to mend the burn. As no one else seemed to have been wounded in the fight, he returns outside, following Cal to the ship. With a weak blue shimmer, the burn on his own hand disappears and he does the same for Chrak.

The burnt drunkard should full HP after getting healed by Fayd's aura and Adalias' font.

Caine heals [roll0] HP (one use of Fayd's Healing Belt). [edit: Well, talk about precision.]

Uses Cure Minor Wounds amplified by Healer's Blessing to heal Chrak and himself to full HP.

Healer's Blessing manages to make even Cure Minor Wounds very useful. Healing 5 HP with an orison is nothing to sneeze at IMO.

2010-04-25, 11:52 AM
Sigurd plucks his dagger out of the ground and stashes it in his boot again, now that the chaos is over. On a whim, he decides to follow Cal out and look at the ship. He needed the fresh air anyway.

2010-04-25, 12:38 PM
Uukoo rips the trident out of the rat with a satisfied grin, and heads towards the ship.

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-25, 12:39 PM
Tetelo dismissing her temporary servant, Tetelo's gaze settles on her captain for a moment as he makes his bellowing summons, and she picks up her stick and goes without a backwards glance at the Kraken's tooth. Better to be aboard, really. The captain struck her as a man of tempers.

Forever Curious
2010-04-25, 12:48 PM
Garen returns the pouch to his satchel now that there is no immediate threat. However, the exchange between the crewman and the bartender interested him. Perhaps there was some information worth knowing...

Okay, so time for a little RAW vs RAI. Message allows the caster to whisper messages and receive "replies". However, since they're already whispering, could i cast the spell, whisper nothing, and use their conversation as a "reply"? It's a bit wonky, but I'd figure I'd ask.

If that doesn't work, Listen: [roll0]

2010-04-25, 01:57 PM
"Oh, of course, boyo. Nothing but a flesh wound." Caine responds, clapping the boy on the shoulder. He walks with him as they leave the building, still talking. "I mean, you call that some fire breath? I once faced a dragon who had breath that was twice the size of me, you know what thats like? It burns! I could almost not nearly dodge it, but that dragon was scared he messed with me, you know what I mean? Ah, you youngins' don't know." He yelled, readjusting his sack full of booze as he followed Fayd.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-25, 03:58 PM
Cal will walk towards Audr and Chrak. "Hey Cricket Cash, I need you to take the passengers on board the ship and show them their quarters. I'll be taking the new guys and put them to work. Audr, that means you're with me."

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-25, 05:06 PM
As you leave the Kraken's Tooth, a soft sea breeze blows past. The docks are filled with various workers going about their normal routines of loading and unloading cargo. Most other people have gone home for the night, including the remining drinkers and gamblers that left along with the rest of you. Eventhe bartender takes a hint and closes up shop.
The Silver Dutchess is a bit over 10 feet away from the pier, suspended in the deep water. The powerful dhow seems to be made of fine ironwood and possesses no visible barnicles or simlar nautical stowaways. Two large sails and several smaller ones flap gently in the evening breeze.
In front of the dutchess, facing you all, is the boat's namesake. The boats silver figurehead takes the form of a young woman looking wistfully into the distance. Some say that the woman is Corica Farred, the first and last lawful ruler of Caerin.

Aboard the dutchess
After walking or flying up the gangway, it becomes apparent that the dutchess was bigger than it first appeared. It is at least 70 feet from stern to bow and 35 feet from port to starboard at its widest point.
A large rectangular hole is cut into the deck and covered in a grate, leading directly into the hold. The ship possesses no mizzenmast but possesses a total of seven sails, including two topsails, a fore stay sail, and the jib/flying jib. All of these sails gently blow in the breeze.
There are a total of seven cannons visible aboard the dutchess, three on each side and one on the bow, pointing over the bowsprit (the frontmost tip). A bit of seawater covers the deck and ropes litter a good amount of space but it is fairly easy to travl about without losing balance.
A single dinghey (small boat) rests up against the forecastle (the forward raised section of deck) on one side of the stairway dow. On the other side is a single wooden door. Another door rests against the quarterdeck, likely leading to the captain's cabin. Two alchemic life preservers rest against the quarterdeck as well. It is clear that a small life boat hangs from either side of the ship, both of which were visible when approaching the pier.
Among the other visible workers is a female hadozee (at least you think it's femaile. Hard to tell from so far away) hanging onto the fore topmast (the very tip of the fore mast), A couple of lumbering male darfellans (twins, perhhaps, but its hard to tell), a femaile halfling who seems to be taking the comfy role of "supervising", occasionally handing a worker a neccesary tool. About dozen male humans and half-orcs also work at getting everything in order. The most suprising crew member is a very muscular... elf. Being so rare in the archipeligo, many of you may not even know what an elf is.

Noncrew + Chrak:
If Chak complies and leads you to your quarters, you are led into the forecastle, which oddly enough seems to have been partitioned into a galley and brig. The brig can't be clearly seen but a sign nailed to an iron door clearly denotes it as such. To get to your rooms, however, you are forced to walk through the galley, where the chief (a kobold) is completely absorbed in his craft, zooming past you multiple times.
Going down a short set of stairs, you fnd yourself in a narrow orlop (the lowest level of the ship, save the hold). A few wooden doors label the rooms as being divided into "men", "women", "sailors", and (oddly) "sailorettes". Inide each of the rooms are several bunkbeds with a few trunks by the door for storing personal possessions, a key upon each trunk.

Crew (Except Chrak):
Everyone aboard the ship seems to be working rather hard, preparing to cast off. The bearded man, leaning against the side of the boat, suddenly stands at attention about a minute after the others head inside. "Captain on the deck!" announces the man as all other workers stop what they're doing to bow towards the gangway. Walking onto the ship is the shorter man with his pistol. Everyone on deck (all NPCs, anyhow) give a short bow or solute as the captain walks by. The captain stops next to the bearded man and turns to face the new recruits. "I am Captain Thompson, the captain of the fine vessel you stand on. If you have any questions or concerns, don't come to me. Tell first mate Ergin" the captain points at the bearded man, "and he might come to see me if it's important. I meant to interview you before we leave but there is no time to waste. Prove your worth on this trip if you want to stay. Ergin will be watching your progress." With that, Captain Thompson turns to adress the ship, using a loud voice that seems far more sooing than Ergin's bellowing. "We had a small betrayal, men, but the dutchess has never stopped for something so trivial. Mr. Figgen is in the brig where he belongs so I say we head to Pemrose where we can hand him over to a proper jail. Ms. Tallows, come with me to the chart room. Everyone else, as you were." The halfling follows the captain into his cabin as everyone else gets back to work.

Make profession (sailor) checks.

2010-04-25, 05:16 PM
"Right." It was all Audr felt she needed to add as she headed on board.

After the induction speech, her response was even more laconic: Simply a rather feral grin. Challenges such as that spoke to something deep inside her blood...


...unfortunately, it was the same something spoken to be her earlier (and partially imagined) humbling at the hands of Cal. Which did have a rather negative effect on her focus during her initial period of work...

Dunno... do I have time to take 10 or 20 on this check? Either would be better than a 3...:(

2010-04-25, 05:29 PM
Andromalia follows Chrak onto the ship, and almost manages to get lost looking at all the different creatures she has never seen before. She catches up with the group once they reach the galley where she almost trips over the kobold cook. When she notices the sign reading "sailorettes" Andromalia stifles a laugh with her hand before she proceeds through the door labelled "women". Inside she looks around for her bow, quiver, and wand, and proceeds to the relevant bunk, where she checks everything before stowing her stuff inside one of the trunks. After she has locked it up and pocketed the key, Andromalia sits down on her bunkbed.

"Comfy," she remarks in an ironic tone.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-25, 06:40 PM
Cal considered the crew as friends and was surprised to hear that one of them was a traitor. He will head down to the brig to visit Figgen the first chance he gets.

2010-04-25, 07:19 PM
Darrius has fund it somewhat difficult to get and keep his pig under control, but once they are ushered towards the ship the swine finally seems to get its act together. He follows without a word for the moment and once he arrives at the junction he enters the room marked for Men along with his pig and finds a bunk with enough room at one end for a pig to settle down. He figured he'd discuss it with somebody in charge later on. Hell, he'd already had to keep the damned kobold away from it, so at least someone would likely report the loose pig to the first mate soon enough.

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-25, 07:24 PM
Tetelo makes her way below. For the purposes of the trip, she was something like crew, but she wouldn't want them to make the mistake of thinking she particularly wanted to stick around on board. The arrangements she'd made with the captain put her below with the passengers, and she'd agreed, figuring the accomadations would be better, maybe.
She wanders into the room marked, "women" and sees the woman from the bar there. What had been her name? She was the one who reeked of steel. Oh well.
"Comfy?" she remarks, taking a seat on a bunk opposite.
"Yes, I guess so."
She sets her walking stick across her lap. She hadn't been carrying much of a kit. A light traveler, was Tetelo.
"So... we're sharing a room. With others, but still. Names, if that's okay? I'm Tetelo." When she speaks, her tone is even and almost laconic, but she's polite in her own way.
"Hope it's not rude to ask, but are you... human?"

2010-04-25, 07:43 PM
After Cal rounds up the passengers, Chrak does as he was told and leads them inside the ship. As he shows them to their quarters, he says "This is where you'll be staying for the duration of the trip. There should be room for anything you've brought with you in the trunks by the door. If you need help with something, I'm sure someone else will be more than willing to provide it. I'm not sure where those rats came from before, but you can rest assured that we plan to have the safest of voyages." Chrak pauses for any questions, but otherwise heads to gather with the crew.

2010-04-25, 07:58 PM
"Andromalia, an' no, I'm not quite human. An' not in a favourable way, either. What reminds me..."

Andromalia jumps up from the bed again and removes her cloak and chainshirt, folds them together and puts both at the foot of her bunk.

"Much better, if that fing wozn't enchanted I wouldn' put up wiv it. Damn fing keeps shiftin' aroun'."

