View Full Version : Coming to America and being evil. A modern 3.5 game

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2011-11-26, 12:45 PM
"I'm from Norvay."

2011-11-26, 01:05 PM
"Yes. Lets get cracking." As Alie readys his rifle, He stops to think. "Why do you need a map?"

2011-11-27, 12:00 AM
"People tell me to shoot some people somewhere so I need a map to know where to shoot." he looks through his scope "Hey is your mommy seeing anyone?" he asks

2011-11-29, 01:20 PM
"Fedor you say? Have you checked the phonebook"

2011-11-29, 01:33 PM
"Not yet. We have only been in country for about a day, and was near broke. Thought money might make sense. Besides, I am from Russia, and just ended up being picked up by the Captain to be brought here. The nearest coastline is on other side of continent, and there are many places between. I was going to try and find any records of immigration for this coast soon, though."

2011-11-29, 07:31 PM
Irritated, "What does this have to do with anything? I'm not overly fond of interrogations, so I think you are going to tell me who you are, and why you are trying to conduct an interrogation with Arkadi, and then we can all sit down and have a nice civilized discussion."

2011-11-29, 08:18 PM
"You wish to know who I am? I am the spirit of the sword, a personality built out of past experiences with previous owners. Some were calm so I am calm. Some were intelligent so I try to be rational and I have forever tried to help my current owner be it finding lost family members or slaying continents. Now can we be civilized." the figure sits down between you both he is a featureless sillouhette of a man. You say you're hunting for your family to see if they have been suffering defects. Have you tried looking into your family's past? Perhaps with in it is the reason behind your family's problem.

"Now I don't want to sound direct about that but right now she's looking fine" he motions you over to his scope where you can see Miradal. "Now don't get too worried if I was here to kill her I'd do it from another two miles back.We're here to wipe out some of the nice people inside." he directs the scope to a warehouse nearby where you can see a large crowd of people. All of the glass in the windows has been smashed out. "They've got a bit of security at this little event and a good chunk of the folks there are paying us to wipe out each other's security. They thought they'd be clever by paying in advance than getting an assassin to kill me but that didn't work out so well." he points to a spot nearby where there is a fresh corpse."I have to wait for a signal from them and than I have to wipe out security than the higher ups .I might not be able to wipe them all out fast enough so I decided to bring a friend.Get ready to do some shooting."

2011-11-29, 08:25 PM
"It was a thought, and that is an avenue being explored by main family. However, if it's not over here too, in part of family that left home in early 1900's-black sheep of family, then is more likely something regional, da?"

2011-11-29, 08:34 PM
Niuqu sits back, much happier with how things are being conducted.

2011-11-30, 12:19 AM
As you lean back you feel yourself fall further back. You lose your grip on the sword and the room that you were in washes away. Walking along the pathway you see the young man you had fought in the arena slowly approaching you both as Arkadi remains holding onto the blade blankly staring forward.

2011-11-30, 09:35 AM
Niuqu stands and walks towards him. "It seems the sword was right. You really don't stay dead. Arkadi is currently talking to your sword. Once he's out of the sword's little world I'm sure he would be glad to relinquish it. would you like your weapons bag as well?"

2011-11-30, 11:48 PM
The man looks you in the eyes. The bright light that was there before is now gone. He slowly raises his fist bringing it close to Niquo's face. In a flash he flicks your nose than approaches Arkadi and does the same. "That's what you folks get for tearing my head off" he says while grabbing onto his sword.

"Dearest Tardigarde you have returned so swiftly has thou dispensed justice upon those that seeked to slay thee?" "Nay I have returned to the last place I had been in hopes that the spectacle I had put on was enough to preoccupy them. Sadly it was not." the shadowy figure moves to Tardigarde and whispers something in its ear "Arkadi my blade speaks of your quest and it interests me.I feel as though some slaying and potential for learning is available."

2011-12-01, 12:32 AM
"I am unsure about death, though I'm doing my best to convince my allies towards targets that are likely best gone. The crime element. However, you are welcome to help in learning, and if this goes deeper than expected, in causing the death of what hurts my family."

2011-12-02, 12:03 AM
"Splendid I simply have to make a quick meeting with someone and I can be on my way." The shadowy figure waves his hand and a picture of the captain appears on the wall. "We are looking for this man have you seen him? He makes quite the ruckus and we're after him'

2011-12-02, 09:00 AM
[Doom, you have two blue-text guys. can you move mine to olive or something?]

2011-12-02, 11:06 AM
"Hey Pipsqueak you've been quiet something wrong?" the fellow assassin asks.

2011-12-02, 02:25 PM
Alie looks up at the man and says "Trust. Something I dont have with you. Prove to me that I can trust you."

2011-12-02, 11:25 PM
Niuqu grins, "Ruckus is right. He's the one that brought us over the ocean. We can lead to where he was this morning."

2011-12-03, 12:40 AM
"Splendid" he says sheathing his blade back in his weapon bag.

"Trust?Let me tell you this trust is for suckers. Make sure you're strong enough to kill anyone you run into than live carefree."

The man you taxied bows once after checking his clock than heads in.

"Alright take a guard on the left I'll handle the right. In the back we've got two more I'll pop the one closest to the dragon gal and you handle the other.On three 1....2....3....kill'em all."

Down by the warehouse you hear the sound of a skull shattering and a body slumping to the floor.

2011-12-03, 10:47 AM
Alie pops the closest guard he can see on the right and hides once more

[roll0] [roll1] [roll=Damg]2d10[roll] [roll2]

and add this to damg [roll3]

And the hiding [roll4]

2011-12-03, 10:59 AM
"But what has he done, exactly, to warrant hunting?"
He stands back up, after letting go of the sword. Hopefully, Tardigarde wouldn't notice the bag was missing a halberd and a maul...
"On an unrelated note, have you considered naming your sword?"

2011-12-03, 10:52 PM
"Have you considered naming your melds?"

2011-12-03, 11:39 PM
"Except melds don't usually talk, unless you're really good at it. Or evil enough to torture souls for little extra power."

2011-12-04, 12:56 AM
"Or you could simply attach "googly" eyes to them and learn ventriloquism, and to answer your question the man warrants hunting for a great deal of reason.I simply wish to wrap my arms around him and squeeze him to death." he laughs "Now which way?"

2011-12-06, 09:10 PM
Miradal hears the sound of a body slumping to the floor and in the distance she can hear gunshots. Alie sees his shots fly true and nail the guard.

"The man I seek deserves to be hunted. He has burnt down many a land both holy and unholy with various reason.He has slain many through unscrupulous methods such as; pitting brother against brother and kidnapping.I can think of many reasons he should be hunted. Will you two lead me or shall I find his home late at night when no one is awake to hear him and anyone in his home scream for help?'

2011-12-07, 02:13 PM
Miradal continues to wait, prepared to take off in a hurry.

2011-12-07, 07:04 PM
"If what you say is true...wait."
He thinks a minute.
"The Captain is odd. His house is weird, too. Just rushing in would likely see your endeavor fail or worse, besides which...things don't fully add up."
He looks around a bit.
"Maybe is worth effort to stock up first, like ways to let you hear if this is right person. Phones maybe?"

2011-12-07, 11:17 PM
"Unfortunately I am new to America I just got here this morning. I've planned to live in the woods for a bit until I would find him. Perhaps one of you could go ahead and ask your captain about me. Tell him Tardigrade has come to America."

2011-12-09, 09:48 AM
"I think that much either of us will gladly do. But just so you know, he is a rather conspicuous place, so finding him is not going to be that much of a problem for you."

2011-12-09, 05:08 PM
Miradal will heal into the building to check the corpses and see if her customer is among them.

2011-12-10, 11:48 PM
As you enter you see three men and a woman. One is your employer a blue aura surrounds his hands and at his feet are two imps one bears a small knife most likely a sword considering his size and the other has a grenade which is missing the pin but he is hugging very tightly. Across from him is a man dressed fairly casually a calm look is on his face as he eyeballs everyone. The one to the left of your employer (him being closest to you) is a man with a shaved head covered in tattoos, he is poised and ready to strike. The lady to the left is clearly a cleric as she holds a staff that looks like a holy symbol, aura of darkness is around her that makes your blood feel unnatural even though she is in the sunlight she looks as though the shadows are surrounding her.

"Fantastic would you like to fetch him for us? I'd like to speak a bit more with Arkadi." he asks bowing courteously.

"Alright kid dealer's choice who do we peg first? he asks as you have a clear shot on everyone.

