View Full Version : [3.5] To Dream a Dream: From Beginning to...?

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2013-03-04, 11:30 PM
Hello, this is intro for a new campaign for 3.5 D&D that is designed to familiarize new players with the basic rules, hopefully while providing a fun and memorable play-by-post experience.

I will be editing this post as necessary to accommodate links and such to out-of-character threads, outlines of campaign-specific standards (the Big 16), and so forth.

The Big 16:
1. What game system are you running? This will be a 3.5 D&D campaign.

2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be? What is the setting for the game? This is a campaign designed for introductory level play, using mainly rules from the Core Rulebooks (PHB, DMG, Monster Manual). The setting is a variant of my custom setting.

3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many? 3-5 characters would be ideal. I will be flexible with party/session makeup, as long as the results are in line with the desires of the players.

4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)? Play by post in the in-character thread.

5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)? Characters will begin at level 1.

6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with? You may roll as per standard for your class in the PHB. Alternately, you may just take the average given.

7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes? Core only. Exceptions may be made, but I am sticking with this for now.

8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Again, core only. Later, options may increase, but I want to keep it simple. I will allow subraces for core races found in the Monster Manual (provided +0 LA).

9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points? Roll 4 six-sided dice, select the best three, in the forum dice roller. Repeat this seven times, drop the low result.

10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so? Alignment will be handled as per PHB, though I will consider petitions for exceptions.

11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it? Multiclassing will be allowed as normal in the PHB. Penalties for multiclassing beyond the limits in the PHB will be enforced.

12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them? Players should make the die rolls for all actions by their characters, using the forum dice roller. I may make passive or secret rolls on my own, and reserve the right not to post them. I will experiment with posting the rolls of the monsters, in an effort to promote transparency (and as an instructive lesson to new players).

13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules. Monk homebrew has been outlined previously, but I will post the precisely worded stuff. Everything else will be sticking to core rules, and any exceptions will be noted and explained.

14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)? The characters will have a shared background for the first part of the game. I will post the details, and within this framework, the players are free to develop their own background.

15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above? I hope to have a healthy mix of all three, and since it will be a fairly simple version of the ruleset, plenty of role playing.

16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters? Core only, the occasional exception by request.

Thanks to Yas392 for the table
Players and Characters:
Yas392 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=73522)|Jaarin Zin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=530460)|Monk|LG|Human
n00bboy2013 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=74328)|Gandrien|Wizard|NG|Gnome
IamL (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=70467)|Maltuk (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=528194)|Monk|LG|Elf [/table]

Link to the Out-of-Character Discussion Thread:

2013-03-04, 11:31 PM
In the midst of a broad plain is a great outcropping of trees, an old, old forest filled with leafy titans. Within the green embrace of these mighty trees are many glades and groves, and golden light filters down through the leaves to the ground. A peaceful atmosphere pervades the forest, and all has been calm and tranquil here for many an age.

Within the inner glade of the forest dwells a friend. Standing seven feet in height, he might be intimidating, but he has been a trusted friend and elder as long as you can remember. His age-marked skin is slightly wrinkled, but his posture is strong, broad-shouldered, and his muscled form bears the passage of time proudly, even defiantly. Calm-mannered and gentle, he wears a simple jerkin made of stiff, golden brown leather, and walks barefoot among the moss and ferns of the forest. Upon his brow is a green, leather mask that obscures his eyes, but you sense no sinister intent behind this discretion, only an occasional sensation of quiet sadness as he speaks to you in a deep, resonant voice.

You've each been his guests in the forest for as long as you can remember. You live simple lives, sustained by the plants of the forest and enjoying the natural beauty and splendor that surrounds you. Sleeping among the mossy roots of the great trees, a carefree existence stretches back into your memory. It seems life has always been this way, and as though it will never change.

But recently, a darkness has fallen upon this peaceful existence. You are each haunted by strange dreams, dreaming nightly of lives so familiar they could be real. Meanwhile, the forest itself is beset by shadows, whispers among the boughs that spread fear and mistrust.

Your guardian, Elsander, as you have known him, has been silent regarding these changes, but has recently taken to teaching each of you skills of combat and magic. Taking readily to such knowledge as though part of your nature, each of you are now much more than just simple forest dwellers. Elsander, clearly proud of the skills and power that you've acquired, still seems sad and reserved, even more so than before, when times were peaceful.

2013-03-04, 11:32 PM

A short, mousy female human, Meera is a quick-fingered and sharp-tongued human. With a talent for mischief, she often finds reasons to play pranks or lightheartedly make fun of the other forest-dwellers.

When Elsander was training each of you, Meera proved to have a talent for divine magic; further investigation revealed that she bears an auspicious birth mark resembling the holy symbol of the Laughing Lady, a good-aligned goddess of mischief and trickery (among other things). So Elsander taught her about this goddess, and Meera took easily to the learning, and is now a cleric.

This tiny creature resembles a cross between a housecat and a dragon. It has a draconic neck and head with small, giraffe-like horns, but covered with a layer of short, downy fur instead of the scales more typical of reptilian creatures. It's forepaws have opposable thumbs with retractable claws, and it's tail is roughly twice the length of the tail of a normal cat. Finally, it has a pair of bat-like wings, though it rarely flies, seemingly preferring to climb about.

Inister is a bit of mystery, but very knowledgeable about many topics. It assisted Elsander with your instruction, and likes to lecture about various areas of trivia, most of which are totally obscure and uninteresting. It spends much of its time off on its own, stalking songbirds (though it never seems to actually attack them), and in general keeping to itself. Inister's exact relation to Elsander is not clear, but the two have some kind of unspoken bond, and the perceptive dwellers of the forest can tell that much is communicated between, even in silence.

2013-03-08, 04:37 PM
Here's the link to my sheet:

And I think I'll talk like this:

Rousing, Charismatic Speech

2013-03-11, 03:42 PM
This is for a link to any characters that might be added later.

2013-03-11, 03:50 PM
Gandrien will talk like this.

gives a down-to-earth feel

2013-03-11, 06:04 PM
Hm... Elsander seems like he's in a bit of a funk today...And, knowing myself, I'm probably just going to make things worse. Ah, well.

"Elsander, what troubles you?"

2013-03-11, 08:39 PM

(in another part of the forest) Oh Wartless (my toad familiar), my herb garden has had a wonderful harvest thanks to your pest control, yet I just can't get excited. I'm still troubled by those strange dreams of other gnomes.

2013-03-12, 07:05 PM
(thinking) Wait, I can't talk to my familiar yet. Oh well, maybe Master Elsander can help me interpret these dreams.

2013-03-12, 08:04 PM
For Maltuk:

Jumping down from a tree, Meera maneuvers between the elven monk and their mentor.

"Give Elsander a break, Maltuk," she chides. "If you haven't noticed, he has been busy lately teaching us all about all kinds of things."

Now facing half toward the great form of Elsander, who is reclined in one of his favorite spots at the base of a mighty banyan tree, Meera's comments are directed sideways at the old man.

"He hasn't had all the time he normally takes for peaceful walks, lonely wandering, and other solitary pastimes."

Maltuk may roll Sense Motive (without ranks it's just a Wisdom check).

2013-03-12, 08:10 PM

I don't know...He has been acting really reserved lately...more so than usual, that is.

"Yes, but he was busy teaching us those same things half a year ago, and yet he didn't seem so weary as he does now."
Sense Motive: Taking 10, so 12.

2013-03-12, 08:14 PM
For Gandrien:

"And where might you be going, Sir Gandrien?" asks the dragon-like Inister. He jumps down from the underside of a tree branch, deftly cornering Wartless in a predatory manner, in an established manner of teasing your poor familiar.

The toad is unimpressed, knowing that Inister would never harm anyone; a silent staring match between the two creatures endures for a long ten seconds.

Inister balks first, putting on an air of boredom. Wartless acquires what you recognize as a boastful expression, gloating in his small victory.

2013-03-12, 08:22 PM
Gandrien laughs half-heartedly
Never mess with a magical toad Inister. Have some mint. But, seriously, I'm busy now, I need to see Master Elsander.

Starts to walk away.

2013-03-12, 08:32 PM
For Maltuk:
Maltuk senses what he usually senses off Meera, a barely disguised example of female human sexuality. Although small, she is not hard on the eyes, a fact of which she is clearly aware and willing to exploit. She is ribbing Elsander in an indirect manner; unlike Maltuk, she rarely approaches relationships directly or honestly, preferring a generous dose of intrigue and tension.

Elsander and Meera often have a very sophisticated level of conversation, and this appears to be the case at the moment, as Maltuk notices a small smile pass quickly across Elsander's face.


"Of course, both of you are correct. I have been troubled as of late, and preoccupied, even beyond having been busy instructing each of you."

Elsander stretches his great form as he rises to standing, and his impressive musculature is hard to miss; despite his age, he is strong beyond reckoning, and more than capable in combat (as Maltuk can well attest to, having sparred with him on many occasions as part of his unarmed training).

Sighing, he turns toward Meera and Maltuk. "It seems that the time has come for a discussion that I have long anticipated, but put off longer than is my right. Go track down Gandrien, Inister, and [insert other npcs or pcs]. Once all are gathered in the cental grove, beside the Gazing Pool, then we will talk."

2013-03-12, 08:39 PM
"I'll figure out where Gandrien is, you track down Inister."
The wizard is probably with his toad in his small garden. I always thought that it was funny that he would care to plant a garden in the woods, but, then again, he's a wizard, and wizards like to think they have control over things. I think I'll head over there now.
I head over to Gandrien's garden.

2013-03-12, 08:47 PM
For Gandrien:

"I, too, have been meaning to talk to the old man. Something has been off, lately, and I don't just mean the behavior of the birds, the smell of the waters in the streams in the north of the forest, or the unseasonable appearance of the fireflies," the creature mentions off-handedly. "The old man has been holding something back for a while now, and cracks in his normally impenetrable facade are starting to show. I know Meera has sensed it recently."

Inister follows alongside you, leaping between large roots and low-hanging branches, impressively agile, as normal.

2013-03-12, 08:54 PM
For Maltuk:
Meera follows you on the way to Gandrien's garden.

"You know as well as I do that Inister only shows up when he feels like it. If he notices that the rest of us are gathering with Elsander for something important, I'm sure he'll come snooping."

She slinks quietly along. She's been working on her footwork, you notice. While moving in the woods doesn't come as naturally to her as to elves, she is no slouch, and has picked up on things quickly since Elsander tried to explain to her the finer points of moving quietly. Still, she's no thief, and will likely never approach Maltuk's level of skill. But she certainly looks nice as she moves, and the toe-heel motion required by discrete movement accentuates her....

"So, Maltuk, what do you think he's going to talk about?" she asks.

2013-03-13, 10:13 AM

I'd hoped to steer clear of Meera; she always distracts me and asks annoying questions. Oh, well.

"I don't know what he's going to say, he's certainly outside of my intuition. I'll bet you ten gold that Gandrien's either in or near his garden, and another ten that I can beat you there."
And with that, I take off at a run. (160 feet per round.)

2013-03-13, 02:05 PM
For Maltuk

Maltuk quickly leaves Meera far behind, but has to slow his stride due to the many trees and gnarled roots of the forest. He's not even sure she tried to keep up with him.

The forest air whips through the elf's black hair as the trees flash past.

Make a Will save.

2013-03-13, 04:56 PM

Wow...this wind is strong. Is Meera even trying to catch up with me? Oh, well, it would be just like her to fall behind then wait for me to stop running and blow by me.
Will Save: [roll0]

2013-03-13, 05:17 PM
For Maltuk:
Maltuk slows suddenly, sensing that something isn't right. The forest about him seems abnormally dark, and suddenly there are fireflies all about. Searching for familiar landmarks, he realizes that he has no idea what part of the forest he is in.

Status: Maltuk now has the status condition shaken, taking a -2 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

2013-03-13, 08:58 PM
Well, that went much differently than expected. Gods, this is creeping me out. Okay, Maltuk, calm down. Maybe if you figure out where you went wrong...what was that sound?
Check To Remember: [roll0] (darn that Shaken condition.)
Edit: AAARGH! Stupid dice luck today.

2013-03-14, 03:33 PM
For Gandrien:

The gnome, the toad, and Inister walk along the path for a bit, before running into Meera.

"Hey guys. Elsander is gathering everyone down by the Gazing Pool."

"How convenient, we were just on our way to speak with him," he says, scratching under his chin with his back paw.

