Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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Thread: Evil Ptolis

  1. - Top - End - #1
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Evil Ptolis

    You hear footsteps coming down the hall and men screaming of being wrongfully and how they should be set free. You sit in your cell and smirk, the only silent ones in your wing. You know you deserve to be here, but that doesn't make the shackles around your wrists and feet any less painful. When chained to the wall in antimagic shackles there isn't much anyone can do except stand in their own excrement and wait for their next turn in the torture chambers.

    "Well well lads, guess who's turn it is to have some fun?"

    You see the warden standing in front of your cell with a michevous grin. The warden stands about six feet tall in gleaming platemail. Anyone else would think he's a human, but you can see him for what he truely is. No human blinks vertically the way he does. How a Tiefling became a jail warden, no one will ever know.

    "Today's session will sadly be your last with us here. We've been planning for weeks but still haven't decided which one of you gets to watch the other die. Oh well, the guards will be here soon to take you down to the pit. Don't fret, I'll be there waiting with baited breath."

    As the warden walks away a young man reaches out and grabs at him while groveling,

    "Please free me, you have no right to keep me here!"

    The boy is silenced by the back of the wardens gauntlet across his face and falls to the floor. After the warden leaves the boy get's back up and peers across the hall into your cell.

    "This is ya last chance you two, I see ya go down there ev'ry day an' take those beatings without sayin' a word, no moans of pain, no complaints. Today it ends, one way or another. Either you go down to the pit an' have ya souls cut out from under ya an' bottled up in a little jar for all eternity, or we make a stand. Push the guard towards my cell and i'll handle the rest. Shhh, they're coming!"

    The two human guards silently walk up to your cell and open the door. They detach you from the walls but leave the antimagic shackles on your hands and leave your feet unbound.

    So you guys would get a surprise round if you decide to do anything. You can post in any order you want unless we're in a fight with initiative. If you prepare spells you have none prepared, if you spontaniously cast then you have all your spells for the day. Either way the shackles on your hands stop you from using any sort of magic, arcane, divine, or eldritch.

    P.S.- Every other day since you've been in prison you both have been taken down a lift to the base of the prison and been tortured by various demons and equally vile creatures. You both get one Deformity Feat for free which needs to be picked before you get out of the prison. You don't have to qualify for the feat you just have to ask me about it first.
    Last edited by Dustfinger; 2011-02-10 at 07:44 AM.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Kirin Raghnall had been in the wrong place at the wrong time for most of his life. Had he not been born into a cult, perhaps he could have lived a normal life... and perhaps should would have still been alive...

    As the guards let him down, Kirin held his tattooed hands up and looked at them. He had been down to the base to be tortured so much that he didn't really know how much of the dried blood on his body was actually his. In such a short amount of time, his body had gone from a temple, to defiled with the marks of his past life, to scarred with the burns of the demons down below. His body was covered head to toe in dark purple, swirling, tribal-like tattoos when he pledged his allegiance to the Brotherhood. More recently, his body was covered in swirling burns, seared onto his body by the demons down below, in order to mimic the tattoos that were already there.

    Of course Kirin never complained about the torture. He never felt like he needed to scream in pain. He knew he deserved this, just not for the reasons the warden saw fit. Because of Kirin, a beautiful young woman had been tortured to death, and Kirin was made to watch. That was torture enough for him, and any pain thereafter was nothing but a scratch. Kirin was a broken man.

    Was there a chance at redemption? Or at the very least, revenge? Many members of the cult still lived, even after his massacre, and the Brotherhood was just as strong with or without Kirin. Maybe his time was not yet... maybe there was reason to still yet live. A young one in the opposing cell seemed to have offered a chance for Kirin to seek out revenge. It was either dying now, or dying in several moments...

    Kirin looked to the man on his right, his cell mate for quite a while now. In all the time they had been together, Kirin never said a word. In all honesty, Kirin had been to preoccupied with his thoughts to even notice if the man had tried to say anything at all. Would he help?

    "All men get what they deserve I spose," Kirin said to the guard, "Let's start with you!"

    Kirin Lunged forward towards the guard, hoping to catch him by surprise and push him into the opposing cell bars where the young man waited, hopefully with a plan.
    Last edited by Alkapwn21; 2011-02-10 at 02:44 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    The guard loses his footing and just as he stumbles back into the hallway you hear the boy say,

    "Trade ya'! Lets see what ya' can do wit'out those nasty shackles."

