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2014-04-25, 08:53 AM
Jonnel and Gallard are being tended to by Brom. Weighting the situation, the fighter comments:

"Restrain her, for everyone's sake. Then we can hear what she has to say."

Hearing Jonnel's advice, Gallard starts nodding in agreement.

"I applaud your clarity of judgement, my dear friend."

"Truly I surprise myself sometimes, my lord."

"Indeed, indeed, you truly elevate above your lowly origins."

Overall, both warriors seem quite proved by the violent fight, yet amused by the brief exchange. It seems obvious the camraderie runs strong between them.

Gallard takes the first three CLW, which bring him to 51. Jonnel takes the next five CLW, bringing him to 35.

2014-04-25, 11:12 AM
"Let us retire to the other room for the questioning." Brom leads the way, repeating the relevant questions slowly.taking one charge

2014-04-25, 01:49 PM
Elena shakes her head and mutters, "This is a very bad idea..." but follows Brom to interrogate the wolf.

2014-04-25, 06:35 PM
The werewolf hesitantly follows Ivyn out of the room. Ireena remains behind in the front room.

Guessing Brom is asking the werewolf, "What's your name? Where do you come from? Are you under the influence of a powerful vampire that wants to see destruction upon this land and it's people? On a scale of one through 10, with 10 being strongest, how powerful would you describe any urges or interests in harming intelligent life?" Let me know if I've left any out, if I have any there that he wouldn't ask, and if I've phrased any of them wrong.

2014-04-26, 12:36 PM
Brom gestures the werewolf to a chair, hoping the lady won't mind a bit of fur on the upholstery. He sits as well. "Now, perhaps ew can talk. I am Brom Sunborn, priest of Pelor. May I inquire as to who you are? Wiuld you mind resuming your normal form? It may facilitate conversation."yeah, those questions, coached politely as a decent CHA score allows.

2014-04-27, 10:26 AM
Gallard and Jonnel follow the rest of the group once Brom has finished healing them. The two seem wary of the remaining werewolf.

2014-04-27, 10:50 AM
Elena stands at the door to the room, her fingertip glowing slightly as she calls the divine power of Pelor and stops it just before it releases into a brilliant beam of light, preparing herself should the werewolf turn hostile.

Prepare action to cast Searing Light at the werewolf should it become hostile. This can be assumed to be prepared every round until something happens, as I doubt Elena is going to be doing much else.

2014-04-27, 11:01 AM
Assuming that Ivyn backs up everything Brom says (anything that comes just from Brom will be ignored):
The werewolf shrinks into her human form, meaning that there is now what looks like a naked-except-for-a-necklace human woman sitting there glaring at Brom.

"What's your name?"
Her reply sounds like a snarl.
"Where do you come from?"
"My pack lives in the woods here."
"Are you under the influence of a powerful vampire that wants to see destruction upon this land and it's people?"
She tilts her head, seeming oddly perplexed by the question, before finally answering, "I am no more under Strahd's influence than anyone else here."
"On a scale of one through 10, with 10 being strongest, how powerful would you describe any urges or interests in harming intelligent life?"
She blinks several times before responding, "I have no particular preference for intelligent prey."

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-04-27, 12:36 PM
Brom keeps his eyes on hers, no more comfortable than before, though for a different reason. "So then, why did you attack us?"

2014-04-27, 12:52 PM
"Our pack leader sent us to kill you." She shifts uncomfortably as she says this, glancing at the throng of Ivyns.

2014-04-27, 01:02 PM
"Any inkling why?"

2014-04-27, 01:03 PM
"Because...you came here to kill us." She passes her hand over her face, looking confused.

2014-04-27, 01:14 PM
"Who told you that? We were sent letters, now known to be forged, asking us to come to Lady Ireena's aid. I suspect we have been played against each other for some end I cannot see." The darkness seeks allies among both the light and the dark. "Perhaps we could work together to find our common enemy? Would any but the Count have the influence to do such a thing?"

2014-04-27, 06:22 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Your pack leader..? Then yours was a preemptive strike against what you took to be a legitimate threat. My dear friend <snarl>, I am sorry for how this has transpired. I think my friend is right on the matter: We should work together with your pack against a common foe. Like the foe that led your comrades to their end at our hands.

Who was it that told you that we were here to kill you?

Ivyn will do his best to pronounce her name.

2014-04-27, 06:40 PM
Elena shakes her head angrily as she walks out of the room, retaining just enough sense to not fire a parting shot at the werewolf before she goes.

Once she's in the main room, she says to Ireena in a very angry tone of voice, "I can't believe it! Do you know what those idiots are talking about? They want to ally with the werewolf packs!"

2014-04-28, 12:28 PM
"Who told you that? We were sent letters, now known to be forged, asking us to come to Lady Ireena's aid. I suspect we have been played against each other for some end I cannot see." The darkness seeks allies among both the light and the dark. "Perhaps we could work together to find our common enemy? Would any but the Count have the influence to do such a thing?"
"I don't know."

Ivyn Nadirna

Your pack leader..? Then yours was a preemptive strike against what you took to be a legitimate threat. My dear friend <snarl>, I am sorry for how this has transpired. I think my friend is right on the matter: We should work together with your pack against a common foe. Like the foe that led your comrades to their end at our hands.

Who was it that told you that we were here to kill you?

Ivyn will do his best to pronounce her name.
"I heard it from..." she turns to gesture toward the front room, "ah, the ranger, and he said he'd heard it from the pack leader." Predictably, her attitude is a lot warmer toward Ivyn than toward any of the rest of you. "I can take you to the pack leader, if you like," she offers.

Elena shakes her head angrily as she walks out of the room, retaining just enough sense to not fire a parting shot at the werewolf before she goes.

Once she's in the main room, she says to Ireena in a very angry tone of voice, "I can't believe it! Do you know what those idiots are talking about? They want to ally with the werewolf packs!"
While you've been gone, Ireena (presumably Ireena, anyway) has moved an overstuffed chair in front of the front door. The room initially appears empty, but then Ireena says, "I'm here," popping out of nowhere as she pulls a silvery-looking ring off her finger. "To think they'll be able to parlay having mind-controlled one werewolf into any other werewolves wanting to deal with them on any friendly terms seems optimistic, to say the least. How long will that spell even last?"

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-04-28, 01:01 PM
Elena shrugs and says, "I don't know, but it's an stupid idea either way. Hell, even if it somehow works perfectly, they'll probably try to bite us anyways. And if it doesn't? Then we die when our back are turned. Mark my words: There is no possible way this ends well...It's been tried before, remember? And look how well that went."

2014-04-28, 02:54 PM
Gallard shakes his head as he hears the werewolf offer.

"We shouldn't go find her leader. Even with this fog filling my mind I can tell the results would be unpredictable. Instead, we should keep her here till we can help her. The way I see it, she's as much of a victim as the peasants are."

2014-04-28, 09:23 PM
Brom listens, struggling with conflicting thoughts. "How long have you been...been a...like you are? A werewolf, that is? How did you come to be here?"

2014-04-29, 08:20 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

The prospect of making peace with her pack is looking less and less.

I have a few more questions, but before that, would you like something to eat or drink? Tea, wine, raw haunch of mutton...? Regardless of the Werewolf's answer, Ivyn's stomach rumbles at the thought of mutton, though it is braised with carrots and raisins in his dreamscape.

After an effort to make the werewolf more comfortable, Ivyn will continue with his questions. Just on a wild hunch, does your pack leader consort with diviners or fortune tellers? It may be that you were trapped within a self fulfilling prophesy. How big is your pack? How many are natural lycanthropes versus afflicted? What are your pack's... Funerary rituals. If your pack receives a messenger will they honor them? And by honor I mean not slaughter on sight or otherwise injure.

Addressing his companion, Ivyn describes his spell as lasting several hours (6).

Finally, once again addressing the werewolf You know, we have a hard time pronouncing your lovely name. Do you have a nick name we can address you as?

2014-04-29, 09:02 AM
"I was born a werewolf, and born in the woods here. You cannot cure me--though I can cure you." She shows Gallard her teeth, although they just look like perfectly human teeth at the moment. "I don't eat what I haven't killed myself. I don't know if the pack leader consults with fortune-tellers. I don't think there are any afflicted lycanthropes in the pack; there was one who came looking for us and got bitten, but we never saw him again. There are..." she looks at her fingers, "more than ten of us in the pack. They will not...talk to humans..." she passes her hand over her face in that confused gesture again.

In the front room, Ireena tells Elena, "If anyone else tries to get in, we should hear them now, anyway. I found that one's ring." She hands Elena the silvery ring, if she takes it. "I don't know what the others have. I'm going to see how the interrogation is going now." She walks into the room with the rest of the group.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-04-29, 09:08 AM
Elena sighs and shakes her head as she says, "Alright. I'll take a look at the ring, see if I can figure out what it does." She accepts the ring from Ireena, and, after a moment's examination through a mundane lense, casts Detect Magic to try to figure out what the properties of the Ring is.

My Preeeeciooous.....

Spellcraft Check to Identify stuff: [roll0]

2014-04-29, 11:07 AM
Perhaps common cause will not be enough for them. Still... Beyond curing, unbending and unrepentant, but we can hardly harm one taken peacefully into our custody, even if by magic. "Perhaps we could send a message with you to your leader. If we write one, would you be able to deliver it?"

2014-04-29, 05:13 PM
Jonnel looks at Gallard, and shakes his head. The knight seems lost in thought for a moment, before he voices his own opinion.

"That's not the right thing to do, Brom. Shall we all talk a moment, while our new... friend waits here? You too, Ivyn."

He gestures towards the other room just as Ireena arrives from it.

