View Full Version : Sleuths of Sharn

2013-01-09, 01:49 AM
OOC Thread Thisaway (www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=267094)

Little Plains: Aryth 22, 999, 7am

A small crowd has formed around Aryline's fountain as households have sent representatives to get water from the orange and grey garbed priests purifying it by the bucketful. Some junior members of the watch stand around, watchful against any threat of a riot. Upon seeing the skycoach bearing the azure emblem of the city watch, and you.

Earlier this morning, a servant out to draw water for the household contacted the city watch. From under the waters of the Aryline's Fountain a gnome was staring up with a hideous face; a dead gnome that is.

You are not fully out of the coach when a glammerweave clad reporter, if you can call them that, of the Sharn Inquisitive approaches you, stylus pressed against his reporter's wax tablet.

"Essel Hmar for the Sharn Inquisitive..."starts the dwarf.

2013-01-09, 02:25 AM
Erna sits in the coach, scowling at the crowds. How had Prometheus convinced her to return to the murder scene in a gods-forsaken flying coach? Surely he didn't believe the killer would return to the scene?

One of you will beat a 10, initiativewise. Further response withheld.

2013-01-10, 01:24 AM
Ahh, what a beautiful day it is, thinks Prometheus as he strolls idly down the city street. It has been awhile since I've been in this part of town, and halflings are always such good company. Suddenly a young boy runs past him. Then another. And another. Followed by men and women all talking excitedly. A crowd is gathering in the street less than a block away.

The fountain.

The feeling in the air changes and Prometheus can sense it. He immediately ducks into an alley and dons the large heavy hood of his traveler's cloak. He pops back out to assess the situation. Lots of hushed conversations. Panic. Surprise. Curiosity. Shock. Probably another body... he thinks. He begins walking along the edge of the building.

Keeping his distance from the crowd, he begins silently detecting evil, scanning the faces of those on the edges of the crowd and of those in the nearby connecting streets for any sign of guilt, anxiety or trepidation. The killer wouldn't likely hang about, but it never hurts to be through...

After making his way slowly in a circle and detecting the presence of evil or lack thereof of those in the crowd, Prometheus approaches. Where is Erna? he wonders, scanning the faces of the watch and not finding her among them, I thought she would be here by now... He pulls back his hood revealing his chrome countenance, and is about to thank the priests for purifying the water when he is interrupted by the little dwarf.

"Essel," acknowledges Prometheus, and a smile spreads across his face as he sees the coach approaching, "Here comes the woman best equipped to see to your concerns," he replies, gesturing towards the coach as it pulls up. He then thanks the priests, and heads over to the edge of the fountain to examine the scene. He looks at the members of the watch to see if he recognizes any of them.

2013-01-12, 08:35 PM
Prometheus:Detect evil registers the usual hodgepodge of selfishness, greed and ill-will that comprises roughly a third of the population. The area around the fountain, however, causes a strange sensation in you, unlike anything you've felt before, and it is bad.

"...here to ask you if the recent murder of a gnome here in Little Plains is indicative of racial tension between halflings and their up neighbors? Does the Sharn watch have a suspect in custody? How long will the Watch let the Gnome Skewer rampage loose through the city? Are rumors of vigilantism among Watch Officials true?" fires the dwarf rapidly at Erna, readily capturing any hesitance or titubation for the next morning's paper.

Prometheus, moving away from the interview and closer to the core of the mob notices that the fountain is in the shade of several walkways above, and that a body could have been tossed from many stories up into the fountain. A more thorough examination of the crime scene has to wait as your walking has been misconstrued by several of the halflings as cutting into the line for water, and by the guards as an attempt to stride into a crime-scene or to spark a riot. "To the back!" yell several halflings along with shouts of "No cutting", "Whaddya need water for!" and "Back to the smelters cog-breath".

A guard, young though visibly roughened by the streets, approaches Prometheus. "Unless you're here to purify the waters, I will have to ask you to go away mis..ddam" he says, mumbling the last word. "This street is closed on basis of ongoing investigations."

2013-01-14, 09:48 PM

The reporter certainly gets his hesitation, as Erna is entirely unprepared for the attention and commotion that violent crime gets in the upper levels of Sharn. Eyes narrowing, she brushes past him, growling, "Just let me get to work." Perhaps Rykon might want to tarry and say more, but Erna just wants to get the investigation started--this is murder and worse, not some frivolous petty crime.

She approaches the cordon, where the warforged is confronted by a watchman. "He's with me, officer," Erna asserts as she passes the line of watchmen. As the two approach the fountain itself, she addresses the construct directly. "You certainly got here in a hurry. Know anything that I should know?" Prometheus had surprised her before with his knowledge, and perhaps he's swept onto the scene due to some unknown bird whispering in his ear.

As they arrive at the well itself, she begins to survey the scene once more.I assume the gnome himself has long since been removed to the morgue... She begins listing off the tasks ahead for the day on a small notepad.

-Identify the gnome, and anyone with obvious motive to off him
-Find which bridges and balconies could have been the location of the dump
-Ask around for anyone who might've witnessed it--SOMEBODY would've heard a falling body and a splash

Erna suspected this list would grow before the day was out.

2013-01-14, 11:23 PM
The dwarf seems somewhat offput by your reaction, and starts to follow you, but the crowd that parts to let you through to the fountain shuts promptly behind you.

As the guards recognize you there is an air of relief. Now that you're here the fountain may returned to working order and things go back to normal.

The body is, as expected, absent. The red-robed clerics of Death's Guardian are uncannily efficient at removing and embalming bodies. The gnome is bound to be found in one of the many mortuary chambers of their cathedral, adjacent to the University, awaiting examination and claiming, and rites. The area around the fountain has, however, been kept intact (with the value of intact being somewhat suspect). There are many visible footprints and tracks, the palimpset of the early morning hustle made visible by the dusting of sand in the area.
By examining it it becomes obvious that the corpse was something of an attraction until it was removed.
That there is sand this high up is somewhat unusual, as is the fact that a fair amount is piled in the fountain, beneath, apparently, the gnome's body. Sifting through the sand yields a couple blue-glass beads and little else.

"We have the servant that reported the body in custody, Sir" says one of the guards to Erna, a rather burly half elf with a lavishly groomed mustache.

2013-01-17, 02:47 AM

Erna snarls, dissatisfied at the nearly fruitless search. She drops the beads into her pouch. "You see nothing else, Prometheus? Let's examine the corpse, then talk to the witness." She turns to the guardsman. "Please make her comfortable, order her a meal or something while she waits." She's much more worried that the ever-efficient priests will dispose of the body than that the servant will forget anything.

I assume that Erna's Investigation feat is doing whatever magic it does behind the scenes? Or should I be saying, "I roll to check for clues" at each location?

2013-01-17, 09:56 PM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 8:05 AM

Abutted against Morgrave University's walls rises the thin narrow spire that is the Temple of the Ruby of Knowledge Unending, its grey limestone walls decorated in lavish red sandstone carvings of arcane matters that alude to more carnal practices; it is not hard to figure out why locals have taken to calling it "The Blushing Tower". The brass-bound doors to the temple let you in with ease. The sanctuary is noticeably warm with the heat of a myriad red crystal lamps burn perfumed oils, hanging from silken ropes. Dozens of steel-grey stone pillars flecked with red are inscribed from capital to base in runes and skulls and flames. The temple is silent as the tomb, with only your steps echoing in the lamp-lit chamber.

"May I assist you?" Asks a voice behind you. A pale-faced changeling dressed in red robes and adorned with delicate iron jewelry speaks to you. "I am Iso, servant of the goddess and a caretaker of the tower"

2013-01-21, 02:23 AM
"Sorry. Excuse me." Says Prometheus as politely as he can, squeezing his bulky frame between the members of the crowd. He continues to inspect the fountain, making his way over to Erna.

"Anything you should know? I was going to ask you the same thing. He could have jumped or been pushed. Either way, I've seen bodies left in the streets before, but not like this. I'm getting a baaad feeling about this one." He looks up at the walkways overhead, and then down at the sand around the fountain. If he fell, there would have been a splash, and little droplets of water would have made circles in the sand. Surely a fall from that height would make a sizable splash and the footsteps wouldn't have trampled them all.

"You should get to the body. Make sure to check for the presence or absence of alcohol, poisons, or curses--And maybe have some of these guys check the walkways above." He gestures towards the guards.
"I'll remain here to talk to any witnesses and scope out the situation."

Prometheus then makes his way out of the crowd, and spends the next few minutes talking to the people in nearby shops and connecting streets, checking facial expressions and detecting evil periodically.

He then heads up to the first walkway(unless spot check causes him to go to another one first), inspects the entire length of it, paying careful attention when he nears the area above the fountain. He checks for blood and sand.

I take a 20 to search for evaporated water droplets in the sand from a large splash.
[roll0] Spot check for any broken windows, blood or loose stones/broken rungs or railings on the walkways above.
[roll1] Diplomacy to encourage potential witnesses to talk to me.
[roll2] Gather Information on anything out of the ordinary this morning and/or the day before, as well as the general feeling towards gnomes in this area, to see if I think it could have been a hate crime.
[roll3] K. Arcana to see if I know of any spell that uses or produces sand or blue glass beads. I suspect a sand golem.

I take a 20 on searching each walkway, starting with the closest and working my way up(unless spot check makes me pick another one first). More rolls for potential witnesses/informants:
[roll4] Diplomacy
[roll5] Gather Information

2013-01-22, 05:15 AM
Little Plains: Aryth 22, 999, 8:30am
Prometheus is examining the floor, the sand is, for the most part, dry. As he examines a couple of the higher walkways he finds the rails, cobbles and other fixtures of the city complete. Though upon close examination of the rain drains of Pteria street he finds traces of sand, though the street has been rendered clean, as transit in these streets has not been stopped as it was by the fountain.

The warforged's search for witnesses proves fruitless, as Prometheus's imposing presence, the nature of the crime, and the late hours seem to drive all those who may have seen anything to keep their mouths shut; about the incident at least; though one resident of the street below Pteria remembers the city lights being dark late at night; no she doesn't remember the hour, she had to use the toilet and just remembers tripping en-route because it was so dark.
The relationships regarding gnomes and halflings proves trickier to discern. Certain halflings, such as a band of youth flying on the strange winged reptiles imported from the plains, appear indifferent and perhaps mutedly hostile towards their upstairs neighbors, whereas others are appalled that such a crime could even occur in the Little Plains. Nonetheless, you manage to convince several of the locals to keep an ear out and inform the guards of anything they may hear or remember in the following days.

It is several hours later that the warforged is done scouting the district, and as he examines the sand in his palm, he remembers having heard of magic capable of shaping, controlling, and transforming sand into objects and viceversa. This sand is, as far as he can tell, completely mundane stuff; impressively pale, but not palpably magical in any way.

2013-01-22, 07:16 AM
Pen ir'Embrace

Pen leans over the dwarven reporter and smiles, "Excuse me, Sir. Did you say you were Essel Hmar? You wrote about dock workers and their strike last month, didn't you? Wonderful piece if I recall. That was you, wasn't it?" Though a foot taller than Hmar in his human guise he stands up straight. Some dwarves are very sensitive about their lack of height and despise having others bend down to match their level. "I'm Pen, Pen ir'Embrace. I'm with Morgrave University. The historical acquisitions department. Tell me, Essel, may I call you Essel? Tell me, have you worked the crowd already? What have they been saying? Anything useful to we investigators?" He gestures expansively as he talks, putting his arm around the dwarf, co-conspirators in this endeavour, "Quid pro quo, as they used to say when the Five Nations was young."

Initiative [roll0] as requested
Disguise Check [roll1] to pass for human including -2 for being a different race
Diplomacy Check [roll2] to charm the dwarf
Bluff Check [roll3] to hint that this is an exchange of information.

2013-01-22, 11:24 PM
Little Plains: Aryth 22, 999, 8:30am

The dwarf is in the process of retiring for the morning, having finished his coverage of the area, when Pen arrives. "Are you implying something Mr. Pen?" he says, briskly walking toward the district's limit, his sturdy boots thumping along the arching streets with remarkable speed for a dwarf. "I would reply to your question, Mr. Pen, with one of my own: What is the death of a gnome in a halfling neighborhood to a university man such as yourself?" He grins as he pushes the door to the tavern open. The name of the place is Tinderbreech Tavern, one of the few human-sized doors in the neighborhood. "Quid pro quo you said, well give me some quid for my quo and we can talk" he says, seating himself at one of the tables inside. The ceiling is slightly too small for Pen to be entirely comfortable, and the furniture makes the changeling feel like a half-ogre. "So Mr. Pen, care to take a seat, order us some drinks, a white for me, and tell me what your interests are in this matter?"

2013-01-23, 12:51 AM

"Yes, Iso," replied Erna, "You can help me. I'm here to inspect the body of the gnome found in a well this morning. Do you have him here? And have you noticed anything about him in the course of your ministrations?"

Erna accompanies the priest, inspecting the corpse and asking a series of questions as she combs the body for answers to the selfsame.
"What was the cause of death? Was he dead before he went in the well?"
"From his condition, can you ascertain how high he fell from?"
"Do you know his name? Have any kin showed up?"
"Did his body have any clothes? Any personal effects?"

2013-01-23, 01:20 AM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 8:05 AM

Erna is led down spiral staircases and inscribed corridors, their feet thumping quietly down the halls. "Ah, the Little Plains fellow." remarks Iso. "Yes we have him; and there are a couple of... irregularities one could say. But we can talk about those later" the changeling's voice is affectedly distant and mysterious. "For first, I believe it is proper to interrogate the victim." The changeling turns to Erna as they reach a large black door. "That is, if you desire to do so."

2013-01-23, 02:23 AM
"Certainly, Essel," Pen orders a jug of white and a jug of water with two cups and sits down opposite the dwarf. "I'll go first as is only fair. This death is unusual as you could clearly see. Sometimes the local law ask me to consult for them. I offer freelance consultation in magic, languages, foreign culture, history, that kind of thing. Not that the watch couldn't figure it all out for themselves, of course. It's just that sometimes it's more efficient to bring someone else in from outside with the specialist knowledge. With the unusual circumstances, they suspected magical intervention." Pen pours wine for them both when it arrives and tops his own up with plenty of water. "So, what have you gleaned from the crowd?"

2013-01-23, 03:23 AM
Little Plains: Aryth 22, 999, 8:36am

"Mister Pen, you can wait one night, surely" he said, bemused, tilting back his cup. "It will be in the Inquisitive come morning. Besides, how do I know you work for law enforcement?" he snorts. "But there is little enough to know. Some gnome, killed, no one saw nothing. Might be gangs, might be an assassin and that gnome killed a high ranking member of House Sivis. Wouldn't that be a story? But I didn't get to see the body, those red-robed necromancers got to it before I did. That enough pro quo for a pitcher of wine I'd believe." He's been downing the wine quite vigorously, and with those words he stands. "But do not misunderstand me Mr. Pen, I do not think it is normal. No one seeing anything, no one hearing anything? I expect murder victims to squeal, particularly in a middle class district like this one. Let me know if you and your 'friends' in the 'law' " he fingerquotes those words, obviously not buying you're in with the guards. "find anything out. Here's my card. And I'll make sure there is plenty quidding and pro quoing happening" with that he hands you a thick cardstock card, with his name and an address printed on it.

Essel Hmar, Reporter: Sharn Inquisitive
51-25-C Zalantar Path, Cornerstone, Middle Tavick's Landing, Sharn

2013-01-23, 05:42 AM
"You've been very helpful, thank you. Who was the first victim by the way?" Pen stands as the dwarf does and takes his card, returning one of his own as he does so. "If you find anything else out, please let me know and I'll be sure to do the same, at least as far as I can. Deal?"

After paying for the wine Pen makes his way to Ruby Halls to catch up with the other investigators and to share what he has learned.

2013-01-23, 10:18 AM
Prometheus checks the sun's position in the sky. He had been checking the streets and bridges for clues for quite some time, and also had been trying to find other potential witnesses, but to no avail.

As he hurried through the streets towards Morgrave University, he wondered if Erna would be done with the inspection of the body. Probably, he thought, but then again you never know... Hopefully if she had concluded her inspection he could still get to the university by the time she left.

If Prometheus doesn't pass Erna on the street, he asks if she is still inspecting the body once he gets there.

