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Emperor Ing
2011-04-07, 02:17 PM
28th of Day's Atrophy, 3128 AG.

Holtz is a large town in the nation of Maridia. It is a vital center of commerce and merchantile within the nation, and a hotbed of economic activity as thousands upon thousands of individuals of all walks of life move along the cobblestone streets like great rivers. It is a rather quiet day today. Usual on a weekend.

The streets are lined with posters, fliers, and signs encouraging the citizens of Maridia to vote for the new Lord on the 4th of Archmagister's Eye, which is just under two months from now. The main candidates noticable are the incumbent Lord, the human Michael Voucault, and the lizardfolk challenger Kessher Jrnidtch.

Knowledge (Local DC 15)

Every 10 years the citizens of Maridia vote on their new Lord. The Lord has, within the constraints of the Maridian Constitution, the ability to structure the government as he sees fit.
Lord Michael Voucault has reduced the size and power of the Maridian government, making good on his promise from his prior election promise, under the claim that it's too involved in the Maridian economy. Voucault supporters credit him for the economic boom Maridia has seen over the last 10 years, but critics are skeptical. Jrnidtch is a former unknown who quickly rose through the polls. Although Voucault still has a lead in polls, Jrnidtch is rapidly catching ground on the platform that Maridia can do more for its people, especially the poor and minority people that fall through the cracks of Maridia's economic success.

You are currently amidst several acquaintances, possibly well-known friends. Standing amongst you, you are stopped by a kobold whom stands in a well tailored but severe military uniform whom stands in a suprisingly overpowering dignity. He is flanked by a towering, heavily armored...mutant red dragon thing carrying a massive sword whom watches you with a calculating gaze.

Knowledge (Arcana DC 20)

Spellwarped Red Half-Dragon Blackscale Lizardfolk


The Kobold is Colonel Mattix. 40 years ago, he sought to carve out a large territory for kobold kind in Emanacal Draconis. He led his ragtag tribe members to overthrow and kill their draconic master. From there, other groups joined his cause. Lizardfolk (which is presumably where he teamed up with Lieutenant Kerradol'reth), and humanoids whom were liberated by Mattix's forces. Mattix's tactics were incredibly innovative and he was able to use enormous armies as easily as one can move the fingers on their hand. He was able to outmaneuver even the most clever of his chromatic opposition. It was only until the Dracolich Overlord Weromijekarnattizeth sent himself and his draconic allies/their armies/his legendary Bonewyrm Golem army against Colonel Mattix's forces that they were finally defeated. One of the dragons whom fought against Colonel Mattix managed to defeat the colonel in combat. From there, Mattix was spared as long as he would serve the dragon unquestioningly. From then on, Mattix would go on to conquer lands in the name of MANY draconic masters. All of whom are dead, the Colonel's legendary tactical prowess being a highly sought-after treasure.

And the Lizardfolk is Lieutenant Kerradol'reth. Very strong, very tough, and don't let that fool you, he's also quite intelligent and cunning as well. He has been with Mattix since the dawn of his conquering army, and has been along his side ever since.


That's Colonel Mattix. A living legend of a kobold commander who ran a campaign against the Chromatic Dragon territory in the name of securing land for a Kobold nation amidst the land of dragons. Probably on Emanacal Draconis. Unfortunately the Kobold was defeated by Overlord Weromijekarnattizeth's forces, and the kobold himself was never seen again. It is assumed that he was apprehended by a dragon, and then enslaved, as one dragon shortly thereafter expanded their territory immensely in a short amount of time, only to be killed by a rival dragon. Said rival dragon expanded quickly too, and so on and so on...

And the Lizardfolk is Lieutenant Kerradol'reth. Very strong, very tough, and don't let that fool you, he's also quite intelligent and cunning as well.


A kobold commander of some sort. Something about being able to kill chromatic dragons?

The kobold speaks to you. Hmm. Yes. You will have to do.

2011-04-07, 03:31 PM
Vulkan took in the sights of the town as he recalled his arrival here; it was a message by his good-long friend Aujirlizzix, who he had helped raised and in turn had helped the fire elemental out during his times into and out of the storm in Enmencal Beta. He was giving a speech of a tale about one of the nefarious demilichs that was rumored long since time ago before realizing the kobald and the strange lizard behemoth were just listening behind him. The fire elemental quickly gain a composure of formality before bowing. "Colonel Mattix; Lieutenant Kerradol'reth; an honor to meet you both. Please forgive me, I have not known you were to see us. What business brings that requires our help?"

I'm gonna have Vulkan attempt to go Shakespearean with his lines, so I'll translate them in spoilers for all to understand IC, I'd like everyone (or at least the ones who matter :smalltongue:) should know what Vulkan's Shakespearean words mean so that there's no mis-communication. Should have thought of the idea earlier though... I'll only do it when he's telling stories.

"What business bring that requires our unsheathing?"
What notice brings you here that you might want us for?

Emperor Ing
2011-04-07, 03:48 PM
Kerradol'reth makes a confused glance to the Colonel, who acknowledges the fire elemental with a simple nod. "I must have confidence that I have your companions' ears however. I can say what I have to say only once."

2011-04-07, 04:08 PM
Aujirlizzix, in the guise of a human sorcerer, flanked by his ever faithful companion and half-brother Xav arrived not too long ago to observe the city and its inhabitants as well as to respond to the message he had received. Aujir is dressed in a well kept shirt that buttons over the chest, and long black pants. Upon his head he wears a golden circlet set with a single blue-diamond, and he wears a fine, red cape, richly embroidered with scenes of battle, and a pair of gloves designed to contrast the rich red of his cape. His eyes are a clear blue, and his hair a rich auburn. The holy symbol of Bahamut lies proudly displayed upon his chest. He looks at the kobold and says, You have my ears, at least.

Skill checks:
Knowledge (Local) [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]
Disguise [roll2]

2011-04-07, 04:09 PM
As usual, Kitril was wandering at random, going wherever his whims took him. As he traversed Holtz, he noticed Aujirlizzik's aura, and wandered on over, wondering what the young dragon was doing in human territory. He refrained from speaking however, as he didn't want to interrupt the... fire elemental, huh, that's a new one. As the kobold approaches, however, Kitril readily diverts his attention, Colonel Mattix, it is... quite a surprise honestly, and, of course an honor.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-07, 08:08 PM
The other member of the group was a humanoid in golden armor, standing in the back, arms crossed, listening to the Fire Elemental's story. A number of different baubles adorned the armor- fine, grey-green gloves, a beautiful necklace, and a luxurious cloak. The most interesting thing was the gleaming skull, floating above the shoulder of the armor, several expensive-looking gems put into As the kobold approached, the man walked forward, and gracefully puts out a hand. "Kreok Delroth. A pleasure to meet you, I've heard much about you." The thing didn't seem to speak, but more broadcast its thoughts out into the air.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-08, 12:43 PM
The red dragonnoid makes a glance down at the colonel. Mattix himself takes Delroth's hand in a handshake. "So my reputation does precede me. This is good, although I wish we could talk on better circumstances. I require the assistance of peculiarly strong individuals such as what I see before me."

2011-04-08, 01:24 PM
Vulkan kept his clothing simple compared to the rest of the other adventurers. He stuck with a fireproof dark brown cloak and gray-ish dark orange tunic; it symbolized him as more carefree than the others, not really having to give a damn about politics or all that. However, the notice from Colonel Mattix meant that it was important if he was in need of assistance; the fire elemental did not want to ignore this one. Keeping his formal tone that he usually saves for instances like this, Vulkan responds, "Your request of assistance must be crucial; beg your Colonel's pardon sir, but might we want to look for a more quieter area so attention does not continue to attract?"

2011-04-08, 02:39 PM
[Sorry for being late]

Hedris is clad in simple pants and a shirt, in the neckline of which you can see incredibly light, almost imperceptible mail. A large, ornate axe encrusted with jewels and Moradin's holy symbol hangs from his back. An ornate quiver encrusted with Moradin's symbol hangs from his belt. His belt's buckle is a holy symbol of Moradin. He wears a Holy symbol of Moradin around his neck.

"I'm Hedris Volcanum, the Hammer of Moradin, Crusader of Holiness, Smiter of Evil, an' Banisher of things that are o' questionable morality." He snickers a little bit as he says this last one, but you can't tell if it's nervous pride or he actually meant something to be funny. "Just get on with it, I hate standing around talking when I could be doing."

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-08, 04:37 PM
Delroth chuckles. "If you need my assistance, I am more then glad to help. It is my pleasure." The man in the armor bows, long, sweeping, and low, and the skull gleams, floating just above the shoulder.

2011-04-08, 04:48 PM
I would not define myself as peculiarly strong, per se, but I'd be glad to help assuming the cause is a noble one, Aujir says.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-08, 05:22 PM
The Red Dragonnoid glares down at the dwarf. "The Colonel moves at his own pace, not yours." Colonel Mattix looks up at him, responding in a controlled voice. "Thank you, Lieutenant." He looks back at the group, rising off the ground on top of a thin flat semi-opaque disc of pale blue energy. The disc lifts Mattix up until he stands three feet over the ground. The Colonel himself pays this no heed.

Spellcraft (DC 21)

Tenser's Floating Disk

He gives a nod of acknowledgement to Vulkan. "Your concern is well noted, though I would not have chosen to speak in this setting if I did not determine the possibility of civilian eavesdropping would be inconsequential. But I digress, I come with ill news. Relipthurjerikanix demands tribute from Holtz in gold and blood, and she comes to collect two days from today. I assume you know whom Relipthurjerikanix is, correct?"

Knowledge (Local DC 35)
Relipthurjerikanix is a very old (note: may or may not her actual age category) Red Dragon that lives on the border between the Orb of Fire and Extor, due east and slightly north of Holtz. To your knowledge, she has a large tribe of Red Half-Dragon Blackscale Lizardfolk under her thrall, and is reputed to be incredibly hot-headed.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-08, 07:29 PM
Kreok's head bows. "Yes, I am familiar with the dragon. Is she causing trouble for you?"

2011-04-08, 07:39 PM
I do not, Aujir admits, What breed would she be?

Emperor Ing
2011-04-08, 07:42 PM
Colonel Mattix peers down, talking in a contempting tone. "Yes. Much trouble." He looks back up. "Red dragon, if you must know."

2011-04-08, 10:05 PM
Though he laughed when Aujir professed a lack of power, Kitril's voice becomes darker as he says, You're the one asking us for help, so yes, we must know.

