View Full Version : Zinc Saucier Optimisation Challange 4: The Bourne Tri-(and-a-half)-ogy

motoko's ghost
2012-04-10, 12:37 PM
Welcome one and all to the fourth zinc saucier challenge, where playgrounders come to test their skill in the art of beautiful and bizarre (and bizarrely beautiful:smallwink:) builds.

The challenge? To come up with a build that has the same abilities and feel as the secret ingredient WITHOUT actually using it!

For the fourth challenge get ready to make sure someone else takes a bite of it first as its the Dungeon Master's Guide's Assassin

Our challengers will have 2 weeks to build a complete build from lvs 1-20 using a 32 point buy and all official 3.5 material(excluding dragon magazine, but including any WOTC online enhancements) with the abilities and feel of an assassin without actually using any levels in it.
Entries Must be submitted by 5pm GMT, 25th of April

Contestants will be judged and awarded a score out of 5 in each of 5 categories;

* Innovation (Uniqueness in character concept, race, class, etc)
* Power (How powerful and versatile it is compared to the base class)
* Elegance (What can only be described as how well the build "flows", i.e not using lots of 1-2lv dips, sacrificing flavour for power or using flaws)
* Fluff (How well the characters back-stories and classes mesh)
* Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)

Presentation would be best in the style of how the iron chef does their presentations, however any style is allowed so long as it is clear on how the build was made.

Please do not post details of your build on the board before it is ready, so as not to spoil the surprise for others.
Sauciers can submit as many builds as they want but please dont use leadership, as we dont want to overfeed the judges:smalltongue:

Also it comes with double prize money.:smallbiggrin:

Previous challenges;
Soulknife (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=225187)
Bard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=229736)
Monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=233749)

motoko's ghost
2012-04-10, 12:42 PM
Hello Playgrounders, I'm back and so is the contest.
I probably wont be judging this time however, as my schedule for the next few weeks is swamped:smallfrown:
However this one will hopefully go a bit smoother than the last.
Once again thanks to those who submitted last time and their patience

2012-04-10, 01:02 PM
I'm guessing the Avenger is right out :smallbiggrin:

motoko's ghost
2012-04-10, 01:10 PM
I'm guessing the Avenger is right out :smallbiggrin:

I'm not going to say no, I'll just point out the innovation portion of your score:smalltongue:

You dont really need avenger though, there's literally a dozen ways to get death attack and that's just an explicitly-worded as death attack only.

Should be fun to see what comes up though:smallbiggrin:

2012-04-10, 01:41 PM
Psychic Assassin (Mind's eye) is also a bad choice for innovation scores?

motoko's ghost
2012-04-10, 02:05 PM
Psychic Assassin (Mind's eye) is also a bad choice for innovation scores?

Most of the less innovative choices are less innovative because they usually not built out in an innovative way, You can get a good score if you do something unique with it.
I don't want to flat out say no but a part of it is coming up with bizarre and interesting builds.

So if you want use it, have fun and see if you can make something interesting out of it.

2012-04-10, 09:25 PM
Looking forward to this one. Hopefully the judging goes more smoothly this time around.

2012-04-10, 09:58 PM
I do like the assassin.... I might submit something for this.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-11, 06:33 AM
Okay, just PM your builds when you're done with them and I'll send them on to the judges, when people ask to be judges.

2012-04-11, 07:05 AM

Ill judge this one=]

Besides i got a question about the last challange, who won it?=]


motoko's ghost
2012-04-11, 07:28 AM

Ill judge this one=]

Besides i got a question about the last challange, who won it?=]



There was this whole thing where all 3 of the judges weren't able to finish due to RL stuff, so we just gave them feedback without scores. I'm planning something special to make up for that though.

2012-04-11, 07:36 AM
Ah no problem=]

IRL is more important imo so dont feel bad=] thanks for giving us the chance to do the challange though was fun=]


2012-04-11, 03:40 PM
Now that you are back, I am glad to see this. I'll be in in some fashion. If I come up with something unique I'll enter a build, if not then I'll judge. We'll see.

2012-04-11, 08:51 PM
Sounds cool. I might enter a build if I have time next week.

...Of course, the last two times I said that, it ended up meaning "work on the build for half a week before running into problems, getting bored, and abandoning it," but this is much less restrictive than the Iron Chef setup.

2012-04-12, 04:57 PM
I should probably have time to submit a build.

2012-04-14, 02:50 PM
I have some ideas... let's see if I can get something working. Considering I have 11 days, I'm almost positive I'll have a build by then. But how to balance all the grades....

Baldin, please post judging criteria as soon as possible. Thanks.

2012-04-15, 12:21 AM
There's plenty of time and I have a nice build in mind, so I might as well compete.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-15, 04:31 AM
All right just got the first build in, and it's pretty unique. I'll get it to the confirmed judges ASAP

@mattie_p; I'll only send you the entries if you don't submit anything by the deadline

2012-04-15, 06:47 AM
You know what? I'll judge this beast.

Innovation: Is the build something vanilla, or did you get creative?
Power: How's the power level, relative to the Assassin PrC, the other entries and on it's own.
Elegance: How does the build feel? Is it chopped and ugly, with small, unjustified dips? Did you sacrifice the cool ability just so you could add another point of BAB to reach that holy +16?
Fluff: Exactly what it sounds like. Am I bored reading through the fluff? Is it something that I'd expect , or did you do something unexpected? Does your backstory fit with your build?
Ingredient: Does your character feel like an Assassin or not?

2012-04-15, 09:45 AM
My judging:
Innovation: Is the build something daring and new.
Power: How strong is the build in what the creator wants and what a assassin should have. (this is not only in combat but in what an assissin should be able to do including the stealth and disquise aspect.)
Elegance: Is the build fluently or picked out 1 or 2 lvls in multiple prc?
Fluff: Background story and the why for feats and classes
Ingredient: Does your character feel like an Assassin or not?

motoko's ghost
2012-04-15, 01:59 PM
Baldin, Kuulvheysoon you should have gotten the first build by now, if you haven't let me know, the forum went a bit...iffy when I tried to send it.

The Underlord
2012-04-15, 05:05 PM
I'm considering competing. Absolutely no idea what to do yet.

2012-04-15, 06:02 PM
Baldin, Kuulvheysoon you should have gotten the first build by now, if you haven't let me know, the forum went a bit...iffy when I tried to send it.

First build received and judged, good sir!

2012-04-15, 07:07 PM
Is the dragon magazine compendium permitted? I know Iron Chef allows that, but not individual issues of actual Dragon magazine.

And no, I'm not using a mountebank.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-16, 06:04 AM
Second challenger recieved and forwarded!

@Vilpich: yes you can use dragon compendium. also why not? you'd get to ride round Canada on horseback, have a snazzy red uniform:smalltongue:

2012-04-16, 06:43 AM
Second challenger recieved and forwarded!

@Vilpich: yes you can use dragon compendium. also why not? you'd get to ride round Canada on horseback, have a snazzy red uniform:smalltongue:

...Do you honestly want us to give feedback on this second build prior to the deadline?:smallconfused:

motoko's ghost
2012-04-17, 01:46 AM
...Do you honestly want us to give feedback on this second build prior to the deadline?:smallconfused:


It was a joke y'know mounty(The Canadian police force know for being mounted and having red uniforms) and mounteback(which sounds similar)

ha ha ha...this is awkward

EDIT: oh wait did you mean the second competitors request to have feedback? I don't know if you do want to PM it to me and I'll PM it to them

motoko's ghost
2012-04-20, 01:24 AM
Just got a third submission and I have to say I've never seen that in any of the builds in any of the various competitions before, should be interesting to see how it does though:smallbiggrin:

EDIT: also Kuulvheysoon I passed on your feedback to the contestant in question, thanks for that

Emperor Tippy
2012-04-20, 01:36 AM
So can we use Dragon Magazine or not? It has a feat I kinda want to grab.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-20, 01:44 AM
So can we use Dragon Magazine or not? It has a feat I kinda want to grab.

I don't know, I can see points for and against it but I know some people dont like it so I'll ask the judges whether they'll be willing to judge it.

2012-04-20, 06:48 AM
Can I withdraw my entry in favor of judging if there're points deducted for skill tricks? lol

The Gilded Duke
2012-04-20, 09:18 AM
I think the usual setup has been dragon magazine no, Dragon Magazine Compendium yes, which gets you a good variety of material to work with. I'm usually sad when I can't use something from there.

I can't wait for the reveal, had so many build ideas that just fizzled out.

2012-04-20, 10:09 AM
So can we use Dragon Magazine or not? It has a feat I kinda want to grab.

You'd probably lose some points in Elegance (from me, at least), but depending on it's fit with the rest of the build, you might be able to make up for it in the other categories.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-20, 12:29 PM
Can I withdraw my entry in favor of judging if there're points deducted for skill tricks? lol

I don't think anyones going to deduct points for having skill tricks:smallconfused:

The thing I'm talking about before with the interest in seeing how it goes is interesting because its pulling something different that I dont think I've ever really seen used before

2012-04-20, 11:14 PM
How many builds have been turned in at this point?

motoko's ghost
2012-04-21, 05:12 AM
Three builds so far.

@vilpich: there's some slight confusion about your skill tricks I'm PM-ing you what the actual problem is, don't worry skill tricks are okay

motoko's ghost
2012-04-23, 01:37 PM
Not too much longer left before judging starts

2012-04-23, 05:40 PM
My build is almost finished, I should have it in by tomorrow. I just need to fill in the skill points.

2012-04-23, 06:53 PM
Yeah, I think I have a solid build as well - need to iron out a few things. But fortunately I have almost 48 hours to do so...

motoko's ghost
2012-04-24, 02:56 PM
All right, it looks like we're going to get a few builds

@vilpich: You requested to judge so I may just post your build up but not have it judged çause I can't really see another way for it to be submitted with you judging, let me know if that's okay

2012-04-24, 04:12 PM
That's fine

2012-04-24, 05:14 PM
Almost done here. Motoko's ghost, I will not be judging as I have an entry. kthanksbai

2012-04-24, 11:42 PM
Build completed and sent. Hope no one else had the same ideas I did.

2012-04-24, 11:59 PM
Also submitted and hoping the same thing.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 04:21 AM
Okay got the 2 new builds, mattie_p and vilpich are down for judging and I'm pretty sure there's a few hours left before the submissions end(I think:smallconfused:, Gah! freaking timezones)

By the way which builds have I given to which judges?

Finally thanks for the submissions, they're all different from each other so dont worry

2012-04-25, 05:04 AM
Baldin is down for judging, I was only judging if I didn't submit, which I still intend to. I have like 6 hours left, I'll be done.

EDIT: I also don't have any build in my inbox, which is a good thing if I am entering. Kuulvheysoon is also judging and posted criteria.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 06:23 AM
Baldin is down for judging, I was only judging if I didn't submit, which I still intend to. I have like 6 hours left, I'll be done.

EDIT: I also don't have any build in my inbox, which is a good thing if I am entering. Kuulvheysoon is also judging and posted criteria.

Whoops, sorry I don't know why I put your name down for judging, probably a good thing my internet connection crapped out before I could send out the ones I just got :sweatdrop:

The judges are (in no particular order) Vilpich, Baldin and Kuulvheysoon, right? I don't want to accidentally send off any builds but those are the people that are judging for certain.:smallredface:

EDIT: just received the 6th entry so far, looks like this competition may break its record for most submitted builds:smallbiggrin:

The Underlord
2012-04-25, 08:10 AM
I'm surprised I managed to get around to doing my build. I didn't think I would have enough time.

