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2014-06-21, 10:19 AM
Kuln walks in with the others and spies Smenk. <Just another fat oppressor.> he thinks to himself, trying with some success to keep his face bland and featureless so as not to display the disgust he has with the captive.
As the others move to speak with Smenk, he keeps to the side, silent, as he watches him for an duplicity.

2014-06-22, 04:40 AM
Ari is terribly cheerful this morning, having gotten a good night's rest. She had been sad yesterday to see Revell and Gard go, having become quite fond of them (the voluble little sorcerer, with his ramblings and enthusiasm, in particular), but her melancholy had been tempered by the introduction of fascinating new companions. She'd enjoyed herself thoroughly last evening by questioning Varian and Kuln at some length in a friendly manner, perhaps a bit tiresome to her targets, but obviously the result of youth and curiosity ("Varian, I've never met one of your people -- your scales are so beautiful. Each one like the morning sky, an hour after sunrise. You say a spellscale's purpose is to know magic...? And you, Kuln, where are you from? Can you use both of those swords at once? That takes such skill; you must demonstrate sometime soon...").

Her expression darkens as the party enters the gaol, however, her smile turning into a thin line. She narrows her eyes slightly in concentration, scanning everyone they pass.

She's doing a Detect Evil.

At the sight of Smenk, she has no compunctions about showing her own disgust. She steps up the bars, her spine straight as a ramrod, her palm on the pommel of her longsword and her expression as severe as any disciple of Lathander could make it. Remembering the horrid green worms, she looks at the man with undisguised loathing. "Cease your noise, blasphemer, and prepare to answer our questions."

2014-06-22, 05:49 AM
Varian enjoys the evening with his new aquaintances, and especially the paladin's many questions, finding her curiousity, which matched his own, quite refreshing. He speaks long and enthusiastically about any topic that is brought up, though he is very vague and unspecific with any questions regarding his childhood.

The next morning he, like Kuln, stays in the background. Since he just joined this endeavor it was not his place to take a front role in the proceedings, nevermind the fact that he did not know enough about what was going on to do it anyway.

Smensk seems like an arrogant and callous man to him, but he tries to stay open-minded for now, since his skills in judging people were not the best, and had misled him from time to time.

2014-06-22, 03:07 PM
Kurnos looks around uncomfortable within the stone walls, hands resting on the necks of the glowing dogs. He watches the interrogation from the back of the room unsure of what to do in such a cramped social situation.

2014-06-23, 08:04 AM
Keston enjoys the evening with the others, happy to share his knowledge and to learn about the others. He is concerned about news of "unkillable zombies" and more of the worms. Although he has no interest in dealing with Smenk he knows information is useful.

As they enter the gaol Keston is much more serious. Just before reaching the cell he activates the diadem found at the cairn, calling upon more of Mystra's Wisdom. He speaks confidently but not in a demeaning manner.

"Mr Smenk. You are here at least in part because you put this town in danger. You knew of a threat and instead of informing the the militia and the Temple of Lathander you brought in and supported an insane necromancer who was creating more undead, putting the town at even more risk. I have to assume you did not consider your own life in danger from that threat when they get loose, nor of the threat of your loss of profit. My guess is you had planned on using the information to your advantage to take over the Ironeater mine for yourself. Where has this gotten you? Sitting here in gaol along with your henchmen. Who is running your mine? What will happen to your mine and all your profits? What will happen when the dangers come and overrun Daggerford while you are stuck in here?" Keston glances around the room with bare essentials. "You will be trapped with no escape as they feast on you. It may be found that you are too much of a danger to the town to be freed, that your mine be forfeit and sold to the benefit of Daggerford. It might even be Derwin himself who buys it." Keston pauses to allow him to reflect.

"What can you do to help prevent all that? To work towards getting your freedom back? Detail to us what you know of the cultists, the hills, and in Ironeater mines. Advise us of all you can and I will ensure that your helpfulness is considered when your case is being decided."

"Think of it this way- as much as I and my friends don't like it, when we get rid of these problems we'll actually be helping you too, protecting you and your profits."

2014-06-24, 05:11 AM
"You have to let me out! I am Balabar Smenk! It's not my fault. They made me do it!" His eyes dart back and forth and his tongue worms its way around his lips as he looks over the party, seeking the one most likely to pander to his pleadings. "They chopped off Mestal's head! Mestal Fixx, my right-hand man! Set it right in my bed while I was sleeping! It's a wonder I didn't have a heart attack. They said that I'd get the same if I didn't keep quiet. They said I needed to arrange food shipments for them.

Derwin Ironeater took me down into the mine and showed me. There was a chamber down there that they called the "Black Cathedral". It reeked of despair I tell you! In it's center, a pool of blackest slime. Three circles of robed supplicants surrounded it, faces pressed to the cold mosaic floor. Whatever they were, they weren't like us. They weren't normal. They weren't human" he ignores the fact that half the party is clearly non-human. "Some of them had tails I spied twitching, some had feathered hands. "Derwin and the others chanted chanted, and he said to me "All must be prepared, for the Age of Worms is upon us".

It was a labyrinth down there. They took me to one section where I met their leader, a masked wizard that they called The Faceless One. He said that they needed secrecy to continue their studies and liturgies in the name of the Ebon Triad. He said that they would kill to preserve it. That they would kill me!

Anyway I said I would help them, of course. Otherwise I'd be dead too, just like poor Mestal. I swiped one of their jars on the way out. Had some sort of worm like they were talking about in the hills and the swamp. I knew my old mate Filge was into that sort of stuff, and he was not far away in Waterdeep. I thought he could help me out, get it sorted, y'know? Fat lot of good that useless sicko was!"

He looks about, seeking some sort of affirmation from the party. "Let me out" he snaps, impatiently.

Kuln [roll0]
Varian [roll1]
Ari [roll2]
Keston [roll3]

The Ebon Triad is an evil cult dedicated to merging the three gods Bhaal, Bane and Myrkul (all slain during the Time of Troubles about 16 years ago). Bane has since re-emerged and reestablished himself but the other two remain dead. Adherents to the doctrine of the Ebon Triad keep their secrets even from other worshipers of the gods, who consider their views heretical (especially Bane who has an active clergy now that he lives again).

2014-06-24, 10:47 AM
"Why would you want that? They have already proven that they can get to you in your very own bed while you sleep. For the time being this place is the safest place for you until we get rid of them. Think of this as a fortress for your protection, yet you need to be nice to the guards for that protection."

"The best thing you can do for yourself is help us to get rid of them as fast as possible. You can do that by giving us all of the information that you have and using your resources, which I have to assume are substantial, to help. If we fail then it is only a matter of time before they come for you. We need locations, maps, people, descriptions, food shipment details. Make it your mission to make us successful against those that want to kill you. Do you agree? I have ink and paper you can use to elaborate on the details."

2014-06-26, 05:43 AM
Ari does nothing to hide her only increasing contempt and distaste for the imprisoned man as he rambles, his tone alternately wheedling and imperious. When he finishes she listens to Keston's reply without taking her eyes off Smenk, and then she speaks, her voice cold.

"You would do well to listen to my friend, if you possess any intelligence at all. I will not waste my breath appealing to a sense of decency you are clearly lacking. Of course, I have grave doubts about your ability to understand the value of Keston's words, given how many self-serving, idiotic actions you've just described. Whether or not you knew what those worms are -- you stole from cultists you knew might kill you? You gave the worms to your "mate" Filge, knowing he was a "sicko"? You thought you could save your miserable life by betraying your community to these people, as if they wouldn't have disposed of you like they did your man? Are you a total fool?"

Ari's voice has been rising a bit throughout her rant, and she stops, taking a breath and forcing herself to be still. After a couple of seconds she finishes. "You will be grateful you are in here and safe, Balabar Smenk; that you have not been brought to trial for your crimes; and you will cooperate with us in the way Keston has described. Do you understand?"

2014-06-26, 03:55 PM
Kurnos looks up at the description of the dark cathedral, the two hounds picking up on his tension both growling and setting hackles back as they observe the fat man in the cage. THe druid approaches the cage, hands reaching forward to grab Smenk and pull him forward.

"Tell us more of this dark cathedral. Everything as if we do not stop you can be sure that these worms will infest your fat corpse. We can stop this, and your survival hinges upon that fact. Think on that before you next speak."

Kurnos drops the fat man and turns to the party, a quiet, "This is most worrying. I feel that we will have to visit and stop this faceless one before he can hurt too many in this town."

2014-06-27, 06:12 AM
Seems my impression of that man was correct. Though cowardice and foolishness should be added to the list of his less impressive qualities.

Varian continues to stay back, content to let the others lead the interrogation, which they obviously have well under control. He can't quite supress the somewhat enthusiastic glitter in his eyes, that the mention of masked wizards, black cathedrals and underground labyrinths evokes.

This is going to be so interesting!

2014-06-29, 05:39 AM
"You're right!" He looks around eyes wide with terror "They're probably coming for me! For me! You have to save me! Here let me draw it...like this....no wait, um...this....er...."

He sketches the route to the mine, the mining camp (shacks etc) and the interior layout of the mine itself. "There we go. X marks the spot where an elevator goes down to the Black Cathedral. Nothing much unusual up until that point. Just miners and guards. Dwarves on duty at night and humans during the day. Two squads of four guards walk the stockade around the camp, taking an hour each circuit. Two guards in the watch tower and two at the gate. One of Derwin's foremen will be in the office, the other two in the mines. Everyone in the mines is kept well away from the elevator down"

He also sketches out a map of the Black Cathedral. "Something like that, anyway. I got a bit disoriented with all that chanting. There were lots of pillars, like a church. A big dark pool with a platform above it. Three corridors leading off. We took the one to the north, through a labyrinth of tunnels."

Map to follow, probably tomorrow

2014-06-29, 08:37 AM
Kuln overlooks the sketch as the fat man describes what the mine will be like.

<If the Ebon Triad has set up a some foul alter for worship here, it can mean nothing good for this area. I wonder if we should let Delfen know?> Kuln thinks to himself as looks around at the others. <My guess is they will want to scout out this area as soon as possible... and the are probably right.>

2014-06-29, 11:02 PM
"Those details are impressively observant of you, Mr Smenk. I have a spell that might help with the details, but you must not resist it. It will not hurt you. May I?"

If Smenk agrees, I'll cast Detect Thoughts (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectThoughts.htm) (CL4 = 4 minutes). I'll discreetly position myself if possible to be able to observe Smenk writing and catch him and as many prisoners as possible within the cone. I'm interested in the INT of each person in the cone and Smenk's thoughts while writing and answering our questions. I'll point out things in his notes to make sure I understand them well (and check his thoughts vs what he is saying). I will keep the spell going as long as possible, keeping it going to do at least a 2 round scan of other prisoners later if possible.

"You mentioned food shipments. Will there be more? Tell us about them? Could we use that to get inside?"

2014-07-01, 02:33 PM
Kurnos raises an eye at the well detailed layout provided by Smenk. "Balabar. You are a man steeped in corruption and moral degradation. Have you bought any of these guards? Or do you know of how we could gain access to this mine?"

2014-07-02, 05:13 AM
"A spell?! Stay away from me with your spells you foreign wizard! It's an outrage!

The guards? They're all Derwin's men. He pays them well. Not like the miners. I've tried to buy them before but they're too tight with him. You could deliver the supplies I guess. Those of you who look normal, anyway. There's no set schedule. It just gets delivered to the camp. The guards take it from there, I suppose down to the black cathedral, down in the mines"

He finishes sketching out the map:


The elevator drops into the center of the pillared northern hallway
Corridors lead west, north and east.
The dark pool is to the south, with stairs climbing to a series of platforms

2014-07-08, 12:20 AM
"You trusted in a sicko necromancer more than a priest that you are counting on to save you? Really, Mr Smenk, I thought you were braver than that. You should use your time here to think about that point. For now, could you also please map out the way to the hills and swamp you mentioned? You need us to know anything that could help us help you. Meanwhile, I need a drink but will be right back."

Keston heads back to the guard area. After a minute he comes back to the cell area, but is deep in thought and walking slowly, nodding to himself at times. At Smenk's cell he pauses, still lost in his thoughts, then enters.

"Mr. Smenk, you mentioned three circles of supplicants. How many were there? Did Derwin say anything about how they were to prepare for the coming Age?" <...> Keston will then do a final run through of what Smenk has documented with him to make sure we understand his maps and notes.

We have the other maps mentioned right? I don't know if we'll actually need to see them.

As Smenk is working on the final map Keston will head back to the guard area (out of sight/hearing of the cells) to my pack and drink some water. I'll then cast Detect Thoughts (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectThoughts.htm) (CL4). I'll slowly walk back in to the cells, deep in thought. I'll use that to scan along the way, max of 2 rounds on anyone so there are no Will saves attempted but I'll get their intelligence. When I reach Smenk's cell I'll already be pointing the spell cone into the cell to get the first round of scanning done. I'll speak at the end of the second round as I enter the cell (getting the INT of Smenk and incidentally the other party members). During the third round I'll listen in on Smenk's thoughts (Will DC 16) as I verify verbally with him about his maps, making sure we can read them.

2014-07-08, 04:12 PM
Kurnos looks at the bedraggled fat criminal. "If you have played us false I will tear free your heart and feed it to my beasts" Looking back to the others he nods a head towards the door. "We should head to the mine with all haste. Dark things are afoot, we must move to stop them."

2014-07-10, 05:40 AM
Keston scans the thoughts of the man as he questions him...
Balabar, Int 14: ....a confused hubbub of chanting and robed figures...Kill them! Destroy the cult!...Fear...Anger at being coerced....Anger at being imprisoned and questioned...Opportunity....Profit and consolidate once Derwin no longer holds the mine...revenge against the party

2014-07-11, 07:24 AM
Kuln nods in agreement with Kurnos.
<The sooner this infestation is dealt with the better. he thinks to himself as he prepares to leave.

2014-07-11, 12:20 PM
Varian seems to be full of enthusiastic anticipation and is eager to leave.

"This is going to be interesting, but likely also very dangerous. While I'm very keen to explore what awaits us down in the mines, we should prepare well for what lies ahead."

Just because he was curious to a fault didn't mean he was stupid, after all.

2014-07-11, 01:52 PM
"Thanks. Let's hope for your sake too you are not leading us astray." Keston picks up the papers, ink, and pen.

Keston becomes more grim. "I know you want revenge on us. We have faced two of your wizards so far and we took them both down so fast neither got a spell off. If you send trouble at us we will know it was by you. These hounds now know your scent and we have other ways to track you. Don't mess with us, you will end up losing your mine. If anything, if and when you get out you should be rewarding us for protecting your life and profits."

Keston exits the cell and turns the wrong way to leave. At Merovin's cell- "Mystra does not like her Gifts being used for ill. Your life was spared this time. Filge's was not. Smenk will just get you killed. Better to use your skills and training for other purposes."

Keston turns back and heads to the exit, grabbing his pack on the way. To the head jailer: "Good luck. Hopefully the others will return from their excursion quickly. If Smenk or Kullen's crew get out for whatever reason, please let us know since they will seek revenge." Keston heads out and waits for the rest of the party, then suggesting they make plans at Delfen's.

2 round Detect Thoughts scan on at least Merovin, hoping the cone catches the rest of Kullen's group.

2014-07-12, 05:15 AM
"No-one threatens Balabar Smenk...Come back here....Aaargh!" Smenk's outraged yells fade into the background as the party leaves him to rot in the cells, the rest of his gang's threats merging into the fading chorus.

Kullen (the half-orc) - Int: 8
Rastophan (the swordsman) - Int: 8
Todrik (the heavily armoured guy) - Int: 13
Merovinn (the wizard) - Int: 15

You head off to prepare for the coming sortie...

Okay, just let me know when you're ready and when/ how you want to do this (sneak, disguise, assault your way into the mining camp,etc)

2014-07-19, 05:34 AM
The party spends the rest of the afternoon preparing for tomorrow's infiltration. Equipment is purchased, tactics discussed and magical powers prepared. You retire early, anticipating to rise well before dawn.


13th of Kythorn, 1374 DR, late spring

prep as you wish

Three hours before dawn the party rises and makes it's way from the town of Daggerford. All is relatively quiet as the taverns have recently closed for the evening and the intoxicated patrons have dispersed. Ironeater Mine is a couple of hours hike out of town and you travel without incident through the low hills to the camp. Cresting a low rise you see the poorly maintained camp.

A stockade fence surrounds a few mismatched buildings, a mine entrance clearly visible within the stockade leading into a hillside. A squat watchtower sits to one side next to the main gate. You can make out a few shapes in the starlight and torchlight - short figures patrolling intermittently and on duty in the watchtower are presumably dwarven guards affiliated with Derwin Ironeater. Huddled figures outside the gate are presumably down-on-their-luck miners arrived too late to gain entrance at nightfall and waiting to enter and begin work. The occasional band of men enters or exits the mine, all moving to and from a larger building that must be some sort of communal sleeping area.

Waiting until just before dawn, when the light favours no-one, Kuln slinks forward. The stockade is built to keep out large predators and is easy enough for the slight gnome to slip through a gap. In fact it is so poorly maintained that with a few tugs a larger human could probably sip through as well. He keeps to the shadows, easily avoiding the exhausted miners that shamble by. The dwarven guards are all well wrapped against the chill spring night. Again, they are easily avoided, being more intent on making sure that the miners aren't stealing or vandalising mine property.

A number of pack mules are tethered near the watchtower and Kuln spies an opportunity...after dousing a bundle of hay with oil and placing at the base of the the tower he releases the mules and slaps them free. The mistreated animals kick and buck and then chaotically run in all directions. Noisy braying is mixed with curses as the animals knock over tools and start a few minor fires of their own with toppled torches. As the guards scramble to try and corral the mules, Kuln sets a more significant fire at the base of the watchtower. Not waiting to see it's effect, he hustles back to the breach and waves the rest of the party forward. With the guards distracted it is easy for the party to widen the gap and get through the stockade.

With the camp in disarray the party is able to make it's way to the mine entrance and begin it's descent into the mines...

...the sounds of the toiling miners quickly fades as your route leads away from the business part of the mine. The twists and turns take you into dark tunnels seemingly unused at present. You are forced to use your own light to illuminate the way forward. It looks to be more than an abandoned area though, as after a time several small barricades and signs marked with a skull-and-crossbones are passed. The area is off-limits to the miners, and you think you know why.

After a kilometre or so the tunnel opens out into a larger chamber. In the centre sits a 10ft square wooden platform with a small wall around the sides. Beams rise from around it and form an X above it. From the X a thick chain hangs and connects to a spool in the middle of the platform. The whole contraption looks quite well-maintained and new. Presumably operating the spool by either winding or releasing it will allow the elevator platform to be lowered or raised from a shaft below it.

2014-07-20, 11:25 PM
"Great work Kuln!"

As the party travels the abandoned mine area, Keston has his crossbow ready and mentions his various spells that are prepped, explaining to Kurnos "with Blood Wind (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/blood-wind--3975/) you will be able to use your claws at range right then, ideally to reach this Faceless One. Hopefully we can catch him in Silence like we did with Filge. Ari, if you don't mind, if you are fighting with your sword I could use your spear. I have a wand of Enlarge Person, anyone interested in getting it cast on them with the right circumstances?"

"Interesting, the chain's spool should give us an idea when we are getting close to the bottom. Maybe we can hear what is going on down there before get there."

Once the party is on the platform and someone is ready to operate the spool, Keston flips his cap to cover up his light. On the way down, he will be focused on listening for noises below.

2014-07-22, 04:17 PM
After the group has infilitrated the mine successfully, Varian looks at Kuln with an appreciative expression. "You weren't joking when you said your specialty was getting into places unseen. That was a fine display of skill!"

Keeping up with the others as everyone moves forward through the dark tunnels, Varian stays in the back of the formation. He has put up the hood of his dark cloak, shrouding his sapphire-scaled face in shadows. His necklace, a crystal pearl filled with shimmering liquid golden light, radiates just brightly enough to allow his repitilan eyes to study his surroundings without problems. Keeping careful watch for anything suspicious, he reaches under his jacket to pull forth a handful of small, pointy-looking darts, holding them ready in his hand.

Arriving at the room with the elevator, his wary gaze lights up with the joy of discovery.

"There it is! Our way down to the dark and mysterious heart of this unassuming place."

2014-07-22, 08:54 PM
Sneaking along with the dogs Kurnos nods to Kiln, a whispered very impressive work to the man. The darkness of the mines and the dark stone make him shudder slightly but shrugging off a skughtbfeeking of dread he follows the others in, his claws, purple scaled belt and golden cloak all glowing dimly.

Reaching the elevator platform he looks at the ramshackle contraption. A way down. Your powers may be needed siiner than we thought Keaton.

I'm happy for me and the dogs to go down in the 1st wave

2014-07-23, 08:40 AM
Kuln, satisfied with the praise from the others, even if he was confident but a bit nervous about entering by himself, makes his way down the tunnel, stealthy as ever.

As the approach the elevator, he looks at it with a small, unreadable look on his face.
"I do not like the idea of some, or all, of us moving down that thing with no way out. While it's not its purpose, it would present a good cage." he says bluntly.

2014-07-24, 06:20 AM
""Squeezing into the elevator into the unknown isn't ideal, but I think we can all fit for one trip and arrive in force. Shall we?"

2014-07-24, 10:27 AM
Ari watches Kuln's actions with obvious interest and admiration. "Marvelously done!" She enthuses as soon as there's a good moment, before obviously repressing a desire to barrage the man with followup questions. Instead, she puts on a properly serious face and takes her usual place in the party's vanguard, her sword drawn. When Keston asks about her spear she hands it over gracefully, and when the cleric suggests enlarge person, she nods. "If you feel it would be useful, dear Keston, enlarge me whenever you think it best. I always did want to be taller."

At the elevator, she stops and examines the cage critically. "If it will take our combined weight, that may be best. But we may end up briefly vulnerable when we reach the bottom, as those of us with weapons like my own will be unable to swing without stepping out."

2014-07-25, 05:41 AM
It's a tight squeeze, but the party manages to wedge all five members plus the two hounds into the elevator. You release the brake and slowly start turning the wheel, the platform descending slowly into the shaft. It seems to take forever, the shaft and chain stretching above into the darkness. Eventually, as the spooled chain begins to reach its limit, the shaft ends and the platform drops from the ceiling into a large chamber. Surely this must be the Black Cathedral.

In stark contrast to the mines above this place bears the mark of an expert artisan. The black, marble floor glistens in the light of several torches. Elaborate, carefully worked marble pillars and arches sweep over the chamber. Three short corridors lead from the chamber.