2011-12-10, 11:51 PM
Ready to strike who?

2011-12-11, 12:10 AM
the deep slate gray is alie and the other sniper

2011-12-11, 12:15 AM
"As you enter you see three men and a woman. One is your employer a blue aura surrounds his hands and at his feet are two imps one bears a small knife most likely a sword considering his size and the other has a grenade which is missing the pin but he is hugging very tightly. Across from him is a man dressed fairly casually a calm look is on his face as he eyeballs everyone. The one to the left of your employer (him being closest to you) is a man with a shaved head covered in tattoos, he is poised and ready to strike. The lady to the left is clearly a cleric as she holds a staff that looks like a holy symbol, aura of darkness is around her that makes your blood feel unnatural even though she is in the sunlight she looks as though the shadows are surrounding her."
Assuming this message is to me, I ask again, strike who?

2011-12-11, 12:20 AM
ah they're in a kind of mexican stand off. He's ready to strike your employer and the calm looking fellow dressed in only a white t-shirt, jeans, boots and a bandana. There's also a small table with four suitcases on them standing between each of them.

2011-12-11, 12:26 AM
"Still think you can manage without help? I could probably kill every single person in this room in a matter of moments. I am after all, a Dragon."

2011-12-11, 12:42 AM
The man furthest away from you (the casually dressed one) begins to giggle "I must say you are the loveliest dragon I have ever seen.I can not believe how fascinating everything has become so quickly.Cheng I didn't know we were allowed to bring friends. Now I feel a great deal better about bring someone." With those words you feel a pair of eyes watching you.

2011-12-11, 12:53 AM
Miradal smiles broadly. "I'm not his friend, I'm his transportation. It just so happens, I'm also a bodyguard. Though he chose not to employ me for those purposes. Any buyers?"

2011-12-11, 01:07 AM
"QuitefranklyI don't need any help" they all say at once "Although I did say I'd pay you more for further travel so I can't truly do that unless I survived. So if you were to make the decision to protect me how am I to stop you."

2011-12-11, 01:18 AM
"Alright, since no one needs any help. I'll just sit back here and watch. Unless someone has an objection. Oh, by the way, if someone, or their pets, or any such things should harm me in any way, accidentally or otherwise, that person will share the distinct pleasure of learning what it feels like to be slowly dismembered piece by piece, limb by limb. You will be amongst the few ever to have had that particular honor at my hands." She then steps back a ways to watch, and having removed herself at least partially from their attention, or so she hopes, to intervene at some point of her choosing, should it appear she will not have a fair back.

2011-12-11, 10:24 AM
Without a word, Niuqu leaps into the air and flies to the captains house.

2011-12-11, 02:16 PM
In a matter of moments Niquo is in the air. Above the captain's house you see a black and orange cloud flying away from it and towards you. In a second or two a swarm of pixies covered in orange goo goes rushing past you and into the city.

2011-12-11, 03:24 PM
Niuqu smiles and knows the captain must be about. As he lands, he walks towards the house looking for the captain.

2011-12-11, 03:51 PM
The house is covered in the same orange goo. You can see a few windows have been knocked out and on the fence are pieces of pumpkin. On the path there are a few smashed pixies. The purple creatures you fought last night are silently picking them up and chowing down on them. The lawn is slowly dissolving the pumpkin slime everywhere.

2011-12-12, 10:04 AM
"All right!' [Can i get a look of the targets]

2011-12-13, 09:59 AM
Becoming puzzled, Niuqu calls out for the captain as he continues towards the house.

2011-12-13, 05:11 PM
You have each of the targets in view. Sorry about the slow posts got jumped last night and homework.

2011-12-13, 06:10 PM
Got jumped? Who got the worst of it, you or the people that jumped you? Last time I got jumped I got 2 broken fingers and a broken rib, but made it so they'll need straws to eat from then on.
On a side note, I'm never going back to that area in East LA again.
Some place near the park.

It's too bad too, there's a nice underground club there.

2011-12-13, 08:55 PM
Yeah nine guys versus me (who hasn't had anything to eat in day and a half ), my diabetic friend who lost his glasses and my other friend who had a gun put to his head. Lost my phone but kept my jewelry and wallet. Now I'm thinking about mosquitoing the pricks.

2011-12-13, 09:07 PM
Get the phone shut off.

I was taught that if a person puts a gun in your face you turn it and break their finger. You have to be faster than their finger though, so it's not suggested without training.


Get an Aerosol rifle. They're legal, and you can shoot them without getting charges of 'assault with intent to kill' or 'use of a deadly weapon without license'. Aerosol Uzzies are nice, and they'll leave holes in the targets' skin. (targets': possessive, plural form of target's)

I like my translator. ^^

2011-12-13, 09:41 PM
...You're going to steal sips from their drinks?
Sorry that happened to you, man.

2011-12-13, 09:45 PM
The Mosquito is a audio device that can be set to such a frequency that only people in a certain age group can hear. It is loud and painful to the ears. My plan is to consult the mayor to get support. I'm than going to start a charity to get funds to buy enough of the The Mosquito to litter the place. Than I'll have headlights and motion sensors installed in The Mosquito so if any young punks want to go walking along at night they'll learn why there's a curfew.

Doomboy911 DM in game and out.

2011-12-13, 09:46 PM

Well, good luck to you sir!
I like my ideas better, aerosol guns. Lots of fun, but not for them. Or, grow up learning martial arts from the age of 2 like I did, then just turn them into people with lots of minor injuries, mostly dislocations (ankles, wrists, knees, elbows, hips and shoulders), a few fractured jaws (permanent level damage), and maybe a broken finger or 10. Then leave them lying there in pain. It's fun. Ask those 'gangsters' in LA if having a gun helped.

2011-12-13, 09:56 PM
Fighting has never come off as the answer. When life is threatened perhaps but only when retreat is out of the question (such as the gun). Besides pain is dandy but taking the racist scumbags and reducing the pain they cause others is all the sweeter.(I'm actually doing this all because; 1 Owwie and 2 the love that fills my life lives in the bad neighborhood and if I found out she got hurt I'd get executed by the state for the things I would do to that part of the world.) Anyways back to Alie shooting people.

2011-12-13, 10:03 PM
Except isn't it all dependent on something that can be easily and readily negated by exposure to loud enough noise for prolonged periods?

2011-12-13, 10:09 PM
Wait take this all into the ooc forum ok.

2011-12-14, 08:21 AM
I ment can I get a description of the guys?

2011-12-14, 07:19 PM
Right the shot you have is the three guys and one girl that Miradal is looking at right now.

Alie through your scope you see five figures. First is Miradal leaning against a wall looking bored opposite of her is another bored gentleman dressed in a wifebeater, jeans, brown boots and a bandana. He is a well shaved man with his eyes wandering around the room. There is a woman sitting upon a chair of darkness, closest to Miradal is the man she took off with at his feet is an imp holding a grenade and another with a knife. Finally there is a bald man covered in tattoos. between the four is a table with one briefcase.

2011-12-21, 08:34 AM
Im takeing my shot at the bald guy. [roll0] [roll1]

2012-01-02, 06:49 PM
(Right terribly sorry about the wait holidays and whatnot)

The bullet whizzes past his head, the lady raises her hand chanting, the shadows around the warehouse being to move towards her riding along her leg to her raised hand. With a snap the shadows shoot out at Miradal (tons of saves about to come up this one is a will). The casual dressed man scratches the back of his head (now 1 listen check and a spot check)

2012-01-03, 03:18 PM
My rolls were wrong, forgot to update character stats with character level.
The 10 will saves of scooby doo.1[roll0]
10[roll9]Spot and Listen:

2012-01-04, 02:48 AM
The darkness falls away as you pull at it and you notice that on the catwalks lining the building are large piles of cinder blocks one across from you, one off to the left and one to the right. Finally there is one above you. The casually dressed man smacks his hand upon the table shattering it and grabbing the briefcases. "Alright sic'em boys" You hear the sound of stone scraping across metal and the cinder blocks fall off their catwalks. You feel an invisible ropes tighten around your throat and yanking you off of your feet into the air. "Nothing personal ma'm just the biz" he says as he runs for the nearest door.