2011-04-08, 10:50 PM
Vulkan turns to check the other members that would be a part of this before saying, "If this is a matter of time then we have none to waste, otherwise we ought to take this conversation to the kingdom of Aujirlizzix." He was of course talking about Aujir's fortress, exaggerating it's royalty, wealth, and size a bit more than it really was.

2011-04-09, 11:32 AM
Aujir smiles as his friend discusses his kingdom, seemingly forgetting that Aujir chooses to rule in a human guise for political and personal reasons, I am no king, and no kingdom do I rule, Aujir says simply, But I know a duke whose fortress should be available, but it lacks magical wards so if magical spies are a concern perhaps a better place could be found.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-09, 11:44 AM
Colonel Mattix gives a sly smirk of disbelief, looking at Aujir with it. "Yes, i'm sure." He focuses back to the group. "As I have said the threat of espionage is neglegible. This town will come under siege by the forces of Relipthurjerikanix in two days."

2011-04-09, 11:53 AM
The head-butting done, Kitril settles into a tactical state of mind, What are the involved forces? Numbers, skill, equipment, etc. And what kind of power does Relipthurjerikanix herself wield?

Emperor Ing
2011-04-09, 12:08 PM
"The skies will go red as thousands upon thousands of fire-breathing dragons descend upon Holtz. Don't be fooled. Relipthurjerikanix has thousands of Red Half-Dragon Blackscale Lizardfolk under her control, each one of them carries the strength and skill to fell some of Emanacal's mightiest champions. I have an eye for talent though, they should be no trouble for you. As for the dragon herself, I would expect her personal involvement to be that of shock and awe. To cause chaos in the ranks of her foes, shaking the ground beneath their feet, crushing their battlements and infrastructure, and engulfing their numbers in fire." He shakes his head slightly. "Stay off the ground and find protection from Relipthurjerikanix's fire. That is my advice. Keep in mind her hordes can also fly."

2011-04-09, 12:10 PM
I know one is not supposed to ask about a lady's age, but I believe an exception must be made for dragons. How old with this dragon be?

Emperor Ing
2011-04-09, 12:46 PM
"Ah yes. Apologies for not mentioning it earlier. I do believe she stands at just over one thousand years of age. Very large, very dangerous."

2011-04-09, 01:24 PM
Vulkan had a small smirk on his face. "With all due respect again Colonel, it is Relipthurjerikanix who should fear my flames." The elder fire elemental had no fear of dragons. 'Of course I am sure she has plan of a counter once she takes realization; recklessness goes only so far for us all." he made a small stretch. "Exactly how resilient is she and her minions when it comes to the elements? I personally like going the route of 'When fire doesn't kill it, use more fire' but I do know of much better strategies." He then made a snide chuckle at his own remark.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-09, 04:42 PM
Delroth chuckles. "One thousand? Quite the youngster, isn't she..."

Emperor Ing
2011-04-09, 05:26 PM
The kobold looks over at Delroth, focusing on the skull floating over the armored man's shoulders. "We can't all have the privelege of having seen the Genesis first hand, now can we? I do not envy Overlord Weromijekarnattizeth, what is immortality if you can't love, if you can't hate? Can't feel or be felt. You have achieved eternal life, but you're not really alive. Do you know what I mean?" He looks abruptly back to the group. "Oh, I must apologize, the decays of age have begun to take its toll on my person, I doubt this interests any of you. As for your question sir..." he looks to Vulkan. "Fire against a being of flame would not work. Her minions share in this resistance to flame. As you might expect however, they may have vulnerabilities to cold."

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-10, 02:00 PM
The armored man shrugged. "Ah, but Mattix, I'm sure you know the value of duty to your people, do you not?"

Emperor Ing
2011-04-10, 02:21 PM
The Colonel shakes his head, and responds softly. "Everything I have done, am doing, and will continue to do has been for the greater good of my people. Only death can discharge me from duty."

2011-04-10, 02:31 PM
That is an admirable goal, but if we could focus on the issue at hand?

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-10, 02:43 PM
Another chuckle emanates from the armored man. "Friend, the conversation pertains to everything. But, yes, I do think we should get on with the real conversation. I really think the only question that remains is what do we get from this?"

2011-04-10, 03:14 PM
Hedris maintains silence, he looks like he wants to say something but can't think of what. You note an expression of deep respect on his face at the Colonel's words. He looks more solemn and less irritated by the hold up.

2011-04-10, 04:05 PM
Vulkan gives his own answer to Delroth's question. "Well, for me such an opportunity is it's own reward. I love the trashing and mangling of creatures by the dozens that come unto my sight. They wish for war, they give it to me." He gave a slight pause before throwing in, "And if this place gets wiped out, who would be there to be my customers to my stories? I'd go out of business if something isn't done."

2011-04-10, 04:08 PM
Kitril makes a toothy grin, or the closest he can manage with his lizard-like features, at Vulkan, The two of us are going to get along just fine.

Yeah... still not sure how to treat Delroth, so I'm just going to ignore his potentially obvious Demilichedness for now, and bring up the skull later.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-10, 04:26 PM
The armored man's shoulders sagged a bit. "Look, I have a feeling that Colonel Mattix knows my particular situation, and I can't just do something for nothing."

2011-04-10, 06:21 PM
Is not fame a reward in itself? To have your story told across the generations, by men, women and children? It is the finest form of immortality, Aujir says, his hand gravitating towards the holy symbol of Bahamut that hangs on his chest, As for myself, I see it my duty to protect this world from the spawn and children of Tiamat.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-10, 06:53 PM
He laughs. "Fame is something those without duty can afford to have."

2011-04-10, 06:58 PM
You can have the credit for the deed, if that is what your desire, Aujir says, Or at least as far as I am concerned. Fame may be the greatest immortality, but not all need to seek such things.

2011-04-10, 07:02 PM
"To my own eyes, 'duty' is the worst ideal a person could bear. I've seen it absorb people, swayed them to make it their only goal. To me, the only life I could life is one without constrictions; to do what you wanted to do, not what you must do. Of course my goal usually shares the lines of 'save the world', so I'm sure no one would complain."

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-10, 07:22 PM
A shrug. "To each his own. I am not saying that it is the right lifestyle for all. Just that my needs should be respected as yours are."

Emperor Ing
2011-04-10, 08:50 PM
"The consequences of my own actions are their own reward. Names are temporary. A series of lines inscribed on text or syllables conjured from the mouth. I do not care if even my grandwyrmlings never know my name." He speaks in a very sentimental way. "If I die knowing I made a difference, that my wyrmling's wyrmlings have a better life than I did, that is enough for me."

2011-04-10, 09:08 PM
Oy, you know what, that's all far too remote, and you guys are crazy, Kitril seems to be teasing the others a bit, Just do what's right right now, and it'll work out in the end. And right now, the right thing is to go put the smack down on a dragon.

2011-04-10, 09:30 PM
Dragons are natural mages, do you have any information on what kind of spells we can expect to face from this one? We have two days to prepare; what further preparations can you make to defend the town, or should we go on the offensive striking straight into her lair? Aujir asks. As for protection from flames that is an easily enough available commodity, unless the dragon can penetrate magical protections with ease; would you know if the dragon can do such a thing?

Emperor Ing
2011-04-10, 11:22 PM
The kobold shakes his head. "My knowledge as to the extent of her magical abilities. What I am certain of is that if you wish reward, the magical items carried on her person would be quite valuable." He looks at Aujir. "And I imagine quite useful, for some."

2011-04-10, 11:26 PM
Any information on what these items of power might be? Aujir asks, Any information as to what magical powers we may face could be of great importance. For example a dragon's breath can be made more deadly by sorcery, or they can release blasts of energy every ounce as deadly as their breath.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-10, 11:33 PM
"Only stories. Her breath can flow through a building to the misfortune of everything inside, leaving the structure unharmed. She has survived many grievous wounds that would have fallen any ordinary dragon. I have even heard she has survived decapitation. Her teeth and claws may rend flesh inside its armor shell, and even her very presence is enough to shatter bone. I wish I could be of more assistance but my expertise in the field of arcana is extremely limited."

2011-04-10, 11:36 PM
Shatter bone? Aujir says, wonder in his voice, I am only slightly versed in the arcane arts myself, more in their function than in their lore. Does anyone know of a spell or enchanted tool that could produce such an effect?

Aujir glances around at the others who have been called here.

2011-04-11, 12:05 AM
I have some long lasting spells that can be used to prepare, but most of my spells are better geared for attack. I favor some recon, and then a preemptive strike. Colonel, if the dragon were to die, would her army still attack?

Emperor Ing
2011-04-11, 12:20 AM
The Colonel grins slightly. "No. I think they would greet you as liberators." He becomes more serious. "Though to fight on the enemy's terms is a risky tactic at best. Though I do sense your drive to minimize civilian casualties. Consider where her army must go to arrive upon Holtz."

2011-04-11, 12:26 AM
I was thinking more of disrupting her army and her own preparations than slaying the dragon herself, a serious of hit and run assaults possibly through the use of teleportation magic Aujir states, Would you happen to know the direction the dragon would be coming from and what terrain lies between? It might be possible to make their intended route more difficult and buy extra time that way.

2011-04-11, 12:42 AM
Asymmetric warfare is second to a single crippling blow. I've taken down bigger dragons, though admittedly not many, we can take her out, and it will involve far less resource expenditure and loss of life.

2011-04-11, 12:44 AM
The problem being if we are stuck fighting both her and her allies. While they may not be a threat to us on their own, they may still be able to damage us and crack a hole in our defenses. Also by attacking her army we may be able to lure her out of her lair which will probably be defended with magical wards and traps.

2011-04-11, 12:57 AM
Once again, Kitril gives his toothy half-smile, You underestimate the pride of a fully grown dragon, if we challenge her, she will come. Of course, the terms will have to be "fair." I'm thinking you and your champions, that'd be the rest of us, against her and her champions. You, Aujirlizzix, are the perfect one to issue the challenge.

2011-04-11, 01:01 AM
Kitril's words touch Aujir's own pride and he turns towards the kobold, Do you have any idea what kind of beasts she'd choose as her "champions?" Looking back at Kitril he grins, Remember, though, while proud, red dragons have little concept of honor. If it truly looks like she will lose we must expect treachery, flight, and a full scale attack upon us.

