View Full Version : The Storm [IC] [3.5e]

2014-01-20, 04:59 PM
The Storm [IC]

The East: What was once a beautiful city made of sandstone, forged and heated by the desert dwarves themselves, has fallen, the rain has washed away every building, and its civilization thrives barely underground.
A cavern has been raided by the cityfolk and made their own, where all sleep on slate, children play on rocks, and parents worry for their childs safety, The waters flow into the cavern, streaming slowly down to the depths of the world.

Garl Aesenhart: Duran, My nephew, I fear that our great city is lost, and not even the gods may save us now. You have been very brave, and saved many a life here, but I cannot allow you to live this life that is burdened on us. The king has requested each village send one individual to Castle Pascade, I fear that the kings plan may not prevail and all will be lost, but you, Avenge our once mighty land, Your potential is grand, and There is more at stake than just our city, the world even.
A middle aged individual, and a spiritual leader for the civilization of the desert, often makes most of the big decisions for his friends and family, Tall, Muscular, Short brown hair.

The SouthEast: The most prepared out of all, have stripped their homes and built on top of their structures, knowing that this rain would hit one of the lowest points the hardest. Waters flood many a feet high in this region.

Agard Springfold: The time of dark has come.. Layla, We need you to go to Castle Pascade, We must speak to the king about this storm, If this continues on for much longer we will all soon run out of food, we dont have wildlife or crops to feed ourselves, The king must have a plan. Please, hurry.
An Elderly man, once a grand farmer, with white hair and darkened skin, one of the hardest workers in the village, he is often looked up to for advice. A grand advisor, a grandfather, a well appreciated man.

The South: The trees fall slowly into the depths of the ocean as the continent submurges, almost 3 weeks have past and already 50 acres havebeen submerged, the land of great wildlife dies slowly, becoming a lifeless hole.

Ellyn Faeleyn: Marigold, We have gotten word from the Kings that there may be chance to save the kingdom, but requests an individual from each region be sent to carry out a dangerous task. We may not be on the best of terms, but mayhaps this... Gift... you have may be a blessing rather than a curse, and could save the fate of the kingdom. Please, It is my personal request that you take on this challenge, and head to Castle Pascade right away, The rest of us will stay back and try to tend to the forest as best we can...
A short, slender old elven woman, slowly reaching the end of her days, and leader of the southern civilization. A ranger in her younger days, she has retired to guiding those in her village. Often understanding, but highly stern, she does her best to treat all with respect, but is undoubtedly biased.

The South West Nevershutup is in charge of designing his village.

Fala Heartfire:"A... warrior he asks? Why not just request my personal presence.. If its a warrior they're askin for, its a warrior theyll get" She steps up from her chair and snags her immense axe from her throne, and uses it to brace herself as she walks, coughing softly, hiding her illness as best she can from the rest of the clan. She snatches up a bag from the wall besides the door, her advisor pleading to her that she not go. "Please Madam, Just send one of our other warriors, we have many that could fit the task, just.. Please.. Youre too ill" "Bah, Illness is just a handicap, This storm stands not a chance against my Bla--ughack" Her cough grows louder, she kicks open the door and storms out.
A large, powerful woman, standing at a high 6'7", broad shoulders, and a powerful axe, long brown hair, Human. An Intelligent and powerful human at that, she has no problem getting her hands dirty, and is very humble. She would sacrifice her own life before that of anyone else in her tribe.

The West: The Dwarven Homeland, Many a grand city thrive in these massive mountains, and many a dwarf fight this horrid weather.
Barring the mountain closed, the dwarves shut themselves off from civilization, to save themselves. Selfish? Or Survivalistic?

Kaegan Hammerfoot: Fat, we've received word from the two kings themselves, requesting we send one individual to help save the kingdom from this wretched storm. What makes them think we would send one of our men to die in vain for some silly dream to fight a storm. Bah, What ridiculousness, How dare the kings request such a favor with nothing left to offer. A pity it will be but this is how things must end I suppose, You agree yes?
A stout, elderly dwarf, with a beard to the floor, and leader of the dwarven army. Fearless, and biased, he always puts his dwarven brothers before all others.

Center: Once a beautiful valley, now a massive lake, The villagers has moved out of the valley and into the tunnel systems throughout it, sealing it off to prevent further flooding.

Fin Drakeslayer: Kerik, You must go to the northern city and beseech help from the kings themselves, many of us are wounded and require a way out, and the wounded cannot travel through these tunnels. Go now, hurry through and seek out the kings. I believe King Pascade owes us a favor. Please, I beg this of you.
The son of a mighty dragon slaying wizard, however was never able to live up to his father's legacy, Now leader of the central community, He seeks his people's best interest, but often is a bit selfish when it comes to priorties.

2014-01-20, 05:29 PM
The West: The Dwarven Homeland, Many a grand city thrive in these massive mountains, and many a dwarf fight this horrid weather.
Barring the mountain closed, the dwarves shut themselves off from civilization, to save themselves. Selfish? Or Survivalistic?

Kaegan Hammerfoot: Fat, we've received word from the two kings themselves, requesting we send one individual to help save the kingdom from this wretched storm. What makes them think we would send one of our men to die in vain for some silly dream to fight a storm. Bah, What ridiculousness, How dare the kings request such a favor with nothing left to offer. A pity it will be but this is how things must end I suppose, You agree yes?
A stout, elderly dwarf, with a beard to the floor, and leader of the dwarven army. Fearless, and biased, he always puts his dwarven brothers before all others.

Bollam takes a sip of whiskey from his hip flask before responding with a grin.

"Sounds like adventure, eh? 'Course I'll go, if'n there be a chance what to dry out me beard."

Bollam claps Kaegan on the shoulder, drawing gasps from more formal dwarves around him.

"No worries, brother. Save me a mug and a song for my return, and we'll break out the mops on all this water. Right then! I'll be off."

2014-01-20, 05:30 PM
Marigold had agreed to the request. After all if the continent submerged she'd never return home.

So now she waited in the king's own castle. Waiting for the king to call on the apparent group forming outside his doors.

2014-01-20, 06:01 PM
The Storm [IC]

The South West Nevershutup is in charge of designing his village.

Fala Heartfire:"A... warrior he asks? Why not just request my personal presence.. If its a warrior they're askin for, its a warrior theyll get" She steps up from her chair and snags her immense axe from her throne, and uses it to brace herself as she walks, coughing softly, hiding her illness as best she can from the rest of the clan. She snatches up a bag from the wall besides the door, her advisor pleading to her that she not go. "Please Madam, Just send one of our other warriors, we have many that could fit the task, just.. Please.. Youre too ill" "Bah, Illness is just a handicap, This storm stands not a chance against my Bla--ughack" Her cough grows louder, she kicks open the door and storms out.
A large, powerful woman, standing at a high 6'7", broad shoulders, and a powerful axe, long brown hair, Human. An Intelligent and powerful human at that, she has no problem getting her hands dirty, and is very humble. She would sacrifice her own life before that of anyone else in her tribe.

Lance watches as Fala storms out, and rushes over to her. "Mistress Heartfire, stop. Your people need you. Where are you going?"
Advisor comes rushing out, "Madam, stop. This yong man can go in yout stead." The advisor looks pleadingly at Lance.
"Of course. Now get back inside."

Fala glares at both of them. "Fine. Darsin (Advisor), explain this to him. And young man. Good luck." She said as she went back inside.

Darsin explains the problem, and Lance accepts, and is waiting at the arranged meeting place.

2014-01-20, 06:12 PM
The East: What was once a beautiful city made of sandstone, forged and heated by the desert dwarves themselves, has fallen, the rain has washed away every building, and its civilization thrives barely underground.
A cavern has been raided by the cityfolk and made their own, where all sleep on slate, children play on rocks, and parents worry for their childs safety, The waters flow into the cavern, streaming slowly down to the depths of the world.

Garl Aesenhart: Duran, My nephew, I fear that our great city is lost, and not even the gods may save us now. You have been very brave, and saved many a life here, but I cannot allow you to live this life that is burdened on us. The king has requested each village send one individual to Castle Pascade, I fear that the kings plan may not prevail and all will be lost, but you, Avenge our once mighty land, Your potential is grand, and There is more at stake than just our city, the world even.
A middle aged individual, and a spiritual leader for the civilization of the desert, often makes most of the big decisions for his friends and family, Tall, Muscular, Short brown hair.

Duran bows deeply before his uncle. "Of course Uncle, I will do as you ask. I pray that some good may come of my actions and I shall not return until our people may once again stand under the sun."

Garl blesses Duran and prays for his success and safety as he departs for Castle Pascade the next day.

2014-01-20, 11:22 PM
I shall go forth this very moment to seek aid for this community. Have your people any knowledge of these tunnels, for I fear that if I am lost within them, I shall not reach the north in time.

2014-01-20, 11:40 PM
Aye, Just hang right at each fork in the tunnels, it should take you mere miles outside of the city. He steps back a bit, shuffles through some belongings, pulls out a torch and lights it, tossing it to you Let light guide your way, There shouldn't be a thing to fear in these tunnels, they're highly traffic'd through trade. Safe travels young one.

"No worries, brother. Save me a mug and a song for my return, and we'll break out the mops on all this water. Right then! I'll be off."

Ye be a fool Fat, A crazy fool, He claps onto your shoulder as well But a fool that I respect. If'n ye make it back, a whole barrel with yer name there'll be. Safe Travels brother, may his hammer watch over ye.

2014-01-21, 12:05 AM
Bollam grabs his gear and heads out in whichever direction is indicated as best. He's not one to rock the boat. After all, everyone might just be living on them soon...

2014-01-21, 01:22 AM
Layla didn't like the look on Elder Springfold's face. Sure, the rains have been pouring down for what felt like a millennium, but... something seemed amiss. Did Elder Springfold believe that this rain would never stop? Surely the gods did not seek to completely drown this land. Layla lifted her trusty Guisarme to her face and stared at the reflection. It wasn't her own somewhat gloomy face that attracted her attention, rather the gloomy sky outside of the window that brought never-ending rain. 18 moons ago Layla used to dance with her weapon through fields of aromatic flowers. Farming and fishing were good, and sunshine graced the land. Now, the village, and the land have been drowned by the rain. Though there were lighter days like today, more often than not the rains would come crashing down upon the rooftops. So loud that the sound was sometimes deafening. Layla took these lighter days as a sign, and started researching all she could about storms in a hope there was something she could do. Elder Springfold always said that knowledge can be power, though how its seemed to help Layla now... she had no idea. Layla felt this was the kind of day that brings one to believe that the rain could almost be over, and yet... Out in the distance all she could see were marshlands and places you cannot even step without sinking into the ground... like what happened to... She took another look at the Elder and spoke.
"Elder Springfold, regardless of how I feel, I shall do as you ask for the sake of our village, but you must know I am afraid. You know what happened to Dorian when he ventured too far from the village in the rains..."
Dorian, basically Layla's younger brother, was drowned/sunk/ disappeared into the marshes after a few months of rain. Believed to be dead. Their parents caught pneumonia because of the rains.

2014-01-21, 11:35 AM
And at that time, we knew not of the dangers of this storm. Now with a bit of knowledge, we can be better prepared for dangers ahead. He steps over beside his bed, reaches under and opens a chest, Pulling out a large pole. Just tread carefully, and know where you're stepping, You needn't fall the same fate as he. Use this to check before you step, It'll help for safe travels.

He lightly touches your hands as he hands you the pole, Nods, and takes a step back.

2014-01-21, 03:16 PM
Outside, Layla could hear the rumble of thunder in the distance. She was just about to open her mouth to speak when a flash of light illuminated the small room. Thunder resounded and Layla started where she sat. She hadn't noticed she had fallen asleep next to a fireplace in the castle, guisarme sticking up above her head. Strange to be dreaming about the day she left... Brushing strands of brown hair out of her face, she looked around.

2014-01-21, 06:04 PM
A pair of large doors inside castle slowly creak open, a man in a long red coat with two tall guards stands in the doorway.

