View Full Version : [PTA, IC]The Spinward Islands III: The Downward Spiral of Craziness

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2013-06-21, 05:13 AM

2013-06-21, 03:52 PM
It was good to meet you, Nelson.

That finished, Lea will shut down the computer properly and head back to her room.

2013-06-21, 04:13 PM
When you get into your room what looks like a shuppet phases through the floor a thin arc or electricity escapes from under the haunting fabric and goes to your dex which displays -behold you have gazed upon the face of nelson the shuppet that totally isn't a rotom... yeah- (perception check if lea is buying this)

2013-06-21, 06:45 PM
"Yeah... electric shuppet. Try again. You can take the pillowcase off now." To emphasize her point, Lea begins to scan the rotom.

2013-06-21, 06:57 PM
-says the girl with a chia golett, and its an old dishcloth-

The rotom then phases through the rag and it drops to the floor(it should also be noted that lea would know from her breeder knowledge that pokemon don't generally carry any old mundane item with them while phasing unlike pokeitems(berries, held items, etc))

your dex returns that the target it out of phase, and can't be ID'd. Its impressive how long he is holding this state considering most pokemon hurt themselves phasing.

2013-06-21, 08:03 PM
"Of course, you're no ordinary rotom, are you? Have you been hit with the glitchy-thingies like Steven has?" Lea ignores the comment about her "chia-golett". Grass-shifted things are completely different than electric ghosts in her head. She finds it only natural that the ultimately superior grass type would be able to suffuse other creatures.

2013-06-21, 09:01 PM
Heh, I don't often bother with them myself for the most part my mon are plenty capable of dealing with status effects themselves. So thanks, but no thanks.

Finally starting to get his jitters under control Artax takes a sip of his smoothie.

So.....how's the smoothie?

Despite all of the attention he usually got back home from girls Artax was surprisingly inadequate in the art of small talk.

2013-06-21, 10:00 PM
-Thats a surprisingly good guess... actually I don't know how it happened just that I am a glitch, but the fact that you immediately connected odd abilities with "glitchy-thingyness"... maybe you guys are learning faster than I thought... ok I still can't share too much, but if you have any questions of the sort only someone like ironwood could answer I'll answer one of them-

As you do something like lift your rotom mask halfway like spiderman to put the straw in your mouth you find that wisp has pushed her straw through a stealthy opening in her masks mouth area to sip without removing it at all. "its good can't go wrong with strawberry and black licorice" she then awkwardly moves her straw up and down also struggling with small talk before saying "so that seviper of your's... It looks like a very unique pokemon and you must really trust it a lot to lead the rest of your pokemon back to your boat"

2013-06-21, 10:04 PM
"Not really. Mostly I was just wanting a chance to meet a new friend. I'm glad to have met you."

2013-06-21, 10:17 PM
the rotom smiles more than what is usual for its species -well I'm glad to have met you too. I'd gladly be your friend-

2013-06-21, 10:54 PM
"I'm glad to hear that. I know Edgar is fond of his treats; is there something like that I could give you from time to time? I mean to thank all of you that help us keep this ship running."

2013-06-21, 10:54 PM
Oh Lazarith, yah I pretty much trust him with my life. He's actually the reason I'm even around anymore....I uh.... If you were to watch closely you would be able to see Artax's hand start shaking a little as if he were having a battle with himself to not reach up and check the mask.

ARCEUS BE DAMNED! Well, purrloin's out of the bag now, not telling her would probably drive her away or lead her to pester me to death about it.... I guess it's alright, I'm sure she has plenty of secrets herself.

Lowering his voice a little so as the general passerby wouldn't be able to hear him Artax reluctantly continues, Uhm, if you wouldn't mind, I'd rather this stay between us, not something I generally like letting out. So yah, Lazarith saved my life about 15 years ago. Was playing somewhere I shouldn't have been and got ambushed by a bunch of zangoose. Beat me up pretty bad. Apparently one of them was a bit odd in that it created it's own venom, he did the most damage to me. Not entirely sure what happened, I guess Lazarith himself is the only one that really knows, but I woke up in the hospital. The nurse had said a metal coated seviper had brought me in and then left.

Pausing to take another sip of his raspberry mint smoothie Artax noticed a little kid was attempting to eavesdrop on the whispered conversation.

BOO! Artax said with a sudden jerk, scaring the kid.

Sorry, anyway I managed to return the favor I'd say it was about 5 years ago now. Same gang of zangoose had cornered Lazarith behind my stage at one of my first shows actually, made a mess of the whole thing. I couldn't imagine that there were many metal sevipers roaming around so I took a chance and Ragnar, Melesoph, and myself joined the fight, scared off the zangoose. I mean I guess we are even, but I don't think we'll ever actually call it even.

I honestly don't even think of him as mine, he's definitely a friend, but he is more than capable to make his own decisions, I won't force him to do anything he doesn't want to do. But yah, the gang will be fine.

Going to take another sip Artax pauses, Hey, uhm this mask have one of those convenient mouth hole thingies? I can't seem to find it if there is one.

2013-06-22, 12:44 AM
"All my masks do that. You have to poke around till you find it I just have more practice. I guess you could say I drink smoothies a lot." she looks down for a bit and then says even softer than you "sorry to drag that up I actually have a very similar relationship with Slippers my sneaky little half ghost zorua, but instead of saving my life from poison dripping zangoose he saved my sanity from my family and hometown of cultists. Though I guess like you I came out of the fire of attrition a little singed. Basically they falsely believed in myths and stereotypes about what it meant for someone to be born with a connection to ghost type pokemon, and I was effectively put through torture as a result. Even to this day I'm easily set off by anything that reminds me of what I experienced. Anyway Slippers stole me from their ceremonial procession and helped me escape their island. Once I was free I was able to learn the truth about their misguided beliefs I also learned how much of supernatural and paranormal matters relied on myth and here say it got me wondering how many people and pokemon were misjudged as a result so I started investigating and putting the myths to the test. I would chase secrets and go where others wouldn't dare out of fear. I wasn't afraid I had enough fears forced upon me and engraved into my psyche I wasn't about to pick up any voluntarily. I soon found people payed big for others to go and dig up secrets for them, and well here I am. So that drilbur you recalled I imagine its because he is a real troublemaker?"

-I have everything I need, but I will give you some advice about rotoms incase you ever encounter another one. Most rotoms are like perpetual preteens also we are zany, impulsive, and have a love for our toys. Basically the way to a rotoms heart is by flashing big shiny machines in its face-

2013-06-22, 01:31 AM
"Duly noted, and thank you." Lea will go over and give the thing a kiss.

2013-06-22, 01:56 AM
Its like kissing a high voltage electric fence(that also can defy the laws of physics on several levels) and your are put out of phase and sent flying (focus check DC 16 to carey items lea subconsciously considers part of herself through the phasing. 1d8 determine which direction on the map you fly) when you recover you are disoriented, crispy feeling, your braid has undid itself and your hair has turned into a statically charged frizzball.

2013-06-22, 08:12 AM
[roll0]edit: +6=14


"Whoa..." Lea mumbles.

2013-06-22, 08:49 AM
Resisting the urge to hug Wisp Atrax takes a moment and thinks to himself,

Oh man, what a pair we are, but I guess most people don't hide their faces for no reason.

After a couple failed attempts to find the mouth hole Artax speaks up, Kazar, yah he's a handful. Let me put it this way, on my way down here I let him out once and he almost managed to sink the ship twice. Personally I think he just likes explosions, he's always seemed to behave himself pretty well at concerts I tend to have some rather impressive pyrotechnic displays. He's a handful, not sure exactly what my sister did with him or why she gave him to me, but here he is.

Myself and Lazarith can barely keep him in line most times, I'm hoping that once he evolves he'll settle down. You have any handfuls? Other than, uh Slippers was it? I've seen his handiwork.

2013-06-22, 11:06 AM
As you orient yourself you find you have landed in a pile of pillows in the house of pleasure saving you from further harm by falling strangely there are no holes in the walls. that blast really knocked your socks off and well everything else too... except for your bright green undies for some reason. perhaps they are lucky who knows it could just as well be because of the bright orange stains that are splattered all over them creating some sort of neon camo print. you also find your dex nearby with a message from nelson.
-sorry about. Its kinda another reason I refrain from helping. oh and normal rotom's don't do that so its safer to kiss them. anyway it was nice to meet you face to face. be seeing you-

Wisp giggles at your description of Kazar and says "Well all of my pokemon are ghost and dark types so they all are a little mischievous in nature. Especially Slippers since he has a double dose of it. I keep a handle on them most of the time by letting them get away with smaller, classier, and less harmful pranks which keeps them satisfied. Though sometimes they still get carried away like when slippers pantsed alistair in front of people. that was over the line and I had to take his camera away."

2013-06-23, 07:18 PM
As you eavesdrop on the scene a kid who walks out turns back to notice you and mumbles to himself just barely in ear shot of you and only you "huh a chick with pink hair, an eevee in umbreon makeup and a little kid with ears and a tail all peering over the back of a bench... and to think I thought the couple with the masks looked odd" a bus then passes and the kid muttering expletives hurries off.

2013-06-23, 08:18 PM
So he has a camera does he...So that's how those pictures of Rebecca came into existence...Hmm, it's getting quite late, not sure about you, but it's definitely been a long day for me. How about I walk you to your hotel, uhmm...here's my number, that is if you want to hang out again, or you know just talk or uhm whatever.

Once again Artax's face begins to turn a bright red underneath the mask.

2013-06-23, 11:30 PM
"Arceus damnit..." Rebecca mumbled glancing over her shoulder to look where Slippers was.

2013-06-24, 12:11 AM
You peer over your shoulder to see further down the bench a kid with zorua like ears and tail spying the same as you. He is staring intently at artax but he stops to flash you a sly smile and silently snicker at you before turning invisible right before your eyes. steven was oblivious to all of this "something wrong? sad their wrapping up or are you just jealous of artax?"

"Well my day just started actually... I kinda act nocturnal... but I don't want to keep you and I should meet up with rebecca anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if she is waiting for me there... It was nice to get to know you a little better hopefully we'll have a chance to do this again sometime" she gets up

2013-06-24, 12:24 AM
"Jealously and another spy. The kind that needs a good punt." Rebecca grumbles. "Let's go." She said before heading to Wisp's place.

2013-06-24, 12:48 AM
You slip out unseen and steven returns to normal. On the way there steven asks "so what's this "burst heart" thing do? and so I know if I will need to duck out from time to time to avoid any incoming drama storms do you actually plan on doing anything about your jealousy? Unless its eat a gallon of ice cream as you wallow in self pity for not being deemed as desirable. I want to be around for that cause it was fun to slap coordinators out of those slumps back in the day"

2013-06-24, 02:45 AM
As you orient yourself you find you have landed in a pile of pillows in the house of pleasure saving you from further harm by falling strangely there are no holes in the walls. that blast really knocked your socks off and well everything else too... except for your bright green undies for some reason. perhaps they are lucky who knows it could just as well be because of the bright orange stains that are splattered all over them creating some sort of neon camo print. you also find your dex nearby with a message from nelson.
-sorry about. Its kinda another reason I refrain from helping. oh and normal rotom's don't do that so its safer to kiss them. anyway it was nice to meet you face to face. be seeing you-

Disoriented, Lea picks up her 'dex and stumbles to the medical bay. She should probably get herself checked out to make sure she's okay.