2012-04-25, 08:15 AM
And... submitted, good chairman. I look forward to seeing the entries shortly, and hopefully some rapid judging.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 08:26 AM
Woo, 7 submissions!:biggrin:

Dont worry mattie_p the deadline is a few hours and then I'll post up the builds, the judges will judge, I'll make some trophies(I'm gonna do it myself this time) and everyone else will talk about the builds and what they think the next contest should be about

I will leave the builds until (shortly) after the deadline though, in case there are some last-minute submissions.

2012-04-25, 08:31 AM
Woo! Judging and trophies!?! This is turning into a high class event.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 08:40 AM
Woo! Judging and trophies!?! This is turning into a high class event.

Oy! Blue for sarcasm thanks.:smalltongue:
Yeah, I really wanted trophies to reward everyone who took all the time and effort to submit something, but there have been...difficulties getting them the last few times.

2012-04-25, 08:52 AM
Meh, I'm unable to post my build because the laptop it was stored on was... 'kidnapped'.

I have no idea why I didn't store it on my USB drive like the rest of my stuff...

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 09:00 AM
Meh, I'm unable to post my build because the laptop it was stored on was... 'kidnapped'.

I have no idea why I didn't store it on my USB drive like the rest of my stuff...

:smallfrown:sorry to hear that silver leaf, I had the same thing happen to me once,except it was my thumbdrive that got lost

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 10:54 AM
@mattie_p: got your corrected build and changed your entry accordingly, which is lucky as by my clock we've only got about an hour left.

I am actually expecting a submission at the actual last minute though, though that might be because it would be dramatic

2012-04-25, 11:09 AM
But if you expect something to happen, when it actually does it wouldn't be dramatic at all, it'd be normal. But maybe the drama is in its complete normalcy, in which case it wouldn't be expected. But nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Now that would be unexpected.

And thanks for updating me. I always proof-read and yet always miss something after I submit.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 11:16 AM
But if you expect something to happen, when it actually does it wouldn't be dramatic at all, it'd be normal. But maybe the drama is in its complete normalcy, in which case it wouldn't be expected.

And thanks for updating me. I always proof-read and yet always miss something after I submit.

Yes but what if such a subversion was so common as to become the norm and thus expecting that, the last-minute submission would come as a surprise?:smalltongue:

Also it's okay, I do the same thing myself with my academic stuff all the time:smallredface:

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 12:00 PM
All right that's it then. I should have known that by writing that comment the universe would attempt to subvert my subversion of mattie_p subversion of my original subversion...wow subversion doesn't even look like a word anymore.

Any way I'll post the builds up in a minute, remember vilpich is judging so don't score his build(only way to keep it fair)

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 12:05 PM
And here they are;

The Ghost-Faced Killer
Designer's note: I had a lot of fun building this character. Like the assassin, he can cast a limited number of spells (many of which are on the assassin list), do extra damage to unwary enemies, and kill with a single blow. He can also stack fear effects to debuff or even neutralize enemies, so he works very well with a party minions. I've tried to reference anything not in the PHB. The only thing that's not cited in-line is the ghost savage progression, which is online here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040117a).

The Ghost (Nudge nudge. Know what I mean? Say no more...know what I mean?) Faced Killer

for 438 counts of murder, 1204 counts of assault with a deadly weapon, 721 counts of issuing terroristic threats, and 3 counts of disturbing the peace.

Suspect should be considered armed and extremely dangerous. Do not approach. If seen, contact your local paladin chapter immediately.

The suspect is believed to be a star elf; though the suspect's gender is unknown, this report will use the male pronoun. He is short, with a wiry strength. He is androgynous and considered beautiful. One witness claimed to have known him and offered this statement.

Johnny, well, he was good at killin'. Liked it, too. Fact is, he was so good at it that when he died, he just woke up the next morning and went right back to doing his contracts.
Needless to say, this testimony should be treated with suspicion.

Race: Star Elf (UE)
HD: 17d12 (Average 116 HP)
Ability Scores
{table=head]Stat|Point Buy|Race|Levels|Other|Lv. 20
Strength|13|+ 0|+ 0|+ 0|13
Dex|14|+ 0|+ 0|+ 0|14
Con|8|-2|+ 0|--|--
Int|13|+ 0|+ 1|+ 0|14
Wis|8|+ 0|+ 0|+ 0|8

Traits: Abrasive
Flaws: Vulnerable, Feeble

History and psychological profile:
The suspect seeks to cause fear; indeed this is often how he kills his targets. Early in his career he seems to have been an entertainer, possibly at a circus. He enjoys the attention killing brings him and feeds off of his enemies' panic.

At some point the suspect was able to not only become invisible, but also to pass through walls. This brought him great renown as a murderer-for-hire. According to one informant:

They says you can put a pouch of gold and jewels in the cemetery along with a piece of parchment with somebody's name. Within a week the man'll die in his bed.
Attempts to surveil the cemetery in question have yielded no clues. Several individuals have been observed to leave suspicious packages behind trees or gravestones, but as yet no one has been seen to retrieve them.

The Ghost (Nudge nudge. Know what I mean? Say no more...know what I mean?) Faced Killer
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats/Skill Tricks|Class Features

1st|Savage Bard (UA) 1|
+2|Bluff 4, Concentration 4, Diplomacy 4, Hide 4, Move Silently 4, Perform (Weapon Drill) 4, Use Magic Device 4|Power Attack, Improved Initiative, Dreadful Wrath (PGTF)|Loresong (DS), Bardic Music (Fascinate, Inspire Awe (DrM)), Spellbreaker Song (CM))

2nd|Savage Bard 2|
+3|Bluff 5, Concentration 5, Diplomacy 5, Hide 5, Move Silently 5, Perform (Weapon Drill) 5, Use Magic Device 5|-|-

3rd|Savage Bard 3|
+3|Bluff 6, Concentration 6, Diplomacy 6, Hide 6, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 6, Use Magic Device 6|Martial Study: Vanguard Strike (ToB), Music of Making (ECS)|Music of Creation (ECS)

4th|Savage Bard 4|
+4|Bluff 6, Concentration 6, Diplomacy 6, Hide 6, Intimidate 7, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 7, Use Magic Device 6|-|-

5th|Savage Bard 5|
+4|Bluff 6, Concentration 8, Diplomacy 6, Hide 6, Intimidate 8, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 8, Use Magic Device 8|Never Outnumbered (CS)|-

6th|Savage Bard 6|
+5|Bluff 6, Concentration 9, Diplomacy 9, Hide 7, Intimidate 9, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 9, Use Magic Device 9|Doomspeak (CoR)|Suggestion

7th|Savage Bard 7|
+5|Autohypnosis 2, Bluff 6, Concentration 10, Diplomacy 10, Hide 8, Intimidate 10, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 10, Use Magic Device 10|-|-

8th|Ghost-Faced Killer (CA) 1|
+5|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 11, Diplomacy 10, Hide 8, Intimidate 11, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 11, Use Magic Device 11|-|Ghost Step 1/day

9th|Ghost-Faced Killer 2|
+5|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 12, Diplomacy 11, Hide 8, Intimidate 12, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 12, Use Magic Device 11|Imperious Command (DotU)|Sudden strike +1d6

10th|Ghost-Faced Killer 3|
+6|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 13, Diplomacy 12, Hide 8, Intimidate 13, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 13, Use Magic Device 11|-|Frightful attack 1/day

11th|Ghost-Faced Killer 4|
+6|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 14, Diplomacy 13, Hide 8, Intimidate 14, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 14, Use Magic Device 11|-|Ghost step 2/day

12th|Ghost-Faced Killer 5|
+6|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 15, Diplomacy 14, Hide 8, Intimidate 15, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 15, Use Magic Device 11|Marshal Stance: Iron Guard's Glare (ToB)|Sudden strike +2d6

13th|Ghost-Faced Killer 6|
+7|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 16, Diplomacy 15, Hide 8, Intimidate 16, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 16, Use Magic Device 11|-|Frightful attack 2/day, ghost step (ethereal

14th|Ghost-Faced Killer 7|
+7|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 17, Diplomacy 16, Hide 8, Intimidate 17, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 17, Use Magic Device 11|-|Ghost sight, ghost step 3/day

15th|Ghost-Faced Killer 8|
+7|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 18, Diplomacy 17, Hide 8, Intimidate 18, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 18, Use Magic Device 11|Martial Study: Action Before Thought (ToB)|Sudden strike +3d6

16th|Ghost-Faced Killer 9|
+8|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 19, Diplomacy 18, Hide 8, Intimidate 19, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 19, Use Magic Device 11|-|Frightful attack 3/day

17th|Ghost-Faced Killer 10|
+8|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 20, Diplomacy 19, Hide 8, Intimidate 20, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 20, Use Magic Device 11|-|Frightful cleave, ghost step 4/day

18th|Ghost 1|
+8|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 20, Diplomacy 19, Hide 8, Intimidate 20, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 20, Use Magic Device 11|-|Ethereal, fly, ghostly equipment, ghost skills +2, manifestation, undeath

19th|Ghost 2|
+8|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 20, Diplomacy 19, Hide 8, Intimidate 20, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 20, Use Magic Device 11|-|Cha +2, lesser ghost power (corrupting touch) Turn resistance +2

20th|Ghost 3|
+8|Autohypnosis 1, Bluff 6, Concentration 20, Diplomacy 19, Hide 8, Intimidate 20, Move Silently 6, Perform (Weapon Drill) 20, Use Magic Device 11|-|Rejuvenation[/table]

Final statistics:
Melee attack bonus: +16/+11/+6
Naked, unbuffed AC: 19 (17 flat-footed)
Skill modifiers:

Autohypnosis +0
Bluff +13
Concentration +28
Diplomacy +28
Hide +14
Intimidate +31
Move Silently +12
Perform (Weapon Drill) +35
Use Magic Device +19

Frightful Attack DC: 28
Doomspeak DC: 35
Inspire Awe DC: 1d20+35
Dreadful Wrath DC: 26

Available Resources:
The suspect appears to have limited spellcasting ability. He mostly uses his spellcasting to augment his ability to attack in melee or to avoid capture, though he has demonstrated a capacity to deceive through apparently magical means.

He is apparently more than proficient with weapons and armor, but has also shown to be capable of killing without equipment.

Spells per day (including bonus)/Spells Known at level 20
{table=head]Spell level|Per day|Known|Save DC

Spells Known
Level 0

Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Ghostharp (SC)
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Level 1

Extract Drug(BoVD)
Undetectable Alignment
Unseen Servant
Level 2

Eagle's Splendor
Insidious Insight (RoE)
Level 3

Create Fetch (CS)

Equipment Wishlist
Charisma-boosting gear
Fearsome (DotU) armor
(Eternal) wands of sirine's grace (SC) and snowsong (FB)

Modus Operandi:
The suspect's preferred method of attack is to approach his target in a crowded public place and strike the target down with a single strike. Astonishingly, the wound itself is rarely fatal. Instead, the victim apparently dies of fright. An eyewitness described seeing the suspect at work:

I's seen him! I's seen him! That guy was just walkin' down the street all normal like, when this horrible thing appears out o' nowhere like, an' hits him with a sword! It weren't a big wound, but the guy just clutches his heart an' keels over. I couldn't help meself, I just ran, and so did ever'body else. Horrible, it was.
Interestingly, his weapons leave no marks on his victims' clothes or armor; only the flesh is cut.

The Ghost (Nudge nudge. Know what I mean? Say no more...know what I mean?) Faced Killer's preferred tactic is to approach a target while ethereal, manifest, and during a surprise round make a partial charge Frightful Attack on the target. This not only forces the target to make a DC 28 Will save or die, but any other creature within 30 feet must make a (minimum) DC 29 Will save or be shaken and another Will Save (DC 26) or be shaken. If they fail both, they are frightened.

If the target is likely to resist a Frightful Attack, the GNNKWIMSNMKWIMFK can use his abilities to soften them up. He begins by using Inspire Awe, which forces a DC 1d20 + 35 Will save to avoid being shaken (-2 to saves). This is followed by using Doomspeak to further reduce their saves by 10. The next round, he makes a Frightful Attack.

