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2012-09-16, 10:51 PM
Elias nods his thanks and pockets it. Then he opens his sack and begins counting the money.

2012-09-16, 11:10 PM
Kath jumped and dropped the last few bites of his apple. He looked at the ghost and tried to catch his breath, feeling his heart racing. "You startled me, Miss," said the sailor, sitting down in a chair across from her. "You have me right. I'm not much for books and all that. It was only a few years ago I learned to read from my wife. I grew up in an orphanage, her and I both, and they could barely afford a tutor for us, so the troublemakers weren't allowed to come to class and they kicked me out the second day. Merice was the teacher's pet and she kept calling me dumb, so I dumped one of our few inkpots in her hair."

He reached down and grabbed his waterskin and took a long drink. Then he looked back to the trapped bookshelf. "But I figured I might see if I can find anything else up here. Something about this seems fishy, but I might just be overthinking it."

2012-09-16, 11:24 PM

Each sack has 500 gold in it, as agreed upon. If opened, the document is official and signed by the Mayor - a deed. To the former abode of one Chartessa Murals.

The party now owns the creepy horrible ghost house. Great.



"I apologize. I have not grown entirely used to not making any noise." She listens politely as he continues to speak, and nods. "A just response, if a slight waste of ink." She stops a moment and considers something. "I find myself with a predilection for revenge of late, though."

"Mm. The tomes of war do not reveal oermuch for those whom know of her what we do. 'Tis no surprise to me at least that she would embitter herself reading of such things as elven warfare. The other tomes, however...I find that I cannot read those. I assume they are written in a different language. Neither binding nor page holds meaning for me, though I agree it is strange."

2012-09-16, 11:37 PM
Satisfied, Elias closes the sack and puts it in his backpack, then opens the document. A comical look of surprise crosses his face. "We'd better go back, Orin. Everyone needs to see this."

2012-09-16, 11:46 PM
"I probably can't read them, either, if that first one was any indication. And if my friends would like to give them a shot, they can try to grab the things," said Kath, flexing his hand again. It felt pretty much back to normal, just a little cold when he touched it with his other hand. "Did you know your aunt to be a mage?"

2012-09-16, 11:55 PM
"Ah, the living limitations of fingers." She says sorrowfully as a book floats off the trapped shelf and onto the table, then back. "I do miss it."

"Not when I was alive. Though exploration of the house has revealed some...very abnormal things."

2012-09-17, 12:13 AM
"Wait, you explored the house...as you are now?" asked Kath. He looked at the ghost, just now putting it together that she wouldn't need a lockpick to get into some places, that shemight not set off traps. "What kind of things have you found? Like those leathers in that hole downstairs. Any idea who's those are?"

He stood up and walked over to the bookshelf. "And can you do that trick again?"

2012-09-17, 12:24 AM
Regardless of Orin's response, Elias takes his leave and returns to the Murals house, the deed and the reward burning figurative holes in his pockets.

2012-09-17, 12:38 AM
"The runed hiding place was unknown to me, but I have had time to aquaint myself with the rest. However, being dead and alone is still rather boring.

Aside from these tomes," The book (another one with mystical markings) flies again to the table. "The third and final floor is not as the outside appears. I do not know if any physical surprises await, but no living thing resides there. Yet."

2012-09-17, 05:27 AM
Picking the cloth covered object up carefully and carrying it by the corners of the cloth, Santino starts on his way to Defendor Investigations, thinking to himself, Damnit... I got sidetracked... Should have kept up with the others... until he runs into Elias heading back the other way, "Oh, there you are... Sorry I... Got caught up. What did the ol' Man have to say?

2012-09-17, 05:29 AM
Orin pockets his earnings without checking them, then glances at the document. He gasps, "Well that is unusual. Surely the Lady's goods cant be redistributed before her trial?" He ponders briefly, then shrugs, "Well, if the Mayor has deemed it appropriate, who am I to argue?" He then gestures to the door and grins excitedly "You're right, we should go tell the others!

So much happens every Sunday when I go to sleep! (I'm in the UK) I'm fine with that though.

2012-09-17, 12:29 PM
"I'm not sure," Elias replies as they leave. "It's not as if Chartessa can move back in, even if she's found innocent. Which is... doubtful. Now I understand why the Mayor said the traps weren't entirely his problem."

2012-09-17, 08:42 PM
Kath looked at the book suspiciously. He wasn't sure whether or not the book might be trapped or if the trap was on the book shelf. "The third floor? Wonder what's up there. Maybe if any of the others come back, I might check it out, but I don't feel like going up there alone."

He walked back and forth in front of the book on the table, thinking. He reached out and moved his hand directly over the book. "Although they seemed pretty sure the case was closed, so they might just be off on their way now. So maybe I should look around while I can." With that, he grit his teeth and lowered his hand to the book.

2012-09-17, 09:45 PM
Surprisingly, the book is not, in fact, trapped. In fact, absolutely nothing exciting happens. What a gyp!

2012-09-17, 11:23 PM
"Our job's done. Your share of the payment is waiting at Defendor Investigations." Elias thrusts the deed at Santino. "There is, however, a certain snag. Read this."

2012-09-19, 06:46 PM

The book's words might be gibberish, but opening it reveals a surprise all its own; pictures. The first few pages depicts what various potions should look like, effects of glowing spells on lizards, and so on.

After the first chapter though, things get interesting.

The pictures start turning insanely macabre. People being flayed, the flayed people being boiled, and other much worse things. Pray you haven't eaten recently. And it only gets worse the further in you go.

If you go to the last page, let me know...and then make a will save.



During your exchange outside Defendor Investigations, all of you could easily catch sight of a woman in plate armor just before she (her eyes are eyeing her surroundings) nearly crashes into Orin.

Thankfully, she catches herself just in time and blinks. "Oh! Terribly sorry, sir."

She stands at just under six feet, blonde hair tied back in a ponytail tied with a golden band. A smile normally lights up her features, blue eyes and tanned skin augmenting it just enough.

Her armor is styled so that it's the same color as the sun she wears around her neck - golden-orange. On her back is a shield with a rising sun motif and at her side hangs a mace. Anyone with even passing knowledge of Faerun's religion could instantly recognize her (or at least guess) as a cleric of Lathander, the god of Dawn, Renewal, and Vitality.

Yes, it's a very obvious bump, why do you ask? :smalltongue:

2012-09-19, 07:14 PM
Elias greets her distractedly. "Hello, ma'am -- miss? or should it be Sister?" Most of his attention is still focused on Santino's reaction to the deed.

2012-09-19, 08:05 PM
She smiles. "Oh, Bria is fine. I've never really been fond of 'miss' or 'ma'am'. It makes one feel a bit old, I think."

2012-09-19, 08:09 PM
Santino, still muddling his way through the parchment. Though his mother had tried her best to teach him to read, it still came hard... All those squiggly lines just seemed to merge together if he didn't concentrate.
Finally finishing just as the commotion and the voices of his companions starts up he looks up, seeing the tall woman before him he stutters,"H.. Hello... Ummm.... I'm.... I'm San... Santino."

2012-09-19, 08:28 PM
"Bria, then. Well met." Elias offers his hand. "I'm Elias Dure, sometime scribe and current... well, I'm not sure what I'm employed as now."

2012-09-19, 08:48 PM
Kath found the pictures he was looking at to be distasteful, but he couldn't seem to stop from turning the pages. He thought that there had to be SOMETHING to this book. It couldn't just be all this gore and vile things. If anything, that thought made him flip through the pages faster, until he found himself quite close to the end. But he had to know, so he kept flipping.


2012-09-19, 09:04 PM

"Pleased to meet you. She cheerfully shakes Elias' hand. Employment doesn't always equal profession, though. Like adventurers! They can do as they wish and it ends up as treasure.

Ah, but I go on. Might I ask what you're all doing around these parts?"



At first, your brain simply can't comprehend what your eyes are seeing. The final page looks like a random mishmash of color and line, but slowly it starts forming a coherent picture.

At once, intense fear grips your mind, causing all your thoughts to disappear and give way to one thought: Close The Book

Your willpower isn't enough to disobey your mind, seemingly controlled by another force, and the back of the book slams shut. The final image is burned into your mind for several moments thereafter.

A face, a face of utmost horror and evil, not possibly a man, but something much worse.

And a name, a name that causes a brief backlash of more fear whenever you think it again: Kzz’a’ham

2012-09-19, 10:48 PM
"I live here," Elias replies. "I was planning on leaving soon, but... I tried to earn some last-minute traveling funds, and things suddenly got a lot more interesting."

2012-09-19, 11:19 PM
Kath shut the book and let his breathing return to normal. He wasn't sure what had just happened, but he felt he should probably tell the others. "Well, that was unpleasant. Why in the nine hells would anyone keep a book like that in their home?" he asked the ghost.

2012-09-19, 11:46 PM

"Oh?" She frowns, concerned. "How so?"



"Why in the nine hells would a woman brutally murder her neice in a cellar?" Her tone is so dry and cold it's almost vindictive. Quick, remind her again of her horrible death!

2012-09-20, 12:05 AM
Elias frowns suspiciously -- but after all, if you can't trust a servant of the benevolent deity of dawn and renewal, who can you trust? "I was hired to evict a ghost, only to find that the ghost wasn't in need of exorcism so much as justice. Then my colleagues and I were granted responsibility for the house... which is still haunted, by the way. It's been an eventful day." Elias glances up at the sun.

What time of day is it?

2012-09-20, 12:41 AM
"A ghost? Goodness, I'll say you've had. I wonder if...only, well, I've been asking around the inn and a few other places since last night, perhaps you would know more...was it just the ghost, or did you find any other undead?"