"You guys didn't run into Maltuk a little bit ago, did you?"The short human is glancing around and is starting to look concerned.

2013-03-14, 08:18 PM
For Maltuk:

The surroundings seem ominous and confusing. For a moment, Maltuk thinks he sees figures moving among the trees, and Maltuk loses all track of what he was trying to remember.

So many fireflies. They seem oddly out of place to Maltuk, but he isn't sure why.

A quiet breeze whispers through the trees, and he has a sudden feeling, like waking from a dream. It only lasts for a moment, but for that moment, everything around him seems strange and unfamiliar, shadowy.

2013-03-14, 08:33 PM
Okay, I'll just backtrack until I hit something familiar.

2013-03-14, 09:08 PM
For Maltuk:

Maltuk is looking around for something to indicate the direction he came from, but everything is quite disorienting, and the fireflies and sense that someone or something is watching him repeatedly distracts him.

Make another Will save.

2013-03-14, 10:21 PM

No, Meera, I haven't seen Maltuk around, he's probably talking to Master Elsander right now, he's always very punctual. By the way, have you been having any strange dreams lately?

2013-03-14, 10:34 PM
For Gandrien:

The woman looks concerned, but Gandrien's question about dreams seems to distract her.

"Dreams? Hmm, I haven't been sleeping well lately, but I don't recall anything specific. I've had some bad feelings, though, and Elsander has been acting strangely," she says, with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Why were you asking about Maltuk? Does Elsander want to speak with the elven monk as well?"

"Strange, he was on his way to your herb garden in a hurry, I lost track of him after he ditched me"

"Unlike him to get lost."

Make an Intelligence check (roll 1d20+ your Intelligence Modifier).

2013-03-15, 04:34 AM


2013-03-15, 06:01 AM
Okay, Maltuk, think. Try to figure out what direction you were going in. Wow, this place is really creepy.
Will Save:[roll0]

Edit: GAH!

2013-03-15, 11:25 AM
For Gandrien:

I'll roll for Gandrien's Int-check, since it didn't work in your post.
Int-check for memory and logic: [roll0]

The gnome feels that what Inister said sounds right; the elven monk may be lost, but that seems unlikely. He can't recall at the moment, and, in any case, this summons by Elsander for the whole group is much more interesting.

"Why don't the two of you head down to the Gazing Pool. I will follow after I track down that silly elf. Tell Elsander I will be along by and by." The cat-like creature slinks off, sniffing the air as it jumps about.

"Guess it's just me and you, Bookman," Meera coos mischievously, calling you by the nickname she gave you as your wizardly habits became obvious.

Although rarely unfriendly, Meera has a sense for mischief to rival most gnomes, and Gandrien recalls many a time when she has impressed and irritated him with her tricks.

2013-03-15, 01:44 PM
For Maltuk:

The darkness gathers suddenly, and Maltuk feels the bile rising in his throat, as panic threatens to overcome him.

Suddenly, the image of a large dragon flashes brilliantly through Maltuk's mind, scale gleaming, leaving a sense of calm and safety in its wake.

Now at peace, the forest about the elf seems altogether less threatening. There are still a great many fireflies, and his elven blood tells him that they are out of place, but the sense of danger is gone.

2013-03-15, 02:28 PM

(teasingly) You might wanna watch the attitude Meera. Your reaction to an illusory demon appearing at the foot of your bed when you wake up would be hilarious

2013-03-15, 02:43 PM
For Gandrien:

"Oh, really, that does sound like a nice trick. Unless you were to tell the target about it before hand," she says with a giggle. "That would rather spoil the surprise."

She skips and spins about merrily, still enjoying her chuckle. After venturing ahead a bit down the forest path, she skips back, suddenly more serious.

"What about these dreams that I've been hearing about?"

2013-03-15, 03:19 PM
Holy Bahamut, thank you for thy blessing. You have lightened my frail mind with your vision.

Maltuk recites a prayer to Bahamut before trying to figure out his original direction.

Okay, I think that I was heading this way, but let me check the tracks.
Survival check for tracking(I'm assuming that the shaken condition is lifted):Taking 10, so 12, provided the Shaken condition was just lifted.

2013-03-15, 03:45 PM
For Maltuk:

Sorry about neglecting to mention it; the shaken condition is indeed lifted.
You actually can't Track without the feat or Ranger levels, but I will allow a Survival check to recognize your surroundings. Since you are close to your "home," you don't need many clues to get your bearings.

Maltuk successfully figures out just where he is after searching about for five minutes or so. He locates a familiar outcropping of sumac trees and orients himself toward one of the streams that runs from north to south through the northern part of Arksend Forest [the name of the forest in which the group lives...I'll edit it back into previous background].

The fireflies subside as you head south along the stream, and you find the burbling of the water across the smooth rocks of the stream bed to be oddly relaxing after whatever it was that frightened you.

2013-03-15, 04:01 PM
Thank heavens for that sumac grove and that one time Elsander and we were hiking and had to stop here for water, otherwise, I'd be lost.
Well, I think that the group is wondering where I am, so I'd better pick up the pace, but first, I'll drink a little bit of the stream water. That creepy section of the forest left my mouth really dry. I wonder if that's what Elsander was going to talk to us about? Something wrong with the forest? I think that might be it. Oh, well, I'll find out when he talks to us.
Maltuk takes a brief drink of the stream water, then takes off at a light jog.

2013-03-15, 05:47 PM

Well, I've been dreaming of other gnomes. They talk to me like family, but I don't know them. I always feel like I should know them and that the lack of this info means something is incredibly wrong with me. The strangest part though, is that they seem to lose track of where I am sometimes while they talk and have to find me again like they're looking through a bad scrying pool. The dreams always end with a scream unlike anything I have ever heard in my life

2013-03-15, 06:33 PM
For Gandrien:

"That actually sounds pretty disturbing," she replies after listening carefully. "Having the dream over and over is strange, too."

The two of you continue to walk toward the grove in which the Gazing Pool is located. The mid-morning weather is quite fine, and the birds and insects are humming away amid the shafts of sunlight that filter through the leafy canopy.

"I've woken up at night lately disoriented and feeling out of place. No weird dreams, though."

2013-03-15, 09:16 PM

Not only that, when they talk, their voices are distorted and sound far away and sometimes, the one thing I can make out is "come back to us"

2013-03-15, 09:38 PM
For Gandrien:

"Glad I don't have to deal with that," she says, sounding serious. "Maybe Elsander can explain what's going on."

Arriving at the Gazing Pool, you two find a small picnic set for the group members, and a note from Elsander suggesting that you start eating while waiting for him to return. A variety of grilled mushrooms and salads are spread among several comfortable sitting stones, and a stack of candied fruits sits beside a wooden pitcher filled with fruit juice.

"Mmm, looks delicious," exclaims Meera. "I was just starting to get hungry, too."

2013-03-17, 05:20 PM
For Jaarin:

Jaarin wakes suddenly, face drenched in sweat. More nightmares. Really intense, too, and combat-focused. He even died a couple times, from what he can remember.

Perched on a low tree branch beside a stream, Jaarin shakes free from the remnants of his dreams.

Make a Spot check.

2013-03-17, 06:10 PM
Spot - [roll0]

2013-03-17, 06:44 PM
For Jaarin:

Jaarin sees Maltuk walking along a path along the other side of the stream, heading south, following the course of the babbling stream. Without hiding, he will probably spot you as well.

For Maltuk:

Make a Spot check.

2013-03-17, 06:47 PM
Wow, this feels pretty nice after that creepy episode.
Spot Check: [roll0]

2013-03-17, 06:55 PM
This forest radiates evil intent. I must be careful.

?! Trouble

Jaarin lingering thoughts initiates his vigilance on the passerby. He withdraws, lurking around whatever he could find that could shroud his presence. He pumps his fist for confrontation if he is going to be discovered.

Move Silently - [roll0]
Hide - [roll1]

2013-03-17, 07:16 PM
For Maltuk:

Maltuk sees a place where Jaarin often sits beside the stream, a low-hanging branch of a great mangrove whose roots carve a small pool into the side of the stream, swirling eddies in the glittering water spinning hypnotically. A nice spot, by any measure.

The human monk, often a loner, probably hasn't heard the news about the meeting with Elsander. If Maltuk could get a hold of Inister, the creature could track Jaarin's scent from this spot.

For Jaarin:

It seems that Maltuk hasn't seen Jaarin, though he is looking at the tree where the human was sitting.

2013-03-17, 07:26 PM
Managing to slip away, he widens the distance between the other monk but still close to keep an eye on him. He prefers to wait and see if they mean any harm. The dream that he had is pretty awful. Replaying his death once and a sudden jolt of realism as the battle end is one experience that he would not dare undergo again. He shudders.

2013-03-17, 07:28 PM
Hm...I wonder where Jaarin went. He's usually here if not back at the clearing.
Maltuk ***** his head and takes a listen. (Assuming a -2 circumstance due to the brook.)[roll0]

Edit: Wow, the language filter really doesn't like a word for "tilts."

2013-03-17, 07:38 PM
For Maltuk:

Maltuk hears something, a rustling among the leaves on the other side of the stream. It might just be an animal in the foliage, though. Whatever it is is staying out of sight, which makes sense for an animal.

2013-03-17, 07:41 PM
For Gandrien:

Meera has helped herself to some of the food, and is halfway through a grilled mushroom cap with a crushed-tomato spread. She appears to be thoroughly enjoying herself, when suddenly she raises a hand to her forehead, dropping her food and sliding sideways to the ground.

Make a heal check.

2013-03-17, 07:43 PM
Might as well check it out. (Maltuk is generally meticulous and detail-focused.)
Maltuk walks towards the sound he heard.

2013-03-17, 07:50 PM
For Jaarin:

Maltuk is approaching Jaarin's hiding place. Jaarin senses no malice from the monk, and knows that Maltuk wouldn't attack anyone without a good reason.

If you don't move, he will find you. If you do move, you can find more cover, but will need to make new Hide and Move Silently checks

For Maltuk:

Make another Spot check. Alternatively, you may use Search, but it will take longer. I'm currently checking to make sure you remembered to add in the elven bonuses to Search, Spot, etc.

2013-03-17, 07:53 PM
(no, I didn't. Forgot about that. :smalltongue:)

Hm...Let's see what's back here.
Maltuk takes a glance around.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: (still assuming the -2 penalty due to the brook) [roll1]

2013-03-17, 08:01 PM
He clears his head. Awared that he knows Maltuk for life, he must have been been thinking he's been way back goblin hunting some moon back. Wait, did he? He can't remember. But now this had turned into a game that he cannot refuse. Heh, this should fun.

Move Silently - [roll0]
Hide - [roll1]

He creeps using the trees to cover his body.

2013-03-17, 08:05 PM
For Maltuk:

Maltuk hears something, but he's not sure what. The sounds are stealthy, so whatever it is trying to remain unnoticed. It's clearly quite adept at hiding.

2013-03-17, 08:08 PM
Heal Check: [roll0]

2013-03-17, 08:10 PM
Gandrien rushes to work)

"Master Elsander, anything you know about this that could help me


2013-03-17, 08:11 PM
his rudimentary first aid skills don't seem to be helping

2013-03-17, 08:18 PM
Wartless, go find Jaarin and lead him here as quickly as possible!

2013-03-17, 08:19 PM
For Gandrien:

In case it wasn't clear, Elsander is not present, but left a note saying he would return and that the character's should start eating. Your roll tells him what is going on, but not what to do about it.

Gandrien, slightly flabbergasted, recognizes that Meera seems to have fallen into some kind of seizure, as she twitches limply on the ground, eyes squeezed shut. He has never seen this behavior from anyone before, let alone Meera. The gnome vaguely recalls having read something about this in a book once.

Her convulsions continue for many long seconds.

Gandrien has the opportunity to do other things, if he wishes.

2013-03-17, 09:11 PM
Phew, the convulsions have stopped. I should check her pulse

2013-03-17, 09:18 PM
For Gandrien:

Meera's pale skin is slick with sweat as Gandrien bends over to check her pulse. She appears to be coming to, but is disoriented.

Wartless is unsure what to do, since the crisis seems to have past (toads are exceptionally slow, considering most of the forest is difficult terrain). The gnome senses the confusion of his familiar through their empathic link.
Make a Heal check.

2013-03-17, 11:19 PM
Find Jaarin anyway, Wartless. Master Elsander wants us all here.

