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2007-03-18, 03:31 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 4 spot[(1d20) = 10[/table]

Bolvar claps his hand on Calthoric's shoulder. He is smiling brightly. "A little bit of work never hurt anyone. If you know nothing of sailing, you will know something after working on a ship. I will work on your ship captain. I am a slow man, and those ropes look confusing. I will probably only be good at lifting heavy stuff. Just tell me what I must do."

2007-03-19, 09:05 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Dagger|dmg: 1d4-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Shortbow|dmg: 1d6-1
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic|Animate Rope|Knock|Extended Rope Trick
Mage Hand|Magic Missile|Summon Swarm|Lightning Bolt
Message|Ray of Enfeeblement|Touch of Idiocy
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement

Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
The wizard places his hand upon his face with a slight shake of his head, thumb resting just under his cheek bone, fore and middle fingers massaging the area between his dark eyebrows and up to his hair line.

"Reckless Rasellia... reckless. First of all hun, you need to keep your knickers out of a bunch, and let the nobleman work his craft. If you are incapable of comprehending that which is going around you, you need to keep...you need to hold your tongue, and leave all the talky talk stuff to the adults. m'kay?" Turning his attention to the dwarf.

"Alrighty there Cap'n. You need to keep your bloomers from creeping as well. There will be no brig for anyone here. You forget, we have a third option. Work, Pay, or Walk. I for one, am loathe to participate in manual labor, and not too fond of sea travel, especially aboard a boat with a crew known for its love of underground holes and stone. Who are purported to sink like them, and are not notoriously known for their fondness of water. Calthoric, makes a good point. We don't know that you weren't responsible for the sackin of this town." Thorael sighs and takes a deep breath. "That being said, since my companions here seem set on a three hour tour, and have the collective wisdom of the local villiage idiot, i will consider tagging along. I need assurances that no harm will come to my Valet. His muscle and arm will be at your disposal. He makes an exceptional tea. If you, however, deem that you'd rather have my muscle, over my arcane might... rest assured that i would die before i cast a single spell in defense of this vessal. Alternatly, we can negotioate my spell casting fees in private, or we could simpley trade passage for full use of my mental prowess..."

Looking over at calthoric, a smile and a nod, and... a sudden realization. "Wait a moment... you're not a noble?!"


2007-03-19, 10:36 AM
The captain sighs after hearing Thoreal's words, "What can you offer me besides your muscle swabbing decks?"

2007-03-19, 10:49 AM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 3[/table]
Rasellia's eyes narrow at the elf's condescension. "Is it so much to ask for a little respect from you two?" She shares her icy glare with the rogue. "I am bound by no service to either of you, so do not take my skills for granted; I'm not about to gloat about my powers, but by God, they'll save you one day." She stabs a finger at the goblin. "Hell, I saved your servant, didn't I Thorael? And that doesn't usher the smallest bit of gratitude from you? Rest assured, if either of you continue to flaunt your supposed intelligence over either Bolvar or myself, you'll find yourself one healer short, and several wounds too many."

2007-03-19, 11:24 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Dagger|dmg: 1d4-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Shortbow|dmg: 1d6-1
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic|Animate Rope|Knock|Extended Rope Trick
Mage Hand|Magic Missile|Summon Swarm|Lightning Bolt
Message|Ray of Enfeeblement|Touch of Idiocy
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement

Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
"Well... I'm glad to see your superior observation skills can detect even the most blatant condescension. You want respect?! Perhaps you should try using that lump between your ears for MORE THAN JUST A PERCH FOR YOUR HELMET BEFORE YOU OPEN THAT PIE HOLE!! I... I..i" Thorael takes a deep calming breath, as he looks about the eyes fixed on him. "Listen to us... there is something wrong here. I have felt it since... " the mage makes sure to catch Rasellia's eye however enraged they may be"... just before we returned to the INN and found it ablaze. It's a palpable darkness...no, a chaos. I... apologize Lady Rasellia. We must make haste to Nesmee. Captain, if it's deck swabbing you wish of me, so be it, but i think you'll find i can be of better use... we can discuss it further once underway, but i will follow any just order you give. Just get us out of here..." Exasperated and drained, Thorael leans heavily against the rail, sighs deeply and stares at his feet.


2007-03-19, 12:13 PM
The Captain roars, "Buckle down the 'ac'es boy's we be sailing to Nesmee." With that you see the deckhands role into action pulling up the sails and bringing up the anchor. Soon, you feel the breeze running past your cheeks as the boat starts heading down wind and down river. "Dwack, s'ow t'ese folk to their 'ammocks and then began s'owing t'em 'ow w'at to do."

Dwack takes you below deck, he gives you a hammock from a box labeled extra hammocks and show you how to tie it to the ship. You are at the back of the ship. In the middle of the ship is filled with boxes, crates, and hanging dried meat. The ship smells like an armpit that has never been washed on a hot sunny day in a small confided space. You can hear some banging from the front of the ship.

2007-03-19, 02:34 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 3[/table]
She's taken aback by her comrade's rather unsightly outburst, and hopes that she didn't make that much of an ass of herself. Nonetheless, she feels compelled to tear right back into him with the words she's had stowed away for a while, but thinks better of it, finding some truth in what Thorael trails off with.
She follows Dwack below deck and listens to his instructions. The sight - not so much the smell - of meat makes her stomach growl audibly, and she turns to him. "..Dwack... is there... is there any way I could get some food? Buy it even? I haven't eaten for two days... And does the ship usually make that sound?" she queries, referring to the banging.

2007-03-19, 02:54 PM
"Aye, Las, we lost our cook, so all we begot is some dried meat and gruel. T'ere be a pot of cold gruel over t'ere. 'Elp your self. As for t'e banging, tis our prisoner. I be sure you'll get a gander later. Eat up and t'en make yer selfs useful. T'e decks need moping, food needs cooking, sails need sewing, find somet'ing you'er good at and do it." With that Dwack grabs a chuck of meat and climbs out back onto the deck.

2007-03-19, 10:31 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 3[/table]
The healer eyes the pot of cold gruel with a look of pure disgust, but her stomach rumbles once more at the thought of sustenance... of ANY kind. Shuddering, she serves herself a heaping bowlful, looking about warily before passing a hand over the serving, her pupils glowing green for a moment.
Casting detect poison

2007-03-20, 09:45 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

He looks to Thoreal with a resigned smile and flashes a wink. "Another tale for another time Master Thoreal." He states simply as he listens to the captain. Following them to below decks he retrieves his hammock and sets it up as instructed. He then helps himself to some of the gruel. Eating it as if it was as the finest meal. Upon hearing Dwacks explanation of the banging Calthoric's curiosity is peaked. "If you will excuse me Master Dwack I find my self in need of the privy. I assume like most ships it is down by bilge? With that he head further into the bowels of the ship to find where the prisoner is located.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-03-20, 10:31 AM
[Chu]The gruel does not have any poison

[Wild/everyone else]

The gruel tastes like a dirty sock filled with sand, it is barely eatable, but it does fill you hungry stomachs. Venturing closer to the front of the ship, where you can hear the banging, you make your way through the cluttered boxes and crates until you see the prisoner. He is clad in chains, on attached to each foot, hand, and neck. He appears to be human, with a beard growing. He is naked except for a dirty loin cloth. He does not appear to notice you coming closer.

2007-03-20, 11:28 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Dagger|dmg: 1d4-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Shortbow|dmg: 1d6-1
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic|Animate Rope|Knock|Extended Rope Trick
Mage Hand|Magic Missile|Summon Swarm|Lightning Bolt
Message|Ray of Enfeeblement|Touch of Idiocy
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement

Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Thorael lets gilly test for poison sample the gruel before consuming it himself. Eating in quiet, he follows as the grand tour is provided. The prisoner seems to break him a bit from his melancholy... er sorta. "Don't talk to him. He may be a good guy wrongfully imprisoned by the dwarves who are really pirates. That's definitely a problem we don't need to know about right now."


2007-03-20, 12:38 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 4 spot[(1d20) = 10[/table]

Bolvar tries the gruel. He seems to move it around his mouth a bit before finally getting the courge to swallow it down. "Eh, I have had worse. Oh hey Thorael, that conversation was confusing. Is Calthoric really a noble? Also, do we have to work on the ship? All that talking place really fast."

2007-03-20, 01:22 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Dagger|dmg: 1d4-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Shortbow|dmg: 1d6-1
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic|Animate Rope|Knock|Extended Rope Trick
Mage Hand|Magic Missile|Summon Swarm|Lightning Bolt
Message|Ray of Enfeeblement|Touch of Idiocy
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement

Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Thorael looks at Bolvar with genuine sympathy in his eyes. "It's hard to say friend, its hard to say. It was clear that Cal was using some kind of ruse, but why Rasellia would claim he was not a noble, i do not know. Perhaps his denouncement is yet another bluff, perhaps not. It's very difficult to say. All i know for sure, is yes, we are to work for our passage... and the sooner we can be off this rat infested death trap, the better."


2007-03-20, 03:10 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Overhearing the conversation between Bolvar and Thoreal Calthoric glances over his shoulder as looks to Bolvar. "No Master Bolvar, I am not of noble blood. The deception was needed." Leaving the comment hang in the air like a bad odor, he looks to the prisoner and sighs at Thoreal's explanation. It now gives him an out if any useful information was to be gotten from him. Ignoring Thoreal's warning he questions the prisoner knowing he cares not for his freedom deserved or otherwise. "What is your bounty and why was it placed?"

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-03-20, 03:32 PM
The prisoner looks up at Calthoric coughs and then spits in his direction. "I be innocent. These damnen dwarves have taken me captive, they have left me beaten, starving, and without sleep for days."

2007-03-21, 07:53 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12
"Of course you are" Calthoric rolls his eyes and reiterates his question. "Who are you, what is your bounty and why was it placed? I have not asked if the bounty was legitimate I just want to know what the person who placed it thinks you done."

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-03-21, 12:15 PM
"These dwarves say that I stole and killed a noble. The family placed a bounty on my head. I have no idea how much it was. Who are you and why do you care?"

2007-03-21, 01:07 PM
[OVERLAND MAP]http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/9454/overlandmapbj1.png (http://imageshack.us)

[MAP KEY]http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/7747/keyve5.gif (http://imageshack.us)

It will take you about 9 days to get to Nesmee by boat

2007-03-21, 03:30 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

"Stole a noble eh? Impressive I suppose. As far as caring, I don't. If you were able to supply us with something however we might be able to speak on your behalf and maybe prove your innocence if it is at all likely you are innocent. I am looking for any kind of information that would prove useful of the surrounding areas. Perhaps a rumor of any interesting person or item."

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-03-21, 05:02 PM
"Rumor of what? There have been lots of interesting things occurring in these hills. You will need to be more specific."

2007-03-22, 08:06 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

"Apparently you are useless. Enjoy your hanging." Calthoric then starts to look about that part of the ship just randomly looking.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-03-22, 02:50 PM
"Suit yourself, you are just like the others, not really caring."

2007-03-23, 08:01 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Dagger|dmg: 1d4-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Shortbow|dmg: 1d6-1
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic|Animate Rope|Knock|Extended Rope Trick
Mage Hand|Magic Missile|Summon Swarm|Lightning Bolt
Message|Ray of Enfeeblement|Touch of Idiocy
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement

Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Thoreal goes about his business, quickly leaving the prisoner to the bleeding hearts of the company. The prisoner had it right. He basically didnt really care. What ever laws these humans followed would surely sort this out. Dispatching Gilly to set up his hammock, and prepare his area the mage heads above deck to seek out the Captain.


2007-03-23, 10:46 AM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 2
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 3[/table]
Rasellia wolfs down her bowlful of gruel, nearly gagging at the bland, slimy coldness oozing down her throat. Finishing it off quickly, she helps herself to another half-bowl, definitely not relishing the taste, but feeling the need to stave off her hunger as long as possible so she wouldn't have to dig into this bilge once more.
Once she finished choking down her meal, she sets up her things around one of the designated hammocks, taking the time to clean her sword and wipe down her ashen face, sootied from the fire and ash of the burning town. Once she's made herself a bit more presentable, she takes off her armour, deciding it would be a bit too cumbersome for deckhand work, and sets off in search of Dwack or the captain.

Create water to clean her face with a rag

2007-03-23, 12:07 PM

As the others leave and as you are about to turn away, the condemned man turns back to you and says, "Wait noble, maybe we can form a deal. You seem to want or need some information. While I cannot directly give you this information, I can set you up with a...um...friend, that can help you. What do you say, you help me escape, I help you find your way?"

[Everyone Else]

The captain smiles as he sees you up on the deck ready to work. "Aye, Make yourselves useful, there is food that needs to be made, decks washed, sails repaired, etc."

You see a few dwarves cleaning what look to be large metal pipes with wood at the other end. They seem to be cleaning them very carefully.

[Knowledge check: Architecture and engineering or History DC 15]
These metal pipes are Archibus, or firearms that propel metal rocks at high velocities with nonmagical explosions.