2013-06-24, 03:00 AM
You are surprisingly unharmed on the outside aside from the temporary frizzy state of your hair, and you are obviously in phase(i.e. not walking through walls). The sickbay doesn't have any stuff to check your insides (at least that you know how to use) but the feeling of shock and disorientation soon subside leaving only a surprisingly sudden feeling of the munchies. Also those orange stains I mentioned earlier are not washing out with just water.

2013-06-24, 03:25 AM
Not really thinking about the fact that she's in her underwear, Lea will head up to the kitchen and assemble herself a salad wrap.

2013-06-24, 08:13 AM
Alistair exhaled a relieved breath once the room had been completed; thanking both Cornor and Barnaby for their help once more before returning the pair and laying down for a short rest before unpacking his things. Once his room was inorder the young man figured it best to look for Lea to check if the girl was ready yet; zeroing in on the kitchen once he over heard her tinkering inside, only to find the girl in nothing but her underwear. The young man reflexively hugged the hall ways wall, blocking of his line of sight of the girl.

This was now the second time he had spotted one of his shipmates in the nude, and given Rebecca and Lea's reaction before he was starting to wonder if this was thing on the ship; there was really only one safe way to find out.

Alistair cleared his throat, "SO! Did you find the ghost you were looking for?" he inquired, trying not to betray anything with his tone.

2013-06-24, 04:10 PM
"Yeah. Kissed it and it zapped me through a wall." Lea notices him *not staring* very hard, looks down, and realizes what she did.

"Oh, um, ah..." Lea's face colors and she dashes back to her room, where she'll put on clothes.

2013-06-24, 04:17 PM
In your room you find the source of your munchies in the form of your half digested lunch splattered over one leafy wall and the stuff you were wearing when you kissed Nelson. Speaking of Nelson he pops up really quick not looking too pleased and an arc shoots to your dex causing it to buzz angrily with a new message -What happened to keeping me a secret!?-

2013-06-24, 04:23 PM
"I'd told him I was going to look for a ghost on the ship long before I met you. I figured I'd tell him that I did and say just about the weirdest thing possible. Keep him from wanting to look into it too closely himself and give him an answer should he end up finding clues for himself so he wouldn't feel a need to investigate as well."

2013-06-24, 04:28 PM
Alistair sighed as he relaxed his posture; before heading up top to wait for Lea and admire the view of the isle at night, and the cresting waves in the hopes that something might catch his eye while he waited.

2013-06-24, 04:49 PM
The rotom grumbles for a bit -fine but I reserve the right to be skeptical, and please don't tell anyone else- it then goes away phasing through the floor again.

Its a calm night the skies are clear, the stars twinkle, the town uses liberal amounts of neon signage, and boats come and go sleepy and many are stylized to suit this movie making island. For example a barge with plastic corpses for a fake looking zombie flick, or a futuristic boat with blacklights and tron styling to advertise for a scifi movie, and then there is the tugboat with the lightning art(name says "voltug" or something) the boat pulls up a few docks away, but doesn't anchor. A tan lady in baggy red clothes and her arm in a sling jumps to the dock and signals this boat to wait for a few minutes before hurrying down the dock as if looking for something. She is coming in this general direction.

2013-06-24, 04:56 PM
Alistair eyes the women as she departs from the boat curiously; not just due to the boat she came from, but on the off chance she might be yet another soul arriving late to join their intrepid crew. He supposed that their certainly was enough room for one more room on board, though things would likely get very...tight should another person join. "Looking for something miss?" he called out from atop the deck once the young woman was within earshot.

2013-06-24, 05:03 PM
The woman stops and glances at the name on your boat "well this is the right place" she mutters before shouting up at you "Aww "miss" thats cute" she teases "but yeah I need some help where is Rebecca? pink hair, nice curves, better kisser? I got something for her"

2013-06-24, 05:18 PM
Alistair smiles back, "Sorry, she's out right now; not sure when she'll be back or where she went, though if you give me your name and a message I should be able to ring her up," he offered affably.

2013-06-24, 05:18 PM
"The jealousy was a joke." Rebecca commented as she walked, "And eating an entire gallon of ice cream is impractical and wasteful. Plus that would be sickening, I'd hate to know what it'd due to my stomach." She says, "Apparently this 'burst heart' was something used in old days to allow some kinda connection with pokemon or something. It's confusing and weird. But I've gotten a lead on how my powers work and this stone I apparently need to focus them or something. And mom said I needed my powers to protect Lucius."

2013-06-24, 05:27 PM
"Actually I was just dropping off a few clothes she left behind after our last encounter. Is that girl with the leaves around? No offence, but seeing as how I don't know who the muk you are she might a little embarrassed if I left this with you."

"so this doesn't tell where he is then?" he says as you reach wisps floor

2013-06-24, 05:33 PM
"None taken, I'm one of the new guys on board so it's expected; Lea's below deck getting ready before we head out. Mind waiting for a bit Miss...?," he trailed off, affably inviting the mystery lady to introduce herself.

2013-06-24, 05:39 PM
"aww again with being cute. I can wait but I'm afraid I have someone cuter than you to kill time with" She then calls out a plusie and what starts as innocent tickling and playing quickly escalates to her making out with her pokemon in front of you as the charge from the electric mouse makes her hair stand up like Lea's.

2013-06-24, 05:53 PM
Alistair sighed as he eyed the pair curiously, lazily leaning on the railing; at least until he noticed that there playful fit was slowly escalating in ways he'd only heard trolls speak liberally of. Alistair had thought he had seen it all by then; after all, once one met a minor god, a girl with plant powers, a shape shifting eevee, and realized reality bending and time travel were a fact; what could hope to shock him. He was terribly mistaken. The young man could only stare in stunned silence at the pair, unable to turn away from the train wreck occurring before him.

2013-06-24, 05:54 PM
"No...it doesn't." Rebecca admits, "But it does give us something. I don't know the full details of the burst heart or what it does, but if it helps me get the powers I need to protect him maybe it'll help me find him."

2013-06-24, 06:13 PM
"and we don't want to take the others along?"

2013-06-24, 06:37 PM
"We're just heading there to pick up a rock. I figured we could meet with them after." She says, "I don't want to waste their time when we'd just be going to nab a rock for me."

2013-06-24, 06:46 PM
"Well my day just started actually... I kinda act nocturnal... but I don't want to keep you and I should meet up with rebecca anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if she is waiting for me there... It was nice to get to know you a little better hopefully we'll have a chance to do this again sometime" she gets up

Yes, again would be wonderful. Normally I tend to be a bit more nocturnal myself but the trip over here kinda threw off my normal sleeping pattern. Artax gets up and once again offers his arm to Wisp before walking her back to her hotel.

2013-06-24, 07:25 PM
Wisp again plays along with this act of chivalry and you two split at the hotel lobby cause Wisp thinks rebecca will annoy you for a while if she found out. back at the boat you come upon the same scene alistair is staring at with the chick in a sling and red breakdancer clothes making out with a plusie.

"I'm just saying I don't see why we don't just suggest cataloging glisten next and grab the rock as we pass through" just then Wisp shows up alone "hey sorry about the delay the concert... ran longer than I expected" she lets you in and lets out a horde of floating ghost pokemon who get to work spreading out and setting up everything wisp needs to translate.

2013-06-24, 07:37 PM
"I could suggest that, but I sti---" She stops when Wisp shows up. A small grin crosses her face at the excuse. "No problem, so what do you need from me?" Rebecca asks stepping in. "

2013-06-24, 07:44 PM
"lets start with what sort of strange things you have seen and what kind of pokemon are associated with them. if there is a legend or species that gets wrapped up in these matters often then tales about them would have details about the kinds of trainers that get wrapped up in this too and if we are lucky what those trainers do in these situation which would hopefully include details on glitch portals" unlike her comfort zone testing intentions earlier it appears she is gonna keep covered.

2013-06-24, 08:23 PM
"lets start with what sort of strange things you have seen and what kind of pokemon are associated with them. if there is a legend or species that gets wrapped up in these matters often then tales about them would have details about the kinds of trainers that get wrapped up in this too and if we are lucky what those trainers do in these situation which would hopefully include details on glitch portals" unlike her comfort zone testing intentions earlier it appears she is gonna keep covered.

"Well, my first experience with the glitch stuff involved something called a 'glitch stone'. My mentor used it to fire a glitch powered hyperbeam from his styler. Steven here intercepted and saved my life, but has had the ability to alter himself since." She says. "After, we chased my mentor up a mountain and he was planning to glitch a Rainbow Castform for some reason. Steven used his glitch powers to reset things and lost his memory of events in the process." Rebecca explains, "After that my only time actually seeing Glitch things in action was when my mentor somehow opened a portal and vanished. Oddly enough ever since, when I try to contact him or Lucius I get 'not in service' messages." She says with a sigh.

"Things I've heard, but not seen myself were that Groudoun used his powers to destroy Cinnabar to stop Missingno from glitching reality. Team Eternal wants to do something to wake up Missingo. And...uhhh... I think that's it. Oh wait, something called trans-memory which has something to do with how much people remember when time is re-written or something. Higher transmemory score, better memory of an old re-written time line." She explains. "That's what the database was meant to store. The one where I saw your face."

2013-06-24, 08:26 PM
A bit startled by the sight at first Artax very quickly returns to his normal state of mind, he's a metal performer he's sure he's seen weirder somewhere. Passing her by and heading up the ramp to the boat Artax lightly taps Alistar on the back of the head.

I'd probably resist watching, it'll either only get weirder or encourage them.

Continuing down to his room Artax will take one look around at the pile of mostly sleeping pokemon before he he decides to see if he can find a beach chair or something in the pile of junk to lay out on above decks.

Athletics - [roll0]
Perception - [roll1]
Intuition - [roll2]

2013-06-24, 09:02 PM
"Y-yes, your right," says the young man as if waking from a stupor, shakily following the man downstairs. "What'cha looking for?" he inquires once the mas starts digging through the junk pile

2013-06-24, 09:47 PM
Oh just something to lay out above decks to sleep on, a hammock, a beach chair, anything like that. Mon kinda took over my room, besides it's a nice night out.

2013-06-24, 10:37 PM
The rotom grumbles for a bit -fine but I reserve the right to be skeptical, and please don't tell anyone else- it then goes away phasing through the floor again.

Its a calm night the skies are clear, the stars twinkle, the town uses liberal amounts of neon signage, and boats come and go sleepy and many are stylized to suit this movie making island. For example a barge with plastic corpses for a fake looking zombie flick, or a futuristic boat with blacklights and tron styling to advertise for a scifi movie, and then there is the tugboat with the lightning art(name says "voltug" or something) the boat pulls up a few docks away, but doesn't anchor. A tan lady in baggy red clothes and her arm in a sling jumps to the dock and signals this boat to wait for a few minutes before hurrying down the dock as if looking for something. She is coming in this general direction.

Lea doesn't dignify that with a response and gets dressed. Once clothed again, she'll head up to the top of the deck, passing by the boys on her way. Once she gets there, she sees some chick making out with a pokemon, Lea will look at it, tilt her head to the side, and say, "You know, that seems kinda impractical. No way you'll get eggs from that pairing."

2013-06-25, 03:14 AM
the chick you recognize as the mall street rumble break dancer after she breaks the kiss with her pokemon just chuckles and says to you "Maybe you will understand when your older. Anyway unless that is a wig you're wearing and you're not who I think you are I need you to give this to Rebecca personally" she tosses up a paper bag which lands on the deck and just then a boat horn goes off "and there is my ride got to blast off again" and with that she hurries off.

Artax and Alistair
somehow you unearth a complete four post queen sized bed with bed spread in surprisingly sanitary condition. Good luck getting it out on deck the halls are narrow and the hatch cover has a plane sitting on it Muahaha!

