View Full Version : Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Team Rocket, v 0.1

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2012-05-06, 05:17 PM
Paul frowns as his hand stops at his zipper, which is now covered in clods of dirt.

Drat, my bluff has been called. Sorry Jynxie baby, but next time don't hit on the pretty boy first. My ego just can't handle being picked for sloppy seconds. And I suppose I could share with Buck, but a human male? That's just gross.

Paul steps back.

I concede, Copycat. I do so gladly, knowing you will think twice before you play games with Paul Ticker again.

2012-05-06, 05:18 PM
Artemis holds Romeo at a distance. "Easy there, loverboy. I'm still not fond of you one bit... Gah, I don't even care anymore. Let her keep him if she wants a barely trained Rufflet. Copycat! I quit! Your game is impossible!" She walks out of the room, ignoring any handsy actions by Romeo. Smack him later. Right now they just have to get out of this death trap.

2012-05-06, 05:26 PM
Paul frowns as his hand stops at his zipper, which is now covered in clods of dirt.

Drat, my bluff has been called. Sorry Jynxie baby, but next time don't hit on the pretty boy first. My ego just can't handle being picked for sloppy seconds. And I suppose I could share with Buck, but a human male? That's just gross.

Paul steps back.

I concede, Copycat. I do so gladly, knowing you will think twice before you play games with Paul Ticker again.

The Jynx looks dissapointed.

Bye bye baby, it says as you teleport away.

You arrive at a single table. Through a window you can see a large table covered in food with Ethan and Gerald at the table. Buck is sitting next to you at the only other chair.

Artemis holds Romeo at a distance. "Easy there, loverboy. I'm still not fond of you one bit... Gah, I don't even care anymore. Let her keep him if she wants a barely trained Rufflet. Copycat! I quit! Your game is impossible!" She walks out of the room, ignoring any handsy actions by Romeo. Smack him later. Right now they just have to get out of this death trap.

You dissapear, only to reappear at a large table. Ethan and Gerald are already there.

"Ah, our next winner!" the man cires jubilantly. "Great job, great job!"

Aquilla squawks happily as he sees you.

2012-05-06, 05:30 PM
Romeo continues crying and hugging Arte, but surprisingly not groping her. He was too scarred for that.

2012-05-06, 05:30 PM
"Aquilla!" She runs and hugs the little eaglet Pokémon. I was so worried about you! I had given up on even finding you in there! Seems with good reason. She looks around. Looking around she just notices the others. In a more formal tone, she asks: "Where in the Void am I?"

2012-05-06, 05:31 PM
Seeing that now the rest of my party with any intellectual capacity have joined us, why? For what purpose?

Time check too?

2012-05-06, 05:35 PM
Romeo continues crying and hugging Arte, but surprisingly not groping her. He was too scarred for that.

Artemis dissapears in your arms, teleporting away.

"Where are they all going!" the man shouts, terrified.

"Aquilla!" She runs and hugs the little eaglet Pokémon. I was so worried about you! I had given up on even finding you in there! Seems with good reason. She looks around. Looking around she just notices the others. In a more formal tone, she asks: "Where in the Void am I?"

"Why, you're in the trophy room!" the man shouts. "Yo've won!"

Seeing that now the rest of my party with any intellectual capacity have joined us, why? For what purpose?

Time check too?

"For fun of course!" the man says as if you're an idiot. "Didn't you have fun?"

About 7 o'clock.

2012-05-06, 05:38 PM
A skeptical look crosses Artemis's face. "Won what? And no, I wanted to kill you guys when I thought Aquilla died. I don't revel in killing...Normally.

2012-05-06, 05:38 PM
Ya, of course. It was a lot of fun.

Bluff check

2012-05-06, 05:39 PM
'I DON'T KNOW!' cries Romeo. He grabs the man and starts hugging him, wiping his nose on his shoulder. 'I DON'T KNOW!'

2012-05-06, 05:50 PM
A skeptical look crosses Artemis's face. "Won what? And no, I wanted to kill you guys when I thought Aquilla died. I don't revel in killing...Normally.

Ya, of course. It was a lot of fun.

Bluff check

"Who said it was fun for you?" the man says, laughing. "It was fun for us!"

'I DON'T KNOW!' cries Romeo. He grabs the man and starts hugging him, wiping his nose on his shoulder. 'I DON'T KNOW!'

The man looks at you in terror. "We have to get out! Go somewhere! Get out of this madhouse!"

2012-05-06, 05:51 PM
"Sorry, but he hatched today because hobos stole my stuff and tried cooking him. Always gonna worry for the little guy."
He smiles at the young fish, as Arte joins them and the question's asked.
"...People have fun with stuff like that?"
He just looks confused until the second part.
"Oh, so sadism. Okay then."

2012-05-06, 05:51 PM
'Good idea, I give up, I'm outta here.' Romeo and Elly make a bee line straight for the door.

2012-05-06, 05:51 PM
Paul leans back in his chair, a look of immense satisfaction on his face.

I know I had fun. I think I've finally realized the weakness of psychics everywhere: they can't help but see inside. It is their gift...and their curse. So thanks for such an educational experience!

2012-05-06, 05:54 PM
"Sorry, but he hatched today because hobos stole my stuff and tried cooking him. Always gonna worry for the little guy."
He smiles at the young fish, as Arte joins them and the question's asked.
"...People have fun with stuff like that?"
He just looks confused.

"Of course! You might even make it on TV someday!"

'Good idea, I give up, I'm outta here.' Romeo and Elly make a bee line straight for the door.

Before you can make it, you teleport away, only to arrive in the same room as everybody else, Elly by your side.

"Ah, our second-to-last competitor! Now if the last one will show up, we'll be ready!"

Just as he says that, the delivery man teleports in. "Ah, everyone's here! Dig in!" he says.

Paul leans back in his chair, a look of immense satisfaction on his face.

I know I had fun. I think I've finally realized the weakness of psychics everywhere: they can't help but see inside. It is their gift...and their curse. So thanks for such an educational experience!

There is no reply. A small roasted Pidgey, dead eyes staring at you, comes out of the wall to slide onto the table.

2012-05-06, 05:56 PM
Romeo continues running, being unable to see through the tears and snot covering his face. 'LET ME OUT!'

*SMACK* He runs straight into the wall.

2012-05-06, 05:59 PM
"Ah, always forget about that distinction. You did ask about us having fun however." She actually laughs. She can't hold it against them. She'd have done the same thing if she could. She turns to Ethan. "Yeah, most Psychics as they get more powerful like to play around a bit. You think this was bad? My uncle knew the Quiz Master in Hoenn. Got lost in his house for a week. Crazy dude."

2012-05-06, 05:59 PM
Im surrounded by idiots.

2012-05-06, 06:02 PM
Gerald picks a sandwich up and goes towards Romeo.
"You okay?"

2012-05-06, 06:07 PM
"Correction: You are surrounded by sociopaths, some more accomplished than others." Artemis grabs some Oddish leaf salad with Paras shrooms on it. Good for the health if you already have good health. "So where is Copycat? Or whoever pretends to be her, as the case may be. I need to congratulate them."

2012-05-06, 06:10 PM
"Looking into therapy for that..."

2012-05-06, 06:11 PM
Yes I'd like to meet our gamemaster my self as well. As Ethan grabs a rather large Tauros steak onto his plate and an assortment of leafy greens for Ollie.

2012-05-06, 06:12 PM
Paul just ignores the dead Pidgey.

Come on, Copycat. Don't resort to parlor tricks; it's beneath you. I came in here annoyed at your juvenile nature, and I'm leaving with genuine gratitude toward you for helping me understand a little more about the world. Can't we just shake hands, or the psychic equivalent, and part amicably as fellow nutcases?

2012-05-06, 06:27 PM
She smiles at Gerald. Wasn't even a criticism, just a simple correction. A sort of laughter follows the thought. Reuniting with Aquilla was putting her in too good of a mood compared to normal.

2012-05-06, 06:35 PM
Romeo looks around for alcohol. If he finds any, he drinks till he passes out.

Con rolls till he pases out:

2012-05-06, 07:17 PM
Yes I'd like to meet our gamemaster my self as well. As Ethan grabs a rather large Tauros steak onto his plate and an assortment of leafy greens for Ollie.

The two of you begin to dig in.

"She'll be here later. She has some- er, unfinished bussiness to attend to."

Paul just ignores the dead Pidgey.

Come on, Copycat. Don't resort to parlor tricks; it's beneath you. I came in here annoyed at your juvenile nature, and I'm leaving with genuine gratitude toward you for helping me understand a little more about the world. Can't we just shake hands, or the psychic equivalent, and part amicably as fellow nutcases?

At that the door opens. The Jynx from earlier walks in, sees you, then rushes at you.

She smiles at Gerald. Wasn't even a criticism, just a simple correction. A sort of laughter follows the thought. Reuniting with Aquilla was putting her in too good of a mood compared to normal.

The man looks at you with a grin as you laugh. "Please, dig in!"

Romeo looks around for alcohol. If he finds any, he drinks till he passes out.

Con rolls till he pases out:

It takes a few shots, but eventually you hit the ground, unconcious.

2012-05-06, 07:21 PM
I'm not dragging his unconscious arse out of here.

2012-05-06, 07:22 PM
She says something in Unovan, then corrects herself. "I am!" She finishes her salad and grabs one of the Tauros steaks that she saw grabbed earlier. It is not as good as Sawsbuck, but still good after almost nothing that day. What sort of business? The game is over, is it not? She looks at the passed out Romeo. "I'll take him, seeing as Paul is missi- oh-ho, I see where you guys..." She goes from laughing to feeling a shred of sympathy for Paul.

2012-05-06, 07:28 PM
Gerald eats his sandwich before grabbing some food for Sparky and Joe.
"I'll help. Can use my crate if needed, and I'll find a different one."

2012-05-06, 07:30 PM
Aquilla takes a little nibble of the steak. "Please, you think pretty-boy will survive a single night on the street alone? Still, need to put him up somewhere. No way he's staying with me."

2012-05-06, 07:31 PM
He has a hotel room. That means he has a way to access it and thus a way to find it.

2012-05-06, 07:32 PM
Paul sighs.

I'm honestly not sure if this qualifies as being a poor loser or a poor winner. It somehow manages to feel like both.

He tests his connection with the Jynx to see if it is still active.

2012-05-06, 07:36 PM
"Great. One of you lead the way when we're done here." She looks to their hosts. "Not to sound like we are in a hurry."

2012-05-06, 08:03 PM
"Or we sleep at the Center, I guess. Have some money for getting patched up now, and helping Joe."
He gets a bowl of fruit for Sparky together while pulling out some more bitter foods for Joe, both of which eat with gusto.

2012-05-06, 08:45 PM
She says something in Unovan, then corrects herself. "I am!" She finishes her salad and grabs one of the Tauros steaks that she saw grabbed earlier. It is not as good as Sawsbuck, but still good after almost nothing that day. What sort of business? The game is over, is it not? She looks at the passed out Romeo. "I'll take him, seeing as Paul is missi- oh-ho, I see where you guys..." She goes from laughing to feeling a shred of sympathy for Paul.

"Well, the prize business!" he shouts joivily. "Once our host gives our other guest their present, you can get yours!" he says happily.

Paul sighs.

I'm honestly not sure if this qualifies as being a poor loser or a poor winner. It somehow manages to feel like both.

He tests his connection with the Jynx to see if it is still active.

The Channeling seems to have dissapeared; apparently there is a maximum distance on it.

The Jynx walks towards you, arms extended, lips pushed outwards.

"Or we sleep at the Center, I guess. Have some money for getting patched up now, and helping Joe."
He gets a bowl of fruit for Sparky together while pulling out some more bitter foods for Joe, both of which eat with gusto.

"We can provide you with rooms!" the man says. "That and presents! Gifts for the victors!"

The food is really good; almost worth it on its own for going through that madhouse. Almost.

2012-05-06, 08:47 PM
Ollie's Pickup:


2012-05-06, 08:53 PM
"Have other things I need to do, and would actually like Ethan and Arte's help, honestly."
Also, a name. Though I was going to have Romeo double check...

2012-05-06, 09:02 PM
The extreme happiness of the hosts begins to make Artemis a bit uncomfortable. She remembered old myths about places with friendly hosts and good food. They didn't end well normally. She pushes her half eaten Tauros steak away. The joy of Aquilla's safety had worn off and the same old Artemis was back. "Eh, something suddenly stopped agreeing with me." She looks at what her hosts were thinking. How had she let her guard down? She had let Romeo hug her earlier for crying out loud!
Let me know what you need. I suddenly am getting a very weird feeling about this place and would like nothing more than to take our gifts and get the Void out of here.

2012-05-06, 09:03 PM
Paul turns around and presents his ample posterior toward the Pokemon.

That's right; your master has brought you here to send some kind of message, using you as a puppet. Well, this message is mine: Kiss. My. Big. Fat. Poorly Groomed. Butt.

He smacks his clothed keyster for emphasis, causing a bit of visible jiggling.

Kiss it!

2012-05-06, 09:05 PM
Would you mind if I charted the nerve endings in your right arm and how they interact? It'd require some general movements, but if I can get that, I can get the implant done tonight if I can find an alakazam with a fine enough touch and interest.

2012-05-06, 09:08 PM
Love to. I have no plans this evening. Prolios jumps on her lap and grabs the rest of her steak, finishing it off.

2012-05-06, 09:15 PM
Paul turns around and presents his ample posterior toward the Pokemon.

That's right; your master has brought you here to send some kind of message, using you as a puppet. Well, this message is mine: Kiss. My. Big. Fat. Poorly Groomed. Butt.

He smacks his clothed keyster for emphasis, causing a bit of visible jiggling.

Kiss it!

You hear a laughing behind you.

"Same sense of humor Paul. You haven't changed at all," she says.

Turning, you see the Copycat. A little older, but still the same Copycat. She stays a ways back. "So how have you been? I haven't seen you in forever!"

2012-05-06, 09:23 PM
I think you might have been more attractive as the Jynx.

He guffaws.

Oh, I wish I could say I was getting the same joy out of life as you, you little tart. We're about as alone as anyone can be in a house full of Psychics, and I have to admit I've always been a little jealous of how you turned a total lack of impulse control into a world-famous public persona. When I started down a similar path the media descended on me like a pack of jackals.

He scratches Buck's head.