You can now see that Andromalia is quite a handsome young woman, dressed in simple brown leather garments. Her straight black hair is about shoulder length, framing an even face. If it weren't for her ashen complexion, deep purple eyes, and the canines which slightly protude from her lips, she would look completely human - if you don't look down to notice the hairless tail which is now swishing around behind her, enjoying the temporary freedom. The smell of burnt matches is now more discernable.

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-25, 08:05 PM
Tetelo watches closely as the strange woman puts away her chain shirt, and a flicker of relief crosses her face before retreating behind her composed, politely interested exterior.
"That is much better."
She adjusts her sandals, thoughtfully, taking in the full picture of her new bunkmate.
"Any special rules about you I should know? garlic, silver, salt, whatever?" Her yellow gaze shows a hint of amusement as she speaks, but her fine-boned face maintains a neutral expression otherwise.

2010-04-25, 08:27 PM
"Luv all free, why d'you... oh... Nah, 'cept for mobs wiv torches an' pitchforks there's nuffink like that."

Having finished her stretching exercises, Andromalia lies down on her bed again and faces Tetelo, her head supported by her right hand, which misses two fingers and a good portion of the palm.

"Anyfink on your end? Or are those eyes just a coincidence?"

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-25, 08:36 PM
Tetelo taps the head of the walking stick against her chin. "It's always the eyes, isn't it. They say that eyes are the windows to the soul. What does that mean if you're blind, I wonder? Just a broken window, or does it mean something else? I mean..." she pauses, frowning.
"Um, yes. The eyes are something. My father was... a human. It can't be helped."
The half-fey leans the stick against the bed and shifts her position to sit cross-legged.
"You know, I noticed something. This ship is big and well-kept...but I didn't notice a stable." she giggles, the sound somewhat girlish, and at odds with her normally composed exterior.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-25, 08:52 PM
When gets there he will ask the guards for permission to speak to the prisoner.

If the guards let Cal inside he will speak to the prisoner. He will have his cutlass out and get close enough to Figgin so that he can preform an attack of opportunity should Figgin cast a spell.

"Why did you do it Al? More importantly, did you really think it would work? When did you become that stupid?"

2010-04-25, 09:08 PM
At Tetelo's giggle Andromalia needs to grin involuntarily, showing a set of razor sharp predator's teeth, giving her a slightly eerie look for a second. Then she hears Tetelo's remark and her look changes to that of a confused girl.

"You los' me there. 'Choo need a stable for on a ship?"

2010-04-25, 09:14 PM
Uukoo chuckles slightly at the sight of the sign that says "men", doubting that half those who will bunk with him could wrestle down a boar unless it was dead, or make a poem rhyme. But in he goes, and settles down.

2010-04-25, 09:14 PM
Malon simply fluttered after the others, finding the entire situation incredibly dull. The advance of the landbound saunter of her fellow travelers was positively glacial, and the merfolk with the odd pedigree had so much time on her hands that she resorted to leisurely aerial acrobatics in order to keep herself entertained. When, at long last, they'd made their way all the three-or-so steps to the ship, she allowed herself to sink down to the deck, half-lying down as she leaned against the gunwale, arms behind her neck. She wasn't a sailor, and it was less than amusing to watch the grunts at work, but there wasn't all that much she could do.

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-25, 09:22 PM
Tetelo blinks once, slowly, her yellow eyes curious.
"I lost you? Then why did you smile?"
She shrugs.
"Well, um. The centaur? remember? You were there when she showed up."
She mimes the fall of hooves.
"Clop, clop?"

2010-04-25, 10:02 PM
Adalias follows behind the others, face a mask of calm poise, as though to directly oppose her previous enthusiasm. She lets a wry smile cross her face at the sight of the galley, but it vanishes as soon as she leaves.

Inside the room to be shared amongst the other female passengers, Adalias makes a show of investigating the trunks, then shrugs pointedly. "If I had known chests were provided, I might have remembered to bring some luggage." In the enclosed area, her voice sounds even more distant than before.

2010-04-25, 11:07 PM
Pausing only to quickly retrieve his things, Sigurd surveys the ship approvingly. He generally preferred horses over boats, but this was at least a fine specimen of the latter. Into his chest goes an impressive-looking sword, an equally-impressive bow, a shirt of fine chain mail, and several sets of clothing. The key he strings onto a necklace that he's wearing, already adorned with what looks like a fossilized tooth. "Well, let's hope we have a pleasant voyage."

2010-04-26, 02:07 AM
"Smiled, did I? 'appens then an' again."

Andromalia ***** an eyebrow at Tetelo's miming.

"Oh, righ', forgot. Ruined your joke, din' I? Wonder if the cap'n 'ired 'er. Might be interestin', 'avin' 'er aroun'."

At Adalias' entry Andromalia tenses up for a moment, but relaxes once she recognizes her.

"I remember you. The flutist from the pub. Woss you name, may I ask?"

2010-04-26, 04:27 AM
Fayd brings his backpack down into the sailors' quarters, takes a small cloth pouch from his healing supplies and knocks on the door to the women's quarters, asking for Lia when he gets a response. Should she not wear her cloak, Fayd doesn't seem to be bothered by her being a tiefling in the slightest. "Here, against your seasickness." He gives her the pouch. "Crystallized ginger, suck on one if you're feeling any symptoms. Other than that you can try to keep yourself occupied, lie down and close your eyes or stay in the center of the ship and keep your eyes on the horizon when you are going outside. Well, back to work, see you." Fayd quickly goes back on deck and makes himself useful.

Seeing the condition the crew is in, Fayd seeks out Ergin after a while, giving the appropiate amount of respect to his superior on this ship. "Sir, I noticed there doesn't seem to be a doctor onboard. I could do a check-up for the whole crew, if the captain wants. Might catch something early before someone is unable to work for a while."

Should I substract one of the uses from my healer's kit because of the ginger?

Profession (sailor) check [roll0]

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-26, 05:48 AM
On the Deck:Two last passengers walk onto the boat before the gangway is dropped, a dark-skinned gnome and a hunched figure in a green cloak. After showing their papers to Ergin, they simple stand back and watch everyone else at work.
The boat slowly rotates in the harbor as it floats out, threatening to smash into another pier and missing by mere feet. That minor crisis avoided, the boat turns outwards away from the docks and the wind finally catches its sails blowing the ship forward.
Upon hearing Fayd's proposal, Ergin strokes his beard thoughtfully and nods. "That is a most generous offer, Mr. Harrad. I'll ask the captain as soon as he plots our course."

Those in your Quarters:as you continue talking or thinking, the boat finally starts to move. Through the port holes, you can watch as it drifts away from the pier, spinning a bit in the process. After what sems like a few minutes, the boat finally seems to be moving forward.

In the Brig:
Alfred Figgen looks a bit torn as he looks at Cal. His haggard robe looks even lousier than normal and it looks as though he's been crying. "Well, well, I... I didn't mean for this to happen, Cal. You know that I couldn't hurt a fly. I was trying to protect life." At saying this, Figgen's eyes suddenly widen and he shuts his mouth. It doesn't take a genius to tell that he didn't mean to say that last bit.
Suddenly, both Cal and Figgen can feel the boat jolt forward, at long last caught in the wind.

In the Sky:From her loft in the sky, Malon can see the ship as it slowly drifts away and turns into the wind. As a seagull flies past, she hears a feminine voice call out to her from below. "Hello up there, stranger," The voice comes from the hadozee, hanging onto the top of the mast with one hand and trying to wave down Malon with the other. "I don't get many visitors up here."

As soon as these words leave the hadozee's mouth, the ship starts moving in earnest, sailing out in the direction of the wind as the hadozee motions for Malon to follow.


Lizard Lord
2010-04-26, 05:55 AM
Cal will put his sword away and step back a little bit. "Al, what do you mean? What happened? Its ok, you can tell me."

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-26, 06:10 AM
Alfred looks around a bit uncomfortably as he continues in a near whisper. "Well... after we picked up cargo in Drell, I found a rat in the hold. Just one rat. It was bloated so bit that I doubted it could move. I been feedin' it some of the medicine dat Rubin left and I was planin' on rollin' it out when we got here. When I tried moving it, it made..."Alfred's voice trails off before he looks directly into Cal's eyes. "It's a mother, Cal. I can't kill a mother. I said I magicked up the rats so they wouldn't look too hard."

Lizard Lord
2010-04-26, 06:20 AM
Cal sighs heavily "Al, those rats can burn the ship down. While we are in middle of the ocean even. Then the crew and passengers will die. I know you don't want that."

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-26, 06:30 AM
Tetelo watches with lifted eyebrows as Fayd makes his delivery to the strangely-demonic girl.
After he leaves, she comments
"I think someone's sweet on you~" she says it in a sort of sing-song voice.

The half-fey gazes at Adalias as she comments on the seachests.
"Traveling light is the way to go. Snails bring their houses with them, and see how slow and wretched they are?"

2010-04-26, 06:30 AM
"Fanks. I'd better be goin' outside, fresh air seems to 'elp. An' it's closer to the rail."

At Tetelo's comment Andromalia blushes a little.

"Nah, 'e jus' likes 'elpin' people, I fink. An' after seein' me like that, it's over for mos' men anyways. Later."

Andromalia pockets the pouch and puts on her cloak again. Then she stows her chainshirt away safely, and returns above deck, not heeding Fayd's advice to look at the horizion, but watching the sailors at work and keeping an eye open for the centaur.

Soon she's suckling on the ginger, looking out at the water for most of the time.

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-26, 06:47 AM
Alfred Looks down, a bit crestfallen. "Da big one's not on fire." he mutters, "It's just kinda... smoking."

Lizard Lord
2010-04-26, 06:57 AM
"Al, we both know the rat is clearly magical. You are the magic expert here. Are you sure that it can't set the ship on fire? Are sure that it can't make more babies? Can honestly tell me that the rat poses no danger to this ship or the people on it?"