2012-01-04, 04:45 AM
Miradal roars "I'll kill you! You can't run fast enough, and you won't be able to hide forever. I don't sleep you stupid mortal!" and attempts to breathes her acid at him if he comes into ranged for [roll0] acid damage. Assuming the shadow ropes yanked her away from the cinderblocks. Miradal will turn to the shadow mage, nod, and assuming she is released take to the air after the man with the briefcases. If she isn't she will open her wings and attempt to break free of whatever force is holding her. (new post for strength check)

2012-01-04, 04:48 AM
If powerful build works against the effect as a bonus due to size, I'll take the +4 on that.

2012-01-08, 02:10 AM
Your strength allows you to fly up a bit and you see the cinderblocks on the floor raise up a bit. You feel the ropes tighten as you fly up.

2012-01-08, 02:22 AM
Assuming she hasn't used her breath weapon on the man, she will use it on the cinderblocks. "KILL!"

2012-01-09, 02:36 AM
The acid burns at one of the piles of cinder blocks, they fall away from each other. You feel yourself being pulled in the opposite direction of the blocks you just hit.

2012-01-09, 03:28 AM
Miradal moves full force in that direction and attempts to attack whatever may be the source of the pulling, and (think of a spring bouncing back and forth, as the circumstances may be, until it manages to weaken it's links well enough to break the binds that hold it, and) having a mind, will and motor functions of it's own, attempts to do so.

2012-01-09, 11:11 PM
As you move in that direction you see the two piles of cinderblocks on the left and right of you move up as the pile you are flying towards begins to descend. You swing a claw out slicing what feels like a rope. The bald man has left. The man you carried here is arguing with the woman about something.

2012-01-09, 11:17 PM
I start trying to cut the ropes attached to me.

bite claw and tear. (my bite does 1d6 acid damage)

2012-01-10, 01:16 AM
You reach for your neck feeling ropes around it. Your thin claws slip in between the rope and your neck and the weight on the ropes cause them to be cut on your claws. You are now a ticked off half-dragon with very little holding you back.

2012-01-10, 01:37 AM
Miradal begins taking slow steps towards the shadowmage. "Where did the bald man go? I'm going to kill him. Also, what was with the shadows jumping for me?"

2012-01-10, 02:47 AM
(Um it was the casually dressed guy not the bald one and the casually dressed guy that I'll call tim for now went out the door opposite of the one you came in.)

2012-01-10, 02:58 AM
Miradal heads out through that door. "I won't be long... I wonder what he'll taste like."

2012-01-10, 01:07 PM
"I taste awful trust me ma'm and I said before sic'em" In the dirt you see oddly shaped marks begin to appear in the ground. There are about six footprints two to the left of you, two to the right and two between you and the man who is lifting a man hole up "If you want to blow up come down here if you want to live fly away little missy."

2012-01-10, 05:55 PM
Miradal licks her lips, obviously oblivious to whatever is attacking her. "You can't taste that bad, you humans usually taste rather good with the proper seasonings and the right baking temperature... You're ribs are good too. I won't be going anywhere, but you will.... Mmmmm... ribs. You have to sleep... I don't. You understand, don't you? Give me those suit cases, and I will leave you alive. What other choice do you have? I'll tell you, you can become lunch."

2012-01-11, 08:40 AM
[Im I takeing a shot once more?]

2012-01-11, 10:34 PM
(Feel free to specify at who)

The guy looks at the open manhole and than at the briefcases. "You can have them but I get to keep the one I brought.The name's Smith. He pulls up one of the briefcases etched in gold is the name Ian R. Smith. I came in with this and I'm walking out with it.He throws three to you and hops down the hole. May your horde grow with each passing moment." he says on his way out.

2012-01-11, 10:37 PM
Miradal backs 20' from the three briefcases, and shouts for the two in the building.

2012-01-11, 11:55 PM
Along with a thousand dollars there is also a pair of tap shoes with brass on the bottom.

2012-01-11, 11:58 PM
When/If they come out of the building, she will point to the manhole. "I'm not being payed enough to follow."

2012-01-12, 07:17 AM
[mind full of Derp(Tm). This shot is for anyone threating mira]


2012-01-12, 07:22 AM


2012-01-12, 07:23 AM

[/roll]1d20+7 XXXXXXXX 2d10[roll]

2012-01-12, 04:02 PM
Yep, your mind is certainly full of something...

2012-01-13, 01:39 PM
The man with his imps comes out and sees the three briefcases, he begins to back up I will find my way back feel free to keep your spoils.". The lady wreathed in shadows takes a quick look at Miradal, shakes her head and disappears into the shadows.

2012-01-13, 06:56 PM
Miradal will step up and initiate a grapple."I've no wish to have those. Let them rot here, and since you're finding your own way back, I want my waiting pay... Now!"

2012-01-13, 06:57 PM
(Grapple check, since wtf: [roll0]

2012-01-13, 07:01 PM
(Forgot my attack roll... gods I'm stupid today. [roll0]

2012-01-13, 07:48 PM
"All the money you could want and more is in those suitcases."

2012-01-13, 07:55 PM
Miradal looks at the nearby woman. "You, open one. Now. Or I give him a quick death, and you a slow one. He backed away from those, so I don't believe him. If it's true, you'll have no issues with opening one, right? And if he's lying, I'll let you gut him in revenge for his deceit... Or i'll do it, but slowly. Oh, and if those imps try anything, I'll bite your head, and pull it from your body by the roots... slowly, so I can savor your screams. I'm not a nice dragon, but I grew up in Scandinavia, killing dragon hunters to survive, so I guess that's probably a part of it." (She isn't lying, she's just omitting that they are extremely new at it. So it isn't a bluff, besides, at level one, it would still have been a challenge for her.)

2012-01-13, 08:17 PM
(Still needs to read torturing for dummies eh? Just kidding) The lady slips out of her shadows. The shadows from the catwalks bends to keep her in the shade. Her own shadow slides over the suitcases and pops them both open. Inside both of them is another thousand dollars but in one is a pen and letter opener, the other a red veil and white gloves.

2012-01-13, 08:25 PM
Miradal suddenly looks far less menacing in demeanor, and manages to smile pleasantly while still holding him. "Well, there you go then. Thank you for your assistance, may I ask your name? You know, in case one of them explodes later?" She turns back to the man, and suddenly her smile is far less pleasant. "Do me one more favor, pull the money out of one of the suitcases. Assuming it doesn't explode, I'll take the money in my pack, and head home, you can have the others. I'm not greedy, but you offered. All I wanted was fifty silver. Forgive me for being paranoid if you please. I am not used to being around people that are trustworthy, and have developed it as a defensive mechanism. Normally against explosives. I lost a brother that way once. He wouldn't wait for the human to open it... silly little wyrmling."

2012-01-13, 09:30 PM
I'm curious to know what Niuqu is up to, so quick recap of what he's doing:
Walking around the captains house trying to find him, calling out to figure out what in the world is going on.

2012-01-14, 12:22 AM
Right. Amongst the pumpkin goo littering the lawn a form rises up. A piece of goo falls off "Pixies oh how I hate them so" he says as he spits out pumpkin seeds.

The lady takes one more look at Miradal and runs her hand through the money scooping it all out of the briefcases "No you may not have my name." she says hopping into the shadows. In a moment she's gone.

2012-01-14, 10:44 AM
Im holding back on posting now. Let Isenvrill catch up.

2012-01-14, 12:28 PM
(Meh, I'm fine. Just wanted to start it moving for me again.)
Niuqu chuckles at the sight, then sobers. "I've got a message for you captain. 'Tardigrade has come to America'. In fact, he's with Arkadi right now."

2012-01-14, 06:40 PM
Miradal will walk over to the briefcases of money, and, holding the man by his neck, begin carefully putting money into her bag, making sure there is nothing else there. "I wonder what her problem is. Some people are so rude."

2012-01-15, 12:13 AM
"Yes well it is New York. Now grant me the respect that your race wishes to receive and release me. I have seen that you are a mighty force of nature but know that should you slay me forces unlike any other will be forever unleashed upon you again and again every day and every night. Not enough to slay you but to forever occupy your time until at last you yourself ends your existence. he stares at you unflinching and calm. His two imps are sitting atop trash cans on opposite sides of the alleyway they both have small notebooks in their hands. They turn it to you and show that they have drawn you. Both disappear in a puff of smoke "They will be delivering that to a dear old friend who owes me a few more favours. Release me or he will owe me nothing else but to pursue you and all half-dragon that wear greenscales. Perhaps you can take it but are you willing to give it to undeserving dragons?

