View Full Version : [3.5] Tomb of Horrors - The Climactic Conclusion?

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2011-11-06, 12:30 PM
"Don't be absurd. Thats obviously NOT the lich. I would suppose we need to do something with the statues to open the real secret lair. Lets see what these skeletons were wearing." as Quin takes the armor from the skeletons ont he floor and tosses it outside the room as he steps outside to view them with his magical sight. Once done, he examines the ring the skeleton was grasping at before tossing it as well and viewing it. He makes sure he is never in contact to the items outside the room so as to never suffer the effects of them.

Once finished, he returns to the tomb and attempts to discern what the body was wearing without moving anything.

For the wrappings and the staff.

2011-11-06, 12:32 PM
" Damn it... "

Maki mutters as he glances at the Pharao Lord on the other side of the room.

He knows his rage wont last much longer... and then...

" Parrah do you have a spell that can relieve tiredness? "

Rage left ... 2 turns ... Talking is a free action! he is asking parra if she has a spell that can remove fatigue... I think lesser restoration does it...

2011-11-06, 12:35 PM
Winky flies in front of Quin as he reaches to touch the bodies and their items.
"Don't touch them! Valera's magic worked in here. And so does the demi-lich's power to keep the room lit, if these are posed bodies, their items might work too!"

Maki is subject to Bull's Strength

Talking is a free action!
That's more than six words...
I'd AoO you...

"Gimme a minute!"
She touches him on the forehead, filling Maki with greater strength and power.

2011-11-06, 12:36 PM
"Fine. I wont touch them." says Quin as he sticks his spear up the spine and tries to lever/drag/move the bodies outside of the room without touching them.

2011-11-06, 12:38 PM
Quin doesn't get far with his gruesome task.
After a minute of pushing the skeletons around, they completely fall apart, scattering the bones across the floor.
But that does leave the items free to move and manipulate...

2011-11-06, 12:38 PM
Winky flies in front of Quin as he reaches to touch the bodies and their items.
"Don't touch them! Valera's magic worked in here. And so does the demi-lich's power to keep the room lit, if these are posed bodies, their items might work too!"

Maki is subject to Bull's Strength

That's more than six words...
I'd AoO you...

"Gimme a minute!"
She touches him on the forehead, filling Maki with greater strength and power.

Not what i asked of her XD. and i think bull strength doesnt stack with my Belt of Giant Strenght

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-06, 12:43 PM
Knowledge Religion: [roll0] Is there any religious significance beyond the obvious about what I see in the sarcophagus?
Heal: [roll1]How was the skeleton defaced?
Survival: [roll2] How many individuals do I think have opened this casket and fooled around with its contents?

2011-11-06, 12:43 PM
An enhancement bonus represents an increase in the sturdiness and/or effectiveness of armor or natural armor, or the effectiveness of a weapon, or a general bonus to an ability score. Multiple enhancement bonuses on the same object (in the case of armor and weapons), creature (in the case of natural armor), or ability score do not stack. Only the highest enhancement bonus applies. Since enhancement bonuses to armor or natural armor effectively increase the armor or natural armor's bonus to AC, they don't apply against touch attacks.

Not what i asked of her XD. and i think bull strength doesnt stack with my Belt of Giant Strenght
How could she know? She doesn't have access to Quin's inventory.
And she said give her a minute. Give her a minute!

Gimme Actions Misaat!

2011-11-06, 12:43 PM
Sighing, he pokes the items out of the room, hoping they didn't worship the Master of the Forge or he would never forgive himself. Nerull on the other hand.....

2011-11-06, 12:47 PM
How could she know? She doesn't have access to Quin's inventory.
And she said give her a minute. Give her a minute!

Gimme Actions Misaat!


A drop of sweat falls crosses Maki's brow... He knows that there could be dozens of waves left... he has no chance... maybe...

" *Gulp* "

Maki takes out the vial of dark venom from his pocket... and after pulling out the cork he gulps it down...


2011-11-06, 01:07 PM
Peering more closely into the chest, Eduardo learns some things and finds himself thinking interesting thoughts...
The sarcophagus and the Mummy Lord and Lady indicate a cultural connection, perhaps Acererak had extended dealings with them prior to his becoming a demi-lich? Or even death?
The sarcophagus is undoubtedly the resting place, and often looted and rifled through holder of someone, if not Acererak.
The skeleton is incomplete...
Broken and shattered, as if someone had taken a bludgeoning weapon to the lich's lower face.
The skull indicates one of the tiefling race...
...matching legends of Acererak's birth.
The grooves look almost like tears, if tears were made of acid, wearing away at the bone.

She was gonna cast Rage once Maki's Rage ended!

Knowledge Religion: [roll0] Is there any religious significance beyond the obvious about what I see in the sarcophagus?
Heal: [roll1]How was the skeleton defaced?
Survival: [roll2] How many individuals do I think have opened this casket and fooled around with its contents?
Not much.
Bones have been taken and cut with weapons. The skull was smashed, destroying the lower half, including the jaw.
Countless. Everybody and their brother has been through this sarcophagus.

Quin manages to push the black ring, a broken sword, and worn scratched armor out of the Treasure Room. The sack bursts revealing twisted and melted black coins.


Bring 'roid boy!

[roll0] Maki the Barbarian's Fortitude Save.

If Maki makes the save and survives ingesting an injected poison, he must observe the following conditions;
He CANNOT stop moving when under the effects of the poison, or venom, technically. Not "should not", or "would not", but "cannot". You of course can decide how you move-but each round, Maki must make use of a Move Action. MUST. So no Full Attacks.
While under the effects of the venom, Maki is in a Greater Rage. While not, he can choose to end the rage, but the moment it returns he must rage...

A drop of blood drips from Maki's nostril.

2011-11-06, 01:14 PM
Peering more closely into the chest, Eduardo learns some things and finds himself thinking interesting thoughts...
The sarcophagus and the Mummy Lord and Lady indicate a cultural connection, perhaps Acererak had extended dealings with them prior to his becoming a demi-lich? Or even death?
The sarcophagus is undoubtedly the resting place, and often looted and rifled through holder of someone, if not Acererak.
The skeleton is incomplete...
Broken and shattered, as if someone had taken a bludgeoning weapon to the lich's lower face.
The skull indicates one of the tiefling race...
...matching legends of Acererak's birth.
The grooves look almost like tears, if tears were made of acid, wearing away at the bone.

She was gonna cast Rage once Maki's Rage ended!

Not much.
Bones have been taken and cut with weapons. The skull was smashed, destroying the lower half, including the jaw.
Countless. Everybody and their brother has been through this sarcophagus.

Quin manages to push the black ring, a broken sword, and worn scratched armor out of the Treasure Room. The sack bursts revealing twisted and melted black coins.


Bring 'roid boy!

[roll0] Maki the Barbarian's Fortitude Save.

If Maki makes the save and survives ingesting an injected poison, he must observe the following conditions;
He CANNOT stop moving when under the effects of the poison, or venom, technically. Not "should not", or "would not", but "cannot". You of course can decide how you move-but each round, Maki must make use of a Move Action. MUST. So no Full Attacks.
While under the effects of the venom, Maki is in a Greater Rage. While not, he can choose to end the rage, but the moment it returns he must rage...

A drop of blood drips from Maki's nostril.

How much damage did i take from drinking that aaaand What's my new strength score? aaaaand Even if Parrah casted Rage Maki would still had been Fatigued XD

2011-11-06, 01:15 PM
Since Quin is viewing them under Detect Magic, what does he see?Also, once het gets the results, he heads back to the coffin and examines the items with the spellcraft check I rolled a few posts back.

You remember Quin gave Prescott Dranga's 11 scrolls right? Wanna Read them?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-06, 01:28 PM
With a look of disgust, Eduardo slides the lid of the sarcophagus back into place.

Hopping up, he sits on top of the now closed sarcophagus and runs his hands over the top of his skull, mussing his hair in the process and letting out a sigh.

He watches Quin and Prescott, and waits.

2011-11-06, 01:40 PM
How much damage did i take from drinking that aaaand What's my new strength score? aaaaand Even if Parrah casted Rage Maki would still had been Fatigued XD
Maki's Strength is 56.

Since Quin is viewing them under Detect Magic, what does he see?Also, once het gets the results, he heads back to the coffin and examines the items with the spellcraft check I rolled a few posts back.

Familiar with the original effects of the venom, Maki knows it's working.
For a moment his vision blurs, and then the awesome strength surges through his blood gripping is very mind.
Awesome power is his.
Unknowing of what Maki has done, Harley makes a circuitous route to Pete, sliding across the sand.
"Damn it, Pete! What's hap-"
Pete sees is face go from worry to plainly confused.
He touches Pete's forehead, looking over his shoulder warily.
"What on the Prime are these?"
He traces lines across Pete's face.
Hurling sand through the air, Daina is momentarily outlinedby the Concubine's desperate attack.
She tries to rake Daina with extended hands, but the thief only responds by jaw-boning the Concubine with a smack from the bow, and the Concubine voices her suffering with a hellish scream.
"...Bonus Wave Incoming..."
Daina finishes her kill, slamming arrow after arrow into the concubine until it stops moving.
The Pharaoh leaps at Maki, moving to touch the barbarian and infect him with his deadly mummy rot curse.

Go Maki...
[roll0] Damage to Maki
[roll1] Maki's Fortitude Save

But I'm probably reading too much into it.
No such thing.

Quin finds that whatever magic and power these items held in their owners' past lives are long gone. Drained of their power, magical auras alight tem but are two faint and weak to even determine what they once did.
Winky flies out after Quin, just in case the cleric needs his protection from evil.
With nothing to learn without physical examination of these items, Quin finds slightly more information inside the sarcophagus.
The staff is definitely know walking stick... It was a magical device at one time. The jewellery and tattered remaings of wrappings and the coffin box were all mundane.
From his loftier position, Eduardo gets a new perspective.
The right arm of each statue are aligned to center on the brazier...
Too late for that now.
But the left arms of all the other statues point to the northwestern one.

2011-11-06, 01:47 PM
Quin walks back inside, sighing. "Lets get one of the rings up. North or south?"

Whichever the Master says (North. DUH) Quin aids him in pulling.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-06, 01:49 PM
Gentlemen, if I may, I'd like to share an observation with you.

The right hand of these iron statues point toward the brazier. The left point toward the Northwest statue...

We know the brazier contained a dangerous creature. It stands to reason that the northwest pull ring might release one as well. Let us address the southern pull ring and see where it leads.

Eduardo hops off the sarcophagus and walks over to the pull ring that the statues do not point to.

2011-11-06, 01:51 PM
Whichever the Master says (North. DUH) Quin aids him in pulling.

We know the brazier contained a dangerous creature. It stands to reason that the northwest pull ring might release one as well. Let us address the other pull ring and see where it leads.

300 Experience Points to Eduardo.

Beneath the concealed door that opens into a 10-foot deep, 5-foot wide shaft that opens onto a lower corridor leading west.

2011-11-06, 01:56 PM
Woo Barely made that Mummy Rot DC. Oasys always remember Maki's damage resistance!... Also how much hp does he have left? XD

Feeling how the Paraoh bumps into him. Maki turns his head to gaze into his soulless eyes.... and he smirks.

"Why hello there ^^ "

Then he rips him in half with the Scythe.

Attack:[roll0] +1 = 30



Edit: Wait ! I forgot the +1 from the boots of Haste! XD so that would make it 30

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-06, 01:59 PM
The Master of Death nods approvingly at what he sees. Carefully, he climbs down into the newly exposed corridor, warily watching for new threats.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-06, 02:01 PM
Screwed up rolling code.
Deathwatch is back on, I trust?

Misaat: You mean "barely" not "merely"

2011-11-06, 02:04 PM
Thanks XD Stupid not native language

2011-11-06, 02:24 PM
Quin removes a coil of rope and attaches it to the statue before repelling down into the shaft, using his belt as a stop(passing the rope under his belt and back up before holding it tight against the rope, allowing enough rope out to allow him to descend rapidly). Reaching the bottom he says "Picked that up after helping a friend rid an important mine of pesky shadows. You want to lead?"

Quin examines the stone work, wondering if it was built differently.
[roll0] [roll1]

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-06, 02:29 PM
Yes, I think that's wise. I can use my death sense to spot lurking enemies. We'll go once Prescott and Leonard are safely down here.

2011-11-06, 02:40 PM
Woo Barely made that Mummy Rot DC. Oasys always remember Maki's damage resistance!... Also how much hp does he have left? XD

Edit: Wait ! I forgot the +1 from the boots of Haste! XD so that would make it 30

Don't look at the SRD for the AC for monsters.
The DC is 20.
The AC is 33.

Deathwatch is back on, I trust?

Stepping out of Maki's attack, the Pharaoh laughs in the barbarian's face.
"درت! أي حفي كرصد يو!"
Harley continues to trace lines across Pete's face.
"Oh, this is bad... Pharrah? PHARRAH!"
Standing up, he looks for her, then cries aloud as he sees hears Acererak's announcement.
"لف إز سند! ديث إز جلوري! أسرارك!"
"لف إز سند! ديث إز جلوري! أسرارك!"
"لف إز سند! ديث إز جلوري! أسرارك!"
"لف إز سند! ديث إز جلوري! أسرارك!"
"لف إز سند! ديث إز جلوري! أسرارك!"
"لف إز سند! ديث إز جلوري! أسرارك!"
"لف إز سند! ديث إز جلوري! أسرارك!"
"لف إز سند! ديث إز جلوري! أسرارك!"
Dark voices ring out, and desert blade meets desert blade.
Armed with twin khopeshes, armored lesser mummy's scream their allegiance.
Though they don't instill fear as the other mummy's had. Their weapons are sharp.
Their armor spiked.
Going to work from the start, Daina slams arrows into their backs, unseen and dangerous.
The Pharaoh screams at Maki, swinging once more with his deadly touch.
"دية درت! اكرر إز مي ماستر!"


Oasys always remember Maki's damage resistance!... Also how much hp does he have left? XD
He has, this attack, minus 2, lus the last attack minus, 2, and then add that to the damage I last added up by the Mysterious Warrior and The Pharaoh, etc, and subtract that number from Maki's hit points.
Teach a man to fish!

Quin examines the stone work, wondering if it was built differently.

It wasn't.

As Quin and Eduardo lower themselves into the passage, Quin's breastplate provides a dull light for them to see by, and Eduardo's unholy sight alerts him that they are indeed alone in this secret passage.
His ioun stone is nowhere to be found.
As they make their way around and along the bottom, Quin is able to tell the passage winds beneath the sarcophagus and along the south and west wall of the room.
It eventually comes to hole in the wall leading to a passage headed east.

"Well Prescott, it appears we're on the move again! No fear though, where the Light shines, Good shall triumph!"Leonard smiles weakly.
"...and where it does not; we shall bring it!"


2011-11-06, 02:48 PM
How is Welby?

Quin stops before the hole and says to the others "I would like to add another set of protections if you don't mind" as he pulls out the scroll of Resist energy and protects himself from cold. Once finished he asks Prescott "Did you get a chance to examine Dranga's scrolls?"

2011-11-06, 02:52 PM
How is Welby?

"Uh, can't Disentegrate..."
He has no components, let alone a stitch of clothing...
With a hoarse cry, Welby finally begins to panic, mind racing, he almost doesn't see the zombie gargoyle tear off the rest of Trevor's skull with a snap, and let the body fall back into the pit.
Roaring, it's mouth filled with zombie dwarf, the zombie gargoyle drowned out a crash of thunder.
...no Wall of Force...
Spreading it's wings, it hurls itself across the pit...
...Enervation won't do...
...spread outfully, the wingtips touch each wall...
I'm going to die!

[roll0] Welby's Ranged Touch Attack, Miss
[roll1] Welby Damage Roll for Orb of Force

[roll2] Claw Attack Roll for the Zombie Gargoyle
[roll3] Claw Attack Roll for the Zombie Gargoyle
[roll4] Claw Attack Roll for the Zombie Gargoyle
[roll5] Claw Attack Roll for the Zombie Gargoyle
[roll6] Zombie Gargoyle's Damage Roll
[roll7] Zombie Gargoyle's Damage Roll
[roll8] Zombie Gargoyle's Damage Roll
[roll9] Zombie Gargoyle's Damage Roll

If it hits with two attacks, it rends...

Ducking beneath the Orb, the zombie gargoyle takes ahold of Welby in it's claws, tearing into the halfling with a ripping motion, tearing the sorceror into bits and pieces.
Munching on bit and scraps of the warm flesh, the gargoyle sits by the wall, and folds it's wings about as it grovels in the bloody mess.
The rain continues to fall.

Imma wait for Mo' before revealing what happens next.

2011-11-06, 02:54 PM
Oh wait Scratch that i forgot i had a move action left from last turn. And raging Maki's Fortitude Save is +16 not +12 :smallconfused:

Feeling he has to keep his body moving Maki moves back towards Parrah.

Stupid Not being able to tumble...

2011-11-06, 03:12 PM
Waiting for me to descibe the blood dripping from Thoradin's ear? Stupid invisible ninja...

absurd and assuredly not going to be attempted

Really? Haven't you been paying attention to what kind of barbarian Maki is?

Pharohs are the new chairs!

2011-11-06, 03:21 PM
No mo, Thoradin is in the sea of blood. Drown yourself!!!! That was the advice given

2011-11-06, 03:28 PM
[roll0] Maki's Fortitude Save, for last rounds hit and more Mummy Rot...

Oh wait Scratch that i forgot i had a move action left from last turn. And raging Maki's Fortitude Save is +16 not +12
Make TheOasysMaster an editor of Raging Maki so I can see it among my sheets

Waiting for me to descibe the blood dripping from Thoradin's ear?

Thoradin's eyes fly open in murky water tinged with red.
His armor threatens to weigh him down, and cause him to sink, but he's not too deep. Even through the red and the large floating shapes, he can see the bottom and that a sort of beach is dead in front of him.
The light of the surface dances a foot above his helmet.

I'd almost feel like this comment was metagaming if it wasn't absurd and assuredly not going to be attempted and prone to failure for all sorts of reasons, like the odds of Pharaoh not making the initial AoO for the grapple. Oh but one can dream...
Horrifyingly since he does have a relatively low touch AC...

Stupid Not being able to tumble...

Don't hate the p-
Oh. Right.

Mysterious Warrior

With a hoarse laugh, the Pharaoh reaches to catch ahold of Maki before he can run off, but he only catches empty air.
Pharrah finds some humor too.
Holding up her hands she fires Magic Missiles at the creature's chest only for the attack to be thwarted by the Pharaoh's brooch of shielding.
She runs away, keeping from his reach, circling to avoid the new Sand Guards and see to Harley.
"What is it now?"
He points to Pete, then throws an axe at the Pharaoh's back, nodding as it lodges in his shoulder.
"There are too many."
"Don't worry."
Pharrah slides to a sand-spraying stop next to Pete.
His muscles are beginning to loosen. Feeling is returning to his body.
With the concubine gone, Pete's fear has no place inside him.
Swatting aside more arrows from Daina, the Pharaoh eyes his large khopesh, lying forgotten on the sand.
"مي ويبن! من أنس مر!"

