View Full Version : [3.5]Tomb of Horrors, but one of many threads to come... =P

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2011-10-28, 02:50 PM
Pharrah nods, "I think so too. But it must be special in some way..."
She closes her eyes for a few moments.
"It's like a normal ring of fire resistance, but it stores the flames that it protects from."
She scoops up Harley's torch, and places the ring on her finger to illustrate.
The flames enter the ring as before, finally snuffing out the torch, and she creates a Light.
"At the wearer's discretion, she can throw the ring down, as if breaking an egg, and all the flame and fire will be released outward, with certain amounts of collected flame determining how large the area will be... The wearer is then blinked out of range, to relative safety."

Also, did the throne ever do more than sink?
Nope. Straight sink.

When the other get one, Quin is going to knock out the rest of the mote's. Then examine the crypts.
All of the Motes are inside crypts.

Quin's inspection of Leonard yields nothing sinister, but he appears to have reverted back to the state when they'd first found him.
Twitching, eyes darting all over.

Harley, juggling his daggers, walks across the sand toward Winky and Prescott.
"Hey, Prescott! Your Archon should have been able to to hear and translate what those Mummy's were saying right?"

2011-10-28, 03:19 PM
"Yes, I believe so... and Pharrah, do you still have your Tongues ability active?" Prescott walks over to the west side of the room, retreiving his nigh-immovable rod from its position, resolute against the edge of the now-closed doors. He looks around as Quin tends to everyone and the party generally sorts itself after the battle.

"Where is Welby?"

I don't think we really had time to notice he was gone, aside from Pete and Daina who were looking and talked about it.

So do we only get a point when we kill Acererak? This game is rigged! :smalltongue:

2011-10-28, 03:27 PM
Pharra blinks, "What Tongues ability?"
As Winky proceeds to relate to Harley what he'd heard, Daina tries to explain to Prescott.
She points to the devil's head in the corner of the room.
"There was one of those things at the front of the Tomb, with a sphere of annihilation inside of it..."
She bites her lip.
"I think I saw Welby fly up, and he was sucked in. I think he's gone..."

So do we only get a point when we kill Acererak? This game is rigged!
Not rigged, it all just depends on who's keeping score and how they're counting.
But if it makes you feel any better, replacing all these monsters and traps might put a dent in his cheque book.

2011-10-28, 03:44 PM
"Not ability, the spell rather. I didn't know if you had cast it again after meeting us two days ago.

He looks balefully at the demon's head and black maw when Daina points it out. "Damnation! Snuffed out just like that... we must finish this quest posthaste and cease the deaths in our band." He tries not to hold Daina's gaze overlong at this statement, but as soon as he says he is acutely aware of how much better this combat went over the last one. Funny how not getting shot to hell from behind can change things.

"Quin, will you be able to rid us of those swarms before Eduardo's influence wavers? We won't want them buzzing up behind us as we proceed... and it would seem to me that the passage beyond the throne is where we ought to look next, unless anyone is eager to find out whether there's another mummy behind door number three to the north."

Well, as long as the souped-up demilich, master of of billions of undead, gets a really big dry-cleaning bill for the mummy blood we're spattering everywhere, I guess we can call it a good day's work.

2011-10-28, 03:53 PM
Quin shakes his head "In the beginning of the Tome, the Lich was weeding out the unintelligent, now I think he wishes to humiliate us himself. Welby was likely transported to another part o the tome. One can only hope that is so. I would miss the young fellow. What can you tell about the other objects recovered? And who should get the ring?"

2011-10-28, 04:17 PM
"No... I wasn't expecting mummies..."
Daina doesn't look at Prescott either.
Evidently she was thinking the exact same thing.
Pharrah enters a trance again, holding each object in turn.
Sorting through the Items, she eventually manages to sort the charms and good luck bracelets and jewellery from the armor and brooch and the sickle and the cloak.
"All of these," she gestures to the charms, 'Aren't really worth much. The cloak is one of resistance, and the armor and the sickle are magically enhancing."
She bounces the amulet in the palm of her black gloved hands.
"This is a brooch of shielding. as for the ring, assuming both of the mummies had one, that'd make two. I'd like one."
Harley examines the sickle with interest, before reaching to examine the brooch.
"That north door? With the violet? Welby did think we should check every door-what makes you so sure it didn't kill him outright, Quin?"

2011-10-28, 04:28 PM
"The demon read as Evocation when I scanned it last night... so I do not think it is a Conjuration teleporting affect. Who knows... in any event, eager as I normally am to open any doors before making decisions, I'd rather we investigate the obviously-occluded path behind the throne first. It seems more likely to be a place we're not supposed to be. We can leave mapmaking thoroughness for a time when the gods are not beseiged."

I have an SRD at my disposal, of course, but I'll let Prescott roll to see if he recalls spheres of annihilation are transmutation based. Kn: Arcana [roll0] There's always the direct intervention of a deity to bank on... maybe Welby comes back in the epilogue with Tymora's blessing!

Them mummies wear mighty fine armor. Might be of interest to someone!

2011-10-28, 04:28 PM
"I should be able to deal with them shortly. I would prefer that those with magically damaging spells assist me, or those with weapons that can effect them assist me. While I can not be damaged by their negative energy abilities, I can be injured by the blood suckers themselves. I would alos like a ring, but if anyone else wishes one I suppose I don't need it that much. The cloak should go to anyone who does not have one. I care not for the amulet.

I simply can not believe that Welby is lost to us forever. I also find it strange that the lich would devise such a specific area for people to be killed. Why not the entire area? Anyway, it matters but little now. We should check all the doors and then examine the throne once more."

2011-10-28, 04:40 PM
Raised from the brink of death and now fully healed Maki walks towards the group to join the discussion.

" ... What kind of Armor was it again? Tough i believe the one Daina gave me is better... I would like the cape since it seems im one of the few who doesnt have one ... and well the ring does seem pretty nice... "

So as Eduardo Sayd Maki has DeathWard right?

2011-10-28, 04:49 PM
maybe Welby comes back in the epilogue with Tymora's blessing!
Well, first the zombie gargoyle has to catch and kill him first...

So as Eduardo Sayd Maki has DeathWard right?

Kn: Arcana (1d20+24)[44]
yeaaaaaaaah, he definitely remembers...

Pharrah hands Quin the ring, "I suppose its charged up for you. I can lob a Fireball and charge it up more too, but that might damage whatever's inside."
Harley hefts the ragged cloak.
"Smells like dead."
He leaves it on the sand.
"I'll see to the door."
Pharrah snaps her fingers, "We can order them into the air! Whatever took Welby will take them too!"

Pharrah points, "Halfplate. Magically enhanced. And the cloak is yours. I think Harley wants the brooch..."
He nods.
"...and Quin and I are claiming rings. He's got the first one."
She picks up the sickle.

2011-10-28, 04:49 PM
"Except that Welby might have to deal with them? But I guess he really is gone then. Very well."

Lol if Prescott is wrong.....
Also, how enchanted were the armor and sickle?

2011-10-28, 04:52 PM
Lol if Prescott is wrong.....
meh, it'll only make a terrible day fractionally worse.

Also, how enchanted were the armor and sickle?
+2 for each.
Though Maki will look odd...
They're Egyptian style and for a woman...
Perhaps if he's interested, he should take the Mummy Lords

2011-10-28, 04:55 PM
meh, it'll only make a terrible day fractionally worse.

+2 for each.
Though Maki will look odd...
They're Egyptian style and for a woman...
Perhaps if he's interested, he should take the Mummy Lords

And the cloak? Also Naa Maki has just the right Armor for him XD he is getting full dex to AC and a +8 on Armor with that Mithril Breastplate XD

2011-10-28, 04:55 PM
"Bah, a dwarf can never have two many weapons. I'll take the sickle if no one else wants it."

+2? Better than anything I have right now. It's martial right? Hmm... Non prof sucks....

2011-10-28, 05:03 PM
And the cloak? Also Naa Maki has just the right Armor for him XD he is getting full dex to AC and a +8 on Armor with that Mithril Breastplate XD

Resistance +2
Frayed and dirty, but usable.

+2? Better than anything I have right now. It's martial right? Hmm... Non prof sucks....

Simple Light Weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/weapons.htm#sickle)
Sigh, I remember 2nd Edition, you could spend more points or whatever they were called back then to be proficient with an entire GROUP of weapons.
Good times.

Pharrah lets him have it, then goes to investigate the weapons and items dropped by the Mummy Lord.
She returns with a ring identical to Quin's, and an odd looking gold sword.
Another cloak of resistance, holds more armor, another brooch and various charms.
Leaving Leonard with Dranga, Daina plucks the brooch from the Apprentice, and begins to appraise the collected charms.
"Okay," Harley grunts. "I'll have a look at the doors while you guys get rid of the motes? Don't enter the rooms until I give the say so..."

2011-10-28, 05:06 PM
"Now that I think about it, that is not how a sphere of annihilation should be reading at all... I did not detect any transmutation. Whatever happened to Welby, it was not as simple as annihilation.

"Acererak didn't need to trap the whole area - Daina said he was sucked in. Perhaps we should all keep our feet firmly on the ground... I think I'll keep my rod in hand, come to think of it. But sending the motes to the same fate as whatever atomized Welby seems a fitting way to end them."

No item dibs for Prescott, he's happy with his gear. Maybe he'll take some mummy dust as a trophy. It'll match my creepy mummy graft hand. I was pretty useful this time! Is a happy. :smallsmile:

2011-10-28, 05:31 PM
"OOooh A sword. Whats it do?" Quin asks before heading off to deal with the motes.

Heading out for the night, got a game to see.

2011-10-28, 05:36 PM
" Lets make a body check just in case ok then Daina Prescott Quin Eduardo Dranga Parrah Harley ... Where is Leonard? "

2011-10-28, 05:41 PM
"OOooh A sword. Whats it do?" Quin asks before heading off to deal with the motes.
What's he doing?
Command Undead?
Or will he let Pharrah do it?

Dranga nudges Leonard forward.
He doesn't say anything, and only stares at his feet.
Pharrah holds the desert sword, and grunts, "Feels the same way the sickle did. I think its called a khopesh (http://1501bc.com/files/khopesh/weapons10.jpg)."
She gives the weapon a flick, and smiles.
"Oh, I like that..."
Daina stuffs the charms and other items into one of her bags, then stands brushing off black sand.
"What now? Quin or Pharrah getting rid of the bloodmotes?"

2011-10-28, 07:15 PM
"Hmmph." Pete shakes his head and walks southward. As he nears the south wall he pockets his ring of feather falling and drops his bow. Then he begins climbing upward, slowly, in search of the wind above.

2011-10-28, 09:47 PM
Pharrah sees Pete pockt the ring and discerns his intention.
"Pete, with the gods above and below as my witnesses, if you do what I know you're planning on doing, I'll kill you myself."

2011-10-29, 08:51 AM
"Its nice. If you want it go ahead, otherwise I'll take the Khopesh instead. I plan on commanding the undead to go away, forcing them into the stream of air."

0.0 now you have to run an egyptian campaign... Like a DND version of all the Mummy movies..

That would be so pro.

Anyway, that campaign could wait until after the Return.

2011-10-29, 09:16 AM
Anyway, that campaign could wait until after the Return.
Waaaay, ahead of you, Elfstone.
Way ahead of you.
Return will feature less of the metaplot...
...but more of a focus on 'origins'...

Pharrah grunts, "Okay, you take the khopesh. You use it like a longsword, but can use it to trap then suddenly stab your opponent..."
She sticks the blade out to Quin, hilt first, keeping an eye on Pete.
The gold pommel is an alligator, also with a skull in its mouth.
Daina peers into the crypts, wrinkling her nose at her own memories of the bloodmotes, "Alright Quin, get rid of 'em!"

The Desert Blade (Khopesh):
Can be used for Trip Attacks
Special Ability 1: Shines with a black 'light' in sunlight
Special Ability 2: Sand no longer bothers the wielder. So no more grating in the loincloth.

The sickle is the same, but with appropriate stats for a sickle +2

APPARENTLY, Unearthed Arcana DOES include Weapon Group Feats...
I'm going to investigate more...

2011-10-29, 09:19 AM
Pete pauses and turns to look at Pharrah thoughtfully. You know, Pharrah, Pete does not mind Pharrah reading Pete. Pete is accustomed to being read by not Pharrah. Pete minds Pharrah and not Pharrah reading Pete aloud. Some things are better not said aloud. Does Pharrah not agree? "Can you scan the upper sections of this wall for conjuration?" Pete replies after several moments of silence.

2011-10-29, 09:28 AM
"There's an overwhelming aura of conjuration on the back wall, high up..."
Pharrah makes no indication that she's heard Pete's 'thoughtful' message.
"And stop staring at me."

2011-10-29, 09:41 AM
"Thank you, Pharrah." Pete says as he retrieves his bow and begins scribbling something in the sand.

2011-10-29, 09:45 AM
She only grunts again, letting Quin take the khopesh before turning to watch Harley gently push the violet door open...

