View Full Version : [PTA, IC]The Spinward Islands III: The Downward Spiral of Craziness

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2013-05-27, 02:37 PM
"Don't know what it expects, but I know what it'll get." Lea says enigmatically as she runs over to the nearest berry bush and places her hands upon it. Ever since she was little, she's felt the beating heart of the world through the plants. She quickly learned how to connect to that heartbeat herself and give a plant a little "boost" from her own life force.

Focusing her will upon the bush, a veins of green glowing energy climb from her core torso, down her arms, and through her hands into the plant. This life-force quickly suffuses the bush, and it grows nearly a meter taller as its leaves become heavy with a quickly-grown harvest of berries.

Panting from the effort, Lea turns to the Servine and asks, "Will that satisfy?"

2013-05-27, 02:59 PM
The Servine looks very surprised with its mouth hanging open. The youngest snivy's explore the larger plant with glee and the older snivy's bow down in worship and draw images in the dirt. Wisp has taken out a large leather book with several missing pages and an old calligraphy brush and is writing things down at great speed.

The Servine then recomposes itself and calls its troops to attention with a few quick orders. The younger snivy's start leading you in a friendly manner towards the center of the plateau while the older snivy's reform their formation around Wisp taking her in the same direction but more like a prisoner, but she doesn't look concerned in the slightest as she puts her hands over her head.

feel free to make checks to get details.

2013-05-27, 04:53 PM
"I thank you most humbly for accepting my gift and allowing us passage. I honor and revere all grass pokemon and am glad to see your tribe has found a place to grow and thrive. Perhaps one day when my travels are done, I may come and live near here so that I can help your tribe if you would permit."

As she talks and layers it on thick, Lea will think about snivys and what she has learned about them in her time at her parents' research station. She finds the concept of tribal grass types to be rather unusual. She'll also look around to see if she can find clues as to how this tribe is set up.


2013-05-27, 06:10 PM
You recall Snivy's being the definition of cool and a bit proud, but the tribal antics isn't anything your parents observed naturally in fact this seems like some thing out of a movie. Thats when it hits you at this is a case of cultural contamination. These Snivy's must be decedents of escaped or released pokemon actors who have twisted the film their ancestors stared in into a way of life. You even remember the movie cause your parent vocally disapproved of it cause it was grossly inaccurate in terms of pokemon behavior, and that it touted being filled in real historical ruins cause the film crews could have broke something. It was called something uncreative like "green plateau" or some thing like that either way it was really corny. The plot was basically a duskull at night broke into the throne room and put the lands ruler(a CGI shaymin who could make some CGI berries spontaneously grow) into a deep sleep with a lullaby, and framed a really cool snivy for it. one lame plot later the snivy beat duskull and freed the land by stealing its mask at high noon and that some how made it burst into flames.

As your thinking this over you found you've been lead into a village of snivy sized bamboo huts with a over grown stone structure in the middle. There are more sinvys here mostly older females and really tiny babies. Your arrival seems to be attracting a lot of attention, and your lead straight towards the stone structure. Wisp on the other hand is stopped short in a small courtyard that seems to double as a sundial. "I-is something wrong?" says Wisp not liking being stuck in the sun "I don't mind the sticks b-but could we do this guarding business inside? I'm with her afterall thats gotta count for something r-right?" the snivys don't seem to be listening to her at all.

2013-05-27, 06:38 PM
"If you would be so kind as to allow me to personally guarantee her good conduct, I would appreciate it if she could join me. She is my ward I have been charged to protect, and I cannot fulfill that if she is not with me."

2013-05-27, 06:49 PM
Rebecca blinks confused before slipping the scanner back into hiding and going over and picking up the cash. What the hell? She thinks. Still, her job here was finished. She'd earned some cash, got some experience, and now she could wait and hope to find this Team Eternal meeting. Thus, Rebecca started wandering around as if killing time while waiting.

Do I get exp even if the hobo ran away?

2013-05-27, 08:32 PM
The Snivy's seem to believe they know whats best for you, but out of respect they explain with charades. three baby snivy's come out two are wearing leaf masks. The servine then points at a hour marker on the sundial and the maskless baby takes one of the masks. The unmasked baby waves around a red flower and fakes a faint probably representing bursting to flames. The other baby is then unmasked and with a shrug and a "meh" the pair happily skip into the structure. Thier message seems to be they are going to unmask wisp at the top of the hour and if she doesn't burst into flames she is good. Wisp is not on board with this plan "What no I'm not doing that! I-I can't. Please anything but that I'd rather face wild gengars, jump from an exploding air plane, go to a my little ponyta convention, be cursed burned and poisoned all at once, hell even go gold running on grille again! just don't take my mask!" she glances at the sun to see that its still there. "especially here" she looks beyond uncomfortable she looks down right scared.

you do I'll post it when I have time
"ninja hobos now I've seen it all" comments steven.
(perception and intuition checks please)

2013-05-27, 11:47 PM
"May I ask what will happen that has you in such a panic? Unless you really will burst into flame, then your option is either to leave without completing the job or go through with the unmasking. Either way, I expect you to not void my end of the contract." Lea's patience for the strange girl who hogtied her naked, shang-haid her onto this quest, and now is trying to shatter the alliance Lea had to give part of her life force to forge over the silly mask she wears.

2013-05-28, 03:44 AM
Seeing that she won't get help from you she turns to flee only to find her way is blocked by a crowd of menacing sinvy's that followed from the villiage. Her refusal to be unmasked seems to be pretty damning in their eyes and they are not about to let a duskull equivalent escape to torment a shaymin equivalent another day. "I-i ca-an't say it. Its absurd and y-you would say its not a big deal. Hell I know its not a big deal, b-but this... I-i just can't handle this H-happening please don't let them do this." she begs earnestly. The servine for a moment seems to order to let her go but its quickly revealed to be Wisps zorua by the real servine and so the snivys ignore it. Wisp remains surrounded and frozen by fear of the seemingly inevitable. according to the sundial It will be the top of the hour in two rounds.

Rebecca37XP for marina

2013-05-28, 04:11 AM
So, at work and can't access my sheet, so forgive any errors as I'm going off memory.

Perception: [roll0] (-1 mind, +3 body/spirit)
Intuition: [roll1] see above

2013-05-28, 01:31 PM
Lea will walk over and cup Wisp's face in her hands. "This is your venture that you wanted to go on. Now, you can either take it off yourself right now, or I can do it for you. Or you can let our hosts do it. I promise to be gentle, whatever your issue is. However, you've been backed into a corner now. Did you think this little quest was going to be nice and easy and you wouldn't have to worry about getting dirty because you signed me up to protect you? I'm doing the best I can, but you're going to have to be brave right now if you wish to keep your dignity."


The waterworks softened Lea's stance to the girl, but Lea doesn't have time to coddle. This alliance with the local tribe would not hold up to Wisp enraging them, and that could get them all killed. It was for her own good.

2013-05-28, 05:18 PM
Unfortunately all logic and reason seems to have left the girl. The real waterworks turn on smearing the dark makeup around her masks eye holes, and she begins to collapse as if going for the fetal position. Then suddenly some thing happens that snaps her out of it and makes her go absolutely frantic "No! No! Not that too! Let me go! Let me go!" Under the Servine's orders several of the Snivy have started wrapping her and restraining her with vines so she can't get away "Not again! No! I won't be left to bake! You hear me!? I won't be left to bake again!" she thrashes like a desperate animal and pulls one snivy holding a vine on to its face(struggle attack) but the rest pull from all sides and trap her. Her Zorua tries to get to her but it is quickly restrained in the same way though its doing a much better job fighting back, and looks like it could take down most of the snivy's that are bothering to try and stop it. It won't reach her before its to late.

Several of the Snivy get out of your way It appears the Servine wants you to have the honor of unmasking Wisp.

You see a plume of smoke in the distance and you know what they say "where there is smoke there is fire, where there is fire there is a barbecue, and where there is a barbecue there is a Grill(e)"

2013-05-28, 05:26 PM
As Rebecca moves toward the smoke she wonders where the hell that phrase came from.

2013-05-28, 10:50 PM
You arrive to to an aftermath to a battle. The street is torn up, cars are in states of post-explosion, there is a flaming hyperbeam hole through one building, and every branch of emergency responded is on the scene. Through all this you see a cluster of familiar faces by the ambulances. The mall street rumble crew, Sheryl Holmes, and the woman in the wet suit(aka mom) flanked by a pair of cops. They all seem to be a little beat up and are talking with each other as the medics patch them up.

2013-05-28, 10:54 PM
As Rebecca sees the figures, especially her mother, a big smile crosses her face though she tries to hide it. She knows she can't draw too much attention yet, but she really longs for the day when she could ask her mom all the questions she had.

What was stranger was that her mom was talking to the detective bitch. She moves over, making sure not to walk directly over so that no attention was drawn, and stops just a bit short of them. Close enough that she'd be seen and they'd interact if they wanted too, but far enough that she didn't seem to be with them.

2013-05-28, 11:04 PM
A crispy Mr. smithers coughs something uncomprehensible to the others and points in your direction. They all quiet up, your mother looks down, Z gives you a derpy face and a wave(she is probably on pain killers on account of the bent mech arm slightly crushing her bloody arm) and Sheryl Holmes whips around on her stretcher unable to stand due to a cut up leg, and says bluntly "Where the Muk were you!?" "I told you I directed her to a-" "can it leaguer this is ranger business!"

2013-05-29, 12:39 AM
"I was told to show up, perform a battle, and then blend in and look around. I followed a certain lead I was given that my Umbreon had and then advice on how to slip undercover here and not blow the operation. Apparently, it got blown by someone else." Rebecca says pointedly. She didn't like Holmes already and now it seemed everything Holmes had said about her getting in the way was the complete opposite, "As for where the muk was I, clearly nearby since I'm here already. What's going on?" She asks, "And what are all of you doing all gathered here?" She says with a frown. She doesn't mention the fact that Holmes's state just proved her point about why she should be the one after Grilles and not Holmes. Not yet at least.

Rebecca looks out the corner of her eye at her mom trying to see the extent of her injuries. Had she done something wrong and mom got hurt because of it? She'd done what she'd been told, what had happened?

2013-05-29, 12:49 AM
Everyone looks injured. I addition to those already mentioned your mom's arm is in a sling, leg is in a splint, and her uninjured arm is handcuffed to a psicop, moe has a bandaged head, and paul is unconsious with a black eye to boot.

"And so while you were playing did you think to check your phone?" says Sheryl still pissed "Maybe I should ex-""I SAID CAN IT!"

2013-05-29, 12:53 AM
"I don't know, did you think to try not getting blown up? I'm sure being a detective isn't the best preparation for live fire, but still." Rebecca says getting annoyed at the bitchy detective. She holds up the destroyed styler. "Here's my excuse, what's yours?" She asks before holding up a hand, "Actually, hold that thought." She says annoyed before turning toward where her mom and the cop are.

"What's going on here?" She asked with a frown.

2013-05-29, 01:08 AM
Your mom doesn't answer you she just keeps looking down

"You smash your phone and didn't think to reestablish communications!? who the hell trained you!? oh yes I remember..." "I think she was the lucky one if you ask me" interjects Moe before she could complete her insult "Oh yeah and who asked you bug boy!?" "Look all I'm say is when you get your butt whooped trying to stop every guy in a black cloak on this island from jumping through a portal like something out of a lovecraft novel. Chances are one more person wouldn't have made a difference" "ah just shut up" she tosses a roll of gause inaccurately at the musician

2013-05-29, 01:13 AM
"I don't know, passed on her accuracy it might have made a difference since I'm actually trained to hit a target. And I was under the impression that this meeting was up to me so my goal was finish the mission then establish communication. Just because we've shared information and teamed up, doesn't mean we're a full-on team where I need to be in contact with you 24-7. Establishing contact would come after the mission. Who trained you in special operations and infil...oh wait, detective. You just stick your nose places and get blown up when you fail at sneaking."

Rebecca looks at the cop her mom is handcuffed to, "Is there a reason she is handcuffed and you guys are here?" She asked reaching into her bag to draw her special operations badge and show it.

2013-05-29, 01:34 AM
"well uh I don't know if its my place to say considering..." "I'm wanted for multiple counts of environmental terrorism and industrial espionage to name a few. I was knocked out in the fight and the cops found me before I woke up"

a gause then accurately hits you on the back of the head "I'm not done with you! Your still a ranger we still need to reach you for emergencies! Emergencies like this little scooby doo gang you were hanging with intercepting a message that these cloak guys were aborting whatever they were doing and retreating to here to get extracted. We needed everyone we could get to throw at them or every lead we had on them was about to run cold. instead they got away and... and..." everone turns extra quite for a moment unsure what to say until hopped up and drugged Z blurts out "You Ex-boyfriend took that lousy kisser on a trip!" everyone seems to hold back the urge to collectively punch Z "we were... trying to... break the news to her a bit gentler than that Z*cough*" "Then why are we letting the blond poochyena girl do the talking?" "hmpgh!"

2013-05-29, 01:40 AM
"My ex-boyfriend?" Rebecca asked confused, "And lousy kisser? Who is a lou---wait Lucius?" Rebecca asks confused at the wording from derpy. "And if we need everyone then why are they arresting mo---errr this woman. Clearly she showed up to help." She frowns at the cop, "I need her released as part of a special operations mission. The targets here are dangerous criminals as you can see and I need every advantage I can to stop them."

2013-05-29, 01:50 AM
"well uh there are forms an-""I'm being arrested willingly." interjects your mother "Since I failed to protect lucius and even worse failed to stop Grilles who knows precisely what lucius is from capturing him. My bosses will order my termination. police custody is the only place I'd last now... I'm sorry"

2013-05-29, 04:57 PM
Unfortunately all logic and reason seems to have left the girl. The real waterworks turn on smearing the dark makeup around her masks eye holes, and she begins to collapse as if going for the fetal position. Then suddenly some thing happens that snaps her out of it and makes her go absolutely frantic "No! No! Not that too! Let me go! Let me go!" Under the Servine's orders several of the Snivy have started wrapping her and restraining her with vines so she can't get away "Not again! No! I won't be left to bake! You hear me!? I won't be left to bake again!" she thrashes like a desperate animal and pulls one snivy holding a vine on to its face(struggle attack) but the rest pull from all sides and trap her. Her Zorua tries to get to her but it is quickly restrained in the same way though its doing a much better job fighting back, and looks like it could take down most of the snivy's that are bothering to try and stop it. It won't reach her before its to late.

Several of the Snivy get out of your way It appears the Servine wants you to have the honor of unmasking Wisp.

Lea unceremoniously rips the mask away. If she's beyond reason, there's nothing more to be done.

2013-05-29, 06:07 PM
She tries to dodge and struggle but she is stuck good all she can do is stare at you with hurt filled eyes as you grab the mask. As its ripped away her hood falls down to and she lets out a shriek. The Zorua trying to get to its master roars in rage, the Servine does a "Tada!" gesture, and many of the snivy's cheer, but they quickly stop when see Wisp hasn't burst into flame but instead see the real reason for her mask.

What Wisp was hiding under that mask was extremely pale literally White skin like something out of a vampire movie, but paler(Medical Edu check to ID whats up). It becomes clear fast that she is gonna get a wicked sun burn in the harsh Rosrise sun with skin that sensitive. Makeup blackened tears are streaming down her face and she is trying to turn her face away from the sun as she continues to scream her head off.

The last one to realize Wisp isn't combusting is the Servine who looks frustrated when he realizes this. He quickly grabs Wisps head and tries to make her face more towards the sun as if that would make her ignite, but it seems futile she isn't even smoking. This sends a murmur of doubt among the younger Snivy's, and the older ones start shouting as if suggesting other things the Servine should try to get her to burst into flames.

2013-05-29, 07:22 PM
"Alright, rewind, so Grilles captured Lucius?" Rebecca asks worried and with a frown. She tries to calm herself as she gets worried. Now Grilles had her brother, her mom was being arrested, and who knew what Grilles had planned. She didn't bother snapping at Z that Grilles was NOT her ex-boyfriend.

"How do we rescue him? Where did they go? I'm going after them." She says feeling a bit dizzy.

2013-05-29, 07:54 PM
The others give each other discouraged looks unsure what to say until Z still drugged piped up "We have no idea! ^^" Mr. smithers grabs a medic and whispers sternly "I really think your department should switch to the anesthetic that knocks people out" "*Cough* you need to see this" he hands you a dex looping a video clip from a near by security cam.