2014-04-29, 05:23 PM
Satisfied through her examination that there is no malign effect upon the ring, Elena smiles as she slips it on, definitely vanishing from sight, and possibly invoking other effects.

2014-04-30, 11:09 AM
Brom gives Gallard a questioning look before following as requested.

2014-05-01, 08:44 AM
"Okay." Ireena shrugs and follows Vetril back to the front room.

2014-05-01, 06:05 PM
Sir Gallard gathers everyone around him. As soon as he has gained the attention of all the others, he starts explaining.

"We cannot let her go."

He speaks with convinction as he explains his point of view.

"She and the other werewolves are responsible for the deaths of many of Strahd's peasants. Since the count won't protect his own people, we have an obligation to do so, since we have the power to oppose these monsters. That includes restoring peace with violence, if necessary."

The knight shakes his head, as he goes on.

"As for the werewolf we captured, remember she came here with the intention to kill us; furthermore, murder, such as that she committed against innocent peasants, is a capital offense. By law and by justice, she should be executed. We should restrain her for the time being. Come morning, we can proceed to take her life by beheading - a swift death: that's more than she and her friends would have given us."

2014-05-01, 07:48 PM
"Could someone tell me what I didn't hear in there?" Ireena asks as she starts to put on her chain shirt.

2014-05-01, 08:23 PM
An invisible sigh comes from a chair, and an invisible Elena says, "I was hoping you'd all see sense. Werewolves cannot be trusted, even if they genuinely like you. They'll bite you if they like you, they'll bite or kill you if they don't. And, like Gallard said, we have a responsibility to protect the people of Barovia from any kind of threat. And the best way to do that now is to kill her. Simple."

2014-05-02, 09:53 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

While I agree werewolves were responsible for the killings we saw in the town, we do not know that She was amongst them. I am willing to ask. I am not going to condone capital punishment without trial. That would be murder, and you Sir Gallard, of all people should respect that. This is an intelligent being we're talking about, not a mindless monster. You'd have a legitimate argument if the region was at war with the Werewolf tribe, or something similar. But as of right now we have no such justification.
Don't get me wrong. I don't think we have the time for a trial. I can question her until we have her guilt or innocence established. And you can detect the strength of evil upon her. But please don't just waltz over and strike her down.

2014-05-02, 11:19 AM
Brom scowls. "I have little doubt she is fully complicit in the crimes of her tribe. However, she is now...well not exactly a surrendered prisoner, but summary execution smacks of convenience rather than justice. The attack on us was stated to have been in reaction to what appears to be a deception, so I do not hold that alone sufficient grounds. If she were to condemn herself honestly, then...then we would have no argument from me. If only they were willing to restrain themselves, we could have had, maybe not an ally, but another power to resist Strahd."

2014-05-02, 12:21 PM
"It sounds like there are more questions you should ask her," Ireena says. "I can relate to Brom's concerns about killing a helpless prisoner, but at the same time, she came into my house to kill us, and finding Strahd helpless in his coffin and staking him is exactly what I'm hoping for; I hope none of us will hesitate if we do--find him helpless, that is. I presume the spell won't last forever; she looks about ready to kill all of us but Ivyn even with it active. She didn't say anything that relates to her moral standing or motivations, I take it?"

2014-05-03, 01:30 PM
"She did not. Ivyn, perhaps we should ask a few more questions. Also it may be good to know their numbers. Just in case. I still would that we had a way to tell them to end their attacks on us. Further efforts will likely harm the villagers as they seek us."

2014-05-03, 02:00 PM
Elena replies to Brom's question, still invisible, "People have tried diplomacy before. They weren't seen again. Whether they got bitten, or eaten, it makes no difference. Diplomacy simply doesn't work on monsters like them."

2014-05-03, 04:02 PM
Sir Gallard continues. From his tone, it is clear that he is quite convinced of his own ideas.

"Go right ahead and ask your questions, but I do intend to put an end to the threat that took so many lives already. As a nobleman, knight, and paladin of the order of Rao, I have the absolute duty to do so, and the will to act. Convenience would be to ignore the cries of the people for lack of courage and determination."

His left punch hits his right palm in a descending motion.

"We should also eradicate the rest of the pack. I do not trust the people of Barovia to be safe, otherwise: the survivors will infect them with this unnatural disease to replenish their dwindling numbers."

Jonnel joins the conversation.

"I would agree with Gallard. We can't just spare some of them out of a misguided sense of mercy. They are evil creatures, not innocents. I'm actually surprised we are even discussing this!"

2014-05-03, 04:23 PM
Ireena frowns, then speaks. "I'm somewhat uncomfortable with some of the rhetoric here, but the pack of werewolves in these woods has certainly never acted in a way compatible with wanting peaceful coexistence--including most recently when they broke into this house. And from what you're saying, I'm gathering that our prisoner didn't say anything that would suggest any nonhostile attitudes that aren't the result of magical coercion in her, either."

2014-05-05, 06:06 AM
Okay, it doesn't look like there's going to be agreement here, so in the interests of unbogging the game...

You hear a growl from the doorway to the room where you questioned the werewolf. She's standing there, shifting back into hybrid form as she says, "No one is killing me without a fight!" Exactly how much she heard is unclear, but it appears to have included enough.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-05-05, 05:17 PM
"Of course, self defense would be a perfectly valid way to end the argument. I don't suppose that spell held, did it?" Brom says as he collects his shield and morningstar.

2014-05-05, 05:38 PM
Elena sighs and mutters, "Well, it's not like I didn't see that coming," as she extends a finger at the she-wolf and fires off her last ray of blazing light.

Cast my last Searing Light of the day.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-05-05, 05:52 PM
"Agh! Someone use my rapier this time!" Ireena says, caught with her chain shirt half on.

2014-05-05, 06:37 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Now now. Let's not get testy. Nobody needs to kill anybody now. I think we all just need to calm down and relax. Come now <snarl>. I promise you'll be safe.

The words sound faint and frail as his allies attack the werewolf.

Is the charm person still active?

2014-05-06, 07:40 AM
Gallard draws his sword and recovers his shield, readying himself for another fight.

Jonnel scrambles towards Ireena and grabs her rapier without waiting for a second invitation.

Both warriors prepare to charge the last werewolf.

2014-05-06, 07:34 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

If you have any sense, Run! Your pack mates are slain at our hands, the better part of valor is discretion! You need to RUN!

Ivyn will take a move action to the back.

2014-05-07, 07:55 AM
Elena pops into view and fires a Searing Light beam which flies wild, and the crowd of Ivyns retreats. The werewolf glares after the Ivyns, but seeing them retreat, she charges Elena.


2014-05-07, 07:58 AM
Her claw makes a deep gash in Elena's shoulder (9 damage). She snarls, teeth a few centimeters from Elena's throat.

(Spells currently active: Mirror Image on Ivyn, Magic Circle Against Evil on Jonnel and everyone near him.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)
(PCs' turn.)

2014-05-07, 10:59 AM
Elena screams as she's clawed, and scrabbles for a weapon, trying to find her morningstar. After a brief moment of panic at being unable to grab her weapon, she manages to get off a swing, trying to beat the werewolf away from her.

Since I don't have a knife...

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-05-07, 11:50 AM
Jonnel and Gallard coordinate to flank the enemy. They threaten the creature a couple of times with their blades and then strike together, to maximize the advantage.
Jonnel is unfamiliar with the new weapon, and he seems to lack any grace with the thin blade: instead of using fancy strikes, he merely tries to stab the werewolf, as if the rapier were a long dagger.

Gallard: Single attack: [roll0] (+2 if flanking), [roll1];

Jonnel:Single attack: [roll2] (+2 if flanking), [roll3].

2014-05-09, 09:04 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Taking to heart his own advice, after crossing to the back Ivyn casts Shield on himself, his illusory clone battalion all sporting glowing force disks (though only his is real).

2014-05-09, 10:22 AM
Brom steps up to flank the werewolf and stabs with his butcher knife.


2014-05-09, 10:26 AM
Brom's stab misses cleanly. Elena, Gallard, and Jonnel all strike the werewolf soundly, but a few seconds later, the only wound still there is the one inflicted by Jonnel.

The werewolf rakes Elena with both claws and bites her. (Total of 19 damage, and please make a Fortitude save.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

PCs' turn.

2014-05-09, 03:43 PM
Jonnel lets out a shout, and then addresses the monster.

"Not so tough now, eh?"

Gallard, on the other hand, is more methodical in his approach: he doesn't talk, preferring to focus on the fight.

Once again, both warriors coordinate to strike at the same time.

Gallard - full attack: [roll0], [roll1]; [roll2], [roll3].

Jonnel -full attack: [roll4], [roll5]; [roll6], [roll7].

2014-05-09, 08:00 PM
While Jonnel is taunting, Elena is being mauled. She doesn't scream so much as gurgle as 8 bloody tears are left in her flesh, and then a massive chunk is taken out of her left shoulder. With the last of her strength, she raises her arms and called upon Pelor to protect her...Possibly too late.

Alright...Cast Shield of Faith on myself and pray that she doesn't get another chomp in.

2014-05-10, 06:36 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Truly no plan survives contact with reality. The gnome thinks to himself, maybe talking parts of it out loud in Gnomish, still a little loopy from the wisdom damage.

Hiding in the back, Ivyn casts Cat's Grace on himself.

2014-05-10, 07:52 AM
att [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Brom hacks away with the knife, hoping his efforts draw attention from the wounded, frustrated he can do nothing more effective.

2014-05-11, 03:51 PM

2014-05-11, 03:56 PM
As Elena casts her spell, the werewolf strikes out at her (attack of opportunity), but strikes her shield. Brom, Gallard, and Jonnel (twice) all hit the werewolf; the wound inflicted by Gallard once again disappears almost immediately.