Or perhaps that is just a sign my impulses are the type that need to be controlled. Enough about me. How are you? Is the elaborate torture house a fun pasttime for you, or is there some greater purpose you strive towards? I can certainly see where it might be of value in experimentation...if you could stomach the potential madness that might result.

2012-05-06, 09:31 PM
I think you might have been more attractive as the Jynx.

He guffaws.

Oh, I wish I could say I was getting the same joy out of life as you, you little tart. We're about as alone as anyone can be in a house full of Psychics, and I have to admit I've always been a little jealous of how you turned a total lack of impulse control into a world-famous public persona. When I started down a similar path the media descended on me like a pack of jackals.

He scratches Buck's head.

Or perhaps that is just a sign my impulses are the type that need to be controlled. Enough about me. How are you? Is the elaborate torture house a fun pasttime for you, or is there some greater purpose you strive towards? I can certainly see where it might be of value in experimentation...if you could stomach the potential madness that might result.

"This?" she says, gesturing around. "It's fun. I have all this money, might as well spend it on a funhouse, you know?" she says as if it is obvious. "Screw with some random people. and it's good for keeping my crew sharp as well. We don't get nearly as many jobs as we used to," she says trailing off for a second.

"We get by. Most of our jobs are still from Rocket, which I've heard you're trying to get into through the grapevine," she says. "Suprised?"

"But your prize! We chose a special one, just for you!" she says, obviously happy. "We hope you like it!" she says, handing you a Pokeball. "It's an earlier form of that one you almost got it in with," she says. "Oh! And some money. For some reason people always ask for that," she says, dumping a sac of coin in your hand.

Level 8 Female Smoochum, Modest, Forewarn, Knows Flash as an Egg Move.


2012-05-06, 09:47 PM
Given nigh-unlimited funds I would likely have created a house of hedonism filled to the brim with drugs and hookers. And in fact I did that for quite a long time. So I can't fault you for similarly using your cash to create something to make you happy, and screw everyone else. I used to think we didn't have much in common, but that seems not to be true any longer. I'm not sure which of us has changed more to make that the case.

As for you and your team, I can only hope I get to work with you again. Heck, I get set up I might even come here and help you torture some newbies sometime. You make it look like a blast!

He pockets the Pokeball gratefully, and offers out a hand to the woman.

Don't ever grow up, Copycat. Not if you can get away with it.

2012-05-06, 11:59 PM
Given nigh-unlimited funds I would likely have created a house of hedonism filled to the brim with drugs and hookers. And in fact I did that for quite a long time. So I can't fault you for similarly using your cash to create something to make you happy, and screw everyone else. I used to think we didn't have much in common, but that seems not to be true any longer. I'm not sure which of us has changed more to make that the case.

As for you and your team, I can only hope I get to work with you again. Heck, I get set up I might even come here and help you torture some newbies sometime. You make it look like a blast!

He pockets the Pokeball gratefully, and offers out a hand to the woman.

Don't ever grow up, Copycat. Not if you can get away with it.

The Copycat ignores the hand, embracing you filth and all. "You can come into this room. I thought you'd turned into some disgusting Pokelover and, well, didn't want to put you with the others," she says awkwardly.

She walks into the other room, standing happily, surveying the winners.

"Welcome to my humble home!" she says happily. "I've learned from past experience that if I talk too long I get food thrown at me, so let's cut to the chase! Presents!" she cheers happily.

"To you, random mail guy, I give this, a trophy commemorating your victory! Oh, and some money," she says, handing him a trophy and tossing a sack of cash on him.

"To the drunk guy passed out on the floor, I give this! A makeup set I used as a little girl! And one of my favorite Pokemon!" she says happily. "Oh, and more cash."

Makeup Set and ^1,500!
Level 5 Togepi, Serene Grace, Male, Quiet

"To the creepy Psychic chick, we have some cool toys! You used that Arrow pretty well, so here's a better one!" she says, tossing you a new arrow. "And because you like Pokemon, a weather guy, to help that little birdie fly! And last and definately least, a little bit of cash," she says.

Level 5 Castform, Forecast, Stoic, Male
Level 25 Thunderstone'd Arrow!

"Paulie already got his present, so we're on to the guy who hates Magnemite for no good reason!" she says happily. "So, without further aiedue, your presents! We noticed your fish is really sick, so we'll fix it for you! Well, at least as best as we can!" she says happily. "We aren't doctors you know. And besides that, a Pokemon that can take so many hits it is almost unkillable! Yay!" she says, tossing you a Pokeball.

"Oh, and cash."

Joe is now only a Little Sickly. Only -1 to all Base Stats.
You get a level 11 Lazy Happiny! Natural Cure, Female.

"And our winner, the man who quit first, Ethan!" she says, pausing for applause that never comes.

"Ahem. Well, you get the best prizes of all! Besides a Pokemon, cash, and some cool toys, you also get another Pokemon! My trademark one!" she says happily, dumping a pile of stuff on the table. "One of the Pokemon is so rare that it is almost extinct! Oh, and we're giving you some pieces. Your Rocket file says you want to build a mech arm. Good luck!"

Level 15 Beldum, Clear Body, Adamant
Level 5 Ditto, Limber, Dull
Thunderstone Shards! ^4,000 towards your arm! You only need ^1,000 more since prices were cut in the last update!
5x Smoke Balls!
2x Super Potions

"I hope you all like your prizes!" she says witha giggle.

In addition, 4,000 'mon XP each, 4800 to Es, and 1 TL! Yay!

2012-05-07, 12:21 AM
Okay, she's just the right wrong amount of unusually happy. Or at least pulls it off better than the other guys. "Um...thanks? Yeah, thanks!" Any mind reading shows that she is more grateful than she sounds. She lets out the Castform to meet him. I expect to work very closely with you in the future. She examines the bolt. You could almost feel the energy in it, waiting to be released into some unfortunate target. She really should get to practicing with arrows. She had gotten rusty. But later. She places it with the other arrow and stands up.

"While I can't exactly say thank you for dropping us down pits and the light mental scarring, the gifts are wonderful and we will not forget them. Of course if we visit again, would you mind just answering the door?" Also, question: What would have happened had I stepped on that X in the room where you pretended to kill Aquilla? She extends her hand to Copycat.

2012-05-07, 12:33 AM
Meanwhile, Gerald just walks up to her and gives her a hug. It's an awkward hug, the hug of a person who's received few and given less, but that's what you do when you are too happy for words. Right? It's not just the money, or the pokemon, or even healing Joe. Rather, it's for the opportunities given. After trying to figure out what the best time to let go was (and actually ending it early) he manages to stammer out the following.
"Th...thank you...you...you don't know what you've done for me. You...you just gave me what I needed most in life..."
Artemis gets images. Happy images, probably rare in his head. Images of arm designs, of how he'll treat Kubota, of being able to raise Joe...not living in the past.

2012-05-07, 12:36 AM
Paul playfully ruffles Copycat's hair during the embrace, and goes in to enjoy the festivites, as well as let both himself and his mons pig out.

If I visit again, don't answer the door for me. Put my tubby butt through the wringer. Just makes you feel better when you come out the other side. Besides, I hope one day to be here with you, giving back what I got tenfold on some other hapless schlubs.

2012-05-07, 01:11 AM
Ethan's mind is racing. With Gerald's notes and the thunderstone shards, he can had enough to design a fully functional, exoskeletal armament. The and the shards would cut down on the costs considerably! The power source was the most expensive component. The possibilities she had given him had paralyzed him for a few moments as he processed it all, quite the accomplishment. He releases his new team members and inspects them individually. The Beldum was stronger than Ollie, if only by a little. The Ditto was less impressive but its strength is not his main concern. Its flexiblilty and researcher capabilities were. He could effectivly "save" a species in Ditto to study later at his liesure. Looking at the Beldum's single unblinking eye. Welcome to the team, Mjolnir-100. And then to the pink glob, and to you Simulacra-006.

Ethan gathers his winnings and gentily places them in his satchel. He looks at Copycat. Any mind reading shows his mind is far from this place in lofty realms of scientific thought. Thank you most graciously, Ms. Copycat. You have been most generous. I apologize for destroying your Wailord Doll earlier. One last piece of business, I believe your magnemite confiscated mine and Gerald's pistols to keep the game from escalating, correct? I would like mine back please and I believe Gerald does as well.

2012-05-07, 05:38 AM
Romeo was still passes out on the floor, talking in his sleep. 'You've been a naughty girl Copycat. For that you need a spanking! That'll teach ya!' He gives a rather girlish hiccup, then starts giggling. 'Hehehe, now I'm gonna squeeze your boobies, bwahaha! That's it, be a good girl for Romeo. Oh yeah!'

It didn't take a psychic to figure out what was going on in his head. In fact, if there was a psychic that look at his head ..... well, they'd be flooded with filthy images of Romeo's wildest imagination. And Romeo had a very wild and vivid imagination.

2012-05-07, 07:22 AM
Paul gets a wonderfully awful idea. He releases his new acquisition, Zoophy, and points to the drunken breeder.

Sweet thing, climb on top of Romeo here. Then give him a few light taps to the noggin until he comes to. That ought to be suitably scarring for the boy.

2012-05-07, 07:46 AM
She had shut her mind from Romeo's unless it were necessary a while ago, and right now it wasn't necassary. "I was going to kick him again. Third time's the charm and all." She looks apologetic at their host. "I'm sure he would be a bit more polite if he had met you." She waits to see what the Smoochum does before deciding on an action.

2012-05-07, 08:12 AM
I for one am not sure about that at all. Zoophy, be sure to have those lips puckered as soon as he rises. And if he's not respond to your light taps, feel free to put a little more force behind them.

2012-05-07, 08:23 AM
Romeo starts to stir when he feels a weight upon his chest. He opens his eyes, and sees something pink and kissy on top of him, which smooches him on the lips. Then he starts scrambling away from it.


He spots Copycat and grabs her leg, rubbing his drunken face against her.

'I'm scared to go home alone, can I sleep with you tonight Miss.'

Attraction Check:[roll0]

2012-05-07, 06:38 PM
Okay, she's just the right wrong amount of unusually happy. Or at least pulls it off better than the other guys. "Um...thanks? Yeah, thanks!" Any mind reading shows that she is more grateful than she sounds. She lets out the Castform to meet him. I expect to work very closely with you in the future. She examines the bolt. You could almost feel the energy in it, waiting to be released into some unfortunate target. She really should get to practicing with arrows. She had gotten rusty. But later. She places it with the other arrow and stands up.

"While I can't exactly say thank you for dropping us down pits and the light mental scarring, the gifts are wonderful and we will not forget them. Of course if we visit again, would you mind just answering the door?" Also, question: What would have happened had I stepped on that X in the room where you pretended to kill Aquilla? She extends her hand to Copycat.

"Your welcome!" she says cheerfully. "And the X? Oh, that one was fun! You would have had Grimer, uh," she searches for a word, "excrement dumped all over you! Isn't that fun!"

Meanwhile, Gerald just walks up to her and gives her a hug. It's an awkward hug, the hug of a person who's received few and given less, but that's what you do when you are too happy for words. Right? It's not just the money, or the pokemon, or even healing Joe. Rather, it's for the opportunities given. After trying to figure out what the best time to let go was (and actually ending it early) he manages to stammer out the following.
"Th...thank you...you...you don't know what you've done for me. You...you just gave me what I needed most in life..."
Artemis gets images. Happy images, probably rare in his head. Images of arm designs, of how he'll treat Kubota, of being able to raise Joe...not living in the past.

"I'm happy to help!" she says, not seeming awkward being hugged by a man she barely knows. "Just be careful! Happiny can be slightly dull. Don't let her get run over by a train!" she says, much to happily.

Paul playfully ruffles Copycat's hair during the embrace, and goes in to enjoy the festivites, as well as let both himself and his mons pig out.

If I visit again, don't answer the door for me. Put my tubby butt through the wringer. Just makes you feel better when you come out the other side. Besides, I hope one day to be here with you, giving back what I got tenfold on some other hapless schlubs.

"Put you through again? Oh, that could be fun! We'd have to come up with some new tricks though," she says, trailing off in thought. "Yes, come back! Give me a few weeks though," she says thoughtfully.

Ethan's mind is racing. With Gerald's notes and the thunderstone shards, he can had enough to design a fully functional, exoskeletal armament. The and the shards would cut down on the costs considerably! The power source was the most expensive component. The possibilities she had given him had paralyzed him for a few moments as he processed it all, quite the accomplishment. He releases his new team members and inspects them individually. The Beldum was stronger than Ollie, if only by a little. The Ditto was less impressive but its strength is not his main concern. Its flexiblilty and researcher capabilities were. He could effectivly "save" a species in Ditto to study later at his liesure. Looking at the Beldum's single unblinking eye. Welcome to the team, Mjolnir-100. And then to the pink glob, and to you Simulacra-006.

Ethan gathers his winnings and gentily places them in his satchel. He looks at Copycat. Any mind reading shows his mind is far from this place in lofty realms of scientific thought. Thank you most graciously, Ms. Copycat. You have been most generous. I apologize for destroying your Wailord Doll earlier. One last piece of business, I believe your magnemite confiscated mine and Gerald's pistols to keep the game from escalating, correct? I would like mine back please and I believe Gerald does as well.

"Guns? Oh, right, guns," she says, heading for a table behind her. She holds the guns out at arms length as if they were dirty, disgusting things. "Here you go," she says, handing them to you, not sounding happy for the first time today. "Have fun with the Ditto! I know I do!"

Romeo starts to stir when he feels a weight upon his chest. He opens his eyes, and sees something pink and kissy on top of him, which smooches him on the lips. Then he starts scrambling away from it.


He spots Copycat and grabs her leg, rubbing his drunken face against her.

'I'm scared to go home alone, can I sleep with you tonight Miss.'

Attraction Check:[roll0]

The Copycat laughs loudly at the Smoochum. Almost too loud. Scary loud, to be honest. "Paul, you are an evil, evil man," she says, laughing.

She jumps slightly as Romeo grabs her leg.

"Well, it really means what you mean by sleep with, " she says, looking at you seductively, although it could just be insanely.

2012-05-07, 06:57 PM
Much obliged. Ethan returns his pistol to its holster while handing Gerald's his. The meal and the gifts were much appreciated once again. I have some business I must attend to, pertaining to the shards you so graciously provided. I'm afraid the teleportation has made me quite lost, could you escort me to the door?