It shows the last moments of the fight in which the last team eternal grunts were making a break for a glowing spot in the middle of the street. One of them has lucius's belt of pokeballs over its shoulder, the other (grilles) has an unconscious Lucius as a human shield. Grilles reaches the spot and in a distorted manner gets sucked into the light carrying Lucius. The other gets brutally and fatally flattened by a large rolling Donphan before he could reach the portal. Bright flashes, and the emergency ejection of some pokemon tell you the balls were crushed too, and it doesn't look like everyone made it out. the bright light in the middle of the street then fades and disappears as if it was never there. The video then loops showing the same thing again "all the prisoners we took committed suicide with bite down devices. We officially have no leads, no clues, and no hope of a immediate pursuit*cough**cough*" "Hey who's donphan was that anyway?" "you know I was wondering about that" but Mr. smithers just shrugs "your guess is as good as mine perhaps there are more parties involved in this secret war than we realize"

2013-05-29, 11:19 PM
She tries to dodge and struggle but she is stuck good all she can do is stare at you with hurt filled eyes as you grab the mask. As its ripped away her hood falls down to and she lets out a shriek. The Zorua trying to get to its master roars in rage, the Servine does a "Tada!" gesture, and many of the snivy's cheer, but they quickly stop when see Wisp hasn't burst into flame but instead see the real reason for her mask.

What Wisp was hiding under that mask was extremely pale literally White skin like something out of a vampire movie, but paler(Medical Edu check to ID whats up). It becomes clear fast that she is gonna get a wicked sun burn in the harsh Rosrise sun with skin that sensitive. Makeup blackened tears are streaming down her face and she is trying to turn her face away from the sun as she continues to scream her head off.

The last one to realize Wisp isn't combusting is the Servine who looks frustrated when he realizes this. He quickly grabs Wisps head and tries to make her face more towards the sun as if that would make her ignite, but it seems futile she isn't even smoking. This sends a murmur of doubt among the younger Snivy's, and the older ones start shouting as if suggesting other things the Servine should try to get her to burst into flames.

"That will be quite enough. I think the poor girl has adequately proven that she is not the duskull from your myths. If you would now release my charge and allow us to continue on as we have bargained and paid for, I would most appreciate it." Lea hands Wisp her mask back as quickly as she can and pulls the hood over the poor girl's head again.


"I'm sorry you had to go through that, but it was the only way."

2013-05-29, 11:54 PM
"That is irrelevant. I'll find them anyways. All this undercover **** is useless and wasted time. Lucius was here because of me, I left him at the suggestions of others to go undercover. Grilles knows who I am, he knows what I look like, and he knows how I used to think. All these secret meetings, undercover disguises, and dancing around is merely giving them time to act and splitting us up." Rebecca says annoyed, "I don't mean to sound rude, but everyone here has done nothing but slow me down." She points at Holmes, "You gave me a vague message about my umbreon seeing something and a 'lucky' outfit. I just lost one of the only members of my family I knew. Not much luck. Then you wasted more time bitching and not keeping me up to date. Your attempts at pursuit caused massive damage, got my brother captured, and lost all leads. We won't get into the fact that the only lead you gave wasted more time due to the contest." She points at Smithers and Z. "You two caused me to waste time going undercover and goofing off in a fight. Now I missed a lot and that cover did nothing because they left and because Grilles knows me and he was one of the people here."

She turns away from the group, "I can't trust any of you so I'm doing this my way. I'll need a new styler, I'll be by the ranger department tomorrow to pick it up. For now though, I'm going to try somethings of my own and getting some rest and supplies."

Then, Rebecca leaves angrily and looks around for somewhere to get a cheap phone so she could send a quick text. She knew what she was planning was foolish, but hopefully this text would free her brother.

2013-05-30, 02:41 AM
Your words embolden many of the younger snivy's which side with you and effectively damand the servine do what you say. Wisp when she is covered again seems relatively relived but is still struggling against her restraints and does not appear to be happy overall.

Unfortunately the servine's not listening to you he tries to order the snivy's to restrain you, but the older ones that are not already trying to restrain something have their hands full with the rebellious youths. Seeing no other option but to play fair the Servine tosses off his headdress and grass skirt and takes a fighting stance. Immediately Snivy's on both sides give you two room. You remember this from the movie its an honor dual. The rules in the movie were two champions or their representatives fight it out till one can't fight cause its fainted, stuck, asleep, or possibly caught(obviously the movie was about wild pokemon and had no catching in it). a snivy stands between you and the servine holding a flower like in the movie its waiting for you to choose who will fight for you before signaling the start of the dual.

As you leave you hear "See what you did Smithers how am I supposed to enjoy the lacy see through black lingerie I slipped her into if she is mad at me huh?" "*collective*What?" heh heh I just realized how much she said we suck" "Oh shut it she can't blame us for all that there is no way we could have know they were going to split like that and all the posturing would have paid off if they hadn't just cut and run its really more her fault for getting her styler smashed and..." "Enough!" "OW You just kicked me in the face!" "Don't doubt her! She has the skill of a Ranoe and more importantly the heroism of an Anders Posturing simply isn't her style. Just you watch when she works out who she is going to be and what she is going to do no force on earth will be able to stop her." "what makes you have so much faith in her? Please no kicking! I'm just curious" "I belive in her because she is my daughter"

you find a stall with phones several blocks away near the slums. the cost is negligible if a bit shady

2013-05-30, 02:56 AM
Rebecca took a deep breath. She was not looking forward to this call, but at the moment it was her only lead. She slowly punched in a number she'd not used in a long time, the number of a man that could have been like a father to her, but had instead had tried to kill her, a man that should be dead. A man called Grilles.

2013-05-30, 03:01 AM
You get a disconnected signal "So are we staying at the center flying for hours back to the boat seeing if gustov has a spare room or crashing on my mom's couch?" asks steven he seems very unsure what to say so he is keeping his comments to the task at hand.

2013-05-30, 03:06 AM
"Damn it..." Rebecca curses before hanging up. "I need some stuff from the boat, whatever it was that Lucius kept using to get the information on people. I'll call Lea and see if we can find out where they are currently. If I can't get a hold of them we'll head to that movie island place they talked about going and see if we can find the boat. If they left there, well, we can find somewhere there I'm sure." Rebecca says calling the boat's phone and waiting for Lea to answer. She hadn't taken the time to memorize the personal numbers of anyone since her styler had stored it all. She'd added Lucius's to memory after the brother thing, but that was it.

Rebecca tries the boat, then Lucius, then Grilles one more time. (Listed all cause doubt any work :P)

2013-05-30, 03:13 AM
The boat picks up but you don't recognize the voice of the girl who answers "Hello this is the Magikarp 2 for the last time no I'm not doing that*sigh* could you please just go sleep this shroom trip off already or wait till I'm off the phone*sigh* and can you please keep your clothes on"

2013-05-30, 03:22 AM
"Uhhh what? Who is this?" Rebecca asks confused. "Actually, forget it. Where are you at?"

2013-05-30, 03:28 AM
"This boat is docked at Rosrise why do you as- Oi! plant girl stop trying to unbuckle my pants already! sorry I gotta go. Your lucky I wore tights today or I would really be pissed now get back here with those!" *hang up*

2013-05-30, 03:34 AM
"Normally I'd have a hard time deciding if I should race back excited or avoid going back, but at moment that's not my concern." She mumbles, "Alright Steven, we got their location. I'll get the styler there and we'll head back to the boat." She says.

Rebecca then calls the operator and asks to be directed to Rosrise Island Ranger Station. She identifies herself and asks for a styler to be prepared for her arrival. Once the call is made she again tries Lucius and Grilles, gives up, and heads to the plan. Upon arrival she releases Vin and has him fly the ship. Then, before they depart she let's Sunny out of her ball so that Steven has someone to talk to on the flight.

2013-05-30, 03:44 AM
Without priority world saving uber clearance a backwater station is not gonna prep a styler this late at night but they say they will have it ready fairly early in the morning. other than that the flight back is routine and Vin parks the plane on the boats hatch cover with the boats crane (the weather is nice enough that you don't need to put the plane in the hold) as you step on deck a masked face pokes thier head out of the forward structure door "uhh Hi? I take it you live here right?"

2013-05-30, 03:49 AM
"Sorta, live is a bit of a strong word. Its more a work thing. Who are you?" Rebecca says as she steps out the helicopter, "Pants on?" She asks as she walks past the woman. "Steven, do you know what Lucius used for the information on people?" She asked as she headed to his room and looked inside.

2013-05-30, 04:01 AM
"You can just call me Wisp and there is so-""It was some funny pair of goggles in the wheel house" interrupts steven as you guys brush past the masked girl "Wait I need to expl-" You find Lea hog tied, gagged, and naked on the couch "-ain...""awkward""so says the talking eevee This isn't how it looks! please don't call the cops there is a perfectly legitimate and legal explanation for this!" a small child with a fury tail gathering Leas scattered wardrobe from around the room finds he is holding undies at the moment and quickly drops them and saunters over to Wisp whistling innocently.

2013-05-30, 04:07 AM
"I'd believe it, it's Lea." Rebecca said heading to the wheel house instead of Lucius's room. "I'm sure I'll regret not snapping a picture later." Rebecca says with a shrug. "I'll be in the wheelhouse and then my room. Do your thing. Have fun." Rebecca says slightly amused despite the hell that was going on. Sure, she was still focused on the mission, but at the same time it was a bit amusing. Had Lea been in trouble the woman wouldn't have told the location, so most likely it was just Lea being Lea.

2013-05-30, 04:14 AM
"uhhh... ok" Wisp seems confused by how lightly your taking the scene but she isn't about to argue. You find the goggles in a drawer, and edgar sleeping in the captains chair. "so whats so important about the goggles?" asks steven

2013-05-30, 04:24 AM
"I need to use them to gather some information. Perhaps they can tell me more about Grilles, mom, Lucius, and other targets." Rebecca says as she puts them on. "So..we came back to bondage and roleplay. Makes me wish I hadn't left at all..." she mumbles. "I don't get how these work?"

2013-05-30, 04:31 AM
Wisp totally over heard that "Its not like that at all!""hehhehheh""Slippers don't you start!""ARF!""ugh... I need a smoothie"*fridge noise* "aaaaanywaaay... You basically have to be telekinetic to move that stylus dangling in front of the lens around like a mouse Lucius cheated a bit and used hydrokiesis. yawn... are you sure you want to mess with this tonight?"

2013-05-30, 04:52 AM
"None of my concern, no need to be embarrassed." Rebecca calls back before taking the goggles.

"Sooner I mess with it sooner I can start formulating a plan while trying to sleep." Rebecca says, "You're free to sleep. Honestly, the next few days with me are going to be hectic and probably combat filled. You and Sunny can stay here, I don't want to drag you away into fighting." She says. "I probably won't have an easy time sleeping, so I'm hoping to get some information and think while in bed."

She taps Vin's pokeball, "Hey Vin, I need information on Grilles, the hooded man. Are you able to work this thing or at least get that much information out?" She asked.

2013-05-30, 05:17 AM
"buh buh ugh! forget it... its still not why she is like that though""Don't be to late" says steven as him and sunny leave. Vin then fuses with the device as its being worn by you. a loading bar apears with the words "navigating security" this bar is moving very slowly. just then from behind a pair of hands grab the hem of your shirt an lifts it stoping at your armpits and waiting patently for you to lift your arms so it could continue while exposing that lacy bra Z mentioned.

2013-05-30, 05:25 AM
Rebecca quickly knocks the goggles off when she is grabbed. It would take time to load anyways so no need to stand around like a retard. She quickly kicks back with her right leg to knock the figure away while her left hand smacks whatever hands are grabbing her. Then, her right hand drops to her knife.

2013-05-30, 05:29 AM
Your words embolden many of the younger snivy's which side with you and effectively damand the servine do what you say. Wisp when she is covered again seems relatively relived but is still struggling against her restraints and does not appear to be happy overall.

Unfortunately the servine's not listening to you he tries to order the snivy's to restrain you, but the older ones that are not already trying to restrain something have their hands full with the rebellious youths. Seeing no other option but to play fair the Servine tosses off his headdress and grass skirt and takes a fighting stance. Immediately Snivy's on both sides give you two room. You remember this from the movie its an honor dual. The rules in the movie were two champions or their representatives fight it out till one can't fight cause its fainted, stuck, asleep, or possibly caught(obviously the movie was about wild pokemon and had no catching in it). a snivy stands between you and the servine holding a flower like in the movie its waiting for you to choose who will fight for you before signaling the start of the dual.

For the duel (dual is an adjective indicating two of something), Lea will call out Cabbages.

"I accept your challenge."

2013-05-30, 05:40 AM
It looks like you just kicked a naked Lea but then Wisp appears behind her and pulls on a furry tail causing Lea to turn into a Zorua "Slippers! Bad! you don't go impersonating people without thier permission especially naked" the zorua whimpers "I don't care if you were just trying to help her relax and get ready for bed after obviuously losing some one important you just don't do stuff like this on your own you know how carried away you can ge with these plans of yours!" more whimpering from the Zorua "ugh this is a disaster I'm sorry about this I should have been paying better attention to him"

everyone is surprised by the grass dragon so much that Wisp has a chance to break free and run still crying and emotionally wounded into the stone structure.

you are faster.

2013-05-30, 05:44 AM
"Cabbages, we now fight for our honor and that of our charge."

Taking this to mean he should go all out, Cabbages runs over and bites the not-food plant thing that seems to be the opponent.


2013-05-30, 05:49 AM
Seeing what it was after turning, Rebecca sheathes the knife. She did enjoy the view at least. "Gotcha, it's fine. Just startled me. " Rebecca says pulling her shirt back down. "So...you seem to be paying very little attention to your bondage friend and keep denying it, and I have nothing to do for another hour unless you happen to be telekinetic, so what's going on then?"

2013-05-30, 06:11 AM
Its hit but it barley escapes real injury(by one point of damage) it tries to hit back with leaf tornado doing 22 special grass damage before reductions.

Wisp leans back and tells you a story
"I guess you could say I'm lea's designated driver/baby sitter for the evening A friend recommended I hire her for a venture of mine of trying to get an ancient record out of an old ruin cause she is good with grass types that are guarding the most obvious entrance. Any way when I met her she had just finished eating a whole pizza worth of parasect shrooms and a glass of soda with mug drug in it a common short term memory loss chemical used to make people forget they had been robbed. This was a bit distressing so My friend left to hunt down who drugged the drink and I got stuck with guard duty. she is over the trippyness from the shrooms by now but every time she wakes up her short term memory blanks and her disorientation turns her violent hence why she is tied up till it wears off."

2013-05-30, 06:13 AM
"Uh huh...cool." Rebecca says blinking. "So you're not...ya know...with her?" Rebecca asks. "And since you didn't say so I guess you aren't telekinetic?" Rebecca asks.

2013-05-30, 06:19 AM
"ah no if I... well you know... would be with... anyone... it would be a blind guy... cause I'm straight and... reasons*cough* ahem anyway and I'm a medium and my profession is a paranormal investigator I chase down myths rumors and legends and figure out if their true, but no I'm not telekinetic."

2013-05-30, 06:23 AM
"A blind guy?" Rebecca asks raising an eyebrow, "So...you know about strange things then. Ever heard of a weird gate appearing and people hopping through it to escape or teleport or something?" Rebecca asks. "I'm pursuing someone and they went through some kinda rift."

2013-05-30, 06:25 AM
Lea encourages her champion. "Strike hard, strike fast! Do not relent!"

As his mistress preaches to the choir, Cabbages chomps down on the servine once more.


2013-05-30, 06:36 AM
"hmm..." Wisp takes out and flips through a big old leather book with missing pages "There are tales of runemasters getting Unowns to do such things for them but these are considered largely debunked turns out unown only transport themselves they don't take passangers. This would definitely be within the capabilities of the creation trio but I doubt you would still be alive if you had an enemy wielding one of them... that just leaves *sigh* glitch theory in other words a dead end for total crackpots" she slams her book shut

its on its last legs any attack it makes is futile at this point (hint very captureable best mon your gonna be offered from the snivy)

2013-05-30, 06:37 AM
"What's the glitch theory?" Rebecca asks. "Knowing who I'm dealing with that is most likely."

2013-05-30, 06:45 AM
"There are many variations on theories, but a lot a crap though as if someone was pumping in bogus idea's. the underlying theme is stuff that isn't real being made real by stuff that is barely real. see a dead end for crack pots there are not even books on it it like 10 years ago its basically conspiracies and i've disproved so many of them I've stopped bothering with glitch theory, but tell you what you really look like you really really need rest so if you get some and if there is anything on that subject in the book I'm going for tomorrow I promise I'll give it a serious look and find some answers for you ok?"

2013-05-30, 06:47 AM
"I can sleep in an hour..." Rebecca mumbles, "And cool, thanks. If the book is indeed helpful, I'll give you some evidence that the glitch theory is real." Rebecca says reaching down and picking up the goggles.

2013-05-30, 06:58 AM
it looks like its going to be 8 hours according to the message on the screen

Wisp then shouts "SLIPPERS! you sneaky little trouble maker I looked down for two minutes! where did you go? I should have never gave you the power of invisibility*grumble**gurmble* err sorry about this I'll make sure he puts your stuff where you'll find it."wisp goes down stairs and when you check yourself you find you have been stealthily stripped of all but your lingerie.

