View Full Version : Core Tomb of Horrors IC.

2013-08-21, 08:38 PM
Your party stands before a lonely, sandy hill. Tales tell that this is the home of the dreaded Tomb of Horrors, home of Acerak the Lich. However, no entrance into the legendary tomb is apparent. Perhaps you should look around?

2013-08-21, 09:16 PM

Milo whistles as he looks around the hill. The Tome of Horrors lay just below his feet, if only he could find the entrance. He had heard of so many brave souls who had entered, but he couldn't remember one he had heard of who had left. As such, all variety of rumors had emerged, and Milo secretly wished that each one of them were true: living walls, trapped traps, and floors that are entirely illusory. It sounded like an interesting challenge.

As he scans the area for any signs of an entrance, he looks around to the others gathered with him. "Hey all," he says with a tussle of his auburn hair. "I'm Milo, and the Holy Rollers sent me to make sure we try not to die. I can only heal some things, but if you're in arm's reach I might be able to keep you from getting hurt to begin with. Let's all stay together and stay close, savvy? Introductions and marching order before we head in? I'm willing to go first..." The others aren't sure if it's nervous energy or just enthusiasm, but the tiny halfling seems ready to go.

[roll0] looking for an entrance

2013-08-21, 09:50 PM

"The name's Viet" Viet said in a gruff voice. "My pet griffon here is named Volten. Both of us can follow right behind you. We've been through a lot together so far and I expect us to get through this together with this group. Now, let's cook this goose."

Whisper rider
2013-08-21, 11:08 PM
Ysauraithus aproaches the hill, slowly walking as he drags his lame leg besides him...but his šmagestic entranceš its shortly obscured by the giant skelleton walking a few steps behind.
Ysa... & Enim... the small reptiloid says. and with the snap of his scaly fingers.. he casts DETECT MAGIC. looking for auras pointing towards an entrance

2013-08-21, 11:20 PM
Rhaeg... its the name. I can lend you a hand in combat... but iŽm not front liner. iŽll be right behnd you though..
So lets see if we can find the entrance to this place..

@DM... can we get a more elaborate description of where we are standin, please.

2013-08-22, 05:56 AM
Over on the left of the low, flat-topped hill you see what could be a partially buried entrance. However, you detect 2 more potential entry locations- one towards the middle, and another partway up the hill. Both are mostly covered in dirt and sand.

2013-08-22, 06:25 AM
"Great, what a way to start. So, who's been around the fire a lot?" Viet states as he takes notice of the three entrances.

(By fire he does mean stealing and such)

Whisper rider
2013-08-22, 08:55 AM
Grhm.... Ysa grunts as the DETECT MAGIC, shows up nothing but since its already casted heŽll try to keep it active for as long as he can (10min).

Enim... take the middle one Ysa comands his minion to help remove the dirt and sand.

And he cast and Extended MAGE ARMOR (metamagic, rod). while waiting for his results.

open the 3 pathways before stepping into one of them.. anyone would like to participate?

2013-08-22, 09:03 AM
well that makes sense... you hear the scaly guy, lets remove the dirt Rhaeg canŽt help to stare a little bit.. as the animated bones claws dirt out of the way.

and proceeds to the pile of dirt on the right. i think.. ill need a little bit of hel here... you know..

2013-08-22, 09:41 AM
"Volten, go help Rhaeg with diggin." Viet said to his griffon.

Volten nodded and went over and helped dig.

2013-08-22, 09:48 AM
"My name is Aktoz." He says in a soft voice, while moving to start uncovering the left pile, "And while I won't do much with a weapon, I am fairly hard to hurt. My eyes are not the best, so it would be best for me to be one or two places from the front."

2013-08-22, 09:58 AM
After 2 hours of work, you have cleared each of the entrances.
All the entrances lead up to doors after a hallway- 80 feet on the left, 30 on the right, 50 feet in the middle. Cobwebs hang from the ceiling of the rightmost hall, but they are otherwise much alike.

2013-08-22, 10:01 AM
"Anybody have a three sided coin?" Aktoz says.

2013-08-22, 10:10 AM
Ruslan stares at the undead abomination, now finished with it's unholy work. Looking around the three entrances, he considers.

"Seeing as how the treasure has not been found yet, I'd vote for the undisturbed hallway with the cobwebs. No use in retracing the steps of others who've failed."

2013-08-22, 10:12 AM
(OOC: I have a 7-sided die if that will help XD)

"Sorry, spnt the last one i had at the last tavern me and Volten visited." Viet said while joking.

Whisper rider
2013-08-22, 10:21 AM
hmmm... then thereŽs a reason they didnt use that path..i vote forthe middle one.. since enim (skelleton) removed the dirt. but in anycase.. iŽm not the best suited for entering first...

Clears his throath.. Ysa reaches for his back of holding and takes out 3 human corpses, out of his pocket he takes 3 black gems and uts them in each of the skelleton mouths and he casts... ANIMATE DEAD.

as the three new formed skelletons rise... he sends two of them in to the middle hallway and keeps another one by his side.

2013-08-22, 10:29 AM
Hey ruslan, want to check this one? (points at the right path, the one of the cobwebs)... i could tie a rope to your torso and pull you out if needed..

2013-08-22, 10:53 AM
The air of the tomb remains deathly still as the skeletons march into the mouth of the center passage.

How far down the hall do the skeletons proceed?

2013-08-22, 02:41 PM
Milo Brushscrubber

"Oi! You lot are more rambunctious than kids at the confectioner's!" He shakes his head in disgust. "While sending skellies down the hall might mean it's their bones broken instead of yours, setting off every damned trap in the place has two consequences. First of all, it could alert whomever or whatever lurks within that they've got company. Second, and more importantly--you could break the treasure. Please, think of the loot, people!"

Milo looks to the three doorways, trying to remember his father's old adage. Was it If of a map you're bereft, best stick to the left? or You'll live 'til the night if you stay to the right? It matters little, as before he can remember the old adventurer's saying there are skeletons traipsing down the middle hallway.

2013-08-22, 02:50 PM
As the skeletons approach the door at the end of the middle hall, the wall suddenly rumbles and a thick slab of stone slams into place in the middle of the corridor, blocking that hall. A mere moment later, you hear a faint grinding noise from the other side.

2013-08-22, 03:10 PM
Ruslan watches in disgust as the two corpses are drug from out the bag.. and brought back to unnatural life. A very short sounding, unnatural life, as they become trapped and possible ground to bonemeal on the other side.

"Well, at least we're rid of those things.." Ruslan arches his brow. "I guess the reason that people don't usually take the path untraveled by, is that those people are all running to their grave to become unnatural horrors. Since we're aiming to be the first to actually return from this place..."

Ruslan inspects the cobwebbed corridor, from the relative safety of still being outside of it, looking in. "These are no spider's webbings. It's simply an unused path. Let me look in, here..."

Detect Undead and Detect Magic down the 30' cob-webbed corridor on the right. I should be able to range all the way to the door, if I'm not mistaken.

2013-08-22, 03:43 PM
Milo Brushscrubber

"You see this?" Milo asks and gestures toward the center hallway as the skeletons are presumably ground into a fine ivory-colored powder. "This is why we can't have nice things. I firmly believe that we'll make it through this alive, but we must also be shrewd."

Milo stands back as Ruslan scans the hallway on the right, nodding in approval. "I like your style," he says. "Information before action. Not bad. Any pings?"

Assuming that the result comes back clear of undead (besides ones we brought) or magic...

"Let me see if there's anything the magic meter may have missed with more mundane means," he says with a smirk. Careful not to touch anything before scanning it for danger, Milo makes his way carefully into the rightmost entrance, one painstaking step at a time.

Taking 20 on Search checks.

2013-08-22, 04:34 PM
Detect spells come up clear.

Although you can easily scan the walls and floors, the thick cobwebs covering the ceiling make it nigh-impossible to examine in any sort of detail without touching.

2013-08-22, 04:34 PM
"Both of your approaches have merit," Aktoz says while brushing dust off his Spiffy hat, "Why not combine them? when you look for traps, send a skeleton, or anything else that can trip them before moving on. No insult is intended, but there is a reason nobody has completed this yet."

Hrm. mention the cobwebs to the rest of us. I have an idea that just might work.

2013-08-22, 05:18 PM
Aktoz pulls out his wand of Unseen servant, A candle, and his flint and steel. Aktoz says"I can use a unseen servant to attempt to burn the webs, while we watch from a safer distance." He pauses, flint and steel in hand, and adds:"Unless Milo thinks It would trigger something, of course"

2013-08-22, 07:08 PM
thanks for your... ahm... assitance... Ysa is it?...
Come on guys.. every body has his own way to deal with things... lets focus on getting on with this. Now we are down to 2 options...lets burn this webs.. shall we?

He lights up a torch.. and waits for reactions...

Whisper rider
2013-08-22, 07:28 PM
One Down... one more and we'll be in... he looks at milo... he stares for a minute.. with predatory eyes... then he turns his head and says..the loot... pfft... i couldn't care less for gold & jewls... you can have all of them if you want.. i dont care.
just role playing... dont take it personal ;)

2013-08-22, 09:11 PM
Rhaeg, Please allow me to light it with your torch, as I can do it from afar. In case it explodes. Wouldn't be too unlikely with the rumors I've heard.
If he says yes, I cast Mage Hand, and use it to light the web with his lit torch, once everybody has moved Away. range of mage hand is 45 feet, so I will be 40 ft from the square, and everybody else will likely be farther.
If no.... I move back if he tries to light it himself.

2013-08-22, 09:51 PM
In that case Please do!... Rhaeg hands over the torchs... and.. slowly steps aside waiting for something exciting to happen.

2013-08-23, 05:56 AM
The webs burn away quite quickly, revealing a cracked, unstable ceiling that looks ready to collapse at any second.

2013-08-23, 07:00 AM
Milo Brushscrubber

Aktoz pulls out his wand of Unseen servant, A candle, and his flint and steel. Aktoz says"I can use a unseen servant to attempt to burn the webs, while we watch from a safer distance." He pauses, flint and steel in hand, and adds:"Unless Milo thinks It would trigger something, of course"

"Everything triggers something, Guv," Milo says with a smirk. "It's all a matter of what you're willing to set into motion."

One Down... one more and we'll be in... he looks at milo... he stares for a minute.. with predatory eyes... then he turns his head and says..the loot... pfft... i couldn't care less for gold & jewls... you can have all of them if you want.. i dont care.

"If you're not in it for the shiny, then why risk life and limb to enter this tomb, pray tell? Got a bone to pick with the lich?"

The webs burn away quite quickly, revealing a cracked, unstable ceiling that looks ready to collapse at any second.

"Good thing we did a little spring cleaning, else I might not have seen that. I could probably hit that with a quick Stone Shape to make it safer to pass...unless we'd rather take our chances with the third passageway?"

2013-08-23, 07:35 AM
Aktoz pales slightly. "I'd rather see what traps the third hallway has, first. I wouldn't put it past this place to make that ceiling fall, even after a stone shape. Besides, It would take several castings to even try..."

2013-08-23, 08:00 AM
"Do you really think the third passageway is un-trapped?"

Ruslan studied for a minute. "I still say this is our best bet. Better the trap you know, than the one you don't, and we have an actual solution for this one. Besides, with the cobwebs and loose ceiling, this is still probably the least trodden path, which should get us the best results."

"If you're willing, fix up that ceiling, and we'll sned in a test dummy of some kind to the door afterwards."

2013-08-23, 10:21 AM
Viet stood there studying cieling without actually going into the tunnel. 'Hmm, stone shape might work... but who's to say thats the only trap in here.' Viet thought to himself.

Whisper rider
2013-08-23, 10:46 AM
"If you're not in it for the shiny, then why risk life and limb to enter this tomb, pray tell? Got a bone to pick with the lich?"

My reasons are beyond of your understanding mammal. I rather die here... Ysa cuts his words, acknowledging that he prefers not to answer the question.

that ceiling its there for some reason... the mythic štomb of Horrorsš has to have a greater welcoming than some falling ceilings and simple traps..
Two down.. now we have our passage. Go...
Ysa commands his remaining skelleton to walk towards the 3rd hallway.

2013-08-23, 11:08 AM
Well.. i donŽt think the 3rd passageway its un trapped...buy a falling ceiling... thats instant death for sure. or worst...
The Little reptile has a point... Big name dungeon like this... should have a way to get in and then, traps.
Maybe this 2 passageways are decoys? filtering the unworthy to enter the tomb?
I... I donŽt know you guys... but i think iŽm on the Little guy side on this one.

Rhaeg goes after the skelleton.. and throws a Torch inside the passage..
[roll0] (ranged attack??) [-4 for improvised weapon??] and makes an Spot check to see features of the hallway [roll1]
Please, can i have a description on the third passageway..

2013-08-23, 12:15 PM
The third passage, 50 feet long with walls of hewn stone, is nigh-featureless. The double doors at the end are identical to the set in the other two halls.

The skeleton proceeds to the doorway without incident.

2013-08-23, 12:31 PM
In that case.. iŽll take my first step following the ones of the skelleton.. very carefully.
i got darkvision 60ft if that helps. besides the torch in the middle.
any interesting events, folllows?

Whisper rider
2013-08-23, 12:33 PM
thereŽs your entrance... shall we?

2013-08-23, 01:19 PM
Viet and volten follow right behind.

2013-08-23, 01:26 PM
Ruslan stays outside of the 3rd tunnel, watching them pile through.

The door could trigger a trap, after you're all in the tunnel like fish in a barrel.. Open the door, and then I'll follow through.

2013-08-23, 01:27 PM
Milo Brushscrubber

My reasons are beyond of your understanding mammal. I rather die here... Ysa cuts his words, acknowledging that he prefers not to answer the question.

It's clear from Ysa's reaction that Milo had hit some sort of nerve. "Sorry guv, meant no offense," he says with raised palms. "Just curiosity...looks like it gets the halfling as well as the cat, eh? Still, if you be wishin' to die in here, best not to stick too close to me. I tend to be on a bit of a lucky streak, thanks to the Holy Rollers." With the last sentence, Milo points skyward. "Some days their dice seem loaded."

thereŽs your entrance... shall we?

Upon realizing that it's the leftmost entrance that seems to be clear, Milo snaps his fingers and remembers the old adage. "If you'd prefer to skirt death, always stick to the left. That's it!" Proceeding down the hallway, Milo stops the group and examines (but does not touch) the door. It seems as if he's studying the portal for an eternal moment, as more than a minute ticks away while Milo quizically looks over every inch of the door. He turns back to the group with a sheepish smirk. "Lucky, sure," he says, "but careful to boot."

Taking 20 on Search for a result of 38.

2013-08-23, 01:28 PM
"Agreed. Akotz says. "Or, better yet, open it with none of us inside."
EDIT: was supposed to be posted one up.... darn time stamp.

2013-08-23, 03:06 PM
wow wow... waait a minute iŽm trying to be carefull here... he looks as every one out side rushes in...
as i said.. iŽm no front liner, so if youŽd excuse me.. rhaeg takes a step aside.. and lets evryone move in.. afterwards he steps outside the passageway, carefully, before anybody starts doing carless things.

2013-08-24, 02:27 PM
You reach the hallway's doors without incident. The door stands before you, unmoving.

2013-08-24, 05:07 PM
Aktoz Carefully proceeds down the hall, stopping 20 ft from the door.

2013-08-24, 06:16 PM
The door stands before you, inviting and nerve-wracking at the same time.
The servant of the Holy Rollers can detect no traps on the door.
Assuming the trap finder takes 20 to search the door.

2013-08-24, 06:44 PM
From his point 20 ft from the door, Aktoz Casts Detect magic from a wand. "This tunnel was 80 ft long, detect magic has a range of 60." Aktoz says before casting.

2013-08-25, 11:18 AM
Viet says to Aktoz (or whoever is closest to the door which isn't Viet or Volten) while standing behind him with reassurance, "I'm right here to grab and pull you in case of something bad happening."

Choosing to ready a grab and throw back just in case.

2013-08-25, 02:34 PM
"If you'd all move away, Aktoz begins a grin, "I'll open the door with a cantrip from 40 ft away."
If they do, I cast open/close.

2013-08-25, 02:40 PM
Viet and Volten backs away enough but is still ready to pull Aktoz incase something happens.

2013-08-26, 06:21 AM
Milo nods and backs away, happy that they can open things without actually touching them. Perhaps that would come in handy...

Whisper rider
2013-08-26, 06:52 AM
Ysa... commands his skelleton to step back 10 ft from the door. and wait until it opens.

Meanwhile he stands outside the passageway ready to get this going

2013-08-26, 06:57 AM
Rhaeg, stands next to the kobold, also waiting for them

2013-08-26, 10:52 AM
The door opens uneventfully, revealing the passage beyond. The walls of this place are cement over masonry, providing a smooth surface for the many scenes illustrated on the walls. The floor is an intricate mosaic, with a meandering path of red tile distinctly visible.

2013-08-26, 11:03 AM
"Well, it seems to committee has decided. I'll take whatever gets me in there to end that Lich's un-life."

Ruslan walks up and joins the party in the hallway, looking into the next room and giving it a once over.

2013-08-26, 01:05 PM
Milo Brushscrubber

The door opens uneventfully, revealing the passage beyond. The walls of this place are cement over masonry, providing a smooth surface for the many scenes illustrated on the walls. The floor is an intricate mosaic, with a meandering path of red tile distinctly visible.

Milo didn't know much about art, but he did know two things: firstly, that it was often worth quite a bit of coin on its own, but secondly that it could hide a safe or a trap better than most. The halfling begins a methodical scan, first looking over each floor tile and allowing his eyes to rise to the walls and art. Perhaps the red tiles were safe, perhaps they were dangerous, and perhaps there was some intricate pattern that corresponded to the illustrations on the wall...

Taking 20 on Search in the above fashion for a total of 38.

Whisper rider
2013-08-26, 01:38 PM
finally... Ysa commands his skelleton to follow the red path.. meanwhile he approaches the door. takes a look at milo... as heŽs taking his š20š. and says... You found your big prize yet? and from outside the Door.. he takes a general look of the room.. focusing on the floor & ceiling.


2013-08-26, 01:54 PM
finally... Ysa commands his skelleton to follow the red path..

Milo holds up a hand, signalling for Ysa to command his skeleton to wait. "The red path may not be the safest, Guv," he calls.

You found your big prize yet?

"Well," Milo says thoughtfully, "we made it through the front door and nobody's kicked the bucket, so I'd say that we've found the biggest prize of all...least, so far."

2013-08-26, 02:03 PM
With a start, you note an unusual feature on one of the frescoes. The fresco in question shows a pair of jackal-headed men holding a box- But the box is quite real, and extends several inches out of the wall. You could reach it easily while remaining on the red path.
You detect no traps on the red path from your current vantage point.

2013-08-26, 04:26 PM
Rhaeg moves into the newly opened path.. he'll step up towards the red pathway... and step very carefully, with his 10ft pole.. he'll touch the frescoe.. hiting it a couple of times... trying to figuire out what kind of material is it mado of.

Whisper rider
2013-08-26, 04:30 PM
So... anybody its gonna move forward or what? He commands his skelleton to walk forward until the end of the path always sticking to the red tiles.

2013-08-26, 04:37 PM
Milo Brushscrubber

So... anybody its gonna move forward or what? He commands his skelleton to walk forward until the end of the path always sticking to the red tiles.

"Ease up, guv," Milo chides. "It's a marathon, not a sprint...and they stumble that run fast."

His eyes dart to Rhaeg's ten-foot pole as it makes contact with the box. "Hold up, I didn't have a chance to--" is all that can scutter out of the halfling's mouth before the pole touches the fresco.

2013-08-26, 04:53 PM
:smalleek: Rhaeg.. looks at milo.. as he touches it.. realizing his move was a little bit hasty.. he closes his eye... ready to react to what ever he has just activated.

2013-08-27, 08:28 AM
Absolutely nothing happens as the ten foot pole strikes the box... As far as you can see.

2013-08-27, 09:51 AM
Milo Brushscrubber

The halfling breathes a visible sigh of relief. "So touching it ain't that bad, but what about lifting or opening? There's more than one way to skin an adventurer..." As he talks, he keeps his toes on the red line and studies the fresco bearing the box.

Taking 20 on Search for a total of 38.

2013-08-27, 01:20 PM
does anyone knows anything about traps?
can anyone check whats inside of that box..? i would my self.. but i know about traps almost the same as i know how to resurrect people... so i rather not take the chance..

2013-08-27, 03:19 PM
Milo sees a tiny stud on the top of the box. It appears to be designed to sink into the box if pressed.

2013-08-27, 05:01 PM
does anyone knows anything about traps?
can anyone check whats inside of that box..? i would my self.. but i know about traps almost the same as i know how to resurrect people... so i rather not take the chance..

"I know a thing or two," Milo says with a shrug. "Let's have a look-see."

Milo sees a tiny stud on the top of the box. It appears to be designed to sink into the box if pressed.

"Hmm, can't tell if that's a standard pressbutton opening latch, or some kind of pressure-sensitive trigger. Let's see if there's a way to bypass it, whatever it is..." Milo takes out his tools and begins to poke and pry, careful not to touch the button (and to touch the box as little as possible).


2013-08-27, 08:18 PM
Milo's careful prodding reveals a hidden catch under the box,the underside of which swings open. You cannot see what is inside,meven when you crouch down and look from below.

2013-08-27, 08:23 PM
Aktoz shrugs, Casts Light on a copper piece. He then walks over to Milo, and hands him the copper piece, saying "Here, this should let you see in there, without the heat of a torch, if its just too dark to see." whether Milo accepts or not, Aktoz walks back to wait at the door, carefully sticking to the red path both ways.

2013-08-27, 08:34 PM
With the coin, inside the box, you can see a hanging lever.

2013-08-28, 04:27 PM
With the coin, inside the box, you can see a hanging lever.

Milo continues his routine, checking all around the lever without touching it to see if he can figure out what it connects to before resorting to any tactile trapsmithing. If he can't suss it out by sight, he uses a ginger touch to attempt to figure out what it does and, if it's a trap, disarm it. If it's not a trap, he reports back his findings.

Taking 20 on Search for a result of 38.

2013-08-28, 07:42 PM
I'm bored.. waiting for something to explode.
Ill step outside the red track... and move as far as i can. Slowly (1/2 speed) moving in the left line.. ill alternate moving and looking at the walls... artwork... gems?.. and ill take a look at the floor too.. just watching where i step.

2013-08-28, 08:23 PM
The lever seems to be linked to a pit trap. It's tricky to disarm... And as you attempt to do so, you clumsily bump the lever, triggering the snare.

Everyone but Aktoz and Rhaeg. Ref and Fort saves. You didn't say you were staying away! (And it's a big pit trap, and near the mouth of the hall.)
You ALWAYS specify you're staying away.

2013-08-28, 09:42 PM
Milo Brushscrubber

As Milo attempts to disarm the trap, he instead arms it. "Sonofa..." he mutters as the floor opens up below him.

[roll1] reroll if less than 20
[roll3] reroll if less than 25

If Milo makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Also, please see my comments in the OOC re: the trap.

2013-08-28, 09:51 PM
"Damn..." is all Viet has time to say as Volten lets out a quick gasp and the scramble to avoid being Impaled.

Please be nice Dice gods.



Whisper rider
2013-08-28, 11:06 PM
finally... Ysa commands his skelleton to follow the red path.. meanwhile he approaches the door. takes a look at milo... as heŽs taking his š20š. and says... You found your big prize yet? and from outside the Door.. he takes a general look of the room.. focusing on the floor & ceiling.

IŽm standing outside the door...

2013-08-29, 12:17 PM
You hear a faint click, and the floor falls out from beneath Milo and Viet. Milo manages to leap back, but Viet falls to the ground and is impaled upon the spikes 10 feet below him.

Viet takes [roll0] spikes attacking at +20 (see OOC for rolls) and [roll1] falling damage. He does, however, resist the impact effects of the poison on the spikes.

2013-08-29, 12:19 PM
Not so fast! to Viet, I cast Feather Fall! I know that it is only 6 damage, but my Character doesn't.

2013-08-29, 01:00 PM
Viet starts swearing a lot once he felt the pain after landing on 4 of the 8 spikes. "Thanks man" is the only good thing he says in between the swearing and pain. Viet slowly and carefully tries to remove himself from the spikes without impaling himself again.

2013-08-29, 01:09 PM
"Anybody have rope?"

2013-08-29, 03:49 PM
Milo Brushscrubber

Milo hops backward and balances carefully on the precipice of the pit trap. It seemed the Holy Rollers had cast a bum lot for him on opening the thing, but their dice fell true on keeping him from harm. As he gazed at Viet falling, a thought nags at him: it should be me.

2013-08-29, 04:56 PM
did i ran into any.. pit trap also? im walking next to the left wall..

2013-08-29, 08:55 PM
Much to your shock and delight, you have proceeded almost 15 feet without triggering a trap.

2013-08-29, 10:59 PM
"Any chance of me getting out of here?" Viet asks as he finishes getting off of the spikes, his left arm hurting pretty badly.

2013-08-30, 12:15 AM
Much to your shock and delight, you have proceeded almost 15 feet without triggering a trap.

so... iŽll stop... and ake a look around.. do i notice anything on the walls? floor?

spot at the Wall & floor 1d20+ 0 you roll them right?

2013-08-30, 05:43 AM
You notice a fresco of a door, with a barred window. Some sort of creature appears to be clutching at the bars. Around the door, the frescoes are of torture chambers, suggesting this beast is loosed to torment prisoners.

2013-08-30, 06:11 AM
Mil Brushscrubber

The halfling tosses a rope down the pit to Viet, careful not to let it hit the spikes. If that was a contact poison, he'd prefer to stay away from it. Once Viet is hoisted out of the pit, Milo gives him a sheepish "Sorry 'bout that, mate," and heals him up with a few charges off his wand. "That do, or would you like some more?"


46 charges left.

2013-08-30, 06:42 AM
((+21 so 39/51))

Viet's shoulder still hurt pretty bad as he still held onto it a little. "I think one more out to do the trick" he said as he temporarily laid on the floor. Volten walked up to viet and lightly used his beak to brush against viet's face. Viet smiled a little as he slowly sat up, It's alright man, **** happens, sometimes you just accidentally get caught up in the moment."

2013-08-30, 09:17 AM
Ehmm.... guys... look at this.... i think that there's some kind of beast, enclosed somewhere near.. it doesn't look like a friendly one... better watch out..

Milo.. you are better at this.. come take a look.. maybe you can figure something out.

2013-08-30, 01:17 PM
Watching from the prior room, Ruslan saw Milo and Viet dance around the trap, with Viet actually having fallen in. While Milo patched Viet up from his miraculous survival, Ruslan watched Rhaeg skim along the wall.

When Rhaeg found the fresco with the beast, Ruslan walked beside Milo and Viet (but not all the way to Rhaeg) to get a better look. As he arrived at Viet, he placed his hands on him and healed him. "No need to waste your wands power when the Goddess is still present." he spoke to Milo. "We may need the extra help at a later date."

Turning to the fresco, we said, "Maybe sooner than later... What beast is this?" He wondered aloud, squinting at the portrait.

I don't know which school of knowledge it belongs to, so just insert it as appropriate!

Knowledge check: [roll0]
(+1 if it's a Religion check)

Added some healing from my belt for Viet, after seeing he could still use some. Roll in the OoC!

2013-08-31, 05:47 PM
"Whatever it is, we are likely to be able to defeat it. It might hurt to do so, but we are all here because we feel that we have at least a slim chance of surviving this.
That is no mythical beast of legend, or if it is, it is only one. Nor is it a lich. we can, and will kill it if it appears." Aktoz says, in order to get everybody moving again... as they all seemed to pause and stare at the fresco.

2013-09-02, 06:22 AM
Milo Brushscrubber

Milo takes a few minutes to study the damned lever, and only if he's quite certain that pulling it back will close the trap and nothing else, he closes it. If he suspects that touching it again will trigger further traps, he leaves it alone and looks for a way around it.

Taking 20 on Search for a result of 38.

2013-09-02, 09:25 AM
Closing the lever will do nothing. However, the trap leaves a portion of the hall wide enough to walk along undisturbed.

Whisper rider
2013-09-03, 09:43 AM
iŽll walk up to where Rhaeg is.. admire thre frescoe... and touch it :smallbiggrin:

then.. iŽll follow his steps 10ft behind him.

finally someone adventuring..

my skelleton will be 5ft behind me.

2013-09-03, 11:56 AM
Milo Brushscrubber

"OI!" Milo calls afterthe others. "Do try to stay in arm's reach, mates. I can't protect you if I can't reach you, savvy? Best to let me maintain point." As Milo talks, he retakes his spot at the front of the formation and carefully scans the floors, walls and ceilings for traps. It's slow going, but it's safe going.

Taking 20 on Search for a result of 38.

2013-09-03, 12:36 PM
Viet and Voltan follow point right behind Milo.

2013-09-03, 12:38 PM
Aktoz follows 30 ft behind Milo

Whisper rider
2013-09-04, 07:57 AM
Im not walking behind them....Im on the left side 10 ft behind Rhaeg. Walking forward...

2013-09-04, 08:40 AM
Ruslan stands where he was, on the red path just past the pit trap, patiently waiting for them to find the way to the next chamber. .. and closer to the lich.

2013-09-05, 02:45 PM
You find 4 pit traps along the hall, all of which could easily be walked around. Two things of note are now before you:

Immediately in front, a bas-relief sculpture of a green devil's head. It's mouth gapes open wide enough for a man to crawl into, but it is pitch black, emitting no sliver of light and allowing none entry.

To your left, the red-tile path turns, leading into an archway behind which is an impenetrably thick cloud of mist.

Whisper rider
2013-09-05, 10:02 PM
letŽs go through the arc..

2013-09-06, 05:41 AM
Milo Brushscrubber

"Aye," Milo says as he stares at the statue, wide-eyed. Something about it made him feel ill and captured his gaze as he passed by. Slow and steady, he searches the floor, walls, and ceiling leading up to the archway, as well as the archway itself.

Taking 20 on Search for a total of 38.
[roll0] to know anything about the archway
[roll1] if there's a spell effect in place to identify it

2013-09-06, 10:43 AM
"The archway seems dangerous.. there is no way to check it for traps, or test it, without one of us volunteering to risk ourselves."

Ruslan walks up beside Milo to get a closer look. "Let us see, is there any way to discern it's purpose?"

Checking the archway for anything intelligible that would help...

Knowledge(arcana): [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

2013-09-06, 02:28 PM
Akotz attempts to ensure everybody is 20 ft (myself sadly 15 ft. away) away from the statue, saying "... I wouldn't put it past the statue to explode. please move?" If they do move, I light a candle, I use my wand of Summon monster 1 (CL3) to summon a Celestial monkey, hand the monkey the candle, and tell it to enter the statue.

2013-09-06, 07:30 PM
The monkey approaches the head of the devil and starts to crawl into it's jaws, before suddenly vanishing.

2013-09-07, 08:26 AM
I take a look at the ArC... I step in to it! tight in the middle

2013-09-07, 09:43 AM
Viet moves up to the Arc after (dark's Character) steps into the Arc.

Viet is 1 square (5 ft.) from entering the Arc, does he notice anything changing? (taking 20 if need be)

2013-09-08, 07:54 AM
DarkPrel only:

You find yourself in a 10 foot by 10 foot iron chamber, bare of all exits. Asisde from dust, the only thing in the room is 3 levers on the west wall.

Viet: The stones of the left cornerstone, keystone, and right cornerstone glow yellow, blue, and orange respectively as you approach.

2013-09-08, 09:19 AM
@Drynwyn (DM ONLY)
how tall is the room?... do i notice anything else that i might have bypassed on my first assestment of the room? [roll0]
Since i already saw that there are nasty big pit traps on the floor (main hallway) i would like to use my slippers of spider climb to hold on to the West Wall, where the levers are.
are the levers in the same position? the 3 of the are facing up or down?

to save time this is what iŽll do. (if something happens, iŽll act in respounse to that... this is just to speed things up).

1st. IŽll pull the levers up, one by one. starting from left to right.

2nd. iŽll pull the levers down, one by one. starting from the right to the left.

3rd. iŽll pull 2 levers up (center and right) and 1 down (left).

4th. IŽll pull 2 levers up (center and left) and 1 down (right)

5th IŽll pull 2 levers up (left and right) and 1 down (center)

6th. IŽll pull all the levers Up at the same time.

7th Same steps from 3 to 6, but instead of UP, iŽll pull them DOWN.

After Each try, iŽll take a good look at the room, searching for changes.

Whisper rider
2013-09-08, 10:11 AM
OOC: IŽm going to press the Left Cornerstone... some one would like to Do something firts?

Ysa, Steps up & Presses the Cornerstone on the left.. (look at spoiler)

2013-09-08, 10:13 AM
Aktoz moves up to the arc, and if nothing happens when Ysa presses his stone, he'll press the blue Keystone.
"Hope hes alright..." Aktoz mutters.
OOC what did we see when he stepped through? Did he vanish before he was all the way through? Did he disintegrate when partway through? Did he get out of sight before anything happened?

2013-09-08, 10:21 AM
OOC: IŽm going to press the Left Cornerstone... some one would like to Do something firts?

It seems my Knowledge and Spellcraft checks do nothing, so I have nothing to contribute at the moment. Looks like I'll be limited to playing beater on this campaign at this rate...

Ruslan steps back away from the arch before everyone begins piling on it. Having no insight to the workings of it, he walks back to his last spot, right after the pit trap on the red hallway, and in sight of the monster image. He looks around slowly, trying to find anything of notice.

Take 20 on Spot & Search, if possible, while not moving from that position.

Spot: +2
Search: +3

2013-09-08, 01:41 PM
Viet lightly kicks the bottom left keystone (yellow) out of boredom and to see what happens.

2013-09-12, 09:36 AM
As you turn all the levers up, a hatch opens in the center of the ceiling.
Everyone Else:
Absolutely nothing of note occurs.

2013-09-12, 11:46 AM
Aktoz shrugs, cuts a ten foot length of his candle wick, ties it around a copper piece, and tosses one end through while holding the other, standing in front of the door.

2013-09-12, 12:39 PM
Milo Brushscrubber

Milo stands frozen between the arc and the statue. "I've never seen anything like either of these, mates. Anyone have an inkling what they are?" Milo awaits a response from the others. If nobody has any ideas, he proceeds to pull a small set of dice from his spell component pouch and a stick of incense. Burning the incense, he rolls the dice and beseeches his gods: "Oh Holy Rollers, does the future hold fortune or fumbles? Show us the way..."

OOC: Milo will cast Augury for a 75% chance at a meaningful reply to the question "Is going through the arch safe?" Of course, since DarkPrelud is still posting spoilered content, I'm assuming that it is, but Milo doesn't know that. Granted, if he steps back through in the meantime it saves me a useful divination...:smallwink:

[roll0] looking for 1-75.

Milo furrows his brow and frowns at the dice; half of the six-sided cubes are showing one pip, while the other half are showing all their spots. "Can't really get a read on it, mates," he says. "Looks like we've got a tough row to hoe no matter how we slice it."

2013-09-26, 01:47 PM
Aktoz thinks for a moment, then says "From the fact that the string disapeared, We know it moved it elsewhere. But whether it is a portal to doom, or a room of treasure, we don't know."

2013-10-01, 11:36 AM
Milo Brushscrubber

"Six of one, half a dozen of the other," Milo mutters to himself. "Weal and woe either way. You step into the mouth, you vanish. You walk under the arch, you vanish. Suppose it's time to pick our poison, eh chums?"

With that, Milo pulls a coin from his pocket and positions it against his thumb. With a flick, he launches it into the air. The coin flips end over end before landing back in the halfling's hand, at which point he opens it to reveal a bird clutching a quiver full of arrows and a strange inscription in a foreign tongue.


"Tails it is, mates. Into the mists we go. I'll take lead." For a gambler, Milo didn't like leaving things to chance very much. He breathes deeply, closes his eyes, and takes a step forward. He opens his eyes, half expecting to see his death.

2013-10-01, 11:58 AM
"It would be a sad day if we only get so far in, but I'll be brought back in a month or so if I die anyways..." Aktoz says, shrugging as he enters the arch, Following Milo

2013-10-01, 12:09 PM
viet and volten follow suit.