It is currently Late Afternoon, around 3 candles past noontide, as the sundial reads.

2012-09-20, 01:01 AM
"Just the ghost, but then we haven't checked every room yet," Elias replies with perfect deadpan sincerity.

2012-09-20, 01:29 AM
Kath thought about it for a minute. "Cause she's a b!#$?" he asked. He stood up and went to look for the others. He walked outside of the room and down toward the front area. He tried to remember the name that had scared him so much, wanting to ask if the others knew of it. "I don't suppose you have ever heard the name....Kzz'a'ham...before?"

2012-09-20, 02:01 AM

She sinks down through the floor to the main level, a brief rant about how accurate Kath is about Chartessa being cut short thus. "If it is the name of anything, it is the name of horror, and evil. The way it rolls through the air..." Her ghostly form doesn't shudder, but the house does, slightly. "You may wish to speak with one of your wizard friends, they will know more than I."



"Searches would be helpful, but I think I would be best suited to the outside. Somehow, I doubt the spirit would welcome me with open arms. Ah, but I worry you unnecessarily. It's probably just a bit of paranoia on my part, and I wouldn't want to intrude on your work."

2012-09-20, 02:55 AM
Orin bows to Bria, "Well met, I am Orin. You looked a bit preoccupied there - is there anything we could help you with?" He gives a wry grin, and looks up at the sun, It seems our previous endeavor finished sooner than expected.

2012-09-20, 01:44 PM
To Bria: "Not at all. Why do you ask? Did something happen last night?"

2012-09-20, 05:44 PM
Santino nods his head at the tall woman and mumbles while fiddling with the document in his hands, "I hope you don't think this rude of me Ms Bria, but I better get back to the hose and show this to our companion who is still there..." looking around those gathered in the street with him, "Alone by the looks of it... Unless you consider Denara to be fit company."
With that, he smiles and turns on his heel and runs back to the house.

2012-09-20, 06:56 PM

"Oh, it's nothing, really. Or, I very much hope it's nothing. It's just that, to be blunt, bodies have been disappearing from the graveyard behind the city. I suspect mischief a foot, and am investigating. It might be just pranksters, though." She doesn't sound at all convinced, but apparently doesn't want to disturb the others.


"Not at all, sir. I think in this case he should welcome the company indeed. Safe travels."

2012-09-20, 07:02 PM
Making it back to the house, panting from running the whole way, Santino walks into the main hallway of the house and calls out,"Kath! Where in this place are you? I've got something to show you!"

2012-09-20, 08:32 PM
"I'd better return as well," Elias says. "But perhaps we'll look into the graveyard once we've made sure the house isn't going to eat our souls. Farewell, Bria... and good luck." He strides off after Santino.

2012-09-20, 09:00 PM
"And you as well, sir!" She waves in farewell.

2012-09-21, 12:23 AM
Kath heard Santino calling as he made his way downstairs. "Ahoy, I'm on my way down. I found another book. It was...unnerving. Don't read it," he said as he arrived in the foyer of the house with the ghost. "Denara also told me that the third floor of the house is different on the outside than on the inside."

He turned to the ghost, trying to remember her exact wording. "Did I get that right?"

2012-09-21, 12:31 AM
"You did. The mage may see it for what it is. I see it as much like a third arm; a peice of what I now am that does not feel...right with me. I stay away from there, but if I am needed, there I shall be."

2012-09-21, 01:16 AM
Elias enters the house halfway through Kath's response. After Denara finishes speaking, his brow furrows. "What's this about the third floor?"

2012-09-21, 01:44 AM
"I do not know. For some reason the specifics lie beyond my reach. Perhaps it can only be perceived by mortal eyes. Whatever the case, it still feels wrong. Like...like myself. It feels as though it should not be." If you thought normal intuition was nonspecific, check out ghostly intuition.

2012-09-21, 05:47 AM
Orin bows to Bria and jogs after to the other two, arriving moments after Elias. He frowns at the ghost's statement, "Well I guess there's always problems when you come into property" then grins at Kath, gesturing at the parchment Santino carries "Did you hear the news?"

2012-09-21, 08:18 AM
Looking back at Orin as he asks if Kath knows about the house yet and says, "I hadn't quite got that far as yet."
Turning back to Kath and holding out the document Santino nods, "You really need to read this."

2012-09-21, 05:47 PM
"Indeed. It's... important." Elias gazes up the stairs. "Once that's sorted, we can get down to the business of figuring out just what we've been given..."

2012-09-21, 10:22 PM
Kath grimaced when he saw the paper. "I recently had a bad experience with reading things," he said, reaching out hesitantly for the paper before shrugging, "as long as it doesn't magic me, though..."

He started reading the paper. Right away, he recognized the wording as a legal document, having seen such papers only once before, when his wife and he bought the orphanage. "This is...a deed to the house?" If he sounded incredulous, it was only because after reading that damned book, he was still worried someone would try to get back at them for seeing justice done to Chartessa.

2012-09-21, 10:35 PM
"It is. We now own this house. Collectively, as far as I can tell. I didn't think it made much sense at first, but the Mayor's a shrewd man. We're the only people he knows won't get evicted by Denara, so auctioning the estate would be futile... " Elias trails off. "What 'magicked' you?" he says sharply. "What did you read?"

2012-09-21, 11:10 PM
"I just...read a book," said Kath, sheepishly. "I didn't think it would hurt and I was trying to figure out more about what's going on."

He looked at the others with a shrug. "Wait, are we still getting paid if we get the house? He's not trying to swindle us out of our money, is he?"

2012-09-21, 11:18 PM
"Oh, we're still getting paid. I just collected my share from Defendor Investigations. The house appears to be by way of a bonus... "

2012-09-21, 11:37 PM
"A...deed to the house?" Denara looks, if possible, more incredulous than Kath. There is a pause. There wasn't any sound or movement in the area before, but now it seems even more still, silent.

Her ghostly form sinks closer to the floor and looks a little more solid than before, and tears slip from her face, hitting the floor with sizzling noises. She almost seems glowing, now. Immense relief and almost joy paints her entire being, a smile that practically exudes warmth lighting up her face.

"I...I do not have to be alone in this memory...Please, I know this place is not ideal, that many things here are not as they should be, and no blame should I cast on you for retreating, but...I beg thee, all of you, if it is within your wishes, stay. I would do everything in my power to make this a home to you, protect, serve, aid as I can, if you would grant me but this boon so long as this town holds your vigil."

2012-09-22, 12:45 AM
"Well... I haven't had what could be called a real home in a while... As long as we are able to make sure that the beds don't eat us while we sleep." Santino laughs as he sits down on the stairs.

2012-09-22, 01:22 PM
"Well... " Elias hesitates, but only for a second. "Hell. Waterdeep can wait. As far as I'm concerned you owe us nothing, Denara, but I'm very grateful for your hospitality."
To the archer: "Your name is Kath, right? Can you show me this book?" Elias is already heading up the stairs. "Then we can deal with whatever's on the third floor... and then perhaps see about getting some supper."

2012-09-22, 02:14 PM
"A meal will await. At least some things remain." Plus, incorpoeality and telekinesis solve everything. "Do come back down whole. I would very much like to remain the only dead in this place."

2012-09-22, 03:20 PM
"That reminds me -- we need to give you a decent funeral as well. We'll talk about that tonight."

2012-09-22, 03:32 PM
Orin drops his pack in a corner of the room with a sigh, and leans his staff against a wallr. "No point carrying everything anymore." He then starts following Elias up the stairs.
He pauses after a few stairs, turns to Denara, and looks embarrassed. "Um, I'm not sure how to ask this ... Is your body still in the basement? Would you like us to provide a proper burial?"

Wow, I took too long looking up the ghost's name and gotten beaten to the idea :)

2012-09-22, 03:36 PM
She pauses, blinks, and like the DM imagines a small ceremony in which she's asked to say a few words about herself. She can feel the awkward across time.

"I...hm. I am not sure. As far as I know, funerals are intended mostly to ensure the dead rest peacefully." She stops there. The other half of that doesn't necessarily need to be said. "But if it would make you feel better..."

2012-09-22, 10:47 PM
"Yes, Kath Shandy. Well met," said Kath, trying to be polite, but also wanting to put in his two cents. "I don't know how long I'll be staying. I have a wife and a bunch of orphans to be getting back to. Then again, my whole earnings for this last season were taken from me. Marice'll kill me if I don't come home with something and I don't think this job will be enough for the orphanage."

He followed Elias up the stairs. "I wouldn't recommend reading it, though. That book was very unsettling. Have you ever heard the name...Kzz’a’ham?"

2012-09-22, 10:56 PM
To Denara: "It would, I think. If you don't mind." He carefully doesn't mention the fact that her corpse is beginning to decay and might make the house an undesirable place to live.

Regarding Kzz'a'ham:
Every Knowledge skill I've got ranks in (except Geography, since I doubt some vile demon lord would have any landmarks named after it).
(arcana): [roll0]
(local): [roll1]
(history): [roll2]

2012-09-22, 11:08 PM
You vaguely remember some mention of an otherwordly being by that name...or maybe it was 'Kazakstam'...from other studies involving 'nature of fear'...or was that 'fear of nature'? Some primal connection to that basic instinct.

At any rate, you feel absolutely confident that whatever this thing is, it doesn't have anything to do with Fortune's Favor or the surrounding area.

2012-09-22, 11:48 PM
"The name is... vaguely familiar. Some kind of otherworldly being related to primal fear. But I know very little about it."
Elias crosses to the bookshelf and examines it. "So far we've found books on elven warfare, a book on cloning, and a book intended to enchant its reader, probably with deleterious effects. Until I can prepare another magic-detection spell, I think it would be best if this library remained off limits."