Heal Check: [roll0]

Forgot about the ability bonus last time

2013-03-17, 11:46 PM
For Gandrien:

The gnome continues to be befuddled, and the pressure of the situation has gotten to him. Her pulse is...well, it's definitely there. Not much else is evident to the gnome.

Meera recovers after a few moments, though, leaning slightly on the gnome as she rolls onto her stomach and pushes back onto her haunches. Her eyes are wide and dilated. Tears form and begin to run down her cheeks, and she raises her face to the sky.

"Oh, ****, that sucked," she exclaims, her voice bereft of it's normal sultry quality. She shakes her head suddenly and looks about. "How long was I out?"

She rises quickly to her feat and grabs her cloak, which she'd used to cover her seat while she dined. Shaking off the spilled food, she throws it across her shoulders.

"Gandrien, grab your stuff. I'm not sure, but something bad is coming. We need to be on alert." She opens her backpack, taking out a small burlap sack, and fills it full of candied fruit. "Grab something to eat while we move, I need to check on something."

2013-03-18, 07:22 AM
Well, an animal wouldn't make such scant a sound. I need to check this out a bit more.
"Jaarin? Are you there?"

Listen check: [roll0]
spot check: [roll1]

2013-03-18, 10:38 AM
Meera, you need to rest, and you need Master Elsander's medical attention.

Sense Motive Check: [roll0]

2013-03-18, 11:29 AM
For Maltuk and Jaarin:

Maltuk is waiting to see if it really is Jaarin, when the two monks hear a familiar, shrill whistle coming from up above in the mangrove tree. Inister is perched there with cat-like grace on the vertical tree-trunk, facing downward.

"Cute game you two are playing," remarks Inister, its thin, reptilian lips turned upward in a sarcastic grin. "We've got business with Elsander beside the Gazing Pool, so wrap it up."

It leaps down from the tree, landing on some of the arching mangrove roots that stretch into the stream. Sniffing the air above the stream daintily, it turns up its nose.

"Repulsive," it says quietly, leaping across the stream to the path, and turning south, toward the center of the forest. "Soon, even you all won't be able to drink this stuff."

2013-03-18, 11:48 AM
For Gandrien:

The human female smiles sweetly. "Thanks, Gandrien. That must have been frightening for you to watch. I feel fine now, though, just a little shaken up. We need to find Elsander now, though, and I have a feeling that I know where to look."

She gestures for you to follow her as she heads upstream from the Gazing Pool. Stopping about a hundred feet upstream, next to a large outcropping of rock sitting at a bend in the stream, she traces her fingers along the rock in a semi-circular pattern. She speaks a short phrase in some strange language.

Make an Intelligence check.

2013-03-18, 11:56 AM
I wonder what he means by that. It's probably connected to that creepy part of the forest. If I ask Inister, I might not get a straight answer, but it's better than nothing.
"I came across a section of the forest that I didn't recognize, and there was a frightening aura about the whole place. Is the water related to that?"

Sense Motive check: [roll0]

2013-03-18, 02:00 PM
For Jaarin and Maltuk:

"Oh, so you all are finally wising up," it says, and it makes a small rumbling sound that you recognize as its version of chuckling. "It's been like this for some time; strange phenomena, unusual smells, bad feelings. I'm not sure what's causing it, but I'm pretty sure that these things are what have been making Elsander anxious lately. I don't know if he's too proud to admit that everything is getting weird, or if he has some other motive, but he obviously is aware what is going on." Inister shakes its tiny head disapprovingly.

"He probably noticed well before I did, and I've known about the fireflies for going on eight months. That was only a month or so after you all began your training."

For Maltuk:

Maltuk recognizes Inister's normal, subtly condescending tone; the creature isn't unlike an actual house cat, viewing everyone else in a slightly bemused manner from a position of superiority. Its manner can certainly be irritating at times, but the elf also senses real, honest disappointment with Elsander, and genuine concern about the nature of the strange phenomena.

It's also very unusual that Inister doesn't have an explanation for something, and he often takes any opportunity to lecture on all manner of things.

2013-03-18, 02:24 PM
I got more straightforward an answer than I expected. Oh, well, we better get going.
"We'd better get going. We need to make it to the others.

2013-03-18, 02:31 PM
(Gandrien relays his location to Wartless through their empathetic link)

intelligence check: [roll0]

2013-03-18, 02:32 PM
The message is successful


2013-03-18, 02:34 PM
[roll0] :smallmad:

2013-03-18, 03:31 PM
For Gandrien:

The gnome recognizes that Meera is butchering a draconic phrase. It roughly means "the stars align, make clear the hidden way." The logical conclusion is that she doesn't know how to speak draconic.

She grumbles in frustration, and repeats the phrase, with slightly different (but still completely incorrect) inflection. Her eyes close in concentration, as if she's trying to remember something.

2013-03-18, 03:36 PM
"Jaarin and Inister, come on. We don't have all day."
And with that, Maltuk sets off at a brisk walk.

2013-03-18, 04:08 PM
The jingling of the warning bells rung alot stronger than Jaarin thought it would be. By leaps and bounds, he took a shorter route.

2013-03-18, 04:22 PM
For Jaarin and Maltuk:

The monks and Inister hasten toward the center of the forest, toward the Gazing Pool, where Elsander has arranged to meet everyone.

Make Listen checks.

2013-03-18, 04:32 PM
Hm...I wonder what Elsander will ask of us?
Listen check: [roll0]

2013-03-18, 04:36 PM
Hold on, Meera, can I try? Master Elsander taught me Draconic too, remember.

what check would I make for this?

2013-03-18, 04:48 PM
For Gandrien:

"It's draconic? I just thought it was some kind of gibberish," she says, seeming a little puzzled. "Well go ahead. Elsander taught me the phrase to get in, not how to speak draconic." She shows you the gesture to make before saying the phrase and steps aside.

No check is necessary to speak a language that you know how to speak.

2013-03-18, 05:06 PM
(in draconic) the stars align, make clear the hidden way.

2013-03-18, 05:21 PM
For Gandrien:

Upon speaking the words, a glowing silver line in the form of an arch appears on the surface of the rock. After a moment, the stone within the arch sinks into the stone, forming an arch-shaped recess [like a big, upside-down "U"]. The recessed door then slides to the side, revealing a set of stairs carved into solid stone. The stone appears slick with moisture, and seems to glitter with a silver color, unlike the more common types of rock with which the gnome is familiar.

"Come on down, Gandrien, I think you'll like this place," she says as she heads down the stairs into the moist, cool darkness below.

2013-03-18, 05:22 PM
What's happening?

Listen - [roll0]

2013-03-18, 05:27 PM
For Jaarin and Maltuk:

Still headed back through the forest toward the central grove, the two monks are alarmed by a massive crashing sound from the northern edge of the forest. The sound lasts three seconds or so, and then subsides, but it certainly caught the attention of each monk and Inister.

2013-03-18, 06:33 PM
What was that? Should we see Elsander first, or check out the commotion? Either way, we should probably meet up with Meera and Gandrien first.
Maltuk starts running, this time careful not to stray from the path.

2013-03-18, 06:45 PM
For Maltuk (and Jaarin too if he's following Maltuk to meet with the others):

Maltuk, still running, spots Gandrien's toad familiar, Wartless, bravely trekking north along the stream, not far from the Gazing Pool. The toad gestures in a general fashion, and Maltuk (and possibly Jaarin) manage to perceive that it wants to be picked up. It will show you where Gandrien has gotten to.

By following the indications of the familiar, Maltuk catches up to with Gandrien just as he heads down the hidden stairway to follow Meera (if Gandrien is going to follow her).

2013-03-18, 07:21 PM
Wondering what message Gandrien's familiar is going to pass to us. He lands near the toad adjacent to the gazing pool. By its direction, Jaarin disappears to the path leading to Gandrien.

2013-03-18, 08:08 PM
For everyone (finally):

Meera leads [everyone that follows her] down a curving staircase carved into the stone. The stairs end and open into a small room that seems to be located beneath the stream, and the moist air seems to be illuminated by some kind of luminescent moss that hangs from the walls.

In the center of the room is a strange-looking thing that resembles a curtain made of spiderwebs, but slicked in the iridescent liquid that is dripping from the ceiling.

"Ah, I often wondered how Elsander used to find everyone so quickly."

For Gandrien:
Make a Spellcraft check (provided that you have at least one rank in it, since it can't be used untrained).

"Gandrien, since you are clearly better at this than I," she says, gesturing for him to come before the web. Meera communicates another phrase (also in draconic) to Gandrien, and shows him how to activate the web-device.

2013-03-18, 08:10 PM
OK, what is this (bleep) place and why wasn't I told about this?!!! This whole situation stinks of something! The seizures made it obvious that this isn't a joke, but I am not liking this. Seriously, WHY DID MASTER ELSANDER TELL YOU ABOUT THIS AND NOT ME?!!!

2013-03-18, 08:22 PM
"Really, the seizure was unplanned....If Elsander had told me about that, I would have told him to take this divine shtick and shove it," Meera says, flatly. "This place is here...well, frankly, I'm not sure Elsander ever wanted anyone to know, but I managed to wheedle it out of him one day when he was teaching me about divine spells."

"Elsander has been playing it close to the chest for a long time now. I imagine that the whole idea of this meeting was to tell us all about this place, and maybe more."

For Gandrien:
Your knowledge of spells and magic items let's you know that the device before you is some kind of exotic scrying device, which allows a person to locate another person or thing that is located far away.

2013-03-18, 09:03 PM

Sigh, fine. Seems to be sort of scrying device. I'm guessing you want me to find Master Elsander? Ok, just warning you all that divination is not my specialty. (remembering Wartless). Why don't you hop into my belt pouch old friend. Sorry if the outburst startled you.

I assume you want me to scry, Phelix-Mu. So what I do? Make a Use Magic Device check? Cast a divination spell?

2013-03-18, 09:21 PM
For Gandrien:

The web-device is pretty straightforward after you say the draconic activation phrase. Make a Spellcraft check and an Intelligence check to determine how efficiently you locate Elsander.

For Everyone:

"I had a vision of impending disaster while I had the seizure. It was vague, but there was great danger and, you know, stuff like that...." Meera trails off, suddenly seeming tired and kind of sad.

2013-03-18, 09:45 PM
Intelligence Check: [roll0]

2013-03-18, 10:00 PM
Gandrien is able to operate the scrying device, and a translucent image takes shape, apparently some kind of illusory image mapping the whole of Arksend Forest.

Small figures representing the party members are congregated in the vicinity of the Gazing Pool.

Concentrating on a mental image of Elsander, the gnome shifts the center of the map toward the location of their mentor.

For Gandrien:

The gnome receives a mental image of a battlefield on the edge of the forest with many creatures fighting. It's all quite confusing, but Gandrien powers through it, locating an image of Elsander fighting with an oaken staff, surrounded by grey-skinned creatures that resemble orcs of great size (almost as tall as Elsander).

Make a Spellcraft check with a +2 bonus.

For Jaarin and Maltuk:

Make Spot checks.

2013-03-18, 11:58 PM
Spot - [roll0]

2013-03-19, 06:39 AM
Spellcraft Check: [roll0]

this is int. modifier (+3) + spellcraft bonus (+2) + the (+2) bonus you told me to add

2013-03-19, 06:53 AM
Spot: [roll0]

2013-03-19, 03:43 PM
For Gandrien:

The gnome discovers another function of the web-device, as the map and scrying seems to be linked to some kind of magical transport system to allow rapid movement between certain enchanted trees throughout Arksend Forest. Gandrien concludes that the transport function can be activated from the web-device, but it isn't immediately clear how.

For Maltuk:

The elven monk spots small indications on the map, minute red dots. A number of them seem to be clustered around Elsander's icon, but there are small groups of red dots (4-10 dots in most cases) scattered around the borders of the forest.

For Everyone:

"Hopefully this device will help us plan against the danger that I sensed in my vision."

2013-03-19, 03:54 PM
Hm...I wonder what this could mean...Possibly hostiles, though I doubt that, given that Elsander would have called for us if he was in trouble...Possibly something to do with arcane magic...and definitely something related to those strange events going on in the woods
"Does anybody else see these red dots?"

2013-03-19, 04:04 PM
For Everyone:

"Yes, I see them. I would assume they are enemy targets. As far as I can tell, the map doesn't indicate animals, and as all of the inhabitants of the forest are indicated by name, the only remaining option is that the red dots indicate outsiders."

