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2013-03-11, 10:14 PM
As Dantie hears the foreign voice in his head he looks to Erethiel, as if to confirm it is her speaking, it does not take long for the truth to be revealed. We should get moving. My lady do you happen to have any suggestions on were we should head first? Dantie asks her as his form shifts back to that of a hound acheron, Tariths abilities finally wearing off.

This remind anyone of the borg from star trek XD

2013-03-12, 03:10 AM
"Eh, in what condition are you? I would imagine you would have spent a lot of magic fighting Tarith." She asks Dantie. "Let's take a moment to check if Tarith has left us something useful." She suggests as she looks at the plants. "Interesting, I wonder..." Clover mumbles and the acidic energy begins to form in her hand as she releases it.

Seeing how the plants react to something that's already conjured. That means that once shot, it's technically not magical, just very concentrated, acid. Aiming so that not the entire plant is destroyed but some is dropped to the ground for examination.

2013-03-12, 03:20 AM
@Xander: Erethiel hands you Myriam's letter. This is what it says.


I am certain that by now, Tarith, Dantie and yourself are aware of who you have been dealing with- Arrallae, Palindurias, Zyanya, and even Bandobras have a link. There are others who share that same link.

What you may not know yet is how it came to be and how to sever it.

I have enclosed a map that will take you to a place called the Temple of Truth. This temple is many months north of Halmathan, past the Elsir Vale and the Endless Plains. You will have to traverse through the Sacred Valley of the Couatls, now resting place of the Great Silaqi, mentor to Dimbur Stonestaff.

My...employers are privy to this route as well, and have already launched a search expedition. However, reaching the Temple of Truth is not as simple as teleporting there. The Elsir Vale has a tremendous influence over the entire region. Whoever built this temple did not want people getting there easily- or never at all.

I know you are currently in search of Tarith, and I hope you have found him well. Please inform the others of this as soon as you are able. Every day counts and I cannot guide or help you any longer, given my recent actions.

Please heed these words. I fear what may happen if my employers get there before you.


2013-03-12, 03:53 AM
@Clover: You watch Dantie pour all the items on the lobby's carpeted and bloody floor. Not wasting time, you place the monocle in your eye and begin focusing on each item.

The Cutter family swords are indeed magical. They were crafted to help Cutter repel his experiments should they go awry. As such, each short sword is a +1 bane aberration weapon.

Cutter's ring is not Cutter's. It has the Swayne family emblem on it- a lion's head. The ring, like the choker and the earrings is part of a key to open the painting panel. The ring has a secondary property as well.

Upon activation, the ring functions like a blinking ring for seven rounds before exhausting its powers until recharged the next day.

If the command word is spoken- Andrea, My Queen, the ring provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC for two hours each day.

The collar and the whistle are mundane items. The whistle is typically used by dog trainers. The collar to be worn by dogs. A hollow socket can be observed. Most likely already noticed by Tarith.

The Lion Emblem has the same design as the ring. It does carry a transmutation property- a specific use for a machine in this facility, no doubt. Something akin to the three gems.

The tear and the branch from the Gnarled shepherd have a faint lingering necromantic aura. Barely visible or harmful at all. Once, part of a brave forest spirit who was corrupted by an unnatural monster. As a weapon, it has little value, since it has become brittle, at least the branch. But it could fetch a good price if sold to a connoisseur.

You then place the monocle again and check Arrallae's hair.

The intense brilliance through the lens almost burns your eye. So much power contained in a single lock of hair. Who does this belong to? It is impossible to tell what properties it has through a wondrous item such as the one you currently wield.

A grime covered glass jar has been taken out of the bag. This one is covered in chemical smelling water which has a yellowish color to it.

Disturbingly enough, there is a woman's head, perfectly preserved, floating inside. The tip of her nose and her lips emerge from the lid, as if it mimicked a hungry fish in a pond. No magic can be gleaned from her. If any was used. It is gone now.

Having analyzed all relevant items, you take a few steps back and aim your hand the growth surrounding the family painting.

The blast goes through one of the outer petals and you immediately fall to your knees as black energy crackles through your body. A piece of the petal falls on the ground and you watch the flower regenerate the lost petal instantly.

A low rumble is heard below ground, stopping as suddenly as it began.

2013-03-12, 04:43 AM
Clover shakes her casting hand as she rises to her feet. "Ugh, that's... Interesting. It didn't suck the acid, since it's not magical once it's created. But it did manage to link itself to me... No real harm done, just unpleasant. But if I were closer, it would probably be way more painful. I won't be picking the petals up, or that" She points at the head. "What was Tarith doing with that?"

"Anyway, the gem in this ring is the third one to open the lock..." She looks at the painting where she saw Andrea coming from. "There are probably three slots for the gems or something of this sort that they are supposed to open, but once they do, their magic will be depleted. That would mean that the locking mechanism is really strong, so simply teleporting inside is not an option."

Clover then explains the magical properties of the stuff she identified. "And this lock of hair..." She holds it up. "No idea... It's very strong magic. So strong I can't identify it. That's very... Intriguing." Clover says as she sniffs the lock of hair before giving it a quick lick. Then she begins waving it around. "What's your magic?!"

Auto-success on activating it blindly.

2013-03-12, 04:57 AM
@Clover: You lecture the group on what you have discovered and pick up the golden lock of hair.

Even though it has been in Tarith's bag for so long, sharing an extra dimensional space with a disembodied head in a jar, it retains its freshness and the scent of roses.

You lick the golden lock and nothing happens for a few seconds.

Then, you hear a voice in your mind.

A soft female voice. Soothing to the era. The sound of a lute accompanies the voice. You cannot see who this person is, but the scent of wild roses might as well indicate she is right next to you.

Hello? Who is this? How are you speaking to me?

2013-03-12, 05:07 AM
Clover blinked in confusion, looking at the group. "Sorry, I need answer to that..." She said and turned her back to them, walking a bit away.

"Umm, hi. I'm Clover... Sorry, I... Just licked some hair. Who am I speaking with?"

2013-03-12, 05:23 AM
As the others ignore Erethiel, she looks a little hurt, but swiftly recovers.
"No introductions then. As to where to go, I know where an elevator that will take us to three different levels is, but I have not explored the rest of the area. And even learning that was... costly. Why don't we have a look around this room, and see where we can go? Perhaps that painting..."

Erethiel flies over to the painting, investigating it.

2013-03-12, 05:37 AM
@Clover: You walk away from the group as yu pace around the carpeted lobby holding the golden lock of hair.

Hello, Clover. I am Arrallae. You say you licked hair and were able to speak to me? Odd...unless. Of course! I gave that lock of hair to an old friend, many years ago. As a sign of bond eternal. I had not foreseen this effect was possible. How did you get a hold of it?

@Erethiel: You fly up to the painting and can already feel that uncomfortable crackling from the flowers around it.

These are the Swayne family, in a family portrait. Each member has an indentation- the eldest on his ear. The young child on his hand. And the girl in the center on her neck.

Looking closely, you see the artist has painted their names beside each figure.

Alexander for the eldest.

Odeun for the child.

Andrea for the girl.

2013-03-12, 05:54 AM
"Do you know Tarith, or is he the friend you mentioned? He left us to another realm and left behind most of his... Treasures. The lock of hair had a powerful magical aura that I couldn't identify. I was just... Curious."

2013-03-12, 05:59 AM

Tarith Spellbane? Of course I know him! He offered to be one of the Guardian's of Swan's Rest. He has left this realm... I hope he is greener pastures. As to the lock of hair, no. That was not given to Tarith. It was given to someone older than him. Someone from another time...

As to what my hair can do, Clover, I do not know. I myself know very little as to what I can do. Are you with others that traveled with Tarith? A cleric of Pelor by the name of Dantie and a wizard, Xander?

2013-03-12, 06:03 AM
"Yes, we travel together. I don't think greener pastures is a fitting description. I believe he left to become a prince on a realm of water. Something about growing gills, too. I hope I'm not intruding, but who did you give the lock to? Do you know how Tarith came to own it?"

2013-03-12, 06:54 AM
"The painting seems to be some sort of locked door, needing three items. Perhaps the earring, ring, and choker? Just don't cast spells near it., as the plants are there."

2013-03-12, 07:51 AM
As the contents of the bag are emptied Dantie is shocked at how much Tarith had accumulated over the past few days. That is when he notices the head in a jar, and gets closer to examine it. Knowing that if Tarith had it in his bag there was a reason. Clover I would not play with that to much or the black gem in the lead box. You may cause harm to come to yourself if you are not careful. Dantie says as he watches her walking away from the group with the morningstar's hair. As he is saying this he picks up Tarith's belt and daggers. Strapping the belt and daggers onto his body before gathering up the remaining items of the archpaladin and equipping them as well.

2013-03-12, 10:03 AM
Andrea mentioned all of her creations have been awoken...we have encountered leechwalkers already, so I expect more of them, but do we know any of the abilities of any of her other creations? Also I suspect Andrea has alerted some, if not all of her creations as to our location and expect some to be closing in relatively soon, as such I believe we should decide a path quickly and begin exploring. Does anyone know what lays behind any of the doors on the second story, or do we want to insert the keys and begin our pursuit of Andrea, but if we do that we still have to deal with these strange growths that we still know so little about...perhaps some of the outlying rooms may contain some sort of information on the properties of the growth. I suggest we investigate the other rooms before pursuing Andrea though the passage behind the painting.
Xander then looks to the loot, trying to help the party determine the most effective way to distribute it throughout the party.

Regarding loot, is Xander allowed to wear two anklets as Tarith was, or would you prefer him staying at one, also will we need to wait to go to the academy or something to change the robes, or will they be able to be changed now? Also if Xander takes the robes, then his vest of resistance +3 is up for grabs
As to the belt, the cha(more sorc spells, +2 DC), con(Not needed if Dantie buffs), and dex(+2 ac, and +2 hit with ray spells) can help Xander out, but aren't super important as Dantie will probably be able to make more use of them, and benefit from the str as well, if they stack with his buffs that is, if they don't stack with his buffs then Xander will be more than happy to take it.
The bags of holding should obviously be kept, and probably distributed through the party a bit so everyone can store some stuff, and if one person doesn't go missing then all the loot doesn't go with them...again.
Hats of Disguise are always useful, any possible quest items, and adventuring gear should be kept, but the rest mostly looks like it just needs to be sold.

2013-03-12, 10:08 AM
Clover turns to Dantie as he addresses her. "Does this count as playing too much with it?" She asks sheepishly as she raises her hand. Apparently, she tied the lock of hair around her index finger as if it was a ring. "Ummm... I'm talking to this lady... Arrallae, she said. Know her?"

2013-03-12, 11:26 AM
"The Growths... If you use magic near them, expect to die. I don't know how much plainer I can make that. I did so, and it was not fun."

She flies back down to the party
"Why don't we just go through... That door"
Erethiel points out a door on the left side, on the 1st floor. Not the one she cam in by.

2013-03-12, 02:39 PM
@Clover: You tie the lock around your finger and keep talking to this woman, Arrallae.

Tarith has become a prince? And in the Realm of Water, you say? So much has transpired since they left the Fey Woods.

As to the lock of hair, I am intrigued. It was never meant for Tarith. It was meant for someone who is now long gone. How did he acquire it?

Do me a favor, Clover. If you are with Dantie and xander, please tell them that both Rosalind and Anzaril are doing well. I have decided to spend the evening in the Font of Life. They will understand. I am still intrigued as to how my lock of hair ended in Tarith's hands and now yours, but who knows. Maybe there is a reason for it.

@Dantie: You take a good look at Tarith's belongings. Then, your eyes stop at the floating head in a jar. This one places its lips at the top of the water and gurgle some words.

"Are we away from Cutter's home now? Are we safe?"

2013-03-12, 02:47 PM
"Of course, I'll tell them. So... Are you a generally busy woman or can I lick your hair every time I want to chat?"

Clover turns to Dantie. "Hey, Arrallae says hi. She's hanging out with Rosalind and Anzaril at the Font of Life and they are having a blast."

2013-03-12, 05:25 PM
@Clover: Arrallae goes silent for a few moments.

Clover, I do not know if you have to lick my hair in order to speak to me. It has never been used in that or any other way. I should mention however, that the lock of hair you have been licking used to belong to a druid. A very old druid who was adverse to bathing.

I do wish you and the others a safe journey. I hope we have a chance to meet some day as well.

2013-03-12, 07:07 PM
Erethiel attempts to open the door she was pointing to, the door on the first floor to the left.

2013-03-12, 08:11 PM
Xander straps the second anklet on his other ankle, before picking up the Robe of the Archmage, knowing the danger equipping a robe of an opposing color could be decides the benefits outweigh the risk and attempts to try tricking the robe into accepting him, while focusing on all the most evil people he can think of, Xander equips the robe, attempting to attune himself to its magic.
Yes, do not cast near them, but can it drain magical effects off of us, or drain magic from us? I simply wish to ensure we are prepared before venturing through the tunnel covered in it.
Xander ensures he isn't near the growth before casting invisibility, and follows Erethiel to the door, once Xander get to Erethiel, he notices how rough of condition she is in, and activates his wand, using its magic to heal her.
Silver, you look fairly injured still, allow me to alleviate some of your pain.

2013-03-12, 10:20 PM
Mentally Dantie sends Clover an image of Arrallae. The woman you are seeing now is the person whos hair you have been licking and if those Myriam work for find out about it we may get into a bit of trouble. So please try not to say her name until you at least meet her. Trust me we will explain everything after this is done. You have earned my trust Clover and so I will explain to you what I have gathered over the past two years when we are safe. Dantie sends to her as he looks at the talking head in the jar.

As Dantie hears the voice he looks down to the head and tries to sense if it is evil or not as he replies. To my knowledge we are not in Dr. Cutter's house but instead in the house of his apprentice. Would you happen to be a lady Godfrey? Dantie asks the head being civil as long as he does not sense evil or undeath on it. That is when Dantie hears Clover call out to him about the girls being at the font of life. Let us try and stay communicating mentally Clover please as I would not like my family or Xaders close friend put into any danger. Perhaps we should all talk out loud only about things that are happening around us in this place so that our enemies do not learn anything they do not need to know. It is why I have not used a few of my items since we have arrived. Dantie says looking back to the head as he follows after Xander who if not for his spell he had cast this morning and made permanent he would not be able to see.

2013-03-12, 10:55 PM
@Dantie: You address the floating head in the jar.

It is not an undead, although detached heads that can speak would state that.

This female head seems to have been the work of Dr. Cutter, turning it into a unique new creature, albeit very weak and able to only maintain itself in the jar.

There is a very faint evil presence from it.

"Lady Godefroy? No. I knew her. Back in Halmathan. A Lively one. Very spirited. I am Anselma Castaferni, of House Castaferni. I helped rescue Tarith from Cutter's bonds and he promised to take me home. Where is he? And where is the doctor?"

@Xander: You don Cutter's robes. Immediately, the vile fabric trie to take over, but your intense focus manages to stave off the effects of such a robe. Envisioning the worst people you have ever met in your life: Nerine, Kazym, and Kannis.

@Erethiel: You try the left door in the lobby.


This hallway is ten feet wide by five feet tall. It turns to the right as soon as you enter. There are windows here, but they show nothing but stone beyond them, being an underground facility. The hallway runs to the right for eighty feet before turning left. A door has been placed halfway through the hallway to the left, forty feet ahead. The floor here is carpeted as well, with torches and a portrait of Sir Alexander.

This one has had its eyes scratched out by what appear to be claws.

2013-03-12, 11:32 PM
As Dantie sense that the head inside the jar is not undead but does have a small trace of evil on her he decides to trend carefully. Tarith is gone at the moment. As to the Doctor I am not sure. More then likely dead by Tariths hands. As for his promise, he ahs trusted you in my care and as a priest of Pelor, as well as an Inquisitor I ask you why you want to go back to your home. It just seems like a strange request. And do you happen to know what happened to Lady Godfrey and all the other experiments Dr. Cutter had? And if questioned could you tell anyone asking the truth of what happened to each person? Dantie asks the head in a jar before putting it back into the bag of holding, leaving it open enough so he can hear it speak to him for now.

As he looks up he sees Xander wearing the robes of a vile wizard and looks to his friend and replies mentally. The fact those robes do not effect you says you have a strong will Xander. But not all will see it that way, I would make sure to try and change them as soon as you can so that Connor does not have any more fuel for his fire. Dantie says to his friend before taking a place where he would be best suited in the halls.

If everyone is invisible he will be in the very back unless it is seen that there invisibility does not help them through later events. He will be in front of anyone visible though making himself a target.

2013-03-13, 04:14 AM
@Dantie: Anselma's head bobs up to the jar's surface, enough for her lips to be out of the water.

"So Dr. Cutter is dead? I suppose I ought to be happy. The man was as mad as a march hare. Sad, though- he said he would give me a body- a perfect body. Now with him dead, who will give me one?"

Anselma's head swims around the jar and, like a fish, spurts some water out through her mouth before continuing.

"I knew Lisa Godefroy. We used to get together for cards at her house with our friends. A cheater, I tell you. She always had the best cards in her hand. I once spoke to callewyn about it, but she sent me away, stating that matters of state were more important than a game of cards. Rude, no? However, now that you mention it, I believe Dr. Cutter once told me that Lisa was now living with him, and then there was that girl...what was her name..ughhh. Cannot remember now. Little girl, blonde hair. She was always there, taking notes. Why would anyone want to take notes when playing cards is so much more fun, no?"

2013-03-13, 05:00 AM
Clover blinked in confusion as Dantie scolded her. "Okey..." She mumbled and lowered her head.

I don't know... The hair smelled nice and looked so clean. Your magic seems to be powerful and preserved the hair well. But if I don't have to lick it, I'll get less awkward stares in public... Oh! It seems we are getting ready to move on. We'll talk later then, alright?

Clover rushes over to Erethiel. "So, Silver, right? I'm Clover. Wanna establish a mental link?"

As she asks that, her lizard form begins to disappear as she turns invisible.

2013-03-13, 05:43 AM

Arrallae chuckles.

Thank you, Clover. Those are very kind words. I can already tell you are a good person. If you decide to visit the Fey Woods, ask Dantie or Xander to see me. I would be honored to meet you. Alas, it is getting late here and I must depart. Again, it was a pleasure talking to you. Send my love to Dantie and Xander. May your path be blessed.

After exchanging pleasantries with such a nice person, you realize the situation at hand- you are in the depths of the city, in some lunatic's playground. And this woman, Andrea, may not be as charming as Arrallae.

Not by a long shot.

2013-03-13, 06:57 AM
Erethiel has a see invis going, if that makes a difference, as well as dragonsight, so if there is an enemy within 55 feet of her, she knows about it.

"I sort of can't. I think the cleric, Dantie, and Xander could do it though. Apart from that, it sounds like it could be a lot of fun. Or be useful. You know, whichever"

Letting Dantie go first, Erethiel heads down the corridor.

To the party
Looks like someone did not like that portrait. Clover, do you see any magic on the portrait? Or was it just vandalism? And why the windows? If this was always an underground facility, there would be no need for them, but if it can move... Anyway, that door near the middle of the corridor looks interesting. Dantie, do you want to open it?

