View Full Version : Request an OotS Style Avatar XVII

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Roland St. Jude
2010-08-24, 11:42 PM
Howdy gifted avatarists! Monty Python avatar week is coming up and I'm looking for a Roland as a British Constable investigating a box of Whizzo Chocolates. Any avatarists interested?

2010-08-25, 01:57 AM
Howdy gifted avatarists! Monty Python avatar week is coming up and I'm looking for a Roland as a British Constable investigating a box of Whizzo Chocolates. Any avatarists interested?

I'll try to make it.

2010-08-25, 02:34 AM

I'd like to politely request, from the talented artists of the Playground, a custom made avatar.

The description is as follows:

I wanted to have a graphical illustration of one of my warhammer 40k characters (the character itself is posted below if any of you would like additional insight to him).

The concept towards which i gravitate mostly is a male, psyker in a Dark Heresy (warhammer 40k rpg).

He's tall and thin, bald and has certain cranial augmentations. These augmentations though aren't entirely visible since the coat that he wears has a hood that is drawn over his head at most times. (actually it's a mesh combat cloak that works both as a coat and a light but durable armor).

He's specialised in telekinesis and swordfighting. Therefore i imagine him in a pose where, dressed in his cloak (wears normal trousers and high boots as well but these may or may not be completely visible because of the aforementioned coat-cloak), he will have his sword in one hand, a bit at the side of himself, as we'd see him, pointing downwards, while his other hand would be raised forward, pulsating with energy as he focuses his powers and his eyes could be visible as sparkling white spots underneath his cloak's hood.

For the raised hand-focus power thing, the closest similar picture that comes to mind would be the typical star wars - jedi effort to force push someone. The forward hand gesture they make is almost identical to what i imagine for my avatar.

For the sword now that he's wielding i'd say the following. It is like a typical medieval longsword though i'd have a special request for its hilt and guard. I'd like - if possible - the part just above the hilt, i.e not the part by which he holds it but the one that is between this and the rest of the place (i think it's called the guard) to be shaped like an aquilla (imperium's double headed eagle symbol).

So a typical medieval longsword but with that extra twist. Instead of just a thin metal bar above the hilt to have that horizontal thin metal bar shaped as an aquilla.

To sum up (since i tend to get carried along and write too much at times).

Human, male, dressed in close fitted trousers (actually part of a bodyglove he wears below his cloak) and high boots.
Bald with cranial augmentations that may or may not be visible depending on what suits you better.
Wears a military style cloak (dark blue or black, single colour) with a hood and a leather belt above it at waist height.
Wields a longsword as described above.
His other hand is raised forward palm open as id trying to mentally push someone.
His eyes are white from the concentration effort.
His face - if visible - totally serious and strained from the great mental effort.

Extra details: If it could fit the picture, he could also have a pistol holster on the side of his belt.
Also an Inquisition badge (a capital "I" that is) pinned on his cloak at the height of his heart approximatelly.


Name: Nihilius
Homeworld: Void-born, Darkholder (radical's handbook pg.30)
Career: Imperial Psyker
Career rank: Trigmestus - Templar Secundus
Height: 2m
Weight: 80 kg
Skin colour: greyish
Eye colour: green
Hair: black
Quirk: Bald
Age: [roll5] (total age 70 years old)
Wounds: 10
Fate points: 3
Insanity points: 5
Corruption points: 4

Homeworld traits:
Ill-omened (-5 at interaction tests with non-void born humans)
Void-accustomed: Immune to space travel sickness, low or zero gravity environments are not considered difficult terrain.
Ghilliam blood: Gain +5 T , +5 WP, Jaded, Paranoia.
Cold souled and hungry: -5 Fel, -5 Int, [roll]1d5+1 CPs, -5 at peaceful social interaction tests.


WS 46
BS 32
S 23
T 32
Ag 36
Int 39
Per 42
WP 65
Fel 21

Background package: Living nightmare (Inquisitor's handbook pg.35)
Gain trait Unreadable mind, talent Resistance (psychic powers), WP+5, 1d5 Insanity Points.

Speak Language (Low Gothic, ship dialect, ship cant)
Secret Tongue (Temple Calix)
Psyniscience +10
Trade (Soothsayer)
Forbidden Lore (warp)
Forbidden Lore (psykers)
Common Lore (Imperium)
Common Lore (war)
Navigation (surface)
Dodge +10

Unreadable mind [Special Background Trait]
Melee weapon training (primitive)
Pistol weapon training (Las)
Psy rating 4
Power well
Armour of Contempt
Blind fighting
Sure strike
Hatred (Daemons)
Unshakeable faith
Resistance (fear)
Resistance (psychic powers)
Discipline focus (Telekinesis, +2 to power rolls to manifest powers from that discipline)

Knife (psykana mercy blade)
Compact las-pistol (concealed inside his robes) with 1 charge pack
Book of imperial saints
Psy-focus (additional +10 to Invocation [WP] skill for a total of +20)
Sanctioning brand
Chatallium ring

Special items
1)Best craftsmanship mono-sword "Edge of Justice"
2)Las-pistol with red-dot laser sight and 2 charge packs
3)Mesh combat cloak

1138 (starting) - 675 (spent on weapons, armor and equipment) = 463 thrones.

Expenses on gear etc: Total thrones
50 las-pistol
150 best craftsmanship sword
40 mono upgrade for sword
50 red-dot laser sight for las pistol
350 mesh combat cloak
10 backpack
25 respirator

Psychic powers
Minor (15)
Resist possession
White Noise
Staunch bleeding
Call item
Distort vision
Unnatural aim
Fearful Aura
Inspiring Aura
Spectral Hands
Dull pain

Psychic Disciplines and powers (7)
Precision Telekinesis
Psychic blade
Telekinetic shield
Catch projectiles
Force bolt
Force barrage

XP allocation (5000, 50 left unspent)

Starting background package "Living nightmare": 300

Sanctionite (rank 1)
Hatred (Daemons) 100
Awareness 100
Forbidden Lore (warp) 100

Neonate (rank 2)
Forbidden Lore (psykers) 100
Psy rating 2 200
Int simple advance 100
WP simple advance 100

Aspirant (rank 3)
Dodge 100
Int intermediate advance 250
WP intermediate advance 250
Per simple advance 100
Unshakeable faith 100
Die Hard 100
Blind Fighting 100

Savant Militant (rank 4)
Dodge+10 100
Psy rating 3 200
Psychic power 200
Power well 200
Common Lore (war) 100
Logic 100
Navigation (surface) 100

Templar calix - Templar secundus (rank 5)
WS simple advance 100
WS intermediate advance 250
Psy rating 4 300
Psychic power x2 400
Discipline focus (Telekinesis) 200
Resistance (Fear) 100
Blademaster 100
Armour of Contempt 100
Sound constitution 100
Psyniscience +10 100
Secret Tongue (Temple Calix) 100
Sure strike 100


"Imagine knowing there was a door to the realm of Daemons, and the slightest innatention on your behalf would see them batter it down and rip you to shreds. Now imagine that door is inside your head. That's what being a psyker is like".

The words of the old Savant-Adjunct still echoed in Nihilius's head. Many were the lessons imparted upon him during his tutelage in the Scholastica Psykana, yet this simple axiomatic phrase summed up always the terrible truth behind their existence, the terrible price they would have to pay if they ever showed the slightest weakness against the denizens of the Immaterium.

The Sea of Souls, the Empyrean, the Warp as its many names are is both their greatest strenght and inescapable nemesis. Only his faith to the Emperor Whose Holy Radiance gives hope and strength could ever protect him.

Nihilius began chanting the litany of protection against the dangers of the Warp and slowly exited the lecture room. His head swam with memories and those most important or painful seemed to resurface more often...

There are many places in the Imperium, many and varied worlds for humanity to prosper. And then there's the cold darkness of the void. Brave souls dare travel within it i huge starships and connect the Imperium, bringing necessary supplies to far away planetary systems and performing thousands of other duties important for the continuous existence of humanity.

In such a vessel was Nihilius born almost 70 years ago. But it wasn't a good place. Not even decent. There was always a cold in the air, chilling the very soul. His family belonged in the lowliest caste of the ship workers and were almost confined to the dark holds of the ship , performing duties no one else would undertake, yet necessary for the ship to function.

The oppressive darkness of the holds made a lasting impression on young Nihilius's soul and perhaps his efforts to escape it, caused the spark inside his mind to flicker and ignite. All these things he witnessed down there made him lose his sleep for quite some time and certainly left a lasting mark upon his soul. How he came to show the signs of hyper consciousness, his psychic awakening that is he doesn't remember well. What followed after such a display he doesn't want to. Still in the darkness of the night, in the shrine of the Emperor he has in his house, his soul chills at the very effort of remembrance. What was done to him remains unclear and the sanctioning rituals he endured much later, when discovered by the Emperor's agents and brought to Holy Terra, were almost a welcome change.

But many years have passed since then and Nihilius is grateful for the Emperor, is grateful for his cleansing light, is grateful for the chance to serve him and through his own pain and strain serve humanity as a whole. For as his Undying Lord and Master gave his life to forever protect and guide humanity, so he must find courage everyday to put his dark past behind and serve His Divine Will, no matter the cost. And as Him on Terra protects us all, so does Nihilius strives to use his abilities for the protection of prominent figures vital to the Imperium.

Ordos Calixis - Inquisitorial Archives
Scribe Ennoch
Encryption level Red - Authorized personnel only
++++ Code entered...authenticating...Clearance granted...You may proceed Inquisitor+++
"Thought for the day: In the darkness follow the light of Terra".

Opening file 545/2, subfile 36.
Subject 789: Nihilius, sanctioned psyker, trigmestus, templar secundus.
Origins: Starship Pale Sepulchre - darkholder - lowest ship class.

From all our search there are still clues that elude master regarding the exact childhood events of Nihilius. One can only speculate what horrors he saw during his childhood.

He was discovered around the age of 20 during a mutiny on the ship that threatened the life of a cadre of acolytes, who were there present for investigation on behalf of the Holy Ordos. They found him while fighting their way out of the lower decks and he proved to be preternaturally aware of that dark and damp place and guided them safely till the middle decks. Experienced from long service in Ordo Hereticus, the acolytes soon understood that something was special about this youngster and took him into custody when they were finally able to leave the ship safely.

From then he was delivered to one of our Black ships and transported to Terra to undertake his sanctioning rites. According to his sanctioneer's reports, he exhibited considerable mental endurance and no sign of taint. One thing though was quite worthy of note and as such i'm informing you so you can decide for yourself. Despite their efforts to thoroughly scan his mind in order to discover any hidden warp taint, they couldn't, even by using their most prominent telepaths, read his thoughts or penetrate his memory.
What is more interesting, no trace of mental conditioning could be found, prior to his transportation to Terra and his exact condition remains a mystery even today.

After his sanctioning, he was assigned to various duties and also studied extensively in the Scholastica Psykana.

After providing much needed assistance to a group of acolytes, while serving as an aspirant near a reknowned astropath, it was decided that he was to be inducted in the Inquisition, and used to unveil the Emperor's enemies and help thwarting their plans.

He grew to become a capable telekine and the expert application of his force of mind made him a valuable asset to the Ordos Calixis and the Scholastica psykana, setting his course for the path of the Savant Militant. He underwent general military training during his assignment in Sinophia and also while seconded to a regiment of the Imperial Guard hailing from a feral world. Even these savage fighters were impressed by his considerable strength of will and despite their initial reluctance to receive him as an advisor, aide and bodyguard to their commander, they soon changed their minds and grudgingly accepted him as one of their own. I must say, my Lord, as an evaluation of his performance, that he combined his considerable psychic abilities with his newfound skills, in a manner that at times it's terrifying to behold. Almost as if the hand of the Emperor guides his blade unneringly to the demise of his intended target.

Truth is though my Lord, that Nihilius, unknown to most, but the higher ranked members of our Ordos, had underwent a very special regime of training in between his aforementioned assignments. Induction to the Savant-militant wasn't enough for his mentors in Scholastica Psykana and after much thought, deliberation and lengthy, terrifying rituals designed to measure his power of will and incorruptibility of his soul, to a degree surpassing even the worst sanctioning rites, he was inducted to one of the most secret and vaunted branches of this organization.

The Temple Calix.

After his induction and training he undertook his first mission as bodyguard to commander Tronsvasse and - even though all information on the relevant incident was expunged from all other records - he was the one that saved his life, defending him from a night raid that almost claimed his life.
Below follows a recollection the details of that event as scribe Alto Novus registered them for your Highness after Nihilius returned from his assignment.

Interrogation chamber 7D.
Interrogator Severus of the Ordo Hereticus present.
Scribe Alto Novus present.
Interrogation subject: Imperial psyker Nihilius.

- State your full name and identity.

- Nihilius, imperial psyker, servant of the Emperor and His Holy Ordos.

-What is your classification according to the Scholastica Psykana?

-Practicioner of psychic disciplines with psychic rating 4, focused on the discipline of telekinesis. Official psykana classification is "Trigmestus".

-Very well. Your sanctioning brand?

-On the side of my neck. (subjects opens his cloak making the mark visible).

-Allright. Do you swear in the Emperor's name that your following statement will be the whole truth regarding the events on Acreadge?

-I do. May the Emperor seal my words with His eternal light.

-Describe the nature of the circumstances under which you found yourself on the planet.

-Five months ago i received an encrypted message from Psykana officials requesting my presence for an imperial expedition. When i was briefed, i found out that i was to be seconded as a special advisor and personal bodyguard of Commander Tronsvasse who was to arrive in the planer alongside a platoon of troops to oversee the necessary procedures prior to the founding of a new regiment from the native population.

The situation though wasn't what military intelligence had expected. A few weeks after we made planetfall and the preperations began, the nation in which we were (since the planet is feudal and many nobles with armies vie for power) was attacked by a neighbouring one.

Normally we'd have requested extraction but given the situation and certain complications regarding the Administratum and the founding, Commander decided to stay and "lend them a hand" in order to cement their relationships to the Imperial Guard and win their support in the future.

As you understand i was bound to his personal security and wellfare so i stayed there as well.

In the beginning things weren't that problematic since feudal worlds tend to wage war on a different scale than our own. This changed though when the attacking noble decided to use his offworld contacts and the mercenary assistance he received through them.

These guys were hardened and tough and not stupid either. While the main army was laying siege to the castle, they sneaked in through an old and complex system of tunnels through the mountain to surprise us.

The attack was completely unexpected and given the fact that most of the soldiers were on the walls and the casualty rate was quite high, our forces were unprepared to wage war on a second front, in their own city.

Some of the invaders went to sabotage key structures in the city, while others went straight ahead for the palace, inside which we were residing as well, given our status as honoured guests. Luckily i was at guard while Commander was planning his next tactical moves and we were not surprised by them. While the night sky was filled with the sound of explosion, the smell of blood and the colour of flames, inside the battle a desperate battle was fought.

- Desperate? Were you surrounded? What happened next?

-One at a time please. When the God-Emperor is by your side a battle is never desperate. When he holds your soul in his gaze, then strength courses through it. When you open your mind to His eternal Light you know no fear.
It was desperate, but not for me. Desperate for those seeking to harm His servants and deny Him the founding of His armies.

After a while the silence of the palace was in stark contrast to the outside and my duties were carried out once again. Commander was safe and assistance would be soon on the way.

-Is there anything else you'd like to add?
-No, sir, i'd better not mention any more details. Besides most people tend to take a certain perverse delight in the shedding of blood, the sound of battle, the adrenaline rush. Not so for me. Clear is my mind and calm is my soul. It is a duty that must be performed in order for Imperium to live and prosper , in order for its most prominent figures to be protected from harm. And it is a matter of inner balance.

-Allright. It's over for today. Leave him for now.
+++Pict-source feed ends.+++

+++Location: Undisclosed
Subjects hooded, obscene necklaces and hideous symbols displayed.
Chanting... Picture zooms out, pict-source moves to the back of the room. Room is quite big, actually like a cave chamber, lightning not enough to discern more.

3 figures visible, picture zooms, identifying operatives of cell XIV, subject 789 [Nihilius] present, bearing some kind of edged weapon, probably a long and thin sword and directing the other two into position.

Chanting from the gathered people grows louder, energies emanating from among them...