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-26, 07:13 AM
Alfred Figgen is silent for nearly a full minute before he looks up with a weak smile and says, "I don't know what dat thing is. I know spells and spellbooks okay but I don't know much 'bout magic creatures. Took da thing a week to have any babies and it only happened when I tried movin' it. Maybe it'll make more babies. Maybe it won't. Maybe it'll explode. Maybe it'll turn to gold."
Alfred looks down at his feet as he mutters, "We should probly kill it befur we have ta find out,"

2010-04-26, 07:26 AM
Fayd nods, adding "Just doing my job, sir." He salutes and returns to work.

2010-04-26, 10:31 AM
Feeling the deck of this ship isn't as bad as she thought, Sasha gets to work helpin sailors pull rigging and getting ready to heave off, she figures that the best way to prove that she can do the job is, well to do it. She notes the suprise of a few sailors at seeing a hoof'ed person onboard helping.

She smiles at the sailors, "Hello, my names Sasha, I hope to get a posting aboard this ship so you might be seeing much of me!" She watches as a few of the others go below deck and just shrug and return to her work.

Sailorin check! [roll0]

As the ship gets under way and remembering the captains words, Sasha searches out the first mate and says to him, "Hellos, I know the captain said that he would interview everyone normally but we had to get under way quickly. I was hoping that I would be able to get placement on such a nice vessel such as this."

Forever Curious
2010-04-26, 11:33 AM
Garen followed the fellow passengers into their quarters and plopped down on one of the beds. He kept his satchel with him: no matter how secure, he hated having to blame others for things going wrong. With a sigh, he strecthed out and layed down to rest as the boat took off to sea.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-26, 02:00 PM
Cal smiled weakly. Right. So now, where is it?

2010-04-26, 03:47 PM
Caine stands on the deck, leaning on the rail of the boat and looking over the ocean. "Mm.. been a long time since I've seen and smelled 'dis scents of the ocean. Don't go asking how long!" He shouted to no one in particular, "Argh, it'll be great to get back to my roots and see the sites of the sea, if anything has changed since my time abroad."

He looked up from his pondering and ruffled around in his bag for a moment. "The journey has begun, who wants to drink?!" His nose perks up for a second as he brushes a long grey hair from his face. "I know a good vintage when I smell one."

2010-04-26, 04:03 PM
Andromalia turns her head toward Caine when he starts shouting. The hood of her cloak is pushed from her head by the wind, and she doesn't bother to readjust it. She looks even paler than usual, with a slightly green tinge, and she still nibs on a piece of ginger from time to time.

"I'd take a drink."

2010-04-26, 04:28 PM
Chrak, too, heads over to Caine. "If I could afford a drink I'd still be at the Kraken's Tooth, sailor. Should this be merely an offer, however, I will gladly take hold of it... And thank you for your kindness, of course." The enormous insect's lack of eyebrows, lips, tongue and other key features make his use of the Common language highly disconcerting to hear. Anybody keen enough swiftly realizes that conversing with the bugman may become difficult.

Profession: Sailor check

I'm not sure if it's needed or not, but there it is.

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-26, 04:53 PM
Up on Deck
The gnome passenger walks up to Ergin and whispers something to him, pointing one finger at the hold. Ergin looks over to the other, cloaked passenger and slowly nods. With that, the cloaked figure raises the grate and climbs down a rope into the hold. With a short bow, the gnome departs for his quarters (presumably)
Fayd may make a listen check (and/or spot check to read lips) if he wants to overhear what the gnome says.

One of the crew members, a short and easily forgettable human with messy red hair, silently walks up to Audr before untying and retying a couple of her hastily made knots before giving a short bow and moving on.
This human then walks over to Sasha, making him the first of the crew (newcomers excepted) to get anywhere near her. With the same silence, he pulls the rope Sasha was working on a bit tauter before handing it back to her and starting to secure a couple nearby ropes on the same mast.

At long last, the captain emerges from his cabin along with Ms. Tallows, who is now holding a pile of almanacs in her arms, wobbling about as she walks. "We have our heading," says the captain as he walks up to the half-orc at the helm and takes his place. As he turns the ship a bit to the left, Ergin walks over and sems to ask him something.

Those down below:
A gnome with dark skin, dressed in a black tunic, walks down the stairs with a large bottle of wine in his arms. He nods at the people gathered in the hallway and grins a bit to see that someone else has brought some alcohol as well. Poking his head into the men's quarters, he says something in another language.
those of you that speak draconic "Garen. Captain told me to tell you that some of your cargo in the hold has been damaged. You may want to check that."
Garen Rixxyou don't recognize this gnome but you do recognize the mark emblazed on one of his eyes. It marks the gnome as a lesser servant of the Rixx house, normally restricted to the isand of Caerin
That said, the gnome emerges into the hallway once more, walking up to Cain and examining the bottle. "Good year..." he says, his voice very squeaky even for a gnome. "...but have any of you tried real wine?" says he, shaking his own bottle. "I got me here a bottle of Braggart Wine, smuggled straight from Caerin. Anybody want a taste?"
Caine: Unless you've been t Caerin or the Islands near Farrin in the past, the name "Braggart Wine" is a new one for you.
Sigurd + Uukoo:Both of you have a decent idea of what braggart wine is, having used similar alcohol in your tribes. It destroys a person's ability to tell truth from fiction, making even the most fantastic of lies seem more credible.

In the Brig: Alfred frowns. "Yeah... it's still in the hold, hidden away in one corner. I put sheets around it so nobody would notice. Please... um... make it painless... if you can, I mean..."

2010-04-26, 06:04 PM
Sigurd finally turns away from the window and gives the gnome and his wine bottle an appreciative nod. "I'm familiar with the drink, or something like it. Very popular for religious festivals and storytelling, in some areas. I certainly won't turn down the offer."

Lizard Lord
2010-04-26, 06:22 PM
I'll try. And after the rat is taken care of I will speak to the captain for you.
Cal will then leave the brig. He will then go back on deck and seek out Chrak, as he was hired to be a guard aboard the ship this fits well within his job description. "Hey Kitten Catch, I need you to follow me to the hold. There is something that needs to be taken of.

2010-04-26, 06:32 PM
An antennae twitches at the mispronunciation, but Chrak nods and begins to follow Cal nonetheless. "What is the disturbance this time, crewman? Not another horde of rodents, I hope."

2010-04-26, 06:33 PM
"Never have I turned down a drink!" says Uukoo, and accepts.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-26, 06:39 PM
Cal will speak in a whispered tone so that the passengers can't here him. No, not yet at least. The rat's mother is in the hold. I don't know exactly what it can do, but I think if we flank it we can take care of it.

Cal grins. Hells, maybe we'll get lucky and it will turn into gold.

2010-04-26, 06:48 PM
Matching Cal's volume, Chrak asks "Are you sure that such a task requires the both of us? It seems that either of us should be able to take out a single rat, especially one so old."

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-26, 06:48 PM
Tetelo finds little conversation in the women's bunk, and so she wanders deckside to take in the fresh salt air. Her thick black hair streams behind her, wild and tangled, but any thought that might have entered the sailor's heads about her was quickly quelched by the sight of her yellow eyes. She hums quietly as she goes, and she wanders along the rail, gazing every now and again at the sea bottom, intently. There? yes, there was the shadow. She'd told the captain of course, but it was up to him who he informed that there was an octopus clinging to the bottom of the ship as it sailed. Armstrong, she'd named it.

Forever Curious
2010-04-26, 07:42 PM
Garen sat up as the gnome addressed him, not letting his face betray the mild surprise he felt. "Huh, how careless of the crew I suppose," he replied in Draconic as he stood, taking his satchel with him "Best have a look at the damage. Lead the way, my good gnome. Nothing to drink for me, but thank you." Garen turns down the offered drink and followed the gnome wherever he lead. He did, however, keep his hand hovering by his side where the small pouch he had before was secure.

For RoC
Ever vigilant, Garen readies an action to cast Color Spray at the first sign of trouble. Despite the house relation, he's distrustful.

Sense Motive [roll0] just in case.

2010-04-26, 07:58 PM

Laying in his bunk quietly it would seem that the merchant is enjoying the soft sway of the boat upon the water. He enjoyed the water quite a bit, something quite obvious given his race and thus his water dependency, but being able to relax on such a long voyage was a comfort at the very least. With his pig rooting around at the foot of his bed he seems almost asleep. Until, at least, a gnome pops his head in and speaks with the tongue of dragons. Did they not see his scales, or did they mistake them for those of a fish? A brief moment after the gnome and the other man (Garen, was it?) leave the room he sits up and kicks his feet off the bed to lean over and pat the pig on the head.

"I suppose we had better take a gander at the hold, don't you agree? Of course you do."

He gets up and makes to follow after them, doing his best to not make it blatantly obvious. Damaged cargo was bad for business, and if he were to one day become a reputable merchant in these parts he'd need to know a good sailor from a bad one. A sailor that damaged cargo was quite often a bad sailor.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-26, 09:13 PM
Matching Cal's volume, Chrak asks "Are you sure that such a task requires the both of us? It seems that either of us should be able to take out a single rat, especially one so old."
Cal continues to whisper as he walks down towards the hold.
"Its a magic creature. I'm no expert but more often then not the elderly magic creatures are the strongest ones. And from the sounds of it this one might be able make more of those younger rats magically. Besides, you got hired on as a guard right? This is your job."

2010-04-26, 10:01 PM
"Listen, now, Dra; If you ever imply that I won't do as I've promised again, we're going to have issues. Take me to your rat, and the galley will have fresh meat tonight." Chrak's antennae begin to twitch erratically, an obvious sign of agitation.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-26, 10:15 PM
"Listen, now, Dra; If you ever imply that I won't do as I've promised again, we're going to have issues. Take me to your rat, and the galley will have fresh meat tonight." Chrak's antennae begin to twitch erratically, an obvious sign of agitation.

Cal throws up his hands. "That's not what I meant. I'm sorry. I am simply telling you why I came to you about it."
"And if you do give the rat to Cook, please don't tell me about. I prefer not to know what he puts in the food. And especially don't tell Alfred, the ship's mage. That's an order."

