View Full Version : Coming to America and being evil. A modern 3.5 game

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2012-03-06, 03:03 PM
Niuqu leaps out of the snow, flapping his wings so that he hovers above it. he looks at the captain and says, "Feats of strength? Me? Not likely. Anything better suited to my abilities? And what is this problem we must solve hmm?"

(Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been out of town.)

2012-03-06, 06:59 PM
Ok found the pages.

"Alright than we can prepare a ritual room have you meditated and fast for a day? Also what species of dragon would you like to change to and would you like the dragonspawning to be done before or after the species changing." she leans in close and whispers in your ear "Are you planning on enslaving him?"

2012-03-06, 07:15 PM
Miradal whispers back, "Not... enslave persay, just make him... subserviant, to a point. I am going to raise him in the old ways, since he will then be a dragon, and teach him the ancient traditions." She then speaks in a louder voice. "I will perform his ritual after, He will require a room and food. As to the dragon-type... Adamantine, Iron, Mithril, or Steel Dragon, I think... hmmm... Adamantine it is. More power, less agility."

2012-03-06, 07:27 PM
"That I think I can find, though as we are distant blood relatives, that may be less of an issue. What happened to your head?"

2012-03-06, 08:06 PM
"Well dear Niquo there are jobs everywhere simply pick a temple head to the back alleys knock on the door and offer your services. Since everyone has gone off on their little quests I'll be sticking with you".

The trogolodyte thinks hard for a second. An audible thump can be heard in his head and he winces in pain "Don't know still hurts"

"Yes very good now you have an adamantine dragon to assist in this ceremony because we'd have to call in a specialist just to get in touch with one and the price for the ritual might grow substantially. Are you able and willing to pay a greater fee?"

2012-03-06, 08:13 PM
"Let's get that looked at."
He stands, and helps the trog up.
"Won some coin recently, so we can get that tended to by a priest."

2012-03-06, 09:21 PM
Beckoning to the captain, Niuqu heads towards the temple of Boccob, his personal deity.

2012-03-06, 10:38 PM
"Ah Boccob my tailor goes there he made this fine little piece you see here" he pulls on his suit and whips out a knife. "Finest material around" and he slams the knife into his gut then waits. The blade doesn't even pull a thread out. "I'll be more than happy to help and maybe actually pay for this."

2012-03-06, 10:47 PM
"That would have to depend upon the fee. How much will it cost me, in total? Let me see now, since I am capable of performing the ritual for allie with one, simple spell cast by you, and the only involvement you really have in my ritual of change is finding this dragon, and I am a Chromatic looking to change its stripes, unless, this being a temple of Bahamut, you would rather I just give in to my nature? No, I doubt that very much, and, being a dragon, I obviously dislike giving up my money for absolutely no reason, of course. How much is the total for both rituals, noting of course, I can just go elsewhere to change my little friend into my spawn. Where-as, if you were willing to assist me without bringing corruption greed, or some misplaced dislike for me into the mix, I would be rather greatful. Since I am on the path of becoming a full blooded dragon, with what draconic rituals I know, including the spawning ritual, which to my understanding most consider to be lost. Else they would make their own kobolds, and Dragon-spawn far more often... A ritual which you could of course, learn from me, which would allow you to have a service no other temple could immediately claim at your disposal. What is the price again?"

2012-03-07, 12:03 AM
"Well first I assume you have the proper ingredients such as an actual adamantine dragon to breath it's weapon upon you and I must also believe that you have the magical expertise to perform a dragonspawning ritual and you're able to keep your friends sentience afterwards like are train proffesionals are. The price of the second ritual is substantially minimal after the first one is performed but the first one requires us to hire a dragon finding specialist who has simply ridiculous prices but he is able to get the job done is a quick enough fashion in that he could have your dragon very quickly. Also in order to actually get the dragon here he would like money himself to add to his hoard which we have to drag away from. If you are aware of the nest of an adamantine dragon by all means we will go there and perform this ritual.

If you wish you can argue with the specialist over the price."

2012-03-07, 12:35 AM
Niuqu frowns at the captain. "You just reminded me, Tardigrade never did tell me the power of the morningstar and dagger I took from him."

As they arrive at the temple Niuqu heads around back as the captain suggested and knocks

2012-03-07, 11:23 AM
"Ah, no, I don't know where an Adamantine Dragon is. Do you? Next, A five hundred Gold Piece gem is a five hundred gold piece gem. Next. A bless spell costs you, in all actuallity, nothing at all. Next, You still haven't told me the price. Out with it. Lets assume I have no magical training at all aside from the knowledge of the rituals and how to perform them, and if you have a specialist I'm Ao. Unless your specialist is a dragon of some kind. Next Dragonspawn do not lose their sentience unless the ritual is tampered with.


2012-03-07, 08:11 PM
"I'd like that Jimmy I'd like that a whole lot but I can't pay for nothing."

The door is answered almost immediately by a large Ettin he grabs Jack by the collar and launches him across the room where he is quickly set upon by a mass of black tentacles coming out of the ground "You here to collect the bounty on this scum's head?"

The cost of the gem is 500 gold with the ceremony and room costing merely 100 gold pieces since their is a half dragon with the person being changed. For the transformation of your heritage it is 750 gold but the specialist charges 1000 gold to go out for the dragon and you personally will have to convince him or her that you are worthy of joining the ranks of his type.Since you seem so willing I will tell one of our clerics to fetch him. Though I must warn you, you may have to venture to the dragon with the specialist."

2012-03-07, 09:16 PM
"These charges should constitute no problem to me. I would also prefer going with."

2012-03-07, 09:59 PM
Niuqu looks up at the Ettin, and making a slightly confused face, "Bounty? I wasn't even aware there was one."

A thought flashes through Niuqu's mind Its the captain. Why wouldn't there be a bounty? Honestly, that man irritates almost everyone he comes across. Niuqu smiles a touch mischievously at the captain. "Seeing as I brought him here though, I'd be glad to accept that bounty. If you're after the knife he stole, he's got it on his person somewhere. He waved it about a while ago."

Niuqu pauses for a moment, flies up into the air so he can see eye to eye with the Ettin, and then continues, "The real reason I'm here my friend, is to offer my services to fellow servants of Boccob."

2012-03-08, 12:00 AM
"Well you've done us a great service with just bringing him here and we'll be able to pay you his bounty after we take it out of his skin. out of the blue a summoning circle appears around Jack "Hahaha being summoned for some silly reason suck it" you hear a voice ringing throughout the room "Jack" and he loudly coughs over the rest "Like I'm going to share my true name." Smoke rises from the circle wrapping around his limbs and slamming him down into the ground where he poofs away.

2012-03-08, 01:24 AM
"Well. That was interesting."

2012-03-08, 07:35 AM
"Is on me. Is least I can do if this leads where it should."
He leads the trog to a church of Obad Hai if he sees one.

2012-03-10, 12:37 AM
In a matter of moments a cleric comes out and says""Ma'm we've summoned the specialist and you're fortunate he's in a good mood. Apparently we just pulled him out of a tricky little situation and he's actually knows of an adamantine dragon." he motions you inside and points you to a room labeled "Dragon specialist summoning room" the doors are made of steel and lined with runes.

"Well kid you did a fine job bringing him in the first time if you could pull it off we'll make sure he doesn't slip away. Catching him would help out the whole temple with the massive bill he's piled up."

Arkadi could you roll me a knowledge nature and religion check to find the temple of obad-hai.