2012-05-07, 06:58 PM
Paul grins and shrugs his wide shoulders. What can I say? You inspire me to new heights...or is it depths? And hopefully it'll be a few weeks before I can make it here anyhow, should this little opportunity pan out. But I'll be looking forward to it.

Paul turns to Gerald.

If you're ready, Gerald, I think our buggy buddies have a date to keep.

2012-05-07, 07:09 PM
"Guess so. Wonder if the Mart's still open, and the Psychic Gym."
Gerald takes his pistol and holsters it as Sparky sizes Hardcase up. Could be interesting...
"Thank you again, Copycat. Going to have to visit again."
Gifts are appropriate for the person that gives you your second arm, right? Guess I sleep near the Psychic Center.

2012-05-07, 07:19 PM
He looks up in his drunken haze. 'Can I cuddle up next to you? I kinda had a rough night, I don't want to sleep alone.' He gives a girlish giggle. He was a rather light weight drunk.

He tosses Gerald his keys. 'I'm staying here, if our host will have me. My room will be empty.' He looks at her with puppy dog eyes.

2012-05-07, 07:27 PM
"Thanks. But...where is your room?"

2012-05-07, 07:40 PM
'Check the key. I had them tape the address to the back, in-case I get drunk. But I never drink.' He turns to Copycat. 'I'm told I'm a terrible drunk. Luckily I'm never drunk. Have you seen Copycat? I really wanted to meet her, I hear she's really pretty. And she's not an evil psychic, like that one over there.' He points to Arte. 'She kicked me. I think you should check there, I might have some swelling that needs taken care of.' He gives another girlish laugh.

2012-05-07, 08:17 PM
Arte decides to go along with the insanity to a degree. Can't say I would have enjoyed it too much. Would have been...interesting, certainly. You guys would have found it quite hilarious I'm sure. Try it with Paul next time. I'd love to watch.

Artemis shrugs at Romeo's comment. "Call it a result of bad first, second, seventh and ninth impressions." Have fun with him. Just don't expect commitment. He always forgets to add that. She gives Copycat a light, one armed hug after having seen others do similar. "Well I believe I was requested to help this one with his project, so I must be off when he is, I'm afraid." indicating Gerald.

2012-05-07, 09:39 PM
We can stop by the mart or gym if you want. Obviously Romeo won't be available to put the TM on my new Sandshrew tonight, him being otherwise occupied. So my evening is open.

Paul smirks at Romeo's clumsy approach.

Poor kid. Copycat, just try to leave enough of him in there to perform tomorrow as well as tonight. Otherwise, go hog wild on him. He is asking for it. But protection might be a good idea, for both body and mind if they have such a thing.

2012-05-07, 10:12 PM
Much obliged. Ethan returns his pistol to its holster while handing Gerald's his. The meal and the gifts were much appreciated once again. I have some business I must attend to, pertaining to the shards you so graciously provided. I'm afraid the teleportation has made me quite lost, could you escort me to the door?

"Aw, you're leaving already?" she says, dissapointed. "I guess when you want to leave, just step on that," she says, pointing to a platform that has just begun to glow. "It'll put you in the basement of the Pokemon Center."

"Thanks. But...where is your room?"

The key is for a room located in the Dojo District, near the Pokemon Center at a higher end hotel.

'Check the key. I had them tape the address to the back, in-case I get drunk. But I never drink.' He turns to Copycat. 'I'm told I'm a terrible drunk. Luckily I'm never drunk. Have you seen Copycat? I really wanted to meet her, I hear she's really pretty. And she's not an evil psychic, like that one over there.' He points to Arte. 'She kicked me. I think you should check there, I might have some swelling that needs taken care of.' He gives another girlish laugh.

"At one of you will stay the night," she says happily. "Whenever you're ready, just step on that platform," she says, pointing to a different one, one that glows slightly more pink. "I'll be in right after."

Arte decides to go along with the insanity to a degree. Can't say I would have enjoyed it too much. Would have been...interesting, certainly. You guys would have found it quite hilarious I'm sure. Try it with Paul next time. I'd love to watch.

Artemis shrugs at Romeo's comment. "Call it a result of bad first, second, seventh and ninth impressions." Have fun with him. Just don't expect commitment. He always forgets to add that. She gives Copycat a light, one armed hug after having seen others do similar. "Well I believe I was requested to help this one with his project, so I must be off when he is, I'm afraid." indicating Gerald.

You get the feeling that the Copycat knows that, and honestly, really doesn't care. Seems she just wants a night of fun to match the day of one.

"You can leave through the same teleporter as the winner," she says. "That is, if you don't want to stay the night.

We can stop by the mart or gym if you want. Obviously Romeo won't be available to put the TM on my new Sandshrew tonight, him being otherwise occupied. So my evening is open.

Paul smirks at Romeo's clumsy approach.

Poor kid. Copycat, just try to leave enough of him in there to perform tomorrow as well as tonight. Otherwise, go hog wild on him. He is asking for it. But protection might be a good idea, for both body and mind if they have such a thing.

She looks you over. "Sorry Paul, but my bed only fits three. You count as at least two now," she says with a giggle. "Maybe some other time, if you start working out," she says with yet another giggle.

"And TM instalation? I know a guy on the Psychic side, maybe he can help you out for cheap," she says. "He's not exactly legal, but that shouldn't be a problem, should it?" she says.

"Now all of you, leave! I need to make sweet love to a very cute, very drunk man! That is, unless you want to stay for the party."

2012-05-07, 10:17 PM
Thank you once again, Ms. Copycat. Ethan steps onto the pad. He wanted to get to the Pokemart before it closed. He hoped it wasn't closed already. He had a lot to work to do and the night was young.

2012-05-07, 10:23 PM
Paul smiles, then looks down and frowns.

Gerald, wherever we're going...I think we should jog there.

2012-05-07, 10:25 PM
Artemis gets a bit awkward. Be polite. "Love to, but I have to help Gerald with his arm." Also the thought of Romeo and her...she shuddered a bit.

2012-05-07, 10:27 PM
Paul exchanges a knowing glance with Copycat.

No, no, I can help Gerald. It's OK, you stay. Have fun. With Romeo.

2012-05-07, 10:30 PM
"Sorry, I have an arm to make. I get my primary hand back thanks to you!"
Gerald pockets the key, lets Sparky stick with Romeo and recalls Joe and Kubota before moving to the one out.
"Thanks, Paul. Ready?"

2012-05-07, 10:33 PM
Paul recalls every Pokemon but Buck and walks over with Gerald to the exit.

Let's go.

2012-05-07, 10:38 PM
I'll get you... "Well they all left me behind...It might be the alcohol, but you know what, I have no plans tonight." First time and it's with a moron and a sociopath. Well the sociopath is interesting. The old Arte from school was already scolding her.

2012-05-07, 11:05 PM
Right before leaving, Paul looks back to Copycat. Oh, and I think I will take you up on that TM installer. Legality definitely isn't an issue for me. Have fun, you crazy kids!

2012-05-07, 11:08 PM
Gerald just looks at the group confused, before shrugging and waving to them
"Uh...have fun?"
He follows Paul out.
"So, I have money for the equipment needed. We should probably get Ethan with us and buy everything together."

2012-05-07, 11:12 PM
All right. If Copycat's hookup works out I might go ahead and jack up Willy, then meet you after your orgy of consumerism.

2012-05-07, 11:24 PM
Thank you once again, Ms. Copycat. Ethan steps onto the pad. He wanted to get to the Pokemart before it closed. He hoped it wasn't closed already. He had a lot to work to do and the night was young.

"Sorry, I have an arm to make. I get my primary hand back thanks to you!"
Gerald pockets the key, lets Sparky stick with Romeo and recalls Joe and Kubota before moving to the one out.
"Thanks, Paul. Ready?"

Paul recalls every Pokemon but Buck and walks over with Gerald to the exit.

Let's go.

The three of you feel a pulling sensation around your bellybutton, then find yourselves in the basement of some buidling. The only light comes from a man smoking a cigar.

"You guys from Copycat?" you hear in a slightly slurred voice. He might be drunk. "She always teleports people."

I'll get you... "Well they all left me behind...It might be the alcohol, but you know what, I have no plans tonight." First time and it's with a moron and a sociopath. Well the sociopath is interesting. The old Arte from school was already scolding her.

The three of you walk through the teleporter, appearing in a very cozy, very plush bedroom After lending Arte some protection, the fun gets started. Sometimes the Copycat is a man, sometimes a woman. While not Romeo's best sex, it is definately the most interesting. Artemis has a very enjoyable introduction into this world of pleasure.

d100s please. Arte gets to roll 2 for Romeo, 2 for Copycat. Romeo, roll for Arte and Copycat as well.

2012-05-07, 11:26 PM
Yes sir, we are. Where might we be? We were informed we'd arrive in the basement of the Pokemon Center.

2012-05-07, 11:45 PM
Romeo: [roll0]
Copycat: [roll1]
Arte wakes up very sore both physically and mentally, with only part of her memory. Then things come back. The house, the meal, Aquilla's near death, and...the rest. Well she saw why some people did not fault Romeo as much as she thought they should. And Copycat was very...interesting. Wait, what are you thinking!? You were just with Romeo! The guy you would have laughed had his head been popped by an Arbok. But he was- no but's! Well Copycat was very fun. And her various forms. Wait, no, you're against this! Well clearly not. You were drunk! Only two drinks, both low alcohol. You thought it was more. A placebo! Well clearly on some level then...
She scoots closer to Copycat if she was in a male form. At least it wasn't Romeo. Copycat was able to be more of a man than Romeo ever could. Intelligent, stronger...okay, about equal looking and THIS IS A GIRL YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT ARTE! What the muk!
If she's in female form Artemis just lies awkwardly between them arguing with herself.

Either way, the internal conflict on things lasted until one of the others woke up.

2012-05-07, 11:48 PM
Pregnancy from Copycat: [roll0]

2012-05-08, 06:32 AM
Romeo liked to miz business with pleasure. He was doing business with both of them due to his new job at Silph Co, and tonight was very pleasureable.

Romeo's Fun Time Rolls:

STD: [roll0]
Pregnancy: [roll1]

Artemis (please don't kill me Es):
STD: [roll2]
Pregnancy: [roll3]

Hardcase and Sparky's Fun Time Rolls:

2012-05-08, 01:02 PM
Yes sir, we are. Where might we be? We were informed we'd arrive in the basement of the Pokemon Center.

"Yep. She's paid for healing, you guys can just head up."

Romeo: [roll0]
Copycat: [roll1]
Arte wakes up very sore both physically and mentally, with only part of her memory. Then things come back. The house, the meal, Aquilla's near death, and...the rest. Well she saw why some people did not fault Romeo as much as she thought they should. And Copycat was very...interesting. Wait, what are you thinking!? You were just with Romeo! The guy you would have laughed had his head been popped by an Arbok. But he was- no but's! Well Copycat was very fun. And her various forms. Wait, no, you're against this! Well clearly not. You were drunk! Only two drinks, both low alcohol. You thought it was more. A placebo! Well clearly on some level then...
She scoots closer to Copycat if she was in a male form. At least it wasn't Romeo. Copycat was able to be more of a man than Romeo ever could. Intelligent, stronger...okay, about equal looking and THIS IS A GIRL YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT ARTE! What the muk!
If she's in female form Artemis just lies awkwardly between them arguing with herself.

Either way, the internal conflict on things lasted until one of the others woke up.

Soon enough the Copycat stirs.

"Good morning sunshine," she mutters in a sleepy daze. "Did you two lovebirds have fun?"

Romeo liked to miz business with pleasure. He was doing business with both of them due to his new job at Silph Co, and tonight was very pleasureable.

Romeo's Fun Time Rolls:

STD: [roll0]
Pregnancy: [roll1]

Artemis (please don't kill me Es):
STD: [roll2]
Pregnancy: [roll3]

Hardcase and Sparky's Fun Time Rolls:

Looking over in the corner you see Sparky on top of an egg, Hardcase sitting slightly to the side.

You feel something off, but can't quite tell what it is.

2012-05-08, 01:05 PM
I can use a bit of a touch up as so does Primal. I'm heading to the Pokemart afterwards if its still open if you'd care to join me. Ethan heads upstairs and recieves the healing he had been granted before heading out.

2012-05-08, 01:11 PM
If we're getting free healing anyhow, mind if we take a second to have a battle? At the moment I haven't anyone who needs a heal except myself, and it seems a waste not to utilize it somehow. If any of you have a creature or two you'd like to use, that is.

2012-05-08, 01:21 PM
I'll take that. How about Simulacra versus Zoophy? Test out their abilities. Ethan releases the pink goo from its pokeball. It immidiatly copies Zoophy when she is released.

2012-05-08, 01:26 PM
Zoophy gets the jump on her doppelganger.

Show 'em who the real diva is, Zoophy.

The Smoochum comes in with tiny fists flailing, seeking to Pound the Ditto.

[roll0] 4+evasions [roll1]

2012-05-08, 01:30 PM
Simulacra, show him what a Smoochum can do! The mimic lets loose a rather long tongue and tries to lick the poor Smoochum.

[roll0] hits on 2+e
[roll1] Ghost, para on 15-20

2012-05-08, 01:35 PM
Artemis just closes her eyes. "I was not in a great state of mind last night..." Barely true, mostly a lie. Nothing new to that, but she'd rather lie than admit to it being dumb curiosity. "Repulsed that I actually...with Romeo...ugh. Not 24 hours ago I'd have killed him without a thought." She just sighs. She felt sick with herself.

2012-05-08, 01:37 PM
Zoophy recoils from her own attack.

Hang in there, girl. Tell it no means no!

[roll0] [roll1]

2012-05-08, 01:38 PM
'Last night was lovely, though I felt Artemis wasn't as into it as you and I. Still, it was a night I'll never forget, thank you for that.'

He goes over to have a look at the egg, trying to spot what was up.

Perception on the egg[roll0]

Then, he and his player got what Arc meant.:smallwink:

2012-05-08, 01:40 PM
As the Smoochum's tiny fists connect with the mimic, it's form dissolves back into amorphous pink goo. Heh, I guess the orginal was better. Good job Paul. But I don't expect Simulacra to become a primary battler in the long run. To much utility to be had in his unique abilities. Ethan returns the shapeshifter and heads up stairs for his free healing.

2012-05-08, 01:43 PM
Paul studies the blob intently.