Pete has Actions. Maki has Actions.

Leonard adopts a thoughtful look, "Do you think we'll need those keys again? The bronze and the gold one? The silver scepter disappeared..."

2011-11-06, 03:39 PM

" Dont even think about it ! "

Maki says as he looks at the Paraoh Eyeing the Kopesh. He moves towards him and tries to rip him in half with the Scythe again.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Not taking any chances now XD . 3 5'S IN A ROW!

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-06, 03:42 PM
Didn't the keys disappear?

Once outside of the field, I will hit myself with a Freedom of Movement and a Bear's Endurance.

2011-11-06, 03:47 PM
Pete inhales deeply, the precious clean air soothing his lungs and easing the tightness in his throat. He blinks as his vision blurs and clears again. There was a radiating pain along - Pharrah? What... Pharrah? "What happened?" Pete feebly tries to ask.

2011-11-06, 03:59 PM
Once outside of the field, I will hit myself with a Freedom of Movement and a Bear's Endurance.
Roger roger.

Didn't the keys disappear?
Just the scepter.

Who's got 'em?

"He used his Quivering Palm Strike on you..."
She bites her lip.
Clearly, she knows more.
"دية درت! يور فيوتشور إز إز ديث!"
The new Sand Guard hack at Maki with it's weapon, slicing into the barbarian with precise, yet strange strokes from the desert weapon.
Spinning their shining weapons in their hands, half of them chase after Harley who uses a series of flips and jumps to stay just out of reach.
Three advance on Pete and Pharrah, who looks over her shoulder in annoyance...

[roll0] Damage to Maki
[roll1] Damage to Maki

Any real action for Pete? He is prone.

What Eduardo sees...

...from another point of view.

2011-11-06, 04:09 PM
Too much OOC cant find the last post where you told me how much Hps Maki had left XD

2011-11-06, 04:19 PM
Pete concludes that if Pharrah knew a reason it would help to not move in his current condition she would have mentioned it. He staggers upright against the south wall and looses an arrow at the nearest of the three guards advancing towards them. "Oh, is that all?"

2011-11-06, 04:21 PM
Maki's taken 22HPs of damage in total... Counting his DR.
-22 + -25, he's taken 47 HPs of damage.

2011-11-06, 04:26 PM
-22 + -25, he's taken 47 HPs of damage.

All right then Maki is at 114 hp

2011-11-06, 04:37 PM
All right then Maki is at 114 hp
I'll fix that.

"Uh, it's a particular painful variant..."
The arrow bounces off a breastplate and one of the Guards scream a challenge at Pete.
"يور لايف ول بأس دست!"
Swinging their weapons skillfully, Pete and Pharrah are hard-pressed to keep themselves in one piece.
Dancing across the sand, they manage to keep the searching swords out of their bodies.
The Pharaoh reaches his weapon before Maki can deliver his destructive attack.
Too late, the Mummy King tries to bring the khopesh to a defensive position, but Maki is too quick.
Too strong.
The scythe rips into Pharoah sending bones, charms and torn wrapping dancing across the black sand.
Spinning her sword quickly, Pharrah lashes out, cutting one of the guards across the chest. She dances back and forth putting as much distance between the blades and her as possible.
Harley tears his axe from the Mummy Lord's shoulder, twisting the blade as he does so.
Sticking the red dagger into the base of the Pharaoh's neck, he stabs repeatedly over and over.

Gimme Actions.

2011-11-06, 04:43 PM
Is the Pharao over with then?

2011-11-06, 04:47 PM
Is the Pharao over with then?


2011-11-06, 04:53 PM


Maki brings the Scythe down on the Paraoh's head again.

Attack: [roll0]


Then he moves backwards away from the guards...

4 turns left on the boots...

2011-11-06, 05:13 PM
"Pain is acceptable. Delay is not." Pete retreats further west, away from the sand guards.

2011-11-06, 05:29 PM
"Neither is defeat..."
Pete gets distance, leaving the Guards far behind, and giving Pharrah the room to attack in a far more efficient manner.
Staggering backwards, the Pharaoh makes a wild swing, but Maki angrily bats the feeble atack away.
Continuing with his momentum, Maki spins the sycthe in a blur that decapitates the mummy's hands and head, leaving a valuable if terribly damaged corpse on the sand.
"...so set the world afire."
A fireball rips above the sand and Pharrah vanishes from sight, taking the Guards with her.
Avoiding the edge of the flames, Harley's knives sprout from the Guards limbs and exposed face, always just one step ahead of their reaching weapons.
Behind him, Maki hears a familiar voice.
"Well done. Now show me your rage!"

Pete and Maki, gimme Actions.

2011-11-06, 05:36 PM
Thoradin's eyes fly open in murky water tinged with red.
His armor threatens to weigh him down, and cause him to sink, but he's not too deep. Even through the red and the large floating shapes, he can see the bottom and that a sort of beach is dead in front of him.
The light of the surface dances a foot above his helmet.

2011-11-06, 05:37 PM
Do i just hear his voice behind me or is he directly behind me?

2011-11-06, 05:41 PM
Pete looses two healing arrows at Maki and glances around in search of Thoradin and Pharrah.

2011-11-06, 05:47 PM
Do i just hear his voice behind me or is he directly behind me?
Hear his voice, though Maki could... look.


2011-11-06, 05:58 PM

Knowing he didn't have the time to remove his armor, Thoradin rushed foward hoping to reach a depth where his head was above water.

2011-11-06, 06:03 PM
Hearing The beginnings voice Maki walks towards the place where he dropped his other weapons. He picks up the bastard sword with his right hand while dropping the Scythe to the ground.

" Flame on... "

The sword catches on fire as Maki stares at the Beginning from the center of the room...


2011-11-06, 06:35 PM
Once prepared Quin scans ahead for magic before searching the hole. If he finds nothing he heads through.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-06, 07:06 PM
I must still have the gold key. Whoever had the bronze key most likely still has it... Prescott? Either way, we have it.

Eduardo puts the iron morning star into his pack in case he needs it later, and retrieves the mace. Its holy light ignites once again, adding its illumination to that of Quin's breastplate.

Cautiously, he steps forward, leading the way for his small group of magically inclined adventurers... plus Leonard.

Leonard, are your daggers sharp? he asks, as he walks forward, watchful eyes scanning for enemies.

This is once we're all ready to go. Also, more spotting once I round the corner.

Oh, also survival to check for tracks! Did the woman or any of her friends head this way? Or anyone else?
[roll1]+2 if undead.

2011-11-06, 08:43 PM
I think both keys dropped out of the door when it opened. Last I spotted, we'd left them sitting on the pretty stairs. No matter, they're fetched now.

I'm aware Prescott has Dranga's scrolls, but he didn't think now was the right time to read them. On a mission and all, unsolved treasure chamber and the like. He might look at them now that we're moving into the lower chamber.I'm sure they're all arcane anyway.

Prescott smiles at the boy. "Good thinking, Leonard. Always have to be prepared! That's my motto. Have you ever given thought to being a wizard? Lots of tools makes for good readiness!" Prescott steps out to the stairs and uses the mummy hand to float any keys still lying there into the side pocket of his haversack.

Prescott lowers himself on the rope, then spots Leonard as he slinks along behind him. Moving through the lower passage, he pauses right before the corridor widens to where Eduardo and Quin are. Counting his paces backward in his head, he says, "This is about the northwest corner of the room above, yes? I wonder if there was some danger in that corner, or whether it offered a similar passage down..." He withdraws his wand of Detect Secret Doors and looks upward first, then to the corridor ahead.

2011-11-06, 09:38 PM
Dresden doesn't necessarily replace them somewhere of his choosing, and he probably can't place Thoradin anywhere 'forward' if we're that near the end of hte tomb. That means he'd be, at best, stuck in front of the sealed, nattering skull doors unable to return to help. Also don't know how long it take Dresden to drop people at a random location. And not everyone who died has come back (true they're NPCs now, but I'm just saying.)

Also, Dresden might be dead.

I'd focus on killing the things that are currently trying to kill you and hope Thoradin drowns himself and wakes up momentarily.

2011-11-06, 09:52 PM
Dresden's gone man he is probably sitting comfortably inside the belly of that Terrasque... C'mon Oasys i wanna go all Princes of the Universe on That motha**** XD

2011-11-07, 09:25 AM
The first arrow bounces off of Maki's back, filling him with the healing magic bound into the heads.
The second shot is a little off, skittering across the sand.
The Mysterious Warrior bows to Maki's request, and sprints across the sand.
Show me your rage!
Sword burning a bright halo around him, The Beginning flips the sword behind his back unexpectedly, and the barbarian quickly switches the angle of his to bloc-
No, that's what he wanted!
The white blade clashes against the flaming one, and there is a contest of will, strength and the sheer skill put into the forging of the bla-

Everyone take 500 EXPerience Points.

[roll0] Maki's Opposed Attack Roll
[roll1] Non-lethal Damage to Maki

Pete and Maki have Actions.
Actually Maki has an AoO too, the Mysterious Warrior is talking too much.

Maki's blades shatters into pieces, leaving him with a useless and broken hilt.
Emerging unharmed from the effects of her Fireball, Pharrah moves to aid Harley, using her own attacks to direct the Guards into Harley's path, who savages them with his axes.

I thought there was more to the treasure room than that. Mirror ceiling over the antimagic field and all. Guess not.
Well, nobody looked. Now, we'll never know.

We really need to communicate more with our side. Assuming any of the powers in play really are on our side. Even if they're not I'd still like to know what they have in mind.
That's a fair point. The gods are expecting and asking quite a lot while being quite mum on the details.

Also, Dresden might be dead.

I really doubt Dresden is dead. Undead maybe. But not dead. He seems a little too well informed and prepared for someone who knows nothing. It's obvious we're being used to do something in the tomb, but what that is and who is using us is pretty mysterious.

C'mon Oasys i wanna go all Princes of the Universe on That motha**** XD
And have some faith! He's a powerful wizard extraordinaire! And he's got an angel on his side!

Prescott steps out to the stairs and uses the mummy hand to float any keys still lying there into the side pocket of his haversack.

Prescott finally 'gets' the Tomb.

"Probably some death-trap Prescott!"
Leonard shakes his head.
"I'm just a farmer's son! Magic is too..."
He looks around the treasure room, gesturing, unable to really articulate.
Looking around carefully, Leonard smiles as Winky dives after Prescott.
Climbing like a monkey, he makes his way after the wizard and the archon.
With Quin's armor, Winky and the mace lighting the way, the passage-way is more than well-lit.
It almost hurts the eye, but no trouble.
Scanning ahead with their spells, Prescott and Quin Detect magic and a secret door hidden along the wall twenty feet away from them.
Exactly where Quin detects a strong illusion, Prescott's wand registers the presence of a secret door.

Do they go forward?

Thoradin's head breaks the surface, and he finds himself on a nightmare of a tropical beach.
The sky above him is not a natural one... The expanses of the Astral stretches above him, filled with strange stellar bodies. A dark sun and two red moons are particularly close...
The trees, palms and hanging vines are torn and shattered as if struck by a massive wave, and litter the beach where the treeline has been shattered to bits.
Bodies of undead lie tosses and strewn about the sand, and more float along the beach like dead fish.
There are no waves either.
The water just sits and the bodies bump and float, and burst, leaving the water red.
...a pitched wailing joins the long moan, and Thoradin quickly finds the source of the moaning.
Not even three hundred meters away from him, to his right, the dwarf sees a massive bloodshot eye, glaring at him.
The rest of the head, torn from the body sits upside down on the bloodied beach, twitching and moaning.
Foam and blood flecks the tarrasques lips, and it's flesh hangs off in long sloughs.
The tarrasque's eyes roll upward, or downward, and Thoradin follows it's gaze.
In the sky, an impossibly large four-limbed body floats beyond the island's hold, caught in the emptiness of the Astral. Even from here, Thoradin can see lightning dances across the thing's body, and with every particularly large crackle of power, the undead tarrasque groans.
The creature shuts it's great eye, shutting Thoradin and the nightmarish beach from sight, leaving the dripping wet dwarf alone.
The wail pierces the sound of the tarrasque and a whistling cold wind, it's coming from a little nearer to the tarrasque, about a hundred meters away...
A flag appears to be the source, fluttering in the distance.


2011-11-07, 10:03 AM
Oasys that's not my attack Modifier With the increase of strength it would be +38 to the attack

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-07, 10:06 AM
Eduardo attempts to pierce the illusion with his will, seeing reality for what it is.


2011-11-07, 11:09 AM
"Say, there seems to be a door there, behind that wall at the corner. Let's check that out after we see where the corridor turns."

I'm okay with moving into the corridor, but I'm in the rear. :smallsmile:

2011-11-07, 11:20 AM
Quin gathers his mind and attempts to disbelieve what he knows to be illusion. [roll0]
If he makes it he continues.

2011-11-07, 11:48 AM
Oasys that's not my attack Modifier With the increase of strength it would be +38 to the attack

Update your sheet!
And nothing changes.
Still though, if Maki starts Power Attacking... This shall become quite messy...

Nice rolls Team Caster.

2011-11-07, 11:50 AM

Dashing as fast as stubby dwarven legs willn carry him, Thoradin heads to where he had seen the flag from the beach. He braces himself for what ever unseen horror lucks on this god forsaken plane.

2011-11-07, 11:53 AM
Leaping over broken zombies and shattered vampires, Thoradin finds himself before a horrific standard.
Hanging from a cross, a vampire, blinded and skinned hangs from an silver spike that rises from the sand.
Burns and cuts to the vampire's flesh leaves the dwarf unable to even determine it's gender, though long black hair indicates a woman.
A piece of parchment has been attached to the vampire's foot.
And a pile of scroll-cases sit around it's hanging feet.

2011-11-07, 11:57 AM
What are we waiting for? All of team caster acted.

2011-11-07, 11:59 AM
What are we waiting for? All of team caster acted.
Sorry, it's a particularly long post...

As a heads-up.
I lied.
Acererak has a war-forged.

2011-11-07, 12:30 PM
Dear god.
Now im really happy I didnt link you to that homebrew thread with insane weapons to add to a warfoged.
I really should though.. It would be so thematic.. Anyway, Im now very hapy quin has two weapons crystals. One for constructs and one for undead.

2011-11-07, 02:01 PM
The AOO is made before or after he broke my sword?

2011-11-07, 04:25 PM
Post it!!

Also, I gave in to my inner demons and now bestow upon you, UNLIMITED WARFORGED FUN!!!! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=182666)

2011-11-07, 05:01 PM
Ill make it with the Bastard sword since you told me it was provoked by him talking too much.

Attack of Opportunity!: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Maki tosses the broken blade to the side... he can feel himself getting angrier and angrier.... and yet he cannot fight without a weapon... He picks up his Falchion from the ground.

It's on the same place as the Bastard sword was conveniently XD... Anyway the Beginning gets an AOO

2011-11-07, 05:03 PM
... F*** you dice just f*** you...

2011-11-07, 05:55 PM

Thoradin cautiously investigates the parchment and scroll cases.

He mutters do himsefl, "What god forsaken hell is this?"

2011-11-07, 06:19 PM
Pete curses at himself and takes more careful aim at Maki, then looses a single healing arrow. He then continues north to look for Thoradin, trying hard to recall where, through the haze of paralyzing fear, he had last seen him bleeding in the sand.

2011-11-07, 08:52 PM
"Dresden's Island, The Astral Sea..."

As Thoradin lifts the parchment for examination, script appears to write itself in desperate red ink across the page.

Thoradin! I am Dresden! Acererak attacked. Angel betrayed us all. Magic in water no longer active. Special scrolls will Raise and Transport to Tomb. Finish the fight. Giving chase.
The scrolls-cases are black and gold, expensive works of art. Each one is sealed with a red dob of wax.

Dear god.
Now im really happy I didnt link you to that homebrew thread with insane weapons to add to a warfoged.
I really should though.. It would be so thematic.. Anyway, Im now very hapy quin has two weapons crystals. One for constructs and one for undead.

Post it!!

Also, I gave in to my inner demons and now bestow upon you, UNLIMITED WARFORGED FUN!!!!

Can't use it. I already had all it's stats planned out.
Wouldn't be fair to change it just now.

... F*** you dice just f*** you...

"...The Treasure Room, The Tomb of Horrors..."

As the light from Winky's magical abilities fade from the Treasure Room, there is a moment of stillness.
Then, the sarcophagus lid rises into the air of it's own volition.
It floats across the room, and comes to rest against the east wall at a stand, as if dropped there by invisible movers.
Bursting from hidden compartment beneath the sarcophagus, Acererak stares up at the mirrored ceiling above. Above the mirror, Light spells internally shine, shedding light into the rooom, while the Mirror reflects the room in truth; a Master illusion hides half the Children of Half-Moon Row from view...
Acererak had watched and waited as the heroes had galavanted with the succubi, never realizing that half their prize was among them.
Rising from the stone sarcophagus, Acererak alights upon the tiles.
With a snap of his fingers, the illusion is dispelled and Acererak watches the children sleep for a moment.
His eyes pass over the toppled brazier and the scattered bones and the moved statues.
With sweeping motions, he shuts the chests and replaces the statues, ceiling Eduardo, Quin and Prescott below and beyond.
And then he laughs.

"...The Cavern of Mists, The Tomb of Horrors..."

In the Cavern of Mists, a single drop of blood allows itself to fall from the ceiling. Bob/aNA, had been trembled in terror that the one in black with his sight, or the archer with his lenses would have seen him/hEr...
But they had confined their sight to the lower regions of the cavern, ignoring the ceiling where Bob/aNa has splashed the vital life's blood that contained his essence.
As thEY fall, Bob/aNa. reflect on how they can escape. Become stronger and faster. And return for their revenge.
To feed.
And then they feel him casting their power upon them.
The drop of blood expands and grows, fighting to retain it's own control, but inevitably, Acererak enforces his will.

"...The Columned Throne Room, The Tomb of Horrors..."

In the Columned Throne Room, the Guard's mouths suddenly gape open, splitting wide as a terrible laugh hurls itself from the depths of their evil wrapped frames.
The Mysterious Warrior isn't exempt either...

"Dresden's Island, The Astral Sea..."

As Thoradin reads, the vampire suddenly throws it's head back, gasping.
It's a chilling laugh, that Thoradin instantly recognizes isn't the vampire's own.
Something is laughing through it.
Behind him, the tarrasque twists it's head, and throws open it's mouth.

"...The Columned Throne Room, The Tomb of Horrors..."

Even outside the Throne Room, above the Adamant Doors, Acererak's power is made manifest, the three skulls splitting apart to let out his dark humor.

"...The Treasure Room, The Tomb of Horrors..."

The laugh carries power too...
...back inside the Treasure Room, the bones of two warriors fly together, and finally stand kneeling before their Master as they step over the forms of the slumbering children, undisturbed by the terrible sound.
The warriors bow their heads, whoever they worshipped in their past lives, their current allegiance is clear.
Behind the demi-lich, the statues flex and turn in their armor, giving their weapons an experimental swing before resuming their frozen positions. The statue missing it's morning star remains unarmed, it's hands flexed into claws.
Crawling over a sleeping boy, tossing and turning in his nightmares, the warriors resume their places, resting where the heroes had originally seen them as if unmoved.