Meera counts the clusters of dots, and struggles a bit with the multiplication. "That's a big number of red dots...," she says darkly.

2013-03-19, 04:19 PM

We have to help him!

2013-03-19, 04:29 PM
"Where is Master Elsander now? Surely, he can't be that far. Right?"

Jaarin looks a bit apprehensive. He interjects again.


2013-03-19, 04:32 PM
Okay, calm down. The chance that they are all hostiles isn't very high; I just need to ask Gandrien and Meera some questions.
"When did you guys last see Elsander, where was he going, and what was he doing?"

2013-03-19, 06:41 PM
"It was when he asked us to go fetch all of you. That was over an hour ago. When I got to the Gazing Pool, where he'd said we should meet, he was not there, but there was a message and a picnic from him saying he had something or other that he needed to do, and that he would return shortly."

"Gandrien, please describe exactly what you see. Details may be vital. Meera, I'm going to have to know exactly what it was that your vision entailed."

2013-03-19, 06:53 PM
Maltuk lets out a string of curses in Common, Dwarven, Elven, and Draconic.
Crap...I was hoping it would have been shorter. That would have meant a smaller chance that we're dealing with hostiles. &^&*^* it all.
"Okay. Gandrien, Inister, and Jaarin: you stay here and try to find out more info. I'll take Wartless and use his empathetic link to signal you if there are enemies and we need help. Meera, you should come with me; there's a high likelihood that somebody's gonna need some healing."

2013-03-19, 07:02 PM
"Hold your horses, the worst thing we can do is rush off in different directions without all the information we should have. Otherwise, I applaud your initiative."

The forest is very big. I should have made it clearer, but a good deal of time has passed just walking back and forth to various places.

And, for further clarification, walking from the Gazing Pool to the edge of the forest would take almost two hours. In a hurry, you could cut that in half, but you can't run within the forest for very long, since the terrain is varied and pretty universally moderate to heavy undergrowth. The exact direction would vary the time a bit, since there are a few obstacles within the forest that are very difficult to get around (including a series of cliff-like precipices in the south central area), while there are clearer paths leading in a couple directions.

She seems very reluctant to discuss her vision, but senses the urgency of the situation.

"To be blunt," she says in a low voice, rubbing her temples while closing her eyes to remember, "the vision was of a great battle. Darkness falls across the forest. Elsander dies. Everything burns."

2013-03-19, 07:12 PM
*^&*^ it some more. Why does Meera seem to think it in her job description to withhold information from us? Nonetheless, we need to get going. I'd take Jaarin with me, too, but I don't want to leave Gandrien undefended having to make his way across a potentially enemy-infested pathway.
"Inister, I know you don't want to split up, but, tactically, this is our best option. Jaarin has to stay here to guard Gandrien, but Meera and I need to go help Elsander. He who strikes best usually wins, no? Elsander could be dying while we sit here. I need to go there to help fight off whatever it is, and Meera needs to be there for healing. As you've already stated, Gandrien needs to stay here and keep up the scrying until we can get more details, but we need to get moving now. We can relay basic information through the toad and his empathetic link. Maybe not a full message, but at least it's something."

2013-03-19, 07:20 PM
He does nothing except turning his head to the gazing pool as the last words leaves Maltuk's orifice. With regards to the omens of darkness spreading, he perks his ears as a precaution.

Spot - [roll0]
Listen - [roll1]

2013-03-19, 07:29 PM
For Gandrien:

It is entirely possible to transport to a tree near Elsander, then use a tree to return to here, or to go anywhere else in the forest. Now that Gandrien knows how the system works, it makes moving around trivial, as long as one knows how to recognize the trees (which at least Meera and Gandrien know how to do...you might ask Inister, as he knows just about everything).

"Think carefully before you add a meager two pairs of hands to a fight involving over a score of enemies," Inister says calmly, gesturing at the number of red dots surrounding Elsander's icon on the map. "I can fight decently, but if Elsander is being hard-pressed, he won't be well-served by unprepared people showing up only to die before rendering any assistance."

"Oh, just stop arguing," the short woman complains. "I'm sorry for not telling you all right away, but I wanted to make sure before raising the alarm. I'm sure if we all cooperate, we can help Elsander."

2013-03-19, 07:31 PM
For Jaarin:

The location beneath the Gazing Pool is quite secure, and the human male hears and sees nothing alarming.

2013-03-19, 07:40 PM
Why can't Inister get it through his thick skull that we need to strike now? Gahh...
"And Elsander won't benefit from no extra sets of hands. He could die from our accursed inaction. I'll fight against three score of abominations if it meant saving Elsander from death."

2013-03-19, 07:47 PM
"In any case, before running off, let me hand out these," she says, passing out a number of small glass flasks full of blue fluid. "I made these as part of my training, they are healing potions, but be careful when you choose to use them."

Each member of the party gets three potions of cure light wounds (heals 1d8+1)...warning: consuming a potion provokes an attack of opportunity.

"We won't get a better chance to use them than today, I bet," she quips, her spirits improving. "If we are going to go, let's all go. I don't think there is any need for Gandrien or Jaarin to remain here."

2013-03-19, 07:51 PM
Thank Lord Bahamut that Meera was able to craft these.
"Then let us go."

2013-03-19, 08:44 PM
"Wait, Maltuk, I am sure Gandrien have something to say. Gandrien, have you found any other triggers apart from the main function of the device that Meera said to be an asset?"

Jaarin responded in a gruff, non-hectic tone while focusing his body, molding it into a better shape for the battle to come.

"Thank you, Meera"

He accepted the potions readily.

2013-03-19, 09:09 PM
Alright, everyone! While I'm not sure when Master Elsander died and made Maltuk the leader, he has a good plan. This device will allow me or another spellcaster to teleport you to certain special trees in the forest. If anyone has something to mark the trees you come out of with, I suggest you use it. They are hidden well. Good luck. Also, Maltuk, please keep Wartless safe.

2013-03-19, 09:13 PM
Inister, can you see the marked trees as well? If so, good. Maltuk, make sure your commands are very basic. Wartless has the mental capacity of a young human child, but he can't understand any languages yet.

2013-03-19, 10:06 PM
"I believe I can tell the enspelled trees apart, yes. Once we emerge from one, I can definitely identify it again, should we need to access it again."

"You really should come with us, Gandrien. We will need all the help we can get. I have a wand of healing, but Elsander warned me it was almost expended," she moves over next to the web-device and whispers the activation phrase. "I'll be fighting in disguise as an orc, so hopefully none of them will attack me. Remember where I am, since I may have trouble keeping up with all you speedy types."

She speaks some words of power, and motions with one hand, thumb and middle finger touching, tracing a pattern in the air. A moment later, you are standing in the room with a somewhat short orc warrior with gray skin, greasy hair, and boar-like tusks jutting up from his lower lip.

"Not bad," she says in a deep, feral male voice, admiring her new appearance in the semi-reflective surface of the web-device. "I have a blessing to give, but I will save it until right before we teleport, since it lasts only a couple minutes."

"Lemme give you some tips with that," and Inister teaches her an orc battle cry and smears some dirt on her cheeks.

Meera's Disguise- take 10 in conjunction with disguise self spell and Aid Another from Inister= 10+10+2+3= 25

2013-03-19, 10:13 PM
you're right Meera. It's not like someone has to watch the portl. Besides, I need to protect Wartless. (Gestures to Wartless to hop in an empty belt pouch

2013-03-20, 09:17 AM
Hm...that disguise could be a valuable asset. Gandrien's magic will be good for taking out the multitudes of weaker guys, and Jaarin and I should tumble our way to the back and attack the leader.
"That disguise could be a valuable asset. Gandrien will be good for taking out the hordes of weaker guys, and Jaarin and I should tumble our way to the back and attack the leader. Meera, pretend to be attacking Inister but miss deliberately. Heal us when necessary, and Inister should just be a reserve, saving our butts by attacking people when we call for it. Does this sound like a plan?"

2013-03-20, 01:49 PM
One problem, Maltuk. I have no spells that can hurt multiple enemies at once today. I do have color spray, shocking grasp, 2 uses of magic missile and silent image prepared.

2013-03-20, 02:03 PM
It should still work, since Magic Missile automatically hits. And he's got a bunch of spells that'll work best on weaker opponents.
"It should still work, since Magic Missile is impossible to dodge. And you've got a bunch of spells that'll work best on weaker opponents."

2013-03-20, 02:06 PM
Well, Okay. How about I leave Wartless behind to keep him safe?

2013-03-20, 02:12 PM
"If you wish. He won't be much help in a fight, so you'll be fine to leave him here."

2013-03-20, 04:17 PM
(Gandrien draws his crossbow)

2013-03-20, 04:31 PM
"To the contrary, a familiar is always most useful at it's master's side. Don't worry about the little Wartless. I speak from experience when I say that big, stupid orcs often don't take note of small creatures on the battlefield."

2013-03-20, 04:48 PM
You're right, Inister.

(picks up Wartless and puts him in empty belt pouch)

2013-03-20, 06:56 PM
The party makes final preparations.

Meera casts her blessing.

All party members are affected as per the bless spell, providing a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and on saving throws versus fear effects. It only applies within 50' of Meera, but you would do well not to move further away from the cleric than that.

Inister activates and tests his ventriloquism ability. The effects are creepy, to say the least.

Anything you all want to do before teleporting? I will post again in 15-20 minutes with details post-teleportation.

2013-03-20, 07:55 PM
The party arrives at a transport-tree near the edge of the forest. Here, the forest forms a "c"-shaped cove facing out onto a vast, flat plain. As the density of the trees decreases, a hillside descends out of the forest to the plains, losing about ten feet of elevation.

Within the cove of trees, fighting upon a flat expanse are a crowd of orcs that are trying to overwhelm Elsander. The great figure of the party's mentor is holding them off well, wielding a massive, oaken quarterstaff to deadly affect, and the field about him is littered with the bodies of orcs with caved-in skulls, crushed torsos, and shattered limbs. Elsander bears few wounds, but he's massively outnumbered.

"I'm gonna sneak out there," she whispers.

"Which means she'll need a diversion. Let us move forward before you sneak out, Meera. After we engage the enemy, I will help Gandrien create an illusionary threat of some kind. Try not to get surrounded. We can work our way slowly toward Elsander."

Describe your initial strategy, roll initiative and roll Spot and Listen checks.

2013-03-20, 08:15 PM
Hm....If I can discern who the leader is, Jaarin and I can try to take him out, tumbling around mooks is a piece of cake for monks. Troops without a leader usually crumble much faster.
"Jaarin! You and I should attack the leaders; we're more suited to tumbling around the mooks to get to the leader, their resolve should crumble after we take him/her out. If you can, please try to figure out who he is."
Spot Check: Taking 10, so 14.

2013-03-20, 08:24 PM
He nods and goes along with it. He strains his eyes to identify the enemy's leader. The plan guarantees no success but if anyone is better at figuring strategies to counteract the conflict, it would be either be Gandrien or Maltuk.

Spot - [roll0]
Listen - [roll1]
Initiative - [roll2] - actually it's (28) I forgot my bonus is +8.

2013-03-20, 08:30 PM
Hm...need to finalize the plan. Oh! I've got it.
'What I was thinking was this: the two front line combatants (Jaarin and I) move off to attack whatever the biggest threat is, flanking it to help regain the loss to accuracy that besets those who use the flurry of blows.
Then, we have Gandrien leading other people off with his illusions, and Meera roves around giving healing and the bonus when needed, while Inister kills what Gandrien draws away, as well as acting as a sort of reserve troop, giving battle aid whilst needed. So, kind of like this:
Maltuk: Flanking biggest threat
Jaarin: Flanking biggest threat
Gandrien: Drawing mass of mooks to the side
Meera: Staying towards the middle, fighting off people who come her way, so her blessing stays distributed, also healing when needed.
Inister: Killing what Gandrien drew off, also acting as reserve. Sound like a plan??
Initiative: [roll0] Listen: Taking 10, so 14. Spot: Again, taking 10, so 14.

2013-03-20, 08:51 PM
Maltuk spots no leader (nor does anyone else) among the grey-skinned orcs, but it is apparent that the bigger, stronger orcs are staying away from Elsander, letting the weaklings swarm him first. All the orcs are wielding falchions, and the lesser ones are wearing some kind of leather armour, while the bigger ones have metal armour of some kind.

You can take 10 on skill checks on this round, but this is the last time, as the combat will be far too intense for any kind of concentration.