True. It's hard to expect to beat a mon with its own moves; it likely knows them better. But those little blobs are good as gold when it comes to general usefulness. Whenever Romeo is sober I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see that there's one he might have access to at times.

2012-05-08, 01:45 PM
"I'm going to get fixed up and the interface put in."
To be fair, a jab to the ribs from a kid could floor him.
"Won't make her pay for the operation. Any psychic mon on staff? Someone with a soft touch and precision control with telekinesis will have the easiest time with installation."

2012-05-08, 01:46 PM
"Oh gee I wonder why. Couldn't possibly has anything to do with you being involved." She digs for some sort of clothing in the bedding.

2012-05-08, 02:03 PM
'So Arte, how long have you had a birthmark on your butt? It's kinda cute.' Romeo giggles to himself. He was probably still a little drunk.

2012-05-08, 02:11 PM
"Analyze the word birthmark and get back to me on that." Idiot! Hm, these were either hers or Copycat's. And that...yep, definitely Copycat's. Pants, pants...muk, no pants in here. Right, because they were over there when... And her shirt was over there. She gets out finally and leaps to the other side of the room to grab her shirt, one of Copycat's clothing articles falling right off as she did. A shirt and boxers. She could feel slightly less ashamed now.

2012-05-08, 02:29 PM
'Haha. What's the matter Arte? Someone would think you'd never, ... that you were a, .... you can't be a ....?' A look of realisation crossed Romeo's face. 'So I'm your first? Well second, Copycat got to you first. I guess that's an honour for me. Thank you Arte, I enjoyed it very much. And I know you did too. Even you aren't that good an actress.' He bursts out laughing. It was good to see Arte with her guard down, she seemed more human than she usually does.

'So, did you two have a good time?' He asks Hardcase and Sparky. 'Feel like coming out that shell yet? I'm sure Sparky would think black and yellow stripes were sexy.'

2012-05-08, 09:47 PM
Paul studies the blob intently.

True. It's hard to expect to beat a mon with its own moves; it likely knows them better. But those little blobs are good as gold when it comes to general usefulness. Whenever Romeo is sober I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see that there's one he might have access to at times.

The man guides the two of you and Gerald upstairs, giving you full party heals. Moves, health, the works, all for free.

"I'm going to get fixed up and the interface put in."
To be fair, a jab to the ribs from a kid could floor him.
"Won't make her pay for the operation. Any psychic mon on staff? Someone with a soft touch and precision control with telekinesis will have the easiest time with installation."

As you 'mons are healed, the man looks at you.

"Well, we have a Gengar that could probably put you out, and we have plenty of things with Telekinesis," the man says, taking a long drag of his cigar. "I'm sure we have something you can use."

'Haha. What's the matter Arte? Someone would think you'd never, ... that you were a, .... you can't be a ....?' A look of realisation crossed Romeo's face. 'So I'm your first? Well second, Copycat got to you first. I guess that's an honour for me. Thank you Arte, I enjoyed it very much. And I know you did too. Even you aren't that good an actress.' He bursts out laughing. It was good to see Arte with her guard down, she seemed more human than she usually does.

'So, did you two have a good time?' He asks Hardcase and Sparky. 'Feel like coming out that shell yet? I'm sure Sparky would think black and yellow stripes were sexy.'

"I had fun," the Copycat says with a giggle. "And it was your first time!" she says in shock, looking at Artemis. "Wow! I haven't had a first timer in ages!" she says with girlish delight. She gets out of bed and starts getting dressed.

"I can order us up some food. You guys hungry?" she says as she pulls on a shirt.

2012-05-08, 09:49 PM
Lets head to the Pokemart. We have no time to waste. Ethan is obviously anxious to put some plans into action.

2012-05-08, 09:52 PM
"It's...going to be complicated. I'll talk to the telekinetics, for now, see who can help out. Meet you and Paul later."

2012-05-08, 09:56 PM
"Well I'm glad you two had fun." I suppose I did too...Artemis blushes and keeps looking for the rest of her clothes. Finally she speaks up. "What, the fact that I didn't whore myself off to some 300 plus idiots at my trainer school is odd? I'm sorry that I tried to wait until I found someone who was of interest to me. Granted Copycat was lightly, but she doesn't strike me as one to really go for a long term relationship. I'm sorry, but I think that this was a mistake on my part." She hadn't yelled at someone recently enough. She sighs.
"Sorry, my brain is just...I'm sorting out emotions. Some food would be good." How did her pants get- oh, right. Romeo's idea.

2012-05-08, 10:05 PM
Paul takes the healing gladly, and has the Bulldoze TM applied to Willy by the shady fellow Copycat mentioned. Afterwards he goes back to the trailer to crash from exhaustion, too tired even to poison up. He grudgingly awakens to the beeping of his Pokedax alarm, telling him the time is Q;05 RM, which appears to be its display for 7 in the morning.

The first thing Paul does, after engaging in a lengthy and satisfying butt-scratching session, is text Romeo.

How did Hardcase do with plowing Gerald's bug ho? Let me know when you're ready to meet so I can get my boy back.

Afterwards he has everyone placed in their balls save for Creep and he heads out to the park to kill some time and hopeuflly bash some mons before the day's events.

2012-05-08, 10:21 PM
Lets head to the Pokemart. We have no time to waste. Ethan is obviously anxious to put some plans into action.

You soon find yourself at the Pokemart, this time the Psychic one. An older woman is at the counter.

"What can I get 'ya?"

"It's...going to be complicated. I'll talk to the telekinetics, for now, see who can help out. Meet you and Paul later."

The man leads you into the back where you meet Pokemon your 'dex identifies as Solosis, Kadabra, and Gothita.

"Well I'm glad you two had fun." I suppose I did too...Artemis blushes and keeps looking for the rest of her clothes. Finally she speaks up. "What, the fact that I didn't whore myself off to some 300 plus idiots at my trainer school is odd? I'm sorry that I tried to wait until I found someone who was of interest to me. Granted Copycat was lightly, but she doesn't strike me as one to really go for a long term relationship. I'm sorry, but I think that this was a mistake on my part." She hadn't yelled at someone recently enough. She sighs.
"Sorry, my brain is just...I'm sorting out emotions. Some food would be good." How did her pants get- oh, right. Romeo's idea.

"A mistake? Having sex with two of the most qualified people in Saffron? No, that can't ever be a mistake," she says, grinning at Romeo.

Paul takes the healing gladly, and has the Bulldoze TM applied to Willy by the shady fellow Copycat mentioned. Afterwards he goes back to the trailer to crash from exhaustion, too tired even to poison up. He grudgingly awakens to the beeping of his Pokedax alarm, telling him the time is Q;05 RM, which appears to be its display for 7 in the morning.

The first thing Paul does, after engaging in a lengthy and satisfying butt-scratching session, is text Romeo.

How did Hardcase do with plowing Gerald's bug ho? Let me know when you're ready to meet so I can get my boy back.

Afterwards he has everyone placed in their balls save for Creep and he heads out to the park to kill some time and hopeuflly bash some mons before the day's events.

500 for instalation.

Creep still eyes you warily, but makes no attempts to run as you walk. You see multiple battles taking place, but the only one of your level is taking place between a Pidgey and a burning Pokemon you haven't seen.

2012-05-08, 10:24 PM
It took a while, but the solosis was the best bet. They built their limbs with psychic power, and that mutual understanding would come in handy...

Procedure still hurt like a mothermuker though. Guess splicing live nerves with incredibly thin wires will always be like that, as well as plating his ribs and getting bolting the new ball joint shoulder on.

2012-05-08, 10:25 PM
-Evening went fine, little bug egg for you. Hardcase was a stud, wants to evolve and get sexy for Sparky. And don't call her a ho again, please-

'No need to be defensive Arte, we are all grown-ups. We all had fun last night. We don't have to take t further than that. Sometimes sex is just sex, a good way to have fun and relax.' He smiles back at Copycat.

2012-05-08, 10:33 PM
Paul scans the firey thing and texts back to Romeo while waiting for the dax to respond.

Fair enough. Come to the park when feeling has returned to your legs so I can high five Hardcase to the extent that he is able.

After the battle he is watching comes to a close he asks around for anyone to battle him, attempting not to be as boisterous as he was yesterday after the chaos that had ensued on Fist Street.

2012-05-08, 10:40 PM
One moment, I need to take a look around and double check what I need. Simulacra jumps out of Ethan's pocket. He had let him in there before heading towards the mart. He had copied his pad. The thing was a curious fellow. Ethan scans the products on the shelves, making mental notes of what he will need to purchase and supplies for later. Simulacra transforms into each item as Ethan mutters their names. Potion...revive... fresh water... TM for Ollie... Electivizer... As Ethan browses, Simulacra continues transforming into various items for a moment before going to another. The blob wonders over to the small clothing section, transforming into coats, scaves, shoes, belts and hats. It burbles happily before wiggling back to Ethan, slithering its amporphous body up onto to Ethan's head. Ethan paid him little mind, he let the little goo have some fun.

Ethan goes back to the counter with a variety of items in his arms. He gently places the items onto the coutner one at a time, listing them for the lady to ring up. Hello Ma'am, I'd like to purchase 5 Potions, 3 revives, 5 fresh waters and do you have any of the following: a Bulldoze TM, an Electivizer, and any of these? Ethan shows a scribbled list of materials he needed to construct his mechinical arm-enhancment. And if you have the TM, don't worry about applying it, I have a friend who can do it for me.

2012-05-08, 10:44 PM
"Well by your definition it certainly was not. But...like I said, sorting out emotions. I don't think it would matter who it was. It could have been worse, certainly. I did have fun, don't get me wrong." She finally finds her last piece of clothing under the bed. Phasing was a bad idea last night. At least nothing got lost in a wall. She slips it on under her shirt. "Good. If I ever find out you telling Paul any details, I'll force feed you your favorite organ." Finally dressed, she sits on the bed, thinking to herself. They were a bit delayed due to the events at Copycat's house. The evening was not too wasted. She really didn't have any plans. Hm...who did Copycat imitate when she became a guy...no, focus. Today they were meeting the kid. Romeo had is makeup kit. Could just take care of that today, actually. She probably looked like a mess. How did those two wake up this good looking? Well Copycat probably just controlled it, but Romeo wasn't a shapeshifter. How did he... Stop it! "You mentioned food?"

2012-05-08, 10:56 PM
It took a while, but the solosis was the best bet. They built their limbs with psychic power, and that mutual understanding would come in handy...

Procedure still hurt like a mothermuker though. Guess splicing live nerves with incredibly thin wires will always be like that, as well as plating his ribs and getting bolting the new ball joint shoulder on.

You wake up the next morning with a brand new shiny shoulder.

"Oh, you're awake!" one of the nurses says, rushing over. "The procedure went fine, great it fact!" she says happily. "Will you need anything else?"

-Evening went fine, little bug egg for you. Hardcase was a stud, wants to evolve and get sexy for Sparky. And don't call her a ho again, please-

'No need to be defensive Arte, we are all grown-ups. We all had fun last night. We don't have to take t further than that. Sometimes sex is just sex, a good way to have fun and relax.' He smiles back at Copycat.

"See? He gets it," she says happily.

Paul scans the firey thing and texts back to Romeo while waiting for the dax to respond.

Fair enough. Come to the park when feeling has returned to your legs so I can high five Hardcase to the extent that he is able.

After the battle he is watching comes to a close he asks around for anyone to battle him, attempting not to be as boisterous as he was yesterday after the chaos that had ensued on Fist Street.

You soon find a trainer who seems ready to battle.

"Alright, two each, no flying, no digging sound good to you?" he says, setting two Pokeballs on the ground.

One moment, I need to take a look around and double check what I need. Simulacra jumps out of Ethan's pocket. He had let him in there before heading towards the mart. He had copied his pad. The thing was a curious fellow. Ethan scans the products on the shelves, making mental notes of what he will need to purchase and supplies for later. Simulacra transforms into each item as Ethan mutters their names. Potion...revive... fresh water... TM for Ollie... Electivizer... As Ethan browses, Simulacra continues transforming into various items for a moment before going to another. The blob wonders over to the small clothing section, transforming into coats, scaves, shoes, belts and hats. It burbles happily before wiggling back to Ethan, slithering its amporphous body up onto to Ethan's head. Ethan paid him little mind, he let the little goo have some fun.

Ethan goes back to the counter with a variety of items in his arms. He gently places the items onto the coutner one at a time, listing them for the lady to ring up. Hello Ma'am, I'd like to purchase 5 Potions, 3 revives, 5 fresh waters and do you have any of the following: a Bulldoze TM, an Electivizer, and any of these? Ethan shows a scribbled list of materials he needed to construct his mechinical arm-enhancment. And if you have the TM, don't worry about applying it, I have a friend who can do it for me.

The Pokemart happens to have it all in stock, ringing you up for ^8,300, which you easily pay.

"Well by your definition it certainly was not. But...like I said, sorting out emotions. I don't think it would matter who it was. It could have been worse, certainly. I did have fun, don't get me wrong." She finally finds her last piece of clothing under the bed. Phasing was a bad idea last night. At least nothing got lost in a wall. She slips it on under her shirt. "Good. If I ever find out you telling Paul any details, I'll force feed you your favorite organ." Finally dressed, she sits on the bed, thinking to herself. They were a bit delayed due to the events at Copycat's house. The evening was not too wasted. She really didn't have any plans. Hm...who did Copycat imitate when she became a guy...no, focus. Today they were meeting the kid. Romeo had is makeup kit. Could just take care of that today, actually. She probably looked like a mess. How did those two wake up this good looking? Well Copycat probably just controlled it, but Romeo wasn't a shapeshifter. How did he... Stop it! "You mentioned food?"

"Yes, plenty of food!" she says, pushing a button on the wall. A cart, pushed by some sort of blue Pokemon, slides in, covered in all sorts of breakfast delights.

"Dig in!"

2012-05-08, 11:14 PM
Thank you Ma'am. Ethan begins to leave the store when he realized he was suddenly wearing a fedora he had saw on a rack earlier. Sim? Is that you? The fedora sprouts two little black eyes which blink once before dissapearing. Sorry Ma'am, he's my new Ditto. He's testing out different forms. I assure you it isn't one of your stock. Ethan gently pokes the fedora which wiggles and lets out a small cry to prove it was a Ditto. You can just stay ther if you like Sim. I look rather fetching. Oh, and here. You can hold onto this. He hands the fedora the Electivizer, which absorbs into the hat.