"'...somewhere...', Tomb of Horrors..."

A silver dragon's egg sits upon a pile of gold and bones.
It's thick shell hides it's malignant, dangerous, yet dangerous threat.
Though it isn't very large, the Princess is subject to Acererak's will, and laughs, a dull sound emitting through the shell.

"...The Chapel of Evil, Tomb of Horrors..."

Here, the only laughter comes from the skeleton adventurer stretched before one of the arches.
It staggers to it's feet, cruel laughter ringing through the unhallowed place.
"-ahahahAHAHHAHahahahahhahahAHHAHhahahahahahahHAHHAh a-"

"...Half-moon Row, Somewhere on the Lesser Continent..."

Above the town, those who had been sleeping late, able to block out the screams of terror and sounds of battle that had wafted across the forest and swamp from the lonely hill, a jolted awak by the cruel laugh.
None could ignore that sound.
It rattles the windows and breaks dishes.
Fires go out, and a single bony hand breaks through the dirt in the village grave yard.

"...'somewhere', The Astral Sea..."

Valera smiles at the tiny succubus rinning through the white gates toward her and Dranga.
The dwarf manages a weak smile.
She is rather cute.
A girl really, her shoes are too big for her and her smock hangs past her knees as she leaps and skips to greet her sister.
"Hello Alura!"
Valera bends to kiss the little one on the head.
With wide eyes, Alura looks curiously at Dranga who struggles to find words.
Instead, she simply rubs her hands assuringly across the Dark Sapphires.
"Who's this? Elara brought a visitor too?"
"Oh, this is my friend Dranga. From the Tomb."
"Nice. She's pretty!"
"Yes, she is!"
Valera winks, giving Dranga smack on the bottom, but the dwarf is ready this time.
She leaps to the side, and Valera only hits empty air.
"Stop that!"
Valera only laughs, "She's feisty-you said Elara had a visitor?"
"Yes-a man!"
"She'll enjoy that... Particularly since it's her shift next..."
Alura smiles knowingly, "I'm glad you're back! Dedara has been teasing me-she won't let me practice my maaaaagic!"
Valera gives Dranga a nudge forward, "Dranga here can help you! And I'll talk to Dedara..."
Alura smiles widely, tugging on Dranga's hand. The dwarf feels light-headed, and a warm sensation travels up her arm.
"I will do no such thi-"
"But I need the practice!"
The little succubus pouts, and Dranga can feel her heart breaking. She tears her hand free, returning to the safety of the Black Sapphire.
Valera nods knowingly, "Her First Seduction is coming up. Some Ambrosio or something... A monk."
"Isn't she a little..."
Alura and Valera look at her curiously.
Blank-faced, Alura looks to her sister, and Valera, being more wordly explains.
"That's the point-he's like thirty, and supposed to be really devout. The fall will be exquisite!"
"I thought you and your sisters were private agents!"
Dranga blushes, ashamed at herself for even caring the demon had lied to her.
"We are. But gotta stay in practice right. Acererak won't be around forever, and a girl's gotta know how to make her way in the world on her own. Right, Al?"
Dranga forces another smile.
"Alright, Alura, you take Dranga inside. I'll close the gates. See you tonight, beautiful!"
"C'mon! I'll show you my bug collection!"
Dranga immediately gets a bad feeling, but as the warm sensation in her hand returns, she can only babble as Alura leads her deeper into the fortress.
Beaming widely, Valera watches them go.
Then, very carefully, she bends over, and takes ahold of the 'tattoo' on her red bottom.
Working a nail underneath the silver, she peels off the 'contract' with Acererak and tosses it to the ground.
She throws her arms apart and stretches.
Some exercise and some reading, and then she'll see to her less intellectual desires.
Walking through the gates, Valera raises two fingers and lets the large white blocks of stone shut behind her.
She bounces Quin's ioun stone in one hand, humming to herself as she sways into the fortress proper.
Acererak's laughter does not reach here.

"...the Lonely Hill, The Tomb of Horrors..."

Fallen from the tree, the body of Jim Porter suddenly surges with 'life' as Acererak's laugh floods from his wood filled mouth.

"...The Treasure Room, The Tomb of Horrors..."

The arrow strikes Maki in the shoulder, and in another flash of light he finds himself filled with healing magic.
The Mysterious Warrior looks at Pete, a moment then ducks under a desperate swing from the Barbarian.
Thoradin lies on the sand unmoving.
Blood pours from his ears in an ever-widening pool. He's not getting up anytime soon. The laugh doesn't touch Thoradin...
But it does touch the left behind bodies of the other undead who'd fallen within Throne Room...
The Pharaoh's parts suddenly slams back together, and he struggles to his feet, hurling his head back in a scream and terrible laugh...
"ها! هيل! ها! أسرارك! اه! ديث! ها! طريمفس! أههة!"
Even through their odd language, Acererak makes his power indeed.
And by they, one means all...
Acererak's laughs gives new power to the newly arrived reinforcements, barring those Pharrah had burned...
...laughing, the Sand Gaurd's numbers swell as their fallen rise once more.
Screaming in delight, the Concubines reach for their bows, Acererak's laughter bellowing forth from their broken mouths.
Even the ice-sheathed Tomb Guard rises again, their armor and weapons and bones once again sheathed in blue-white frost.
"-HAHAHhahahahHAHAHHAHhahahahahahahAHHAHahahahAHhaha hahaha-"

"...three hundred miles from the edge of the Wood Elves forest, The Greater Continent..."

The green dragon bursts from the clouds, it's man-sized and squirming bundle clutched carefully in it's claws.
With his facemask poking out of the wrappings that hold him aloft, communication isn't easy for Darakan.
So, they use Message to talk.
"Flying over Meadowvale-Wood Elf principality, altitude 30,000 feet. Approaching their true borders."
Darakan says nothing, watching the trees rush below him.
"Two minutes to dropoff..."
Then he cuts the bundle, and the Green now holds him in it's bare claws as they drop lower and lower.
"All right. You ready to go?"
Drop zone still showing a high pressure mass. Cloud and Visibility OK, we've got high visibility."
"Approaching release point... One minute to dropoff."
"I'll be falling at 130 miles per hour. I hope I don't get frostbite from the wind chill."
"This is one for the history books; the world's first DC jump. Spread your wings and fly! Gods be with you!"
"Very funny."
Darakan plummets to the trees at breakneck speed, tumbling head over heels before he straightens into a feet-first dive.
"Remember, the future of our DC unit depends on this. If it succeeds, we'll be officially organized into a unit for the United Kingdoms of Men..."
Darakan grits his teeth against the rush air, steadying and aiming for a rapidly growing path of ground visible through the trees.
"G-got i-it!"
"Find the Princess, and bring her back to the UKA."
"Consider it done!"
He hits the ground with what would be bone-shattering force, but the magical protections that had been cast in sequence for the past week absorbe the damage, using the energy to fully charge his weapons and items for this stealth operation.
He can sense the Green drifting away, and he rolls behind a tree, ducking beneath a sword swing.
"You'll be hiding from the Elves, and fighting the undead alike... This attack will provide you good cover..."
Darakan says nothing, tightening his headband as he draws his sword, moving into deeper shadows.
The Elves hadn't even noticed him, and the undead-vampires and skeletons mostly hadn't either...
They were too busy laughing.
Nobody has said they'd be laughing...*

"...virtually everywhere, The Prime Material Plane..."

All across the world, Acererak's undead surge from the grave and from elsewheres, assaulting mortal and immortal alike.
Poor and rich. Strong and weak. Magic and steel. Prayers and shadows.
They all die or rise alike.
Poor and rich. Strong and weak. Magic and steel. Prayers and shadows.
They all fight alike.
From the Topless Towers to the darkest Dwarven Depths to the halls of the Drow and even unto the Plains of the Wildmen...
...along the Savage Coast and through to the Great Wall and past the Middle Sea and across the Black Desert...
Acererak's armies march, kill, fall and rise again, laughing at the efforts of their victims, enemies and sole resistors.

With apologies and mad props to Hideo Kojima. A true master.
"'...somewhere...', Tomb of Horrors...

Eduardo, Prescott, Quin, Winky and Leonard hear nothing. Instead, seeing the illusionary veil which hid a secret door from sight fade from their minds, they step out from the hidden passage onto the stone floor.
The floor sinks beneath Quin's weight, and beyond further down the hallway, there is a sound of clanking, whirring and a whistling sound.
"What was that?"
"A pressure plate! Quin! You're standing on it!"
Eduardo can see no tracks...
This area of the Tomb has been swept too.
Whoever had trailblazed through the Tomb earlier hadn't made it this far.
Or had they?
Resting at Quin's foot is a pretty orange stone...
But they have more pressing problems...
...the odd sounds...
Are getting closer.
Winky scouts ahead, lighting Continual Flames as he does so, and then rushes back!

Eduardo, Quin and Prescott have Actions...

[roll0] Quin's Initiative Roll
[roll1] Eduardo's Initiative Roll
[roll2] Prescott's Initiative Roll

Round 1

Round 11
Mysterious Warrior
Tomb Denizens

"...The Columned Throne Room, The Tomb of Horrors..."

The Beginning let's Maki reach for his weapon and stand to face him.
Swinging his sword above his head, he waits.
The laughing abruptly ends, and the mysterious warrior tilts his mask, looking at the barbarian.
"Can you feeeeel what's happening?"
Daina, her ears ringing from the laughter, groans as she sees the aubundant number of targets.


"...The Treasure Room, The Tomb of Horrors..."

Acererak lets his laughter fall to a low chuckle.
Then he groans, clutching his head.
"Ugh, damn you Moradin!"
Opening up a Dimension Door, the Demi-lich leaves the Treasure Room, going who knows where...

Tl;dr, Acererak is here...
Everyone has Actions.

2011-11-07, 09:13 PM

Despite the eerie laughter Thoradin's face is contorted in a face of confusion.

He mutters to himself, "Daft bastard. I'm no preist nor mage. What am I supposed to do with some damn scrolls. Ah hells."

After his brief tirade Thoradin examines the scrolls. Opening and attempting to gain some understanding of these scrolls.

2011-11-07, 09:18 PM
Thoradin doesn't even get to read the scroll...
As soon as he breaks the red seal, it glows searingly enough to hurt his eyes, and he feels that incredible pain in his ear again.
As he shuts his eyes by reflex, he suddenly feels sand on his face and wonders if he's fallen over.

He's prone.
Okay, Thoradin's back.
He can't act this round, but the next.
Round 12.
Then the pain is gone, and Thoradin hears movement around him. Swords, shouts. Battle and fighting.
He's back.
And things have gotten much worse...
THere are even more Mummy's and the Tomb Guard has apparently pulled itself back together...

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-07, 09:45 PM
Holy moly!

I made a save vs. illusion and everything. That must have been one serious spell. I guess I'll try to spot the warforged? If we're in combat, I'll take full defense. I am a little confused about what I can see currently.


Eduardo takes up a defensive posture. His eyes dart from place to place in an almost reptilian fashion as he searches for the approaching enemy.

2011-11-07, 10:37 PM
I totally would be okay with yo changing them. Most of the stuff is well balanced, so It wouldnt be that bad. I use it.
Anyway, Now I have to try and type all this up on my phone.. Great.
Also, about that special forces scene, I totally am currentl running an entire campaign on that principle.

2011-11-07, 10:42 PM
Tactical assessment from the wizard (lol): I believe we have about 1 round before a warforged(s?) comes around the corner. Quin is standing on a pressure plate, because he is brave and manly dwarfly and has no time to search for traps. That may have activated something, or just primed something.

What is the stone? An ioun stone? A gem, like in the columned hall? A colorful rock, like the sort Quin has been collecting? I hope it's that last one!

Also, just so I understand Oasys - there were half a dozen children sitting on the floor up there, and we didn't trip over any of them even a little bit, illusion or no? There were a dozen demonesses waltzing around in that room, plus we were crawling around searching tracks, busting boxes, and shifting statues! :smallannoyed:


To Winky, as he returns? "...how many? Where?"

Looking to Quin's feet where he stepped into the hall. Waving back Leonard and Eduardo, he adds, "I can teleport us back up the passage, which should avoid any trap. Wait til the warforged appears?"

While preparing to cast Dimension Step at the first sign a foe, Prescott withdraws a scroll of Mirror Image and casts it on himself, sprouting 6 identical wizards filling the entryway.

2011-11-07, 10:43 PM
Maki ignores the Beginning's comment and stares at the risen Paraoh next to him...

" If i put you down you... STAY DOWN!! "

Maki screams as he brings the Falchion down on the Paraoh's head.



2 rounds left on the boots of speed .o.

Knowing he has to keep moving Maki skips towards the closest walls.

Come the AOO :smallsigh:

2011-11-07, 11:21 PM
Its an burnt out ion stone. With a light spell on it. Ignore it. We have winky, a walking lantorn.
The organe shall be the fifth, which should round out the party. I believe this is where the woman met her end.

Also, still waiting on a Welby update.
Posting actions tomorrw.

2011-11-07, 11:42 PM
Holy moly!

I made a save vs. illusion and everything. That must have been one serious spell.

Also, just so I understand Oasys - there were half a dozen children sitting on the floor up there, and we didn't trip over any of them even a little bit, illusion or no? There were a dozen demonesses succubi waltzing around in that room, plus we were crawling around searching tracks, busting boxes, and shifting statues!
The single most powerful spell in the game...
...rolling at all the right times and only Eduardo came close...
A high Spot Check would have done it...
Or looking up.

I totally would be okay with yo changing them. Most of the stuff is well balanced, so It wouldnt be that bad. I use it.
Well, two things really stop me. 1) I never change stuff mid-encounter. Maybe mid-game if warranted. But if I make something to powerful, I'll usually give a sign, and the PCs will either fight harder, or should run... And if it's too weak, well, you saw what happened with the original Golem and Welby with Shatter, and 2) you'll see soon enough why I can't add stuff to this particular war-forged...

Also, about that special forces scene, I totally am currentl running an entire campaign on that principle.
Are you talking about modern contemporary special forces? Or... fantasy special forces?
Because I would be interested in that...

I guess I'll try to spot the warforged? If we're in combat, I'll take full defense. I am a little confused about what I can see currently.

Tactical assessment from the wizard (lol): I believe we have about 1 round before a warforged(s?) comes around the corner. Quin is standing on a pressure plate, because he is brave and manly dwarfly and has no time to search for traps. That may have activated something, or just primed something.
Warforged inbound in one round, so round 2 begins the rumble.

What is the stone? An ioun stone? A gem, like in the columned hall? A colorful rock, like the sort Quin has been collecting? I hope it's that last one!
Valera took the last ioun stone, and it's another pretty rock.
All he has to do now is find the black and the white.
Red, orange, yellow, blue and green.

Also, still waiting on a Welby update.
I don't know what to do! He's naked! Acererak took all his stuff! Anywhere I put him...
Okay, I know now...

If possible I'd like to play round 11 the traditional way, by initiative order, just to keep the sequence of attacks and IC dialogue in a clear order. That's a lot of combatants to keep track of and a lot of information to share.
In that case, Pete has actions for the end of Round 10, aaaand Round 11.
And trust me, I know it's gonna be rough.

2011-11-08, 12:43 AM
Clearly, Welby ought to wake up in Acererak's stuff room, and level the tomb with centuries-worth of gear piled up in there. There's GOT to be a magical WMD just a UMD check away from solving all our problems... :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-08, 09:42 AM
Also... round 10? I thought this sequence was already confirmed:
So it was. Gimme Actions for Round 11 then.

But I'm not sure whether Thoradin's body is breathing or not, and I'm not sure where Pete and Thoradin actually are in the room.

They're where indicated on the ma-ooooh, forgot to add him back...
Mhmmm, look back and see that Thoradin hasn't moved.

can only think of one other way Pete would survive death
You don't survive death, you only put it off for a little longer?
Final ruling?

2011-11-08, 10:37 AM
Eduardo may wish to do something more pro-active and buff-like since he has a round to wait - it's not an invisible warforged sneaking up on us. He's quite noisy, in fact! :smallsmile:

Still confused about how many we're facing, since 'Warforged' is the singular and plural, so whenever you start that combat round coming up I'd appreciate clarification from Winky. Though I suppose we'll just see whatever is coming, come.

2011-11-08, 10:43 AM
Actually, there are infiltrator warforged. I played one. He was a blast.

Anyway, what kind of person do you think I am Oasy???!?!??!?!?!??! $#@^%^#$%^

OF COURSE ITS FANTASY! Although you have made me rethink my campaign.. I had decided to integrate a meta plot that deviated from the original FSF idea...

Whatever. Metaplot is good.

Quin sighs and examines the pressure plate he is standing on.
To determine A)hw big
B) how deep it sunk
C) anything else...

ALSO, Quin should have noticed this when he first spotted the corridor...

2011-11-08, 11:08 AM
Pete looses a healing arrow at Thoradin and frantically scurries up the south wall.

2011-11-08, 11:17 AM
i already posted what maki was gonna do XD

2011-11-08, 11:19 AM
Finding a pressure plate would be search, not spot, and if the DC is high enough on the trap then you couldn't detect it regardless without Trapfinding. We can pop back down the corridor without incident, or you can jump backward and hope the whatever-it-is doesn't go off speedy-like, Whichever works. If you're hopping off, though, give Prescott a chance to back away! He's not as tough as you!

2011-11-08, 11:29 AM
I was counting on the dwarves stonecunning for worked stone.

Quin might jump for it, but since the warforged are coming to us, he might buff and ready an action to leap when they get to his location.

2011-11-08, 12:07 PM
Quin's base search check is +19. I only added +2

2011-11-08, 12:17 PM
And I just confused spot and search. Spot is what I rolled, search is what I SHOULD have rolled. My bad. His Spot really is +19, his search is not.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-08, 12:54 PM
Damn, how is Quin's search so high? You should be searching everything we touch!

2011-11-08, 01:06 PM
Max ranks and +7 wis.

What do you think he has been doing? Taking twenty of a 39!

2011-11-08, 01:11 PM
I was assuming that since Quin has an internal altimeter(or whatever corresponds to feet from the surface) he could tell if anything moved relative to his old position.

2011-11-08, 01:24 PM
The dwarf paused suddenly, freezing midstride in the dungeon corridor. "Wait! Something's wrong... my deepsense is tingling." He licked one finger and held it up in the air, as if checking the wind direction within the cave. "Either I just sunk .25 inches... or someone dropped a shovel full of dirt above me on the top of this mountain."

2011-11-08, 02:12 PM
Anyway, what kind of person do you think I am Oasy???!?!??!?!?!??! $#@^%^#$%^
OF COURSE ITS FANTASY! Although you have made me rethink my campaign.. I had decided to integrate a meta plot that deviated from the original FSF idea...


Still confused about how many we're facing, since 'Warforged' is the singular and plural, so whenever you start that combat round coming up I'd appreciate clarification from Winky. Though I suppose we'll just see whatever is coming, come.