2012-09-23, 06:02 PM
Sighing and levering himself back his feet, Santino follows the rest of the group up the stairs, Never a moments rest... he thinks, getting to the second floor and watching the others enter the library.

As he gets to the door, leaning on the door frame, starts to smile suddenly and says, "Hey... I call dibs on the main bedroom... As soon as I get rid of all that ol' Cow's stuff that is."

2012-09-24, 03:53 AM
Orin strolls up after the others, and starts sticking his head into each of the upstairs doors, trying to see what rooms there are and what they still contain.

2012-09-24, 09:46 AM
"Since I can't really get a sense of which books are important at the moment," Elias suggests, "perhaps we should move on to the third floor. Denara's been worryingly vague about it. At this point I'm half expecting flames and giant disembodied teeth."

2012-09-24, 04:05 PM
"Probably for the best. You gentleman could probably make more sense of what's in the books than I could, anyway," said Kath as he followed the others. He moved over to where the book lay and pointed to it. "That was the one with the...bad magic in it."

2012-09-24, 05:00 PM
Orin, are you looking around on the second floor/library, or in the rooms of the third floor?

The instant Santino says 'main bedroom', there is an audible click from the other side of the door leading to the third floor.

2012-09-24, 05:38 PM
Orin, are you looking around on the second floor/library, or in the rooms of the third floor?

2nd floor

2012-09-24, 05:50 PM
Orin strolls up after the others, and starts sticking his head into each of the upstairs doors, trying to see what rooms there are and what they still contain.

The second floor consists of but one medium sized room and a stairwell, leading up and down. The room in question holds the various bookshelves and the table to the right of the stair leading down.

2012-09-24, 05:56 PM
Hearing the clicking noise from behind him, Santino looks round, trying to find where it came from.
Search Check: [roll0]

While searching for the source of the clicking noise, he looks over his shoulder at the others, "Hey, did any of you hear that noise?"

2012-09-24, 06:20 PM
Nothing appears to have changed, though you might suspect that being because the noise came from the other side of the door.

2012-09-25, 02:57 AM
Hmm. I'd expected the house to be bigger for some reason. Still, Orin had never been up there. Also, I don't think he's actually heard that there's a problem with the third floor!

Having finished his quick look around the second floor, Orin heads up the stairs for the third, with the intent of seeing what's up there too.

2012-09-25, 04:43 AM
"Careful," Elias warns. "We have no idea what's up there. I ought to ward you if you're going in first."

2012-09-25, 05:12 AM
Orin pauses near the top of the stairs and looks back at Elias with a puzzled expression. "Ward me?".
He pauses and thinks for a moment, then asks Elias "I feel like I've missed something - is there a problem with house?"
He looks at the door to the third floor, then back at Elias, "Well, if you think it's necessary, I'll take whatever magical protection you can provide."

2012-09-25, 05:21 AM
"I don't know if it's a problem, as such... but Denara says the third floor is not as it appears from the outside. Knowing what we do about the house's prior owner, caution should be our watchword." Elias takes a pinch of silver powder from one of his pockets and traces a rough circle around Orin's feet, muttering arcane phrases. The powder flares cornflower blue and vanishes.

Protection from Evil. Orin gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves vs. attacks made by evil creatures, as well as temporary immunity to possession and mental control. Lasts 2 minutes.

2012-09-25, 05:27 AM
Orin bows to Elias, Thank you for the magical assistance. He then turns back to the third floor door, takes a breath, and (attempts to) flings it open.

2012-09-25, 04:57 PM
The door to the dreaded third floor opens, revealing...another door.

The door in front of you is some ten feet away, across a hallway. Looking to the left or right reveals that there are another two doors (one on the left side wall, one on the right) on each side.

Basically, it looks like this:



'Y' represents where you entered, and at the end of each hallway is a quaint little window overlooking the town.

There are, however, no mad axe men here. Yet.

2012-09-26, 02:41 AM
Orin peers into the newly revealed hallway, then glances back at Elias with a wry grin, "Are you sure there was a problem up here? Or is this some kind of a magical prank? Am I about to turn purple or something?" He grins mischievously and moves into the hall, trying to hear if he's alone.

listen: [roll0]
spot: [roll1]

2012-09-26, 03:20 PM
Elias does not look amused. "If you turn purple it has nothing to do with me. Try checking the door on the far left."

2012-09-26, 05:02 PM
((I've edited the hallway post above a bit, to differentiate between different doors - does Elias mean door A or door B?))

Orin's excellent senses tell him that there is a soft...well...'humming' sound through door C, but other than that, they seem alone.

2012-09-27, 04:01 AM
Slowly following the others up the stairs, Santino peeks around the corner of the stairway.

Spot Check: [roll0]
Listen Check: [roll1]

Carefully creeping down the hallway to stand behind Orin, drawing his short sword, placing his other hand on Orin's shoulder and whispering, "I'm right behind you."

2012-09-27, 06:01 AM
Hmm. There's a humming sound coming from this door - I think we should start here.

2012-09-27, 06:26 AM
Stepping up to the door and starts inspecting the door closely while very, very lightly running his fingers slowly around the frame and door-jam, feeling for anything that maybe a trigger for a trap, or anything that feels false.

Search Check: [roll0]

**Oh crap... Nat 1... Now I'm just waiting for the explosion :smalleek:**

2012-09-27, 11:54 AM
Kath restrung his bow and followed the others up the stairs, ready to cover them if something came out to attack. As Santino searched the door, Kath took up a position behind him, readying an arrow in case something came out. He wasn't normally this paranoid, but after that book, his nerves were a bit frayed.

2012-09-27, 12:53 PM
Elias, being the squishy wizard, steps aside and behind Kath to give him a clear line of sight into the hallway.

2012-09-27, 04:34 PM
Once Kath and Elias are in position, Orin gestures to Santino to move back, then opens the door.

2012-09-27, 04:55 PM
((Just so everyone knows - the humming noise is from behind Door C, so I'll assume that's where you're all looking))

Santino finds no traps (tee hee) and the door opens without a sound, revealing...

Pinkish bedsheets, lace trim, decorative doilies everywhere and the smell of an elderly individual's living space.

The pure evil is almost overwhelming!!

2012-09-27, 04:59 PM
Orin sighs with disappointment, then peers through the doorway taking in the horrible sight. He then tilts his head and listens, trying to work out where the sound is coming from.

spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

(edit to remove the rude word and replace with 'tilts') :smallannoyed:

2012-09-27, 05:07 PM
It appears to be coming from a nearby drawer.

Description time!:
The door opens to a medium-sized room. From the entrance, directly to the left is a wall lined with decorative plates and tokens, in front of you is a large bed with pink, lace-trimmed sheets, and to your right is another wall, resting against this one a large chest of drawers with a mirror atop it.

On each side of the bed are smaller cabinets (for prospective searchers, these contain mere clothes).

The main attraction, the chest of drawers, has (as well as the mirror) six drawers, each of which being locked. The bottom two on each side have small runes etched into the surfaces, glowing and easy to spot.

2012-09-28, 10:30 PM
"What can you see?" Elias asks, a little hoarsely.

2012-09-29, 12:44 PM
Orin steps back from the door and grins "Well, it appears to be the master bedroom. I hope Santino enjoys the decor". He gestures into the room, "It appears empty - perhaps you should have a look. I think the sound I heard earlier is coming from that chest of drawers. The one with the glowing magical runes on it".
Orin will wait for the others to enter, then examine the non-magical drawers.

2012-09-29, 01:29 PM
The four without runes appear locked, but oddly enough they don't have visible locks. They just won't open when you tug. Boy will Santino be disappointed.

And the mirror seems off for some reason.

2012-09-29, 04:15 PM
Elias, satisfied that the doilies will not sprout razors or batwings, steps across the hallway and into the bedroom to examine the runes on the drawers.


Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

2012-09-29, 06:20 PM
Having apparently skipped a majority of your lessons on strange glowing runes, you nevertheless are able to devise that their purpose is as a standard antimagic ward. The drawers they are on are still locked, but these cannot be opened even with magic until the runes are nullified.

Oh and it looks like if someone tries and fails on either count, they get zapped.

2012-09-29, 06:37 PM
Addressing the group in general: "There's some kind of ward on this chest of drawers, rigged to go off if someone tries to open it. I haven't any countermeasures that would disable it. Any ideas?"

2012-09-30, 10:21 PM
Finally making his way into the room, Santino stops suddenly, blinking and then slowly backs his way back to the doorway, "Oh Gods... It's... It's..." he stutters, before sighing, "Looks like I'm gunna be spending more than I thought to redecorate."

2012-10-01, 12:30 AM
Elias chuckles. "Do you think it's worth searching any further in here, or shall we move on?"

2012-10-01, 02:52 AM
"Well, we've seen there's nothing immediately dangerous here - I think we should check the other rooms. Though I wonder if it's that chest of drawers stopping Denara coming up here?"
Orin then walks out the room, and Stands between doors A and B - trying to hear whats behind them, as that worked so well last time.


2012-10-01, 10:22 AM
You hear...stillness. Silence. It's really quite creepy, actually. Almost like there aren't any other living things in the house. Exactly like that, actually.

2012-10-06, 12:51 PM
If either door is opened at any point (which, them being unlocked and not trapped, proves rather easy):

Door A:
The heavy iron door swings wide without a hitch, revealing what appears to be an empty armory. Weapon and armor racks stand piled together on the left side, while numerous shelves for what apepar to be potions, scrolls, and miscellaneous objects line the right. Across the other side of the room stand two large safes. Neither appear to be locked, but neither are they filled.