The cleric signals for a guard to open the doors and you see your captain floating in a circle he has chains made of smoke wrapped around him that lead into the edges of the circle. The walls are covered in burn marks and their are two guards with shotguns pointed at him one is a half silver dragon with the other being a normal human. "Hey you two so I hear you wanted to meet an adamantine dragon" he moves closer to the circle and the chains lose their smoky look and become actuals chains binding him. He winces in pain "Since it's for you two I'll give you a fifteen percent off" he tells you turning back to the centre of the circle where the chains return to their smoky shape "I have to warn you I only know about three adamantine two that could perform the ceremony. One of them is still too young he's barely hatched, he's tons of fun to be around but his mother doesn't like me playing with him and she sort of hates my guts with good reason. The other is a old battleship of a dragon he can put up with me but he's not too kind on women. So you got two options the momma dragon who probably isn't going to like to see any of us around you know with two of us being human-ish and one of us being a green dragon or the other who I like to call Bruce. Your choice."

2012-03-10, 12:56 AM
"I am somewhat indebted to the captain, so I'm not sure about capturing him again, but I believe I will be able to get him to repay you. Will that suffice?"

2012-03-10, 10:44 AM
"Well first off I'd do my best to get unindebted to him" one says ""I don't think unindebted is a real world "Well if you do find him do your best to get the money and stab him a couple dozen times for us." they pull a staff off the wall and toss it to you and hand you a wand "Zone of truth and a staff of dominate person confusion and mind fog.Hit him hard and take as much as you can.He owes the church about 1,200,000 gold pieces for that suit and his fancy magic house but that's including repairs. He's taken a substantial amount in just borrowing spellbooks."

2012-03-10, 11:56 AM
Miradal will step through the doors, opening them first if necessary.

2012-03-10, 01:03 PM
Catching the staff, Niuqu says, "While I can activate these items, it may take several tries, in which time he may escape. Do have something that would help me use these items?"

2012-03-10, 10:38 PM
""Here it's a rod of quickening just ensure that you return all this stuff."

2012-03-10, 10:43 PM
"I'll bring back your goods, as well as the captains debt, or the captain himself." Niuqu bows, and exits.

EDIT: Upon exiting, he examines the golden whistle with detect magic.

2012-03-11, 12:12 AM
The whistle appears to be a listening coin activated by breathing into it.

2012-03-11, 12:59 AM
Niuqu flies back towards the entrance of the town, and blows the whistle. "Captain, I'd like to speak with you."

2012-03-11, 10:31 AM
(Uh Niquo just for your sake we're back in new york and we're in a sort of religious district)

You blow the whistle but get no results.

Miradal and Alie the captain recoils in pain grabbing his ears "Well someone wants my attention so which dragon do you two want to see the momma dragon who will just be a pain for everyone or the other dragon who will just be a pain for Miradal."

2012-03-11, 12:39 PM
Niuqu wait for about 5 minutes, then if the captain still doesn't show, Niuqu will head towards the house.
(Oh bother, I must have missed that bit. Anyways, the real point was the whistle blowing, not the location. As long as he isn't right outside the temple its fine.)

2012-03-11, 03:55 PM
(Im have some isseue at home rite now, but Im not dead:smalltongue:)

"Mira, this seems to be your thing. Perhaps I can wait outside?"

2012-03-12, 10:08 AM
Nature: [roll0]
Religion [roll1]

2012-03-13, 12:19 PM
"Are you alright? You look like you're in pain. Lets see, Dragons such as these tend to be rather... uncaring about color, at least more so than others. Propogation of the race is of course impotant. How would the mommy be a pain, and second, how would the other one be a pain for me and me alone?" Miradal will reach into her pack, grab a few gold peices and toss them to the priest. "I would be most greatful if you could see to assisting him with his problem, whatever it may be. I consider him a friend." ((Sorry about taking so long to respond, I didn't get the E-mail.))

2012-03-13, 07:14 PM
(Ah you might of missed the earlier post. Basically the mother dragon has only one kid and she's pretty protective of it. The other dragon is just old school and not a big fan of half dragons.)

Arkadi wanders throughout the religious district unable to find the temple of obad-hai when he is approached by a mindflayer dressed in leaves and vines. "Hello friends you look lost do you think I can help you find something."

2012-03-13, 08:11 PM
"Huh, a diplomatic approach with the mother may work, so long as we speak to her in an area of her choosing. The other one, well, I am not really half-dragon... I'm almost a pureblood. I suppose to some there is a rather large difference between a pureblood, and someone that is 'tainted'. Although considering the fact that dragons tend to mix with the other races rather readily, I find it unlikely that many, if any, dragons are still in fact pure blooded. I'll go with the mother, since she is less likely to kill me outright, as quickly as look at me. We will stay a fair distance from her home, and I will attempt to call to her. Hopefully she will answer, and I may then inform her of our purpose."

2012-03-13, 10:24 PM
"As you wish. I solemnly swear that I shall escort these two to Kanamenth where I shall do my best to convince her to assist in the ritual. May I be granted my freedom now?" he says his hand held up while one covers his heart. A cleric nods and the circle around him loses it's light and the chains slip free of him. "Hold my hands you two we're about to make a big leap"

2012-03-13, 10:37 PM
"Alright Capitann." "BEAM ME UP SCOTTY! wait, I don't think he would like that." Takes jack's hand.

2012-03-14, 10:26 PM
He steps out of the circle handing you a passport covered in runes and pulls one out for himself "Confounded border laws what happen to the days when a man could port around without need for a puny little book" the world disappears as it feels like you are being thrown through the world. Than abruptly stop in front of a small man in a smaller booth. Takes a look at the passports and the feeling comes back and stops. Now they're in a large dank cave with little random spots of life and light spread out. "Alright I have about one more teleport in me to get you out of here just in case but try not to make her mad." He points to a nearby tunnel "She's in there, she can't stand me so you're going to have to make an impression on your own. Also if you see the kid in there tell him Jandonomokolo. He'll know what it means."

2012-03-14, 10:42 PM
"Thanks jack." Miradal will begin down the tunnel, shouting 'hello?' in draconic.

2012-03-14, 11:12 PM
(Quick question which type of adamantine dragon do you want from which source the 4.0 the dragon magazine or the ancient advance dungeons and dragons book?)

2012-03-15, 01:15 AM
((I'll take the Adamantine Half-dragon on these forums, based on the AD&D Adamantine Dragon.))

2012-03-15, 09:34 AM
(Need a link)

2012-03-15, 08:18 PM
((And here is the Linky (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=215818). HDD died about an hour ago. Post when I can.))

2012-03-17, 09:12 AM
In Draconic you hear "Who has come to die"

2012-03-19, 04:11 PM
"Die? I certainly hope I'm not going to die. I didn't come here for that, I came here to request your assistance in the ritual of change."

2012-03-19, 08:59 PM
"Come so I may look upon ye." it replies in draconic.

2012-03-19, 09:09 PM
Miradal continues farther in. "I am Miradal, a green. I hold no great love for Tiamat, so I will just have to hope that you do not either."

2012-03-19, 09:34 PM
You turn the corner and see a massive dragon laying upon a even larger pile of gold, gems, and platinum records. "So you wish to join the ranks of the mighty adamantine?"

2012-03-19, 09:41 PM
"I wish to join the ranks of any that are not answerable to the Great Hydra. If it turns out to not be Adamantine, it will be some other type. Perhaps I will seek to become Platinum, I really couldn't say... but I do wish to be Adamantine. Yes."

2012-03-21, 11:26 PM
"Well why should I bring you amongst are proud noble race? "

2012-03-22, 05:46 PM
"There are lots of races out there, most of which consider themselves to be noble. Few of which are, I came to you, I did not ask anyone else."