2010-04-26, 10:31 PM
Still walking to the hidden rat, Chrak says "On what grounds do you order me to do anything? I pledged my loyalty to the Captain for the duration of our voyage, and nothing more. I won't speak a word of this encounter, or the aftermath, to anyone other than the Captian. I have no desire to alert anyone that such a thing has sneaked aboard the ship." Despite the harsh words, Chrak's antennae have calmed down significantly.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-26, 10:37 PM
Cal sighs. "Relax K. You're too serious. I'm on officer, but I'm not that strict. Its just important that Al doesn't know the details. Sorry if I sounded bossy."

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-27, 01:55 AM
In the Hallway: Things have become increasingly crowded as people have gathered in the narrow hallway of the orlop. Things start to thin out, however, as the dark gnome leads the suave-looking human male from his room outside, leaving the bottle in Sigurd's care.
About a minute later, Darrius also chooses to leave his room as Cal comes and leads K'kichrak out as well.

If you take a swig of the Braggart Wine:The wine's taste is simple and pure, a cascade of taste that tickles the taste buds. As you swallow, intoxication overcomes you immediately, both strong and gentle in its appearance. It is almost as though a caring mother had tucked your higher brain functions under to soft sheet of alcohol.
Also, make a will save for each swig you take. The bottle has enough for ten full swigs for who-ever wants them.

On Deck:
Everything starts falling into place as the proper heading is set and activity has died down a bit, giving everybody a bit of breathing room. Only the last remnants of sunlight remain in the sky and a good handful of stars are already visible. The two darfellans start to sing an old sea chanty, simplistic in its timing but easy to pick up and join in if anybody should want to. The half-orcs working all hum along with the song but nobody else is singing it in earnest.

Meanwhile, on one side of the boat, a tenacious little octopus tries to climb up the side. It never gets higher than a foot or so above the water before falling but the little guy is certainly tenacious. Every now and then, it extends a single arm out towards the only crew member who seems to be watching it, Tetelo.

The gnome walks back out on deck with the suave human from the kraken's tooth. Without drawing much attention, the gnome lifts up the grating and grabs onto a rope heading down, followed behind by the man (who is keeping a hand near a pouch at his side at all times).

About a minute later, things become interesting when the merchant on board (seen without his pig for the first time) comes out and, after looking a few seconds for a staircase, notices the ropes and follows everyone back down.

Less than a minute after that, things become downright wierd as both the second mate and the bug-like guard of the ship both descend into the hold as well. Nobody has emerged so far.

In the Hold: At the moment, the hold is pretty dark. Most of the dim light passing through the grate is obscured by what seems to be a large rowboat suspended over the floor. A faint smell of smoke fills the air, mixed with a combination of herbs and the subtle scent of wine. All that the light manages to to is illuminate a thin ring around the edge of the room. Among the objects revealed are the following:

A small stable with room for a single horse.
Two crates in a far corner that smell strongly of herbs. One of them seems to be slighty ajar.
A bit of curtain hanging in the opposite corner
The edge of a wine cask.
A bit of dust that layers the floor

Those of you with low-light vision can see all of the above and:

The stabe is larger than it looks, large enough to fit about three horses. Also, a couple bails of hay sit in front of it.
A spare anchor resting against one wall, attached to a long length of rope.
A couple of hunting nets rest on the ground, still in decent condition.

Those of you with darkvision out to at least 60 feet can see all of the above (including low-light vision things) and:

A second wine cask seems to be hiding behind the first
A harpoon hangs on the far wal, about 6 feet above the ground.
The curtain in the corner seems to cut off an entire 10-foot cube of the area. Whatever's behind it is big.
You notice that the orlop of the ship kind of cuts into to hold, meaning that the ceiling is higher near the stern than near the bow.

Garen also sees:
As you move down after the gnome, the gnome bows down and gestures to a corner of the room, in which you notice another figure standing quite still, barely illuminated in the low light. As the figure approaches close enough for you to get a clear look, you recognize him instantly.
Rabbedon Rixx was just ugly enough to be considered impossible to look away from, like the sight of a murder. Even though Zarsh acknowledged that Rabbedon was his son (if an illegitimate one), he had never discussed the mother, leaving everyone guessing even after the man's death. Looking at him, Rabbedon seemed to have the worst and most recognizable traits of about fifteen distinct races.
You've rarely seen Rabbedon except at the rare family functions he is permitted to attend. You've heard that he's made himself a living on Caerin as a decent Counterfeiter but Zarsh never permitted him to leave the island for some reason that he never felt like sharing. And now, miles and miles away from Caerin, Rabbedon Rixx is looking you in the eye, holding up his hands to show he means no harm.
"Sorry about this roundabout method but I was sent to talk to you, brother, and to make sure nobody saw us. Walls have eyes and all of that, you know. Big changes are happening on the island and you may have to cut your travels a bit shorter than planned. How fast do you think you could return to Caerin if you needed to."

You have a single round to respond before the gnome points to a shadow moving on the wall and Rabbedon silently curses. Whatever the newcomer does, it is only one more round until more interlopers arrive.

After Garren takes his action, Darrius also sees:
As you start climbing down the rope, you hear bits and pieces of whispered conversation. (make a DC 20 listen check to hear Garen's next response, if verbal). About half-way down, you notice an indescribably ugly man in a green robe staring right at you, standing next to Garen and the gnome. All is silent by the time you reach the bottom.

You have a single round to respond to this situation in one way or another before you hear the grating move once more, meaning that someone else is coming down.

After Darrius takes his action, Cal and Chrak also see:
As you go down, you see quite a collection of passengers have already assembled in the hold... for some reason. You see both of the last-minute passengers (the cloaked one is revealing his face, a face more than ugly enough to small children cry) along with the slick human who bought passage aboard (Cal thinks that the name was Garen) and the mercant (Darrius, if Cal's memory hasn't failed him).

Lizard Lord
2010-04-27, 02:01 AM
"What in name of the gods is going on in here!" Cal yells. "This is a cargo hold, not a lounge! All passengers need to leave now!"
Cal normally wouldn't care about such a thing, but he can't let the passengers know about the mother rat.

2010-04-27, 02:14 AM
Chrak says nothing, but a series of rapid clicks escapes his mandibles. The sound is obviously a warning of some sort.

2010-04-27, 07:25 AM
*Glug, glug*

Will saves:[roll0]

2010-04-27, 08:30 AM
Andromalia takes the bottle next, only sipping at it first, then taking a large swig.

Will Save: 1d20+8

2010-04-27, 09:22 AM
The gnome's and cloaked figure's behavior look a bit more shady than usual for merchants, an apparently influential family being involved further underlining this. Fayd keeps it in the back of his head, but it isn't really worrying right now. Once he can take a short break, he stands by the rail, looking onto the sea. If you are somewhere out there, please give me a sign. After a few minutes, he continues with his work, taking a look at the sea every now and then, like he usually does. Fayd can only wait and see right now, maybe he can at least do the check-up.

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-27, 09:33 AM
Tetelo smiles and waves back at Armstrong. She'd known him since he was a polyp. More or less. She turns from the rail and examines the ship once more with a half-lidded eye, noting without much interest the procession down into the hold. Instead, she turns her eyes to the sea and the sky, attuning her ears to hear the creak of wood and the billowing of sails filled. It was music to her.

2010-04-27, 11:09 AM
"Drink up, friends! A voyage is no fun without a nice buzz on." Caine exclaims, passing out some ale among his new found comrades. The man himself sips on a bottle he pulled out, giving a nice sigh of pleasure. "Mm, a nice year, this one. I believe this year would also be familiar to a young duchess whose fiery passions ignited me once upon a time. Ah, it was a nice fall, when we locked in an embrace of love," He took another drink, "Or was it that dutches.. hmm... I suppose it wouldn't do to ask, hm?" He burst out with uproarious laughter and took a large swig. "Someone find me that brew I keep smelling."

2010-04-27, 11:18 AM
"Travellin' wiv 'is very own bar, now that's a man to my taste. Cheers, mate!"

Her sea sickness apparently forgotten, Andromalia takes a few healthy swigs from the ale.

"So, woz that about a duchess?"

2010-04-27, 11:26 AM
Sigurd briefly swipes the bottle and takes a healthy drink as well, savoring the vaguely-familiar sensation of this particular brew before passing it back.


Forever Curious
2010-04-27, 11:31 AM
Garen kept his calm demenor, his mind racing in confusion. "I was actually headed there, Brother Rabbedon. Planning on taking a ship out from Pemrose at the first opporitunity. Now, perhaps you could tell me the details..."

In a split second after the gnome points, Garen's twist his fingers quickly, calling four lights as bright as torches to appear. If it came to a fight, vision would be required.

Garen cast Dancing Lights, creating four lights as bright at torches.

2010-04-27, 01:37 PM

Just as his draconian eyes adjust to the dark the dancing lights illuminate the hold and throw his vision out of whack again. For a moment he says nothing as his eyes adjust. He glances to Cal as he commands the passengers out of the hold, "I'm a merchant, sir. I'm merely inspecting the hold. If I intend to one day use this craft as a main means of transporting my goods I must be sure that the hold is in good order. Unless, of course, you would prefer I take my business elsewhere in the future."

Forever Curious
2010-04-27, 01:45 PM
Garen nods politely at Cal and Chrak, putting on a pleasant facade. "I have the same reason as the merchant, I must admit." He gestures toward the gnome and continues, "This man informed me I had damaged cargo below deck and was helping me confirm this. I apologize if I broke any ship rules."He gave a curt, but respectful, bow. "Now, my friends, let us return to our quarters to continue this discussion." Garen began his way back up, nodding to his compatriots to join him.

2010-04-27, 04:04 PM
Sasha watches the crew and those who just came aboard with interest, watchin the crew work and trying to find their rythme and watchin the passengers for what THEY are up to. Its always good to watch those around you indeed!