2012-01-15, 12:44 AM
"I find that most dragons are deserving of nothing less. I've no respect for Dragon-Kind. They mettle only when it isn't needed or wanted. When help is needed they are somewhere else, or too busy. But oh, they are so willing to have you do their work for them." Miradal Sets him down. "Keep in mind if you would. I had no intention of killing either you, or the woman, the woman, for one, tried to help me initially, and you I like. So then, if you require a ride, I'll give you one, for free of course. That is an open ended invitation. With this, I can afford to make other others of my kind. It is not a simple thing, but now I can do it. On the other hand... perhaps I will change my nature. I would after all, prefer to not be evil. It is... not something I enjoy. I merely have no choice. it is in my blood. Now then, if you do not wish a ride, say so and I will leave." Miradal takes the contents of the other two briefcases.

2012-01-15, 02:02 AM
He coughs"I think or at least I hope that everyone strives to be good. I know for sure that I've been trying for what has felt like centuries and yet here I am doing business with thugs for such awful reasons. To be good means less power less money less everything." he sighs an old man's sigh and turns snapping his fingers an imp appears "Call off the hit for now if I live through the night call it off entirely. I think I will walk for my own good.Goodbye Greenscales we may meet again." he says walking around the corner as the imp poofs away.

"Well my short friend that was easy you've made some fairly great shots and I'd be more than happy to share in the pay."

2012-01-15, 05:28 AM
"I would like to walk with you if that is acceptable, since there is after all, a hit on my life should you not survive. I'm thinking of changing my scales for Battle Dragon's Scales... of course, that means first finding one, and surviving the encounter long enough to ask it. Or, gaining Bahamut's Blessings... which would be difficult as a Green. Do not mistake me, I am not half-dragon. I am more dragon than not now, and intend to continue becoming more dragon as time passes. I will always be partially what my other half is, but, it will become less, and less as I live. Unless I am able to find means to change entirely into a dragon. Wait, I think a Half-Dragon of another type should be able to alter my bloodline... but, first I need to find a willing one." She follows him hesitantly, awaiting his answer. "I would try to become a crystaline dragon, or one of the other metalics... such as an adamtine mithril, or iron, but that brings up other issues."

2012-01-15, 12:06 PM
"Such as finding an adamantine half dragon to assist you?"

2012-01-15, 12:17 PM
"Yes. Such as that."

2012-01-15, 08:53 PM
"Well you might have some issues with finding dragons I've lived and roamed this land for a great deal of time and I have not seen many dragons."

2012-01-16, 01:09 AM
"We have been hunted mostly to extinction. I find it unsurprising."

2012-01-16, 11:32 AM
He turns to you "Not quite ma'm a dragon is a powerful, powerful force of nature to be able to tame such a force makes one even more powerful. To own a dragon's egg is quite the treasure. Dragons haven't been hunted into extinction they've been hidden from the world."

2012-01-16, 11:35 AM
"Those that are left, yes. Most likely, but being a dragon myself, and having been hunted, along with my full-blooded and half-blooded siblings, I tell you, we are... almost gone."

2012-01-17, 10:29 PM
"What would you say and what would you do if I told you that in the near future there would be a new era for the dragons. One in which thousands upon thousands of dragons would come into existence each year for the next ten year.

2012-01-17, 10:42 PM
"Prepare for war, and hope to keep as many of us as possible alive. If that happens, this world is going to be wracked by the war being waged between Bahamut, and Tiamat. I will fight for Bahamut. If what you say is true, it is time for me to begin training in earnest." Miradal gets down and lopes on all four, using her wings to glide along between leaps. "Why, is that very likely?"

2012-01-17, 11:27 PM
"Well as you may know it takes a great deal of time for a dragon egg to hatch and as I've told you to have a dragon at one's disposal would be a might asset that none would be willing to trade.Now powerful men out there collect these eggs knowing that one day they'd have more power than they know what to do with, power that they could mold into their own image to fear and respect these powerful men. I tell you that one day very soon the world will be flooded with dragons and the reason your kind has been hunted for so very long is to increase the value."

2012-01-17, 11:31 PM
"Very well. Then give me the names of those that would misuse this power, that I may begin dealing out their fates. I will not see my kind misused for personal gain. Especially at cost to others. Especially other dragons. I have things I must see to. How much farther do you need to travel?"

2012-01-17, 11:52 PM
"I lack the names of those who wish to do such things. In the world of evil I do the shipping. People pay me to transfer money and products across the world. Although I do check on what I'm shipping around the world I do not check the names. If someone sends any object I deem to dangerous such as another tarrasque foot or souls I keep them for myself but with the dragon eggs I kept a close eye on them and when I was sure they wouldn't be destroyed I delivered them. If you're out to collect them than I can provide you with only one.

2012-01-17, 11:56 PM
"Oh? Good. I'll take it, and raise it as a Dragon should be raised. With the Knowledge, strength, wisdom, and morals central to our kind. I would also like the names or places the eggs have been shipped to. I am going hunting. If I have to take those names, evil is necessary, without it there can be no good. Sometimes you must poison an enemies water to save a city. I will do this. By any means necessary."

2012-01-18, 09:20 AM
[In response to the shooting]

alie looks at his fellow assassin and asks "Are we done here?"

2012-01-18, 10:36 PM
"My apologies that I can not be more helpful but those that I've shipped to have kept a level of secrecy. I deliver most of the eggs to the new york harbor where I simply unload the young lives and they're picked up. By who I can't know for sure. I can't keep track of the buyer's but the next time I have a shipment come in I'll be sure that you're first to know. On one condition though what you do will not be an attack on them but stealth should you kill them than I lose business. Also tell me where you live and I'll have the egg shipped to you."

Your mighty and magnificent captain looks to Niquo reeking of pumpkin "Tardigrade you say. Send him here I have business to be done with him."

2012-01-19, 04:09 AM
"I have a better idea. If we pass any place where I might pick up a cell-phone. You can get my number, and contact me by it. That way neither of us have to worry about the other party causing a breach of security. Not that I don't trust you, but... I don't know you well enough to trust you." She begins walking upright again as they continue. "Bah, must be difficult for you, being limited to one form of locomotion."

2012-01-19, 09:42 AM
"To the fish the water is invisible. Now where shall I have the egg delivered to?

2012-01-19, 07:18 PM
Gas Stations, Grocers and even general stores will normally have small cheap prepaid cellphones. Grab one, a time card, and he can call that number. Done. Assuming your world has such things.

2012-01-20, 01:30 AM
"Here I always keep a spare phone on hand. When I'm doing business I demand that I keep in touch with those I am doing business with. Most destroy their phones later but at least I can keep in touch for awhile. Also I managed to buy them in bulk" he hands you a cheap looking pink cellphone.

2012-01-20, 01:31 AM
"This should work then. I look forward to future business."

2012-01-20, 11:11 AM
With his job done Alie heads back to the mansion.

2012-01-21, 10:49 PM
Miradal as you fly along the cityscape you spot Alie atop the empire state building trying to get an elevator to work.

2012-01-22, 03:47 AM
Swoop down and snatch him, hopefully terrifying some people on the way.

2012-01-22, 10:04 AM
You hear someone yell "holy crap they make the pigeons bigger every year."

2012-01-22, 10:14 AM
Miradal lands, and looks around. "Whoever said that had best be prepared to be torn limb from limb and then slowly devoured while still alive! Is what I would say if I were not in a good mood today. Enjoy." She then flies off carrying the halfling.

2012-01-23, 12:27 AM
Now that you've gotten some considerable height you can spot an orange tinge covering your home. If alie has a sight he'd like to use he can see that the whole place is covered in something orange.

2012-01-23, 01:43 AM
Miradal circles it from a slowly closing distance.

2012-01-23, 09:36 AM
As alie gets snatched up he yells "GEZZE! Cant you give a yell. And to think Im going to be your thrall.

2012-01-23, 09:43 AM
"No. A thrall is a slave. You're going to be more along the lines of offspring."

2012-01-23, 03:47 PM
"The more you speak of it, the more i think this is a bad idea. Oh but the power is tempting."

2012-01-23, 05:45 PM
"Strength, dragon magic, power, flight, a breath weapon... I fail to see how such a bargain could be bad. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't have offered."

2012-01-23, 11:44 PM
As you approach you see Niquo and a mass covered in orange goo. The mass turns and it's your captain with most likely an odd excuse to his current predicament."Miradal, Alie wonderful to see you two I was assaulted with a mess of pumpkins"

2012-01-25, 01:28 AM
Miradal points and laughs as she lands.