2013-05-30, 07:07 AM
"Eight hours? It was just...ugh..." Rebecca mumbles when she hears Wisp rant. "What is your---" She stops when she looks down and turns beat red. Normally being in her undies wouldn't have been that embarrassing, she was used to wearing boy-shorts and a sports bra. However, somehow she'd just noticed that her undies had been replaced with some rather revealing and sexy lingerie. Had Z somehow changed her undies while they were making out as well? She blinked surprised and unsure how to feel. On one hand Z had been kinda fun, on the other she was a bit annoyed at the woman and if the woman had stripped her it was kinda awkward. Still, they'd had their lips locked so she probably hadn't seen much. Her tired mind tried to figure out how she felt while she try to sneakily make her way to her room. "I uhh...won't need them, don't worry. I'll be back in my normal clothes tomorrow anyways and ummm...yeah. Oh wait, I'll need it I guess for my belt and supplies." She said slipping into her room and locking the door.

Rebecca let out a sigh and rubbed her eyes. "Ugh...shower then bed..." She mumbled as she headed into the bathroom. She paused to look in the mirror for a moment, turning in different directions to see if from different angles. She'd always been the more effective type and hadn't actually bought any sexy underwear. "Huh...I actually look kinda good..." She mumbled to herself. Then, she reached back to remove the bra and cursed at her failed attempt. "Stupid thing..." She mumbled trying to get the clasp and being unable to undo it. "Oh come on...its a damn bra..." She growled struggling more. After a few minutes of banging around in the bathroom trying to unclasp it, she finally just slipped out of it without bothering to unclasp it. Then, she slipped out of the panties and tossed them in the pile before taking a quick shower to try and wash off and get the dye out of her hair.

Once she felt clean, Rebecca peaked out to make sure nobody awake was in her room before quickly running to her bag, grabbing her clothes, and running back into the bathroom to slip into the boy-shorts and sports bra. She set the uniform down next to the bed and then fell asleep.

2013-05-30, 11:30 AM
its on its last legs any attack it makes is futile at this point (hint very captureable best mon your gonna be offered from the snivy)

oh, I'm very aware of that... when Cabbages's first attack didn't quite do half hp damage, I figured another would give me a decent shot to crit. Also, do note that it flinched and thus wasn't going to be able to act anyways that turn.

Lea motions for Cabbages to hold off on finishing it off. Despite her champion's rough approach, Lea preferred not to knock out pokemon if she didn't have to. Since she had to take this out of the fight, though, she'll try to capture it. If it doesn't want to come with her afterwords, she'll release it.

[roll0] - Please don't miss, FDR.

2013-05-30, 05:15 PM
The dye washes out, and your hair is pink again, also your room has no bathroom so your running between your room and the one on the floor below a lot(see boat map I have to update (WC=bathroom)). Wisp refrains from looking at you to give you privacy, and Lea is asleep so not much difference.

You sleep very heavily, and when you wake up you find you are covered in Pokemon. Your whole extended team is sharing the bed with you and you feel every Hot, Cold, Moist, Electrical, Sappy, Tele(whatever), Furry, and Evil shroud of darkness sensation that comes with having a deserve team of Evolutions, Plus a Surskit, and Porygon2 piled on top of you in your underware. Vin has the goggles hanging around his neck and since he doesn't need sleep cause he is a computer program turned tangible is the only one besides you that is awake. All the stuff the Zorua took (plus what looks like a few embarrassing covert photo's of you after it took your stuff) is neatly organized next to your bed.

The ball doesn't connect and the servine, no longer flinched, out of desperation, struggles with Cabbages for 22 normal type damage before reductions.

2013-05-30, 11:01 PM
Sighing at the missed opportunity, Lea motions for Cabbages to finish it off.

He nips at it once more.


2013-05-30, 11:09 PM
As Rebecca slowly wakes up she feels confusion at first at the many weird feelings until she finally forces her eyes open and looks around. She does her best to try and get up without disturbing everyone, though being covered in pokemon makes that a bit difficult.

Once she is up, she reaches out and takes the goggles, thanking Vin, and puts them on.

2013-05-30, 11:22 PM
The crushing force, and trama pushes the servine over the edge and it faints in Cabbages Jaws. The younger Snivy's cheer victoriously as they ditch the stupid skirts and head dresses, and the older Snivy's admit defeat as well. Even the young female that batted Corton away earlier now returns his advances and grabs him for a big smooch. You notice that many of the young Snivy's are looking to the structure where Wisp ran off to with concern but none of them dare follow.

You're able to slip out from under most of them besides Steven who has a firm yet subconscious grip on your ankle(this might be intentional on steven's part) he isn't woken by your moveing he just isn't letting go. As you put on the goggles Vin fuses with them and he types a message that is displayed in your peripheral vision as if floating in the air -I have standard user access. I fixed up the interface a bit. And I can function as a voice interface. What would you like to select?- the floating virtual words you have to choose from are.

2013-05-30, 11:50 PM
"Files," Rebecca says. "Great work by the way."

2013-05-31, 12:01 AM
Your choices are
-Possible fixed points-
-Not fixed points-
Vin then adds -Possible fixed points is probably what your looking for but if an individual is only known to us by something other than their real name finding them will be difficult, and if they have a very low trasmemory score they won't be in there at all. the not fixed points section is much less extensive in its information gathering. The calculations file is password protected I have been unable to crack it yet with brute force techniques-

2013-05-31, 12:47 AM
"Uhhh can you find information on Ex-Captain Grilles or Lucius Anders?" Rebecca asked. "What about my mom Selena Ranoue or Selena Anders or whichever name she goes by? Err...go with Grilles first please."

2013-05-31, 01:08 AM
-No entry under the name "Grilles" found in either file him shall I attempt to construct a new index based on profile information and facial recognition?-
Vin then produces Lucius's and your moms files(copy and pasted from old threads)
LuciusTrans-Memory: 80% stable

Positive Qualities: Driven, inquisitive about his abilities, prone to heroics, unique talent set, son of Dylan Anders(always had a good feeling about him)

Negative Qualities: Of possible interest to team Aqua if he turns the results would be disastrous.

Conclusion: selection likely, If selected he will need appropriate companions to keep him steady, but his odds of not turning are better then if left to his own devices

Selene AndersTrans-Memory: 73% stable

Positive Qualities: Intelligent, skilled, and has a strong desire to protect and study environments especially the ocean.

Negative Qualities: Barring something unfortunate happening to me she is expected to exceed the practical age for selection before I pass on.

Conclusion: As noted above selection is unlikely unless I keel over prematurely other wise a safe and likely choice. Update: Unfortunately seems to have fallen in with Team Aqua selection now unlikely Update: Seems to have come to her senses and has decided to abandon Team Aqua selection conditionally likely again Update: Deceased hunted down by masked operative, selection impossible, removed from consideration.

2013-05-31, 01:55 AM
"Errr what would constructing it do? Are we able to find his trans-memory score at all? Where's my file?" She asked as she looked over the others, "And does it say what this 'turn' means?"

2013-05-31, 02:19 AM
-Constructing the index would allow the database to be searched based on a provided image or details like whether some one is homicidal. If he is in the possible fixed database his score would be between 40% to 100% other than that we have no clue as to his score without finding his file which we can't without his real name or unless we construct a better search index.-
RebeccaTrans-Memory: 72% stable

Positive Qualities: Resourceful, adaptive, kind, and has a solid sense of right and wrong(perhaps a stronger sense than she realizes)

Negative Qualities: sense of right and wrong has come as a result trial and error, has a criminal record.

Conclusion: selection unlikely subject's former mentor has been recruited by the competition. Selection of subject now given high priority.
-You see all the same things I do there are no hidden lines or coding. perhaps turn simply mean turning from a good guy to a bad guy? then again I am not Ironwood.-

2013-05-31, 02:23 AM
"Yeah, that was my guess as well. I just figured maybe there was something else and wanted to check." She frowns, "Damn, my file just says 'mentor' so we can't look him up that way. I don't think he used a fake name?" Rebecca said with a frown, "Yeah, try conducting the database I guess. Couldn't hurt. Do we have anything on that Wisp girl? How about my dad?" Rebecca asks, "Sorry for all the questions, more information we have the better...and uhh...yeah a few are personal obviously. Sorry."

2013-05-31, 02:40 AM
-I am not programmed to experience displeasure in these tasks. Processing the entire database will take an estimated 32 hours, 14 minutes, and 54 seconds. The requested files if they exist may be found at any moment as the information is being processed. There is no file under the name of "Wisp" shall I add her to the list of files to highlight that match a description or image if I find them? Asking for a real name may yield results sooner.-

Dylan andersTrans-Memory: 70% stable

Positive Qualities: Despite a less than advantageous upbringing has demonstrated himself to be a honest, hardworking, and adventurous person.

Negative Qualities: Barring something unfortunate happening to me he is expected to exceed the practical age for selection before I pass on.

Conclusion: As noted above selection is unlikely unless I keel over prematurely other wise a safe and likely choice. (Note: I should keep tabs on if he has kids they will likely be just as promising especially when it comes to Trans-Memory stability)
-cross referencing with public internet records reveal contact information he is presently the captain of a garbage scowl. Shall I make contact, save the contact information, or disregard it?-

2013-05-31, 02:45 AM
"Wisp isn't important enough, if you can't find anything, don't worry about her." Rebecca says, "Thanks for working on Grilles, I'm going to go get the new styler and I'll let you know the number for it once I get it. Send me the contact information for dad. Might be useful in the future."

Rebecca then removed the goggles and set them down, "I'll be back in a bit." She said before glancing down at Steven. She poked him, "Hey buddy, I'm going to pick up my styler...why not rest here till I get back." She said. She needed to get dressed still and get moving.

2013-05-31, 02:51 AM
he groggily opens his eyes half way "And let you run off to chase baddies, fight stuff, and rescue lucius all by yourself? not on my watch. We're partners so I'm coming with wether you like it or not" he hasn't released you ankle.

2013-05-31, 02:56 AM
"I wouldn't go anywhere without my entire team." She says nodding at the bed. "I'd need some help. I'm just going to get the styler and make some calls." Rebecca says, "Besides, I actually was going to talk to you about that once everything was ready. I know you hate fighting and they are after glitchmon. If you want, you can stay with Sunny here." Rebecca offers, "And that's an offer, not a demand." She says, "I realize we're partners."

2013-05-31, 03:06 AM
Thanks for the thought, but I don't really think there is a safe place for me... There is an old quote from ironwood that gets passed around these islands "the best way to protect some one is to put them in a position where they are actively fighting to protect them selves" so as unfortunate as it may seem I think my best option is to just learn how to fight." he lets go and begins to shake the bed head look from his fur.

2013-05-31, 03:15 AM
"Well, I'll make sure to help as best I can." Rebecca says with a smile. "Anyways, I'm going to let everyone get as much rest as they can while I finish preparations. Do you want to rest or come along?" She asks as she starts getting dressed in her last Orre uniform. "If you come along it'll be a bit. I've got to swing by the ranger station and get my styler. Then I'm going to try a few more calls. Once that's done I'll probably go try and find some different clothes. I don't want to be wearing my Ranger uniform while hunting these guys it'll stick out." She says, "I need something that'll look normal, something I can use to charm people that have information I need, and something that'll let me sneak around when needed. So...yeah, clothes shopping might be a bit boring and too much like contest days. Once all that is done and I'm stocked up and ready I'll be coming back to pick up the rest, do some quick training, swing by the pokemon center to make sure nobody has injuries I've not noticed, then it's time to begin the mission."

2013-05-31, 03:22 AM
"Eh I'll come it won't be too similar. Afterall contest shopping is all about looks and standing out but you want something that can also blend in and stand up to a fight and in any case I'm one of the better fashion consultants you got at the moment." he appears to be ready when you are

2013-05-31, 03:40 AM
"Well, then. Let's go." Rebecca said as she finished getting dressed and headed to the local Ranger Station.

As she enters she shows her identification and badge. "I'm here to pick up the styler I requested the other day." She says as she sets the destroyed one down on the table. "Any way I can get the contacts list and data out of this one?" She asked. "And where can I get these," She sets the held items from Kuro's cave down, "Identified?" She asks.

2013-05-31, 03:47 AM
"already loaded with your data from secure ranger cloud storage" says the ranger behind the counter as he gives you a new styler "as for that stuff uh..."

"Well you could ask my dad" says a familiar(scooter) voice from behind

2013-05-31, 03:49 AM
Rebecca turns around at the familiar voice, "Scooter? What are you doing here?" She says surprised, "I've been meaning to come see you at some point actually." She says as she picks up the styler and straps it to her wrist.

2013-05-31, 03:54 AM
"dad's gathering ekans skins to make poison boosters for weedle season on jakotre" he walks up to the counter and picks up your broken styler "Is this the modded styler you called about? I trust it wasn't run over by a truck already when you left that message"

2013-05-31, 03:57 AM
"No, at the time it was in great condition and the mods a friend had made had been very useful." She says, unsure if Scooter would want her to mention him here. "Let's walk and talk, I've got to pick up some things for a mission and we can mention what I called about."

2013-05-31, 04:07 AM
"uh excuse me kid that is ranger property" interrupts the ranger behind the counter. scooter just stares at him blankly for a moment before looking across the room and saying "Oh dear it appears my golett has discovered a dispenser of caffeinated beverages" you see scooters golett by the waiting room coffee machine puting its fist through it as if it had failed serving itself. all the rangers scramble to save thier precious coffee and while they are distracted Scooter cracks the shell open and empties the techno guts into his bag before puting the empty casing back on the counter "yes lets walk come allong astro" the golett follows you guys out.

2013-05-31, 04:14 AM
"That was beautiful." Rebecca says amused as she follows. "So, I'm not sure the technical aspect and the little I know I can't say much about other than what I told you. It was suggested that I try and figure out a way for the styler to harness some elemental connection that some people believe I have." She says as she walks, "I was actually going to put that off for now because it turns out the people I'm hunting have my brother." She says softly, "So...yeah, right now I'm going to start gathering some medical supplies, some new clothing, and a few other supplies then try and rescue him." She hesitates not wanting to just be rude and ignore basic politness, "So how are the Chimney Sweeps? Mary ok?"

2013-05-31, 04:25 AM
"I rarely pass up an opportunity to look at this stuff close up so I'll see about repairing and tweaking it. it should be ready for testing some time after you resolve things with your brother. as for the sweeps life goes on Mary's mom still finds new ways to stir up drama but its nothing we can't handle now that we got the mall street incident to hang over her head." as you turn a corner you see a man carrying an eevolution you have never seen before over his shoulder "there he is. Dad! I found some stuff for you to look at."

2013-05-31, 04:29 AM
Confusion fills Rebecca's mind. She had all the eevelutions other than that glitch form of Steven's. What the hell was that? She wondered as she scanned the creature quickly before moving forward. She gives a polite bow, "Good morning, sir." She says politely. Though she waits before adding anything, allowing Scooter to speak first since it was his dad.

2013-05-31, 04:37 AM
the dex returned with an odd message

-I bet you thought this Sylveon was real-
-Chuck Testa's Aftificery Taxidermy and Replica's-
-[phone number]-

"Morning you have items you want me to ID I take it?" says the man its now obvious what he is carrying is a replica made from artificial materials

2013-05-31, 04:42 AM
"Yes, sir...ummm what's a Sylveon?" Rebecca asks confused before reaching into her bag and digging around for the held items. "I found these, but no idea what they are, sir. I heard you could help." She says holding them out.

2013-05-31, 04:49 AM
Some new Eevolution discovered by some breeder in Kalos(aka poke-france) he is being all hush hush he won't even say what type it is but I whipped up this based on the press release pictures. now lets see... flame orb, bright powder, and a thick bone. you wanting to sell them or were you just curious?"

2013-05-31, 04:55 AM
"I'll have to head to Kalos sometime then." The ranger comments before thanking the man for his identification, "Eh, both." Rebecca says, "I figured if I could use them I'd use them, but if not then I'd just sell them. Do you know a good place? I'm not from around this area."

2013-05-31, 05:00 AM
"Well I have a budget of 10k for times like this that I can give you for the lot. don't look so surprised 10k may seem like to much but cubones are popular back home a thick bone alone would sell for a lot."

2013-05-31, 05:02 AM
"You'd know the value of these things more than me. I trust that if you think it's a fair price, I'll take it." Rebecca says with a nod. "Thanks again, that saves me a lot of time for trying to find a location to sell these." She says with a smile. "You got an impressive kid, by the way, sir. Scooter's helped me out quit a bit."

2013-05-31, 05:07 AM
With the transaction complete they both give you a silent nod and stroll off father and son. "as smart as they are odd... so pokemart? or if you want clothes I recommend the prop and costume surplus stores thry sell left overs from movies filmed here and usually are a good value"

2013-05-31, 05:14 AM
"Well, I'll grab the quick and easy stuff at the pokemart first and then we'll look for the clothes." Rebecca says with a nod. And thus the shopping trip begins.

After a short bit of shopping, Rebecca was ready to head to the clothing store. "I'm thinking some shades to cover some of my face, but look normal for when it is important. I'm thinking some better boots since these Orre boots were more for desert travel. Normally I was fine, but something more comfy and normal might be good. And obviously the clothes."