2011-04-11, 08:22 AM
The idea of dueling was not a pleasant one to Vulkan. "If that is your sense of humor then you might need to learn a new one. Just because we can challenge her to a duel does not mean that her dragons will simply stand by and watch, that is completely out-of-character for them, at least from what I've learned of them. It would be best to remove of her in one moment of opportunity, before there can be any lasting damage to anyone else. The best time for that would preferably be in a place with limited sight, where they cannot see us coming."

2011-04-11, 12:11 PM
We make it a matter of personal honor, if she doesn't face us, then she will lose face, and thus control of her army.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-11, 12:40 PM
"This is all assuming that she doesn't just go back on her word and attempt to slaughter us outright."

2011-04-11, 01:22 PM
"And considering my experience of dragons that will do anything to save their scaly skin, her attempt of a dishonoring slaughter is the most likely outcome; quite typical of chromatic dragons really."

Emperor Ing
2011-04-11, 01:39 PM
He stands to point backwards. "She will be coming from there."
Survival check DC 12
He's pointing westward eastward
"Do what you will with this knowledge, I can be of no further assistance."

2011-04-11, 01:54 PM
Wait, Kitril looks at the Colonel as something occurs to him, Why did you tell us this, how does it help your people?

Sense Motive: [roll0]

Emperor Ing
2011-04-11, 01:57 PM
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQti5DcgNyiqavPusddh8u7wfCOiVqKY 86qm_-rJLcFOCf0Br35kg
I cannot say, but all will be revealed in due time. Surely if you know me, you must have an idea as to why.

2011-04-11, 01:59 PM
I do not know you, though, Aujir says, activating his Detect Evil spell-like ability as he scans the area, Even so a chromatic dragon with an army is something that must be dealt with sooner or later. How many of you can teleport yourselves?

2011-04-11, 03:54 PM
Vulkan had thought of the situation. He wondered of Mattix's goal. He was brave and honorable to his leaders, but the fire elemental was worried if Weromijekarnattizeth was just setting this up as a trap for the mortals. Considering the loyalty Mattix has for his Overlord, it wouldn't be surprising if he knew about the plan. Vulkan had the same worry Aujir had. He avoided showing his worry however. "Apologies, I cannot teleport. Remember the last time you decided to teleport me to your castle Aujirlizzix?" His line felt like a lighthearted snark.

Sense Motive on Colonel Mattix about his reasons or Weromijekarnattizeth's reasons of us having to take out the army of dragons going to be attacking the city: [roll0]

2011-04-11, 04:41 PM
Teleportation is one of the magics in my repertoire, yes.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-11, 07:40 PM
Kreok shrugged. "I teleport at will."

Emperor Ing
2011-04-12, 10:02 PM
"I do not teleport." He scans the group. "Do what you will with what I have told you. I know talent when I see it, if anyone will destroy Relipthurjerikanix it will be you." He turns and gestures towards Kerradol'Reth. "Come." The half-dragon turns and flies away towards the west, with Colonel Mattix standing on his disc not far behind.

2011-04-12, 11:45 PM
Well it would seem that our first task would be to scout out the area. May I suggest that a small group of us able to teleport ourselves perform such duties? It would mean that should we get seperated and faced with foes that we could not easily overcome by ourselves we could teleport back to safety, Aujir says facing towards the west.

2011-04-13, 07:15 AM
"That might be a good idea," Vulkan responded to Aujir. "But what might some of us do in the meantime? I cannot teleport, so I would like a different task... Perhaps helping with getting the civilians out of here?"

2011-04-13, 12:32 PM
I could bring you with us, or you could stay to help secure civillians. You might also look over the town's defenses, see if you can come up with any strategies.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-13, 07:11 PM
Kreok shrugs. "I can stay here to help civilians, and send my artifact-familiar to help scout."

2011-04-13, 07:26 PM
Vulkan nods his head, "So we've decided? I will stay here to help evacuate the civilains." He then pointed to Aujir, his cohart, and Kitril, "You guys will be scouting the area west." He turned then to Delroth, "You send your... familiar with them, and you yourself stay here to help me, perhaps try to assist the town guard with preparations against the assault coming." He finally looked at everyone. "So, good plan?"

Hope I wasn't acting too bossy here :smallredface:

2011-04-13, 07:29 PM
Xav should stay as well, Aujir says, He's unable to teleport if we get seperated.

But we fight better as a team, Xav counters.

There's too much of a possibility of an ambush Aujir says, backing away from the others to assume his natural form and pulling out his portable hole. Just let me don my barding. Kitril would you like a ride?

2011-04-13, 07:39 PM
Vulkan turned to Xav. "Aujir is right. You would be better here for the time, I'd rather you help calm the populace as I am unsure if I could convince the city by myself to escape." He then paused and quietly told himself, "Now if only we had an army of our own..."

So might it be a good idea for Delroth's army to assist us, or should we save that for a more epic encounter? :smalltongue:

2011-04-13, 08:05 PM
Sure, but we should get a location first.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-15, 06:13 PM
Delroth chuckles. "An army, eh? I wish we had better teleportation...."

2011-04-15, 06:42 PM
Not just an army but one which would not be slaughtered to a man. An army is easy to obtain, but a contingent of half-dragon trolls would tear through it with ease. You'd need some truly elite forces like those we'll be facing. Well if we want to find their location, Aujir says and looks at Kitril, If you want a ride, get on.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-17, 08:11 AM
The skull floats off towards Aujir and stops once it's near him, simply waiting for the other to teleport before he does.

2011-04-17, 08:22 AM
Vulkan stands away from Aujir, not interested in scouting out. He makes a turn to Delroth, a more serious look on his face now. "I'd like to chat with you once they leave," he said to the suit of armor. "And preferably without any physical or magical conflict; I've already had enough dealings with people like you."

2011-04-17, 12:37 PM
Kitril moves over to Aujir and prepares to leave.

2011-04-17, 01:06 PM
Aujir lets Kitril onto his back and takes flight. Moving towards the west at full-speed. Even as he takes flight he casts a spell upon himself to make himself completely unseen and repeats it upon Kitril.

Cast Extended Superior Invisibility twice, once on self, once on Kitril, using 2 9th level spell slots. This will keep us invisible to all senses but touch and to blindsense, blindsight, see invisibility, scent (but not true seeing) for 54 minutes (SC page 125).

Begin hustling at 600-ft per round to the west looking for a visual sighting of the enemy.

2011-04-17, 01:13 PM
You know, I have greater teleport, we could use that.

2011-04-17, 04:10 PM
I fear I have no way to teleport myself.

2011-04-17, 04:26 PM
Vulkan gave a playful laugh at the dwarf. "Well we'd be splitting up now, so you should probably stay with us. We have a bit of business here with helping the town prepare, and..." The fire elemental turned to Delroth again, not looking so playful now, "...you."

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-17, 04:47 PM
As Delroth teleports away, Kreok walks towads Vulkan. "What do you want, flame-boy?"

Delroth teleports with the others and simply follows along, not saying anything.

2011-04-18, 05:27 PM
Vulkan turns his attention from Delroth to his servant in armor. "Now tell me... What reason would I have to act like your master will dutifully help us? I've had my dealings with people of his kind in the past; they've been... quite the disruptive annoyance. I'd rather if your master be not so willing to disrupt the psyche of the people, it puts me out of business in one of my jobs, the other, fighting, I can get easily, but that can also jeopardize my first job."

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-19, 10:20 AM
You hear a snorting sound. "I could say the same of your kind, elemental. My master is far more dutiful than you could possibly be. He is dedicated to his people, and has been for thousands of years, so I wouldn't question his duty. And you can fight all you want, just don't try and harm my people. It would hand badly."

2011-04-19, 11:19 AM
Xav leans upon a nearby wall, and listens carefully to the two arguing. Absent-mindedly he'll pick a piece of grass and start chewing on it.

2011-04-19, 11:38 AM
Vulkan's mood did not change, though he had no intentions of getting physical anytime soon. "And who might his people be? I do not have the mind that undead could care for his subjects, human or otherwise. And let me tell you now. I do not have interest in the idea of law. I stick with living by myself, doing what I enjoy doing. I help out those when I can, but I cannot trust the undead, especially ones of your master's kind." He gave a moment, and then sighed, knowing that continuing to argue with this guy was worthless. "Well so long as your master does not try to turn this world into a plane of negative energy or otherwise ruin things for the people who live here, I will not make things difficult for him. Shall we agree with that?"

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-19, 03:24 PM
Kreok laughs. "Shall we agree to basic civility? Yes, yes, I'll agree to basic civility."

Emperor Ing
2011-04-19, 09:48 PM
Aujir's unseen flight takes off. Covering miles of terrain in mere minutes as a great breeze flows across Aujir's great form, flying in the face of Kitril. Great forests look nothing more than simple playthings from up here. Overall, it is a quite uneventful flight, albeit quite long.

By doing this you are advancing hours ahead of everyone else.


As for everyone else...nothing really happens outside of some commoners giving you wierd looks.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-19, 10:05 PM
Delroth follows the two at reasonable pace, simply lagging behind a little bit, following them with slightly glowing eyes.

Use Bend Reality to manifest Psionic True Seeing, 15pp. After that, Run after the two, moving at my run rate of 720ft/round. As an undead, I can do this indefinitely.

2011-04-20, 09:09 AM
Vulkan ends his conversation with Kreok and takes a look around at the city. "I'll be looking for the mayor of this city. I need to see what is known about this city so it might prepare for the invasion." He then makes off to the mayor's place, not bothering to see if Xav and Kreok were following. Vulkan's looks do seem awkward to talk with, but simple diplomacy should resolve that.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-20, 10:22 AM
Kreok sighs and follows Vulkan.

2011-04-20, 12:53 PM
Hedris follows Vulkan and Kreok.

2011-04-20, 01:00 PM
Xav follows silently, his eyes following Kreok for a moment.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-20, 02:14 PM
Moving through the relative calm of the city, you arrive at a relatively ornate white, guarded structure. Approaching the front doors, the guards, you may presume are human, level their halberds at Vulkan, visibly frightened by the fire elemental.
S-s-stop right there! You! What do you want?

2011-04-21, 07:24 AM
Vulkan lifts his hand slightly at the soldiers, his mood calm and sincere. "Hold please; I mean to speak with your lord here about an urgent matter. I would like to speak person-to-person if possible, but if you would prefer I can talk to him through some magical barrier of some sort. I must speak with your lord." He made sure that he was benevolent enough to them.

