View Full Version : Evil Ptolis

2011-02-10, 12:42 AM
You hear footsteps coming down the hall and men screaming of being wrongfully and how they should be set free. You sit in your cell and smirk, the only silent ones in your wing. You know you deserve to be here, but that doesn't make the shackles around your wrists and feet any less painful. When chained to the wall in antimagic shackles there isn't much anyone can do except stand in their own excrement and wait for their next turn in the torture chambers.

"Well well lads, guess who's turn it is to have some fun?"

You see the warden standing in front of your cell with a michevous grin. The warden stands about six feet tall in gleaming platemail. Anyone else would think he's a human, but you can see him for what he truely is. No human blinks vertically the way he does. How a Tiefling became a jail warden, no one will ever know.

"Today's session will sadly be your last with us here. We've been planning for weeks but still haven't decided which one of you gets to watch the other die. Oh well, the guards will be here soon to take you down to the pit. Don't fret, I'll be there waiting with baited breath."

As the warden walks away a young man reaches out and grabs at him while groveling,

"Please free me, you have no right to keep me here!"

The boy is silenced by the back of the wardens gauntlet across his face and falls to the floor. After the warden leaves the boy get's back up and peers across the hall into your cell.

"This is ya last chance you two, I see ya go down there ev'ry day an' take those beatings without sayin' a word, no moans of pain, no complaints. Today it ends, one way or another. Either you go down to the pit an' have ya souls cut out from under ya an' bottled up in a little jar for all eternity, or we make a stand. Push the guard towards my cell and i'll handle the rest. Shhh, they're coming!"

The two human guards silently walk up to your cell and open the door. They detach you from the walls but leave the antimagic shackles on your hands and leave your feet unbound.

So you guys would get a surprise round if you decide to do anything. You can post in any order you want unless we're in a fight with initiative. If you prepare spells you have none prepared, if you spontaniously cast then you have all your spells for the day. Either way the shackles on your hands stop you from using any sort of magic, arcane, divine, or eldritch.

P.S.- Every other day since you've been in prison you both have been taken down a lift to the base of the prison and been tortured by various demons and equally vile creatures. You both get one Deformity Feat for free which needs to be picked before you get out of the prison. You don't have to qualify for the feat you just have to ask me about it first.

2011-02-10, 02:42 PM
Kirin Raghnall had been in the wrong place at the wrong time for most of his life. Had he not been born into a cult, perhaps he could have lived a normal life... and perhaps should would have still been alive...

As the guards let him down, Kirin held his tattooed hands up and looked at them. He had been down to the base to be tortured so much that he didn't really know how much of the dried blood on his body was actually his. In such a short amount of time, his body had gone from a temple, to defiled with the marks of his past life, to scarred with the burns of the demons down below. His body was covered head to toe in dark purple, swirling, tribal-like tattoos when he pledged his allegiance to the Brotherhood. More recently, his body was covered in swirling burns, seared onto his body by the demons down below, in order to mimic the tattoos that were already there.

Of course Kirin never complained about the torture. He never felt like he needed to scream in pain. He knew he deserved this, just not for the reasons the warden saw fit. Because of Kirin, a beautiful young woman had been tortured to death, and Kirin was made to watch. That was torture enough for him, and any pain thereafter was nothing but a scratch. Kirin was a broken man.

Was there a chance at redemption? Or at the very least, revenge? Many members of the cult still lived, even after his massacre, and the Brotherhood was just as strong with or without Kirin. Maybe his time was not yet... maybe there was reason to still yet live. A young one in the opposing cell seemed to have offered a chance for Kirin to seek out revenge. It was either dying now, or dying in several moments...

Kirin looked to the man on his right, his cell mate for quite a while now. In all the time they had been together, Kirin never said a word. In all honesty, Kirin had been to preoccupied with his thoughts to even notice if the man had tried to say anything at all. Would he help?

"All men get what they deserve I spose," Kirin said to the guard, "Let's start with you!"

Kirin Lunged forward towards the guard, hoping to catch him by surprise and push him into the opposing cell bars where the young man waited, hopefully with a plan.

2011-02-10, 03:22 PM
The guard loses his footing and just as he stumbles back into the hallway you hear the boy say,

"Trade ya'! Lets see what ya' can do wit'out those nasty shackles."

A single gleaming key flies over the guards head as the boy wraps the manacles that used to bind his wrists around the guards neck and pulls with all his might. The boy moves so fast it's almost entrancing, you forget about the key until it's right in front of you. It almost slips out of your grasp but you holdfast.

Taking off your shackles is a move action.

2011-02-11, 01:48 PM
Andoliir Tyral had sat in his cell for well over three years, still just a fraction of my sentence. Sitting in silence, listening to the screams of agony rising from the depths of the prison, I pondered when MY time would come. I had been to the depths, I had accepted that it was my place in life to be here, to be mutilated by the demons serving the Warden.

When the warden came, this time he informed me, and my cell mate, his name I do not know, that we were to die. This time we would not return from the depths which served as a hell on earth. I had become almost numb to the abuse that the demons so willingly and joyfully facilitated on my body. Looking down I saw that I did not even recognize the body I was in, it had been mutilated beyond repair. What they did not know, could not know, is that it only lessened the pains. My skin had become rough, bark-like. Now I would die, the punishment would end. My cell mate would receive the same end, though I do not know why.

When the warden left, a young boy in the cell across from us informed us that we need only but push the guards to him, he would do the rest. Mayhap he has a plan? I will do as he asks, this life means nothing to me, but I suppose there may still be some way to find happiness. It would begin with the deaths of the guards who had allowed my torture, who had stood by and laughed as our skin was flayed, our minds brutalized. It would all happen today.

When the moment came, I was prepared for the scuffle. The man I had spent so long with lunged forward and brought about the end of the first guard and I was not about to let him die for that. Hoping that the man across the hall would have it in him to take the second guard out, I kicked him toward the other cell with all my might.

[roll0] Hit
[roll1] Crit
[roll2] Str
[roll3] Damage

2011-02-11, 02:25 PM
Andoliir- The guard standing in your cell your cell jumps to the side to avoid your kick as he slams the hilt of his sword into your stomach, slightly dazing you. He yells,

"Stand down now!"

as he turns towards his fellow guard in attempts to save him.

The guard in the hallway struggles to break free from the chain around his throat. He flails his arms wildly around trying desperately to reach the boy but the cell bars impede his reach.

Initiative Order
Guard 2 (in cell)
Guard 1 In Hallway
Boy in other cell

P.S.- Andoliir you just took 4 Damage from the blow to your stomach and may only make one move or standard action next turn.

2011-02-11, 09:59 PM
Kirin caught the physical freedom tossed to him by the boy. He had a moment; one guard was, well, trying to catch his breath, and the other was watching like a buffoon. Kirin quickly unlocked his shackles. They fell hard to the blood-stained stone floor. He tossed the key to his right, in his cellmate’s general direction, “Heads up!”

Kirin could feel the dark energies flow through his veins once more. He couldn’t help but give a faint smirk as his hands became engulfed by the now freed eldritch energy once again. He had nearly forgotten how… good… it felt. “Never turn your back on an enemy you fool!” Kirin yelled to the guard who wasn’t wearing the boy’s shackles as a necklace. Kirin’s smirk stayed on his face as he fired a frightful blast at his opponent.

Frightful Blast Hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
so he needs to make a will save or become shaken for one minute, if he's hit that is, so dc or w/e would be 16 (right? 10 + 2 (cuz it's technically a second lvl invocation, dont worry it's legal) + 4 for cha bonus

2011-02-12, 11:44 AM
Kirin-The eldritch fire flies across the room and flies between your cell mate and the guard, slightly grazing your dazed companion.

The boy in the oposing cell locks his manacles to the cell door as he grabs the key and the gun from the guard. He then kicks his door open with all his might slamming the guards face into the now sanguine colored obsidian wall. The boy then spins the gun around his finger, stopping with it aimed at the guard's head and says,

"Actually, you can stand down, unless you want to end up like him"

The guard slouches for a moment then jumps after the boy swinging his sword above his head at him. The boy tries to sidestep out of the way but the sword catches his leg right before it connects with the floor.

Andoliir- You lost your turn due to being dazed and take another 1 damage, but you made your will save and are not shaken for the next round.