2014-05-11, 04:00 PM
The werewolf's claws strike at Elena twice. The first time narrowly misses again; the second time strikes solidly, dropping Elena. (7 damage.) The werewolf twists slightly and lunges at Gallard with her teeth, sinking them into his neck.
Critical threat roll:[roll0][roll1]

2014-05-11, 04:01 PM
Gallard takes 13 damage. Please make a Fortitude save. (Whether it matters or not, you'll find out if you fail.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

(Elena: -2 and bleeding.)

(PCs' turn.)

2014-05-11, 04:02 PM
Finally, with the single last claw slash, the blood loss and pain finally overtake her and she passes out.

Uh-oh...This is bad...

2014-05-11, 04:25 PM
Gallard lets out a surprised shout and he almost takes a step back, his hand instinctively reaching for the neck. Immediately, Jonnel redoubles his efforts, hoping to exploit any momentary distraction.
Gallard circles around the creature to mantain the tactical advantage, and them methodically starts to harass the creature once more.

Gallard: takes one step to flank, then full attacks: [roll0] (+2 if flanking is possible), [roll1]; [roll2] (+2 if flanking is possible), [roll3].

Jonnel: full attack from where he is: [roll4] (+2 if flanking is possible), [roll5]; [roll6] (+2 if flanking is possible), [roll7].

Gallard's fortitude saving throw: [roll8].

2014-05-11, 09:00 PM
Brom steps over Elena to shield her as he continues to attack.att [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-05-12, 08:40 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn continues to watch the fight as he prepares himself for worse to come, a terrible dread filling his stomach.

Ivyn casts reduce person on himself.

2014-05-12, 10:41 AM
Stabilization roll: Elena stabilizes on a 10[roll0]

Ireena finally finishes getting her chain shirt on, grabs her bow, and fires two arrows at the werewolf.

2014-05-12, 10:45 AM
All the blows aimed at the werewolf hit, as do both Ireena's arrows, though one of the wounds inflicted by Gallard disappears entirely a second later, and the other is mostly gone.

Looking tattered but still enraged, the werewolf bites and claws Gallard. (Total of 22 damage.)

(Elena: -3 and bleeding.)
(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)
(PCs' turn.)

2014-05-12, 11:10 AM
Brom can feel Elena's dire condition behind him, but the shortest path to safety lay though ending the engagement. Surging with strength, he stabs againusing strength domain power for +6 STR for 1/ round as free action (forgot about that one!)

att [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-05-13, 05:43 AM
Gallard is forced to fall back when confronted by the frenzy of the werewolf. He gives way, and warns his friend as he retreats.


The warrior grunts something unintelligible in response, and launches himself in a series of violent blows, trying to take down the monster before it can react.

Gallard - full action to withdraw.

Jonnel- takes a step to flank with Brom; full attack: [roll0] (+2 if flanking is possible), [roll1]; [roll2] (+2 if flanking is possible), [roll3].

2014-05-13, 11:35 AM
Stabilization roll: Elena stabilizes on a 10[roll0]

2014-05-13, 11:41 AM
Ireena fires two more arrows which stick in the werewolf's chest. Looking nearly dead, the werewolf gathers herself together and lunges after Gallard. Unfortunately for her, her charge leaves her open to being stabbed by both Jonnel and Brom; instead of a living werewolf clawing Gallard, her corpse slams into him, knocking him to the floor.

Assuming no one passes up their Attack of Opportunity; in the unlikely event that both Brom and Jonnel did so, let me know so I can calculate the results of her Charge attack, but if either of them takes the AoO she's dying or dead; she has two hit points when her turn begins.

(Elena: -4 and bleeding.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

Battle is over, and everyone is level 7. (For ease of bookkeeping and in the interests of not getting the party killed because of people who left, people who joined late get rollover XP from those who left.)

2014-05-13, 11:57 AM
Brom stands over the fallen werewolf and finishes the job, cutting her throat. No need to roll for it.

He then touches Elena, stabilizing her before taking the time to draw the healing wand. [roll0]

The rest of the healing can wait for fresh spells in the morning. Really missing PF's channel energy for general healing up.

2014-05-13, 12:30 PM
Elena inhales sharply with what could likely be called the breath of life, and then immediately takes stock of herself. She notices the bite mark and says, "Oh...Oh no...I got bitten..."

2014-05-13, 09:37 PM
"Nothing for it at the moment. At dawn I can pray for the power to relieve afflictions and break enchantments, should such be needed. Now, however, we need to resume our sorely needed rest. I hope we will not be disturbed."anyone who wants healing before going back to bed, feel free to roll 1d8+1 a few times and let me know

2014-05-13, 09:40 PM
"I barricaded the door as well as locking it again...are we just leaving the corpses there until morning?" Ireena says. "They might make it a little hard to sleep."

2014-05-13, 09:42 PM
Brom looks at the bloody mess at the door. "Wouldn't be proper. I will drag them out, we can bury them in the morning."

2014-05-14, 05:51 AM
Jonnel returns the silver rapier to Ileena.

"Thank you. Not bad for poking holes, but I think I'll trust my old sword from now on, eh?"

Gallard gets out from under the werewolf corpse, and takes a moment to clean himself up. Both the fighters help Brom with the corpses.

"We shall help you. If we all do our part, it will soon be over".

2014-05-14, 07:26 AM
Elena rubs her shoulder and says, still very nervous, "Alright. I look forwards to breaking this curse...I'll help with the bodies." With that, she assists Brom in dragging the corpses wherever they need to go.

2014-05-14, 08:50 AM
Ivyn needs to rest until an hour past dawn to prepare spells the next day; both clerics are presumably up at dawn.

Nothing further disturbs your rest tonight.

2014-05-14, 11:16 AM
Brom wakes with the dawn to perform his prayers before seeking out aid from the townsfolk, explaining what happened in the night and securing aid in disposing properly of the corpses. He tends to the remaining wounds as well.are we hanging out for the day? If so, that impacts spell loadout.

2014-05-14, 11:22 AM
Presuming some variation of that was asked in-character at dawn.
"We're not safe here--or anywhere in Barovia, as long as Strahd exists," Ireena says. "If we hole up here rather than going on the offensive, Strahd will pick us off at his leisure; he has nastier things to send than packs of werewolves."

2014-05-14, 12:12 PM
Elena nods at Ireena and says, "Indeed. We must begin our assault soon, lest Strahd decide to deal with us."

We've leveled up, right?

2014-05-14, 05:20 PM
OOC: Indeed.
"I can't tell whether something's magic or not," Ireena comments, "but I did notice that the werewolves seemed to be naked, which I guess makes sense for shifting, except for one thing each. That one's invisibility ring, the necklace on the last one, boots, the pouch that one had, and those weird lenses one of them was wearing." She piles four of the items she mentions (not the ring, which Elena is still wearing) on the table and says, "I don't think we should bury them with their former owners--at least before we've inspected them a little more closely."

2014-05-14, 05:35 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn is visibly disappointed after the fight. It festers before finally, during Gallard's watch, he speaks to the paladin.

What were you thinking?! Obviously the werewolves were guilty of horrible crimes, but did you really think the best time to carry out a death sentence was while we had one charmed? We could have manipulated the pack into attacking Strahd! As it is now, if we go after the rest of the pack, we leave ourselves open to Strahd, which was likely his plan from the get go. Attack Strahd and the pack is likely to hunt us down, slaughtering villagers while we are out. This is a war, and as of now we have two fronts to fight. In case you were curious, that doesn't end well historically speaking!
The better part of valor is discretion.

Ivyn will continue this conversation with Gallard as long as the knight wants. He sleeps after that, having gotten that off his chest.

In the morning, he addresses the group.

I think it's time to use Strahd's trick against him. I think we should convince the wolf pack that Strahd is responsible for the death of their pack mates and have them clear a path for us. We'll need to make it look like the assault group here died through blood loss, rather than burning them. Perhaps we can burn all but one as evidence if you prefer. We need to somehow find the pack. I can use illusions to get them to follow my familiar to the castle. Maybe plant an enchantment in their leader. What do you guys think?

2014-05-14, 06:40 PM
Elena nervously scratches her ears and murmurs, "I-if I am a werewolf now...I might be able to talk to the pack leader. Convince him that Strahd is his true enemy...But I'd be giving up a cure."

2014-05-15, 10:02 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Please, don't risk your health unnecessarily. We'll be doing more than enough of that without violent lunar cycles. I'm sure I can whip up an illusion or charm powerful enough for our purposes. If you feel you can control it, than I'll not stop you. But you saw the bloodlust on our attackers. Some urges are stronger than others.

Looking around the room, eventually Ivyn sees shiny's on the table and starts to study them. A set of spectacles especially interests him. All the cool wizards wear spectacles!
Ivyn puts on the glasses.

2014-05-15, 11:24 AM
"The risk in such an attempt is far too great. I will heal you now. As for leading the werewolves to attack Strahd, I fear the complexity and risk is too great. I say we should go to the castle directly and continue with our plan regarding the symbol of ravenkind and this dark tome that was mentioned. Speed may be the best protection for the villagers."casting remove disease at CL 7

2014-05-15, 11:52 AM
The lenses (two individual lenses, like contact lenses) seem to improve Ivyn's sight.
He recognizes them as eyes of the eagle: both together will grant a +5 bonus on Spot checks, wearing only one will result in dizziness.
The spell Brom casts produces no visible result...but then, there's nothing visible to affect either.

Ireena nods. "I agree with Brom. If nothing else, going to confront the werewolves seems to be exactly what Strahd wants us to do."

2014-05-15, 03:45 PM
Elena sighs and says, "Al-Alright. I hope that worked...I don't want to be a werewolf."