2012-01-25, 11:22 PM
"I wish this was the first time I a green half-dragon laughed at me because I was covered in pumpkin goo. I really do. Anyways Niquo please go off and fetch Arkadi and his company we'll discuss your day while Alie and Miradal tell me about their day. Than tonight we can go out on a little excursion."

2012-01-26, 08:38 AM
"Busy, need to find a temple. I have the funds necessary for the all important ritual."

2012-01-26, 08:56 AM
"How long will said ritual take? I'm in a state where I may require the help of many."

2012-01-26, 09:05 AM
"Very well." Niuqu flies back to Arkadi and Tardigrade.

2012-01-26, 09:17 AM
"Well, I would say... a day, give or take. I am going to find a temple of Ao, or Bahamut, and see about having my scales changed. Then I'm going to give Allie here some scales of his own."

2012-01-26, 11:28 PM
"Well well well that's quite a feat the power to change your scales." He reaches to reverse his coat "I can do it..." he goes blank looking as though he's been frozen in time. His hands release the coat and go into his pockets than snaps out of it. "Any ways this will only be a simple adventure I hope but should we fail we may be out of a home. I need a tough crew to provide a distraction while I do some negotiations."

The winds are with Niquo and in a matter of moments he's back with Tardigrade and Arkadi "Well what did he say?"

2012-01-27, 09:02 AM
"He told me to bring you and Arkadi back. Follow me if you would." With that Niuqu takes flight again, this time flying low and slow so that Tardigrade can follow.

2012-01-27, 08:46 PM
Tardigrade begins to rush after Niquo and in a matter of moments you reach the house as you approach he spots your captain and he slows down. The captain walks up to him the fence bends out of his way so he can approach him.About five feet from Tardigrade the captain stops and they stare at each other. Eyes locked as things grow quiet."Tardigrade long time no see" he says calmly his free hand forming into a fist "Jack it has been too long". The captain has his hands on his cane, Tardigrade holding his sword and than they rush at each other. Tardigrade slams a fist into the captains face and the captain respond with a punch to his face, they continue to trade blows their eyes blackening, noses bleeding.Than they stop for a brief second both panting and than they both begin to laugh and hug "It has been far too long" Tardigrade coughs out along with a bit of blood "Indeed it has indeed it has" Jack says popping one of his teeth out.

2012-01-27, 08:58 PM
Arkadi follows Niuqu back as well, keeping up relatively well.
"I'm assuming there will be no answers on what that was about?"

2012-01-27, 09:57 PM
Tardigrade puts Jack in a headlock"Well if you're spending anytime with this nut you'll probably never get a clear answer." He says belting out laughter while noogying him.

2012-01-27, 10:06 PM
"I don't care about clear answers. I only care about what something tastes like."

2012-01-27, 10:40 PM
"Just checking."
Arkadi shakes his head a bit. No point bothering to ask right now.
"Speaking of taste, c'mon, I'll treat you all to lunch. Or dinner, or something."
What time is it, anyway?

2012-01-27, 11:38 PM
"Food sounds good. Then me and Mira need to find a temple of Baument or somthing"

2012-01-28, 11:04 AM
Miradal nods in agreement with Allie.

2012-01-28, 12:57 PM
"Sounds fine to me. Perhaps while we eat we can get some answers out of those two."

2012-01-28, 08:34 PM
"Sounds fine by me come Tardigrade let's eat." they both head inside. When you head inside you see a smorgasboard of both fast food and fruit "That heroe's feast spell has taken a tragic turn over the decades."

2012-01-29, 10:30 AM
"I think I'll go hunt a cow..."

2012-01-29, 12:20 PM
"Please this is New York you'd have a better chance of finding a good guy in this town than cows. Although I do have a proposition out there in my park there's some dragon who thinks he can just take over my neck of the woods. He thinks because he's some big hulking dragon that he's got some birthright to all that he sees. This is my territory though I own this speck of dirt on the world and you are all guests in my home which makes it your territory as well. So I have to ask who wants to have a dragon's hoard before nightfall?"

2012-01-29, 12:52 PM
"Before any of that... What kind is it?"

2012-01-29, 05:33 PM
He opens his mouth taking in a breath "I have no idea whatsoever I do know that it's taken over the fey community in the park. Hence the pumpkin mess out there they're trying to gauge my defences so it can properly wipe me out. Don't worry though if push comes to shove we can always move. I'd just hate to put that kind of stress on this old girl. " he pats the wall of the mansion, it reacts rubbing against his hand and you can see their are some hairline fractures in some spots.

2012-01-29, 06:53 PM
"... Right. I can look into it. There are protocols to follow during such interactions."

2012-01-29, 10:54 PM
"Fantastic my dear lady. I say we rest for a time, I'll detail my plan and as the sunsets we'll move in."

2012-01-29, 11:02 PM
"You misunderstand me. I will not help you with your plan. I will settle this as a dispute between two dragons. Through diplomacy. If you attempt to attack during the proceedings, I will assist the offended party."

2012-01-29, 11:31 PM
"Understood ma'm considering that this is my home than I shall accompany you there so we can properly discuss this matter. In a show of good fate I feel only you and I should go if we bring the others it may think we're going for a fight." He turns to the rest of you "No offence but in your own right you are killing machines. Come Miradal the pixies will be back soon with eggplants to bombard my home."

2012-01-30, 10:32 AM
"When we get there, you may speak to me, but don't speak to him, if you aren't polite enough, he may decide to try to eat us."

2012-01-30, 11:00 PM
"Well worse comes to worse let me get eaten first I've got a theory to test and a bet to win." You head out along the path toward Harlem Meer, as you do you notice the grass has begun to die, the trees have withered and inside the trees you can see some pixies trying to hide from you. Once you reach the lake you see the water is pitch black. "This is the spot" near the shore you can see five large footprints. Jack picks up a pebble and tosses it in the lake it sinks to the bottom. "Heh just wanted to make sure we weren't walking into a black pudding or something heh heh" he smiles a bit kicking another rock in. "I'll be back in just a second I'm going to grab a big rock" he says remaining in your sight while he grabs a rock the size of a small dog.


At the mansion the captain appears with a wispy look around him as though he's made of smoke. "Right fun fact folks I hate going alone to things and you weren't all gathered together to be separated so head on out and make sure you're not spotted."

Back at the lake Jack lobs another massive rock in just in case "So how do we go about this" he's leaning on his cane and out of breath.

2012-01-30, 11:56 PM
"Okay then. Alie, get as high as you can in the house and try to get a bead on things with scope first, rifle if things turn south. You should be able to hit from here, da? Or too many trees? Niuqu, any magic to help you scan the skies safely?"
Arkadi unsheathes the halberd he got from the bag earlier.
"Tardigarde, if you don't mind me asking, what enchantment is on this blade?"

2012-01-31, 12:09 AM
Smiling, Niuqu says, "Why am I not surprised?" To Arkadi, "Sorry, I am quite specialized, and that is not in my realm of specialty. The best I could do is fly high enough that I wouldn't seem suspicious, but if I did that, it would be unlikely for me to be able to reach a fight in time. I'll simply fly low, and keep trees between us."

2012-01-31, 12:15 AM
"Crud I forgot to ask for my belt back. It's the only thing that can hold up my pants without looking tacky. Now if I'm not mistaken this little beauty is a thundering halberd." He takes it striking it against the ground and thunder roars throughout the mansion.

Love how well Arkadi took command there. +1 bonus on attempting anything he tells you to do.

2012-01-31, 10:24 AM
Unfortunately for the DM he moved too far too quickly, since (I have a plan):

Upon seeing the pixies Miradal would smile and wave and come close, speaking first in Sylvan "Hello little ones. My name is Miradal, though I'm guessing you don't know this language? I managed to befriend the Fairy court in my homeland. May I ask where your court is?"

If they do not know that language she will then try Draconic, then Go'Kal, Dwarven, Undercommon, and finally Common.

2012-01-31, 05:38 PM
"Should be useful, eh comrades?"
He smiles, before putting it back on his back.
"What of Niuqu's weapons? Or is there anything in your bag especially useful against dragons?"

2012-01-31, 09:23 PM
One single fairy flies out to Miradal shaking as it does. It's no bigger than your thumb. It points to a large circle of flowers with a large stone in the middle that has been broken in three pieces. In between the pieces is a large footprint.