"hmm sounds like groudoun is our best bet then ok show me the chapter headers of the tales with this symbol" the ghosts in a flurry sort through the documents and present the requested pages "hmm weather trio war, same, same, same, hmm..." as she ponders you notice a litwick is floating very close to you. "ok we got tales involving either deoxys, jirachi, the golems, or finally one labeled "groudoun's folly" I see it as pretty even odds so which do you want me to try first?"

2013-06-25, 04:01 AM
"Uhhh let's try the Groudon one first..." Rebecca says glancing at the litwick and trying to shift away from it.

2013-06-25, 04:07 AM
"Well they all got groudoun I should have been more clear with that you mean "Groudouns folly"?" the litwick is following you (perception check)

2013-06-25, 04:43 AM
"Oh, right. Yeah that one..." She says trying to figure out what was up with the candle.


2013-06-25, 05:10 AM
"ok I will start there... hmm interesting groudoun tried to raise armies corresponding to types of evolutionary stones". Wisp then is engrossed in her work for a moment. meanwhile just as you're about to feel ill and dehydrated in the fire type's presence you step backwards into a trip line(acrobatics check with a -5 modifier for illness and a DC of 10 to not fall)

2013-06-25, 06:33 AM
"Go away..." Rebecca mumbled as she stepped back and tripped and fell on her ass.


2013-06-25, 12:23 PM
the litwick still hangs near you and everyone else is too focused on translating to hear your mumbling. "here we go one army in particular was feared by groudouns enemies due to their ability to to arrive and disappear anywhere with portals and their very unpredictable nature. This must be a glitch army now lets see... exploits, exploits, exploits, and betrayal. True to their unpredictable nature most of this army suddenly turned on groudoun... fighting, civil war, more fighting..." she trails off again.

2013-06-25, 12:37 PM
Alistair eyed the surprisingly well kept bed spread,"Might be best to make a hammack using spare blanckets," suggested Alistair, not wanting to deal with the ensuing head ache of dismantling the bed and reassembling it else where.

2013-06-25, 04:16 PM
"When done see if you can find more on those portals." Rebecca says, "And what does this candle want?" She asked again trying to move away from the obnoxious litwix.

2013-06-25, 04:27 PM
"he's either hungry or pulling pranks either way just swat him away as hard as you like it won't hurt him one bit" says Wisp not looking up "It seems the portal could only be made by human servants. trainers that specialize in glitches as I suspected. They were able to perpetuate their war against groudoun because he could not find them anywhere on the earth so he was always on the defensive... he was left with no choice, but to rely on his last barely loyal human servant from the glitch army to make a portal for him to launch a counterattack through... ughh the handwriting of whoever engraved this is atrocious hold on..."

2013-06-25, 05:01 PM
"So unless we find a glitch trainer we can't touch them or get to Lucius?" Rebecca asked swatting the Litwick.

2013-06-25, 05:28 PM
No kidding, maybe I'll just try and sneak the mattress that's in the room now and put Ragnar in charge of moving this thing into the bedroom in the morning.

Poking his head back into his room Artax is relieved to see that Lazarith was the one who claimed the bed and was still awake.

Hey bud, mind if I steal that from you got a bigger and probably more comfortable one out here that we can claim for the room.

The metal serpent raised his head and quietly slithered off the bed to see what exactly Artax was talking about. Lazarith was impressed and clambered up onto the larger bed coiling up in the center of the bed.

Artax manages to wrestle the smaller mattress out of the room without waking any of his mon and heads back upstairs.

If a metal snake on a bed doesn't work as a claiming note then I don't think much would.

Seeing the bag on the ground near Lea and the other person running off Artax comments, So the weirdo left, huh? What's with the bag?

2013-06-25, 05:51 PM
The litwick is sent flying and his waxy body ricochets off the walls, and shoots back and forth across the room at great speed as the litwick laughs in delight. Your feelings of illness and dehydration also leave you. "Yeah Lamp is a bit of a thrill seeker... ok I think I get it the portal lead to a realm separate from our own called the glitch city. The environment was extremely hostile as the laws of physics didn't apple warped gravity and pockets of vacuum alone resulted in very high casualty rates among the non-glitch pokemon long story short they pushed through and discovered the the war was not lead by the glitch trainers but by glitches that were so far gone they bore no resemblance to any known pokemon they only spared the glitch trainers to make the portals. climatic final battle blah blah blah groudoun killed all the glitch trainers but one by the family name of morgan which he used to escape and those two were the sole survivors of the tale to return to our world. Ok conclusions first the portals connect to a realm that people can travel through, second the environment is hostile enough they probably can't stay there indefinitely, but they could conceivably go anywhere including places that they can blackout communications, and finally the surviving glitch trainer's last name was morgan not that that would help we have no way of knowing if he has living descendants let alone ones under the same name nevermind morgan is kinda a common name."

2013-06-25, 07:54 PM
"Also doesn't help that the glitch trainer is clearly working for the bad guys if they are able to open portals." Rebecca says with a sigh. "And if they didn't stay there it doesn't help me figure out where they want." She sighs, "Thanks for the help I guess. So if this Morgan person was found and killed they'd lose a lot of power?"

2013-06-25, 08:30 PM
Wisp face palms "ok... bear in mind this is an ancient tale from an already ancient book the morgan mentioned in the tale is long dead and turned to dust, and whoever your enemies may be using could be completely unrelated... investigating more into who morgan was may yield how he opened portals, or track someone's relative position in the glitch city, or a potential ally who can its too soon to say what isn't possible, but more importantly what this tale tells us is the nature of how your enemies escaped. Its like a submarine they dive out of reach but they can't stay submerged forever so while you don't know where they turn up you do know you have a chance of finding them again when they surface." she then stands up and the ghosts begin to pack up "But I'm afraid thats all I have time for right now I need to start thinking about where my next paycheck is coming from... have you and your crew decided where you are going to take your boat next?"

2013-06-25, 08:46 PM
"How much do you usually charge for jobs?" Rebecca asks, "And yes it is helpful, sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound useless." She said with a sigh, "It is just stressful feeling like no matter what I do Lucius is constantly out of reach. He was the first family I found out about and then mom is in jail and I don't know dad or anyone else." She lets out a sigh, "Sorry. Anyways, Glisten is where I'm going, I might mention suggesting it to the party, but I have personal reasons for going there so I won't press it. I figure I'll let them know then head out tonight and if they want to head there meet them when they arrive."

2013-06-25, 09:24 PM
"Its sort of one of those if you have to ask you can't afford it sort of things sorry" answers Wisp as she leads you out "I would say I'm rather jealous of you... Unlike me you're actually capable of caring about your family. It must really be something to meet a blood relative and not want to maim them, or associate them with your worst memories..." in the hall she takes out a pamphlet of a sleek looking boat with the words "hydrofoil cruises" on the front and starts skimming it "well when you know where you guys are going as a group call me so I know where to narrow my job search. Also I may have found more from the book by then or maybe you guys will be on the tail of something odd thats interests me. Bare in mind if you're taking your boat to some place like glisten it would take me at least two days sailing via hydrofoil to get there so letting me know before something urgent happens would be nice."

2013-06-25, 09:33 PM
"Didn't always start that way." Rebecca admits, "I hated my parents for a bit since I thought they abandoned me. I was jealous of Lucius who got to grow up with family and friends while I was stuck on the streets of Orre. "Well, I'll let them know to tell you. I don't see why they'd be against Glisten." She says with a shrug, "Either way, I'll be there."

2013-06-25, 09:41 PM
"Well... maybe there's hope for me yet" you two split and go separate ways at the street "so where to now?" asks steven

2013-06-25, 10:33 PM
"Head to the boat, talk to party, make sure we're ready, commandeer plane." Rebecca says. "Add tease the big guy to 'maybe'."

2013-06-25, 10:39 PM
you arrive without incident

2013-06-25, 11:56 PM
When she arrives, she types up a quick text to the rest of the party to please meet her on the deck. Then she heads there and waits.

By the way...what ever happened to Z <.<

2013-06-25, 11:59 PM
you just missed her
Lea, and Artax are already top side there as well as a random bag with a note with your name on it.

2013-06-26, 12:07 AM
To Artax she responds with, "Yeah, apparently thinks I won't get what pokephilia is until I'm "older". I understand all about it, but doesn't mean it isn't pointless."

When Rebecca arrives, Lea hands her the bag. "That breakdancing chick was here and dropped this off for you."

2013-06-26, 12:12 AM
"So what did ya wanna talk to us about Becky? Didya find a lead?" inquired the young man as he arrived on the scene.

2013-06-26, 12:18 AM
Rebecca glances at the bag and debates throwing whatever it was away. "I don't want anything from her." She says throwing it to the side for now. "It is because of trying to work with her and that stupid Ranger bitch that I was away when Grilles went after Lucius." She said annoyed.

Finally after a moment she took a breath, "I need to head to Glisten. Since we've finished this cluster I thought it might be possible to suggest that for the next one." She comments, "I'm planning on getting a faster ride than the boat and just wanted to check if Glisten was ok with all of you or if I should meet you somewhere else when I finish?"

2013-06-26, 12:20 AM
"Glisten sounds like as good a choice as any. I've been meaning to head there sometime since that Collin guy is a gym leader there and I wanted to thank him for Gaia."

2013-06-26, 12:21 AM
"Alright, that's one vote for Glisten." Rebecca says with a nod. "Well, two if I count. So I'll head there, get my stuff done, then meet you guys somewhere on Glisten Island."

2013-06-26, 12:36 AM
"In case anybody was wondering I do remember that cluster having a contest hall of the island of crystalyn. You should dress warmly though" says steven sniffing the bag "I don't smell prank supplies but boy she sure did use a lot of urgent stickers on this thing"

2013-06-26, 12:38 AM
"Probably some urgent stupid job that'll waste more time." Rebecca said glancing at Steven.

2013-06-26, 12:40 AM
"If it was a job why would she put it in a bag?"

2013-06-26, 12:42 AM
"It is probably a time waster." Rebecca says before walking over to it, "Whatever, we can look at it on the way to Glisten. At least then if it is stupid we can toss it out the window."

2013-06-26, 12:47 AM
"Or you could just read the note thats like what a minute? compared to how long it took to swim back from that fertilizer barge? do you really intend to hold that grudge forever?"

2013-06-26, 12:55 AM
"Grudge?" Rebecca says turning to look at Steven, "Grudge?" She said her voice a bit raised. "That psychopath Grilles has Lucius because of my trying to run around and do it their way. I have nothing to show for it save a stupid guitar pic and a missing brother!" She said, "A brother that is one of only two relatives I know and the other is sitting in prison because of the same people. Mom is in jail, Lucius is Arceus knows where with a mad man who will do Arceus knows what to him and it is because I ran around playing little games with the idiot. Now let's look at what would have happened if she had not got involved. You know, like civilians SHOULDN'T! Oh, I'd be in the same spot as I am now only without my brother being missing and possibly being tortured! Huh, funny how no good came out of it. Grudge? That's not a grudge." She said clenching her fist.

2013-06-26, 01:09 AM
"You need to calm down" peacefully exclaims leaf mode steven(the grass typing really brings out his zen side) "the circumstances were beyond anyone's control, but we will get him back I doubt he would have been picked if he couldn't survive and I doubt you would have been picked if you were incapable of rescuing him, but you shouldn't allow mistakes made in the past stop you from doing things like accepting help in measured amounts or even calling your own mother. I'm surprised you haven't done it by now do you hold the same grudge against her as you them?"