2014-05-16, 05:06 AM
" I will continue to look for Sthrad's sources of protection, and for a way to restore the amulet's powers. As for you, mage" - he looks at Ivyn - "I will answer your objections now that everyone is awake, so that I don't have to repeat myself in the future. Law is not something to ignore for convenience; certainly not to gain an advantage against one's enemies. I will not, under any circumstance, associate nor ally with foul monsters such as werewolves: that would be dishonorable and diminishing. And if this means I have to continue this quest alone, so be it."

Gallard crosses his arms and stares at everyone else, before focusing on Ivyn. Jonnel moves to stand by the knight's side, the same stern expression appearing on his face.

"Now, the next step would be to find out the whereabouts of this place of hellish magic, before we venture inside the Castle. The day has just started and taking a few moments to learn if the seer was indeed talking about a place within the Castle would be wise."

First from Gallard's CLW, then from Brom's magic or wand? I'd stop when he has 6 or less hp lost to cure.

[roll0] - [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2014-05-16, 06:20 AM
"How do you propose to do that?" Ireena asks. "The only source of information I know on what's inside the castle is Madam Eva. She might tell us more if we went back to talk to her again, I suppose."

2014-05-16, 11:15 AM
LOR]Gallard considers the objection.

"I remember the priest had some books at the church. It's your village, Ireena, so I trust your judgment. Is there anyone here who might be knowledgeable about this? A wizard, or maybe some wise woman?

Jonnel interjects:

"Or maybe one of those druids, hiding in the forest. Who knows what one of them would have learnt by now. ...Assuming the werewolves haven't eaten everyone living in those woods."

2014-05-16, 11:20 AM
"The wise woman is Madam Eva. I don't know anything about druids in the woods; the wolves have been around for a long time, and some legends say they weren't dangerous before Strahd came, but I don't know if there's any truth to them. The only wizard I know in the area is Strahd, although...did Ivyn say something about someone earlier?"

2014-05-16, 11:23 AM
"We know where the castle is. All signs point there. I move we go directly. If Madam Eva is to be trusted that is where we will find answers. If not...then we know to little to have confidence in any action."

2014-05-16, 11:34 AM
Elena nods, and says, "I would rather go to the Castle during the day when Strahd is likely...dormant, than any other time. And the sooner we set out, the more time we have."

2014-05-17, 04:23 AM
Gallard listens to everyone, and then nods.

"Very well, we shall go to the castle. You might want to look for some mounts, for it is quite a distance from here."

Before leaving, he and Jonnel stop at the inn to recover their horses.

2014-05-17, 08:25 AM
"Bildrath should have horses, if you want to buy them. I'm not sure..." Ireena pauses and then adds, "Any horses we bring to the castle and leave outside it are unlikely to still be alive when we come out."

2014-05-17, 03:46 PM
"How long will it take to get there on foot verses mounted? We ought exercise care if mounted as well, not all of us are trained to fight from horseback, nor are the horses available likely to be battle-trained."

2014-05-17, 05:27 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn just scowls at the paladin. It wouldn't be the first time he defended an inherently evil creature thinking they were merely misunderstood. What good is a library's worth of knowledge when you can't use it to truly see your own world.

The other trinkets on the table lay untested. Ivyn removes the goggles and tries on the boots. He attempts to run and jump in them outside, letting empirical evidence do the job his library could not.

2014-05-17, 05:30 PM
Ivyn finds himself rising straight into the air.

2014-05-18, 05:14 AM
Gallard answers Brom's question.

"It took quite some time on horse, I fear. I did follow the road, instead of cutting through the forest. I don't think that would be a good way to avoid unnecessary danger, though. I think..."

The knight stops talking, as he notices how Ivyn starts to float up in the air.

2014-05-18, 07:13 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Oh man! I think I'm tripping balls again. I'm sorry gramma I said I'd never eat your mushrooms again! Please let go!

It takes a bit of frightful flailing before the Gnome understands that he is merely levitating. He'll practice with the boots a bit, to see if they grant him full flight or simply levitation. He takes off the boots and then tries out the necklace, just putting it on. If it has no immediate effect, he'll open up and peer into the bag.

2014-05-18, 09:00 AM
Elena laughs at the gnome's flailing, as she says, "Well, I guess we know what those do..."

2014-05-18, 09:07 AM
The boots only seem to enable up-and-down motion, not full flight.

The necklace has no immediately visible effect.

The pouch has a wand in it, and is otherwise empty.

2014-05-18, 11:04 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Excited by the prospect of another spell to study...
Oooh! What does this button do? Ivyn asks no one in particular as he withdrawals the wand and delicately plays with it between his fingers. He'll study it for any function, but not discharging.

2014-05-18, 11:07 AM
Ivyn can't figure out how to activate the wand or what it does. Watching Ivyn fiddle with it, Ireena comments, "In retrospect, it's a pity no one asked that werewolf 'What magic items does your pack have.' We might have had an easier fight with her if she'd taken off her necklace first, too."

2014-05-18, 11:43 AM
Gallard returns his attention to Brom, seeing as how the gnomes seems to be in control of the situation.

"...Anyway. Are we going on horses, or on foot? On foot will be more dangerous, and will consume hours of daylight, if that is a concern of yours. I don't think the sun will stop Strahd or his servants, to be honest: we'll have to come up with something better, for protection."

2014-05-18, 01:24 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

There are divinations that can reveal the effects of these items, but I don't have any in my spell book. At least we know about some of them. If it's all right with you all, I'll hang on to the wand and the pack it came in. You guys will make better use out of the rest of the equipment.

Ivyn removes the necklace and keeps the wand. However the party chooses to head out, he'll follow. A mount would be convenient, especially with his slow waddle. But loud and smelly.

2014-05-18, 03:04 PM
Elena shrugs and hmms, before saying, "You know...I think there are relatively secure stables at the castle. Strahd likes to keep up his appearances."

2014-05-18, 08:02 PM
"Then let us acquire what horses we can. Seems that everything around here wants to eat us anyway, probably prefer our flesh to horses from the looks of things."

2014-05-19, 02:49 AM
Jonnel comments about the situation at hand:

"Then let's find some horses for the rest of you. Pips and Valiant are trained for war, but even farm horses will be decent. We'll need four."

"Two, actually. You can lend your own to one of our friends, and carry the gnome on your shoulder. You'd be a great horse."

Jonnel laughs at Gallard's joke as he prepares to leave.

2014-05-19, 08:47 AM
You reach Bildrath's Mercantile. The stockboy greets Ireena, who smiles and returns his greeting.

"Horses are a hundred and fifteen gold each," Bildrath says. "Ponies are forty-five."

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-05-19, 01:17 PM
Elena nods to Bildrath, and says, "Alright. Hey, think you could go down to a flat hundred for the horses?"

Horrible bartering go!
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-05-19, 01:22 PM
He shakes his head, almost before Elena finishes speaking. "If you want them, you'll pay. You won't find another shop in this town."

2014-05-19, 02:05 PM
Sir Gallard steps up and intervenes. He tries to sound reasonable as he addresses the merchant.

"Bildrath. Are you trying to not only make those that risked their lives to vanquish the walking dead - saving you all - pay, but pay more than what is fair? Let's be reasonable; the gold won't do you any good if the Count triumphs."

The knight gives him a calm, open smile.

"Please, surely you can help us in our quest to defeat the Count, and restore the peace of the King."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-05-19, 02:20 PM
Bildrath considers that, but not for very long. "Oh, well. If you're trying to overthrow the ruler of Barovia, I'm only too eager to lower my prices. I was tired of being alive anyway. No one is forcing you to buy horses--or anything--from me, but either pay for them or leave."

Bildrath's stockboy watches this exchange with mounting anxiety, but Bildrath himself seems impervious.

2014-05-19, 04:07 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

We've not the time for this. He mutters under his breath. Ivyn then casts prestidigitation inside his coin purse and charm person on Bildrath.

DC 18 or be my bestiest of BFFs.

Yeah! You tell them Bildrath! Don't let these guys swindle you. What kind of friend would treat a hard working man such as yourself that way? Not me! That's for sure. Ivyn will open up his coin purse and pulls out 50 "platinum" to cover 4 horses.

Let's say 50 pieces of silver that have been prestidigationed into having the color of platinum, which works out fairly well what with Platinum coming from the root words for little silver.

Assuming Ivyn makes it this far, he gives Gallard the "don't rock the boat, we can pay him properly later" look.

2014-05-19, 09:20 PM
Brom is ready to storm out when he hears Ivyn make his offer. He looks away so as not to betray anything in his reaction, uncomfortable with the whole affair.

2014-05-19, 10:32 PM
Bildrath blinks and looks at the coins Ivyn offers, then he takes them with a rather dazed-looking smile. "Of course...uh, is there anything else you need?" he says to Ivyn, with an awkwardness that suggests this is the first time he's actually tried to be friendly, to anyone, ever. Ireena covers her mouth and makes a muffled snorting sound. The stockboy's look of consternation deepens further.

2014-05-20, 03:55 AM
Gallard, on the other hand, leaves, a disgusted look on his face. As he passes by Jonnel, he gives him an order.

"Handle this problem for me."

While Bildrath is talking to Ivyn, Jonnel approaches the boy.

"Let me see the horses - and I want to see the best you have."

If Jonnel can safely assume that Bildrath is not watching, he warrior addresses the apprentice with a hushed voice, before giving him something that suspiciously resembles a pouch.

"Hand this to Bildrath some time after we have left, will you?"

He pats the kid's shoulder, before returning to the group.

