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2010-06-13, 03:22 PM
Phoenix Town. To the untrained eye, it is like any number of other midsized city in Japan. Its people live their lives, bustling to and fro. Phoenix Town High School (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8384005&postcount=1276) staff prepares for the return of the students, as those self same students bemoan, look forward to, or do not really care about the end of their vacation. In its classrooms, club rooms, and athletic grounds lie many memories for most of the populace of Phoenix Town.

The more devout attend one of the many local shrines. One in particular is tended to by one of those self same students, Sayaka-san’s vacation likely consumed by the work necessary to keep the Houheiden Shrine (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8232211&postcount=23) in tip-top condition. Situated on a forested hill, apart from much of the development, Houheiden Shrine (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8232211&postcount=23) is surrounded by Forest, give it a picturesque backdrop. The Houheiden Shrine (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8232211&postcount=23) grounds are the picture of peace and tranquility. For now, they serve as refuge for those exhausted by their day to day lives, a spot to rest, recuperate, and find the strength to continue on with their lives. To the Shinigami, it is known as a place where they may pass between worlds… along as they obey the rules set forth.

The Venti Buon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8187927&postcount=17) is no less a refuge, in a different fashion. The Café is placed near to many important spots for individuals with a sense of the supernatural, including the Cemetery, and (Blank) High School. The Café is not huge, and both its staff and regulars would raise an eyebrow at a more formal establishment, but to the High School Students that frequent it, such is just normal. Perhaps some of them will seek it out today, as that dreaded or anticipated date closes.

Not far from Venti Buon sits a shop. Most overlook it, but for those interested in the more supernatural aspects of this world, it is a must see. Furousha Shop (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8158318&postcount=6) caters to many kinds, and much of its clientele counts other clients as enemies. However, Viatrix’s skills and usefulness has kept it quiet thus far, and the place is an invaluable source, no matter if you are Shinigami, Hollow, or Medium. However, everything has a price.


So, on this sunny day, full of the promise of summer, let the story begin. Phoenix Town is about to be tossed into the center of dire plots, and none know the full extent of the danger, including those conspiring to bring about its destruction. However, that lies in the future. For now, the greatest concern is the end of vacation.

Shades of Gray
2010-06-13, 04:11 PM
Venti Buon Café

A large mascot-like figure stands in front of the café. It's a crow, holding a large sign in its wings. "Back to School Special! 50% off of all drinks!" The sign says, looking hastily written in red marker.

"Come on in! One day only!" A feminine voice says, coming from the mascot costume. It turns its comically large head towards the café. "Come on Donovan, you have to be here too. We need to advertise more!"

2010-06-13, 04:19 PM
As the day presses on, a limousine followed by a large moving truck passes through the city from the airport. Rumors likely circulate; it's almost common knowledge to the grapevine of Phoenix Town that a wealthy family was moving into a larger, new house on the outskirts of the small city.

On the inside of the limo are a teenage girl and her mother. The girl -- a pale, thin, fragile-looking thing with black hair, green eyes, and a colorful wardrobe including khaki-colored overalls -- leans her elbow on the car door, looking out the window at the buildings stretching above. It was amazing... Valeria Abel had been far too used to living in verdant fields near the Carpathians. Japan was a totally new climate and culture to her, though one she had learned about for months before their plane trip, and move. It was also exciting... in a matter of days, she'd be in a public school, able to interact with others her age.

The girl eyes her mother with some curiosity. Opening her mouth to speak, at first she starts in her native tongue of romanian. <Mom...> ...She hesitates, though. Thinking about it, she had spent the time to learn japanese, she may as well begin to get used to it. "Erm... How far away is our house?"

2010-06-13, 04:26 PM
Venti Buon Café

Donovan comes out of the café, dressed in a comically cartoonish and bright colored serpent costume, his face coming out of a hole in the neck, his arms from the sides, holding a similar sign, and his legs hidden beneath a 'skirt' make of the snake's coiled body.

"I am supposed to be your boss. Why do I let you drag me into these things again?"

2010-06-13, 04:27 PM
A young girl with orange tipped hair stands outside the Venti Buon. Her hands push a violin bow slowly across the strings, playing a melancholy tune of despair and sleep. Her short orange dress clings to her body in the summer heat, and her hair must be brushed from her face many times. As the limo slides by, Yoko Rose knowingly stares at the young girl, her mouth turning from a concentrated frown to a mischevious smirk. Her song also abruptly changes, to one of hope and new beginnings.

"Hello, Donovan, good to see you out and about." She says to him quitly, though louder than her violin.

2010-06-13, 04:40 PM
Another figure follows slightly behind Donovan, showing little embarassment. Indeed, she barely seems to notice to notice she is in a costume of a Cartoonish Black Cat. Ava carefully tracks her steps to follow his. Eirene gets a nod and a smile (though she couldn't see it of course.) She waits eagerly for Eirene's answer, though again, such is difficult to tell.

"Yes, how?"

Ava barely seems to notice Yoko. If her attention was needed, she would give it, but for now, there were more important things on her mind.

Shades of Gray
2010-06-13, 04:49 PM
Eirene Klossner

"It's simple, dressing up as animals is contagious. It makes everyone happy." Eirene grins widely underneath the head of the crow suit as she continues to hold up the sign. A few seconds later she adds, "I also hid his wallet until he agreed to wear the suit."

2010-06-13, 04:54 PM
Gloom falls over Donovan's face at Eirine's explanation.

"Isn't that theft?"

And then he turns to Yoko.

"Yoko-san... Isn't this a weird place to be playing a violin at, specially that tune?"

2010-06-13, 05:05 PM
Meanwhile, a buss is making its way towards the town, carrying a full load of passengers with it. Many are students, coming back from vacation trips to prepare for school. They are chatting loudly about homework both done and undone, some feeling rather anxious about the waiting workload.

There is a woman (http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/frf.jpg) sitting in the back of the bus, dressed in a suit and tie, reading the newspaper of the day. While the features of her face imply she's quite young, her short hair is already graying, her skin is pale and thin as paper, and black veins surround her dark eyes. Either she's terminally ill, or wearing a tasteless amount of make-up.

Curiously enough, even though the buss is crowded, the seat next to her is empty. She doesn't look particularly threatening, yet other people have come to the conclusion she's better left undisturbed. She doesn't seem to mind, and casually flips the pages of her paper, smiling faintly all the while.

The buss stops not far away from Phoenix Town cemetery. Accompanied by a handful of students, the strange woman steps out, rolling up her newspaper and giving a curious glance around. As the buss drives away, the students go on their way, eager to enjoy last days of their summer break. The woman stays put, inhaling deeply as a devilish grin spreads on her face. There's something in the air she clearly likes.

So, this is Phoenix Town, then?, she muses. Even through senses dulled by her mortal guise, she can still feel a hint spiritual energy in the air, of a kind she hasn't sensed in a long, long while. I will make this town kneel before me and eat from my hand.

Her ponderings are cut short when her wrist-watch starts to beep annoyingly. Smile fading from her face, she shuts the alarm and looks at it. Wha... this much already? I'm never going to make it in time! I don't even know where that place is! Frustrated, she strides over the street, cold sweat trickling down her forehead.

Argh! I'm going to need a good cup of coffee after this! I hope they at least have a half-decent cafeteria somewhere around here...

2010-06-13, 05:26 PM
Claudia Abel- a fit, cheerful-looking woman in her mid thirties- is a bit less impressed by the area. Even though she spent the last sixteen years together with Valeria in Romania, before that, she traveled through a great deal of the world, so she's seen the like of Phoenix Town before. Still... the place is pretty nice, and she finds herself glancing out the window (and off the road) perhaps a little more than she should be.

She occasionally looks toward Val out of the corner of her eye. Her little girl, finally beginning to take her first steps into the wide world here... it almost choked her up.

At Val's question, she looks around their surroundings, getting her bearings relatively quickly, then smiles and replies in near-flawless Japanese.

"Well, we're almost to the outside of town, so it should be just another half mile or so, Vally."

2010-06-13, 06:07 PM
Ava nods at Eirene, seeing the wisdom in her words. She pulls out a pen and a notepad from somewhere, writing down 'Steal Wallet: Extort Donovan.' The page is covered in scribbles of the same type.


2010-06-13, 06:30 PM
Eventually, it came about that a young man, obviously a student at the nearby school, wandered up to the cafe. He had a book-bag slung over his shoulder, and seemed to be in no particular hurry.

He walked up to the staff, standing there in costumes; he seemed to take a moment to consider the "50% off!" sign, then nodded his head.

"Any recommendations on drinks today? I don't think I can quite pass up a deal like this."

He wore a soft smile on his face as he stood there; friendly, but not overly extroverted.

2010-06-13, 06:44 PM
Donovan's mind - "Great, she's getting ideas, today is just the perfect - Oh, a customer."

Donovan looks to the boy, bowing in salutation.

"Well, we have a variety of juices, teas and coffes to your preferences, or some sodas if you prefer, and we have got a south-american specialty imported from a nikkei friend, cheese bread, goes very well with everything we offer!"

Donovan is smiling, but he still looks embarassed in his serpent costume.

2010-06-13, 06:56 PM
Valeria smiles at the mascots as they pass by, only barely giving notice to the girl playing the violin. "Ah... Okay, mom." The girl loses interest with her surroundings as they leave the city, and they enter the more rural outskirts. She'd only lived in a similar area for 10 years. She picks up a book (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/ba/Dracula1st.jpeg) by her side, withdrawing from reality until they reach a stop.

The limousine and truck pull into a circular driveway, in front of a white, contemporary mansion (http://www.homedesignfind.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/contemporary-private-mansion-10.jpg), in the middle of a thicket of trees. A couple other trucks had already parked, with movers in the process of unloading their cargo.

Val steps out, after grabbing a box of her more personal belongings, looking on the house with interest. She looks to her mother as soon as she exits the limo. "...Is dad in Tokyo still?"


"...You guys look like idiots." Viatrix chimes in from a seat, looking on in amusement. Next to her are a stack of boxes that to the naked eye would look to be containers for bottles of cola. (http://limcorp.net/images/2009/25-creative-coke-bottles-designs/coca-cola-main-design.jpg) As they would likely remember, today was Viatrix's weekly drop-off.

2010-06-13, 07:07 PM
Ava gave Vi a considering look, evidently thinking hard about whatever she was going to say.

"Donovan, do we have another costume?"

Ava gave no hint of what she was thinking, but she was smiling beneath the giant cat head.

2010-06-13, 07:11 PM
Donovan looks to Ava, and then turns back forward, looking up in thought.

"Eh? Oh, I don't know. Eirine, did you make any other costumes?"

Shades of Gray
2010-06-13, 07:13 PM
Eirene Klossner

"One moment." Eirene the Crow disappeared into the store for a moment. She came out later, holding a fox costume. "C'mon sis." She said, holding it out for Viatrix to take. "All the cool kids are doing it!"

2010-06-13, 07:16 PM
Ava nodded, looked over at Viatrix questioningly.

"More people, less silly? Donovan will pay. Or rather, Eirene."

2010-06-13, 07:42 PM
Donovan's mind - "Great, she's getting ideas, today is just the perfect - Oh, a customer."

Donovan looks to the boy, bowing in salutation.

"Well, we have a variety of juices, teas and coffes to your preferences, or some sodas if you prefer, and we have got a south-american specialty imported from a nikkei friend, cheese bread, goes very well with everything we offer!"

Donovan is smiling, but he still looks embarassed in his serpent costume.Kaito quirked an eyebrow.

"...Right. I think I'll have a mixed fruit juice for the moment. Medium size. I think I'll just sit over here."

He moved to one of the outside tables, setting his book-bag on the ground and pulling a couple of texts out, placing them on the table and beginning to read.

2010-06-13, 07:51 PM
Viatrix glares at the costume, and Eirene. "Absolutely not. You couldn't pay me to wear that thing." She then turns her focus to Donovan. "So, you gonna pony up? It isn't easy to make this stuff, y'know."


"Okay, it is, but nothing is free."

2010-06-13, 07:55 PM
"Where should I be playing, Donny-San? You and Viatrix cater to such amusing clientèle." She says in the same nearly monotonous voice, changing her song as Kaito comes to the cafe. The new song exudes a sense of power and determination, highs mixed in with a plethora of lows. Soon she stops playing and goes to get a reishi cola from Viatrix.

2010-06-13, 08:07 PM
"I'm afraid so, Val. I think he said that he'd try to meet us here within a week, but he wasn't very specific."

A brief frown passes over Claudia's face, then she just sighs, and slips back to the back of the truck to pick up a couple of the boxes, over the protest of the moving men.

"Well, we should try to make it ready for when he gets here."

She then glances at the book atop Val's personal box.

"How far have you gotten today?"

2010-06-13, 09:12 PM
Val's face quirks into a frown for a moment as well, though she fights it off. It was nothing new, her father was a busy man, and he was the CEO of a pharmaceutical company, so he only rarely had the time to be home. The girl snapped out of thought at her mom's question.

"Oh; I'm nearly done. They've just headed to Transylvania to finish it all." Val nods before heading into the house, dodging between movers to find her room. While it didn't beat their castle in the mountains, their new house certainly wasn't small by any sense of the word; the teen spends some time migrating around before she finds the room her things were brought to. Uncermoniously flopping on the bed, she looks around.

Val was by no means spoiled, but she'd always had a life of luxury. Anything she'd ever wanted was brought to her on a silver platter. And yet... she still wanted more. Sitting back up, she fights off the fatigue, making her way back downstairs, to find her mother again.

"...um... I'm kind of hungry... Is it all right if I go down to that cafe? It'll get me out of the way and everything, too." She smiles, though it's obvious she's anxious, and excited.

2010-06-13, 09:36 PM

A simple clasp holding the laptop computer shut was pressed down, letting the cover flip up as the screen flickers to life at the press of a button. The owner of the pale hands drummed her painted finger-nails against the hard plastic cover, patiently waiting for the machine to finish booting before signing on and finding the right icon. A chat program that her father had introduced her to in order to keep a discussion private, something she had introduced closest 'friends' to in order to keep secrecy paramount between them.

betterdenyou has entered the chat.
DefiantPotato has entered the chat.

betterdenyou: Hey, sorry about disconnect the other day
betterdenyou: No privacy in this house
DefiantPotato: hehe its cool
DefiantPotato: so wuts new?
betterdenyou: Schools starting soon. little worried this time
DefiantPotato: oh? how come?
betterdenyou: Found other 1 like me the other day
betterdenyou: No probs though
DefiantPotato: another student?
betterdenyou: Don't know. haven't seen him in school though
DefiantPotato: huh weird
DefiantPotato: small world i guess
DefiantPotato: anythin new on da streets? lol
betterdenyou: No probs with own streets
betterdenyou: Others tryin' muscle in though
betterdenyou: SOBs
betterdenyou: Any advice?
DefiantPotato: teach em a lesson lol
DefiantPotato: show em who their messin with
betterdenyou: won't that draw lots of attention
DefiantPotato: depends on who sees ya
betterdenyou: suppose
betterdenyou: we definitely have tricks they won't see coming after all
DefiantPotato: hehehe good :smallwink:
betterdenyou: yeah, they've been getting restless lately anyway
betterdenyou: Good way to work off steam
DefiantPotato: u bet
betterdenyou: nuff business though. Get enough of that from 2ic you find a girl yet? <3 =P
DefiantPotato: nah
DefiantPotato: havent found ne1 for my charms :smallwink:
betterdenyou: good =P
betterdenyou: mags say your type are good friends only
betterdenyou: I agree
DefiantPotato: hehehe maybe
DefiantPotato: but trust me
DefiantPotato: mags dont have a category for me
betterdenyou: dont doubt it
betterdenyou: still friends though :smallwink: bai-bai
DefiantPotato: cya

betterdenyou has left the chat.
DefiantPotato has left the chat.