2011-02-12, 12:28 PM
The long days of torture must have impeded his aim. An apology would take place later. For now, there were more important issues. Luckily, Kirin had more than one trick up his bloodied sleeve. His hand flowed with a new energy, not that of his demonic blood-past. Negative energy emitted from his hand, and Kirin ran up to behind the guard, and forced his hand into his back.

Charnel Touch (Melee Touch Attack) [roll0]
The extra +2 is from flanking
Damage (Negative Energy) [roll1]
if by any chance this guy is undead, he's healed for 1, not 1d8

2011-02-12, 07:58 PM
The guard screams in agony as he feels his soul being pulled from his body. But before his scream can begin to echo down the halls of the prison, it is cut short. The boy waves his hand past the guards throat as a crackling gray energy coats his hand. The energy quickly disapears and and you notice there is no blood coming from the wound, it has been burned off by the blade of energy.

"Quickly! Get these clothes off of him and get them both in the cells. You,"

He points to Andoliir,

Put on the armor and the outfit, he was closest to your size, I guess the rest of us have to go on as the gods made us. Now we must act quickly before the patrol comes.

Initiative is now over so post in whatever order you'd like.
By the way, Kirin you get 100 exp, Andoliir you get 50.

2011-02-12, 10:38 PM
Removes the shackles with the key that was tossed to him, then quickly strips the guard that was roughly his size. Donning the armor and then stretching quickly, readjusting to the weight of the armor. "Hmm, it has certainly been a while since I have been in such battle gear. These bastards will pay for the last three years."

He grabs a longsword and glances down the hall. "Let us move quickly, no doubt someone has heard this one's scream." He then utters a couple of quick incantations and heads down the hall, weapon at the ready.

inflict light wounds [roll0]
I'm also preparing an action to attempt to intimidate the first opponent who attacks us, the save is d20+opponent's lvl/HD+wisdom bonus+any saves v fear or be shaken for the duration of the encounter

2011-02-12, 11:40 PM
“My apologies for the stray bolt,” Kirin said to his cellmate, “It’s been… a while…”

Kirin looked towards the boy. “I would thank you, but I’ll wait ‘til we make it out alive. Name’s Kirin.” He shot out a blood-stained hand for the boy to shake.

“My suggestion,” Kirin said, “Have our armored friend here pretend to be walking our sorry asses out. At least as far as we can without it being suspicious.”

Kirin raised his arms over his head to run his hands over his once smooth shaved head, a habit of his. It just hit him how long he had actually been imprisoned. Patches of long, blood-crusted hair fell past his shoulders, but most of it had been singed off. The ends were burnt and frayed. Kirin made a mental note to fix this if the chance ever arose, though he would always feel like an unfaceable beast.

“Shall we?”

I'd also like to make a spellcraft check for the inflict wounds spell Andoliir used to heal himself, I feel like I should know w/o a check because I can cast it, but I'll do a roll just in case.

I guess I'll also prepare an action to fire a Frightful Blast if we find ourselves in a situation lol

2011-02-13, 03:01 AM
Listening to the exchange between the two men behind him, he realized he never formally introduced himself to his cell-mate,

"By the way, my name is Andoliir, we may make it out of this yet. We will need to move quickly and you two had best make it look as though your wearing those shackles else this disguise be worthless. I'm not unfamiliar to the weight of this battle gear, but it has certainly been a while. I would feel better with a sturdy shield strapped to my arm, keep an eye out for one eh?"

Continuing down to the end of the hall, he peers out, looking for any guards who might be on their way to intercept them.

2011-02-13, 09:34 AM
This is no time for name's boys,

the boy says as he darks down the hall, shackles resting on his shoulder.
As you all get to the end of the hallway you get to the entrance to "The Pit". This staircase spirals up the whole chasm. You glance up and see that there is about five hundred feet of running to do, but no guards to block your way. You also realize if you run fast enough you should be able to jump on the platform that is being pulled up to the top. However there is a guard coming up on the platform.

I hope you two are more athletic than you look.

The boy gets a running start and leaps onto the platform, in order to balance as he lands he grabs onto the guard and uses his momentum to swing him off of the platform.

Well, that was easier than expected.

The platform you are jumping to is 10 ft out and you both know you should be able to make it. It's basically and elevator I guess, only its on a hemp rope and a wooden pulley you can see at the top, connected to this wooden platform.

2011-02-13, 02:14 PM
Andoliir backs up slightly, then jogs to the ledge and hurls himself over onto the platform, tucking the longsword into its sheath as he runs.

[roll0] jump check (armor check penalty already factored in)

2011-02-13, 10:09 PM
Hmph, in the time he said "no time for names" he could have said his name..., Kirin thought to himself, Punk...

Kirin picked up the shackles from the floor and followed behind the others down the hallway. As the ledge neared, he picked up his pace, and made the leap.

Jump Check [roll0]

2011-02-13, 10:25 PM
Andoliir- You easily leap through the air and land solidly on the center of the platform.

Kirin- You leap through the air and slam your upper boddy on the platform and slide off.

Gorram fool!

The boy flips though the air while simultaniously shackling one of his ankles to Andoliir's.

Hold on to something, I'm going after him!

Kirin- As the boy begins to fall he quickly grabs your shackles and attaches one to your wrist and one to his own.

Hey, slightly more compitent fool, hoist us up! Quickly before it reaches the top.

2011-02-13, 10:29 PM
Andoliir quickly grabs the chains pulling the platform up, holding tight as the boy hurdles after the man sliding off the edge.

You two sure ain't light. Get him up here and let us get out of this place eh?

2011-02-13, 10:40 PM
Kirin- The boy swings you far enough where you can grab the edge and pull yourself up. As you and the boy are sitting on the platform he unlocks the shackles again and let's out a sigh of relief.

Don't go on and die yet, the fun's just gettin' started... Speakin' of fun, either of ya' speak Giant?

The boy is staring straight up in the air at the grotesquely oversized Ogre turning the winch that is pulling the platform towards the top. He looks beaten and morose from his time presumably being a slave in this prison. The ogre looks down at the three of you and turns his head slightly in confusion, looks off to the side, then back down at you, then another double-take, ending with his gaze stuck on you.

2011-02-13, 11:00 PM
Kirin took a deep breath in, and let out a long sigh. The old Kirin could have made that jump. He was a broken man now. His body had been to hell and back, and his mind had fallen into a state of hopelessness.

Kirin looked up at the ogre. A possible threat... or a possible ally.

"Do you taste for freedom as we do, powerful ogre?" Kirin asked the battered beast in his language.

2011-02-13, 11:05 PM
The ogre continues to look warily over to his left up over a ledge that you can not see over.

Kirin-Freedom? My kind knows no freedom. We are just slaves to the little ones. No, there can be no freedom for my kind, we are too stupid to know what to do.
The boy next to you plugs his ears and whispers,

Uhg! That language sounds like your beating a dire bear mother with it's own cub. What's he saying?

2011-02-13, 11:22 PM
Kirin noticed the ogre's looks of uneasyness over the ledge. "I asked if he wants freedom," Kirin said quietly to the boy, "He says there can be no such thing for him... I believe there are guards up there..."

Speaking in giant
"That is not true," Kirin said in Giant, "You are a powerful being, do you not desire freedom? Is this the life you want? Do not let these vile men hurt you anymore, do to them as they have done unto you! We can help you never hurt again once you get us to the top!"

I'm assuming I need a diplomacy roll for this... I should have just lied to him, my bluff actually has ranks in it...

Diplomacy Check [roll0]

2011-02-13, 11:34 PM
As you all get to the top you here the ogre let out a series of grunts and growls.

Kirin-Freedom could be nice I'll help smash guards, now step to the side, I'll start with the one behind you.
The ogre then ceases slouching and stands straight up with his chest out. He's even larger than you first thought, he is at least twice your height, he leans forward as he lets out a threatening roar.

Okay, that's it, chat time's over, big man's going down.

The boy steps back to prepare for his leap off the edge.

2011-02-14, 12:06 AM
Kirin pondered for a second... Guard behind me?

He looked behind his shoulder, and noticed Andoliir wearing the guard's armor. "****."