“I’m assuming you six are the requested, I suppose you’ll have to do, Come, I’ll take you to the kings so as they may discuss the plan of action. I take it your leaders have explained everything, and if that is not the case, The kings will fill you in on the details. Please, make yourself at home”

The advisor leads you to a large conference room, with a long table and two seats at the head of the table, presumably for the kings, and ten on either side of the table. The two kings stand by their seats and greet each of you who come in.

“Welcome welcome! Please brave warriors take a seat, all will be explained in due time. Please”
“Yess Yess! A welcome indeed! It is so great to meet such brave warriors. Your sacrifice is a great honor, even to us kings! Please, a time of celebration is about, for the heroes have arrived! Krimret, Wine for the guests, a’Please, and a’Thank you”

The advisor bows his head and steps out briefly, returning with a large jug, and goes around the table, filling everyones glass. The kings pick up the glasses and hold them into the air

“A Cheer! To our brave heroes!”
“A Cheer! To our brave heroes!”

The kings tap their glasses with everyone and take a long sip of the wine.

2014-01-21, 06:33 PM
Bollam sniffs at the wine before taking a small sip. He really preferred a drink less fruity.

2014-01-21, 06:33 PM
Lance, not wanting to offend anyone, sips his wine and then asks, "Lords, thank you for your hospitality, but what exactly is this mission I've been told of?"

2014-01-21, 09:38 PM
Duran bows his head slightly and holds up a hand in front of him.
"I apologize my kings, but those of my order are forbidden to let alcohol pass our lips. I would gladly accept any other refreshments you may have though, my journey has been long."

2014-01-21, 11:10 PM
Kerik smiles as he drains he glass Thanks much, the journey has left me quite parched.

2014-01-22, 01:21 AM
Marigold takes an eager mouthful of the wine, before turning to the kings.

So, what information do you have? She asks.

2014-01-22, 02:44 AM
The kings stood up from their chairs, A plump couple of fellows, but all the same Unusually tall, standing at almost 7 foot each.

Pascade: Oh but of course, I pardon if the beverage is not to your standards, Krimret, We have a dwarf among us, Find something a bit.. Darker for the bold. And for the swordsman... He'll take.. Water? Milk? We have a variety of juices as well, Just let Krimret know, If we don't have it to our avail He'll be sure we do, Wont you?

Indeed sir...

Karrson: You see.. I'm Karrson Gyrwrot, and this is my brother, Pascade Gyrwrot, I'm sure you know of us but not know us apart. The problem is... well... Clearly the storm first and foremost, but you already knew that, Gah brother, How do I word this without sounding like a fool.

Twas your foolish idea, You might as well just out and say it, I'm quite sure they'll understand.

I suppose you're right... Well... a-near One month ago...

Pascade sighs heavily and blurts out:
Lord Karrson hired some unknowingstly evil druids to provide steady rain for the land for our sub-par harvest year.

Karrson drops his head in shame....They promised us a solution to our poor harvest... and when we refused to give them what they wanted in return... they cursed the land with eternal rain, to destroy our land so as they may re-create it a-new... all beings... dead.

Pascade snickers a bit, but quickly straightens his smile out, realizing the seriousness of the matter.
Unfortunately, thats the truth. The druids... something was off about them, a dark presence of sorts... They seemed abnormal. That seems to be the situation at hand... We'll have our most talented scribe forge you all a map to the location of the druids... how you go about this... I know not, and that, your decision, Please help us, We've made, well, Lord Karrson's made a terrible mistake as a king, but had only the purest of interest for our people. The whole Kingdom will owe you their lives, You'll be heroes!

A moment's pass and Krimret returns with a bottle and glass of fine whiskey, and (Whatever you choose as a beverage), setting it down in front of the dwarf and the swordsman.

Karrson's eyes brighten a bit at the sound of the word Heroes, With a bit of renewed hope, he speaks heartily.
Indeed, Heroes! But please, We'll give the scribe the night to finish your map, and I'll have my men gather you supplies. If you'd like, we can also send a scout with you to guide you there. But for the night, Please ask us anything you'd like, and take our finest rooms. Be sure to get some rest, Our castle is at your disposal. Food, Drinks, Rest, Welcome heroes, My heart rests easier knowing you're here.

2014-01-22, 11:51 AM
Duran turns to Krimret with a hopeful look.

"There is a drink I very much enjoyed but it was far too rare in my desert homeland. Would you happen to have apple cider?"

He then turns to the kings again.

"Pardon me for asking, but might we know what it is the Druids required as payment for their services?"

2014-01-22, 12:33 PM
Before we go any further with this, I must deliver a message. Where I left from to come here was turned into a giant lake. The people living in the area have been forced to seal themselves into some tunnels to try to avoid the rising waters, however such and existence is difficult. I am here to petition you for aid on their behalf.

2014-01-22, 05:38 PM
Krimret returns with the requested apple cider and sets it down in front of the swordsman, then turns to the valley folk.

Do not fear young one, We have sent squads to each region to ensure safety of all individuals, and try to bring any survivors to the city to take refuge. It'll only last for so long due to the rapid flooding sewers, however it will suffice for now. I will have a scout sent to the center region to inform the squad that your people thrive inside the walls of the valley.

I suppose you may know if it'll help the situation at all... The druids requested both myself and my brother to give full control of the kingdom to their leader, Akh' Graagh, A terrible, powerful man, who wants only suffering for the people.. That.. and.. well..

He also demanded that Lord Karrson give them his only daughter to be used in some ritual, we're not entirely sure what it is, but we know it cannot be good.

Lord Karrson pauses, and takes a deep breath.

So far they havent tried to take her by force... but I fear they soon will, They seemed quite... Frustrated with us by the event that I refused to give up my only daughter to them. I mean... Why not Lord Pascades Daughter? Or his Son even, But mine?

Now now, we all know why, It's because your daughter is a fitting bride for their Orc Leader, Baahahaha.

Karrson smashes his glass on the table, glass shoots everywhere.

You know by Pelor himself that she is a beautiful girl!

True.. True.. Much more-so than her mother.

Lord Karrson shakes his head whilst Lord Pascade chuckles to himself.

I do quite apologize, You see... My brother and I are quite.. Opposite, regardless of what our appearance may hold, As much as you can tell we're brothers, Well, You can clearly see I'm the mature one.

Bah! Hardly! I'm the older one! Even if it is by only a few minutes!

The kings continue their nonsensical bickering, each of you feeling a little more uncomfortable as the time passes.

2014-01-22, 07:38 PM
Layla sipped sparingly at the drink that was placed before her. Despite the bickering of the two kings, finally things were starting to makes sense.

You'll have to forgive me for interrupting my Lords. My name is Layla Whyss and I come from a village in the South-east that is now surrounded by treacherous marshlands. We also seek aid from your Lordships, but now I am shocked to find that the ones I seek aid from are at the root of this downpour. Perhaps it is not my place to judge since I come from a small village and I know not of ruling lands, but why on earth would you agree to such payment if you knew you were not going to give it? Or was it, at the time, a possibility that you were willing to sacrifice your daughter for the sake of the kingdom?

2014-01-23, 12:24 AM
Bollam drains the rest of the wine in a single go, leans back in his chair, and props his feet up on the table. Grinning broadly, he was enjoying the show.

2014-01-23, 01:02 AM
Kerik is left speechless for a moment by the stupidity unfolding before him. From what he has seen so far, the buffoonery of these two is clear. As he is the only inhabitant of this castle who seems to have had much sense so far, kerik takes Krimret aside for a moment. I appreciate the aid you send to the people I have come here representing. As you are the only sensible one I've met in this castle so far I would ask you, what would you have us do to preserve this land. Is it the wish of this court that we should slay these druids?

2014-01-23, 11:24 AM
n..no no, its nothing like that! The druids said only that they would enrich the land, and that I would only owe them a favor at a later date. I did not expect the date to come so soon however.. and that this favor...
Karrson sighs deeply.
Even I assumed the favor would be something small. Protection, perhaps, money maybe, a voice at the next town meeting? We had no idea they'd be looking to sacrifice his daughter.
He does his best to straighten his smile, but his lip continues to curl into a smirk until he bursts out laughing.
Brother I'm sorry, I'm sorry, ahaha, As dire of a moment as this is, I cant help but see the humor in this all.

Karrson, now red in the face, gets up, and storms out of the room, only causes Pascade to laugh even harder, wiping a tear from his eye.

Ohh too good, too good indeed. I suppose I will be the one answering the rest of the questions until Karrson stops being such a child.

Krimret's eyes light up at the compliment, and he smiles briefly.
I'm glad someone notices, The kings are both good men, with kind hearts, however, they are a bit... strange. Being such kind hearted men, they wish no harm on another, and will never tell you directly that they fear the only way to end this is with the lives of the druids. If you can figure out a way to spare the druids and end this, then please, do just that, but if it comes down to it, do not let a soft heart stop you from doing the right thing.
He pauses briefly, and looks aside
Normally... we'd send the kings knights in to do this dirty work but.. Only one knight has returned, and his sanity is even less than that of the kings.. I fear he's seen more than he wishes he did..

2014-01-23, 01:23 PM
Layla stood up slightly as Lord Karrson left the room. She half wanted to go after him, since he seemed to have more of a grasp on the situation than a certain other King. She was somewhat appalled at the reaction of Lord Pascade to his brother's distress. Layla gave a slight smile before she turned to speak. I do not think "Too good" , Lord Pascade, is really appropriate for the situation everyone is in. Now thoroughly unimpressed with the whole of the situation, Layla sat back down gently cup still in hand. Would it be possible that the druids knew you would not give them what they asked?

2014-01-23, 01:35 PM
Duran quirks an eyebrow at Layla after hearing this.
"Excuse me Miss Whyss, but I don't believe I understand what you're saying. If the Druids already planned on attacking the kingdom then why bother with the pretext of helping?"

2014-01-23, 02:06 PM
Bollam can take it no longer and finally bursts out in laughter, almost toppling over backwards in his precariously balanced chair.

"Hooo... buddy, is that a doozy of a story! Ha! And here I be thinkin' I done some crazy things in my day. What nothing like drownin' the world in some kinda deevine wrath. I'm a mite bit surprised ya no turned over ya daughter to 'em too. Why, with all the bad decision makin' and what not.

So, what you be wantin' from us? Track down and kill these here druid fellas? Ain't you got like an army or sumthin' to be doin' that?

Now, listen, my take on this be that these here tree huggers was wantin' to be doin' some dark ritual to like make more of those ghastly, leafy things and be needin' the princess to do it right proper, ya ken? Now, see, all this here rain is just one of them, whatchacallit, side effects. That there ritual woulda put a stop to it right proper, I 'spect, making it all look like they was helpin' out, at least 'til all the nasty, roots and branches started in on things. Without that though, they're just a boned as the rest of us and are tryin' to make the best o' things or just make it look like they're all powerful and in control like."

2014-01-23, 03:04 PM
Lord Pascade glances over at young Layla.

I assume they knew all along that the king would never say yes. Perhaps A good enough reason for him to not come after them when they finally DO try to steal his daughter. No one will follow the leadership of a man who sacrificed his own daughter for some good corn.

His lips curl as he says this, holding back his laughter as much as he can.

I apologize, I know its not funny, but I cant help but laugh at my brothers misfortune, He'd do the same if it were me.

His attention turns to the dwarf.

It seems somebody caught some humor. Bahaha, A great good it'll be if we can all find some light-hearted-ness in such a heavy storm.

Honestly, I too feel the storm is the least of our concerns. Druids with the power to wreak havoc across the planes themselves and yet.. They cause a mighty drizzle. Seems a bit odd to me... But to answer your question on our Army, Yes. We do have an army.. Had.. An army.. After we sent them to take care of the druids, only one soldier came back. Hell, Even with my twisted sense of humor I cant but look at the guy without feeling sorry for him. The horrors that man has seen.. I want naught to do with it myself. Krimret'll take you to him if you'd like to speak with him, I'll just stay down here and finish off this bottle, Anyone else care to help?

The king pours himself another glass and offers the bottle to others.

All formalities aside, Make yourselves at home, I welcome you into my castle, and shall treat you as nothing less than myself.