2012-03-22, 11:04 PM
Her mouth opens as though she has some brilliant than stops "Well you've certainly got me there." She slumps down to her pile which shakes the whole cave and she scratches behind her horn with her tail, deep in thought. "Well I shall do it on one condition you must aid me and my kin when we need your aid. As kin must always do." She lurches forward shifting into a ball of flesh and scales that shrinks as it rolls down her pile of gold until it's the size of a human and she steps out of it looking like a human. Her hair is tied up in a bun brown with bits of silver. She has glasses and a suit of business on "Do we have a deal?" her hands shoots out towards you and stares you in the eyes.

2012-03-22, 11:07 PM
"Done, so shall my Dragonspawn and Kobolds... Once I get around to their creation. Since you are willing to sponsor me, this makes us kin, since I will gain my new heritage from you." Miradal smiles, her large and sharp teeth gleaming. "Shall we then? I would very much like to begin if we may."

2012-03-23, 10:48 AM
"Now I must ask my dear how did you come about my lair?"

2012-03-23, 02:51 PM
"It is not difficult for one dragon to find another, there is magic, which even if you can not find an individuals exact location can be used to find their previous where-abouts. There is magic which can detect anything as well, such as undead, magic... dragons... Finding you was obviously not impossible. On the chance that you are considering killing me to keep your whereabouts safe... I swear I will tell no one. Any oath you desire, even a blood oath. On anything you desire. I am a Green, law is my nature, so is evil... but... the evil bit is actually why I seek to alter myself. Being evil is... abhorrent to me."

2012-03-24, 04:14 PM
"I shall place my trust in you in hopes that it is not misplaced. Anything can happen. Let's make haste to the temple as I lack the proper equipment to change you."

2012-03-26, 01:03 AM
"Very well."

2012-03-26, 07:34 PM
"So where is it? I don't recall there being a temple nearby."

2012-03-26, 07:36 PM
"The temple is in New York. Do you have anything you will need to bring?"

2012-03-27, 11:07 PM
"New york my oh my" She takes your hand and the world washes away. Before you can finish blinking you're at a similar tollbooth, she stares at the small man in the box and you're off in Central square. The people are running about as usual. "Like mice they're kind of cute. I have a small village that I watch over kind of a pet project you should try it some day."

2012-03-28, 03:56 AM
Miradal laughs. "Been there, done that. It got boring rather fast... then again, I'm still rather young. We need the Temple District... or whatever passes for that here... Be fun to have lived like... 5 thousand year ago. You know, back when we Dragons were the biggest danger."

2012-03-28, 08:59 AM
"Indeed back in the day one look could kill a man. Nowadays they move away. There afraid of us and aware of us. I set up a new lair near cattle and sheep and the farmers get ready to sue." She shifts back into a dragon and lets out a massive roar, picks you up and flies to the religious district.

(Hey Ralasha you wrote that the adamantine dragon doesn't have a breath weapon which the ritual kind of needs so is it alright if I just whip one up?)

2012-03-28, 09:31 PM
"You should go have a look at a Scandanavia, and the Baltic area, and around the Carpathians, they still act the same in those areas. Mostly out of respect. I think it's funny. Every couple of months when a farmer can afford it they'll leave a couple of their livestock out at night for you to 'steal'. Guess it's some old Tradition, they never really get angry about it, but if you go into town you'll meet the obligatory mob. Who chase you with pitch forks in a half-hearted manner. By which I mean if they poke you... it won't hurt. You might have to travel around a bit to find a town like that, but for them I think they view us as protection against worse things. Like goblins."
(Sure, go for it, though the ritual only says they have to breath, it doesn't say they need to use the breath weapon.)

2012-03-29, 08:58 PM
She lands with the grace of a dragon (gave her wings because a dragon without a breath weapon or wings is just one big lizard) and the captain steps out "I must agree the gobli--" Kanamenth swings her tail and connects with him with a thundering boom sending him flying. "Excuse me my dear I need to go kill that abomination."

You glide through the air scanning for the massive house when the captain slams into you. You're brought swiftly down to earth and amazingly land in the yard of the mansion. "Hey Niquo I've got a dragon coming after me and some rearranged organs." he says brushing himself off, his eyes are blackened and he hurls on the lawn. Than passes out.

2012-03-30, 12:00 AM
"Oh you fool. As if I can do anything about it."
Niuqu, with the aid of a floating, magical disk he summons, carries the captain inside. Niuqu drops the captain roughly inside the door. He shuts the door behind him and tries to activate the staff.

Try 1 UMD:[roll0](quickened)
Try 2 UMD:[roll1]

2012-03-30, 05:08 AM
Miradal will take off in the direction of the captain as fast as she can move. Attempting to talk the dragon down in the meantime; "You know, I owe him a life-debt. Without him I'd probably be dead or worse. I cannot allow you to kill him without killing me. I apologize, and I realize this may make things rather awkward... but I can defeat you as it is, and I will if you attack him with intent to kill. If you manage to kill me however, then my debt to him will be payed. I'm afraid no one will be killing him so long as I am aware of it, and alive. If they do, I'll avenge him before I return him to life. If I were your kin already I would still have to try to keep you from killing him, thought without injuring you. Debts and the old laws are a bit funny."

2012-03-30, 02:25 PM
(Eh Niquo what power on the staff are you trying to use. Mind fog, dominate person or zone of truth?)

She lands down in the lawn with a ground quaking boom. "You poor dear that fool will never die...." the lawn leaps up trying to engulf her and she unleashes her breath weapon, a kind of grey fog with thunder rumbling through it. The lawn falls down losing it's color and shape. "Unless I get my hands on him" bursting from the ground come more of those Wortlings brandishing axes.

2012-03-30, 02:49 PM
"You won't. Temple now, please."

2012-03-30, 05:34 PM
(Dominate person, but it failed anyways.)
Niuqu steps out for a second, and looks up at the dragon. "You can have him, but I have a bounty to claim first. He'll still be alive afterwards, so you can go after him then."

2012-03-30, 06:41 PM
"A bounty to who? Little one." she says swatting the little purple buggers away.

2012-03-30, 07:03 PM
"To the temple of Boccob. He owes quite the debt."

2012-03-30, 08:57 PM
A devilish grin comes upon her face. "Miradal I will gladly assist you in joining us but for a brief moment I must do something very bad." she flies up and makes way for the religious district.

2012-03-30, 11:25 PM
"Oh no you don't! trash the temple and you'll never get to the captain. I will ensure you never reach him again. I will kill him myself if necessary. Help Miradal, leave the temple of Boccob alone, and I will ensure the captain arrives at you safely. If you so much as put a single claw on the temple or inhabitants, everybody loses." with that, Niuqu steps back inside and slams the door with dreadful finality.
Trying same thing as before.[roll0]

2012-03-31, 04:07 AM
Miradal goes loping towards Niuqu. "Hi food!"
[roll0] (Goodbye door?)

((Adamantine Dragon
* Extra-Planar
* Breath weapon: White-hot fire, Hold monster gas
* Home Plane: Twin Paradises of Bytopia
* Alignment: Neutral Good
* Notes: Oversized natural weapons, One size larger than actual size, Can destroy Adamantium fortresses. Also, they look like they are made of jet-black metal.))

2012-03-31, 09:42 AM
The door is left in smithereens and the whole place shakes.

2012-03-31, 09:50 AM
"Ni~uqu~... Where are you... Its lunch time."
Attack building:
Claw 1:[roll0] rolled a 1?
Claw 2:[roll2] a 10
Horns: [roll4] a 9
Tail: [roll6] an 11
Bite: [roll8] a 7
[roll9]+[roll10] Acid
Leap backwards with a strong flap of the wings.
((Is it just me, or do those attack rolls suck?))

2012-03-31, 10:35 AM
Niuqu readies himself to deliver a coup de grace to the captain with his morning star if Miradal tries to attack him. "Miradal, unless you want the captain to die, I suggest you get back to the dragon, and turn Alie into your pet. Get lost, or I will ensure that with my death comes his. I'm getting really tired of being on the defensive."
(Captain needs to make a will save for the dominate person.)