Kirin turned back to the ogre, and started yelling in Giant,
"No, no, no, no, no!" He yelled frantically, "This guy is our friend! He's wearing a disguise, a costume! We killed a guard and took his armor! Killing him grants you no freedom! Smash the real guards!"

Kirin could only hope the ogre would listen.

Diplomacy Check (pleeeeease roll well! lol) [roll0]

2011-02-14, 12:17 AM
Listening intently to the conversation unfolding between the old man and the ogre, he began to notice voices rise.

"Hmm, I dont like the sound of this, and that ogre isnt looking at me like he is impressed to see me..."

Lightly lifts the point of the longsword in his hand in case of a fight, ready to pounce.

"I certainly hope you know what your telling that thing."

2011-02-14, 12:32 AM
What's going on down there your simple minded brute?

You hear multiple footsteps and and clanking of metal coming from the ledge to the ogre's left. Just as the ogre turns to look up the boy jumps off of the platform onto the ogre's back. The ogre rips him off his back and slings him through the air into the winch causing the platform to swing wildly back and forth, occasionally crashing into the edge where the ogre and the boy are. The ogre then proceeds to climb up the ledge and roar once more.

The room you are in is enormous. The part you are in right now is "The Pit". Which is 90 ft from one end to the other. Once you get off the platform you can go around to a staircase that leads up to the ledge where the ogre just climbed. To get to the to the top of the stairs you would need to move around 60 ft. So thats the furthest you could get in a turn. The top of the stairs is 10x10 so multiple people can stand there at the same time.

2011-02-14, 12:35 AM
Slipping and falling, Andoliir reaches back to slowly stand back up regaining his balance.

[roll0] balance check, hope for the best

2011-02-14, 12:36 AM
Kirin kept his balance as the platform shook, and he rushed to the thrown boy. "Do you make a habit of mounting angry ogres?" He asked sarcastically.

He knelt down and softly slapped the boy's face with the back of his hand, "You with me? The hell were you thinkin?"

Balance [roll0]

2011-02-14, 01:02 AM
I was thinking that the fifteen foot tall beast was going to kill me. That's what his kind does, or have ya' been locked up here so long you've forgotten that old man.

The boy stands up and stretches for a moment before continuing,

Now come on, let's get up there and see if your little coercion worked out in our favor.

He then glances over to Andoliir,

Oh god man get off your ass and get over here before we decide to go one without ya'.

You all hear the guards screaming and more loud roaring. You then begin to hear the sounds of whips cracking and swords being drawn.

2011-02-14, 01:08 AM
Standing once again, he jumps from the elevator to the stair case.

"Let's hope for the best this time eh boys?"

[roll0] jump check, be good this time!

2011-02-14, 01:18 AM
Andoliir- The boy dives forward and reaches his arm down and links it with yours,

I'm starting to think I picked the wrong people for an escape like this. Next time something like this happens, you're both on you're own. Wow, what have they been doing to you down there, force feeding you wrought iron?

The boy pulls you up onto the platform, gets up and runs halfway up the stairs, peeking his head over the ledge.

2011-02-14, 01:28 AM
Andoliir shot a glare at the hot-headed teen who had just pulled him to safety,
"Dont you get snippy with ME boy, I will smack you into shape before you can blink. Now, let's get moving...I dont like the sound of what is going on above us."

2011-02-14, 10:53 AM
I love the sound of what's going on above us," Kirin sneered, hoping the ogre was laying into the guards.

Kirin follows the others up the stairs, peering over the top of the edge. Go, ogre, go!

2011-02-14, 01:51 PM
You peer over the edge to see the ogre surrounded by four guards. Two of the guards are cracking him with bladed whips whenever he tries to move and the others alternate running by and slashing at his legs with their longswords then quickley getting out of his reach before he can retaliate. The beaten ogre gets a second wind and swings one of his massive fists and catches a guard square in the head sending him skidding across the room, his longsword spins off into the pit, swirling into darkness.

If he's dumb enough to take on four armed men for our sake, the least we can do is be dumb enough to help him.

The boy jumps up, sprints across the room full speed and leaps through the air while producing his energy blade and pounces on one of the guards with a whip, driving the blade deep into his stomach as they both tumble to the ground.

Initiative Order
Guard with Whip
Guard with Longsword
Other Guard with Whip

Map of the room
......................................sK.......... ...........
....................................sA............ ...........

X= 5 ft. square
S = Staircase going up
s= staircase you are on going down
W= Guard with whip
G= Guard with longsword
B= Boy in struggle with guard on the floor
O= Ogre
K= Kirin
A= Andoliir
.= Not an actual space, just so I can space things out correctly

2011-02-14, 05:45 PM
Andoliir climbs to the landing and rushes forward raising his longsword and staring down the guard whipping the ogre.

"Oi! Pick on someone your own size eh? Think your tough with that whip? Bring it on!"

He shakes his weapon menacingly and yells loadly.

[roll0] Intimidate check on the guard whipping the ogre

2011-02-14, 06:03 PM
You think you're tough big man? If you thought what was done to you in the pit was bad, wait until you try and cross me.

The guard walks forward and until he is about ten feet away from you, reels his arm back and cracks the whip forward, wrapping it around your longsword and ripping it from your grasp. He drops the whip on the ground as he catches the longsword and spins it around like he's doing an elaborate weapon drill.

So boy, come at me then, if you think you're man enough!

The ogre, seeing this, charges forward at the guard spinning his sword and lands one solid punch to the small of his back. You hear his bones shatter as the guard falls to his knees.

Oh, you'll pay for that you simple minded brute!

The other guard weilding a longsword runs over towards the ogre and slices the back of the ogre's ankle. You see the tendon running through his leg snap and contract into a ball slightly above the ogre's kneecap. The ogre roars out in pain as his leg buckles, but manages to shift his weight over to his other leg and remain standing.

Andoliir, you are now shaken.

Revised Map
......................................sK.......... ............
....................................s............. ...........

X= 5 ft. square
S = Staircase going up
s= staircase you are on going down
W= Guard with whip (now with longsword)
G= Guard with longsword
B= Boy in struggle with guard on the floor
O= Ogre
K= Kirin
A= Andoliir
.= Not an actual space, just so I can space things out correctly

2011-02-15, 12:16 AM
Kirin moves toward the ogre slightly, getting a better aim on the guard who had taken Andoliir's longsword in a rather humiliating fashion. His hand glows with the demonic eldritch energy, and he fires the ray.

Move 10ft up and 10ft to the left
Frightful Blast (Ranged Touch) [roll0]
Opponent must make will save, dc 16, or become shaken for one minute
Damage [roll1]

2011-02-15, 02:21 AM
The guard seems almost unphased by the ray of demonic power searing a large hole in the side of his armor.

How many of you damned ingrates are their? Does not one guard besides me do his job in the prison?

The guard in the scuffle with the boy swings at your young companion as they toss and turn on the hard floor. But the boy moves so fast he can barely keep an eye on him, let alone land a decent blow. Then suddenly, the boy drives his blade right through the guards heart and quickly kicks up off of the floor landing on his feet still prepared for battle.

......................................s........... ............
....................................s............. ...........

X= 5 ft. square
S = Staircase going up
s= staircase you came from going down
W= Guard with whip (now with longsword)
G= Guard with longsword
B= Boy (Standing over dead guards body)
O= Ogre
K= Kirin
A= Andoliir
.= Not an actual space, just so I can space things out correctly

2011-02-15, 11:12 AM
Now weaponless, Andoliir scrunches his face and sneers at the guard, taking a step back.

"You are messing with the wrong man. Pay for your ignorance"

He utters a quick incantation and makes a quick gesture toward the guard standing near the ogre.

[roll0] Casting Cause Fear on the guard standing near the ogre 1d4 round duration frightened if failed save, on a successful will save he is shaken for 1 round.

2011-02-15, 01:42 PM
A darkness falls over the guard who's sword is still dripping with the blood of the ogre. His eyes open wide as he stares at Andoliir. The other guard uses Andoliirs sword to support his weight as he stands. The sword begins to slip out from under him but as it does he keeps a firm hold and uses the momentum to thrust the sword under his arm into the ogre's thigh but can't muster the energy to pull it out.