Desired purchases list, let me know any I can't find.
-2000 (stealth clothes)
-2000 (sunglasses)
-1500 (Bandages x5)
-900 (Full Heal x2)
-600 (Revive x2)
-1000 (Sparkling Lemonade x4)
-1000 (Pokeball x4)
-800 (Great ball x2)
-2000 (Running shoes)

Remaining cash: 4077

2013-05-31, 05:32 AM
You find everything on your list including an odd stealth outfit. initially it just looks like a sexy top and skirt/loin cloth number with hip high slits on both sides, exposed midrift, bare shoulders, and leg ware. but on close examination you find an arsenal of velcro, pockets, hidden stretches of fabric ect that when all deployed changes this sexy skin flaunting outfit into a sexy totally black stealthy outfit.

2013-05-31, 05:35 AM
Rebecca holds up the outfit, "A bit sexier then I'm used to...but hey, it works and by mixing it up with stuff I can change how sexy, how stealthy, etc." Rebecca says glancing over at it. "Looks efficient and comfy. Bare minimum for charming, add a few pieces for basic clothing, and add full thing for stealth. This rocks." She says with a grin as she purchases it. "Alright, purchases are done, styler is replaced, that just leaves a few phone calls." She says as she picks up the styler and punches in some numbers.

First, she again tries Grilles.

2013-05-31, 05:46 AM
"looks like it was made for a stunt double in a spy movie so it should hold up well. versatility wise we could have pretty much done the same thing with that dress we already had and cardigan with pockets to carry long gloves, dark nylons and a thin ski mask, but the novelty of having a movie prop will work to our benefit when it comes to charming though so good call."

The number is still disconnected (as in no "longer in service" not "his phone is just off or out of coverage")

2013-05-31, 06:00 AM
"Eh, I guess it's just I greatly hated that dress." Rebecca chuckles, "Still, glad it works." Rebecca says with a nod.

She hangs up and then tries Lucius's number. It seemed the Grilles no longer had the same number. She had been hoping last night was just due to the weird glitch gate.

2013-05-31, 06:07 AM
"heh in that case pack it in case we go to another unown island hopefully they will just make you wear it over doing worse things" jokes steven

the phone appears to be off or out of coverage you can leave a message but since that isn't stored part of the physical phone that doesn't mean much.

2013-05-31, 06:09 AM
"Damn it...I have an idea, but I need a way to talk to Grilles..." Rebecca says annoyed as she hangs up the phone. "I can't get a hold of Grilles or Lucius." She says rubbing her temple. "Do you know if our pokedexs had some kinda tracker? I mean it monitored our scans, maybe it had something?" She asked starting to get worried.

2013-05-31, 06:13 AM
"you mean the way ironwoods software patch linked them? it should with the map function try mashing buttons and see what happens"

2013-05-31, 06:14 AM
Rebecca presses the map button and waits, doubting it would work.

2013-05-31, 06:18 AM
The map comes up with some arrows. one marked lea pegs where lea is and there are two other unmarked arrows pegging a pair of boats. they are far out but headed for this island.

2013-05-31, 06:23 AM
"Two of them?" Rebecca says with a frown, "It should only be Lucius." She says moving quickly. She'd need to intercept them as she arrived. This might turn out better then expected if Lucius and Grilles came here without her having to find them. It would mean her entire plan with Grilles would be unnecessary. "Steven, we need to get back to the boat quickly. If it looks like the boats will make it before we are ready, go get the others while I try and follow them." She moved quickly, her rifle on her back and her combat knife tucked into the waistline.

2013-05-31, 06:47 AM
"Boats? what? I'm not tall enough to see over your shoulder what is that map telling you?" says steven as he keeps up

The boats are moving like regular passanger craft and are a few hours out. You have plenty of time.

2013-05-31, 06:58 AM
"Two targets are moving in. No idea why two, but still. If one of them is Lucius's pokedex, then I doubt they're friendly." Rebecca says as she heads to the Magikarp II. "We'll grab the others, intercept the targets, and find Lucius." Rebecca says.

As she rushes to the boat, she quickly runs aboard and to her room. She had been hoping to train the team and get them checked out at the Center, but it'd look like that'd have to wait. When she arrived, she gathered up the team. "Vin, while doing that thing with Grilles try and find any leads. Any way I can send a quick message to him. A private one." She adds before tossing the goggles into her bag. She'd have liked to do more with them, but at the moment she needed to be ready to intercept the incoming markers.

As she ran, she was grateful for the new boots that made it easier to run and move quickly in. While racing to the docks, she quickly checked the ammo on the rifle. Satisfied that she'd be ready if it turned into a fight, she slipped it back over her back and then finished the trip to the docks.

Once she arrived, she looked around for an ambush point before changing her mind. If Grilles was there she wanted to be visible and waiting. She needed to speak to him to make her offer. When she saw the boats starting to split and head toward different docks, she cursed. She'd have to hope luck was on her side. She moved towards one of the docks at random and stood so that the people getting off would see her waiting when they got off.

As such, the young attractive ranger stood there, arms crossed, and waited.

2013-05-31, 09:08 AM
The crushing force, and trama pushes the servine over the edge and it faints in Cabbages Jaws. The younger Snivy's cheer victoriously as they ditch the stupid skirts and head dresses, and the older Snivy's admit defeat as well. Even the young female that batted Corton away earlier now returns his advances and grabs him for a big smooch. You notice that many of the young Snivy's are looking to the structure where Wisp ran off to with concern but none of them dare follow.=

The matter settled, Lea recalls Cabbages and motions for Corton to follow her into the ruins as she runs in to find her "boss".

2013-05-31, 11:58 AM
Enter Alistair
After a long trip you are finally here it seems like only yesterday you received a strange letter that read...

Letter Dear Alistair Monroe

I am The Late(as in dead) Professor C. Ironwood and I have left you and other total strangers a share of my vast fortunes in exchange for you completing a scientific catalog of my area of study the spinward islands(its simple just explore, catch some pokemon, live your life, and write it down the scientific community will take it from there). To assist you in this task should you choose to accept it I have arranged for you and the other heirs the use of my old research vessel, and I have set up an allotment from your share to be paid to you at a metered rate over the duration of the project based on the work you complete. Be aware this will not be as routine as you expect you may face peril, danger, and adversity of all sorts. Too assist you with this I have sent you two pokemon that have some experience so far in the danger you may face. be aware you should not open the balls until you have reached the destination in your enclosed instructions. following the enclosed instructions will be seen as equivalent to signing a legally binding contract. violate that contract and you don't get paid.
The instructions told you to travel to the island of Rosrise (a harsh desert island known as a site where many western films are made, and ever species of pokemon worm or snake could be found) and show this letter to the acting captain of the magikarp II before opening the pokeballs given to you. and so after some how verifying that the letter was legitimate you find your self here the last person stepping off a boat and on to the Rosrise docks.

The islands movie history is apparent with old sets being recycled into full blown buildings and a noticeable portion of people in costume just for the hell of it. One of these people who stand out is a possibly very attractive if not at least scantily dressed young woman intensely watching the crowd get off the boat with her arms folded, a rifle strapped across her back, and an Eevee by her side.

People are getting off the boat, but none of them look like Lucius, Grilles, or really like anyone you have seen before. as you wait a young man steps off the boat last and the unmarked arrow suddenly gains the name Alistair

You enter the structure and are immediately drawn to the sound of sniffles and pained breathing from behind what looks like a throne. Looking behind it you see two maskless Wisps. They are facing each other and mirroring each other as they clean off thier ruined makeup and apply aloe to thier burned faces. One of the Wisps notices you and in a blink it turns into the Zorua. It doesn't look happy to see you in fact it looks really REALLY pissed. The real Wisp upon realizing you presence gives a small shriek and presses her mask into her face.

2013-05-31, 12:49 PM
Confusion crosses Rebecca's face, though she looks at the one marked with the arrow. Had her time been wasted and Lucius was the other arrow? Or was something else going on. Had Team Eternal reprogrammed the dex somehow. Rebecca looked around to see how many others were around. She couldn't use the rifle here, but the knife was quick and clean. She watches the man marked as Alistar with a cold look, but doesn't move or speak, merely watching him and waiting to see what the man would do. She doubted she could make it to the other arrow quick enough anyways. If this man was Eternal though, she'd make him speak.

2013-05-31, 01:14 PM
You enter the structure and are immediately drawn to the sound of sniffles and pained breathing from behind what looks like a throne. Looking behind it you see two maskless Wisps. They are facing each other and mirroring each other as they clean off thier ruined makeup and apply aloe to thier burned faces. One of the Wisps notices you and in a blink it turns into the Zorua. It doesn't look happy to see you in fact it looks really REALLY pissed. The real Wisp upon realizing you presence gives a small shriek and presses her mask into her face.

Lea crouches down and says, "Wisp, I'm very sorry that I had to do that to you, but that servine was going to rip it off your face and likely try to invent new ways to "prove" you were the duskull from their myths. I could not directly defy their traditions without destroying the truce with them, which likely would have seen both of us attacked by far too many pokemon to handle. By following along with their "unmasking" ritual, I was able to force them to back down on their own terms. The servine who lead them in such cruelty has been knocked out and only not killed due to my good graces. I am sorry that this caused you pain and humiliation, but it was the only way I could see to protect you from being killed."


2013-05-31, 02:58 PM
Wisp fights back tears and clenches fists as she try's to compose herself she eventually speaks but talks facing way from you "Sorry... but I just*sniff*... really want to punch you right now... Its just conditioned in to me*sob*... a lot of things are" She grabs her belly like she is going to be sick and suppresses a barf "g-good job... You*sniff*... Took down someone that used false myths and lies *sniff*.... to control the ignorant... knowing that some one answered for that... helps me feel a little *sniff*... better"When Wisp praises you the Zorua softens slightly but its still giving you mean looks "Thats probably as good as he'll be... until he unloads some pranks into you that is... dark types are odd like that" Wisp starts feeling the wall with one hand while clenching her stomach with the other "Look for a hidden switch... it should open a way deeper into the ruins"(give me a relevant check you will find a switch but the difficulty inside the ruins will be influenced by your roll)

Enter Artax
After a long trip you are finally here it seems like only yesterday you received a strange letter that read...

LetterDear Artax Masters

I am The Late(as in dead) Professor C. Ironwood and I have left you and other total strangers a share of my vast fortunes in exchange for you completing a scientific catalog of my area of study the spinward islands(its simple just explore, catch some pokemon, live your life, and write it down the scientific community will take it from there). To assist you in this task should you choose to accept it I have arranged for you and the other heirs the use of my old research vessel, and I have set up an allotment from your share to be paid to you at a metered rate over the duration of the project based on the work you complete. Be aware this will not be as routine as you expect you may face peril, danger, and adversity of all sorts. Too assist you with this I have sent you two pokemon that have some experience so far in the danger you may face. be aware you should not open the balls until you have reached the destination in your enclosed instructions. following the enclosed instructions will be seen as equivalent to signing a legally binding contract. violate that contract and you don't get paid.The instructions told you to travel to the island of Rosrise (a harsh desert island known as a site where many western films are made, and ever species of pokemon worm or snake could be found) and show this letter to the acting captain of the magikarp II before opening the pokeballs given to you. and so after some how verifying that the letter was legitimate you find your self here the last person stepping off a boat and on to the Rosrise docks.

The islands movie history is apparent with old sets being recycled into full blown buildings and a noticeable portion of people in costume just for the hell of it. your stage clothes would actually kind of blend in here.

2013-05-31, 04:20 PM
Wisp fights back tears and clenches fists as she try's to compose herself she eventually speaks but talks facing way from you "Sorry... but I just*sniff*... really want to punch you right now... Its just conditioned in to me*sob*... a lot of things are" She grabs her belly like she is going to be sick and suppresses a barf "g-good job... You*sniff*... Took down someone that used false myths and lies *sniff*.... to control the ignorant... knowing that some one answered for that... helps me feel a little *sniff*... better"When Wisp praises you the Zorua softens slightly but its still giving you mean looks "Thats probably as good as he'll be... until he unloads some pranks into you that is... dark types are odd like that" Wisp starts feeling the wall with one hand while clenching her stomach with the other "Look for a hidden switch... it should open a way deeper into the ruins"(give me a relevant check you will find a switch but the difficulty inside the ruins will be influenced by your roll)

"If it would help you feel better, feel free to punch me. Necessary or not, that was a horribly nasty thing to do and I'd deserve it. I can take a hit or two without collapsing on you."

Whether Wisp takes Lea up on the offer or not, Lea will then go and find the hidden switch, using her intuition to guide her more than anything else, though she does keep her eyes open too.


2013-05-31, 06:48 PM
The young man messaged his family once his clandestine voyage had come to an end, and after a quick exhalation Alistair stepped forward into the brand new world that awaited him beyond. Walking amongst the torrent of people that eagerly pored out of the vessel, Alistair eyed his surroundings flanked by Baranab;, the pair of seasoned travelers doing their best to take in the stranger and wondrous surroundings without looking like a pair of tourists who didn't know any better. It was certainly surreal docking at the Spinward isles' center of entertainment meant. Though the pair had agreed on dealing with the letter first and foremost before seeing the sights; who knew if he was lucky he might even find out a few things abut his eccentric benefactor. Yet as he searched for a clue towards his destination something caught his eye.

Among the exotic menagerie stood out a single nubile maiden in non too maidenly trappings; the young man's gaze lingered on the maiden for a moment too long, catching his own comrades attention. Barnaby was about to bop his trainer's head for getting distracted when something else caught both of their eyes; the riffle on her back...could it have been a real gun and not a prop?

Perception : 19
Intuition: 10

2013-05-31, 09:48 PM
Wisp without hesitation spins around and throws a left hook towards your head for 15 damage before reductions. She then quickly grabs her left hand with her right to stop from throwing a second one and says panting "Lea something you need to realize about me is because of my past there are things I do on reflex that are beyond my control. Please don't tempt those reflexes."

When searching for a switch your attention is drawn to stone statue of a nidoking with flared hollow nostrils, an open teeth baring mouth, and open claw sporting hands. Its making an angry face. Its dark enough in here you can't immediately see the inside details of the mouth or nostrils, but the whole thing from the outside looks like it was carved from a single piece of greenish rock except for the teeth and claws which are gold and the eyes that are gold framed emeralds.

Yup that's a real gun and the "maiden" looks rather tense as she stares straight back at you as if expecting you to do something.

2013-05-31, 09:53 PM
Lea takes the hit and grunts slightly.

"I was serious about letting you hit me." she says as she walks off to find the switch.

Lea calls out Corton to glow and takes a closer look at the statue.

2013-05-31, 10:00 PM
In the light the obvious thing you can see is the nostrils and mouth extend back and down out of site like some atomically correct representation. (OOC preception check please for less obvious stuff)

2013-05-31, 10:07 PM
Rebecca remains quiet as she looks at the man. He had now noticed her and made eye contact. She locked gazes with him and nodded, though didn't move. Her arms remained crossed and her gaze remained focused. Now that the man had seen her, it was time to see if he'd react with hostility or not.

2013-05-31, 10:50 PM
Lea will peer more closely.


2013-05-31, 10:58 PM
You notice the emerald right eye, gold left middle finger, and gold canines are not set in place as firmly and seamlessly as the other gold bits. perhaps they have been removed before? despite this you gut is telling you there is more to this statue, but your gut is not sure you need to know about every facet and detail of the stone carving.

2013-05-31, 11:06 PM
Lea will start by trying to pry the emerald out. It's her favorite gemstone.

2013-06-01, 12:01 AM
With some wiggling it comes out, and as if poping a cork a stream of water jets out of the resulting hole geting you wet. the ticks and tocks you hear hear after that seems to suggest you made the right choice as ancient mechanisms come to life, but then you hear a dreaded sound *Click!* "BUZZ!" and you recall Glen the gym leader's words "Don't touch anything made of gold its a trap." a secret door opens and a handful of unown swarm you. There are no where near as many as on Grille but they distracting, in your face, and migraine inducing all the same and you soon find your self spinning under their influences. Unlike the ones on Grille as suddenly as they come they go leaving you still conscious, on your feet, and with mostly all your clothes (your missing your left shoe) closing the door they entered through behind them very quickly.

Wisp runs over and says "Are you alright!? how many fingers am I holding up?" she holds up three fingers.
(OOC Lea must misspell everything she says outloud for the rest of the day(yup this again). she doesn't know this until she tries to talk)

2013-06-01, 05:52 AM
"There" she mumbles. "Stew pit unowned."

2013-06-01, 09:22 AM
Alistair blinked dumbly once, then twice, 'That's a real gun isn't it,'
'Why yes, I believe it is,' added Barnaby matter-of-factly as the pair spit-balled a myriad of possibilities.