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

Emperor Ing
2011-04-21, 06:27 PM
((Epic diplomacy checks FTW))
The guards are taken aback by the fire elemental's words. A being who's existence can clearly be defined as that of destruction, the words...this is something that can move mountains. Needless to say, they visibly shake briefly before standing into position, very offical. Their halberds standing upright at their sides.
My...my apologies sir. Go ahead.
The door can easily open to a large foyer. Immediately in front of you is a human woman sitting on a wooden desk flanked by marble staircases arcing up to the second floor balconies overlooking the foyer. She looks very suprised and frightened to see you.

2011-04-21, 07:11 PM
Vulkan walked kindly into the building to meet with the receptionist woman. "Good day; I wish to speak with your lord here about an urgent matter. Might I get an audience with him?" He put on his smile and friendly tone, wanting to get on the good side of everyone; at least, everyone that was good.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-24, 11:16 AM
The looks at Vulkan nervously, eyeballing his companions before looking back at Vulkan very solemnly. Well...come with me. She gets up, going around her desk past you and up the stairs to the right. Continuing right, she goes straight to a door, knocking.
What? Who is it?

(Listen check DC 12 to hear the small-text responses)

Sir, we have an, um, some...persons who want to speak with you.
Some people want to have a word, I think they're adventurers.
Oh, fine. Send them in.
She turns back to the group. He'll see you now. She opens the door to a plain, but formal looking and spacious office headed by a rather short but large-eyed lizardfolk donning a rather elegant suit. Possibly a robe, the lower half of his body is concealed by the desk. You see several sheets of paper on his desk along with a quill and inkwell within arm's reach of the lizardfolk.

Knowledge Local DC 15 or Knowledge Nobility/Royalty DC 32 (Because knowing the names of random democratically elected local mayors is obscure :smalltongue:)
Mayor Kellen As'zerkythr

2011-04-25, 08:56 AM
Vulkan walked into the mayor's room after he got permission. He noted the mayor being a lizardfolk as he said, "Good day to you sir. I am Vulkan. I'm sure you know of my kind, but please be assured I do not affiliate with them anymore. He gives a small bow before continuing. "I bring news of a dire incident that will befall may befall this beloved city, and I would be wonderful if we knew of a way to bring these people into safety or cover somehow. I am afraid I have no proof I can show except from my words, so I do hope I may just need your understanding of the matter."

Okay, I'm not gonna roll Diplomacy all the time, that'd make things pretty easy :smalltongue:

Emperor Ing
2011-04-27, 06:23 PM
Really? He leans back on the chair. Then what are you waiting for? Speak up.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-27, 06:37 PM
"A giant red dragoness is going to come down and burn, loot, pillage and rape this town in approximately two days. Is that enough information, or do you need more?"

Emperor Ing
2011-04-27, 06:43 PM
The mayor leans forward, his large eyes blinking several times in suprise. Relicatherajeranicks is going to attack? What? How do you-how do you know this?

2011-04-27, 06:53 PM
Vulkan put his hand to his forehead in embarrassment to Kreok's words. "We have received word of this from Colonel Mattix. As of why he asks us of this we do not know, though it might be for the benefit of his lord Weromijekarnattizeth." He gives a small pause before saying. "And it is but a theory, but I might know why the dragons will be coming to this town..." His voice was much quieter now. "Might have you ever heard about the Spectral Dragon who's tale started over 4000 years ago?"

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-27, 07:20 PM
Kreok sighs. "Before we start going into ancient stories, may I suggest we get an evacuation plan in order? Time is short, we can talk on the road."

Emperor Ing
2011-04-27, 07:49 PM
The mayor stands up, his height virtually unchanging from his seated position. Needless to say, he is rather short. There is a very large network of underground tunnels underneath Holtz. We believe them to be the ruins of Holtz prior to the Genesis, but we haven't been able to verify. At the moment, it could serve as an excellent hideout for our city's population. You have the feeling from his rather casual tone he is not convinced of the imminent attack. We have a small police presence down there in case brigands use it as smuggling tunnels. I've been down there myself, and i've heard all the stories. He leans forward, hands on his desk. There is no rainbow dragon down there. None.

2011-04-27, 07:55 PM
Vulkan just shrugged his arms and sighed. "My mentioning of the rumor was not to confirm it, but to give such a theory. Regardless that is of no matter. What needs to be done is to find safety and protection for the civilians. It should only last a day at best." He realized how flimsy such a request he was asking for. "Once my companions have finished their scouting, I'm sure they'll confirm of such an offense being prepared against the town." he then thought to himself, so long as that demilich didn't disembowel them in the process...

Emperor Ing
2011-04-27, 08:46 PM
Prehaps you can understand my position? He sits back down. I want you to be wrong. You seem like a decent enough sort, so i'm sure you want this Mattix fellow to be wrong too. I can't just send an entire city fleeing underground based on what someone said someone else said.

2011-04-28, 06:09 AM
Would you rather be remembered as the guy who got a little overzealous and stuck his people in hiding for a few days when there was nothing to hide from, or would you prefer being remembered as the guy who sat back and did nothing despite warnings he received, leading to the bloody, ghastly, horrific murder of all his constituents?

2011-04-28, 06:31 AM
Vulkan paused for a bit, then turned to the dwarf. "Admittedly I think he'd prefer the latter. I can understand if moving is a murderous and tiring task," he turned back to the mayor. "Exactly how long would moving the people normally take in this case?"

Emperor Ing
2011-04-28, 07:15 PM
The lizardfolk looks bemused by the latest remarks. He leans back, resting his arms on his abdomen. Listen kid, saying i'd sit idly by and do nothing doesn't convince me to send my people underground because you said someone else said something. If you have nothing better to do than to berate me for not believing every urban legend my people say, then you're wasting my time.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-28, 08:59 PM
Kreok laughed. "Fine. Let your people die. It is a small sacrifice to show the rest of the world the veracity of the threat. Come, comrades. Let's save someone who actually wants it."

2011-04-28, 09:02 PM
Whether the mayor knows the danger for certain or not, it is still our responsibility to save these people, Xav says.

My lord, may I speak freely? he says looking at the mayor.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-28, 09:05 PM
He looks slightly confused at Xav's remark. This is still a free country, speak your mind.

2011-04-28, 09:08 PM
Vulkan is annoyed at the mayor's decision, though he did not show it. He had the feeling he wouldn't be approved, so he would have to go do what he needed to do; try and lure the incoming dragons away from the town, or get the townsfolk to the below ground area himself. But first he would see how Xav's persuasion would go.

2011-04-28, 09:21 PM
What reason have you to think this attack is a ruse? Even if the reason has nothing to do with legends, merely an attempt by a chromatic dragon to expand its territory should be worrisome enough. Is there a danger in the caves that makes such evacuation hazardous?

Emperor Ing
2011-04-28, 09:43 PM
Hmm, I think we have a failure of communication. We all know chromatic dragons exist. Most of us would rather not have to know, but they make sure that we know. I was referring to the urban legend of the Monster of Holtz. A real live Spectral Dragon that lives, erhm, allegedly lives in the tunnels. Please understand, I don't want my people to die horribly, it's just that the...complications of doing so are far greater than just waiting in tunnels. People have to stop what they are doing and evacuate to a deep, dank, and dark underground ruin. There's no danger down there at all. It's just...the costs alone for maintaining a population below ground for even a few days is quite dramatic, not to mention the economic ramifications for the rest of Maridia for commerce stopping even for a day...This is NOT something any half-smart creature should take lightly, and I will need some sort of proof. I'm more than willing to keep an open mind. He glares at Vulkan. And if you could talk behind my back when i'm not right there, that would be greatly appreciated.

2011-04-28, 09:47 PM
What's the population of Holtz? Xav asks calmly.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-28, 09:59 PM
Hmm, roughly 85 thousand.

2011-04-28, 10:01 PM
What kind of defense forces do you have? Xav asks.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-28, 10:04 PM
Huh, why are you asking?

2011-04-28, 10:06 PM
Because it can be assumed that the enemy will have a decent idea what they are fighting against, it would be folly to assume a dragon of its age would attack without such information. By ascertaining what they expect to face we can get a better idea of what we will be fighting, as well as determine what kind of tactics we can use to minimize casualties without retreating into the caves.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-28, 10:25 PM
Well, we have a standing guard force of about five thousand.

2011-04-29, 12:40 AM
What kind of skills do these standing guards have? Also what kind of additional men could be called at short notice? Retired guardsmen, off-duty soldiers, patriotic mages who live in the city, priests who would fight for their clergy, for example.

Emperor Ing
2011-04-29, 10:11 AM
Several of your standard run-of-the-mill warriors, a handful of them have taken strong devotions for Pelor and are quite strong paladins. He shrugs. Whatever floats their boat. As for militia, I may be able to call in another four thousand willing to defend this city.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-29, 06:11 PM
"How many bows and arrows, or perhaps crossbows and bolts, can you call up in such a short notice? You may need to conscript, if it comes down to that."

Emperor Ing
2011-04-29, 08:19 PM
Thousands. Easily we have more bows than men. Arrows aren't an issue either. Crossbows aren't too uncommon either.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-29, 08:27 PM
"You should make ready to pass them out quickly. It's your only realistic chance of defeating this bitch, and if nothing happens, no one has to know."

Emperor Ing
2011-04-29, 08:33 PM
Yeah! You're right! Noone has to know... He relaxes, his expression turning serious. Except 85 thousand people and the hundreds of employees in the thousands of businesses that rely on Holtzian commerce.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-04-29, 08:34 PM
Another sigh. "About the damn bows. If they're ready, then maybe you can save some of your people, and if not, tell the damn servants you were doing an inventory on ranged weapons. If not do the rest, at least do that."

2011-04-29, 08:35 PM
Run of the mill warriors will get slaughtered if what the kobold said is true, Xav comments, I was hoping for some skilled warriors but that seems unlikely.

2011-04-29, 08:44 PM
Vulkan held a sigh before letting it out. "I believe death will be inevitable if there is a war coming. What we can do is try to minimize the casualties if any of you have any ideas. I can inspire the men, but it will not make them invincible."

Emperor Ing
2011-04-30, 05:34 PM
The lizardfolk leans back in thought. It's possible it could be done. Evacuate the people below ground and get the town guard ready for an imminent attack. I can see what I can do. He takes out a sheet of paper from his desk, and writes some things on it with the quill. I will need your names though, at least.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-01, 07:18 PM

Many hours go by for Aujir. What would have been a debhilitating flight for any other dragon of his age is done with only minor difficulty, and at a far greater speed than he could hope. But of course, the dragon should be used to this.