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-27, 04:52 PM
In the Hold: With the torchlike glow, the entire hold becomes more or less visible to everyone in the hold (feel free to click on the darkvision and low-light vision spoilers of the previous post). Garen quickly climbs up the rope, followed by the gnome and the cloaked figure, who (thank god!) replaces his hood. With this done, Darrius is left in the hold along with the two crew members.

Darrius:looking around quickly, you notice that one of the crates of herbs has been tampered with. Apparently the cook really had taken some of the cargo. Perhaps that was the "damage" in question...

You also note that the curtain in the corner seems to move a bit as if by some unfelt breeze. A bit of smoke also fills the air down here.

Chrak + Cal:with the area luminated, you notice that a decent amount of smoke is in the air down here. Also, the curtain in the corner seems to be moving as if due to some unfelt breeze.

Up on deck:Right as the merchant climbs down the rope, light starts shining from the hold, although a rowboat blocks out most of the scene. Under a minute after Cal and K'kichrak follow them down, the cloaked figure, gnome, and suave human all climb out of the hold. The gnome and cloaked figure both start walking back downstairs.
The elf on board walks over to Fayd and offers a handshake. "Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe you bear the name "Harrad".. At least five crewmen stop in their tracks as the elf finally talks.

In the Hallway:though most people assembled drink without any problems, both Sigurd and Uukoo have a somewhat relaxed look come over their face. The moment that they see each other, each one knows that the other is affected. The only question is who will act first...if anyone.

In the Sky:The hadozee continues callng up to Malon despite having not recieved any response by now. "Why are you always so silent, huh? Are you a mute like Tim downstairs. Maybe you're like that grump elf butyou don't look that grumpy to me. Oh, maybe you don't understand common. That would be a bit of a problem, wouldn't it..."

In the Woman's Quarters As Dalias stares out the porthole, she can hear the crash of small waves against the ship, cries of the ocean of lamenting at having lost claim to her soul so long ago. Even now, the ocean hunts her, ever ready to swallow her whole one more time.

2010-04-27, 05:05 PM
"More of this blasted smoke! I can't track movement like this." Chrak shakes his head, as if trying to clear the smoke away. "Fine... Are we going to do this or not, Cal?"

2010-04-27, 05:05 PM
"Yes. And you are?" Fayd examines the elf and accepts the handshake once he introduces himself. His family isn't exactly well-known, so he decides to be careful until he knows more.

Sense Motive check [roll0]

Lizard Lord
2010-04-27, 05:07 PM
Cal will look at his insect companion. "Might as well do this now. Its better that Mr.Darius knows the truth then thinks the cargo is on fire."

Cal will then take his sword out and motion to move the curtain.

Forever Curious
2010-04-27, 08:09 PM
"Well, that was an amusing interlude," commented Garen with an (almost) sincere laugh as the trio began their way below deck again. "Now, brother, perhaps you could fill me in with more details of home. I suggest acting natural: a casual conversation will draw much less suspicion than a whispered conference."

2010-04-27, 09:45 PM
"I agree, Cal. Let us finish our mission." Chrak's antennae begin twitching again, but not nearly as rapidly. He almost looks... Excited?

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-28, 02:19 AM
On the Deck:
The elf thinks for a long second before replying. "I'm just a sailor, I guess, a sailor with a long, long memory. I was a guest of the Mendarins for a year after an accident at sea. You have a bit of the Harrad look to you... something about the eyes, probably. Hmmm... and I thought I'd never get a chance to repay my debt in this life..." With a short chuckle, the elf walks off and resumes his working. When the other crewmen bombard him with questions, the elf resumes his normal silence.

Looking around, Sasha sees a good deal of what's going on. The captain is standing at the helm, holding the wheel in both hands and gazing off into the horizon. A half-orc stands nearby, ready to take the wheel if the captain must leave.
Both you and the mute work on keeping the fore mast under control and Audre is working with half of the other human crewmen to secure the main mast. The darfellans are largely goofing off at this point, singing their song (apparently called the wild blue depths) at a good volume.
The remaining human workers lean against the railing (except for one, who seems a bit seasick) and start singing along with the darfellans, accompanying the hum of the half-orcs. The half-orcs in question are retrieving a couple small shining bottles from a wooden bucket near the captain's cabin, each one of which glows with the brightness of a torch, and spreading them sparringly across the ship.
You see the elf and doctor speak briefly before splitting up and watch as both of the last-minute guests climb out of the hold and walk back down under the deck along with the suave-looking human. The halfling seems be be talking to Mr. Ergin in one corner of the main deck as he keeps a close eye on everybody.
At the edges of your sight, you can see the hadozee up above talking... or trying to talk... with the flying merfolk. Also, the other fey-like woman seems to be looking over the side of the boat by the stern.

The last rays of sunlight have just vanished away, leaving the chilly sea breeze to whip across your faces in naught but the light of the few bottles and that of the moon and stars above.

In the orlop (hallway): As Garen, the gnome,and a new cloaked guest walk by, the cloaked one is speaking in a jovial tone (one that doesn't quite match his gravelly voice), as if discussing the local gossip. "You remember old Malky's daughter, Elizabeth? It seems that she was called back to the island and got married to Mr. S. Not the geezer, mind you, but the geezer's son..." by the time this is spoken, both the cloaked figure and Garen have entered the cabin. The gnome stays behind for a moment, noticing that the braggart wine has been partially drained. The Gnome calls out "I'm the king of the ocean." in his yappy voice before joining the others in the cabin.
Eurus and Uukoo: make a Sense Motive check against a DC of [roll0]. If you fail, you earnestly believe the gnome's claim for the next five rounds (more if you fail another Will save at the end of this time). Further lies will also work in this way until the effect ends.

In the Men's Cabin:The cloaked passenger goes on to say "The old geezer wasn't happy with this, what with losing control of the business to Malky and all. He left his home and is staying with Aunt Alecia for the moment, acting as a... consultant. I shouldn't have to tell you that this merger of families could be a very bad thing for us all."

Moving aside the curtain, you reveal was at first appears to be a giant blob of fur, about 10 feet wide and 10 feet high. Roll after roll of fat blackened skin covered in sparse grey fur covers the area. Even more disturbing, you can see smoke rise up from the skin and see something roil perpetually underneath the blob's flesh. At long last, looking down, you see a couple of rat-like paws, sized appropriately for an average-sized rodent. Hearing a soft squeak, you finally notice its head peering out at you from beneath a few dozen flaps of fat. The head is proportionately larger, at least one and a half-feet long (though most of that is lost under the flaps of fat).

After quickly looking around, the rat opens its mouth and seems to gag a bit before breathing a fiery gout of... rat? Yes, it has exhaled a fiery rat like those you fought earlier, a rat that goes flying across the room and lands next to the wall of the hold. The rat in question looks around briefly before scuttling off towards the other side of the room.
As it was a ranged attack, both Chrak and Cal may make attacks of opportunity.

2010-04-28, 02:39 AM

The merchant was edging towards the cracked open spices to check for any signs of a to and a from and perhaps other information on the crate itself when the two crewmen head over to the curtain after a few words and toss it open. Darrius's eyes may be rather good for a humanoid, taking after dragons after all, but the smoke gives him a few moments of trouble.

And then a rat flies out of nowhere and out into the hold. "The hell?"

If Cal and Chrak seem intently focused on the mother-rat and not the newly spawned one I'd like to bring out my blade and throw it. He WILL NOT materialize the blade if anyone seems to be watching.

Move action to shape and standard to throw, if it is visible. Range increment of 30ft. Swift action to Invest 2 Essentia, borrowing 1 from Enigma Helm
Ranged Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If he cannot see it he will try to find it and not shape the blade. If I don't get a post in before an update assume either stabbing it with the blade if he can remain unseen and has actions to materialize, attack, and free action to drop (and dissipate) it. If he is being watched, "hey, over here" or something, +6 to hit with 1d3+3 claws (+6 as standard, +6/+6 as fullround) if in a dire spot.

Edit: Oh, if someone does manage to see him, its a gleaming blue blade, though it does not provide illumination, that looks almost like a wave cresting. As it is currently a Sundering weapon I'd play that up some (wave crashes in and explodes with force on a sunder) but its more like the Water Elemental attack animation for Warcraft 3 (dunno if its the same in WoW, never played) when I throw it. Just a stream/bolt of water jumping the distance.
Edit2: Given the below, I'm probably being the combat useless merchant for this one. XD

Lizard Lord
2010-04-28, 02:41 AM
After swinging at the fat rat Cal will tumble backwards and attack the smaller one, hoping to kill it before it can start a fire.

Attack of opportunity: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Since the plan was for Chrak and Cal to flank the rat I will make a sneak attack roll thinking that we stuck with that plan: [roll2]
Tumble: [roll3]
Regular Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
If the smaller rat is more then 15 feet away, then forget the tumble. Cal will just charge it.

2010-04-28, 04:12 AM
Adalias shivers at the sound of the waves, unconsciously hugging herself. The moment she realizes what she's doing, she forces her arms stiffly to her side. Grimacing, she strides out into the hallway, then towards the deck. She doesn't really have a purpose except to move and try to forget what's best forgotten.

2010-04-28, 06:25 AM
"Good for you, then." Fayd keeps his eyes on the elf for a few seconds before finishing up his work for now. That didn't sound very promising. I'm pretty sure both Inalia and Morgan accepted that it was an accident, so that leaves only one... He looks onto the ocean again while he clears his head. There is no need to jump to conclusions, but he should stay on guard. A warm light is barely visible between his hands as he warms them and decides to go to his quarters for now. His supplies need to be arranged, they might be needed in the near future.

The people mentioned in the post are half-elven matriarch Inalia Mendarin and her human husband Morgan.