Las shot fired, one of the cultists falls, others panick, try to respond.

Loud noise, sound is cut off for a while...probably shots fired close to pict-source.

Sound returns...shouts in the distance..."take them out...all of them...Xanthis to the right... Emperor's mercy, don't let escape..." more shots...

A figure rises from among the cultists, darkness extends outward from it.

A voice in the distance..."...found you at last...surrender..."
The figure responds: Begone coward...lest you witness the ...power of ...warp...dark masters feast on your...soul...you weakling...

Shouts and more shots, loud recitation of the Litany of protection against the Perils of the Warp can be heard, resounding through the room.

"The Emperor shall smite you down with his undending righteousness witch. Forward brothers....In His name..."

Then suddenly a figure darts forth, too fast for the pict source to follow.

Discharge of psychic energies in the room, temperature falls rapidly as evidently shown by frost on various spots... image blurs....+++

2 months earlier...location: classified - magenta clearance required [please refer to file 589-D, Inquisitor, for further information]

Image clears...
A room, dark, light flickers weakly from the ceiling, an aquila, drawn on the wall opposite of the pict source. In the center there's an altar and around it stand 3 people.

One is a bulky individual in hooded robes. Zooming indicates a medallion hanging from his neck. The second a thin man with extensive cranial augmentations and a visible scar at the side of his neck. Cross reference in our database confers scar as a sanctioning mark of the Scholastica Psykana. Further recognition methods identify said subject as Nihilius, sanctioned imperial psyker. This is also confirmed by the official logs of our Ordo pertaining to his whereabouts at the time the feed was taken.

The third looks like an a priest, recognisable by his robes, aquila necklace and various trappings and regalia. Around the room are many more hooded individuals, forming a semi-circle and praying.

The first figure speaks.
-Do you pledge, servant of the Emperor, may He guard us all, to keep this meeting, all that transpire in it and all that you will come to experience afterwards secret and bound forever to your heart.

-I do my Lord.

-Imperial psyker Nihilius. The Scholastica Psykana has the privilege of having you in its ranks for many long years. You were tested secretly, watched behind the scenes, shadowed and observed for the smallest hint of taint, of corruption, of madness.

Your faith to the Emperor of Mankind has brought you before us this day, as well as your unfailing service to Him. Now a new path of servitude is opened before you. A path that will bring you face to face with the worst servants of the Enemy and a path that will test your faith even more.

Arise, templar secundus and hold this night close to your heart. Focus your mind and steel your soul. And never forget that no matter what happens, even if the void hungers to claim your soul, He is your eternal protector, and as he is protecting you, so you must protect others and ensure the tainted and corrupt are met with His blade of justice.

+++Feed ends+++

Appearance and demeanour.

Nihilius is a tall man, old by Imperial standards yet still maintain his health adequately due to juvenant treatments and use of various pharmaceuticals. Tall and thin, he makes for an imposing figure. He prefers though to dress simple wearing his light mesh cloak and hood over his face, concealing his bald and full of cranial augmentations head, a price he had to pay long ago, due to the exhaustive demands of his special nature.

At times, especially during missions in hazardous environments he's wearing a respirator as well, making him almost unrecognizable. In his neck lies his sanctioning brand, given to him in Terra, prior to his induction in Scholastica Psykana, testament to his strength of will and his unshakeable faith to the Emperor of Mankind.

When under severe stress or intense effort to control the boundless energies of the warp surging through the gateway of his mind, he is seen to grasp a small item in his palm and praying fervently.

He carries a backpack with most of his possessions and his weapons are carefully holstered in either side of his belt. His hand is never far from exquisitely crafted sword, that seems to become alive in his skilled hands. Uncomfirmed reports speak of a whirlwind of psychic force surrounding him, while his blade delivers righteous retribution to the heretics, mutants, xenos and servants of the Archenemy that have stood before him.

Not amiable, nor friendly, but at most times withdrawn and deadly serious, even more so after his late induction to the Temple Calix, Nihilius has seen things during his lifetime that would take the heart and soul of lesser men. He adamantly believes that the Emperor surely had a destiny for him and preserved him during his childhood and for this he's eternally grateful to him, striving everyday to cleanse humanity, through his service in the Inquisition.

He has a low tolerance threshold for show-offs and stupid behaviour and opening his mind and soul to the warp for the purposes required of him, makes sometimes people uncomfortable next to him, even more than usually. Silently, he acknowledges the feats of the other acolytes with whom he has cooperated through the years and despite his natural tendency for bad mood, he gets along quite well.

Thank you all for the time assessing my request and your effort. :smallsmile:

2010-08-25, 02:47 AM
Is this good?




2010-08-25, 04:39 AM
Peeeerrrrrrsonally, I love it, but I think it'd look better with an open chocolate box, so you can see the chocolates. Maybe with a Crunchy Frog (cuz it'd be the easiest to recognise) in hand.

2010-08-25, 09:55 AM

I'd like to politely request, from the talented artists of the Playground, a custom made avatar.

The description is as follows:

I wanted to have a graphical illustration of one of my warhammer 40k characters (the character itself is posted below if any of you would like additional insight to him).

The concept towards which i gravitate mostly is a male, psyker in a Dark Heresy (warhammer 40k rpg).

He's tall and thin, bald and has certain cranial augmentations. These augmentations though aren't entirely visible since the coat that he wears has a hood that is drawn over his head at most times. (actually it's a mesh combat cloak that works both as a coat and a light but durable armor).

He's specialised in telekinesis and swordfighting. Therefore i imagine him in a pose where, dressed in his cloak (wears normal trousers and high boots as well but these may or may not be completely visible because of the aforementioned coat-cloak), he will have his sword in one hand, a bit at the side of himself, as we'd see him, pointing downwards, while his other hand would be raised forward, pulsating with energy as he focuses his powers and his eyes could be visible as sparkling white spots underneath his cloak's hood.

For the raised hand-focus power thing, the closest similar picture that comes to mind would be the typical star wars - jedi effort to force push someone. The forward hand gesture they make is almost identical to what i imagine for my avatar.

For the sword now that he's wielding i'd say the following. It is like a typical medieval longsword though i'd have a special request for its hilt and guard. I'd like - if possible - the part just above the hilt, i.e not the part by which he holds it but the one that is between this and the rest of the place (i think it's called the guard) to be shaped like an aquilla (imperium's double headed eagle symbol).

So a typical medieval longsword but with that extra twist. Instead of just a thin metal bar above the hilt to have that horizontal thin metal bar shaped as an aquilla.

To sum up (since i tend to get carried along and write too much at times).

Human, male, dressed in close fitted trousers (actually part of a bodyglove he wears below his cloak) and high boots.
Bald with cranial augmentations that may or may not be visible depending on what suits you better.
Wears a military style cloak (dark blue or black, single colour) with a hood and a leather belt above it at waist height.
Wields a longsword as described above.
His other hand is raised forward palm open as id trying to mentally push someone.
His eyes are white from the concentration effort.
His face - if visible - totally serious and strained from the great mental effort.

Extra details: If it could fit the picture, he could also have a pistol holster on the side of his belt.
Also an Inquisition badge (a capital "I" that is) pinned on his cloak at the height of his heart approximatelly.


Name: Nihilius
Homeworld: Void-born, Darkholder (radical's handbook pg.30)
Career: Imperial Psyker
Career rank: Trigmestus - Templar Secundus
Height: 2m
Weight: 80 kg
Skin colour: greyish
Eye colour: green
Hair: black
Quirk: Bald
Age: [roll5] (total age 70 years old)
Wounds: 10
Fate points: 3
Insanity points: 5
Corruption points: 4

Homeworld traits:
Ill-omened (-5 at interaction tests with non-void born humans)
Void-accustomed: Immune to space travel sickness, low or zero gravity environments are not considered difficult terrain.
Ghilliam blood: Gain +5 T , +5 WP, Jaded, Paranoia.
Cold souled and hungry: -5 Fel, -5 Int, [roll]1d5+1 CPs, -5 at peaceful social interaction tests.


WS 46
BS 32
S 23
T 32
Ag 36
Int 39
Per 42
WP 65
Fel 21

Background package: Living nightmare (Inquisitor's handbook pg.35)
Gain trait Unreadable mind, talent Resistance (psychic powers), WP+5, 1d5 Insanity Points.

Speak Language (Low Gothic, ship dialect, ship cant)
Secret Tongue (Temple Calix)
Psyniscience +10
Trade (Soothsayer)
Forbidden Lore (warp)
Forbidden Lore (psykers)
Common Lore (Imperium)
Common Lore (war)
Navigation (surface)
Dodge +10

Unreadable mind [Special Background Trait]
Melee weapon training (primitive)
Pistol weapon training (Las)
Psy rating 4
Power well
Armour of Contempt
Blind fighting
Sure strike
Hatred (Daemons)
Unshakeable faith
Resistance (fear)
Resistance (psychic powers)
Discipline focus (Telekinesis, +2 to power rolls to manifest powers from that discipline)

Knife (psykana mercy blade)
Compact las-pistol (concealed inside his robes) with 1 charge pack
Book of imperial saints
Psy-focus (additional +10 to Invocation [WP] skill for a total of +20)
Sanctioning brand
Chatallium ring

Special items
1)Best craftsmanship mono-sword "Edge of Justice"
2)Las-pistol with red-dot laser sight and 2 charge packs
3)Mesh combat cloak

1138 (starting) - 675 (spent on weapons, armor and equipment) = 463 thrones.

Expenses on gear etc: Total thrones
50 las-pistol
150 best craftsmanship sword
40 mono upgrade for sword
50 red-dot laser sight for las pistol
350 mesh combat cloak
10 backpack
25 respirator

Psychic powers
Minor (15)
Resist possession
White Noise
Staunch bleeding
Call item
Distort vision
Unnatural aim
Fearful Aura
Inspiring Aura
Spectral Hands
Dull pain

Psychic Disciplines and powers (7)
Precision Telekinesis
Psychic blade
Telekinetic shield
Catch projectiles
Force bolt
Force barrage

XP allocation (5000, 50 left unspent)

Starting background package "Living nightmare": 300

Sanctionite (rank 1)
Hatred (Daemons) 100
Awareness 100
Forbidden Lore (warp) 100

Neonate (rank 2)
Forbidden Lore (psykers) 100
Psy rating 2 200
Int simple advance 100
WP simple advance 100

Aspirant (rank 3)
Dodge 100
Int intermediate advance 250
WP intermediate advance 250
Per simple advance 100
Unshakeable faith 100
Die Hard 100
Blind Fighting 100

Savant Militant (rank 4)
Dodge+10 100
Psy rating 3 200
Psychic power 200
Power well 200
Common Lore (war) 100
Logic 100
Navigation (surface) 100

Templar calix - Templar secundus (rank 5)
WS simple advance 100
WS intermediate advance 250
Psy rating 4 300
Psychic power x2 400
Discipline focus (Telekinesis) 200
Resistance (Fear) 100
Blademaster 100
Armour of Contempt 100
Sound constitution 100
Psyniscience +10 100
Secret Tongue (Temple Calix) 100
Sure strike 100


"Imagine knowing there was a door to the realm of Daemons, and the slightest innatention on your behalf would see them batter it down and rip you to shreds. Now imagine that door is inside your head. That's what being a psyker is like".

The words of the old Savant-Adjunct still echoed in Nihilius's head. Many were the lessons imparted upon him during his tutelage in the Scholastica Psykana, yet this simple axiomatic phrase summed up always the terrible truth behind their existence, the terrible price they would have to pay if they ever showed the slightest weakness against the denizens of the Immaterium.

The Sea of Souls, the Empyrean, the Warp as its many names are is both their greatest strenght and inescapable nemesis. Only his faith to the Emperor Whose Holy Radiance gives hope and strength could ever protect him.

Nihilius began chanting the litany of protection against the dangers of the Warp and slowly exited the lecture room. His head swam with memories and those most important or painful seemed to resurface more often...

There are many places in the Imperium, many and varied worlds for humanity to prosper. And then there's the cold darkness of the void. Brave souls dare travel within it i huge starships and connect the Imperium, bringing necessary supplies to far away planetary systems and performing thousands of other duties important for the continuous existence of humanity.

In such a vessel was Nihilius born almost 70 years ago. But it wasn't a good place. Not even decent. There was always a cold in the air, chilling the very soul. His family belonged in the lowliest caste of the ship workers and were almost confined to the dark holds of the ship , performing duties no one else would undertake, yet necessary for the ship to function.

The oppressive darkness of the holds made a lasting impression on young Nihilius's soul and perhaps his efforts to escape it, caused the spark inside his mind to flicker and ignite. All these things he witnessed down there made him lose his sleep for quite some time and certainly left a lasting mark upon his soul. How he came to show the signs of hyper consciousness, his psychic awakening that is he doesn't remember well. What followed after such a display he doesn't want to. Still in the darkness of the night, in the shrine of the Emperor he has in his house, his soul chills at the very effort of remembrance. What was done to him remains unclear and the sanctioning rituals he endured much later, when discovered by the Emperor's agents and brought to Holy Terra, were almost a welcome change.

But many years have passed since then and Nihilius is grateful for the Emperor, is grateful for his cleansing light, is grateful for the chance to serve him and through his own pain and strain serve humanity as a whole. For as his Undying Lord and Master gave his life to forever protect and guide humanity, so he must find courage everyday to put his dark past behind and serve His Divine Will, no matter the cost. And as Him on Terra protects us all, so does Nihilius strives to use his abilities for the protection of prominent figures vital to the Imperium.

Ordos Calixis - Inquisitorial Archives
Scribe Ennoch
Encryption level Red - Authorized personnel only
++++ Code entered...authenticating...Clearance granted...You may proceed Inquisitor+++
"Thought for the day: In the darkness follow the light of Terra".

Opening file 545/2, subfile 36.
Subject 789: Nihilius, sanctioned psyker, trigmestus, templar secundus.
Origins: Starship Pale Sepulchre - darkholder - lowest ship class.

From all our search there are still clues that elude master regarding the exact childhood events of Nihilius. One can only speculate what horrors he saw during his childhood.

He was discovered around the age of 20 during a mutiny on the ship that threatened the life of a cadre of acolytes, who were there present for investigation on behalf of the Holy Ordos. They found him while fighting their way out of the lower decks and he proved to be preternaturally aware of that dark and damp place and guided them safely till the middle decks. Experienced from long service in Ordo Hereticus, the acolytes soon understood that something was special about this youngster and took him into custody when they were finally able to leave the ship safely.

From then he was delivered to one of our Black ships and transported to Terra to undertake his sanctioning rites. According to his sanctioneer's reports, he exhibited considerable mental endurance and no sign of taint. One thing though was quite worthy of note and as such i'm informing you so you can decide for yourself. Despite their efforts to thoroughly scan his mind in order to discover any hidden warp taint, they couldn't, even by using their most prominent telepaths, read his thoughts or penetrate his memory.
What is more interesting, no trace of mental conditioning could be found, prior to his transportation to Terra and his exact condition remains a mystery even today.

After his sanctioning, he was assigned to various duties and also studied extensively in the Scholastica Psykana.

After providing much needed assistance to a group of acolytes, while serving as an aspirant near a reknowned astropath, it was decided that he was to be inducted in the Inquisition, and used to unveil the Emperor's enemies and help thwarting their plans.

He grew to become a capable telekine and the expert application of his force of mind made him a valuable asset to the Ordos Calixis and the Scholastica psykana, setting his course for the path of the Savant Militant. He underwent general military training during his assignment in Sinophia and also while seconded to a regiment of the Imperial Guard hailing from a feral world. Even these savage fighters were impressed by his considerable strength of will and despite their initial reluctance to receive him as an advisor, aide and bodyguard to their commander, they soon changed their minds and grudgingly accepted him as one of their own. I must say, my Lord, as an evaluation of his performance, that he combined his considerable psychic abilities with his newfound skills, in a manner that at times it's terrifying to behold. Almost as if the hand of the Emperor guides his blade unneringly to the demise of his intended target.