It's one. And Winky shall confirm.

ALSO, Quin should have noticed this when he first spotted the corridor...

Pete's under the impression ... I can think of:

The one hope if Thoradin doesn't communicate that drowning is no longer the way to do it, is that the air shell won't be suppressed, so when he opens his mouth to drown himself, he'll just get a mouthful of fresh air. And then he'll think that's strange, and swim to the beach and try to figure it out.
I see what you mean...
But yeah, that would be the case...
...the airshell would activate and Pete would have a reason to investigate.

I was counting on the dwarves stonecunning for worked stone.

Finding a pressure plate would be search, not spot, and if the DC is high enough on the trap then you couldn't detect it regardless without Trapfinding.

And I just confused spot and search. Spot is what I rolled, search is what I SHOULD have rolled. My bad. His Spot really is +19, his search is not.

Ooooh boy.

was assuming that since Quin has an internal altimeter(or whatever corresponds to feet from the surface) he could tell if anything moved relative to his old position.

The dwarf paused suddenly, freezing midstride in the dungeon corridor. "Wait! Something's wrong... my deepsense is tingling." He licked one finger and held it up in the air, as if checking the wind direction within the cave. "Either I just sunk .25 inches... or someone dropped a shovel full of dirt above me on the top of this mountain."

I wonder if the ability is supposed to include water and negative depth. You know, like if you tunneled under a lake, is the surface the lake bed or the lake surface? If you're flying, can the dwarf tell you how high you are above ground level? Either way, must remember to bring a dwarf to navigate if I ever play a fantasy submarine adventure. "Give me a stopwatch and a dwarf and I'll fly the Alps in a plane with no windows. - If the dwarf is accurate enough."
I had a discussion with someone on how exactly dwarves measure their distance under the ground...
We decided they can just feel pressure corresponding to the weight above their heads...

[roll0] Healing for Thoradin
Thoradin has been the subject of a Raise Dead spell. He loses one level and suffers all other effects EXCEPT the experience penalty.

The pressure plate has only sunk about an inch or so...
And Quin needn't be ashamed he'd missed it-directly in front of the passage way from which they'd emerged, the five-by-five plate was designed to blend into the stone and be missed, even by a dwarf.
It suddenly becomes quite crowded as multiple Prescott's fille the corridor!
"Just one! Coming this way! And there were the children of Half-moon!"
The warforged needs no further introduction...
With scraping limps, it drags it's bipedal frame forward, letting it's skeletal like figure hunch under the weight of it's cracked and broken armour.
Four arms end in glowing red scimitar blades, held in blackened and claw-hands. With every tortured, screaming movement, the warforged spills more and more parts; screws, scraps and springs, and gusts bursts of steam into the air.
Above a shattered and crushed ribcage, from whence rusted and burnt components hang out precariously, a skull searches back and fort...
The deathly face is marred by a blue-glowing longsword that had been shoved through the machine's right eye, protruding out the back of the skull, and freezing up some of the inner workings.
With a wheezing shudder, the warforged tries to stretch, and bring itself to a full height, but only manages to drop one of it's weapons to the floor.
Looking at the fallen weapon with a pathetic, one-eyed glare, the war-forged turns to look at the enemies who'd activated it.
It focuses on Quin and Eduardo.
In a pale imitation of the Skeletal Golem's juggling feat, the warforged version attempts the same trick, tossing it's weapons and exchanging them, and fails, dropping another blade.
With an angry whirring sound, the warforged screeches, and a shoulder component bursts open, and some sort of ranged weapon scans over them.
There is a click, and the weapon bursts into flame, scoring the warforged's good eye.
It sags against the wall, struggling to raise it's defenses...

Aaaaaaaand it's here....
Eduardo, Quin and Prescott have Actions for Rooooooooound 2!

[roll1] Healing for Maki
His Strength and Constitution have been reduced to 11 and he is prone, and is fatigued. No longer under the poison rules effect.

Pete's next arrow just manages to hit the barbarian in the leg, providing further healing magic for Maki. Even as the barbarian feels the power in the arrowhead healing his wounds...
...he's starting to run out of steam.
Around the orange gem, the fallen adventurer's of Tomb exploration's past stagger to their feet, rising to join Acererak's army. Hefting the weapons they carried in life they glare across the sand as Sand and Tomb Guard surrounds Harley and Pharrah. Fighting back to back, they won't last long...
The weapons, sheathed in ice and of plain iron come closer and closer, tearing flesh and spilling blood more often.
Daina, with Prescott's magical spell completed, finds herself surrounded on all sides... Firing arrows desperately, she attempts to keep the reaching dead away.
The Pharaoh, content to gloat at his triumphant return finds his crown shattered as Maki attempts to cleave him in two.
On the verge of destruction once more, the Pharaoh curses Maki in anger.
"كرسي يو! ورتشاد دوغ!"
As the Barbarian flees from his enemies, the Mummy King is too busy trying to hold his ruined halves together to attack. The Beginning responds with a sweeping kick and sticking out his sword to trip Maki, but the barbarian only leaps to avoid the attacks.
Collapsing against the wall, Maki is in trouble! The strength! It's failing, draining away from him as his body shudders in sweats and convulsions...
It hurts, and as Maki struggles to remain upright, the Fallen Look at him with hungry stares in their empty faces, letting their weapons flash in the light.
As Pharrah makes a change into her wolf form, she lets out an angry howl that seems to make the room tremble. Spinning back and forth with his dagger and knife, Harley tries to keep the undead back.
As he takes his shot, Pete sees that he does manage to hit Thoradin, and the dwarf finds is wearied form being filled with healing magic as well.
From his position on the wall, Pete can see that it doesn't look good, despite the wind buffeting him from all side.
Daina cries aloud as the Black Concubine shoots an arrow into her thigh, and she drops to her knees, only for another shaft to sprout from her shoulder. The advancing guards toss their weapons back and forth experimentally, preparing to surround and take her apart.
The Beginning and the Pharaoh look down at Maki, watching as the convulsions stop, but leave his body a ravaged burning mess.

Maki, Pete and Thoradin have Actions.


2011-11-08, 02:34 PM
OMG more undead? Shocker. I was SO excited to be fighting a normal warforged... I am seriously short on tricks. :smallannoyed: IS it an undead type, or actually still a warforged?

And is this thing... a threat? I mean, it seems to be falling apart and exploding itself. And has dropped all of its weapons. And fell over.

Is this area 10 ft ceilings?

2011-11-08, 02:41 PM
Maki's Rage is ended while out of the effects of the poison right? So he can us Tumble... So his Ac with Total defense right now should be 10+ 5 dex + 8 armor + 3 (Magic items) + 6 + 1 Boots of Haste = 33 Not that it will save him mind you...

"Noo Dammit dammit dammit not now!!! COME BACK!! "

Putting his sword in front of him to protect him Maki Stands up while leaning against the wall.

1 round left on the boots...

2011-11-08, 02:43 PM
And is this thing... a threat?

cue to the warforged ripping prescott's head off XD

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-08, 02:44 PM
Was this some sort of trick? Was Acererack playing another joke on them, or had he really let his guardian fall into such disrepair? Whatever the case, it hardly mattered. This thing needed to be put down--now.

Letting out a guttural war cry, Eduardo charges forward, bringing down the mace on the apparently disabled construct with force.

Chaaaarge! [roll0][roll1]
Let me also save vs. illusion and make a spot to detect funny business.


What does my Deathwatch tell me about it? Is it:

A) Alive
B) Undead
C) Construct
D) Nearing death (low HP)
Some combination?

2011-11-08, 02:58 PM
I suppose it doesn't make a difference whether he's undead or construct for this spell, so Prescott casts Curse of Impending Blades. If the touch attack hits, -2 to AC, no save. This happens before Eduardo charges, of course, due to my superspiffy initiative.
Atk: [roll0]

2011-11-08, 03:06 PM
OMG more undead? Shocker. I was SO excited to be fighting a normal warforged... I am seriously short on tricks. IS it an undead type, or actually still a warforged?
It is! It's just shaped like a skeleton. With four arms. And weapons.

And is this thing... a threat? I mean, it seems to be falling apart and exploding itself. And has dropped all of its weapons. And fell over.
Be nice. You won't be so confident when I activate the self-destruct sequence.

Is this area 10 ft ceilings?
And yes.

cue to the warforged ripping prescott's head off XD
Maki's finally 'gets' the Tomb.

Maki's Rage is ended while out of the effects of the poison right? So he can us Tumble...

It's totally construct. And it hasn't been repaired since it was last used.
And correction, it still has two weapons.

This happens before Eduardo charges, of course, due to my superspiffy initiative.


2011-11-08, 03:17 PM

Thoradin, still ltying on his back, fishes out a potion and begins to drink it immediately.

[roll0] Healing, 11 potions remaining.

2011-11-08, 03:25 PM
Thoradin, still ltying on his back, fishes out a potion and begins to drink it immediately.
Nothing's threatening him...
He can stand without incurring an AoO.

2011-11-08, 03:30 PM
Nothing's threatening him...
He can stand without incurring an AoO.

I think drinking a potion is a standard action and Taking it out is a move one

2011-11-08, 03:40 PM
I think drinking a potion is a standard action and Taking it out is a move one
So it is...
That'll do it.

2011-11-08, 04:00 PM
Groaning, Quin grips his longspear, and raises his shield to chest level. Advancing forward he stabs out with his spear twice, its shaft glowing with arcane energies.

I can give you a link to the game as well as invite you as a reader... Its on MW. I wish you had taken some of those templates... Would have made him more vulnerable to a few of Quins attacks. What ever.

Also, really, a MW potions blet is so nice.. Changes drawing to a swift. Only 330 gold.

Also, found the children. Im assuming those are the grey dots.

Assuming Im within Full attacking distance

Extra crystal damage

2011-11-08, 04:13 PM
The spear has reach, right? Niiice. :smallsmile:

Um, how does Mirror Image work with my Space? Are there 7 Prescotts all piled about within one 5 ft square, or are they arranged in their own full spaces? I think it's the latter and the map seems to agree, so I want to move forward and give the warforged a few more things to swing at. The *real* me will NOT be standing within actual melee range, though. For I am a wizard!

After casting his curse, Prescott(s) advances to confound the warforged with more targets than he can shake a pointy stick at. "Blast him, Winky!"

2011-11-08, 05:15 PM
Is that Hassadur southwest of Thoradin, surrounded by guards?
And both concubines are the untitled markers due east and due west of Daina, as before?

Yes! And, yes!

Also, found the children. Im assuming those are the grey dots.

The spear has reach, right? Niiice.
So do I. :smallsmile:

Um, how does Mirror Image work with my Space? Are there 7 Prescotts all piled about within one 5 ft square, or are they arranged in their own full spaces? I think it's the latter and the map seems to agree, so I want to move forward and give the warforged a few more things to swing at.
I figured that would be the case...

[roll0] Caster Level Check to Overcome Spell Resistance

Pushing the end of a nail through a strip of leather, seven black daggers appear over fourteen hands.
The daggers fly toward the war forged, and strike it in the head...
And bounce off.
Not very effective.
Smashing the mace across the war forged's face plater, there is a satisfying dent that gives Eduardo an inner view of the frozen components beyond the rusted grinning face.
With perfect form, Quin drives the tip of is long spear into the rusted rib cage of the war forged, and earns the grinding sound of breaking gears and sparks for his effort.
Winky, following Quin's example, fires bolts of light into the rib cage as well.
As he tears the spears from the warforged's innards, springs and parts fly out.
The construct foils a second attack from Quin as it moves it's clawed hand to push the reaching point aside.
Then, inexplicably, it smashes it's head against the wall.
Then it does it again.
And again.
And again.

2011-11-08, 05:45 PM
Inexplicably? Do not want! :smalltongue:

My CL is 10, but it looks like it passed anyway. Another spell, another SR check for you: [roll0]
And a touch attack for Ray of Enfeeblement (Atk: [roll1]) which will do [roll2] strength damage. So he'll leave that nice wall alone.
EDIT: Daaamn, too many Prescotts in the kitchen make for poor ranged touch attacks...

This will provoke and AoO from the warforged against one of my illusions, I suppose, and if he hits then that one will pop.

Prescott(s) gesture again, summoning another magical assault - a coruscating ray from several colorful palms lances out to strike the mechanical man.

2011-11-08, 06:01 PM
Quin's eyes narrow and he stabs the machine once more, intend on ending its existence as quickly as possible.

Would a grapple allow Quin to take the sword from the warforged head? I like it.




2011-11-08, 06:02 PM
Pete flicks his wrist and surrounds Daina in a tremendous mass of webs. Then he begins climbing north, along the ceiling.

2011-11-08, 06:05 PM
Alright. In that case, I really really hope I know what I'm doing.

Pete flicks his wrist and surrounds Daina in a tremendous mass of webs. Then he begins climbing north, along the ceiling.

Using cloak of arachnida's ability to create what is effectively a level 6 web. It is centered on her, and extends in a 20 foot radius from her in all directions. The entire spell effect is well within the 160 foot range at this level, no matter where she goes in the room this round. If nothing cuts it down or burns it the webs should last for 1 hour. Since she is in the exact center it grants her total cover from all sides. I hope she does not move away from the door in the center of the north wall. But Pete casts it regardless. The initiative order suggests he can do this before the concubines can attack or the guards can close in on her: If this is not so, I need to rethink actions.


2011-11-08, 06:07 PM

That actually made me laugh after I got it.

2011-11-08, 06:12 PM
Pete flicks his wrist


That actually made me laugh after I got it.

Lol, you didn't see it coming? I saw it the moment he asked Welby for it.

Since she is in the exact center it grants her total cover from all sides. I hope she does not move away from the door in the center of the north wall. But Pete casts it regardless.
Awesome. But will she be able to shoot out?

Tomb Denizens
Include all guards...
Only the Pharaoh is exempt.
The Concubines rolled badly on their Initiative rolls....

Inexplicably? Do not want!
It rolled a 1. And three misses.

My CL is 10, but it looks like it passed anyway.
Oooooh. My bad.

Would a grapple allow Quin to take the sword from the warforged head? I like it.
Does Quin want to get that close.

Raising it's two remaining scimitars in defense, the warforged avoids taking any terrible damage from the rays.
It lashes out at three of the Prescott's, making them go 'pop', as their magic fails.
Any presitige the warforged may have gained from this display is promptly lost as an arm falls off.
Using it's remaining weapons to desperately push the reaching spear away, the warforged keeps Quin from stabbing it's inner workings again.

2011-11-08, 06:20 PM
What? Quin almost critted? With a 28?

And yes. He really wants that sword.

2011-11-08, 06:21 PM
Hey! Im seeing a lot of team caster and a not lot from team... not caster...

2011-11-08, 06:49 PM
What if the swords came to life?

Oasy, what would be required of Quin to grab onto that sword and pull..Mechanics wise.

2011-11-08, 07:01 PM
Hey! Im seeing a lot of team caster and a not lot from team... not caster...
Forgot I had Actions from anyone.

The mission was to delay him until the casters reach Acererak anyway. We need to stretch this out. We need time. So we need to make a stand somewhere together, not all over the place. Maybe we won't need to hold out until character death. Maybe it won't take that long for the casters to do their part.
Excellent! You just earned yourself 250 Experience Points...

Sorry if this somehow makes things worse. I can't imagine it could though.

Damn, I almost read that as, "This couldn't possibly get any worse!"
I'm so sad nobody's actually said that yet.

[roll0] Maki's Fortitude Check - Mummy Rot Baby!
[roll1] Damage to Maki
[roll2] Maki's Fortitude Check
[roll3] Damage to Maki

Team Sword has actions, Eduardo has Actions.

Daina stands her ground, calmly firing two shafts into the head of one of the concubines, another arrow gripped in her teeth.
"دية ديرتي دوغ!"
The Pharaoh raises a fist and punches Maki in the face.
Maki feels his nose splinter as a ring comes in contact with the the fleshy organ.
And then does The Pharaoh does it again, enjoying himself.
The Mysterious Warrior sounds confused.
"What happened? This isn't... Glorious..."
The Pharaoh sees Maki trying to stand up, and it shakes it's head.
This time to the jaw, and Maki feels a tooth loosen.
Pharrah's jaw snaps on one of the Guards, and in a tossing motion she hurls it into one of it's fellows, and bone and wrapping smack together in a violent crush.
Harley, grabbing ahold of her is taken for a ride as Pharrah breaks free from the stabbing weapons. Skidding across the sand, Pharrah comes to a stop directly behind the mysterious warrior and The Pharaoh.
The Beginning looks over his shoulder, "Worthy foes? At last!"
Clambering up atop of Pharrah's back, Harley waves at Pete, indicating he should move along the east wall.
With the help of the cloak, Pete hides Daina from view with a mass of webbing.
As the webs surround her, Daina is able to avoid being caught in them, and considers cursing him for leaving her relatively boxed in...
Then, the charging sandguardsget caught in the webs, and she smiles, though nobody can see it.
The Tomb Guards, and their Desert counterparts split up, chasing after the more visible targets, Pharrah, Maki and Harley, leaving Pete relatively alone, and three Sand Guards watching over Thoradin unsure if he's even al-
The healing potion feels good, and the dwarf barely remembers being stabbed there.
Unfortunately, he won't be able to rest long.
Hassadur, roiling across the sand, crushes more of Acererak's troops with is scales. But Pete can see the great serpent has lost quite a few, and is bleeding in a few places...

What if the swords came to life?
Sounds lame.

Oasy, what would be required of Quin to grab onto that sword and pull..Mechanics wise.
A Grapple Check could do it...
Though a Disarm Attempt would work too.

2011-11-08, 07:09 PM
"Dammit i need to get away till my strength comes back...

Maki keeps defending himself from the Pharaoh's fist's as he tumbles away to the other side of the room.

Same AC as last round ... Last round of the boots of speed... and here goes the tumble roll

Tumble (DC15) : [roll0]

Maki's tumbling towards the closest corner.

2011-11-08, 07:10 PM
Based on how I read the rules, its a melee atack action. MEaning I can try and disarm, then attempt to attack as y second action (at a +9 vs +14 to the roll as always) So thats what I am doing.

His eyes alighting on the sword run through the warforged's head, Quin attempts to knock it free with his spear and then run him through.

Also, since he has no control over it, I think he should take a penalty to his roll?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-08, 07:16 PM
Eduardo continues to bash at the construct with his mace, focused on putting the creature down as quickly as possible.

Botched toe damage code, but I hardly think that matters with such atrocious rolls. At least it wasn't a 4 and a 5.

2011-11-08, 07:48 PM
Same AC as last round ... Last round of the boots of speed... and here goes the tumble roll.
That's nice.
You know what isn't nice?
Because somebody didn't bother to fill in his Hit Dice and the relevant Con bonuses for each level, I can only get a rough estimate of ow many HPS Maki has left.
He has a max of 98, and 30 Non-Lethal.
Do the math to tell me how much he's got after the con damage.

Based on how I read the rules, its a melee atack action. MEaning I can try and disarm, then attempt to attack as y second action (at a +9 vs +14 to the roll as always) So thats what I am doing.
Roger roger!

