Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Troll in the Playground

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    Apr 2007

    Default Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    The ocean sprays the air with a cool mist as another wave hits the piers of Parink. As the smaller of the two towns on Roven Isle, it comes as a surprise to most that most ships arrive here. The mist smells softly of soot, as does everything in the archipelago. As the sun begins to set beyond Mt. Roven, everything is cast in a pale, reddish light.
    Across from the pier, on the other side of a worn cobblestone street, stands a particular building. Though quite old and ramshackle in design, bright lights, rowdy noises, and intoxicating aromas seem to waft from its doors and windows.
    A faded wooden sign, hanging from above the doorway, labels the building as “The Kraken’s Tooth”. Beneath the wording, oddly enough, is a depiction of a cartoonish horse. It is at this strange old pub that countless trips start and end.
    From the inside, The Kraken's Tooth looks roomy and inviting. Several pelts rest on the old wooden floor, dotted with a multitude of old stains. The chairs and tables seem sturdy enough, with a large one in the corner for the occasional large folk working on ships.
    The bar, made of driftwood, separates you from an aventi bartender, his bluish skin shining in the dim light of the pub, and from a cornucopia of recipes for intoxication.
    Apart from a few newcomers in the pub, five humans are sitting at the bar, drowning themselves in weak ale. On a raised platform up a few short steps to the right, a half-dozen more locals sit at a couple of tables, gambling with a deck of cards. A final human stands on a table in the middle of the room, singing a rather... provacative song about his imagined habbits of the merfolk. His singing isn't bad but the song is obviously being improvised on the spot.
    In short, it's just like any other day in Parink. Well, except for one thing, that is.

    The grand dhow known as the Silver Duchess has just arrived at port, allowing some of her crew to stop by for a drink while cargo is loaded. It won't be long now before passengers and crew are called to the ship once more. Until then, there is a moment of peace.
    Last edited by Realms of Chaos; 2010-04-21 at 03:17 AM.
    I'm try not to be too vain but this was too perfect not to sig.
    Quote Originally Posted by Primal Fury View Post
    okay RoC, that is enough! the gitp boards can only take so much awsome, you might actually hurt somebody with this one!
    At long last, I have an extended signature

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    A rather nondescript figure, wrapped in a simple brown cloak, is sitting at a table close to the bar, a mug of ale and a simple meal in front of it, untouched.
    Something seems to preoccupy the stranger; a fact which doesn't go unnoticed by the barkeep.

    "Something wrong with the food?"

    Those who care to listen hear a slightly muffled mezzo-soprano voice answer curtly.

    "No, it's fine."

    Aroused from thought by the aventi, the woman takes a swig from the mug and starts to eat.
    Last edited by Iun; 2010-04-21 at 03:51 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
    Ridai's Avatar

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    A thin, handsome young human with short dirty blond hair sits at the same table as the cloaked figure and currently finishes his meal. He wears dark, robust clothing made to withstand the life at sea, including a hooded jacket, leather pants, boots and a black shirt. A blue oval crystal framed by a dragon wing and an angel wing hangs from a slender blue chain around his neck.

    He notices people look over to him once in a while, curious, maybe intrigued. It served as a good reminder of what effect he has on others, as he was mostly among his friends and family for the past years who were used to his presence. Fayd chuckles a bit and shakes his head during the song with an amused smile. "I'll let him dream," he quietly says to himself, his voice pleasant and even. He considers going over to the gamblers, as apparently few people can tell when he bluffs, but decides not to since that would be mean.

    "That was good." Having finished his meal, he breathes a content sigh. His soft silver eyes look at the cloaked figure, sees her being stirred from her thoughts. "Are your memories steering you towards Pemrose?" He makes an educated guess. He has something inviting about him, entirely missing flamboyance and arrogance.