Ethan heads to the guy the Copycat talked about, dropping off Ollie and the TM. Afterwards he heads back to his hostile. He works up until late in the night working on his arm enhancment. With Gerald's notes as guidance and the Copycat's thunderstone shards, he was able to contruct his own mecha-arm. Accomplished, he passes out before he can even try it on.

He awakes next morning to his pad buzzing, 7 a.m. He wanted to get an early start on the day. After jogging for 30 minutes and resting at the pokemon center, he goes and picks up Ollie before texting his associates. -We need to meet and get ready for our job. Romeo, when is our meeting? I want to try and get Quartz and Primal in line before we approach the kid, just in case.-

500 for the TM guy and however much to heal 25 HP (35/60 HP)

2012-05-08, 11:21 PM
Gerald ties a piece of string on and gives it a run through, and hears the whirr of motors and watches the parts spin and rotate as he commands. This was promising, and-ah, yes! Everything was set, with the grooves for the wires ready where the veins normally would go. This would primarily run off of him, but with some shards bought, it should be easily manageable.
"Thank you. Think this is it, as I can handle the rest of this from here."
He looks to where Kubota was set out while he was out and lying against his side, still sleeping. He patted the lazy happiny before recalling her, and gets up. He takes a shower on his way out, being careful of the mechanical portion-well, he'd have to get used to that anyway...
Getting dried and dressed, he checks the phone, before texting the team mates.
-Shoulder joint installed. Where shall we meet?
He heads to the Mart while he waits, and picks up what's left. Wire for veins, steel joltik silk for tendons, metal plates for plated skin, heavy steel pipes to work into bones. A single shard of thunderstone for an internal power source, to keep his metabolism normal, and pieces for that generator as well. The whole thing costs roughly 2.5 grand, but he leaves with all the raw materials he needs to finish up. Satisfied, he finds a restaurant willing to let him work in peace and eat, a hard thing to do (-300 from that, too).

2012-05-08, 11:29 PM
-We can meet at the cafe me and Gerald met at- Ethan sends the address of the cafe along with the text.

2012-05-08, 11:36 PM
-That works. Will complete arm there.-
With that address in mind, he goes and builds, with pretty much the same breakfast as last time as he keeps himself busily away from others. Focus on the arm, focus on the arm, that's what'll see you through until Sparky gets here...

2012-05-08, 11:49 PM
Ethan heads toward the cafe, a slight spring in his step. He was genuinely happy, the first time in quite some time.

2012-05-09, 04:44 AM
Romeo scans the blue thing, then starts to eat. After having something for himself, he feeds Sparky, Hardcase, Elly and Luna. He also checks on all the eggs under his care (the Axew egg, the Elekid egg, the Eevee egg and the Joltik egg). He gives them a quick polish and a check up to make sure they are coming along fine. It is at that point that he notices he has a new pokeball, due to the fact that he was passed out when Copycat gave it to him.

'Well, hello there little fellow, I'm Romeo. And you're a Togepi. I'm going to call you Puck. Would you like something to eat Puck?'

2012-05-09, 06:54 AM
Food would do her good. She too scans the blue thing. She feeds her team while they're there. She does scan everyone's mind just to know what was going on for them. Maybe find a conversation starter that was not about yesterday. Before she moves to Romeo's, she remembers work again. "So who is doing what part of the mission again? I know if it comes to it, I'm going to just walk in and take it. You need me for the Silph or intimidation parts, or is it best I lay low? Either way, I'll need to look a bit different when I'm over there. Think you could get me to look a bit more like a fighter now?"

2012-05-09, 07:54 AM
You soon find a trainer who seems ready to battle.

"Alright, two each, no flying, no digging sound good to you?" he says, setting two Pokeballs on the ground.

Agreed. Standard wager, I assume?

Paul brings out the balls for Buck and Willy.

We'll just toss 'em out same time, as usual.

As soon as the other trainer is ready, Paul leads off with Willy.

What was the burning mon I scanned earlier?

2012-05-09, 05:00 PM
-That works. Will complete arm there.-
With that address in mind, he goes and builds, with pretty much the same breakfast as last time as he keeps himself busily away from others. Focus on the arm, focus on the arm, that's what'll see you through until Sparky gets here...

Soon enough Ethan arrives, but in that time you think that you have figured out the most efficient way to build your arm. If you had an hour or two to work you could probably make one, given the appropriate parts.

Ethan heads toward the cafe, a slight spring in his step. He was genuinely happy, the first time in quite some time.

Ethan's thoughts also drift towards the arm. With the power source you could likely devise an arm to function quite well, given an hour or two.

Food would do her good. She too scans the blue thing. She feeds her team while they're there. She does scan everyone's mind just to know what was going on for them. Maybe find a conversation starter that was not about yesterday. Before she moves to Romeo's, she remembers work again. "So who is doing what part of the mission again? I know if it comes to it, I'm going to just walk in and take it. You need me for the Silph or intimidation parts, or is it best I lay low? Either way, I'll need to look a bit different when I'm over there. Think you could get me to look a bit more like a fighter now?"

As soon as you touch Romeo's mind, he collapses to the ground, writhing in pain.

"What's wrong with him...." she says, looking at Romeo in concern. Then a look of comprehesion dawns on her.

"Wait, you're a Psychic, right? And you were a virgin?" she says, waiting for your nod. "Damn," she mutters. "This can happen sometimes. Your first time, emotions are running high, and you're not in control of yourself as much as normal, at least Psychic-power wise. Sometimes a bit of your power runs amuk your first time heading into the nearest person, who just so happened to be Romeo. It's called Aquired Psionic Weakness, or APW for short," she says, looking at Romeo in pity. "It looks like he got it bad too. I had it once upon a time, maybe I gave it to him too?" she muses to herself.

"Anyways, for the next day or two, he will be extremely weak to anything Psychic. Even just reading his mind could drop him like that," she says. "And he just so happens to be in Saffron City, the place with the highest concentration of Psychics in the world. The next few days will be fun for him..." she says in pity. "The Center might be able to make it bearable, but they won't be able to get rid of it right away."

About this time the pain starts to recede, and Romeo can move again.

Agreed. Standard wager, I assume?

Paul brings out the balls for Buck and Willy.

We'll just toss 'em out same time, as usual.

As soon as the other trainer is ready, Paul leads off with Willy.

What was the burning mon I scanned earlier?

Sorry, it was Chimchar.

Chimchar - The Burning Ass Pokemon
Recenet studies have shown that Chimchar's tail flame is not in fact natural, such as Charmander's, but is actually caused by the nearly constant farting of Chimchar, which is so volatile that it explodes when it makes contact with air.

The other kid sends out a small black and white Pokemon, which draws electricity to its body before Willy can even act.


2012-05-09, 05:12 PM
'Why do bad things always happen when I date psychics?' asks Romeo to his god, Mew. 'Wait, would more sex cure it? And how can I even get to the Center without getting my mind read?'

2012-05-09, 05:15 PM
"Well, sex with a Psychic could build up your immunity to it, but you'd have to find somebody willing," she says, looking at Artemis with a grin. "And it might take a while."

"As for the Center, I have that teleporter, remember?"

2012-05-09, 05:24 PM
He looks at Artemis. 'Help a friend out?'

2012-05-09, 05:52 PM
Willy moves to E-5 and fires off a poison-tipped barb at the opponent.

[roll0] [roll1] poisoned on 17-20.

2012-05-09, 06:49 PM
Yeah, if only he had parts, like the bags full he bought after getting out of the Center-oh wait! (Sorry, but I thought ahead on that part. Few posts back.)
"Morning. Phase one of installation went smoothly. How're you today?"

2012-05-09, 07:53 PM
"I am half tempted to just look at your mind from that suggestion. It would be worth seeing whatever is going on in there if it made you squirm that much." She sighs. "Sadly we need you, seeing as how pursuasive you can be. You'll die here with that disease." Gods, what did she do to get lumped with this guy! She thinks and looks at the consequences. She did need more human contact (wow that was a poor choice of words) and learning to deal with those who weren't Oak-level genius might be good for her. "Get snipped and I'll help."

2012-05-09, 08:09 PM
'Get snipped? What do you mean by that? Oh, wait, do you just mean a vasectomy? Sure, if I have enough cash, I can get that done. Only downside is that I'll be out of the mission till this is dealt with, unless we can somehow get me to the meeting before I pass out, or get this operation done fast. But either way, you might have just saved my life Arte. And I'll mention none of this to Paul or the others.'

He rushes over to her, about to embrace her, when he stops himself. 'Yeah, you don't like to be touched by me. But either way, thank you Artemis. You're a good friend and a loyal team-mate. Would you like an Eevee egg after all this? Oh wait, I'm already giving you one.' He was giving Arte the puppy-dog eyes again.

2012-05-09, 09:11 PM
"Or we just wait until your job is over today before you have to stay in bed for however long."
She pauses as he approaches her and backs off, then puts her arm around him. "If I'm stuck playing doctor for you, I have to get used to having to actually touch you." It doesn't take a mind reader to tell that she's not exactly thrilled about her side job. "For now, stay on the Fighter"s Side of town. Probably safer for you." She looks at the puppy-dog eyes. "DANG IT, STOP THAT! Oh, and I don't know if you heard my question when you went spastic. If I'm going to be on the fighter's side, I can't exactly look like I do now. That whole 'banned for life' thing is a bit of a pain. Think you could make me look a bit more like a fighter?" Her phone buzzes. Crap! The others! She sends a response message. -Will meet up soon. Romeo...caught something. He learned his lesson about screwing with Psychics. Search APW treatments, or Acquired Psionic Weakness treatments if nothing come up for the former. Will stop by the Center and then meet up. Don't wait on us, we ate here.-

2012-05-09, 09:30 PM
'Only one way to find out.'

Romeo got to work imediately. His hands moved in a blur. He applied fax to to as much of Arte's skin as she'd allow. He dyed her har a shade of purple common in Unova. He put her glasses away ond got her some contacts. He tied her hair back into a pony-tail, it was the easiest hair style to work out in. Then he applied some fake tattoos to her arms and thighs, and gave her a little ankle bracelet. He even used some colouring make-up to apply fake bruises to her knuckles to make it look like she had over done it on the punching bags. After 15 minutes, Arte would have a hard time recognising herself infront of a mirror.

'Wow, this gift rocks, Copycat. And I found the pokemon you gave me too, thaks so much babe. Now lets see what happens to me.'

With some fake contacts to change eye colour, some dark hair dye, a pair of neatly rimmed specs and make-up to cover his small scar on his chin, he was already hard to recognise. He still looked sexy, but he didn't look like Romeo. He gave his hair a quick trim and brush, then applied a false goatee. Soon he looked like a respectable business man. A shirt and tie from his briefcase completed the look.

'How does that look' came Romeo's voice from a strangers body standing in Copycat's house. 'Do I look like me?' Even Elly was unsure. It wasn't until she got a good smell of Romeo that she recognised him for who he was. 'Let's head down to the transporter, there's something I'm going to try and pick-up at the PokeCenter. Did I ever tell you I practiced first-aid for a year in Sinnoh? The nurses there wore such awesome dresses. Maybe we can get you one.'

2012-05-09, 09:45 PM
She just looks at him. "...I don't do dresses, and that goatee makes you look like an idiot." She goes to look at herself in a mirror before going. Hm, should dress up more often. She looked nice, aside from the fake bruises. Artemis give Copycat a handshake. "Thank you for an...interesting time. I hope to see you again." She follows Romeo to the teleporter.

2012-05-09, 09:54 PM
Gerald checks his phone.
-With Ethan, will check out. Tell Romeo to check with his contact if the kid's name is Jordan. Tried to ask last night, didn't get opportunity.
He types it in his phone's search, and reads a few.
-Consider tinfoil until you can get to a Center. Might help.

2012-05-09, 10:01 PM
I'm swell thank you. Even though it sounded sarcastic, Ethan was not lieing. He sat down, and pulled out a part of the partially incomplete arm and placed it on the table. This is where I am so far. A few more hours and I'll have it operational. Ethan's pad buzzed and read Artemis' text. Seems we will be meeting the others later. That gives us time to finish our mechanical work. He returns the part to his satchel gentily. Any ideas where we can work without being disturbed?

2012-05-09, 10:34 PM
"I have Romeo's room key, and it's on the right side of town. Probably safe, right?"

2012-05-09, 10:48 PM
More secure then the hostel I've been living in. Lets head out. Ethan motions to leave. He seems a bit too happy for Ethan.

2012-05-09, 11:12 PM
"Alright." (Already paid on my sheet)
He puts down money for his breakfast before picking the supplies back up.
"Mind giving me a hand, please? This and the tool box is a bit hard to hold."

2012-05-09, 11:13 PM
Right. Ethan hefts the supplies and follows Gerald to Romeo's apartment so they can work.

2012-05-10, 12:16 AM
Willy moves to E-5 and fires off a poison-tipped barb at the opponent.

[roll0] [roll1] poisoned on 17-20.

The black and white Pokemon takes the hit, crying out in pain as the Poison takes effect. It takes a few steps forward, unleashing a blast of electricity at Willy, but it courses through the Sandshrew, running off into the ground harmlessly.

"Damn! He's a Ground Type?" the trainer shouts loudly as the crowd groans, at least a few of them likely knowing the Pokemon's origin.


She just looks at him. "...I don't do dresses, and that goatee makes you look like an idiot." She goes to look at herself in a mirror before going. Hm, should dress up more often. She looked nice, aside from the fake bruises. Artemis give Copycat a handshake. "Thank you for an...interesting time. I hope to see you again." She follows Romeo to the teleporter.

"Goodbye! You guys are a cute-" the Copycat begins to say, only to be cut off as the two of you step through the teleporter.

You arrive in the lightly lit basement of the Pokemon Center on the Psychic side of town. Almost as soon as you arrive Romeo falls to the ground, clutching his head in excruciating pain.

"Aw damn, what is it this time? Cat didn't talk you into one of her Paras trips, did she?" a man with a cigar says, walking over to see what's wrong.

Right. Ethan hefts the supplies and follows Gerald to Romeo's apartment so they can work.

The two of you arrive at the hotel. It's a nice one, four stars. You head up the elevator, operated by a butler, to arrive in a clean, modern room. It is well lit and stocked with food and even a few basic supplies, and in about two hours the two of you have managed to construct your respective arms.