2013-01-23, 10:28 AM

Erna glups slightly. "You mean necromancy?" She isn't used to such wizardry in the poorer areas she she works in--even a murdered corpse there is rarely worth a spell. She steels herself to talk to the dead. "Yes, yes, we'd better see what he has to say." She follows the priest's lead, head spinning with the additional questions she might ask the victim himself.

2013-01-23, 10:47 AM

As Pen arrives at the the Ruby Hall, a young nobleman is stepping out of a sky carriage. He is wearing noble's finery and silver jewelry but is not wearing a coat. His purple vest, black gloves, and black boots are all trimmed with a (by noble standards) humble amount of silver embroidery. His brown hair is a bit long, almost shaggy but not quite long enough to tie back. As he steps from the carriage he looks around with very piercing green eyes that seem to take in everything and runs a hand through his hair slicking it back.

Rykon then heads inside as Pen asks to be shown to the gnome's corpse, "You must be the man from the University. I am Lord Rykon." Then addressing more to the keeper than to Pen, "I too am here to see the victim from this mornings goings on."

2013-01-23, 12:03 PM
"Lord Rykon," Pen looks up at the taller man then bows from the waist, "After you, Sir." It was always worthwhile ingratiating oneself to the nobility. "May I ask what your interest is in this...um...unpleasantness? Was the victim known to you?"

2013-01-23, 06:05 PM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 8:10 AM
Inner Chapels
"Yes." says the priest, pushing the door open. "The temple is running this service pro-bono, a way of showing the social benefits of necromancy" A flash of recollection passes the cleric and reaches into their sleeves before pulling out a wooden red-laquered flaming skull on a thin leather cord. "But before we go any further, please hold onto this. It should ward you from the effects of our inner chambers"

The hall behind the door is a vast colonnade, filled with thick niche-filled pillars rising twenty feet up. The walls, ceiling and floor are pitch black, with small inscriptions running across their length and breadth. The room is uncannily cold, and Erna's breath mists up as they walk through it. As the pillars are passed Erna notices that many of the niches are filled with ash urns and bone-boxes, all with small brass labels.

"These are our records" explains the changeling as Iso and Erna move across the room to another door, leading into a more intimate room; a chapel in a less necromantic church.
Here, instead, it is a room of burnished white, the air rich with incense smoke and illuminated by dragonshards of daylight set in the walls. On an indented marble slab rests a naked gnome, the skin pale with death. Two other clerics wait there. "You must be Officer Hatheril. Pleasure to meet you" says the taller one in a deep bass, stretching out a hand. "I am Tiromanus, necromancer for the temple, I will be in charge of the medical examination. "And this is Priest Andara, who will be conducting the rites. Pardon her silence, Watchman, but she has undertaken a vow of silence to better focus her power." The woman nods and smiles, before placing her hands over the body. An aura of magical light envelops her. "You will have three questions" explains Iso as the priestess lowers her arms. The corpse does not react. She frowns and repeats the procedure. The gnome shows no change.
"That is odd" she says. "The body is not responding."

Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 8:06 AM
I am aware Pen ought to have arrived at :01, by travel times, but not retconning stuff. Too messy

Rykon and Pen reach the Blushing Tower, inside there are few signs of life, though a feel of being watched pervades the prayer-hall. The perfume of roses and lilies still permeates the chamber, the left-overs of a marriage ceremony.

2013-01-23, 07:43 PM

"No, I did not know him. Professor? Embrak? Is it?" He says inquiring as to Pen's name and title, clearly seeing the title as equally important. "I provide my services to the watch from time to time, it seems that occasionally crimes below are tied back to individuals up above." He says this with a crooked half smile and a slight chuckle.

2013-01-23, 10:21 PM

"Hmmm." Erna thinks through what few things she knows of wizardry. "Does that mean the gnome doesn't want to talk to us? Or is something more troubling and devious going on?"

Even so, Erna hadn't planned on talking with the dead--at best it was a nice bonus, and more likely a shiver-inducing possibility. "Shall I inspect the body more conventionally, then?"

2013-01-23, 10:50 PM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 8:23 AM
Inner Chapels

"The gnome has nothing to do with this" explains Iso. "This magic works on the body, on its knowledge." Andara nods, looking visibly irritated. "As to how troubling and devious it may be" starts Tiromanus. "has to do with what you think of this body having already been magically interrogated. Not here, or by our retrieving priests, I assure you. It takes a week before the body is suitable for examination again."
"Necromancer Tiromanus will conduct the dissection, unless you have any objections" says Iso. "Meanwhile you may wait in one of our parlors there are refreshments and warm drinks to be had. Or do you wish to examine the procedure or victim's personal effects?"

2013-01-24, 11:01 AM

"I see." Erna didn't, not really; someone else had interrogated the gnome post-mortem, she understood that, but the mystical limitations confused her somewhat. "You'll be able to ask the gnome in a week or so, even if you dissect him? In any case, I should watch. And I will need to see his effects before I leave, but thanks for the offer."

2013-01-24, 12:17 PM
"Embrace, after the town," Pen doesn't mention that the town was in Cyre and doesn't exist any more, "Shall we proceed, my Lord?" Pen follows the noble along the corridor, a pace behind him and to the right.

"Tell me Lord Rykon, there was an art exhibition a month ago at the University showing Wilhelmina d'Lyrander's 'War' exhibit. It was the one with the animated shells of warforged and the illusions of light and sound of battle. Very moving. Were you there? I seem to remember that someone bought 'Titan Head in Repose' and there was a huge fuss about the extravagant cost. Was that you?" What Pen really remembers is a boring exhibition with wealthy people looking down their noses at a skinny half elf trying to get someone to commission her work but pandering to nobles was getting to be second nature to him now.

2013-01-25, 12:47 AM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 8:07 AM
As the mage and vigilante discuss matters of art and high culture, the heavy echoing sound of metal on marble fills the hall. Prometheus arrives to the hall, his exquisite mithril plating polished to a shine.

The warforged's steps seem to echo further, because soon there is a red-robed acolyte, towering high over you "May I be of assistance" says the half-ogre.

2013-01-25, 01:04 AM
"Indeed," he answers, "I am Prometheus, I have come to examine the body of the Gnome found dead in the fountain earlier this morning and discuss the findings with Erna. Can you tell me if she is still here?"

2013-01-25, 01:22 AM
"Master Prometheus. Officer Erna is currently communing with our clergy. But if you will, I may lead you to the deceased's effects. Identification if you will. We cannot allow just anyone to handle the...ah... evidence" the ogre's smile is ambiguous in its implications.

2013-01-25, 02:14 AM
"Certainly." Prometheus promptly shows him his identification.

2013-01-26, 05:28 AM
"This way" says the cleric, handing the ID back to Prometheus. "And you gentlemen? May I be of assistance?" asks the half-ogre, looking at Rykon and Pen. "Should I call some of my brethren to aid you?"

2013-01-26, 08:57 AM
Pen hands over his identification papers. "Erm, excuse me, Prometheus was it?" he offers a quick explanation to the half ogre that they are all here about the same thing.

2013-01-28, 04:24 PM

In reply to Pen as they walk, "No, I avoid art exhibitions. Just a bunch of overly rich snobs being overly critical of things they can't manage to do half as well. Not to mention those without the money humoring them in their arrogance." He glances back at Pen with the same crooked half smile as before.

Lord Rykon displays his identification papers that are somewhat more lengthy and a flair more decorated than the commoner's ones.

He seems content however to stand to the side and allow the other men to do the talking.

2013-01-28, 05:47 PM
For a moment the half ogre seems somewhat surprised. "A large party. Well then if you will follow me" he says leading you upstairs through narrow and steep stairwells; it is somewhat marvelous how the ogre manages to get through them with ease.
After some time you are shown into what evokes an alchemist's laboratory or a forger's work-station. "The gnome's effects are on the workbench and rack" says the ogre.
Indeed they are, by an grill-covered window hang the still damp looking clothes of the gnome, and a miscellany of baubles, rags, and other items are laid out on the table. "The Officer will be up any moment. Would any of you desire some refreshments in your wait? Accolytes may be sent to such an end" He says.

2013-01-28, 06:46 PM

"Thank you but I don't need anything."
Rykon walks over to the gnomes clothing and checks it for any sign of weapon damage such as stab holes or fresh cuts in the fabric. Then he checks the other possessions for any identifiable crests such as those of organizations or noble houses.

Search [roll0]
INT Check (in place of Knowledge: Nobility) [roll1]

2013-01-28, 07:44 PM

"My Lord, if I may," Pen begins a slow chant to summon the power to detect the faint residue of magic on the clothing and other items. He concentrates on any trace of magic that he can detect, searching deeper and deeper even if it appears at first that no magic remains.

Detect Magic

2013-01-28, 08:13 PM

"You do not need my permission to do your job, Professor. You need not worry about offending me like so many of my touchy peers."

2013-01-29, 12:47 AM
"Yes, Prometheus," he says to Pen and asks, "And you are?" extending his hand to both he and Rykon.

He politely declines the half-ogres offer for refreshment and shows a bit of humor, smiling when Rykon says he doesn't "need" anything. He lets the experts go over the evidence first, leaning over their shoulders a bit as they do so. He then examines the gnomes effects as well, scanning them first for the imprint of evil, and then with a magnifying glass, if there is one available.

Detect Evil

2013-01-29, 01:56 AM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 8:17 AM

The gnome's clothes are very utilitarian and look second or even third-hand; the vest, though of a beautiful blue-colored silk, is badly discolored and seems to have been made for a child rather than a gnome. There is a feel of poverty and vanity to the garments. As Rykon examines them he notices what may be the cause of death: the backs of the coat, shirt, vest and undershirt all bear a nasty looking hole; the cloth shredded as if by a jagged blade, though unmarred by blood. Close examination of the boots show them to be uncharacteristically light, and the heel seems to be where this mass seems to be missing from. After some prodding you manage to pop the heel open; a handful of fine looking sapphires unexpectedly tumble out onto the floor.

As Pen finishes his incantation a badly waterlogged leather folder begins to glow with the mark of Sivis. The bundle is recognizable as identification papers. Upon opening them you can tell that it was an illuminated piece though the ink has run badly, and will require closer study. You can somewhat make out the visage of a black-bearded gnome on it.

Nothing else regarding the gnomes personal effects radiates magic. Arrays of lenses and a large many-spouted beaker radiate faint magic auras, which after a brief examination Pen discerns to be divinatory in nature.

On the table several other items are laid out: a cloth purse empty but for a few miscast copper coins, a tin pin with soggy and tattered looking feathers, a dagger still in its scabbard, some tattered papers, and a token from a House Ghallanda public-bath.

Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 8:23 AM

"Perhaps. We are looking for the gnome's next of kin; and any inquiries that happen post-interment... Well our temple believes in asking permission from the bereaved before opening any graves. And we would like to get the body into a grave as soon as possible. It lowers the risk of having hungry dead walking the streets" explains the necromancer, trying to produce a terse description of the temple's methodology, metaphysics, and ideology in a single swoop.
"As to the dissection. Are you certain?" asks the mage. "Sometimes foul and noxious humors are trapped, post mortem, in the body's cavities. To the unaccustomed this may be extremely upseting." The man looks at Erna's resolute face. "We can certainly arrange someth-" he is interrupted by a quiet rap on the chapel's door. A red-hooded half ogre bows himself in. "Master Tiromanus, Officer Erna, a trio of men claiming to be part of Officer Erna's... entourage arrived some minutes gone. You were in the middle of the seance, so I have shown them to the laboratory after verifying their identities. They await for the Officer's presence."

2013-01-29, 04:48 AM
"As you say, my Lord," he'd met nobles who liked to 'slum it' before but they are quick enough to assert their rights when is suited them.

Pen examines the dagger as well, pulling it carefully from it's scabbard. Then the papers, though they may need drying properly before handling and finally the token. Perhaps it shows which bath house it would be accepted in. "When we're done here, I'd like to examine the body and determine the cause of death. The obvious fall or drowning may not be what killed him. I'd like to check for poisons."

"The hidden wealth and obvious poor clothing may indicate a disguise or just good sense in the lower city. He could have been a courier for the gems or they could be his. It warrants further investigation. They are not marked with magic though his papers have a Sivis authentication on. Nothing unusual in that, mine do too. We should check that the portrait matches the victim, just in case.

"Does anyone know anything of the local Ghallanda bath houses? Perhaps this token may give us a place to continue our enquiries."

2013-01-29, 05:41 AM
Pen pulls the dagger out with a click and a sharp bitter smell fills the room. Faint, oozing black trails have become etched into the metal.

Prometheus's examination of the items through the divinatory lenses reveals faint traces of gold dust on the cuffs of the shirt and among the weave of the pants. Furthermore, when seen through the lenses, the pin seems to be covered in an ephemeral glowing lattice; the faint residue of magic.

Examination of the copper coins shows them to be foreign, Aundairian and old, 890 YK.

2013-01-29, 08:28 AM

Rykon points out the torn hole in the back of the vest and shirt, "I think this very well may be from our cause of death. There wouldn't be any blood stain because he was in the water of the fountain before it could saturate the silk." He then shows Pen and Prometheus the secret compartment in the heel of the boots and collects up the sapphires, carefully counting them and then adding them to the collection of items on the table. "Clearly he was involved in something. I would very much like to find out what he was carrying that didn't get recovered with the body. House Sivis deals in communication not secret gems so I doubt it was House business unless he was transporting a payment. Any idea how much those gems would cost? We should look into whether anyone has had any expensive transactions with House Sivis lately."

Rykon then turns to Pen, "Professor, if there is indeed a stab wound to match those holes, could you determine the angle of entry? That could very well give us a lead on the height of our attacker."

Appraise on the Sapphires [roll0]

2013-01-29, 12:42 PM
"Perhaps from the body though I'm not an expert on such things. Perhaps one of the other investigators can help with that. What do you make of the blade, my Lord?"

2013-01-29, 01:05 PM

"It makes me think of the poisonous blades from the tales of assassins that bards tell. I can't imagine an honest man carrying such a blade, poison is not exactly a self defense technique nor does it slice food very well." Lord Rykon walks over to the table and takes another look at the sapphires. "Perhaps these are a payment for a kill."

2013-01-29, 03:53 PM
"That was Essel Hmar's thought as well. He claimed that a high ranking Sivis official had been assassinated and then the assassin had been killed to tie up loose ends. I thought it was speculation though perhaps he was right." Pen relays the details of his discussion with the reporter.

"This equipment should allow us to identify the substance on the blade but I'm not familiar with it. Let me use my magic to check for poison first."

Detect Poison on the blade and clothes

2013-01-30, 01:29 AM

"Entourage? I was expecting just one other." Had this investigation attracted more attention than she'd expected? "Well, I'd best meet them, then." She follows the ogre.

"Prometheus! I knew you'd make it. And..." Erna's gaze turns to the other newcomers, as she combs her memory. "Officer Rykon, if I recall? And you are? I am Erna, from the factory district."

"I've just been to inspect the body. It seems he was interrogated by a necromancer prior to his... little swim. So drowning is unlikely as a cause of death." She wished she could put more emphasis on her mention of that interrogation rather than the death, but had no more details to explain it. "I see you have the gnome's effects already. Anything of note?"

2013-01-30, 02:39 AM

"Officer Erna, its nice to see you again, and its Lord Rykon for I am not actually an Officer of the watch." He says this with the crooked half smile that seems to imply there is some joke that only he is privy to.

"It would appear he was stabbed in the back and probably by someone no taller than he was. His boots had false heels containing these three sapphires that I'd say are worth nearly 3000 Galifars together. He was carrying that dagger that appears to be poisoned, the Professor is checking into that now, I believe. And it would seem that Essel Hmar was claiming a high ranking Sivis official was assassinated, I don't know if there is any truth in it but its worth looking into." Lord Rykon looks at Prometheus and Pen as though checking if he missed anything.

"Were the coroners able to say exactly how long he had been dead for? If he was interrogated necromantically then its safe to assume he was killed prior and then the body was dropped into that well... But why would they drop the body somewhere so high profile... Unless perhaps someone was trying to get the Watch's attention."

2013-01-30, 07:55 AM
"Not necessarily the watch's attention." Pen interjects, "The unknown assailants may have been trying to send a message to a third party. For example say the dead man did kill someone from House Sivis and then Sivis killed the assassin and then interrogated him to find who had hired him. They may have dumped the body in order to frighten whoever hired the dead man. Just a thought."

