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2010-05-12, 09:58 PM
do you have any preference for a map or buff rounds?

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-12, 10:07 PM
I would prefer to at least have all-day buffs up. I can do with or without rounds, but if we have any, I would prefer no more than four. For reference, most matches seem to end up with three buff rounds.

I'll do pretty much any map, but how about this one:


Arena is of worked stone, with a 30 foot ceiling. There is no rain or wind of note. Mysterious light equal to an overcast day suffuses the entire area. The participants begin in either the top or bottom four rows, one per side.

If that is acceptable, I'll call the bottom.

2010-05-12, 10:13 PM
yeah, the map is fine with me.

all day buffs is fine, and if 3 buff rounds is what it usually is, then 3 rounds is fine with me.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-12, 10:19 PM
Starting Position (OO):

Buffs (OO):
Long-term buffs:
Spellstaff with Blasphemy (permanent until expended) CL 24
Extended Contingency set to cast Owl's Insight "When I cast Armor of Darkness." (48 days) CL 24
Spell Phylactery: Scroll of Death Ward set to trigger "When I would be affected by energy drain or by a death effect" (permanent until expended) CL 25
Crafted Contingency: Extended Infernal Threnody set to go off "When I say 'Mahogany'". (Permanent until triggered) CL 7.
Crafted Contingency: Sheltered Vitality set to go off "When I would be ability damaged by a source other than a corrupt spell". (Permanent until triggered) CL 7.
Crafted Contingency: True Strike set to go off "When I say 'Canoodle'". (Permanent until triggered) CL 1.

2-day buffs:
CL = Base +4 Bead of Karma +2 Infernal Threnody +1 Adept Spirit +1 Tome of the Stilled Tongue = 20 or 21. Nondetection is +4 CL from Ankh.
Slots used: 1st: 0/7 2nd: 1/7, 3rd: 2/7, 4th:4/6, 5th: 3/5 6th: 0/4 , 7th: 3/3

Extended Greater Magic Weapon +5 on scythe (40 hours) CL 20
Extended Magic Vestment +5 on shield (40 hours) CL 20
Midnight Metamagic Extended Magic Vestment +5 on armor (40 hours) CL 20
Midnight Metamagic Extended Pact of Return set to "I will be slain by an aligned spell or effect." (42 hours) CL 21
Midnight Metamagic Extended Pact of Return set to "I will be slain by an attack made as part of a charge." (42 Hours) CL 21
Extended Nondetection: DC 40 (50 hours) CL 25
Extended Zone of Silence (42 Hours) CL 21
Extended Scales of the Sealord +5 (42 hours) CL 21
Extended Glimpse of the Prophecy (42 hours) CL 21
Extended Primal Speed (48 hours) CL 21

All-day buffs:

Endure Elements (13 hours) CL 13
Substitution (13 hours) CL 13
Undetectable Alignment (24 hours) CL 13
Divine Insight +15 (13 hours) CL 13
Superior Resistance (24 hours) CL 13
Tyche's Touch: Protection (24 hours) CL 13
Extended Adept Spirit (26 hours) CL 13
Primal Hunter (24 hours) CL 13
Primal Instinct (24 hours) CL 13
Primal Senses (24 hours) CL 13
Pact of Return set to "I will be slain by a coup de grace" (13 hours) CL 13

Round 1: Say "Mahogany", activate Adept Spirit, draw cage, cast Battletide on toad. [roll0] (needs a 20)
Round 2: Activate Bead of Karma, cast Spell Resistance, stow cage.
Round 3: Cast Greater Invisibility, Cast Armor of Darkness. [roll1]


2010-05-12, 10:26 PM

all day

Persisted Spells
Master Air--Caster Level 17
Divine Power--Caster Level 17
Visage of the Deity--Caster Level 17

Contingent spell
If Sheltered Vitality goes away for any reason, cast Sheltered Vitality on myself.--cl 13

buffs from the 3 buff rounds

sheltered vitality--cl 13
extended aerial aclarity--cl 13
see invisibility--cl 13

starting position

a,4,10 feet in the air


2010-05-12, 10:37 PM
ok, guess i go first.

so there is nothing to obscure vision besides the columns?

i'm going to move to a,22, 10 feet in the air.

if i see you before getting there[i have see invisibility up] i'm going to stop as soon as i see you and
cast moonbolt and quickened moonbolt at you.

assuming you are living,
2 fort saves dc 18 for half damage.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-12, 10:46 PM
I'll need you to make a spot check and a caster level check for that See Invisibility effect.