Against multiple enemies, the GNNKWIMSNMKWIMFK will Inspire Awe, followed by the skill trick Never outnumbered to demoralize them. With Imperious Command, this causes them to cower for one round, then flee.

Against fear-immune enemies, the GNNKWIMSNMKWIMFK is somewhat weakened. He will cast grease to make these enemies flat-footed. Since any weapon he holds becomes a ghost touch weapon between sundown and sunrise, he can make sudden strikes against an AC of 10.

The GNNKWIMSNMKWIMFK's defenses are also formidable. He is immune to most things targeting his Fortitude or Will saves (though those are high enough to shrug off those he isn't immune to), and Moment of Perfect Clarity lets him substitute a Concentration check with his +28 modifier for a Reflex save once per encounter. He is, of course, ethereal when he hasn't manifested, and even when he is manifested he is difficult to hit. His naked AC of 19 can be boosted to 21 with eagle's splendor, and wands of sirine's grace and snowsong, if available, will boost that to 38, all of which apply to touch attacks.

The GNNKWIMSNMKWIMFK's spells mostly improve his combat abilities. Eagle's splendor boosts the DCs of his attacks, heroism helps him attack higher AC targets, and grease makes enemies without 5 ranks in balance flat-footed and vulnerable to sudden strikes and frightful attacks.

Outside of combat the GNNKWIMSNMKWIMFK is also quite capable. He has a respectable +28 Diplomacy modifier, which can of course be boosted by spells, along with a +31 Intimidate modifier. He can cast Glibness as well. He can cast create fetch, unseen servant, mage hand, and open/close to interact with the material world, as well as to set up traps. Insidious Insight gives him a bonus to his social skills when he has time to prepare, and if all else fails, he can get a mark addicted to a drug to ensure their compliance.

When a mark needs to be eliminated without suspicious circumstances (such as a sword wound), the GNNKWIMSNMKWIMFK relies on his ability to suggest things to people. Oh, sure, he has to make the suggestion sound reasonable. But isn't it reasonable to go pet that lion? After all, you're the king; not even a lion would dare attack you.

The Devil

The Devil Made Me


The Devil's Philosophy

One of the main difficulties of being an assassin is remaining unnoticed and undetected. Yet with divination spells, this becomes increasingly difficult. Even if all your crimes are perfect, leaving not a single shred of evidence, you can still be uncovered. Any character of 11th level or higher is a legend, no matter how careful they have been.

Legends can be found. Legends can be killed.
The Devil is 10th level.

The Death Attack (ECL 3)

Before level 3, the devil is a pretty standard cleric. His main trick is using sleight of hand to conceal his spell casting (RoS 133) letting him cast spells discretely in public and to help avoid counter spells. Dreamtelling also lets him interpret prophetic imagery in dreams, potentially getting him the effects of Augery and Divination many levels early.

At level three his early assassination method opens up. He learns three spells, Hold Person, Silence, and Invisibility. Silence can prevent his victims from crying out, casting spells, or hearing his approach. He can cast it on himself, his victims, or a crossbow bolt. When he is silenced he doesn't need to make move silently checks.

Hold Person can be cast from over a hundred feet away, and is a will save vs paralysis. When somebody is paralyzed they can be easily coup de graced. The Devil carries a Scythe with him for just this purpose. Hold Person is his will save death attack that he can use starting at third level. It can be cast with a metamagic rod of silence if the Devil has silenced himself for the kill.

His prophetic abilities have also significantly increased with second level spells. When interpreting dreams he can cast Guidance of the Avatar (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) to help insure he makes even the highest Dream Telling difficulties.

The Everyman (ECL 7)

Assassinating people face to face can be nice, but it is too easy to leave evidence behind, and often ends up being inefficient. What if you have to assassinate targets in Thrane and Zilargo on the same day? That's what thralls are for.

Most assassins use knives. The Devil uses people as his weapons. Upon reaching 7th level, the Devil can cast dominate person. With his sleight of hand he can cast it without alerting others nearby. Normally his domination lasts for seven days. With a Rod of Extend Spell it lasts for fourteen days.
Dominated creatures can be mentally commanded as a move action. Their senses can be perceived as a standard action.

The Devil likes to work at various lightning rail or other transit stations, and see which passengers are headed towards the location of his next target. He uses guidance of the avatar to conceal his casting of Dominate Person. With a sleight of hand check of at least 30+ nobody is going to realize that he cast the spell at all. Once the thrall arrives at their destination, the Devil takes over and forces them to kill his target.

The Dweller in Dreams(ECL 9)

Domination is not enough. The Devil was still limited by transportation networks, and ultimately stuck doing assassinations on the material plane. Even then, he was limited in his choice of tools by those he met.

No longer.

The Devil now can cast 5th level spells and is an improved oneiromancer. He can now cast Dreaming Puppet. Dreaming Puppet is a special variation on Dominate Monster. It can be cast on any sentient living creature, and it has no range limitation, nor is it limited by plane of existence. It must however be cast upon a creature that is sleeping.

When you cast Dreaming Puppet, you enter into the targets personal dreamscape, and while there, you can control them from the inside in a manner similar to dominate person. The duration is only a minute a level however it can be doubled with a rod of extend.

With Dreaming Puppet the Devil has just the right tools for the job. Children will kill their parents. Servants will butcher their masters. Lovers will smother each other in their sleep. The dreamer is aware of all of their actions as they are performed.

And the next morning, all they can tell themselves, all they can tell the authorities, their families and the gods is...

"The Devil made me do it."

Limitations and Workarounds

Dreaming Puppet can only be cast on creatures with up to HD more then the caster's caster level. A Bead of Karma can give +4 to caster level. An Orange Ioun stone gives +1 caster level. Death Knell gives an additional +1 caster level. Combined this lets you target 20 HD creatures.

Assay Spell resistance helps you overcome a creature's spell resistance.
If you manage to get trapped in someones dreams, you can escape by casting dismissal on yourself to knock yourself back to your home plane of existence.

Anatomy of Evil

Devil in Dreams
Human Cleric of The Mockery
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Cleric 1|
+0|Hide 4, Disguise 4, K. Planes 4, Sleight of Hand 4|Criminal Background, Dreamtelling(B), Spell Focus Enchantment(B)|Rebuke Undead, Domination Domain, Trickery Domain, 1st level spells

2nd|Cleric 2|
+0|Hide 4, Disguise 4, K. Planes 4, Sleight of Hand 4||

3rd|Cleric 3|
+1|Hide 4, Disguise 4, K. Planes 4, Sleight of Hand 4|Oneiromancy|2nd level spells

4th|Cleric 4|
+1|Hide 4, Disguise 4, K. Planes 4, Sleight of Hand 4||

5th|Cleric 5|
+1|Hide 4, Disguise 4, K. Planes 4, Sleight of Hand 4||3rd level spells

6th|Cleric 6|
+2|Hide 4, Disguise 4, K. Planes 4, Sleight of Hand 4|Improved Oneiromancy|

7th|Cleric 7|
+2|Hide 4, Disguise 4, K. Planes 4, Sleight of Hand 4||4th level spells

8th|Cleric 8|
+3|Hide 4, Disguise 4, K. Planes 4, Sleight of Hand 4||

9th|Cleric 9|
+3|Hide 4, Disguise 4, K. Planes 4, Sleight of Hand 4|Greater Spell Focus Enchantment|5th level spells

10th|Cleric 10|
+3|Hide 4, Disguise 4, K. Planes 4, Sleight of Hand 4||[/table]

The Mockery - Eberron Campaign Setting
Criminal Background - City of Stormreach P. 95
Domination Domain - Spell Compendium P. 273
Dreamtelling - Heroes of Horror P. 122
Oneiromancy, Improved Oneiromancy - Heroes of Horror P. 123
Dreaming Puppet - Heroes of Horror P. 129
Assay Spell Resistance - Spell Compendium P. 17

Assassin of the Shrouded Mind

Assassin of the Shrouded Mind

Unarmed Swordsage 10/Psychic Rogue 10

The build

Assassin of the Shrouded Mind
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats

|Class Features

1st|Unarmed Swordsage 1|
+2|Skills|Carmendine Monk, Shadow

Blade|Quick to Act(+1), Discipline Focus (Weapon Focus)

2nd|Psychic Rogue 1|
+2|Skills||Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding

3rd|Psychic Rogue 2|
+2|Skills|Weapon Finesse|Evasion

4th|Psychic Rogue 3|

5th|Psychic Rogue 4|
+3|Skills||Sneak Attack +2d6

6th|Psychic Rogue 5|
+3|Skills|Two Weapon Fighting|Danger Sense

7th|Psychic Rogue 6|

8th|Psychic Rogue 7|
+4|Skills||Sneak attack +3d6, Danger sense

(uncanny dodge)

9th|Psychic Rogue 8|
+4|Skills|Psionic Meditation|

10th|Psychic Rogue 9|
+5|Skills||Danger sense (improved

uncanny dodge)

11th|Psychic Rogue 10|
+5|Skills||Sneak attack +4d6

12th|Unarmed Swordsage 2|
+6|Skills|Improved Two Weapon

Fighting|AC Bonus

13th|Unarmed Swordsage 3|

14th|Unarmed Swordsage 4|
+7|Skills||Discipline Focus

(Insightful Strike)

15th|Unarmed Swordsage 5|
+7|Skills|Adaptive Style|Quick

to Act (+2)

16th|Unarmed Swordsage 6|

17th|Unarmed Swordsage 7|
+8|Skills||Sense Magic

18th|Unarmed Swordsage 8|
+9|Skills|Greater Two Weapon

Fighting|Discipline Focus (Defensive Stance)

19th|Unarmed Swordsage 9|

20th|Unarmed Swordsage 10|
+10|Skills||Quick to Act


The abilities

Concentrate +28, Hide +30, Move Silently +30, Spot +13, Listen +24, Tumble +30, Disable Device +19, Sense Motive +23

Powers 8
1st: Entangling Ectoplasm, Compression, Defensive Precognition, Control Light, Catfall
2nd: Concealing Amorpha, Psionic Knock
3rd: Hustle
PP: 55

Known 15, Readied 8, Stances 4
1st: Moment of Perfect Mind, Shadow Blade Technique, Sapphire Nightmare Blade
2nd: Cloak of Deception, Shadow Jaunt, Emerald Razor
3rd: Mind over Body, Insightful Strike, Shadow Garrote
4th: Hand of Death
5th: Shadow Stride
6th: Shadow Noose, Greater Insightful Strike
7th: Shadow Blink
8th: One With Shadow
Stances: Island of Blades, Assassin's Stance, Dance of the Spider

Initial Ability Scores: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8

Final Ability Scores: Str 8, Dex 24, Con 20, Int 24, Wis 13, Cha 8

Gloves of Dex +6, Headband of Intellect +6, Amulet of Health +6, Collar of Umbral Metamorphasis

Comparison to Assassin Abilities

Sneak Attack: Similar levels of sneak attack from assassin. Rogue entry to assassin will have higher sneak attack

Poison Use: Can poison yourself but Mind counters prevent failing the poison saves. Assuming you try to use poison at all

Save bonus agaist poison: See mind counter, but better since they work against everything

Uncanny and Improved uncanny dodge: Danger sense from psychic rogue. Psychic meditation prevents you from losing this too long when you become psionically unfocused

Hide in Plain Sight: Collar of Umbral Metamorphasis, also many ways to not be observed through invisibility or incorporability

Spells: The assassin's spell list focuses mostly on stealth and movement. The psychic rogue's power list is similar and the powers available allow for stealth and movement. The swordsage's maneuver list also assists in this area. Direct maps include Catfall for feather fall, Dance of the Spider for Spider Climb, Control Light for Darkness. Abilities that are similar but not exact maps include the shadow jaunt line of manuevers for teleporting and compression for hide bonuses

Death Attack: Hand of Death renders a target paralyzed for slightly less time with a similar save. Can be executed mid combat as long as you can render the target flat footed. Several other maneuvers provide this. For straight out killing Greater Insightful Strike and expending your focus for an auto 15 on the damage roll will force a save due to massive damage. Can be executed mid combat

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 12:09 PM
Dex, The Desert Blade

Race: Marrulurk.
Alignment: NE

Starting stats (before racial adjustments, 32 pointbuy):

Str: 8
Dex: 18
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10

Starting stats: (after racial adjustments):
Marrulurs get +2 Str, +6 Dex, +4 Con, +6 Wis and +4 Cha.

