View Full Version : Zinc Saucier 7: We're not Jedi, we just wish we were

2012-08-16, 06:30 PM
This competition is closed. Here are the final results:

{table=head]Ranking|Saucier|Entry Name|Build|Score

1st Place|T.G. Oskar|Roland (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13826905&postcount=45)|Divine Mind of Heironeous 4/Cleric of Heironeous 3/Hospitaler 3/Fist of Raziel 10|19.5

2nd Place|Andorax|Karania (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13826963&postcount=49)|Binder 6/Cleric 1/Knight of the Sacred Seal 4/ Knight of the Chalice 9|18.5

3rd Place|The Underlord|Feradim (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13826976&postcount=50)|Divine Bard 8/(Divine Adaptation) Abjurant Champion 2/Skypledged 5/Sacred Exorcist 5|16.75

4th Place|smasher0404|Buono (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13826948&postcount=48)|Cleric 6/Incarnate 2/Witch Hunter 2/Sapphire Hierarch 10|16

5th Place|rot42|R. Sophie (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13826939&postcount=47)|Bard 7 / Fighter 1 / Sanctified One of Ehlonna 4 / Sublime Chord 1/ Abjurant Champion 5 / Eldritch Knight 2|15.75

6th Place|Eskil|Kindhearted Heretic (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13826931&postcount=46)|Binder 15/Knight of the Sacred Seal 5|15.5

7th Place|Andorax|Martis (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13826887&postcount=44)|Soulborn 7/Divine Crusader 5/Cavalier 8|15.25[/table]

Welcome one and all to the seventh Zinc Saucier challenge, where Playgrounders come to test their skill in the art of beautiful and bizarre (and bizarrely beautiful :smallwink:) builds.

The challenge? To come up with a build that has the same abilities and feel as the Secret Ingredient WITHOUT actually using it!

For the seventh challenge get ready to ascend to the Seven Heavens for the PHB/SRD Paladin! (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/paladin.htm)

Our challengers will have a little over 2 weeks to build a complete build from levels 1-20 using a 32 point buy and all official 3.5 material (excluding dragon magazine, but including any WOTC online enhancements) with the abilities and feel of a Paladin without actually using any levels in it.

Entries must be submitted by Saturday, 11:59pm GMT, 1 September, 2012.

Contestants will be judged and awarded a score out of 5 in each of 5 categories;

* Innovation (Uniqueness in character concept, race, class, etc)
* Power (How powerful and versatile it is compared to the base class)
* Elegance (What can only be described as how well the build "flows", i.e not using lots of 1-2lv dips, sacrificing flavour for power or using flaws)
* Fluff (How well the characters back-stories and classes mesh)
* Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)

Presentation would be best in the style of how the iron chef does their presentations, however any style is allowed so long as it is clear on how the build was made.

Recommended style:NAME OF ENTRY
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

2nd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

3rd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

4th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

5th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

6th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

7th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

8th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

9th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

10th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

11th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

12th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

13th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

14th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

15th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

16th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

17th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

18th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

19th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

20th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities[/table]

{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

2nd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

3rd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

4th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

5th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

6th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

7th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

8th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

9th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

10th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

11th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

12th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

13th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

14th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

15th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

16th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

17th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

18th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

19th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

20th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities[/table]

For entries with spellcasting, use the following table for Spells per day and Spells Known. (Spells Known only if necessary, i.e. Sorcerer or Bard, but not Wizard or Warmage). For other systems (Psionics, ToB, Incarnum, etc.) keep track of PP/maneuvers/essentia separately, preferably in a nice neat list, similar to this:
Spells per day/Spells Known





















Code:Spells per day/Spells Known





















Please do not post details of your build on the board before it is ready, so as not to spoil the surprise for others.

Sauciers may submit as many builds as they want but please don't use leadership, as we dont want to overfeed the judges. :smalltongue:

Entries should be submitted via private message to the chairman.

Also it comes with double prize money.

Previous challenges;
Soulknife (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=225187)
Bard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=229736)
Monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=233749)
Assassin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=239294)
Barbarian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243627)
Warlock (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=247169)

A few administrative notes:

This competition is inspired by the Playground Iron Chef Competitions and uses mostly identical rules.

Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon magazine is disallowed, and Unearthed Arcana is allowed; but see Elegance below. Web-exclusive 3.0 or 3.5 materials by WotC are expressly allowed, but take care to verify that an updated version did not appear in print elsewhere, as this may cause an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion. Alternate rule systems from UA such as gestalt are not allowed, as they create a different playing field. Also, item familiars are forbidden because I hate 'em. This comes up often enough to bear mention in the rules: Dragon Compendium is allowed.

Power level is up to you. Cheese is acceptable, but should be kept to a sane level unless you're showcasing a new TO build you've discovered. In the words of one of my predecessors, a little cheddar can be nice, but avoid the mature Gruyere unless you're making a cheese fondue.

Elegance could bear a little elaboration. It basically measures how skillfully you put your build together, and whether you sacrificed flavor for power. We're cooking here - if your dish doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter how well-presented it is. Use of flaws is an automatic loss of one point per flaw in this category. Other things that will cause lost points here are excessive multiclassing, and classes that don't fit the concept - using Cloistered Cleric in a front-line melee fighter, for example, will lose you points. Please note the following change: a legal source's relative obscurity should not be considered as penalizing Elegance, excepting the aforementioned issues with Unearthed Arcana. Using too many sources may be an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion, but a book's relative obscurity may not.

Allez Sauciers!

Howler Dagger
2012-08-16, 07:41 PM
Is it recommended that the paladin's be lawful good?

2012-08-16, 07:51 PM
Is it recommended that the paladin's be lawful good?

I (as the chairman) posted the PHB version. So, while not speaking for the judges, I would strongly suggest so.

Howler Dagger
2012-08-16, 07:54 PM
I changed my mind, can I judge this time?

2012-08-16, 07:56 PM
I changed my mind, can I judge this time?

Don't see why not. Of course, feel free to change your mind and enter if you feel inspired.

The Gilded Duke
2012-08-16, 08:01 PM
Hmm might have a few ideas for this one.

The Gilded Duke
2012-08-16, 08:23 PM
Hmm might have a few ideas for this one.

2012-08-16, 08:33 PM
I sure hope so, Gilded Duke. Enjoy the cooking!

2012-08-16, 09:13 PM
I think I'll take the judging role for this one

The Underlord
2012-08-16, 11:29 PM
I am working on a build currently.

2012-08-18, 08:23 AM
I'm presuming anyone is welcome to give this a go? I'm not the systems master of some of these good folks, but I have an idea in mind.

2012-08-18, 11:31 AM
Please feel free, Andorax. As with IC, all competitors are open.

2012-08-19, 07:04 PM
And we've got our first entry! Plenty of time for others. I look forward to seeing all the entries.

2012-08-20, 11:44 AM
So I got a pm from a new competitor. My apologies for not making it clear - please submit entries via private message to myself as the chairman. Thanks

2012-08-21, 08:52 PM
Sorry for the multi-post, but a day break in between posts is plenty time for a bump. Also, what kind of classes are you all interested in for next time? Another SRD prestige class? Base class from one of the completes? Let's get some suggestions.

2012-08-21, 09:00 PM
I may enter. Or judge. Or get distracted and do neither. We'll see.

2012-08-21, 11:27 PM
Nothing to see here.

2012-08-21, 11:46 PM
Hmmm...Smite Cleric of Sif with Good and War domains spring to mind. But she's couldn't be Lawful. Could use the "Tight Pantheon" rule to cherry-pick the best Asgardian features.

'Tis generally considered bad form to discuss builds before the competition is over, much like over at Iron Chef.

I'll probably end up judging this beast - criteria to be posted tomorrow, likely.

The Underlord
2012-08-21, 11:51 PM
For new competition, a ToB class could be interesting. Would be fun to see how they would do it without using (much) ToB. Porbably not crusqader though, as it is similar to a paladin.

2012-08-22, 12:14 AM
For new competition, a ToB class could be interesting. Would be fun to see how they would do it without using (much) ToB. Porbably not crusqader though, as it is similar to a paladin.

Swordsage could be interesting. Specializing in different disciplines could lead to wildly different characters. Oh, the possibilities...

2012-08-22, 12:54 AM
'Tis generally considered bad form to discuss builds before the competition is over, much like over at Iron Chef.

I'll probably end up judging this beast - criteria to be posted tomorrow, likely.

Tisk. Mea culpa. I don't even have access to my books at the moment.

Editing away my post.

2012-08-22, 05:17 AM
Oh, hey, Marlowe. I was going to invite you and the rest of the crew to compete, I know how much you like to build characters.

So a martial adept is desired. That of course means that the chairman will not present it as an option for about another 30 rounds or so, based on current IC acolyte of the skin, which has been requested forever.

2012-08-22, 05:47 AM
Heh, would you believe I only just fully "built" Bethlen last week? Although I've had her together in my head for a lot longer.

Howler Dagger
2012-08-22, 11:09 AM
Honestly, crusader is a bit obvious though for a paladin competition.

2012-08-22, 11:18 AM
Obviousness exists only in the mind of the competitors and judges, as is not, in fact, one of the official judging categories, but probably falls under innovation as a subcategory.

2012-08-24, 05:57 PM
How are the builds coming along, sauciers?

The Underlord
2012-08-24, 06:53 PM
Powers been iffy at my house so I haven't made much progress.

motoko's ghost
2012-08-25, 09:35 AM
Hello, sorry for my absense, things just got kinda crazy for a while, I probably don't have enough time to make a build but I will help judge.

2012-08-25, 10:04 AM
Hey, motoko, welcome back. You still have a week left if you want to enter. I'll mark you as a judge if I don't see an entry.

Update on the competition: We have one submitted entry so far, I think you will find it interesting...

2012-08-25, 11:29 AM
It would be really cool to see how people would emulate a Wizard without taking any levels in it...

2012-08-25, 12:46 PM
I have some ideas already for the next competition. Wizard was not on my short list, due to casters in general being able to emulate each other fairly readily.

Wu-jen, sorcerer, beguiler, bard+sublime chord can all do wizard without too much trouble.

However, I'll take it under advisement. But I think I'm looking at a sub-system for the next competition. Hint hint.

2012-08-25, 02:33 PM
It would be really cool to see how people would emulate a Wizard without taking any levels in it...

Korg the Magical (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195049) is Barbarian 20.

2012-08-25, 02:54 PM
Yeah, he is totally going to be an NPC in the next campaign I run. I suspect there would be an originality hit if someone used Korg, though.

2012-08-28, 01:57 PM
So 4 days and change left for the competition, and I just received another build. Fascinating stuff. The judges will have their work cut out for them!

2012-08-31, 05:57 PM
Ok...entries in.

2012-08-31, 06:34 PM
Excellent work. I look forward to the reveal. There is about 24 hours left for the competitors.... what other secrets shall we see?

Howler Dagger
2012-09-01, 07:00 AM
I am not going to be able to judge for about a day.

The Underlord
2012-09-01, 07:03 AM
Also isn't it past the deadline by now?

2012-09-01, 07:14 AM
Deadline is just under 12 hours away, by my watch.

Still have time for a few more entries.