Initiative- [roll0]
Listen- [roll1]
Spot- [roll2]

Initiative- [roll3]
Listen- [roll4]
Spot- [roll5]

Orc Warrior Initiative: [roll6]
Elite Orc Warrior Initiative: [roll7]

Initiative Order is:
Orc Warriors
Elite Orc Warriors

The closes orcs to the party are approximately 60' away and not yet aware of the party members. There is insufficient cover/concealment to Hide all the way to where the combat is located.

2013-03-20, 09:08 PM
Hm...Better sneak towards those orcs.
Maltuk moves as close as he can to the orcs in cover.
Hide roll: [roll0] Move Silently roll: [roll1]

2013-03-20, 09:15 PM
Quietly, he tries to close the distance without robbing the orcs of their satisfaction, stretching his senses to determine whether the elite orcs are on the watch.

Hide - Take 10 - 10+9=19
Move Silently - Take 10 - 10+9=19
Spot - [roll0]
Listen - [roll1]

2013-03-20, 09:16 PM
"No problem," it says sarcastically, and for the almost the first time since any of the party members has known it, it leaps high into the air, and spreads it's bat-like wings, gliding down upon an unfortunate orc.

Attack rolls:
+2 size, +8 dex, +1 BAB, +2 charge= +13 he's outside the radius of the blessing until Meera moves up
2 claws:

to confirm: [roll2]

Damage if hit:

Bite: same -2: +11

to confirm: [roll7]

Damage if hit: [roll8]

The orc's eyes and throat critically wounded amid a spray of blood, and Inister crouches behind its body as it falls to the ground.

Three orcs remain in that cluster.

2013-03-20, 09:47 PM
Okay, here we go. Remember your monastic training.
Maltuk charges forward, leaping and spinning, sending a flying backspin kick in the first orc's direction. He then slams a turn kick into the orc. (do I provoke an AoO, or do we have surprise rounds?)

Dodge to AC.
Attack 1: [roll0] (plus two for the charge, plus two for Inister's flanking with me, plus five for my attack bonus, and minus two for FoB)
Attack 2: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]
Confirmation 1: [roll4]
Confirmation 2: [roll5]
Damage if critical 1: Damage 1 plus [roll6]
Damage if critical 2: Damage 2 plus [roll7]

2013-03-20, 10:01 PM
The backspin kick slams into the orc's face, and Maltuk is rewarded by the sound of his jaw breaking and several broken teeth flying out as his head twists away from the impact.

The orc is critically injured, but not dead yet.

Spitting out blood and broken teeth, it curses you #%*$-elf mother in orcish, and positions itself to attack you.

Jaarin may yet kill it before it gets the chance to act.

2013-03-20, 10:20 PM

Initiative: [roll0]

2013-03-20, 10:25 PM
Spot: [roll0]

Listen: [roll1]

2013-03-20, 10:44 PM
Unknown to the injured orc, his eyes did not deceive him after the monk land the first blow, a shadow grabs the opportunity, rushes after the former to initiate an uppercut.

Dodge to AC please

Attack - [roll0]
Damage (if hit) - [roll1]
Critical (if applicable) - [roll2]

Do I get flank bonus to attack?

2013-03-21, 11:41 AM
The orc is about to swing his falchion at Maltuk, when Jaarin comes leaping in and knocks the orc sprawling. The orc lands motionless with a thud.

You do indeed get a flanking bonus, and you will next round as well.

Orcs that are "motionless" or "down" from the narrative are probably actually just dying (losing 1 hp per round from the negatives until they reach -10 and are dead). Don't worry about finishing them off at this point, it's much more important to deal with the other orcs.

The two remaining orcs in this cluster shout curses and prepare to attack the monks.

2013-03-21, 11:58 AM
For Gandrien:

Meera is preparing to move, and the monks and Inister have already dropped two of the four nearby orcs. There are dozens of other orcs within charging range, though, so time is crucial, as more orcs will likely move to attack the monks within the next round or two.

It's now Gandrien's turn.

2013-03-21, 01:46 PM
Gandrien charges at a group of orcs at the fringe of the group his friends are fighting and uses color spray

Orc 1 u/b/s time: 2d4
Orc 2 u/b/s time: 2d4
Orc 1 b/s time: 1d4
Orc 2 b/s time: 1d4

2013-03-22, 06:03 PM
I cast an illusion of a 20x20x10 bank of fog with indistinct images of monstruous beings inside it around the orcs surrounding Elsander.

Silent image with DC of 15

Then I take Wartless out of my pocket and move silently through the trees at a low speed towards Elsander.

Move Silently: [roll0]

2013-03-22, 07:15 PM
Gandrien's illusion spell obscures Elsander and the orcs that he is fighting. Alarmed orcs inside the fog cloud begin to shout in confusion.

For Gandrien:

Elsander wastes no time in killing as many as he can reach.

The sixteen or so orcs most affected by the fog spend the next round (until the start of Gandrien's next turn) trying to figure out what is going on. We'll see how they act from there.

The area leading up to Elsander is out in the open, away from the trees. If Gandrien wants to get next to him, then he will need to leave the cover of the trees. However, he is plenty close enough to start hitting orcs with magic missiles.

Also for clarity, Gandrien knows that the fog cloud isn't there, so it's obscuring effect doesn't affect him. The rest of the party can disbelieve as though told that it's an illusion (Will save with a +4 bonus, against a DC of 15). That takes a standard action to do (have to look up that rule), so it's probably more practical to just keep killing orcs (there are plenty not inside the area of the illusion).

2013-03-22, 07:29 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2013-03-22, 07:30 PM
The two orcs next to Jaarin and Maltuk move to attack the monks. OrcWarriorA hefts his falchion and attacks Maltuk.

OrcWarriorA falchion attack: [roll0]
Confirm if critical: [roll1]

Damage if hit: [roll2]
Extra Damage if Crit: [roll3]

OrcWarriorB moves around Jaarin to a flanking position and then attacks the human monk.

OrcWarriorB provokes an attack of opportunity from Jaarin for his movement into a flanking position.

Assuming he's still alive after the AoO

OrcWarriorB falchion attack (with flanking): [roll4]
Confirm if Crit: [roll5]

Damage if hit: [roll6]
Extra Damage if Crit: [roll7]

2013-03-22, 07:33 PM
Both orc warriors miss horribly, as the agile monks sidestep clumsy falchion blows.

For Jaarin:
Jaarin still gets to make an attack of opportunity.

2013-03-22, 07:41 PM
Meera makes a double move out into the field, doing her best to not be noticed while still blending in with the other orc warriors.

Everyone except Gandrien now gets the benefit of the bless spell (+1 morale bonus to attacks and to saving throws against fear effects.

2013-03-22, 07:48 PM
He won't let them go without a fight. As one of the orcs is recovering, Jaarin counters, backhanding the orc with surprising speed.

Attack - [roll0]
Damage (if hit) - [roll1]
Critical Confirm (if applicable) - [roll2]

2013-03-22, 08:00 PM
I look back at the situation of my friends.

Spot check?

2013-03-22, 08:17 PM
Jaarin's attack connects solidly, and the orc clutches at some broken ribs, injured and enraged.

For Jaarin:
It'll take at least one more hit to drop the orc, but it's a solid blow.

2013-03-22, 08:54 PM
For Gandrien:

You spot the elite orc warriors. They appear concerned about the appearance of the fog cloud, and are moving forward cautiously (30' per round, a steady walk). They will enter the cloud in two rounds. Because the fog cloud illusion is between the elite orcs and Jaarin and Maltuk, the monks probably can't see them advancing toward Elsander.

Elsander, inside the cloud, doubled his kill rate for the round, dropping eight orcs in about two seconds in a flurry of quarterstaff blows. He seems quite winded after the performance, though (rather unlike him, as far as Gandrien can recall). Luckily, the rest of the orcs are too far away to see him within the cloud.

"I'll leave the rest in your capable hands," the tiny creature says to the monks before leaping toward the fog cloud and disappearing within.

2013-03-22, 09:18 PM
What do I do, what do I do!!

2013-03-23, 08:19 PM
A sign of weakness, a sign of the harrowed. Wasting no time, he unleashes a hailstorm of kicks.

Flurry of blows
Attack - [roll0]

Critical confirm - [roll2]

Damage - [roll4]

2013-03-23, 08:28 PM
The orc's eyes roll back in his head after the impact of the first kick, and he sprawls over backward.

OrcWarriorB is down.

Next is Maltuk's turn.

For Gandrien:

Elsander moves through the fog cloud, toward the forest where Gandrien is located. Finding an orc in his path, Elsander grabs him under the chin, lifting the poor orc bodily off of the ground before slamming him, skull first, into the ground.

Gandrien's mentor stops at the edge of the fog cloud, and readies his staff.

2013-03-23, 08:34 PM
I send Wartless a simple message. The basic intent is find friends (Jaarin and Maltuk), then go to big friend (Elsander). He hops off dutifully as I pray for his safety to whatever G-d watches over the little creatures of this earth.

2013-03-23, 08:40 PM
For Gandrien:

It will take Wartless some time to make the journey (toads are quite slow), but he heads off to track down the monks and Elsander.

2013-03-24, 10:53 AM
Well, well, well, these orcs are falling like ninepins. Hm...I guess I'll take care of the final orc over trying to make it to the elites and leaving myself open to attack.
Maltuk leaps into the air, slamming a jumping assisting front snap kick into the orc's chin and following with a hook kick to the side.

Attack Roll 1: [roll0]
Attack Roll 2: [roll1]
Crit Confirmation 1: [roll2]
Crit Confirmation 2: [roll3]
Damage Roll 1: [roll4]
Damage Roll 2: [roll5]
Damage if Crit 1: [roll6]
Damage if Crit 2: [roll7]

2013-03-24, 01:53 PM
The orc warrior manages to duck beneath the jump kick, but his grin is wiped from his face when the hook kick catches him in the side of the neck. Maltuk's keen ears are rewarded with the sound of crunching vertebrae and cartilage, and the orc falls to the ground, motionless, eyes still open, unseeing.

OrcWarriorA is down.

For Gandrien:

The last of the orcs in the cluster around Maltuk and Jaarin fall, but Gandrien counts at least ten orcs still in charging distance. Some are staring at the fog cloud, but at least three of them have noticed the monks.

2013-03-24, 02:38 PM
I check to see how Master Elsander's doing (specifically the situation of the orcs around him) and try to gauge how well my friends are doing.

I can recognize Meera right?

2013-03-24, 02:40 PM
It is all I can do to keep my concentration with the screams and the destruction echoing around me. I have never been in a battle before and I have no stomach for it, I even wonder what friends and family these orcs leave behind.

2013-03-24, 03:01 PM
For Gandrien:

Gandrien can see Elsander, but Meera looks just like all the other orcs.

Make a Spot check and a Sense Motive check. If you don't have ranks in one of these skills, then it's just a Wisdom check (1d20+Wisdom Modifier).

2013-03-24, 03:09 PM
Heh...orcs within their charging distance, everything is panning out like I planned for it to.
"Jaarin! When those orcs charge, get ready to tumble past them. If we can pass them, the rest will work out perfectly. The worst thing to do in this situation would be to start fighting them. Just clear them to get to the elites, got it?"

2013-03-24, 05:30 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2013-03-24, 05:36 PM
Jaarin nods, flicking blood off his wrist, awaiting the orcs to charge.

2013-03-24, 06:11 PM
For Gandrien:

As the gnome's illusion continues, he observes the events unfolding on the battlefield attentively.

Elsander looks tired, even winded. Gandrien has known him for a long time, and he rarely can be described thus; the old man is an exemplar of mental and physical endurance.

There are seven orcs left inside the illusion, after Elsander killed eight of the initial sixteen, and Inister cut down one more. As Gandrien continues to concentrate on the illusion, the elite orcs shout, and eight more orcs from outside the fog cloud head inside it. At the end of Gandrien's turn, there are fifteen orcs in the illusory fog cloud, and Elsander appears to be laying low.

The elite orc warriors are six in number, and distinguished by metal armour, elaborate helms, and a strange insignia on their breastplate that is hard to see from this distance.

2013-03-24, 06:19 PM
Spot: [roll0] :smallbiggrin:

2013-03-24, 06:20 PM
"You ready, Jaarin? Fancy metal armor won't protect these guys."

2013-03-24, 06:48 PM
Three orcs move to circle the two monks. They take their time, setting up flanking positions as they close with the monks' location. None of the orcs is within reach to attack this round, instead attempting to box-in Jaarin and Maltuk.