Truth is though my Lord, that Nihilius, unknown to most, but the higher ranked members of our Ordos, had underwent a very special regime of training in between his aforementioned assignments. Induction to the Savant-militant wasn't enough for his mentors in Scholastica Psykana and after much thought, deliberation and lengthy, terrifying rituals designed to measure his power of will and incorruptibility of his soul, to a degree surpassing even the worst sanctioning rites, he was inducted to one of the most secret and vaunted branches of this organization.

The Temple Calix.

After his induction and training he undertook his first mission as bodyguard to commander Tronsvasse and - even though all information on the relevant incident was expunged from all other records - he was the one that saved his life, defending him from a night raid that almost claimed his life.
Below follows a recollection the details of that event as scribe Alto Novus registered them for your Highness after Nihilius returned from his assignment.

Interrogation chamber 7D.
Interrogator Severus of the Ordo Hereticus present.
Scribe Alto Novus present.
Interrogation subject: Imperial psyker Nihilius.

- State your full name and identity.

- Nihilius, imperial psyker, servant of the Emperor and His Holy Ordos.

-What is your classification according to the Scholastica Psykana?

-Practicioner of psychic disciplines with psychic rating 4, focused on the discipline of telekinesis. Official psykana classification is "Trigmestus".

-Very well. Your sanctioning brand?

-On the side of my neck. (subjects opens his cloak making the mark visible).

-Allright. Do you swear in the Emperor's name that your following statement will be the whole truth regarding the events on Acreadge?

-I do. May the Emperor seal my words with His eternal light.

-Describe the nature of the circumstances under which you found yourself on the planet.

-Five months ago i received an encrypted message from Psykana officials requesting my presence for an imperial expedition. When i was briefed, i found out that i was to be seconded as a special advisor and personal bodyguard of Commander Tronsvasse who was to arrive in the planer alongside a platoon of troops to oversee the necessary procedures prior to the founding of a new regiment from the native population.

The situation though wasn't what military intelligence had expected. A few weeks after we made planetfall and the preperations began, the nation in which we were (since the planet is feudal and many nobles with armies vie for power) was attacked by a neighbouring one.

Normally we'd have requested extraction but given the situation and certain complications regarding the Administratum and the founding, Commander decided to stay and "lend them a hand" in order to cement their relationships to the Imperial Guard and win their support in the future.

As you understand i was bound to his personal security and wellfare so i stayed there as well.

In the beginning things weren't that problematic since feudal worlds tend to wage war on a different scale than our own. This changed though when the attacking noble decided to use his offworld contacts and the mercenary assistance he received through them.

These guys were hardened and tough and not stupid either. While the main army was laying siege to the castle, they sneaked in through an old and complex system of tunnels through the mountain to surprise us.

The attack was completely unexpected and given the fact that most of the soldiers were on the walls and the casualty rate was quite high, our forces were unprepared to wage war on a second front, in their own city.

Some of the invaders went to sabotage key structures in the city, while others went straight ahead for the palace, inside which we were residing as well, given our status as honoured guests. Luckily i was at guard while Commander was planning his next tactical moves and we were not surprised by them. While the night sky was filled with the sound of explosion, the smell of blood and the colour of flames, inside the battle a desperate battle was fought.

- Desperate? Were you surrounded? What happened next?

-One at a time please. When the God-Emperor is by your side a battle is never desperate. When he holds your soul in his gaze, then strength courses through it. When you open your mind to His eternal Light you know no fear.
It was desperate, but not for me. Desperate for those seeking to harm His servants and deny Him the founding of His armies.

After a while the silence of the palace was in stark contrast to the outside and my duties were carried out once again. Commander was safe and assistance would be soon on the way.

-Is there anything else you'd like to add?
-No, sir, i'd better not mention any more details. Besides most people tend to take a certain perverse delight in the shedding of blood, the sound of battle, the adrenaline rush. Not so for me. Clear is my mind and calm is my soul. It is a duty that must be performed in order for Imperium to live and prosper , in order for its most prominent figures to be protected from harm. And it is a matter of inner balance.

-Allright. It's over for today. Leave him for now.
+++Pict-source feed ends.+++

+++Location: Undisclosed
Subjects hooded, obscene necklaces and hideous symbols displayed.
Chanting... Picture zooms out, pict-source moves to the back of the room. Room is quite big, actually like a cave chamber, lightning not enough to discern more.

3 figures visible, picture zooms, identifying operatives of cell XIV, subject 789 [Nihilius] present, bearing some kind of edged weapon, probably a long and thin sword and directing the other two into position.

Chanting from the gathered people grows louder, energies emanating from among them...

Las shot fired, one of the cultists falls, others panick, try to respond.

Loud noise, sound is cut off for a while...probably shots fired close to pict-source.

Sound returns...shouts in the distance..."take them out...all of them...Xanthis to the right... Emperor's mercy, don't let escape..." more shots...

A figure rises from among the cultists, darkness extends outward from it.

A voice in the distance..."...found you at last...surrender..."
The figure responds: Begone coward...lest you witness the ...power of ...warp...dark masters feast on your...soul...you weakling...

Shouts and more shots, loud recitation of the Litany of protection against the Perils of the Warp can be heard, resounding through the room.

"The Emperor shall smite you down with his undending righteousness witch. Forward brothers....In His name..."

Then suddenly a figure darts forth, too fast for the pict source to follow.

Discharge of psychic energies in the room, temperature falls rapidly as evidently shown by frost on various spots... image blurs....+++

2 months earlier...location: classified - magenta clearance required [please refer to file 589-D, Inquisitor, for further information]

Image clears...
A room, dark, light flickers weakly from the ceiling, an aquila, drawn on the wall opposite of the pict source. In the center there's an altar and around it stand 3 people.

One is a bulky individual in hooded robes. Zooming indicates a medallion hanging from his neck. The second a thin man with extensive cranial augmentations and a visible scar at the side of his neck. Cross reference in our database confers scar as a sanctioning mark of the Scholastica Psykana. Further recognition methods identify said subject as Nihilius, sanctioned imperial psyker. This is also confirmed by the official logs of our Ordo pertaining to his whereabouts at the time the feed was taken.

The third looks like an a priest, recognisable by his robes, aquila necklace and various trappings and regalia. Around the room are many more hooded individuals, forming a semi-circle and praying.

The first figure speaks.
-Do you pledge, servant of the Emperor, may He guard us all, to keep this meeting, all that transpire in it and all that you will come to experience afterwards secret and bound forever to your heart.

-I do my Lord.

-Imperial psyker Nihilius. The Scholastica Psykana has the privilege of having you in its ranks for many long years. You were tested secretly, watched behind the scenes, shadowed and observed for the smallest hint of taint, of corruption, of madness.

Your faith to the Emperor of Mankind has brought you before us this day, as well as your unfailing service to Him. Now a new path of servitude is opened before you. A path that will bring you face to face with the worst servants of the Enemy and a path that will test your faith even more.

Arise, templar secundus and hold this night close to your heart. Focus your mind and steel your soul. And never forget that no matter what happens, even if the void hungers to claim your soul, He is your eternal protector, and as he is protecting you, so you must protect others and ensure the tainted and corrupt are met with His blade of justice.

+++Feed ends+++

Appearance and demeanour.

Nihilius is a tall man, old by Imperial standards yet still maintain his health adequately due to juvenant treatments and use of various pharmaceuticals. Tall and thin, he makes for an imposing figure. He prefers though to dress simple wearing his light mesh cloak and hood over his face, concealing his bald and full of cranial augmentations head, a price he had to pay long ago, due to the exhaustive demands of his special nature.

At times, especially during missions in hazardous environments he's wearing a respirator as well, making him almost unrecognizable. In his neck lies his sanctioning brand, given to him in Terra, prior to his induction in Scholastica Psykana, testament to his strength of will and his unshakeable faith to the Emperor of Mankind.

When under severe stress or intense effort to control the boundless energies of the warp surging through the gateway of his mind, he is seen to grasp a small item in his palm and praying fervently.

He carries a backpack with most of his possessions and his weapons are carefully holstered in either side of his belt. His hand is never far from exquisitely crafted sword, that seems to become alive in his skilled hands. Uncomfirmed reports speak of a whirlwind of psychic force surrounding him, while his blade delivers righteous retribution to the heretics, mutants, xenos and servants of the Archenemy that have stood before him.

Not amiable, nor friendly, but at most times withdrawn and deadly serious, even more so after his late induction to the Temple Calix, Nihilius has seen things during his lifetime that would take the heart and soul of lesser men. He adamantly believes that the Emperor surely had a destiny for him and preserved him during his childhood and for this he's eternally grateful to him, striving everyday to cleanse humanity, through his service in the Inquisition.

He has a low tolerance threshold for show-offs and stupid behaviour and opening his mind and soul to the warp for the purposes required of him, makes sometimes people uncomfortable next to him, even more than usually. Silently, he acknowledges the feats of the other acolytes with whom he has cooperated through the years and despite his natural tendency for bad mood, he gets along quite well.

Thank you all for the time assessing my request and your effort. :smallsmile:

You realy expect someone to read all that?
It takes longer to read that than making the avatar.
No Offence.

Roland St. Jude
2010-08-25, 10:35 AM
Is this good?...

Great, thanks. It's not quite clear what it is though (see Serpy's comments). How are you at speech bubbles? Maybe one that says "Lark's vomit!?"

Also, could you swap out the gun for a nightstick? Seems more British.

But really nicely done. Thanks.

2010-08-25, 11:18 AM
Here it is with those changes



2010-08-25, 11:29 AM
You realy expect someone to read all that?
It takes longer to read that than making the avatar.
No Offence.

Actually i was trying to be as much informative and thorough as possible in order to make it easier for the artist that would have the time and mood to draw it, although I admit that at times i tend to write too much.

In regards to offence, now, none taken:smallsmile:.

2010-08-25, 11:58 AM
Hi! First post in forums!
May i request for an avatar?

2010-08-25, 12:02 PM
Hi! First post in forums!
May i request for an avatar?

Yes you may!......No, seriously what it is it?

2010-08-25, 12:16 PM
I want my current character as an avatar if i could.

He is a human with black hair and pale skin, has 180cm height. He's wizard - ur priest - mystic theurge multiclass. (If you don't know the classes: He is a spellcaster.) He looks evil and greedy.
He wears a chainshirt but has a robe over it. He also have crown like headgear.
Also it would be great if you draw a pair of expensive boots for him. He doesn't have any weapons so his hands are free. (Artist may add anything suitable [magical aura, spell compenent or staff] if he wants.)

Thanks! and let me know what more do you need.

2010-08-25, 01:48 PM
I want my current character as an avatar if i could.

He is a human with black hair and pale skin, has 180cm height. He's wizard - ur priest - mystic theurge multiclass. (If you don't know the classes: He is a spellcaster.) He looks evil and greedy.
He wears a chainshirt but has a robe over it. He also have crown like headgear.
Also it would be great if you draw a pair of expensive boots for him. He doesn't have any weapons so his hands are free. (Artist may add anything suitable [magical aura, spell compenent or staff] if he wants.)

Thanks! and let me know what more do you need.

This sounds fun. I'm not sure when I'll get it done, though. Sorry.

2010-08-25, 02:43 PM
Actually i was trying to be as much informative and thorough as possible in order to make it easier for the artist that would have the time and mood to draw it, although I admit that at times i tend to write too much.

In regards to offence, now, none taken:smallsmile:.

Could you maby scale it down to what´s important to you only, then i would try to make it.

2010-08-25, 03:04 PM
This sounds fun. I'm not sure when I'll get it done, though. Sorry.

I'll be thankful if you finish it in a week.

2010-08-25, 03:07 PM
I'd like to get an OotS version of this guy:


Except using his red/black color scheme. (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100224171239/leagueoflegends/images/thumb/a/ae/Mordekaiser_InfernalSkin.jpg/800px-Mordekaiser_InfernalSkin.jpg)

Here's his standard, less impressive appearance for comparison
here. (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100218042244/leagueoflegends/images/thumb/5/57/Mordekaiser_OriginalSkin.jpg/800px-Mordekaiser_OriginalSkin.jpg)

2010-08-25, 03:31 PM
Could you maby scale it down to what´s important to you only, then i would try to make it.

Allright, i'll try it and tell me if it works or if i wrote too much again.
Thanks for being willing to try it. :smallsmile:

-He's a psyker from WH 40k Universe.
-Human, male.
-Bald with cranial augmentations that may or may not be visible depending on what suits you better.
-Wears a long coat (dark blue or black, single colour) with a hood, a belt above it at waist height and a pair of military style boots.
-Wields a longsword. (his hand grasping it is pointed sideways and slightly towards while his other hand is doing the "push" thing)
-His other hand is raised forward palm open (as if trying to mentally push someone).
-His eyes are white from the concentration effort.
-His face - if visible - totally serious and strained from the great mental effort.

-Extra details: If it could fit the picture, he could also have a pistol holster on the side of his belt. (not important).
Also an Inquisition badge (a capital "I" that is) pinned on his cloak at the height of his heart approximatelly. (important, if possible)

2010-08-25, 04:28 PM
I'm looking to recruit a talented Avatarist for my gaming group. I have 3 (for sure) maybe 4, 5 or 6 people who would like an avatar of a similar style for accompanying our upcoming Campaign Journal. PM me if you are able. Essentially, we would like our characters, but would like to have the same general feel to the picture for each. Thank you guys in advance!


could i get some rough details on the characters? i think i might be up to it, but i might take a little while (not too long) to make them all. so, if you could just give me races and classes, it would be much appreciated, and i will think about it.


Diva De
2010-08-25, 07:11 PM

In honor of the upcoming Mario ITP competition, I'd like to get an avy made. Basically me dressed up as Princess Peach. (I kinda like this pose (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://loyalkng.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/sexyprincesspeach06.jpg&imgrefurl=http://loyalkng.com/2009/06/16/man-play-super-mario-bros-stacy/&usg=__955-YhxE3NjvZgsa_pwq7CaSbRs=&h=439&w=343&sz=30&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=3vTLJuYrNYzHdM:&tbnh=125&tbnw=117&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dprincess%2Bpeach%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Do ff%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D607%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch :10%2C75&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=128&vpy=246&dur=15461&hovh=254&hovw=198&tx=94&ty=196&ei=x7B1TN_tOZPE4gaSkviTBg&oei=VK51TIC8LpWC4QaF95zkBQ&esq=7&page=1&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:0&biw=1280&bih=607).)

Things that would make it ME would be green eyes, and maybe some brown hair poking out like I'm wearing a blonde wig. Please let me know if you are interested!

2010-08-26, 12:12 AM
Hello! I can has AVATAR REQUEST please?

I want an OOTS style avatar of the character in my current avatar. Of course, you can only see his head right now so here are a bunch more pics of him:





Pose is up to you.

Thanks in advance :smallsmile:

2010-08-26, 12:22 AM
Wait... They're doing the ITP competitions again?! :smalleek:
Here it is with those changes


http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee243/Daedalu/OotsAvatars/rolandstjude2.pngI really think it would look better with an open chocolate box... Just have a rectangle, possibly with a line sticking out the bottom, with a line sticking up on an angle, and maybe with little brown lumps peeking over the top of the rectangle. I think I could even do it just here:

Also, he should have an :smalleek: expression. Also it should be ?!, not !? :smalltongue:

/nitpicking someone else's request. But it's just so snazzy, it's gotta be just right! D=

Diva De
2010-08-26, 08:00 AM
Yeah Serpy. Someone started a thread in Structured and nominations start Monday. So someone please do this request for me. I miss the ITP games and dunno if I can get my old trophies...

Cute and Evil
2010-08-26, 09:03 AM
I'd like to have an OotS style avatar of the character in a game I'm playing, she's a drow cleric/divine oracle. No armour or weapons, with some details I'd like added:
-Very faint light-gold/yellow hair
-Neon Blue eyes (don't make it too obvious)
-Clothes have a spider-like theme, she is after all, the head priestess/matriarch of Lolth for a drow noble house.

These details are only to make me squeal with joy upon seeing it, so if you don't incorporate them all, that's quite alright, they're all of equal (un-)importance. If you'd like to, you can also add some random stuff that you feel would be in the same theme as the character is.