The pair maintained their gaze for a moment longer upon being met by the tense maidens gaze as a cunning plan formed in Alistair's head. "OY!!!"" exclaimed the young man with a broad smiles he waved a greeting towards Rebecca exuberantly, no doubt drawing attention to him and causing a good chunk of the people present to give the scantily clad maiden a second look if they hadn't already; merrily begining his approuch on the anxious maiden, the same friendly and confident grin on his face, and a hand resting casually in his pocket, and Barnaby following close behind. Best to nip this in the bud I suppose,

2013-06-01, 09:50 AM
Interesting reply... Rebecca thinks, her face switching to confusion for a moment as she unfolds her arms. She nods and slowly brings her hands back and behind her, to the small of her back as if standing in a military "at-ease" position. With her body blocking the view, her hand slips to her knife, though she doesn't draw it and leaves it in her waistline.

The man clearly recognized her, but had instead acted differently then she had expected. He was either a very good at faking things and was planning something, thus the security of the knife, or it was possible he was here to deliver a message. She wasn't sure how she felt about the second option. On one hand, hearing something would imply Grilles wanted something, which was what her goal had been when trying to reach him. On the other hand, him coming right here was strange since he came right where she was. Even stranger was the different name and the second marker.

As the man got closer, she looked him up and down before returning to his eyes. She nodded as he got closer and waited for him to speak, her hand tightly clenching her knife from behind her back.

2013-06-01, 10:14 AM
(Ok since I can't determine whether lucario is keeping arua pulse in the new dex but its a possibility I'm going to rule that you're the only one that can hear him, and thats only possible thanks to your childhood bond)

"err... hello?" Responds the "maidens" Eevee. Yes that Eevee just talked human as if it was human. No aura's, no telepathy, no scifi translator boxes just good ole well trained vocal cords.

"Yes you found a way in good job, but those are not stew pit unown. The myth of potion and stew brewing rune masters and the unown that haunt the pits where they prepared their concoctions is indeed just a myth I assure you. They are probably sentry's guarding the contents of the ruin and trying to scare us off. now tell me how many fingers I'm holding up I need to know if the unown did anything to screw with your head" The Zorua gives a subtle laugh it seems to be enjoying your misfortune.

2013-06-01, 10:50 AM
Lea's face colors. Dammit, not again!

"Yew haf there finjrs. Teh stewpit unwone scarmbeld mai spiech jest liek oun teh ohter timpole Ah wint two."

2013-06-01, 11:43 AM
She tries to keep a straight face under her mask but eventually she busts out giggling "Ok I'll admit the incomprehensible gibberish your making is cute. Your probably trying to sound like the unown turned you into an uncultured slurring mispronouncing idiot(your mother used to use the exact same phrase when you were a kid) to make me feel betterthoughiftheydiditwouldbeafirstasfarasI'veeve reseen. Well thanks but you don't need to worry. Just cause I have baggage that makes me uncontrollably freak out doesn't mean I don't bounce back fast. Any way I was holding up three fingers so it does look like the Unown screwed with your vision though so just stick close and I'll take the door hunting from here." she then turns to the wall and says "ok Goggles open it up" the secret door opens and a purple mass with a toothy smiling face, and gem-like eyes oozes out of a crack in the wall "Lea this is Goggles he is a sableye I had Him slip in and find the mechanism while the unown were distracted with you" the sabeleye is eyeing the emerald still in your hand.

2013-06-01, 12:33 PM
Alistair was quite pleased with the maiden's reaction, unyil she tensed that is. Confusion was good. Confusion meant that the person didn't understand what happened, you can learn a lot about a person from how they recovered from it. Tension on the other hand was not so good, and her silence and sudden change in posture made it even worse. It was another piece indicating something he was non-too pleased with; though the fact she didn't scurry off was a plus.

He kept his approuch steady, once again thankful for his father's lessons, as he approached the maiden; ending a hairs breath beyond arm-length from the maiden, close enough to keep their discussion private yet far enough that any funny business would hopefully require non-too subtle movement on her behalf. "Hello beautiful," he began happily, "You know, you should probably..." And the eevee spoke. The cute wovable cabbit by her feet SPOKE. Lo and behold did Alistair's train of thought crash and burst apart in all its pyroclastic glory.

"Sweet baby new on a pogostick! Did you just talk?!" he inquired with a spark of child-like wonder once his brain had finished rebooting; the eevee having apperantly managed to steal most of his attention away from the maiden he had come to confront. Oh, this is a GREAT sign! he commented to himself and Barnaby as he admired the eevee.

2013-06-01, 12:40 PM
"He's quiet intelligent. Where's your boss?" Rebecca asked. "I have a message for him."

2013-06-01, 12:56 PM
Alistair looked up at maiden, raising a brow in amused confusion; and after pondering on his answer for a moment replied, "Sorry miss but you're a bit too late for that. From what I've heard Ol'Ironwood croaked a while ago. Sort of why I'm here in the first place; did you ever meet the guy yourself?" he replied, pausing for a moment before smiling amiably. "By the way did you teach him yourself, or did he figure out how to do it? If you did I'd love to talk shop with you, maybe over lunch if you're interested,"

2013-06-01, 01:10 PM
A slight trace of annoyance crossed Rebecca's face before she removed her hand from her knife to reach into her bag and pull out the Team Eternal clasp. She wasn't sure if the guy was acting not knowing her or if only Grilles knew her in Team Eternal. If the later, hopefully the clasp would help. She held it up for him to see, "He learned from somebody else. Lunch really depends on how helpful you are." She says before also showing the map feature on the pokedex that had allowed her to track him here. "Where did you get that pokedex?"

2013-06-01, 01:48 PM
"Huh, so that's how it works," he mused happily unsure why the lady had showed him the clasp without a word, " I got mine the same way you did I'd wager, from Ol'Ironwood's letter; though mine didn't have a fancy clasp like that one" he added with a raised brow, before his expression went serious, "Now I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that boom-stick's not part of the standard welcoming welcoming comitee around Herr; so mind telling why your trigger finger's been so damn itchy since you saw me?" he inquired locking his gaze on the mystery girl, his previous myrth notably absent.

2013-06-01, 01:57 PM
She tries to keep a straight face under her mask but eventually she busts out giggling "Ok I'll admit the incomprehensible gibberish your making is cute. Your probably trying to sound like the unown turned you into an uncultured slurring mispronouncing idiot(your mother used to use the exact same phrase when you were a kid) to make me feel betterthoughiftheydiditwouldbeafirstasfarasI'veeve reseen. Well thanks but you don't need to worry. Just cause I have baggage that makes me uncontrollably freak out doesn't mean I don't bounce back fast. Any way I was holding up three fingers so it does look like the Unown screwed with your vision though so just stick close and I'll take the door hunting from here." she then turns to the wall and says "ok Goggles open it up" the secret door opens and a purple mass with a toothy smiling face, and gem-like eyes oozes out of a crack in the wall "Lea this is Goggles he is a sableye I had Him slip in and find the mechanism while the unown were distracted with you" the sabeleye is eyeing the emerald still in your hand.

Lea begins to cry as soon as she gets to to "slurring", Lea began to cry. This nerve was still sore from last week, and here her mother's exact words were being thrown in her face. After being tough in the face of the possibility of being swarmed, squashing her emotions long enough to horribly hurt someone for their own good, and then having the unown pull this nasty trick on her again, she doesn't need her mother's words thrown back at her face once more.

2013-06-01, 02:15 PM
Stretching out before getting off the boat Artax gave the scene a good look about.

Interesting looking place, eh Rag? When he didn't get a reply he looked around and remembered that Ragnar was still in his pokeball at request from the crew of the ship. Grabbing his balls out of his bag, Artax gets off the boat and releases everyone, even Propo, for a little stretch and some fresh air.

He sees a little bit of commotion a little ways down, but decides to ignore it. He knows from personal experience how fans can get when near celebrities or even sets for that matter.

Artax takes out the box that he was keeping the letter and other stuff that he had received from the mysterious Professor Ironwood and opens the box once more to take a look at the two pokeballs contained within.

I wonder what you are....Well, I guess its time to get this show on the road, come on back Propo.

You hear the wailmer give a lazy sounding call before he is returned to his pokeball.

Ok, there has to be a service center or something around here, maybe we can get a bead out for the Magikarp II.

Out of the corner of his eye Artax sees Kazar trying to sneak off, probably to go cause trouble for some random tourist. Artax not really wanting to deal with his drilburr's nonsense returns the troublesome mole to his pokeball.

Alright, let's get going. Koga, you just stay near me and you won't get lost.

2013-06-01, 02:26 PM
"You're at more risk of being stabbed then being shot. The rifle isn't for you specifically, I tend to carry it with me." Rebecca states. "So this clasp means nothing to you?" She asks raising an eyebrow, "And do you have any proof of your claims for working for Ironwood?" She asked. "As for why I'm not too thrilled to see you, it is because I suspect you work for Ex-Captain Grilles and his little team of misfits who kidnapped my brother."

2013-06-01, 02:30 PM
"huh? wait don't cry... uhohgeezI'mbadatcomforting it will be alright? Whats wrong?" she mutters your gibberish to herself a few times before she gets it. "Oh the unown messed with your speech... and by this reaction its probably a sensitive spot for you... come here" she brings you into a hug and gives you a shoulder to cry on "It seems that everyone that is closely connected to a pokemon type has some sort of scar that lead them to where they are. Well I can't have some one I have things in common with suffer alone so..." without braking the hug she brings a hand to her mask and mutters "Ok wisp you can do this... there is no sun... your not tied up... and she already knows... you can stand to leave your comfort zone for a bit..." she holds her breath and tenses up and she quickly rips her mask off like ripping off a bandaid a tense moment later she exhales and says "There now we are on more level ground. You just cry it out we'll move on when you're ready"

You see the harbor masters office but you won't need it cause on your way there a small rundown boat pumping some classic steelixica draws your attention. the boats name is Magikarp II

2013-06-01, 02:41 PM
"Hehe, figured as much; no one hides their hands during an approach unless they're hiding something," he absent-mindedly quoted before producing the letter, and showing its contents to her minus the pokeballs. "That proof enough?" he inquiered as he eyed the clasp once more, trying to memorize the emblem.

"Anything I can do to help you and your brother?" he added once Rebecca had finished verifying the document.

2013-06-01, 02:43 PM
So that's the Magikarp II, I was expecting something a little more......I'm not really sure what I was expecting, at least they have some good tunes. Let's go see if the captain is in eh?

Lazarith takes the opportunity to find a nice sunny spot to lay about and warm himself while Artax, Ragnar, and Melesoph with a scared Koga following closely by Artax's feet walk up to the boat.

Nice tunes, anyone up there? I'm looking for your captain. Got something from Ironwood. Artax hollers out to the boat.

2013-06-01, 02:43 PM
"No," Rebecca said turning away and glancing down at her pokedex. Sure enough, in her waistline at the small of her back is a survival knife. "Sorry, tried getting help and that's what got him kidnapped. You'll have to wait till I rescue him to show anything though, he's the captain."

Then she turned and headed towards the other arrow, "I've got another lead, we'll chat another time." She said starting to quickly head out.

2013-06-01, 02:50 PM
A trubbish pokes his head over the railing waves a crayon colored cardboard guitar at you in greeting, and then it tosses an "out to lunch" sign, and a picture of a beat red embarrassed girl in lingerie. It seems your looking for the person in the photo who isn't here at the moment, or rather here she comes now (clothed of course) followed by an Eevee.

the other arrow is already at the magikarp II it seems to be a tall older guy wearing half a mask and foloowed by a lot of mostly metal pokemon.

2013-06-01, 02:56 PM
After a brief nod between them, the pair gave chase easily catching up to the fleeing maiden. "Hi again, is now a good time?" he inquired with a wry grin. "I sort of need to meet up with him anyway so I figure it'd be best for both of us if I lend ya a hand here; 'specially since it sounds like you don't want the cops involved in this, and I'm guessing some of the other heirs must be helping ya out. Best thing is, you don't need to worry about me kidnapping either of any way!" he added with a friendly smile.

2013-06-01, 03:08 PM
Rebecca rolls her eyes as he follows, "Not a good time, not really. My target is at the Magikarp II." She said as she sprinted ahead trying to outrun the man. However, no matter how hard she tried he kept up. She frowned, confused at how he was faster. She was fit, she was fast, she was strong, yet this guy seemed to be going slower than his top speed and keeping up with her just fine.

"I am a cop...sorta." She said as she ran, determined to outrun him, but still unable, "Special Operations Ranger. And we do different things, Lea doesn't know he is missing." She said. They were getting close to the boat and she still hadn't lost him. "Lea and Lucius are the only other heirs. Besides, I work better alone as recent events have shown."

Finally, Rebecca arrived at the boat. What she saw didn't impress her. As she approached she saw a strange man with a mask and a bunch of pokemon. It seemed they were planning on raiding the boat. As she approached and the man looked her direction, she skidded to a stop and grabbed the rifle from off her back and pointed it at him. "Hands in the air. You or your mon try anything funny and I'll put a hole in you." She ordered, her voice serious. "Where is Lucius and what are you here for?" She asked.

2013-06-01, 03:33 PM
The sight of the girl running up to Artax put Ragnar and Koga on edge. The arrival of the girl and the gun in particular almost had Koga Headbutting the new arrival right off the bat.

Hold on there Koga, Ragnar. No need to start bustin' skulls yet, just a simple misunderstanding I'm sure.

Not entirely sure if the gun was real or not, Artax played along, although putting his hands up really only meant facing his hands out to show her his palms and lifting them so that they were about the right height for Artax to box the little girl's ears if he had the inclination to.

There now, as for you. I have no clue who this Lucius is, and as for why I'm here, I was summoned. Now how about you put that pea-shooter down so I can see what companions Professor Ironwood sent with me, I've been mighty curious. Captain.

2013-06-01, 03:38 PM
"Far from a pea-shooter, though I doubt you want me to prove it." She says. The man was huge. It was times like this she was glad she had the rifle and didn't have to get close enough to use the knife. "Funny, I don't recall summoning anyone." She says. "Team Eternal. You working for them?" She asked looking over at the mons. "Large army for a small boat. This how Lucius was taken? And I'm not a captain yet, just Special Operations Ranger."

2013-06-01, 03:45 PM
Team Eternal? Never heard of them, unless you are talking about The Eternals, in which case don't think I've ever, nor will I ever, work in any fashion for those coked up metal wannabees.

And again, still don't know any Lucius, and you didn't summon me the late professor did. You mind?

Artax nods to a smallish box near his feet, and carefully slides the box over to the girl.

Letter is in there.

2013-06-01, 03:51 PM
"Another one?" Rebecca says lowering the rifle. "No point, this guy also arrived with similar claim." She says annoyed before holstering the rifle, "As I told him the Captain is missing and was kidnapped by my mentor. I was looking for him when the marker on your pokedex notified me of your arrival. I was hoping it was Lucius or one of the Team Eternal mooks." She says, "Cool, now captian speedy here can have company. Only three rooms are taken, so you two can grab an empty room." She said turning away from the new arrivals. She didn't know where to check next, but she didn't feel like working with a bunch of people she barely knew again just because they claimed to be good guys. It was those actions that had caused Lucius to get captured.

2013-06-01, 03:55 PM
Edgar throws a rulebook off the side of the boat and it lands in front of you open on a page explaining acting captain rules. Basically if there are no standins designated and the normal captain isn't on the boat or nearest island the acting captain is the oldest crew member.

Their letters look legitimate in every possible way, and match the one that brought you here at the start.

2013-06-01, 03:57 PM
Rebecca glances at the book and shrugs, "Well regardless of a technicality, Lucius is the Captain in my book. So, you can show him after I rescue him." She says.

2013-06-01, 04:01 PM
Picking up his box Artax takes this opportunity to release his two unknown companions. Remembering the picture that the trubbish had shown him Artax speaks up.

You might want to consider getting a different picture for him to show people, unless of course you want people to know what your skimmies look like.

2013-06-01, 04:03 PM
Rebecca stops and quickly turns around, "What?" She asked with a frown, her ditching the group delayed for now. "What picture?" She says confused.

2013-06-01, 04:06 PM
Uh, black, lacy, kinda see through. Not sure he wanted to continue the description any more he decided to stop there.

Ring any bells?

2013-06-01, 04:22 PM
Alistair chuckled to himself, it seemed like the girl was a bit of a sore loser; he quietly relished the look of exasperation on the girls face as she realized she wasn't losing them. All in all the pair he'd met seemed well intentioned, even if the girl seemed a bit of a loner and the man did not know when to keep things to himself. Alistair and Barnaby desperately gestured for Artax to stop his description, just out of sight of the shocked Maiden, for his own well being; they had not known her for long, but they had a feeling this would not end well.

2013-06-01, 04:51 PM
Rebecca's mouth dropped and her face turned a deep embarrassed red. "I-It-you--" She stammered caught off guard. Not much surprised her and she'd not cared much back when it was back on Grille Island with the Unown. The difference was at the time she'd been in a sports bra and pants. Now, this guy had somehow seen a picture of her in that sexy outfit Z had put her in. Rebecca's mind raced as she tried to figure out what to say. Even the body pain hadn't been as bad, though it had felt a bit embarrassing. For the first time, Rebecca felt embarrassed. "No. T-that." She stopped again her hands crossing her chest as if she was still wearing it. "How?" She finally stammered out. She wanted to ask more, but she couldn't find the words. What the hell? She thought confused. She'd never been at a loss for words before. Yet no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't help it.

