Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Phoenix Town. To the untrained eye, it is like any number of other midsized city in Japan. Its people live their lives, bustling to and fro. Phoenix Town High School staff prepares for the return of the students, as those self same students bemoan, look forward to, or do not really care about the end of their vacation. In its classrooms, club rooms, and athletic grounds lie many memories for most of the populace of Phoenix Town.

    The more devout attend one of the many local shrines. One in particular is tended to by one of those self same students, Sayaka-san’s vacation likely consumed by the work necessary to keep the Houheiden Shrine in tip-top condition. Situated on a forested hill, apart from much of the development, Houheiden Shrine is surrounded by Forest, give it a picturesque backdrop. The Houheiden Shrine grounds are the picture of peace and tranquility. For now, they serve as refuge for those exhausted by their day to day lives, a spot to rest, recuperate, and find the strength to continue on with their lives. To the Shinigami, it is known as a place where they may pass between worlds… along as they obey the rules set forth.

    The Venti Buon is no less a refuge, in a different fashion. The Café is placed near to many important spots for individuals with a sense of the supernatural, including the Cemetery, and (Blank) High School. The Café is not huge, and both its staff and regulars would raise an eyebrow at a more formal establishment, but to the High School Students that frequent it, such is just normal. Perhaps some of them will seek it out today, as that dreaded or anticipated date closes.

    Not far from Venti Buon sits a shop. Most overlook it, but for those interested in the more supernatural aspects of this world, it is a must see. Furousha Shop caters to many kinds, and much of its clientele counts other clients as enemies. However, Viatrix’s skills and usefulness has kept it quiet thus far, and the place is an invaluable source, no matter if you are Shinigami, Hollow, or Medium. However, everything has a price.


    So, on this sunny day, full of the promise of summer, let the story begin. Phoenix Town is about to be tossed into the center of dire plots, and none know the full extent of the danger, including those conspiring to bring about its destruction. However, that lies in the future. For now, the greatest concern is the end of vacation.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Venti Buon Café

    A large mascot-like figure stands in front of the café. It's a crow, holding a large sign in its wings. "Back to School Special! 50% off of all drinks!" The sign says, looking hastily written in red marker.

    "Come on in! One day only!" A feminine voice says, coming from the mascot costume. It turns its comically large head towards the café. "Come on Donovan, you have to be here too. We need to advertise more!"

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    As the day presses on, a limousine followed by a large moving truck passes through the city from the airport. Rumors likely circulate; it's almost common knowledge to the grapevine of Phoenix Town that a wealthy family was moving into a larger, new house on the outskirts of the small city.

    On the inside of the limo are a teenage girl and her mother. The girl -- a pale, thin, fragile-looking thing with black hair, green eyes, and a colorful wardrobe including khaki-colored overalls -- leans her elbow on the car door, looking out the window at the buildings stretching above. It was amazing... Valeria Abel had been far too used to living in verdant fields near the Carpathians. Japan was a totally new climate and culture to her, though one she had learned about for months before their plane trip, and move. It was also exciting... in a matter of days, she'd be in a public school, able to interact with others her age.

    The girl eyes her mother with some curiosity. Opening her mouth to speak, at first she starts in her native tongue of romanian. <Mom...> ...She hesitates, though. Thinking about it, she had spent the time to learn japanese, she may as well begin to get used to it. "Erm... How far away is our house?"
    Last edited by strawberryman; 2010-06-13 at 10:48 PM.
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Venti Buon Café

    Donovan comes out of the café, dressed in a comically cartoonish and bright colored serpent costume, his face coming out of a hole in the neck, his arms from the sides, holding a similar sign, and his legs hidden beneath a 'skirt' make of the snake's coiled body.

    "I am supposed to be your boss. Why do I let you drag me into these things again?"
    Last edited by Draken; 2010-06-13 at 04:27 PM.



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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    A young girl with orange tipped hair stands outside the Venti Buon. Her hands push a violin bow slowly across the strings, playing a melancholy tune of despair and sleep. Her short orange dress clings to her body in the summer heat, and her hair must be brushed from her face many times. As the limo slides by, Yoko Rose knowingly stares at the young girl, her mouth turning from a concentrated frown to a mischevious smirk. Her song also abruptly changes, to one of hope and new beginnings.