Pictures, Map, and Description Incoming.

2011-10-29, 10:09 AM
Hmmm. So tempted to Duel weild the sickle and the Khopesh.. Oh well. Anyway, After enough attacks/use can Quin gain proficiency with a weapon? I use the following house rules for all my games (http://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=116896).

But specifically I was requesting this rule.
You can become proficient with any weapon by training with it for (7 days - your BAB, minimum 1 day) and making an Int check. The DC is 5 for Simple weapons, 10 for Martial weapons, 15 for Exotic weapons. You cannot take 10 on this check. If this check fails you can try again from the beginning, but if it fails by 5 or more you cannot reattempt to learn that weapon until your BAB permanently improves.

Also, if you could link the special actions rules you implimented, and add this one(IS you use it) to the thread with all of our stats in it so we can have a central location to view it, I would appreciate it.

2011-10-29, 11:17 AM
You can become proficient with any weapon by training with it for (7 days - your BAB, minimum 1 day) and making an Int check. The DC is 5 for Simple weapons, 10 for Martial weapons, 15 for Exotic weapons. You cannot take 10 on this check. If this check fails you can try again from the beginning, but if it fails by 5 or more you cannot reattempt to learn that weapon until your BAB permanently improves.
I like this.
Fine, but all DCs increase by 5.
And 10 Days - BAB, minimum 1 day

Definitely gonna make use of a few of these... (http://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=116896)

I use the following house rules for all my games.
Some of these are good.
I'll check 'em out for Return and Lost Caverns.
Not going to do a switch mid-game, and I'd have to redesign characters/monsters to reflect the changes, and I don't want to do that right now.

Also, if you could link the special actions rules you implimented, and add this one(IS you use it) to the thread with all of our stats in it so we can have a central location to view it, I would appreciate it.
Desperately have to update that thing...

2011-10-29, 11:27 AM
Most all of them are good, except for the few that are designed for a specific setting.

Quins Int check For Longswords. [roll0]

2011-10-29, 12:26 PM
I Invented a weapon too :smallbiggrin: Its called Kord's Fury!

Weapon: +1 Greatsword (+3)

This weapon works as a +1 Greatsword on normal hands . When the user Rages however...

This weapon functions as a +3 Greatsword with the followeing ability's

1- Adrenaline Rush: 3 times per day the wielder of the sword can add his Con Modifier to any Str Check (Overrun Trip Bullrush etc)

2- Raging Will/Reflexes : 2 times per day the user can add his Con modifier to modify a Will or Reflex save.

3- Blood Blade: Once a day the wearer can choose to channel his rage into the weapon. The effect uses up one of the Wielder's Rage uses for the day but turns the weapon into a glowing red blood blade that strikes as if with the Wraithstrike spell (from the Magical spell compendium) Till the end of the turn.


"So what now? Where is Acererak? Is he just going to keep sending his minions after us? "

How come we are in Greyhawk and Maki hasnt met Kord yet? XD ... Perhaps Maki IS Kord's reincarnation!

2011-10-29, 12:29 PM
Eduardo manages not to clutch his arm painfully, instead watching as Harley pushes the violet lit door open.
"It wasn't even lock-"
The light brightens, and sickly green spots flicker amongst the violet light.
The 10-foot-square chamber contains many martial war decorations, which consist of crossed swords over round shields. A total of eight sets of crossed swords hang on the walls of this room with three on each east and west wall, and two flanking the north and south doors.

The Demon heads... Blue, right, and east. Green, left, and west.

The Mummy Lady's Crypt...

Throne Passage Revealed?
Quins Int check For Longswords. (1d20+3)[13]

You can become proficient with any weapon by training with it for (710 days - your BAB, minimum 1 day) and making an Int check.

Quin must train, then make his Intelligence Check.
And he fails, whether or not its Martial or Exotic, with the khopesh being an Exotic Weapon.
Not a longsword.

Post away gentlemen...


How come we are in Greyhawk and Maki hasnt met Kord yet? XD ... Perhaps Maki IS Kord's reincarnation!
1. This is NOT Greyhawk...
2. Kord's busy.

Kord's Fury!
Sounds sweet. If you're willing to pay for it...
Maki can have it for Return or Caverns...

2011-10-29, 12:49 PM
Quin twirls the unique sword a few times before almost dropping it. "Perhaps a bit more training is in order before I use this in battle." Quin says.

He the advances toward the room newly opened and casts Detect Magic before scanning the room with his sight.

Yeah I know. =(

2011-10-29, 02:10 PM
Detect Magic reveals no auras.

Maki is assaulted by yet another vision...
Priestess of Kord, Ilyena Blindeyes, screams his name again.
Holding the High Priest's bleeding head in her lap, she rocks back and forth screaming his name.
The Temple Guardians come running, fists holding a bolt of lightning with a greatsword projecting upwards out of the fist emblazoned on their shields.
"What has happened!"
"We were discussing his address for later today..."
One of the Guards tries to lift her to her feet, but she pushes him away.
"...then he cried out, 'Where is Acererak?'"
She points to Lav's bloodied nose and ears, "And it started pouring out..."
She shakes her head, sobbing, and they try to pry her from Yav Lighbringer IV, but she won't let go, struggling against them.
"The blessed of Kord has fallen! Leave me!"
"We must let one of the lesser priests investigate, High Priestess..."
They break her free, and the body, still clutching its own symbol of Kord slumps behind the altar.
They take the High Priestess kicking and screaming from the Temple proper, yelling aloud, "WHY KORD!?!?! WHHHHHHHHY!??!?!?!"

Shrugging, Daina points to the throne, "He could be thattaway..."
And then looks to where Quin, Eduardo and Harley are investigating.
"Or through there..."
She tugs on her braid and stalks off, "Can we get rid of those bloodmotes so we can check the crypts?"

Prescott doesn't escape the visions either...
He sees an apprentice, risen early to prepare her Master's experiements for the day...
She sweeps the floors.
Measures ingredients and lines the measuring tools as he prefers.
Grinding herbs into a poultice, blood suddenly bursts from her nose.
"Acererak didn't need to trap the whole area..."
A small gasp escapes from her lips, and she covers her mouth in fear of waking her mas-
She never finishes the thought as more blood spurts from her ears, and she drops to her knees, sagging in her robes.
Her body shakes as her last breath rattles through her teeth, then goes still.

2011-10-29, 02:27 PM
"Harley, want to summon a celestial dog inside the room? I'll deal with the crypts in just a second."

2011-10-29, 02:29 PM
"I don't think it'll work... And I don't see any obvious traps..."

2011-10-29, 02:35 PM
Pete looks at the columns again and silently counts down from four on his fingers. He glances at Quin for a moment and then stands and approaches Harley. "How do you feel?" Pete inquires as he begins to slowly inspect the open door.

2011-10-29, 02:47 PM
Pete inquires as he begins to slowly inspect the open door.

Dranga examines Pete's scrawlings with curiosity.
Harley smiles, "I feel alright... Scared. But alright."
He takes a step into the room.
Nothing happens.
Other than its magical properties of the violet and green speckled light, there's nothing odd about the door.
Good solid wood, lined with lead and steel bolts.

2011-10-29, 02:47 PM

I don't like this at ALL Oasy...

Quin shrugs and leaves the new room untouched. "Lets save that one for later. Which crypt should we do first? And Pharrah, are you ready?"

2011-10-29, 02:50 PM

I don't like this at ALL Oasy...
It's ALWAYS worse when nothing happens.
Or is it?

Harley shrugs, patting Pete on the shoulder, "Roger roger."
Pharrah nods, "We can do them at the same time, Command Undead, and order them into the air above..."

2011-10-29, 03:03 PM
Maki kicks the floor as he wonders around the chamber.

"Damn wish there was something i could do... "

2011-10-29, 03:04 PM
"I was going to attempt to turn them, while facing the windy area, so they would be forced into the face... I didn't prepare command undead, I prepared mostly buff and offensive spells."

2011-10-29, 03:07 PM
"I thought it'd be prudent. You do your end. I'll do mine."
She turns, then stops.
"You're going to need someone to lure them out?"

2011-10-29, 03:16 PM
"Perhaps a Celestial Monkey now? This IS combat..."

Quin plans to burn every single charge from that wand.

2011-10-29, 03:20 PM
Eduardo raises a hand, "There is no need for that, I have the necessary spell at hand... Save your efforts Quin."

2011-10-29, 03:36 PM
"Very well."

I had forgotten he was out of town for the weekend..

2011-10-29, 03:45 PM
Pete's frown fades a little as he listens to the others and examines the door. What was it again? Anaia stegemioa sifertu sahireh edem... Something like that, assuming it was all audible to human ears. Pete says nothing as he continues his search.

2011-10-29, 03:49 PM
Taking out another piece of fetid raw meat and a bone splinter, Eduardo begins the spell...
"By the strength of my will..."
The Bloodmotes buzz angrily, still cowed by Eduardo's power.
"...I command you..."
On her side, Pharrah recites similar words, holding up her hands, and gesturing upwards...
"...obey my commands! And riiiiiiiiiiise!"
Furiously, the Bloodmotes pour from the crypts, twin clouds rising into the air...
They hang for a moment, but Eduardo urges them higher, where the swarm is caught by the wind, and carried north...
The air smells like blood, and then each swarm vanishes into the mouth of one of the devils.
Lowering his arms, Eduardo nods.
"Your search should be considerably easier now."

As Pete continues his search of the chamber, nothing sinister takes place...
Each of the shields is round, and in excellent condition.
The swords are also well taken care of sharpened and polished.
Large weapons for mighty warriors.
They may be adamant but he can't be too sure...

2011-10-29, 03:50 PM
Quin scans both the crypts for magical aura's and searches them both thoroughly.

By taking twenty. And that was pretty epic.

2011-10-29, 03:54 PM
Daina and Harley wait patiently for Quin to perform his scan.
He finds no magical auras, and they don't find much either by the time he's done.
Daina finds eight jars, with the heads of animals atop them and more trinkets and charms.
"Worthless junk."
Harley keeps looking, searching among the tattered wrappings, ruined cloth and discarded pottery.
Then he looks inside the sarcophagi, scattering more wrapping and a few hidden scarab beetles who scuddle to new hiding places.
"Hello! What's this?"

2011-10-29, 03:57 PM
Not searching the chamber, just trying to get a description of the open door. Indicated I'd give Pete four rounds to examine the door. Four full rounds searches, two repeated for each side, rolled. Anything to observe/conclude from those?
I left out that the door revealed nothing unusual...
Well, other than the magical glow on the outside part.

2011-10-29, 04:16 PM

That's not how Eduardo talks. He would say something like... " And now that's taken care of i will go back to meditate... im the master of death"

... I kinda wonder how Maki would act if i gave you control of him for the weekend XD

Maki gets closer to where the bloodmotes used to be

" Sooo... You think i should get in and investigate? "

2011-10-29, 04:26 PM
That's not how Eduardo talks. He would say something like... " And now that's taken care of i will go back to meditate... im the master of death"
He's never said that!

... I kinda wonder how Maki would act if i gave you control of him for the weekend XD

Harley waves Maki over, "Yeah, have a look inside the other sarcophogus and tell me what you see."

2011-10-29, 04:26 PM
Pete steps back from the door and goes to stand by Winky.

2011-10-29, 04:52 PM
Hey, Prescott! What were you scribbling in the sand over there?

2011-10-29, 05:29 PM
Maki Wouldnt say thaaat Quiche's have cheese Maki HATES cheese.

" All right then... "

Maki goes towards the Sarcofagus and examines it before opening it... Then if he doesnt find anything weird around it or hieroglyphics telling hil its dangerous to open it he opens it.

Take 20

2011-10-29, 05:33 PM
The sarcophagus is already opened. Tosses aside when the Mummy's had awoken.
Wrappings and charms and sand line the bottom of the sarcophagus, and a few scarab bettles scuttle away from Maki's shadow.
Daina is with him, holding a torch to give the barbarian light.
"There's some metal thing at the bottom!"

2011-10-29, 05:38 PM
" Lets see what it is... "

Maki takes out his Bastard sword and makes it catch on fire.

" FLAME ON! ... I love to say that "

Then he uses the flaming sword to push around what's on the bottom of the sarcophagus.

2011-10-29, 05:39 PM
That was a really bad idea.. Dry mummy dust+fire=BOOOM

Quin learned that the fun way =)

2011-10-29, 05:42 PM
"Oh Winky. I think the tomb is getting to you too. This is Pete. Prescott is over there." Pete says sympathetically. "I was just attempting to get an idea of the minimum pressure gradient involved in that conjuration effect south of us. The short answer is that it's not something we should look into right now."

2011-10-29, 05:42 PM
That was a really bad idea.. Dry mummy dust+fire=BOOOM

Quin learned that the fun way =)

C'mon what's the chance of that happening twice?

2011-10-29, 05:49 PM
I guess it has... Those Mummy's were terrifying... But if the conjuration is magically conjuring wind, wouldn't there be no gradient? Just a full wind generated at a fixed point?