2013-03-13, 08:44 AM
The windows...they mean this facility must be able to move in some way, perhaps it can ascend and descend on some track similar to hwo the Dragon's Flight worked, but for what purpose? I would think a facility such as this you would want it to remain underground...and what could posses a creature to harbor such hatred toward Sir Alexander, as far as I know the man went missing about a decade ago, and has not been heard of...unless...you do not think Andrea could have turned Sir Alexander into some abomination and it was he himself to defaced his portrait...
Xander flies over to the windows, and does his best to look along the sides of the facility, trying to see if there are tracks of any sort, or anything else attached to the building that would explain the type of movement the building may be capable of.

2013-03-13, 09:27 AM
Why of course my lady. Dantie says to the lady of Silver dreams as he goes over to the door and without a second thought kicks it in.

Strength check if needed [roll0]

As he is doing this he thinks on what the creature inside the jar of water has said. Deciding to wait until a better time he speaks to it while scanning the area infront of himself. Well at this moment we are in a place that the child you remember is probably the owner of. And with that he shuts the bag of holding and grabs his his sword and shield and enters the room, activating his aura given to him by Pelor to protect him.

Being within 10ft of dantie grants +2 to will saves, +2 to all saves and AC unless Clover is also in your area as my second effect comes from magic circle.

2013-03-13, 01:36 PM
Clover eyes the portrait with her Arcane Sight as she approached it. Poking it first, Clover grabbed at the frame and tried to pull it.

2013-03-13, 02:03 PM
@Xander: You walk up to Alexander's portrait.

A fine painting, where it not for the cruel vandalism applied to it. Why the eyes, however? Upon close examination, you see that his portrait has him depicted with a green earring.

Analysis at this point does not indicate whether this house can be raised or if it ever was.

@Clover: You take the portrait out of the wall with little effort.

There is writing behind it, on the frame.

Prototype 001

@Erethiel: You try the door at the mid section of the hallway.


This room looks like it was once used as a shower room for the subjects.

The floors are white ceramic tiles now covered in crusted grime. A large rectangular mirror has been placed on the left wall and one can barely see its reflection with how dirty it is.

The room has a set of stalls to the right, with one being opened and a body slumped on the ground. dead with age. His hand is clenching an opened flask with dried up alchemical fire residue, no longer being useful.

2013-03-13, 02:52 PM
Prototype 001? So Sir Alexander was turned into a test subject...I doubt he willingly subjected himself to it....a shame, to do this to ones own family...
Xander follows the rest into the shower room, pausing at the corpse on the ground.
Alchemists Fire? Such a substance is designed to be thrown, and its substances ignite once the flask breaks, and the substance is exposed to the air...but why would he open it and simply hold it...and why hide himself in here with it...
Xander checks the body for burn marks, or any other mark that may have lead to his death. (unless it was just old age)

2013-03-13, 03:00 PM
Clover stares at the writing on the back side of the frame. Just coming to it and revealing something behind it made her feel like an expert. As if she knew what she was doing. "You know, if licking and taking things apart doesn't stop being so rewarding..." She placed the portrait by the wall, with the painting looking away from them and facing the wall.

Clover stood by the door, staring at the old guy. "Is he dead?"

I'll just take an invisible halfling form for now, until I decide on something else... Darn low ceilings.

2013-03-13, 03:44 PM
@Xander: You examine the body.

This man killed himself by dousing the alchemical substance on his body. The damage from such a flask would not have killed someone of your endurance, but this man seemed to be weaker. There is a small ledger in his pocket, badly burnt and crisp to the touch.

Mark and Santos have already fallen to her. Damn that woman! Why is she doing this? These..things. They walk around wearing our faces one moment, then they reveal themselves for the nightmares they are. I managed to hurt one using fire. They seem to dislike it. I have cornered myself here and will perform my last stand. I have save one of these for myself, since it is unlikely I can take my friends on with a single flask now.

The idea of becoming one is too horrible to bear.

2013-03-13, 04:39 PM
Referring to Alexander
"I saw him, in a room. He was sitting at a desk, writing something over, and over. He turned into a mass of leeches, so I ran. Maybe that is her prototype 001?"

As Dantie opens the door, and once she sees that there is no-one in the room, Erethiel heads in gracefully, looking around. Once she sees the mirror, she tries cleaning it, using prestidigitation, before looking in the stalls to see if there is anything interesting there.

2013-03-13, 05:49 PM
Dantie seeing the mirrors goes over to them and tries to look through them.

2013-03-13, 05:59 PM
@Erethiel: You stand in front of the large mirror and wave your hand over it.

After a few quick gestures and arcane words, the grime washes away, revealing the mirror to be what it is.

Odd though, there is something that your spell has not washed away.

It looks like a carving, must been hard not to crack the mirror with it.

It has some sort of numbers inscribed on it.

Red - 2

Green - 4


2013-03-13, 06:07 PM
"Looks like some sort of message here. Not much use now though. Perhaps later."
While she is cleaning up the rest of the room, hoping to spot something else useful, Erethiel asks Xander and Clover something
"Xander, I noticed you taking that vest off. Is it magical? If it is, can I use it, since you apparently don't need it at present. And Clover, do you have any use for that choker, the one that grants health? It might not go well with my tiara(actually, a face item, but meh), but it might help me to stay alive, which would be nice."

2013-03-13, 06:33 PM
Having found nothing more in the bathroom, Erethiel heads out, clearly expecting the others to follow her, heading for the next door, at which point she politely stands to the side, allowing Dantie to open it..

2013-03-13, 06:41 PM
@Erethiel: You head out of the bathroom and head for the last door in the hallway.

This one has a handle but it is locked.

A wooden symbol of an hourglass painted in gold has been hung on the door with an inscription below it.

Time's Cruel Hands Shall Open the Truth

Four presences can be felt inside.

2013-03-13, 06:51 PM
There are 4 somethings in there, but the door is locked, and it seems to be some sort of riddle. Time's Cruel Hands Shall Open the Truth. Perhaps we will find a way to open it somewhere else in this house?

Erethiel heads back to the main room, and heads up to the second story, checking out the door to the left of the painting(medium sized)

2013-03-13, 07:05 PM
@Erethiel: You leave the hallway and go back to the lobby.

Taking flight to reach the second floor, since wings are there for a reason, you inspect the door to the left of the painting.

A medium sized door, grey colored. It has a similar hourglass design on it.

Show me the Moon and Heaven Shall Open for Thee

2013-03-13, 07:10 PM
Some sort of clock based lock? Has anyone seen a clock?

Erethiel looks at the other medium sized door nearby.

2013-03-13, 07:32 PM
@Erethiel: You walk around the second floor balcony and when you pass the large metal door behind the painting, you see a statue of a blindfolded woman holding a set of scales. A plaque reads at its base.

When Good and Evil have been Weighed, Balance Shall be Restored

You keep walking to the other door and try it.


This room looks is a large library. The walls have been placed with tall bookshelves and a podium with an open book stands near the center of the room. A door at the end of the library greets you with a painting. To the right, you see a very ornamental and highly sculpted platform. Enough for one person. A winch has been placed on the side.

2013-03-13, 07:34 PM
As they pass the statue, Erethiel tries to move the scales, attempting to make them balance.

Once in the library, Erethiel casts detect magic, and looks around the room.

2013-03-13, 07:41 PM
@Erethiel: You manipulate the scales, but they seem to be affixed to a certain specific weight, never quite getting both to be at the right angle.

Once inside the library, you turn on your sight and scan the area as you walk around.

The lift radiates magic, transmutation.

An unlit torch next to a painting of an old man holding a candle and placed next to the other door in the room radiates transmutation as well.

The book on the podium radiates magic as well.

2013-03-13, 07:44 PM
The lift has transmutation magic: perhaps a levitation charm. The torch also has transmutation. No ideas there. The book is also magical.

Erethiel has a closer look at the book.

2013-03-13, 07:49 PM
Xander follows Erethiel as they investigate the doors, and hands Erethiel the vest when she asks for it.
You are correct it is indeed magical, the vest helps boost ones resistances, this robe contains similar but stronger magic, you are more than welcome to use the vest.
Once in the library, and seeing Erethiel move to investigate the open book, Xander begins scanning the shelves, seeing what type of reading material is here, and if any of it can be useful.
The book is magical? Be careful it could be some magical ward. Let us hope not, as it must be important in some way if it is magical and I would very much like the opportunity to read it.

2013-03-13, 08:14 PM
@Erethiel: You walk up to the podium and check the book.

It is dusty and the pages smell of old ink, a strong chemical smell.

A passage has been marked.

[CENTER]My Ascension

I am perfect. Of that, I have no doubt. My intellect is unlike any in Halmathan. I am even far superior to Archmage Crowell and his entire school of intellectually challenged pupils.

This, however, is not sufficient.

I have read Grand Archmage Valtalis' treaty on form manipulation. A way to absorb raw power and control it within a mortal vessel. Cutter had read the treaty as well, but he went about it the wrong way.

He became obsessed with the form. This would ultimately lead me, for the first and only time in my Superior life to listen to him and follow his procedure.

Naturally, I did partake on the experiment directly, like Cutter did. I had to use someone from my own lineage. Someone of a pure family.

The subject as first was reluctant, as was to be expected. However, after a few hours under the procedure, the subject stopped screaming and was docile enough for me to begin his ascension process.

It is regrettable to inform that, for my first experiment, it was an utter failure.

Its defense and offense mechanisms were formidable, having acquired some arcane abilities in the process, but his mind. His mind still retained the last memories of what had befallen him.

I can say that, if I felt the slightest tinge of fear in my life, it would've been with the subject.

However, not all was a wasted effort. I have learned the value of time. It will take many decades, but I will reemerge, like a cocoon in this frail human body. Until one day, I ascend and cast off this mortal vessel and become Queen.

2013-03-13, 08:21 PM
"It looks like some sort of journal. I think Andrea used her father as an experimental subject, ignoring his screams, and learned much in the process. She then repeated the experiment on herself, but delaying it, making it take much longer. She claims that the form has powerful defenses and offenses, as well as arcane abilities. Sounds like she was possibly overly impressed with what she had achieved."

Erethiel tries leafing through the book, hoping to find the source of magic, before trying to use her torch to ignite the torch near the painting.

2013-03-13, 08:37 PM
@Erethiel: You keep leafing through the pages of he old book.

Make a reflex DC 25

@Xander: As Erethiel reads up on the main book, you look up to the different books on the shelves. These are the most relevant titles.

A Treaty on Ethics and Form Manipulation

Capacity of Warfare with Nature

The Realms Beyond This one and their effect on Us

The Throne of the Stone King

2013-03-13, 08:39 PM
Erethiel probably gets blown up

2013-03-13, 08:43 PM
@Erethiel: As you turn the pages, your finger runs through one of the pages and this one, like a sharp, thin blade, leaves a minute cut on you.

You instinctively place your finger to your mouth, to soothe the pain.

Nothing happens after that. Although, whatever magic was in the book is gone.

You then go to the unlit torch and use your own to light it.

A click is heard on the door. Apparently, this one has unlocked.

2013-03-13, 08:47 PM
"Odd. I cut my hand on the book, and then the magic in the book vanished. Did anyone see anything unusual?"

Erethiel heads over to the platform, and starts turning the winch, curious as to what will happen.

2013-03-13, 09:00 PM
@Erethiel: You walk up to the winch and start rotating it.

With a loud grinding noise, the platform for one person descends for about sixty feet into the dark before coming to a stop.

Looking down, you can see the platform which has descended down a square tunnel. Some light is cast off at the bottom, but not much else.

2013-03-13, 09:02 PM
Shrugging, Erethiel heads over to the unlocked door, and opens it.

2013-03-13, 09:11 PM
@Erethiel: You walk up to the now unlocked door and place your hand on the doorknob.

There are two presences beyond the door.

2013-03-13, 09:12 PM
Erethiel opens it, before flying up 30 feet

2013-03-13, 09:19 PM
@Erethiel: You open the door and spread your wings to fly.

A small room with a second floor and a moving ladder connected to small wheels- and addendum to the Library.

Then, you see them. The creatures that had mercifully spared you in the hallway hours ago.

The Novistadors.

These creatures apparently had sensed you as well. You watch both spray an acidic bile in your direction.

Readied Action, spray on target opening door.

[roll0] acid DC 16 half

[roll1] acid DC 16 half

2013-03-13, 09:30 PM
Invisible enemies here!

[roll2] init

2013-03-13, 10:56 PM
Xander gathers the books, including Andrea's journal and places them in his sack.
No, but I found some other interesting literature. Are you feeling any adverse side effects?
Xander watches Erethiel as she manipulates various things thought the room, once she opens the door.
Invisible enemies? I suppose it was only a matter of time before we had to encounter them. Can you get away safely? I know you are still rather injured.
Xander casts see invisibility from this hand of glory.

Going to bed, feel free to use Xander.

2013-03-14, 02:51 AM
@Xander: You hold the dessicated hand in yours and focus you attention on Erethiel, who has been doused in an acidic bile and is knocking at Death's door.

Two creatures. They look like a horrid crossbreed between a man and a grasshopper. Their posture would indicate a humanoid, but their chitinous skin and wicked claws, along with their barbed legs and jittering wings would be quick to erase and sign of humanity.

@Clover: You watch erethiel flip through the book and prick her hand.

Immediately, you sense a divination spell. Odd, these take a fore of will to posses someone. However, it would seem Erethiel has been somehow marked by getting cut.

2013-03-14, 04:43 AM

Meanwhile, deeper in the facility...

A large humanoid with wickedly long claws that scrape the floor walks up to a large door.

Andrea's red eye manifests on a screen.

Attention! This is your target:

The screen changes to Erethiel in the library doused by acid, but still alive.

Her name is Erethiel. You are to find her and kill her. She will likely have company. If they stand in your way, dispose of them as well. I do not want anyone leaving this facility alive. Now go.

The large humanoid nods to the screen and starts walking down the white hallways of the lower labs, intent on finding his target.

"Erethiel..." the creature roars as it begins walking down the hallway.

2013-03-14, 06:47 AM
Clover frowns as Erethiel reads the books. "Books are so dull... The fact that anything Andrea have left lying around means that it's unlikely to have hints on defeating her. Although she is one of the craziest monsters I've encountered so far. If she claims she's a queen and we're ants, why does she bother so much with us? Is she an ant queen?" Clover shrugs, but then Erethiel cuts herself. "Oh, are you alright? See, you shouldn't have touched it. Now there is some divination magic on you. And if the book belongs to Andrea, the magic might just as well. You could be an easy target for her scrying now. Be careful..."

Then Erethiel opens the door and gets covered in acid. So much for careful.

Well, someone will have to direct me so I can at least have a chance blasting them.

2013-03-14, 06:51 AM
"Books can be dull, but not always. Some of them are quite interesting, in fact. Admittedly, this one is rather boring, but it has useful information. It might have held details of her experiment, which could have been very useful, if we could understand them. Among other things: Who woke her up, and why? From what I am reading, she should have been in that cocoon for years yet. She claims to be a queen. She is not. A queen is born, not made. But... she does not see this."

After she cuts herself
"Divination? But she can already watch us freely while within the facility, so why would she need another effect to do that?"

2013-03-14, 06:57 AM
"She doesn't see a lot of things. Us, on the other hand, she can. Perhaps she placed this divination so you be a target for someone else? It could have marked you in some fashion for one of her creations. We fought one of her earlier experiments before and it was quite committed to hating her. Perhaps she uses some sort of divination to make it see a specific target, the mark, and then it directs it's hate at it. Or you." Clover looked around Erethiel, trying to see with her arcane sight if there was some sort of sensor that fitted a scrying spell.

Also adding the Int roll to notice a scrying sensor. Long shot...

[roll0] DC20.

2013-03-14, 07:04 AM
"Possibly, but there is little I can do about it for now. While I could try dispelling it, I doubt that my power is enough to do so. As far as commands go, She seems to prefer a more direct approach. She would simply want them to attack on command. Perhaps she chooses not to take the time to direct the creature mentally? But why would she not?"

2013-03-14, 07:17 AM
"If it's an earlier experiment, perhaps she is unable? My guess is that her earlier experiments were strong but she lacked control. She kept them around as guards in places where they wouldn't harm her other experiments, or where she could continue to do testing. Besides, she would never admit an experiment as a failure, she is too proud. She would just keep it, claiming that it's excellent research or something. Another theory could be that she is directing a lot of her creations so a more independent targeting helps... Or, perhaps through divination she can connect to this mental link and hear us converse?"

Yeah, Clover started talking and then turned to mental communication, deciding it would be better.

2013-03-14, 08:12 AM
As Dantie's piercing blue eyes see the creatures he charges in and strikes down on the creature before him hoping to distract them so the others could get the information he was sending to them of where the creatures were.

[roll0] Damage [roll1] + [roll2] +13 if undead (Double all this if they are CE) Forgot I am wielding sword in two hands so +5 more damage as well, +10 if it is CE

2013-03-14, 10:09 AM
As Clover voices her opinion on books, Xander looks at her with a raised eyebrow, arms full of the books he is in the process of storing in his sack.
Dull? I can see how unless you are already interesting in the topic how some books could be found dull, but even those contain a wealth of valuable knowledge. Have you truly never experienced the joy of getting lost in a well written, and fascinating book? The types of books one keeps may also give some insight into ones personality. Also, she may not have openly revealed her secrets, but if you think of the words she has written in her journal, and the other evidence we have gathered, the suspicions I have had for some time now I believe would be correct, and as much as it pains me to think on it, it is my belief that Sir Alexander, prototype 001, and the Nosferatu we battled on the Dragon's Flight to all be the same man, witch would explain why it so blindly called out her name as it battled us...

Since it has been 30 min since the Tarith fight, Xander's nightshield, and shield have expired, he wont bother recasting them until it looks like they are going to enter a fight that would call for it, if Erethiel detects a large number of enemies or something of the like.

Also Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll0] (CoS added, hopefully I chose the correct knowledge skill.)

Xander quickly tries to identify what the strange humanoid insect creatures were, and what they may be capable. He holds off on using additional magic, knowing if Dantie can easily handle the creatures with just his sword, he would have no reason to waste any of his own resources on such creatures.

Dantie, I didn't think True Seeing was able to be made permanent, what is the xp cost to do so? I know See invis is 1k, I imagine True Seeing is a good deal more?

2013-03-14, 10:20 AM
Clover shrugged. "I'd be more surprised if I did enjoy books. I was raised by priests that practically hated me for always running around and wanting to play. Seriously, hating a kid for wanting to play. Most schooling I got was on religious text books, stuff about rules and morality... Even the magical schooling was really boring, even when they figured out where my talents lay."

2013-03-14, 10:59 AM
"Perhaps, but if so, I would have expected such a creature to be in this room, not elsewhere."
I would be quite surprised if she can listen in on this communication, as she does not know it even exists. From what I can read, her early experiments were the leech things, which are debilitating, but not physically strong. If she is directing a lot of creatures, this is going to be... interesting. My contribution to such a conflict will be minimal.

"Books? Some are fun, some are not. I think this library is more in the not, although we may need the information, sadly."

2013-03-14, 11:56 AM
@Xander: You take a look at these creatures and try to figure out what they are.