2013-06-26, 01:15 AM
"If you don't want it, mind if I peek in that bag?"

2013-06-26, 01:22 AM
"No, but she's in jail...and I don't know which. What am I supposed to do? Call her cell phone." Rebecca asked. "And fine, whatever, but if it's stupid I'm throwing it over the edge of the boat." Rebecca said before grabbing the note to read while she opened the bag.

2013-06-26, 01:29 AM
"Call any police or ranger station its a bit of a phone tree but they can connect you, and from what I've seen of Z I wouldn't blame you." answers steven. The note says...

hey examine the contents of the bag thoroughly I don't know for sure if this is yours if it is well then here ya go ;) if not just mail it back I included a PO box and postage -Z<3

Inside the bag is what looks like at first glance a pair of leafeon themed underware.

2013-06-26, 01:31 AM
"See, stupid ****." She says holding up the underwear. "She's still trying to hit on me as if that'll make me forgive her." She says waving the underwear to make a point. Then she tosses the underwear over the side of the boat.

2013-06-26, 01:47 AM
The top floats while the bottoms oddly sploosh's and sinks into the dark evening water "Ah well at least we got some venting out of it personally I thought burning them would be more satisfying. so off to the hangars?"

2013-06-26, 02:04 AM
"Wait a second..." Rebecca says confused. Why would the bottoms have sunk? She had figured if anything was in it, then it might have fallen out during the shaking, but had she been wrong. "Marina," Rebecca said releasing the Vaporeon, "Find the sinking piece and check if it is anything useful or just stupid ****."

2013-06-26, 02:10 AM
When marina retrieves it(its dark so it takes while) you see a barely noticeable bulge sewn into the waste line

2013-06-26, 02:12 AM
"Nevermind." Rebecca says seeing where the bulge is. "Its a pe nis joke." And she starts to toss it back over before pausing and deciding to rip open the undies. Better safe than sorry.

2013-06-26, 02:14 AM
a small flash drive with a generic bright red R logo falls out

2013-06-26, 02:17 AM
"She really likes to waste my time..." Rebecca says annoyed. "See? We'll be seeing whatever it is along the way. Let's go get our ride." She said.

2013-06-26, 02:20 AM
"Z's an odd one that's for sure" comments steven as you head off. At the hangars there are still just as many people hanging around as before yapping away about planes.

2013-06-26, 02:25 AM
Rebecca tries to casually meander as close to the target plane as possible. Once she was close, she glances around to see if there was anywhere she could go that wouldn't look suspicious but would make it easier for her to steal the plane.

2013-06-26, 02:30 AM
Thinking that leafeon underwear looks neat, Lea will nab it and stitch the waistline together again.

2013-06-26, 02:33 AM
Vin separates from your dex and goes on ahead. you note there is active traffic on the street if you fast you could try to slip in while a big slowly passing truck obscures most peoples view of you. When you are as close to the hangar building as you deem safe without being suspicious vin returns, and types in your dex -craft is as we left it. plane owner still not present contact information is equally absent perhaps posting a note on the pokecenters bulletin board will yield results?-

2013-06-26, 02:36 AM
"I'll leave him a note." Rebecca comments. "And he'll probably get a nice reward from the rangers for his service." She says.

2013-06-26, 02:40 AM
-Negative commandeering without owner permission is illegal in all cases, but hot pursuit. This is not hot pursuit- a large triple trailer big rig is slowly rolling down the street and would soon be in the ideal position

2013-06-26, 02:55 AM
"Funny, I was just thinking how kind the man was to give us consent. Notice how he left keys in, fueled it, and just left it here for us?" Rebecca points out, "Besides, this is hunting the robed man that killed your friends. You can't tell me that you want to risk him getting away and escaping justice because of a technicality." She pointed out, "Think of what he did to your friends. And here we are with a lead on him that requires us to get to Glisten, but since I can't physically see him you want to wait?"

2013-06-26, 03:01 AM
-Please... don't... conflict... me...- it seems you have struck an emotional nerve and now Vin is struggling -If we're caught we can't chase him we would lose more time detained for theft, and... I... don't want you to become like him- Vin's face on your screen has lots of teary pixels coming out of his eye's

2013-06-26, 03:04 AM
"Then let's not get caught. I need your help for this. I'm not forcing you to help like he did, I'm nothing like him. If I was like him I'd use the styler and force you to obey me. Instead I'm putting my fate in your hands." She said, "Help me Vin, you're my only hope."

2013-06-26, 03:12 AM
-All ports would be informed of the theft before we arrive. Radio is faster than planes. according to regulations all plane owners sign owner would have to grant permission in all but very special and specific cases we should find owner... please- the truck is in position the door that may be locked is obscured for 4 rounds

2013-06-26, 03:18 AM
"That is assuming the pilot notices before we arrive. It also assumes we land somewhere we are noticed. And assumes we can't make up an excuse and claim we were in hot pursuit. Ignoring that..." She taps the pokeball containing that Pidgey she had been given by Lea a while back. She then orders the Pidgey to 'swipe' her sunglasses and fly off. "Oh no, a thief. Quick, we must pursue. Rangers are all about Pokemon crimes!"

2013-06-26, 03:27 AM
-all departures are automatically logged to optimise available hangar space pilot doesn't need to notice. also if pilot is logged to be elsewhere when plane departs authorities will be alerted even sooner, landing at an unnoticed location would likely consume more time than if the time was taken to find the pilot. the pidgey's owner is the same as the owner of the glasses this is not a crime we are not in hot pursuit- 3 rounds of cover left

2013-06-26, 03:29 AM
"And if I release the Pidgey?" Rebecca asks crossing her arms.

2013-06-26, 03:33 AM
-value of commandeer craft exceeds value of glasses greatly. stylering an owned pokemon to pursue would be seen as acceptable-two rounds of cover left (it will take an extra round to slip in if you are obstrcted for example by vin or a locked door)

2013-06-26, 03:40 AM
"But if I don't stop this criminal how many more glasses will be stolen?" Rebecca asks. "Vin...we are in a rush. Putting up signs will take time we don't have. Every day we take is another day when the cloaked man gets further away. What if he escapes again and kills more people? What if another pokemon ends up like you and has his friends killed before his eyes?"

2013-06-26, 03:48 AM
-enough with the pidgey pursuit I'm not that stupid. long term projections favor legal methods in terms of time spent we can't afford to sit in jail for even longer than the time we are already wasting while he goes free- last chance for this truck

2013-06-26, 03:56 AM
Rebecca tapped the pokeball to call back the Pidgey. "If we don't find a way to leave tonight and Grilles gets another day ahead of us any murders are on your hands. There are ways of avoiding pursuit and not being caught." She says. "I'm glad I can trust you to help instead of betray." She said sarcastically before turning away from the hanger and walking towards a crowd of the airplane fans.

2013-06-26, 04:04 AM
There is just a static grumble coming from the dex ,but vin otherwise remains silent. looking at the screen his back is turned to you and after a moment a blue pixel puddle starts forming below him. The air nerds are surprised to see a girl approach their merry band.

2013-06-26, 04:13 AM
"Hey cuties, how are all of you?" She asks throwing up a charming smile. "You boys look so smart, perhaps you could do a girl a favor? Do you young men know who owns that plane?" She asks flashing a charming smile. "I'd be really grateful to whoever could tell me." She said purring seductively at the word 'really'.


2013-06-26, 04:28 AM
there is a collective uhhhhh.... "steve the sandile hunter? no you dufus he as a jet at the landing strip. Sam morgan? the midget with a frying pan? I thought he burrowed between islands? beats me wasn't it the guy with all that fishing gear? oh you mean the one that gets lost in the desert for months at a time trying to find an invisible fishing hole? yeah come to think of it I saw him come out of the hangar... what about the guy with the peg leg? its not a peg its a prosthetic. same dif is not is to is not" it seems like all nerd communities the conversation has been quickly derailed

2013-06-26, 04:30 AM
"If I could find the owner of that boat I might be convinced to...leave my number." She says trying to urge them back on topic. "Assuming the pilot was found and it was confirmed to be his I'd be soooooo grateful I could kiss someone!"

2013-06-26, 04:37 AM
There is a collective "Craft is not a boat craft is a twin engine fixed wing aircraft with landing pontoons" before they resume arguing over peglegs "dude your so wrong I'm gonna look it up on dexipedia! oh yeah then I'll edit it first! RACE RACE RACE RACE!"

"I think there is a reason these guys are single rebecca" comments steven

2013-06-26, 04:42 AM
"I think so too...I was thinking the boat slip-up would make me seem ditzy, instead it just...wow." Rebecca said with a sigh. "So, so much for a quick find of the pilot...I'm running out of ideas." She says rubbing her temple. "Alright...finally chance." She says dialing Wisp's number in her pokegear.

2013-06-26, 04:44 AM
"This is Wisp" answers wisp over the phone.

2013-06-26, 05:03 AM
"Hey Wisp, Rebecca here. I said I'd call once a destination was set." She says, "We got one, but uhhh...question for you. I don't suppose I could convince you to let me take a ride with you on those fast boat things that you were looking at renting?" She asks, "Split a cabin or something. I'm in a bit more of a rush than the others."

2013-06-26, 05:13 AM
"wha wait hold on I-I I mean you know I have reasons to pay for private accommodations, but even with my careful budgeting I can't toss around the money need for a second cabin and as for splitting... well... privacy and... no no don't cry I don't want to seem insensitive to helping you find your brother it's just that... slippers help she is really sobing here what do I do? Stripping her solves nothing think of some new gags ya fur ball!*kick noise*" looking at your screen you see vin still crying in his corner of cyberspace.

2013-06-26, 05:17 AM
"Give me a second, I'll call you back. That's not me, that's my porygon. Let me return him to his pokeball and I'll call you back." Rebecca said before hanging up. She was under a lot of stress trying to find Lucius and right now she was being snappier than usual. "Vin, I'm sorry. This is an important call and if you don't want me breaking the law I need to get this arranged. Can you move from out of my phone?" She asks in a rush just trying to hurry it up along.

2013-06-26, 05:25 AM
He leaves your phone and just silently drifts to the ground "come here bud it'll be alright just tell me what's on your mind" says steven to the sad little program as he reaches a comforting paw around him.

2013-06-26, 05:27 AM
"Thanks Steven," Rebecca says before calling Wisp back.

2013-06-26, 05:29 AM
"H-hey so what was it you wanted?"

2013-06-26, 05:32 AM
"Alright, signal is clear now I'm guessing? Just me?" She asks, "Sorry about that." She says, "Anyways, I was thinking since we're both heading the same place since you want to follow the party some that perhaps we could split a room or something?" Rebecca asks.

2013-06-26, 05:35 AM
"Well uh I kinda well you know and the err... I would be a terrible roommate are you actually alright with that?"

2013-06-26, 05:37 AM
"I'm not really picky and I don't see what the big deal would be." Rebecca says, "You are allowed to say no by the way..." She comments. "And I wouldn't ask that for nothing. You like old history stuff. Ever heard of a burst stone? Or burst gem ? Or was it heart? A burst something. Pretty sure, heart."

2013-06-26, 05:44 AM
"well this i-isn't a high security hotel room like what I'm springing for now. I-i wouldn't be very comfortable with this but... I don't really have a good reason to say no... bu..." she trails off

2013-06-26, 05:47 AM
"If you aren't comfortable around me despite our special moment we shared, just say no." Rebecca says teasingly. "You don't have to have a reason to say no. If you don't want to, say no, I'll find another way. And I'm a Special Ops Ranger, I can provide security for you or something. Payment for the assistance. And you didn't answer the Burst Heart question. I heard it is some really old thing. I know where one is and could let you see it."