Inalia was once the only heiress of the Mendarin bloodline and had to become her family's matriarch before she even turned 20 when her parents were taken by the sea. She is only a few years older than Tyrone and currently approaches her mid-fifties. The matriarch possesses great wisdom and knowledge, effortlessly combining down-to-earth practicality and spirituality aided by her powers. Riya's death left a big mark on her (especially due to the similarity to Inalia's parents' deaths) and while she understands the circumstances, she also knows that the wounds will take a long time to heal. Was in love with Tyrone before he met Serah, but they decided to end the relationship to preserve the Mendarin bloodline.

Added the bit to the end of the backstory box on the sheet.

Forever Curious
2010-04-28, 06:34 AM
For the first time since he arrived on the boat, Garen's smile fades into a stern grimace. "...I won't lie, brother. I was sincerely hoping you had better news..." The changeling paced about the cabid, contemplating. "What is it that you advise, brother? Garen didn't like following this line of logic, but he knew what was required: someone had to die.

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-28, 07:33 AM
Rabbedon settles his face into a matching frown as he continues. "When the family needs your assistance, you'll be the first to know. Not much to do right now, I fear. Keep your eyes and ears open and try not to cause too much trouble. A few associates have already... left the archipelago since the wedding."
Rab scowls even deeper as he continues. "The family won't have much work for you until we find a chance to end this merger, I'm afraid. They know you're too valuable an asset to put into harm's way. Expect to be dragged back home the moment Aunt Alecia finds a chance to make things right. Until then, enjoy your vacation, I guess."
Rab detaches a pouch aound his shoulder and holds it out in front of him. "I've been sent with some gold to help you get by. Don't squander it."

Forever Curious
2010-04-28, 07:41 AM
"Heh, no need to worry about me, brother." replied Garen, taking the pouch without counting it. "Like I said, my intention is to head back to Caerin as soon as possible...but maybe I'll stick around Pemrose or a bit. Try to gether intelligence for the family." The changeling gives a quick bow, assuming Reb has nothing else to say.

2010-04-28, 09:15 AM
Uukoo shakes his head after taking the second sip, hard enough for the cheeks to make a wet flapping sound.

"So. Sigurd, right?" he says once his head feels a bit more clear. "What brings a man like you on to this ship full of pups?"

2010-04-28, 02:25 PM
Not even going to bother rolling a save against the gnome's bluff since it would take a nat 20 to succeed, heh.

Sigurd peers curiously after the gnome for a moment, shaking his head. "That's strange, what's the king of the ocean be doing on a ship like this?"

Deciding that the "king" must simply be trying to travel discreetly, Sigurd turns his attention to Uukoo. "Wandering aimlessly, for the most part. I recently found myself unemployed, but have little desire to tie myself down to a job right away. For all of my wandering, there are still far too many places that I haven't seen. I hope to change that. What of you?"

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-28, 04:33 PM
Tetelo leans on deck, clearly having decided that the day's activities won't include anything else like work. She watches the sailors work, noting with a not-entirely charitable smile the centaur walking about on deck. It was just so absurd.

2010-04-28, 04:54 PM
Andromalia takes another swig of ale before she leaves the old guys to themselves and wanders around the ship for a while. When she notices Tetelo watching Sasha at work she decides to strike up conversation.

"Looks strange, don't it? But she's doin' well. Better than me, at least."

Andromalia is still a bit green around the nose, but the alcohol has already begun to add some red to her otherwise pale complexion.

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-28, 10:08 PM
Tetelo scratches her elfin ear absently.
She glances sideways at the woman.
"I don't know why, but it feels kind of disrespectful for you to be getting seasick. Or maybe it's getting on a boat, if you get seasick. Or I guess it would be disrespectful, if the sea gave a damn about you."
She taps the tips of her long fingers against her chin, thoughtfully.
"So, why are you sailing on the sea, if you don't enjoy it? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me."
Her yellow gaze meets the tiefling's purple gaze, with a bit of a curious light.

2010-04-29, 12:48 AM
Malon was relaxing on deck, almost dozing off in leisurely enjoyment of having nothing to do, when she heard a call from above - being spaced out as she was, it took a few shouts for the Hadozee's voice to get from her ears to her brain. Looking up, it took her a few more moments to notice the caller himself. Stroking a thick test of hair from her face, she gave him a curious look for a moment, then raised herself from the gunwale and began a fluttering ascent toward the jungle of sails up there among the masts. The Hadozee was another admirer, of course, but why not indulge him for a spell? Surely, she'd have plenty of nothing to do as the voyage continued. "Yes?".

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-29, 04:25 AM
Up Above: The hadozee smiles as the mermaid rises up to meet her. "I knew that I saw you flying earlier. I just knew it. My name is Carol by the way. What's yours"

In the Men's quarters: Rabbedon gives a short bow before leaving the room. He'll likely be back later, seeing as the room also serves as his quarters. The gnome is busy claiming a cot in the darkened cabin.

A few seconds later, one of the half-orcish crewmembers walks into the room and hangs a small glass capsule (no larger than an olive) from a small hook on the ceiling. The capsule in question seems to be filled with bright sunlight, giving the dark room a bit of illumination.

If you check the pouch: the pouch contains 100 copper pieces, 75 silver pieces, 50 gold pieces, and 25 platinum pieces. Also tucked in are seven small alexandrite gems and a smaller leather pouch.
inside the leather pouch:you find a couple vials of black vial that you recognize as poison, the sort sold by an old dark elf back on Caerin to whoever has the coin.

In the Hallway:The cloaked figure leaves the men’s cabin and heads outside as a half-orc sailor walks into the hallway carrying a couple small glass capsules (no larger than an olive) filled with what looks like bright sunlight, at last shining a bit of illumination on the drunken gathering that had been talking in the dark. As he hangs one from the ceiling, bringing most of the hallway into some form of illumination, he enters each of the cabins in turn, hangs another capsule up, and leaves. As he exits the last cabin, he at last seems to notice Caine and his stash.
“Mind sparing a sip for a weary sailor?” the half-orc asks Caine, a smile on his face.

On the Deck:Everything so far has been going pretty fairly. Adalias stands by the entry to the deck as a cloaked figure pushes his way past, grumbling something angrily to himself.

Adalias:Within the proximity of divine perception permitted you, you pierce into the cloaked figure’s soul for a brief moment. The judgement, predetermined by the celestial fonts and circles, declares this man in direct and diametric violation of your vows and ethos. A smudge has been made upon his soul, a smudge masquerading as a mark of law and righteousness. The smudge is of forgery, performed often and with no remorse.

Also, make a listen check if you want to overhear him. :smallwink:

The woman bearing fey blood seems to be talking to the other bearing fiendish blood over towards the stern of the boat. The doctor stands near the second-mate, who is still talking with a Halfling. A merfolk floats above, talking to a hadozee hanging from the main mast. The centaur stands by the fore mast and the one-eyed woman stands by the main mast.

Much of the busywork seems to be over for the moment, letting most of the crew relax a bit. With most of the deck at least partially illuminated by the small capsules of light, a calm environment has come over the deck and a delicious scent starts to waft out from the galley. Supper will likely come soon.

Most of the crew has joined in the Darfellans’ singing of the “Wild Blue Depths”, either singing or humming along (surreptitiously tapping his foot in time with the case of the elf). A half-orc even walks near the center of the deck and starts dancing to the melody of the song, soon joined by the particularly silent human who was standing near the fore mast with the centaur.

On a long, distant trip, the crew might have been more sober on such a night. This trip, however, was set to arrive at port the next day. A certain, dim joy fills the area as the small waves batter the side of the ship. Even the captain seems to have cracked a small smile when he speaks to a nearby crew member. The crew member certainly seems happy enough as he rushes into the galley.

For a brief moment, the world seems to be in perfect peace.

Audr:catching a quick glimpse over the side of the ship, you spot something in the water, bobbing near the ship. The light of the glass spheres doesn’t reach that far but you swear that you can see the silhouette of a human hand bobbing up and down within the water.

Tetelo:you can sense it almost before you smell it. A faint acrid odor has mixed in with the normal scents of salt and ash carrying on the sea breeze. Something isn’t quite right.

In The Hold: The next few seconds pass by in a blaze. Cal slashes at the mother rat, creating a small hole in its flesh through which a rat is propelled, followed by a small gout of flame and stream of smoke. The merchant Darrius lifts up his hand for a brief moment before turning his head and seeing that Cal is looking in his direction, searching the hold for the missing rat through the smoke.

Darrius points his raised hand in the direction of the rat, shouting “Hey, over here.” Following the merchant’s instructions, Cal charges over and stabs downwards, trying to kill the rat, which deftly dodges aside.

Chrak, meanwhile, is left with the giant monstrosity of the mother rat. Taking out one of his crescent blades, Chrak slashes across the rat’s stomach, leaving a large tear in its flesh (though strangely not as large as he had expected). As the hole is pierce, however, a smaller rat instantly launched out of it and another crawls out after it. Another rat crawls out of the first hole as more smoke and flame pours out of the second.

After inhaling deeply (and letting loose another small gout of flame), the mother rat launches another flaming rat in Chrak’s direction, missing by mere inches and leaving itself open to counterattack as the rat lands 10 feet away from Chrak and launches a gout of flame of its own at the bug-man, another shot that is handily dodged.

Chrak: feel free to make an attack of opportunity.

Everyone: Just as the events described above come to a conclusion, a loud screeching noise can be heard, seemingly coming from beneath the ship. The boat rocks back and forth a bit, but not enough to knock anyone over.

The captain, more than a bit alarmed, quickly reaches into a pocket and draws forth a small item before throwing it onto the deck. The ship immediately stops in place, even with the night winds blowing on the sails and blowing the spheres of light on the cords from which they hang.

The singing and dancing has come to a stop now. All sound has stopped save for the low howl of the wind through the sails, the beating of waves against the hull, and distant sounds of Cook’s incessant chopping.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-29, 04:43 AM
Cal looks around and realizes that him and his coworker are already outnumbered and that there could be more rats coming. He calls out to Darius. "You, Darius right? Get help from the crew, tell them Cal sent you. Only get help from the crew. I'll pay you to leave the passengers out of this.
He then changes his tactics as he moves to attack the mother rat. The longer that thing stays alive the more rats it will make.
Cal will move to b8
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-04-29, 04:57 AM
"Only land aroun' 'ere is a bunch of islands, so you gotta use a ship to get anywhere el... What woz that?"