An impish grin crosses Michiko's lips as the window is closed out, closing the fancy looking laptop at the same moment before rolling over unto her back, arms splayed out as she stares out the sky-light at the open sky above. Talking to 'DefiantPotato' always took a weight off her shoulders, there wasn't really anyone she could turn to for advice without complications. But no matter what complications, it'd always make her look weak which she couldn't afford.

Weakness gets you killed. It had been drilled into her head from the moment she could understand her father's stories that had seemed like fanciful adventures at the same. They still had importance now, just of another kind. Inadvertently her gaze turns to her desk, illuminated by a solitary cone of illumination from a desk lamp with a stack of papers and books beneath it's light.

Homework is all done, I should make sure the others have it done too...I'll call them tomorrow. This is one of my last days to relax before the first day. Have to make sure that everything is perfect, otherwise I'll run into trouble.

Idly she reaches up, stroking on hand through the faded purple half of her hair, causing her to smile wryly. Something else to do before school starts. Good thing I have plenty of dye though.

2010-06-13, 09:49 PM
Donovan is swift to slip out of his costume, going for Viatrix' delivery and taking it inside, only for, a moment later, to bring Kaito's request and just as quickly slip back outside, in time to adress Rose.

"Well, if you can cater to the preferences of the clientele, which right now isn't really amusing at all, you can play inside if you want."

"It is true and throught that we have nothing amusing in there right now, just one child from the local school, dry, dry times of poor harvest these are, we might just be forced to cut on the flesh of Viatrix's and not be capable of abbiding her outrageous charges, and be forced to feast upon crumbs and leftovers the dead in the cemitery."

Donovan punches himself in the chest.

"Oooch! Fine, fine, I will be silent, but not at my preference."

Innis Cabal
2010-06-13, 09:52 PM
Soshi sneezed, wiping his nose on his sleeve with a soft cough. The city had grown ever more hostile once he was kicked out of his home. Found drinking his father’s stash of alcohol was the final straw for what his parents saw as a slowly declining attitude towards authority. He’d graduated, and with good marks to. You’d have thought it was enough. Now without funding for college, no home, and all his friends alienated, he spent his time pick pocketing the more congested areas of human traffic. There was always a rumbling in his stomach, no matter how many beef bowls he ate, no matter how much pilfered sake he drank. It all tasted empty to him. Hollow. His stomach rumbled loudly as he walked down the alley, his nervous eyes glancing about wildly as the sounds of the city echoed off the high building walls. He muttered to himself, growling back at his complaining stomach. Then suddenly, movement; he wasn’t alone in the alleyway…he froze, the familiar cold feeling filling his body, as if he was drowning in a liquid abyss. A frail man fell into view from behind a pile of trash, turning his filty face up to Soshi, his wet eyes trying to focus on the boy. Then the cold broke, the sound of laughter in his ears, the familiar scent of fried tofu filling his nostrils as he felt the mask climb over his face before the world went black.


He awoke in a cold sweat, flailing as if trying to right himself from a fall. Trash fell about him in a dirty rain, burying him under the discarded remains of the society he found himself no longer truly a part of. He pulled himself free, glancing around the alley. He’d not moved, but the sun was low in the sky. How long had he been out? Had it been a dream, the vagrant, the sounds of pain and the screams of a man in the last moments of his life brought on by hunger, thirst and exhaustion? He shrugged, dragging himself down the alleyway and out onto the street. At least the rumbling in his stomach was gone.

2010-06-13, 09:58 PM
An attractive young woman with white blonde hair in a red sleeveless turtleneck and gray pants walks down the sidewalk with a briefcase in her hand. Her brown eyes seem determined, and her posture seems to enforce an idea of determination. She is walking at quite a fast pace, revealing her physical fitness. The briefcase contained things such as her resumé, office supplies, and various other things of that nature. The reason for the briefcase was that she was looking for a job.

You see, she was fired. Not because of any lack of work ethic or competence; in fact, she was often considered a top employee. A series of unfortunate events out of her hands led to her boss firing her to cover himself. However, almost immediately, she packed her briefcase and went job hunting, something temporary to pay the bills until she can get something more permenant.

So far she had been refused by several businesses. Frankly, she was using a rather unconventional method of going door-to-door, resumé in hand. But desperate times call for desperate measures; her apartment bill was coming up fast. The front of a café caught her attention, although it would be hard not to pay attention, considering there are three people dressed in ridiculously cartoonish animal outfits. Venti Buon Rosa thought, Seems like a good workplace, if a bit eccentric.

She walks towards the group, relaxing slightly from her determined stance. When she reaches the group, she smiles calmly and bows slightly to them all. "Good morning," she says pleasantly, "Is this establishment hiring? I was wondering if I could talk to the manager about potential job prospects."

2010-06-13, 10:03 PM
As Donovan doffed his costume, Ava followed suit, following him in and out of the cafe on silent feet, not bothered by Donovan's behavior.

"Amusing Clientele?"

Ava doesn't understand what he is getting at, but decides that it doesn't matter for her. If business doesn't pick up, she'd take action so it didn't worry Donovan, but until then, she'd just watch.

2010-06-13, 10:10 PM
Kaito nodded his silent thanks to Donovan upon receiving his drink order.

He then returns to his books, slowly sipping the drink.

2010-06-13, 10:12 PM
Claudia is in the middle of the movers, helping them carry boxes, unpacking things rapidly, and generally directing the chaos that flows around her. When Val finds her, she's putting away some of the better china. She finishes sliding a stack of plates into a glass-doored cabinet, and turns to Val, a hand on her hip, and an eyebrow raised.

"Is your Mom's cooking not good enough anymore?"

Taking in Val's anxiety, she sighs, and smiles.

"Yes, yes, it's fine, Val. Just be careful, and try not to stay out too late, okay? You have a big day tomorrow."

2010-06-13, 10:38 PM
As the last of her belongings are put away, Silva lets out a sigh and collapses onto her bed, staring at the ceiling. The apartment is small. Very small. In fact, a better description would be a studio. It consisted of two rooms; the bathroom, and the rest.

But, it was enough for her needs. It was cheap, big enough for her, and not far from the cemetery. Sure, the landlord probably thought it was odd for her to point that out. But she was used to that.

After a few minutes of lying there, Silva sits up and looks at the digital clock next to the bed. It isn't time yet. She's unpacked, so she didn't have much to do around here. Guess she should take a walk on the town. Get to know the area. She'd probably be around here for at least a little while. She should know what's where.

She gets up from her bed, which is actually just a futon, and heads to the bathroom for a shower. After the shower, she gets changed. She places a dagger into a pouch on her belt. It's becomes fairly well hidden. She's had too many people noticing it in public to leave it hanging out all the time. But she wouldn't be caught dead without it.

Actually, she probably would be dead without it.

She locks her door as she leaves, and walks the three flights down to the street. Once outside, she glances around a little. The landlord mentioned a little cafe in the area. What was it called again? Vent-something?

Ah, she'll find it.

2010-06-13, 10:47 PM
Val nods and smiles widely, giving her mother a hug before darting out of the house. Beckoning their driver back, she is quickly escorted to the cafe. As soon as the driver pulls off, she does her best to blend in, shakily bowing to Donovan before finding a seat. ...Unfortunately (or fortunately?), it's a busy day, so she has to settle with sitting across from the boy surrounded with books.

...She is fairly nervous, being in the midst of so many people. It doesn't help that she's fairly noticeable as a foreigner, even if she wasn't as deathly pale as she is.

2010-06-13, 10:52 PM
Donovan looks up at Rosa as she adresses him, and gives a polite welcome to Val as she takes a seat, before turning back to Rosa.

"A job you say? Well, we could use some more waitresses" - Since technically only Eirine works here - "let me see... We just got an arrival, show me what you can do."

Donovan beckons Rosa into the Café, and points her to Valeria.

Shades of Gray
2010-06-13, 10:53 PM
Eirene Klossner

"It seems like things are picking up. I'll go serve our customers, you keep up the good work guys." A muffled voice says to Ava and Donovan. The large crow-mascot entered the café and goes into the back room of the establishment.

A minute later a young woman emerges, looking to be of a similar age to the students at the school. She is fairly short. Her black hair is kept short and slightly spiked out to the back, part of her bangs are kept to the side with a white hairclip. She is wearing gray clothing and a red apron as she brings the drinks around to the tables. "Enjoy." She says to each recipient before quickly scampering away to the counter to make more drinks. She seems incredibly cheery.

2010-06-13, 11:00 PM
Val nods and smiles widely, giving her mother a hug before darting out of the house. Beckoning their driver back, she is quickly escorted to the cafe. As soon as the driver pulls off, she does her best to blend in, shakily bowing to Donovan before finding a seat. ...Unfortunately (or fortunately?), it's a busy day, so she has to settle with sitting across from the boy surrounded with books.

...She is fairly nervous, being in the midst of so many people. It doesn't help that she's fairly noticeable as a foreigner, even if she wasn't as deathly pale as she is.For several moments, Kaito is absorbed in his books and his drink. After a moment, he realizes he's no longer alone. He looks up, and smiles politely at Val.

"Oh, hello there. My name is Watanabe Kaito. Let me give you some room."

With that, he removes one of the books from the table, placing it back in his bag.

"There. Sorry for not noticing you at first."

2010-06-13, 11:02 PM
"Donny-San, is that your way of telling me to get lost? Why, I never thought you'd be one to tell me that." Yoko then walks inside, before hearing Donovan's answer, and sits with Val. Ignoring any forthcoming protests she stares intently at the girl, taking up her violin and playing a light and soft song. "Hello, miss. My name is Rose Yoko, welcome to the city of my inhabitance. I know we shall be great friends. Would you like something to drink?" She asks Val without so much as looking from her violin.

2010-06-13, 11:07 PM
Venti Buon... Silva reads the sign over the entrance. Must be the place.

She walks into the building and glances around. Her gaze lingers on both Donovan and Yoko. Longer than on anybody else here.

She takes a seat at an empty table and reviews the menu, deciding what she wants.

After a few moments, she decides on a green tea.

2010-06-13, 11:13 PM
Rosa nods briefly after recieving Donovan's assignment, sets her briefcase in an out of the way location, and walks over to Val. However, just as she was about to greet her, Yoko sat down and asked Val if she wanted a drink. After Yoko had spoken, Rosa bowed slightly towards Val. "Good morning. Is there something I can get for you?" She said with a smile, and without skipping a beat.

2010-06-13, 11:16 PM
Donovan is bewildered. Eirine went over his head while he was talking to the new girl, and then Yoko begins to wonder if he was trying to get rid of her.

"AAAH! This is crazy! You all are going to drive me crazy at this rate!"

Donovan proceeds to run through the shop and grovel behind the counter.

2010-06-13, 11:21 PM
As Silva enters Yoko pauses for just a fraction of a second, shifting her eyes to the fellow bount. She then resumes playing softly, the music shifting quickly, presenting a dozen different moods in a short time. It seems this town is attracting even more spiritual talents. It's good to have a fellow bount arrive. She thinks to herself.

2010-06-13, 11:28 PM
Valeria is slightly overwhelmed as seemingly everyone focuses on her at once. Addressing Yoko first, she smiles, embarrassed.

"...If you're offering to buy for me, uh... it's quite all right... I'm fine."

She then turns to Rosa and Eirine.

"Erm... Do you have any pastries...? I'll take anything like that, and... some tea. Anything's fine. Money's not a problem." She blushes, before turning back to Kaito.

"No, it's okay, you were here first. I'm Valeria Abel." Many of the likely natives notice the shakiness and lack of confidence in Valeria's japanese, like she hasn't been a speaker for long.

Viatrix rolls her eyes from the table she's still hanging around. Geez, swarm the new girl, why don't you.

2010-06-13, 11:32 PM
Valeria is slightly overwhelmed as seemingly everyone focuses on her at once. Addressing Yoko first, she smiles, embarrassed.

"...If you're offering to buy for me, uh... it's quite all right... I'm fine."

She then turns to Rosa and Eirine.

"Erm... Do you have any pastries...? I'll take anything like that, and... some tea. Anything's fine. Money's not a problem." She blushes, before turning back to Kaito.

"No, it's okay, you were here first. I'm Valeria Abel." Many of the likely natives notice the shakiness and lack of confidence in Valeria's japanese, like she hasn't been a speaker for long.Kaito eyed Yoko with distrust. The waitresses received polite nods.

"It's nice to meet you...Valeria? Is that your given name, instead of your family name? I'd hate to make the mistake this early on. And I don't mind sharing the table, it's a public place. I'm just doing a bit of preparatory study, along with some things on the side. I might take a break with a novel after a while. What brings you here?"

He seems to occasionally glance down at his book, but he's clearly paying attention to Val nonetheless.

2010-06-13, 11:34 PM
Silva surveys the room.

So much energy here, she thinks to herself. Probably safe to assume somebody's noticed mine. Possibly the other Bounts here.

She idly drops her hand from the table to the hilt of the dagger on her right side, which is barely visible. It's something she did without even thinking about it. Like the action comforted her.

Might have some competition for souls around here, then.

2010-06-13, 11:37 PM
After being eyed by Kaito, Yoko moves to the table with Silva, nodding to her and looking at her hand drifting toward her doll. "Hello, Madam, My name is Rose Yoko, I feel we have much in common?" She says to her, smiling as she finishes.

2010-06-13, 11:42 PM
Valeria winces a bit, and nods. "Oh, yeah. Sorry; I'm pretty new to Japanese. You could probably tell, though..." She smiles, still quite embarrassed.

"Well... I just moved here, my father is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company, and they just expanded to Japan... he's busy a lot." She frowns. "...but, yeah. Me and my mom took a plane from our mansion in Romania, just near the Carpathians. ...And, wow, I'm telling my whole life story, almost... what about you?"

2010-06-13, 11:43 PM
Valeria is slightly overwhelmed as seemingly everyone focuses on her at once. Addressing Yoko first, she smiles, embarrassed.

"...If you're offering to buy for me, uh... it's quite all right... I'm fine."

She then turns to Rosa and Eirine.

"Erm... Do you have any pastries...? I'll take anything like that, and... some tea. Anything's fine. Money's not a problem." She blushes, before turning back to Kaito.

"No, it's okay, you were here first. I'm Valeria Abel." Many of the likely natives notice the shakiness and lack of confidence in Valeria's japanese, like she hasn't been a speaker for long.

Viatrix rolls her eyes from the table she's still hanging around. Geez, swarm the new girl, why don't you.

Noticing Val's glance towards Eirine, Rosa looks to her side, noticing the waitress with an analytical look. That's odd, she thought, I didn't notice her. She looked towards Val and nodded, returning to a warm and welcoming face. She motioned towards Eirine and said, "She will bring them to you in a moment." She then walked towards Silva, leaving Eirine to serve Val. When she reached Silva's table, she bowed slightly and said, Good morning. Can I offer you something to drink?

Throughout the events, she never once even batted an eye. She acted completely cool and calm, always acting warm and pleasant. Yes, even when Donovan ran past her and groveled behind the counter. When Yoko started interacting with Silva, Rosa talked to her. "Excuse me miss, could you give the customers a little space? It might make them feel more comfortable." She said it without a hint of hostility or bitterness.

2010-06-13, 11:47 PM
Silva decides to answer Rosa before Yoko. Yeah, can I just get a green tea?

She stares at the general public of the room as she answers Yoko. I guess that'd be one way to put it. She then turns to look at Yoko. She searches for anything that might be her doll. Her eyes rest on the violin for a moment.

...no...it couldn't be that thing...could it?

2010-06-13, 11:56 PM
"Certainly. Is there any way you want it in particular? Do you want anything added to it, or do you want it just straight?" The whole time she was saying this, Rosa looked out of the corner of her eyes, analyzing Yoko.