2010-08-26, 10:09 AM
Allright, i'll try it and tell me if it works or if i wrote too much again.
Thanks for being willing to try it. :smallsmile:

-He's a psyker from WH 40k Universe.
-Human, male.
-Bald with cranial augmentations that may or may not be visible depending on what suits you better.
-Wears a long coat (dark blue or black, single colour) with a hood, a belt above it at waist height and a pair of military style boots.
-Wields a longsword. (his hand grasping it is pointed sideways and slightly towards while his other hand is doing the "push" thing)
-His other hand is raised forward palm open (as if trying to mentally push someone).
-His eyes are white from the concentration effort.
-His face - if visible - totally serious and strained from the great mental effort.

-Extra details: If it could fit the picture, he could also have a pistol holster on the side of his belt. (not important).
Also an Inquisition badge (a capital "I" that is) pinned on his cloak at the height of his heart approximatelly. (important, if possible)


Please hit me with changes

Roland St. Jude
2010-08-26, 11:12 AM
Wait... They're doing the ITP competitions again?! :smalleek:I really think it would look better with an open chocolate box... Just have a rectangle, possibly with a line sticking out the bottom, with a line sticking up on an angle, and maybe with little brown lumps peeking over the top of the rectangle. I think I could even do it just here:

Also, he should have an :smalleek: expression. Also it should be ?!, not !? :smalltongue:

/nitpicking someone else's request. But it's just so snazzy, it's gotta be just right! D=

I agree with Serpentine. It certainly is more of an :smalleek: moment. And something that was more obviously a box of chocolates would be better.

I certainly like and appreciate it as is, but if those were do-able changes, I think it'd be fantastic.

2010-08-26, 11:20 AM
Alright, I'll try to work on it.

2010-08-26, 12:09 PM
I'd like to have an OotS style avatar of the character in a game I'm playing, she's a drow cleric/divine oracle. No armour or weapons, with some details I'd like added:
-Very faint light-gold/yellow hair
-Neon Blue eyes (don't make it too obvious)
-Clothes have a spider-like theme, she is after all, the head priestess/matriarch of Lolth for a drow noble house.

These details are only to make me squeal with joy upon seeing it, so if you don't incorporate them all, that's quite alright, they're all of equal (un-)importance. If you'd like to, you can also add some random stuff that you feel would be in the same theme as the character is.


Please hit me with changes

Cute and Evil
2010-08-26, 12:26 PM
I don't want to be too nitpicky, but she could face forward and have more of an 'evil matriarch' kind of expression/look, and if it's not too hard, you could try to show that she can tell the future (improvise if you need to, I can only think of an effect with her eyes.). Also (but if I'm getting too perfectionist for you, that's okay, just tell me), the hair could be lighter and there could be a spiderweb pattern on the robe (preferable not dress), and a white cape.

If that's too much, tell me, I imagined her one way in my head, but I know you can't remake that exact thing, so these are mere guidelines. I'm a perfectionist, I'm sorry.

2010-08-26, 01:29 PM
I don't want to be too nitpicky, but she could face forward and have more of an 'evil matriarch' kind of expression/look, and if it's not too hard, you could try to show that she can tell the future (improvise if you need to, I can only think of an effect with her eyes.). Also (but if I'm getting too perfectionist for you, that's okay, just tell me), the hair could be lighter and there could be a spiderweb pattern on the robe (preferable not dress), and a white cape.

If that's too much, tell me, I imagined her one way in my head, but I know you can't remake that exact thing, so these are mere guidelines. I'm a perfectionist, I'm sorry.

Like this?
Please hit me wth changes

2010-08-26, 03:29 PM
I'd quite like to get an OOTS-ified version of the Shadow Sentinel (http://crpp0001.uqtr.ca/w4/campagne/images/WotC_Art_Galleries/Races_Destiny/Shadow%20Sentinel%20by%20David%20Hudnut.jpg) if possible from someone?

Pretty heavy emphasis should be put on his sigils as he should be very clearly Illumian.

If you need any more info, just ask and I'll give :smallsmile:

2010-08-26, 05:14 PM

Thank you very much for the effort. The result is great. :smallsmile:
If it wouldn't be too much of a trouble for you could you please modify it, by adding a hood over his head to see the difference?

Other than that i can't think of any changes and again a big thanks. Much appreciated. :smallsmile:

2010-08-26, 09:19 PM
im asking for a dragon born
it can be something like that, with wings, a great axe and more armor

Cute and Evil
2010-08-26, 11:56 PM
Like this?
Please hit me wth changes

I hit you a pm. :smallwink:

2010-08-27, 12:11 AM

Thank you very much for the effort. The result is great. :smallsmile:
If it wouldn't be too much of a trouble for you could you please modify it, by adding a hood over his head to see the difference?

Other than that i can't think of any changes and again a big thanks. Much appreciated. :smallsmile:


I´d liked the other one better.

2010-08-27, 01:23 AM
I think that I've got it right this time, but don't hesitate to ask if you think more should be changed.




2010-08-27, 02:25 AM
Both are great Ninjaman. Thanks again for your effort. They look fantastic. :smallsmile:

2010-08-27, 03:47 AM
Balford: Beautiful! :biggrin: Exactly what I meant! The only nitpick I might have now is that the "eek" bits could be bigger. But that's it!

2010-08-27, 09:56 AM
im asking for a dragon born
it can be something like that, with wings, a great axe and more armor


Please hit me with changes

2010-08-27, 10:02 AM
i was thinking abit more oots style, kinda like the pose my guy is curenly in but he has the axe held high

2010-08-27, 10:05 AM
i was thinking abit more oots style, kinda like the pose my guy is curenly in but he has the axe held high

When you say oots style do you mean stick arms and legs?

2010-08-27, 10:10 AM
yes, that's what i mean

Diva De
2010-08-27, 10:32 AM

In honor of the upcoming Mario ITP competition, I'd like to get an avy made. Basically me dressed up as Princess Peach. (I kinda like this pose (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://loyalkng.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/sexyprincesspeach06.jpg&imgrefurl=http://loyalkng.com/2009/06/16/man-play-super-mario-bros-stacy/&usg=__955-YhxE3NjvZgsa_pwq7CaSbRs=&h=439&w=343&sz=30&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=3vTLJuYrNYzHdM:&tbnh=125&tbnw=117&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dprincess%2Bpeach%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Do ff%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D607%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch :10%2C75&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=128&vpy=246&dur=15461&hovh=254&hovw=198&tx=94&ty=196&ei=x7B1TN_tOZPE4gaSkviTBg&oei=VK51TIC8LpWC4QaF95zkBQ&esq=7&page=1&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:0&biw=1280&bih=607).)

Things that would make it ME would be green eyes, and maybe some brown hair poking out like I'm wearing a blonde wig. Please let me know if you are interested!

Also, does anyone know how to copy old trophies out of Lord Herman's Repository? I'd like my old shinies for my sig.

2010-08-27, 10:47 AM
This will be a bit complicated so I apologize in advance if a nice someone picks it up and it ends up being a headache!
Basically my DnD character is a mash up of a few races thanks to reincarnation due to a major plot point. He's predominantly deva and tiefling. He has white angelic wings plus the horns of a tiefling. His facial features would be a mix of tiefling/deva so where as devas are very strong jawed, tieflings have a sharp chin, so he'd have angular but generally considered 'attractive' lines. Probably TMI but figured better to be specific. His hair would be a fire soul genasi's. The rest of his body would be a combination of a tiefling's red and a deva's purple so like a crimson? The exception is his left arm which is a stormsoul genasi's and thus blue/violetish and crackling with electricity. He carries a fullblade, which glows radiantly. Actually he has a radiant aura thanks to pleasing a certain artifact. He is an avenger so very light armor, perhaps just a cloth top and bottom. White in color except for the sleeves which are stained with the blood of every creature he's killed. His belt is set with diamonds. Ohh his eyes would glow yellow-like because deva's are silvery and tieflings are red.
If preferred his lower half can be drawn wispy, like angels when they fly.

Sorry for the wall of text!

i'll do my best to describe this with a combination of pictures:

The horns and should be a bit curvier and the tail a bit thicker

http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/DDI_Portraits/RacesDevaMale.jpg That's a good pic of a deva's face.

The hair of a fire genasi and the arm of storm genasi in this one. You could decide to include the ley lines if desired.

Sorry again if it's really complicated! And thanks in advance if someone is crazy enough to try it!

2010-08-27, 11:57 AM
yes, that's what i mean

I´m sorry but a stick-armed dragonborn, i can´t really picture that sorry.

2010-08-27, 12:03 PM
Also, does anyone know how to copy old trophies out of Lord Herman's Repository? I'd like my old shinies for my sig.

I think I can do that. You want it to be based on your current avatar?

Here (http://home.planet.nl/~hdgoede/tdg/StickArt/Gallery/index.html)'s his repository. If you mean how do you copy them so the background doesn't become black, then what I do is right click, 'view image', alt+printscreen, then paste it into paint and get rid of the excess.

Balford: Beautiful! :biggrin: Exactly what I meant! The only nitpick I might have now is that the "eek" bits could be bigger. But that's it!

Yay! I hope Roland likes it too.

2010-08-27, 02:00 PM
Seeking stick avatar:

Gender: male
Race: Satyr

Holding a quarterstaff. Smiling coyly. Wearing only a belt, with a pouch and a flute (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.frifot.se/foto/ALE04DSC_6995sd.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.acousticmusicalinstruments.com/the-willow-flute/&h=323&w=500&sz=70&tbnid=RHvi48bN0FOxBM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwillow%2Bflute&zoom=1&usg=__5oRpQswb5p4eeIMvUDc0rQZcAq8=&sa=X&ei=Mwt4TKCxDMX6lwei0c3sCw&ved=0CDMQ9QEwBA) in it.

Let me know. :)

2010-08-27, 02:12 PM
Looking for OOTS version of this guy

The Terrible Trivium, bonus points if you know the book he's from...

2010-08-27, 03:31 PM
im asking for a dragon born
it can be something like that, with wings, a great axe and more armor
kinda oots and in a attack pose(axe over his head)

2010-08-27, 03:38 PM
My character is a Half-Orc Pirate with a shotgun and a blue gem in his left eye socket. Green skin, and a good bit of scruffiness around the chin. His name is Briggs, and he's recently taken the Pirate handle "Bulletmeister".

His favored weapon is a shotgun we homebrewed, though I plan on moving into using an assault rifle in later levels. Ridiculous, I know, but it's just how he turned out.

2010-08-27, 03:41 PM
Hello everyone!

I decided to indulge a bit of whimsy just now, so I am requesting an OOTS-style version of this little fella (http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1008/d27/1535/04a8292.png). The umbrella can be open or closed, depending on what would look better, and the bird would be nice.

2010-08-27, 04:26 PM
Looking for OOTS version of this guy

The Terrible Trivium, bonus points if you know the book he's from...

i will try.

is it from the phantom tollbooth? this is judging on the art style...

2010-08-27, 04:29 PM
Gender: Male
Equipment: One handed- Longsword. Chainmail Armor. Brown Leather boots.
X If their skin is a special color, add that: Normal, Elan's from OOTs
Hair color: Brown.
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Paladin
Pose: Running, like he's charging an enemy. Longsword is right hand. Left hand has a yellow aura like he may cast a spell.

Can someone make this for my avatar?
If not, could they make Master Chief from Halo with an energy sword?

2010-08-27, 04:58 PM
Gender: Male
Equipment: One handed- Longsword. Chainmail Armor. Brown Leather boots.
X If their skin is a special color, add that: Normal, Elan's from OOTs
Hair color: Brown.
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Paladin
Pose: Running, like he's charging an enemy. Longsword is right hand. Left hand has a yellow aura like he may cast a spell.

Can someone make this for my avatar?
If not, could they make Master Chief from Halo with an energy sword?


Please hit me with changes.

2010-08-27, 05:15 PM
I'd quite like to get an OOTS-ified version of the Shadow Sentinel (http://crpp0001.uqtr.ca/w4/campagne/images/WotC_Art_Galleries/Races_Destiny/Shadow%20Sentinel%20by%20David%20Hudnut.jpg) if possible from someone?

Pretty heavy emphasis should be put on his sigils as he should be very clearly Illumian.

If you need any more info, just ask and I'll give :smallsmile:

Repost uno.

2010-08-27, 05:21 PM
Seeking stick avatar:

Gender: male
Race: Satyr

Holding a quarterstaff. Smiling coyly. Wearing only a belt, with a pouch and a flute (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.frifot.se/foto/ALE04DSC_6995sd.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.acousticmusicalinstruments.com/the-willow-flute/&h=323&w=500&sz=70&tbnid=RHvi48bN0FOxBM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwillow%2Bflute&zoom=1&usg=__5oRpQswb5p4eeIMvUDc0rQZcAq8=&sa=X&ei=Mwt4TKCxDMX6lwei0c3sCw&ved=0CDMQ9QEwBA) in it.

Let me know. :)


Hit me with all the changes you got

Roland St. Jude
2010-08-27, 06:08 PM
Balford: Fantastic! Terrific! Thank you so much.

2010-08-27, 06:49 PM

how is this? i would be happy to add any changes in background or pose, or anything.:smallsmile:



i will try.

2010-08-27, 07:26 PM

Please hit me with changes.

Make the hair a little shorter, please.

2010-08-27, 07:41 PM
can someone make this guys, with wings and a great axe in an axe over his head pose

2010-08-27, 09:44 PM
Would love one of these of my geist character

Geist Name: The Sorrow

The Sorrow appears as a dapper gentleman in his early twenties. He wears a style of dress one might find in higher-end stores in the mid 50's. He wears a top-hat atop his ear-length hair. His face is angular and his body is slender. He wears a vertically striped vest with dress shirt beneath and slacks. His feet are adorned with Italian loafers. Spectacles sit atop the bridge of his nose. His eyes cannot be seen because the lenses of his glasses are constantly fogged. All color is drained from him, except for a light tan, comparable to a sepia-filter being put on only him.

2010-08-27, 11:57 PM
Hello! I can has avatar please?

I want an OOTS style avatar of the character in my current avatar. Of course, you can only see his head right now so here are a bunch more pics of him:





Pose is up to you.

Thanks in advance :smallsmile:

No help for me?

2010-08-28, 12:16 AM
how is this? i would be happy to add any changes in background or pose, or anything.:smallsmile:



i will try.

It is indeed from The Phantom Tollbooth...
The only vague request I have, is if there is any way you can make him look a bit more sinister, as in the book he was one of the demons they faced...

2010-08-28, 01:14 AM
Make the hair a little shorter, please.


Please ask for more changes if needed, also please give credit

2010-08-28, 01:59 AM
My character is a Half-Orc Pirate with a shotgun and a blue gem in his left eye socket. Green skin, and a good bit of scruffiness around the chin. His name is Briggs, and he's recently taken the Pirate handle "Bulletmeister".

His favored weapon is a shotgun we homebrewed, though I plan on moving into using an assault rifle in later levels. Ridiculous, I know, but it's just how he turned out.


Please hit me with changes

2010-08-28, 05:31 AM
Repost uno.


Any changes needed, just ask

Milo v3
2010-08-28, 05:55 AM
I was wondering if someone could make me an avatar of Deekin Scalesinger from NWN: Hordes of the Underdark. He is the coolest character in all D&D to me.:smallbiggrin:

2010-08-28, 08:47 AM

Hit me with all the changes you got

Ah, sorry, I had my friend make me one in the night. Sorry about that.

2010-08-28, 09:27 AM

Any changes needed, just ask

I love you eternally :smallbiggrin:

Couple of very minor things - Could you remove the beard? And could you make the handle of the sword a bit shorter and the blade a bit longer?

2010-08-28, 10:02 AM
No problem :smallwink:


Although the "beard" is actually a piece of the shield :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-28, 11:06 AM
No problem :smallwink:


Although the "beard" is actually a piece of the shield :smallbiggrin:

Aha, fair enough :smallsmile:

But yeah, that's better than I could've hoped for. Thanks! :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-28, 12:10 PM
Can i get my Blood Elf Mage (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Moon+Guard&cn=Taiel) in OoTS style? He has a curved sword on his side (kinda like a scimitar, with a red jewel in the hilt) and is casting a targeted spell (the thing shows what targeted casting looks like on the bottom)

2010-08-28, 12:18 PM

Please hit me with changes

THATS SO COOL!!!! Thank you SO much! About the only thing I can think of is that he has black, shaggy hair. But that's literally it. He's so perfect!