Forever Curious
2010-04-29, 06:06 AM
Garen snaps to attention, reacting quickly to the unusual movement of the ship. Noticing he was mostly alone in his quarters, he unhooks the medallion from his neck and begins muttering into it, taking a seat on the bed. A strange magic, neither arcane nor divine, flows into the medallion, imbuning it with power.

Garen uses Weapon Augmentation, Personal infusion on his doll, granting it the Vicious enchantment for 30 minutes. This takes 1 minute to perform.

2010-04-29, 06:21 AM
The navigators would have known about reefs on this route. Fayd chants in the Fellowship's dialect and extends his arms, filling the others with a subtle sense of courage. He walks up to the railing and breaths a fire lance along the ship's length to see what is in the water.

Casts Bless.

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-29, 07:48 AM
Tetelo stiffens, her nostrils flaring.
"Oogh. Something's wrong. It smells..."
"Like I'd better get away from the rail."
Tetelo speaks a short syllable in Aquan, the equivalent of "What?", giving herself the ability to talk to animals.

2010-04-29, 10:45 AM
"Lalala.." Caine mumbles drunkenly, already on his second brew, stumbling across the deck just a little. Ignoring most of what happened around him, he grabbed onto the door of the ship and decided to go lower into it and off the deck to find that great booze he smelled earlier.

2010-04-29, 10:49 AM
Sigurd doesn't say anything at all, just snaps to attention and starts looking around quickly. With as much calmness as he can muster, the warrior slips back into the men's room and retrieves his weapons from the chest there before returning to the hallway. Sparing a brief glance and a shrug for the others in the hallway, he heads for the deck.

2010-04-29, 01:39 PM
Tetelo's reaction makes Andromalia sober up immediately.

"What? I better get my stuff."

If nothing happens immediately, Andromalia returns to the women's quarters and gets all her stuff (equipping everything) before running back on deck.

2010-04-29, 03:41 PM
Oh, it was a female man-monkey. Not an admirer then, or at least Malon hoped so... Things could get awkward otherwise. The helf-fey came to rest on a conveniently located yard and replied, "Malon. Charmed".

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-29, 04:37 PM
As Fayd blows his breath of fire over the side of the water, a deep shade of crimson is revealed in the water, surrounding the ship. Audr stares down and sees a hand poking out from under the torrent of crimson, the attached body apparently under the ship. Beneath the ship and endless red is a dark silhouette, at least as large as the Dutchess.
The captain calls out, "Stay calm, everyone. We've seen our share of red tides before. This doesn't mean anything. Mr. Isenhop, fetch some meat from the galley. Let's see what we're dealing with, if anything."
Mr. Irgin stops his conversation and turns to Fayd. "Good work, lad. We may need you to keep that breath up while we figure things out., if you can." turning to the halfling, Irgin adds, "Get the lad some water, Ms. Tallows. Breathing flame don't look none too pleasant for the throat."
As one of the humans, the halfling, and Andromaia travel inside, Sigurd rushes out, followed by a staggering Caine Jagi. Caine stumbles over to the hold and half-trips into it, sliding down the rope to the bottom.

CaineArriving in the hold, you find it illuminated by 4 torch-like globes of light. Over on one side you see the wine caskets you were looking for. Also in the room are some stables, a second anchor, a few nets on the ground, a harpoon on one wall, and a few crates in another corner.

Arguably more important is the battle that seems to be underway. You see that the bug man, the merchant, and the recruiter are all fighting off against a small army of six more rats and a simply gigantic rat in one corner, a rat giving off gouts of flame and spurts of smoke through its apparent wounds.

Malon"What brings you to the Silver Dutchess, Malon? Wait a moment. You didn't come to repla-" Carol stops in mid sentance, stairing down into the water as it is brightly illuminated.

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-29, 04:53 PM
Tetelo joins the captain near the rail once more, using her fey attunement to seeing by moonlight to try and get a sense of the creature below. An animal, perhaps? One of the great dull behemoths that trawl the ocean in search of food? If it were an animal, than maybe she could bargain with it...

2010-04-29, 05:08 PM
"Do we have any idea what that noise was, then?" Sigurd asks as he takes a look around and sees nothing immediately threatening.

Sword still sheathed, but at hand if he needs it, the man carefully approaches the side of the boat and peers over at the red waters. Frowning, he closes his eyes and mutters something in an odd dialect of Draconic; a short rhyme, something about starlight and dragon fire.

Nothing happens for a moment, but finally four wispy globes of light flicker into view in front of Sigurd. Still peering over the side, he directs the lights - or seems to, at any rate - over the side, until they dance a few inches above the water. They lazily drift around, perhaps trying to illuminate what lies below or even goad a reaction out of it. After a moment, they drop below the surface without a splash and continue their exploration.

Casting Dancing Lights.

2010-04-29, 05:14 PM
"Hrrmph. I may not be the world's best sailor, but I know this isn't supposed to happen." says Uukoo, looses his trident on his back, and sets out after Sigurd.

2010-04-29, 06:28 PM

He nods quickly and rushes to get out of the hold and on deck with as much haste as he can muster, caring little for any bites or flames from the rats that might be headed his way.

AC is 18 because he doesn't have his shield. 13 Touch 16 FF (18 when Uncanny Dodge applies).

There is a rope out of the hold, aye? So Climb check? [roll0] as I doubt I can Take 10 while being attacked by flaming rats.

If I can get n deck in a single round and have actions left I'd like to locate the nearest sailor (In order of preference: a PC crewman, an NPC with rank, first mate, nobody sailor, captain, MASS PANIC!) and try to quietly alert them of the situation. ie something along the lines of there being a growing flaming rat swarm below.

If I'm on fire b the time I get up there the Mass Panic thing may start without me even trying. XD

2010-04-29, 07:23 PM
Seeing an opening as the enormous rat belches another spawn, Chrak attacks it viciously. No sooner than Darrius is out of the hold than the Thri-Kreen has drawn his other blade, slashing again at the broodmother.

Actions -

Attack of Opportunity:

Damage of Opportunity:

Move action to draw the other Crescent Sword, which provokes an AoO. Standard attack action.

Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:

2010-04-29, 07:43 PM
"I wouldn't know", Malon responded in a low voice, somewhat distraught as she turned her attention down toward the sea. Tsch, it looked like she'd have to start earning her keep sooner than expected. Oh, well - no point in getting ahead of herself; she'd wait for the captain's orders. "But I'm not here to fill a permanent position".

2010-04-29, 11:07 PM
Sasha, keeping her footing when the ship stops looks around, and over the side, wondering what a red tide is she trusts the captain though to get everyone out of this. Quickly following any orders given to her as best she can she tries to make herself useful.

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-30, 01:56 AM
On Deck:Most of the crew, some people may notice, don't seem as utterly horrified by the situation as would be wise. As most of these people are clustered near Fayd, however, it may just be the effects of whatever spell he's cast.
The human, Mr. Isenhop, runs out of the galley with a large slab of meat as Ms. Tallows (the halfling) emerges with a jug of water. Surprisingly, the two of them are followed by the orchish passenger. Isenhop hands the meat over to Captain Thompson before the captain turns to Audr, "Tell that second mate of mine to get my harpoon out here. It should be down in the hold with him. It doesn't hurt to be safe." turning to Sasha, he reaches into a pocket with his free hand and pull out a key before tossing it to her. "Wake up Mr. Figgen in the brig. See if he is prepped to end some magic prematurely. We might need to get moving at a moment's notice."

As the halfling offers the jug of water to Fayd, Sigurd reveals himself to have some magic at his disposal, creating lights that sink into water. although this puts the silhouette into deeper relief, it's still hard to say what it is.

Tetelo: Although the detail isn't great, the outlines of a few nets and sails informs you that the silhouette is that of a sunken ship, not any animal in particular

Adalias: You heard the forger mumble something along the lines of "stupidfavritsunalwaysgetsabestaevryting. Iltrackdownwhoeversujestedmakinmedagodforsakenerra ndboyancarvoffhis..."

In the Hold: Cal finally slashes the rat and Chrak, blinded by the streams of smoke leaking from the mother rate, makes another failed attempt to slice yet another hole into her. Another two small rats climb out of the mother's wounds as she spits out yet another, this one going in a long arch before landing between the two of you. The small rats scurry around as they lash out with gouts of flame.

Two rats hit Chrak, singing his carapace a bit (take 3 fire damage) and three hit Cal from various angles (take 8 fire damage). Chrak may make an attack of opportunity against either the mother rat or one of the small ones and Cal can make a attack of opportunity against one of the small ones.

Amidst the chaos, Caine Jagi descents into the hold, climbing most of the way down before letting go of the rope and falling the rest of the way. Darrius, meanwhile, slowly makes his way to the rope, ducking between a few gouts of fire on the way, and climbs up the rope, ending up but 5 feet below deck.

Down Below:Andromalia finally arrives back at her cabin to find that the door is slightly ajar. Soft noises are coming from the men's cabin but all else is silent.

2010-04-30, 02:35 AM
"Aye aye, sir." Fayd keeps breathing fire over the water and algae, trying to illuminate as big of an area as possible in combination with the small magical lights. He doesn't really need to breath out for his breath weapon and is barely affected by his flames, but still gladly accepts the water. "Thank you," he says to Ms. Tallows and quickly takes the jug and drinks from it.

2010-04-30, 03:24 AM
Andromalia continues to her chest and unlocks it. After removing her stuff she leaves the key in the lock, quickly dons her armor, and equips everything else before returning above deck.