2007-03-24, 03:37 AM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 4 spot[(1d20) = 10[/table]

Bolvar moves about the ship carefully. He is still very confused by all the new things he has never seen before. He finally comes to the conclusion that washing the deck is probably all he is good for. Bolvar begins to wash the deck, and slowly picks up speed at it. He eventually begins to race to see how fast he can move around the deck "washing" it.

2007-03-24, 08:38 AM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 3
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 3[/table]
Unwilling do bring herself to the level of doing THE quintessential maiden's job - cooking - she opts for the lesser of two evils. She heads over to where any others might be repairing the sails, offering her unskilled but steady hand to them.

2007-03-25, 12:48 PM
The days stretch on as you help out with the ship, taking watches, cleaning, and doing miscellaneous jobs. You look forward to having solid ground underneath your feet. You are now into the sea, you can only vaguely see the shore on either side. You look forward to seeing nesmee.

2007-03-26, 10:19 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

"I will think about your offer as we have many days aboard this ship." With that said he leaves the prisoner and returns topside. He knows little about sailing but knows a lot about ropes and knots. He pays close attention to the men attending to the riggings of the ship as well as attaching the sails. Calthoric knows it will only come in handy all too soon to know how to untie certain knots and though he recognized a few of the ones used on the ship he was more then eager to observe and learn to tie the ones he had not.

Going to use this to allow me to add ranks in the use rope slot

During his off duty times he banters and makes small talk with the crew getting a feeling for the captain and the dwarven race in general as he has encountered few. Feeling comfortable with the crew and able to pick up on the subtleties he approaches the captain. "Captain if I may trouble you with some questions. I have traveled below decks looking for the privy and stumbled across your prisoner. I am to understand you said you were taking the "bounty" to somewhere. Bounty hunting has always been an interest of mine and I am sure you are notable in the trade. May I inquire about the price of the bounty and who and where you plan on delivering him to? It is a profession I have thought about pursuing but making contacts in such an area is difficult.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-03-26, 12:57 PM
The Captain smiles as you bring up the topic of a bounty. "Aye, I be bring t'is lass to the 'Ouse of Nord, w'ere 'e will stand trial for 'is crimes. Ye reputation is w'at gets ye jobs. Ye got to start small, finding some cut purses and getting ye name big. Sometimes you 'ear t'ings in bars, sometimes, on the streets, sometimes ye join a crew bring in a big game."

2007-03-27, 12:26 PM
After a few more days of moping decks, repairing sails, and helping out around the ship you see Nesmee approaching. The high walls and towers remind you of how much you have missed this place. Soon the boat bumps up against the dock. "T'anks for ye e'lp, be seeing ye now." Is all the captain says as you exit the ship. The dwarves with their metal rods escort the prisoner away and you now stand on the ground a few meters away from the docks.

2007-03-28, 07:55 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Dagger|dmg: 1d4-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Shortbow|dmg: 1d6-1
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement

Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Pleased to finally be back on dry land, the wizard takes in a deep breath of the salty sea air. Smugly looking about the port scene before him he smiles. It was no small task to make him self as small as possible on that vessel. Staying out of the way was entirely more important that helping, although he did what he could. He had avoided most of his companions on the journey, deeming it better to think things through. Clear his mind. The questions would be answered soon enough. Turning about, he spots Bolvar and Calthoric looking about similarly to him. Off to the side stands Rasellia. Whelp... no time like the present

"So... everyone enjoy their little cruise? Rasellia, i presume enough time has passed that your...um, little monthly visitor has come and gone? In a better mood are we??" The mage chuckles a bit, showing not malace, but a desire to break the ice. "Whell... since you've adopted the mantle of moral compass for the company, where to?"


2007-03-28, 08:28 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric looks, mouth agape, at Thoreal and covers a slight smile."If you all will excuse me but a moment, I have some unfinished business with the captain. Captain if you can wait one morment!" Calthoric quickly runs to catch up with the departing dwarves.

Pulling the captain aside and in a hushed tone he speaks to the captain. "Captain, if I could trouble you for a favor though I know this is a steep one to ask. May I purchase your bounty from you? I wish to make a name as I stated earlier in your trade. I am sure even in your early beginnings of your most illustrious career as a bounty hunter you received a hand from a veteran. I ask you for this assistance. Also if you would supply me with the directions to the house of Nord would be most helpful."

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-03-28, 08:57 AM
The captain stops for a moment and looks you directly in the eye, "'ow muc' are you offering? I spent 500 gold tracking t'is one and I 'ope to receive four times t'at."

You see Calthoric run to catch up with the captain and whisper to him.

2007-03-28, 10:48 AM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia narrows her eyes as Calthoric runs forward and whispers. What's he scheming now...? She scowls to herself, not really hearing Thorael's comment (thank all that is holy) for a few moments. Snapping out of her thoughts, she turns to look at him, blinking in surprise. "I'm... no leader, Thorael... but we have to get Solace somewhere safe. Perhaps there is a diviner or wizard powerful enough to discern where the rest of it is?" She pulls out the rod, looking at it. "Unless you can tell us where...?"

2007-03-28, 10:58 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric is constantly looking around from the prisoner to his group and back to the captain. His expression is displaying displeasure.

"I did not realize he was that important of a bounty. Kidnapping a nobleman though a terrible crime does not seem to warrant such a bounty. Unless, of course, the nobleman is still missing. Either way I will not ask you to trust me with a bounty of such price nor can I afford to buy it from you. I did speak with the bounty and he did mention an accomplice here in town. Perhaps an arrangement can be made to ensnare the second? I am sure there is an equal bounty or at least significant one enough to make it worth your time."

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-03-28, 12:00 PM
"W'at 'e revealed to you was not revealed to me. W'at else do you know of this accomplice?

The rod responds by becoming very cold but does not reveal anything.

2007-03-28, 01:12 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
The half-elf stares at the rod for a moment or two, then shrugs and places it back in her pack. "I take that as a no... I guess the next step is to ask around for those knowledged in such things..."

Focusing her thoughts back on Solace, she attempts to communicate with it mentally. What are you hiding from us? If we're going to help you, we have to know what you are and what you can do.

2007-03-28, 01:21 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12
Calthoric allows a slight smile to crease his lips at the captains question.

"I did not get enough information out of the encounter. However he said he would lead me to this friend if I helped him escape so that i might acquire some information that I am after. I am not going to guarantee that there is profit to be made, but if he has a friend here it is a good bet they had a hand in his exploits. If you let me take him as or at least make it look like I am aiding his escape at night before taking him to claim the bounty we might be able to get both what we want. You more bounty and I information. However we'll need to work together on this as well as keep it quiet. What say ye captain?"

Calthoric takes another look around then eyes the prisoner and flashes him a quick wink and a slight nod when he is sure the dwarves are not looking.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-03-28, 02:13 PM
The captain frowns, "I am struggle a bit with your proposition. You stand in between me and several t'ousand gold trying to bargain for this lass to lead you to 'is partner. 'ow do I not know that you are in league with 'im, did you not lie to me the first second we met trying to convince me that you were a noble.

The rod remains cold and it quietly responds. The walls are like corn, be careful what you say. I have not been to Nesmee since it was but a fisherman village.

2007-03-28, 02:53 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric remains expressionless but seems to had enough conversation and steadily waits for the captains to respond.

"Well I cannot prove that I am or I am not in league with the prisoner so that is going to be something for you to decide. As far as our first meeting, perhaps if I had a loyal crew of men behind me honesty would have been the first course of action as the men would have insured my safty. I did not deny my ruse when it was exposed, perhaps that says something perhaps it does not. I must return to my group and my plan would give you a chance to double your purse. It is simple do you wish to attempt to earn more gold or stick with what you have. I will find what I need another way if need be. Yes or no Captain."

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-03-28, 06:29 PM
Cathoric"All a man has is his word, 'ow will I know if you will not double cross me, even know you speak wit'out your group present. Your intentions seem to me to be for your gain, 'owever, I know not if it is for the money, the prisoner, for double crossing me, or for building your name"

2007-03-28, 07:34 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 4 spot[(1d20) = 10[/table]

Bolvar looks at Rylissa, and then at thorael. "We have stumbled across something that was not meant for us to handle. We now have super powerful monster chasing us. We need to either get rid of the rod, I recommend the ocean, or we need to find someone who can tell us what to do. If we continue on like this, I am sure this evil will continue to follow us to here."

2007-03-29, 10:00 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Dagger|dmg: 1d4-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Shortbow|dmg: 1d6-1
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement

Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Thorael quickly nods in agreement with Bolvar. "Right you are Bolvar, right you are." Turning to Rasellia, then back to Bolvar "It is critical friends that we speak not of this to anyone until we better know whats going on. It may bring danger to us, or to this whole city. Rasellia, you claim no desire to lead, yet you have been reluctant to follow. Your inability to follow along with Calthoric's ruse on the boat could have jeopardized all of our safety had those dwarves been... full of malice. You cannot tell what lies in a mans heart with a single meeting, nor by the garb they wear or the post they hold. I beg of you not to speak that name, or of its owner until we can find out more. Can you keep this secret?" Before she can respond, Thoreal holds up a hand and speaks to the commoner getting uncomfortably too close. "You there, slovenly passer-by. Can you direct us to one of this towns more reputable Inns? It may be worth a few coppers to you..."


2007-03-29, 12:02 PM
The passer by smiles and nods, you can smell the faint smell of ale on his breath. He opens a toothless mouth and pointing down the street says, "Yes SIR, there is the Silver Steed down the main road (his finger points out the road) about a fourth of a mile. I would be happy to take you there." His hands now greedily cupped open awaiting the copper.

2007-03-29, 12:07 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

"You are right my good captain, one has only his word and you have only to believe it or not. I understand your apprehension and take no offense to any answer you are given however we are beginning to draw the attention of others by standing here discussing in hushed tones. I will be in one in or another in this town if you wish to consider the deal as I must now return to my group. My you bounties be plentiful and always to your favor captain."

Calthoric turns from the captain after an illustrious and practiced bow and then returns to the group as Thoreal is talking to a by stander. "Yes, the Silver Steed Inn will do quite nicely as I need a bath and my hair is beginning to look the the home of some bird." Calthoric says in a bit louder then normal voice hoping the captain caught the name of the tavern.

Diplomacy = [roll0]

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|[1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-03-29, 12:28 PM
(OOC: Listen check DC 17 to hear what Calthoric was whispering to the captain.)

2007-03-29, 12:36 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Dagger|dmg: 1d4-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Shortbow|dmg: 1d6-1
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
The wizard digs out 3 copper and hands them to the passer by. "Thank you. Here's 2 copper for your trouble, and a third for a bath. I would think that we could manage to find this Silver Stag on our own, thank you very much." Thorael looks over to Calthoric who's returning from the Captain "Silver Steed, yes yes. Silver Steed. Thank you again my man now be on your way". Waiting patiently as the man finally travels out of ear shot, Thorael turns back to the group. "So the Silver Steed sound good to you folk? I say we head there, and get a lay of the land. There's still plenty of daylight remaining. I need to acquire some additional gear, and see what kind of libraries are available to traveling Scholars such as my self..." The wizard shoots a knowing wink to Calthoric while "scratching" his elven ears, and then scans the rest of the group for direction.

That listen DC seems a bit low, but beat it by 5{table="width=100%"]Spot|[roll0]|Listen|[roll1][/table]

2007-03-29, 02:47 PM
You file down to the Inn on the dirt road. You see the many beggars that dominate the docks district disperse as you get further into town. You see the Silver Stead Inn, a large inn with several stories a head. There are numerious shops surrounding the Inn. Next to the inn on the right there is a sign for "Grack's Weepons" which you think is a weapon store with a misspelled name, a wooden statue of a half-orc stands outside the door holding an ax up high. On the other side of the inn there is a shop which displays armor in the glass plated window. Across from the inn there is a general store and what looks to be an magic shop.

As you enter the Silver Steed, your mouth starts to water with the aroma of cooking mutton. The common room is empty except for the bar keep washing tables. He smiles and nods in your direction as he clears a table.

[OOC: the shop's and Inn are selling things at PBH prices]


That listen DC seems a bit low, but beat it by 5

You hear parts of the conversation, you think it has to do with making some sort of deal for which the captain was hesitant.

2007-03-29, 08:10 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia sighs, the days of hard work and decent meals doing much to soften her harsh tongue. "Thorael, I have no qualms with following another, so long as he or she keeps their lies to people other than me. I will not lead my life under a veil of secrecy when it is not needed, and others who try to force that veil upon me will have their own secrets revealed. Besides, HAD the dwarves been malicious, don't you think they'd be more likely to attack a rich noble than a skilled group of adventurers?" Shaking her head to Bolvar's fears, she adjusts her pack. "I won't be abandoning someone in need, even if it isn't alive per se. Throwing it in the ocean or hiding it somewhere is futile. You forget that our assailants can determine its location magically. Thorael is right though; we should keep this information to ourselves as much as possible, at least until we find someone we can trust who might be able to help us."