2012-09-01, 02:01 PM
About 5 hours to the deadline, we have a lot of good entries. I might be a few minutes late as I have to bring my kids to and from a party. Entries will be posted tonight.

Good luck to all.

2012-09-01, 02:16 PM
Build is in. It probably could use a good once over by a copy editor, but Saturday beckons.

Howler Dagger
2012-09-01, 05:54 PM
I have discovered that their is wifi where I am. I only have my tablet , so I will be able to look over the builds, but not type my judgement.

2012-09-01, 08:32 PM
Thanks to all who entered, we have 7 submissions for this competition, which I believe sets a new Zinc Saucier record. Good luck to everyone. Please refrain from posting until the all clear.

2012-09-01, 08:43 PM
“Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.”

By the Shining Light of Heironeous and the souls of all who do battle against evil, you shall NOT prevail this day! - Martis.

Martis the Azurin, Bright Soul of Heironeous

With a standard array: Str 15, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13. +Str at 4,8,20; +Cha at 12, 16. Under other rules, Int of 10+, Con of 13+ and Cha of 14+ by 17th level need be preserved.

{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Essentia|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Soulborn 1|
1/1|Kno: Religion 2, Ride 4|Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus (Longsword)|Aura of LG, Smite CE 1/day

2nd|Soulborn 2|
1/1|Kno: Nob. & Roy. 1, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 4||Incarnum Defense (Immunity to Fear)

3rd|Soulborn 3|
2/1|Kno: Nob. & Roy. 2, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 4|Sapphire Smite, Ride-By Attack|

4th|Soulborn 4|
2/1|Kno: Nob. & Roy. 3, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 4||1 Soulmeld (Pauldrons of Health)

5th|Soulborn 5|
2/1|Kno: Nob. & Roy. 4, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 4||Smite CE 2/day

6th|Soulborn 6|
3/2|Handle Animal 2, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 4, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 4|Spirited Charge|

7th|Soulborn 7|
4/2|Handle Animal 4, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 4, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 4|Cerulean Reflexes|

8th|Divine Crusader 1|
4/2|Handle Animal 4, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 4, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 6||Aura of LG (stacks with Soulborn Aura of LG)

9th|Divine Crusader 2|
4/2|Handle Animal 4, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 4, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 6|Weapon Focus (Lance)|

10th|Cavalier 1|
4/2|Diplomacy 1, Handle Animal 5, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 4+1, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 6+2||Mounted weapon bonus (lance) +1, Ride bonus +2, Courtly knowledge

11th|Cavalier 2|
4/2|Diplomacy 1, Handle Animal 5, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 5+2, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 7+2||Deadly charge 1/day, Mounted weapon bonus (sword) +1

12th|Cavalier 3|
5/3|Diplomacy 2, Handle Animal 6, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 5+3, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 7+2|Healing Soul|Burst of Speed

13th|Cavalier 4|
5/3|Diplomacy 2, Handle Animal 6, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 6+4, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 8+4||Deadly Charge 2/day, Ride bonus +4

14th|Cavalier 5|
5/3|Diplomacy 3, Handle Animal 7, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 6+5, Kno: Religion 2, Ride 8+4||Mounted weapon bonus (lance) +2, Special Mount (as if a Paladin 5)

15th|Divine Crusader 3|
5/3|Diplomacy 4, Handle Animal 7, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 6+5, Kno: Religion 3, Ride 8+4|Shape Soulmeld: Lifebond Vestments|Resistance to Electricity 5

16th|Divine Crusader 4|
5/3|Diplomacy 5, Handle Animal 7, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 6+5, Kno: Religion 4, Ride 8+4||

17th|Divine Crusader 5|
5/3|Diplomacy 6, Handle Animal 7, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 6+5, Kno: Religion 5, Ride 8+4|Weapon Specialization (longsword)|

18th|Cavalier 6|
6/4|Diplomacy 6, Handle Animal 7, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 7+6, Kno: Religion 5, Ride 9+4|Cerulean Will|Deadly charge 3/day, full mounted attack, mounted weapon bonus (sword) +2

19th|Cavalier 7|
6/4|Diplomacy 7, Handle Animal 8, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 7+7, Kno: Religion 5, Ride 9+6||Ride bonus +6

20th|Cavalier 8|
6/4|Diplomacy 7, Handle Animal 8, Heal 1, Kno: Nob. & Roy. 8+8, Kno: Religion 5, Ride 10+6||Deadly charge 4/day[/table]

Divine Crusader Spells per day


So, overall we have:

{table=head]Paladin Ability|Build Equivalent

1: Martial Weapons/Heavy Armor | Soulborn grants the same at 1st.

1: Aura of Good 1-20 | Aura of Lawful Good (12 levels)

1: detect evil | Missing feature

1: Smite Evil up to 5/day | Smite CE 2/day + Investment in Sapphire Smite

2: Divine Grace | Investment in Cerulean Reflexes (7th) and in the Pauldrons of Health soulmeld (4th). Will save is already well ahead of normal, but even it eventually has the option to be upped with Cerulean Will (18th)

2: Lay on Hands | Heal self (Healing Soul @ 12th), and then others (Shape Soulmeld: Lifebond Vestments @ 15th)

3: Aura of Courage | Incarnum Defense @ 2nd (fear immunity - self only)

3: Divine Health | Pauldrons of Health soulmeld at 4th

4: Turn Undead | Missing feature*

4: Casting (1st through 4th level spells, CL = 1/2 PL) | Divine Crusader casting @ 8th, 9th, 15-17 (1st through 5th level spells from the Good domain, 5th level spell is on the Pal4 list, CL = DCL)

5: Special Mount 5th-20th | Cavalier "stacking" Special Mount (@14th = 5th, @20th = 8th)

6: Remove Disease up to 5/week | Missing feature

HD: 20d10 | 15d10+5d8 (Divine Crusader). Only off by 5hp

Saves: +12/+6/+6 with +Cha to all | +15/+5/+12 with Essentia to invest in any save to shore it up

BAB: +20 | +18 with a +2 bonus to swords and lances

MAD: Physicals for melee fighting, Wis for casting, Cha for special abilities | Physicals for melee fighting, Cha for casting and specials...need for Wisdom greatly reduced, but it is still similarly MAD

Imagery: Lawful Good, noble, mounted combat ability with a special mount | Lawful Good (both Soulborn type and Divine Crusader enforced), noble (Nob & Roy required and empahsized), mounted combat bonuses, special mount

Code: Paladin code of conduct, atonement and consequences | Bound to alignment (Soulborn AND Divine Crusader), follows ideals of chosen deity (Heironeous, god of Paladins)

Adaptation: Numerous "alternate" Paladin variations of other alignments exist | Cavalier does require Lawful, but by changing to the LE variant of the Soulborn and a LE deity (and favored weapon), this build could slide into that role easily as well[/table]

*Turn Undead capability was envisioned to be available via two very Paladinal flaws (Pride of Arms and Chivalrous Courtesy, D324 - further brings it in line with the Paladin code) in exchange for two god-touched feats (God Touched and Divine Channeler, D305...possibly with Extra Turning in lieu of Cerulean Will), but as I do not have access to the Dragon Compendium, just the individual issues, I do not know if these made the cut or not. Rather than invalidate my entry, I mention it here as a footnote...if it can't, accordingly, be considered, then the build will have to stand on its own without this feature.

Commentary: It seems to be often the case that one of the Paladin's core feature, their special mount, is either ignored or traded away for an alternate class feature. I wanted to attempt to capture this part of the Paladin and, if not maximizing it, at least putting it right at the core of the build as part of its inherent character.

Beyond that, my aim was to provide for as many of the Paladin's essential features as possible without gerrymandering together a half a dozen different prestige class dips. Nothing is present here in full measure, but nearly every part of the Paladin is present to some extent, and I feel that the end result will certainly "feel" like a Paladin in play, while keeping the build reasonable in terms of classes (one base, two prestige), each with a clear part to play.

2012-09-01, 08:46 PM
Who need medicare when you have this guy?

Knight-Brother Roland Nythiatyf

LG Human Divine Mind of Heironeous 4/Cleric of Heironeous 3/Hospitaler 3/Fist of Raziel 10

Roland Nythiatif was born to sir Wynnen Ignatius Nythiatif, a member of the Holy Order of the Supernal Topaz Defenders and his wife, Machtia Exni Hylou, a foreign master crafter. From birth, Roland was devoted to the Archpaladin and the Tome Archons, bidding the time when he would earn his spurs and vanquish evil.

Heironeous, however, had a different mission for him. The rare talent inherited from his mother was one he wished to develop, and from his youth his skill was cultivated towards knightly behavior, leadership and development of his potential. Yet, because of this, he was never made into the squire of a brave and gallant knight, something that tore his father deeply. Becoming a soldier of the faith, Roland served as a squadron leader, emitting a powerful aura of leadership and brandishing a powerful blade out of seemingly nowhere, but otherwise lacking in combat skill. His potential undeveloped, Roland sought the chaptermasters to allow him into service to the clergy of Heironeous, in hopes that the Archpaladin would understand. Indeed, he understood, and after long and arduous studies of theology and chivalry (in which he naturally excelled because of his earlier training), he was ordained as a Cleric of Heironeous.

Time after his ordinance, Roland was sent to assist the efforts of a hospital built by a chapter of the Order of Knights Hospitaller, an organization devoted to protect the sick and wounded and tend to their needs. Roland saw his chance to earn his spurs through the organization, and formally petitioned as a Knight Hospitaler. The church of Heironeous steadfastly declined, but he gained the assistance from two mighty knights; the stern sir Hein and the dour sir Zell. Sir Hein claimed that Roland was a skilled warrior, an able rider and a wise and magnetic leader, whereas sir Zell claimed that the designs of the clergy had to submit to the designs of their deity, and the abilities he would obtain as a Hospitaler would aid him immensely. Months of arduous task and test ended, and Roland was initiated as a knight of the Hospitaler order, taught the arts of healing and purification and enhanced his combat techniques.

One day, in a dream, Roland received a message from a celestial creature, reclaiming that he fulfills the promise made by his father before he was even born. Roland was puzzled by this request, but he nevertheless obeyed, undertaking a quest left by sir Zell (who returned mysteriously one day to leave a request that required all of Roland's talents in healing, prayer and combat skill). The quest tested his skill and mettle, but particularly his skill with hand, his skill with people, his devotion to the ideals of Law and Good, and his knowledge about the Tome Archons, particularly the patron of knights, Raziel. At the end of the quest, which Roland succeeded at, was none other than sir Hein and sir Zell, congratulating Roland for proving himself. Sir Hein and sir Zell revealed to be avatars of the Archpaladin, Heironeous, and the Tome Archon of knighthood, Raziel, which had plotted his progress as a worthy knight from his very birth. By awakening the powers from his mind and guiding him through the clerical faith, the order of the Hospitalers and finally to the order devoted to vanquish all evil with grand might, Roland became more than his father could ever imagine.

Today, knight-brother Roland is a revered member of the Clergy of Heironeous, of the Order of Knights Hospitaler, and a steadfast ally of brave knights against the forces of Evil.

