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2014-01-20, 12:21 PM
Hello, hello, welcome, one and all, to the forty-seventh iteration of our thread, the humble LGBTAI in the playground thread!

The AI is for All-Inclusive, because we have only so much space but everyone, regardless of orientation, direction, letter, acronym or chosen astrological symbol is welcome here!

We do, unfortunately, have a few rules. We are not an anarchical state! Or, we weren't until they voted we were? But shush.

1. We are primarily a support thread.
This means that the primary focus should be in helping people here feel better; about themselves, about their lives, about their problems. We are also an education thread, but when helping someone learn involves not supporting, we will default to support - Mostly. We are only mostly human, after all.

2. If you want answers to Trigger topics, spoiler-box or privately ask them.
This relates to the above. If you want to ask questions debate, and your responses, or a side response, or something involves not being supportive/active antagonism, spoiler it and LABEL YOUR SPOILERS CLEARLY.

Triggery topics will be listed here, when I can get them straight. (hahaha straight)

3. Avoid discussing Politics or Religion.
It doesn't matter how much these two topics intersect with our forum topic, they are verboten. Sometimes, hints are... Looked over, such as "man, in my countery being gay sucks", but detail is right out, and even that could be considered willful disregard. Be Careful. As the moderators themselves often say, if you aren't sure, Don't.

4. Do not Discuss Moral Justification.
No one here is going to discuss whether or not it's Right" or "Okay" to be LGBTAEIOUsometimesY or anything else. It's not topical, it's not relevant. We are, and we are here to cope with that and with the stresses it causes.
And no, my joking acronym doesn't constitute considering this rule less important.

5. Do Not Post Sexually Explicit Content.
It's against forum rules, it's against decorum, and it will get us shut down pretty fast. What adults do behind closed doors is cool, and allusion is fine. Anything that could involve a diagram, though? No.

6. Again, Spoiler-box [Trigger] topics.
This gets a second mention for it's more specific uses. If someone, even just that one individual person, has a problem with a topic, because it stirs demons best left in their pit, Do. Not. Bring. It. Up. Publically. Use a spoilerbox, and think carefully about whether this is the place to broach the topic at all.

This particular rule includes casual and glorified violence, corporal punishment, and in-relationship rape. Which I would hope fell under politics and sex enough they wouldn't come up anyway, but hey.

Glossary of Common Terms

And, for reference, here is a list of commonly used words and definitions by our community. Please understand that this list is currently undergoing construction right now. Any contributions to the list are appreciated.
LGBT: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*


Lagerbeta: A fine brewski to be drunk by all - the name comes from the above abbreviation.

Q - Queer and Questioning
U - Unidentified
I - Intersex
L - Lesbian
T - Transgender, Transexual
B - Bisexual
A - Asexual
G - Gay, Genderqueer

Where a word below is in italics, that means it has it's own entry on the list.

A note on labels: many of these labels are seemingly interchangeable, and for some people they are. However, please do not presume to correct or judge another person's use of a label. Bisexual and Pansexual are especially tricky in this regard, as are transgender and transsexual to a lesser degree.
Often the difference in why one person feels one label is appropriate and not another is deeply personal. If you wish to know more it is probably a topic to seek private advice on, from one of the people listed in the next section.

AFAB/AMAB: Assigned Female/Male at Birth

Agendered: Someone who lacks a gender.

Androgyne: Gender Identity with male and female aspects.

Androsexual: A person who is attracted to men.

Asexual: A person who does not feel any/some sexual attraction.

Binary, The: See: Gender Binary.

Bisexual: 1. attracted to two genders; 2. attracted to one's own gender and another gender; 3. attracted to various genders; 4. attracted to people regardless of gender; 5. ask the person who says they're bi what exactly they mean by that. See also Pansexual

Cis: See: Cisgender

Cisgender (CG): Somebody whose gender and sex align.

Demisexual: A person who is sexually attracted to someone(s) only after they have formed an intense emotional relationship with.

Dysphoria: The disassociation Trans* people feel with their own body.

Male-to-Female (MtF): Someone who was assigned male at birth, but is female. (AKA: trans woman)

Female: See: Woman

Female-to-Male (FtM): Someone who was assigned female at birth, but is male. (AKA: trans man)

FAAB: Female Assigned at Birth.

Feminine: Something generally associated by society with women.

FFS: Facial Feminization Surgery: Surgery to reduce chin/nose/cheekbones. Associated primarily with MAAB Trans people

FtM: See: Female to Male

Gay: A man who is attracted to men.

Gender Binary: The commonly held notion that there are only men and women on two extremes, with nothing in between.

Gender Expression (GE): How one expresses their Gender Identity to society.

Gender Identity (GI): How one feels inside society's idea of "man, woman, or other".

Genderfluid: Someone who fluctuates between different genders.

Genderqueer (GQ): Someone who is not of a binary gender; someone who is not male or female.

Gynosexual: A person who is attracted to women.

Heterosexual: A person who is attracted to members of the opposite gender.

Homosexual: A person who is attracted to members of their gender.

HRT: Hormone replacement therapy. MtF's tend to progestrogens, oestrogens and androgen blockers, while FtM's take testosterone almost exculsively.

Lesbian: A woman who is attracted to women.

MAAB: Male Assigned at Birth.

Male-to-Female (MtF): Someone who was assigned male at birth, but is female. (AKA: trans woman)

Man/men: A cis man or trans man. Male.

Masculine: Something generally associated by society with men.

Pansexual: A person who is attracted to people regardless of gender. See also Bisexual

Polyamorous: A person who is interested in a relationship with more than one person.

Presenting: Trans* shorthand for appearing as their preferred gender, regardless of any HRT, SRS or other changes.

Trans*: Transsexual and Transgender primarily, with the asterisk denoting that the trans- prefix could be followed by any number of appropriate words. It also includes other labels, and is a catch-all term for people who identify as something other than their biological sex at birth.

Transgender: Used in reference to a person whose sex(body) and gender(mind) are at odds or do not match. A transgender person can also identify as genderqueer, transsexual, or may use transgender as their only identity.

Transitioning: The process a Trans* person undergoes to move to their preferred gender. Often includes HRT, SRS, FFS.

Transsexual: In common terms the same as transgender above. In medical terms refers specifically to people who wish to transition from male to female or female to male, not accommodating any other options.

SRS: Sex Reassignment Surgery: Surgery to replace/transform a vagina into a penis, or vice versa. Mastectomies or plastic surgery may be used on breasts.

Sexual Orientation (SO): How one identifies who they are attracted to.

Significant Other(s) (SO): Person(s) you are in a relationship with.

Third-gendered: Someone who fits in a local society's third gender, usually male performing female tasks, occasionally vice versa. Also a person who feels they do not identify with any other gender identity.

Woman: A cis woman or trans woman. Female.

Allies: Hetereosexual-Cisgender people who support equality for sexual, gender, and romantic minorities.

Private Consultation.

We have a list of people whoa re willing and able to discuss topics that may not be thread-appropriate but are still topical. They can be reached by Personal Message (PM), thought they may not respond immediately, or may be on sabbatical.

Name: Especially familiar with the topic(s) of
KenderWizard: General/basics, gender and feminism, bisexuality
Musashi: General/basics, asexuality/demisexuality, depression
noparlpf: General/basics, asexuality, greysexuality, biology, Skype
Lea Plath: Genderfluidity
Lycunadari: Genderqueer and agendered
Eldest: General/basics, bisexuality, polyamory, pansexuality will Skype(voice if needed, no video)
HMS Sophia: Trans stuff (esp hormones)
Lix Lorn: General/basics
Eirala: Trans stuff (esp emotional issues), Skype(no voice or video, however)
Absol197: Gender identity issues
Warkitty: Academic/technical discussions
Lentrax: General/basics, depression, bullying
Wormwood74: Transgender legal issues, transgender outside contacts
Astrella: GSRM rights, feminism, trans stuff, Skype
Asteron Questar: Relationships, depression
Mystic Muse: Skype-y goodness.
Socratov: Skype-ness
Chess435: Skype
Irish Musician: PM, Rants/Venting
Metditto: PM/Skype for L, T, GQ, BDSM(Off-thread or Spoiler Triggered), demisexual, feminism, therapy, depression, dissociative identities
inuyasha: Shoulder on which to cry, someone to listen
Partysan: PM/Skype, polyamory, pansexuality, BDSM(Off-thread or Spoiler Triggered), Rants/Venting
TaiLiu: General Transgender information, transphobia.
Enrico Dandolo (Caroline) : Trans stuff, mental health, feminism, asexuality, hugs. PM first, Skype chat if asked.

Some people are also willing to talk off-board, through Skype or email or other means; this is especially useful if your question involves board-forbidden topics such as religion or politics. Also, we can't (and ethically shouldn't!) give medical advice. If you need medical advice, please see a professional!

And as a parting note, I will say that even though moderators do not read PMs, they are still part of the forum and still subject to forums rules. Non-allowed topics and discussion should NOT be conducted via PM.

Previous Incarnations

Like the Glorious and Unconquered Sun, we have risen, lived, died, and risen anew, with many faces, many voices, many hearts. In this past, much can be found, both good, and bad, should one be brave or perhaps, foolish, enough to seek it.

LGBT people in the playground

LGBT people in the playground - part II

LGBTitp - part III

LGBTitp 4: We are a family?

LGBTitp - Part Five

LGBTitp - Part Six

LGBTitp - Part Seven

LGBTitp - Part Eight

LGBTitp - Part Nine

LGBTAitp - Part Ten

LGBTAitp - Part Eleven

LGBTAitp - Part Twelve

LGBTAitp - Part Thirteen

LGBTAitp - Part Fourteen

LGBTAitp - Part Fifteen

LGBTAitp - Part Sixteen

LGBTAitp - Part Seventeen

LGBTAitp - Part Eighteen!

LGBTAitp - Part Nineteen

LGBTAitp - Part Twenty - Critical Hit!

LGBTAitp - Part Twenty-One - BLACKJACK!

LGBTAitP Part 22: The Best There Is

LGBTAitP Part 23: Et tu, ~Bianca?

LGBTAitP: Alphabet Soup-with 24 different Vitamins!

LGBTAitP part 25: Doing Away With Subtitles

LGBTAitP 26: No Time For Snappy Titles

LGBTAitP 27: Of Shoes, and Ships, and Sealing Wax

LGBTAitP #28: Come Taste the Rainbow!

LGBTAitP #29: The Rainbow Outreach Program

LGBTAitP 30: Free Cuddles (Enquire Within)

LGBTAitP #31: Cuddles Are On Back Order. Have Some Snuggles!

LGBTAitp #32: The Great Plushie Invasion!

LGBTAitp #33: The Thread at the End of the Rainbow!

LGTAitP #34: <3!!

LGBTAitp #35: What Midlife Crisis? :3

LGBTAitp #36: May Contain Bites!

LGBTAitP #37: Once upon a time...

LGBTAitP #38: Once More With Feeling!!

LGBTAitP #38: Making Your Way in the World Today....

LGBTAitP #40: Technicolour Partyboat

LGBTAitp #41 - Imprecise Terminology Supercenter

LGBTAitp #42: Better Than Skittles/The Meaning of Life!

LGBTAitp #43 [Insert snappy subtitle here]

LGBTAIitP #44: Quick, We Need To Vote A New Title!

LGBTAIitP #45: Rainbow Anarchy

LGBTAIitP #46: I Cast Prismatic Hugs

Webcomics that touch on... Well, everything related to the thread.
Venus Envy. (http://www.venusenvycomic.com/) Long dead webcomic. The creator has chosen not to continue it and move forward in life.
Rain. (http://rain.thecomicseries.com/comics/first/) A story of a MtF girl in high school.
Khaos Komix. (http://www.khaoskomix.com/)As the creator puts it(from his site): "A complete GLBTWTFBBQ comic about gender and sexuality. (Trigger warnings for EVERYTHING and nothing is safe for work.)"
Always Raining Here. (http://alwaysraininghere.com/index.php/first-page/) "Adrian is heartsick, Carter is horny. This is a story about their misadventures as awkward teenagers as they fumble through unrequited romances."
Tripping over you. (http://trippingoveryou.com/comic/gmorning-sunshine/)An awkward blind date leads to better options.
Questionable Content. (http://www.questionablecontent.net/) The LGBTA characters are well done, and not stereotypes.
What's normal anyway. (http://whatsnormalanyway.net/?p=93) "What’s Normal Anyway? is a comic that discusses the trans male experience through the story of Mel, who takes the big risk of being himself and transitioning from female to male."
Princess. (http://the-princess.funonthe.net/) A webcomic.
Twokinds. (http://twokinds.keenspot.com/) Keveak: "It generally portrays GRSM matters positively and is quite a nice tale overall."
Misfile (Misfile.com) The Rose Dragon: "Ash is a young boy who, as a result of a screw-up in Heaven, gets stuck in a girl's body in a life he doesn't recognize, and has to deal with the changes and challenges of his new body while trying to get back his old life. Supernatural hijinks and car racing are involved."
I know I missed a few webcomics, and if anyone finds more, feel free to PM them to me with a brief description, and I will add them.

The Brand New LGBTA Arts & Crafts Thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=288941)

Mono Vertigo
2014-01-20, 12:27 PM
Sorry, responding to a quote already...
I'd like to make a suggestion for the next thread - a "tax", if you like. If you want to post a link to a negative news article (and please do - it's important to raise awareness of stuff like this), you also have to post a link to a positive article as well, even the positive stuff is only on a small scale.

Awareness of LGBT problems is important but it's important to have hope as well.

I respect the intention behind that suggestion, but I feel it's not going to work out very well, first due to the somewhat limited amount of LGBT-related good news available, secondly because there are articles that, while intended as unambiguously positive by whoever post them, are going to be interpreted more negatively by some, who are therefore not going to feel more hopeful. (Non-controversial example: there are videos of cute kitties, posted in good faith, that managed to make viewers feel worse after watching for a big variety of reasons.)
Also, more personally, I'm not fond of self-censorship for the sake of hiding an unpleasant, but factual, event. Might just be me though.
Spoilering them though, that'd be great.
Just my two cents, others may agree entirely with you and that'd not be a bad thing, etc etc.

2014-01-20, 12:29 PM
Thread!!! Yaay!

In other news, been having horrible (and pretty graphic) nightmares recently. Living at dad's house (have not told dad about genderfluidity) so can't present female and I also have limited internet access so I can't talk to people as often. Bleh.

Asta Kask
2014-01-20, 12:32 PM
Looks like a nice thread you have here. Would be a shame if anything happened to it.


2014-01-20, 12:44 PM
Looks like a nice thread you have here. Would be a shame if anything happened to it.


Indeed it would. Which is why this thread is guarded 24/7 by an assortment of dire rabbits, were-kittens and a special contingent of hedgehogs. You have been warned.

2014-01-20, 12:49 PM
Thread!!! Yaay!

In other news, been having horrible (and pretty graphic) nightmares recently. Living at dad's house (have not told dad about genderfluidity) so can't present female and I also have limited internet access so I can't talk to people as often. Bleh.

*hugs* Shall be missed ... would it be silly to suggest phone or letter? :smalltongue:

Nightmares are terrifying things. It's likely a good thing I don't have them very often because I wind up in a state of not wanting to sleep where I had one for a while. You and others who suffer them regularly have my sympathies. :smalleek:

2014-01-20, 12:51 PM
Speaking of weather control, this sounds suspiciously like my suggestion on a completely different website that we weaponize the National Weather Service by way of directed homosexuality and feminine immodesty <,<

This was brought on by the discovery that theoretically one could be a Commodore in the NWS. Also amusingly that the Surgeon General is in fact, an Admiral. I mean that's the official rank of the Surgeon General. Seriously, look it up.

2014-01-20, 12:56 PM
*hugs* Shall be missed ... would it be silly to suggest phone or letter? :smalltongue:

...It's likely a good thing I don't have them very often because I wind up in a state of not wanting to sleep where I had one for a while...

Uhm, well, I don't really want to spend ages on the phone to my friends, and internet access is not limited enough to make a letter more viable.

Yup. I'm always terrified of sleeping. I can't often get to sleep, which with my nigtmares seems to be a good combination of bad things.

Speaking of weather control, this sounds suspiciously like my suggestion on a completely different website that we weaponize the National Weather Service by way of directed homosexuality and feminine immodesty <,<

This in turn reminds me of my brother's plan to destroy the Daily Mail with lesbians, but I think the joke was too situational to make sense here. A pity.

2014-01-20, 12:56 PM
Speaking of weather control, this sounds suspiciously like my suggestion on a completely different website that we weaponize the National Weather Service by way of directed homosexuality and feminine immodesty <,<
Your suggestion? The C.I.Gay is already a thing. (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2781) :wink:

2014-01-20, 12:58 PM
Misfile is still one of the most beautiful webcomics I've ever read ever. 'Nuff said.

Mono Vertigo
2014-01-20, 01:03 PM
Your suggestion? The C.I.Gay is already a thing. (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2781) :wink:

I should have expected that someone else would have stolen my idea before I even formulated it and led it to its logical conclusion much better than I did. It always happens.
... I'm coming to the realization this might in fact be a family curse passed from mother to daughter. Oh godammit.