Also, since he has no control over it, I think he should take a penalty to his roll?
Oh, he's going to auto-fail his roll anyways.

Botched toe damage code, but I hardly think that matters with such atrocious rolls. At least it wasn't a 4 and a 5.

Sadly, your assessment is correct.

Pete and Thoradin, Eduardo and Prescott, gimme Actions!

Swinging the Mace over and over, Eduardo only succeeds in scratching off more paint. Dancing behind the warforged, Winky streaks its flank with light.
In response, the warforged tries to cut Eduardo in half, but only succeeds in striking the ceiling with it's weapons,
Frustrated, it smashes its head against the wall again.

2011-11-08, 07:52 PM
The roaring wind at his back, Pete kicks off from the ceiling. He glides with the magic of his ring on the air current the remainder of the distance between him and the top of the webs to the north. Easily slipping down through the webs with the help of the cloak, he reaches the small pocket at the center where Daina skillfully avoided the thick strands. Pulling the cloak from his shoulders he offers it to her. "Sorry, had to. Here, take this."

2011-11-08, 07:58 PM
Con damage hits your hit points? o.O?

2011-11-08, 09:19 PM
Uh, I could be wrong about this. I'm reading the two entries on mummy rot from the entry on mummy and on diseases. But I think that the constitution damage is the least of your worries when it comes to mummy rot.

It takes effect 1 minute after exposure, and you need a remove curse or a break enchantment to stop it, no matter how high you roll on the saves. But most importantly once it does take effect healing magic barely effects you. At least, I don't think items work that well, and even a high level cleric like Quin might not be able to heal you directly sometimes. I don't think the healing items we have can match that DC, not usually.

I'm not really certain how it would be calculated though. 1d20+the caster level required to create the potion? CSW would be a third level spell for a cleric... so 5th level clerics and up can make them. Would that make it 1d20+5? Well, doesn't matter exactly what the math is, it sounds like it suddenly makes potions and these healing arrows go from a reliable source of hitpoints to something that might work if you're lucky. Maybe 25% of the time. Very not good.

Again, I'm not certain I'm interpreting this right.

But on the upside it doesn't take effect immediately, and who knows, we may all die several times in the next few rounds anyway.

As to your question about constitution damage/drain and hit points, all I could find was this.

so that would be 12hp for 12 hd x 3 (Con modifier points lost ) = 36 hp lost... dam im in trouble...

2011-11-08, 09:21 PM
Veris is right, your screwed.

However, after ten rounds.. You become a Mummy. All sorts of perks right about now. Quin can always kill you and rez you later (sooo close to 7th level spells). Don't worry.

2011-11-08, 09:21 PM
The 4 remaining Prescotts launch another ray, this time a slowly-roiling gray-green one.

Ray of clumsiness, for extra lol and ineffectiveness. I might follow up with Grease to add total insult to the injury of this malfunctioning warbot.
SR: [roll0]
Touch atk: [roll1] GAH. I actually DID need that Quickened True Strike and Fell Weakened Ray of enfeeblement...
Dex damage: [roll2]

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-08, 09:25 PM
Eduardo steps to the side, positioning himself to take advantage of Quin's spear and attempts once again to put the warforged down.

Five foot step to flanking position if possible. If not, I will just step to the side of the monster to set up a flank next round after another five foot step. If flanking is possible now, add +2 to the following rolls in my full attack:


Also, I'd like to point out how badass Pete has been in the last couple rounds, in case you all missed it.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-08, 09:27 PM
Did it again!

2011-11-08, 09:51 PM
Con damage hits your hit points? o.O?

I think that the constitution damage is the least of your worries when it comes to mummy rot.

so that would be 12hp for 12 hd x 3 (Con modifier points lost ) = 36 hp lost... dam im in trouble...

Also, I'd like to point out how badass Pete has been in the last couple rounds, in case you all missed it.

I've noticed!

However, after ten rounds.. You become a Mummy. All sorts of perks right about now. Quin can always kill you and rez you later (sooo close to 7th level spells). Don't worry.

But on the upside it doesn't take effect immediately, and who knows, we may all die several times in the next few rounds anyway.

And thus, the literal meaning of 'Death is only the beginning...' is made known.


The multiple Prescott's must be getting to his head, and his next attack goes wild, wasted on the dungeon walls.
In response, the warforged bashes it's head against another wall with a resounding crack.
With a clumsy strike at the warforged's head, Quin manages to knock the blue sword from the construct's skull with a burst of ice and frost.
The weapon clatters to the ground, and the warforged staggers, gears whirring in an alarming whine.
In his superior position Eduardo smashes the hammer against the warforged skull frame, though it doesn't appear to notice the attack...
Instead, it stands up right straightening out.
Then, sounds emit from it's mouth.
A soft woman's voice emits, repeating over and over again in short clipped words...
"Targetting systems... Online."
"Weapons systems... Optimal."
"Self-replication matrix... Online."
"Logistics parameters... Running."
"Intertial Compensators... Online."
"Tactical replication systems... Online."
"Acererak's Vengeance Analysis System(TM)... Online."
"360-squared Combat Analysis Matrix... Online."
"AASs, Master through nine... Online. Online. Offline. Online. Offline. Online. Online. Offline. Offline."
"Uh, does anybody else..."
"Threat Analysis Systems Activated..."
The warforged's ruined gaze scans across Quin, Eduardo and Presocott. Ignoring Winky and Leonard completely.
"...Threats Minimal. Execute."
Straightening completely, the warforged reaches it's full height, it's head grazing the ceiling.
The red scimitars in it's hands ignite with fire, and it flips them through the air in a blinding blur catching them with a sudden snap. It then juggles the flaming swords behind it's back before stopping in a stance Eduardo and Quin know all to well...
Scimitars crossed.
Just like in the Chapel of Evil...
...and just like originally in the Chamber of Three Chests.

Eduardo and Quin have AoOs.
"A PC will always, always go for treasure and magic items in odd positions... No matter how bad an idea it is..."


"And if they don't... It's not bad enough an idea to take the treasure."

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-08, 10:32 PM
Don't like the look of this.


2011-11-08, 11:31 PM
"Confound it! Useless rays..." Prescott opts for something that *can't* miss, and this time casts Glitterdust all about the now-seemingly-competent enemy.

Shows what *it* knows, ignoring Winky as a threat... :smalltongue: Rarr! Menacing ball of light! Pew pew!

DC 18 Will or blinded. Regardless, the poorforged is covered in sparkles, a truly terrible fate. The burst is centered slightly to the left of the bot so as to not catch Eduardo... but might make one of my illusions very sad and shiny.

Hm... is this fellow Large sized, or Medium and very tall?

2011-11-09, 06:28 AM
Can I trade my AoO to deny the golem his once I pick on the sword?

Also, well played Oasy... Well played.

2011-11-09, 02:14 PM
Don't like the look of this.
Not s'posed to.

Hm... is this fellow Large sized, or Medium and very tall?

Maybe, since you have a reach weapon, you could use the AoO moment of the machine checking its stats to safely drag/roll/pull/knock the sword away from the warforged.

Can I trade my AoO to deny the golem his once I pick on the sword?

Because next it will be, "Can I trade my AoO to Move? Attack another target? Cast a spell?"

2011-11-09, 04:49 PM
Uhhh.. I think your a bit paranoid Oasy. The Rules clearly define what can and can't be used as an AoO. Those all can't. It never says wht you CAN use our AoO for, such as attacking an object.

However, I'll take my AoO if you want me to.

2011-11-09, 05:08 PM
However, I'll take my AoO if you want me to.
Roll it.

Maybe if one of the casters readied an action to grab the sword if there is a moment when the warforged is distracted
That would work.

2011-11-09, 05:22 PM

2011-11-09, 05:39 PM
I'll stay online pretty late tonight.
Team Sword just needs Actions for Thoradin...

With the warforged busy running through it's diagnostic schemes, Eduardo and Quin find time to strike! Swinging their weapons, Master of Death and Cleric of Moradin are confounded to find their weapons only striking a force-shield which clearly, had not been there before...
Flame bursts from the heels of the warforged, and it's swords become a blur, cutting through one of the Prescott's, before slashing angrily across Eduardo and Quin...
"...why is there so much BLOOD!?!?!?"

[roll0]+[roll1] Damage to Quin
[roll2]+[roll3] Damage to Eduardo
[roll4]+[roll5] Damage to Eduardo, Confirmed Critical
[roll6]+[roll7] Damage to Quin, Confirmed Critical

The warforged looks curiously at the glitterdust, it's internal server whirring as it calculates the implied threat.
"Negligible. Execute command remains relevant."

Eduardo and Quin have Actions. Only two fake, Prescott's left!

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-09, 06:02 PM
Eduardo grimaces with the now-familiar sensation of the construct's sword passing through his body. The bone golem had killed him in the chapel of evil, an experience that the Master was not wont to repeat.

Carefully avoiding the whirling blades, Eduardo speaks a quiet word of necromantic power and touches the warforged, releasing its dark energy through its body.

Rigor Mortis.

Defensively casting Rigor Mortis
Concentration check: [roll0]
Touch Attack: [roll1]

Since it's a warforged, it has a wisdom score, making it a valid target for the spell. It makes a DC 20 fort save, or goes all dead-like for [roll2] rounds.

EDIT, sorry, should have been +2, so 5 rounds.

2011-11-09, 06:06 PM
Very smart. Would have been beter to use a dark sapphire to deny him a save.

Whilst the Master of Death is imparting some wisdom on the warforged, Quin prepares to flick the sword towards him and pick it up.

2011-11-09, 06:15 PM
Seeing the whirring blades strike his peers, Prescotts pulls several marbles from his spell component pouch and tosses them into the air. "You're not the only one with colorful stones, Quin..." he mutters to himself as he casts his spell, calling forth five rather larger balls of elemental energy to strike the warforged.

Going for another Sapphire strike. Using Shadow Evocation to cast Energy Orbs (or whatever the blasted spell is called, I don't have the book here...) from SpC. 5 exciting balls do 10 damage each - fire, acid, cold, elec, and... force or sonic? I forget which. Anywho, 50 damage unless it's vulnerable to some energy type for more.

Will save vs. the sapphire: [roll0]
I don't know if denying saves vs this spell overcomes SR too, so I'll roll vs. SR just in case: [roll1]

2011-11-09, 06:59 PM
Flick it over as a standard, kick it behind him as a move?
Delete each post up to Ditto's statement of Prescott's Actions for the next round, please.

Using the spear, Quin flicks the sword across the floor toward him. As it skitters and bounces, flecks of snow fly off like sparks from flames. As it reaches the toe of his boot, he kicks it further behind him for retrieval later.
The warforged sees Eduardo coming and dances out of reaching, holding out the burning swords to fend off the reaching hand.
Winky blasts the warforged with more light, though the construct hardly appears to notice.
It reaches for it's fallen weapons, the dropped scimitars and it's lost arm.

Eduardo and Quin can make AoOs again.
And then gimme Actions you two for the next Round. I don't need them for Prescott just yet.

2011-11-09, 07:14 PM

Quin steps back and picks up the sword before Expending a use of Divine Power to heal his comrades.

Swift to move back, move to pick up, standard to burn Tur attempt to give lesser vigor for 5 rounds.

2011-11-09, 07:24 PM
Ooooh, a shiny 20! But no critical hit though.

Swift to move back, move to pick up, standard to burn Tur attempt to give lesser vigor for 5 rounds.

Striking hard at the warforged's exposed workings, Quin shatters more important inner workings with his longspear.

2011-11-09, 07:27 PM
Quin took almost half his HP in damage. In one round. Its very tempting to burn a 5th to blast the warforged from existence, but no, I shall save some for the Lich.

Instead, regroup, heal, and see what happens. The Master looks like he has some fun tricks. The Wizard also is doing some damage.

2011-11-09, 08:28 PM
Sorry to make you wait.


Thoradin, still reeling from his harrowing death experience slams another potion.


Human Paragon 3
2011-11-09, 08:31 PM
Attack of opportunity:

I actually don't have a ton to do in this situation, so I guess I'll improvise. Going toe-to-toe with this thing is definitely a no no.

Seeing an opening, Eduardo swings the mace sideways at the warforged's exposed chest, then hops backward, retreating to the west, putting some open ground between the creature and himself.

From a relatively safe distance of 40 feet away, Eduardo waves his hands and speaks a rhyming lilt. The Warforged becomes sheathed in a corona of verdant light.

It's faerie fire. All will become clear next round.

2011-11-09, 09:11 PM
Energy Spheres, the spell is called. The last ball is sonic, not force. Otherwise it looks like I got the spell right.

I am not encouraged by the no-action call. :smalleek: C'mon sapphire save, nowhammy nowhammy nowhammy

2011-11-10, 12:24 AM
Continuing it's barrage of blows on Maki, the Pharaoh is frustrated as it only strikes brick walls.
The barbarian is too fast, blocking the mummy king's punches with his own and effortlessly dodging.
It roars, but Maki couldn't care less; he tumbles away from the Pharaoh, leaving it thoroughly confused at what had just happened.
Safely away, Maki can see the numbers situation hasn't improved...
Three undead approach Thoradin with weapons drawn, and their deadly intent evident.
The Mysterious Warrior hold his hand out, making a "come"-motion to Pharrah and Harley.
With a snarl, Pharrah charges The Beginning raking him with large claws and snarling angrily. He spins aside, slashing at her with his sword and plunging a knife into her side, avoids a swing of the axe from Harley to send him to the ground...
Coming to a stop, Pharrah smashed the mysterious warrior against the side of the Throne Room, and he vanishes from sight amongs black fur.
She snarls at the Fallen adventurers who only flourish their own weapons in response. They're ready...
Maki sees Thoradin move.
The dwarf puts the potion to his lips, and one of the Guards swing a sword at it, trying to knock it away.
But Thoradin downs it too quickly, and it begins to heal his aches instantly.
With Welby's cloak, and skilled maneuvering with his ring and the winds,
Pete manages to direct himself into the mass of webs without a problem.
Daina nods approvingly.
"Very cool, Pete."
She accepts the cloak with some sadness, fastening it around her neck.
"I should be able to use this... We need a better plan, only one person dances with the warrior at a time, while the rest support and harry his movements and keep the waves at bay."
She fits an arrow to her bow, sighting a guard trapped by the web.
It's struggles cease, and Daina smiles.
Swinging their weapons back and forth, the three or four guards surrounding the dwarf do nothing than irritate him, making loud noise as the clang against his armor.
Using a variety of weapons including an ancient crossbow, the Fallen make to chase after Maki, but Pharrah is solidly in her way.
Taking a variety of weapons to the face, she snarls and bite and howls her anger, while the Fallen screaming curses of their own, only strive to hit her harder.
Outside the webs, the Concubines search looking for an opening, though they will find none.
Behind them, Maki realizes that his safety was fleeting; the undead who'd had nobody to kill, point at him, signalling a lone and exposed target.
The potion Daina had dropped sits in the sand near the closest column.

It's faerie fire. All will become clear next round.
I hate when Players say that...

am not encouraged by the no-action call.
Sorry, it's just the round order. No worries for the wiz'.

Eduardo brings the mace down on the warforged with impressive force.
Or atleast that's what he'd intended...
Instead, the weapon bounces off the projected shield of the construct's magical defenses.
Firing more blasts of light, Winky cries aloud as the scimitars hum, becoming the dangerous humming dance that Eduardo knows all too well...
With all four flaming blades safely in hand, the warforged is a deadly blur, slashing at Eduardo again, and devastating Quin with a vicious thrust in his blindspot. The dwarf feels hot flame come near, and recede as more of his blood is spilt.
"Measure... Found. Execution, imminent."
This particular Dark Sapphire is the runt of the litter, with considerably less resistance to the will of it's would-be controller, and Prescott easily forces the Sapphire to bend to his command.
Almost wriggling in his hands, Prescott feels it crumble to dust in his grip as it'd dark energy suffuses the marbles floating around his head...
They race faster than the warforged can dodge...
But with it's magical protections, the construct hardly even notices...
Quin's divine power fills them all with strength and with the blessing of Moradin, Eduardo notices his bleeding has slowed-in fact, his wounds have begun to close!
With a renewed healing factor, and a cunning plan, Eduardo attempts to surround and outline the warforged in a pale glow...
Quin can feel the sword's power immediately...
Colder than any undead even...
...this weapon, blue mithril make is a potent weapon of ice and the black sea that hides beneath it.

[roll0] Caster Level Check for Eduardo...[roll1]+[roll2] Damage to Quin
[roll3]+[roll4] Damage to Eduardo

Everybody give me Actions!
Pete has shown an example of my personal battlefield tactic; Escalate the Conflict.
For this, he gets 250 EXPerience.

Everybody else take 100 EXPerence.

Choking and spitting Welby drags himself on the shore of the beach.
He shivers.
It's cold, and night has fallen on the island.
Luckily, he can't see the horrors that lie about him as he closes his eyes.
Just for a moment...

...Jake's eyes fly open, and he spits dirt from his lips, and shakes it from his hair as he leaps to his feet.
He recognizes this place...
The Tomb.
Dresden had sent him back...
Scowling, he looks about the Great Hall of Spheres, unsure of where to go as he uses a torch to examine his surrondings...
One corner is filled with black sand, and an arch dominates one end. He'll leave that alone...
A burnt smell, and a sign of Quin's passing indicates the room where the dwarf had encountered the brain in the jar...
Jake strokes his beard. He'll have to be thorough. And careful...


2011-11-10, 01:31 AM
"Dammit "

Maki mutters as he sees the hordes of undead all around... His strength had left a little more than a pack of flesh in front of the wolves...and now even the magic power of his boots had worn off...

Cursing his luck he keeps defending himself and moves further to the corner hoping the small angle can protect his back against this new enemy's

Where is Maki on the map btw?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-10, 09:22 AM
I should be in the northwest corner of the corridor now. Did Faerie Fire work, or fail?

2011-11-10, 11:42 AM
I should be in the northwest corner of the corridor now. Did Faerie Fire work, or fail?

Got it. It failed.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-10, 11:59 AM
Ugh. Damnit.

2011-11-10, 01:32 PM
Ah, okay. I thought everything was at the bottom of the round already, so I was worried my action was being skipped due to horrible consequences. Not that it does me any good anyway, thrice-damned spell resistance...

Alright, I'm short on gimmicks, time to pull out the BFG... Provoke an AoO, warbot, pleeeease! :smallbiggrin:

Prescotts wink at Leonard before uttering another incantation, and casting a Polymorph spell, transforming him into a tentacled, craggy Roper (http://www.deathstarinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/roper.jpg). Or 4. It's a very busy hallway right now.

2011-11-10, 02:00 PM

Thoradin hacks at the sand guard.


2011-11-10, 03:12 PM

Thoradin hacks at the sand guard.


But arent you prone?

2011-11-10, 04:16 PM
Quiet you!

Yes so am going to stand up, que death number two, and make a single attack.

2011-11-10, 05:00 PM
Quin has that fire ring, so he shouldn't be taking any fire damage. Right?

Also, I need to know OOC the stats for the sword so I can make accurate rolls with it.