He wiped his hands off and then extends one to the newcomer, "Pen ir'Embrace of Morgrave University. I generally deal in magical acquisitions but the watch occasionally need a specialist to assist and come to me."

"I'm assuming an attacker of the same height from the cut in the clothing. Does the body reflect this assumption?" he makes a forward stabbing motion, "Like that, then a downward one, "or like that?" then adds an upper thrust, "If the blow had been really low like that then our suspect would certainly be gnome, goblin or halfling."

"We can't rule out halflings of course but among the Talenta a stab in the back is usually reserved for only an inferior enemy, a coward who flees, a sleeping guard, that sort of thing. If the killer is of similar height then I'd suggest another gnome or a goblin are more likely." Realising that he's lecturing he catches himself.

"What about this portrait in the identification papers, Officer Erna," Pen opens that spoiled painting carefully, "Does it match the body that you've examined?"

2013-01-30, 11:56 AM

"You make a good point, Professor. I am so used to staying out of the House squabbles that I failed to consider that he could just be a message between two Houses. If a mans life has been taken to make some trivial point than it is absolutely vital we find the root of this murder and bring justice to him." As he says this he slowly grows more passionate and for the first time his smile slips.

"...No man is above the law." The last sentence is said half under his breath as if more to himself.

2013-01-31, 01:37 AM
Prometheus hands the magnifying glass to Pen, pointing out the gold dust on the clothes and the magical residue on the pin. "Professor, are there any spells you know of that would make use of gold dust, and perhaps be cast on a pin? An illusion maybe, as a disguise? Also, is there a way to determine what poison it was with the, ah, beakers and.....things here?" He asks, waving his hands at the assortment of lab equipment.

He turns as Erna enters the room.
"Erna! Glad you could make it up here," he replies, "Was he stabbed? His clothes indicate this would be the case, but there is no blood."
He then hands her the dagger as Rykon and Pen explain their findings. "I know a guy who could tell us if this blade was crafted specifically for assassinations and possibly even who sold it to him, if it was indeed sold to the gnome. It might be worth checking out..."

He turns back to Rykon upon hearing his last statement.
"I would not consider defending oneself or one's house against assassination a 'trivial point'. Nor would I burden my soul with mourning the loss of an assassin such as he; if he truly was one, he had it coming..."
He pauses as he 'changes gears' making sure no one misunderstands him:
"However, I wholeheartedly agree with your last point. The gnome's killers operated outside of the law. No one is above the law. Not only must we continue investigation on this reason alone, but what if this is the beginning of a full-scale blood feud?"

2013-01-31, 04:51 AM
"There are a few spells that I can think of that require gold dust, consecration of a holy area springs to mind. I can't see how that's relevant though. Let me think on it for a moment." Pen tries to recall any spells that need gold dust or where gold dust can enhance the magic.

"As for analysis of the poison, I can attempt to use the equipment but I confess to having only a passing knowledge of alchemy. An artificer would be a better choice. I do know one who might be able to help out though this isn't her usual sort of business." he is more concerned about destroying evidence than failing to find anything.

"Prometheus, surely you agree that even the basest villain deserves the protection of the law. It must stand for everyone or it will stand for no-one." All very well in principle of course but such a rigid approach rarely works in practice. However for their purposes they have a victim and an investigation, whether the victim deserved to die or not was only more evidence.

Spellcraft check [roll0] I get an additional +2 for illusion and transmutation spells

2013-02-06, 04:39 AM
Prometheus doesn't answer, pausing as he seems to hear a sound. Politely he excuses himself; saying he has business in the temple district, but requests to be kept updated. Erna knows of a address in the cogs he frequents, one which is discrete and can contact the elusive warforged.

Not too long after the silvery construct has exited the room there is a polite knock at the door. A robed changeling stands there, hands tucked into the robe's sleeves "Officer Erna" says the changeling, she recognizes the voice to be Iso's. "Necromancer Tiromanus is ready to start the dissection; if you will be looking in. Otherwise I can return once he is ready to give you his analysis of the body"

2013-02-06, 11:35 AM
Lord Rykon

Lord Rykon looks to Erna for her answer and if asked whether he will be going replies: "I have seen bodies, both living and dead split open before and its not a sight I enjoy. I will wait here for the mage's results."

He then waits patiently for the results of the autopsy.

2013-02-06, 12:31 PM
"I had better...take a look, I suppose." Dissections certainly weren't a favourite part of the job but Pen really did want to see the victim's face to make a comparison between it and the papers.

2013-02-06, 03:45 PM

Erna's enthusiasm was similar to Pen's; learning everything she could was not always pleasant, but was always necessary. "Yes, I'm on my way." As she leaves, she looks back to Prometheus and Rykon, then glances at the ID booklet, musing halfway to herself. "Do you suppose he has any friends or family for us to chase down after the autopsy? Nice to have a name for him, even if not."

2013-02-06, 05:19 PM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 9:40 AM

You are led to a room, not dissimilar from the chapel Erna had been taken to earlier, though far more spacious. At its center a heavy cast brass table holds the bare body of a gnome; the table looks empty with only his small body in it.

Perception 12Though there are cosmetic differences, the face's features are similar enough to those on the portrait to warant being called the same
A man with a white leather apron stands behind the table, a miscellany of cutting implements at his waist. "Officer Erna, friends." Tiromanus says bowing. "If we are all here; we can begin" he says. "But first" he rolls the body over; pure white sand trickles out of the wound in the back. "Look at this. I cannot find any incision wound, but the body seems to be stuffed with sand somehow."

2013-02-06, 06:35 PM
"Could his blood have been transmuted into sand?" Pen was fascinated by the idea and repelled of course.

2013-02-07, 02:07 AM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 9:40 AM

"That could be a possibility, but the discipline of transmutation is one which I have neglected. I know of no spell that could do such a thing" says the necromancers. His knife is pressed against the flesh, slicing it open with the sound of cracking vellum. A brief look of confusion crosses his face. "The flesh, though fresh in appearance is desiccated in the extreme" he pronounces. "Despite the increase in moisture in advance for the monsoon"
The skin peels back with crinkling sounds, requiring all of Tiromanus's attention not to break it. This focus means that you are first to look into the thoracic cavity, glittering under the lamplight.
"That is odd" remarks the necromancer looking up before plunging his hands in. "And I think I have your cause of death officer" he says after a few moments of rummaging in the sand. "A total lack of internal organs generally proves fatal."
With that he steps back, raising his gloved hands as a white flame engulfs them for an instant. From his apron pockets he produces a flask and proceeds to mage hand a handful of the grit into it before stopping it with a cork. "Feel free to examine the body further, officer" he says removing and offering his white leather gloves. "I do not believe I can embalm this body further, and stitching it up will require rehumidification of the tissue."

Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 9:40 AM

Rykon is left alone with the changeling priest. "Do you require anything Lord?" asks Iso. "Instruction, perhaps, on how to use the alchemical apparatuses? Or shall I bring some refreshments or, if you are done with our humble temple, I can direct you to a comfortable establishment where your friends may meet with you."

2013-02-07, 05:14 AM
"Necromancer, excuse me," Pen stands and approaches the remains, "Could this be a construct of some kind? An artificial body or spell controlled puppet?"

"Imagine an assassin who works by proxy and then discards the shell he used to carry out the murder. Most effective but I would imagine taxing and expensive. If not that they we are dealing with a weapon or spell of some kind that changes the internal organs and blood into sand and dirt. A variation of flesh to stone perhaps. Fascinating."

"Is there a way to test that this is or was an actual corpse using magic rather than through our senses? Speak with Dead, Stone Tell, something like that perhaps? Even Gentle Repose requires a corpse to function does it not? Does it matter if the corpse is transfigured into sand for the spell to function? Is there a test that you can perform on the skin to determine if it is real skin?"

2013-02-07, 05:54 AM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 9:50 AM

"It is certainly a possibility that it is a construct" he says humming. "Fascinating idea, truly. It could explain why we could not speak with it" Tiromanus seems truly intrigued with the possibility. "But it is my professional opinion that the flesh was unbroken until the weapon went in. And I can assure you this has not been undead; it lacks the characteristic markings of negative energy. You may be best advised to consult with an artificer than with a necromancer on matters pertaining to constructs." he hums as he fills a basin with water, lighting a fire under it. "It would make an excellent undead servant or vessel though. The skin is remarkably well cured."

Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 9:50 AM

Alone Rykon examines the gnome's effects again, tallying them:
An oilcloth coat, passing for leather, that is badly discolored, with several mismatched patches on the inside, the original lining would have been a red corduroy, passing as velvet.
A green wool shirt in a floral print pretending to be a damask and of poor make.
An off-white linen under shirt with faded purple and yellow stains, possibly wine and beer, though of a good quality cloth
A blue vest of fine make, but damaged and mended several times, with proportions that befit more a human or elven child than an adult gnome A pair of scuffed and muddied leather boots with hollow heels (and three sapphires) and tin buttons
An coin purse, empty but for a few copper coins. It's cloth is coarse and unremarkable, but upon turning it inside-out you spot through the holes in the cloth a black tight-knit metal mesh lining its inside
Lastly there is the black-coated dagger and its scabbard, and the broken feather fall token.
He notices that all the clothing has aspirations above its station; be it salvaged, and damaged upper class clothing, or bedecked with imitations of finer materials. Things like this are noticeable and flashy. If no one saw him at the scene of the crime, because of the hour, someone may have seen him closer to his home turf.

2013-02-12, 05:02 PM

"So it might," Erna agreed, not really having any idea what made a good undead, nor fully comfortable with the idea. "But not before this investigation is concluded, I trust."

She turns to Pen, not certain what to think of the newcomer, but willing to use him as a sounding board. "So the sand might have been caused by a magical weapon of some sort? There was quite a bit of this sand around the base of the fountain. Perhaps that suggests he was not thrown from a height, but was bleeding sand right by where he was found."

And there were beads mixed into that sand, as she recalled. She queried the coroner-priest. "Is there any sign of anything mixed or buried in the sand of this gnome? And may I take a pouch-full of the sand as evidence?" All of a sudden, the mundane sand seemed much more interesting.

2013-02-12, 10:37 PM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 9:50 AM
"Not at all, rather" says the necromancer. "The body's not bequeathed to us or to necromantic purposes. Rather it shall soon molder and decay in the necropolis. If it is not solved by then, you may want to get an exhuming order and get it to talk" he says, filling a vial with the sand.
"Here you go officer. Now if you want me, or rather, an acolyte, to sift through the sand... well it may take a day or so. Getting the sand out of the body may prove a delicate procedure, if we are to keep the body fit for viewing."

2013-02-13, 08:13 AM
Pen ir'Embrace

"Well I've never heard of a weapon or a spell that would do this exactly but research is always advancing the field of magic," Pen tries to lay out the idea in a logical way from the evidence. "So we have a possible assassin who fell using a feather fall token from an upper tower. He was bleeding from one serious wound. Either as he fell or after he landed his blood and organs were magically transmuted into sand. Does that seem fair?"

"I would say that the fatal wound also delivered the curse and the token activated as he fell. That means that we need to find the scene of the crime still. Somewhere directly above the fountain we will find both sand and blood. Agreed?" He then tries to calculate how long a fall the feather fall token can permit.

"A feather fall token allows for only a few seconds of delayed falling if created by an artificer or magewright making an item at the cheapest possible cost. That puts him no more than 60 feet above the fountain. An easy enough area to search."

Spellcraft [roll0] are these calculations reasonable for the kinds of feather fall tokens being sold in Sharn?

2013-02-16, 01:40 PM
"Actually" interjects the necromancer. "It puts the activation of the charm, not the start of the fall... The piece can be activated mid-air." He ventures. "But mister..." He looks at Pen, realizing they haven't been introduced. "But this man makes a good point." The necromancer looks at the pair. "Now if you're, ah, done, officer, honored guest, if you could leave us to our rites and labors. We will send a note to the station when we have finished sorting through the... Ersatz viscera."

2013-02-19, 12:18 AM

"I'll wait for your note." Erna is brusque as always.

She holds up the bag for Rykon as she leaves the examination room. "Ever seen anything like this?" she asks as she launches into an explanation of the gnome's wound.

"Care to check on Pteria Street and see if it's a likely fall point? Or if the sand matches what Prometheus found? I'll need to check on the servant who found the body, then I can meet you there." She supposed these two seemed like adequate investigators, especially Rykon, but suspected they'd just serve to intimidate the girl.

2013-02-19, 03:55 PM
Lord Rykon

"That is indeed very strange, and I have seen some strange wounds. Pteria Street you say? I can check that out, Officer. I assume somewhere close to directly above the well?" He takes a look at the sand to see if he can tell anything that would help him later identify sand that matches. "If you don't find me at the investigation sight on Pteria it means I have concluded my search. In such a case I'll wait for you in the nearest tavern or restaurant." Rykon then turns to Pen, "Well, Professor, would you like to accompany me to this sight and hunt for clues?"

2013-02-20, 04:55 AM
Warden Towers Garrison, Warden Towers District: Aryth 22, 999, 10:30 AM

The skycoach lets Erna off by one of the entrances to the Warden Towers Garisson. The sound of marching footsteps and combat practice fills the air. Several Watchmen and Constables march by, in their plain blue and gold uniforms. "Officer" they salute as they pass Erna.

Inside the tower Erna is stopped at a grated hall. "Officer Erna of Hatheril?" asks a guard, drawn from the local gnomish groups, gesturing for her to show her identification and badge. "You're here to question the Half Elf girl? This way. She's already in one of the interrogation rooms."

2013-02-20, 07:41 AM
Pen ir'Embrace

"My Lord, I would be delighted. This is turning out to be a most fascinating inquiry," perhaps not the most appropriate thing to say but Pen is genuinely enjoying the investigation and the mystery.

2013-02-20, 10:40 AM
Lord Rykon

Rykon's crooked half smile almost shifts into a true smile for a second as he watches Pen's enthusiasm for the investigation. "Well then, Professor, lets head off. This investigation is definitely becoming curiouser and curiouser." As the two head outside, Rykon asks: "Shall we hire a ride or walk?"

2013-02-20, 12:23 PM
Pen ir'Embrace

"Well it took less than a half hour to walk here so we may as well walk, my Lord." Pen didn't want to spend money that he didn't have nor appear too right with his money.

2013-02-20, 05:05 PM
Little Plains: Aryth 22, 999, 10:20am, Pteria Street

As the sun climbs towards its zenith, so does the heat and humidity of the city. The sticky-warm atmosphere is particularly noticeable in contrast to the cool and dry air of the temple-morgue. People bustle around Rykon and Pen, busy to finish errands before midday, as they stride back towards the Talenta-an enclave.

After half an hour's walk you find yourselves looking down at the fountain of Aryline, its beaked lizards spouting water without a care, and people bustling about it as if the events of only a few hours back had never happened.
Confirming that you are on the right street you begin to go over the area with a fine toothed comb.

Thunder peals from above.

It is not long before Rykon catches sight of sand in one of the rain channels. It is not long either until their investigation catches the eyes of passerbys. "Los'mtin lo'd?" asks a passing halfling child, with a voice that is hard to hear.

2013-02-21, 11:22 AM
Lord Rykon

A moment after the child speaks, Rykon glances at Pen making quick eye contact then goes back to his search as though he never heard the child at all.

Rykon proceeds to study the sand, looking for traces nearby and to see if he can tell where it may have come from. Especially noting the flow (if any) in the drain and if there is any piles or mounds of more in one spot.

Search [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2013-02-21, 07:34 PM
With the uncharacteristic lack of rain so far the drain is lacking in flow. On his hands and knees Rykon is unable to find more sand beyond a small pinch.
A few drops of water fall from the sky.

2013-02-21, 08:38 PM
"You've left her in the interrogation chamber?" Erna asks. "I hope you fed her while she waited. If not, please bring her something." Commoners were frequently found guilty by default, but Erna had nothing but doubts that this girl was guilty of anything but unfortunate timing.

Once in the chamber, Erna settles in, and opens the conversation casually. "Just talk to me about what happened."