Door B:
This is a small room with a champerpot leaning against the wall. A grate is on the floor, and from within one could hear a faint strange noise, like some kind of vortex.

Achievement Unlocked! 'Find The Loo'

2012-10-06, 09:12 PM
Elias gives the master bedroom a last, brief once-over before deciding whether or not to follow Orin.

Search: [roll0]

2012-10-07, 12:19 AM
Alas, much to the chagrin of the friendly neighborhood mage, any hidden crevices it seems remain hidden.

If you really wanted to, you could check the chamberpot, I suppose.

"Do not. Just...do not."

2012-10-07, 12:51 AM
Elias wisely elects not to check the chamber pot and returns to the corridor.

2012-10-08, 03:35 AM
Not seeing anything interesting in the first two doors, Orin moves to the other end of the corridor and opens those doors.

2012-10-08, 10:47 AM
Here's where it gets interesting.

Door D:
When the door opens, any ambient light around you seems to fade noticeably as you find yourself looking into a vast, black void.

A voice speaks within your mind, filled with pain and anger. Speak the name
Speak the path
Or our pain
Will feed your wrath.

Door L:
When this door opens, you find yourself looking outside. However, a brief examination of your surroundings reveals that you are, in fact, looking outside from the front entrance, but the hall behind you remains. If you step outside, however, the hallway disappears, leaving the front door.

2012-10-09, 01:43 AM
Stepping back from the master bedroom, Santino follows Orin to the last two unopened doors.
Standing back a little as he opens the first door and jumping in surprise and whipping his head around as the voice sounds within his brain, Santino draws his sword and drops into a crouch, keeping his eyes out for anything that may jump out at him.

Spot Check: [roll0]

2012-10-09, 02:10 AM
An eagle couldn't pick out any particulars in that expanse, and Santino has even worse luck. It just looks like a big...nothingness.

Well except for those two huge blood-red eyes that just appeared out of nowhere. They stare at Santino for a full three seconds, blink, and then something slams the door shut.

2012-10-09, 02:28 AM
Staring at the door as it slams, Santino retreats back to the stairway, "Ah guys... There's something... Big in that room..."
Shaking his head to get the image of those eyes out of his mind he then says, "We might need some backup if we go up against... What ever that is."

2012-10-09, 05:39 PM
Elias swallows audibly. "I concur. We don't open that door again until we know what's behind it."

Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]. What is that thing?

2012-10-09, 07:48 PM
Just based on eyes, voice, and telepathy (or seeming telepathy), you recognize the creature behind the door as....absolutely nothing you or anyone else has heard of, ever. Even the shimmering luminescence of the pupils seems totally out of place.

2012-10-09, 09:23 PM
Elias hurries down the stairs, brushing past Kath with a deeply unnerved look on his face. "Santino's right. Let's get out of here."

Are we to treat Tankerred as a NPC or assume that, like Uregaunt, he has gone on to other business? If he's gone, I'm going to seek out Bria. That corpse in the basement needs to get buried before it lowers the property value any further.

2012-10-10, 03:54 AM
Kath moved to the side as Santino moved down the steps. He wondered what they had seen, but he wasn't interested in sticking around to find out. After the thing with the book, he was feeling a little unsettled still and decided to follow along behind the others.

2012-10-10, 09:46 AM
Orin dodges out of the way of Elias' mad dash, then follows the others down the stairs.

2012-10-10, 03:09 PM
Elias stops on the ground floor. "Tank's gone... " He chuckles, a little nervously. "Probably getting drunk. I'll see if I can find another priest, then. Perhaps that Dawnspeaker will be willing to officiate." He opens the front door and steps outside. "Come along if you like, but..." Elias glances at the ceiling and doesn't finish his sentence.

2012-10-11, 08:23 AM
Following Elias down the stairwell and out the front door as quickly as he can, Santino glances back over his shoulder as the mage mentioned the Dwarf drinking.
"I think he's got the right idea... A couple of gallons of ale in my belly might let me sleep after seeing that... Thing."

2012-10-11, 01:52 PM
"Heh. Well, I don't have a dwarf's tolerance, and I don't fancy tackling that library with a hangover." Elias sighs. "I'll leave him to his drink. I like Murldom, but I have a feeling a Lathandrite funeral would be more uplifting than a Helmite one... and though Denara professes indifference, I think she's already had more sorrow and solemnity than anyone deserves."


Where is the local graveyard, since Bria mentioned she was investigating that? If that fails, are there any temples of Lathander in the city?
Knowledge (local): [roll0]
Knowledge (religion): [roll1] (untrained, so this roll only retrieves common knowledge if it's successful)

2012-10-11, 06:23 PM
You can't really remember if there are any Lathanderite temples in the area or not, but your trusty map does inform you that the main graveyard is behind the City. It's not a particularly long walk - 20 minutes at a brisk pace, perhaps.

2012-10-11, 06:45 PM
Elias removes a wedge of hard cheese from his pack and sets off in the direction of the graveyard, hoping to find Bria. Every so often, he pares off a slice with his knife and chews it thoughtfully. He planned to save the rations he purchased for the road, but he's just gained part-ownership of a dangerous magic library and a house that may very well be possessed by screaming horrors from the Demonweb Pits. Leaving town would put that house in the hands of people even more ill-equipped to handle it than himself.

2012-10-11, 07:02 PM
Although the mortality rate of Fortune's Favor is fairly low, all things considered, the graveyard behind the city is rather splendorous. A large white iron gate, part of the fence that surrounds the area, leads into the main section, where several headstones have already been erected, but it looks like there is room for dozens more, at least.

However, not all is as it should be.

More than a few of the graves have been quite obviously dug up and emptied, and careless human-sized boot tracks litter the ground. In the middle of the graveyard stands a rather familiar individual.

"I do seem to run into you a bit lately." She remarks, none of her previous mirth showing on her face, though that could easily be her surroundings. "Welcome to the Barren Graves, may I take your order?"

2012-10-11, 10:06 PM
Leaving Elias to go find the uncomfortably pretty paladin, Santino starts making his way back to the tavern he'd patronized most days since he arrived in this strange little town.
Halfway to the tavern, reaching into his pocket, he realizes he doesn't actually have any money, "Gods damnit! Guess I better go to DI for a moment."
Changing directions slightly, he starts trudging along the road, fumbling over everything that had happened in that house in his mind.

2012-10-11, 11:40 PM
Elias looks around, somewhat off balance. "When you mentioned grave robbery, I didn't realize it was something on this scale..." He pauses for a moment and re-evaluates the situation. "Do you need any help investigating this? We have a corpse on our hands that we want to dispose of respectfully, but we can't very well do that if it's going to be snatched from the coffin a week later."

2012-10-13, 12:41 PM
Leaving Elias to go find the uncomfortably pretty paladin, Santino starts making his way back to the tavern he'd patronized most days since he arrived in this strange little town.
Halfway to the tavern, reaching into his pocket, he realizes he doesn't actually have any money, "Gods damnit! Guess I better go to DI for a moment."
Changing directions slightly, he starts trudging along the road, fumbling over everything that had happened in that house in his mind.

The door leading into Defendor Investigations opens smoothly, and as usual The Messenger is sitting behind the desk organizing papers. Several pouches lie also atop it, and he glances briefly up at Santino when he enters.

"Ah, hello there. Is there ought I can do for you?"

Elias looks around, somewhat off balance. "When you mentioned grave robbery, I didn't realize it was something on this scale..." He pauses for a moment and re-evaluates the situation. "Do you need any help investigating this? We have a corpse on our hands that we want to dispose of respectfully, but we can't very well do that if it's going to be snatched from the coffin a week later."

"I'll be honest, here; help would be welcome, but I'm not sure where to start." She waves a hand over the remains of the graves. "Every time I come here, it feels like the culprit slips through my fingers." She grimaces. "Then again, I'm not exactly hard to spot."

2012-10-13, 04:16 PM
"Hm. Well, I'll repay your honesty in kind. I won't be very useful to you today, but I can return tomorrow once I'm better prepared. I'll also see if any of my acquaintances wish to volunteer. Some of them might be a little better at remaining inconspicuous."

2012-10-13, 05:15 PM
"It might be better to not wait that long, if possible. Something tells me this doesn't happen in broad daylight."

2012-10-13, 06:08 PM
Elias scratches his head. "I'll see what I can do. With any luck I'll be back before sunset."

After exchanging farewells with Bria, Elias bends his steps not towards the former Murals home but towards the peculiar building with stars over the door. He's never patronized it before (he doesn't much care for the proprietor's reputation), but Elias is now short on both spells and time, and the gold is burning a hole in his pocket.

2012-10-13, 06:31 PM
"Yes yes yes bells await." The gnome mutters loudly from behind the table, despite there being no bells nearby. A small rock on the wall next to the door flares red when Elias passes, and his head snaps up, going from pleasantly confused to grimly serious.

"Oh, good." He remarks, studying Elias carefully, apparently now entirely sane for some reason. "A weaver. Imagine my luck. Then again I've already had more visitors in the past few hours than is normal for an entire week. Is there something you need?"

2012-10-13, 07:19 PM
"Ah... Well yeah there is. I was apart of the Murals case. One of my companions said our payment was ready to pick up." Santino says, looking about a little, waiting for the Messenger to reply.
His mind wandering, back to the image in the room on the third floor, That ol' woman must know what it is... She must know how we can get rid of it... Maybe if we ask the Mayor if we can 'talk' with her....

2012-10-13, 08:02 PM
"I'm looking to buy a few scrolls," Elias says blandly. "A spell of alarm would be ideal, or something that serves the same purpose, but I'm interested in whatever you have."