2010-06-13, 11:58 PM
"If this madam wishes it, I shall leave her be. Until then, I believe that of all the customers here she is the one that would be least off put by myself." Yoko says, looking softly at Rosa How dare this mere mortal speak to me like this? She thinks sharply.

2010-06-14, 12:00 AM
Valeria winces a bit, and nods. "Oh, yeah. Sorry; I'm pretty new to Japanese. You could probably tell, though..." She smiles, still quite embarrassed.

"Well... I just moved here, my father is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company, and they just expanded to Japan... he's busy a lot." She frowns. "...but, yeah. Me and my mom took a plane from our mansion in Romania, just near the Carpathians. ...And, wow, I'm telling my whole life story, almost... what about you?"Kaito smiles and shrugs in return.

"Your Japanese is fine.

The Carpathians? Romania? Interesting. I've never been outside of Japan myself. Nonetheless, welcome to Japan, and our city.

I can identify with busy parents. My father is an inspector with the city police, and my mother works mother in the Criminal Investigation Bureau, in the financial crimes department. I've had more than one night where they've been home quite late.

Are you going to be going to school when term starts?"

2010-06-14, 12:02 AM
Straight's fine, thanks.

Silva glances at Yoko after her comment.

Wow. Don't think that was called for.

She doesn't say anything, though. Not her place.

2010-06-14, 12:12 AM
Val nods... "Interesting..."

The girl nods at Kaito's question. "Yeah... it'll actually be the first time I've ever been in an actual school... I was home schooled, mostly because of the solitude of where I lived, but also... Erm... well, that's a little depressing, really, you don't need to hear about that." She blushes.

2010-06-14, 12:14 AM
Rosa looks at Yoko after the comment. It is fairly tempting to confront her on this issue. No, don't. Don't mess up a job opportunity over something like that. "Very well." She says to Yoko. She then turns to Silva and nods. "Alright! I will be back with your drink shortly." She then finds anyone who hasn't been served yet and takes their orders, with the same politeness and warmness as she showed Val and Silva. Afterwards, she walks behind the counter and looks down towards Donovan, bending slightly and lowering her voice. "Uhm, excuse me sir? I just recieved the orders from the customers. I was wondering if I should give them to someone else or if I can make them without causing any problems?

2010-06-14, 12:16 AM
Val nods... "Interesting..."

The girl nods at Kaito's question. "Yeah... it'll actually be the first time I've ever been in an actual school... I was home schooled, mostly because of the solitude of where I lived, but also... Erm... well, that's a little depressing, really, you don't need to hear about that." She blushes."Alright then. Is there anything you're curious about that you think I could answer?"

Kaito had settled back a bit in his chair. A foreign exchange student from Romania. She promised to provide all sorts of insight to life outside this city, as well as general conversation.

2010-06-14, 12:48 AM
Val looks around. "Well... are there any other 'hot spots' like this? It seems like a pretty popular place..."

2010-06-14, 07:31 AM
Yet another figure enters the Venti Buon. He barely looks a day over twenty, obviously isn't Japanese and has a body on the tall and skinny side. He runs a hand through his steel-grey hair as he looks for somewhere to sit with his identically coloured eyes. He eventually takes a seat near where Valeria and Kaito are sitting, putting his bag (http://www.freshpromotions.com.au/products/canvas-messenger-bag1.jpg) down beside him as he does so. He waits for one of the waitresses to come take his order, an odd smile playing lightly across his face.

Well, this is a nice enough little place. Good to have somewhere to fall back on if you forget to take something to work.

"Shush, Männy."

2010-06-14, 07:52 AM
Val looks around. "Well... are there any other 'hot spots' like this? It seems like a pretty popular place..."Kaito looks thoughtful.

"Well, I suppose it depends on what you like to do. We do have a fairly new mall. There are a couple of movie theaters. A couple of big bookstores with those little coffee shops attached. Of course, part of the reason this place is popular is because it's almost right next to the school. I mean, a lot of us tend to stay after classes themselves end; clubs, study sessions, and so on tend to last for a bit after that. So a lot of us come by here once in a while. They've got pretty good prices and items, even if the staff is a bit...odd."

2010-06-14, 07:55 AM
Meanwhile, the front door opens, as Hayashi Izumi walks in.

She sits down, and looks around, waiting to be served.

2010-06-14, 09:42 AM
A car rolls up outside the Venti Buon Cafe. The door swings open with a click and out clambers one Detective Henry Rheims Coleby, the dust from the streets clearly visible on his boots. Stepping into the cafe, he takes a seat near the back corner from where he can see the outside street and the clientele, and keep an eye on both. Tipping his hat cordially to the staff as he walks by, Henry greets them. "Good morning."
Although it's been anything but good, Henry thinks to himself as he focuses on ignoring the spiritual energy (Although he doesn't notice the bounts at all regardless) from the room.

2010-06-14, 09:45 AM
Elsewhere, the woman in suit is walking through the town, holding a map and looking lost. Her hair is disheveled and she looks dead tired. She just barely managed to get to her job interview in time - it went rather well, even - but finding her way to a good restaurant, or even the hotel she's reserved a room from, is turning out to be a bother.

Okay, turn left from the next crossing... oh, wait, I have the map upside down, she muses and rotates the paper in her hands, sighing. She takes a desperate glance around, trying to pinpoint her location using the guideposts and adress labes nearby to help. For the love of...! Why couldn't people keep their settlements small and cozy? This new urban architechture is so oppressing!

Finally finding herself from the map, the woman crumples it in her hand and hurries across the street, careful not to disrupt the flow of traffic. Okay, so they didn't have it much better in Rome twenty centuries ago, but this is still ridiculous. And this is only mid-sized city, equivalent to a small village back then. Good grief, nowadays are crazy!

Slowing her stride after getting to a sidewalk again, the woman straightens her map, but stops when she senses something emanating from a small path between nearby buildings, like a cold breeze blowing on her face. Hmmm? What's this?, she thinks, curious, and walks closer. For a moment, she stands completely still at the mouth of the alley, her dark eyes narrowing as she peers into the shadows.

This bears further investigation., she muses, a malicious glint lighting in her eyes. She takes a step forwards, but falters and nearly falls down, almost as if she'd fainted for a second. Fortunately, the fit of illness seems to go away as fast as it came, as she stands straight again and turns to walk away with firm steps. For that passing moment, anyone with sight for the otherwordly would've seen a tall, pale form standing behind the woman - but maybe it was just a trick of light. Oh? Seems like I have competition around. The reapers haven't been doing their jobs, it seems.

Oh well. They're lucky to have me around then. Time to lend them a helping hand or two.

2010-06-14, 10:20 AM

Kaito looks thoughtful.

"Well, I suppose it depends on what you like to do. We do have a fairly new mall. There are a couple of movie theaters. A couple of big bookstores with those little coffee shops attached. Of course, part of the reason this place is popular is because it's almost right next to the school. I mean, a lot of us tend to stay after classes themselves end; clubs, study sessions, and so on tend to last for a bit after that. So a lot of us come by here once in a while. They've got pretty good prices and items, even if the staff is a bit...odd."

"I see..." Valeria eyes some of the newcomers with interest, before turning back to Kaito. "Well, there's nothing wrong with odd, it at least keeps it lively..." She smiles. "...So, are the teachers at the school that interesting?"


The churning of the sea... a calming sound, no doubt. To the mind of one, though, it was a method of communication.

A short, almost childish-looking human with silvery-blue hair sits on the edge of a dock just within the limits of Fushichou Town, enjoying the hum of the waves.

Does this wandering soul enjoy the waves?

...Of course. Now would you stop talking in such a weird way? You are my spirit, after all...

Is this soul truly bothered by his spirit's method of speech?

...sometimes, you have no idea.

2010-06-14, 11:13 AM
While Rosa was making the rounds taking the orders of anyone who hadn't been served yet, the three new customers walked in. She walks up to each of them and asks the same question, "May I take your order?", recieving it, then moving on to the next one. That is, if Eirine hadn't already gotten to them.

(OOC: And now for school in Real Life!(TM).)

2010-06-14, 11:19 AM
When Rosa reaches him to take his order, Sören jerks a little, as though shaken out of a shallow sleep.

"Oh, uh, Irish coffee if you have it. If not, get me the blackest espresso you can. Preferably at least treble shot."

After the waitress leaves his table, he turns to look around the cafe again, overhearing Valeria's question about the local teachers. He tries, and fails, to keep a smirk off his face.

2010-06-14, 11:45 AM
When Izumi enters Yoko immediately turns to look at her, sensing her spiritual power over most of the others in the Cafe. Well, that's new. I wonder when she jumped so much? She thinks as a grin spreads across her face.

2010-06-14, 11:46 AM
Izumi sits down, smiling, and when the waitress comes around, orders some coffee.

2010-06-14, 12:00 PM
Kaito had waved to Izumi in passing. He thought about Valeria's question for a few moments, then nodded with a smile.

"We don't have any bad teachers. But most are pretty standard. A few though...really, they have to be seen to understand. Quirky is the best word I can think of. I think we had some staff turnover, if I remember announcements from the end of the year correctly. So we might have one or two new faces among the teachers."

2010-06-14, 12:29 PM
Rosa looks at Yoko after the comment. It is fairly tempting to confront her on this issue. No, don't. Don't mess up a job opportunity over something like that. "Very well." She says to Yoko. She then turns to Silva and nods. "Alright! I will be back with your drink shortly." She then finds anyone who hasn't been served yet and takes their orders, with the same politeness and warmness as she showed Val and Silva. Afterwards, she walks behind the counter and looks down towards Donovan, bending slightly and lowering her voice. "Uhm, excuse me sir? I just recieved the orders from the customers. I was wondering if I should give them to someone else or if I can make them without causing any problems?

- Time Warp -

Donovan snaps out of it, suddenly rising to his feet behind the counter.

"Right! Ava and I are the ones you hand the orders to, and then you return to colect afterwards! You are hired, welcome to the Venti Buon!"

Donovan shakes Rosa's hand before turning to the requests.

"So many bount is it not?"

"Shut it Jammerlich."

2010-06-14, 12:46 PM
"I'll take a medium-strength tea, no sugar if you please." Henry said to the attendant waitress. Looking once more outside, Henry remains on alert, watching the movements of the clientele. There was definitely something off with this place, but Henry knew exactly what it was and took great pains to ignore it.

2010-06-14, 12:51 PM
Sora, after waking up fairly late in the day, decided to go out to get lunch. Rather than go to the cafe, where he would be bugged about his rent, he decided to wander the town, maybe find a different place to eat, one that didn't require him to talk to people.

2010-06-14, 02:22 PM
Ava Jager

Ava just took up her customary place, watching the customers while following after Donovan. She wasn't an employee really. She just did what Donovan asked of her. And watched to make sure no one else got to close to him, of course.

2010-06-14, 04:55 PM
Ito Tanigawa

The school was (mostly) empty of students, but it was in no way bereft of life. The place hummed with the sound of people preparing for their return. Teachers, Cleaning Staff, and all the rest, working tirelessly to prepare it. Oh, and one huge man, clad in a Gi. Odd attire, for a teacher, but Tani wasn't a teacher yet. He wanted a look at the club room they had assigned him, but with three floors and 3 different hallways, he had to admit, he was lost.

"Whose idea was it to make this place so large!"

Tani cried out to no one in particular, finally just seeing someone in their office, peeking his head in.

"Hey, do you know where... uhhhhh..."

In his frustration, Tani appeared to have slightly crumpled the paper. That wouldn't be such a worry, except the Ink appeared to have run, and where his room number was supposed to be was a large blurry mess of Ink.

"...the Room I've been assigned is?"

Tani was forced to finish lamely.

Great first impression with an attractive colleague, and I look like a doofus. Nothing out of the ordinary there.

2010-06-14, 05:08 PM
Reene Lucaster

The woman in front of Tanigawa wore a gray Valentino business suit, her raven hair pulled in a bun behind her head.

Reene smiled at the man, eyes closed, and answered his question.

"I just might. You are... Ito Tanigawa correct? Let me take you to your room, it is close to the gym area, quite far form here, in fact."

2010-06-14, 05:14 PM
Tani nodded at the woman's question.

"Yep. Just call me Tani though, if you don't mind. Never been one to stand on formality."

He stepped aside, to let her out the door.

"And if you aren't to busy, that would be great. I appear to have gotten myself throughly lost."

2010-06-14, 05:19 PM
Reene waves dismissively when he asks if she is busy.

"Oh, not at all, not at all. It is my job to guide the new teachers through the school after all."

A corridor here, a staircase there. Tanigawa might never find those easy paths again by himself, in fact, but they swiftly arrive at the Gym.

"And here we are!"

2010-06-14, 05:22 PM
Tani nods, walking into the gym. He was busy trying to remember just how she had managed that. He was pretty sure he was going to end up forgetting.


Tani walked into the gym, looking about, before realizing that he didn't know the answer to an improtant question.

"Uhhh... when do classes start?"

2010-06-14, 05:35 PM

"I... see. Well, at least it ought to be interesting, I hope?" Val chuckles.


Hibiki eyes his watch. "...well... I really have been here a while. Whoops." Standing up, the short shinigami in hiding gives the water (lake? sea?) one last look, before heading for a bus stop to his next destination: the high school.

2010-06-14, 05:37 PM
Kaito had waved to Izumi in passing. He thought about Valeria's question for a few moments, then nodded with a smile.

"We don't have any bad teachers. But most are pretty standard. A few though...really, they have to be seen to understand. Quirky is the best word I can think of. I think we had some staff turnover, if I remember announcements from the end of the year correctly. So we might have one or two new faces among the teachers."

Izumi waves back, and when her coffee comes, sips at it.

2010-06-14, 05:38 PM
"Oh, they start next week, sensei Tanigawa, it is the time you have to make yourself confortable here."

2010-06-14, 05:42 PM

"I... see. Well, at least it ought to be interesting, I hope?" Val chuckles.Kaito smiles and nods.

"Indeed. I think they will be. And if you're having any trouble, feel free to ask for help. I'm kind of an unofficial tutor at the school; I'm always willing to help a fellow student. So long as they're willing to work with me."

His offer is sincere, holding no implications or assumptions of inferiority.

At this point, Val may notice that the book he's reading is written in English, not Japanese.

2010-06-14, 05:42 PM
Tani nodded. He still had plenty of time then. Guess he'd just get stuff set up, and then head out to do what he was really here to do.

"Alright, thanks. Guess I should just look the place over, and figure out where everything is."

2010-06-14, 07:14 PM
Why do you exist at all?

What are you looking for?

What do you hope to accomplish by this?

Why not just... move on?

Because that will destroy what I have become. Everything I have worked for, lost.

What good is it to live again if I lose who I am?

How could I even call that me?

I will persist.

I will survive.

I will consume.

But most of all, I will remember.

Remember what I have done. Why I remained behind. What I sacrificed in doing so.

I will remember who I am. And I will never give that up.


This isn't for vengeance.


Vengeance is a very... hollow... motivation.

This is for self-preservation.

My heart may be gone.

But my mind is not.

There may be a hole in my soul.

But I can fill it with more than just hunger.

Who are you?

I am me.


An old abandoned warehouse

"Geeze, this seems like a weird place to deliver a package," mumbles one UPS worker to another as the pair maneuver the large wooden crate out of the truck and onto a dolly for transport. "I mean, no one lives here. No one works here. Something's just strange about all this."

"Pffah, you think too much. Just stuff it and do your job."

With a clunk the crate is dropped into place and wheeled on into the open loading dock. The inside is all but deserted. Dark, dusty. But thankfully dry. Which means no mildew. Mildew smells unpleasant.

The floor is caked with grit and grim. Old rusted out machinery sits in corners, neglected and forgotten. A single florescent lamp flickers intermittently, sending ghostly shadows slinking between corded steel support columns.

"Geeze, this place gives me the creeps. Bet you it's haunted," the more talkative of the pair mutters as the crate is shrugged off the dolly and drops to the floor with a resounding bang.