To the south the pillared hall opens into a round domed chamber containing a large pool of dark liquid. A stairway carved into the curved wall ascends to a series of platforms around the pool.

As the platform alights on the ground you hear a deep voice bark "Intruders!". Two muscled warriors step menacingly from behind pillars to the east. Masked helmets cover their faces and light chain armour protects their torsos. Their arms are covered in tattoos of demons, devils and wicked scripture, and they wield huge greataxes.


Guard 2

Flat-footed, squeezing

Guard 1

Flat-footed, squeezing

Flat-footed, squeezing

Flat-footed, squeezing

Flat-footed, squeezing

Flat-footed, squeezing


You're all squeezed into the elevator at the moment which I think means -4 attack and -4 AC while sharing a square with an ally
The only way to exit the elevator is to the north. It's walled on all the other sides, providing cover and hindering movement somewhat if anyone tries to jump or climb out.
I still need to add in tokens for Varian & Kuln (and Secondus for that matter. Haven't quite got to that yet. Need a pic for Kuln too plse). Assume that you start in any of the 4 elevator squares that you wish.

=> Kuln

2014-07-25, 08:29 AM
"Gdzuk" mutters to himself as he slips out the door and moves around the elevator, short swords drawn.

Move to J-9 and ready an action to attack whoever comes around that corner.

2014-07-26, 04:45 AM
One of the axe-wielding warriors turns and retreats down the corridor that they flank. Thump thump thump. He bangs heavily on the marble door before turning back to the party and raising his axe ready for combat.
Move action: Move to J18
Move action: Bang on door.



Guard 2
In shadows, 20% concealment


Guard 1

Flat-footed, squeezing

Flat-footed, squeezing

Flat-footed, squeezing

Flat-footed, squeezing

Flat-footed, squeezing


Those squeezed into the elevator at the moment have -4 attack and -4 AC while sharing a square with an ally
The only way to exit the elevator is to the north. It's walled on all the other sides, providing cover and hindering movement somewhat if anyone tries to jump or climb out.

=> Kurnos

2014-07-28, 03:49 PM
Kurnos leaps out the lift. Claws glittering followed by the pair of massive glowing hounds. The trio leap upon the nearest tiefling in a flurry of tooth and claw! He snarls like one if the animals, losing himself in the thrill of the hunt...

Doggies "come" [roll0] Vs DC10
Dogs flank the tiefing, Kurnos in the front
Kurnos [roll1] damage [roll2]
Primus [roll3] damage [roll4] trip [roll5]
Secundus [roll6] damage [roll7] trip [roll8]

2014-07-29, 06:01 AM
The warrior manages to get its guard up and fend off the attacks of the clawed druid. Uttering a string of unholy words in a foul language you cannot understand, its glowing red eyes glare from underneath its helm as it counterattacks.
Full-round action: Full attack greataxe vs Kurnos [roll0] damage [roll1]
Even as it swings the hounds leap from its flank and bear it down, the two dogs mortally savaging the guard and leaving him bleeding and still.



Guard 2
In shadows, 20% concealment








Those squeezed into the elevator at the moment have -4 attack and -4 AC while sharing a square with an ally
The only way to exit the elevator is to the north. It's walled on all the other sides, providing cover and hindering movement somewhat if anyone tries to jump or climb out.

=> Varian, Ari, Keston, Kuln

2014-07-29, 01:43 PM
Keston moves out of the elevator to cover Kurnos' flank and casts a spell calling upon Mystra's help for the whole party. "Well, we know there are more that way and we are at risk of being surrounded. Shall we push through to the east?"

Move to H11 and cast Bless (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/bless.htm)
+1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects to everyone

2014-07-29, 02:41 PM
Ari, sword held at the ready, moves as fast as she can out of the elevator. Dodging a bit to avoid Kurnos and the dogs, she cuts around to the east, heading for the hallway and the other guard at the end of it. As she goes she fingers something in her spell component pouch and mutters a few words of magic half under her breath.

Move: 20 ft to J14
Standard: Cast True Strike

2014-07-29, 03:49 PM
As the elevator descends and the fight begins, Varian's excitement heightens. Time to show the others that they didn't make a mistake in taking me along!

Cloak swishing, the spellscale climbs over the elevator wall in front of him in a fluid motion, and focuses his sight on the guard ahead. With an arcane chant and some quick and complex motions he conjures a ball of dark blue fire in his hands. A gesture sends the ball flying at the enemy, its sapphire light reflecting of the marble surfaces along the way.

AC: 12 HP: 20/20
Currently active spells: -

Move Action: Move over the elevator wall to J12.
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt at the guard in J19, enhanced with the blood-quickening meditation of Bahamut.
[roll0] fire damage, Reflex DC 16 halfs + [roll1] untyped damage if target is evil

2014-08-01, 08:00 AM
Kuln grunts as the guards yell.
Whipping around the other corner of the elevator, he sees the one guard fall to the hounds, he move to the entrance of the corridor and, seeing the other guard, stalks purposefully towards him, swords drawn and face grim.

Move to J-16

2014-08-06, 07:04 AM
The small incendiary flies from Varian's hands and slams into the armoured axeman, staggering him momentarily
Ref save vs DC16 [roll0] Save = 3 fire damage (but resisted with resist 5 fire) + 7 untyped damage
Keston mutters his words of magic as Ari and Kuln advance on the guard. Hefting its huge axe the man, evidently a tiefling with infernal heritage, curses and swings at the small gnome, who ducks "The Black Lord will crush you!". Behind him, you notice large banners flanking the door depicting green rays shooting out from a clenched gauntlet - the symbol of the god Bane, the Black Lord.
Not-an-action: 5ft step to J17
Standard action: Attack Kuln with axe [roll1] Miss, damage [roll2]


In shadows, 20% concealment, Bless
Guard 2
In shadows, 20% concealment








=> Party

2014-08-07, 04:50 PM
Kurnos move south to search around the base of the lift to make sure no more men wait in ambush for them as he calls quietly to Kuln, "Draw him out my friend then we can surround him and as a pack tear him down!

Moving to ~ L10 to see what lies lower on the map.

2014-08-08, 01:50 PM
Post pre-empted by Ari's sniper skills. New post down below
Armor failure (01-15): [roll0]

2014-08-10, 08:25 PM
Ducking under the clumsy axe blow, he smiles a wicked grin as he says "With oafs such as you, your dark lord is going to have to rise up from his pit in order to do it." as he slashes with his left sword and, a moment later, thrusts with his right hand sword.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

Full Round action - two attacks with each short sword

1st attack
Crit Conf

2nd attack
Crit Conf

Bless = +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.

2014-08-12, 04:24 PM
Ari realizes the hallway is too narrow to allow both herself and Kuln to attack the guard at once, so she pulls out her crossbow as she moves just inside it. Her just-completed spell will allow her to shoot the guard without hitting her ally, she reasons, so she takes aim and fires.

Free: Draw crossbow
Move: 10 ft to J14
Standard: Shoot at guard in J17 (+3 BAB, +20 from True Strike, +1 from Bless, -4 for shooting into a melee: +20)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-08-12, 05:35 PM
Ari takes aim and fires, spiritual clarity guiding her judgement. Click. Thunk! The bolt flies true, sailing over the small gnome's head and catching the armoured tiefling square in the chest as he tries to engage Kuln. The burly man flies backward with the force of the bolt. With a final gasp he claws futilely at the banner of his dark god, succeeding only in pulling it down on top of him as he slumps bleeding in a crumpled heap at the base of the door.

There is no immediate obvious sound of other hostile activity. The three doors all remain closed. To the south Kurnos can see no hint of movement at the dark pool or the staircase and elevated platforms surrounding it.

=> Party

2014-08-12, 08:24 PM
Keston's eyes tighten when he hears the mention of the Black Lord even though the voice that spoke it is cut off after the crossbow thunk. "We will wipe the smear of Bane from this place." Keston grabs two bags of caltrops from the dog packs. "We should use these to cover the other passageways. Varian, would you mind setting some up at the west passage? Maybe someone could check around that door for magic?" Keston then heads to the north passage and disperses the caltrops.

Retrieving and setting up are two rounds of action but I don't know if we are tracking that at this point. I'll edit if need be. Setting up 1 set of caltops at D10 from E11, trying to do it quietly and listening for anything coming from that passage. Spear still in hand.

2014-08-13, 06:40 AM
Keston successfully scatters the caltrops in front of the north door. Now that he is closer, he sees that the northern door bears a symbol of a white human skull against a black triangular background - the symbol of Myrkul the god of the dead, ironically himself dead many years now.

The western door is unadorned.

2014-08-13, 09:07 AM
Breathing slightly faster from the excitement of the combat, Varian takes a bag of caltrops from Keston. Following the cleric's example, he covers the floor in front of the western door with the spiked bits of metal.

Once done he mutters arcane words and his sight tints slightly blue, scanning the door and the hallway for any signs of magic.

"I'm sure there is some marvelous magic down here for us to find. Though probably not the nicest kind."

Setting up caltrops at J6. Casting Detect Magic and scanning the door, and the rest of the room.

2014-08-14, 05:40 AM
Varian spreads caltrops in front of the unadorned western door. None of the three marble doors reveal any sort of magic on or behind them. The two guards each appear to carry three potions which radiate faint magic (six potions in all).

To the south, the dark pool carries a faint aura of magic (unknown school). Even without getting too near you can feel an intense chill radiate from it.

2014-08-15, 06:26 AM
Kuln reaches down and wipes his blades across the fallen banner, quickly and efficiently, as he then moves to the door and listens, ears straining.


2014-08-15, 03:37 PM
Kurnos ruffles his dogs happily as he looks at the dead enemy soldiers. Watching the doors his eyes narrow, Maybe we should follow through where he was trying to flee?

Looking around he points at the depths of the cathedral, Should we explore this chamber further before we venture through any doors.

2014-08-15, 09:13 PM
"Bane and Myrkul. The question is whether Bhaal's followers haven't arrived yet or are trying to hide that information even way down here. Since my Bless spell is still in effect and the alarm has been raised I suggest we carefully but quickly take this door [Bane's] before they can improve their readiness. It would be wise to keep a strong rear guard."

Keston casts Mage Armor on himself. He then ensures the potions and whatever other items have been picked up.
If the party is in agreement he will be 2nd to last, in a position to help the rear guard with his borrowed reach weapon.
Armor failure (01-15) [roll0]
Cast Mage Armor (Divine spell, no ASF)

2014-08-15, 09:50 PM
A quick search of the two tiefling guards bodies reveals the following equipment on each

3 potions (each, so 6 in total)
chain shirt armour
masterwork greataxe
composite longbow (+2 Str bonus)
quiver with 20 arrows
27gp (each, so 54gp in total)

Kuln listens at the door that they were guarding, but hears only silence beyond.

2014-08-19, 03:59 AM
Varian finishes his arcane scouting tour of the room and rejoins the others.

"The doors seem to be clean, of magical traps at least, if not mundane ones. The potions are magical, which shouldn't surprise anyone. The pool is also radiating magic, if faintly, so we should probably not touch it until we know more. I would agree that we should move quickly, now that the enemy knows we are coming."

He turns to the elven paladin, and smiles. "Would you take point with Master Blackfoot, Lady Shaerendil? Maybe Master Feltin can take the rear guard."

2014-08-19, 03:00 PM
Kurnos calls across Primus wedging the axe and the bow into the bags on the dog's back. A faint tickle of the dogs nose as he whispers a faint thanks into the beast's ear, unmindful of the fresh blood staining the creatures muzzle, treating it like a friend rather than an incarnum infused predator. Looking at the door he flicks flecks of blood from his long claws and stares at the door, "Let us cleanse this nest of evil."

2014-08-19, 09:54 PM
Ari bows her head graciously to Varian. "Of course." At Kurnos' words she nods, her face grim, and looks at the door, sword held ready. "Has this door been checked for mechanical traps? I have not such skills." She stares at it as if it might reveal any secrets it might have if she scowls deeply enough.

2014-08-20, 07:57 AM
As Kuln approaches the door, he removes something from his pack as he stands next to the door.
"I might have more than some small skill in the area." he says with a grin as he looks over his shoulder.
Scanning the door, he looks for any traps and sees if he can find any locking mechanism.

Search for traps

Disable any found traps, as necessary

Open Lock, as necessary

2014-08-22, 04:20 AM
The door clicks unlocked. Carefully Kuln pushes it open, wary of what may lie beyond...

The portal opens to a large dark room. The dim torchlight from the main cathedral doesn't reach this far, making it impossible for those without darkvision to see clearly. From the corners of the room their is the sudden sound of rattling movement, scraping metal and a din of ringing bells! Out of the shadows rushes a horde of long-dead skeletal warriors. Clad in rusted plate armour and clutching old maces they each have several bells strapped to them which clatter and clang as they burst forward to attack!
yep, definitely skeletons. DR 5/ bludgeoning.
1st skeleton
Full round action: Charge! Attack Kuln with mace [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]

2nd & 3rd skeletons
Move action: Close to melee range
Standard action: Attack Kuln with mace [roll2] (includes cover) Miss damage [roll3]

Move action: Close to melee range
Standard action: Attack Kuln with mace [roll4] (includes cover) Miss damage [roll5]

Remaining skeletons:
Move action: Move to mob entranceway


in darkness - total concealment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#totalConcealment) until illuminated


Kurnos & dogs




Ari, Keston & Varian are just off to the left at M3, M2 & O3 respectively (sorry my map got a bit mucked up)

=> Party

2014-08-22, 08:10 AM
"Ah, dunghe..." is all Kuln can get out before skeletons start trying to bash his little body to a pulp.
As he drops his tools and draws one of his swords he says "Back up" in a slightly higher than normal voice.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

Free Action
Speak and drop thieves tools

Move Action
Draw 1 shortsword

Attack N9
Crit Conf


2014-08-22, 08:55 AM
Surprise long gone, Keston flips his cap as he moves up, lighting up the area, and moves up raising his Holy Symbol."Bells? Interesting. Let's silence those. BEGONE!"

Move: to N4 unless I can squeeze in with the dogs and continue on to N6 while I flip my cap for light.

Standard: Turn Undead
check: [roll0]
--> Max 3 HD creatures turned
Turn Damage: [roll1]
--> 15 HD worth turned, destroyed if 1HD

I think Bless should still be in effect (lasts 3 minutes) (+1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects)

2014-08-24, 10:33 AM
With skeletons exploding in great showers around him Kurnos strides forward, searching for any survivors in the shadowy light. As he walks he pulls out his club raising it in both hands before bringing it down on the last skeleton!

Walk drawing club and "bosh" it on the head [roll0] dam [roll1] miss 1-20 [roll2]

The dogs will just follow but not attack staying back a bit

2014-08-24, 04:16 PM
As the skeletons explode under Keston's show of divine force, Varian claps excitedly.

"Well done, friend. You truly proved Mystra's displeasure with these creatures."

Not willing to expend much effort to mop up the remaining creature, the spellscale almost offhandedly points at the undead, and a thin ray of white light extends from his finger, shooting toward it.

Using my liquid sunlight necklace to illuminate the area for me, not sure how exactly it affects things together with my low-light vision. I'll roll the miss chance in any case.

Casting Disrupt Undead:

[roll=Miss Chance]1d100
Edit: Messed up the miss chance, but that attack roll is never going to hit anything anyway, so I won't bother rerolling. Also forgot the Bless spell, but again, it ain't gonna change a thing.

2014-08-25, 02:58 AM
There are whole lot of people and dogs in front of Ari and she can't see very well -- those in the back may hear her mutter something under her breath that sounds a whole lot like an Elven curse -- but she catches Keston's turn undead attempt and the smell of bones bursting apart. She needs to get to the front -- with a more effective weapon. She's still carrying the greataxe she picked off the guard. No time to draw it. She drops her sword where she's standing and starts pushing her way down the corridor past the dogs and the gnomes, clutching her holy symbol and muttering a prayer as she passes through exploding skeletons, and finally coming to a stop just inside the room. She's too near the surviving skeletons for comfort, but she has to scramble at her pack to retrieve the greataxe.

Hope I didn't muck up the weapon switch this time! Possibly could've get the longsword and been better prepared, but that greataxe at least does 4 more damage and they've got DR.

Free: Drop longsword in M3
Move: Double move to N10

2014-08-25, 04:25 PM
Cleansing holy force emanates out from Keston in a burst. The horde of skeletal warriors is halted in it's tracks, the animated corpses bursting apart within their rusted armour and falling with a clang in a heap at the entrance to the room. A couple of stragglers are left, protected at the flanks of the combat from the holy might. The rest of the party swarms into the room, Kurnos smiting down one of the assailants leaving only a single armoured skeleton defending the room.
Full round action: Attack Kuln with mace [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]

=> Party
(I made some minor adjustments to specified movements, hopefully all common sense stuff)

2014-08-25, 11:30 PM
Keston moves into the room avoiding kicking any bells and covering the door to the left with the spear. The room is now lit from his cap. "If you need something to bludgeon them with you can use their own maces. Not very bright of their master."
Move to L10

2014-08-28, 06:19 AM
Kuln, ducking under the blow, quips back to Keston with "Easy for you to say, bloody thing is as big as me."

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

Free Action

Move Action
Draw 2nd shortsword

Attack P9

Crit Conf

2014-08-29, 05:11 AM
Leaving the last skeletons to fall at his new friends' vehement attacks, Varian summons a shimmering blue forcefield around him with a gesture, preparing for further danger up ahead.

Casting Mage Armor, lasting for 3 hours

2014-08-30, 01:34 AM
Kurnos actually grins slightly. He was starting to enjoy the company of these strange adventurers that had welcomed him in. Walking forward he grimly smashes the skeleton with club, not so big when broken I fear.

Walk to P10 and cosh it [roll0]
Dam [roll1]

2014-08-30, 06:04 PM
Ari, not being sure exactly where the now-dead (well, deader) skeletons have dropped their weapons, finishes drawing the greataxe. She knows a bludgeoning weapon would work better -- she finds herself, not for the first time, wondering how she can reasonably call herself a paladin of Lathander when she doesn't even carry around a mace -- but, well, an axe is what she has in her hands. She murmurs a prayer to her god and swings as hard as she can.

Standard: Attack surviving skeleton in P9 with the guard's greataxe
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-08-31, 04:56 AM
Kurn stabs at the armoured skeleton, his weapon all but useless as it finds gaps in the armour but slides through the bones. Crunch! Kurnos hits it a mighty blow with his club knocking it back but not dropping it. Clang! Ari swings the newly acquired greataxe. Again the blow punches through the rusted armour but is less effective against the skeletal assailant. The skeleton retaliates but the nimble little gnome easily evades.
Full round action: Attack Kuln with mace [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]
gotta hate DR

=> Party

2014-09-02, 02:47 PM
Kurnos shakes his head sadly at the skeleton as he swings again, bells rattling and ringing with the club impacts. The digs sit on their haunches watching their master but happy both to chew on bones of the skeletons destroyed by the holy energy.

Cosh the skeleton [roll0] dam [roll1]

2014-09-02, 04:06 PM
Smash! The last skeleton falls to the ground with a clang of bells and rusted armour plate.

The din of ringing metal gradually fades, broken bones and rusted metal litters the floor of the chamber. Catching your breath you can hear many muffled shouts from behind the northern door.
"Grab your weapons!"
"For the Black Lord!"
"A chance to prove our faith!"
"Fetch the Beast!"
"Defend the temple!"

We'll go round-by-round until combat is joined, at which point we'll roll initiative. So a single round of actions for now please :smallsmile:.

2014-09-03, 04:07 PM
Ari, who had been looking around a bit wildly for a mace, looks satisfied and a little relieved when Kurnos is able to destroy the last skeleton. She looks to the west, obviously thinking about her sword, but at the sound of voices from beyond the door she focuses on it. She starts moving north, perhaps hoping to get next to the door before anyone bursts through. As she goes she murmurs a prayer to Lathander along the lines of "Oh, Morninglord, help me to guide my sword - axe - straight and true in your service and protect us from the foul servants of your enemy..."

Immediate: Activate Protection Devotion. Affects everyone within 30 ft of O9. +2 to AC for 1 minute.
Move: 20 ft to L10
Standard: Cast True Strike

2014-09-04, 06:07 AM
"Here they come. Ari, let's give these corrupted souls a scary sight to behold, a giant Paladin! Here, hold on to this." Keston hands the spear back to Ari. With her holding both weapons he steps back to make room and motions for the others to stand back. He pulls out a wand, points it at her, and triggers it. She grows to twice her height and all of her gear grows with her. In her hands she holds a giant sized spear and great axe. "Pick what weapon you want to use and I'll give it Mystra's blessing. If it isn't the spear I'll take it back to cover you with. We'll need to watch for them using other doors and keep the hallway back as an escape route. If anyone has any caltrops left those would be helpful."

I was already in L10 so I'll guide Ari over to L11. Zapping Ari with Enlarge Person (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/enlargePerson.htm) to fill L11 to M12. Lasts 3 minutes.

2014-09-04, 01:45 PM
"Looks like it's gonna heat up here in a second, friends." The Spellscale does not seem to display any particular amount of concern with the situation. Still smiling, he readies a small dart in his palm.

Readied action: Throw dart at any target entering his line of sight.

2014-09-05, 07:52 AM
Kuln, hearing the shouting, shakes his head as he moves down towards the door as fast as his diminutive feet can take him, as he slides the blades of his two swords against each other, face grim.

Move to K-12 and hide

Move Silently

2014-09-06, 03:50 PM
Kurnos looks to the door, a savage grin on his face. Even more so as a wave of shielding energy joins the bkessful feeling. Standing by the pair of savage hounds facing the door all three burst into flames ready to burn the evil doer!

Form a line beside Ari and share produce flame

2014-09-08, 05:28 AM
The spellscale stands ready, dart in hand and the gnome slinks to one side seeking deeper shadows. Keston speaks his words of magic and before your eyes the armoured form of Ari grows massive. She towers over everyone her massive size appearing incongruous with her half-elven frame.Next to her the druid utters his prayer to Silvanus and flames burst from him and his hounds...

...Not a moment too soon as the door to the north bursts open. Behind it, a wild-eyed man in a black hooded robe clutches a longspear. Behind him a mob of similarly armed cultists all with symbols of Bane dangling around their necks. "For the Dark Lord!" they surge forward. Varian flings his dart but it thunks harmlessly into the doorway.

Even as the cultists shout their battle cry you see the southern door also open. Dimly lit, the room behind it is dark but you can make out the form of one of the armoured tiefling guards, his eyes glowing red beneath his helm as he raises a greataxe. A couple more guards stand ready behind him with axe and bow raised to attack!



Tiefling Guards
In shadows, 20% concealment


Kurnos & dogs



=> Kuln

2014-09-10, 07:10 AM
"Protect the temple, you fools" growls one of the tieflings to the cultists across the room.