Starting ability scores (32 pt. buy): Str 14, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 15
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features
1st|Divine Mind 1|+0|
+2|Handle Animal 2 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, Ride 4 ranks|Hidden Talent (Call Weaponry)B, Servant of the Heavens|Mantle (Justice), psychic aura 5 ft.

2nd|Divine Mind 2|+1|
+3|Handle Animal +0.5, Knowledge (religion) +1, Ride +1|--|--

3rd|Divine Mind 3|+2|
+3|Autohypnosis 1 rank, Handle Animal +0.5, Knowledge (religion) +1|Mounted Combat|Psychic Aura 10 ft.

4th|Divine Mind 4|+3|
+4|Autohypnosis +1, Handle Animal +0.5, Knowledge (religion) +1|--|Divine Grace

5th|Cleric 1|+3|
+6|Diplomacy 1 rank, Handle Animal +0.5, Knowledge (religion) +1|--|Aura,domain (Courage, Glory), spontaneous casting (cure spells), turn undead

6th|Cleric 2|+4|
+7|Diplomacy +1, Handle Animal +0.5, Knowledge (religion) +1|Ride-By Attack|--

7th|Cleric 3|+5|
+7|Diplomacy +1, Handle Animal +0.5, Knowledge (religion) +1|--|--

8th|Hospitaler 1|+6/+1|
+7|Diplomacy +1, Heal +1, Knowledge (religion) +1|Power AttackB|Lay on hands

9th|Hospitaler 2|+7/+2|
+7|Diplomacy +1, Heal +1, Knowledge (religion) +1|Awesome Smite|--

10th|Hospitaler 3|+8/+3|
+8|Diplomacy +1, Heal +1, Knowledge (religion) +1|--|Remove disease 1/week

11th|Fist of Raziel 1|+9/+4|
+8|Concentration 1 rank, Diplomacy +1, Heal +1|--|Magic circle, smite evil 1/day (good-aligned)

12th|Fist of Raziel 2|+10/+5|
+8|Concentration +1, Diplomacy +1, Heal +1|Divine Might|--

13th|Fist of Raziel 3|+11/+6/+1|
+9|Concentration +1, Diplomacy +1, Heal +1, Knowledge (religion) +1|--|Smite evil 2/day (confirming)

14th|Fist of Raziel 4|+12/+7/+2|
+9| Concentration +1, Diplomacy +1, Heal +1|Sanctify Martial Strike (longsword)B|--

15th|Fist of Raziel 5|+13/+8/+3|
+9|Concentration +1, Diplomacy +1, Heal +1|Improved Smite (CD 82)|Smite evil 3/day (holy)

16th|Fist of Raziel 6|+14/+9/+4|
+10|Concentration +1, Diplomacy +1, Heal +1|--|Sunder evil item

17th|Fist of Raziel 7|+15/+10/+5|
+10|Concentration +1, Diplomacy +1, Heal +1|--|Smite evil 4/day (fiendsmite)

18th|Fist of Raziel 8|+16/+11/+6/+1|
+11|Concentration +1, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (religion) +1|Aligned Attack|--

19th|Fist of Raziel 9|+17/+12/+7/+2|
+11|Concentration +1, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (religion) +1|--|Smite evil 5/day (chain)

20th|Fist of Raziel 10|+18/+13/+8/+3|
+11|Concentration +1, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (religion) +1|--|Holy martial strike[/table]

Ability Score Increases per Character Level
4th – Charisma
8th – Wisdom
12th – Wisdom
16th – Charisma
20th – Charisma

Skills at 20th level
Autohypnosis 2 ranks, Concentration 10 ranks, Diplomacy 15 ranks, Handle Animal 5 ranks, Heal 10 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 16 ranks, Ride 5 ranks

Cleric Spells per Day (without bonus spells)
{table=head]Level|0|[ b]1st[/b]|[ b]2nd[/b]|[ b]3rd[/b]|[ b]4th[/b]|[ b]5th[/b]|[ b]6th[/b]|[ b]7th[/b]|Caster Level

Typical Cleric spells prepared (with bonus spells)
0—detect magic (2), guidance (2), light (2)
1st—conviction, divine favor (2), entropic shield, remove fearD, shield of faith (2)
2nd—bless weaponD, mark of judgment, resist energy (2), shield other (2), spiritual weapon
3rd—girallon’s blessing, magic vestment, mark of doom, mass resist energy, searing lightD, shield of warding
4th—death ward, freedom of movement, greater blindsight, greater magic weapon, holy smiteD, lesser holy transformation
5th—greater vigor, holy swordD, righteous might, righteous wrath of the faithful
6th—chasing perfection, heroes’ feastD, superior resistance, visage of the deity
7th—greater heroismD, mass spell resistance, rejuvenating light

How to get the flavor of a Paladin without actually being one:
Oddly enough, it's not that hard. The amount of things lost because of not getting into the class are minimal, but not entirely noticeable. The end result is quite intriguing, to say the very least.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The divine mind offers all these in a convenient package.
Aura of Good: The Cleric has an aura that's essentially the same as the Paladin's aura.
Detect Evil: While not part of the class abilities, the Cleric has it as a spell.
Smite Evil: One of the signature abilities of the Paladin, the Fist of Raziel offers the entire progression in 10 levels, which means half the effectiveness but all the uses per day. However, unlike the typical Paladin class, it has more than what would be offered despite the loss of static damage.
Lay on Hands, Remove Disease: Here is where the Hospitaler comes into play, as three levels grant the needed abilities (in case you have a need for them).
Divine Grace: Perhaps the best bit of the Paladin (I'd say otherwise, but that's what most people say), Divine Grace is oddly also granted by Divine Mind, so that's the main reason I detoured in the psionic class.
Spellcasting: The Cleric not only offers most of the spells, but exceeds the amount of spells that the paladin would otherwise offer. With a caster level of 14th, that means you get essentially the same as a Paladin taking Practiced Spellcaster with less effort. Even class-specific spells such as Bless Weapon and Holy Sword are gained thanks to domain spells.
Turn Undead: with three levels (and the bonus by the Glory domain and the Knowledge [religion] synergy), this is enough to clear waves of undead mooks easily. Or, they can be used to power Divine Might, as a bonus based on Charisma modifier to damage rolls is pretty good.
Aura of Courage: Arguably the hardest to replicate, but the Courage domain offers half of the bonus that the aura grants.

What the Paladin has that Roland can't get:
Divine Health: Immunity to disease is pretty hard to get without becoming evil.
Special Mount: While Wild Cohort can be a decent alternative, the feat offers the equivalent of an animal companion instead of a proper special mount. Wild Cohort is nonetheless a pretty powerful feat.
Paladin-exclusive spells: Stuff like Heal Mount, Lawful Sword, the awesome Glory of the Martyr, Righteous Aura and Sacred Haven. Note that, aside from Heal Mount, all are 4th level spells, of which the Paladin can only get three.

What Roland gets that the Paladin would dream of:
Psionic Auras: While a small, almost insignificant +1 bonus, the divine mind's psionic auras (right at the range of Aura of Courage, another nod to the class ability) offer an morale bonus on attack rolls (and a bonus to attack rolls in retribution, which is untyped), damage rolls, Listen, Spot, initiative checks, and also AC.
Mantles and Domains: the Justice mantle's aura granted power is great, even if only usable once per round, as it's one of the things you'd like to see the most as a tank; even if only once, the ability to trip or fell an opponent that attacks an ally makes you more of a threat, particularly if you're brandishing a holy sword and as many buffs as possible. The Courage and Glory mantles grant buffs or replicate some of the class features of the Paladin, but it's their domain spells that really make it shine (Greater Heroism, Holy Sword, Valiant Fury). 5th level is interesting because it's a tie between Holy Sword (one of the best Paladin spels) or Valiant Fury (which is exclusive to the Courage domain, and also grants a huge amount of morale-based buffs, including morale bonuses to Strength and Constitution.
Magic Circle: Sure, you don't get to see evil creatures at will...but you get the ability to defend better from them at will. Being a 10-ft. radius circle, it's just as long as that of the Courage domain's aura and the psychic auras, so you're granting all allies a +4 morale bonus on saves vs. fear, +2 deflection bonus to AC and +2 resistance bonus to saving throws against evil creatures' attacks, protection from mental assault and protection against summoned monsters, plus a minor bonus so as long as an ally is within 10 ft. of you, long before you start buffing.
Smite improvements: While Roland's smite is weaker than that of a normal Paladin, the abilities granted by Fist of Raziel are not something to laugh at. By smiting, Roland can confirm critical hits, punch through DR/evil, deal extra holy damage, deal even MORE damage to fiends, and then make it an Area of Effect attack so to speak. A Paladiin could get Improved Smite and Awesome Smite, but it can't get these without multiclassing.
Holy Martial Strike: This is a fitting capstone for the class. Wielding anything from a magic longsword to a mutton chop? Well, now it deals 2d6 points of extra damage against evil creatures and punches through DR/evil.
Psionic Focus: Albeit it seems like a minor benefit, both Aligned Strike and the Justice mantle require you to be psionically focused. This also gives more use to Concentration, which is a typical spellcaster skill but only as a reactive skill.

Supercharged Smite: Smite Evil lacks about 10 points worth of damage compared to a normal Paladin. On the other hand, it deals an extra 3d6 points of damage (Holy + Improved), or 1d6+2d8 against evil outsiders (Fiendsmite + Improved). Add Divine Might (Cha to damage) as a free action and Aligned Attack (discharge psionic focus) as another free action adds 1d6+Cha extra points of damage on the smite. With the auto-confirming benefit, and using a weapon designed for critical hits (a Scimitar, with the Keen enhancement), Roland can deal a large amount of damage on a single attack.
Healing Galore: The amount of Lay on Hands and that free Remove Disease may seem like a little, but the combination of spontaneous casting of cure wounds spells alongside Healing Lorecall (prepared or through scrolls) means you can provide solid healing. Complete Champion also offers great boosts to healing, such as Conduit of Life and Seed of Life.
Buffing without spellcasting: Between the Courage domain granted power, Magic Circle and the psychic auras, you can deliver a decent amount of passive bonuses if allies are willing to remain close to you.
Never without a weapon: Call Weaponry and Holy Martial Strike are like book-ends to the build; the first allows you to summon any kind of weapon you desire, which punches through DR/magic, whereas the latter makes it a holy weapon. Based on how you read the Hidden Talent feat, Call Weaponry may end up with an effective ML score of 4-5, right on the borderline to make the summoned weapon +1. Thus, you can end up with a +1 holy whatever on your hand, so as long as you have PP.
Psionic dabbling: despite being only one mantle, Roland has access to all powers of the Justice mantle, which means he can use them if he has access to dorjes or power stones. That means he can manifest through these items powers such as Call Armor, Incite Bravery, Psionic Zone of Truth, Aura Sight, Psionic Discern Lies, Psionic True Seeing, Perfect Riposte and Reddopsi (even if the latter is a 7th level power, but given how the Mantle ability reads...). By the way: dorjes can access up to 9th level powers, and hold 50 charges. That expands his options quite a bit.
Superior combat skills: With a full suite of spells up to 7th level, Roland can buff himself to provide a massive boost to all his combat scores: attack bonuses, AC, damage rolls and saves, and from different methods. Enchanting armor and weapons to be temporarily magical (or more powerful than the norm), gaining more than four arms (and thus wield a shield while holding a weapon in two hands), ignoring concealment, getting a lot more immunities, amongst others, makes Roland a pretty deadly warrior. It also makes him vulnerable to dispelling, but with his constant buffs he's still a solid melee combatant.