Daina shakes her head as Maki searches through the priceless artifact with the flaming bastard sword.
Terrified scarab beetles and spiders and a large scorpion flee the flames, hiding once more, and the steel latch is revealed.
Circular with a handle dividing it in half, it rests at the bottom of the sarcophagus where the Mummy's head would rest.
"Well, that's interesting. Let's go tell Harley."

C'mon what's the chance of that happening twice?
Famous Last Words.

2011-10-29, 05:54 PM

Quin nod and walks out of the crypt calling "Hey harley, come check this out. We found a hatch."

He then examines the other crypt for a possible matching hatch.

2011-10-29, 05:57 PM
" Right-O "

Maki says while getting away from the coffin.

" Hey! Harley! Come take a look at this! "

2011-10-29, 06:09 PM
"Well, the nearest to a closed system effect from conjuration would be a creation of air, but to impel it and guide it away from the floor you would need evocation, which would itself be adequate without a conjuration. Pharrah detected conjuration, and the tomb's design, structure and location are all suggestive of a highly talented conjurer. I did explore that scenario, but I consider it the fourth most likely. In any case, a creation spell would still produce, and in this case more than others, a very large pressure gradient. And as I said before, all probable scenarios suggest we would be better off investigating other possibilities first, to the point of virtual exclusion of the conjuration effect."

2011-10-29, 06:57 PM
"Ah, Pete. Pete. Pete, Pete, Pete... You don't understand magic at all! The spell doesn't create air... It doesn't create pressure to move the air. It creates wind! The whole package! Wind! Magic!"He shines a little more brightly, as close to a smile as he can get.
"Look at me! I don't even have lungs, a throat with vocal cords or a mouth! But I could still talk in a vacuum! The magic doesn't create the vibrations that carry sound! It creates speech! Words! It's magic!"

"It's more of a handle than a 'hatch' Quin."
He follows the dwarf, and Eduardo in turn, follows him.
"...about large enough for a single person to take ahold of, turn and pull it. Steel."
In the crypt, Harley peers into the sarcophagus Maki had 'searched'.
He looks at the burnt wrappins, then at the barbarian, then to the flaming sword.
Then he does it again.
Shaking his head, he mutters, "I don't even want to know..."
"Anyways, there are two of these handles. Steel, one in each sarcophagus."
He points to runes around the edge.
"'If you release Death...', and in the other sarcophagus, '...you must feed him.'"
"'If you release Death, you must feed him?'"
"So we're going to leave these alone then?"
"I would think so."

2011-10-29, 07:06 PM
Quin says "I have the best POSSIBLE protection from death abilities. I fear nothing that the undead can do to me. Why shouldn't we open these?"

Honestly, I have just started to follow the age old "Do whatever your DM hints NOT to do. And do nothing he hints to do."

Just for kicks and giggles. :smallwink:

2011-10-29, 07:20 PM
Harley grins.
"That's easy for you to say, you can't reach into the sarcophagus without climbing in anyways."

Honestly, I have just started to follow the age old "Do whatever your DM hints NOT to do. And do nothing he hints to do."

But, I've had NPCs say to do and not to do things, with good or bad results, it could literally go either way!

2011-10-29, 07:21 PM
Quin says "I have the best POSSIBLE protection from death abilities. I fear nothing that the undead can do to me. Why shouldn't we open these?"

Honestly, I have just started to follow the age old "Do whatever your DM hints NOT to do. And do nothing he hints to do."

Just for kicks and giggles. :smallwink:

Still Have Death Ward right?

" I see nothing wrong with Quin's suggestion.... Who wants to pull on the other handle while i pull on this one? "

2011-10-29, 07:49 PM
"I'll do it."
Daina shakes her head, "Men..."
Harley shrugs, "...what's the worse that could happen?"
"We do have to be thorough... And Maki and Quin do have their Death Wards and protections..."

Just for kicks and giggles.
I try not to tell you guys what to do. Or what not to do.
I just try to let you know that there are things to do.

Reward for good roleplaying.
Behold Dresden, unhooded.

2011-10-29, 07:52 PM
So the only way to win is not to play huh?

Quin gives Harley an odd face :smallannoyed: before saying "Perhaps, but I won't smack my head on anything in a low tunnel" before hopping over and scanning the hatch with his magical sight then giving it a gentle pull.

Oops, I missed that.

2011-10-29, 07:53 PM
Why what did Maki do it was Harley XD

So how is Dresden Faring against the Shogghot or whaever it is he was facing?

" All right then "

Maki does likewise with the other lever.

2011-10-29, 08:32 PM

So, Quin is inside the sarcophagus with Harley and Eduardo watching.
And Maki is reaching into the other one, with Daina there?

So how is Dresden Faring against the Shogghot or whaever it is he was facing
You've never heard of him? He's the single most badass monster in D&D. There are threads and pages devoted just on how to kill him.
The fact that this one is undead says loads about Acererak!

So the only way to win is not to play huh?
Of course not. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0606.html)
The only way to win is to play better than Acererak.

2011-10-29, 08:40 PM
So, Quin is inside the sarcophagus with Harley and Eduardo watching.
And Maki is reaching into the other one, with Daina there?

After Quin checks both of them for Magic but yes.

2011-10-29, 08:42 PM
After scanning the bottom of each sarcophagus, Quin finds a decided lack of magic in both.
As they slip their hands around each handle, Quin and Maki, in both crypts find that they turn, left and right, respectively, rather easily.
Pulling yields no results. It won't move.
"Try pushing?" Harley suggests.
"Maybe it goes down?" says Daina.

2011-10-29, 08:45 PM
" Nope... they wont go down... Just like Daina :smallbiggrin: I think we are supposed to turn them... Ok Quin on the count of three?!"

2011-10-29, 08:45 PM
Nonsense. I have 12th level PC(Admitedly, they ARE gestalt)s that could take them down. I demand THIS (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=218055)


"Absolutely. Three, two. ONE" HE calls out to the other crypt, turning at the same time as he says one.

2011-10-29, 08:46 PM
Check the map-separate crypts.

Nonsense. I have 12th level PC(Admitedly, they ARE gestalt)s that could take them down. I demand THIS
That's the one I'm using.

"I thought you'd already turned it?"
They both turn the levers, and pull.
Nothing happens.

2011-10-29, 08:49 PM
We are Screaming man we should be able to hear each other.


2011-10-29, 08:51 PM
Quin stands up, frustrated and kicks the lever angrily.. Then he thinks about the inscription. "I think some sort of sacrifice must be given." He takes out a dagger and looks at it, hard. "I'll just give a little, then heal myself." as he cuts a bit of his arm and lest the blood drip down before flooding his body with positive energy, invigorating and healing himself.

2011-10-29, 08:58 PM
Nothing happens.
"Has the Demi-Lich asked any sacrfices of us yet?"

On Maki's end, he feels the handle descend a little, and sees its gone down an inch, but the mechanism stops it from going anyfurther.
"QUIN! Did you push yours!" Daina yells.

Pharrah and Dranga look to see what's happening, then turn back to talk to Leonard, doing their best to repair the damage the Tomb has done to him.

2011-10-29, 09:01 PM
"Oh. Must be thinking to much about the liches evil... Anyway, I kicked mine Daina. I'll push it now." As he gives it a good shove.

Harry Potter flashback. Lol.

2011-10-29, 09:01 PM
Didnt know Quin was an Emo Dwarf XD

" C'mon man lets push it! "

2011-10-29, 09:16 PM
Dwarf and barbarian give the handle a final turn, and with a push, their arms sink beneath the bottom of the sarcophagi...

Harry Potter flashback. Lol.
Oh, cruel irony...

Outside, in the Throne Room, a much louder *ker-CLUNK* rings through the room, echoing off the walls.
Screaming, Leonard buries himself in Pharrah's arms, and Dranga looks around for the source.
"The columns are sinking!"
Slowly but surely, the columns are lowered, foot by foot toward the black sand.

And now for the messy stuff...
[roll0] Maki's Reflex Save
[roll1] Maki's Fortitude Save
[roll2] Quin's Reflex Save
[roll3] Quin's Fortitude Save

[roll4] Damage to Quin
[roll5] Damage to Maki

Maki hears them coming.
He tears his arm from the hole just as the Bloodclot Scarabs pour forth, biting and snapping at his exposed flesh.
"GET OUT!," Daina screams already drawing her bow.
The scarabs are much larger than their sisters Maki had scared away, with a red sheen to their thick black armor and snapping jaws.

Harley grunts in surprise as Quin's arm emerges with the Scarabs biting and cutting into the cleric's arm. Desperately they try to dig into his flesh and feed, but find their pincers unable to break into his skin.
Instead, they crawl deeper underneath the armor, which sparks and hisses.

Maki and Quin have Initiative.

2011-10-29, 09:23 PM
I can't believe I actually got to use this trap!

2011-10-29, 09:41 PM


Maki says as he flees from the Crypt towards the others.

2011-10-29, 09:51 PM
Using my reroll for the reflex save. Also, I thought I had applied my ward.. Guess not.



**** yeah

2011-10-29, 09:52 PM
As Maki leaps from the sarcophagus, rapidly filling with the Scarabs, Daina hurls herself out of the way...

[roll0] Reflex Save for Maki

Dying of laughter.

2011-10-29, 09:56 PM
Using my reroll for the reflex save. Also, I thought I had applied my ward.. Guess not.
"The subject is immune to all death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effects.

This spell doesn’t remove negative levels that the subject has already gained, nor does it affect the saving throw necessary 24 hours after gaining a negative level.

Death ward does not protect against other sorts of attacks even if those attacks might be lethal."
I assumed he did.

**** yeah
Don't take the damage.
[roll0] Fortitude Save for Maki

Quin's armor sparks and burns brightly, and the Scarabs intent on eating his arm fall off killed instantly...
But they're still pouring forth from the hole, and rush toward him.

As Maki flees, a wave of Scarabs hitch a ride on his boots and begin to eat through them, going for his meaty legs...

2011-10-29, 10:04 PM
... Wait... How are the Scarabs getting inside my skin? dont they need to hurt me somehow? Also assuming the part with the boot and such is Just fluff right? XD

" Argh!! Stupid scarabs Daina lets ge out of here! "

Maki says as he keeps tunning towards the rest of the group.

Maki Rages!! For no apparent reason!!

2011-10-29, 10:09 PM
Pharrah sees Maki coming.
"Scatter! Stampeding barbarian!"
Dranga hurls herself out of the barbarian's way, rolling across the sand.

... Wait... How are the Scarabs getting inside my skin? dont they need to hurt me somehow?
Sorry, they're trying...
If you fail a Reflex Save, they get on you.
They start doing damage by biting.
And once they're on.
They try and burrow.
[roll1] And a Fortitude Save stops 'em...
Once they're inside...
Well, you'll see...

Maki Rages!! For no apparent reason!!
Ah, he's got a perfectly good reason...

The Scarabs break the skin, and begin to dig their way up Maki's leg...
They feel cold, and yet his leg feels hot...

2011-10-29, 10:10 PM
Okay, one more Round worth of Actions, then we gotta wait for the others.

2011-10-29, 10:14 PM
" AAAGH its in my leg its in my leg its in my leg ITS . IN . MY LEG!!! "

Maki stops running and gets an idea... Though he doesnt like it... He Rises the flaming bastard sword over his musle...

"Quin!... Did you Prepare Heal today ...? ... *GULP* "

29 ON A 6D6!! ... Well with Maki's damage reduction it would be a 27 BUT STILL DAMN!

Edit: Yes he is gonna do what you think he is gonna do... :smalltongue:

2011-10-29, 11:19 PM
Edit: Yes he is gonna do what you think he is gonna do...
Doesn't count until he rolls the dice...

Maki creates his own moment of calm.
The columns sink about him, leaving the ceiling above, their steel caps glimmering in the fading light.
The flames of Jake's bastard sword flicker above the barbarian's head as he contemplates the rippling pain in his leg.
He sees them moving.
They haven't reached the knee yet.
Wide-eyed, Maki's party members stare at his rippling, bubbling lower leg in horror.
Framed in the door of the Mummy Lady's grip, Daina tears her eyes from Maki's leg to the sinking columns, sending her golden braid whipping across her shoulder.
Pharrah is doing a slow walk, carrying Leonard away, while Dranga is frozen, searching for spell components to fight she doesn't know what...
And Winky's light brightens their faces.
In the crypt of the Mummy Lord, Harley and Eduardo are reaching out to grab Quin and pull the cleric to safety...

What are Quin, Thoradin, Prescott and Pete doing?

Still got a Standard Action left Misaat before I stop you.

2011-10-29, 11:50 PM
Thoradin is following Quin around, covering his backside. Also he's become quite sullen.

2011-10-29, 11:57 PM
Thoradin is following Quin around, covering his backside. Also he's become quite sullen.
IC please!

Outside the Mummy Lord's Crypt, Thoradin sees Quin's armor fend off the attacking Scarabs, but there are a lot of them...