"Yaaargh!" scream the crazed fanatics, surging forward en mass. A couple of them throw down their longspears and draw a large daggers. Leaping forward they slash and stab at Ari's huge form. Another steps in behind, stabbing into the melee. They can't connect, but Ari whacks the closest one with her huge new axe as he tries to get near her, cutting down the reckless man and sending a limb flying . The rest push forward but cannot get through the tight doorway with their weapons.

Ari AoO: Drop longspear. MW Greataxe vs cultist [roll0] Hit damage [roll1] 18

Kuln Sneak attack: MW Shortsword vs cultist [roll2] Miss damage [roll3] + [roll4]
Cultist 1:
Move Action: Move to K11
Standard action: Dagger vs Ari [roll5] Miss damage [roll6]

Cultist 2:
Full round Action: Longspear vs Ari [roll7] - 4 for cover as well Miss damage [roll8]

Other Cultists:

Wading menacingly into the room the lead tiefling flexes his tattooed arms and simply mutters "Die now!" as he swings his axe at Ari, brutally striking her armoured back from behind even as she faces the cultists in front of her. The remaining two tiefling guards hustle past the melee and down the eastern corridor, weapons in hand.

Guard 1:
Full round Action: Charge! Greataxe vs Ari [roll9] Hit! damage [roll10] 11

Guards 2&3:
Full round Action: Double move. One has a bow in hand, the other an axe.
=> Party (round 1)

2014-09-10, 11:50 PM
Kurnis slashes at the cultist with long sphynx claws seeking to tear the man in half. Even as that happens he whistles the "kill" order to the dogs setting them on thevaxe wielding tiefking that just attacked Ari...

[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3] +4 fire

Handle animal [roll4]
Primus [roll5] dam [roll6] trip [roll7]
Secundus [roll8] dam [roll9] trip [roll10] +4 fire, but tiefling..

HP's 25/25. AC 18
Saves +6/5/7

1 Wormtail Belt (+2 Natural armour +1/essentia)
2 Sphinx Claws (+1 Str, 1d8 claws +1 hit/dam per essentia)
0 Dead Carapace (-1 hit +2bite/+1 claw dam -1/+2 or 1 per essentia

Primus HP's 13 AC 21
Secundus HP's 21 AC 18

2014-09-11, 01:42 AM
Ari's cry of pain sounds more like a bellow at her current size. The tiefling's blow knocks her into the wall briefly, but her training takes over and she recovers, rounding on the man. The effects of her spell are still at work, guiding her hand, and when she wheels the greataxe around like a scythe and bears down on the guard, the enormous axe head strikes true indeed.

Move: None
Standard: Attack tiefling in N11, assuming it survived Kurnos' attack
Attack: +1 from Bless, -1 from size, +20 from True Strike: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-11, 09:23 PM
Keston watches disappointingly as Ari drops the spear just out of his quick reach and then winces as the guard lands a solid hit on her with the greataxe. With enemies too close to safely cast a spell to help her, he has to move back. He slips out of being threatened by the cultist that will soon join the pile of other dead cultists. He circles around while grabbing his morningstar and ends up flanking the prone guard, ready to smash him when he tries to stand up. "This temple will be cleansed of the dark one. You will join the ranks of the fools dying for a twisted god unless you stay down and toss your weapon aside."

Had no good spot to cast something to help Ari, so I'll at least get in a good spot to AoO a prone enemy and give Ari flanking. Between flanking and prone it'll probably be my best bonus to hit I'll have for several levels.

Withdraw action with readying morningstar to O10.

Expected AoO
To hit: [roll0] (prone, flank, bless)
Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-12, 01:00 AM
Waiting to use his magic until he has a better overview over the whole fight, Varian throws another small dart at the best target that presents itself.

"You lot should really listen to my friend here. He knows what he's talking about!"

Can't see the map right now for some reason, so I'll leave the target selection up to Ghostfoot.

I'll need to loot myself a decent ranged weapon for the early levels when my spells are still scarce, didn't have money left for one. :smallwink:

2014-09-12, 06:02 PM
Kurnos tears at the closest cultist as he leaps over his fallen comrade, slashing across his face and chest and leaving the man to drop to the ground in a heap with the others. Meanwhile the hounds follow the druid's commands and leap to attack the red-eyed guard that has just struck Ari from behind. They bear him to the ground, tearing at his exposed arms as he tries to fend them off. The guard is down but not quite out of the fight yet.

Seeing an opening in the melee, yet another cultist leaps forward, dagger drawn and shouting incoherently. "Blaaargh!". He stabs at Kurnos... but his dark god does not favour him today.
Free Action: Drop longspear
Move Action: Move to K11 & draw dagger.
Standard action: Dagger vs Kurnos [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]
No sooned has he stabbed at Kurnos than Ari's huge form looms over him and the enormous wicked axe slams into him, cutting him almost in half and throwing his body against the wall to crumple down. He's soon replaced by the next fanatic in line as the evil worshippers throw themselves forward heedless of their own doom...
Free Action: Drop longspear
Move Action: Move to K11 & draw dagger.
Standard action: Dagger vs Kurnos [roll2] Miss damage [roll3]
Opponents blood splashed across him Keston finds himself unwittingly in the front line with a growing pile of corpses in front of him. He ducks back and draws his morningstar, ready to cosh the guard tangling with the dogs.
As Keston steps back from the melee Varian hurls another one of his darts, catching the lead cultist in the torso but causing damage that only briefly distracts.


Bless, Protection devotion +2 AC

Bless, Protection devotion +2 AC
Tiefling Guards
1 prone, 2 down the hallway in shadows (20% concealment)


Kurnos & dogs
Bless, Protection devotion +2 AC, Produce flame, Incarnum stuff

Bless, Protection devotion +2 AC, Mage armour

Bless, Protection devotion +2 AC, Enlarged

=> Kuln
After Kuln the bad guys get to go. This delaying rubbish is a hassle to administer (remind me not to do that again with mooks), so the cultists are all going to reset to the same initiative unless you drop them first.

2014-09-13, 09:38 AM
Sorry for the delay hassle.

Kuln, with swords at the ready, hacks downward with his off-hand sword, hoping to hit or throw the cultist off guard, as he then lunges forward with his left sword, aiming to gut the man.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

1st Attack vs K-11
[roll0] (flanking included)

Crit Conf
[roll1] (flanking included)
[roll2] + [roll3] sneak attack

1st Attack vs K-11
[roll4] (flanking included)

Crit Conf
[roll5] (flanking included)
[roll6] + [roll7] sneak attack

Effects ~
Bless - +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects

2014-09-14, 04:31 AM
As the cultist faces off against Kurnos he is completely unaware of the gnome behind him. Kuln takes the man down with two brutally effective strikes. The fallen tiefling wrestles with the dogs and throws them off. Braced with his axe he tries to stand and rejoin the combat...clink Keston smashes him on the side of the head with his morningstar and the guard falls back to the ground, blood flowing from his broken helmet.

The remaining two tiefling guards look well organised, as if they are rehearsing a well practised routine. One of them steps up to the double doors to the north. He pulls a large key from his belt and unlocks an equally large padlock. As it drops to the ground he unwraps a thick chain from the handles and pushes the doors open. This done he turns back to the party and hefts his axe, waiting for you to attack. His companion steps to the other door, the single one to the south. Pushing it open he thumps loudly on it and bellows "Attackers!" before he also turns and takes a quick shot at the party. From the unlocked northern double doors you hear the formidable Gr...grr..GRRROAR! from a large and angry sounding beast.
Guard with axe:
Not-an action: 5 foot step to M16
Full round Action: Unlock & open door.

Guard with bow:
Not-an action: 5 foot step to N17
Move action: Open door
Free action: Yell for help
Standard action: Longbow vs Ari [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]
The surviving cultists abandon their suicidal bid for close combat. All of those remaining heft their longspears and stab at the party, hindered by the narrow doorway but unwilling to resort to knife-fighting like their fallen brothers...
Cultist J11
Standard Action: Longspear vs Ari [roll2] Miss damage [roll3]

Cultist I12
Standard Action: Longspear vs Kurnos [roll4] Miss (includes -4 for cover) damage [roll5]

Cultist I10
Standard Action: Longspear vs Kuln [roll6] Miss (includes -4 for cover) damage [roll7]

Cultist H10
Not-an action: 5 foot step to I11
Standard Action: Longspear vs Kurnos [roll8] Miss (includes -4 for cover) damage [roll9]


Bless, Protection devotion +2 AC

Bless, Protection devotion +2 AC
Tiefling Guards
down the hallway in shadows (20% concealment)


Kurnos & dogs
Bless, Protection devotion +2 AC, Produce flame, Incarnum stuff

Bless, Protection devotion +2 AC, Mage armour

Bless, Protection devotion +2 AC, Enlarged


=> Party
Post in any order, I'll resolve in post order.

2014-09-14, 09:39 AM
Keston bashes in the head of the tiefling guard, sending him on the path for his soul to pay for the choices made in this life. Stepping over the fallen guard and then touching Ari, Keston casts a spell of protection on the bloodied paladin, causing her to glow blue briefly. "By Mystra that should help, but if you can heal yourself I would suggest doing that before It gets here." Keston drops his morningstar and picks up the longspear at Ari's feet. "Varian, I don't know what magic you have, but I am sure Mystra would be pleased for it to be used against whatever forces of Bane that come out of those doors."

Healing or Buffing... Buffing for this round. Ari won't have time to heal herself once she is the front line.
5ft move to N11
Standard: Cast Protection from Evil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/protectionFromEvil.htm) on Ari. +2 AC/Saves and it looks like it stacks with existing buffs.
Free: Drop morningstar
Move: Pick up longspear

There's no cultist in K11 right?

2014-09-15, 02:48 PM
Preparing to unleash his magic on whatever foul creature the guards were callling up, Varian finally steps into the room. While waiting for his target to appear, he throws another dart at the tieflings, to potentially distract them.

"No worries, friend, I will give it a warm welcome indeed!"

Move action: move to N9.
Standard action: throw dart at tiefling in M16.

2014-09-15, 06:41 PM
Ari can't help letting out a series of grunts of pain, the wound caused by the tiefling still burning. She looks gratefully at Keston, her face pale, when he casts his protection spell, and nods at his suggestion before folding a free hand over one of her own shoulders. "Oh Morninglord, I beseech you, send down your healing power so that I may slay your enemies..." The prayer trails off into a murmur, but all of a sudden Keston's blue glow is followed very briefly by a golden one, and though the blood doesn't disappear, Ari's wound visibly knits up until it's almost (though not completely) gone.

Standard: Lay on hands, on self. She can heal 12 hp at level 3, so now she's at 23 hp of 24.

2014-09-16, 03:38 PM
Kurnos hisses a hurried Stay! at the dogs before he steps around the corner. Come evil ones. I bring your just rewards...

He lashes out with his still flaming claws seeking to tear out throats...

- dogs stay
- kurnos 5ft step into doorway
[roll0] dam [roll1] fire [roll2]
[roll3] dam [roll4]

2014-09-17, 07:21 AM
Looking at Kurnos, Kuln bellows out "Blood and grime, man, move over a bit! You be hogging all the fun."

2014-09-18, 05:29 AM
Keston utters words of magic and a protective radiance briefly flares around Ari. Varian steps into the room and hurls another dart, the tiefling cursing as he's forced to sidestep to avoid the weapon. Ari's injuries lessen as she briefly focuses the healing power of Lathander on the worst of her wounds. Kurnos advances on the closest cultist. Stepping inside his guard he strikes him down, tearing out his throat and tossing the smoldering body to the side as he faces off against the remaining three. Ducking past him the gnome dodges a clumsy strike from another cultist and slashes the man across the shins and again on his thighs, injuring him and drawing a cry of pain.
Varian: -2 range and -4 soft cover means it's a miss this time

Kuln: I assume that Kuln will close with the cultists and attack, since there is now an opportunity to (apologies if not...)

AoO cultist: Longspear vs Kuln (1d20+3)[6] Miss damage (1d8+1)[5]

Kuln vs I11:
1st attack: (1d20+8)[22] Hit Damage (1d4+1)[2]
2nd attack: (1d20+8)[25] Hit Damage (1d4+1)[4]
From near the tieflings you hear the thundering approach of a massive beast, snarling grunts and bellows resonating down the hall toward you. Through the door bursts a huge animal. It is a fierce boar, but like no boar that you have ever seen. The size of a large bear it has wicked razor-sharp tusks and glowing green eyes. Blasphemous branded symbols and scarification patterns are etched across its hide. Mad with bloodlust the creature shunts the tieflings aside with no care for their safety and surges toward the party! As it nears the mere presence of the frightful beast fills you all with fear and dread...
Move action: Double move to M13
Free action: Frightful presence!

Frightful Presence Will save vs DC18:

(1d20)[17] Fail
(1d20)[15] Fail
(1d20)[18] Pass

tiefling guards
(1d20)[9] Fail
(1d20)[6] Fail

Keston [roll0] Fail + AP if required [roll1] Frightened (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#frightened)
Ari [roll2] Pass + AP if required [roll3]
Mordechai [roll4]+? Fail + AP if required [roll5]Frightened (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#frightened)
Kurnos [roll6] Fail + AP if required [roll7]Frightened (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#frightened)
Primus [roll8] Fail + AP if required [roll9]Frightened (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#frightened)
Secondus [roll10] Pass + AP if required [roll11]
Varian [roll12] Pass + AP if required [roll13]
Kuln [roll14] Pass + AP if required [roll15]

knowledge check to identify "The Beast""
Kuln [roll16]
Keston [roll17] (Collector of stories already used this encounter)
Ari [roll18]
Varian [roll19]
Ari, you've heard of such creatures. Known as Beasts of Bane they are ordinary vreatures and animals that have been twisted by the foul touch of the god Bane. As well as being extraordinarily lethal, their presence causes fear (duh!), they grow stronger as they feed on the fallen, and they are resistant to all weapons but magic and silver.

"It's the Beast!" "Run, let it devour the unworthy!" Two of the cultists retreat to the far corner of their room, leaping hastily over blankets and knocking down a small idol. Huddled together they hold their spears out in a meager attempt at defence. The final cultist gathers his courage and steps up to try and take down the gnome...

Cultists 1&2:
Full-round action: Withdraw to E8 & E9.

Cultist 3:
Not-at-action: 5ft step to H11
Standard Action: Longspear vs Kuln [roll20] Miss damage [roll21]
Down the hallway both of the tiefling guards beat a hasty retreat, running south through the doorway and out of sight.
=> Party

2014-09-18, 02:18 PM
Varian looks at the monstrous boar that comes rampaging through the hallway and a wave of fear washes over him. He barely resists it and, after taking a moment to collect himself, manages to whistle appreciatively, covering the horror with forced humor.

Looking to the rest of the party, he quips with a grin that is slightly too wide to be truly cheerful: "Look what I found! Can I keep it?" Turning back toward the creature, he coos: "Who's a bad piggy? Who is? You are!"

With a quick gesture and a word of arcane power, two blue spheres of humming force shoot from his outstreched fingers, flying unerringly for the monster.

No sooner than he discharges his spell, he sees a large part of his allies flee from the beast ahead, and the grin quickly fades from his blue-scaled face. "That's not good..."

I cast magic missile at the darkness! I mean at the boar.
Edit: Crap, I confused Frightened with Shaken. Didn't realize how bad the situation looks now. Oh well, I guess Varian didn't realize it in time as well then.

2014-09-18, 02:48 PM
The Beast comes around the corner and Keston's confidence disappears. "Holy Mystra! What is that?" He looks left and sees a fight still in progress. He looks back and has the dogs in his way. The Beast is to the front. "Forgive my weakness Mystra!" Keston turns and bolts the only way with nothing to get in the way, to and through the south door where the guards had come from.

First battle vs Bane forces and this cleric of Mystra runs away? Where is the divine lightning bolt to put him out of his misery?

Withdraw movement to U11 via O10.

2014-09-19, 07:37 AM
Kuln, hearing the Beast coming, feels the wave of dread wash over him, nearly causing him to be skewered on the spear of the cultist, barely parrying the blow at the last moment. Gritting his teeth and tightening his resolve, he keeps the spear high with his upheld sword as he steps towards the man.
"Day will never happen. Of course, its your last day of life, hope you enjoy the rest of eternity in the hell that spawned that thing." he says through clenched jaws as he lashes out at the man.

AC ~20; Current ~ 22
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

5 foot step to I-11

Full Round Action
1st Attack vs H-11

Crit Conf


2nd Attack vs H-11

Crit Conf


Effects ~
Bless - +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects
Protection Devotion - +2 AC

2014-09-20, 01:39 AM
Kurnos sees the unutural monster streaking towards him. Tales of these creatures from his mother had terrified him as a child and left him with a mild porcine phobia. Filled with dear and joined by a yipping Primus he dove forward into the cultists room slamming the door behind him and hoping the pig would be too fat to fit.

Secondus growled an angry growl as he saw a rival alpha predator. As the beast drew level with the giant two legs the dog lurched forwards...

Attack the beast [roll0] dam [roll1]
Trip [roll2]

2014-09-21, 02:08 AM
Arahael also feels the wave of dread, but, bolstered by her faith and her anger at the sight of these defilers, she shrugs it off easily enough. Her voice booms out as she turns on the huge boar, her enormous greataxe glinting in the torchlight. "Take heart, friends!" The huge axe blade wheels in the air and then she's attacking the approaching boar, putting all of her considerable weight into a blow she aims for its tusked head.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

AoO, if needed:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2014-09-24, 07:01 AM
Magical energy flies from Varian's fingers and blasts into the huge boar sending tufts flying but not stopping its momentum in the slightest. Keston, panicked at the sight of the creature bearing down on the party, ducks into the room to the south. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure the boar is not right behind him, he finds himself in a sparsely furnished bedroom. Two beds, some stools and a suit of leather armour laid out for repair on a table are the only contents. There is no exit - he is trapped!

Kuln steps in to close with the only cultist who has not lost his nerve. Stepping inside his guard he manages a minor blow but not enough to take the man down. Kurnos and Primus leap in behind him, driven more by fear unnatural than a desire for battle with the fanatic. Kurnos slams the door shut behind him even as Primus bounds past, drawing a feeble attack from the cultist...
AoO: Longspear vs Primus [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]
Heedless of the danger Secundus hurls himself at the oncoming blasphemous boar, savaging its throat and tearing at its forelegs as the huge beast swings its razor sharp tusks back and forward. Thunk! Ari sinks her axe square into the deadly animal's skull. The thick bone is probably the most protected part of it, but it does seem a bit stunned at the force of the blow. Thunk! Another swing is cleaner, striking the neck and taking its head halfway off. The abused boar immediately drops to the ground dead, blood pooling beneath it from the gaping wound.
End frightened status.
The remaining three cultists, gathering their nerve, form a bristling wall of spears in the centre of the rooms. "For Bane! Stop them getting to the inner temple!"
Cultist 1:
Move Action: Move to G9
Standard Action: Longspear vs Kuln [roll2] Miss damage [roll3]

Cultist 2:
Move Action: Move to G10
Standard Action: Longspear vs Kuln [roll4] Miss damage [roll5]

Cultist 3:
Not-at-action: 5ft step to H11
Standard Action: Longspear vs Primus [roll6] Miss damage [roll7]
=> Party

2014-09-25, 08:07 AM
"I won't be your pin cushion, you deluded fools!" Kuln says as he dodges the spear strikes, looking like he's doing some kind of mad dance.
Step forward, he lashes out at the man he struck previously.

AC ~20; Current ~ 22
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

5 foot step to H-10

Full Round Action
1st Attack against last rounds previous target

Crit Conf


2nd Attack against last rounds previous target

Crit Conf


Effects ~
Bless - +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects
Protection Devotion - +2 AC

2014-09-25, 02:42 PM
Kurnos snaps out of his fear as the door snaps shut on the massive boar dieing. Happy he turns around to the cultists, claws flying as he and Primus attack! The dog rolling forward in a flurry of teeth and blue glowing claws.

Outside Secundus leans down, a mouthful of boar flesh in his mouth.

Primus 5ft up
Bite [roll0] dam [roll1]
Claw [roll2] dam [roll3]
Claw [roll4] dam [roll5]

Claw [roll6] dam [roll7]

2014-09-25, 09:22 PM
Keston passes the south door and finds himself in a dead end. He looks back to see if it was chasing him and that's just when the super-sized Paladin completes the near decapitation of the Enemy. A joyous surge fills Keston and his fear is gone. He hurries back out the group looking at the fallen beast, longspear in hand.

"Great Mystra and Lathander, that was a blow worthy of a bard's tale! Get ready, there should be more wanting to die for Bane coming from that way." Keston points the spear defensively in the direction that the boar came from.

Double move to N11

2014-09-26, 08:59 AM
"Well done! Too bad it looks like it would taste of sulfur and ash, or we could eat for months off that thing."

Striding toward the entrance to the other room, he points offhandedly at one of the cultists, only putting the barest minimum of magical energy into the gesture. A thin line of elecricity arcs from his outstretched finger, reaching for the robed figure.

Move action: Move to K11
Standard action: Cast Electric Jolt at Cultist in G11

2014-10-01, 05:14 AM
Arahael, her front half drenched in the pig's blood, laughs in joyful surprise at the unexpected carnage she was able to wreak bolstered by her faith and Keston's magic. Her oversized voice booms out through the room even as she turns to get a look at the cultists. "By the glory of Lathander ... and of Mystra! The foul servants of the Black Lord will not last confronted by those who serve the Morninglord and the Mother of Magic."

She seems posed to continue her happy dissertation on the topic when Keston comes back in and suggests paying heed to the west. "Indeed! Let us meet them with force." Wielding the massive greataxe, now dripping gore, she makes her way into the western hallway, ready for the doors to open again. Something can briefly be heard squeaking from somewhere inside her armor or her pack.

Move: 20 ft to MN 15

I forgot earlier to have Mordechai react properly to being frightened, sorry :smallfrown:

Hope I don't regret not casting True Strike again...

2014-10-02, 03:25 AM
Kuln stabs at his target multiple times, forcing the fanatic to focus his attention on the gnome. Primus launches himself at the man from behind, snapping the mans neck with a mighty blow from his claws.