2014-01-23, 03:44 PM
Marigold thinks for a moment.

What about a look alike? She asks turning to Lord Pascade.

If we give the druids someone that looks like their brother's daughter, that might let the floods recede for a bit. And it'll have the sid benefit of messing with any rituals they might need her for.

2014-01-23, 03:58 PM
A look alike...? Hmm...

The king seems intrigued by the idea... but pauses.

But would that not be the sacrifice of still another person? I mean... I'm not entirely against the idea... but Karrson would never allow that..We'd need to find someone that looks just like her.. or at least can act just like she does... did you have someone in mind?

2014-01-23, 04:31 PM
I'm sorry milord. But I don't know what she looks like. Marigold replied.

2014-01-23, 05:07 PM
Would it help if you were able to meet her..?

He eyes the door carefully, then gets up, opens it slightly looking around outside.

If we were to come up with some sort of excuse.. I'm certain Lord Karrgan would not mind his Heroes meeting the princess. We could call it a boost of morale, or something of the sort. I mean... if that would help..

His face has lost all comic aspects to it, and now only holds a stern, concerned expression.

2014-01-23, 05:15 PM
It is an option. One that must be considered. Marigold replies

2014-01-23, 06:30 PM
Bollam takes a sip from his hip flask.

"Right, but if she's cute, I call dibs. Hero's got to have a quality wife now."

He grins as he takes to his feet, and you aren't quite sure whether or not he's jesting.

2014-01-23, 06:45 PM
Lance shifts uncomfortably, and grins a little at Bollam's comment. And is still searching his memory for relevant knowledge.

EDIT: And finds nothing of immediate relevance.

2014-01-23, 09:53 PM
Duran frowns slightly as he rises, unsure if he agrees with the situation's development. For a moment, he looks as if he might say something, but then his face settles in careful neutrality once again as he decides to hold his tongue and observe for now.

2014-01-23, 11:04 PM
Thank you for being forthcoming Krimret. Kerik nods to the man and strides after the others, I'll not allow you to trade away a maiden's freedom for your own safety. If any of you are too cowardly to go after these druids to remove this threat, I'll do so on my own.

2014-01-23, 11:11 PM
Duran quirks an eyebrow at Layla after hearing this.
"Excuse me Miss Whyss, but I don't believe I understand what you're saying. If the Druids already planned on attacking the kingdom then why bother with the pretext of helping?"

"I don't mean to be rude, but I don't know your name. Or yours or yours... " Now that Layla thought about it, other than the Kings and Kimret, she didn't know anyone's names here.

"As for a look-a-like, I can't condone trading someone else's life. Plus, even if it does buy some time, the Druids will be angrier if they are tricked."

2014-01-23, 11:12 PM
Lance turns to Kerik, "I may be young, inexperienced, and an orphan, but I am not a coward. I stand with you."
EDIT: He then turns to Layla, "I am Lance Starflame, here in place of Fala Heartfire."

2014-01-23, 11:21 PM
Duran bows slightly again.
"My name is Duran Fyn, and I hail from the eastern deserts. I too have come as a representative of my people to help solve this situation."

2014-01-23, 11:40 PM
Kerik nods in acknowledgement towards Layla My name is Kerik.

2014-01-23, 11:51 PM
Duran turns to the apparently quite outspoken Kerik.
"I'm sure no one one here is deserving of being called a coward, Kerik. I would; however, prefer a plan slightly more subtle than a simple assassination. I think we can all agree that the best place to fight a powerful magic user is not in his stronghold."

2014-01-23, 11:58 PM
Kerik turns towards Duran I do not speak of assassination. There is no reason we cannot attempt a diplomatic solution. You would condemn a young woman to a terrible fate, for the crime of merely looking similar to the princess. I'll not stand for such a thing.

2014-01-24, 12:03 AM
"I would do no such thing. I merely believe all options should be carefully weighed before any action is taken. If the Druids could be lured out of their fortress then any plan of dealing with them, be it diplomatic or...otherwise, would stand a much greater chance of success."

2014-01-24, 12:08 AM
"K- Kerik, I believe there is very little chance of a diplomatic solution here. There are two kinds of evil druids, for the most part: those who seek to let nature reign supreme and end humanoid influence, and there are those that seek to destroy life because they enjoy inflicting pain. However, you are right about a duplicate. That is an abysmal idea."

Perhaps those knowladge checks WERE useful! :smallbiggrin:

2014-01-24, 12:13 AM
But I'm not sure killing them would end the curse. Marigold replied.

2014-01-24, 12:15 AM
"Then perhaps they could be lured out and captured. If the previous theory of them not , in fact, being in control of this weather is true, then capturing them may well be our only hope of discovering a way to end it."

2014-01-24, 12:20 AM
Ill do almost anything as necessary to break this curse. However, trading someone into bondage is not among the things I will allow to happen. We can come up with something better.

2014-01-24, 12:33 AM
Krimret hesitantly steps forward.

"..I sincerely apologize.. I know you six are the experts in this.. but if I may throw in my copper pieces... I foresee great trouble ensuring from merely capturing a great druid... If he has the power to flood the entire continent... Would he not have the power or resources to just break free? This man is full of insanity and wrath..

He stops speaking abruptly and looks down, taking a step back against the wall, an ashamed expression on his face.

2014-01-24, 12:35 AM
Lance waits for eveyone else's point of view, though he nods approvingly at Krimret.

2014-01-24, 12:36 AM
Kerik sir, I believe we understand your position as you've stated it three times now and have not yet presented an idea of your own. I do get Duran's point though and Krimret is right too. If a Druid is that acutely attuned with nature's power already capturing him/her would be useless unless someone knows different.

Layla nods her head in Marigold's and Bollam's direction.

I don't believe we've heard your names.

2014-01-24, 12:41 AM
Kerik shrugs If they will not be reasoned with, of which I am not yet convinced, then we must slay them. It's simple.

2014-01-24, 12:49 AM
Is it true, Lord Pascade, that you have tried to reason with the Druids? Or did you first send the army?

2014-01-24, 01:06 AM
My apologies, my name is Marigold. She spoke.

2014-01-24, 01:12 AM
After thinking for a moment, Duran speaks again.
"I have heard that druids can not wear metal armor and use their abilities. If we believe ourselves capable of killing them then we should be capable of rendering them unconscious long enough to armor and restrain them. Does that sound like a possibility?"

2014-01-24, 01:22 AM
Pascade sighs deeply

Karrson Tried to plea for another request, something other than his own daughter, even tried selling off my daughter.. Haha. But it was for naught. The druids refused to accept anything less. Karrson himself told them if they did not back down that greater force would be used. I was shocked enough to hear the druid laugh in his face, and then we sent the army... Our most elite men we had at our avail, The Golden Men of Kaskade. Valiant warriors who spit on deaths steps, and fear no man, woman, or wizard, and yet... It wasn't enough. These druids have no interest in being reasoned with, and do not play games.

He finishes off his glass and twirls the empty cup in his hand, resting his cheek on his hand, propped on the table.

You may try to reason with them, But I can almost guarentee, None of you will succeed, and You'll be lucky if half of you come back. Their anger grows as the days pass...

I fear I may have caused a bit of confusion... I got so wrapped up in letting Karrson tell you of the situation I did not realize he forgot to mention it.

He pauses briefly, glancing over at Krimret, and nods his head.

Krimret steps forward.

Akh' Graagh is the druid that is the cause of this dilemma. While there are other druids that follow his lead... He is the one that brings this curse.
He then cups his hands together and looks down.
But that is not to say that he is the only trouble... He has two right hand men that protect him. We have no information on where they come from... but theyre... Unlike anything I've seen before... There's a slender man that accompanies him nearly everywhere he goes, a hooded figure named Kath' Jinn. There is... little... to be known about him... except he single-handedly took care of our entire army alone... Minus two... Some sort of... spell... I'm not sure what it was... It..

He clears his throat and looks back up.

And then theres the other... A man, clothed in simple wrappings... When one of our warriors stood up against him here in the castle... His one fist alone sent our man to the castle walls in pieces... He has yet to introduce himself, and says not a word... but he is a powerful man..

Krimret personally saw to it that Lord Karrson's safety be managed, and accompanied him on all missions to the Druid's keep. I only accompanied him with the army. We retreated very shortly afterwards. If you succeed in capturing Akh' Graagh, I do hope you are strong enough to take on his henchmen. They wont be far behind you, and may pose an equal trouble... We should've told you sooner, and I apologize, but again... It should've occurred to me that Karrson would forget such detail. He often does.

His eyes light up at Duran's comment

I..Is it that easy? If that's the case then the druid should be easy pickin'. Most of his followers are pushovers, we managed to clear through a couple of them that were in our way on the way there with no scratch to our men, but.. Please tell me you have as simple a solution to the other two?

2014-01-24, 01:35 AM
Duran holds up a hand towards the king.
"I did not mean to make it sound like an easy solution. Nothing involving an enemy is ever easy, and incapacitating a Druid as powerful as him would be a more difficult task than anything I have ever attempted. Unfortunately, I do not have enough information about his other men to make suggestions regarding them. Do you perhaps know why it is they have not simply attacked the castle and taken the princess by force?"

2014-01-24, 01:56 AM
This... Is a bit tricky to answer...

We really don't know exactly Why he doesn't just steal her, however... we believe she has to be presented to him... Its the only viable reason he wouldn't just take her. But we aren't exactly certain.

2014-01-24, 09:31 AM
"Perhaps I can be of assistance if we plan on capturing the druid alive, as my abilities can bypass most immunities and resistances. Although I believe that we could fine what we need in his keep."

2014-01-24, 11:56 AM
"What can you tell me of their fortress my Lord? Perhaps they could be lured out with a rumor or a decoy and we could strike their fortress and prepare a trap for them on their return."

2014-01-24, 12:07 PM
Lord Pascade runs his fingers along the table as he describes the keep to you, motioning for size, shape, location.

The keep is located off of the north eastern shore, not too far from here. The keep itself was built in the ocean and peers onto the land. It's rumored that a once great wizard lived there, however now, only the druid and his henchmen thrive there.

Its accessible through a pathway in the underdark, and only there, We've tried to reach it by sea, but there are no entrances seaport, and the tide itself will crash you into the keep.

The keep is massive enough to hold its own against the crashing waves and any lost ships that are unfortunate enough to crash into it.

He runs his hand through his hair, almost frustrated.

The home-territory bonus alone will aid the Druid greatly, and not to mention the pathway to the keep is treated as his own territory as well. Most of the underdark fears him greatly, and wants nothing less than to upset him...

2014-01-24, 05:51 PM
"Well, if'n we can't walk in, swim in, or dig in, mayhaps we can be flyin' in?"

2014-01-24, 06:45 PM
"Indeed. Do you believe flying in at night would be enough or might we need some additional form of cover?"

2014-01-24, 10:50 PM
I... know not... I know of a man who could has such a machine, but.. he's an odd one for starters, and secondly.. Do you not fear the storm interfering with such travel? Or the druids none the less? Surely they could find ways to mess up this plan unless they did not know of your presence..

The king grabs at his hair, and releases his grip, glancing back at the rest of you.

My apologies... This is a problem that we have yet to find a solution for, It grows more frustrating as the seconds pass.

2014-01-24, 11:00 PM
I've never seen a Druid known for their divination though. Marigold replied.

2014-01-24, 11:03 PM
Mm... I only express my concerns. You guys are the experts, I trust you know what you are doing.

He still looks a little uncertain, but that may be a little bit of worry at the general problem.

2014-01-24, 11:25 PM
"Perhaps we should sleep on it, and gather again in the morning?"

[roll0] Knowledge (History) For similar (read: as close as I can get) situations and how they were solved.

2014-01-24, 11:43 PM
"I'm still one for meeting my potential future bride. After that, we could get some rest."

2014-01-24, 11:55 PM
I've experience walking in the dark paths of the Underdark. If we were approach anyway, that seems the best to me. Kerik glances at Bollam, it couldn't hurt to meet the princess. princess.

2014-01-25, 12:20 PM
I suppose that could be arranged, though we'd have to go to Castle Karrson to do that.