Thankfully 'fragile' isn't printed on the side. Otherwise that might have been a disaster.

"Hey, what's the name of that medium on TV? You think he could come and exorcise this place?"

"Stuff it man, it's just an old building. Now we just need to get a signature and we'll go."

There comes a sudden sound of bending nails and groaning wood from behind the pair. And in the split second it takes to turn the crate has been rent open and packing straw strewn everywhere.

"W-w-what was that?" and so a cautious glance is taken of the now empty crate. "It's gone? I didn't see a-a-nyone! See! I told you this place is haunted! Let's get the hell out of he-"

This time around the more skeptical of the workers seems inclined to agree. Both make undue haste toward the door, feet skidding and slipping on the gravely floor. Thankfully they manage to make it to the door without stumbling over their own feet.

Or... at least most of the way to the door...

A figure now stands between them, silhouetted from behind by the bright summer sun. A figure in a plain brown duster, clothed heavily from head to toe despite the heat.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen," comes a rattling, hollow voice from the Coat Man. "Thank you both for delivering my package. If you like I can sign for that now."

He holds out one gloved hand to accept the clipboard in the worker's quivering arms.


"Oh good heavens, you're that shaken because a normal chap opened a box in a poorly lit room? Give me that," and the board is snatched away and scribbled on before being thrust back into the fellow's arms.

"Are... are you a... Are you a ghost?"

"A ghost?" the Coat Man replies with a dry laugh. "Superstitious nonsense."

The delivery men give a nervous chuckle before hurrying off, feeling rather ill at ease in the presence of that odd stranger and the equally spooky warehouse.

And so they're gone.

And the Coat Man watches as they depart. "A ghost? Oh heavens no," he sighs to no one in general. "No..." one hand rises to remove his glasses. "No, being a ghost..." revealing a featureless face below. "...would be a much simpler existence."

2010-06-14, 09:06 PM
[Venti Buon]

Silva finishes up her tea and leaves the payment on the table as she heads for the door.

Once outside, she glances around a little. Then, she closes her eyes and takes a breath.

Okay Medric. Where are they?

After a moment, she opens her eyes again, and heads down the street. She gets about three buildings down, then turns into the alley that is there.

2010-06-14, 09:31 PM
- Time Warp -

Donovan snaps out of it, suddenly rising to his feet behind the counter.

"Right! Ava and I are the ones you hand the orders to, and then you return to colect afterwards! You are hired, welcome to the Venti Buon!"

Donovan shakes Rosa's hand before turning to the requests.

"So many bount is it not?"

"Shut it Jammerlich."

Rosa straightened herself up as Donovan got up. She shook his hand with a solid grip. "Thank you very much sir. So far, we've got on the order a green tea, no additives, an Irish coffee, or the blackest espresso we have, preferably treble shot, a..." She continues listing the order, rattling off items with pinpoint clarity. After she is done listing the items, she says, "By the way, I don't think I introduced myself. My full name is Rosa Blanca Wilson-Albarez, but most people call me Rosa." She then serves any drinks or other items prepared to the people who ordered them.

Innis Cabal
2010-06-14, 09:36 PM
Soshi sniffs at the air, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end. The evening breeze smelled troubling. He had since ceased worrying about the spike in his senses, his eye sight now better at night, his nose picking up exotic and strange smells. And the prickle he on his skin when the hateful princess was around, or others like her.

That sensation was growing stronger these days, strange feelings popping up all over the city, some deep as wells while others were shallow static on the radio of city life. He snarled despite himself, his hands clenching as another wave of revulsion swept through him. He slowly slid the phone out of his pocket. He glances around, ducking into another alley, growling as the phone started to ring.

2010-06-14, 10:13 PM
Rosa straightened herself up as Donovan got up. She shook his hand with a solid grip. "Thank you very much sir. So far, we've got on the order a green tea, no additives, an Irish coffee, or the blackest espresso we have, preferably treble shot, a..." She continues listing the order, rattling off items with pinpoint clarity. After she is done listing the items, she says, "By the way, I don't think I introduced myself. My full name is Rosa Blanca Wilson-Albarez, but most people call me Rosa." She then serves any drinks or other items prepared to the people who ordered them.

"Ah... Ehe that's quite the name... Welcome aboard Rosa."

Donovan turns around, starting to fiddle with the things behind the counter, swiftly readying the requests.

"Here it goes, deliver away!"

2010-06-14, 10:18 PM
[Sakura Park]

It is, of course, far too late in the year to view the blossoms. They've long since fallen, a curtain of delicate pink that once graced this gentle landscape. But no... No, now they're gone. Fallen to the earth. Browned and bruised. Rotted away. A memory. A breath of vapor in the wind.

So much like life.

Explode into being in a riot of life and vibrancy-

-for but a season.

Now simply food for mold.

Is it sad? Futility and the inevitability of decay...

Or should the beauty be remembered, that brief burst of color cherished?

"Maybe a bit of both," mutters the fellow in a worn old duster as he tosses a handful of crumbs to the greedily snapping mouths of duck and koi alike. He's been there for... some time now. Certainly not in any hurry to exhaust the contents of that brown paper sack. "Maybe a bit of both... Heavens me, maybe I just think too much. What about you?"

He shakes the bag at a nearby water-fowl. "What do you think? Is there any meaning behind all-" he sweeps his free hand at the surrounding park. At the city. The island. The world. And all the unseen realms that wait just beyond the limits of perception. "-this?"

The large white duck bobs its head up and down whilst wiggling its tail feathers in anticipation of further crumbs.

"I had thought you might say that," the Coat Man replies with a dry chuckle.

2010-06-14, 10:19 PM

Blue eyes blink rapidly for a moment when the cellphone laying on her night stand begins to rumble, sitting up as as the little screen on the front of it lights up with the information on the caller.

Soshi? Why would he be calling me this late?

Quickly she snatches up the phone, casting a glance towards her bedroom door as she lets it ring a couple more times. Finally she takes a deep breath to steady her mind before flipping it open and accepting the call.

"Soshi, what's the problem?" she asks briskly, settling into the familiar mind-set needed to direct a band of delinquents about and get away with it.

2010-06-14, 10:19 PM
Ava stands behind Donovan, helping him where ever she can. When Donovan has the order up, and announces it is ready, Ava takes the tray and hands it over to Rosa, smiling (though the smile looks kind of odd on her face.) When she hands it over, she crooks her head, and whispers a single word.


She drops the smile for a second, and stares at Rosa plainly, or perhaps challengingly, before returning to the kitchen.

Innis Cabal
2010-06-14, 10:26 PM

Blue eyes blink rapidly for a moment when the cellphone laying on her night stand begins to rumble, sitting up as as the little screen on the front of it lights up with the information on the caller.

Soshi? Why would he be calling me this late?

Quickly she snatches up the phone, casting a glance towards her bedroom door as she lets it ring a couple more times. Finally she takes a deep breath to steady her mind before flipping it open and accepting the call.

"Soshi, what's the problem?" she asks briskly, settling into the familiar mind-set needed to direct a band of delinquents about and get away with it.

Soshi exhales loudly, snickering to himself.

"Aww..can't I just call to say hello Michi-chaaa-"

Loud coughing explodes over the reciver, followed by hacking and some clanging, as if trash can's are being knocked over.

"T-The cccity is l-lighting up...s-omething's in the city...b-biggg...w-will investigate....l-lots...lots of pp-people...w-with powers here..."

2010-06-14, 10:33 PM

"Oh, no offense, probably not... my mom home schooled me, and she always made sure to push me. She wouldn't accept anything less than straight A's." Val grins nervously. "...so, Kaito... what class are you in?"


Hibiki arrives at the school, dressed in a navy blue business suit, and wearing a pair of glasses. By his side is a professional-looking suitcase. Wasting no time, he strides through the halls, looking for his room... or, rather, the principal.

...though, a nagging desire of his somehow leads him to the pool, instead. ...Ok, that's cool, but you have really got to stop doing that.

It isn't as if this soul resisted the urge to follow one's spirit's beckoning., Watatsumi replies, teasingly.

...oh, shush. I've got work to do.

2010-06-14, 10:45 PM

"Oh, no offense, probably not... my mom home schooled me, and she always made sure to push me. She wouldn't accept anything less than straight A's." Val grins nervously. "...so, Kaito... what class are you in?"Kaito shrugged.

"That's fine. And I'm sure she just wants you to succeed. I know my folks pushed me pretty hard early on; they just want me to succeed. and I'm in class 1-2."

2010-06-14, 10:50 PM
Soshi exhales loudly, snickering to himself.

"Aww..can't I just call to say hello Michi-chaaa-"

Loud coughing explodes over the reciver, followed by hacking and some clanging, as if trash can's are being knocked over.

"T-The cccity is l-lighting up...s-omething's in the city...b-biggg...w-will investigate....l-lots...lots of pp-people...w-with powers here..."

It takes a moment before there is a reply, the time it takes for Michiko to process what she had just been told. People? How many has he found? More importantly...had they found him?

"Soshi, where are you?" Michiko says plainly, even as she strides across her wide room to grab hold of a robe and pull it on over her shoulders, somewhat difficultly with one hand holding the phone to her ear, "What are you doing, and what are they doing?"

Already she was thinking up Yuudai's phone number and what he might be doing at this hour. The goof-ball should be free, he rarely had extremely 'organized' plans for anything.

"...Are you in danger?"

Innis Cabal
2010-06-14, 10:55 PM
"They're not doing anything. And I'm looking for food, and some money if ya reaaaally gotta know..."

Soshi starts laughing, his voice dropping lower.

"Danger? Of course I'm not in danger...what could possibly hurt me? They're just going about their lives, ripe for the picking! Isn't this what you wanted me to do Michi-chan?"

2010-06-14, 11:11 PM
As Ava hands her the the tray, Rosa notices the apparent attempt at intimidation on Ava's part. Her face briefly becomes more blank at the whisper, but quickly reverts back to a warm smile. "Alright, I will be back in a moment!" She then makes the rounds serving drinks to their owners, asking them if they wanted anything else, as well as taking the orders of any new customers. Of course, when a new tray is set out, she takes it, sets the empty tray aside, and does it all again.

2010-06-14, 11:42 PM
Kaito shrugged.

"That's fine. And I'm sure she just wants you to succeed. I know my folks pushed me pretty hard early on; they just want me to succeed. and I'm in class 1-2."

"Oh, really?" Val perks up in surprise. "Me, too! That's kind of weird..." She chuckles, looking to the book for a moment as she sips her tea. <...Do you speak English, too?>

2010-06-14, 11:53 PM
"Oh, really?" Val perks up in surprise. "Me, too! That's kind of weird..." She chuckles, looking to the book for a moment as she sips her tea. <...Do you speak English, too?>Kaito chuckles.

<I do, among other languages. But English and Japanese better than the others. This is just a book I'm reading on the side. Political science, just the basics.

And it is weird, but...it's not that big of a school, I suppose.>

2010-06-15, 12:04 AM
Izumi looks over at the comment about class 1-2. "I'm in 1-2 as well..."

2010-06-15, 12:06 AM
<I guess not. Hey, uh...> Val digs in one of her pockets, pulling out a fairly nice phone. (http://images.intomobile.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/iphone-4-iphone4-ios4-hands-on-preview-19-536x796.jpg) <This might seem a little sudden, but, uh... do you want my number? ...uh, just because we're in the same class, and all. I, uh... think you're really cool, perhaps we could be friends?> She blushes heavily.

...and blinks, as Izumi speaks up. "Oh, really? Cool. Oh... I'm Abel Valeria. But you can just call me Val. You are?..."

2010-06-15, 12:09 AM
"My name's Hayashi Izumi. It's a pleasure to meet you, Val-san."

2010-06-15, 12:12 AM
<I guess not. Hey, uh...> Val digs in one of her pockets, pulling out a fairly nice phone. (http://images.intomobile.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/iphone-4-iphone4-ios4-hands-on-preview-19-536x796.jpg) <This might seem a little sudden, but, uh... do you want my number? ...uh, just because we're in the same class, and all. I, uh... think you're really cool, perhaps we could be friends?> She blushes heavily.

...and blinks, as Izumi speaks up. "Oh, really? Cool. Oh... I'm Abel Valeria. But you can just call me Val. You are?..."Kaito turns as red as a beet. He takes a moment to dig out his cell phone. It's much simpler, a flip-open model with a simple keypad; it doesn't even have a camera. It does look pretty rugged, however.

<Oh..um. Yeah, sure. I'd like to think we could be friends, yeah. Here you go.>

He gives her his number...

"Hey Izumi. Hold on, let me make room."

With that, Kaito scoots his chair over a bit, gesturing for Izumi to pull one over so the three of them are at the same table. He shifts his bookbag, placing his book inside of it. No point trying to read now.

2010-06-15, 12:15 AM
Izumi pulls her chair over, and smiles at the two of them. "So, how long has it been since you arrived here, Val?"

2010-06-15, 12:27 AM
"Nice to meet you, Izumi."

"Oh, I'm that apparent, huh..." Val chuckles nervously, as she closes her phone and puts it back in her pocket. "Just today, actually. I, uh... just figured I'd get out of the way while mom helped the movers."

2010-06-15, 12:30 AM
"Your Japanese is quite good, but there is a noticeable accent in it.

Good thing you found this place. I'd say it's the best cafe in town, although the owners behave like they're out of an anime of some kind at times..."

2010-06-15, 12:37 AM
Kaito nodded at Val's words as he polished off his juice.

"I understand how that can be, not wanting to be underfoot. We've moved a couple of times, though not quite the same distance.

As for your accent...I don't think it's anything to worry about. The people who will be jerks will be jerks. You know there are, at absolute minimum, two friendly people in your class. I'm sure you'll make more friends."

He glanced around the cafe at Izumi's comments about the staff.

"You're...not totally wrong, Izumi. Not totally wrong..."

2010-06-15, 12:51 AM
Val smiles again. "Well... thanks. I hope I do make more friends... it's something I've always wanted, after all..."

Blushing a bit, she then reacts to the comment about the staff with a bit of confused blinking. "...well, I guess they could be considered a little odd... but I think they're funny."

2010-06-15, 12:51 AM
As Rosa came around to Izumi, she noticed that she had moved to the table with the girl that Donovan pointed to at first. She swung around and gently set the coffee down on the table "Here you go." She then looked towards Val, her face a little more cheery than before. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help overhearing that you just came into town today. I just want to say, welcome to Phoenix Town. As a local, I can say with confidence that you will enjoy your stay." Her face then turns almost apologetic. "I also want to apologize if I made you uncomfortable earlier. I didn't realize that such a crowd was forming at the time. Blame tunnel vision for that." She almost chuckles, then returns back to her normal appearance. After recieving any responses (and maybe even responding back, but briefly, after all she is at work), she says a quick "Would you like anything else?" to everyone at the table and then, after recieving the orders, goes about her business.

(OOC: Sorry horngeek about the sequence breaking. Is it alright with you?)

2010-06-15, 01:06 AM
Val smiles at Rosa, as well. "Oh... thank you. Is everyone this nice here?" She shakes her head in response to Rosa's worries. "No, no, it's all right. I'm not bothered..."

2010-06-15, 01:31 AM
Rosa smiles in return. "You're welcome. I can't vouch for everyone, but I am sure that you will find most of the people here are pleasant, if a bit more...interesting than what you may be used to. I'm glad I didn't cause you any trouble." She then motions to everyone. "Can I get any of you anything else?"

2010-06-15, 06:06 AM
"They're not doing anything. And I'm looking for food, and some money if ya reaaaally gotta know..."

Soshi starts laughing, his voice dropping lower.

"Danger? Of course I'm not in danger...what could possibly hurt me? They're just going about their lives, ripe for the picking! Isn't this what you wanted me to do Michi-chan?"