2012-10-13, 08:32 PM
"Ah... Well yeah there is. I was apart of the Murals case. One of my companions said our payment was ready to pick up." Santino says, looking about a little, waiting for the Messenger to reply.
His mind wandering, back to the image in the room on the third floor, That ol' woman must know what it is... She must know how we can get rid of it... Maybe if we ask the Mayor if we can 'talk' with her....

"Hm, interesting." He says, calmly pulling out a wand, pointing it at himself, and flicking it once. "Magical lie-discerning is standard procedure, I'm sure you understand. Would you mind repeating that?"

"I'm looking to buy a few scrolls," Elias says blandly. "A spell of alarm would be ideal, or something that serves the same purpose, but I'm interested in whatever you have."

"That will depend on the amount of power you want behind it, naturally. I could give you a Stone of Alarm, but those are more expensive than a simple scroll. Potion, too, but that's usually reserved for kidnap." As he lists off each item, he places it on the table. "Wands aren't out of the question either."

2012-10-13, 08:45 PM
"I'm on a budget, I'm afraid. I'm looking for something that will last eight hours, but aside from that I'm not picky."

2012-10-13, 09:01 PM
Shaking his head as he comes back to reality and hearing what the man behind the desk said, "Huh? What are you on about? Look, give me what the Mayor said was being paid. I need to go see him concerning more things that we found in the house. Chartressa Murals is more than what she appears to be and quite frankly, I don't have time to be playing Lie Detector with you! Now. Give. Me. My. Money!" Santino says, his voice growing colder and harder as he goes on, the last being said with as much menace as he can muster, slamming his fists into the desktop and leaning over, his eyes staring right into those of the Messenger.

2012-10-13, 09:24 PM
"I'm on a budget, I'm afraid. I'm looking for something that will last eight hours, but aside from that I'm not picky."

"Eight hours? Hm. If you're on a budget, I can get you two scrolls of Alarm. Four hours each, 300 gold total. Of course, given that particular number, you'll have to either time your sleep or get someone else to cast the second."

Shaking his head as he comes back to reality and hearing what the man behind the desk said, "Huh? What are you on about? Look, give me what the Mayor said was being paid. I need to go see him concerning more things that we found in the house. Chartressa Murals is more than what she appears to be and quite frankly, I don't have time to be playing Lie Detector with you! Now. Give. Me. My. Money!" Santino says, his voice growing colder and harder as he goes on, the last being said with as much menace as he can muster, slamming his fists into the desktop and leaning over, his eyes staring right into those of the Messenger.

"I see." He remarks, face remaining politely impassive. Then he slides one of the bags towards Santino. "Five hundred gold coins exactly. Do return if you ever lack for work."

2012-10-13, 10:14 PM
"I suppose that will work. Much obliged." Elias takes out his bag of gold and counts the money out in stacks of ten on the counter.

2012-10-14, 01:02 AM
Kath followed the others from the house, then when he noticed them splitting up, he wasn't sure where to go. He decided to head toward the Defender's Investigations place that his companions mentioned, but he didn't actually know where that was. "Wish I had a darn map," he mumbled, wandering around the town for a bit. When he found himself near the Mayor's office, he decided to go in and ask the man.

2012-10-14, 01:34 AM

Presently, it looks as though the Mayor is attempting to reassure a hysterical elven woman whose ruffled garments are already stained with tears.

"I understand you concerns, Miviryn, and I'll send as many men as I can spare to help get her out. But you'll have to be patient."

"P-patient? How can you ask me that? Who knows what could have happened to her already?" She wipes more tears away with the front of her shirt.

"I daresay the worst outcome is that she will have to sit in a bucket for a short time. I can assure you that the stories about the well do not have basis in fact." The Mayor remains calm, his tone soothing, but stern.

"If...if anything..." She stops, unable to bring herself to continue.

"Happens to her, I will personally ensure her safety and exact recompense for you against myself." He says grimly.

The woman draws herself up and sniffs once more before nodding. "Very well, Mayor. I place my faith in you and your men. Fair winds."

She turns and stops briefly upon seeing Kath, then silently excuses herself out the door while the Mayor slowly places his forehead down on his desk.

"Madness." He mutters. "All the calamity lately. 'Tis madness, I say." He sighs, looking back up to Kath, and manages a bit of a smile. "Welcome back. Is there something I can help you with?"

2012-10-14, 01:38 AM
Scooping the pouch up and hiding it under his vest Santino nods, "Thank you." he utters before turning and basically runs out of the building, turning and heading towards the Mayors house.
Running as quickly as he can, skidding round corners and dodging pedestrians in the streets he see's Kath just about to enter the house.
"Ho there Kath! Hold up!" he yells, slowing down, starting to pant a little.

Balance Check for skidding round the corners (if required): [roll0]
Straight Dex Check for dodging (if required): [roll1]

As Santino comes to a stop just outside the front door he notices the Elven woman walking out. Smiling as best he can and giving a small bow, sweeping his arm towards the street and saying in Elvish:
"Pray excuse me Ma'Lady, after you."

2012-10-14, 11:57 AM
Scooping the pouch up and hiding it under his vest Santino nods, "Thank you." he utters before turning and basically runs out of the building, turning and heading towards the Mayors house.
Running as quickly as he can, skidding round corners and dodging pedestrians in the streets he see's Kath just about to enter the house.
"Ho there Kath! Hold up!" he yells, slowing down, starting to pant a little.

Balance Check for skidding round the corners (if required): [roll0]
Straight Dex Check for dodging (if required): [roll1]

Fortunately, the streets aren't particularly crowded at the present hour, but with Santino's amazing feats of dexterity there may as well not be anyone.

As Santino comes to a stop just outside the front door he notices the Elven woman walking out. Smiling as best he can and giving a small bow, sweeping his arm towards the street and saying in Elvish:
"Pray excuse me Ma'Lady, after you."

Eyes still sorrowful, she nods to him curtly and passes, no words escaping her lips.

2012-10-14, 03:05 PM
Watching the Elven woman pass him, shrugging a little as she doesn't reply before straightening and making his way inside, heading directly to the Mayors office.
Knocking on the open door as he see's the Mayor talking to Kath and stepping into the room, "Excuse me Lord Mayor, may I have a moment of your time?"

2012-10-15, 01:24 AM
"I...was told by my companions that our payment was at some place in town called Defenders Investigations. I have no idea where that is," explained Kath, turning to see Santino arrive behind him. "I was just looking to collect my payment before meeting back up with the others. Maybe I could just ask Santino, though."

2012-10-15, 01:39 AM
Nodding at Kath, giving him a "we'll talk later" look, Santino continues into the room, bowing his head a little, "My Lord Mayor, I wish to ask your permission to speak with the Murals woman. We have discovered some... Disturbing things in the house. I wish to see if she can give us more information about what we may end up facing if these things are more than just fancies of the mind."
Diplomacy Check (trying to impress the seriousness of the situation): [roll0]

Looking back at Kath, Santino motions for him to come forwards, "Kath, didn't something strange happen when you were examining the library?"

2012-10-15, 07:38 PM
The Mayor shakes his head. "Putting aside for a moment that individuals under investigation for murder generally are prohibited from having visitors, what makes you think she would actually help you? You did help to put her in there, you know." He fixes Santino and Kath with a serious gaze.

2012-10-15, 08:02 PM
"Believe me when I say this M'Lord Mayor. This is not just to help Us. IF this thing turns out to be what I think it might be, it'll be the whole town that is in danger." Santino says, stepping closer to the Mayors desk, "If the ol' woman wont speak freely, then I'm sure, as she is already condemned, you would not be against us giving her some... Encouragement."

2012-10-15, 08:30 PM
Given his expression, he looks about ready to launch into a tangent on why that would be wrong, his obligations, and so on. Then stops, looks resigned, and hands Santino a key. "Leave her intact, please."

2012-10-15, 08:40 PM
"I promise she will still look a picture whether the noose be around her neck or her chin rests upon the block." he says, taking the key and bowing again, backing towards the door.

2012-10-16, 05:52 PM
"Yes, there was a thing with a book. It...I don't know, did something to me. It wasn't natural," said Kath to the Mayor. He looked at the man with a serious expression. "It put a name in my head, the name of something evil. And some of the books were magically trapped."

He watched as Santino took the key. "Anyway, just thought you should be warned that she might be able to work some magic, in case you weren't aware. So if you'll point me to the Defender Investigations so I can collect my payment, I'd be happy to get out of your hair, Mr. Mayor."

2012-10-16, 07:47 PM
The Mayor gives Kath an odd look. "Well yes, she is a wizard. Though, I suppose she hasn't been very flashy since she abdicated her powers. Likely a good decision, given recent events.

As for Defendor Investigations, it's just down the street. Take a right from my doorstep until the fountain, then another right. It's the second house. And take this." He tosses Kath a small silver coin emblazoned with a golden hand. "That will let The Messenger know I sent you. Should make it easier to collect your pay."

2012-10-17, 06:30 PM
As Kath and Santino finish talking with the Mayor, Elias emerges from the magic shop, scrolls of alarm safely stowed in his backpack. He sets off to the Murals home, which he still can't think of as his home, hoping to recruit the others for Bria's counter-grave-robbery operation.

2012-10-17, 09:13 PM
The fire is (somehow) burning happily in the fireplace, and Orin is meditating peacefully in front of it. The smell of fresh something is wafting from the kitchen area, and Denara appears in her usual ghostly fashion in front of Elias. "Welcome back. Stew?" A steaming bowl and spoon float to a few paces from you.