    This will be the only time I'll describe Fayd's presence and effect on others like this, don't worry, but I think it's appropiate in the introductory post with a character who has an effective +5 on charisma checks and very high social skills.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Audr was also at a table. Not the same table, no - she was on her own, off to the side of the room. Audr was waiting. She knew the Silver Duchess was coming. She'd left her previous post on a cargo ship to enlist on the more... exciting... Dhow. Running Cargo would not earn one a place in Valhalla, after all. Serving on a larger, more adventurous ship offered greater promise...

    Unlike the others, she had no food in front of her - having eaten earlier. But decorum dictated that you ordered at least one drink if you were going to wait around in a tavern... so, eventually, she rose and headed for the bar. By chance she ended up near to Fayd and Andromalia's table: albeit not *at* it. She'd have had no reason to join them yet...

    To Fayd and Andromalia, she'd appear to be some burly barbarian sort, a mass of old furs surmounted by wild hair and a single piercing blue eye. But there were a couple of clues not all was as it seemed. Firstly, enough of the face was visible to show that Audr was not as... masculine... as her build would suggest. Secondly, listening carefully would reveal the metallic clinking of armor under the furs. In truth, she was a surprisingly thin person, with most of her bulk coming from the home-made full plate she wore underneath.

    "Mead, please." was the request she made of the bartender. She'd gotten the 'Viking' accent down perfectly (it did come naturally to her, after all;)), but the words sounded less like a norseman and more like a librarian.

    The bartender served her quickly enough - it was a simple drink, and she had money - and she turned back to survey the room at large. This sight was worthy of a comment. "I cannot wait to get back to sea."

    It was worthy of a comment... just not a particularly approving one.

    Now appropriately attired for her vigil, Audr turned to head back to her side table...

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    The woman takes a small sip of ale before she turns her head towards the inquisitive young man. Under the hood of her cloak you can barely see more than the outline of an even, and probably handsome face.

    "Jus' thought about woss 'appened to me durin' the las' few months. But yeah, I'm on my way to Pemrose. Goin' there, too, aincha?"

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Tetelo often found pubs annoying. Maybe it was the noise and heat? No: in days past she'd often enjoyed chatting in bakeries, picking up some fresh gossip to go with the fresh bread. Maybe it was the alcohol? No: Tetelo liked a drink or two, although she found herself to be something of a featherweight.
    Maybe it was the fact that almost every goddamn person went armed? Yes. That was it. Even as she pushed at the wood of the door to open it, she could feel the half-nauseating presence of steel. Some of the worst offenders in that respect were travelers like herself; big burly men who wore entire suits of the stuff, in the face of common courtesy.

    Already grumbling slightly, Tetelo entered the Kraken's Tooth. With the door slamming shut behind herself, she drew a few glances, and it could't be said overall that she disappointed. Tetelo was tall, with rather unusually long legs, with a casual indifference in her manner as she walked along to the driftwood bar. As she walked, her goldenrod gaze wandered over the patrons, one or two of whom blinked and avoided her yellow eyes altogether. It was a small touch, those eyes, but it was the only real overt hint to her heritage, aside from her slightly unearthly beauty. She'd been mistaken for a Selkie or a Siren before. Men of the sea tended to be careful about that kind of thing.

    Arriving at the bar, Tetelo gave a perfunctory nod to the tender.
    The barman nodded, giving her a careful look in return, and set about filling a mug for her. The coinage exchanged, Tetelo looked about. She had some time to kill while the sailors were on leave. Maybe some conversation...?
    If there's nothing out there, then what was that noise?

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "Yeah, I'll see if the Duchess' crew are willing to hire some help for the trip. Probably won't stay there for long, but maybe I'll be able to do something meaningful there." Fayd momentarily turns to the warrior woman passing by them after hearing her comment. "Ah, I guess you're going to be on the Silver Duchess, too? Please, take a seat, no use in sitting there alone," he says with a friendly smile and offers her a chair at the table. Those who are near Fayd and look closely discover something looking like tiny, silvery scale on his neck.