Andrea's creations. The Novistadors were once fey, pixies to be more exact. They were subjected to terrible torture and arcane experimentation in order to make them more capable combatants. The creatures now share only a constant invisibility so as to have any connection to the sylvan creatures. More insectoid than anything, the Novistadors are capable of discharging acidic bile as a breath weapon and a considerably large range, much like dragons, with a similar recharge time. Like dragons, they can sense enemy presences at a considerable distance, without need for eyes. If forced into close combat, they can charge with all their limbs at once. Despite their medium size, they can still hold on to opponents their own size, bigger, and smaller. They are able climbers and decent flyers.

2013-03-14, 12:01 PM
Xander mentally relays what he knows of Novistadors to the party.
Dantie, be careful I expect they will be able to spew more of that acidic bile soon enough, also I expect them to attempt to latch on to you and restrict your movements soon enough, witch could complicate things considerably.

Alan, just wondering does there ability to climb really matter to much to them if they can just fly anyway? Seems like if I was them every time I got to a thing I could either climb up or fly up, I would pick the easier of the routes lol

2013-03-14, 03:19 PM
As Dantie charged, the invisible halfling Clover flew into the room and targeted the aura of illusion next to the one Dantie fought, shooting a blast of acid at it and trying to make it jump to the other flying pesky critter.

Vitriolic Chain:
[roll0] Including +2 from Invisibility.
[roll]1d100[roll] 50% miss chance
[roll1] Acid damage

Secondary target:
[roll2] Including +2 from invisibility, -4 from melee with Dantie.
[roll3] 50% miss chance
Half damage.

Second blast, same.
[roll4] Including +2 from Invisibility.
[roll]1d100[roll] 50% miss chance
[roll5] Acid damage

Secondary target:
[roll6] Including +2 from invisibility, -4 from melee with Dantie.
[roll7] 50% miss chance
Half damage.

2013-03-14, 04:13 PM
@Dantie: You charge one of the insectile creatures and the attack hits hard. The creature recoils in pain and spreads its wings as it retreats to the back of the small room and crawls into a vent, disappearing from sight.

@Clover: The second creature flies straight at you, passing through Dantie as it spreads its wings and all four claws, both its arms and legs.

AoO from dantie if allowed.

Charge + Pounce: Claw [roll0] damage [roll1] and Claw [roll2] damage [roll3] and Claw [roll4] damage [roll5] and final Claw [roll6] damage [roll7] plus imp. grab [roll8] if hold is established, acid spray [roll9] DC 16 half

2013-03-14, 04:42 PM
@Clover: The second creature flies straight at you, passing through Dantie as it spreads its wings and all four claws, both its arms and legs.
AoO from dantie if allowed.

Dantie lets the creature he has just struk retreat into hiding as another tries to go flying pass him and at his allies. I do not think so. Dantie says as he swings his mighty blade down on the creature in the hopes to protect his allies in the rear and brings its attention onto him.

This is where I wish I had the feat that made them only attack me if I had hit them. Or the one that stops them dead in their tracks if i hit.

[roll0] (Not sure what Xander rolled so I can not use his roll for my Knowledge devotion feat) Damage [roll1] + [roll2] would be more but it is not undead sadly. will we ever see more undead alan? Just curious as I have feats that help me kill undead, weapon abilities that only work on undead. And I spent a lot of money on being able to kill 98% of the things in his valley. No need to rush the undead, I just know I saw them in cutters mansion and was wondering.

2013-03-14, 05:50 PM
@Clover: The Novistador lets its grip lose and claws at you again.

Full Attack

Claw1 [roll0] damage [roll1]

Claw2 [roll2] damage [roll3]

2013-03-14, 06:58 PM
@Clover: Shooting blindly around the Library, you hope the creature that doused Erethiel in acid and who has hit you with its claws anddoused you in acid as well will die. And die quickly.

You hear a loud screech coming in close proximity to you and something falls on the ground, followed by a dissolving sound as the stone floor is covered in a bloody stain, but no creature.

@Erethiel: You walk into the small room and find it has been messed up. Likely by the Novistadors in the room. An opened vent signals the other creature's escape route.

Climbing the short ladder to an upper alcove in the room, you find a small frieze with the face of Andrea in marble, with a solar disc around her head, like a goddess. The frieze can be slid to the left and inside, you find a rather heavy book.

Regarding the Nascent Bulbs

Karyllyn's Mine has proven to be a plethora of resources. While the city has been able to procure much of its wealth through quartz mining, it is its less known properties that make such an eartly vein so important.

First, there is the Las Plagas parasites, which have been fossilized and in spore form within the confines of the mine. Cutter was able to manipulate them... somewhat. However, I have been able to fully control them through my Ascension.

More importantly, however, is the fusion of the quartz, which, thanks to the legendary Alubastac have attained a most peculiar property. The quartz on their own, are of little use, more than petty bobbles or components for would be necromancers. With my Superior Intellect, I have been able to delve deeper into the use of the quartz and have fused them with natural life.

Modesty aside, I must say this is a grand success.

The Wysteria Spalier, or Amethyst's Sorrow for the masses, is a common flower that grows around Halmathan's countryside. I was able to cultivate the Wysteria Spalier along with the quartz, creating a unique hybrid plant. This one can siphon magic energy from any life source and store it for later use. Even better, with enough energy absorbed, it can be channeled and used to power up anything. There are literally no limits. Of course, the process will significantly weaken those nearby when the plants begin feeding, but its is a price to pay for research.

The initial plant has been kept in the lower levels of the facility. A prime specimen. It is now nearly impossible to tell what plant it used to be. I have placed some very important documents and items with it, seeing as nobody can even get near it without dying.

There is something else here. The reason why the book was so heavy.

A small white statuette has been tucked inside, having most of the pages cut to fit its figure. It looks female, but lacks arms and a head.

Two slots on its back would indicate something goes there.

The stauette radiates transmutation magic.

2013-03-14, 07:16 PM
As Clover touches her with the wand, Erethiel can't help but to take in the scent of the apricots, reminding her of some of the good times in her home.
"Thank you for the healing, Clover. Those burns were rather painful, especially on top of the injuries I took earlier. Are you alright?"

As she reads the book, Erethiel thinks to herself:
So, that flower that killed me... I imagine that my death is what allowed Andrea to activate this facility to its fullest. Pity.

However, after she finishes reading the tomb, her thoughts swiftly turn to communicating her discoveries to the others.
It seems as though her discoveries are made from 2 specimens, A quartz, tainted by Alubastac, and a parasite, called las Plagas. She claims to have learned how to control the parasites, and through them, the infested. She also claims to have fused the quartz with some plants, allowing them to drain the life and magic from others, which can be used to power something. Also, I found a figurine, like one I found earlier. They are missing some bits though, a total of 6 wings, some arms, and a head.

As Erethiel reads, and thinks at the others, she searches the room(24 search)
She also tries fiddling with the solar disk, thinking that it might have something to do with the clock puzzle.

2013-03-14, 07:30 PM
After Erethiel spends several minutes peering around the room, She looks at the others, before speaking once more
"Looks like there is nothing more here. Pity. Still, there is always that shaft. It looks interesting. If I find anything, I will let you know."
She pauses for a moment
"You can all fly, right?"
Without waiting for a response, Erethiel tries flying slowly down the lift shaft, intending to use her magic to block any attempt on her life on the way there.

2013-03-14, 08:37 PM
@Erethiel: You float slowly down the square tunnel.

It is dark, yet you can hear some old machinery cranking at the bottom.

Hide: [roll0]

Hide: [roll1]

Hide: [roll2]

As you touch the ground, you see this is a wooden room. The floor is made of creaky boards covered in cobwebs and a large machine made of cog wheels grinds lazily.

An old grandfather clok can be seen here, as well as a door.

2013-03-14, 08:56 PM
Blindsight and darkvision, so she would know of the presence of the three enemies regardless of the outcome of the rolls. If not, they have the darkstalker feat, which would make me sad.
[roll0] spot
[roll1] spot
[roll2] spot

As Erethiel silently hovers over the ground, she notes the clock, as well as he machine, thinking that perhaps these might have something to do with the time challenges above.
[roll3] move silently

2013-03-14, 09:35 PM
As Dantie sees the last creature fall he steps outside the room and heads back into the library to look around, slowly making his way to the pulley like system. Once there he looks down trying to see if he can notice anything. When he does not he looks to the others. Safest if I go down first. and gets on the platform.

2013-03-15, 01:15 AM
@Erethiel: She said she was going down first and the platform had already been lowered by her earlier. I know you have blindsense. These enemies do not have the blindstalker feat. They do not know you have blindsense.

You hover a few inches off the ground and then you feel them.

Three presences greet you below and it does not take long to see them.

Two are on the ground. Another is on the ceiling, ten feet high.

You have seen these creatures before, albeit much smaller. Mosquito larvae. The first stage in a bug's life. When they are swimming on the surface of lakes or ponds. These however, are the size of a man and horribly mutated. A long serpentine body and chitinous legs. A pair of bulging insectile eyes and menacing tentacles coming out of its mandibles. These creatures are ready to make a meal out of you.





@Dantie: You watch Erethiel take the lead and spread her wings as she descends. You would like to follow her, but there is that sixty foot drop. Unless the winch were pulled back up for the lift. Of course, if you had a means of flight or could take the fall...

2013-03-15, 02:24 AM

Meanwhile, outside the swers and close to St. Noria's Prison...

A very weakened Jharlandar steps out of the sewer tunnel, followed by Myriam. The nathzarune takes out a wand and uses it several times on his body, expelling the smell of apricots in the air around him.

"You think Erethiel is safe?"

Myriam cracks a few tablets and washes herself with the smell of cocoa.

"She should be safe, Jhar. She seemed quite capable. Now we need to..."

In a golden flash behind them, both rakhshasa and dryad feel the stinging pain of blades going through their kidneys. Both assassins drop on their knees and hold on to their wounds as they turn around to see who stabbed them.

Myriam and Jharlandar look in horror.


Not only him, my dear.

A few feet away from the three of them, energy crackles as the ground and air twist to alter a new reality forcing itself through. As the energy spikes to its zenith, an elf walks out of the portal.

Valtalis, leader of the Ward.

"M...M..Master. I did not expect you to come here." Jharlandar kneels in reverence.

"I should have no reason to come to this city. I absolutely hate it. But you know what I hate the most, nathzarune?"

Valtalis turns his gaze to Myriam as the marks on her mask begin to spread over her body. The dryad keels over in agonizing pain.

"I hate insubordination. Myriam Whisperglade, you were tasked with leading the expedition to the lost Temple. However, you have not only stalled this mission, but you have cast away Klaus. Did you really think I would not find him? He told me everything. Now, I know death would be a welcome release for you, but I prefer you this way. Besides, I know your sister would be more than glad to switch places with you in this mission..."

Myriam struggles through the agonizing pain and looks at Valtalis straight in the eye.

"I beg of you, Valtalis. Please give me another chance. I was... misguided. Confused. I can do this. I give you my word."

Valtalis smiles.

"Is that so? I find it very difficult to believe you now, dryad. Nerine may be a loose cannon, but at least I know where she is aiming at. You? You're a wild card and I cannot take any chances."

Myriam stands up, covered in blood as the dark energy from her mask crackles through her very being.

"I will not fail. You have my word."

Valtalis looks at her and goes grim.

"I don't need your word, fey. I have that, your body, and everything else. You are mine and I can unmake you whenever I so choose. You and Jharlandar will leave immediately for the Elsir Vale and start the trek for the Temple. Once there, you will contact me."

Jharlandar, still kneeling, looks at the ground as he addresses the elf.

"Master, why am I being punished?"

Valtalis walks up to him and looks down on the assassin with contempt.

"You are a member of the Ward. All of you are the best there are for the task at hand...and you fall for the stupid parlor tricks of some hybrid elf? Be thankful, rakshasa, that I am not in a killing mood this evening. You two have your orders. If I see you in Halmathan by sunrise tomorrow, you will not see another and Myriam? I will send Nerine to hunt Dantie, Tarith and the rest if you disobey me. This meeting is adjourned. Shall, we Max?"

Valtalis looks at a point in space and a crackle of energy reveals a vortex. Both the grey elf and the hooded assassin walk through it and disappear.

Jharlandar looks at Myriam.

"She put me under a spell?"

Myriam steadies herself as she walks with a limp.

"Is that really waht concerns you. Jhar? Forget that. e have a mission to finish."

Myriam turns to the sewer entrance.

I am sorry, everyone. I cannot help...for now.

2013-03-15, 04:17 AM
As Erethiel rushes along, Clover turns into an Stingtail, before going invisible.

"Quartz infused with these plants that can suck away magic... Then a huge mobile statue of these magic sucking plants could prove a bit problematic, aye? Because... A giant quartz statue is being made."

Then Erethiel began to descend, leaving the rest behind. "Hey Dantie, Xander... Jump while holding hands, will ya?"

If and when they jump, Clover follows, immediately grabbing at Xander's shoulder and concentrating, they appear at the bottom together.

Initiative: [roll0]

[roll1] Spot. I have darkvision.

2013-03-15, 04:34 AM
@Clover: You hold on to Xander and wish yourself at the bottom of the shaft.

A tight squeeze, given that Erethiel is occupying the lift floor. However, the creatures have already revealed themselves to the elf.

Hideous insects. Probably suited for water, yet now land based. A sickening mix of a large worm, a grasshopper, a fly, and an octopus, all mixed together in a yellowish carapace. The creatures scuttle along the ground as one scuttles on the ceiling, belying its fly ancestry to cling to surfaces upside down.

And these are supposed to be Andrea's new vision for Halmathan?

2013-03-15, 09:23 AM
That explains why they choose quartz as the medium...They are making a giant construct capable of sucking magic from all those that oppose them, and with the constructs size, how would one beat such a thing with out relying on magic?
Xander retrieves the book, and safely stores it in his haversack with his other literature, as they are leaving the room, Xander looks back to the vent the creature escaped from.
Should we not ensure the creature will not follow us and ambush us from behind? Or at least attempt to learn where it may have gone?
Before leaving the room, Xander takes a brief moment to glance into the vent, assuming if the creature were still present that Erethiel would have detected it, Xander tries to see what directions the vent leads, and if there is any sign of the direction the fleeing Novistador may have went. Afterward he returns to the others, and while grabbing hold of Dantie's hand leaps down the hole as Clover requests. Once at the bottom, Xander loots at the mutated insects in disgust, before casting chain nerveskitter on the party.
Andrea seems to have quite the liking for insects and other such vermin...it seems she is queen over over the simplest of lifeforms...it is no surprise I suppose, these creatures barley had any semblance of free will in the first place...now they are simply her mindless mutants...a pity really...

initiative [roll0]

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll1] (CoS added, Alan is Dungeoneering pretty much the only knowledge check I will need till we meet the zombies? If not please tell me, and I can just start posting all the checks needed to ensure I don't roll the wrong one on a creature and end up wasting time with you having to tell me to roll the proper one.)

2013-03-15, 09:55 AM
Assuming Xander is first, posting his first turn.

Xander shakes his head is disgust as he observes the creatures slowly making there way to him and his companions.
I suppose it can not be helped, the duty will fall to use to put these poor creatures out of there misery...
Xander casts chain magic missile trying to quickly end the creatures suffering.

One on the ceiling is primary, rest are secondary (half damage)

2013-03-15, 11:00 AM
Dantie fearing for all the lives in this city after seeing only a few of this womans creations does as Clover asks and jumps down into the tunnel holding Xanders hand. In seconds he feels magic defying space and time and then they arrive on the floor with no damage as if it had only been a step away.

Taking out his sword once more he mentally asks Xander what he knows about the creatures before attacking the closet one to the group.

[roll0] (gained +3 to attack rolls from Xanders knowledge roll) Damage [roll1] + [roll2] If I can attack the closets one by making a 5ft step these rolls go into effect below

Attack 2 [roll3] Damage [roll4] + [roll5]

Attack 3 [roll6] Damage [roll7] + [roll8]

2013-03-15, 11:39 AM
Clover's lizardy eyes glow green as she focuses her energy into her clawed hands and launched two blasts.

At the one on the ceiling first:

Smite Evil Vitriolic Chain:
[roll0] -7 if not evil, +2 from invisibility included
[roll1] +1 for forgetting I'm level 13, -13 if not evil

Half damage

[roll3] That's the one Dantie is in melee with.
Half damage (of the first blast)

Second Vitriolic Chain, same order of none is dead yet.

Half damage

Half damage of the first blast.

2013-03-15, 04:09 PM
@Xander: You peek through the vent, trying to find where the creature may have scampered to.

Sadly, it is gone. It would indicate the vents run throughout the facility, giving these creatures a chance to jump in anywhere.

Upon seeing the creatures at the bottom of the shaft in the old machine room, you keen your mind, trying to figure out what they are.

These are plaguewalkers. Once probably normal insects. Now, twisted by Andrea's experiments, these creatures have become aberrant versions of whatever base vermin they once were. The creatures, like the Novistadors, possess a keen sense of echolocation and are able to pounce on their prey and subdue them rather fast. They are not, however, evil in nature, having an insectile mindset.

You waste no time blasting the creatures and hear them screech in pain, but are not out.

@Dantie: the creatures are not at the foot of the lift, so you are forced to rush one of them with Cornelius' blade.

The attack hits. And hits hard, but the creature remains.

@Clover: You direct your blasts to as many of them as you can. Severely wounded, the creatures drip acid from the blast, but move on forward.

@Dantie: The one closest to you lunges at your feet.

Tentacle: [roll0] damage [roll1]

@Erethiel: One of the creatures scuttles on the ground and goes strait for you, lifting a second set of tentacles.

Charge + Pounce: [roll2] damage [roll3] second tentacle [roll4] damage [roll5] third tentacle [roll6] damage [roll7] fourth [roll8] damage [roll9]

@Xander: The one on the ceiling charges similarly at you.

Charge + Pounce: [roll10] damage [roll11] second tentacle [roll12] damage [roll13] third tentacle [roll14] damage [roll15] fourth [roll16] damage [roll17]

2013-03-15, 04:39 PM
Erethiel, taken by surprise by the creature's sudden rush, is unable to dodge any of the attacks, taking 32 damage. Still reeling from the attack, Erethiel tries to invade the creature's mind, using her telepathy, and what she read in the note to her advantage

Defensive Casting: dc 18 [roll0]

Attempts to cast Suggestion on the one targeting her(dc 29)(really hoping that they lost the vermin type)
Go to the plant in the lower areas, the unique one, and retrieve any items nearby, placing them outside of the room, in the access corridor the Queen uses.

2013-03-15, 05:17 PM
@Erethiel: You cast the spell and silently convey orders to the creature.

Sadly, there is no mind to probe.

2013-03-15, 05:20 PM
To self: Of course these things have no mind. Cruelly taken, and tormented by Andrea they might be, but they are not under her command. Sadly, I can see no way around them, but through them. They will likely be better off dead, rather than being so twisted from what they were.

Erethiel tries to step back, a mere five feet, carefully keeping a wary eye on the creature.

2013-03-15, 05:45 PM
Xander quickly summons a set of dragon wings to protect him from the creatures initial attack, and manages to avoid all but the last swipe of its tentacle.
These poor creatures are already causing more trouble than they are worth...
Xander Closes his eyes momentarily to focus his energies, once he opens them he unleashes a chained empowered magic missile.