2010-08-28, 02:24 PM

Please ask for more changes if needed, also please give credit

That's great. I'll put it in my signature right now! :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-28, 03:04 PM
Ninja, can you post the image on Photobucket or Imageshack so the avatar works?

2010-08-28, 06:10 PM
It is indeed from The Phantom Tollbooth...
The only vague request I have, is if there is any way you can make him look a bit more sinister, as in the book he was one of the demons they faced...

Sure. It might have to wait half a week though... Anything else?

2010-08-28, 06:12 PM
This sounds fun. I'm not sure when I'll get it done, though. Sorry.

Are you still working on it?

Milo v3
2010-08-28, 06:39 PM
Can someone please make one of Deekin Scalesinger he is the best.

Here is an image of him

2010-08-28, 08:42 PM
Ninja, can you post the image on Photobucket or Imageshack so the avatar works?

this is kind of off topic of this thread, but what I do for image hosting is...

1. make a blog (just make it quick, it doesn't matter)
2. go to "design" and add a "gadget".
3. browse for your picture and import it (make sure you do not have the box that says "shrink to fit")
4. get the image address and copy it!. you do NOT need to post the image on your blog, or save it in any way after this, so it is sometimes nice.

hope this helps!

2010-08-28, 10:18 PM
oh great artists! i come to your presence in need of an avatar. i need a steampunk style guy with his goggles up on his head tossing an avocado. you can put a ray gun in his other hand if you deem it necessary.

(if i am "doing it rong" i apologise)

2010-08-28, 10:38 PM
oh great artists! i come to your presence in need of an avatar. i need a steampunk style guy with his goggles up on his head tossing an avocado. you can put a ray gun in his other hand if you deem it necessary.

(if i am "doing it rong" i apologise)

i'm not too sure what you mean... could you add some details or a similar picture? that would be awesome.


2010-08-28, 11:08 PM
i'm not too sure what you mean... could you add some details or a similar picture? that would be awesome.


something to the effect of this guy's attire

tossing an avocado as one would toss a tennis ball up and down

2010-08-28, 11:13 PM
something to the effect of this guy's attire

tossing an avocado as one would toss a tennis ball up and down

okay, i will try it.

2010-08-28, 11:21 PM
okay, i will try it.

many thanks

2010-08-29, 12:57 AM
Ninja, can you post the image on Photobucket or Imageshack so the avatar works?


This is the URL just copy paste it.

2010-08-29, 01:07 AM
THATS SO COOL!!!! Thank you SO much! About the only thing I can think of is that he has black, shaggy hair. But that's literally it. He's so perfect!


Please post credit

2010-08-29, 01:11 AM

This is the URL just copy paste it.

Thanks. I put the credit for the avatar in my signature.

2010-08-29, 04:09 AM
I would like to humbly request a avatar of my BleachiTP character Garoux Lobosolo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8699957&postcount=56) in his Resurrección (all details provided in the link). Unsure about pose, so whatever works best for whoever, if anyone, takes this request up.

Thank you. :smallsmile:

2nd repost.

If it'd make things easier, I'll take him in or out of Resurrección, though having him in it would be a big bonus.

2010-08-29, 08:47 AM
Hi! Can someone please make an OOTS Avatar of this image?

2010-08-29, 02:27 PM
Hello everyone!

I decided to indulge a bit of whimsy just now, so I am requesting an OOTS-style version of this little fella (http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1008/d27/1535/04a8292.png). The umbrella can be open or closed, depending on what would look better, and the bird would be nice.


2010-08-29, 04:03 PM
many thanks

sorry, but this one just isn't working for me.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-08-29, 06:35 PM
Ok, gotta fun request that will likely make it into my personal signature. I request a stickification of the little Despicable Me cutie as seen below, same pose and everything, but instead of the unicorn, it'd be... ME! You can keep me as I am, or make me white with a pink mohawk, or whatever you feel like trying.


2010-08-29, 07:44 PM
Ok, gotta fun request that will likely make it into my personal signature. I request a stickification of the little Despicable Me cutie as seen below, same pose and everything, but instead of the unicorn, it'd be... ME! You can keep me as I am, or make me white with a pink mohawk, or whatever you feel like trying.


I HAVE to do this one:smallbiggrin:

2010-08-29, 07:57 PM
Excuse me? Is it possible for someone to make an OoTS avatar that looks incredibly evil? I'm giving it a gratuitous amount of leeway here, as long as it looks sinister, dastardly, and incredibly over the top without bordering on Cartoon style insanity.

2010-08-29, 09:35 PM
i will think about it, extravagant evil.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-08-29, 09:41 PM
I HAVE to do this one :smallbiggrin:
You da coot http://www.giantitp.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

2010-08-29, 11:22 PM
Before I start parading around I need a good enough avatar. So, here's what I came up with.

I'm thinking a cliche Half-Orc Barbarian to start with. Barely any armor, some furs for clothes, traditional greataxe, maybe a scar along the chest or the scalp, some hints at brain damage. No facial hair though, He's still a little young.

The curveball(if any) is not the fact he's not literate (Cause, barbarian, why not?), but his lifelong dream revolves around learning to overcome that and read. What makes it fun is that he's too stupid to simply learn in a week. It'll be a journey! He will get into a fist fight with a grizzly bear and end up wearing it for a hat, but sadly does not know the joy of spelling the word 'bear'. It makes him sad.

I want him to be staring at a book he's holding. I want him to be holding it the wrong way (Any wrong way, as long as we can tell he's trying.) Give him that puzzled but curious look on his face as he's trying to decipher these weird symbols we call letters, except they're probably sideways or upside down. Hell, maybe he's trying to read a picture (just as long as he's not staring at the cover, I'd like for it to be open). I don't want him to look too frustrated though. Just stumped. Eye-raised and everything. Ya know?

Anything else, if I left anything, would be up to you, the artist.

2010-08-30, 12:18 AM
Before I start parading around I need a good enough avatar. So, here's what I came up with.

I'm thinking a cliche Half-Orc Barbarian to start with. Barely any armor, some furs for clothes, traditional greataxe, maybe a scar along the chest or the scalp, some hints at brain damage. No facial hair though, He's still a little young.

The curveball(if any) is not the fact he's not literate (Cause, barbarian, why not?), but his lifelong dream revolves around learning to overcome that and read. What makes it fun is that he's too stupid to simply learn in a week. It'll be a journey! He will get into a fist fight with a grizzly bear and end up wearing it for a hat, but sadly does not know the joy of spelling the word 'bear'. It makes him sad.

I want him to be staring at a book he's holding. I want him to be holding it the wrong way (Any wrong way, as long as we can tell he's trying.) Give him that puzzled but curious look on his face as he's trying to decipher these weird symbols we call letters, except they're probably sideways or upside down. Hell, maybe he's trying to read a picture (just as long as he's not staring at the cover, I'd like for it to be open). I don't want him to look too frustrated though. Just stumped. Eye-raised and everything. Ya know?

Anything else, if I left anything, would be up to you, the artist.

I´ll do it

2010-08-30, 02:13 AM
Here's your avvie Deva de, sorry it took me a while.




2010-08-30, 06:28 AM
You da coot http://www.giantitp.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

Hows this:
Do you want any changes?

Viera Champion
2010-08-30, 07:01 AM
Ok, so for the new Mario ITP contest I'm running, I would really like a banner to advertise it. Kinda you know a simple one with Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, and Toad in it. They can be doing whatever wacky stuff you want. If you need reference pics I can get them for you.

Also, since Licoot is here I just want to make sure he got my PMs about the extra trophies.

Diva De
2010-08-30, 09:11 AM
Here's your avvie Deva de, sorry it took me a while.





The Vorpal Tribble
2010-08-30, 09:26 AM
Hows this:
Do you want any changes?
I'm so fluffy, you're going to die!

HA! love it :smallbiggrin:

Only thing I could think of is maybe make the glasses yellow like the horn? Have no idea if that'd look better or worse. I'm happy with it as is though.

Edit: Ooh, and she needs little white shoes :smallbiggrin:

Anders Celsius
2010-08-30, 11:45 AM
But what about mine, licoot? :smallfrown:

2010-08-30, 12:37 PM
But what about mine, licoot? :smallfrown:

sorry, i always do this, I went away for a couple of days and completely forgot to finish it, I'll get it done tonight

@VT, I tried the yellow glasses and you couldn't see them properly unless I made them orange, which looked wierd

2010-08-30, 12:57 PM
Before I start parading around I need a good enough avatar. So, here's what I came up with.

I'm thinking a cliche Half-Orc Barbarian to start with. Barely any armor, some furs for clothes, traditional greataxe, maybe a scar along the chest or the scalp, some hints at brain damage. No facial hair though, He's still a little young.

The curveball(if any) is not the fact he's not literate (Cause, barbarian, why not?), but his lifelong dream revolves around learning to overcome that and read. What makes it fun is that he's too stupid to simply learn in a week. It'll be a journey! He will get into a fist fight with a grizzly bear and end up wearing it for a hat, but sadly does not know the joy of spelling the word 'bear'. It makes him sad.

I want him to be staring at a book he's holding. I want him to be holding it the wrong way (Any wrong way, as long as we can tell he's trying.) Give him that puzzled but curious look on his face as he's trying to decipher these weird symbols we call letters, except they're probably sideways or upside down. Hell, maybe he's trying to read a picture (just as long as he's not staring at the cover, I'd like for it to be open). I don't want him to look too frustrated though. Just stumped. Eye-raised and everything. Ya know?

Anything else, if I left anything, would be up to you, the artist.


Please hit me with changes.

Anders Celsius
2010-08-30, 01:19 PM
Oh, alrighty, sorry for the trouble.

2010-08-30, 04:36 PM
Would any of you, awsome artists would like to make me an avatar?
If you do accept the request, this would be the guidelines...
I want a lit molotov cocktail, holding hands with a quite a generic guy, with sccrufled black hair and an anarquist t-shirt (you know, black with a big red "A"
Sorry for the vague idea, but as an artist myslef (well, musician, but an artist anyway) I feel that artist most be given some sort of freedom.
Thank you for reading!

2010-08-30, 05:05 PM
can anyone do this?

2010-08-30, 05:25 PM
Can I have my current avatar dressed up like Luigi (videogame character) or Mario without a mustache jumping in the air? Either one would be fine. Have my guy hold a super mushroom is one of his hands.

2010-08-30, 08:32 PM
*Determined anime face with clenched fist* Let's try again!

The Sorrow appears as a dapper gentleman in his early twenties. He wears a style of dress one might find in higher-end stores in the mid 50's. He wears a top-hat atop his ear-length hair. His face is angular and his body is slender. He wears a vertically striped vest with dress shirt beneath and slacks. His feet are adorned with Italian loafers. Spectacles sit atop the bridge of his nose. His eyes cannot be seen because the lenses of his glasses are constantly fogged. All color is drained from him, except for a light tan, comparable to a sepia-filter being put on only him.

You'll get many thanks in return! :D

2010-08-30, 09:14 PM
(Insert image here.)

Hmmm, a good start, okay, I think I have some not too outragous changes here.

You remember when I mentioned him wrestling a bear to death? How about we add that on for the hell of it. He looks a little too bald to me. Why not give him a bear-hat? And maybe a little hair(black, if need be) for where that stylish hat may not cover.

The eyes seem a bit... smaller, than what I'm used to when looking at nearly everything else on the site. Is it possible to make them slightly larger to match that? They can stay completely black though. I'm already fine with that.

I also imagined the book not obscuring his face that much. I think I prefer it that way too. How about we lower it a bit? At least so we can see more of his mouth other than just one tooth. I do like the book title put in to indicate he IS holding it the wrong way.

I got another though as well... how about boots? Maybe something similar to those shoes our old friend Roy wears, slightly detailed, maybe sized diffirently.

2010-08-30, 09:30 PM
This will be a bit complicated so I apologize in advance if a nice someone picks it up and it ends up being a headache!
Basically my DnD character is a mash up of a few races thanks to reincarnation due to a major plot point. He's predominantly deva and tiefling. He has white angelic wings plus the horns of a tiefling. His facial features would be a mix of tiefling/deva so where as devas are very strong jawed, tieflings have a sharp chin, so he'd have angular but generally considered 'attractive' lines. Probably TMI but figured better to be specific. His hair would be a fire soul genasi's. The rest of his body would be a combination of a tiefling's red and a deva's purple so like a crimson? The exception is his left arm which is a stormsoul genasi's and thus blue/violetish and crackling with electricity. He carries a fullblade, which glows radiantly. Actually he has a radiant aura thanks to pleasing a certain artifact. He is an avenger so very light armor, perhaps just a cloth top and bottom. White in color except for the sleeves which are stained with the blood of every creature he's killed. His belt is set with diamonds. Ohh his eyes would glow yellow-like because deva's are silvery and tieflings are red.
If preferred his lower half can be drawn wispy, like angels when they fly.

Sorry for the wall of text!

i'll do my best to describe this with a combination of pictures:

The horns and should be a bit curvier and the tail a bit thicker

http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/DD...esDevaMale.jpg That's a good pic of a deva's face.

The hair of a fire genasi and the arm of storm genasi in this one. You could decide to include the ley lines if desired.

Sorry again if it's really complicated! And thanks in advance if someone is crazy enough to try it!

Repost 1!

2010-08-30, 09:53 PM
Would any of you, awsome artists would like to make me an avatar?
If you do accept the request, this would be the guidelines...
I want a lit molotov cocktail, holding hands with a quite a generic guy, with sccrufled black hair and an anarquist t-shirt (you know, black with a big red "A"
Sorry for the vague idea, but as an artist myslef (well, musician, but an artist anyway) I feel that artist most be given some sort of freedom.
Thank you for reading!

Been a long time since I've drawn, but this sounds fun. I'll work on it tomorrow.

2010-08-31, 06:46 AM
How's This?


Let me know if you want any changes.

2010-08-31, 08:48 AM
I don't know if anyone does these, but I'd love a juvenile green dragon avatar. I leave pose and background, if any, to the artist's discretion. Curled up on a pile of money is always a good bet, though.

2010-08-31, 09:50 AM
Hmmm, a good start, okay, I think I have some not too outragous changes here.

You remember when I mentioned him wrestling a bear to death? How about we add that on for the hell of it. He looks a little too bald to me. Why not give him a bear-hat? And maybe a little hair(black, if need be) for where that stylish hat may not cover.

The eyes seem a bit... smaller, than what I'm used to when looking at nearly everything else on the site. Is it possible to make them slightly larger to match that? They can stay completely black though. I'm already fine with that.

I also imagined the book not obscuring his face that much. I think I prefer it that way too. How about we lower it a bit? At least so we can see more of his mouth other than just one tooth. I do like the book title put in to indicate he IS holding it the wrong way.

I got another though as well... how about boots? Maybe something similar to those shoes our old friend Roy wears, slightly detailed, maybe sized diffirently.


Please hit me with changes

2010-08-31, 12:33 PM
@ /\: that is pretty awesome.

2010-08-31, 12:39 PM
Hello everyone!

I decided to indulge a bit of whimsy just now, so I am requesting an OOTS-style version of this little fella (http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1008/d27/1535/04a8292.png). The umbrella can be open or closed, depending on what would look better, and the bird would be nice.

Repost Dos.

2010-08-31, 01:23 PM
I'd like to make a request.

I'd like a 'what if' of Eric Greenhilt. The avatar should be an adult, Bard class, happy expression like Elan, clothes a similar color to what he is wearing in Celestia, and with any non-string instrument that can still be carried easily.

Edit: Please PM me when you have the request done.

2010-08-31, 01:40 PM
Name: Instinct
Race: Elf
Skin Color: Elan's
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Blonde. Blue. 5'8. 145 Pounds.
Class: Ranger
Equipment: Bow and Arrow, quiver
Pose: He aims his bow and arrow in the sky, he leans back.

Can someone make this guy for me? He's my play by post character from Mythos.

2010-08-31, 01:51 PM
@ /\: that is pretty awesome.

What? Mine?

2010-08-31, 02:01 PM

and because this would be too short, i typed this sentance to make it qualify as a post. enjoy!

2010-08-31, 02:07 PM

and because this would be too short, i typed this sentance to make it qualify as a post. enjoy!