    A single gleaming key flies over the guards head as the boy wraps the manacles that used to bind his wrists around the guards neck and pulls with all his might. The boy moves so fast it's almost entrancing, you forget about the key until it's right in front of you. It almost slips out of your grasp but you holdfast.

    Taking off your shackles is a move action.
    Last edited by Dustfinger; 2011-02-10 at 03:23 PM.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Andoliir Tyral had sat in his cell for well over three years, still just a fraction of my sentence. Sitting in silence, listening to the screams of agony rising from the depths of the prison, I pondered when MY time would come. I had been to the depths, I had accepted that it was my place in life to be here, to be mutilated by the demons serving the Warden.

    When the warden came, this time he informed me, and my cell mate, his name I do not know, that we were to die. This time we would not return from the depths which served as a hell on earth. I had become almost numb to the abuse that the demons so willingly and joyfully facilitated on my body. Looking down I saw that I did not even recognize the body I was in, it had been mutilated beyond repair. What they did not know, could not know, is that it only lessened the pains. My skin had become rough, bark-like. Now I would die, the punishment would end. My cell mate would receive the same end, though I do not know why.

    When the warden left, a young boy in the cell across from us informed us that we need only but push the guards to him, he would do the rest. Mayhap he has a plan? I will do as he asks, this life means nothing to me, but I suppose there may still be some way to find happiness. It would begin with the deaths of the guards who had allowed my torture, who had stood by and laughed as our skin was flayed, our minds brutalized. It would all happen today.

    When the moment came, I was prepared for the scuffle. The man I had spent so long with lunged forward and brought about the end of the first guard and I was not about to let him die for that. Hoping that the man across the hall would have it in him to take the second guard out, I kicked him toward the other cell with all my might.


    (1d20+3)[9](12) Hit
    (2d20)[4][17](21) Crit
    (1d20+2)[11](13) Str
    (1d3+2)[5] Damage

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Andoliir- The guard standing in your cell your cell jumps to the side to avoid your kick as he slams the hilt of his sword into your stomach, slightly dazing you. He yells,

    "Stand down now!"

    as he turns towards his fellow guard in attempts to save him.

    The guard in the hallway struggles to break free from the chain around his throat. He flails his arms wildly around trying desperately to reach the boy but the cell bars impede his reach.

    Initiative Order
    Guard 2 (in cell)
    Guard 1 In Hallway
    Boy in other cell

    P.S.- Andoliir you just took 4 Damage from the blow to your stomach and may only make one move or standard action next turn.
    Last edited by Dustfinger; 2011-02-11 at 02:26 PM.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Kirin caught the physical freedom tossed to him by the boy. He had a moment; one guard was, well, trying to catch his breath, and the other was watching like a buffoon. Kirin quickly unlocked his shackles. They fell hard to the blood-stained stone floor. He tossed the key to his right, in his cellmate’s general direction, “Heads up!”

    Kirin could feel the dark energies flow through his veins once more. He couldn’t help but give a faint smirk as his hands became engulfed by the now freed eldritch energy once again. He had nearly forgotten how… good… it felt. “Never turn your back on an enemy you fool!” Kirin yelled to the guard who wasn’t wearing the boy’s shackles as a necklace. Kirin’s smirk stayed on his face as he fired a frightful blast at his opponent.

    Frightful Blast Hit (d20+3)[1](4)
    Damage (1d6)[1](1)
    so he needs to make a will save or become shaken for one minute, if he's hit that is, so dc or w/e would be 16 (right? 10 + 2 (cuz it's technically a second lvl invocation, dont worry it's legal) + 4 for cha bonus

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Kirin-The eldritch fire flies across the room and flies between your cell mate and the guard, slightly grazing your dazed companion.

    The boy in the oposing cell locks his manacles to the cell door as he grabs the key and the gun from the guard. He then kicks his door open with all his might slamming the guards face into the now sanguine colored obsidian wall. The boy then spins the gun around his finger, stopping with it aimed at the guard's head and says,

    "Actually, you can stand down, unless you want to end up like him"

    The guard slouches for a moment then jumps after the boy swinging his sword above his head at him. The boy tries to sidestep out of the way but the sword catches his leg right before it connects with the floor.