    "Hello, Donovan, good to see you out and about." She says to him quitly, though louder than her violin.
    Last edited by riccaru; 2010-06-13 at 04:29 PM.
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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Another figure follows slightly behind Donovan, showing little embarassment. Indeed, she barely seems to notice to notice she is in a costume of a Cartoonish Black Cat. Ava carefully tracks her steps to follow his. Eirene gets a nod and a smile (though she couldn't see it of course.) She waits eagerly for Eirene's answer, though again, such is difficult to tell.

    "Yes, how?"

    Ava barely seems to notice Yoko. If her attention was needed, she would give it, but for now, there were more important things on her mind.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Eirene Klossner

    "It's simple, dressing up as animals is contagious. It makes everyone happy." Eirene grins widely underneath the head of the crow suit as she continues to hold up the sign. A few seconds later she adds, "I also hid his wallet until he agreed to wear the suit."

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Gloom falls over Donovan's face at Eirine's explanation.

    "Isn't that theft?"

    And then he turns to Yoko.

    "Yoko-san... Isn't this a weird place to be playing a violin at, specially that tune?"



  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Meanwhile, a buss is making its way towards the town, carrying a full load of passengers with it. Many are students, coming back from vacation trips to prepare for school. They are chatting loudly about homework both done and undone, some feeling rather anxious about the waiting workload.

    There is a woman sitting in the back of the bus, dressed in a suit and tie, reading the newspaper of the day. While the features of her face imply she's quite young, her short hair is already graying, her skin is pale and thin as paper, and black veins surround her dark eyes. Either she's terminally ill, or wearing a tasteless amount of make-up.

    Curiously enough, even though the buss is crowded, the seat next to her is empty. She doesn't look particularly threatening, yet other people have come to the conclusion she's better left undisturbed. She doesn't seem to mind, and casually flips the pages of her paper, smiling faintly all the while.

    The buss stops not far away from Phoenix Town cemetery. Accompanied by a handful of students, the strange woman steps out, rolling up her newspaper and giving a curious glance around. As the buss drives away, the students go on their way, eager to enjoy last days of their summer break. The woman stays put, inhaling deeply as a devilish grin spreads on her face. There's something in the air she clearly likes.

    So, this is Phoenix Town, then?, she muses. Even through senses dulled by her mortal guise, she can still feel a hint spiritual energy in the air, of a kind she hasn't sensed in a long, long while. I will make this town kneel before me and eat from my hand.

    Her ponderings are cut short when her wrist-watch starts to beep annoyingly. Smile fading from her face, she shuts the alarm and looks at it. Wha... this much already? I'm never going to make it in time! I don't even know where that place is! Frustrated, she strides over the street, cold sweat trickling down her forehead.

    Argh! I'm going to need a good cup of coffee after this! I hope they at least have a half-decent cafeteria somewhere around here...
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Claudia Abel- a fit, cheerful-looking woman in her mid thirties- is a bit less impressed by the area. Even though she spent the last sixteen years together with Valeria in Romania, before that, she traveled through a great deal of the world, so she's seen the like of Phoenix Town before. Still... the place is pretty nice, and she finds herself glancing out the window (and off the road) perhaps a little more than she should be.

    She occasionally looks toward Val out of the corner of her eye. Her little girl, finally beginning to take her first steps into the wide world here... it almost choked her up.

    At Val's question, she looks around their surroundings, getting her bearings relatively quickly, then smiles and replies in near-flawless Japanese.

    "Well, we're almost to the outside of town, so it should be just another half mile or so, Vally."
    Last edited by Sucrose; 2010-06-13 at 05:38 PM.
    My Unitarian Jihad name is Brother Rail Gun of Sweet Reason. Get yours!

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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Ava nods at Eirene, seeing the wisdom in her words. She pulls out a pen and a notepad from somewhere, writing down 'Steal Wallet: Extort Donovan.' The page is covered in scribbles of the same type.


  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Eventually, it came about that a young man, obviously a student at the nearby school, wandered up to the cafe. He had a book-bag slung over his shoulder, and seemed to be in no particular hurry.

    He walked up to the staff, standing there in costumes; he seemed to take a moment to consider the "50% off!" sign, then nodded his head.

    "Any recommendations on drinks today? I don't think I can quite pass up a deal like this."

    He wore a soft smile on his face as he stood there; friendly, but not overly extroverted.
    BitPRR Characters: Entries Masaru, Chuck, Thomas, Turiel, and Masamune

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Donovan's mind - "Great, she's getting ideas, today is just the perfect - Oh, a customer."

    Donovan looks to the boy, bowing in salutation.