For Gandrien:

The orcs that were inside the illusion when the gnome cast it attempt to attack the shadowy figures moving through the mist. This leads to more shouts of confusion and frustration. Elsander trips and kills one of the orcs that moves too close to him, but otherwise tries not to be noticed.

Enough attacking and missing will lead to disbelief checks, but there isn't much you can do about this. The orcs still might fail to disbelieve, and it will still take a standard action to disbelieve. Gandrien can probably expect the tactic to hold together at least one more round, and maybe as much as 3-5 more rounds (depending on how orcs outside the illusion, particularly the elite orcs, shape the encounter).

One of the normal orcs gestures towards the wood, and two other orcs head over to the elite orcs and discuss something briefly.

For Gandrien:

Inister moves next to Elsander.

Now it's Jaarin's turn. Each orc is roughly 15' away, one on each forward flank, and one to the rear and slightly to the right.

2013-03-24, 07:56 PM
*Jaarin readies an action*

2013-03-24, 08:16 PM
Hm...Jaarin is tensed up, so he's probably preparing to tumble on an orc's charge. I'll do the same
Readied Action: *Tumble when the three orcs are all within 15 feet*

2013-03-25, 01:26 PM
I move closer to Elsander

2013-03-25, 02:13 PM
For Gandrien:

The gnome can only move 15' forward before running out of hiding places (trees, shrubs, etc).

How far forward does he move?

2013-03-25, 02:48 PM
15' forward

2013-03-25, 02:52 PM
For Gandrien:

Make a Hide check. Remember, you have a +4 size bonus to your roll.

2013-03-25, 04:28 PM
Hide Skill: [roll0]

2013-03-25, 04:31 PM
let's do this again

2013-03-25, 05:10 PM
For Gandrien:

The gnome is quite confidant that none of the orcs engaged in battle have seen him, and the fight is still making quite a bit of noise, so being heard at this distance isn't much of an issue.

Gandrien also sees Elsander kill four more orcs that are staggering around in the illusory fog cloud.

Two elite orcs head off with a group five normal orcs, heading in the direction indicated by the orc that had pointed off towards a distant part of the treeline of the forest.

The orcs surrounding Maltuk and Jaarin make their move.

Clockwise from forward left to forward right, to the one in the rear, it's OrcWarriorX, OrcWarriorY, OrcWarriorZ.

OrcWarriorZ charges toward Jaarin from the rear, falchion held level in a thrusting position.

This triggers the readied actions of Jaarin and Maltuk. Each monk needs to make a Tumble check.

2013-03-25, 05:45 PM
Hm...Two of the elites are moving off...why? Was Gandrien detected? Or are they moving in to finish Elsander off? If the former, then Meera can figure it out. If the latter, then Elsander could be in trouble, though I can't tell which is which just yet, so we'd better just stick with the plan.
Oh. Here come the orcs...Heh. Suckers.
Tumble Check: [roll0]
Maltuk rolls easily around the orcs, then, once in the clear, darts forward another five feet to get as far behind them as possible.

2013-03-25, 05:51 PM
The group of orcs and elite orcs are moving toward an area of forest (away from Elsander, who is in the middle of the flat, treeless area). Unless Gandrien moved quite far along the edge of the forest, then they aren't headed toward him, either.

Maltuk tumbles past OrcWarriorX and OrcWarriorY with ease.

2013-03-25, 05:53 PM
Huh, something must have happen to shift their attention elsewhere. Whatever, better use this chance to strike from behind. They will never know what hit them. If they are hesistating over something, good for us, bad for them.

Jaarin's line of sight dart to Gandrien backing up Elsander.

Good old Gandrien. Get Elsander out and mission accomplish baby. Now to get rid of these lugs...Hooahh!

Tumble - [roll0]

Jaarin did the exact maneuver as Maltuk as he tumbles through the orc, getting 5 feet across as he springs from his roll.

2013-03-25, 06:43 PM
A lone orc in a cloak picks up Wartless and hustles toward the illusory fog cloud.

Two elite orcs shout frustrated orders in orcish before hustling forward from the rear ranks toward the fog cloud. They angrily toss aside some of the smaller orcs on the way there.

Everyone make Spot checks.

For Gandrien:
The elite orcs are shouting orders to the orcs inside the fog cloud to shape up and subdue the target, stop fooling around, sprinkled with liberal amounts of cursing.

2013-03-25, 06:49 PM
Spot - [roll0]
Listen - [roll1]
Sense Motive (Body Language) - [roll2]

2013-03-25, 08:30 PM
Spot: [roll0]

2013-03-25, 09:39 PM
Spot Check: [roll0]

2013-03-25, 10:40 PM
For Jaarin:

One of the elite orcs seems to have noticed Jaarin, casting off his helmet and gesturing toward the human monk. He angrily beats his chest in challenge, bellowing in your general direction, singling the human monk out as his target. From the foam and red-eyes, Jaarin suspects that this elite orc is going to try to kill him as the orc walks across the battlefield. The orc removes his cloak and bodily throws one of the lesser orcs out of his path, copious muscles rippling impressively as he hoists an impossibly large falchion with one hand and points it at his target.

Jaarin is 30' away from EliteOrcA. He is under no compulsion to attack, but it is fairly likely that the orc will charge Jaarin next round.

Inister and Elsander rush out of the fog cloud, keeping as low a profile as possible. The old man joins up with and leans on a certain orc warrior, and they head toward Gandrien's position. Inister snatches up Wartless on the way.

Only their surprising appearance on the field of battle spares this group from being attacked, but it's a long journey (60') to the edge of the forest, and a number of orcs take note and begin to give chase.

2013-03-27, 12:52 PM
I stop concentrating on the illusion and shoot a magic missile at the orc leading the charge against Master Elsander, shouting the verbal component as loud as I can to attract attention

Damage: [roll0]

2013-03-27, 02:41 PM
The illusion disappears, leaving the fifteen normal orcs and two elite orcs that had been in the fog cloud confused for a moment.

Gandrien's magic missile streaks across the battlefield and hits one orc smack in the chest. The orc bends forward, clutching the blast mark where the missile blew a hole in his leather armour, clearly wounded.

Orc Listen checks:

Elite Orc Listen Checks: The one facing Jaarin isn't paying attention at all

Over a dozen orcs and three of the elite orcs hear Gandrien's shout, and spot Inister, Elsander, and Meera/Orc as they head toward Gandrien. One of the elite orcs bellows some orders while pointing at the fleeing party members. All of the orcs on the field (thirty-ish) take note.

For Gandrien:

The elite orc that shouted the orders commanded all of the orcs to pursue the fleeing "old man." Thus, it's clear now (if it wasn't before) that the orcs are specifically targeting Elsander.

For Jaarin and Maltuk:

The elite orc that has singled out Jaarin as his opponent continues to approach the monk. All of the other orcs have turned their attention to Elsander, although their turn in the initiative order hasn't arrived yet.

2013-03-27, 08:21 PM
Well, crap. Now the elites won't be separated from the others, so there goes most of my plan. Guess it'd be best to cut off the charging one and isolate him at least.
Jaarin! Move to cut the charging orc off! Follow my lead! And now, it's time for a little something I like to call...
Maltuk charges at the orc, leaps into the air and slams the elite orc with a flying side kick, leg glowing with holy energy.

Dodge to AC against the elite orc I'm charging, so it's only a -1 to AC against him.
To Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Extra Damage if Crit: [roll3]

2013-03-27, 09:55 PM
The kick slams into elite orc, denting his armour and fracturing bone beneath, but the elite orc spits in Maltuk's face, ignoring the blow in a flood of adrenaline and testosterone.

"*&#@% you, puny elf," the orc snarls in (of all things) the draconic tongue.

Jaarin can't understand what the orc said.

2013-03-27, 10:48 PM
hm... Draconic?
Maltuk responds in kind.
"If I'm a $&@& puny elf, that makes you less than that, seeing as how you'll fall to us, no? And we're unarmed and unarmored, to boot."

2013-03-28, 09:07 PM
While the brute was exhaling profanities that he could care less, he flew in to intercept, to punt him on the area where Maltuk's attack had landed earlier.

Dodge to AC

Charge + Flank - [roll0]
Damage (if hit) - [roll1]
Critical Confirm - [roll2]

2013-03-28, 09:35 PM
Jaarin's attack misses, and the elite orc warrior bellows, swinging his falchion at the human monk.

EliteOrcA falchion attack: +6 = [roll0]
Confirm if Crit: [roll1]

Damage if Hit: [roll2]
Extra Damage if Confirm: [roll3]

Ten orcs charge at Inister, Elsander, and Meera. Elsander, visibly having trouble breathing, pushes Meera and Elsander out of the way before facing the orcs himself.

Orcs to hit Elsander (extremely unlikely):

2013-03-28, 09:48 PM
The elite orc's falchion flashes in an upward arc, embedding itself deep in Jaarin's gut. A bright flash of pain freezes the monk in his tracks, as he hears the orc let out a grunt of satisfaction.

Jaarin takes 11 points of damage, dropping him to -1 hp. He falls to the ground, unconscious.

The elite orc turns a savage grin at Maltuk, as he slowly, deliberately lets the body of Jaarin slide off of his falchion, as copious amounts of the human's blood cascade onto the ground.

Jaarin will lose 1hp each round until he reaches -10 and is dead. Each round, there is a 10% chance for him to stabilize on his own, at which point he would stop losing hp.

One of the orcs charging Elsander manages to hit, and buries his falchion in the side of the old man.

To Confirm: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Extra if Crit: [roll2]

Elsander stiffens as the blade cuts deep, slicing through his leather apron.

2013-03-28, 10:12 PM

The cat-like creature rushes up the slope toward Gandrien.

"Gnome, put your hands over your ears, quickly!"

The cat-like dragon does likewise.

Elsander opens his mouth wide and releases a deafening bellow, so loud that the air visibly distorts.

Orcs within 30' make Fort save DC 20 or deafened and stunned for
[roll0] rounds.

Rolls for normal orcs:

Rolls for Elite Orcs:

All but six of the normal orcs and four elite orcs drop their weapons, writhing as the sound wave stuns them.

Elsander backs up the hill, unsteady on his feet, leaning on his staff, and wipes away some blood that has leaked out of his mouth.

2013-03-28, 11:10 PM
I shout: "Meera, go help Jaarin" and run up beside them. "Color Spray!"

I moved 17' forward and cast Color spray. Tell me how many failed their saves and then I'll roll for effects

2013-03-28, 11:18 PM
Orc Will saves vs DC 13 Color Spray (first the unstunned orcs, then the stunned ones):


Elite Orcs (first unstunned, then stunned):


For Gandrien:

5 unstunned normal orcs are affected, and 5 of the already stunned orcs are affected. These are all under 2HD.

There is one elite orc affected. It has 3HD.

2013-03-29, 05:54 AM
Crap. I've got to get this guy off my back or I won't be able to heal Jaarin....one or two more hits should do it. I do need to protect him from a likely coup de grace, though
"Wow, orc. You have luck, I can tell that much. But you won't be able to fight against me for very long."

2013-03-29, 08:02 AM
Normal Orcs (stunned)
Orc 8 is unconscious, blinded and stunned for [roll0] rounds; blinded and stunned for [roll1] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Orc 10 is unconscious, blinded and stunned for [roll2] rounds; blinded and stunned for [roll3] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Orc 11is unconscious, blinded and stunned for [roll4] rounds; blinded and stunned for [roll5] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Orc 12 is unconscious, blinded and stunned for [roll6] rounds; blinded and stunned for [roll7] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Orc 13 is unconscious, blinded and stunned for [roll8] rounds; blinded and stunned for [roll9] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Orc 15 is unconscious, blinded and stunned for [roll10] rounds; blinded and stunned for [roll11] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Normal Orcs
Orc 1 is unconscious, blinded and stunned for [roll12] rounds; blinded and stunned for [roll13] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Orc 2 is unconscious, blinded and stunned for [roll14] rounds; blinded and stunned for [roll15] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Orc 3 is unconscious, blinded and stunned for [roll16] rounds; blinded and stunned for [roll17] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Orc 4 is unconscious, blinded and stunned for [roll18] rounds; blinded and stunned for [roll19] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Orc 6 is unconscious, blinded and stunned for [roll20] rounds; blinded and stunned for [roll21] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Elite Orcs
Elite Orc 1 is blinded and stunned for [roll22] rounds and stunned for 1 round

Elite Orcs (stunned)
Elite Orc 5 blinded and stunned for [roll23] rounds and stunned for 1 round

2013-03-29, 02:49 PM
Stabilize - [roll0]

2013-03-29, 05:40 PM
Jaarin drops to -2 hp after failing to stabilize. He is still dying.