He stands up from his seat, nodding to Krimret.

If you'd like to meet the princess, please follow me, If you'd like to go to your rooms to retire, Lord Pascade can take you there.

Below is a list of Two Options, Whichever path you'd like to take, please pick. I do this for the increased speed of a PbP.

Krimret leads you down to the stable located outside of the castle, Gives each of you the reigns to a horse, and climbs aboard.
Dont worry, theyre very trained. They respond to commands, so you hardly have to guide them.

The journey takes but only a half hour on the horses. Despite the weather, they are agile, and very fast, weaving through the roads of the city. The city seems almost barren, with only a few hooded figures running from building to building, doing their best to stay out of the rain. Before where they rejoiced, they now only loathe. On the plus side, the city is extremely clean, all dirt washed away by the ever pouring sky.

As you approach Castle Karrson, It looks almost identical to Castle Pascade, Tall, powerful, streams of crimson fabric run along the bottoms of windows, soaked and stuck to the walls. The water flows off the tops of it, creating almost a veil of water.

You arrive at the stable, Krimret takes the horses and ties them up to the stable and opens the doors, The walls are covered in paintings. Mostly of him and a young woman, one of.. what seems like a large battlefield, with slain individuals across the field, and the king himself standing on the chest of a fallen enemy. Almost an entrance of memories.

Slowly down the stairs comes a very well dressed male figure, a very short figure. A gnome.

Oy Krimret! What'tzit you be doin' here? Where's MiLord Karrson?

Still back at the castle, We're here to see the princess. These are the fine heroes that will be saving the day, and I thought it well to give a reason to be fighting, Make sense?

The small man pouts a little, almost frazzled.

Otch... I just wish'n yah told me first. I could've had the tea prepped yes'n I could. No bother, Come come lads! She's quite acht'ully been wantin' ta meet her brave heroes. I'm Dellan by the by.

He almost skips in place a bit. An odd fellow, almost a bit like Pascade himself, but.. clearly more insane.

He hops up the stairs quickly, guiding you as Krimret follows from behind, yelling an occasional Otch, This WAY! and a Oi! Come Come! Hurry now!

Krimret keeps his distance from the gnome, Ignoring his hurried attitude, Its apparent Krimret doesnt much care for the gnome.

Dellan finally stops at a floor and runs across the hallway, This one covered in gold artifacts, crimson carpeting, trophies, statues, Beautiful, Wonderful things.

He comes to a sliding halt outside of one of the doors, knocks twice and puts his ear on the door.

Mi'Lady! Are ya decent? I've got a buncha fine heroes here who be lookin' ta meet ya.

The door swings open inwards, Dellan falling to his face on the ground in front of him.

A long black haired maiden stands in the doorway, wearing a long, black dress with crimson trim, Standing at roughly 5 and a quarter feet, her hair to her lower back, and eyes of jade.

Oh, Hello Krimret, ....Dellan.

She almost scowls at the gnome on the floor, and peeks her eyes around the corner of the door, noticing the "Heroes".

..are these really them Krimret? Could these be the heroes? They're finally here??

Her words, Exasperated, and Excited.

Pascade slowly swings open the door, blabbering nonsense about how proud of his castle he is.

And this fine piece I got from the Duke himself! Wait, I'm the Duke, Hahaha.

Time passes on as his insanity becomes more and more apparent. While his works mean well, He just comes off as a very odd man, But had you not seen the darker side of him, You could understand why he and Karrson are a loved pair. He leads you up multiple flights of stairs, across a long hallway, and up an extra flight, Probably just for good measure.

As he enters the hall, he gestures at the doors throughout the hall.

Each of these is a bedroom, Please make yourself most at home. There is also a bell in each room that'll alert Krimret instantly, and he'll come to your aid. I'd recommend travelling the castle alone for fear that you would get lost, but if your heart desires it, then please, My home is yours.

Oh! You can have any room minus this one.

He gestures at the third door on the left.

That.. Is currently occupied, by the knight himself that returned from the druids castle. You're welcome to try to get some sense out of him, but I cannot promise you you'll get much. He's seen a lot..

If you need me however, my room is the one down the hall, the big double doors, You cant possibly miss it.

He gives a warm smile, and continues off to his room.

Rest well young heroes, A feast tomorrow for breakfast, and the beginning of a grand adventure!

2014-01-25, 01:50 PM
Lance will follow Krimret to the princess, and will bow to the princess (after picking his jaw up off the ground :smallwink: ).

2014-01-25, 03:20 PM
Marigold will also go to the princess, and courtesy upon meeting her.

2014-01-25, 03:57 PM
Duran also accompanies the group going to see the princess, and gives her a respectful bow upon meeting her.

2014-01-25, 04:57 PM
Kerik bids Pascade good night and then knocks on the door of the returned knight, waiting politely for an answer.

2014-01-26, 10:05 PM
Not one to leave a princess alone with gawking men(excluding Marigold of course), Layla accompanies them. She greeted the princess with a slight curtsy and pressed the stave of the guisarme across her chest as a sign of respect.

2014-01-26, 10:57 PM
Fat Bollam Meets His (Soon-To-Be) Bride

As she steps forth from her room, Bollam looks over Princess Gwen from head to toe. When she speaks, a grins crosses his lips. She'll do nicely enough. If nothing else, she looks like she could hold her own in a drinking match or friendly game of insulting your buddy's mother. Why, she even looks like she might know which end of the sword to stick in the other guy. Hint: It's the pointy end. Yes, this tall princess would look just fine, perfectly complimenting his girth.

As for the gnome... well, he'd met, and tavern hopped with, worse.

"Good evening, princess. I'm Bollam, Lord of the Azure Axe, Hero of MeadHearth, Defender of the Brew, but me friends just call me "Fat". from what they be tellin' me, you be in need of a hero, a right proper champion."

2014-01-27, 12:24 AM
You wait several moments, hearing mild shifting sounds inside the room. You hear footsteps approach the door, a quiet thump, some heavy breathing through the door, and the door slowly cracks open, a mans face can be seen partially through the crack. Eyes wide, pupils fully dilated, the door quivers a bit with his hand on the handle, clearly holding it firmly.

...a...y..yes? W..Who are you...? What are you d..doing here? ...Please tell me you a friend of the Lord Pascade.. P..please!

The man's voice quivers hard, his skin is pale, his voice rings soft through your ears, but it is easy to tell... this man is absolutely stricken with... fear... if that word alone could describe it.

The princess smiles at the politeness of her guests, as Dellan stands she pushes him aside and eyes each of you carefully, and courtesies.

She then proceeds to point to each of you, minus Bollam, and with each point, whispers but a single word each.
In the order of... Duran, Layla, Marigold, and Lance.

..East... South-East... ...South..West? ...South..

Her attention finally turns to the dwarf, and smiles.

and most surprisingly... West.
It is quite the pleasure and honor Lord Bollam, A very impressive title indeed. It has taken me off guard that a man of the west is here, I thought your people decided it was in their best interest to stow away and leave this to the rest of us? However it is quite the truth that we are in need of a Champion, Heroes if you will, to take a stand for their kingdom, and save us all.

She then holds her hand out to Bollam, palm down, limp.

Be you my hero? Oh lord Bollam.

She giggles softly, and looks over to the rest of you, hand unmoved.

Please forgive me if I had gotten your home regions wrong Heroes... While I am young, I strive my best to learn my people, and do my best to recognize ones home. Thank you for coming... But... Where is the Hero of the Center region? Did they not come?..

Her eyes turn to the Dwarf.

Perhaps the rumor of the West is true, Perhaps you are a forgotten dwarf, from the Center region... Am I mistaken?

2014-01-27, 12:33 AM
I'm from the South. Marigold replied abit annoyed.

2014-01-27, 12:39 AM
Indeed I am. I am here to try to find a solution to our flooding problem.

2014-01-27, 12:46 AM
Her face turns bright red, she felt so confident that she understood so much about each region.

..Oh my. I am terribly sorry Miss.. It did not appear that you were from the south... though.. My knowledge on the south is quite limited as of late, being a place of great danger right now...

The princess looks down, a bit disappointed that she made the mistake.

The man cracks the door a bit more, and pokes his head out, checking to see if there are any others, and moves his vision back to you.

..I... See... Please... C...Come in... But c..could you leave your weapon outside the room p..please? Or stow it in y..your respective r..room? I'd f..feel much more comfortable with t..that.

2014-01-27, 12:58 AM
Kerik unbuckles the thong attaching his morningstar to his belt and leans it up against the wall. He turns back to the man, his hand spread to show he has no other weapons. Does that suffice?

2014-01-27, 01:07 AM
y..yes Thank you... please come in...

He swings the door open. He's wearing a simple white blouse, leather pants, and a black robe.

He shakily pulls out a chair and sets it down for you, sitting on the corner of his bed.

M..My name is Leo... Leo Osenwold... and yours is...?

2014-01-27, 01:11 AM
My name is Kerik Sygon. As I said before I am here about the flooding problem. So many people are being hurt by this and I'm afraid if nothing is done, we may all be consumed by the growing floodwaters.

2014-01-27, 01:15 AM
Marigold waves her hand.

I suppose it doesn't matter anyway. I was pretty much kicked out anyway.

2014-01-27, 04:20 AM
Fat Bollam Meets His (Soon-To-Be) Bride

Bollam reaches out to take the proffered hand. Instead of kneeling or kissing her knuckles as she is likely expecting, he turns her hand sideways and shakes it as he would a good friend while giving her a conspiratorial wink.

"Aye, indeed I be from the distant West. I cannae say for sure what me brethren be thinking, but for you, sweet princess, I woulda trekked a good bit further. Nary you worry your pretty little head none though, we'll be takin a care for this storm and be dryin out this here land."

Seeing her embarrassment at her mistake, Bollam adds one last thing before releasing her hand.

"And don't worry none 'bout not placing erryone arights. Erryplace what there is out there be soaked through anyway, so, for how I figure it, erryplace be the same any which way. Ya ken?"

2014-01-27, 12:47 PM
..Indeed p..people are.. but there's nothing we can do..

His voice becomes low and serious, reducing the shakiness of his voice.

What i..is it you need from me though..?

The Princess is a bit taken back by the handshake, but grins and grips Bollam's hand as firmly as she can.

Well Thank you Lord Bollam, My mind rests easier knowing that.

She turns her attention to Marigold, a glum but confused look on her face.

Kicked out? But why? Why would any place kick out someone as brave as yourself? Your sacrifice is most honorable...

2014-01-27, 12:51 PM
Blah. Blah. Blah. Allying with the fey is wrong. Blah, blah, blah. Marigold replies waving her hand dismissively.

2014-01-27, 01:11 PM
Lance stands there a bit awkwardly, chuckling a bit at Fat's antics, and Marigold's comments about the fey.

2014-01-27, 01:12 PM
The princesses expression becomes more serious, and almost smirks.

A lifestyle choice such as that is still no reason to kick someone out of their home, it is not the choices they make, but the kind of person they are that should be judged.

If you would like... I could try to get you back into your homeland, if that would be of any interest to you..

Her smirk turns into a concerned expression, but still a grin, a confusing blend of facial expressions.

2014-01-27, 01:18 PM
Marigold looks like a kid been offered candy.

Yes, I would like that alot.

2014-01-27, 08:58 PM
Duran steps slightly forward.
"Your highness, I am very honored to meet you but I'm afraid there is scant time for pleasantries. We wish to know if you have any insight as to why you specifically were required as payment. We're hoping that we can discover what the enemy is planning by better understanding what they intended to do with you."

2014-01-27, 11:53 PM
She smiles and gives a slight wink to Marigold in affirmation, then turns to Duran.

I am sorry to disappoint you young knight... but I know not why the druid is after me.. I've never even met him... nor do I think he has met me... You'd think you could recognize an evil orc druid... no?

As the princesses words roll off your tongue, something about it seems very off... You notice as she says these things... She doesn't seem as phased by everything as everyone else is...

2014-01-28, 02:24 AM
Layla chuckled a bit at the princess's comment. Amusing.