    Andoliir- You lost your turn due to being dazed and take another 1 damage, but you made your will save and are not shaken for the next round.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    The long days of torture must have impeded his aim. An apology would take place later. For now, there were more important issues. Luckily, Kirin had more than one trick up his bloodied sleeve. His hand flowed with a new energy, not that of his demonic blood-past. Negative energy emitted from his hand, and Kirin ran up to behind the guard, and forced his hand into his back.

    Charnel Touch (Melee Touch Attack) (d20+5)[18](23)
    The extra +2 is from flanking
    Damage (Negative Energy) (d8)[4]
    if by any chance this guy is undead, he's healed for 1, not 1d8

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    The guard screams in agony as he feels his soul being pulled from his body. But before his scream can begin to echo down the halls of the prison, it is cut short. The boy waves his hand past the guards throat as a crackling gray energy coats his hand. The energy quickly disapears and and you notice there is no blood coming from the wound, it has been burned off by the blade of energy.

    "Quickly! Get these clothes off of him and get them both in the cells. You,"

    He points to Andoliir,

    Put on the armor and the outfit, he was closest to your size, I guess the rest of us have to go on as the gods made us. Now we must act quickly before the patrol comes.

    Initiative is now over so post in whatever order you'd like.
    By the way, Kirin you get 100 exp, Andoliir you get 50.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Removes the shackles with the key that was tossed to him, then quickly strips the guard that was roughly his size. Donning the armor and then stretching quickly, readjusting to the weight of the armor. "Hmm, it has certainly been a while since I have been in such battle gear. These bastards will pay for the last three years."

    He grabs a longsword and glances down the hall. "Let us move quickly, no doubt someone has heard this one's scream." He then utters a couple of quick incantations and heads down the hall, weapon at the ready.


    inflict light wounds (1d8+1)[5]
    I'm also preparing an action to attempt to intimidate the first opponent who attacks us, the save is d20+opponent's lvl/HD+wisdom bonus+any saves v fear or be shaken for the duration of the encounter
    Galenir Wolsbane

    Thanks to KillItWithFire for the awesome Avatar of Andoliir Tyral

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    “My apologies for the stray bolt,” Kirin said to his cellmate, “It’s been… a while…”

    Kirin looked towards the boy. “I would thank you, but I’ll wait ‘til we make it out alive. Name’s Kirin.” He shot out a blood-stained hand for the boy to shake.

    My suggestion,” Kirin said, “Have our armored friend here pretend to be walking our sorry asses out. At least as far as we can without it being suspicious.”

    Kirin raised his arms over his head to run his hands over his once smooth shaved head, a habit of his. It just hit him how long he had actually been imprisoned. Patches of long, blood-crusted hair fell past his shoulders, but most of it had been singed off. The ends were burnt and frayed. Kirin made a mental note to fix this if the chance ever arose, though he would always feel like an unfaceable beast.

    “Shall we?”

    I'd also like to make a spellcraft check for the inflict wounds spell Andoliir used to heal himself, I feel like I should know w/o a check because I can cast it, but I'll do a roll just in case.

    I guess I'll also prepare an action to fire a Frightful Blast if we find ourselves in a situation lol

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Listening to the exchange between the two men behind him, he realized he never formally introduced himself to his cell-mate,

    "By the way, my name is Andoliir, we may make it out of this yet. We will need to move quickly and you two had best make it look as though your wearing those shackles else this disguise be worthless. I'm not unfamiliar to the weight of this battle gear, but it has certainly been a while. I would feel better with a sturdy shield strapped to my arm, keep an eye out for one eh?"

    Continuing down to the end of the hall, he peers out, looking for any guards who might be on their way to intercept them.
    Last edited by MarPJB; 2011-02-13 at 03:02 AM.
    Galenir Wolsbane

    Thanks to KillItWithFire for the awesome Avatar of Andoliir Tyral

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    This is no time for name's boys,

    the boy says as he darks down the hall, shackles resting on his shoulder.
    As you all get to the end of the hallway you get to the entrance to "The Pit". This staircase spirals up the whole chasm. You glance up and see that there is about five hundred feet of running to do, but no guards to block your way. You also realize if you run fast enough you should be able to jump on the platform that is being pulled up to the top. However there is a guard coming up on the platform.

    I hope you two are more athletic than you look.

    The boy gets a running start and leaps onto the platform, in order to balance as he lands he grabs onto the guard and uses his momentum to swing him off of the platform.

    Well, that was easier than expected.