2013-06-26, 06:11 AM
"Ok... I'll do it... not because of the chance to see an artifact from the historical inspiration of pokeball Z, but because I'm curious about this "family saving" thing you're into you know what it feels like and such. I'll find a boat, but I won't have anything before 3 am, and what I say goes so if I'm panicking and want you out of the cabin that means you drop whatever and leave the cabin no buts."

2013-06-26, 06:15 AM
"Alright, hopefully it isn't while I'm in the shower. Hate for our special moment to be ruined." She teases. "On a serious note, thanks a bunch Wisp. I owe you. If you need anything, tips on boys, or whatever let me know." She says with a grin.

2013-06-26, 06:20 AM
"You're welcome" *click* you see steven is still comforting Vin

2013-06-26, 06:23 AM
"Alright, I got us a ride, but it won't be until around 3am earliest." She said. "So we're a few hours behind still."

2013-06-26, 06:27 AM
Vin makes a tearful shudder at your words of being behind and steven mutters to you "geez what did you say to him he is a wreck"

2013-06-26, 06:29 AM
An annoyed sigh escapes her lips, "I snapped at him for slowing us down." Rebecca says, "I said sorry." She says with an eye roll.

2013-06-26, 06:42 AM
Vin doesn't except this he enters your dex and emails himself to the boat leaving behind a message ->=P-

"look you may have been in the right there about being slowed down. porygon can be a bit robotic and stubborn about their programing, but that was probably the worst way to handle it..." stevens words turn cold and with them his fur turns blue and icy "We have time to kill now what?"

2013-06-26, 06:47 AM
Rebecca runs her hands through her hair, "I'm under a lot of stress..." She says rubbing her temple. "How many days are going to pass before I have a lead?" She asks, "This Burst Heart thing honestly seems like a waste of time, but I need to do something to keep going. I didn't want to nap because I feel if I stop I'm betraying Lucius. I don't know what to do other than keep pushing forward and hoping something shows up. I'm not trying to be mean to Vin, but I have to keep moving." She paces, "And he's been really helpful and now I don't know what to do."

She lets out a soft sigh, "Maybe I should have tried that guitar pick...I still don't even know what it does. Ugh, maybe we can look at the flash drive while I wait and go from there."

Styler able to have a usb plug in?

2013-06-26, 07:03 AM
"I think Z meant the pick for if we got in a fight. Vin honestly believed he was saving you time he memorized troves of information and as he put it "tried to be as efficient as possible" to help you navigate red tape as quickly as possible. after all that having you treat whether or not you trust him so sarcastically could have been a pretty low blow. Remember what wisp said about what if all the leads didn't work out? I hate to say this just as much as you but... some parts of life might just have to go on without lucius."

the flash drive plays the first few frames of a video of sandshrew breeding with a rhyhorn and then throws up an error message maybe you shouldn't have gotten it wet.

2013-06-26, 07:10 AM
"I'm NOT going to fail." Rebecca snapped, "We're going to rescue Lucius and if you don't believe that you can head back to the boat also." She said angerily before taking a deep breath, "I'm...I'm sorry. I'm not losing my family after just finding them. I just want to be able to one day have a norm--..." Her eyes started to water and she just got quiet and watched the tape.

When the error showed up and the beginning came up, she rubbed her temple. Everything was going horrible. She let the error message play and just sat down and tried to hold everything inside.

2013-06-26, 07:20 AM
"I never said anything about failing bu-" he notices you and returns to his normal form "I've seen that backstage enough to know what comes next... normally this happens against my will because I made the mistake of walking to close but... I am incredibly soft and coincidentally absorbent if you need something to squeeze" he says as he sits down next to you.

2013-06-26, 07:26 AM
"I'mfine..." Rebecca mumbles reaching out and hugging Steven. "I'vebeenthroughworseI'munbreakable."

She just stares at the error message blankly for a bit trying not to cry. "Wisp was right...I can't help Lucius, I can't help anyone. I'm terrible at saving people. I trusted and helped Grilles. Then I go to the boat and all Vin's friends are dead because I'm too late. Then that boat explodes and would have killed people if not for Lea. Then I got taken out on the island the Lea and Lucius saved the day. Then I tried to chase Grilles myself and got you shot in the process with the glitch energy. Then I let Grilles escape after wasting time. Then I got Lucius captured because I asked him to come help me and I left him alone. Then mom got arrested and I did nothing. Now I've been a **** to two of my good friends...I can't help anyone...I should just stick to trying to kill Grilles. Destroying things is all I'm good at. I'm the worst special ops ever." She said her resolve breaking before she started sobbing.

2013-06-26, 08:03 AM
At some point you hear your mother's voice "being unbreakable isn't about not crying it's about being able to cry and then continue on the better for it""Listen to your mother Becca" says a less familiar voice "and no matter what trubbish life throws your way cling to the positive moments to pull you through its always worked for your old man" guess who just learned how to make a conference call ^^ "you have don't well grasshopper, and Rebecca don't beat yourself up about the "me being shot thing" technically in the end you saved my life no matter the cause and once we get my special talent down there is no way they can keep lucius from us, heck given our track record not even death is that much of an obstacle" "you helped save me from becoming a coordinator""you helped save me from abduction" it turns you also saved that surskit from a salty death turns out she is a freshwater mon and would have died if you didn't come along there is collective "EON" as if saying "you saved us"(at this point you find you are buried under a metric ton of eeveelutions +a surskit with your phone being telekienetically held up to your ear) and you'll save many more.(you've got no clue who that last voice was)

2013-06-26, 08:10 AM
Rebecca's sobs only got bigger, though a smile crossed her face. Her tears weren't ones of pity or sadness and she hugged Steven tighter as she was Eon-piled. "Thank you..." She mumbled softly. She blinked confused at the last voice whoever, "Ummm...who was that last one?" She asked. She wasn't fully convinced that she was good at saving yet, but she did know she wouldn't give up.

2013-06-26, 08:23 AM
"hmm? Oi! did someone go out of turn? come one people I know we didn't have much time to rehearse but I made it clear the non-talkers went last" "wasn't me""I went after my apprentice""nope""I was first"I performed my role perfectly ofcourse "huh that's weird but then again weird is kinda normal around here which makes us one big weirdly normal family" "right! wait what?" "don't worry glen your distant cousin material at best" "maybe it was the ghost of ironwood OOOooo!" psh as if mary everybody know there is no such thing as human ghosts"

2013-06-26, 08:27 AM
A soft laugh escaped Rebecca's lips between the sobs, "Forget it guys, thanks. I love you all." She said wiping her eyes. "I need to get things done and stop feeling sorry for myself."

2013-06-26, 08:39 AM
"Good for you. Now I recommend you adopt a more long term strategy. It may be hard to swallow but it won't help Lucius if you're constantly at your breaking point""and you got both your parents here when you need to talk""well me and mary got more training if she is ever gonna take my job some day so happy trails""knock those heads extra hard for me ya crazy fly'n orre ranger"(collective bye's)"so rebecca what do ya say after your done talking to your parents for the time being we take a break and patch things up with Vin then with his help we can get back to work on that flash drive and see what its all about. sound good?"

2013-06-26, 08:48 AM
"Yeah, I owe Vin an apology either way and I could use him for whatever this is." Rebecca says with a nod. She lowers the sunglasses over her red-eyes so nobody can tell she was crying. "Let's head back to the ship."

2013-06-26, 08:59 AM
At the boat
The crane comes to life and lowers the plane into the hold for safekeeping yet there is a grumble to its every movement, and rebecca shows up followed by a train of eeveelutions and she's wear'n sunglasses Bl

2013-06-26, 05:30 PM

Sounds good to me, as long as I get the chance in the morning to try one last thing I don't really care where we go. Artax sets the smaller mattress up near the front(? crane side) of the boat and plops down to fall alseep. Between being tired and still a little flustered from his 'date' with Wisp that he doesn't even realize that he never did return the rotom mask and was in fact still wearing it.

The crane while noisy doesn't phase Artax in the slightest in fact if anyone goes over to that part of the ship they would hear him snoring.

2013-06-26, 07:31 PM
"Is she usually that impulsive?" Alistair inquired as rose haired ranger sped off before the rest of them could get another word in, trying to note comment on the fact the maiden infront of him was starring at the torn garments with keen interest; it seemed like his plans were going to need to be put on hold until they were done getting the ship ready for departure tomorrow.

Noticing the comotion as the unfamiliar sound of the crane comes to life, AListair decides to inspect closer; only to find their would be leader having returned...sporting sunglasses of all things in the middle of the night. "So...did you find your ride?" he inquired with mixed feelings as he approached Rebecca.

2013-06-26, 07:43 PM
"Yeah, I'll be heading out in a few hours and I'll meet you guys there." Rebecca says as she heads toward the crane and knocks on the side of it, "Vin, I need to talk to you, come out please."

2013-06-26, 08:38 PM
The crane slowly swings around and a camera on the end of the cable with the lifting claw focus's on you.

It occurs to you that you don't actually know where this glisten place is.

2013-06-26, 08:41 PM
"As much fun as talking to a crane is, I want to apologize to you, not the boat." Rebecca says, "Please come out?"

2013-06-26, 08:45 PM
Vin exits through the camera. If he had a mouth it would be a frowny face right now.

2013-06-26, 08:48 PM
Rebecca glances over at Alistair. "Ummmm could I have a moment? We can talk more in a second."

2013-06-26, 09:17 PM
"Sure," he says with a sigh before walking some distance away, he wasn't too fond of the idea of Becky marching off to Arceus knew where by herself. For now he just hoped they all knew what they were doing, and where they were going for that matter.

2013-06-26, 09:24 PM
Once Alistair was gone, Rebecca took a deep breath. She hated apologizing. It was one of the reasons she hadn't had many long-term friends back as an orphan. Sure, she could charm people and work with them for a bit, but her pride usually ruined things after some time. "I...I wanted to say I'm s..." She paused and took a deep breath, "I'm sor..." She licked her dry lips, "I'm sorry." She finally said. "I was under a lot of stress and I took it out on you. I'm sorry, you've been very helpful and you were trying to help and you didn't deserve for me to snap at you like that."

2013-06-26, 09:32 PM
After a moment the porygon2 softens and floats to your side ready to follow you to the end of world as efficiently as possible.

2013-06-26, 09:52 PM
"Good work with the vehicle." She nods, "Didn't even have to tell you and you were loading it up. Thanks," She said with a smile. "Ummm...I hate to ask you for another favor so soon after I upset you, but umm..." She holds up the flashdrive. "One more favor for tonight?"

2013-06-26, 09:54 PM
he nods and loads himself into your dex -fire away-

2013-06-26, 09:59 PM
"Thanks, you've been so loyal and helpful even though I was a jerk..." She said softly before plugging it in.