While the guard is struggling to pull the sword out of the ogre's leg, the ogre swings an open hand forward and wraps it around the guards head lifting him off of the ground. He then thrusts down and smashes the guards face onto the hard stone floor, you hear the sound of his skull fragmenting and blood begins pooling almost instantly.

The last guard still standing looks around at the carnage that surrounds him then back up at Andoliir. He turns and sprints fullspeed towards the staircase screaming,

Help! The prisoners are escaping! Help! The ogre is loose! Some one come quickly!

......................................s........... ............
....................................s............. ...........

2011-02-15, 02:32 PM
Kirin knew he couldn't catch the guard after his head start. He looked towards where the guard was headed, and looked to the other side of the room. Two sets of stairs.

"I will admit I don't know my way around this place," He said "But how 'bout we go that way?" Kirin pointed to the set of stairs on the right side of the room.

He looked at the wounded ogre,
"You fought well, strong ogre, but we aren't free yet!"

"Unless you guys have any better suggestions, I propose we move quickly!"

Move up 20ft, right 10ft
Prepare an action to fire Frightful Blast at any enemy that enters within a 60ft radius

2011-02-15, 03:00 PM
Both stairs lead to the same place, the gate to the waterway. Jokes on him because it takes at least two men to open that gate, he's all alone here with us. We need to act quickly before someone down the waterway hears him.

The boy runs forward and braces himself as he runs up the wall, grabbing onto the top and lifting himself over the edge. He then motions to the ogre to follow him.

You two take the stairs on the left. Run you fools there isn't much time!

The boy continues sprinting on the edge of the ledge towards the stairs on the left, attampting to cut off the guard.

Kirin 150 xp
Andoliir 150 xp

2011-02-15, 03:05 PM
Acknowledging Kirin's statement, he moved to the ogre and ripped the longsword from it's thigh. Then, turning toward the stairs, he set off at a quick jog, hoping to Nareis that he would have a little bit more fortune getting out of this place than he had been having.

"Well gents, we aren't out of this yet, dont let your guard down."

Preparing an action to intimidate the first opponent who tries to attack us.

2011-02-15, 03:12 PM
The ogre stumbles forward, reaches up to the top of the ledge and slowly pulls humself to the top. As he gets to the top he seems winded and almost collapses from the strain on his leg.

The guard continues to run away at his top speed goes straight up the stairs and out of sight.

HELP! Someone! Anyone, please! There's too many of them!

2011-02-15, 03:23 PM
Kirin follows Andoliir as fast as he can towards the left set of stairs. "Shut that fool up!"

2011-02-15, 03:35 PM
The boy picks up his speed even more until he is basically a blur moving across the ledge. He leaps up into the air emitting his blade but lands out of sight. You hear metal clatter, and the yelling ceases. The boy then walks over to the top of the stairs,

Okay, we need to quickly pick up whataver we need from these guys and then open up the gate to the waterway. You two check out the bodies down there, I'll get everything from the loud one up here.

No more initiative
Andoliir 50 xp

2011-02-15, 03:45 PM
Kirin slows to a halt, knowing that the situation is over... for now. He looks up to the ledge, and yell in Giant,

"Ogre, recover your strength, we are making progress!"

Kirin walks over to the bodies laying on the ground, carefully avoiding the pool of blood spilled by his ogre friend, and inspects them for anything he might find of use in the near future.

2011-02-15, 07:58 PM
Seeing Kirin return to the corpses, he turns around and begins to search the bodies as well.

"Hopefully one of these guys has something worth using. We still need all the help we can get in this hell-hole."

2011-02-16, 02:07 AM
Each of the guards was in uniform which includes their black studded leather armor, one of which is completely useless. They all also have a large key ring with around twenty keys of various shapes and sizes. Amidst the rest of the carnage you find the two bladed whips, one of which is stewing in a pool of its former owner's blood.

So in all it is
3 Key Rings
Two Bladed Whips
Two Sets of Usable Studded Leather Armor

2011-02-16, 09:47 AM
Kirin a set of armor from one of the guards, and takes his ring of keys as well. He rolls up a whip, the cleaner of the two, and attaches it to his belt. He didn't intend to use it, because he never had much experience with a whip, but at least it would help with a disguise had he needed to pass off as a guard. He also grabbed a second set of keys, leaving one for Andoliir, so that he could give one set to the boy.

Kirin walked up the stairs to where the boy was, "You need a set of these?" He asked, holding up a set of keys.

Remembering the last time the ogre saw a prisoner in a guard uniform, Kirin quickly turned to the ogre and said,
It's just me, strong ogre. I'm in a disguise as well.

Not really sure if I should make a disguise check, but I might as well just in case

2011-02-16, 10:49 AM
Rummaging through the gear strewn across the floor, he takes a key ring and returns to the boy on the platform above.

How do we get through this gate?

2011-02-16, 05:21 PM
You get to the top of the stairs to see the boy finish putting on the guards uniform, he tucks the key ring into his pocket.

It's a little snug but it will have to do.

The boy takes the belt off of the uniform and uses it to strap the armor to his back.

I don't know about you two, but I'm not the best swimmer out there so i'll wait to put this stuff on until after we're out of the water.

He walks over to the large lever on the left side of the landing and grasps it in both hands while firmly planting his feet.

Okay so, figure out which key goes to these, unlock it, then we need to pull both levers at the same time to open the gate. Then once it's open, I guess we try and swim our way out and hope to find a ledge to get out of the water before we hit the falls, sound good?

The boy puts the largest key on the ring into the slot and turns it, he then waits impatiently at the lever waiting for you to take your place at the other side.

2011-02-16, 07:09 PM
Andoliir removes his armor and straps it to his back, acknowledging the fact that none of the three were going to be the greatest swimmers. He then meanders over to the other lever and readies himself to pull it with the boy.

2011-02-16, 10:32 PM
Kirin, too, takes off his armor, and straps it to his back. A glimmer of hope rang in the back of his mind. Countless thoughts of what he would do once he were free ran through his mind. He stared blankly into the distance, his thoughts taking over his imagination. No. It was too soon. Kirin took a deep breath, preparing for the plunge.

2011-02-17, 11:57 AM
Andoliir and the boy pull their levers and the portcullis recedes into the ceiling. The ogre is the first one into the water, you notice even though he can stand with no problem, he is still swimming on his back with a large smile on his face. You all dive in and start swimming and notice, the water isn't too deep, about ten feet to the botom, and it seems relatively calm and you dont have too much of a problem staying afloat. The three of you make it around two hundred feet before you make it to the first fork in the water works. You two hear men talking somewhere around the corner to the right, but you can't quite make out what theyre saying. Also, on your side of the corner, also on the right, is the first ledge to get out of the water. However it is ten feet above the waters surface.

Well, this ledge doesn't seem like much of an option for anyone besides the big guy. Do you wanna try it or keep swimming?

Try to get up the ledge
Swim left
Swim right (where you heard the voices)

2011-02-17, 06:26 PM
Andoliir peers around the corner, trying to see if he could make out the location of the guards. Then, popping his head back, he figured that the guards didnt swim all the way up and down this canal.

There must be boats that the guards use to bring prisoners up and down the canal. I figure if we can find one, our job will be a whole lot easier.

2011-02-17, 10:52 PM
Kirin gets into the water, he cant help but smile himself. After endless days of nothing but fire and torture and blood, the cool water was pure ecstasy. The water around him turned red from the dried blood on his skin washed off, but it eventually mellowed into the rest of the water. He lifted his arms out of the water to see his clean skin for the first time in a long time Clean, of course, is a word used lightly. The dark swirling tattoos from the Brotherhood were unwashable, physically and figuratively. The thin, swirling sears from the demons also coated his skin in the same fashion as the tattoos. The demons had a sick sense of humor. Kirin had also turned very pale in his time here. He had not seen the sun in ages. It was actually one of the few things he missed.

Kirin looked to the ogre. A commonly savage and relentless species. The ogre swam with a grin as wide as Kirin's chest, and for the moment, seemed to have no care in the world. Even if a being, beaten and shamed in this life, could be happy, Kirin could learn to do the same again.

Kirin looked to the left, and then to the right. "It may seem too simple, but the less confrontation the better. My vote is left."

2011-02-18, 02:12 AM
Andoliir- You see two guards standing watch about fifty feet down the passage. They stand on a ledge that is only about one foot above the water level.