2014-01-28, 04:38 AM
As I said I am here to liberate this land from the grip of those who are causing this flood. To that effect I would as you to share any knowledge you may have gained during your assault on their stronghold.

2014-01-28, 08:41 AM
She smiles and gives a slight wink to Marigold in affirmation, then turns to Duran.

I am sorry to disappoint you young knight... but I know not why the druid is after me.. I've never even met him... nor do I think he has met me... You'd think you could recognize an evil orc druid... no?

As the princesses words roll off your tongue, something about it seems very off... You notice as she says these things... She doesn't seem as phased by everything as everyone else is...

"Princess, if I may, you seem a bit less phased by this than everyone else. Why is that?"

2014-01-28, 01:55 PM
She pauses briefly, eyeing the one called Lance intently, and smiles.

Because I have great faith, faith that everything will be alright, and faith in our champions. I know that the gods will see this fate not befall such a beloved kingdom, and that all will be well. It is the reason you are here! To save the kingdom!

Oh my god dice roller. D:
Again, You get that same feeling in her gut... Something about her, you're not sure what, but something in regards to what she's saying almost seems ingeniune..

Well... Alright... I'll tell you anything you need to know... Though I did not see much... but perhaps what I do know might help...

The four of them are... Monsters of people... The Druid... The Brute... The Hooded man... The Mistress...

We Knights of Gold did not see much of The Druid's power, Nor much of the Brute or the Mistress, but we did see the Hooded Man's power...

We rushed in on foot, Both kings at our side... and the four of them stood there... almost waiting for us. The hooded man has a wicked grin on his face... and almost instantly Lord Karrson and Lord Pascade ran... My allies rushed in to smite the man... but when we swung.. it was as if our swords went right through him.. And that was hardly the worst of it..

The knight pauses... and looks down.

In a flash... almost all of my allies had turned on eachother... swinging violently at one another... killing eachother... and... moments later.. the ones that were left standing.. they...

They... devoured what was left of my slain allies.... Why he did not enslave me I know not... but... I ran... Never before have I ran from a fight.. but this was one I could not win...

The knight stops, and sobs.

I'm sorry I cant be of more help... I know so little...

...If only I had been stronger... I could have saved them... And now I have not the courage to go back and slay my own allies just to avenge them....

2014-01-28, 04:29 PM
"Your faith be well placed, m'lady.

Now, you, quit badgering the princess."

2014-01-28, 04:33 PM
Layla snickered. "Says the dwarf that's hitting on her."

2014-01-28, 04:47 PM
"Lord" Bollam seems truly shocked and offended.

"Wha? I would never be hittin' a woman! T'ain't proper!"

2014-01-28, 05:11 PM
Marigold chuckles

It's a human expression. It's what one does to signal a desire for mating. She replies as blunt as possible both for the amusement and to avoid misunderstandings.

2014-01-28, 05:13 PM
"Disgusting! She's a fine lass, but I'd never be 'mating' with a woman what isn't being my wife! T'ain't proper!"

2014-01-28, 05:16 PM
Do you even have a wife? Marigold asks

2014-01-28, 05:32 PM
"No, of course not. That's why what you be suggestin' is all the more wrong. We be respectin our wemen and upholdin they honor. I dunno what you humans be doin, but a dwarf be holding hisself to higher standards than that!"

2014-01-28, 05:47 PM
So you marry first, and then mate. Marigold replied. I fail to see the problem, assuming she wants to marry her heroes.

2014-01-28, 06:24 PM
"This t'ain't even proper conversation to be havin! Let alone in mixed company!"

He turns to the princess, obviously embarrassed.

"I'm begging your pardon, m'lady, for the rather vulgar turn of conversation. She does admit to 'fraternizing' with fey, after all..."

2014-01-28, 06:33 PM
Lance looks at the princess intently, and then sighs, staying silent.

I suppose my +7 modifier may be assisting in those rolls a good deal. Else everyone else is foolish, and the princess is a terrible liar.:smalltongue:

2014-01-28, 07:06 PM
Layla rolled her eyes and sighed. "You're over-reacting Dwarf. There's no "mating" going on when we say someone's hitting on someone." Layla shot Marigold a look. "I simply meant that you were flirting with her. And don't try to deny it. Not too long ago you were saying she was you're future bride despite the fact that you hadn't even met her! In my opinion, trying to claim someone without their consent is worse than myself insinuating you're trying to gain her favor."

2014-01-28, 07:51 PM
"And that be exactly me point! You should be watching your mouth in the presence of a lady, particalarly one what be deservin to marry a right proper hero!"

2014-01-28, 07:54 PM
Lance is going to retreat, possibly leave, if no one sees him.

Move Silently [roll0]
and Hide, if applicable. [roll1]

EDIT: An interesting combination....

2014-01-28, 08:47 PM
Duran sighs and shuts his eyes for a long moment, internally giving up on keeping the conversation on course.

2014-01-28, 09:53 PM
Overpowering the bickering back and forth, a few loud steps and clumsy exit from an unnoticed source, Gwen giggles a bit and cups her hands together.

Oh my Lord Bollam, I had no idea, Perhaps I'll give you a hero's reward when you return, If that's what it takes to keep you fighting on.

She winks and blows a kiss.

Perhaps more to come in the days ahead. But You heroes must rest, you have a big day ahead of you, and I must get my beauty sleep. Much work it is to be a princess. Sleep well everyone, and thank you for coming, I really appreciate getting to meet my saviors.

She begins closing the door,

And my potential future husband. She gives another wink and laughs behind the door as it closes.

Er.. Whelp theres the princess E'ryone! Er.. Weren't there five of ye? Ahcht. No matter. I believin' ye should get some rest. Krimret, It's been quite the pleasure as always it has!

Indeed it has Dellan, Indeed it has... Ladies? Gentlemen? We should be off... If that is alright with you.

2014-01-28, 09:56 PM
"Indeed. I need to meditate on the day's events before sleeping."

2014-01-28, 10:01 PM
Lance sneaks off to the stables, quietly berrating himself for being such an idiot, and find his horse and head back to Castle Pascade(?).

Move Silently [roll0]
Hide [roll1]
That's.... Ironic.

2014-01-28, 10:12 PM
Quiet as a mouse, but no attempt to stay clear of sight, You mount your horse and trot your way back to Castle Pascade, the rain water, though cold and glum, feels good on your skin, almost refreshing.

As you make your way through the city you notice a couple of individuals with their heads poked out of their homes, watching as you pass, whispering to one another.

As dead as the town felt on your way to Castle Karrson, It does not feel that way anymore... the sight of townsfolk bring much more than just life to this city, It brings humility...

The road to Castle Pascade was long, but you finally arrive, horse tied outside, You enter the lonely castle.

2014-01-28, 10:21 PM
Lance searches through the castle for a servant to direct him to his room.

2014-01-28, 10:56 PM
Hmm. We have much to divine. Marigold replied.

2014-01-28, 10:57 PM
After a bit of stumbling around you find yourself in Lord Pascades kitchen, and within it, stands a young, adult woman woman wearing long black robes, and a man, standing near a stove, clearly cooking whilst the woman watches. The man's attire looks finely made, white in color, with a handful of pockets, and a black sash, Fitting for a cook I suppose you could say.

Neither individual has noticed your presence yet.

2014-01-28, 10:59 PM
The truth won't hurt a lady. Being stupid like thinking you're a hero tends to get you killed. Let me be the first to remind everyone that we haven't done anything YET." Layla shakes her head and looks at Kimret. I'm with you Krimret, I'm rather tired..."

2014-01-28, 11:10 PM
After a bit of stumbling around you find yourself in Lord Pascades kitchen, and within it, stands a young, adult woman woman wearing long black robes, and a man, standing near a stove, clearly cooking whilst the woman watches. The man's attire looks finely made, white in color, with a handful of pockets, and a black sash, Fitting for a cook I suppose you could say.

Neither individual has noticed your presence yet.

Lance clears his throat a bit, "Excuse me, m'lady, but could you direct me to the guest rooms? I seem to have lost my way."

This looks somewhat suspicious... Knowledge (Local) [roll0] on Lord Pascade's servants. Also, how far off track am I? :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: I really hope my only good rolls aren't knowledge checks...

2014-01-29, 03:44 AM
Have no fear friend, I will do all in my power to free your companions from their bondage. Can you describe for me visually the appearance of the Mistress, the Brute and the hooded man. Also, the number of your companions who survived to be enslaved, that I might have a proper estimate of what I shall face.

2014-01-29, 10:55 PM
You recognize the woman instantly, Thats Lord Pascades first born, Princess Eve, Lucky for you you called her M'lady, or You'd be in for it. Her short (for a princess) red hair is a dead give away, none the less her skin screams royalty.

The other, You're not sure his name, or identity for that matter, but he looks to be just a simple chef. Lord Pascade does have many a chef, to know all of them by face would be astounding, to know all of them by name would be unheard of. Not even Lord Pascade knows his chefs all by name.

Guest room you say? Oh! You must be one of the men my father requested from the other regions huh? I'm Eve, Just Eve, and this is Thomas, Just up for a bit of a snack, If you're willing to wait, I can have Thomas here take you to your room, We're almost finished. That or you could scout out another servant, they're not too hard to find around here, father likes to keep them around all day, unlike Uncle Karrson.

For a princess... She doesn't speak very lady like, but then again, She IS Lord Pascades daughter, she cant be expected to be as proper as Princess Gwen.

Actually, I'm sorry, Pardon my rudeness. I can take you there if you'd like. You do look quite exhausted. Long journey here?

..f..fourteen. Fourteen of my comrades survived... There was 30 of us... I was one of the 14 that he wanted to keep alive... but his.. his mental mind games did not work on me... I know not why..

He fiddles a bit with his fingers as he speaks.

The mistress is a cold... cold lady... Her skin is extremely pale, and her hair is long and black... She was wearing some sort of red gown when I saw her... I... did not pay much attention to her. Something about her stare was... Horrid...

The brute... Ugh... A beast of a man... His strength must surpass Lord Karrson's by atleast three fold... He stands at roughly 9 feet tall... his body composed of pure muscle... but as much muscle as he holds... he's quick on his feet. His skin is a bit dark... it looked almost burgundy... but he was human... he had to be, He was just much.. much bigger...

and.. Th.. The.. Hooded man... He.. His face is concealed... I cannot tell you what his face looks like... but it almost seemed as if his eyes glared from under the hood... They looked... Soft... and Gentle... but... Something was very off about him as well... His robes are brown and black in color... with a form of trim to it... While not as tall as the other two... He was easily twice as menacing....

2014-01-30, 06:43 PM
You recognize the woman instantly, Thats Lord Pascades first born, Princess Eve, Lucky for you you called her M'lady, or You'd be in for it. Her short (for a princess) red hair is a dead give away, none the less her skin screams royalty.

The other, You're not sure his name, or identity for that matter, but he looks to be just a simple chef. Lord Pascade does have many a chef, to know all of them by face would be astounding, to know all of them by name would be unheard of. Not even Lord Pascade knows his chefs all by name.

Guest room you say? Oh! You must be one of the men my father requested from the other regions huh? I'm Eve, Just Eve, and this is Thomas, Just up for a bit of a snack, If you're willing to wait, I can have Thomas here take you to your room, We're almost finished. That or you could scout out another servant, they're not too hard to find around here, father likes to keep them around all day, unlike Uncle Karrson.

For a princess... She doesn't speak very lady like, but then again, She IS Lord Pascades daughter, she cant be expected to be as proper as Princess Gwen.

Actually, I'm sorry, Pardon my rudeness. I can take you there if you'd like. You do look quite exhausted. Long journey here?

Lances eyes widen a bit when he realizes who he's talking to. "P- Princess" he bows, "I- I can wait. And yes it was a fairly long journey here."

2014-01-31, 06:35 AM
I thank you for recalling what I am sure are painful memories. You may rest assured that all I can do to regain freedom for your comrades I will do. If you can think of anything that I might not have asked, which you think could assist me, I would appreciate it. If not, I will leave you to your rest.