2013-02-22, 12:40 AM
Warden Towers Garrison, Warden Towers District: Aryth 22, 999, 10:32 AM

"Yes she was sir" says the gnome. "Well cared and treated. Just in the room, didn't even take her to a cell" he says showing Erna into the gray stone chamber. "Thisaway"

A young half elf sits on a rough wooden chair. She is dressed in plain, low class clothes, somewhat tattered and bordering on deshabille. A coarse wooden table and another, empty, wooden chair, are the only other ornaments to the plain, grey-stoned room. "Officer. I did not kill him. I swear. I just found him!" bursts out the half elf, all but crying.

2013-02-22, 05:38 AM
Pen ir'Embrace

Noting Lord Rykon's nod Pen crouches down to the meet the halfling child at eye level, "Gilta d'ray, " he says in flawless Talenta by way of traditional greeting and then continues in the same tongue, "My Lord Rykon is investigating the gnome who was found in the fountain below this morning. See how he looks for clues. A clever msyod (scout) might know who saw what happened and could earn a reward if what he knew proved useful."

2013-02-23, 04:04 PM
Little Plains: Aryth 22, 999, 10:21am, Pteria Street

"Nose your friend's friend?" he asks, stretching out a palm barely larger than a silver piece; a purple-red splotch, a birthmark, runs across the underside of his arm.

2013-02-23, 06:17 PM
Pen hands over a silver coin, "Do you now? Pray explain, young one."

2013-02-23, 06:32 PM
The kid pockets the sovereign quickly. Above the gargoyles come to life, their mouths spouting jets of water.
"I din' see anything. Was in bed when it all happen, 'm just a kid" says the halfling with a chuckle. "Look mister it's raining an my ma'll get angry if I get soaked." With that the child turns around ready to scamper off down the street.
The halfling pauses. "But we didn't see the orc in the morning. An' thank you for the sovereign, won't use it on candy!" He blurts

2013-02-23, 07:56 PM
"Orc?" he looks quizzically at Lord Rykon, "Does that mean anything to you, my Lord?"

2013-02-25, 03:57 PM

"We just want to know as much as we can about the situation." Erna's natural brusqueness did not lend itself to soothing, but she did the best she could. "Start at the beginning. What time did you visit the well?"

To keep things moving, several follow-up questions are below

"What did you find?"

"Did you notice anything strange or out of the ordinary? Other than the body, of course."

"Do you know who the gnome is?"

2013-02-25, 04:14 PM
Lord Rykon

"To me that means that people around here have been talking about an orc in conjunction with this." Rykon casually watches the water from the rain run into the drain, looking for possible paths that the sand he found could have reached its present location. "Either that or the child is so stupid as to confuse an orc with gnome, but what halfling could make such an error as that?"

2013-02-26, 12:57 AM
Warden Towers Garrison, Warden Towers District: Aryth 22, 999, 10:32 AM, Holding Cells

"I... before four" she says, clearly terrified. "I just... he was looking at me under the water. It was horrible!" the elf is shivering as she makes herself remember. "No. Didn't see anything... never seen him before." she shivers nervously. "I don't didn't see anything. I didn't do anything. I swear." she looks at Erna.

2013-02-26, 12:11 PM
"Orc or half orc would be likely, I should think, my Lord." Commoners were often treated with derision by the nobility but they usually had a wisdom lacking by the better educated and well off classes. "If the information is good then our murderer or at least the one who disposed of the body is of orcish descent."

"Unfortunately I am not that well versed in the native language of the Shadow Marches, nor their particular customs. I have a smattering of the tongue, of course, just not enough to pass as a native speaker." he's really thinking out loud rather than discussing the problem of how to question orcs about one of their own. Orcs and half orcs are known to work as heavies given the common stereotype of the race but there's no reason to dismiss this clue as something quite that simple.

Pen has the Master Linguist feat that allows me to select a new language at each level. For game purposes I assume that he is therefore in the process of learning several languages as he adventures and will have picked up the basics. The above is therefore just for flavour as he doesn't speak orcish...yet.

2013-03-02, 10:24 PM
Little Plains: Aryth 22, 999, 10:24am, Pteria Street

The rain has started coming down in buckets. Kids are called back into their homes, and though the dinosaur-braving halflings brave the rain without a care, the shimmering skins of beasts and riders seemingly merged through the water. Umbrellas have started to come out, and streets above you can see the shimmering orbs of wizards deflecting the rain off their exalted heads.
Under the silvery light of an overcast sky, the plant-covered walls seem to ripple and grow and you know that this rain will not let up for some time to come.

2013-03-04, 04:06 PM
Morgrave University, University District: Aryth 22, 999, 9:50 PM
Postgraduate Cloister

A wall-mounted glass orb, powered by a perpetually aflame eberron dragonshard, bathes the area around Pen's desk in a bright natural-looking light. Under an array of lenses rests the gnome's identification papers. On scraps of paper previous, futile, attempts at deciphering the water damaged script litter the desk. The wizard, however, is making headway on the task. Slowly, and using his own identification as a template, Mr. Ir'Embrace cracks the code.

Name: Richard Goldleaf
Race: Gnome
Birthdate: 7 Eyre, 812YK
Nationality: Breland
Profession: Goldsmith (Non-Guild)
Residence: 581 Zalantar Street, Twelve Pillars, Tavik's Landing (U)

Sword Point Garrison, Sword Point District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:05 AM
Lt. Rugan Arrahsbrood's Office

A spittoon dings. "Erna, come in" says the bugbear behind the desk, wiping his lips with a handkerchief too dainty looking for his hands and gravel-gargling voice. On his desk Erna spots a small lacquered box, full of oily-looking grated leaves, crushed herbs, dry spices, and possibly several small purple chiles. "Chew?" He offers. "So, Erna, I read your report; had to call in the bookies. They're sending in some gob over here. Durk or somesuch." He clears his throat and takes a swig from the stoneware mug on the desk. He coughs and makes a face. "Agh, Traveler' rod!" He exclaims in goblin, before regaining his composture. "Anyway, I took the liberty of sending an old acquaintance of mine. A priest up at Morgrave. Figure that one more to your motley crew wouldn't be too much of an imposition. Bound to be useful." He says, looking at his mug with consternation before downing its contents. "They'll both be arriving anytime now, if they haven't already. Check with Harald at the gate if he's seen them come in. That'll be all for now"

2013-03-04, 05:18 PM
Pen ir'Embrace

Stretching to relieve the ache in his back Pen gathers up his notes. After cleaning his quill and mixing up some fresh ink he pens a short report to the other investigators with his findings and then makes a copy for his own report. He seals the first and walks to the postal box for delivery to his superiors before heading to bed for the night.

In the morning he woke early as usual and went for a run around the university grounds to clear his head. After studying his spell book he headed off to meet his fellow investigators to report his discovery and collate any information that they wanted to share.

2013-03-06, 03:50 PM

"More 'help' from upstairs?" Erna's sarcasm was nothing unusual to the lieutenant, but this played right into Rykon's theory that this was a house assassination that needed to be hushed up. And just when a couple interesting leads were found! "Any idea who pulled the strings to bring them down here? I'll go see if they've made it."

At the gatehouse, Erna greets Harald with a smile. "Lovely rain, this. Lieutenant's expecting a couple folks from upstairs to look over my shoulder. Any chance you've seen 'em?"

2013-03-06, 04:33 PM
Sword Point Garrison, Sword Point District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:08 AM

"Top o'the morning t'ya, Officer." says Harald, looking up from the pulp novel he was reading. "No'ne from upstairs, but a friend of L-T Arrahsbrood came through not five gone. Sent him to the lounge with Vic. Specting someone?" The human grins. "An' yeah, love the rain. Sharn'd not be sans-it. Still makes me glad I'm gate."

Sword Point Garrison, Sword Point District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:08 AM

The room is sparsely decorated. A dartboard hangs at a far end on a pockmarked wall; sketches of notorious criminals plastered all over the wall. A cursory examination shows darts not to be the only things thrown at the wall, long axe and knife marks crisscross the red green and black board.
A couple of worn-looking couches provide seating, and on a table a tin samovar keeps water for tea warm.

Constable Vic stands at the door, blocking it, eyes firmly planted on Alistair and not speaking in anything but rare monosylables. "At ease" is the most verbose the man has been. Without taking his eyes of the dwarf he opens the samovar's spigot, filling a mug with hot water, followed by a slash of a dark concentrated tea. "Tea" he says, setting the mug down for the dwarf to have

2013-03-06, 07:03 PM
Alistair limped into the room, sheperded by the Constable, nodding his thanks to the man. Glancing around, he smiled to himself at the dart board, and slowly made his way across the room. Eyes sweeping across the pictures, he made note of the indentations, varied in size, shape and depth. However, he was most interested in the actual people depicted, curious if he knew of any of them.

After a few minutes of perusal, he sighed and walked over to the couch, his stick thumping across the floor in a slow, steady rhythm. Once there, he lowered himself gingerly, rubbing at his hip for a moment, before settling back. In the silence, he finally removed a small notebook from his satchel and readied a pen, noting the name of the constable and a few observations about the current situation.

"Constable, how long until the ones I am supposed to meet arrive?"

2013-03-06, 07:28 PM
Underneath the portraits are names and aliases: Sharpfang, Paul "Pockets", Lira "the Banshee" Melen, Orman d'Sivis, The Grining Garroter, Shark among others. Many of them dead, most of them at large, but all their crimes well known and varied, ranging from forgery to treason and murder.
The tea, should Alistair drink it, is bitter, smokey and strong; even thinned out in water it seems to leave a dark patina on the ceramic mug.
Vic gives a nonedescript and noncommittal snort-and-shrug. "What is?" he asks, taking note of the dwarf's notebook.

2013-03-06, 07:51 PM
Raising an eyebrow at the 'verbose' Victor, then returned to his notebook. When Victor spoke, he looked up, somewhat surprised. "You mean my notebook? Oh, it is just something to keep a record of things as they happen ... that way if I forget, it's written down. Good for keeping track of small details."

He smiled at Vic. "So how long have you been with the Watch?"

2013-03-06, 08:27 PM
Warden Towers Garrison, Warden Towers District: Aryth 23, 999, 6:07 AM
Offices of the Blackened Book

"You are being sent to help at Swordpoint." says the black paludroned detective standing before the goblin. A scroll, sealed with with black wax, is thrust at Dzrug: the case report. With that the Blackened Book sends one of its agents to investigate the misuse of magic.

The scroll essentially contains a summary of the things that have happened so far, the reasons why magic is suspected, and the names and occupations of Erna, Rykon, and Pen.

Sword Point Garrison, Sword Point District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:09 AM

As Harald and Erna talk, a City Watch skycoach lands on the street, the rain pattering on the wooden frame. Emblazoned on its sides is the shield of the city watch is overlaid by an open book in black. A well known if not often seen device.
The door swings open, its passenger barely visible through the downpour.

Sword Point Garrison, Sword Point District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:09 AM

The man's eyes narrow. "Ten" he answers, arms stubbornly crossed over his blue and gold chest. "Why?"

2013-03-06, 11:55 PM
Dzrug exited the skycoach, thanking the driver for his promptness and courtesy before providing a generous gratuity and shutting the door. He turned up the collar of his overcoat against the rain, though to little avail. The goblin was unaffected, however; most long-term residents of Sharn failed to register the unrelentingly dismal weather.

He hustled toward the gate at Swordpoint, seeking what little cover the awning offered. He nodded to the gatekeeper, presented his credentials and asked, "So, whaddya think of this place? Are they as inept as the rest of this city's guardsmen, or more so?" He didn't smile so much as twist his mouth ironically; it was clear that he was kidding, though there was also a note of sincerity in his voice. It spoke volumes about what he thought of most law enforcement in this town.

2013-03-07, 03:37 PM

The shifter takes her leave of Harald and heads for the lounge, giving the entire room a scowl as she takes stock of the newcomers.

"So you're here about the gnome case? What'd'you have for us?"

2013-03-07, 04:54 PM
Sword Point Garrison, Sword Point District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:10 AM

After seeing erna off Harald silently turns to examining Dzrug's identification; the goblin's acerbic humor not resonating with him. His eyes widen as he realizes who it is. "Come in Officer. You just missed Officer Erna. She'll be on the fifth story lounge with mister Hasledorf." He says pointing the goblin towards the lifts.

Sword Point Garrison, Sword Point District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:15 AM

Vic's terseness is prodigial it is hard to see it as something other than a strange effort of will or a prank. As Erna's boot steps approach the watchman's posture becomes impossibly straighter and more rigid. "Officer." He snaps. "Mister Hassledorf here." The polysyllabic words seem to hurt him. With that the man bows, excusing himself from the room.

2013-03-07, 07:50 PM
"Thanks," Dzrug says flatly, his question about how clever the officers were now answered. He retrieves his documents, shakes the rain droplets off his coat, and heads upstairs. When he gets to the fifth floor, he looks for the lounge. He sees a pair of pair of watchmen in a room that fits the description, knocks and lets himself into the room. "Uh, hello. I'm Inspector Dzrug with the Blackened Book. I'm here about the gnome case. I'm looking for Officer Erna?" He glances back and forth between the two officers, unsure of whom to address.

2013-03-08, 05:43 AM
Sword Point Garrison, Sword Point District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:15 AM

Vic is just pivoting around to leave the lounge when he finds himself waist to face with Dzrug. "Her" he says, pointing at the shifter, excusing himself from the chamber before he is dragged down into conversation.

2013-03-08, 08:46 AM
Alistair realized with a chuckle what a watch,an might think - here was a dwarf, holding a book and asking questions ... like an interrogation! He was about to calm Vic's concerns and explain he was just making small talk when the first person arrived, a large shifter, apparently an Officer, who started demanding answers. As Alistair rose to say hello, Vic turned to leave, but suddenly snapped to attention at the door in response to the arriving inspector.

Turning to the others, Alistair smiled as a greeting, raising an eyebrow as he saw the inspector was a goblin. "Good morning. My name is Alistair Hasselfdorf, and I work at the University. I believe the lieutenant thought I might be of service in this case and I was hoping to collaborate with my fellow investigators. Are you they?". Smiling he waited politely for the others to respond.

For ease, here's Alistair's description:
Alistair is a lean dwarf of average height. His black hair has been receding for decades and his beard had a couple of streaks of grey, but his body was as strong as ever. He typically wears simple clothes, a tunic and pants, and a coat with many pockets. Over one shoulder, he carries a satchel with writing implements, paper and a journal to take notes. He walks with a pronounced limp, and therefore always leaves with enough time to be punctual. In all, he seems more like an aged librarian or professor than adventurer or detective ... but looks can always be deceiving

2013-03-08, 10:19 PM

"Erna." She introduced herself. "I did the prelims, with some local help." She shifted her weight as she talked. "What'd you got that we don't?"

2013-03-09, 12:08 AM
The Silver Veil of Cyre, Smoky Towers District: Aryth 23, 999, 6:15 AM

The theatre district is mostly empty at this time of the day. Tourists and adventurers might brave the weather to see the curtain-like arching butresses, the stoic atlantes and elegant caryatids, the masklike grotesques and gargoyles, and the exquisite dancing fountains; but not this early in the day. A silver colored banner, hanging against a variegated marble facade, marks the entrance to the Silver Veil.

A sweet silver bell rings you into The Silver Veil as you push the heavy oak door. The four storied tavern is filled with the warm, melancholy sound of a small Cyran ensemble playing in the courtyard. Even this early the Silver Veil is moderately busy with matinee theatre-goers, performers, and Cyran expatriates. The variegated brick walls are mostly windowless, but bedecked with avant-garde paintings, bass reliefs, and beaten worked metal pieces.

"Friends" booms a voice from the courtyard as one of the fiddles stops. A broad-shouldered woman in a long flowing dress walks over to you, crossing the gardened courtyard. Her hair is arranged in a lofty high-arching crown of graying black curls covered by her mauve shawl; it is the proprietor, Madam Mishani "Misha" Valadra. "The usual table?" she asks, stretching out a gloved and gem-ringed hand.

Edit: I've removed the spoilers.
Edit: I've retconned times to make Pen not be arriving at the precinct at 8and some

2013-03-09, 12:19 AM
Alistair raised an eyebrow, slightly confused. "Perhaps I was unclear. I was asked to help, but I have not reviewed any portions of the case as of yet."