"Hey, young mister!", a voice comes from the mouth of the alleyway. If Soshi turns to look, he'll see a woman, dressed in suit and a tie, holding a folded map on her left hand, the other resting on her waist... young or old, is hard to tell. She's at least a head taller than him, and looks similarly ill and tired. Despite her non-threatening posture and a sorry smile on her face, there's something about her that makes the young man feel like he should be running for his life.

"I'm sorry, did I disrupt something important?", the woman asks, tilting her head to the side. She doesn't sound entirely sincere. "I'm new here, and am a little lost... I thought a local could help me find my way around. Could you tell me where, say, the nearest cafeteria is?"

Innis Cabal
2010-06-15, 06:15 AM
Soshi does turn, grinning wildly.

"Speaking of dinner. I just found it."

He clicks the phone shut, the spiritual pressure either not having any effect, or at the very least the man having powered through it somehow. In return, the "woman" could feel Soshi's own reiatsu starting to bleed from his body as his eyes grow black, orange pin pricks forming as they cast their light in the dark alley.

"Nearest cafeteria? Oh no no no....you won't need that. Its right here!!!!"

He laughs wildly, haunching over as a mask forms across his face. He launchs himself at the woman, the mask breaking along his mouth into a wide tooth filled grin, a long tongue snaking out between the jaws.

2010-06-15, 06:36 AM
The woman recoils in terror and stumbles back as the young man lunges at her... but then, she catches Soshi from collar of his clothes, plants her feet against his chest and falls backwards, throwing the masked attacker over herself and out of the alley.

"Don't get your hopes up, whelp", she says with a harsh voice, quickly rolling to her feet and facing Soshi again, adopting a ready stance. "When it comes to ambushing people in the dark, I've got a couple centuries more experience than you." Her dark eyes are filled with utter contempt as she glares at the boy - at this point, Soshi might notice her nails are black and strangely claw-like. If he isn't too consumed by his hunger, that is.

Innis Cabal
2010-06-15, 06:41 AM
Soshi continues to giggle as he stands, cracking his shoulders and neck as he glares at the woman.

"Hehehe....Michi-chan will want you...but she never said she wanted whole people. Give me your arms and legs at least."

He suddenly crouchs, his mouth opening impossibly wide as a dark orange sphere forms in front of his mouth. With a low hum, the orange orb launchs at the woman.

2010-06-15, 09:11 AM
The woman's eyes shoot wide open as she watches energy gathering to the man's mouth. Split second before the orb launches at her, she dives forward and below the blast, rolling towards Soshi. The gathered energy flies through the alley, illuminating the darkness as it goes before crashing against a wall with a resounding crack.

"Pitiful young fool!", the woman snarls through gritted teeth as she stand on her hands at the end of the roll, aiming two rapid, whirling kicks against Soshi's chin, both strong enough to crack his mask and dislodge his jaw.

Innis Cabal
2010-06-15, 09:16 AM
Soshi makes only a small sound of surprise as he's knocked clear off his feet and to the other side of the road, crashing into the pavement of the side walk with a loud gasp. He stands, far less amused and clearly in pain as chips of his mask fall to his feet. Blood flows freely from his mouth, now hanging open in a loose smirk.

"Y-You can't have him...he's mine...hahahahaha!!"

He suddenly surges into the air, bouncing to the roof tops before whirling, a long sinuous tail emerging into view. The tail's end suddenly falls away, revealing a gapping hole which quickly begins to glow the same bright orange energy as before.


A series of powerful bala launch forth at the woman, spinning through the air viciously.

2010-06-15, 09:21 AM
The woman does admirable job at sidestepping the blast, but a human body just isn't made to dodge bullets. The last one hits her square in the chest, burning a hole through her clothes and knocking her back against a wall behind her. She slumps down limply, either unconscious or dead.

As expected. No discipline. No grace. I should kill him right here, right now.

Innis Cabal
2010-06-15, 09:26 AM
Soshi pants loudly, dropping down to the street once more, giggling loudly to himself. Suddenly his arm lifts up as he springs into the air, shattering his mask. He slumps to the ground, panting heavily as he tries to stand despite his injuries.

"N-Noo...M-Michi-chan will want to look at her....Gotta...get out of here before police c-come..."

He groggily moves across the street, the car's long since having cleared the area from the exploding pavement. He grabs the woman by the leg, trying to haul her into the alley.

2010-06-15, 10:04 AM
The woman is limp and light as a rag doll, and Soshi finds it easy to drag her lifeless body to the shadows. However, after their view to the open street is gone, his movements become slow and he'll find it hard to breath, as if he's submerged in cold water. Taste of salt and lye fill his mouth, and visions flash by his eyes, images of dark clouds rolling over the horizon and ashen rain falling on burning cities...

Then, from the darkness of the street, a white hand emerges, grabbing the man by the throat and and pressing him against a wall. Black claws dig into his flesh as it then hoists him upwards, to the height of ten feet, at least.

"Just what, pray tell me...", a tall, white figure begins, its mouth a skeletal grin and its eyes like windows to the void of space, "... do you think you're doing with my body?"

Innis Cabal
2010-06-15, 10:07 AM
Soshi tries to form his mask, coughing and struggling in the grip of the massive hand, coughing and gasping for breath. He lifts his hand feebely, a bala launching into the hand, but clearly without force or power behind it as it merely turns to smoke. His mask falls away from his face as he continues to struggle, his eyes growing black.

"S-She's mmine! H-He's mine!"

2010-06-15, 10:22 AM
For a brief moment, the tall form just stares at the struggling youth. Then, it lets out a piercing laughter, one that chills Soshi to his bones. Unnervingly, the voice seems not to come from its body, as it does not open its mouth - instead, it seems to echo from very air itself, like whispers from the void.

"Please. You're like a child, trying to deny a king" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvZyfYjuLdU), the figure mocks. It loosens its grip slightly... and then slams Soshi to the opposite wall; there's a disgusting crack, more likely coming from the boy's ribs than from the concrete behind him.

"You have no say on what belongs to whom - you lack the power to do so. I, on the other hand, don't", the horrible being says, bringing its face closer to Soshi's. "The moment I set my foot on this town, it has belonged to me. And I don't take kindly to those who don't agree. I was willing to give you benefit of doubt, but now I'm hard pressed to find a reason not to kill you where you stand."

Innis Cabal
2010-06-15, 10:26 AM
Soshi whimperes, his body alight with pain as he hangs limply in the beasts hand. He closes his eyes, his arm raising in feeble effort, clenching into a fist. It slowly pulses, quickly filling the alley with its vivid orange light before sputtering and dying. Soshi's eyes close slowly before suddenly, his mouth hangs agape, a massive orange cero blaring from his open maw, striking the looming beasts face that hangs ever close to his own and into the building behind him blowing a massive hole through it.

With the last of his energy spent, Soshi hangs in the massive hand, barely alive through the pain and bleeding.

2010-06-15, 10:57 AM
The beast is forced to loosen its grip to move its head from the Cero's way, allowing Soshi to get his lungs full of fresh air. As the molten-hot glow and the rumbling of collapsing structures fade, Soshi will see that his attack struck a hole through the being's shoulder, and burned away its left ear.

Yet already as he watches, the damaged flesh knits itself together, scorched scales falling off and being replaced by new ones, their silver patterns gleaming in the faint light like a multitude of leering eyes. In but a few seconds, the beast looks as if it had never been wounded at all.

"Oh? Seems like you have some fire in you after all", the tall creature says, with a curious tone on its voice. It tilts its head to the side and gives Soshi a long, appraising look. "It is sad to see that flame wasted. You could've become something great, child."

Again, the beast leans closer, its skeletal mouth opening just slightly. "Sleep well", it says, and presses its ice-cold teeth against Soshi's lips, as if kissing him. Gonzui. Unearthly cold, like an icy dagger gouging his heart from his chest, makes Soshi's physical pain seem mild and distant. His eyelids feel heavy as stone, and the world around him begins to fade into grey blur...

Yet, he doesn't die.

2010-06-15, 12:33 PM

"...Soshi? Soshi?! Hey! You better not be..he hung up on me!" the pajama-clad girl snaps her phone shut irately, stuffing it into one pocket of the robe even as she storms out of her bedroom. Quickly she slips on a pair of tennis shoes and hurries down stairs towards her family's garage. There was noise coming from the living room, which meant her father was still up.


"Hey Dad, I'm heading out for a little bit but I'll be back as soon as I can!" She calls out, slipping into the garage as quickly as possible.

"Wait, where are you going Michiko? Give me a minute and I'll have the driver pull around.."

"No time, I'll just ride myself. Don't worry, I'll be back in time to get a full night's rest!" she calls back, quickly grabbing the keys to her motorbike and a aluminum bat that she hooks unto the side of it. As the garage door opened and Michiko raised out into the night, she reaches up to flip down the visor even as her long hair and robe flutters behind her.

Better still be alive idiot...

Innis Cabal
2010-06-15, 01:25 PM
Soshi slowly slacken's in the monsters hands. As his eyes slowly close, he glares at the best with the fading light of his life. And then, he is still.

2010-06-15, 01:50 PM
The creature lets go of Soshi and lets him fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Then, it fades away like a bad dream, the oppressive aura fading from the alley. Limp body of suited woman jerks and moans slightly, bringing a hand to her chest.

Quarter of an hour later, the woman is standing beside Soshi's unconscious body, holding the remnants of her coat folded on her right arm. She's torn a long shred of cloth from it to bandage the wound on her chest - it's doing little to stop a red stain from spreading over her white blouse.

"You're still alive?", she asks, amused, poking Soshi's side with her foot. She then kneels and begins lifting the young man on her shoulders. "Surprisingly tenacious, you are. Maybe we can make something out of you, after all", she continues as she walks towards the mouth of the alley. Sirens can already be heard from the distance.

2010-06-15, 02:15 PM
Rosa smiles in return. "You're welcome. I can't vouch for everyone, but I am sure that you will find most of the people here are pleasant, if a bit more...interesting than what you may be used to. I'm glad I didn't cause you any trouble." She then motions to everyone. "Can I get any of you anything else?"

Valeria shakes her head. "No, I'm... fine..." The girl pales a bit (somehow...), sitting back in her seat for a moment. She looks a little ill. Idly, she pulls out a bottle of pills from one of her many pockets, takes a few, then puts it back.

N-not now...

2010-06-15, 02:16 PM
Henry contentedly sits and sips his tea, until his pager goes off. Excuse self. Go outside. Ger in car. Switch on police radio. List- what?

Henry quickly pulls out his key, slams it into the ignition and twists. Putting his window down, he reaches for the police light, fumbles slightly, eventually attaching it to the roof and switching it on. With a deafening screech of tyres, the car bolts off like a starving cougar, headed straight for -which district? Ah. Henry's brow furrowed as the radio continued.
"Large explosion, building confirmed demolished." Demolished!? Rotors in the background, that meant helicopter. But still, DEMOLISHED!?
Henry cautiously picks up the reciever and answers.
"This is Unmarked Patrol 2-3-2, heading to scene, over." Henry didn't really care how it was done over in Japan. He spoke his way, and it worked, and that was the end of that.

The car roars as it heads towards... well, whatever just happened.

2010-06-15, 02:35 PM
Valeria shakes her head. "No, I'm... fine..." The girl pales a bit (somehow...), sitting back in her seat for a moment. She looks a little ill. Idly, she pulls out a bottle of pills from one of her many pockets, takes a few, then puts it back.

N-not now...Kaito leaned forward, a frown on his face. He looked concerned for his new friend.

"Val, are you alright?"

2010-06-15, 02:44 PM
Val nods shakily. "Y-yeah, I just... it happens, it's nothing new..." The girl focuses on breathing for a couple moments, before she sits back up, looking a bit better.

"...sorry about that, I..." She bites her lip. "Well, I've got a tumor... in my head. And sometimes it makes me dizzy, or see things... N-no need to worry, though, they've stopped it from expanding, so I just need to take a couple pills and a few deep breaths and I feel better!" She chuckles nervously. "So, uh, d-don't worry about me. What were we talking about, again?"

2010-06-15, 02:59 PM
Val nods shakily. "Y-yeah, I just... it happens, it's nothing new..." The girl focuses on breathing for a couple moments, before she sits back up, looking a bit better.

"...sorry about that, I..." She bites her lip. "Well, I've got a tumor... in my head. And sometimes it makes me dizzy, or see things... N-no need to worry, though, they've stopped it from expanding, so I just need to take a couple pills and a few deep breaths and I feel better!" She chuckles nervously. "So, uh, d-don't worry about me. What were we talking about, again?"Kaito doesn't look entirely convinced, but he leans back in his chair.

"Ok. I'll take your word on it. I was worried about a friend, is all.

You asked if everyone around here was so nice. I'll be honest; there are plenty of nice people in our school and city, but just like everywhere else, there are saints, and there are jerks. Part of the human condition, I suppose.

But hey, you've got at least a couple of friends, and there are people in our age group that I know will want to be friends, too."

Here, he gives her an encouraging smile.

2010-06-15, 03:10 PM
Valeria shakes her head. "No, I'm... fine..." The girl pales a bit (somehow...), sitting back in her seat for a moment. She looks a little ill. Idly, she pulls out a bottle of pills from one of her many pockets, takes a few, then puts it back.

N-not now...

Noticing Val's sickness, Rosa sets the tray on an empty nearby table and heads towards the counter. A moment later, she comes back with a cool glass of water in hand. She sets the glass in front of Val subtly, then picks up the tray and continues making the rounds.

2010-06-15, 03:31 PM

Long hair billows behind the sports bike rider as she zips through the streets, going to all of the little spots where she knew Soshi liked to hang out. always she kept looking from side to side, trying to keep her eyes open for a glimpse of the guy he was looking for. Already she'd been searching for some time and...


Just a brief glimpse, but she'd seen the homeless kid who called himself Soshi! And, more importantly, there was someone else with him! It was too bad that she had already passed the entrance, but it was nothing that a fast Y-turn didn't fix, especially since she already heard the noise of sirens approaching the same spot. She didn't have much time!


There'd be a flash of light in the alleyway as Michiko swerves down into the alley, just barely missing the suit-wearing woman as she zips past. Only at the last second did she spin her bike around to a stop, inches from the other end of the alley as she hops off and grabs hold of her bat. Keeping a cautious eye on the woman, Michiko slowly approaches though she keeps her identity concealing helmet on for the moment.

"Hey you, what happened here? Why are you lugging around my subordinate?"

2010-06-15, 03:46 PM
The sirens would, from the point of view of the alleyway, get louder and the roar of an engine complaining bitterly about being overworked would begin to be heard. After a few seconds, the car pulled up and screeched, sending a rush of smoke from the tyres as it stopped outside the ex-building.

Henry sighed and switched on his walkie talkie. Getting out of the car and holding it to his mouth, he speaks. "This is Unmarked Patrol 2-3-2, I am at the scene, the building is completely wrecked" he panted as he sprinted into the building. A quick check of the intact rooms showed it had been abandoned for some time. "Building seems to be unoccupied." Fotunate... No one seemed to be hurt. But where had it come from? Heading out of the door, he heard a creak above him and managed ot dive out of the way of the falling doorframe and rubble. Well, at least he'd have time to tell the backup the building was unstable...

2010-06-15, 04:04 PM
The suited woman is flat against the wall - well, as flat as she can with Soshi on her shoulders - and pale from shock. Well, paler. Young people these days drive like crazy! It takes a moment for her to collect herself. "There was an accident", she splurts. "Some kind of explosion... I woke up near him... thought I better get him out before anything else happened..."

Blood seeping through the woman's makeshift bandages has painted most of her blouse dark red by now. Judging by her looks, it's a miracle she's staying up, let alone carrying anyone. "Who are you? Can you take us to a hospital?"