2014-01-20, 01:04 PM
Your suggestion? The C.I.Gay is already a thing. (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2781) :wink:

Hahahaha, awesome <_< I wish I'd seen that sooner.

2014-01-20, 01:11 PM
Your suggestion? The C.I.Gay is already a thing. (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2781) :wink:

... I had things to do today. :smallannoyed:

Proud Tortoise
2014-01-20, 01:22 PM
Your suggestion? The C.I.Gay is already a thing. (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2781) :wink:


Misfile is still one of the most beautiful webcomics I've ever read ever. 'Nuff said.

It is pretty good.

2014-01-20, 01:33 PM
Hi new thread~

I'm still busy, but I wanted to say hi!

Also, lots of hugs for Lena :smallfrown: . Your mom was doing so good, I'm sorry she's gone back to being a terror. And bad dreams are never nice. I hope your sleep is undisturbed tonight.


Mono Vertigo
2014-01-20, 01:42 PM
*hugs for Astrella*

... I had things to do today. :smallannoyed:

Appropriately, just found that (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?id=2561#comic).
*easily amused*

Mina Kobold
2014-01-20, 01:55 PM
I'd just throw it in google translate and hear what comes out ;)
((Sounds like "St-ty'air-nuh", due in part to my lack of knowing how to represent sounds in symbolism XD))

Tried it, and it seems fairly accurate. A bit robotic, but just as goofy as most Danes do when speaking. :3

Frankly, I was always more partial to the good old piece of eight, myself.

Well, if we are including no-longer-in-use coinages as well, then certainly. I'm more partial to Drachma and Wu Zhu, but the Spanish Dollar certainly has its appeal.

Your suggestion? The C.I.Gay is already a thing. (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2781) :wink:

Reminds me of a podcast I heard where they discussed that concept. However, since the disaster at the time hit everything in the city except the quarter known for being the most gay-friendly, it was concluded that there exists a magical gay forcefield. Unfortunately, the suggestion to use this discovery to prevent natural disasters did not get picked up. D: :smalltongue:

Hi new thread~

I'm still busy, but I wanted to say hi!


Hi, Phee! ^_^

2014-01-20, 02:07 PM
Misfile is still one of the most beautiful webcomics I've ever read ever. 'Nuff said.

I genuinely think Misfile is the best transgender webcomic I've seen for cis people. You can't typically explain dysphoria to people because they think "well if I were a different sex I'd just be that sex", but Misfile dodges that really nicely by having someone wake up one sex after being another one, and having everyone else think they've always been that way (the italicized part being something other magic-trans comics seem to always omit). It's not necessarily the best trans comic for trans people but IMO it does a very good job for everyone else.

I'm not a fan of how long it's been dragged out, though. Should've ended a long time ago. :smallannoyed:

2014-01-20, 02:38 PM
Y'smell that?

It smells like...New Thread Spirit.

So I turned my somewhat disused alternate SecondLife account into a bonafide android, complete with an access panel and battery life and the ability for others to add behavioral rules and stuff with certain permissions and passwords i'm not that stupid gosh. I figured forcing myself to play by certain rules and be disciplined enough to sit around for a few hours at a time (if that's what's asked) and knowing when to leave a fun place to recharge would affect me in meatspace by making me less likely to blow up on people or overreact to things. So far it's more focusing, to say the least.

Anyway, what all happened in the last three or so pages of the last thread? Anything particularly exciting going on?

2014-01-20, 02:38 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind words, I'm doing a bit better, did have another nasty dream involving my mom, but I'll be okay.

2014-01-20, 02:54 PM
Could one of the trans folk here get a hold of Karen? She's having dysphoria problems right now and I'm not really qualified to lend advice. :smallfrown:

Reposting from last thread.

Mono Vertigo
2014-01-20, 03:01 PM
Anyway, what all happened in the last three or so pages of the last thread? Anything particularly exciting going on?

I set off a tangent about the weaponization of same-sex marriage, and the colonization and terraforming of Mars.
... oh, sorry, "exciting", you said? Not much.

2014-01-20, 03:07 PM
Reposting from last thread.

She unfriended me on Skype, so I can't talk with her. :/

2014-01-20, 03:27 PM
My grandmother offered to pay for some of my laser treatment :smallbiggrin:

Asta Kask
2014-01-20, 03:33 PM
That's great! And now you're allowed to post something horrible!

Mono Vertigo
2014-01-20, 03:50 PM
That's great! And now you're allowed to post something horrible!
Rainbow cookies are delicious, but will clog your arteries and kill you slowly. Along with bacon and Nutella and most comfort food.
Done! :smallbiggrin:
... oh, huh, right, you weren't replying to me, ignore that.

2014-01-20, 04:05 PM
I still say we make a chart of peoples' preffered pronouns :smallsmile:

Proud Tortoise
2014-01-20, 04:14 PM
I still say we make a chart of peoples' preffered pronouns :smallsmile:

I agree... I've been confused about that in the past.

Proud Tortoise
2014-01-20, 04:17 PM
I'm not a fan of how long it's been dragged out, though. Should've ended a long time ago. :smallannoyed:

There are a lot of boring parts =m=

2014-01-20, 04:32 PM
Reposting from last thread.

I'll reach out to her tonight when I get home from Work. Best I can do right now, sorry Chessie :smallfrown: .

Hi, Keveak! :smallsmile:


2014-01-20, 04:34 PM
I still say we make a chart of peoples' preffered pronouns :smallsmile:

There are many of us, though, and the population changes. I don't know, I would feel like the people in the thread would be a fixed population, which it isn't.

But we can put them in the consultants' list. (I go by "she".)

2014-01-20, 04:50 PM
I am fine either way, as far as pronouns go, though to avoid confusion on most peoples parts, I will say 'she' since that is the latest consensus of 62.375% of my brains inhabitants.

The other 46.7a9% were too busy playing Unreal Tournament to realize some of them had signed twice. Or wrote letters in the reports.

What can you do? Especially when you are absolutely over the edge crazy, ya know? :smallwink:

So, yeah. Let's just stick with 'she.'

2014-01-20, 04:54 PM
If you want to do it for regulars, maybe just do it for people who don't have gender signs under their names already? Just so it doesn't become massive. ...Or are there people with a mars/venus sign who don't go by he/she? :/

I sorta doubt anyone would bother checking a big list o' pronouns before posting but feel free to prove me wrong on that.

2014-01-20, 04:57 PM
I sorta doubt anyone would bother checking a big list o' pronouns before posting but feel free to prove me wrong on that.

I would, if I didn't know, especially a thread full of trans people. Ctrl-F is a thing, too.

Brazen Shield
2014-01-20, 05:17 PM
I would just post by whatever sign listed under their name. If no sign, I don't use them.....
That being said...
If we are only replying directly to each other, why would be need pronouns at all?
I'm not going to sit here and sa:

The sky is very blue today where I am at.

This person is awesome.

I would just say
"You're awesome"

Does that make Sense? XD. I worry sometimes.

2014-01-20, 05:20 PM
Related tangent! I have a request for Asta Kask, Keveak, Lycunadari, KenderWizard, Astrella, and anyone else who is fluent in not-American.

I'm looking for a name (or, words which could pass for a name) which mean roughly, "Star Kicker". Braz and I are spawning, and so far the wee foal's defining characteristic is she is adept at kicking me in the face. If I can slip this in as a middle name somewhere, I can rest easy knowing I've fulfilled my hippy-esque fantasy predilections towards evocative names that would get a child teased ruthlessly.

I tried to think of something german, but everything I can think of doesn't sound very nice.
Maybe give Latin a try? 'astra' means 'stars' (singular: astrum), can't recommend something for kicker, but there should be a number of verbs that can be translated as some manner of kicking.

2014-01-20, 05:58 PM
Did anybody mention the gay couple in "Frozen" yet?

2014-01-20, 06:14 PM
Did anybody mention the gay couple in "Frozen" yet?

I watched this movie. The what now?

I am fine either way, as far as pronouns go, though to avoid confusion on most peoples parts, I will say 'she' since that is the latest consensus of 62.375% of my brains inhabitants.

The other 46.7a9% were too busy playing Unreal Tournament to realize some of them had signed twice. Or wrote letters in the reports.'

Did your brain wobble through Hex on it's way to base-10?

2014-01-20, 06:15 PM
Did anybody mention the gay couple in "Frozen" yet?

There's a gay couple in Frozen? Where? I didn't see them!


2014-01-20, 06:21 PM
The shopkeeper points at his family in the sauna. It's another man and four kids.

Edit: So I just witnessed this exchange.
My brother: "[So-and-so] is asexual and aromantic—"
My mum: "Or so she thinks now."
Me: "Hold on. Can you know you're gay at sixteen?"
My mum: "Sure, but it's different."

2014-01-20, 06:43 PM
Could one of the trans folk here get a hold of Karen? She's having dysphoria problems right now and I'm not really qualified to lend advice. :smallfrown:
Ah, I hope she feels better soon! She did willfully cut herself off from the thread, and has a trigger button on 'unfriending' people, though - which makes it difficult to contact her.

Happy anniversary!!!:smallwink:

It has been a very nice few weeks. My issues didn't suddenly disappear, they probably never will, but they are a lot more easier to deal with. I even decided I want to start dating again. I am currently texting with an interesting (cuddly:smalltongue:) guy. There might be something there. Anyway, I feel very positive, and that's great.

Hi new thread~

I'm still busy, but I wanted to say hi!

Also, lots of hugs for Lena :smallfrown: . Your mom was doing so good, I'm sorry she's gone back to being a terror. And bad dreams are never nice. I hope your sleep is undisturbed tonight.

Hi, Phoenix! How's your grandmaster?

I genuinely think Misfile is the best transgender webcomic I've seen for cis people. You can't typically explain dysphoria to people because they think "well if I were a different sex I'd just be that sex", but Misfile dodges that really nicely by having someone wake up one sex after being another one, and having everyone else think they've always been that way (the italicized part being something other magic-trans comics seem to always omit). It's not necessarily the best trans comic for trans people but IMO it does a very good job for everyone else.

I'm not a fan of how long it's been dragged out, though. Should've ended a long time ago. :smallannoyed:
Also, there's way too much car driving.

The shopkeeper points at his family in the sauna. It's another man and four kids.

Edit: So I just witnessed this exchange.
My brother: "[So-and-so] is asexual and aromantic—"
My mum: "Or so she thinks now."
Me: "Hold on. Can you know you're gay at sixteen?"
My mum: "Sure, but it's different."

2014-01-20, 08:53 PM
Hi, Phoenix! How is your grandmaster?

Why all the curiosity about my grandmaster, TaiLu :smalltongue: ?

He's fine. He lives in California, so I only see him once a year.


2014-01-20, 09:14 PM
My condolences to those with bad dreams. :smallfrown:
I was all to familiar with the phenomenon as I used to suffer from Night Terrors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_terror).
I wish you the best of luck finding a safe & peaceable sleep.

Strangely since the night terrors stopped during the transition into teenage hood so did every other sort of dream, and I no longer have any dreams whatsoever. I always feel left out when people are talking about the cool dreams them have, but it is certainly an improvement on intense agony and the worst fear I have ever felt on a semi regular basis.

If I ever figure out how I managed to stop dreaming altogether I will let you know. In the meantime, please accept my sympathies.

2014-01-20, 10:10 PM
Why all the curiosity about my grandmaster, TaiLu :smalltongue: ?

He's fine. He lives in California, so I only see him once a year.

Ah. It's just that you said he would die soon, so I was wondering about the state of his health. It's good that he's alive.

2014-01-20, 11:16 PM
Rainbow cookies are delicious, but will clog your arteries and kill you slowly. Along with bacon and Nutella and most comfort food.
Done! :smallbiggrin:
... oh, huh, right, you weren't replying to me, ignore that.

I dunno. I don't think "we live in a life full of entropy, and anything we do will just work into that" is exactly negative so much as "look! Life! It's happening!"

Why all the curiosity about my grandmaster, TaiLu :smalltongue: ?

He's fine. He lives in California, so I only see him once a year.

Oh! Really? Who might he be, then? I may have met him by degrees.

2014-01-20, 11:53 PM
Did your brain wobble through Hex on it's way to base-10?

Heh. No. No one in this crazy head decided to check the math, or what was getting written down when they typed up the survey results, is all. Not sure who messed up on that one. There are so many people in this head of mine, I probably won't ever be sure...

2014-01-20, 11:58 PM
The shopkeeper points at his family in the sauna. It's another man and four kids.

Oh hey!
There also appears to be a vase of roses in the background. I think that might be trying to emphasize the point.

2014-01-21, 03:58 AM
Indeed it would. Which is why this thread is guarded 24/7 by an assortment of dire rabbits, were-kittens and a special contingent of hedgehogs. You have been warned.

Don't forget about the ....uniclams...

*hugs for everyone*

The what now?

That's about my reaction

Oh hey!
There also appears to be a vase of roses in the background. I think that might be trying to emphasize the point.


Lix Lorn
2014-01-21, 05:09 AM
Your suggestion? The C.I.Gay is already a thing. (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2781) :wink:
(happily catches up)

Don't forget about the ....uniclams...
this image is terrifying for some reason.

2014-01-21, 06:39 AM
Probably because it sounds like an aquatic version of Unicron <@.@> Uniclams will destroy us all! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9KGfgg-d8s). >_>

Asta Kask
2014-01-21, 07:48 AM
But we can put them in the consultants' list. (I go by "she".)

I go by "Exalted Lord High Emperor of the Galaxy". :smalltongue:

The Succubus
2014-01-21, 09:01 AM
Further evidence that gay people can control the weather: http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0352.html

2014-01-21, 09:07 AM
I go by "Exalted Lord High Emperor of the Galaxy". :smalltongue:

Sorry, Asta, but I believe that title belong to Mittens the cat...

2014-01-21, 11:56 AM
Oh! Really? Who might he be, then? I may have met him by degrees.

His name is Grandmaster Sin Kwang The. I don't know where in California he lives, though.


2014-01-21, 06:40 PM
His name is Grandmaster Sin Kwang The. I don't know where in California he lives, though.
Tell him we said hi.

Proud Tortoise
2014-01-21, 06:41 PM
I don't know what a grandmaster is.

2014-01-21, 06:47 PM
I don't know what a grandmaster is.

It's this guy. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwC544Z37qo)

2014-01-21, 08:28 PM
I was over at my grandma's house yesterday for dinner and I was reading the Australian Women's Weekly, and came across this article (http://www.aww.com.au/news-features/in-the-mag/2013/12/from-malcolm-to-cate-my-transformation). It's about Lieutenant Colonel Cate McGregor AM, who only transitioned very recently -- she was in her mid-50s when she finally was able to do so, despite having first been diagnosed as transgender in 1985. There's only a section of the article at the link (because obviously they want you to buy the magazine), but I thought I'd share anyway. She looks fantastic, so happy!

2014-01-21, 08:42 PM
...I just realised, as of this month, I've been full time for over a year!

That's really weird.

And I still haven't got my appointment.

2014-01-22, 05:16 AM
It's this guy. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwC544Z37qo)

Holy ****.

That's a martial arts lesson right there. :eek:

...I just realised, as of this month, I've been full time for over a year!

That's really weird.

And I still haven't got my appointment.


Congrats, hon. Many happy returns!

2014-01-22, 05:59 AM
...I just realised, as of this month, I've been full time for over a year!

That's really weird.

And I still haven't got my appointment.

Grats on the year, Tamsin!

May this year being you more good tidings, and an appointment!

The Succubus
2014-01-22, 08:38 AM
Happy trans-iversary Tamsin! =)

Asta Kask
2014-01-22, 09:46 AM
Good for you, Tamsin. I think. (I'm not suggesting there's something wrong with being genderfluid, am I? Because I don't want to say that. Gaaaaah!)

Jon Stewart and the Daily Show drop the anvil on international homophobia:

2014-01-22, 09:56 AM
So this is quite fun. (http://thecrownedheart.tumblr.com/GayDisneyPost)

Also, transiversary is a hilarious word ^_^

2014-01-22, 10:12 AM
<^-^> Indeed, transiversary is awesome; I wish I'd thought of it but I'll wish you a happy one now anyway!

And you're right, that IS a fun page <^_^>

2014-01-22, 10:35 AM
Did anybody mention the gay couple in "Frozen" yet?

I was SURE about this guy, and then people were like "No, there must be a woman, that man is his brother, NO ONE IS EVER GAY!" but having seen it for the fourth time yesterday, I am totally convinced. Two adult men and four children, definitely.

...I just realised, as of this month, I've been full time for over a year!

That's really weird.

And I still haven't got my appointment.

Happy Transiversary! And I hope you get your appointment soon. Are you going to celebrate the year?

Oh, and Siuis, there's no name I can think of in Irish that would mean anything like Star Kicker. It'd be something like "ciceáil ag na réaltaí", which is not a name!