2007-03-30, 08:03 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Dagger|dmg: 1d4-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Shortbow|dmg: 1d6-1
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
"I did not say it was a good ruse, but to throw Calthoric blatantly under the Ox Cart like that. Well... no good could have come from it. It would have been more wise to let it play out than to call a traveling companion a liar in front of total, and most likely hostile, strangers. They weren't.... lucky for us. I know Calthoric hasn't mentioned anything, but i know how you humans are. You trust much quicker than we elves, but you never forget a slight. I cannot speak for Calthoric, but i think you should speak *to* him. Ah..." Thorael looks up and spots the sign for the Silver Steed. "...looks like we're here."


2007-03-30, 09:29 AM
It is around noon, you can see many people moving down the street. The smell of sewage is ripe in your nose after being outside the city for so long. A beggar comes up to you as you asking for some coins, seeing your reluctant faces he moves on continuing down the road.

Coming soon, since my laptop is kind of broke for the time being, I cannot take it to my other jobs so I have no access to my mapping programs

2007-03-30, 02:06 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 4 spot[(1d20) = 10[/table]

When the group turns down Bolvars idea, he looks a little downcast. "So, what now? We find some super wise person and have them tell us what to do? All this thinking and planning hurts my head after a while."

2007-04-01, 03:23 PM
Updated Map
http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1603/town001dm0.png (http://imageshack.us)

2007-04-01, 07:07 PM
[MAP]http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/461/townjoke1ty7.png (http://imageshack.us)

You look up just to see a Black Dragon land at your feet. It opens its mouth and spews forth acid which flies towards you [roll0][DC 23 for half]. The townsfolk run away from the fearful presence of the Large dragon. [AC: 27 (-1 size,+18 natural), touch 9, flat-footed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#flatFooted) 27]


2007-04-02, 11:36 AM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
"Either way, let's get lodging for the day... a week of nothing but that slop may have turned my innards to stone, but I hope that's not the case..." She approaches the barkeep and smiles. "Greetings, bartender. I see that your inn's name comes from more than the shininess of its namesake's scales. Hopefully you have room and board for myself and my fellow adventurers? We're in need of a good bed and better food."

2007-04-02, 02:27 PM
The innkeeper smiles, "Good beds we have here. For a three gold per night I will rent out my suite to you four lads. It has four beds and I can bring in extra cots for ye servant and man-at-arms. Meals range from one silver to five depending on the meal and the size. Ale is five copper per mug, wine is one silver per goblet. I will take your money and bring you back what you order." He takes your orders and money and then returns with heaping plates of food and wine/ale.

2007-04-02, 02:29 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric enjoys fine food and continues his normal obsession with his grooming. Changing out of the leathers and into his more regal attire he indulges the city and its people. He has always felt more comfortable in these surroundings.

I am going to I am going to bluff my way for information of the house and where the prisoner is as well as wait to see if the dwarves return with an answer. I will shop for some more arrows.

Gather Information [roll0]

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|[roll3]|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-03, 09:03 AM
After you eat a hearty meal (remember to pay for it) you spent the afternoon apart. Calthoric, you hear rumors of the House of Nord is a not a reputable place, no specifics but something is not right there. You find out that the headmaster was kidnapped and later his body was found. After a Resurrection (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsPtoR.html#resurrection) spell he was brought back to life. He identified a man whom he put out a bounty on. A dwarvin ship recently has found this man and has recently docked.

2007-04-03, 11:43 AM
Coming back to the inn, Calthoric you see the dwarvin captain sitting at one of the tables with a large tankyard of ale. He nods when you come in, as you approach the table he waves his has as if asking you to sit down. "'Ollo, I be 'aving suspicions t'at I 'ave t'e wrong man. I 'ave a moral dilemma, get me gold for me job or find t'e rig't guy. I'm wondering if you are interested in 'elping find out if t'is is a sticky situation. Ye in?"

[OOC: Anyone else could have come in and over heard this conversation]

2007-04-03, 12:14 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia raises an eyebrow at the "you four lads" comment, masking her scowl with a strained smile. "Thank you, Sir, but I'm going to require a room to myself. Not to sound snobbish, but I'm not accustomed to co-ed sleeping quarters. How much for a single room?"

2007-04-03, 12:32 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric joins the captain and listens to his side. "I have heard rumors that the house of Nord is not the most trust worthy of individuals. Are you sure there is in fact a right guy? I as well as my friends I am sure will be willing to help you correct this error. Of course if you could better equip us for the task would be greatly appreciated. If not then of course a share of the purse will be expected. After all we are talking about keeping your well earned name clean." Calthoric motions for the others to join him at the table.

Can you just give me a lump sum of how much to deduct for the entire week or however long we are here for

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-03, 03:11 PM
The innkeeper nods to Rasillia's request, "I understand the need for privacy. Five silver for a room for yourself."

The dwarf frowns at Calthoric, "You want to be a bounty 'unter but you seem confused on the rules. Men do not front a bounty, there are sometimes multiple 'unters after one prey. I will cover your expenses, within reason, if it leads to a new capture or a new pat'."

[ooc: lump sum for the week for the room together 10 gp 5 sp each (Ayr, Finn, Wild) including meals. Chu - 7 gp including meals for room by your self]

2007-04-03, 04:13 PM
[MAP]http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/7233/town001rp7.png (http://imageshack.us)

A group of humans comes into the common room and sits down at the table, they are very noisy. The rest of the party comes back into the common room.

2007-04-03, 08:24 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
After a day or so, Rasellia goes about stocking up on supplies, making up for what she lacked the past week or so.

Gonna look for the following:
1 week trail rations
50' silk rope
Grappling hook

Standard prices?

2007-04-04, 10:14 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Dagger|dmg: 1d4-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Shortbow|dmg: 1d6-1
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]

"Aye, i will pay your fee. It seem's a bit odd that a single room is less expensive than one we have to share, but so be it..." Thorael grudgingly hands over the coin.

Weapon Shoppe:
"You there... sweaty person... Um. They provide excellent bathing facilities over at the Silver Steed, but i Digress.. I am looking to part with this trusty shortbow, and procure a bow of a more elven make. Something in a long bow perhaps? A sturdy blade is in order as well. I think a long sword would work nicely."

General Store:
"...hmmm i suppose this will have to do. Hello there child. Does your mommy work here? Oh... my. I'm sorry halfling. Excellent. Anyway... i've come to Barter. I have some Rope, 100' to be exact, and a sizeable pouch of gold and platnum. I quest for adventuring gear. Can you assist me?"

Magic Shop Vendor:
"Greetings to you Sir. Are you the Proprietor of this fine establishment? I seek possible employment. I'm quite gifted you see in the crafting of magical artifacts, and Alchemical Items. I also have a knack for the daily dole drums of Shop Keeping..."


2007-04-04, 02:32 PM
"Aye, i will pay your fee. It seem's a bit odd that a single room is less expensive than one we have to share, but so be it..." Thorael grudgingly hands over the coin.

"you would be getting a cheaper fare if ye were all staying in one room. The room has a table, a fireplace, and comfy beds. The single bed is all the other room has. The larger room is made for a party of travelers who enjoy the company of each other. Free baths are included in the larger room."

Weapon Shoppe:
"You there... sweaty person... Um. They provide excellent bathing facilities over at the Silver Steed, but i Digress.. I am looking to part with this trusty shortbow, and procure a bow of a more elven make. Something in a long bow perhaps? A sturdy blade is in order as well. I think a long sword would work nicely."

"I'll buy your crappe,"

General Store:
"...hmmm i suppose this will have to do. Hello there child. Does your mommy work here? Oh... my. I'm sorry halfling. Excellent. Anyway... i've come to Barter. I have some Rope, 100' to be exact, and a sizeable pouch of gold and platnum. I quest for adventuring gear. Can you assist me?"

"Sure, what can I get ya?"

Magic Shop Vendor:
"Greetings to you Sir. Are you the Proprietor of this fine establishment? I seek possible employment. I'm quite gifted you see in the crafting of magical artifacts, and Alchemical Items. I also have a knack for the daily dole drums of Shop Keeping..."

The old mage looks at you questionably. "I am not looking for a apprentices, if you look to do research, the red tower of sorcery would be where I would travel. They change 100 gold per day for research rights, If you join their guild, the cost is waved, and depending upon your rank you can have access to restricted books. This shoppe is more for adventures looking for some rings and maybe an enchantment to their sword."

2007-04-04, 04:11 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Dagger|dmg: 1d4-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Shortbow|dmg: 1d6-1
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
The wised wizard finished his business with the weaponsmithy, not finding a bow to his liking (t'wasnt even elvish make), settled on a Crossbow, Longsword of dubious quality (again, not elvish), a dagger and some bolts. In the general store, the halfling Falalia was much more pleasant managing to aquire all of his needs without issue. He was particularly pleased that she had a child sized courtiers outfit that had been pass on by a lesser noble claiming she had used inferior thread. The fit on Gilly was a bit long, but would be tailored up nicely. The mage in the magic shoppe was less accommodating, although a much larger bastion of information. "Master Mage, you misunderstand me. I wish not to apprentice under you, but perhaps craft some scrolls, perhaps some trinkets which you could sell, and we could split the proceeds. Really i'm just looking to put some dialog along with my Profession:Shop Keep roll [ ;) ]. The Red Tower sounds like the place i'll need to start though... Join their guild you say. What can you tell me about such a thing?"


2007-04-04, 06:28 PM
"The red mage's guild, well, they are questing for knowledge to all arcane secrets. They are gate keepers to the magic world, you should go visit, however, they do not favor questions of themselves, just questions of the arcane. I would be happy to supply you with materials if we split the final cost in half, remember it will be your labor."

2007-04-05, 08:12 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
"Aye... have to start somewhere. Traveling North of here, we were beset by Bandits. All, but my trusty Valet and a single backup spell book remained to me. That, and my skill. But i digress, i shall see you in the morning Master Mage. Thank you for the information." Thorael, with Gilly in tow, departs the magic shoppe, and returns to the Inn. Spotting Calthoric and the Dwarf, he motions to the serving wench and then bellows over the din across the room. "Cal my friend, and Capt'n... Gilligan, wasn't it? So good to see you again." The wizard makes his way across the room, and takes a seat next to Calthoric.


2007-04-05, 09:27 AM
The captain smiles as he sees Thorael approach. "It be good to see ye as well, Thorael."

2007-04-05, 09:30 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

"Nay Captain, I do understand how bounty's work though not in the trade. I know you do not have the purse right now which is why I offered two options equip us now, which is prefered, or a part of the purse." Hearing Thoreal Calthoric waves him over. "Thoreal it seems that captain may have made and error and is looking for assistance in correcting it. It seems that after some review he might have the wrong man and would like us to help him find the right one. Though I did a bit of research on the house of Nord and I think there may be a possibility that there is no right culprit. The fine captain has agreed to outfit us to help him with his task, within reason of course."

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-05, 09:37 AM
The dwarf sighs, "I do not 'ave any of the purse to offer ya, without the bounty I be low on funds. Get me some info and I can get ye some coins."

2007-04-05, 09:54 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
"So this is what you and the Captain have been conspiring about. Rasellia will be so relieved. Speaking of... i havent seen her nor Bolvar since we've stopped here at the inn..." Thorael glances over to the barmaid and starts waving and nodding quite impatiently motioning to the empty place setting before him. "Oiy... well I've made a good contact over at the Arcane Botique across the way, although... hmm... i didn't catch his name. Anyway, it appears that i must seek out the Red Wizards, and join their guild for the privilege of researching in their library." In a more hushed tone the mage continues. "Perhaps once i join, i'll be able to bring the Arcane might of the guild to bear in this quest. At least i should be able to divine the truth behind you're victim's..er... booty's guilt or innocence. Do you know anything about these Red Wizards Captain?"


2007-04-05, 11:36 AM
"Yee, I doent mess into the affairs of wizards. I know they be powerful, but again all wizards be powerful."

2007-04-05, 11:48 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric rolls his eyes at the stocky captain's lack of understanding. I know you don't have the purse yet you baffoon. How you became captain of a vessel with such little understanding. I was talking about when you got the purse you bloated potbellied pig. Calthoric quickly flashes a smile and a nod acting as just understanding what the captain is saying. "Well captain your people's are known for making finely crafted weapons and metals perhaps you have some equipment of the like? Maybe even an efficient quiver or something of the like for my compatriots and myself. Items that would allow us to carry more then our usual capacity. Maybe some handy haversacks?"

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-05, 11:57 AM
The captain smirks and shakes his head at Calthoric's body language as if thinking to himself Talk is cheap, do you really think that I am going to give you any thing without proof. The captain sits and contimplates for a few more moments silently, "We will talk again once you find some information. I will return here in three days with some coins and see if you have any information for me."

2007-04-05, 12:03 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]

In the meantime, Rasellia tries her best to make herself useful on some level. She heads to the closes church or missionary she can find, offering up prayers to God, having lacked the time to do so properly for days. Upon finishing her praying, feeling almost rejuvenated, she stands and approaches on of the acolytes, smiling softly. "Greetings there, young Sir. I was hoping you could direct me to this church's diviner; I have important questions I need to ask, and I think only God's assisstance will do the trick."