2013-06-01, 05:09 PM
Chuckling inside Artax answered with only one word to keep from bursting out loud.


2013-06-01, 06:16 PM
"I...that's not your picture. Wherever it is, hand it over." She said annoyed as she tried to control herself.

2013-06-01, 08:45 PM
"huh? wait don't cry... uhohgeezI'mbadatcomforting it will be alright? Whats wrong?" she mutters your gibberish to herself a few times before she gets it. "Oh the unown messed with your speech... and by this reaction its probably a sensitive spot for you... come here" she brings you into a hug and gives you a shoulder to cry on "It seems that everyone that is closely connected to a pokemon type has some sort of scar that lead them to where they are. Well I can't have some one I have things in common with suffer alone so..." without braking the hug she brings a hand to her mask and mutters "Ok wisp you can do this... there is no sun... your not tied up... and she already knows... you can stand to leave your comfort zone for a bit..." she holds her breath and tenses up and she quickly rips her mask off like ripping off a bandaid a tense moment later she exhales and says "There now we are on more level ground. You just cry it out we'll move on when you're ready"

After another minute or so, Lea composes herself and nods. She gives Wisp a fierce hug and stands up. "Tahnk yew." she says.

2013-06-02, 02:15 AM
The people who are staring at a picture of a girl in her underware
None of you seem to be looking down all that much. So it comes as a surpirse to all of you when suddenly a black blur springs up and ricochets off the photo(Blur used knock off! Atrax takes 13 physical damage before reductions). The photo is knocked free, and the blur arcs in the air and lands on the dock. Momentum gone the the blur is revealed to be a heroic looking Umbreon in leg wraps, shirt, and shawl.

The Umbreon and Rebecca's Eevee high five each other, and when the photo touches the dock Rebecca's Eevee spazes out turns a shade of red with Flareon-like features and belches fire at the photo destroying it. The Eevee/Flareon hybrid then turns to Atrax visibly pissed "HEY! If some one didn't give you a photo like that in person don't go showing it off!" he then turns to Alstair "And you! If you want to "talk shop" about talking pokemon how about you ask the talking pokemon instead of acting like he isn't smart enough to speak for himself!" he then turns to the trubbish "Edgar you better have a bag of photo shredings to give to rebecca when we get up there!" the trubbish Gives a surprised and scared salute acknowledging the Eevee/flareon's demand. He finally turns to Rebecca, takes a few deep breaths which reverts him to his normal form as he calms down, and then says "I maaaay have gotta a little carried away are you good now?"

Wisp gives a wild look around when you give her a fierce hug, and breathes a sigh of relief when you let go "don't mention it. Though I'm still a bit jumpy so you might want to be careful about grabbing, touching ropes, or using pokemon with vines. I don't like randomly freaking out" You notice that Wisp's sunburns are healing surprisingly fast. Sure she got them abnormally fast, but normally people don't heal sunburns that fast with just tears and aloe(again med edu check to possibly figure out whats up yourself.)

As Wisp leads you down the stairs she takes off and puts away her hoodie turtle neck and long gloves leaving her in a t-shirt, while complaining that the castform make every inch of this island unbareibly hot(which seems to be true as there is minimal relief from the heat even under ground). At the bottom of the stairs you find there are two ways to go. to the left is a series of what is probably small rooms of contents unknown due to the rotting wooden doors that cover all six of them. To the right is obviously a larger room its rotting double door is hanging open and you can ser stone and metal bits covering the floor beyond them "any preference which way to go?" (I don't think I need to say frequent perception and intuition checks are useful in here)

2013-06-02, 07:25 AM

"I'd say let's start with the single larger room to the right."

2013-06-02, 08:14 AM
Trying it ignore the second head grown by the Pink Donphan in the room after the rather surprising turn he's day had taken, Alistair sighs. "Sorry about that," he replies to the eevee once it had changed back to 'normal', "I was still acting under the suspicion that your friend here wanted to do various not-nice things to me, so it didn't seem like a good idea to take my eyes off her for long; and I needed to keep her talking, and distracted... And then you both sort off bolted and then all this happened..." he trailed off momentarily gesturing to the scene. "

It wasn't anything personal; so sorry if I insulted you; didn't mean to. IF you want to talk about it later, I'd be more than happy to hear you out along with anything else you might want to talk about," he kindly offered with his apology as Barnaby kept his eyes on the surroundings in case anyone was watching them.

Alistair turned to the maiden before him, freezing; from what he'd known of her thus far anything resembling pity would not be taken well, especially after that moment of...weakness. It was probably best to wait to see how she reacted to her friend, before saying anything further; let alone trying to touch her in her current state.

2013-06-02, 09:23 AM
A soft sigh of relief escapes Rebecca's lips and she takes a few breaths before a soft smile crosses her lips, "Thank you, Steven. Nice work with the Flareon shift, I was going to have Kit do it. And Kuro, I see you found a new outfit. Very dashing on you." She said with a nod. Then she looked at the two others, "Anyways, it's been a rough few days so I apologize for any hostilities. As I said, there are some open rooms so go make yourself at home. I'll not be here much longer though since I need to start hunting leads." She added. She was still a bit embarrassed about the picture, but it was over and done with and at least it was sitting around to be looked at whenever now.

2013-06-02, 09:51 AM
"It's okay, Mrs...I don't think I caught your name," he inquired, waiting for a response before continuing. "I'm sure I'd be just as on edge if I were in your shoes, but my offer still stands you know; if we're all going to be living on the same ship, it's only right for us to try helping each other out. Especially if we're gonna be trying to save the captain of our ship. After all pretty sure the guys who took your bro won't be playing fair either; having a few reinforcements on hand wouldn't be too bad of an idea now would it? Consider it my down payment on the room I'll be crashing in if you want to," he offered once more, his conscience and hereditary hero syndrome not allowing him to let the girl go without at least making the offer once more.

2013-06-02, 09:55 AM
Now that his box was in his possession again, Artax reached into his pocket to retrieve the picture and hand it over to the girl, but was interrupted, and gave a small exclamation of having his hand smacked around by the umbreon.

Lazarith heard the sound and practically lept into high gear readying his iron tail and beginning to charge at the group.

Jumping in front of the charging seviper Artax holds out his free hand and yells out to Lazarith.

Woa woa, hang on there buddy, nothing to worry about, it's all an accident.

Lazarith unreadys his attack and finds a closer sunny spot to lay around in and keep a better eye on things.

Returning his attention to his attackers and scolder, And you, there was no need for that kind of thing, I was clearly giv.......wait, talking eevee. Artax stands there for a moment the one eyebrow you can see raised in puzzlement. Brutal.

Anyway, I guess an apology is in order. I'm sorry. Now to see who these two mysteries are. Artax takes the two pokeballs from his box and releases them.

2013-06-02, 10:28 AM
"Rebecca," She answered. As the man again offered to help, Rebecca sighed, "Look...no hard feelings and I don't mean to offend. But I don't know you." Rebecca said. "I get that Professor Ironwood trusts you, cool. But rescuing my brother is important and I don't want to risk something going wrong because I brought some random Joe." She paused before adding, "And that's ignoring the fact that I know nothing about your combat abilities. The man I'm hunting is an ex-Captain who is well armed and very deadly. Unfortunately for him, he taught me everything he knows, so I'm just as deadly. I don't see a weapon on you and I doubt you've ever had to kill." She says. She opens her mouth to add something else, but stops, not wanting to presume.

Then she looks back at the other man, "Sorry for their actions, they were trying to help and probably had no idea what you were doing." She said, "And yes, Steven is a genius, he does a lot of stuff. Talks, and...well, you see the Flareon shift."

2013-06-02, 10:48 AM
as you open them thier transponders turn on finally giving your pokedex thier names

they materialize revealing them both to be rather unique. Obsidia is a "shiny"(+1 to all stats, and it knows Bite) with black skin and a blue flame on its tail. She seems very disoriented but when she sees you holding her ball she just looks at you with curiosity. Krome on the other hand is in much worse shape. Its clear by his rusty red tint, piting, and holes in his wings he has suffered from rusting in the past. He is cleaned up now but his stats are likely effected by this and you know as a steel ace as far as conventional medicine knows this condition is difficult to impossible to reverse(-5 to defence, -4 to sky, -1 to power). Unlike Obsidia When Krome see's you have his ball he reacts like a savage cornered animal and assumes a posture that would allow him to pounce you at a moments notice.

"apology accepted though I don't think making your pokemon speak would be worth their time or your's. all learning to speak did for me was open my eyes to how much my life sucked before." responds steven

"I say if these guys want to help let them. the people on moran may have been shady and bit off more than they could chew but if lucius and lea are good examples Ironwood seems to be good at picking talented folks and not backstabbers. though I'm not really sure how they could help we aren't even really sure how they got away." Comments steven

(your speech is still screwy btw)
all you can come up with about her skin is and old ghost story you heard camping called "Vampire skin" and supposedly its caused either by a channeler burrowing leach life, a witch tricking maidens into deep dark places to perform rituals that will grant them eternal youth as long as they have a supply of maidens to sacrifice, or finally the person with the skin was just born destined to be evil.

The lab looks kinda like a cross between an occultic ritual chamber like out of the movies and a stone age machine shop. there are engravings pointing to particular places, rotting work wood benches and finally a stone work bench which is covered in bits of sculpted clay as if some sort of statue was being assembled here. your gut points you to a wood bench in the corner that has collapsed from rotting.

"it looks like a previous resident dabbled in advanced arificery long ago. unfortunately it looks like the places has been picked pretty clean which mean we are not deep enough yet. lets give the place a once over for a way down and then move on just becareful of traps. The unown are guarding something which mean the closer we get the less they try to scare us away and the more they will try to make sure we don't escape." says wisp as she puts on some goggles and starts closely examining engravings

2013-06-02, 11:09 AM
"Well it got you away from your sucky life didn't it? Let you speak your mind clearly to the humans around you too. Nothing that helps you find hapiness and peace with yourself if a waste of time," he comments to Steven before turning towards Rebecca.

"I don't have a weapon, but I'm used to wrangling unruly mon's by hand; and I can carry myself in a fight, as can my mon. I might've never had as strict a regimen as Special Ops, but I have some training; along with a trick or two I've picked up along the way; and you'd be surprised at what you can learn by dealing with wilds and mistreated pokemon. Not to mention that I am pretty damn quick on my feet once I get going; heck most mon have trouble laying their hands on me. Moreover two of my mon can read auras, another is a telepath and telekinetic capable of psychoportation, I've got a pair of trackers and all of my mon can kick their fare share of ass." he explains helpfully before sighing

"Though you're right; I've never really tried to snuff someone out before...I understand you don't want to gamble on a stranger; but my offer still stands. Void, have an Aura reader or a telepath check me out if you want to be sure I don't mean any funny business." he admits before turning his attention to Artax, and locking eyes on the wounded Skarmory. "Dude, stay calm and get ready to return the bird..."

2013-06-02, 11:42 AM
Deep in his subconcious Artax is looking at the black charmeleon and is thinking Mega Brutal, however the state of the skarmory in front of him holds his attention.

What happened to you?

Without saying a word Artax drops whatever he was holding and holds his arms out.

I see you are scared, you have nothing to worry about from me, take a look around notice that I have many steel friends, go ahead I won't move. You can even have your black partner there blast me one if I move.

Charm? - [roll0]

2013-06-02, 11:53 AM
The Skarmory relaxes a bit and becomes curious. the simplicity of this change tells you its hostility was more feral survival reflexes than human driven mistreatment. in other words mother nature dealt him a bad hand in the past.

"well you know what they say "ignorance is bliss", but I'll admit geting a girlfriend was a good perk to this crazy adventure I've been thrown on." answer's steven

2013-06-02, 02:15 PM
Glancing at Steven she raises an eyebrow. She trusted him and he seemed to want them to come along. At the same time, she was still hesitant. She replied to Alistair while she debated if she should accept the offer or not.

"Hand-to-hand only goes so far when your opponent can fire a hyper beam from his styler. Telepathy, telekinesis, and aura reading are something my team is capable of through my Vaporeon and my Esepon. As for tracking...well, I'm not trying to sound egotistical, but I'm rather good at it. I'm an eevee trainer, every one of my pokemon can track." Rebecca then sighs. Even though she COULD counter his points, the undenying fact was that more people looking would mean a greater chance of finding Lucius. Steven was right in that so far Ironwood had gathered trustworthy people. The problem was this mission was very important and strangers were something she was hesitant towards. The man was fast, he wouldn't slow her down obviously. She didn't know his pokemon, but no matter how strong or how weak most likely they'd always be better than nothing.

After a moment of quiet, she spoke, "Give me a minute..." She said drawing the goggles from her bag and slipping them on. "File on Alistair, File on Atrax." She said out loud.

2013-06-02, 02:24 PM
"Oooh, Eevee's are an excellent species; one of my partner's an Eon too, a Vaporeon to be exact. If you want I'll show you my mon as well so we all have a better idea what each of us can do. In any case, take your time," he offered before turning his attention to the mystery balls in his position. If this was going to go down soon, it'd be best to know what the good doctor had left him.

Alistair walked a short distance away from the group once it was clear that Artax had a hold on his mon; he waited for Barnaby to let him know he was ready, before bringing out the first of his two new pokemon.

2013-06-02, 03:47 PM
as you open them their ball transponders turn on finally giving your pokedex their names

when they materialize you too find your gifts to be very unique. The Unown appears to have been letter pressed(4 times) and resembles what looks like a video game character(OOC portal personality core) made out of unowns, also the iris of its trademark eye is yellow. adding to its list of oddities when it sees you it opens a hole in an adjecent wall and floats into it only to float out of a hole in the ground at the same time(It knows teleport at EOT frequency) and finally finding itself right next to you it shreaks loudly "SPAAAAAAAAAACE!"

The Mienfoo on the other hand is much more normal looking and dignified, but when the unown stops it pulses you with its aura and says kinda bluntly Hello what is your name? she is keeping her left side pointed away from you and is keeping a paw over her left hip.(you get one move for its inheritance list, and may treat this pokemon as if it was hatched by a hatcher, and of course unlike barnaby she has legit aura pulse(barnaby can only pulse you))

Vin seems very busy but he quickly throws up a pair of files before resuming darting around in the back ground
File:Atrax MastersTrans-memory stability: 64%

Positive qualities: Pretty simple guy to figure out. he is loud, rough, and tough. despite this he has a natural inclination to do generally the right thing, and a good heart and conscious to back it up. Considering our pretty similar pasts right down to our relationships with metal snake like pokemon and tastes in music there really isn't much I need to say here.

Negative qualities: ok the roughness is one way we are different it was more polite as a kid that roughness might cause some trouble.

Conclusion: Oh man can you imagine what would happen if I paired this guy with Amelia wiggins? you know cause they both wear masks? heh forget about it this information is for more important things than match making and I don't specialize in romance. priority positions are filled he will have to go in secondary.

File:Alistair MonroeTrans-memory stability: 76%

Positive qualities: fit, honest, trustworthy, protective, well traveled, inclined towards heroics, and doesn't give up. Though mr. monroe could around a bit more his adopted parents raised him well

Negative qualities: doesn't give up(double edged sword), some understandable holes in his education, relationship issues with his adopted father. oh and he probably wouldn't take the news that his adopted father found him as a baby in one of those fluid filled suspended animation tube vat things when the rangers busted a secret team magma lab very well(The magma's were calling it "Project Ambrosia" or something like that. The security footage of a Team Aqua spy loosing some nidokings into the base was entertaining but all in all its just more fools playing god if you ask me, and you know things are messed up when you got babies in those fluid filled suspended animation tube vat things)

Conclusion: Its not like the kid choose to be part of some experiment that had babies in those fluid filled suspended animation tube vat things so I can't fault him for that. though considering the magma admin in charge of that project was Eugene Grills(oh arceus I hope I spelled that right) there might be some drama between this kid and the kinda trigger happy candidate that already has priority so I'll put him on the secondary list instead.

2013-06-02, 03:56 PM
(your speech is still screwy btw)
all you can come up with about her skin is and old ghost story you heard camping called "Vampire skin" and supposedly its caused either by a channeler burrowing leach life, a witch tricking maidens into deep dark places to perform rituals that will grant them eternal youth as long as they have a supply of maidens to sacrifice, or finally the person with the skin was just born destined to be evil.

The lab looks kinda like a cross between an occultic ritual chamber like out of the movies and a stone age machine shop. there are engravings pointing to particular places, rotting work wood benches and finally a stone work bench which is covered in bits of sculpted clay as if some sort of statue was being assembled here. your gut points you to a wood bench in the corner that has collapsed from rotting.