Have I? :smallsmile:

2013-03-09, 02:43 AM
Pen ir'Embrace

Pen smiles at the proprietress in greeting, "Could you fetch us two of those lemon and ginger Mishan coffees and a plate of Eston biscuits to start with please."

"It'll be good to get some decent food," he says to Lord Rykon, "I'm not sure what the Brelish fascination is with spiced meat but Cyran cuisine has much more subtle flavours." He pauses, considering his slip up, he really hadn't meant to give away anything about himself after working so hard to appear to be a Sharn native, "Of course Xen'drik foods have much more of a variety of flavours and Aundairians like to add little surprises into their foods. Magical twists with spices and herbs. A little too much for my tastes sometimes. If you're ever unfortunate enough to find yourself in Karrnath lets hope that you like mutton. They never seem to serve anything else."

"Are the others meeting us here? I'd like to review our findings so far and get feedback on other aspects of the investigation."

2013-03-09, 03:21 AM
The Silver Veil of Cyre, Smoky Towers District: Aryth 23, 999, 6:15 AM

Madam Valadra leads to the group's usual table on the third floor, overlooking the courtyard, one that has a good view of the establishment but affords those sitting in it a degree of privacy. "Will you be joined by the officer?" asks Misha as she sets the cups, plates, pot, and other wares down.

The coffee and biscuits are quick to come. The coffee-set is silvered tin chased with geometric Xen'drik motifs. The drink is pungent and bittersweet, leaving faint ochre-colored traces on the porcelain insets; complimenting the taste and color of the thick buttery cookies.

Edit: times have been retconned to have pen meet up with the team at a reasonable time

2013-03-09, 11:49 AM
Dzrug frowns and suppressed the urge to sigh. They hadn't made any conclusions, and they hadn't even contacted other departments. Fortunately, the Blackened Book knew how to relay information. In Sharn, you didn't even need a Sending Stone or House Sivis; any human lad would dash across town to tell someone something for a few coppers. Of course, the Book had more reliable means of keeping its members apprised. "Your gnome is a thief- that much is evident from the hollow boot, the sapphires, and the flashy clothing. Let's see, some sort of strange magic was used, hence why the Book has been called in. I've heard of spells that turn flesh to stone, or dessicate with a touch, so it's possible that someone researched a spell that transmutes blood to sand or the like." The goblin looked around, gauging what effect his words had before continuing, "Did any of you see the autopsy? I'd like to know the direct findings as completely as possible. Also, there was something listed among the gnome's things that sparked a thought. Can someone repeat the complete list of items found on his body? Was there a House Ghandalla bathhouse token or the like? Did anyone follow up on that?"

2013-03-11, 06:08 PM
Alistair sighed slightly, readying his notebook and pen. "I am sorry, sir, but I do not work for the Watch, nor any investigative services. I am a professor at the University. The lieutenant thought I might be of use in the hunt for the truth, but to be certain I have not been made privy to any additional details concerning this case than the death of a gnome. Suffice to say, I do not have any additional information or evidence to share with the group.

Could someone perhaps provide a quick synopsis, so that we might all be on the same page?"

2013-03-13, 10:54 PM

"So you're an expert in the arcane, then?" Erna addressed her question to the dwarf, who was at least willing to admit he hadn't read her report. She dredged up her week-old memories of the case, laying the basics out for the newcomers.

"A gnome's body was found in a cistern with the morning light. A featherfall token suggests he fell from a height; we believe we've located the bridge he fell from. A local boy said something of orcs, but that hasn't led anywhere yet.
"More interestingly, the cause of death was not the fall. The gnome was apparently stabbed once, and something about this wound involved his innards turning to sand. Perhaps you've heard of such a weapon? And according to the necromancers, the corpse was interrogated post-mortem." Erna left off her suppositions about this perhaps being a retaliation killing, or her suspicions of the houses upstairs.

2013-03-14, 10:09 AM
Alistair blinked slightly, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm not sure I would say I'm an expert in arcane matters, but I have accumulated quite a bit of knowledge over the years."

As the shifter continued, he began to tap his chin. "A long height that did NOT cause the death, eh? And blood for sand? Interesting.

You say you determined he was dead before hitting the ground - was that based on trauma to the body? I mean to say, did it appear the feather fall token worked as expected? Or did the magic give way at some point, say when the gnome succombed to its wounds?"

KS (Arcana): [roll0] or Lore: [roll1] to see if Alistair has heard of such magic ...

2013-03-14, 12:42 PM
Dzrug made a note of the Shifter's discourtesy, disappointed that she made no effort to answer his questions. She seemed interested only in this stuffy dwarf from Morgrave. Typical inter-departmental rivalry. No one trusts the Blackened Book, so we'd better call in this delightfully bumbling old academic codger to help us. the goblin thought to himself, keeping a sneer from his face.

Dzrug cleared his throat. "As I said, it's clear from the report given to me by The Blackened Book that the gnome was a thief of some kind. Presumably, the featherfall token was employed during his attempted escape- he either fell off of a skybridge or jumped off while trying to elude his assailant. It matters little whether or not the fall killed him. The result is the same." Dzrug hoped someone would pay a modicum of attention to his inquiries now. You said that necromancers made a post-mortem inquiry. What did they discover? And who's this 'local boy' talking about Orcs? That wasn't in the report."

2013-03-15, 05:26 AM
After finishing his breakfast without Lord Rykon arriving, Pen thanks the mistress of the house and pays. Then he takes a casual walk to the garrison, perhaps his Lordship went straight there instead. If not I'll just head over to the scene of the crime again and ask about this orc fellow. Having no desire to get wet in the heavy downpour he casts a cantrip to protect him from the elements before departing.

Cast Prestidigitation to keep the rain off for an hour.

2013-03-15, 11:51 AM
The goblin seemed somewhat on edge, perhaps because of his position. Alistair had considered a couple of possibilities, but rather than get embroiled in internal Watch politics, he chose to wait until the inspector received answers to his questions.

2013-03-18, 03:30 PM
En Route, Various Districts: Aryth 23, 999, 7:45 AM

Morning's light is starting to break, turning the sky into a silvery, featureless expanse. As Pen moves away from the entertainment district the city seems to liven up. Preachers for faiths new and old, for prophets and cures of all sorts, call out to people in the rain; fliers and banners for exhibitions are put up and taken down: Treasures of The Giants, Art in the Darkness, Visions of Dairy...
Papers are sold in every corner, bearing a dwarf's account of the murder, two coppers a copy. The streets are bustling, and they get worse once the rain lets up; ill-tempered horses, foul smelling riding dogs, strange traveler-crazed contraptions stomp, slither, and spin by with little regard for the myriad pedestrians.

2013-03-18, 05:14 PM
Pen stops to pick up a copy of the story. Perhaps the dwarf printed something that he hadn't told me yesterday.

2013-03-19, 03:49 PM
Pen shuffles through the cheap pulp pages before coming across the article regarding the news.

Death in Aryline;
Yesterday morning the community in the Little Plains neighborhood, in the Middle Menthis Ward, was shocked to find a body in Aryline's Fountain. The body was that of reclusive gnome goldsmith "R. Goldleaf", birth name unknown. His death comes after troubled period, marked by a five-year creative block and a longstanding and acrimonious feud with the Honorable Crafting Assembly of Kol Korran* regarding his persistent refusal to join the guild. Wendell Suathi, head-master of the guild was not available for comment.
The Sharn City Watch is currently investigating the issue, refusing to comment on the case.
Richard Goldleaf is survived by no known relatives or close friends. An open funeral service is being handled by the Jazidim Church at the Temple of the Ruby, on Aryth 25, dusk. - Essel Hmar

The article is paired up with an editorial piece.
Watch up to Gnome Good: by Iver E. Mann
Yet again the city watch shows itself to be a force of corruption and inefficiency in this precious city of ours. Not only are they now sending lycan-touched police members, but they waste resources on clear-cut suicides, and desecrate our dead through necromancy... With agents of the Boromar Clan and monsters openly serving as officers...
the editorial goes on for some time ranting about corruption in the watch.

*Guild of Goldsmiths and Jewlers

2013-03-19, 11:02 PM

Erna resists the urge to call the goblin a liar to his face, or directly question his reading comprehension. Instead, she continues to focus on the dwarf's question, hoping that the answers embarrassed this goblin enough that he stopped claiming to have read her report. Or at least from making suppositions contradicted by the evidence laid out in it. "According to the necromancers, he was investigated post-mortem... and presumably pre-fall, resulting in the priests' failure to interrogate the corpse." Not quite comprehending the arcana, she doesn't delve further to the mechanisms. "So it would seem he was stabbed, necromantically questioned, then hurled from the bridge. I can't speak to the functioning of the featherfall token, beyond the fact that it was broken--nobody down here has the budget for a precinct wizard."

"In any case, we'd best go meet my compatriots. They were the ones who found the bridge where the murder occurred... Presumably, of course." If she was going to be saddled with these newcomers, better to have some minds she could fully trust at her side too. "It's a bit of a walk, unless you guys would like to take a coach. That'd give you the chance to skim the report en route."

2013-03-19, 11:56 PM
Alistair nodded, sensing the tension between the shifter and the goblin. "So, dead before he departed the bridge, you say? That definitely changes the situation. But by all means, let us meet with the rest of your compatriots. I will take you up on the offer of a coach, if you do not mind." He patted his hip as he slowly stood, leaning heavily on his walking stick. "I fear it would take all day at my current pace." Smiling he nodded to Erna and the goblin to lead the way.

With a 10ft pace, Alistair is by no means a quick man!

2013-03-20, 05:26 AM
Pen ir'Embrace

Arriving at the watch house Pen bumps into the departing officers on his way in and angrily rants about the problems of modern day journalism, "Sensationalist twaddle is what it is. Have you seen this? Next you know they'll be making up facts and we'll have them thrown back at us as evidence."

2013-03-20, 08:17 PM
"That doesn't make sense. The dead can't activate magical items, so it must have broken before he was killed. And to question the corpse before tossing it would take a while. The only spells I know that allow for communication from beyond the grave take at least ten minutes to perform. To perform such an act in the open would be ludicrous. If your belief is true, and I sincerely doubt that it is, then our perpetrator would have had to have transported the body and then tossed it off of the skybridge. Seems like a lot of work. But what do I know, I'm no 'precinct wizard,' just a simple representative of our fair city's magical policing division." Dzrug says all of this half-heartedly, his voice laden with sarcasm. Tottering old dwarves and unpleasant shifters- this assignment was proving to be a royal pain. He wondered sullenly what Erna's "compatriots" were like.

Yes, getting out of here would be pleasant. I care little whether or not we take a coach, but if it would help Alistair here, I'm all for it." He gestures toward the door with an excessively deferential flourish.

2013-03-21, 02:52 PM

Erna thought it was more likely that the goblin thought she was simple than he was himself, but kept it to herself. "Perhaps you should take it up with the necromancers of the Pink Tower. They were confident that a postmordem interview had taken place. Unless that interview occurred in the public cistern itself, he was dead before he fell." Although Erna had reservations about the goblin, she was willing to posit a theory for the others' benefit. "Though with necromancy already involved, I suspect a little bit more necromancy, some sort of zombie-raising, could have gotten the corpse through nightime streets with little notice." Erna hoped he took this as his opportunity to get 'pleasantly' out of here, and out of her hair.

"Ah, Pen! Just one of the people we were looking for. We were just about to come look for you and the others. Are Rykon or Prometheus about their usual haunt?" She takes a breath, then goes on to more proper introductions, though not without a hint of sarcasm herself. "This is Alistair, a professor, and Dzrug, from the Black Book. They've been sent to help us on the very case you're waiving that article about."

2013-03-21, 03:28 PM
"Ah, so you're discussing the merits of the theory that the victim was killed prior to the fall. There are lots of anomalies, aren't there?" he is genuinely pleased for the mystery. Perhaps they'd discover something new and wonderful in their investigation.

"Oh yes, Lord Rykon didn't turn up this morning. I thought he'd be here but maybe he's already at the crime scene. Are you heading there next? Prometheus left yesterday to conduct his own research. I thought he'd be back by now too. I was hoping that he'd have a lead on this orc person that was apparently seen near the gnome."

2013-03-21, 03:40 PM
Alistair nodded in greeting to Pen, then inclined his head towards the paper in his hand. "Might I persuse that?" He figured he should gather as much information as possible, even if it was of questionable sourcing. He could tell his presence was not as welcome as he was led to believe ... and as such, he knew that being seen and not heard for a few moments might be the best plan.

2013-03-21, 03:43 PM
"Certainly, though it's hardly worth the coppers it cost to print."

2013-03-21, 06:20 PM
Alistair nodded absently as he began to read the paper. What he found gave quite a bit of information concerning the gnome's profession, and possible conflicts of interest with other local business folks. Unless those things were simply made up, it seemed the periodical had a number of threads they could follow.

2013-03-21, 07:11 PM
"The best way to get unfavorable press off of our backs is simple: we close the case." Erna said something about the Pink Tower, and Dzrug began to muse about things that might interfere with necromantic magic. It's possible that there was an insider covering up, simply saying that the magic didn't work, or someone intentionally tampering with it. The possibilities were many. He'd have to look at this further.

"Pardon my ignorance, but who are these others you speak of? Rykon and Prometheus? How are they involved with the case?"

Spellcraft: [roll0] for any spells or other effects that might interfere with Speak with Dead.
Knowledge: Planes [roll1] for any planar entities that might bring about a fate such as the one that befell our gnomish victim.

2013-03-22, 05:55 AM
Lord Rykon was looking into the case as a favour to the Watch. As nobility he has access to parts of the city normally not available to humble university professors. Prometheus is a member of the watch. I'm afraid I didn't spend much time with him as he went off to pursue his own source of inquiry. I think he might have some contacts in the warforged community. They don't sleep, you know, so he was probably with them all night."

2013-03-26, 09:45 AM

"They're two others who helped with the preliminary investigation." Erna doesn't feel the need to correct the others, or clarify that neither has an official position in the watch; that'd just be inviting trouble.

"I basically see three leads to follow. The magic involved in the murder being the most distinctive feature, which makes it fortunate that we have so many experts." Erna is actually glad for Pen and Allistair at this moment; they might serve as a bit of a check on the guy from upstairs sent to close the case and shut up the press, rather than solve it. "We could dig deeper into Mr. Goldleaf's past, and figure out who might want him dead." Erna doesn't voice her suspicions about the Dragonborn Houses here. "And perhaps a witness could still be found, since we do have the scene. I doubt it at this point, but it might spread some light on the arcane confusion of the situation. Was there anything else we were looking at, Pen?"

2013-03-26, 11:32 AM
"No, no, I think you've covered it," Pen hadn't thought of tracking down the victims background, much to his chagrin, "Do we have an address for the gnome's residence?"

2013-03-29, 02:27 PM

"We got his name from his ID card, and that's attached to an address. Shall we start there while the wizards look into the necromancy?"

2013-03-30, 02:38 PM
"Hmm, necromancy is something I chose to forego in my studies so I'll assist with the search of his abode," Pen rubs the back of his neck, somewhat embarrassed at not being grouped with the wizards. "We should agree when and where to meet again. This morning may have wasted some precious time."

2013-04-02, 06:26 PM
Alistair finished the paper, handing it back to the newcomer. "I'm sorry, sir, but I missed your name. And by the way, I understand that my questions may seem a bit pedestrian, but I have not yet seen a copy of the report you have obviously filled out. Might someone fill me in on the pertinent details of the situation?"

Took me awhile, but I read through the entire IC, but not all the OOC ... so unless someone wants to hide something, I'm assuming Alistair (and Dzurg) know everything reported in the IC thread. Forgive me if I ask some questions about the OOC thread, but it probably adds to the RP.

Alistair tapped at his chin. "So tell me again why you think he was thrown from a bridge? I am not certain the description of his body matches the effects of a fall. Especially given the astute point the Inspector made concerning the use of magical tokens.

Also, what information did you garner concerning the dagger? I know of blades that are specially made to deliver poison, but that rarely requires magical construction. A blade that dessicates a man, however, would be magical in nature ... dessication ... sand ... interesting. I wonder ...

The sand at the scene ... some was at the drain ... I wonder why? Have we considered that perhaps the sand itself was animated in some fashion? I must check to see what the tomes say of golems, particularly of the flesh variety ... a detailed discussion with an expert in such matters may actually yield more information than the necromancers could in this particular situation."