If the one on Xander (that he blasted last time) looks near death, Xander will target the one on Erethiel as primary, and let the secondary effect hopefully handle the one on him, it the one on him doesn't look near death, Xander will target it as primary.
[roll0] +empower(X1.5)=24, half to secondary targets.

2013-03-15, 05:47 PM
@Xander: As the chitinous beast scuttles up to you, you close your eyes and draconic wings envelop you as the mutated vermin strikes with its appendages.

Sadly, the spell wears out as quickly as it came in, leaving you a nasty gash on your arm.

All three look rather beat up. Being mindless, they won't retreat, unlike Andrea's craftier creatures.

2013-03-15, 06:11 PM
Dantie slices away epically with his sword of death
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

2013-03-15, 06:26 PM
@Dantie: The creature spurts green blood as your blade comes down on him once, twice, three times.

Finally, the creature slums on its legs, gurgling blood all over its wounds.


Maximize says you multiply by 1.5. Roll your damage, state it's empowered and we can do the math easily.

2013-03-15, 06:34 PM
Clover aims two more blasts at the remaining critters.

[roll0] Automatic acid against the one on the ceiling, half against the one that attacked Erethiel.

Main target is the one attacking Erethiel.

Chained acid

Half damage

Chained acid

Half damage

2013-03-15, 07:13 PM
@Clover: Once more saving the day, your acid blast melts both creatures into a smelly pule of chitin and billious entrails.

Once the carnage is over. You approach the old clock next to the slow grinding machine.

An odd clock face. It has only two images on it abd obe hour hand.

One of the images is at the twelve o clock mark. It depicts a sun face.

The other image is at the six o clock mark. It shows a Moon face with a bloody tear.

2013-03-15, 07:21 PM
Looking down at the cuts and bruises on her arms, legs, and torso, Erethiel frowns, but moves stiffly around the room, careful to avoid the steamy piles of melted enemy. As she approaches Clover, she looks at her, her eyes full of gratitude, and says simply "Thank you, Clover. Their minds... They had none, but they were still going to kill me."
As Clover approaches the clock, Erethiel wanders around the room, trying to see if there is anything else there.
Do you think that the clock is the key to the puzzles upstairs? It certainly looks like it. Any ideas as to how to rotate it?
[roll0] search.

She then examines the strange machine.

2013-03-15, 07:25 PM
Clover examines the clock with her Arcane Sight. "I've seen the Suggestion you cast on them fail... I suspect it is the case for all, or at least most, of Andrea's creations. You know, we have some teleportation magic. We could try bypassing all these silly puzzles.

2013-03-15, 07:26 PM
Can you take us all past?

2013-03-15, 07:28 PM
As long as we hold hands. Four is my limit, though.

2013-03-15, 07:30 PM
"Well, since Clover can take us past the locked doors, why don't we just continue down this corridor? Dantie, can you open that door?"

Erethiel points out the door, and, since the party has searched and explored the room, Dantie will probably open the door :)

2013-03-15, 09:32 PM
@The Party: Ignoring the clock mechanism, you ask Dantie to open the door for you.

A thirty foot hallway, ten feet wide by ten feet high opens up to a large room fifty feet high by forty feet wide by thirty feet long.

A flight of stairs to the left ascend twenty feet before hitting a metal door.

Ten panels are spread around the walls of this room. Big enough for a dwarf to slip in crouching.

Three large test tubes stand in the center of the room. These have been broken and glass shards and amniotic fluid litter the floor around them.

Whatever was inside took off long ago.

A small table has been placed against the northern wall, next to the stairs.

Curiously enough, you see some minute creatures, the size of a small dog, eating at the glass. They look like cockroaches, but none you have ever seen before.

These are made of metal.

2013-03-15, 09:42 PM
Clover looks around with her arcane sight, trying to get some information about the room.
Erethiel uses her blindsense to good effect.

Incidentally, how well lit are these rooms? Are they bright, dim...

2013-03-15, 10:31 PM
Dantie seeing the small creatures looks closely at them trying to see what they really are.

True seeing + detect evil sadly do not have the correct knowledge to ID them.

2013-03-15, 10:55 PM
@Erethiel: You walk around the room and scan it thoroughly.

No active magic present. Surely there must have been some before.

@Dantie: You walk up to the small metal insect.

This is no illusion. And it does not radiate evil either. The creature look up to you and twirls its antennae as it looks at you and the rest.

Knowledge Arcana if you have it.

2013-03-15, 10:57 PM
As Erethiel looks around the room, she takes a decent look at the insects, and looks around, looking for any items or notes left in this room.

[roll0] know arcana

2013-03-15, 11:35 PM
@Erethiel: You walk around the room and look at the small insects nibbling on the glass.

These are Clockroaches. Tiny mechanical automatons originally crafted in Acheron. Their purpose is simple- they are used on the plane of eternal battle to clean up the refuse metal and scrap. It would seem Andrea has managed to bring some from that plane or made some of her own. If that were the case, they may be somehow altered to serve a different function.

You walk towards the desk and find an odd ornamental piece serving as a paperweight.

This is an alabaster torso, fashioned from marble. The torso is male and bare chested. it has no arms or head. A single demonic wing comes out from its back, while a slot on the back would indicate something else might fit in there.

You also find the following document.

The ability to create is something that has driven me for years. It is my Divine Right to exercise this power. As Queen, it is only fitting that I undertake the monumental task to bring forth subjects fitting for my rule.

As such, I have come across interesting points to consider when crafting new subjects.

They all, in a way, must have a base host. Many times, these are humanoids, but I have managed to alter more basic life forms to suit my needs.

Mammalia: Their use has tremendous potential. Not only does the subject develop tremendous abilities, but it retains their own. Their will is eventually broken to serve their master. Use in the field varies according to the host's abilities. Notable exception for excellence: The Adam series have proven to be a perfect weapon after the Prototype's cataclysmic failure.

Amphibia: Not as varied in abilities as humanoids, amphibians however do develop tremendous strength and an increased sense of their surroundings. Their ability to breathe underwater is most useful- particularly for underwater construction.

Insecta: Limited use. Aside from the Hirudo Medicinalis, the hosts I have used have indeed increased their size and strength, but their ability to obey commands- even simple ones have resulted in failure. Production of these has ceased.

Fey: The Sylvan creature's natural abilities blend well with the parasite. I must say, that subverting the fey has given me a sliver of glee. The idea of their free willed carefree approach to life being chained down to obey me is a delightful irony.

Giants: These brute's natural ferocity and physical endurance have provided most valuable subjects. I have procured a herd of these brutes for experimentation. Results have been most promising.

Flora: A pinnacle of my success. The ability to siphon energy and use it against their wielder is remarkable. Even more so- the experiments respond to my every whim and command. Few have been able to attain mobility. However, a procedure is being researched to attach them to my other experiments, like a symbiote.

Reptilia: It took me a long time to find the right base creature, but I have done it. The MA 101 is a formidable specimen. Mass production is already underway. As field combatants, they are peerless. Their ability to track over long distances and natural camouflage, added to the vorpal infusion I gave them make this the perfect killer.

Icthia: Altering water dependant creatures has been limited. A few have demonstrated the most basic signs of intelligence. However the F103 series has potential. I must consider releasing them into open water soon.

2013-03-16, 02:48 AM

Meanwhile, in Justcrown...

The church bells in the Cuthbertine Temple ring loud as the guards secure every single exit.

Armaita watches the commotion from afar as she weighs her bag of holding and peeks inside to see the contents.

Normally, I would go and see what the matter is, but this is not the Cuthbertine I'm after. They can handle this themselves. Now all I need is to get to Halmathan and expose the fraud.

Armaita flies down from a rooftop and hails a carriage in the middle of the night.

Meanwhile, Basil of the Ravens manages to hide outside the temple walls. His contact had been solid on the information and the scrolls given.

But where was he?

A sudden hand from the darkness pulls Basil into an alley and throws him against the wall. Basil has nearly the time to unsheathe his blade when a dagger is pointed at him.

I am very disappointed in you, Basil...

From the shadows comes out Cecile. A stern look in her eyes.

"Cecile? But how? How did you.."

"How did I know? Basil, you are like my brother and I love you, but by the gods are you a clumsy one. I saw you heading out of the Wench after hours and followed you. What in the hells were you doing in this prison? Don't you remember what happened to Tarith? What would happen to you if Kalypsia found you, huh? Did you think about that? Did you think what Tarith and us would feel like if you were hanged?"

Basil lowers his head in shame and mumbles.

"I wanted to be like T..."

Cecile watches her fellow Raven truly ashamed of his actions. He never thought beforehand of the consequences. he was a man of action. Rash action. And his heart was in the right place. His mind, however...

Cecile walks up to him and places her hand on his shoulder as she smiles warmly to him.

"You and I have shared many adventures together, Basil. And I want to keep it that way. But you need to understand- we are a family. Tarith taught us that. We fly together, never alone. I will leave whatever you took somewhere where these fools can find it. We don't want to stir up a church who has records on us. I won't tell Oliver and Bill..."

"Please don't, Cecile. I don't want another lecture from Oliver."

Cecile chuckles.

"You won't. Now let me see what you took from there. I doubt the church bells would be ringing like this and so many guards in a frenzy if you only took some holy water."

Basil opens his bag and produces a box while handing it to her.

"This man, H. He told me there was a genie realm inside. We would be rich and respected."

Cecile raises an eyebrow as she inspects the box and opens it just a tad.

"Basil, honey. There is no such thing as.."

Cecile looks into the box for a few seconds and her irises swirl with a white aura for a few seconds before shutting them and opening them again. She quickly closes the box. Basil looks at her with a puzzled look.


Cecile stands there, holding the box and a smile draws on her lips as she places the box in her own bag. She then looks at her hands and kneels before a puddle of water to look at her reflection.

"Cecile? What are you doing?"

Cecile, stands and looks at the Cuthbertine temple with a grim expression, then turns to Basil with a cheerful smile.

"Shall we go home?"

"But, the box... aren't we going to..."

Cecile smiles as she pats her bag of holding.

"It will be safe with me until I return it to Kalypsia. let's go home. lead the way, Basil. And remember, not a word about this. You already screwed up once. Let me fix this, but discreetly. "

Basil blows a sigh of relief.

"Let's. This place is getting crazy." The young Raven takes to the alleys at full speed.

Cecile levitates towards the shadows of an alley and pierces her eyes towards the Cuthbertine Temple, whose bells never stop tolling.

You have no idea what crazy is yet, Basil. This is just getting started....

2013-03-16, 08:25 AM
These Clockroaches... They were build on the plane of Acheron, meant to clean things. Perhaps they might be able to clean up the plants? But they may have been altered, so it could be a bit risk but... I think if we want to see that plant in the depths, we will need them.

After reading the note"
"You might want to read this note. It is an outline for the strengths and weaknesses of her creations. Looks like she wants to create, when all she can do is twist and destroy. She is rather... insane."

2013-03-16, 12:31 PM
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll0] (CoS added in case Erethiel's missed anything.)

I suspect the Clockroaches were originally planned to clean up her failed experiments I wonder what tampering she felt the need to do with these...
Xander follows Erethiel and the others into the room, and at Erethiel's suggestion walks over to the desk and reads Andrea's note.
She may be delusional, but at least the woman is thorough, I am sure we can make use of this information.
After allowing the rest to read the note, Xander stores it with his other literature before turning his attention to the Alabaster torso that had been holding it down.
Silver, you said you had already found a similar statue before you met up with us, and with the one we found in the library that makes three, I wonder why they appear to be incomplete, and what, if any, use completing them would have.

2013-03-16, 12:44 PM
"From what the boy... Teren, his name was? Anyway, from what he said, they seem to be fond of puzzles. I suspect that completing these will either make them into useful objects, or else open something. About these clockroaches... Do you think you could reprogram them to follow simple commands? We might be able to use them to destroy that unique plant her note under the statue talked about."

2013-03-16, 02:10 PM
@Xander: You kneel to get a closer look at the Clockroach.

A genius in craftmanship. These automatons are identical to a base cockroach, having all the organic parts replaced with clockwork. They can be controlled through an amulet, usually worn or kept by its creator, in this case, Andrea Swayne. The minute construct twiddles its antennae in your direction and you see its eyes giving off a faint red glow.

Andrea seems to have made these creatures not to fight, but to alert those able when intruders are spotted. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeNTzRhCc4A)

@The Party: Quick footsteps are heard from beyond the walls coming in different directions as a click is heard on the door going upstairs.

The ten panels are kicked and into the room jump in ten creatures. Five of these are the Novistadors, which have already been fought.

The other five, however, are different.

These look as tall as a dwarf, but hunched and far more agile, Limber musculature and a green scaled body, coupled with a reptilian face. This new opponent has long wicked claws, reaching down to the ground.

The creatures emit a scream mixing the sound of a bird, an ape, and a lizard. as The Novistadors silently flutter their wings.


Novistador1: [roll0]

Novistador2: [roll1]

Novistador3: [roll2]

Novistador4: [roll3]

Novistador5: [roll4]

Hunter1: [roll5]

Hunter2: [roll6]

Hunter3: [roll7]

Hunter4: [roll8]

Hunter5: [roll9]

2013-03-16, 02:32 PM
Clover can't beat Xander's initiative, so posting Xander's first turn.
Also, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll0] (CoS added, to ID hunters)

Tarith, and yes, I believe we could reprogram them, however we would require a control amulet to do so, which I suspect Andrea possess.
After the clockroach alearts Andrea's other creations, Xander quickly scans the field, hoping most of these creatures relied on there sight to fight, Xander casts chain Blindness/deafness with hunter one as primary, and every other enemy as secondary targets, he then activates the latent magic in his Heart of Earth spell, and shields himself in a stoneskin effect.

fort dc 20 primary, 16 secondary, fail and blind. Swift action to activate stoneskin.(damage reduction 10/adamantine, 150hp absorbed total, 15 rounds.

2013-03-16, 03:00 PM
@Xander: You look at the new enemy that Andrea has sent to finish you off.

The Hunter. Thee creatures are aberrations with improved senses. Using blindsight at a great range. They are able to pounce on their victims with their claws and cause tremendous damage.

Worse still, Andrea fused these creatures with a legendary blade during their creation- the infamous Vorpal Blade, making their claws particularly deadly against opponents who rely on their heads to live.

You immediately realize there is danger here. Using the ancient incantations learned at the University, your skin hardens, assuming a stony exterior. Immediately after that, you motion your hand around the room, casting an enchantment that will, hopefully, blind these creatures and make them useless in battle.


Primary Hunter1 (DC 20) [roll0] all others DC 16

Hunter2: [roll1]

Hunter3: [roll2]

Hunter4: [roll3]

Hunter5: [roll4]

Novistador1: [roll5]

Novistador2: [roll6]

Novistador3: [roll7]

Novistador4: [roll8]

Novistador5: [roll9]

2013-03-16, 03:03 PM
Dantie, speaking a prayer to Pelor for Aid against these enemies, starts smashing away with his sword

Assuming Enemies are within 5 feet. If 5 foot step brings him into range, then full attack. If not, charge

Assuming Evil
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]

2013-03-16, 03:15 PM
(Free action)
Everyone be careful, these new creature's have the ability to see with out their eyes, and their claws have the uncanny ability to target ones neck, which usually ends in the victim losing their head....

2013-03-16, 03:47 PM
@Dantie: You slash at one of the reptilian creatures and this one spurts black blood as it releases an unnatural screech. These creatures are evil.

It then looks at you and retaliates in kind.

Hunter1 full attack

Claw1 [roll0] damage [roll1]

Claw2 [roll2] damage [roll3]

Bite [roll4] damage [roll5]

Another Hunter charges at you, gaining a flanking position with its claws.

Hunter3 Charge + Flanking + Pounce

Claw1 [roll6] damage [roll7]

Claw2 [roll8] damage [roll9]

Bite [roll10] damage [roll11]


Claw1 [roll12] damage [roll13]

Claw2 [roll14] damage [roll15]

Bite [roll16] damage [roll17]

@Erethiel: A Novistador takes flight and spews acid in your direction.

Novistador1 acid spray

[roll18] Reflex DC 16 for half


One of the Novistadors charges at you with all its claws spread out and bile dripping from its mandibles.

Novistador4 Charge + Pounce

Claw1 [roll19] damage [roll20]

Claw2 [roll21] damage [roll22]


Claw1 [roll23] damage [roll24]

Claw1 [roll25] damage [roll26]

last claw goes imp. grab [roll27] if held, acid spew[roll28] DC 16 Reflex half

@Clover: One of the Hunters screeches and goes after you.

Hunter4 Charge + Pounce

Claw1 [roll29] damage [roll30]

Claw2 [roll31] damage [roll32]

Bite [roll33] damage [roll34]


Claw1 [roll35] damage [roll36]

Claw2 [roll37] damage [roll38]

Bite [roll39] damage [roll40]

Another Hunter joins in. They apparently know the value of tactical teamwork

Hunter5 Charge + Pounce + Flank

Claw1 [roll41] damage [roll42]

Claw2 [roll43] damage [roll44]

Bite [roll45] damage [roll46]


Claw1 [roll47] damage [roll48]

Claw2 [roll49] damage [roll50]

Bite [roll51] damage [roll52]

@Erethiel: One of the Novistadors charges at you in a way similar to Xander.

Novistador5 Charge + Pounce
Claw1 [roll53] damage [roll54]

Claw2 [roll55] damage [roll56]


Claw1 [roll57] damage [roll58]

Claw2 [roll59] damage [roll60]

last claw imp. grab [roll61] if held, acid spew [roll62] DC 16 Reflex

2013-03-16, 03:50 PM
Erethiel, coated in acid, falls to the ground, dead.

Even if she makes both saves, she is still dead.

2013-03-16, 04:15 PM
Taking in some serious hits from the hunters, Clover focuses on her divine energy, collecting two balls of pure energy in her hands and shooting them out, starting from the two in front of her.

Took 40 damage.

If any of the targets die before the second blast, then skip to another target...

Maximized Eldritch Chain:
54 damage

27 damage

[roll2] One of Xander's attackers
27 damage

Empowered, Evil Smiting, Acid Admixture, Eldritch Chain:
[roll4] *1.5

Half damage

[roll6] Same attacker.
Half damage

2013-03-16, 04:49 PM
@Clover: You watch blood fall on the ground.

Your blood.

These creatures are vicious, but fortunately, they have not scored a hit to the neck, as Xander cautioned.

You return the warm welcome in kind.

After several blasts, the reptilian hunters screech in pain and drop on the ground, bathed in acid.

One of the Hunters screeches and runs towards you, intent on finishing the job.

Hunter2 Charge + Pounce

Claw1: [roll0] damage [roll1]

Claw2: [roll2] damage [roll3]

Bite: [roll4] damage [roll5]


Claw1: [roll6] damage [roll7]

Claw2: [roll8] damage [roll9]

Bite: [roll10] damage [roll11]

@Xander: The remaining Novistador flies up and spray acid at you, wary not to hit his fellow mutant.

Novistador2 Acid Spray [roll12] DC 16 Half

2013-03-16, 04:54 PM
Erethiel tries to evade the grab from the creature(vs the 19 I rolled, or the 11 you mistakenly rolled?)

When that fails, on her turn
[roll1] escape attempt.