Wow:eek: Thanks alot:redface:
However yours are much better:biggrin:

2010-08-31, 02:26 PM
Tried to do this for the Summertime Iron Avatarist competition, but was overwhelmed by memory, and by the vagueness of same. . .

Please make for me a taiko drummer avatar in traditional robes.

This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANu6hAYXCS8) is the opening melody for the late summer Obon festival, and the recording does not do it justice. Those drums are LOUD. You can hear them for the better part of a mile in open air.

Soh Daiko themselves do not have many pictures in their press material and in the recordings I can find they're all wearing modern robes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPUcxQT5db8&NR=1) (front view of robes from first clip--what does the back of the robe say, anyone? I don't think it's their name exactly) or dancers' lycra. Odd. Luckily, their daughter group moved less with the times.

Hoh Daiko traditional-style robes, front view (http://www.hohdaiko.org/)
Hoh Daiko traditional-style robes, back view (http://www.myspace.com/hohdaiko/photos/41970#a=0&i=41913)

. . .I will cherish the avatar, and will put it on display, but probably not on the GitP boards. In fact I grow shy of asking so I'll hit "submit reply" and skedaddle before I can rethink it.

2010-08-31, 02:57 PM
I'd like to make a request.

I'd like a 'what if' of Eric Greenhilt. The avatar should be an adult, Bard class, happy expression like Elan, clothes a similar color to what he is wearing in Celestia, and with any non-string instrument that can still be carried easily.

Edit: Please PM me when you have the request done.
Request complete! Thank you Bradakhan!

2010-08-31, 03:48 PM
How's This?


Let me know if you want any changes.
well, it wasn't exactly what I was thinking...
well, I wasn't as detailed so it's my fault...
I think that the guy should be smiling, and I thought that the bomb would be an antropomorph (humanoid).
sorry for the problems.

2010-08-31, 11:16 PM
Hello! I can has avatar please?

I want an OOTS style avatar of the character in my current avatar. Of course, you can only see his head right now so here are a bunch more pics of him:





Pose is up to you.

Thanks in advance :smallsmile:

Second re-post.

2010-09-01, 04:40 AM
I would like to request an avatar.

Could you please make me a
- Male
- Elf
- Bard
- Equipped with a bagpipes and a long sword.
- Long orange hair and/or beard
- Big pointy ears

Feel free to modify these details if you want/need to.


2010-09-01, 06:13 AM
I don't know if anyone does these, but I'd love a juvenile green dragon avatar. I leave pose and background, if any, to the artist's discretion. Curled up on a pile of money is always a good bet, though.Wait... What's happened here? Don't you pretty much have that in my avatar?

2010-09-01, 07:54 AM
Wait... What's happened here? Don't you pretty much have that in my avatar?

Photobucket went down for a couple hours and I thought "gee, what a good time to get a new avatar that is similar yet distinct from my old one."

Then it came back up, and, y'know, I'm not that worried about it anymore. :smallwink:

Viera Champion
2010-09-01, 08:38 AM
Ok, so for the new Mario ITP contest I'm running, I would really like a banner to advertise it. Kinda you know a simple one with Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, and Toad in it. They can be doing whatever wacky stuff you want. If you need reference pics I can get them for you.

Oh come on. Preeeetttyyy pleassseee?

2010-09-01, 11:33 AM

Please hit me with changes

Ya know... I'm not sure I have any left. It looks rather nice now. Well done.

2010-09-01, 11:41 AM
Ya know... I'm not sure I have any left. It looks rather nice now. Well done.

Please post credit

2010-09-01, 02:34 PM
Tried to do this for the Summertime Iron Avatarist competition, but was overwhelmed by memory, and by the vagueness of same. . .

Please make for me a taiko drummer avatar in traditional robes.

This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANu6hAYXCS8) is the opening melody for the late summer Obon festival, and the recording does not do it justice. Those drums are LOUD. You can hear them for the better part of a mile in open air.

Soh Daiko themselves do not have many pictures in their press material and in the recordings I can find they're all wearing modern robes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPUcxQT5db8&NR=1) (front view of robes from first clip--what does the back of the robe say, anyone? I don't think it's their name exactly) or dancers' lycra. Odd. Luckily, their daughter group moved less with the times.

Hoh Daiko traditional-style robes, front view (http://www.hohdaiko.org/)
Hoh Daiko traditional-style robes, back view (http://www.myspace.com/hohdaiko/photos/41970#a=0&i=41913)

. . .I will cherish the avatar, and will put it on display, but probably not on the GitP boards. In fact I grow shy of asking so I'll hit "submit reply" and skedaddle before I can rethink it.

I don't see why this is an embarrassment or nervous subject. Those are cool performances. I'm not putting out a promise of super-awesomeness here, but I like the idea. I can post either here or through a PM.

2010-09-01, 03:19 PM
I don't see why this is an embarrassment or nervous subject. Those are cool performances. I'm not putting out a promise of super-awesomeness here, but I like the idea. I can post either here or through a PM.

Gave it a quick go. Use it if you'd like.


2010-09-01, 03:27 PM
watch out for double-posting

2010-09-01, 07:28 PM
hey, me again.... i made an idea and i need a pro to clean it up. any takers?


2010-09-01, 09:09 PM
Can someone make me a new avatar? I want the character in mine dress up like Luigi from the Mario games without a mustache. I want him to be jumping in the air holding a Super Mushroom.

2010-09-02, 12:28 AM
I would like to request an avatar similiar to this one, but with an helmet, a bit longer sword, grey armor and blue-red shield.

Thank you

2010-09-02, 06:56 AM
Hey, can someone do this avatar for me? I was doing some thinking about the "Extravagantly Evil" Avatar I want, and I think I have a more specific idea that some will really like to attempt.

Doctor Evil, dressed as a truly maniacal wizard, with magical energies apparent, riding a shark with a wand attached to its head, said wand is shooting a spell that looks like a laser. :smallbiggrin:.

2010-09-02, 09:01 AM
Hey, can someone do this avatar for me? I was doing some thinking about the "Extravagantly Evil" Avatar I want, and I think I have a more specific idea that some will really like to attempt.

Doctor Evil, dressed as a truly maniacal wizard, with magical energies apparent, riding a shark with a wand attached to its head, said wand is shooting a spell that looks like a laser. :smallbiggrin:.

wow thats seems like a lot to fit in our little avatar boxes. Could the shark be cut in half?

2010-09-02, 09:33 AM
I figure it's high time I get in on this "avatar" thing. I'd do it myself, but I lack the proper programs/time/possibly skill (been a good eight years since I've done anything with Adobe Illustrator). Anyway, here's my request:

A bird. Specifically, a cross between a chough (http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&biw=1408&bih=696&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=chough&aq=f&aqi=g1g-m1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=), a raven (http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&tbs=isch:1&q=raven+bird&revid=1187759719&sa=X&ei=dbV_TOy0GJO4sAON2cD0Cg&ved=0CCMQ1QIoAA&biw=1408&bih=696), and... I guess a robin (http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&tbs=isch:1&q=robin+bird&revid=1703639879&sa=X&ei=lrV_TImcDJPGsAOK__H0Cg&ved=0CCMQ1QIoAA&biw=1408&bih=696), to an extent.

Here's what I'd like:

-Black body and wings, with red feet, beak, and breast.
-I'd like it to be on the ground. I'll leave the position of the wings to the artist.
-I'd like it to be facing left, with the head pointed towards the viewer.
-I'd also like it to have the Monster in the Dark's o_O expression (in yellow).
-I'd also like it to be shaded, at least somewhat. I'm thinking of the light source coming from the right, but I'll leave it up to the artist.

Thank you to whoever takes this up!

Decided to download Inkscape and make it myself.

2010-09-02, 09:57 AM
This will be a bit complicated so I apologize in advance if a nice someone picks it up and it ends up being a headache!
Basically my DnD character is a mash up of a few races thanks to reincarnation due to a major plot point. He's predominantly deva and tiefling. He has white angelic wings plus the horns of a tiefling. His facial features would be a mix of tiefling/deva so where as devas are very strong jawed, tieflings have a sharp chin, so he'd have angular but generally considered 'attractive' lines. Probably TMI but figured better to be specific. His hair would be a fire soul genasi's. The rest of his body would be a combination of a tiefling's red and a deva's purple so like a crimson? The exception is his left arm which is a stormsoul genasi's and thus blue/violetish and crackling with electricity. He carries a fullblade, which glows radiantly. Actually he has a radiant aura thanks to pleasing a certain artifact. He is an avenger so very light armor, perhaps just a cloth top and bottom. White in color except for the sleeves which are stained with the blood of every creature he's killed. His belt is set with diamonds. Ohh his eyes would glow yellow-like because deva's are silvery and tieflings are red.
If preferred his lower half can be drawn wispy, like angels when they fly.

Sorry for the wall of text!

i'll do my best to describe this with a combination of pictures:

The horns and should be a bit curvier and the tail a bit thicker

http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/DD...esDevaMale.jpg That's a good pic of a deva's face.

The hair of a fire genasi and the arm of storm genasi in this one. You could decide to include the ley lines if desired.

Sorry again if it's really complicated! And thanks in advance if someone is crazy enough to try it!

Repost 1!

Repost 2: Reloaded

2010-09-02, 12:13 PM
I figure it's high time I get in on this "avatar" thing. I'd do it myself, but I lack the proper programs/time/possibly skill (been a good eight years since I've done anything with Adobe Illustrator). Anyway, here's my request:

A bird. Specifically, a cross between a chough (http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&biw=1408&bih=696&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=chough&aq=f&aqi=g1g-m1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=), a raven (http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&tbs=isch:1&q=raven+bird&revid=1187759719&sa=X&ei=dbV_TOy0GJO4sAON2cD0Cg&ved=0CCMQ1QIoAA&biw=1408&bih=696), and... I guess a robin (http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&tbs=isch:1&q=robin+bird&revid=1703639879&sa=X&ei=lrV_TImcDJPGsAOK__H0Cg&ved=0CCMQ1QIoAA&biw=1408&bih=696), to an extent.

Here's what I'd like:

-Black body and wings, with red feet, beak, and breast.
-I'd like it to be on the ground. I'll leave the position of the wings to the artist.
-I'd like it to be facing left, with the head pointed towards the viewer.
-I'd also like it to have the Monster in the Dark's o_O expression (in yellow).
-I'd also like it to be shaded, at least somewhat. I'm thinking of the light source coming from the right, but I'll leave it up to the artist.

Thank you to whoever takes this up!

Mine! Cool idea:smallsmile:

2010-09-02, 12:39 PM
Please post credit

I intend to!

Now I just have to figure out how to put it up...

2010-09-02, 12:42 PM
I intend to!

Now I just have to figure out how to put it up...


This is the URL.

2010-09-02, 12:52 PM
wow thats seems like a lot to fit in our little avatar boxes. Could the shark be cut in half?

Oh sure, as long as you can see its a shark with a freaking lazer beam wand attached to its head

Dark Faun
2010-09-02, 01:26 PM
I would like to request an avatar similiar to this one, but with an helmet, a bit longer sword, grey armor and blue-red shield.

Thank you
Do you have a specific design for the helmet in mind? How should the blue and red be patterned on the shield?

2010-09-02, 03:19 PM
Gave it a quick go. Use it if you'd like.


Thank you. . .thank you.

Darklord Xavez
2010-09-02, 03:41 PM
Hey there!

Could one of you please do the following:

Take this (http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/roym2_151/cloak2.png) image.
Crop it so that it is shows only the head (i.e. crop from the bottom right corner going diagonally upwards to the left until the haft of the weapon is gone).
Resize it to 120 pixels square.
And finally, upload it to you photobucket/whatever and post it here. It will be my new avatar and credit will go to whoever completes the task first.

Thank you,

2010-09-02, 03:48 PM
Hello everyone!

I decided to indulge a bit of whimsy just now, so I am requesting an OOTS-style version of this little fella (http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1008/d27/1535/04a8292.png). The umbrella can be open or closed, depending on what would look better, and the bird would be nice.

They say third time's the charm...so, I repost now. :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-02, 05:20 PM
Mine! Cool idea:smallsmile:

Awesome! Can't wait to see it.

2010-09-02, 08:03 PM
Hum. So I've been avoiding coming here since I don't have any specific idea in mind for an avatar, but having a generic avi has been really bothering me. I have a few vague ideas of what I'd like, but a lot would be up to the artist, so if anyone's feeling particularly creative...

I'd like:
- a steampunk character
- male
- facing either inwards (toward the posts, not toward the menu on the side) or straight ahead
- goggles are a must! (preferably on top of the head like so (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.baywoodlearningcenter.org/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/enrichment/steampunkgadgets10.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.baywoodlearningcenter.org/steampunk.html&usg=__xVmGNj2eTZlFDejgtBYw52VxyaI=&h=391&w=361&sz=92&hl=en&start=0&sig2=zLFUYbsqapiYzj842B4H5A&zoom=1&tbnid=lrvgr9kEESa_NM:&tbnh=170&tbnw=154&ei=kUiATJTYCoSclgfJ4fG7Dg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsteampunk%2Bgoggles%26hl%3Den%26biw%3 D1506%26bih%3D688%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C388&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=385&vpy=82&dur=302&hovh=225&hovw=208&tx=68&ty=133&oei=kUiATJTYCoSclgfJ4fG7Dg&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:0&biw=1506&bih=688) unless that looks bad)
- some kind of steampunk-appropriate weapon -- perhaps a revolver of some sort?
- at least one other type of steampunk gadget (your choice)
- color scheme: really up to you (I prefer colors in the cool spectrum, esp. black, purple, and silver, but don't feel limited by that!)

Sorry, I know that's vague. ^_^; I can probably clarify if anyone has specific questions.

Thanks in advance! :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-02, 09:19 PM
I can do that, Danne. Give me a few hours. :smallsmile:

2010-09-02, 09:32 PM
Yays! :smallbiggrin: Thanks!

Gray Mage
2010-09-02, 09:33 PM
I'd like to request an OOTS style avatar of the left one (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0834/red-mage), with two changes. I'd like to have him face the right instead of the left and the clothes color should be some shade of gray. Don't worry about the details, the important thing is the shirt, cloak and hat. Thanks a bunch.

2010-09-02, 09:36 PM
Do you have a specific design for the helmet in mind? How should the blue and red be patterned on the shield?

A great helm, plain, no horns or wings and same patern, just replace the yellow with the blue.


2010-09-02, 09:57 PM
I'd like to request an OOTS style avatar of the left one (http://i.imagehost.org/view/0834/red-mage), with two changes. I'd like to have him face the right instead of the left and the clothes color should be some shade of gray. Don't worry about the details, the important thing is the shirt, cloak and hat. Thanks a bunch.

Interesting...I'll give it a whirl. I won't start in on it untill tomorrow though.

2010-09-02, 10:05 PM
I just want to clarify somthing:
even If I am using this cool avatar it dosn't means I don't want the changes.

2010-09-02, 10:56 PM
Danne, behold!


2010-09-02, 11:30 PM
Needz biggar hed, phatta moar dif'rent eyz :smalltongue:

Wait, wrong thread <.<

2010-09-03, 01:14 AM
Resist the urge to critique avatars when not in the Fanart thread. :smalltongue:

What would happen if we merged the two threads together? Hahahaha.

2010-09-03, 02:18 AM
Ok, so I was hoping for something akin to this (http://northernbanshee.deviantart.com/art/8BT-Red-Mage-62325796), however, I would like his clothes to be navy blue, grey, cobalt blue, and silver. I'd like him to be facing towards the left of the page, to show off the cloak, wielding a sword (preferably something like a rapier or sidesword - not something with a four pixel wide line for a blade, but no greatsword, and with a swoopy hilt), and with the magic auras around his hands (Navy Blue over Silver, double layered, like that of the Oracle, here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0572.html)). I'd like one eye to be black and the other to be blue (light or dark, whatever looks better) and glowing a bit.


Dark Faun
2010-09-03, 06:17 AM
A great helm, plain, no horns or wings and same patern, just replace the yellow with the blue.


As I usually ask, please upload it on your own account to spare my bandwidth and give credit to avoid issues for everyone involved.