Book of Exalted Deeds, Complete Champion, Complete Divine, Complete Psionic, Complete Warrior, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Player's Handbook, Player's Handbook II, Spell Compendium and the Expanded Classes (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a) Mind's Eye Article

2012-09-01, 08:51 PM
I'm a paladin, and I'm here to help.

Story:The Kindhearted Heretic

Alex Redsand was taught by his parents to help those in need if he could.
Living deep in the desert, whilst growing up, this was never a problem.
As an adult traveling the world however, he found that many people weren't
keen on accepting unsolicited help from a half-orc with strange and frightening
powers. Undeterred he helped where he could.Eventually he was knighted.
His powers were still strange and frightening, but with time he became recogniced as a protector
of the good and just.
Race: Desert Half-orc
Alignment: Lawful Good
Attributes: Str 14 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 20
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

+2|Intimidate 4, knowledge (religion) 4, diplomacy 4|Ignore Special Requirements|Soul binding (1 vestige)

+3|Knowledge (arcana) 1,knowledge (religion) 5, diplomacy 5|-|Pact augmentation (1 ability), suppress sign

+3|Knowledge (arcana) 2,knowledge (the planes) 1, diplomacy 6|Wild Cohort|—

+4|Bluff 2, diplomacy 7|Improved Binding(binder bonus)|Bonus feat

+4|Bluff 4, diplomacy 8|—|Pact augmentation (2 abilities)

+5|Bluff 5, diplomacy 9|Weapon Focus(Greatsword)|Soul guardian (immune to fear)

7th|Knight of the sacred seal|
+5|Ride 2, intimidate 5|—|Aligned strike, patron vestige, soul binding +1

8th|Knight of the sacred seal|
+5|Ride 4, intimidate 6|—|Soul binding +2, Soul binding (2 vestiges), vestige’s protection

9th|Knight of the sacred seal|
+6|Ride 6, intimidate 7|Favored Vestige (Andras)|Soul binding +3, vestige’s protection aura

10th|Knight of the sacred seal|
+6|Ride 8, intimidate 8|—|Soul binding +4, vestige’s power

11th|Knight of the sacred seal|
+6|Ride 10, intimidate 9|—|Apotheosis, soul binding +5, vestige’s surge

+6|Diplomacy 12|Rapid Recovery (Andras)|—

+7|Diplomacy 15|-|—

+7|Diplomacy 17|—|Soul binding (3 vestiges), soul guardian (slippery mind)

+8|Diplomacy 18|Expel Vestige|Pact augmentation (3 abilities)

+8|Diplomacy 19|Rapid Pact Making(binder bonus)|Bonus feat

+9|Diplomacy 20|—|—

+9|Diplomacy 21|Defence Against the supernatural|Soul guardian (immune to energy drain and negative levels)

+10|Diplomacy 22|—|—

+9|Diplomacy 23|—|Soul binding (4 vestiges)[/table]

Spellcasting and other abilities

{table=head]Level|Bound Vestiges|Vestige Level|Binder Level

Build Notes:
The aspects of the Paladin that feel like its core, to me, are those of a supernaturally empowered knight of good.

The build is based around the following:
-Andras and Buer gives you reasonable facsimiles for Smite Evil, Divine Health and Lay on hands.
(It also gives you a mount, but I feel Wild Cohort works better for this. )

-Arete and Andras covers Divine grace with Resistance and Vestige Protection.

-Tenebrous for Turn Undead 1/5 rounds.

You may not have all of a paladins abilities all the time,
but you do have any one paladin ability at any one time.

Tome of Magic: Binder, Knight of the sacred seal, all feats except Weapon Focus
Unearthed Arcana: Desert Half-orc
Web Archive: Wild Cohort, various vestiges

2012-09-01, 08:53 PM
I was made for this.

Warforged Bard 7 / Fighter 1 / Sanctified One of Ehlonna 4 / Sublime Chord 1/ Abjurant Champion 5 / Eldritch Knight 2
starting attributes (32 pt buy after racial adjustments):
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12
First two level bumps to Charisma, second two to Strength.
alignment: NG


Other people wonder why they were born. I have never wondered why I was made. I was made for one purpose and one purpose only: to bring about the undead apocalypse. My body was forged as a vessel to channel the Lord of the Undying to this plane, but my mind is my own. Until my destiny catches me I will do some good in this world, experience the natural world whose doom I spell. Though the forces of undeath are corrupting my body, my will remains strong to stand against the tide.



{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Bard 1|
+2|Concentration 4 Knowledge (Arcane) 4 Knowledge (Religion) 4 Listen 4 Perform (Lute) 4 Profession (Astrologer) 4 Spellcraft 4|Adamantine Body|Inspire Courage, Bardic Knowledge, Healing Hymn

2nd|Bard 2|
+3|Concentration 5 Knowledge (Arcane) 5 Knowledge (Religion) 5 Listen 5 Perform (Lute) 5 Profession (Astrologer) 5 Spellcraft 5|-|-

3rd|Bard 3|
+3|Concentration 6 Knowledge (Arcane) 6 Knowledge (Religion) 6 Listen 6 Perform (Lute) 6 Profession (Astrologer) 6 Sense Motive 1 Spellcraft 6|Nymph's Kiss|Hymn of Fortification

4th|Bard 4|
+4|Concentration 7 Knowledge (Arcane) 7 Knowledge (Religion) 7 Listen 7 Perform (Lute) 7 Sense Motive 4|-|-

5th|Bard 5|
+4|Concentration 8 Knowledge (Arcane) 8 Knowledge (Religion) 8 Listen 8 Perform (Lute) 8 Sense Motive 7|-|-

6th|Bard 6|
+5|Concentration 9 Diplomacy 1 Knowledge (Arcane) 9 Knowledge (Religion) 9 Listen 9 Perform (Lute) 9 Sense Motive 9|Necromantic Bloodline|Song of the Heart

7th|Fighter 1|
+5|Ride 4|Martial Study (Battle Leader's Charge)|-

8th|Sanctified One of Ehlonna 1|
+7|Knowledge (Religion) 11 Perform (Lute) 11|-|Nature's Bounty

9th|Sanctified One of Ehlonna 2|
+8|Concentration 12 Perform (Lute) 12|Combat Casting|New Class Abilities

10th|Bard 7|
+8|Knowledge (Arcane) 13 Listen 13|-|-

11th|Sublime Chord 1|
+10|Concentration 14 Knowledge (Religion) 13 Perform (Lute) 14|-|-

12th|Sanctified One of Ehlonna 3|
+10|Concentration 15 Knowledge (Religion) 15 Perform (Lute) 15|Arcane Strike|Summon Nature's Mount

13th|Sanctified One of Ehlonna 4|
+11|Concentration 16 Knowledge (Nature) 1 Knowledge (Religion) 16 Perform (Lute) 16|-|-

14th|Abjurant Champion 1|
+13|Ride 8|-|Abjurant Armor, Extended Abjuration

15th|Abjurant Champion 2|
+14|Concentration 18 Ride 9 Spellcraft 7|Kin Mastery|Swift Abjuration

16th|Abjurant Champion 3|
+14|Concentration 19 Spellcraft 10|New Feats|New Class Abilities

17th|Abjurant Champion 4|
+15|Concentration 20 Spellcraft 13|-|Arcane Boost

18th|Abjurant Champion 5|
+15|Concentration 21 Spellcraft 16|Travel Devotion|Martial Arcanist

19th|Eldritch Knight 1|
+15|Concentration 22 Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) 3|Martial Stance (Bolstering Voice)|-

20th|Eldritch Knight 2|
+15|Concentration 23 Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) 6|-|-

Spells per day/Spells Known

Spells per day





















Spells Known




















Spell list
0: Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance
1: Expeditious Retreat, Swift (Spell Compendium); Feather Fall; Fly, Swift (Spell Compendium); Master's Touch (Spell Compendium)
2: Bladeweave (Spell Compendium), Grace (Spell Compendium), Stretch Weapon (Player's Handbook II), Peaceful Serenity of Io (Races of the Dragon)
3: Displacement, Halt (Player's Handbook II), Remove Curse
4: Dimension Door, Ruin Delver's Fortune (Spell Compendium)

notable items

* Badge of Valor (Magic Item Compendium)
* Deathless Grafts (Magic of Eberron): Arm of the Ancestor; Bone Plating; Deathless Visage
* Lenses of Revelation (Magic Item Compendium)
* Lute, Masterwork (Complete Adventurer
* Nightstick (Libris Mortis)
* Reliquary Holy Symbol (Magic Item Compendium)
* Somatic Cables (Forge of War)
* Wand of Inspirational Boost (Spell Compendium)


* Adamantine Body makes for a great Paladin, but incurs a horrific Arcane Spell Failure chance and does not count as light armor. Fortunately, most of those spells do not require a somatic component; the exceptions are Remove Curse (too thematic to omit, and the Somatic Cables reduce spell failure chance to about one in eight) and the zero level spells except Flare and Light (there are not enough hands-free Bard cantrips to fill out the list). R. Sophie can learn two additional fourth level spells if she really wants to, but the slots are all going to be used for Ruin Delver's Fortune anyway. With a Charisma of 14, she cannot cast higher level spells, but can use the slots for fourth level spells and Arcane Strike.
* Most spells are Swift actions, allowing for full attacks in combat.
* Inspire Courage ends up at +5: one for actual Bard levels, one for the phantom Bard level from a Masterwork Lute, one for the Song of the Heart feat (swapped for suggestion per rules in Eberron Campaign Setting), one for Inspirational Boost, and one for a Badge of Valor.
* Advancing Sublime Chord casting with another prestige class is a bit cheesy, but this build is not going to be breaking any campaign worlds.


Book of Exalted Deeds: Nymph's Kiss (feat)
Complete Arcane: Sublime Chord (prestige class)
Complete Champion: Healing Hymn (alternative class feature); Hymn of Fortification (feat); Sanctified One (prestige class); Travel Devotion (feat)
Complete Mage: Abjurant Champion (prestige class)
Complete Warrior: Arcane Strike (feat)
Dragon Magazine Compendium: Necromantic Bloodline; Kin Mastery
Dungeon Master's Guide: Eldritch Knight (prestige class)
Eberron Campaign Setting: Adamantine Body (feat); Song of the Heart (feat)
Player's Handbook: Bard (class); Combat Casting (feat); spells
Tome of Battle: Martial Stance (feat); Martial Study (feat)


6th level

Smash 'n' sing. An AC of 19 at first level is great fun, and nobody ever complained about having free Light Fortification; Warforged are beautifully thematic for a paladin who can push herself beyond all mortal limits. Inspire Courage keeps the whole party happy as well as keeping R. Sophie's attack bonus up with the Paladin's. Master's Touch allows R. Sophie to carry a greatsword, though the longsword needs must suffice for some combats. Swift Expeditious Retreat keeps her mobile, and Swift Fly and Feather Fall obviate the bane of all heavily armored characters: the Climb check.