2012-05-10, 12:20 AM
Sorry kid. But learning is often a painful...and expensive...prospect. Willy, take it easy on him and just scratch it out.

He moves to E-4 and swipes. [roll0] [roll1]

2012-05-10, 12:28 AM
Willy moves to E-5 and fires off a poison-tipped barb at the opponent.

[roll0] [roll1] poisoned on 17-20.

She just looks at him. "...I don't do dresses, and that goatee makes you look like an idiot." She goes to look at herself in a mirror before going. Hm, should dress up more often. She looked nice, aside from the fake bruises. Artemis give Copycat a handshake. "Thank you for an...interesting time. I hope to see you again." She follows Romeo to the teleporter.

Right. Ethan hefts the supplies and follows Gerald to Romeo's apartment so they can work.

Sorry kid. But learning is often a painful...and expensive...prospect. Willy, take it easy on him and just scratch it out.

He moves to E-4 and swipes. [roll0] [roll1]

Blitzle - The Zebra Pokemon
Blitzle was created when a Ponyta and a Sableye collided at high speeds, leaving dark streaks all over the body of this Pokemon.

The Blitzle falls, the kid returning it with a groan.

"I think you'll like my second Pokemon more!" he says with a cry, releasing a blue Pokemon on the opposite side of the ring.


U iz more faster.

2012-05-10, 12:36 AM
"Nah, he caught something from 'Cat. Sensitive to anything psyokinetic now, even simple mind-reading." She picks him up and drapes Romeo's arm over her shoulder. At least he was decently tall. "He'll probably go into some sort of siezure if he stays here. I'll have to sneak over to the other side of town just to see him! Dress up like some idiot fighter!" she hugs Romeo closer to her, like an oversized doll while he recovers. Her thoughts agree with this, though clearly there is a bit more. She looks at him like she'd never see him again.
"We were told you might know what to do, or to speed up recovery. Can you?"

You didn't mention the blue mon. Wynaut I'm guessing?

2012-05-10, 12:39 AM
Willy dashes to E-7 and plunges his claws into the dirt, kicking up large piles of it to fling against the opposing mon.

[roll0] [roll1] lowers speed of enemy 1 stage on a hit.

2012-05-10, 12:54 AM
Arte's not sure when Sparky hopped on, but she just shakes her head from Arte's shoulder as Romeo convulses.

Carefully, gently...
*CLUNK* *clkclkclk* *whrr*
Ah! There we go! Field test...apple. Let's try the apple.
Carefully, gently, a metal hand reaches out and...picks it up, bringing it up to eye level and turning it. It worked...it worked!
He looked over the unarmored machine arm, watching the reinforced spider silk tendons work, doing minute touches where they meet the "skeleton" of the arm. Each woven with care and attached to a nerve wire threaded through the hollow "bone". Eventually satisfied with it's workings, he begins laying the protective plating out, covering it all with sliding metal plates that slides around, almost human looking.

Similar to this, but steel gray and with a shining metallic sheen still.

Reaching back out, he grabs the apple with the metal arm and takes a bite out of it.
"Success. Always so sweet. How's yours coming, Ethan?"

2012-05-10, 02:08 AM
Romeo just shakes in Arte's arms. 'Ghnjftschsgerbdgdsvfhshcdd!'

Elly just looks on in panic.

2012-05-10, 07:03 AM
She holds him tighter, slightly hurting this time. "See!? Look at him!"

2012-05-10, 07:09 AM
Just...about... there! Ethan rips off the saudering googles he was wearing and stares at the heap of metal and wires he had been toiling at for the last few hours. He marvled at it for a moment before twirling around and dashing over to the large couch inside the room. First, a test. He bends over and hooks his right arm under the couch. He strains and is able to lift the couch about an inch off the ground for less than a second before dropping it in a huff. Right! and he dashes back to his master piece. He stares at the heap for exactly 3 seconds before jabbing his hand into the pile. His hand finds just the right opening to not get caught of metal or wiring. He fiddles with some unseen mechanism within the heap and stops.

Gerald, you ready for this? and without waiting for an answer, he twists his wrist flat and the heap starts to shake and wir. It starts to move up along Ethan's arm, almost as if it was some primitive pokemon climbing up Ethan's arm to engulf him. The heap smooths out till it is a bunch of jagged metal and wiring all along Ethan's arm but without command, it begins rearraging itself. The metal plates slide over one another, covering up wiring and overlapping. Once all the plates had moved into position, the moved inwards towards Ethan's arm, creating a sleek metal outer casing for Ethan's arm.

And the expirement! Ethan goes back to the couch once more. With little effort he is able to one end of the couch off the floor one handed. What do you think?

2012-05-10, 10:02 AM
Willy dashes to E-7 and plunges his claws into the dirt, kicking up large piles of it to fling against the opposing mon.

[roll0] [roll1] lowers speed of enemy 1 stage on a hit.

The Pokemon takes the hit, but seems weakened by it. Shooting a tentacle out towards Willy it collides, and starts to absorb the life out of the small Sandshrew.

26 damage to Willy


Arte's not sure when Sparky hopped on, but she just shakes her head from Arte's shoulder as Romeo convulses.

Carefully, gently...
*CLUNK* *clkclkclk* *whrr*
Ah! There we go! Field test...apple. Let's try the apple.
Carefully, gently, a metal hand reaches out and...picks it up, bringing it up to eye level and turning it. It worked...it worked!
He looked over the unarmored machine arm, watching the reinforced spider silk tendons work, doing minute touches where they meet the "skeleton" of the arm. Each woven with care and attached to a nerve wire threaded through the hollow "bone". Eventually satisfied with it's workings, he begins laying the protective plating out, covering it all with sliding metal plates that slides around, almost human looking.

Similar to this, but steel gray and with a shining metallic sheen still.

Reaching back out, he grabs the apple with the metal arm and takes a bite out of it.
"Success. Always so sweet. How's yours coming, Ethan?"

The arm works, is functional, and looks good. Kubota eyes it cautiously, as if this new limb was something other than you.

She holds him tighter, slightly hurting this time. "See!? Look at him!"

"He got APW? Damn," the man mutters. "That's unlucky. Here, let's get him upstairs. We've got a few shots that might help him out, make the pain more bearable," he says, leading you up the stairs.

"How much you willing to pay?"

Just...about... there! Ethan rips off the saudering googles he was wearing and stares at the heap of metal and wires he had been toiling at for the last few hours. He marvled at it for a moment before twirling around and dashing over to the large couch inside the room. First, a test. He bends over and hooks his right arm under the couch. He strains and is able to lift the couch about an inch off the ground for less than a second before dropping it in a huff. Right! and he dashes back to his master piece. He stares at the heap for exactly 3 seconds before jabbing his hand into the pile. His hand finds just the right opening to not get caught of metal or wiring. He fiddles with some unseen mechanism within the heap and stops.

Gerald, you ready for this? and without waiting for an answer, he twists his wrist flat and the heap starts to shake and wir. It starts to move up along Ethan's arm, almost as if it was some primitive pokemon climbing up Ethan's arm to engulf him. The heap smooths out till it is a bunch of jagged metal and wiring all along Ethan's arm but without command, it begins rearraging itself. The metal plates slide over one another, covering up wiring and overlapping. Once all the plates had moved into position, the moved inwards towards Ethan's arm, creating a sleek metal outer casing for Ethan's arm.

And the expirement! Ethan goes back to the couch once more. With little effort he is able to one end of the couch off the floor one handed. What do you think?

The end of the couch is tough, but you lift it off the ground, something you probably couldn't have done before. The arm seems to work fine.

2012-05-10, 10:15 AM
Gerald claps at the display-clapping! How long had it been since the last time he could do that!-and stands up, gently patting Kubota with the arm.
"Very nice."
He extends the fist out in front of him.
"Pretty sure this is a common way to show mutual success."

(Mecha brofist time)

2012-05-10, 10:27 AM
Willy looks weakened by the roots, but remains upright.

Try to end it now, Willy. Scratch 'em up!

[roll0] [roll1]

2012-05-10, 10:29 AM
Critical damage: [roll0]

2012-05-10, 10:29 AM
"Well how much is it? I'm a bit short right now. Might be able to pay but can't pay rent or food sort of deal." She part carries, part drags him along.

2012-05-10, 11:16 AM
'Gafaddnnffffffch!' Romeo tries to reach into his pocket, but his arm flails uselessly about. This was the second most painful experience of his life, second only to the time he forgot the safeword in that Hoenn bondage club. And this was nowhere near as much fun.

2012-05-10, 01:20 PM
Ethan tilts his head slightly at Gerald. He was a worthwhile colleague, if a bit of a negative thinker. Better than other 3 in Ethan's opinion. He was able to design and build a fully functional and articulate prosthetic hooked directly to his nervous system. It didn't even seem to be any slower or weaker than a human one. But the gesture he was attempting. What was colloquially known as a "Bro-Fist" was somewhat out of character for him. It seemed somewhat queer to Ethan. For a moment, a thought crossed his mind he was still in the Copycat's snare but it passed quickly. It was too good to be Copycat, it was enjoyable for him and thus not enjoyable for her.

Ethan snapped out of his internal thoughts. He was gone but a second but it was a painfully obvious second. If we are doing this "Bro-Fist" or Mecha-Bro-Fist would be more apripro, I think we need one more participant. Ethan releases Mjolnir. Hello new friend. I would like you to join us in a celebritory event. Simply bump your claws, closed of course, against our fists. Ok? The beldum stares at him with his unblinking eye for for 3 full seconds before nodding slightly and rotating around, clenching its little claws.

Ethan raises his own gauntleted fist. Let's do this. he say's with a smirk.

2012-05-10, 01:38 PM

2012-05-10, 01:41 PM

2012-05-10, 02:07 PM
Willy looks weakened by the roots, but remains upright.

Try to end it now, Willy. Scratch 'em up!

[roll0] [roll1]

The blow passes through the Pokemon, doing mo damage. It sends another tentacle at him, KOing the little Pokemon.

16 danage total.

"Well how much is it? I'm a bit short right now. Might be able to pay but can't pay rent or food sort of deal." She part carries, part drags him along.

"^200 to boost his resistance so he can function," the man says, injecting him.

'Gafaddnnffffffch!' Romeo tries to reach into his pocket, but his arm flails uselessly about. This was the second most painful experience of his life, second only to the time he forgot the safeword in that Hoenn bondage club. And this was nowhere near as much fun.

You feel a sharp pain in your arm, then the pain lessens. Your head still feels as if it may explode, but you can function.

You see the man standing over you, mouthing words. Then they start to come through. "-ello? Can you hear me?" he says. "We gave you a shot. It should make the pain tollerable. It won't fix the problem, just blunt the pain. You'll need to build up an immunity for that.


You hear a knock on the door. "Houshecleaning," it says in a thick accent.

2012-05-10, 02:14 PM
A watery ghost...not familiar with that breed. Must be an import. Let's see what Buck thinks of this.

The Scraggy bursts forth in E-7.

Not sure who is faster.

2012-05-10, 02:16 PM
Hide in the bathroom, just in case. Ethan starts pulling on his coat to hide his robotic arm and stuffs his hand in his pocket. He also releases Ollie just in case. Don't come in! I'm not decent! Ethan drops his trouser's to keep up the act.

2012-05-10, 02:17 PM
Whether or not Buck goes first, here's his turn: shift if necessary and use Faint Attack.

[roll0] dark physical.

2012-05-10, 02:24 PM
Artemis pulls out the money while Romeo comes to. "Thats how much you owe me now?" She laughs lightly as she says it.

2012-05-10, 03:01 PM
Once Buck floors the Frillish, Paul approaches the trainer.

I really like that soggy spectre you brought out. Willy is no slouch and it put paid to him with ease. Would you be willing to trade for my Snivy? One of the best grassy mons out there, no question. He's strong too, not far from evolving. I'll even toss in a couple thousand bucks, if you'd like.

2012-05-10, 03:24 PM
Gerald does so, pulling out his pistol as he does, and waiting for the first sign of bad things.

2012-05-10, 06:39 PM
Artemis pulls out the money while Romeo comes to. "Thats how much you owe me now?" She laughs lightly as she says it.

"Thanks," the man mutters, pocketing the cash. "He'll feel better on the Fighter side. Less Psychics. If he can stay close to one, he'll build up an immunity. Close to this many, well, you saw what happened," he says, turning to leave.

Once Buck floors the Frillish, Paul approaches the trainer.

I really like that soggy spectre you brought out. Willy is no slouch and it put paid to him with ease. Would you be willing to trade for my Snivy? One of the best grassy mons out there, no question. He's strong too, not far from evolving. I'll even toss in a couple thousand bucks, if you'd like.

After some negotiating, you manage to talk the kid into a deal; you'll waive the wager, pay him ^7,000, and also give him Hank.

"Oh," he says at the end, somewhat shyly. "I want a rematch if we do this too," he says.

Gerald does so, pulling out his pistol as he does, and waiting for the first sign of bad things.

Hide in the bathroom, just in case. Ethan starts pulling on his coat to hide his robotic arm and stuffs his hand in his pocket. He also releases Ollie just in case. Don't come in! I'm not decent! Ethan drops his trouser's to keep up the act.

The door is busted down by a powerful shoulder, revealing the large man that Gerald had talked to eariler at the Dojo. He is roaring loudly, a massive flamethrower clutched in his hand, a big duffle bag laying behind him, apparently to smuggle it up.

"DIE ROME-" he shouts, all rage and anger. Then he sees the two of you.

"You no Romeo. Where Romeo?" he says stupidly. "Did I break into the wrong room?"

Then he notices that Ethan's pants are on his ankles. "You guys weren't about to.... you know.... Sorry," he says awkardly.

"Hey! I know you! You're funny arm guy! How'd you get an arm!"

2012-05-10, 06:53 PM
'Thanks. While I'm here, I don't suppose you have a Field First Aid Kit for sale? You know, in-case this sort of thing happens again.'

2012-05-10, 06:54 PM
'Thanks. While I'm here, I don't suppose you have a Field First Aid Kit for sale? You know, in-case this sort of thing happens again.'

The man stops. "Field First Aid? Yeah, I can hook you up with one for ^1,000," the man says, eyeing you.

2012-05-10, 06:57 PM
'Come on, I've studied some medicine too. No way it's worth more than 500.'


2012-05-10, 06:58 PM
'Come on, I've studied some medicine too. No way it's worth more than 500.'


^800. Final offer," the man says.