Asta Kask
2014-01-22, 10:39 AM
I was SURE about this guy, and then people were like "No, there must be a woman, that man is his brother, NO ONE IS EVER GAY!" but having seen it for the fourth time yesterday, I am totally convinced. Two adult men and four children, definitely.

Hey, Kender!

*wicked smile*

Have you loaded up on birth control for Friday?


2014-01-22, 10:40 AM
Hey, Kender!

*wicked smile*

Have you loaded up on birth control for Friday?


I have an implant! :smallbiggrin:

Asta Kask
2014-01-22, 11:05 AM
Otherwise there are some tips here: ancient birth control (http://listverse.com/2010/11/14/10-ancient-methods-of-birth-control/)

I especially like number one. Yeah, doesn't sound dangerous at all.

Mono Vertigo
2014-01-22, 11:22 AM
I have a funny (well, I find it funny).

BF and I have decided to go for GoT-themed cosplays for our next convention. After watching season 2, he settles for Theon Greyjoy.
Afterward, we watch season 3, and reach the episode where Theon gets mutilated. You know the one.
That's at this point that BF opens his mouth and comments "Well, that's going to make my cosplay more accurate."
Praise the gods, I wasn't drinking at that moment.

2014-01-22, 11:25 AM
I have a funny (well, I find it funny).

BF and I have decided to go for GoT-themed cosplays for our next convention. After watching season 2, he settles for Theon Greyjoy.
Afterward, we watch season 3, and reach the episode where Theon gets mutilated. You know the one.
That's at this point that BF opens his mouth and comments "Well, that's going to make my cosplay more accurate."
Praise the gods, I wasn't drinking at that moment.

i need to finish watching GoT.

Asta Kask
2014-01-22, 11:26 AM
I have a funny (well, I find it funny).

BF and I have decided to go for GoT-themed cosplays for our next convention. After watching season 2, he settles for Theon Greyjoy.
Afterward, we watch season 3, and reach the episode where Theon gets mutilated. You know the one.
That's at this point that BF opens his mouth and comments "Well, that's going to make my cosplay more accurate."
Praise the gods, I wasn't drinking at that moment.


2014-01-22, 12:34 PM
Otherwise there are some tips here: ancient birth control (http://listverse.com/2010/11/14/10-ancient-methods-of-birth-control/)

I especially like number one. Yeah, doesn't sound dangerous at all.

You need to stop posting things that crash my computer when I open them.

2014-01-22, 02:05 PM
You need to stop posting things that crash my computer when I open them.

I would have said "that make me want to crash my computer."

Asta Kask
2014-01-22, 02:23 PM
You need to stop posting things that crash my computer when I open them.

Ah Arutha, you take all the fun out of life!

(cookie to those who get the reference)

2014-01-22, 02:25 PM
Ah Arutha, you take all the fun out of life!

(cookie to those who get the reference)

but i only accept waffles.

2014-01-22, 02:39 PM
I have replaced my legitimate posting habits with semi relevant smbc comics. (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?id=3215#comic) I have been undone.

Oh, and Siuis, there's no name I can think of in Irish that would mean anything like Star Kicker. It'd be something like "ciceáil ag na réaltaí", which is not a name!

That's fine. We'll probably go with either Sherlock or Trouble.

I have an implant! :smallbiggrin:

Sweet, you stocked up!

The Succubus
2014-01-22, 03:16 PM
Nyaaaargh! Damn it Siuis, stop linking me to SMBC! I have precious little free time as it is!

*clicks random button just a few more times....*

EDIT: It's Siuis' birthday? Happy birthday! :smallbiggrin:

Brazen Shield
2014-01-22, 03:18 PM
Congrats on the year Helio!

Since we are celebrating, I'd like to celebrate one more thing with you guys today! Since this by far the friendliest corner of the internet I have ever found :)

Si, of course, wouldn't say anything, buttttttt~

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!! Another year and another adventure awaits! hope you like your present~ *rubs belly* ^v^

2014-01-22, 03:21 PM
Happy Birthday Siuis, Have an awesome rest of the day!

Asta Kask
2014-01-22, 03:23 PM
Happy birthday Siuis. May your loins be ever fruitful.

Sweet, you stocked up!

Or she'd end up like Brazen Shield. Big, caught, enceinte, expectant, expecting, gone, gravid, heavy, quick, parturient, prenatal; childbearing, gestational; brooding; conceiving, impregnated, with child, with young, containing unborn young within the body.

Mono Vertigo
2014-01-22, 03:24 PM
I have replaced my legitimate posting habits with semi relevant smbc comics. (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?id=3215#comic) I have been undone.
Bah. It's a posting habit I can get behind.
Also, happy birthday!

2014-01-22, 03:33 PM
Happeh Birfday! <^_^>

2014-01-22, 03:41 PM
Happy Birthday Siuis! Enjoy your day!

2014-01-22, 03:44 PM
Nyaaaargh! Damn it Siuis, stop linking me to SMBC! I have precious little free time as it is!

*clicks random button just a few more times....*

EDIT: It's Siuis' birthday? Happy birthday! :smallbiggrin:

I'm convinced that Webcomic is a multi form tentacular ethereal monster, an SCP. All web comics are actually Webcomic, which shifts forms to please you. To keep you. Always.

And thanks!

Since we are celebrating, I'd like to celebrate one more thing with you guys today! Since this by far the friendliest corner of the internet I have ever found :)

Si, of course, wouldn't say anything, buttttttt~

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!! Another year and another adventure awaits! hope you like your present~ *rubs belly* ^v^


Happy Birthday Siuis, Have an awesome rest of the day!


Happy birthday Siuis. May your loins be ever fruitful.

Nah, that would suck! Unless those uterus trials accelerate.

Or she'd end up like Brazen Shield. Big, caught, enceinte, expectant, expecting, gone, gravid, heavy, quick, parturient, prenatal; childbearing, gestational; brooding; conceiving, impregnated, with child, with young, containing unborn young within the body.

You forgot spawning. She is with spawn. Like a Surinam toad. Only less freaky disgusting and more normal human pregnancy disgusting. :3
Seriously what the hell is wrong with that toad

Bah. It's a posting habit I can get behind.
Also, happy birthday!


Happeh Birfday! <^_^>


2014-01-22, 03:49 PM
Woooooooah dere.
It's SiuiS' birthday?

*sneakily tackle-hugs SiuiS from behind*


Asta Kask
2014-01-22, 03:54 PM
You forgot spawning. She is with spawn. Like a Surinam toad. Only less freaky disgusting and more normal human pregnancy disgusting. :3
Seriously what the hell is wrong with that toad

You expect her to give birth to kids out of her back? Who the hell is the other parent, Yog-Sothoth? Is she a Deep One?

You should play this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1xh-qEsHxI) during the delivery.

Brazen Shield
2014-01-22, 03:59 PM
You expect her to give birth to kids out of her back? Who the hell is the other parent, Yog-Sothoth? Is she a Deep One?

Oooooh so many jokes..... XD

2014-01-22, 04:00 PM
Happy Birthday SiuiS!

2014-01-22, 04:06 PM
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, SiuiS! I thought about the name, Star Kicker would be Sterntreter (male)/Sterntreterin (female) or Sternstoßer/Sternstoßerin in German, that's not really name-like (though names that are actual German words are really rare, so I might just not be used to having a word used as a name). Also, treten (to kick) has quite violent associations, so it's nothing I'd like as more than a silly nickname for a person.

In other news, been having horrible (and pretty graphic) nightmares recently. Living at dad's house (have not told dad about genderfluidity) so can't present female and I also have limited internet access so I can't talk to people as often. Bleh.
*hugs* Nightmares are bad. :smallfrown:

Hi new thread~

I'm still busy, but I wanted to say hi!

Also, lots of hugs for Lena :smallfrown: . Your mom was doing so good, I'm sorry she's gone back to being a terror. And bad dreams are never nice. I hope your sleep is undisturbed tonight.

Hi Phee! *hugs*

...I just realised, as of this month, I've been full time for over a year!

That's really weird.

And I still haven't got my appointment.
Happy tranisversary! I hope you'll get your appointment soon!

Otherwise there are some tips here: ancient birth control (http://listverse.com/2010/11/14/10-ancient-methods-of-birth-control/)

I especially like number one. Yeah, doesn't sound dangerous at all.
I wonder how people found out that some of these methods are working/where they got the idea that they might work. I mean, lemons? Why would anyone put lemon juice in their vagina?

Asta Kask
2014-01-22, 04:15 PM
Oooooh so many jokes..... XD

No more jokes. What is your relation to Obed Marsh? When was the last time you visited Innsmouth? What is this business of the Esoteric Order of Dagon?

I wonder how people found out that some of these methods are working/where they got the idea that they might work. I mean, lemons? Why would anyone put lemon juice in their vagina?

Oh, there are people who are into far less obvious things...

2014-01-22, 04:16 PM
Congrats on the year Helio!

Since we are celebrating, I'd like to celebrate one more thing with you guys today! Since this by far the friendliest corner of the internet I have ever found :)

Si, of course, wouldn't say anything, buttttttt~

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!! Another year and another adventure awaits! hope you like your present~ *rubs belly* ^v^
Happy birthday, SiuiS! What did you get her, Brazen Shield?

Asta Kask
2014-01-22, 04:28 PM
Happy birthday, SiuiS! What did you get her, Brazen Shield?

As I understand, the present is still under construction and won't be ready for some 20 years or so.

But I also know that the Esoteric Order of Dagon has some valuable stuff stored.

2014-01-22, 05:00 PM
Happy Birthday SiuiS!
Happy transiversary Tamsin! (Did I get the name right?)

2014-01-22, 05:06 PM
Congrats on the year Helio!

Since we are celebrating, I'd like to celebrate one more thing with you guys today! Since this by far the friendliest corner of the internet I have ever found :)

Si, of course, wouldn't say anything, buttttttt~

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!! Another year and another adventure awaits! hope you like your present~ *rubs belly* ^v^

Well, gosh. I go off to take care of my own kids, and I find out there is a birthday? Who has the cake? I have no food of my own. Or presents. I do have some pretzels and...

*rummages in pockets*

And a nickel. Happy birthday!:smallbiggrin:

Happy Birthday SiuiS!
Happy transiversary Tamsin! (Did I get the name right?)

I hope so, Caroline, or else I've been using the wrong name for a year now... :smalleek:

2014-01-22, 05:11 PM
I hope so, Caroline, or else I've been using the wrong name for a year now... :smalleek:
I do hope you were right! I was copying from you, in any case! :smalltongue:

Brazen Shield
2014-01-22, 05:12 PM
Happy birthday, SiuiS! What did you get her, Brazen Shield?

I got Si only the thing I've been being asked for since Christmas (and pretty much every week since we found out we would have to clean the house for the baby) a receipt scanner!
What is a 'receipt scanner' might you ask? Only the most perfect thing ever for Organizing what can only be described as SiuiS' lair of old papers and notes in everything from D&D to artwork.
It'll take all those hand-written papers and digitize them, saving them into the computer as searchable .PDF files so we can store the actually papers away (or throw them away)
Basically, I got SiuiS AWESOME.

No more jokes. What is your relation to Obed Marsh? When was the last time you visited Innsmouth? What is this business of the Esoteric Order of Dagon?





2014-01-22, 05:16 PM
Woooooooah dere.
It's SiuiS' birthday?

*sneakily tackle-hugs SiuiS from behind*


Gah! *tackled*

Hi! Thanks! XD

You expect her to give birth to kids out of her back? Who the hell is the other parent, Yog-Sothoth? Is she a Deep One?

You should play this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1xh-qEsHxI) during the delivery.

"Only less freaky disgusting and more normal human pregnancy disgusting. :3"

Happy Birthday SiuiS!


Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, SiuiS! I thought about the name, Star Kicker would be Sterntreter (male)/Sterntreterin (female) or Sternstoßer/Sternstoßerin in German, that's not really name-like (though names that are actual German words are really rare, so I might just not be used to having a word used as a name). Also, treten (to kick) has quite violent associations, so it's nothing I'd like as more than a silly nickname for a person.

She kicks me. A lot. En utero. We figured a nickname meaning "kicks me" would fit :3

Happy tranisversary! I hope you'll get your appointment soon!

I wonder how people found out that some of these methods are working/where they got the idea that they might work. I mean, lemons? Why would anyone put lemon juice in their vagina?

There's the guy who practiced temporary male sterility by boiling his scrotum routinely. Apparently it worked like a charm for a long time? Then he stopped and immediately got someone pregnant.

So I guess the answer is between two consenting adults, y'know, whatever.

No more jokes. What is your relation to Obed Marsh? When was the last time you visited Innsmouth? What is this business of the Esoteric Order of Dagon?

The business of Dagon is custom stationary exports and wine, mostly.

Happy Birthday SiuiS!
Happy transiversary Tamsin! (Did I get the name right?)


And, that word. Good job the_Succubus! Transiversary... Hee~

Well, gosh. I go off to take care of my own kids, and I find out there is a birthday? Who has the cake? I have no food of my own. Or presents. I do have some pretzels and...

*rummages in pockets*

And a nickel. Happy birthday!:smallbiggrin:

Is okay! I'm actually going to start buying other people things on my birthday. I think it makes more sense! Your friends show up and get customized objects of affection, cementing and celebrating the bonds you have.

Here, I have this nickel a friend gave me! You should have it :smallbiggrin:
(At least until I cash my money slip and can get people real stuff :smallwink:)

2014-01-22, 05:22 PM
Happy b-day, SiuiS! May the tetris gods smile upon you!

2014-01-22, 05:27 PM
Is okay! I'm actually going to start buying other people things on my birthday. I think it makes more sense! Your friends show up and get customized objects of affection, cementing and celebrating the bonds you have.

Here, I have this nickel a friend gave me! You should have it :smallbiggrin:
(At least until I cash my money slip and can get people real stuff :smallwink:)

Nuuuu, then what do I do with this massive rainbow beanbag chair? Happy birthday, though. :smallsmile:

2014-01-22, 05:38 PM
Happy Birthday SiuiS!
Happy transiversary Tamsin! (Did I get the name right?)


Thanks for the kind wishes everyone! ^_^

I wasn't expecting that much of a response :smallredface:

2014-01-22, 05:50 PM
Congrats, Helio! Good luck with finally getting your appointment, though.

I was SURE about this guy, and then people were like "No, there must be a woman, that man is his brother, NO ONE IS EVER GAY!" but having seen it for the fourth time yesterday, I am totally convinced. Two adult men and four children, definitely.

I've seen it twice and gotten an imgur link of the scene to look at, and I'm gonna say those naysayers need to look again.

I have a funny (well, I find it funny).

BF and I have decided to go for GoT-themed cosplays for our next convention. After watching season 2, he settles for Theon Greyjoy.
Afterward, we watch season 3, and reach the episode where Theon gets mutilated. You know the one.
That's at this point that BF opens his mouth and comments "Well, that's going to make my cosplay more accurate."
Praise the gods, I wasn't drinking at that moment.


2014-01-23, 02:22 AM
Happy b-day, SiuiS! May the tetris gods smile upon you!

Appreciate it.

Nuuuu, then what do I do with this massive rainbow beanbag chair? Happy birthday, though. :smallsmile:

Sit in it! It looks comfy. Kitties love beanbag chairs, right? I know mine stole my beanbag chair for a bed.

I've seen it twice and gotten an imgur link of the scene to look at, and I'm gonna say those naysayers need to look again.

Someone tried making the case that the really big boy in the middle could be a son, and the next tallest his wife, but they all like boys to me.

2014-01-23, 02:25 AM
Hi, just saying hi. And happy anniversaries of birth and trans to SiuS and Helio respectively. And if anyone wants hugs, *hugs*.

Personally I'm not doing too great, but oh well... it should pass... I hope.

2014-01-23, 02:29 AM
Mew, happy birthday, Siuis.

Hope you feel better soon, bluewind.

Brazen Shield
2014-01-23, 02:42 AM
Someone tried making the case that the really big boy in the middle could be a son, and the next tallest his wife, but they all like boys to me.
You can't know that~

2014-01-23, 03:01 AM
Sit in it! It looks comfy. Kitties love beanbag chairs, right? I know mine stole my beanbag chair for a bed.

Ooo. Good thinking. *curls up and starts to purr*

2014-01-23, 03:07 AM
Personally I'm not doing too great, but oh well... it should pass... I hope.

Anything we can do?

2014-01-23, 03:17 AM
You can't know that~

... Oops.

Look like boys. Look like.

Lix Lorn
2014-01-23, 04:50 AM
Belated happy bday, Stars. :smallsmile:
Also happy transiversary to Tamsin!

happy happy happy

2014-01-23, 05:20 AM
Otherwise there are some tips here: ancient birth control (http://listverse.com/2010/11/14/10-ancient-methods-of-birth-control/)

I especially like number one. Yeah, doesn't sound dangerous at all.

:smallconfused: Woah. Yeah, that not highly toxic...

Wait! More importantly! Why aren't men STILL eating papaya seeds?! Brings sperm count to zero but it comes back up once you stop eating them? Wait here everyone, I'll get the Googlemobile.

That's fine. We'll probably go with either Sherlock or Trouble.