10th level

Here is where the build starts getting complicated. Nature's Bounty gives access to the Heroes' Feast spell (warforged explicitly can benefit from this), giving the party some nice holy benefits; the temporary hit points are especially nice given R. Sophie's low hit dice sizes. The Arm of the Ancestor graft (see items) gives a lay on hands style ability, the Bone Plating helps her take a hit. The second iterative attack does not come online until level 9, but Inspire Courage is still keeping attack bonuses where they should be. Battle Leader's Charge gives a once per combat smack down, and spells make sure she can set up a charge. Bladeweave and Stretch Weapon ensure that she is a formidable martial opponent. Grace gives a speed boost, holy radiance, and aligns melee attacks as [Good]; actual Paladins do not really get anything similar, but it sure is thematic. Peaceful Serenity of Io suppresses fear and compulsion effects, an appropriately paladinesque ability. The Deathless Visage graft gives a fearful gaze; this is useful purely for story reasons as her body is corrupted by the forces of undeath (optimal choices can make for good roleplay, of course, but this is the story I felt like telling).

20th level

Sublime Chord casting is used primarily to fuel Arcane Strike, with a good measure of casting Ruin Delver's Fortune thrown in the mix. The Abjurant Champion abilities see little use except Arcane Boost, which supplements Arcane Strike nicely. The interaction between Martial Arcanist and Sublime Chord for caster level is interesting, but this build does not really care about pumping caster level. A pair of Eldritch Knight levels fill out the last few levels.


full BAB: R. Sophie ekes out four iterative attacks, and Inspire Courage helps them hit
Lawful Good: Good in D&D is generally accounted as a stronger allegiance than Lawful, and Sanctified One of Ehlonna requires NG. R. Sophie is focused too intently on not being evil to worry about Law or Chaos.
d10 HD: this build is mostly d6s, but Heroes' Feast helps. Lack of healing spells (per selection and Necromantic Bloodline) and the difficulty with healing Warforged may make life difficult for a frontline fighter.
good Fort: check. Reflex and Will are too high, though
Aura of Good: Nymph's Kiss, as an Exalted feat, gives this (see Book of Exalted Deeds 39)
Detect Evil: Lenses of Revelation or a custom Warforged component of the spell
Smite Evil (5/day): Arcane Strike and Battle Leader's Charge
Cha to saves: Ruin Delver's Fortune
Lay on Hands: Healing Hymn and Arm of the Ancestor
Aura of Courage: Nature's Bounty and Bolstering Voice (ToB 90)
immunity to disease: Warforged
Turn Undead: Kin Mastery
Spells: see above. Charisma of fourteen limits R. Sophie to casting fourth level spells
mount: Summon Nature's Mount
Remove Disease: Nature's Bounty

2012-09-01, 08:56 PM
I cannot tell a lie. I am not a paladin.

Buono Pravo
Lawful Good Azurin Cleric 6/Incarnate 2/Witch Hunter 2/Sapphire Hierarch 10

Domains: Law and War

STR: 12 DEX: 10 CON: 15 INT: 10 WIS: 16 CHA: 14
First Ability boost goes to Constitution, the rest go to Wisdom


1st: Track
Bonus:Extend spell
3rd:Touch of Healing
6th:Persistent Spell
9th:Wild Cohort
12th:Divine Metamagic(persistent spell)
15th:Law Devotion
18th:Holy Potency


1:Knowlege(arcana) 4, Knowledge (religion) 4
2:Knowledge(arcana) 5, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 1
3:Knowledge(arcana) 6, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 2
4:Knowledge(arcana) 7, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 3
5:Knowledge(arcana) 8, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 4
6:Knowledge(arcana) 9, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 4
7:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 5
8:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 7
9:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 11
10:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 11, Heal 4
11:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 13, Heal 4,
12:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 15, Heal 4,
13:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 16, Heal 4, Diplomacy 1
14:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 16, Heal 4, Diplomacy 3
15:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 16, Heal 4, Diplomacy 5
16:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 16, Heal 4, Diplomacy 7
17:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 16, Heal 4, Diplomacy 9
18:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 16, Heal 4, Diplomacy 11
19:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 16, Heal 4, Diplomacy 13
20:Knowledge(arcana) 10, Knowlege(religion) 4, Concentration 16, Heal 4, Diplomacy 15

Spells per day

Spells per day





















{table=head] Level | Essentia | Soulmelds | Chakra binds






















Buono was always a little righteous; he'd never accept even a little white lie. When Buono was born, his parents left him in a basket in front of a church of Tyr. Buono was raised there as an orphan, being forced into religious studies, eventually becoming a member of the armed forces of the church. He became a respected member of the church and eventually took to studying his heritage. Eventually he, and a couple of his closest comrades, decided to make an expedition to the Sulhault mountains. There after many days of meditation, Buono and his comrades founded the Sapphire Hierarchs, an order dedicated to bringing order and good to everywhere across the planes.


At levels 1-5 Buono plays as your typical cleric, the only feat that is really useful right now is his Touch of healing reserve feat, which helps simulate Lay on Hands.


Buono at these levels gains his "mount" through the Wild Cohort feat, and he is able to extend his spells reliably as well as in theory persist them. Also the Witch Hunter prestige class grants him a single use of smite evil, and at will detect evil as well as your Charisma modifier to saves. You finally meet all prequisites for Sapphire Hierarch around this time.


Now here is where Buono's power level starts rising a lot, and can now DMM metamagic Persist, and should be using it with the spell Divine Power to enter melee with low risk. Buono also is able to us Smite Chaos (a stand in for smite evil) and gains light fortification.


You gain a couple of minor boosts, you are able to, when needed expend a use of turn undead to power law devotion, which gives u a bonus to hit, as well as using holy potency allowing u to boost ur attack rolls to high levels. combined with a Law Incarnate Avatar, you are pretty much guarranteed to be able to hit at least once.

Additional options:
Instead of gaining Turn Undead, you can take the Azurin Cleric sublevel and channel Essentia shifting the focus slightly more towards the Incarnate side

notable Soulmelds to shape
Incarnate Avatar
Lucky Dice
Lifebond Vestments
Enigma Helm
as well as any other buffs you might want

Non-Core Book List
Magic of Incarnum- Azurin, Incarnate, Sapphire Hierarch

Oriental Adventures- Witch Hunter

Complete Champion- Law Devotion, Holy Potency, Touch of Healing

Complete Divine - Divine Metamagic

Online Enhancment- Wild Cohort

Complete Arcane - Persistent Spell

2012-09-01, 08:59 PM
I'm not a paladin, but I did stay at the Binder Express last night.

"They say all of the Paladins are dead and gone. That may be so, but I have connections." - Karania Ironwood.

Karania Ironwood discovered the secrets of binding vestiges early on, and practiced it with a certain capricious glee (initially CG). Amon, Savnok, even Focalor and Karsus held her interest and fascination. Never malicious personally, she tried to supress the darker impulses of these vestiges, but still she did not shy away from their use.

All this came to an end when the Incursion came, and the githyanki warbands and their red dragon allies came to her woodland home, intent on burning it to the ground and using it as a bridgehead for an outright invasion. All elves were called upon to resist by whatever means they had at hand, and for Karania, that meant getting serious about her binding.

As has been the case in times past, the otherwise obscure priesthood of Vandria Gilmadrith is called upon during war to provide prudent strategy and the best use of resources. Karania found herself battling beside a priest of the Steelheart, and grew to respect his focus and discipline, recognizing these as the best tools to assure defeat of their extraplanar foe (shift to NG, then eventually to LG).

With this change of heart came her own study of Vandria's ways, but that was doomed to be short lived. In her studies, she discovered a paladin who once served the Steelheart, but eventually fell. Intrigued by the tale of an elven Paladin who had eventually fallen away from both good and evil, she researched further and found that a vestige of Andras the Grey Knight still remained. This, then, was something of a kindred spirit, who harkened to a tradition she once considered foreign, but now seemed to welcome.

As the war ground towards its conclusion, Karania also found knowledge of Buer, Grandmother Huntress. While she did not hold the fascination that Andras held for Karania, Buer's gifts were of great value during the war, and she continues to be Karania's second-most favored vestige.

It was only after the war that she came to realize that as a vestige, Andras seemed to be unchange and unchangable. She studied the ways of various orders and organizations devoted to good, and came to know of the Knights of the Chalice. Their cause seemed a worthwile one, and she joined them, "bringing" Andras along all the while. In truth, she hopes that she might bring about a change, to redeem the vestige of Andras back to the cause of good...and with an elven lifespan, she has centuries to do so if need be.

Karania Ironwood, Elven defender of the Elder Wood

With a standard array: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 15. +Cha at 4th, +Wis at 8th, +Str, Dex or Con thereafter. Under other rules, Charisma for more effective binding is important up front, but diminishes over time. Combat abilities, and enough Wisdom for casting, becomes more critical.

{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features
1st|Binder 1|
+2|Diplomacy 4, Kno: Planes 4, Kno: Religion 4|Point Blank Shot|Soul Binding (1 vestige)

2nd|Binder 2|
+3|Diplomacy 5, Kno: Planes 5, Kno: Religion 5||Pact Augmentation 1 (+1 insight to attacks)

3rd|Binder 3|
+3|Diplomacy 6, Kno: Planes 5, Kno: Religion 6, Sense Motive 1|Precise Shot|

4th|Binder 4|
+4|Diplomacy 7, Kno: Planes 5, Kno: Religion 7, Sense Motive 2|Improved Binding|

5th|Binder 5|
+1|Diplomacy 8, Kno: Planes 5, Kno: Religion 8, Sense Motive 3||Pact Augmentation 2 (+2 insight to attacks), Eligible to bind Andras

6th|Binder 6|
+5|Diplomacy 9, Kno: Planes 5, Kno: Religion 9, Sense Motive 4|Rapid Shot|Soul guardian (immune to fear)

7th|Cleric 1|
+7|Diplomacy 9, Kno: Planes 5, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 4|Weapon Focus (Longbow)|Aura, Turn Undead, Protective Ward 1/day

8th|Knight of the Sacred Seal 1|
+7|Diplomacy 9, Kno: Planes 5, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 5||Aligned weapon (LG), Patron Vestige (Andras)

9th|Knight of the Sacred Seal 2|
+7|Diplomacy 9, Kno: Planes 6, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 6|Sacred Boost|Vestige's Protection, bind a 2nd vestige (Buer)

10th|Knight of the Sacred Seal 3|
+8|Diplomacy 9, Kno: Planes 7, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 6||Vestige's Protection Aura

11th|Knight of the Sacred Seal 4|
+8|Diplomacy 9, Kno: Planes 7, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 7||Vestige's Power

12th|Knight of the Chalice 1|
+8|Diplomacy 9, Kno: Planes 8, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 7|Ranged Smite Evil*|Fiendslaying +1/+1d6

13th|Knight of the Chalice 2|
+8|Diplomacy 9, Kno: Planes 8, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 8||Censure Demons, Courage of Heaven (fear immunity vs Evil Outsiders)

14th|Knight of the Chalice 3|
+9|Diplomacy 9, Kno: Planes 9, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 8||Fiendslaying +2/+2d6