Are you at all hidden? I do not have any funky senses at the moment.

2010-05-12, 10:48 PM

caster level check

2010-05-12, 10:49 PM
probably failed the spot check.

and i am not hidden at all.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-12, 10:58 PM
You don't see anything during your move.

I think we should both post descriptions of ourselves, and direct each other to them when appropriate (which could be in a theoretical spoiler or something).

Here's mine, though you don't get to open it right now:
You see a tall humanoid woman in baggy yellow robes. She has long black hair and red eyes. She has a buckler on one arm and holds a holy symbol in the other hand. She has a backpack and a scythe on her back, and there is a small pouch on her belt. She is wearing white gloves and has a big goofy ankh hanging from her neck. She is covered by a layer of swirling shadows, and her skin is blue and scaly.

A DC 10 knowledge (religion) check reveals:
The holy symbol is that of Vecna, Neutral Evil god of secrets.

A DC 20 spellcraft check reveals:
The shadows are the result of the spell Armor of Darkness

A DC 18 spellcraft check reveals:
The scales are the result of the spell Scales of the Sealord.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-12, 11:01 PM
Anyway, since you don't see me, take the rest of your turn. If you make any sound, I am entitled to a listen check, which I will include here in case it comes up:

2010-05-12, 11:02 PM
not sure why i am using a spoiler, but whatever.

guy in mithral armor carrying a morning star, black hair, bird wings

i am assuming i know that something is in the arena[otherwise, why would we have buff rounds], so i'm going to cast wall of smoke so it is covering the columns a and b and it will be set at elevation 0[ground] so i am just above it.

if thats not the case
cast protection from evil on myself

and make a listen check.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-12, 11:19 PM
You know there's someone around somewhere, and that you're supposed to fight them.

I made my listen check in the spoiler in my last post. It was a 35.

Could you clarify the position of the Wall of Smoke?

2010-05-12, 11:25 PM
all of a and b, unless i am reading it wrong. it's effect is a straight wall with an a area up to one 10 foot square/level. i am using 13 10 foot squares to cover the columns a and b, on the ground, with me hovering or whatever just above the top of the wall.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-12, 11:31 PM
I see. the 10-foot squares used in most wall spells are actually squares (not cubes), unlike most mentions of "squares" in D&D. Wall of Smoke is a thin vertical sheet that can be composed of 10-foot square segments. I suppose you could make it horizontal, but elevation 0 would accomplish very little. Also, some of the squares you're going for are out of its range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 caster levels).

2010-05-12, 11:40 PM
hmm. always thought it was a cube. alright. that's fine. if i have to make it vertical, then i guess, just go for a, 20, b,20-25.

if not, i don't care about it.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-12, 11:44 PM
Is your turn over?

In any case, what, if anything, did I glean from my listen check?

2010-05-12, 11:50 PM
that i was casting a spell, if you can't see the effect of it. i would assume you also have an idea of where i am if you didn't see me before.

yeah, that ends my turn. what wall of smoke effect are we going with? is it on the ground or is it vertical? doesn't matter to me.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-13, 12:01 AM
It's up to you. I'm not going to hold you to horizontal with zero elevation when it's clear that you didn't know that it would make the spell useless.

Move to C19, cast Greater Dispel Magic on opponent.

You are subject to a targeted Greater Dispel Magic effect. The way we usually handle these is that you create a list of effects from highest CL to lowest (or whatever order you want in case of ties) and maybe give me a ballpark number of rolls to make (commonly a multiple of ten). I then roll them and you compare to your buffs and dispel as appropriate, then tell me if I see anything different after the dispel settles. Contingencies and crafted contingent spells are checked along with buffs, as are certain item effects like that given by an active Bead of Karma.

You hear nothing. Make a spot check.

My turn isn't over yet.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-13, 12:05 AM
Forgot a roll.


2010-05-13, 12:10 AM
ill go with the vertical one then, from a,20 b,20-25.

greater dispel magic activates my ring of counterspells, which should prevent me from being hit with it.

if thats not the case, then it would be 10 rolls.

edit--where am i supposed to list that? it's on my character sheet, but it's not really a buff or anything, so i don't think it goes there.

2010-05-13, 12:14 AM
spot check


Claudius Maximus
2010-05-13, 12:19 AM
Your Ring negates my spell.

Further actions (OO):
Cast Spell theft at my opponent.

You don't see anything of note, but you are entitled to a second spot check.