Alistair is indeed lost within thought, questions coming at an alarming rate as he considers the mystery more fully.

KS(History): [roll0]
KS(Religion): [roll1]
KS(Local): [roll2]
KS(Arcana): [roll3]
KS(Planar): [roll4]
KS(Dungeoneering): [roll5]
Spellcraft: [roll6]
Lore: [roll7]

Looking for historical references to someone's blood being turned to sand, perhaps societies/cults who practice mummification. Where such cults might be located in the city. Understanding of golems (i.e., flesh golems) and their potential applicability here. Pen's concept of a creature wearing bodies as a disguise. Creatures that leave a trail of sand behind.

Apologies for the late posting ... coming off of 5wks of training and catching up at work!

2013-04-03, 03:47 PM
"That's an interesting idea. What if the victim was killed elsewhere and this sand was used to animate the skin? Do you know of any reference to some sort of earth elemental based on sand?" Pen shakes his head, "There are too many factors that we don't know. We're dealing with some unknown or very rare magics. We need to gather information. The victim's home seems the obvious place to look for clues. Agreed?"

2013-04-03, 03:53 PM
Alistair slapped his forehead. "Curse me for a wool-headed first-year! Elementals! How could I have missed so obvious a potential source? Yet another possibility."

Sirs and ma'am, I must urge that we not make any assumptions just yet. More information is needed, yes ... more.

The victims house? Hmm, perhaps ... something that may not lead us so much in the direction of how he died, but may provide indications of what he was doing prior. Capital idea ... Mr ... uh ... wait a moment."

Alistair blinked, staring at Pen for a moment. "Sir, I have the strangest feelings I have seen you somewhere before ... do you ... do you frequent the Arcane Mysteries section of the Univeristy library?"

I realized that I think we're supposed to know each other, as fellow professors at the university! Of course, as a changling, Alistair may or may not have seen a face that he would recognize ... so feel free to dodge the question if it's appropriate! :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-03, 04:12 PM
I realized that I think we're supposed to know each other, as fellow professors at the university! Of course, as a changling, Alistair may or may not have seen a face that he would recognize ... so feel free to dodge the question if it's appropriate! :smallbiggrin:As far as anybody knows Pen is human. He's passed as human for some time.

"You'll often find me there, yes. Actually I think we've covered one another's classes once or twice. I should have said something but my head is in this mystery and I'm letting my manners slip," Pen hold his hand out to shake, "Pen ir'Embrace of Morgrave University's History and Magical Arts departments. I'm consulting with the watch at the moment, as it seems you are too."

2013-04-04, 10:36 AM
Inclining his head politely towards Pen, Alistair introduced himself as well. "Alistair Hasseldorf, professor in Comparative Religions, although I've dabbled in Criminology. My association with the Arcane Department was primarily during the research for my paper on The Scientific Use of Hemomancy, and its Applications to Arcane Locating.

As I consider the possibilities that the sand might raise, I realize that my own knowledge in these areas is limited. Perhaps a Library will help. Are we all going to the victim's home, or are we splitting up? If the decision is to divide and conquer, where shall we meet, and when?"

2013-04-07, 07:24 PM
Dzrug managed to effectively muster every fiber of self-restraint and keep himself from rolling his eyes. He cleared his throat. Shall we be going, then? Who will be heading to Mr. Goldleaf's home, and who will be going to visit the necromancers? Further, I'd still like to stop by that Ghandalla inn our victim had a token from, if no one objects. It seems as convenient a place as any for us to reconvene."

2013-04-08, 10:55 AM
Alistair looked around, then back at the Inspector. "Is it your intent that we split up at this point and meet back this evening? If so, then my skills may be better suited to conversations with necromancers then interviewing the family of the victim.

What questions do you all have specifically for them?"

I remember we were discussing some additional magical questions, but not sure which ones we had for the necromungers ...

2013-04-08, 08:58 PM

"For the necromancers? Our main concern is following up about the necromantic incongruity of the claim that he was interrogated post-mortem with the featherfall token he possesses. A study of the sand might prove interesting as well, particularly if anything were mixed in with it internally." Erna takes a breath, then continues. "I'll see if Mr. Goldleaf's lifestyle gives us any promising motives or suspects. Did anyone else want to come with me rather than to the morgue?"

2013-04-09, 06:12 AM
Pen ir'Embrace

"I was at the morgue yesterday. As delightful as that was I think I'd prefer checking out his home. You might need a wizard there anyway in case of magical...um...precautions that he may have taken."

2013-04-10, 10:29 AM
Alistair nodded, and smiled at Pen. While the opportunity to speak further with the wizard would be interesting, it looked like it would need to wait. He turned to the goblin. "So will I be making the visit to the necromancers alone, or will you be joining me, Inspector?"

I know Erna and Pen were both headed to Goldleaf's home, but I didn't know where Dzrug was headed ... and I don't want to break up Turner and Hooch just when it was getting interesting!

2013-04-14, 12:08 PM

"Well, let's be off then." Erna and Pen depart for the late Mr. Goldleaf's residence.

Erna would be inclined to walk, rather than arrive in the ostentatious style of a carriage, but will accede to Pen's wishes if he prefers otherwise.

2013-04-14, 01:35 PM
"I'll be joining you, Alistair. Unfortunately, I need to excuse myself for a moment. It seems breakfast did not agree with me. I'll meet you at the gate momentarily." With that, Dzrug exits the room, walks hurriedly to the nearest bathroom, and locks the door behind him.

Once inside the bathroom, Dzrug goes silent. He wets his finger with some saliva, and begins to trace a strange figure on the surface of the mirror. To a casual observer, it would appear to be a stylized claw intersecting two hat racks, but it was the Sign of Naberius. Dzrug called out to the Grinning Hound, and contracted him to share his cunning. In return, Dzrug would serve as a partial vehicle for the vestige, granting it a foothold in the world.

The pact finished, a black bird suddenly crashed through the bathroom window. It struck the surface of the mirror, leaving a bloody mark, and then fell to the floor, dead. From behind Dzrug, a three headed dog appeared, materializing out of apparent invisibility. It approached the dead bird, two of its heads devouring the creature, the other locking eyes with the goblin. "Hello again, Dzrug," it says in an unsettlingly amiable voice.

The pact was made.

Binding check DC 15: Taking Open Lock and Knowledge: Local as Naberius' skills. Can now take 10 on Diplomacy and Bluff, and can take rushed Diplomacy checks as a standard action without penalty. Also Disguise Self at will, Faster Ability Healing, and cast Command once per 5 rounds (Will 15 negates).

Naberius laughed as he disappeared, and Dzrug felt the vestige's influence overwhelm him. He felt a perpetual need to clear his throat, his voice having grown gravelly and guttural. He looked at himself in the mirror, sighed heavily, and wiped the bloody and saliva-soaked smear with a towel. He straightened his shirt, adjusted the collar of his coat, and headed downstairs to meet with Alistair.

The goblin seemed slightly more talkative upon his return, though his voice had deepened. Right, then, shall we off? I suspect I could find the fastest way to cut through town with a moment's thinking. Hmmm, at this time of day... I think I can conjure up a decent route."

Knowledge: Local [roll]1d20+4
Gather Information: 1d20+1

2013-04-16, 09:15 AM
Alistair nodded, his face showing some concern at the Inspector's sudden departure. While he waited, he pulled out his notebook, jotting down a few notions and initial perspectives. It seemed obvious to him that the body of the gnome wasn't simpy thrown from a bridge. Nor was it under the influence of a feather fall token, unless other magiks were involved.

No, there was a method to the madness, placing the gnome in a place where he would be found immediately, ensuring visibility across the city ... like a message. Had one of the others conjectured as much, or was he simply leaping to conclusions?

The arrival of Dzrug brought him out of his reverie. Putting his notebook away, Alistair nodded in greeting. "I hope everything came out all right in the end," only the slightest tugs of a smile at the corner of his mouth. "You are correct - flight might be the best route. Of course, I might take the Blue line at this time of day ..."

2013-04-16, 03:53 PM
With Dzurg returned the four split into two groups, each taking use of a City Watch skycoach, each going their separate ways. One heading south to the Menthis Plateau and the other east headed to Tavick's Landing.

581 Zalantar Street, Twelve Pillars District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:52 AM

Erna and Pen drive past the courthouse and the dozen pillars meant for honoring the mayors of the city. You see the lineup of adventuring warriors, mages, and other visitors to the ward lining up to purchase a spell-wielding or weapon-handling license. The ward is amazingly clean and dozens of shops of all sorts of high craftsmanship goods line the streets. You eventually arrive to 581 Zalantar, a goldsmith's shop marked with a gilded hammer and tongs; the living quarters probably inside. The curtains to the goldsmithy are drawn, nothing can be heard from inside.

Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:57 AM

Dzurg and Alistair reach the familiar streets of the University, and the ruddy spire that comprises the temple of Wee Jas. It is a familiar sight, one that has been passed by both men on many occasions. As you approach the temple you notice the closed gates and the smell of incense.

"Good morning" says a voice behind you; a tall saturnine man in russet wizard's robes. He is holding a bagfull of scrolls, the catalogue tags of the University Library visible. "Can I help you in any way? There's a ceremony in the main worship hall I'm afraid. A private affair."

2013-04-17, 07:59 AM
"Miss Erna, how are you with locks?" Pen tries the handle on the small chance that it might be open.

2013-04-17, 10:34 AM
581 Zalantar Street, Twelve Pillars District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:52 AM

The door swings open at Pen's touch, the bolt scraping across a damaged doorframe. Inside the shop is a mess, display cases busted and ransacked, shelves toppled. The floor is littered with glass, gold and gems. On one side of the room, behind an ornate looking, gilded darkwood counter there is a glass bead-curtain, separating this room from the next. The window curtains have glowing a glowing symbol each drawn on it.

2013-04-17, 11:40 AM
"Uh oh, " Pen steps gingerly into the room and shuts the door behind Erna, "Let's try not to touch anything"

He concentrates on the symbols on the curtains to try to place them and then looks around trying to make sense of the mess.

Lots of rolls

Decipher Script [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]
Perception [roll2]
Search [roll3][/SPOILER]
Spellcraft [roll4]+2 for illusion and transmutation[/SPOILER]

2013-04-17, 11:58 AM
Alistair bowed to the man. "Good morning, sir. I am Alistair Hasseldorf and this is Inspector Dzurg. We were hoping to speak with a few esteemed necromancers concerning an investigation we are currently working in concert with the Watch.

What is the ceremony?"

Diplomacy to be polite (uh oh): [roll0] ... wow, how fortunate ...:smallyuk:
KS (Local): [roll1] to know about the ceremony
KS (Arcana): [roll2] to connect anything about a ceremony to necromancy

2013-04-17, 12:25 PM
581 Zalantar Street, Twelve Pillars District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:52 AM
Pen approaches the runes to examine them, glass crunching underfoot. Upon inspection it becomes obvious from their their design that these are blast glyphs, powerful ones at that.

Looking around the room it is obvious that many items of great value have been left by who or what ever caused this mess.

Perception 20 As the door closed a small glowing red bead tinkled to the floor.

Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:57 AM

"Good Morning" the man respomds "The ceremony is a private one" the man replies, not particularly warm. "You understand I will need to see identification before discussing any watch business?"

2013-04-17, 08:46 PM
Upper Menthis remained one of Dzrug's favorite places in town. Much as he thought he'd grown past it, he was a university lad at heart. It was good to take in the familiar sites.

Accustomed to brusque treatment from officials, Dzrug pulled out his papers and showed them to the priest. "Can I help you with those?" the goblin asks, gesturing toward the bagful of scrolls. "We don't want to take up too much of your time. We're just looking for whomever it was that performed the autopsy on the Goldleaf fellow. You know, the gnome found by the well."

2013-04-18, 08:33 AM
"Better not touch these symbols," Pen tells Erna, trying not to move any more than he already has. "Not a robbery from the looks of things. I posit either a search or the scene of the gnome's abduction depending on when the mess was made." He looks around for signs of age. Perhaps the gnome had made himself a meal and the staleness of the bread might indicate how long ago it was made or an inkpot could have been left open partially dried.

"I'm going to search for magical emanations," perhaps magical residues are present.

Cast Detect Magic. That should show any magical effects and allow Pen to discern how powerful the runes are.
Spellcraft to work out what the runes actually do [roll0] +2 more for illusion or transmutation
Search again [roll1]

2013-04-18, 01:48 PM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:59 AM
"Thank you but I am well. Officer Dzrug and Researcher Dusseldorf, I conducted the dissection of the body. This way please" he says. "I am Tiromanus, a necromancy by specialty," he explains as you are led towards a study, warmly decorated with rugs and plants, and a false stained glass window (a clash of gemstone-deep colors) backlit by permanent daylight, hangs on a wall. A four-armed apelike skeleton comes to Tiromanus's side, relieving him of his satchel. Strange runes cover the undead bones. "My familiar, Lorigan." The necromancer takes seat on a leather chair by the false window, gesturing the gnome and dwarf for a seat. "I assisted your colleagues yesterday" he continues, picking up the thread he'd dropped in the hall.

581 Zalantar Street, Twelve Pillars District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:52 AM
They're greater glyphs of warding. You notice magic around Erna, also around the shop. Will not move past this round until Erna's gotten a chance to take some actions

2013-04-18, 09:56 PM
"Charming," Dzrug says, indicating the hideously loping girallon skeleton. "Which colleagues did you specifically mean? I've only just begun my participation in this investigation, so I'm a bit behind the curve, I'm afraid. If it's not too much of an inconvenience for you, could you perhaps recount what it was you found during the autopsy?"

Sense Motive [roll0]
Knowledge: Arcana [roll1] to identify the odd runes on Lorigan.

2013-04-18, 10:02 PM

Erna opens her mouth to deny being a thief, then closes it as the door opens. She kneels to examine the red gem quietly stashing it in a pouch, then stands and surveys the scene visually, careful of Pen's warning and patient for his conclusions. "Anything you know is safe to touch?"

Other than colour, is the gem identical to the blue ones from the corpse? Or similar?

Perception to survey the scene: [roll0], not counting any penalties for motionlessness

2013-04-18, 11:45 PM
Alistair nodded his thanks to Tiromanus as he sank to his seat with a sigh. "Gratitude, sir; my old bones aren't what they used to be.

As my colleague mentioned, we have recently joined the investigation. If you wouldn't mind indulging us, we'd like to approach it from a fresh perspective."

As Alistair waited for the man to retell the tale of his examination, the dwarf's eyes flickered to the small familiar, a faint smile on his face as he wondered at the runes emblazoned on its bones.

I'll bite, too! KS (Arcana): [roll0] or KS (Religion): [roll1] for the runes.
Spellcraft (if necessary) for the runes: [roll2]
Sense Motive (to determine if our host is evasive): [roll3]

2013-04-18, 11:48 PM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:59 AM
Study of the Necromancer

"The officer of the watch that was here yesterday, presiding over the inquiry. I presume that the Sharn watch has better things to do that have bone-sniffing races with its officers." he said. "Collaboration strikes me as more prudent. Lorigan, please copy the scrolls." The skeleton walks over to a desk where, after unrolling the scrolls and preparing a new blank roll of paper, begins to meticulously act as an amanuensis for the necromancer.

"At a base level: Stab wound in the back, I assume dagger, no other incisions. Internal organs absent and replaced with several kilos of white sand. Probably the result of some transmutation spell, but I wouldn't know. I am very focused in my studies. I can provide you with my notes and sketches if you wish." he looks at the two of you. "I am sorry I do not have any victuals at the ready. I can call for an acolyte to bring something while you peruse them."

2013-04-19, 03:51 PM
581 Zalantar Street, Twelve Pillars District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:52 AM

As Erna touches beat, it cracks and a wave of fire bursts from it, enveloping the shop for an instant with a low roar. Erna backs away in time, tossing herself back, sparing herself the brunt of the blast. Hearing Erna, Pen is able to shield himself from the conflagration. The curtains by Pen, however, were not as fortunate and have caught on fire, and many of the gold objects have melted to some extent from the burst.
A behind the stench of burning curtains, singed hair, and scorched wood, a strong egg-like scent is left behind from the blast. The bead is nowhere to be seen.