I love the idea of "Trouble" or "Danger" or "Adventure" or similar middle names! That or "Of House" or "Of Clan". Kender Of House Wizard.

Also, happy birthday! Also, receipt scanner is an excellent present! Yay, decluttering!

happy happy happy

Lixie! You look all different and kind of grumpy! But you _sound_ happy...

A brief googling-around later, apparently papaya seeds have passed clinical trials with rats and monkeys. Now all we need is for the big Papaya Industrial Complex to get behind it and rival Big Pharma to .... wait. Dammit.

2014-01-23, 05:27 AM
My parents are thinking of moving, one of the places they really like is in my college town, my mom was already talking about giving up my dorms and moving in with them, I don't want to live with them fulltime at all.

Lix Lorn
2014-01-23, 05:32 AM
Lixie! You look all different and kind of grumpy! But you _sound_ happy...
I moved house. No internet. So grumpy. Buuuut now I'm back at uni I can spend eight hours a day in the library using theirs so I'm coping.
And if you mean the avatar she's a cowardly cryophoenix harpy of the moooon

My parents are thinking of moving, one of the places they really like is in my college town, my mom was already talking about giving up my dorms and moving in with them, I don't want to live with them fulltime at all.

2014-01-23, 05:55 AM
I love the idea of "Trouble" or "Danger" or "Adventure" or similar middle names! That or "Of House" or "Of Clan". Kender Of House Wizard.

We're going to hyphenate names I think, so "of house" wouldn't work. But Sherlock Holmes-Waller would. °u°

[wuote]Also, happy birthday! Also, receipt scanner is an excellent present! Yay, decluttering![/quote]

You have no idea. ._.

I've moved house just about every two years since I was two years old. The only thigs I've kept are acraps and meaningless knickknacks, and I can throw away knickknacks. But I have D&D notes, half drawn pictures, scribbled ideas, inspirational quotes, etc., that go back twenty one years. And that's with ten years of slow pruning...

Being able to digitize things which need to maintain their form, and consolidate, clean up and then standardize things that don't? Me gusta. We should be able to reclaim approximately tweny five square feet of our living room and twelve square feet of closet.

A brief googling-around later, apparently papaya seeds have passed clinical trials with rats and monkeys. Now all we need is for the big Papaya Industrial Complex to get behind it and rival Big Pharma to .... wait. Dammit.

I think you VASTLY underestimate the value men place on preventing accidents. So, one, I could literally pitch this idea to ten dudes at a bar, collect money from them, take notes, and keep the process rolling enough to send the data to a papaya or pharmaceutical company myself (so confident am I in the value of the good or service that I believe it can generate it's own market and marketing literally from zero to tautological), and two, pharmaceutical companies should be all over this; those "male enhancement" pills that don't actual enhance anything would go over great if they added "no baby no baby big money STOP" clause to their use.

My parents are thinking of moving, one of the places they really like is in my college town, my mom was already talking about giving up my dorms and moving in with them, I don't want to live with them fulltime at all.

Wow. Ouch. :<

Tell your mother politely that if you tend to upset her, her being around more often would make that worse, and you wouldn't want to do anything to cause her more distress? Try to use her own neuroses against her.

I moved house. No internet. So grumpy. Buuuut now I'm back at uni I can spend eight hours a day in the library using theirs so I'm coping.
And if you mean the avatar she's a cowardly cryophoenix harpy of the moooon

That's a cool concept!

2014-01-23, 05:57 AM
I have replaced my legitimate posting habits with semi relevant smbc comics. (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?id=3215#comic) I have been undone.
smbc is glorious though.

Also... whaaa... it amazes me that nobody figured out just how deadly mercury was for such a long time. Eh. :smallsigh:
As for the papaya seeds. Eh, I'd want to see it researched before I trusted it. the googlemobile provided limited results.

Asta Kask
2014-01-23, 06:35 AM




The baby will look like this:

I think their predominant color was a greyish-green, though they had white bellies. They were mostly shiny and slippery, but the ridges of their backs were scaly. Their forms vaguely suggested the anthropoid, while their heads were the heads of fish, with prodigious bulging eyes that never closed. At the sides of their necks were palpitating gills, and their long paws were webbed. They hopped irregularly, sometimes on two legs and sometimes on four. I was somehow glad that they had no more than four limbs. Their croaking, baying voices, clearly used for articulate speech, held all the dark shades of expression which their staring faces lacked ... They were the blasphemous fish-frogs of the nameless design - living and horrible.

I told the others, they didn't believe me. You're all doomed! You're all doomed!

The Succubus
2014-01-23, 07:25 AM
Saw this in The Guardian:


2014-01-23, 07:33 AM
Hehe, that story isn't dissimilar to how I came out to myself as well. I've played MMOs since EQ's Ruins of Kunark expansion - early on I played male, but it never felt 'right' - then as an experiment during Dark Age of Camelot I made a character named Yumii who has essentially become my avatar in every game since.* It felt good < ._.>

I've pretty much played female exclusively in both tabletop and MMOs since then. That's part of why I had a period of thinking I was a transwoman rather than genderfluid as well, since my brain is** kind of 2/3s female 1/3 male. <. . > Playing WoW right now actually (not this particular minute, but I was less than an hour ago - looking for cool equipment designs for my death knight to wear >.>/)

*In fact that's her in my avatar here on the boards, albeit a steampunk/victorian version of her.

**To put it in oversimplified and crude terms.

2014-01-23, 07:34 AM
Saw this in The Guardian:


I had sort of similar thing going on when I played my female alts (my main was male for long time because when I started WoW I felt like I was supposed to roll a male character. Then I rolled female death knight, but everyone already knew me as male.

When I rolled my female priest on the horde side where I knew no one, I already knew I was trans. I didn't disclose my IRL sex to anyone, but still had my guildies treat me as a woman, which was really really nice. Ment lot to me back when I was still closeted and convinced no one would accept my gender identity.

Lix Lorn
2014-01-23, 07:37 AM
Sorta me too, only I did it via forums rather than actual RPGs.
(I was renowned for gender bending, and everyone was amused that I ended up being a girl more than a boy. My two best friends reacted to me coming out with 'yeah that makes sense.'
Well, one did. The other GUESSED IT. xD)

2014-01-23, 07:40 AM
That's the same response my best friend gave me Lix! >_< "Yeah, I sorta figured hehe" basically. Definitely a positive reaction imo

Asta Kask
2014-01-23, 07:47 AM
We have someone in our gaming group who always play women. Sometimes I wonder.

Mono Vertigo
2014-01-23, 08:20 AM
BF also played exclusively with male avatars when he had the opportunity, way before he came out. We used to play a lot of Ragnarok Online together. None of the avatars we had there were meant to represent ourselves (they were actually our RP characters). See, with Ragnarok Online, you couldn't choose the individual gender of your characters, you had to set your account as either male or female and all your characters matched it. So he got a male account, and I chose a female one, despite having at the time my male characters outnumbering the female ones. It got funny at times when he'd whip out one of his characters that was female in fluff but with a male sprite, and I'd whip out a male character in fluff with a female sprite.
I should probably has guessed at the time something was up, but then we had another friend, who was a girl (and I believe has not since expressed she was anything but cis) and had a male account.
At any rate, I don't get people being angry that the player's gender does not match the character's, nor the insistence for pics or voice chat. I abhor that myself, even though I don't have to fear being outed, it's just a crappy thing to be hung up on in a goddamn game, particularly one that's a RPG. It does not make a lot more sense that asking for a proof that an old and married character is not actually played by a young, single person.

My parents are thinking of moving, one of the places they really like is in my college town, my mom was already talking about giving up my dorms and moving in with them, I don't want to live with them fulltime at all.

Ugh. :smallfrown:
I think SiuiS is on to something. Try to convince her to change her mind by pointing out how she would benefit from you not living with her fulltime.

Asta Kask
2014-01-23, 09:49 AM
ION: We're discussing a trans-related story over at the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe's forums. Now, there has been outbreaks of transphobia there before but they seem gone from this discussion at least. In fact, everyone takes the transphilic position although there are discussions on the details involved. AFAICT at least, there's no discussion on the important point, which is about the right of trans people not to be outed.

Similarly, we had a discussion a while ago about trans people and gendered bathroom, and everyone agreed that they didn't care. When they were in the bathroom, they concentrated on the business at hand. As long as the other person didn't accost them, they could be from Mars for all it mattered (it is, of course, easier to say this than to actually follow through, but at least the intent is there).

Proud Tortoise
2014-01-23, 09:52 AM
We have someone in our gaming group who always play women. Sometimes I wonder.

I play females a lot because my personality is kinda more suited to it. Also, RP is an escape mechanism so the less like me a character is, the better 38/

Asta Kask
2014-01-23, 10:06 AM
Yeah. "Many trans people have experimented with the opposite gender in RPGs" does not really imply "Many who experiment with the opposite gender in RPGs are trans people".

2014-01-23, 10:12 AM
Yeah. "Many trans people have experimented with the opposite gender in RPGs" does not really imply "Many who experiment with the opposite gender in RPGs are trans people".

which is exactly right, i mean i play character of each gender, or no gender. i like to always experiment with my character to see how i can get the best RP experience out of the game.

2014-01-23, 10:30 AM
My parents are thinking of moving, one of the places they really like is in my college town, my mom was already talking about giving up my dorms and moving in with them, I don't want to live with them fulltime at all.

*big hugs*

In addition to what Asta said (I think), maybe talk to your dad about needing your own space a bit and make sure he's on your side in this as well?

Yeah. "Many trans people have experimented with the opposite gender in RPGs" does not really imply "Many who experiment with the opposite gender in RPGs are trans people".

Not even experimented, for the second one. I play about 75% (or more) female characters, for RPGs, to the point that in GW2 pretty much everyone read me as female. While it was fun and informative, I'm pretty sure I'm solidly male.

2014-01-23, 11:03 AM
Hrm... I enjoy playing male and female characters in games, although in my D+D group I tend to play male because, much as I like the guys one or two of them might look askance at me RP'ing a female.
However I have a friend who plays his character as a female (or at least did). In runescape for the simple reason, you get picked on less in pvp people are more willing to go along with things ect ect. As far as the evidence I saw went, he was absolutely correct.

2014-01-23, 11:05 AM
Hrm... I enjoy playing male and female characters in games, although in my D+D group I tend to play male because, much as I like the guys one or two of them might look askance at me RP'ing a female.
However I have a friend who plays his character as a female (or at least did). In runescape for the simple reason, you get picked on less in pvp people are more willing to go along with things ect ect. As far as the evidence I saw went, he was absolutely correct.

there are studies that support that, i just don't remember where they are. :P

2014-01-23, 12:07 PM
Happy Birthday Si!
Happy transiversary Tamsin!
Happy Thursday everyone!!!

I will be back to regular activity from tomorrow, had a massive amount of RL stuff. Nothing bad, mostly menial labor. I need a catnap, 20 should suffice.:smalltongue:

2014-01-23, 12:30 PM
My parents are thinking of moving, one of the places they really like is in my college town, my mom was already talking about giving up my dorms and moving in with them, I don't want to live with them fulltime at all.

:smallfrown: That's a bad idea. Even outside of the problems for a young woman struggling with trans issues moving back in with family who are not always good allies or good for her mental health, I think generally a child moving back to live with parents -- having moved away -- is awkward for all involved. It's like having a teenager who still gets a babysitter. Relations are strained, independence is suddenly fought for at every turn, little things you never realised you wanted to do differently until you moved out are now the biggest ****ing deal ("Ugh, my mother stores the ketchup in the fridge. It's MY ketchup. I don't WANT it in the fridge."). (This is an example; I have not -- yet FINGERS CROSSED SO HARD RIGHT NOW -- had to move back with my parents, but my parents keep the ketchup in the press like all decent folk :smalltongue:.) I've known several friends move back to their parents house for various reasons and it's ranged from tolerable at best to unmitigated disaster for all concerned, but the most common thread seems to be "I love them, and I'm grateful, and most of the time it's fine but I need to get the **** out of here like yesterday."

I think you VASTLY underestimate the value men place on preventing accidents. So, one, I could literally pitch this idea to ten dudes at a bar, collect money from them, take notes, and keep the process rolling enough to send the data to a papaya or pharmaceutical company myself (so confident am I in the value of the good or service that I believe it can generate it's own market and marketing literally from zero to tautological), and two, pharmaceutical companies should be all over this; those "male enhancement" pills that don't actual enhance anything would go over great if they added "no baby no baby big money STOP" clause to their use.

Oh no, I'm not underestimating men. Outside of a few idiots who'll go with "But I'm less of a man if I'm not sperming my sperm as spermfully as possible!" I'd say lots and lots of men would jump at something like this. The people I'm giving side-eye to are those running pharmaceutical companies, who just don't seem to be that bothered. Come on, a safe and reversible male contraceptive is _definitely_ possible and _definitely_ worthwhile and people would go for it, but ... eh? No interest? Just going to keep on messing with women's fertility? That's more fun? I don't get it!

At any rate, I don't get people being angry that the player's gender does not match the character's

I have gotten angry about a subset of male gamers who play female characters apparently to mock and sexualise them, or to engage in "hilarious" tropes about women. "Teehee, I can't go on the dungeon crawl, I have to be having PMS in my kitchen while I titter about hairstyles and paint my nails and also yell at you all for being like so mean to me!" (This is an exaggeration for humourous effect.)

But that's kind of something else. I've also seen or heard about people doing things like playing a black character (when they were white) to be "ghetto" and "urban" and "swag" or whatever. So the moral is, people can be awful. And the other moral is, playing a character that's different from you is fine, provided you're aware that you are still actually functioning in society and "but it's D&D!" doesn't mean you can suddenly get away with showing off your raging sexism/racism/classism/ablism/awfulness.

But yeah, in the case of trans people getting to explore "life on the other side", I think RPGs can do a lot of good, and my only wish is for there to be fewer of the aforementioned awful people so it's a safer space for those of us who actually want to play nice.

Asta Kask
2014-01-23, 12:51 PM
Oh no, I'm not underestimating men. Outside of a few idiots who'll go with "But I'm less of a man if I'm not sperming my sperm as spermfully as possible!" I'd say lots and lots of men would jump at something like this. The people I'm giving side-eye to are those running pharmaceutical companies, who just don't seem to be that bothered. Come on, a safe and reversible male contraceptive is _definitely_ possible and _definitely_ worthwhile and people would go for it, but ... eh? No interest? Just going to keep on messing with women's fertility? That's more fun? I don't get it!

There's massive research going on in this area, and several products have gone to clinical trials. It's just that they all have had the side effect of killing libido and potence as well. I suspect that such a product wouldn't be popular among men or women. Well, maybe lesbians could live with it.

The thing is, female fertility naturally shuts off when she's pregnant. Brazen and Siuis can have all the sexy funtime they want currently, they won't produce another colt. To shut off female fertility you mimic a pregnancy. Done.

Male fertility never shuts off naturally, so there's no natural state to mimic. And male fertility is tightly coupled to libido, via testosterone. When I was in school, research was aiming at inhibiting the actions of Luteinizing Hormone (LH - yes, the hormones involved in the menstrual cycle also control male fertility). I don't know whether that panned out, because it takes 15 years (at least!) from the first research to a pill you can take. But I would guess that it didn't.

2014-01-23, 12:54 PM
Male birth control is pretty easy. Inject a sticky jelly into the whatchacallit (I always forget the male anatomical terms). When you want it out, inject a solvent. I think this technology exists?

2014-01-23, 12:58 PM
Male birth control is pretty easy. Inject a sticky jelly into the whatchacallit (I always forget the male anatomical terms). When you want it out, inject a solvent. I think this technology exists?

O.O no thank you! why would a guy want to do that. O.O

2014-01-23, 01:02 PM
O.O no thank you! why would a guy want to do that. O.O

Not the urethra. You need to pee. The vas deferens, that's the one.
Why wouldn't you?

2014-01-23, 01:04 PM
Not the urethra. You need to pee. The vas deferens, that's the one.
Why wouldn't you?

i hate injections! needles and height scare the **** out of me.

2014-01-23, 01:07 PM
Male fertility never shuts off naturally

Unless the testicles are too hot, or too cold, or the diet is poor enough to affect sperm performance, or sex is frequent enough to prevent refilling.

You're thinking "shut off the testicles" which is the equivalent of smacking the gun out of someone's hands to teach them safe shooting habits.

Reduce the potency of individual spermazoa only, like from papaya seeds, and you'll basically be doing the same thing as forcing the guy to wear tighty whiteys, that's all. It's perfectly possible to affect sperm without affecting potency (in the male enhancement sense) or libido.

O.O no thank you! why would a guy want to do that. O.O

To engage in consensual sexual activities without risk of becoming a father.
The idea that it's too inconvenient for me to do birth control so it's your job, that's a silly one. Why wouldn't you be proactive in keeping yourself responsible and safe? Why would you outsource that entirely? Fear? Uncomfortableness?
Better to just not have sex at that sage than shift the onus of dealin with sperm to the non-sperm generating participant.