3 life, if I make the assumption that Alan was wrong.
Fail either way, so...

2013-03-16, 04:59 PM
Leaving soon, want to get the turn posted.

Xander discarges his Heart of Earth, activating a stoneskin effect, afterward he takes a 5 ft step away from the creature attacking him, and casts chain resilient sphere, targeting the one of the creatures on Clover, and chaining to the rest of the enemies, and Erethiel.
Erethiel, please do not try to avoid this spell, it will keep you alive. Clover, I protected Erethiel from further harm, can you please teleport yourself in and heal her, she looks very near death.
Primary reflex dc 22, secondary 18, if fail trapped in a resilient sphere.

2013-03-16, 05:03 PM
Dantie, seemingly glowing with magical strength, calls out to Pelor, before smashing viciously at the enemies near him.
Zealot's pact triggered.
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] This damage is doubled, and criticals auto confirm.
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5] This damage is doubled, and criticals auto confirm.
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8] This damage is doubled, and criticals auto confirm.

2013-03-16, 05:32 PM
@Dantie: You strike down the aberration and this one squeals in pain as it drops to the ground, moving no more.

@Xander: Once again invoking the power of the cosmos itself, you wish for every single enemy and fallen ally to be encased in a sphere of pure force.

The spell is successful, somewhat, as a few of the experiments escape your arcane reach.

Erethiel, thankfully, is safe.

The Novistador next to you, however, eludes the sphere and lashes at you.

Novistador4 Full Attack:

Claw1: [roll0] damage [roll1]

Claw2: [roll2] damage [roll3] plus imp. grab [roll4] if held, acid spew [roll5] DC 16 half

@Clover: One of the bug-like creatures escapes Xander's sphere, leaving Erethiel inside. It is quick to rush you.

Novistador5 Charge + Pounce + Flank

Claw1: [roll6] damage [roll7]

Claw2: [roll8] damage [roll9]


Claw1: [roll10] damage [roll11]

Claw2: [roll12] damage [roll13] plus imp. grab [roll14] if held, acid spew [roll15] DC 16 half damage

You swipe at the Hunter rushing you, but sadly, you miss the mark.

2013-03-16, 06:03 PM
Clover turns from the trapped Hunter as another critter charges at her. Her aura deflects the attacks effectively and leaves her safe from it's clutches as she performs a specific gesture and appears inside the sphere with Erethiel, leaving an image of herself behind.

"Sorry for crowding your place here, love what you've done with it. So homely."

2013-03-16, 06:06 PM
Erethiel sits on the floor, covered in burns, and with several deep stab wounds.
She does not look very well.
At Clover's appearence, she looks up, surprised
The pain... But I think I will live, so long as this barrier is up. Are the enemies all dead?
Her mind voice seems to be a bit... wavery

2013-03-16, 06:07 PM
@Sliver: Making a very urban gesture to the insectile Novistador. You laugh at it as you leave the image making the sign and flash forward in time inside Erethiel's sphere.

The elven woman has taken quite a beating and her breathing is heavy.

@The Party: Xander's magic has once again worked wonders. Most of the deadly Hunters are trapped inside the spheres or dead by Dantie's and Clover's hands.

@Dantie: Downing the creature with intense hatred and zeal, you focus your rage on one of the stringier insects and rush it head on, sword raised high.

The creature is cleaved through the shoulder blade as it spurts acidic blood on the blade and floor. The Novistador tries to reach out its claw at you but the momentum of the attack is too great, as steel meets flesh. You smile with pleasure as Pelor's enemy is cut down and direct your war mongering eyes towards the next victim in your killing floor.

@Xander: You aim your hand at the last untrapped aberration in the room and barrage its chest with blasts of force. The creature recoils back in pain, but is not killed.

@The Party: The remaining Novistador shrieks in frustration and retreats through one of the vents, disappearing from view.

All left now are several dark spheres of force containing some very mad experiments.

2013-03-16, 09:30 PM
As Dantie looks around he feels the need to destroy all these abominations and let there souls go free, but also a calm peace that guides his blade. He was still trying to grasp how someone could be so cruel in this world as one by one his blade, the blade of a arch paladin cut through the creatures before him and his allies. And though he felt pitty for the creatures they once were he knew if he stood by and did nothing this is what would happen to the whole world. And that he could not allow. Thinking of Tarith and the pain she had put him through, his determination was made solid. Not a single creature would escape this mad house that had been tainted by her. And with Xanders help he could hopefully save this city. Clover was still a wild card in his eyes, though he had grown to trust her. It was not yet to relying on her. And the other woman with them. She reeked of chaos, but yet not of evil, and thus he had no qual with her as long as they all had a common goal. Plus Xander trusted her and had gotten the information about where Tarith was from her so she could not be all that bad. He thought to himself as his eyes focused on his next target.

2013-03-16, 09:37 PM
Xander surveys the battlefield, ensuring nothing more is currently a threat to him and his companions.
I will release the Spheres on the creatures one at a time allowing Dantie and Clover you handle them with ease, Erethiel you may stay in your sphere as long as you wish, I will bring down the barrier are your request.
As soon as Xander is able he begins releasing one creature at a time, allowing Dantie and Clover to kill it before releasing another, afterward he releases Erethiel.

2013-03-16, 09:39 PM
Erethiel, reading Xander's mind, replies, her mind-voice weak, and quavery
Kill them, then free me. I... I can't fight such things, even at my best, and I am not at my best.

2013-03-16, 09:46 PM
Dantie hearing Xander gets into position in front of one of the globes and waits for it to be lowered.

Readying an action so that when the globe gose down I full attack.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1] + [roll2]

Attack 2 [roll3] Damage [roll4] + [roll5] Multiply times x2 if attack hit and auto crit

Attack 3 [roll6] Damage [roll7] + [roll8] Same as above.

2013-03-17, 01:50 AM
Clover looks from Erethiel to the critters in the orbs. "Xander, I... Dantie can handle them, I'm sure, leave the hunters for later."

The pained expression on Erethiel's face was too much for Clover. She couldn't just leave the sphere to inflict pain upon others. One of the three pearls on Clover's belt darkened as her clawed hand touched Erethiel's forehead, channeling a healing touch. 7 HP healed.

2013-03-17, 03:42 AM

Meanwhile, below the facility...

Andrea Swayne watches the battle go on and Xander encase her creations while Dantie finishes off one of the Novistadors.

Andrea takes some more notes.

Interesting. Whereas the other three were damaged, Dantie was able to repel the MA 101's with little effort...

Andrea looks at an old portrait of Sir Alexander Swayne on the wall.

Strength isn't the key to finishing him off. Isn't it, father?

Andrea turns her gaze to a shadowy corner and a pair of red eyes shine in the dark.

A tall figure, as large as Dantie but half its weight comes out.

A bipedal creature, with a slick jet black design and long claws. A round bald pale head with two diminutive eyes and an insectile lower jaw greet its master as a vicious scorpion tale with a cruel blade tip whips behind him.

"This is your target. He is based around strength and very high defense. He has become a priority. Eliminate him first above all others."

The creature bows to Andrea as its body goes shadowy and disappears beneath the stone floor.

2013-03-17, 04:56 AM
@Dantie: Your furious sword slashes cut the Insectile Novistador into mush as his body lies dead at your feet, twitching its legs in its death throes.

You turn to the other three dark spheres created by Xander and then to the fourth, that houses Clover and Erethiel.

The warlock has not come out to aid you in the slaughter.

2013-03-17, 06:48 AM
Erethiel's voice sounds stronger, although she is hardly healthy. However, her violet blood is no longer flowing from her wounds to pile on the floor, so the magic definitely helped.
Thank you, Clover.

For some reason, Clover gets the impression that Erethiel is glad that Clover stayed to help heal her. Most would not have.

2013-03-17, 07:46 AM
Dantie being driven by his magic gets ready to charge the next creature to be let out of a spear. His body low and Sword high, he is ready to Cleave the beast in two.

Dantie will be charging the next creature for a +2 to attack and -2 to AC.

[roll0] (If I roll a 56-59 because of Xander keen edgeing my sword it is a crit and thus 4x damage) Damage [roll1] + [roll2] 62 Damage to it in one hit before DR saying I can not ready a full attack from what Sliver has pointed out. Then again I go after Xander so you know what I will full attack. -2 to that attack making it a 48.

2013-03-17, 07:50 AM
[roll0] Damage [roll1] + [roll2] Crit on 49-52

[roll3] Damage [roll4] + [roll5] crit on 44-47

2013-03-17, 12:53 PM
@Dantie: You Charge the sphere as this one fades away and slice a hunter deep in the shoulder. The green skinned killer screeches in pain, but is not out.

You watch the creature snarl at you as it turns its gaze to one of the vents and makes a run for it. retreating into the duct and disappearing.

2013-03-17, 02:51 PM
Clover, emerges from the sphere, before joining the beat down party.

[roll0] hunter is 1

Dantie: 70
Clover: [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] miss chance

Second Enemy
Dantie: 100+
Clover: [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] miss chance

2013-03-17, 03:10 PM
Left alone, without their queen instructing them for perhaps the first time in a very long time, the creature's temporary separation is swiftly brought to an end, as the sphere comes down, and the blasts of power, as well as the sword of death, come down, and kill them, with no pity, and no remorse.

Soon afterwards, the globe around Erethiel comes down, revealing the poor, battered fey lying in a pool of her own blood.
Handily enough, Dantie immediately acts, casting Cure critical wounds(using sound lance) [roll0]
And Clover uses her wand to do some healing, starting with herself
[roll1] Clover
[roll2] Clover
[roll3] Clover
[roll4] Clover
[roll5] Xander
[roll6] Clover
[roll7] Xander
[roll8] Xander
[roll9] Xander
[roll10] Xander
[roll11] Erethiel
[roll12] Erethiel
[roll13] Erethiel
[roll14] Erethiel
[roll15] Erethiel

As the healing magic flows through her, Erethiel perks up, and stands once more.
"Thank you. I would have died here, if it weren't for you."
As Dantie and Xander search the fallen, Erethiel moves up to Clover, and hands her a few items
"Can you identify these?"
3 unknown potions, 1 unknown blue potion, magical gold dragonfly, ivory goat, unknown torch, the jewels from the jewlbox, the liion plaque, the faerie statue, and the wand of fire.

2013-03-17, 03:15 PM
"Why, of course, m'lady! It would be my pleasure." Clover bows and puts on a monocle, examining the items one by one.

2013-03-17, 04:21 PM
@Clover: The smell of apricots is a welcome scent since it obscures fro a brief moment the smell of blood on the floor and walls.

Erethiel places the items in front of you. Placing the monocle to your eye, you start examining these items one by one.

The three potions have a syrupy color to them. They have faint conjuration- Cure Moderate Wounds. CL 3rd.

The blue potion has a chemical smell to it. Neutralize poison.

The dragonfly is an odd little piece. It has moderate transmutation. It is used as a key. A key to what? You know it is incomplete, since it is lacking its wings. Four slots in total.

The goat has transmutation magic on it as well. A rare item. The Goat of Travail. Upon a command words- The Queen Rides Triumphant, this miniature can transform to the size of the devilish nightmares from Hades. Usable only once per month and for three hours at a time.

The white statue which, rather than being a faerie looks more like the torso of a clothed priestess or goddess- but without head or arms, is part of a set used in a scale. Apparently, it is incomplete, lacking two items that would go in its back, given the two slots present. Moderate Transmutation, but ineffective if not used complete and with a counterpart.

The jewels have no magic per se. Apparently they have been bathed in Nystul's Magical Aura. they should net a handsome price, however.

The Lion Plaque serves as a key. It is designed apparently to open a large vault within this facility. What would be inside the vault, however, is anyone's guess.

The torch is of the everburning kind.

The wand was apparently kept by Andrea in her younger years to ward off her wild experiments.

It is a wand of fireball. CL 8th. Twenty charges remain.

@The Party: You inspect the creatures but find nothing on them. Going up the stairs you find the door has unlocked and it leads down a hallway with paintings on both sides.

Big ones too.

One has the an artists rendition of different varieties of ants, with scientific names under each. A plaque reads beneath.


The other one has a painting of a woman. She is kneeling down and her eyes look hollow. Her back has opened and a being made of light with two pairs of wings emerges from her, like a cocoon. A plaque reads beneath.


Further down, you see a lift, fit for one person. This one ascends sixty feet up.

2013-03-17, 04:31 PM
Erethiel places the items back into her pack, although she does keep the wand of fireball out.

After finding the image, Erethiel touches it, hoping that the wings might be the ones the statuettes need to function.

"I wonder... Was her experiment... to turn her into some sort of ant queen?"

2013-03-17, 04:42 PM
@Erethiel: You pass your hand through the canvas, but there is nothing magical or retrievable. The paintings are old, however. And the one about the ants is very scientifically accurate.

The other one with the woman exposing her back to a luminous being is very difficult to tell what it is, since the artist used a lot of white and yellow, diffusing the form, only giving a glimpse as to what it could be.

2013-03-17, 04:49 PM
"Hm... Well, judging from this image, maybe Andrea is not the mind behind this. Whatever this glowy thing is meant to be, might have offered her guidance. Anyway, we might as well proceed. I can get on top of the elevator, and fly up, while Dantie is inside it. Xander, you can turn the wheel, and Clover, you can stay with him, and if something nasty comes, help to fight it. Then you two head up, after we send the lift back down for you."

Presumably, the party does as she directs.

2013-03-17, 09:19 PM
After all the creatures are gone Dantie asks for Pelors hand to guide him as he heals the new addition to the party. All these strange faces. It was like he was with the flock back in the port city only weeks ago. Hopefully he would not need to teach all of them. He at least knew that Xander was as knowledgeable, if not more so then himself. And Clover had a long and dark past so she hid her true identy. But this new woman traveling with them he knew nothing about. But his trust in Pelor led him through these ideas as he followed the others being the light in this darkness.

As they come to the elevator and arrangements are made Dantie nods in agreement. If a fight was to happen up above it would be best for him to be the first one up as he was the sturdiest. At least he prayed that Pelor was watching him now and lending him all of his strength that he could.

So how is swans rest going?

2013-03-17, 09:57 PM
As Clover begins healing the group, Xander offers her his staff, and waits for the Stoneskin effect to end before recasting Extended Heart of Earth.
Please, split half the magic needed to heal the group with my wand, we should all keep some charges until we have a chance to replace them, and I have plenty still...if I am not mistaken these wands cost about 750 gold do they not? We should probably split those kind of resources between the parties funds, unless anyone has any objections?
Xander looks to Erethiel.
Lady Silver, How are you faring after the battle, and do you have have the capability to activate a wand such as this mid battle, if the occasion called for it?
Xander follows Erethiel upstairs.
I believe it is her obsession with insects and the hive mentality they possess is what led her to her current thoughts on her being a queen, and some superior being. I am surprised we have seen no ant like abominations of her making yet.
Xander follows Erethiel to the lift and does and she requests.

2013-03-17, 10:01 PM
"Xander, I am afraid that while I can use most arcane wands, divine wands... are beyond me. Thank you for asking about me, but Clover has been kind enough to heal me, although I think it took most of her charges from the wand. Are you all right? Clover healed you, so I think so, but better to be sure."

@the ant comment
"Perhaps, but such things are usually not so complete. I think she was insane before she even started down her current path. Perhaps she feels that ants are not powerful enough for a true queen?"

2013-03-17, 10:42 PM
I took 6 of the charges used off Xander's wand to save Clover some charges, also Dantie look at prayer bead (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Strand_of_Prayer_Beads)s as Archmage was saying, I plan on getting some on Xander at some point, since UMD will let me use them, also heading to bed.
Yes, I am fine, the Clover is excellent at drawing out the magic from the wands.

I would think they would be the perfect candidate...but who knows the mind of the insane, they probably had some insignificant defect she imagined and deemed them unworthy of her.

2013-03-17, 10:54 PM
"She is rather good with a wand, isn't she? As for Andrea... her plans are so boring. Making everyone obey you... where would the fun be in that?"

2013-03-17, 11:06 PM
@Dantie: You get on the lift and Xander begins winding the winch.

As the lift begins to ascend, you can see the the ceiling begin to open. Apparently, the winch releases a landing spot for the lift.

You finally get up and scour your surroundings.

A sort of living room. The walls have a green striped wallpaper with an ant motif. A desk sits at the far left from your arrival with a podium next to it and an odd square machine with a lens looking at the far end of the wall, which is completely white. A door greets you at the other end of the room.

Then there is the new decor.

This place is filled with leech egg sacs- all broken. You also see four of the creatures from the train- the leechwalkers, oozing around the room.

The lift comes to its end and the creatures turn features at you.


1. [roll0]

2. [roll1]

3. [roll2]

4. [roll3]

2013-03-17, 11:12 PM
As Dantie is lifted up into the next level by Xander and Clover Dantie looks over his surroundings. It seems to be nomral and safe until Dantie turns his head and sees four leechwalkers in the room with him. Mentally to the others he quickly adds. I do not mean to rush anyone but we got four leechwalkers up here. Going to try to slow them down now.Dantie says as he stands firm ready to fight.

Init [roll0]

2013-03-17, 11:43 PM
@Dantie: What is your flatfooted AC? Also, not evil.

The leechwalkers surround the lift as they move towards you. their bodies sucking the ground around them and leaving a yellowish trail of slime.

1.Tentacle1:[roll0] damage [roll1] plus wounding. Lose 3 hp every round after this one.

Tentacle2:[roll2] damage [roll3] plus wounding. Lose 3 hp every round after this one. plus imp grab [roll4], if held, lose [roll5] points of constitution drain

2.Tentacle1:[roll6] damage [roll7] plus wounding. Lose 3 hp every round after this one.

Tentacle2:[roll8] damage [roll9] plus wounding. Lose 3 hp every round after this one. plus imp grab [roll10], if held, lose [roll11] points of constitution drain

3.Tentacle1:[roll12] damage [roll13] plus wounding. Lose 3 hp every round after this one.

Tentacle2:[roll14] damage [roll15] plus wounding. Lose 3 hp every round after this one. plus imp grab [roll16], if held, lose [roll17] points of constitution drain

4.Tentacle1:[roll18] damage [roll19] plus wounding. Lose 3 hp every round after this one.

Tentacle2:[roll20] damage [roll21] plus wounding. Lose 3 hp every round after this one. plus imp grab [roll22], if held, lose [roll23] points of constitution drain

2013-03-17, 11:59 PM
"Oh, stop it! I'm not that good of a wand handler! It's all in the wrist and how-" Clover goes silent and turns bright red before turning invisible.

As she sprouts wings, Dantie's warning goes through. "Quick!" Clover runs up to the shaft and ready to teleport them all once they get a bit of height. It would be a tight squeeze, but it is only a few feet up before she can make the jump...

[roll0] +5 if nerveskitter

2013-03-18, 12:13 AM
As the creatures come at him Dantie has little time to react as they begin to swarm. As the first one draws near Dantie lashes out at it trying to keep it held back.

I have a 10ft reach so AoO against 1 of them only sadly [roll0] (took 5 away to add 5 to damage) Damage [roll]1d18+22[roll] +4 damage (Divine might)

But his strike does not seem to be enough as he is attacked by tentacles from all sides. As the first attack comes in Dantie easily moves by it, only to be struck by the second attack that followed in close succession.