It's now Maltuk's turn.

2013-03-29, 06:34 PM
Time to wipe this orc's smirk off of his face. Okay, we're going all-out here.
Maltuk leaps into the air again, sending jump through back thrusting kick toward's the orc's face, then darts forward, slamming his hand into the dented armor that covers the orc's gut.

Dodge to AC against the orc I'm attacking, please.
To Attack 1: [roll2]
To Attack 2: [roll1]
Crit Confirmation 1: [roll0]
Crit Confirmation 2: [roll3]
Damage 1: [roll6]
Damage 2: [roll5]
Bonus Damage if Crit 1: [roll4]
Bonus Damage if Crit 2: [roll7]

2013-03-29, 08:22 PM
The kick slams the orc hard, knocking the wind out of him and throwing him back. Rather farther back than Maltuk expected, and his follow-up punch doesn't land properly, blocked by the elite orc's breastplate.

And for a bit of transparency, here's a roll for the hp of the elite orc.

Starting HP: 10 (full d8+2 Con)
Additional HP: [roll0]
Total HP for Elite Orcs: 21 hp

So far, EliteOrcA has taken 19 points of damage.

The orc seems badly injured, but a renewed surge of adrenaline drives him onward.

2013-03-29, 08:27 PM
Well...crap. Just concentrate on not getting hit; his counterattack will likely be swift and enraged. If I can dodge his counterattack, he'll probably leave himself open for one more hit, which ought to do it. At least I wiped that annoying, self-satisfied smirk off his face.

2013-03-29, 08:38 PM
More of the normal orcs charge the location of Gandrien, Inister, Meera, and Elsander.

"Enough, friends, withdraw. I won't have you dying on my behalf," says Elsander, wiping some more blood from his mouth as he raises his quarterstaff.

Meera and Gandrien can make Heal checks to observe something.

With a whirling flurry of his staff, Elsander beats away the oncoming wave of orcs, allowing only a couple a chance to strike at him with their blades.

Orc Warriors attack Elsander with falchions after a charge:

Giving Elsander a grave look, Meera heads off. "I have to save Jaarin, remember?"

2013-03-29, 08:41 PM
Against all odds, one of the orcs hits Elsander, and it throws it's weight behind the blow, driving the blade deep.

To Confirm:

Damage: [roll1]
Extra Dmg if Crit: [2d4+4....whoops, well, the orc didn't crit anyway.

2013-03-29, 08:50 PM
Meera (still disguised as an orc) circles around toward Maltuk, and throws a dagger at the elite orc engaged in melee with Maltuk, hoping to at least distract him.

Thrown Dagger Attack: [roll0]
Confirm if Crit: [roll1]

Damage if Hit: [roll2]
Extra Dmg if Crit: [roll3]

Not expecting attack from another orc, the elite orc is flat-footed, and thus 15 hits.

The dagger manages to find a weak spot in the elite orc's breastplate, and a spray of blood erupts from the wound, as the elite orc looks at the other orc in confusion.

Meera shrugs and flips the elite orc off, as the elite orc falls to his knees.

The elite orc is at exactly 0 hp by my count, unfortunately, not dead, but disabled.

2013-03-29, 09:07 PM
Staggering, the elite orc rises to his feat and surges forward, as a renewed gout of blood from his side forces the dagger out of the wound. He swings his falchion down toward Maltuk in a final, desperate act.

EliteOrcA falchion attack: [roll0]
Confirm if Crit: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
Extra Dmg if Crit: [roll3]

Luckily, the orc severely overestimates the accuracy of his swing, and misses badly, falling unconscious from blood loss as he mutters a string of curses.

"Help me with Jaarin, Maltuk."

Back at the edge of the wood:

"Gandrien, let's move back into the forest until we can regroup with the monks." Inister proceeds to do just this.

2013-03-29, 09:38 PM
Not having really put much thought into what I would do after stunning the orcs, I listened to Inister and retreated. I was torn between relief at the reprieve and a nagging feeling that I should have done something more

Hide Check?

2013-03-29, 10:06 PM
Elsander wades past the remaining weaklings, targeting the elite orcs. With a short leap, he spins about, bringing the staff around in a full circle, almost breaking the first elite orc in half with the force of the blow. Rolling over the orc in an impossibly dextrous maneuver, he cleaves forward, caving in the skulls of the second and third elite orcs in no time flat. Swinging his staff low, he trips the last orc, before driving the end of his staff into the back of the poor orc's skull.

Looking over the fallen body of Jaarin, she quickly retrieves the wand Elsander gave her and whispers a few mystical words. Jaarin's wound writhes, as tendrils of flesh knit themselves back together under the animating force of the magic.

"He should be fine," she says. "Help me lift him up. We don't have time to wait for him to come to."

Jaarin is healed for [roll0] hp. It takes him one round to regain consciousness.

2013-03-30, 12:44 PM
Okay, help Meera with Jaarin, got to get him out of easy attack range of those falchions.
Maltuk grabs Jaarin and helps Meera lift him up.I'm assuming it's a move action, since getting up is a move action and all this is is assisting somebody get up.

2013-03-30, 01:35 PM
Meera helps Maltuk with Jaarin, pausing briefly beside the dying elite orc to coup de grace him and steal his falchion. The group make their way toward the edge of the forest where Gandrien and Inister are located, circling wide around Elsander and the remaining orcs.

Orcs attack Elsander, but all miss badly, having used up all of their luck for this lifetime.

Elsander makes an arcane gesture with his hand, and a magical, tattoo-like glyph appears on his arm, glowing with a blue light as it peels away from his skin and floats in the air. The air around the orcs before him is suddenly filled with masses of writhing black centipedes. The rasping carapaces of the insect swarms make an absurdly large amount of noise as they fall upon the orcs, crawling across their bodies, under their armour, into their clothes, and into their screaming mouths.

Face pale from the effort of the casting, Elsander staggers back up the slope toward Inister and Gandrien.

All the elite orcs have died, and without their leadership, the handful of remaining normal orcs flee from the fight, headed out onto the vast plain that surrounds Arksend Forest.

2013-03-30, 01:48 PM
"I Wartless, I'm so glad you're safe!", I cry, hugging him and then putting him in my belt pouch. I then turn my attention to Elsander to see what I could do to help him.

Heal Check: [roll0]

2013-03-30, 02:05 PM
Crap...the orcs are getting away...
"Hey, does anybody want to follow me and go after the orcs? They fell like ninepins, within a hit or two, and I'd prefer that they don't get to report back to their superiors, and we'd get the element of surprise. We'd still be able to interrogate one of them to find out where we need to assault."

2013-03-30, 03:39 PM
Jaarin wakes up, groggy, but alive.

Jaarin is still wounded. It is the player's responsibility to keep track of character hp and wounds, though I'm sure most of you are aware of this.

"The orcs will likely rendezvous shortly with one of the other groups of orcs throughout the forest. It won't take them long to return, and even if we did track them down, we'd probably just end up outnumbered again."

The web-device in the room beneath the Gazing Pool showed many dozens of red dots scattered around the forest.

For Gandrien:

Elsander is aspirating blood. Essentially, this means he is bleeding in his lungs. Gandrien doesn't know exactly what this means, but it seems very bad.

Meera Heal check: [roll0]

"Guys, we need to get Elsander to some place where he can lay down," Meera says in a low voice.

As Meera, Jaarin and Maltuk join Gandrien and Inister at the top of the hill among the trees, Elsander is ashen faced, leaning heavily on his quarterstaff, and wheezing and he plods heavily, step by step, up the hill. He barely resembles the man you knew, and seems to have gotten worse even in the few moments since the end of the fight.

2013-03-30, 03:59 PM
Hold on, let me see him. I am trained, after all.
Maltuk gestures at Meera to let him see Elsander for a bit.

Heal Check: [roll0]

2013-03-30, 04:22 PM
Jaarin looked around, his thoughts scrambled from the last battle. That orc had got him good, the pressure was staggering, sending shock down his every nerve. Yet, it was surreal. Every muscle in his body felt like lead otherwise he was fine albeit not in tip top shape. Maltuk? Meera? Gandrien? Inister? Sitting against a tree, liquid red smearing his attire, a shadow of his former self was..Master Elsander! He moved near Maltuk whom he knew trained somehow in the skill of healing, aiding him.

Jaarin uses aid other on Maltuk thereby increasing his heal check to 28. :smallsmile:

2013-03-30, 05:38 PM
"Master Elsander! Hang in there!" I scream. Wartless feels my pain, and tries to comfort me.

2013-03-30, 09:58 PM
The party helps Elsander find a comfortable place to recline at the base of a massive koa tree at the edge of the forest. It's actually a pretty nice day on the edge of the plain, as a clear blue sky streaked with whispy clouds looks down on the party.

Maltuk and Meera both look him over. Meera already seemed worried, and a closer look doesn't improve matters.

For Maltuk:

Elsander is not suffering from wounds received in the battle. While it is likely that the aspirated blood coming from his lungs has been made worst by the strain of fighting, lungs bleeding without an obvious wound is more of a sign of organ damage. As Maltuk's inspection of Elsander turns up no sign of illness, as well as signs of other organ damage (discolored and swollen midsection, jaundice eyes, etc), the conclusion is multiple organ failure. Given the age of the patient, this is most likely a symptom of impending death due to old age. All you can do is try to make him comfortable.

"Don't worry. This has all been some time coming. My time among you is nearing its end," he says, coughing at intervals.

"Why didn't you let us know? What's all the secrecy about?" she asks, tearfully.

"In truth, I didn't want to face it myself. I have enjoyed our peaceful life, and I've known that my death will mark the start of a difficult road for the rest of you," he takes a sip of water offered by Meera. "I'm sure you all have questions. First, while I still have strength, there is a story I must tell you all."

2013-03-30, 10:55 PM

"Long ago, there was a woman named Hu Lee. She was born with a strange power to see things both near and far, both long past and yet to pass. Her sight gave her great power, and as is often the case, led to fear and mistrust among her people, and she was shunned."

"Hu Lee traveled across the world, seeing many sights and experiencing life. I was a much younger man, then, and when I met her, we instantly became close friends, and together we walked the world. But everywhere Hu Lee went, a haunting shadow followed her, at the edges of her vision. Eventually, she could avoid it no longer, and focusing her vision, she perceived a terrible fate."

"Hu Lee told me of her vision: a vast land in the east of the continent would soon be consumed by a great evil, and millions would perish in the cataclysm. While she could see only vague details of the cause of the cataclysm, Hu Lee saw clearly the people who would die; their faces, their names, their lives yet unlived, cut short by a force they would never know or anticipate."

A violent fit of coughing seizes Elsander. Meera wipes the blood from his lips with a wet cloth, and he continues.

"Hu Lee was greatly saddened, and though I tried to comfort her, she could not seem to forget the vision of all the victims. Eventually, she concluded that the only thing to be done was to save as many as possible. I was charged with gathering those people, while Hu Lee set out to confront the evil in whatever way she could."

"Before she left, Hu Lee granted me certain magical powers, and these powers helped me to track down certain individuals and move them into an isolated forest that Hu Lee and I had enchanted as a refuge, hidden from evil eyes, protected from the imminent cataclysm. We named the forest Arksend Forest."

Elsander takes a break to regain his breath, his brow perspiring from the effort of speaking.

"It was you, all of you, whom I brought to the forest, many ages ago. By using her great powers and channeling and binding them to my life force, Hu Lee protected Arksend Forest from the passage of time. The cataclysm came and went, Hu Lee's efforts to protect the land failed. Countless souls were lost as the land was wracked and twisted into a barren wasteland where only evil could flourish."

"But, within the forest, all was well. I had intended to save more, but time was against me, and my efforts seemed thwarted by some force I could not comprehend. In light of the devastation, I felt glad to have saved anyone, especially as I realized that I would never see Hu Lee again."

"Unfortunately, as time passed, your minds grew foggy, and memories of your past lives faded. My efforts to remind you seemed to always fail, and in the end I decided it was best to just act normally, reassuring you all that you were safe as I showed you how to live within the forest."