    He meets the new arrival's gaze momentarily, but doesn't seem to be bothered by her or try to avoid her, treating her as a person like everyone else in the room.
    Last edited by Ridai; 2010-04-21 at 07:30 AM.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "Glad to see I'm not the only one wivout any plan. So you're a sailor? 'Tis only my third time on a ship, an' I still need to keep meself from barfing all over."

    Andromalia watches both Audr and Tetelo for a while during the conversation, her eyes lingering rather longer on Tetelo.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "I am merely guessing, but I think the Silver Duchess will not be as bad as your last couple. It's pretty large, as ships in these parts go, and well made. It should not rock quite as badly as the smaller, cruder vessels." Accepting their offer, Audr took a seat alongside Fayd and Andromalia.

    "And if it is not, always vomit away from the wind. Important health and safety tip..." The hint of white as some of her smile was visible around the fur hood. "I've spent about... five years on the water, now. Ships like me for a couple of reasons: One, if they're transporting female passengers, it helps to have a crew that's not entirely formed of drunken sex-starved men. Two, there are not a lot of blacksmiths willing to ship out on long voyages, and it always helps to have someone along who can fix broken weapons and tools, yes?" Raising one knuckle, she rapped herself on the chest. There was a muffled, though still audible, ringing of metal. "My own work. Quite proud of it, actually." Leaning forwards now, her mead forgotten on the table as she stared at her potential-crewmates-to-be. "I left a message for the Silver Duchess a couple of ports back, letting them know I wanted to change ship. They left a message here for me... One of the crew will be over to have a look at me when they're done unloading. Feel free to sign up when he shows, hm?"

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Tetelo returned the strange hooded figure's gaze evenly. Hoods meant caution, usually. Caution meant fear tempered with intelligence. So...
    Her voice is somewhat high-pitched, but soft. She leans against the bar, crossing her arms. She wrinkles her nose, as if smelling something foul, but then her expression returns to one of polite interest.
    If there's nothing out there, then what was that noise?

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Andromalia lets out a small laugh , noticably lower than her speaking voice, at Audr's comments. She is about to answer her, when she hears Tetelo apparently address her. Her gaze falters, and if you watch closely she blushes slightly at being caught staring. Those near her suddenly notice a faint smell, just as if a match had just been burnt. You realize the smell had been there all along but wasn't strong enough to be noticed conciously.

    "Apologies, din't mean to stare."

    Still a bit flustered she turns back to Audr.

    "I already paid for the trip, an' quite a bit at that, I'm not much use on a ship, after all. But say, 'ow much for a li'l refitting work? This chainshirt keeps goin' all over the place, drives me mad."
    Last edited by Iun; 2010-04-21 at 08:50 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Fayd chuckles when he hears about Andromalia's problem. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it with time. I can show you some methods against seasickness once we're aboard. Tell me if it's not bearable though, I should be able to mix something against it." Fayd takes a quick look into his backpack, but remembers something. "Ah, sorry, where are my manners. I'm Fayd, born and raised on the six ships I call home. You could call me a sailor, but I consider myself more as a healer, as I still have a lot left to learn about handling a ship, at least by my peoples standards."

    Fayd listens attentively to Audr, smiling at the safety tip and nodding approvingly when she mentions her crafting talents. "Absolutely, thank you. Also, good craftsmen and -women are definitely worth their weight in gold aboard a ship and I guess I should consider myself lucky that I grew up amongst people who know how to control themselves and treat women with respect."
    Last edited by Ridai; 2010-04-21 at 08:41 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "Andromalia. Lia for those what prefer me answerin' before the day's over."

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "I have long since found that mixed sex ships tend to prevent the erosion of men's behaviour. Especially when the woman on board has this" Audr strokes the hilt of her greatsword "beside her at night. But not all captains agree. Especially not the one I first sailed with. Especially not after two of his 'mates' thought I was bluffing about my swordsmanship. And *especially* not after I suggested selling them off as Eunuchs." Another hints-of-grin-grin, then Audr glanced over towards Lia. "Do not worry, my Viking days are long behind. I've been sailing merchant ships since then. Much safer." And towards Fayd. "And more civilized." Back to a more neutral pose, and one hand returning to her (still untouched) tankard of mead. "Anyway, names were offered, so mine is Audr."