Hoping for a cleric of the knowledge domain or somesuch.

2007-04-05, 12:14 PM
The acolyte points toward the man in robes kneeling before the alter. As you approach he stands up and smiles. "Oh dear child, how are you? How can I be of assistance?"

2007-04-05, 08:00 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 6 spot[(1d20) = 8[/table]

Bolvar follows the group to the inn, but from there becomes seperated. He has never been in a town so large before, and quickly becomes lost. He spends the rest of the day wondering from place to place taking in the sights of the city. Eventually he grows borde of wondering around and stops at a bar, any bar that he happens to be near. "Barkeep, your bring cheapest ale or mead, whatever its called. Bring lots of it, and keep it coming." Bolvar then spends the rest of the evening drinking and absorbing the city life around him. When its late in the night, Bolvar stumbles out of the bar and luckily back to the inn in a drunken haze.

How much will a night of drinking cost?

2007-04-05, 10:53 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Meal consumed, business concluded, Thorael leaves two copper on the table. "Service was... adequate." Standing to leave, Thorael looks over to Calthoric and nods, then turns his attention to the dwarf. "Three days should be plenty. I shan't be surprised if we have the true culprit and any accomplice in our sights by then. I yearn for our next meeting nearly as much as my gold purse. Until then Captain..." Thorael bows slightly, motions to Gilly and Calthoric, departs the table, and exits the Inn. Once again outside, the shadows are getting long. Naught but a few more hours of daylight. Where in the blazes have those other two gotten off to. Pausing but a moment to see if Calthoric is indeed coming along, the wizards walks with a purpose. Destination... The Red Tower.

2007-04-06, 08:28 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric nods to the captain and stands with Thoreal. "Three days then captain. I will have what information is to be had in this city by then. I will accompany you Thoreal to the mage towers as it is as good of a place to start as any. Have you seen Rasillia and Bolvar? It would be useful to not split up in a city this large."

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-06, 08:47 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
"Although i am throughly mortified of the prospect of Rasellia wandering around the city with our... little friend, i fear there's not much we can do. I only hope she can see the wisdom in my words. Bolvar can definitely take care of himself, and they both know where we're staying." Thorael begins to walk "I had considered sending Gilly here out to search for one, both, either, but i fear that this city is not nearly enlightened enough on the higher purpose of goblins, and really do fear for his safety when alone. Ah... it seems our destination is drawing close. " The wizard pauses amoment, and points to the Red Tower they approach.


2007-04-06, 10:10 AM
[ooc: the conversation with the dwarf occurred near the end of the day. I am going to move you a head to the next morning.]

Calthoric and Thoreal meet for a quick breakfast in the morning waiting for the rest of the party to join them. Bolvar finally stumbles down the stairs still drunk from the night before (1 gold for a night of drinking). You bang on Rasillia's door (however, she rose before you did to go to the temple). The three of you with Gilly in tow head off to the Red Tower. You follow the main road past the market place to the garden district and there rising out of the gardens is a blood red tower. As you approach you see guards cloaked in red armor with red swords standing at the door way. A mage, also in red, stands in the door way with a book. You see a man walk up to the mage exchange some coins and then enter the tower. You approach the mage looks to you and says."Greetings travelers, come to take the tour of the Red tower or are you a fellow colleague come to do research? The charge is 10 gold for a tour of the history of magic and 100 gold for a day of research. Please declare any magic items you are holding. If you are a mage come for research please demonstrate a cantrip."

2007-04-06, 10:30 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Thorael turns about slightly confused as the sun shifts from one side of the sky to the other. Regaining his composure he looks at the guard mage. "I am Thorael, and these are my minions, my guardians.. Well i suppose companions would be a better term, and i am indeed a mage here to do some research. I understand that the Research fee is waived for members. Judging by my recent luck with bandits, i believe the protection of a Guild could be just what the shaman ordered. Are you recruiting, and if so... what can one of my skill expect from such membership, and what would the guild expect from me?"


2007-04-06, 10:49 AM
The wizard with the book sighs, "So...you wish to seek membership with the guild. You will have to speak with recruiter Parcels, he can be found afternoons through the south tower entrance, you are at the north entrance. He will tell you what the guild is looking for and possible positions that you could apply for. There is a membership quest and a few years of classes before you can teach, depending upon your given abilities. If you have a certian area of intrest, maybe I can point you in the direction of a Wizard to aprentace under during your training. I am guessing that you are more intrested in feild work, given your company, than library research."

2007-04-06, 12:02 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Giving a short bow of her head in reverence to the priest, she opens her palms in greeting. "I'm sorry to disturb your prayers, Father, but I have a matter of great importance... and the longer it's unaddressed, the longer that this city is in grave danger. Are you able to divine abilities and origins of artifacts? And if so, I humbly beseech you for your help..."

2007-04-06, 12:46 PM
"Child, what artifact will you have me look at, I am skilled in lore and have access to old texts."

2007-04-06, 01:21 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
The half-elf glances at the pouch she keeps Solace in, hidden beneath her cloak. He can help us. Should I tell him?

2007-04-06, 01:41 PM
In less I touch him I will not be able to sense his motivates. If they are bad, that might create a hard situation for you. Careful, no one knows who might be able to hear our thoughts.

The priest frowns at the long silence.

2007-04-06, 02:17 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
"Excellent, Excellent...until the afternoon then. Perhaps we should take the tour while we wait. Friends?" Turning back to the mage. "You wouldn't have a Family or group discount would you?"


2007-04-06, 02:39 PM
The man scowls, "We do not offer a group discount or children without exceptional abilities enter. Do not touch anything," and then he looks at Gilly, "do not put anything in your mouth and enjoy your tour." The man takes 10 gold from each of you (including Gilly) and then lets you enter.

As you enter the tower and your eyes are taken in by the shear beauty of the place. There are tapestries of brilliant colors, artifacts displayed and all sorts of things you have no idea what they are. You see the entrence to the library a head with a similar wizard and guards surrounding the entrance. As you enter you hear a soft voice as see an Imp wearing a sliver collar, he smiles and says "Wellecome, I be ye tour guide on your journey through the ages of Magic. Our first stop will be the unenlightened time...." The imp drones on and on about this time in a squeaky voice.

You pass on through several other times and then you come to the Dark Age. The imp drones on about this age, Thoreal seems to be enthralled by this tour but the shear vast amount of information being conveyed by the Imp is overwhelming. Then something catches your attention on the next tapestry it is a sword with a handle with a star on it. The Imp continues its tirade "The Sword of Ages was reforged during this time to fight Vargul's armies to end the Dark Ages. The Sword was though to be destroyed or part of myth until this last year when the Pommel was found. It has now been cleaned up and on display..." You see the pommel of the sword suspended in the air next to the tapestry. The Imp moves on to the next piece of history....

2007-04-06, 03:29 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
She squirms, hesitantly drawing out the rod. She presents it, moreso to look at than to touch for now, still holding it with both hands. "Do you recognize this at all, Father...?"

Sense motive: [roll0]

2007-04-06, 03:31 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12
Calthoric stares at the pommel for some time. Noticing that the imp is about to move to another topic he quickly lifts a hands to straiten his hair. Taking out a copper piece he throws it at the pommel and calls the imp over "Master Guide can you tell me more of this sword. You said it was reforged to fight Valad's army or some such. Who is this Valad? Also if it was reforged then why is there only a piece here."

Throw copper piece [roll0] +6 range - 4 unfamiliar weapon +2 all day
Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-06, 07:52 PM
She squirms, hesitantly drawing out the rod. She presents it, moreso to look at than to touch for now, still holding it with both hands. "Do you recognize this at all, Father...?"
Sense motive: [20]

"Ahh...oh...tis something of power yes? I think that you should allow the Decon to examine. Let me bring it to him." Chu, you get the feeling that he is uncomfortable with you having this item (I.e., he would prefer that he take it from you). You then hear the sound of an alarm outside.

Calthoric stares at the pommel for some time. Noticing that the imp is about to move to another topic he quickly lifts a hands to straiten his hair. Taking out a copper piece he throws it at the pommel and calls the imp over "Master Guide can you tell me more of this sword. You said it was reforged to fight Valad's army or some such. Who is this Valad? Also if it was reforged then why is there only a piece here."

Throw copper piece [17] +6 range - 4 unfamiliar weapon +2 all day

The copper piece files out of Calthorics hand and hits against the pillar you cannot see if it hit the Pommel. Your ears fill with a defining noise and then a green smoke fills the room (Fort Save DC 20 if fail unconscious (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#unconscious)). The imp says "Oh f....." Before it falls to the ground unconscious.

2007-04-06, 07:56 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia starts to reply before the alarm sounds. She clutches the rod, turning in the direction of the sound. "..What's that?"

2007-04-07, 10:43 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Gilly hits the floor before the coin even strikes the invisible pillar surrounding the Pommel. In almost cartoon-esq fasion, Thoreal glares at Calthoric, shakes his head, and crumples in a heap beside his ever faithful valet.


2007-04-07, 12:10 PM
Rasellia starts to reply before the alarm sounds. She clutches the rod, turning in the direction of the sound. "..What's that?"

The priest shakes his head, "It might be trouble at the Red Tower, nothing to worry about, it happens quite often these days. Now where were we? You were going to give me this rod to take to the Decon."

2007-04-07, 01:51 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia shakes her head as she lowers her physical defenses, turning back to the priest. She gives a soft smile, putting Solace back in her pouch. "How about we go see him together?"

2007-04-07, 02:06 PM
The priest shakes his head, "This object might be dangerous, it might be safer if I hold it. I have been trained in handling objects like this. Please trust me."

2007-04-07, 02:18 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
She shakes her head once more. "I'm sorry, Father, but I must, and will stay with this rod. I have been charged with a duty, and I'm bound to fulfill it."

2007-04-07, 05:34 PM
"I understand child, we can go together if you wish. I must gather some books that he requested and we can be off shortly. Just have a seat while acolyte gathers my stuff." He walks over to the acolyte and speaks softly to him.

Listen Check DC 25 to hear"Hurry and tell the Decon that I have something coming that could be of great value and power. There are complications through."

The acolyte nods and runs off. The Priest slowly gathers his books and spending time checking to flip through several books before slowly depositing them in his bag.

2007-04-09, 07:56 AM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]

Rasellia gives a nodding bow, waiting for the priest to gather his things. She keeps her swordhand on the pouch in which Solace rests, unable to shake an uneasy feeling. "Thank you, Father. I'm ready whenever you are." She remains standing.

2007-04-09, 08:14 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3[roll0] | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric struggles to stay awake and gives a weak grin to Thoreal before passing out.

ugghhhhhh one measly lil point :)

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-09, 09:24 AM
Rasellia gives a nodding bow, waiting for the priest to gather his things. She keeps her swordhand on the pouch in which Solace rests, unable to shake an uneasy feeling. "Thank you, Father. I'm ready whenever you are." She remains standing.

The Priest leads you outside you start heading in the direction of the alarm. You can see a large Red Tower looming a head.

I am going to wait for Finn to post, things could be occurring at the same time.

2007-04-09, 05:27 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 18 spot[(1d20) = 1[/table]

Bolvar is still wondering around the town when he hears the alarm ringing. "What is that blasted racket? Didn't the elf say he was going that way? I bet that goblin put some priceless artifact in its mouth." Bolvar heads out for the tower.

2007-04-10, 09:18 AM
As Bolvar comes up upon the Red Tower he sees Rasellia following a priest. He decided to try to catch up to see he she knows what is occurring. As the two of you come closer to the tower, you see a side door open and six guards carrying what look to be bodies out into the alley way. They drop the bodies in a heap. You can hear loudly a small flying creature shouting, "That one was flipping a coin and it got a way from him setting off the alarm. I am done with these tours, twice this week and its not mid week yet." The guards enter back into the tower and you come up upon the three bodies drenched in water starting to wake up, they are your three companions. Bolvar catches up with Rasellia as she comes upon the bodies. The Priest says, "Child, let us not waist our time with idiots who are up to no good."

Any money you were carrying has been taken. Figure out how much money your character would have taken. I assume that some was left at the Inn with the majority of your equipment.

2007-04-10, 12:29 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]

Rasellia gapes as the corpses (?) of her comrades (?) are dumped before her. Before she has a chance to enquire, the guards are gone. Hurriedly, she kneels down next to their crumpled bodies, checking their pulses to see if they still live.

Heal check: Taking 10, so that's 12... I think that's enough to check someone's pulse :P

Giving a grunt as she discovers they are, indeed, still alive, she straightens up as the priest comes over. "Unfortunately, Father, these two are my companions. It wouldn't do to leave them out here like this, though sometimes I wish..." Thinking for a moment of who had slighted her more, she gives...

Evens - Calthoric
Odds - Thorael

Calthoric a swift kick in the ribs. "What in the hells did you two get yourselves into? I leave you for an hour, and already you're stirring up trouble, I swear..."