    "Well, we have a variety of juices, teas and coffes to your preferences, or some sodas if you prefer, and we have got a south-american specialty imported from a nikkei friend, cheese bread, goes very well with everything we offer!"

    Donovan is smiling, but he still looks embarassed in his serpent costume.



  14. - Top - End - #14
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Valeria smiles at the mascots as they pass by, only barely giving notice to the girl playing the violin. "Ah... Okay, mom." The girl loses interest with her surroundings as they leave the city, and they enter the more rural outskirts. She'd only lived in a similar area for 10 years. She picks up a book by her side, withdrawing from reality until they reach a stop.

    The limousine and truck pull into a circular driveway, in front of a white, contemporary mansion, in the middle of a thicket of trees. A couple other trucks had already parked, with movers in the process of unloading their cargo.

    Val steps out, after grabbing a box of her more personal belongings, looking on the house with interest. She looks to her mother as soon as she exits the limo. "...Is dad in Tokyo still?"


    "...You guys look like idiots." Viatrix chimes in from a seat, looking on in amusement. Next to her are a stack of boxes that to the naked eye would look to be containers for bottles of cola. As they would likely remember, today was Viatrix's weekly drop-off.
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  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Ava gave Vi a considering look, evidently thinking hard about whatever she was going to say.

    "Donovan, do we have another costume?"

    Ava gave no hint of what she was thinking, but she was smiling beneath the giant cat head.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Donovan looks to Ava, and then turns back forward, looking up in thought.

    "Eh? Oh, I don't know. Eirine, did you make any other costumes?"
    Last edited by Draken; 2010-06-13 at 07:12 PM.



  17. - Top - End - #17
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Eirene Klossner

    "One moment." Eirene the Crow disappeared into the store for a moment. She came out later, holding a fox costume. "C'mon sis." She said, holding it out for Viatrix to take. "All the cool kids are doing it!"

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Ava nodded, looked over at Viatrix questioningly.

    "More people, less silly? Donovan will pay. Or rather, Eirene."

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Quote Originally Posted by Draken View Post
    Donovan's mind - "Great, she's getting ideas, today is just the perfect - Oh, a customer."

    Donovan looks to the boy, bowing in salutation.

    "Well, we have a variety of juices, teas and coffes to your preferences, or some sodas if you prefer, and we have got a south-american specialty imported from a nikkei friend, cheese bread, goes very well with everything we offer!"

    Donovan is smiling, but he still looks embarassed in his serpent costume.
    Kaito quirked an eyebrow.

    "...Right. I think I'll have a mixed fruit juice for the moment. Medium size. I think I'll just sit over here."

    He moved to one of the outside tables, setting his book-bag on the ground and pulling a couple of texts out, placing them on the table and beginning to read.
    BitPRR Characters: Entries Masaru, Chuck, Thomas, Turiel, and Masamune

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Viatrix glares at the costume, and Eirene. "Absolutely not. You couldn't pay me to wear that thing." She then turns her focus to Donovan. "So, you gonna pony up? It isn't easy to make this stuff, y'know."


    "Okay, it is, but nothing is free."
    My Homebrew
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    "Where should I be playing, Donny-San? You and Viatrix cater to such amusing clientèle." She says in the same nearly monotonous voice, changing her song as Kaito comes to the cafe. The new song exudes a sense of power and determination, highs mixed in with a plethora of lows. Soon she stops playing and goes to get a reishi cola from Viatrix.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    "I'm afraid so, Val. I think he said that he'd try to meet us here within a week, but he wasn't very specific."

    A brief frown passes over Claudia's face, then she just sighs, and slips back to the back of the truck to pick up a couple of the boxes, over the protest of the moving men.

    "Well, we should try to make it ready for when he gets here."

    She then glances at the book atop Val's personal box.

    "How far have you gotten today?"
    Last edited by Sucrose; 2010-06-13 at 10:58 PM.
    My Unitarian Jihad name is Brother Rail Gun of Sweet Reason. Get yours!

    Thanks to Cealocanth and PersonalSavior for my avatars!

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Val's face quirks into a frown for a moment as well, though she fights it off. It was nothing new, her father was a busy man, and he was the CEO of a pharmaceutical company, so he only rarely had the time to be home. The girl snapped out of thought at her mom's question.

    "Oh; I'm nearly done. They've just headed to Transylvania to finish it all." Val nods before heading into the house, dodging between movers to find her room. While it didn't beat their castle in the mountains, their new house certainly wasn't small by any sense of the word; the teen spends some time migrating around before she finds the room her things were brought to. Uncermoniously flopping on the bed, she looks around.