2010-06-15, 04:10 PM
Aki was bored. She'd spent the morning doing her best to complete her first Seele Schneider, but just like always, something went wrong. The Arrow/Swords were very touchy at the best of times. Of course, her parents and Siblings could all make them, but they refused to give her any advice, except things like 'keep trying' or 'we all went through this.' Her mother and father were both at work. and her middle brother (the only one that still lived in the apartment with them) was off doing... something. Aki was alone. The TV was on, but she wasn't paying attention to it. She was just so bored!

I could go for a walk, or...

Aki's thoughts were interrupted by a squawk from the Police Scanner her parents had hidden in the kitchen Cabinets. It was one of the ways they picked up on Hollows. The despicable creatures normally made quite a mess, especially if it was one of the big ones. Aki smiled as she heard the report. Building Demolished, mysteriously? Sounds like it could be... fun.

Lets go see what is going one...

Aki picked up her things quickly, and set off on foot. She didn't wear her cloak, carrying it under her arm, so she didn't look all that odd. Her feet carried her to the scene, but she didn't approach, seeing three people there already. The Girl just hung back and listened, evaluating the three carefully.

2010-06-15, 04:18 PM
Henry hears voices from the alleyway. Aha!
Jogging up to the mouth of the alley, he slows down as his eyes take in the scene in front of him, a look of mild puzzlement on his face. After overhearing the woman, he speaks once more into the walkie talkie. "Got three here, one unconscious, one injured, and another apparently fine. Need an ambulance at..." Coleby pauses for a moment and recalls the location, before informing his colleagues. After this he switches instantly into Civilian Rescue Mode and steps forward, showing his badge.
"Ma'am, I am Detective Henry. I've called an ambulance, you'll be fine now. Just put him down and rest, you're seriously injured."

2010-06-15, 04:23 PM
Valeria nods and smiles at Rosa. "Thank you..."

"Well... I wouldn't know much about what people are like, but it makes sense, I guess. I definitely won't regret deciding to go to normal school even if you're the only friends I make." She sighs, looking to her phone's clock, and then back to Kaito and Izumi. "...well, I should probably get going." She particularly turns to Izumi, at this. "...Oh, can we have each others numbers, too, Izumi-san?"

2010-06-15, 04:26 PM
Izumi nods, and pulls out her mobile. "All right, Val."

2010-06-15, 04:30 PM
Kaito waited for the girls to exchange numbers, then stood as Val herself stood to leave.

He offered his hand for a handshake.

"It was nice to meet you, Val. Take care, and we'll see you soon. Have a good evening."

2010-06-15, 04:36 PM
After trading numbers with Izumi (and giving her number to Kaito in the process), Val calls up her driver, then pulls out money for the tab... that is, hers, both Izumi's and Kaito's, and a large tip. She then obliges to Kaito's handshake with a smile. "...it was really nice to meet you both. Thanks for making me feel welcome."

...Then, she retreats to the car as soon as it pulls up, before Kaito or Izumi can decline the offer. :smalltongue:

2010-06-15, 04:42 PM
Izumi, before she goes, offers her hand for a handshake as well. :smalltongue:

2010-06-15, 05:11 PM
Kaito sits after Val leaves. There's still a bit of a smile on his face as he shakes his head.

"Well. I suppose that means this won't be a boring year, eh, Izumi?"

2010-06-15, 05:20 PM
Izumi nods. "Yes, it does..."

2010-06-15, 05:22 PM
Izumi nods. "Yes, it does...""Have you been up to much this break? I've mostly just let myself sleep in, read several good novels, and took a one week vacation out of town. Yourself?"

2010-06-15, 05:25 PM
Izumi chuckles. "Mostly the same, this has been a relaxing break."

Apart from the fighting... I swear, there's no end to those... things.

2010-06-15, 05:29 PM
Some time later...

Val arrives back home. She seems to be in a great mood as she enters the house, looking for her mother. "Mom! Moo~oom!"

2010-06-15, 05:43 PM
The bloodied woman turns to look at Henry and sighs with relief. "Thank goodness. It's nice that... people watch over each other, even in these cold times", she mutters and lowers Soshi to the ground. She then falls backwards and sits against the wall, seemingly exhausted. "Wouldn't have known what to do without you."

There's something decidedly off about the whole situation, even if Michiko and the newly arrived detective can't quite put their finger on it. Of course, it might just be the fact that Michiko is still holding her bat like a mugger. Through lids half closed, the suited woman observes the two, waiting to see how they'll react to each other, and smiles slyly.

2010-06-15, 05:46 PM
Izumi chuckles. "Mostly the same, this has been a relaxing break."

Apart from the fighting... I swear, there's no end to those... things. Kaito nods.

"Glad to hear it. You heard any news on some of the replacement teachers? I know our gym teacher retired. Something about bunions. Not sure about some of the others; mom and dad don't really have an "inside line" on such things. Not that they'd tell me if they did."

2010-06-15, 05:53 PM
Henry nods at the woman, and turns to the girl with the helmet, and frowns. "Miss, I'm going to have to ask you what your part in this is. You're holding a weapon in the presence of two injured people. Stay right there, I'll get to you in a second."
Henry pauses for a moment. There was something really, really off about that older woman, he could see it. Unfortunately, due to the fact that no one else on the force could, Henry mentally filed it under "Stuff to investigate later." as a possible cause of the explosion.
Returning back to the case in hand, he speaks to the woman once more. "Ma'am, could you tell me anything about what happened? Anything strange you noticed beforehand?"

2010-06-15, 05:55 PM
Izumi shrugs. "I don't know, either."

2010-06-15, 05:59 PM
Some time later...

Val arrives back home. She seems to be in a great mood as she enters the house, looking for her mother. "Mom! Moo~oom!"

A moment after her call, Val can hear the sound of running footsteps up the flight of stairs from the basement. After about the time that it would take for someone to straighten out her hair and clothes, Claudia steps daintily into the room. Her skin is covered with a thin sheen of sweat; in fact, she steams. Nevertheless, she has her breath under control, and gives Val a warm smile.

"Good job getting home on time, Vally. How was your night out?"

2010-06-15, 06:04 PM
Izumi shrugs. "I don't know, either."Kaito shrugs as well.

"I suppose that's the way things go, then.

Well, it was good seeing you again, Izumi. Thanks for helping Val feel welcome. I think I'm going to head home; my folks should be home before long for dinner."

With that, Kaito stands and starts collecting his books and bookbag, to get ready to leave.

2010-06-15, 06:05 PM
Izumi nods, and waves goodbye as she starts heading off as well.

2010-06-15, 06:06 PM
"Well, there was... a series of explosions", the suited woman says weakly, pointing towards the street where, sure enough, there are several craters in the pavements. "I was thrown against a wall and... next thing I see is myself bleeding and this young man lying beside me."

Despite the odd weary pause, her voice is suprisingly firm and calm. She doesn't seem all that distressed about the situation, despite her torn and blood-soaked clothes and the chaos surrounding her. She smiles at the detective and brings her hand to rest against her chest. If Henry is feeling particularly perceptive, he might notice odd lacerations and bloodstains on her shoes...

2010-06-15, 06:06 PM
Aki retains her hiding place behind the crook in the buildings, listening to the conversation between the four. The girl in the bicycle helmet wasn't a concern. She had some spiritual power, but was likely just a medium. The Cop and the boy might have something about them, but if it was there, it was faint. But the woman... Aki didn't scare easily, and the woman made her shiver, and wish she had the back up of her family.

No, I am a Quincy. I won't get scared, and run crying to momma. Something cause that building to collapse.

Aki gripped the handle of one of her weapons through the cloth that hid it, a Silver Tube already in the other.

But I still need more information.

2010-06-15, 06:15 PM

Val is smiling widely as her mom appears. "So I take it we're pretty much moved in?" She laughs lightly. "Anyway, you won't believe it, mom; a bunch of the people at the cafe were really nice, and I even made a couple friends!" It's not hard to tell she's really excited.


Kaito nods.

"Glad to hear it. You heard any news on some of the replacement teachers?"

Hibiki sneezes, back on his search for the principal.

2010-06-15, 06:16 PM
Henry is a perceptive man after 20 years on the streets, and notices the lacerations and bloodstains quite capably. Looking directly ar her now that he was repressing his sight less made him kind of queasy, but Henry managed to shrug that off. Also, this woman sounded unconcerned, confident - bold, even - for someone who had lost about 2 pints of blood. He narrows his eyes ever-so-slightly. Mrs. Unknown Creepy Woman was top suspect for the explosions, assuming it was caused by what he thought - and dreaded - it to be, but still, the proverbial elephant in the room of a girl wielding a baseball bat with injured people right next to her needed adressing.
"...Alright, ma'am. You just stay calm and the ambulance will be here any minute. Now as for you, miss, first I shall need your name."

2010-06-15, 06:22 PM
Reene sudenly and silently appears behind Hibiki, smiling and holding up her notepad.

"Can I help you?"

2010-06-15, 06:24 PM
Yoko had been quietly listening to the conversation for some time, looking at everything and nothing all at once. Her eyes ran over everything, but she never stayed for more than a few fleeting seconds on any item or person. Soon after Val leaves, Yoko stands up, bowing sarcastically to Izumi and Kaito before they leave. "Hello, classmates. Fancy meeting you here. Are you both ready for the beginning of school? It is quite closely upon us." She says at the table, continuing to walk past, though holding back to hear their answer.

2010-06-15, 06:34 PM
"Yes, I'd say I'm ready, Yoko-san."

2010-06-15, 06:41 PM
"I'd certainly hope I'm ready, Yoko. Glad you decided to pay attention to me now."

Kaito doesn't look at her as he slings his bag over his shoulder.

"Izumi, I'll see you later. Yoko, take care."

With that, he starts walking away at a leisurely pace, heading in the general direction of his home.

2010-06-15, 06:42 PM
Hibiki turns to face the woman, easily needing to look up, but into her eyes, and not whatever amount of cleavage she may have. He's not a perv, after all. "Oh, hello. Hamasaki Hibiki, I'm one of the new teachers here."

2010-06-15, 06:50 PM
Tani heard voices, appearing from the equipment room with a handful of dusty old equipment which he dropped when he saw Hibiki. He looked over at Reene.

"I thought the students weren't going to be here for a week?"

Turning back to Hibiki, he slapped a huge smile across his face.

"And... yo. I'm Ito Tanigawa, the new PE Teacher. You can call me Tani-Sensei!"

To complete the introduction, Tani gave Hibiki a thumbs up... and in the process dropped all the equipment he'd been carrying.

2010-06-15, 06:56 PM
Reene's assets are very distinctive, but she has them fully covered by her suit. No cleavage to stare at, plenty to imagine.

"Haha. No, no Ito, Hibiki is one of our teachers too."

"I am the school's principal, Reene Lucaster, and now that I think about it I did not introduce myself to you either, Ito. My apologies for that."

2010-06-15, 07:03 PM
Hibiki looks over to Tani with a passive expression. Then, a raised eyebrow. "...Right. It certainly makes sense, now." Turning back to Reene after that cold display, he bows at an angle that nearly makes him lose his glasses. However, he makes a quick recovery on straightening up.

"Nice to meet you, Lucaster-san." The two might notice the distant, distracted air he has about him.

2010-06-15, 07:05 PM
Tani shook his head.

"No worries Ms. Lucaster."

Tani turned back to Hibiki, bending over to pick up all the fallen equipment.

"You are a teacher? You are a small one, aren't you! What do you teach?"

2010-06-15, 07:23 PM

Val is smiling widely as her mom appears. "So I take it we're pretty much moved in?" She laughs lightly. "Anyway, you won't believe it, mom; a bunch of the people at the cafe were really nice, and I even made a couple friends!" It's not hard to tell she's really excited.


Hibiki sneezes, back on his search for the principal.

Claudia nods, absent-mindedly raising her arms over her head to stretch her latissimus dorsi muscles.

"Everything's arranged, Val-chan. I was just getting some exercise, now that your things have been put away. I'm a little more... out of shape than I thought."

Turning her thoughts to Val's report, she smiles brightly.

"Anyway, it's wonderful that you're making friends already, Vally! This move looks like it might have been good for you, too. What are they like?"

2010-06-15, 07:25 PM

...Crap. I need to stall for time.

Both of Michiko's hands raise up into the air, dropping the bat down unto the ground with a loud clang as she holds them up out-stretched. She was unarmed and, aside from her odd appearance, didn't seem all that threatening either. But then how could they tell she was focusing her willpower on the space directly around the detective?

"My name? Does it look like a bat could cause an explosion? I cam here cause my...friend, the boy, called me and said that he was under attack. I get here and this woman has him slung over her shoulder like a bag of meat!" she says hotly, at odds with her normally calm and cool tone, deliberately trying not to sound like herself, "She's the one you should be questioning! If I had been the one to cause those injuries the bat would have blood on it and so would I! What kinda two-bit detective are you?"

That should do it...

Finally having gathered enough energy, she waits for a moment...maybe this detective would see reason...or just go away.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-15, 07:46 PM
Beck Williams

Beck sat on her pull-out couch bed in her tiny apartment, watching TV. Whoa. That can't be...that's near here! Holy crap, what happened?! She thought, dumbfounded, as something like an explosion rattled and shook the building she was in, causing her to fall off the couch. She fumbled for the remote and switched off the TV. That might be a hollow causing something like that...better check it out. Beck locked up and left the building, headed in the direction of the explosion.

((Sorry again))

2010-06-15, 07:46 PM

Hibiki eyes Tani again. "History. Though, I noticed your pool on the way here... do you have a club?" He turns to Reene at his question.


Val grins widely, moving to the living room to sit down on the couch. "Well, there's Izumi, she's another girl my age. I didn't talk as much with her, but she seems nice... and then, there's Kaito... he's my age, too; he seems smart, and knows English. And his parents are in law enforcement. And guess what!" She doesn't even wait for Claudia to guess. "They're both in my class! And... well, there was this really nice waitress, too, and the rest of the staff at the cafe was... interesting."

2010-06-15, 07:53 PM
"Yes, we do, this is an old institution and there are several clubs sponsored by the administration, including several sports clubs."

2010-06-15, 08:29 PM
Tani nodded.

"Yep. I'll be heading up Martial Arts. You should come little man. You could do with a little more exercise!"

2010-06-15, 08:40 PM

Hibiki eyes Tani again. "History. Though, I noticed your pool on the way here... do you have a club?" He turns to Reene at his question.


Val grins widely, moving to the living room to sit down on the couch. "Well, there's Izumi, she's another girl my age. I didn't talk as much with her, but she seems nice... and then, there's Kaito... he's my age, too; he seems smart, and knows English. And his parents are in law enforcement. And guess what!" She doesn't even wait for Claudia to guess. "They're both in my class! And... well, there was this really nice waitress, too, and the rest of the staff at the cafe was... interesting."

Claudia takes a seat beside Valeria, and nods encouragingly as the teen provides her impression. As she delves into so much detail regarding Kaito, though, a small, mischievous glint appears in her eye.

"Well, if they're in the same class as you, they sound like they could be good friends. Would you like to invite them back here for a party at some point this week?"

2010-06-15, 08:57 PM

Hibiki eyes Tani... again. "I get plenty of exercise, thank you." Then, back to Reene. "...do you need any help with the swimming club? Believe it or not, I have some expertise there."

This soul cannot deny his love for the water, after all...

What did I say about not bothering me in the middle of a conversation?


Val blinks, and grins a bit wider. "Really? That would be okay?"

2010-06-15, 09:10 PM
"It is a generous offer, but I only really deal with administrative matters in this particular scenario. The PE teacher is, by default, responsible for all sportive clubs.

And that would be mr. Tanigawa here."

Reene points to Ito.

2010-06-15, 09:19 PM
Claudia's smile grows alongside her daughter's.

"Well, a house like this is hardly necessary for just three people, right? There are just two conditions I want you to follow: I'll need a day or so to get everything fully unpacked, and get the supplies for a party, and I want you to finish your studies before anyone gets here.