Str: 10
Dex: 24
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 16
Cha: 18

Racial Abilities: Poison Use, Death Attack, + 2d6 sneak attack, +4 to hide and move silently, Nauseating Breath. Marruspawn traits: Discriminating hearing (+4 to listen, can tell when someone is within 30ft by listening to their heartbeat), Resist fire 5, Resist dessication 10, Darkvision 60ft, Low light vision (twice as far as humans).

{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Marrulurk HD 1|
+2|+4 Hide, +4 move silently, +4 listen|Weapon Finesse, Point Blank shot (Bonus), Rapid shot (Bonus)|Racial features

2nd|Marrulurk HD 2|
+3|+5 Hide, +5 Move Silently, +5 Listen||

3rd|Marrulurk HD 3|
+3|Hide: +6, Move Silently: +6, Listen: +6|Two Weapon Fighting|

4th|Wilderness Rogue|
+3|Hide: +7Move silently: +7 Listen: +7 UMD: +2 Bluff: +1 Disguise: +2, Sleight of Hand +1 ||Sneak Attack +3d6, Trapfinding

5th|Wilderness Rogue|
+4|Hide: +8 Move silently: +8 Listen: +8 UMD: +4 Bluff: +2 Disguise: +4 Gather Information: +0.5, Sleight of Hand +1||Evasion

6th|Wilderness Rogue|
+4|Hide: +9 Move silently: +9 Listen: +9 UMD: +6 Bluff: +3 Disguise: +6 Gather Information: +1, Sleight of Hand +1|Darkstalker|Sneak attack + 4d6, trap sense +1

7th|Wilderness Rogue|
+4|Hide: +10 Move silently: +10 Listen: +10 UMD: +8 Bluff: +4 Disguise: +8 Gather Information: +1.5, Sleight of Hand +1||Uncanny Dodge

8th|Wilderness Rogue|
+6 |
+5|Hide: +11 Move silently: +11 Listen: +11 UMD: +10 Bluff: +5 Disguise: +8 Gather Information: +2, Sleight of Hand +1||Sneak attack + 5d6

+7 |
+7|Hide: +12, Move silently: +12, Listen: +12, UMD: +10, Bluff: +5, Disguise: +8, Gather Information: +2.5, Sleight of Hand +1, Tumble: +1, Balance +2 |Shadow Blade|Quick to Act +1 to AC, Disciplin Focus: Weapon Focus (Shadow Hand), New Manoeuvres Known: Distracting Ember (DW), Flashing Sun (DW), Shadow Jaunt (SH), Wolf Fang Strike (TC), Claw at the Moon (TC), Cloak of Deception (SH). New Stance: Assassin's stance (SH)

+8|Hide: +13, Move silently: +13, Listen: +13, UMD: +10, Bluff: +5, Disguise: +8, Gather Information: +3, Tumble: +2, Balance +4 ||Widom to AC while wearing light armour, New Manoeuvre: Shadow Garrotte (SH) New Stance: Giant Killing Stance (Set)

11th|Wilderness Rogue|
+8|Hide: +14, Move silently: +14, Listen: +14, UMD: +10, Bluff: +7, Disguise: +10, Gather Information: +3.5, Tumble: +2, Balance +5||trap sense +2

12th|Wilderness Rogue|
+8|Hide: +15, Move silently: +15, Listen: +15, UMD: +10, Bluff: +9, Disguise: +12, Gather Information: +4.5, Sleight of Hand +1, Tumble: +2, Balance +5|Urban Tracking|Sneak attack +6d6

13th|Wilderness Rogue|
+9|Hide: +16, Move silently: +16, Listen: +16, UMD: +10, Bluff: +11, Disguise: +14, Gather Information: +5.5, Sleight of Hand +1, Tumble: +2, Balance +5||Improved Uncanny Dodge

14th|Wilderness Rogue|
+9|Hide: +17, Move silently: +17, Listen: +17, UMD: +10, Bluff: +13, Disguise: +16, Gather Information: +6, Tumble: +2, Balance +5, Jump +1||Sneak attack +7d6, trap sense +3

15th|Wilderness Rogue|
+9|Hide: +18, Move silently: +18, Listen: +18, UMD: +10, Bluff: +15, Disguise: +18, Gather Information: +6, Tumble: +2, Balance +5, Jump +3|Improved Two Weapon Fighting|Special Ability: Camouflage

16th|Wilderness Rogue|
+10|Hide: +19, Move silently: +19, Listen: +19, UMD: +10, Bluff: +17, Disguise: +19, Gather Information: +6, Tumble: +2, Balance +5, Jump +6||Sneak Attack +8d6

17th|Wilderness Rogue|
+10|Hide: +20, Move silently: +20, Listen: +20, UMD: +10, Bluff: +19, Disguise: +20, Gather Information: +6, Tumble: +2, Balance +5, Jump +9||Trap Sense +4

18th|Wilderness Rogue|
+10|Hide: +21, Move silently: +21, Listen: +21, UMD: +10, Bluff: +21, Disguise: +21, Gather Information: +6, Tumble: +3, Balance +5, Jump +11|Greater TWF|Sneak attack + 9d6, Special Ability: Hide in Plain Sight.

+11|Hide: +22, Move silently: +22, Listen: +22, UMD: +10, Bluff: +21, Disguise: +21, Gather Information: +6, Tumble: +7, Balance +5, Jump +11||New Manoeuvre: Stalker in the Night (SH)

+11|Hide: +23, Move silently: +23, Listen: +23, UMD: +10, Bluff: +21, Disguise: +21, Gather Information: +6, Tumble: +9, Balance +5, Jump +13||Disciplin Focus: Insightful Strikes (Tiger Claw), New Manoeuver: Dancing Mongoose (TC) [/table]

*Note: LA buyoff is used at the earliest opportunity.

Why wilderness rogue and urban tracking? Dex has never set foot in a dungeon in his entire life, and needs to be more attuned to the wastes then most rogues are, hence wilderness rogue. Despite this, he often enters into cities to find his target, and often needs to be able to track them down in hide outs.

The Story: In the beginning of his life, Dex is follows the path of most Marrulurk, following the traditions of his tribe and fighting mainly against wandering monsters and adventurers. He soon becomes one of the most capable fighters in his tribe, in no small part for his ability to sneak up on creatures that are normally well aware of their surroundings. (levels 1-8) Because of his talent with disguises, he is often sent to steal rations or gold from nearby villages, in the guise of a Bukka or other small sized creature.

Then, Wisdoms forces arrive. Unlike many Marruspawn tribes that ignored or rejected his teachings, Dex and his community embrace them. Dex soon realizes that his talents are nothing compared to Wisdom's elite troops, and decides that the only way he can compete is by learning some of their techniques himself, quickly learning the basics. (levels 9-10) Soon, Dex is recognized by Wisdom's forces for his ability to hide and disguise himself, and he is sent on missions, not to steal but to kill: Sometimes high ranking non-Marru political figures to plunge their forces into chaos, other times strong adventurers that resist the Marruspawn and even the occasional Marrutact that opposes Wisdom. (levels 10-18).

Eventually, Dex is promoted to become Wisdom's presonal assassin. Here, he is surrounded by master sword-sages, Wisdom's elite, and has an unparalleled opportunity to study their art. (Levels 19-20).

Poisons Used: Dex doesn't rely entirely on poison but tends to use it on the first strike of combat, sometimes delivered by arrow. At lower levels, he uses Large Monstrous Scorpion venom, and at higher levels he also sometimes uses Ironthorn Poison. The ironthorn poison is created with minor creation by the more powerful Marrutact in Wisdom's army.

Both scorpion poison and ironthorn poison are both Con-damaging, Dex normally uses them to reduce an enemies fortitude save against his death attack.
Dex sometimes “retreats” after poisoning a target, using hide in plain sight and his ring of invisibility and hide in plain sight to stay hidden, sometimes using sleight of hand to grab an item beforehand to give the impression he was a thief, rather than an assassin. Then, he uses his death attack on the now weakened target. Dex rarely uses this tactic on casters, since they normally have ways to find invisible creatures, or area attacks to use.

Equipment of note:
Ring of invisibility.
Short Sword of assassination (+1d6 sneak attack, + enhancement bonus to poison DC's)
Wands of Alter Self, Grave Strike, Golem Strike and Vine Strike.
Another magical Short Sword.

The Shadow

The Shadow
Illumian Ninja 3/Invisible Fist Passive Way Monk 2/Beguiler 5/Unseen Seer 10/
Note: only required Skills are listed, recommended skills are tumble(for gloom razor), move silently, knowledge skills and social skills
{table=head]Total Level| Class Level| BAB |Saves( Fort, Reflex, Will)| Skills | Feats, Class Features and other
1|Ninja 1| +0 | +0 +2 +0 | Hide 4, Search 4, Spot 4, Sense Motive 4 | Sudden Strike 1d6, Ki Power, Trapfinding, AC Bonus, Feat: Weapon Finesse Sigil: Uur
2|Ninja 2| +1 | +0 +3 +0|Hide 5, Search 5, Spot 5| Ghost Step Sigil: Krau, Uurkrau
3|Ninja 3| +2| +1 +3 +1|Hide 6 Search 6, Spot 6| Sudden Strike 2d6, poison use, Feat: Combat Reflexes
4|Monk 1| +2| +2 +5 +2| Hide 7, Spot 7 |Passive Way: Combat Expertise, +2 to bluff checks, Decisive strike, Unarmed Strike 1d6 AC Bonus(overlaps with ninja's)
5|Monk 2| +3|+3 +6 +3|Hide 8, Spot 8|Passive Way: Improved Trip, Invisible Fist
6|Beguiler 1| +3| +3 +6 +5| Spellcraft 4, Search 8| Spell casting, Armored Mage, Trapfinding (again) Feat: Darkstalker
7| Beguiler 2| +4| +3 +6 +5| Hide 9| Cloaked Casting (+1 DC) Surprise Casting
8| Unseen Seer 1| +4| +3 +6 +7| Any| Sudden Strike 3d6
9| Unseen Seer 2| +5| +3 +6 +8| Any| Advanced Learning, Silent Spell, Feat: Martial Study (Cloak of Deception)
10| Unseen Seer 3| +6|+4 +7 +8| Any| Divination Spell Power +1
11| Unseen Seer 4| +7|+4 +7 +9| Any| Sudden Strike 4d6
12| Unseen Seer 5| +7|+4 +7 +9| Any| Advanced Learning, Guarded Mind, Feat: Martial Stance (Assassin's Stance)
13| Unseen Seer 6| +8| +5 +8 +10| Any| Divination Spell Power +2
14| Unseen Seer 7| +9| +5 +8 +10| Any| Sudden Strike +5d6
15| Unseen Seer 8|+10| +5 +8 +11| Any| Advanced Learning, Feat: Shadow Blade
16| Unseen Seer 9| +10| +6 +9 +11| Any| Divination Spell power +3
17| Unseen seer 10| +11| +6 +9 +12| Any| Sudden Strike +6d6
18| Beguiler 3| +11| +7 +10 +12|Any| Advanced Learning, Feat: Gloom Razor
19| Beguiler 4| +12| +7 +10 +13|Any| None
20| Beguiler 5| +12| +7+10 +13|Any| Silent Spell (Nothing?)