2013-06-26, 10:35 PM
-familiar with loss behavior was ultimately understandable- he then gets to work looking it over -heavy encryption... water damage... obscene video of ground type breeding... Identifying important data... attempting to reconstruct...- the first thing that comes up is a message from Z some of the letters are missing despite Vin's efforts
-So after you left smithers and his "order" started covering up what had happened labeling the incident as a combo or ---ken gas mains and gang violence -- some other nonsense. For---ately for you I'm not one to go along with th--. What is on this drive is all the -angers ---- on the incident before sheryl could delete her copy (and -oy is she violent when kissed ;) also protip if you're gonna dump all that money into comp---- security do--- give people who would take issue with being locked outside in their unde----- security clearance that just makes bypassing it too easy). You'll find the incident is --- isolated according to the data its been happening all over in s---ral clusters and that's just what's been no-iced and covered up. Smithers th--ks team E pulled a fu-- retreat to regroup for un-nown reasons. -- claims he has some leads but isn't giving details or saying where we are going and he is keeping close tabs on everyone's communications (hence the ----rwear and rhyhorn --- to discourage him from looking closely) my own sources lead me to belive smithers is thinking of snooping around team g------- as if they were buddies with team E so keep an eye out for s---- cases-

2013-06-26, 10:44 PM
"Remind me to kidnap Smithers at some point. Tired of playing games with him." Rebecca comments as she tries to piece everything together. "So...Team Eternal is all grouping up and have vanished from all over. They decided to kidnap Lucius in the process of retreating for some reason. And Smithers is working for some other team." She says, "Was the actual information from the Rangers able to be recovered? Or is that damaged and all we have is the note?"

2013-06-26, 10:50 PM
-its a single large compressed file -_- nothing can be displayed until it is all reconstructed and decrypted which will take time. Only other things in here is this video playlist labeled mukUsmithers.mp4 and holmesblackmail.mp4 - the dex then throws up the whole rhyhorn on sandshrew action in HD with full volume that can't be muted

The sound of disproportionately sized ground typed breeding pair up is coming from Rebecca's dex

2013-06-26, 11:02 PM
"Errr can you stop that from playing or cut the sound or something." Rebecca asks trying to muffle it. "And let's see the holmes and smithers things. What do you need to start decrypting? We can wait a day or two to let you rest."

2013-06-27, 01:44 PM
Once stowing her latest set of lingerie away, Lea will look up the Glisten cluster and the best way to get there by boat from where they are.

2013-06-27, 02:44 PM
Vin closes the video -That was mukUsmithers.mp4. reconstruction and decryption have already begun as background processes and should be complete within one day. I am uninjured I do not require pause to reconstitute structure code, but I can "take a break" if you are concerned. now playing holmesblackmail.mp4-

welp you should probably use your imagination for this but here are some highlights
"rough day?"
"yeah on top of my leg, and getting kicked in the face I've been compiling this stuff to try and figure out where they are taking lucius and smithers has now got the brass saying we gotta delete it"*rubs temples*"maybe I should just go freeroaming and not have to deal with this sorta crap"
"you've been working too hard take a break. here I brought you a sandwich wrap"
"oh... thanks*noms* you know when you said take a break I thought you were just going to try to convince me to make out with you*more noms*"
"naw I figured I'd let the shrooms in your sandwich wrap kick in before I brought that subject up"
*accidentally swallows last bite of wrap in surprise*"Cough! Dang it! I'm not a tripper you pooch! Cough! I don't have time for this..."*rubs temples harder*
"you need to lighten up.*massages shoulder with good arm* just live a little and go with it"
"no no I shou-"
*steals a kiss*"now see that wasn't so b-"
*shrooms kick in**kisses back vigorously*
You should probably use your imagination after this point... oh look little robots so thats how she got you changed so fast... and now sheryl is locked outside in something very scanty Z only lets her back in if she gives her her passwords to Dexbook and chattoter... turns out she uses fluffypinkvulpix for everything including ranger work... and they're back at it yeeeaah use your imagination.

2013-06-27, 08:37 PM
Once stowing her latest set of lingerie away, Lea will look up the Glisten cluster and the best way to get there by boat from where they are.(oops sorry didn't see this one)
to look up the glisten cluster you can either look for a map in the storeroom, buy a map from a travel agency, or ask your shipmates if they already have acquired a map.

2013-06-27, 09:31 PM
Rebecca chuckles a bit at the footage. She goes to her room, grabs the last of her stuff, and steps off the boat and onto the dock right beside it and looks up at the stars while she waits for it to be time to go.

2013-06-28, 04:34 AM
With little else to do, Rebecca cracks open the Hitchhiker's Guide to Glisten and flips through it.

2013-06-28, 04:41 AM
the books chapters are organized by location where would you like to learn about first?

Table of contents


(there is no way in regigrasses green earth am I going all of those in one post)

2013-06-28, 04:44 AM
Deciding to start with her destination, Rebecca flips to the Glisten section.

2013-06-28, 08:49 AM
here is the basic information again was there something more specific you wanted to look for? history, local wild pokemon, dance clubs, spas?
Glisten:Often referred to as an "island" Glisten actually does not reach above sea level, its "land" is actually a completely submerged plateau very close to the oceans surface. All of the "islands" man made structures are either made out of carefully selected, and renovated retired ships, and offshore platforms from around the world or from waste by products of the islands mines (stone, cement, bricks, mortar basically everything the pokemon dig up that Glisten doesn't have the capacity to store, ship, or sell). the "islands" mine output, combined with its unique scenery makes Glisten a major hub of industry, commerce, and tourism. it is also the home of the clusters gym run by Collin Brady who also manages the mines.(included is a picture of the "island" showing several shining ships, windmills, bridges, and platforms settled in the shallow water and spaced apart to allow water to flow between them. Poking out of the water are walls with cranes perched on top holding back the water from large holes carved into the plateau)


Glisten has many local laws concerning protecting the environment so don't litter.
Glisten also prohibits pokemon battles out side certain areas for public safety.(can't let you bring down a platform now can we)
Go to pete's steak house all the cool people are :D attractive women eat free (that last one may have been an ad)

2013-06-28, 09:33 AM
Rebecca flips to the specific sections on the gym and it's leader. Then she flips to local pokemon. And finally to it's history.

2013-06-28, 11:19 AM
Lea(oops sorry didn't see this one)
to look up the glisten cluster you can either look for a map in the storeroom, buy a map from a travel agency, or ask your shipmates if they already have acquired a map.

Surprised to be unable to find a map on the internet using her Pokedex, Lea will search their Ship of Holding for a map.


2013-06-28, 12:20 PM
(yeah copyright law is kinda crazy around here when it comes to maps *whistles innocently*)
you find a box full of wads of paper. on a hunch you uncrumple a wad of paper and find that its a map (just not of the cluster you are looking for) that someone had wadded up after several failed attempts at folding it, and after uncrumpling a few more you find a map that will lead you to and around the glisten cluster (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1z4EKgY6NPGIRt_XJrP5Jz7Ugt8LhdwWGOLiKuqj17Pw/edit?pli=1)

Collin Brady: A well known survivor of the dusk island terrorist attack 20 years ago. It is said that during his time stranded on the island he developed a strong connection to ground type pokemon and learned to emulate many of their techniques. he doesn't use a dedicated gym building, but instead meets challengers underground in the mines he manages. He has no special gimmicks to reach him other than finding him as he goes about his day to day life and will face challengers with a team of pokemon he believes would prove an adequate challenge for the number of badges they already have.

Important: don't crack jokes about exploding malls he punted the last baby punching ten year old who did through a wall.
Local pokemon: Shellos, staryu, crophish, krabby, and corsola are what the shallow waters and reefs of glisten are famous for. there are also a variety of wild ground, rock, and steel types in the mines but inquires to the local gym leader should be made before attempting capture.

Important: Staryu are protected due to being hunted for starpieces. You can only capture a staryu if they are befriended or you are attacked unprovoked. the staryu must be taken to a telepath at the pokemon center to verify your claims
History: The island was originally settled as an off shore mining outpost during the height of the Ashenburg era. When Ashenburg was forced to be abandoned Glisten served as a shelter for refugees and was expanded to accommodate the growing numbers. As a result business went where the labor was and much of the old industry of ashenburg was reestablish this time with lessons learned to respect nature and work in harmony with it instead of trying to conquer it. To this day many refugee ships now filled with concrete serve as the foundations to some of glistens oldest platforms

2013-06-28, 01:39 PM
Noticing the the Rebecca seemed to finish her little chat with her friend, Alistair follows the girl below deck. Taking a moment to order his thoughts before knocking on Rebecca's door. "Is it safe to come in?" inquired the young man, not wanting to fall into another misunderstanding.

2013-06-28, 03:33 PM
"Over here!" Rebecca calls from her spot not on the boat and down on the docks where she was looking for the map. She hadn't wanted the boat to drive off with her on it, so she'd been waiting there. "Any particular reason you were heading to my room? Going to dig around my panty drawer more? Hoping to see me changing?"

2013-06-28, 04:21 PM
Alistair swiftly retreated back on to the deck, wondering slightly confused as to how Rebecca had gotten outside, before walking over to the young lady; the young man could have sworn he'd spotted the lass heading towards her room. He supposed the girl really was well trained.

Her greeting was not entirely unexpected, Alistair just barely managing to stop himself from making a face through shear effort of will,"An what if I was?" he baited playfully, figuring it was as good as anything for breaking the ice. He'd be damned before he made a fool of himself like earlier.

2013-06-28, 10:44 PM
"Well, since you were so honest, perhaps I'll give you a peek." She says turning to face him and reaching down as if she was about to lift her shirt gauging his reaction. She had no intents to show him anything, but she wanted to see how long he'd look. As such, she'd start to lift until he looked away. If he didn't look away she'd stop just before her actual breast were visible.

2013-06-28, 10:46 PM
Prize in hand, Lea walks up on deck and says, "Found a map of Glisten Cluster. What do we know about the place?"

2013-06-29, 08:20 AM
At first Alistair believes the little lady's bluffing him, up until he spotted the spark of determination in; a mental curse from the young man, before he turns away from the viewing abashedly. "O-okay. Okay. You win! Just put your skirt down before someone sees," he hurriedly stated, slightly flustered by the woman's gall. The young man was certain he could out last Becky, though he wasn't willing to do so in public; especially at the risk of a repeat of what happened earlier with Lea. It was a s clear as ever that Becky was not a lady to be trifled with.

The young almost welcomed Lea's interruption, though cursed the fact it would delay his own dialogue with the shameless maiden before him. He turned back to Becky with interest, patiently awaiting her reply to Lea.

2013-06-29, 08:34 AM
A small smirk crossed Rebecca's face as she lowered the shirt, "Careful what you ask for, dear. It's the middle of the night, who is going to see but you?" She says to Alistair before looking up at Lea's arrival.

"Quite a bit actually." She says tossing Lea her book. "I want that back before you leave, but feel free to check it out." She comments.

With the reply given, she looked back at Alistair. "So, if you were looking for me just for a naughty peak looks like you won't get that tonight." She says coyly. The guy was fun to talk to and amusing to harass. She almost regretted what she had planned, but the information in the goggles had been too good to pass up on. Speaking of goggles, perhaps she'd show Wisp what she'd seen in her file while on the trip to Glisten.

2013-06-29, 09:19 AM
"Our shipmates for one..." he muttered, mostly to himself, in reply as he waved at Lea.

The young man rolls his eyes at the the rebuttal, "I think I've had my fair share for tonight," he quipped before turning his gaze back to Becky, "By the way, why where you wearing sunglasses earlier?" he inquired curiously.

2013-06-29, 11:48 AM
She still is, so I'll assume he asked about it.

"Because it looks cool?" Rebecca lies. "Is it against the law to wear sunglasses?"

2013-06-29, 12:13 PM
"It's the middle of the night Becky," he began unconvinced by the lie,"I might not know what your favorite color is; but I know you well enough to tell that's tauros crap, and your side stepping my question. You're too practical and have a 'battle-ready' state of mind; you'd never willingly hinder yourself like that while on high alert without a very good reason," he pointed out in a matter-of-fact tone. "Also, I get the feeling you don't give a rattata's tail about what other people think is cool; you're too strong-willed for that sort of thing," he added amiably.

