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2013-11-17, 12:05 PM
Out in the Black: Alpha Panda
Episode Three
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b361/Adlan/Fireflyopeninglogo.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzIfyD74Hj4)

Alpha Panda is loaded down, her external Cargo modules each stuffed with comet ice, which when brought past the Blockade around Regina should be worth enough coin to get Badger off their backs for a while. Even some left over for themselves if they were lucky, and they don't lose any to any disaster… like the comet boiling and blowing a seal on a module. Or getting caught and tried for smuggling, even if the corporate mandated blockade was of questionable legality...

...Of course, the Three Alliance Patrol Boats in Close Orbit don't make you feel too lucky.

The Three Patrol Boats orbiting are the the Victorious, the Redoubtable, and the Renown. Their spiralling path ensures virtually no part of the planet is entirely out of their sight or sensors.

A formidable challenge to any blockade runner, as would be lucking out and finding an alliance ship who could be bribed to let them down. The Cortex notes for Reginia highlights the towns whose disputes with Corone Mining Consortium have resulted in being blockaded. Including Frisco, home of their contact, Balley Sackett.

2013-11-17, 03:25 PM

"Y'know," Jack says at length, as if pronouncing some great wisdom. "I remember when the Alliance used to put more effort in to a blockade,"

He's sprawled out in the chair at the captain's station, with Rogue - even more relaxed - fast asleep on his lap. He's wearing his usual dark waistcoat and shirt.

"Don't get me wrong - it's going to be a pig to get through - but there used to be dozens of craft holding orbit, so no part of the world's out of their reach. We could probably punch right through without them getting close. Getting back off wouldn't be fun, but going down's the proverbial walk in the park," he sighs.

Damn purplebellies - they're getting worse every year. And considering that they started lower than most people dare contemplate, that's not exactly a good trend.

"So," he says, glancing at the assembled crew. "Who's got a brilliant idea for getting us in and out un-shot?"

2013-11-17, 03:51 PM
Robyn Reed

Robyn stands leaning against a console, watching the monitors. She isn't really part of the crew yet, just an extra mechanic, but she is in debt, so she thinks hard. "Some kind of distraction…." she mutters. She has a scowl on her face studying the Alliance ships, and she runs a frustrated hand through her hair, leaving a smudge of oil on her forehead.

Space Lawyer
2013-11-17, 04:25 PM

Lei flicks a glance towards Robyn as the monitors creak, then turns back to her own hemisphere of screens and keyboards. The blockading vessels' flight vectors trace a garish orange halo across the planet on the HUD. "I hate to tell you the bad news, Captain, but getting down won't be all that easy either. They've got eyes across most of the planet. Even took the trouble to peek at the poles. I might be able to punch us through all quick-like, but if we got caught, they'll turn us into scrap in no time. Blinding 'em might be worse than that. We show up too quiet, and they might send someone to snoop."

The tiny woman settles back into the squishy swiveling chair, feeling her way into Alpha Panda. Come on, grand lady. What is it that you want to do?

2013-11-17, 08:31 PM

Morgan silently stands in the doorway to the bridge, nodding in accord when the captain notes how lazy the blockade is.
Customarily, however, he offers no solution of penetrating the flimsy barrier without attracting the unwanted attention that would turn them into space dust.

2013-11-17, 08:32 PM

The soldier leans against the back wall of the bridge, next to Sia, with his arms folded across his chest. He wasn't much for plannin' and whatnot... he knew his strengths lie elsewheres and he wasn't afraid to admit it.

"I never knew an Alliance official that wasn't crookeder than a snake caught in a gearbox, Captain. Now, usually that just amounted to cheatin' us respectable types outta our money. But, maybe they ain't too proud to cheat the gorram Alliance they's workin' for. Not that I'm too fond'a partin' with my creds, mind you... but what about offerin' a good old-fashioned bribe?"

2013-11-18, 06:36 AM

Catching Lei's glance, Robyn quickly moves back from the monitors. She chews on her lower lip, considering the problem. "Maybe I paid you all my savings to get me to Regina for a minin' job..."

2013-11-18, 11:15 AM

Sia stood next toCole up on the bridge, her worn brown coat pulled tight around her against the chill of the bridge. She listened to the comments made by everyone, then snorts at Cole's suggestion.

"We work hard to get that cash from the Alliance, and you want us to put it back in their purple hands? I mean it makes sense, and it gets us dirtside. But there's gotta be more to it than just saying 'Take our cash please, sir.'"

Sia looks around.

"Doesn't there?"

2013-11-18, 04:08 PM
Gregoire "Greg" Reaufort
The ship's tactician and negotiator is standing at the back of the bridge, looking pensive, rather than at the comm station where he usually takes up residence. "Is there any local news dirtside we could use to our advantage? Or maybe some other subterfuge... with a bureaucracy so big, there's got to be eight or nine heads of the Alliance with authority over one another what don't talk often. Wouldn't be all that hard to convince them we have permission from some'un else, if we had a good reason..." he muses, half to himself, half as a suggestion to the crew. He looks to the Captain. "I like handin' over our cash fer bribes as little as the Doc, bossman. Damn purple bastards've already taken a cut of our lives - ain't too keen on givin' em a cut of out livelihood too," grumbles Greg in his decidedly brown trenchcoat.

2013-11-18, 05:00 PM

"I done already said I ain't too fond of the idea.", Cole lamented.

"I just think it's a might better than going all mhi zhing shua on their rear ends... much as I'd like to - it just don't add up. If'n we tangle with even one a them ships and did manage to whoop 'em... how long dya reckon it'd be for t'other two was down on us?"

2013-11-18, 07:36 PM

"Captain, may I offer a suggestion?" Jay asked while standing close to the doorway to the bridge. Still new to the ship he wasn't sure if this Captain enjoyed passengers coming onto the bridge unasked for.

"There is a regulation within the Alliance Naval Code that grants permission to the commanding officer of a blockade to allow certain vessels to pass through." Jay says and glances out the window as if he could see one of the Alliance ships. "I believe it was an old wet navy custom on Earth-That-Was to allow priests and their laymen through so that they could minister aid and sacraments to those beyond. Religious refugees fleeing persecution were sometimes allowed to pass as well."

"I'm not a priest but the vows I have taken place certain responsibilities upon me. There were many lives lost when our ship was attacked by the Syndicate...and I carry some of their last prayers with me." He says and places a hand on the satchel that he always wears. "Passing them on to their remaining families will help their spirits find their loved ones as a ship lost at sea finds the shore by the lighthouses light. Perhaps some of them live here." He says and shrugs.

"It is up to the discretion of the officer...and she will most likely want to inspect your ship."

2013-11-19, 03:14 AM

Oh, Cole. I know you don't like the Alliance. God knows I curse its name at least once a day. I just wanted to state my belief that if we can past this 狗屁 without dealing with a completely unknown quantity, the better.

2013-11-19, 07:51 AM

Robyn speaks up again. "I think I could build a fake transponder with what you've got here, it'll send out a distress call like from a ship in need of assistance, but it might not fool them for very long."

2013-11-19, 12:56 PM
Gregoire "Greg" Reaufort
Greg heads over to the bridge's cortex console and starts pulling up recent news planetside to see if there are any events going on which might be useful cover stories for the Panda.

Space Lawyer
2013-11-19, 02:24 PM
"I think I could build a fake transponder with what you've got here, it'll send out a distress call like from a ship in need of assistance, but it might not fool them for very long."[/COLOR]

"That might do for a bit of breathing room. I might be able to. . ." Lei wraps her arms around themselves in a painful-looking contortion "yìng lā chū. . . corkscrew (!) us down underneath their sensors, especially if they've got a bit of distraction. Still won't be easy though. If they notice us, they might just skip the effort and paperwork and turn us into a fēi ránshāo guāncai. Her downcast expression at the thought of imminent death doesn't last long though, as she turns to Jay and perks up. "If they give us a second though, your plan might work! It's always considered the worst sort of luck to put holes in holy folks!"

Lei knew that last bit first hand. It was always amazing what sort of change painting a religious symbol on the side of ship would make in people. Cpt. Uro, one of the most bloodthirsty bastards Lei ever had the displeasure of serving under, had gleefully slaughtered a medical convoy, up until the last ship. That one had a big, black cross painted across the bow, and upon sighting it, Uro had called for guns silent. Not that putting shots into it would have damaged it much more; the shrapnel from the doomed med-ships around it had done enough.

fēi ránshāo guāncai = flying flaming coffin

2013-11-19, 03:59 PM

Encouraged by Lei's support, she grins. "Yeah? I can get started on it right away, while you plan some more." Looking from the Lei to Jack, she awaits some form of go-ahead. She reaches up to scratch at her left ear, which is half missing. It was the darndest thing, that it could still itch when the itchin' part was gone.

2013-11-19, 03:59 PM

Shipping Update for Huang Long System...Ezra - Clear Metor Storms Mild to Infrequent Expected between Regina, Jiangyin and Boros Clear, Solar Aftermath, Boros Orbitals and further system…


"…..And News Reports, here on the Sub Ether Wave band- Around the Verse, Around the clock. And we're saying a big hello to all intelligent life forms everywhere… and to everyone else out there, the secret is band the rocks together guys…"

2013-11-20, 11:11 AM
Gregoire "Greg" Reaufort
Greg turns from the cortex console. "Bossman, I think I might've found somethin' worth playin' to our advantage. There's an Em-Oh-Pee en route to Frisco, our destination planetside. I recognize the name - only Independent in Parliament, real scrappy gent. Popular in the Rim. Name of Jaydubbleyuh Mclaren."

2013-11-20, 04:49 PM

He listens for a few moments in silence, letting the suggestions and plans wash across him as Rogue fidgets in her sleep - either aware of the discussions around her and the up coming action, or deciding that Jack's belt buckle is, in fact, uncomfortable.

"So, couple of options then," he says at last. "We can pay them - which, gotta say, I don't much fancy. We can try and draw them out - has the side effect of getting us in a lot of trouble if we're caught. We could try fighting them - but since the weapons and armour were stripped off, the Panda isn't much of a match for anything," he scoops the still-slumbering cat up and deposits her on the captain's console as he stands and wanders across the bridge to stand looking out of the windows.

"We could sneak - might work, though the stealth coating's mostly burnt off, and the drive baffles have been junk for years. There's also lying; that's always good, though if we get caught out things could get... interesting. Even if the lies aren't entirely untrue, he adds to Jay, acknowledging his suggestion.

"Which leaves us with the mop," he says, turning to Greg with a questioning look. And he actually says 'mop', rather than spelling out the initials. "Think he'd get us through? Think he'd want to get us through?"

Without waiting for an answer, he looks around at everyone.

"'Course, we don't have to go with just one of these options. We'll set up the decoy as a back-up, as vicious a little muck-up as you two can contrive," he nods to Lei and Robyn. "That way, if things go wrong, we might be able to distract them. See if you can set up some sensor phantoms as well, mei-mei - Reavers or something that'll give them more worries than little old us if they get nosy,"

2013-11-20, 07:02 PM
Satisfied that a decision has been reached, Morgan turns on his heel, his heavy boots the only sound marking his departure from the bridge. He climbs up the ladder to the crew quarters, and walks into his bunk.
Clicking open his footlocker, Morgan takes out a rifle and checks the slide, then sits on his bunk, cleaning and maintaining the weapon.

2013-11-20, 07:19 PM
Gregoire "Greg" Reaufort
Greg shrugs. "I met him during the war, briefly. We were on the same transport; he had to sit out most of the war on account of an injury. 'Course we'd have to lie to him, if we want him to help us through; much as I'm sure he'd love to have this ice we're haulin' get planetside to his constituents, he's constrained by the same laws as us." He pauses for a moment. 'Less of course we tell him the truth, and have him lie to the Alliance. That might work better, actually."

2013-11-20, 07:49 PM

"Greg, lying to one you respect should never be done." Jay says and nods in agreement with Greg. "Lying to those you don't respect..." he says and nods out the window, presumably towards the Alliance ships. "...should be done carefully."

He folds his arms together. "If you wish to aid Mr Mclaren in his political career we should allow him to capture us. All can benefit in this way. He has his personal security forces, probably company men, take control of the Ice and bring it to the planet...along with the smugglers caught red handed. He earns respect among Parliament for showing that he has the will to enforce Alliance law out on the rim, both us and the Ice get past the blockade, and before the Alliance can take us to a real prison somewhere else there's an administration error that frees us and the Ice mysteriously disappears. He'd also earn a cut of the Ice sale."

Jay is smiling to himself as he spins out this highly implausible plot but catches himself when he finishes speaking. "Ah, there might be a simpler way to get past the blockade. Perhaps ask him for a favor?"

2013-11-20, 08:02 PM

The soldier raises as eyebrow as Jay hatches his plan, turning his gaze towards Jack, to gauge the Captain's reaction. It certainly wasn't a bad plan, but the gamble all hinged on what side of the table this JW fella's chips were stacked up on - the purple side, or the brown side. Just because he sided with the Independents during the War, it didn't mean that he still had his loyalties intact. After all, he worked for the gorram feds.

2013-11-21, 02:57 AM

Robyn gives a nod, and looks to Lei. "My tool kit's in the engine room, and we need to gather some parts. Might be needin' to take something apart," she grins.

2013-11-21, 09:43 AM

"Speaking of which, Robyn... that toilet that you 'borrowed' that fung yho part from three days ago? It still ain't flushing right. Every time I use the gorram thing, it...", Cole looked bashful for a moment, before deciding to continue on, "... sprays my backside. I don't particularly like being spat on by a houng gish doashi uh lomah toilet."

2013-11-21, 10:01 AM

He wants to say that Jay's plan is a good one, he really does; it's just...

"Thing is, doesn't that mean us getting arrested by the Alliance? Might be a bad time to mention this, but as far as the Alliance knows I'm MIA since Sturges - getting arrested might involve some awkward questions," he says dubiously. There are other issues, but that's sort of first and foremost in his mind. "Don't forget, too, that JW may have been Brown once, but that just means they're watching him more to see if he slips up. So he might not be quite the friend we're after,"

Jack folds his arms and settles back against the window.

"Asking a favour might work a bit better, though. Want to give it a whirl?" he looks between Greg and Jay - Greg because Greg knows McLarren, and Jay because it was Jay's suggestion.

2013-11-21, 10:37 AM

Robyn frowns, then smiles again, reaches into one of many pockets on her cargo pants, and pulls out a roll of duct tape, speaking to Cole: "I'll go fix that. No fun when the **** hits the fan." Looking to Lei, she says:"Engine room? Bring electrical parts."

2013-11-21, 09:22 PM
Gregoire "Greg" Reaufort
The negotiator nods. "I don't mind to call in a favour now an' then. Now seems good a time as any; I think he'd be amenable to helpin' us through if I ask real nice. I wonder how soon his ship's arrivin'..."

2013-11-21, 11:27 PM

"Of course Captain. I didn't know about your military status, otherwise I wouldn't have offered such a thoughtless suggestion." Jay says, seemingly chastising himself as no one else has done so yet. "As most of us are meeting him for the first time it would be polite to bring a gift. I have some skill with the brush." Jay says and excuses himself from the bridge and makes his way towards his passenger cabin.

So little to choose from. Jay frowns at the meager selection of paints and brushes he was able to grab from the Galiant Voyage before he was rescued.

Jay is going to make a small mandala painting, incorporating the stars of space into the theme. He's got a d4 Atristry; what Attribute would you like to pair it with for the roll?

Space Lawyer
2013-11-22, 10:25 AM
Bridge of Alpha Panda

"Wǒmen néng zuò dào zhè yīdiǎn." exclaims Lei, her grin tinted with just a hint of malicious playfulness. She didn't have the same deep-seated loathing of the Alliance that much of the crew carried, but she would never pass up a chance to have a bit of fun at governmental expense. "I'll give 'em something to muck up their systems to if they poke too hard. Nothing serious; just enough to slow 'em down and make problems." Thank the stars for military regulations; for a backwater planet like this, the regs would dictate that the ship and systems be checked in full before making a move after a minor, one-shot attack. After all, the ship was far too valuable to risk.

Lei taps a few times on the keyboard, and a glowing blue smily face appears, its disembodied finger raised to its mouth in the universal signal for "quiet". The lights dim, and the ship goes eerily quiet, save the rumblings deep in the cargo hold. "I've switched the systems over to silent running, Captain, 'cept the cooling system in the cargo hold. We aren't going anywhere for a while, so this'll save us some juice in case we really need it, and should keep us hidden in case anyone down there is paying attention to the outward-facing passives." She turns to Robyn. "Lets go make us a huànxiàng."


The drab gray jumpsuit hangs loosely on Lei's tiny frame. Thick goggles, darkened to protect from the sun-bright glare of a welding torch, rest on forehead. She stares intently at the screen in front of her. "Well now, how are we going to make you mean?"

Wǒmen néng zuò dào zhè yīdiǎn. = We can do that.
huànxiàng = phantom, apparition

2013-11-22, 10:59 AM

Listening to the plans being hatched, Sia feels a but like a third wheel.
"Well, unless anyone needs me for something, I'll just head down to my medbay."

2013-11-22, 11:05 AM

Cole steps after Sia, meaning to follow her. He then stops himself and half-turns, addressing the rest of the crew.

"Yeah, uhh... I'm gonna go with the Doc. Well... not with her 'with her', just... you know, walk her down to the MedBay. For safety.", the soldier hung on for a few seconds, hoping to float this excuse on its believability. He then quickly left the Bridge.

2013-11-22, 12:48 PM

After a quick toalet tapin', Robyn heads to the engine room to start puttin' together a crybaby. She grabs her tool kit, and starts huntin' for the things she'll need.

If I need to roll anything, please tell me what. I'm a little rusty on the system.

2013-11-25, 06:06 AM

When Sia heard footsteps entering the medbay, she turned to see Cole standing there. She walks over and playfully punches his arm.

I seriously can't believe you offered to pay the Alliance. Bad enough we're gonna have to pay 'em no matter the plan, but still! Cole, you're a gorram idiot sometimes.

She stretches up and kisses him.

But that's why I love you.

2013-11-25, 12:30 PM
Alpha Panda - MedBay

"This comin' from the very woman that done told me last time to stop coming back with new holes in me.", Cole returns her kiss, looking somewhat hurt, in a playful manner. Then, he takes defensive posture, continuing the pseudo-pout.

"Pretty sure you called me an 'idiot' then too. I'm beginnin' to see a pattern'a abuse here, Doc.", he teased.

2013-11-25, 01:23 PM

You're a big, muscular man. You can take a couple'a words. Can't ya? Sia steps back, and crosses her arms across her chest.

Just don't come back to me with more holes than I can patch. Dohn mah?

2013-11-26, 03:56 AM
Mech stuff, building a crybaby. (wish to use a plot point if allowed.)
1d10+1d8 (two step up because of Talented mechanic)
Edit: Obviously I'm not so talented, need to find out how to make that roll.

2013-11-26, 06:16 AM
New try, Int+mech [roll0] [roll1]

2013-12-07, 09:10 AM

A Large Bulk Transport was the only other visible traffic, and it wasn't likely to be of much use to the Alliance blockade, it's own problems enough. In fact, if one were to pick the traffic for a blockade run, a nice big bit of metal in orbit messing up telemetry might just be what a smuggler would pick.

Of course, it's still a Formidable challenge to run an Alliance Blockade.

We have Several players with piloting skill, it's up to you OC how you do want to roll it, but the Primary Pilot will roll Ship’s Agi+
Pilot Skills, and Everyone else can roll Assisting rolls, Co-Pilots can also roll Ship’s Agi+
Pilot Skills, and if higher we will use their roll. If the decision is made to deploy the cry baby, Yawielas and Cgrela each roll a D6 and consult this chart: 2: Detection! The Alliance Instantly spot your fake, and know it's you! 3: Detection! The Alliance realise they are being spoofed, and don't pursue you. 4: Don't open the Attachment! The Alliance recognise the fake signal, but their software defences are temporarily occupied preventing any damage. 5: I said Don't Open that! The Alliance Sensor Net is down in this Sector for a Brief Time. 6 - 8 We Better Help those People! The Alliance Ship ignores you for the time being, your Class and Probable Destination are posted on the Cortex. 9: Emergency! The Alliance Ship Departs Orbit. 10:Bigger Emergency! 2 Alliance Ship Depart Orbit 11: Major Alert! All Alliance Ships Depart Orbit 12: Missing Person! All Alliance Ships Depart Orbit for Several Days. Pilot Rolls Results Less than 3: The Ship Crashes, well done. Less than 7: We approach at the wrong vector, do we ditch in the desert or leave orbit for another go around?, Less than 11: We're comming in too hot! We're on course, but something is going to fail, Roll a Technobabble failure. 15 or More: Success!

The Alpha Panda can do it if any ship can, the Landscape of Regina Below, picpocked with mines and open fuming plants looks as war torn as some planets back during the war of Allied Aggression.

2013-12-08, 05:59 PM
Cargo hold

Down in the cargo hold, Doctor Sia Ling works through a series of Martial arts katas. Her form is not perfect, but neither is her concentration. Her mind drifts away from her, drifts back to the past. Her memories flow through her mind as her body flows through her forms.

The war.
The Alliance.


Sia doesn't know if she actually said his name aloud, or just thought it, but the look of surprise on her face is genuine when she turns through her form, and the big man is there.

2013-12-09, 12:48 PM
Cargo Hold

The soldier just stood there, leaning against the doorframe in the dappled shadows thrown by the hold's lights filtering down through the holes in the metal catwalks above, a wide smile on his face. God, how he loved that woman - even more so when she broke a sweat. Cole had been with plenty of girls before, and many of them were a lot of fun to be with. But things were different with Sia; her focus and determination were something that he admired - and there was something to be said for a woman that could kick most people's @$$. And speaking of @$$es...

"Yeah?", Cole's thought process was interrupted as she turned and spotted him. Here he was, like some kind of puong ji haishua standing at her and staring, with thoughts boarding on the indecent no less. Embarrassment started to get the better of his tongue and his mannerisms and he tried to look like he had been doing something besides just standing there admiring.

"Well, uh... Jack asked me to... to uh... come down here and get some legs... uh, eggs! Jack asked me to come down here and get some eggs."

2013-12-11, 01:32 PM

With only a moment's hesitation, Jack drops himself in to the co-pilot's station - though he does glance regretfully at the pilot's seat where he used to be on these things. Still, it's Lei's show now and he trusts her.

He smiles and flexes his fingers on the controls as he flicks switches and twists dials to activate the console.

"Alright. Ready to activate the Fleet-in-a-Box or whatever you made?" he calls out to Lei and Robyn with a grin. This is pretty fun; it's been far too long since he's had to sneak past an Alliance blockade, even if it is just a civilian one like this. "If they start sniffing our way, give them something more interesting to look at,"

2013-12-11, 02:00 PM

"Right-ee-o, boss!" Robyn answers on the comm link. "Standin' by. Just give us a heads up if it's needed."

Space Lawyer
2013-12-13, 03:26 PM

"Ready to go when you are, Captain!" Lei hollers as she slides down the ladder into the bridge. She bounces over and into the pilot's chair, grinning as it spins. "Our little surprise is loaded up. We even made you a fun little present."

Lei reaches into her bag, and with no small glee, produces a small box topped by a large red button. "The program is preset. Just hit the button, and the feds will have a lot bigger problems than us to worry about."

Even while she was explaining the device and holding it out, Lei's other hand was flying over the screens, the routines engrained into her subconcious. The lights dimmed as power was rerouted to the engines.

2013-12-14, 06:22 AM
Cargo Bay

Eggs, huh? Let me guess, Jack asked for another Cole omelette surprise?

2013-12-14, 10:45 AM
Alpha Panda Cargo Bay
The Interior of the Cargo Bay remained still, no sign from the hanging equipment or empty cargo tiedowns were visible, but through the small windows, the sky was filled with a turning world. Alpha Panda made her graceful flip into the atmosphere.

Alpha Panda Bridge

Here the whirling view filled the whole Bridge with the reflected light of land and cloud.

Going in Dark, with no nav. sat. assistance, or cortex log, the challenge was well met by the experienced hands of Jack and Lei. Slight adjustments were necessary, but the two pilots managed it more than adequately, responding more by feel than the sensor readings.

The Sensor Sweeps of the alliance would still have picked them up. Ironically, their best hope was detecting the signal that set the Crybaby to standby, but a small signal in legal, civilian radio frequencies went unnoticed. The jury rigged components stood ready.

Having missed that, they could have responded to fringe signals that indicated something metallic in the upper atmosphere. Unfortunately, due to the Smelters pollution, many upper atmospheric particles were rich in iron ore dust, and the auto-ident was often ignored as over sensitive.

Alpha Panda arced gently down through these clouds, and finally, now righted to the local orientation. They were on course, and on their own nav. comp. they picked up a local Port Authority Beacon.

Frisco Town.

2013-12-16, 01:21 PM
Greg Reaufort
The tactician lets out a sigh of relief with the breath he'd been holding on their entry as they enter the atmosphere unmolested. "Phew! Well weren't that excitin'?"

2013-12-16, 02:27 PM
Cargo Hold

"Yeah... exactly...", Cole nodded his head with false conviction, beginning to rummage around in a nearby container as if he would find these 'eggs' in there. The movement outside of the hold's tiny windows caught the soldier's peripheral attention. He stepped over to them, glad for the distraction, and peered out as the Alpha Panda righted itself and began its descent.

"I guess we got past the feds alright. Looks like we're starting to land. Suppose that means I should go get my gear ready."

The big man started to leave the hold, and turned back to the doctor at the door, "How's about we have a nice dinner in this Frisco place? After the job's done, 'course."

2013-12-16, 03:40 PM
Cargo Hold

At the mention of a dinner date, Sia fans her face in mock surprise. Why, Cole, are you asking me out? But I haven't a thing to wear!

She drops the act as she heads for the door herself. We'll go and find out if this world has any dumplings on it fit for vicious blockade runners like ourselves.

2013-12-16, 05:47 PM
Crew Quarters

Morgan wasn't quite sure what the environment would be upon touching down in Frisco, or if his weapons would be an accepted sight on the planet. That noted, Morgan takes off his shirt, then puts on his ballistic mesh vest, then tapes a pistol onto the small of his back, loaded and ready to go. Then, he pulls his shirt back on over the vest, and throws a brown longcoat on to mask the bulge in the middle of his back. He then picks up the rifle he was cleaning, slips another pistol into his belt, and walks out of his cabin, and up the stairs to the main access corridor, glancing into the cargo hold to see Cole and Sia talking, coming his way. Blake wasn't quite sure he wanted to intrude, so, without a second thought, the mercenary ducked into the dining room to await touchdown.

2013-12-16, 05:58 PM
In Transit to Cole & Sia's Bunk

"Wouldn't haveta twist my pai sho arm into havin' some dumplings!", Cole said, his stomach grumbling with the thought of eating real food again.

Once back in the room, he made sure that he was armored up. He gathered up his guns and his 'dirtside gear' and double-checked that it was secured and ready to go. He didn't want there to be any surprises when they went to make this drop.

2013-12-16, 07:12 PM

One thousand one...one thousand two...one thousand three...there. Jay sighed as he felt the rough caress of the planets atmosphere against the ship. Maybe we'll meet the Parlamentarian later. He carefully wrapped the small painting and placed it in his satchel. Needing no change of clothes, nor having many clothes to change into, he left his passenger cabin and found the crew gathering in the dining room.

"Something that occurred to me while I was in my room." He said. "If the planet is under a blockade we can't just land in town proper. I suppose there's a hideaway spot the Captain has picked out?"

2013-12-16, 11:49 PM
Gregoire Reaufort
With the sailing getting smoother, Greg stands to get his dirtside gear. The Captain wasn't likely to leave him in charge of the ground squad again for a month after the firefight at the asteroid, but that didn't mean they wouldn't need him along to smooth the way. He grabs his various gizmos and gadgets, and plugs in his shock gloves to the battery pack on his belt. He tosses a decidedly brown coat over this to hide the battery, and prepares to get out of the ship.

He overhears Jay musing about the Captain's plans. "Oh, the folks dirtside are expectin' us. This blockade ain't exactly their idea of a fete, my friend. This ice we're smugglin' is the only thing between them an' a real thirsty-like dry season."

2013-12-18, 05:06 PM
Alpha Panda's Bridge

With the Alliance safely behind them in orbit and no trace of pursuit on the scanners, Jack pushes away the co-pilot controls with a contented sigh and a smile.

"Just like the good old days,"

...except this time, no-one died.

His smile vanishes abruptly.

"Mei-mei, find us some nice out-of-town spot to set down in 'til we can scope things out," he calls over to Lei as he unbuckles himself and heads for the door. "We'll enter 'Frisco by mule. No point in sneaking in if the Port Authority just decides to call our presence in to the Alliance, right?"

Alpha Panda's Mess

On the basis that most of the other have come to regard the mess as the briefing room, that's where Jack heads in search of his errant crew. Seems he isn't too far off, given how many he finds. As-and-when the others filter in, he gives them all a slightly grim smile.

"Alright boys and girls, we're landing in not-quite-hostile territory. That means you leave the ship, you leave it with a gun, a radio and a friend - dohn-ma? We're not expecting any trouble, but that doesn't mean trouble's not expecting us. Check-ins every hour on the hour.

"Now, first things first. We need to track down a buyer, a guy called Balley Sackett. Anyone want to take the shore-party?" he asks, looking around the group - though his gaze does linger on the more imposing Morgan and Cole.

2013-12-18, 05:14 PM
Alpha Panda's Mess

The soldier nodded, somewhat lost in thought between how this whole thing could possibly go south... and those dumplings. When he snapped to, he realized that Jack was looking at him.

"Yeah... 'course, Jack. Balley Sackett; you got it. I dunno who you want goin' with... but I'm drivin'!"

2013-12-18, 05:41 PM

Robin wipes some oil from her hands with a rag, and looks at the captain. "Well, I wouldn't mind a trek into the world, stretch my land legs. Do we know anythin' else 'bout this Balley fella? Like where he's likely to hang around?"

2013-12-18, 05:41 PM
Alpha Panda's Mess

Morgan raises a hand silently in response to the request for a shore party.

2013-12-19, 03:50 AM
Mess Hall

The doctor looks around as some of the crew volunteer to go to the meet with Balley Sackett.

I should probably stay here. I wouldn't be much help in no meeting.

Space Lawyer
2013-12-19, 03:00 PM

Lei sniffles and blows her nose. Damn dirt-flu. "I'll pass. 'Sides, Panda needs some work. Left rear gyro-grav sets having some funny fluctuations."

Plus, it avoided the sun, the dirt, the smells, etc. Best not to think on those.

2013-12-19, 08:28 PM

"I don't have a gun, Captain, but I think there will be plenty around." Jay says and nods to Cole. "I don't have much use for them anyway, but I may be able to help find this Sackett. What information do we have about him? And...it would be nice to walk on ground again." Jay says with a hopeful face.

2013-12-19, 09:29 PM

"I don't have a gun, Captain, but I think there will be plenty around." Jay says and nods to Cole. "I don't have much use for them anyway, but I may be able to help find this Sackett. What information do we have about him? And...it would be nice to walk on ground again." Jay says with a hopeful face.

In response, Morgan removes the pistol from his belt, turns the safety on, and slides it across the table to Jay, customarily without saying anything.

2013-12-20, 08:11 AM
Greg Reaufort
The tactician rubs the back of his neck. "Dunno if y'all want me groundside again so soon after the, uh, interestin' engagement on the ice mine, but if this MOP shows up, I might be able t'turn that in our favour."

2013-12-23, 04:10 PM
Badlands of Frisco
Out of sight of town.


The Frisco Port Authority beacon is cut off when Alpha Panda, ducking behind the shadow of Frisco Summit cannot receive it. The Mountains shadow would hide them from many eyes, but on this spur they would find solid… if dusty footing. There hidden, they could simply sweep around onto one of the local mining tracks and follow it into town. And hopefully, no one was this side of the mountain to see the huge cloud of dust landing a midbulk transport in a desert mining camp generated.

When the dust finally clears, Alpha Panda's Second Story Cargo bay opens, and out rolls a mighty tracked mule. Impressively, even the quiet rumble of it's idling engine sounds off the nearby cliff face.

Less impressively is the momentary work required to activate the grav lift allowing it to be lowered to the ground.

But then, the crew going ashore, two in the front with the rest clinging on to the cargobed. The Dust soon obscures their passage, marking it much more grandly.

2013-12-23, 04:19 PM
Cargo Hold

Sia watches as the party prepares to leave, loading the mule, and getting it started. She sweeps her gaze around but stops for just a fraction of a second longer on Cole, locking eyes with her lover.

No holes now, you hear? And boys, this ain't U-Day, so no stopping for a friendly round of fisticuffs. Ain't anything unusual on the cortex about illness or the like, but you'll all be going through normal decon procedures when you get back. This is a mining world so who knows what xiong mao niao they've dug up.

2013-12-25, 11:09 PM
Back of the Mule

Morgan nods at the crew remaining aboard the ship, slings his rifle over his shoulder, and climbs onto the back of the Mule, setting his head on swivel as the vehicle departs the ship, one pistol lighter than he was planning, due to passing his sidearm off to Jay for the trip. The pistol taped to his back, however, is still in place.

Space Lawyer
2013-12-26, 05:02 PM

Despite having landed a spacecraft numerous times (and coming in too hard on only three of those), Lei still felt a grand satisfaction every time she felt her steed of metal and lightning settle down and heave a sigh of relief. It was even better when a ship with as much history as Alpha Panda did so without some piece dropping off, shutting down, or or finally failing.

A topographic map of the surroundings fills the main screen, a blue dot softly pulsating. "Alright, Captain, looks like the trackers cooperating with us. I'm not sure how much coverage we'll get without a sat-net, and with all that metal in the air, but I'll at least be able to know what direction to aim the calvary if you get yourself in trouble. 'Scuse me, when you get into trouble!" Lei gives a giggle. "We'll just be taking care of the ship. Bring me back something pretty!" Whatever they brought back, it would certainly be nicer looking than the shotgun perched against the console. Never knew what kind of ruffians might be lurking out in the badlands.

2013-12-27, 02:48 PM

Jay checks the safety himself before slipping it into his satchel. "Hopefully we won't need this at all." He says. The mule is a bumpy ride but Jay manages to hold on to his seat with one hand, the other on the railing. "So. What's our first stop in town?"

2013-12-28, 02:54 AM
Frisco Town
A packed dirt road runs East-West, down the slope of the mountain into the heart of the town where the taller, more permanent buildings stand, the first of which is a school house. The rest of the dwellings tents, lean-tos, and shacks are built on whatever patch of ground was available at the time.

The sound of an occasional gunshot rolls down the sun-baked avenue, along with raucous laughter from the saloons, though the noise of Machinery and Explosives normally heard this near a mine are missing

Welcome to Frisco.

2013-12-29, 10:28 AM

Robin sits in the back of the mule, smiling and enjoying the somewhat fresh air. She puts a hand on her holster, over her gun, upon hearing gunshots, but as there doesn't seem to be any immediate danger, she relaxes.

2013-12-29, 10:33 AM
Alpha Panda

So, the doctor says, turning back to her crew mates as the mule fades from sight. Who's got the cards? My purse is feelin' a mite empty of late, and I want to go out for some real food tonight.

2013-12-30, 10:56 AM
Road to Frisco

Having bid the crew remaining behind a temporary farewell, Cole had nodded and smiled at Sia's request. He didn't want her to worry, but he knew that she would. The chances of them getting shot at were as good as on any other ball of rock and mud; which meant that it was a good possibility. However, they had been in scrapes before and come back from it fine... so the soldier tried not to fixate his mind on it too much. He climbed into the mule and cranked it up, the engine thooming to life and groaning a bit as it was put into gear. Rolling out of the hold and into the bright daylight outside, Cole turned his attentions on what lie ahead.

Eventually, the town proper loomed into view as they rounded a bend in the dusty road that circumvented a large boulder. Down a little ways below them, nestled in the dirt like a flea on a dog's backside, was the town of Frisco. The mule rumbled on without Cole saying much, his gaze fixed on the buildings and what little he could see that was happening outside of them - the sound of a gunshot here or there drawing his eyes in order to try and glean more. After the third time, however, he just chalked it up to this town just being one of those places and tried to relax, as much as that was possible.

Cole drove passed what looked like the school house and continued on beyond what looked like houses and the like. There was a larger building coming up on their right, with a smaller outbuilding of some kind - it would be a good place to stop and ask for directions. He pulled the partially-tracked vehicle off of the road and came to a stop outside of the building, cutting off the engine and removing the key. As the dust cloud caught up to them and somewhat enshrouded the small group of them, he checked his guns and offered calmly.

"Ya'll stay close now. And be on your toes 'round these parts. Dirtside folk tend to get kinda jumpy with strangers."

He then turned and approached the door, opening it and entering whatever place this was.

2013-12-30, 11:42 AM
A.E. Sherman’s Mercantile
Frisco Town

From the outside, the store, with it's worn and faded sign proclaiming it A.E. Sherman’s Mercantile, feels and looks like a dilapidated general store, but improves upon seeing the inside. There doesn't seem to be an abundance of stock, but a wide variety, and a door which look like the building continues in private areas. The Post Office sign is also here and illuminated.

There's a man here, big filling the room though this is accentuated by the low ceiling, he wears brown work coat, and has a curious smile on his face.

"Can I hehehehelp you?"

2013-12-30, 11:48 AM
Gregoire Reaufort
The ship's "ambassador" hops off the mule in anticipation of the dust catching up to them, not wanting to get a mouthful of airborne dirt in his lungs just yet. He nods to Cole's warning. "I think I might head on over t'the landin' pad, see if this MOP shows up. Anyone asks why we're parked outta town, tell em' we heard on the cortex they was expectin' visitors an' we didn't wanna steal his parkin' space," he tosses out. "Should stave off any suspicious nose-pokin'." He waits a moment to see if anyone wants to accompany him to the landing pad, and then heads off that way.

2013-12-30, 03:39 PM
Cargo Hold

Sia watches as the party prepares to leave, loading the mule, and getting it started. She sweeps her gaze around but stops for just a fraction of a second longer on Cole, locking eyes with her lover.

No holes now, you hear? And Jack, this ain't U-Day, so no stopping for a friendly round of fisticuffs. Ain't anything unusual on the cortex about illness or the like, but you'll all be going through normal decon procedures when you get back. This is a mining world so who knows what xiong mao niao they've dug up.

Alpha Panda Cargo Hold

His smile locks as Sia mentions U-day, and stays frozen for the duration of her speech; when it unfreezes again, though, it's pretty clear he's not heard a word.

"Aha, yes. Yes. That's it, right enough," he blusters for a moments, before changing tack and latching his attention on to the shore-party; "Alright children, looks like Mommy and Daddy won't be along for the ride today, so play nicely now, alright? No kicking, scratching, biting or eye-gouging unless you really can't help yourselves," he adds with a wink.

Waving them off, he stands side-by-side with Sia with a distant look in his eyes as the mule vanishes in to the dust of its own passage.

"Come back safe, now. I'm not losing anyone to this dust-bowl," he whispers softly. And if I do, then this dust bowl loses, he adds grimly in the privacy of his own head. By the look of things, the Panda could go through this town like a hot knife through butter if that's what it takes to keep them safe.

"I think there are some cards in the mess - but I'd feel bad about taking your money..." he winks at Sia, as he turns away from the cargo bay's for'ard lowering winch to the comforting coolness of his ship.

2013-12-30, 04:01 PM
Cargo Hold

uh-huh. Right. And remind me again, who lost their shirt, literally, last time we played some Pai gow?

2013-12-30, 04:54 PM

"You dare imply that I lost my own shirt gambling?" Jack draws himself up, and gives Sia a look of mock-affront. "Please. It was Greg's shirt I lost, though I'm less than certain as to why I had it in the first place. Also - I'm also not suggesting we play stip Pai Gow again. Ever. I swear, the cat's still traumatised from the last time,"

2013-12-30, 06:16 PM

Morgan steps through the door a few feet behind the rest of the party, then immediately steps off to one side and crosses his arms, letting the others do the talking.

2013-12-31, 12:56 AM

Sia throws up a mock salute.

Right, Cap'n Tightpants. No strip games. Good thing I want to play for some cash money then. And I don't why the Captain would have been traumatized. It was his idea after all...

I suppose we could skip the gamblin' and you could just front me a couple creds then.

2013-12-31, 10:36 AM
A.E. Sherman’s Mercantile
Frisco Town

Cole sauntered over to where the man was working and nodded his head in greeting, "Howdy, sir. I'm lookin' for Balley Sackett's place. You mind telling me where abouts I might find him?"

2013-12-31, 12:01 PM
Main Street
Frisco Town
Greg departs from the group, heading down the main street. A few townspeople drive wagons or carriages down the street, and miners, prospectors, indigents and other folk walk the dusty street, or linger on the porches of the various Saloon's and stores.

To the left, Sackett's Engineering, on the corner is dwarfed by the Hotel Southern, an Impressive two story affair that also overshadows the offices of the Frisco Star Times on the other side.

As he continues, he passes the mine store, several saloon's, one of which was flying a dragon's tail banner, Blakes Hall and Bank, a large stone fronted building, looking like the most secure building in town, which it probably is.

Stores and a few more Saloon's peter out after the large metal framed building of concrete, with windows more like armoured gun ports which turns out to be the Town Jail and Sheriff's Office. Then only the Livery Yard and a Barn block off the noise of a crowd gathering at the edge of the space port.

A.E. Sherman’s Mercantile
Frisco Town

"I certainly can, Sackett Engineering is over Thththththe… across the street." Sherman pointed in a finger out the door, indicating the direction of the store.

"But, before you go, I can't interest any of you fine people in some in any of my fine goods and merchandise? None of those little essential's spacer's rely on?"

2013-12-31, 12:20 PM
A.E. Sherman’s Mercantile
Frisco Town

The big man knew that it would be fairly rude to come in and ask the man for directions and to not buy something. Not that he needed anything in particular, but perhaps there was something that he could go ahead and pick up anyway. Dieung shii! A nice bottle of wine could be good... he thought. At least, he was pretty sure that Sia liked wine.

"Do you carry fine wines? I might be in the market for a bottle or two."

2013-12-31, 12:56 PM
A.E. Sherman’s Mercantile
Frisco Town

The Merchant rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment.

"Well, I do have a case of fine Londinium Gehgehgehginger wine. He moves from one side of the shop to the other and grabs a case off a stack. It's faux wood plastic casing marks it as something produced on the core, on the rim you got real wood packaging. It's stamped with a curious green logo and subtly, in one corner, the blue-sun logo resides. Matching Cole's words directly, you can see that the design contains the Kanji for Fine Wine. With a slight squint you think the rest of the logo might meant to mean that in roman characters.

"20 Platinum for the case to you Chief"

2014-01-01, 07:35 AM

While Cole is speaking with the browncoat shop owner Jay takes a few steps off the porch and takes in the view of main street. The Citadel is over there...I wonder if the Syndicate has any men here. He slowly works his fingers through the prayer bead that's tied to his satchel as he keeps an eye out for trouble, Alliance or otherwise.

Here's an Awareness/Perception check if you'd like one.
Awareness [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

Edit: Lol. "Hey guys, I found a town!"

2014-01-01, 07:53 AM

Robin browses through the store while listening to the conversation. If she finds any interesting tools, she asks the price.

2014-01-02, 10:42 AM
A.E. Sherman’s Mercantile
Frisco Town

"Sho yung fei muhson! Twenty Platinum?! You must think that I was born on a gorram outer rim moon! I'm pretty sure I saw a case o' that same Londinium Ginger Wine on Santo not but a month ago and that slaver was only askin' fifteen for his! I'm afraid I just can't do it at twenty, old timer. But I thank you kindly for the directions to Sackett's place."

Cole began making his way towards the door. His intention was that the man may come down to a more reasonable asking price before he left. However, if it didn't look like he was in the mood for negotiating... then the soldier was ready to chalk it up as a loss and move on to the place across the street.

2014-01-02, 12:08 PM
A.E. Sherman’s Mercantile
Frisco Town

"Santo ain't under a ruttin' blokade" The shopkeeper mutters.

2014-01-02, 12:48 PM
A.E. Sherman’s Mercantile
Frisco Town

"Sorry for your troubles. The Alliance's presence here don't make any of us any happier than it makes you.", Cole pushes open the front door and steps back out onto the porch.

"Good day to you.", he adds loud enough through the open door so that the shopkeep should be able to hear it. He then turns his attention on what he was told was Balley Sackett's place of business. With it being such a short distance away, the soldier intended on leaving the mule and just walking across the road. He waited for a wagon to pass and then did so, entering the store once he got there.

2014-01-02, 02:43 PM
Robin, Frisco

Robin asks the shopkeeper where he keeps his tools. He answers: "Sorry little lelelelady, I don't really carry machine tools. My old friend Balley Sackett has everykind of tool though…" Robin looks across the street, to where Cole is striding. "Ah…thanks. I'll have a looksee there, then. You have a nice mornin' now." She smiles at the old man, and steps out of the little shop, hurryin' after Cole. "Wait up, I'm comin' with."

Space Lawyer
2014-01-02, 03:09 PM
Her bunk, Alpha Panda

Lei sits on top her neatly-made bed, in her neatly-organized room. Dad had been a bit of tyrant about keeping one's personal space clean. He said keeping the ship safe meant keeping it orderly, and that it started with a neatly-made bunk. The military had only reinforced that habit, especially among the "reluctantly enlisted". Lei had spent many mornings standing at attention in her freshly pressed uniform in front of her bed, made so crisply a platinum would bounce off of it.

In her hand is a plan. The ship's schematics are laid out in glowing lines. She traces a finger across it, red lines delineating chokepoints and sectors. She smiles, knowing there is no stopping her success.

Lei walks out into the corridor and opens a supply closet. Her armaments are inside. She holsters up, preparing for battle. Walking into the bride, she murmurs, "Shíjiān nòng gānjìng."

She dips the mop into the bucket, and begins to swab the deck.

Shíjiān nòng gānjìng. = Time to get clean

2014-01-02, 03:13 PM
Frisco Town

Cole stops just before heading up the steps that preceded Sackett's porch, turning back to wait on Robin and any of the others that were with her.

"C'mon then.", he urged them.

2014-01-02, 03:39 PM
Frisco Town

The mercenary watches the others go, then approaches the counter and, wordlessly, lays 8 credits in a small stack on the counter. With a nod to Sherman, he picks up the case of wine and heads out into the street, proceeding to Sackett's place across the way.

2014-01-02, 06:30 PM
Alpha Panda's Cargo Bay -> Mess

"See, this is why I don't like playing Panda poker," Jack heaves an exaggerated sigh. "I keep telling you all; dealing the cat in is a mistake. She cheats. I don't know how, but she's never gotten worse than a pair of Aces - and she still won the hand!"

Shaking his head, he wanders in to the mess with Sia and sets to digging through drawers in search of the elusive deck of cards.

"Tell you what; when I win, I'll loan you some of your money back, hmm?"

The room's pretty neat and tidy, dominated by a rectangular, metal military-issue table with built-in magnetised place-settings in order to keep food on the table during even the bumpiest rides. Well, it'll keep the plates on the table - just pray you're not having soup for lunch when the fighting starts.

Off to one side is the kitchen area; again, functional, utilitarian and not especially pretty. It does feature a decently sized oven, though, which in turn features a cat asleep inside it.

With a sigh, Jack fishes the Cap'n out before anyone decides to do some baking without checking for cats first. The lingering aroma of scorched fur left the mess unusable the last time it happened.

"No. No sleeping in ovens," Jack scolds the still-sleeping Rogue as he dumps her on a chair. [color="Sienna""Any luck on those cards, yet?"[/color]

General Notes:

Panda Poker - a novel modification of poker than can be applied to almost any variant of the game. Panda poker probably doesn't actually require it's own special name as it simply involves dealing a hand to the cat, who is automatically assumed to call any and all bets. While Cap'n Rogue's calls don't add to the pot (she's a cat, she has no money), she is capable of winning the hand. All her winnings go to the Panda's coffers, although she always gets at least one fresh fish out of the money she wins.

2014-01-02, 09:47 PM

Cole's abrupt exit catches Jay out his reverie, staring off into the crowds instead of actually keeping an eye out for trouble. Well, maybe it will find us. He nods to Cole and catches up with the group.

2014-01-04, 09:18 AM
Balley Sackett's Engineering
The building looks small on the outside, but holds more than one might assume from first glance. A sign over the door proclaims “Sacket Engineering.”

Inside is a workbench covered three layers deep with assorted mechanical parts. The walls and ceiling rafters hold what appears to be an explosion of technological junk.
Scattered around the room are wooden and plastic kegs, some filled with parts, and some used as seats for a few individuals who look to be miners or otherwise professionally involved in getting dirty. The stop discussing what ever they were as Cole, followed by the rest of the shore party.

Balley is a handsome, rugged, balding man with broad shoulders, a quick smile, and a glint in his eye. "Kin I help you?"

2014-01-04, 12:32 PM
Sackett's Engineering

"I'm hoping so, yeah. You Balley Sackett, I'm guessin'?", Cole waited the man to confirm this before he continued. One he had, the soldier continued, "Seems a mutual friend of ours that lives out on a meteor wanted me and my friends to bring you somethin' that he thought you had a mighty big interest in."

2014-01-05, 08:43 AM
Sackett's Engineering

“Comet ice is an illegal commodity in this town, fellers — and anyone who so much as talks about selling same will most likely be turned over to the feds for the ree-ward.” Balley said sternly, but then he winked at his fellow townsmen lounging around the workshop.

“On the other hand, if someone were to land with a cargo hold full of ‘containers’ — not specifying exactly what was in them, mind you — and could tell me just who sent them ‘containers’ — well, then I reckon I might be in the market.”

2014-01-06, 05:57 AM
AP mess

"Tell you what; when I win, I'll loan you some of your money back, hmm?"

Them sounds like fightin' words to me, Jack. And I promise that when I win your shirt again, I'll let you wear it on occasion. When I ain't hangin' it up for posterity an' all.

Sia's hand rifled through a drawer, and she came up with a deck of tattered old playing cards.

So it's just the two of us then? No dealing the Cap'n in? Sounds like old times.

2014-01-06, 07:48 PM
Sackett's Engineering

Cole had started to slowly make his hand towards his shotgun when Sackett starts in about the feds and the reward - the soldier would rather shoot the man than let that happen. But when it became apparent that the man was being sarcastic, he let the matter go and visibly relaxed.

"As it so happens, our mutual friend is none other than Sam Hawkes. Now, I dunno nothin' about no sheng duo mi 'comet ice', but he said that what we got sittin' in our containers was of interest to you. If he was wrong, I'm sure that my captain would be a tad bit displeased with your answer, but I'm sure that we could find a different buyer for this most troublesome cargo..."

2014-01-07, 05:14 PM
Sackett's Engineering

"You ain't the usual fella, but I assume you are aware of the arrangements? I've been expecting my Containers for a while now. The Town's all busy with getting ready for the parade and all that folderol, so if it's all fine with you, I'll be around in the evening to collect."

He glances at the gang still lolly gagging around his shop, and breaks into a slight smirk

"Wouldn't want to upset their preparations with our noise in the day time…"

…."I hope that's agreeable with your captain?"

2014-01-08, 12:57 PM
Sackett's Engineering

"I reckon that'll suit him just fine. We're on the outskirts a' town; down the road that heads back up the mountains; out past the schoolhouse. I'll be seein' you gents after while.", Cole nodded his head and exited the store. Once he was back outside, he spoke with Robin, Jay, and Morgan.

"Everyone okay with meeting back up at the mule in... say about, an hour? I got one other piece a' business that I need to tend to 'fore we head back yonder."

2014-01-08, 01:06 PM

"Sure, one hour. I'll be browsin' through these stores. Sackett's got some tools I might be interested in." Robin nods and heads back into the store to check out the machine tools.

2014-01-08, 02:44 PM

Morgan nods, then heads back to the mule, sliding the case of wine under Cole's seat. He then sits down in the back of the vehicle, keeping an eye out for anyone coming too close.

2014-01-11, 07:03 AM
Greg Reaufort
The tactician looks around at the crowd, looking to see someone that knows something about the event, rather than someone who has just queued up with the rest out of groupthink. Approaching them, he taps them lightly on the shoulder to draw their attention momentarily from the pad.

"Hey podnah. Any idea when this M.O.P. is plannin' t'make 'is appearance? Ah came from outta town t'see 'im, but me mates want t'head back home soon."

2014-01-11, 02:09 PM
Alpha Panda Mess

Sia laughs as she pours herself another drink. She won another hand, and looks over at Lei, who had started cleaning the mess. You sure you don't want in on the next hand Lei? I could use some help getting the good Captain Tightpants here to lose his shirt to me. Again.

Sia pauses for another drink.

You sure you don't to give up now before I win it again? Wouldn't be the first time I got my hands on it. You remember that business outside of Kaitsun? When the Alliance had us pinned down inside of that tiny town?

2014-01-13, 02:05 PM

He snorts softly.

"You're just jealous 'cause it looks so good on me," Jack grins broadly, and pours Lei a drink. "Engine Gin, seven year vintage from back when my old mechanic decided an inter-engine still was a good idea on a warship. It'll either put hairs on your chest or make you go blind," he adds, pushing the glass of ominously clear liquid over the table.

He gives Sia a faintly owlish look of puzzlement that owes a great deal to the fact that the bottle wasn't exactly an alcopop before it had seven years to 'mature', and is now several glasses emptier.

"Hum. Kaitsun? Is that where we were sent to help a MASH unit evac after the Setsa Front collapsed?"

Space Lawyer
2014-01-13, 03:12 PM
Alpha Panda's Mess

Lei picks up the glass and sniffs, the gives a devilish grin. "Oh, is this what you dìmiàn liànrén drink? My bàba made stronger baijiu to brush his teeth with." She slings back the liquid, feeling the warmth shoot to her stomach.

She takes a seat. "I was at Kaitsun, too, you know. Well, sort of. I was on an outer system interdiction cutter."

dìmiàn liànrén = ground lovers
bàba = father (colloquial, semi-young way)
baijiu = Chinese white alcohol. Don't drink it if you can help it.

2014-01-13, 03:33 PM
AP Mess

Well, we was down there. On the ground. Purple bellies had us dead to rights, Lei. We were holed up in some building, local whorehouse or something, all prettied up and such. Anyway, they was yelling at us to come out we were yelling at them to come in, and I was rushing around trying to keep everyone on their feet. That was including one devilish Captain, here. Sia jerks her thumb over at Jack.

'Course back then he was just another LT, bit handsomer, slightly taller, less Captainy.

2014-01-13, 05:58 PM

"Yeah, I shrink as I get older. I started out at fifteen feet high," Jack says, dead-pan. "And I'll thank you to remember that as commanding officer of a ship, I was still a captain!"

He smiles wanly, looking back through the years.

"Wasn't the Panda we were flying back then, mind," he says wistfully. "She was Saving Grace, the ship before I had the Panda. And the ship our dear Cap'n first came aboard," he adds with a nod towards the cat, who's now slumbering on the hob.

"Anyway, not really the point. It was us, a bunch of doctors, nurses and patients. Walking wounded propped up at the windows taking potshots at any purplebelly that got too close. Rest of the crew were still with the Grace, trying to hold the landing pad 'til we could get clear.

"Wasn't a good place to be. Mind you - things weren't all bad. We had the youngest rating ever to enlist on our side - she signed up at just six months old.

"...yeah, I'm talking about the cat," Jack adds, slightly chagrined as she catches their expressions. "She was just a Petty Officer, then. Newly minted. Can't quite recall why she was with us, rather than on the ship, but she was.

"Pretty lucky she was - she just about saved our lives,"

2014-01-13, 06:10 PM
Frisco Main Street
The Sun was high in the sky now, which was clear and blue stretching to horizon, the other half marred slightly by the shadow of the mountains, smoke and dust.

The crowd was the whole kit and kaboodle; dignitaries, fine-dressed ladies, and the band. This individual was less steller than the grandees closer to the port authority.

"Well… I ain't exactly sure. They think they got the radar blip that was his ship a' commin' in. But we don't know for certain when he can slip his way past that there Alliance Blockade."

Greg could smell the onions on this man's breath, not the real smell of onions, blue sun's artificial imitation onion style.

Sackett's Engineering
"We'll Hello Again Miss...? Balley smiled as Robyn reterned his shop.

"What can I do you for? Your Mule had a little Fādòngjī* Trouble?"

One of the men leaned to look out the window, although most of the others were staring, the way townsmen leer, at you. He examines your mule through the grubby plastic, and snickers, until he catches sight of Morgan, calmly perched.


2014-01-14, 02:37 AM

"Hi again," Robyn smiles at mr. Sackett. "I was noticin' you got some tools, and I be needin' to fix the propulsion stabilizer." She nods a little to the men starin', then looks back at Sackett. "You got a packet of SM-G3s? And a small fuselator?"

2014-01-14, 06:44 AM
Greg Reaufort
He nods. "Guess I'll convince my pods t'come back this evenin' t'check back again, then. Thanks fer the info!" At this, he turns and makes his way back towards the shore party's Mule.

2014-01-14, 12:53 PM
AP Mess

Rogue's earned every single one of her promotions. And she was there as the distraction team, obviously. Went just like... This!

Sia jumped up, and grabbed a placemat off the table, holding it in front of her like a hat, then she looked down at Lei, giving her the best cute, sweet, innocent kitty look she could.

I can't pull it off, but, you've seen her looks, yeah? No one can turn those looks down. So I was trying to get my patients stable, Jack was too busy staring at the nurses to aim proper, and the Cap'n was keeping the alliance folk busy.

2014-01-15, 01:17 PM
Sackett's Engineering
"I'll see what I can find miss... Balley smiled slightly condescendingly.

"Is that it? Or are there other parts you might be needing?"

As he starts both flicking through his wares and his inventory notes, he continues making small talk.

"Going to see the Parade? How long are y'all plannin' on stayin' in Frisco?"

2014-01-15, 02:48 PM
Robyn, Sackett's Engineering

Robyn lists the items she is most interested in. "The parade, aye, that sounds mighty fun." She smiles. "Not sure we'll be stayin' long, but if we do, I'l prolly be back here for more parts. Those you find, I'm gonna have to ask you to put aside for me till I can persuade the cap'n we be needin' them."

2014-01-15, 03:08 PM
Alpha Panda's Mess

"And was she ever," Jack adds, taking a gulp of his own drink. "Some bei bai shiou ren purplebelly came sneaking in through the back door when no-one was looking. He had a rifle and a couple of grenades - if he'd gotten much further he would have had a room full of patients and non-coms as his hostages.

"Then he stepped on the cat. She went mad, you should've seen her!" he laughs, as he tops his glass back up - and adds a shot to Lei's while he's at it. "Poor guy. He signed up to fight human browncoats and enslave worlds, and there he is getting mauled by a cat. We all came running at all the shouting, and there he was, dancing around, rifle on the floor, trying to get this hissing, spitting cat off his leg.

"Saw us all coming, weapons out, and he tries to run. Then he falls flat on his face, 'cause the Petty Officer was still trying to claw his leg off through the body armour," he grins, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye at the memory. "Y'know, if I recall, she got a medal for capturing a prisoner," he adds with a faint frown, trying to remember through the pleasantly alcoholic haze just where all those medals had gotten to. Must be in the air vents along with their commissions.

*Bei bai shiou ren - shameless, dirty little person.

2014-01-15, 03:29 PM
AP Mess

Sianodsfro. Where she was still standing, and started wrestling with her placemat. Did he ever curse us Browncoats for how low we'd stoop to win the war. I still think enlisting Rogue was the best thing the 36th Volunteers did in that war. Anyway... you following along, Lei?

Sia, dropping her placemat back on the table, walks over to the galley to retrieve another drink, but instead picks up a large knife off the counter. I'm still convinced that the only reason the Captain was so angry with the fellow was because he looked like one of those cans of Blue Sun tuna. Smelled like it too. Do they even have showers on them fancy Alliance cruisers? Cause I swear, I've smelled a lot if dirty people as a doctor, but nothing ever compared to a Purplebelly without his armor.

2014-01-16, 04:58 PM
Alpha Panda's Mess

"...Yes. Yeah," Jack says, his eyes suddenly slightly glassy. "He certainly did stink.

"Ash. And heat. And blood and ash and fire and death. Lots and lots of things," he blinks rapidly and gives Sia and Lei a too-bright smile.

"Excuse me a moment, I need to get something from my cabin," he adds, stumbling - a trifle unsteadily - a trifle unsteadily to his feet. "We're nearly out of Engine Gin. I'll get another bottle,"


The sky had gone out - there probably wasn't any atmosphere left to burn. It had been almost thirty hours since the bombs had stopped falling, and the molten oceans had set in to continent-sized slabs of glass.

To someone in the right frame of mind, the death of a world could even be described as beautiful. Pillars of flame as tall as mountains bursting from the ground; super volcanoes tearing in to furious, earth-shaking life and tearing themselves apart with the strength; the reflected light from the enveloping nuclear dust storm birthing a spectacular sunset.

To someone trapped on the ground, in the wreckage of a crashed ship - struggling to keep the over-taxed life support sytems and the crippled engine alive - it's a nightmare. Consoles burst into fitful fires before being smothered by a desperate captain, bodies lie where they fell, damaged wiring rain sparks down on everything starting even more fires.

And everywhere the smell; blood and ash and fire and death.

It never goes away.

2014-01-16, 07:02 PM
AP Mess

Goddamnit, Jack. Sia slams the knife down into the protein she was starting to cut into.

Sorry, Lei. Storytime's over.

Sia went after Jack. Pausing at the door to his bunk, her own mind goes crack to the last time she was here, consoling the man who pulled her off of so many rocks. And then there was Serenity Valley....

Sia knocked on the door. Jack?

2014-01-17, 01:12 PM
Alpha Panda, Captain's Cabin

"...hey, Doc," he says quietly. "Sorry. Couldn't find any more booze,"

He's sitting on his bunk, back against the wall, staring straight up with his legs kicked out in front of him and a cutlass held in a near death-grip. It's the only thing that made it all through the war with him; everything else lost in some wreck or another, clothes, captures, trinkets, everything gone but a sword and a locket. That's not much.

"You weren't at the final battle of Shadow, were you?" Jack says listlessly when it becomes apparent Sia's not going to just go away. He still doesn't look at her - after all, what's the point? She's just another reminder of what isn't there. Of who isn't there. "I was. I got to watch a whole world die. I saw the Murder Wagons soaring high in the sky as they rained down every piece of hell the Alliance had ever built. Chemical, nuclear, biological, nanotech, NewTech, old tech, and every other damn thing.

"It wasn't a battle, it was a massacre. They killed everyone. And I was right in the heart of it, shot down as I tried to get the civvies out. The cheong bao ho tze lurn shwei jah jwohn wouldn't even let us rescue anyone. Lost half the crew to the blast that took us down, and the other half when the hull breached as we crashed in a sea of molten glass that used to be a prairie.

"They're probably still there, you know. Frozen forever. Trapped in the moment they died, the moment they were murdered.

"I spent three days in the wreckage, all on my own, trying to keep alive. All the exit hatches were buried by the glass crust - and even if I could've opened them, I'd never have survived the radiation, the ash clouds, the poison, the heat, or the fact that most of the atmosphere had burned away. So... three days. All alone, with bodies all around me. The only living soul on a dead world,"

Jack jerks forward, hauling his knees up to his chest and letting out a strangled sob as be buries his face in his arms.

"Rung tse song di ching aai wuo tzo. How could they do that?"

*Rung tse song di ching aai wuo tzo - Merciful God, please take me away.

2014-01-17, 03:13 PM
Captain's Cabin

No, I wasn't, Jack. Just like you weren't there on the ground at Serenity Valley. You weren't there when, when they...

Sia chocked back a sob. It wasn't right. None of it was. Neither of them should be here wallowing in misery.

Hell, Jack. Ain't none of it right. We all lost in that war, but none I think as much as you. I don't know how you do it. Not without going crazy, anyway.

Sia reached over and prayed Jack's hand from the saber and took up his hand in hers. She gave it a soft, gentle squeeze. Alliance gave us all demons aplenty. We got to deal with them best we can. That's why we ended up on the same boat, Jack. To help each other. To survive. To live.

The tear fell onto the back of his hand. Alliance wanted everything from us. We fought 'em. We lost. But they won't take it. They won't take everything. They can't take the sky from us. We still have the sky, Jack. And the black.

They took my love. They took your world. But they won't take the sky from us.

2014-01-18, 09:23 AM
Ormond & Lovett Store

On his way around town, the soldier did some light window-shopping, trying both to find a nice place to take Sia later for dinner... plus a little trinket or two that he thought she might find pretty.

Spotting a necklace made of silver and pink stones, Cole walked in to a typical rim world store, less over crowded than most, the shelves are neat, but not crowded, and the floor space is mostly bare. A cage to the left of the entrance holds a number of baby birds, odd ingredients and the ubiquitous home remedies found across the 'verse. Unlike most rim world towns, but along side most other stores in town, the junk pretties and fabbed jewels* are made with real silver.

The Two Sino Men who run the establishment are cheerfully bickering in thick Mandarin, and eager to sell, though they seem a little disappointed at your initial response.

Cole inspected the thing closely, making sure that it was the right choice. After a minute or so, he looks for someone working the store and called over.

"How much's this here necklace?"

"35 Silver." Say's one, and then with a grin. “A guy has to do what it takes to survive — and all the credits in the world won’t matter if you’re pushing up weeds, right? Hey! Lovett! You Tian Di Wu Yohn*!"
He turned to the other man, who looked like his kin of some sort.

"Stop playing with that Joo Fuen Chse* and do some work for a change!”

"Don't carry no silver. How many credits you take for it?"

Cole walked over to where the man was, carrying the necklace draped over the fingers of his offhand and held out before him as he still inspected it.

"2 Credits"

More Handsome and exuding a salesman's charm the apparent Lovett, the other man, pipes up and makes his way over. “I perfectly understand your concern, True — the price is high, but with the blockade on…."

He turns to his brother, or relation in some degree. “Mei Yong Ma Duh Tse Gu Yong*! Can’t you leave me alone for just one second? I happen to be with a customer, Dohn-ma*?”

He turns to Cole.
"Ignore my brother Sir, he doesn't realise the value of the stones, a rare mineral full of crystal powers and health some goodness, from the silver mine"

The soldier laughed at the men, "I don't know what kinda sideshow yokels you boys typically deal with, but that ship ain't gonna fly. I fig'ur this here necklace is worth about a tenth of a Cred and I don't buy no hogwash about no gorram 'crystal powers'."

He just now took his eyes off of the bauble and now let them come to rest on those of the man he was haggling with. "So I'll tell you what. I'll pay you a credit and you gimme back 200 silver - that's a 15 silver piece profit on your '35'. And that way, we can finish this business like gentlemen and put the subject of 'robbery' to rest... since that's what yer tryin' to pull."

Cole then allowed his main forearm to come to rest on the back of his pistol, his hand draped harmlessly forward of the sidearm... but with it close enough to get the point across.

"As you Wish. bái mù mán zi* He mutters under his breath, and takes your proffered 1 cred note (the worst, crinkly one you have). A small pile of gold and silver coins is proffered by the one who must be Ormund.

Cole smiled after the exchange was done and pocketed the necklace. He then made his way towards the exit.

"Much obliged, shu jhing huin."

The soldier then left the little shop, glad that neither of them had been dumb enough to draw down on him. Jack would've been extremely displeased with him if he had had to gun down two locals before they were even able to make the drop.

*Fabbed, Fabricated**. Rim Slang.

* “Completely Useless”
* “Pool of Pig Droppings”

*Motherless goat of a Motherless goat.


*Stupid Foreign Barbarian

*- Incestuous Dirt-Pushers

**When you can control gravity, most jewels become very, very cheap. Real Diamonds ect. are worth more, but the only priceless ones are prized for their history, not their size.

2014-01-19, 04:10 AM
The Temple

This square building shines with bright paint and gilt trim on the otherwise dusty and brown street of a mining town. Inside is a single large room with a polished floor and an altar to Buddha at the far end. Burning incense fills the room with a spicy fragrance. A priest of this temple can be seen, sweeping with a simple broom.

Jay can be seen entering here, and leaving some time later.

2014-01-19, 08:48 AM

Do not dwell on the past. Jay adjusts the shoulder strap of his satchel and resists the urge to look back towards the temple. Do not dream of the future. Setting off down the street he makes his way through the dusty streets until he finds Cole and the others. "Everything went well?" He asks.

2014-01-19, 04:54 PM
Alpha Panda, Captain's Cabin

Reaching out without realing he's doing it, Jack draws Sia in to a rough hug.

"They haven't won yet," he says huskily, his voice still thick with barely-controlled tears. "Not while we're still flying. So long as we know what they did, they'll never win. And we can't let them get away with it.

"If they'd just fought right and won, then it'd be over. Over and done. But they didn't - squadkillers were just the start. They'll get worse and worse if we let them be, if we let the rest of the 'verse forget,"

2014-01-20, 11:48 AM
Frisco Town

Arriving back at the mule just a few minutes early, Cole nodded to Morgan with a broad smile on his face.

"Find everything you were looking for?"

2014-01-20, 11:53 AM
Frisco Town

Arriving back at the mule just a few minutes early, Cole nodded to Morgan with a broad smile on his face.

"Find everything you were looking for?"

Frisco Town

Morgan shrugs, then nods to the case of wine, then nods at Cole.

2014-01-20, 12:01 PM
Jack's Quarters.

Oh! was all she could say as Jack pulled her in for a hug. After just a moment, she pushed him back down, and smiled as another tear rolled down her cheek.

Jack. You gorram idiot. You have got to have the worst sense of timing of anyone I have ever known. Get some rest. I need to clean myself up before everyone gets back, and starts thinking bad of you again.

She stands up, and sets the sword aside. Now you get some rest. Doctor's orders. Damn, we didn't even get to the punchline of the story. You remember? When Henry looked up at us, and said, "Yeah, but who's gonna feed the cat?"

Get some sleep, Cap. It'll do a 'verse of good.

Sia turned and walked off down the deck, heading for the quarters she shared with Cole. She really did need to get cleaned up. Wouldn't do at all, If he came back and seen that she'd been crying again. Or drinking.

Or worse yet, doing both with the Captain.

2014-01-20, 02:07 PM
Alpha Panda
A Quiet Spot on the Mountain.


An hour or more after sunset; the quiet night was lit by a sliver of shine from far off orbiting Jiangyin and disturbed only by the distant, unending rumble of a working mine and refinery.

Then, another noise can be heard, a vehicle approaching, with a big engine, running steady, not using all it's roar to move quickly, but using it's size to haul something of matching size.

Headlights can be seen reflecting off the rocks, and a clearly local built, half scavenged and half salvaged tanker, with several attachments hidden in the gloom, turns the corner. It stops, and the lights dim. The engine is cut down to an even quieter idle.

A Figure gets out of the cab and approaches the ship, looking into the low slung bridge's windows.

"Hello, Alpha Panda?" It's Balley Sackett, those who've heard his voice can recognise his particular gravel. "It's Balley Sackett."

2014-01-20, 02:17 PM
Alpha Panda's Bridge

When the calls goes about concerning the approaching vessel, Cole made his way to the bridge. As he watches the man get out and hears his voice, the soldier turns to Jack.

"That's the guy, Captain. He's the one I talked to earlier in town."

2014-01-20, 03:16 PM
Robyn, Alpha Panda Bridge

Robyn nods. "That's the man. And speakin' of, he's got quite a few parts set aside in his shop that we be needin'. Some more than others, but all very useful if we wanna keep flyin'."

2014-01-20, 04:53 PM
Alpha Panda's Bridge

The earlier bleak despair and misery has been completely wiped from Jack now - or, at least, it's been walled out and left to howl to itself in some dark, distant corner of his mind until something breaks down the walls again. The nap helped, too.

Oh, and at some point he's going to have to go apologise to Sia for... well... for everything, really. And to thank her for being there - again.

For now, though, he's staring out of the bridge windows at the approaching vehicle.

"Right. Cole, you found him, so it's your show if you want it," he says, making half a move to get up before Robyn's words get to him.

"...when you say 'need', just how much do we need them?" he says, with a kind of dull horror in his tone.

Much as he loves the Panda so much for the post-Sturges refit was done with under-spec civilian parts which just refuse to play nicely with the previous military-over-spec refit she'd had when the Browncoats had gotten hold of her. In other words, when stuff does break it breaks pretty damn impressively.

2014-01-20, 04:58 PM
Alpha Panda's Bridge

"Hell no, I don't wanna call the gorram shots! I hate making them kind of heung gi decisions." Cole stood up and backed away, as if that would excuse him of responsibility.

"I ain't got it in me to do the hard stuff, Jack. I'm just here to be shot at and to shoot back, if need be!"

2014-01-20, 06:13 PM
Alpha Panda's Bridge

Morgan nods in agreement at the second half of Cole's statement, scratching his chin pensively.

2014-01-21, 02:12 AM
Robyn, Alpha Panda Bridge

Robyn looks at Jack. "Well....there's only so far a ship will fly on good will alone...There's one thing in particular I'd like to see to, the others can wait a little longer, but not indefinitely."

2014-01-21, 05:44 AM
Gregoire Reaufort
From his seat at the side of the bridge, Greg speaks up. "I'll play face if ya want me to, bossman. 'S what ya pay me for, anyway, though this Sackett fellow might ask t'deal direct with you."

2014-01-21, 12:17 PM

"Just in time." Jay says as he takes the hot teapot off the burner. Not a proper tea service but it's better than nothing. Must remember to send a thank you Wave to the temple for the usucha. Cups for the Captain and Balley Sacket sat on the tray on the kitchen table along with a small incense burner currently unlit and a few protein biscuits. On the counter top sat a washing bowl filled with cold water next to a smaller, empty bowl. Jay moved to the galley intercom and pressed it. "Captain, if you'd like to invite him aboard I've prepared tea for you and him. I'd be happy to present for both of you."

2014-01-21, 03:11 PM
Alpha Panda's Bridge

He first laughs at Cole's refusal, and then scowls at Robyn's summary of the parts list.

"Ugh. Well, if we need them then we need them," he sighs and rubs the spot between his eyes. "Alright. See if you can wrangle a patch for the combat lockdown systems, too - I'm pretty sure it's just the automated beacon that's a bit wonky, but it was flaking out back at Lullabelle, and I could do with one of the things keeping me not-dead continuing to work,"

Jack turns to Greg as he speaks up and nods.

"Sure thing. It's all yours - just try and avoid another gunfight, hmm? Feel free to invite him back aboard after we've unloaded - I want anyone who's supplying us parts to like us a lot, got it?"

2014-01-21, 03:20 PM
Robyn, Alpha Panda Bridge

Robyn nods to Jack, doin' a quick estimate in her head of just how much this is gonna cost. "I'll stop by the store later, pick up the necessities, if someone can supply me with credits. Mine got taken by that shee-niou ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng mayor that got me shanghaied."

2014-01-21, 06:43 PM
Alpha Panda Bridge

Morgan stands, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a silver money clip. He walks over to Robyn, hands it to her with a shrug, and walks off the bridge.
The money clip is entirely made of credits, 150 of them to be exact, worth two and a half times that in platinum.

Space Lawyer
2014-01-21, 07:00 PM
Alpha Panda Bridge

Lei looks up from her screen, where she had been observing the immediate surroundings. "He seems to be checking out alright, boss. I'm not seeing anything coming to get us at the moment."

2014-01-22, 02:34 PM
Alpha Panda's Bridge

"Put your money away, Morgan. This one's on the owner," he says, pulling out his wallet, rifling through it and passing a charge card over to Robyn. "It's good for two hundred. PIN is the date she joined us - 2109,"

He glances around at the others and shrugs.

"She's a cat - she never spent her backpay on anything,"

2014-01-22, 02:43 PM
Alpha Panda

Morgan pokes his head back in the door to the bridge, takes his money clip, and holds it in his hand as he passes the captain, with a nod, as he leaves the bridge, saluting the man with the stack of bills.
The action, however, may make the captain aware of a small engraving, the symbol of the Alliance, stamped into the metal.

2014-01-22, 02:47 PM
Robyn, Alpha Panda Bridge

Robyn handed the clip back to Morgan, then takes the charge card from Jack. "Shiny. Tell the captain I'll put it to the best use I can." She smiles.

2014-01-22, 02:51 PM
Alpha Panda
A Slightly Noisier Spot on the Mountain.

*Beep* *Beep*

*Beep* *Beep*

The tanker is now reversing, being directed by the silhouette of Balley Sackett, illuminated in the red glow of reversing lights.

2014-01-22, 03:22 PM
Alpha Panda's Bridge

"Sure thing. Just remember; if anyone asks, your name's Cap'n Rogue and you sign your name with a paw print," Jack grins. He doesn't remark on the Alliance-stamped credits - it's a bit odd to see a lot of them togther, but, well, 'a bit odd' sums up half the crew these days, and Alliance credits aren't exactly rare.

"Actually, speaking of the cat, where is she?" he frowns slightly. The last place he saw her was on top of the stove. Presumably she'd moved when dinner was cooked, so her current whereabouts is a bit of a mystery.

2014-01-22, 06:21 PM
Gregoire Reaufort
Alpha Panda Exterior
The ship's ambassador steps outside just as the truck is reversin'. "Sorry fer the wait, folks, we was just discussin' matters of ship management while we had the crew all t'gether. Mighty impolite t'leave y'all hangin', and I do apologize." He grins, but the expression is probably hard to see in the half-light generated by Sackett's vehicles. "If y'all leave now, though, all this dang ice is gunna melt, and then our cargo bay'll flood. That ain't exactly good fer the ship, or so our mechanic tells me. Shall we git this show on the road, fellers?"

2014-01-22, 07:55 PM
Alpha Panda's Exterior

He gave a wave to the man who was aiding the vehicle in backing up.

"Howdy, Mr. Sackett. Nice to see ya again."

Space Lawyer
2014-01-22, 08:23 PM
Alpha Panda Bridge

Lei's voice crackles over the speakers. "Alright. Confirmation on the sky being clear. We've got a few hours before any curious party should be flying near overhead, and a full twelve before they should be looking real close to here. Just don't make a big racket, and we should be good."

2014-01-26, 02:39 AM
Alpha Panda Exterior
"Well, sure thing" Balley Sackett said, moving over to the Tanker and opening a panel on the side.
"Howdy ag'in" he said to Cole, passing him the wide metal hoop that soon revealed to be the end of a hose.

"If you ain't got a fitting that can take that size, I got a few others, including Alliance standard"

Turning back to Greg

"How'd you find our school teacher, quite a looker ain't she?"

2014-01-26, 03:37 AM
Gregoire Reaufort
Alpha Panda Exterior
The ship's ambassador has a confused expression for a moment. "I'm afraid I'm not acquainted with Frisco Town's schoolteacher, Mr. Sackett, so I'll have t'take yer word fer it." He then suddenly seems to realize something. "Seems my impoliteness knows no bounds, I haven't even proper introduced myself! Gregoire Reaufort, ship's ambassador. Guess I'm not rightly on my game t'night," he jokes, extending a hand for a handshake.

2014-01-26, 03:40 AM
Alpha Panda Exterior

"Pleased to meet ya' " Balley's hand was firm and strong, calloused and clearly the hand of an engineer. Clearly because you can feel the grime and oil.

"I figured y'all would have wanted to see her before I came to collect, but I guess y'all are gonna see her tomorrow?"

2014-01-26, 03:44 AM
Gregoire Reaufort
Alpha Panda Exterior
More confusion from Gregoire. "I don't remember her bein' a component a this equation. Perhaps the captain better recalls the details a the arrangement..."

2014-01-26, 08:13 AM
Alpha Panda Exterior

Morgan walks by the conversation, a rifle over his shoulder and guns in his belt, with a nod at Sackett. He walks away from the ship, a little ways up Mount Frisco, and kneels on a spur of rock, looking out over the badlands to make sure Sackett wasn't followed by anyone, and that he didn't have a group in reserve to swoop in at a moments notice.
He scans the area with the sight of his rifle.
No need to be caught with our pants down.

2014-01-27, 01:27 PM
Alpha Panda's Exterior

The soldier looks at the hose he has been handed and shrugs, turning back towards the Panda. He climbs up onto the side of the ship and begins looking for where this thing must plug in for a minute, before he gives up.

Activating his comlink, he calls the Engineer "Robyn, you wanna come out here and hook up this here doohickey?! I can't figure out for the life of me where the ruttin' thing even goes."

Looking back over his shoulder to make sure that no one was listening too close, he adds (in an attempt to sound like he knows something about it), "I think it might take an Alliance standard fitting."

2014-01-27, 01:38 PM

Robyn answers over the comm: "Be right there!" She appears moments later, and takes the hose from Cole. She gives a friendly nod to Sackett as she hooks up the hose. "Nice ta see you again, mr. Sackett. I'll be round later for those parts I was lookin' at."

2014-01-27, 03:00 PM
Alpha Panda Exterior
As Robyn gets into the grav lift to take her level with the cargo modules, Balley stays behind on terra firma.

"You can come down tomorrow and collect them, in fact, I'd be plum pleased if you and any y'all crew will accompany me to the Parade tomorrow."

He followed her with his eyes as she rose, and began coupling the hose up to the first cargo module. As each cargo module was drained, the hose would need to be moved. The task of decontaminating the modules was one for later.

"Gimmie a wave when she's plugged in, and I'll turn the pump on."

2014-01-27, 03:17 PM

"It'll be a pleasure, I'm sure," Robyn answers, as she moves the hose to the first cargo module. The nozzle clicks in place and and she calls down. "Ready!" She waits untill the pump is turned on, draining the ice from the cargo, listening for the sound indicatin' it was just suckin' air.

2014-01-27, 03:27 PM

Morgan comes back down from the hillside, then heads back into the Panda, giving Cole the hand signal for "all clear" before leaning against the wall just inside the ship and crossing his arms.

2014-01-27, 03:49 PM
Alpha Panda's Exterior

All too happy to hand off the hose once Robyn got there, Cole goes back to do his soldier-y things... mainly standing 'round and making sure that if guns were to be drawn that he was among the first to do so. He was pleased when Morgan reported that things looked clear - a gunfight with the locals isn't really how he wanted to end this job. The big man would much rather just get their creds and be done with this mihung shu ice business. Who'da thunk that a little frozen water could cause so many people to act so gorram jumpy.

2014-01-30, 01:09 PM
A few hours later…

Alpha Panda's Dining Room

The Smell of Hot Tea emanated from the adjacent galley, as Jay busied himself with the tea service.

Balley and Robyn took their seats at the long table that occupied the dining roo, the transfer of ice complete, although the clean up was another matter.

The rest of the crew filtered into the Dining Room slowly.

2014-01-30, 01:22 PM
Alpha Panda's Mess

Cole sat himself down where he usually ate, lowering himself into the chair and working his neck back and forth to stretch the soreness out. It had been a fairly long day, though there hadn't been as much action as there had been other days - which could certainly be a good thing. Some hot tea would do him some good. He thanked Jay when it was brought out, blowing across the top of his cup before sipping the hot beverage.

"S'good, Jay; obliged to you. Robyn... mind passing the sugar?"

2014-01-30, 01:36 PM
Robyn, Alpha Panda's Mess

"Here you go," Robyn says, and stretches for the small bowl of sugar, passing it over to Cole. She warms her cold hands on her own cup, it feels warm and comfortin' after workin' all that ice. "The storage holds are gonna be needin' some cleanin' later," she comments.

2014-01-30, 04:24 PM
AP Mess

Sia came in, sitting down next to Cole. She wobbled slightly in her chair, as she reached for her cup. The hot beverage seemed to invigorate her, as some color returned to her cheeks.

Thank you, Jay. I needed this.

2014-01-30, 05:04 PM
Alpha Panda's Mess

"Too bad we don't have something to add into this here tea to give it some kick... Mighty kind.", Cole offered his thanks to the engineer as he took the proffered bowl. The soldier took the accompanying spoon and put no less than three spoonfuls into his cup before sticking his finger into the hot liquid and stirring it thoroughly. He then resumed his drinking.

When Sia entered, looking drained, he inquired as an aside, "You alright, Doc? You look like you could use some time in the sack."

2014-01-30, 05:08 PM
AP Mess

Story time with Jack. Reminiscing. Commiserating. Celebrating.

Sia takes another drink of the tea.

And playing poker with the Cap'n.

2014-01-30, 06:58 PM

Dinner aboard a ship is usually done with little to no fanfare; the facilities and duties simply don't allow it. A tea ceremony on the other hand can carry as much weight and meaning when it's performed inside a cramped dining room as when it's done in a garden under cherry blossom trees. As each person comes in Jay bows to them and escorts them to their seat in silence. His clothes are no different than what he always wears except for a headband of red with delicate symbols on them written in gold.

He presents each person with their cup and pours clean water in it, then drains it into a pitcher on the table. Once each cup as been cleaned and the pitcher full he pours the tea for everyone, the Captain first, then Balley Sacket, then the rest of the crew. When everyone's cup is filled he takes the pitcher and pours short glasses of water for everyone and stands back from the table.

"Zhufu Ni." He says and bows towards the Captain then turns toward Balley. "Mr. Sackett, please allow me to extend the Captain's greetings to you." He pauses to glance at Rogue as the cat hops up on the kitchen counter and smiles. "When I came here I was lost, adrift in the black. Without family, without friends. Each of you has welcomed me here and in turn helped to replace what was taken."

"We all come from different places and different lives. Our lives apart make us unique, but it is when we draw together and share each others lives that we become as one." He motions towards the water glasses. "The water is a symbol of that. What came from one is now with all." He says and bows. "Please, enjoy the tea."

Zhufu Ni = Blessings on you.
The writing on his headband is the first line in a traditional Buddhist prayer.

2014-01-30, 11:01 PM
Alpha Panda Mess

Morgan nods at Jay's words, then drinks his tea. All this talk of friendship and togetherness doesn't keep his hand any farther away from the gun at his waist, however, nor does it deflect his eyes very far from Sackett over the course of the sitting. Peace, prosperity, and all that spiritual mumbo-jumbo might well ease Cole's mind, and put a warm feeling in every heart at the table, but it doesn't stop a bullet to the head if Sackett decided that he'd rather tie up the loose ends.

2014-01-31, 06:52 AM
Gregoire Reaufort
Alpha Panda Mess
The tactician lifts his glass and lifts it in Jay's direction. "Obliged, Jay. This smells like proper tea, the which we've not had in a time I'd not care t'ponder overmuch." Drinking it "black", he takes a deep sip of it, then stays silent while he waits for the Captain to speak to Sackett, wanting to know how the school teacher fits in to all this.

2014-01-31, 11:03 AM
Alpha Panda's Mess

The soldier pauses and stares down into his tea, trying to understand the metaphor presented by the priest. A furrow appears on his brow as he ponders something. Eventually deciding that he should ask, he says in all seriousness, "Then what's the sugar a symbol of?"

2014-01-31, 12:46 PM
Alpha Panda Mess

A representation of the need for some sweet to balance the bitterness of life.

Space Lawyer
2014-02-01, 03:33 PM

Lei emerges, greasy and bleary-eyed, from the ships's bowels. It appears that a bit of her hair is singed. "Sorry, all. The power coupling for the bride decided it didn't feel like working anymore. I had to convince it otherwise."

She only then notices the formality of her surroundings, the stiff postures, and their honored client. "I'll, ahhh, just go work on that thing, somewhere else, right now." She slowly backs out of the room.

2014-02-02, 02:31 PM
Alpha Panda's Mess

"Well, we're certainly glad to have you aboard Mr. Sackett," Jack says evenly, trying to ignore the throbbing inside his skull. "You've done us a real favour by unloading those containers - the ice cube shipment tasted just terrible,"

As Jay pours the tea, Jack awkwardly rises and gives a half bow - frantically trying to remember how the ceremony goes and what, if anything, he's supposed to do.

The last time he went to a tea ceremony was with-

Oh. Her. Right. No, not thinking about that right now. One breakdown today is plenty.

2014-02-02, 02:59 PM

Mr. Sackett is obviously more used to the Tea ceremony, and he drinks his gracefully.

"Well, Badger shoulda let me know he was sendin' some other smuggler with his merchandise."

He held his cup between thumb and forfinger before bringing it to his lips for another swig.


"Still, maybe he did; maybe someone didn't tell me, or didn't figure I needed to know, I don't know all the arangements."

"But I'm glad you do"

He sat back and contemplated his tea for a moment.

"I guess I aught to be goin', Miss Robyn? Would 12 o'noon be convenient for you to come by my shop?"

2014-02-02, 04:46 PM

Robyn nods. "12 noon is fine, mr. Sackett. Should we dress for the parade?"

2014-02-03, 04:59 PM
Alpha Panda's Mess

"Sounds like Badger lets you know 'bout as much as he does us.", Cole adds to Sackett's comments. The soldier finishes up his tea, draining the syrupy residue from the bottom of the cup at the last. He then places the cup down onto the table and waited for the meeting to wrap up, as it seemed their guest was likely to be leaving soon.

After a few moments, it finally dawns on the soldier...
"Captain... ain't we forgettin' somethin'? Somethin' that rhymes with 'feds' and begins with a 'cr'?"

2014-02-09, 10:23 AM
Balley Sackett
Alpha Panda Dining Room

"See, now that's why I figured Y'all woulda seen the School Marm First."

Balley Looked around at the assembled crew.

"I'm guessin' Badger didn't tell you that I ain't got your pay then?"

He asked with a raised eyebrow, and aware that he was alone on a ship of smugglers.

"Y'all need to go see the Schoolmarm, Miss Brigit Trousdale, to collect your fee…."

….Fade to Nearly, but not Quite Black.

2014-02-09, 11:43 AM
Out in the Black - Alpha Panda

The Schoolmarm

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b361/Adlan/Fireflyopeninglogo.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bLdo1EINn4)

Frisco Town - School House

On the crest of a small hill stands a brand new, freshly painted, slat-board school house adorned with a steeple, the dirt track curves on past this simple building towards the town.


Frisco Town - Balley Sackett's Shop
The Engineering supplies were piled high, with a separate stack of what Alpha Panda needs most, but dominating the room was Balley Sackett himself, dressed in what passed for finery, complete with Cravat. He was lecturing on how far back he and the MOP went.

"….O'course knew J.P. before he even went away to the War….

2014-02-10, 01:19 PM
Frisco Town - School House

He didn't know what kind of zhuang mu shi shi tao this place was used to, but the situation didn't feel right... and it set Cole on edge. He made no attempts to hide his issue from those that he walked towards the small schoolhouse with.

"Who ever heard of the schoolmarm holding onto the money? Why is it that Sackett didn't bring the gorram creds with him when he came for the shipment? If'n you ask me... which I noticed that none of you did... this whole set-up reeks of the possibility of a double-cross."

As the group neared the building, the soldier lowered his voice in volume, but not in intensity, "I ain't never had to shoot no woman before. I will if I have to, but I'm just saying that you can add that to the list a' things I don't like about today."

2014-02-10, 01:42 PM
Frisco Town - Balley Sackett's Shop

Balley turned away from lecturing his usual cronies as the Shop Door opened, lit by back light, representatives from Alpha Panda entered, silhouetted by the bright Frisco Sunshine outside.

Alpha Panda Crew Lounge
Opposite the Dining Hall and Galley, just up the stairs, the crew lounge, also known as; the wreck room, the 3rd engine, the couldn't make it to your bunk…

It's a quiet space when no-one's sick in the infirmary, or loading cargo. The large cortex screen is a bit out dated, it's not 3d projection or even reliable, but the well worn couches are comfy, being so often repaired the unpleasent original plastic is just one in a quilt of old uniforms, sacking and rags.

Of 'course, rags are not ideal for attending a parade, which alludes to the conversation currently occurring….

2014-02-10, 01:54 PM
Frisco Town - School House
Inside, and once past the disconcertingly low set pegs in the cloak room, the single hall is filled with rows of desks, each with a dist covered teaching screen. Antiquated by any schools standards on the core, but advanced even for a private school in the border. A woman stands with her back to your, working at what is still an old fashioned black board. It's much more typical of a mining town's educational supplies.

Her hand holds a chalk duster, and is moving it in smooth circles, carefully erasing a mathematical equation.

"Y'all are late for the Class you ain't got…"

Her voice tinkles sweetly, and as she turns on hearing the door, you find yourself looking into the face of a Woman who could Charm the stars down the from the black. You find your self almost lost in the woman's large sea-green eyes. Her auburn hair is pinned in a simple bun. Her simple blouse and skirt would be conventional, almost conservative on any other figure, but is marvellous alluring on hers. If she was your teacher, your lessons might have suffered, but you would never have skipped class.

"Oh, Can I help you?" she say's in a border belle* accent so sweet you could make ice tea with it.

*Southern Belle

2014-02-10, 02:12 PM
Earlier, Alpha Panda Crew Lounge
Robyn Reed

Robyn stands in her overalls and a tank top, arms crossed, looking at Greg with a certain degree of sceptisism. Her hair is combed and falls freely around her shoulders for a change, and she is surprisingly clean. "So….you said you could outfit me fer the parade? How's that? You a cross dresser, or do you have a spare suit to loan? How 'bout a slinky dress?"

2014-02-10, 02:20 PM
Earlier, on the Alpha Panda

Sia listens to the exchange between Robyn and Greg. She shakes her head as she swallows another aspirin.

I might have something your size. And it won't be a pair of pants and a nice shirt either.

Frisco Town- School house

Sia held a hand to her head for most of the walk to the school house. She took an aspirin, maybe a few, but it wasn't helping. She wasn't even noticing the hem of her dress dragging in the dirt.

Cole, wouldja mind not speaking so gorram loud? It sounds like an artillery barrage in my damn head.

She spent most of the rest of the trip nursing her head, but it seemed to finally start to fade by the time they reach the school house. When they walk in, and the school teacher turns to face them, Sia sucks in a breath. She hadn't seen a woman like this since... Well, for a very long time.

2014-02-10, 04:29 PM
Frisco Town - School House

"Sorry, Sia.", Cole apologized to the doc. The soldier entered the schoolhouse with the others and likewise stopped just inside. When the woman turned, he too was struck nearly dumb by her captivating looks. He stammered for a second, before looking at Sia like a dog being asked to perform a trick by somebody other than its master.

Finally, he managed to utter, "Howdy, ma'am. We was sent over by Mr. Sackett to collect a payment on behalf of our crew. We's owed a considerable sum, ma'am."

2014-02-10, 06:26 PM
Frisco Town - Balley Sackett's Shop

Balley turned away from lecturing his usual cronies as the Shop Door opened, lit by back light, representatives from Alpha Panda entered, silhouetted by the bright Frisco Sunshine outside.

Frisco Town - Balley Sackett's Shop

Morgan steped through the door, dressed very much the same as he was the day before, seemingly unaware that a parade is to be attended later that day. Unlike his prior encounters with Sackett, Morgan made sure the large pistols strapped to his waist were in clear view as he held the door open for his crewmates.

2014-02-10, 09:34 PM
Greg Reaufort
Earlier - Alpha Panda Lounge
He shakes his head. "It'd be a proper dress, though I can't guarantee it's perfectly yer size. As for why I got it... I have a lot of clothes from..." he casts his head down and seems to space out for a moment. "Well I'd really rather not talk about it, if it's all the same to you. Main thing is, I probably got something you could wear." He gestures to Sia. "But if the Doc's got somethin' in your size, by all means."

2014-02-10, 10:17 PM

Being a refugee from a dead ship hung out in the Black means one doesn't have a wide variety of fancy outfits to choose from when dressing up for a Parade. Jay manages to find a slightly cleaner shirt than the one he had on earlier but he wouldn't stand out in a crowd, which is something of a secret comfort to him anyway. Tagging along with Sia and Cole to the Schoolhouse while they wait for the parade Jay slips in behind them and bows politely to the Schoolmarm, his eyes remaining on her eyes the whole time.

When he rises he glances up and down her, not trying to hide his gaze from her. Unlike most men though there is no lust in his eyes but a deeper appreciation of her beauty, as if he is seeing it as a whole instead of merely beautiful parts put together. "You are a pleasure to look at, ma'am." He says without any lustful overtones, merely stating a fact that is before him. He nods to her once and then his eyes lose their appreciative glance and go neutral, the face most of the crew is familiar with. Once beauty is noticed and appreciated it must be discarded.

I'm kinda invoking his Steady Calm (Major) asset here along with his Buddhist training to say that he's not affected by her beauty. He totally recognizes that she's beautiful and alluring but it's part of his training to reject desire. Someone with Saffrons the Schoolmarms skill in reading people would probably immediately pick up that he's admitted her beauty and then completely disregarded it in the next moment. That okay?

2014-02-11, 02:39 AM
Robyn Reed
Earlier - Alpha Panda Lounge

"Oh, I dunno. I'm curious now," Robyn smiles. "Let me see."

Frisco Town - Balley Sackett's Shop

Robyn enters the shop behind Morgan, lookin' quite different from the day before. "Mornin' fellas, beautiful day for a parade, wouldn't you say? Ah, there's the stash, I'm just gonna see what we'll be prioritizin'." She heads over to the stacks of gear for the Alpha Panda, to do some countin' and figure out what they can and can't do without.

2014-02-11, 03:57 AM
Greg Reaufort
Earlier - Alpha Panda Lounge
He nods, smiling slightly. "Not like they're gettin' much use sittin' in storage. I'll be back in a mo'."

Greg is gone for a couple of minutes, and he returns with an orange sun dress draped over one arm. The bottom hem is red, and the orange of the rest of the dress slowly fades to the red of the bottom from the waist down, making it look not unlike a sunset.

"A sunset sun dress. Thought it was kinda ironic." He hands it to her - it would be a little big, but the size is pretty close.

Frisco Town - The School House
Greg sighs. "I know the bossman's feelin' under the weather, but I wish he'd taken lead on this one. I really want t'go t'that parade..." complains the ship's ambassador as they approach the schoolhouse. He has on fancier clothing that usual - all his browns and beiges have been replaced by a nice black dress jacket with a clean white shirt, black pants and a red tie. He is still wearing gloves, however, though through some NewTech bit of techno-magic they're recoloured to match his suit. The battery pack for his self-defense gloves is concealed beneat his shirt and jacket, with the wires running ups his sleeves.

As they enter, he nods to the schoolteacher with a smile and removes his hat. "Mornin' ma'am. As my friend here said, Mr. Sackett told us we needed to see you about compensation for our recently delivered product."

2014-02-11, 02:18 PM
Robyn Reed
Earlier - Apha Panda Crew Lounge

Robyn smiles. "It's pretty. I think it'll suit me just fine with a belt. Thank you." She goes to her bunk to get changed.

Sackett's store

Robyn goes through the various parts for the Alpha Panda, lookin' positively feminine in an orange and red sundress. She tries not to get her hands or clothes dirty.

Space Lawyer
2014-02-11, 02:33 PM

Lei tried her best to not look too close at the schoolmarm. It was rude to stare, after all.

It would have been nice, being educated in a schoolhouse like this, even if it did mean being stuck on a dirtball for a long time. Most of Lei's early education had come from textbooks handed down from her siblings and roving the Cortex.

She hasn't bothered to dress up for the parade. Standing in line, looking fancy, showing up just to be seen; that was all in the past. As far as Lei was concerned, the crew could just collect the payment and leave. The less time spent trapped planetside, the better.

2014-02-12, 12:20 PM
Frisco Town - The School House
"Oh, Y'all is workin' for my Fiancé then?" She said, still with a voice sweet as black treacle.

"If Y'all would like to accompany me to town, I'll get your coin for you. You can understand I don't keep a thousand Cred's on hand. "

Frisco Town - Balley Sackett's Shop

Balley turns to Robyn and the rest of the crew.

"Ah, you're here. Wonderful!"

He beamed at you, and seemed quite impressed by your appearance, though particularly Robyns.

"We can deal with the ships parts later, I'm sure. Right now, would you do me the Honour of joining me in my Coach? Best View of the Parade.

2014-02-12, 12:40 PM
Robyn Reed
Sackett's store

"Certainly", Robyn answers. "Much obliged." She smiles and looks at Morgan. "How fortunate to get to ride with the fine folk of Frisco."

2014-02-12, 12:51 PM
Greg Reaufort
Frisco Town - The School House
The tactician furrows his brow. Something smelled... fishy. "Hold a mo, ma'am. You mean to say you're engaged to Mr. Sackett?" he asks, a little confused.

2014-02-12, 01:19 PM
Frisco Town - School House

The soldier had simply accepted what the schoolmarm had said and had moved back towards the door when Greg spoke. When the man had posed his question, Cole couldn't help but tease him a little.

"Don't worry, Mr. Reaufort. Plenty o' fish in the sea and all that."

2014-02-12, 02:03 PM
Robyn Reed
Sackett's store

"Certainly", Robyn answers. "Much obliged." She smiles and looks at Morgan. "How fortunate to get to ride with the fine folk of Frisco."

Morgan wasn't a man that was easy to scare. But an open area, full of people, most of them country folk? He should have stayed on the ship...
Morgan pauses, then nods slowly in agreement with Robyn before following her and Sackett outside.

2014-02-12, 03:23 PM
Alpha Panda Lounge

Well, I suppose that'll do, but I would really like to know why you have a supply of dresses, Greg. Do a stint as a Comapnion?

She turns to Robyn with a smile. Need anything to go with that, hon? I ain't got much left, but I still know how to put outfits together.


Recovering from her shock, Sia instinctively steps to Cole's side. She was going to make sure he had eyes for only one 'fish' in any sea.

2014-02-12, 03:30 PM
Robyn Reed
Earlier - Alpha Panda Lounge

Robyn nods at Sia, laughing a little. "Yes, I think I need a belt or something to take it in just a little in the back, or sumtin', and maybe some shoes? Sandals?" She turns to Greg, curious to see if he'll answer Sia's question. She grins, picturing him as a Companion, then shakes her head a little. There were plenty of reasons for a gent owning a dress. Sure there was.

2014-02-12, 03:51 PM
Frisco Town - School House

"Oh… you don't think Balley is in charge of your little operation do you?" Her voice was the sweetest purr, as she methodically finished cleaning the black board, picked up a simple woven tote bag and moved towards the door.

"I won't ask who y'all are workin' for" Her dimples could of melted glaciers.

"But I'm going to Marry John William McClarin."
There was just a tone of self satisfaction in her voice, but then who could reproach a small town girl making it with someone she evidently saw as the best catch in the 'verse. In a company town, she may be right.

2014-02-12, 04:04 PM
Alpha Panda Lounge

Sia takes Robyn by the hand, and leads her down to her cabin. When they get there, she sits Robyn down and hauls a wooden case out of the storage space.

She opens the case, revealing a small collection of the few accessories she has left. She starts sorting through them occasionally holding one up to the dress Robyn borrowed. She finally comes to a belt made of gold loops linked in a chain. She passes it over to Robyn.

Try that on with it. It won't pull the dress tight, but I should be able to close it down some. A quick suture ought to do wonders for that.

2014-02-12, 04:50 PM
Robyn Reed
Earlier - Sia's quarters

Robyn gives Sia a grateful and a little embarrassed smile. "Thank you. Been a long time since I dressed up. Feels nice, though." She pulls her hair forward to cover her mauled ear and looks in the mirror. "Look at that. Not too shabby." She smiles.

2014-02-12, 09:47 PM
Greg Reaufort
Frisco Town, Schoolhouse
He nods, as if that solved his problem with the scenario. "In truth, I didn't, but I knew it weren't our employer, so I was tryin' t'figure out who was left involved in this thing. We wasn't told this had so many movin' parts... anyway, congrats. I knew Jaydubblyuh back in the war, y'know. Good man - yer a lucky gal."

He follows her into town with the others, but he drops back a step so he can whisper to Sia. "Somethin's not right here, but I haven't put my finger on what yet. I can't see Jaydubblyuh, an MOP, marrying a woman on a blockaded planet in a tiny town like this, no matter how pretty she is."

Earlier - Alpha Panda Lounge
He looks sort of downcast for a moment, as if remembering something upsetting. "They, uh, were my wife's. I didn't have the heart t'git rid of her clothes when she, ah... well I'd really rather not talk about it..." He wanders off, head held low, to go get himself ready for the parade.

2014-02-13, 02:02 PM
Frisco Town - School House

"I'm not paid to think too much, ma'am. These other fine folks are far better at it than I am. So, I'm not gonna pretend to know who is in phon yeng chow charge of this here 'operation', as you put it. I just know that we was sent to collect. Your man has the ice and we have yet to get the creds that should'a come at the swap. So, I hope we're headed to the bank straight away like... else I'm liable to start busting lips on somebody 'til we get some answers what stand on stronger legs than what we been told this far."

Cole walked beside the schoolmarm and spoke in even tones.

"I don't mean to sound uncivilized, mind you now ma'am. But like I said, I was sent to collect... and I do what I have to to finish the job as it's assigned to me. And this ain't just a part of my job; Miss... it's also a part of the livelihood of myself and my fellow crew. And if'n you think I take my job seriously - then you ought not have to wonder about my resolve when our livelihoods is on the line."

2014-02-15, 08:34 AM
Frisco Town - School House
"Well, the Bank's right on Main Street"

Her voice remains as pure are driven snow.

Frisco Town - Balley's Barn

Main street is beginning to fill with people. Miners and townsfolk, Tong members displaying colours subtly, and school children who have the day off and are in what counts for holyday best here.

Past the Jail, and well into the ropes of bunting Balley leads you to a large building. It is two floors tall with a hayloft above the horse-filled stalls. A smith’s forge shed is separate from the main building, but still inside the fenced enclosure
that surrounds the barn. The barn itself is locked up tight, as evidenced when Balley locks it with a large key and combination set.

A well-cared-for standard hover mule is parked in one corner of the barn, with a flatbed wagon connected to it. But the eye is drawn drawn to the tarpaulin-covered object sitting in the center of the barn.

"This here's my pride and joy"

Beneath its protective cover stands a Buggy: a bone-white, gleaming, horse-drawn carriage of unsurpassed workmanship. The large spindled wheels are nearly 5 feet high with long, thin, perfectly shaped spokes. The rims are of polished steel. Delicate axles of narrow, tempered steel are set expertly into oak. The wheels are bright yellow with brass fittings at the hub. Two sets of large leaf springs hold the handsome body of the buggy above the axles. Black leather upholstery gleams out from underneath a woollen blanket.

"If you'd care to sit up front with me, we'll be taking the VIP's in the back." He says with a smile, and he finishes removing the tarp and other protective coverings.

"We'll just hitch up my horse team and go."

2014-02-15, 01:34 PM
Robyn Reed
Sackett's barn

Robyn walks over to the buggy, delighted:"Oh, she's a beauty! What craftmanship! You have good reason to be proud, mr. Sackett. I'd be happy to ride in this." She grins.

2014-02-15, 02:52 PM
Sackett's Barn

Morgan stares at the carriage. They were going to pick up the VIP's in this? It offered little protection if someone attempted to assassinate the guests...
Morgan refocused, then walked along the side of the carriage. About halfway along the edge of the vehicle, Morgan drops to his stomach, examining the underside of the vehicle for any explosive devices strapped to the bottom.

2014-02-19, 07:18 PM
Frisco Town Parade
The Parade is in full swing as the crew follow the lightly stepping Brigit. The Schoolmarm has lead them to mainstreet but the town is in full parade mode. There is a throng of people, a large contingent of miners, making it apparent just how extensive the underground work force is.

Bunting, bright and gay, drapes the buildings, and the small cluster of Alpha Pandians catch sight of the bank. But a Brightly cappisoned palanquin burst through the crowd, blocking their perspective as the lead bearers stumble, nearly spilling the obese individual obscured by gossamer coverings inside. As the crew are able to see around the press of folk, they realise that Brigit is no where to be seen.

There is a cheer from up ahead, and a Band Strikes up. A ship is descending, to land on the concrete of Port Frisco.


Balley's Carriage
Morgan and River were squeezed onto the drivers bend at the front of the gleaming white carriage, as enroute to the space port, Balley explained his plan, in Jovial terms. The Parade Organisers were Nora Blake and her Ladies
Celebration Committee and these "Borin' ol' Biddies" extensive and prolonged program of events that will keep J. W. busy well into the night. The celebrating starts with a stately parade up the length of Main Street ending at the bank. J. W. will be last in line, moving at a slow walk in Balley Sacket’s incredibly beautiful carriage. Speeches and presentations will then take place in Burke’s Hall. These will last well into the evening, ending in a picnic supper in Sweetside and a cotillion dance with ice cream back in Blake’s Hall.

"O'course" drawls Balley "J.W. ain't exactly a Cotillion Kinda guy. He's a workin' stiff at heart, like us…." He glanced up at the still silent Morgan.

"…So us all, the miners and all us real J.W. folks" he expansively includes you in this exclusive category. "We's gonna skip the Borin' bit's and head this here carriage up to the Lawrence Saloon for a mighty fine shindig."

The Sky fills with noise as the band starts up, and the whine of a spaceship's engine as it descends.

2014-02-19, 07:27 PM
Gregoire Reaufort
Frisco Town Parade
As he notices that the schoolmarm has vanished, he looks around in the crowd frantically. "Fils de pute!" he says in frustration, then covers his mouth, looking at the others. "I knew somethin' weren't right about her. We should split up and try to track her down... she'd have no reason to try an' lose us if she were plannin' on reappearin' with Jaydubblyuh later, so that was all probably part of the lie too." This lady was going to make him miss the parade, and him in his nice clothes on this dusty dirt-bucket too. He wasn't about to let her escape. Once he's gotten some form of confirmation from the others, he gives them a sharp nod and then vanishes into the crowd.

2014-02-21, 08:18 AM
Frisco Town Parade

"Be careful." Jay says softly to Greg as he slips away, then nods to Cole. "I'll meet up with the others, let them know what's happening." He says and begins making his way through the crowds towards Balley's wagon.

2014-02-21, 08:29 AM
Sia and Cole's bunk.

Glad you like it, hon. Now, go ahead and change back, I'll get the dress sewn up a bit so it isn't so loose.

School House

Sia nods at Greg's hushed warning. There was something odd about this, but she just couldn't puzzle it out.

Let's just go get our pay. The sooner we're off this rock, the better.

2014-02-21, 10:46 AM
Frisco Town Parade

"Pang shiu moung hu tai jiyan wu dao dao changpo!", Cole muttered between clenched teeth, the sides of his jaw visibly tensing at the schoolmarm's disappearance. He turned and started making his way to the bank. If they had been double-crossed... the soldier intended on making somebody pay one way or another.

"Well, Doc... you go ahead and hold on to that hope that there is a pay that's intended us. Otherwise our dear Mr. Sackett's neck's gonna be a little sore by the time I get through with him."

2014-02-21, 02:03 PM
Frisco Town Bank
The Bank is a large, two story building, on this day festooned with bunting and flags, but in actuality; the second floor is accessed by a separate staircase, and will serve as the location of much of the planned festivities for the return of the local boy made good.

This Renders Cole's trip to the bank a hard task to make his way through the crowd, unless he fancies throwing his weight around… literally. And then the Londinium* wave of cheering washes over him.


Balley's Carriage
The speech of the local bigwig is cut short by the miners cat calls, and J.W, the M.O.P takes the stage to rowdy cheers. The engine noise and the crowds spook the horses somewhat, and Balley goes to calm them.

The local well to do townsfolk seem a little put out their grand speech of welcome is cut short, but J.W.'s take to the stage brings quiet, as he outlines his joy, his feelings of comradeship with miners and towns folk, and just how gorram good it is to be out of the core and out from under the eyes of the Alliance.

It's this cheer, as he leaves the podium, that really gets the crowd whoopin', a hollerin' and like any good mining town crowd would, firing shots into the air.

It's this shot that spooks one of the horses. It reacts, like any horse would, with a swift kick.

This swift kick connects with Balley Sackett, who crumples like any normal man would, and he staggers to the side of the carriage, as J.W. along with a well endowed, and very attractive redhead climb into the rear, and seat themselves in the plush seat.

"Y'all gonna have to drive the Buggy for me… Get J.W. to the Lawrence Saloon, and all the parts y'all need are on me."

The Band is assembling around the Carriage, and an Honour guard from the mine is forming up too.

2014-02-21, 02:24 PM
Robyn Reed

Sitting up front of the carriage Robyn let's out a concerned yell as Balley Sackett crumples to the ground. "Medic!" She turns surprised to JW and the redhead, then looks to Morgan. "How's yer drivin' skills?"

2014-02-21, 03:42 PM
Frisco Town Parade

"'Scuse me ma'am... sir...", the soldier tried to be polite as he attempted to push his way through the crowd on his way to the bank. Once that didn't seem to be panning out, he pulled his pistol with the idea of shooting it into the air to get everyone's attention. However, when he did... everyone else had started gorram shooting as well... in celebration of whatever the jing shwi MOP had to say.

He screwed up his face in frustration; things were going very sideways-like and it did nothing for Cole's temperament. Making up his mind, he cracked his neck from side to side and then began forcibly shoving his way through the crowd.

2014-02-21, 04:44 PM
Robyn Reed

Sitting up front of the carriage Robyn let's out a concerned yell as Balley Sackett crumples to the ground. "Medic!" She turns surprised to JW and the redhead, then looks to Morgan. "How's yer drivin' skills?"


Morgan shrugs, then deftly picks up the reigns for the carriage.
He had a distinctly bad feeling about this.

No applicable skill, Agi only


2014-02-22, 05:42 AM
Balley's Carriage
No sooner had the M.O.P. sat down, than the carriage started to move. Morgan's unfamiliar hands on the reins however… after a few steady steps the horses jerked their heads, the reins went wild and so did the speed of the carriage.

The Guards around the carriage couldn't keep pace, and the lead three realised that Balley was no longer driving. For all they were mine guards, they weren't apparently in on the miners plan. They tried to stop the horses, but this only succeeded in spooking the horses even more. Luckily, they weren't crushed under hoof.

The team of horses broke from a trot into a canter, and the carriage rattled along behind, scattering the crowd. Anyone glancing back would have seen the M.O.P.'s lovely young fiancé in said M.O.P.'s arms and either comforting him or being comforted.

The Miners were cheering still, as the carriage picked up speed and headed up main street. The town's folk are just realising that their stately turn about town with the band playing and them all showing off their finery is probably no longer on the itinerary, as the band is discarding instruments, throwing cap's around, and joining the rest of the miners in cheering the carriage on it's way.

Of course, this dosn't help the horses, who are still acclerating. Morgan and Robyn are starting to get worried now… this is a lot harder than it looks on the cortex.

2014-02-22, 05:46 AM
Robyn Reed

Robyn tries to aid Morgan as best she can. "Where we goin' again? Let's just not run anyone over on the way!"

Roll in ooc

2014-02-23, 03:59 PM

The doctor stewps up to her man as he pushes his way through the crowd. Don't worry, love. Someone will give us our Lìhài de pay. In cash or flesh or blood.

2014-02-24, 11:59 AM
Frisco Town Parade

"Don't I know it...", he replied to Sia as he continued to try and push his way through the crowd.

2014-02-24, 12:39 PM
Frisco Town
Cole manages to make some further progress, and his imposing physical presence is enough to discourage conflict, even with those who would see it as a challenge, the presence of Sia behind him makes their rim world chivalry hold off.

Until he shoves a rather well dressed youngman who won't listen to a polite request. Said young man then turns.

His face is not bright, but has a certain canny - ratlike - intelligence. And his voice is a whiny drawl.

"Don't Y'all know who you're shovin'? he asks, clearly expecting the answer to be you backing down. He looks past Cole, and see's Sia.

"Maybe you don't… be I'd like to get to know her" He leers at the good doctor, and shoves Cole back.

2014-02-24, 02:00 PM
Frisco Town Parade

"I don't have the jing mai time for this...", Cole removes his pistol and presses the barrel of the silvery metal against the man's nose, nearly shoving the thing up his nostril. If it had been any other day, he probably just would've been satisfied to sock the guy on the jaw and let it be at that. But the big man had already been pushed around enough today.

"You're standing in me and my lady's way, fella. I don't much reckon I care too much on how you clear on out of here... whether it be by your own two feet or by my smoking hogleg here. Shiny?"

2014-02-24, 02:08 PM
Frisco Town

Sia smiles at the young man. Placing a hand on Cole's arm to restrain the man, Sia steps up past him.
You think you're up to the job? Well, for my services, you have to pay to have yourself placed in our registry, then you have to apply for the services of a Companion, and then one of us has to respond to your request. The process is quite long and laborious. And expensive. she then wraps her arm around Cole's.

And this fine young man has already paid.

2014-02-24, 05:16 PM
Don't Bring an Ego to a Gun Fight

http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/filepicker%2FM0QKgPY6R8ejtiBUwipb_staring_into_gun _barell.jpg

There's a perfect moment of still and clarity, as the young man drags his eyes away from the copper jacketed round gleaming at the base of a barrel that's both 3 miles long and 3 angstrom's from his eyeball.

He takes in the beautiful face and figure of Alpha Panda's good doctor.

The moment is interrupted by the Scream and Fainting of a another tall and striking woman, who although in her late 30's at least is as striking as the good doctor.

He takes this moment to wet himself. His fine breeches darken as some of the surrounding miners all start laughing at the young man who has clearly offended the honour of a fine lady. Such a fine lady to have such a muscular and skilled gunman at her side.

No one had seen Cole's hand move, the gun had appeared like a snake bite.

2014-02-25, 05:40 AM
Gregoire Reaufort
Frisco Town Parade - Upstreet
Greg frowns at his ship mate's lack of subtlety, but that may be just what they need to get things set right, and he had Sia with him to keep him from getting out of hand. He is busy trying to place himself in the shoes of the missing schoolmarm, scanning the crowd for any telltale sign of her firey hair. The task is made somewhat easier as the crowd begins to part like butter on either side of a hot knife. Until, of course, he sees why they are parting - a carriage, presumably with the recently-arrived VIP and being driven (rather poorly) by two members of his crew is barreling down the street.

"Merde," he cusses. Why couldn't they do anything right today? He makes like the rest of the crowd to get out of the way, but then has a notion. His gloves were unlikely to knock out a horse - heck, there were humans who'd been hit without immediately going down - but they might sedate it enough for Robyn and Morgan to get the other one to fall in line. He prepares to fire a shock pulse at the nearest horse when it passes him by.

2014-02-25, 12:30 PM
Frisco Town Parade

The soldier took Sia's hint and played along, choosing simply to walk past the young man, with the good doctor upon his arm. He holstered his firearm once they were beyond the scene and Cole shook his head as he fought back a laugh.

"You never let me have any ruttin' fun, Sia.", he playfully chided the woman that walked with him. But soon after, he set his mind back to the task at hand. He began forcibly moving his way through the crowd once more, in an attempt to get to the bank.

2014-02-25, 12:51 PM
Scenes Colliding
Frisco Town

Morgan's hold on the rein's had not steadied the horses, and nothing Robyn tried seemed to calm them, distract them or prevent them gathering speed, scattering the crowd in front of them. The carriage gathered speed, but the embracing passengers at least seemed not to have noticed either the change of the crowd from good cheer to panic or the change of pace.

The carriage careered up the high street, and as they began to pass the bank, the knots and movement of the crowd began to force the horses sideways as they tried not to get trapped, finding no exit, they tried to turn, the panic of the crowd firmly gripping the animals.

As the carriage began to tilt, expecting the horses to be passing by, greg finds them to be much closer, and aiming a burst from his open palm, he sends a light pulse into the nearest horse. A flash of light and sound followed by a visible ripple in the air was all that indicated it's flight.

The effect is immediate, and the turn, which would have resulted in a crash, turns into a slide on the dusty high street, kicking up a cloud.

When it clears, amid the coughing of the crowd, it's clear that one horse, with a dazed expression face on his head has halted the progress of the other two bye the simple expedient of not moving, the other two horses were not happy to have the traces slam into their rears, and Balley might not be happy with the rough treatment of his prize transportation.

The people who are happy are the miners in the crowd. While the dust is still settling, they launch a hearty cheer, to the confusion of the more genteel townsfolk, who are all gravitating towards the rather disheveled figure of the woman who fainted. She must have recovered very quickly to notice and avoid a trampling by the crowd.

The miners gather around the carriage, who's VIP's have noticed things weren't going exactly to plan. Of course, for the miners, things are going to plan. They grab the M.O.P with more cheers, and carry him, and his beautiful fiancé shoulder high up the street one more building, towards the Lawrence Saloon.

This probably counts as one of the shortest parades in the 'verse.

2014-02-25, 12:59 PM
Gregoire Reaufort
Crashed Carriage
The ship's ambassador dusts his hands off on each other, which doesn't actually do anything useful, he just likes the opportunity to briefly strike a smug pose. He then proceeds to the somewhat worse for wear carriage, specifically the driver's seat, to assess the condition of his crew mates.

"You two alright? Mind tellin' me who all convinced you it was a good idea t'drive a horse-drawn buggy like it were a Core world racer?" he asks, a mix of concern and amusement in his voice. He looks up at the crowd, and notices the "schoolmarm" being carried away next to Jaydubblyuh. "There've been complications with the exact nature of our payment. Cole, Sia an' I are workin' on figurin' out what's up with that, an' that woman they're carryin' off with the MOP is the best source of info." She helps the pair to their feet. "You feel like bein' my muscle when I go ask the M.O.P.'s fiancee where our gorram pay is?" he asks Morgan with a grin.

2014-02-25, 01:09 PM
Morgan Blake
Crashed Carriage

Morgan climbs out of the vehicle, then jerks a thumb at Sackett's direction at the first question, and helps Robyn out of the carriage, giving her a reassuring clap on the shoulder when she gets her footing.

At mention of the absent pay, he nods and pats the pistols on his belt.

2014-02-25, 02:40 PM
Robyn Reed
Frisco parade

Robyn steps out of the carriage and brushes off her dress, nodding to Morgan as he helps her. Answering Greg, she says:"Wasn't really our idea. One of the horses knocked Sackett out cold, and the VIPs told us to drive. Didn't seem so difficult till all hell broke lose with the shootin' an' all. I hope he's okay, our equipment is still at the store."

Space Lawyer
2014-02-25, 02:41 PM

Lei cracks a smile. "Don't worry so much about the pay. If he doesn't hand it over, we've got a good chance of getting it anyway. If they use a computer all the way out here, I can get it out from there. If not, well, I'm confident enough I can stick Alpha Panda over the bank long enough for us to just haul the vault right out of there."

It might be fun to cause a bit of intentional mayhem.

2014-02-27, 02:56 PM
Frisco Town

"You never let me have any ruttin' fun, Sia.

Sia snuggles up next to Cole, pulling him in close to whisper in his ear.

Later, love.

She starts winding through the crowd, trying to reach the bank.

2014-02-27, 07:31 PM
Fargo Bank
The Bank was shut. A long press through the thinning crowd. They seemed to be splitting up just as you made for the bank, and you get caught in the contraflow of townspeople heading towards the banks second story, and miners heading to the bar.

Amid the miners roars, you catch snippets of conversation.

"….Jimmy's done it again, embarassed his'elf and his mama…."

"...T'ain't Miss Brigit Pretty…."

"Nora fainted clean away at the sight…."

"What will the Ruttin' Ladies Comittee say now JayDubleyah's gone drinkin' they'll be Tian Fuhn Di Fu"

"...A Companion you say?…."

And eventually you find your self jostled constantly by the people heading upstairs to the hall, looking at a large set of very locked looking doors.

There is a sign on the doors:

signed Mr Blake

2014-02-28, 10:28 AM
Frisco Town Parade

The soldier's blood was all but boiling at this point. They had been played, pure and simple. And now it was just a matter of figuring out who all had been in on it. The schoolmarm, no doubt. But Sackett?

Cole turned about, now intent on finding either one of these individuals... whichever happened to be the closest.

2014-03-01, 10:32 AM
The Lawrence Saloon - Frisco

Six rotating fans hang from the high, coppertooled ceiling in the largest, most ornate, and cleanest bar in town. Their holographic candles give a glow to Pete Lawrence’s Saloon which stands above the rest — no matter what Pat
Malloy may say. The wood floors are oiled and clean, the brass railings that run around the walls are polished, and the wall paper has a velvet texture.
Three poker tables line the south wall, but the real showpiece is on the north wall — the ornate and lovingly polished bar that runs the full length of the wall. Behind the bar gleams Pete’s pride and joy: a wide mirror with beveled
edges. The mirror affords any man at the bar a crystal clear look at whoever might be lurking behind him and, therefore, the mirror has endeared itself to the entire town.

Practically the entire town seems to be crammed into the bar right now, with the staff taking a roaring trade, and a band playing while J.W. McClarin declares a toast to the honest working men of the Miners Guild.

Of the Schoolmarm, Miss Brigit, there is no sign. You occasionally catch a glimpse of red hair, but as you see it in at least three different places and it's so crowded how would you ever be sure.

2014-03-01, 10:37 AM
Gregoire Reaufort
Frisco Town Saloon
The ship's tactician goes into "all business" mode as they enter the saloon. He doesn't want to cause a commotion or draw more attention than necessary. "Morgan, you wanna take a look-see for alternative exits t'this place? Our 'friend' from the schoolhouse seems t'have ditched her fiancee, an' I don't fancy her slippin' out some back door while we make asses of ourselves in her absence. The rest of us will comb the crowd and see if we can't smoke 'er out. If she's not hangin' with the M.O.P. then she's probably tryin' t'git lost."

2014-03-01, 10:54 AM
Morgan Blake
Frisco Town Saloon

Morgan nods, and makes no bones about strong-arming his way through the crowd, checking the perimeter for anywhere someone could have gotten out.

2014-03-01, 12:03 PM
Robyn Reed

Robyn started back the way the carriage had careened from, to see about Sackett. A horse's hoof could do a lot of damage to a man's brains, and she hopes his is not too mushy. There is still parts and pay to collect, and she needs him sound of mind to get that fixed.

2014-03-02, 01:25 PM
Frisco High Street

The street's were slow to clear, as no clear instruction had been given. Still it was a day off from work and most people were still going to make the best of the afternoon.

Three who weren't looking their best we helping a fourth looking distinctly worse for wear, recognisably Balley Sackett turning off the high street at the Jail.

The Lawrence Saloon* - Frisco
As Morgan makes his way through the crowd, looking for Brigit and the exits, his pushing and shoving jostles a group with their backs to him, as Morgan was headed for the back corridor. There is the crash and tinkle of broken glass, someone's drink has been spilled.

*There's more than one Saloon in Frisco. This ain't no two bit, one hovercar town.

2014-03-02, 02:48 PM
Lawrence Saloon

Sia steps into the bar, still holding onto Cole's arm like a dainty lady.

She walks into a scene that looks like a bad day crammed into a small room. She watches the mute soldier shove his way through the crowd. She watches the glass fall and decides to hold back.

After all, she thought, He's Alliance. He knows what he's doing, right?

2014-03-02, 03:11 PM
Lawrence Saloon

"Watch Who You're a Shovin'! Came a snarled voice, as three burly miners turned. They didn't round on Morgan though, but faced down a short, rather dumpy man in the unbuttoned shirt and fancy slacks of a mine guard from the parade.

"Oi! Prod!" The biggest, and probably smartest one growled.

"You spilt my drink!" Shoving the mine guard violently backwards, the three miners advanced on him intent on violence.

2014-03-02, 03:28 PM
Lawrence Saloon

"Watch Who You're a Shovin'! Came a snarled voice, as three burly miners turned. They didn't round on Morgan though, but faced down a short, rather dumpy man in the unbuttoned shirt and fancy slacks of a mine guard from the parade.

"Oi! Prod!" The biggest, and probably smartest one growled.

"You spilt my drink!" Shoving the mine guard violently backwards, the three miners advanced on him intent on violence.

Morgan Blake
Lawrence Saloon

Morgan contemplates proceeding through the crowd, then doubles back, tapping the miner on the the shoulder and gesturing to himself, then the drink lying on the floor.

2014-03-03, 12:36 PM
Lawrence Saloon

Cole entered on the arm of the good doctor, and apparently just in time too. He saw Morgan stirring up some trouble. Whispering to Sia, "See if you can't locate that yuon tsotun mei woman that done skipped with our pay. I'm gonna see if'n I can't give Morgan a hand... preferably against some knucklehead's teeth."

The soldier then began making his way over to stand with his mute counterpart.

2014-03-03, 02:38 PM
Robyn Reed
Frisco High Street

Robyn hurries after the 3 men supporting Balley Sackett into a side street. "Howdy! How's he doin'?"

2014-03-03, 07:05 PM
Lawrence Saloon
The Mirror in the Lawrence Saloon runs the length of the Bar's back wall, almost up to the high beams. After the first time it was broken, the whole town had it replaced, because it allows a man to see gorram near eveything happening around him.

Like the fist flying into Morgan's face. His hands were too low to intercept the first fist, and instinctively blocked the second with a well experienced knowledge that it wasn't technically called a fight if you didn't take at least one blow.

The Other two miners were circling to Morgan's left, but this was of peripheral notice, as with two hands blocking the second punch Morgan knew the first hand was still free.

It was completely out of his vision that the dazed Mining guard was just getting too his feet when another miner, almost as dumpy and even shorter than the guard tackled the luckless mine guard to the floor again.

Greg spotted it though.

Sia had sharper, or less distracted eyes. Though she too caught sight of red hair across the room, including a guitarist with copper plaits down near to his waist. It was a combination of colours that caught her eye. Red Hair and that pink shirt!

2014-03-04, 12:19 PM
Lawrence Saloon

Morgan blinks a few times, a bit befuddled as to how the first blow got through his defenses. He throws the thought away quickly, however, as second-guessing yourself in a fight was liable to get you killed.

With that in mind, he closes his fists.

2014-03-04, 01:49 PM
Lawrence Saloon

Sia leaves the boys to their fight and starts trying to make her way through the rowdy crowd, heading for the red hair and that pink shirt.

Such a distinctive combination, Sia is fairly certain it is their wayward schoolteacher, but she needs to get closer to find out.

2014-03-07, 10:47 AM
Gregoire Reaufort
Lawrence Saloon
Greg keeps an eye on the fight; he'll move to intervene if things get any hairier, but for now he thinks it best to leave the ship's muscle to handle it. If anything, it might disperse this crowd a bit so they can get a clean view of wherever the schoolmarm is hiding.

Without a clue of where she might be for the now, though, Greg pushes his way towards J.W.. Maybe the M.O.P. could provide some insight into the disappearance of his elusive "fiance".

2014-03-10, 04:46 PM
Frisco High street
Balley looked up at Robyn with a haggard, pale, but smiling face. He was being carried by two of his buddies, hopping, while another supported his leg.

"Dadburn hún dàn of mǎzi, gorram horse has probably broke my Ruttin' leg" The injury was clearly affecting Balley's refined parade manners, but then, that suited the nature of this Parade.

"When I'm done with the Doc, come by the shop, and I'll sort out those parts that I can, you earned them, I reckon we'd have had a riot iffn' we'd a put the mining boys through a cottilation dance….
...'Stead we have a Celebration!"

2014-03-10, 04:53 PM
Robyn Reed

Robyn grins, then nods. "Good to see yer head's not smashed in. I'll be by the shop later." She watches as they help the poor man to the doc's, then heads back towards the saloon and the shop. He might know something about the payment, but now wasn't the time to ask. Figurin' she should ask one of the crew to help out with the parts, and perhaps as added security if there still was a problem with payment, she walks into the bar to find her mates.

2014-03-16, 07:10 AM
Lawrence Saloon

Sia keeps moving through the crowd, hoping to reach the woman she is after before she loses sight of her in the pandemonium sure to erupt from the bar fight beginning behind her.

2014-03-16, 01:44 PM

The battle had been long and fraught, but finally she's winning. The foe has eluded her time and time again, but it's tiring - she can see it now, in the sluggish movements and the lacklustre evasions.

She'd tagged it once or twice recently, and now it was time to move in for the kill....

Alpha Panda's Cargo Hold

Almost absent mindedly, Jack twitches the piece of string as the cat leap - causing her to miss, and skid across the top of the crate before dropping out of sight as she falls off the far side. He cringes slightly, but there isn't even time to stand up before the indignant feline jumps back up and begins, once again, to stalk the spare bootlace.

He sighs, and glances over at the airlock doors. Waiting, always the waiting. At least no-one's shooting them in the mean time, and the crew are almost certainly enjoying themselves at the parade.

He twitches the string, and the cat falls off the crate. Again.