There's problems within both of your solutions fella's. First off Andi, how do you expect to get one of these boats, secondly even if we did get a boat, we're drenched and anyone in their right minds can look at you two and tell you're not guards. And Kirin, I memorized the way when they brought me here blindfolded, I payed atention to every twist and turn we made and planned my escape, we came from the right, not the left. I vote we risk it, dive under and go right.

The ogre stops swimming and stands still looking very pensive.
What is wrong little one, do we not know the way? Will we be lost down here forever?

2011-02-18, 02:57 AM
Kirin turns to the ogre,
"Our friend here knows the way, ogre. We should be free soon enough.
...So, what can I call you, strong one?"

Kirin pondered for a moment, feeling like he could stay in the cool water forever.

"We could dive now and swim until we are just under the guards, and pull them both underwater at the same time," Kirin suggested, "Our big friend here could easily take one, if not both out.

Kirin turned again to the ogre and told him his idea.

2011-02-18, 03:12 AM
The ogre stands and ponders for a moment,
You may call me whatever you wish, I have no given name. I could try and drag them under, us merrows are very good swimmers, but i'm not sure how much more of this fighting I can take, my body is so weak. I'll try for you though friend.

The ogre goes underwater until he is flat at the bottom of the waterway before swimming over to the guards. He reaches the guards in no time, and in a flash he bursts forth grabbing one guards face in each massive hand and drags them into the water. For about thirty seconds there is no signs of struggle, then all of a sudden a guard pulls his head out of the water and tries to scream, but all you can hear is a gurgle as he is pulled back under the water. Then, a minute later the ogre pops back out of the water next to you with a guard over each shoulder. He gently places both of them on the ledge above you and then goes back to swimming aimlessly.

Well, that was unexpected... He's stronger than I thought; crazy, stupid, and childish, but strong none the less.

2011-02-18, 03:37 AM
Kirin gazed at the ogre in amazement of how swift and easy it was for him.

"I will call you friend. You deserve a name, friend. How about Orma? It means Free One."

Kirin turns to the boy. "He is very far from stupid, actually." Kirin looks to the ogre again, and then back to the boy. "He's just... happy. For once in his life, I think he's happy."

Kirin begins to swim backwards, towards the right, looking at his companions before turning around and quietly swimming down the canal.

OOC: I looked up name meanings on google, typed in "free" as the meaning, and Orma is African for Free Man, hope that's ok to incorporate haha it sounded like it could be an ogre name to me.

2011-02-18, 01:11 PM
Watching the ogre effortlessly drown the two guards, he wondered at the strength of the beast. How could something so dumb and so simple be so powerful? The wonders of the world truly were a mystery to him still.

Boy he is quite a powerful little bugger isn't he? I vote to keep him around if we make it out of this place. He could be useful. That is assuming that you all will be sticking around these parts? I suppose it is still too early to decide anything.

Pushing off the wall, Andoliir propels himself down the canal to where the ogre is swimming and grabs onto the ledge.

2011-02-19, 02:59 AM
Both of you struggle to keep your head above water as you swim down the hall. At times you actually fall under and take in full breaths of water. The ogre see's this and quickly comes over and swims you to the ledge that the guards were on and places you on dry land. The boy makes his way there alone and climbs up onto the ledge to catch his breath.

So, we still need to go further down the waterway and then make another right, but there is a door headed in that direction, so maybe we can avoid the water for a bit and stay dry. What do you guys think, keep swimming or hope that door leads us to where we need to go with as little confrontation as possible.

The boy tip-toes over to the door and puts an ear to it for a minute then walks back over to you.

I can hear people talking on the other side, but I have absolutely no idea what language it is, I've never heard anything like it.

2011-02-19, 10:10 AM
Kirin gives Orma a pat on the back for helping him up to the ledge. He decides to try and listen in on the conversation on the other side. Perhaps he knew another language that the boy did not. He walks to the door and presses his ear against it just as the boy did.

Listen Check [roll0]
Languages: Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Elvish, Giant

2011-02-19, 12:11 PM
Kirin- You place your ear on the door and hear the men speaking, but you also have no idea what language it is. As you crouch at the door your body is englufed in shadow as the ogre stands over you with his ear to the door. He becomes enraged as he listens to the conversation on the other side.

The language of MY PEOPLE, spoken with a forked tongue! That is the language of the merrows, but it is no merrow on the other side of that door!

2011-02-19, 12:24 PM
Kirin looks to Orma, and then back to the door. So much for happiness, Kirin thought.

"If you wish to end them, Orma, I will support you."

Kirin takes a step to the side of the door, giving the ogre a decision to make. "He's angry. That is his tounge being spoken, but not by his kin." He looks to the others, "This may get messy."
Prepare action to cast Summon Undead

2011-02-19, 01:12 PM
Andoliir begins strapping on the armor once more, realizing that there may be a battle. He didnt want to be caught in combat without some protection.

Preparing an action to cast Shield of Faith (+2 Deflection bonus to AC) if the ogre decides to go through the door.

2011-02-19, 01:24 PM
Wait wait wait, lets think about this fell...

The boys voice is overshowed by the sound of a door being ripped from it's hinges. The ogre picks the steel door up over his head and tosses it behind him before charging into the room.

Kirin-Right before the ogre is out of sight you see two crossbow bolts penetrate his body, one to his chest, and the other to his throat. The ogre falls to the ground clutching his neck, bleeding profusely.



A- Andoliir
B- Boy
K- Kirin
O- Orma
X- 5 ft. Square
/- Door
.- Not valid Space

Andoliir, putting on armor takes more than one round, so you do not have it on yet, you basically haven't started.

Both of you should post doing your prepared actions before I post again.



2011-02-19, 02:15 PM
Here we go boys, whatever is on the other side of that door doesn't like us, i'ma show em who they are messing with.

Andoliir mutters a quick incantation and a pair of black, demonic wings sprout from his back and wrap around him like a shield.

2011-02-19, 03:01 PM
Kirin, seeing no enemies in the room, and not wanting to waste his arcane energy, quickly bolted back to the others.

"Orma's down."

Kirin turns to the doorway, and his hand ignites in eldritch energy.

Decided not to summon undead, preparing a new action to fire Frightful Blast at first enemy to walk out of door, if any.

Moved directly to the left of Andoliir

2011-02-20, 12:29 PM
The boy sighs as he begins to run towards the room,

We need to act quickly before they raise an alarm, knew that beast would be nothing but trouble.

He goes through the doorway out of your sight,

Quickly, before they reload, I can hear more coming down another hall.

.................................................. .XXXXXXX
....................2XXXXX....................XXXX XXX

A- Andoliir
B- Boy
K- Kirin
O- Orma
1- Enemy
2- Enemy
4- Enemy
X- 5 ft. Square
/- Door
.- Not valid Space
~- Water

I know this is more than you can actually see, I just dont feel like making partial maps again.



2011-02-20, 12:41 PM
Andoliir surges forward through the door and over Orma's body. As he enters the room, he raises his weapon and looks intently at the closest creature.

Moving 15 ft forward, 45 ft to the right, should be 2 squares ahead of Orma's body.

2011-02-20, 12:52 PM
The grotesque looking creatures in this room have yellow-green scales and large fins coming out of their arms and legs, they both have a loaded crossbow in their hands and a longspear across their backs.

Orma groans as he pulls both bolts out of his body, his body then goes completely limp and his arms fall to the floor as the bolts roll up against the wall.

.................................................. .XXXXXXX
....................2XXXXX....................XXXX XXX

A- Andoliir
B- Boy
K- Kirin
O- Orma
1- Enemy
2- Enemy
4- Enemy
X- 5 ft. Square
/- Door
.- Not valid Space
~- Water

2011-02-20, 10:28 PM
Kirin follows the boy and Andoliir through the passageway. He stops right behind the boy, taking a quick breath, and preparing for the upcoming fight.

2011-02-21, 01:38 AM
The boy charges into the room towards the enemy on the right and swings at him, then just as his fist is about to make contact his blade erupts into being around his hand. The creature goes limp and falls to the ground as it's head rolls across the floor towards the ledge.

Haha! These guys aren't so tough.