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    "Haha, really pleased to meetcha Audr. Though I must say, a decent lookin' fellow's better than a sword at times."

    Andromalia takes another look around the room before continuing.

    "Those seem to be the exception, though."

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "Pff, more power to you, if only for the sheer entertainment value. I remember seeing some strangers trying to do something to one of the flotilla's members, getting their tough manly man act on and all that and oh boy, did they regret that. I've never seen grown men run that fast, arms flailing in the air and screaming hysterically." Fayd pantomimes with his arms to visualize the story. "One jumped over the railing and somehow got caught in the rigging, so he was dangling against the side of the ship, flailing around and screaming 'help me, they got me, they got me'." He couldn't help but laugh at how absurd the whole scene was back then. "I swear, we wanted to catch them, but we were laughing so hard that we were rolling around the deck." Wiping a tear from his eye, he is still grinning. "Anyway, nice to meet both of you."
    Last edited by Ridai; 2010-04-21 at 09:30 AM.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "Been wonderin' 'ow people put up wiv livin' on a ship, but it seems the fun starts once you can keep your food."

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Your conversation is interrupted as deep, throaty laughter roars through the room. The source is an orc sitting in one corner, looking rather old, but judging by how the table rattles as he pounds it between fits, not much worse off for it.

    "Oh, does that sound too scary for you?" he says to the two men sitting opposite to him, who seem to be standing up and getting away from him. "Fine! Hah. I'll find someone else to join me, this place is full of men of honor, I am sure!"
    Last edited by Ernir; 2010-04-21 at 10:18 AM.
    Halfling healer avatar by Akrim.elf.

    My sarcasm is never blue.

    Personal stuff: The Diablo 2 game (DMing), BBCode syntax highlighter for KDE
    CharOp: Lists of Necessary Magic Items
    Homebrew: My proudest achievement, a translation of vancian spellcasting to psionic mechanics. Other brew can be found in my Homebrewer's Extended Signature.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Quietly: "That orc has far more faith in humanity than I do..."

    Regular volume: "Getting your 'sea legs' helps, definitely. I grew up in a hunter's camp, so my first couple of weeks at sea... yeah, I've had more fun. But you grow used to it, and things improve from there. If you stay out long enough, you even start walking funny when you're on land - compensating for a sway the ground just does not have..."

    A brief chuckle escapes her lips, followed by "On a related note: Have you ever tried repelling boarders by using a decent lookin' fellow as your weapon? Because if they're better for that than my sword and spear are, I may not need to carry them around much longer..."

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Tetelo smiles to herself at the hooded person's reaction to getting caught, but then she lifts an eyebrow. A woman? Unexpected. She listens in with half an ear to their conversation.
    "Find your sea legs?" She comments,
    "So strange. How can anyone smell the salt and the smell of water and wood, and not feel at ease? Hm." She traces the rim of her mug with a finger as the discussion touches on men on ship.
    "You're right, of course, that examples work to discourage them...but it helps to be warrior too, I guess."
    She brushes a bit of her thick black hair behind her head.
    "I'm not. But it would help."
    If there's nothing out there, then what was that noise?

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Tucked away in one corner of the Kraken's Tooth drinking area, a serene-faced woman watches the happenings with equal disinterest for all. Her blue eyes stare out from beneath the brim of a wide-brimmed black felt hat, tiny silver bells dangling from the edges. She seems to blink only when she remembers to, sometimes staring for over a minute before wetting her eyes again.

    Her garb is simple, yet finely made, in the manner of a traveling lady of some wealth. Few proper ladies would ever wear the tightly-fitted crimson trousers she has on however, an item in stark contrast to the flowing silks in subdued browns and blacks that make up the rest of her attire.