2012-10-17, 10:45 PM
Elias takes it with a nonplussed but genuine smile. "Very kind." He sits down in one of the armchairs, sets his bowl on the table, and falls to eating with gusto.
"There might be a problem with the funeral," he says after a few minutes, his spoon freezing in midair. "Apparently there's been some extensive grave robbery going on. I'm going to help Sister Bria keep watch over the burial ground tonight, to see if we can catch these people and lay your mortal remains to rest without fear." He takes another bite and chews it slowly before swallowing. "Orin. Will you come with me?" He returns his attention to Denara. "We'll be back by sunrise if all goes well."

2012-10-17, 11:11 PM
Deep as he is in his meditations, Orin manages a nod in response to Elias' question/offer.

Denara frowns at this news. "I wished to inquire...when this priestess arrives, would it suits us if I hid? Numerous deities would not take kindly to my...condition, to say nothing of their servants."

2012-10-17, 11:34 PM
Elias nearly drops his spoon. "I... I hadn't considered that. She's a Lathanderite. They're very tolerant -- but solar deities don't tend to take a kindly view of the undead. He taps the stem of the utensil against his chin. "Don't show yourself at first. I don't think she'll cause any unpleasantness, but I haven't had much time to judge her character."

2012-10-18, 12:36 AM
"Oh, Lathander." She grimaces. "I dislike my chances if she discovers me. It shall be as you say."

2012-10-18, 02:00 PM
Elias takes several more minutes to finish his stew, then sets down spoon and bowl and leans back in the armchair. "Ah... Denara. If you'd prefer a different sort of burial ceremony, we don't have to involve Bria at all -- or any priests, come to that. But surely you can understand why we need to get your remains out of the cellar if we're going to stay here comfortably."

2012-10-18, 05:03 PM
"I've no personal issue with priests. Their problems are with me, and mortals I can easily avoid. Fear not for me, I can accept what needs to be done."

2012-10-18, 05:45 PM
"Very well, then." Elias picks up his empty bowl. "If you'll point me to the scullery, I'll wash up, and then Orin and I can be on our way. Tell Kath and Santino where we've gone when they come back, please."

2012-10-18, 06:33 PM
"As you wish.

A scullery....I have not seen one here. On the first two levels. I hope your search above was fruitful. Otherwise I fear a bucket and the town fountain may have to suffice."

2012-10-18, 07:36 PM
Elias smiles. "Maybe not. I wondered at the lack of a bath at first, too... but if Chartessa had some command of magic, it's not such a mystery." He speaks a single word and gestures. The bowl and spoon are immediately sparkling clean.
"Now, we'll be off. Thank you for the supper." Elias shoulders his pack and strides out the door with Orin in tow.

Prestidigitation. "Clean items in a 1-foot cube."

2012-10-19, 10:51 PM
Kath caught the coin and nodded to the mayor in thanks. He headed out the door and nodded to Santino. "I'll just be a minute. I'll meet you back at the house," he said.

He walked down the street and entered the Defender Investigations building. He looked around for the Messenger and held up the coin the mayor had given him. "Hello, I'm here to collect my payment for the Murals case?"

2012-10-19, 11:02 PM

"Luck be with you, if 'tis mine to grant."



"Yes, you are." The Messenger finishes writing the line he was on and slides forward a pouch without looking up.

2012-10-22, 03:02 AM
Orin bows slightly to Elias and Denara, collects his staff and pack, then follows Elias out of the house. He shudders slightly as they pass out of the house, "I'm glad that we're leaving - knowing what is upstairs in that place." He looks back at the seemingly normal house as they walk away, then ponders a moment "Did I hear you mention grave-robbing? I hope there's no more undead involved. I'd quite like to deal with some living miscreants for a while."

2012-10-22, 05:14 PM
The afternoon sun casts a lovely glow on the backs of Orin and Elias as they set forward, and by the time they arrive back at the graveyard, it is already halfway out of the sky. Bria is leaning against the nearby outer city wall, and gives the pair a wave when they approach.

2012-10-22, 06:24 PM
Elias returns her greeting. "Orin you already know, I believe. I hope we can help you catch the... well, prankster or necromancer, I really have no idea."

As he speaks, he looks over the layout of the graveyard, the footprints and the remaining undisturbed graves, trying to gauge the best place to center the alarm's effect.


Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
I'm not sure if these are even necessary, but rolling just in case.

2012-10-22, 10:04 PM
Bria nods to Orin in confirmation, then frowns at Elias. "I can't think of a prankster this macabre, can you?"

2012-10-22, 10:13 PM
"You're probably right. Speaking of which, how do the robbers get in and out? Is the gate locked at night? I can see someone climbing the fence with a shovel... less so back out, with a corpse in a sack."

2012-10-25, 09:24 PM
Kath took his payment and went to find the others. He tucked his pouch of gold into his armor and set to wandering, wondering what the others were doing, and as luck would have it, he happened to see them when he was walking near the graveyard. He almost missed them, but his keen eye happened to see two figures in the graveyard that were dressed in a familiar manner. He called to them and waved his arms before making his way toward them.

2012-10-26, 12:40 AM
"I suppose that would depend on their methods. For example, a true necromancer could just animate the body and both of them could exit. The large-but-unlocked gate helps with either theory." She raises a brow at Kath as he walks over. "I'm guessing he's a friend of yours."

2012-10-26, 01:08 AM
"Well, I only met him today, but he seems reliable in a tight spot. He'll be useful if it comes to blows." Elias waves back at Kath, then pushes open the gate and walks into the graveyard. "If they're just walking in and out, it would make sense to alarm the area around the gate. Is there anywhere nearby we can remain unobserved?"

2012-10-26, 05:02 PM
She laughs. "You might be able to hide behind either the gates or that crypt over there, but as for me, I might be better off going further. I'll still be nearby, though. I do hope you won't actually need my help. I'll be in screaming distance."

2012-10-26, 06:15 PM
Elias chuckles. "Well, that's a comfort." He turns to Kath and Orin. "I suggest we conceal ourselves behind the crypt. I'll take first watch tonight -- I'll have to be awake by the fourth bell after sundown anyway, in order to renew the alarm spell. If the miscreants show up at some point during the night, I'll light up the area so we can see what they're about. You can make sure they don't try anything funny."

2012-10-27, 11:37 AM
Orin raises an eyebrow and looks at Elias, pondering. "is it necessary to use magic for this task? Surely we'll see, or at least hear, if someone starts digging up a grave?"
Orin heads over to the crypt and tries to find somewhere comfortable to wait, then resumes his meditation.

2012-10-27, 11:28 PM
"With luck, we will... but if they've slipped past Bria multiple times, it's possible they've got the means to conceal their activities magically. I'm taking every precaution I can."

2012-11-01, 12:41 PM
The Sixth Eventide Candle

For the first few hours of the night, while Elias and Orin are playing cards, discussing zen-ness, or whatever it is that they do to occupy their time, all is quiet.

Then, a sharp bell rings thrice in Elias' mind, alerting him to the distruption of the Alarm spell.

They are not alone amongst the graves.

2012-11-01, 01:52 PM
Elias places a finger to his lips, hushing Orin, and peers around the edge of the crypt, trying to see what's what.

Spot: [roll0]
Since Elias doesn't have low-light or darkvision, he's probably not getting anything more than vague moving shapes, but that's all he needs to aim his dancing lights.

2012-11-01, 04:54 PM
Orin nods to Elias and tries to see what's alerted him.

2012-11-01, 08:50 PM
Orin can see what looks like a vague flicker near the center of the area, but for the most part, neither of them can see very much. Their position allows them to hear a rather audible incantation, though. Given the silence around them, the normal speaking volume carries enough to give a decent location. Assuming the friendly neighborhood wizard can cast by ear.

2012-11-01, 10:18 PM
Fortunately, the darkness prevents anyone from seeing the expression on Elias's face. He carefully loads his crossbow, then steps out from behind the crypt to a position where he's got line-of-sight on the grave robbers.
He spits out a spell in a loud, ringing voice. A flickering blue-white light appears above the head of the person speaking the incantation, illuminating the area as brightly as a torch. "Stay where you are!" he commands, on the heels of the spell's last syllable. "Don't try anything stupid."

Dancing Lights, obviously, lasting 1 minute. This might count as a surprise round if the necro-gang decide to fight their way out.

2012-11-02, 01:14 AM
The boy in question (who looks barely more than into his late teens, if that) stops dead mid-cast, looking at Elias with an expression of shock and fear. The two skeletons besides him show neither, though they look much less threatening given one of them is wearing a dress and the other is carrying...a tea set?

"Wh-...who are you? What do you want?"

2012-11-02, 01:45 AM
Elias doesn't let his crossbow waver. He has had a long day and is not in the mood to deal with a necromancer, especially not one this silly. "Call us concerned citizens. We want you to stop violating sacred ground... " He laughs shakily and collects himself. "We especially want you to stop violating sacred ground for the sake of tea parties. Those bones aren't yours, please put them back."

2012-11-02, 02:57 AM
"They are mine." He says angrily, though he's smart enough to avoid moving. "And don't call my mother and father 'bones'."

2012-11-02, 04:34 AM
Orin nudges Kath awake, then strolls towards the Necromancer and his creepy entourage, making sure he doesn't block Elias' shot.

Orin will ready his sling, but try not to be obvious about it - He'll move to within 30ft (movement range) - prefering melee

2012-11-02, 08:44 AM
"Son, I've lost family too, and I appreciate what you're going through. But your parents are dead and puppeting their corpses around isn't going to bring them back. In fact," he continues, since like many wizards he has the tact of a half-brick, "it's counterproductive, since reanimation prevents all but the most powerful resurrection magic from working."