2013-06-29, 12:37 PM
"Well...removing shades isn't too difficult to do before a fight. A quick flick up and no longer hindered. As for cool, keeping track of fashions is still a good thing to do for when trying to blend in or talk to people that do care. These shades, for example, were originally purchased because depending on how I stand and the tone of my voice I can make myself more intimidating or more charming. Alternatively, they are great for hiding my beautiful eyes so that your poor little heart is broken." Rebecca says with a mischievous grin, "And see? It worked! You already miss my eyes and are probably feeling pretty blue-balled right now."

2013-06-29, 01:01 PM
"It worked you say?" he inquired, before seeming to dramatically ponder on the subject"Becky, have you been trying to seduce me?!" he inquired with a sudden expression of faux surprise.

2013-06-29, 01:29 PM
Lea will take the book and stand off a bit away from them but listen on intently. This conversation is turning into something quite interesting.

2013-06-29, 02:00 PM
"Curses! You caught on to me! If only I'd been more subtle in my elaborate attempts to seduce you!" Rebecca says mocking shock, "But alas, at least I can pride myself on my charming eyes that wooed you so.!"

2013-06-29, 02:14 PM
Alistair gasped dramatically at the 'revelation' "Egad!" he exclaimed in disbelief as he reached for his heart, "Why have you done this to me fairest Rebecca? Why must you toy with my heart so?!" he inquired faking a tortured expression.

2013-06-29, 02:17 PM
"Oh, I was never good with toys and always broke them. But then I realized how fun breaking things was. So, can I have your heart?" Rebecca asks. "The whole 'breaking things' was unrelated to my question. Ignore that part."

2013-06-29, 02:22 PM
You get a text from Wisp -I see they're going at it again. you resolve things earlier with that guy... what was his name... alistair?-

2013-06-29, 02:33 PM
"Well, seeing you did confess to manipulating me inorder to twist my heart to your liking, admitted to only seeing me as a toy along with your love of breaking in the past..." he stated completely expressionless before pausing momentarily. "Sure! Go nuts! I can't see anything going terribly wrong with this idea at all," he said with sudden enthusiasm and a plastic smile.

2013-06-29, 02:36 PM
"What? I deny that confession! I was drinking or something!" Rebecca says acting like she was worried that she'd slipped up. "Alright sweet! A new toy--err I mean, a new person to uhhhh...love, seduction, romance, and all that stuff."

"Oh, you're still not allowed in my panty drawer. No stealing my undies."

2013-06-29, 02:41 PM
"Curses! Foiled again!" he exclaimed with a snap of his fingers and a pout, doing his best impression of children's show villain, before breaking character and laughing at the sillyness of it all.

2013-06-29, 02:45 PM
Despite her best attempts not to, Rebecca is unable to resist a small laugh. She didn't want to get connected to Alistair. He was a means to an end and enjoying his company would just make it worse. At the same time, she'd had fun just then, no matter how hard she had tried not to.

"Anyways..." She said in an attempt to change the subject. "Glisten is a long ways away. I hope you got everything you need for the trip."

2013-06-29, 02:52 PM
Alistair smiled earnestly, glad to have pulled the girl out of whatever funk she'd been in; if only for the moment. Though at her comment his smile dimmed lightly, "Yeah...about that," he began cursing himself for most likely ruining the moment, but it was the reason why he'd gone to meet with her to begin with. "Whatever happened to accepting my offer?" he inquired, doing his best to maintain the weaken smile.

2013-06-29, 02:54 PM
"To the date? Or to stalking me and trying to help fight people way out your league?" She asked tilting her head, "To the former, I wasn't aware you were serious. To the latter, I'm going for personal business not anything combat related. So nothing has changed. I'm picking up something that I need to help with the weird freak powers I have and then I'll probably look around while waiting for you guys to catch up."

2013-06-29, 03:01 PM
"They might be out of my league, but you yourself you weren't exactly equals either," he quipped before sighing and scratching his scalp. "Okay I guess...just don't want you to end up way over your head without any backup on hand. Rule number one in the ranger handbook is to keep your partner close after all; well that and never jump into something headfirst," he explained, absentmindedly quoting his father.

2013-06-29, 03:14 PM
"I don't think you've seen my styler." She asks holding up her right arm to show the fine styler on her wrist. "Free Roam Ranger. Similar to the Top Rangers in that we work alone a lot more. And with my Special Ops training jumping in headfirst is what I'm trained to do." She says amused, "Not your typical Ranger that functions with an Operator and a two-man team. We got a wee bit of a different rulebook" Despite her words, she smiles, "But still, thanks. It's sweet of you anyways and I appreciate it. Honestly, while I've defeated Grilles before in that alternate timeline thing, it wasn't by myself then either."

"I'll be fine though. That one eevee you saw me chase after came to give me a message. I've gotta have a quick meeting then we'll be back together and you can let your heart flutter and swoon again. Can you make it a few days without me?" She teases.

2013-06-29, 03:55 PM
Alistair studied the styler momentarily, mentally comparing the device to his father's, before looking backup to the girl, "It will be the most arduous ordeal of my life; but I'm sure I'll find a way," he countered affably.

2013-06-29, 03:57 PM
"Well I'd give you a picture to help make it easier to live without me, but sadly there are two problems. One, it was burned by Steven already. And two, if you want to help me then I have to make sure you are tough and can make it a few days. It'll be like a work out for you."

2013-06-30, 01:07 AM
You get a text from Wisp -I see they're going at it again. you resolve things earlier with that guy... what was his name... alistair?-

Well enough.

Realizing that they clearly were joking with each other, Lea heads to bed for the night.

2013-06-30, 10:25 AM
Rebecca and Alistair
Suddenly there is a ghostly zorua dancing ballet on Rebecca's head. Rebecca doesn't feel this at all till it enters a spin which whips up her hair into an ice cream cone shape and gives rebecca the feeling that her hair is getting tugged from all directions.

Lea and Artax
I'll timeskip to morning soon

2013-06-30, 10:52 AM
"Oh don't worry about that; if I'm ever in the mood I'll just have Connor refresh my memory. You'd be amazed at the visual clarity a good telepath can give a memory," he countered with a sly grin, "In any case, I'll be sure to make you proud," he added before spotting the zorua on her hair.

"Mukking Zorua!" he roared as he reached out to grab a hold of the family fox; the young man doubted he'd catch it, but he hoped to atleast make it leave Rebecca alone.

2013-06-30, 11:25 AM
you miss and grab rebecca's now elevated hairstyle(you need to make a justifiable skill check to not autofail with this zorua) it then playfully hops down somewhere behind rebecca.

that roar really reminds you of someone, but before you can complete that chain of thought you experience the sharp distracting pain of alistair pulling your hair

2013-06-30, 11:46 AM
"Sorry!" Alistair exclaims, swiftly releasing his companions hair before turning his gaze towards the fox with a sight, "Okay little fella, what do you want? Did Wisp send you, or are you just screwing with us?"

2013-06-30, 11:55 AM
Rebecca's facial expressions, limited though they were by the sunglasses, jumped from pain when her hair was yanked, to confusion at what, and then to annoyance at the Zorua. A frown crossed her face when she heard Alistair's roar and she looked at him trying to piece what she saw. However, the train was interrupted at the yank. "OW! Muk!" She cursed slapping his hand as he released her hair.

She then turned toward the Zorua, "You don't have a sense of life preservation do you?" She asked. The Zorua's pranks were starting to annoy her and she was tempted to punt the creature, though she refrained. Last thing she needed was the PR nightmare of a ranger punting a pokemon.

2013-06-30, 12:12 PM
well he is an undead ghost zorua he didn't get there by playing it safe
You find the zorua hanging weightlessly off your shoulders behind you so you kinda spin in place till you catch on. The zorua then gives a sharp tug, and your top pops open stopping just short of your midrift revealing your cleavage and that lacy bra that you didn't realise you were wearing again. The zorua then produces a boat ticket, and brochures, hops over your shoulder, shoves the stiff papers into your cleavage, and weightlessly rebounds off your curves to disappear in mid air.

2013-06-30, 12:19 PM
Alistair swiftly turns to give the girl some privacy to fix herself up; silently cursing the small fox for ruining the moment. "Do you need some help there Becky?"

2013-06-30, 01:56 PM
"With doing a bit of extermination? Sure." Rebecca says grabbing the papers and quickly closing her top. She was tired of the Zorua stripping her. "I'm almost regretting not finding another way to get to Glisten if I'm going to have that thing messing with me." She says rubbing her temple. "Alright, based on the tickets I guess that's my sign to leave." She says with a sigh.

2013-06-30, 02:19 PM
"True, might want to do something about your hair though; darn thing made it into a cone," he comments with a slight frown.

2013-06-30, 02:35 PM
"Psh, I'll let Wisp play with it. Girl bonding time doing our hair." She said jokingly before sending out Marina. "Marina, mind getting my hair wet so I can brush it back straight?" She asked.

2013-06-30, 02:48 PM
Alistair smiled,"Well, I'll leave you to it then. Try not to do anything too stupid while your away," he says he gets ready to head back to the ship, "Take care,"

2013-06-30, 02:56 PM
"Don't worry, I'll leave the stupid to you." Rebecca says with a laugh.

2013-06-30, 03:13 PM
"Good night Becky," he states before waving her good bye and heading back to the boat. It was time for a very well deserved rest.

2013-06-30, 03:20 PM
"Don't forget the tissues from the junk room!" Rebecca calls out as he steps out of sight. "Sorry about any wet dreams!"

And with her teasing done, Rebecca glanced at the tickets and brochures and headed off to catch the boat.

2013-06-30, 07:54 PM
Steven comes trotting up with your glisten guide in his mouth and you both head off.

You find the boat, the drowsy late night receptionist gives you a key card, and you make the way to your room. The halls are quiet and sleepy, and there is no sign of wisp so far. Do you knock first or just walk right in?

Everyone Else
Its a brand new day! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ILObfEzX92k#t=25s)
(did lea set up anyone for breeding?)

2013-06-30, 10:52 PM
Despite the room being shared, Rebecca still knocks. No need to be ungrateful or rude.

2013-06-30, 11:16 PM
Wisp opens the door and lets you in "Make yourself at home" while it does sport private bathing and toilet facilities the rest of the room is small and only has a single twin sized bed and a sign clearly indicating that sleeping on the floor is prohibited for "health and safety reasons". Wisps infamous zorua is also there dancing around the room and practicing a number of different styles at once. It seems to be really excited about something and is bouncing off the walls with energy.

2013-07-01, 10:18 AM
"Thanks again for the ride." Rebecca says before tossing her backpack of stuff in the corner. "Though I suppose your friend Slippers is going to make me regret coming along."

2013-07-01, 10:41 AM
"Sorry about him he really has improved since we first met, and he has an incentive to be much more well behaved on trips. Because if he is we go..." she stops herself and breaks eye contact "and... *Cough!* ahem anyway the boat sets sail again in a few hours, and you'll have access to the room until late morning when I go to bed barring anything crazy happening beforehand... IfyouneedmeI'mgonnabeontheboatusingitsfacilitiesby e!" she then takes her zorua by the paw who is still flailing to imaginary music and splits at full speed down the hall. "huh?.. I wonder what's gotten into them?" comments steven as he finds a comfy corner of mattress.

2013-07-01, 10:52 AM
"No idea, guess I'll get some sleep now then so I'm not trying to find a place when she's tired." Rebecca said laying down in the bed and trying to get some sleep.