Lizard Lord
2010-04-30, 04:16 AM
Being light on his feet, Cal will jump and spin past the rats hoping to avoid their teeth. He notices Caine as he moves. "Oh good, anther passenger! And hes drunk to! Just what we needed!"
Cal's tone becomes more serious as turns around to stab the rat he just went past. "Old man, go find more crew members and get help."
Cal will tumble move to D5, then swing at the rat at d4. That will require two tumble checks right?
Tumble 1: [roll2]
Tumble 2: [roll3]

The Great Skenardo
2010-04-30, 05:46 AM
Tetelo frowns, her yellow eyes picking up details that trouble her.
"It's a ship," she murmurs to the captain. "Sunk under."

2010-04-30, 07:46 AM
Shrugging quietly to herself, Audr moved back from the railings and headed for the hold.

...Which seemed to be experiencing a LOT more activity than she'd anticipated... Recognising the sound of battle even before she found the people fighting, she quickly had her sword (as the more useful of her weapons in any small-scale melee) drawn and advanced quickly towards the noise...

If I'm allowed to slot in on the next turn, Audr will be approaching the closest small rat and whackin' it!


Edit: ...what went wrong with those?

Attack/Damage Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8403760&postcount=259)

Crit confirmation roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8403782&postcount=260)

2010-04-30, 07:58 AM
Sasha listens intently to the captain and grabbing the keys replies, "Yes sir, right away!" and quickly moves down towards the brig, not running but trotting.

2010-04-30, 02:19 PM
Uukoo grabs the first crewman he and Sigurd pass on the way.
"What is all this ruckus? What is going on?" :smallannoyed:

2010-04-30, 03:12 PM
"Drunk? I've just got a pleasant aura of numbness, you youngin'. Respect your elders or rats will eat your eyes!" Caine yells, sliding down into the hold. Still a little ticked off, he rubs the side of his hip and gives an old man squint to the whole hold. "What's with more rats.. I tell ya, in my day, when rats attacked, we didn't start a battle, we just looked at 'em and they fled away. We had much bigger fish to fry- and I'm only half talking metaphorically. Some big fish out there." Caine rambled as he chugged another bottle of ale.

"Did I ever tell you kids about the time I beat a dragon?" He said, looking around till his eyes focused on the giant rat giving off flames. "A dragon!" He yelled, his eyes a little blurry as he rubbed them, taking a step back. "Today, you face Caine!" He yelled quite impressively, before he stumbled over to the wine caskets and started to examine them. "A fine year.." He remarked, running his hand lovingly over the exterior. He stood there for a few moments before looking around once more.

"The battle, ah, a dragon! Today, you face Caine!" He yelled once more, picking up the nearest anchor and spinning it around and around getting a little closer before tossing it at the biggest of the rats and then falling on his ass.

Two Doses of Alcohol upping Strength. Using Throw Anything to toss that Anchor at a fire-breathing rat.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Realms of Chaos
2010-04-30, 04:40 PM
OOC: Can't continue the actual battle yet but...

On the Deck:
Everyone seems to be moving to the edge of the ship, looking for movement below. As Audr heads into the hold, Sasha runs over to the brig and Tetelo mutters something to the Captain, who merely frowns at the news and nods before looking back at the hold.
As the orc grabs the nearest crewman, who just happens to be Mr. Ergin, Th human just stares him in the eyes as the question is asked. "We don't know what's going on. We hit something... or something hit us. If you want a look, be my guest." At this, Ergin attempts to remove Uukoo's hand and gestures over the side of the ship with his other hand, pointing to where the outline is visible and to the redness in the water all around it.

Up above, the Hadozee Carol points down at the black silouette, still outlined by human's globes of light. "What do you think it is, huh? A kraken, perhaps? Ooh, maybe it's a leviathan. I've always wanted to see one of those"

Audre + DarriusLooking down into the hold, Audr sees the merchant (sans pig) holding onto the rope, in the midst of climbing up from the hold. His presence doesn't stop her from climbing down though she kind of has to climb over him a bit.

In the Brig:
The key fits just fine into the iron door and it opens to reveal a halfling chained up to the wall. The halfling wears a haggard gray robe and has a thin face with a messy mop of graying brown hair on top. The halfling is leaning forward on the bench of the brig, apparently asleep.

2010-04-30, 04:49 PM
"Fascinating," Sigurd mutters to himself, scratching his chin. "And possibly very bad."

I'll give Bardic Knowledge a try, see if Sigurd has heard any stories about this area. Any ships that sank here, any odd occurrences, whatever.


2010-04-30, 06:55 PM
"Kraken? Now that is a great beast of legend! There would be no shame in dying fighting one such as that!"

Realms of Chaos
2010-05-01, 03:26 AM
On deck:Hearing talk of Leviathans and Krakens, Captain Thompson shakes his head and calls out. "Tetelo here has just informed me that it's a ship down there, not some beast of nautical legend. If this is the case, I am duty-bound as a vassal of the Viceroy to do my best to determine what went wrong and, if possible, to reclaim the ship's cargo." The captain pulls a knife out from one of his boots and cuts a hole into the slab of meat he holds before grabbing a rope off of the deck. "First thing's first, let's make sure that the waters are safe enough for investigation." The captain ties a decent knot before throwing the slab of meat into the ocean, grabbing the other end of the rope.

Up above, the Hadozee sighs as she climbs down a bit. "No krakens, then. Such a shame."

In the Hold:Things turn into a hectic haze as the next few moments pass. Darrius runs past a small group of rats towards the rope leading up, starting his ascent as Caine Jagi walks away from the rope.
Cal jumps and spins past the rats, dodging their gouts of flame in mid-air. He notices Caine as he moves. "Oh good, another passenger! And hes drunk, too! Just what we needed!"
Cal's tone becomes more serious as turns around to stab the rat he just went past. "Old man, go find more crew members and get help."

His blow falling wide of the rat-creature, Chrak sees an opening when she belches her spawn, and slashes furiously at the beast. Having already missed so many times before, he's becoming quite frustrated. "I can't put up with these rats much longer, Cal. I can't see in this smoke!" Never-the-less, Chrak attempts to attack the creature again, whirling both blades at the monstrosity. Though the smoke yet obscures most of his attacks, one of them manages to sink nicely into the creature's skin. Unfortunately, the pressure of the attack causes the previous holes to launch bursts of flames that engulf Chrak (take 8 fire damage). Furthermore, another rat is immediately ejected. Chrak manages to easily dodge two gouts of flame from a couple nearby rats but a third one singes him rather badly (take 4 fire damage).

The "old man", apparently a bit irate, goes into a bit of a rant. "Drunk? I've just got a pleasant aura of numbness, you youngin'. Respect your elders or rats will eat your eyes!" Caine yells, sliding down into the hold. Still a little ticked off, he rubs the side of his hip and gives an old man squint to the whole hold. "What's with more rats.. I tell ya, in my day, when rats attacked, we didn't start a battle, we just looked at 'em and they fled away. We had much bigger fish to fry- and I'm only half talking metaphorically. Some big fish out there." Caine rambled as he chugged another bottle of ale. One of the rats blows a gout of flames that catches the arm not holding a bottle (Take 2 fire damage) but the man continues speaking.

"Did I ever tell you kids about the time I beat a dragon?" He said, looking around till his eyes focused on the giant rat giving off flames. "A dragon!" He yelled, his eyes a little blurry as he rubbed them, taking a step back. "Today, you face Caine!" He yelled quite impressively, before he stumbled over to the wine caskets and started to examine them. "A fine year.." He remarked, running his hand lovingly over the exterior. He stood there for a few moments before looking around once more. Another rat sends a gout of flame at the man, this time burning a leg rather badly (Take 3 fire damage), not that this stops him in the slightest.

"The battle, ah, a dragon! Today, you face Caine!" He yelled once more, picking up the nearest anchor and spinning it around and around getting a little closer before tossing it at the biggest of the rats and then falling on his ass. The anchor flies true, slamming into the rat's head and making its entire body jiggle grotesquely. Unlike other attacks so far, the anchor has not opened any new holes in the brood mother's flesh.

Recovering from the attack, the brood mother launches another flaming rat straight at Caine as three more rats crawl out from inside her, hitting him in the face (Take 4 bludgeoning damage and 6 fire damage). Landing in front of him, the newly created rat tries to scorch Caine as well but misses. Fortunately, the brood mother has left herself open to attack once more from Chrak (Chrak may make an AoO against the broodmother or an adjacent, smaller rat).

Before Darrius has even fully left the hold, the one-eyed sailor from above has climbed down, drawing her weapon with one hand as she slides down the rope with her other. Approaching the nearest rat, she neatly slices it in two as she nimbly dodges two gouts of fire. Another burst of flame, coming from behind, burns one of her shoulders (Take 4 fire damage)

Audr:feel free to read the full description of the hold from Post 183 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8383492&postcount=183), including what is revealed via low-light/darkvision (as the room is currently lit).

Lizard Lord
2010-05-01, 03:56 AM
"I can't put up with these rats much longer, Cal. I can't see in this smoke!"
"Well, K, maybe if you wish real hard the smoke will clear right up! Or perhaps you can just ask the rats to go away!"

Cal then notices as Caine launches the Anchor at the mother rat.
"New plan, not that we had an old one. You, with the wine, attack the biggest 'dragon'! Everyone else, unless you have something blunt, kill the small ones!"
Cal then moves and swings his cutlass at the nearest rodent.

2010-05-01, 04:10 AM
Starting to worry, Chrak follows Cal's advice and abandons the mother rat. He leaps backwards, away from the grotesque lump of flesh, and attempts to seal any holes in his defense. Landing atop a smaller rat, Chrak attacks it for all he's worth.

Actions -

Move action to simultaneously Jump and Tumble (to avoid AoO's) to square E-8, ten feet South from Chrak's current position.

Jump check:

Tumble check:

Provided that Chrak's Jump takes him at least five feet above the Ashrat in E-8, this next attack counts as a charge and deals double damage. I have not taken this into account for the final numbers.

Attack Roll:

Damage Roll:

2010-05-01, 05:26 AM
"Securing cargo?", said Malon to herself. "I like the sound of that. Let's have a look". With that, she flew from her perch and dropped into a dive toward the ocean.