    The woman raises a tankard to her lips, but if she did more than wet them with it, it was the tiniest of swallows. Those with exceptional eyes or a keen sense of smell might notice that the tankard is full to the top with seawater.

    The tune being played by the musician seems to tug at her memories. She draws a silver-plated flute seemingly out of nothingness, and begins to play along - not particularly well, but softly enough not to disturb the other patrons if she makes an occasional slip in the notes.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Malon sat by herself in the middle of the room, tapping the edge of her empty glass as she stared through the wall, bored out of her mind. While the words in the rude song did reach her ears, she didn't take offence - she hardly considered herself part of the Merfolk, and for all she knew those songs could be right. Though her rainbow scales and sparkling, membranous wings certainly did light up the room, she despite her unearthly beauty did not receive any romantic advances - those who'd tried had been turned away by a single glare, though no one knew what it was that made her so frightening.

    She'd heard the Duchess' name been mentioned a couple of times now, and it seemed to her that it was a more popular craft than she'd originally guessed. Not that she cared, though, as it was not as though she needed any space on the vessel itself. Another day, another cramped vessel to work on.
    I don't mean to brag - it just sort of happens.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "I luv the fresh salty air, I jus' could do wivout the green face. Sorry again for the starin', just din't fit into the rest of the scenery, though quite a few 'ere don'. Always peaks me interest. As for keepin' guys outta me pants, it's easier for me than for some."

    It's meant to sound off-handedly but an air of regret swings in the background.
    Last edited by Iun; 2010-04-21 at 11:09 AM.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Fayd looks over to the orc for a moment, worrying that he might do something rash. Maybe it is because he is a healer, but Fayd still hopes the orc doesn't get himself (or someone else) in trouble.

    Leaning back as Lia and Audr talk to each other, he is content with just listening for a while, happy that he could bring people together and that they have a good time, even though they may part ways soon. His thoughts begin to drift, slowly approaching the sea. Back to the flotilla. Then going into the water. Back to...

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Tetelo tilts her head to one side, in an almost avian way.
    "Oh? I've never known men to be very discerning. If they don't fear it, they try to bed it. Besides..."
    She nods towards the thick brown hood
    "Of us...Don't you 'not fit' more? A burn that didn't heal, is it? A disease?"
    If there's nothing out there, then what was that noise?

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "Nah, nuffink like that. Just a... safety precaution against the more discernin'. 'ad quite some violent reactions in the past."
    Last edited by Iun; 2010-04-21 at 11:45 AM.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "Actually, I've known one or two that tried to bed it *because* they feared it. That's a risky principle, though. Especially when drunkenly applied to bears." A wistful little shake of the head brings Audr's mind back from her childhood to the tavern.

    "Besides, I lost an eye when I was young. Doesn't stop men when they're at sea and their pool of available women is restricted to you and the galley chickens..." Followed with a quick bark of laughter. "Looking prettier than a chicken can be both a blessing and a curse. So, what brings the lot of you to the port? I'm here for work, and you three...?"

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    Tetelo nods to herself in satisfied fashion. Caution.
    "Mmm. Did I hear you mention the Silver Duchess? Aboard her as passenger, are you?"
    Her manner retreats into polite interest one more.
    "I'm... well, something like a navigator on board this time around. Most of what I do is just exist on board, and that's enough."
    Last edited by The Great Skenardo; 2010-04-21 at 11:54 AM.
    If there's nothing out there, then what was that noise?

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "I know quite a few what choose the chicken for bein' less of a risk. An' noone what take the bear. But you're righ', enough of that. To answer your question, I really dunno woss been takin' me here. "

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Oceans of Legacy (IC)

    "Passenger? No, I signed on as crew. The Duchess is hardly my first ship. I'm not too much use when it comes to navigation, but if you need someone on the helm, the lines, or the forge, I'm your woman."

    Quietly, to Lia, Audr adds "I doubt they'd have chosen the bear if they'd been sober..."

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