2012-01-31, 09:59 PM
Miradal carefully rubs the tiny fairy's head. "I'll see about getting that fixed, but first I need to talk to the dragon. The one that needs an ass kicking. Would you prefer it dead, or alive?" Miradal pulls out five thousand dollars and carefully places it in the hole in the tree. "Get food and medical attention. Okay?" She rubs the little fairy's head again with a soft smile on her face. "You be nice, like a good pixy. Pranks are one thing, but damaging someone elses property is something else entirely. Also, please leave the house alone, I live there, and would appreciate not being forced to move. I'll be dealing with the dragon now." Miradal walks over to the portal stone, kneels down, and examines it, trying to fit the pieces back into place, for all the good it will do.

2012-01-31, 10:51 PM
Jack begins to help "So how are we going to handle this?"

2012-01-31, 10:53 PM
"First, I will attempt to follow the old ways. If that fails... then we kill it."

2012-01-31, 11:42 PM
He turns to you with a childish bit of glee on his face "Wonderful wonderful and what are the old ways. Despite my efforts the draconic world has only taught me so much."

2012-02-01, 12:11 AM
"The Old Ways are how dragons conduct diplomacy. So, unless you are a dragon, knowing them will avail you nothing. I can however attempt to explain it since you wish. Let me try to remember how my mother explained this... The dragon wishing an audience, circles an area a way from the owner's den, and lets out a call to alert the other dragon to it's presence. The other dragon will come out. It will then go into the air, now, depending upon age, color, size, strength, and who's territory it is... One of the two dragons will take the high ground. Since I have come with a request of parley, I will purposefully keep to the lower altitude. This will cause me to be at a disadvantage in terms of combat, and is therefor considered polite. Especially since I am most likely the younger and less formidable of the two of us. Were I to attempt to gain the higher ground it would be considered very insulting, and would lead to either a warning, in the way of the dragon breathing at me... or combat. I at least for the time being, wish to avoid that situation, assuming this can be dealt with peacefully. There are other rules involved as well, as I said, it is very complicated. A Human mage once attempted to get my Draconic parent to parley in this manner, it was eaten for the insult. Foolish mortals always acting foolish. The second part of the parley will be the other dragon asking me what I wish to discuss. I will then answer in the form of a polite question. The other dragon has then several options, each entirely different in meaning. First, it can decide to tell me no in a number of ways, although to kill me during peaceful discussion would be against the ancient laws... It is sometimes done by dragons too stupid to realize the consequences. The second option is to tell me to go away, and return to it's cave, though I may request parley again twice more, but only twice more before I must attempt to find an older dragon than the one I speak with to ask for me, which can be very difficult. The third option he has is to ignore my plea for talks, which would be considered extremely insulting. If there is a Priesthood of Ao, Bahamut, or Tiamat, depending upon his color, I can have them penalize him for such an act, it's like spitting on your holy books. The fourth option he has is to tell me that he does not wish to listen now, and give me a reasonable date within one month to return to talk, though it is... frowned upon for him to continue acting normally during this time, since it is intended for preparation. Leaving your lair during this time is taboo, as it might be used to merely kill the individual attempting to speak with you. Any questions? There is more to it... but this is the basics, and a bit of the more advanced information. I will not share everything with you, such as the prices the other dragon may extort from me for requesting audience... They can be rather unpleasant... for someone that is not quite... large enough to carry the other dragon's weight, and your tail sometimes gets broken... Or you pay blood price, or valuables... or coin... or magic... Blood price is a small vial of your blood, so that should you ever violate the peace between you made through an agreement... the other dragon has a direct physical link to you, and can exact vengeance. A mortal, or non Dragon attempting to speak during these deliberations is generally met with outright hostility, if not death. So, when I say I require you to be silent, I mean it to save your life. It may be your house, but it is also my home." Miradal shudders and mumbles something about a 'mating price'.

2012-02-01, 08:32 AM
"Ah so that's what I did wrong, that explains so much. Well I may not be able to speak as a dragon but at least I can make you look like a better dragon if you'd like." he rotates his wrist and two wands fly out of his sleeves into his hands.

2012-02-01, 10:43 AM
Miradal rolls her eyes. "Most dragons can see through such illusions, and I would rather not appear to be more attractive than I am, thank you."

2012-02-01, 09:42 PM
"Ah so that's what I did wrong it always bothered me that a transformation spell like polymorph was treated like some kind of illusion. Ah if only there was order to magic." he walks over to the side walk and taps his head with the wand. "simply knock on the stone if you need me" He begins to sink down into the stone path way.

By the way after looking over a map of central park I realized just how massive Harlem Meer is so for scale's sake we're between the skating rink and Harlem Meer.

For maps sake we are at the gold star


2012-02-02, 12:01 PM
Miradal will fly up, and begin circling above the trees, in a broad elliptical fashion. Once she has her rhythm firmly grasped, she will let out a roar.

2012-02-02, 10:25 PM
The sky begins to darken as clouds gather, a shade falls over the park and the light from the faeries immediately goes out. The lake that is Harlem Meer begins to shake until their is an explosion of water as a massive dragon goes flying up. It's scales shimmering in the darkness, it flies high above you with the wind of it's wings spinning you about a bit. "Who dares to challenge me. " It roars as it circles around you searching for a weak point. You see that some of the faeries are pulling apart the mass of rocks that once was their faerie court.

From the mansion you all can clearly see the big friggin' dragon. The illusion of Jack looks out the window "I fear I may have crapped my illusory pants."

2012-02-02, 10:29 PM
"And you want us to fight THAT?! We're not equipped for that! We're barely gnats against that!"

(Remember, were level 3)

2012-02-02, 10:32 PM
Miradal speaks loudly in Draconic. "I do not come to challenge. I come to discuss issues as according to the old ways. To bring an end to hostilities. Issues which I can and will take before either the Local Council, or to the Priesthood if you fail to abide by the ancient laws."

(What color is it?)

2012-02-02, 11:07 PM
"There's an old saying you're never given a challenge you can't handle. You have to look deep within yourself to find the strength and heart to rise to the situation and if that fails I have ballista on hand and some guillie suits.."

2012-02-02, 11:26 PM
Arkadi pauses for a moment on that.
"...No clue how to use one, but I'm willing to try. Got harpooning rounds, by chance?"

2012-02-03, 08:07 PM
The massive black dragon looks you over trying to figure you out and more importantly what you are.. "Who do you speak for and on what matters?"

Jack's shadow (as I suppose is the best term) thinks hard for a moment or two. "The harpoon rounds are on the ship. I figured what are the odds that we'll need harpoons."

2012-02-03, 08:19 PM
Alie speaks in a voice that shows he dosnt want to be heard by the beast. "If he makes a move to kill, he is gonna bleed." Alie pulls his rifle and try's to look scared.

Trying to bluff to look like I don't have the nerve to put a bullet in his belly.

If I need a check


Edit: YA! "Please dont eat me......BANG!:smallamused:"

2012-02-03, 10:59 PM
Well unless you followed along Miradal and the dragon are a fair distance away (about four rounds of straight out sprinting) You can only see them because this is a large dragon.

2012-02-04, 12:19 AM
You mean... huge... or... gargantuan.
"Your pixies have been attacking my domicile, home, lair, whatever you wish to call it it is none the less where I live. It is a house. "
She gestures in the direction of the house.
"I would prefer not being forced to move by random vandalism. Since the question is so obvious in your eyes, I'll tell you. I am only mostly Dragon. I was raised by my draconic parent, and my half-draconic parent. I am a Dragon, and I know the rules and laws of our kind. Just as I know the way that such... discussions as these are governed, the rules and laws applying to them, and the correct manner in which they should be executed. That is all I want. The house left alone. I lay not claim to any territory here. I already have my own territory on another continent, however, so long as I am here I will still require a place to sleep, and to collect my local hoard."

2012-02-04, 01:48 AM
"Alie, why are you still down here? You are sniper, da? Let's get you as high as we can and if big one does something, you shoot in nearest eye while Tardigarde and I try and get ballista set up."

2012-02-04, 12:56 PM
Niuqu firsts asks Tardigrade what his dagger and morningstar do. He then turns to the captain "I'd like a ghille suit, but the ballista might be better. How can we get one within range of the dragon quick?" Finally, Niuqu looks at Alie and with a mischievous grin, "Wimp. I'll get you into a position where you will be able to both shoot at the dragon, and take cover if necessary. I should be able to carry you without much difficulty."

(Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I wasn't sure of what Niuqu would do. By the way Ralasha, I'm pretty sure you made a fatal mistake in your last post. you made it sound as if you are taking the house as your own, despite your saying you aren't, and it really seems that you want to infringe on his territory. At least from my point of view. :smalltongue:)

2012-02-04, 02:41 PM
She isn't claiming it as her own, merely as a place to sleep, and collect a hoard. He would, by her wording, still have the right to tell her to leave at any time.

2012-02-04, 07:44 PM
The mighty dragon mulls over what you've said than it speaks much quieter now and calmer " So you are half a dragon and a green one at that... and that is where you sleep and not your home..hmm."it points to the mansion a smile appears across it's face and it lets out a chuckle a bit of acidy breath slips out but doesn't bother you."Fine you wish for my pixies to stop vandalizing your home than they shall stop vandalizing your home." he lowers down to the ground and looks to the trees ""Do not vandalize that house anymore is that understood" the faerie's lights flash all throughout the trees. "They agree. I have done as you have asked of me. Now leave me be." he laughs a little more and sinks down into the lake.

2012-02-05, 05:12 AM
As he turns to return to his lake: "Not half, almost entirely dragon. I would also like to say, thank you for being reasonable."

2012-02-07, 08:52 AM
"You are welcome milady" he says before he disappears into the pitch blackness of the lake.

"Welp. Didn't see that coming" the Jack in the house says "Well I'm needed elsewhere. Toodles"

"Didja kill him didja kill him huh huh huh' Jack says emerging out of the stone.

2012-02-07, 09:49 AM
"Huh...well, that went better than expected. Maybe we could aim ballista that way in case dragon becomes hostile again, though."

2012-02-07, 10:50 PM
"Da...any ideas where he keeps this stuff, though?"

2012-02-08, 12:05 AM
"I'd suggest on his boat"

2012-02-09, 01:47 PM
Miradal turns to jack. "No, I did not kill him. Were I to fight him I might wound him some, but he would likely kill me. He has agreed to leaving the mansion alone. That should be sufficient? Next, I'm taking the fay's portal stone, and piecing it back together on your property so that they may come and go as they like." Miradal walks over to the fairy portal and picks up the pieces of the stone for reassembly and hopefully, restoration of function. She then makes her way back to the mansion.

2012-02-09, 10:48 PM
"Wait you talked to it? And convinced it to stop what it was doing? How?"

2012-02-10, 12:14 AM
"He was very reasonable."

2012-02-10, 06:38 PM
"I see." he begins walking alongside her "Does he seem like the type that would be reasonable? I mean I heard that shouting through solid rock."

2012-02-10, 08:08 PM
"He wasn't shouting, he's just very big, and has an equivalently big voice. I would also like to point out something of particular interest... he didn't request any form of compensation. Very reasonable."

2012-02-11, 09:54 AM
Alie runs up and askes "So you got him to leave us alone?"

2012-02-11, 06:44 PM
Alie do me a favor and give us a spot check.

2012-02-12, 12:09 PM

Lets not be blind please...

2012-02-12, 01:23 PM
Out of the corner of your eye you can see the blackened lake and a orangish circle with a slit in it you can tell it's a eyeball staring at all of you.

Move wisely

2012-02-12, 06:06 PM
"Let us go hmm? I can use some rest."

2012-02-12, 07:10 PM
"Wait. Were being watched. some sort of creature in the lake."

2012-02-12, 08:00 PM
"That's wonderful. But, as I already spoke with him, let's go... NOW!"

2012-02-12, 09:13 PM
"Agreed get some rest I'm going to fortify the defenses a bit more. House! Code x-28" Out of the porch comes a rocking chair and a sawed off shotgun. He plops himself down "Welp that's all I've got"

2012-02-12, 09:26 PM
"The house will be fine. He agreed by the old ways, and the ancient laws to leave the house alone."

2012-02-12, 10:19 PM
"Did he actually say that he was going to leave the house alone?"

2012-02-13, 08:05 AM
"Mira wait! Since when are dragons orange?" Alie runs right up to her. "I dont like it. Are you going to help me out?"

2012-02-14, 11:16 PM
The captain turns to the lake to see what is a amiss. "Nevermind that Ace Miradal has dealt with things as she sees fit and we must trust her. Now we have had a long day we shall have a small feast and a nice chat and than get some rest for tomorrow's adventures."

2012-02-15, 02:13 AM
Miradal looks at the captain. "Actually, he only ordered his fey to leave the house alone. I shall speak with the priesthoods of Tiamat and Ao in the morning, about his... treatment of the negotiation. I believe we should relocate for now, to a new location."

2012-02-15, 08:38 AM
Fine. Lead the way.

2012-02-15, 10:18 AM
"Lead the way? Fine, I know where I'll be sleeping for tonight. They might grant you shelter." Miradal begins making her way to the temple of Ao.

2012-02-15, 11:06 AM
Arkadi peers out the doorway, as he went for some harpoons.
"Huh...Niuquo, Tardigarde, where do you think they're going?"

2012-02-15, 01:02 PM
As Aile walks of with Mira he says "What, they wont let soon to be family in?" He chukles "Just say Im your pet."

2012-02-15, 03:07 PM
Not sure. Perhaps to a dragon friend, or perhaps she goes temple hunting. Do you think we still might need to defend against the dragon?

2012-02-15, 05:12 PM
"Do not worry overmuch. We will perform the ritual while at the temple. When we announce our intent, they will allow you in."
Miradal picks up her soon to be son, and takes to the air in search of some place where she might gain the location of a Temple of one of the Dragon-Gods (Ao, or Tiamat).

2012-02-15, 09:52 PM
"Confounded dragon and I had just prepared your rooms." Jack ducks inside the mansion and taps his head with the wand again, he sinks down through the floor like it was water. After a few moments rusty old speakers emerge from the walls.The captain's voice comes out somewhat muffled and gravely "This is your captain speaking due to circumstances all residents must vacate the premises while we move stand assure that all indenities will remain protected with all forms of protection that each of you have asked me to prepare. Everyone is asked to remove anything extremely fragile,valuable or powerful from the premises in the next ten minutes. Stay close to the house and try to keep up with the home. That is all. The speakers sink back into the walls. Lines begin to form along the walls and floors, they take the shape of doors and trapdoors. Creatures of all shapes and sizes emerge from the doors from frog people to scorpion folk to mindflayers wrapped around books to what look like vampires wrapped in cloth with umbrellas. The fire place explodes out with fire elementals and all matters of demon and devil. Each and everyone of their doors have a whole worlds suited for them.

The captain slips out of the ground in the few bare spots and the group swarms him speaking in all types of talk. "Quickly pack up all your things I'll have to deal with them."

2012-02-15, 10:00 PM
Arkadi goes back in and grabs his books and halberd. Never know when they'll come in handy.

2012-02-15, 11:01 PM
Niuqu quickly fetches his belongings, then returns outside.

2012-02-16, 09:48 AM
Niquo inside your room you see something similar to your cave but it has been styled with rich purples, reds and golds. There is a small box with the words ""Straight out of China Niquo." Inside is a lovely red robe with a golden trim with holes made specifically for your wings.

Inside Arkadi's room is a family tree lining the walls with pictures of your family.

2012-02-22, 11:34 PM
After examining the robe, Niuqu returns it to the box, and taking it along with his other possessions, returns outside.

2012-02-22, 11:49 PM
Arkadi stops for a few seconds, before running around.
"Nyet...NYET! I have not the time to memorize it all before it must be evacuated!"
He begins grabbing pictures and shoving them in his backpack with the ones nearest the ends of each branch, trying to find the relative he was sent to seek. When the time's nearly up, he runs back outside, with nowhere near the number of pictures he sought to grab.

2012-02-25, 07:18 PM
Outside the menagerie of monsters of monsters are standing far from the mansion arguing amongst themselves. All of the sudden the pillars holding up the roof fall down to the lawn away from everything and everyone and the house slowly begins to rise as the ends of the pillars move closer to it helping to lift it up. It gets but a few inches off the ground before it comes tumbling down to the earth with a ground quaking slam. It attempts to rise again only to fail to even rise. The fence and lawn slither under the house, the lawn losing it's color and turning into an amorphous grey blob. For a third time the house tries to rise this time with some assistance, as soon as it manages a few feet off the ground the orcwort moves in to lend what little support it can.

The captain is standing by you all looking on nervously "I hate putting the old girl through this every year more and more magic has to be poured into it just to keep it from falling apart." The house begins to wobble as it rises. "Alright enough of this" he moves to a few large earth elementals "Boys help it out" and they head out to stabilize it. "Everyone we will be moving out of the park into a new location. If anyone has any suggestions that are not related to your own personal hunting patterns please voice them now"

2012-02-25, 07:28 PM
"Out of city, maybe? What are options, really?"