Jonnel gives the stockboy the equivalent of 300 gold (I assume letters of credit and similar things exist - otherwise are my characters wandering around with hundreds of gold coins? o_O) to cover for the 4 horses

2014-05-20, 06:26 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Actually Bildrath there is one more thing you can do. Find someplace safe and hide. Things are probably going to get worse before they get better around here. And when it is done, the entire town is going to have to come together to rebuild. So try not to be too grumpy with them. Farewell.

Ivyn takes the horse out to the main road. He'll ride with whoever is the lightest, probably Elena.

2014-05-20, 07:15 AM
Elena rides with Ivyn, somberly preparing herself for the journey ahead.

2014-05-20, 08:25 AM
otherwise are my characters wandering around with hundreds of gold coins? o_O)
More likely platinum.

After you leave the shop, Ireena comments in an amused voice, "You know, anyone who learns you got Bildrath to take so much as one copper off his prices is going to know there was magic involved."

You reach the crossroads again without incident, and this time you turn left instead of right. The road curves northwest, north, northeast, east for quite a while, north and northwest again, then northeast and southeast up a steep incline for quite a ways. You reach a bridge. The height you're looking down from is breathtaking. A little ways to your left is a huge waterfall, with the river plummeting over a high cliff to continue far below you.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-05-20, 08:55 AM
Elena swallows as the group passes the falls, and says, "We should ride faster through here...A man committed suicide here, and Pelor only knows whether or not his spirit remains."

2014-05-20, 11:08 AM
Brom shakes his head. "If it does, it may confront us. Then we can grant it peace, perhaps. But we have no time to seek such a thing out, if it is here. So, perhaps a moment to enjoy the view and let the horses grab a bite, then back to the road."

2014-05-20, 12:02 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

To Ireena:
The smell isn't the only thing that keeps people away. In my youth I found friendless. I knew a bit about magic, a few spells. But not what all my peers could do. Not without preparing ahead of time. I didn't know any better, so I just charmed them. For an hour at a time I had the best friend in the world. But it was hollow. The worse punishment I know is the look on their face when the spell ends, when you realize t meant absolutely nothing. I hate doing it. I cannot tell you what guilt racks me. But it's a powerful spell and I'm damn good at it. I'll pay him back, assuming we all live through this.

2014-05-20, 02:17 PM
"He was already paid a fair price."

Jonnel drily interjects as he rides past the others, stopping near the cliff to eye the bridge.

Gallard reaches him and dismounts, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

"What? The waterfall?"

"Yes. A good reminder that it's worth protecting this world and its people."

Gallard closes his eyes and enjoys the sun. After a few moment, the knight goes back to the others.

"You can rest a while, if you are tired. We'll leave soon enough."

2014-05-20, 02:25 PM
Ireena reaches out a hand toward Ivyn. "You do a lot of good, you know. Without your spells, the werewolves would certainly have killed us back there. Well--" her mouth twists, "would have killed all of you."

She shakes her head and looks down. "They never attacked me, did you notice?" she says in a low voice. "Whether Elena's spell was active or not. They at least tried to attack each of you at least once, but none of them attacked me, not even when I was all but helpless with my armor over my head."

2014-05-20, 05:27 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

That is peculiar. I wish I'd thought of more useful questions to ask the werewolf while we had her. My mind was still in the daze from the zombies. Still is, though I've recovered somewhat. That's going to make Strahd's domination powers unpleasant to deal with. Resisting enchantments is all about mental fortitude. Establishing barriers and checks to try and beat or trick the magic.

After a moment of silent thought, Ivyn looks over the waterfall.

That's quite the pretty waterfall. And quite the long drop. If it's all right with you all I'd just as soon be on my way past the bridge and away from steep drops before resting. It might be prudent to cross one at a time, leading rather than riding our mounts.
The recommendation to walk has nothing to do with Ivyn's sore bottom. And he doesn't at all show any discomfort at having to ride a creature so many times his height.

2014-05-20, 09:39 PM
"Perhaps they know that Strahd has marked you. Maybe they are not so opposed to hi as we might have hoped. I suppose we must press on. At least we have a bridge." lesser resto rolled OOC, sorry about that.

2014-05-21, 11:06 AM
The bridge seems sound as you walk across it. You hear thunder rumble in the distance as you continue, and the sky gradually fills with thick clouds. The road curves to the northeast and then due north, then turns east, then splits again; Ireena directs you to the south fork rather than the northeast one. The road curves back and forth and gradually descends until, suddenly, Castle Ravenloft towers before you. Twin guardhouses of turreted stone keep a silent watch over the approach, broken from years of use and exposure. Beyond these, a wide chasm gapes between the Balinok cliffs and the walls of Ravenloft, disappearing into the fog-shrouded distance far below. The lowered drawbridge of old wooden beams hangs precariously between you and the arched entrance to the castle courtyard. The chains of the drawbridge creak in the wind, their rust-eaten iron straining with the weight. From atop the high walls, stone gargoyles stare at you from hollow sockets and grin hideously. A rotting wooden portcullis, green with growth, hangs in the entry tunnel. Beyond this, the main doors of Castle Ravenloft stand open, a rich warm light spilling into the courtyard.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-05-21, 11:19 AM
Brom surveys the scene, dismounting cautiously. "A welcoming scene. Gallard, is the drawbridge sound?" Brom begins warding the party.magic weapon, magic circle against evil on self, any good spell immunities to put up?

2014-05-21, 11:55 AM
Gallard draws his sword.

"It should be, yes. I walked on it during my first visit and it was safe."

Jonnel seems dubious.

"I'm not questioning your word, but do you think it will support the horses?"

The knight seems dubious.

"Not six, I don't think so." - He looks at Ireena - "I know you mentioned stables, but I think it's better not to bring our mounts inside. Valiant can hopefully keep them safe, while we are away."

2014-05-21, 03:32 PM
Elena swallows, staring at the Castle at though it was staring back as she mutters, "I guess it all ends here...One way or another."

2014-05-22, 04:57 PM
"That was Elena, actually," Ireena says, getting off her horse and staring at the castle. "Is it my imagination, or does it look thoroughly ominous?"

(I take it you're leaving your horses behind and walking across the drawbridge in the same marching order as earlier.)

2014-05-23, 04:34 AM
We can leave them outside under Valiant's supervision - the paladin's mount has Int 6. It can take them to a relatively safe place, like open ground, wait out the day and come back when the sun starts to go down.

2014-05-23, 01:17 PM

2014-05-23, 01:19 PM
The bridge creaks and groans underfoot, but remains sound. As you start to head into the entry tunnel, green slime oozes down onto Gallard and Jonnel from the wall above.

(Each of them takes 2 Constitution damage. The slime is still on Gallard and Jonnel.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-05-23, 04:09 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Woah. Ick. I think you guys stepped on something. Or something stepped on you.

Ivyn avoids the slime, lacking any means to clear it.

You might have luck getting those stains out with club soda and vinegar.

Ivyn will assess the situation for anything magical about the slime/ooze or it's origin.


Recognition dawns on Ivyn almost too late. Oh crap oh crap of crap! Wipe that stuff off right now!

Ivyn pulls out his sleeping bag or other vaguely absorbent, non-magical cloth from his pack. He'll attempt to remove the slime as quickly as possible and then discards the cloth as it's eaten by the slime.

2014-05-23, 05:11 PM
Both Gallard and Jonnel shout in surprise as they are covered in slime. Soon enough however, their suprised (and disgusted) screams turn into hisses of pain, as the substance starts to burn on their skin.

They both frantically start to wipe the slime off long before Ivyn can give the counsel.
Jonnel takes off his cape and starts to rub it on his head, in the hope of cleaning his face and his eyes.

2014-05-26, 09:10 AM
Ireena helps wipe the slime off with her bedroll, and scrape the last of it off with a dagger. There no longer seems to be any slime on Jonnel or Gallard; Jonnel's cape, Ivyn and Ireena's sleeping bags, and Ireena's dagger are ruined, but luckily the slime on them doesn't seem to be moving.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-05-26, 09:12 AM
Elena frowns at the slime, as she says, "Ew...What is that stuff?" and conjures up some water to wash the rest of it away.

Use Create Water to wash away as much of the slime as possible, however that needs to happen.

2014-05-26, 12:27 PM
"An inauspicious entry. We shall have to proceed with care, I did not prepare for more than recovering from yesterdays ailments, I did not anticipate more so soon."No more lesser restorations prepped, stop taking ability damage!

2014-05-26, 03:23 PM
Both Gallard and Jonnel are grateful for the water. They take some time to scrub theirselves with care, to clean their bodies and their belongings as much as possible.

"That was awful. It was warm and it burnt."

"Yes. It felt like it was stripping away my skin! Disgusting thing."

Jonnel eyes his cloak, before he reluctantly throws it away; the warrior lets out a sigh.

"Let's hope we removed everything - I certainly don't want that... Thing to grow on me!"

2014-05-27, 10:02 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Hey do guys think we can scrape and bottle the stuff for use as a weapon?

If it's doable. Ivyn carries spare supplies for whenever the occasion might arise!


2014-05-27, 10:07 AM
Someone here apparently was able to arrange for it to be over the gate, unless this is just an amazing coincidence. but you can't think of any way to store it without it corroding whatever you stored it in.

2014-05-27, 11:07 AM
Once the matter is concluded, Brom gestures forward, cautiously scanning the walls, floors, and ceilings.taking 10 for...13. bah.

2014-05-27, 12:00 PM
"Let's move on while we can. I just hope we won't run into another of those things."

2014-05-27, 08:47 PM
You pass under the rotting portcullis and into the courtyard. Thick cold fog swirls around you. Sporadic flashes of lightning lance the angry clouds overhead. A light drizzle begins to fall. Ahead, torch flames flutter in the wind on either side of the keep's open main doors. Warm light spills out from the doorway. Although windows and arrow slits are visible in the walls above you, no illumination escapes from them.