2013-04-19, 04:26 PM
Alistair waved away the offer of food, focusing on what the man had relayed so far. He would ask a series of questions (OOC - not in the shotgun format here), listening carefully and taking notes as the necromancer answered.

"Collaboration does seem to be a better option. So, your ascertation was that the cause of death was the stab wound in the back, or the lack of organs?

With regards to the missing organs, did your analysis indicate the organs had been removed, or transformed? I would think evidence of surgical removal would look different than magical transmutation.

Do you have samples of the sand? Was there evidence of anything else with the sand, like tissue from the body, or perhaps alchemical residue, like a poison or drug?

How heavy was the body, when it was found? Were there any signs of bruising that might indicate bindings, or if the body had been carried for a significant length of time?"

I'll pause there to give you a chance to answer, or PostM a chance to ask ...

2013-04-19, 04:52 PM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:59 AM
Study of the Necromancer

He laughs. "I do not know. Stabbings can fail to be lethal, they can be healed. Whereas organ removal... I do not think organ removal is ever non-lethal" he said amused. "At least for the living. Lorigan is quite well without his innards." He nonetheless gets up and tugs a silken cord on the wall. Not too long after a young red robed dwarf comes through the door. "Tea and biscuits for our guests, if you please." he says, and the dwarf scampers away, all but tripping on his robes. "As to my professional opinion regarding removal or transformation. I would presume transformation by some means. At a mundane level, acid or poison could have withered or dissolved them away; with magic thrown in. Well it almost anything is possible then." When asked about the samples his eyes light up. "Indeed" he says. "I can have a vial brought up. We've been combing it for evidence. As the presence of poisonous or stupefacient substances; we usually examine the organs for them, and divinations have shown no traces of them." The acolyte arrives with a gurney with a lacquered copper samovar and a tray of sugar cookies shaped like skulls. Rose petals cut like tongues of flame are mixed into the icing. "Thank you, acolyte. One last thing, a vial of the gnomish sand. The officers wish to inspect it" Tiromanus pours a golden-black liquid into three porcelain cups, setting a cookie on each, offering them to Alistair and Dzurg. "We hold funeral services in the temple. Sweet food, we find, comforts the bereaved." he explains before returning to the topic on hand

"No signs of bindings, or of struggle. No cuts or bruises on the flesh, except of course the gaping hole in the back. And it was well to heavy for a gnome. We had to create a pall of force to lift it. The acolytes rather." he explained. "Sand is remarkably good at retaining water, and weight. In fact, the priests of Boldrei had already gotten there by the time we managed to figure out how to get it out. They cast all sorts of purifications on it and the water; in case it was diseased or cursed. Then they helped us dry it out some. It must have taken the use of all my prepared prestidigitations to get the weight and humidity down to something I could work with." Tiromanus sips on his tea, dipping his biscuit for a moment to soften it and sweeten the tea.

2013-04-19, 05:59 PM
"Ow, ow, ow," Pen pats out the smouldering embers on his jacket, "What did you do? Are you alright?"

Looking round he sees the curtains smouldering and focuses his spell on them, "Those symbols hold some powerful magics, I'm not sure what will happen when they are destroyed. Help me put them out." Reaching into his magical holdall he summons his camping blanket and starts to beat out the flames.

Anything from the detect magic?

2013-04-20, 08:15 AM
Dzrug strokes his chin thoughtfully, then takes a sip of the tea. "Priests of Boldrei were on the scene as well? Hmmm... So, it's safe to assume that Mr. Goldleaf had already had his entrails replaced by sand somehow when his broken body ended up in the well." Dzrug's mind raced to put it all together.

Broken feather fall token. Stab wound. Sand for blood. Stab wound occurs, sand pours out, Goldleaf needs to escape, breaking the feather fall token. A series of events was taking shape in Dzrug's mind, but he still had more questions.

"Tiromanus, when they pulled him out of the well, what was the speculation on how he had arrived there? It seems an odd place to end up if you aren't a drunken halfling and have fallen into it." Dzrug looks at Alistair a moment before continuing, "Wasn't Mr. Goldleaf a non-guild smith? Might he have had any professional rivals? We should ask around the various craftsmen later."

2013-04-20, 02:05 PM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:15 AM
Study of the Necromancer

"Fountain" corrects the necromancer. "The boldrei priests were there to cleanse the fountain from anything that might have tainted it. As to possible happenings and motivations: I do not weave stories about my wards. I ask them. Which, I might add, failed to yield any results."

2013-04-20, 02:14 PM
Alistair raised an eyebrow. "Broken body? It was my understanding that the body had not sustained any trauma tag would indicate a fall from any height, especially one of the overlooking bridges ... Is that correct?

As for the spell, am I correct in presuming that someone had attempted to communicate with the body post mortem already, stymying your own efforts? Are there other spells that would prevent your own in the same manner?"

2013-04-20, 02:33 PM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 23, 999, 7:59 AM
Study of the Necromancer

Tiromanus nods. "Not the only way, but the likeliest. There is the possibility it was animated; the nature of the rituals that bring about undeath disrupt the psychic imprint that allows one to speak with the dead..." He seems to be ready to ramble further when there is a knock on the door. The acolyte has returned with a small alabaster urn. "A canopi..." Says the necromancer with a sigh, taking the jar. "You may return to your duties." He says. After the dwarf has left he sets the jar down on the desk and, working around Lorigan, begins looking for a vial. "Worse than zombies sometimes. I ask for a vial's worth and he brings me this" he mumbles.

2013-04-21, 12:46 PM
"Yes... worse than zombies..." Thoughts flew through Dzrug's skull at a disorienting pace, his face abuzz with concentration. He suddenly snapped to attention. "Isn't communing with the dead in this fashion rather time-intensive? Whomever it was that spoke with the body would have needed at least ten minutes to cast the spell, plus however long the interrogation itself took. That's rather a long time to be with a corpse. If Mr. Goldleaf was already dead, then someone either killed him and spoke with him post-mortem and then put the body in the fountain OR someone sat for ten plus minutes in a public fountain with a corpse. One requires carrying a dead body through Sharn, the other sitting up with it and casting spells on it publicly. Both lead me to conclude that there should be more witnesses, and seem either particularly brazen or foolish actions for a criminal take. Forgive me if the idea that this is the 'likeliest' scenario stretches plausibility to my mind." Dzrug barely paused for breath during this declamation, Naberius' influence riding high on his consciousness.

"Could someone have had time to cast Speak With Dead after the body was removed? Someone in your own organization, within the church of Wee Jas itself, who might have had a reason to disrupt the investigation? I mean no offense, sir, but we must examine every possibility. To me, barring a completely unwitnessed and unlikely series of events, this is the only other plausible avenue of inquiry, unless Mr. Goldleaf was already some sort of self-aware sand zombie and was chased to the fountain by some assailant." Dzrug finally stopped his disquisition, hoping that it sounded less absurd than he found it.

2013-04-21, 11:00 PM

Slightly singed, but otherwise unharmed, Erna grunts a reply. "I'm fine." She steps forward to assist with smothering the fire. A bit calmer as she starts moving, she continues. "Didn't expect that, though. Why leave traps after you've killed the guy? You think there was more than one group after Goldleaf's head?"

2013-04-22, 09:25 AM
"Perhaps they were a trap for the gnome on his return. One left unsprung because they caught him elsewhere. Or perhaps they are his own traps to protect his own person. How are you with magical traps?" Pen points out the magical auras that he has detected. "I can't dispel them but I can offer some small insight into how to disarm them. There's an abjuration on the curtains there. Letting them burn might be the best bet or it might trigger something."

"I could move the curtain magically from the doorway. If it is a trap then we should be out of range. This time."

2013-04-22, 10:30 AM

More magic! This certainly wasn't the sort of case that Erna was used to. Why couldn't the arcanists keep their problems upstairs? She shakes her head slightly as she replies. "I can't help you with the wizardry, though I'd like to see what else the house conceals." She steps back, hopefully outside the range of the next trap.

2013-04-22, 11:36 AM
Moving to the door Pen gathers his thoughts and conjures a small telekinetic force in the shape of a hand. From 30 feet away he uses it to pull down the curtain.

Mage Hand

Use the doorway and wall for cover.

2013-04-22, 04:03 PM
Alistair tapped his chin with his stylus. "Well, if we are to believe the possibility that this is a 'revenge' killing, then the overt nature of the crime perhaps makes more sense. We are assuming that Mr. Goldleaf was murdered for the sake of something he did. In reality, he could have been murdered for the message he provided.

While I know this takes us into motive territory, but it will be key to successful unravelling of this mystery.

Sir, what and where are the other organized necromancers within the city? In particular, are any more focused on services for hire than perceived responsibilities?"

2013-04-29, 01:17 AM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:00 AM
Study of the Necromancer
"Doubtful, The temple is particularly interested in establishing a working relationship with the city" said Tiromanus to Dzurg's concerns. "Necromancy is not very well seen in the Galifarian lands outside of Karrnath. Making ourselves less useful to the law is a means to make our studies more accepted. As to your questions regarding organizations. There are a few besides us; besides the ritual to speak with the dead requires divine power. Part of my research is bridging the gap between the multiple facets of necromancy." he seems ready to ramble on the subject but halts himself. "So you may be best inclined talking to worshipers of the Keeper, or of Vol, or the Dragon Below, or Vecna if you can find them." he coughed. "Not that they'd be particularly helpful. Any of those."

581 Zalantar Street, Twelve Pillars District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:00 AM

Pen carefully pulls the curtains open; triggering no further explosions, letting in light come in through the dusty panes. Through them you can see that the noise from the blast has drawn people out of the shops and streets, and are looking curiously at the shop.

OOC: are they being let burn?

2013-04-29, 08:48 AM
Is it possible to put them out using the Mage Hand?

2013-04-30, 02:13 AM
OOC: Now that Pen's suggested quenching the flames, Erna'll happily start to smother them.

2013-05-01, 05:07 PM
Alistair nodded, taking note of the other factions Tiromanus mentioned. "Valid points, sir. To be clear, you said aside from the knife wound and sand, there was no other trauma on the body discovered, yes? No major bruising, no marks on the wrists, ankles, mouth or neck, correct?

And this is our sample?" He pointed to the sand.

Just pushing this along ... figure I'd sat silent for long enough :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-05, 08:32 PM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:02 AM
Study of the Necromancer
"None that I could discern" affirms Tiromanus. "And it is. Would that be everything gentlemen?" he asks.

581 Zalantar Street, Twelve Pillars District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:12 AM

After several minutes Erna and Pen are able to extinguish the flames, avoiding triggering any other traps or being caught in an inferno.

2013-05-06, 03:11 AM
"Right, lets have a proper look around. This time, try not to set any traps off." Pen then lays out the curtains with the symbols on and tries to make some sense of them.

Disable Device [roll0]

2013-05-06, 10:58 PM
Dzrug jots down a few notes in his notebook in his chickenscratch scrawl.

"Keeper, Vol, Dragon Below, Vecna"

The goblin looks over at Alistair to confirm if he has any more questions."Do you happen to know of any major congregations of these religions, possibly any near the incident?" the anima mage asks in his unnaturally graveled voice.

2013-05-07, 12:10 AM
Ruby Halls, University District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:02 AM
Study of the Necromancer

Tiromanus laughs raucously. "I wish! If I knew of any I'd know they weren't what they said they were." said the mage, wiping tears from his eyes. "I am sorry, but secret and generally illegal cults are not my area of expertise. I lived in Karrnath to avoid the unsavory elements said religions attract here." he explains. "And, this is merely hypothetical, mind you, even if I had knowledge, I would probably not be at a liberty to provide it. Confidentiality between researcher and participants and all that. I am sure scholars such as you would understand."

581 Zalantar Street, Twelve Pillars District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:12 AM

Pen is busy, pressed close against the seal, using small polished dragonshards to try to bypass the spell and get at its nature. The smell of ozone suddenly fills the air, and a bright green flash erupts from the seal illuminating the entire room and engulfing Pen with magical energy that tears at his skin and knocks the air from his body.
After the light has cleared, the seal on the curtain is gone, and faint green sparks crackle on Pen, his head light from the unexpected blast.

2013-05-08, 11:24 AM
Picking himself up, Pen blinks furiously a few times to clear his head. "We're really not having much luck with this place. What kind of paranoid lunatic traps his work area anyway?"

"Erna, I'm going to have to rest for a little while. I think that last blast cracked a few ribs and I'm covered in bruises. Do you mind looking around while I get my breath back?"

I have a potion of cure light wounds that I'd rather not use if the party has a healer who can lend a hand later on. Even with it Pen is in no condition to brave another trap. He's going to watch from the doorway until the place has been swept from more traps by an expert.

2013-05-08, 10:18 PM

Even as she's shocked by the explosion, her mind is still whirring. "How certain are you that the traps are Mr. Goldleaf's handiwork?" She doesn't doubt him, but there are very different implications if his killers had set them instead.

"I guess I'll look on, but we should have the place screened carefully before really digging through." Careful not to touch anything, Erna steps deeper into the flat, hoping that a hint lies readily exposed.

Perception, if needed: [roll0]

2013-05-08, 11:25 PM
581 Zalantar Street, Twelve Pillars District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:12 AM

Through the glass curtain Erna sees a set of stairs leading down; probably to the living quarters or workshop.

Leaving that for later Erna looks around the counter; finding the usual and expected paraphernalia: Several leather-bound ledgers, a small locked brass chest, a trio of heavy wooden cases, also bearing a locks, a large iron-bound wooden coffer, a lightweight but sturdy looking step-stool and a silk-bound calligraphy chest; all tidily arranged on the shelves, protected from the blast.

2013-05-09, 12:16 AM
Dzrug looks again at Alistair. "Thanks very much for your time, sir. Unless my colleague has anything else to ask about, I think we're done here. You've been a tremendous aid to our investigation. If anything comes up, please don't hesitate to contact us." The goblin then makes as though to leave, but hesitates a moment, waiting for his co-investigator.

2013-05-13, 10:32 AM

Erna calls back to Pen. "You think his ledgers and paraphernalia are likely to be trapped? Or would he have left his everyday things for ordinary use?" As she awaits a response, Erna glances at the glass curtain, trying to espy anything amiss about it.

2013-05-14, 12:36 AM
"Given what we've encountered so far I'd assume that they are trapped. He's used glyphs and trapped objects so it makes sense to protect his information. There are some magical traps that destroy the item that is protected. We should be able to move the books without too much trouble though."

2013-05-14, 01:10 AM
Alistair glanced up from his notes, blinking at he two men string at him. "My apologies, gentlemen. This mystery has set my mind adrift a sea of conjectures and fanciful theories, if I may wax poetic for a moment. But to answer you question, Inspector, no I do not have any further questions at his time. My thanks, sir."

Rising, Alistair bowed stiffly, then followed Dzrug out, making sure they had their sample of sand before departing. Once they were outside and alone, he glanced at the goblin. "An interesting visit, but one that provided more questions than answers, I fear. I would be interested in your theories, Inspector.

And where to next?"

Apologies for the delay ... Real life snuck up and hit me in the nether regions, and I got distracted :smallsmile:

2013-05-15, 10:34 PM

Erna sighs, wishing she could just ransack the room and find her evidence. "Very well. Let's find a mage to examine the place with us and return." She carefully picks her way to the door, where Pen awaits.

2013-05-20, 06:56 PM
Exiting the church, Dzrug asked about his companion's impressions. "Well, he certainly seemed sincere, and I don't think we've gained much new information, but at least we've confirmed a few things. There's definitely more amiss than a mere dead gnome. We need to find out where our friend Goldleaf had been before he met his untimely demise. I suggest we head to the bathhouse he had a token for. They may have seen something. What are your thoughts on the matter?" Dzrug looked to hail a skycab, out of courtesy for his partner's frail constitution.

2013-05-22, 09:35 AM
Alistair nodded at the goblin. "Many of your assessments match mine, good sir. This killing is much more than a simple murder. Given the evidence we currently have, we could rule out a random act of violence with almost 100% certainty, I think.

At the recommendation to find the bath house, Alistair nodded. "Ah, yes, I think I know where that particular establishment is ... I believe there is a air carriage service down the street that services that particular district."

Once they had found the appropriate coach, he settled in and continued his thoughts. "What I cannot figure out is what purpose his death serves, the motivation behind such a visible act. His body seemed ... staged, for lack of a better term - effort was made to kill the victim in a fairly unique fashion, then move the body to a very public place where it was sure to be discovered. I cannot help but think the murderer wants everyone to know the gnome is dead. That begs the question, however - who is the real target of the message?"