Asta Kask
2014-01-23, 01:25 PM
Unless the testicles are too hot, or too cold, or the diet is poor enough to affect sperm performance, or sex is frequent enough to prevent refilling.

I wouldn't rely on any of these. What's the pearl index?

Reduce the potency of individual spermazoa only, like from papaya seeds, and you'll basically be doing the same thing as forcing the guy to wear tighty whiteys, that's all. It's perfectly possible to affect sperm without affecting potency (in the male enhancement sense) or libido.

Where are your studies showing this?

If papaya works then I'll be... well, not delighted but certainly interested. But we don't know that it does. Are there clinical trials in humans? What are the side effects?

If all we have is ethnopharmacology and animal trials then it's far, far too early to break out the champagne. While it is true that native populations can have interesting pharmacological insights (and there's an entire field devoted to this), all of the contraception methods I linked to were thought to be safe and effective. So asking whether papaya is safe and effective is a valid question, regardless of whether native populations think so or not.

As for animal trials - we can cure cancer in rodents, and have been able to for decades. Case in point - angiogenesis inhibitors blew away all tumors in trials one mice. In humans they were effective... but nowhere near as effective as in mice. It's chemo, it's nice to have another avenue of approach, but nothing spectacular (it probably varies from cancer to cancer - I haven't researched this).

Anyway, here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Male_contraceptive) are some possible venues of research.

Also, here (http://malecontraceptives.org/methods/suspensories.php).

Also also, this is really off-topic and I suggest we move further discussion to a separate thread.

2014-01-23, 01:25 PM
To engage in consensual sexual activities without risk of becoming a father.
The idea that it's too inconvenient for me to do birth control so it's your job, that's a silly one. Why wouldn't you be proactive in keeping yourself responsible and safe? Why would you outsource that entirely? Fear? Uncomfortableness?
Better to just not have sex at that sage than shift the onus of dealin with sperm to the non-sperm generating participant.

Seeing as one of my friends discovered that they were going to be a father at 15 after their girlfriend forgot to take the pill. I would most definitely appreciate the ability to control that, not to mention some women cannot take the pill due to health risks.

2014-01-23, 01:40 PM
:smallfrown: That's a bad idea. Even outside of the problems for a young woman struggling with trans issues moving back in with family who are not always good allies or good for her mental health, I think generally a child moving back to live with parents -- having moved away -- is awkward for all involved. It's like having a teenager who still gets a babysitter. Relations are strained, independence is suddenly fought for at every turn, little things you never realised you wanted to do differently until you moved out are now the biggest ****ing deal ("Ugh, my mother stores the ketchup in the fridge. It's MY ketchup. I don't WANT it in the fridge."). (This is an example; I have not -- yet FINGERS CROSSED SO HARD RIGHT NOW -- had to move back with my parents, but my parents keep the ketchup in the press like all decent folk :smalltongue:.) I've known several friends move back to their parents house for various reasons and it's ranged from tolerable at best to unmitigated disaster for all concerned, but the most common thread seems to be "I love them, and I'm grateful, and most of the time it's fine but I need to get the **** out of here like yesterday."

As somebody who is in that situation at the moment (long story short, lost my scholarship at the nice uni, taking a semester at a community college before transfering again out to someplace else) yes. Very much yes. Friction with my brother over stupid stuff (mostly on his part, IMO, I just want to not have him sniping at me and actually being if not pleasant at least not passive-agressively hostile), my dad, my mother, and thankfully my sister isn't home. As well as my main coping techniques are games (which is a point of friction), cuddles (none to be had nearby), and chocolate (which is pricey). As you can see, looking forward to moving out again.


Male birth control is pretty easy. Inject a sticky jelly into the whatchacallit (I always forget the male anatomical terms). When you want it out, inject a solvent. I think this technology exists?

I mean, I'd be interested in this, just to see how it works, side effects, and if I want to do it. *shrug* I don't want to father any children for a while now. Might as well have redundancy in the methods to avoid it.

Asta Kask
2014-01-23, 01:55 PM
I mean, I'd be interested in this, just to see how it works, side effects, and if I want to do it. *shrug* I don't want to father any children for a while now. Might as well have redundancy in the methods to avoid it.

See here. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vas-occlusive_contraception)

Apparently clinical trials have been ongoing since 2006, but these things take time. Serotonin's effect on mood was discovered in the late 1960s. Prozac was launched in 1988 (there was an earlier SSRI, but it turned out to have serious side effects).

2014-01-23, 02:03 PM
I wouldn't rely on any of these. What's the pearl index?

Is that a dirty joke?

Where are your studies showing this?

Guy dunked his testicles in boiling water for years. Upon stopping, he was able to father a child almost immediately. It's come up in this thread before.

There are also studies on the effects of restrictive clothing causing high heat and this mutation of the cells, etc., whereas the idea that the only way to affect a sperm is to affect the sex drive is something I've never heard before. You're the one making the claim on this being a thing, so you'd bear the burden of proof :smallwink:

Bah! I'm getting persnickety, ignore me. I'm sure that reads less as funny and more as insulting and I just can't see it. >_<

Asta Kask
2014-01-23, 02:28 PM
Is that a dirty joke?

No, the pearl index is the way we measure the efficiency of contraception. See here. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearl_Index)

Guy dunked his testicles in boiling water for years. Upon stopping, he was able to father a child almost immediately. It's come up in this thread before.

This has no scientific weight whatsoever. There's a reason pharmaceutical companies conduct large and expensive studies instead of going by the 'one guy said' method. Also, in the choice between a condom and dunking my testicles in boiling water on a regular basis, I choose the condom.

Current heat methods require the testicles to be subjected to 116 F heat for 10-15 minutes per day. I'll pass. The only study conducted on bathing was conducted in India in the 1930's. It is unpublished, and without knowing if it was randomized (probably not - this was not a thing in the 1930's) and blinded (ditto) it's impossible to say whether it says anything. Scientific standards. They're there for a reason.

There are also studies on the effects of restrictive clothing causing high heat and this mutation of the cells, etc.

This raises the concern of heat causing congenital disorders. Anyway, can you link me to the studies?

whereas the idea that the only way to affect a sperm is to affect the sex drive is something I've never heard before. You're the one making the claim on this being a thing, so you'd bear the burden of proof :smallwink:

But that's not what I said. It's a side effect of those methods that have been tested - that does not mean it's the only way. I heard it when I studied.

And as it turns out, I was wrong. Look at some of the links I gave above - there have been other methods, some promising and some not so promising. But you need patience. And KW's belief that there was no research going on in this field is just... wrong.

But these things take time. We need to control for safety and efficacy, or we might get another Thalidomide disaster. And it needs to be very safe and effective since we have an alternative that is very safe and effective, Implanon. Otherwise the regulatory agencies won't approve of it.

2014-01-23, 02:36 PM
Having once accidentally scalded my scrotum, I can tell you it is not a fun thing.

Asta Kask
2014-01-23, 02:48 PM
The reason heat decreases spermatogenesis does not seem to be know, although a protein that is normally protective against heat (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC310224/) increases programmed cell death in the testicles. In mice.

2014-01-23, 02:59 PM
This has no scientific weight whatsoever.

It had plenty of weight when it was last discussed in this thread, about fifteen iterations ago and you didn't complain then. I'm telling something discussed in basic biology classes, Asta; "Pics or GTFO" isn't exactly the conversationally appropriate response and again, you're the making blanket statements unsubstantiated about how decreasing potency must also decrease libido.

I don't have any interest in arguing who's scientific study phallus is bigger. I'm making a point that you're shooting to the wrong abstraction level. But honestly, if the only way to continue a conversation is to antagonistically present counter evidence to your nonexistent evidence that I would also have to find first; and I can't say "ignore me because I'm in a pissy mood", then we have nowhere to go, do we? I can't stop. I can't stop you. I just have to sit here while you science at me. That's not what I want and it's probably not what you wanted to do.

Where do we go from here?

2014-01-23, 03:06 PM
Where do we go from here?

Drop it and move on?

And talk about how I got really moody when my mom went clothes shopping for my daughters, but wouldn't ever have done so for me when I was growing up.

*sigh* I shoulda came out to them. Maybe my relationship with my parents would have turned out better...

2014-01-23, 03:06 PM
Where do we go from here?

Hugs and Waffles?

2014-01-23, 03:41 PM
Drop it and move on?

Huh. Wish I'd thought of that.

And talk about how I got really moody when my mom went clothes shopping for my daughters, but wouldn't ever have done so for me when I was growing up.

*sigh* I shoulda came out to them. Maybe my relationship with my parents would have turned out better...

A cautionary tale, almost. Hmm.

Asta Kask
2014-01-23, 03:44 PM
It had plenty of weight when it was last discussed in this thread, about fifteen iterations ago and you didn't complain then.

That must have been because I missed it or didn't bother to look into it. Looking into it, there are interesting hints but nothing definite. And I doubt that it will gain popularity as long as it involves dipping your testicles into very hot water.

I'm telling something discussed in basic biology classes, Asta; "Pics or GTFO" isn't exactly the conversationally appropriate response and again, you're the making blanket statements unsubstantiated about how decreasing potency must also decrease libido.

That's not what I said, but my original statement was wrong and I apologize for it. There are things in the pipeline and that's the important thing.

I don't have any interest in arguing who's scientific study phallus is bigger.

This is about evidence. It's about the way we know things are wrong. I have studied research pharmacology for 5 years. I have a master's degree in it. I have worked for five more years as a scientist, including planning a clinical study. I defer to your expertise about what being transgender means. Will you defer to my expertise about what constitutes scientific evidence for efficacy and safety.

If you say that we shouldn't care about what the scientific literature says, then I can only hope that you never get in a position to make important decisions about this.

I'm making a point that you're shooting to the wrong abstraction level.

You are probably right there. Ok. My statement about all tried methods of male contraception having had reduced libido as a side effect was wrong. There is no good evidence* that warm baths reduces fertility in humans. There is some evidence that suspensories reduces fertility, but the study needs to be replicated with a larger number of people (and that has not been done). There is no data indicating that papaya seeds, or extracts of papaya seeds, reduces fertility in humans. There are no safety studies for any of these methods. All statements should be read as including "that I'm aware of".

Where do we go from here?

I don't know. You can revel in me acknowledging that I was wrong. You can acknowledge that I know more about this than you, unless of course you have studied pharmacology and medical research. If you disagree with my finds - which took less than 30 minutes to find on the web - you can find counterexamples.

I don't know what else you claim about this.

*and if you want to know what constitutes good evidence I'm afraid I shall have to get technical. You'll need a sufficiently large study group, proper randomization, blinding, and probably something else I forget at the moment.

2014-01-23, 03:51 PM
If you two do continue, please take it to PMs.

2014-01-23, 03:52 PM
i was serious who wants Hugs and Waffles?

Mono Vertigo
2014-01-23, 03:53 PM
Asta Kask, SiuiS: may I kindly suggest you take this discussion in PMs or another medium? Also, testicles in boiling water? *crosses legs reflexively* :smalleek:

And talk about how I got really moody when my mom went clothes shopping for my daughters, but wouldn't ever have done so for me when I was growing up.

*sigh* I shoulda came out to them. Maybe my relationship with my parents would have turned out better...

Maybe, maybe not, but what matters here is that you couldn't have known that, and it's normal not to take risks concerning such an important reveal. Don't let regrets torment you too much.

2014-01-23, 04:27 PM
Hi, just saying hi. And happy anniversaries of birth and trans to SiuS and Helio respectively. And if anyone wants hugs, *hugs*.

Personally I'm not doing too great, but oh well... it should pass... I hope.
*offers hugs* I hope you feel better soon.

Drop it and move on?

And talk about how I got really moody when my mom went clothes shopping for my daughters, but wouldn't ever have done so for me when I was growing up.

*sigh* I shoulda came out to them. Maybe my relationship with my parents would have turned out better...
*offers hugs* I don't know your situation, but maybe you could still come out to them? That wouldn't change anything in the past, but maybe it could improve your future relationship with them?

i was serious who wants Hugs and Waffles?

Also, time for positive news: my mum is really trying to call me Juniper (or Juni, hehe) and to avoid gendered words. Even if she slips up often, it's nice to see her effort. :smallsmile: I just wish there was a suitable neutral pronoun in German, cause all avoiding of words like "daughter" and calling me a neutral name doesn't help when I'm still referred to by female pronouns... :/

2014-01-23, 05:20 PM
A cautionary tale, almost. Hmm.


Maybe, maybe not, but what matters here is that you couldn't have known that, and it's normal not to take risks concerning such an important reveal. Don't let regrets torment you too much.

Maybe. I'll never know. But still it hurts.

*offers hugs* I don't know your situation, but maybe you could still come out to them? That wouldn't change anything in the past, but maybe it could improve your future relationship with them?

If only it could, Juniper. But alas, my family are about as backwards on opinion as some of the best bigots in the world.

It wouldn't shock me in the least for me to hear they created the stories about "the gays" changing the weather.

2014-01-23, 07:06 PM
*offers hugs* I hope you feel better soon.

*offers hugs* I don't know your situation, but maybe you could still come out to them? That wouldn't change anything in the past, but maybe it could improve your future relationship with them?


Also, time for positive news: my mum is really trying to call me Juniper (or Juni, hehe) and to avoid gendered words. Even if she slips up often, it's nice to see her effort. :smallsmile: I just wish there was a suitable neutral pronoun in German, cause all avoiding of words like "daughter" and calling me a neutral name doesn't help when I'm still referred to by female pronouns... :/

Do you know, I'd completely forgotten that Juniper wasn't your birth name.

2014-01-23, 07:22 PM
So back in July, I had a little ceremony. It's a bit late, but I thought you might be interested in a few pictures.


2014-01-23, 07:24 PM
So back in July, I had a little ceremony. It's a bit late, but I thought you might be interested in a few pictures.


you look amazing Helio.

2014-01-23, 07:40 PM
Hugs and Waffles?


i was serious who wants Hugs and Waffles?


Congrats Juniper/Lycunadari!

2014-01-23, 08:00 PM
To all of those that want or will want hugs *hugs* and now time for thoses waffles. :smallbiggrin:

2014-01-23, 08:26 PM
So back in July, I had a little ceremony. It's a bit late, but I thought you might be interested in a few pictures.


Wow, those are really amazing pictures! You look absolutely great :smallsmile:
And i'm late but happy transiversary Tamsin ^_^ *offers hugs*

I had something similar a bit over a week ago. On 15th January 2013 i realized i was trans, so it's like my "new" birthday. And 15th January is my mum's burthday, coincidentally :smallbiggrin: Though i forgot to tell her, gotta do that some time. I don't think anyone knew even though it was a rather happy occasion for me :X Oh well. Next time, i'll throw two birthday parties in one year...can't have enough parties after all.

Also, hug offers for everyone! I should drop by more often, at least to give more hugs to people.

Waffles! *asks for one*

Brazen Shield
2014-01-23, 10:38 PM
I am just going to leave this here

How To Write About Transgender People http://www.buzzfeed.com/rafeposey/how-to-write-about-transgender-people

2014-01-23, 10:55 PM
So back in July, I had a little ceremony. It's a bit late, but I thought you might be interested in a few pictures.


Wow i hope i look that hot after i start transitioning

2014-01-23, 11:03 PM
I got Si only the thing I've been being asked for since Christmas (and pretty much every week since we found out we would have to clean the house for the baby) a receipt scanner!
What is a 'receipt scanner' might you ask? Only the most perfect thing ever for Organizing what can only be described as SiuiS' lair of old papers and notes in everything from D&D to artwork.
It'll take all those hand-written papers and digitize them, saving them into the computer as searchable .PDF files so we can store the actually papers away (or throw them away)
Basically, I got SiuiS AWESOME.

My parents are thinking of moving, one of the places they really like is in my college town, my mom was already talking about giving up my dorms and moving in with them, I don't want to live with them fulltime at all.
Unfortunate. If the 'I'll staying away from you because it'll benefit you' does work out, try expressing your self-autonomy.

If you two do continue, please take it to PMs.
Aw, but it's so informative. Putting it in spoilers should be fine.

So back in July, I had a little ceremony. It's a bit late, but I thought you might be interested in a few pictures.


2014-01-23, 11:12 PM
@ Tamsin: As many others have said, the pictures are great!

Wow i hope i look that hot after i start transitioning
Welcome Bladequeen! I don't know you and you're a "Pixie", so I assume you're new here.

Proud Tortoise
2014-01-23, 11:52 PM
entering depression hugsplz

how can i hate myself if i dont even know... myself??? i dont know me but i hate me. that is so, so STUPID and PATHETIC. it would be so horrible if i wasnt talking about myself like "i dont know this douchebag but he is the worst person ever" see what i mean its just bloody idiotic

2014-01-23, 11:55 PM
Here you go Eirala one waffle.

Welcome miss Queen. The kitchen is around the corner there, the pillow room is over there and down the hall, and this is the common pull up a bean bag chair or couch and get comfortable.

PT you can have all the Hugs you need. *hug*

2014-01-24, 12:05 AM
entering depression hugsplz

how can i hate myself if i dont even know... myself??? i dont know me but i hate me. that is so, so STUPID and PATHETIC. it would be so horrible if i wasnt talking about myself like "i dont know this douchebag but he is the worst person ever" see what i mean its just bloody idiotic
Yes, have an Internet hug and my sympathies.