2011-10-30, 12:24 AM

My mother died IC!

That sounded way funnier in my head...

2011-10-30, 12:52 AM
How come Quin's armor protects him from the Scarabs But the Death Ward Eduardo put on me didnt?

2011-10-30, 07:26 AM
"Huh. You know I always wondered if your speech wasn't just in our heads. But that's a good point about creating the air as a directed pressure field with forward momentum. I mean not that creating a large mass of air at a single point in space wouldn't generate a strong pressure field inherently, but imparting a momentum quality, that's pretty original. And now that I think about it, there's no reason it should be any more difficult than creating a stationary air field. Reminds me of astral vortices in a way. Because even the anticyclonic ones, when you drop through them have that kick under..." Pete stops rambling as Winky interrupts him at the sight of the descending pillars. "Oh that can't be good. What's next, the floor retracts?" Maki's rampaging departure from the crypt cancels that thought. "Winky, can you continual flame my boots? Right now?" Pete calls excitedly as he glances at the huge, glowing orange gem and nocks an arrow. Then he runs towards the throne, anticipating that the party may very soon be in need of a secure exit.

2011-10-30, 08:46 AM
Quin slams the door to the crypt he was in shut as he burst out. Then he runs as fast as he can to the throne, looking for the exit.

Because Quins armor cost as much as a +4 Enhancement and protects from everything negative, which death ward does not.

2011-10-30, 10:18 AM
That sounded way funnier in my head...
I believe you.

How come Quin's armor protects him from the Scarabs But the Death Ward Eduardo put on me didnt?

Because Quins armor cost as much as a +4 Enhancement and protects from everything negative, which death ward does not.

No, because Quin used one of his abilities to reroll his Reflex save, and I fluffed it as his armor protecting him...
If its an issue, I'll just retcon to say Quin was fast enough to avoid the Scarabs as Maki initially was.

Oblingingly, Winky creates a flame at the toe of each boot, then he whisks over Maki's head, trying to see how he can help.
"Maki! What happened!"
The throne and the orange gem aren't doing anything suspicious.
Also, Pete notices that while the pillars are lowering, the ceiling is not, and the floor remains secure.

[roll0] Quin's Reflex Save
[roll1] Quin's Fortitude Save
[roll2] Damage to Quin

As Quin leaps from the sarcophagus, Harley and Eduardo throw themselves out of his way, avoiding any determined and biting Scarabs. As he reaches to slam the door, he remembers that the Mummy Lord has smashed it to splinters after exiting.
The Scarabs get a good chomp into the cleric, and begin to burrow into his skin, making the tissue in his upper leg bubble and pop.
Pharrah still holds Leonard in her arms, "Stop! Stop! What's going on..."
Harley and Eduardo see the sarcophagus is rapidly becoming full, the bottom completely disappearing from sight.
They look at each other, then beat a hasty retreat.
"Perhaps I can rebuke or turn them out of them before they begin to breed..."
"But, they're undead!"
"Scarabs don't do much. But breed. I can't imagine being undead would stop them from doing that..."
"Merciful heavens..."
Quin reaches the throne, and sees he's got a drop ahead of him.
The scarabs continue to burrow deeper and deeper.

2011-10-30, 10:39 AM
Pete looses his arrow into the empty hole where the throne once was and watches it ricochet off of the floor of the passage below before quickly climbing down. When he reaches the bottom he peers ahead using the light from his boots to see if the passage leads anywhere.

2011-10-30, 11:20 AM
Daina watches Pete make his way up the throne steps with a frown.
Pete feels a decidely footlike presence come in contact with his chest, powerfully blocking him from going any further.
It recedes for a moment, and then the kick sends him backwards with great force.
"Sleeping Tiger Style: Middle Leg Strike 23!"

[roll0] Nonlethal Damage to Pete
Rolling Initiative, and finalizing things as well as a new map.

2011-10-30, 12:45 PM

Maki steels himself as he looks at his leg ... a drop of sweat runs down through his face as he tries to envision the scarabs crowling inside... then he strikes...

" ARRGHH.... "

Maki's self mutilation attacking the scarabs roll! :[roll0]

Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]

Edit: 22 should do it... Since im attacking myself i dont think I hace Dex to AC XD... Well thinking about it since its my leg i dont think i have armor to Ac either... This is just confusing why are there no self attacking rules XD

2011-10-30, 12:59 PM
Wait... If they are undead... =}
I got a plan. It's going to be fun. Involving lots of abuse of that unlimited healing feat. If quoin floods his body with positive energy, it should kill them and heal him. Also, he has a bag full of fun he's been saving. Hint:10 flasks of alchemical fire. At once.

2011-10-30, 01:22 PM
Wait... If they are undead... =}
I got a plan. It's going to be fun. Involving lots of abuse of that unlimited healing feat. If quoin floods his body with positive energy, it should kill them and heal him. Also, he has a bag full of fun he's been saving. Hint:10 flasks of alchemical fire. At once.

Ooooh youuuu could have said that before i cut open Maki's leg XD

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-30, 01:52 PM

Eduardo didn't really need to use Command Undead on those bloodmotes. They were still under his power from Rebuking, so he could have just ordered them into the sphere.

Also, you guys are pretty dumb, sometimes!

I think a Rebuke is in order for the scarabs.


Vile creatures! Away!

Eduardo releases a surge of profane energy, commanding the scarabs away with his will as he sprints along with the others to safety.

2011-10-30, 02:15 PM
Also, you guys are pretty dumb, sometimes!

But isnt that what makes everything funnier? How else would you get to see Maki stabbing his own leg? XD

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-30, 02:18 PM
Never said I wasn't highly amused

2011-10-30, 02:28 PM
I can't believe we fell for that. Darn oasy and reverse psychology.

2011-10-30, 05:50 PM
Prescott doesn't have any particular actions until he sees what the threat is, and everyone seems to be scooting out of the tombs just now. I'll just see what happens once initiative is rolled and the invisible kicker develops. Sounds like something Isam would say... :smallamused:

I really like these 3D pictures! They're a lot of fun, and help you get a sense of scale and... wait, is that Hermione Granger walking between those pillars?


2011-10-30, 09:19 PM
Round X Initiative Order



Prescott, Thoradin

[roll0] Quin's Initiative Roll
[roll1] Maki's Initiative Roll
[roll2] Eduardo's Initiative Roll
[roll3] Pete's Initiative Roll
[roll4] Prescott's Initiative Roll
[roll5] Thoradin's Initiative Roll

Well, it looks like Maki's gonna cut off his leg before Eduardo can simply get rid of the Scarabs... Well, unless Quin can do something...

Resting Leonard gently on the sand, Pharrah whirls around to face Maki.
The barbarian is clearly distressed, but being unable to see what is wrong with him, she decides to wait..
Harley, torn between Maki and Quin's immediate dangers, as well as the descending columns, hesitates unsure of what to do.

Oooookay, Pete has Actions
Quin's taken his Actions, fleeing the Crypt and reaching the throne
Maki has his Standard Action, everyone else has normal Actions.

"Acererak permits spellcasters beyond only!"
A message for Pete alone to hear.


New Map, with black sand texture.

2011-10-30, 09:24 PM
Quins next actions are to flood himself with positive energy, and Maki as well.

2011-10-30, 09:28 PM
I used my standard action to attack my leg.. I donw want to CUT IT OFF. Just deep enough to reach the scarabs... You know without cutting the bone XD

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-30, 09:31 PM
Same as before, Eduardo will Rebuke away the scarabs.

Also, I think we all know who the invisible ninja is. The invisible ninja.

2011-10-30, 09:33 PM
Quins next actions are to flood himself with positive energy, and Maki as well.
So, 3d6 to Quin and 3d6 to Maki?

2011-10-30, 09:38 PM
Sure. If he can do that.

2011-10-30, 10:01 PM

Round X Initiative Order



Prescott, Thoradin

Sure. If he can do that.
The real question is, is Quin in range?

Also, I think we all know who the invisible ninja is. The invisible ninja.

I used my standard action to attack my leg.. I donw want to CUT IT OFF. Just deep enough to reach the scarabs... You know without cutting the bone XD
Should have rolled a Heal Check to go with it...

2011-10-30, 10:04 PM
Hmm. Make a roll with a -1 for range increments I guess.

Also, I finally found an actual healing reserve feat. Its called "Touch of Healing" And totally and completely sucks. Its like 3 hp and requires a touch attack.

I like my feat much better.

However, Its only fitting that you make an Anti Quin (Niqui) who has the "Black Robed" feat that deal negative energy instead.

2011-10-30, 10:13 PM
Same as before, Eduardo will Rebuke away the scarabs.

Also, I think we all know who the invisible ninja is. The invisible ninja.

Obviously Its this guy.


2011-10-30, 10:20 PM
Is there a swarm of scarabs we can all see building and bubbling out of the tombs? And possibly moving to attack the rest of us soon? Or just the scarabs within Quin and Maki right now? I'm kind of unsure what I ought to be reacting to.

2011-10-31, 07:07 AM
"Masterful technique! How may I address you?"

2011-10-31, 08:22 AM
Wait... Who hit Pete in the chest and why XDż? And how come he is so non chalant about it? (I like that word altough i dont know what it means XD)

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-31, 08:25 AM
Invisible Ninja!

And I am pretty sure Pete is at least a little crazy.

2011-10-31, 09:40 AM
Maki stands at the very edge of Quin's reach, but the faint ball of healing energy manages to sink into the barbarian's leg, filling the bubbling flesh with healing magic.
The Scarabs in Maki and Quin, hiss and scream, bursting forth from dwarf and barbarian skin, only to be directly assaulted by Eduardo's Rebuke.
The scarabs flee and burn and die, making piteous sounds as they escape from their attempted hosts.
Helpful as always, Winky blasts a particularly largew specimen with his searing light, and the undead insect instantly bursts into flame.

I used my standard action to attack my leg.. I donw want to CUT IT OFF. Just deep enough to reach the scarabs... You know without cutting the bone XD
But I have to have fun too!

Same as before, Eduardo will Rebuke away the scarabs.

Also, I think we all know who the invisible ninja is. The invisible ninja.
Keep your Command Undead spell, but take away one Rebuke Undead for the day.

However, Its only fitting that you make an Anti Quin (Niqui) who has the "Black Robed" feat that deal negative energy instead.
I made my own version five minutes after I gave you the 'okay'.
Now, I'm wondering if creating a Life Ward spells would be too much...

Is there a swarm of scarabs we can all see building and bubbling out of the tombs? And possibly moving to attack the rest of us soon? Or just the scarabs within Quin and Maki right now? I'm kind of unsure what I ought to be reacting to.
Nope. They're staying in heir sarcophagus.
As to what you're reacting too...
Two party members just ran screaming out of the crypts, one of them screaming, "MY LEG" and threatening to cut it off with a flaming weapon.
You SHOULD be unsure.

Was Pete knocked prone or just pushed back?
Balance check if you didn't decide that already: (1d20+19)[35]
Definitely not prone, and not exactly 'pushed back', like what happens in Fourth Edition.
More like, not allowed to pass.

Should have rolled a Heal Check to go with it...
That's a pretty good roll!

Cool and collected as always, Hassadur maintains a stern surveillance of Eduardo's immediate space.
Daina, still unsure of what to do, runs back to the Crypt to check on the scarabs.
The pillars continue their descent, with only ten feet of column remaining, light is fading.

[roll0] Healing for Quin
[roll1] Healing for Maki

Since Maki and Quin weren't attacked by complete swarms, and they hadnt started 'Breeding' yet, they're safe. The Scarabs were caught by Rebuke and the Healing, and are done with, and any lone Scarab can be stomped with impunity.

"Call me 'The Beginning'"

This is where the epic final battle music would start playing.

2011-10-31, 10:41 AM
In Pete's head, anyway. Since no one else heard that voice yet. :smalltongue:

Standing with Winky in the darkening room, Prescott looks from Quin to Maki to the thieves and back again. "So... is everyone alright then? What was that all about? Did you make these columns recede?"

2011-10-31, 11:00 AM
Quin heals us all to full health.

" Ok... Lets not do that again... Now i guess we should explore the other part of the crypt? "

2011-10-31, 11:47 AM
Harley nods, "There's a mechanism within the sarcophagi that lower the columns... I don't see how we'll be able to undo it... They're full of scarabs now..."
He looks at Maki, grimacing at the bubbling wounds on Maki's leg.
"Beneath the throne? Or through the room with the weapons and shields? It's got another door."

2011-10-31, 01:11 PM
"May I ask The Beginning what Acererak has against spellcasters?"

2011-10-31, 01:14 PM
But yeah, as far as everyone else is concerned, it might seem that Pete has finally cracked and is talking to himself. Which might not help his standing with the others there. But then Pharrah routinely uses death threats to talk to him and everyone seems kind of fine with that now, so I can't imagine he really has much to lose in the standing department.
He's got a point.