2013-05-22, 09:35 PM
Balsam of the Waters, Brilliant District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:25 AM

The skycoach driver recognizes the token. "One of those posh places up in the skyway, the Balsam." he says as the power-stone hums lowly, the ever present noise of magic. "Sure I can get ya there. Two bits for the ride."

The skycoach breaks through the cloud cover, the rain ceasing as you are suddenly bathed in the sun's radiance. The skyway is Sharn's crowning gem. Latticelike and airy buildings; lofty in every sense of the word; crowd themselves on the floating rocks, barely anchored at all. Many-hued flowers bloom on the walls of the towers, intensely bright, griffins pass by the coach's windows, and you can skymages making their way up on their own power to the 'docks'.

The district is achingly wealthy, as you make your way through it, wealthy and ordered. It does not take you long to reach the baths; though calling them public is an overstatement. A slight trickle of people, dressed in brightly colored clothes of diaphanous fabric. The suggested 'donation' is not cheap, and the complex strikes as one of extreme opulence. You cross the ungated front door into a roofed garden; the scent of flowers is intoxicating. "May I help you?" says a voice from behind you. A wilder woman with an orchid in her hair addresses you. She is dressed in a simple white robe with small gems woven in the trim.

2013-05-23, 01:16 PM
Alistair smiled, leaning on his staff. "Hello, lass. We're just two working stiffs looking for a chance to relax. Do you have any availabilities today?" He smiled, waiting for her reply.

As you can see by my signature, I'll be in the land of no wi-fi for 4 days ... sorry if I slow the game down, but press on w/o me, if necessary. I'll catch up on Tuesday :smallsmile:

2013-05-23, 06:43 PM
Dzrug simply smiled and followed Alistair's lead. If he wanted to play things undercover for the time being, that suited him just fine. No need to scare anyone off with displays of credentials. Snoop around first, play the authority card later.

2013-05-25, 12:55 AM
"This way sirs." she says with a bow, the bells in her hair and neck jingling slightly, before leading you into a circular colonnade. The alabaster columns are carved to evoke water and medicinal plants. Strains of harp and gurgling water drift into the room. "We ask of first time patrons to contribute to the house's upkeep." she says, leading you to a large gilded brass cauldron. She waits for you to make your contribution.

2013-05-25, 11:56 AM
Dzrug smiles as he jostles the coins in his purse, "Thank you, my dear. Tell me, what is the typical donation? A friend has recommended this place, and I must admit my ignorance." He pauses and looks thoughtful for a moment before continuing, "In fact, I think he might have said he'd be here today. It would be pretty amusing if we ran into one another. Do you happen to keep a ledger or guestbook of your patrons on hand?"

2013-05-25, 07:17 PM
"Generally new visitors provide a pair of dragons." she says diplomatically, a slight look of distaste on her face as she discusses money. "As to running into your friend. We keep a very private establishment. The Balsam is an oasis for the soul and body, a place of calm and peace. Writing our guest's names would run counter to this."

2013-05-28, 11:46 AM
Alistair nodded knowingly. "Of course, we would expect nothing else. I suppose we shall just rely on good fortune and fair fates to locate our friend." Stepping forward, he glanced in the cauldron before dropping his requisite 20 gold into the cauldron. He smiled somewhat sheepishly. "My apologies, but I seem to have brought too much 'change.'"

Waiting patiently, Alistair glanced around, admiring the decor.

Not sure I have anything else just yet ... figure we can 'gather info' once we're inside :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-03, 08:20 PM
The pair is led by shifter to a hall with myriad curtained niches and several white-clad servants. "The attendants will help you change into something more comfortable" she says as two white tunic-ed humans lead Alistair and Dzurg into separate but adjacent niches. Several thick-woven linen cotton towels and a light robe are provided, as well as a long thick strip of gold-damasked cloth to be wrapped around the body to preserve modesty. An attendant helps each of the investigators divest themselves and secure the cloth. "Do not worry about your valuables, the niches are warded and guards secure them to prevent any theft. Within the waters you need not concern yourself with things of the material" informs an attendant to each of the guests. While being (un)dressed platters of fresh cut fruit and grated ice are offered to sweeten the breath and relax the body.

The first room is a vast pool, rolling with fine bubbles and covered by a thin steamy haze. There are probably a dozen other individuals, even a warforged, partaking of the waters and draped with the same white and gold cloths. Several doors seem to lead into other pools and other rooms, and passing attendants offer golden chalices, frosted with cold and topped with rose petals.

2013-06-04, 06:54 AM

"Are you able to secure the door or at least set something up so that we can tell if anyone else has entered after we leave?"

2013-06-04, 10:39 AM
Alistair nodded his thanks, placing his items within the provided niche. He sets his itemsin a certain manner, to make it difficult for anyone to rifle through his items without alerting him later.

Once done, he dons his robe and follows the attendent to the baths, using his peripheral vision to scan the area more than unsightly oogling. "I am looking forward to a little relaxation." Leaning on his walking stick, he smiled at Dzrug.

Not sure what othr skills might be necessary, but we'll go with Perception: [roll0] ... and KS (Architecture & Engineering): [roll1]

2013-06-11, 01:08 AM
581 Zalantar Street, Twelve Pillars District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:13 AM

The ledgers fit well within Erna and Pen's satchels. As they are stored a slip of paper falls out; an unsealed envelope doing the part of a bookmark. The address is that of the building you are in, and it is several weeks old, judging from the postdate.

Balsam of the Waters, Brilliant District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:45 AM

The waters are warm and buoyant, reducing the aches in Alistair's injured leg. "Need anything?" asks a catfolk attendant to the duo, all the while offering bowls of shaved ice and mint leaves to the clients. The warforged reaches over, grabbing one of the porcelain bowls. "Thank you" it says, inserting a spoon into its mouth. A bell breaks through the glissandos of harps that shimmer over the water. With it several of the fellow bathers stand and head out a pair of silver-coated gates.

2013-06-11, 01:51 AM
"Knowing how trapped the rest of that place was I suggest we not open this until we're somewhere safe."

2013-06-11, 08:46 AM

Erna has both hands on the envelope, ready to unseal it, when Pen's warning stays her hand. Curious as she is, Erna is willing to take his advice, and she refiles the envelope by the ledgers.

"Let me reset the seals on the door," Erna agrees, "That should deter most from entering." As she does so, she quips, "Though Mr. Goldleaf's handiwork may give any trespassers exactly what they deserve."

With Pen, she sets off.

2013-06-15, 01:18 AM
Alistair sighed in pleasure as the warm mineral waters eased the dull aches within his hip. Leaning back, he smiled his thanks for the ice chips and mint, shaking his head to the offers for anything else. "No thank you. This is divine!"

Leaning back against the edge of the pool, he let the experience relax every portion of his body. He periodically glanced around, smiling and giving greeting nods to various fellow bathers. When the chime rang, he raised an eyebrow at the few members who let. Glancing at the warforged, Alistair motioned to the departing guests. "Where are they headed, friend? Personal messages, or a skin coating of diamond dust?" He smirked a bit, waiting for the war forged to answer.

2013-06-15, 02:50 AM
Balsam of the Waters, Brilliant District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:46 AM

"Private messages indeed" the warforged replies with an affected accent, not something often seen in the one-time soldiers. "They have an audience with the proprietor of the baths. A scholar of sorts I understand. You must be newcomers to be intrigued by it." The warforged's tone indicates that they is not particularly interested in the duo; and answers out of courtesy. Engaging it in further conversation would require some tact and charm.

2013-06-20, 12:45 AM
Alistair nodded, wondering what sort of audience they were receiving. The warforged seemed uninterested in continued discussion, so he simply chatted blandly with the others, trying to gather any information he could about the nature of the private discussions ... or knowledge of the gnome and his use of the baths.

Not much for diplomacy, so A will try Gather Info: [roll0]

2013-06-22, 03:27 PM
"We are, indeed, newcomers, and it is a genuine pleasure to make your acquaintance. What do you go by? I am Dzrug, and this is Alistair. We, too, are scholars of a sort. What sort of academic pursuits does the proprietor express an interest in?" the goblin inquires of the warforged, taking a friendly tone despite his gravelly voice. A curious smile plays across his face, Dzrug's features surprisingly delicate for one of his race.

Taking 10 via granted Naberius' Silver Tongue ability, making a score of 16. Hopefully, assuming the warforged is indifferent, this should bump him up to friendly.

2013-06-28, 07:00 PM
Balsam of the Waters, Brilliant District: Aryth 23, 999, 8:47 AM

The warforged turns to the two investigators. "Do not know" it says. "Do not particularly care, for that matter. Would expect some sort of body-purity and health discipline. As befits my nature, I am unconcerned by death and disease, and the pursuits for overcoming them. I would rather turn my attention towards the honing of the senses." it explains almost drawling its diatribe with sybaritic delight. "Seeing how it is your first time, I would recommend you engage in the clockwise circuit, gently heat your bodies to cool them down with an icy repast." The warforged points to a keyhole doorway on the left side of the room, a more modest, though still lavish, opening. "You will undoubtedly come across incorrigible gossips that will tell you about their minutiae. Unwise to seek such enjoyments, but if that is what thrills your fleshy hearts..." it shrugs, and groans exaggeratedly as it sinks its shoulders into the steaming water.

2013-07-08, 09:31 AM
Alistair nodded his thanks to the warforged, glancing back at Dzrug. "It seems we have options, my friend. Enjoy the full physiological experience of these baths, or engage in a bit of saucey conversation with others of a like bent ... which do you prefer?" It seemed obvious that they could possibly learn more by finding these gossiping sorts; or, if one of the people here had anything to do with the death of the victim, questions could alert them and cool the trail.

Best to see what the Inspector thought ...

2013-07-13, 12:55 PM
"Many thanks, sir," Dzrug said, addressing the warforged. The goblin pauses a moment, tempted to ask the living construct what sort of pleasure he received from 'honing the senses,' but let the matter drop. "Much as I would like to sample all of the delights of this magnificent spa, our new friend has piqued my curiosity. Even if it proves disappointing, we have all day to experience the pleasures of the clockwise circuit. Perhaps it is best to satisfy my inquisitive nature first, and move onto 'thrilling our fleshy hearts' in more conventional ways."

2013-07-17, 06:37 PM
Erna and Pen arrive to the station; visibly injured. "Officer! What happened?" Asks a guardsman on duty as she escorts the duo to a healer that can tend to your wounds.
It is not long before a schema of lesser vigor is used to restore the two to full health; though an explanation of the happenings is in order, meaning that the Lt. is on his way down.


The door opens to flood the two scholars with a stifling heat. The marble floor is warm to their bare feet. The first room is almost unbearably warm, and mostly empty. Silent bathers sit on wooden benches like wilting flowers, working up a sweat. The duo have begun to perspirate copiously as they come into a room densely blanketed by a steamy fog, heavy with the scent of herbs. Through the haze some hushed chatter can be made out. Even without much sight it is obvious this room has more of a crowd.
Roll a listen to discern

2013-07-18, 04:51 AM

"It seems that the gnome's shop has been heavily trapped, " Pen explains in detail about all the magical attacks that they suffered while exploring the shop, "We fell foul of one too many and simply could not go on. My own magical defenses were exhausted and it was only luck that stopped things from being much worse for us both."

"We don't know if the victim was simply paranoid or if his killers left a few surprises behind for any trying to follow. What would you have us do?"

2013-07-18, 04:34 PM
As the heat washed over them, Alistair's keen hearing picked out some choice comments. He glanced at Dzrug with a knowing glance, as he tried to pick out who made which comments. "Ah, this is well worth it, wouldn't you say my friend?"

2013-07-22, 11:08 AM

Erna swallows her distaste for calling in outside help--after all, it's already been forced on her--and makes her suggestion. "Do all those bigwigs who need it solved perhaps have a disenchanter to help examine the room, rendering it safe and intact for our studies? Pen here was able to help, but there was more magic in the room than we tend to get in our district." She doesn't suggest the goblin, remembering how he wanted to close the case rather than solve it.

2013-07-22, 01:26 PM
Dzrug, somewhat overwhelmed by the array of options upon which to eavesdrop replied, "We'll see, mate. We'll see." With that, he sidled up to the most gruesome conversation available, and tried to listen in on the discussion of organs being removed and how unsafe things now were in the city.

2013-07-22, 03:43 PM
The bugbear looks at the pair. "Mister Embrace, I would have you not obstruct watch investigations, otherwise what your and Officer Erna do to get results is... generally none of my concern." he replies gruffly. "And Erna, what's the matter? You got mister wizard there and a black book, plus Alistair to help you out. If anything you must be the most magic-ed up flatfoot in Breland, or close to." he exclaims. "Speaking of, where are those two? Did whatever scorch you get them?"


The dwarf and goblin sidle up to the conversation a harried looking elf and a kobold are engaged in. "Nowadays?" says the elf. "Ever! This isn't the first killer that's not been caught by the watch. The thought of a killer lunatic prowling the streets" the elf shudders despite the heat. "Lunatic?" the kobold shakes its head. "Not a lunatic, a cultist of the dragon" "And those aren't lunatics" "Not in the ordinary sense. Who else would steal his entrails through his back. That's too... tidy for a cannibal" "Tidy?" "Tidier." replies the kobold. "Anyway, the thought him getting..." the elf shudders again "Which is why our kind shouldn't stomp around the lower districts. Finer bloods must be a treat for their altars." The kobold says with something of a grin.

2013-07-24, 09:05 PM

"Sadly, it was a little beyond Pen's talents," Erna notes reluctantly, not wanting to belittle her companion. "Allistair and the goblin ranged off to find another lead, and don't appear to have returned yet." With characteristic bluntness, she continues, "And I doubt they'll have any leads. That Black Book doesn't seem the least bit interested in learning about the case--he didn't even read the preliminary report. I suppose he might be able to deal with the trapped house, though." Erna sighs, accepting the necessity of the goblin's help.

2013-07-25, 12:06 AM
"Now that my injuries are healed I'm happy to continue but I chose a general array of spells today, not knowing what we'd be doing. I specialise in illusions and transmutations, not divination and have very limited ability in that area. If it can wait I could return tomorrow with a more appropriate selection but I understand that delays give the perpetrator more time to slip away. Pen wonders why an artificer wasn't dispatched to investigate the trapped shop. They're abilities and skill with mechanical and magical apparatus would be ideal.

2013-07-30, 03:03 PM
Alistair wondered about the assessments concerning the 'cult of the dragons.' While a possibility, he hadn't seen enough evidence to prove their involvement. Additionally, they did not seem inclinded to bring unnecessary attention to their group. Of course, if the murder of the gnome was more about a religious sacrifice and less about a message, then it was possible.

He listened to more discussions, leaving the chatting to Dzrug for now.

Sorry for the delay - Alistair will concentrate on listening to other comments, if possible

2013-08-09, 06:00 PM
"Erna, Mister Embrace, I would entreat you to search things with a long stick rather than stick your hands in it. I am sorry, but the Watch cannot devote more resources to this incident than those we already have. Pardon me. You might, however, be able to" he scratches his sideburns. "borrow a wand of healing from downstairs. You will need to lay the charm on thick, Rachet is pretty clam fisted with healing aparatuses."

2013-08-10, 02:38 AM
"Erna, shall we go and see this Mister Rachet about a wand?" The pair make their way down to see the quartermaster.

OOCHow is Erna's diplomacy skill?

2013-08-10, 08:48 PM
"Cannibals? Oh my, gentlemen, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Would you be so kind as to elaborate on this ghoulish development?"

Dzrug will take 10 on a Diplomacy roll if you deem it necessary.

2013-08-13, 09:39 AM
Alistair nodded eagerly, listening intently. Any gossiper worth his or her salt loved nothing more than a rapt audience, afterall!

Attempt an aid to Diplomacy, maybe? [roll0] vs DC 10 for +2 bonus to Dzrug

Heh ... of course!

2013-08-18, 11:04 AM

Erna trails Pen toward the quartermaster. She'd take the wand if that's what she could get--supposing the others were clever enough to use it.

OOC: I thought she had diplomacy, but it looks like not. In fact, her only social skill appears to be Sense Motive.