2012-11-02, 02:23 PM
"I....you...that's...shut up! You don't know anything!" Ah, there you are, denial! Come over here and sit with angst and psychosis. "Family's more than life! We don't need your stupid...resurrection magics! Or anything!" Despite his apparent issues with the idea, that particular blow clearly weakened him somewhat.

2012-11-02, 03:28 PM
Elias grimaces. Though this explains a lot, there are pieces that still don't fit. "And all of these opened graves contained members of your family?"

2012-11-02, 03:34 PM
"Wh-...what? No! I thought someone else, maybe...I just came here to get my brother. You...you don't know who took the rest?"

2012-11-02, 06:38 PM
Kath awoke from Orin's nudging. His eyes snapped open and he took in the situation. He slowly rose to his feet and grabbed his bow. He reached into one of the pouches on his belt and removed a bowstring, getting ready to string the bow, but waiting for Elias to give him the signal. He tried to seem non-threatening to the young man. "What'd I miss?"

2012-11-02, 08:00 PM
Elias lets out a long, slow breath as he finally gives up hope of sleeping tonight. "We caught one of the grave robbers, Kath." He lowers his crossbow fractionally. "No, son, I don't know who took the rest. Do you have any ideas?"

2012-11-02, 08:46 PM
"I...I don't know. I thought I was the only one in town who could do magic, 'cept that crazy old gnome."

2012-11-02, 09:39 PM
"Hmph. Just because I don't brandish it through town and city doesn't mean my skill is nonexistent. People with the sense not to use magic when it's unnecessary often live longer." He relents a little. "What's your name?"

2012-11-03, 03:53 AM
"Yeah. Living longer helps." He scowls, head turning to look at the skeleton in the dress. "Fine for you, maybe. I'm Davand."

2012-11-03, 04:30 AM
"I'm Elias." He puts down his crossbow (signaling Kath to cover the kid) and reaches into his pack to pull out the everburning torch -- that light spell won't last forever. "What you've done is... not easy even for someone with experience. Who taught you magic?"

2012-11-03, 11:49 AM
"My father...he had some old spellbooks that he left me. And that old woman across the road was really helpful, too. I kind of, uh, just tried the first spell I found. And then my cat wasn't dead anymore. So I tried again, and now I've got my family back. Well, mostly. My brother's still down here."

2012-11-03, 06:02 PM
Elias keeps the surprise off his face. "I'm sure she was. This is the first spell you've tried, you say? How much do you actually know about magic?"

2012-11-03, 06:39 PM
"I know a lot of things! Like...like The Yarn, and the different classes, and doing finger-wavy things. I'm very powerful!"

2012-11-04, 02:54 AM
"...I see. Listen. This is wrong in ways you don't even begin to understand, and you are far out of your depth. Your mentor -- let me guess, the old lady across the road was named Chartessa? Chartessa Murals?"

2012-11-04, 02:58 AM
"My depth is right on solid ground, thanks." He retorts terribly. "And how do you even know her? Did she teach you, too?"

2012-11-04, 03:51 AM
"Not exactly. Earlier today we found her niece's corpse chained up in her cellar. She's presently awaiting trial for murder. Have I finally gotten through to you, Davand? Your mentor was a racist, poisonous old madwoman who taught you little about your power and less than nothing about how to use it." Elias looks positively baleful in the pale torchlight. "There are two ways this can go."

2012-11-06, 06:35 PM
Orin sidles over to Elias and whispers, If this isnt the only graverobber, we should deal with him quickly, so any others arent warned by the noise. He pauses, stares at the skeleons, then grimaces.
I havent yet worked out my position on magic, nor do I know what happens when we die, but this... he gestures at the skeletons ... this is wrong.

2012-11-06, 07:06 PM
All right, now he looks disturbed. "I...she...sh-she wasn't my...I-I didn't..." And subsides into frightened gibbering for several seconds.

"P-please...I haven't...I haven't d-...I mean I didn't...I wasn't ju-just..." It's doubtful he's going to be saying anything more coherent than that at present.

2012-11-06, 07:32 PM
"That's really all you need to know," Elias tells Orin. To Davand, he says "I believe you. Now please trust me. Lay your parents back to rest, cooperate with us, and I'll vouch for your ignorance. You won't have to face down Lathander's church alone."

Diplomacy check, since the only one of us with Diplo ranks is elsewhere: [roll0] It's a bit of a stretch to refer to Bria as "Lathander's church," but I'm assuming she's acting with the authority of the greater church behind her.

2012-11-06, 09:36 PM
His eyes go even wider and he regains some semblance of normalcy with disturbing haste. "Lathander?? No! No no no. I'd be hanged! Burned! Worse! You can't take me to them! I won't let you!"

2012-11-06, 10:35 PM
"You'll have to deal with them somehow! They're not all fanatics, boy, and you're no lich. Think they'll string you up for trying to bring your dead cat back to life? We can help you!
Suppose you run. Where will you go? Is there anyone else left in this town that's on your side?" Elias trails off, no longer holding out much hope of convincing Davand.

2012-11-06, 11:19 PM
"No one sees me here. This stopped being my home when my parents died. There are other cities and...and..." He stares at Elias' armament as if seeing it for the first time. "You...you didn't come here to talk, did you? I'm not going to die. They need me. I can't just...but...y-you're lying! But I won't let you take me! I won't!"

Davand Is Now Hostile! Roll Initiative!

2012-11-08, 10:34 PM
Elias drops the everburning torch and scoops up his crossbow to aim at one of Davand's undead guardians. "I said don't do anything stupid!" he hisses in warning.


Free action: drop the torch (it continues to light the area, since it's a continual flame effect)
Move-equivalent action: pick up the crossbow
Standard action: Ready an action to fire at the skeleton in the dress if it moves toward Elias, Orin, or Kath.

2012-11-08, 10:53 PM
The skeleton carrying the tea set drops it and takes up position in front of its master. The one in the dress, being actually as stupid as something without a brain, charges towards Elias.

Elias: Roll To Hit

It Is Orin's Turn

2012-11-08, 11:01 PM
Elias pulls the trigger.

Ranged attack: [roll0]
Piercing damage: [roll1]

2012-11-09, 04:08 AM
Orin glances at his staff, leaning against the crypt with his pack, thencloses the gap with the skeleton guarding Davand. He looks confused for a moment (presumably at the lack of any nerves or muscles to target), shrugs, then punches it in the grinning face.

move then attack unarmed
attack : [roll0]
damage : [roll1]

2012-11-09, 03:14 PM
The dressed skeleton's head flies off after a particularly well-placed shot by Elias, and it falls.

Mr. Tea, on the other hand, suffers little effect from Orin's punch going wide.

And Davand shouts some garbled incantation, pointing a finger at Orin. Immediately, a dark cloud of something flies from the tip and hits the monk directly, seeping into his mind.

Davand casts Cause Fear
Orin: Make a DC 16 Will Save or flee

It Is Kath's/Elias' Turn

2012-11-09, 05:23 PM
fear save [roll0]

2012-11-11, 02:00 AM
Kath takes the time to move into position so that he can have a better shot at Davand.

Kath takes a full round action to get into a position where he won't be shooting into melee.

2012-11-11, 02:17 AM
Elias grimly reloads his crossbow and follows Kath's example.

Move action: reloading.
Partial action: move 30 feet diagonally, towards the melee and to one side. He'll probably have to move again next round before he can get into a position to fire without hitting Orin.

2012-11-11, 03:20 AM
Now that both archers are in a position to shoot unimpeded at their magical adversary, the last remaining skeleton has decided to do what skeletons do best.

Ineffectually attack monks.

Whether by dodging or glancing blows, both bony claws fail to harm Orin, leaving him open to make a counterattack. Speech regarding the secrets of Kung-Fu optional.

It Is Orin's Turn

2012-11-11, 04:33 AM
Orin barely seems to move to avoid the skeleton's attack, then explodes with punches and kicks in retaliation.

Flurry of blows
attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
attack [roll2]
attack [roll3]

2012-11-11, 12:36 PM
The skeleton explodes into white powder in several places due to the force behind the blows.

Davand yells in incoherent rage and panic, casting his spell one last time.

Orin: Make ANOTHER DC 16 Will Save or flee. Sorcerers, right? Those spammers.

It Is Kath's/Elias' Turn

2012-11-11, 02:14 PM
fear save: [roll0]

2012-11-13, 12:12 AM
Kath quickly sets an arrow to his string and pulls back. As the arrow flies, he already has another one ready to follow.

Kath is using Rapid Shot, so -2 to both attacks:

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2012-11-13, 12:33 AM
Seeing the skeleton fall, Elias lowers his crossbow just in time to hear the repeated thrum of Kath's bowstring. "Wait, don't shoot him --" he snaps, too late, then sprints toward Orin and Davand.

Spending both a partial and a move action to move 60 feet closer to the sorcerer, regardless of whether he's still on his feet.

2012-11-13, 02:05 AM
The sorcerer in question has about a half-second to mourn the loss of his skeletons before two arrows strike home. He falls with a rather girlish scream.

Fortunately, Elias appears next to him immediately, for whatever that may entail.

For a moment, the battlefield is quiet in the aftermath. Then, heavy bootsteps thud from behind a massive wall, accompanied by a warm glow.

Combat is over!

+70 XP!

Bria is on the scene.

Davand is bleeding out.

2012-11-13, 02:47 AM
Elias drops to one knee next to the supine sorcerer and shrugs off his backpack. He rapidly rummages through it, displacing a coil of rope, an inkwell, a package of hardtack biscuits, and a large and sleepy gray rat, before unearthing a vial of golden liquid. He uncorks it with a thumb and begins to carefully pour it down Davand's throat.