2007-04-10, 03:55 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Thorael groans and then stretches. Standing up, he rubs his back side. "Of all the..." Noticing they are not alone, he quickly begins to dust himself of. "MON PETITE CHIENNE" With the casting of his cantrip, the mage's robes begin to clean themselves. "Misunderstanding really. The wandering northern tribes of Ocalla have a tradition of throwing coin to highly entertaining troubadours that are preforming. A Form of... gratuity if you will. Our mentally challenged friend here, got a little too excited at all of the great knowledge being bestowed upon him, that i feel he got a little too "into" the moment." Thorael turns to Calthoric. "Bad Cal! Bad... you do not throw copper, silver, gold, platinum or electrum pieces at fine bits of art. In Fact, you dont throw anything at anything unless it's actively trying to kill you. Regardless of how entertaining you find them, or the narrator! You had better pray to which ever aspect of the god you deem appropriate that this little...scene, has no impact on my ability to gain membership in the guild." Thorael glares a moment at the nobleman, and then turns his attention back to Rasellia. "noticing" her associate, he feigns surprise "Oh... hello"


2007-04-10, 05:54 PM
[MAP]http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/776/town002amj0.png (http://imageshack.us)

The Priest shakes his head and then asks, "Child, you know these men? We should not delay, I am sure your friends have better things to do with their time then our errand."

2007-04-11, 07:49 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric groggily stands up and dusts himself off. As his senses return he quickly pulls a comb from its pocket and straitens his hair. He pays little attention and gives no acknowledgment to Thoreal's explination of events. Calthorics expression suddenly goes wide and begins to pat himself down as if searching all his belongings. Sighing when he finds his weapons and pack are still with him then growling harshly. "Those sonsof.....You bastards took my money pouch! Honorable mages my arse.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-11, 08:28 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Thorael almost grins. "Not so sure what gave you the idea all Mages were honorable. That is far from the case. As for the remainder of our day, it seems that our existing plans have been cut short. I can think of nothing i'd rather do than to accompany Rasellia on her important errand."

2007-04-11, 08:42 AM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
She breathes an inward sigh of relief; the priest's assertive insistance that he take the rod from her had made her a bit uneasy, but there was safety in numbers... right? "I'd be glad to have you two come along... provided you don't do anything to get yourselves in trouble. Are either of you hurt?"

2007-04-11, 09:18 AM
The priests face darkens as Rasellia invites the other members of the party along. "Child, I do not think that we should concern your friends with priestly matters and lost items of the church. Let us go alone so that we can continue our discussion in private."

[Chu]This was a suggestion. will save DC 15 to not comply. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/suggestion.htm)

2007-04-11, 09:23 AM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Will save (DC 15): [roll0]


2007-04-11, 09:39 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

"No I do not think either of us are hurt. It was merely some kind of cloud that rendered us unconscious. I can think of a few things that need to be done but none as important as what you doing.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-11, 11:55 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
"Now now reverend. There's no need to be so hasty. We're all God fearin Folk. That was a fair and reasonable suggestion. Good implementation of a less than dependable spell. I've never had the knack for enchantments and the like. You should know that Rasellia claims elven heritage, and if true, she will be exceptionally hard to control. I wasn't aware that your god gave you the ability to wield such arcane power. You sure this really is a Priestly Matter??" Thorael herds gilly behind him with a subtle hand motion, like a mother protecting a child.

Regardless "who" cast the spell, the priest was the one giving the suggestion, so thats the premis im working off of...

2007-04-11, 01:30 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 15 spot[(1d20) = 2[/table]

Bolvar's eyes widen as Thorael explains the spell. Bolvar hand then starts to stray towards his sword. He growls mencingly. "Magic being used to corrupt people eh? We should just kill him to make sure he can't do that kind of stuff anymore."

Intimidate check: 5+1 = 6

2007-04-11, 02:30 PM
"Your threats do not scare me big man. Come on child, we should go." With that he gently places his hand on Rasellia's arm.


2007-04-11, 04:30 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia furrows her brows at the brewing hostilities, the priest's words putting her fears to rest, but her comrades' insisting that they come making her feel uneasy all over again. "Actually Father... I don't think it' a good idea for us to do this today... I don't want you nor I to bear any ill will with my friends here..." She pulls her arm away and backs up. Turning to the others, she glares. "Do NOT threaten a man of the cloth, Bolvar, or else you'll regret it!"

2007-04-11, 11:01 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 1 spot[(1d20) = 3[/table]

Bolvar glares at the priest and whispers quietly to the party. "I will take him, you two make sure she does not do something she will regret later."

2007-04-12, 08:40 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
"No need to resort to violence yet Bolvar. Worst case, this is a job for the guards. I know, Rasellia, you would NEVER harm Blovar for trying to protect you, but it shouldn't have to get that far." Turning his head slightly to address the group, but never breaking eye contact with Rasellia. "I simply need to dispel the Magic placed upon her by the Malignant Abbot there. Rasellia, will you accept my spell casting?" Thorael raises his hands, preparing to cast a spell...

Ready to cast Message, if she agrees...
The bluff is to feign Dispel Magic
(+ circumstance for really casting a spell or Active Prestidigitation)??


2007-04-12, 08:52 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

"Well is this not a fine pickle barrel we find ourselves in. I am sure if we all settle a little bit we can come to some agreement. Why force what we are probably willing to do if you explain a little clearer to use what it is you wish" Calthoric removes his bow from his back and leans on it.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-12, 09:11 AM
[MAP]http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/3522/town002abr5.png (http://imageshack.us)

"You are up to something mage, I do not trust you. Why cast a spell at your friend. Why is there something wrong with her wanting to let us examine an artifact from the early church." Turning now to Rasellia he says, "Let us go child, there is nothing here for us." He starts to walk away with Rasellia in tow [move to P5].



2007-04-12, 11:09 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
"Fair enough Pontiff, i will stay my spell. If you don't trust me yet Rasellia, then trust in your God. Detect Magic on your own. You'll see the Aura of Enchantment upon you."

Ready - Cast Message after Rasellia Reacts

2007-04-12, 12:58 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 15/13/12 | Leather Armor
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:55
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

"Ah the mystical thing called trust, easily lost but hard to gain. You are correct in stating there is nothing here for us, so come patron of the cloth let us go and investigate and hopefully find the answers we seek.

Move to O3

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-12, 08:44 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
She sneers at Thorael's (non-magical) suggestion. Figures, he seems the type to always need precious proof for his hypotheses. "Fine, I'll prove the three of you wrong and do just that, Thorael. Then we can put this charade to rest."

Casting Detect Magic

2007-04-12, 11:45 PM
Rasellia, you notice that you are glowing with a faint aura. Another faint aura is coming from the Priests hand.

2007-04-13, 02:57 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 10 spot[(1d20) = 13[/table]

Bolvar movse up to join Thorael. Again, Bolvar whispers in hopes of not having Rasellia overhearing him. "Is it violence time yet? Also, if I knock the priest out, will the spell go away?"

2007-04-13, 04:21 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia continues to concentrate, trying not to pay too much attention to the whispering Bolvar.

Listen check: [roll0]
Spellcraft check to determine auras on the 3rd round:
Aura on Rasellia: [roll1]
Aura on priest's hand: [roll2]

2007-04-13, 09:28 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Relieved that she actually is entertaining his notion, Thorael glances at bolvar and shakes his head no. Casting his spell M'ENTENDRE MES AMI Covering his mouth with his right hand, he points at Rasellia and wispers.

"Continue to concentrate, my spell will allow us to speak without being heard.

Keeping his hand over his mouth he lowers his left slightly, pointing at the pouch containing Solace again the mage wispers

"If you have anyway to break that enchantment on her, nows the time to do it. Especially since we may have found your Pommel"


2007-04-13, 10:41 PM
A wisper comes back to Thoreal, "If I do, I risk exposure. Even know as I speak to you there is the fear that I will be noticed. It tis good news that you have found my Pommel, for that can sheild my presence from others. I hope that your spell will shield my communications. Bring the pommel to me quickly."

The Priest changes direction and heads south (to P11) as Cal blocks his path. Rasellia still following in tow. "You do not scare me. We can find another way. Come along child, do not listen to these dirty men. We have important matters today."

[Chu another suggestion:Will Save 15 to not comply]

2007-04-14, 06:38 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Thorael points to the Group, including Solace and wispers. "Found, not have. These men are rather dirty. Luckly i'm an Elf. You don't need to take Solace to discuss him privately. Toss him to me before anything else goes wrong..."

2007-04-14, 10:33 AM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Will save (DC 15): [roll0]

Her eyebrows raise as she backs up from the preistly-clad man. "Y-you ARE trying to possess me! I can't... a Keeper of the Word, too!" She looks more hurt and confused than anything. "I..." She looks to her comrades, but doesn't turn her back on the priest. "I'm sorry guys, let's go... I don't care where, but anywhere but here..."

2007-04-15, 11:45 AM
Updated Map
http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/3230/town002aon6.png (http://imageshack.us)

2007-04-16, 08:17 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric sighing visibly at the situation continues to follow the priest and Rasillia. Damed if you do and damned if you dont....

Moves to Q11 which will provoke an attack of opportunity from the priest

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-16, 09:01 AM
As Calthoric moves closer and enters into the priest's personal space, the priest reacts by pushing Calthoric back a little [AoO] [roll0]. The attack was more of a slap, akin to one you would see on a playground, to show the thief where he boundaries were (no damage). "Stay away from us you filthy bastard. We have nothing that you need."

2007-04-16, 12:58 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Seeing the torment and indecision in Rasellia's eyes, and both Calthoric and Bolvar's need for action, Thorael attempts one last time to reason with the chosen of god. "Again, friar, i point out the limits to enchantments of that nature...observe" Turning to Rasellia, he continues.

"Rasellia, if you wish to go with him alone, that is fine. We only fear for your safety, but you're a big girl and can make your own decisions. If you deem it safe, enchantment or no then so be it... We have, however, some very important additional information that may apply to those discussions. Since the priest didn't say you need to go right now, surely you can give us 5 minutes of your time before you go... you can then decide if this new information is worth sharing with the priest. 5 Minutes?"


2007-04-16, 02:41 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 2 spot[(1d20) = 6[/table]

When the priest slaps away Calthoric, Bolvar fully draws his sword. The only thing stopping him from attacking the priest is the fact that Thorael told him to wait twice. "Watch it priest. You are on thin ice."

2007-04-16, 03:00 PM
"Oh small words from a big man. How dare you think to attack an unarmed priest in broad daylight. You should put that sword down before you get any dumber." You can see that some people seem to be scattering and others watch what is occurring but try to mask their selective attention.

2007-04-16, 03:47 PM
Next Round
[MAP]http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/4462/town002auc2.png (http://imageshack.us)

The Priest shakes points his finger at Bolvar and says "Vongle, su, natu, DROP" Bolvar feels a desire to drop his sword to the ground (Will save to not drop your sword DC 12 as the priest Commanded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/command.htm) you to).

2007-04-16, 06:56 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
"Bolvar! Stop this madness! I've watched your back in combat before, so trust me when I say that violence is NOT the answer!" She turns to the priest, frowning. "Father, whether or not you've placed a spell on me, I DO wish to go with you to learn more of this matter. However, if what my learned friend here says is true, then this knowledge my become needless. What did you find, Thorael?"

OOC note: She's no longer being held by the priest, correct?

2007-04-16, 07:46 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 14 spot[(1d20) = 13[/table]

Bolvar drops his sword, and his eyes go wide. His face turns pail, and his mouth gapes like a fish out of water. "Know this priest, you still draw breath because these people advocate peace."

Will save: 1d20 = 3 +1 = 4;

2007-04-16, 09:53 PM
"Big man, there is no need to draw swords, I use magic to defend myself from the attacks of those with small minds who resort to violence like you. For you loose nothing but face from dropping your sword, you remain unharmed. Thoreal, I too would be interested in what knowledge you have to share with us."

2007-04-16, 10:13 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
"I'm sure Rasellia will overlook the slight you just spoke against her, but as i mentioned. The information is for Rasellia... and Rasellia alone. If she chooses to share this with you against the council of her friends, then so be it. We will be just over here. Bolvar... please pick up your sword, and come with us. I need someone to watch my back. If he moves... i'll need to know. Calthoric??" Thoreal turns his back, and moves roughly 20 feet toward the tower
Move - Move to G8, Move Gilly to G7{table="width=100%"]Spot|[roll0]|Listen|[roll1][/table]oohh... nice look at those rolls

2007-04-16, 10:27 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia shakes her head. "Thorael, if there's going to be trust, it's going to have to be two-ways. Whatever you say to me can be heard by any servant of God, because He is who I ultimately serve. It would make little difference whether the Father were here or not.

2007-04-17, 07:16 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
The mages stops. Looks at the ground. Sighs. Shakes his head, and looks back to Rasellia, visibly getting impatient. "RASellia... trust is not freely givien it is earned. You cannot trust what lies in mens hearts simply by the post they hold or the clothes they wear. Actually, you can. I cannot. The priest would do well toward earning that trust by giving me my 5 minutes...