    The platform you are jumping to is 10 ft out and you both know you should be able to make it. It's basically and elevator I guess, only its on a hemp rope and a wooden pulley you can see at the top, connected to this wooden platform.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Andoliir backs up slightly, then jogs to the ledge and hurls himself over onto the platform, tucking the longsword into its sheath as he runs.


    (1d20+3)[23] jump check (armor check penalty already factored in)
    Galenir Wolsbane

    Thanks to KillItWithFire for the awesome Avatar of Andoliir Tyral

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Hmph, in the time he said "no time for names" he could have said his name..., Kirin thought to himself, Punk...

    Kirin picked up the shackles from the floor and followed behind the others down the hallway. As the ledge neared, he picked up his pace, and made the leap.

    Jump Check (d20+3)[4](7)

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Andoliir- You easily leap through the air and land solidly on the center of the platform.

    Kirin- You leap through the air and slam your upper boddy on the platform and slide off.

    Gorram fool!

    The boy flips though the air while simultaniously shackling one of his ankles to Andoliir's.

    Hold on to something, I'm going after him!

    Kirin- As the boy begins to fall he quickly grabs your shackles and attaches one to your wrist and one to his own.

    Hey, slightly more compitent fool, hoist us up! Quickly before it reaches the top.
    Last edited by Dustfinger; 2011-02-13 at 10:25 PM.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Andoliir quickly grabs the chains pulling the platform up, holding tight as the boy hurdles after the man sliding off the edge.

    You two sure ain't light. Get him up here and let us get out of this place eh?
    Galenir Wolsbane

    Thanks to KillItWithFire for the awesome Avatar of Andoliir Tyral

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Kirin- The boy swings you far enough where you can grab the edge and pull yourself up. As you and the boy are sitting on the platform he unlocks the shackles again and let's out a sigh of relief.

    Don't go on and die yet, the fun's just gettin' started... Speakin' of fun, either of ya' speak Giant?

    The boy is staring straight up in the air at the grotesquely oversized Ogre turning the winch that is pulling the platform towards the top. He looks beaten and morose from his time presumably being a slave in this prison. The ogre looks down at the three of you and turns his head slightly in confusion, looks off to the side, then back down at you, then another double-take, ending with his gaze stuck on you.
    Last edited by Dustfinger; 2011-02-13 at 10:40 PM.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Kirin took a deep breath in, and let out a long sigh. The old Kirin could have made that jump. He was a broken man now. His body had been to hell and back, and his mind had fallen into a state of hopelessness.

    Kirin looked up at the ogre. A possible threat... or a possible ally.

    "Do you taste for freedom as we do, powerful ogre?" Kirin asked the battered beast in his language.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    The ogre continues to look warily over to his left up over a ledge that you can not see over.

    Freedom? My kind knows no freedom. We are just slaves to the little ones. No, there can be no freedom for my kind, we are too stupid to know what to do.

    The boy next to you plugs his ears and whispers,

    Uhg! That language sounds like your beating a dire bear mother with it's own cub. What's he saying?
    Last edited by Dustfinger; 2011-02-13 at 11:18 PM.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Kirin noticed the ogre's looks of uneasyness over the ledge. "I asked if he wants freedom," Kirin said quietly to the boy, "He says there can be no such thing for him... I believe there are guards up there..."

    Speaking in giant
    "That is not true," Kirin said in Giant, "You are a powerful being, do you not desire freedom? Is this the life you want? Do not let these vile men hurt you anymore, do to them as they have done unto you! We can help you never hurt again once you get us to the top!"

    I'm assuming I need a diplomacy roll for this... I should have just lied to him, my bluff actually has ranks in it...

    Diplomacy Check (d20+4)[23]
    Last edited by Alkapwn21; 2011-02-13 at 11:27 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    As you all get to the top you here the ogre let out a series of grunts and growls.

    Freedom could be nice I'll help smash guards, now step to the side, I'll start with the one behind you.

    The ogre then ceases slouching and stands straight up with his chest out. He's even larger than you first thought, he is at least twice your height, he leans forward as he lets out a threatening roar.

    Okay, that's it, chat time's over, big man's going down.

    The boy steps back to prepare for his leap off the edge.
    Last edited by Dustfinger; 2011-02-13 at 11:35 PM.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Kirin pondered for a second... Guard behind me?

    He looked behind his shoulder, and noticed Andoliir wearing the guard's armor. "****."