I want you to be fully ready to start the school year before you start spending all your time playing with your friends, okay?"

2010-06-15, 09:27 PM
Tani smiled at Hibiki.

"I really could do with some help in Martial Arts. How about you coach along with me? Then I'll be happy to do the testing to make sure you can handle coaching the Swim Team. After all, that is a lot of work."

2010-06-15, 09:33 PM

Hibiki turns to Tani, sighing. "And what, pray tell, makes you think that I couldn't handle it?" With a shrug, he considers for a moment. "...yeah, I guess."


Val hugs her mom, suddenly. "Thank you! I'll call them up."

"...And, no problem, mom; you know I can't disappoint you for all the stuff you've done for me..." ...she fights off a sniffle.

2010-06-15, 09:36 PM
Tani looked at Hibiki, and shrugged.

"I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to test anyone who watches the kids in the pool, no matter my impression of them."

Tani smiled, and looked up... trying to remember what the testing actually consisted of.

"When do you want me to do the test?"

2010-06-15, 10:02 PM
Hibiki turns to Reene, then back to Tani. "Now would be fine, if Lucaster-san doesn't mind waiting. I assume it involves actual swimming, of course?"

2010-06-15, 10:03 PM
Tani nodded. He was almost certain that it did.

"Yeah... I'm pretty sure it does. It's been a long time since I did one, to tell the truth."

2010-06-15, 10:10 PM
Hibiki nods, drops the bag he's been carrying around, and in a blur of blue, he is quite suddenly in a pair of blue swim trunks (http://img10.beso-images.com/resize?sq=&uid=1739257349&nors=1), with a towel draped over his shoulder. ...oddly, he's still wearing his glasses.

2010-06-15, 10:13 PM
Tani blinked once or twice, and then shrugged.

"...that was impressive. Alright, lets head to the pool."

Tani starts walking toward one of the doors to the gym... in the opposite direction of the pool.

"...do you know where this Pool is?"

2010-06-15, 10:40 PM
Reene points to the way opposite Tanigawa was going.

In fact, she points to a double door with a large sign saying "To the swimming pool" on it.

2010-06-15, 10:42 PM
Tani wants to crumble, but refuses to let his resolve falter.

"Excellent point!"

He turns round, and heads for the pool... the right way this time.

2010-06-15, 10:43 PM
Hibiki fights the urge to roll his eyes, following through to the pool after a courteous nod to Reene.

2010-06-15, 10:47 PM
Tani reached the pool without further incident (...perhaps we can credit luck), and looked over at Hibiki.

"Help me get the cover off."

2010-06-15, 10:55 PM
Hibiki does so. ...He pulls an odd amount of weight for his size, in fact, though Tani might swear that the pool itself was helping the effort.

"Easy enough. Next?"

2010-06-15, 10:56 PM
Tani was suprised. The little guy was strong, certainly enough.

"Give me a lap of the pool."

2010-06-15, 10:58 PM
Silva stands on the sidewalk, not far from where the building collapsed. She had actually been taking care of some personal matter in the alley not long before it happened.

She stares in the direction of the situation for a moment. A sort of inner voice is telling her to check it out.

Go...investigate...sure to be souls...

She lets out a sigh. Medric, I don't want to start getting into trouble just yet, she says under her breath. We haven't even been here a day yet.

You want it...I want it...

No, she says firmly. I'm going back to the apartment.

She turns the other direction and walks back towards her apartment.

2010-06-15, 11:06 PM
Hibiki smirks, removing his glasses, setting the towel and his bag down, and preparing to jump in. He gives Tani one more look before he does. "I'd make sure to hold on to your jaw, because it's about to drop." With that, he dives in.

To say that Hibiki swims as a fish would be an insult. No, he seems to be perfectly in tune with the water; the pint-sized teacher goes from one end to the other like a bullet, moving with perfect fluidity and posture, demonstrating several strokes with flawless sequencing. If Tani were keeping time, well, it would easily hit record speeds without breaking a sweat.

This soul is certainly enjoying this.

And you aren't?

2010-06-15, 11:07 PM

Hibiki turns to Tani, sighing. "And what, pray tell, makes you think that I couldn't handle it?" With a shrug, he considers for a moment. "...yeah, I guess."


Val hugs her mom, suddenly. "Thank you! I'll call them up."

"...And, no problem, mom; you know I can't disappoint you for all the stuff you've done for me..." ...she fights off a sniffle.

Claudia is momentarily taken aback by Val's thanks. She quickly recovers, smiles again, and returns the hug briefly.

"...What kind of Mom would I be if I didn't do everything I could for you, Vally? Now, go ahead and call up your friends."

2010-06-15, 11:12 PM
Tani had pulled a stop watch out of his pocket to time Hibiki, chuckling a little at the boast. When it turned out to be entirely true... well, Tani forgot to start the time.

"...good lord little man, do you have a jet engine attached to you, or something? I think I can say that is sufficient..."

...for the olympics.

"Uhh, care to do a set of dives for me?"

Tani was pretty sure he was out of his depth, at this point. He was just curious to see what Hibiki could do.

2010-06-15, 11:46 PM

Hibiki gracefully exits the pool, smirking triumphantly at Tani before nodding. "Sure thing."

His dives, while perhaps not as flawless as his actual swimming, are certainly nothing to sneeze at. There's no question that he would be an olympic athlete if he put his mind to it. ...well, ignoring his childlike stature.


Valeria smiles, heading up to her room before she calls Kaito's cell.

Geez, I'm acting like a kid... but I don't know how this day could get any better...

2010-06-15, 11:56 PM
Kaito hadn't jogged home, but his walking pace had been decidedly brisk.

So of course, it was just after he stepped inside from the entryway, and was about to greet his mother, when his phone rang.

Quirking an eyebrow, he pulled it out of his pocket...

And his eyes widened a bit, before he flipped it open to answer.

"Oh, uh, hello Valeria. I didn't expect you to call quite so soon."

His mother was in earshot and raised an eyebrow with that dangerous gleam in her eye.

'Valeria?' she mouthed to Kaito.

Kaito blushed and mouthed back. 'I'll tell you when I'm done.'

Of course, right then his father walked into the dining room with his mother, giving her a kiss before she leaned over to whisper in his ears.

His expression of curiosity made Kaito dread what was to come.

2010-06-15, 11:59 PM
Tani was... well shocked. This kid should be in the olympics, not teaching at some High School.

"Uhhh... well you pass. With flying colors."

2010-06-16, 12:28 AM
She starts picking up the tabs and handing them to Donovan for him to put them in the cash register, as well as picking up any tips that were meant for her. When she got around to the table where Izumi, Kaito, and Valeria were sitting, she noticed the generous tip left by Val. How generous of her. I am sure she will live a very happy life here. She then goes about her job.

2010-06-16, 12:34 AM

Valeria chuckles. "Hi, Kaito. Well, I talked with my mom, and she said it would be okay if you came over. You could bring a few friends, too, we've got a big place. We're going to have a little party, pretty much, if you want." She can hardly hide the excitement in her voice.

"We've even got a pool... so, what do you think?"


Hibiki leaves the pool again, moving to his towel, and working on drying his hair and face off before he puts his glasses back on. "Well, that was a nice warm-up..." He looks back to Tani with his distant expression again, though his fellow teacher may be able to glean a little... well, ecstasy would be a bit strong of a word, but he certainly seems happy.

"...So, you're new here, too, yeah?"

2010-06-16, 12:41 AM
Tani was still doing his best to get over having an Olympic Class athlete here. He did nod at the question however.

"Yep. I needed a job, and it seemed like it might be fun."

2010-06-16, 12:59 AM
"Mmm... A friend of mine wanted to teach. She was... really amazing." Hibiki frowns for a second, but shakes it off. "...as for this, well... I have always loved the water. It's always changing, and free... uncontrollable. Dangerous, yet caring. Call me poetic, but every time I take a swim, I feel like I'm part of it for a while. It's a feeling that can't be matched."

2010-06-16, 01:21 AM
Tani nodded at Hibiki's words. It was the way he used to feel practicing Martial Arts. It was the way he felt in battle with the 'things.' Hibiki belonged swimming, and Tani belonged to fight.

"I understand what you mean. Not quite the same for me, but it is similar."

2010-06-16, 05:50 AM
At the cafe Sören drinks his coffee, Irish or otherwise, relatively quickly apparently not garnering much pleasure from it. He asks for the bill soon after finishing, and leaves a decent tip before leaving and making his way toward the school.

His journey is remarkably quick, his walking pace quite forced, but once he enters the building and begins searching for the headmistress'principle's office, his pace slows considerably. A slight breeze seems to follow in his wake, pleasantly cool and sluggish. He finally stops walking upon reaching a crossroads.

"Hmm. Which way?"

I forget what it is for mazes. Is it always take the left, or always take the right?

"Männy, please quietly shut the hell up."

Innis Cabal
2010-06-16, 06:05 AM

...Crap. I need to stall for time.

Both of Michiko's hands raise up into the air, dropping the bat down unto the ground with a loud clang as she holds them up out-stretched. She was unarmed and, aside from her odd appearance, didn't seem all that threatening either. But then how could they tell she was focusing her willpower on the space directly around the detective?

"My name? Does it look like a bat could cause an explosion? I cam here cause my...friend, the boy, called me and said that he was under attack. I get here and this woman has him slung over her shoulder like a bag of meat!" she says hotly, at odds with her normally calm and cool tone, deliberately trying not to sound like herself, "She's the one you should be questioning! If I had been the one to cause those injuries the bat would have blood on it and so would I! What kinda two-bit detective are you?"

That should do it...

Finally having gathered enough energy, she waits for a moment...maybe this detective would see reason...or just go away.

Soshi, for what its worth, remained out like a light and unaware of the unfolding situation he had caused in his struggles against the vile woman.

2010-06-16, 06:41 AM
"She speaks the truth", the woman intervenes, smirking as he gives Henry a tired glance. "I remember... the boy, talking to a phone... before things happened. She just came here - I even asked her to take us to a hospital. What ever caused this, good sir, it's... not her fault." The wailing sirens finally come close, stopping just before the damaged portion of the street. Carrying a pair trolleys, the crew hurries out and into the alley.

"Hey! What's the situation here?"

2010-06-16, 09:34 AM

Valeria chuckles. "Hi, Kaito. Well, I talked with my mom, and she said it would be okay if you came over. You could bring a few friends, too, we've got a big place. We're going to have a little party, pretty much, if you want." She can hardly hide the excitement in her voice.

"We've even got a pool... so, what do you think?"Kaito blinked.

"Oh, ok. Yeah, that sounds like a fun idea. Um, I'll give a couple of people a call. I'm guessing you're going to give Izumi a call as well? Um, is this more of a kind of casual party, or formal, or what?"

Whatever his distraction, Kaito's mind was trying to focus on details, gather facts.

Poor boy didn' get called by a girl and invited to a party that often. Usually it was school-related.

"So, when are you thinking of having the party?"

Kaito's parents were beaming in the background.

2010-06-16, 10:13 AM

"Yeah, I'll call Izumi next; Casual, of course. Bring something to swim in, if you feel like it." Val lays on her bed on her stomach, with her legs bent upward in the stereotypical female teenager fashion.

"Oh, a few days; I'd say Saturday. Me and my mom haven't worked out the exact details, but. Is that good for you?"


Hibiki observes Tani with an eyebrow raised, but still nods. "...Very well, then. Thanks for giving me a chance." He slips on a replacement shirt (http://www.balloonplanet.com/shop/images/products/product_953_large.jpg) and flip-flops from his bag (...possibly making one consider what other kind of odd things he has in there, if he had everything necessary to go for a swim), then seeks out Principal Lucaster again.

There, are you happy? We'll get to go to the pool as often as we want, as part of my job, even.

This spirit could not be more ecstatic.

2010-06-16, 10:27 AM

"Yeah, I'll call Izumi next; Casual, of course. Bring something to swim in, if you feel like it." Val lays on her bed on her stomach, with her legs bent upward in the stereotypical female teenager fashion.

"Oh, a few days; I'd say Saturday. Me and my mom haven't worked out the exact details, but. Is that good for you?"Kaito looked thoughtful, turning so he was facing his parents again.

"Saturday, you said?"

His mother and father nod in unison. With big smiles on their faces.

"...Yeah, Saturday works. Like I said, I'll put out a couple calls. I'm not exactly Mr. Party, so I don't foresee bringing a lot of extra people. But if nothing else, I'll be coming. Might even swim a bit, though I'm not an Olympic athlete or anything."

2010-06-16, 10:56 AM
Kondo Sayaka - Houheiden Shrine

The cicadas were singing loudly. Very annoyingly loudly like they always did. Further into the city there was less of that problem...but here by the mountains, it was a constant song every hour.
But the real problem was the sun and the heat.
If only a breeze would come. Please Wind Deity, send your cold wind this way!
Sayaka clapped her hands and bowed at the shrine. Here it was shady and a little more cool than out in the sun. Even though almost no one came to visit at this time of year, her father had insisted she go clean the stone steps.
Of course, he had said he would reward her. This was her 'job' afterall. But as Sayaka stood here in her temporary retreat, she wondered if laws of workplace would allow such a thing. At least there was more shade, with big leafy trees around.

The sweeping was done for now, which left Sayaka a little aimless. It was so warm. Perfect weather to sleep or be lazy.
But the wind chime would sing warningly against such an action. No, she had to finish her homework before school returned. The summer vacation was short this year, but that just meant Sports Festival practice would start sooner.

"Yuuyake koyake de hi ga kurete
yama no jinja no kane ga "-

"Father please stop singing incorrect songs." Sayaka sighed. She tugged on her robes. Still having to wear the red and white during this month unfair, but she had-

"Wait! What are you wearing?!" Sayaka yelled in horror as her Father came around the corner. His always pleasant yet smug smile was freely worn as he was dressed in pink shorts and a white t-shirt.
"Good afternoon Saya-chan.~~" Haruaki said with a singing tune. Sayaka clenched her fists.
"I've been working in this clothing for this whole time, and you look like you are going to the pool?!" She demanded. Haruaki patted her shoulders gently.
"You've done a great job my dear. The whole Shrine looks so clean! There aren't even any insects by the water!"
"That's because it's too hot even for them right now." Sayaka muttered. "Or so I would say, but wait! Don't think you can not answer me!"
"Well, if you want me to wear a miko's costume, I can do it." Sayaka glared.
"No. That's not what I meant! Why do I have to spend my summer vacation days working while you play around all of the time?"

Haruaki laughed, and gave Sayaka a rueful smile.
"I am working. Don't you feel it Sayaka? There's a heavy feeling in the air."
"That's humidity. It's the end of rainy season." Sayaka muttered, but she was trying to concentrate more now on the air.
"Maybe...but you already know what many young people do this time of year. It's very popular even at your school."
"Trials of Guts." Sayaka answered immediately.
"Right. And you know why it is this time of year."
"Because the Kyoto Sending Ceremonies are concluded. Obon Festival is coming soon."
"Correct. There is a heavier concentration of spiritual energy in the world at this time. All of those souls who will gather, or who are sent coincide at that time."
"Higan isn't until September."
"But the road to get there may take a while." Haruaki looked at the sky, and the clouds over the mountains. "They're going to be busy soon. And that means we will too I'm afraid." He said ominously. Sayaka frowned. She knew a lot already from her father, but he was still always mysterious and vague about these spiritual things. Of course he was talking about the shinigami.

Sayaka sighed. "Well make sure you don't make the shrine messy. I'm going to do my homework."

2010-06-16, 11:06 AM
Valeria's smile intensifies to the point where it could probably give a sunburn with direct exposure. "All right! Saturday it is, then! See you then, and thanks, Kaito." Blushing, she hangs up before the poor guy can react.

...Then, recollecting herself for a few moments, she calls Izumi.

2010-06-16, 11:10 AM
Tani stays behind, managing to cover up the pool on his own. Heck, he probably doesn't even fall in.

