View Full Version : The Deepest Song [IC]

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2012-11-05, 06:01 AM
Haldis: The frog's body seems like a normal frogs though enlarged, the half digested remains of fish and small reptilian creatures are found in it's stomach as well as about 53 silver coins.

Searching down the hallway (assuming the one you came from) you find a set of stairs at the other end of the hallway you came from leading up.

2012-11-05, 01:16 PM
The professor casually rooted through the frog's insides, seeming not to care about the foul stench that emanated from within. Upon finding the coins, he cupped them in his hands before following after the party.

"It would appear that we were not the only things our amphibious friend thought worthy of ingestion," He chattered happily as he walked. "Apparently, argent capital is also on the menu. Care to split it?"

2012-11-05, 03:27 PM

Gazing up the stairs, he looked back over to the Professor. Waving him over to show him what him and Aearhin had found, his head shook no. "I, myself, am fine thanks. Before we head up though, should we establish some sort of an order? It .... might seem a bit wise given we don't know what more still lies within here."

Morbis Meh
2012-11-05, 03:50 PM
MITCH pauses at Alexander's suggestion "Indeed master that would be a logical plan that we should definitely implement immediately. Depending on whether it is statistically more sound to go with a stealthy or safety approach will determine our order. If we use stealth, something I must admit is something I wasn't built for, then I should be placed in the back which does provide a solid rear guard but will prevent me from functioning at optimal efficiency when we engage at combat. If I lead we lose all hopes of moving in silence but I can detect the presence of scented creatures to give us a slight edge in detection. I also can effectively reduce the risk of everyone being damaged in combat for I am made of much sturdier materials."

2012-11-05, 04:39 PM
"To what distance are your simulated olfactory senses capable of perceiving scent?" Haldis asked MITCH. "If they are capable of receiving odors at extensive intervals, then perhaps I would prefer if you took the lead. As much as I appreciate the furtive approach, I would rather know what is coming, at least earlier on."

Morbis Meh
2012-11-05, 04:54 PM
MITCH responds immediately in an odd tone "System inquiry: Effective range of artificial olfactory chemorecptors.... processing request please hold................. *elvator music*We at GnomeCo are devoted to provide customers with the highest quality automatons possible, if you have any problems with your newly purchased MITCH please refer to the owners manual or Message us immediately*music end*....... Thank you for holding, currently the prototype model has the capacity to detect scent at a 30 ft range in non windy areas, thank you for purchasing from GnomeCo have a stupendous day!"

2012-11-05, 05:38 PM
Haldis rubbed his chin.

"Well, thirty feet is better than nothing. I nominate MITCH for the lead."

2012-11-05, 07:14 PM
Looking at MITCH Aearhin nods his head. "I agree. With the fighting here others in the temple may already know of our presence. And besides, for stealth purposes I don't think it will matter much if our lovely bucket of bolts is in the back or the front, we'll probably make enough noise as it is. Safety should be the first concern, take the lead big fellow."

2012-11-06, 05:57 AM

Nodding at the idea of MITCH leading, Alex moved so he would be behind him. "Unless either of you have a preference? I can easily shift around if so. It'd be easier though for me to reach things from this spot since my spear has a bit of range." He didn't think any of the others had a reach melee weapon; but still, he wouldn't mind if he was asked to switch.

Morbis Meh
2012-11-06, 09:38 AM
MITCH moves to the head of the group and begins to walk forward down the hall, artifial olfactory chemoreceptors active, poised and ready to strike at any indication of hostility.

2012-11-07, 12:38 PM
Heading up the stairs you find yourselves in the room above the library. A large statues occupies half of the room, sinking slightly die to it's own weight towards the hole in the floor. Water can be seen flowing around and under certain parts of it.

A large pile of foliage seems piled in the corner opposite the statue near two exits. MITCH's sensors are picking up a slight mildew scent, though anyone else would also smell this slightly.