Kurnos also launches himself at the remaining cultists as they stab at him, drawing bloody furrows down a man's face but not quite taking him down. In turn they draw long knives and lay about themselves wildly seeking to slash faces and throats in the name of Bane
AoO: Longspear vs Kurnos [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]

Cultist 1
Free Action: Drop longspear
Standard action: Dagger vs Kuln [roll2] Miss damage [roll3]

Cultist 2
Free Action: Drop longspear
Standard action: Dagger vs Kurnos [roll4] Miss damage [roll5]

=> Party

2014-10-02, 07:02 AM
AC ~20; Current ~ 22
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

5 foot step to H-9

Full Round Action
1st Attack G-10
[roll0] includes +2 for flanking

Crit Conf
[roll1] includes +2 for flanking

[roll2] + [roll3] sneak attack

2nd Attack against H-9
[roll4] includes +2 for flanking

Crit Conf
[roll5] includes +2 for flanking

[roll6] + [roll7] sneak attack

Effects ~
Bless - +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects
Protection Devotion - +2 AC

As Kuln finishes his attacks, he says "Don't know if I should admire your tenacity for not giving up yet or insulted by the fact you two are using your dinner knives. I suggest you give up while you still draw any breaths."

2014-10-02, 02:59 PM
Kurnos looks at Kuln beside him smiling. "Its okay... we don't need knives to eat our dinner..." a poor pun, but the first attempt at a joke that the druid had made in some years. Still angry his lapse in courage he lashes out at the cultists with great sweeping blows. Primus leaping upon the farthest one in a flurry of teeth and claws!

Bite [roll0] dam [roll1] trip [roll2]
Claw [roll3] dam [roll4]
Claw [roll5] dam [roll6]

Claw [roll7] dam [roll8]
Claw [roll9] dam [roll10]

2014-10-02, 05:19 PM
Keston looks towards the room with the cultist fight. His comrades seem to have that in hand. He moves up behind Ari, wondering if they will come out or wait to ambush. "The Beast is dead. Bane protects you no longer. He will ravage your soul for your failure. Lay down your arms, Atone, learn from your misdeeds."

Move to N13

Cast Guidance (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/guidance.htm) on Ari. +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check within a minute
"Mystra guide your strike." Keston touches the Paladin's arm and her arms glow blue with Mystra's energy.

2014-10-03, 05:07 PM
The remaining cultists are taken down with ease, leaving you panting for breath surrounded by the bodies of your fallen foes. There are no immediate signs of counter-attack. The corridor along which the tieflings fled is dark and the hallway to the north looks to end in a chamber that housed the Beast. The double doors to the east remain undisturbed.

The cultists room is a mess of blankets, bodies and weapons. A few basic spears, clubs and flails lean against the wall and the crude idol sits on a crate in the centre of the room. The flickering torches on the wall sconces give off no heat or smoke...
on the cultists/ in their room:

everburning torch x2
longspears x heaps
daggers x 8
studded leather armour x 8
wooden holy symbol of Bane x 8
clubs x 3
flail x2

on the tiefling guard (same as previous guards):

MW greataxe
chain shirt
composite longbow (+2 str bonus)
20 arrows
potions x2
potion x1 (different from those above)

=> Party

2014-10-03, 09:24 PM
Keston is braced for a charge but as the last cultists fall silence beyond heavy breathing is heard. He sees Kuln and Kurnos come back out of the room. "Could anyone use any healing? Some of our magic still has its potency. Do we want to press on or regroup here while they also regroup... somewhere?" While listening to the others he hands the longspear back to Ari and picks up one of the fallen longspears. He checks out the longbow but finds it designed for one with much greater strength. "A bow would probably be better for me than a crossbow. I should learn to use one soon."

2014-10-04, 10:13 AM
"I am ok, if others are not." Kuln says as he waits for others to chime in. "We are as regrouped as we are going to be for the moment. I suggest we hit them before they have a chance to reinforce. Over to the left seem to be a couple of doors while I can't see down to the right. Which way do we go first? I'm thinking the wide passage to our left."

2014-10-04, 11:05 PM
<pointing south where Keston had run to> "That ways seems a dead end, guard quarters."

<looking east as Kuln is> The double doors to the left is where the beast was housed. The guards ran to the right so it must connect elsewhere and we'll be expected. Maybe this key will help somewhere." Keston grabs the key and three potions formerly held by the guard he bashed. Remembering that hit reminds Keston to pick up his own morningstar too. He gives the key to Kuln.

"Kuln, can you check on the closed doors? Weird that the guards didn't go that way.

If Kuln starts checking the door, Keston will check out the 9 potions he's collected seeing if they can at least be grouped into types. If we're staying longer I'll ask Varian to help me identify the potions with Spellcraft with him assisting.

2014-10-05, 12:21 AM
Kurnos nods, I am well. We should press the advantage whilst we still can to avoid them regrouping. I shall check there quickly to make sure none remain... he points to the door to the right of the entrance where the tieflings had appeared from.

The weapons are of high quality, we should leave them here to collect as we leave. I'm sure the churches would appreciate the donation.

Shall we stack the mw weapons by the door to collect on the way out?
3 mW grwataxes and 3 comp+2 longbows are worth a fair bit!

2014-10-06, 04:09 AM
Kurnos quickly checks out the room to the south, where the tieflings originally came from. The room is empty of further opponents, the only items of interest being a couple of beds and a long table with a suit of leather armour laid out on it for repair. The others gather some of the weapons and put them to one side while Keston briefly checks out the potions. It looks like you have 6 of a certain identical type of potion and 3 of another type.
a quick hustle to get that all sorted, let's say 5 rounds all up so Bless and Protection Devotion drop away.

what next? - double doors to the east or down the corridor to the south? or something different of course

2014-10-06, 01:54 PM
Kuln nods at Keston as he runs up and grabs the key and moves to the closed door, listening before checking the key to see if it fits the lock but not turning it.


2014-10-07, 03:31 AM
Kuln moves quickly but cautiously to the double doors at the eastern end of the hallway, spying as he goes the Beast's chamber to the north and the darkened corridor to the south which the tieflings fled along, ending at a closed door.

At the double doors he listens. From some distance away he can hear the sounds of booted feet running and the occasional clipped order or instruction, unintelligible at this range and through the thick doors. He also hears the unmistakable sound of a spellcaster invoking words of magic.

A cursory examination reveals that the double doors are not locked.

2014-10-07, 09:13 AM
Sheathing his swords, Kuln steps back slightly and to the side of the doors then motions the others over quietly, pantomiming with his fingers others running around as he points at the doors before drawing his swords again.

2014-10-07, 10:26 AM
While Kurnos and Kuln check the area, Keston checks out the potions he's collected already. He pulls out a scroll case from his bandoleer and from it 2 scrolls. He reads a Scroll of Identify on one each of the potion types.

He's called by Kuln to the double doors and gets the gist that there are a bunch of people moving around on the other side of the door. He whispers just loud enough for the huddle. "They know we are coming. We open those doors and we'll probably be peppered by arrows. If we follow the way the guards went we can get surrounded from them using these doors. Maybe we should let them come to us?" Keston points back to the other side of the fallen Beast. "We can fight from either side with both Ari and Kurnos enlarged. That would make them come to us and cover us from their arrows.

Hopefully I can use the 5 rounds above to use 1 Identify Scroll. If not I'll edit it. If I can use 2 scrolls in that time I'll ID the minority type too.
Does the fallen Beast count as difficult terrain in terms of blocking charging? Might be a nice morale drop for them having to go over the dead Beast.

We could have Ari and Kurnos enlarged with enlarged longspears (I'd have to recast on Ari) giving them 15-20' reach while the enemy tries to close on us. Once they get close I can cast Caltrops to make things less easy on them. Once melee is joined the dogs can fill in the center gap. I do have a Sound Burst if they are nicely grouped up. Blood Wind, Silence and Spiritual Weapon can be for their caster. All that would use up my divine spells except for cantrips, so my healing ability is getting tight. I'd be left with Touch of Healing, the lesser vigor wand, and hopefully these potions are a healing type.

If we wait for them, maybe this for the positioning? When we are ready maybe I can then use Open/Close (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-v35--6/openclose--2846/) to open the doors and get them coming at us. Let's just hope they don't have AoE spells like fireball.
Kuln L12
Kurnos K10-L11
Ari O10-P11
Keston P12 (with longspear)
Varian P9 (in a position to cover our flank and can move up to fire down the hallway)
Primus O9 (covers our flank, in a spot to fill in the center gap once melee starts)
Secundus O12 or L9

2014-10-07, 03:55 PM
Quietly Kuln responds to Keston with "If we open the door and somehow wedge them so they only open so far, we can create a funnel so they can only move through the opening so many at a time. This might cut down on the amount of enemies we face at one time."

2014-10-07, 04:54 PM
Since helping the others stack the weapons and armor, Ari has been nodding thoughtfully at the whispered discussion while examining her longspear, intrigued by how small it looks in her now-enlarged hands.

After Kuln's suggestion, she volunteers her own, keeping her voice as low as she can. "Agreed about fighting from the sides... and I'm all for reducing the number of enemies coming at us. Perhaps we could use these spears for the wedging...?" She examines the cracks under the door to see if that would be feasible.

2014-10-07, 07:46 PM
"That should slow them down some. Wedging one door is probably as effective as half wedging both doors and faster. The first ones through will just unwedge it for the rest. The potions the guards had are Shield of Faith and Cure Light." He hands one each of the purple Shield of Faith potions to Kuln, Kurnos, and Ari. He hands one each of the pink CLW potions to everyone except for Varian whom he gives 2 CLW potions and a Blessed Bandage. "The Shield will probably last one minute. Varian, you've got the extras as a backup to me."

"If we are going to set up for them we better hurry, they could open the door anytime now. Use Ari's spear to jam a door while I enlarge Kurnos? I can enlarge you too Kuln if you like. That would make all these extra weapons usable for you- daggers to throw and a spear for reach. On the plus side, the stack of normal size spears should be throwable for Ari and Kurnos."

Keston heads back to the other side of the Beast, picking up 2 more spears. If Kurnos agrees to the enlarging, he'll hand him the 2 spears and then zap him with the wand. "That way you can strap one to your pack and use it later if you drop the first one."

(To all) If your character agrees to the enlarging, just put it in your IC that I'm doing it. I have 4 more charges on the wand and it sounds like we can use every edge we can get. Keston would recommend the 2 spear trick to Ari too.

2014-10-09, 03:19 AM
"Wedging the doors, and greeting those that come through them anyway with enlarged warriors sounds good to me. We could also try and move the beast's corpse in front of one door. Keston, might I borrow your crossbow for a while? My darts are too small to inflict much hurt, and the tieflings' longbows have too heavy a draw for me." He accepts the potions and bandage from the cleric, and puts them into his potion belt for quick access.

"Let's hope that there isn't something even more deadly than that infernal boar waiting for us down here." He thinks for a moment. "But there probably is," he then adds, matter of factly.

I'll probably use my remaining charges of the Meditation of Bahamut to give my spells some punch to target the incoming spellcaster. Together with Blood Wind on Kurnos he should hopefully go down quickly.

2014-10-09, 08:04 AM
"I prefer my size the way it is, thank you much." says with a grim smile. "I think wedging the door is a good idea. Moving that beastie in front of it to make it hard from them to past... but, we are running out of time. Do what you will with your magicks while time remains." the dark gnome doesn't keep his eyes off the doors and keeps his hands on his swords as he speaks.

2014-10-09, 01:32 PM
Kurnos looks at the double doors and nods on agreement. Forcing them to come to us seems more prudent. The tyrant cannot back down from a fight so they should be eager. More so if they see us desecrating their holy things!

Love it!
Also enlarged with blood wind the claws are rocking out 2d6+7 dam! Happy days.
I think open/close or string are the best ways to open the door.

2014-10-09, 06:49 PM
Since everyone seems to be agreed, Ari -- muttering prayers to Lathander the whole time -- proceeds to wedge several of the cultists' longspears into the crack under the left portion of the double doors in order to keep it shut. She then hands two of the spears to Kurnos and takes one to supplement her own, which she straps into its usual place on her pack. Finally, if needed, she lends her unusual strength to moving the Beast's carcass into a convenient position.

2014-10-09, 09:34 PM
"Let's finish this up before our magic expires or they rush us. May Mystra bolster us against the followers of her enemy!" Keston hands Varian his crossbow and bolts while Kurnos grabs what weapons he wants enlarged. Keston says a command word and his body is briefly covered in cold blue flames. He then activates his diadem and zaps Kurnos with the wand. With Ari having had time to wedge the left door, he makes sure her weapon arsenal is complete and rezaps her with the same wand. "Time is wasting, everyone ready for me to open the door?"

Activating my Zosiel's Diadem (+2 WIS for 3 min) and Abjurer's Shield (Resist 5 vs Fire for 1 hour). Using 2 charges on the Enlarge Person wand. The wand effect doesn't extend to the dogs right? I don't think we have the space for that.

As a heads up, I plan to do 2 cantrips in a row starting from N12. One to Open the door then duck behind the corner. If they don't rush right through, then the other is Ghost Sound to M17 doing a combination (text at showtime) of taunting and getting them to kill their own leader :smallbiggrin: BTW, based on my knowledge, what would the head guy of the Bane cult be called? Master? Lord? High Priest? Hopefully my armor doesn't screw up the cantrips.

2014-10-11, 03:48 AM
The party prepares for the coming battle, handing out spears and wedging one of the double doors to impede it. Keston's magic transforms Kurnos into a huge warrior to rival the size of the hulking Ari. The two ogre-sized companions drag and roll the stinking bloody carcass of the Beast down the corridor with some effort, pushing it up to the double doors to further restrict anyone coming through. Having prepared, the party retreats to the antechamber to goad the evil worshippers of Bane forward...
...even as Keston is about to use his minor magics to open the doors, they start to swing open. The wedged side jars and machinery grates as your obstruction causes a geared mechanism to fail. The other swings open. Peering carefully through, past the remains of the diabolic boar, you can just make out a larger room illuminated in flickering torchlight. From where you are you can see what appears to be the base of a large statue, but not much else.

After a moment, a man's voice calls out "Who dares to invade the temple of the Black Lord? I applaud your mettle. Show yourselves! Let me see with my own eye the flaming hounds and the ogre elf-maid that you keep as pets!"

2014-10-12, 11:12 AM
"Looks like we have a pompous jackanapes down there that needs to be dealt with... Kuln whispers to the others.
"Think someone should introduce us and offer them the chance to surrender." he says in a flat tone, making it hard for the others to tell if he's joking or being serious as he move towards the corner and flattens himself as best he can.


2014-10-12, 05:01 PM
Armor Spell failure check first for Ghost Sound (fail 1-15) [roll0]
Even with failure I won't indicate it and just continue.
Keston calls upon his magic to amplify his message. The voice is deep, loud, and commanding.

"The Beast is dead. The High Priest has failed. The temple has been found and compromised. Again, the High Priest has failed. The Black Lord does not suffer failure. Dispose the High Priest. Aid him and the Black Lord will ravage your soul for failure. The High Priest must die. Kill him."

5ft move to O12. Casting Ghost Sound targeting N17. The voice is similar to what an evil avatar would sound like.

2014-10-16, 04:08 AM
As Keston's booming ultimatum fades you can hear a faint muttering and occasional outraged oath from the distant enemies.

The man's voice shouts out once more, "You have done us a wrong. We have committed no crime - indeed we have gone out of our way to avoid troubling your community. Our sect is in no way part of the Church of Bane that you may have heard of. We focus solely on the more esoteric and introspective elements of the Black Hand.

I would have preferred that you leave us alone. Still, you are here now. Come, let me see you and perhaps we can come to an agreement."

2014-10-16, 11:30 AM
<Speaking loudly so he can be heard> "No crime? Your associates in town in town say otherwise. Your Tiefling guards with orders to kill on sight say otherwise. Abusing the bodies of the dead say otherwise. Mistaken are we? I think not. The Ebon Triad and Kyuss's creations have no place near this community nor anywhere else. If we are so wrong then come out unarmed with your followers and enlighten us."

Keston turns and looks at Ari and the hound behind her. His head then turns southward to keep his voice from carrying to the temple. As he completes the spell he turns back towards the hallway leading to the temple.

Keston, Ari, and the hound behind her step out into the hallway, showing themselves. Keston has his longspear in one hand with the blunt end resting on the ground. He has a Mystran blue glow around him and his holy symbol is prominent. The "ogre elf maid" wields her large greataxe, also in one hand with the blunt end resting on the ground. The hound walks around Ari and sits next to Keston, subtle blue flames around it.

Casting Silent Image. We can use an action point for adding 1d6 to a d20, so I'm hoping I can use one for a d100 (armor failure) just in case.
Armor failure (01-15):
Armor failure (01-15): [roll0] (in case I did mess up the above line with a Preview)
AP: roll]1d6

Area of Effect: O9 to L12 and N13 to M14
1) 3 of us stepping out (not just appearing there) as described in IC, Keston at N12, Ari at N10-M11, hound at M12
2) L12 appears to be vacant, to help Kuln's hide.
3) O9 to O12 and P10 to P11 appear vacant to cover the real PCs.
4) Incoming attacks will be responded to. Arrows will hit if on target. 3 arrows hits on Keston or the hound will cause the image to fall and remain. 6 arrow hits will do the same for Ari. All images will respond to AoE but survive. Directed spells will seem to be absorbed by the glowing shield around Keston.
5) No current effect for the area with Kurnos and hound next to him. There is line of sight from the Temple door and I want to ensure the believability of the spell by not having sudden changes.

2014-10-17, 06:54 PM
There is a pause before the man once more yells out across the distance "I can just barely make you out. At least have the decency to come forward and talk to me face to face. You have invaded our sanctum with no cause, killed my guards and fellow pilgrims with no mercy. You talk of Kyuss and of associates in town. Of this we claim ignorance. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to what has stirred you up such that you would send your flaming hell hounds to slay innocents".

2014-10-18, 08:56 AM
"Ack! I doubt the dwarves have bigger bellows for their forges than this windbag." he says to the towering Kurnos behind him.
"If this keeps up much longer, you biggun's are going to shrink down and we lose some advantage. What say you?" he says slightly louder so the rest of the party can hear him.

2014-10-18, 04:42 PM
I don't trust them as far as I could throw one of Kurnos' dogs. Which is not very far at all."
Varian shrugs. "But I leave the decision to you, it's all the same to me. What they have to say might be entertaining, assuming they actually intend to say anything at all, and aren't just planning the world's most obvious trap."

2014-10-18, 11:59 PM
Kurnos grins tickling his pets under their chin. Hellhounds eh... I think not. Looking to the others he flexes now large muscles. We could rush him eh masse, he may not expect it from us, especially with our magic supporting us?

2014-10-19, 06:49 PM
The illusions continue to act realistically, with Keston's image speaking and gesturing in unison.

"If we are so guilty and you are so innocent let's all head back to town and have it judged. There are already others dead or jailed for embracing the undead. Do you deny the skeletons that attacked us?"

"Here we are, out in the open. A cleric of Mystra and a paladin of Lathander. What better sacrifice to Bane could you ask for? You are in there, somewhere, hiding. You do Bane proud. I'm sure you know better than I what awaits you in the afterlife for failing your lord. You and your followers in there are cowards, further failing your lord. If your followers had any intelligence they would punish you for failure to appease your Black Lord. Come, remove us if you dare."

The 3 illusion figures take a few step forward. (5ft)

2014-10-21, 03:34 AM
"Gah! You go too far! The righteous of Bane give their bodies to his bidding even in the afterlife. You think that your weak gods give you the authority to come here and demand of Bane? Demand of me, Theldrick? I have fought a dragon and lived to walk away. Do you really think I am scared of those weaklings that bow down to such foolish masters? The Ebon Triad will triumph and you will feelthe true terror of the Overgod!"

As the man sputters and finishes his rant you faintly hear a few spoken words of magic. All of a sudden a ghostly morning-star appears in mid-air. Instantly it whirs into motion, spinning this way and that before plunging forward to attack the illusionary images. The wicked weapon tears through the images, the illusions reacting at Keston's instruction.

"Gah! Trickery! Illusions!" splutters Theldrick.

Varian [roll0] Fail
Kurnos [roll1] Fail
Keston [roll2] Fail
=> Party

2014-10-21, 09:21 PM
Keston's image tries to roll with the blow from the morning-star of force, but Keston had the image move up too far and did not have a good view of what was coming. The image reacts too slowly and the weapon passes through the image. Keston realizes the high priest probably sees through the illusion now, but he has others with him so he keep up the images going. Keston's image does show blood and ripped leather armor from where it was hit. The images retreat back to their original spots, away from the weapon of magic, ready to try again to dodge its attacks.

"Yes, our gods do give us the authority. It is not our gods who have their followers hide deep underground, afraid to publicly proclaim their faith, hiding away even in the face of the enemy."

(quietly for only the party)
"Wait out this spell if it can't find the real us. If it does we need to charge. Kurnos first so I can use Blood Wind on him to disrupt any other spells coming out. He has to see to further control the spell. Sound good?"

The Keston image is back where I can see it better. If the next morning-star attack is on target the image will take the hit and fall to its knees.

Along with keeping the spell up Keston is tracking how long the enemy spell lasts.

2014-10-22, 01:45 AM
Ari, whose face has been indicating that the priest's words disgust and offend her too much to allow her to speak, listens to Keston explain his plan and then nods. She speaks as low as she can, for only the party to hear. "Indeed. Kurnos, with me as backup; we shall bring justice to these blasphemers." She watches the illusions and grimaces at the sight of the magical weapon. "Let us hope this talkative priest's spell is almost at an end."

2014-10-22, 04:08 AM
The spinning magic weapon holds its ground, turning slowly but threateningly in the hallway as the illusionary images of Ari, Keston and the hound step back from it.

"Come out! Show yourselves you craven cowards!" shouts the man.
apologies if I've cut off anyone's action. figured its best for me to post promptly to get this bit moving

2014-10-22, 12:34 PM
Quietly, Varian speaks to the others: "I will focus my spells on the priest when the fighting begins, if I can lay my eyes on him. He seems quite enamored of his own voice, though, so we should just keep him talking until his spell fades."

Then he raises his voice, and calls to the enemy leader with a tone of amusement: "Now now, my friend, you shout for us to show ourselves, you call us cowards, all the while you hide your face from us just the same. That seems quite hypocritical of you. You say you have faced a dragon, Theldrick? Are we more frightening than a dragon, then? You flatter us indeed! Or might you just have overstated your valor a tiny bit? Just what would your "Overgod" think about that?

2014-10-22, 04:29 PM
Kuln nods and slowly makes his way down the hallway, keeping to the shadows.

Keeping to the left hand side of the wall, shortsword in off hand and dart in the other.


Move Silently

2014-10-22, 06:23 PM
Keston cringes as Kuln sneaks out. He keeps the illusion going and prepares to step out and cast one of two spells depending on the situation. Keston's image twirls his spear some while peering down the hallway, trying to see the priest. Ari's image takes stabs at the force weapon. Hopefully the extra movement will help hide Kuln.