2010-06-16, 11:13 AM
Reene was actually on the stands, watching the competition and taking notes.

She waves at the two once it becomes obvious they are looking for her.

2010-06-16, 11:30 AM
Valeria's smile intensifies to the point where it could probably give a sunburn with direct exposure. "All right! Saturday it is, then! See you then, and thanks, Kaito." Blushing, she hangs up before the poor guy can react.

...Then, recollecting herself for a few moments, she calls Izumi.Belatedly, Kaito speaks.

"Oh. Uh, yeah."

He closes his phone, then gives an awkward smile to his folks.

"So...Who were you just on the phone with, son?"

"Valeria...sounds like a girl's name. A foreign name, though."

"Heh. Yeah. I was at the Venti Buon Caffe, the one by the school...And she sat down at my table. Because it was crowded. Turns out her family just moved into town today. Well. Her and her mom. Her day works in a bit company, and-"

Kaito proceeds to tell the whole story to his parents, who mostly listen and smile.

"I think the party is a great idea. Now, go put your books away, dinner's almost ready."

"Ok mom."

2010-06-16, 01:22 PM
"Yes, I'd already worked out that a bat cannot cause an explosion, thank you for the assessment of my intelligence." Henry nonchalantly takes a few steps forward, attempting to block the escape route, then continues. "However, that in no way means that you didn't cause the ex-" Henry listens to the woman, very carefully noting the bloodsoaked woman smirking after being blown up. "Very well, ma'am. However, even if she didn't do it, she is still a witness, so I'm going to have a chat with-" Henry turns back to the girl, "-you."

Henry glances when the ambulance comes. "Yes, there was an explosion here that injured two people. They're the woman and the unconscious young man over there. No others."

While the ambulance crew took care of the injured, Henry puts his gaze back on the girl, having kept her in his peripheral vision, and continues. "Now that you've wasted some time with that little rant, and you're not a suspect, mind answering a few questions?"

2010-06-16, 03:39 PM
Sören continues further into the labyrinth of the school, the pleasant breeze seeming to follow him inwards. After a good few minutes wasted on searching for signs to the principle's office, he finally manages to get en route to his intended destination.

The dismay he feels upon reaching it and finding it vacant are expressed with the greatest decorum.

"Oh, **** this."

He sighs, and turns away from the office, intending to search the school more thoroughly.

2010-06-16, 03:51 PM
Hibiki blinks. "Oh, I see you decided to watch. So, back to showing me around?"

2010-06-16, 03:58 PM
Valeria's smile intensifies to the point where it could probably give a sunburn with direct exposure. "All right! Saturday it is, then! See you then, and thanks, Kaito." Blushing, she hangs up before the poor guy can react.

...Then, recollecting herself for a few moments, she calls Izumi.

Izumi picks up almost immediately. "Hey, Val. Checking to see if I gave you the right number?"

2010-06-16, 04:04 PM
Val chuckles. "Not quite. I just finished talking to Kaito; my mom said it'd be alright to throw a small party at our house later in the week. I was thinking Saturday. What do you think? You can call a couple friends of yours, too, if you want, our house is pretty big; we have a pool, too, so bring a bathing suit if you feel like swimming."

2010-06-16, 04:05 PM
Meanwhile, Kaito has finally gotten some time to sit down and make a couple of calls in his room. He didn't have a huge list of possible guests, but there were a couple of people he wanted to call.

First up was his classmate Nakahiro. Good guy, good taste in books.

2010-06-16, 04:08 PM
Val chuckles. "Not quite. I just finished talking to Kaito; my mom said it'd be alright to throw a small party at our house later in the week. I was thinking Saturday. What do you think? You can call a couple friends of yours, too, if you want, our house is pretty big; we have a pool, too, so bring a bathing suit if you feel like swimming."

Izumi nods. "All right. I'll see who I can call over, then."

2010-06-16, 04:12 PM
Val makes a victorious pump of her fist and grins. "Hm, I suppose you two don't know where I live, yet, though. Gimme a sec." Pulling her phone away from her ear, she quickly switches to speaker and starts a text to both of her friends with her address. In a matter of seconds, she has it sent, and nods to no one in particular.

"All right! Thanks, Izumi... I'm starting to feel like a normal teen."

2010-06-16, 04:14 PM
"It's all right. You're a nice person, Val."

2010-06-16, 04:14 PM
Nakahiro is currently reading a book, containing myths from various parts of the world. Not unusual. He's in a local park, sitting in the shade of a large tree. It's quiet. Not many people nearby. His favorite kind of place. Turning the page, he jumps a little in surprise as his phone rings. Clumsily fumbling it out of his pocket, Nakahiro presses the answer button and lifts it to his ear.


2010-06-16, 04:20 PM
Higure leaves his apartment, and begins walking toward the Venti Buon Cafe. He decides to take the most direct way, which leads past the high school.

Nice day out today. I should walk around more often.

2010-06-16, 04:27 PM
Nakahiro is currently reading a book, containing myths from various parts of the world. Not unusual. He's in a local park, sitting in the shade of a large tree. It's quiet. Not many people nearby. His favorite kind of place. Turning the page, he jumps a little in surprise as his phone rings. Clumsily fumbling it out of his pocket, Nakahiro presses the answer button and lifts it to his ear.

"...Hello?""Hey Nakahiro. It's Kaito. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

2010-06-16, 04:34 PM
Valeria [Home]

"It's all right. You're a nice person, Val."

Val blushes. "That's good to hear. Well, see you later, then!"

As she hangs up, Val thinks of one more call she could make, though first she brings up a map application to look around... and, then, she finds it. Venti Buon's number.

Which she promptly calls.

2010-06-16, 04:36 PM
"Hey Nakahiro. It's Kaito. Id I catch you at a bad time?"

"No, I'm not doing anything pressing. What's up?"

2010-06-16, 04:38 PM
"No, I'm not doing anything pressing. What's up?""Well...It's a long interesting story, but basically, met a new incoming student today. Nice gal. Anyways, she invited myself and Izumi to a party at her house, and told us to invite friends. It's not a big shindig or anything; real casual. She said they have a pool and such. Just thought I'd throw the idea your way."

2010-06-16, 04:41 PM
On the other end of the phone, Nakahiro quirks an eyebrow. Huh.

"Sounds like fun. When and where?"

2010-06-16, 04:44 PM
On the other end of the phone, Nakahiro quirks an eyebrow. Huh.

"Sounds like fun. When and where?""Saturday. I'll email you the address and a little more specific time."

Kaito then sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I gotta call that "Emi" girl after we're done. Her parents and mine work together, and they want us to socialize and all. She's not a bad person or anything...Just never clicked, you know? Anyways. Like I said, I'll email you details once I'm done."

2010-06-16, 04:46 PM

Donovan picks up the phone.

"Venti Buon, how can I help you?"

2010-06-16, 04:49 PM
Nakahiro nods, even though it can't be seen.

"I know what you mean, that's always awkward. Alright, thanks for inviting me."

2010-06-16, 04:54 PM
Valeria [Home]

"Hello, I stopped by your cafe earlier, and I'm planning a party, so I'm curious... do you do catering jobs at all? Money isn't an issue." Valeria wonders if that nice waitress could come, as well...

2010-06-16, 04:56 PM

"Yes, yes, of course we do. Just say the day and specify any details you think might be important."

2010-06-16, 04:56 PM
Nakahiro nods, even though it can't be seen.

"I know what you mean, that's always awkward. Alright, thanks for inviting me.""No problem; if nothing else, we can stand awkwardly in the corner and talk about books while a bunch of girls have a party or something. Oh, and just so I'm sure I reminded you, the pool will be open. Not sure if I'm going to plan on swimming, but you might as well have it in mind. Have a good one, Nakahiro."

After his friend responds, Kaito will hang up. He takes a moment to start writing an email with the address, date, and time, before stopping as he realizes something.

He then takes a moment to text Val, asking if there's a timeframe for the party.

2010-06-16, 05:02 PM
Sora [Graveyard]

After aimlessly wandering about for a while, Sora stops to think for a second. Then, he notices his surroundings, and groans.

"Great. Why is it that every time I walk around town, I always somehow end up in the graveyard?"

After cursing his terrible sense of direction, Sora walks towards the middle of the graveyard, and sits down.

"Alright, I guess I might as well just wait here for a while... I don't have anything better to do..."

2010-06-16, 05:02 PM
[Venti Buon]

Higure glances up at the sign as he enters the cafe. He walks up to the counter, looking around at the decor.

2010-06-16, 05:05 PM

"Sorry officer, but I do." comes the muffled reply from the helmet-wearing girl, a hidden grin coming to her lips even if it was a little bit sad. Hopefully nobody would question this guy on what had happened too much, they might think he was crazy or something! Nothing seemed to happen, to normal mortals anyway, but for those who could see spirits...

A tall cube forms itself around the good detective and the paramedics as they prepare to gather up Soshi, the invisible barrier stopping the medics cold in their tracks even as Michiko herself sprints forward towards where her downed subordinate was.

Keeping just part of her attention on the suit-wearing woman, Michiko quickly pulls Soshi up and stumbles back over towards her sports bike, throwing him over it as she climbs aboard.

Oops, I almost forgot...

Even as one hand begins to rev the high-performance engine, the other reaches down to scoop up the baseball bat. It wouldn't do to leave something behind that had her finger-prints on it after all! Though Soshi was in a precarious position on the bike, it didn't stop Michiko from tearing past the cop and paramedics trapped within the barrier and the suited woman. Once out on the street she takes a sharp turn, picking up speed as she aims to take the long route home, to try and lose anyone that might be pursuing her at the time.

I have to get home, I have to find out what's wrong with this idiot...

2010-06-16, 05:14 PM
Nakahiro chuckles.

"You too. See you on Saturday, Kaito."

After hanging up, Nakahiro stretches back against the tree and looks up at the branches above, smiling softly.

Well. This promises to be interesting.

He picks his book back up and starts reading again.

2010-06-16, 05:24 PM

The suited woman's eyes shoot wide open as Michiko makes her wild escape. She stares her with intense curiosity, while the medics stumble against an invisible object blocking their. "Now isn't she... a handful", the woman chuckles, turning to look at Henry, smiling widely. Clearly, she finds the event hugely amusing.

"We ought to... keep tabs on those two, hmmm, Detective? Can't let them run about, causing mischief, oh no..." She closes her eyes and sighs. She breaths heavily but evenly as the medics are freed from the trap and get to her, preparing to move her on the trolley.

"I'm sorry sir, but we have to get her to treatment", one of the medics, a tall, young-looking man says. "If you have further questions, we must ask you to spare them untill we're sure her condition is stable."


"Hey! Kiddo!", a voice asks from behind Sora, while at the same time a wrinkled hand reaches to tug the youth's sleeve. "Got any fire?"

The ghost of Mori Souta is floating behind Sora, slightly transculent against the evening sun, wearing a memory of the same dirty overalls he had in life - after all the trouble his relatives went through to put him in a suit, even once in his life. Or, well, death.

He's holding a torn cigarette between his nicotine yellow teeth, for some unfathomable reason. He's entangled in a strong iron chain, which goes around him, around a few headstones behind him, and finally deep to the ground where, presumably, his earthly remains are buried.

"Was hopin' sumvun'd show up", he mutters wiping his potato-like nose with his free hand. There's a bald spot amidst his grey hair, gleaming in the sun. "Ah ain't got any fire."

2010-06-16, 05:27 PM

"Hey! Kiddo!", a voice asks from behind Sora, while at the same time a wrinkled hand reaches to tug the youth's sleeve. "Got any fire?"

The ghost of Mori Souta is floating behind Sora, slightly transculent against the evening sun, wearing a memory of the same dirty overalls he had in life - after all the trouble his relatives went through to put him in a suit, even once in his life. Or, well, death.

He's holding a torn cigarette between his nicotine yellow teeth, for some unfathomable reason. He's entangled in a strong iron chain, which goes around him, around a few headstones behind him, and finally deep to the ground where, presumably, his earthly remains are buried.

"Was hopin' sumvun'd show up", he mutters wiping his potato-like nose with his free hand. There's a bald spot amidst his grey hair, gleaming in the sun. "Ah ain't got any fire."

Sora turns and looks at him rather mildly, his hair falling slightly in front of his face as he turns around. His eyes have a strange glint in them, a sort of... hunger. "Sorry, I don't have any fire on me. How would I carry fire exactly? "

For some reason, he seems rather unperturbed by being spoken to by a ghost.

2010-06-16, 05:28 PM
It's at this moment that Sora's phone... might ring.

2010-06-16, 05:30 PM
Henry raises an eyebrow as his world goes pink. Turning around, he cautiously raises a hand to the...well, stuff. It felt completely and unqestionably solid. Bugger.
Taking his truncheon out, Henry grips it in both hands, and swings it full force at the barrier. There is a loud donk as the turncheon rebounds and takes his hat off his head as it whips back. "Bloody hell." Henry remarked, quite indifferently for a man trapped in PINK CUBE HELL.. Crossing his arms, he lights a cigarette and waits patiently for the wall to weaken. Well, that's what he's assuming anyway. Occassionally, he gives it a half hearted tap.

2010-06-16, 05:30 PM
Sora hears his phone ringing. His ringtone will probably scare the crap out of everyone in a twenty foot radius.


Sora flips open his phone, and puts it up to his ear, but not before looking at the ghost hungrily.

"Excuse me for one second. Hello, Namikaze Sora here, who is this?"

2010-06-16, 05:33 PM
"Hey, Sora."

Izumi then explains what happened at the cafe... "And now Val's invited me over to her house, said I could let friends know as well."

2010-06-16, 05:35 PM
Sora grins.

"So, we're going to a party? That sounds fun. Any idea when it is?"

He keeps glancing at the spirit, and the hunger is his eyes continues to show.

2010-06-16, 05:35 PM
Henry turns as the paramedic speaks, having just made a fool of himself.
"Go ahead. I was not planning to question her yet anyway."
As the bemused paramedics hurry off, Henry makes a wild guess at why the paramedics were freed and gestures to the woman, pointing at the pinkness and coughing slightly.

2010-06-16, 05:47 PM
Aki continued to hide. She cared very little about the medium abusing her powers. Not Aki's problems. Her family didn't think policing Mediums was their job, though she had heard of Quincy's who felt that way. The suited woman was her concern.

2010-06-16, 05:48 PM
"Kaito and whoever he invites... and I'm going to see if any of the girls want to go.

Oh, and bring a swimsuit, there's a pool there."

2010-06-16, 05:58 PM
"A pool? That sounds like fun. Alright, talk to you later Izumi, I've got some stuff to take care of."

Sora hangs up the phone, and looks up at the Angry Janitor.

"Soooo... You know you're dead right?"

2010-06-16, 06:30 PM

The woman gives an amused look at the pink barrier, and gives Henry a knowing wink. "Don't worry... things will get better", she says wearily as she's being carried off. "These things never last for long... once she's far it'll all be okay..."

Her voice trails off as she's lifted to the ambulance. The medics give each other a puzzled look, then nod knowingly to each other - clearly, shock and bloodloss have made the woman delirious.


"Aye", Souta's ghost answers. "Kinda figur'd it out as they stuff'd me in da coffin. Dat funny, really, watchin' mah own funeral. *Sniff* Sush a pwetty lil' party... even mah boy wuz there... *sneeze*"

"Sorree. I get kinda soppy when Ah think aboot it. So... ye really ain't got any fire? Matches? Lighter? Nuttin'? Ahm dying to 'ave a smoke 'ere..."

2010-06-16, 06:36 PM
Aki - Alleyway

Aki trails after the woman, intent on not letting her go. She was going to solve this mystery if it... she elected to not finish that sentence. She waved at the Officer.

"Having a spot of trouble? I'm sure it will come down eventually."

With that she took off after the ambulance, following it to the hospital.