2012-02-25, 09:52 PM
"But I love this city, everything I need to get to is close enough to teleport to. Also it's the easiest place for someone like me to do business. Couldn't we just kill the dragon?"

2012-02-25, 10:03 PM
"Is big dragon, and unless you mean other groups, we're still generally inexperienced."

2012-02-25, 11:37 PM
The captain turns with a grin "Indeed you do need experience a chance to do battle with some terrible beasties. I know just the thing and well the place."

2012-02-25, 11:55 PM
Well then, are you going to take us there, or are we going to be standing here staring at your wobbly house for the remainder of the day?

2012-02-26, 01:21 AM
"Right than everyone please follow the home until it makes a complete stop I shall return shortly" The captain pulls out a small obelisk and points it at everyone than points it at the ground and presses it into the soil. Immediately you find yourselves in a dark room with the captain standing in the middle. "Welcome to my snapshots of the world." the walls light up with parts of the world along with different times. "In here you can take any spot I've been and just go to town on the things nearby without harming the now. So where do you want to go? To wars.." the walls fill with wars such as the civil, revolutionary and world war." Granted you'd be duking it out with humans and maybe some powerful creatures but nothing too dangerous. Or we could pull up some dungeons I've ventured to. Really any point in time that you want and I could whip it up."

2012-02-29, 08:42 PM
Uhh, no? The halfling is with me.

2012-02-29, 10:31 PM
"Right war won't help you much you'll need investigative skills along with fighting powerful intelligent creatures. I remember the loveliest town that I passed through. You're all going to go in and kill the problem. I'll give you a tip don't trust anything. Now you won't be able to leave the town limits and if you die it may make your head explode." he sits down and begins to rub his temples "Now if I remember correctly it was a simple village nothing too fancy" as he thinks the surroundings change to what he has just said while he does he seeps out of the scenery until he is gone.

Both Niquo and Arkadi are on a snowy path and a bit away you can see the village he described. It is relatively low grade instead of your standard homes you have log cabins blanketed in snow. Akardi they look similar to what your people might have and due to the snow and Niquo find themselves up to their necks in snow.

(Ralasha and Nick274 you can be a part of this if you want for a chance to level up.)

2012-02-29, 10:53 PM
Right, sure, I will, since it's either that or 'no advancement' nice railroading.

2012-03-01, 12:12 AM
Screw it than.

The captain appears in the small village "Gentleman I understand that you are in need of battle but simply pulling this illusion off is taxing on my mind and fighting this way won't really get you anywhere you might learn some things but your body won't be properly challenged. Now Miradal and Niquo are off to the holy district where there are battles and business galore for you to get into. She will be busy with her ritual. I'm going to bring you all there now and than I need to focus on getting the home to a safe location." he pulls out a golden whistle and tosses it to Niquo "Blow that when you want to come back home."

Still railroading but we can get some player goals accomplished.

2012-03-01, 12:42 AM
Thank you! I've been trying to get this done for what seems like forever now!

2012-03-02, 12:12 AM
"My apologies my draconic lady I fail to spread my mind amongst many at some points." the captain says floating alongside you he claps his hands and you find yourself besides Niquo and arkadi in a lovely district. The streets are lined with all kinds of colors and temples with various statues dedicated to the temples gods. "Tiamat is all the way on that end of the district while Baphomet can be found all the way on the other side. Their was a massive dispute and a few lives were lost in a riot." he takes his hat off around the riot parts and you can see his hair is tied up in a silly little bun. "Any who there is lovely parade coming up where the various temples will try to convert more people of new york. I usually come here around this time because there are so many opportunities for sabotage and destruction and lying and trickery. Oh it's just too much alright you guys have fun Niquo, Arkadi the Kord temple is always having some contests of strength if you want to try and make a quick buck but stick to the darker sides and you'll find some nasty things to do. I need to go park the house somewhere nice and quiet."

2012-03-02, 01:47 AM
"My apologies my draconic lady I fail to spread my mind amongst many at some points." the captain says floating alongside you he claps his hands and you find yourself besides Niquo and arkadi in a lovely district. The streets are lined with all kinds of colors and temples with various statues dedicated to the temples gods. "Tiamat is all the way on that end of the district while Baphomet can be found all the way on the other side." "First, I am not a satan worshipper. I would sooner burn down a temple of baphomet than go near a place that glorifies the father of lies. If there is a temple of Bahamut however, kindly point me in its direction."
"Their was a massive dispute and a few lives were lost in a riot." he takes his hat off around the riot parts and you can see his hair is tied up in a silly little bun. "Any who there is lovely parade coming up where the various temples will try to convert more people of new york. I usually come here around this time because there are so many opportunities for sabotage and destruction and lying and trickery. Oh it's just too much alright you guys have fun Niquo, Arkadi the Kord temple is always having some contests of strength if you want to try and make a quick buck but stick to the darker sides and you'll find some nasty things to do. I need to go park the house somewhere nice and quiet." "Now then. Ao, Bahamut... or Tiamat. If anyone else suggest Baphomet I'll rip their heads from their shoulders, and defecate down their necks." She begins heading towards the temple of Tiamat. "I need to find a temple of Ao. God damnit, that stupid impatient son of a bitch just can't ask a question and wait for 3 seconds. Oh, no! He has to rush off, hurry, hurry, as though that attitude has ever gotten anywhere pleasant in the end."

2012-03-02, 09:28 AM
Bahamut my bad I always mix those two up and my buddy has been bothering me with archdevils for a campaign we're starting. Yeah just replace baphomet with bahamut.Once again sorry.

2012-03-02, 06:22 PM
I mostly found it humorous, so I had my character rant.

2012-03-02, 08:24 PM
(I have to admit I was a little afraid you were mad at me cause Miradal is intimidating.) The captain pops back in his sleeves are rolled and you can see writing across them "I mean the temple of Bahamut is over there and Tiamat is on the opposite. Also I've been reminded by a variety sources that I shouldn't leave the moderately powerful people in a land they don't know. I apologize the house can find a safe spot for tonight I'm spending the night with you all guiding."

2012-03-03, 04:00 AM
Miradal picks up the halfling under one arm, and begins bounding towards the temple of Bahamut on three limbs, using her wings to help support her weight.
(No chance, I'm loving this game.)

2012-03-03, 11:53 AM
Quick question what level are we at again?

2012-03-03, 07:50 PM
Still at 3.

2012-03-03, 08:42 PM
(Sorry about delay, I was out of town and didn't have most of my stuff with me.)
"Sounds good."
He follows Miradal, Niuquo, and Alie, just looking for a quiet bench where he can look at the pictures.
[roll0]-search the pictures for ones he doesn't recognize, preferably old.

2012-03-05, 11:53 PM
You look left and right for a empty bench but can only find one with a troglodyte man covered in trash who is half asleep. You reluctantly sit beside and he leans on you. Some of the pictures you recognize as family members you've been shown in picture books. Some are in black and white some are small painting . They seem a little run of the mill except for one. It's an image of a old man his hair is gray and mostly gone, scars are going all along his face and the seem to originate from his eyes which are purple. He's dressed in torn robes and his hand looks like it's made out of black rock. "Hey it's Mitch" the troglodyte says looking over your shoulder.

2012-03-06, 12:01 AM
"Mitch? What is his full name? Better yet, can you show me where he is?"
He turns and looks at the trog.
"Is important for my family that I find him."

2012-03-06, 11:32 AM
"Sure I can help you but it's not pleasant at least as far as I can remember." he scratches his head and you see he has a terrible head wound in that you can see part of his skull . "Can't really remember much friend but I have seen that guy and I remember you're gonna need muscle lots of it."

2012-03-06, 11:36 AM
Miradal hopefully actually makes it into the temple before a year has passed, and requests of them what she requires to complete the ritual, and if possible a dragon, or half-dragon of some other type to perform the ritual of change with.

2012-03-06, 12:37 PM
You reach the temple in a matter of moments (relatively) their is cleric reading on the stairs and asks about the ritual you wish to perfrom (I kind of need to know which book this is in.Than we can get this show on the road.)

2012-03-06, 12:44 PM
Dragonlance for the ritual to make Allie into Dragonspawn.
Races of the Dragon for the ritual of Change to change dragon-type.