Ahead, you see a massive wall directly in front of you, dividing the courtyard. To the right and the left, gates in the wall are visible.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-05-28, 11:07 AM
"Seems someone is home. Should we announce ourselves or just walk in?"

2014-05-28, 11:42 AM
Elena grimly smiles, and says, "Let's just walk in. No need to announce ourselves...I suspect he already knows we're here."

2014-05-28, 10:37 PM
A rusting portcullis blocks the gate. The rain begins coming down harder.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-05-29, 02:42 AM
Gallard and Jonnel approach the portcullis, not without displaying a healthy dose of awareness, considering the recent misadventure.
Jonnel offers his advice:

"We should be able to raise it, if we all work together."

Gallard nods.

"Let's try; if we are unsuccessful, we can look for another way in."

2014-05-29, 09:56 AM
Elena nods to Gallard and Jonnel as she says, "Alright. I'll see if I can help," and approaches the gate, though also showing a similar degree of caution.

2014-05-29, 11:02 AM
Brom nods and aids as directed. if necessary he can use his strength domain power to boost his strength for a round, rather not unless we need it)

2014-05-29, 11:06 AM
Gallard attempts to lift the portcullis, with everyone else Aiding Another.

2014-05-29, 11:08 AM

Gallard mysteriously loses his grip right when he starts to heave, but the second try, with Brom in the middle, has better luck. The portcullis rises with a terrible screech.

There doesn't seem to be anything to attach the portcullis to; you can hold it up, but you're pretty sure it will fall right back down as soon as all of you let go of it.

Edited for clarity: You don't all have to stand there; Brom alone would probably be able to hold it up at least for a few seconds, and you can all move under it now, as long as nothing attacks you while you have your hands full of portcullis.

2014-05-29, 11:53 AM
Brom looks around for anywhere they could securely tie a rope to that would hold it up.

2014-05-29, 02:13 PM
You can certainly try to tie the portcullis up, but, considering the marked lack of Use Rope skill in the party, your chances of tying a knot strong enough to hold the portcullis up are uncertain. Someone with a non-negative Use Rope check (so, not Brom) could let go of the portcullis (to use both hands) and take 10 on X checks to tie the portcullis up, where X is the number of knots you want to tie.

While Brom is considering that, Ireena moves so that she's on the other side of the portcullis, still holding it up.

2014-05-29, 02:29 PM
Elena also transitions to the other side, still holding the gate.

2014-05-29, 09:41 PM
"Ugh, getting heavy. Rope is in my pack, anyone know a good knot? Other than the one in my muscles?"

2014-05-30, 03:18 AM
Gallard and Jonnel similarly shift on the other side of the portcullis.

"It's not a problem, Brom. Just let it drop."

2014-05-30, 05:22 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Watching tall people do heavy lifting is one of life's little pleasures for Ivyn. A somewhat smug look washes over the Gnome's face, which he quickly controls and smooths back.

Good job guys. If you need anything, I'll be on the other side. I tie it tight if you like.

He'd rather not waste an animate rope spell, but if the party thinks this will be a likely escape route, he'll cast it.

2014-05-30, 07:48 AM
"I can tie, but I'm not remarkably skilled at it or anything," Ireena says. Seeing no one else moving to take the rope from Brom's backpack, she lets go of the gate, takes Brom's rope, and ties three knots holding the portcullis up.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-05-30, 11:03 AM
Brom slowly lets go to the portcullis, waiting a moment to see if the rope holds. He shakes his arms out a bit to loosen back up. "Best to have it open for us, just in case. Shall we proceed then?"

2014-05-31, 03:59 AM
Seeing that the portcullis is secured, Gallard and Jonnel let it go. They prepare to move on, weapons ready.

"Let's proceed. Time works against us. Keep your eyes open, who knows what we can find here."

2014-05-31, 08:14 AM
Elena nods and says, "Let's carry on. And hope our friend without a heartbeat is still asleep."

2014-05-31, 09:44 AM
The doors into the keep stand open ahead of you, flickering torchlight spilling out of them. The courtyard also continues past the doors beyond the point where you can see in the dim light that still pierces the clouds.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-05-31, 02:36 PM
Jonnel looks left and right.

"Do you know where we are going, Gallard?"

"Only if you want to meet the Count; I didn't exactly visit the castle."

The knight considers the situation, then makes his suggestion.

"Let's go through the door on the right: we have no way to know the right way, so we might as well pick one and pray our Gods for guidance."

2014-06-01, 08:57 PM
"Front door is as bad as any. Our entry will be marked regardless in this dark place."

2014-06-01, 09:30 PM
Elena nods grimly and says, "Indeed. No matter, though. We knew going into this that he would know...We just need to get what we came for and get out."

2014-06-02, 12:30 PM

This small entry chamber is illuminated by flickers of fire in the mouths of two coiled stone dragons that form an archway at the room's far end. Their mouths direct the light in your direction, cloaking the room beyond the archway in darkness.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-06-02, 01:19 PM
Elena looks at the dragons and takes a step back as she asks the party, "Do those...Look like they're actually breathing to you?"

2014-06-02, 01:45 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

That is the intention of the design certainly.

Ivyn studies the gate, perhaps for active magical effects.

Taking 10 for 25. Same can be said for spellcraft if applicable.

2014-06-02, 04:01 PM
Elena shakes her head as she steps back towards the entry and says, "No...I'm pretty sure they're really breathing..."

2014-06-02, 05:29 PM
Note that I'm assuming everyone is just inside the doors until one of you says otherwise.

The archway is 20 feet away from the doors; Ivyn can't make out any arcane details from here.

2014-06-02, 09:26 PM
Brom speaks a blessing of detection, scanning the area for enchantment.detect magic, wishing for PF's unlimited cantrips/orision

2014-06-03, 11:08 AM
"They do not seem enchanted. A curiosity I suppose. Let us proceed. Favor the right, we decided? Let us on with it then." He moves slowly, maintaining his enchantment.maintaining concentration on detect magic until it runs out

2014-06-04, 01:25 PM
"Let's see: I'll step through, you stand back."

Jonnel immediately objects:

"Is it wise? Let me go, instead."

"Out of discussion: I have the best armor, and so my risk is lower."

The two argue for a minute, before settling the argument on who should step through by flipping a coin.

[roll0] Gallard goes if the result is 1; Jonnel goes if the result is 2.

The coin flies in the air and is grabbed by Jonnel, who reveals that Gallard has won the dubious honor of possibly triggering a deadly trap.

Cautiously, the brave knight braces his shield and steps through the arch, his eyes darting around to detect danger as soon as possible.

2014-06-04, 02:05 PM
As Gallard approaches the archway, the two stone dragons abruptly turn their heads to face you and breathe a torrent of fire that strikes Gallard and anyone else who has moved five feet from the door by which you entered.

Take [roll0] and [roll1] damage; DC 17 Reflex save for half each time.

The stone(?) dragons begin to flap their wings and quickly fly away into the darkness of the room behind them. Almost as soon as you can begin to react, it's over, with no sign but your burns to show that there was ever what appeared to be an archway between you and the next room.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-06-04, 02:19 PM
Sir Gallard tries to protect himself raising his shield, but part of the flames still get through, burning his skin and his clothes. It's a miracle he is still alive, once the statues are done erupting fire.

Jonnel screams in fear as he watches his friend be engulfed by flames.

The knight falls on one knee, his armor so hot that its temperature can be felt from a short distance. Both his hands are resting on the hilt of the Ravensgate family blade: he seems to be reciting a prayer. He stays there for a long time, before he stands up again. Incredibly, the worst burns are gone.

"I don't want to go through that ever again."

Lay on Hands on Gallard, heal 7 damage. Also cast CLW, for 1d8+2 healed HP.

2014-06-04, 02:34 PM
Elena swears and says, "I knew there was something off! Let me help you, Gallard," as she approaches the warrior and casts Cure Moderate Wounds to heal him.

Convert Body Ward to CMW.


2014-06-04, 08:52 PM
"Oh wow, that looked awful! Are you all right now?" Ireena runs to Gallard.

(The room the dragons disappeared into is dark; if you wish to continue, now would be a good time to bring out a light source if you have one.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-06-05, 06:15 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn can't help but smirk just a little, but then feels horrible as he realizes that it's not an illusion. The gravity of the situation leaves him with a sense of vertigo. He's mentioned it before in passing, but that was bravado. Now he's really starting to accept that he may die.

Facing the darkness, Ivyn picks up a pebble and casts light. He moves through the archway into the shadows to illuminate the way forward.

2014-06-05, 11:58 AM
"Wait, wait," Ireena says as Ivyn starts to move into the next room alone. "We know there are at least two monsters in there!"

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-06-05, 12:29 PM
Brom produces a torch after healing the knights. "They will likely have to be dealt with either way; I would rather not have them at our back."

2014-06-05, 02:24 PM
Elena nods and says, "Indeed. The sooner we deal with the dragons, the better."

2014-06-05, 04:30 PM
Ireena nocks an arrow and nods.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-06-05, 07:30 PM
"Gallard, let us go first to keep you in my wards. The others can follow a bit behind so we do not all get taken by surprise at once."

2014-06-06, 06:05 AM
Gallard nods in agreement.

"I'm at your side. Jonnel, help to protect the others."

2014-06-06, 10:34 AM
The next room is a great hall, with cobwebs hanging from dust-covered columns. Stone gargoyles squat motionless on the edge of a balcony some 20 feet above the floor. Cracked and faded frescoes adorn the domed ceiling, nearly obliterated by centuries of decay. Two great bronze doors stand closed opposite the arched entry. To the left of the entry, a wide staircase climbs into darkness. A wide hallway extends to the right. In the middle of the room, some 20 feet from you, the two stone dragons stand, awaiting your approach with jaws open.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-06-06, 10:45 AM
Ivyn Nadirna


Ivyn launches a vial of acid at one of the stone dragons from 20ft.