2012-03-31, 03:50 PM
"Stand and deliver, or become a side of the second half of the third word."

2012-03-31, 09:27 PM
(Well the captain is unconscious so I think he loses all chances of a save. But you can't really do much since he's out cold.)

2012-03-31, 09:59 PM
"Miradal. . ." Niuqu glances at the captain. Realizing his spell worked, "Captain, wake up. We've got a bit of a situation, and I could really use your help."
(You sure? What about commanding him to wake up? His being unconscious is not a necessity for day to day life, therefore, by the terms of the spell it will function. Once he's awake, he can reason/help me out of this nasty situation. And once the problem is solved, I can get the temple repaid.)

2012-03-31, 10:12 PM
"Friggin' oww" are the first loud words out of his mouth. He's got a bit of blood dripping out of his mouth. "What in New York is going on?" he coughs up a bit of blood and the floor rises up to support him.

2012-03-31, 10:31 PM
"Long story short, the dragon helping Miradal is trying to kill you, Miradal is trying to kill me because the dragon implied temple torching in the near future and I tried using you as a hostage, and I am trying to get you to repay the temple of Boccob. Mind helping?"

2012-04-01, 07:29 AM
"He's planning on turning you in to someone, I'm going to turn him into crispy-snacks for using you as a hostage. I'm planning on not letting him. The dragon, meanwhile, is going to go do something very uncharacteristic for a dragon of her type. Speaking of which, here I am, trying to protect your life, and by the way... How long would you stay dead if you accidentally died?"

2012-04-01, 02:02 PM
"Mostly correct, or it would be if you actually managed to have the proper information. It's not him I'm turning in, it is what he owes to the temple. The temple wanted him, but I turned that down, instead going for a way that would keep him alive. it wasn't until you and your dragon friend turned up that he was in any danger whatsoever. Captain, if you wouldn't mind, could you get us both someplace where maniacal dragons aren't trying to kill us?"

2012-04-01, 03:11 PM
"Yeah I wouldn't stay dead but the dragon knows that I wouldn't stay dead she's out to keep me dead."

2012-04-01, 04:33 PM
"Well, I'm not. Also, I apologize for attempting to eat you Niuqu."

2012-04-01, 05:10 PM
"Apology accepted. Now, if you would go keep that dragon from burning down the temple of Boccob, that would be great. I'll try to keep her from finding the captain."

2012-04-01, 06:37 PM
"Why should I stop her from destroying a temple of Boccob? If she ends up pissing him off, that's her fault." Miradal makes haste towards the temple.

2012-04-01, 07:20 PM
"Because if she destroys the church it'll cost me more money and they'll take it out of my back."

As you reach the temple you see a small fire going on with balls of energy whizzing left and right. At the heart of it all is the captain.

Alright just so we know where everyone is Arkadi was approached by a mindflayer covered in leaves and whatnot asking if he's lost. Miradal is about to smoke a dragon Niquo is at the house and Alie has a few clerics tending to his wants and needs.

2012-04-01, 07:27 PM
Niuqu wings it to the temple.

2012-04-01, 08:11 PM
You see the same sight she has a wall of force up giving her 50% cover. She has two wands on her.

2012-04-01, 08:56 PM
(Hold on, who is 'she'? And who exactly are the involved parties?)

2012-04-01, 09:10 PM
(She is the dragon shaped like Jack. Standing on the steps are three Ogres with staffs. There are a few dead bodies at the bottom of the steps. )

2012-04-01, 09:20 PM
Niuqu lands next to the ogres. "Need any help?"

2012-04-01, 09:30 PM
"Yeah it seems that fool has come to try and end his debt but we'll have a ward up soon enough we just need to keep him distracted long enough."

2012-04-01, 10:12 PM
"Yeah. . . about that, I've got the real captain dominated, back at his house. This is simply a dragon causing trouble. Are those wands hers or yours?"

2012-04-02, 07:08 AM
Miradal will land ON on ogre.
Grapple: [roll0]
and kill:
Claw 1:[roll1]
Claw 2:[roll3]
Horns: [roll5]
Tail: [roll7]
Bite: [roll9]

2012-04-02, 01:31 PM
"He she came with them blasting the place up but now that we know she's a dragon we can change our tactics. Code Lexen Adamantine." Miradal comes slamming down on one of the ogres tearing him to shreds where he passes out and falls to the bottom of the steps. "Code Lexen Green"

2012-04-02, 01:37 PM
"Very well." Niuqu utters a word that chills all who hear to the bone, and one of the dragon's wands shatters. "Miradal, do you mind? I thought you didn't want to get on the bad side of a god."

2012-04-02, 11:55 PM
"Honestly I'm not sure what her plans are." Jack says leaning against a pillar, he has tulips in his hands. "And Niquo next time you have the big bad wolf by the collar use him."

Miradal you hear a voice through all the confusion, a voice telling you to kneel. roll a will save.

2012-04-03, 07:59 AM
"It's not like I needed to was it? You showed up here anyways. By the way, don't go anywhere after this." Niuqu then shatters the dragon's other wand.

2012-04-03, 09:50 AM
No, Niuqu doesn't still the same round, thanks.
Will Save: [roll0]

2012-04-03, 10:15 AM
(Sorry Miradal but you actually failed a save.) [roll0]

2012-04-03, 10:21 AM
((Wtf... That seriously... just sucks. If that dragon doesn't live, I'm going to kill every single Boccob worshiper in this entire city. Oh, by the way, I'm very glad that full blooded dragons have SR. :D ))

2012-04-03, 11:27 AM
Out through the doors comes a fat man on a palaquin (those things that are carried by four people with one person riding on top.) He has two orbs in his hand one green and one of the color of adamantine. Kanomenth is grabbing at her head when she spots Jack than fades away.

2012-04-06, 12:44 AM
"Useful devices those. Captain, in what manner would you like to repay the temple?"

2012-04-06, 11:26 AM
"Preferably cas.." he gasps clutching at his throat Kanomenth reappears pinning him to pillar by his throat.

2012-04-06, 11:32 AM
*Is still stuck in place, and so cannot help him.*

2012-04-06, 06:05 PM
Miradal you hear the same voice ring in your head "protect the fool or we'll lose millions." and find that you no longer have to kneel.

2012-04-07, 12:08 AM
"Why does the sphere have no effect?"

2012-04-07, 12:19 AM
"The dragon's will is too mighty for us to stop it. Hopefully the other dragon's might is more than enough to surpass her."

2012-04-07, 12:29 PM
"Millions, yes, because churches should always be worried about their money, as though that fat **** over there doesn't eat enough already." Miradal will stand back up and walk down to the captain and the adamantine. "You know, in so much as I am certain that he must deserve that... I'm going to have to ask you to let him go. Without him I would not have a home, food, or even have gotten here. So, I will ask nicely, once. Please put him down, you can always try again later. This... church apparently needs him for something. What did he do to you?"

2012-04-07, 09:20 PM
"He fed you?" she says lost in the idea and taking a look at Jack. " This fool risked the adamantine dragon race for silly reasons." she drops the fool and turns to you. "How did you find my lair Miradal?"

2012-04-07, 10:24 PM
Miradal shrugs lightly, "He led me there. Why?"

2012-04-07, 10:48 PM
She turns to Jack"So you brought me more dragons and you think that will make me forgive you." she laughs "I also brought flowers" he coughs out rubbing at his throat. "Fine I shall forgive you for now but only if he pays for the damage. Miradal let's make way for the temple."

2012-04-08, 10:32 AM
"Very well."