Points of interest
Level 5
He was a quiet one. He could been seen (or rather not seen) slinking around the monastery. With regards to fighting, he preferred singular, devastating strikes, as opposed to flurry of blows. He waited for his opponents to make a mistake or run away and then he sent them straight into to the ground Asath One hand, one of the monastery leaders, commenting on his pupil.
At this point The Shadow is Ninja 3/ Monk 2. His main way for damage is Invisible fist->Sudden Strike with decisive strike. He is a pretty good crowd controller with Combat reflexes and improved trip.
Level 9
He was very suited to our organization. Deadly, dedicated, and tricky. He was our field agent. we sent him after targets that threatened us or our clients. He wasn't particular good at magic, but we are working on that.- A note found in the Seer Assassin's(note: organized unseen seers) headquarters found about 100 years after the organization's destruction at The Shadow's hands
He is now Monk 3/Ninja 2/Beguiler 2/Unseen Seer 2. He can cast 2nd level spells. This includes many useful spells spells such as blinding color surge, invisibility, mirror image, glitterdust, fog cloud, obscuring mist and many others. Beguiler spells are great because they remain useful spells no matter what level you are.
Level 15
My combat skills grow unnoticed by my Superiors. The magic focused weaklings have no value for fighting skills. I know I am constantly mocked behind my back, because they are overconfident and place no protection from my magic. I will show them. They will learn the price of mocking me. A page from the remnants of The Shadow's diary.
The Shadow is now Ninja 3/Monk 2/Beguiler 2/Unseen Seer 8. At this point he has many ways of turning himself invisible and denying dex to AC. He is now getting dex to damage for his unarmed strike.
Level 20
I have destroyed those weaklings. They flee in terror as they awaken to realize as their leaders and comrades are dead and the building burning As they see run, they see me and know who cause destroyed their organization A page in The Shadow's diary concerning his annihilation of the Seer Assassins.
He now has 7th level spells and 6d6 sudden strike. he has not gained much since level 15 except for Gloom razor(more on that later) and more spell casting.

Advanced Learing
Unseen Seer
Chain of eyes
Scrying (3rd level bard spell)
Scry Location(5th level bard spell)
Freezing Glance
I am going to address two issues 1. the use of unarmed attacks and 2. combat control
I have determined unarmed fighting is t he best strategy. It cannot be taken away from you, will not be caught in a search, and is often over-looked. In other words, it is the best weapon for an assassin. a note early in The Shadow's diary. It is speculated this is why he joined the monks.
That should explain fluff-wise it makes sense for an assassin to go unarmed. Mechanical-wise they can be enchanted with gauntlets. Before you go crying "That obsoletes the 1st and 2nd points" Let me explain. Gauntlets are standard issue equipment that comes with any of the heavier armors. It is unlikely one would be suspicious of or require the removing of the gauntlets.
I do not let my opponents go. I control what happens. They can try to run but they will not escape. I keep them right where I want them to be.
You see, a true assassin does not let their prey escape. He does not allow anyone to run away to report who killed his target. Mechanically thiss is represented by crowd control. Freezing glance does a good job of this also(more on that later)
Now on to actual tactics.
Now, as an assassin, most of the time, you should be taking on singular enemies. He should use scrying+scry location to get a good idea of the defenses. When he actually is infiltrating, greeter invisibility is the way to go. If there is a multiple enemies, you should use freezing glance(which is NOT mind-effecting) to freeze them either in their sleep, or before they notice you.
At early levels Invisible fist-> sudden strike is going to be your main way of activating sudden strike. Later greater invisibility can activate sudden strike. Freezing glance also denies dex to ac and freezes them. Sudden strike finishes at 6d6 and with 2d6 sneak attack from assassin's stance, which is them doubled by decisive strike. Later on you can get dex to damage, which will be useful with your high dex. The 3rd tactical option lets you follow an opponent with a DC 20 tumble check(since you need to flank, cast legion of sentinels to flank). His prey should never escape from him.
Stat-wise his dex should be at least 18. His int should follow, A decent constitution is recommended. A nice wisdom would help but is not required. Tumble is recommended for gloom razor. He should max hide and move silently for stealth. Other than that, his skills can go anywhere.
magic items
He definitely wants to pump his dex as fast as possible. He would also need the enchantment on his gauntlets because of his bad base attack bonus.
He could trade darkstalker for stand still for more of a martial character.
His main one is obviously BAB. Combined with the -2 penalty from decisive strike, he has a god chance of missing. Legion of sentinels for flanking could help with the +2 flanking bonus. You should be denying dex to ac, so that should help hit.
Player's Handbook
Player's Handbook 2
Complete Adventurer
Tome of Battle
Complete Mage
Lord of Madness
Exemplars of Evil
Unearthed Arcana
Races of Destiny
Spell Compendium
Complete Scoundrel

Barber, the Killer Marrulurk

I killed a man just to watch him die... then when I was approached by the assassin guild, I killed that guy too. I work alone.

Barber the marrulurk left his creche at a relatively young age. His fellow creche mates, like most marruspawn, were fascinated with their racial memories of the legendary marru, but he wanted no part of their myths. He would take things from his creche-mates, being faster than them, and could talk himself out of trouble with ease. Other marrulurks would get blamed for his actions. Finally he had enough fun and decided to see the world.

I was always superior to the others. I could just tell. I deserved the best, and I got it. The creche-parents loved me, as it should be. When I wanted something, I made sure that I got it. Oh, sure, I was mischievous, who isn't as a kid? But I didn't get in trouble too often, less often than most, I dare say. I was a good kid. But then I heard of Wisdom's proclamation. I pretended to believe it, I mean, these classes we had to take were all about the glories of the Marru, and how great they were, and how majestic, blah blah blah. C'mon! This ancient race that created us and were wiped out are just hiding this whole time, waiting for us to do whatever and prove our worth? Forget it. But. This was my ticket out of hell. Sure I believed. By the way, I got a bridge I can sell you...

While wandering he was taken in by a band of traveling performers, and despite his odd looks was accepted into the troupe. He learned to sing, dance, and eventually became a bard. His thieving ways were not over yet. One night he was caught lifting some gold from the maester of the troop. He discovered the trick of hiding in the shadows in plain sight. When the maester turned to rouse the camp, he stabbed him in the back, killing him in one blow.

It was my gold, of course. Payment for services rendered, re-invested in the troupe, et cetera, et cetera. It was time for me to move on anyway. I was sick of all the singing and performances. I had my own life to live. He was trying to stop me, keep me enslaved. I was a grown up, I didn't sign the charter. I was not bound by their compact. So when it was time to leave, I was just taking my share. It had been agreed to a long time ago, and he claimed he forgot. He was robbing me! - not the other way 'round. Well, I soon showed him... or didn't actually. He never saw the knife. I still left (most of) their share there, but deducted my expenses from the balance. And I was off.

From then on, he traveled where we wanted, did what he wanted, took what he wanted, killed who he wanted. Always stealthy. His murders were never traced back to him, and often it appeared that his victims died from natural causes (at first glance). He even discovered the trick of poisoning people from across the room, never getting closer than 20 feet.

I travel a lot, now. I enjoy it, and I enjoy the company of others. Things ... just seem to happen around me. It's really inexplicable, if you ask me. I mean, how did the Duke of Reglon die from a rare poison while sipping wine from his pedastal? No one had approached closer than 5 feet to him all day! He was pouring his own wine from a bottle to his side. This was his 4th glass! And the poison, it later turned out, works nearly instantaneously. I suspect he did it to himself. Always did have some secrets, I bet some blackmailer was getting to him. That never was solved, by the way. So I had to leave, I mean I barely knew the guy, I didn't want to mourn him for 45 days or whatever nonsense they do there. My pockets were heavy, and the road called to me, it was time to go. In fact, the road is calling me now. Farewell, and, please, don't take this personally.

He faded at once into the shadows and was gone. I wondered what he had meant by that last remark.


The Build
Barber, NE MarrulurkBard 7 / Shadowdancer 2 / Arcane Trickster 7
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Marrulurk 1|
+2|Hide 4, Move Silent 4, Listen 1, Spot 1, Disable Device 2, Disguise 1|Combat Reflexes|Sneak attack +1d6, +4 racial listen, +4 racial hide, +4 racial move silent, resistence to dessication 10, Fire resistence 5, low light vision, death attack, nauseating breath, poison use, darkvision 60',

2nd|Marrulurk 2|
+3|Hide 5, Move Silent 5, Listen 2, Spot 2, Disguise 2|Point Blank Shot (Bonus)|N/A

3rd|Marrulurk 3|
+3|Hide 6, Move Silent 6, Disable Device 3|Dodge, Rapid Shot (Bonus)|Sneak attack +2d6

4th|Marrulurk LA|

5th|Bard 1|
+5|Hide 7, Move Silent 7, Decipher Script 2, Disable Device 4, Escape Artist 1, Know (arcana) 1|N/A|Bardic music, bardic knowledge, countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1

6th|Bard 2|
+6|Hide 8, Move Silent 8, Decipher Script 4, Escape Artist 3, Know (arcana) 3|N/A|N/A

7th|Bard 3|
+6|Hide 9, Decipher Script 5, Disable Device 5, Escape Artist 4, Know (arcana) 4, UMD 1, Disguise 3|Mobility|Inspire competence

8th|Bard 4|
+7|Hide 10, Decipher Script 7, Escape Artist 5, Perform (Dance) 1, UMD 2, Disguise 4|N/A|N/A

9th|Bard 5|
+7|Escape Artist 7, Perform (Dance) 3, Disable Device 6, UMD 4|N/A|N/A

10th|Bard 6|
+8|Perform (Dance) 5, UMD 10|Darkstalker|Suggestion (not enough ranks in perform to do, though)

11th|Bard 7|
+8|Disable Device 7, UMD 11, Jump 2, Balance 1, Perform (Dance) 6, Tumble 1|N/A|N/A

12th|Shadowdancer 1|
+8|Jump 4, Balance 2, Tumble 4, UMD 12|N/A|Hide in plain sight

13th|Shadowdancer 2|
+8|Jump 5, Balance 4, Tumble 5, UMD 13|Ability Focus (Death Attack)|Evasion, darkvision, uncanny dodge

14th|Arcane Trickster 1|
+10|Balance 5, UMD 14, Sleight of Hand 1, Tumble 7|N/A|Ranged legerdemain 1/day

15th|Arcane Trickster 2|
+11|UMD 15, Sleight of Hand 3, Tumble 9|N/A|Sneak attack +3d6

16th|Arcane Trickster 3|
+11|UMD 16, Sleight of Hand 5, Tumble 11|Staggering Strike|Impromptu sneak attack 1/day

17th|Arcane Trickster 4|
+12|UMD 17, Sleight of Hand 7, Tumble 13,|N/A|Sneak attack +4d6

18th|Arcane Trickster 5|
+12|UMD 18, Tumble 14, Sleight of Hand 10|N/A|Ranged legerdemain 2/day

19th|Arcane Trickster 6|
+13|UMD 19, Sleight of Hand 14|Craven|Sneak attack +5d6

20th|Arcane Trickster 7|
+13|UMD 20, Sleight of Hand 18|N/A|Impromptu sneak attack 2/day[/table]

Spellcasting (Note, includes bonus spells for charisma as a bard, without inherent and item enhancement bonuses)
Spells per day/Spells Known





















At 20th level, spells known:
Level 0-Mage Hand, Ghost Sound, Daze, Prestigitation, Read Magic, Detect Magic
Level 1-Disguise Self, Feather Fall, Sleep, Undetectable Alignment
Level 2-Alter Self, Invisibility, darkness, misdirection
Level 3-Deep slumber, clairaudience/clarivoyance, glibness, geas, lesser
Level 4-Geater invisibility, dimension door, freedom of movement, modify memory
Level 5-mislead, shadow walk, mind fog

Ability Scores, final skill checks, saves:
Ability scores:
32-point buy-Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 18
Racial-Str 12, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 22
Levels-Str 12, Dex 21, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 25
Inherent-Str 16, Dex 26, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 30
Items-Str 22, Dex 32, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 24, Cha 36

Skills: ranks/total bonus
UMD 20/33, Sleight of Hand 18/29, Tumble 14/27, Jump 5/13, Balance 5/14, Disable Device 7/18, Perform (Dance) 6/19, Hide 10/29, Move Silent 8/23, Decipher Script 7/12, Escape Artist 7/18, Know (Arcana) 4/9, Listen 2/13, Spot 2/9, Disguise 4/17

Saves: base + state + items = total
Fort: 5 + 7 + 5 = 17
Reflex: 16 + 11 + 5 = 32
Will: 13 + 7 + 5 = 25

Recommended magic items:

- Books/Tomes and ability boosting are a given, please see ability scores. At 20th level, we're pretty healthy. Get the belt of glory or whatever it is called, the +6 to all stats. This guy is a little MAD. Actually he's really MAD, and is not gonna take it anymore. Which is why he is a killer.
- Magic shortbow and rapier, sized small (assume +5 and some useful added features on both)
- cloak of resistence +5 (of course)
- custom item of + whatever insight to fort save would be nice

- check out Shax's Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148101) for a lot of the items he can be presumed to carry. He needs a lot of self-reliance

- really a lot of flexibility here, he's not reliant on items that much. If necessary, he can use wands, rods, etc due to high UMD.