Once the standing creature recieves his backup the three creatures let loose a small barrage of bolts across the room. One of bolts catches Andoliir in the leg, another hits the boy in the shoulder, the third flies across the room off the ledge into the water the water below

Ow! That hurt ya' little bastards!

Andoliir You take 3 damage.

.................................................. .XXXXXXX
....................2XXXXX....................XXXX XXX

A- Andoliir
B- Boy
K- Kirin
O- Orma
2- Enemy
4- Enemy
X- 5 ft. Square
/- Door
.- Not valid Space
~- Water

Orma (Skipping his turn due to him being unconcious)

2011-02-21, 07:09 AM
Andoliir winces slightly as the bolt penetrates his leg, and uses the pain to push him toward his closest opponent. As he nears the creature, he raises his weapon high behind his head and swings it across with as much force as he can muster.

Hope ya like steel!

[roll0] hit
[roll1] crit confirm
[roll2] insta kill
[roll3] damage

2011-02-21, 10:04 AM
Kirin moves into the room, looks once to the boy slaying one of the creatures, and then turns to his left. His hand ignites in eldritch, and he fires at the creature in the corner.

Move 15 feet to the right
Frightful Blast (Ranged Touch) at enemy 2 [roll0] (btw, I learned I actually can crit with this, 20,x2, weird lol)
[roll1] Confirm Crit
[roll2] Instant Kill
Damage [roll3]
If hit, enemy must make Will Save (DC 16) or become Shaken for 1 minute (I know this gets repetitive lol but just figured it was better to include it then to not include it)

2011-02-21, 11:02 AM
Both creatures hit are still standing but were hit hard enough to send their crossbows spinning to the floor. The boy then runs across the room and thrusts his blade clean through the unscathed creature's heart then kicks the him to get his arm free, the finned monstrocity falling to the floor.

The creature that Kirin attacked charges forward thrusting his spear wildly. The spear barely catches your arm as you try and spin out of the way. The creature Andoliir attacked tumbles backwards while pulling out his longspear and thrusts his spear clean through Andoliir's chest, the entire head coming out of Andoliir's back, just missing his spine. You can feel ribs shatter and organs rupture as the creature pulls the spear out of your body. You have no idea how you still have the power to stand as this immense pain surges through your body.

Kirin you take 1 damage.
Andoliir you take 9 damage.
(PS- When you guys take damage, please edit your sheet to show that fact.)

.................................................. .XXXXXXX
....................XXXXXX....................XXXX XXX

A- Andoliir
B- Boy
K- Kirin
O- Orma
2- Enemy
4- Enemy
X- 5 ft. Square
/- Door
.- Not valid Space
~- Water

2011-02-21, 12:51 PM
Andoliir slumps over slightly and grabs at his chest with his left hand, covering the gaping wound now exposing his entrails. Mustering the last of his waning strength he stumbles forward and thrusts his longsword at the creature that just stabbed him. Hoping with everything that this last thrust would ring true and the creature would fall, knowing full well that another blow would surely be his death. As he thrusts his sword, he yells a fierce battle cry to honor his former host and deity.

I have come much too far to fall here, you will die creature. FOR THE FALLEN! FOR NAREIS!

Sorry I forgot to specify which creature I attacked last round, it was number 4.

Attacking number 4 again this round, hope for the best!
[roll0] hit
[roll1] crit confirm
[roll2] insta kill
[roll3] damage

2011-02-21, 07:23 PM
As Kirin swings his body to the side, with the spear just grazing him, his opposite hand ignites, and he stretches his arm out and fires another blast at the beast. Over his shoulder, he sees the bleeding Orma on the ground.
This blast was for him.

Frightful Blast (Ranged Touch) at enemy 2 [roll0]
[roll1] Confirm Crit
[roll2] Instant Kill
Damage [roll3]
If hit, enemy must make Will Save (DC 16) or become Shaken for 1 minute

2011-02-22, 12:37 AM
Andoliir's last thrust goes straight through the beasts chest, destroying one of its lungs, and the beast breathes its last breath. The other beast quickly jumps up to dodge to blast of energy and then prepares to have another thrust at Kirin. But just before he begins his attack the boy slices his arm clean off and kicks him to the floor. The boy then picks up the spear and drives it through the creatures head. The boy turns to you,

What? Just in case... You two really are some of the worst fighters i've ever seen in my life. So, is the big boy dead yet? Cause uh, even if he isn't, it's not like we can carry him outa here. I say we just keep on going, but not where those other two things came from.

The boy then walks towards the door on the side of the room and puts his ear on the key hole.

Initiative is now over.
Andoliir 100xp
Kirin 50xp

2011-02-22, 11:12 AM
Andoliir curses violently and begins uttering a few incantations, trying to stitch the wound in his chest together at least a little bit. Once done he glances around the room and makes a quick mental note of the creatures they had just fought.

Offerings for The Fallen, offerings for Nerais. May they be satisfied.

Obviously casting 3 inflict minor wounds spells

2011-02-22, 11:12 AM
Kirin glared at the boy after his comment. Had Kirin been to his original level of power, they would probably have been out of this prison by now. It was ironic, really, the powerful necromancer, Kirin, controller of the undead, had his powers stripped of him by other undead. Damn those filthy vampires. Kirin held his tongue, though. By the boy's skills, it was evident that the vampires hadn't been quite so thorough with him

Unless Orma's body recontructs with negative energy, like mine, I've no means of curing the poor fella.

Kirin turns to Andoliir.

You there, can you help him?

2011-02-22, 11:54 AM
Don't you dare look at me like that old man! I am trying to get out of this hell in one piece, I'm not here to help a slave get free. He was useful for a little while, sure, and he most likely would have been useful in the future, but he's done now, and there's nothing we can do about it. I know that's cold, but I was in prison for a reason, now if you want to say a little prayer or put the bugger out of his misery do it quick and lets keep going.

The boy rests with his back on the door tapping his foot.

2011-02-22, 12:05 PM
Kirin picks up a spear from one of the fallen creatures. He walks slowly towards Orma, his blood forming a rather large pool on the ground. Kirin slams the spearhead into the ground, his knuckles white.

Cleric, can you mend him?

2011-02-22, 12:12 PM
Glancing over the wounds of the ogre, he immediately knew there was no help to be given to the poor creature.

This one is too far beyond my help. There is nothing I can do but offer him up to Nareis and The Fallen. They shall see to him for the protection of their servant.

Andoliir turns away from the ogre and unstraps the armor from his back,

Mayhap I have the chance to put this gear on now? I would rather not risk another blow like the last I took.

2011-02-22, 12:21 PM
Kirin looks down to the ogre Orma, and says a soft prayer.

May your soul be free, strong one.

Kirin pushes the spear into the back of Orma's neck, and twists it once it is emerged on the other side. He takes the spear from his neck and tosses it on the floor.

By your lead, boy.

Kirin walks to the door where the boy waits.

2011-02-22, 12:59 PM
Okay, so let's get into this armor before we get out there, I have a feeling you two may need it.

The boy gets into his armor and then grabs a crossbow and starts collecting bolts from the creatures.

Okay now that that's settled, lets be on our way.

The boy takes out the key ring and tries to fit each key into the lock on the door,

So I don't hear anyone behind this one so it should be relatively safe.

the boy finaly puts the right key in the lock and opens the door. In front of you is a hallway that leads to a dead end, but there is one spot on the right side where another hallway is visible, running parallel to yours. He walks down the hall and peeks around the corner of the second hallway. He quickly pulls his head back from around the corner and whispers,

What the hell is a bugbear doing roaming around the prison. He's not a guard, he's not chained up, he's just fully armed roaming the halls. Quickly, back up towards the dead end and we'll take him by surprise.

He tosses Andoliir the crossbow and the small hip holster of bolts,

You stay back, and if you hit me with one of those, I swear to your god I'll end you.

B-ry 50 xp
The boy gave you ample time to put on armor or loot bodys as you wish, so just have that be in your next post.

2011-02-22, 01:18 PM
Oh ye of little faith, boy, the things I have seen and done in my day...

His voice trails off into nothing realizing the bugbear was coming and he would rather not alert it to their presence before absolutely necessary.