144hp + woundingx1

After the first sting of the creatures wicked tentacles though Dantie quickly and deftly dodges the next 4 to come at him. Not wanting to be hit once more by such a strike, and as he is thinking about this he feels another two hits connect with him, but from where he thinks as he turns to see the forth leechwalker connect with him.

135hp + wounding x2 from first attack
128hp +woundingx3 after second attack

Knowing that if he did not end this soon Dantie quickly launched all he had at the creatures before him. Even though they were not evil they were some of her creations and thus had to be stopped. And so he drops his shield hoping to deal just enough damage to kill off at least one of the attackers.

Full attack on the one I got an AoO against

[roll1] (Subtract 5 to add +10 to damage as I am now wielding blade with two hands) Damage [roll2]

Attack 2 [roll3] Damage [roll4] Crit

Attack 3 [roll5] Damage [roll6]

AC is now 26

2013-03-18, 12:14 AM
@Clover: While invisible, the words of praise are quickly silenced by Dantie's warning.

Leechwalkers. And these things were nasty ones already from your previous experience.

Holding on to Erethiel and Xander, you wish yourself up where Dantie is.

Sure enough, The slime filled living room is filled with hatched leech eggs. Big ones too, about the size of a halfling's fist. Four of the hideous creatures surround Dantie and flail their arms at him.

2013-03-18, 01:28 AM
@Dantie: @Dantie: You grit your teeth as you feel some of the tentacles lash at you, with their million bites attached to each.

You keep hacking one of Andrea's creations and pass the point of no return for the creature.

Then, something happens to the leechwalker.

With your final slash upon its vermin body, the creature0s upper body dissolves into the many leeches that made it. The lower body, just a pair of slimy legs, walks around you aimlessly and then you see a large bulging sac of slime grow from its severed torso.

Then, it explodes in a twenty foot radius, splattering everyone in leeches and slime. The other three seem unaffected as they continue their barrage, now flanking you.

Viral Burst: (8d6)[5][5][6][6][6][5][3][3](39) damage to all non-leechwalkers. Reflex DC 20 reflex for half


Andrea's Gift: Fortitude DC 20 or contract the Progenitor virus

The other three leechwalkers continue their barrage.

2. Tentacle1 (1d20+15)[32] damage (1d8+4)[6] plus wounding 3hp

Tentacle2 (1d20+15)[25] damage (1d8+4)[11] plus wounding 3hp plus imp. grab (1d20+13)[23] if held, (2d4)[2][4](6) Con drain

3. Tentacle1 (1d20+15)[32] damage (1d8+4)[5] plus wounding 3hp

Tentacle2 (1d20+15)[34] damage (1d8+4)[10] plus wounding 3hp plus imp. grab (1d20+13)[28] if held, (2d4)[1][3](4) Con

4. Tentacle1 (1d20+15)[16] damage (1d8+4)[10] plus wounding 3hp

Tentacle2 (1d20+15)[30] damage (1d8+4)[9] plus wounding 3hp plus imp. grab (1d20+13)[23] if held, (2d4)[4][1](5) Con

2013-03-18, 06:22 AM
Alas, Erethiel, being flat footed(because, you know, knowing a battle is about to happen still leaves her that way)
[roll0] reflex
[roll1] fort
[roll2] init

2013-03-18, 07:11 AM
Well saying you yourself called it a virus I waze my hand and say can't touch this.

Reflex save for half damage Took 9 damage total after DR so 145hp/156 as I only took 2 damage last round.

As Danties last slash goes in he looks first in triumph, and then in horror as the creature explodes. Quickly he shields his eyes, relying on his armor to shield him from the rest and is justly rewarded. But it was not over yet, and even as he tried to enjoy the small victory he was besieged by the three remaining creatures. As he tries to fight off these creatures he stays quick on his feet making Tarith proud. Only one gets a hit in on him, sapping some of his fortitude away.

117hp/156hp 28 damage from con drain

Sick of these creatures and their ways Dantie turns to the last one granting flanking and swings at it hoping to end this fight in one finally attack.

Keep in mind to flank someone has to be on each side of me. So one of those creatures last turn lost flanking bonus meaning they got -2 to attacks and I am about to make it so for the other. Attacking number 4

Full attack [roll1d20+30 Damage 1d8+32

Attack 2 1d20+25 Damage 1d8+32

Attack 3 1d20+20 Damage 1d8+32

2013-03-18, 07:24 AM
Keep in mind to flank someone has to be on each side of me. So one of those creatures last turn lost flanking bonus meaning they got -2 to attacks and I am about to make it so for the other. Attacking number 4

Full attack [roll1d20+30[/roll] Damage [roll0]

Attack 2 [roll1] Damage [roll2]

Attack 3 [roll3] Damage [roll4]

2013-03-18, 09:58 AM
As Clover goes invisible, Xander raises an eyebrow at her.
There is not need to be bashful Clover, also you do remember I can see through a invisibility spell at the moment?
Xander's direction is quickly draw to above the shaft as Dantie calls out a warning for more leechwalkers, he quickly casts shield on himself while cursing silently under his breath, knowing that if his resources weren't beginning to run thin he could have had them all up the shaft and ready to battle the creatures with ease rather than have his companions split as they were currently, Xander quickly follows after Clover, and grabs her hand when she directs him to.

Will wait until you tell use Clover and I are present for the battle before posting further. Also I figured if we were waiting for 2 rounds Xander might be able to cast shield. If when Xander gets up there most the enemies are still present, he will chain nerveskitter, if Dantie has cleaned half of them up Xander will save it.

Also because I am curious how Xander would do if he did get hit by the blast.
Fort [roll0]
Reflex [roll1]

2013-03-18, 05:24 PM
After resisting the virus, by the power of luck, Erethiel tries to fly out of reach of the leechwalkers, ending at least 25 feet from them


2013-03-19, 01:15 AM
@Dantie: You finish off the second leechwalker and as the blade goes down, its body bulges and explodes in a twenty foot radius, like the one before.

Viral Explosion [roll0] Reflex DC 20 for half


Andrea's Gift Fortitude DC 20 or contract the Progenitor Virus

@Erethiel: The room you are in is forty feet long by twenty feet wide by ten feet high. You are blasted against the wall by the explosion and, through your innate training, manage to twist Fate in your favor, avoiding a Fate worse than death itself under Andrea Swayne's rule.

@The Party: At this point, Clover and Xander can rule initiative and see what order they go in.

2013-03-19, 08:18 AM
As Dantie's blade sinks into the leechwalker he already knows what is about to happen and quickly tries to dodge the incoming blast.

[roll0] Reflex save Dantie is immune to diseases and you already stated it was a disease but just for the fun of it [roll1]

Dantie only takes 19 damage

Dantie also took 12 damage from wounding


And as luck would have it he missed most of the blast, but that did not help him against the wounds the leechs had left on him the few times they had hit. The wounds were still bleeding and he knew that if he did not find a way to stop it he would bleed out to death.

Alan could a heal check work?

2013-03-19, 10:25 AM
Clover appears along with Xander and sees the leechwalkers. The last time she fought against one, it almost blew up in her face, and Clover remembered. The green bolts of energy conjured into her hands and quickly launched at one of the leeches before quickly taking flight to the other side of the room, trying to stay as far away as possible from the living mines.

[roll1] Acid damage

Secondary target:
Half damage

[roll4] Acid damage

Secondary target:
Half damage

Then a move action to fly to the other edge of the room, staying out of AoO range if possible. Should be easy if Clover manages to kill one off, a bit trickier and might force her to eat one AoO if she doesn't...

2013-03-19, 07:00 PM
Some of the nice, friendly leechwalkers decide to try and make friends with Clover as she moves past them. After all, they have been instructed to make friends...

[roll0] [roll1] plus wounding + grab [roll2] if held [roll3] con damage
[roll4] [roll5] plus wounding + grab [roll6] if held [roll7] con damage

2013-03-19, 09:15 PM
After appearing at the top of the shaft, thanks to Clover's magic, Xander quickly surveys the battlefield, nothing the remains of the leechwalkers Xander decides to avoid the risking any exploding leechwalker hitting him, he he decides putting distance between him and the creatures would be prudent. But first he Defensively(auto success) casts haste on the party (or just Dantie if we are more than 30 ft apart.) Afterward he uses a charge from his anklets to teleport 10 feet away from the creatures, and moves his maximum distance from the creatures to avoid any explosions. 60 if hasted, 30 if not, either way should be at the farthest wall.)
Dantie, you seem to be fairing rather well, do you think you and Clover will be able to handle cleaning up these vermin, or would would like further assistance?

2013-03-19, 09:26 PM
@Clover: One of Andrea's experiments holds on tight.

Grapple [roll0] 3 hp loss and if held [roll1] Con Drain

@Dantie: The other leechwalker continues flailing his body at you.

Tentacle1 [roll2] damage [roll3] plus wounding 3 hp

Tentacle2 [roll4] damage [roll5] plus wounding 3 hp plus imp. grab [roll6] if held, [roll7] Con drain

@Xander: The situation isn't as bad, except for Clover being held by one of the creature's tentacles and Dantie being bathed in leech juice and dead leeches. The smell of chemicals runs heavy in the air. Whatever Andrea used to make these is highly toxic.

2013-03-19, 09:29 PM
Erethiel, seeing Clover in a significant amount of trouble, will consider casting suggestion, but then, on further consideration, realize that these creatures have no minds, rendering her magic useless.

Erethiel has no contribution beyond giving 1 re-roll per round.

2013-03-19, 10:07 PM
Dantie seeing the others arrive can not help but laugh as he hears Xander's voice in his mind. Please Xander if this is the worst she can throw at us I will be able to deal with her myself all day. I would keep an eye on clover though, and stay at least 30ft away if possible. They have a nasty habit of blowing up and I suspect that besides the wounds it inflicts, it carries something a lot more dangerous to those not immune to diseases of all kinds. He says as he Turns to the opponent Clover had not yet striked and focusing all his power into his swing he launched what he hopped to be the final attack before this fight was over.

Full attack

Attack 1 [roll0] (crit on 47-50) Damage [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2] (Crit on 42-45) Damage [roll3]

Attack 3 [roll4] Crit on 37-40) Damage [roll5]

Also Reflex save in the chance that it does die [roll6] Ouch full damage on this next roll

Hp 102/156

2013-03-20, 12:17 AM
@Dantie: You laugh at Andrea's pitiful attempts at trying to stop you. Hacking away at her creations with much ease.

Then, the third goes down. You watch, as with the two others, its upper torso bulging up into a black greenish sac and explode in a twenty foot radius.

Viral Explosion: [roll0] DC 20 half

Andrea's Gift: DC 20 or contract Progenitor virus

2013-03-20, 01:47 AM
As Clover's life was draining out of her, she felt her consciousness slipping away. Her vision grew darker and darker as she conveyed her last request to Xander. "Tell Wilhem... I tried..."

Moments later, the leechwalker that had a hold around Clover's body was slashed by Dantie, along with the other one. As Clover's body began to descend slowly, thanks to her wings stretched out, the monster blew under her, the explosion powerful enough to lift her body and slam it into the low ceiling and leaving cracks in it where her body hit. Clover's body begins to fall once more, this time different than her last form.

With the leechwalkers dead, Dantie reacts quickly, throwing his sword to the ground he jumps and catches Clover in his hands. Her body lies on his arms, limp and broken.

Her magic worn off, Clover's true form is revealed even to those who could not see through it before. Quite short and thin, Clover's brown hair hung down, her clothes no longer having her will to command them turned back into the silvery-blue breastplate that failed to protect her. On her cheek was a tattoo, too obvious to not notice. A light-blue, almost glowing, tattoo of the runic circle that was Cuthbert's symbol, a sign of eternal devotion to justice, truth, that was hidden under illusion for dozens of years. With all of her bruises and blood, it seemed the only thing untouched by the battles she's been through since she joined the fight against Connor.

2013-03-20, 06:46 AM
Safely back from the battle, Erethiel can do nothing but watch as Clover is captured by the leechwalkers, even as she tries to alter fate to allow her to escape.
As her magic fails, all she can do is hope that Clover, this interesting individual, can manage to escape... somehow.

Alas, as she watches, Dantie kills one of the leechwalkers, the detonation blasting Clover's body to the ceiling, all she can think of is sadness at the stranger's death. She was interesting.

As it was clear that the danger was over, Erethiel approaches the remains, as well as the splattered Dantie.
"She... She's dead. But... she was... Interesting"
Erethiel looks sad, and somewhat angry at Dantie for him letting Clover die.

2013-03-20, 07:23 AM
She is not dead yet. Dantie says as he pulls out a diamond and a large enough piece of cloth to hide her face from the others. She had asked him once not to allow anyone to know until she was ready, and he would try his best to keep this secret of hers. As the cover and diamond come to his hands he quickly covers her face and then with his other hand places the diamond where her heart would be and begins praying. Oh Pelor, lord of the sun, grant this soul the strength to return to her body from wince she has left. Show her the way back into this world so that we can free this fine city. Dantie says as he is infusing divine energy into the diamond.

Dantie casts revivify. Sliver Clover gets no level loss.

When the spell is finished he stays close to her waiting and praying that the spell had worked and her soul had stayed inside its body. And when he hears her first intake of breath he whispers into her ear, Sorry for the cloth over your face and not being able to stop you from going through that experience but if I would have tried they would have still killed you. They almost got me. You may want to change your appearance as your true face is showing. Dantie says before slowly backing up and extending his hand to her when she eventually tries to get up.

2013-03-20, 08:55 PM
@The Party: You watch Dantie and Clover be bathed in viral alchemical explosions as Andrea's creations burst like brackish balloons and detonate in dantie's face.

The Pelorite can take the punishment, despite the heavy damage sustained.

Clover, however...it proves too much for her.

A final burst launches her up towards the ceiling and cracks of stone hurl down with her as Clover the warlock breathes no more and her features change to that of an auburn haired girl with a cudgel tattoo on the side of her face.

Not wasting time after the vile creatures have exploded around all of you, Dantie kneels before Clover and placing a diamond on her chest, closes his eyes and puts his hands together in prayer.

Within seconds, a gasp is heard from the cloth on Clover's face as the arlock comes back to life.

A close call. Now, where to go?

2013-03-20, 09:01 PM
As Clover breathes again, Erethiel seems to be glad about it, as losing people is never fun, even for the fey.
"Clover! You're alive! Dantie, it would seem that your favor with your god is high indeed. But... Can you heal her some more? She... she does not look so good, all things considered. I know of one location where it might be safe to rest here, so you could go there, or you could try to keep on going."

If the party chooses to rest, Erethiel will lead them to the bedroom where she rested before.

2013-03-20, 09:42 PM
Once the task is done of bringing Clover back to life he pulls out a scroll and looking to Erethiel says. I have been in service to Pelor all my life. As for healing her I can do so here. And with that he begins reading from the scroll.

Using both scrolls of restoration to heal both his con damage as well as clovers.

Once finished he pulls out his wand and begins using it to heal the two of them.

36 damage Dantie takes from wounding before he heals himself.


Split between the two of us, healing you mostly though first, Only thing is I take the first one so that I stop taking damage. I also have 7 charges left on my wand.

2013-03-21, 01:57 AM
Clover gasped for air as her eyes opened as the healing magic washed over her. Strange... Is this death? She wondered as she saw nothing but darkness. Then Dantie's words came to her. Not through some void or anything she imagined, but above her. Slowly, she lowered the cloth to reveal just her azure green eyes and looked at Dantie and Erethiel above her. For a moment she simply stared at them. Then her face turned red. She carefully took Dantie's hand and rose to her feet. "I... Need to use my voice..." She said, not wanting to point right out that they were using telepathy to communicate.

"Thank you." Clover says, turning to Dantie, as she forms the gestures required to transform her, opting for her simple human form at the moment. "I'm sorry..." She looked at the diamond powder on her chest, the implication is not lost on her as she brushes it off.

Clover mumbles something about wastefulness as the apricot scent from Dantie's wand washes over her, but she doesn't stop him. "I'm sorry..." She repeats. "I won't hold you back!" Clover promises as she turns to Erethiel. "No, I can continue, we don't have to stop."

2013-03-21, 03:23 AM
@The Party: As soon as Dantie has healed Clover and himself, using his many resources in the divine, you hear a clicking sound from the box on the table facing the blank wall opposite the room.

The lights in the room go dark and an image is projected on the wall. It would seem it is a form of programmed image, but the image is flat, not having the full volume that a spell like that usually pertains.

The image on the wall is Sir Alexander Swayne. And he begins to speak. The voice sounds cracked. Maybe because of the device's old age.

Hello. I am Alexander Swayne. If you are seeing this, it means that either the Progenitors have been disposed of and the orb has sensed actual people in the room to communicate my message, or Andrea has taken this device and hid it from the world.

I hope it is the former.

Sir Alexander pauses in thought as he turns his gaze to the left and right. He seems hurried in this message.

I am not a good father. Allow me to get that off my chest. As a royal, I was lauded as one of the finest, maintaining an air of superiority and grandeur to overshadow any other family of lineage in Halmathan. I always procured to show off the best my family had to offer. As such, when Andrea and Odeun where born, I sent both to the best schools not only here, but in the Free City as well.

My legacy was the most important thing at the time. A mechanical logic, which estranged me from my children. I am glad that Odeun did not follow my strict mentality and rebelled one too many times, resulting in him running away from home. At the time, I was ashamed of the stain he had left. Today, I wish I had ran off with him.

Andrea, on the other hand, was the family jewel. Some say she was the direct reincarnation of our family's founder. She would be the one to usher in a second Golden Age for the Swayne family. To that point, I sent her off to Runestone Academy to focus her studies while keeping a close eye on her...for bragging rights.

Through the projection, sounds can be heard not too far away from Sir Alexander's position. The man goes off the screen and the sound of furniture can be heard being pushed against the wall. Sir Alexander comes back and continues.

The money spent on her education paid off...too well. Andrea is, by the very definition of the word, a genius. She was mentored by Doctor Cutter away from the Academy. Something I agreed on to keep her mind solely focused and avoid distraction from her peers. I did not know that Cutter would end up being manipulated by Andrea. Something in her mind... something unnatural. It would seem our family was cursed from the very beginning. Even as a child, she had a superiority complex that was inadvertently pushed forward by me. It would take me some time to realize that Andrea had been hatching a plan all along- She desires to rule the City...and possibly more.

Many of the staff have fallen to her experiments already. Jarvis, our butler, being one of her first subjects, has taken most of the house staff into the labs below. Now, she is coming after me. It is her belief that only the purest blood will produce the finest experiments. I could have gone to his majesty, but I thought, as a father, that I could have stopped her. It dawned upon me too late that I never was a father, only in title.

Please, listen carefully. There is a way to stop Andrea. I know she suffers inside...I want to believe that. There is a way to put her down for good. by the time this information is seen, chances are she will have already gone through her experiment, making her something...else.

There is a key, a five part key in the shape of a dragonfly. I foolishly left the key in my room and Andrea took it, separating it over the house and the lab below. That key will open a vault below this house which should give you access to a weapon to put her down for good...

As a father, this is very difficult to ask for anyone, but please, whether you are on her side or not, help her...