2012-05-10, 07:01 PM
'I'll try my luck at the fighter side of town, thanks anyway.'

2012-05-10, 07:02 PM
'I'll try my luck at the fighter side of town, thanks anyway.'

The man sighs. "^700. Since you did 'cat."

2012-05-10, 07:10 PM
'Why yes I did. we both did cat.' Romeo couldn't help but surpress a grin. That was probably his greatest accomplishment as a lover so far.

He reaches for his wallet, and after a few minutes (due to his hands still shaking) he pays the man.

2012-05-10, 07:18 PM
'Why yes I did. we both did cat.' Romeo couldn't help but surpress a grin. That was probably his greatest accomplishment as a lover so far.

He reaches for his wallet, and after a few minutes (due to his hands still shaking) he pays the man.

The man (who had gone to get the kit as you struggled with your wallet) happily takes your money and hands you a heavy kit full of medical supplies.

2012-05-10, 07:48 PM
'So my plan for today is: Get to the fighter side alive, call Stacey and make the meeting, Give back Sparky and Hardcase, Make-over Ethan, go through with the operation, then have sex with Artemis. You know, that sounds like a fun and exciting day to me.'

2012-05-10, 08:16 PM
"You forgot the part where you get your balls cut, remember? You probably will be in pain from a light jog after that...you know, I might be alright with that actually..." She gives him an evil grin. "By the way, I'd say I was an excellent actor back there."

2012-05-10, 08:45 PM
Gerald levels the gun at head height to the man, ready to shoot when Ollie bumps into him. Recognition dawns as he puts the gun away and curls the sleeve up, revealing metal.
"Made one, and not that. Got the key off some guy in the street, both of us needed a place to build robot arms, figured this would work. Next project was jet boots. Normal pants plus large amounts of heat tend to end poorly, though."
He pauses.
"Why are you here to kill someone, anyway? And why use a flamethrower to kill a single target? Waste of good fuel for larger groups. A shotgun would work better, and be harder to trace back to you."

2012-05-10, 09:16 PM
Further more! Ethan waves his normal finger at the man, not making any attmept to make himself decent. The ruse worked, it will continue working as long as he could make it. When your going to barge in and try to incinerate your quarrel, Arceus Judged you gaurentee you have located his proper abode! Your folly could have caused innocents to fell to your incindairy weaponry, and surely to draw more attention that your brutish method would have wrought originally. If you had barged in on any other couple, they will have surely informed the proper authority post haste.

During this entire speech, Ethan had been slowly wriggling out of his pants completly, just incase he needed full range of movement in his legs.

However, we will forgive you if you allow us to look over that wonderful weapon you have. Ethan gives an innocent smile, trying to look as if his pantsless state was a non-issue for him.

I'm supposing Dex check for getting out of pants. [roll0]
And Cha check to covince him to see his flamethrower [roll1]

2012-05-10, 09:23 PM
He looks at Ethan oddly, and shakes his head.
"Sorry, don't go that way. But can we look at the flamethrower? Think one would go in my new arm fairly well."

2012-05-10, 10:02 PM
'Please don't phrase it like that Arte. It's a vasectomy, not a castration. And yes, I'll get it done. You promised to help me and I'm glad. Thanks.'

He tries out the new kit by patching himself up.

Use Treat Minor Wounds twice

20hp x 2 restored
100 x 2 money speant

HP: 58/60

'Okay, that's a bit better. Let's see if I can complete step 1.'

2012-05-10, 10:09 PM
"Treating it like castration is funnier. Makes you squirm." She giggles, then holds his hand and escorts him out of the Center. "Shame I can't communicate telepathically to you. I'd tell you that this is just part of the act right now. Plus fewer people will likely read your mind."

2012-05-10, 10:11 PM
A rematch? Sure. We can do it now, or any other time you want. I'm local, just look up Paul Ticker.

2012-05-10, 11:28 PM
Gerald levels the gun at head height to the man, ready to shoot when Ollie bumps into him. Recognition dawns as he puts the gun away and curls the sleeve up, revealing metal.
"Made one, and not that. Got the key off some guy in the street, both of us needed a place to build robot arms, figured this would work. Next project was jet boots. Normal pants plus large amounts of heat tend to end poorly, though."
He pauses.
"Why are you here to kill someone, anyway? And why use a flamethrower to kill a single target? Waste of good fuel for larger groups. A shotgun would work better, and be harder to trace back to you."

"Jet boots? I want some!" the man says, sounding like an overgrown kid.

"And why not use Lady on one person?" he says, hoisting up the flamethrower. "More boom is more dead."

Further more! Ethan waves his normal finger at the man, not making any attmept to make himself decent. The ruse worked, it will continue working as long as he could make it. When your going to barge in and try to incinerate your quarrel, Arceus Judged you gaurentee you have located his proper abode! Your folly could have caused innocents to fell to your incindairy weaponry, and surely to draw more attention that your brutish method would have wrought originally. If you had barged in on any other couple, they will have surely informed the proper authority post haste.

During this entire speech, Ethan had been slowly wriggling out of his pants completly, just incase he needed full range of movement in his legs.

However, we will forgive you if you allow us to look over that wonderful weapon you have. Ethan gives an innocent smile, trying to look as if his pantsless state was a non-issue for him.

I'm supposing Dex check for getting out of pants. [roll0]
And Cha check to covince him to see his flamethrower [roll1]

"Look at Lady?" the man says in rage, before calming down. "I guess I did interrupt you guys, you know," he says, trailing off. "That new. How you do dude? They have no *****," he says, apparently confused. "OK," he says, hoisting the massive gun up on the table, pulling out a large knife as he does so. "Anyways," he says, looking at your exposed waist, "you need a really big gun to make up for that" he says, gesturing at your crotch.

It truly is a wonder of a machine. The nozzle is expertly crafted to resemble, as Ethan says, the head of a Charizard. The fuel tank is massive, holding gallons of some sort of liquid neither of you can identify. Neither of you want to test it, but between the compression chamber and pump it could probably spray burining liquid all over the place.

He looks at Ethan oddly, and shakes his head.
"Sorry, don't go that way. But can we look at the flamethrower? Think one would go in my new arm fairly well."

"Flamethrower arm? We need you at Dojo, make cool stuff," he says with a grin. When the two of you are done inspecting the gun, he grows serious, picking it back up.

"So where man you mug? I need to beat him up good," he says with an evil grin. "If you tell me there's money," he says, waving around a stack of bills.

"Treating it like castration is funnier. Makes you squirm." She giggles, then holds his hand and escorts him out of the Center. "Shame I can't communicate telepathically to you. I'd tell you that this is just part of the act right now. Plus fewer people will likely read your mind."

The two of you slowly work your way across the city to the Psychic side, Romeo staggering most of the way. A guard nods at the two of you as you cross the border, apparently not recognizing Artemis.

As soon as you are a little ways inside the Dojo side the ringing in your head lessens. It now is simply a dull throbbing pain, not debilitating.

A rematch? Sure. We can do it now, or any other time you want. I'm local, just look up Paul Ticker.

"Oh, no, the rematch will come later," the kid says, pocketing the cash and at Pidgey. "And I'll win that one," he says with a grin.

2012-05-10, 11:45 PM
After redressing and taking several HD pictures of the flamethrower, he addresses the slow man directly. I think this Romeo of yours is long gone. We saw some scrawny guy running from a bunch of men like your self. He was naked with his clothes in his arms and the men were saying something about wives and girlfriends. The guy dropped his pants and we found the key in them. I wouldn't doubt he's long gone from the Saffron. Probably holed up in some cave or another city. My guess is Pewter or Mt. Moon. I suggest looking outside the city first.

Ethan gives a sly look to Gerald. Hopefully he'll follow along with the ruse.


2012-05-10, 11:46 PM
While we're making requests as part of the deal, here's mine: if you see an uptight psychic chick named Artemis around here asking for a battle, please beat her uppity Rufflet down for me. Especially if you use Hank here to do it.

In any case, see you around.

Paul goes to heal up Willy and the Frillish, and messages his comrades.

Off to center to heal, then ready to go. You jerkbags done groping each other and ready to go do some thieving?

2012-05-10, 11:51 PM
Artemis helps Romeo to the Café, though upon seeing that everyone has left, gets annoyed. -Am I early or did we have a rapid change of plans?-

2012-05-11, 12:27 AM
Gerald goes to speak up, before the phone goes off. He checks it quickly.
"One second. Artemis wants to know where we went."
He shoots a quick text back.
-Sounded like you two were busy. Decided to get our gear completed, will be there shortly. Finally have two arms again!
He looks back up after sending it.
"Anyway, Pickup is a very useful ability like that. Pretty sure he was running towards the north."

2012-05-11, 12:47 AM
-Well we need to get whoever else is part of the job in their outfit. Where would be good?- She searches for more on Romeo's condition while she waits. Are there any other known cures besides what Copycat suggested?

2012-05-11, 09:39 AM
Romeo sends a text to Stacey asking when the meeting is happening. He also mentions that when he shows up he won't look the same but will sound the same. He also asks if the Slugma kids name was Jordan.

2012-05-11, 09:56 AM
Gerald begins talking again before the phone goes off again.
"Hope that helps. I'll probably pop by the Dojo as a Silph researcher occasionally-excuse me, it's our coworker Arte again."
-Fighter Center maybe? Away from N-gate, things may get heated there.

2012-05-11, 09:59 AM
"I always was curious how the fighter medics kept pace with the Empaths on the Psychic side." She drags Romeo along, whether he wants to go right now or not.

2012-05-11, 10:21 AM
'Bandages. And drugs. And TLC.' Romeo hefts his Firdt Aid kit. 'I bet you'll change your mind next time I have to heal you all up. This is a handy little thing to have, and cheaper than those injectors in the long run.'

2012-05-11, 10:24 AM
"In the field, yes. Here I can just pop into the...the Center for free." She stops herself from saying Psychic. Don't draw attention with stuff like that.

2012-05-11, 02:11 PM
After redressing and taking several HD pictures of the flamethrower, he addresses the slow man directly. I think this Romeo of yours is long gone. We saw some scrawny guy running from a bunch of men like your self. He was naked with his clothes in his arms and the men were saying something about wives and girlfriends. The guy dropped his pants and we found the key in them. I wouldn't doubt he's long gone from the Saffron. Probably holed up in some cave or another city. My guess is Pewter or Mt. Moon. I suggest looking outside the city first.

Ethan gives a sly look to Gerald. Hopefully he'll follow along with the ruse.


Gerald goes to speak up, before the phone goes off. He checks it quickly.
"One second. Artemis wants to know where we went."
He shoots a quick text back.
-Sounded like you two were busy. Decided to get our gear completed, will be there shortly. Finally have two arms again!
He looks back up after sending it.
"Anyway, Pickup is a very useful ability like that. Pretty sure he was running towards the north."

He looks at the two of you , apparently confused. "He run?" he says, dissapointed. "I no do hits out of Saffron," he says, his face looking like a sad puppy's. With a sigh he puts the flamethrower back in the duffle bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

"If you see him, you call, OK?" he says as he lumbers away. "Lotsa money if you do."

-Well we need to get whoever else is part of the job in their outfit. Where would be good?- She searches for more on Romeo's condition while she waits. Are there any other known cures besides what Copycat suggested?

As you surf, it seems all that is really needed is extreme closeness to a Psychic for an extended period of time; sex isn't actually required, but since it is a STD that can be fixed by sex, well, that's usually the most common way to get that exposure.

Romeo sends a text to Stacey asking when the meeting is happening. He also mentions that when he shows up he won't look the same but will sound the same. He also asks if the Slugma kids name was Jordan.

Meeting at 12 with kid. Jordan sounds right. Disguise was good idea. Hitman out for you, be careful.


P.S. - You free tonight?

It is currently about 10 AM.

While we're making requests as part of the deal, here's mine: if you see an uptight psychic chick named Artemis around here asking for a battle, please beat her uppity Rufflet down for me. Especially if you use Hank here to do it.

In any case, see you around.

Paul goes to heal up Willy and the Frillish, and messages his comrades.

Off to center to heal, then ready to go. You jerkbags done groping each other and ready to go do some thieving?

The kid excitedly promises to do just that, even going so far as to say he'll kill the bird.

The Center patches up your 'mons for ^400.

2012-05-11, 02:17 PM
Eh, don't kill the bird. I'm not that fond of it but it's more the trainer that's the problem than anything. Just beat her, and be as humiliating as possible to her when you do it.

Paul pays for the healing and hurries to the meeting spot, looking around to see who else has arrived before him.

2012-05-11, 02:19 PM
"Will keep in mind. Take care!"
Once he's out of sight, he shows the texts to Ethan.
"Get your damn pants on already and come on. Why did you do that anyway?"

2012-05-11, 02:26 PM
"Good news. You might get to keep everything down there. Seems close contact is all that is needed. We don't actually have to do anything it seems." She breathes a sigh of relief. Could have been fun- NO! EW! Stop thinking like that! He's just some idiot that you're stuck with. Yeah, but just look at- NO! He's a moron! But you have to learn to deal with morons. That doesn't mean screwing with them! Just saying...
She was glad there were no other Psychics around.
She grabs his hand tighter. "Although it might be slower that way." You are such a- I gave him the option. I made an agreement with him before, and I am not a liar. Manipulative, but not a liar. You led him to the conclusion you preferred. True. That's the manipulative part. He wants the same though. He could be a gentleman and turn it down. You saw into his mind; be honest with yourself. That is who you're lying to, after all.
"Not lying, just confused... So anyways, your choice."

2012-05-11, 02:28 PM
To keep up the ruse obviously. And it worked didn't it? Now lets be quick and find the others. Ethan returns Mjolnir and Ollie and leads the way to the meeting spot.

2012-05-11, 02:32 PM
'ARTEMIS! You're crushing my hand!'

It didn't help she was three times stronger then the weakling and she was pissed off.

'Ow ow ow ow ow ow!'

2012-05-11, 02:36 PM
"Sorry!" She lets go of him. Yet another reason: He's such a wimp! He does other things... Yeah, we know. BESIDES THAT! "So you heard my statement, yes?"

2012-05-11, 03:21 PM
He blows on his hand like it's stinging. 'Look, I appreciate what you're doing for me. If you'd rather we not have sex, that's fine. I'm not going to pressure you about it. I know I'd prefer to do it the fun way, but I respect you as a colleague and friend. I can only guess how uncomfortable this is for you. Just so you know, if it was reversed I'd screw you in a second.'