If you can think of any reason why Pete saying that he's in secret mental contact with an invisible monk in the room would have any credibility with your character as a sane, realistic assessment of the tactical situation, I'd be interested in the reason for that.
Make that two.

Man, I haven't been helping out the guy at all...

Anyways, why does Pete look so beat up in his illustration? Is it the black sand?

"Acererak is a demi-lich of great power and renown. There is nothing for the mundane beyond here. I promise you, I shall test your might in a most satisfactory contest. Believe it."

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-31, 01:23 PM
Scarabs vanquished, Eduardo is still a tad uneasy. Probably the rooms to the north are nothing more than traps and bizarre diversions. The sinking throne held far more interest for the Master.

As Eduardo walks south toward Pete and the now-empty plinth, he can't help but consider the symbolism of the throne and its descent into the earth. So many stories of the underworld hinged on a downward journey... and the throne certainly painted a mental image of Acererack as King of the Underworld.

Was the throne room and the adjoining passage designed to intimidate would-be invaders? Or was it a mere display of ego? Most likely, Eduardo would never know for sure.

Does the invisible ninja ping my deathwatch when I get into range?

2011-10-31, 01:32 PM
"Yes, I believe you could explore the exact limitations of my abilities. Might I first know what outcomes could potentially await me after such an examination?"

2011-10-31, 04:31 PM
Maki stares at his bubling leg with disgust.

" That cant be good... Does anyone have some water or something? "

2011-10-31, 04:36 PM
Quin takes a second to heal himself completely before healing Maki and any of the others who were injured. He then examines the steps carefully before looking around at the others asking "Should we descend now?"

2011-10-31, 08:46 PM
Lamech stretches, forcing the silk rope bearing his weight to swing him nearer and nearer to his prize."May I ask The Beginning what Acererak has against spellcasters?"
He gasps, a clot of blood bursting from the thief's nose and is backswing is a ragged affair.
Lamech's grip slips, and the spikes below, lining the pit surrounding the idol become all to near.
As he makes the slow swing forward again, Lamech blanks out, and luckily doesn't have to see how near to a ten foot spear a man can truly get.

Was the throne room and the adjoining passage designed to intimidate would-be invaders? Or was it a mere display of ego? Most likely, Eduardo would never know for sure.Take 200 EXPerience points. It is indeed symbolic along that exact line of thinking.

There are far worse things to worry about.

Tomb of Horrors.
And how!
100 EXPerience Points for Pete
Dropping his torch, Harley joins Dranga and Leonard in applying a bandage to Maki's leg wound.
Dranga tears up a scrap of cloth, while Leonard and Harley hold it tight.
"Quin's healing magic might be all well and good, but you never know what those things might do, I guess."
Dranga stomps a fleeing scarab angrily.

"Isn't it obvious?"
But the odds are slim, Quin's healing magic appears to knit the broken skin and chewed flesh back together no problem...
..so while the dwarf's magic appears to be flawless, Eduardo may question his own when the Mysterious Warrior, or The Beginning, makes himself known.
The Greater Invisibility magic of the suit dispels across different body parts at a time, slowly unraveling to reveal the man.
The suit is made of one piece, and runes glow across its surface.
Across his chest, a bandlier with white metal knives hang, and a sword handle extends above his shoulder.
"Greetings, Master of Death and Moradin's Fist! You have reached the point where your noble fellowship must part ways..."
Daina draws her bow, slapping two arrows and pulling to aim directly at the Mysterious Warrior.
"Who are you? And what do you mean, 'end'?"
""It is time for 'End Game'.""
Harley snarls.
"What are you talking about! Where is he?"
"Beyond! But you have no place there... Your quarrel is with me..."
Harley laughs, "If you're standing in Eduardo and Quin's way, I'll say your quarrel with all of us won't last long..."
The single slit indicating eye holes angles toward the Master.
"Out. Go. The. Lights."
With a crushing sound, the columns complete their descent leaving the Throneroom in darkness.
Pharrah laughs, "We're not afraid of the dark. And how do you expect to beat all of us alo-"
Eduardo suddenly senses undead presences.
"I am not alone, but have no doubts between you and I, this will be a battle between you and I alone, and if you play by my rules, you still have a chance to stop the nightmare, and become the legends..."
In a flash of black lightning across the suit, The Beginning draws his sword, a straight-edged blade covered in deep runes.
As the black lightning fades into the suit, he pants.
"I can't begin to tell you how good that feels! I've never felt so alive! Do we have a deal!?!?!?!?"


2011-10-31, 08:57 PM
Quin's soulfire + LAST continual flame ion stone should still be up.

Quin asks "Why should we leave those who can not use magic to you? And what lies beyond this passage? Are we permitted to leave them with a few parting words?"

Dip roll to allow the casting of buff spells on the party.

2011-10-31, 09:02 PM
Is he Jake? He is Jake right?

" That sounds just right... "

Maki says as he turns the magic of his flaming sword on... He holds the blade close to his face.

" I dont know what got you into that suit... Or made you follow Acererak's commands... But my Grandfather would roll on his grave if i didnt accept a 1 on 1 with you "

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-31, 09:02 PM
Eduardo's mace ignites, shedding a glorious halo of light around the Master.

A deal? What nonsense are you talking about? Why should we make any deal with you? You're saying... what? If we agree to split up, you'll fight half of us? Why shouldn't we just put an end to this right now, when we are strongest and you are weakest?

He takes a small step forward.

Or better yet, you can step aside and point the way to Acererack, and we'll let you remain feeling alive.

Intimidate check. I'll also activate my fear aura, assuming the guy has not pinged as an undead.


Friends, be warned, undead lurk in this darkness. Be on your guard.

Also, spot check and knowledge religion checks for any undead I can see, including The Beginning, if he is undead.

[roll2] Know Religion
[roll3] Know Religion
[roll4] Know Religion
[roll5] Know Religion

Wow, those are some pathetic rolls!

2011-10-31, 09:22 PM
Dip reroll and Know Religion
[roll2](just for kicks)

2011-10-31, 09:25 PM
"You may cast what spells you will upon them, noble cleric."
The Beginning bows to Quin.
He then bows to Maki, "I look forward to testing your rage..."
He then bows to Eduardo, "Your magic cannot touch me. None of it can. Not while I where this suit-"
Pharrah laughs, "We'll see about that!"
Magic Missiles fly from her outstretched hand, arcing above their heads, only to split around him and slam into the wall.
"-this glorious, glorious suit. There is nothing for your spellcasters here. And there is nothing for your allies beyond. If you remain here. I will kill you all. If you do as I say, as Acererak wills. You stand a chance to defeat him once and for all."He pauses.

"But do not think you abandon your friends to their fate with me. This Throneroom has connections to Acererak's marshalling battlefield..."
Dranga and Leonard shriek, almost as if to confirm their suspicions, and a pair of skeletons clad in black armor materialise above the steel circles indicating where the columns had sunk below.
"...if your friends do not engage me here. They will follow you into Acererak's stronghold and murder all they find. Old and young..."
The Beginning, interpreting Eduardo's step forward as agreement, steps aside, leaving the path open.
"By my honour, I won't follow after you until your friends are dead. And if they defeat me, I will tell them how to follow you."
"M-master... That's supposed to be impossible!"
Eduardo has no way of knowing what is beyond the suit. For all he knows, its a construct or the suit shields whatever is inside...
His accent, comes from the East...
And though the helmet and the suit distort his voice, there is a weight of truth...
...and honor to his words.
He means what he says.
And will live, or atleast die again by them.

Quin's soulfire + LAST continual flame ion stone should still be up.
Okay, but he'll have to take out the ioun stone...

Is he Jake? He is Jake right?
Ask him?

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-31, 09:33 PM
You sound almost as if you want us to defeat Acererack. Yet, you do his bidding. This is a trick... a trap. There is no other explanation, whether you are aware of its nature, or not.

Wait, did you not help us before? In the fight against the vampire? "Help will come to those who help others," you said. Join us, if you mean what you say. Help us end Acererack's reign.

Gotta at least try, right?

2011-10-31, 09:34 PM
It has been out ever since you told be he lost the last of them along time ago(his rebirth). It's out now.

"I can protect one of you from the brunt of the effects of Negative Energy. I can also protect us all from one type of elemental energy. I can also turn one person slightly undead, to protect your vitals. Beyond that, I can only hide us all from the undead. I am sorry I can't offer anything else. Who wishes what protections?

I see no other option than to continue onward. The suit is obviously warded against spells of the level we can cast and lower. We would need highly advanced magics to defeat this suit. Given 5 years, I would not hesitate. But now, we must press on. I do not believe you will be slaughtered, as you are all gifted."

Wait does Harley have levels in the Assassin PrC? If so, he can cast arcane spells...

2011-10-31, 09:35 PM
" I have only one more question before i beat whatever's inside that suit to a pulp... "

Maki says as he holds up the sword in front of him once again...

" Who are... no.... Who were you? "

2011-10-31, 09:36 PM
I thought Daina could cast as well. And Pete can cast... though he might have spent his spell for the day, I forget. Meaning it'd be Maki, Thoradin, and Leonard vs. the Beginning. Hand Maki a chair, and I give them even odds. :smallbiggrin:

Here's the list of enchantments we found on the other suit again, for anyone who'd like to peruse the list:
Major Magics
Greater Invisibility
Cat's Grace
Bull's Strength
Dimension Door

Minor Magics
Mage Armor
Protection from Good/Law

Plus the mirror-of-nasty-fate goggles in the helmet.

2011-10-31, 09:39 PM
I thought Daina could cast as well. And Pete can cast... though he might have spent his spell for the day, I forget. Meaning it'd be Maki, Thoradin, and Leonard vs. the Beginning. Hand Maki a chair, and I give them even odds. :smallbiggrin:

Here's the list of enchantments we found on the other suit again, for anyone who'd like to peruse the list:
Major Magics
Greater Invisibility
Cat's Grace
Bull's Strength
Dimension Door

Minor Magics
Mage Armor
Protection from Good/Law

Plus the mirror-of-nasty-fate goggles in the helmet.


Edit: That was quick but i KNOW what you put XD

What kind of spells does prescott have to pump us up before battle?

2011-10-31, 09:47 PM
I caught my mistake as soon as I posted it... I was counting up people who've appeared on this page as The Beginning was sorting them. Thoradin's farther back. I got him!

I don't really have much in the way of Buffs... I'm mostly debuff. And I spent most of my good stuff on the mummies.

2011-10-31, 09:48 PM
More violent images of death across the world rock Eduardo's mind...
Men and women cry out as Acererak draws power from the utterance of his name, and strikes down the living.
A message loud and clear.
"Don't be a fool. I only helped you so Acererak could kill you himself. You said it yourself Master of Death, this is a trap... For you all."
"What ARE his plans!"
"I am merely one more of his unwilling servants. My appearance of free will is merely to amuse him. Come! I thirst for battle! And you've kept me waiting long enough... Can you be the ones to finally kill me?"
At Maki's question, the suit freezes.
"I-I remember, this was not my home... I come from a land to the East, where I trained my body, mind and soul to master unarmed combat from every Master..."
He shudders as his eyes gaze into the undead mirrors.
"I remember being a good man... Loving a good woman... Finding out she thought I would make a good father... And then, we came to meet Acererak HERE!"
He screams a long sorrowful cry, raging at the ceiling.
As his body twists and turns in his rage, glowing white nodes appears can be seen along his spine.
Nine of them.
From here the runes that dot the armor originate in patterns that spiral outward.

Gotta at least try, right?

It has been out ever since you told be he lost the last of them along time ago(his rebirth). It's out now.
Antimagic Field? It's lost in the Tomb somewhere then.

Wait does Harley have levels in the Assassin PrC? If so, he can cast arcane spells...
Clearly, he no longer wishes to use them.
Hence it doesn't count.

I thought Daina could cast as well. And Pete can cast... though he might have spent his spell for the day, I forget. Meaning it'd be Maki, Thoradin, and Leonard vs. the Beginning. Hand Maki a chair, and I give them even odds.
Okay, he means Eduardo, Quin, Prescott, Dranga and Pharrah...
Daina and Harley don't use their spells.
Pete doesn't either.

Harley turns to Quin, "Quin, the children I'm looking for..."

2011-10-31, 09:55 PM
"I will find them. And if possible, transport them out. I have Dim Door prepared. If I and the others cant stop him, he trys to kill them or I am the last one remaining, I will take them to the village and return as fast as possible. I hope I don't need to do so, and you can rescue them yourself.

No takers on the protection spells?"

Dam.. I was hoping to get everyone possible in.

No it was after that. One thread back.

God we need a timeline. After this is over, summary plox? I want to link to this game in my sig on every PbP forum I have an account in.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-31, 10:01 PM
Eduardo grits his teeth and grips the mace tightly in his fist. If this wretched creature wanted death, the Master would gladly pound him into dust...

But that wasn't the deal, and no doubt, The Beginning would focus fire on soft targets like Prescott and Dranga if they didn't clear the room soon.