Preparing an action to shoot the bugbear with the crossbow
[roll0] hit
[roll1] crit confirm
[roll2] insta kill
[roll3] damage

2011-02-22, 01:37 PM
Kirin wipes the ogre blood from his foot onto one of the dead finned creatures before equipping the leather armor once more. Kirin looked around the creatures for anything else that could be of use before returning to the doorway with the boy. Like many times before today, his hand erupted in a wisping demonic energy.

Search Check 1d20+4
Prepare action to fire Frightful Blast at the Bugbear
Hit (Ranged Touch) [roll0]
Confirm Crit [roll1]
BOOM! Headshot [roll2]
As always, DC16 Will save or shaken for 1 minute

2011-02-22, 04:19 PM
As the bugbear turns the corner Andoliir looses his crossbow bolt and its slams into the beasts shield. Then Kirin fires a blast of eldritch energy directly into the wall behind the bugbear.

Seriously guys?!

the boy exclaims as he tumbles around the bugbear stabbing it in the spine. The beast roars out in pain and prepares for battle.


2011-02-22, 10:49 PM
Kirin glares at the back of the boy's head. YOU try hitting something after being tortured for years, drained of all your power earned over a lifespan longer then your own, and chained against a wall when the two former weren't taking place, punk, he thought.

Kirin, half tempted to fire a a fistful of energy into the boys back, begins weaving a spell with his arms. At the end of the incantation, Kirins arms are lowered, and he raises them, with an upward faced hand, as if pulling something up. As his arms raise into the air, a human skeleton raises at the same rate behind the bugbear from the floor. The skeleton then swings with both of his hands against the bugbear's back.

Human Skeleton Stats (not sure if you want these, but here they are after my corpsecrafter feat)
HP: 8/8
AC: 15
STR: 17
DEX: 13
CON: -
INT: -
WIS: 10

Attack 1: Claw
Hit [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
BOOM! [roll2]
Damage [roll3] + Cold Damage from Deadly Chill Feat [roll4]

Attack 2: Claw
Hit [roll5]
Crit [roll6]
BOOM! [roll7]
Damage [roll8] + Cold Damage from Deadly Chill Feat [roll9]

2011-02-23, 03:39 AM
The first of the skeletons swings crashes into the wall, shattering the bones in his hand. His second hand, however, rings true and catches the bugbear in the neck and raking down his spinal cord. The bugbear screams in terror and walls to the floor.

Now that's what I'm talking about! Evil, gruesome, and effective. Well if he's not dead already, he's not getting up ever again. Come on lets keep going.

Then the boy turns to continue down the hall from where the bugbear came from.

Kirin 135 XP and you hear a creature coming from the same direction that the bugbear came from.
Andoliir 135 XP

2011-02-23, 08:15 AM
The skeleton crumbles and re-enters the earth after several seconds. It seems even the duration of my spells have been hindered... he thought to himself.

As the boy begins moving, Kirin hears something from down the hallway. He reaches out to boy, even though he is out of range, as if to catch him.

Wait. Do you hear that? It's coming from that way.

Prepare action to fire Frightful Blast at any enemy that enters LOS

2011-02-23, 09:36 AM
The boy quickly backs up around the corner again.

Hopefully he didn't notice...

He cuts his sentence short and looks down at the bloody corpse.

Okay so he probably will notice that, just reload and get ready for another one, first one wasnt that bad.

The boy's blade disapears once more as he grabs the sheild from the dead body and slides it to Andoliir's feet.

Looks like it's you lucky day.

He puts his fists up, ready for the next foe to come around the corner.

2011-02-24, 09:15 PM
Andoliir ducks and grabs the shield, strapping it to his arm. Then quickly nocks another bolt into the crossbow and readies a shot for the next creature to walk around the corner.

This time i'm not missing! The bastard is going to die.

[roll0] hit
[roll1] crit confirm
[roll2] insta kill
[roll3] damage

2011-02-24, 09:59 PM
Kirin's fist shines ablaze with dark energy, and he focuses his eyes on where the beast will appear around the corner.

Prepared Frightful Blast
Hit (ranged touch) [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Kill [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Will Save dc 16 or shaken for 1 min

2011-02-25, 11:51 AM
The creature comes around the corner and is surprised by the crossbow bolt and blast of energy that both find their mark, flying right over his shield into his chest. The boy then quickly runs over and pounces on the bugbear before it can move and slits its throat. The creature falls to the ground motionless.

Okay so before another one comes let's get out of here.

The boy peers around the corner,

Don't see or hear anything else, let's hope for the best.

The boy begins to run down the hall towards where both creatures came from.

135 xp each

2011-02-25, 02:33 PM
Kirin follows the boy, making sure to keep an open eye for any other stray creatures.

You said you memorized your way through this place, right? I doubt the guards would lead us through wild Bugbears, what's going on?

2011-02-25, 02:42 PM
I memorized my way through the waterway on a boat. These passages were made before this place was turned into a prison, these creatures refused to give up their home so the guards just built doors and locked them so the creatures can't actually get into the prison.

You make you way into a room that has a hall leading to a closed door on the right. The room also has an open door straight ahead of you that looks like it leads the way down another hall to the right.

So honestly I'm just making it up as I go along right now. Any suggestions?

2011-02-25, 06:03 PM
Well then, this is gonna be fun.

Kirin looked at the two possible routes.

Let's try the hallway... I'm assuming the bugbears came from the open door. For all we know there are twenty more where they came from.

2011-02-25, 11:53 PM
Andoliir limps along behind the two men, nocking another bolt to the crossbow in case they encounter any more creatures. He peers down the hallway, careful not to expose too much of himself as to be easily seen.

2011-02-26, 08:59 AM
You all slowly approach the door on your right and can hear voices coming from the other side. You can't quite tell how many creatures are there, but you know it's quite a few.

I haven't spoken it in a while but I believe that's goblin they're speaking. Something about guards coming, and a baracade falling. That's all I can get out of it, they're just not talking loud enough.

2011-02-26, 09:56 PM
Well by the sounds of it, guards are coming here, which means we don't have a whole lot of time. But, at the same time, they sound to be coming through the creatures of the other side of this door. Which means that we may be able to use them to our advantage. If we can let the guards fight through the creatures through this door, then we may be able to allow them to tire themselves out and make our fight easier.

2011-02-27, 09:28 PM
Kirin smirks.

Let them duke it out. There may be a winner between the two factions on the other side of this door, but there will be no survivors.

Wisps of demonic energy emit from Kirin's hand, and his eyes faintly glimmer from the relfection.

2011-02-27, 09:41 PM
You sit and wait for the sound of a commotion on the other side of the door, but it never comes. The creatures keep talking casually for another minutes before the boy speaks up,

We can't just sit here and wait all day. The warden has to know you're gone by now, we has waiting in the Pit remember? So we need another option, and we need one fast.

2011-02-27, 10:55 PM
Kirin ponders for a moment.

Well the ogre proved to be valuable for a short while. Perhaps we can arrange a deal with the goblins as well? Enemy of my enemy?

Kirin looked down to his clothing, thinking of what happened the last time he tried to persuade a creature to kill guards. He removed his uniform, and motioned for the others to do the same. Kirin turned to the door, and attempted to open it, only to find it was locked. He tried several keys from the keyring before the lock clicked open. With a deep inhale, hoping for the best, Kirin opened the door.

I believe we have a common enemy in the guards, goblins. We've come to help you rid them.

Bluff Check [roll0]

2011-02-28, 11:26 PM
Stripping off his armor quickly and then the uniform as well, he follows Kirin through the door and glances quickly around the room. Realizing that he has no idea what language these creatures are speaking, he grows frustrated, knowing that he is of little help to his companions. But he figured he would give it a shot anyway, perhaps one of them would understand him.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Look here, you all help us, or those guards storm in here and kill you as well. By now the warden knows we have escaped, and he is going to be livid. So he probably will not spare anything that gets in his way in order to continue his sadistic pleasures,

He brandishes his sword around the room, and continues,


[roll0] intimidate check to get the creatures to help us if they understand me. Spoken in common.

2011-03-02, 08:24 AM
The goblins see you all entter the room and draw their weapons. One even begins to move towards you until another speaks up. They momentarily huddle up into a group and begin speaking in Goblin. They remain calm until Andoliir barges into the room and then the one that approached you before begins to walk towards you all again, morningstar drawn. He stops right in front of Andoliir and says,

Where do you get off thinking we need your help? This is our territory. The guards usually leave us alone, they only reason they're running around like crazy today is because of you. Your problem is none of our business. Although if you don't make it out of here withing the next two hours all of your problems, and your lives, will be over.