Also wtf is that black dot behind the warforged? That scares me.

2011-11-10, 08:27 PM
What's pete up to this turn? Is he gonna stay on the middle of the spiderwebs shooting healing arrows at Daina?

2011-11-10, 08:43 PM
"Agreed." Pete looses an arrow at another tomb guard trapped in the boundary of the web. "Do you require healing?" He draws a potion from his pocket and holds it up for Daina to take.

2011-11-10, 11:13 PM
The arrows stick out of Daina's shoulder and leg at what are clearly painful angles.
"No, I've got potions... And if I can really shoot through this web..."
She fires more arrows at the struggling undead afixed to the web.
"I won't need them for a while."
She uses her head to motion at the heavy-laden quivers the concubines carry.
Plenty of arrows there...
Snarling angrily, the Pharaoh lifts his weapon above his head, chasing after Maki and bringing his weapon to bear against Maki's falchion.
Blocking the attack, Maki forces him back with quick swings, back and forth of the his weapon. Moving toward a corner, the Pharaoh presses his momentum, but Maki stops him at every turn, backing into the corner, so only three can approach him at once...
With a howl of rage, Pharrah begins to run, trampling over the undead in her path, and makes her way around the throne room in a blurringly fast circle.
Scraped against the throne room walls, the mysterious warrior maintains his grip, repeatedly stabbing Pharrah in her lupine ribs.
With The Beginning well out of reach, Harley opts to hurl his throwing axes at one of the concubines as he passes, and cheers in surprise as he actually hits with one.
Moving at a break neck pace across the sand, Harley grunts as he tries to remain in position.
The arrow slams through where the tomb guard's heart used to be, and it shrieks as the bane magic in the arrow burns wrapping and petrified flesh.
"Nice shot."
With wide hacking sweeps of his weapon, Thoradin struggles to connect with his encroaching enemies...
But then a mass of scales hurtles past him with blinding speed, and Hassadur spitting venom and hissing wildly, collides with the sand guards in an explosion of bone and ice.
Wrapping quickly around the struggling undead, Hassadur applies crushing pressure.
Beset upon from all sides, Maki turns his falchion into a spin halo of steel, deflecting reaching swords and a particularly large spear as the undead press to cut him to shreds...

Sorry for the lack of responsiveness today, I shall make up for it tomorrow, and this weekend.

Is Daina able to stand? Is she bleeding? Has she removed the arrows in her leg and shoulder? Those are things Pete would have noticed by now, right?
Yes. Yes. No. Yes.
In character elaboration.

Quin has that fire ring, so he shouldn't be taking any fire damage. Right?
If he is indeed wearing it, I'd say yes. When he removed the ring of ethereal jaunt, did he put on the fire resistance ring?
If, and only if, Quin is stated to have done so, he won't have.

Also, I need to know OOC the stats for the sword so I can make accurate rolls with it.

I'm assuming that even if Daina is injured she might not want the potion, and even if she isn't injured she might still want it. So it really is better to ask her than try to assess her current actual need.

Makes sense.

Longsword, +3, with 1d8 Cold Damage
Will need Actions for Quin...
Aaaaaand, Eduardo.

One of the Prescott's begins spell casting, and the warforged slashes it to pieces even as the real Prescott completes his spell...
Changing from a wizard into the flailing tentacled horror that is a roper.
Leonard, who'd been inching along the wall, freezes paralyzed in horror at Prescott's change and the burning swords in the constructs metal grasp.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-10, 11:23 PM
The Master of Death reaches into his backpack and pulls out a familiar scroll case, a look of deep concern on his face.

The construct had proved itself resilient and deadly. His spells failed. The creature was untouchable.

And at any moment, the thing could charge one of them, close the distance, and cut Eduardo or his friends to ribbons.

Stoically, he reads the scroll, unleashing a sleet storm over the warforged, obscuring him from sight... but perhaps not completely.

Peering into the gloom, Eduardo looks for the simmering golden flecks of Prescott's glitterdust spell.

Scrollcasting sleet storm centered on the warforged. Does the glitterdust let us see him? Or at least pinpoint his square? He's got -40 to hide...

2011-11-10, 11:51 PM
Scrollcasting sleet storm centered on the warforged.

Does the glitterdust let us see him? Or at least pinpoint his square? He's got -40 to hide...
I'd say Sleet Storm would hide him, even despite the glitterdust...

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-11, 12:21 AM
I've still got one more.


2011-11-11, 02:35 AM
I just realized how awesome Maki would be if he could inject that venom on him XD 56 strength... An Elder Titan has 45...


Maki curses at his lost Strength as he keeps up his blade and tries to tumble OVER one of the guards while heading towards the Throne.

DC15 (Or would it be 17?):[roll0]

2011-11-11, 06:46 AM
Now how to fluff this.... I think a prayer should do it.

Yes I stated that. Want a quote?

Also, nice sword. I was going to have Quinn pray to Moradin for instruction on longsword/granting him power with martial weapons.

2011-11-11, 07:12 AM
Pete returns the potion in his hand to his pocket. Then...

2011-11-11, 08:18 AM
Also, nice sword. I was going to have Quinn pray to Moradin for instruction on longsword/granting him power with martial weapons.


Yes I stated that. Want a quote?
Nope, I'm good.

Concubines and Fallen are closest to Pete.


2011-11-11, 09:09 AM
...um, how do we function in a Sleet Storm? The ENTIRE hallways is completely filled with sleet, and we cannot see. At all. Not even standing within the same square as someone! Do we just attack blindly and roll a 50% miss chance, assuming we even hit the right square? I actually got a combat capable form I wanted to try out! :smalltongue:

2011-11-11, 09:13 AM
This is when inwish quinn had a wand of heroism and gave maki cleave. Bout the only time that feat does not suck.

Speaking of not sucking.. Have I introduced you to the revolutionary tomb of awesome (http://code.google.com/p/awesometome/downloads/list)? It will blow your mind.

Darn. I'll think of what to do and post ic later

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-11, 09:28 AM
Yeah, sorry about that, guys. The Faerie Fire was supposed to let us see him. Thankfully, I don't think he's moved yet. If you manage to roper-grapple him, seeing him will no longer be an issue, though.

2011-11-11, 10:05 AM
I concur. I'm not sure if I go first, or the warforged does. Will wait for Oasys to clarify before attacking. Thankfully, the foe is large which makes targetting simpler.

I thought you were going to just cast Darkness or something to give us all miss-chance-armor while denying it to him. Sleet storm was more intense. :smallbiggrin: I'm not sure whetehr Faerie Fire or Glitterdust would trump the sleetstorm, though... it's not explained in the text of any of the three spells how they might interact. I'ma see if the RAW thread might know of a precedent...

2011-11-11, 11:07 AM
...um, how do we function in a Sleet Storm? The ENTIRE hallways is completely filled with sleet, and we cannot see. At all. Not even standing within the same square as someone! Do we just attack blindly and roll a 50% miss chance, assuming we even hit the right square? I actually got a combat capable form I wanted to try out!

I concur. I'm not sure if I go first, or the warforged does. Will wait for Oasys to clarify before attacking. Thankfully, the foe is large which makes targetting simpler.

Prescott goes.
Quin. Then Eduardo, Then warforged.

2011-11-11, 12:37 PM
Lashing out into the storm, nobody sees 24 tentacles wriggle blindly toward the last known location of the warforged, attempting to drag him closer for a bite to eat.

Full attack time, woo! Many conditional events, here... 6 strands, IF they hit, each do 2d8 Str dmg on a failed DC18 Fort save. Also, if any one hits, he is dragged 10 feet toward me and I get a bite attack with a reduced bonus as well. Once a strand hits, he needs to make an EA or Str check to break free, OR sunder, each strand individually. Let's see how this goes...

50% miss chance, on every attack, 1 hits/2 misses. Strands are ranged Touch attacks.

Strand: [roll0], Miss: [roll1]; DC18 Fort or [roll2] Str damage
Strand: [roll3], Miss: [roll4]; DC18 Fort or [roll5] Str damage
Strand: [roll6], Miss: [roll7]; DC18 Fort or [roll8] Str damage
Strand: [roll9], Miss: [roll10]; DC18 Fort or [roll11] Str damage
Strand: [roll12], Miss: [roll13]; DC18 Fort or [roll14] Str damage
Strand: [roll15], Miss: [roll16]; DC18 Fort or [roll17] Str damage
Strand: [roll18], Miss: [roll19]; DC18 Fort or [roll20] Str damage(7th attack, disregard)
Bite attack, if any strand hits: [roll21] regular melee attack, Miss: [roll22], [roll23] dmg

SO, 3 attacks found him, I think 2 hit, and he's two saves away from 16 str damage and now adjacent to me.

2011-11-11, 01:52 PM
Full attack time, woo!
Assuming a five-foot step first...

SO, 3 attacks found him, I think 2 hit, and he's two saves away from 16 str damage and now adjacent to me.
We'll see.

Need Actions from Quin, and Team Sword.

2011-11-11, 01:54 PM
The tentacle strands have 50 foot reach. I don't need to move. If you'd like me too, well, sure why not - any of those attacks actually hit and he's next to me anyway. Same difference.

2011-11-11, 02:07 PM
"50 ft. with strand"

The tentacle strands have 50 foot reach. I don't need to move. If you'd like me too, well, sure why not - any of those attacks actually hit and he's next to me anyway. Same differen
Aha! I see that now. I hate you...

2011-11-11, 02:34 PM
I suddenly feel really bad that Maki's only power is hitting things really hard :smallfrown:

2011-11-11, 02:37 PM
I suddenly feel really bad that Maki's only power is hitting things really hard
On his own Maki's almost ended The Mysterious Warrior's stone skin spell...

2011-11-11, 03:03 PM
Sometimes, you hit things REALLY really hard, which I think counts separately. Also, chair.

Maki's got a neat little toolkit, and he can do it all day! Whereas I'm short on useful spells and had to *deign* to hit things really hard, since that's the only trick I have left... but hey, sometimes a wizard has to roll up his sleeves when the BAB is sooo low you can't hit several successive touch attacks! :smallbiggrin:

And yeah, Ropers are kind of terrifying. I'm quite pleased with that selection. When I get to looking at Dranga's scrolls, I hope she made another Polymorph one. There's another form I'm interested in trying out before we're done with this place... :smallamused:

I wouldn't mind an update on Dranga, if you're in the mood to share one. She's probably still gabbing with Baby Succubette... but it'd be pretty bitchin' if she showed up around the corner, hair mussed, 10 minutes after she left with the succubus and was all, "...yeah, I tired her out. No comment. Let's kill Acererak now!"

2011-11-11, 05:25 PM
Aren't you clad I protected you all from cold?

Quin steps back into the snow and allows his allies to handle this mess, while he focuses on regaining his strength. Making his Longspear disappear with a flick of his wrist and wielding the longsword, albeit clumsily, he feels its magical power correct his grip to near perfection. Concentrating on the power of good, he fills his and the Masters body with positive energy.

Move to put longsword into Glove of Master strategist, he wields longsword. No reach. Using a nasty RAW trick to get the crystal from the spear as it is stored, because the glove only stores ONE time, and the crystal is a second. Standard to heal Quin for [roll0]
And the Master, assuming he can, since the storm started up. If not, he only heals himself.

2011-11-11, 05:55 PM
Had it all along. Its a glove of storing with truestrike 1/day. Never used it so Oasy would forget about it and it would be a nice surprise. I plan on using it to finish off the Lich if I can. To be dramatic.

2011-11-11, 06:33 PM
Move to put longsword into Glove of Master strategist, he wields longsword.

Had it all along. Its a glove of storing with truestrike 1/day. Never used it so Oasy would forget about it and it would be a nice surprise. I plan on using it to finish off the Lich if I can. To be dramatic

Aren't you clad I protected you all from cold?
I haaaaaaaaaate you...

Note: At most, Quin would have protected everyone inside the Throneroom from cold...

Maki's got a neat little toolkit, and he can do it all day!
Too be honest, when I first saw Maki in action, I was pretty impressed about combining the boots of speed with rage. Nasty.

I wouldn't mind an update on Dranga, if you're in the mood to share one. She's probably still gabbing with Baby Succubette... but it'd be pretty bitchin' if she showed up around the corner, hair mussed, 10 minutes after she left with the succubus and was all, "...yeah, I tired her out. No comment. Let's kill Acererak now!"
Dranga has 20 Constitution...
Valera won't get bored for a looooong time.

The healing balls of light dash around the warforged, and sinks into Eduardo's chest, closing some of his wounds.
The warforged, keeping an eye on the Master of Death, appears to literally have an eye in the back of it's head...
It glares at Eduardo with a malice.
From the corner of his eye, Eduardo can see that Winky had taken the time to leave a Continual Flame on this side, and he sees small sleeping forms along the walls...
There are deep impressions in the stone where the warforged must have been standing inert before it's activation.
And then, as he casts his potent magic, everything disappears in driving white sleet.
As the cold whips about them, they all hear a *pinging* noise.
Then again.
And then the scraping of the warforged moving forward or back along the corridor...
There is the hiss of steam as the sleet strikes the constructs flaming scimitars...
Prescott has the feeling distinct feeling that the warforged has dispatched his remaining two copies as a blade slices before him in the cold sleet.
Reaching out with his new tentacles, Prescott searches through the cold for the warforged...
The dwarf feels the creepy touch of a tentacle brush his leg...
More floor. The roof.
Grasping the warforged by some foreign limb, Prescott reels it in, struggling and scraping toward him. Quin sees metal and fire fly through the sleet past him, but as Prescott tries to get a good bite in, all he finds is a mouthful of Shield.
Applying pressure to whatever he's holding, Prescott hears scrabbling and crushing sounds...
He's broken something important...


Need Actions for Thoradin...
Eduardo and Quin too.

2011-11-11, 06:37 PM

I knew you would. <3

Anyway, I think the idea was that the Succubus would get tired out. Whats her con?

And I like how its all white. Everywhere. No AoO for Quin?

2011-11-11, 06:40 PM
Anyway, I think the idea was that the Succubus would get tired out. Whats her con?

Just higher than Dranga's...
Valera took levels in Barbarian...

EDIT: And it's not really tired... It's bored, there's nothing stopping Valera from taking a rest...
I wonder if I should roll this out like Welby's round with the Gargoyle. I do have the Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge...

And I like how its all white. Everywhere. No AoO for Quin?

2011-11-11, 06:46 PM
Attaching the weapon crystal in his hand to the frosty longsword in his other, Quin calls on his god for a little more light.

Attach weapon crystal, then cast Light of Lunia for 30ft silver light adn another 30ft of dim silvery light. Lasts for 2 hours.

2011-11-11, 07:11 PM
Would someone stop the light show and just attack the damn thing! XD.

What i like about Maki that didnt happen with other pc's of mine is that i can just slip right in at any time. Its not like that wizard character i had where i was constantly keeping track of how many spells i had left and which ones did i know and had prepared Maki is Rage attack repeat which leaves me with a lot of time to focus on roleplaying his character.

Im making a Ranseur tripper Fighter for Aldhaven and i hope i can give it at least half as much soul XD

2011-11-11, 08:10 PM
No AoOs when you have total concealment. Learning this when dealing with bloodmote clouds saved Maki's life. :smallsmile: Sleetstorm blocks ALL sight, period, so adding more light isn't going to help. Swing blindly at the adjacent square if you want to attack, it's pretty hard to mistake where this fellow is.

Oasys, would having a strand attached to this thing (partially) negate the concealment at all, since I've clearly got him located? Any improvement is an improvement on 50% miss chance... Assuming he doesn't kill my strand by the time I next attack, of course, but I believe he's spent his actions this round and there are no AoOs.

2011-11-11, 08:15 PM

Thoradin attempts to destroy the sand guard.

2011-11-11, 08:34 PM
Thoradin attempts to destroy the sand guard.
Gods above man, you must of ticked off some dark dice lord or something...

No AoOs when you have total concealment. Learning this when dealing with bloodmote clouds saved Maki's life. Sleetstorm blocks ALL sight, period, so adding more light isn't going to help. Swing blindly at the adjacent square if you want to attack, it's pretty hard to mistake where this fellow is.
This is true.
Plus, Eduardo's sleet storm is a higher level spell.

Oasys, would having a strand attached to this thing (partially) negate the concealment at all, since I've clearly got him located? Any improvement is an improvement on 50% miss chance... Assuming he doesn't kill my strand by the time I next attack, of course, but I believe he's spent his actions this round and there are no AoOs.
Yes, I'd say it would.

Daina places another arrow to her bow, and draws, slamming the shaft into one of the Concubine's eyes.
"Oh, Pete! This is great!"
The Pharaoh, carrying his weapon comes to a stop...
Reaching over his body, he finally registers his spell components had been taken...
"دغص اند ثيفس! كرسي يو أل!"
As he prepares to leap, Maki realizes it's too ridiculous of a jump to possibly make...
It's not one undead...
But a crowd.
He manages to clear the first row, before promptly succumbing to gravity and crashing among the guards, sand and tomb alike.
Continuing her circuit of the Throne Room, Pharrah and Harley are to the rescue; as she stamps over the raised platform of the Throne, the mysterious warrior lets go, rolling across the hard stone until he comes to a low crouch, watching as Pharrah and Harley crash into the undead with tremendous force.
Leaping from Pharrah's back, Harley beheads on of the undead, while Pharrah snaps her jaws around one of them, crushing it's armor.
"C'mon, Maki-you can't be trying crazy things like that!"
Moving through the Web with ease, Pete sends an arrow shaft through the Black Concubine with penetrating force, dropping her bow, she tries to pull out the arrow from this smoking wound.


2011-11-11, 11:18 PM
Let me know what the miss chance should be this time around (if this fellow is still standing), and please confirm whether 1 or 2 strands hit so I know how many attacks to roll next time around. I don't think I can voluntarily disengage them. :smallsmile:

2011-11-11, 11:28 PM
Let me know what the miss chance should be this time around (if this fellow is still standing), and please confirm whether 1 or 2 strands hit so I know how many attacks to roll next time around. I don't think I can voluntarily disengage them.
No miss chance. I'd say you've got him.
And 1 strand hit.

Staggering with the wound, the Concubine is the least of Pete and Daina's problems... Shuffling across the sand is one of the Fallen...
A ranger by the pair of swords on his back, and more alarmingly the black bow and arrow the undead creature is levelling at Daina!
Releasing the arrow, the thief drops to her belly as the black arrow slashes through the web, whizzing above her hair.
"Great. And I thought we were the hot shots here..."
Perhaps more worryingly is the Fallen in the far east corner...
A wizard by the torn and dirty robes hanging across her bones.
Long chunks of hair hang from a cracked and ruined skull.
With a quick movement, Thoradin out maneuvers the Sand Guard, cutting it's legs out from underneath of it, and quickly smashing it's skull to bits.
Hissing appreciatively, Thoradin watches Hassadur disappear from sight.
One of the Fallen is also a dwarf.
With a spear shaft sticking out of it's chest, the undead warrior screams a challenge at Thoradin, swinging it's hammer back and forth above the sand.