Playing notes/recommended tactics:

- sleight of hand + ranged legerdemain + poison use = poisoning people at parties/events/wherever from 30 feet away
- Casts spells as a 14th level bard
- If LA buyoff is permitted, take another level of Arcane Trickster
- Bardic music may seem odd for an assassin, however, the secret of being an effective assassin is that you can kill people unexpectedly, being disguised as a bard and singing/dancing and then stabbing you would, in fact, be effective and unexpected.
- Alter/disguise self is his friend. Also, invisibility and greater invisibility
- As a small sized creature, uses shortbow and small sized rapier - albeit to great effect (creature description in Sandstorm calls for long bow, I don't see how that is possible, unless they mean a small longbow, but that is just confusing).
- He has higher level casting than an actual assassin, which he uses to great benefit. Based on his full CHA of 36, he gets 3 level 0 spells, 7 level 1, 6 level 2, 6 level 3, 6 level 4, and 5 level 5 spells per day. Spells were selected to replicate the assassin's spelel list as closely as possible. Better spells are out there, though, if you really want to optimize him.
- With high UMD and CHA, he can use almost any item without fail, particularly if the DM allows custom magic items to boost skill checks (see Magic Item Compendium)
- Final death attack DC is 24 (10 + 1/2 racial hit dice(rounded down) + CHA mod = 10 + 1 + 13)

How he replicates an assassin:
- Sneak attack +5d6
- Death Attack from race
- Poison use from race
- Spells (5th level casting) as a bard
- Save against poison - did not replicate (use an item if necessary, like antitoxin, a +5 alchemical save bonus on poison)
- Uncanny dodge from Shadowdancer 2
- Evasion from Shadowdancer 2
- Hide in plain sight from Shadowdancer 1


- Marrulurk from p170 of Sandstorm, savage progression notes from MM1 and Savage Species (particularly calculating the ability score bonuses and DC of death attack)
- incidentally, this seems like an overpowered +1LA race, even without the ability to boost the death attack through class levels. But there it is.
- Bard/Arcane Trickster/Shadowdancer; all spells from SRD
- Darkstalker - Lords of madness
- Staggering Strike - Complete Adventurer

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 12:13 PM
And finally, Vilpich's build, which although wont be part of the judging has been included due to uniqueness

Azroth, CN Male azurin factotum 10/umbral disciple 10

Granted supernatural powers as a young child, Azroth was nontheless reluctant to accept his power and abandoned his parents at a young age to go off and adventure. He learned much during his time abroad, but upon return home, arms heaped with treasure...he found his parents dead at the hands of the Dark Skull Syndicate.

His powers too weak to defeat his parent's murderers, Azroth began to tap into the shadowy aspects of his natural strength and becoming a stealthy, shadowy murderer.

Level 1:
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 9
Charisma: 9

At level 4: Intelligence +1
At level 8: Intelligence +1
At level 12: Dexterity +1
At level 16: Dexterity +1
At level 20: Wisdom +1 (this bonus can’t really give him any extra bonuses since everything is at an even number, so I chose to just get rid of a silly penalty).

Iron Chef-style Table (The Build)
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Skill Tricks|Feats|Class Features

1st|Factotum 1|
+0|Concentration 4, Hide 4, Knowledge (arcana) 4, Listen 4, Move Silently 4, Search 4, Spot 4, Disable Device 4, Sleight of Hand 4| -|Quick Draw|Inspiration, cunning insight, cunning knowledge, trapfinding

2nd|Factotum 2|
+0|Concentration 5, Hide 5, Tumble 1, Listen 5, Move Silently 5, Search 5, Sleight of Hand 5|Hidden Blade|-|Arcane Dilettante (1 spell)

3rd|Factotum 3|
+1|Concentration 6, Hide 6, Tumble 5, Move Silently 6, Listen 6, Search 6|-|Improved Initiative|Brains over Brawn, Cunning Defense

4th|Factotum 4|
+1|Hide 7, Tumble 7, Move Silently 7, Use Rope 3, Escape Artist 2|-|-|Arcane Dilettante (2 spells), Cunning Strike

5th|Factotum 5|
+1|Hide 8, Move Silently 8, Tumble 8, Use Rope 5, Escape Artist 4, Sleight of Hand 7|-|-|Opportunistic Piety

6th|Factotum 6|
+2|Hide 9, Move Silently 9, Tumble 9, Sleight of Hand 9, Use Rope 7, Escape Artist 7|-|Font of Inspiration|

7th|Factotum 7|
+2|Hide 10, Move Silently 10, Tumble 10, Sleight of Hand 10, Escape Artist 8|Sudden Draw, Conceal Spellcasting|-|Arcane Dilettante (3 spells)

8th|Factotum 8|
+2|Hide 11, Move Silently 11, Tumble 11, Sleight of Hand 11, Escape Artist 11, Jump 3|-|-|Cunning Surge

9th|Factotum 9|
+3|Hide 12, Move Silently 12, Tumble 12, Sleight of Hand 12, Jump 8|Mosquito’s Bite, Slipping Past|Open Minded (+5 skill points)|Arcane Dilettante (4 spells)

10th|Factotum 10|
+3|Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Tumble 13, Jump 9|Acrobatic Backstab, Extreme Leap, Walk the Walls|-|New Class Abilities

11th|Umbral Disciple 1|
+5|Hide 14, Move Silently 14, Tumble 14, Jump 14, Spot 6|-|-|Sept knowledge, step of the bodiless

12th|Umbral Disciple 2|
+6|Hide 15, Move Silently 15, Tumble 15, Jump 15, Climb 6|-|Deadly Defense|Sneak Attack +1d6

13th|Umbral Disciple 3|
+5|Hide 16, Move Silently 16, Climb 14|-|-|Embrace of Shadow

14th|Umbral Disciple 4|
+6|Hide 17, Move Silently 17, Climb 17, Tumble 16|Corner Perch, Extreme Leap|-|-

15th|Umbral Disciple 5|
+6|Hide 18, Move Silently 18, Climb 18, Tumble 18, Balance 1|Tumbling Crawl, Walk the Walls|Deadly Precision|Sneak Attack +2d6

16th|Umbral Disciple 6|
+7|Hide 19, Move Silently 19, Climb 19, Tumble 19, Spot 12|-|-

17th|Umbral Disciple 7|
+7|Hide 20, Move Silently 20, Climb 20, Tumble 20|Spot the Weak Point, Whip Climber, Escape Attack|-|Sight of the eyeless

18th|Umbral Disciple 8|
+8|Hide 21, Move Silently 21, Climb 21, Tumble 21, Balance 5, Spot 13|-|Craven|Sneak Attack +3d6

19th|Umbral Disciple 9|
+8|Hide 22, Move Silently 22, Climb 22, Tumble 22|Nimble Charge, Tumbling Crawl, Wall Jumper|-|Soulchilling Strike

20th|Umbral Disciple 10|
+9|Hide 23, Move Silently 23, Climb 23, Tumble 23|Corner Perch, Clarity of Vision, Easy Escape|-|Kiss of the Shadows[/table]

How it Imitates an Assassin
Azroth is not designed to mechanically emulate an assassin (I could do that easily, with say a black flame zealot, but that has no style :smallwink:) but rather to be a quick, ninja like precision based warrior who, uh, assassinates people. He sticks to the shadows, runs around on walls, and has unexplained supernatural powers - much like a DMG assassin. The skill tricks are extremely important to getting the most assassiny feel from this build.

That's all of them guys, you can safely start posting again:smalltongue:

2012-04-25, 12:20 PM
Looks like copy-paste errors accumulated during the transferrence/posting. If you are pasting into notepad, make sure word wrap is turned off, otherwise you get tables like the ones that appeared in each build. Please edit? They are hard to read as they stand.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 12:37 PM
Okay thanks for that, should be fixed now

2012-04-25, 12:39 PM
Looks a lot better now. Thank you, Mr. Chairman sir!

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 12:43 PM
Looks a lot better now. Thank you, Mr. Chairman sir!

That's Mr. Dr. Pr. Chairman!:tongue:

2012-04-25, 12:55 PM
Initial thoughts on seeing the builds, I have to say I'm glad we didn't see any avengers, black flame zealots, or near assassin clones. Some interesting variety to be seen.

One of my initial ideas was to use warforged for poison use/immunity, but couldn't make it gel, apparently if it was up for consideration no one else did either.

Regretably there were some common elements in several builds, which may cause decrease in originality in judges, should they rule that way. Overall an interesting assortment of characters, none of whom I'd like to run into in a dark alley.

2012-04-25, 12:58 PM
Well, I only received two builds, but I can grab the rest straight from the thread. don't expect judging for about a week though - I need to finish up my Iron Chef stuff first.

And it's likely my fault that Vilpich withdrew his build - I was the one who said something about his skill tricks (he's got too many), and he doesn't qualify for Quick Draw at first level.

And only 6 builds? I thought that there was seven (unless you were counting Azroth as the final build....)

motoko's ghost
2012-04-25, 01:13 PM
Well, I only received two builds, but I can grab the rest straight from the thread. don't expect judging for about a week though - I need to finish up my Iron Chef stuff first.

And it's likely my fault that Vilpich withdrew his build - I was the one who said something about his skill tricks (he's got too many), and he doesn't qualify for Quick Draw at first level.

And only 6 builds? I thought that there was seven (unless you were counting Azroth as the final build....)

Yeah I figured that instead of spending ages trying to figure out who had gotten what it would be easier for you to just take it from the thread, also yes I was counting Azroth

2012-04-25, 03:18 PM
Still, 7 builds is good, right? Is that a record or something? Also, do we PM honorable mention votes to you, Mr. Dr. Pr. Chairman? (By the way, what is Pr? Can't figure that one out)

I look forward to seeing some feedback from all the volunteer judges, it should be an interesting round.

Next round should be dwarven defender - now that we are doing PrCs! If we revert to base classes, then Paladin.

My 2 cents. Not that it matters, Mr. Dr. Pr. Chairman Motoko's ghost will do what he wants.