2007-04-17, 08:46 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric looks between the priest and Thoreal. Hearing Thoreal call his name he gives a nod of recognition but remains until Rasellia is allowed to comply by the priest.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-17, 08:50 AM
The Priest frowns at the suggestion that Rasellia talks alone with this group. He sighs and shakes his head and opens his mouth to say something but then closes it and scowls.

2007-04-17, 08:37 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
She looks at the priest, a helpless expression on her face. "These non-believers won't listen... but I don't want this to come to blows... would it be that objectionable if I went and had a consultation with them?"

2007-04-17, 09:35 PM
"Child, only you can decide what you must do. I will not lay a hand upon your so called friends; however, they might not have the same restraint. Do what you must, but remember your true loyalty and who you can trust."

2007-04-17, 09:40 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia sighs a breath of relief, laying a hand gently on the priest's shoulder. "Thank you, Father, I won't be but a moment. And I apologize on behalf of my friends here for the... unpleasantries..." She turns and gestures to Thorael, as if to say "Whereto?"

2007-04-18, 02:38 AM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 13 spot[(1d20) = 13[/table]

Bolvar picks up his sword and places it back to its scabbard. He says nothing as a peaceful resolution is reached, but continues to smolder with rage towards the priest. He finally turns his back to the priest and looks at the group. He says nothing, but still looks very wound up.

2007-04-18, 08:12 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric Follows Rasellia over to the rest of the group leaving the priest behind. He stows his bow back into is locking strap on his back and thumbs his short sword. "Well this is an interesting turn of events." Calthoric says with a lopsided grin.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-18, 08:59 AM
The Priest crosses his arms in defiance of Rasellia's choice. He is still frowning and continues to shake his head.

2007-04-18, 01:29 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
The half-elf approaches the rest of the party, arms crossed as well. "I hope you weren't just bluffing, Thorael... doing what you and the others have done is in violation of so many laws, sectarian, spiritual, AND personal..."

2007-04-18, 10:57 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]

0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Raising an eyebrow, the mage looked befuddled for just a moment. "We violated what...laws..wha??" Shaking his head the stumbles "Nevermind, you know... i don't even want to know." He glances over rasellia's shoulder to take in the deminour and stance of the priest. "Here will be fine, we're out of ear shot, and no... i wasn't just bluffing." Thorael gives her a scandalous glare. He then glances at each of the companions in turn, before settling on the chosen of god. "I... I cannot break the enchantment the priest has lain upon you. I have not prepared the appropriate magics. You are in danger. While not a truely evil act, corupting and removing free will... isn't good. You're overwhelming desire to accompany this priest to discuss solace in private is the work of magic, *not* faith, and while i cannot prevent you from going i can offer advice. Advice from one ...from many who would call you friend if you would but let us. Faith is pure. Men.. are not. I do not question your faith. I do not question the faith itself. I do question the intentions of this priest. His willingness, his... eagerness... to strip you of your will concerns me greatly. You are in danger. You should be on your highest guard when you inevitably follow him, and have your private discussions. We will let you go, but i cannot promise for how long the conversation will remain... private. With that being said... Solace ask but one thing from us. Do not expose him. Against My council... against solace's request, and without regard to his safety or that of... existence (if his tale is to be believed) you showed him to this priest. I do no know where this abbot intends on taking you, but do not put us, solace or anyone else in further danger by taking the rod with you. Your urge, and desire to discuss him can be satisfied with out solace present. Know that through my whisper spell he was able to convey to me his fear, and that he cannot communicate with you mentally without removing his protections. Spoken word was impossible with the priest so near at anything more than a wisper. Allow me to protect him, and shield him. Please help me undo the damage that has already been done, and you have my word... if it is agreeable to Solace i will return him to you when you have completed your discussions, and are back to your old self... let me protect him, give him to me... and as for my information, we've located the next piece"


2007-04-18, 11:48 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia blinks at the mage's - exceedingly rare - apparent genuinity. She pauses for a moment, considering his words. "Another piece, you say... that might grant Solace more powers, or more clues as to what it can do... hmm..." Changing tracks with her train of thought for a moment, she eyes Thorael good and hard. "As for the idea of friendship... from the moment I healed your servant up until now, you've done little but insult my abilities while doing little constructive work yourself. My actions might not have been agreeable with you since we've met, but they were certainly nothing to warrant your scorn. You've given me no reason to trust you, other than you haven't physically stabbed me in the back." She sighs irritably and looks back at the priest. "Admittedly, I find the Father's insistance on me travelling with him alone is unsettling... yet he's done nothing more than call you names. Does that treatment sound familiar, Thorael? Perhaps if my friends hadn't made such a spectacle of themselves, he would be more open to discussion. What were you doing that got you thrown on your faces like a bunch of children, anyway?"

2007-04-19, 12:31 AM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 9 spot[(1d20) = 13[/table]

Bolvar looks at the priest, and then at Rasellia. "Anyone that uses magic to force someone into doing something they would not do is evil. It's no different then using a sword or knife to enforce your way. It was the priest that first used magic to control you." Bolvar gestures at Calthoric and Thorael. "I will not speak for them, but I was simply trying to protect you."

2007-04-19, 07:50 AM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Thorael nods in agreement with Bolvar. "Concern for all our safety, Solace included is the primary driving force here. As to why we found ourselves tossed into an alley, well its a lengthy and quite humerous tale for another time. Right now, our peril is far too perilous. Trust is not Respect. Respect is not friendship. Each of these are foundations that the others are built upon. Not stabbing you in the back is a very trustworthy thing. Genuine truth and frank honesty... none of my words have been false. Both trustworthy things. I apologize if your abilities fail to impress me, but i equate your asking for the power to heal to Bolvar asking his father to slay the big bad orc for him. I would be grateful for both, but neither really garner much respect. Respect for his father...sure. Respect for your god, of course. It's because you don't do it yourself that i can also understand your inability to comprehend the focus and dedication it takes to wield the mysteries of the universe. To see that which I've done. Its no matter, it should come in time. Friendship... well i can understand why you humans would rush such a thing, but it needs time to grow. It needs a solid foundation. Again, this is not really the time to discuss such philosophical things. The peril after all. This is the second time you've risked our safety by confiding in complete strangers. And do no tell me of his faith or his garb. They do not make the man. I do not think these actions were malicious, but i do deem them fool hardy. I do not, however, think that this time will end as pleasantly as the dwarves did. Do not chance it. Do not risk the safety of Solace and of all these people by taking him with you. Leave him with us. Leave him with me, and we will keep him safe..."


2007-04-19, 08:48 AM
The priest stands back moving back and forth almost hoping to hear what you are whispering between yourselves. "Child, you almost done over there, we do not want to keep the deacon waiting, he will be interested in what you have to show him."

2007-04-19, 11:46 AM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
The half-elf narrows her eyes in preparation to respond, but is interrupted by the priest. Turning to him, she nods. "Yes Father, just a moment." Turning back to the group, she gives a stiff nod. "I'll be at the inn when this is over. Whether or not you want to meet me there is up to you." She turns on her heel and heads back over to the priest. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

2007-04-19, 12:01 PM
The priest nods to Thoreal as Rasellia joins him and they start to walk north. "Child, you really should find some more holy company, you never know what the sewer brings in. I would hate for you to loose your faith. Remember the teachings, tis easier to loose one's faith than it is to gain it in the first place. The world can be a dark place."

2007-04-19, 12:05 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

"You hope to return to the Inn when this is over you mean." Calthoric watches as Rasellia and the priest walk off. When he is sure they are out of ear shot he turns back to the group. "We do not know the intentions of the cloth in this town but to be on the safe I think it is wise to not let them have two pieces of Solace. The coin that i tossed at the pommel was a test of the security measures in place. I believe if I can gain access to the mage tower I should be able 'borrow' the pommel to insure its safety. Do either of you think you will be able to assist me in gaining access? I have no more money as the damn thieves took my gold so I can not purchase another tour. If we hurry we also might be able to get there before the trap resets saving me from having to disable it."

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-19, 12:06 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
She follows, but frowns. "Unfaithful they may be, Father, but they're still my comrades. They may get themselves in trouble sometimes, but I still garner respect for them..."

2007-04-19, 02:05 PM
Thorael stands there with his mouth agape. Looking from Bolvar to Cal, he just shakes his head. Placing a hand on Clathoric, the mage mutters some arcane words, and the Nobleman disappears. "I'm not sure why you're bothering, but you have 7 minutes." Walking away, he wispers to the group. "Protect her Solace... Protect her and protect yourself. She will not be able to resist them without your help. Pray to whom ever you deem fit that we can survive the coming storm"

Gah this sites been brutal last few days. Thorael will head to the Magic shoppe to perform his Profession:Shop Keep duties, and then return to the red tower in the late afternoon to seek admittance.

2007-04-19, 02:35 PM
Rasellia and the Priest continue weaving through streets, Rasellia begins to seem confused as to where they are going, the route seems almost random and she soon is not sure if she could retrace her steps. They finally come to a warehouse and the priest knocks upon the door several times in a almost musical beat. A loud bang is heard and then a acolyte opens the door. The room is large filled with boxes and other assorted common goods. A priest in ornate robes stands in the center of the room and 6 acolytes stand near the door. As Rasellia enters, an acolyte slams shut the door and latches it. The Head priest smiles as Rasellia enters and says, "Child, you must be tired, you are among friends here, feel free to take off your armor and lay down your blade. A warm bath has been prepared for you in the next room." He points to a small adorning room with a curtain drawn. There is a large feast set out on the table next to the room. "We know you must be tired searching for ancient church relics. We have prepared food for you to eat. Come rest, you must be weary. Take your bath and then we will eat. An acolyte can shine your weapons and armor. I do look forward to seen this church relic"

[OOC: map will be a little late in coming - tomorrow]

2007-04-19, 02:47 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric watches the disinterested Thoreal turn and walk away with a surprised look though none could see through his apparent invisibility. Quickly he moves to the enterance of the mage tower and waits for another tour to begin. He follows the tour until once again reaching the pommel and quickly goes to work on disabling the trap. When he is sure it is sufficiently disabled grabs the pommel quickly tucking it under his clothing.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13
Disable Device|[roll0]|Open Lock|[roll0][/table]

2007-04-19, 02:56 PM
Another tour soon begins, and the tour takes the group through many of the same areas. Coming to the pummel, Calthoric just barely bypasses the trap and grabs the pummel. Nothing happens when he takes the pummel. However, he realizes that the spell might run out before he can safely escape. The group has moved on a head and he can hear a tour coming with the Imp starting to talk about the sword and how the pummel was found.

2007-04-19, 06:45 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 6 spot[(1d20) = 2[/table]

Bolvar seems confused on why Calthoric suddenly disappears. He says nothing when it happens, he just shakes his head. Bolvar treks off to the inn for a lack of anything better to do in the bustling city.

2007-04-19, 08:48 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Before being led into the warehouse, Rasellia stays her ground and shakes her head, sword hand resting on Solace's pouch. "I can't help but question our venue, Father; why a warehouse? And why so far from the church? I trust you, Father, but you make it difficult..."

She wouldn't just let herself be drawn into some seedy warehouse, alarm bells are ringing more than ever :P

2007-04-20, 10:04 AM
"Child, this is where the father works. Often dangerous items come into our hands for cataloging. We take every precaution possible. Would you rather have the large church destroyed because he found a switch on an item that sparked an explosion. We would rather have that happen where he could not harm anyone else."

[Sense motive DC:20]

[Warehouse MAP]http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/2327/town003asd1.png (http://imageshack.us)

2007-04-20, 12:29 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric proud of his accomplishment realizes that he is running out of time. Hearing the upcoming group he quickly rushes to meet with them, breathing a sigh of relief that he does not recognize the imp escort. Calthoric moves to the back of the group. Satisfied no one is looking he intentionally bumps into another tour member breaking his invisibility spell. Ruffling out his cloths he looks to the tour member with an apologetic look. "Oh excuse me, There is so much to see that I was not watching where I was going. Calthoric whispers to the man as he flashes a charming lopsided grin and lets out a slight chuckle. "This tour is amazing don't you think? I will have to take it again as I am certain I missed something." Calthoric then turns to the imp breaking the man's personal space as if trying to get closer to it, seemingly enthralled with the creatures every word.

attack roll [roll0]

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+13
Disable Device|1d20+11|Open Lock|1d20+13[/table]

2007-04-20, 01:28 PM
[Tower Map]
http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/3982/tower001afl4.png (http://imageshack.us)

The imp looks started as it looks over now four group members. "Nowith, whereit, wasit, Iith...Oh yesith, The Sword of Ages, this legionary sword was considered to be myth until this pummel was discovered in the mountains earlier this year..." "Umm..there is nothing there." "What..."