2014-01-24, 12:19 AM
Here you go Eirala one waffle.

Welcome miss Queen. The kitchen is around the corner there, the pillow room is over there and down the hall, and this is the common pull up a bean bag chair or couch and get comfortable.

But not the big rainbow beanbag because that one's mine! Mah precious....

*hugs PT*

2014-01-24, 12:51 AM
i was serious who wants Hugs and Waffles?

I'll take some waffles, but I don't want you to pick up my cold. :smallyuk:

2014-01-24, 01:08 AM
alright Here you go Chess some Waffles.


2014-01-24, 01:33 AM
So back in July, I had a little ceremony. It's a bit late, but I thought you might be interested in a few pictures.

You look lovely :smallsmile:

entering depression hugsplz

Ah, sorry you're having a rough time of it PT :smallfrown:

And hellos and condolences to every one else.

- not been around much lately as still really struggling with mental health. Also still not getting treated, almost four months after I was hospitalised :smallsigh: but I'm seeing another doctor in a week (this'll be... #5 or 6 I think) so hopefully that'll work out. The trans specialist psych didn't want to keep seeing me as my issues aren't really gender identity related while the non-trans guy didn't want to as he's not experienced with trans people...
Struggling at times with wanting to self harm with cutting, and venturing out from cutting into thinking about mutilating myself like cutting off my fingers and that sort of thing. Also suicidal thoughts are similarly... "branching out" - lots of new ones like walking into traffic and jumping from tall buildings. Bit worrying. But nothing's actually happened, so that's a plus.

Also, just got back from the hairdressers:




2014-01-24, 02:15 AM
You look lovely :smallsmile:

Ah, sorry you're having a rough time of it PT :smallfrown:

And hellos and condolences to every one else.

- not been around much lately as still really struggling with mental health. Also still not getting treated, almost four months after I was hospitalised :smallsigh: but I'm seeing another doctor in a week (this'll be... #5 or 6 I think) so hopefully that'll work out. The trans specialist psych didn't want to keep seeing me as my issues aren't really gender identity related while the non-trans guy didn't want to as he's not experienced with trans people...
Struggling at times with wanting to self harm with cutting, and venturing out from cutting into thinking about mutilating myself like cutting off my fingers and that sort of thing. Also suicidal thoughts are similarly... "branching out" - lots of new ones like walking into traffic and jumping from tall buildings. Bit worrying. But nothing's actually happened, so that's a plus.

Also, just got back from the hairdressers:




Looking good!

Would you be willing to give your contact info to somebody in the thread so we can contact the proper authorities in case your depression get really really bad? :smalleek: Kinda worried about you.

2014-01-24, 03:54 AM
So, I was gonna go into the city with a friend to go dress-shopping. Sadly, I couldn't get in contact with him the whole day. He's not the type to bail on me without letting me know, so I'm hoping he's not ill or anything. Most likely, I think he probably worked too late last night and was deep asleep. :smalltongue:

But I went to the place anyway (luckily, I remembered roughly where it was) and bought a few new dresses! :3

Have some pics (sorry for the low quality, without my friend I had to use my phone, which has a crappier camera. Plus my hands are shaky).

2014-01-24, 04:00 AM
Awesome! Pretty sure you could pass as a girl, Skeppers, especially if you get yourself a bra to stuff with whatever.

2014-01-24, 04:27 AM
So back in July, I had a little ceremony. It's a bit late, but I thought you might be interested in a few pictures.


I didn't know you were so cute.:smallwink:

Wow i hope i look that hot after i start transitioning

Welcome to the thread, there's pretzels, waffles and pie. Hugs are scattered all around, if you need some just ask.:smalltongue:

entering depression hugsplz

how can i hate myself if i dont even know... myself??? i dont know me but i hate me. that is so, so STUPID and PATHETIC. it would be so horrible if i wasnt talking about myself like "i dont know this douchebag but he is the worst person ever" see what i mean its just bloody idiotic

My PM box is always opened.

You look lovely :smallsmile:

Ah, sorry you're having a rough time of it PT :smallfrown:

And hellos and condolences to every one else.

- not been around much lately as still really struggling with mental health. Also still not getting treated, almost four months after I was hospitalised :smallsigh: but I'm seeing another doctor in a week (this'll be... #5 or 6 I think) so hopefully that'll work out. The trans specialist psych didn't want to keep seeing me as my issues aren't really gender identity related while the non-trans guy didn't want to as he's not experienced with trans people...
Struggling at times with wanting to self harm with cutting, and venturing out from cutting into thinking about mutilating myself like cutting off my fingers and that sort of thing. Also suicidal thoughts are similarly... "branching out" - lots of new ones like walking into traffic and jumping from tall buildings. Bit worrying. But nothing's actually happened, so that's a plus.

Also, just got back from the hairdressers:




I looked at the pictures before reading and I though your hair looks amazing.:smallwink:
You have my sympathies, as always, my PM box is opened.

So, I was gonna go into the city with a friend to go dress-shopping. Sadly, I couldn't get in contact with him the whole day. He's not the type to bail on me without letting me know, so I'm hoping he's not ill or anything. Most likely, I think he probably worked too late last night and was deep asleep. :smalltongue:

But I went to the place anyway (luckily, I remembered roughly where it was) and bought a few new dresses! :3

Have some pics (sorry for the low quality, without my friend I had to use my phone, which has a crappier camera. Plus my hands are shaky).

You look cuter then before.:smallconfused::smallbiggrin:

2014-01-24, 04:28 AM
That must have been because I missed it or didn't bother to look into it.

Ah, that's fair. I can't use a mod passing somethig over as proof it's forum appropriate, this is analogous.

This is about evidence.

Not quite, but it may be a miscommunication rather than differing opinions.

If you two do continue, please take it to PMs.[/quote]

I'll consider it. I want to say that sometimes it's good for there to be examples of productive argument settling (the discussion is definitely off topic though), but that may be my inherent narcissism kicking in. I'm having trouble processing what my reaction would be to other people having a similar debate.

Asta, would this conversation be worth having across PM or would our continuing just upset you?

Also, testicles in boiling water? *crosses legs reflexively* :smalleek:

Yeah. The things people do for science.


Don't mention it! :D
More seriously, that was a "I should probably not just show up on Google+ in a dress one day".

- not been around much lately as still really struggling with mental health. Also still not getting treated, almost four months after I was hospitalised :smallsigh: but I'm seeing another doctor in a week (this'll be... #5 or 6 I think) so hopefully that'll work out. The trans specialist psych didn't want to keep seeing me as my issues aren't really gender identity related while the non-trans guy didn't want to as he's not experienced with trans people...
Struggling at times with wanting to self harm with cutting, and venturing out from cutting into thinking about mutilating myself like cutting off my fingers and that sort of thing. Also suicidal thoughts are similarly... "branching out" - lots of new ones like walking into traffic and jumping from tall buildings. Bit worrying. But nothing's actually happened, so that's a plus.

Ick. It says something about the state of mental care... Why doesn't the regular therapist simple consult with the gender therapist? Isn't that how professionals are supposed to do things?

Also, just got back from the hairdressers:




Holy expletive adjective! You look frikken amazing! I cannot express my surprise adequately. Fantastic, luv!

2014-01-24, 04:57 AM
Your shirt makes look kinda pregnant in that last pic, Skep. :smalltongue:

The Succubus
2014-01-24, 04:58 AM
Zorg - sent you an email. Also seconding Siuis - those are some of your best pictures yet!

Erelia - Happy transiversary for last week!

Skeppy - Looking good! I think the top dress looks best on you. I'm not sure what it is about the third photo but your face and hair look really feminine in it. Maybe something about the way the hair is swept back perhaps? :smallsmile:

2014-01-24, 05:03 AM
Awesome! Pretty sure you could pass as a girl, Skeppers, especially if you get yourself a bra to stuff with whatever.

:smalleek: I....could?

You look cuter then before.:smallconfused::smallbiggrin:

:smallredface: Thanks.

Your shirt makes look kinda pregnant in that last pic, Skep. :smalltongue:

Because I have a fat stomach. :smallfrown:

Skeppy - Looking good! I think the top dress looks best on you. I'm not sure what it is about the third photo but your face and hair look really feminine in it. Maybe something about the way the hair is swept back perhaps? :smallsmile:

I dunno, my hair's a bit longer than it used to be, but I hadn't styled it at all, so I'm not sure. But thanks. :3

2014-01-24, 05:27 AM
So back in July, I had a little ceremony. It's a bit late, but I thought you might be interested in a few pictures.


Tamsin, you look amazing. And again, congrats. For all the happy stuff.

entering depression hugsplz

how can i hate myself if i dont even know... myself??? i dont know me but i hate me. that is so, so STUPID and PATHETIC. it would be so horrible if i wasnt talking about myself like "i dont know this douchebag but he is the worst person ever" see what i mean its just bloody idiotic


Admitting thy ignorance is the first step on the path of enlightenment.
Admitting that you know nothing, that is the acceptance of Zen.

- not been around much lately as still really struggling with mental health. Also still not getting treated, almost four months after I was hospitalised :smallsigh: but I'm seeing another doctor in a week (this'll be... #5 or 6 I think) so hopefully that'll work out. The trans specialist psych didn't want to keep seeing me as my issues aren't really gender identity related while the non-trans guy didn't want to as he's not experienced with trans people...
Struggling at times with wanting to self harm with cutting, and venturing out from cutting into thinking about mutilating myself like cutting off my fingers and that sort of thing. Also suicidal thoughts are similarly... "branching out" - lots of new ones like walking into traffic and jumping from tall buildings. Bit worrying. But nothing's actually happened, so that's a plus.

I'm sorry Zorg. I wish there was more I could do. But all I can do is offer you my hollow empty words, and hope they provide hope enough.

And I know that finding a doctor who can help with any issue, it doesn't matter what, can be a real pain.

I've been to ten or twelve doctors in fifteen years to try and sort out my issues, but so far no big changes. Still sad, still feel worthless. But uh, um... we'll always have the Playground?

I'm not helping... I'll just go over to the corner again...

Also, just got back from the hairdressers:




But I love the hair! :smallbiggrin:

So, I was gonna go into the city with a friend to go dress-shopping. Sadly, I couldn't get in contact with him the whole day. He's not the type to bail on me without letting me know, so I'm hoping he's not ill or anything. Most likely, I think he probably worked too late last night and was deep asleep. :smalltongue:

But I went to the place anyway (luckily, I remembered roughly where it was) and bought a few new dresses! :3

Have some pics (sorry for the low quality, without my friend I had to use my phone, which has a crappier camera. Plus my hands are shaky).

You do look good, Skeppio. I really like the first one.

Don't mention it! :D
More seriously, that was a "I should probably not just show up on Google+ in a dress one day".

Oh, good. I didn't have any other context, so my sad, tired mind was reading that as being told off...

I love you all!


The Succubus
2014-01-24, 05:40 AM
:smalleek: I....could?

You could! =O

2014-01-24, 07:26 AM
@ Zorg: I hope it'll work out... If you need anything, I'm available (although several people have already offered this).

And, as always I feel, you're gorgeous.

@ Skeppio: Of course you could pass!

The second dress is great!

I admit I don't like the third kit -- it's a bit unsettling. 1) The black-white contrast is a bit extreme. 2) They are not the same kind of polka dots. 3) Very straight clothes don't look good on us trans girls. Look for something to create curves. Fire up google images, and look for: peplum, a-line, full skirt.

Asta Kask
2014-01-24, 08:22 AM
I would like to apologize to everyone for my behavior yesterday. I have a bad temper and I lost it. I would especially like to apologize to Siuis for trying to bully her. I will try to keep my humors in check in the future.

2014-01-24, 09:12 AM
So, I was gonna go into the city with a friend to go dress-shopping. Sadly, I couldn't get in contact with him the whole day. He's not the type to bail on me without letting me know, so I'm hoping he's not ill or anything. Most likely, I think he probably worked too late last night and was deep asleep. :smalltongue:

But I went to the place anyway (luckily, I remembered roughly where it was) and bought a few new dresses! :3

Have some pics (sorry for the low quality, without my friend I had to use my phone, which has a crappier camera. Plus my hands are shaky).

I don't have any clothes,but if i did i would go with the rocker look also you look pretty

The Succubus
2014-01-24, 10:13 AM
Anyone else a teensy shade worried about Rain and Jessica's plan in today's Rain comic? While Vincent + Fara would make a very hot couple, it'd really risk Vincent's career and Rain's future support...

2014-01-24, 10:55 AM
I would like to apologize to everyone for my behavior yesterday. I have a bad temper and I lost it. I would especially like to apologize to Siuis for trying to bully her. I will try to keep my humors in check in the future.

It's fine, hon. I am still interested in hashing that out, but like I said I don't want to upset you. :smallsmile:

2014-01-24, 10:56 AM
I like the second dress, Skepples. I think it works better with your shape.
Looking good, Zorg :smallsmile:

2014-01-24, 11:18 AM
Do you know, I'd completely forgotten that Juniper wasn't your birth name.
I wish it was cause changing one's legal name in Germany is really difficult.

So back in July, I had a little ceremony. It's a bit late, but I thought you might be interested in a few pictures.

You look absolutely gorgeous. :smallsmile:

Congrats Juniper/Lycunadari!
Thanks. :smallsmile:

Wow i hope i look that hot after i start transitioning
I don't think I've seen you here before, so welcome! Do you like hugs? We usually have plenty. :smallsmile:

entering depression hugsplz

how can i hate myself if i dont even know... myself??? i dont know me but i hate me. that is so, so STUPID and PATHETIC. it would be so horrible if i wasnt talking about myself like "i dont know this douchebag but he is the worst person ever" see what i mean its just bloody idiotic

You look lovely :smallsmile:

Ah, sorry you're having a rough time of it PT :smallfrown:

And hellos and condolences to every one else.

- not been around much lately as still really struggling with mental health. Also still not getting treated, almost four months after I was hospitalised :smallsigh: but I'm seeing another doctor in a week (this'll be... #5 or 6 I think) so hopefully that'll work out. The trans specialist psych didn't want to keep seeing me as my issues aren't really gender identity related while the non-trans guy didn't want to as he's not experienced with trans people...
Struggling at times with wanting to self harm with cutting, and venturing out from cutting into thinking about mutilating myself like cutting off my fingers and that sort of thing. Also suicidal thoughts are similarly... "branching out" - lots of new ones like walking into traffic and jumping from tall buildings. Bit worrying. But nothing's actually happened, so that's a plus.

Also, just got back from the hairdressers:




*offers hugs* I really, really hope you'll get the help you need soon. Also, you look really lovely.

So, I was gonna go into the city with a friend to go dress-shopping. Sadly, I couldn't get in contact with him the whole day. He's not the type to bail on me without letting me know, so I'm hoping he's not ill or anything. Most likely, I think he probably worked too late last night and was deep asleep. :smalltongue:

But I went to the place anyway (luckily, I remembered roughly where it was) and bought a few new dresses! :3

Have some pics (sorry for the low quality, without my friend I had to use my phone, which has a crappier camera. Plus my hands are shaky).
Nice! I especially like the first dress, it's cute. ^_^

Anyone else a teensy shade worried about Rain and Jessica's plan in today's Rain comic? While Vincent + Fara would make a very hot couple, it'd really risk Vincent's career and Rain's future support...
Yeah, I'd love to see them get back together, but playing matchmaker after Vincent has directly said that he doesn't want that is not cool.

2014-01-24, 11:25 AM
@Zorg: *offers hugs*

Also, you look amazing! It's heartwarming to see you smile like that, and i love your dress :smallbiggrin:

Erelia - Happy transiversary for last week!

Thanks ^.^

Also: Erelia, i think i like that more than my current nick :3 Gotta note that name down somewhere...

2014-01-24, 12:11 PM
:smalleek: I....could?

Pretty much, yeah. A tomboyish girl, sure (though I'm sure a more feminine haircut would help with that), but yeah, get yourself some boobage and I think you'll likely be fine.

2014-01-24, 03:11 PM
The type of cut i might get is a choppy bob and side swept bangs

2014-01-24, 03:57 PM
I am done. Bai.

Wait, Lena. What's wrong? What can we do?

2014-01-24, 04:49 PM
Wants To know about Lean, but too tired, want to stay up. Have to stay awake for her, she needs to know she isn't alone. Never alone cause we are here and here we fight, fight for love and happiness.

Just want you to know Tanail. We love you! And I'm never leaving you.


2014-01-24, 04:58 PM
I'm okay, sorry, will explain later.

Mina Kobold
2014-01-24, 05:03 PM
Ah, sorry for disturbing you on Steam and all. Hope whatever is going on is much less worrisome than my imagination tells me and that it goes as well as possible, even if it is just being busy or tired, or if there are few good outcomes. :smallsmile:

2014-01-24, 06:19 PM
Hope things are okay, Lena, honey. Get in touch if you need. <3

And as it turns out, I was wrong. Look at some of the links I gave above - there have been other methods, some promising and some not so promising. But you need patience. And KW's belief that there was no research going on in this field is just... wrong.