Attack:[roll0] includes -2 for range increment.
Damage: [roll1]

While we're at it, Knowledge Arcana for the identification of the stone dragons and whether or not those gargoyles might be the living monstrous kind: [roll2]
Spot check: [roll3]

2014-06-06, 11:47 AM
Brom touches Gallards shoulder. "Be ready for battle."Bull's strength. Movement will keep him next to Gallard

2014-06-06, 12:32 PM
Elena shakes her head and says, "Damn...I don't think I have anything to fight stone dragons like this," as she shies around the edge of the room, trying to stay out of their range, and firing a bolt of holy light at one of them.

Burning a Searing Light...:smallfrown: I was hoping to save these...

Ranged Touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-06-06, 04:17 PM
Gallard moves to approach the dragons from the flank. His eyes don't leave the two stone creatures for a moment.

"Let's focus on one at a time. See if you can keep it between you and the other. Jonnel."

"I'm with you."

Both warriors carefully move to approach the closest dragon from the side that is opposite to the other wyrm. As soon as they are able to, they strike with their blades.

Gallard - moves towards the closest statue and attacks it: [roll0], [roll1]

Jonnel - same as Gallard: [roll2], [roll3]

I assume no flanking bonus as they are trying to keep the other statue away by using their target's body as cover, and so they are both on the same side.

2014-06-07, 10:26 AM
Ireena fires two arrows at the stone dragon Gallard, Jonnel, and Brom are approaching.

As soon as Gallard, Jonnel, and Brom reach 10 feet from the dragon, it unleashes a cone of fire over them (readied action).

2014-06-07, 10:35 AM
One of Ireena's arrows strikes true; the other goes nearly straight up and then embeds itself in the carpet. Ivyn's glass vial breaks on the dragon with a sizzling noise as smoke rises from the dragon's skin. Both Gallard and Jonnel strike the dragon soundly. Elena's beam flies wild, starting a fire on the carpet near Ireena's arrow.

The other dragon moves around to flank Gallard and slash at him with its claws. You're distracted by a creaking sound from above as the four gargoyles lift off and fly. Two of them fly by Elena, slashing at her with their claws; two do the same to Ivyn. Then they land back on the balcony.
Brom, Gallard, and Jonnel each take 12 damage, Reflex save DC 17 for half.

2014-06-07, 10:38 AM
Finally, Dragon #1 (the injured one) slashes at Gallard with its claws.

2014-06-07, 10:41 AM
Each dragon hits Gallard once and misses him once. (Total of 22 damage from claws.) All four of the gargoyles strike true. (8 damage each for Elena and for Ivyn.)

(PCs' turn.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-06-07, 11:23 AM
Elena winces as she's struck, and then glares at the gargoyle, firing another beam at the thing.

Okay...We may need to bail out.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-06-07, 02:04 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn is thoroughly surprised. He could have sworn they were stone just seconds ago. He focuses his mind and begins the task of casting. Green swirls of energy glow from his hands to the monsters surrounding.

Concentration check:[roll0] against DC 18 to Casting slow, targetting as many of the assailants as possible.
DC 18 Will save or be slowed.

Edited to remove the concentration check. I didn't read the whole post of the Gargoyle's actions and didn't realize they no longer threatened when it came time for Ivyn to cast.

2014-06-08, 03:01 PM
Gallard: [roll0] vs DC 17.
Jonnel: [roll1] vs DC 17.

Both Sir Gallard and Jonnel redouble their efforts, hoping to take down the wounded creature as fast as possible, so that they can focus on the second one. Their swords trace arcs in the air as they maneuver to gain the upper hand in the fight.

The knight risks taking a look at the others, to check how they are doing against the smaller statues.

"Are you all right?" - he asks, as he returns his attention to the nearby enemies.

Jonnel: moves to flank the wounded dragon. Attack the first dragon: [roll2], [roll3].

Gallard: one free step away from the second dragon, circling around the first. Full attack the first dragon: [roll4], [roll5]; [roll6], [roll7].

2014-06-09, 11:17 AM
[roll0] Brom keeps close despite the pain of his wounds, healing Gallard as he fights.burn dispel magic for cure serious [roll1]

2014-06-09, 01:04 PM
Seeing Dragon #1 fall, Ireena fires two arrows at Dragon #2.

2014-06-09, 01:12 PM
Elena's second beam flies wild as well, setting the balcony on fire at the midpoint between the two gargoyles who attacked her.

Jonnel and Gallard's blows strike Dragon #1, causing it to fall to the floor. Dragon #2 sees it fall and breathes, blasting Brom, Gallard, Jonnel, and the fallen dragon with its fire.

The first arrow strikes Dragon #2, the second arrow narrowly misses. The gargoyles lift off again, but this time three of them seem oddly sluggish. They fly down and land heavily, one on either side of Elena, a third behind Ivyn.

[roll0] damage for Gallard, Jonnel, and Brom, DC 17 Reflex save for half. (+2 bonus from Magic Circle vs. Evil.)
The fourth gargoyle, its movements unhindered, swoops by Ivyn again and deals him a vicious slash with its claws before returning to the balcony. (4 damage.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

(PCs' turn.)

2014-06-09, 02:53 PM
Elena swears and says, "We need to leave! Now!" as she tries to run for the door without letting the dragons attack her.

Full Move towards the door, avoiding as many AoOs as possible.

2014-06-09, 02:59 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn yells out to Elena: Take a defensive stance and try to keep yourself alive while the big guys deal with their last dragon. Don't panic.

Ivyn takes a five foot step away from his Gargoyle, preferably away from the reach of any enemies. He then withdraws a vial of alchemist's fire and lobs it at his Gargoyle.

Damage (round 1): [roll1] fire
Damage (round 2): [roll2] fire

2014-06-10, 11:20 AM
Brom raises his hand; a morningstar made of light flies forward, attacking of its own accord. spiritual weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/spiritualWeapon.htm) vs the dragon (or nearest gargoyle, if dragon is down)

damage [roll1]

2014-06-10, 12:00 PM
Gallard: [roll0]

Jonnel: [roll1]

Jonnel is quick to use his shield to protect his body from the flames: the burning breath barely touches him. Gallard trusts his armor to reduce the damage, as he steps through the fire to press the attack.

Since their tactic seemingly worked, Gallard and Jonnel repeat the flanking maneuver.

"Hold the line! We're almost done with these!" says Jonnel, as he moves to give his friend an opening.

Jonnel: shifts to flank the remaining dragon, using the entire movement to avoid attacks of opportunity, and then attacks: [roll2], [roll3].

Gallard: moves so that him, Jonnel and Brom are evenly surrounding the dragon, to minimize the damage from the fiery breath. Full attack the first dragon: [roll4], [roll5]; [roll6], [roll7].

2014-06-10, 12:19 PM
Ivyn's alchemist's fire smashes harmlessly on the floor between him and the gargoyle he moved away from.

Brom's light morningstar strikes true, as do all of Gallard and Jonnel's attacks.

Ireena glances in surprise toward the retreating Elena, but her hands remain steady as she fires two more arrows at the remaining dragon.


2014-06-10, 12:20 PM
Both her arrows strike true. Looking close to dead, but not actually there yet, the dragon sluggishly claws at Gallard.
The gargoyle on the balcony shrieks something at least most of you can't understand, and flies out the door after Elena.

2014-06-10, 12:22 PM
The dragon's claws are deflected by Brom's enchantment. The three gargoyles still in the castle move to surround Ivyn; the one that started out only five feet away from him claws at him,
and strikes true. (4 damage.)

Elena runs out of the keep, with a gargoyle hot on her heels.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

(PCs' turn. Elena is in melee range of the gargoyle behind her; if she wants to move she'll need to use the withdrawal action again to avoid an AoO.)

(Note that the remaining stone dragon is close enough to dead that anyone who's attacking it this round should also declare a second "if that dragon is down" action. The grounded gargoyles are 20-25 feet from the dragon, in charging range for anyone but Elena and Ivyn, should someone want to charge one of them; charging while the stone dragon is still alive will draw an AoO from the dragon.)

2014-06-11, 05:45 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

To Elena: You have one on your tail chasing you!

To the gargoyles (in Terran): Are you sure we can't find a solid means to end our rough edges? Violence is a low density (poor) solution to most problems, propagating a cyclic series of ever-sharpening conflicts, culminating in an avalanche of suffering and hurt. You all are intelligent beings. There must be a better way? Do you want to build a snowman?

Ivyn will defensively cast shield on himself, his words a shaky, unconvincing defense.

[roll0] against a DC of 16

2014-06-11, 06:43 AM
Jonnel takes advantage of the dragon's distraction and lunges with his sword, hoping to penetrate the stony scales enough to end the unnatural semblance of life that animates the creature. Gallard either helps finishing the dragon off, or charges the nearest gargoyle to save Ivyn.

Jonnel: attack the dragon: [roll0], [roll1].

Gallard: either full attack the dragon, or charge the nearest gargoyle - either way the attack bonus is +14: [roll2], [roll3]; [roll4], [roll5].

2014-06-11, 09:02 AM
Elena spins on her heel, swinging her morningstar around in a desperate blow, trying to smash the construct's head.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-06-12, 11:14 AM
The morningstar continues its attack. [roll0]
damage [roll1]

move action to redirect to the most injured gargoyle if statue is dead

Brom himself readies to fight the creatures.[roll2]
damage [roll3] vs nearest, moving if not using move on spiritual weapon, 5' step &readying to attack closest otherwise

2014-06-12, 11:24 AM
Jonnel smashes the dragon to the ground. Gallard turns and charges one of the gargoyles surrounding Ivyn, slicing deep into its hide with his sword. Brom takes a step toward the gargoyles, and the morningstar of light flies ahead of him...and misses its target.