2014-10-23, 03:02 AM
Kuln sneaks forward, weapons in hand hugging the wall. As the verbal interchange continues he ducks carefully past the spinning morning-star and hides his small form behind the bulk of the huge boar's corpse. Peering out he surveys the room ahead...

He sees a large room with walls of smooth, polished rock. Sand covers the floor. A massive (20ft tall) statue stands in the centre of the chamber - made of dark stone it depicts a powerful-looking man, handsome yet sneering, his mailed fist raised and clenched. In the fist of the statue is a large green jewel, glittering in the torchlight and casting sparkles of light around the room. Presumably this represents the god Bane himself.

A viewing chamber and balcony sits twenty feet up from the floor, it's occupants previously hidden from where the party waited. A tielfing guard is visible on the balcony. His axe is slung and he has his longbow notched and drawn. Of more interest are the occupants of the viewing box.

A man in full battle dress sits in an ostentatious high-backed chair. He has grey hair and a short moustache and goatee. A nasty scar marks his face and has taken one of his eyes. He wears blackened full plate armour with the mailed fist of Bane emblazoned on his chest. A loaded crossbow rests at his feet and a spiked morning star hangs at his side. As he speaks he thumps the armrest of his chair in anger.

To either side of him stand more armoured figures. To his right, a hulking tusked half-orc with evil brands on his face. He wears black half-plate and has a shield on one arm and a morning star in the other. To his left, a similarly armoured dark-haired woman also battle-scarred holds a loaded crossbow. All have prominent symbols of Bane displayed.

Completing the scene, a pair of lifeless long-dead lizardfolk stand guard one on each side of the viewing chamber. They bear no weapons but their long claws look fearful enough.
The are obviously zombies.
As Varian goads the man once more he shouts out "I tire of this. Step forward and face the consequences of your foolish incursion, or we will hunt you down and show you the meaning of fear and weakness." The floating morning star spins one last time and vanishes. At that moment Kurnos' sorcery also expires and the flames enveloping him and his hounds subside and flicker out.

2014-10-23, 09:52 PM
The illusion having served its purpose quite well, Keston ends it. If you can cast Guidance, now would be a good time. Too bad we don't have a means of darkness or smoke. Should we see about flanking then? Split the party or all of us go. As it it will be a tight fit." Following his own advice he casts a spell and touches Ari's shoulder. "Mystra's Guidance upon you."

"Hunting would require leaving your cave, so that makes your threat harmless and your dragon story a fairy tale. Besides, we're just killing time while our Transmuter starts to redo a room out here in Mystran blue. She did say something about a cheery pink for the other room later. In a bit we'll have a small campfire made of a whole pile of holy symbols. I trust you can figure out where those came from.

Casting Guidance on Ari, +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check within 1 minute.

5ft move to O12

Varian, don't forget you have my crossbow. Might be good to prep it now if it isn't already.

2014-10-24, 07:21 AM
Kuln leans back behind the door, and motions to the others with his hands the positions and numbers of enemies he sees before he resheathes his weapons and removes his crossbow, then sneaks forward again.

Move to M-20 if he can make it there due to hindered terrain and moving stealthily.


Move Silently



2014-10-24, 04:23 PM
Kurnos kneels down picking up a few of the cultists' Bane-ite symbols. Cheerfully smashing bits off the side of them and rubbing them in Primus's dung and the blood of the dead. Suitably filth ridden he hurls them scattering into the main temple like room far ahead...
"We spit on you and your god. His name is as dung and his followers as witless sheep soon to be for the slaughter..."

If a cha check is required (and I dearly hope not) [roll0]

2014-10-27, 03:20 AM
Kuln edges forward, trying to get a better look inside the room. Peering around the door he can see another couple of tielfing guards on the balcony with bows at the ready (that makes three all up). There doesn't seem to be any obvious way up to the balcony in the room.

At that moment Kurnos shouts his insults and a fistful of filth-covered holy symbols sail past Kuln into the room. The man's face fills with rage at this insult, and at Varian's flippant comments.

"Very well. We shall soon see who is slaughtered. Your corpses will serve to replace those of my servants that you have destroyed". As he rises he pushes a button on his chair and the double doors swing shut in front of Kuln's nose, blocking his view into the room.

2014-10-27, 04:39 PM
Keston hears the door shut and steps out into the hallway to see. "That was... unexpected. Maybe they are up to some ritual?"

"Do we wait them out, go through the main door, or hit them single file through the south door. Each has its own set of problems."

His eyes pause on the beast's corpse. "Hmm. Leaving that corpse there might give him something to raise up against us if the door is opened again."

Can I think of any rituals they might be doing. Do rituals even exist in this world?

2014-11-01, 04:37 AM
With a hurried exchange the party agrees a basic course of action. Ari and Kurnos, both still massive in size, grab some of the discarded longspears and wedge the into the doors to the east and west of the party. The rest of you prepare to sneak down the darkened corridor to the south. No sooner has Kurnos jammed the double doors when you hear the sound of the southern door opening. Light spills through the far door and you see the glinting red eyes of a tielfing guard lean around the corner with the longbow's drawstring pulled back ready to shoot you down!


Kurnos & hounds
Enlarged (16 rounds left)


At U18, cover



Guidance (5 rounds left), enlarged (6 rounds), protection from evil (8 rounds)


=> Kurnos & dogs, and Keston
Post in any order, I'll resolve in post order unless you indicate otherwise.

2014-11-01, 06:13 AM
Kurnos curses an oath, both at the surprise assault and that his current vast bulk would prevent him attacking. Looking at the hounds he barks a single command KILL,

The animals, glowing with power streak down the corridor, purple scales and black carapaces glowing...

Carapace 1, wormtail 1, claws 1
Handle animal [roll0]
Primus [roll1] dam [roll2] trip [roll3]
Secundus [roll4] dam [roll5] trip [roll6]

2014-11-01, 10:58 PM
"Time to get back to a more appropriate size. Mystra guide us!"

Keston waves his hand towards both Kurnos and Ari, ending the Enlarge spells and returning them to their normal size. He then casts a new spell on himself.

Casting Shield (Arcane CL2)
Armor failure (01-15): [roll0]

2014-11-03, 05:17 AM
The hounds bound forward at their masters command, seeking to tear the evil guard apart. Seeing the speed of the dogs the man drops his bow and hefts his greataxe, managing to keep the dogs at bay. Kurnos' frustration abates as he quickly reverts to his normal size and follows after the dogs, behind him the Mystran casting his spells.
I'm going to move Kurnos up now, since otherwise he's out of range for sharing his soulmelds with the dogs. Can't get past them to melee though.
The tiefling stands his ground, swinging his axe as he tries to buy time for his companions to shoot down the dogs...
Tielfing 1
Axe vs Primus [roll0] Miss, damage [roll1]

Tielfing 2, 3, 4
Longbow vs Primus [roll2] Miss, damage [roll3]
Longbow vs Primus [roll4] Miss, damage [roll5]
Longbow vs Primus [roll6] Miss, damage [roll7]
(includes -4 for soft cover)
Thump. Thump. Crash!
From behind the double doors there is a series of loud smashes as something tries to break its way through. The huge doors splinter and fall off their hinges and you are faced with a huge carnivorous ape. Dagger-like teeth, bulging sinews and glowing red eyes mark this beast as fearsome indeed as it roars thumps its chest and prepares to tear you apart like paper dolls!
Keston [roll8]
Varian [roll9]
Kuln [roll10]
It's a fiendish (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/fiendishCreature.htm) ape (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/ape.htm)
The priest of Bane, Theldrick, still stands in the balcony although his minions are no longer visible. Chuckling as the ape stands fearsomely in front of you he says "Did you really think you could defeat the might of Bane?! Let me show you true power!!" With that he clutches his holy symbol, utters a few words of magic and points towards Ari...who feels a wave of power assault her mind but shrugs it off.
Ari Will save vs DC 15 [roll11] Save (incl +2 prot from evil)
Keston [roll12]
Ari [roll13]
Varian [roll14]
It's hold person (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/holdPerson.htm)


Kurnos & hounds


Tielfings, Theldrick & ape



Guidance (5 rounds left), protection from evil (8 rounds)


=> Party
Post in any order, I'll resolve in post order unless you indicate otherwise.

2014-11-03, 02:30 PM
"Interesting. You consider a fiendish ape scarier than a Beast of Bane and a failed spell the Might of Bane. Now suffer your failure in SILENCE!"

Keston's spell creates an area of silence emanating from the viewing stand. With Theldrick acoustically cut off, Keston addresses his allies. "He's got access to at least third level spells. Kurnos, that's a fiendish ape that just broke down the big doors. We only see it and Theldrick in there. The rest must be coming your way. If that way isn't looking good fall back and we can close this door to fight one direction at a time. Ari, I'll enchant your weapon next. Decide which you want to use."

Silence spell centered at corner between M31 and N32.
Pull out the Magic Weapon scroll.

2014-11-03, 04:46 PM
Kuln, hearing the door erupt, slowly leans back and fires, then quips "It is about to get as hairy as that apes back in here." as he drops his crossbow and takes out one of his swords.

AC ~20; Current ~ 22
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

5 foot step to N-17 sneakily

Move Silently

Standard action Action
Crossbow Attack vs the Evil Monkey

Crit Conf

[roll4] + [roll5] if sneak is successful

Effects ~
Bless - +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects
Protection Devotion - +2 AC

2014-11-04, 01:56 PM
"First a pig, now a monkey? Do you have a whole zoo stashed in a back room, by any chance?"

Without pause, Varian's quip turns into arcane mutterings and he conjures up an orb of blazing flames, infused with streaks of bright silver-white light. With a gesture the Spellscale launches the brightly-shining ball of fire straight at the priest of Bane. His sapphire scaled face shows no trace of his previous mirth and easy-going nature anymore.

"The wrath of the Platinum Dragon destroy you!"

Since the priest can see Ari, I assume Varian can see the priest. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm also leaving the move action open for any movement that might be necessary for a line of sight.

Casting Kelgore's Fire Bolt at Theldrick, infused with the blood-quickening meditation of Bahamut.
[roll0] reflex save DC 16 for half damage + [roll1] if he is evil, which I feel is a pretty safe assumption

2014-11-04, 03:42 PM
Hearing shouts behind him Kurnos happily presses forwards with his attack, dogs leading the way as they seek to bite and claw the tiefling apart to reach those beyond. Kurnos delaying for a chance to strike if the dogs tear down the one by the doorway...

Kurnos Delay - oif the dogs kill the tiefling I'll advance in

Bite [roll0] dam [roll1] trip [roll2]
Claw [roll3] dam [roll4]
Claw [roll5] dam [roll6]

Bite [roll7] dam [roll8] trip [roll9]
Claw [roll10] dam [roll11]
Claw [roll12] dam [roll13]

2014-11-05, 06:36 PM
The evil priest's exuberance is cut off mid-gloat as Keston's spell of silence falls upon the balcony. His rage is palpable as he realizes he can no longer draw power from his god through prayer.
Even as he slams his fists in anger on his chair an orb of flame and fire flies from Varian and strikes him square in the chest blasting him backward. He winces as he regains his feet, smoking and injured but still alive.

Kuln takes advantage of the chaos and shoots the huge diabolic ape as it roars its challenge, the shot a brutal snipers shot that takes the ape in the neck and while not killing it outright has obviously hit a vital spot and caused great pain.

Kurnos' hounds snap and savage at the armoured tielfling guard, but the muscled axe-wielder wards them off with deft defences.

Seeing the wicked ape preparing to charge Ari hefts her greataxe and closes with it. As she runs she grasps the sun pendant hanging from her neck and speaks a word of magic. With unnatural speed she closes the last few steps and ducks under its arms before it can tear her limb from limb. In nice and close she swings her axe with all her might chopping into its tough hide but not taking it down.

Theldrick Ref save vs DC 16 Fail [roll0]

Kuln gets the sneak attack (note Bless and Protection Devotion have now lapsed)

Move Action: Move to M18
Swift Action: Activate Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker and Move to M20 (avoiding AoO)
Standard Action: Axe vs ape [roll1] (incl Guidance) Hit damage [roll2]

The tielfing guards attack once more, with the axe-wielder holding the door and trying to take down Primus while his companions fire a hail of arrows into the melee. Behind the guard an undead lizardfolk zombie shuffles into view slowly swinging its claws in anticipation of the confrontation to come.

Back in the statue room the main priest, Theldrick, curses silently on the balcony and limps out of the room through a side door to the south.

Ari also sees the dark-haired dark-armoured woman on the balcony. The woman sneers and points at Ari. "By the power of Bane, fall to your knees". Again Ari feels a force assault her mind but is able to shrug it off with little effort.

Roaring with simian rage the ape swings at Ari trying to crush the paladin or maybe bite her head from her shoulders if it can...it rains punishment upon the slight half-elven warrior. Blow after blow as the mad ape smashes her back and forth like a rag doll. Somehow she stays standing, bleeding but resolute.
Tielfing 1
Axe vs Primus [roll3] Miss, damage [roll4]

Tielfing 2, 3, 4
Longbow vs Primus [roll5] Miss, damage [roll6]
Longbow vs Primus [roll7] Miss, damage [roll8]
Longbow vs Primus [roll9] Miss, damage [roll10]
(includes -4 for soft cover & -4 for firing into melee)

Lizardfolk Zombie
Move to U19

Black-armoured woman
Spell vs Ari: Ari immune to compulsion effects

Ape full attack vs Ari
Claw [roll11] (incl smite good) Hit damage [roll12]
Claw [roll13] Hit damage [roll14]
Bite [roll15] Hit damage [roll16]


Kurnos & hounds


bad guys



Guidance (4 rounds left), protection from evil (7 rounds)


=> Party
Post in any order, I'll resolve in post order unless you indicate otherwise.

2014-11-05, 10:28 PM
Keston feels joy with Theldrick's frustration but then watches in disbelief that Ari is still standing after the ape's onslaught. "Theldrick's headed south!" Keston casts a spell, touching his hand to his holy symbol and both glow blue. He hurries ahead over the slain beast to Ari, gifting her with the healing of Mystra's touch.

Sacrifice Sound Burst for Cure Moderate, using an AP for +2CL [roll0] Woohoo!
CL is 3 (base) + 2 (AP) + 1 (Touch of Healing)
Move to M19
I'm headed out of town for a week. I should have access but if are waiting on me just go ahead and NPC me. I'm hoping we kill the ape or it times out before anyone drops (help!). I'll probably be needed in the south passage soon but I am very low on healing. Spiritual Weapon on Theldrick would be nice but casting it ends my ability to use Touch of Healing for the day so I'll make sure the spell will be worthwhile and use another AP for +2CL on it for longer duration.

My other options are Wand of Lesser Vigor and Magic Weapon scroll (which I was about to use until Ari was suddenly at 1hp).

2014-11-06, 08:42 AM
As his bolt goes streaking at the massive ape, Kuln cringes as the creature lashes out at Ari. For a split second he is expecting the warrior to crumble under the blow but smiles as he sees him still standing.
Dropping his bow, he jumps over the Beast, scooching over the other side, as he draws his other sword, dodging as he makes his way.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

Move action
Move to N-20 while tumbling to avoid AoO

Standard action Action
Short sword vs the Evil Monkey

Crit Conf


Effects ~

2014-11-09, 04:13 AM
Kurnos snarls at seeing the trouble behind him with the strange demon monkey. Hold off the that monster. I shall carve a path through here! Primus then draws back allowing the angry Kurnos and his gleaming claws through to slash and hack at the Tiefling blocking his way.

Free: handle primus - withdraw [roll0] DC10
Secundus - muchies
Bite [roll1] dam [roll2] trip [roll3]
Claw [roll4] dam [roll5]
Claw [roll6] dam [roll7]

Kurnos 5ft in and claw the man to death. If Secundus gets him I'll move action and single claw the next person.
[roll8] damage [roll9]
[roll10] damage [roll11]

2014-11-09, 08:05 AM
Ari is still standing, but she is pale as a sheet and trembling with exhaustion and pain when Keston gets to her side. It's clear she's about to fall. He's there just in time, though, and as his magic runs through her she gasps with a renewed feeling of vigor and stands up straight again, lifting the greataxe. "By the gods," she gasps out. My thanks, Keston, and praise be to Mystra and her magic. Ware the spellcaster to the right!"

She's been dodging the frantic ape as she speaks, and once she's done, she hunts for an opening in its flailing and takes it, striking as hard and as true as she can. "By the light of Lathander, you foul thing...!"

Back to 22 HP, w00t!
Attack the monkey with the greataxe - using an AP on the attack roll
Attack: [roll0] + AP: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2014-11-10, 05:03 AM
Varian notes the effect of his spell with satisfaction, but shouts in anger as the scorched priest of Bane flees the room. "Stay and face us, you coward!"

Since Theldrick does not listen to his demand, and the enemies in the south corridor are outside his field of vision, the sorcerer turns toward the demon ape ahead. "Let's bring that monster down so we can ambush the remaining foes from behind!"

With a gesture and a muttering of complex words he summons three small spheres of crimson force, and sends them straight at the ape.

Time to use some APs, wouldn't want to level up with all of them still available. I had totally missed that fact that you can use them to boost CL, until Cavir used one that way. Very cool!

Move action: Move to M17.
Standard action: Casting Magic Missile at the ape, using an AP for +2 CL.
[roll0] (force)

2014-11-11, 05:29 AM
Keston and Kuln move forward, the gnome ducking down and stabbing at the enormous ape's legs. Try as he might, he just can't get a solid hit through the things bristly hide.

In the confined space of the corridor, Kurnos and his hounds are desperately trying to break through and take down the tiefling guards. With a sharp whistle Kurnos calls back one of the hounds as he flexes his mysterious claws. Confused by the juggling of foes the axe-wielding evil-doer is taken by surprise as the dog latches onto his shin. Blood streaming from the tearing muscle he looks up in time to see Kurnos' claws streak down and then blackness...

Back in the statue room Ari ducks and weaves, hewing futilely at the roaring ape. Even for her it's hide is too tough and she scratches and nicks it but nothing that will stop it. Zap! Zap zap! "ROAR!" Spheres of magical energy fly from Varian's shimmering fingers and slam into the beasts chest. It roars in agony at the very real and painful damage inflicted on its body.

The ape has DR5 vs both Kuln & Ari's attacks. Also has spell resistance but Varian makes his caster level check (Varian caster level check (1d20+10)[26], includes AP + aura).

Feeling the stinging pain of the magical attacks the enraged ape looks to take it anger out on the nearest thing possible, in this case once more the paladin. This time Ari is not so lucky and the beast slams her into the wall with one forearm before pounding her into the ground with a massive fist. She barely manages to roll to one side and regain her feet as it snaps forward with its bestial maw. Fortunately she can ward the blow and her armour holds.

Laughing at the brutal attack the armoured priestess of Bane shouts out to her companions "Exquisite! There's really nothing to these wanna-be heroes!". Still laughing she gestures and speaks a few words of magic, but clenches her teeth in anger as Kuln shrugs off the effect of whatever the spell may have been.

Again the tiefling guards let loose a volley of arrows, this time at Kurnos as he stands over the fallen body of their companion. Two miss but a single shaft lodges in his strangely armoured carapace and a trickle of blood starts to leak down his chest.

As soon as the arrows have been loosed you hear a barked voice "Forward. Kill them". The undead lizardfolk lurch forward toward Kurnos, the closest seeking to tear him down with its wildly swinging strikes but flailing ineffectively.

The speaker, the hulking branded half-orc, steps out behind the zombies. Clutching his holy symbol he too mutters words of magic before pointing toward Kurnos. Forces assault the druids mind, but he is also able to resist the powers of the dark god.

Finally the leader, Theldrick, steps into Kurnos view at the far end of the corridor. Striding more purposefully now he issues sharp commands as he approaches "Hold them there! By the might of the Black Hand, we will crush them!".

Ape full attack vs Ari
Claw (1d20+7)[25] Hit damage (1d6+9)[10]
Claw (1d20+7)[27] Hit damage (1d6+9)[10]
Bite (1d20+2)[16] Miss damage (1d6+2)[6]

spell vs kuln
will save vs dc14 (1d20+3)[16] Save
keston spellcraft to identify spell Success it was cause fear (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/causeFear.htm)

Tielfing 2, 3, 4
Longbow vs Kurnos (1d20)[20] Hit , damage (1d8+2)[3]
Longbow vs Kurnos (1d20)[7] Miss , damage [rolll]1d8+2
Longbow vs Kurnos (1d20)[9]Miss, damage 1d8+2
(includes -4 for soft cover)

zombie vs Kurnos (1d20+4)[13] Miss, damage (1d6+2)[4]

move to U20
spell vs kurnos
will save vs dc12 (1d20+7)[12] Save
kurnos spellcraft to identify spell [roll1] Fail


Kurnos & hounds


bad guys



Guidance (3 rounds left), protection from evil (6 rounds)


=> Party
Post in any order, I'll resolve in post order unless you indicate otherwise.

2014-11-11, 10:22 PM
Keston sees Ari get slammed around again, but has hope from the the rest of their Bane magic being powerless so far and knowing the ape shouldn't be around for too much longer. "Protect yourselves! Whether we kill it or the magic runs out it shouldn't be much longer. Ari, I'll distract it and you fall back. Remember the potions I handed out!"

Keston moves back and out of Ari's line of retreat while pulling out a potion and goading the ape to try to attack him. Once clear of the ape he turns and casts one of most powerful magics. A cloud with spinning stars of force forms above Kuln. Immediately the stars shoot out at the ape, then reform in the cloud. Keston points up at the stars. "Look at those, ape, they are out to get you!"

I've got Magic Armor, Shield, and Ari's soft cover so that should help taking the AoO. Who knows, maybe it is dumb enough to swipe at the fast spinning stars.

Move to N18 (not 5ft special move), drawing AoO and pulling out potion.

Using an AP when casting Spiritual Weapon, both for the spell duration and to get help through the spell resistance. If we can use more than one AP a turn I'll use another if needed to get past the spell resistance. I would then have 1 AP left.
Spiritual Weapon: CL5, 5 turn duration
Spell Resistance: [roll0]
AP [roll1]
Attack Ape: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

With those attack rolls by the ape, it doesn't matter much what Ari's AC is :smalleek:

2014-11-11, 11:03 PM
Kuln scoots over as he draws his second sword, focusing on dodging and parrying as he throws half-hearted blows at towering beast.
Ai! Ai! Come on, beastie, take on someone your own size!" he yells at the creature, trying to draw its attention away from the embattled warrior.
"For Gond's sake, move woman!" he yells to her.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

5 foot step to O-21 and remove second short sword

Full round Action
Fighting defensively, two weapon fighting
1st Short sword vs the Evil Monkey
[roll0] includes -4 for fighting defensively and +2 for flanking

Crit Conf
[roll1] includes -4 for fighting defensively and +2 for flanking

[roll2] + [roll3]

2nd Short sword vs the Evil Monkey
[roll4] includes -4 for fighting defensively and +2 for flanking

Crit Conf
[roll5] includes -4 for fighting defensively and +2 for flanking

[roll6] + [roll7]

Effects ~
Fighting Defensively = -4 to hit & +2 to AC

2014-11-12, 01:27 AM
Kurnos looks at the arrow and snarks before ducking under the zombies clumsy blow. Secundus before him keeps barking in between trying to bite and savage the bug stinking zombie.