He turns to Pete, Thoradin and Maki. Confident as the Master is of their abilities, he cannot help see them as what they now were: a sacrifice in some cosmic game, pawns of the gods. Acererack was maneuvering the pieces into place, and leaving them little choice in how the final board would be set.

Obviously the Barbarian had no problem meeting this man in combat, even if it meant his death, but what did the cautious ranger and brave dwarf think of the challenge?

If they consented to the agreement, the Master would honor it. He waits for their response.

2011-10-31, 10:02 PM
CUE THE MUSIC!!!! :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2sKH8yjVsM

But not that one....

THIS ONE!! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iof5pRAIZmw




ATTACK!!! : [roll1]

DAMAGE : [roll2] + [roll3]

2011-10-31, 10:03 PM
Harley rests a hand on Quin's shouldr, stooping a little to look him in the eye, "The boy, his name is Fel. He's got eyes..."
He blinks a little.
"Blue eyes just like mine. He's got his mother's nose. And the girl, Andrea. She looks just like me. They answer to Fel and Andrea... Bring them out for me."
He straightens, "I'll take whatever you can spare."
Pharrah takes her spell component pouch, and casts a spell, consuming it in flames.
"Master, I'll stay here."

God we need a timeline. After this is over, summary plox? I want to link to this game in my sig on every PbP forum I have an account in.
I assure you.
I'm on it.
From the beginning to the end.
Don't worry about it. I've actually already started.

No it was after that. One thread back.
Find it.
Because Quin used AMF twice, with no mention of the stone. So either he needs to take it out now, and have it. Or he lost it a while ago.

If they consented to the agreement, the Master would honor it. He waits for their response.
The KEY to this, is that the spellcasters have to move and think fast.
The weaponbearers must fight and think long.


2011-10-31, 10:05 PM
The sword whips around in a glowing circle just in time, holding Maki and Te Beginning in a fierce sword lock, face to mask.
Eyes to slit.
"How. Long. Can. You. Last."

2011-10-31, 10:07 PM
Harley rests a hand on Quin's shouldr, stooping a little to look him in the eye, "The boy, his name is Fel. He's got eyes..."
He blinks a little.
"Blue eyes just like mine. He's got his mother's nose. And the girl, Andrea. She looks just like me. They answer to Fel and Andrea... Bring them out for me."
He straightens, "I'll take whatever you can spare."
Pharrah takes her spell component pouch, and casts a spell, consuming it in flames.
"Master, I'll stay here."

I assure you.
I'm on it.
From the beginning to the end.
Don't worry about it. I've actually already started.

Find it.
Because Quin used AMF twice, with no mention of the stone. So either he needs to take it out now, and have it. Or he lost it a while ago.

The KEY to this, is that the spellcasters have to move and think fast.
The weaponbearers must fight and think long.


WHAT?! There was too much talking for a pre final boss! Time to get on the ACSHUN!

2011-10-31, 10:09 PM
Winky can cast Continual Flame on anyone's buttons at any time. Light sources are kind of trivial.

Prescott saw Eduardo weighing their options, and sizing up the group. He mulled over the choices himself. Quin, Eduardo, and Pharrah could hold their own in a melee, even if their spells could not aid them directly against this suited menace. Dranga and he both had polymorphs at their disposal, and he had two scrolls of greater invisibility that would buffer them. Not to mention additional illusions Prescott could bring to bear. For all its enchantments, the suit did not have defenses against those counters from the wizard's scan of the other suit.

2011-10-31, 10:10 PM
WHAT?! There was too much talking for a pre final boss! Time to get on the ACSHUN!
They can still talk while Maki is engaging.
Buys them time to buff.

2011-10-31, 10:11 PM
"I will. Don't worry." Quin responds, eyes widening.
Quin casts Living Undead on Harley then resist fcold mass before touching Thoradin and protecting him from the effects of negative energy. He then nods to the Master and ducks down the passage.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-31, 10:13 PM
Seeing Maki's charge, Eduardo grabs Pharrah's wrist and tugs her forward.

No, you are with me. That is the Acereack's agreement. And... I want you with me.

He hesitates a moment.

When we face him.

The Master leans down and touches Hassadur on the neck.

Stay here. Protect my friends. Bring them back to me alive.

I'll cast speak with animals if necessary.

2011-10-31, 10:14 PM
Seeing Maki's premptive strike, Daina takes ahold of Eduardo.
"Eduardo, I saw this place in my Dark Fate... Pete, Shudu and I kneel before the Throne, and Acererak touches each of us on the forehead, and when the throne descends, we enter, and when we return, we lead his armies across the world..."
She shudders.
"I can't go beyond this room..."
She squeezes her eyes shut.
"If you see Pete or me, or even Shudu, follow you... I think you'd be in your best interest, to do what you do best..."

2011-10-31, 10:17 PM
NOW EVERYONE WANTS EDUARDO! Its because of the name right? That Latin lover...

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-31, 10:19 PM
Chicks dig his aloofness. Also, the way he gives orders reminds them of their daddies.

Don't give me the chance. Fight to the death, are the Master's parting words to Daina.

2011-10-31, 10:20 PM
Pharrah's eyes widen.
"I CAN'T! I have to stay here!"
She holds a fist in Eduardo's face, so he can see the ring of X-ray Vision.
"This is not a ring of x-ray vision Master, it's another kind of ring... The kind that binds you in life, and apparently, in death... Good luck."
Hassadur's hood flares, and there's an almost imperceptible nod.
The columns are rising, casting new light upon Acererak's Tomb Guard...
Hassadur heads toward the nearest...

Harley glares at the Mysterious Warrior, and Maki, frozen in their contest of pure strength, drawing his red dagger and the great axe, "Good luck Quin, may Moradin be with you. Uh, WAIT!"
He stuffs the dagger in his belt, and offers Quin the scepter, "There's no mechanism on this side to raise the Throne and close the passage. There should be a switch further down the passage, if you take the scepter and flip the switch, he'll be unable to follow you all."
Dranga takes ahold of Leonard, "What do I do with him?"
"Take him. He can help identify the kids, in case Acererak hides a final surprise among them!"

2011-10-31, 10:22 PM
The weaponbearers must fight and think long.
Does that sound like Maki's MO to you? :smalltongue:

Alright, moving right along then... chaaarge!
Oh, Leonard gets to come with us? Goodie!

Prescott withdraws a scroll from the case at his hip and unrolls it. Standing next to Daina, he says, "I sincerely hope to not see you standing behind me again. At least, I hope that this time it will be on my terms..." He casts Greater Invisibility on her. "Take that bow and make it count. The one with the dark armor is on the other team. Keep it straight this time! Come on, Winky!" The wizard skips up the plinth and steps down on the throneback to scuttle into the corridor after Quin.

Free sneak attacks for Daina for 1 minute.

2011-10-31, 10:22 PM
Maki wins.
With a push of force, he thrusts his blade across The Beginning's face, elicting a cry of surprise.
"GOOD! GOOD! Make me feeeeeeeel it!"
"Let me go, Master!"
Pharrah pulls her wrist from Eduardo's grasp, "I have to help. I know you'll be fine without me Master."
He's never seen her so serious.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-31, 10:26 PM
Erg, fine, you made me do it, Oaysis.

Just before Pharrah and he split apart, Eduardo kisses his apprentice.

He gives her one last look before following Quin into the passageway.

2011-10-31, 10:26 PM
Tilting his head, The Beginning watches Quin and Prescott dive through the hole. He does nothing to stop them.
"They will kill you, you know."
"I'm counting on it archon."
Winky whizzes downward after Prescott, and is swiftly followed by the silver scepter, which strikes Prescott at the back of the head.

2011-10-31, 10:26 PM
"GOOD! GOOD! Make me feeeeeeeel it!"

....EEEEEEH... You know what Maki doesnt wanna fight anymore...

So who's turn is it?

2011-10-31, 10:36 PM
YOu mean Quin and Prescott, right?

Harley could have just handed it to Prescott, since Quin had already moved on...sheesh. :smalltongue: This is the scepter that came with the crown, that Harley messed around with earlier, correct?

"Ow. Brilliant." Prescott scoops it up, and hustles forward to see what ridiculous misadventure Acererak had laid out for the final sprint of his tomb.

2011-10-31, 10:44 PM
I am so bewildered by this, everytime I think I'm following along nicely...BOOM five new pages and I am confused again. But screw it, this is easy, attack the dude! I also don't really understand what we're fighting, so If applicable if any of the following are available i'll use them if they make sense, Sunder, Overrun or Bull Rush.

Oh, and I think the theme song to this battle belongs to this band (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBIK0cIbREI&feature=relmfu).


Watching the Barbarian charge into battle Thoradin offers a guttural warcry of his own as he charges The Begginining, swinghis in a rather wild manner.


2011-10-31, 11:00 PM
I went back and found the scepter/crown/throne here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12062804&postcount=840), just to jog my memory. Harley touched (well, Dranga whacked) the gold end to the crown, which let Harley remove it, correct? Is the gold part the knobby bit on the left, or the round bit on the right? In case I have to reproduce that sequence.

Also, trawling back through these pages showed me that Daina gave Harley Welby's half of the key we found, that Prescott has the second half of. Would he maybe think to throw that down the tunnel as well, since he's in a throwing-fun-tools mood?

And no, this is not something Prescott is worrying about right now, so I didn't want to ask him IC. Don't want to metagame too much here, but you *did* say we were screwed if that key had gone poof with Welby, so I thought I'd remind you to remind Harley about it.

2011-11-01, 12:39 AM

The narrow passage behind the throne leads to a landing
and steps that funnel south.
Along the west wall, there is a black lever, just as Harley has said there would be.
The steps, wall, and ceiling of this stairwell are each apparently forged of a separate precious or semiprecious metal. A bronze key lies untended on one of the steps.
The six steps are made of onyx, pink marble, lapis, black marble, serpentine-a golden color, and malachite, from lowest to highest.The walls are lined with
copper, untarnished and gleaming, panels set between rare woods inlaid with ivory. The ceiling is silvered iron, formed so as to reflect and multiply light. Upon the fourth step is a large, cylindrical key of bronze. The doors on the south wall are made of mithral, and are fourteen feet wide and twenty eight feet tall.
Where the halves meet, at about waist height, are three cuplike depressions, hemispherical concavities, with central holes.
"Hmmm. Good thing we've got plenty of keys! But NOT a lot of time!"



YOu mean Quin and Prescott, right

....EEEEEEH... You know what Maki doesnt wanna fight anymore...

Lmao, First Blood, Maki,
Second Blood, definitely The Beginning

This is the scepter that came with the crown, that Harley messed around with earlier, correct?

I went back and found the scepter/crown/throne here, just to jog my memory. Harley touched (well, Dranga whacked) the gold end to the crown, which let Harley remove it, correct? Is the gold part the knobby bit on the left, or the round bit on the right? In case I have to reproduce that sequence.
One end of the scepter is a ball of gold, while the other is a sphere of silver.

And no, this is not something Prescott is worrying about right now, so I didn't want to ask him IC. Don't want to metagame too much here, but you *did* say we were screwed if that key had gone poof with Welby, so I thought I'd remind you to remind Harley about it.
Harley hasn't got it.


Round 1
The Beginning, Pharrah
Eduardo, Quin

The Die Rolls
[roll0] Maki's Initiative Roll
[roll1] Thoradin's Initiative Roll
[roll2] Pete's Initiative Roll

[roll3] Quin's Initiative Roll
[roll4] Eduardo's Initiative Roll
[roll5] Prescott's Initiative Roll

Hold Your PostsI'm waiting for responses specifically for Eduardo and Pete, though I'm open to receive actions.
They technically have Actions for two rounds, this last one, to make their decisions, and this current one, with the new Initiative Order.

End game has begun...
Wiping burn marks off his mask, The Beginning nods to Maki.
"Well struck. Well struck indeed. First blood to you."
Eight Tomb Guards, cold as Acererak's heart, ready to defend his Tomb and destroy its invaders stand ready and prepared to bring them death.
Daina, rendered invisible by Prescott can't help but smile.
"The wizard's got a sense of humor. I like him..."
Unseen to almost everyone, she draws and aims.
Pharrah looks over her shoulder, at Harley, who's already circling to flank, while Thoradin, battleaxe in hand mounts the stairs.
Hassadur raises himself to full height, hissing at the Guards.

Within the Wondrous Foyer, the light from Winky and Quin's armor is reflected by the glittering metals.
The mithral doors. The bronze key.
What appears to be three locks...
Leonard shudders, "We have to go fast, or they're going to die, aren't they."
Dranga shakes her head, "No... Maki has the power; Daina and Pete have the range; Harley's got the stealth and a Dwarven Defender like Thoradin can absorb any attack and give it right back. And as for Hassadur, and Pharrah... Those two know how to cheat..."
"And what about us?"
"Clearly, Acererak values brains, and looks, over brawn..."
She winces.
"...I've still got a bad-"


"-feeling about this."
"Let me go, Master!"
"We have to hurry!"
"This will be the greatest fight of your life."
"I just need to get behind him..."
"...I just need him to stand still for one moment..."
"I believe in them."