The image on the screen goes blank, but sounds are still recorded, which indicate that the furniture used to blockade his transmission was broken and shrills mixed with Sir Alexander's cries of pain can be heard before the lights go up again and the machine clicks off.

2013-03-21, 06:38 AM
Erethiel looks down as the various wounds on Clover's body, as well as the leech smeared mess that is Dantie, and looks doubtful
"If you say so..."

"That recording... Interesting, but not surprising. It would seem that Andrea is insane, and that her father was unable to oppose her effectively, which is more or less what I expected. Now, why would the staff stay to be experimented on? Seems foolish, unless there was some way to seal the house, such as why it is underground... As for the dragonfly, well, if we can find the pieces, we might as well use it, but, well, I would expect her to carry at least one of the pieces, making that impossible, without fighting her. Either way, time to move on."

Erethiel opens the door at the end of the corridor, and takes a look around.

2013-03-21, 07:54 AM
As Dantie sees Clover lower the cloth a bit and say she needs to use her voice he nods in understanding and waits for her to be ready to stand up, but then the unexpected happens and she thanks him. A bit confused he looks at her. I am not exactly sure why you are saying thank you. You would have done the same I am sure. Dantie says acting as if it was not as large of an ordeal as she was making it out to be.

As the two of them rise from the floor Dantie looks into her eyes and says truthfully. If not for you I would not have been able to stop those two beasts in time to save you. There is no reason to be sorry. Just try to be more careful. All of you. I know my limits through years of training and battle. I know when I can not do something and am outclassed. I ask that you all try to learn the same that way we work as one cohesive unit. Dantie says kindly to all in the room. Just then he sees a n image appear in the room and after seeing it decides now is the best time to activate one of his weapons that he had been holding out for. And with that thought in mind he calls on Pelor to change his bodies insides so that he can breath the golden fire of the dragons.

Casting Dragon's breath to be able to breath fire. Lasts 10min/level, extended=20min./level 20x15=300minutes so 3 hours and 20 minutes.

2013-03-21, 01:00 PM
@Erethiel: You open the door leading out of the room and see that it leads to one of the earlier hallways. One that had been traversed by the party. In fact, it is the door you are opening the one that was marked with the Hourglass.

This hallway would lead you out to the lobby, where the group fought off Tarith.

2013-03-21, 04:48 PM
Relaxing as she sees no threat in the room, Erethiel turns back to the group, speaking rapidly.
"Well, that is convenient. We can head to the room I know, or we could go downstairs again to use the time device to open some of these doors, or Clover could bring us past the doors. I think heading back to use the device to unlock the doors is the better move, as that way if we need to retreat, we can, and Clover is rather badly injured."

2013-03-21, 05:05 PM
Dantie looks to the others waiting to see what they think they should do as he already knew that whatever they agreed upon he would follow. His mission was already set before him by Pelor, now all he had to do was carry it out.

2013-03-21, 06:10 PM
@Erethiel: You look out the hallway and indeed, it is empty of enemies. All you would need to do is go through the hallway and cross the bloody lobby.

@The Party: A loud rumble several feet below makes you lose your balance somewhat.

Something stirs below the house. Something big.

2013-03-21, 06:40 PM
Erethiel stumbles, catching herself by flaring her wings out as the house shakes, and she immediately thinks on what could have caused such a shake, based on what she has read.
"I think we should hurry. As far as I know, there are 2 things down there: the magical plant, and the vault. If either of them are causing rumbling..."

She starts hurrying towards the second time locked door.

2013-03-21, 09:26 PM
As Dantie feels the house begin to rumble he grabs onto the nearest thing to support himself from falling over before looking to Xander. Could that be the machine that raises this establishment to the city? He asks as the rumbling finally ends. Then he hears Erethiel point out that it could also be the plants down there. Good point shall we? Dantie says following close behind Erethiel as she knew the way better then he did. All the while using his abilities to sense evil so that he could give everyone a fair warning if anything was coming at them.

Detect evil is an at will ability and goes out to 60ft. Also please do not forget about true seeing.

2013-03-21, 10:40 PM
@The Party: Following Erethiel through the shortest route, you walk down the low ceiling corridor that will take you to the lobby, where you fought Tarith.

The door leading to the lobby looks splintered, as if something had forced itself against it from the lobby. It is not completely broken, and it can still be used, but someone certainly used force on this wooden door.

@Dantie: Strong evil can be sensed away from the door, in the lobby. Very strong.

2013-03-21, 10:43 PM
Away from the door as in behind it? In the room with us?

Dantie puts up his hand as inside his mind he senses great evil and begins to try to focus in and locate it. Everyone hold I sense a great evil nearby. Clover get ready to smite something if I give the order. Dantie says mentally before putting himself next to Xander and Erethiel, that way if something comes at either one of them he can intercept.

Also because of the wording of the spell is this room large enough for me to become large? If so I change back to large, so on so forth depending on size restrictions. I know annoying but still.

2013-03-22, 03:48 AM

Meanwhile, in Temple District in Halmathan...

Kannis Ocerras walks straight through the front gates of the Cuthbertine Temple. His presence as a Hextorite has not been diosclosed by the higher authorities- if they are aware at all. However, given a man of his poise and positiion in rel Mord, and a large amount of clout, nobody has bothered to question him.

As Kannis walks in, Lady Silvarel of the Church of Ehlonna walks out of the Church of the Cudgel. The elven priestess slows her pace as she turns to look at Kannis, who smiles and gives her a short bow. The elven cleric bows back and, clearly confused as she tries to puzzle where has she seen this man before, gets in a carriage and drives off to the Royal Park.

Father Calchis of the Cudgel watches the man walk in.

"A late hour, sir. Are you here for confession?"

Kannis bows to the elder Cuthbertine.

"Father O'Bannon, your grace. I have an appointment with the Grand Inquisitor."

"I am sorry, father O'Bannon. The Grand Inquisitor is not here. If you wish, you could leave a message.."

That won't be necessary, father Calchis.

Connor steps out of the shadows a few feet away as he greets both men. Father Calchis raises an eyebrow- this man wasn't even heard and he had left without much fanfare or notice.

"Your grace, I thought you were away. You went to?"

Connor looks at the elder priest.

"I went to ensure the city is safe, Father Calchis. Halmthan's threats spread beyond our walls, you know. If we do not take a stand before the enemy has a chgance to strike, we will have the hounds of war at our doorstep before morning prayer. Do you not agree?"

Father Calchis looks at Connor. Yes, the man is a zealot, but where did he go to?

"Grand Inquisitor, with all due respect. There are papers for you to fill regarding your whereabouts if this is official church business..."

"...which will be filed first thing tomorrow through the proper channels. Thank you, Father Calchis, for your tremendous concern for my well being and, by extent, to all of Halmathan. Truly you are an exemplar of Law and Order. I may even consider a promotion for you. Now, if you'll excuse us..."

Connor gestures Kannis to follow him to his private quarters.

Once inside, Kannis takes out a blueprint and spreads it on the table.

"She says it is nearly completed. She is also quite violent. More so than we had anticipated. She even threw threats this time. And you? How did your travel go? And what was Silvarel doing here?"

Connor looks at the blueprints with much attention.

"I must admit, Ocerras. I absolutely detest the path my father lead, but I must say that his teachings have had its advantages. As we speak, one of Tarith's bumbling Ravens is making sure Justcrown is in such turmoil, that any records linking me to Hathway are burned away."

Kannis smiles.

"All links are burned away, then?"

Connor gives the hextorite a grim look.

"And if any surface, most likely false, I would have to take cruel measures towards he or she who dared present them."

Kannis Ocerras takes out a bottle and two glasses and pours one for him and Connor.

"A toast then. To Halmathan's finest defender. To this city's Savior."

Connor takes a drink from his glass as he continues to examine the blueprints.

"What else do we need from her?"

"Not much, really. The plans are nearly complete, as you can see. All we need is the control rod and the catalysts. Speaking of, you never told me where the control rod was, or the catalysts for that matter..."

Connor smiles through his thick grey mustache.

"Do not worry, Kannis. Lady Silvarel will provide us with all the catalysts I need. As for the control rod... it will be secured shortly. I have made sure of that."

Kannis takes a seat.

"So, then. What of Andrea?"

Connor looks at the blueprints and looks at a large city map with several points marked on it.

"Andrea Swayne is a threat to the city. She cannot be allowed to continue, despite her part on this. Make sure she remains buried for good this time."

2013-03-22, 04:45 AM
Clover looks at Dantie, confused as he looks at her but remains silent. But from his posture and positioning, Clover understood that he must have sensed something hostile beyond the door. With a swift motion, she turned invisible and lizardy, ready for combat.

2013-03-22, 06:25 AM
Seeing the others get ready for combat, Erethiel casts 2 spells, hoping they would help to keep her alive in combat, before looking at the door
Do you wish to open it, Dantie?

(shield, blur)

2013-03-22, 06:47 AM
Once Dantie sees everyone is ready and Erethiel has voiced it Dantie goes to the door and opens it. As he does so he feels the magic from Pelor increasing his size until he is once more large, as this is happening he looks both with his magic and his eyes looking for the enemy that he sensed. Xander, Erethiel try to stay invisible as long as you can if possible. I want to try and test its strengths and weakness so that if you have to strike it will be with your full power. Clover be ready to smite whatever we see if I give the word as it will not give us a second chance. Dantie says mentally as he continues to scan the room.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Initiative [roll2]

2013-03-22, 06:51 AM
Ready action: Combat seems inevitable
Cast Shock and Awe(enemies get -10 to init)

As Dantie asks Erethiel to maintain her invisibility, she looks at him oddly, as she is certainly not invisible.

[roll0] spot
[roll1] init
[roll2] listen
Has blindsense, darkvision, see invis active

2013-03-22, 06:56 AM
Dantie asked you to stay invisible as long as you can, he did not say you were invisible.

2013-03-22, 06:59 AM
Clover blinks as some more silent tactics are exchanged. Now she knew what it felt to be one of those minor characters that don't really matter in the grand order of things and get ignored by the heroes.

Still, she prepared herself for when the door opened, ready to blast as soon as the foe showed itself.

Ready action: Smite Evil Acidic Blast:
[roll1] If there is miss chance
[roll2] Acid damage

Initiative: [roll3] +5 if nerveskitter
[roll4] spot
[roll5] listen
Arcane sight is on.

2013-03-22, 07:05 AM
Clover, are you sure you are up to this? Apparently, there is something really evil on the other side of that door. Of course, he intends to try talking to it first, which will be... interesting.

2013-03-22, 07:14 AM
Clover looked at Erethiel. "I'll just... Hang back. I can do this...

Adjusting readied action to shoot when Erethiel or Dantie give out the command.

2013-03-22, 11:55 AM
@The Party> You walk into the main lobby, where the presence was stronger.

Something has happened to this place.

The large metal double door to your right has been covered in a thick growth, which from a safe distance, can be observed to be amass of five foot thick tentacles. These sprout from the ground and have made a tight lock on top of the door. Five more of these tentacle, five foot thick and fifty feet long have emerged around the lobby-s ground, breaking through the stone floor.

These new enemies, however, are not the source of the emanation Dantie caught.

Standing at the top of the stairs, in front of the painted panel, stands Andrea Swayne. Her gaze directed to all of you.

"It is rare, but it has been observed, when worker ants disobey their Queen. Such drones are meted out swift punishment. You four have been most disobedient, and it is time you were shown your place."

2013-03-22, 01:27 PM
As Dantie enters the room right away he notices that the room has changed. And that these plants were now growing out of the ground. this is not good everyone, the plants seem to have come out of the ground and blocked one of our escape routes. He says to those behind him, just low enough so that only they can hear. then stepping forward, making sure to keep well out of the reach of the tentacles in the room he looks up to the cause of so much pain. How could you do all of this to your own family. Do you have no idea of right or wrong. What you are doing here is being manipulated just like those who will come after you. I will ask you once, stop now before this gets to far. If you do not I will kill you and every dream you made inside this tomb. Dantie says to her getting ready to kill anything that comes to close to him.

8d6 fire damage to all within 30ft. high, by 30ft. Wide, by 30ft. Long reach of me. If fight ensures and she does not surrender. This is from the dragon fire spell he casted back in the other room and the recharge time is 1d4 rounds.

2013-03-22, 01:32 PM
Xander takes his eyes off the battle momentarily as he is withdrawing from the group of leechwalkers he receives Clover's mental message. Wilhem? Is that goes through Xander's mind before he looked back to the battle, and realized in horror that Clover had fallen to Andrea's abominations. The amount of death he has been forced to deal with recently has been disturbing him greatly, and now another of his companions has fallen before him, despite all his power, he was powerless to prevent Clover's death, these thoughts and others of the nature ran though Xander's head, as he stared in shock at the woman he had promised he would keep safe, whom he has just miserably failed, a single tear of frustration runs down his cheek. As he sees Dantie begin prepping a diamond to return Clover to life Xander calms himself. Uttering a silent thank you two the gods for Dantie and his divine powers, Xander quietly approaches the group and watches Dantie perform his spell, returning life to Clover's body. As he watches Dantie heal Clover and himself, his sad expression is replaced by a smile.
Dantie my friend, your powers never cease to amaze.
Clover, it is good to see you up and about again, I must say you had me worried for a moment...
A clicking noise draws Xander's attention to the box on the table as Sir Alexander Swayne's image appears on the wall, Xander watches the recording with furrowed brows, shaking his head in disappointment as it ends.
So, if it were not already clear, we have heard it from her father himself. Andrea is depraved, and even subjected her own family to her insane experiments...and she claims to have a grand view for a new Halmathan...I shudder to think just what she would do to the city if her plans came to fruition...let us quickly finish out buisness here, and leave this gods forsaken place...
Xander follows Erethiel to the door and down the hallway, as they are walking the building begins to rumble, causing Xander to quickly place a hand on the wall, stabilizing himself.
Both of your theories seems equally plausible reasons for why this place may be rumbling, I do not feel as if we are ascending in any way, so I suspect Lady Silver's assumptions to be more accurate, either way we will be forced to investigate further to acquire answers.
Xander looks to the windows, to see if it appears the house has changed positions.
We are in the hallway with the windows right? If not Xander doesn't check any windows, obviously...
Xander continues following the others down the hallway, until Dantie gives the command to stop, and informs him of what he detected in the lobby.
Great evil? I suppose I should not be surprised we found that here...As to being invisible, unfortunately I am getting rather low on magic, and suspect invisibility to be little use, these creatures have seemed to be able to practically ignore such magics, I suspect they have some sort of extra sensory perception and need not rely only on their eyes to see...I will use the magic for another, hopefully more useful spell, I will however hang back a moment and allow you to test what ever creature may be waiting for us.
Xander casts fly, and protection from evil on himself, before looking to Dantie, giving him confirmation he is prepared for whatever they may find waiting for them in the lobby.
I am prepared whenever the rest of you are, let us hope this creature lacks the ability to fly.
As Dantie opens the door, Xander looks out into the lobby, noting rather large tentacles, Xander can not help but wonder at the appearance of whatever creature they are attached to, before his gaze is draw to the source of the evil, the deranged queen of this evil, forsaken place, Andrea Swayne.
More talk of insects? I would pity you, and hope to help save the few remaining scraps of sanity you possess...if I had not spent so much time getting to know your creations, and learning the truth behind them...however I still find myself pitting you even after learning the truth behind your depravity...how much joy did you take in warping your own father into the poor creature we encountered on the Dragon's Flight? The one you claimed was Cutter's work, were you to ashamed to face your failure yourself?

Chain nerveskitter at initiative [roll0]

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll1] (CoS added, to id the tentacles, and whatever creature they may belong to.)

When Clover was dead, would Xander be able to realize Clover is not human, and possibly make a knowledge check to ID her true race, or would she be to far away/covered up/dead for to short of a time?

Dantie, Dragons breath is a 1 round/lvl buff, not a 10 min/lvl buff, it is personal range, and doesn't discharge just a 1d4 round cool down after each use so it should be persistable if you decide, so that could be interesting, the large dog that walks on 2 legs, and breathes fire like a dragon...I assume you choose a gold dragon for your breath type? I was almost going to comment on the material component being a dragon scale, but it says its only needed for a arcane spell, so that's good.
"Gold: 15-ft. cone of fire, 1d8/2 caster levels (maximum 10d8); Reflex half."

2013-03-22, 02:53 PM
@Xander http://dndtools.eu/spells/draconomicon--92/dragon-breath--1034/

2013-03-22, 04:35 PM
Erethiel turns to the others, saying
"It is interesting, is it not, that this woman feels that an ant queen is the height of human evolution. Yet, for some strange reason, humans are vastly more powerful than any ant. It is not their individual strength, as ants are far stronger, it is their ability to choose, to make intelligent decisions, that truly makes humans powerful. Well, that and their breeding rate, but still."
After that friendly observation, Erethiel deigns to address Andrea directly
Your creations all share one, fatal flaw: You. You create them to fill roles that you predict needing, not what is needed. The ultimate goal of any society is happiness. You take that away. You sacrificed all that you were, with no idea of its true value. Destroying you, and all of your works, would be a favor to all involved."

2013-03-22, 07:49 PM
Clover stays by the door, wary of entering into a tentacled room. "So... Is this how you relieve stress?" Clover asks, faking innocence.

2013-03-22, 09:31 PM
@Dantie- As the tentacles move around like serpents ready to strike, Andrea looks down on you from the stairs.

"Dantie, you would not understand. I do not expect you to. The path to Enlightenment is paved in Sacrifice and Research. Those who have sacrificed themselves to me, have provided valuable research into the deeper understandings of the body and the mind. Your petty threats are of no concern to me. I will rise. I am the Queen of this city. And you will be but a forgotten slab paving the path to my new reign."

@Xander- Andrea gives you a stern look.

"You are the supposed scholar in this little rogue ant group? I would've expected someone like you to know the value of research and the fruits of study and devotion to one's life work. The Nosferatu or...father, as he once may have been known was a small hurdle in my path to understanding the true power I now command. It is a shame, really. Perhaps, you could've made a most valuable ant in my Hive. Now, like the rest, you are a discarded maggot. Imperfect and unworthy."

You take a look at Andrea and then at the tentacles swaying around. This is what you gather.

It is unknown where the tentacles originate. They seem to have been made from organic material and may be embedded into the walls of the house and the labs below. They look powerful enough to hold people and crush them, or even drag them away.

As for Andrea, it is difficult to tell what she is at this point. She does appear human, if that is any indication.

@Erethiel- Andrea smiles at your comment.

"I am once again reminded why fey were early subjects and later discarded. Happiness is not what Life is about, Erethiel. It is about Control. Absolute Control. Your kind has been fluttering around like moths in a flame. Bothersome and pitiful creatures. It gave me great joy transforming them. However, you will not have the pleasure of being under my sovereignty."

@Clover- You look at the tentacles and then at Andrea and make a casual comment, clearly to irk her. Andrea looks at you with disdain.

"Another mongrel. Purity of body and mind is the only thing that prevails here. And all of it under my rule. Your kind cannot be domesticated..."

Andrea pauses as she looks at you. A wicked smile draws on her face.

"...or perhaps they can. Come what may, rejoice, failed ones. You are in the presence of a Higher Being. Your departure shall be grand.

@The Party- Andrea looks at the tentacles and her eyes glow red.