Spoilered for off-topicitude of thread
I would like to point out I didn't say that, and if I implied it, I didn't mean to. It just frustrates me that male contraceptive options are so far behind female ones. Yeah, there's an obvious way to mess with typical female biochem to prevent ovulation, but it is a mess. There's a fairly pervasive attitude of "But men's contraceptive options might have icky side effects" and I'm like "Great, tell that to my intermittant bleeding and reduced libido." I know there is some research and some progress being made, but I find it maddening that stuff like this papaya thing could work and no one's bothered to run a clinical trial in humans. But anyway, hopefully it'll catch up soon.

I had something similar a bit over a week ago. On 15th January 2013 i realized i was trans, so it's like my "new" birthday. And 15th January is my mum's burthday, coincidentally :smallbiggrin: Though i forgot to tell her, gotta do that some time. I don't think anyone knew even though it was a rather happy occasion for me :X Oh well. Next time, i'll throw two birthday parties in one year...can't have enough parties after all.

Happy transiversary to you too!

Because I have a fat stomach. :smallfrown:

I feel you, sister. I can pass for pregnant pretty easily. All it takes is a slice of garlic bread or a few mouthfuls of pasta, and my already-chubby tummy gets bloated and people are like "Aww, when are you due?" and I'm like "IT'S A FOOD BABY!" Anyway, you look good, especially the second dress. And I find dresses with fitted waists look good on the chubby-tummy shape. Pick stuff that naturally comes in around the waist and flares in the skirt.

2014-01-24, 06:51 PM
I totally 'get' the "It's a food baby!" thing lol <>.<> comes with being as chubby as I am.

Did I ever tell you fine folks the story of finding out I had to have my gallbladder removed? I know that sounds unappealing, but it's actually amusing and made me happy.

Alright, so one evening I am in immense pain, primarily in my lower back right below my ribs. At first, I think it's my back (I have a bad back), then I think it's gas... but it just keeps getting worse, and worse, and worse... so finally I go to the emergency room.

At the emergency room while I'm doubled over in pain, a nurse comes over to me while I'm laying in the bed. (Well "laying" is a misnomer, I'm sitting there doubled over so bad that my hair covers my face. (I have long hair))

First question the nurse asks me is "Is it possible you're pregnant?"

Understandably I quipped "If I am, someone forgot to tell me!"

I didn't dare tell my mom at the time (who was there with me); but that mistake made me feel really good actually. I mean yeah I was jokey with it; but there was something nice about the fact that someone legitimately thought I was female. < ._.> It's part of why I like to keep my hair long even though it drives my mom and grandparents insane. It's the one feminine thing I get to have basically. And on the days where I feel more masculine it's still fine < ._.> so yay for that.

Mah chub actually helped me that once <_< (I'd still like to get rid of it though. But not as much as I want more pizza.)

2014-01-24, 07:12 PM
I bring you ADVENTURE!


Asta Kask
2014-01-24, 08:12 PM
Spoilered for off-topicitude of thread
I would like to point out I didn't say that, and if I implied it, I didn't mean to. It just frustrates me that male contraceptive options are so far behind female ones. Yeah, there's an obvious way to mess with typical female biochem to prevent ovulation, but it is a mess. There's a fairly pervasive attitude of "But men's contraceptive options might have icky side effects" and I'm like "Great, tell that to my intermittant bleeding and reduced libido." I know there is some research and some progress being made, but I find it maddening that stuff like this papaya thing could work and no one's bothered to run a clinical trial in humans. But anyway, hopefully it'll catch up soon.

Yes, well, for male contraceptives gossypol is typical. The side effect there was that 40% of the men never regained fertility.

Intermittent bleeding or permanent sterility. What do you choose?

Look, there are many reasons a drug does not go on to clinical trials. We're not told much. It doesn't have to be evilness on the side of pharmacologists.

I feel you, sister. I can pass for pregnant pretty easily. All it takes is a slice of garlic bread or a few mouthfuls of pasta, and my already-chubby tummy gets bloated and people are like "Aww, when are you due?" and I'm like "IT'S A FOOD BABY!" Anyway, you look good, especially the second dress. And I find dresses with fitted waists look good on the chubby-tummy shape. Pick stuff that naturally comes in around the waist and flares in the skirt.

Meh. A little tummy looks good on a woman.

ETA: Siuis, I'll get back to you. I have some concerns about the heat method.

Proud Tortoise
2014-01-24, 10:08 PM
I want to kill myself but not like actually, I want to kill the other myself if that makes any sense, I'm basically in two minds about everything which if you've ever tried it is really annoying. (Under the circumstances it's kind of funny that I happen to be a Gemini 38/ the dumb tool is such an ******* i swear i will ambush him in an alleyway and RIP HIS THROAT OUT oh hell that sounds totally bat**** insane, I'm sorry, I will show myself out

2014-01-24, 10:14 PM
Just want you to kniw Tanail. We live you! And I'm never leaving you.

I think you're mistaking me for Lena?
My former nick name was Tanail.

Happy transiversary to you too!

Thanks ^.^

2014-01-24, 10:27 PM
You, know. After I take my sleeping pill, my mind starts going. Really quick.

Sorry Eirala.

2014-01-24, 11:06 PM

So recently, I got back on Facebook for the first time in around 2 years. This is important, as we'll see.

So I'm talking to this girl I knew in middle school/first bit of high school for the first time in forever. For whatever reason, talking to her makes me feel EXTREMELY gender-dysphoric (Disclaimer - At least equipment-wise, I'm male). Dunno why.

(Possible reason for why this happens, not sure if should count, but still kinda relevant:

I had a crush on her for a while. Then she turned me down hard.


2014-01-24, 11:44 PM
Me-stuff: I've had a very busy few weeks. Now it's calmer. I haven't had anything like *real* free time, as opposed to temporary not-busy time I spent agonizing on how I should be doing useful stuff. I'm so busy and tired I fail to be properly excited about my HRT appointment next week (which makes me feel weird). But now, it should be better. :smallsmile:

@ Lena: *hug offer*

I want to kill myself but not like actually, I want to kill the other myself if that makes any sense, I'm basically in two minds about everything which if you've ever tried it is really annoying. (Under the circumstances it's kind of funny that I happen to be a Gemini 38/ the dumb tool is such an ******* i swear i will ambush him in an alleyway and RIP HIS THROAT OUT oh hell that sounds totally bat**** insane, I'm sorry, I will show myself out
I admit I didn't understand what's going on, but *hug offer*

Death by DM
2014-01-25, 12:31 AM
Hi I'm in 5th grade and I recently came out as bisexual, but I'm really worried about middle school and high school because I'm already really nerdy and I'm going to a middle school that has a reputation (although it's probably not all true) for physical bullying. All my friends and family have been really supportive but I'm super worried WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN?? :smalleek: :smallfrown:

2014-01-25, 12:38 AM
I am just going to leave this here

How To Write About Transgender People http://www.buzzfeed.com/rafeposey/how-to-write-about-transgender-people

Ooooh, shiny. *bookmarks* I don't do much non-fiction/journalistic writing as such but I'm sure this could be relevant to fiction as well.

- not been around much lately as still really struggling with mental health. Also still not getting treated, almost four months after I was hospitalised :smallsigh: but I'm seeing another doctor in a week (this'll be... #5 or 6 I think) so hopefully that'll work out. The trans specialist psych didn't want to keep seeing me as my issues aren't really gender identity related while the non-trans guy didn't want to as he's not experienced with trans people...
Struggling at times with wanting to self harm with cutting, and venturing out from cutting into thinking about mutilating myself like cutting off my fingers and that sort of thing. Also suicidal thoughts are similarly... "branching out" - lots of new ones like walking into traffic and jumping from tall buildings. Bit worrying. But nothing's actually happened, so that's a plus.

Also, just got back from the hairdressers:




I'm sorry you're going through that stuff, that's awful. PM me if you ever need to, okay? I'm in Melbourne so we're in the same time zone at least.

Also those photos are very lovely. The background in the second one made me smile because it's such an Australian thing (to me anyway); the trees coming right up to the house like that. I grew up in a rural area and it looks very homey to me.

So, I was gonna go into the city with a friend to go dress-shopping. Sadly, I couldn't get in contact with him the whole day. He's not the type to bail on me without letting me know, so I'm hoping he's not ill or anything. Most likely, I think he probably worked too late last night and was deep asleep. :smalltongue:

But I went to the place anyway (luckily, I remembered roughly where it was) and bought a few new dresses! :3

Have some pics (sorry for the low quality, without my friend I had to use my phone, which has a crappier camera. Plus my hands are shaky).

Looking great! I think the second one is my favourite out of those. Still rocking the rainbow socks :smallbiggrin:

Awesome! Pretty sure you could pass as a girl, Skeppers, especially if you get yourself a bra to stuff with whatever.

She does, reasonably well; when she came to my Halloween party she only got misgendered once (that I was aware of). OTOH, my Halloween parties tend to have a higher percentage of trans/genderqueer people plus (actual) allies, so most people are pretty careful about those things (otherwise I tell them off; gently if it was a slip, loudly if it was intentional). Plus she's lucky that she's got pretty good skin and doesn't show so much stubble.

Ahem. I will now stop talking about Skeps like she's not here. Oops :smallredface:

The type of cut i might get is a choppy bob and side swept bangs

That sounds like a very cute look!

My next haircut's going to be the World's Greatest Shave (https://secure.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/registrant/FundraisingPage.aspx?registrationID=515289#&panel1-1) in March; I'm getting it buzzed to a number 4, which is basically just fuzz. My grandmother's going to kill me. I'm kind of hoping it grows back even curlier, which is weird because I hate how curly it is now, but I think a neat cap of curls would be nicer than the current mess it's in. (The photo on that page is actually an old one when I had my hair straightened; right now it's shoulder length and half dead from different dye experiments.)

I feel you, sister. I can pass for pregnant pretty easily. All it takes is a slice of garlic bread or a few mouthfuls of pasta, and my already-chubby tummy gets bloated and people are like "Aww, when are you due?" and I'm like "IT'S A FOOD BABY!" Anyway, you look good, especially the second dress. And I find dresses with fitted waists look good on the chubby-tummy shape. Pick stuff that naturally comes in around the waist and flares in the skirt.

I'm fat and nobody has ever asked me if I was pregnant aside from for medical reasons. I think they know it's fat and not a baby. I wish I wasn't, and I'm working on it, but, bleagh. Bet my tummy's bigger than either of yours, though :smalltongue:

(I did actually get asked if I was pregnant twice this week. I had to have two spinal CT scans, and for Medicare coverage reasons they had to be on two different days. So I was not pregnant Tuesday... and then they asked again Wednesday. I behaved myself and just said 'No' instead of 'Nah, didn't have sex last night'.

Oh, and the scans showed up a couple of slightly herniated discs (L4/5-C1) and something at T11/12 that I don't remember, but no pinched nerve, so my next stop is a neurologist. All because I woke up a week ago when a numb right leg... that's still numb.)

I totally 'get' the "It's a food baby!" thing lol <>.<> comes with being as chubby as I am.

Did I ever tell you fine folks the story of finding out I had to have my gallbladder removed? I know that sounds unappealing, but it's actually amusing and made me happy.

Alright, so one evening I am in immense pain, primarily in my lower back right below my ribs. At first, I think it's my back (I have a bad back), then I think it's gas... but it just keeps getting worse, and worse, and worse... so finally I go to the emergency room.

At the emergency room while I'm doubled over in pain, a nurse comes over to me while I'm laying in the bed. (Well "laying" is a misnomer, I'm sitting there doubled over so bad that my hair covers my face. (I have long hair))

First question the nurse asks me is "Is it possible you're pregnant?"

Understandably I quipped "If I am, someone forgot to tell me!"

I didn't dare tell my mom at the time (who was there with me); but that mistake made me feel really good actually. I mean yeah I was jokey with it; but there was something nice about the fact that someone legitimately thought I was female. < ._.> It's part of why I like to keep my hair long even though it drives my mom and grandparents insane. It's the one feminine thing I get to have basically. And on the days where I feel more masculine it's still fine < ._.> so yay for that.

Mah chub actually helped me that once <_< (I'd still like to get rid of it though. But not as much as I want more pizza.)

How good is it when the gall bladder is GONE and that horrible pain stops? Gall bladder pains, lord, lord. Yay for long hair!

Intermittent bleeding or permanent sterility. What do you choose?

I would love permanent sterility, or else to give my uterus to a trans woman if such a transferral became possible, because I am 30, I have never wanted children, and contrary to my GP's beliefs, I am not going to change my mind. (There's a whole lot of genetic mental health stuff bound up in it and such.)


So recently, I got back on Facebook for the first time in around 2 years. This is important, as we'll see.

So I'm talking to this girl I knew in middle school/first bit of high school for the first time in forever. For whatever reason, talking to her makes me feel EXTREMELY gender-dysphoric (Disclaimer - At least equipment-wise, I'm male). Dunno why.

(Possible reason for why this happens, not sure if should count, but still kinda relevant:

I had a crush on her for a while. Then she turned me down hard.


Awww. :smallfrown: Crushes can really suck like that. I'm sorry.

2014-01-25, 01:51 AM
Hello, thread! I thought I'd introduce myself as a fellow Legbit. :smallsmile:

I bring you ADVENTURE!

This is exciting. Consider me mesmerized by the art.

2014-01-25, 02:15 AM
Welcome Petal_Reader!

We don't bite! much...:smallsmile:

2014-01-25, 02:49 AM
Hello, thread! I thought I'd introduce myself as a fellow Legbit. :smallsmile:

This is exciting. Consider me mesmerized by the art.

Hi I'm in 5th grade and I recently came out as bisexual, but I'm really worried about middle school and high school because I'm already really nerdy and I'm going to a middle school that has a reputation (although it's probably not all true) for physical bullying. All my friends and family have been really supportive but I'm super worried WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN?? :smalleek: :smallfrown:

Welcome to both of you! I can't much help with the younger of you two, sorry. I had a horrid time in middle school (the bits I remember are bar two the worst memories of my life so far, so yeah.) so I'm biased heavily. In addition, didn't know I was bi then.

2014-01-25, 03:45 AM
Hi I'm in 5th grade and I recently came out as bisexual, but I'm really worried about middle school and high school because I'm already really nerdy and I'm going to a middle school that has a reputation (although it's probably not all true) for physical bullying. All my friends and family have been really supportive but I'm super worried WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN?? :smalleek: :smallfrown:

As long as your friends and family are supportive, then you be just fine.

Physical bullying is terrible, and while I don't want to give details about my experience, it will pass. Having a good supportive base like you have though, will make it all the easier to live through. Just be honest with your friends and family about what is happening.

You'll be fine.:smallsmile:

Lord Raziere
2014-01-25, 04:00 AM
I bring you ADVENTURE!



*sings: so many choices, and with riches aplenty...*

I could be Fae,Demon, or Beastmen, or Elf....hm, maybe not Fae or Demon, probably don't want to limit the magic. but then again the thing doesn't seem to be all that precise about it... no wait limiting the magic is required. hm.

I'd go for Demon or Fae then anyways, get some wings, glamour, lifespan and magical affinity...probably some profession is war just to make sure I can fight....

I'd probably go for the fantasy space opera....

but most of all I don't get how this works....oh well

Total: 24
Demon: 10
Wings: 2
Glamour: 4
Lifespan: 2 (+2 Free)
Magic Affinity: 2
Soldier: 2
Knowledge (Different Physics): 2
Free Strength +1

so yeah, immortal shapeshifting winged demon soldier-scientist in a magical space opera. awesome.

2014-01-25, 04:23 AM
Looking good!

Would you be willing to give your contact info to somebody in the thread so we can contact the proper authorities in case your depression get really really bad? :smalleek: Kinda worried about you.

Appreciate the offer, but I'd rather not beyond what people already have. There are people in meatspace looking out for me though.

Ick. It says something about the state of mental care... Why doesn't the regular therapist simple consult with the gender therapist? Isn't that how professionals are supposed to do things?

The relly annoying thing is that it's not even to do with gender identity. The trans specialist psychiatrist also does general practice anyway and just ugh. Bunch of morons :smallsigh:

Holy expletive adjective! You look frikken amazing! I cannot express my surprise adequately. Fantastic, luv!

Surprised? :smallconfused: should I be offended? hehe :smalltongue:

I'm not helping... I'll just go over to the corner again...

You are, always appreciate it :smallsmile:

I'm in Melbourne so we're in the same time zone at least.

Probably not, I tend to stay up to like 5am most days :smalltongue:

Also those photos are very lovely. The background in the second one made me smile because it's such an Australian thing (to me anyway); the trees coming right up to the house like that. I grew up in a rural area and it looks very homey to me.

I'm actually pretty firmly in Sydney's suburbia, just lucky enough to back onto a reserve. I do find other cities odd to be in because Sydney is such a green place compared to many of them.