Both man and beast attack. Kurnos too primal now to do more than growl and hiss..

Bite [roll0] dam [roll1] trip [roll2]
Claw [roll3] dam [roll4]
Claw [roll5] dam [roll6]

Claw [roll7] dam [roll8]
Claw [roll9] dam [roll10]

2014-11-12, 01:52 AM
Varian feels a mixture of fear and pride for Ari as he sees her almost go down again, bleeding heavily under the ape's frenzied onslaught, but still defiantly standing tall.

"Get to safety Ari, you've done more than your part! Time to strike this abomination down!" He hisses the last word and spits out an angrily spoken arcane uttering, summoning another triplet of crimson orbs around his fingers. Emptying his last reserves of hidden power for the day, he infuses them with a streak of shining silver light, reflecting brightly from the walls around him.

"Get back to whatever hell you came from!" The orbs of blood and silver shoot at the demon ape with unerring accuracy.

Standard action: Casting Magic Missile at the ape again, using an AP to boost CL by 2. Also using an AP for the spell resistance roll, should it be necessary (is that ok with you btw, Ghostfoot? It feels a bit like double-dipping, since the AP for CL also affects the SR roll).
+ [roll=AP]1d6 AP if necessary and ok.
[roll1] + [roll2] if the ape is evil

2014-11-16, 03:11 AM
Keston ducks back, the ape swinging at him but confused by the swirling stars that suddenly appear, whirling around it. It ducks and dodges the spinning force weapons but at least is momentarily distracted. Kuln dances around it, trying to circle the fiendish beast without getting himself squashed. He lands a minor blow which only serves to enrage the beast further. It turns to face the little gnome but from behind it Varians words of magic ring out and orbs of magic slam brutally into its back. It looks around quizzically and then with a soft <pop!> it vanishes back to its infernal domain, the summoning broken.

At the chokepoint, Primus grabs the leg of the lead zombie, tearing it half off and wrenching the abomination to the ground where it continues the savaging. Kurnos step over and with two brutal strikes he rends the stinking undead in two, ending its unlife before looking up for more...

=> Ari


2014-11-22, 03:56 AM
With the fiendish ape banished Ari checks her options. The only foe in sight is the evil armoured priestess up on the balcony. She could stand out here in the open and try and shoot her with her crossbow - but surely it's better to get up there and confront her face-to-face? Ari grabs her axe and squeezes past the boar carcass, hustling up to support Kurnos.

The one remaining undead lizardman steps forward to mindlessly tear at the druid, smashing him back against the wall blood dripping while the tiefling guards continue to pepper the doorway with arrows. In the midst of them the half-orc curses at his spells failure to affect Kurnos. He grabs a potion vial from his belt and quaffs it quickly. A shimmering field of energy twinkles over him as the potion takes effect.

In the statue room the armoured woman looks down at Kuln, her only visible opponent. With an angry glare she once again utters words of magic and casts, forces of enchantment again assailing Kuln's mind....yet again he shrugs it off.

And at the rear their leader Theldrick advances steadily, words and gestures of evil magic issuing from the wicked cleric as he clutches his symbol of Bane and stalks toward the melee.

Full round action: Double move to Q17

Not an action: 5 ft step to U18
Full attack: zombie vs Kurnos [roll0] Hit , damage [roll1]

Tielfing 2, 3, 4
Longbow vs Kurnos [roll2] Miss , damage [roll3]
Longbow vs Kurnos [roll4] Miss , damage [roll5]
Longbow vs Kurnos [roll6] Miss , damage [roll7]
(includes -4 for soft cover)

Half orc
Free action: Draw potion from potion belt
Move action: Drink potion
Kurnos spellcraft to identify: [roll8]Shield of Faith (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shieldOfFaith.htm)

Standard Action: Cast vs Kuln
will save vs dc14 [roll9] +5 AP Save

Move action: Move to U26
Standard Action: Cast
Kurnos spellcraft to identify: [roll10] Fail


=> Party

2014-11-22, 08:14 AM
Here's what Keston had handed out.
"The potions the guards had are Shield of Faith and Cure Light." He hands one each of the purple Shield of Faith potions to Kuln, Kurnos, and Ari. He hands one each of the pink CLW potions to everyone except for Varian whom he gives 2 CLW potions and a Blessed Bandage. "The Shield will probably last one minute. Varian, you've got the extras as a backup to me."
As Varian's magic ends the ape's threat the cloud of stars returns to Keston's side.

Keston calls out to Ari as she hurries off. "Drink some potions! Varian, she's going to need your spare."

He heard yet another spell being cast from the priestess on the balcony but noticed no ill effect on Kuln. Taking heart from that he steps out into the temple area with Kuln and looks up at the priestess. "Your spells have no power over those on the side of Mystra. Bane has failed you and and you have failed Bane. Surrender and find a new path!" The cloud of Mystran spinning stars shoot up at the priestess to make his point. His longspear is ready in case the priestess comes down.

Move to N20.
Round 2 of 5 for the spell
Spiritual Weapon attack 1d20+5]
Damage [roll0]
AP [roll1]

How high up is the balcony?

2014-11-22, 08:15 AM
Let's try this again

2014-11-22, 01:26 PM
"Hehe, not much without your monkey, are ye, woman?" Kuln says mockingly , sheathing one of his swords as he goes and removing a dart before letting it fly.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

5 foot step to P-20 while sheathing sword
Move action to remove dart

Standard Action
Throw dart at priestess


Crit Conf


Effects ~

As he lets the dart fly he says "Give up and play nice and I promise you justice. Only other thing left to you is the cold embrace of the abyss."

2014-11-22, 02:34 PM
Bleeding slightly Kurnos ducks and whirls, incarnum claws flashing as they carve into dead flesh. The priest beyond still tantalisungly close. The dog savages and bites at the zombie to allow Kurnos to close on the living prey!

Kurnos 6 HP down

Bite [roll0] dam [roll1] trip [roll2]
Claw [roll3] dam [roll4]
Claw [roll5] dam [roll6]

Claw [roll7] dam [roll8]
Claw [roll9] dam [roll10]
APs as needed [roll11]

2014-11-25, 03:18 PM
Exhilarated by the success of his magic, Varian quickly follows the injured paladin into the narrow corridor, along the way removing a pink bottle from the bandoleer across his chest. He hands the potion to Ari with a grin.

"Great work keeping that monster occupied. This should help get you back on your feet."

Noted the potions on Varian's sheet, as I should have done back when they were distributed.:smallredface:
Move action: Move to P17.
Free action: Remove CLW potion from potion belt.
Standard action: Give CLW potion to Ari.

2014-12-01, 04:56 AM
The twinkling bladed stars whir up to the priestess on the balcony. They spin around her and she shrieks as they spark against her armour and shred multiple lacerations across the bare skin on her face. Kuln hurls a dart at her but it bounces off her heavy armour. To the south Kurnos tears into the undead creature in front of him, ripping its chest half open but gruesomely it persists in its unlife. Behind him Ari grabs the potion offered by Varian and gulps it down, her wounds healing somewhat as she prepares to lunge into any open breach.

The evil priestess, swatting away at the shredding storm of stars, draws a wand and utters a command word. Deafening sound blasts through the chamber, physically slamming into Keston and Kuln and leaving their ears bleeding from the volume. Back near Kurnos the zombie and tielfing guard continue to rain blows and arrows upon him to no effect while the half-orc stands back and drinks down another potion his muscles visibly bulging even further as the potion takes effect.

And Theldrick continues to advance, closing to the point that he is almost at the melee. The priest of Bane speaks words of evil and crumbles strange components between is fingers as he points at Kurnos...once again filling his mind with all-consuming terror!

Keston hit priestess for 2 damage (with AP)
Kuln misses priestess
Primus miss zombie
Kurnos hit Zombie x2 23 damage total (with AP)

Move Action: Grab potion (not 100% sure if this is a move action or not...)
Standard action: drink potion heal [roll0]
Not-an-action: 5ft step to R17

Full attack: zombie vs Kurnos [roll1] Miss, damage [roll2]

Tielfing 2, 3, 4
Standard action:Longbow vs Kurnos [roll3] Miss , damage [roll4]
Standard action:Longbow vs Kurnos [roll5] Miss , damage [roll6]
Standard action:Longbow vs Kurnos [roll7] Miss , damage [roll8]
(includes -4 for soft cover)

Half orc
Free action: Draw potion from potion belt
Move action: Drink potion
Kurnos spellcraft to identify: [roll9] Fail

Move action: Draw wand
Standard Action: Use wand vs Keston & Kuln
Keston damage [roll10] fort save vs dc13 [roll11]+[roll12] AP Save
Kuln damage [roll13] fort save vs dc13 [roll14]+[roll15] AP Save
Keston spellcraft to identify: [roll16] Sound burst (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/soundBurst.htm)

Move action: Move to U22
Standard Action: Cast vs Kurnos will save vs dc15 [roll17]+[roll18] AP Fail Frightened (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#frightened)
Kurnos spellcraft to identify: [roll19] Scare (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/scare.htm)

=> Party

2014-12-01, 08:34 AM
Kuln make a face as his dart bounces off the priestess' armor and as he is reaching for another dart he nearly falls to one knee under the aura assault.
Shaking his head, he moves quickly to make sure that he doesn't give the priestess more than one target for next time.
"That's it? That's all you got? Lady, you should have given up." he says, much louder to anyone listening than he thought.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

Move to P-23 while removing dart

Standard Action
Throw dart at priestess


Crit Conf


Effects ~

2014-12-01, 11:22 PM
Keston takes a significant blow from the sonic blast but is able to maintain his focus. "Sound Burst. Kuln- that's short range only." Keston turns his attention back to the priestess. As the cloud of stars once against attacks her, he directs an orb of acid at her too. He then moves back out of range of the priestess' wand while pulling out his own wand.

Hoping she doesn't have much of a CON hp bonus.
Non-action for the stars attack.
Star Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Casting Acid Splash (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/acidSplash.htm) at her.
Armor failure (01-15): [roll2]
Touch attack: [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

Move to K20. Pull out wand of Lesser Vigor.

With that last save, I am now out of APs.

EDIT: Looks like I am out of lucky dice too. 2 rounds left on the Spiritual Weapon.

2014-12-02, 02:37 AM
Kurnos sees the priest and in the magic cast by the man sees a flash of his family, trapped in Banes eternal torment. The image is too much as he howls with the horror of it and flees pushing past the dogs in his grief induced terror. Both dogs howling in confusion.

Kurnos flees 30ft pushing past everyone
The dogs freeze and ready

2014-12-02, 05:30 AM
Seeing Kurnos succumb to magical fear, Varian hopes Ari can hold the line in his place. The spellscale moves back into the main room with quick strides, intending to finish the priestess keeping them at bay, so they can finally stop fighting on two fronts. With a quick gesture and an arcane word he summons up another ball of flame and fire, and throws it at the armored woman.

"Get out of our way!"

Things are getting dicey indeed, and Varian is pretty much out of spells. Using my remaining ones on the priestess, just so we can maybe finally get to Theldrick.
Move action: Move to L21
Standard action: Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt at Priestess, using an AP for +2 CL.
[roll0] reflex save DC 16 halfs

2014-12-02, 11:51 PM
Varian's potion has helped a bit, but Ari's face is still ashen from pain and blood loss; one more solid hit might still finish her, and she needs to hold the line. The dogs are between her and the zombie, which might give her a moment of respite if she's lucky. She fumbles backwards for one of the pink Cure Light Wounds potions sticking out of the side pockets of her pack and quaffs it as quickly as she can.

Move action: retrieve one of the CLWs from her pack
Standard: Drink CLW potion; heal [roll0]

2014-12-05, 04:51 AM
The evil priestess cackles shrilly at the aural assault visited upon Keston and the gnome. Her laughter is cut short as Kuln's barbed dart finds a chink in her armour and lodges in her knee. Clutching the wound she still somehow manages to bat away the swarm of serrated stars and even a jet of burning acid launched by the Mystran. Her eyes widen as the shimmering spellscale launches a ball of flaming death at her but again she hurls herself sideways in agony avoiding the brunt of the burning ruin although still suffering more injuries to her face.

The evil priestess, crouched on the floor in agony, tucks her wand away and pulls a potion from her belt. Uncorking it gulps back the liquid and you witness her wounds visibly heal before your eyes. She looks down with burning hatred at the three of you "Curse you, you vile worms!" She stumbles back out of sight and down a stairway toward the chokepoint.

In the corridor Kurnos is gripped with an unnatural terror and flees past the bewildered dogs and Ari as she knocks back yet another potion. The zombie shambles forward around the corner and tries to rend the dogs apart in their confusion...Primus in turn leaps at the threat and tears the rotting lizard man's head clean off, shaking it before tossing it aside and looking around in confusion again for friends or foes.

The tiefling archers are relentless and continue to pepper away at the only target in sight, Primus...and of the high priest Theldrick you can't see a thing, but then you hear evi chanting followed by a familiar cacophonous din as brutally punishing soundwaves slam down into the dogs this time, leaving them reeling. "After them! Crush them!" you vaguely hear him yell through the ringing in your ears.

Priestess ref save vs DC 16 (1d20+2)[19] Save! 9 damage
Move action: Sheath wand and move to T19 (obscured from the north by stairway)
Free action: Draw potion
Standard action: Drink potion

Not an action: 5ft step to U17
Full attack: zombie vs Primus [roll0] Miss , damage [roll1]

Bite (1d20+2)[21] Hit dam (1d6+5)[6] trip (1d20+4)[22]
Claw (1d20-1)[12] dam (1d8+4)[11]
Claw (1d20-1)[11] dam (1d8+4)[9]

Tielfing 2, 3
Standard action:Longbow vs Primus [roll2] Miss , damage [roll3]
Standard action:Longbow vs Primus [roll4] Miss , damage [roll5]
(includes -4 for cover)

Standard Action: Cast sound burst
Primus damage [roll6] fort save vs dc15 [roll7] Save
Secondus damage [roll8] fort save vs dc15 [roll9] Fail! Stunned (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#stunned) for 1 round

=> Party

2014-12-08, 09:05 PM
In between the near and far sound bursts Keston barely makes out a howl of fear coming from the direction of the rest of his party. He sees the priestess stumble out of sight and the cloud of stars return to his side. He realizes he can only hope to help more by going back the other way. He darts back out of the main temple. As he rounds the corner he sees Kurnos in wide-eyed fear. As Keston reaches him he pulls out a wand and activates it while touching Kurnos. "Please Mystra, show Kurnos a touch of your Wisdom so that he may continue the fight against your Enemy's followers."

Move to N18 with pulling out wand. Offhand has both the spear and lesser vigor wand (neither usable that way of course).
Cast Resurgance (CD p177) on Kurnos. He gets to retry his Save.

Wasted round for the Spiritual Weapon. 1 round left :smallannoyed:

2014-12-09, 08:44 AM
The look of frustration is evident on Kuln's face as the priestess disappears from view. Realizing that the others need help, he runs as quickly as his little feet will move him, taking out his other other sword as he runs.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

Move to Q-17 (I think) while removing short sword

Effects ~

2014-12-09, 10:14 AM
Seeing every available target flee from the main room, Varian realizes he can't do anything more here. Like Keston, he moves back to the entrance area. Seeing Kurnos filled with magical fear, the spellscale infuses his scaled fingers with a smudge of abjuration magic as he touches the frightened druid to strengthen his magical defenses.

Move action: Move to N17.
Standard Action: Cast Resistance on Kurnos (+1 to saves for 1 minute).

2014-12-09, 03:45 PM
As magic washes over him Kurnos skids to a halt, fear and unnatural terror fading into a primal and angry rage. Standing in the centre of the room beside the massive pig corpse he whistles for his dogs forming a line of angry fur and claws...

Form line of battle with the dogs m16-18
Primus [roll0] DC 10
Secundus [roll1] DC 10

2014-12-15, 10:34 PM
Ari is doing a little better after that last potion, but only a little. The dogs flurry around her, rejoining their master. A quick glance and an attentive listen indicate the rest of the party must be regrouping farther down the corridor - perhaps if she joins them, she'll have a second or two in which to quaff again. The paladin starts backing up towards the rest of the party as she draws the second Cure potion from her pack.

Move: 1) draw the second CLW from her pack
2) 15 ft to O17

2014-12-16, 06:19 AM
The party regroups, bolstered with magic but frustrated at the efforts to assault so far. You hear the sound of Theldrick ordering his men forward "After them you worthless dogs! They are fleeing at the might of Bane! Chase them down and crush them! No mercy."

From around the corner surge the tielfing guards, bows and axes in hand as they attack...The guards are followed by the burly half-orc. His forms shifts and wavers as he swagger forward hefting his morning star and shield, eyeing each of you daring you to overcome the minions and confront him.

Behind the half-orc is the female priestess. Clutched in her hand once more is the magic wand and once again she utters the command word and deafening sounds slams through the ranks of the party blasting Ari almost to her knees as the sound waves batter her armoured body like tin foil.

Can't actually get up to the balcony to Q17 so I'm going to assume he moves to N16 to join everyone else.

Tielfing 1, 2
Double move to close, draw greataxe

Tielfing 3
Move action to close
Standard action: Longbow vs Ari [roll0] Miss, damage [roll1]
(includes -4 for cover)

Half orc
Move action to close

Move action: Draw wand & close
Standard Action: Use wand vs party
Keston damage [roll2] fort save vs dc13 [roll3] Save
Kuln damage [roll4] fort save vs dc13 [roll5] Save+[roll6] AP
Ari [roll7] fort save vs dc13 [roll8]Save +[roll9] AP
Kurnos [roll10] fort save vs dc13 [roll11] Save+[roll12] AP
Varian [roll13] fort save vs dc13 [roll14]+[roll15] AP Save
Primus [roll16] fort save vs dc13 [roll17] Save+[roll18] AP
Secondus [roll19] fort save vs dc13 [roll20] Save+[roll21] AP

Move action to close

=> Party

2014-12-16, 11:40 AM
Keston is slammed by a sound burst for a second time. He's quite battered but still has his senses focused. He switches wands between his hands (the offhand also holding the spear) and with a word directs the power of the wand in his main hand into Kurnos. Kurnos' wounds start to slowly heal. "Let them come to us and hit them from the side. Kuln, can you Silence the hallway and save us from that wand?"

Keston moves through the party, headed towards the complex's entry way. As he passes the enemy filled hallway he adds "Ari, withdraw with me so I can heal you and get you back into the fight." The cloud of spinning stars follows Keston but then fades as the magic has run its course.

Wand of Lesser Vigor on Kurnos. Fast Heal 1/rnd for 11 rounds (4 charges left). Does the spell extend to the dogs or is it only spells from Kurnos?
Move to N14.
So much for that AP. Used it to extend the spell but didn't get to use it during the extended period.

2014-12-24, 11:20 AM
Kurnos, angry and vengeful steps back drawing forth a scroll from the pouch at his waist. Reading the Druidic he begins to summon a large bear beside the angry female priest.

Thanks for the fast healing
Scroll summon nature 2 [roll0] DC 3

2014-12-27, 11:56 AM
Varian shakes his head to get rid of the lingering aftereffects of the soundburst. He clearly feels the damage the spell has done to his body. Getting injured really took some of the fun out of this whole thing.

The spellscale reaches for his magic and realizes he has almost nothing left. A single spell of any consequence is what remains until he can refresh his energy. Though he had planned to save it for Theldrick, their current situation did not call for holding anything back. With a resigned sigh he summons up his last reservoir of arcane force, sending a burning sphere of fire at the enemy priestress once more. Those sonic spells needed to stop!

Then he quickly moves to the back of the group. Without any more usefull spells his presence near the frontline seemed like a tremendously bad idea.

Standard action: Casting Kelgore's Fire Bolt at the priestress once again, using an AP for +1 CL.
[roll0] Reflex save DC16 for half damage
Move action: Moving to M15.

2014-12-28, 12:09 PM
"Ari, move back!" Kuln yells to holy warrior as he prepares himself, shrinking against the corner and squatting down a bit in order to lunge against the first Banite he sees.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 25

Free Action

Move Action

Standard Action
Delay until enemy come into range


[roll3] + sneak attack, if applicable [roll4]

Effects ~

2014-12-29, 04:39 AM
The sound of magical incantations fills the hallway as Keston, Kurnos and Varian all recite their words of magic.

Another burning sphere of arcane fire and lava hurtles down the hallway from Varian past the dodging tieflings and slams into the advancing priestess. The sight is horrible (but relieving!) as she is blasted into chunks of charred and burning flesh within her plate armour. What's left of her falls to the ground in a smoking pile.

With the corridor filling with evil warriors and priests Ari steps back into the hallway, hefting her axe and preparing for the coming assault.

"After them! Spill their blood for Bane's glory!" The tielfings surge forward, the lead one getting his legs chopped by the gnome and crying in pain only to have his throat torn out by one of the dogs protecting it's master. But the remaining two guards press the assault with their greataxes...hacking, hewing and battering but inflicting no wounds.

The armoured half-orc, his form still flickering and wavering, cries in rage as his priestess companion falls dead. Clattering his morningstar against his shield he moves forward jostling his minions and eager to join the melee.

Behind him Theldrick advances, a murderous look in his eyes. With one hand on his unholy symbol he speaks words of praise to his dark god and another wave of evil energy assaults the minds of the party...filling Kuln's mind, and even the mind of Secondus, with thoughts of fear and doubt brought on by the Dark Lord Bane.

Wand of Lesser Vigor on Kurnos. Fast Heal 1/rnd for 11 rounds (4 charges left). Does the spell extend to the dogs or is it only spells from Kurnos?
Just works on Kurnos. Only spells he initiates get shared.