"it looks like a previous resident dabbled in advanced arificery long ago. unfortunately it looks like the places has been picked pretty clean which mean we are not deep enough yet. lets give the place a once over for a way down and then move on just becareful of traps. The unown are guarding something which mean the closer we get the less they try to scare us away and the more they will try to make sure we don't escape." says wisp as she puts on some goggles and starts closely examining engravings

oops, sorry, I forgot.

Lea goes over and inspects the wood bench in the corner.

you know, I might just up perception for the sole reason of how often you call for it :P

if I do, I'll find a 3rd class that uses it

2013-06-02, 04:02 PM
"File, Amelia Wiggens. File, Eugine Grills. File, Mr. Monroe." Rebecca states with a frown. She didn't like saying these out loud, but that was the downside to voice activation. So Ironwood knew of Ambrosia too? "Vin, is there files on projects? Or just people?" She asked.

She lifted the goggles for just a second while those loaded and looked at the two. Especially looking at Alistair, "Well, I just might take you up on your offer." She said though she didn't say why.

2013-06-02, 05:35 PM
file:Amelia Wiggins
(The included picture is a clipping from a year book that shows a young girl with a extremely pale white face that looks adorably uncomfortable as her picture is taken with her eyes shut tight. she is dressed in dark clothes and and is holding at chest height a mask that resembles Wisp's mask)
Transmemory Stability: 92%

Positive qualities: brilliant and inquisitive. she is particularly good with investigating things that don't make sense. and she tames ghosts and dark types. I mean seriously keeping a handle on both of the most trouble making types at the same time is no small feat. she is also *almost fearless(*see negative qualities) and has a sense of justice as well as knowlege of the law.

Negative qualities: She has a big silver bullet. due to a past that amounts to torture at the hands of her hometown and family she is extremely sensitive about her skin condition(ectoplasmic epidurmus albinoism: Bright white/pale silky smooth, baby soft skin that heals all cuts, bruises, and burns etc... very fast and without scaring or callousing. it also gets those cuts, bruises, and burns pretty dang easy) she freaks a bit if she is in the sun, tied up, or if her skin is exposed. multiple at once is particularly traumatic. this is conditioned into her mind and beyond her control at this point, but to her credit she doesn't let a fear of what could happen stop her that much and she bounces back fast.

Conclusion: to easily stopped due to skin issues removed from consideration

Eugene Grills
(the picture looks like ex-captain grilles just younger)

ok I'm not actually considering this guy he may have started an idealistic magma grunt but now he is a down right monster. I can't even find what he did with his only kid he is that bad. The worst part is how he is able to play good guy for so long and do a 180 at the right moment for some plot. playing good guy he actually trained one of the candidates who ultimately turned the tables on him but even then he still caused trouble as teams of rangers that have dealt with him in the past were mobilized in pursuit of him. I can think of one candidate who's relationship with his adopted ranger father has suffered as a result of the ranger father running off after this dangerous man. come to think of it this was the candidate that was recovered as a test subject from magma's project ambrosia that Grills(am I spelling this right?) overlooked before being forced to go into hiding in orre where the candidate he trained exposed him. odd how this stuff weaves together.

-"Mr. monroe" is!spcfcenouf- Vin is trying to compress and speed up his speech as he indexes -onlyhmanflsw/opsswd-

2013-06-02, 05:52 PM
"Don't worry about him then." She says, "And we found his file, so compiling isn't a priority. You've been WAY more help then you think. Thanks, Vin." Rebecca says with a smile. She finally had an idea on how to get Lucius back. Sadly, she still needed a way to find or get in contact with Grilles.

2013-06-02, 05:59 PM
you find a phosphorescent lump of clay underneath the bench it seems almost mystical as faint sparkles float in the air immediately around it. also an engraving immediately above the wall shows what looks like a round object being put in the middle of a round man. you notice different engravings are above each bench of which there are 4 others.

2013-06-02, 06:04 PM
Now that the Krome situation was contained, Artax introduced himself to his new partners and released Propo (in the water of course) and Kazar, letting Ragnar know to keep an eye on the troublemaker of a mole, and let the group of them introduce themselves to each other.

So how long do you intend to stick around this area, Rebecca was it? I was hoping I might get the chance to go see if I could hunt down one of those rock snakes, if time be allowing.

2013-06-02, 06:18 PM
After finally having the information she needed, Rebecca removed the goggles and put them back in her bag. "That all depends on how long it takes for me to get a lead. However, we do split up fairly often. Hell, Lea went out doing who knows what and short of seeing her while she was asleep last night I've not seen her in a while anyways." Rebecca explains, "So feel free to go look for a rock snake." She says. "I'm still working on trying to find someone from Team Eternal to interrogate." She shrugs, "That's why I found you guys on accident."

2013-06-02, 06:29 PM

Recalling Propo and Kazar again, Artax begins looking for a good way out of the populated area and out into the actual desert.

Koga seemed to have bonded instantly with Krome and was tagging along close to his feet almost to the point where she was making it hard for him to walk.

2013-06-02, 06:48 PM
you find a phosphorescent lump of clay underneath the bench it seems almost mystical as faint sparkles float in the air immediately around it. also an engraving immediately above the wall shows what looks like a round object being put in the middle of a round man. you notice different engravings are above each bench of which there are 4 others.

Lea picks up the clay and goes around to each of the other benches to pick up their items.

2013-06-02, 06:54 PM
"Glad to hear it," he beamed in response to Rebecca considering his offer, before turning his attention back to Delphi's show. The sudden unexpected waill had caused both Barnaby and himself to reflexively cringed as Delphi briefly rent apart the local sound barrier, but managed to recompose themselves in time to admire Delphi's presentation.

This had been a day of many firsts for Alistair. First time in the spinward isles. First time meeting a talking eevee. First time he'd been targeted as a potential member of a criminal organization. To top it all off, his first time meeting a minor deity; which was to be raised and cared for by himself as well. Each subsequent event had made the young man grow, more and more curious as to the nature of the late professor. He briefly wondered if the others or his new companions might be able to bring some light to these events.

Once the pair had settled down, Alistair crouched down to the pairs eye level and spoke up. "Delphi, Jade, it's a pleasure to meet both of you. My name's Alistair, though you can call me Al if you want. Seems like I'm meant to be your new trainer," he greets amiably with a smile.

"Name's Barnaby, though you two can call me Barry if you feel like it," states Barnaby warmly, greeting the pair with a wave of his paw.

"Welcome to the family you two," adds Alistair cheerfully with a grin, extending his hand towards Jade to shake.

Charm check: [roll0]

Secondary Charm check: if required [roll1]

Delphi's Hidden Power Generation

DB: [roll2]
Type: [roll3]

DB: [roll4]
Type: [roll5]

DB: [roll6]
Type: [roll7]

DB: [roll8]
Type: [roll9]

DB: [roll10]
Type: [roll11]

2013-06-02, 07:16 PM
Doubting it would work, Rebecca once more tried to call Lucius and Grilles's numbers. With the map lead having failed, she was unsure what to try next. Then she frowns, "Hey, that thing with the letters seems to be good with portals. Think it can find Lucius? Team Eternal escaped into some weird portal rift."

2013-06-02, 07:45 PM
Sooooo finding an onix is gonna take more than walking into the desert and tripping over rocks(ok that could work but it will take a really lucky d100) so what are you doing to try and improve your odds of finding one?

Any way the town isn't as big as it looks (movie magic) and you would soon reach the Mohave-like desert.

On one bench is a partially engraved bronze piece with obvious unintended cuts in it(the actual tools that do the engraving have obviously been removed be previous explorers) the engraving shows a similar piece paired with a pair of bands in an X shape

another bench has bands but they are made of copper instead of bronze and have corroded some (probably why they were rejected and left behind)

the third bench doesn't have anything but the engraving shows the round man broken apart into puzzle pieces your gut tells you the rubble on the ground is pieces.

the final bench is the stone one where the partially pieced together statue is. the engraving shows the metal bits combined with the round man with the object in the middle and seems to indicate that the final ingredient has to do with an engraving in the shape of a heart.

Alistair and Rebecca
Jade doesn't take your hand but she answers Alistair I wouldn't call your self my family if I were you. people who do always seem to leave me. she seems to be grabing her hip more firmly

Delphi on the other hand collides with Alistair's hand and starts rubbing into it as if trying to shake it despite his lack of appendages he starts rambling "Space! I like space! you like space? hey hey hey I know lets go to space! space is the best" this continues on seemingly without end until rebecca asks her question to which their is a brief interruption to it ramblings "*rambling*he has gone beyond reach*more rambling*" before resuming as if nothing was said.

Rebecca's phone calls still don't work

2013-06-02, 08:10 PM
"Then I need to extend my reach. How do I get to him?" Rebecca asks, a bit annoyed at the rambling.

2013-06-02, 08:28 PM
there does not seem to be any response this time its just going on and on about the big dipper

2013-06-02, 08:34 PM
"Suppose we'll just have to break tradition then huh," Barnaby replied with a wry grin.

"Though if you feel that family's too strong a word, then consider us your friends; we're all in this together, and we'll be there to help one another," he adds before pausing slightly, "I'm not gonna pry, we've just met; I have neither earned the right, nor the desire to open up fresh wounds. Though if you ever want to talk, or let something off your chest; let me know. I'm always willing to lend an ear," he offers Jade warmly before turning his attention to Delphi and her puppy dog antics.

Alistair chuckled, "Space is pretty great; that's were Arceus keeps all his best toys Though it's probably best to wait 'till the rest of us find away to protect ourselves out there; most of us still need to breathe and stuff after all" he comments cheerfully before Rebecca interjects with her own query.

"No idea on how to help our friend Delphi? Think you might be able to open up a portal to them if we go to where they disappeared from?" Alistair inquired as he petted the space-crazed unown.

2013-06-02, 09:12 PM
Alistair and Rebecca
Most of the rambling have nothing to do with the questions asked it except maybe "Not space portal space is best... Space court is in session! guilty! of... not going to space! go to space jail! in space!"

Your wasting your time he needs to be in an unown temple to achieve any sort of clarity that actually matters comments Jade to Alistair.

Rebecca finds herself on the mienfoo's left side and with her rouge instincts notices a glint of gold poking out of the mienfoos pelt fold where her paw is.

2013-06-02, 09:33 PM
On one bench is a partially engraved bronze piece with obvious unintended cuts in it(the actual tools that do the engraving have obviously been removed be previous explorers) the engraving shows a similar piece paired with a pair of bands in an X shape

another bench has bands but they are made of copper instead of bronze and have corroded some (probably why they were rejected and left behind)

the third bench doesn't have anything but the engraving shows the round man broken apart into puzzle pieces your gut tells you the rubble on the ground is pieces.

the final bench is the stone one where the partially pieced together statue is. the engraving shows the metal bits combined with the round man with the object in the middle and seems to indicate that the final ingredient has to do with an engraving in the shape of a heart.

Lea will pick up all the various pieces of the puzzle, including the rubble on the ground, and motion to Wisp to come over.

2013-06-02, 09:43 PM
The glint catches Rebecca's eye and she glances down. However, her mind was focused on figuring out what to do next as opposed to any amount of gold. She would prefer to not have to wait till Wisp got back to see if they knew anything.

She sighed and rubbed her temple. It was not a good day for her.

2013-06-02, 09:43 PM
When Artax felt he was far enough from town he decided to begin his plan. Having heard rumors that the rock worm pokemon was highly territorial, he had come up with this plan while on the boat and he really hoped it would work.

Ok everyone, now is your chance to hop on into a ball or cover your ears, cause its about to get metal up in here.

Having a fairly good idea of what was about to happen Lazarith and Koga head over to Artax to get back in their ball, Koga urging Krome and Obsidia to do the same. Krome decided to listen to the aron, Obsidia on the other hand was curious and decided to stay out.

Alright Ragnar, do your thing, let's crank it up to six for now.

Ragnar begins stomping the ground each stomp increasing speed just a little, you can see the whirlpool of air forming around his mouth as he powers up. At the pre-defined moment Ragnar leans to the ground and releases a shock wave of sound capable of potentially knocking a truck clear off a road.

wild roll? - [roll0]

2013-06-02, 10:09 PM
"find something?" says Wisp coming over and lifting her goggles the area of her face around the goggles has gotten dirty from her dusting off and reading the walls making her look like a funny reverse of a zigzagoon's face.

Obsidia actually seems empowered and inspired by the loud noise and she fires and ember that explodes above ragnar with a midair mushroom cloud.
"BOOM!"Trul meet Obsidia or as we like to call her at the begining of the game "the nukemander"
the combined amplified sound wave knocks everyone who isn't soundproof over. when your ears stop ringing you hear some angry shouting
"No! The shot is ruined!"
"All my camera lens are broken!"
"Where did that come from!?"
"Over there see the mushroom cloud!"
"Lets go and beat whoever did this up! you in steve!?"
"Crikey mate I love a good sandile wrestle"

there are a lot of people coming over a nearby hill and you here the sound of pokemon being released too.

2013-06-02, 10:14 PM
"find something?" says Wisp coming over and lifting her goggles the area of her face around the goggles has gotten dirty from her dusting off and reading the walls making her look like a funny reverse of a zigzagoon's face.

Lea suppresses a smile at the image and nods her head, then points to the items she's gathered and the partial statue. If Wisp still doesn't get it, she'll take her by each of the engravings.

If THAT doesn't work, Lea will resort to words. "Hlep mae fite teh peeces two teh satute."

2013-06-02, 10:24 PM
Wisp plays dumb until you talk cause she clearly thinks your gibberish is adorable. "ok lets see" she takes out her big book and flips around "it would be a bit barb and twine but I think we can follow the instructions pretty close. Slippers film this" the Zorua in child form holds up a camcorder as you and wisp mostly under wisps direction assembles the puzzle but it becomes clear a lot of the rubble is broken and won't fit exactly "We need something to either cement, tie, or glue this together. you got anything? maybe a trick with one of your pokemon"

2013-06-02, 10:33 PM
After pausing to think for a moment, Lea calls out Ash and commands it, "Srintg Soht!"

Ash, unfortunately, doesn't understand the command, instead using its threaded capability to climb onto Lea's shoulder.

2013-06-02, 10:40 PM
Wisp giggles at this "Maybe something smarter than a bug will understand or translate for you?" she says urging you to try again.

2013-06-02, 10:42 PM
Thinking for a moment, Lea calls out Amy and motions for her to use leech seed, glad that she taught her grass pokemon non-verbal signals for most grass moves.

2013-06-02, 10:50 PM
The seeds cover the statue and begin rooting spreading and knitting together tying the statue into shape the way mother nature ties knots. "Ok now we just need to figure out the catalyst that will ignite the mysterious power source and we'll be the first people to ever give birth to a golett on camera... yeah that sounded less dirty in my head... now lets see a heart... its a muscle... fighting moves? no that would crush the statue... the heart is dependent on the nervous system... electrical attacks! no wait its made out of dirt it would be immune... hmm this is tough..."

2013-06-02, 10:55 PM
Catching on that what's missing is the depiction of a heart, which is the seat of emotion, Lea lets out Corton and Blooma, her two companions who have been with her from the beginning. She has them touch the clay with her and pour all the emotions associated with them into it.

2013-06-02, 10:59 PM
Oh ****, time to go guys not feeling a pit right now.

Returning everyone that was out and releasing Lazarith, Artax hops on the seviper and hollers at him.

Alright buddy, Plan A kinda backfired let's get the hell out of here.

Lazarith takes a quick look around and heads to the closest looking area that might give some cover to lose their assailants behind.

2013-06-02, 11:07 PM
Like loving parents bringing a new born baby into the world the power source kicks into action. not only that but the leech seeds accelerate and become incorporated into the new baby causing it to be covered and cemented by moss and chia pet like growths, and it springs up (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=nuNAE1AV4ls#t=9s) ready for the fist day of the rest of its life.

You see a plateau in the distance that would to the trick but you better hurry that guy in the khaki shorts and his film crew are hot on your tail.

2013-06-02, 11:11 PM
"Heilo ther, frend. Wnat two cume wtih mie?" Lea says, the presence of new life completely overcoming her reticence for speaking.

2013-06-02, 11:44 PM
The golett salutes lea before its yellow eyes turn green and it starts hitting itself on the head as if it was fun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHDDYiyyysw) as it dashes across the room and through a crumbling wall "Smart thinking lea I think you'll like having a ghost type the are always fu-YIPES!" Amy has just said "hello" to Wisp.

2013-06-02, 11:47 PM
Lea recalls Amy and says, "Sawry." She'll offer the Golett, which Lea is thinking of naming Girr, a pokeball to ride in.

2013-06-03, 12:17 AM
aaand its caught
lvl5 ghost/grass golett
"Its alright whats a tomb raid without a bruise..." wisp says massaging where she was bit "and before anyone says anything I'm not gonna be the one to wear lara croft style shorts."

looking through the hole the girr made you find a tiny golett sized spiral staircase "looks like we found the "jeffers tube" we can squeeze in here and it should take us as deep as we need to go to find the untouched stuff" she then looks at you and then blinks "soooo... those vines in your hair... do they change your hair style themselves some times?" you notice that you braid has been undone and your hair has been restyled as a palm tree in the crazyness that just happend. the zorua is chuckling to himself.