    Kirin turned back to the ogre, and started yelling in Giant,
    "No, no, no, no, no!" He yelled frantically, "This guy is our friend! He's wearing a disguise, a costume! We killed a guard and took his armor! Killing him grants you no freedom! Smash the real guards!"

    Kirin could only hope the ogre would listen.


    Diplomacy Check (pleeeeease roll well! lol) (d20+4)[14](18)

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Listening intently to the conversation unfolding between the old man and the ogre, he began to notice voices rise.

    "Hmm, I dont like the sound of this, and that ogre isnt looking at me like he is impressed to see me..."

    Lightly lifts the point of the longsword in his hand in case of a fight, ready to pounce.

    "I certainly hope you know what your telling that thing."
    Last edited by MarPJB; 2011-02-14 at 12:17 AM.
    Galenir Wolsbane

    Thanks to KillItWithFire for the awesome Avatar of Andoliir Tyral

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    What's going on down there your simple minded brute?

    You hear multiple footsteps and and clanking of metal coming from the ledge to the ogre's left. Just as the ogre turns to look up the boy jumps off of the platform onto the ogre's back. The ogre rips him off his back and slings him through the air into the winch causing the platform to swing wildly back and forth, occasionally crashing into the edge where the ogre and the boy are. The ogre then proceeds to climb up the ledge and roar once more.

    The room you are in is enormous. The part you are in right now is "The Pit". Which is 90 ft from one end to the other. Once you get off the platform you can go around to a staircase that leads up to the ledge where the ogre just climbed. To get to the to the top of the stairs you would need to move around 60 ft. So thats the furthest you could get in a turn. The top of the stairs is 10x10 so multiple people can stand there at the same time.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Feb 2011

    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Slipping and falling, Andoliir reaches back to slowly stand back up regaining his balance.

    (1d20+3)[8] balance check, hope for the best
    Last edited by MarPJB; 2011-02-14 at 12:39 AM.
    Galenir Wolsbane

    Thanks to KillItWithFire for the awesome Avatar of Andoliir Tyral

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Orc in the Playground
    Alkapwn21's Avatar

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    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Kirin kept his balance as the platform shook, and he rushed to the thrown boy. "Do you make a habit of mounting angry ogres?" He asked sarcastically.

    He knelt down and softly slapped the boy's face with the back of his hand, "You with me? The hell were you thinkin?"

    Balance (d20+3)[17](20)
    Last edited by Alkapwn21; 2011-02-14 at 12:50 AM.
    Many thanks to Derjuin for my avatar

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Orc in the Playground
    Dustfinger's Avatar

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    New Jersey

    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    I was thinking that the fifteen foot tall beast was going to kill me. That's what his kind does, or have ya' been locked up here so long you've forgotten that old man.

    The boy stands up and stretches for a moment before continuing,

    Now come on, let's get up there and see if your little coercion worked out in our favor.

    He then glances over to Andoliir,

    Oh god man get off your ass and get over here before we decide to go one without ya'.

    You all hear the guards screaming and more loud roaring. You then begin to hear the sounds of whips cracking and swords being drawn.
    Last edited by Dustfinger; 2011-02-14 at 01:06 AM.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Feb 2011

    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Standing once again, he jumps from the elevator to the stair case.

    "Let's hope for the best this time eh boys?"

    (1d20+3)[8] jump check, be good this time!
    Galenir Wolsbane

    Thanks to KillItWithFire for the awesome Avatar of Andoliir Tyral

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Orc in the Playground
    Dustfinger's Avatar

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    New Jersey

    Default Re: Evil Ptolis

    Andoliir- The boy dives forward and reaches his arm down and links it with yours,

    I'm starting to think I picked the wrong people for an escape like this. Next time something like this happens, you're both on you're own. Wow, what have they been doing to you down there, force feeding you wrought iron?

    The boy pulls you up onto the platform, gets up and runs halfway up the stairs, peeking his head over the ledge.
    Last edited by Dustfinger; 2011-02-14 at 01:18 AM.
    Here's a link to a homebrew of a Black Jewels Trilogy setting. It is in dire need of help, so if you have any ideas please stop by.

    Here are characters I'm currently playing
    Aidan Gasteau

    Here's the games I'm currently running
    A Shadow Falls
    Huge thanks to Caracol for my Maximus Centauri Avatar.

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