2012-11-07, 08:09 PM
Haldis stepped away from the rest of the group, an inquisitive expression on his face. Carefully, he approached the statue. He cocked his head as he examined it, sorting through the vast piles of information in his mind for what it could mean.

Knowledge (Religion): [roll0]

2012-11-07, 10:45 PM
The statue seems to be a new construction, made depicting a large Sahaguin female riding a overgrown Shark. The statue shows the union between the two most prominent sahaguin gods, she who teaches and he who eats. Symbols that represent the desire to learn and devour.

2012-11-12, 12:16 AM
"Ah, She Who Teaches and He Who Eats," Haldis said as he inspected the statues. "As I recall, these two deities represent the quest for knowledge balanced by an urge to destroy. Interesting dichotomy, no?" The professor rubbed his chin. "The room full of books must have been for She Who Teaches. I can only wonder what room is for her counterpart..."

Morbis Meh
2012-11-13, 09:16 AM
MITCH glances over at the academic "We will have plenty of time to find that out later after we have dealt with the problem here. I could even fashion water proof carrying sacs out of sahaguin hide so we can carry the books out without damaging them."

2012-11-15, 11:33 AM
As the party stands around thinking on the next course of action, the air slowly begins to feel heavier. That distinct smell the air gets before a big storm. Static electricity filling the air. Behind them Aearhin had fallen silent. At the first sound of sparks some in the party realise what's happening and turn to Aearhin, beholding a darker side of him then they had known. Sparks are running up and down his arms and his eyes are thunder. The air seems to move around him and a quiet muttering can be heard.

"...filthy evil little...........murdering, stealing.........blasphemous spawn of jealous......" he looks up with shining eyes and growls "MOVE" barely waiting for his friends to stand aside he casts a spell. Aearhin spreads his arms and the air suddenly stops moving. Then with a sudden lunge he steps forward, bringing his hands together toward the statue with a ear-shattering bang. A shockwave flies from his hands and crashes against the base of the statue, leaving a crumbling hole with cracks spreading outward...

2012-11-18, 11:51 AM
The statue shudders as the base buckles under the new weight of the large edifice. A great groaning sound is heard as the statue pitches forward on the broken axis, falling towards the hole in the floor that was opened from an earlier fall out. The statue crashed with a loud bang and crunch as the entire stone fell into the floor breaking through to the lower library area and creating a great rift in the floor.

2012-11-18, 11:59 AM
Haldis stood stock-still, his jaw clenched tightly. After a while, he sighed.

"I'm sorry, Aerhin," He said sadly, as he rested his hand on the younger man's shoulder.

2012-11-18, 01:33 PM
Aearhin, still breathing hard, jumps as he feels a hand on his shoulder. But seeing a friendly face and hearing the compassion in Haldis' words he quickly calms down. The storm had passed.

"Thank you, but it's me who should apologize. I just really hate those things. Guess I owe you the story behind that some time." Looking at the wreckage he sighs. "Well, I think we should expect some company now..."

2012-11-18, 02:11 PM
"I'm sure there are plenty of stories left for us to tell," Haldis said, giving Aerhin a reassuring smile. "But for the moment, I believe it will be best for us to leave,"

Morbis Meh
2012-11-18, 02:55 PM
MITCH stands surveying the wreckage and quickly calculates the time they will have until someone or something investigates. "It may be in our best interest to stay within the immediate vicinity and set up an ambush, this is an excellent opportunity to strike at the foe on our own terms instead of blundering in on them."

2012-11-22, 05:03 AM
After a moment of shocked silence, in which everyone was thinking on what to do, Aearhin burst out: "Well than, let's do this. Come on!" He then looks around for a way to obstruct the passageway from the doors, while keeping the stairs at their backs free.

Right now I see the room as having a large hole in the middle, with a narrow(ish) strip of floor around the edge. The stairs (which we came up) at our backs and the doors, there were two right?, on the other side of the room. So using rubble of whatever is left in the room I'd like to block the floor from the doors to us. Forming a barricade for the enemy to climb over while we shoot at them or throw them down the hole.