The goblin waves you towards the door with his morningstar trying to send you on your way.

2011-03-02, 09:39 AM
Kirin looks to Andoliir and glares a hole into the back of his head. Violence only leads to more violence, and Kirin never cared too much for it. It was a chore, something that had to be done, not something that was wanted to be done. When told to jump: how high? When told to kill: how many?

Well then perhaps you could show us a way out? The faster we get out of here, the faster this whole thing ends. The guards go on with their business, you go on with yours, and we go on with ours. Everyone wins, you see? All we need is a way out.

2011-03-02, 09:46 AM
Through the other door in the room behind you. Tell them Grec said to let you pass. You'll want to move fast, you have a lot of swimming to do. And if that next boat of guards passes you while you're swimming back, well if they don't kill you on sight, I doubt you'll have legs to walk out of this prison twice.

The goblin, Grec, ushers you out of the room and closes and locks the door behind you.

2011-03-02, 10:16 AM
As the door closes behind them, Kirin turns to Andoliir.

You'd do well to learn that some calm negotiating can go a long way.

Kirin swiftly walks to the door Grec was talking about. He didn't need to be reminded how pushed for time they were. Even if they made it out alive, it was going to be rough for a very long time. Kirin would not only have to worry about the guards tracking his scent like the dogs they are, but also of the Brotherhood. It surly wouldn't take long for word to spread to his old "family." Kirin approached the door, and leaned in as he gave a loud knock.

Grec said to let us pass.

2011-03-02, 12:19 PM
You knock on the partially open door and it begins to swing open a little more. You see two bugbears sitting in the center of the room with cards in their hands. They both stand up and put their hands on the hilts of their weapons as they approach you.

You barge in here wearing guards armor and expect us to just let you slide on by? Who are you and why should we let you pass? Grec has no power over us, in fact it's just the opposite.

2011-03-02, 02:05 PM
We're looking for a route outta this place. The goblins said we could find it this way. We just want to pass through, it will be like we were never even here. And by the way, not to startle you, but I believe some of your comrades were slain by guards, just back there.

Kirin points to the hall where they had killed the bugbears.

The guards are getting anxious, you help us, and we can help you?

Bluff Check [roll0]

2011-03-04, 12:50 AM
The larger of the two bugbear walks back to the table picks up a pen and scrawls a note on the back of a torn piece of paper. He walks back over to you and holds the paper in his outstretched hand,

Take this and go. Your payment to me is meeting up with this man and doing what he asks of you. I do not think I should trust you, but now with the guards on high alert for the time being, I'm needed here more than ever. If you don't, we'll hunt you down, and when our men find you, well, I don't think I need to tell you what will happen.

He lets go of the paper as you take it, then he goes to sit back down at the table and waves you on,

It's through the door on the right, go down the hall and about fifty feet down there will be a torch on your left, put it out and the passage will open.

2011-03-04, 11:37 PM
Kirin grabs the note and stores it away without bothering to look at it. He gives a quick smile to the bugbears as thanks, and rushes through the door on the right. Time being short, Kirin runs to the torch the bugbear had mentioned. He reaches out with both hands, and grabs the lit portion of the torch, covering and smothering it with his bare hands, not letting go until the flame has extinguished.

2011-03-07, 11:05 PM
What in the Nine Hells is wrong with you? Just smother it with a uniform.

He rips your hands off of the torch and looks at your palms, they seem completely unscathed by the fire. You hear a loud cracking sound and the wall swings outward, sunlight pours into the hallway hurting your eyes and dazing you. The light warms your skin as a cool breezes blows in. It's summer, seasons have meant nothing to you the past few years, but now, as you see the sun for the first time, it means everything. The sound of the waves far below splashing up against the cliffside almost makes forget where you are for a moment, but then the clicking gets louder.

Well, I hope you boys aren't afraid of heights.

The boy gets a running start and leaps off the edge diving down into the water below, you can barely hear him hit the water. After a few seconds he surfaces and begins to swim away.

2011-03-08, 11:47 AM
Andolirr basks in the cool breeze for a moment and allows his eyes a moment to adjust to the light. Feeling a slight chill roll up his spine as the breeze cools the sweat from his body.

I haven't felt something like this in over three years...this is quite a treat.

He hobbles over to the ledge, looks down, then hobbles back from the ledge. He picks up into a run and dives out off the cliff awaiting the refreshing water to surge upon him.

2011-03-08, 01:56 PM
Kirin looked to the other two as they jumped out, and then down to his scarred hands.

Years of torturous blazes have built up some form of immunity to the wickedness of fire.

His eyes burned from the light, but it was a good burn. The clean air washed over him. It smelled of freedom. Kirin backed up to the wall behind him, and ran forth, leaping as far as he could into the great wide open.

2011-03-09, 06:23 PM
You both plunge into the ice cold water, and it feels like daggers on your skin. All of your scrapes and wounds burn as you swim after the boy. You glance off in the distance and see a ship sailing towards a large chasm behind you.

Come on, that should be the ship of guards starting the next shift. We need to hit the shore before they come back around. Either they're going to take longer switching shifts since guards are dead, or they will come back out here as fast as they can. Either way, I'm exhausted and need some rest.

There was truth in the boys words, this is the most exhausted any of you had been in a long time. This will be the first time in years you will be sleeping without being chained up to a wall stewing in your own filth. Even though your bodies are weak, that thought pushes you onward.

2011-03-10, 10:25 PM
Kirin swims with all of his failing might. His body almost numb from exhaustion and the frigid waters. His body was resilient to harsh fires, but this was a whole different world of pain. His arms still yet found the will to pull his body further through the water. Not once did he dare look behind him to see if the ship was coming his way.

2011-03-11, 12:16 PM
As he surfaces, he gasps for air realizing that the water was only half as refreshing as he had once thought it would be. As though a thousand needles were being forced into his skin, he quickly became numb and his jaw began chattering. He had to struggle with all of his remaining strength to keep it quiet. They had made it this far, he would not go back.

I would sooner die than return to that hell. Though I am sure if we are caught, we will be killed, but not the quick death I will give myself. We will once again be at the mercy of that demonic beast of a warden, AND his "little" friends. Let us just be sure that the rat-****s he calls his guards don't find us on the shore.

Slowly his body begins to adjust to the water's temperature and his jaw begins to slow. He recognized the truth in the boy's words as he felt the exhaustion rush upon him, now that he was not running or fighting for his life quite as actively. Knowing that imminent death could have been around any corner made it easy to ignore the exhaustion.

2011-03-24, 01:18 PM
You swim hours in silence. Every so often the boy turns his head over his shoulder to look towards the prison. The sun begins to set as you see the first glimpse of the docks. The boy struggles to pick up his pace, but your bodies are too broken to move any faster. You finally reach the docks and the boy pulls himself out of the water and turns to give you both a hand to get up onto the boards.

We need to get to the Warrens, and fast, it's about another two hours away. I know we're tired, but there's no way anyone can find us there.

You walk in silence for another ten minutes, and as you pass the sacred garden, the boy stops and speaks again.

It's so beautiful, I don't know how long its been since I've seen trees. Here, we rest here.

You walk into the garden and stumble upon a secluded grove of fruit trees. The boy falls to the ground from exhaustion, you feel like you may join him at any moment. He rolls over and stares up at the stars.

It's Xanros, by the way. My name, it's Xanros. Well at least it was Xanros, I guess I'm not really that person anymore.

The boy sprawls out in the grass and murmers,

Dust, you can call me Dust.

You both get 500 xp.

2011-03-24, 02:18 PM
Kirin's body could hardly move as he exited the cold water. As he followed Dust, his head drooped low, and his arms hung motionless at his sides. His feet scraped along the ground, and his eyelids felt like lead. Several times he jerked his head up, thinking he had somehow fallen asleep while walking, and to make sure he was still behind the boy.

As he entered the garden, he felt somehow at peace... at least for the time being. He glanced up a fruit tree, seeing the many ripe delicious fruits hanging, taunting Kirin. He reached an arm up to grab one, but the next thing he knew he was waking up.