2012-04-09, 10:51 PM
"Now Miradal I have agreed to leave him be for now but I ask a task for you. Keep your eye on him he's a alligator forever hiding in the wake."

2012-04-10, 11:43 AM
"Yes. I am aware of how untrustworthy he is, however, even you should be able to udnerstand that since he has never done anything but go out of his way for me... I must give him some measure of respect, trust, and so long as he does not betray or attempt to betray me, I will give him the benefit of the doubt." Miradal flies off to the temple to get the ritual completed.

2012-04-10, 12:57 PM
She flies right after you and you're led into a room with all the requirements. A table of food is off to the side and a large gem is placed in the center. A priestess approaches and bows. "Let us begin." Kanomenth speaks in ancient draconic and leads you into a circle. You feel a hollowness as your scales glow and you can feel the acid within you bubble. "From Tiamat to Bahamut we welcome you." she roars out a ball of fire that engulfs you but you are not burned the acid inside fades and is replaced by flame. She lets up on the flame and you fall out you're skin now carries a black sheen.

2012-04-10, 01:13 PM
Miradal stands up. "And... now I'm not a green." Miradal chuckles. " I need to bring in my halfling. I'll be making him my first dragonspawn."

2012-04-10, 06:22 PM
Some priests surround Jack with blades. "He's under your control Niquo?" One head asks. "Niquo can you ask the nice men to put the blades away or at least let me move so I can get them there money. As I'm kind of glued to this spot." he grabs at his legs tugging with all his might to no avail they stay planted.

2012-04-10, 09:47 PM
"Yes, he is under my control. Captain, retrieve the money and return as quickly as possible, once released."

2012-04-10, 11:35 PM
In seconds he dissappears and falls from the sky where a massive pile of gold follows him with a ground quaking slam.. "Paid now release me."

2012-04-16, 08:20 PM
Well any reason we've stopped?

2012-04-16, 10:02 PM
Niuqu steps forward, "He has paid, in full. Here is the wand, staff and rod you gave me to aid in his capture. Only one charge has been used from the staff, and the rod of quickening used twice."
(Sorry. . . distracted with school at the moment.)

2012-04-18, 04:51 PM
Miradal heads out of the room to find a priest and request her halfling companion be brought to the ritual room.

2012-04-18, 10:10 PM
"At once Milady" he says bowing and rushing off to fetch Alie only to return in a few moments. "Your halfing"

2012-04-23, 09:53 PM
(someone needs to get allie's player)
Miradal picks up the halfling and walks back into the ritual chamber. "Ready to learn to make Dragonspawn, and Kobolds mother?"
She will then set Allie down in the proper place, make certain the materials are present, and prepare to perform the ritual. "When you are ready Allie."

2012-04-25, 12:26 PM
Turns out Alie was takeing a nap. So he groggly and pissed off.

"Heh. Black suits you" he chuclkes.

"Just make the magic happen. Quite frankly im still a little pissed bout the thrall thing but hell, i guss it wont be that bad."

2012-04-25, 09:57 PM
"A Thrall is a mindless servant. While you will be subject to my will, you will not be a thrall. There is an important difference." Miradal then looks to her Scale-Mother. "I would appreciate assistance, if you are willing to oblige me." She will then begin the ritual to give allie his new, and oh so wonderful draconic form.

2012-04-27, 11:51 PM
"D'aww he's simply adorable. I could just eat him right up and I will if he decides to cross us." She picks him up cuddling him a bit and than setting him down in the circle rubbing Alie's head a bit. "I'm sorry I just love kids no matter what. I mean have you seen a baby beholder sure they're awful but so cuuuuuuuute."

2012-04-28, 08:20 PM
"No! No eating my children, or I will be a very pissed off mommy. I've seen baby Gelatinous Cubes if those count, yes, they are cute... until they start eating animals... (brief pause) and people. I'm not making him mindless, but I am making him subserviant. Just to that he cannot do anything stupid by accident. When he's fully educated in being a Dragon then I will grant him more freedom." ((Ritual done now, or is Miradal still performing it?)) Miradal grabs a crystal chalice, a small black gem of onyx, some powdered Adamantine, some holy water grinds the onyx and adamantine into a powder, mixes them with the holy water, gets the priest to bless it, and then breathes her white hot flames across the surface of the murky liquid before handing it to Alie to drink.

2012-04-30, 11:37 AM
(WTF? I posted but it wont show up?:smallconfused:)

2012-04-30, 02:41 PM
(Yeah, that happens every once in a while)

2012-04-30, 08:24 PM
Hey before we continue do you guys mind if we bring more people to the game since we have only three (standard but I like lots of story going on).

2012-04-30, 09:36 PM
(I don't care, as long as we continue the game through recruiting. I'm done with college for the semester, so I have a fair amount of free time now.)

2012-05-01, 09:53 AM
(Lets get more players.)

2012-05-04, 09:14 PM
Alright going to start up a thread I want you all to post in there so the nice people know about you all okay.

2012-05-05, 08:55 AM
Link, and I will post in recruit thread. We play now?

2012-05-05, 10:23 AM
Alright pile in kiddies. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=242180 Also make way for the mansion.

2012-05-05, 11:45 AM
It is important, very important. Alie is now a dragon...ling. lol.

(Already posted Miradal's actions. Yay for 38 strength. Win.)

2012-05-05, 01:10 PM
New ooc thread for y'all http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13179802#post13179802

2012-05-05, 08:21 PM
Can you re post the templet Ralasha?

2012-05-06, 03:46 PM
"Well doesn't he look like a refined young gentelman." she musses your hair again. "We simply must have a playdate one day."

http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=186034 There you go.

2012-05-07, 05:01 PM
(Miradal is updated.)
"No, not particularly. He will be though. He is now of my blood."

2012-05-08, 02:17 PM
"Well dear you have my thanks you have brought more people into our noble race but I must be off to protect what's left of it." than poof she's gone.

2012-05-08, 03:09 PM
Miradal walk over to Alie, and looks down at him with a toothy grin. "Time for you to start learning our laws, history, culture and rules of... I suppose interaction would be a good word, since it covers more than just social graces. But first, lets head out and see how well you fly." Miradal then heads out of the room, and pays the priest out of the cash on her person. "Thank you for your assistance Priest."

2012-05-08, 09:46 PM
Niuqu bows to the priests of Boccob, and says, "I look forward to working with you again. I must be on my way. Farewell."
He then flies to the captain's house.

2012-05-09, 09:57 AM
Alie has a bit of difficulty in flying as night has fallen and there are barely and thermals to be found. As you all get closer to the house you manage to meet up and see the captain on the porch ringing a triangle. The Wortlings are standing single file with bowls in their hands. Each time the captain fills it up one throws their bowl to the lawn and one throws it to the tree.

2012-05-09, 01:37 PM
Miradal is now leaner in appearance, but also somehow far larger. Having grown in height to the limits of medium size, and being even broader of shoulder, though still feminine.
As she drops from the sky to land with a shake of the ground "Food?! I'm hungry. Food please. Or I'll start eating your pets... I wonder what they taste like."
Her drool drips to the ground, igniting in little white hot flashes as it falls through the air.
(Yay! 1d6 fire damage bite. Her breath weapon leaks out into her saliva. She produces lots, next level she gets breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds.
Every 1 round, since I rolled it back at beginning of game, unless you want me to roll it again.[roll0])
((Every 2 rounds apparently.))

2012-05-09, 08:29 PM
"Mulch and cheese dip mostly." he mutters pouring you all a bowl of potato and ham chowder. The mansion is pressed sideways between two buildings it's considerably leaner, the fence is only covering two sides and most of the lights are out. "Just to keep you from being lost I moved us to little china town. It's not the best of neighborhoods but the dragons have an odd respect for it and we may not have to worry about are black friend." you hear a voice very faintly. Listen check please

2012-05-09, 08:39 PM
Listen check: [roll0]
Miradal drinks down the food in one gulp as she stands there and waits for a second filling, followed by thirds, fourths and fifths. "Changing scales... and growing in size are very... hungry activities."