You are subjected to Spell Theft. If you don't have a counter for this, please list every active spell effect on you. This one won't hit item effects or crafted contingencies, only actual spells and SLA's.

edit--where am i supposed to list that? it's on my character sheet, but it's not really a buff or anything, so i don't think it goes there.

What is this in reference to? If it's the Ring's counterspell, you're fine putting it anywhere, but I'd expect it either in the notes or in the Ring's line in the equipment section. If it's something else, please clarify.

2010-05-13, 12:24 AM
sheltered vitality--cl 13
extended aerial aclarity--cl 13
see invisibility--cl 13
Master Air--Caster Level 17
Divine Power--Caster Level 17
Visage of the Deity--Caster Level 17

2010-05-13, 12:25 AM
another spot check

edit--stupid forum making me wait 60 seconds to post and ruining my roll.

2010-05-13, 12:28 AM
spot check

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-13, 12:29 AM
I'll opt to try to steal them all.

[roll0] (DC 24) **Stolen**
[roll1] (DC 24)
[roll2] (DC 24) **Stolen**
[roll3] (DC 29) **Stolen**
[roll4] (DC 29)
[roll5] (DC 29) **Stolen**

Edit: You keep Divine Power and Aerial Alacrity.

This will end my turn.

You get another spot check to see me.

2010-05-13, 12:30 AM
another spot check

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-13, 12:32 AM
You don't see any sign of me.

Your go.

2010-05-13, 12:46 AM
i was asking if i am supposed to list the rings counterspell anywhere here. like how you list active buffs and contingencies. do i say what the ring has in there, or just on the sheet?

do contingencies get hit, or is it just crafted contingencies that are immune to spell theft?

if so, then make another roll to steal my contingency.

does the effect of master air going away activate because it was stolen or not?
if not

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-13, 12:47 AM
It counts as dispelled, so it'll set you down lightly.

I do get to steal your Contingency. It's only the crafted ones that are immune.

[roll0] Not sure on the DC here.

Edit: Not high enough in any case.

2010-05-13, 12:58 AM
hmm. because i lack a better plan, i'm going to cast vortex of teeth. i want to cast it so the 5 foot radius safe zone is the square i am in.

check to overcome spell resistance

damage assuming you are in the area of effect

2010-05-13, 01:01 AM
ok, so that activates my contingency, putting sheltered vitality back on myself.

and the vortex is ground level to 20 feet high.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-13, 01:14 AM
Fails to overcome my SR.
No effect you can see.

Is your turn over?

2010-05-13, 01:20 AM
i'm gonna make a spot check to see if i can see you.

might as well use the move action.


and that ends my turn.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-13, 01:33 AM
Nothing from that.

Actions (OO):
Cast Divine Power, then Sudden Maximized Streamers. [roll0]
Four glowing red ribbon-like objects appear around you. They hover in your square and seem ready to strike, threatening you like coiled serpents.

A DC 25 spellcraft check reveals:
These are the result of the spell Streamers (Shining South page 50). Basically they all have readied actions to hit you for 5d10 each if you take any action. Very nasty to get hit by.
You get two spot checks.

Turn over. I think I'll turn in for the night.

2010-05-13, 01:35 AM



Claudius Maximus
2010-05-13, 01:36 AM
Both spot checks fail to pick me up.

2010-05-13, 05:01 PM
well, i can either die trying to do something, or i can die doing nothing.

ehh, maybe you'll roll low.

i guess i'll defensively cast murderous mist at elevation 5, centered directly above me. is up a possible direction for it to move away from me? if so, that's where i want it to go.

concentration check to cast defensively

damage assuming i am alive and it hits you

it's a dc 19 reflex save.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-13, 07:45 PM
Up is a viable direction for it to move, since it doesn't say anything about sinking like Cloudkill does.


They're all touch attacks. Each one that hits deals 50 damage, with no save, and you'll have to make a DC 60 concentration check for each hit to maintain your spell.

[roll4] If this fails, none of them can damage you.

If he maintains his spell:


Edit: Not blinded, I take 2 damage and my statue takes the other 2.
If your spell goes off, you'll have to save too.

2010-05-13, 08:31 PM
that's more than enough to kill me.

Claudius Maximus
2010-05-13, 08:49 PM
Good game. You may look through my spoilers if you want.

What you need at higher tier arena combat is good defenses. This character has a touch AC in the 40's, SR 32, and her lowest save is at +21. Good detection methods (an admitted weakness of this build) and resistance to dispels are also good. I'd say this is stronger than most characters that give their tier as 1.5, but it is not the strongest such character by any means.

By the way, you failed you CL check to find me by only one point. :smalltongue: