View Full Version : The Five Gems Thread 2: Schrodinger's Wall

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2014-07-17, 10:39 AM
"Of course not," Ancient grumbles. "In fact, this probably isn't even the last secret conspiracy we're gonna see! What is it with all these weird organizations popping out of the woodwork?!"

The Gems are powerful magical artifacts, Mr. Myth. Even if those who seek them don't know of the others, even one by itself would be tempting. Weird organizations tent to covet sources of power. So it's only natural that we encounter them on our quest.

As the group leaves the Police station, Adamant says, The Parasite isn't involved in the disappearance.

On the way to the forest, Adamant asks Caje an other QuestionAre Victor or his changeling allies responsible for this latest plot twist?


Crimson Doom
2014-07-17, 10:43 AM
The Gems are powerful magical artifacts, Mr. Myth. Even if those who seek them don't know of the others, even one by itself would be tempting. Weird organizations tent to covet sources of power. So it's only natural that we encounter them on our quest.

As the group leaves the Police station, Adamant says, The Parasite isn't involved in the disappearance.

On the way to the forest, Adamant asks Caje an other QuestionAre Victor or his changeling allies responsible for this latest plot twist?


You get an impression of the national bread sales records dropping at this very moment because of ant infestations.

Clearly, the gem is a little distracted at the moment.

Emperor Ing
2014-07-17, 11:11 AM
I'm hoping it is just changlings. Steel-Sicale muses. Speaking of which, when we get to the forest, remind me to tell you about my plan to pit our enemies against each other.

Crimson Doom
2014-07-17, 11:18 AM
I'm hoping it is just changlings. Steel-Sicale muses. Speaking of which, when we get to the forest, remind me to tell you about my plan to pit our enemies against each other.

Ancient clears his throat. "This is the part where I wait in Ponyville. I was useful when intellect was the key trait we needed, but out here, where violence seems to be the key... you'll do better without my presence."

Emperor Ing
2014-07-17, 11:33 AM
Ancient clears his throat. "This is the part where I wait in Ponyville. I was useful when intellect was the key trait we needed, but out here, where violence seems to be the key... you'll do better without my presence."

Between Victor, other Changlings, body-snatching parasites, and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony all together in the disaster capital of the world, I would say your safety is even less guaranteed in Ponyville than it is in the forest, where at least everything that wishes us ill is in our face and obvious.

If you must...then, I dunno, I would suggest making yourself a common fixture at the local library, which is apparently also Princess Twilight's house. Our enemies are less likely to try something within spitting distance of royalty.

Crimson Doom
2014-07-17, 11:40 AM
If you must...then, I dunno, I would suggest making yourself a common fixture at the local library, which is apparently also Princess Twilight's house. Our enemies are less likely to try something within spitting distance of royalty.

He nods. "Precisely my plan."

Emperor Ing
2014-07-17, 11:46 AM
He nods. "Precisely my plan."

Just to be prepared and so we know it's you when we rendevous, what's my name?

Crimson Doom
2014-07-17, 11:55 AM
Just to be prepared and so we know it's you when we rendevous, what's my name?

...I'm suddenly reminded of anti-spambot software.

"Infectious Vodka, or Robbery Breeze if you're in disguise," he grumps, rolling his eyes. "Seems like a useless question to me. It'd make more sense to ask about what I promised as a reward or the phrase I used to get into Sapphire Secrets' lair, or some such."

Emperor Ing
2014-07-17, 12:30 PM
As his Ancientified names are made known, Ancient can hear Sicale exclaim <FINALLY!> in Changlic.

I'm actually less concerned with your actual answer as I am how you answer. Anyling can learn trivia, it takes weeks of observation and practice for even the most skilled infiltrators to replicate the demeanor of somepony.

If everyling else is ready, we can head out.

Crimson Doom
2014-07-17, 12:33 PM
As his Ancientified names are made known, Ancient can hear Sicale exclaim <FINALLY!> in Changlic.

I'm actually less concerned with your actual answer as I am how you answer. Anyling can learn trivia, it takes weeks of observation and practice for even the most skilled infiltrators to replicate the demeanor of somepony.

If everyling else is ready, we can head out.

"...whatever," he eventually mutters, heading off towards the library.

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-17, 12:34 PM
His momentary courage was gone, but having locked himself in, Ratchet hesitatingly nodded anyway. "No point standing around here when there's a gem and a mare to find."

Forum Explorer
2014-07-17, 01:34 PM
Then Let Us Be Off! But In The Interest Of Avoiding An Angry Dragon, I Suggest We Enter The Forest From A Different Angle, So That We Travel A Different Path!

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-17, 01:51 PM
Ratchet held up the compass machine. "Show me where you guys entered, then we'll walk down a mile or so and head in from there."

2014-07-17, 05:32 PM
Adamant leads Ratchet to about where he remembers entering the forest the first time.

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-17, 05:46 PM
Assuming no-one objects to the plan, Ratchet leads the party about a mile north, then follows the compass' path into the forest. "Um, onward, I guess."

Emperor Ing
2014-07-17, 05:56 PM
Okay so listen to this. Sicale begins with his plan, talking rather softly so as to not carry over his voice. If, and when we encounter the barbarians, all we have to do is convince them we are working for Victor. He funded our expedition to get Caje and Victor was not happy to learn that his Changling allies are threatened by Luurg. We can allude to threats that Victor will be coming after their boss while implying that Luurg would be, erhm...killed in such a confrontation.

These deceptions I made with the intent of tricking the barbarians of Luurg into making our enemies their enemies. They would fight amongst each other, the fact that Victor indeed has Changling allies only serving to reinforce my lie.

2014-07-17, 06:11 PM
That sounds needlessly complicated.

It also doesn't address the issue of them still coming after us first, because we have Caje, and even if we convince them to Go after Victor first, well, he's staying with Princess Twilight, which is also a library so that would be putting her Danger, because at the very least they'd destroy her home either as collateral damage or because it's place of knowledge.

To be honest, I'm starting to think it might be easier to beat the stupid out of them again, break their legs this time, and then turn them back to the authorities.

Forum Explorer
2014-07-17, 06:14 PM
If The Barbarians Seek To Fight Us Again, I Shall Kill Them! I Am Willing To Show Mercy Once, But If They Insist On Being A Thorn In Our Side Then I Will No Longer Tolerate Their Nonsense!

However, They Did Seem To Be A Relatively Honorable Bunch! I Would Not Be Adverse To Allying With Them To Bring Down Victor!

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-17, 06:38 PM
Ratchet coughed, his eyes focused on the compass. "If what you guys said about them is true, trying to trick them will probably just confuse them and make them try to beat up on us more. If we do end up crossing their paths again, I'm throwing in my lot for just kicking their flanks."

Emperor Ing
2014-07-17, 06:45 PM
Well obviously we're going to kick their flanks, that goes without saying. However if we leave them alive and the guard arrests them again, when they escape again, they will have Victor as their enemy. If the guard learns their lesson and they do not escape again, then they will simply not come after us, and we win either way.

You may speak for yourself Iron, but i'm not going to kill anyling or anypony.

2014-07-17, 06:50 PM
We can't just execute them, Iron. Equestria has laws for these things.

Unless we kill them in direct defense of ourselves or others, then by equestrian law it's still murder, even if they're the first opponents I've faced to make me consider killing as the best option.

and executing opponents after we've already whooped their plots, leaving them helpless will be very difficult to prove as self defense.

Which is why I recommend breaking their legs before turning them over. They can't escape if they can't walk.

Of course, I doubt we'll encounter them until after we've retrieved the emerald, so then it might be a simple case of using it's powers over the Timberwolves to Intimidate them into surrendering.

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-17, 07:05 PM
Ratchet raised his hoof. "By that same logic, wouldn't breaking their legs be against Equestrian law too? Unless it was during the actual fight?"

Emperor Ing
2014-07-17, 07:08 PM
Sicale cringes at the thought. I'm pretty sure that's Battery, Adamant.

2014-07-17, 07:41 PM
Sometimes broken limbs are the only way to incapacitate an opponent without killing them.

It's distasteful, but if a foe is so set causing harm that they won't stay down...

My sensei once said that trying to avoid harming your opponent is an admirable goal, but that there are some beings who are so intent on harming others that honor must give way to practicality.

Forum Explorer
2014-07-17, 08:06 PM
Don't Misunderstand! If They Show Up And Wish To Talk, Then I'll Talk! But If They Try And Kill Us Again, I Won't Hold Back!

Emperor Ing
2014-07-17, 08:26 PM
Iron, have you ever killed someling, or somepony?

Beacon of Chaos
2014-07-19, 12:33 PM
"I'm not sure it will be as easy as you think to convince them that we work for Victor. I get the feeling they're not dumb, just uneducated. Still, if you can get them to fight Victor instead of us that means we won't have to *gulp* kill anypony."

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-21, 01:30 PM
Ratchet tried his best to ignore the conversation going on around him, his eyes glued to the compass machine. As the conversation lulled, however, he felt the ill-advised urge to speak. "Personally, ah, if push comes to shove, I'd rather not kill anypony. If there's no choice, well, I..." He coughed. "I just hope it doesn't come down to that. Usually I've always just distracted someone or slipped away under the cover of these." He briefly rummaged around in his cannon-strap before pulling out a small spherical object. "Throw one down and you've got more than enough smoke to make a good exit."

Emperor Ing
2014-07-21, 01:43 PM
I don't think you're listening. The plan isn't to get them to leave us alone and go after Victor, it's to convince them, kick their flanks, send them back to jail, and when they escape again, then they'll go after Victor. If we can escape them after we've convinced them, the effect will be the same.

2014-07-21, 05:11 PM
I don't think you're listening. The plan isn't to get them to leave us alone and go after Victor, it's to convince them, kick their flanks, send them back to jail, and when they escape again, then they'll go after Victor. If we can escape them after we've convinced them, the effect will be the same.

Sicale, honestly, what are the chances that we'll fight them again before we've delt with Victor? I mean, they have no idea where we are.

Even if we do, we'll probably have dealt with Victor after they escape again, if they escape again.

This is also assuming that they haven't gone back to Lerrog, so unless he has some way of sensing where Caje is, we probably won't see them until we go after the Ruby.

Assuming he doesn't eat them for their failure.

Crimson Doom
2014-07-21, 08:58 PM
You hear faint growls from ahead of you in the forest.

You hear faint growls from ahead of you in the forest. Squinting ahead into the shadows cast by the trees, you see signs of movement about fifty feet ahead of you... and a few pairs of glowing green eyes...

You hear faint growls from ahead of you in the forest. Squinting ahead into the shadows cast by the trees, you see signs of movement about fifty feet ahead of you... and a few pairs of glowing green eyes...

Looking more closely, you see that the creatures slink low to the ground, comparatively speaking. The creatures look to be about your height and... is that wood?

You're reasonably certain that the creatures you've spotted are timberwolves.

You're reasonably certain that the creatures you've spotted are timberwolves. But why are they acting like this...? One would think that if they were going to attack, they'd have been behind you...

Emperor Ing
2014-07-21, 09:01 PM

Hold up: Steel-Sicale raises a hoof, then points it towards the forest. We've got company.

2014-07-21, 09:26 PM
Adamant takes a defensive position, and prepares to fire a spell at whatever happens to be there, should it attack.

Forum Explorer
2014-07-21, 11:03 PM
Iron Wing halts and peers into the forest, trying to see whatever Sicale had saw.


Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-22, 04:40 AM
His eyes widened and his heart pounding from the growling, Ratchet quickly flicked the switch on his cannon-band, the hidden blade coming free, and prepared to fight whatever was making the growling sound.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-07-22, 07:53 AM
Elixir, lost in his own thoughts, notices nothing, but pulls out his staff when he hears Sicale's warning. "Where?"

Crimson Doom
2014-07-22, 08:33 AM
Everycreature (except Elixir) notices that the creatures are holding their position. Those who saw their eyes notice that they're basically just sitting there, watching.

Emperor Ing
2014-07-22, 10:05 AM
Over there. Steel-Sicale points into the woods. They're just...sitting there. Waiting. Might be wolves or something.

As far as I know we have two options: One, we face them head-on, or two, try and go around and risk them following us.

2014-07-22, 11:26 AM
What are they?[roll0]

Will they follow us if we go around?[roll1]

We don't know what kind of tests the Emerald will have for us to face. If we can avoid a fight, we should.

Crimson Doom
2014-07-22, 11:31 AM
What are they?[roll0]

Will they follow us if we go around?[roll1]

We don't know what kind of tests the Emerald will have for us to face. If we can avoid a fight, we should.

They're definitely timberwolves, but you're not sure whether they'll follow you. It seems to depend on a number of variables that the gem doesn't seem to care to calculate at the moment.

Emperor Ing
2014-07-22, 11:42 AM
One other thing you all should be aware of: You remember those three...somethings cosplaying as ninjas, last time we were there?

I never said they were changlings, only that their leader was familiar to me, somehow. Given how few ponies I know, I think we can assume they are changlings, but that only makes it worse. The only changlings I do know are either criminals or Inquisitors. For our sake, I hope the former, but I have a really bad feeling I might have been betrayed. He says those last words with a bit of dread.

2014-07-22, 11:53 AM
The Good news it they're timberwolves, which means we're getting close.

The Bad news is, Caje is being a lazy flank right now and won't calculate the probability of them following if we go around.

2014-07-22, 11:59 AM
One other thing you all should be aware of: You remember those three...somethings cosplaying as ninjas, last time we were there?

I never said they were changlings, only that their leader was familiar to me, somehow. Given how few ponies I know, I think we can assume they are changlings, but that only makes it worse. The only changlings I do know are either criminals or Inquisitors. For our sake, I hope the former, but I have a really bad feeling I might have been betrayed. He says those last words with a bit of dread.

...Would you like me to ask Caje about them?

I could probably do an other question or two without too much strain.

Emperor Ing
2014-07-22, 12:31 PM
Sicale pauses for a moment. Not in thought, but in hesitation. ...actually, let's be very specific.

Ask Caje if one of the ninja cosplayers following us is a Changling Inquisitor of Hive Hemiphera named Eorith.

2014-07-22, 12:56 PM
Adamant asks that very question.[roll0]

So, who is this "Eorith" and why do you think they may have betrayed you?

Crimson Doom
2014-07-22, 01:03 PM
Adamant asks that very question.[roll0]

So, who is this "Eorith" and why do you think they may have betrayed you?

While the gem has a little difficulty pinpointing changlings, it does eventually manage to pinpoint that no, she is not one of them.

Emperor Ing
2014-07-22, 01:08 PM
She's my old master. She saved me from a downward spiral of criminality that may very well have killed me, and trained me as her apprentice until I was ready to act independently on behalf of the Throne of Hemiphera for the betterment of the Hive.

I...really just need to know if she is one of them or not. His voice is starting to crack as he sits down on the ground, unable to bear the thought of someling who he knows as well as he does betraying the Hive or himself.

2014-07-22, 01:18 PM
She's my old master. She saved me from a downward spiral of criminality that may very well have killed me, and trained me as her apprentice until I was ready to act independently on behalf of the Throne of Hemiphera for the betterment of the Hive.

I...really just need to know if she is one of them or not. His voice is starting to crack as he sits down on the ground, unable to bear the thought of someling who he knows as well as he does betraying the Hive or himself.

Well, the good news is it's not her.

now, what to do about the wolves starring at us?

Beacon of Chaos
2014-07-22, 01:21 PM
"And you're bringing this up just now because...?" asks Elixir, his eyes focused on where Sicale had said the timberwolves were. "Not that I don't think it's important, but maybe now isn't the best time."

Forum Explorer
2014-07-22, 02:14 PM
Hmmm, I Seem To Recall Us Talking About A Legend Of A Timberwolf King! It Might Be For The Best To Practice Fighting These Beasts Now Where We Are Not Far From Help If Need Be, Rather Then Let Our First Encounter Be One In The Depths Of The Forest!

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-22, 03:44 PM
Ratchet trembled visibly. "N-not to rush you all, but I'd rather not stick around directly in front of a bunch of timberwolves. I'd prefer to go around, but if we could decide one way or the other sooner rather than later..."

Beacon of Chaos
2014-07-25, 03:41 PM
"We'll go around them then, but if they make a move we'll have to defend ourselves. Just keep your eyes on them."

Elixir steps forward...

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-25, 04:25 PM
Ratchet inhaled and exhaled deeply, then nodded, trying his bet to put on the appearance of adventurely bravado. "Okay. Sounds like a plan." With a barely maintained steely gaze and an almost imperceptible tremor in his gait, he stepped forward to join Elixir.

Emperor Ing
2014-07-25, 07:36 PM
I have the feeling I should be saying something incredibly heroic. Steel-Sicale steps forward.

2014-07-25, 08:55 PM
In response to Sicale's statement, Adamant merely says

I believe in this situation, my sensei would say "Ikō to uemuki ni: Onwards and upwards."

Forum Explorer
2014-07-26, 12:02 AM
Right! Lets Keep Moving Then! Iron Wing said, louder then normal. He spread his wings out and allowed his feather to ruffle, making him look much larger then normal.

Crimson Doom
2014-07-26, 09:13 AM
As you go around, you see one of the timberwolves growl at one of the others before taking off with about half the pack.

As you get nearer, about half of the timberwolves suddenly bolt deeper into the forest. However, the other half, about eight of them, advances on you, growling menacingly.

Roll for Initiative.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-07-26, 09:50 AM
"Aw, horseapples."



Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-26, 09:59 AM
For an instant, there was an overwhelming flash of fear in Ratchet's eyes.

As he came to the realization that it was them or the Timberwolves, it was replaced with determination, and he immediately crouched, ready to pounce.

And so, at last, it begins.
Perception: [roll0]
Inititiative​: [roll1]
...aaand I got a natural 1 on my perception. Nice initiative score, though.

Emperor Ing
2014-07-26, 10:14 AM


Noticing the timberwolves slowly advancing, Steel-Sicale's horn begins to glow with cerulean rimefire as arcs of electricity race across his disguised unicorn body.

2014-07-26, 12:00 PM
Adamant reasume's his defensive stance, and prepares to blast the wolves


Forum Explorer
2014-07-26, 04:02 PM
Bring It! Iron Wing roars as he flaps his wings to gain altitude.

Initiative [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-26, 05:59 PM
Ratchet, through some miracle, sprang into battle first, quickly spotting one of the Timberwolves who seemed a little... growlier than usual, and quickly slashing at it before retreating back, almost dancing back and forth on his hooves.

Attack Timberwolf Howler 1 (the one with initiative 15) with Defensive Fighting. 2 Damage and Ratchet gains resist 2 until the end of his next turn.
HP: 30/30
Energy: 4 + 2 = 6

2014-07-26, 06:23 PM
Adamant shouts out and launches his fireball spell at the Timberwolf that seems to be incharge, inflicting[roll]1d6[/roll damage to it and the two on either side of it.Adamant uses Fireball on Timberwolf PAck Leader, inflicting the above rolled damage to it as well as Timberwolf Striker 11 and Timberwolf Striker 4

40 health, 10 temp, 5 Energy

Emperor Ing
2014-07-26, 06:29 PM
<You're no predator!> Steel-Sicale calls out in Changlic as he leaps for the biggest timberwolf, his horn alight with rimefire for a brief moment as his unicorn spiral horn turns into a vicious black bladed hook which gores the biggest looking timberwolf, only to inflict more damage as the struggling wolf attempts to dislodge Sicale, causing the horn to tear into the creature further until the faux unicorn releases himself voluntarily.

using Vicious Bite (Armor Pierce) on Pack Leader.


Pack Leader also suffers from Vulnerability 1 (save ends)

Current PiPs: 5

Forum Explorer
2014-07-26, 07:02 PM
Iron Wing glares at the Timberwolves as he prepares to dive at them.

Take Aim (+3)
Pips 7
HP: 30

Beacon of Chaos
2014-07-27, 06:58 AM
Elixir, seeing that the team is outnumbered, pulls a bottle filled with a thick, green liquid from his bag. "Hmm. I hope this grows okay in Everfree," he muses.

He throws the bottle on the ground near the timberwolves, where it smashes. Immediately, a large plant begins to grow and within seconds it is easily as big as a pony. The single large red flower would look quite pretty were it not for the circle of razor sharp teeth within, which quickly takes a bite out of a nearby wolf.

Using [-4] Grow Deadly Plant [Standard Utility].
Deadly Plant - 12HP
A large flower-like creature with vicious teeth. A strange scent surrounds it.

Trait - Herbal Healing
When Deadly Plant rolls an 8 on a d8, target ally regains 6 HP and can make a saving throw.

[+2] Plant Strike [Standard Attack]
Deals 1d8 damage to target creature.

[-1] Entangle [Standard Attack]
Target loses 1 PiP and is dazed (save ends).

[-5] Sleep Powder [Standard Attack]
Target is stunned until they next take damage (or save ends).
The plant then attacks Timberwolf Pack Leader with [+2] Plant Strike [Standard Attack] for [roll0].

HP: 30
Pips: 0

HP: 12
Pips: 2

Crimson Doom
2014-07-27, 12:26 PM
Three of the timberwolves circle around, waiting for an opportune moment. Two others, egged on by the howls of the rest of the pack, lunge at Adamant, tearing into him with their powerful jaws.

Or, in RPG terms:
Timberwolf Striker 20 prepares to lunge!
Timberwolf Howler 15 uses Howl on Timberwolf Striker 11!
Timberwolf Striker 14.1 prepares to lunge!
Timberwolf Striker 14.2 prepares to lunge!
Timberwolf Striker 11 uses Chomp on Adamant! 1d6+1d4
Timberwolf Pack Leader uses Howl on Timberwolf Striker 4! All Timberwolves seem energized!
Timberwolf Striker 4 uses Chomp on Adamant! 1d6+1d4
Timberwolf Howler 1 uses Howl on Timberwolf Striker 11!

Ratchet 18 (tie roll 17)
Adamant 18 (tie roll 14)
Sicale 16
Elixir 7
Iron Wing 5

Timberwolf Striker 20
Timberwolf Howler 15
Timberwolf Striker 14
Timberwolf Striker 14
Timberwolf Striker 11
Timberwolf Pack Leader 9
Timberwolf Striker 4
Timberwolf Howler 1

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-27, 01:00 PM
Ratchet went wide-eyed as he saw Sicale gore what appeared to be the leader of the wolfpack.

He also recognized the perfect opportunity for an attack. Rushing back in, he angled right for the where the wolf had been wounded, chopping at it with a savage one-two punch.

Use Exploit Weakness on Pack Leader. Deals 2d8 damage, 3 if suffering from any vulnerability.
Damage: [roll0] + 1 from Vulnerability
HP: 30/30
Energy: 6 - 3 = 3

Emperor Ing
2014-07-27, 01:28 PM
Bring down the Alpha and the pack falls! Sicale calls out as a flash of rimefire reveals his Changling wings as he flies back around, this time his entire body charged with downright dangerous amounts of electricity that arcs between his limbs, across his body, and to the ground. Anything getting too close is threatened with almost certain electrocution. With this power, he strikes the Alpha with his hoof, bouncing right off but discharging energy into the creature nontheless.

Using Overcharged (Hammer of Thunder) -4 PiPs as a minor action

Then using Thunderous Blow as a Standard, +3 PiPs

[roll0] +1 damage due to the Pack Leader having Vulnerability 1

All enemies attacking Sicale now take 2 damage due to Lightning Shield

PiPs: 4

2014-07-27, 02:07 PM
Adamant decides he needs that the Alpha needs to go down soon.

Well, that technique he's been working on does need to be tested out...Adamant assumes the Form of the Serene Armidillo, gaining [roll0] temp HP

Health:37, temp 4

Beacon of Chaos
2014-07-27, 04:37 PM
Elixir directs his plant to keep attacking the leader, while he stays behind the others and drinks a stoneskin potion to protect himself while he prepares his next concoction.

Elixir drinks a [+2] Stoneskin Potion [Standard Utility], gaining resist 3 until next turn.

Deadly Plant attacks Timberwolf Pack Leader with [+2] Plant Strike [Standard Attack] for [roll0] damage.

HP: 30
Pips: 2

HP: 12
Pips: 4

Forum Explorer
2014-07-27, 08:16 PM
Iron Wing dives, slashing furiously at the Timberwolf pack leader.

[roll0] reroll 1 [roll1]
[roll2] reroll 1 [roll3]
[roll4] reroll 1 [roll5]
[roll6] reroll 1 [roll7]
[roll8] reroll 1 [roll9]

HP: 30 Pips 1

The wolf ducks out of the way, and Iron Wing flies by, only managing to nick it with a single talon.

Crimson Doom
2014-07-27, 09:08 PM
Three timberwolves leap onto Adamant, clawing him severely. Another lunges and tears at one of his limbs, laming him for the moment. A fourth targets the plant instead, tearing a large portion out of its stem and leaving it oozing sap. Three others, including the leader, egg on their fellows with howls.

Or, in RPG terms:
Timberwolf Striker 20 lunges at Adamant! [roll0] + [roll1]
Timberwolf Howler 15 uses Healing Howl on Timberwolf Pack Leader! All timberwolves seem energized!
Timberwolf Striker 14.1 lunges at Adamant! (Backup: Iron Wing) [roll2] + [roll3]
Timberwolf Striker 14.2 lunges at Adamant! (Backup: Iron Wing) [roll4] + [roll5]
Timberwolf Striker 11 uses Rip and Tear on Deadly Plant! [roll6] + [roll7] ongoing damage (save ends)
Timberwolf Pack Leader uses Howl on Timberwolf Striker 4!
Timberwolf Striker 4 uses Rip and Tear on Adamant! (Backup: Iron Wing) [roll8] + [roll9] + [roll10] ongoing damage (save ends)
Timberwolf Howler 1 uses Energy Howl on Timberwolf Pack Leader! All timberwolves seem energized!

Ratchet 18 (tie roll 17)
Adamant 18 (tie roll 14)
Sicale 16
Elixir 7
Iron Wing 5

Timberwolf Striker 20
Timberwolf Howler 15
Timberwolf Striker 14
Timberwolf Striker 14
Timberwolf Striker 11
Timberwolf Pack Leader 9
Timberwolf Striker 4
Timberwolf Howler 1

Emperor Ing
2014-07-27, 09:48 PM
Sicale raises his forelegs into the air as his horn, eyes, and mouth all glow bright with energy, the electricity the not-so-secret changling is wreathed in pours out from him onto many of the timberwolves below him.

Using Thunder Crush against Pack Leader, Howler 15, Howler 1, Striker 20, Striker 14, Striker 14.
Damage to all targets: [roll0]

All targets are stunned for the next round.

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-28, 05:13 AM
Ratchet dove in against the pack leader, using the same strategy as before.

Exploit Weakness for 3d8 damage.
Damage: [roll0]
HP: 30/30
PiPs: 0
Sweet jiminy crickets, my damage rolls have been horrible.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-07-28, 06:29 AM
Seeing the brutal attacks that Adamant endured, Elixir rushes to his side, dragging him as far away from the wolves as possible with his magic. He takes another potion bottle and pours the contents into Adamant's mouth.

Elixir's stoneskin potion wears off, and he gains an extra 2 pips for not taking damage.

He then uses [+2] Aid Potion [Standard Utility] on Adamant, healing him by [roll0] HP. He also gains 4 temp HP due to Elixir's Coat Filled With Spare Potion Bottles.

Deadly Plant takes 3 ongoing damage.
Deadly Plant attacks Timberwolf Pack Leader with [+2] Plant Strike [Standard Attack] for [roll1] damage.
Deadly Plant attempts save against ongoing damage: [roll2]

HP: 30
Pips: 6

HP: 4
Pips: 6

2014-07-28, 11:18 AM
Adamant nods in thanks to Elixir before wondering just why opponents keep ganging up on him.

Feeling his built up power has left him, Adamant fires a trio of mana blasts-one at the pack leader, one at the one that bit him on the leg, and one at whichever one happenes to be most injured (Unless it's one of the other two, inwhich case go to second most injured)Manablast inflicts[roll0] damage to the three mentioned timberwolves

Health 10, temp 4, energy 3

Forum Explorer
2014-07-28, 01:41 PM
Iron pulls up out of his swoop and flaps his wings to gain altitude. He grabs a nearby cloud and punches it, sending a lightning bolt at the pack leader.


Forum Explorer
2014-07-28, 01:44 PM
Iron Wing roars and pounds on the cloud some more letting lose a barrage of lightning at the wolves

Critical Hit!

on random enemy [roll1]
[roll2] on random enemy [roll3]
[roll4] on random enemy [roll]]1d8

Crimson Doom
2014-07-28, 08:47 PM
I'll reroll that last targeting roll. [roll0]

The pack leader roars with pain, then scatters into several somewhat scorched sticks. Those sticks then glow with a green, unnatural-looking energy and attach themselves to one of the un-stunned wolves loosely, making it (for the moment) a fair bit bigger than it was.

That wolf then goes after Sicale, tearing at his body and opening a rather large gash in his belly. Another goes after Iron, leaping and dragging him down with its claws and jaw and opening several wounds on his leg.

Or, in RPG terms:

Timberwolf Pack Leader died! It rearranged itself onto Timberwolf Striker 11!
Timberwolf Striker 20 is stunned!
Timberwolf Howler 15 is stunned!
Timberwolf Howler 14.1 is stunned!
Timberwolf Howler 14.2 is stunned!
Timberwolf Striker uses Eviscerate on Sicale! 2d8 + 1d8 ongoing damage
Timberwolf Striker 4 uses Rip and Tear on Iron Wing! 1d8 + 1d4 ongoing damage
Timberwolf Howler 1 is stunned!

Ratchet 18 (tie roll 17)
Adamant 18 (tie roll 14)
Sicale 16
Elixir 7
Iron Wing 5

Timberwolf Striker 20
Timberwolf Howler 15
Timberwolf Striker 14
Timberwolf Striker 14
Timberwolf Striker 11
Timberwolf Pack Leader 9
Timberwolf Striker 4
Timberwolf Howler 1[/QUOTE]

Lord Of Mantas
2014-07-29, 11:52 AM
Seeing that most of the pack was stunned, Ratchet leapt at the first wolf he'd nicked earlier, his hoofblade scoring through the wood.

Will use Stab on Howler 15.
Damage: [roll0]
HP: 30/30
PiPs: 4 + 1 = 5

Crimson Doom
2014-07-29, 12:16 PM
The howler howls in pain, then crumbles into sticks. Those sticks then glow and attach themselves to Striker 11.

2014-07-29, 12:59 PM
Adamant fires an other trio of Manablasts at Striker 11, and whichever 2 howlers look weakest.[roll0] damage to above mentioned wolves

Health 12, temp 4, 5 energy

Forum Explorer
2014-07-29, 01:01 PM
Iron Wing flies down and lands next to one of the howling Timberwolves, smashing it with a fist.

Using Preservering Strike on Howler 1, dealing [roll0] damage and giving myself 5 temp hit points

HP: 25 Pips: 2 Temp HP: 5

Saving Roll: [roll1]

Emperor Ing
2014-07-29, 01:35 PM
Sicale finds himself rakes especially hard, landing back down on the ground he grits his teeth, trying to fight off the pain and channel the magic he needs to begin healing himself. He also finds himself especially drained after the last spell so he begins gathering energy, much of it forking off into bursts of lightning that strike three of the timberwolves.

Using Arc Lightning on Howler, Striker 11, and Striker 4

HP: 16/30
PiPs: 2

Saving Throw

Beacon of Chaos
2014-07-29, 06:29 PM
With Adamant fighting but still wounded, Elixir pulls something new from his bag. A small glass sphere with swirling red liquid inside. With a flash of magic, Elixir hurls it at Adamant's side where it, instead of smashing, simply pops like a balloon. The liquid inside splashes over Adamant's wounds, closing them up. "Haha! The prototype works!"

Meanwhile, the plant creature sprays a cloud of pollen in the largest Timberwolf's face.

[+2] Aid potion to Adamant, healing [roll0] HP.

Deadly Plant uses [-5] Sleep Powder on Striker 11 (stunned until it next takes damage or save ends)

HP: 30
Pips: 8

HP: 4
Pips: 1

Crimson Doom
2014-08-02, 04:04 PM
One of the wolves drops to the ground, making an odd snore-growl noise as it does. The remaining wolves growl viciously, then leap in unison, each taking on a different target. Elixir, Iron Wing, and Ratchet each find themselves attacked by a growling wolf mercilessly tearing at their rib cages. Sicale is somewhat more fortunate, as his wolf misjudged his momentum and had time only for a swift bite before skidding on the ground and having to turn around.

Or, in RPG terms:

Timberwolf Striker 20 uses Eviscerate on Elixir! [roll0] + [roll1] ongoing damage

Timberwolf Striker 14.1 uses Eviscerate on Iron Wing! [roll2] + [roll3] ongoing damage

Timberwolf Striker 14.2 uses Eviscerate on Ratchet! [roll4] + [roll5]

Timberwolf Striker 11 attempts to save! [roll6]

Timberwolf Striker 4 uses Chomp on Sicale! [roll7]

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-02, 04:14 PM
It took all Ratchet had to not scream in pain and fear as the wolf went for his ribcage, but with a little effort he managed to power through it. Adrenaline coursing through his veins, he retaliated by turning to one of the pack and, with surprising dexterity, kicking up a cloud of dirt into its eyes, leaving it wide open...

Ratchet will use Go For The Eyes! on Striker 11 - it now has vulnerability 2, and 2 allies can deal 1d10 damage to him as a free action.
HP: 30 - 11 + 2 = 21/30
PiPs: 5 - 4 = 1

2014-08-02, 07:15 PM
Adamant sumond up a globe of his magic, which transforms into a globe of acid, said globe the reshapes into two arrows, one of which flies at Striker 11, the other at Striker 4

The above mentioned wolves take 5 ongoing damage until they make successful saving throws

Health 14, temp 4, energy 2

Emperor Ing
2014-08-02, 08:38 PM
In a surge of energy, more electricity arcs out of Sicale's horn, striking three of the Timberwolves, though one of them is struck particularly hard by a surge of magic.

Using Arcing Blast on Striker 20, Striker 11, Striker 4.

Striker 11 takes +2 damage due to vulnerability. Furthermore, Sicale does an additional...
damage to Striker 11 as a free action.

HP: 16/30
Energy: +4

Forum Explorer
2014-08-03, 05:22 PM
Iron Wing strikes the wolf with his wings as he fights to gain some distance.

Using Take Aim and dealing the 1d10 damage to Striker 11 [roll0]

HP: 15 Pips: 6

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-03, 05:43 PM
Despite the brutal attack, Elixir is able to calmly grab an acid bottle and fling it into the air, where it explodes into a noxious cloud of acid rain.

[-7] Acid Rain [Standard Attack] against all enemies, dealing [roll0] to all, plus an additonal [roll1] to those suffering from (save ends) effects.

Deadly Plant uses [+2] Plant Strike [Standard Attack] on Striker 20 for [roll2] damage.

HP: 16
Pips: 1

HP: 4
Pips: 3

Crimson Doom
2014-08-03, 06:19 PM
[Have all people taken their actions? I don't recall whether the people who got the extra actions have done both those and their normal actions.]

Striker 11 growls, then collapses into sticks that rearrange themselves onto Striker 20.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-03, 06:33 PM
[Have all people taken their actions? I don't recall whether the people who got the extra actions have done both those and their normal actions.]

Striker 11 growls, then collapses into sticks that rearrange themselves onto Striker 20.
[I think so, yes]

Crimson Doom
2014-08-03, 06:42 PM
The remaining four wolves must realize that they're going to lose, but they don't give up. One viciously slashes at Elixir, compounding the injuries he had already taken, while two of the others tag-teamed the plant he had summoned. The fourth pounces on Adamant, biting down on his shoulder.

Or, in RPG terms:

Timberwolf Striker 20 used Eviscerate on Elixir! [roll0] + [roll1]

Timberwolf Striker 14.1 used Chomp on Deadly Plant! [roll2]

Timberwolf Striker 14.2 used Chomp on Deadly Plant! (If plant already dead, Iron instead.) [roll3]

Timberwolf Striker 4 attempts to save! [roll4]

Timberwolf Striker 4 used Chomp on Adamant! [roll5]

Emperor Ing
2014-08-03, 06:45 PM
Sicale had had enough. He charges his horn, and lets loose a wave of rolling cerulean fire that freezes the wooden monsters.

Using Fireswath
[roll0] damage to all enemies

HP: 18/30
PiPs: 1

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-03, 07:16 PM
Emboldened by the progress being made on the battlefield, Ratchet let the adrenaline rush once more and swung his hoofblade at the latest rearranged wolf... and, through sheer luck, caught it first across the eyes and then in the shoulder.

Use Stab on Striker 20: [roll0] (Yes! My first crit of the game!)
Crippling Strike: Striker 20 is now blinded and weakened (save ends).
HP: 21 + 2 = 23/30
PiPs: 1 + 1 = 2

Forum Explorer
2014-08-03, 07:24 PM
Iron Wing goes after the biggest wolf, striking viciously with talon and beak.

Using Bladestorm.

[roll0] reroll 1 [roll1]
[roll2] reroll 1 [roll3]
[roll4] reroll 1 [roll5]
[roll6] reroll 1 [roll7]
[roll8] reroll 1 [roll9]
[roll10] reroll 1 [roll11]

Total damage: 45

HP: 14 Pips: 0

2014-08-03, 07:35 PM
Adamant gives a good hoof-punch to the wolf that bit him, before running off and bucking the wolf that attacked Elixir

Using hooves a Fury to inflict [roll0] damage to above mentioned wolves, who will also take a -2 penalty to the damage they inflict until the beginning of my next turn

Health 16, temp 3, energy 0

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-04, 04:43 AM
Both Elixir and his plant are viciously mauled by the timberwolves. The plant is torn to shreds. Elixir manages to stay in one piece, but quickly collapses from blood loss.

HP: 0
Pips: 0

Crimson Doom
2014-08-04, 09:02 AM
The three remaining wolves back off for a moment, growling at each other briefly. Then the three all leap on Iron, each biting him in a different place: one of the back leg, one on the front leg, and a third on one of his wings. However, two are a little unsteady from Adamant's strategic pummeling. Who knows who he learned timberwolf pressure point combat from.

Timberwolf Striker 14.1 used Chomp on Iron! [roll0] -2

Timberwolf Striker 14.2 used Chomp on Iron! [roll1]

Timberwolf Striker 4 attempts to save!

Timberwolf Striker 4 used Chomp on Iron! [roll2] -2

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-04, 09:11 AM
"Elixir's down!" Ratchet cried out. Not knowing anything about first aid, he elected to keep doing what he was doing best in the fight - that being wailing away at wolves with his hoofblade.

Ratchet will use Stab on Striker 14.1. [roll0] And apparently I'm just going to do horrible damage.
HP: 23 + 2 = 25/30
PiPs: 2 + 1 = 3

2014-08-04, 11:18 AM
Adamant launches a Trio of mana blasts at the wolves

Each wolve takes [roll0] damage

Health 17, Energy 2

Emperor Ing
2014-08-04, 11:57 AM
Sicale blasts the timberwolves with a burst of electricity

Damage to three Timberwolves

20/30 HP
3 PiPs

Forum Explorer
2014-08-04, 08:53 PM
Iron Wing shakes off the Timberwolves with a mighty roar as he takes to the sky and grabs another cloud to strike, sending another bolt of lightning at the pack.

Using Lightning bolt on Timberwolf 14

HP: 16 Pips: 0

Crimson Doom
2014-08-04, 09:59 PM
Each of the three remaining wolves chooses a target: one chomps Iron's leg, the second bites down on Adamant's shoulder, and the third pounces on Sicale and clamps down on his back.

Timberwolf Striker 14.1 used Chomp on Iron! [roll0]

Timberwolf Striker 14.2 used Chomp on Adamant! [roll1]

Timberwolf Striker 4 used Chomp on Sicale! [roll2]

Forum Explorer
2014-08-04, 10:11 PM
Iron Wing punches the Timberwolf biting him in the face.

Using Preserving Strike on Timberwolf 14.1, giving myself 5 temp HP.


HP: 15 Pips: 2 Temp hp: 5

2014-08-04, 11:08 PM
Adamant responds ti this fight by Decking the wolf that bit him before doing the same to the one that attacked Sicale

Adamant uses Hooves of Fury on the two aforementioned wolves, dealing [roll]1d10[roll] damage

Health 14, energy 0

Emperor Ing
2014-08-05, 01:26 AM
Sicale stabs his horn into the Timberwolf that bit him, this time discharging his stored magical power into the creature while his horn is inside it.

Use Horn Stab (Armor Pierce) on Striker 4
[roll0] damage and gains Vulnerability 1

Also, as a Minor Action, Sicale uses Where it Hurts to deal an additional...
damage to Striker 4

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-05, 04:29 AM
[Since I've missed two rounds...]

HP: -7
Pips: 0

Save vs. ongoing [roll0]

If above roll was not sucessful...

HP: -14
Pips: 0

Save vs. ongoing [roll1]

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-05, 07:29 AM
Seeing the Wolf Sicale attacked left vulnerable by his onslaught, Ratchet rushed over and, in a rush of adrenaline, savagely thrust his hoofblade into the existing stab wound.

Ratchet will use Exploit Weakness on Striker 4. [roll0] +1 = 14 ​from Vuln. 1.
HP: 25 + 2 = 27/30
PiPs: 3 - 3 = 0

Crimson Doom
2014-08-05, 09:51 AM
Adamant's punch shatters the face on one of the wolves, but the remaining sticks rearrange themselves on another of the two... which promptly dies from Sicale and Ratchet's tag-team. The remaining sticks all attach themselves to the last wolf.

The last wolf snarls and lunges on Ratchet, tearing at his underside.

Striker 14.2 used Eviscerate on Ratchet! [roll0] -2 damage, [roll1] -2 ongoing damage

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-05, 10:34 AM
At the beginning of the fight, the sheer pain would have sent Ratchet running for the hills. Now, however, exhausted and dripping with sweat and blood as he was, he tumbled upright and landed perfectly on his hooves, glaring with the utmost hate at the wolf who'd threatened to tear out his innards. With one last charge, he swung his hoofblade. "Take... THIS!" Through sheer force of will, the blade caught the wolf, first across the eyes, then in the right shoulder.

Hooo boy. Ratchet is going to be one heck of an adrenaline crash when this is all over.
As there is only one target left, it's straight damage time. Stab stabbity stab. [roll0] ...and it's another critical! Striker 14.2 is blinded and weakened (save ends).
HP: 27 - 11 + 2 = 18
PiP: 0 + 1 = 1

2014-08-05, 11:08 AM
Adamant launches a fireball at the remaining wolf.Wolf takes [roll0] damage

Health 16, energy 1

Emperor Ing
2014-08-05, 11:11 AM
Sicale flies at the wolf, stabbing it with his horn and discharging energy into the open wound.

As last round. Using Armor Pierce
[roll0] damage

target is now weakened

Also using Where it Hurts to deal an additional...

Crimson Doom
2014-08-05, 11:17 AM
Adamant's fireball neatly incinerates the final timberwolf, and what sticks remain stay still.

Elixir has stabilized.

2014-08-05, 11:31 AM
Adamant proceeds to attempt to give first aid to the downed medic


Crimson Doom
2014-08-05, 11:35 AM
Adamant proceeds to attempt to give first aid to the downed medic


With the gem boosting your capabilities, you cast a quick healing spell that speeds up recovery time. Elixir undergoes a day of healing in a minute.

However, this has tired your brain somewhat, all that magic flowing through it. For the next twenty minutes in-game, you get cumulative -1 penalties to gem usage.

2014-08-05, 11:44 AM

Okay that's not what I was trying to do, but that works.

But why didn't Mr. Secrets say anything about Caje activating my magic to cast spells I don't know?

Is this one of those powers Adamant is supposed to unlock, or was that just fluff?

Emperor Ing
2014-08-05, 11:44 AM
Steel-Sicale lands back on the ground, looking around at the destruction wrought, then back to his allies. Everyling okay? He asks before rushing over to Elixir's side. Hey! Come on, get up!

Crimson Doom
2014-08-05, 11:55 AM

Okay that's not what I was trying to do, but that works.

But why didn't Mr. Secrets say anything about Caje activating my magic to cast spells I don't know?

Is this one of those powers Adamant is supposed to unlock, or was that just fluff?

Primarily fluff. The drawback is because the gem cast the spell through you, using your intent and magic. It's more strain than your brain normally takes when using the gem, so it needs time to recuperate.

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-05, 12:57 PM
As the fight ended, Ratchet neatly toppled over, only dimly aware of Adamant attempting (and succeeding wildly) to heal Elixir. A minute passed as he lay on on the ground, eyes dilated and breathing heavy, his body attempting to recover from the massive influx of stress while his enchanted suit took care of fixing up his wounds. Eventually, he was able to get on his hooves once more, and quickly - but shakily - made his way over to Elixir. "A-are you alright?" he asked. Once he got his answer, he turned to the rest of the group. "I've got the compass all ready, once we're good to go again."

Forum Explorer
2014-08-05, 01:04 PM
Now That Was An Invigorating Fight! Ah, Sorry Elixir! Let's See If We Can't Get You Back On Your Hooves! Iron Wing says, checking Elixir over.

Heal [roll0]

Crimson Doom
2014-08-05, 08:29 PM
Now That Was An Invigorating Fight! Ah, Sorry Elixir! Let's See If We Can't Get You Back On Your Hooves! Iron Wing says, checking Elixir over.

Heal [roll0]

While you're no expert, Adamant's healing and your attempts at first aid get Elixir conscious again.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-06, 08:17 AM
Elixir weakly gets on his hooves. "Th-thanks. Arg, I feel like I've been in a blender." He chugs a health potion from his supply, feeling better.

"We should get out of here before the other pack returns."

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-06, 08:22 AM
Ratchet sighed with relief as Elixir got to his feet. "I second that motion. With any luck, whatever trials lie up ahead won't come quite so close to getting someone killed." He then whipped out the compass machine, ready to advance with everyone's go-ahead.

Emperor Ing
2014-08-06, 12:44 PM
Just wait until we run into the Barbarians again. Sicale mutters. At this point I wouldn't mind going through dragon lands.

Which reminds me: I might know of a way for us to get some help in there.

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-06, 02:32 PM
Ratchet's ears perked up, and he turned toward Sicale. "Do elaborate."

2014-08-06, 02:38 PM
Ya know, I think we should have picked up some torches before we came into the forest.

My fireball spell doesn't seem to be enough fire to scare them off.

Ratchet, which way does the Gem Radar say the emerald is?

Emperor Ing
2014-08-06, 03:10 PM
Ratchet's ears perked up, and he turned toward Sicale. "Do elaborate."

My Hive is allied to another Hive. This one resides in dragon lands, infiltrating whatever it is they call a "society."

Hive Lineolatus it is called. However...I may need to make arrangements, because if we're going to be having them help us, chances are we will end up inside their Hive. The location of the Hive is our most closely guarded secret, shared only amongst the closest of allies. The Invasion of Canterlot changed a lot of things, so I might be able to have an exception made for you all.

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-06, 03:22 PM
Ya know, I think we should have picked up some torches before we came into the forest.

My fireball spell doesn't seem to be enough fire to scare them off.

Ratchet, which way does the Gem Radar say the emerald is?

Ratchet consulted the compass machine and responded accordingly.

Forum Explorer
2014-08-06, 04:02 PM
I'd Rather Not Ally Myself With More Changlings! That Alone Could Cause Many Problems For Me In The Future!

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-07, 06:28 PM
Elixir glances around nervously.

"Let's just... get a move on, shall we? Rachet, lead the way."

Crimson Doom
2014-08-07, 09:23 PM
You continue through the forest for roughly an hour and a half without incident. Celestia is beginning to set the sun, and you try to pick up the pace, as none of you are particularly keen on sleeping in the Everfree.

However, after that time, you begin to hear the sounds of conflict in the direction you're heading: guttural battle cries from a pony, whacks and thuds, the occasional falling tree, and every now and then, a burst of lightning or fire. You're not sure what's causing it yet; getting closer might put you in the range of one of those lightning bolts. But then again, depending on what's going on, it might be worth the risk...

Forum Explorer
2014-08-07, 09:41 PM
We Should Investigate This! Best Case Scenario, One Of Our Enemies Is Fighting Another Enemy, Allowing Us To Eliminate Both Of Them After They've Tired Themselves Out! Worst Case, Some Innocent Pony Is In Trouble And Needs Our Help!

Emperor Ing
2014-08-07, 10:13 PM
You don't need to tell me twice! After double-checking to make he was indeed 100% looking like a unicorn with no changling parts accidentally exposed, Steel-Sicale gallops in the direction of the chaos.

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-07, 11:09 PM
Ratchet gulped, then galloped after Sicale. "No point backing out now, I guess."

2014-08-08, 03:35 PM
Adamant gallops after the others, towards the conflict

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-08, 03:54 PM
"Be careful! We have no idea what could be waiting for us!" Elixir says to his colleagues. He chases after them.

Crimson Doom
2014-08-08, 10:13 PM
As you approach, you see a clearing up ahead with three ponies fighting in it. Oddly enough, you can't see any particular targets for their attacks... maybe you're just too far away, but it looks almost like they're attacking thin air.

Before you get too close, a familiar voice rings out. "Stand still and fight, changeling cowards!"

Everycreature except Ratchet recognizes the voice as the earth pony barbarian, Stone Axe.

Forum Explorer
2014-08-08, 10:18 PM
Iron Wing sighs, Well That Was Quick. he mutters, hanging back and watching. Who Wants To Guess They Are Fighting Those Ninja?

Emperor Ing
2014-08-08, 10:21 PM
Many questions rang through Sicale's mind on hearing the voice, and seeing the familiar coat of a familiar pony with a familiar axe. "How?" "How?" "How?" "How?" "How?," and "How?!"

Sicale bumps Adamant and Ratchet to get their attention, gesturing vigorously to get the group to go in the exact opposite direction.

2014-08-08, 11:28 PM
Adamant prepares to go back the way they came, but first, he has a question.

Are they fighting the Ninjas, other enemy changelings, or changelings loyal to Sicale's hive?[roll0]

Crimson Doom
2014-08-09, 09:17 AM
Adamant prepares to go back the way they came, but first, he has a question.

Are they fighting the Ninjas, other enemy changelings, or changelings loyal to Sicale's hive?[roll0]

You're not sure. There's some enchantments in the general area that are interfering with your ability to discern what's going on.

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-09, 10:07 AM
Ratchet's confusion at the scene before him was only amplified as Sicale jostled him and subsequently gestured to go back. "Alright, alright." He then proceeded to follow his lead, keeping an eye on the compass in the meantime.

2014-08-09, 10:42 AM
Adamant isn't happy about the situation, but he backs up so the group can try to advance on a different route.

Crimson Doom
2014-08-09, 11:22 AM
It takes some doing, but you do manage to make your way around the brawl without getting involved.


You notice the snoozing head of a chicken poking out of a nearby bush.


You recognize that this is probably a cockatrice.


You see a snoozing chicken head poking out of a nearby bush. A long snake tail seems to be attached to it, blending in well with the foliage.


You recognize that this is probably a cockatrice.

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-09, 11:27 AM
Perception Roll: [roll0]
​Knowledge (from OOC): 23

Emperor Ing
2014-08-09, 12:44 PM

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-09, 12:50 PM
Perception [roll0]

Forum Explorer
2014-08-09, 07:20 PM
Preception: [roll0]

be very careful. that's likely a cockatrice. stay quiet, and don't look at it, just in case. Iron Wing whispered, barely breathing.

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-09, 08:24 PM
As the stalwart band of adventurers made their way around the fighting, Ratchet breathed a sigh of relief. One battle had been more than 'exciting' enough for him, and although he was confused as to why they'd backed away after charging in he wasn't going to question the ponies who actually had a sense of what was going on. Then he saw it. There, in the bushes, was the head of a chicken, delicately snoring.

Seriously? A chicken? What the heck is a chicken doing all the way out-

Wait. Isn't there some kind of monster that has-

be very careful. that's likely a cockatrice. stay quiet, and don't look at it, just in case.

Ooooh. Right. Ratchet squeaked. Horseapples.

"Duly noted," he squeaked again in a high pitched whisper, carefully treading far around the beast.

Emperor Ing
2014-08-10, 12:00 AM
Slowly, carefully, Sicale attempted to sneak past the sleeping beast, not willing to risk petrification.

Crimson Doom
2014-08-10, 12:46 PM
With a little assistance, you five all successfully sneak past the cockatrice. It doesn't awake, and you continue for a while.

Just as it starts to get dark and you wonder if you'll have to make camp, you enter a clearing. The compass spell indicates that your prize is very close, but in your way stands several timberwolves. Behind the pack is a pony of some sort. It almost looks like... is she made of wood?

"So. You survived the Everfree," the pony says, her voice gruff and pitiless. "Impressive, given your lowered numbers, your injured packmates. Tell me, what did you do with them? The ones that my python hurt?"

Forum Explorer
2014-08-10, 12:54 PM
We Left Our Injured Comrades At Home To Heal! For The Hunt Cannot Stop, Simply Because A Member Of The Pack Cannot Leave The Den! Iron Wing says, standing strong in front of the Lumberpony.

(History Roll: [roll0] )

EDIT: (That's actually perfect. Activating All Awesome to swap that 1 for a 20.)

2014-08-10, 01:39 PM
I take it you're the guardian of the emerald?

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-10, 05:47 PM
"Impressive, given your lowered numbers, your injured packmates. Tell me, what did you do with them? The ones that my python hurt?"
Elixir whispers to his allies. "Don't tell her! She-"

We Left Our Injured Comrades At Home To Heal! For The Hunt Cannot Stop, Simply Because A Member Of The Pack Cannot Leave The Den! Iron Wing says, standing strong in front of the Lumberpony.
"-might go looking for them. *sigh*" Elixir scratches his head. "Why do you want to know?" he asks the lumberpony.

Lumberpony. Good name. I like it. :smallbiggrin:

Crimson Doom
2014-08-10, 06:26 PM
We Left Our Injured Comrades At Home To Heal! For The Hunt Cannot Stop, Simply Because A Member Of The Pack Cannot Leave The Den! Iron Wing says, standing strong in front of the Lumberpony.

(History Roll: [roll0] )

EDIT: (That's actually perfect. Activating All Awesome to swap that 1 for a 20.)

History roll to discover what, precisely? I'll take the roll of 32, but I need to know what you're trying to discover/remember.

The pony nods. While the wood reveals no facial expressions, her tone seems to convey slight approval. "Indeed. Well spoken. I always did like griffons. More sensible than ponies."

I take it you're the guardian of the emerald?

The wooden head turns to Adamant, empty eye sockets filling with green energy. "You are the successor of Secrets," she says, a tinge of anger in her voice. "I will not speak to you. You would do well to do the same, or it will not be well for you."

Elixir scratches his head. "Why do you want to know?" he asks the lumberpony.

"Loyalty to the pack is an admirable trait," she replies. "Treachery, a terrible crime." She says nothing more.

2014-08-10, 06:43 PM
[SPOILER=???]The wooden head turns to Adamant, empty eye sockets filling with green energy. "You are the successor of Secrets," she says, a tinge of anger in her voice. "I will not speak to you. You would do well to do the same, or it will not be well for you."

If you mean I'm the one who claimed Caje, then yes.

I claimed the gem protect my compatriots from the risk of losing their minds should they fail the test.

Now let me tell you something. I'm a Martial Artist, fourth Dan. I've been busting hunks of wood apart with my bare hooves sinc I was 11.

If you don't treat me the respect I'm due as a sapient creature, things won't be well for you.



If I used the stare on that roll, would it cancel out the Nat 1

Emperor Ing
2014-08-10, 07:48 PM
Adamant?The fake unicorn leans in to whisper in the ear of his friend. Can you stop trying to threaten absolutely everything that looks at you wrong?

He then looks back at the lumberpony. ARE you the guardian of the emerald?

2014-08-10, 08:00 PM
Adamant?The fake unicorn leans in to whisper in the ear of his friend. Can you stop trying to threaten absolutely everything that looks at you wrong?

She threatened me first.

Forum Explorer
2014-08-10, 09:49 PM
Mind Your Tongue! Iron Wing says, lightly cuffing Adamant on the back on his head. That, I Believe, Is Asili! One Of The Five Who Defeated The Ancient Griffon King! Show Her Respect! Iron Wing turns and nods respectfully to Asili.

I Agree, Some Ponies Can Be Quite Foolish! Now What Must We Do To Prove Ourselves Worthy Of Wielding The Emerald?

2014-08-10, 10:00 PM
Mind Your Tongue! Iron Wing says, lightly cuffing Adamant on the back on his head. That, I Believe, Is Asili! One Of The Five Who Defeated The Ancient Griffon King! Show Her Respect! Iron Wing turns and nods respectfully to Asili.

I Agree, Some Ponies Can Be Quite Foolish! Now What Must We Do To Prove Ourselves Worthy Of Wielding The Emerald?

Seventh rule of Honor: Show respect only to those who respect you.

Asilli or not, she threatened me with only the most foalish of provocations. For that, she deserves nop respect, and if she is so petty to threaten me for somthing as trivial as being the Master of Caje-without even considering why The gem of knowledge would be in the hooves of a Martial Artist and not say, the alchemist, then she's clearly aiming to pick a fight, and if she intend to pick a fight with me, then it's only fair that she know what I'm capable of.

(Definitely using the stare for above persuasion roll)

Crimson Doom
2014-08-10, 10:00 PM
If you mean I'm the one who claimed Caje, then yes.

I claimed the gem protect my compatriots from the risk of losing their minds should they fail the test.

Now let me tell you something. I'm a Martial Artist, fourth Dan. I've been busting hunks of wood apart with my bare hooves sinc I was 11.

If you don't treat me the respect I'm due as a sapient creature, things won't be well for you.



If I used the stare on that roll, would it cancel out the Nat 1

Her eyes flash dangerously. "You dare-?!"

Mind Your Tongue! Iron Wing says, lightly cuffing Adamant on the back on his head. That, I Believe, Is Asili! One Of The Five Who Defeated The Ancient Griffon King! Show Her Respect! Iron Wing turns and nods respectfully to Asili.

Slowly, the glow in her eyes fades. "You control your pack with a firm but even hand, griffon. I can respect that. His affront will be forgiven this once. But should he speak again, I will not be so merciful."

He then looks back at the lumberpony. ARE you the guardian of the emerald?

She nods at him. "Potioneer. I admire the plant you created. A shame my wolves were forced to destroy it. Yes, I guard Kurrag the Claw, the Great Emerald."

I Agree, Some Ponies Can Be Quite Foolish! Now What Must We Do To Prove Ourselves Worthy Of Wielding The Emerald?

Asili nods her approval. "First you must best me and my pack in combat. Should you succeed, that ends my involvement. Then, whoever claims the gem must embrace the predator within."

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-10, 10:18 PM
Sneaking around the cockatrice had been a harrowing experience, but years of sneaking away from noogie-delivering family members had left Ratchet as lightfooted as a summer breeze. While a couple of his compatriots had accidentally snapped a twig or two, a quick hissed reminder to hold their breaths as the cockatrice hitched its breath was more than enough to allow them all to pass in relative safety.

Then they encountered the Emerald Guardian, and Adamant went and opened his mouth. Ratchet's face contorted with fear as Adamant all but invited certain doom upon them...

Seventh rule of Honor: Show respect only to those who respect you.

Asilli or not, she threatened me with only the most foalish of provocations. For that, she deserves nop respect, and if she is so petty to threaten me for somthing as trivial as being the Master of Caje-without even considering why The gem of knowledge would be in the hooves of a Martial Artist and not say, the alchemist, then she's clearly aiming to pick a fight, and if she intend to pick a fight with me, then it's only fair that she know what I'm capable of.

(Definitely using the stare for above persuasion roll)

Ratchet hissed in Adamant's direction. "Maxim 27 of Highly Effective and Very Much Not Dead Adventurers: Don't provoke angry vengeful artifact guardians, especially when they're the ones who know how to get to the damn thing, just because they bruise your ego!" You Moron.

Then Iron Wing smacked him in the head, and all was right with the world as the newly named Asili allowed them, for the moment, to keep their intestines inside their bodily cavities. After she finished describing the trial, Ratchet decided to speak up, if only to help cement the image of a bold, unified pack. "S-so, embracing our inner predator... Is that yet another trial, or merely what the bearer of the emerald should exemplify?"

Crimson Doom
2014-08-10, 10:26 PM
Then Iron Wing smacked him in the head, and all was right with the world as the newly named Asili allowed them, for the moment, to keep their intestines inside their bodily cavities. After she finished describing the trial, Ratchet decided to speak up, if only to help cement the image of a bold, unified pack. "S-so, embracing our inner predator... Is that yet another trial, or merely what the bearer of the emerald should exemplify?"

She turns to Ratchet. "Quiet one. You, perhaps, are the bravest of them all. Your skills are in stealth and deception, which I normally despise... yet you freely ventured into the Everfree with a pack you just barely joined. You have the smallest chance of surviving, yet you came anyway." She pauses thoughtfully. "You intrigue me. It is not often that I wish to both hate and admire a person..."

She shakes her head slightly. "In any event, it is both. To claim the gem, you become, by nature, predatory. But if you reject such, the gem will reject you... and will likely devour you."

2014-08-10, 10:32 PM
Asili nods her approval. "First you must best me and my pack in combat. Should you succeed, that ends my involvement. Then, whoever claims the gem must embrace the predator within."

Master forgive me, for I shall enjoy this far more than I should.


Emperor Ing
2014-08-10, 10:38 PM
One question before we begin. Sicale asks as he hovers in the air on insectoid wings that reveal themselves in a flash of rimefire. It's obvious you and Sapphire Secrets had a...history. Can I ask what happened? His body becomes wreathed in dangerous lightning.


Forum Explorer
2014-08-10, 10:54 PM
Ready When You Are! Iron Wing shouts, flapping his wings hard to gain some elevation.


Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-10, 11:13 PM
She turns to Ratchet. "Quiet one. You, perhaps, are the bravest of them all. Your skills are in stealth and deception, which I normally despise... yet you freely ventured into the Everfree with a pack you just barely joined. You have the smallest chance of surviving, yet you came anyway." She pauses thoughtfully. "You intrigue me. It is not often that I wish to both hate and admire a person..."

She shakes her head slightly. "In any event, it is both. To claim the gem, you become, by nature, predatory. But if you reject such, the gem will reject you... and will likely devour you."

The bravest of them all. Ratchet admitted to himself that he had never head those words applied to him, much less in that combination. All his life, he'd run away from his problems, be they brothers, bullies, or angry mayors. And yet... here he was, in the middle of one of the most dangerous places on Equus, having voluntarily joined up with an adventuring company who had a long-term goal of descending into Tartarus itself, and even waded into the thick of battle armed with only a hastily-modified brush knife. Even more surprisingly, he hadn't run away.

The bravest of them all.

At that moment, something changed a little in Ratchet, and he leaned down, pawed the dirt, and with a quick flick extended his blade.

"Let's do this."

Combat Talents:
Draw Blood
Sneaky Bastard
Exploit Weakness
Go For The Eyes

Crimson Doom
2014-08-11, 08:56 AM
One question before we begin. Sicale asks as he hovers in the air on insectoid wings that reveal themselves in a flash of rimefire. It's obvious you and Sapphire Secrets had a...history. Can I ask what happened? His body becomes wreathed in dangerous lightning.


She narrows her eyes. "Changeling. Only slightly less despicable than those who would forward the legacy of Secrets. There is room, in nature, for deception, if it is how you keep yourself alive. I may detest it, but I tolerate it, as I tolerate you. He deceived to gain power... that, I cannot forgive. He would have betrayed us all, stolen the crown and used it to forward his own agenda, had Onyx not beaten him to it."

Out of the blue, she smirks. "Heh. I was wondering how long it would take them to catch on. Fools. Unworthy of the power they wield. And as for you..." Her eyes flash, and vines instantly extend... and wrap themselves over what appears to be pony-shaped patches of empty air.

She turns to the patches. "You will not be permitted to interfere, hidden ones. If any of you move, use magic, or speak, all of you die. Remain as you are, and I might be persuaded to let you off with mere injuries."

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-11, 10:24 AM
She nods at him. "Potioneer. I admire the plant you created. A shame my wolves were forced to destroy it."
Elixir raises an eyebrow. "I'm surprised. It was a life born of science, after all."

"First you must best me and my pack in combat. Should you succeed, that ends my involvement. Then, whoever claims the gem must embrace the predator within."
Elixir rolls his eyes. "Oh goodness me, more fighting! Whoever would have guessed?" he says sarcastically, and somewhat bitterly.

Out of the blue, she smirks. "Heh. I was wondering how long it would take them to catch on. Fools. Unworthy of the power they wield. And as for you..." Her eyes flash, and vines instantly extend... and wrap themselves over what appears to be pony-shaped patches of empty air.

She turns to the patches. "You will not be permitted to interfere, hidden ones. If any of you move, use magic, or speak, all of you die. Remain as you are, and I might be persuaded to let you off with mere injuries."
"Invisibilty magic! That's high level stuff! Who are they?"


Crimson Doom
2014-08-11, 10:33 AM
Elixir raises an eyebrow. "I'm surprised. It was a life born of science, after all."

"It is simply faster evolution," she points out. "Not that much different from the Everfree itself except in time elapsed."

Forum Explorer
2014-08-12, 12:34 PM
Iron Wing takes aim, preparing to strike against one of the wolves.

Take Aim

HP: 30 Pips: 7

Emperor Ing
2014-08-12, 01:34 PM
The fake unicorn hovers in the air, his horn charging power, discharging lightning on the creatures below. Don't judge me for being hatched the wrong species. He remarks. Judge me for who I am.

[roll0] damage

HP: 30/30
PiPs: 6

2014-08-12, 01:53 PM
Adamant's first thought is to charge Assili and bash her smug face in, but he tries to calm himself. even if she deserves it, he could never forgive himself for striking an opponent in anger.

Assili? I'm nothing like Secrets.

With that, Adamant assumes a defensive stance and begins focusing his energyAdamant uses Form of ther Serene Armadillo. Ordinarily this would give him 1d4 temp HP, but temp HP doesn't stack so it has no effect

HP 40, Temp 10, 7 energy

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-12, 02:21 PM
Ratchet looked at Asili, a look of determination. "I don't ever think anyone's used the word 'brave' and my name in the same sentence before. I'm gonna be honest: Running? Sneaking? They're what I'm best at."

With a great leap, Ratchet bounded past her, his hoofblade leaving a neat scratch from which fluid dripped delicately. He turned back to her. "But I agreed to be a part of this until the end. If that means I have to get hurt to help the pack? Well, so be it. And besides." He smiled, as much out of nervousness as in humor. "Even the tiniest rat has a nasty bite when backed into a corner."

Ratchet will use Draw Blood on Asili (target suffers 1 ongoing damage, save ends).
HP: 30/30
PiPs: 4 + 3 = 7

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-12, 05:44 PM
Elixir backpedals a little as the team is surrounded by timberwolves. "Not again..." he mutters.

Grimmacing, he drinks a stoneskin potion, his confidence returning as he feels his flesh hardening against attack.

[+2] Stoneskin Potion. Resist 3 until next turn. Earn an extra 2 pips if no damage taken.

HP: 30
PiPs: 6

Crimson Doom
2014-08-12, 10:26 PM
Iron Wing takes aim, preparing to strike against one of the wolves.

Take Aim

HP: 30 Pips: 7

Seeing Iron's combative stance, Asili nods. "We begin, then. Come, my packmates! We hunt!"

The wolves snarl in response, advancing slowly towards the party.

The fake unicorn hovers in the air, his horn charging power, discharging lightning on the creatures below. Don't judge me for being hatched the wrong species. He remarks. Judge me for who I am.

"Like it or not, species is part of your nature," Asili retorts. "No, it is most of your nature!"

One of the timberwolves growls, turning its head from foe to foe, looking for the opportune moment to strike. Another howls, urging its packmates on.

Adamant's first thought is to charge Assili and bash her smug face in, but he tries to calm himself. even if she deserves it, he could never forgive himself for striking an opponent in anger.

Assili? I'm nothing like Secrets.

With that, Adamant assumes a defensive stance and begins focusing his energy

One wolf jumps onto Elixir, clamping his jaw onto the alchemist's shoulder and dealing [roll0] + [roll1] damage.

"My point is proven," she says without missing a beat. "You would not be succeeding Secrets if you were not like him. How like a unicorn, to lie and to cheat your way to victory!" Her eyes flash menacingly. "Such tricks will not work against me." She charges at Adamant and rams into him, smashing him into a tree and dealing [roll2] damage.

Ratchet looked at Asili, a look of determination. "I don't ever think anyone's used the word 'brave' and my name in the same sentence before. I'm gonna be honest: Running? Sneaking? They're what I'm best at."

With a great leap, Ratchet bounded past her, his hoofblade leaving a neat scratch from which fluid dripped delicately. He turned back to her. "But I agreed to be a part of this until the end. If that means I have to get hurt to help the pack? Well, so be it. And besides." He smiled, as much out of nervousness as in humor. "Even the tiniest rat has a nasty bite when backed into a corner."

Asili's wooden face splits into what could be taken as a grin. "I've decided. You, I like."

One wolf eyes Ratchet, waiting for its chance, while another joins its packmate in howling.

"That being said, I won't spare you if your actions fail to live up to your words."

Elixir backpedals a little as the team is surrounded by timberwolves. "Not again..." he mutters.

Grimmacing, he drinks a stoneskin potion, his confidence returning as he feels his flesh hardening against attack.

"Lacking confidence?" Her grin turns predatory. "That won't be to your good here."

The pack leader howls, backed up by two other wolves waiting for an opportune moment to strike.

It is the calm before the storm.

Forum Explorer
2014-08-12, 10:52 PM
Iron Wing flies into the wolf, clawing and pecking to shatter it's wooden body.

Using Bladestorm on Howler 1

[roll0] reroll 1 [roll1]
[roll2] reroll 1 [roll3]
[roll4] reroll 1 [roll5]
[roll6] reroll 1 [roll7]
[roll8] reroll 1 [roll9]

Total: 37 damage and a critical!

Forum Explorer
2014-08-12, 10:58 PM
Critical Hit!

Strike Now! With Overwhelming Force And Speed! Iron Wing roared to his comrades as he burst through the wolf, flying over to the other howler and striking it as well.

Using Royal Command for free! Myself and 4 allies (the rest of the team) get to do a standard action. If it deals damage, it deals an additional d8. It does still cost Pips though.

Using Preserving Strike on Howler 2 (assuming Howler 1 was destroyed), giving the 5 temp HP to Elixer.

damage [roll0] + [roll1]

HP: 30 Pips: 2

2014-08-12, 11:19 PM
"Like it or not, species is part of your nature," Asili retorts. "No, it is most of your nature!"

"My point is proven," she says without missing a beat. "You would not be succeeding Secrets if you were not like him. How like a unicorn, to lie and to cheat your way to victory!" Her eyes flash menacingly. "Such tricks will not work against me." She charges at Adamant and rams into him, smashing him into a tree and dealing [roll2] damage

Adamant get's back up and resumes his defensive stance, talking to the rascist zebra the entire time

You. Are a hateful, arrogant, ignorant, petty disgrace: species means Nothing about who someone is!

usinng Serene Aramdillo again for my free Standard Action (Thanks Explorer).

My actual action this round will come in my following post, and will take place in my normal initiative spot

Health 40, temp 5, energy 10

2014-08-12, 11:43 PM
Now Adamant is glaring at the wooden Zebra.

Here's an other thing: Secret's was a Wizard. I'm a Martial Artist.

A Wizard is somepony who gathers knowledge and power and then hoards it in an Ivery Tower.

A Martial Artist is someone who gains skill and power and then uses it.

You say that Secrets tried to lie, cheat, and steel his way to the crowns power? Ask anypony-ling here, I can't lie for Manure.

You were talking about "Loyalty to the pack" earlier, My Special Talent is literally taking beatings for my friends. I claimed the Sapphire-risking my sanity, so none of my companions would have to take the risks

Now, then, I'm going to backtrack: a Martial Artist uses their power, but that power can only be used for three things. Seeking Enlightenment, protecting oneself or others, or battling evil. Even then, if a Martial Artists senses he will come into conflict, he must warn others of his skills. He must hold back, lest he inadvertently cause too much damage.

Imagine living in a world made entirely of leaves. You'd have to be careful not to break something. For a practitioner of my art, at my level of skill-not even halfway to mastery, that's what every fight is like.

You though, I think you can take it. You're about to find out what what happens when I cut loose

Adamant's magic erupts from his horn and infuses his body. He Charges the wooden Zebra and punches her in the face with enough force to send her flying

Adamant uses Judo Throw on Assili, inflicting [roll0] to her and removing her from combat untill the end of her next turn

Emperor Ing
2014-08-12, 11:58 PM
Sicale's face turns upwards into a snarl. The ghost of Sapphire Secrets was nothing except kind and gracious towards us, and I am more than happy to call him my friend. You have been nothing but petty, racist, and judgmental.

I swore an oath to never kill, however I will have a clear conscience when you are blown to mulch. Not only because you are already dead, not only because the world doesn't need your type, but because nopony, noling, NOTHING talks to my friends like that! Sicale stomps his hooves, and his body is wreathed in electricity. With a flick of his hooves, that charged energy rolls off him, blasting into the wooden forms of the Timberwolves.

Using Hammer of Thunder (Minor Action)

Using Thunder Blast on Howler, Howler, Pack Leader, and a random Striker, dealing...
[roll0] damage
All targets are Dazed until the end of their next turn

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-13, 01:00 AM
Asili's wooden face splits into what could be taken as a grin. "I've decided. You, I like."

One wolf eyes Ratchet, waiting for its chance, while another joins its packmate in howling.

"That being said, I won't spare you if your actions fail to live up to your words."

Ratchet resisted the urge to gulp, and furrowed his brow in concentration as Iron Wing gave the order to charge. "You want me to put my bits where my mouth is? Alrighty then!" Ratchet charged one of the pack. "How about this!?"

Assuming that I understand the mechanics of Royal Command correctly, Ratchet will use Draw Blood (1 ongoing damage, save ends) as his primary action, and Stab as his extra standard action [roll0] + [roll1] on a target of the following priority, depending on whether anyone falls to the onslaught. Also, since he got a crit on his d8, the target is blinded (save ends).
Howler > Pack Leader > Striker.

HP: 30/30
PiPs: 7 + 3 + 1 = 11.

Emperor Ing
2014-08-13, 01:18 AM
A static discharge of energy further emits from Sicale, dealing more damage to the pack leader and the two loud timberwolves

Arcing Bolt on Pack Leader, Howler 1, Howler 2

Crimson Doom
2014-08-13, 09:57 AM
A static discharge of energy further emits from Sicale, dealing more damage to the pack leader and the two loud timberwolves

Arcing Bolt on Pack Leader, Howler 1, Howler 2

Isn't Arcing Bolt only 1d6? What's the 1d8 for?

Emperor Ing
2014-08-13, 10:54 AM
((bonus 1d8 damage from Royal Command))

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-13, 11:55 AM
One wolf jumps onto Elixir, clamping his jaw onto the alchemist's shoulder and dealing [roll0] + [roll1] damage.

"Lacking confidence?" Her grin turns predatory. "That won't be to your good here."
The stoneskin potion negated some of the damage, but the timberwolf's bite was strong. "ARRRRG!" cries Elixir, as he forces the beast off of him. "I almost died to one of these things today. Forgive me if I don't feel like doing it again," he sneers.

At Iron Wing's encouragement, the alchemist pulls a large black bottle with a fuse in the top and a warning sign, a stylised pony skull, on the side. Lighting it with a spark of magic, he throws at the lumberpony, where it explodes in flames, catching her and the wolves flanking her in the blast.

Extra action from Iron Wing: [+1] Exploding Potion on Asili, also hitting Timberwolf Striker 18 and Timberwolf Howler 13 for [roll0] damage + [roll1] bonus damage. (my attack comes before Adamant in the initiative order, so she's still in play for my hit).

HP: 25 (+5)
Pips: 7

He then pulls out the Celestial Staff and charges it up, blasting a Timberwolf with a bolt of white flame.

Using [-4] Staff of the Stars [Minor Utility], followed by a [+3] Starbolt on Howler 13 for [roll2] damage.

HP: 25 (+5)
Pips: 6

Crimson Doom
2014-08-13, 12:10 PM
Iron Wing flies into the wolf, clawing and pecking to shatter it's wooden body.

The wolf lets out a high-pitched yelp and collapses, its pieces rearranging themselves onto the other howling wolf...

Strike Now! With Overwhelming Force And Speed! Iron Wing roared to his comrades as he burst through the wolf, flying over to the other howler and striking it as well.

...which then proceeds to shatter as well, its pieces locking on to the nearest wolf.

Asili smirks, apparently unperturbed by the loss of two wolves. "The only strike worth performing!"

A static discharge of energy further emits from Sicale, dealing more damage to the pack leader and the two loud timberwolves

The two howlers being dead, the electricity jumps to the two nearest wolves to the pack leader.

Now Adamant is glaring at the wooden Zebra.

Here's an other thing: Secret's was a Wizard. I'm a Martial Artist.

A Wizard is somepony who gathers knowledge and power and then hoards it in an Ivery Tower.

A Martial Artist is someone who gains skill and power and then uses it.

You say that Secrets tried to lie, cheat, and steel his way to the crowns power? Ask anypony-ling here, I can't lie for Manure.

You were talking about "Loyalty to the pack" earlier, My Special Talent is literally taking beatings for my friends. I claimed the Sapphire-risking my sanity, so none of my companions would have to take the risks

Now, then, I'm going to backtrack: a Martial Artist uses their power, but that power can only be used for three things. Seeking Enlightenment, protecting oneself or others, or battling evil. Even then, if a Martial Artists senses he will come into conflict, he must warn others of his skills. He must hold back, lest he inadvertently cause too much damage.

Imagine living in a world made entirely of leaves. You'd have to be careful not to break something. For a practitioner of my art, at my level of skill-not even halfway to mastery, that's what every fight is like.

You though, I think you can take it. You're about to find out what what happens when I cut loose

Adamant's magic erupts from his horn and infuses his body. He Charges the wooden Zebra and punches her in the face with enough force to send her flying

Any response Asili might have mustered to that or to any other responses is interrupted as she's sent flying through several trees. But it doesn't take her long to pick herself up and begin charging back into the fray, the wound that Ratchet inflicted already sealed by sap... and is she a little bigger than she was?

While several of the wolves are shaking off Sicale's lightning, a few others go on the offense. One lunges at Sicale and begins reopening old wounds, clawing him open with vicious abandon. [roll0] + [roll1] damage + [roll2] ongoing damage. Another sees an opportunity, while Iron is recovering from his charge, to lunge on him, dealing [roll3] damage, and another takes the same opportunity with Adamant, dealing [roll4].

2014-08-13, 01:35 PM
Adamant resumes his defensive stance, he needs more of his energy for what else he's got planed.

Serene Armadillo again

Health 40, temp 4, energy 5

Forum Explorer
2014-08-13, 01:36 PM
Iron Wing grunts, and backs off preparing to launch another assault.

Take Aim

HP: 29 Pips: 6

Emperor Ing
2014-08-13, 01:52 PM
Sicale gasps at the assault. While he survives easily, it is still rather painful.

Stay DOWN!! He commands, striking the Timber Pony with an electically charged hoof.

Thunderous Blow
[roll0] damage

Opponents attacking Sicale take two damage.

Saving throw

HP: 16/30
PiPs: 5

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-13, 02:01 PM
His veins full of adrenaline, Ratchet ran back for another pass, his hoofblade gleaming. With a deft flick, he picked out a weak spot, then rammed it home. "I'd... ordinarily say something... about predators waiting for the opportune moment to strike... but I'm still working on the whole banter thing."

Ratchet will use Sneaky Bastard as a minor action, giving his target Vulnerability 1 until the end of his turn. This will be then followed immediately by Exploit Weakness, which, since his target has vulnerability, deals 3d8 damage: [roll0] + 1 = ​21. Since he got two crits, the target is blinded (save ends).

Target Priority: Asili > Pack Leader > Striker. (included because I don't know if she's a valid target yet)

HP: 30/30
PiPs: 11 - 1 - 3 = 7

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-13, 05:56 PM
Elixir turns his staff on the timberwolf that attacked Sicale, shooting a beam of silver light at it. The light strikes the wolf, then bounces off and envelopes Sicale, closing the open wounds that creature had inflicted on him.

Striking a timberwolf (one of the strikers? not clear) with [+1] Moonglow for [roll0] damage. Sicale's ongoing damage is removed.

HP: 25 (+5)
Pips: 7

Crimson Doom
2014-08-13, 10:05 PM
One of the wolves snarls and lunges on Adamant, chomping down and tearing his shoulder for [roll0] + [roll1] and [roll2] ongoing damage. Another takes the opportunity and pounces on Adamant as well, dealing [roll3] damage.

Asili charges into combat and is just about to attack when...

His veins full of adrenaline, Ratchet ran back for another pass, his hoofblade gleaming. With a deft flick, he picked out a weak spot, then rammed it home. "I'd... ordinarily say something... about predators waiting for the opportune moment to strike... but I'm still working on the whole banter thing."

Ratchet hits Asili's eyes, connecting them with a large groove over her face.

"...heh. Hehehehehe."

That can't be good.

"You fight well, little rodent," Asili says with approval. "But trying to blind [I]me? You'd be better off trying to chop down the Everfree with a pocketknife!" And with that, she charges at Ratchet at an astonishing speed, smashing him into a tree and dealing [roll4] damage.

One of the other wolves takes advantage of Ratchet's temporary defenselessness and chomps down on his forearm, dealing [roll5] damage.

The leader, still dripping sap the eye injuries Ratchet caused, retreats somewhat, howling all the while.

The remaining two wolves tag-team Elixir, each one picking a leg and chomping on it. Take [roll6] and another [roll7].

Forum Explorer
2014-08-13, 11:14 PM
Iron Wing roars, and charges Asilli, using his wings to turn himself into furious ball of talons, claws, and a slashing beak.

Bladestorm on Asilli!

[roll0] reroll 1 [roll1]
[roll2] reroll 1 [roll3]
[roll4] reroll 1 [roll5]
[roll6] reroll 1 [roll7]
[roll8] reroll 1 [roll9]
Total: 12+1=13

HP: 30 Pips: 0

2014-08-13, 11:40 PM
Adamant tries to use a spell to force his bleeding wound shut, but a sudden pain in the same wound causes his spell to fizzle

Adamant uses way too tough, allowing him to make an additional saving throw this round


Health 34, energy 8

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-14, 12:00 AM
Ratchet hits Asili's eyes, connecting them with a large groove over her face.

"...heh. Hehehehehe."

That can't be good.

"You fight well, little rodent," Asili says with approval. "But trying to blind me? You'd be better off trying to chop down the Everfree with a pocketknife!" And with that, she charges at Ratchet at an astonishing speed, smashing him into a tree and dealing [roll4] damage.

One of the other wolves takes advantage of Ratchet's temporary defenselessness and chomps down on his forearm, dealing [roll5] damage.

Ratchet managed to shake off the wolf and collapsed to the ground, wheezing as he tried to recover the air knocked out of him during the impact with the tree. "I... don't need to chop down the Everfree." Charging at Asili, he aimed for a weaker section of her woody hide. "I just need to chop down you!"

It's repeat performance time! Sneaky Bastard (vulnerability 1 until turn end) followed by Exploit Weakness for [roll0] + 1 damage, for a total of 17 ​damage. Also, technically since he got an 8 he should be able to blind her, but... we all saw how that went last time.

HP: 30 - 9 + 2 = 23/30
PiPs: 7 - 4 = 3

Emperor Ing
2014-08-14, 12:41 AM
Feel the power of the Hive! Sicale announces as six bolts of all-consuming lightning arc from his horn, onto the form of Aesili, the pack leader, and four other timberwolves.

Thunder Crush on Aesili, Pack Leader, and four other Timberwolves.

They all take
[roll0] damage
and are stunned until the end of the next round.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-14, 05:36 AM
With the team on the offensive after dispatching a couple of the wolves, Elixir is feeling better about himself. After shrugging off an attack from two wolves at a time, he lifts his staff into the air.

"Let Celestia's light cleanse you!" he bellows. The staff glows with a powerful light before unleashing a hail of glowing energy bolts from above the forest canopy. Each one that strikes a wolf burns it with starlight, while those that hit the party heal their wounds.

Elixir uses [-7]Celestial Rain striking all enemies (except striker 1) for [roll0] damage and healing Elixir, Adamant, Sicale, and Rachet for the same amount.

HP: 30/30 (+3)
Pips: 0

The staff then loses its power. Elixir puts it away, to be recharged later.

Crimson Doom
2014-08-16, 11:17 AM
In the wake of multiple bursts of energy, the pack scatters to avoid taking too much damage, except for one foolhardy wolf who lunges at Adamant and bites down, dealing [roll0].

In the meantime, the Pack Leader attempts to save for both blindness and ongoing damage: [roll1] and [roll2].

2014-08-16, 11:59 AM
Hey, Ms Hunk of wood? Please leave Mr. Ratchet alone.

I am your opponent.

With that, the martial artist once again charges the wooden Zebra with magically enhanced speed and strength, delivering an other blow strong enough to send her flying away.
Using Judo throw again, inflicting [roll0] damage and removing her from combat until the end of her next turn.

Health 36, energy 0.

Saving throw[roll1]

Emperor Ing
2014-08-16, 12:05 PM
Sicale charges up his horn again, discharging energy onto the wolves, focusing heavily on ending the existence of the pack leader.

Arcing Bolt
Two Strikers and Pack Leader take
[roll0] damage

Where it Hurts (Minor Action)
Pack Leader takes
[roll1] additional damage

HP: 27
PiPs: 1

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-16, 12:59 PM
Hey, Ms Hunk of wood? Please leave Mr. Ratchet alone.

I am your opponent.

Ratchet charged at the pack, Asili having been sent flying by one of Adamant's martial arts techniques. "Not that I mind being kept from getting slammed into trees, but don't hog her all to yourself!" He winged one of the pack, trying to pump himself up. "If the angry... wooden... wolf thing wants to see me fight..." He paused and cocked his head, only now just having realized how uncharacteristic of himself he was being.

What am I DOING?

A growl came from off of his left. Oh, right. I got so caught up in being called brave that I rushed headlong at a being of myth and legend twice my size.

His eyes furrowed in concentration. Well, I'm in this deep. "Never mind."

Ratchet will use Draw Blood on either the Pack Leader or one of the Strikers, depending on if the pack leader gets obliterated. (1 ongoing damage, save ends)

HP: 23 + 2 + 9 = 30/30
PiPs: 3 + 3 = 6

Forum Explorer
2014-08-16, 07:10 PM
Panting, Iron Wing wheels and slams his fist into the Pack Leader.

Using Presevering Strike on Pack Leader giving myself the 5 temp HP

Damage: [roll0]

Pips: 2
HP: 30 Temp HP: 5

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-17, 06:56 AM
Elixir grabs another of his new healing orbs, this one yellow in colour. He flings it at Adamant, where it splashes over his cuts.

Using [+2] Cure Potion on Adamant, allowing him one free saving throw before his turn (remember, I come before him in turn order).

HP: 30/30 (+3)
Pips: 2

Crimson Doom
2014-08-19, 09:55 PM
Two wolves leap at Sicale, each one clamping down on a different limb. Take [roll0] and [roll1]

Hey, Ms Hunk of wood? Please leave Mr. Ratchet alone.

I am your opponent.

With that, the martial artist once again charges the wooden Zebra with magically enhanced speed and strength, delivering an other blow strong enough to send her flying away.
Using Judo throw again, inflicting [roll0] damage and removing her from combat until the end of her next turn.

Health 36, energy 0.

Saving throw[roll1]

Asili goes flying again, but starts charging back. From what expression that you can see on her wooden face, she's starting to look annoyed.

Meanwhile, one of the wolves lunges at Ratchet. Things are ramping up for him now, as the wolf specifically goes for the belly. Take [roll2] and [roll3] ongoing damage.

And in the background, the pack leader continues to try to recover from his blindness, howling in the meantime to encourage the pack to fight on. Save against blind: [roll4] Save against ongoing damage: [roll5].

Meanwhile, the remaining two wolves lunge at Iron, going for the belly and throat with wild abandon, using each other to distract him from defending his weak points. Take [roll6] + [roll7] damage, plus [roll8] ongoing damage.

Iron Wing

Timberwolf Striker 20
Timberwolf Striker 18
Asili 15
Timberwolf Striker 12
Timberwolf Pack Leader 7
Timberwolf Striker 6
Timberwolf Striker 1

Forum Explorer
2014-08-19, 09:59 PM
Arrgh! Iron Wing screams in pain before throwing another punch at the Pack Leader.

Using Presevering Strike again on Pack Leader and giving myself the temp HP.
damage: [roll0]

HP: 9 Temp HP: 5

Save for ongoing damage [roll1]

Emperor Ing
2014-08-19, 10:02 PM
Burn! Sicale unleashes another triplicate burst of electricity.

damage to Asili, Pack Leader, Striker 20


HP: 20
PiPs: 3

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-19, 10:21 PM

Even as the wolf's claws cut into his stomach, Ratchet's eyes dilated as two more of them savaged Iron Wing, large gashes being left in his hide.

"Elixir! Iron Wing's in trouble! Help him, quick!" Forget Asili - I've gotta help take out the weaker wolves, or they'll all whittle us down before we know it! Quickly, Ratchet charged the leader of the pack, ramming his hoofblade into his hide.

Exploit Weakness on the pack leader - since he is not suffering from vulnerability, the attack deals [roll0] damage.

Roll to save vs. ongoing damage: [roll1]
HP: 30 - 8 - 3 + 2 = 21/30
PiPs: 6 - 3 = 3

Crimson Doom
2014-08-19, 10:24 PM

Even as the wolf's claws cut into his stomach, Ratchet's eyes dilated as two more of them savaged Iron Wing, large gashes being left in his hide.

"Elixir! Iron Wing's in trouble! Help him, quick!" Forget Asili - I've gotta help take out the weaker wolves, or they'll all whittle us down before we know it! Quickly, Ratchet charged the leader of the pack, ramming his hoofblade into his hide.

Exploit Weakness on the pack leader - since he is not suffering from vulnerability, the attack deals [roll0] damage.

Roll to save vs. ongoing damage: [roll1]
HP: 30 - 8 - 3 + 2 = 21/30
PiPs: 6 - 3 = 3

The pack leader cries out in pain, then crumples. As usual, the sticks rearrange themselves; some of them latch on to Asili, and the rest attach themselves to Striker 20.

2014-08-19, 11:54 PM
Adamant blasts Assili with fire, the flames spreading out to affect striker's 18 and 12.

Adamant uses Fireball, dealing [roll0] damage to the above mentioned targets.

Health 35, energy 1

Saving throw:[roll1]

Because I rolled 8 damage, Adamant gains resist 5 and Assili must attack him this round.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-20, 05:21 PM
(OOC: Sorry for the late response.)

"Elixir! Iron Wing's in trouble! Help him, quick!"
"I'm on it!"

Elixir slings a heal orb at Iron Wing.
[+2] Aid Potion on Iron Wing for [roll0] HP

HP: 30/30 (+3)
Pips: 4

Crimson Doom
2014-08-21, 09:25 AM
"Wilde kaak. Hunter die slange omgekom. Gaan vir die wisselaar van vorms," Asili says, and immediately two wolves lunge at Sicale, mauling him terribly. Take [roll0] damage, [roll1] ongoing damage, and [roll2] ongoing damage.

Incidentally, I messed up Iron's ongoing damage. It should be the higher of two rolls, not a combined effort. Take the higher of these two rolls: [roll3] and [roll4]

Adamant blasts Assili with fire, the flames spreading out to affect striker's 18 and 12.

Adamant uses Fireball, dealing [roll0] damage to the above mentioned targets.

Health 35, energy 1

Saving throw:[roll1]

Because I rolled 8 damage, Adamant gains resist 5 and Assili must attack him this round.

While the fire seems to be damaging, you notice that the flames snuff out abnormally quickly.

"Did you really think," she seethed, "that I would have no protections against flame? Laat die bos van eindelose onafhanklikheid opstaan ​​om my te verdedig nie!" Vines decorated with large, curved thorns spring out of the ground, wrapping around all non-wooden combatants. Everyone takes [roll5].

Meanwhile, one of the wolves backs off, looking for a weak point, while its fellows lunge for different targets. One clamps down on Elixir, dealing [roll6], while the other leaps on Ratchet and claws him, dealing [roll7].

Iron Wing

Timberwolf Striker 20
Timberwolf Striker 18
Asili 15
Timberwolf Striker 12
Timberwolf Striker 6
Timberwolf Striker 1

2014-08-21, 11:31 AM
While the fire seems to be damaging, you notice that the flames snuff out abnormally quickly.

[COLOR="#006400"][FONT=Fangsong]"Did you really think," she seethed, "that I would have no protections against flame? Laat die bos van eindelose onafhanklikheid opstaan ​​om my te verdedig nie!" Vines decorated with large, curved thorns spring out of the ground, wrapping around all non-wooden combatants. Everyone takes [roll5].

Did you really think I'd be stupid enough not to assume that my weekest attack spell might not be 100 percent effective?

Now, you just made the single biggest mistake of your life.

You and your little pets just hurt my friend.

A Blast of magic collides with Assili, while 2 more target the wolves that Injured Sicale

[roll0] damage to above mentioned targets

Saving throw[roll1]

Health 34, energy 3

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-21, 06:19 PM
Elixir shrugs off the attack from the wolf; he's running on pure adrenaline. Another heal orb is flung, this time at a critically wounded Sicale.

[+2] Aid Potion on Sicale for [roll0] HP plus 4 temp HP, thanks to his coat.

HP: 30/30 (+2)
Pips: 6

Forum Explorer
2014-08-21, 08:06 PM
My Thanks! Iron Wing shoot Elixir a quick grin as he crouches in preparation to attack.

Take Aim

Pips: 7
HP: 19
Temp HP: 2

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-21, 08:58 PM
Ratchet's eyes continued to widen as Sicale became the next to stagger under the onslaught, kept on his feet only by a timely healing orb from Elixir. Quickly, he charged one of the wolves that had attacked Sicale, stabbing it with his blade.Ratchet uses Stab, dealing [roll0] damage to one of the wolves Adamant attacked (not Asili).

Since you haven't said otherwise, Crimson, I assume I'm still taking ongoing damage 3. Here's my next save: [roll1]
HP: 21 - 10 + 2 = 13
PiPs: 3 + 1 = 4

Emperor Ing
2014-08-21, 09:37 PM
Sicale cries in agony as the wolves rip apart his carapace. He falls to the ground unconscious, the lack of concentration causing his unicorn disguise to slip away in a flash of cerulean flame, revealing the changling with a rather painfully torn carapace. Fortunately, Elixir's healing spell is able to keep him on his hooves for just a bit longer. Thanks... He gasps to Elixir.

Scowling to the assembled wooden enemies, he unleashes another burst of energy from his hooked horn.

Arcing blast
Asili, Timberwolf 20, Timberwolf 18 all take
[roll0] damage

Crimson Doom
2014-08-21, 09:51 PM
Mantas, the ongoing damage is save ends, so once you get 10 or more on your saving throw, the effect ends.

The two wolves that attacked Sicale recoil briefly from the burst of magic, then lunge on him again, though with significantly less force. Take [roll0] and [roll1].

Did you really think I'd be stupid enough not to assume that my weekest attack spell might not be 100 percent effective?

Now, you just made the single biggest mistake of your life.

You and your little pets just hurt my friend.

A Blast of magic collides with Assili, while 2 more target the wolves that Injured Sicale

"Pets?!" Asili growls. "This is my pack, my family! Hardly pets! Kom na my hulp, Hy wat tjank by perde om hulle te bang!"

Another wolf emerges from the bush, bearing the size and authority that marks him as another pack leader, howling to announce his arrival.

The remaining wolves rally around this and go after their targets: one clamps down on Ratchet, dealing [roll2] + [roll3] damage, another leaps on Iron, dealing [roll4], and the last one goes after Adamant, dealing [roll5].

Forum Explorer
2014-08-21, 09:59 PM
Iron Wing growls and charges Asili, ignoring the wolf attached to him. Can The Two Of You Stop Talking And Just Fight?! Let Your Hooves Do The Talking!

Bladestorm on Asili!

[roll0] reroll 1 [roll1]
[roll2] reroll 1 [roll3]
[roll4] reroll 1 [roll5]
[roll6] reroll 1 [roll7]
[roll8] reroll 1 [roll9]

Total damage: 2 (worst possible roll :smallfrown:)

HP: 17 Pips: 1

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-21, 10:14 PM
Rearing up on his front hooves, Ratchet kicked a cloud of dirt into Asili's face. "Iron Wing! Elixir! Attack her while she's distracted!"

Don't worry, Explorer, your chance to make it up is at hand! Ratchet will use Go For The Eyes! to give Elixir and Iron Wing the opportunity to deal 1d10 damage to Asili as a free action, as well as giving her Vulnerability 2.

Also, good to know about the 10.
HP: 9 + 2 = 11/30
PiPs: 0

Forum Explorer
2014-08-21, 10:18 PM
Iron Wing shakes off the wolf that interfered with his last attack and reaims, attacking again.

Go For The Eyes!

[roll0] +2
Also activating Overload on Asilli to deal an extra 5 damage and suffers Vulnerability 2 for the rest of the turn (I don't know why I keep forgetting I have that)

Crimson Doom
2014-08-21, 10:24 PM
Striker 12 crumbles beneath Iron's frenzied attack, the pieces attaching themselves to the pack leader.

2014-08-21, 10:31 PM
Adamant don't even mention the whole pot and kettle situation Iron just walked into.

Oh You chew out Secrets for being a liar and a cheat, but then you cheat by calling for an other pet when we've almost got you beat? So not only are you ignorant, bigoted, and petty, you're also a hypocrite.

You want to add treachery and cowardice to that?

Adamant's braces himself for the incoming assault he knows is coming after that tauntSerene Armadillo

Gain's [roll0] temp hp

Health 33, temp 1, energy 6

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-22, 01:58 PM
Rearing up on his front hooves, Ratchet kicked a cloud of dirt into Asili's face. "Iron Wing! Elixir! Attack her while she's distracted!"
Elixir continues to attend to Sicale, pausing at Rachet's cry to fling one of his explosive potions at Assili.

Free hit on Assili for [roll0].

[+2] Aid Potion on Sicale again for [roll1] HP and 4 temp HP

HP: 30/30 (+2)
Pips: 8

Edit: (finally, a crit!)

With Sicale on his hooves again, Elixir tries yet another new potion. This one he smashes on the ground, creating a pinkish cloud that heals the wounds of his allies.
10 on d10: All allies can either regain 6 HP or make a saving throw.

Emperor Ing
2014-08-22, 02:18 PM
Ugh, thanks again, Elixir I wonder how much of my carapace is scar-tissue at this point... Sicale rises to his hooves again as he once again makes the effort to strike back at his opponents with his magic

Arcing Blast on Asili, Striker 20, Striker 18

HP: 19 + 4
PiPs: 2

Crimson Doom
2014-08-23, 09:25 AM
Two of the wolves clamp down on Adamant, dealing [roll0] and [roll1].

Iron Wing growls and charges Asili, ignoring the wolf attached to him. Can The Two Of You Stop Talking And Just Fight?! Let Your Hooves Do The Talking!

"I don't need to breathe, and you do. If I can keep you talking, all the better for me," Asili stated flatly.

Adamant don't even mention the whole pot and kettle situation Iron just walked into.

Oh You chew out Secrets for being a liar and a cheat, but then you cheat by calling for an other pet when we've almost got you beat? So not only are you ignorant, bigoted, and petty, you're also a hypocrite.

You want to add treachery and cowardice to that?

Adamant's braces himself for the incoming assault he knows is coming after that tauntSerene Armadillo

Health 33, temp 1, energy 6

"Hah! There is no cheating in combat! The point is to win, nothing else. But lying to us all, including his lover, and trying to sneak off with the gem while we were in griffon territory?!" Her voice drops to a menacing hiss. "That is unforgivable. And that is why I cannot let him win."

Her eyes glow green, and a nearby tree bulges, a pony made of vines emerging from it. "And that means not letting myself fall for an obvious taunt."

The leader howled again as if to punctuate her statement, while the dryad she had formed sang a haunting melody, healing [roll2] of Asili's wounds.

The remaining timberwolves all go after Adamant, dealing [roll3] + [roll4].

Iron Wing

Timberwolf Striker 20
Timberwolf Striker 18
Asili 15
Timberwolf Pack Leader 14
Dryad 13
Timberwolf Striker 6
Timberwolf Striker 1

Emperor Ing
2014-08-23, 10:41 AM
You brought us into combat under the expectation of a fair fight! Sicale hisses back as he arcs bursts of lightning on the enemy again. What would you think if I summoned the full might of my Hive's Inquisition to aid me in this battle?

You won't be missed.

Arcing Blast on Aesili, Dryad, and Pack Leader

PiPs: 4
HP: 21 + 4

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-23, 10:50 AM
"This is really getting old." Ratchet leapt at the dryad, winging it with his hoofblade and causing sap to pour out.

Ratchet usesDraw Blood on the dryad, giving it 1 ongoing damage (save ends).

HP: 17 + 2 = 19/30
PiPs: 3

2014-08-23, 11:48 AM
"Hah! There is no cheating in combat! The point is to win, nothing else. But lying to us all, including his lover, and trying to sneak off with the gem while we were in griffon territory?!" Her voice drops to a menacing hiss. "That is unforgivable. And that is why I cannot let him win."

Her eyes glow green, and a nearby tree bulges, a pony made of vines emerging from it. "And that means not letting myself fall for an obvious taunt."

The leader howled again as if to punctuate her statement, while the dryad she had formed sang a haunting melody, healing [roll2] of Asili's wounds.

The remaining timberwolves all go after Adamant, dealing [roll3] + [roll4].

Iron Wing

Timberwolf Striker 20
Timberwolf Striker 18
Asili 15
Timberwolf Pack Leader 14
Dryad 13
Timberwolf Striker 6
Timberwolf Striker 1

Really now, secrets told us that four of the five heroes, that is, Himself, you, Onyx and the Ruby's guardian-the Draconequs, all tried to use the Griffin King's crown for your own reasons. That was why it was hidden away, wasn't it? Because none of you could be trusted with it?

So yeah, if you can't forgive Secrets, than you can't forgive your self either, so again, hypocrite.

Adamant shakes himself loose of the wolves that struck him and repositions himself away, while building his energy

Now, as for cheating in combat, I think I'll take my master's words over the words of a racist, petty, hypocritical, and rude beingg who should have passed on centuries ago.

1. Never pick a fight, but be willing to finish them
2.One must always inform an other of their skills if they sense conflict, so that if the other insists on following a the plan that would lead them into conflict, the consequences are on their head.
3.never strike an opponent who can't fight back.
4.never use lethal force except against monsters or if the situation is dire.
5.even if the situation is dire, never use lethal force as a first option-exhaust all others first.

Adamant is using Serene Armadillo again, gaining [roll0] temp HP

Health 27, temp 4, pips 9

Forum Explorer
2014-08-23, 11:52 AM
Iron Wing just shakes his head, and turns to attack the dryad pony.

Persevering strike on Dryad. Giving myself the 5 Temp HP


HP: 25 Temp HP 5
Pips: 3

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-23, 03:34 PM
Elixir grimmaces at the sight of the dryad appearing. "I don't like being outnumbered. Two can play at that game," he says, growing a plant creature of his own.

Using [-4] Grow Deadly Plant.

HP: 30/30 (+2)
Pips: 4

The plant uses [+2] Plant Strike on the Dryad for [roll0] damage.

HP: 12
Pips: 2

Crimson Doom
2014-08-23, 07:39 PM
You brought us into combat under the expectation of a fair fight! Sicale hisses back as he arcs bursts of lightning on the enemy again. What would you think if I summoned the full might of my Hive's Inquisition to aid me in this battle?

You won't be missed.

Asili laughs contemptuously. "At that point, the forest itself would intervene, you shapeshifting fool."

Really now, secrets told us that four of the five heroes, that is, Himself, you, Onyx and the Ruby's guardian-the Draconequs, all tried to use the Griffin King's crown for your own reasons. That was why it was hidden away, wasn't it? Because none of you could be trusted with it?

So yeah, if you can't forgive Secrets, than you can't forgive your self either, so again, hypocrite.

Adamant shakes himself loose of the wolves that struck him and repositions himself away, while building his energy

Now, as for cheating in combat, I think I'll take my master's words over the words of a racist, petty, hypocritical, and rude beingg who should have passed on centuries ago.

1. Never pick a fight, but be willing to finish them
2.One must always inform an other of their skills if they sense conflict, so that if the other insists on following a the plan that would lead them into conflict, the consequences are on their head.
3.never strike an opponent who can't fight back.
4.never use lethal force except against monsters or if the situation is dire.
5.even if the situation is dire, never use lethal force as a first option-exhaust all others first.

Asili's eyes flash with anger. "You presume too much. They took it to wield it. Secrets would have used it to expand the kingdom of Equestria, Onyx would have set himself up as king of the world, Ruby would have wreaked great havoc. I took it so they couldn't have it!"

Most of her wolves leap towards Adamant, doing all they can to hurt him. Take [roll0] + [roll1] damage and [roll2] or [roll3]ongoing damage. One wolf goes after Iron instead, dealing [roll4] and [roll5] ongoing damage.

Meanwhile, while the pack leader howls, another dryad curls out of a tree and joins its comrade in singing to heal Asili of [roll6].

2014-08-23, 09:55 PM
Asili's eyes flash with anger. "You presume too much. They took it to wield it. Secrets would have used it to expand the kingdom of Equestria, Onyx would have set himself up as king of the world, Ruby would have wreaked great havoc. I took it so they couldn't have it!"

Griviously injured(HINT ELIXIR), Adamant reposotions himself again.

And why the hay would I take your word for it, ms. Petty hypocritical rascist.

Even if you're being truthful, you call thw wolves family, yet earlier you said that Species was most of a being's nature. You're a prey animal, and the wolves are predators. Either you're wrong about nature, or the wolves aren't your family, but your trained pets. It doesn't go both ways.

Alright, let me finish the rules of honorable combat my sensei taught me.

6.When facing overwhelming numbers, use overwhelming force.
7.Honorable combat is reserved for honorable opponents.
8. rules are flexible.
9.If your life or the lives of your friends are in danger, then the rules listed above can be ignored.
10.In conjunction with rules 6-9, if defeat is inevitable, but at the same time unacceptable, then you suffer no loss of honor if you cheat to defeat a cheating opponent.

Adamant begins cycling between his Kata's, while in tern his magic is cycling between his horn and body(giving of a very cool looking strobe effect) before he stops, and aims right at the wooden zebra.

In that tradition, since you keep calling for help like a coward, I'll just have to break up your wooden pets faster than you can call them, and you as well! Ponī kōhai-ha!

And like that a massive blast of magical energy erupts from Adamant's horn and slams into Assili, before more blasts branch off, targeting her wolves.Adamant uses Pony Devastation Wave, targeting Assili, the pack leader, and all four strikers. The aforementioned Targets each take [roll0] damage.

Saving throw for ongoing damage[roll1]

Health 5, energy 0

Forum Explorer
2014-08-23, 10:05 PM
Iron Wing punches the dryad again, before retreating to Adamant's side.

Persevering Strike on wounded Dryad. Giving 5 temp HP to myself


Saving roll [roll1]

HP: 16 Temp HP: 5
Pips: 6

Using Magic point to activate Awesomeness and change Adamant's saving throw to a 20.

Emperor Ing
2014-08-23, 10:18 PM
You're finished, hypocrite.

Sicale slams with his hoof down on Asili, the raw energy traveling through his leg.


Using Overcharge (Hammer of Thunder) on Self

Then using Thunder Crush against Asili

enemies attacking Sicale take 2 damage

HP: 23 + 4
PiPs: 3

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-23, 10:28 PM
Watching Adamant suffer under the onslaught of Asili's attacks, Ratchet charged. "It's time to end this." With a great roar, he rammed his hoofblade into her face where he'd previously showered her with dirt.

Exploit Weakness for 2d8 damage, 3d8 if vulnerability 2 is still up. So [roll0] for a total of 13 to 16 damage depending on extant conditions.

HP: 21/30
PiPs: 0

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-24, 04:00 AM
Seeing the horrible beating Adamant had taken, Elixir rushes over. Rather than use one of his healing orbs, this time he elects to take his largest potion bottle and shove it directly into Adamants mouth. "Concentrate on fighting, rather than making our enemies angrier and angrier, yeah? We have better things to do today than die."

The deadly plant turns its attention to Assili, attempting to wrap her in vines to restrict her movement.
[+2] Aid Potion on Adamant for [roll0] HP, plus 4 temp HP.

HP: 30/30 (+2)
Pips: 6

The plant uses [-1] Entangle on Assili. She loses 1 pip (if any) and is dazed (save ends).

HP: 12
Pips: 1

Crimson Doom
2014-08-24, 12:46 PM
One of the wolves retreats, looking wounded and waiting for a good opportunity to attack. Another covers for it, lunging on Adamant and mauling him for and [roll1] ongoing damage.

Griviously injured(HINT ELIXIR), Adamant reposotions himself again.

And why the hay would I take your word for it, ms. Petty hypocritical rascist.

Even if you're being truthful, you call thw wolves family, yet earlier you said that Species was most of a being's nature. You're a prey animal, and the wolves are predators. Either you're wrong about nature, or the wolves aren't your family, but your trained pets. It doesn't go both ways.

"I changed!" she growled. "Species limited me, so I became another species. I am just as much a timberwolf as my pack!" Another dryad curls off from a tree. (Asili also attempts to save for daze: [roll1d20.)

The dryads make a trio, singing to heal Asili by [roll2]. The first one also attempts to save for ongoing damage (twice, since I forgot to have her save last time): [roll3] and [roll4].

One wolf goes after Iron, dealing [roll5] + [roll6], and the last wolf goes after Ratchet to tear him off of Asili, dealing [roll7].

Forum Explorer
2014-08-24, 01:03 PM
Iron Wing growls in frustration as he goes to punch the dryad again.

Invigorating Strike (it's the real name of the attack) on dryad, giving temp hp to myself

damage [roll0]

HP: 16 Temp HP: 5
Pips: 6

Emperor Ing
2014-08-24, 01:19 PM
Sicale brings his hoof down in Asili again, discharging energy into her.

Thunder Crush again on Asili

[roll0] damage

Enemies targeting Sicale take 2 damage

HP: 25 + 4
PiPs: 6

2014-08-24, 01:59 PM
Badly injured once more, Adamant atempts to force his wounds shutAtempting Way too tough.

Saveing throw:[roll0]

Normal end of turn save if that doesn't work:[roll1]

Beacon of Chaos
2014-08-24, 02:04 PM
Elixir continues force-feeding potions to Adamant while his plant attacks Assili.

[+2] Aid Potion on Adamant for [roll0] HP plus 4 temp HP.

HP: 30/30 (+2)
Pips: 8

The plant uses [+2] Plant Strike on Assili for [roll1] damage.

HP: 12
Pips: 3

Lord Of Mantas
2014-08-24, 08:31 PM
Attempting to build up momentum once more, Ratchet scored his blade across another of the Dryads.

Ratchet will use Draw Blood on whichever Dryad has the highest initiative score and is not affected by 1 ongoing damage already.

HP: 17/30
PiPs: 3

Crimson Doom
2014-08-24, 10:04 PM
The wounded wolf (Striker 20) leaps into action, leaping on Sicale. He winces from the electricity, but the pounce deals [roll0] damage. Meanwhile, another wolf (Striker 18), also looking wounded, retreats, looking for an opening.

Asili's eyes glow, and yet another dryad splits off from a tree. (Save against daze: [roll1].) While the pack leader howls, the four dryads sing to heal Asili of [roll2] HP. (Dryad 13 saving throw vs ongoing damage: [roll3]. Same for Dryad 12: [roll4].)

The two remaining wolves jump on Sicale, dealing [roll5] + [roll6] and ignoring the small shock.

Iron Wing

Timberwolf Striker 20
Timberwolf Striker 18
Asili 15
Timberwolf Pack Leader 14
Dryad 13
Dryad 12
Dryad 11
Dryad 10
Timberwolf Striker 6
Timberwolf Striker 1

Emperor Ing
2014-08-24, 10:07 PM
BURN!! Sicale's words are laced with power as waves of electricity roll off his horn onto the masses of wood creatures beneath him. Unfortunately, it amounts to little more than a small shock.

Thunder Crush. Again.

Targeting Asili, the four dryads, and Striker 20, all take...
[roll0] damage

All six targets are stunned until the next round

HP: 14
PiPs: 2

Crimson Doom
2014-08-24, 10:16 PM
Striker 20 crumbles into sticks that attach themselves to Asili.