Elena's morningstar strikes the gargoyle, making it blink, and it retaliates by attempting to rake her with both its claws.

Ireena turns and fires two more arrows at the gargoyle Gallard hit.

All three gargoyles ignore Ivyn's words and slash at him.


2014-06-12, 11:30 AM
Both Ireena's arrows skewer the gargoyle, leaving it still alive but looking very badly off.

None of the indoor gargoyles' strikes comes anywhere near Ivyn, even close enough to bounce off his Shield.Two of the indoor gargoyles miss Ivyn cleanly; the third's slash bounces off his invisible shield. Unfortunately, the gargoyle outside is more successful, both its claws striking Elena. (9 damage total.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

(PCs' turn.)
Forgot the gargoyles' flanking bonus.

2014-06-12, 11:44 AM
Elena grunts as the claws slice in to her arm, but responds in kind, swinging her morning star at the gargoyle.


2014-06-12, 03:04 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn will dig in, dagger in hand, and attempt to defensively aid Jonnel's attacks

Combining a defense action for +2 dodge AC and -4 melee and aid another to provide a +2 to hit for Jonnel's attacks, along with flanking.

Attacking whichever gargoyle Jonnel and Ivyn are flanking:
[roll0] against an AC of 10.

AC is now 20, regardless of success of this action.

2014-06-12, 09:30 PM
Brom launches into an attack, movements mirrored by his summoned weapon. spiritual weapon

Brom [roll2]

moving to attack, spiritual weapon moved last round so should be in position. Brom will flank if possible, so add 2 if so.

2014-06-13, 03:46 PM
Sir Gallard deftly launches himself in an assault against the monstrous stony creature, his sword attacking high before diving low.

Jonnel eyes the combat for a moment, then runs around the melee, heading towards the way the group arrived.

"I'm going to help Elena outside!"

The knight grunts his approval, just as he tries to split his enemy into two distinct pieces.

Gallard - full attack against the gargoyle he charged, which should be flanked by Ivyn: [roll0], [roll1]; [roll2], [roll3]

Jonnel runs x4 around the main combat and goes towards Elena.

2014-06-13, 04:04 PM
Brom's floating morningstar smashes the wounded gargoyle to the ground. Brom and Gallard both strike one of the unwounded gargoyles (assumed action changes). Jonnel runs outside and stops just short of the outside gargoyle's reach (assumed: let me know if you instead get close enough that the gargoyle can take an AoO).

Ireena fires two arrows at Brom and Gallard's current target.

Outside, Elena's morningstar strikes the gargoyle she's fighting a solid blow.

2014-06-13, 04:07 PM
Brom, Gallard, and Ireena all hit one of the remaining gargoyles once each. The gargoyles slash at Ivyn again. Outside, the gargoyle claws at Elena with both claws.

2014-06-13, 04:09 PM
One of the outside gargoyle's claws strikes Elena, the other misses. (5 damage.)
Critical confirmation:[roll0]
The now-wounded gargoyle's claw deals a nasty slash to Ivyn. (6 damage.) The other gargoyle misses him.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

(PCs' turn.)

2014-06-13, 04:47 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn yelps in pain at his attacker's claws. He takes the same action as last turn, assisting Gallard or Brom, whomever he's flanking with.

[roll0] against AC of 10.

2014-06-14, 03:04 PM
Jonnel approaches the nearest enemy with caution, and then, noticing it is still focused on Elena, takes the initiative. With a war cry, he strikes the monster, aiming for its back.

Gallard concentrates on finishing the gargoyle that has already been wounded by his blade.

Like the previous round.

Gallard - full attack against the same gargoyle: [roll0], [roll1]; [roll2], [roll3].

Jonnel - approach and attack the nearest gargoyle, flanking with Elena: [roll4], [roll5].

2014-06-14, 03:11 PM
Elena cries out as the gargoyle cuts into her, but tenaciously swings her star again, desperately trying to finish the beast off.


2014-06-16, 11:10 AM
"Tough, aren't they? I hope we don't find more in here." Brom gasps as he keeps fighting, again wishing he was as fit as the knights. spiritual weapon

Brom [roll2]

2014-06-16, 11:17 AM
Gallard's sword chops the wounded gargoyle clean in two, then strikes at the last indoor gargoyle, wounding it terribly.

Brom's light morningstar sails by the gargoyle's head, but Brom himself strikes it solidly.

2014-06-16, 11:20 AM
Ireena shoots the gargoyle, dropping it to the ground. Seeing that there are no remaining visible combatants inside, she turns and runs out of the keep after Elena and Jonnel.

Outside, both Elena and Jonnel strike the gargoyle. Looking nearly dead, the gargoyle slashes at Elena again.

2014-06-16, 11:21 AM
...and hits both times. (6 damage.)

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

(PCs' turn.)

2014-06-16, 12:00 PM
Brom sends the floating weapon outside, himself not far behind.move to redirect the weapon, move to go outside

spiritual weapon

2014-06-16, 12:47 PM
Elena grunts as she makes another swing at the Gargoyle.


2014-06-16, 01:33 PM
Elena's final blow smashes in the gargoyle's head; it falls to the ground in front of her, dead or close to dead.
Since that ends the combat, there's no need to wait for more actions in the last combat round.

2014-06-16, 07:31 PM
Brom watches the fallen forms for a moment, searching for sign of further violence. Looking up, he raises his faceplate. "Unpleasant. Let me tend your wounds. It will be a hard road indeed if the castle if filled with such creatures."claim your wand charges, unless we are going to rest soon, which I doubt.


2014-06-16, 07:44 PM
Elena takes a deep breath as she's healed and says, "Perhaps we were a bit...Hasty. Maybe we should go look for something outside the castle first."

Taking a 9, 8, 7, and 6 to fully heal up.

2014-06-16, 08:24 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn collapses in a small heap of frustration and missed chances. His combat experience woefully meager in the face of real challenges.

I shouldn't have prepared so many charms... Healing!? Yes please.

Ivyn will take the other healing for 13. That isn't full, but he's got a healthy amount of hp for a spellcaster.

Had to go back and do math. Ivyn is missing 9.

2014-06-17, 08:25 AM
Ireena lowers the bow she ran outside the keep to aim at the gargoyle and shakes her head. "I can't think of anything more we can do outside the castle. Unless you want to head back to Madam Eva to ask about weapons or something."

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-06-17, 11:06 AM
"Onward then. I hope the chapel is not far." Brom flips his faceplate back down and turn to the entry once again. let me know if anyone wants further healing.

2014-06-17, 09:49 PM
Back in the room where you fought the gargoyles, Ireena carefully retrieves her arrows.

In front of you are two great bronze doors. To your left, a staircase ascends into the darkness. To your right is a hallway.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-06-17, 10:40 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

I think chapels tend to be ground floor affairs, assuming a large size, which I would suspect. The large bronze doors mayhaps?

Ivyn could use another dose if it's going about freely. I'd rather not use up the wand until we're about to fight the load-bearing boss

2014-06-18, 04:25 AM
Gallard agrees with Ivyn.

"They usually are, unless they are small private altars. All the proper chapels I have seen have been on the ground floor. So, we might as well try those doors Brom pointed out."

Jonnel is examining the remains of the stony creatures.

"Do you think we'll find more of these?"

"Most certainly."

"Well then, we better pay attention to these statues; at least they won't catch us off guard, the next time."

2014-06-18, 11:06 AM
burning shield of faith x2 to heal Jonnel [roll0][roll1] "Large doors are as good as any. Gallard, shall we?"

2014-06-18, 11:27 AM
Elena nods and says, "Agreed," as her hand glows and she heals Gallard.

Sacrifice Divine Power for the CCW rolled in the OOC.

2014-06-20, 11:45 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn pulls the rope out from his pack and casts his spells, animating the rope in his hand. He launches the rope at the door and commands it into a set of crude knots, pulling open the door.

2014-06-20, 05:09 PM
I would have posted this about five hours ago, but the clever and extremely noisy people outside painting the building somehow damaged the fiber-optic cable at around 7 this morning, and I just got back online. Anyway.

Behind the doors, a long, dusty hall leads into the dark heart of Castle Ravenloft. Statues line the hallway, their blank stone eyes seeming to watch you.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2014-06-20, 05:18 PM
Jonnel eyes the newly found statues in return.

"Might want to poke them with arrows, before they start moving and try to kill us as we pass."

Sir Gallard offers a soft smile, as he examines the passage beyond the doors.

"We could use a spear, apparently - it would be much more efficient."

2014-06-20, 05:26 PM
Ireena raises her bow, aiming it at the nearest statue. "Hm. Do you have an ability to detect evil on them, Sir Gallard?"

2014-06-20, 06:23 PM
"I do, but I haven't dared to try since we entered the castle. It can be overwhelming, at times; however, I guess it is time to be bold, now."

That said, the knight steps up to the task. He moves towards the hallway, stopping about one meter before the doors. He simply stands there, eyeing the long passage that extends in front of him.

Detect evil, and let's hope there are no strong auras within the spell's range... :)

Sir Gallard then shakes his head.

"I feel nothing, but this hardly means there is no danger."

2014-06-21, 08:31 PM
"You know, I am beginning to dislike this place a bit." Brom observes dryly as he proceeds forward next to Gallard. "I suppose forward is the way."

2014-06-22, 09:52 AM
Elena nods, her morningstar out, and says, "Indeed...No doubt there's something here, though. He would keep his weaknesses close to home."