After an unending day of flying over forests, villages, and small mountains, you bypass the iconic barrier of unending smoke above you, and barren, destroyed ground below that marks passage into the infamous Orb of Fire. Of course, your senses overwhelmed by the thick smoke and smell of all sorts of things burning are more than enough of an indication. You can't be too far.
Mere minutes later, surrounded by a moat of magma is a ring of igneous spires fully surrounding some sort of clearing. There is no doubt in your mind that your destination is within sight.

2011-05-01, 07:34 PM
"Vulkan," the fire elemental simply states. he wait for the other two to tell their names before saying. "If you would not mind I would like to entertain the people after this. it would be good for the civilians to drown out rumors through stories and music, would it not?" he pulls out his well-handcrafted lute, though he does not play it.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-01, 07:48 PM
He appears a bit interested in the lute. Huh. He looks over at him. Well, let's see what you can do, son. He says, inviting Vulkan to play.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-01, 08:03 PM
Kreok bows to the man. "Kreok Delroth, of Emanacal Gamma."

2011-05-01, 08:06 PM
Giving a slight bow, Vulkan backs up a couple steps for room before beginning to blow into his lute and playing a song that beautifully transfers between a calm, modern tune and a fiery, Arabic sounding tune. During the music he somehow changes his tail into a set of legs that begin dancing along with the song, changing it's pattern along with the music. It lasts a couple minutes before he is finished with the song and his legs revert back to a tail. "I hope it was worth your time," he said. "If I was given a more outdoor area and space that was difficult to ignite, I could give a more flashy show to go with it; however I dare not risk such a thing indoors of course."

I'll have Vulkan take 10 for Perform (Dance) on this for 39. The more flashier version is what happens when he takes 20 on it instead. :smalltongue:

2011-05-01, 10:16 PM
Seeing his destination, Aujir looks at the mage on his back
"Shall we go together, or shall I go alone? I can cloak myself with magic to be completely unseen save to powerful magic if need be.

Aujir will go ahead and cast Foresight on himself.

2011-05-01, 10:28 PM
I'm better at stealth my friend, let me go. As he speaks, a pair of wings burst from Kitril's back. Once they are fully grown, he steps from Aujir's back and moves under his own power, keeping pace with Aujir if he will slow down a little.

Casting Flight of the Dragon as a SLA.

2011-05-01, 10:43 PM
"Are you sure about that? I can be quite stealthy when I so choose." Aujir asks casting two spells, one with no immediate visual effect but the other making him vanish to all but magically enhanced sight.

Shapechange followed by Superior Invisibility.

He's not changing his form quite yet, but is ready to assume a quite small form when he gets closer.

2011-05-01, 10:52 PM
Nice trick, though I can still see your aura. You'll have to teach me that sometime. Fine, we'll both go, with that, Kitril also casts a spell, rendering himself invisible.

Greater Invisibility

Emperor Ing
2011-05-02, 01:45 PM
((Yo, how do you take 10 on a Performance check? I'm just gonna assume you can, but if you can't the lowest common denominator is still pretty damn impressive.))

The mayor is trembling, clearly raptured by the performance, as it is of a magnitude no ordinary man would be used to. His response is an incomprehensible babble of expressions of compliment, amazement, and a bit of confusion.


The mountainous spires continue to be mountainous and spirey. The only thing interrupting you is directly below you, the ground splits open, the wound in the earth bleeding magma. Fortunately due to your height, it's harmless.
Although simple presence in this area, independent of the magma flow, is very uncomfortably hot. Continued exposure could prove harmful if you do not have a resistance to heat.

2011-05-02, 02:12 PM
Vulkan looked proud of himself seeing the mayor's reaction. An idea hit his head. "Would there be some sort of wide-open outside space anywhere? Preferably a hill or plains? With your permission I would like to perform to the citizens and soldiers of Holtz. I am sure I can entertain them and uplift their spirits, it is something I do for a living after all." He seemed honest with his words. He would normally tell his stories but tales of war and battle were not going to be helping this situation. If he were to dance in plains or a hill, he would have to prepare by insulating a fire-proof field... somehow.

I'll make a diplomacy roll. [roll0]

Hope I'm not overdoing Diplomacy, I'd rather not use it a lot considering what is possible with my ranks in it :smalltongue:

2011-05-02, 02:43 PM
As he flies forward, Aujirlizzix changes into the shape of a common bat. The auras of magic, and invisibility, though, make it a rather suspicious bat.

2011-05-02, 03:11 PM
Kitril follows, swooping down towards the clearing.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-03, 06:55 PM
Delroth continues to follow the now-bat, moving silently.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-06, 11:36 AM
Huh, I...I suppose that will be alright. Battlements facing into the city would probably be your best bet.


The three of you approach the mountains. Make a Hide check at a -10 unless you have Hide In Plain Sight.

2011-05-06, 11:38 AM
Aujir flies forward, hoping that his small size should help him remain unseen even to eyes that have true sight. He tries to avoid getting within 120-ft of any creature he does see, though.

Hide [roll0]

Edit: Accidentally subtracted 12 instead of 10. Should have been +4 so should be 17.

Edit: With +20 from invisibility that would be 37. I forgot about the means of using spot checks to penetrate invisibility, as opposed to just See Invisibility (which thankfully doesn't work on Superior Invisibility.

2011-05-06, 12:52 PM
HIde: [roll0] (Invisibility adds +20 to Hide checks)

2011-05-06, 04:54 PM
"Ah, the battlements then?" he said, his question rhetorical. "Then I suppose I should prepare then, as should you if you would be alright." He gave another politeful bow. "I do hope the soldiers and warriors here be hearing and seeing of me when I am ready," he says politely as he leaves with a smile on his face.

Keeping the mayor's words and the situation at hand in mind. Vulkan looked for the best spot on the battlements where everyone could see him. When he got there he began to prepare his lute and his "dancing" fire practice for the time. He would begin as soon as he knew when the dragons would be coming...

Preparing for a great fireworks display, going to take 10 on Preform (dance) for 39 to give Inspire Courage +5 to all the soldiers and warriors in Holtz. (now I just wish I could take 10 for 40 instead :smalltongue:)

Emperor Ing
2011-05-06, 05:09 PM

@Jallorn & Halna:
Hemmed into the spires is a poorly concealed bunker. In it you can see a red scaled Lizardfolk sleeping. Needless to say, you don't believe you have been detected.

Passing the barrier of the igneous spires brings you into the valley. Forged from the igneous stones stand a small city. Smaller spires dotting the landscape. If any one of you were to fall, you feel you would meet a very pointy end. They jut out of the ground all around the valley, but bear an unnatural quality about them. Hundreds of red figures move about the network of spires in seemingly random directions, but all of it intentional. At the end of it sits a network of spires hemmed into spires. Nothing moves there, as you can see from your large vantage point the massive, inviting opening of a cavern leading deep into...a place you can't see at the moment.

2011-05-06, 05:12 PM
What now? Go for the head, or sabotage?

Emperor Ing
2011-05-08, 08:15 PM

It takes roughly half an hour to set up, but the Fire Elemental is eventually able to secure access, with the help of the mayor of course, a position on the top of battlements overlooking both the forest surrounding Holtz and the town. Though you're focused on the town.

Immediately around you is a very small crowd gathered. Not quite what you expected, but most of them are town guardsmen, likely rused into interest by the mayor's proclamations of your skills, and wanting to see for themselves.

In the middle of playing, you clearly have your crowd's fascination. Although it is slow in the beginning, you notice the crowd swells in size as many citizens gather their friends to enjoy this show. Needless to say, the crowd grows to great porportions by the end, you easily have AT LEAST one tenth of the population of the whole city watching.

Relipthurjerikanix's Territory
Waiting on you guise to make a move.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-08, 09:00 PM
Delroth moves forward towards the lizardfolk, attempting to touch it and paralyze it.

[roll0] Attack
And he must make a DC 62 Fort save or be paralyzed permanently.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-14, 03:08 PM
Archmagister Prime Zekel casts Fast Forward on Holtz

The group, unless they choose to do something else, spends the night in a pretty wealthy inn. Fine red velvet carpeting, illumination by small stark white fireballs of (Spellcraft check DC 12) Continual Flame suspended by an unseen force uniformly on fine wooden vertical supports jutting out of the walls. Lodging and food will cost 1 silver each. There's several wealthy looking patrons there, a few of them send friendly jestures to Vulkan. Likely they heard his performance not too long ago, or at least heard it.
Spending a night at this inn will set you back 1 sp each, and this includes food for the night as well as breakfast. Something tells you this is a discount as everyone seems to be in a good mood.

Very early in the morning, merely a few minutes from dawn, the group is roused by a bright light unexpectedly illuminating the entire town. A chorus of screams erupt in the city below, which are met by a strange sound.
Knowledge Arcana DC 20
It sounds like a breath weapon of a dragon but it sounds...wrong.
Spellcraft DC 30
It reminds you of the sounds of spells such as Rainbow Blast or Prismatic Spray. Possibly Sunburst.

2011-05-16, 04:19 PM
Vulkan appreciated the gestures given to him after the performance, he had hoped what he offered was satisfactory enough. He had no interest in the hotel as he didn't really have a need for rest; however the discount given was not something he wanted the people to disappoint, so he took the offer with gratitude and pleasure.

When the morning came he had foolishly lost track of time, but the bright light and screaming was enough to remind him of what was happening at this moment. "Do not tell me..." he began before going out to view what was happening. "I thought the others should have come back by now!" His tone was more angry than normal.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-16, 09:39 PM
Kreok steps next to Vulkan, unflips one of his blades and begins going from stance to stance, in a warm-up ritual. "Do not worry. My master's been around for a long time. He'll be back any time, I'm sure."

Delroth, yesterday, in the Weast
Delroth continues into the cave, carefully floating through the air, trying to spot any other guards.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2011-05-16, 09:47 PM
We're not in a castle.

Kitril moves into the cave, staying high up and keeping his eyes peeled for any magic aura that would denote the possibility of a magical trap.

2011-05-17, 02:06 PM
Vulkan does not bother to turn to Kreok. "Then I hope you do not rely on your master; I do not think he will be arriving back in time," the elemental states before making a dash off to the location of the screams... and the strange sound.

2011-05-17, 02:11 PM
Xav lifts his weapon and casts Greater Mage Armor.