15th|Knight of the Chalice 4|
+9|Diplomacy 9, Kno: Planes 9, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 9|Glorious Weapons|Consecrated casting (+2 to DC/vs SR vs Evil Outsiders)

16th|Knight of the Chalice 5|
+9|Diplomacy 10, Kno: Planes 9, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 9||Courage of Heaven (enchantment immunity vs Evil Outsiders)

17th|Knight of the Chalice 6|
+10|Diplomacy 10, Kno: Planes 10, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 9||Fiendslaying +3/+3d6

18th|Knight of the Chalice 7|
+10|Diplomacy 10, Kno: Planes 10, Kno: Religion 10, Sense Motive 10|Penetrating Shot|

19th|Knight of the Chalice 8|
+10|Diplomacy 10, Kno: Planes 10, Kno: Religion 11, Sense Motive 10||Courage of Heaven (now applies to allies within 20')

20th|Knight of the Chalice 9|
+11|Diplomacy 11, Kno: Planes 10, Kno: Religion 11, Sense Motive 10||Fiendslaying +4/+4d6

Cleric Spells per day (Protection and War domains) assuming Wis 12+


Knight of the Chalice Spells per day assuming Wis 14


{table=head]Paladin Ability|Build Equivalent
1: Martial Weapons/Heavy Armor | Knight of the Sacred Seal grants the same @ 8th
1: Aura of Good 1-20 | Cleric 1 grants a LG aura (though it remains just at L1)
1: detect evil | Memorize 2 w/ Cleric 1
1: Smite Evil up to 5/day | Bind Andras: Smite Evil (or good) once per 5 rounds.
2: Divine Grace | Knight of the Sacred Seal 2 (@ 9th) grants Charisma to Reflex (and AC) one round out of five, and KoSS 4 grants a +4 to Will boost (@ 11th) one round out of five.
2: Lay on Hands | Bind Buer: Grants Karania fast healing 1, and Healing Gift lets Karania heal 1 hp (unlimited) or 1d8+BL (once per 5 rounds) with a touch
3: Aura of Courage | Immunity to Fear (Binder 6), Courage of Heaven (radius) from Knight of the Chalice provides fear and enchantment immunity from evil outsiders
3: Divine Health | Bind Buer: Immune to disease and poison
4: Turn Undead | Cleric 1
4: Casting (1st through 4th level spells, CL = 1/2 PL) | KotC casting starting @12th (1st through 4th levels, similar list, CL = KotCL)
5: Special Mount 5th-20th | Bind Andras: 1 hour per effective binder level (tops out at 10th)
6: Remove Disease up to 5/week | Bind Buer: Aura that delays diseases (and poisons) from affecting allies that remain within 30'.
HD: 20d10 | 7d8+13d10. Low by 7hp on average. Could close that gap to -2 by giving up one +Attack pact augmentation for a +5 hps augmentation instead (See BAB below).
Saves: +12/+6/+6 with +Cha to all | +17/+6/+11 with +Cha to Ref one round out of five and +4 to Will one round out of five
BAB: +20 | +17 w/ 2 pact augmentations of +1 to attack rolls. Knight of the Chalice grants a further +1-4 attack bonus that is evil outsider specific.
MAD: Physicals for melee fighting, Wis for casting, Cha for special abilities | Casting needs Wis, Binding needs Cha, front-line combat needs physicals
Imagery: Lawful Good, noble, mounted combat ability with a special mount | Knight of the Chalice has similar LG requirement, expectations. Andras grants a similar special mount.
Code: Paladin code of conduct, atonement and consequences | Knight of the Chalice expectations, possible ramifications of being exalted*[/table]

*This feat is admittedly questonable, as it requires the "smite evil" class feature, and Karania has a "smite evil OR good" class feature, and that only when she binds Andras...even though she basically does so full-time. However, it is very fitting to the build and design, and given her nature and motivation, the [exalted] requirement isn't a problem at all...in fact, it goes further towards augmenting her Paladin-like personality and character. Also note that ranged smiting parallels the L1 Elf Paladin's substution class feature from Races of the Wild. If the argument isn't persuasive enough, consider Ranged Pin in lieu of Ranged Smite Evil.

Commentary: Again, I strove for a fairly 'clean' build. The one cleric level was ultimately unavoidable due to the Knight of the Chalice's pre-requisite of divine casting...otherwise, it's a pretty straightforward binder/knight setup.

Andras and Buer, together, cover a lot of the Paladin's ground, while the brief cleric dip brings turning to the table, and qualifies into the Knight of the Chalice class, with all that it brings on board. The weak turning isn't a big deal, since it is often used by full Paladins to fuel divine feats, as Karania is doing (Sacred Boost, Glorious Weapons).

All in all, it's late getting to the Paladinal nature, but seems to wear it well upon arrival and suits the model of an elven paladin particularly well. Karania refuses to take the final level of Knight of the Sacred Seal until she feels that Andras has changed his own nature back to the side of good, and continues to bring him along on her own crusade against evil in hopes of bringing about that change.

Mechanical notes: Nothing about the Knight of the Chalice's Fiendslaying ability requires melee combat. With her skill with a bow (dex, focus in the longbow), ranged smite evil ability, and various "auras" (Buer's Delay Disease and poison, Knight of the Sacred Seal's Vestige Protection Aura, and the Knight of the Chalice's Courage of Heaven - Radius effect providing immunity to fear, enchantment, poison and disease and other bonuses...she does best amongst friends and near, but not necessarily on, the front line.

2012-09-01, 09:02 PM
Not the old song and dance routine.

Feradim, Skylord of Good
Raptoran Divine Bard 8/(Divine Adaptation) Abjurant Champion 2/Skypledged 5/Sacred Exorcist 5
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Divine Bard 1|
+2|Skills Perform(Dance) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks, Kowledge (Religion) 4 ranks Knowledge (The Planes) 4 ranks|Extend Spell|Spellcasting, Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge, Inspire Courage, Fascinate, Countersong

2nd|Divine Bard 2|
+0|Perform(Dance) 5 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks|-|-

3rd|Divine Bard 3|
+3|Perform (Dance) 6 ranks Knowledge (Religion) 6 ranks|Snowflake wardance, Song of the Heart(Losing Inspire Competance as per ECS Page 34)|-

4th|Divine Bard 4|
+4|Knowledge(Religion) 7 Ranks|-|-

5th|Divine Bard 5|

6th|Divine Bard 6|
+5|Perform(Oratory) 6 Ranks|Words of Creation|Suggestion

7th|Divine Bard 7|
+6|Perform(Oratory) 9|-|-

8th|Divine Bard 8|
+6|-|-|Inspire Courage +2

9th|(Divine Adaptation) Abjurant Champion 1 |
+8|Skills|Combat Casting| Abjurant Armor, Extended Abjuration

10th|(Divine Adaptation) Abjurant Champion|
+9|-|-|Swift Abjuration

11th|Skypledged 1|
+10|-|-|Skypledge, Divine Spellpool I

12th|Skypeldged 2|
+11|-|Extra Spell(Dismissal)|Beckon Breeze

13th|Skypledged 3l|
+11|-|-|Instant Supplication

14th|Skypledged 4|
+12|-|-|Divine Spellpool II

15th|Skypledged 5|
+12|-|Persist Spell|Beckon winds

16th|Sacred Exorcist 1|
+14|Knowledge(The Planes) 10 ranks|-|Turn Undead, Exorcism

17th|Sacred Exorcist 2|
+15|-|-|Detect Evil, Resist Possession

18th|Sacred Exorcist 3|
+16|-|Divine Metamagic(Persist)|Chosen Foe (Undead) +1

19th|Sacred Exorcist 4|
+17|-|-|Dispel Evil 1/week

20th|Sacred Exorcist 5|
+17|-|-|Consecrated Presence[/table]
General Mechanics
Fighting Strategy:
Morning buffs: Divine Power from the Spellpool, persisted, and Righteous Might from Spellpool Persisted and Shield of Faith from Spellpool Persisted

Suprise Round: Snowflake Wardance, Inspirational Boost thern Inspire Courage for a total of +8(If you interpret WoC to double the entire bonus) or +6(If you interpret it to only double the bonus from class levels).
Everyone other round:Fight! Not much more to say.
Extra Spell: It seems pretty clear to me that Extra Spell was meant to do things like this as it says

Extra Spell is generally used to learn a specific spell that the character lacks access to and would be unable to research. Emphasis. If a wizard coudn't research it, then the spell is not on his list. Also technically he can dismissal through the divine spellpool, but that seemed too cheasy to me
Also, I am pressed for time and can not include a spell list or a spell per day, but it is easy to look up since it is straight bard casting with no gaps. Spells known are up to the player, but things like Dispel Evil(from Divine Bard ACF) and buffs like Heroism are reccomended.
To me a paladin is a champion of Good and his God, his source of power is, directly from the power of Good and the god he serves itself. Divine Metamagic with the divine spellpool.You are receiving spells directly from the being he serves (Air elementals) and powering them with pure positive energy(From the force of Good itslef) This embody the two traditional image of the Paladin. A champion of good and a champion of his God. To me, Feradim embodies the idea of a paladdin. Now lets look at the mechanics
Full BAB: Divine power, infused with positive energy, serves this purpose.
Detect evil: Directly in Sacred Exorcist
Turn Undead:From Sacred Exorcist
Spellcasting: From Divine Bard(The ACF helps with the spell list.)

Background and Level by Level Tactics

Level 1-8

Entries in Feradim's diary
-The masters have admitted me into an order of sacred story-tellers, whose duty it is to keep alive the traditions of old. Father tells me this is a great honor, but I am in doubt. Honor doesn't come from dancing and singing, it comes from battle. However, I will respect my elders and join them, as they wish. Maybe I will learn a new move or strategy from their stories. Maybe something from the heroes of old can help me become a great warrior. I guess all I can do is hope.
-So, this isn't too bad. The elders are teaching us a dance our northern ancestors used to fight off human barbarians. It supposedly allowed them to use their grace and beauty against their foes. I have no idea how that is possible. I guess I will learn in time how that works. We are still learning about religion and boring things like that. I guess it is our role, but it doesn't mean I have to like that.
-Today we focused on making the magic in our dances, so we are more inspiring and powerful in battle. Finally, something useful. They say other races have magic that help them with every day tasks and skills. But we don't learn that here for someone reason. I guess we just don't need it. We learn a lot about picking up information just by looking around and about analyzing our surroundings. We are also learning about the surrounding areas and important information.
-I think I have the dance down. While it is oddly specific with its weaponry and armor needs, it has great potential. They will see me on the battlefield and not understand what I am doing until I slice them open. The elders say it is an old relic, a forgotten and unused technique. But I will transform it into something much more. It will be my personal fighting technique. Along with the inspiration I give I will lead my allies in battle into victory! Well, at least some day.
-I found something odd in my studies. Tales of ancient warriors, fighting against the evil fire elemental(though the elders say most stories have bias, especially the raptorans who worship the air elementals). They claim they use the the tongue of old to inspire their allies to a greater degree than our current powers. I asked my elders about it. My master told me a story. A young raptoran had come seeking shelter after murdering his brother, though the elders did not know he was a murderer at the time. They gladly gave him shelter. One day he too asked about the old tongue, which my master explained to me was called the Words of Creation. The elders at the time taught him about the power and danger at the time. He ignored their warnings. When the law officials from the young raptoran's came, attempted to call an ancient and evil being with the help of the Words of Creation. But he had not studied enough and he held evil in his heart. He was vaporized on the spot. :smalleek:. My master told me this story to warn me about the dangers of these Words and advised me to study hard.
-I have studied about and learned an important truth. There is much evil in this world that must be stopped. Evil is destructive and harmful. We must defeat their forces at all cost to truly live in peace. I have cleansed myself of my previous misdeeds. Even the slightest mistake can not me tolerated. I have mastered the Words of Creation after years of studying and discipline. With my new understanding I have come to an important conclusion. I must leave my training with the elders to fight. I can sense an enemy on the horizon. the humans grow restless. the elders accepted my decision and told me they knew this day would come.