2011-11-01, 05:33 AM
"I don't trust anything that the Lich leaves out so openly. Lets try the two halves we found and the scepter first" Quin says, rummaging through his bag to ensure he has his scrolls and potions in order. Sticking a few healing potions in the slots in his belt and taking his last ion stone he sets it spinning.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-01, 07:39 AM
Eduardo already left Pharrah behind and went into the tunnel--check a few posts back for his... unusual actions. You can retroactively put those actions after Pharrah's "Let go" comments.

By the way, I think classifying Eduardo as a spellcaster is a bit of a stretch, given that my most powerful spell is Freedom of Movement. You guys will have to do the heavy lifting as far as casting goes, and Eduardo will function as front-liner, handing out occasional de-de-buffs when necessary.

Anyone have a death ward for Prescott?

Coming up alongside Quin, the Master nods. I agree. Why go through the trouble of dividing and hiding the key, unless it's more important? Prescott, do you still have it?

He cannot help but turn an ear back to the throne room, straining to listen to the pitched battle he left behind.

2011-11-01, 08:53 AM
Oh, wow. I did get you to do it...
I guess all that Charisma does count for something...
Okay, I
l'll move it so it makes sense.

By the way, I think classifying Eduardo as a spellcaster is a bit of a stretch, given that my most powerful spell is Freedom of Movement. You guys will have to do the heavy lifting as far as casting goes, and Eduardo will function as front-liner, handing out occasional de-de-buffs when necessary.

Eh, clearly Acererak/The Beginning see differently.

Personally, I consider this song to be the 'Tomb of Horrors' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIvdj2dwfxE) Theme.

As Quin rummages through the bag, he finds what looks like one of the key halves...
Dranga nods, "But there are three 'keyholes'-one of gold, one of silver and the other of bronze..."

2011-11-01, 09:04 AM
Ok, I understand what we are fighting better now so i'd say that the Attack i rolled earlyier was a Sunder attempt against his sword. I rolled a 25 to hit and an 11 on damage.

2011-11-01, 09:06 AM
Harley was the last known person to have the key that I saw. Did I miss him handing it off? Or did something mysterious happen to it when we weren't looking?

EDIT: Oh, now I see what you just posted... why don't people just hold onto items instead of snitching them away and planting them on other party members?

And why is Hermione Granger still in this tomb?!

Prescott draws out the key piece he had from earlier, and tosses it to Eduardo upon his inquiry. He also draws out a wand. "I have it, here. I imagine the gold pieced-key, the silver scepter, and the bronze key work in conjunction here. But I am a spellcaster, dammit, and I have no patience for Acererak's scavenger hunts... Knock!"

2011-11-01, 09:09 AM
Ok, I understand what we are fighting better now so i'd say that the Attack i rolled earlyier was a Sunder attempt against his sword. I rolled a 25 to hit and an 11 on damage.
Got it. I just need Actions from everyone else before I proceed.

why don't people just hold onto items instead of snitching them away and planting them on other party members?
Because its FUNNY!

And why is Hermione Granger still in this tomb?!
lol, usually I delete the models, but I wanted to provide some scale.

Harley was the last known person to have the key that I saw. Did I miss him handing it off? Or did something mysterious happen to it when we weren't looking?

The doors don't even budge.
The wand isn't very effective.

2011-11-01, 09:25 AM
Pete whispers something to Winky in an obscure dialect of sylvan. Then he cautiously withdraws, arrow still notched, until he stands on the southeastern steel circle. There he addresses those who remain in the throne room. "When he kills us we may awaken submerged. If so, inhale immediately and drown yourself. You will awaken again seconds later here, and our combat can continue. We fight to the death. And we fight beyond death. Agreed?" Pete then takes careful aim at the suit.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-01, 09:29 AM
There must be a way to open it, or else Acererack wouldn't have split us like this...

Let us try the keys we have already. At least we can confirm that they fit in the blasted locks.

Perhaps the scepter transforms somehow...

Eduardo fits the gold key into the gold key hole, and carefully turns it.

2011-11-01, 09:50 AM
Prescott shoves the wand back into its holster irritably. "We only have one proper key, yes? And I only have half - blast, Harley had the other half from Welby. I think we'll have to use this found key as well if we're looking for three items to stick in these holes."

I like the Hermione. She should be on our team. She saved the day in Harry Potter, why not here?

2011-11-01, 09:57 AM
Prescott shoves the wand back into its holster irritably. "We only have one proper key, yes? And I only have half - blast, Harley had the other half from Welby. I think we'll have to use this found key as well if we're looking for three items to stick in these holes."

I like the Hermione. She should be on our team. She saved the day in Harry Potter, why not here?

Maki asks for dibs on Hermione!

2011-11-01, 10:16 AM
Shush, you, keep hitting on Daina. That'll end well.
Besides, Spot isn't a class skill for barbarians, and Hermione's totally a spellcaster. You know you're jealous. :smalltongue:

2011-11-01, 12:39 PM
Harley laughs, "Is there any other way?"
He swings the greataxe toward The Beginning's head, and cries in frustration as the mysterious warrior bats the attack away with a kick.
Tongue between his teeth, he reverses the weapon bringing the haft to bear but the sword flashes between them.
"Cobra Strike Style: Total Defense!"
The rune blade becomes a spinning arc of light and metal.
With a scream, Pharrah swings her black blade behind her back, leaping in a backflip to bring her own threat to The Beginning.
Raising the blade above his head, the mysterious warrior crouches taking the brunt of her overhead attack and shifts to the left to let her retaliation swing through air.
He grunts in surprise as Pharrah keeps coming, slashing at his ribs.
Black lightning rips between them, and she grits her teeth, realizing her error.
As Pete waits for The Beginning to make a mistake he steps onto one of the steel caps, and finds that it's slowly but surely rising once again.
The Tomb Guard, has stepped aside to let the columns continue moving without them, staring straight at where the throne would be with empty eye sockets.

Maki has himself some Actions.

That was what was decided on for ranged AoO, wasn't it Oasys? May need to change that action if that's not the rule now.

Tis agreeable to me...

After getting a good look at the visible version of The Beginning was Pete certain that the suit matched the one in his exploding closet?
100%, except it's apparent that this suit is complete, while the hidden one had parts and components missing, namely the glowing spines 'nodes' or modules and the rune detailing.

If so he should be under the impression that the armor holds the consciousness of the 'wearer' and the zombie inside is of relatively little importance, except perhaps as a structural component, so please keep that in mind if you narrate Pete's ranged AoO, if he gets one.
Based on what study of the original suit revealed, it isn't a bad leap of logic.

Oh and if standing on the steel circle does anything, do tell.
Oh, I will.

but it would be flavorful.
Okay, admit it. You're just hoping to trash Acererak's bachelor pad.

Like if the suit guy knocks Pete out with nonlethal damage, would Daina have to be within melee range to CDG Pete so that he can drown/raise himself and stand up again, or can she shoot his body from the far side of the room? He's not wearing armor or anything so a vital shot for a rogue/assassin her level should be incredibly easy if he's unconscious on the floor...
She'd have to be right beside him, like within a square to ensure it's a kill. Hitting from a distant might not be a problem, put shooting him through the eye or the throat is the coup de grace.

Besides, Spot isn't a class skill for barbarians, and Hermione's totally a spellcaster. You know you're jealous.

It has been suggested/requested that with the divison of the party, I should now 'split' threads...
And with this thread coming to a rapid end, I'm not adverse to that...
Does anyone have any arguments against this?
I don't.

As Eduardo inserts the golden key half into the hole, it is apparent that it will not fit.
He'll need the other half...
Through the still open passage way, he hears Pharrah's scream, and realizes she's taken her fight to The Beginner.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-01, 12:52 PM
Split 'em!

2011-11-01, 01:11 PM
" Someone ! "

Maki says to the otehr members of the team.

" CLOSE THE DOOR FOR NOW! Acererak's Plan might be for the Squeletons

to get them from behind as they are trapped in there! "

After saying that Maki throws the Bastard Sword to the floor and takes out Eduardo's Scythe.

Then he sweeps at the Begginings Legs.

Touch Attack to Trip: [roll0]

Strenght Check: [roll1]

2011-11-01, 01:52 PM
Maki sweeps his legs out from under the mysterious warrior and he lands the hard platform of the throne...
Pete hears Daina's voice in his hear, and feels a bundle being pressed into his quiver.
"Use these to heal from a distance..."
And then she's gone.
Thoradin brings his battleaxe down on the sword, but the Mysterious Warrior pushes him back, foiling his sunder attack with his own tremendous strength.
Whipping his coils in a long arc, Hassadur slams into one of the Tomb Guards with tremendous force...
Seeing The Beginning down already, Harley is sure he's got the advantage.
"Didn't last long, did he?"
The axe slams down, raising up sparks as the Mysterious Warrior rolls away.
"Long enough to do this... Sweeping River!"
Like a great halo, the blade whirls around at their feet...

[roll0] Maki's Opposed Attack Roll
[roll1] Thoradin's Strength Check

...and Thoradin finds himself lying on his back.
Maki realizes his hands are empty and that Eduardo's scythe is lying on the ground.
With a cry, the axe flies from Harley's hands as well, and Pharrah rages as she drops to the ground too.
Continuing her attacks, the mysterious warrior blocks them all.

Pete has Actions.
Maki has been Disarmed.
Thoradin has been knocked prone.

2011-11-01, 01:58 PM
Maki sweeps his legs out from under the mysterious warrior and he lands the hard platform of the throne...
Pete hears Daina's voice in his hear, and feels a bundle being pressed into his quiver.
"Use these to heal from a distance..."
And then she's gone.
Thoradin brings his battleaxe down on the sword, but the Mysterious Warrior pushes him back, foiling his sunder attack with his own tremendous strength.
Whipping his coils in a long arc, Hassadur slams into one of the Tomb Guards with tremendous force...
Seeing The Beginning down already, Harley is sure he's got the advantage.
"Didn't last long, did he?"
The axe slams down, raising up sparks as the Mysterious Warrior rolls away.
"Long enough to do this... Sweeping River!"
Like a great halo, the blade whirls around at their feet...

[roll0] Maki's Opposed Attack Roll
[roll1] Thoradin's Strength Check

...and Thoradin finds himself lying on his back.
Maki realizes his hands are empty and that Eduardo's scythe is lying on the ground.
With a cry, the axe flies from Harley's hands as well, and Pharrah rages as she drops to the ground too.
Continuing her attacks, the mysterious warrior blocks them all.

Pete has Actions.
Maki has been Disarmed.
Thoradin has been knocked prone.

Is he still prone?

2011-11-01, 02:01 PM
Is he still prone?
Ayup. Prone.

2011-11-01, 02:07 PM
The warrior knocked over/disarmed everyone all at once, while prone? Geeze.

Prescott moves forward with the scepter, trying the keyhole divots to see if any will be a fit for the ball on either end. (Silver first, then gold if Quin hasn't fished his keypiece out yet.)

2011-11-01, 02:09 PM
The silver end fits within the silver keyhole perfectly.
There is a click, and Prescott feels a rather good feeling tingle through his body.
Then he realizes he cannot let go.

The warrior knocked over/disarmed everyone all at once, while prone? Geeze.
Oh. Is that a big deal? I had no idea...

2011-11-01, 02:16 PM
Awesomesauce. He attacked so he is out of Total Defense right?. And since he is prone he has -4 to AC...

Without as much as a second look at his dropped weapon Maki unsheates his trusty Falchion and slashes fiercely at the fallen warrior!


Attack! : [roll0]

Damage : [roll1]

STOP WITH THE FOURS! GOD DAMMIT! Its the second 4 in a row! XD

2011-11-01, 02:30 PM
Awesomesauce. He attacked so he is out of Total Defense right?. And since he is prone he has -4 to AC...
Please make an AoO, he feels like getting up next round.

2011-11-01, 02:35 PM
Please make an AoO, he feels like getting up next round.


Seeing as he begins to rise again Maki swings at him a second time with his word!

AOO: [roll0]


2011-11-01, 02:36 PM
^And you're NOT changing that to a special attack...

2011-11-01, 02:39 PM
^And you're NOT changing that to a special attack...

What a great idea XD but no I cant Trip with a Falchion and a Sunder attemp with such a low damage would be just silly...

2011-11-01, 03:14 PM
Am I able to pull the scepter out of the lock entirely, and then let go? (That is, am I only stuck to it as long as it is stuck to the door?) Or is the scepter stuck in good'n'proper as well until this door gets opened or whatever?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-01, 03:16 PM
Hold that thought, Prescott.

Eduardo runs up the steps and calls into the pitched battle, Harley! Throw us the key bit! We need both halves to move forward and challenge the Lich!

2011-11-01, 03:42 PM
Dranga looks at Prescott's position curiously.
"Prescott, what are you doing?"
Harley's busy.
So Eduardo is a little surprised when he hears Daina say, "I just gave it to you! It's hanging around your neck!"