    Val was by no means spoiled, but she'd always had a life of luxury. Anything she'd ever wanted was brought to her on a silver platter. And yet... she still wanted more. Sitting back up, she fights off the fatigue, making her way back downstairs, to find her mother again.

    " I'm kind of hungry... Is it all right if I go down to that cafe? It'll get me out of the way and everything, too." She smiles, though it's obvious she's anxious, and excited.
    My Homebrew
    Sick props to Akrim.elf for the rockin' Chouko-tar!

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  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default [BitP:R] Mortal World


    A simple clasp holding the laptop computer shut was pressed down, letting the cover flip up as the screen flickers to life at the press of a button. The owner of the pale hands drummed her painted finger-nails against the hard plastic cover, patiently waiting for the machine to finish booting before signing on and finding the right icon. A chat program that her father had introduced her to in order to keep a discussion private, something she had introduced closest 'friends' to in order to keep secrecy paramount between them.

    betterdenyou has entered the chat.
    DefiantPotato has entered the chat.

    betterdenyou: Hey, sorry about disconnect the other day
    betterdenyou: No privacy in this house
    DefiantPotato: hehe its cool
    DefiantPotato: so wuts new?
    betterdenyou: Schools starting soon. little worried this time
    DefiantPotato: oh? how come?
    betterdenyou: Found other 1 like me the other day
    betterdenyou: No probs though
    DefiantPotato: another student?
    betterdenyou: Don't know. haven't seen him in school though
    DefiantPotato: huh weird
    DefiantPotato: small world i guess
    DefiantPotato: anythin new on da streets? lol
    betterdenyou: No probs with own streets
    betterdenyou: Others tryin' muscle in though
    betterdenyou: SOBs
    betterdenyou: Any advice?
    DefiantPotato: teach em a lesson lol
    DefiantPotato: show em who their messin with
    betterdenyou: won't that draw lots of attention
    DefiantPotato: depends on who sees ya
    betterdenyou: suppose
    betterdenyou: we definitely have tricks they won't see coming after all
    DefiantPotato: hehehe good
    betterdenyou: yeah, they've been getting restless lately anyway
    betterdenyou: Good way to work off steam
    DefiantPotato: u bet
    betterdenyou: nuff business though. Get enough of that from 2ic you find a girl yet? <3 =P
    DefiantPotato: nah
    DefiantPotato: havent found ne1 for my charms
    betterdenyou: good =P
    betterdenyou: mags say your type are good friends only
    betterdenyou: I agree
    DefiantPotato: hehehe maybe
    DefiantPotato: but trust me
    DefiantPotato: mags dont have a category for me
    betterdenyou: dont doubt it
    betterdenyou: still friends though bai-bai
    DefiantPotato: cya

    betterdenyou has left the chat.
    DefiantPotato has left the chat.

    An impish grin crosses Michiko's lips as the window is closed out, closing the fancy looking laptop at the same moment before rolling over unto her back, arms splayed out as she stares out the sky-light at the open sky above. Talking to 'DefiantPotato' always took a weight off her shoulders, there wasn't really anyone she could turn to for advice without complications. But no matter what complications, it'd always make her look weak which she couldn't afford.

    Weakness gets you killed. It had been drilled into her head from the moment she could understand her father's stories that had seemed like fanciful adventures at the same. They still had importance now, just of another kind. Inadvertently her gaze turns to her desk, illuminated by a solitary cone of illumination from a desk lamp with a stack of papers and books beneath it's light.

    Homework is all done, I should make sure the others have it done too...I'll call them tomorrow. This is one of my last days to relax before the first day. Have to make sure that everything is perfect, otherwise I'll run into trouble.

    Idly she reaches up, stroking on hand through the faded purple half of her hair, causing her to smile wryly. Something else to do before school starts. Good thing I have plenty of dye though.
    Warriors & Wuxia: A community world-building project focused on low-magic wuxia/kung-fu action using ToB.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Donovan is swift to slip out of his costume, going for Viatrix' delivery and taking it inside, only for, a moment later, to bring Kaito's request and just as quickly slip back outside, in time to adress Rose.

    "Well, if you can cater to the preferences of the clientele, which right now isn't really amusing at all, you can play inside if you want."

    "It is true and throught that we have nothing amusing in there right now, just one child from the local school, dry, dry times of poor harvest these are, we might just be forced to cut on the flesh of Viatrix's and not be capable of abbiding her outrageous charges, and be forced to feast upon crumbs and leftovers the dead in the cemitery."