2014-02-01, 11:11 AM
Indeed, divine upon it as you rest, Tomorrow is a big day young ones, even I grow tired.

Krimret leads each of you to your horses, handing you each the same you rode over here.

It seems Master Starflame has already left, I'm going to assume he made it to the castle safely, lest I have to search for him.

He hops on his horse, and each of you yours, as you ride into the night.

Normally I'd fast travel you, but I'm going to give Lance a bit more time with his discussion to ask or say as he will, and allow rizban to become less busy, He's had some things on his plate.

T..There is but one more thing.

He takes a deep breath and stands up, pulling an amulet off from around his neck, looks at it for a short moment, and holds it out to you.

Call me crazy, but this amulet was given to me by Princess Gwen before we left for the tower, The entire time I watched as my allies were... Taken over.. This was all that would ring through my mind.. Perhaps theres something special about it, I know not, but I'd like you to have it. Having someone to talk to really... Helped.. I feel a greater fear has been lifted from me. Thank you.

He smiles briefly

She laughs a bit, and approaches you, touching your shoulder.

Please, Gwen is the princess here, I'm just Eve here, no formalities necessary. What region do you hail from traveler?

2014-02-01, 01:35 PM

She laughs a bit, and approaches you, touching your shoulder.

Please, Gwen is the princess here, I'm just Eve here, no formalities necessary. What region do you hail from traveler?

"Of course Pr- Eve. I come from the Southwest, from the town of Hearthlight."

I don't want to hold things up. If everyone else is ready to go, I don't want to slow everything down.

2014-02-01, 02:23 PM
I've got time this morning to hold a conversation until everyone gets back on their rocker. Everyones been a bit in and out as of late. That or we could carry this conversation in a PM and let everyone fast forward, and you have a flashback sort of moment.

Heartlight you say? I've been there come to think of it, A quaint little town, I'd love to go back once this storm calms down a bit but so far, I dont think it's ever going to calm down, Though, I suppose that's why you guys were hired huh.

2014-02-01, 02:38 PM
I've got time this morning to hold a conversation until everyone gets back on their rocker. Everyones been a bit in and out as of late. That or we could carry this conversation in a PM and let everyone fast forward, and you have a flashback sort of moment.

Heartlight you say? I've been there come to think of it, A quaint little town, I'd love to go back once this storm calms down a bit but so far, I dont think it's ever going to calm down, Though, I suppose that's why you guys were hired huh.

Yeah, it would probably be bet to continue this elsewhere, or just sum up what happens. It doesn't make much difference to me, UNLESS we can make it so Bollam isn't the only one marrying a princess. :smallbiggrin: How old is Eve, by the way? :smallwink:

"'Tis indeed why I'm here, though I feel woefully inadequate after I've seen the other heroes. I can promise you though, that I will do everything I can to stop this accursed rain."

2014-02-01, 08:39 PM
Kerik smiles warmly at the man's gratitude and takes the proffered amulet. I thank you for your concern for me, I will be certain to wear this amulet when I go forth. I will make sure to let you know how this all turns out he shakes the mans hand and then heads out the door, picking his morningstar back up and heads to his room for a good nights rest.

2014-02-01, 09:08 PM
Krimret leads the rest of you to the castle, and takes the horses, tying them into the stable, and walks each of you into the castle, speaking as he guides you to your rooms.

I hope the visit to the princess was helpful, I know one dwarf who seemed to enjoy the trip, as for the rest of you, I suppose it gives you a better grasp of what's at hand here.

He leads you up to your respective rooms, and points to a handful of them, naming you each off as he points.

Please get some rest, if you need me, You need only ring the bell in your room and I will come immediately, take care warriors. Do any of you need anything as of now?

2014-02-05, 11:48 AM
Duran shakes his head. "I am well satisfied Krimret, thank you for your concern."

2014-02-05, 04:34 PM
"Is there anywhere I could possibly bathe before rest?" Layla was feeling tired, but there's nothing worse than going to bed feeling dirty.

2014-02-05, 10:44 PM
But of course, Please, follow me.

Krimret leads you to down a few flights of stairs, across a hall, and stops outside a door.

Would you prefer if I waited here for you to be finished M'lady? I do not mind, If you require a guide to escort you to your room that is. There is soap in the shower-room along with everything you could need.

He bows slightly, and gives you a faint smile, Something Krimret has not done since you've all arrived.

2014-02-05, 10:57 PM
Layla returned the smile. Oh, you're very kind, but I think I'll be okay. I don't want you to have to wait outside the door for me. Though I wouldn't mind an escort back to my room. Would it be too much to ask you to come back in 30 minutes?

2014-02-05, 11:03 PM
No trouble at all Miss, I shall return then, Now to find something to occupy my time.

He wanders off down the hall, glancing at one of the grandfather clocks through the hall, taking note of the time, and continues his walk, his footsteps, startlingly silent.

2014-02-05, 11:08 PM
If Layla hadn't watched him go she probably wouldn't have known he'd left. *Hmm... definitely an odd one.* Layla thought. In all honesty though, there were a lot of strange people in this castle tonight. So she didn't think more on it as she proceeded through the door.

2014-02-05, 11:15 PM
The door swings flawlessly open, and thus presents itself, The Shower Hall. A beautiful room of marble flooring, exotic art painted across the walls, the shower heads appear to be of pure gold, with a long bench through the center of the room, and each shower "stall" sectioned off from the rest by two marble walls and a shaded glass door that is nigh impossible to see through. The room is silent, it appears as if it has not been used in some time, but is clearly well kept.

The air smells of fine soaps, Lavender, Honey Butter, A mixture of soft smells. The room is a lit with a magical lighting throughout the ceiling.

2014-02-05, 11:18 PM
Marigold rides off to visit the Lost dream.

2014-02-06, 12:42 AM
Layla was in slight shock. This place was nothing like she'd ever seen before. This place was bright and pristine and smelled deliciously of honey and lavender, an entrancing combination. Walking further into the room, she stopped to listen. Was anyone in there?

rolling... such a bad roll lol

2014-02-06, 01:05 AM
You snag your horse and ride on to The Lost Dream, It appears to be located in one of the nicer parts of the city, and is a very small building in a chain of what seems to be many miscellaneous shops, A small market of sorts, The building is made of a heavy stone, water pours from the ceiling as the rain falls, light glows faintly from inside the building, The door is closed, There is no sign to indicate whether it is open or not.

The Hall is dead silent, Not a drop of water makes a sound, the sound of your footsteps echoes briefly in the hall, It appears you are the only one here.

2014-02-06, 01:07 AM
Marigold tries opening the door.

2014-02-06, 01:12 AM
The door swings open, a bell chimes inside, an old woman is sitting at the front counter with a pipe in her mouth, reading a book, The walls are covered with old webs, the bookshelves are old and molding, and the books are poorly arranged on the shelves, without looking up from her book, she speaks.

Somethin' I can do for you, Young Lady?

2014-02-06, 01:16 AM
Layla sits down on the bench and breaths a sigh of relief. Thank the gods that they have a shower. It was awful feeling so grimy in front of everyone. Beginning to undress, she picked out a Jasmine lavender body soap to use. Out of the shampoos she picked a raspberry ginger shampoo and a natural honey conditioner. They really had everything here! Even the exotic ones. The shower itself felt great. Layla gently pounded her fist into her shoulder alternating sides to try and ease the tension she felt in them and thought about all that had transpired in the day. It really was a weird day after all. After a while had passed, Layla turned the shower off and reached for one of two towels she had hung over the top of the glass encasing.

2014-02-06, 01:19 AM
Marigold griminced at the pipe. But it was time to do research just in case.

Do you have any books on druid fairy tales, or tales about druids? She asked.

2014-02-06, 01:51 AM
Druid Fairy Tales huh? I'll take a look, So you're one of the requested then I take it?

She stands and shuffles around her books, running her hands around them, her eyes focused on the floor in front of her. She stops briefly at one book, and continues her pace.

If that's the case... Do you feel you're ready to take on such a challenge?

She pauses again at another book, this time picking it up, gripping it in her hand and turns to face you.

A young, Inexperienced warlock, to take on an all powerful druid, You are either foolish, or.. You never wanted to take on this task in the first place, did you?

The water drips lightly off of the shower head, softly beating against the marble, You suddenly feel a vibe that you are not alone, and you still have many minutes before Krimret is to return.

Do not scream, I know you have many questions for me, and I have many for you, Let's not make this harder than it has to be, shall we? Please, Dress so I may un-avert my eyes, and we may let this... acquaintanceship begin, Miss Layla. I'll even let you ask a question of your choosing first, and we may switch off from there, Deal?

The voice is soft, but groggy, it rumbles low and deep in your ears, and almost echoes through the halls, as you turn you notice a man, sitting at the bench, facing a shower space many away from yours, a man, in long black leather, his hands cupped together on his lap, and a hood over his head.


2014-02-06, 01:56 AM
Marigold backs up.

How do you know I'm a warlock? She asks worried.

Knowledge local on this lady [roll0]

2014-02-06, 02:13 AM
You know not this woman's name, nor anything specific on her Identity, the only rumor you can assume has some ground to it, is that she is a witch, as rumored that this library is ran by such.

Dear, You reek of Eldritch Essence.. I could smell it long before you arrived really, Come now, Are not the rumors of Librarians being incredibly smart valid anymore?

She sighs and scratches her head, drawing her eyes to yours, they are pale, white, almost battleworn.

So, Do please answer my question, You do want this book yes? I'd love to know what you hope to accomplish with it.

2014-02-06, 02:16 AM
It's... It's the only way I get to go home. Marigold replied tearing up.

2014-02-06, 02:24 AM
Layla nearly jumped out of her own skin at the voice of the stranger and began hurriedly putting on her clothes. Who the devil are you?! She hissed angrily. Clothes mostly on, she grabbed her Guisarme and pointed it towards the stranger, towel still loosely hanging from her hair. THIS was waaaaaaaaay weirder than anything that happened today. You couldn't wait until I got out of the shower hall or even for me to put my clothes on to be a really creepy bastard?!

2014-02-06, 02:31 AM
Her expression shifts from emotionless to a faint smirk, and snaps her finger, igniting the book in her hand as it crumbles to ash in a mere instant, falling to the floor.

Then I will help you, But that book will do you no good, While it does have old druidic tales, it holds not the knowledge you seek, Young one.

She smiles, and kicks the corner of the bookcase with her boot, it slowly presses inwards, revealing a passage-way of sorts.

Come then, There is something I must show you.

Now now, What a waste of a good question,

He stands up, facing you, hands in the air above him.

Now that I think about it, That sounded more like two questions, But alas, I will answer them, as this game You are in control of at the moment.

He notions to the Guisarme, and chuckles lightly.

My name is Kath' Jinn, I am almost certain you've heard of me, and I think you'll find that my one answer will suffice to both of your questions. I mean you no harm Miss, You have my word on that one. So, what shall it be? Will you play this little game with me?

2014-02-06, 02:43 AM
Marigold nods and follows the woman.

2014-02-06, 02:46 AM
Layla didn't like where this was going. She already didn't like the guy because not only must've he been sneaking around in the bathroom while she was taking a shower, but she didn't like the situation. That was her gut feeling.
Roll is in the OOC thread for knowledge and just in case I'll roll for a sense motive too.

2014-02-06, 03:00 AM
The woman guides you through a long hallway, that ends into a staircase leading downwards.

The kings could not have given you nearly the information you all needed to accomplish your task, it is a heavy burden, but you would be walking blind into a fight you knew not of.

While with good intentions, the kings are fools, and there is but one goal you must achieve before you fight... Him...

As you know, Young Caster.. Killing the Man would not break his curse... And the curse will live on, But there is one way to break the curse... The Javelin of the heavens... An artifact..

She steps over to a Cauldron, located near the center of the room and rubs her hands along its sides, the water inside begins to swirl, and a thick cloud forms in the pot, parting in the middle, and revealing a large spear embedded in the ground of a large rock... what appears to be deep in a poorly lit cavern.

The Spear was created by one of the gods themselves, to pierce any cloud, any heaven, any darkness, and I believe it could do the very same to the cloud above that causes the rain, but the spear is out of reach as for now... We need to get each of you to the right spot... before the shift.. Do you understand?