Am I able to pull the scepter out of the lock entirely, and then let go? (That is, am I only stuck to it as long as it is stuck to the door?) Or is the scepter stuck in good'n'proper as well until this door gets opened or whatever?
Oh no. I mean as in he can't pull it out. And he can't take his hand off.

Just remembered Pete is Readying Action to take AoOs

Maintainin his aim on the mysterious warrior, Pete sees Maki bring him down.
But he doesn't fire yet, being on the ground, he's a smaller target...
Throwing axes in hand, Harley roars, only to be slashed across the face with the sword, foiling his attacks.
Black and white light's whirl as Pharrah and the Beginning parry, feint and swing their blades back and forth trying to slash each other to bits.
Everywhere she goes the sword is there, and so she tries to smash her forehead into his face, only to cry aloud as the mysterious warrior takes the blow without flinching.
"Cobra Style: Down Comes the Avalanche!!"
Swinging his feet in an arc above his head, The Beginning lifts himself from the ground, and Pete's patience pays off; he looses two arrows.

[roll0] Maki's Opposed Attack Roll
[roll1] Pete's Ranged Attack
[roll2] Pete's Ranged Attack[roll3]
Pete's Ranged Attack Damage Roll
[roll4] Pete's Ranged Attack Damage Roll

Lowering his aim just a bit, Pete sends the first arrow where armor is often weak, just beneath where the arm joins the shoulder.
At the same time, Maki rips with the falchion smashing into the mask and drawing a groan of pain from the warrior.
But he finishes his movement.
Pete's second arrow is batted away by the sword, cutting the shaft in half.
Landed solidly on his feet, the mysterious warrior aims a flurry of blows to Maki's extremities, which the barbarian easily fends off.
Leaving him very surprised when a kick sends his falchion flying out of his hands, leaving him unarmed again.
From her unseen position, Daina looses two arrows of her own only to see them be batted away by the sword again.
The columns continue to rise, lifting Pete higher into the air.

Thoradin has Actions.
Maki and Harley have been Disarmed...
...Mysterious Warrior is no longer Prone.
Pharrah and Thoradin are.
Pete scored a hit.
Daina missed twice.

2011-11-01, 03:53 PM
Okay, that's what I thought. Very stuck. Hrm.

This key is ridiculous. 'Quin sees what looks like the other half of the key at the bottom of his bag... but nope, he was wrong! It is actually a block of cheese. Eduardo has the key, and Daina has too much free time for sleight of hand practice!' :smallsigh: :smalltongue:

2011-11-01, 04:00 PM
This key is ridiculous. 'Quin sees what looks like the other half of the key at the bottom of his bag... but nope, he was wrong! It is actually a block of cheese. Eduardo has the key, and Daina has too much free time for sleight of hand practice!'
It means that now there are atleast three key halves!

2011-11-01, 04:03 PM
WHA WHA A 39!! He disarmed me after i Rolled a 39!!?

" What is it dont you like weapons? "

Oasys Maki has now both The Scythe and the Falchion and the Bastars sword at his feet right? Would it provoke an attack of opportunity if he Kicked them away from him?. BTW 6 more rounds of Rage left...

Edit: Random Doublepost is Random

2011-11-01, 04:03 PM
At Dranga & Winky's inquiry, Prescott responds, "I appear to be stuck. This scepter seems to have a continuing gimmick of holding things fast and releasing on certain conditions... Let me do all the key turning, so more of us don't join in this compulsion." Prescott uses his mummy hand to Mage Hand the bronze key up toward him while Eduardo is seeing to the golden key.

Oh, well, at least we're not seeing things. I guess that's... better? Stop touching things, Daina!

Hermione is TOTALLY in the tomb. First it was guarded by a dragon, and now... "It's been enchanted with a Gemino curse! They're multiplying!"

2011-11-01, 04:15 PM
The Mysterious Warrior says nothing, bouncing alight on his feet.

" What is it dont you like weapons? "
Maki can still make an Unarmed Attack.

Would it provoke an attack of opportunity if he Kicked them away from him?.
Or he can do that, no AoO.

Oh, well, at least we're not seeing things. I guess that's... better? Stop touching things, Daina!
Gotta stay sharp somehow.

Hermione is TOTALLY in the tomb. First it was guarded by a dragon, and now... "It's been enchanted with a Gemino curse! They're multiplying!"

WHA WHA A 39!! He disarmed me after i Rolled a 39!!?

As Prescott maneuvers the key into the appropriate lock, he feels an odd presure inside his right boot.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-01, 04:18 PM
When the heck did that happen? Eduardo mutters to himself as he dashes back to the door, joining the two key segments together mid-stride.

2011-11-01, 04:18 PM
" Oh Now You are silent! "

Maki Kicks the Scythe back around ten feet.

Then he jumps backwards towards it.

Standard Action to kick the scythe away and now TUMBLE!

Tumble away! DC 15 : [roll0]

Edit: BARELY avoided that AOO O:


... Whatever i guess Maki uses Total defense and moves backward... i dunno if the Bonus to AC would be of +4 or +6 since he HAS 5 ranks in tumble but CANT USE tumble ¬¬

2011-11-01, 04:34 PM
Look, a 4! Those are your favorite! :smallbiggrin:

I don't want to die in a flood of keys... glued to a door... I don't even get to use a broomstick and chase the gimpy one first...

Prescott looks to his boot to see what might have materialized there, and next focuses his mage-hand attention on dislodging the mystery item. Once that's removed, he'll take the kludged together gold key off Eduardo's hands and fit that in the top lock.

2011-11-01, 04:36 PM
Quin looks on slightly amused but heads but quickly realizes he needs to move fast. Rushing back to the combat he calls "Pharrah, Do you have any scrolls I can use? Im going to shut the throne if not. Best of luck."

Gah thread splosion.

2011-11-01, 04:39 PM
Pete puts on his ring of feather falling and nocks one more arrow.

2011-11-01, 04:47 PM
Don't forget that neat keybit you found in your bag a few seconds ago, Elfstone!

2011-11-01, 05:26 PM
As Maki attempts to retreat to safety, the mysterious warrior clucks in disapproval...
He leaps up, and swings his foot in a blurringly fast kick to the barbarian's head.
It doesn't hurt much.

[roll0] Damage to Maki

... Whatever i guess Maki uses Total defense and moves backward... i dunno if the Bonus to AC would be of +4 or +6 since he HAS 5 ranks in tumble but CANT USE tumble ¬¬
But moving backward more then ten feet without withdrawing still get him his AoO!

It would be +14 for attack rolls I think. The longbow gets a +1 from being masterwork/magical, right?

Not indicated on your sheet, but yes.

Also did the Undead Bane effect not trigger? And split second decision, your call, would the user of a Bane weapon be aware that it didn't activate?
It didn't. No. Other than the fact that it clearly isn't as effective as usual.

Also was that an attack against the armor or just a normal damage attack against the suspected zombie that took into account the presence of the armor? I don't think it matters much whether I go for subsystem damage or HP total with these readied AoOs. The main reason for them would be to interrupt or penalize whatever action is provoking the AoO. But I would like to know which you're using.
Whether you're attacking the zombie or the suit won't change the AC...
I think there's a rule that says you can't target armor anyways.

Also Pete only nocked one arrow. Momentary vulnerabilities, right?
Well, he's not moving, why not Full Attack?

Yes, and his evil opera house, his flying skyscraper, his nuclear powered ocean liner, his abandoned underground bowling alley, his orbital watchtower, his storm generating trimaran-zeppelin, his unscrupulous archaeological expedition's truck convoy and his rental unit in Rocinha.

Don't forget the art studio in Palm Springs! Because torture is an art form according to Ocelot!

How fast is the column moving?
Beware the wind.

If Quin wants that scroll, he's gonna have to wait until Pharrah's turn...

As Eduardo brings the keys together, there is a flash of light in his hands, as well as in Prescott's boot and in Quin's bag.
Their eyes adjust after a moment and Eduardo holds a golden key on a black string in his hand.
Once the key is inserted, there is a crackle of electricity, and slowly the door begins to swing open...
As the halves swing to reveal beyond, Prescott reveals that his hand is free, though the scepter appears to have vanished, returning to its place above...
The gold and bronze keys fall to the steps with a pair of clinks.
A silvered ceiling reflects a grand room with inlaid ivory and gold tiled walls and a polished agate tiled floor. A hulking black iron demonic sculpture rests in each corner of the chamber, each bearing a distinctive weapon. In addition, the chamber contains a gold filigreed bronze urn from which issues a thin stream of smoke, two iron chests, and a granite sarcophagus which is plainly inscribed with the name ‘ACERERAK.’
Two armored skeletons, of human origin and bearing marks of tearing claws and intense flame, lie in crawling, pitiful positions, as if fleeing the sarcophagus.
One a swordsman by his arms, reaches toward a black ring, an inch of of reach. The other, with a sack and a scimitar clutched in hand covers his face in despair.
Each iron statue is nine feet tall and is forged of black metal. The statue to the northeast stands with a saw-toothed two-handed sword raised to strike; the statue to the northwest has a huge, spikeended mace; to the southeast the sculpture readies a wickedly spiked morning star, and the one in the southwest has a glaive.

2011-11-01, 05:28 PM
As Maki attempts to retreat to safety, the mysterious warrior clucks in disapproval...
He leaps up, and swings his foot in a blurringly fast kick to the barbarian's head.
It doesn't hurt much.

[roll0] Damage to Maki

But moving backward more then ten feet without withdrawing still get him his AoO!

Not indicated on your sheet, but yes.

It didn't. No. Other than the fact that it clearly isn't as effective as usual.

Whether you're attacking the zombie or the suit won't change the AC...
I think there's a rule that says you can't target armor anyways.

Well, he's not moving, why not Full Attack?

Don't forget the art studio in Palm Springs! Because torture is an art form according to Ocelot!

Beware the wind.
As Eduardo brings the keys together, there is a flash of light in his hands, as well as in Precott's boot and in Quin's bag.
Their eyes adjust after a moment and Eduardo holds a golden key on a black string in his hand.
Once the key is inserted, there is a crackle of electricity, and slowly the door begins to swing open...
As the halves swing to reveal beyond, Prescott reveals that his hand is free, though the scepter appears to have vanished, returning to its place above...
The gold and bronze keys fall to the steps with a pair of clinks.
A silvered ceiling reflects a grand room with inlaid ivory and gold tiled walls and a polished agate tiled floor. A hulking black iron demonic sculpture rests in each corner of the chamber, each bearing a distinctive weapon. In addition, the chamber contains a gold filigreed bronze urn from which issues a thin stream of smoke, two iron chests, and a granite sarcophagus which is plainly inscribed with the name ‘ACERERAK.’
Two armored skeletons, of human origin and bearing marks of tearing claws and intense flame, lie in crawling, pitiful positions, as if fleeing the sarcophagus.
One a swordsman by his arms, reaches toward a black ring, an inch of of reach. The other, with a sack and a scimitar clutched in hand covers his face in despair.
Each iron statue is nine feet tall and is forged of black metal. The statue to the northeast stands with a saw-toothed two-handed sword raised to strike; the statue to the northwest has a huge, spikeended mace; to the southeast the sculpture readies a wickedly spiked morning star, and the one in the southwest has a glaive.

He kicked me?... Did he just tried to stun me?

2011-11-01, 05:29 PM
Quin scans the room with his magical sight before entering, lingering on the statues most of all.

Guide to surviving the Tomb.
Step one:Detect magic EVERYTHING. Even small children.

2011-11-01, 05:38 PM
THORADIN! Put youself between him and me so he cant charge in a straight line!

2011-11-01, 05:45 PM
He kicked me?... Did he just tried to stun me?
Next round. With Power Attack.
Couldn't do it this round, since you've got to do it on your action, yadda yadda yadda...

Quin scans the room with his magical sight before entering, lingering on the statues most of all.

Does Quin still want that scroll? And that'll take time...
Time Maki doesn't have.


2011-11-01, 08:07 PM
The Previous Threads...
The First Thread, "[3.5] Tomb of Horrors" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=182877)
The Second Thread, "[3.5] Tomb of Horrors, continuing!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=189174)
Third Thread, "[3.5] Tomb of Horrors, ongoin" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=199120)
Fourth Thread, "[3.5] Tomb of Horrors, the final and concluding thread but one of many threads to come... =P (http://http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=216419)

...the Current Thread...
"[3.5] Tomb of Horrors - The Climactic Conclusion?" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12142427#post12142427)

It looks SO much better as one superlong post.
Reads better too.
Or at least, I think so.


This new thread comes with a 1) summary, 2) a reposting of the last most relevant posts, 3) a new map and 4) a beautiful introduction by Winky the Archon!
Enjoy it while it's still fresh!

2011-11-01, 08:18 PM
Quin waits for scrolls before heading back to check out the new room.

Also, a few minor typos, mainly leaving ut some font tags, but otherwise NICEEEE!