If we're still keeping track of rounds since Davand's bleeding out: retrieving a stored item's a move action, and I'm using my partial action to begin a full-round action (administer Cure Light Wounds potion to someone unconscious) which will resolve on my next turn. Unless he dies before then, it heals [roll0] damage.

2012-11-13, 03:11 AM
He coughs and groans, but his eyes remain closed. Two things are now certain;

Davand will live, for now.

The party can, in fact, fight.

"Well, it looks like I arrived a bit late." Bria remarks, kneeling next to Elias and wiping sweat from her brow. "I'm going to guess, just based off the arrows, that this is our perpetrator?"

2012-11-13, 06:08 PM
"Yes," Elias says dubiously, "but he's only claimed responsibility for two of the exhumed graves. Unless he's lying, it's possible this town conceals another necromancer. I doubt he's lying, either. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer... I'm not certain he even understands what he's done." Elias returns his scattered belongings to his backpack and begins to soothe his cranky familiar. "Even if there is another culprit, he or she will probably wish to avoid the graveyard for some while after tonight's display. I'm sorry we weren't quieter about it."

2012-11-13, 06:22 PM
Bria laughs. "Goodness, don't apologize. I might not have even gotten this far, and you've accomplished quite a bit. What comes next?"

2012-11-14, 06:20 PM
Orin bows to Bria as she arrives.
"This graverobber said he wasnt responsible for all of the graves and that he was trained by Chartessa Murals. I wonder if she has trained anyone else..." He pauses and ponders a moment. "Or if she would tell us if she had."

He looks around the graveyard with dismay " I fear if we cant find a way to help loosen her tongue, we'll be spending many more nights here."

2012-11-14, 07:18 PM
Kath lowered his bow and shrugged sheepishly at Elias. He didn't know how much it was going to take to bring the boy down and he had missed the part about the boy being mostly harmless. "Um...sorry, guys."

2012-11-14, 07:37 PM
Bria pats Kath on the back in a manner reminiscent of 'don't worry, this happens all the time' while she mulls things over.

"Well I don't know about this Murals person, but that might be a good place to start. If she trains necromancers, she may well be one herself, and thus responsible for the rest of these disappearances. Honestly, with this scuffle, we might not be as lucky as merely waiting night after night." She pauses. "Then again, I've never actually waited in a graveyard for nights on end, so clearly I could be mistaken."

2012-11-14, 08:31 PM
"I think Mrs. Murals may end up being a blind alley," Elias puts in. "For one thing, the mayor said she'd renounced her craft... though she could have lied about that as well, I suppose. For another, she's an old woman who's going to be executed soon, assuming she's convicted of murdering her niece. She has nothing left to lose and no reason to tell us anything. That Crocetti fellow said he was going to ask her some questions, but I doubt he's gotten far.
Still, I suppose it couldn't hurt to try. We found some unsettling and puzzling things in her house, but no direct evidence of necromancy." His brow furrows in thought.

2012-11-15, 04:42 AM
"Renounced her craft, mm?" She frowns deeply, showing exactly what she thinks about that possibility, but says nothing further on the subject given she's standing right in front of a wizard.

"Whatever you decide, I'd like to come along, if I could. It's not as though I have much else to do, and something tells me my life will get interesting following you lot around."

2012-11-15, 05:27 AM
"It would be wonderful to have you along" He frowns and looks around the graveyard, "but unless you all feel like hanging around the graveyard for the rest of the night, I suggest we head back to the house for some rest until a more appropriate hour."

2012-11-15, 03:33 PM
"I'm inclined to do the same, unless you think the graveyard is still at risk tonight. Where are your accommodations, Bria? We'll meet again tomorrow morning if such is convenient for you."

2012-11-15, 05:50 PM
"I have a room at the inn for a few nights - as it happens, morning is exactly my kind of time. Shall we say two candles past sunrise, by the fountain?"

2012-11-15, 08:17 PM
"That will provide me ample time to prepare. I'm glad we were able to help."

2012-11-16, 09:58 PM
"I have a feeling the Mayor will be happier to get rid of at least half the headache. Or, well, he'd better be."

2012-11-17, 09:37 PM
"Let's hope so. Do you need help taking him somewhere?"

2012-11-17, 10:32 PM
"Oh, I'm not the strongest sort, but I can handle dragging." She waves a hand airily, grabs Davand's collar, and starts off around the side of the city walls.

Meanwhile, Ao waits for Kath and Orin to do something before un-stopping time.

2012-11-18, 03:56 AM
Orin waves to Bria, then walks back to the crypt, collects his things, then heads out of the graveyard, yawning.

2012-11-20, 12:43 AM
"Sleep in a nice warm bed sounds amazing," says Kath, unstringing his bow and slinging it over his shoulder. He waits for Orin and then starts heading back toward the Murals house. "Gods, I miss the ol' ball and chain. Her snoring really helps me sleep when I'm on dry land."

2012-11-20, 12:51 AM
Elias follows them after bidding Bria farewell. At Kath's comment, he chuckles. "You're married, then?"

2012-11-21, 07:52 PM
Unsurprisingly, the town has few people in the streets after nightfall, and the journey back to the Murals House (even though she technically doesn't own it anymore) is largely uneventful.

That being said, absolutely no one would fault a select few adventurers if they wanted to, say, make a listen check or two for absolutely no reason.

2012-11-21, 11:29 PM
I can take a hint. [roll0]

2012-11-22, 03:17 AM
Orin sighs as the conversation trails off and starts listening to strange sounds of a city at night.

me too.
Listen : [roll0]

2012-11-26, 11:57 PM
"Yeah, one of my oldest friends. We grew up together in an orphanage," said Kath, nodding as he walked along. "She runs it now."


2012-11-27, 01:30 AM
Kath alone manages to catch a few snippets of a whispered conversation from a nearby alley while the group passes through the dark streets.





It's fairly safe to assume they're not discussing the latest delicious cupcake recipe.

2012-11-27, 02:59 PM
"That's a good trade," Elias says, oblivious to what Kath just heard. "I seem to remember you mentioning it earlier, come to think of it. I take it you're not from around here, then? You look like a wayfaring type."

2012-11-27, 11:24 PM
Kath stops and cups a hand to his ear. He turns toward the alley and brings a finger to his lips. "Do any of you hear that?" he asks quietly. He points toward the alley. "Someone's over there talking about...springing and jumping and...bait...oh, they're talking about a trap."

2012-11-29, 03:26 AM
Elias is suddenly all business. "I heard nothing, but I believe you. Keep walking. If they've got designs on us then we'd best not show them that we've heard."

2012-11-29, 08:19 PM
As the party passes by, however...

"...Hey, you hear something?" One of the shady figures speaks up just enough for everyone else to hear. He sounds large, and not particularly bright.

"Yeah, nothin' good." Another man hisses, and the sounds of pushing and shoving and running are heard. "Move!"

2012-12-05, 02:26 AM
Orin jumps slighly at the unexpected voices, and steps towards the alley. He notices Elias' indifference, shrugs and yawns. "hopefully whatever that was can wait."

2012-12-05, 05:37 PM
Fortunately, it appears that it can. Namely, whoever was stalking 'round appears to have fled in earnest, and should the party continue, nothing more would bother them...

For now.

2012-12-05, 07:10 PM
**Meanwhile, back in time a little and in another part of the town.**

Stalking down the hallways of the Mayor's residence, Santino looks in earnest for the room where the Murals woman was being held, fondling the key between his fingers.
Upon reaching the door he peeks through the eye slit into the darkness of the cell.
Stepping to the side and leaning against the wall, he slumps to the floor, knees pulled up to his chest, resting his hands on either side of his head, C'mon 'tino... Think. You have to get this woman to talk. You have to find out whats up with that house. Think! There's gotta be a way to trick her... Leave the knife as a last resort."
Sitting on the floor in the hallway, Santino keeps wracking his brain trying to figure out how to get through to the woman.

2012-12-06, 06:17 PM
((Since nothing unusual occurs on the way back: ))

Elias steps through the door of the Murals home, stifling a yawn. "We're back, Denara," he says to the empty air, then turns to face his companions.
"Crocetti's claimed the master bedroom, and he's welcome to it. If either of you want the spare room, I've no objection to sleeping on the floor -- these carpets have got fewer lice than some of the mattresses I've slept on, and they're probably warmer too." He chuckles. At "spare room," he indicates the closet space to the right and its small bed.

2012-12-06, 11:22 PM

"Eh? Someone there?" Murals barks from her cell. "I'm not as deaf to your goons as you'd like, Dannis. Face me!"


"Welcome home." Denara says simply, materializing in front of them. "Shall I find something comfortable for you to lay upon?"

2012-12-06, 11:42 PM
"Thank you kindly, but I have my own," Elias says, unrolling his bedroll. "I do have a request, though, for all of you: please don't disturb me until a candle past dawn. I need peace and quiet to ready my spells."

Unless interrupted, Elias will be asleep for the next 8 hours rest of the night, and preparing spells for another hour thereafter. The exigencies of the Wizard PC :smallsigh::smallbiggrin:

2012-12-06, 11:47 PM
"Might I observe? I find myself very curious about wizardry, since I apparently inhabit the house of one."

2012-12-07, 12:01 AM
Forcing himself back to his feet, Santino places the key into the lock and slowly turns it, opening the door and stepping into the gloom.
"I'm not Dannis, Chartessa... But I may be just as bad." he says in a toneless voice, walking over and crouching in front of the woman.
"Now, I'm going to be asking you a few questions, and depending on how I like your answers, I might be able to help you in some small ways... Don't get me wrong, You're still gunna be losing your head for what you did to Denara, but I might be able to make the rest of your short stay here easier."