At the earlier levels, before you get Snowflake Wardance. You will mostly be buffing. Once you do get it, you will spend most of your Bardic Musics on that. Words of Creation won't get used too often, but it will come into play around level 8 or so when you have a decent IC modifier

Level 9-15
Entries in Feradim's diary.
-I have finally entered battle. I have been appointed as a commander since my previous training helps me lead others. As I correctly sensed, the humans have attacked us, forgetting their past defeats. I have learned some public speaking, as that is more dignified than dancing. I still use my dance,to augment my usually weak attacks. The other soldiers seem confused when they see it, but I don't waste time in battle to explain what it is. They know it works, and that is good enough for them.

-Today I had an important revelation. When discussing tactics with the other commanders, one of them said they had reports of an evil summoner, who summoned demons and such.. Inside I boiled with rage, and told them I would handle it personally. They laughed and said their was no way I could take him alone. Right before the battle, I snuck into enemy lines and found the summoner and boldy challenged the summoner. He made short work of me. Later, after my allies won the battle without my help. One of the commander from before came in and cut my bonds. He told me my entire team had been wiped out without me. I felt shame in me at my failure. He made me an offer. He wanted to train me to help defend other with my magic and blade. I accept his offer. I will never fail anyone again.
-With my new training, I gained a reputation as a fearsome warrior. The elders called me, saying they had a new task for me. They gathered the finest of our warriors. They told us we were needed to a new, darker threat from the other elementals. We would have to make a bargain with the Air Elementals to gain the power necessary to defeat them. So one by one we each performed in a ritual where we summoned a powerful creature to sacrifice in order to solidify our pact with the Air Elementals. Among other things, we were taught how to dismiss other elementals in order to rid our lands of them. With the new power granted to us we drove out the elementals and restored peace. I retire now since we have peace.

Now were are picking up steam. We can give people new buffs we couldn't normally use. Most of the time we will do it during a surprise round because of the short duration. Snowflake Wardance and IC are still sued to augment attack.
Level 15-20
Their is a new threat in my home At first i ignored the rumors of ghosts and possessions. They were only vague rumors to begin with. But then it spread. My wife became possessed. I was shocked. This was not a threat I could dance away. I turned to the church, begging them to teach me how to combat this new threat, While I did not know it at the time, they were secretly pleased that a veteran of my fame wanted to help the. The agreed so I studied endlessly on the planes and how to banish ghost with my prior knowledge. I successfully managed to exorcise my wife. I then turned to the rest of my home. I became a shining beacon of hope, combating this cause. With this I learned how to , with the help of my powers from the Air Elementals, become more power than I could ever imagine. I could combat all threats to my people, corporeal, or not. I would fight for the remainder of my life for the good of my people.

Sacred Exorcist brings to the table Divine Metamagic, which allows him to buff himself to extreme levels. If you are asking why Shield of Faith instead of say, lesser vigor, it is because Divine Spellpool specified spells form the Players Handbook. So I will stick to RAW, but a reasonable DM might expand the list of spells he can use.
Complete Mage
Races of the Wild
Complete Divine
Book of Exalted Deeds
Complete Arcane
Ebberon Campaign Setting

2012-09-01, 09:04 PM
And that should be it. If I missed something, please send me a pm, I'll get it cleaned up quickly.

motoko's ghost
2012-09-02, 05:24 AM
I wish I'd had enough time to finish mine, even if ranger was obvious, it would have been the only one. Ah well.

2012-09-02, 06:23 AM
You could always judge for us...

The Gilded Duke
2012-09-02, 06:07 PM
I was thinking of Ranger/Stalker of Kharesh.
I can see about judging in a few days.

motoko's ghost
2012-09-03, 07:45 AM
You could always judge for us...

I'll give it a shot

2012-09-03, 12:45 PM
Any and all judging is welcome. I'll try to keep bumping to remind judges to judge.

Also, any thoughts on the next competition? I have one more up my sleeve that I hope will be unexpected... But if I see a better idea posted I might switch.

2012-09-03, 12:55 PM
I'm planning to judge, but no promises

2012-09-05, 07:09 PM
Judges, any progress? Also, any suggestions for next competition other than a martial adept? I'm still willing to hear everyone out. Unlike the IC competition, I won't say I've decided on one, but I am leaning towards a subsystem, rather than Core.

2012-09-05, 07:51 PM
MAGIC OF INCARNUM! :smalltongue: Mimicking the Incarnate should be fun.

2012-09-07, 01:13 PM
I've started on judging, how long do I have?

2012-09-07, 01:26 PM
8 days for judging. Should be plenty of time. Thanks for offering to judge!

Any other judges in progress?

2012-09-10, 08:26 PM
Bump for judges, bump for anyone who is interested. What is up?

2012-09-10, 08:50 PM
Ill be able to judge by mid-late this week, if that's alright.

Been a busy past couple weeks over here, it has.

2012-09-10, 09:22 PM
Fine with me, Kuulvheysoon, I'll just keep reminding people about this until we close it out. I'm trying to keep it on a 2-week judging cycle, if we can.

2012-09-12, 07:36 PM
So... a couple more days. another bump. How are judges doing?

2012-09-12, 07:52 PM
Getting there...

2012-09-13, 09:37 PM
Half done, will be done either late tomorrow evening or mid afternoon Saturday.

2012-09-14, 06:49 AM
It's looking like I won't finish.

I'm moving to uni over the weekend and I underestimated how much of the last couple of days would be spent getting ready.

Sorry guys

2012-09-14, 07:53 AM
Hey, no sweat, Devmaar. Maybe you can participate next time. And it looks like we have at least one other judge, maybe more who are silently working.

I'm going to draw up some amateur looking tropies for top three as well as judges. Any recommendations on metals or materials to use other than gold, silver, bronze?

I was thinking zinc should be the winner.http://in.all.biz/img/in/catalog/222843.jpeg

Maybe copper for second place? http://www.topnews.in/files/Copper-011.jpg

Aluminium for third place? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_-4I_1vn0qIo/StcbsYXZXlI/AAAAAAAAAfM/sep9HNtIkNA/s320/ALUMINIUM38.jpg

2012-09-14, 11:31 PM
Minor emergency at work - judging will be delayed right up until the very limit - probably tomorrow afternoon.

Got some done when I got home, only have 1.5 builds left.

2012-09-15, 09:23 PM
Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to bow out.

...Just messing with you. Here we go, folks.

My Judging Criteria

Innovation: How innovative is the build? Points will be deducted for common fixes (such as a Swordsage for Monk) or stunningly obvious choices (such as Frenzied Berserker for Barbarian).

Power: Power relative to straight Paladin and in its own right.

Fluff: Your backstory, as well as how it matches up to your classes/feat/skills.

Elegance: How the build flows, penalties will be awarded for 1/2 level dips (exceptions exist), flaws, etc... Rules comments go in here as well.

Ingredient: How well do you fill the role that the Paladin would fill? How many of his iconic abilities do you have a counterpart to? I’ve judged based on the following abilities that I consider ‘Iconic’ to Paladins.
[list] Detect Evil/Casting Martial Character Turn Undead Lawful Good Alignment Divine Character

Martis – 15.25

Innovation: While Soulborn(with Azurin) and Cavalier were all expected, Divine Crusader came in from left field. 3.5
Power: While more comments on how the build is used in actual play would have been helpful here, I can only assume that you’re sword-and-boarding, due to the distinct lack of Power Attack. Your build can’t quite replace all the Paladin features with Incarnum due to low Essentia total (only 6 at 20th level? Assume 3 points in Sapphire Smite to match Paladin, and you’ve only got 2 more to shore up your saves and invest in your soulmelds). Your class features give you some nice toys to play with, though, so no huge penalty. 2.5
Fluff: Single line of fluff. Good fluff but, none-the-less, only a single line. Hope you expected to bite the bullet here. 1
Elegance: Single base class, two prestige classes (taken up to at least 5th level) and a fairly logical progression. While there are a few questionable choices (Cerulean Will at 18th, lack of Bonus Essentia), overall quite nice. 4
Ingredient: As you laid out plainly, you easily match most of the Paladin’s abilities. You manage to ping most of the criteria, netting you a high score. 4.25

As an aside, God Touched and Divine Channeler were in Dragon Magazine, but only pre-2004 (3.0e). They were never updated in 3.5e, which means that they never had the chance to make it into the Dragon Compendium.

Roland – 19.5

Innovation: I have to say, I was kinda hoping for Divine Mind, but I didn’t think that anyone would have the stones to actually do it. Unfortunately, you tarnish this awesomeness with Fist of Raziel (cleric entry), which was the one thing I knew that I’d see (and am pleasantly surprised that I didn’t see more of). 3
Power: Although you pick up Power Attack rather late for a primarily melee build, it’s there, along with a nearly full BAB. Your auras provide you with a slight bonus that few others could match. Evil opponents beware, indeed. Your low CL might lead to some problems with dispelling or other varied effects. 3.75
Fluff:I like it. What else is there to say? 3.75
Elegance: the Hidden Talent ACF doesn’t work quite as you think it does. Due to the other features of the Divine Mind (mainly, the reduced ML), you effectively have a ML of 1 (due only to the feat – otherwise, it would be zero). Which means that without Practiced Manifester (Divine Mind), you can only spend a single power point on it, meaning only mundane weaponry can be summoned. Other than that, the build is pretty simple to follow. 4
Ingredient: You’ve easily hit all of the criteria here. 5

Kindhearted Heretic – 15.5

Innovation: Binder/KoSS wasn’t a unique combo this round, although you took Binder to 15th level, nabbing a few nice abilities that the other didn’t. Half-orc (desert) was a nice touch, though. 3
Power: Well, you can easily break the Tier 2/3 barrier with the online Vestiges (read: Zyrcell), but since you don’t (ab)use him, you’re sitting comfortably in Tier 3. I do question taking Rapid Pact Making as your level ‘11’ feat; at those levels, taking a full round action to simply change your abilities (and do nothing else, save maybe a swift action get-the-hell-outta-there teleport effect) can often lead to a bad, bad situation. A solid build none-the-less. 3.25
Fluff: Small backstory, and I don’t feel as if your race is an important part of your build – replace half-orc with any other race in your backstory and it’d be the exact same. With half-orcs especially, I really like to see some development on the racial front. Besides that, small town stranger shows up and becomes liked gradually, despite his unsettling abilities. As well as a slight hit for faking Paladin from a Binder chassis, considering their... history. Sorry if you disagree with me, but this is my line in the sand. 2.25
Elegance: It could hardly be simpler. Although I did question the placement of Rapid Pact Making (see Power), as it seems misplaced at those levels. And nabbing those high-level Vestige Protection effects is just icing on the cake. 4
Ingredient: unfortunately, you’re missing a pair of my criteria, so I’m going to have to ding you for that. 3