Meanwhile in the past:

Aujir will fly deeper into the cave careful not to come to close to any guards he can see and using any stalagtites he can find as cover.

He also looks for signs of animal life, especially bat, in the cave.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-17, 02:20 PM
At the moment, both groups are roughly in the same time spot. The Holtz group I imagine being roughly an hour or two ahead. Also, Aujir and Delroth and company are now offically Team Weast.

The fire elemental does not need to go far to see the source of the screams. Humanoids of all sorts, mostly of the nonmonstrous variety, are seen running from the REALLY FREAKIN' OBVIOUS source of the terror. Quite a distance away near the other side of the town is a creature unlike anything you've likely ever seen before. It's an obviously draconic figure. Although it has a rather youthful look about it, its porportions rival that of many wyrms. Its scale gleam in an incandescent glow, with an unnatural luminocity that bathes the normally dark-stricken city of Holtz in a bright, shifting, and prismatic light. One thing you notice is some soldiers on the battlements firing arrows futily at the dragon, which responds by unleashing a breath weapon that resembles a large number of rainbows arranged in a cone-esque shape. The results of the blast leave no trace of the soldiers, and a crumbling stone wall.
Spot check DC 32
The rubble from the wall appears scorched, shattered from being frozen, corroded, blasted, and vaporized simultaneously.

Team Weast

Those that go into the cave ((which I assume to be everybody)) sees 6 heavily armored red winged lizardfolk guards, none of which appear to have noticed any one of you. There don't appear to be any bats at the moment.
Make spot OR sense motive OR search checks (Harmless.)

2011-05-17, 03:00 PM
Search: [roll0]

2011-05-17, 05:03 PM
Search [roll0]

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-17, 07:45 PM
Kreok huffs. "I most certainly do not." and begins dashing after Vulkan.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-17, 08:30 PM


The fire elemental does not need to go far to see the source of the screams. Humanoids of all sorts, mostly of the nonmonstrous variety, are seen running from the REALLY FREAKIN' OBVIOUS source of the terror. Quite a distance away near the other side of the town is a creature unlike anything you've likely ever seen before. It's an obviously draconic figure. Although it has a rather youthful look about it, its porportions rival that of many wyrms. Its scale gleam in an incandescent glow, with an unnatural luminocity that bathes the normally dark-stricken city of Holtz in a bright, shifting, and prismatic light. One thing you notice is some soldiers on the battlements firing arrows futily at the dragon, which responds by unleashing a breath weapon that resembles a large number of rainbows arranged in a cone-esque shape. The results of the blast leave no trace of the soldiers, and a crumbling stone wall.
Spot check DC 32
The rubble from the wall appears scorched, shattered from being frozen, corroded, blasted, and vaporized simultaneously.
((Horray for copypasta! :smallbiggrin:))

Team Weast
Revenge is a dish best served cold. :smallcool:

Although you're not sure why, you notice the guards are barely moving a muscle.

@Halna again
Although you're not sure if that's a wall, you're pretty sure each of the 6 guards are standing on top of a trap. From what you can tell as long as they stand on what look like the pressure plates the trap won't trigger.

2011-05-18, 08:12 AM
Vulkan's face is shown with, in the nicest sense of the word's meaning, surprise. He notices the crumbled wall and it's rubble, destroyed in a myriad of ways all at once. The wyrm, or a dragon of a wyrm's size, was what brought the most attention to the elder fire elemental. "That couldn't have been from Relipthurjerikanix army," he noted; "She would have been coming tomorrow if that was the case..." The rumors that said about Holtz; is this the case of it being true? It all seemed to link well, the wyrm's youthful look; the prismatic-like light and look.

Vulkan turned to Kreok and pulled out his lute, "If you do not have a plan, then I'll give you a bit of an improvement, if for a short time." He then played his lute, strumming arcane magic through it that touched and embraced Kreok. Once he was done, Vulkan had one thing that still puzzled him. How did that wyrm get here so suddenly? Or perhaps the question was, how did it get out?

Casting Heroism on Kreok. He's given a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.

2011-05-21, 04:39 PM
Kitril scans the guards for a magic aura, while simultaneously searching his mind for an explanation.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

Emperor Ing
2011-05-21, 04:51 PM
There's an Abjuration aura around the guards, more specifically their feet, and several evocations in the ceiling above.

2011-05-21, 04:58 PM
Can I make a Spelcraft check to identify the spells?

Emperor Ing
2011-05-21, 05:07 PM
The abjuration appears to be a wierd variant of the Alarm spell, but you can't identify the properties of the ceiling. You have a feeling the rock is directly enchanted.

2011-05-23, 11:01 AM
Ah Vulkan's mind raced with the situation, he had just remembered about the aspect mirror he was given by Aujir. He activates it to call out to the dragon. "Aujir," he began, acting calmly, "we are in a bit of a predicament here. You aren't in anything serious yourself, right?"

Emperor Ing
2011-05-23, 11:33 AM
((Let's play fast and loose with time and space. :smalltongue: On the bright side you and Team Weast aren't terribly far apart in terms of time. :smalltongue:))

Team Weast

As the mirror is an integrated part of himself through the shape change, Aujir recieves a message in his head. Aujir the familiar voice speaks calmly. We are in a bit of a predicament here. You aren't in anything serious yourself, right?

2011-05-23, 02:31 PM
The bat, inaudibly squeaks then remembers it has the power to shapechange. Aujirlizzix assumes the form of a pit fiend (which should unmerge my gear since a pit fiend can use it all) and then telepathically contacts his allies.

Trouble back at the town. Can't speak, so I'm using a fiend's detestable form. Time to get back there.

He will then activate the Extended Evacuation Rune he keeps on Xav to teleport back to his cohort as a swift action.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-24, 11:08 AM
Delroth also teleports back, following along, prepared for anything.

2011-05-24, 03:28 PM
Guess this is my mission alone now. Fine. Let's see what happens if I dispel the guards.

Before I do that though, how strong an aura is it around the guards?

Emperor Ing
2011-05-24, 09:49 PM
Team Weast aka Kitril
Not particularly strong. In gameplay terms, faint.

The de-facto invisible pit fiend and the psionic demilich are transported back to Holtz in a flash, right up againt Xav. They are inside a darkened, seemingly recently abandoned inn (by recent, they left just a few minutes ago) amidst a bright white light beaming in through the windows, chaos, and screaming from people outside. Clearly ****'s goin' down here.

2011-05-24, 10:07 PM
Xav, prepare your lance and then it's time to assume the form of a war troll. Once that's done saddle up, we're going to have a battle ahead of us.

Aujir will go ahead and cast a Quickened Dragonskin spell on himself (selecting Electricity resistance) and Bite of the Werebear.

Xav will cast Greater Magic Weapon on his lance.

2011-05-24, 10:27 PM
Vulkan turns to the suddenly polymorphed Xav. "Good to see you back Aujir," he says relieved, despite the fact that he couldn't see him, though he knew that he was there. "Hold on, let me give you all one last benefit." The fire elemental pulled out his lute and began playing again, telling a tale of courage in the celestial language. "I shall keep chanting, you all take care of the wyrm." The look of the wyrm still bothered Vulkan.

I'll use Inspire Courage for a +4 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls. I'll also make a concentration check to maintain Bardic Music as a swift action due to Battle Cadence: [roll0]

Battle Cadence is an ability gained at 6th level of Raven Commander.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-25, 10:39 PM
the wierd dragon is still completely oblivious to your existence.

2011-05-25, 10:43 PM
Dragonskin Aujir thinks to Xav before thinking to the others, Let me cast a spell to allow us to communicate.

He'll then cast Interplanar Telepathic Bond and move to look out towards the dragon and try and see the dragon.

Xav will cast Dragonskin, selecting electricity, on himself.

2011-05-25, 10:54 PM
-new page, bet it ate things-

Emperor Ing
2011-05-25, 11:07 PM
Om nom nom.

Aujir looks out at the humongous dragon as it brings a claw to bear, leveling a building in a single strike. When the spell is cast, the creature pauses.
I have an audience! And one of our own no less.
Spot Check DC 32
It's looking at Aujir.

2011-05-25, 11:20 PM
Aujir is officially freaked out now. Is there a back door? If so he's heading for it.

I should have spelled out what Interplanar Telepathic Bond does, all targets have to be within 30-ft... I meant to cast it on the party. Though this might be more useful.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-25, 11:25 PM
Yeah, I kind of skimmed the spell description. :smallredface: He's hacked into the network, don't ask how!
Oh, why die tired?

2011-05-25, 11:29 PM
Why are you here? Aujir thinks back.

OOC: Edited questions into OC thread post.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-25, 11:36 PM
We all serve our masters. You should know this is where it will end.

2011-05-25, 11:39 PM
What will end, and who is your master? Aujir thinks openly across all channels.

Time to get into the open Aujir thinks to Xav with his pit fiend telepathy, laying a hand on his cohort and using Dimension Door to move 1440-ft towards the edge of town. He'll head for an area large enough for him to assume his natural form.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-25, 11:44 PM
The existence of your infernal race of course! And you should know my master, you desecrate his tomb with your footsteps.
The dragon is most definitely tracking your progress.

2011-05-25, 11:48 PM
I think you're confused. I am not the spawn of that infernal beast Tiamat. If you serve not Tiamat, then whose tomb is this? I apologize for such desecration, I had no knowledge that a draconic lord had once died here.

Aujir will return to his natural form so that Xav can mount him. Once Xav has gotten on, Xav will use Draconic Polymorph to take the form of a war-troll ready for battle should it prove inevitable.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-25, 11:57 PM
Your ignorance is not my responsibility, however if it is knowledge you seek, stand aside. I will ask my lord to grant you a quick, painless death.

2011-05-25, 11:59 PM
I seek knowledge in this life not the next. If you seek to destroy innocents I will stop you. Don't force a battle, it will not end well for you.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-26, 12:08 AM
Can you not see the foolishness such an endeavor would be? What chance does your tainted, flawed form have against my perfection? I bring absolution, redemption, and salvation. You are the one forcing the battle.

2011-05-26, 12:10 AM
You come seeking to destroy. When faced with destruction only a flawed creature wouldn't fight.

Aujir will start into the air taking a run action straight up (going 12000).

Emperor Ing
2011-05-26, 12:13 AM
((Going 12000? Huh?))
Oh, how foolish. I don't seek to destroy. Your kind has always existed on burrowed time.