2012-05-09, 09:04 PM
The voice is coming from the right (orcwort is on the right and the walkway is missing so it's all lawn.) You see two teens of about 16 staring in at you both they're making sure not to touch the fence or the grass. Their clothes are tattered and they're licking their lips at the sight of the food.

2012-05-09, 09:16 PM
Miradal will hop and glide over, grab them up (will make grapple if you want) and carry them back over for food.

2012-05-09, 09:29 PM
Are you going to keep them off the ground? Also they're squirming.

2012-05-09, 09:34 PM
She sets then down. "Food. Eat." she gives them her best smile, which is extremely draconic in appearance... pretty much just a bunch of big sharp teeth.

2012-05-09, 10:09 PM
The captain pours them a bowl and whispers in Miradal's ear "Now be careful once you feed one twelve come and I don't wish to over feed my lawn." The lawn has moved around to give them a spot to walk on which is composed of gravel and dirt.

2012-05-09, 10:42 PM
"Your lawn seems to know well enough not to eat the people I bring over. Would you like me to train it for you?" She spits into the grass, where it bursts into black flames for a fraction of a second. [roll0] fire damage. She smiles and says "I've never felt so... happy and relaxed as I do in this new skin of mine. I feel somehow... lighter inside. Don't worry though, I'm sure these two aren't stupid enough to tell their friends. I'm sure they wouldn't want to see them eaten. By the way, do you have those stones we brought back? It's time to reassemble them to reopen the fairy court."

2012-05-09, 11:19 PM
"Your lawn seems to know well enough not to eat the people I bring over. Would you like me to train it for you?" She spits into the grass, where it bursts into black flames for a fraction of a second. [roll0] fire damage. She smiles and says "I've never felt so... happy and relaxed as I do in this new skin of mine. I feel somehow... lighter inside. Don't worry though, I'm sure these two aren't stupid enough to tell their friends. I'm sure they wouldn't want to see them eaten. By the way, do you have those stones we brought back? It's time to reassemble them to reopen the fairy court."

"When did you tell me to do that? I mean I could try and go get it but did you actually tell me to?"

2012-05-09, 11:33 PM
"IHm. Crap. Well... I'll need to head back to the park I guess. Be back later." She takes off towards the park, and the faerie portal, to pick up the pieces, and return with them to the house.

2012-05-11, 10:32 AM
(So the young lady headed to the park while it was dark out. Thank god there aren't monsters or something bad might happen oh wait.) Miradal grabs the stones with relative ease, the faeries watch in awe as you work. When you get back the kids are gone.

2012-05-11, 10:35 AM
Miradal looks at the 'lawn'.
"I'm going to need to put something on you. Unless you decide to give me some room to work."
She then steps off of the path, and puts the stone back together.

There are monsters. But the other dragon cannot do anything to her without incurring the wrath of the Council. So she isn't worried about that.

2012-05-11, 06:36 PM
Miradal looks at the 'lawn'.
"I'm going need to put something on you. Unless you decide to give me some room to work."
She then steps off of the path, and puts the stone back together.

There are monsters. But the other dragon cannot do anything to her without incurring the wrath of the Council. So she isn't worried about that.

Yeah I know I'm just saying on the list of new york do's and don'ts that's pretty dang high on the don'ts list

"Good the fey will be a great ally. Now I must ask something of each of you. Have you wondered why I brought you all here."

2012-05-11, 06:52 PM
Miradal squints at him in suspicion, and flexes her hands a few times. "Yes, the fey will make a great allies... for me. On the other hand... I expected this eventually. As my people often say, 'if something is free, it has a bigger price than normal'. So, what's your price?"

2012-05-11, 07:07 PM
"The price is losing me. You see there was this gent a long time ago who decided owning the world would look grand on his resume. So he went out taking over bits and pieces but whenever he left an area they took it away. So he put folks in charge to handle things. They worked for him in the sense that they said they did and no one would take it from him. The people got power and he got to say that he ran the world. Now taking over the world is hard business but running it via business ain't. So I'm going to head out and try for another bit of the world while I give you some tools to keep New york under your control."

2012-05-11, 07:09 PM
Miradal grimaces "Oh yay, I get to try playing the guiding god again... Very well. I need fifty thousand gallons of Improved Alchemists fire. Then I can do the job very easily." She finishes this with an evil chuckle.

2012-05-11, 07:18 PM
Miradal grimaces "Oh yay, I get to try playing the guiding god again... Very well. I need fifty thousand gallons of Improved Alchemists fire. Then I can do the job very easily."
"Que pasa? I don't need you to guide things I need you to stomp out competitors the second I leave people are going to notice. If they think I'm still running things they're going to fight back but if it looks like you've beaten me than they'll fall to you."

2012-05-11, 07:20 PM
Miradal nods "I know, this is why I want fifty thousand gallons of improved alchemists fire. I will set myself up as the mightest being in the city. One no one will want to **** with. I want the compound delivered to the slums where we entered the city. I'm going to drown the displacer in it, and take its place. Then I'll have my very own swimming pool."

2012-05-11, 07:26 PM
"Well than head to the magic district go find the alchemists and muscle him I can't rightly go buying these things since my recent donation."

2012-05-11, 07:32 PM
"And I'd rather not muscle anyone unnecessarily. If I'm forced to kill him then there are consequences whether I do, or don't. Alright then, give me construction materials. Corrugated tin, in 10'x10' sections, I will need approximately ten thousand. I will also need about... 12 thousand ten foot lengths of steel piping... and... eight thousand elbow joints of the correct size to fit the pipes. Oh and 16 thousand zip ties."

2012-05-11, 07:45 PM
"Well you're not willing to muscle are you willing to steal?"

2012-05-11, 07:50 PM
"Before that, what were you going to give us?"

2012-05-11, 07:57 PM
"Before that, what were you going to give us?"

"An information network and my brother. I gather up a mess of food with some simple magic and give to the homeless they tell you what they saw and heard. That's all I ever had along with my own power. They tell me a new gang is trying to charge people protection money I stake things out and either recruit or destroy. They'll report to you giving you whatever information you need and than you do what you think is best. Hopefully you three will be able to handle things. Miradal knows dragons, Alie knows people, and Niquo knows magic. Together you should be able to use the information and run things."

2012-05-11, 08:29 PM
"I'm going to... Kill them. Gangs are good for nothing but bringing about disorder and Anarchy. Neither of which is good when trying to run an area. Unless you mean Organized Gang... like a mafia. Then they can actually be... helpful if you handle the appropriately."

2012-05-11, 08:37 PM
Niuqu chuckles at the mention of the donation. However, he frowns at Miradals desire to kill the gang members. "Hold on a second Miradal, Chaos is fantastic when trying to control an area. As long as that chaos is directed towards our competitors. We dangle a threat over their head, and a reward in front of them, and we can end up with a crew focused on causing chaos for everyone who gets in the way."

2012-05-11, 08:49 PM
"Street thug gangs are made up of idiots. You can only control them to a point. An organized criminal organization can be reasoned and bargained with. If they are organized they have discipline and the ability to reason. If not then they are trash, and should be dealt with."

2012-05-11, 09:23 PM
"So what you're saying is that we should wipe these guys out and build our own mafia?"

2012-05-11, 09:39 PM
"A Mafia has very large advantages over a street gang. Order, unity, the ability to compromise, the ability to reason, the ability to plan, the ability to foresee consequences, the ability to be self-checking. A Mafia doesn't go out of its way to draw attention. They would rather not be noticed, since that allows to them to work more effectively. We can use them as a police force, as well as for business."