2013-07-01, 11:39 AM
You have two options
A) you time skip straight to glisten, and arrive there about 48 hours from now(now being midnight) and assume nothing interesting happened on the boat besides non-combat training
B) you wake up the next morning and continue on rping as you have been with interesting events etc...

2013-07-01, 12:52 PM
Alistair get's up bright an early as the first rays of sun begin streaking across the horizon, checking to see if he's received any messages before willing himself out of his bed; the presence of Delphi and Jade's pokeballs nearby confirming that yesterday was in fact not some strange burrito induced fever dream. The young man took a moment to clear his head, checking for any messages, before heading over to the rest room to freshen up before heading outside for his morning training regiment with his mon; cheerfully greeting the assortment of mon and checking on them before, filling them in on the last day's events that they may have missed and starting their training session. The experienced Pokemon Trainer keeping an eye on his two newest additions to make sure they were adapting well to it all.

2013-07-01, 07:17 PM
was planning on doing so my next post, in case there was a little more PLOT to be dealt with first.

also, spending all 4 ap on breeding for that day

The House of Pleasure saw quite a few new faces as the new arrivals' pokemon joined in on the fun. Four pairs in particular stood out as particularly productive.

Steven + Sunny - 4 of Steven's TM's
Ragnar + Koga
Jade + Barnaby
Cabbages + Obsidia

The next morning, Lea checks on her egg warmers and finds to her great delight that the castform egg and the cacnea egg have hatched.

Finding that Cabbages and Obsidiahad a very productive night, Lea will place their eggs in the two now-vacant egg warmer slots.

2013-07-01, 07:48 PM
Delphi is getting along just well but you notice Jade and Barnaby are giving each other mean looks hitting a little hard for just sparing.

You notice that Artax's rusty skarmory has fixed his attention on Carmons underdeveloped wings. It looks like he wants to communicate something to carmon but is apprehensive... that protective grass dragon of yours that snarls when he gets near her might have something to do with it. Krome's deformations and Oxide Red body does make him look rather menacing after all.

2013-07-01, 07:51 PM
Lea will make sure to recall Cabbages for this, and will encourage Carmon to talk to Krome. "I think that rusty red bird-thing would like to talk with you. Would you mind going over and seeing if you could cheer him up?"

2013-07-01, 07:52 PM
"Well you two seem feisty this morning. Is everything okay you two?" he inquires, leaving Edmond in Delicia's hands as he walked over to the pair.

2013-07-02, 01:01 AM
A time skip would be easiest for coordinating the day ahead thing

2013-07-02, 02:07 PM
you don't speak pokemon but the tone of voice and flapping of wings seems to suggest that krome wants to teach carmon how to fly.

The metal buzzard totally wants to teach you how to fly.

The two turn away from each other with a "Hmph!" and then give you separate messages at the same time.

She is frustratingly pessimistic and claims to see things in aura's that I don't. they are always impossibly specific negative intentions that may or may not actually be followed through. If you ask me she either isn't as well trained as she believes, and these extrapolations of her's are all in her head, or she's lying. either way what she claims to see is just going to cause problems and you should get her to stop it.

He is infuriatingly naive and thinks just because he is well traveled, and is a higher power level that he knows best. He has no respect for what I struggle with. My sensei taught me to cope with what I see, but he passes it off as me lying or worse he insults my sensei with his words about my training.

The trip quickly enters a fairly mundane routine with you and wisp hardly seeing each other. There was facilities for training battling and healing aboard so you have 32 hours of non combat training over two days to work out. Regardless of how this is distributed sunny gains 1 level and now has full leafeon base stats and capabilities though she still remains eevee sized(there was a long line for the battle ring so you only got one real fight and it had a gimmick where at the time you could only use grass types)

late at night at the end of the 48 hour voyage as you are sleeping there are some opening and closing of doors and steven says to you softly "hey that was wisp she says the boat is coming into port, and that the room is good until 10am when we gotta check out if you don't want to get up and go right away cause its 12am after all" he then curls back up on the bed.

2013-07-02, 05:40 PM
Carmon is absolutely enthusiastic to learn how to fly. She knows that she's almost at the age when she'll become a true adult and fly, but she just isn't quite sure what to do at this point. Her flying-dreams all include a parent teaching her how.

Lea nudges the two off together and heads to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

2013-07-02, 07:48 PM
(Will do training when home and not on phone)

"What time does the gym open?" Rebecca mumbles.

2013-07-02, 08:18 PM
"there is no gym remember" mumbles back steven "*yawn*the book said gym leader works out of the islands mines and they seem to be open continuously"

the training starts with wing strength. Krome stacks some empty boxes and blows them over with a gust of wind from his wings he then has carmon do the same and every time she succeeds he rebuilds the stack and adds some weight to the boxes to make it progressively harder.

In the kitchen lea finds everything in the pantry has been knocked off their shelves, and in the middle of it all she finds Amy and Artax's mischievous drilbur Kazar curled up together around an egg with the nearsighted deerling sinking her "harmless" chompers into the drilbur's rump.

(OOC what happened was kazar recognized amy would wreak havoc in the pantry so he hatched a plan, snuck out of the breeding area with her, and lead her to the pantry. Amy out of overwhelming gratitude showed affection the best way she knew how... by biting his butt. Hilarity ensued from there followed by spontaneous breeding.)

2013-07-02, 09:04 PM
"Oh right..." Rebecca mumbled before rolling over and drifting to sleep. She had meant to get up and look as soon as possible, but the exhaustion had left her too tired to do anything.

2013-07-02, 10:43 PM
Alistair sighs, rubbing his temples in some vein hope to fight off the slowly budding headache; it was hard enough when Barnaby and Connor tried to talk to him, the truth of what it meant to have four telepaths was slowly but surely revealing itself to the young man.

"Well first off, you can't say she's wrong Barry," he began facing his blue companion, "As much as I hate to admit it; I can't say our training has been as thorough as it could have been. I'm no aura guardian; so all we've had are the bits and pieces we've stumbled upon the road, the occasional Aura user we've met, and your own intuition on the matter. Jade on the other hand was specifically trained in this by an Aura Master her whole life.

So it's not surprising that she might be able to pick up a few queues you don't know about; sort of like how detectives are trained to tell when someone's lying or hiding something, or how trained martial artists can read their enemies better than most brawlers. And let's not forget that she was right about Adam wanting to screw with Becky. When you boil it down it's not that different from how Connor can read people's minds and pick up things that they're considering or would like to do," he reminded pausing to eye the rest of his mon to make sure they were doing well before continuing. "As for being a pessimist; well, give her a break. She's been through a lot recently; she's coping the best she can, while trying to get used to us. I mean, compared to how I was when we first left verdanturf, she's doing great!" he offered, hoping the sore subject would help put things in much needed perspective for the mon. "Just give her a chance to ease into things at her own place; as the eldest here it is your job to watch out for the others, but smothering her won't do much good either," he added before turning his attention towards the irate mienfoo.

"Jade. Neither of us is infallible, but you can't deny that Barnaby might have insights to things you aren't familiar with, or might not even consider pondering in such a way because of your more formalized training; in the same why that you probably know way more about Aura and Martial Arts than either of us," he clarified taking a moments breather to think his next words through, "That said, we've seen a lot in the last couple of years. Nothing like what we're dealing with now, but we have gone through a lot; we've had to deal with rough patches in our own lives, but we've always managed to bounce back. So you can't blame him for being upbeat.

You might find his approach irritating; but he is trying to help in his own way. Though we're both a bit stubborn, so you'll have to excuse him on that front. He's mostly frustrated by the fact that your one of the few trained aura users we've been able to spend time with, but you see things that he can't. We're both a bit proud, so it's a bit of a blow to his pride as a Lucario. The fact his usual tactics to cheer people up probably didn't go to well with you probably didn't help," he explained before taking a step back to gauge how the pair were taking his comments thus far.

2013-07-03, 04:21 AM
2 hours later your phone rings the caller ID says its from the local ranger station.

(btw the info has been decrypted for a while you have access to everything the rangers had that might have been related Team E's retreat its to big to go into detail but you can use it to search for specific information. It mostly consists of sightings, locations, and filed reports of the event with rare pictures and video and even rarer suspected related activities from before the retreat.)

They both silently face away from each other for a bit before barnaby relaxes and says You're right I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten carried away, but if we are going to believe this is real then you should know about r-no don't tell him that one! but you told me I was caught up in the moment saying it was a mistake but that one is dangerous all the more reason to tell him since it concerns him...

2013-07-03, 07:47 AM
The young man's face brightens as his words seemed to cool the burning embers of anger within his two comrades, only for his visage to turn into one of confusion with Barnaby's slip. "What are you two talking about?" he inquires, unsure of how serious the matter is given their reactions.

2013-07-03, 11:03 AM
A frown crosses Rebecca's mouth when she sees the caller ID. Hesitantly, she answers the pokegear, "This is Rebecca." She says.

2013-07-03, 12:33 PM
What initially started our argument was a secret I told barnaby I had seeninrebecca at barnaby's interjection the mienfoo assumes a ready stance quaking with rage and a whisp of energy flows from her pendent to her right hand causing it to appear to be on fire I WASN'T GOING TO TELL HIM THAT!

The adorable voice of a shy female jr. ranger who barely sounds older than 10 comes on the phone "uh.. um... this is jr. ranger ashley calling on behalf of admiral occtillery"(ranger captains stationed at sea are called admirals and the being stationed on the island of glisten technically counts as being at sea cause the island itself is under water) "the ships roster said free roaming special operations ranger Ranoue arrived in glisten this morning admiral octillery needs her to report to the ranger station in 30 minutes"

2013-07-03, 12:35 PM
"How vital is it? I'm tracking someone currently in regards to another mission." Rebecca asked. Of course the Rangers would call now.

2013-07-03, 12:41 PM
There is whispering it sounds like there are more jr's with her "um... Rach said to ask if you had a case number so we could check for.. what was it?.. a priority rating"

2013-07-03, 12:44 PM
"No, I don't." Rebecca says with a sigh, "I'll be there soon." She said before hanging up before the person could reply. She hated the Ranger's timing. A part of her wanted to just not show up, but with her needing to find and meet with the Gym Leader if she didn't find him in thirty minutes they'd probably notify him. As such, annoyed, Rebecca checked her book for the location and headed to the Ranger Station.

2013-07-03, 01:02 PM
Alistair blinked in growing confusion before swiftly stepping between the two bickering mon, "Whoa, whoa, easy there!" he calls out urgently gesturing to each of his mons to calm down. "Calm down guys, remember; we've got babies below deck. Jade please continue," he requested with a polite nod, absent mindedly wondering whether or not Barnaby was still trying to mess with Jade or not.

2013-07-03, 01:17 PM
Its a small dedicated platform near the docks the city looks very unique as you go with all the normal structures and not so normal structures built into and out of industrial platforms, and ships. The lighting in the early morning darkness reflecting off the water and all these metal surfaces makes this even more impressive.

At the station after checking your ID and issuing you an armband with a ranger crest on it the burly sailor of a door man directs you to a briefing room. As soon as you step in there is a loud collective "Eevee!" steven is immediately and epically glomped by 3 young preteen girls. "help can't breath!" shouts the muffled steven from under the pile of cuteness lovers who then collectively say "Talking Eevee!" "oh my gosh thats so cool!" says a tomboyish one with a short haircut "can you sing too?" says the oldest with oven mitts and red mid length hair"are you talking talking or talking like a chattot where you just repeat stuff?" says the youngest one with glasses. "being crushed estrogen too much get them off..."

the two exchange words in pokespeak before jade finally relaxes Do you really want me to tell you? its going to change how you treat her if I do tell