By the way, is this Motoko ->

2012-04-25, 05:57 PM
Well, I only received two builds, but I can grab the rest straight from the thread. don't expect judging for about a week though - I need to finish up my Iron Chef stuff first.

And it's likely my fault that Vilpich withdrew his build - I was the one who said something about his skill tricks (he's got too many), and he doesn't qualify for Quick Draw at first level.

And only 6 builds? I thought that there was seven (unless you were counting Azroth as the final build....)

nah I didn't like my build very much anyways, and as you can tell (skill tricks and quick draw mistakes) it was all thrown together quite quickly.

Still, 7 builds is good, right? Is that a record or something? Also, do we PM honorable mention votes to you, Mr. Dr. Pr. Chairman? (By the way, what is Pr? Can't figure that one out)

I look forward to seeing some feedback from all the volunteer judges, it should be an interesting round.

Next round should be dwarven defender - now that we are doing PrCs! If we revert to base classes, then Paladin.

My 2 cents. Not that it matters, Mr. Dr. Pr. Chairman Motoko's ghost will do what he wants.

By the way, is this Motoko ->

Personally think base classes would be more fun, especially more obscure stuff.

On an unrelated note, expect all judging to be done sometime this or next week. :smallwink:

2012-04-25, 06:26 PM
(By the way, what is Pr? Can't figure that one out)

I assumed it meant Professor, being a reference to that one spongebob episode where Patrick said "That's Mister Doctor Professor Patrick to you, sir!" (It makes more sense in context).

2012-04-25, 07:33 PM
I assumed it meant Professor, being a reference to that one spongebob episode where Patrick said "That's Mister Doctor Professor Patrick to you, sir!" (It makes more sense in context).

Ah, if I was paying attention to the builds I'd be able to identify you. Maybe tomorrow, I trust the judges to ignore this stuff. Also, while Spongebob is a little after my time, I can hear Patrick saying that. Or maybe spongebob is saying that in my mind. Whatever. Not my era

motoko's ghost
2012-04-26, 11:27 AM
@ mattie_p: even though this has already been answered the Pr. stands for professor, it something I heard on spongebob when I was babysitting my younger brother and I liked the quote.
Also yes that is the Motoko I named my account after.

EDIT: @randomguy: psst, your not supposed to reveal yourself

Also @Vilpich: I'm mulling over about 4-5 different choices for the next one and 3 are base classes that aren't in the SRD

2012-04-26, 02:07 PM
EDIT: @randomguy: psst, your not supposed to reveal yourself

Oops. :smalleek:

2012-04-26, 06:26 PM
I do have to say that I enjoy these competitions. Capturing the flavor and essence of a class without using levels can sometimes be easy, other times way more difficult. You submit an entry and hope that no one is using your ideas, hope that you capture the judges attention.

Please ensure these continue. It occupies my time in a pleasant way.

Please note I am not sucking up, as the only one who knows my entry is not a judge.

Also, how you judges doing? I know its been a day, but hey. At least say hi.

The Underlord
2012-04-27, 10:50 PM
Any progress?

2012-04-28, 11:04 PM
I hope so, judges have had a solid 3 days to work on it.

Vilpich, you said obscure base classes, any hints on what you mean by obscure base classes? If nothing else, naming names ensures it won't be selected, which means one less class for me to plan.

motoko's ghost
2012-04-29, 05:23 AM
I hope so, judges have had a solid 3 days to work on it.

Vilpich, you said obscure base classes, any hints on what you mean by obscure base classes? If nothing else, naming names ensures it won't be selected, which means one less class for me to plan.

Unless we decide to subvert your expectations and pick something mentioned:smalltongue:

All of the classes so far are suggestions from previous treads

2012-04-29, 05:57 PM
With all the subversions and inversions going on, its a wonder that anything gets done in this thread. Considering this entire competition is a subversion of the Iron Chef competition.

By the way, I just discovered that your link to ZS II is broken and points back to Soulknife again. Please use this link:


2012-04-29, 08:06 PM
33% completed!

(Progress: 2/6 done)

motoko's ghost
2012-04-29, 11:43 PM
With all the subversions and inversions going on, its a wonder that anything gets done in this thread. Considering this entire competition is a subversion of the Iron Chef competition.

By the way, I just discovered that your link to ZS II is broken and points back to Soulknife again. Please use this link:


Considering this is the internet its a wonder anyone gets anything done:smalltongue:
Also thanks for that catch, it keeps cropping up but should be fixxed now.

2012-05-01, 07:16 AM
So... where is everyone at with judging? Hopefully making progress. Also, Wu Jen could make an interesting class to replicate, but then again, you can do anything with enough spells.

Jeff the Green
2012-05-02, 04:28 AM
I can't wait to see how the judging turns out. *gnaws on fingernails*

I don't think Wu Jen is all that great of a choice. It's basically a wizard with a different spell list and free metamagic feats.

Personally, I'd like to see something like the Arcane Archer. It's got lots of nifty abilities. Another interesting one would be Barbarian.

motoko's ghost
2012-05-02, 07:22 AM
Would it be easier if I just put up a list of possible choices and have everyone debate the merits/PM votes or something to me?

@maddie_p; half the builds for wu jen would probably be built around transcend mortality* abuse, besides as Jeff and several others in the past have pointed out its too easy for the primary spellcasters to replicate each others abilities:smalltongue:

*(I just found out about that spell and holy s*** the buff it gives is crazy, DR30/epic, SR37+, universal energy resistance 50, immunity to half a dozen types debuffs/SoD/SoLs! if it didn't kill you/wasn't resticted to wu jen9 I'd instantly ban it from my games without a second thought)

2012-05-02, 08:01 AM
Regarding transcend mortality, it is a Wu Jen exclusive spell, and unless my google-fu is failling me I can't see a way to gain that spell without actually being a Wu Jen, which is, of course, the point of Zinc Saucier.

Still, there are plenty of other ways to abuse high level magic. I was being a little silly with the suggestion, really any high enough level caster can mimic another to a large extent. I would actually suggest that we hold off on full casting classes until we start running out of ideas, which will take plenty of time, no need to worry about it anytime soon.

motoko's ghost
2012-05-02, 08:17 AM
Regarding transcend mortality, it is a Wu Jen exclusive spell, and unless my google-fu is failling me I can't see a way to gain that spell without actually being a Wu Jen, which is, of course, the point of Zinc Saucier.

Still, there are plenty of other ways to abuse high level magic. I was being a little silly with the suggestion, really any high enough level caster can mimic another to a large extent. I would actually suggest that we hold off on full casting classes until we start running out of ideas, which will take plenty of time, no need to worry about it anytime soon.

Hah forgot about that, but still with some of the expanded spell list tricks you could probably get it on a fullcaster class and go to town with it

2012-05-02, 04:13 PM
Alright, so Iron Chef with 11 entries has had their first judging, where you at?! Don't forget about us two competitions in a row!

2012-05-02, 07:53 PM
Alright, so Iron Chef with 11 entries has had their first judging, where you at?! Don't forget about us two competitions in a row!

I'm half done, but since I've got some free time tonight, I should be done in a couple of hours.

Fast enough for you?:smalltongue:

2012-05-02, 08:24 PM
I'm half done, but since I've got some free time tonight, I should be done in a couple of hours.

Fast enough for you?:smalltongue:

I'm going to bed in 15 minutes, so as far as I am concerned you have 8-9 hours :smallbiggrin:

Look, I said it in Iron Chef, I'll say it here, judges are awesome - we make these builds for fun but you have to judge them - also for fun. Except you have to rate them against some kind of standard - good luck.

2012-05-02, 10:32 PM

Innovation: You’ve got Star Elf, and Ghost-faced Killer. On the other hand, you’ve got Bard, which was expected, but it’s a Savage variant, which was not. One the other hand, you’re not the only bard in town. 3.25

Power: You’ve got frighteningly low hit points for most of your career (a Constitution of 6, from what I can tell) on a melee-heavy build. Although you do get rid of your Constitution score later, it’s at 17th level. You’ve got effective immortality, though, which is always nice (Rejuvenation). Although you’re a melee build, you’ve only got 3 attacks at 20th level (although they’re all incorporeal touch attacks). Your main shtick, Frightful Attack, will not work the way that it’s advertised at ECL 17-20 (the assumed high point of the build), as near everything at those levels has some sort of immunity to fear/mind-affecting abilities. 2.25

Nitpick – your melee attack bonus is wrong. You should actually receive +17/+12/+7, as incorporeal melee attacks use Dexterity to modify them regardless of source, since you have no Strength score while incorporeal.

Elegance: you lose points for the traits/flaws (as in Iron Chef), and while leery of you not finishing up the savage progression for the ghost, I won’t dock you. The build is simple and it flows (though no real connection exists between Savage Bard and GFK. 2.5

Fluff: -I don’t really have anything to say about the fluff here (unused to judging it), so since there’s nothing really notable here, your score shall remain average. 3

Ingredient: How many of our specific Assassin-type abilities can you emulate? Death Attack, Sneak attack (of sorts, Sudden Strike), and excellent hiding ability (Chillin’ on the Ethereal Plane). You’re missing, however, Poison use (although you are immune to its effects by ECL20, you also can’t coat your weapon with it unless you attack with your ghost touch weapon as a corporeal weapon, which means that you attack their FULL AC), and you have a low Reflex save. 3.5

Scores aside, this was my favorite build (I love GFK), so if there’s an honourable mention vote, here’s mine.

The Devil – 15.75

Innovation: I have to admit, I did not expect to see a (vanilla!) cleric of all things in an Assassin competition. Human is standard, though I liked you tying it to a specific setting (from here on in, I’ll treat this as an Eberron-specific build). 3.5

Power: Although this is a 10-level build in a competition that normally shows us a full 20, I won’t penalize you unduly for this, as Eberron itself is a low-levelled world (although if this was in a normal setting, immunity to mind-affecting is a necessity at higher levels, and would neuter you). A point-buy for ability scores would have been nice to see, though, and I’ll presume that you’re maxing Wisdom to increase your save DCs. Oneiromancy is a neat trick that’s rarely used, although how it’d mesh with Dal Quor is anyone’s bet. Though, as an aside, Kalashtar are immune to your tactics (and I believe you mean that Dreaming puppet can only be used on creatures with LESS HD than you have CL, not the other way around). 2.75

Elegance: Straight cleric, and following feat chains to their logical conclusions (and I’m assuming that you’re maxing those 4 skills, as it looks as if you accidentally copy/paste’d straight down. Also, how are you getting full ranks in Hide? It’s not a class skill for you). 3.5

Fluff: Nice fluff, and the concept of someonething actually doing this is... downright creepy. 4

Ingredient: As for Assassin abilities... You’ve got spellcasting, hiding (Hide + silence ) (see Elegance, however) and a sort of death attack. Unfortunately, you have no form of poison use, no sneak attack and a low Reflex save.
Furthermore, this build doesn’t really feel like an assassin. Effective? Yes. Assassin-y? Not quite. This plays a lot more like a BBEG-type villain than an assassin. 2

Assassin of the Shrouded Mind – 13.5

Innovation: Swordsage was expected, as was Rogue (though Psychic rogue was a twist). I’d love to comment on your race, but... I have no idea what it is. It’s not one that receives a bonus feat (unless you forgot to choose one). Unfortunately, you’re not the only Rogue/SS combo here today.2.75

Power: 8th level maneuver is tasty, as is Sneak Attack +6d6 (you forgot to mention PsyRogue’s SA progression of +4d6 by 10th). Three attacks at 20th hurts, though. You nabbed possibly my favorite low-level power, Entangling Ectoplasm, which is excellent for BCF. 3

Elegance: (Psy)Rogue 10/USS 10. Nice, simple, and the SS levels are staggered to maintain a good maneuver level. Questionable usage of Carmendine Monk, however (specifies Monk, which you are not). 3.5

Fluff: Ummm... I’m detecting a distinct lack of fluff here. 0?