Eduardo and Team Sword gimme Actions.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-11, 11:45 PM
Balance Checks: [roll0] [roll1]

Gritting his teeth against the cold, Eduardo strides forward into the sleet storm, retracing his steps, toward the last known location of the warforged.

He casts his deathly gaze left and right, searching for the life force of his enemy.

Deathwatch doesn't care about the sleet storm. If the construct is within 30 feet, I know it. And I know which square(s) he's in, too. Same for Quin and Prescott, though I won't be able to tell the two apart. I am now in the northeast corner of the corridor.

2011-11-12, 12:07 AM
Whoops forgot I actually do need Actions for Prescott.

2011-11-12, 01:17 AM
So where does that left maki?

2011-11-12, 09:22 AM
Pete looses an arrow at the fallen wizard. Then he takes the weapon of the dead guard he approached and slips back towards the center of the web. "Spell caster on this side."

2011-11-12, 10:01 AM
Having gotten a grip on the warforged, Prescott the rockmonster lashes out again to strike his foe.

Apparently, Ropers have 10 foot reach with their bite attack. It's kind of scary to think about a stalagmite that can chomp at you from that far away!

5 strands (touch attack) + bite (melee attack)
[roll0], DC18 Fort or [roll1] Str dmg
[roll2], DC18 Fort or [roll3] Str dmg
[roll4], DC18 Fort or [roll5] Str dmg
[roll6], DC18 Fort or [roll7] Str dmg
[roll8], DC18 Fort or [roll9] Str dmg
Bite: [roll10], [roll11] dmg

2011-11-12, 10:05 AM
Hm, rockmonster Prescott isn't much better at touch attacks than regular Prescott. But it looks like that last strand got a critical! I don't want to think what a critical tentacle attack does to a person...

Ranged touch attack [roll0], confirming for an additional [roll1] Str dmg if he fails the Fort save on the 5th attack above. Oooh, that could be good. Fail that save, sucker!

2011-11-12, 10:27 AM
Hm, rockmonster Prescott isn't much better at touch attacks than regular Prescott. But it looks like that last strand got a critical! I don't want to think what a critical tentacle attack does to a person...

Ranged touch attack [roll0], confirming for an additional [roll1] Str dmg if he fails the Fort save on the 5th attack above. Oooh, that could be good. Fail that save, sucker!

Isnt he an undead warforged?

2011-11-12, 11:52 AM

So where does that left maki?

There should now be one unarmed and two armed dead guards in the web I think.
Twin long swords? And that's right.

Apparently, Ropers have 10 foot reach with their bite attack. It's kind of scary to think about a stalagmite that can chomp at you from that far away!
'Reach' is a fluid term, if you're ten feet away, the Roper might combine the use of it's strands and actually lean out the last five feet to get it's 'bite'.

Ranged touch attack (1d20+11)[25], confirming for an additional (2d8)[8] Str dmg if he fails the Fort save on the 5th attack above. Oooh, that could be good. Fail that save, sucker!

I don't want to think what a critical tentacle attack does to a person...

There is a crushing and shredding sound as Prescott wrings the warforged with his tentacles.
Through the sleet storm, they can hear it struggling.
"S-syst-tem f-failures. C-catastrophic."

Finding that his light of Lunia spell doesn't brighten up the storm as much as he may have liked, Quin struggles to attach the crystal, but manages.
With the aid of his deathwatch, Eduardo gleans the presence of the warforged first, being the sole construct and by it's close proximity to another living aura, Prescott.
Two living auras against the south wall indicate Leonard and Quin, though he can't be sure.
Unable to detect Winky, the archon must be beyond Eduardo's sight...
"E-engagin-ning... B-backup... P-procedure... df6d7er45kf..."
The warforged continues to struggle, but with hardly any of it's former power...
They're winning.

2011-11-12, 12:03 PM
Oasys's ! Where is Maki's awesomesauce strength? :smallfrown:

"Thanks Parrah "

Taking advantage of this respite granted by his teammates Maki Takes out one of his potions and drinks it.

Cure light wounds potion! : [roll0]

2011-11-12, 12:32 PM
The light was just a buff for the next battle, Quin can't help right now. Prescott has things under control.

Quin gropes his way toe the wall where the Master was before he cast the spell, hoping to find out what lay beyond. He could not aid his friends while the spell lasted, but he would be there when it ended. From the sounds of the fight the wizard had the construct struggling to survive.

2011-11-12, 03:53 PM
Elfstone the Prc you sent me would make Dark Maki a reality XD

Edit: Sorry XD

2011-11-12, 03:58 PM

And yes, yes it would.

2011-11-12, 10:14 PM
I assume we are waiting on actions from hp3 and ditto? Perhaps verisimilitude.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-12, 10:42 PM
Didn't realize you were waiting on me. I'm casting true strike off my secret cache of arcane spells, then closing the distance with the warforged.
Balance: [roll0]

The Master of Death hefts the mace in his hands. It is a powerful weapon, but in the sleet, and against a dangerous opponent like the warforged, clumsy at best.

Of course, he could always call upon his new-found magics to guide his strike...

The words come almost unbidden to his lips. He peers forward, arcane magic pulling aside the sleet like a curtain, though Eduardo barely understands how. His next strike would not miss.

Armed with the potent divination, he stalks forward once again, preparing to strike the warforged.

2011-11-12, 11:24 PM
Since when did Eduardo get arcane casting? Did I miss that or was that behind some curtain....

2011-11-12, 11:29 PM

Figuring that the barbarian could handle his own problems, Thoradin charges the White Concubine, attempting to deal massive damage with a single blow.


Power Attack 5.


2011-11-13, 12:29 AM
QUOTE]I assume we are waiting on actions from hp3 and ditto? Perhaps verisimilitude.

Sorry about that.
Not Veris. But Mo.
What for? I've had Actions for Pete for a little while now.

Didn't realize you were waiting on me. I'm casting true strike off my secret cache of arcane spells, then closing the distance with the warforged.

Since when did Eduardo get arcane casting? Did I miss that or was that behind some curtain....
Well, it's not so secret anymore!
*Oasys avoids looking Elfstone in the eye, whistles innocently*

Exactly halfway through Eduardo's second and latest 'voice change'.


Reflex save to avoid Thoradin as he slides across the room on his back, dragging the bulk of the webs into one of the scarab filled crypts as he passes:

Can't get the theme song out of my head...
What themesong?

Daina nods, tracking the caster with her bow.
"I see her..."
She whistles.
Two arrows sprout from the Fallen caster's chest, and she screams in rage, flames runnign across her fleshless clawed hands.
"...and now, she definitely sees us..."
Swinging his khopesh wildly, the Pharaoh leaves a long cut down Pharrah's snout.
With nobody paying any attention to him, the barbarian is able to scoop up the potion and guzzles it down, letting the healing magic do its work.
Throwing her head from side to side, Pharrah spits bones into the Pharoah's face, and then smashes him against the wall.
Her paws lash out in all directions and the Guards still standing go flying through the air.
One of them roll past Harley, who'd been watching Maki's back, and he sweeps out with the great axe, lopping of it's leg at the knee.
Moving fast, he buries his red dagger into the back of it's frost covered skull.
With a flourish of his sword, the Mysterious Warrior beguns a slow but purposeful walk...
Toward the Web...
Racing across the sand, Thoradin ducks beneath a swing from the Fallen Dwarf's battle axe, and swings madly at the white concubine.
Laughing cruelly at his sad efforts, she lowers her bow and arrow on the dwarf.

[roll0] Damage to Thoradin
[roll1] Damage to Thoradin
[roll2] Damage to Thoradin

The arrows streak in white streams of light through gaps in Thoradin's armor.
They hurt a lot.
But not as much as the axe that
takes a bite out of the back of his head...
Making his way through the Web, Pete buries an arrow in the spellcaster's arm, and whatever magics it had been preparing fizzle to nothing.
Outside the webs, the fallen ranger unsheathes it's twin blades, giving them a spin that hisses through the air.
He waits...

On his end... Maki feels the strength and power returning!

Maki's Con is normal and his Strength is 56 again!

2011-11-13, 12:38 AM
What themesong?

This one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg). Again, comedy of horrors.

2011-11-13, 12:42 AM
Whæt thę hëll Oasy.

Actually I'm not that upset, I just wanted to play around with accents on my iPod. Anyway, I knew I should have checked you created threads more recently :smallyuk:

2011-11-13, 12:58 AM
Yes. I assume he came out of the closet or had some gender bender spell placed on him....

I have to ask, mechanically, was it a different class level or some bizarre sacrifice of divine spells for arcane?

2011-11-13, 01:09 AM

This one. Again, comedy of horrors.

Actually I'm not that upset, I just wanted to play around with accents on my iPod. Anyway, I knew I should have checked you created threads more recently
I didn't make any threads.
Haven't you noticed Eduardo's voice has gone from, "This..." to "...this?"

Yes. I assume he came out of the closet or had some gender bender spell placed on him....

I have to ask, mechanically, was it a different class level or some bizarre sacrifice of divine spells for arcane?
No. And no.

2011-11-13, 01:36 AM
Pete looses once more at the fallen wizard. Then he turns and slips through the web towards the westernmost of the defeated guards within it.

2011-11-13, 02:30 AM
All right now we are cooking! ... Figuratively speaking. This would be a bad moment to cook

Maki can feel it now... Running trough his veins... it burns him inside ... like fire ... it fuels him ... a corrupted strength ... the strength that can tear down mountains and rip clouds to shreds... this cursed strength.... the one he needs the most right now.

Without saying a word Maki skips towards the Beginning and slashes at his back with all his Strength before he can go any further.


Damage: [roll1]

No power attack... Wanna make sure it hits XD .... And now the 1

"... Sorry i made you wait... lets resume where we left off okay? "

2011-11-13, 02:35 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA UN-***KING BELIEVABLE! From the fact that you said he is a 20 level monk and Pete's bane bow didnt worked im going to assume he is an outsider and therefore not immune to critical hits...

Confirm Crit: [roll0]

Added Damage: [roll1]

And now a four... That's just weird...

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-13, 10:19 AM
This isn't actually the first time Eduardo has cast an arcane spell. He also used Ghost Sound to make his 40-Eduardo megaphone back in the dracolich battle.

Also, he mentioned a few times in his inner monlogue that he now could cast arcane spells but wasn't sure why or how. He suspects, as do I, that he has some sort of parasitic presence lurking in his head. He's also lost control of his hand a couple times and heard a voice. My actions for next round are:

Full attack the Warfoged.

[roll0]True strike ignores concealment. [roll1]
[roll2][roll3][roll4] miss on a 1

Nice! Grappled warforged gets no dex bonus.

2011-11-13, 02:14 PM
Need Actions for Prescott, and Thoradin.
Probably won't be able to post until monday morning.
It shall be a significant one I think...

Sigh, the answer is at hand, and yet it eludes you all so...
Anyways, how bad can it be?
Not many 'parasitic presences' would be kind enough to bestow arcane casting!

I think its OBVIOUS that Eduardo is Acererak... He must have gotten it from Leonard...

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-13, 04:31 PM
The killed Lich from the crypt seems more likely to me.

2011-11-13, 08:57 PM
Encouraged by the monotone voice in distress, Prescott (finally singular again) flails again and again to finish the first and put down the warforged

If it's working, I won't stop! More full attacking.

The warforged actually isn't grappled, he's just got tentatcles stuck to him. And can't move farther than 50 feet from me without a boffo strength check, and I get to move him 10 feet closer per round (per tentacle?) if I want.

It occurs to me that Eduardo is going to be in for a surprise when the sleetstorm ends, seeing a rockmonster where he thought Prescott was standing. I believe he was around the corner when I polymorphed. :smallbiggrin:

I am assuming only one tentacle hit (the critical one), so that'll be 2 stuck and 4 free to swing again. Ignore my 4th strand if it stuck last round. Oooh, also, flanking bonuses for Eduardo! I believe this attack is happening before he moves up, but if Eduardo's mace attack goes first then add 2 to my attack rolls.

4 strands (ranged touch) 1 bit (melee attack)
[roll0], DC18 Fort or [roll1] Str dmg
[roll2], DC18 Fort or [roll3]Str dmg
[roll4], DC18 Fort or [roll5] Str dmg
[roll6], DC18 Fort or [roll7] Str dmg
Bite: [roll8], [roll9] dmg

2011-11-14, 12:30 PM
Read Me:
House Rules and Unearthed Arcana Rules for Return to the Tomb of Horrors:

Taken and modified from here (http://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=116896)...

Heavy crossbows (including their repeating forms) have their base damage die increased by one step. As this is a modification to the base item, it stacks with any other effects of that type.
Crossbows can be made to utilize the user's Strength bonus by mechanisms that provide more resistance, and recoil when fired that requires a stronger user in order to utilize properly. This otherwise works just like composite bows, including the +75 (light) or +100 (heavy) gold per + of strength bonus on the 'pull'.
Crossbows, but not bows can ignore a number of points of armor or natural armor bonus equal to the strength bonus of the crossbow or the strength bonus of the wielder, whichever is the lower. Crossbows do not bypass AC that is not armor or natural armor, and if the target has less armor or natural armor than you have penetrating power the remainder has no effect. Yes, this does effectively give you Str and Dex to hit with a crossbow against armored foes.
Composite bows and crossbows can have their pull increased, but not decreased by a skilled bowyer. This requires materials of a total cost of the price difference between the current and the new item + 50 gold, 1 hour of time, and a successful Craft (bowyer) check made at the end of this process. The DC on this skill check is 10 + the new composite bonus of the bow + 2 if the bow or crossbow is an exotic weapon. Failing this check requires the bowyer to restart the hour long process from the beginning but their materials remain intact. Failing by 5 or more ruins the materials but does not harm the bow or crossbow. Yes, the DC is intentionally low. That's because...
A new wondrous item exists in the form of the Sniper's Bowstring. Despite its name, it also works fine with any crossbow, including magical bows and crossbows. Any bow or crossbow fitted with a Sniper's Bowstring automatically counts as composite adjusted to their current Strength score. Its market value is 1,000 gold and can be crafted by anyone with a CL of 3, Craft Wondrous Item, and Bull's Strength.
A new item exists, the throwing dagger. As you might expect from the name, they are finely balanced for throwing, and have a range increment of 30 feet. However they are not suited
The following skills have been combined: Balance and Tumble = Acrobatics (Dex). Handle Animal and Ride = Animal Affinity (Wis). Climb, Jump, and Swim = Athletics (Str). Listen and Spot = Perception (Wis). Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate = Persuasion (Cha). Hide and Move Silently = Stealth (Dex). Disable Device, Open Lock, and Sleight of Hand = Thievery (Dex). Decipher Script and Forgery = Wordsmithing (Int). In addition Use Rope is now a function of Escape Artist, Survival is a function of Knowledge (nature), and Concentration is a factor of Spellcraft (Con for Concentration, Primary Casting Stat for Spellcraft)
You can become proficient with any weapon by training with it for (10 days your BAB, minimum 1 day) and making an Int check. The DC is 10 for Simple weapons, 15 for Martial weapons, 20 for Exotic weapons. You cannot take 10 on this check. If this check fails you can try again from the beginning, but if it fails by 5 or more you cannot reattempt to learn that weapon until your BAB permanently improves.
You can become proficient with any armor by training with it for (14 days your BAB + the armor bonus of the armor, minimum 1 day) and making an Int check. The DC is 7 + the armor bonus of the armor. You cannot take 10 on this check. If this check fails you can try again from the beginning, but if it fails by 5 or more you cannot reattempt to learn that armor until your BAB permanently improves. If the armor has other negative effects such as arcane spell failure or violates Druidic oath you still suffer those drawbacks.
Everyone gets maximum HP per HD.
The Bane weapon enchantment also bypasses all damage reduction by creatures of that type, even if you could not normally bypass that type of damage reduction with that type of attack and even if that type of damage reduction normally cannot be bypassed at all.
There is no such thing as multiclass penalties.
Half elves gain bonus skill points as humans. This is in addition to all of their other features.
Half orcs gain a bonus feat as humans. This is in addition to all of their other features.
Tieflings have -1 Wis and -1 Cha. Their other stats are unchanged.
Barbarians gain DR x/- equal to their Con modifier or their Barbarian class level, whichever is lower. This is in addition to the DR x/- gained at level 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19 and any DR x/- the Barbarian has from items.
If you have resistance to energy from a permanent, inherent source such as a racial bonus, that resistance applies against each attack made against you that it applies to and not merely as a per round thing. More like DR, less like temporary HP. In addition this stacks with any resistance you have from non permanent and/or inherent sources such as the Resist Energy spell, or a Ring of Greater Fire Resistance. Other sources of elemental resistances still do not stack.
If you have at least 4 BAB, you can Precise Shot with any ranged weapon you are proficient in and are treated as if you have the Point Blank Shot feat for all purposes.
If you have at least 1 BAB, you can Point Blank Shot with any ranged weapon you are proficient in and are treated as if you have the Point Blank Shot feat for all purposes
If you have at least 1 BAB, you can Power Attack with any weapon you are proficient in and are treated as if you have the Power Attack feat for all purposes. If you have the Power Attack feat, you can Power Attack with any weapon you use, and add a .5 to any multiplying effects associated with Power Attack. So, 1.5 and 2.5.

Personal Rulings...

At levels where a character gains an Ability Score increase of +1, it is now +2, which can be divided among two abilities or placed in the same one.
Dead Levels are in effect. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a)
A character who loses a level instantly loses one Hit Die. The character’s base attack bonus, base saving throw bonuses, and special class abilities are now reduced to the new, lower level. Likewise, the character loses any ability score gain, skill ranks, and any feat associated with the level (if applicable). If the exact ability score or skill ranks increased from a level now lost is unknown (or the player has forgotten), lose 1 point from the highest ability score or ranks from the highest-ranked skills. If a familiar or companion creature has abilities tied to a character who has lost a level, the creature’s abilities are adjusted to fit the character’s new level.
The victim’s experience point total is immediately set to the midpoint of the previous level.
14th level minimum
No Intelligence Checks.
When using Search, Persuasion, Thievery(Disable Device), roleplaying provides a Circumstance (Bonus and Penalty). Specifically, when Disabling a trap, the PC must describe what they're doing, what they're looking for etc. This roleplaying is actually more important than the roll. If taking 20 on a Search Check is specified to only examine the floor, or makes no mention, In Character or Out of Character, at my discretion, they will atomatically fail the Check in relation to the ceiling. Same with a trapped door; check the knob and forget the frame, and it may cost you. Rather than solving problems through die rolls, the players have to figure out the meanings of subtle clues and think their way out of trouble. If players seem truly stuck on a challenge, and they've given it their best try but the game has ground to a halt, a skill check-to gain a hint may be made possibe
There will be no Deus Ex Machinas. Also, Dresden won't necessarily be rezzing your characters, about a fifty-fifty chance he'll be back if he doesn't die. It may be worth your character's coin to invest in a manner of being resurrected, particularly for TPKs.
WBL + 50%. No optimization. Won't really matter if you do anyways. But don't do it.
Extradimensional and non-dimensional spaces do not mix. Bags of Holdings, Handy Haversacks, Rope Tricks, etc... Don't mix them or else bad things will happen.