Full-round action: Withdraw to N18

Tielfing 1
Move action: Move to N17
Standard action: Bleed & die

Tielfing 2
Move action: Move to N17
Standard action: Greataxe vs Kurnos [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]

Tielfing 3
Move action: Move to O17
Standard action: Greataxe vs Ari [roll2] Miss damage [roll3]
(includes -4 for cover)

Move action: Move to P17

Move action: Move to R17
Standard action: Cast spell
Keston save vs Will DC14 [roll4] Save
Varian save vs Will DC14 [roll5] Save + AP [roll6]
Kuln save vs Will DC14 [roll7] Fail + AP [roll8] -1 to attack rolls and -1 to saves vs fear
Kurnos save vs Will DC14 Save [roll9] + AP [roll10]
Primus save vs Will DC14 [roll11] Save + AP [roll12]
Secondus save vs Will DC14 [roll13] Fail + AP [roll14] -1 to attack rolls and -1 to saves vs fear
Ari save vs Will DC14 [roll15] Save + AP [roll16]

Spellcraft to identify spell
Keston [roll17]
Kurnos [roll18]
Varian [roll19]
It's Bane (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/bane.htm)

=> Party

2014-12-29, 09:05 AM
As Ari step back and Kuln hacks at the first guards leg, he ignores the damage as he focuses on the larger party members.
"You're mistake." he says grimly, with a slight shudder in his voice as he is nearly overwhelmed with fear, nearly causing him to run, and he lashes out with both swords, aiming for the vital and underprotected back of the guards knees.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 24

Free Action

Full Round Action - two attacks
1st attack


[roll2] +[roll3]

2nd attack


[roll6] +[roll7]

Effects ~
-1 to attack rolls and -1 to saves vs fear

2014-12-29, 09:32 AM
Kurnos smiles as the bear appears behind Theldrik. With a tiefling so close Kurnos and the dogs savage the tiefling as the bear attacks their leader. Them an and beasts are savage ripping and tearing at the tieflings...

If targets die please move and attack as required
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]

Bite [roll4] dam [roll5] trip [roll6]
Claw [roll7] dam [roll8]
Claw [roll9] dam [roll10]

Bite [roll11] dam [roll12] trip [roll13]
Claw [roll14] dam [roll15]
Claw [roll16] dam [roll17]

Claw [roll18] dam [roll19]
Claw [roll20] dam [roll21]

2014-12-29, 11:00 PM
Keston sees Varian's blast fly down the hall. The resulting shout and the lack of another Sound Burst gives him hope the priestess is down. His plan was to help heal the paladin but with Ari going to the far side it was time for a change of plans. He feels Theldrick's spell but his faith holds true. He steps up to the fight behind Kuln and uses the healing staff on him instead. His spear gives the enemy another threat to worry about.
5ft move to N15
Wand of Lesser Vigor on Kuln. 3 charges left. 11 rounds of fast healing 1.

2015-01-01, 02:31 AM
The paladin throws back her head chugging down another healing potion, the cool spearmint flavour revitalising her as the flood of Kuln and the primal fury of Kurnos savages the tiefling.

Takes her other potion [roll0]

Behind the others the spellscale rolls behind Kurnos and the dogs clicking his scaled fingers as the sound reverberates in the orc's mind.

Daze on the orc DC15 or dazed and hopefully blocking theldrik

2015-01-01, 04:55 AM
With brutal efficiency the tielfing guards assault is brought to a swift end as the gnome and the incarnum trio cut them to pieces. Finishing the final words from his scroll as he looks up from the dismembered gore at his feet, Kurnos directs a ferocious bear from his gods homeland to attack the blasphemous evil-doers. The slavering bears roars and swipes at Theldrick from behind but even its mighty blows cannot penetrate his impressive plate armour.

Shaking off the attempted ensorcelment from Varian the half-orc steps forward to the hound Secondus and finally enters the melee, swinging his lethal-looking black morning star with evident proficiency...

Theldrick turns at the wild beast appearing behind him. Annoyed but certainly not fearful he graps his symbol of Bane and mutters a few prayers of magic. A long whip of ghostly red energy curls out of his grasping hand and he snaps it causing energy to spark as he prepares to attack the bear.

Secondus 5ft step to N17

Halforc will save vs DC 15 (1d20+3)[16]

Not-an-action: 5ft step to O17
Standard action: Morning star vs Secondus [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]

Not-an-action: 5ft step to Q17
Standard action: Cast spell

Spellcraft to identify spell
Keston [roll2]
Kurnos [roll]1d20+2/roll]
Varian [roll3]

=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve in order of posting.

2015-01-01, 06:47 PM
Feeling the half-orc's resistance, Varian merely pushes harder against the man's mental defenses, trying to cloud his senses once more.

Daze against half-orc again, Will Save DC15 negates.

2015-01-02, 12:16 AM
Kurnos smiles behind his blood splattered mask as the tieflings are turn apart by his claws and the beasts. The half orc big and daunting would fall in a similar way. Secundus howls and bites and savage the orc before Kurnos drags the snarling fog back with one hand, lashing at the orc with the other.

Primus: aid Secundus attacks [roll0] DC 10
Bite [roll1] dam [roll2] trip [roll3]
Claw [roll4] dam [roll5]
Claw [roll6] dam [roll7]

Kurnos "back secundus" [roll8] DC10 to make dog 5ft step back
5ft step in and Claw [roll9] dam [roll10]

Edit: 5 attack rolls and highest roll was a 6.... Man the dice dislike Kurnos

The bear roars in fury, lumbering after the priest tearing at the air with its hooked claws.

Claw [roll11] dam [roll12]
Claw [roll13] dam [roll14]

2015-01-02, 03:26 PM
Keston realizes he needs to keep himself going too so he pulls out the cure potion from his belt, quaffs it, then again moves to the other side of the battle looking down the hallway as he passes it, stopping and turning behind Ari, threatening the half-orc with the longspear. "Keep it at! We outnumber them now!"

Free action to draw the potion.
CLW potion [roll0]
Move to M18

2015-01-03, 09:49 AM
With Kurnos' dog in the way, Kuln doesn't have a clean shot at the half-orc. Waiting until the beast of a humanoid lunges out, he hacks at the creature, trying to finish it off before Theldrick can think of fleeing.
"Kyzkyal flurvl!" he mutters to himself in his own language in frustration.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 24

Free Action

Full Round Action - two attacks
1st attack



2nd attack



Effects ~
-1 to attack rolls and -1 to saves vs fear
-4 for cover

2015-01-05, 11:50 AM
Arahael feels much better after the healing potions do their work.

"Only 2 more foes until our victory! Lathander Guide us! Kurnos, draw him out?"

The Paladin only has a partial view of the half-orc. She swings the masterwork greataxe intent on cutting it to much less than half.

Attack [roll0] (-4 for cover)
Damage [roll1]

2015-01-06, 04:37 AM
The half-orc yells a cry of delight as he revels in the melee, weapons clanging off his heavy armour or missing his shifting shape entirely, spells resisted by the pure hatred of his focus. "You die now, druid" He cries out to the glory of Bane as he swings his morning star at the strange houndmaster, the weapon smacking into the armoured druid with a sickening crunch as the dark gods power guides the blow.

Behind the half-orc, the priest Theldrick is under sudden and brutal attack from the wild bear called from Silvanus' domain to wreak nature's fury on the unholy priests. It slams him again and again, the evil priest fending with his shield but still getting pummelled and gashed as it tears at him. Theldrick lashes out with his magical whip, trying to strike the bear with its electrical energy...the jolting red whip confusing the animal and lashing at it. The evil priest laughs as he lets go and the magical whip wraps itself around the animal and continues to lash at it again and again...the sight of the priest attacking somewhat frightening but not enough to cower you only to spur you on even stronger!

forgot to specifically say, the half-orc has concealment 20% miss chance due to his wavering image...

does the bear (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/bearBlack.htm) have some sort of buff on it to get those attack modifiers? Also it gets a bite attack

Standard action: Morning star vs Kurnos (smite!) [roll0] Hit damage [roll1]

Full round action: Magic whip (ranged touch) vs bear [roll2] Hit damage [roll3] Fort save vs DC 16 [roll4] Fail Stunned (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#stunned) 1 round.

Frightful presence!
Kurnos Will save vs DC 14 [roll5] Save + AP [roll6]
Primus Will save vs DC 14 [roll7] + AP [roll8] Save
Secondus Will save vs DC 14 [roll9] Save + AP [roll10]
Kuln Will save vs DC 14 [roll11] Save + AP [roll12]
Ari Will save vs DC 14 [roll13] Save+ AP [roll14]
Keston Will save vs DC 14 [roll15] Save

=> Party
Post in any order

2015-01-06, 09:15 AM
Varian looks at the half-orc in dismay, his irritation slowly turning into anger as the bloody man resists spell after spell. Still, lacking any better options, the spellscale keeps the assault up, trying to confuse the half-orc's mind yet again.

You know the drill. Daze on half-orc. Will save DC 15 saves. Please roll low (pretty please).

2015-01-06, 02:14 PM
Kuln feels the waves of despair emanating from his enemies but does his best to keep fighting, shrugging of the latest assault.
See Kurnos smashed by the towering half-orc, he yells to the druid "Damn it man, back out of there!" as he tries to give him cover.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 24

Free Action

Full Round Action - two attacks
1st attack



2nd attack



Effects ~
-1 to attack rolls and -1 to saves vs fear
-4 for cover

2015-01-06, 03:23 PM
The two dogs woof and howl as they shove and push helping Kurnos. The druid grunts as the morning star smashes into him before lashing out with both claws trying to tear the half orcs head off before he steps back forcing the dogs back.

Primus [roll0] DC 10
Secundus [roll1] DC 10

Claw [roll2] dam [roll3] +2 per aid another
Claw [roll4] dam [roll5]
Then all 5ft back

The bear looks dazed, its existence only guaranteed for a few more seconds...

Ive got augment summon for +2 Str/Con
Bear is too small to have a bite. Sad days.

2015-01-06, 05:13 PM
Keston's eyes are focused on the half-orc. "Did you sense that? Bane's presence here is fading!"

He jabs at the half-orc's shield with the longspear, trying to give the paladin an opening.

Ari's 20 to hit was a miss? Ouch.

Aid other. Hit AC 10 to give Ari +2 to hit on her next attack: [roll0]
(We don't have any auras going right?)

Kuln and Kurnos, don't forget you have Fast Healing 1 from my wand.

2015-01-07, 12:24 AM
Ari's face gets a little grim as she misses the half-orc, but she takes it in stride. Hoping to encourage the brute into stepping into the space Kurnos just vacated and thus give the party the chance to gang up on him, she resists the urge to step into it herself. Instead, the paladin brings her greataxe around again for another attack. "Lathander guide me...!"

The flanking-and-dogpiling idea struck me as a good one, so she stays in the same square.

Attack half-orc (-4 for cover): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-01-07, 05:36 PM
The half-orc laughs again as he easily parries and blocks killing blows with his shield and heavy armour plates. Keeps laughing at least until the little gnome sneaks under his guard and slips a small blade through his greaves drawing a small trickle of blood. "Wait your turn, gnomeling!" the tusked half-man steps forward feeling invincible and, ignoring the gnome for now, swings his bloody morning star again at Kurnos crunching once more into his armoured carapace with a sickening sound.

The bear struggles, the mystic lash confusing and tangling it as it whips at the animal again and again. Smirking at the bears distress Theldrick draws his own morning star and moves in to end the animal but unable to hit it as it struggles before him finally freeing itself.

Not-an-action: 5 step to N17 (I think you are leaving this square open for him...apols if not)
Standard action: Morning star vs Kurnos [roll0] Hit damage[roll1]

Not-an-action: Magic whip (ranged touch) vs bear [roll2] Hit damage [roll3] Fort save vs DC 16 [roll4] Save or Stunned 1 round.
Move action: Draw morning star
Standard action: Morning star vs bear [roll5] Miss damage[roll6]
=> Party

2015-01-07, 06:54 PM
Again the urge to run overcomes Kuln as the massive half-orc steps into full view. Gritting his teeth together until they grind, he laughs mockingly at the beastly form in front of him to hide his fear, hoping his voice doesn't quake.
"You're bullying kind always underestimate my people, much to your detriment. Luckily, yours rarely lives to make the same mistake twice..."
he says as he lashes out again, trying to penetrate the armor on the half-orc.

You're right, good with not moving.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 24

Free Action

Full Round Action - two attacks
1st attack


[roll2] + [roll3] sneak attack

2nd attack


[roll6] + [roll7] sneak attack

Effects ~
-1 to attack rolls and -1 to saves vs fear
Flanking +2

Edit - wow, those are some craptastic rolls. At least he won't see me as a threat next round.

2015-01-08, 02:59 PM
Kurnos staggers back as the morning star hit, luckily some of the damage healing as he was still under the effects of the lesser vigour from his allies. Growling, a noise matched by that of the very angry bear both he and the bear lash and hack at the half orc desperate to bring the creature down. Secundus leapt forward beside him, teeth and claws gnashing and gnawing at the beast!

Even as the bear claws at Theldrick it shimmers and fades from view... Retiring to the great wilds of the beastlands.

Please roll better than last time!
[roll0] +5 to hit from the AP dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]

And the Bear
[roll4] dam [roll5]
[roll6] dam [roll7]
[roll8] dam [roll9]

Copy from the OOC

I'll spend an AP to boost the 15 for Kurnos

Also forgot to have secundus move in!
bite (1d20+3)[6] dam (1d6+5)[8] trip (1d20+2)[8]
claw (1d20)[9] dam (1d8+4)[8]
claw (1d20)[14] dam (1d8+4)[9]

2015-01-09, 12:02 AM
Keston steps back behind Ari so that he can safely get a spell off. "Mystra will show you a VISION of what awaits you in the afterlife, evil thing!"

As the Vision manifests, Keston also zaps Ari with his healing wand.

Time to pull out my last Divine spell! (except L0)
5ft move to N19

Cast "Vision of Punishment" from Champions of Valor p59. It is a Sanctified spell that clerics can cast spontaneously.
Level 1 (losing Blood Wind spell). Swift Action. Range: Close. Target: 1 evil creature. Cost: 1d2 STR damage.
DC15 Will save
Fail: Nauseated
Success: Sickened
Duration: 1rnd/3 levels. It is a Diviniation spell so I cast it at CL4 -> 2 rounds.
Cost: [roll0] STR

Weird: Sickened gives a Save penalty but nauseated doesn't seem to. Not clear about nauseated affecting defenses.

Wand of Lesser Vigor on Ari. Fast Healing 1 for 11 rounds. 2 charges left.

2015-01-09, 07:19 AM
Clearly, Varian's magic isn't working. He desperately tries to think of something else he could do to affect this battle in any meaningful way, but with his arcane power so depleted he cannot see any good options. Lacking any alternatives, he tries the same thing for the fourth time in a row, hoping to break through the half-orcs mental resistance by pure persistence.

Repeat, Groundhog Day style. Still a DC 15 will save. Level 0 spells are running out as well. Soon Varian will be reduced to plinking away with a crossbow.

2015-01-10, 06:37 AM
Ari, with a grimace reflecting her lack of success, is about to come back in with another swing when Varian's spell hits. The paladin's eyes widen slightly and she pulls up her greataxe; it suddenly seems more important to take advantage of the half-orc's moment of uncertainty. Keeping her weapon at the ready, she murmurs a string of magical words. It's only good and proper to pray to Lathander for guidance, but a little magical help wouldn't hurt, either.

She stays in the same place. Casting True Strike.

2015-01-11, 03:57 AM
Weapons and spells fly. The half-orc seems impervious as Kuln stabs away at him and the hound tries to bite him through his metal armour. Even Kurnos with his huge claws seems sure to tear him limb from limb only to find the blurred figure not quite where he seemed to be. Finally the spells that he has been barraged with seem to start having effect, leaving him clutching his head, blinking and somewhat startled and distracted.

With the wild bear fading back to its homeland Theldrick turns to confront the party again. His scarred face is a tattered mess of claw wounds but the anger in his eyes shines through with fury. Sheathing his morning star he raises his hand and the writhing magical whip leaps to his control. He steps in behind the stunned half-orc but still a good distance back and lashes out at Kurnos...the magical cord leaping of its own volition and striking the druid, leaving the evil cleric's grasp and wrapping around Kurnos preparing to strike again! "Garras, keep at them! Do not falter lest you know Bane's wrath!"

Kurnos vs concealment 1-20 (1d100)[19] Miss! curse that Blur. No AP cost for trying though.

No action - Sickened (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#sickened) 2 rounds, Dazed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#dazed) 1 round

Not-an-action: Grab whip and 5ft step to P17
Move action: Sheath morning star
Standard action: Magic whip (ranged touch) vs Kurnos [roll0] Hit! (includes -4 soft cover) damage [roll1] Go go lesser vigor! Fort save vs DC 16 [roll2] Save or Stunned 1 round.

=> Party

2015-01-11, 11:22 AM
Keston knew the half-orc Garras wasn't fully overcome by the visions from his spell, but he knew it was enough to be a boon for the party. His mind was already racing through his options with most of his own magic depleted when the red whip came from down the hall and battered Kurnos.

"Kurnos! Get out of his sight and heal up!"

Keston's mind went back to Ari's casting and he received his own vision. Thank you Mystra for your guidance!. Keston moved back away from Ari while pulling out a wand he had used earlier. He zapped Ari with it and she again grew to double her height. Her greataxe also grew, ready to cut deep into the enemy.

"Garras is already seeing Bane's Wrath and is faltering. Perhaps better for you to kill him yourself if the Paladin of Lathander doesn't beat you to it. She will be coming for you next!"

Step back to M20 to make room while pulling wand.
Zap Ari with Enlarge Person wand. (1 charge left)

Come on doggies- time to bring the ugly smelly thing down to the ground (trip) for master.

True Strike plus large greataxe? Oh yeah! Just hope the Blur or a 1 to hit doesn't get in the way of 3d6+6!

2015-01-11, 11:35 AM
Seeing the blurry image grasp his head, a sinister smile begins to take form on the gnomes face. Waiting for the right moment, he tries and lash out with his swords as he makes his guess at where the half orc really is.
"Should have given up when you had a chance, fool." he mutters.

AC ~20; Current ~ 20
HP ~ 25; Current ~ 24

Free Action

Full Round Action - two attacks
1st attack
Miss chance


[roll3] + [roll4] sneak attack

2nd attack
Miss chance


[roll8] + [roll9] sneak attack

Effects ~
-1 to attack rolls and -1 to saves vs fear
Flanking +2

2015-01-11, 02:13 PM
Kurnos hisses in pain, There will be no mercy for you beast when we have finished with your pet!. The threat punctuated by savage sashes at the half orc before he steps, a whistle sending the dogs in!

Up to 3 hp!
Kurnos vs orc
[roll0] dam [roll1] miss [roll2]
[roll3] dam [roll4] miss [roll5]
AP if needed [roll6]

Bite [roll7] dam [roll8] miss [roll9] trip [roll10]
Claw [roll11] dam [roll12] miss [roll13]
Claw [roll14] dam [roll15] miss [roll16]

Bite [roll17] dam [roll18] miss [roll19] trip [roll20]
Claw [roll21] dam [roll22] miss [roll23]
Claw [roll24] dam [roll25] miss [roll26]

Edit: excellent. Big claw slap from kurnos and a savage bite from secundus
Our paladin can true strike the BBEG theldrik

2015-01-12, 10:23 AM
Though he knows it is unlikely to work against the powerful cleric's willpower, Varian directs his last remaining trickle of magic toward Theldrick, hoping to confuse him the way he had confused the half-orc just now.

Daze on Theldrick. Will save DC15 saves. Unlikely to work against his will save but trying to hit him with the crossbow is not likely to do any good either. That was Varian's last spell, he's done for the day.

2015-01-14, 05:42 AM
The shadow of a grim smile passes across Ari's face as she feels Keston's spell increase her size... but this is no time for dithering. The paladin brings the wicked double head of the greataxe back around for a blow, putting the weight of her faith and her spell (and her newly not-inconsiderable bulk) behind it. "In Lathander's name...!"

Attack Theldrick! +20 from True Strike (and no miss chance due to concealment); -1 from Large size...
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-01-15, 04:10 AM
"Garras, keep at them! Do not falter lest you know Bane's wrath!" Momentarily distracted the half-orc turns at the sound of the high priest's command. "Aargh!--" Seizing the opportunity Kurnos and his hounds land a couple of solid blows, enhanced claws punching through the armour and finally bringing the warrior-orc to his knees where he is messily dispatched with a bite to the throat from the dog.

With Keston's magic the form of Ari grows immensely, a towering amazon wielding an ax sized for an ogre! Leaning forward she swings her mighty axe, slamming into the high priests shield as he tries to raise it in defence. There is a sickening crunch as armour plates give and bones break. He coughs a gout of blood as he grasps the wall, steadying himself from falling at the paladin's knees.

Even as he falters, his magic whip continues to wind itself around Kurnos, whipping his form mercilessly but unable to harm him through his carapace. Its magic spent, the mystical cord of energy fades away into the ether.

"Curse you! You may have bested us, but in the end the Bane will be triumphant." He gasps the words to a spell and lurches forward, trying to lay his bloody hand on Ari's body. She bats it aside, her mind resisting the spells effect.

Theldrick will save vs DC 15 Daze (1d20+7)[17] Save

Theldrick, on 1 hp
Not-an-action: 5ft step to O17
Not-an-action: Magic whip (ranged touch) vs Kurnos [roll0] Miss (I was so sure he was going to take Kurnos with him as one final act...!) damage [roll1] Fort save vs DC 16 [roll2] + AP [roll3] or Stunned 1 round.
Standard action: Cast defensively Concentration vs DC 18 [roll4] Success
Free action: Touch attack vs Ari [roll5] Hit
Ari Will save vs DC 16 (1d20+9)[12] + AP (1d6)[5] if needed Save!
Spellcraft to identify spell Bestow Curse (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/bestowCurse.htm)
Keston [roll6]
Kurnos [roll7]
Varian [roll8]

map to follow...hosting website is down

=> Party
End it!!

2015-01-15, 06:51 AM
Ari's enlarged form prevents Keston from catching a clear view of her devastating strike but the sound of the crunch and Theldrick's gaspy incantation tells Keston enough.

"Bane faces many gods. Just as you failed here, he too will fail in the end."

Keston calls upon one last bit of Mystra's magic to finish off the priest of Bane. A small acid orb flashes past Ari but by trying to avoid her, the acid splashes into the wall, giving Theldrick a moment's reprieve.

Cast Acid Splash (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/acidSplash.htm)
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Armor failure (01-15): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2015-01-15, 07:14 AM
With an expression of mixed disdain, loathing and pity, Ari shrugs off Theldrick's attempt to harm her. Looking down at the injured man, she nods at Keston's words before speaking briefly. "Faced with Lathander and Mystra, your master has no more hope than you do, little man." With that she brings the massive greataxe around again, aiming her next blow at Theldrick's head. The blade sings at it cuts through the air...

Once more, attack Theldrick. -1 for L size.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-01-15, 01:27 PM
As the axe swings down brutally Kurnos attacks the whip with his claws, and quiets the baying hounds. Taking a deep breath he merely watches satisfied by the holy justice meted out on the vile priest!

Up to 3 HP....
Does the whip stop now he looks like he's just been splattered?

2015-01-15, 05:55 PM
Kuln, seen the last of the opposition fall, checks for a pulse on first the half-orc and then Theldrick.

2015-01-15, 09:40 PM
Keston dodges the back swing of Ari's huge axe, hears the crack of the axe hitting its target and sees Bane's priest collapse to the ground. Kuln checks for pulses and Keston becomes jubilant. "We did it! Through teamwork we just foiled one of Bane's plots and defeated a more powerful enemy. Praise Mystra!" he goes to put his arm around the shoulder whoever is closest but finds himself touching Ari's forearm as she is still over 10 feet tall. He chuckles at himself for that.

"I know Kurnos needs more healing. Anyone else badly hurt? I only have cantrips left and 2 charges on my wand. I just have some minor bruises left. Nothing a night's rest won't ease." His wounds seem to be as described, but he looks to be having a hard time with the weight of his backpack. He takes it off and gets a drink from his waterskin.

Keston had earlier been concerned about more enemies coming in the main door that the party had come in from. With the party's resources heavily drained the concern crossed his mind again. He was still joyful but the planning side of him was kicking back in. "There's still the "faceless one" down here somewhere, probably north of the elevator. Maybe we should barricade the main door, move the dead to the northeast room to control the smell, then explore the rest of this place?"

2015-01-16, 12:38 AM
Kurnos looks about breathing heavily as he takes a breath pushing back his mask, grinning at the others. The druids smile unusual on his normally stony face. "A close call but well deserved victory. His magic was strong but our faith, and blades were stronger. Let me assist with healing." He pulls out a thick willow branch with a small green mossy stone wrapped to it from his bag and offers to help, wounds closing from the healing magic.

I'll start with 8 charges - lesser vigour, 11 HP's per charge
2 kurnos
1 secundus
5 for the party
Just shout if you need more....

As the wounds close up he helps drag the dead into the beast pen stripping them off all their valuables as he does. We shall have to clear the rooms beyond that arena, the priests lair must be hidden there which may have some clues about the leaders of this place, or the other 2 temples?

2015-01-16, 07:16 AM
Ari grins down at Keston as he jubilates, and pats him on the back in return for his gesture, careful not to hurt him due to her unusual strength. "Praise Mystra indeed, and your quick thinking in enlarging me. I admit I feared we might be lost." She beams a smile at the rest of the party, including the dogs. "So valiant, my companions! I am honored to fight alongside you. I only wish I had any healing power left to help you all."

She turns to survey the carnage, then falls to one knee with her greataxe propped up before her, her hands folded over the butt of its hilt. She closes her eyes and starts to pray quietly to her god. "Praise be to you, Lathander Morninglord, lord of the dawn and of renewal, for protecting us in this den of evil, for gifting your faithful servant with the strength to combat your enemies..."

It goes on for a minute or two in that vein. When she's finished, she gets up and helps Kurnos carry the bodies away. When that's done she turns back to the party, wiping her hands. "I look forward to exploring, but perhaps once the door is secure we should rest a bit and gather our strength? We may encounter more of the priest's friends, and I for one have spent nearly all of my powers."

2015-01-16, 09:16 AM
As Kuln is checking the pulse on the half-orc, and wiping the blood on his blades on the creatures filthy clothes, he slows as he listens to the others. Once he is sure this creature is dead, he stands and moves toward Theldrick.
"Yes, this was the mostly beastly of I fight I have ever fought in my life, boys and girls. I'm glad I could have been of some small service to this group but I feel we are just getting started clearing out this warren of evil. It takes more than one hammer strike to craft something such as this." he says as he begins checking Theldrick for signs of life, giving a low pray to Gond so as not to ruffle anyone elses feathers.

2015-01-17, 05:23 PM
Varian sighs and smiles widely as the priest of bane finally falls under the giant paladin's axe. His sapphire scales have turned a lighter shade of azure from exhaustion. Despite the carnage around him he seems in an inordinately good mood. "I expected great adventure when I joined you, friends, and you delivered that in spades, and much more quickly than I could have hoped as well! I've never experienced being so drained of magic as I am now. This fight took even my last ounce of magic. If this is what you do every day, I will have to improve to keep up!"

He gladly accepts a touch of Kurnos' wands, and his wounds close up quickly.

"As to our next step, I leave the decision to you. I won't be of much help without my spells, I'm afraid to say though."

Having caught his breath, the spellscale's natural curiosity takes over again and he studies their enemies remains alongside Kuln.

2015-01-18, 02:04 AM
Kurnos walks into the massive Bane chamber and looks around pointing at the doors near the throne. We should explore those rooms before we risk a rest. He heads down the narrow corridor that was filled with blood seeking to explore, dogs trailing happily.

Just going to clear and search the local rooms

2015-01-18, 04:13 AM
Checking the bodies it is evident that none of the evil Banites still live. The priestess is a smoking ruin, the half-orc a savaged mess and the high priest chopped fatally almost in two.

The party gathers itself together and, having quickly inspected the bodies moves to barricade the door to the entry chamber, the one which was filled with skeletons. Spears and tables are wedges and propped against the door to make a serviceable barrier.

Having done so, Kurnos leads the way through the rest of the Bane temple complex, looking for anything of interest...


On one of the tiefling guards (sorry I omitted this before):

a silver ring inlaid with several small emeralds

In the massive statue room (N25):

the massive statue has a huge blood-red ruby mounted on it

There's a barracks (X26) with bunk beds, bearskin rug and a weapon rack containing:

6 javelins
another composite longbow (+2 str)
4 quivers of 80 arrows total

A bedchamber (W31) with a writing area and a screened-off double bed. Under the bed is:

A small wooden chest

A small, evil chapel to Bane (U35) . Flickering torches and statues of Bane flank a small altar and a tapestry bearing his emblem of the clenched fist.

Another small bedroom (Y35) with a desk and a weapon rack. On the desk is:

a leather-bound book
an inkpot
several scrolls

In the weapon rack is:

heavy mace
flail x2
light crossbow

Under the bed is:

A small wooden chest

2015-01-18, 06:05 AM
Kurnos grins savagely as the dogs return to the massive central chamber, laden with chests and loot, under the eye of the statue of Bane, a red eye that Kurnos savagely tries to gouge free of the statue.

"The area appears safe and we've collected all that is obvious! I know nothing of structures or trapdoors. Maybe one of you could look around the Temple shrine? As for the rest, did any of the bodies have keys on them that we could try with the chests?

Kurnos will busy himself with testing keys and locks before starting to join the other magic users trying to identify the magical oddities.

"We seem to be the only creatures in this section. Shall we make camp in the room near the door? We can make a comfortable den with all the bedding from the barracks. In the morning we can see what else this den of evil holds?

2015-01-18, 08:08 AM
Keston is excitedly anxious to find what items of magic Theldrick and his minions possessed. Freeing Mystra's gifts from evil uses, especially for Bane's purposes, was a good thing. He tries to help carry things but he is feeling very weak. Even leaving his pack at the collection point isn't helping enough. He finally relents and pulls out a wand from one of his sleeves. Activating it, he regains some of his strength back and pitches in exploring and porting.

While porting, Keston suggests leaving at least one dog at the barricade to keep alert for anything on the other side of the door. He also suggests that if anyone does come knocking to send them away, telling them we are involved with a lengthy ritual defiling the intruders.

Once the porting and exploring are done, Keston returns to the back of the complex and casts Detect Magic, then re-explores the complex with the enhanced senses to see if anything was missed. One he finishes that he'll keep the spell going and go through the piles of equipment, separating out the items that show Mystra's mark. If he can do all that with one casting of Detect Magic, he'll then cast Read Magic to ID the scrolls.

Dirty work done, Keston casts Prestidigitation to clean up the party, the bedding, and the newly claimed piles of gear.

Wand of Lesser Restoration on myself [roll0]. 4 charges left
I have 2 Orisons left for Detect Magic (4 minutes) and Read Magic (40 minutes)
I have one cantrip left for Prestidigitation

2015-01-18, 11:26 AM
Kuln busies himself for a while trying to get the chests open before helping to set up barricades.
Once everything is set, he feels Kurnos' eyes on him as he asks for someone to look about the shrine.
Knowing he has quite a bit of time, having adventured with magic users before, Kuln takes his time searching out the area, cautions not to set off any traps while looking.

Not sure actual time we have, how long it will take to search every nook and cranny, and if you want rolls on this.

2015-01-18, 12:14 PM
Ari, a certain spring in her step now that the fight has been won, takes advantage of the barricading to retrieve her longsword from where she had dropped it during the fight with the skeletons. The sword has sentimental value and she seems pleased to have it back, though she doesn't discard the greataxe that's served her so well today.

Then she goes along with the others to explore and carry things. The statue of Bane gets a long baleful look. "If only we had some way to destroy that hideous thing," she mutters. She nods approvingly when she sees Kurnos trying to deface it. Her reaction in the small chapel is similar; her face twists with disdain and loathing. "What an evil place this is. We've done righteous work today, bringing these priests to justice."

In the bedchamber, she looks curiously at the leather-bound book without touching it, but defers to Keston and Kuln since she doesn't have their abilities. She read once that books can be trapped, and she doesn't intend to find out whether that's actually true.

2015-01-20, 01:14 PM
Varian helps here and there with the physical labor of setting up camp, but his attention span is quite short and he repeatedly switches tasks, finding that the current one cannot hold his interest for long. As Keston sits down to analyze the magical items, he takes notice and studies the cleric while he performs his task. The spellscale feels compelled to add his own magic to the task, and being completely drained of arcane power and unable to do so irritates him greatly. Not even being able to clean his bedding with his own spells is a new and frightening situation. Never in his life had he spent every ounce of magic in his body so completely.

"You seem talented in many different forms of magic. I rarely find a kindred spirit in my appreciation of the arcane among humans, but when I do they are often followers of Mystra like you."

As the paladin talks, Varian nods. "Yes, they were foul people. They had powerful and interesting magic at their command though."

2015-01-20, 02:30 PM
Kurnos helps with the preparations, the barracks giving enough bedding to make a comfortable "lair" in the corner for him and the dogs. Both dogs helpful and happy to stand guard overnight and with keen ears and noses better than most the humanoids.

We did do a great thing Ari. It is good to have cleansed this place. Do you need help with the trinkets?

[roll0] each +2
Use as needed

2015-01-20, 09:48 PM
As talk of the statue comes up- I"ll gladly come back to destroy that thing when this is all done. After today's fight we need to prepare for tomorrow. Pick your spells well. We face a wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17674154&postcount=756) with plenty of followers. Smenk mentioned some of them had tails, others with feathers. I wonder what they could be. He also mentioned a maze. Hopefully some of our findings here will help. The Shield of Faith potions should be helpful since we'll probably be outnumbered."

Varian joins Keston as he studies the found items. "Thank you. Mystra's Divinity is my primary focus. I also have some formal training in the magics She grants the world. Through my faith She also enables to make use of items of arcane origins."

"I have read of Spellscales but I have not had the honor of meeting one before you. I hope we have many opportunities to learn from each other after this. I take it Mystra is not your patron?"

Keston continues with Varian's help to separate out the items of magical nature into its own stack. Once finished he casts Read Magic to read the magical scrolls if any.

Did we get the ruby from the statue?

2015-01-21, 04:30 AM
Kurnos and Kuln take a look at the two chests. Neither seems to have any traps on inspection, so they try the keys in the locks - both open!

In the first chest they find:

a pouch containing 200gp
a black wooden wand
a jewelled bracer

In the second chest they find:

a pouch containing 70gp
a fist-sized bust of a dwarf wearing a gem-studded crown

They also successfully prise the large ruby from the statue of Bane.

Keston sweeps the rooms with his detect magic, searching for anything of interest. In the small chapel, the area around the altar radiates magic to his enhanced vision.

Keston Spellcraft [roll0] Faint, school unknown

He also checks the gathered items for magical auras. He also uses his read magic spell to decipher the contents of the magical scrolls. Other than the potions already clearly identified, the following items radiate magic:

from the priestess

a well-used wand (Keston Spellcraft [roll1]) Faint evocation (you've seen this used as sound burst
a divine scroll (Silence)

from the high priest, Theldrick

a divine scroll (dispel magic)
weapon augment crystal (Keston Spellcraft [roll2]). Arcane etchings identify this as a least crystal of energy assault (cold)
an unidentified potion. Faint abjuration
armour augment crystal (Keston Spellcraft [roll3]) Faint abjuration. Keston divines this item as a least crystal of arrow deflection.
1 MW bolt (Keston Spellcraft [roll4]) Arcane etchings identify this as a screaming bolt
a slim gold armband (Keston Spellcraft [roll5]) Arcane etchings identify this as an armband of elusive action
a dark leather belt studded with large moonstones (Keston Spellcraft [roll6]) Faint, school unknown.
a slim black wand (Keston Spellcraft [roll7]) Faint abjuration

from the chest:

a black wooden wand (Keston Spellcraft [roll8]) Faint transformation

from the table:

the scrolls (Keston Spellcraft [roll9]). These scrolls appear blank, but the read magic spell reveals previously invisible writing across all of them in an unidentified script.

The leather-bound book is some sort of journal of the Ebon Triad's time in the mines. It is a lengthy volume and takes some time to read. It talks about how six years ago, in the Year of the Banner (1368 DR), Theldrick and a company of tieflings fled Darkhold during the Second Banedeath (as the purge of Banites from the ranks of the Zhentarim by Cyricists in that year is known). Although Bane has since returned, Theldrick and his followers never returned to Darkhold, preferring to make their own way among the wilds of the North. The married couple, half-orc priest Garras and the priestess Kendra hailed from the Amnite city of Purskul.

A couple of excepts stand out as being of interest:

The Faceless One grows increasingly concerned. That addled beast Grallak Kur has yet to provide new insights into the Overgod’s nature. The crude missives he sends speak of the worms, of a slumbering power that must be awoken, but nothing more. I wish he would go back to the black pit that spawned him if he has nothing more to offer.

The Faceless One tells me this ties into an ancient figure, a being of great power. Of course, he tells me little else. He enjoys keeping his secrets, but he forgets that they flourish only behind the protection of Bane. His latest taunt is a scroll that he tells me contains all the answers I seek. Of course, the fool wrote it in a cipher. Were it not for the dictates of the Ebon Triad, I would lead my troops into their damnable labyrinth and kill every last bird and wizard within it.

Grallak is the key. Thank the Black Lord that he trusts me and not the Faceless One. Otherwise, I doubt the Faceless One would bother imparting anything to us. We cannot trust these mages. When the Overgod arises, I think it will be time to settle some old scores.

Grallak Kur has finally yielded a useful clue. I personally delivered it to the labyrinth, and the Faceless One giggled like a blood addled berserker when he saw the message. Grallak spoke of the worms again, of course. He says that even now they stir and writhe. The world is like an apple infested with them. All seems well for now, but soon they burst through the skin and swarm across the land. Still, part of this vision troubles me. Grallak spoke of a great power behind them, but the Ebon Triad teaches that these worms will awaken the Overgod. Is there some other power at hand here that we cannot see? Is it friend or foe?

The Faceless One knows more, but he of course has little to say. Perhaps Grallak has invented everything. His monstrous kin are few in number and battered after their pilgrimage through the Underdark from Reeshov. If he is an imposter or trickster, we may need to root him out of this place. In that case, our agents must make another supply run. Six coils of rope, and perhaps bows and more arrows, should do the trick. With the petitioners leading the way we can uncover any ambushes they have within the cliffs.

2015-01-21, 08:37 AM
As Keston continues to survey the piles of gear he points out that the book is non-magical. Someone could investigate it in the meantime. He happily describes his findings as he goes to all who are around.

"I have one scroll of identify left. We'll have to make it count. I don't think we want to hide in here for the next few days while I use my daily magics for Identify and Lore spells."

2015-01-21, 12:11 PM
"We can do this at our leisure. Right now, we should be clearing out this warren and, besides the journal, see if there are any other clues we can recover." Scratching his head in the middle of moving things, he says out loud "Do any of you know who that Grallak character is? Sounds important to whatever plans they have."

2015-01-21, 12:42 PM
"Once we heard of this place my life became dedicated to clearing it out. If we were to go charge them right this moment then Varian and I would be, apologies Varian but I include myself too, near useless. In the morning we'll be refreshed and perhaps some of them will still sleep. In the meantime I hope we can plan out how to use the Triad's stuff here against themselves. It would be great to get a better idea of what we are facing and where. Maybe there is a map hidden in here of the labyrinth."

"The blank scrolls have hidden writing on them. It would be better for me to use magic to decipher them but if I do that tomorrow then my spells for the assault will be more limited. Oh, the altar back there also radiated magic but I couldn't make anymore of it."

Have I heard of Grallak Kur or anything like it?
Bard's Lore [roll0]
Knowledge History [roll1]
Knowledge Religion [roll2]
Knowledge Arcane [roll3]

Collector of Stories +5 for any one of the above. If I have to choose, then Knowledge Religion.

2015-01-22, 06:28 PM
"I have read of Spellscales but I have not had the honor of meeting one before you. I hope we have many opportunities to learn from each other after this. I take it Mystra is not your patron?"

"Spellscales and patrons is a funny thing. People often say we are too free-spirited and prone to sudden changes of opinion to really commit to a greater power, and in some way they are right, I think. We make bad servants, be it to men or gods. But that does not mean we shun or ignore them, we just have a different relationship to them. Especially the dragon gods have an undeniable connection to us and our magic, so much so that we use their concepts as conduits for our rituals. Personally, I see them a bit like much, much bigger siblings, wiser and more powerful than me by far, but not always right, nor am I always agreeing with their opinion. Though I usually make an exception for Hlal, she's my favorite big sister and she's done a lot for me." He says those last words with a wink and a smile.

As the discussion turns to the contents of the leather-bound book the spellscale turns thoughtful.
"The whole world infested with worms? I hope he was speaking metaphorically, or exaggerating, because otherwise this whole thing here might have farther-reaching implications than anyone could have thought."

2015-01-23, 12:56 AM
Once the loot has been sorted, the barricade set up and the beddings brought through for a "camp" Kurnos will happily sleep after bidding the others a good night, leased but what he had accomplished this day.

Before he nods off he does look about, There were 2 more doors, I suggest we destroy the realm of Myrkul.

2015-01-23, 04:40 AM
As the party settles to rest through the early hours of the morning Keston examines the non-magical valuables, whilst also pondering some of the information in the journal. He's not certain about the value of the items of jewelry but he does recall some information...

This grimlock community is as much a fortress as a town, and its occupants believe themselves constantly threatened by terrible foes. After destroying their mind flayer captors, the town’s founders swore that neither they nor their children would ever be thralls. The residents of Reeshov still cling to their freedom not just with ferocity, but also with a wiliness normally unseen in grimlocks.

2015-01-25, 04:23 AM
After the tumultuous events of the last few hours, the party settles down for some well-earned recuperation. Despite being the lodgings of the recently deceased splinter cult of Banite dark priests the area is actually quite comfortable, especially for your tired bodies. You sleep well...


14th of Kythorn, 1374 DR, late spring

Rising early on what you presume to be the next day (time does strange things underground) you gather your equipment and prepare yourselves for the coming days efforts. When everyone is ready you remove your barricades and move carefully back into the black cathedral. After a quick inspection you note that the caltrops still seem to be where you left them, undisturbed. Ignoring the unmarked western door you gather before the northern stone door marked with the skull and triangle of the dead god Myrkul...

=> Party

2015-01-25, 11:47 AM
In the morning after some concentration Kurnos and his dogs look impressive, studded headbands and incarnum hooves mix with purple scales covering their torsos and glowing golden cloaks draped down their backs. Primus in particular looks much bigger and meaner than you remember him being!

Leading the way the pack approach the door and Kurnos turns to the others, "Shall we try this one. The cultists of death must be given to their god.". He punctuates the words with an incantation that leaves long claws growing from his hands.

Reaching forward he tries the door hoping to find a cultist to vent some anger upon...

I'll try and open the door!

Cast beast claws - lasts 3 hours

Status Board

Kurnos AP 7 / 7
HP's 32/32 Saves 7/6/6, +1 vs mind affect, +1 vs evil
AC 20 +2 deflect vs Evil FF 18 Touch 12
Worm 1E, Shedu 1E, Lamasu 1E
Equipped: shield
Spells: Beast claws 3 hours (1d4+4, 19-20)

HP's 26/26 Saves 6/6/2, +1 vs mind affect, +1 vs evil, evasion
AC 24 +2 deflect vs Evil FF 22 Touch 12 (+2 vs evil)
Spells: Beast claws 3 hours (1d4+4, 19-20)

HP's 21/21 Saves 5/5/2, +1 vs mind affect, +1 vs evil, evasion
AC 20 +2 deflect vs Evil FF 18 Touch 12 (+2 vs evil)

2015-01-25, 10:47 PM
Varian... "Interesting. Sounds like many stories to be told. I look forward to trading stories."

Kurnos.... "Yes, it sounds like that is where the Faceless One is. Theldrick may have felt his force was the main protection, but we shouldn't discount a wizard with brains, especially if he has caught wind of us being here. I wouldn't be surprised if he has magical traps along the labyrinth for warning."

As the party moves out Keston admires Kurnos with curiosity. Reaching the entrance to the labyrinth, Keston moves the caltrops to fortify those at the third passageway. Keston declares with confidence "Mystra guide us to rid the world of one trying to use her Magic to bring ruin to the world!" He readies his crossbow.

2015-01-26, 10:58 AM
As the others gather themselves, Kuln finishes putting his pack together. Checking the his blades for any notches in them, he resheathes them as he pulls out his crossbow.
"Ready when the rest of you are."
Sensing the change in Kurnos and his hounds, Kuln looks impressed. Nudging his draconic companion with is elbow and says to Varian "Looks like someone's hitting their stride." with a smirk. Moving forward, he draws a more serious demeanor.

2015-01-27, 03:26 AM
The marble door swings open. Behind the skull door is....darkness. Shining your light ahead you see an empty corridor extends ahead with a branch to the east after 30ft and branches both east and west barely visible in the shadows at 40ft. The non-humans in the party, with their enhanced eyesight, can make out another branch east and west at 60ft.
I assume that Keston has his hat lamp on. Anybody else using a form of light?

Sorry not a very useful map yet. Might see if I can get it working a bit better.

=> Party