Ingredient: As you pointed out, you’ve got your methods of death-attack-lite. The PsyRogue power list fits well with the Assassin archetype, and along with your stances, makes up a lot of the versatility that the Assassin’s spell list provides. You’ve got Sneak attack, You’ve got hiding in the bag (with the additional bonus of shadow-jaunting), and you’ve got an excellent Reflex save. 4.25

Dex, the Desert Blade – 16.5

Innovation: To tell you the truth ,I’m surprised that there were ONLY two Marrulurks. There was another Rogue/SS, and on top of that, they were both expected classes (though Wilderness Rogue was a nice touch). 2.5

Power: Lack of Adaptive Style hurts you here, as your manoeuvres are effectively once per encounter. Other than that, once per encounter you’ve got eight attacks, all hopefully dealing +12d6 Sneak Attack damage. 3.25

Elegance: Nice, simple, and the SS levels are staggered to maintain a good maneuver level. You get bonus points for actually getting Rogue special abilities. 3.75

Fluff: Makes sense, story flows nicely, but nothing really pops. 3

Ingredient: You’ve got Poison Use, hiding and Sneak attack, as well as an excellent Reflex save, thanks to Marrulurk. However, you’re missing an assassin’s iconic death attack-type attack. (My bad; I know that Marrulurks give a Death Attack. Score changed accordingly) And even though you have no spellcasting, manoeuvres and UMD make up some of this. 4

The Shadow – 16.75

Innovation: Ninja was expected, but beguiler/unseen seer is unexpected. Illumian is out of nowhere (in the best possible way) 3.5
Power: 6th level spells, along with +8d6 ‘sneak attack’ damage is pretty respectable, especially when combined to cast spells like Greater Invisibility. Although the first few levels are a little weak, it scales nicely with levels. Your to-hit bonus slightly low, though, for a wanna-be melee character, but the fact that you’re a pseudo-spellcaster makes up for some of that. 3.5
Elegance: Weapon Finesse is illegal at 1st level (require BAB +1), but it wouldn’t be any trouble to switch it with Combat Reflexes. Slight point hit for the monk pseudo-dip, but bonus points for completing a PrC make up for it handily. 2.75
Fluff: It fits the concept well, and the image of an assassin turning against those who created him brings a smile to my face. 3.25
Ingredient: You have no substitute for a save-or-die type effect, nor do you have any mention about poisons. You do, however, have an excellent stealthy factor, good ‘sneak attack’, a passable Reflex save, and good, focused spellcasting. 3.75

Barber, the Killer Marrulurk – 15.5

Innovation: Marrulurk was expected, and you weren’t the only person to pick it. Bard and Shadowdancer were expected, though only Bard was common. Arcane Trickster was a nice touch, however. 2.75
Power: While you’ve only got +5d6 to Sneak Attack, you’ve also got the highest UMD check in town. Your stats are assuming a LOT of inherent bonuses, however. 3
Elegance: Bard 7 (to pick up 3rd level spells) before a quick detour into Shadowdancer before finishing off in Arcane Trickster. Your chosen spells enhance your capabilities, for the most part. 3
Fluff: Nicely done fluff-wise, but aren’t the Marruspawn also all evil by fluff, as well? The final stabbing amused me. 3
Ingredient: You’ve got Poison Use, Death Attack and Sneak attack thanks to Marrulurk. 14th level Bard casting is pretty nice, especially with your chosen spells (although I have to question your selection of lesser geas). You are quite the sneaky little fellow, probably the sneakiest one here (in between greater invisibility and HiPS), and your Reflex save is more than sufficient. 3.75

2012-05-03, 08:05 AM
Kuulvheysoon, thank you for your judging. You'll have to forgive me and some of the other competitors, our builds in round 3 were not officially judged at all, and so we are eager to get on-record grades.

2012-05-03, 08:28 AM
Oh, and for the record, here are the rankings with one judge so far!


1st Place|The Shadow|Illumian|Ninja 3/Invisible Fist Passive Way Monk 2/Beguiler 5/Unseen Seer 10|16.75

2nd Place|Dex|Marrulurk|Wilderness Rogue 13/Swordsage 4|16.25

3rd Place|The Devil|Human|Cleric 10|15.75

4th Place|Barber|Marrulurk|Bard 7/Shadowdancer 2/Arcane Trickster 7|15.25

5th Place|The Ghost Faced Killer|Star Elf|Savage Bard 7/Ghost-Faced Killer 10/Ghost 3|14.5

6th Place|Assassin of the Shrouded Mind|Unknown|Unarmed Swordsage 10/Psychic Rogue 10|13.5[/table]

2012-05-03, 08:38 PM
Well, my girlfriend got called into work tonight, so I had a couple of free hours.

I've judged ZS3, in case you were were curious what I did with my free time. Would y'all like it posted here or it the proper thread?

2012-05-03, 08:53 PM
Kuulvheysoon, you may have just made my night. Please get this man a trophy. Post it wherever, man, you've earned it. But in the original thread would be nice, if its not necromancy.

2012-05-03, 08:57 PM
Kuulvheysoon, you may have just made my night. Please get this man a trophy. Post it wherever, man, you've earned it. But in the original thread would be nice, if its not necromancy.

I PM'd Glyphstone - If he gives me the green light, I'll post it in the original thread. If not, I'll toss it here.

2012-05-03, 09:40 PM
Woot! Judging! There's an art thread request for trophies, right? Could we get them to make a "dedicated judge" trophy?

Errm... The marrulurk race does, in fact, give a death attack as a racial feature.

2012-05-03, 09:47 PM
Woot! Judging! There's an art thread request for trophies, right? Could we get them to make a "dedicated judge" trophy?

Errm... The marrulurk race does, in fact, give a death attack as a racial feature.

Didn't I mention that?

Well... Damn.

Going back to change it now.

The Underlord
2012-05-05, 06:28 PM
I know kuulvheysoon is awesome and all, but how are the other judges doing?

The Underlord
2012-05-07, 05:17 PM
Anyone still here? (but I am not really one to complain)

2012-05-07, 06:05 PM
I'm still hanging 'round.

2012-05-07, 06:18 PM
Yeah, waiting for more judging. One judge is better than none, but two is better than one.

I'm pretty sure that next time I will have to be a judge, as the next few weeks are real swamped before opening up. We'll see, but just my estimate.

EDIT: Also, Baldin and Vilpich, any idea on when your scores might be posted? There is no set time limit on this, but 14 days is standard in IC, no reason we should buck that in ZS.

motoko's ghost
2012-05-07, 07:27 PM
I'm still here, I'm just waiting towards the end so I can give out the trophies and start the next one

2012-05-07, 09:16 PM
I'm still here, I'm just waiting towards the end so I can give out the trophies and start the next one

So how long do you intend to wait before you call it?

motoko's ghost
2012-05-07, 10:28 PM
So how long do you intend to wait before you call it?

I don't know. In all honesty I would like to have more than 1 set of scores before calling it but I don't think anyone wants to hang around too long.

I'll wait to the end of two weeks from the big reveal then call it from the submitted scores thus far, or maybe earlier if the judges finish before then.

Sound fair?

2012-05-08, 01:05 AM
Has the next SI been decided yet? If noy, I'd like to suggest "Martial Adept" as a SI.

motoko's ghost
2012-05-08, 08:25 AM
Has the next SI been decided yet? If noy, I'd like to suggest "Martial Adept" as a SI.

I've had too many different suggestions to decide from:smalltongue:, I'll put yours on the list for consideration though

2012-05-09, 04:18 PM
Yeah, so, judges? *Hint hint*

Today would be day 14, so, yeah. Judge, or something.

2012-05-09, 08:03 PM
Sorry, but my internet access will be limited to around 30 minutes for more than a week :smallmad:

If you still want me to judge it'll take at least another week, if not longer :smallfrown:

motoko's ghost
2012-05-10, 07:49 AM
Sorry, but my internet access will be limited to around 30 minutes for more than a week :smallmad:

If you still want me to judge it'll take at least another week, if not longer :smallfrown:

Sorry to hear that Vilpich.

@mattie_p: Kuulvheysoon has already done it, Vilpich says he can't do it in under a week or so and I haven't heard back from Baldin yet, so please be patient and we'll see what happens in the next day or two, if there isn't any more judging forthcoming (and none of the judges should feel that they are obligated to judge) I'll call it.

On a different note, I've been whittling down the list of suggestions but still have to many to choose from, so quickly;
*Binder vs Totemist?
*Warlock vs Dread Necromancer?
*Dwarven Defender vs Barbarian?
(i've put up several so there still be some mystery about which gets picked next)

2012-05-10, 08:49 AM
@Chairman, I'm cool. Got plenty on my plate, but I'm eager for feedback if there are other judges still working on it.

Regarding the choices, here are my 2 cents:

Binder v Totemist: I've taken a shine to Incarnum lately, so I'd go with totemist. Both classes are extremely flexible though, due to the sheer number of different ways you can restructure your character day-to-day. And lots of those bonuses (if not all) can be replicated by spells. For that reason I would recommend against either class.

Warlock v Dread Necromancer: Warlock. DN is all about building your undead minions, and would be a splatbook competition to find the biggest baddest minion you could control. Plus, leadership is banned, and minionmancy is too much like leadership, in my opinion. While both are dark in flavor, neither has to be evil, but following right on the heels of Assassin might be too much.

Dwarven defender v Barbarian: Dwarven defender, by a longshot. Dwarven defender is a low-tier class, with a horrible feat tax to enter. Dodge, Endurance, Toughness? Really? And your class is designed around not moving, except you can't make people come to you? What an awesome idea! There isn't a handbook that I could find, either, which makes this a tasty choice in regards to originality. Barbarian is a nice choice as well, plenty of opportunities to get rage outside of the class, so the main flavor of the class can still be savored in a variety of ways.

If I were to rank order the six choices from top to bottom, I'd go with:
1) Dwarven defender
2) Barbarian
3) Warlock
4) Totemist
5) Dread N
6) Binder

2012-05-10, 03:40 PM
*Binder vs Totemist? I'd pick binder. I'm not very familiar with incarnum, plus I like the binder's fluff a bit better.

*Warlock vs Dread Necromancer? Warlock, just because Dread Necromancer seems a bit too easy to imitate. (Although the obvious ideas always cost originality points).

*Dwarven Defender vs Barbarian? Barbarian. I think it would be more fun to try and come up with a barbarian build that doesn't actually use barbarian then a dwarven defender build that doesn't actually use dwarven defender.

The Gilded Duke
2012-05-11, 08:48 PM
Oof, I have concepts for Barbarian and Totemist already.

motoko's ghost
2012-05-13, 12:24 AM
Alright, I should probably call this now.

Here we go, the winners and who made them!

FIRST PLACE: The Shadow by The Underlord
SECOND PLACE: Dex by Randomguy
THIRD PLACE: The Devil by the Gilded Duke
FORTH PLACE: The barber by Mattie_p
FIFTH PLACE: The Ghost-faced Killer by Jeff the green
SIXTH PLACE: Assassin of the Shrouded Mind

The trophies and the next competition will be up in the next few days

The Underlord
2012-05-16, 08:39 PM
New competition?

2012-05-16, 09:22 PM
New competition?

I certainly hope so. And congrats, The Underlord, on your victory!

motoko's ghost
2012-05-16, 10:33 PM
I've been trying to hold off on the new competition till I've finished the trophies, they should finally be up some time later tonight(There's 7 of them and I'm using paint on a laptop without a mouse), I've figured out the SI for the next contest though

motoko's ghost
2012-05-18, 08:14 AM
:smallfrown::smallmad:laptop crashed, I'm trying to recover the trophies as we speak.

Wont keep you waiting any longer though, next contest is here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13249985#post13249985)