"Now we have reached the final chapter. My life is at an end, and no magic will change that. With me ends the protection that Arksend Forest has enjoyed, and the evil that pervades the surrounding lands will shortly claim our sanctuary. I have spent the last few decades trying to plan a way to protect you when this time came, but the very thought of leaving you alone in a strange world, full of danger, pained me greatly. I feared that, if I could not save you, then I would finally and completely fail Hu Lee, dishonoring her memory."

"A plan eventually came to me, though it hinges more than I would like on your own abilities. In the end, my efforts to protect you may have been too great, but I couldn't have acted differently; I saw you as my children, and was loathe to expose you to the brutal truth."

Elsander sighs deeply, his voice rattling, and clears his throat.

"I will explain my plan shortly, but first, you deserve answers to any questions you have had or that have been brought up by this fateful tale."

2013-03-31, 12:14 PM
Wow...that was rather sudden.
"I do have some questions, actually. First, do you know if other planes of existence are affected? Second, do you know anything of the world outside of Arksend currently? Third, is this the only haven, or are there others?"

2013-03-31, 01:00 PM

"Only the far eastern portion of this continent was affected by the cataclysm. Since then, it has become the dwelling place of many foul beings. The rest of the continent should be unaffected, but I have, like you, been isolated by the enchantment of Arksend Forest. I know nothing of world events since the forest was isolated from the normal time stream. What I have perceived of the area around the forest as the enchantment weakened is that it is a wasteland teeming with orcs, and much worse besides."

"As for other planes, the cataclysm was strictly a Prime Material Plane event. I am sure certain Outer Planar beings took great interest in these events. The cause of the cataclysm was never clear to myself or Hu Lee, except that it seemed that some great evil power was at work."

"There may have been other havens, but in the millennia since the cataclysm, any sanctuary from the initial disaster would likely have been overrun by the same orcs that you just fought, as well as other, fouler beings. Only the most potent of magics could have hidden or preserved some place from destruction. Thus, if other havens did exist nearby, they would be difficult to find or enter."

2013-03-31, 01:24 PM
"Would they not have suffered the same fate as ours, that is, would the enchantments not have weakened?"

2013-03-31, 01:51 PM

"I honestly don't think anyone else likely survived. Hu Lee and I took some pretty extreme measures, and the only enchantment we could manage was intimately tied to my life force. The reason why the wards and time-altering magic have weakened and will shortly collapse is that my life is ending, and likely there was no way to avoid this. It's a design flaw, but Hu Lee and I had little time to work with to perfect the magic protecting Arksend Forest."

"If anyone did survive, say by realizing the danger and teleporting away or some such, then they are almost certainly dead by now. I don't know the precise amount of time, but many millennia have passed since I first entered the forest with you."

2013-03-31, 02:53 PM
I see...
"Does Arksend bind you to it, and does it bind us to it?"

2013-03-31, 03:59 PM
Pretty interesting story. So a millenia had gone to the drain already? That means the dream I had wasn't a dream but a memory. That explains why my skills are so rusty, right now?

"I have some too. Before she left, did Hu Lee told you where she was heading next before we sought refuge here? Were you two lovers even if you're close friends? Is she still alive or did she left a legacy behind?"

2013-03-31, 04:45 PM
[To Maltuk's Question]:
"Well, it really doesn't matter. Unless I'm very much mistaken, the orcs at the western edge of the forest have started the fires. Soon, the rest will add their torches, and the whole forest will burn."

"Just like in my vision...," she says quietly, uncomfortable with the prospect of her terrible vision becoming reality.

Sniffing the air, Inister nods. "There definitely seems to be fires starting somewhere west of here."

"In any case, the enchantment was just set to be bound to my life force. I didn't bring you all here until the casting was already finished, as I needed time to find you."

[To Jaarin's Question]:
"Very perceptive of you, Jaarin. While Hu Lee and I were not lovers, exactly, we weren't exactly just friends."

Elsander removes his mask (something none of you have ever seen him do before).

"I used to wear this to honor Hu Lee's memory," he says, and a magical illusion lifts. Elsander now appears the same size and shape, but his skin is covered with a layer of fine scales, turquoise, blue, and green in color. "I was never clear why she gave me an item to hide my ancestry, but I trusted her implicitly, so when she gave it to me to wear, I did."

Knowledge(arcana)- [roll0]
Gandrien recognizes that Elsander has some kind of dragon ancestry. This would not be clear to any of the rest of you.

"As for a legacy, I will get to that shortly. Hu Lee always used to leave me things, stuff prepared for events that she had foreseen, but she'd rarely tell me what they were for. Eventually I got used to it," he says, smiling at the memories.

"As for our connection, it was never clear to us, but it seemed we were kinsmen of sorts, connected to the same draconic lineage. In a sense, she was my cousin."

"As to where she went, she had a lead or two on the cause of the cataclysm, and went to do what she could to stop it," he says, before lapsing into another violent fit of coughing.

"I believe that she died in her attempt, but I have no evidence of this."

2013-03-31, 05:37 PM
For Forkbeard:

The evening is just ending, and the final rays of light are vanishing from the sky above the village. Forkbeard has come to this small human village to track down some orcs that were moving through the region. A small cluster of stone buildings capped with thatched roofs is surrounded by a wooden fence and some fields where shepherds are bringing the sheep into some enclosures. Smoke rises into the chilly evening air from various chimneys.

A small pub is located in the middle of the village.

2013-03-31, 06:17 PM
"Well, if there's a fire in the woods, the best thing to do would be to leave now. Otherwise, we might become trapped."

2013-03-31, 06:28 PM
"Master Elsander, did I have a family? Did they survive?"

2013-03-31, 06:42 PM
[To Maltuk's comment]:
"Arksend Forest is quite large and not at all dry this time of year. It will take some time for it to burn down, maybe even a couple of days, particularly as these orcs seem poorly organized. After I've finished telling you everything I have to tell, you should move deeper into the forest."

[To Gandrien's Question]:
"I'm afraid I have no idea. The vision that Hu Lee had foretold a kind of mass extinction event, though no method or direct cause was clear. We theorized some kind of abjuration magic had been used to obscure these details, but had no proof to support such ideas. Without some form of protection or warning, it seems to me that no one would have survived."

"After visiting the city where you lived and locating you, Gandrien, I was beset by what seemed to be a local cabal of dragon-blooded sorcerers. As I was on my own, I had little recourse but to snatch you up and flee. I had intended to return, since saving a large number of people in such a city would be relatively easy, but my time ran out."

2013-03-31, 06:45 PM
"From what you tell us of Hu, it would be quite a task to cover up knowledge from her. Possibly some dark, primal god?"

2013-03-31, 06:52 PM
"So, if I had a family, they're dead?" I said as a tear dropped from my eye

2013-03-31, 06:53 PM
"Well, they would be, regardless. By Elsander's estimate, several millenia have gone by, so unless your family consists of gods, I doubt they're living today."

2013-03-31, 07:01 PM
"How can you be so nonchalant about this Maltuk!" I screamed. "We just had to kill sentient beings, our home is burning and I found out that I will never be able to see what family I had every again! I could have had children! My entire life has been a lie! How can you be some heartless!"

2013-03-31, 07:09 PM
"I am very sorry that this has all happened. I should have told you years ago, when I realized I was dying, but...I had grown attached to our peaceful life, so distant from the nightmare that had sentenced us to this leafy prison away from time."

"We all lost a great deal, and not just us, but the whole world was robbed of many bright lives, full of promise. I hope you can find a way to live on, Gandrien."

"As for Hu Lee's foresight power, it was a formidable power, but there are many beings with great powers, magical and otherwise. We didn't have the resources to delve further into the mystery, but if the events were as historical as they seemed, the outside world may have recorded what came to pass after we entered the forest."

2013-03-31, 07:57 PM
He gawked as Elsander uncovered his draconic features, slow on the uptake. Then, Jaarin placed his hand on Gandrien's shoulder, shooking his head on his outrage. He returned his gaze to Elsander.

"Master Elsander, can you please tell us more about Meera and Inister? I know it's stupid for me to ask even if we live alongside each other for a long time but prior to living with us, we know so little about their history of how they came to be."

2013-03-31, 08:08 PM
"Inister is actually a creature that lived in Arksend Forest before Hu Lee and I even decided to use it as our refuge," says Elsander, giving Inister a sideways glance. "He's always kept his own counsel on matters. Truthfully, I know little of his own history. But he's plenty capable of ignoring your questions himself."

"As for Meera, she was a teenager being trained by the church of the Laughing Lady, who also ran the Thieves Guild in a city known as Verenglen. Hu Lee must have been friends with members of the Laughing Lady's priesthood, because they had already prepared Meera for the journey when I arrived."

"I don't remember anything, and it seems that I haven't had the same dreams of the past as everyone else. Or, at least, I don't remember the dreams if I have them."

2013-03-31, 08:16 PM
I cannot believe I would hae abandoned my family. I know I have one, they must have been the gnomes from my dream. Do you think we will ever remember them again, Master?

2013-03-31, 08:20 PM
"It is entirely likely, Gandrien, that the mental confusion is caused by the altered time stream of the forest. Messing around with temporal magic often creates a strange affect on the minds of normal creatures, in particular the perception of the passage of time and the nature of space. I'm sure once you leave Arksend Forest for good and the forest itself has been destroyed, then your memories will return. It may take a while, but that is probably for the best, as sudden recollection of lost memories can be a shock in and of itself."

"At the time, I didn't find you with anyone, at a flat within a vast residential district. It's likely that your family was simply away from home. Shortly after I arrived, we were attacked by the sorcerers that I mentioned, and we fled the city together, using magic to come to the forest. You were the last person that I picked up."

2013-03-31, 08:20 PM
"Hmm..Hmm..but I could not help but mistaken her for a descendant of Hu Lee. I mean she had those visions of the future."

2013-03-31, 08:26 PM
"I ... understand Master, it was for the best

I lied, I could not fully forgive Elsander for what he had done, but I did not want to yell at him in his final hours

2013-03-31, 08:28 PM
[To Jaarin's Comment]:

The old man seems genuinely surprised by this; he seemingly hadn't noticed Meera's earlier comment about her vision.

"Well, that is strange. It seems unlikely that she is a descendant of Hu Lee, as Hu Lee shared a draconic ancestry with myself. Her offspring would likely also have a strong draconic heritage, and I sense no such bloodline in Meera."

Elsander ponders the matter in silence for a few long moments.

"It's not impossible, though. Hu Lee was already a mature woman when I met her, and she could have given birth before we met. I'm not sure the timelines match, though, as Meera would likely have been older when I met her; I knew Hu Lee for several decades before this whole cataclysm matter became an issue."

[To Gandrien]:
"I am truly sorry, Gandrien. Few creatures living have had as long as I to regret past choices as I have, and I've often contemplated what I could have done to save more people. Hu Lee and I were so powerful...it seems strange that she should have had such narrow focus in her goals, pursued a path that would only save you few."

He sighs heavily.

"Her methods were often inscrutable, though. I was like a blind man in comparison with her; anyone that didn't see the world as she did had trouble understanding how she behaved. The past can't be changed, though. I hope your futures can make up for the loss of your past."

2013-03-31, 08:51 PM
"Gandrien. You must calm down. I remember my past, somehow, and all I'm going to tell you is that I would prefer that I didn't. I might seem blunt about this, but staying objective will be the key to surviving the post-cataclysmic world that we will no doubt be plunged into as soon as our dear mentor passes.
Also, Elsander, why were we taken here first?"

2013-03-31, 08:55 PM
I understand that, but it unhealthy to keep these feelings bottled up inside. There is no shame in mourning. I promise you o aloof one, that when the need arises, I will be just as ready as all of you

2013-03-31, 09:00 PM
I may seem aloof, but I at least do not bear grudges against men for saving my life. You have no idea what I have lost, yet I don't bitch and whine about it.

2013-03-31, 09:08 PM
[To Maltuk's Question]:
"Hu Lee was strangely particular about the people who I should look to save first. I assumed, and continue to believe, that there is a reason she specified you three."

[To the General Discussion]:
"I take full responsibility for what I did, and you would do well to blame me rather than fight among yourselves. Gandrien, your right to mourn is indisputable, and the rest of you should respect his feelings. You have all grown into very capable and reliable adults, though, and I am proud that each of you are kind and reasonable, despite your difficult situation."

Elsander looks weary, and lowers his head to his hands for almost a minute before continuing.

"I am fading away; let me tell you where you can go from here to be safe, and, fate willing, prosper in your future lives."