2013-06-03, 12:21 AM
Finding this suggestion reasonable, Corton is called out, told to "golw" and "shirnk". Guessing his mistress wants him to glow and shrink, he does so and perches on Lea's shoulder. Lea shakes out her hair and let's a whiff of stun spore tickle the Zorua's nose. "Ownlee eround yer zorau."

2013-06-03, 12:40 AM
The zorua enters a sneezing fit "heh he is probably still out to get you for earlier, but I wouldn't worry while I can't stop him from pranking he knows better than to do anything more than harmless pranks and to clean up after himself. Like last night your crew mate rebecca stopped by. she was going to bed any way so while she was distracted with some computer goggles he stripped her of everything she was wearing but some embarrassing lingerie she had on. No one was really there to see it and I'm straight so I'm not one to stare. any way all her stuff and the only copies of the photo's he took was organized next to her bed by the time she woke up. no harm done" one tight sqeeze later Wisp in the stair case points to another crumbling wall "we need to knock that down, and my ghosts and darks are not really good a demolitions"

2013-06-03, 12:49 AM
To the plateau Lazarith and step on it!

Lazarith not really wanting to have to fight right now, did his best to pick up the speed.

2013-06-03, 01:02 AM
Your metal snake takes you to the top and its surprisingly green up here thanks to some humid loving castforms. it seems you have lost the film crew "Danger, danger, danger" well all but one. That noise came some where from the jungle around you.

2013-06-03, 09:19 AM
The zorua enters a sneezing fit "heh he is probably still out to get you for earlier, but I wouldn't worry while I can't stop him from pranking he knows better than to do anything more than harmless pranks and to clean up after himself. Like last night your crew mate rebecca stopped by. she was going to bed any way so while she was distracted with some computer goggles he stripped her of everything she was wearing but some embarrassing lingerie she had on. No one was really there to see it and I'm straight so I'm not one to stare. any way all her stuff and the only copies of the photo's he took was organized next to her bed by the time she woke up. no harm done" one tight sqeeze later Wisp in the stair case points to another crumbling wall "we need to knock that down, and my ghosts and darks are not really good a demolitions"

"Eye dnot mnid teh harstile attt oll, en fakt. Eye jest perfer gnowing may har iz bing mesd wiht iz oll. Ass four thot wal..."

Lea calls out Carmon and motions for her to smash in the wall.

2013-06-03, 09:46 AM
Alistair nods at Jade acknowledging her words before turning to Rebecca, "Sorry Rebecca; I think Delphi's trying to say that he can't just track him down for you, because it's likely to different from how he does it. I think. Short of going to one of those temples and getting other Unown to help him, I don't think he'll be able to track them," he comments patting the happy little Unown.

The young man quirked his lips up momentarily, as he pondered what the could do. "You mentioned earlier that you were trying to find them with your pokedex; so that means they have pokedexes too right?" he inquired curiously as the gears in his mind started turning.

2013-06-03, 10:02 AM
"Lucius has a pokedex, but I'd guess Grilles or one of the others would have taken it." Rebecca notes, "But either way the map feature on our dex has us all synched. I had tried tracking him with that, but unfortunately only Lea, you, myself, and the masked guy popped up. I'd been hoping to get a hold of Grilles through Lucius's pokegear by calling it, but it keeps not going through and acting weird. I have something Grilles wants and pretty sure I could lure him out with it."

2013-06-03, 10:09 AM
*electric guitar*Bananatreeeeee dinosaur smashing through a waaaall! YEAH!*electric guitar*

Carmon smashes a hole and you guys squeeze out of the stair case Wisp following something written in her book goes to one of many rotting wood doors and cracks it open "Jackpot, ok this is breaking a big safety rule but we are after that stack of engraved gold sheets on the far side of the room at this point any trap we set off just means we will be directly and violently attacked so we can either be careful or grab the sheets and run hopefully before the unowns can catch up... I wonder if there is something we could do something to slow them down..." the room wisp is looking into has...

A stone tile floor of checker patterned dark and light tiles.
An iron lever on the right side with one black mark on it.
An iron lever on the left side with one red mark and three black marks on it.
An oil lamp bolted to the far wall with three black marks and one blue mark on it
A set of engraved goldsheets sitting on an obvious pressure plate on a pedistool on the far wall with three red marks on it

"Its just like gold running on grille. Just the unown here will probably try to fry our faces off before trying to embarrass us"

2013-06-03, 10:11 AM
"Hmm, do you know how the Map function works then? I mean if they're all hooked up, something needs to be doing it right? Do you know anyone that might be able to hack it? Maybe backtrack the satellite or whatever that works the GPS, and the link to the place were all the dexes get their info from? If you know a guy who can do it, ma~ybe you can find where they are," he mused with a raised brow. The girl was a Special Ops like his old man, he wouldn't put it pass her to know a guy who could do the job.

2013-06-03, 10:16 AM
"I do, but at the same time if something is interfering with the dex's ability to connect, which I suspect based on the fact that they went through a giant glitch warp portal and now nothing can get a hold of them, then it wouldn't be likely to work." Rebecca comments, "Plus I'm not sure how that would help much if the GPS isn't working to begin with."

2013-06-03, 10:20 AM
"Oh," he simply states as he trashes the idea, before making a face "Wait. What do you mean giant glitch portal? Did they go into a computer a computer or something?"

2013-06-03, 11:06 AM
"No they used glitch energy because Team Eternal is trying to resurrect Missingno."

2013-06-03, 11:36 AM
Alistair slowly raised a brow, "Ex~cuse me? They're trying to do what now?" he inquired in confusion.

2013-06-03, 11:42 AM
*electric guitar*Bananatreeeeee dinosaur smashing through a waaaall! YEAH!*electric guitar*

Carmon smashes a hole and you guys squeeze out of the stair case Wisp following something written in her book goes to one of many rotting wood doors and cracks it open "Jackpot, ok this is breaking a big safety rule but we are after that stack of engraved gold sheets on the far side of the room at this point any trap we set off just means we will be directly and violently attacked so we can either be careful or grab the sheets and run hopefully before the unowns can catch up... I wonder if there is something we could do something to slow them down..." the room wisp is looking into has...

A stone tile floor of checker patterned dark and light tiles.
An iron lever on the right side with one black mark on it.
An iron lever on the left side with one red mark and three black marks on it.
An oil lamp bolted to the far wall with three black marks and one blue mark on it
A set of engraved goldsheets sitting on an obvious pressure plate on a pedistool on the far wall with three red marks on it

"Its just like gold running on grille. Just the unown here will probably try to fry our faces off before trying to embarrass us"

Lea will walk over and pull the lever on the right.

2013-06-03, 01:05 PM
Rebecca and Alistair
"Or if we want to say something less crazy sounding it could be the tracking as limited range alistairs name didn't even come up till he was on the same island as us right? any way I think we don't really know as much as we want to pretend to. Heck we only go all this stuff about glitches and evil teams and world ending plots from what I guess was delphi the in the local clusters unown temple, and a conversation rebecca had with me that I don't remember before I apparently rebuilt the universe. I would have thought rebecca was crazy if it wasn't for me getting sick and gaining the ability to shift so yeah its been a crazy week." says steven adding his two cents

While wisp keeps an eye out in the hall you venture in to solve the puzzle. as you step on the tiles they go *Click!* for each tile but nothing happens. when you pull the lever it goes *Click!* "Thunck!" again followed by nothing. now that you are closer you notice a wide base that is part of the pedestal that is not part of this clicking tile floor.

2013-06-03, 01:18 PM
Rebecca shrugs, "I'm game for trying. Scooter's good with electronics so maybe he can hack it to track Lucius." Rebecca says, "I guess I'm just worried it'll waste time, but I guess its our only lead. Alternatively, I can have Vin stop compiling files and see how his hacking is, but I think we can trust Scooter."

2013-06-03, 01:19 PM
Alistair and Barnaby just stared at the pair incredulously in perfect silence for several moments, as they tried to decide just how insane this all sounded. "Are...are you serious?"

Naratively Obligatory Intuition Check: [roll0]

2013-06-03, 01:27 PM
They are serious and telling the truth pulses Jade. the mienfoo also looks dead serious

2013-06-03, 01:31 PM
"Deadly serious, sadly." Rebecca says, "I thought it was silly at first, but we heard of it in a deep Unown temple, then we've fought Team Eternal quite a bit. I saw the result of glitch energy they used on both Steven and a Castform. I've seen reality altered and changed and I've heard it from a variaty of sources. One claim is crazy, but enough and it adds up. Plus the portal that Grilles escaped through with my brother. It's a long story. But now you see why I'm hesitant to bring anyone along. This isn't a normal thing we're dealing with."

2013-06-03, 02:33 PM
While wisp keeps an eye out in the hall you venture in to solve the puzzle. as you step on the tiles they go *Click!* for each tile but nothing happens. when you pull the lever it goes *Click!* "Thunck!" again followed by nothing. now that you are closer you notice a wide base that is part of the pedestal that is not part of this clicking tile floor.

Lea will try to pull the lever again.

2013-06-03, 02:35 PM
Push it up *click* "Ping!" pull it down again *click* "thunck!"

2013-06-03, 02:50 PM
"Ye-yeah, okay. I can understand. So Uhm, any clue what this Grille guy wants with your bro? Speaking of which, what his he Ex-Captain of?" inquired trying to recover from the exposition by steerring the conversation to more conventional territory.

2013-06-03, 03:20 PM
"He is an Ex-Ranger Captain that went rogue. He has just as much survival and special operations training as me...wait, that's a lie. He has MORE training than me. By a lot." Rebecca says, "A former Captain with all the gadgets and powers that came with who went rogue and has defeated or killed a lot of rangers that went after him. As for why, my brother kinda has the power to control the elements and weather. It's weird and a long story."

2013-06-03, 03:25 PM
Alistair and Rebecca
"oh and did we mention that they had only met for the first time at Ironwood's will reading and only discovered they were siblings a few days ago?" adds steven

2013-06-03, 04:28 PM
"O-ofcourse," stated Alistair as he raised a hand to rub his temples, besides a similarly flabbergasted Barnaby. "I'm starting to understand why you don't want to try involving the cops or the rangers; Arceus knows my old man would think I'd gone off the deep end..." he elaborated before releasing an exasperated sigh, wondering just what hell he'd gotten himself involved in, before turning to Delphi and Jade.

"So...how much do you two know about all this?"

2013-06-03, 04:49 PM
"Enough," Rebecca says with a shrug, "I know what I told you and a few other details that well...would be best to not throw at you until you can just see it instead. Give me a second."

Rebecca then proceeds to shoot a text to Scooter discussing the desire to see if the dex's link-system could be hacked to find Lucius.

2013-06-03, 05:27 PM
Delphi just answers with another "Space!" and before jade can pulse you anything...

Rebecca and Alistair
the dirt surrounding a nearby palm tree explodes and out of the dust cloud dashes this!
(remember how I said it wasn't an eevolution? I lied ^^)
It pauses 4 meters from rebecca and without opening his eyes turns his face towards her.

2013-06-03, 05:39 PM
"Friend of yours?" inquired Alistair, thankful for the interruption to the insanity his life had become.

"Hey there little buddy; can we help you with somethin'?" he asked amiably gesturing at Baranby with one hand to let'em know what was going on with the Eon's, while trying to can the mon with his dex in the other. He really hoped the Eon was just really into flashy entrances.

Intuition: [roll0]
Charm: [roll1]

2013-06-03, 07:23 PM
"Possibly...I uhhh...kinda have some powers too." Rebecca says, "Not like direct stuff like Lucius, but...it's complicated." She says.

Then, Rebecca kneels down and holds out her hand, "Hey there, you need something?" She asks with a smile. She taps the pokeball holding Gagnam to allow the pokemon to help communicate. She really wished she could speak with eevees on her own, but it was nice having a translator.

Charm: [roll0]

2013-06-03, 07:41 PM
I do not see negative intentions
I do he intends to be mischievous
That... is only a minor tinting not something to be worried about
says you
there seems to be an aura argument in your head

Rebecca and Alistair
The Eevolution remains sielent but with its body language and the faintest of faint smirks appearing on his emotionless face he sends a simple message to rebecca, and that message is...

Catch me if you can

And with that it rockets down the street following the waterfront. It is now 10 meters from rebecca.

2013-06-03, 07:48 PM
Alistair takes a deep calming breath to fight off the growing migraine; this had been bad enough when it had been just Connor and Barnay, hecould only imagine what will happens once all for of his little telepaths were trying to talk to him at once, "Whelp, it didn't toss sand in our eyes so that's good. You want a hand with this one Rebecca?" he inquires with a raised brow, unsure of what his new friend's method of operation was.

2013-06-03, 08:50 PM
Push it up *click* "Ping!" pull it down again *click* "thunck!"

Lea pushes it back to its "up" position and walks over to the other lever to give it a similar try.

2013-06-03, 09:12 PM
Before Alistar had finished his sentence, Rebecca was already racing off after the new eevee.

Swift: Move
Standard: Sprint
Total movement: 10m

2013-06-03, 09:24 PM
"Best of luck, call me if you need me!" he called out before turning to Delphi and Jade, a small smile on his face. "Whelp, while Rebecca's off doing that; how 'bout we introduce you two to the rest of the gang and try'n get some training in. Best I get a good idea of what you two are capable off out of combat, than in the middle of it. Anything I should know about you two before we get started with the introductions?" he suggested, more than a little content at moving back into more familiar territory after having his sense of disbelief mugged in a corner and shot full of lead.

2013-06-04, 04:10 AM
push a lever up *click* "Ping!" and pull the other down *click* "thunck! thunck! thunck! Bu-*GRIND!*" something has stopped the alarm and after a moment Wisp comes running in "Nice save goggles" a purple arm with a thumbs up oozes out of a wall in acknowledgement "Ok they're not alerted yet but goggles can't delay that alarm forever. On the plus side I think those black marks means they turn traps off so the pedestal is as safe as its going to be, and as a result I think I've worked out a way to get out of here without facing a superior number of unown. The plan is one of us grabs the goods and gets as far as they can down the tunnel over there that hopefully leads to the coast side entrance I was searching for before mueki recommended you. While the other one of us heads up stairs and sets off less important trap at the same time as this one to mask it going off. The unown will probably try to scare whoever does the distraction off and humiliate them, but its better than being fried by hidden power discharges, and the runner is bound to get away all without any death or injury. So do you want to be the runner or the distraction?" the plan sounds a bit crazy maybe even vulpix crazy.

Seeing that you're following and have caught up the Eevolution stops teasing and opens up its throttle to full. There is a small crowd of people coming up (acrobatics check dc 8 to not be slowed by the tourists by 20% your next movment) he agilely weaves through the crowd and sprints to 12 meters a head of you.

"I like space!" exclaims Delphi
I've already been taught how to fight and use auras and that teacher was taken by the enemypulses the Mienfoo. she clenches her hip hard when she says that.

2013-06-04, 04:33 AM
Acrobatics: [roll0]

With the crowd ahead and the eevee going faster than it had been Rebecca mutters a curse underneath her breath. Pure speed wasn't going to win this. She tries to run through the crowd before slowing to aim her styler and attempt to use it.

Shift: 7m (-1 if fail acrobatics check)
Standard: Styler
Survival (Styler) check
DC is based on level +disposition.

2013-06-04, 05:05 AM
He shakes off the styler. He must be a rock or ground type cause he sure is stubborn about doing whatever it's up too.

As he keeps running jagged rocky spikes pop out of the ground though the effort to make this happen slows him some which means he only runs out to 13 meters away (Acrobatics DC 12 to side step these hazards without losing speed if you fail roll a 1d8 the result is how much speed you lost, or roll a 1d8 the result is the 1/8's of your HP you lost just running straight through the spikes without caring)

2013-06-04, 05:24 AM
With the styler ineffective, Rebecca finds herself slowly falling behind. She tries to catch up and quickly moves trying to avoid his spikes while running at a full sprint.

[roll0] vs DC 12
[roll1] = X

Shift: Move, Standard: Sprint

Base speed: 10 - X (If acrobatics fails)

2013-06-04, 05:36 AM
there is now another crowd and denser this time(DC 10) he tries to squeeze through but he loses some momentum and only gets about 9 meters away. you see he is also about to run out of room in about 10 meters where the waterfront ends in an overlook of a shipping lane for shallower bottomed craft.

2013-06-04, 05:54 AM
With a grin, Rebecca tries to push through the crowd quickly as she follows. She was good at weaving and dodging and the eevee was running out of room.

[roll0] vs 10


2013-06-04, 05:58 AM
You wind up in front of him and he tries to duck between your legs still trying to maintain his course(this warrants you being able to do something before he completes his full shift action)

2013-06-04, 06:10 AM
Rebecca quickly closes her legs and drops down to her knees to try and grab him. The pokemon had said to catch him.

Grapple check!