Chain Nerveskitter plus initiative

Andrea [roll0]

Tentacle1 [roll1]

Tentacle2 [roll2]

Tentacle3 [roll3]

Tentacle4 [roll4]

Tentacle5 [roll5]

2013-03-22, 10:22 PM
As Andrea looks down from the stairs and rants on like a spoiled child Dantie closes his eyes at the child like behavior. Even though your body is more mature your mind is still that of a child. Wanting her way and throwing a temper tantrum when it does not. I know the path of enlightenment as I have walked it all my life. And though it does come from sacrifice it is personal sacrifice that leads to ultimate enlightenment and it is why you will always be a deranged little girl with an ego problem. So in one aspect you are right, I may die here today. But unlike you my work and my will will live on in those that are worthy of this planet. I shall rest in the blessed fields of the shining on, while you will wither in pain deep in the abyss. A slave to the devils and demons and their war. Dantie says looking up at her determination in his eyes as he sees what has to be done. You say your a Queen, then I challenge you for this kingdom in the name of Pelor. A one on one battle, I shall represent myself and you can summon any of your minions you choose to be your champion if you refuse to face me yourself. But if you lose you will hand over control of all here to me so that they can be destroyed and you brought to justice. Let us see if I will be a mere slab forgotten in the road, or the one that ends this nightmare once and for all. That is of course unless you fear a fair fight. Dantie says challenging her and attacking her ego.

2013-03-22, 10:48 PM
As it seems that combat is inevitable, Erethiel releases the spell she was holding, distracting Andrea with a sensation that something was coming up behind her. Similarly, the Tentacles also get such a feeling(maybe)

Shock and awe cast, enchantment, mind affecting, -10 to init, no save

"Foolish creature, while control might grant you happiness, your control does not give me happiness, and I would state that happiness is indeed the goal of life. I think you know that, but are unable to admit it to yourself. Still, you might find happiness in death"

Clover, I believe this is now battle. Go for it!

2013-03-23, 01:33 AM
@Dantie- Andrea laughs as the tentacles sway back and forth.

"You usher a challenge to me? Dantie, know your place. A drone can never challenge a Queen. Although, I have something in mind for you..."

@Erethiel- You cast the spell and Andrea's eyes go red as the spell seems to envelop her and then dissipates as her hair lifts up, tangling your arcane power against her unnatural build. The tentacles, similarly, seem unaffected.

"I have had enough of you, hybrid. How dare you even consider attacking your Queen?"

Andrea smiles as her eyes go red and points her gloved finger at you. Immediately, a powerful surge of energy goes around your body.

Andrea is manipulating your body through space and time. Never in one spot, ever winking in and out of existence.

Baleful Blink Fortitude DC 30

@The Party- The panel behind Andrea opens and the Halmathan Royal looks at all of you with a a small wicked smile.

"My only hope is that the city will not be as intellectually inferior as the lot of you and accept what is coming. And now, as much as I would like to watch your bodies break, I have far more important things to attend to. So long."

Andrea Swayne walks into the panel and this one shuts behind her.

2013-03-23, 03:01 AM
@Dantie- One of the tentacles lashes out at you.

Tentacle1 [roll0] damage [roll1] plus imp. grab [roll2]

@Xander- Another one goes for you.

Tentacle5 [roll3] damage [roll4] plus imp. grab [roll5]

2013-03-23, 04:56 AM
@Clover- You don-t wait for this madwoman to carry on and release your eldritch might mixed with acidic properties in order to melt this loon and melt her associates as well.

A direct hit for Andrea. The eldritch blast hits her squarely in the chest and then ricochets towards a few of the tentacles in the lobby.

Andrea seems unaffected. However, she does seem extremely annoyed. the tentacles, unable to voice their opinion, do show signs of damage.

"Miserable mongrel! This is the second time you dare raise your hand against me. There will not be a third!"

2013-03-23, 07:59 AM
As the tentecal comes at Dantie he thinks ir has got him until he feels Clovers magic working and the tentecale is meet by a magical force that seems to stop it in its place. Knowing that his safty and those of the others threw him relies on it he takes out a scroll and begins chanting the words on it.

Freedom of movement.

This is the sentence I said

He says to those behind him, just low enough so that only they can hear. then stepping forward, making sure to keep well out of the reach of the tentacles in the room he looks up to the cause of so much pain.

2013-03-23, 12:58 PM
So... immune to acid, either a high SR, or immunity to enchantment...
Also: one advantage of the readied action: Erethiel has acted this combat, so she is not flat footed, so immediate to the rescue...

As the spell comes towards Erethiel, Erethiel simply states "I don't think so", propelling her wings forwards, but then something strange happens: as her wings go as far forwards as they can, some sort of force continues their movement, completely shielding her from the attack.

Casts wings of cover, granting total cover, so no single target spell can get her

After Andrea leaves, Erethiel pulls out the wand of fireballs, and, curious as to how well it works, sends a small bead of fire at the base of the tentacles, and she watches as it detonates.

DC 14 reflex for half damage, [roll0] damage dealt, 360 gold cost per charge

2013-03-23, 01:32 PM
Of course I know the value of research, however unlike you I also know the value of protecting the sanctity of life. You may think you have evolved into something greater, but you are only fooling yourself, you are very much the same flawed human you had always been....experimenting on ones own friends and family...you are no better than some psychopathic murderer, only you lack the good decency to grant your victims death, you twist and manipulate them and force them to watch from within their own mind, discarding them when you grow bored, leaving them trapped in a new wrapped body, with a shattered mind...You Andrea Swayne, are are perfect example of the worst humanity has to offer, and a disgrace to your race.
Xander watches the tentacle blindly lash for him, and sidesteps at the last moment, watching it slam into the ground he was standing, before withdrawing, empty handed.
Xander has 29 ac, before clovers +4 bonus, it rolled a 26. Also Clover's bonus kept Dantie from getting hit as well, as he has a ac of 31, or 35 near clover, and the tentacle rolled a 32.
If I recall Tarith used to regularly carry alchemist fire, and acid flasks, did he happen to leave any of them behind when he left most his gear? Most of my spells seem like they will have little effect on these, I have a spell that would let me throw such items accurately and with ease, but first.
Xander activates his wand of truestrike, before casting quickened haste on the party, afterward he backs down the hallway 60 ft.
Where did the random adventuring gear like the flasks go? Launch item can let Xander throw fire and acid at the tentacles.

Also, sacrificing wall of stone, to fuel augmented casting, to apply quicken to haste.

If I can't move 60 ft back, as far as I can, to avoid more tentacles.

2013-03-23, 06:57 PM
@Xander- Andrea listens to your criticisms and smiles.

"Poor, deluded fool. I am ushering in a New Life. What I offer is a chance to be one with the Hive. My Hive. It is because of your mediocre approach to Enlightenment that you will never be able to have even a mere glimpse of the grandeur that is true power. You are the flawed specimens. Ants unfit to serve me. Humanity will no longer suffer the daily depredations of their race because, once my Ascension is complete, Xander, there won't be any humanity left."

@Erethiel- You point the wand at the floor, where the tentacles have sprouted. They are not perfectly aligned, but the burst should catch them all.

In a tremendous explosion of red and orange, the fireball blossoms as the tentacles writhe in pain.

Then, one of them snakes itself towards you.

Tentacle4 [roll0] damage [roll1] plus imp. grab [roll2]

2013-03-23, 07:41 PM
As the tentacle comes towards her, Erethiel watches, but as it tries to grab her, it finds the same wings that blocks Andrea interposed to block it as well.

2013-03-24, 04:12 AM
Clover watched helplessly as the tentacles grabbed at her allies. She wanted to fly in there and rescue them, but she knew that they would only catch her as well, so she released her blasts at the tentacles, hoping that the damage would be enough for them to release her friends or even retreat.

Chaining from the one holding Dantie, to the one holding Xander, if one is holding him, to a third one that got damaged by her before. The same for the second blast if all tentacles are still alive.

The two tentacles that got hit before take acid damage.
Against the one that took 52: [roll0]
Against the one that took 26: [roll1]
Against Andrea: [roll2] :smalltongue:

I'm currently assuming Xander is grappled and didn't cast haste. If he did, then it's +13 attack bonus.

[roll4] Acid damage.

Half acid damage

Half acid damage

[roll8] Acid damage.

Half acid damage

Half acid damage

Because of the acid damage, I pretty much need to know how many times I hit. Remember that if the the first target is a miss, then the second and third aren't even aimed. If the second is a miss, than the third is safe. Also, it's kinda important to remember which ones I'm hitting, because of that ongoing acid damage.

2013-03-24, 04:35 AM
@Erethiel- You shield yourself by invoking the ancient draconic powers latent in you, creating a set of wings to cover you from such an attack.

Another tentacle rushes at you.

Tentacle3 [roll0] damage [roll1] plus imp. grab [roll2]

@The Party- One of the last tentacles retreats through the ground, disappearing out of view.

2013-03-24, 08:33 AM
As the tentacle tries to grab her, Erethiel is easily able to avoid the poorly aimed attack, simply by leaping into the air for a moment or two.

2013-03-24, 01:24 PM
Tentecale 1 and 5 go before Xander, also Xander isn't grappled, as the thing missed his ac(without clover's bonus) and even if it did, Xander has some swifts to easy escape.
Before combat. (how many more exchanges can Xander and Andrea do before she leaves?)
Xander shakes his head in disappointment.
Andrea, you are offering innocent people the option to be enslaved to you or die...you are no better than any other tyrant throughout history...and that is all history will remember of you...even if you did manage to subjugate humanity, do you truly believe the other races of Oerth, the elves, dwarves and the like, would allow your new empire of slaves to last for long?

During combat.
No doubt this poor thing was some simple cephalopod before Andrea twisted it into its current form...poor creature...
Xander flies forward enough to get a good angle on one of the tentacles(stays as far back as possible), aims his finger at it, and unleashes a thin green ray of magic at it.

If Xander doesn't have to move to get a shot on at tentacle, can he pull out his pearl of power lvl 6 instead?
Disintegrate range 250ft range touch attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Fort save 25 and take [roll2] instead.
CL check to beak SR if needed [roll3] (+2 from robe)

Saving swift/intimidates for WoC

2013-03-24, 06:17 PM
@Xander- You avoid one of the tentacles coming at you as it burrows its tip on the ground, inches away from you. As it prepares to rear itself back to strike again, you focus your entire body and mind for the one spell you swore never to use unless it was a dire situation.

The situation seems pretty dire now.

With glowing green eyes, you point your finger at the attacker that missed you and, with a single direct shot, the tentacle is covered in a green light. As the room flashes in green candor, you watch the appendage writhe in pain and it actually screeches before turning into a mound of dust.

2013-03-24, 06:30 PM
@Xander- One of the tentacles goes straight for you, intent on trapping you again.

Tentacle5 [roll0] damage [roll1] plus imp grab [roll2]

@Dantie- The tentacle, having you firmly caught, begins to drag you down.

Tentacle1 Grapple [roll3]

2013-03-24, 06:32 PM
Erethiel, wanting to help Dantie, but knowing that her allies will prove to be more capable in that regard, casts unluck on tentacle 3

will save, dc 24, on failure, roll all dice twice, taking worst result.

2013-03-24, 07:48 PM
As Dantie feels the creature trying to pull him down into the abyss he remembers the anklets he had received from Tarith. Hoping that he can make the things work he thinks of a spot 10ft behind the beast and says I don't think so. Just as Tarith used to hoping that was how it worked.

Once free of the grapple Dantie began casting from the scroll he had to make it so the creatures could no longer hold onto him. Everyone try to get out of the room and to safety. I will be fine. Dantie says as he dodges around trying to stay out of all the creatures grips.

Alan saying during round 1 I could not do the action I posted I ask that this post be mine for round 1.

2013-03-25, 12:15 AM
@Dantie: You try Tarith's tricks and they prove to be a life saver, as you phase out from the tentacle's slimy grasp. Wasting no time, you take out the divine scroll and read it, intoning Pelor's teachings. You will never be held down by the forces of evil.

However, the tentacle, not satisfied with ts prey eluding it, goes at you once more.

Tentacle1 [roll0] damage [roll1]

This time, however, you feel the tentacle go around you, but it cannot hold its grip on you.

2013-03-25, 12:46 AM
AC31 DR10/Evil DR10Magic, if one dose not work the other does making me have taken 16 damage from last attack

Dantie feeling the sting of the tentecal and remembering the burnt corpse takes in a deep breath before letting lose a torrent of fire as if he himself had turned into a dragon, and as golden flames left his mouth and enveloped all the creatures within a 15ft cone of him he watched as the flames did their work. Hoping these creatures were effected like the others by fire.

[roll0] Fire damage, anything that can catch fire dose ( and if they are organic material they catch fire) I would then have to roll damage for each of the creatures hit, though not sure how much they take for being on fire. REF save 21 for half damage

2013-03-25, 01:50 AM
@Dantie: You inhale deeply through your mouth and then expel a gout of roaring fire. Two of the tentacles are caught in its blaze and screech as the fire catches on them, yet still stand.

2013-03-25, 05:43 PM
Clover's eyes glow green as she channels the energy into her tail as she releases two more blasts at the tentacled beasts and moves aside if the others want to move.

Order is from the most damaged to the least. If Xander hasted then add +1. Since the tentacles are fighting from reach, there shouldn't be a penalty for attacking in melee, IIRC. Add -4 if and when needed.

[roll1] acid

Half damage

Half damage

[roll5] acid

Half damage

Half damage

2013-03-25, 06:11 PM
@Clover: Once again, you direct your rage at the tentacles in front of you and blast them with acid. The mutated appendages screech and shiver. Their life almost gone, but still stand.

@Erethiel: You intone the incantation on one of the tentacles and dice appear swirling around the appendage, as well as the sound or rolling dice on a wooden table. The dice fall on the ground around the tentacle and all have a number 1 clearely marked on its face looking up.

The tentacle, affected, strikes at you.

T3: [roll0] damage [roll1] plus imp. grab [roll2]

and, due to unluck, rolling a separate set, getting the worst of both, unless it only affects a single roll

T3 Unlucked: [roll3] damage [roll4] plus imp. grab [roll5]

@Erethiel: A loud rumbling can be heard from the hallway you are in, then, the ground erupts and the tentacle that had retreated earlier burst forth and lunges at you.

T2: [roll6] damage [roll7] plus imp. grab [roll8]

2013-03-25, 06:21 PM
As the unlucky tentacle swings at Erethiel, it's luck seems to hold true, until it meets the phantom wings generated by Erethiel. However, before she can truly appreciate her luck, a rumbling begins in the ground behind her. As she turns to try and respond, the tentacle grabs her, and all her struggles accomplish nothing at all.

"Get it off!. Get IT OFF!"

You know, I think I really need to boost Erethiel's defenses considerably. For some reason, about half the enemies seem to go for her.
Wings of Cover cast, and grappled by the tentacle.
I think that at this point, Erethiel is in need of a rescue, as she has no way to break free.

Also, T1 and T5's turn.

2013-03-25, 08:09 PM
@Dantie: The tentacle does not understand why it cannot hold you hard in its grasp. It will, however, keep pounding at you.

T1 [roll0] damage [roll1] plus imp. grab [roll2]

@Xander: With one of them destroyed, the other tentacle goes for you.

T5 [roll3] damage [roll4] plus imp. grab [roll5]

2013-03-25, 08:29 PM
Well saying 2 of them caught fire they are constantly taking damage each turn. So the 27 damage on its own did not do much but whatever the number is for fire damage each round to them will.

Also will be gone today until late tonight. On round 3 Dantie will teleport 10ft towards one of the creatures as a swift action, and then full attack them.

This is normal attack rolls and damage rolls before power attack

1d20+35 Damage 1d10(large size) +18(+5 more if wielding in two hands)



Hope this helps anyone who plays Dantie for me and they have a good day.

Dantie, the fury of Pelor in his eyes, seems to blink, one moment, standing there, defiant against the might contained within the tentacles, the next, Standing near tentacle 1, slicing deeply into it.

[roll0] [roll1] PA for 10
[roll2] [roll3] PA for 10
[roll4] [roll5] PA for 10

2013-03-25, 08:39 PM
Seeing the tentacle coming for him, Xander quickly casts a spell, encasing himself in dragons wings for a moment, disrupting the tentacles attack, afterward he pulls his pearl of power lvl 6 from his haversack, and restores disintegrate to his mind anticipating it will be necessary to eliminate the threat the tentacles present.

2013-03-25, 08:41 PM
@Dantie: You unleash the power of your faith on Andrea's creation. The sword hacks mercilessly. This creature may not be evil, but it is certainly a threat to you and your companions.

After the third slash, the tentacle spews green blood on you and the floor around it as it falls like a fleshy tree on the lobby. A deep screech of pain is felt as the stump retreats below ground.

2013-03-25, 08:47 PM
In the interest of finishing this encounter

Clover, seeing the strange fey in trouble, tries to help, by coating the tentacle in acid, hoping it would be enough to destroy the creature.


[roll2] t3
half damage

[roll3] t5
half damage


[roll6] t3
half damage

[roll7] t5
half damage

At a guess, celerity + disintegrate is going to be needed.

2013-03-25, 08:56 PM
@Clover: You once again chain the blasts around the tentacles, aiming at the one holding Erethiel.

This one succumbs to the acid and drops Erethiel on the hallway floor as it melts on the ground.

@Clover: One of the tentacles, burning with acid, but not yet out, lunges at you.

T3 [roll0] damage [roll1] plus imp grab [roll2]

2013-03-25, 08:57 PM
As the tentacle comes at Clover, time seems to shift for a moment, as the laws of probability are modified

Alter Fortune
[roll0] re-roll for attack

2013-03-25, 09:00 PM
@Clover: Erethiel's powers may be hidden, but little by little, they are starting to show again.

Forgot it had that spell on

[roll0] damage [roll1] plus imp. grab [roll2]

2013-03-25, 09:10 PM
@The Party: The only remaining Tentacle in the lobby retreats below ground, covered in acid and fire marks.

T5 is out.

2013-03-25, 09:15 PM
Dantie charges the final tentacle, knowing that it can't attack him while it is holding Clover

[roll0] [roll1] PA for 14

2013-03-25, 09:44 PM
@Xander: You look at the tentacle holding Clover and unleash yet another barrage of arcane energy.

The tentacle still holds on tight to its prey.

@Dantie: Wasting no time, you run to the tentacle who has been hit by Clover's own attacks and Xander's, as well as your own fiery breath.

The final cut brings the fleshy appendage to a death throe as it releases Clover and it sways half cut around the lobby, sprinkling its alien blood over everyone. With a final screech, the tentacle hits the second floor statue behind the Swayne family painting. The painting is not affected, but the statue behind it with the scales seems broken.

2013-03-25, 09:53 PM
As the blood sprays over her, Erethiel looks horrified, and then starts coughing and spitting, as she was breathing at the time.
More sputtering follows
"That stuff... That stuff is vile."
She starts wiping the sticky substance off of her face as best she can
"I really think we need to find a place to rest soon. I don't think we will survive another battle like that"

2013-03-25, 09:54 PM
@The Party: A muffled voice can be heard coming upstairs from the area the broken statue is.

Uhhh...hello? Helloooooo? Can anyone hear me?