Result: Nothing in his voice seems dishonest to you. He shows no hostile intent, his body language shows only to be passive, but he does not appear to be uneasy about your weapon either.

I do apologize, but I haven't much time, Do you accept? No hidden contracts, No lies, No secrets, I just wish to speak.

The same feeling rings true in these words he speaks,

2014-02-06, 03:13 AM
Sensing no obvious hostile intent, Layla lowered her Guisarme to the floor and spoke cautiously to the man. "You are correct in assuming that I know who you are Kath' Jinn and I also know that you rarely leave the one responsible for this storm, Akh' Graagh's side. Speak if you must, I am willing to listen, but I'm not really one for playing games. Why are you here? And why do you wish my acquaintance?"

2014-02-06, 03:23 AM
Akh' Graagh is a fool, To drown the world would leave nothing to rule, to what gain could that possibly be, I know not, But it is your acquaintance I seek, as you are one of the... Sane... ones of your "Allies". While we may be on different sides, That does not mean we do not want the same end to this wretched tale.

He cautiously drops his hands to his sides.

Now I believe it is my turn. Why is it you truly want this storm to end? To be a Hero? To save your village? To save the world? or do you take on this task because your elder told you to do so?

His voice begins dropping to a whisper as a knock on the door commences.

Lady Whyss? Have you finished your cleansing?

2014-02-06, 03:32 AM
Layla looked to the door over her shoulder and back to Kath' Jinn. Watching him. Not quite yet, I'll be out in a minute... Layla too lowered her voice, but didn't attempt to step forward to hear him better. Why you ask? She paused trying to find the right words. I care not about being a hero nor about saving the world. I do wish to help my village though and will do as my elder says if it is for the sake of the village. No one else should have to die because of this storm.

2014-02-06, 03:47 AM
An honest answer, one I can respect.

He pauses, and sighs deeply.

Whilst I know I can never gain your trust in me, just know that you must do all you can that is in your power to stop Akh' Graagh, and most likely that will involve cutting me down, I hope by then you are ready to do so.

I suppose I should be going now, 'lest we raise more suspicion.

Best of luck Layla, Until we meet again, Child of the South-East.

He perks up his head, a small hint of a smile can be seen through the hood, and as suddenly as he appeared, he vanishes into thin air before you.

2014-02-06, 04:06 AM
What? Layla couldn't believe what had just happened. Kath' Jinn, the hooded figure that never left Akh' Graagh's side had appeared before and asked her... she didn't know what he asked of her. He basically wanted her to stop Graagh at all costs, even the cost of his own life. Why in Kaskadia... Her guisarme clattered to the floor loudly and Layla sat herself on the bench. If he was really as fearsome as the king was saying, then why didn't he just kill her? Was he really loyal to Akh' Graagh? And if he wasn't, why didn't he just kill him himself? Layla held her head in her hands.

2014-02-06, 11:16 AM
The door bursts open quickly, slamming to the wall at the sound of your guisarme falling. Rapiers at the ready, Krimret swiftly scans the room for any sign of intruder, eases up and rushes to your side.

M'lady Layla! Are you alright? Have you been hurt?

He swiftly examines you, ensuring no wounds are on your person.

2014-02-06, 11:30 AM
Shift? Marigold asked. Does that mean we need to be here during an earthquake?

2014-02-06, 11:44 AM
You are indeed a smart one, Just like your mother it seems.

She sighs, and glances up from the pot in front of her.

I take it by your reaction that not even the kings know the storm is only the first plague of this curse...

Ever Pouring Rain...
Extreme Temperature Shifts..
Eternal Darkness...
Then the Natural Disasters..

We are in only the first of the plagues to come... and by the time of the disasters, You must be ready to take the spear... Upon its first quake... the chasm will open once more and the spear will be yours to take, Upon its Third quake... the chasm will close...

2014-02-06, 12:10 PM
Isn't it dangerous to wait that long though? Many people will die to the floods and the temperature changes. And if the spear only works on darkness, it might not effect the temperature changes and the natural disasters.

Do you know how long we have till the quakes?

2014-02-06, 12:25 PM
If you know of another way to get into a sealed off chasm, do tell, but alas, The temperature changes should affect the rain more than the people of the land. People can dress appropriately, and prepare for the cold or heat to come, If my predictions are correct... the heat should burn up a lot of the flooding the rain has caused.

The curse itself has taken form as the cloud above, consisting of dark energy, Perhaps the spear will pierce the curse itself. The Quakes are to come in roughly 3 weeks... however.. it will take you many a day to travel there.

2014-02-06, 12:32 PM
How many miles away is the cavern? Is the spear guarded by anything? Marigold asks.

2014-02-06, 12:53 PM
The spear itself is not guarded, but the journey there is filled with much threat from the underdark. While the Cavern itself stands only a day's journey from here, the Journey down could take at least a week...

2014-02-06, 01:03 PM
What threats? Drow, or worse?

2014-02-06, 09:46 PM
Kerik awakens after resting and heads out the door after dressing. He seeks out a servant to ask if they know where he could locate a nearby arcane scholar.

2014-02-06, 10:49 PM
I'm sorry... Layla was still supporting her head in one hand still trying to comprehend. I just... I feel like I've seen a ghost... She shakily picked up her Guisarme from the floor and held onto it tightly. Color had faded from her cheeks as she looked up at Krimret. Perhaps I really am too tired at the moment. Could... you take me to my room now? Please?

2014-02-07, 01:30 AM
Drow.. yes, Worse... Also yes.. The Underdark is well aware of the storm itself, and beasts of all kinds flow rampant through the caverns and dungeons killing any who seek shelter from the horrid rain. Water flows freely down through the Underdark as well... but in most parts it has not flooded yet, most..

Drow, Beholders, Lizardfolk, All the same, None of them down there seek Allyship with our kind, only death.

A young female servant is roaming the halls, and directs her attention to you as you approach her, a faint smile on her face, short red hair, slender, but short.
A..Arcane Scholar? In the castle? Or the city itself? I'm certain Lord Pascade is awake... He's dabbled some in the Arcane Arts...and Lord Karrson's right hand man.. Dellan... I hear he has a knack for the arcane arts as well... as for a Scholar however... Your best bet may be to visit The Phantasmal Hand, Its... a bar of sorts, Wizards fancy it for its bizarre drink selection.

Perhaps you're right, You look quite pale, Maybe the storm and stress is geting the best of you. Come now, up up.

Krimret wraps an arm around you and helps lift you up, walking you out of the shower hall and slowly to your room, stopping at your door.

Please M'lady, If you need anything, just ring the bell, I will come as fast as my feet can carry me.

2014-02-07, 01:31 AM
We can't handle Beholders. Marigold pointed out.

2014-02-07, 01:35 AM
Yet you can handle a world slaying druid? In time, You will be able to, I am sure of it, Just like in time, I am sure you will see home again. Rest easy on that thought.

2014-02-07, 01:44 AM
Thanks very much. Kerik heads out, asking directions as he goes to navigate his way to the Phantasmal Hand. When he manages to navigate his way there, he enters the building.

2014-02-07, 01:50 AM
I suppose we don't have a choice. Marigold agreed.

2014-02-07, 03:17 AM
Okay, I don't really know how the story got jumbled, but I'm going to at least end my scenario with going to sleep.

Layla smiled slightly.Thank you... for all your help, Krimret... I shall bid you goodnight then. As Layla gently shut the door behind her, she paused to gather herself. If he was indeed who he said he was, then there was something very wrong with this whole situation and more to the storm than she had realized. Climbing into bed, she drifted off.

The next morning Layla awoke somewhat groggily. Last night's events almost seemed like a dream... almost. Except for the man's voice ringing in her head. She still didn't know what he had planned by appearing to her or even how he got into the castle... but it wasn't the time to think about that. She had to start getting ready for the day.

2014-02-07, 06:37 PM
Thanks very much. Kerik heads out, asking directions as he goes to navigate his way to the Phantasmal Hand. When he manages to navigate his way there, he enters the building.

I am sorry, but it can't be helped. There is little aid I can offer other than information, Which, Of right now is a large help, but down the road may not be of much assistance.

She steps away from the cauldron, shuffling through a few things of hers on various tables throughout the room.

Ah of course, Here we are.

She holds up an amulet, and brings it to the Cauldron, dipping it in to the liquid image of the spear. As she pulls it out, it vibrates slightly and glows faintly, and stops.

Take this, It may not be of much use now, but It should help you locate the spear a bit easier... The closer it gets, the brighter it will shine. Let it be a beacon to remind you of home, the brighter it is, the closer you are.

As you push open the door it creaks loudly, Inside there is an abundance of men, and very few women, Perhaps 3 in this entire establishment, none of them seem to be out of the ordinary. Some young, some old, a couple elven. The bartender is a young female, elbows on the bar, flirting with a couple of the bar patrons, perhaps to earn a better tip. The tables are old, and the wood seems bent on most, a smokey haze fills the room from a few of the men's pipes. No one seems to pay you any mind, a couple of individuals looked up as you walked in but carried on with their conversations and drinking.

2014-02-07, 06:48 PM
Marigold bows.

Thank you. She replies turning to leave.

I'm sorry. I never got your name. She says turning back at the woman.

2014-02-07, 06:55 PM
Duran goes to sleep immediately upon entering being shown his room. As is his custom, he rises early and begins his day with a short meditation and martial practice before leaving his room to find a bath and breakfast.

2014-02-07, 11:58 PM
Kerik pulls the amulet he received from the traumatized man. He clears his throat loudly Can any of you identify the enchantment on this amulet for me?

2014-02-08, 01:58 AM
Eivyn, Eivyn Ironeyes Selyh. You have yourself a good night Miss Marigold, Good luck on your travels, I foresee much in your journeys, but I foresee not death, A good sign indeed, It was quite nice meeting a fellow warlock.

She smirks a bit and winks, allowing you your leave.

Upon wake, You eventually find your way to the shower hall, a hot bathe, and a redress later, you find that the downstairs kitchen is a-flood with food of all various kinds. Biscuits, Many a spread, Meats of all kinds, Spices of all flavors, Pastries abroad, A wonderful sight.

Pff aha! but thats just it lad! Enchantment! a elderly human replies.

The entire bar begins laughing hysterically, a few of them pound their fists into the table, each knowing quite well what the amulet does, Years of training perhaps.

The old man approaches you and wraps his arm aruond you, his breath reeks of alcohol, his beard is dirty, and his brow is wet with sweat.

Aye laddie, Enchantment Protection, I correct my previous statement, It be abjuration magic, it is, But this amulet alone has a powerful ward against Enchantment spells, A wondrous amulet you be havin'. I don't suppose you'll be sellin' it, would ye?

2014-02-08, 02:07 AM
Marigold chuckles at that, before leaving to go back to the castle and sleep.

2014-02-08, 02:29 AM
I'm afraid not, I'll need when I head out to slay the druid causing this kingdoms woes.

2014-02-09, 07:26 PM
Y.. You? But yer too young to be a druid slayer, Bahahaha!

A couple of the men chuckle to themselves, one of the men in the back stands up and approaches the man at your side.

Aye, But you're too old to be talkin, This young man's actually trying to do something about it, You're just standing around talking down to the boy.

The mans face turns red and storms back to his chair, Sitting his plump self into one of the seats.

So tell me, Druid slayer, Is that amulet the only reason you came to this tavern?

This man is tall in stature, with a slender bulk, a worn face, grey streaks in his hair, but a thick scruff to his chin. He stands in black leather, with a brown trim to it.

2014-02-10, 03:09 AM
No, I'm afraid it is not. I've only been able to recieve very limited information regarding the threats I will face. I came to see if the arcanists of this city had any more information then the somewhat disorganized people in the castle.

2014-02-10, 02:54 PM
Truth be told... not many know much about what is happening, Most believe it is the wrath of the gods themselves that are smiting us.

He looks over at the man he just insulted, then looks back to you.