2012-05-11, 09:49 PM
"Fantastic I'm glad I put my faith in you. There's apartments nearby that will take you in and their's a construction site nearby for all that metal you needed. Fetch your things and if you truly need me contact my brother he's got a direct line to me."

2012-05-11, 10:25 PM
"And the house? If you're taking it, I'm taking the stones with me."

2012-05-11, 10:54 PM
"Understandable just make sure the dragon doesn't find you. If you keep to china town he should ignore you but anywhere else and he's likely to squish you." he shakes each of your hands than gives you all a hug "I know you'll all do great things. Goodbye" than poof it's all gone, the lawn the orcwort the wortlings the house. And than Tardigrade falls having apparently been on the second floor and not warned in advance.

2012-05-11, 11:11 PM
"Well then, lets go find those apartments shall we?"
Niuqu sets off with his meager possessions.

2012-05-12, 02:25 PM
Miradal picks up the stones, and carries them in her bag as they go to look at these... 'apartments'.

2012-05-12, 03:03 PM
Right around the corner is a sign advertising just that "Cheap apartments. No pets, no otyugth, no aquatic based creatures, no species above large category."

2012-05-12, 03:13 PM
Miradal laughs, "What in the hells is an otyugth?! South like someone stepping in something."

2012-05-12, 09:36 PM
"I have no idea what an otyugh is, but with a name like that I'm glad they don't allow them. Lets check it out." Niuqu enters the building.

2012-05-12, 09:37 PM
Miradal makes her way inside, probably having to stoop and step in sideways.

2012-05-12, 10:07 PM
There is a very small counter with a pixie at it. "Welcome welcome" he floats up to you all.

2012-05-12, 10:20 PM
"We will be requiring sleeping quarters."

2012-05-12, 10:38 PM
"At once we've got a lovely apartment one bedroom and one bathroom. Kitchen big enough for three. Rent is about 200 gold a month."

2012-05-16, 06:48 AM
Niuqu chuckles at the mention of the donation. However, he frowns at Miradals desire to kill the gang members. "Hold on a second Miradal, Chaos is fantastic when trying to control an area. As long as that chaos is directed towards our competitors. We dangle a threat over their head, and a reward in front of them, and we can end up with a crew focused on causing chaos for everyone who gets in the way."

[ Hey doomboy, Im going to try and be more lawful as i now have a "mom" to look over me. May I move from CE to NE? And what kind of half am I? *facepalm*:smallsigh:]

Alie agrees, too busy eating to talk.

After reaching the apatments alie speaks to mira. "How in the Nine hells will one bedroom work?"

2012-05-16, 10:09 AM
Sure alignment change is fine if you act it.

2012-05-16, 12:38 PM
"By sleeping in shifts. Naturally this means that we will need to be working around the clock. I'm going to head to the Colosseum, and kill things."

2012-05-16, 02:13 PM
"I don't think working around the clock will be much of a problem considering the types of jobs we trend towards." Turning to the pixie, he bows, and says, "That will be sufficient, thank you. When do you require payment?"

2012-05-16, 02:18 PM
"Education for little dragons begins when I return. Unless he wants to come? Does this building need guards?"

2012-05-16, 02:33 PM
"The captain said that we would be safe in the chinatown district, so as long as we don't leave valuables lying about in our apartment we should be fine. By the way, how should we have the sleep schedule function? "

2012-05-16, 02:40 PM
"... The Dragon was the only thing we were told we would be safe from. I'm going to go to sleep." She enters the room, puts the Faery Stones together, and coils herself in a corner, resting her head on her tail. "Be quiet, or be dinner."

2012-05-16, 02:43 PM
Niuqu sighs and flies back to the temple of Boccob.

2012-05-16, 03:02 PM
The fairy notices the stone. ``end of the month for you three.``

2012-05-16, 04:02 PM
Niuqu knocks on the back door to the temple, as he did before.

2012-05-16, 07:51 PM
The door opens and you're yanked in. They toss you atop a throne and raise you up. "To Feathers claimer of gold."

2012-05-16, 08:16 PM
"Gaa! Put me down you ridiculous people! My name is not feathers, it's Niuqu, and just because I got several million gold returned to you does not mean I should be exalted as a king. Honestly, you act as if I just performed an impossible feat."

2012-05-16, 11:02 PM
"Relatively it was impossible. For those of us that were quite mighty we could not do it, so when one could it was improbable." there is some applause that goes above all us "Bravo mighty robber" there is a man dressed in black his hair slicked down his back. Skin pale and green eyes .

2012-05-17, 12:38 AM
"Nothing I say will change your minds about this will it?" Sighing, he lifts himself off the throne and approaches the man. "A robber am I? Well at least you aren't trying to make me out as a demigod. I don't believe we've met." Niuqu proffers his hand.

2012-05-17, 01:55 AM
Miradal moves, and coils around the faery portal instead.

2012-05-17, 06:35 AM
"Kuroi nice to meet'cha. You'll have to forgive these fools it's been a long time since we've run into any success.

2012-05-17, 09:26 AM
"That's too bad. Perhaps I can be of assistance in turning the tides? I'm in search of work, and I can think of no place I would rather have employ me than the temple of Boccob."

2012-05-17, 09:57 AM
"Well we do have some things." he throws his arm around your shoulder "But this wouldn't be the sort of job that is brought to the light. That you would go bragging about. If you're interested." he pats you on the head and walks out of the temple.

2012-05-17, 01:41 PM
"Fine by me, what's the job?"

2012-05-18, 09:15 PM
"Well the churches of Grumsh and Kord are having a little tourney and we plan on ending it. It's such a hassle for us magic users we head out and Kordites and grumshies(?) shove these magic users around if we fight back with magic they sue and act like didn't do anything. Magic shows a lot easier than a punch. We need someone to sneak in and make the two sides fight. They'll give us some respect and some business.

2012-05-18, 09:45 PM
Miradal gets up, finds Alie, and goes back to sleep coiled around the portal stone, and Alie.

2012-05-18, 09:51 PM
Miradal gets up, finds Alie, and goes back to sleep coiled around the portal stone, and Alie.

And than the dm exploded from an acute cuteness overload.

2012-05-18, 10:03 PM
"I rather like the idea, but how in the world am I supposed to get them to fight? I'm not the best liar in in the world, and I'm not sure I'd be able to convince them of anything. I might be able to come up with a plan, but I'd need more information about the two groups. If I give them something they already want to believe, then I might pull it off."

2012-05-18, 10:25 PM
"Well they've got a tournament coming up all we need is someone who seems like a nobody to go in and cheat for one team. Maybe throw one into a rage or a grease beneath ones feet. The tournament is in two days. Come by and I'll lead you at that point."

2012-05-18, 11:51 PM
"Ah, I see, I thought for a moment your were using tourney to refer to a minor feud. I doubt I'll need quite as much assistance as I implied. I think that all I will need is either a rust monster wand, and access to one of the tourney members equipment, or a seat in one of the supporter sections, and some non-magical forms of cheating, like a bunch of marbles, or some alchemical stuff. But I'll see you in two days we can discuss more then."

2012-05-18, 11:53 PM
((Or a friend to put them to shame and enter the arena with you.))

2012-05-19, 09:20 AM
"If that is what you'll need than that is what you'll get. He heads through a back room and comes back with a rust monster on a leash. "You'll have to teach this one a bit more tact. Zingani to make it eat and Muchadi to make it stop.