2011-05-26, 12:19 AM
Borrowed time? Borrowed from whom? What have you to say of Bahamut the Platinum Dragon?

OOC: Typo. 1200 ft up. I'm not spending a minute flying up. Bite of the Werebear doesn't last but 26 rounds and I'm thinking I'm going to be glad to have it.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-26, 12:30 AM
The time for talk is over. The choice is yours. Stand aside, and my lord may be sympathetic to your situation. Else test your dragonhood, and know that my perfect form is supreme. I cannot guarantee a quick death.

2011-05-26, 12:38 AM
Come then, test yourself. If you're so great, then catch me on the wing.

It apparently wants to kill me Aujir tries to think to the rest. I'm going to lead it away from town.

Xav cast Shield as a swift action (Argent Abjurant Champion) will use the Dragonrider ability Spur Mount.
DC 20 ride check, increases a riden dragon's speed by 50% all movement modes for 5 rounds.

Ride check: [roll0]

Aujir will then double move towards the Weast (900-ft assuming Xav succeeded his check).

Emperor Ing
2011-05-26, 12:50 AM
The dragon jumps into the air and follows Aujir. Matching his speed.

2011-05-26, 12:51 AM
Aujir will continue hustling as long as its following, with Xav making Ride checks every 5th round (do I need to roll? He makes it on a -20). Xav will also cast Heart of Air just in case something does happen.

How long can you keep up, dragon? Aujir thinks back grinning.

OOC: Yes I know I'm going to rack up subdual damage from this. That's what fast healing is for.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-26, 12:57 AM
Long enough.
After 5 rounds the dragon makes a complete U-turn, heading back for Holtz.
((also, I think we should wait for everyone else to do something.))

2011-05-26, 06:04 AM
Vulkan listens in on the conversation, however unable to keep up with the talking. It wasn't till the wyrm turned back around that Vulkan stopped his music to call out. "Wyrm! Is it Relipthurjerikanix you serve, or is it..." His voice almost fumbled, "the dragon that sleeps within this town?!" The fire elemental then cast some sort of magic on himself.

Casting Eagle's Splendor for a +4 increase to Cha. Would Delroth benefit from it too?

Halna LeGavilk
2011-05-26, 11:20 AM
Delroth shifts forward, time and space speeding up around him. Shifting into a massive Pit Fiend, he sped forward towards the dragon, keeping low and down to the ground.

3 Rounds of Temporal Acceleration (20pp, 513pp left)
Greater Metamorphosis (17pp, Overchanalled to get to high enough caster level, taking [roll0] points of damage. Then I metamorphosize into a Pit Fiend. (496pp left)

Emperor Ing
2011-05-26, 06:42 PM
Casting Eagle's Splendor for a +4 increase to Cha. Would Delroth benefit from it too?

((Why would it?))
My my, how insightful. Relipthurjerikanix will fall as well.

2011-05-26, 06:52 PM
Aujir will rush over the dragon, telepathically saying, You turn so soon? I had expected better of perfection. Beast know you that there is a red wyrm to the east, with an army of ill-bred servants. He seeks to conquer this place you call a tomb, would it not be best to settle with your would be destroyer first and deal with us at your leisure afterwards?

Run action to go 1800, I'm going to try to get exactly 350-ft above the dragon if possible.

Also what size is it? Huge, gargantuan, colossal, OMG it's bigger than that.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-05-26, 07:24 PM
Vulkan's eyes tensed on the prismatic wyrm. He knew what this thing was. "We are not worthy as a threat that Relipthurjerikanix is. You are best to remove that red dragon now while the advantage is still yours, and claim it's scepter for your lord... Or perhaps yourself. As you said, you are perfection; why squander it's waste over your lord when you know you surpass his might?"

I'll go for a diplomacy check too: [roll0]
Also... I wish I could fly :smalleek:

Emperor Ing
2011-05-27, 01:59 PM
@Starsign & Zaydos
How presumptuous. If you foolishly think my lord to be my lesser, then stand aside and I will rectify your error.
And Aujir is quite sure the dragon is roughly his size.

2011-05-27, 03:26 PM
I would not presume to say such. I am quite interested in meeting your lord, peacefully, but first would it not be best if we banded together and faced our common enemy. I would prefer not to have to kill such a being as yourself sooner than necessary.

If we must battle let us do it away from sacred ground; I dislike fighting upon graves.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-27, 03:31 PM
@Starsign & Zaydos
Just like our impure descendents. So presumptuous, so sure of their convictions. Do you even know what exists beneath you? Ask the fire metaelemental.

2011-05-27, 03:39 PM
Vulkan, what's down there? Aujir thinks to the fire elemental, then looking at the dragon.

I still prefer words, to battle. If you must destroy, though, then let us have our fight where it is only those who are fighting.

Am I 350-ft above it yet?

Emperor Ing
2011-05-27, 03:40 PM
Yes, you are.

And awaiting Vulkan's response.

2011-05-27, 03:55 PM
Vulkan turned away from the two dragons for a moment, a frown on his face. "Aujir... Do you not know of the legend?" There was a pause. "...Hardly just a legend anymore though. What this prismatic creature speaks, clearly knows." The fire elemental then began reciting the tale of the creature that slept beneth Holtz. While his words seemed to be recited in an old manner of Common, the story was described as this:

The forgotten legend says that 4231 years ago, ancient spellcasters were successful at capturing and binding a Spectral Dragon egg. The intent was that the creature could be indoctrinated into using its tremendous power for the greater good of mankind. This ended in disaster as the wyrmling lashed out at its tamers not long after hatching. Many of the casters died, but they were successful in subdueing the creature. During the following decade they kept the creature bound by supernaturally strong chains, attempting to use enchantment and illusion to influence the dragon's mind. Almost all attempts failed, what few didn't were temporary, and only made the dragon angrier. The minor magical and biological experiments performed on the helpless creature didn't help either. Eventually it just...snapped. All traces of the dragon's great intelligence and wisdom were lost under the weight of nonstop abuse. Defeated, the remaining spellcasters simply gave up. They attempted to kill the hatchling but found that its power had grown immensely over the years. A Spectral hatchling is dangerous enough, but a growing one is something to be reckoned with. They simply could not kill it. To this day, it is imprisoned under the city of Holtz. Holtz is a pun on the word "hold" that most accurately describes the original purpose of the city. Although it is long past its golden age, and many, many mortals hold thanks to pure luck that kept the spectral dragon held fast in its bonds through the Genesis, none of them know just how lucky they are. Needless to say, if the spectral dragon of Holtz were to ever escape, it's unlikely even the Archmagisters of High Aios could stop it.

As Vulkan finishes, he pauses, before saying, "Correct me if I am wrong wyrm, but your goal is to free it from it's bindings." The elemental then got himself in a sort of rallying stance, as if ready to go to war. Somehow during the story he was rallying his allies. The elemental then focused and began to grow to his more "natural" size, though not quite there yet. His face now showing a grim seriousness shown in much other elementals that could show them.

I'll make a perform check for telling the story: [roll0]
Also, Vulkan also uses his Dance of the White Raven skill from Raven Commander:
At 5th level, you learn the Dance of the White Raven, allowing you and your allies to take to battle emboldened by your charisma. You must have at least 9 ranks in a Perform skill to use this ability. While using this ability, you and all allies within 60 ft. of you that can hear you may add your Charisma bonus to their AC in place of their Dexterity modifier, if your Charisma modifier is higher. In addition, they may add your Charisma modifier, rather than their Strength modifier, on all damage rolls made with melee attacks, if your Charisma modifier is higher. The effects of this bardic music ability last for as long as you concentrate on it and for 5 rounds thereafter.
I'm presuming it's a swift action as Battle Cadence allows it. So Vulkan is spending his standard action moving to Large Size.

Emperor Ing
2011-05-27, 04:04 PM
The iridescent creature grins.
@Starsign & Zaydos
Precisely. Although the "legend" does not end there. Metaelemental, I have no hatred for your kind. Prehaps you could join us? A new age is upon the worlds you call Emanacal.

2011-05-27, 04:25 PM
Vulkan took a moment to think about it. "Quite an interesting offer I must say," he held a small pause before thinking that the wyrm was probably not interested in letting the fire elemental increasing the tension of the situation. "but I will decline. Really such creatures like yourself are so boring with all this 'superiority' business; I'd never find anyone of interest that would care for a story from this age." the elemental then completed his growth into huge size. "And I don't recommend asking any other of my kind, they are like ants beneath my power. Perhaps you can tell me more of this 'legend' then if you clearly know more than the most secretive of histories?"

Vulkan is now huge size, Exactly how big is the dragons compared to him?

Emperor Ing
2011-05-27, 04:36 PM
The dragon is Gargantuan sized
My lord has long been awakened from his madness. For millenia he has watched, and waited. Plotting his eventual release. The time has come for the Spectral Dragons to retake this world, with my lord at the front. Even your Archmagister Prime cannot stop us.

2011-05-27, 09:03 PM
So it is a battle you want, Aujir says, regretting that he is not close to Vulkan at the moment, Then so be it.

Xav casts a spell to give himself true aim, as Aujir casts two spells, the second causing him to burst tentacles across his body. Finally he will ascend another 50-ft.

Xav casts True Strike, meanwhile Aujir will cast Quickened Arcane Sight and Evard's Menacing Tentacles

Emperor Ing
2011-05-27, 10:35 PM
Hahah, excellent! The dragon replies audibly in draconic before vanishing in a flash. Reappearing within 20 ft, his strangely luminescent limbs striking with a terrible speed and fury. His natural weapons cutting through Aujir like a good sword through an ooze.
Aujir takes 263 damage.
((And in case you're wondering, everybody has immunity to Massive Damage.))

2 Faint Transmutation*
Overwhelming Transmutation
Strong Divination
Overwhelming Conjuration
Moderate Conjuration
Spellcraft DC 19
Quickened Dimension Door
Spellcraft DC 18
Quickened Wraithstrike

2011-05-27, 10:39 PM
You do remember one of my long duration spells is Extended Greater Anticipate Teleport with a 48 hour duration

Emperor Ing
2011-05-27, 10:59 PM
((Nope. :smalltongue:))
He vanishes from sight.
It's trying to teleport within 20 ft of Aujir.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-06-05, 10:07 PM
Delroth blinks over to where his allies are gathering, and sets himself up in a stance. As the dragon appears, it feels... something tugging at its brain, trying to... something. It hurts.

Greater Psionic Teleport, 548pp left
Decerebrate, Fort Save 39, or go vegetable.