2010-09-03, 06:21 AM
Resist the urge to critique avatars when not in the Fanart thread. :smalltongue:

What would happen if we merged the two threads together? Hahahaha.

I agree. Maybe you should post your avatar request in the critique thread, make changes, and then publish it in the request thread.

Gray Mage, I'll be starting your now.

Finished. There wasn't much detail in the reference image aside from the clothing, which is hard for me to duplicate. Let me know if you'd like any changes.


Gray Mage
2010-09-03, 10:20 AM
Finished. There wasn't much detail in the reference image aside from the clothing, which is hard for me to duplicate. Let me know if you'd like any changes.


It's really good. :smallbiggrin:
I'd just like a little change in the color of the hat and boot, if it isn't much trouble. The cloak is good and the gray on the shirt is perfect, but the hat is a bit too black. So, unless you think it makes the picture worse, I'd like to change the hat color to a gray shade, maybe some similiar to the shirt, IDK.

2010-09-03, 10:30 AM
It's really good. :smallbiggrin:
I'd just like a little change in the color of the hat and boot, if it isn't much trouble. The cloak is good and the gray on the shirt is perfect, but the hat is a bit too black. So, unless you think it makes the picture worse, I'd like to change the hat color to a gray shade, maybe some similiar to the shirt, IDK.

How's this?


Gray Mage
2010-09-03, 10:36 AM
How's this?


Just perfect. :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-03, 10:48 AM
Danne, behold!


Awesome! :smallbiggrin: Thank you!!!

2010-09-03, 11:03 AM

As I usually ask, please upload it on your own account to spare my bandwidth and give credit to avoid issues for everyone involved.

Will do both, its awesome, thanks.

2010-09-03, 02:56 PM
Hey, can someone do this avatar for me? I was doing some thinking about the "Extravagantly Evil" Avatar I want, and I think I have a more specific idea that some will really like to attempt.

Doctor Evil, dressed as a truly maniacal wizard, with magical energies apparent, riding a shark with a wand attached to its head, said wand is shooting a spell that looks like a laser. :smallbiggrin:.

I'm not sure if you'd had this done already, but it was too hilarious to pass up!
Use it if you'd like.


2010-09-03, 04:20 PM
I'm not sure if you'd had this done already, but it was too hilarious to pass up!
Use it if you'd like.


That looks great! Though I envisioned the wand on the sharks head though.
Seriously, Sharks with fricking laser beams, attached to their heads (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh7bYNAHXxw)

Diva De
2010-09-03, 08:51 PM
I know it's short notice, but I'm gonna be playing a TMNT mutant game on Monday and would really like someone to draw up my character for me.

She is a raccoon-human hybrid, gunslinger with dual pistols. She wears goggles for her sensitive eyes (can be worn on forehead), with a classic raccoon mask. Humanoid covered in raccoon fur, pointed ears on top of head, striped tail. Clothing is whatever you like, but I envision some sort of vest, gun belt, maybe something wrapped around the calves or forearms...up to you.


Viera Champion
2010-09-03, 08:54 PM
Ok, so for the new Mario ITP contest I'm running, I would really like a banner to advertise it. Kinda you know a simple one with Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, and Toad in it. They can be doing whatever wacky stuff you want. If you need reference pics I can get them for you.

Pretty please again?

2010-09-03, 11:58 PM
Geist Name: The Sorrow

-He wears a top-hat atop his ear-length hair.

-His face is angular and his body is slender.

-He wears a vertically striped vest with dress shirt beneath and slacks.

-His feet are adorned with Italian loafers.

-Spectacles sit atop the bridge of his nose.

-His eyes cannot be seen because the lenses of his glasses are constantly fogged.

-All color is drained from him, except for a light tan, comparable to a sepia-filter being put on only him.

2010-09-04, 12:11 AM
-His face is angular and his body is slender.

-Spectacles sit atop the bridge of his nose.

You are aware that OOTS faces are perfect circles and have no noses, right?

2010-09-04, 12:27 AM
Hey guys, its been something near a bajillion years since I've been on these forums, and I'm in need of an update. So i have two separate projects here, up for whoever wants them:

It is a man (actually a ghoul in disguise, but whatever) wearing a golden cleric robe with an ornate breastplate over it. He is holding a morningstar in one hand. He has two defining features: first is his helmet, which is a full-face helmet with a slit for his eyes. It is white with gold trim around the slit, and has a purple jewel set in the middle of the forehead. His face inside the helmet is shadowing, except for a pair of yellow eyes. The second feature is a large metal shield. It is a rounded triangle, pure white, except for a blue eye outlined in the center. The eye's pupil is a lightning bolt. The entire shield is crackling with electricity.

This one is long. I would like the characters labeled, if you will, please =)
First is a man dressed in an off-white shirt unbuttoned half-way down. He wears a black vest over this, with black slacks and dress shoes. His sleeves are rolled up. He has a quiver slung over his back and holds a golden recurve bow thats as tall as he is. He has a brown caesar-style haircut, brown eyes, and olive skin. He has a triumphant look on his face. His name is "Telemachus Olympius."
Second is a woman dressed in a red victorian-era dress. She has brown hair done up in a victorian fashion. She is holding a small golden knife in one hand, almost attempting to hide it. She has a blindfold on and a furtive smile. She has tan skin. Her name is "Clarisse Underwood."
Third is a man dressed in Victorian worker's clothes. He has a dissheveled beard and a worker's style hat. He is holding a large bronze shield in one hand and a blacksmith's hammer in the other. His eyes are brown and his skin is caucasian. He has a very serious look on his face. His name is "Roger Cree."
Fourth, and finally, is a man dressed in a very wealthy-looking, black Victorian-era suit. His black hair is parted on one side very close to his head. He holds an oversized revolver in one hand, and in the other holds a leash attached to a white/brown beagle with smoking pouring from its nostrils and eyes aflame. His skin is pale and his eyes are black. He has an angry look on his face. His name is "Vincent Colt."

BIIIIIG thanks to whoever takes these up, and I really wish there was some way I could repay you guys... anyone looking to help me out, go ahead and send me a PM! Thanks in advance! =D

2010-09-04, 02:34 AM
You are aware that OOTS faces are perfect circles and have no noses, right?

Yea, but I mostly just chopped up an earlier paragraph in an attempt for someone to actually do it for me. Which I took from a short character description.

2010-09-04, 04:02 AM
They say third time's the charm...so, I repost now. :smallbiggrin:

I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: here it is. I'll make any changes you want to the best of my ability.


2010-09-04, 08:29 AM
Geist Name: The Sorrow

-He wears a top-hat atop his ear-length hair.

-His face is angular and his body is slender.

-He wears a vertically striped vest with dress shirt beneath and slacks.

-His feet are adorned with Italian loafers.

-Spectacles sit atop the bridge of his nose.

-His eyes cannot be seen because the lenses of his glasses are constantly fogged.

-All color is drained from him, except for a light tan, comparable to a sepia-filter being put on only him.

I've wanted to do something like this. Recaiden is right though, it will be a circular head, and square body like all OOTS characters. unless you post serious complaints I plan on an umbrella as well.

super dark33
2010-09-04, 09:45 AM
i would like a new avatar,

i want a knight, wearing full platemail with a coat of arms (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms) on the body, its colours are black and red in two stripes, one on the left,one on the right, hes weilding a fancy longsword (knuckle like in a rapier, hilt is a spike)
and a shiled with a black dragon head on it,
his helmet has a T shape as the hatch, and on the top of it, two horns
he stands in the sword on the left hand and its stuck on the ground, the right hand holding the shiled on the side, showing the coat of arms,and he's looking to the right.

Darklord Xavez
2010-09-04, 06:47 PM
Hey there!

Could one of you please do the following:

Take this (http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/roym2_151/cloak2.png) image.
Crop it so that it is shows only the head (i.e. crop from the bottom right corner going diagonally upwards to the left until the haft of the weapon is gone).
Resize it to 120 pixels square.
And finally, upload it to you photobucket/whatever and post it here. It will be my new avatar and credit will go to whoever completes the task first.

Thank you,

1st repost. Dashwood, since you made the original for me, this should be easy for you.

2010-09-04, 07:12 PM
I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: here it is. I'll make any changes you want to the best of my ability.


Firstly, thank you very much for taking my request. Second, I apologize in advance if I sound naggy about the changes. I found that I'm a bit picky. :smallredface: However, I do realize that you can only do so much within OoTS-style avatars, so I am flexible.

Okay, firstly, the makeup (don't tell anyone I said that :smalltongue:). Could you make the orange parts more vibrant and darker without obscuring anything else? I was hoping to have it more like the picture, with the black around the eyes and then the blue underneath it. Also, could the blue be more prominent? It would also be nice if the whole thing could be less of a block and more blended in, showing a bit of the forehead rather than just covering everything from the nose upwards.

The pants: for the checkered pant-leg, could you make the white squares bigger and more checker-board like? Also, could you put the black sandals from the picture on his feet?

The hair:...not sure to be honest. I'm torn between wanting it shorter and leaving it that length.

Again, thank you for taking the request.

2010-09-04, 08:26 PM
1st repost. Dashwood, since you made the original for me, this should be easy for you.

I don't have my regular computer right now, I'm on a laptop. I don't have my old files on this machine, but I can try to do that tomorrow. I was away for the summer, so please don't take it as I was ignoring your messages.

Same goes for my other avatar in process. I'll have them tomorrow.

2010-09-04, 10:56 PM
can someone do that oots style, and can that person make a red aura around him

2010-09-05, 01:37 AM
Firstly, thank you very much for taking my request. Second, I apologize in advance if I sound naggy about the changes. I found that I'm a bit picky. :smallredface: However, I do realize that you can only do so much within OoTS-style avatars, so I am flexible.

Okay, firstly, the makeup (don't tell anyone I said that :smalltongue:). Could you make the orange parts more vibrant and darker without obscuring anything else? I was hoping to have it more like the picture, with the black around the eyes and then the blue underneath it. Also, could the blue be more prominent? It would also be nice if the whole thing could be less of a block and more blended in, showing a bit of the forehead rather than just covering everything from the nose upwards.

The pants: for the checkered pant-leg, could you make the white squares bigger and more checker-board like? Also, could you put the black sandals from the picture on his feet?

The hair:...not sure to be honest. I'm torn between wanting it shorter and leaving it that length.

Again, thank you for taking the request.

Don't worry about suggesting changes. The only problem is that I'm not so skilled as an avatarist, so it may be difficult for me to match what you want

But, I tried, and that's what I came up with


I don't really like how the makeup turned out :smallyuk:. If you have other suggestions, I'll be glad to make the required changes. (oh, and I left the hair as it is, but if you want it shorter, just tell me.

2010-09-05, 01:48 AM
Don't worry about suggesting changes. The only problem is that I'm not so skilled as an avatarist, so it may be difficult for me to match what you want

But, I tried, and that's what I came up with


I don't really like how the makeup turned out :smallyuk:. If you have other suggestions, I'll be glad to make the required changes. (oh, and I left the hair as it is, but if you want it shorter, just tell me.

Ah, I can see how that might be a problem. Well, we'll get through this adventure together! :smalltongue:

Got to be honest with you, me neither. If it'll help at all, here (http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1009/d05/0140/d0aa884.png) is a mannequin of sorts with the makeup from the image without all the other stuff cluttering it up (and pants, because I felt it needed pants). Basically, what might help is if the orange gets pulled in closer to the eyes so it looks less mask-like. Also, it would probably help if the black completely surrounded the eyes, instead of being half-and-half with blue.

Hope that helps.

2010-09-05, 01:57 AM
. If it'll help at all, here (http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1009/d05/0140/d0aa884.png) is a mannequin of sorts with the makeup from the image without all the other stuff cluttering it up (and pants, because I felt it needed pants). Basically, what might help is if the orange gets pulled in closer to the eyes so it looks less mask-like. Also, it would probably help if the black completely surrounded the eyes, instead of being half-and-half with blue.
Hope that helps.

Yes, that helps a lot. Will do the changes this afternoon. :smallsmile:

2010-09-05, 02:31 AM
Yes, that helps a lot. Will do the changes this afternoon. :smallsmile:

Thank you very much! I appreciate it. :smallbiggrin: :smallcool:

Diva De
2010-09-05, 09:21 AM
I know it's short notice, but I'm gonna be playing a TMNT mutant game on Monday and would really like someone to draw up my character for me.

She is a raccoon-human hybrid, gunslinger with dual pistols. She wears goggles for her sensitive eyes (can be worn on forehead), with a classic raccoon mask. Humanoid covered in raccoon fur, pointed ears on top of head, striped tail. Clothing is whatever you like, but I envision some sort of vest, gun belt, maybe something wrapped around the calves or forearms...up to you.


Repostage, happening.

2010-09-05, 12:35 PM
can someone do that oots style, and can that person make a red aura around him

1st time reposting

2010-09-05, 01:04 PM
Thank you very much! I appreciate it. :smallbiggrin: :smallcool:

Okay, so I tried, and got this.


Which was... blaargh! :smallyuk::smallsigh:
Then I realized that my problem could be that the eyes are too near in the typical OOTS style, making the make up too cluttered.

This is the same image with a little more space between the eyes. Hope it's a little better


2010-09-05, 01:12 PM
Okay, so I tried, and got this.


Which was... blaargh! :smallyuk::smallsigh:
Then I realized that my problem could be that the eyes are too near in the typical OOTS style, making the make up too cluttered.

This is the same image with a little more space between the eyes. Hope it's a little better


...I thought that might be a problem. Sorry about that. :smallredface: :smallfrown:

It might help if the black parts go more downward and less inward. But, in the meantime, I'll use the second one, so if you're tired of working on this you won't have to worry about it. :smalltongue:

Anyways, thank you very much for giving this a shot! Should I upload the picture myself or just use the current URL?

2010-09-05, 01:20 PM
Anyways, thank you very much for giving this a shot! Should I upload the picture myself or just use the current URL?

I'd prefer you to upload it yourself, as I sometimes delete and move around my pictures. If I manage to do something better, I'll PM you.


2010-09-05, 09:12 PM
I've wanted to do something like this. Recaiden is right though, it will be a circular head, and square body like all OOTS characters. unless you post serious complaints I plan on an umbrella as well.

Actually, no. An umbrella would be quite dashing and fit the character rather snugly.

2010-09-05, 09:41 PM
Hey guys, its been something near a bajillion years since I've been on these forums, and I'm in need of an update. So i have two separate projects here, up for whoever wants them:

It is a man (actually a ghoul in disguise, but whatever) wearing a golden cleric robe with an ornate breastplate over it. He is holding a morningstar in one hand. He has two defining features: first is his helmet, which is a full-face helmet with a slit for his eyes. It is white with gold trim around the slit, and has a purple jewel set in the middle of the forehead. His face inside the helmet is shadowing, except for a pair of yellow eyes. The second feature is a large metal shield. It is a rounded triangle, pure white, except for a blue eye outlined in the center. The eye's pupil is a lightning bolt. The entire shield is crackling with electricity.

This one is long. I would like the characters labeled, if you will, please =)
First is a man dressed in an off-white shirt unbuttoned half-way down. He wears a black vest over this, with black slacks and dress shoes. His sleeves are rolled up. He has a quiver slung over his back and holds a golden recurve bow thats as tall as he is. He has a brown caesar-style haircut, brown eyes, and olive skin. He has a triumphant look on his face. His name is "Telemachus Olympius."
Second is a woman dressed in a red victorian-era dress. She has brown hair done up in a victorian fashion. She is holding a small golden knife in one hand, almost attempting to hide it. She has a blindfold on and a furtive smile. She has tan skin. Her name is "Clarisse Underwood."
Third is a man dressed in Victorian worker's clothes. He has a dissheveled beard and a worker's style hat. He is holding a large bronze shield in one hand and a blacksmith's hammer in the other. His eyes are brown and his skin is caucasian. He has a very serious look on his face. His name is "Roger Cree."
Fourth, and finally, is a man dressed in a very wealthy-looking, black Victorian-era suit. His black hair is parted on one side very close to his head. He holds an oversized revolver in one hand, and in the other holds a leash attached to a white/brown beagle with smoking pouring from its nostrils and eyes aflame. His skin is pale and his eyes are black. He has an angry look on his face. His name is "Vincent Colt."