R. Sophie – 15.75

Innovation: Bard/Fighter isn’t too surprising, with Abjurant Champion/EK a logical progression, but Sanctified One (of Ehlonna, not Kord!) was. Using 8th level slots on arcane strike blew me out of the water, as did your combination of careful spell selection and Adamantine Body. 4.25
Power: Well, you certainly get to abuse the living hells out of Arcane Strike. Never thought I’d see a build that wants to use 8th level spell slots on Arcane Strike. You manage to eke out that precious +16 BAB while you’re at it as well. Unfortunately, you want to blow your 8th level spell slots on arcane strike. The spells alone probably would have gained you more for power than the arcane strike use. 3.75
Fluff: To me, Paladins stand up for Truth and what is Right, not as reparation for what they’re going to do. This might have just been me on a nostalgia binge, but I just reread my Teen Titans Omnibus. Have you ever heard of Raven (DC Comics)? 2.75
Elegance: There’s a lot of jumping through hoops here, and you inflicted a single level Fighter dip on yourself. You also made a single level dip for SC casting... and promptly advanced it with a different PrC. I’m not sure how I’d rule Kin Mastery/Travel Devotion interaction here – Kin Mastery technically Turn Ancestors (Undead). But that’s probably me being odd, so I won’t deduct anything from here. 2
Ingredient: While you hit most of the criteria, there’s a few that you missed, most notably LG and divine character. 3

Buono - 16

Innovation: Well, you actually made me look up a prestige class (Witch Hunter, OA) and for that, you get awarded bonus points, especially because it fits so well here. Cleric was definitely expected, though Incarnate/Sapphire Hierarch was a twist. 4
Power: You’ve got 9th level spells and DMM (Persist) shenanigans. Little else needs to be said here. Although melee-wise, you’ve got very little support. Law Devotion would be fine... Except for the fact that you’re using your TU uses to power DMM, and I see no mention of Nightsticks (or other items that grant you additional TU uses) or the Extra Turning feat. You’ve got a half dozen soulmelds, including the nice Law Avatar, but your extra Chakra Binds are wasted (unless you start binding magical items to your chakras, not a bad idea. Where was this mentioned?). 4
Fluff: An orphan dropped off at a church, then became a member of its Order? Stereotypical, I’m afraid. Would have been worse, however, if he’d rebelled and ran out to find his ‘true’ faith or sworn off religion completely. And you completely disregard the fluff for Sapphire Hierarch. 2
Elegance: Well, you don’t qualify for Witch Hunter. You need 10 ranks in Knowledge (arcana), and you’ve illegally obtained those skill points. Knowledge (arcana) isn’t a class skill for cleric. And how in the Nine Hells do you get 4 extra skill points at Witch Hunter 2? Other than that, fairly straightforward build. Might I also suggest a standard 20 level table for your next entry? I’d make it a lot easier on the judge(s). 2
Ingredient: Well, you’ve hit most of the criteria. Of notable exception is your Alignment – technically, a LG Sapphire Hierarch (Incarnate entry) is impossible, as Incarnates must dedicate themselves to a single alignment, meaning the only Incarnate legal for entry is the LN variant. No mechanical penalties for this, however, as there’s nothing stating what happens if an Incarnate changes alignment. 4.25

Karania – 18.5

Innovation: Apparently, you’re not the only person who thought that a Binder/Knight of the Sacred Seal make a good Paladin clone. You, though, took the never-seen Knight of the Chalice. Which I approve heartily of, I might mention. 3
Power: Unfortunately, I’d probably rule against Ranged Smite Evil affecting your vestige-granted Smite Evil, based purely on the fact that it specifies Smite Evil as a class feature. Regardless, Buer and Andras, combined with your archery feats, make you a capable enough Archer, even without SE. 3.5
Fluff: I’ve got to say, I love the idea presented here. I just have one issue with this. That being the fact that divine characters do not get along with Binders (fluff of the Binder class itself). So you’re running up against a penalty here, but it’s overshadowed by the fluff. 4
Elegance: You all but admitted it – you knew that you were going to take a hit here for the cleric dip, even if it was the only (efficient) way to get casting that KotC requires. Besides that, Base Class 6/PrC4/PrC9 is a pretty smooth mix. 3
Ingredient: You’ve definitely hit all of the criteria, no question. 5

Feradim – 16.75

Innovation: Divine Bard, very much did not expect that (though perhaps I should have), nor did I expect Skypledged (or Raptoran, for that matter). Snowflake Wardance on a Bard (divine or not) is standard fare for a melee bard, though, and Sacred Exorcist was easily forseen. Overall, a net gain. 4
Power: It would have been nice to have a spells per day/known table so I could get a better gauge of your spellcasting (and not have to figure it out myself). Assuming that a divine Abjurant Champion only gets spellcasting at one level, you’ll still hit 6th level bard spells, hitting nice synergy with divine spellpool II, giving you 9 levels of spells (max 6th level) to play around with per day. A BAB of +20 with Divine Power (gained via spellpool, if I’m not mistaken) only comes into play around 14th level, unfortunately, leaving you with a small penalty (as it can’t really be considered all day until 18th level, when you hit DMM (persist)). 4
Fluff: Interesting backstory. While I like it, nothing there really screams out Paladin to me. 3
Elegance: You can’t take Song of the Heart if you give up Inspire Competence to do so – in the ECS ACF, it mentions nothing about ignoring prerequisites, and IC happens to be the prerequisite for Song of the Heart. You would have been better off trading out suggestion for it, as that is a legal choice. RAW, you cannot enter a class the same level that you take a prerequisite feat for it, as you choose class levels before feats. As for the divine adaptation of Abjurant Champion, it specifies that there must be DM acceptance, as well as a reworking of the spellcasting in the class. I’d have let you get away with it if it was just a straight change-up to the prerequisites, but the fact that it alters the spellcasting (and rightfully so) means a thumbs down from me. 1.5
Ingredient: You hit much of the criteria, but you’re missing one of the most Paladiny things, to me – LG alignment. It’s a slap on the wrist, really. 4.25

2012-09-16, 08:04 AM
Doesn't look to me like you bowed out, looks like a nice set of judging scores where I'm sitting. I'm going to call it here, as it has been two weeks since entries were posted. Here is the final tally:

{table=head]Ranking|Saucier|Entry Name|Build|Score

1st Place|T.G. Oskar|Roland|Divine Mind of Heironeous 4/Cleric of Heironeous 3/Hospitaler 3/Fist of Raziel 10|19.5

2nd Place|Andorax|Karania|Binder 6/Cleric 1/Knight of the Sacred Seal 4/ Knight of the Chalice 9|18.5

3rd Place|The Underlord|Feradim|Divine Bard 8/(Divine Adaptation) Abjurant Champion 2/Skypledged 5/Sacred Exorcist 5|16.75

4th Place|smasher0404|Buono|Cleric 6/Incarnate 2/Witch Hunter 2/Sapphire Hierarch 10|16

5th Place|rot42|R. Sophie|Bard 7 / Fighter 1 / Sanctified One of Ehlonna 4 / Sublime Chord 1/ Abjurant Champion 5 / Eldritch Knight 2|15.75

6th Place|Eskil|Kindhearted Heretic|Binder 15/Knight of the Sacred Seal 5|15.5

7th Place|Andorax|Martis|Soulborn 7/Divine Crusader 5/Cavalier 8|15.25[/table]

Give a round of applause to all sauciers, and special thanks to Kuulvheysoon for his fine judging!

I'll have a new competition posted shortly, and I'll see if I can whip up some trophies.

2012-09-16, 12:38 PM
Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to bow out.

...Just messing with you. Here we go, folks.

Doesn't look to me like you bowed out, looks like a nice set of judging scores where I'm sitting. I'm going to call it here, as it has been two weeks since entries were posted. Here is the final tally:

Give a round of applause to all sauciers, and special thanks to Kuulvheysoon for his fine judging!

I'll have a new competition posted shortly, and I'll see if I can whip up some trophies.

White text. Clearly, I should have tossed it at the top of the spoiler (inside) instead. Damn.

And is it just me, or have I judged nearly every Zinc Saucier pretty much alone?

Congradulations to all competetors.

2012-09-16, 01:44 PM
Just a minor correction, a Cleric does get Knowledge (Arcana) as a class skill according to the SRD Cleric at d20srd (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/cleric.htm)

2012-09-16, 06:53 PM
New thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=256004) is up...

Those looking for a martial adept got their wish.

2012-09-16, 07:07 PM
Finally judged!

Kindhearted Heretic – 15.5

Slightly above average points on my first try. That's not to bad.

Innovation: Binder/KoSS wasn’t a unique combo this round, although you took Binder to 15th level, nabbing a few nice abilities that the other didn’t. Half-orc (desert) was a nice touch, though. 3
Had hoped for a higher score here, but ce la guerre.

Power: Well, you can easily break the Tier 2/3 barrier with the online Vestiges (read: Zyrcell), but since you don’t (ab)use him, you’re sitting comfortably in Tier 3. I do question taking Rapid Pact Making as your level ‘11’ feat; at those levels, taking a full round action to simply change your abilities (and do nothing else, save maybe a swift action get-the-hell-outta-there teleport effect) can often lead to a bad, bad situation. A solid build none-the-less. 3.25
I suppose I could have taken Defence Against the Supernatural as my level ‘11’ feat and skiped Rapid Pact Making in favor of, I don't know, Power Attack or Headlong Rush.

Fluff: Small backstory, and I don’t feel as if your race is an important part of your build – replace half-orc with any other race in your backstory and it’d be the exact same. With half-orcs especially, I really like to see some development on the racial front. Besides that, small town stranger shows up and becomes liked gradually, despite his unsettling abilities. As well as a slight hit for faking Paladin from a Binder chassis, considering their... history. Sorry if you disagree with me, but this is my line in the sand. 2.25
Regarding the size; I was writing this at the edge of the deadline, and fast, short and coherent was preferable to nonexistant.

The half-orc bit is a vestige of the first draft of the build, which was going to be Jeanne d'Arc affair with divine dreams and the vestiges as angels (as per the suggested adaptation on p.15 ToM).

The bolded part; I can't tell if you are saying it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Elegance: It could hardly be simpler. Although I did question the placement of Rapid Pact Making (see Power), as it seems misplaced at those levels. And nabbing those high-level Vestige Protection effects is just icing on the cake. 4Nice and expected.

Ingredient: unfortunately, you’re missing a pair of my criteria, so I’m going to have to ding you for that. 3
Fair enough.

2012-09-16, 08:28 PM
Please feel free to continue the discussion here as necessary, but the new thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=256004) is up...

2012-09-16, 08:28 PM
I'm supersad that I missed this! I'd never seen these threads before and I'd have totally entered :)

Ah well Maybe next time.