2011-06-05, 10:25 PM
The dragon will reappear soon Aujir thinks to Vulkan, If you get smaller again, I can get you above it before it does. He will then dive towards the fire elemental teleporting the rest of the way.

Xav: Reapplies his speed boost.
Aujir: Run action to move 1800-ft (double speed downwards) and then Quickened Dimension Door the rest of the way to adjacent with Vulkan.

Emperor Ing
2011-06-05, 11:12 PM
The demilich readies an action to manifest a power while the dragon comes close to breaking the sound barrier as he flies towards the fire elemental.

Two rounds remaining.

2011-06-08, 08:07 AM
Vulkan turns to Aujir, nods, and moves towards him, while dropping his size. "We should hurry this up, I fear how this would end if we prolong this fight..." The elemental then climbs onto the gold dragon. "Let's fly!"

Apologies for not posting earlier, high school graduation is a couple weeks away. :smallredface:

2011-06-13, 10:12 PM
With Vulkan on his back, Aujir takes to the air moving 350-ft above where the dragon will reappear and waiting.

Xav casts True Strike the round before the dragon will reappear.

As the dragon reappears, Aujir taunts downwards, Aren't you going to come and get me?

Concentration check to cast a 1st level spell while on a running mount; normally DC 16 [roll0]

2011-06-16, 02:16 PM
With a moment to spare, Vulkan begins a strange sort of dance while still on Aujir's back. The dance seems to be an offensive-style of dance, not one for inspiration, but of a method of attacking for Vulkan. As he finished the elder elemental got into a readying stance, "Alright I'm ready!"

Activated Snowflake Wardance as a free action, now in White Raven stance, "Swarm Tactics"

Halna LeGavilk
2011-06-18, 01:22 PM
The balor-form Delroth grins at the other combatants. "It's been so long since I had a real fight."

Emperor Ing
2011-06-18, 01:41 PM
The iridescent dragon reappears, looking down at Aujir contemplatively before speeding down to him in a blur and swiping at him with a speed and fury that cuts through Aujir without much effort, though what effort is put in would sunder even the hardiest of warriors.

Aujir takes 189 damage.
Your guys' turns.

2011-06-19, 09:53 PM
Vulkan, seeing the dragon reappear, holds on greatly to Aujir as the dragon gets trashed by the enemy. Not good, Vulkan thought to himself; seeing Delroth about to fire off a spell, Vulkan lets go of his hands from Aujir and stand up straight; following that, he gave a boisterous cry, "To high spirits everyone! Beseech not failure and defeat, but for might and victory! Rise up to the challenge and triumph!" His cry was like a feeling of an adrenaline burst to Delroth and Aujir.

Using Call to Arms on Delroth and Aujir. Both get another standard action.
Call to Arms (Ex)
At 8th level, you can bolster your allies confidence, driving them to battle. You must have at least 11 ranks in a Perform skill to use this ability. As a swift action, you may expend two uses of bardic music to grant a single ally within 60 ft. of you an additional standard action. The ally must be capable of hearing you. He takes the additional action immediately at your own initiative count -1, and then returns to his normal initiative count. You cannot use this ability to grant yourself an additional action.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-06-21, 10:59 PM
The Balor raised it's hand, and a massive wind poured out, failing about the dragon and tossing it away from the group.

Tornado Blast PLA.
Attack roll: [roll0] vs. Touch
If hits:
[roll1] Damage

[roll2] vs. DC 44 reflex save for half damage
Thrown [roll3]x10ft in a random direction

2011-06-24, 12:33 AM
Feeling a surge of energy Aujir called upon that magic which was his birthright, attempting to rend the effects of sorcery from the creature.

Chain Dispel Magic, targetted dispel, max CL bonus to dispel checks +25. Level 8 spell (PHBII pg 105)
6 checks?

Concentration check to cast defensively: [roll6]

Aujir then sees what effect it had before unleashing his full fury upon the beast, sending out wings of pure force to beat and batter it and with a single snarled command and twitched claw sending out a second such blast.

Arcane Sight means I know the location and strength of auras within sight, non-action.

Twinned Maximized Empowered Wings of Flurry (Lv 8): 168 damage +50% of [roll7], twice, Reflex save DC 29 halves once for each set of damage. If either save is failed it's dazed for 1 round. Races of Dragon page 119. Total damage: 430; each save reduces by 108, meaning 1 success 322, 2 successes 214.

Quickened Twinned Maximized Empowered Wings of Flurry (Lv 10): 168 damage +50% of [roll8], twice, Reflex save DC 29 halves once for each set of damage. If either save is failed it's dazed for 1 round. Races of Dragon page 119. Total damage: 434; each save reduces by 109, meaning 1 success 325, 2 successes 216.

If the creature is still living after all this, as I expect it is, Xav casts a spell to make his weapon pass through hard scales and armor and attacks.

Wraithstrike Spell Compendium. Makes his melee attacks touch attacks for 1 round.

+4 Holy (sizing, and currently) Large Lance. two-handed, PA 15, true strike on the first attack: [roll9], [roll10] + [roll11] if it's evil.
[roll12] [roll13] + [roll14]
[roll15] [roll16] + [roll17]
[roll18] [roll19] + [roll20][/

2011-06-24, 12:37 AM
Crit confirmation for Xav's last attack.


Also note for each of his attacks that hit it must make a DC 30 Fort save or be dazed for 1 round since he's in the form of a war troll, I doubt this matters.

Emperor Ing
2011-06-24, 08:13 AM
The dragon is immediately blasted by the swirling wave of energy, rending it painfully. It manages to escape though is thrown to the side of Aujir. He strikes with a vicious flurry of metaphysical incarnations of wings. The dragon, suprisingly, manages to completely avoid all of them, but at the last moment he takes a vicious beating. Just in time for the lance-equipped Xav to strike at the creature four times, one striking home in a critical strike.

In a display that would fell most Wyrms, the iridescent dragon remains conscious somehow, albeit wounded terribly. His body arcs with multicolored lightning and emits beams of multicolored light emphasizing its woundedness. Visibly dismayed, the dragon turns to fly outwards away from the city.

Survival check DC 15
It's trying to fly Northeast. And by Northeast I mean North East, not North Weast!

Halna LeGavilk
2011-06-24, 11:39 AM
Delroth follows it, flying after, then unleashes a torrent of psychic energy upon its mind, attempting to cripple it.

Move forward 60ft with my move action, manifest Temporal Acceleration, use Psionic Endowment, move action to get my psionic focus back, then Overchannel for two manifester levels.
[roll0] damage.
Use the standard action to make another move action towards the dragon.

End Temporal Acceleration, hit the dragon with an Ego Whip, [roll1] Cha damage with an DC 45 will save for half.

The next round, Overchannel for [roll2] damage, move action Psionic Endowment+Psionic Meditation, if that doesn't end it, I hit it with another Ego Whip, [roll3] damage, DC 45 wll for half, and a Quickened Ego Whip, for [roll4] Cha damage, DC 40 Will save for half.

Emperor Ing
2011-06-24, 12:31 PM
A flurry of invisible psychic energy rips the dragon's mind apart. It now stands spiraling down to the ground, held aloft unconsciously by his wings.

2011-06-25, 10:35 AM
Aujir swoops down after the dragon.

2011-06-25, 10:41 AM
As Aujir dives towards the dragon, Vulkan looks down at it. "It would be best to dispose of it," he bluntly stated his thoughts. "I'd rather not have to deal with it again if we simply let it go; and if we imprison the creature, it will find a way out. Happens all the time."

Halna LeGavilk
2011-06-25, 09:30 PM
Delroth catches the creature at the last second, weaving some sort of power just before it hits the ground, stopping it from dying. With that, he turns towards Vulkan. "I intend to question, then kill it. Is that acceptable?"

2011-06-25, 10:00 PM
The fire elemental sighed at the Delroth's question. "That would have my strategy, but the dragon seems adamant on not giving away any more information. How might you plan on interrogating it?" Vulkan really seemed worried at the demilich's plan, whatever it might be.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-06-25, 10:07 PM
Vulkan gets the impression of a mental shrug from the demilich. "I will summon an ally, have her take the thing's mind apart, and have it tell me the truth."

2011-06-25, 10:12 PM
Vulkan pauses for a moment. "Hmm... Has the dragon's will been weakened? If so then it just might work. What I recommend however is that you give it no chance of escape, especially if reinforcements of some sort come here. Otherwise I suppose I see no objection to your plan. It will probably be painful to watch however." The fire elemental looked as if he almost gave a joking chuckle as he said that last sentence.

Emperor Ing
2011-06-25, 10:22 PM
The dragon lies on the ground. Making slight movements occasionally, but still alive, though barely.

2011-06-25, 10:24 PM
Aujir lands next to the beast and places both his claws upon it. Xav, if it tries to cast, stab it, he says, readying himself to assault it with magic should it resist.

Aujir readies an action to use Maximized Empowered Wings of Flurry if it tries to cast anything; CL 29 (forgot my orange ioun stone last time :smallredface:).

Xav readies an action to attack it if it tries to cast anything (current attack bonus is +37 because Draconic Polymorph grants a +8 to Strength I was forgetting last time... it was late and I was sick.

How close to dead does it look?

Emperor Ing
2011-06-25, 10:26 PM
Make a Heal check if you wanna see how close to dead it is.

2011-06-25, 10:27 PM
Heal [roll0]

Emperor Ing
2011-06-25, 10:29 PM
Very close to death. It's clearly still alive, but comatose. If left alone for long enough it could probably recover.

2011-06-28, 07:00 PM
Kezik reappears, Well, I got enough scouting done to just teleport straight in next time, better pack more teleport and invisibility spells next time tho- what the heck happened here?

2011-06-28, 08:22 PM
I got to play tag, Aujir says with a smile, A rainbow dragon. Seems to have a master that's sleeping underneath the town. Wants to destroy the world, I think.

Halna LeGavilk
2011-06-28, 09:15 PM
You all hear Delroth's telepathic speech. "Can anyone heal mental damage?"

2011-06-28, 09:56 PM
Vulkan gave a shrug and a sigh to Delroth. "Did you break it to the point of uselessness already? Haven't seen such a record like that my whole life." He enjoyed using his sarcastic tone such as now; he switched over to the more serious one right after. "Unless the wyrm responds to music, then no, mental recovery is not my forte..."

2011-06-28, 09:57 PM
Is it damage that will not heal over time?