BIIIIIG thanks to whoever takes these up, and I really wish there was some way I could repay you guys... anyone looking to help me out, go ahead and send me a PM! Thanks in advance! =D

First repost =)

2010-09-06, 08:45 AM
Would someone be able to do an OOTS style avatar for me please?

As you can tell by my username and current avatar, I'm channeling Skeletor (from He-man), so something along the lines of that character would be nice :smallsmile: (though feel free to mix it up a bit if you're willing).

super dark33
2010-09-06, 09:52 AM
i would like a new avatar,

i want a knight, wearing full platemail with a coat of arms (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms) on the body, its colours are black and red in two stripes, one on the left,one on the right, hes weilding a fancy longsword (knuckle like in a rapier, hilt is a spike)
and a shiled with a black dragon head on it,
his helmet has a T shape as the hatch, and on the top of it, two horns
he stands in the sword on the left hand and its stuck on the ground, the right hand holding the shiled on the side, showing the coat of arms,and he's looking to the right.

first repost

2010-09-06, 10:01 AM
Would someone be able to do an OOTS style avatar for me please?

As you can tell by my username and current avatar, I'm channeling Skeletor (from He-man), so something along the lines of that character would be nice :smallsmile: (though feel free to mix it up a bit if you're willing).


i know, is not good...

2010-09-06, 10:17 AM
can someone do that oots style, and can that person make a red aura around him

2nd time reposting

2010-09-06, 11:37 AM
Anyone willing to make me another Avvy? This time... Of Lazengann.

Image 1 (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091220142314/gurennlagann/images/thumb/f/f0/Lazengann.gif/300px-Lazengann.gif) (General appearance).

Image 2 (http://anime.collectiondx.com/gallery2/gallery/d/414861-4/P6296922.jpg) (Appearance without mouthguard).

Pose I'd like it in: Arms crossed in front of it, the lower part of the teeth visible.

2010-09-06, 11:41 AM
2nd time reposting

okay I think I might take this, but dude. Get the rules of reposting, this should not have been your second repost already. You wait 48 hours and if someone still hasn't taken your request, then you repost. You've been reposting in about 12 or less.

2010-09-06, 11:49 AM
2nd time reposting

Hhhmm... Maybe. If I have time.

2010-09-06, 12:11 PM
Hhhmm... Maybe. If I have time.

I'll let you take this one. It will probably turn out better if you do it, plus i have homework :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-06, 12:35 PM
OOps! sorry, I didn't even notice that you had said you would do it. I would have let you done it. anyway, here'smy version:


How can i make it better? (sorry, i cut off the glow a bit at the side so it wasn't so small).

Darklord Xavez
2010-09-06, 12:36 PM
I don't have my regular computer right now, I'm on a laptop. I don't have my old files on this machine, but I can try to do that tomorrow. I was away for the summer, so please don't take it as I was ignoring your messages.

Same goes for my other avatar in process. I'll have them tomorrow.

That's fine.

2010-09-06, 12:41 PM
can you make the sword strait? it seems curved at the end

2010-09-06, 12:48 PM

Like this? I also got rid of the glow, because I don't really think it looked that great. I can put it back if you want though.

2010-09-06, 12:52 PM
not to be a bother but can you put it in a slashing attack pose?

2010-09-06, 01:00 PM

It's a bit smaller, because of the width. anything else?

2010-09-06, 01:03 PM
I figure it's high time I get in on this "avatar" thing. I'd do it myself, but I lack the proper programs/time/possibly skill (been a good eight years since I've done anything with Adobe Illustrator). Anyway, here's my request:

A bird. Specifically, a cross between a chough (http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&biw=1408&bih=696&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=chough&aq=f&aqi=g1g-m1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=), a raven (http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&tbs=isch:1&q=raven+bird&revid=1187759719&sa=X&ei=dbV_TOy0GJO4sAON2cD0Cg&ved=0CCMQ1QIoAA&biw=1408&bih=696), and... I guess a robin (http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&tbs=isch:1&q=robin+bird&revid=1703639879&sa=X&ei=lrV_TImcDJPGsAOK__H0Cg&ved=0CCMQ1QIoAA&biw=1408&bih=696), to an extent.

Here's what I'd like:

-Black body and wings, with red feet, beak, and breast.
-I'd like it to be on the ground. I'll leave the position of the wings to the artist.
-I'd like it to be facing left, with the head pointed towards the viewer.
-I'd also like it to have the Monster in the Dark's o_O expression (in yellow).
-I'd also like it to be shaded, at least somewhat. I'm thinking of the light source coming from the right, but I'll leave it up to the artist.

Thank you to whoever takes this up!

ukeleleninja said things weren't working out, so I'm reposting my request.

Decided to download Inkscape and do it myself.

2010-09-06, 01:08 PM
its alright like thanks for the avatar ukuleleninja
ill put youre name in my sig

2010-09-06, 01:35 PM
its alright like thanks for the avatar ukuleleninja
ill put youre name in my sig

No problem.

2010-09-06, 02:54 PM
I'd like an avatar of my Genius character, if that's possible. He has brown hair parted on the left, and wears a school uniform with a vest and tie. He's around 14 years old. I'd like it if he had a kind of sneaky expression, and was wearing goggles up on his head, if that's alright.

2010-09-06, 06:36 PM
Ok, so I was hoping for something akin to this (http://northernbanshee.deviantart.com/art/8BT-Red-Mage-62325796), however, I would like his clothes to be navy blue, grey, cobalt blue, and silver. I'd like him to be facing towards the left of the page, to show off the cloak, wielding a sword (preferably something like a rapier or sidesword - not something with a four pixel wide line for a blade, but no greatsword, and with a swoopy hilt), and with the magic auras around his hands (Navy Blue over Silver, double layered, like that of the Oracle, here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0572.html)). I'd like one eye to be black and the other to be blue (light or dark, whatever looks better) and glowing a bit.


First Repost.

2010-09-06, 07:21 PM

i know, is not good...
:smalleek: ... not good??? That's fantastic - you even got the 'grey' skull to work with it. :smallbiggrin: Thank you very much! :smallsmile:

(I've just had to shrink it down to fit :smallredface:)

2010-09-07, 03:56 AM
:smalleek: ... not good??? That's fantastic - you even got the 'grey' skull to work with it. :smallbiggrin: Thank you very much! :smallsmile:

(I've just had to shrink it down to fit :smallredface:)
I am very glad that I have made you happy ...:smallbiggrin:

super dark33
2010-09-07, 07:53 AM
i would like a new avatar,

i want a knight, wearing full platemail with a coat of arms (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms) on the body, its colours are black and red in two stripes, one on the left,one on the right, hes weilding a fancy longsword (knuckle like in a rapier, hilt is a spike)
and a shiled with a black dragon head on it,
his helmet has a T shape as the hatch, and on the top of it, two horns
he stands in the sword on the left hand and its stuck on the ground, the right hand holding the shiled on the side, showing the coat of arms,and he's looking to the right.

second repost

2010-09-07, 02:09 PM
May I request a avatar?

I would like Mr. Scruffy standing on top of a mountain of mouse corpses, similar Belkar's Sexy Shoeless God of War moment.

2010-09-07, 02:13 PM
May I request a avatar?

I would like Mr. Scruffy standing on top of a mountain of mouse corpses, similar Belkar's Sexy Shoeless God of War moment.

ARGH! Why are there so many awesome posts here? I'll do this one when I finish my current one in progress.


Seaking of ones in progress, here's one for you, Ahzreal:


2010-09-07, 03:25 PM
May I request a avatar?

I would like Mr. Scruffy standing on top of a mountain of mouse corpses, similar Belkar's Sexy Shoeless God of War moment.

I'll give this a try

2010-09-07, 07:30 PM
May someone make a penguin version of Madonna (nowadays) for me? Thanks! :smallbiggrin:

P.S: A cookie to whoever does so!

2010-09-07, 08:51 PM
I would like to request an avatar! :smallsmile:

Specifically, Betty from Top Chef:


but with a few changes:

-wearing a white chef's jacket
-wearing a short, white cylindrical cap
-her hair in two short braids going down to her shoulders or so
-carrying (preferably in her left hand) a platter with three wine glasses on it; in one is a maroon liquid, in another is a white liquid, and in a third is an orange liquid

Thanks so much to anyone who decides to take this up!! :smallsmile:

2010-09-07, 09:07 PM
ARGH! Why are there so many awesome posts here? I'll do this one when I finish my current one in progress.


Seaking of ones in progress, here's one for you, Ahzreal:


Many thanks! >:D Ish cyute.

Anders Celsius
2010-09-07, 11:02 PM
Any chance to get me an avatar of an old hippie sorcerer?
White hair and beard, a light and a dark green eye, light skin. Big wide grin?
One hand with fire, and the other one with a frost-like spell.
The background distorted in a psychedelic way, suggesting a illusionist.
Color of the robe? Tie-dye, of course!
Anything not listed, use this for reference:

super dark33
2010-09-08, 02:53 AM
i would like a new avatar,

i want a knight, wearing full platemail with a coat of arms (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms) on the body, its colours are black and red in two stripes, one on the left,one on the right, hes weilding a fancy longsword (knuckle like in a rapier, hilt is a spike)
and a shiled with a black dragon head on it,
his helmet has a T shape as the hatch, and on the top of it, two horns
he stands in the sword on the left hand and its stuck on the ground, the right hand holding the shiled on the side, showing the coat of arms,and he's looking to the right.

third time the charm?

2010-09-08, 04:48 AM
May someone make a penguin version of Madonna (nowadays) for me? Thanks! :smallbiggrin:

P.S: A cookie to whoever does so!it is quite possible that I misunderstood the right ...


third time the charm?
I do not know better ...

super dark33
2010-09-08, 05:21 AM
I do not know better ...

make the helmet more bucket shaped, the beige pices should be dark grey, the horns more round,the cape red with black shoulder pads, the dragon head on the shield will be red on te black side, the coat of arms covers most of the body,at the end of the sword's hilt there is a spike, it has a hand guard with spikes on it (like in rapiers) and the cross guard is tridant shaped.

sorry for the criticisem, im very picky....

Archonic Energy
2010-09-08, 06:22 AM

well it's been quite a while since i've been here!

i would like to make a small request. could someone please make me a *Stab* Smilie. about the size of the small smilies
EG. :smallsigh: :smallfrown: etc

i know it's not a Avatar but i thought this may be the best place to post

many thanks for any/all help


2010-09-08, 02:15 PM
sorry for the criticisem, im very picky....


2010-09-08, 03:15 PM
May I request a avatar?

I would like Mr. Scruffy standing on top of a mountain of mouse corpses, similar Belkar's Sexy Shoeless God of War moment.

hows this:

2010-09-08, 03:26 PM

well it's been quite a while since i've been here!

i would like to make a small request. could someone please make me a *Stab* Smilie. about the size of the small smilies
EG. :smallsigh: :smallfrown: etc

i know it's not a Avatar but i thought this may be the best place to post

many thanks for any/all help


For a second I thought you were changing your avi, thank goodness your not.:smallsmile:

I'll make the smilie for you as a reward:smallbiggrin:

super dark33
2010-09-08, 04:04 PM

i like it! thankes

2010-09-08, 05:07 PM
Anyone willing to make me another Avvy? This time... Of Lazengann.

Image 1 (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091220142314/gurennlagann/images/thumb/f/f0/Lazengann.gif/300px-Lazengann.gif) (General appearance).

Image 2 (http://anime.collectiondx.com/gallery2/gallery/d/414861-4/P6296922.jpg) (Appearance without mouthguard).

Pose I'd like it in: Arms crossed in front of it, the lower part of the teeth visible.

First repost.

2010-09-08, 07:52 PM
it is quite possible that I misunderstood the right ...

Nice drawing, but I meant a penguin dressed as Madonna. :smallsmile:

2010-09-08, 09:57 PM
I'd like an avatar of my Genius character, if that's possible. He has brown hair parted on the left, and wears a school uniform with a vest and tie. He's around 14 years old. I'd like it if he had a kind of sneaky expression, and was wearing goggles up on his head, if that's alright.

First Repost!

2010-09-09, 03:50 AM
First Repost!
Upload your previous avatar, and it may try to draw
in our school uniforms are worn, so I need an example ..

Archonic Energy
2010-09-09, 04:07 AM
For a second I thought you were changing your avi, thank goodness your not.:smallsmile:

I'll make the smilie for you as a reward:smallbiggrin:

Thanks RPG,

Not a Chance i'd change, though i have been known to flip between my Archon & Dark Archon Avis. these Avis mean alot to me.
though if you want to make a Protoss Avi that i can add to the Army then i'm sure i'd make it fit.

2010-09-09, 06:33 AM
Upload your previous avatar, and it may try to draw
in our school uniforms are worn, so I need an example ..

I don't really have a previous avatar of him, but I can run you up a rough draft on TekTek, if that's alright?

EDIT: Here, in the spoiler tags. Just a rough approximation of what I'm talking about. Feel free to change the colors or something if you want to.


2010-09-09, 08:09 AM
Can someone do an OotS'ified version of this (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb21710/common/skins/common/blank.gif), if it's not too hard, please? :smalltongue:

2010-09-09, 09:48 AM
I don't really have a previous avatar of him, but I can run you up a rough draft on TekTek, if that's alright?


Can someone do an OotS'ified version of this (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb21710/common/skins/common/blank.gif), if it's not too hard, please? :smalltongue:
link ist broken

2010-09-09, 10:05 AM

He looks really good, but I have just one little nitpick - his skintone is kind of dark. If you could make it a tone more similar to that of my current avatar, that would be perfect.

2010-09-09, 10:10 AM
link ist broken
Kay, how about now (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20050723162957/fallout/images//4/40/BloodyMess.gif)?

2010-09-09, 10:15 AM
Kay, how about now (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20050723162957/fallout/images//4/40/BloodyMess.gif)?
I would love to give that a try, just for the fun of it. But that doesn't mean that anyone else can't do it.

EDIT: Oh, do you want with color or black and white?

2010-09-09, 10:35 AM
I would love to give that a try, just for the fun of it. But that doesn't mean that anyone else can't do it.

EDIT: Oh, do you want with color or black and white?
Color'd be nice. Had a hard time finding the colored versions of it, so:
-Blond hair on both of them.
-Blue suits on both of them.
-Black shoes on both of them.
-Gun is... dunno, gray?
-Puny blast is yellow.
-The backwards T on the suit at the right guy is yellow.
-Normal skin color.
-Normal blood and bones(or sticks in this case, probably). :smalltongue:

2010-09-09, 11:00 AM
He looks really good, but I have just one little nitpick - his skintone is kind of dark. If you could make it a tone more similar to that of my current avatar, that would be perfect.

2010-09-09, 11:05 AM
It's fantastic! Thank you!

2010-09-09, 12:23 PM
Color'd be nice. Had a hard time finding the colored versions of it, so:
-Blond hair on both of them.
-Blue suits on both of them.
-Black shoes on both of them.
-Gun is... dunno, gray?
-Puny blast is yellow.
-The backwards T on the suit at the right guy is yellow.
-Normal skin color.
-Normal blood and bones(or sticks in this case, probably). :smalltongue:

I had to resize it smaller, because it got pretty wide.
If any change just tell me, and please credit if used :smallsmile:

2010-09-09, 12:30 PM
I had to resize it smaller, because it got pretty wide.
If any change just tell me, and please credit if used :smallsmile:
Not usual OotS style, but I freaking love it none the less! Few things:
-The blast is... purple? :smallconfused: How about classic yellow?
-Also, I do think that bright red splat on the suit of the dead guy kinda stands out too much, can you do something about it too?
-Some OotS-style teeth for the dude on the right, not too large though.
Thanks! :smalltongue:

2010-09-09, 01:19 PM
Not usual OotS style, but I freaking love it none the less! Few things:
-The blast is... purple? :smallconfused: How about classic yellow?
-Also, I do think that bright red splat on the suit of the dead guy kinda stands out too much, can you do something about it too?
-Some OotS-style teeth for the dude on the right, not too large though.
Thanks! :smalltongue:

Here it is!
Any change?
Oh, and the blast, I misread purple instead of yellow for some strange reason:smalltongue: