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2014-01-28, 05:50 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

"Indeed." Ivyn is standing in the hallway outside his room, about to knock on Gallad's door. It's easy to miss somebody so much shorter. His eyes have a dark ring around them, his clothes wrinkled and greasy. In his hands is the book.
I cannot help but wonder if the evil within this tome is from the words written by an evil hand or the acts described. Its proximity to evil acts over time? If you burn it will the smoke be evil? Should we douse it in holy water first?
If you are ready to light it, I have no objections. There is however, a slight problem. This tome is incomplete. Do you think the priest is in a stable enough mental condition to discuss it? I have other questions regarding evil-undead transformations. And family members.

2014-01-28, 12:14 PM
Brom takes those as are willing and sets out to begin the work of finding the living and taking the dead to the cemetery for blessing and burial. He makes a note to stop in to visit the acting burgomeister's sister, to make sure she made it through the night.

2014-01-28, 12:24 PM
Gallard listens to the gnome and ponders for a minute, before replying.

"Incomplete? is a part missing, or was the author unable to finish it? In the first case, we should look for the remaining part. Personally, I believe the most dangerous thing that can come from that book is knowledge. Here is how I think we should do it: the book is to be burnt in a secluded place; if you think it will make it safer, we could ask Brom to bless it beforehand. Jonnel can help you with the preparations. As for the priest, is it important? My counsel would be to forget about him - were you in his shoes, would you be willing to remember the terrible things you had done?"

2014-01-28, 12:39 PM
The innkeeper blinks uncomprehendingly as Gallard's request for a minute, then he produces a large piece of white fabric and holds it out. "For a pole, ah," he pauses, "I don't have one here, I'm afraid. Try Bildrath's Mercantile."

There are significantly fewer people gathering in the inn's common room this morning than were there when you went to bed last night. Still, Brom has no trouble gathering people to collect and bury the corpses; they seem to have gone out and observed that the undead were gone, and are acting a lot more impressed toward you than they were last night.

Ismark is not in evidence.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-01-28, 12:53 PM
Sir Gallard accepts the fabric with gratitude, and thanks the innkeeper.

"Walk with me, Ivyn."

That said, the knight walks downstairs once again; he leaves the inn, stopping only to ask one of the peasants for directions to reach the mentioned Mercantile.

Meanwhile, Jonnel goes out with Brom, to help gathering the corpses and preparing them for burial.

2014-01-28, 12:57 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

While normally I would point out that knowledge is uncaring, this knowledge is specifically the manipulation of flesh through corruption of the soul, as per undead animation spells. As for the priest, I wish nothing more than to let him begin his journey for redemption unmolested. Unfortuntly, the book has pages removed. And the evidence supports that the only user of this tome is the priest. It may be worth scouring the church to find the rest. I will ask to read them first, but then they must be destroyed. I'm sure you can agree that pages out of this book should not be left out to be discovered.

Took some liberty with the description of both Animate Dead and its use in the construction of Flesh Golems.

Ivyn will head out to find Brom to dispose of the book.

2014-01-28, 01:37 PM
Bildrath's Mercantile is directly across from the inn. There are two men working there; Gallard recognizes the younger one as one of the men who came out to rebuild the barricade last night. The older man greets Gallard with a friendly smile and introduces himself as Bildrath. He won't agree to give you a pole, but readily agrees to sell you one for three silver pieces.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-01-28, 01:56 PM
Brom takes some time to carefully destroy the book, taking what precautions are necessary. if there is a spell or something that would help, let me know. I presume burning it while its bound in a magic circle against evil would work quite thoroughly.

2014-01-28, 03:08 PM
"I fail to understand what you could possibly learn from reading such despicable things. Were it for me, the book would have been destroyed immediately."

The noble son of house Ravensgate addresses the merchant.

"That's quite an expensive pole, Bildrath. It better be of superior quality, eh?"

Gallard pays the merchant, takes his newly acquired pole, and ties the fabric he got from the innkeeper to fashion a white flag. He then returns to the inn stables, where Valiant is waiting for him.
Riding his horse, Gallard is the living portrait of nobility. The knight goes to meet the rest of his friends.
Once he has found Brom and Jonnel, he tells them quite simply:

"I'm going to the castle to meet the local lord. Wish me luck, my friends."

2014-01-28, 07:01 PM
When I suggested going to the graveyard this is not what I meant

Saphina spent the better part of the morning helping with the task of burying the dead. She had been digging graves for hours, her back ached unaccustomed to the work. She wiped sweat from her grimy face with an equally soiled hand.

How do you get yourself into these things Saph, I mean really a girl of your talents should be living the good life by now. Like Gallard, did you see the way he was dressed, probably off to tea time with royals.

Oh well at least its work, and I'm sure these fellas will have something more interesting to do soon enough.

As she looked around the halfling realized she had dug herself quite literally into a hole, about six feet deep actually.

"Um, Brom are you there..." "Jonnel..." "Oh Great just Great!"

OOC... I hope Saphina isn't to disruptive to an otherwise greatly played game, i don't plan on being a complete nuisance (too much). I just wanted to set the stage.

That said I heard something about SEARCHING a church, i wonder if someone might come along looking for our stranded halfling.

2014-01-28, 09:06 PM
Brom reaches a hand down to help haul his new companion out. He gives a chuckle, "Enthusiastic, aren't we?" I also mentioned visiting the Burgomaster's house. Anything happen there?

2014-01-29, 07:29 AM
The book burns as easily as any nonmagical book; the smoke from it smells kind of thick and greasy...but not so much that you can be certain it's not just your imagination.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

(Now I need to know who's going where when. If I understand correctly, directly after burning the book Gallard is setting off for the castle alone and without his sword, Brom, Saphira, and Jonnel are going to bury corpses and then to the burgomaster's mansion or possibly in reverse order, and Ivyn ?)

2014-01-29, 08:27 PM
Well Saphina only heard a bit of the conversation, but would like to join Ivyn in searching the church for the lost pages. I was hoping Ivyn would request help or something. As far as the burgomeisters house, I guess we would have stopped there on the way to the graveyard (perhaps saph and jonnel went ahead while the cleric went in?)

2014-01-29, 08:37 PM
(The burgomaster's house isn't on the way to the graveyard, but let me know if you're splitting into three groups. In the interests of not getting bogged down, if I don't see a clear consensus that you are doing so by tomorrow, I'll proceed with the next turn on the

everyone burns the book

-> Brom/Ivyn/Saphina/Jonnel dig graves -> Brom/Ivyn/Saphina/Jonnel go to the burgomaster's mansion

-> Gallard goes to the castle

chain of events.)

2014-01-30, 10:26 AM
(Gallard's subthread is being taken to PM until it's concluded. For the rest of you:)

An aged and dilapidated mansion squats behind a rusting iron fence, but the gates have been twisted open--one lies torn from its hinges, while the other swings crazily in the wind, screeching and clanging with mindless repetition. The house beyond is marked by claws, fires, and ominous stains. Every window is barred, every door barricaded.

The time is about noon. It's still sunny; you think you might see a hint of the fog returning, but that could just be in your minds. Having been all through the town gathering bodies, you can tell that the burgomaster's mansion is, unsurprisingly, the largest building here.

(Gallard's sword which Jonnel has: Not glowing.)

2014-01-30, 05:11 PM
Brom approaches the house cautiously. He raps on the door and calls out, "Is anyone inside? The threat appears to be past and we seek those in need of aid."

2014-01-30, 08:18 PM
After a minute, you hear the sound of the door being unbarred. A beautiful, haunted-looking young woman opens the door. "Hello," she greets you softly. "I'm Ireena."

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-01-30, 09:16 PM
Brom bows cordially. "I am Brom Sunborn, servant of Pelor. These are my companions. We met your brother yesterday. We have since dispatched the immediate cause of the plague and are seeking out survivors, to lend aid as needed and spread the word that it is safe. We are also tending to those who have passed. Are you injured in any way? Your home appears to have been attacked viscously."

2014-01-31, 08:38 AM
"Come in." She stands aside from the door. "They didn't get inside. It wasn't just the last week's zombies--I don't know how much my brother told you, though he did tell me about heroes who had dealt with the zombie plague."

The well-furnished mansion shows considerable wear, though the holy symbols hung in every room of the house draw attention from the soiled divans and ratty carpets. A man's body in burgomaster's robes lies in state in the front room.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-01-31, 11:12 AM
Jonnel gives a respectful nod to the woman as he approaches. The warrior is carrying two swords on his side today, an uncommon sight.

"That would be us, Ireena - even though not all of us are here. Is that your father? My condolences, I'm told he was a good man."

2014-01-31, 12:20 PM
"Condolences indeed. Your brother told us some, but perhaps it would be better for you to tell the whole of it. He may have been...clouded when we spoke."

2014-01-31, 12:23 PM
"Thank you. Not all of you are here?" She tilts her head. "Yes, my brother's...sleeping it off." She gestures to the ceiling. "Come and have a seat."

2014-01-31, 05:11 PM
Brom sits, resting his helmet on the floor. "It was a trying time, I am certain. As for our other member, he took it upon himself to deliver a message to the lord of this land." Brom's face shows his doubt and concern plainly.

2014-02-01, 07:53 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

En route to the Burgomiester's home, with Saphina: "Saph, when we are done here I could use another set of eyes to search the church. I think it best to not do so without larger supervision. Splitting this group any more could be disastrous."

Inside the house, Ivyn studies the rooms and holy symbols.

Taking ten on knowledge checks for 24.

2014-02-01, 03:07 PM
"To Strahd? That's...If you ever see him again, it won't be because the Count happened to be in a merciful mood." She shakes her head. "You wanted me to tell you what happened here. All right. About a month ago, Strahd began pressuring my father for something. My father chased him off with a holy relic we used to have, the Holy Medallion of Ravenkind. Things in the town got a lot worse after that--it was never exactly easy or safe to live here, but suddenly monster attacks were almost constant instead of being occasional. Then, last week, my father was poisoned and the medallion disappeared, and the mansion itself came under attack."

2014-02-01, 10:53 PM
"The mansion was attacked before the undead plague?"

2014-02-02, 06:01 AM
"We recieved a letter from your... father, which described how werewolves were attacking the people of Barovia. That's why we are here - however, your brother told us the burgomeister never sent any kind of letter, and so it had to be a forgery. Indeed, there were some inconsistencies in it: I believe it referred to you as the love of his life."

2014-02-02, 02:50 PM
"Yes, Ismark told me about that." She sighs. "The town in general has been attacked by werewolves lately, but they didn't come to the mansion. The letter was probably written by Strahd, but I don't know why he would want to bring you here, or tell you transparent lies about the werewolves. I haven't been bitten by a werewolf. I've been wanting to go to the encampment west of town; I've heard that the wise woman there knows things that even Strahd is afraid to discover, but I needed to stay with Father's body to make sure he didn't rise as a zombie, and I wasn't sure I could make it to the encampment alone."

2014-02-02, 03:18 PM
"Well, once our companion returns we would be able to escort you. I would be interested in meeting this wise-woman myself. Would you like us to take your father for burial?"

2014-02-03, 07:57 AM
"Well, once our companion returns we would be able to escort you. I would be interested in meeting this wise-woman myself. Would you like us to take your father for burial?"
She nods. "Thank you, that's what I was hoping for--ah, both."

2014-02-03, 12:14 PM
"Then let us begin. We will need your brother of course, and others you would find suitable as pall bearers. I am willing to assist, of course, though by your leave I will officiate; your former priest is no longer here. There is much to be done while the sun shines."

2014-02-03, 08:36 PM
Saphina let out a loud whistle when she saw the dilapidated mansion... "Wow someone is behind on the housework huh"

She paces around the interior, impatiently searching for anything of interest to occupy her mind, while the others discuss the past and the origins of the letter. As the conversation darkens the young Halfling begins to realize the severity of the situation. "Well I am always up for an adventure, and this wise woman sounds like fun. However before any of that me and Shorty here (gesturing to Ivyn) have a church to explore." Having had her fill of burials she motions for the wizard to help with a get-away.

Search: 20+13=33 (Taking twenty, but for future reference whats the dice-code here)

Sorry about the long pause things got a bit hectic around here for Superbowl Party

2014-02-04, 07:29 AM
She nods. "I'll get my brother. Can you meet me at the cemetery?"

2014-02-04, 08:00 AM
"Of course."

Turning to his companions, "We can investigate the church further after the funerals. It will need to be checked thoroughly before being reconsecrated."

2014-02-04, 09:30 AM
Jonnel voices his opinions as he hears the priest's objection.

"I can go with them now, Brom. It should be safe, so if they want to go, let them go."

2014-02-04, 12:06 PM
"I would have preferred to be there myself for the search, but do as you will." Brom moves to adjourn to the graveyard.

2014-02-05, 08:35 AM
The church is pretty thoroughly ruined. Searching the basement by the light of Saphina's everburning torch, you find a pouch with six diamonds in it near the middle of the room where the monster was standing when you entered the basement, but there is no sign of magic other than the book which you burned, no sign of where the pages missing from the book went, and, happily, no sign of corpses other than the ones you already fought.

Meanwhile, Ireena, Brom, Jonnel, and three other men Ireena brought gather in the graveyard with Kolyan's body.

2014-02-05, 12:21 PM
Brom waves them forward, his own gear filthy from the day's work. He sets aside a borrowed spade. As he has many times today, he performs the blessings necessary for the occasion, granting time to allow the bereaved to speak if they so desire.

2014-02-05, 03:09 PM
Gallard arrives at the graveyard on his horse. He dismounts and waits for the others to complete the funerals, if they still haven't. He looks fine.

2014-02-06, 07:35 AM
Ireena speaks of Kolyan Indorovich's dedication to his people and his family. She asks Ismark if he wants to speak; with a twist of his mouth, he declines.

After the funeral finishes, she turns to give the (presumably) flag-carrying new arrival a questioning look. "Hello. Who are you?"

2014-02-06, 07:41 AM
No need for the flag anymore - Gallard can leave it at the inn, if it's on the road to the graveyard.

The knight offers a polite bow to Ireena. He also waves at Brom to come closer.

"Greetings. I am sir Gallard, first son of the noble house of Ravensgate. I just returned from the castle, but I see you already met my companions. From your words, I understand you are Ireena, the sister of the burgomeister's son, correct?"

2014-02-06, 07:43 AM
"Yes, I am Ireena Kolyana. From what your companions said, I didn't expect to ever see you alive." Her tone makes no effort to conceal the and I am suspicious of why I am subtext. She glances toward the sky briefly.

2014-02-06, 12:07 PM
sense motive is +3, something that should probably be rolled secretly.

"So tell us, how went your task? Did you reach the castle?"

2014-02-07, 09:54 AM
Gallard takes some time to narrate his trip to the castle and the encounters he had on the road. He is calm and posed even as he speaks of the dangers.

"I did. On the road there I even saw one of the werewolves that roam the countryside: he's an elf, so be wary, next time you meet one. To be completely honest, I was helped in the escape by a woman that came from the castle - she is not to be trusted, mind my words; as for why she came to me, I can tell that they seemed to be expecting my visit, even though I don't know how they could possibly learn of it."

The knight pauses for a moment, remembering the events. He appears somehow uncertain. He rubs his chin for a couple of moments while in deep thought. He then continues.

"At the castle I met with Strahd himself. He seems honorable enough and a decent man, but I had a feeling I couldn't explain. Even though he treated me fairly, I felt as if I was standing in front of someone that I should have fought. I never experienced anything like that."

Sir Gallard now specifically addresses Ireena, explaining what he heard directly from Strahd's mouth.

"Strahd told me he had an argument with your father concerning the possibility of hiring adventurers to slay the werewolves. According to him, your father didn't want to involve anyone from outside, whereas he was of the opposite opinion."

The nobleman then adds, looking at Brom:

"Remember that false letter? He told me he sent it using the burgomeister's name because he was afraid that his own reputation could keep adventurers away - Gallard pauses for a moment - as for that, I can confirm that the von Zarovich are not known for their benevolence. As for that vile book, he seemed regretful to inform me that he granted permission to the priest to research in the castle's library - where the book was locked away. He told me it was not his intention to put such a tragedy in motion."

The knight's gaze returns on Ireena as he continues to reveal the things he learnt.

"I have Strahd von Zarovich's word that, whatever the reason he had to argue with your father and the people of Barovia, the hostilities are a thing of the past. I personally don't have a true reason to doubt his words; you know the lord of this land better than us: what is your opinion about it?"

2014-02-07, 12:12 PM
Brom listens intently. "Interesting. Curious though, that he would wait for you to come rather than sending a messenger to us, or having one in town waiting for a response to his missive. It all seems...odd. Nevertheless, there are matters to finish here."

"I have agreed, and I am certain you will as well, to accompany Miss Kolyana to see the wise woman outside of town. She has desired to do so, but the way is, as you know, not safe. Perhaps she can shed some light on the matter of the werewolves as well, since we know so little; unless you where given further information during your audience?"

2014-02-07, 12:24 PM
Ireena snorts. "I see why Strahd let you leave the castle alive. He lied. About everything. His conflict with my father--before he had my father murdered--wasn't over the werewolves, it was--" She flinches before continuing, "There are no monsters worse than you'll find in the castle, none in the land he could not remove without outside help if he wished to, and there has never been a Count von Zarovich who wasn't Strahd."

2014-02-07, 03:39 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Assuming Ivyn is in the Church with Saphina while fruitlessly searching for the torn pages.
Unless I am mistaken, this Strahd fellow is of the Vampiric persuasion? That is what was being spoken between the lines, right? Such an entity is... quite powerful, usually. Patient and knowledgable. A dangerous combination. Do you suppose he's in league with the Werewolves? Are they his pets? Are you from around here Saph? The Lady Ireena mentioned a rise in the frequency of attacks. Were you here for that?

Upon finding the diamonds: We will likely need these should we suffer a fallen companion. With any luck our time time in this region will be adequately brief and bereft of fallen companions as to permit splitting and selling the diamonds for coin.

2014-02-08, 07:19 PM
Jonnel seems genuinely surprised at Ivyn's considerations. He gets closer and kneels down to face the gnome, a concerned look on his face.

"Vampire? Strahd is a vampire? When did you learn that?"


Gallard shakes his head.

"I've told you all the important details. I didn't talk to the count for a long time."

He eyes Ireena once again.

"As for you, Ireena, it seems obvious to me that you're more informed than us. Why don't you tell us what you know, starting from the beginning? Maybe then we will be able to better understand what we are facing."

2014-02-08, 08:22 PM
"Well, I propose, if it is amenable to the lady, that we visit this wise woman tomorrow, departing in the morning. It has been a long day and I feel in need of a rest before taking on anything else." Preparing and performing that many interments has taken much out of him, combined with the strain of trying to comfort so many that he knows so little.

2014-02-09, 07:24 AM
Ireena flinches. "I--" She takes a deep breath and shakes her head. "Can we go back to the mansion?" she asks you quietly. "I'll explain there."

2014-02-10, 08:10 AM
Gallard gestures towards the path.

"Please, make way."

2014-02-10, 10:38 PM
Saphin searched high and low in the church... She found little of interest, certainly not any pages of this "Damned Book".

when the gnome found some gems she thought...

Just my luck im looking for some stupid magic writing, and the wizard finds diamonds!

She tends to be a bit distracted and melancholy after that, answering the gnomes questions halfheartedly.

Yes iI suppose vampires are dangerous, I'm not sure about the werewolves. I am not from around here, but I did notice the townsfolk seemed a bit panicked."
.................................................. ..................................................
After rejoining the rest of the party Saphina seems not her usual self. She is worried about the seriousness of their plight but tries to act as if nothing is wrong.

"Well we searched the church, no books or anything. But Shorty found..."
Wait a second here Saph Holy-man and goody two-shoes don't need to know about the diamonds yet, they will probably give em away to the poor or something
...Nothing, yeah complete loss"
"We should probably go back to the mansion get some rest before heading to this Oracle? Sage? lady"

I dont want to scare you guys off, Saph is "chaotic GOOD" she doesn't exactly meld with your party but she is willing to take orders from obviously seasoned adventurers, especially if theres treasure or adventure to be found.

2014-02-11, 09:00 AM
(A couple people haven't posted here; assuming for the sake of not bogging down the game that everyone is willing to go back to the mansion with Ireena.)

Ireena leads you into the large front room of the mansions, bars the door behind you, and turns to face Gallard. She takes a deep breath, says, "Okay," and unbuttons the top of her dress, showing (anyone who is standing close enough to Gallard to be in front of her) two sets of fang marks on her neck.

"About a month ago, I had a strangely vivid dream in which Strahd--Count Strahd von Zarovich--kissed me and called me Tatyana. At least, I thought it was a dream, until I woke and found one of these." She gestures to her neck. "I told my father about it. He had a powerful holy symbol, the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. He put it in my room, and I didn't have any more dreams for a few days...and then Strahd came to the village, in that coach of his. During the day, I don't know how. He stormed into the mansion, but Father used the Holy Symbol to chase him off. After that, the conditions in the town got worse; those zombie things would moan and beat on the door and walls of the mansion at night. Finally, last week, Father was poisoned--on Strahd's orders, I have no doubt. A few days later, the Holy Symbol disappeared. I don't know who took it; an undead creature could not have touched it, but Strahd's minions are by no means limited to the undead. The night after the day it disappeared, I had another dream like the earlier one--and woke up with this mark."

2014-02-11, 11:57 AM
know religion [roll0] for information regarding vampires

heal [roll1] to examine the wound Brom examines the wound carefully. "Gallard, this does not comport with your tale of your visit. Perhaps you where deceived."

2014-02-11, 08:42 PM
Sir Gallard nods in agreement. He seems convinced.

"Something tells me you are completely right, Brom. I think deep down I knew he was an evil creature all along. That explains the feeling of wrongness I had during the audience."

2014-02-12, 11:47 AM
Ireena sighs and looks down as she rebuttons the top button on her dress. "I'd hoped to finish this without needing to show you that." She pauses, then continues, "If we're not setting out today, can we set up a camp here, with a watch rotation as if we were on the road? I know enough about vampires to know that if I ever go to sleep alone again before Strahd is dead...destroyed...I may wake up one of them."

2014-02-13, 12:17 PM
Brom nods slowly. "I am certain we can accommodate you...though I wonder if deceit was the only thing perpetrated on our good knight. Vampires are capable of bending minds to their will...though I have not noticed the signs of such compulsion. Still, I would feel better if you allow me to attempt to dispel any ongoing effects on you before you take a watch, Gallard." dispel magic, single target, presuming he is willing, dispel check [roll0] vs caster cl+11

"I will take the first watch. If anything happens, wake me. Those who came here when I did have seen the power of the light over the undead."

2014-02-14, 09:30 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn is somewhat stunned when his conversation is overheard by the paladin. He thought he was alone with Saph in the church, but the graveyard must have been closer than he'd realized. Such social interactions make Ivyn frightened horribly, and he just sort of freezes until the unnatural body odor forces the tall one away.

In explanation for his statement, Ivyn offers: "My journey here is not coincidental with the presence of undead. The elders of my village sent me here to learn of their evil, though they did not know anymore details. Such are the limited results of divinations. It does give data, however. And coupled with a few decades of literary quests in my library I am frequently able to make sense of it. So as soon as I came here I was looking for undead. Beyond that it was a matter of elementary deduction. Also someone in the the Inn was clutching a clove of garlic questionably."

When the subject of watch rotation comes up, Ivyn volunteers for the last watch of the night, preferably coinciding with his study time for casting.

2014-02-17, 07:50 AM
The night passes largely without incident. Ireena wakes up during Ivyn's watch, just after dawn, leaves the room and reappears dressed in a chain shirt, with a rapier at her side and a bow slung over her back. She waits until Ivyn is done studying before waking anyone (Saphina first, unless Saphina is awake before then).

2014-02-17, 08:59 AM
Gallard and Jonnel take their time preparing theirselves. Today, the knight dons his armor - a most familiar and reassuring sight.
Jonnel is, as always, at his side.
Sir Gallard eyes the rest of his companions. He nods, apparently satisfied.

"We are ready to move on."

The knights's eyes return on the gnome, as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, and Ivyn - Jonnel spoke to me. Please, the next time you learn something about the dangers ahead, do tell me before I risk my life; will you?"

Jonnel grunts, as if to underline the concept.

2014-02-17, 12:15 PM
Brom is already armored when he greets the rising sun, along with any that care to partake in the daily devotion. Once complete, he blesses his weapon. "I am ready, let us depart." magic weapon on his morningstar

spell list is set per sheet

2014-02-18, 05:33 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

To Jonnel: "I did not know until after you had left unarmed and unarmored."

Ivyn finished his studies and attempts a prestidigitation cleanse before joining the others, looking hopefully for coffee or a spot of tea.

2014-02-18, 10:24 AM
As you travel through Barovia toward the southwest exit Ireena directs you to, something seems to be wrong. Where the mood yesterday was relaxed compared to the mood during the zombie invasion, the mood seems even more tense than when you were first here now. There are no people around. You reach the square with the inn and Bildrath's Mercantile. The front door has been torn off the inn and is lying in several pieces in front of it.

2014-02-18, 12:12 PM
"Another attack? This is an ill tiding. Let us go inside immediately." He rushes forward, shield and weapon in hand.

2014-02-18, 01:58 PM
Gallard grimaces at the sight. He draws his sword from the scabbard as he approaches the broken door.

"I agree - I have a bad feeling about this. Jonnel, go around the building, see if there's something there."

The warrior immediately starts moving to do as ordered.

"On my way!"

2014-02-19, 10:12 AM
The corpse scattered around the inn's front room is recognizable, barely, as having once been the innkeeper. No other corpses or parts of corpses are visible. Ireena looks in the kitchen, up the stairs, and down the hall before saying, "The blood trail doesn't seem to leave the front room at all."

2014-02-19, 12:10 PM
"We need to see if there have been any others attacks. Let us check through the inn, then spread out to the nearby buildings."

2014-02-19, 02:34 PM
There's no one in the accessible parts of the inn. Most of the room doors are barred. By banging on the nearest room door and shouting, "It's Ireena Kolyana, there's nothing dangerous out here now," Ireena is able to get the old man in the room to unbarricade the door and let you in.

"I heard snarling and flesh ripping," he tells you. "Sounded like wolves. Prob'ly werewolves. About four hours ago, but I thought they might be still out there. No, they didn't actually try to get into my room that I could hear...no, I didn't hear them making any noise any further than the front room."

2014-02-19, 05:33 PM
Jonnel returns from the back of the inn.

"I found nothing."

Gallard looks around. The knight seems perplexed as he examines the building. He eyes his sword, just in case.

"This is wrong. There was a lot of people here just yesterday, so where are the others?"

Sir Gallard eyes his companions and Ireena.

"I think the seer can wait a little more. We can't ignore those who have disappeared here, if there's a chance they are still alive."

2014-02-19, 07:50 PM
"If the innkeeper was loudly torn apart before dawn, all the other people in the inn might be barricaded in their rooms," Ireena responds to Gallard. "We can hope, anyway. I'm not sure who all was here last night."

2014-02-20, 09:02 PM
"Back to the street then, to see if any others where attacked. If not, perhaps we can follow some trail?" He looks askance at their newly acquired member.

2014-02-21, 03:39 PM
*tap tap* Is this thing on? Saphina? Looks like your last post was...11 days ago.

2014-02-22, 10:54 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn will wait outside. In the open. He'd rather not be caught in enclosed spaces. Calling out to those inside: Is everything alright in there?

Upon hearing of wolves, Ivyn starts looking around nervously for signs of the creature. And pulling out a bottle of alchemist's fire.

Search: [roll0] for wolf tracks
Knowledge Religion: [roll1] for information regarding a connection between Vampires and Werewolves, especially in this region.

2014-02-24, 03:11 PM
Ireena looks back and forth between Gallard and Brom. "Do we check the rest of the rooms, or search the rest of town?"

2014-02-24, 04:12 PM
Gallard takes a decision in a matter of seconds.

"Let's start with the rooms, since we're here. If we find someone, maybe they can tell us more about the survivors' whereabouts."

Jonnel nods:

"I agree - that could save time, in case we have to look somewhere else."

2014-02-24, 08:23 PM
Most of the inn's residents come out when Ireena pounds on their doors and yells. Some just yell back "Go away!" or refuse to respond at all. No one you can find seems to be injured or is aware of anyone except the innkeeper being kidnapped or killed.

2014-02-24, 09:18 PM
"Then we should proceed outside. Hopefully someone will have witnessed something, though after what has happened here I suspect all are quick to bar their windows and hide."

2014-02-26, 07:43 AM
Bildrath (the shopkeeper across the way from the inn, who sold you the pole) tells you that he and his stock boy barricaded the door when they heard some kind of beast outside, but that the beast did not, to their knowledge, actually test the barricade. There's no sign of any of the buildings in the square being broken into except the inn.

As you're speaking to Bildrath, a tall, auburn-haired, armored woman comes in the door behind you.

(And you're up, Elena.)

2014-02-26, 05:32 PM
Elena strolls up to the group and says, "Hello. My name is Elena Sunborn. I don't suppose you know anything about the murder that happened here, or the recent plague of undead?"

2014-02-26, 06:51 PM
The knight in plate armor turns to face the newcomer as soon as he hears her voice. Curiously, he partially draws the sword he carries to his side. He eyes her for some time, before he sheathes the blade. He then answers her question.

"We believe it was a werewolf. As for the restless dead, there are different opinions. It might be that the local lord caused it, directly or indirectly. We still do not know for certain. Forgive me, who are you?"

Another man, wearing armor and carrying a shield, moves closer to the knight. He seems cautious.

Gallard checks his sword to see if it's glowing, and then uses Detect Evil on Elena.

2014-02-26, 07:02 PM
Elena sighs sadly and says, "Regrettably, werewolf attacks are not uncommon in these parts. However, if the recent plague was caused by Strahd, then my mission becomes ever the more important. Tell me, have any of you awoken recently with odd wounds on your necks?"

2014-02-26, 07:17 PM
You detect no evil on her and the sword's not glowing.

2014-02-26, 10:28 PM
"None of us that quelled the restless dead bear such marks, to my knowledge." Replies Brom, not feeling it is his place to share Ireena's business with a stranger.

"Sunborn you say? I bear that name as well, as a servant of the shining one. Brom is my name. These others are worthy and true, though I will let them make their own introductions as they see fit." He nods to his shield, blazoned with the sundisk.

2014-02-26, 10:34 PM
Elena smiles, pleasantly surprised. She says, "Another blessed by Pelor? Excellent." She then sighs and says, "I suppose you want to know why I asked about injuries, no?"

2014-02-27, 12:52 PM
"You suspect there is a vampire about." A statement, not a question.

2014-02-27, 01:18 PM
"You suspect there is a vampire about." A statement, not a question.

Elena smiles and says, "I knew there was something I liked about you. Yes, there's a vampire here, and, unfortunately for all of us, he's the one in charge. And that's why I'm back in town. This is my home, and I will free it from Strahd's clutches, no matter the price."

2014-02-27, 01:28 PM
"From around here?" Ireena repeats. She stares at the newcomer suspiciously. "I don't...remember...wait. Elena. I do remember you; I thought you'd been--eaten years ago." She looks much friendlier now, though still somewhat reserved. "I'm Ireena--Ireena Kolyana; I don't suppose you remember me. How did you survive?"

2014-02-27, 02:01 PM
Elena smiles, tilts her head for a moment, and then a look of remembrance crosses her face and she says, "I do remember you...A little. You were always kind when I was a little girl." Her face darken a bit and says, "I survived via, for lack of a better word, divine intervention. I prayed to Pelor to be saved, and was given a vision telling me to 'Bring light to Strahd's Hall' as I was brought to the temple in the Free City. Since then, I've been training to be able to stand a chance of not getting turned when I confront Strahd, once and for all." She brightens up again and says, "But enough about me, how have you been doing, Ireena?"

2014-02-27, 10:03 PM
"It seems you are well acquainted with these lands then. The innkeeper was just attack. We had been on our way to see a wisewoman in these parts, but discovered the attack before departing. It was only two days ago we broke the undead siege here, caused by a powerful creature animated by fell magics. We've just had time to bury the dead, now this."

2014-02-28, 09:57 AM
"It seems you are well acquainted with these lands then. The innkeeper was just attack. We had been on our way to see a wisewoman in these parts, but discovered the attack before departing. It was only two days ago we broke the undead siege here, caused by a powerful creature animated by fell magics. We've just had time to bury the dead, now this."

Elena raises her eyebrow and says, "You say the Innkeeper was just attacked? Then we may still be able to find his killer, even if they returned to their human form. Did anyone see anyone leave the Inn shortly after the attack?"

Retroactively rolling Spot, as Elena may have seen someone on her way in.


2014-02-28, 10:02 AM
"'Just' meaning in the middle of last night, as far as we can tell," Ireena puts in. "Hours ago, not minutes. Lots of people heard it--the killer wasn't subtle--but they all seem to have been hiding. It looks like one or more werewolves just killed Arik and left without actually trying to break into anywhere else, which looks like some kind of message, but what the message is, or who it's for, I don't know."

2014-02-28, 10:37 AM
Elena frowns and says, "Oh...I guess there's nothing we can do, then. The killer could be anyone. And I'd bet this is a message from Strahd, trying to get us to back off. Well, I refuse to let it work. There will be no stopping."

2014-02-28, 12:05 PM
"We had thought to try tracking it, or them, but our tracker seems to have wandered off. Do you expect it was someone in the village, or could they be from outside? If we have no means of following, I suppose we could continue on to the wisewoman, perhaps she could help with that as well."

2014-02-28, 12:07 PM
"There aren't any elves in the town," Ireena says. "I think going to Madam Eva is still our best bet. Before it gets too much later--though Strahd doesn't seem restricted by sunlight."

2014-02-28, 12:23 PM
Sir Gallard shakes his head, a doubtful expression on his face.

"No, I don't think it's from Strahd. It doesn't make sense, given the situation. Maybe the lady that serves him did this behind his back."

"So what now, Gallard?"

The knight ponders.

"I don't see anything else that we can do right now. We should use the remaining hours of light to consult with this seer, and return here to pass the night."

2014-02-28, 12:30 PM
Brom nods. "Agreed. Let us waste no time then, we ought act while the sun shines upon us."

2014-02-28, 09:04 PM
Elena nods and says, "Indeed. It would be better to see what we can learn."

2014-03-01, 10:46 AM
The group heads out of town by the southwest road. The road curves around to the northwest and crosses a river. Then the road bends back northeast, then north, and then bends northwest. The forest on both sides looks far from friendly, but no elves appear on the road this time. You reach an old wooden gallows, which creaks in a chill wind blowing down from the high ground to the west. A frayed length of rope dances from its beam. The well-worn road splits here, and a signpost opposite the gallows points off in three directions, each 45 degrees away from the actual direction of a road: "Barovia" to the east, "Tser Pool" to the north, and "Castle Ravenloft" to the west. The roads themselves go southeast (back the way you came), northeast, and northwest. Across from the gallows, a low wall, crumbling in places, partially encloses a small plot of graves--presumably housing those who died at the end of that rope.

"Madam Eva's encampment is supposed to be that way," Ireena says, pointing down the northeast path.

(Let me know what your marching order is now; you've lost a couple people and picked up three new people since last announcing it. Ireena will walk in front by default, but if you ask her to go somewhere else she will.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-03-01, 04:01 PM
Gallard leads on the left and Jonnel is by his side on the right, if you guys are ok with it.

2014-03-01, 08:28 PM
I was thinking Elena and Brom on the sides, Ireena between them, and Gallard in the front.

2014-03-02, 01:59 PM
"A gallows here, instead of the town? Strange. Given our recent experiences I would watch for restless dead. But I see nothing now. If that is our road, let us keep on."Gallard Jonnel
Brom Ireena
Elena Ivyn

2014-03-02, 03:10 PM
"It is not an uncommon sight, even though it looks like this one hasn't been used for quite some time now. Worry not, reanimated corpses can not surprise us - we will know of their presence long before they'll be a danger for us."

2014-03-02, 04:23 PM
That doesn't really look like a consensus; if no one has more to say on the subject before tomorrow morning, I'll treat stack's marching order map as official.

2014-03-02, 04:54 PM
"Indeed. Though there are other things to worry about than the walking dead...Such as what attacked the Innkeeper."

I'm fine with stack's marching order.

2014-03-02, 05:44 PM
I'm fine with stack's marching order.

Same here.

2014-03-02, 06:18 PM
You begin moving down the northeast road. Almost immediately, Gallard's sword begins to glow and you hear a sound of cracking branches off to the northwest.

Those who turn to face that way see a massive man, standing nearly seven feet tall, rushing toward you at an amazing speed--the initial impression is that he's moving much too fast to be human, though with slightly more thought, you've known monks who could move faster than he is. His face is contorted in a dreadful grimace that displays two fangs where his canine teeth should be, he's holding a bastard sword in his right hand and his clawed left hand is stretched out ahead of him. He does not appear at all concerned about the sunlight that clearly exposes his features.

PC's initiative: [roll0]
Enemy's initiative: [roll1]

2014-03-02, 06:23 PM
You don't react fast enough to his approach. He charges Elena from a starting distance of 90 feet away, closing the distance within seconds and slashing with his claws. (The lefthand side of the party is exposed to him and vice versa, so Gallard, Brom, and Elena.)
So as not to be misleading in an unfair way, he's making a slam attack.

His claws scrape across Elena's scale mail with a horrible noise, luckily not actually touching her.

PCs' turn.

2014-03-02, 07:16 PM
Elena kicks at the man and raises her holy symbol, shouting, "BY THE POWER OF PELOR, BEGONE!"

Knowledge (Religion) to ID the Vampire Spawn: [roll0]

Turn Undead: Turning Check: [roll1]
Turning Damage: [roll2]

2014-03-02, 08:49 PM
Brom's shield streams with light as he swings his morningstar. "See them coming? You had to say it."greater turning (if needed) turning check [roll0] (up to 8 HD)
damage [roll1] x 1.5 (28 HD worth)

att [roll2]
damage [roll3]

2014-03-03, 09:07 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn was looking in the opposite direction, distracted in his thoughts until he bumps into Ireena, only then realizing combat has started. Late to reality as usual. Ivyn will take a step back, pull a flask of holy water out of his person, and lob it at the assailant.

Knowledge religion(redundancy, right?)[roll0]
Ranged Attack Roll [roll1]
Damage (holy water) [roll2]

2014-03-03, 11:51 AM
Gallard draws his sword and moves to flank the man. He shouts at the enemy, recognizing the assailant.


Jonnel unsheathes his own weapon, and start circling around the monstrous creature to completely surround him. He doesn't say a word, keeping his focus on the fight.

Gallard draws his sword and moves to flank the vampire. He uses total defense as he can't attack this round. Jonnel does the same, however he also stays just out of the vampire's range.

2014-03-03, 12:34 PM
Briefly looking, if possible, even angrier than when he first attacked, the assailant dissolves into a cloud of mist, which rises into the air and floats off toward the east. Ireena lowers the bow she had just barely brought to bear on him before he started fading.
Only Elena's turning attempt is used; Brom's proved unnecessary, as did Ivyn's holy water unless he wishes to throw it at the receding cloud.

(At least to your characters' knowledge, vampire spawn should burn up in sunlight just like vampires, if not even faster.)

2014-03-03, 12:54 PM
Brom looks at Elena. "Truly you are blessed by Pelor."

To all, "Let us continue, then. Perhaps there will be others, perhaps not. Gallard, did you recognize it?"

2014-03-03, 01:10 PM
The knight nods as he replies to the priest's question.

"Yes, I did: he is one of Strahd's servants. You might have been right when you assumed the count's involvement, after all."

Jonnel relaxes, and addresses Sir Gallard.

"Are there more like him? Maybe we are walking into an ambush."

Gallard shakes his head.

"I don't think they have the numbers. I've only seen another, apart from the Count himself - a beautiful lady; but she is not to be trusted, and remember thus: she scared away a werewolf with magic. She is dangerous."

2014-03-03, 01:20 PM
Elena nods and says, "Strahd holds many in his thrall. And there will be more. He knows we seek him out, and he wishes to stop us. But, we can stop him. However, what intrigues me is why this one did not dissolve in the light. Do you have any thought on why that might be?"

2014-03-03, 01:21 PM
"Strahd himself has been moving about freely during the day," Ireena says. "I don't know how."

2014-03-03, 01:26 PM
Elena looks surprise and says, "Oh, has he been? That is...worrying."

2014-03-03, 06:48 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Still clutching his holy water, the gnome is confused by the brevity of the battle. When the talk turns to vampires umempeded by the sun, his mind shifts to a different gear. "Such an ability could be granted via magic, abjurations specifically. Hmmm...

Knowledge Arcana for abjurations to protect from sunlight. [roll0]

2014-03-03, 08:09 PM
Brom shakes his head. "Vampires in broad daylight. This land is truly cursed. One more thing to ask the seer about, I suppose. I hope she is true and not some charlatan, though it would not surprise me."

2014-03-03, 09:37 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

After spending some time in thought, presumably traveling towards the seer with the party, Ivyn leaves his conjecturing on abjurations to return to the real world. "Gaa! Too many variables. Involves why vampires are blasted by the sun to begin with, a conundrum I'm not certain of a solution to. I do believe an abjurations would be possible though. Of which there might be a tell. I don't suppose anybody noticed the vampire spawn sparkling did they? No that would be simply absurd. Anyways, if we see one again it's possible a healthy dose of dispel magic would do the trick.

2014-03-04, 09:23 AM
As you proceed down the path, the weather seems to abruptly get worse. The wind picks up and the sky begins to fill with heavy clouds. The canopy of branches ahead suddenly gives way to open sky. A circle of colorful wagons and a scattering of tents are ranged around a dancing bonfire, and a handful of men and women in colorful garb sit quietly near the wagons. Beyond this camp, a small lake reflects the sky overhead.

2014-03-04, 01:30 PM
Jonnel grimaces as the group marches on.

"Unnatural weather. Foul magic is at play!"

Sir Gallard seems to agree.

As they arrive to the camp, the knight takes a moment to look around, his sight wandering around to examine everyone on sight. He then greets the people, raising his hand.

"Peace, travellers. We come to seek Madame Eva's counsel."

Detect Evil, swooping around to cover the whole camp.

2014-03-04, 09:35 PM
The break in the clouds brightens Brom's mood despite the start of the day. Pleasantly situated place. Cheeriest sight I've laid eyes on in this land. Gallard making the introduction, he remains quiet.

2014-03-04, 09:37 PM
Elena eyes the caravans suspiciously, and says, "I don't like this, not the least of which due to the rumors that all the gypsies around here are in Strahd's pocket..."

2014-03-05, 09:48 AM
The halfling stepping forward to respond to Gallard's words frowns when Elena speaks, but doesn't address her. "She's in that tent, I'll take you there," he tells Gallard. "She's been expecting you."

You count six brightly colored tents, four wagons, six humans and four halflings. The halfling who spoke leads you to one tent which is quite a bit larger than the others, at the northeast edge of the camp. He gestures you inside but doesn't enter the tent himself.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-03-05, 12:15 PM
"Of course, thank you." Probably told to say that to everyone. Simple trick, but I suppose one must keep up appearances. He turns to enter the tent.

2014-03-05, 01:16 PM
Elena silently follows Brom into the tent, her hand never straying from the handle of her morningstar.

2014-03-05, 05:25 PM
As the halfing is guiding them, Gallard steps close to Brom. "Be on your guard", the knight whispers, before moving on. As they arrive at the tent, Sir Gallard stares at Jonnel: it is obvious that a non spoken message has passed between the two; as the man nods in return, the nobleman steps into the tent.

2014-03-06, 09:14 AM
The old woman before you is enormous, for a moment seeming more like an ogre or a small giant than the ancient, wrinkled human she is. She hunches over a table that is dwarfed by her bulk, and her black eyes gleam as she shuffles a deck of weathered cards. Her hands are bony and spotted with age. When she speaks, her voice crackles like dry weeds. "So you found your way to me after all. When you weren't here an hour ago, I wasn't sure you'd make it."

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-03-06, 12:09 PM
Brom bows politely. "Greetings. You have a great reputation in these lands. We seek your wisdom in matters that trouble us greatly."
Does she know of the attacks? I suppose hearing of the werewolves would be possible by now.

"There has been much trouble in the village. Do you know anything, perchance, of werewolves in the area?"

2014-03-07, 12:16 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

With the others doing the talking, Ivyn will cast detect magic outside the tent and then enter. He'll do his utmost to be silent and unassuming while studying the Seer's magic practice.

2014-03-07, 02:10 PM
Elena sits quietly at the rear of the group, not speaking to avoid saying anything undiplomatic.

2014-03-07, 05:57 PM
Gallard seems uncertain at the words of Madame Eva. He approaches the table at which the old woman sits.

"So... You expected us one hour ago."

Detect Evil on madame Eva, now that she is in sight.

2014-03-07, 06:17 PM
(Diplomacy check for Brom.)[roll0]
"I expected you this morning. Not at a specific time, just earlier than this," she replies to Gallard's question. "You were delayed by something. Something to do with werewolves. There are many beasts in this forest."

2014-03-07, 06:19 PM
She holds up the cards. "I can read your fortunes as a group; you'll need to tell me what you want information about, though. It can be more than one topic. Werewolves?"

2014-03-07, 06:28 PM
Jonnel shakes his head and opens his mouth to say something, but Gallard raises one hand and speaks, preceeding him.

"No, not werewolves. How do we expel evil from Barovia and its lands?"

The knight leans closer, to see what the old woman is going to do with those cards.

2014-03-07, 08:10 PM
The woman laughs loudly. "Both evil and good are inherent wherever the intelligent races are. To truly expel evil from these lands, you would need to slaughter every human, halfling, elf, and," she turns up both her hands in a shrug-like gesture, "so on. But there's something more specific and temporal you're thinking of, isn't there?"

2014-03-09, 06:32 PM
Gallard's eyebrows raise as he thinks about a reply.

"Well, for starters, you might tell us what you know about Count Strahd. Is he the power behind the misadventures of the Barovians? If so, why does he torment them?"

Jonnel adds:

"And how do we bring him down?"

2014-03-09, 09:31 PM
"The werewolves may be tied in to the matter, and if not are still a threat to the peace and safety of the town. If we are asking questions, we would be remiss in omitting them. Also, what do you know about vampires walking in the sunlight unharmed?"

2014-03-09, 09:33 PM
Elena nods and says, "Tell us how to end Strahd's existence, permanently."

2014-03-10, 07:18 AM
"Count Strahd, eh?" Madam Eva picks through the cards and pulls out one, with a picture of a winged fiend, which she puts at the center of the table in front of herself. Then she turns the other cards over so that they're face down and holds them out toward Brom. "Shuffle them," she tells you.

(1) She'll let any of you take the cards from her; after they're shuffled, she turns over one of them, an upside-down card that depicts a man and woman exchanging cups, to place directly on top of the fiend card, saying, "He who dwells in Castle Ravenloft is a powerful man whose enemy is light and whose powers are beyond mortality. You will seek him in the castle, and though he might find you many times, you will find him only once." She frowns at the card and continues, "You will find him in the place where his birth lies dead. There is a bad influence there that will hinder your blows."

(Anyone who wants to interject here can, and Madam Eva may respond; assuming you don't actually attack her, Madam Eva will eventually go on with the reading.)

(2) She turns over another card, depicting a hairy beast. "Out of the darkness and chaos, this card finds its reason and foundation. It shows the purpose of all things--the key to life and death and else beyond. The darkness seeks allies among both the light and the dark."

(Again, you can interject here.)

(3) The card she turns over and places below the first three cards depicts a crowned man in rich robes, holding a scepter. "There is a book the Count wrote, which holds knowledge of the ancient and knowledge of the land. If you find the tome and delve into its secrets, you will discover the source of the lord's strength--including his ability to walk in sunlight. If you read it carefully, you may also discover how to rob him of that strength."

(You can interject.)

(4) She turns over another card, depicting a chapel in a way that focuses attention on the battle scene shown in the chapel's stained glass window. She places this card on top of the crowned man. "Though it is a mockery of all that is holy, this tome lies in a place of holiness. If you can bring it to me, I can help you interpret it."

(You can interject.)

Ireena speaks up at this point. "My family had the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind until recently. Can you help us find it?"

(5) Madam Eva turns over another card, depicting a brilliant star. "This symbol is a powerful force for good and protection against the forces of darkness." She covers the card with one depicting four large staves in a throne room. "Seek it where paths cross and the damned lie buried. The holiness in this item waits for hands of holiness to touch it once more, but that is not enough to bring its power back to life." She turns over another card, depicting seven coins floating in a pentacle over a frozen mountain pass, and places it across the staves card. "You must bring the symbol to the place of its antithesis, where hellish magic is made."

2014-03-10, 08:14 PM
(Interject at 4th.)

Elena frowns and asks, "Where is the place Strahd's tome lies?"

2014-03-11, 07:10 AM
1st: "Birth lies dead. Riddles in riddles. I suppose the 'he will find us many times' bit makes enough sense, its his castle, the the power and beyond mortality bit is obvious enough with being a vampire (or so I've been told). I don't suppose you could shed some light on the location though? Is there a bit of history being alluded to?"

2nd "It usually does, and it goes poorly for the light tempted by the dark. That I have seen too many times." Just think of the old priest. "The key and chaos bit is rather opaque though...hairy beast....werewolves? Do they seek an ally? Strange way to go about it, attacking the innkeeper."

3rd & 4th: "A tome? We have already dealt with a dark tome that caused nothing but misery. As our friend who studied it found no such information in it then I presume you mean another. So there is a church or chapel somewhere with it? We did not find it when the church was searched, though not all who did the looking stayed with us. I suppose we could look again there, unless you know that it speaks of another?"

5th: "The cross-roads. That's it, isn't it? The symbol is at the cross roads, there was a gallows there and graves. Hah! I understood that one...Except for the end. Hellish magic seems all too common in these parts, not referring to present company, of course. Could you tell us anything more specific?"

2014-03-11, 07:55 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn will write down the Seer's words, exactly as they are spoken, with space between words and lines to permit emphasis and homonyms. When the party is done with the seer, Ivyn asks for a private audience with her.

2014-03-11, 08:00 AM
1st: "Birth lies dead. Riddles in riddles. I suppose the 'he will find us many times' bit makes enough sense, its his castle, the the power and beyond mortality bit is obvious enough with being a vampire (or so I've been told). I don't suppose you could shed some light on the location though? Is there a bit of history being alluded to?"

She touches the card and says, "Seek the crypt of the lord's mother, deep beneath the castle."

2nd "It usually does, and it goes poorly for the light tempted by the dark. That I have seen too many times." Just think of the old priest. "The key and chaos bit is rather opaque though...hairy beast....werewolves? Do they seek an ally? Strange way to go about it, attacking the innkeeper."

3rd & 4th: "A tome? We have already dealt with a dark tome that caused nothing but misery. As our friend who studied it found no such information in it then I presume you mean another. So there is a church or chapel somewhere with it? We did not find it when the church was searched, though not all who did the looking stayed with us. I suppose we could look again there, unless you know that it speaks of another?"

"The chapel it speaks of is on the castle grounds, polluted by the tome's presence."

5th: "The cross-roads. That's it, isn't it? The symbol is at the cross roads, there was a gallows there and graves. Hah! I understood that one...Except for the end. Hellish magic seems all too common in these parts, not referring to present company, of course. Could you tell us anything more specific?"
She touches that card and pauses. "A spawn of Hell has come to the castle, and the servants of this fiend work their magic at the top of one of the towers."

2014-03-12, 11:16 AM
Brom nods. "Well, thank you. It is much clearer now. Seems all roads lead to the castle. Tome and symbol both will take us there, though we need to collect the symbol first."

2014-03-12, 01:27 PM
"I agree. We should go back to the crossroads to recover this hidden item, and then proceed to the castle. I've been there, and can guide the group if need be. And this time, werewolves won't probably dare to attack such a big party."

2014-03-12, 01:52 PM
"Agreed. If we can capture one of Strahd's weaknesses, we need to do it now, before he finds out we know where it is."

2014-03-12, 10:54 PM
As you turn to leave, Ivyn asks for a private audience with Madam Eva. She raises an eyebrow and says, "Very well."

(To be continued tomorrow morning; sorry about the delay, I spent most of today packing. If any of you have a problem with leaving Ivyn alone with Eva, let me know.)

2014-03-13, 11:30 AM
(Presuming the rest of you leave Ivyn alone with Madam Eva.)

The same eight people are outside in the camp. They don't approach you as you leave the tent.

2014-03-13, 11:43 AM
Brom stretches in the sunshine. "That was informative."

Whispering, "Do you think she is trustworthy?"

2014-03-13, 02:18 PM
Elena shrugs and whispers, "Well, I don't thin we have any other choices...If we get ambushed, we can always come back."

2014-03-14, 07:07 AM
Ivyn comes out of the tent a few minutes after the rest of you.

2014-03-14, 12:18 PM
Brom gives Ivyn a glance, but says nothing. "To the crossroads, then."

2014-03-14, 12:29 PM
Gallard shakes his head. He eyes the people of the camp before addressing his companions. His voice is calm as he offers his own opinion.

"I think we should not make hasty judgements. We'll start at the gallows and see how it goes. Trust is built on facts, not words, don't you think?"

He walks towards the road, followed by Jonnel.

2014-03-14, 01:40 PM
Elena follows Jonnel and Gallard in silent prayer, hoping to quickly and easily find the holy symbol, even if she doubts that things will go smoothly.

2014-03-14, 07:30 PM
"Time and deeds, time and deeds. But we have no where else to go to verify her words, so let us be to it."

2014-03-15, 03:23 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn steps out from the tent deeper in thought than usual. He misses what half the party says, and just looks at Sir Gallad with a mix of curiosity and confusion. He shakes his head and clears his mind, returning to the present. One of these days his day dreams are going to sprout nightmares.

Sorry. Personal matter. I hope I didn't keep you all waiting. I believe we have a castle to crash?

2014-03-17, 07:32 PM
As you return to the crossroads, a thick fog springs up around you. By the time you reach it, you can barely see it. Nothing jumps out at you as a holy symbol.

Sorry about the delay in posting this; have been moving all weekend and am currently exhausted and surrounded by boxes.

2014-03-17, 07:43 PM
Brom gestures to the others. "Don't wander far in this fog. Those who can, let us search for signs of enchantment. Seems an unusual grave would be likely, or some odd stone. It must be marked."detect magic

2014-03-17, 09:26 PM
Elena nods and says, "Indeed. This is no natural fog. Be on your guard."

2014-03-18, 08:58 PM
Your spells pick up nothing (outside the party). "Maybe it's buried," Ireena suggests. "I wouldn't think Strahd would just have left it out in the open."

Gallard's sword starts to glow.

2014-03-19, 03:56 AM
The knight draws his blade and braces his shield.

"Something's approaching. Be ready to defend yourself."

Jonnel grimaces, giving a quick look at the burial ground. After a moment, he starts to examine the graves one by one.

"I hope that talisman hasn't been buried with its previous owner. It would take some time to check all the graves."

Sir Gallard replies calmly as he scans the fog all around the group.

"Regardless we will recover it."

"Without doubt."

"It seems we have a future as graverobbers."

The warrior chuckles at Gallard's joke.

Jonnel looks for recently dug graves. Gallard readies an action to charge any undead that might try to surprise the party; if more than one enemy show up, Gallard won't charge, assuming that would get him surrounded.

2014-03-19, 11:07 AM
Brom draws up next to the others, ready to channel holy light to disperse the undead. "It seems we will have something to put in a grave rather than a grave to empty, momentarily."

2014-03-19, 11:58 AM
Elena fingers her holy symbol and says, "I guess we should be ready for whatever's going to come our way. Let's start looking."

Prepare an action to turn any undead.

Spot Check: [roll0]

2014-03-20, 02:34 PM
You find a patch of dirt that looks like it's been dug up recently; the rest of the graveyard looks like it's been undisturbed a lot longer.

(Gallard's sword: Glowing.)

2014-03-20, 07:12 PM
"Well, that looks promising. I don't suppose anyone brought a shovel? Its not the sort of item I pack for these endeavors. i suppose it would be easy enough to acquire one in town, though..."

He kneels and digs experimentally with one hand, probing the depth of the loose soil.

2014-03-20, 07:19 PM
Elena glaces at the freshly disturbed earth and says, "Well...What do we have here...This certainly looks promising. Let's start digging."

2014-03-31, 12:27 PM
Presuming everyone participates in digging, it doesn't take you too long to dig about two metres down and unearth a platinum amulet shaped like the sun, with a large crystal imbedded in its center. "That's it!" Ireena exclaims.

(Gallard's sword: Glowing.)

2014-03-31, 01:11 PM
Elena takes up the amulet when Ireena identifies it, and hold it up, tilting it this way and that, trying to determine if there has been any desecration beyond being buried. Assuming there is none, she smiles and says, "Well, then. Looks like we found the holy symbol...Hmm...It looks like my personal one, actually...I wonder..." With that, she puts the amulet on.

Rolling Knowledge (Religion) to notice anything that might alter the power of the symbol [roll0]

2014-03-31, 09:12 PM
Brom raises a hand as the newcomer goes to don the amulet. "Hold a moment. First it would be wise to let those experienced in matters arcane look at it. Second, the lady here is the rightful owner. Thirdly, investigating the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind was my purpose in coming here to begin with, so please do not presume to claim it."

2014-03-31, 09:42 PM
Elena stops, and looks Brom directly in the eye before saying, "I know Strahd. I know that he would never allow his weakness to be as easily discovered as we have done. Therefore, we can presume that he has placed some foul curse on this, one that I was hoping to discharge by donning the amulet. I abandoned my people, and likely doomed another soul to an eternity of thralldom. Such curse would be my burden to bear." With that, she places the amulet around her neck and clasps it, hopefully before anyone can stop her.

2014-04-02, 08:29 AM
The amulet seems inert, showing only a faint glimmer of magic, as Elena fastens it around her neck.

Nothing happens, at least directly to Elena, but as as everyone's watching the amulet, what appears to be a dark cloud glides silently toward Gallard.

2014-04-02, 08:33 AM
The first cloud shape strikes at Gallard with an insubstantial appendage before anyone can respond. Another shape comes out of the fog to flank him; a third shape swipes at Ivyn.

2014-04-02, 08:36 AM
All three of their blows strike true, bypassing Gallard's armor as if it wasn't there. As their "hands" sink into Gallard and Ivyn's heads, Gallard and Ivyn both feel an icy chill. (Gallard takes 7 Wisdom damage; Ivyn takes 6.)

(PCs' turn.)

(Gallard's sword: Glowing.)

2014-04-02, 10:42 AM
Elena, satisfied the holy symbol isn't cursed, or at least cursed in a way that isn't immediately harmful, takes it back off, and says, "Well, that's a relief-" She cuts off when she sees the clouds, and shouts, "Look out!" Too late to help Gallard or Ivyn, but hopefully everyone else will be able to react. Following up on this, she lifts the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind and shouts, "BEGONE, FOUL BEINGS!" and tries to channel Pelor's wrath through the symbol.

Allips, Kish? You're mean.

Turning Roll: [roll0]

Turning Damage: [roll1]

Hopefully, this works...

2014-04-02, 11:10 AM
Light again streams forth from Brom's shield. "See the light, creatures of darkness."move if needed, quickened greater turn undead
1d20+7 effects 7 HD undead
damage [roll0] x 1.5, 30 HD worth destroyed

If they don't poof, magic circle against evil, centered on self

thought I had a scroll of lesser restoration. Guess not. I know where level 2 spell slots are going tomorrow.

2014-04-02, 11:11 AM
[roll0] filler

2014-04-02, 12:21 PM
Gallard body's spasms under the unseen attacks of the eerie being. As he stumbles back, he raises his sword instinctively: years of training take over, and the knight tries to strike the enemy.

Taken by surprise, Jonnel can merely draw his sword and brace his shield, as he cautiously approaches the cloud. He stops just outside of his weapon's reach.

Gallard - One attack and then step back. Could take a full attack in theory but I don't think that would be an appropriate reaction: attack [roll0], damage [roll1]+[roll2].

Jonnel moves at 1.5 m of distance from the cloud.

2014-04-02, 06:31 PM
Gallard's sword slashes through one of the shapes. Elena attempts to turn them, but it proves ineffective; the light from Brom's shield, on the other hand, causes each of them to glow brightly for a moment and explode. Gallard's sword stops glowing.

2014-04-03, 07:06 AM
Brom pauses, holding his breath for a moment and watching Gallard's sword intently. Satisfied the threat is over, he glances to Elena, "We are not done talking about this."

He carefully looks over those touched by the creature. "How are you feeling? I suspect we ought to get back to the village and recover from that little encounter."

know religion to identify what attacked us [roll0]

heal to identify wisdom drain [roll1] (not sure if this is needed)

note: I'm fine, but Brom is frustrated by the rash actions

Looking back to Elena, "That was reckless, needlessly dangerous. If you thought it may be cursed, you should have let us examine it, as you should do now. Perhaps Ivyn can actually tell us what its powers are, specifically. If you think there is a bear trap, you check with a stick, not your head. If you had been right you could have put us all at risk." He shakes his head at the persistent foolishness of mankind

2014-04-03, 08:22 AM
Elena replies hotly to Brom, "You think that we would have found something? Really? You know not the evil of Strahd. He would have hidden something deep within, something unnoticeable. What if we had been facing Strahd, and it had fizzled, or worse, cursed one of us? What would we have done then? Reckless action is sometimes the only way to tell." However, she removes the symbol from her neck and hands it to Brom, saying, "If you wish to examine it now, though, go ahead. Examine away,"

2014-04-03, 07:37 PM
Jonnel stops next to Sir Gallard. The knight is standing with his sword still drawn; he seems to be still staring at the point where the creatures were floating just moments ago. Gallard shivers as Jonnel tentatively shakes the nobleman's shoulder.

"Are you all right?"

The warrior has to repeat the question another time before Gallard finally seems to realize he is being addressed.

"What? I'm sorry, I feel as if I were dreaming. It's so... Unreal?"

The knight even seems unsure about what words to use as he tries to express his feelings.
Jonnel calls to Brom.

What's wrong with him? He was merely touched by that ghost. He has no wounds! Can you help him?

He gives a.worried look to Gallard, who interjects.

"Please, I just need to... I'll be fine."

2014-04-03, 09:43 PM
"The creatures touch has harmed his mind, clouded his perception and sapped his will. I have not the blessings prepared to help him. We ought go back. Rest will help and I can heal the remainder in the morning."

2014-04-04, 09:19 AM
Ireena considers the amulet now sitting around Elena's neck. "It's not working. But after Father--died--it wouldn't work, for me or for Ismark. Madame Eva said we need to take it to the castle."

She doesn't comment on Brom's proposal to go back to the town.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-04-04, 11:14 AM
"I am as eager to finish this business as any, but it seems foolhardy to charge into stronghold of our foe when our companions are so drained. They would only prove more susceptible to whatever dark defenses lie there."

2014-04-05, 10:36 AM
Elena takes the holy symbol off of her neck, and hands it to Ireena, saying, "I believe this is yours, working or not." She then heads over to examine Gallard, and, after a moment's examination, says, "Agreed. He appears to have an injury to his mind, rather than body."

2014-04-06, 05:59 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Slurring. Naw. I'm fine. We can totally win this... What're we doing again?

That's more or less what happens to me when my judgement (wisdom) is drained. If Ivyn takes anymore though, he may start singing.

Sorry for the delay. Work flails.

2014-04-07, 09:16 AM
"Thank you," Ireena says to Elena. She considers the symbol for a moment before stowing it in her pack.

As you head back to town, the fog clears a little but it begins to rain hard, quickly developing into a thunderstorm. You reach the burgomaster's mansion without being impeded by anything other than rain, however.

Ireena locks the door behind you, and you set up camp in the front room again. Ireena volunteers to keep the fourth watch.

2014-04-07, 01:04 PM
"We have learned much today, despite the hardships. Hopefully we can head to the castle in the morning and see about rekindling the power of the symbol, perhaps also finding this tome, though I suspect the master of the house may not be eager for either. We must be prepared."

2014-04-07, 06:14 PM
You set up camp and go to sleep.

In the middle of the night, during Jonnel's watch, he hears a distinct creak as the front door swings open. Outside the radius of the lantern he's using for light, he sees a group of indistinct figures at the door--about the right size and shape to be human adults, but he can't make out fine details in the darkness.

2014-04-07, 06:21 PM
The warrior immediately draws his sword, ready for combat. Warily, he addresses the newcomers with a loud and stern voice.

"Halt! Who's there?!?"

Staying on guard, he reaches for Gallard with his boot, bumping into the knights body to wake him up.

2014-04-07, 09:07 PM
"Clumsy oafs," the figure who just opened the door snaps over her shoulder in a distinctly female voice.
"Just get out of the way!" a muffled male voice from behind her responds. She does step inside and to one side of the door, and three more figures rush in behind her. Ireena sits up abruptly. "Huh? Wha happening--" she blinks in confusion in the direction of the door, then, as the strange woman's eyes glint red and her face elongates into a muzzle, Ireena screams, "WAKE UP!"

2014-04-07, 10:08 PM
Elena snaps awake at Ireena's scream and leaps to a stand in almost one movement. She takes the scene in and swears, shouting, "Pelor DAMN IT! Werewolves!" She nods to Ireena and takes her hand as she says, "I'll keep you safe. Nobody else in Barovia is going to suffer if I can prevent it," and casts Sanctuary.

Yes, she was sleeping next to Ireena. Don't question it.

Move Action to stand
Standard Action to cast Sanctuary on Ireena.

2014-04-08, 07:50 AM
PCs' initiative.1d20]
Intruders' initiative.[roll0]

2014-04-08, 07:58 AM
Okay, one of the rolls was apparently messed up, but the other one indicates pretty clearly who would have won anyway, so.

The intruders wince at Elena's spell. The man who spoke before growls, "What did she--?"
"Nothing important!" the partially-shifted woman snaps back in a hoarse voice. "Stay focused!"

PCs' turn; Elena has acted. In the interests of not having Ireena simply waste the spell by immediately firing an arrow at one of the intruders, I'll assume she has some idea of what the spell just cast on her does; she grabs her bow and rapier.
Four intruders are visible, standing side by side so that one is directly in front of the still-open door, two are to the right of the door, and one is to the left of the door. All are beginning to shift into a humanoid wolf form, but the one on the far right is more advanced than any of the others.

2014-04-08, 11:18 AM
Hearing the cry, Brom immediately grabs his shield and morningstar as he stands. Not really time for anything else this round, since I presume he is sleeping in a separate room.

2014-04-08, 01:47 PM
Sir Gallard needs a moment to realize what is happening. He reaches for his sword and his shield; finally, the knight stands up.

Jonnel takes one step towards the enemies, his shield raised. He seems worried, as he stares at the intruders while they change shape.

"There's four of them! Wake up! Wake up! Fight for your lives!"

Gallard - grabs his sword and shield and stands up from prone.

Jonnel - total defense, one step towards the enemies.

2014-04-08, 04:49 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

But gramma... I don't wanna cast abjraxions today... Whu?!
Ivyn gets up from his rest, clutching his spell component pouch. The sights and sounds are an uneasy blur, but he finds a target. With a twist of his hands and an incantation, bright wisps of neon pink coalesce into a chain of pure magic, aimed at the heart of the beast. Targetting the largest looking one.

which works on all humanoid creatures. Including lycanthropes.
Will DC 18 or be My Little Puppy.

2014-04-08, 07:27 PM
Ireena holds out her sheathed rapier toward Jonnel, hilt up. "Unless your normal weapon is silver, use this."
The intruders all finish their shifts to hybrid form. You hear a howling sound coming from outside the door; there's an odd quality to it. Then another hybrid-form werewolf comes through the door, keeping up a constant howl as it does.

2014-04-08, 07:42 PM
The largest werewolf blinks and doesn't move forward. "Wait," she says, still in hybrid form. "We should talk." The others ignore her, however, three of them surging forward to surround Jonnel while the last one continues to howl.
(If Jonnel goes down, they'll stop attacking him; I'll apply the leftover attack and damage rolls to other people.)

2014-04-08, 07:49 PM
Werewolves #2 and #3 savage Jonnel mercilessly with their claws. (32 damage in four hits.) Werewolf #1 (the first one to start transforming) steps up to flank him and misses three times. Werewolf #4, the biggest one, is protesting the fight; Werewolf #5 is just standing by the door howling steadily.

PCs' turn.

2014-04-08, 07:59 PM
Elena shouts, "NO!" as the werewolves savage Jonnel. She steps towards the squire and places a hand on his shoulder as she mutters, "Protection from Evil," then takes a few steps away from the pack.

2014-04-09, 02:15 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

To the charmed werewolf:
Please restrain your pack mates. I'm sure you don't want them or me to be injured.

On his next turn, Ivyn takes a move away from the fray as best he can and targets the werewolf furthest from the charmed one. Seven hand signals and an incantation result in a cloud of swirling green energy. Pointing at his target, a rush of magic strikes at their hairy chest.

DC 20 will save or be held stationary.

2014-04-09, 11:12 AM
Brom rushes forward, warding himself and his allies against harm. magic circle against evil. He'll heal Jonnel next round.

Brom would have healed everyone up before coming back, its just one of those things thats easy to miss in PBP. Should I assume he burned all/most of his lower level slots prior?

2014-04-09, 11:13 AM
Yes, and I'll rewrite the turn to not include Jonnel being knocked out early. You can roll for how many spells would be needed in OOC.

2014-04-11, 09:46 AM
Jonnel is almost overwhelmed by the monstrous creatures, and is forced to swiftly fall back to avoid being slaughtered on the spot. His armor is dented where the savage shapechangers have hit him with unnatural strength.

Gallard raises his sword and shouts as he strikes the closest enemy with all the strength he can muster.

Jonnel - retreat only towards the back lines, so no AoOs even if the enemies have reach.

Gallard takes 1 step and full attacks the closest werewolf. If no enemy is close enough, he'll move and attack, and try to charge if there is enough space. He also uses Smite Evil on the first attack.

Attacks: [roll0], [roll1]; [roll2], [roll3]

2014-04-11, 10:34 AM

Gallard's sword bites deeply into the werewolf he strikes, but part of the wound heals so fast you're not sure it was ever as bad as it initially looked. "Not silver," Ireena says in tones of consternation.

Jonnel backs up to the edge of the room and Gallard steps between him and the werewolves; Werewolves #2 and #3 switch their attention to Gallard, slashing him with their claws and missing with their bites (four hits, total of 30 damage).
Werewolf #1 shrugs off Ivyn's spell and turns to approach Ivyn menacingly. Werewolf #4 makes an unhappy noise and starts moving toward them. Werewolf #5 stops howling and touches Werewolf #4 on the shoulder. "Wait," he barks, getting all the other werewolves' attention; both #1 and #4 stop moving as #5 continues in a voice that manages to be simultaneously rough and mellifluous, "Your friend should leave so that he doesn't get hurt. For his own good." The remainder of the sentence is in a language no one can understand without a Spellcraft check, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

Ireena drops her rapier on the floor in front of Jonnel and runs out of the room.

PCs' turn.

2014-04-11, 11:05 AM
Brom steps behind Gallard and touches his shoulder, relieving his wounds. burning SM2 for CMW [roll0]

Wow, no wonder combat healing gets a bad rap. Need mastery of day and night to make this passable.

2014-04-11, 11:33 AM
Elena extends a finger at werewolf #5 and mutters under her breath, "Pelor burn this beast." At her words, a beam of light races forth from her fingertip, burning the werewolf if it connects.

Cast Searing Light at Werewolf 5.

Touch attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

2014-04-12, 03:44 AM
Jonnel passes his sword into the shield hand, grabs the nearest piece of furniture he can lift with ease, and throws it at the nearest werewolf he can reasonably hit without risking to injure his friends.

"Here! Come get me!"

Gallard desperately tries to finish off his direct opponent; the knight lunges with his magical sword, hoping to impale the monster. He doesn't speak: he is completely focused on the difficult fight, and has no time to even yell a battlecry.

Jonnel makes an improvised weapon out of a pot, a stool or some other small piece of furniture. He throws it at one werewolf to distract it and maybe make his other friends gain the upper hand. Attack: [roll0], 0 damage (ranges from 1d3+1 to 1d4+1, according to the object size).

Gallard full attacks the werewolf he has already injured and smites evil with the first attack: [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4].

2014-04-12, 05:22 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Thinking to himself. So much for charming the leader. Time for some crowd control.
Ivyn looks directly into the eyes of the werewolf moving towards him as he backs away even further from the party. He pulls a broken pocket watch out of his pocket and lets it dangle from its chain between his fingers. I believe you and I have a mutual enemy with Strahd. When this fight is over, I hope we can have an agreeable conversation of the matter. The transmutation of space-time always makes Ivyn a little gassy. He hopes no one notices.

Will save DC 18 on all Werewolves, assuming they are within 30ft of each other.

2014-04-12, 10:09 AM
All werewolves? That would constitute a hostile enough action to give Werewolf #4 a new saving throw against the Charm; I'll roll for the other four werewolves for now, and for Werewolf #4 if you confirm that you do mean to Slow her, too.


2014-04-12, 10:26 AM
[roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3]As Ivyn's spell takes effect, Werewolves #2, #3, and #5 all slow down...but Werewolf #1 shrugs it off as she did the previous spell Ivyn cast at her.

Even slowed, Werewolf #5 easily sidesteps Elena's beam, which strikes the door and breaks it in half.Actually, a werewolf's hybrid form includes +4 Dexterity.

Gallard strikes Werewolf #3 once again, and misses despite the werewolf's slower dodging, but again the wound heals a great deal instantly.

Ireena runs back into the room with her hands full of butcher knives (holding two facing down by their handles in her left hand and three in her right hand), which she feverishly starts throwing around the room. One lands next to Gallard, one next to Elena, one next to Brom and she just drops one next to Ivyn, who is next to the entrance to the room she used. Finally, as Werewolf #1 bounds toward Ivyn, Ireena steps into her way.

Werewolf #5 repeats the spell he cast last round to, again, no visible effect. [Werewolf #4 moves through the room and winds up next to Ivyn, Ireena, and Werewolf #1; anyone* who wants to take an attack of opportunity against her with the weapon they're holding at the end of the last turn can, but none of the other werewolves choose to.

*Meaning anyone, not just the three people I named; she passes through everyone's threatened area on her way across the room.]

Werewolf #1, unable to reach Ivyn, hesitates and looks unsure. Werewolf #2 and #3 slash at Gallard with their claws--only once each, and no biting.

Section in brackets may be redacted later, depending on PC actions, i.e., whether Ivyn Slows her and whether anyone else attacks her.
However, both hit and strike nearly as deeply as they possibly could have, for a total of 18 damage.

PCs' turn.

2014-04-12, 11:34 AM
Elena picks up one of the knives as she asks Ireena, "Silver?" With that, she takes aim and fires another bean of light at the one casting the spells.

I've got four Scorching Rays/day. Not going to run out any time soon.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-04-12, 01:38 PM
Ivyn Nadirna
I was under the impression that wolf 5 was the charmed one. If it is wolf 4 then I only target the other ones.

Speaking to the charmed wolf#4. I will use non-lethal effects on your comrades, but this fight will have less unnecessary bloodshed if you can grapple your furry comrades into submission, or otherwise remove them from the battle. I know you are my friend and will do the right thing.

When his turn comes about, Ivyn will cast haste on the party. If wolf 4 decides to impede the other wolves, Ivyn will include her in the spell. Should 4 turn on the party, Ivyn dismisses her haste effect.

2014-04-13, 01:25 PM
Brom spends the last of his significant power to heal Gallard again. last level 2 for CMW [roll0]

2014-04-13, 07:08 PM
The effort of keeping the monsters at bay is taking its toll on Sir Gallard: the knight is quickly tiring, and he is not as fast or precise as he was when the fight broke out.
After a moment of surprise caused by the effects of the Haste spell, Gallard quickly doubles his efforts, delivering a quick series of blows with his sword.

Jonnel, on the other hand, opens a metallic vial that was secured to his belt and starts drinking its content.

Gallard keeps full attacking the same werewolf; if it falls, he moves on to the next one within reach. [roll0], [roll1]; [roll2], [roll3]; [roll4], [roll5].

Jonnel uses a CLW potion: [roll6].

2014-04-14, 09:54 AM
"Yes," Ireena answers Elena's question. Seeing her rapier still on the floor, she snatches it up, saying, "So is this."

Gallard strikes the injured werewolf (#3) once, but this time the entire wound disappears instantly.

"You know--" Werewolf #5 continues to speak to Werewolf #4 soothingly, and then cuts off as Elena's beam strikes him squarely, setting the hair on his stomach on fire. "GAH! JUST SHUT THE LITTLE [it's probably just as well that this word is completely incomprehensible] UP!" he snarls, barely coherently. He turns and runs toward Ivyn...runs in slow motion, because he's now moving at 1/4 the speed of everyone in the party (plus Werewolf #4).

For this one, I'm assuming everyone he passes will take their attack of opportunity, Elena using the knife she just picked up; let me know if this is inaccurate for you. Ireena certainly will when he reaches her side of the room. Still looking uncertain, Werewolf #4 grabs Werewolf #1's wrists and pushes her back away from Ivyn. Ireena, seeing her immediate target being grappled away, takes a five-foot step to flank Werewolf #3 with Gallard and unleashes a blinding flurry of stabs with her rapier.
Ireena's attack: [roll0][roll1][roll2]
Elena's Attack of Opportunity: [roll6][roll7]
Gallard's Attack of Opportunity: [roll8][roll9]
Jonnel's Attack of Opportunity: [roll10][roll11]
Brom's Attack of Opportunity: [roll12][roll13]
Ireena's Attack of Opportunity: [roll14][roll15]

2014-04-14, 10:02 AM
Ireena's rapier bites deeply into the werewolf three times, and none of the wounds close. Everyone Werewolf #5 passes manages to hit him soundly; the wound Gallard inflicts mostly closes, and the wounds inflicted by Brom and Jonnel disappear entirely, but Elena and Ireena wound him severely.

Werewolves #4 and #1 are grappling; it looks pretty one-sided in #4's favor, but she can't really grapple more than one other werewolf at a time. Werewolves #2 and #3 slash at Gallard again with their claws. Werewolf #5 is bearing grimly--and slowly--down on Ivyn.


Werewolves #2 and #3 both strike Gallard for a total of 15 damage, even with him moving at four times their speed. "I'm not injured, get behind me!" Ireena says.

PCs' turn.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-04-14, 11:27 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

The mental exhaustion of rapid casting with a wisdom-damage hangover is starting to make things blurry. Ivyn has to take a deep breath to keep going. Fortunes abound, his comrades are taking the brunt of the force while he hides in the back lobbing spells. Now doesn't seem like the time to quit. When his turn comes around, Ivyn looks into the eyes of werewolf 5 for another spell. Hey! How many paladins does it take to slay a dragon?

Pause for dramatic effect...

None! That's what the wizard's for!

Will DC 19 or be unable to take actions other than laugh at my joke.

2014-04-14, 12:36 PM
Elena continues her single-minded pursuit of werewolf #5's death, and charges the beast, knife in hand, practically leaping and trying to drive her blade in the back of it's neck as she whispers, "Die, beast."

Attack roll: [roll0]

Damage roll: [roll1]

2014-04-15, 10:41 AM
Sir Gallard is finally beaten and forced to withdraw from the combat. A vicious bite almost gets through his guard as he falls back. He regroups next to Jonnel. He takes a few moments to catch his breath.

The warrior, on the other hand, finishes drinking the potion; however, a surprised look soon blooms on his face. He throws away the vial with a disgusted look. He looks around for something he can use to strike from a distance.

Gallard withdraws.

Jonnel looks for something he can use as a reach weapon.

2014-04-15, 11:11 AM
Brom takes his recently claimed dagger and steps into Gallard's place, wishing he had his trusty armor on.

att [roll0]
damage [roll1]

att [roll2]
damage [roll3]

2014-04-15, 11:29 AM
Ireena yells at the werewolves, "Turn and fight me, cowards!" Her rapier blurs with speed again.
Remembering the flanking bonus this time.

Elena stabs Werewolf #5 twice. He looks nearly dead, but still raises a claw toward Ivyn.

2014-04-15, 11:36 AM
Werewolf #5 sneers at Ivyn's joke, blinks slightly as Ivyn throws tiny tarts in his face, and brings his claw sweeping down.

Werewolf #3 falls to the floor and lies there. Brom directs his stabbing at Werewolf #2 instead (assumed action change), hitting him once. Werewolf #2 attempts to return the favor.

2014-04-15, 11:40 AM
Ivyn ducks out of Werewolf #5's way. Werewolf #5 drools on him, the werewolf's eyes huge and red with fury.
Werewolf #2 catches Brom with his claws, inflicting 5 points of damage.
Jonnel doesn't see anything that looks like a useful reach weapon; he could try hitting the werewolves with a chair, but it's unlikely to hurt them (none of the chairs in the room appear to be made of solid silver). He does notice that Ireena has a long bow and two quivers slung over her back; either he or Gallard could probably grab the bow without getting in Ireena's way.

PC's turn.
(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-04-15, 12:02 PM
Brom takes the claws and lays into his foe. Usually he fought undead, which rarely ended up this close. It was a bit of a rush, but not an experience he will be eager to repeat. [roll0]
damage [roll1]

damage [roll3]

2014-04-15, 03:31 PM
Elena desperately stabs at the werewolf once, and then twice more, trying to bring it down before it can hurt Ivyn.

Attacks: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] [roll3]

2014-04-15, 03:48 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

That's a bad puppy!

Ivyn will take a five foot step back and start charging fire. He aims a palm at werewolf 5.

I'm sorry it has come to this.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Fire

2014-04-16, 02:38 PM
Gallard grits his teeth and prepares to strike, should the opportunity arise.

Jonnel moves to flank the werewolf that is threatening Ivyn, hoping that the beast is too absorbed by the gnome's spells to pay any attention.

Gallard uses Lay on Hands on himself, healing 6 HP.
Jonnel flanks the werewolf and attacks once: [roll0], [roll1]

2014-04-16, 06:31 PM
Elena stabs Werewolf #5 twice, and he falls to the floor. Ireena's rapier slashes out again, connecting once, twice, thrice. Brom stabs Werewolf #2 soundly once, but misses once. Ivyn directs his Scorching Ray against Werewolf #2 (assumed action change), leaving him tottering. Jonnel steps up and strikes Werewolf #2 (assumed action change) a solid blow which...nonetheless heals instantly.

"Look behind you, idiot!" shouts Werewolf #1. Gallard sees Werewolf #4 be distracted from the grapple, trying to look over her shoulder, long enough for Werewolf #1 to yank free, bring her hands together, and disappear from sight.

Werewolf #2 slashes Brom with his claws again. (4 damage.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

PCs' turn.

2014-04-16, 07:11 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn looks frantically for spell stuff following the werewolf's disappearance. Signs for conjuration would be ideal to illusion.


2014-04-17, 11:30 AM
Brom attacks the wolf he can see. [roll0]
damage [roll1]

damage [roll3]

2014-04-17, 02:09 PM
Elena closes her eyes and concentrates, summoning several gallons of water around where the werewolf was, hoping that the water, if it connects with it, will reveal it's position.

I can conjure 12 gallons of water: I want to make enough that everything within 10 feet of it's last seen position is very, very damp.

2014-04-18, 10:05 AM
Sir Gallard shouts at Jonnel:

"Step aside!"

As his friend makes way, the knight rushes towards the werewolf that the mundane sword failed to injure. His own blade traces an arc through the air as he aims for the neck of the monster.

Jonnel withdraws once again.

Gallard charges werewolf 2: [roll0], [roll1]

2014-04-18, 11:27 AM
Gallard's sword strikes the werewolf, but the wound he inflicts instantly closes as well. Then Brom stabs the werewolf and he falls to the floor.

Elena's conjured water douses everyone in the room. The splash pattern outlines someone standing directly in front of Ivyn; a startled yelp comes from two and a half feet over Ivyn's head.

PCs' turn.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-04-18, 09:36 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn has his eyes closed, focusing on his familiar's senses. But the bat's echo location is hard to follow. The dripping shadow brings him back to reality. Naturally...

Ivyn does his best to weave his spell while weaving his body away from harm.

Casting mirror image defensively:
[roll0] against DC 17

Creates [roll1] images around Ivyn.

2014-04-19, 12:43 PM
Elena smiles when she sees the dripping shadow and hears the growl, thinking, Perfect... as she extends her finger at it and unleashes another blast of searing light at the werewolf.

Cast Searing Light:

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-04-19, 05:48 PM
Not a man to waste any time, Gallard lunges with his sword towards the outline revealed by the magical water. The knight emits a grunt as he forces himself to keep fighting even when his strength is almost depleted.

Jonnel stays out of the way, as he has already given everything he could give. It's up to the others now.

Gallard moves and attacks the remaining werewolf: [roll0], [roll1]

2014-04-22, 08:46 AM
The invisible werewolf lets out an enraged snarl as she suddenly finds herself surrounded by gnomes. Then Elena's beam strikes something she can't see. Gallard's sword makes solid contact with something.

Werewolf #1 flashes back into visibility as her claws rake at Elena. The werewolf is singed but not bleeding.

Werewolf #4 hangs back and watches what's going on.

2014-04-22, 08:47 AM
Werewolf #1's claws scrape across Elena's shield.

PCs' turn.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-04-22, 11:22 AM
Brom closes with the now visible werewolf, hacking away like a butcher. [roll0]
damage [roll1]

damage [roll3]

2014-04-22, 12:58 PM
Elena closes on the werewolf, brutally aiming to crack it's skull with her morningstar



2014-04-23, 07:09 AM
Sir Gallard moves to surround the now visible werewolf, so that it has trouble defending against everyone at the same time. He strikes a couple of blows that, if not precise, are at least powerful.

Gallard - trying to flank the werewolf with a 1.5 m step. Then, full attack the enemy: [roll0] (+2 if flanking), [roll1]; [roll2] (+2 if flanking), [roll3].

2014-04-24, 07:29 AM
Brom's knife cuts a nasty gash in the werewolf's side. Elena's morningstar strikes her, but the wound disappears immediately. Gallard's sword slashes her twice, once very severely; the lesser wound disappears, and even the severe one heals significantly. Ireena steps to flank her as well and strikes out with her rapier, slower than before, as you all realize that you're no longer moving twice as fast as usual.

Ireena's rapier stabs Werewolf #1 twice, and she falls to the ground, reverting to her human form. The only werewolf still standing is Werewolf #4, who looks distinctly uncertain about this situation.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-04-24, 08:39 AM
Elena takes a couple of deep pants, catching her breath in the reprieve. She looks around the party, noting the other werewolf, but deciding that it's the Wizard's problem, asks, "Okay...Did anyone get bitten? Because...If nobody did...Then that could have gone at lot worse...At least we know what happened to the Innkeeper now."

2014-04-24, 11:14 AM
Brom takes a moment to catch his breath. Looking at Ivyn, "Perhaps your friend would be so kind as to shed some light on why they attacked while I see to our injuries?" [roll0]
how wounded is everyone?

2014-04-25, 07:47 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

I think we should withdrawl from this room. A sight of such senseless violence.

Addressing the werewolf

I"m sure you're very confused right now. Let's start with something easy. What's your name? Where do you come from? Who's your daddy? What does he do? Are you under the influence of a powerful vampire that wants to see destruction upon this land and it's people? On a scale of one through 10, with 10 being strongest, how powerful would you describe any urges or interests in harming intelligent life? What is your favorite color? What is the average velocity of a sparrow?

2014-04-25, 08:18 AM
The werewolf's brow wrinkles at the barrage of questions, only some of which make any sense. Judging by the fact that she's still in hybrid form, she considers the battle being over less than established. "What?" she says.