Everyone here is just a bunch of cowards, the knights are all gone, and most adventurers just dont know about this sort of trouble. The kings just said they sent word to each region for recruitment, nothing more... Most of us Arcanists know about the trouble only through divination itself.

2014-02-14, 01:20 AM
Fat Bollam

With a belch and a groan, the pudgy dwarf stretches and sits up.

"Hooo, boy, I do not be remberin drinking that much last night. Dun feel like I what slept through a couple days."

Getting shakily to his feet from the too soft bed, Bollam tries to keep his balance as he collects his gear while nursing a hangover.

"Dat princess, she be a mighty fine lass, but I'm thinkin' she be up to something not quite right, ya ken? Oi, I definitely drank more'n I thought. Here I be talking to meself right proper like."

Slapping himself on the cheek rather hard, Bollam attempts to clear his head.

2014-02-14, 03:05 AM
If you happen to find out more, I would appreciate it. Kerik replies. He heads back to the castle.

2014-02-25, 12:49 AM
The night passes and the morning arises, each of you (Who is not already awake) hear a bell ringing, slowly passing by through the hallway.

"Wake, Awake! Breakfast shall be served in 30 minutes, Dress and bathe yourselves, and report to the dining hall, Down the stairs, Third door on your left!"

Krimret's voice echoes through the hallway, the bell quietens, assuming he has taken his leave to the lower levels of the castle.

The sun is bright through the barred windows, regardless of the constant rain the day feels Much brighter than normal, a fresh scent of ocean air breezes through the window, the smell of rain still fills your rooms, an almost salty, but fragrant smell.

Perhaps today will be a good day indeed, Albeit a rough start to a long journey, perhaps... everything will turn out okay.

2014-02-25, 01:07 AM
Marigold gets up, surprisingly happy. That bed was probably the best she had ever lain on in her life.

Marigold, took one of her robes, from her pack, and started prestidigitioning herself, and them clean. Showers were for the mundanes. She thought to herself.

She very quickly ended up at the table, and looked around for who was sitting.

2014-02-25, 01:23 AM
Kerik awakens and stretches, getting out of bed, happy to have had a good nights sleep. He spends 5 minutes doing muscle stretching exercises. He dresses lightly and heads to the baths. He bathes quickly, then returns to his room. He dresses in his full traveller's gear. He polishes his chain shirt and shield for a moment then dresses in his armor and slings his shield over his back. He hangs his morningstar on it's belt loop. Reverently he hangs the precious amulet that was gifted to him around his neck, then slings his pack with the rest of his belonging contained in or strapped to the outside of it. He heads down to breakfast, confident and happy, knowing that today is the day he sets out to end the menace to the kingdom. The only things that mars his zeal is the concern that he may have to go it on his own.

2014-02-25, 09:16 AM
:smallsigh:Lance quickly bathes, and gathers his belongings. He then manifests his weapon and armor aura, and proceedsdown for breakfast, like any teenage boy that is about to save an entire continent would. Now it's time to do something about thie blasted rain.

Knowledge (History), for any epic speeches by adventurers heading out to adventure. Preferably little known ones. [roll0]

I'll be darned if the best thing I can think of, is "I'll be back!"

2014-02-25, 01:06 PM
Layla had already been up for a while, but took her time making her way to the breakfast table anyway. He gave them half an hour. No reason to rush. Already dressed and bathed, she braided her hair back before heading to the breakfast room. Upon arrival, she gave a slight nod and sat down with her guisarme resting against the right side of her chair. She always believed it was a better idea not to go anywhere without it.

2014-02-25, 04:21 PM
Fat Bollam

With a belch and a groan, the pudgy dwarf stretches and sits up.

"Hooo, boy, I do not be remberin drinking that much last night. Dun feel like I what slept through a couple days."

Getting shakily to his feet from the too soft bed, Bollam tries to keep his balance as he collects his gear while nursing a hangover.

"Dat princess, she be a mighty fine lass, but I'm thinkin' she be up to something not quite right, ya ken? Oi, I definitely drank more'n I thought. Here I be talking to meself right proper like."

Slapping himself on the cheek rather hard, Bollam attempts to clear his head.He dumps a pitcher of water over his head, letting it drain back into the wash basin, letting some of the sweat rinse away. Eh, that was good enough.

Fat Bollam then heads for breakfast.

2014-02-26, 12:41 PM
Duran looks up from his morning exercises as he hears the messenger and smiles somewhat grimly.
"Well, looks like it's about time to start."
He quickly heads to the shower room to wash up for breakfast. After dressing and arming himself, he heads down to the dining hall.

2014-02-26, 04:44 PM
Each of you enters the Dining hall, Not far from the original room you were in last night, but far from it in appearance.

The table is a large, Silver trimmed & brushed Oakwood table, with roughly 30 seats at the table, The walls have vivid paintings of much of the lands scenery, and fine silk cloth's with a crest on each one located throughout the room.

Silverware has been set up at each seat in the room, and in the room stands Krimret, Pascade, and Dellan.

"A good M'rnin' ta each of ya! I hope ya slept well, a busy day it'll be, Busy busy it'll be!"

Dellan chirps up, pulling a few chairs out for each of you.

"Come come, Sit sit, We're to eat first before we set off, so fill up yer bellies nice 'n' full, The chefs should be done with the food almost any minute!"

Lord Pascade nods to each of you as you enter the room, not really saying much as Dellan isn't leaving much room for them to speak as it is.

2014-02-26, 05:16 PM
"Scotch, double, neat. Thanks."

Bollam finds a seat.

2014-02-26, 05:26 PM
Kerik sits down. It warms my heart to see that none of you were too weak of heart to come along. We have much work to do.

2014-02-26, 05:50 PM
After breakfast, we should discuss our plans. Marigold replied.

2014-02-26, 06:36 PM
"After breakfast, we should leave. We have a quest we be needin' to get started. If'n you can't stomach talkin 'bout our job over breakfast, then maybe you not be up to completin' this to the end. Have a drink and man up... er, you be knowin' what I mean."

2014-02-26, 06:39 PM
Lance eagerly waits for the food, and nods in agreement with Marigold, and then starts absent-mindedly startd trying to see if he knows anything of the capabilities of his companions.

EDIT: And he knows Layla, possibly, and maybe Kerik...

[roll0] Knowledge (Local) on Kerik.

[roll1] Knowledge (Local) on Marigold.

[roll2] Knowledge (Local) on Fat Bollam

[roll3] Knowledge (Local) on Duran.

[roll4] Knowledge (Local) on Layla.

Mostly, Lance wants to know what the capabilities of each are.

2014-02-26, 11:39 PM
Duran seats himself at the table near his soon-to-be travelling companions.
"We should at least figure out where we're going before we leave. I'm sure our hosts would appreciate some indication of what we intend to do."

2014-02-27, 01:52 AM
Layla simply sat in silence listening to the conversation at hand.

Honestly, to me that knowledge local check makes no sense, but it's not you. It just seems weird since we live in different parts of the country... and I don't consider my character very reputable. But alas.

2014-02-27, 12:21 PM
You know nothing about these individuals, none of them have enough reknown to have their name even spread from outside their town, much less their section of the continent.

That being said, However, Layla has a Guisarme, That hints at what she does, the rest... are a bit less obvious.

A few servants are scrambling around the room, one of them quickly sets down a glass filled with scotch in front of the dwarf, and continues arranging the table, bringing out heaps of mushed potatoes, nearly 5 large birds roasted, along with (what probably is each of their eggs) a near mountain of cooked eggs, a few meats you aren't entirely familiar with, and a few bowls of strange sauces, each of which smell exotic, one of them sweet, one of them extra spicy.
(Holy hell I gotta stop, making myself Way too hungry)

Lord Pascade stands up from his seat, rubbing his head a bit.

"So... The morning begins, Has anyone seen my brother? He was supposed to be here as well, at any rate... please dig in, Help yourselves"

He steps out of the room for a brief minute, walks back in, pondering.

2014-02-27, 12:46 PM
Marigold wonders why she feels jealous about the dwarf getting morning booze, before turning to the meats and spices.

Well I performed some research, and found out about a magic artifact that will break up the clouds. We'll only have a small time frame for us to get it, so I think we should go after it.

2014-02-27, 01:25 PM
Fat Bollam drains the whiskey in one go before laying into the food with abandon. Pouring a large portion of the 'extra spicy' sauce over everything, he takes a bite and immediately starts looking for a servant.

"Pst, hey, buddy, you got yourself something back there what has a bit more kick?"

2014-02-27, 08:32 PM
Lance digs in with the appetite of a teenage boy, and tries some of everything, and barely tastes it before he inhales it.

2014-03-01, 01:35 PM
One of the chefs almost jumps out of his drawers at Fat's comment, and swiftly bolts to the kitchen.

Brief moments later he comes back with a "as black as tar, it bubbles a bit in the bowl, the bowl is warm to the touch, but not hot.

"S..Sir, This is the best I could come up with in terms of Kick, Please I hope it is to your liking, use with caution, it has some quite... rare... ingredients"

He bows his head and returns to his duties.

Lord Pascade shortly re-enters the room, and whispers to Krimret, Krimret eyes the rest of the guests and swiftly passes through the door, motioning to Dellan, Dellan follows as well, exiting the room.

"Please excuse them, They're off to run a simple errand for me, I wouldn't worry too much about it."

He smiles a bit, snatching a plate and some grub, chowing down slowly, politely, and sips at his glass of wine.

A female swiftly enters the room, garbed in a bright red dress, as she passes lance her hand touches his back as she grabs a plate, piles on some of the food, and exits the room as swiftly as she left with nothing but a smirk on her face.

"Ah Eve! Meet the... Sigh"

Lord Pascade shakes his head a bit, the lady clearly long gone through the door.

2014-03-01, 10:36 PM
Layla's eyes lingered on the door Kimret, the Lord and Dellan left through. It was strange. Perhaps she was paranoid because of last night, or maybe just curious, but she didn't necessarily like what just happened. Grabbing a plate, she retrieved some poultry from the center of the table along with some mushed potatoes and began to eat.

2014-03-01, 10:41 PM
Lance hides a grin, or at least attempts to, as Eve passes him. He then proceeds to daydream a little, while still eating.

2014-03-01, 10:49 PM
Kerik starts eating with gusto Where is this artifact then? he asks Marigold.

2014-03-01, 11:58 PM
The Underdark. Marigold admits nervous.

2014-03-02, 12:00 AM
Ha, my homeland, it will be fun to return.

2014-04-04, 11:23 AM
A short bit passes at the table, Pascade finishes his meal and stands up, clasping his hands together.

"It seems we've spent enough dawdling here, It would appear the time for you all to leave for your journey is now..."

He shuffles through his sleeves and pulls out a large parchment, sliding it onto the table.

"Here, is the map you requested, let it be your guide to the castle... but be warned.. it does lead through the underdark, so please... Take care of yourselves"

"I will be keeping in contact with you all, through simple magicks, perhaps I'll send Krimret from time to time to check up on you, haha! Well then, If you have no further questions... The horses in the stable are yours for the taking, please, we only wish we could be of more assistance"

I'll try to draw up a map, i've been busy lately, but for now, You can assume you know the way to get to the druids castle, assume Illven & Torgarn can guide you through the underdark if you do choose to chase after the spear.

Also, You've all spent a solid deal of roleplaying here, some excellent information gathering, and all that nonsense, so please, Level up and take to the horses, You're more than welcome to ask last minute questions, but I figured you're all ansy to get moving on this, consider The Storm back on track.

2014-04-05, 10:27 PM
Lance bows. "It is an honor to serve the kingdom."

Before leaving, Lance (obviously) goes to say farewell to Princess Eve.

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll0] What does Lance know about the Underdark, as a whole? ACTUALLY irrelevant, really...

Knowledge (Nature) [roll1] About the overall ecosystem of the Underdark? ACTUALLY 23

Knowledge (History) [roll2] It's history? ACTUALLY 13

Knowledge (Local) [roll3] It's effect on the kingdom (whose name escapes me)? ACTUALLY 19

2014-04-05, 10:32 PM
That's a good idea, what knowledge checks should Marigold roll for the underdark?