(Miradal I can picture you entering the ring and they just point to a sign reading "no girls allowed" with the s backwards and everything)

2012-05-19, 01:21 PM
Niuqu laughs. "I guess it is indeed my turn to be misinterpreted. I meant a rust monster wand, not an adult rust monster. You know, a glass tube with infant rust monsters? I suppose that this will work as well, perhaps better, because this way it will be clear to all that someone was tampering. How badly do you want him returned?" Niuqu takes the leash.

2012-05-19, 01:55 PM
"They are rather hard to tame so returning him would be nice."

2012-05-19, 02:59 PM
"Very well. I'll see you again before the tournament. I'll lie low till then."

2012-05-19, 05:02 PM
He hands you the leash and than walks down the alley."Lay low or high it doesn't matter" he than vanishes.

2012-05-21, 06:29 PM
Alie wakes up and finds that he is a makeshift teddy bear! He finds that he likes it, smiles, and go's back to sleep.

[I just got Alie dragon'ed up and now im working on his gear.]

2012-05-24, 11:37 AM
((We are all now waiting for the DM))

2012-05-24, 08:21 PM
Niquo returns to the apartment and the night progresses to morning.

2012-05-24, 09:18 PM
Miradal gets up, bounds out the door, and heads for the stadium.

2012-05-26, 09:08 PM
. . . And Niuqu goes off to bed.

2012-05-28, 10:59 PM
Ralasha manages to earn up a good bit of fight money (six k) between fights they have you in a back room where there is some water, a bit of food, some bandages. "Miradal?"

2012-05-29, 12:04 PM
Look around, continue eating.

2012-05-29, 01:09 PM
A shadow is cast upon the wall. "You've ruined things quite splendidly."

2012-05-29, 01:28 PM
Chuckle, and continue eating. Call out for someone to perform a run and fetch.

2012-05-31, 02:17 PM
Alie wakes up and find Mira gone. He sighs and streaches his wings and heads out.

He find a mage guild/shop/ whatever the Dm wants and heads in. "I need some things magicked up." He flashes his teeth just to show off.

(This is just a way of saying im now working on my gear.)

2012-05-31, 09:00 PM
'In fact you ruined a operation worth three years of planning."

2012-05-31, 09:02 PM
''In fact you ruined a operation worth three years of planning.")

"Oh? That's nice, though to be honest, I wouldn't have expected a few arena fights to cause anyone so much trouble." Miradal will send a mental summon to Allie, not urgent, but to make him aware she needs his assistance.

((Allie, remember, your character always knows where she is, just as she always knows where you are.))

2012-06-01, 07:05 PM
"This is not about some small arena fight this is about crime and punishment, war and peace we had great expectations but now without any pride or prejudice you ruined things."

2012-06-01, 07:07 PM
"Never put all of your eggs in one basket."

2012-06-05, 10:33 PM
Sorry about the delay no time to sleep and lots of school.
"How dare you imply that we are so foolish."
Roll a spot check

2012-06-05, 10:37 PM
spot check: [roll0]
"I neither implied, accused, nor said that you are foolish, but you really shouldn't lay everything on one plan. Then if anything goes wrong, you will fail."

2012-06-06, 12:11 PM
You see a few red dots on your shoulder and some on your chest.

2012-06-06, 04:09 PM
Miradal will stand up and begin heading towards the Arena. "If you won't ask for my help, I'm not going to offer it. If you attack me, I'll hunt you all down and kill you, you little tasty morsels."

2012-06-06, 10:30 PM
Alie thinks about it, and heads off to go get Mira. Perhaps he can try out his new tricks?

"I got a great chance of doing something." He thinks to himself. "Mira is always messing up the city."

[Doom, You got a whole party boss fight or something? My plot sense is going off.]

2012-06-06, 11:43 PM
(Whole party boss fight? I doubt it, at least for the moment. Niuqu is still asleep. Foreshadowing for one though? Yeah. . .)

2012-06-11, 09:41 PM
"Morsels we are not much of but we are a force unlike any other. "You are under arrest for interfering with a police operation."

2012-06-11, 09:42 PM
[As alie reached mira yet?}

2012-06-11, 09:52 PM
Indeed outside the arena people are being evacuated and there's two squad cars and what looks like a S.W.A.T van and a tank made a baby. It has the large holding cell of the van but the treads of the tank. Written along it are a great deal of magical runes.

2012-06-11, 11:07 PM
"Oh. Well, you should have said so in the first place, of course I'll come with you. I had no idea I had interfered with any investigation, although I do know that you have to warn someone about that before you can arrest them for it. As I was not informed of my actions having any impact I am legally an innocent civilian. Though I may be able to assist in correcting whatever I may have done to cause this issue." Miradal begin heading outside. "You do of course realize that if I wanted to resist... I would, and there isn't much you could do about it, next week I was going to go kill the thing living in the pit over in the slums for a bit of fun. Build some houses, an artificial cave for a lair... I'm going to need to speak with my childe before we go though, the little guy will probably not survival long without his mommy, so I'll need to set him up with some friends of mine. Considering you immediately decided use of lethal force is valid, I will assume you to be evil." Miradal suddenly turns around. (Urgent summons to Allie) Miradal resumes walking towards the exit. "However, since you haven't shot yet, I'll just assume you to be unreasoning cowards instead of some evil little morsels. Tasty, tasty, evil little morsels. Mmmm, I wonder if anything evil will be in the jail with me... Food."

2012-06-11, 11:24 PM
Out of the shadows steps the lady you meant in the warehouse now dressed in police uniform. Two tall blokes with guns come out of their hiding places ."Tranquilizer darts and tazers standard issue for C class threats. It's also believed that you might have some information on the man you carried into the warehouse and the one you chased out. If you can provide adequate information than we can get you some community service eating delicious evil creatures. Also the police are not evil just the guys down in the lab. Always bringing the skeletons back to life and having them arm wrestle."

2012-06-12, 04:39 AM
"You can put down your guns. I'm not going to engage you in combat. If I were, at least one of you would already be dead. I'm just waiting for my child, as I said. When he gets here and I talk to him, then we can go. Next order of business. The man I carried there deals in dragon-eggs. We were planning on taking down several of the major players in that trade together. Looks as though we won't be able to. He sometimes goes to the arena. The other man... I haven't a clue who he might be, though I can guess he's a buyer for the eggs, or a handyman for one of the buyers. Anything else you would like to know while we wait?"

2012-06-12, 01:02 PM
"Oh no you're allowed to run a bust on some dragon eggs which is actually some very important information. We simply require you to have a vigilante license it lets us call you up for court to provide evidence if you take down someone important just don't go killing minor threat unless they threaten an innocent. And with the information you provided we'll be able to get you that community service we simply need you to help us hunt down the one who went into the sewers."

2012-06-12, 05:06 PM
"Only one foreseeable problem from my perspective. I, having committed no acts against the police, am being arrested. I'll get those eggs, hatch them, and raise the young. But, since I'm going to be sitting in a jail cell shortly, actually doing it may prove rather difficult."

2012-06-14, 11:32 PM
[ Im saying i get their by now, Ill edit if I need]
Alie shows up and see the blokes with guns. He swops down and LITERALLY lands on Mira shoulder, hand on revolver. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Alie roars. "Mira, what in the nine hells is going on?"

2012-06-15, 05:08 PM
"Calm down, I'd rather you didn't get shot. Apparently I did something bad I was unaware of before. If violence was needed my child, they would be dead, try to remember that. In any case..." Miradal hands Allie her gold winnings. "This should take care of the rent for a while, I'll need you to watch the Fairy Portal, make sure nothing happens to it. I should be back soon, they just want my help with something, and I guess smashing sections of the ground into powder doesn't qualify as low profile, so tomorrow I'm going to talk to my mommy if they try to keep me in jail. In either case, I'll be back in a couple of days at most." She pats his head.