And thank you to everyone else I've not responded to personally and welcome to the new peoples :smallsmile:

2014-01-25, 05:23 AM
You do look good, Skeppio. I really like the first one.

Thanks, I do too. It has a band at the back that needs to be tied. I don't think I did it just right, which is why it looks a bit floppy on the front.

You could! =O

:smallredface: Yay!

@ Skeppio: Of course you could pass!

The second dress is great!

I admit I don't like the third kit -- it's a bit unsettling. 1) The black-white contrast is a bit extreme. 2) They are not the same kind of polka dots. 3) Very straight clothes don't look good on us trans girls. Look for something to create curves. Fire up google images, and look for: peplum, a-line, full skirt.

Thanks heaps. Yes, I agree, I think the third outfit isn't that great. Mainly, I'm a bit unhappy that it exposes my stomach more than the other outfits that have thinner waists.

I don't have any clothes,but if i did i would go with the rocker look also you look pretty

Thank you. :)

I like the second dress, Skepples. I think it works better with your shape.

Thanks. The second dress seems pretty popular. Glad I bought it. ^_^

Nice! I especially like the first dress, it's cute. ^_^

Thanks, I love it too. ^_^

Pretty much, yeah. A tomboyish girl, sure (though I'm sure a more feminine haircut would help with that), but yeah, get yourself some boobage and I think you'll likely be fine.

I might have to wait for my hair to grow a bit more before I could get a noticeably different hairstyle...but thanks! ^_^

I feel you, sister. I can pass for pregnant pretty easily. All it takes is a slice of garlic bread or a few mouthfuls of pasta, and my already-chubby tummy gets bloated and people are like "Aww, when are you due?" and I'm like "IT'S A FOOD BABY!" Anyway, you look good, especially the second dress. And I find dresses with fitted waists look good on the chubby-tummy shape. Pick stuff that naturally comes in around the waist and flares in the skirt.

I think that's what the first two dresses have. They barely show my stomach at all.

Looking great! I think the second one is my favourite out of those. Still rocking the rainbow socks :smallbiggrin:

She does, reasonably well; when she came to my Halloween party she only got misgendered once (that I was aware of). OTOH, my Halloween parties tend to have a higher percentage of trans/genderqueer people plus (actual) allies, so most people are pretty careful about those things (otherwise I tell them off; gently if it was a slip, loudly if it was intentional). Plus she's lucky that she's got pretty good skin and doesn't show so much stubble.

Ahem. I will now stop talking about Skeps like she's not here. Oops :smallredface:

Yep! They're my favourite socks by far (I like my black/blue striped socks too, but they were in the wash)

Yay, I'm glad I passed pretty well. That party was really fun, and it was nice to be around people in person calling me "she" (my family very rarely has any need to refer to me by gender anyway). ^_^
Plus I'm really thorough when I'm shaving my face, because it grows back so fast (I really should give my arms and legs the same attention, but then I risk being in the bathroom all day. @_@).

And I don't mind. You're being super-nice to me, even when I'm not around. :smallredface:

2014-01-25, 08:34 AM
You are, always appreciate it :smallsmile:

Thanks for that, Zorg. It's nice to know I'm doing something other than incoherent rambling. :smallsmile:

Asta Kask
2014-01-25, 08:48 AM
My Nisse-cat brought in a living bird last night and proceeded to play with it. It was too wounded to fly so I had to wring its neck (and Nisse gave me a "you broke my toy!" look) so I'm not feeling too well right now.

I think I'll abandon the discussion of male contraceptives. I get too emotional.

2014-01-25, 09:09 AM
I want to kill myself but not like actually, I want to kill the other myself if that makes any sense, I'm basically in two minds about everything which if you've ever tried it is really annoying. (Under the circumstances it's kind of funny that I happen to be a Gemini 38/ the dumb tool is such an ******* i swear i will ambush him in an alleyway and RIP HIS THROAT OUT oh hell that sounds totally bat**** insane, I'm sorry, I will show myself out
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but don't do anything drastic, please? *offers hugs*

Hi I'm in 5th grade and I recently came out as bisexual, but I'm really worried about middle school and high school because I'm already really nerdy and I'm going to a middle school that has a reputation (although it's probably not all true) for physical bullying. All my friends and family have been really supportive but I'm super worried WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN?? :smalleek: :smallfrown:
Are you out in your school? While being in the closet sucks, it's probably better than risking getting hurt. Sorry, I don't have better advise, I wasn't out to anyone in school... Also, welcome! :smallsmile:

Hello, thread! I thought I'd introduce myself as a fellow Legbit. :smallsmile:

This is exciting. Consider me mesmerized by the art.
Welcome to you as well! :smallsmile:

My Nisse-cat brought in a living bird last night and proceeded to play with it. It was too wounded to fly so I had to wring its neck (and Nisse gave me a "you broke my toy!" look) so I'm not feeling too well right now.

I think I'll abandon the discussion of male contraceptives. I get too emotional.
*offers hugs*
Yeah, cats can be quite cruel. That's one of the reasons why I really don't know if I want to have cats in the future – I love cats and miss mine a lot, but having a pet that requires meat and kills other animals is not exactly compatible with my views on that matter...

Asta Kask
2014-01-25, 09:18 AM
Just want to run something by the trans hive-mind here. There's a discussion on another board about a trans woman who committed suicide, and someone argues that she might not actually have been a trans woman since there's no record of any surgery. Is this roughly correct?

Not all trans people undergo, or wish to undergo, surgery. In fact not all of them undergo hormonal treatment. The variety is huge and you cannot say that someone is not transgendered because they have not undergone, or do not wish to undergo, medical treatment.

2014-01-25, 09:20 AM
Just want to run something by the trans hive-mind here. There's a discussion on another board about a trans woman who committed suicide, and someone argues that she might not actually have been a trans woman since there's no record of any surgery. Is this roughly correct?

I'd agree with that statement.

2014-01-25, 09:45 AM
Just want to run something by the trans hive-mind here.

Some people object to using "Transgendered" with the -ed on the end, because it apparently makes it sound as though they were the object of a verb (though what "To transgender" means I'm not quite sure). Otherwise fine and correct.

The Succubus
2014-01-25, 09:46 AM
*hugs Jor* How are you doing? =)

2014-01-25, 09:47 AM
*hugs Jor* How are you doing? =)


Well enough, I think. My world is collapsing around me as a swift action, but I'm holding out.

Asta Kask
2014-01-25, 09:51 AM
Some people object to using "Trensgendered" with the -ed on the end, because it apparently makes it sound as though they were the object of a verb (though what "To transgender" means I'm not quite sure). Otherwise fine and correct.

Got the two mixed up. Meh.

And it sounds like you need some (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzvpnqQNqjA) heavy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duOs7c0byXI) metal. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6gaS9wrtM4) Raise your fist and yell!

2014-01-25, 10:11 AM
Can I get some hugs? Apparently taking a walk to calm down doesn't work for me and instead leads to my mind running in circles about a topic I'd rather not think at all about. :/ And I don't even know what triggered it this time. Maybe my mind just decided that a month of not freaking out about it was long enough and it's time for another breakdown. :smallfrown:

And got me to think about hurting myself just to get the thoughts out of my head. Even if the pain would be just a short distraction and I'd regret it later. :smallfrown:

2014-01-25, 10:15 AM
Just want to run something by the trans hive-mind here. There's a discussion on another board about a trans woman who committed suicide, and someone argues that she might not actually have been a trans woman since there's no record of any surgery. Is this roughly correct?
It is very correct.

Surgery is a horrible criterion for anything trans-related. It's quite private, really, I don't tend to show my private parts to random people, so they don't need to know this insofar as the daily social experience of gender is concerned. Using genitalia as a basis for determining gender doesn't work because it can take years, and may or may not be possible for a variety of reasons. The same for other physical changes.

It is also yet another way for others to determine (and possibly deny) our identity without listening to us, to makes us the objects of others' gender judgements, not subjects of our identity. Seemingly this is what happened in the discussion you mentioned.

Asta Kask
2014-01-25, 10:26 AM
Can I get some hugs? Apparently taking a walk to calm down doesn't work for me and instead leads to my mind running in circles about a topic I'd rather not think at all about. :/ And I don't even know what triggered it this time. Maybe my mind just decided that a month of not freaking out about it was long enough and it's time for another breakdown. :smallfrown:

And got me to think about hurting myself just to get the thoughts out of my head. Even if the pain would be just a short distraction and I'd regret it later. :smallfrown:

*hugs* Don't. Please don't. If you want to, you can PM about this subject of yours, and while I may not be able to actually do anything about it I will read and "hmm" in an understanding manner. *hugs*

It is very correct.

Thank you and Jormengand and Lentrax.

It is also yet another way for others to determine (and possibly deny) our identity without listening to us, to makes us the objects of others' gender judgements, not subjects of our identity. Seemingly this is what happened in the discussion you mentioned.

This one is more ignorance than malice, I think. So setting the matter straight should make things better. I hope.

Proud Tortoise
2014-01-25, 10:28 AM
Welcome new members! ☼u☼

*Hugs Juniper*
*Hugs Jor*
*Hugs Zorg*

Would it be accurate to say that "teh gayz" are an imaginary group of people who:

Never do or say anything not related to being gay
have no interests except homosexuality
are used as a sort of straw man to bash actual LGBT* people
Act according to a number of "feminine" stereotypes (for some reason news networks talk mostly about gay men)
act happy but are dying on the inside
WILL BRING ABOUT THE END OF THE COUNTRY, THE CHURCH, AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CARE TO NAME in some unspecified way, or at least they would if they existed.

Asta Kask
2014-01-25, 10:34 AM
Welcome new members! ☼u☼

*Hugs Juniper*
*Hugs Jor*
*Hugs Zorg*

Would it be accurate to say that "teh gayz" are an imaginary group of people who:

Never do or say anything not related to being gay
have no interests except homosexuality
are used as a sort of straw man to bash actual LGBT* people
Act according to a number of "feminine" stereotypes
act happy but are dying on the inside
WILL BRING ABOUT THE END OF THE COUNTRY, THE CHURCH, AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CARE TO NAME in some unspecified way, or at least they would if they existed.

Just Google "gay stereotypes"... Here's (http://www.algbtical.org/2A%20STEREOTYPES.htm) an example.

2014-01-25, 10:46 AM
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Are you trying to me that teh gayz aren't real?

I thought they were supposed to be everywhere! You know ruining democracy, and causing children to be born with cloven feet and whatnot.


2014-01-25, 11:33 AM
Some people object to using "Transgendered" with the -ed on the end, because it apparently makes it sound as though they were the object of a verb (though what "To transgender" means I'm not quite sure). Otherwise fine and correct.

Yeah, I seriously don't get the objection to that. I use transgendered on occasion myself, as far as I'm concerned the two terms are interchangeable. But the last time the subject came up it started a flame war that I'm pretty sure ended with someone getting banned, so I'm not going to say any more.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Are you trying to me that teh gayz aren't real?

I thought they were supposed to be everywhere! You know ruining democracy, and causing children to be born with cloven feet and whatnot.


Don't be silly, how can teh gayz cause children to be born? You need a man and a woman for that! Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!

ION, I finally met up with Snarky Friend today, and did in fact ask her out! Sadly, it turns out she's straight. OTOH, she's apparently known about me being trans for a while (she apparently worked it out the time we spent most of a day together, and I was feeling paranoid and touching up my foundation every hour or so) and is utterly fine with it. In fact, I'm pretty sure mot of the reason she turned me down is because she sees me as female :smallredface:

2014-01-25, 11:55 AM
ION, I finally met up with Snarky Friend today, and did in fact ask her out! Sadly, it turns out she's straight. OTOH, she's apparently known about me being trans for a while (she apparently worked it out the time we spent most of a day together, and I was feeling paranoid and touching up my foundation every hour or so) and is utterly fine with it. In fact, I'm pretty sure mot of the reason she turned me down is because she sees me as female :smallredface:

At least she sees you as a woman.

Too bad you couldn't get a date though.

2014-01-25, 11:59 AM
At least she sees you as a woman.

Too bad you couldn't get a date though.

This right here. It's always nice when people are fine with you being trans, but being rejected sucks.

Mono Vertigo
2014-01-25, 12:03 PM
Yay, newcomers! Welcome here! It's always nice seeing new faces. Well, avatars. :smallsmile:

@Lena, Jor, Proud Tortoise, Juniper, everyone else who it may interests: may I offer hugs? :smallfrown:

I bring you ADVENTURE!

Oh dear, you're going to keep me busy.
(Though after a first reading, I am almost sure I want to be mostly a basic human with tons of knowledge and some useful equipment and money. I'm not good at that wish fulfillment thing.
Otherwise, I like demons, but I'm not sure of what I'd do with destructive magic, and dwarves, but I'm tired of being on the short side IRL. Angel, maybe, then, since there's no religious baggage... this is why I take days creating tons of characters in video games, I can't decide between all the special stuff, and I always end up playing the least fantastic ones most.)

I would love permanent sterility, or else to give my uterus to a trans woman if such a transferral became possible, because I am 30, I have never wanted children, and contrary to my GP's beliefs, I am not going to change my mind. (There's a whole lot of genetic mental health stuff bound up in it and such.)

Makes us two, except I'm younger and I'm almost sure any GP I'll meet won't understand why I'd want to be sterile if my SO is already completely unable, for two very different reasons, of making me pregnant.

2014-01-25, 12:03 PM
This one is more ignorance than malice, I think. So setting the matter straight should make things better. I hope.
It's probably ignorance, I agree. However, no matter the cause, the effect is the same.

2014-01-25, 12:08 PM
*Hugs the thread*
Damn snow and icy wind, causing Internet blackout, grumble, grumble...
Back when I was a boy......*pointless ranting*

Welcome to the new people.:smallwink:

It seams everything is going according to The Plan, first we take over giantitp, and then the whole world. Muahahha.....

Asta Kask
2014-01-25, 12:12 PM
It seams everything is going according to The Plan, first we take over giantitp, and then the whole world. Muahahha.....

First we take Manhattan... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTTC_fD598A)

It's probably ignorance, I agree. However, no matter the cause, the effect is the same.

Well, we'll see how he reacts to my post.

2014-01-25, 12:12 PM
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Are you trying to me that teh gayz aren't real?

I thought they were supposed to be everywhere! You know ruining democracy, and causing children to be born with cloven feet and whatnot.


Wait, I thought teh gayz was a sickness that you catch. Like a flu but more fabolous.

2014-01-25, 12:19 PM
It seams everything is going according to The Plan, first we take over giantitp, and then the whole world. Muahahha.....

What are we going to do tonight, Brain?

The Succubus
2014-01-25, 12:24 PM
ION, I finally met up with Snarky Friend today, and did in fact ask her out! Sadly, it turns out she's straight. OTOH, she's apparently known about me being trans for a while (she apparently worked it out the time we spent most of a day together, and I was feeling paranoid and touching up my foundation every hour or so) and is utterly fine with it. In fact, I'm pretty sure mot of the reason she turned me down is because she sees me as female :smallredface:

You were just too much woman for her to handle, Helio.

2014-01-25, 12:27 PM
What are we going to do tonight, Brain?

Childhood flashbacks.:smallamused:
I'm getting old.

Is our facebook group still a thing?

I'm gonna make a new account (and post my crappy writing, yay), I would like to join.:smallwink:

2014-01-25, 12:31 PM
What are we going to do tonight, Brain?

The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!

Mono Vertigo
2014-01-25, 12:36 PM
The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!

Do, or do not. There is no try. :smallamused:

2014-01-25, 12:41 PM
Just Google "gay stereotypes"... Here's (http://www.algbtical.org/2A%20STEREOTYPES.htm) an example.

Hmm. All of these stereotypes nearly define the public image of a lot of people near me.
West Hollywood, a city known for having a rainbow flag above its city hall and lubricant stores competing for mirrored corners much like a starbucks would do with itself.

2014-01-25, 12:44 PM
Thanks for the hugs, feeling a bit better now.

*hugs* Don't. Please don't. If you want to, you can PM about this subject of yours, and while I may not be able to actually do anything about it I will read and "hmm" in an understanding manner. *hugs*

Thanks for the offer, but this something I'm not ready to talk about.

Asta Kask
2014-01-25, 12:46 PM
Thanks for the hugs, feeling a bit better now.

Thanks for the offer, but this something I'm not ready to talk about.

Have you been summoning Byakhee again? *stern look*

2014-01-25, 12:48 PM
Childhood flashbacks.:smallamused:
I'm getting old.

I know right?

The other night I was told to go home early, and so I told my coworkers that I was going to pull a Sir Robin and run away.

I got nothing but blank stares. The one guy who got it said "So what, you're going to change your name to Sir Not-Appearing-in-This-Film?"

Kids these days. Don't even know Monty Python...

Why? Why must I be so old?!

2014-01-25, 12:50 PM
Kids these days. Don't even know Monty Python...

Hey, I do!

2014-01-25, 12:52 PM
Okay, kids around my parts, then. :smalltongue:

2014-01-25, 12:53 PM
Kids these days. Don't even know Monty Python...

One day, lad, all this will be yours.
What, the curtains? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3YiPC91QUk)