    Donovan punches himself in the chest.

    "Oooch! Fine, fine, I will be silent, but not at my preference."



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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Soshi sneezed, wiping his nose on his sleeve with a soft cough. The city had grown ever more hostile once he was kicked out of his home. Found drinking his father’s stash of alcohol was the final straw for what his parents saw as a slowly declining attitude towards authority. He’d graduated, and with good marks to. You’d have thought it was enough. Now without funding for college, no home, and all his friends alienated, he spent his time pick pocketing the more congested areas of human traffic. There was always a rumbling in his stomach, no matter how many beef bowls he ate, no matter how much pilfered sake he drank. It all tasted empty to him. Hollow. His stomach rumbled loudly as he walked down the alley, his nervous eyes glancing about wildly as the sounds of the city echoed off the high building walls. He muttered to himself, growling back at his complaining stomach. Then suddenly, movement; he wasn’t alone in the alleyway…he froze, the familiar cold feeling filling his body, as if he was drowning in a liquid abyss. A frail man fell into view from behind a pile of trash, turning his filty face up to Soshi, his wet eyes trying to focus on the boy. Then the cold broke, the sound of laughter in his ears, the familiar scent of fried tofu filling his nostrils as he felt the mask climb over his face before the world went black.


    He awoke in a cold sweat, flailing as if trying to right himself from a fall. Trash fell about him in a dirty rain, burying him under the discarded remains of the society he found himself no longer truly a part of. He pulled himself free, glancing around the alley. He’d not moved, but the sun was low in the sky. How long had he been out? Had it been a dream, the vagrant, the sounds of pain and the screams of a man in the last moments of his life brought on by hunger, thirst and exhaustion? He shrugged, dragging himself down the alleyway and out onto the street. At least the rumbling in his stomach was gone.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    An attractive young woman with white blonde hair in a red sleeveless turtleneck and gray pants walks down the sidewalk with a briefcase in her hand. Her brown eyes seem determined, and her posture seems to enforce an idea of determination. She is walking at quite a fast pace, revealing her physical fitness. The briefcase contained things such as her resumé, office supplies, and various other things of that nature. The reason for the briefcase was that she was looking for a job.

    You see, she was fired. Not because of any lack of work ethic or competence; in fact, she was often considered a top employee. A series of unfortunate events out of her hands led to her boss firing her to cover himself. However, almost immediately, she packed her briefcase and went job hunting, something temporary to pay the bills until she can get something more permenant.

    So far she had been refused by several businesses. Frankly, she was using a rather unconventional method of going door-to-door, resumé in hand. But desperate times call for desperate measures; her apartment bill was coming up fast. The front of a café caught her attention, although it would be hard not to pay attention, considering there are three people dressed in ridiculously cartoonish animal outfits. Venti Buon Rosa thought, Seems like a good workplace, if a bit eccentric.

    She walks towards the group, relaxing slightly from her determined stance. When she reaches the group, she smiles calmly and bows slightly to them all. "Good morning," she says pleasantly, "Is this establishment hiring? I was wondering if I could talk to the manager about potential job prospects."

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    As Donovan doffed his costume, Ava followed suit, following him in and out of the cafe on silent feet, not bothered by Donovan's behavior.

    "Amusing Clientele?"

    Ava doesn't understand what he is getting at, but decides that it doesn't matter for her. If business doesn't pick up, she'd take action so it didn't worry Donovan, but until then, she'd just watch.

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    Kaito nodded his silent thanks to Donovan upon receiving his drink order.

    He then returns to his books, slowly sipping the drink.
    BitPRR Characters: Entries Masaru, Chuck, Thomas, Turiel, and Masamune

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    Midwest U.S.

    Default Re: [BitP:R] Mortal World

    Claudia is in the middle of the movers, helping them carry boxes, unpacking things rapidly, and generally directing the chaos that flows around her. When Val finds her, she's putting away some of the better china. She finishes sliding a stack of plates into a glass-doored cabinet, and turns to Val, a hand on her hip, and an eyebrow raised.

    "Is your Mom's cooking not good enough anymore?"

    Taking in Val's anxiety, she sighs, and smiles.

    "Yes, yes, it's fine, Val. Just be careful, and try not to stay out too late, okay? You have a big day tomorrow."
    My Unitarian Jihad name is Brother Rail Gun of Sweet Reason. Get yours!

    Thanks to Cealocanth and PersonalSavior for my avatars!

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