Possibly Discussed Rulings fromUnearthed Arcana:?

Spell Points
Weapon Group Feats
Spontaneous Divine Casters
Also, Oasys' Called Shots, working on it...

Also, at the start of Return, all house rulings and judgements made inside of Tomb will be forgotten. Slate wiped clean, it'll be back to RAW. New and different rulings based on new logic might be made.
Need Actions for Thoradin.

I think its OBVIOUS that Eduardo is Acererak... He must have gotten it from Leonard...

The killed Lich from the crypt seems more likely to me.

that he has some sort of parasitic presence lurking in his head
Sigh, the answer is at hand, and yet it eludes you all so...
Anyways, how bad can it be?
Not many 'parasitic presences' would be kind enough to bestow arcane casting!

As Prescott's strands stick more and more to the warforged, he feels more and more components crushing beneath his grip. Pulling the weakly struggling construct closer, Prescott sinks his toothy mouth into the metal, tearign away armor and biting through gears and odd components.
Bumping into the Master, Quin manages to find Eduardo.
But the Master cannot be stopped as he moves through the sleet, sighting for the warforged.
The mace tears the constructs faceplate clean off sending vibrations up Eduardo's hand, an odd sensation in the cold.
"aCloud(TM) backup complete. Initiating self-destruct sequence."
There are multiple clattering sounds and hissing as the warforged drops its scimitars.
Prescott is perhaps a little dimly surprised to see four metal hands reach through the sleet and take ahold of him... Encircling and gripping him, the warforged brings itself in a tight grip to the flailing wizard roper.

Prescott is grappled. Need Actions for Team Caster and Thoradin.

I think the explanation offered is...
Highly insightful...
You guys didn't learn as much about the suit as I'd wanted, but I think you've earned some mechanics-based OoC knowledge as well as IC insight from other NPCs...

the armor cancels enhancement bonuses to weapon damage.
Armor doesn't cancel the enhancement bonus applied to the attack roll, but does for the damage roll. Elemental damages, like fire and cold aren't. So, Jake/Maki's sword of flaming was still swung as normal, but didn't do as much damage, but still burnt.

As for whether the thing is vulnerable to critical hits, the armor most certainly does have components which could, if it weren't armor, be removed with an impact on performance.
A leap of thought, but correct. Those nodes, or modules, with the runs are significant.

If on the other hand the being is undead you could still make an argument for structural subsystem damage. We've done that before. Ikam. Mummy Lord.
This is true, but not the case in this situation. Specifically targetting the nodes/modules isn't allowed, but they can still be damaged.

It's not explicit, but it's close to a pronouncement. As for whether it could be an outsider as well, there are homebrews for undead outsiders. That's not srd, as they normally lack a dual nature, as per their type description. But that's not saying much, as the mysterious warrior is already admittedly homebrewed.

Targetting the Mysterious Warrior with magic spells will cause it to fail. A majority of area-based magic spells will fail. Centering spells on the Mysterious Warrior will cause them to fail. Centering spells next, or to someone next to the Mysterious Warrior will cause them to fail. Choice of words is important.

That this was a 20th level monk by its backstory prior to being armor would certainly make it possible for it to have the monk's native outsider template. Even if that were the case, I don't see how it would help you though.
Uh, whether or not it's an outsider or not is really negligible... I might even removed it now that it's come up, since I truly don't care for the class feature. Always seemed random to me.

Let's just be grateful that for the moment it has the appearance of being susceptible to some physical damage.
Divise a strategy to deal as much damage to this thing as possible, while minimizing the damage you take from it, while avoiding any hazards in the area.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-14, 12:49 PM
House Rules
Good stuff!

Any tips on getting a character sheet to reflect the updated skill system?

What is meant by "no intelligence checks" "no optimization" and "14th level minimum"?

By the by, the end of this round (after my actions take effect) is the last round of sleet storm! Full withdraw south is my action.


Eduardo gets the sense that he wants to be as far from the warforged as possible, and makes haste to get there. The Master stumbles out of the sleet storm, breaking away from the warforged and Prescott, heading north.

2011-11-14, 12:51 PM
Well that's torn it. Quinn will take actions later.

Also, no elimination of the feat chains? Like weapon focus?

2011-11-14, 01:20 PM

Thoradin plants his feet attempting to fend off both attackers. He puts all his weight into strikes against the Concubine.

Defensive Stance. Power Attack 5.


2011-11-14, 02:20 PM
Any tips on getting a character sheet to reflect the updated skill system?
You can delete and add skills to the list.

What is meant by "no intelligence checks" "no optimization" and "14th level minimum"?
If there's a riddle on a wall, you can't use an intelligence check to solve it.
No optimization is like... How Prescott, Pete and Thoradin were prepared for planar travel and such. gearing your character up specifically for defeating traps or defeating undead, unless its your character is a 'no-no'. In short, design and equip your character for a generic, Lord of the Rings, style kind of thing.

By the by, the end of this round (after my actions take effect) is the last round of sleet storm! Full withdraw south is my action.
South? but Eduardo will hit a wall! Prescott is south...

Also, no elimination of the feat chains? Like weapon focus?
Convince me why I should.

Daina struggles to pull one of the arrows out, keeping an eye on the circling Fallen.
"That 'Mysterious Warrior's armor appears to repel magic..."
Roaring in anger, "دية حيثٍ فمبر! يو ار درت!", the Pharoah slashes Pharrah with his oversized khopesh, ripping a deeper gash across her face.
As Maki's incredible power overtakes him, his sudden return of strength completely surprises the Mysterious Warrior, and the barbarian smashes him with a decisive blow!
There is a crackle of black energy across the armor, and The Beginning grows.
"Good. Good! Now this can get interesting!"
Screaming in rage, Pharrah chomps the Pharaoh in half, crushing him between her teeth with a vigorous shake.
Snarling, Harley and the Fallen Rogue, an elf by the long hair and tattered ear still hanging from its skull, exchange dagger and axe strikes, cutting and slashing at one another.
Laughing softly, the Mysterious Warrior moves forward, striking Maki underneath the chin, and lifting the barbarian into the air.
A turn of his weight, and Maki is kicked backwards, flying ten feet away onto the sand.
Turning, The Beginning continues to make his way toward the web.

[roll0] Nonlethal Damage, Maki is prone. And has been knocked back ten feet. No AoO can be taken by the Mysterious Warrior when making this attack. If I try, stop me.

Slipping through the webs, Pete knows his latest shot was a successful one, as the Fallen wizards curses at him in whatever tongue his ruined flesh can make.
It's probably just angered nonsense though.
"...the suit probably protects him from undead effecting powers, like turning... Or your longbow..."
Screeching angrily,the concubine cries aloud as Thoradin deals a crushing blow. Scrabbling angrily about him, she avoids a second swing, and cartwheels away.
Leaving him alone with the Fallen Dwarf.
Yelling his own dwarven war cry, the Fallen Dwarf swings to knock Thoradin's head clean off, but the Defender ducks, letting the blade swing well above his head.

Take Actions, Quin, Prescott and Team Sword.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-14, 02:43 PM
He can...
But Prescott and the warforged actual location, as well as the blast radius would make that the complete opposite of what Eduardo wants to do.
On the map, only Eduardo's position is accurate.
Also, it needs to be updated.

Very well, North it is! I'll go back and edit. If possible Ed will go around the corner for optimal non-explodiness.characters

2011-11-14, 03:00 PM
You used the Roper stats for grappling, right? I know there's no AoO, and the touch attack should be easy to hit for the warforged, but Ropers are large & have a +18 to grapple. Just wanted to be sure.

I could try to grapple back to break free and scoot away at my mighty 10-foot rock speed... but I think I'm going to strand him again instead. Hopefully I knock him Strengthless which would auto-end the grapple. I'm sure he's got a fine Fort save, but I like my odds surviving the self-destruct better as a rockmonster than as a fleshy wizard. I'm not too afraid of any damage he could do from the grapple... just the self-destruct. And heck if it all goes south (unlike Eduardo - run North!), that's what Quin is for! :smallbiggrin: Quin should maybe pick up Leonard if he's running away. Don't forget he's sitting right by the dwarf.

[roll0] (+11 base, +2 flanking, -4 grapple) touch attack, DC 18 Fort save or [roll1] Str dmg.

In Undercommon, the disgruntled stalagmite says, "<Well, that's not good...>" Struggling in the unwelcome returned grip of a very-tentacled foe, Prescott looses another strand to try and drop him before any of the aforementioned self destructing can happen.

2011-11-14, 04:37 PM
Can a person Jump forward from a Prone Position? Also


No mettle for the Barbarian ? :smallfrown: XD

Can we remake our characters (Class levels wise)?

Acrobatics combines Balance and Tumble and i can Use Balance during a Rage... Can i use Acrobatics During a Rage then? Does the +2 from the 5 ranks in Jump apply?

2011-11-14, 05:28 PM
You used the Roper stats for grappling, right? I know there's no AoO, and the touch attack should be easy to hit for the warforged, but Ropers are large & have a +18 to grapple. Just wanted to be sure.
He barely made it...

Can a person Jump forward from a Prone Position? Also

No mettle for the Barbarian ? XD
Okay, but remember its only while raging.

Can we remake our characters (Class levels wise)?
If you mean by rechoosing feats, skills, even weapon use, yes...
But having Maki taken a class of wizard as his first doesn't seem to make much sense.
Spellcasters can reselect entire spellbooks
What do you have in mind?
It might be easier to go at this for Return by rebuilding from the ground up if that's your interest.

Acrobatics combines Balance and Tumble and i can Use Balance during a Rage... Can i use Acrobatics During a Rage then? Does the +2 from the 5 ranks in Jump apply?
Acrobatics is Dex-based.
No, reassign all your skill ranks as necessary.
There'll be some losses in some places, but on the upside, you should have more ranks in most things.
I'd say it would.
But I have to wonder why Jump is given a STR designation, and kept separate from DEX...

2011-11-14, 05:31 PM
I'll try and explain what I did and hope OAsy doesn't mind.
Bonuses to skills of one type (Synergy, racial, enhancement, luck, competence, ect....) only apply ONCE. No stacking races and such.

I assumed a complete rebuild was in order.

As to why you should make the feat chains NOT suck, I shall use Maki as an example.

Say Quin wants to raise his attack with a weapon by 2-3 points. All he has to do is cast a spell (several would suffice).

Maki on the other hand, has to either get Quin to cast a spell on him, or burn a feat to get a negligible +1. Then another for +2 for damage, (mind you, all of this is ONE weapon, not all fo them....) and another for another +1 and yet another for another +4. Thats 4/5 feats that are granted through leveling. Thats *********.

Also, I assume you did not read the tome I linked? I didn't expect you to use it, just read it and understand where it, and I come from. I shall relink it in the hopes you can check it, particularly the Failure of Feats section.Frank and K's Tome (http://code.google.com/p/awesometome/downloads/list)

Quin, hearing the muttered words of the warforged, and hearing the master bolt, decides that leaving is a good option. Stumbling back to where he was he grabs the child and heads around the corner.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-14, 05:48 PM
I have a re-design for the weapon focus / specialization line that actually makes them good. Give me a moment and I will dig this up.

EDIT: Here she is! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=217317)

2011-11-14, 05:49 PM
This is what I suggested.

The Weapon Focus line automatically scales with HD. At 4 you are considered to have Weapon Specialization for all purposes, at 8 Greater Weapon Focus, and at 12 Greater Weapon Specialization. Note that it does not matter what class those levels are in. And yes, that does include monsters. All of these extra feats apply to the same weapon type as the original, which must be acquired normally. In addition this line of feats applies to a category of weapons rather than a single type chosen from the following list: Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing. You can still take Weapon Focus more than once, but it must apply to a different category each time.

@Misaat's post below
Awww but that would be so epic...... You should do it Misaat. Try new things.

2011-11-14, 05:50 PM
I was thinking about taking a couple levels of Warblade and then this PrC:http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12204449


Naaaa XD hate tome of battle (Though it DOES have its sweet Things)

Ill probably keep Maki as it is Maybe get him a Couple Levels of Fighter XD Nothing that makes my or your head hurt.

Is Combat Expertise still gonna be a prerequisite for Disarm and Improved Trip? Maki cant Even USE Combat Expertise while Raging :smallfrown:

Maki gets up cursing... He knows he must attack soon ... end it soon before his power leaves him again...

" Bastard... "

He then starts circling around the Beginning looking for an opening.

Moving diagonally the least possible but still keeping Maki ten feet from him.

2011-11-14, 06:03 PM
Also, I assume you did not read the tome I linked? I didn't expect you to use it, just read it and understand where it, and I come from. I shall relink it in the hopes you can check it, particularly the Failure of Feats section.Frank and K's Tome

I have a re-design for the weapon focus / specialization line that actually makes them good. Give me a moment and I will dig this up.
lol I just reached that chapter...
...compelling argument...
I think though, I'm now thinking whether I should stick with the Mythweavers one, or got for the Tome of Awesome...
Baby steps.

The Weapon Focus line automatically scales with HD. At 4 you are considered to have Weapon Specialization for all purposes, at 8 Greater Weapon Focus, and at 12 Greater Weapon Specialization. Note that it does not matter what class those levels are in. And yes, that does include monsters. All of these extra feats apply to the same weapon type as the original, which must be acquired normally. In addition this line of feats applies to a category of weapons rather than a single type chosen from the following list: Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing. You can still take Weapon Focus more than once, but it must apply to a different category each time.

Weapon Focus: Increase the bonus to +1 to hit and +2 to damage.

Weapon Specialization: Increase bonus to +2 to hit and +1 to damage (stacks with weapon focus, for +3/+3 total. (needs Fighter Level 2)

Greater Weapon Focus: You get an extra attack at your highest BAB during your full attack routine. (needs fighter level 4)

Greater Weapon Specialzation: A further +1/+1 (giving you +4/+4 total). In addition, you get your weapon speciazation bonus to all combat manuever made with the weapon (trip, dissarm, feint, sunder etc.) (Needs Fighter Level 8)

Weapon Mastery: Increase bonus to +6/+6. You cannot be disarmed and your weapon cannot be sundered, except by a fighter of your level or higher with Weapon Mastery. (Needs Fighter Level 10)

Weapon Grand Mastery: Increase bonus to +8/+8. Whenever you use Power Attack with your chosen weapon and take -5 penalty or greater, you ignore DR and hardness. Whenever you use combat expertise with your chosen weapon, and take a penalty of -5 or higher, you may resolve your attack as a touch attack. (requires combat expertise OR power attack and fighter level 12).
Yeah, these seems more and more like very good 'fixes'. I'm thinking, a subtle combination of the two?

Is Combat Expertise still gonna be a prerequisite for Disarm and Improved Trip? Maki cant Even USE Combat Expertise while Raging
Why should Maki be able to use such techniques while he's Raging?

Moving diagonally the least possible but still keeping Maki ten feet from him.

Is that it? Following him?

Awww but that would be so epic...... You should do it Misaat. Try new things.
I suppose he could go for Warblade if he really wanted too.
But keeping everything core keeps my head in one piece.

The sleet storm ends, leaving slush and cold water about the floor, and revealing the Prescott in his roper form crushing the life from the warforged.
Winky, who'd been hovering about in the storm zooms above Quin's head in a bright circle, just in case the dwarf had tried any healing during Eduardo's spell.
Reaching out, Prescott crushes any last remaining vestige of strength from the warforged.
But the countdown, of course, doesn't stop.
Leonard's already moving; taking ahold of Quin, dwarf and boy chase after Eduardo, rushing and nearly slipping and falling as they clear the area.
It's eyes dimming, go completely dark.
Rounding the corner, Quin, Eduardo and Leonard see the sleeping children of Half-moon Row in full.
There are only fifteen.
Sliding, Leonard dives behind the wall.
It's evident stories he's probably heard has told him any kind of 'self-destruct is a bad thing.
And then nothing happens.

2011-11-14, 06:11 PM
And what about the Prc? If you read it you are gonna laugh on one part that will make you remember Evil Maki XD

Not following him per se more like i cant attack this turn so i might as well be sure he cant get a full attack action AND an Aoo against me XD

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-14, 06:22 PM
Eduardo waits and listens from around the corner.

Full defense and a listen check.


2011-11-14, 06:49 PM
Could this be spent on things the players don't bring with them or don't own?
Restart your inventories from scratch.

Is this, as a minimum, negotiable? Could the players start a little lower if they had a reason to?

Meh, the module says between 13th and 16th, but if you want to start lower you can.

That sounds like exactly what I was seeking. Uh, not that schematics or mine sweeps would be expected from anyone on this end for any reason. But riddles, codes, puzzles and minigames are a huge temptation. If that's what you might be suggesting.
Glad to inspire happiness in a Player.

And what about the Prc? If you read it you are gonna laugh on one part that will make you remember Evil Maki XD

What PrC? =P

And then nothing happens...

A new map or a list of characters within Pete's line of sight would be awesome.
Map incoming! :smallsmile:


2011-11-14, 07:01 PM

2011-11-14, 07:48 PM
If you would make the Tome of Awesome your core book, I would love you forever.

How about limiting us to one or two books?

2011-11-14, 08:32 PM
Reading the Tome Of Awesomeness... Sort of Want...

2011-11-14, 11:09 PM
Ding and nothing happens? That's my favorite capstone ability for enemies to have! I hope it's not just a deadman switch that'll pop when I remove him from myself. :smalltongue:

Gurgling curiously at the lack of threatened reaction, Prescott drags the disabled warforged to the southeast corner of the corridor before attempting to disengage himself from it.

[Assuming he does not explode...]

That accomplished, he backs away from it and slowly scoots toward the others. Once out of sight of the warforged, he grumbles a few choice words of disenchantment and reverts to his normal wizardy self.

Patting himself about his robes, he checks for stray tentacles. "Phew... been a while since I polymorphed. Now I remember why I tend toward illusions..." Prescott heads around the bend after the others, following Winky's light. "I think that did him in, gents. I seem to be alright..."

He stops short upon seeing the children mustered at the end of the hall, now having a moment to connect Winky's earlier words with the reality of the discovery.

Prescott doesn't really know how many kids we were hunting, so he thinks we win that part of the quest. Yaaaay! :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-15, 12:53 AM
Pete quietly picks up the weapon of the second guard and retreats briefly into the antechamber north of the web.

2011-11-15, 05:22 PM
What are we waiting on again?

2011-11-15, 05:30 PM
I think team caster is done with the current threat... just waiting on Oasys to see if the warforged explodes, for my part. I think we can go about poking at the kids we've discovered and healing up any damage Quin & Eduardo still have on them. Check them out!

2011-11-15, 05:34 PM
Quin is Getting the Fo out of there.

2011-11-15, 07:56 PM
In short, yeah, Quin and Thoradin have Actions.
Also, been busy today. Not an excuse, but an explanation.

2011-11-15, 08:00 PM
Quin examines the children before healing the remnants of his and the Masters wounds before preparing to find the wizard.

How many, how do they look, and do any of them have magical effects on them.

2011-11-15, 08:01 PM