2012-05-11, 03:31 PM
And he leaves you the way out. But I gave it to him. You like hi- SHUT UP! "I made an agreement based on what was required to help you. The way I see it, the choice is be attached at the hip all day, every day for a few weeks, or just have to put up with you for a roughly similar amount of evenings, but I'm asleep during much of it. Neither really appeals, so I'm leaving it up to you." You little wh- I'm not listening to you.

2012-05-11, 03:45 PM
'Then screw we shall. Thanks Arte, your a good friend.' He gives her a good hug.

He texts Stacey back -Thanks babe. Sorry, can't meet up tonight. Gotta go to the hospital. Maybe later?-

But before he sends it he looks at Arte. 'So I guess I'm not allowed to see other girls while I'm with you? and hey, I have a hitman after me. Been a while. Good thing I picked this up.'

2012-05-11, 03:52 PM
She just lets him hug her. "No, I don't really like being a plaything while you're with other girls. Unless you somehow convince someone else (doubtful after the previous attempt) you're stuck with me until you're recovered." Jealous of other girls stealing him away from you? More like catching something from one of them via him. Whatever you have to tell yourself. Whateverr you have to- "Wait, what? What did you do this time!?"

2012-05-11, 04:00 PM
'Gotcha! Psychics don't like to share. Well, unless we could get Copycat again, but she'd probably be too busy. Is flirting okay? Cos otherwise I'm severely limited in what I can do. And don't worry, I get death threats all the time. Been a few months since someone sent a hitman. Last time I ended up bedding the guy. He had a thing for knives, slept with them under his pillow. Nice chap though.'

He spots the rest of the group.

'They won't recognise us, should we do something? Have a little fun?'

2012-05-11, 04:06 PM
She glares at him when he mentions Psychics. "Girls in general don't like to share. Nothing blatant unless I'm not around." See, he does other things, kind of. "No, because we still have to then go and talk to them. And you have to act like nothing happened." The word nothing is spoken into his head. She pulls him over to the group, acting more like she's dragging him once they are well within sight.

2012-05-11, 04:14 PM
Ethan, Gerald and Paul all reach the Center about the same time and manage to find a table to sit at.

About ten minutes later two strangers start walking towards you, one basically dragging the other.

2012-05-11, 04:29 PM
Can I help you two?

Artemis is that you?

2012-05-11, 04:33 PM
"Just needing a spot to sit. Friend here blacked out in the sun today. I told him not to wear that suit." Yep, seems the idiot was good for something after all. Dummy here still can't take even a thought being put in his head without issues, though. She drops Romeo into a chair before grabbing a seat.

2012-05-11, 04:38 PM
'Oww headache!' He rubs his temples. 'Ready to get sexy Ethan? Meeting is in two hours.'

2012-05-11, 05:32 PM
Gerald went with Kubota tucked in his real arm and his tools being held in the other. He tenses, until Sparky pops up out of a backpack and waves, swinging over to him and giving him a hug. He lets Kubota sit on the table as this happens, and waves to them with the right hand.
"Missed you too, girl."
He pets the little spider with his new hand.
"So...what did you do to get a guy with a flamethrower after you?"

2012-05-11, 05:36 PM
"Presumably be doing what he always does, and it turns out the girl's or girls' father knew some people."

2012-05-11, 05:44 PM
'Meh, it happens more often than you think. Think I could go back to my room in this disguise? Or should I crash with Arte?' He wiggles his eyebrows at her.

2012-05-11, 05:48 PM
She glares. "He might check again, unfortunately. There's two beds, thank Arceus. I'll move one to the far side of the room. The very far side."

2012-05-11, 05:52 PM
While sleeping arrangments are so rivetting and entertaining, we should get to the mission at hand. How much time do we have and where?

2012-05-11, 05:55 PM
About 10:30 right now.

2012-05-11, 05:58 PM
'Ethan. You, me, a bathroom stall and my toys, right now.' Romeo giggles. 'Not the first time I've had to say that.'

2012-05-11, 05:59 PM
"Romeo, before you go, what time is the meeting at?"

2012-05-11, 06:05 PM
'12 o'clock. We got an hour after we change Ethan then get over there.'

2012-05-11, 06:09 PM
"So where should Paul and I go? I was thinking find a room nearby to keep Joe on him in case something happens."

2012-05-11, 06:12 PM
"Ah, almost forgot." She digs through Romeo's bag, pulling out a very angry looking Kakuna with an old shirt stuck to it. "He decided that he liked the shirt and so Romeo just packed him in there for safe keeping." She thinks for a moment. "Just chat outside. Looks normal."

2012-05-11, 08:28 PM
Come here, buddy. Did you have a wild night of arthropod acrobatics?

Paul holds the Metapod in his hands, then glances at the disguised psychic with a smirk.

And how was your night, little miss just-out-of-trainer-school? Someone looks like she's doing the Walk of Shame today. You don't have to answer; I'll ask Romeo about it later. Assuming he doesn't pass out from lack of fluids.

As for our spot, I don't actually have to be present; can always have Hardcase web himself somewhere out of the way and relay to me what's happening.

With that, Paul releases a portion of himself to reconnect with Hardcase.

How you doing today, buddy? Sorry about leaving you with those odd sorts, but it was necessary to help you make that love connection.

2012-05-11, 09:11 PM
Artemis tenses up, but then just smiles. Being the only real Psychic in the group, I think I'm the only one qualified to say what others are thinking. She leans back in her chair, taking a deep breath.
"Seems like a straight forward plan. They go in, try to talk the boy into handing it over. It works, we return it. It doesn't, we have to try plan B. That fails, we go with plan C. We're all familiar with what all the plans are, correct?"

2012-05-11, 09:19 PM
"Diplomacy, assault, theft-wait, I mean diplomacy, theft, assault. It's the second one, right?"
REALLY need help with overcoming the indoctrination practices-right, psychic.

2012-05-11, 09:25 PM
"Diplomacy, threaten, then theft. There is no assault. Assault means something went very wrong."

2012-05-11, 09:26 PM
"Sorry. Old habit..."
He hangs his head a bit, recalling some of the more violent days of old.

2012-05-11, 09:32 PM
Artemis just tilts her head at the violent thoughts. This one will be useful. Very mentally scarred, though. You get to threaten though. That's close, right? Or, I could bring you along in the theft. Doesn't hurt me to bring another person along while phasing. Good to have two on one if something goes wrong, and it's too tempting to just leave Paul there. She smirks on the last thought.

2012-05-11, 09:34 PM
Poor Artemis. Perhaps someday I'll tell you what Aquilla actually thinks of his life, since you're unable to read his mind as I now can.

I suppose for now my part in the plan is to wait around and hope I'm not needed. Well, unless we threaten. We can do that.

2012-05-11, 09:37 PM
"Aw, you can't read body language so you have to enter your Pokémon's mind just to talk to them. Clearly I am just mentally crippled due to my just reading how they act." She lets out Aquilla, who just nuzzles her head. "Poor, poor me."

2012-05-11, 09:43 PM
I...I'm very tired of hurting people indiscriminately.
More visions of death and destruction follow, some of which were born of necessity. Even one where he stabs a bum in the neck over a half eaten apple because he hadn't eaten in over a week when he was six.
I'll help with the threat, but I need help keeping it to that. I'd join you on the theft, though.

2012-05-11, 10:13 PM
Oh dear, what can I do against such a formidable foe?Ethan lets out a small smile. He seems much more katty than before. Or maybe he's serious?

2012-05-11, 11:23 PM
'I don't know why you two need powers to understand people. Can't you just read them? Like this.' Romeo closed his eyes and focused on each of the members of the group. He was going to use his own special power.

Know your audience:
If I beat a 10, you have to tell me what kind of person your character is attracted to.

Paul: [roll0]
Artemis: [roll1]
Gerald: [roll2]
Ethan: [roll3]

And obviously it fails on Ethan :smallbiggrin:

2012-05-12, 01:12 AM
Maybe we'll keep you out of the threat then. Want you to stay under control.

If beating a 10 means hitting it, here you go. It does
Intelligent people, strong/good looking but not dumb guys, no good fluff way to say people with two high mental stats, Psychics

Overall, mod would likely be sum of 1/2 (WIS mod + CHA mod), INT mod and 1/2 STR mod after Arte's current STR (20 would garner a +1, 24 a +2, etc.) (no penalty from STR), and then modifiers for actual interactions. So Romeo would be +0 before accounting for how they interact, for example. Oddly, so would she.
"I can read people without entering their mind. I'm not perfect at it, but I can. I actually only read surface thoughts. I couldn't look in and see 'Oh, Paul was born in a barn' or anything like that unless he were to be thinking that at the time."

2012-05-12, 02:36 AM
(Female, unsure about modifiers as he is still very inexperienced.)
While Romeo and Ethan are in the bathroom, Gerald looks up.
"Did Romeo ever say what the kid's name is, by the way?"

2012-05-12, 03:58 AM
"His most recent ex," she says with a smile, "thinks the boy is called Jordan. No known last name."

2012-05-12, 07:34 AM
Pretty much all chicks, with a slight preference to the meatier type. Also, an inexplicable thing for Agatha, from how she looked back when he started training (which was, admittedly, still when she was pretty old).

I don't care about people, so that works out. And apparently I can go pretty in-depth with the minds of Pokemon, communicate with them and whatnot. Who knew? But instead of Muking around with waggling our brain peens at each other, how about we just get ready to take care of business?

2012-05-12, 08:17 AM
'My magic sexy powers say:

Arte wants a psychic who looks hot, maybe with a bit of muscle.

Paul likes junk in the trunk, and has a passion for certain ghost trainers.

Gerald has almost no experiance, but likes women.

And Ethan ..... I honestly have no idea if he's even interested in sex.'

He smiles, glad at getting 3 out of 4. 'See, I have magic powers too. Now Ethan, ready to get disguised?'

2012-05-12, 08:35 AM
"What happened to not needing powers to understand people?"

"Are you really all that surprised aft- nevermind." Right, not able to telecommunicate with him.

2012-05-12, 08:40 AM
I've always been ready. He says with with a wink. And I do have interest in carnal relations once a Mirage Island sighitng. If only when the mood strikes me. he adds flippantly.

2012-05-12, 09:19 AM
'Makeover time.'

Romeo takes Ethan to the bathroom, getting a few funny looks when two men go into the same stall. After 15 minutes and some grunting and banging (due to the stall being small) Ethan emerges with short blond hair combed back, contacts instead of glasses and a neat blonde goatee. There was fake make-up under his eyes to give him the look of a sleep deprived scientist that would work in Silph Co. And of course, a pocket jammed full of pens. Cos all scientists have hundreds of pens.

2012-05-12, 09:58 AM
'Makeover time.'

Romeo takes Ethan to the bathroom, getting a few funny looks when two men go into the same stall. After 15 minutes and some grunting and banging (due to the stall being small) Ethan emerges with short blond hair combed back, contacts instead of glasses and a neat blonde goatee. There was fake make-up under his eyes to give him the look of a sleep deprived scientist that would work in Silph Co. And of course, a pocket jammed full of pens. Cos all scientists have hundreds of pens.

As you exit the stall there is a small boy, probably about ten, looking at the two of you with wide eyes.

"What were you doing in there?" he says in a fearful voice.

2012-05-12, 10:01 AM
Ethan smiles and kneels down to the boy's height. Son, its best you don't know for your own good. while ruffling the kids hair before leaving the bathroom with a wink at Romeo to follow.

2012-05-12, 10:02 AM
Artemis stifles a laugh. "You just love goatees, don't you?"

2012-05-12, 10:42 AM
'What? they tickle when you kiss. Wanna find out?' You notice that was directed at both Artemis and Ethan.

2012-05-12, 10:46 AM
No. "I'd rather not."

2012-05-12, 10:49 AM
Ethan shoots a serious glare at Romeo. He's back to all business. Lets go to the meet sight and find out where we will be stationed.

2012-05-12, 11:52 AM
'Owwie owwie owwie!' Romeo grabs his head and follows after Ethan.

2012-05-12, 11:54 AM
Artemis just laughs and follows him.

2012-05-12, 12:06 PM
The group of you soon find yourself at the Dojo at around 11:50. Stacey is looking around, but doesnt' seem to be in a rush.

2012-05-12, 12:15 PM
Arte, you, Paul and Gerald find places you can watch without drawing attention to yourselves. And make sure your keeping you mind on the kid.

C'mon lover boy, who are we meeting? I need to get into character before we approach.

2012-05-12, 12:19 PM
'I told you, Stacey will introduce us to the kid. We're posing as members of Silph, trying to get the Slugma.'

'Hello ma'am, nice to meet you.' Romeo shakes Stacey's hand and gives her a wink. His voice should give him away.


2012-05-12, 12:21 PM
I'll monitor your thoughts. Just get panicky if things go wrong and I'll send those two in. "Guys, just hang out at the benches by the gym. I'll be in good range of him and we can get in quickly if things go south. Paul, have Hardcase hang out by a window and act as our eyes." Before going, she waits to see how Romeo's interaction goes. Somebody's jealous! Am not! Besides, she doesn't seem interested anymore.

2012-05-12, 12:22 PM
Gerald looks at the dojo.
"I know what to do if we go in. Paul, eyes in the sky time. Arte, stick with me or split to a side."

2012-05-12, 12:25 PM
'I told you, Stacey will introduce us to the kid. We're posing as members of Silph, trying to get the Slugma.'

'Hello ma'am, nice to meet you.' Romeo shakes Stacey's hand and gives her a wink. His voice should give him away.


Stacey looks at you funny.

"You were better looking yesterday," she mutters as if she is coming out of a trance. "Anwyays, I got the kid here. He'll be here in a bit. Need anything else?" she says, looking around.

Perception from Romeo and Ethan.

2012-05-12, 12:26 PM
'No, we should be fine. And yesterday was my real face.'

Romeo glances around.


sorry, should be 19, only +3

2012-05-12, 12:28 PM
Ethan quickly gets into character before approaching Stacey. Shaking hands, slight stutter, haggard look. Thank you so much ma'am. We were looking all over for this child.


2012-05-12, 12:33 PM
Both of you notice that her gaze lingers on a huge man, the one that had interrupted Ethan and Gerald's "special time."

"He's over there," she says, gesturing to a kid messing with a Type Shifter, probably the one Gerald gave him.