AC:IMP AC 20 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 15, flat-footed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#flatFooted) 17 (hp 13) [look carefully the IMP is in S16 & L13)
Human tourist AC 10/10/10 HP 4

2007-04-20, 02:11 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric looks about acting confused. "You misplaced a sword? Do they clean swords here? Seems a mage tower is a strange place for a sword." Calthoric looks to man he bumped into and whispers to him trying to incite him. "What kind of horse dung are they trying to pull here. We paid good money to see the artifacts stored in this tower. We should get our money back don't you agree. Exspecially one of your stature I am sure you work hard for every piece of gold you earn. If I were you I would probably be irate." Calthoric then moves to the next guy making small talk about what he thinks is going on but does not try to get a reaction from the gentleman.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|[roll0]|Open Lock|1d20+13
Disable Device|1d20+11|Open Lock|1d20+13[/table]

2007-04-20, 02:32 PM

2007-04-20, 02:56 PM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric quickly turns to the man as he shouts out his interprtations of injustices that have befallen him with a slight smirk. He then quickly backs away towards the imp with a worried look on his face semi Hiding behind the flying imp. "Ah, now we see the violence inherited in the system..." Calthoric whispers to no one in general loud enough for the imp to her but not so for the man raising the fuss. "He probably feels repressed too. I hope he does not break something." Calthoric continues to back up away from the upset man.

Move to R13

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|[roll0]|Open Lock|1d20+13
Disable Device|1d20+11|Open Lock|1d20+13[/table]

2007-04-20, 06:36 PM
"THATS RIGHT I WILL BREAK SOMETHING!" The man grabs a hold of the tapestry pulling it down. A loud beeping starts and the room fills with gas. A steal door starts to come down the doorway. You hear the Imp shout "Ah, f...." Before falling to the ground with the rest of the tour. (Fort Save DC 20 if fail unconscious (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#unconscious)).

[OOC: If you make the fort save then you can make it through the door before it closes with a successful reflex save DC 10]

Ayr: - You hear a siren sounding from within the tower once again. You see some wizards running shouting between breaths. "Not again, stupid people cannot keep their hands to themselves."

Chu: - You do not hear the siren from within the warehouse

Finn - You are a few blocks away at this point. An attractive girl is dancing outside a pub and the way her body moves fascinates you. You are jolted back when you hear the siren once again. The girl points her finger and then curls it back towards her as if she is tempting you to come closer.

2007-04-20, 07:12 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Sense motive: [roll0]
Humming to herself, she nods as her initial fear are alleviated. "Of course not, Father. It makes sense when you put it like that. This just isn't the type of thing I'm used to..."

Entering the trap warehouse, she looks around, jumping a little as the door is latched so quickly behind her, and keeping her swordhand on Solace's pouch, the other casually resting upon her sword hilt. In response to the offers for food/hospitality, she shakes her head. "Thank you Father, but no. I have neither the need nor the want of a bath or food... I need to finish this as quickly as I can, as I'm sure my friends are worried about me... though moreso I of them..."

2007-04-21, 01:33 PM
"Child, let the father see the artifact. He will need to examine it throughly." The priest holds out his hand waiting for you to give him the artifact.

2007-04-22, 01:04 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
She shakes her head resolutely. "I'm sorry Father, but I've sworn to not let the item out of my possession, if even for a moment. If someone else has to touch it, I still have to hold on to it."

2007-04-22, 04:33 PM
[MAP]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/2953/town003auq9.png (http://imageshack.us)

The Head priest shakes his head and says, "I am sorry to hear that you are refusing a direct order. That is in subordination, and I demand that you hand over the artifact. You are in violation of code 284.1a of the doctrine. Acolytes, smite this hieratic."

The acolytes draw concealed short swords and move closer to attack. As they draw the swords, the Priest that brought you here screams, "Nooo, stop it!" and moves away from you (You can have an AoO). Two actually can attempt an attack on you. They both miss.

AC High Priest 10/10/10; Priest 10/10/10; Acolytes 10/10/10


2007-04-22, 04:51 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 0
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Raising her thin, blond eyebrows, she steps back quickly. "In the name of God, stop this madness! Why is everyone so insistent upon violence today?!" She whips out her sword, tightening her grip on her shield as she calls upon The One's protection, shielding her in an aura of faintly-glimmering light. Looking back at the priest who brought her here, she keeps her guard up. "I will not harm any of them, but I hope for both of our sakes that you weren't in on this..."

5-foot step to K10, casting shield of faith +2, provoking an AoO (Gonna gamble that their attack sucks, and hope I don't get hit at all.) from the acolyte in K9. Drawing longsword as move action.
Current AC: 18/12/18
Current hp: 40/40

2007-04-22, 05:25 PM
[MAP]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/7935/town003acq6.png (http://imageshack.us)

AoO [roll0] [roll1] The acolyte swings and misses as Rasellia casts her spell.

The acolytes move forward pressing in against you. Three swing at you all of them missing. Frustration is seen upon their faces and they continue to bring on the attack.

From the corner of your eye you see the high priest turn and leave through what looks to be a wall. It might be a secret door. As he turns to leave he throws a flask onto a crate, the flasks explodes into a fire engulfing the crate.

The only priest left in the room huddles against a crate prone.

Attack Rolls[roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]

2007-04-22, 05:42 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 0
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Looking on in shock, the favoured soul gathers her senses quickly. Ignoring the swinging swords, she turns her attention to the raging fire. "Stop this madness, fools! Can't you see you're being used?! Look! He's willing to kill all of us to get what he wants!" Looking to the huddling priest, she starts casting a spell. "Father, I must get you to stand and help me, I don't know if my ability to summon water will be sufficient... That goes for the rest of you too! We can sort this out afterwards, but there's no reason for any of us to get hurt!"

Casting create water defensively.
Concentration check (DC: 15) - [roll0]
10 gallons of water created on top of the burning crate. Sploosh!
Current AC: 18/12/18
Current hp: 40/40

2007-04-22, 07:03 PM
[map]http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/5595/town003awf4.png (http://imageshack.us)

The Priest starts to sob, "Why me, why me......." He does not rise but continues to stay put. As the water hits the flames it bursts into larger flames spreading the fire. Smoke is starting to fill the room. One of the acolytes jumps on top of a crate and is now able to attack you from above. You hear a bang outside the door. One adcolyte tries to open the door but cannot get the door to open. He becomes fearful. Another joins him and you hear the acolytes voice soothing him. "Remember, we do not have to fear, we have the blessing, we will go straight to heaven if our deed allows us to gain this holy item." Four now attack Rasellia none of their swords hitting her.


2007-04-22, 07:10 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Gritting her teeth in frustration, she brings her sword about. "Then you leave me no choice. You! Boy!" She points to the one who was trying to get out. "Get that door open, and we'll get out of here alive!" Giving a deft kick to the priest's side, she growls. "Will you get UP? I can't drag you out of here!"

Attacking the acolyte in I10
Non-lethal attack (-4 to hit) - [roll0]
Damage (non-lethal) - [roll1]

Current AC: 18/12/18
Current hp: 40/40

2007-04-22, 07:14 PM
The Acolyte falls down onto the floor out cold. The one trying to open the door steps forward into his space. "I have refound my faith heretic!" he shouts as he swings his sword at you. The others try their attacks as well. All their attacks miss you


2007-04-22, 07:31 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Turning to the higher-up acolyte, she sneers, swiping at him with the broadside of her blade, keeping an eye on the flames to ensure they don't get too close. "You're all fools..."

Attack roll (-4 for non-lethal) - [roll0]
Damage (non-lethal) - [roll1]
Current AC: 18/12/18
Current hp: 40/40

2007-04-22, 07:41 PM
[map]http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/6007/town003acc7.png (http://imageshack.us)

The room continues to burn and smoke is quickly filling the room. The priest rips part of his robes off and creates water upon it before covering his mouth. Rasellia's attack of the acolyte drops him to the floor, but another acolyte moves around and gets upon the crate. The three acolytes continue to attack. One connects his sword digging deep into Rasellia's flesh (2 dmg).


2007-04-22, 07:47 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia coughs as the smoke fills the room, noticing the priest cast a spell. "If you won't stand up, at least crawl!!" She attempts to clear the path to the door...
Attacking the acolyte in J10
Attack (-4 for non-lethal) - [roll0]
Damage (non-lethal) - [roll1]
If that works, 5-foot step to J10

Current AC: 18/12/18
Current hp: 40/40

2007-04-22, 07:51 PM
The acolyte falls and the other three continue to attack. All their attacks miss Rasellia. The smoke is getting thicker in here.

The Acolyte on the box takes a diagonal 5ft move to still be able to attack rasellia
[ooc: after this round you must make fortitude saves to keep from choking.]

Smoke Effects

A character who breathes heavy smoke must make a Fortitude save (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatStatistics.htm#fortitude) each round (DC 15, +1 per previous check) or spend that round choking and coughing. A character who chokes for 2 consecutive rounds takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/injuryandDeath.htm#nonlethalDamage).
Smoke obscures vision, giving concealment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#concealment) (20% miss chance) to characters within it.

2007-04-22, 08:08 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Growling as she turns to the door, ceasing her attention of the remaining acolytes, crying out angrily as she unleashes as much force as she can against the door.

I hope it's wooden...
5-foot step to I10.
Shouldering shield.
Weilding longsword in both hands (+1 dmg)
Power attack (+3 dmg)
Damage: [roll0]
And Fort save this round? Or next one? Either way:
Fort save (DC: 15) - [roll1]
Failed... so was that fort save for this round or the next one?

Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 38/40

2007-04-22, 09:19 PM
Chu see OOC

The door has a hardness of 5 and HP of 20.

2007-04-22, 09:36 PM
[MAP]http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/1258/town003avs5.png (http://imageshack.us)

The door shudders as your blow cracks the wood. You can see sunlight streaming through the hole (14/20 hp). The acolytes continue their attack, but they all miss. The priest stands up and is hesitant to move forward. Only one is able to keep himself from coughing this round.

Fort rolls [8][16][10]

2007-04-22, 09:50 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 38/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Gritting her teeth as she gives another mighty smack to the door, throwing all of the weight she can into the blow. The billowing smoke proves too much for her though, doubling over in mid-swing, hacking and coughing.
Fort save (DC: 15) - [roll0]
Damage (+3 Power attack, +1 two-handed) - [roll1]
Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 38/40

2007-04-22, 09:58 PM
Two of the acolytes falls over choking upon the smoke. The last is starting to choke from the smoke.

Fort saves [roll0][roll1][roll2]
Attack rolls[roll3][roll4][roll5][roll6][roll7][roll8]

2007-04-22, 10:03 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 38/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia squints her eyes through the smoke, taking another stab at the door (literally), trying to hit it in the same spot to get a hole big enough to at least stick her head through. She succumbs to the smoke, however, almost toppling over as she coughs uncontrollably.

Fort save (DC: 16) - [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 38/40

2007-04-22, 10:13 PM
[roll0] - nonlethal damage

The priest does not seem to be effected as he crawls towards the door as he breaths through the soaked piece of garment. The fire has now spread to the roof. The priest looks to Rasellia with a wet piece of garment in his hand, "An eye for and eye, I will help you if you help me. I could kill you now as you choke and hope to survive. Or we could work together, take this cloth and place it over your mouth, it will help the smoke to not bother you as much. However, choose this option and we will go our separate ways when this is done."
The last acolyte falls over choking upon the smoke
fort save[roll1][roll2][roll3]

2007-04-22, 10:17 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 32/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia can barely hear the priest over the roaring of the flames and her hacking and coughing. Narrowing her eyes in defiance, she tries to keep he breaths shallow in an attempt to not draw in too much smoke.

Fort save (DC: 17) - [roll0]
[s]Damage - [roll1][s/]

Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 32/40 (6 NL)

2007-04-22, 10:18 PM
"Think rationally, we will both die here along with all these misinformed acolytes. Can you have that on your conscious?"

2007-04-22, 10:27 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 32/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Glaring up at him, she snatches the cloth and clamps it over her mouth, squinting up at him. "No... no one... no one's dying here today!" She swings her sword again with her free hand, practically snarling into damp cloth. Solace, are you still there? I need to know if you're safe with me, I can't check or else myself and everyone in here will die!

Damage (+3 from power attack) - [roll0]

Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 32/40 (6 NL)

2007-04-22, 10:30 PM
"I am fine, I should not talk for my thoughts have no magical protection when we talk."

The door starts to splinter some more. You can see a metal pipe which is helping keep the door shut (7/20 HP).

2007-04-22, 10:38 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 32/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Blinking back the tears welling up in her eyes from the harsh smoke, she gives yet another stroke at the door.

Attack! [roll0]

Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 32/40 (6 NL)

2007-04-22, 10:46 PM
[map]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/9295/town003apk0.png (http://imageshack.us)

The door shatters a little more, the fire is now raging out of control, you hear the beams in the building starting to creak, its is only a matter of time before the building comes crashing down around you. The door is almost cracked in half (4/20 hp).

2007-04-22, 10:49 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 32/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Rasellia turns to the priest before hacking once more at the door. "Don't just stand there! Pick one of them up! I'm almost through!"

C'mon!! [roll0]


Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 32/40 (6 NL)

2007-04-22, 10:50 PM
The door splinters, it is almost broken through, maybe just one more solid hit will get you through the door (1/20).

2007-04-22, 11:28 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 32/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Giving a frustrated, if somewhat belated, battle cry, hewing the remains of the door in twain. Tossing her sword through the entrance, she bends over to pick up the nearest acolyte to drag him/her out

Finally! [roll0]
Tossing sword through the doorway.
Moving to J9 to grab an acolyte and start dragging.

Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 32/40 (6 NL)

2007-04-23, 02:21 AM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 6 spot[(1d20) = 2[/table]

Bolvar eyes the girl, and sees the beckoning motion. He feels very uneasy about this, but he slowly approches her. He suddenly realizes he is in a city, and his guard melts away. He strides up to her. "Why hello there." He smiles broadly, and puffs out his chest. "What can I do for you little miss?"

2007-04-23, 08:17 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 [roll0]| Ref +7 [roll1]| Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

Calthoric falls to the ground from the gas.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|[roll2]|Open Lock|1d20+13
Disable Device|1d20+11|Open Lock|1d20+13[/table]

2007-04-23, 09:13 AM

[MAP]http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/8505/town003arl1.png (http://imageshack.us)

The door breaks into three large pieces and you are able to push it aside. A bar was placed on the other side holding the door closed as well. As you haul out a body the Priest leaves making a break for it as he starts to jog away. As you are about to enter to get another body out the building collapses. You realize that the body you have removed is not breathing any longer.


[MAP]http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/1168/town002ajf7.png (http://imageshack.us)

You start to wake up, you feel groggy and frustrated. The gas has left a putrid taste in your mouth. To your north a guard is processing one of the members of your tour. They are wetting him down and searching through his stuff. You hear the guard call out, "The item the wizards want is not here." Behind you, you see that a guard is questioning the now awake man who pulled down the tapestry about where the pummel is.


You hear the alarm finally die down as you get near the magic shop


The woman smiles at you, "Care for a drink at our lovely Pub? We have only the best ale in town."

2007-04-23, 09:51 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

"YOU IDEOT!, now we will never get our money back." Calthoric takes in his surroundings and stands up dusting himself off and straitens his hair. "Good there are guards here, Guards I want this man arrested for endangering a nobles life with stupidity. Uh, what are you guys doing? And why is that man wet?"

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|[roll0]|Open Lock|1d20+13
Disable Device|1d20+11|Open Lock|1d20+13[/table]

2007-04-23, 10:07 AM
The guards look up at you trying to place where they might have seen you before. "We have to get the gas off of them, you should be asking yourself why you are wet as well. We plan on having this man arrested, but we are still looking for the item he stole. Would you please show my your items and wait to be patted down by the next guard and then you will be escorted out."

2007-04-23, 10:53 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

"Stole? This man is not thief he is just stupid and was upset. Where is our guide? The only item that was missing was some sword and that was missing BEFORE we got there which is why we are so upset. However to appease you sense of duty here is my pack, you will, though, not touch me with your grubby hands. You will not treat me as if I am some commoner. Now fetch our poor excuse for a guide and let him tell you what is what." Calthoric growls at his sopped look and begins to ring out his damp cloths as best he can while wearing them. Tapping his foot impatiently waiting for the guard to move. "What are you waiting for, get him now before I have you in shackles and on public display in the stocks for you treatment."

I didnt realize i was wet so scratch that i read you post and it didn't say anything about it or I would have asked why I was wet instead of the other guy.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|[roll0]|Open Lock|1d20+13
Disable Device|1d20+11|Open Lock|1d20+13[/table]

2007-04-23, 10:58 AM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 32/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
Cursing to herself, she tosses the rag aside, immediately putting her hand to her side to check on Solace, to make sure it's physically still in her pouch. Upon realizing the rod is still there, she goes over and picks up her sword, sheathing it before heaving up the body of the acolyte, looking around for any guards.
Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 32/40 (6 NL)

2007-04-23, 01:02 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Pausing only a moment when the sirens go off again, Thorael shakes his head, and then continues walking. The Magic Shoppe isn't too far away. The Day is bright, and a large weight seems to be lifted from his shoulders. Entering the Magic shoppe, he glances around "Master Mage??"

2007-04-23, 02:49 PM
[MAP - Finn & Ayr]http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/6634/town001un5.png (http://imageshack.us)
[MAP - Chu]http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/706/town003alo7.png (http://imageshack.us)
[Map - Wild]http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/1073/town002auy9.png (http://imageshack.us)


The mage looks up from his work and smiles, "What can i do for you lad?"


A few guards have now shown up and there is a small growing crowd watching the burning building. The guards look at each other as if they are uncertain what to do. Then one says, "You there, what is occurring here and where are you taking that man?"


"The guide did not make it out alive, he was killed by the gas. It does that in rare cases. Now, sir, please stay there and wait to be searched." The inspector finishes with the commoner the guard returns and picks him up and walks outside. The inspector comes up to you and says, "Sir, there are two ways to do this, the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is for you to empty out your pockets and let me pat you down and then let me go through my stuff. The hard way is for the guards to restrain you and then I put you back to sleep and search you. Either way, you will end up outside, in less of course you have the item we are looking for."

2007-04-23, 03:12 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 32/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 0[/table]
She sets the corpse (?) down, wiping sweat from her brow. "I... I was lead here by the priest that fled..." she points in the direction he ran off. "I was set upon by this one and five others who are still trapped inside there... I don't know if we can do anything for them, but this one, perhaps..." She kneels down and starts uttering a spell, placing her hands a few inches over the man's chest. "There was a seventh one, the one responsible for starting the fire. He fled out a secret door in the back of the warehouse. Are you going to just stand there or help me with this one?"

Casting status on the acolyte.
Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 32/40 (6 NL)

2007-04-23, 03:43 PM
Chu -

The spell does not work, the young man is not breathing.

The guards stand their ground. "Madame, would you please come out of the range of the fire. Ven, find out who owns this building." The last guard to arrive quickly leaves and heads south.

2007-04-23, 04:26 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 6 spot[(1d20) = 2[/table]

Bolvar winks at the you lady. "Only if you will come and join me. Hoe does that sound?" Bolvar then flexs in a very corny fashion.

2007-04-23, 08:21 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 32/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 1[/table]
Sighing, Rasellia stands and dusts off her knees. She strays away from the fire-belching doorway, trying to dust herself off. "Is there anything I can help with?"
Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 32/40 (6 NL)

2007-04-23, 09:14 PM
Chu -
The guard shakes his head, "In less, you can put out these flames. Then there is nothing that you can do."


Finn -

"A big strong man, maybe I can have a drink with one so strong. I would have a drink with you if you are buying. How about that big man?" She starts to walk into the bar

2007-04-23, 09:20 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 1[/table]
She nods and sighs. And with that... she takes her leave, trying not to feel too self-concious about the state of her appearances. Though she didn't want one when the priest had mentioned it, a bath and food sounded good right about now, and she had to meet her (former?) comrades back at the inn anyway, so she makes her way back there, trying to piece together what exactly happened. As she dusts herself off, she winces as she strokes the sword wound - she had forgotten all about it. Absent-mindedly, she heals herself as she walks along.

Headed to the inn.
Casting cure light wounds

Current AC: 16/12/16
Current hp: 40/40

2007-04-23, 11:12 PM
"Wait madame, where do you live or where can we find you later? Our captain might want to ask you a few questions about the fire."

[ooc: you can choose to answer or not]

Rasellia returns to the inn, it is a long walk before she starts to see some points of reference. As she nears the inn, part of her wonders if someone has followed her here. The common room is empty.

[ooc: chu, you are a little ahead of everyone else in the time frame of the game. This is due to two long walks and a battle.]

2007-04-23, 11:17 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|5 LVL|LG|M
hp: 40/40|Init +0|Spd 30|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+7 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+3 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +5|Ref +4|Will +6|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 4 | 1 | 5 | 1[/table]
Stopping and turning slightly to address the guard. "I'll be staying at the inn for the next little while, though for how long, I don't know."


After finally arriving at the inn, Rasellia looks around the empty room, finding it odd there were no patrons. Walking up to the proprietor, if there was one present, the keeps her grubby hands to herself. "Greetings once again. I wonder how much it would be to add on a hot bath and laundry service for my usual room tonight? As you can see, I'm in sore need of both..." She gives a sheepish smile, though can't shake the feeling of being followed. Nervously, she checks upon Solace's pouch once more.

How much, all told, for bath, laundry, food and room? And as for her clothes, she'll give them to be cleaned, but not, under any circumstances, will she "conveniently" hand over Solace's pouch.
Also, if you like Crim, we can put my part on hold and wait for the others to catch up. Don't think it'd be appropriate to go into TOO many steamy details of the elven maidens bath time ;D

2007-04-24, 08:57 AM
Chu -

The inn keeper smile and replies, "You have already paid for your room for the week when you friends came in. Baths are five copper and they are located on the lower level. You will find several separate bathing rooms each one with a locking door and shelving. Just inform the attendant which bath and he will have the tub steaming hot in a little over an hour. If you are in need of laundry services, then inform the attendant as well. The cost of laundry services is two copper per garment."

Walking down to the lower level, you find a several nice bathing stalls with locking door and shelving for you equipment. A female half-elf attendant smiles and looks up from her book as you come down. Soon, the bath is warm and she returns to her book once again.

2007-04-24, 09:37 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12

”Lets not be hasty, being wet and manhandled makes one quite testy. You can already see I am cooperating and if it was not for the convenience of your guide and his supposed ‘accidental’ death from knock out gas. Either way, here is my belongings and I have nothing in my pockets. Now, as far as to search me if you must insist on such foolishness you will put gloves on your hands. It is sad day when the world does not believe the word of the ruling class. Be thankful I am in a gracious mood.”

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|[roll0]|Open Lock|1d20+13
Disable Device|1d20+11|Open Lock|1d20+13

2007-04-24, 09:45 AM
The investigator shakes his head and puts on leather gloves, "If you insist, I will put on gloves. Now let me look through your pack." After examining your pack for the pummel and being satisfied that it is not in there, he turns to you and says, "Please turn around, so that I can pat you down." He waits for you to turn around.

2007-04-24, 09:55 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12[/table]

”Is all this necessary? You let the ‘gentleman’ go that caused all this ruckus. And the longer you delay with me the more of a chance that the group before us is walking off with whatever you seek. Did not the other repeat the exact same thing that I am telling you? Though them being of common blood I can understand why one would not take their word directly, but I am not of common blood.”[/ color] Calthoric rolls his eyes and turns around. [color=red]”Yes extremely fortunate for you that I am in a forgiving mood though perhaps when this ordeal is over with and I have had king speak with your superiors perhaps you will be fortunate and only loose a months pay. I do hope none of you have families.”

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|[roll0]|Open Lock|1d20+13
Disable Device|1d20+11|deplomacy|[roll1][/table]

2007-04-24, 10:12 AM
The man starts to pat you down. He pats around your pockets...

[ooc: where is the pummel hidden?]

2007-04-24, 10:21 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12[/table]

”Can you move any quicker? I am late for many meetings one to discuss trade and goods that are to be delivered to this very tower. That is one of the reasons I took this tour is to familiarize myself with its operations and to get a feel for its needs.”

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|[roll0]|Open Lock|1d20+13
Disable Device|1d20+11|deplomacy|[roll1][/table]

2007-04-24, 10:35 AM
"All done, looks like you are clean. Sorry for the inconvenience. You are free to go." The guard escorts you out, you can still hear them taunting the man who pulled down the tapestry of where the pummel has vanished to. Part of you feels sorry for him, the other part of you is glad that you have made it out safely. The guard shows you out and within minutes you have wondered into a crowd of people in the busy streets most likely heading towards the inn.

[roll0] vs. [roll1] I used your slight of hand roll against the investigators spot check.

2007-04-24, 11:04 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 34/34 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+3 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+6 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Wil +0||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12[/table]

Calthoric looks to the captain with a polite smile. ”You thoroughness though unneeded will be mentioned inspector. On a side note I did notice a member of the House of Nord in the group ahead of us. Perhaps an investigation into that house can prove useful. I too have interest in the dealing of this house and might seek you out for your findings. It seems some less then standard deals have been recorded within the trades guilds. Just a thought for you.” With that Calthoric turns on his heals and walks calmly out of the tower. As he passes the man being harassed he frowns slightly. Better him then me. Innocence and ignorance will allow him to go free. As for now a bath is calling my name. Calthoric quickens his pace for the inn.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|[roll0]|Open Lock|1d20+13
Disable Device|1d20+11|deplomacy|[roll1][/table]

2007-04-24, 12:07 PM
Ayr - After spending the remainder of the day at thee old magic shoppe, you head down to the Red Tower. You get to the main door and you see a sign which reads, Closed Investigation Underway. You feel a tinge that you might know what is going on and you turn back around and head to the Inn. Your steps quicken as you get closer to the inn. The inn keeper smiles as you get closer. "Two of your companions just came in and are currently bathing."

After about an hour both Rasellia and Calthoric join you back in the common room.

Wild - You get back to the inn. You heart is still racing from all the drama today. You inquire about a bath and the Inn Keeper informs you that it costs 5 copper and laundry service is 2 copper per garment. You head down the stairs see the half-elf who quickly get fresh water heated in a private bath. You see a occupied sign on another bath stall. The water is warm and there is a few shelves for your belongings. After your bath you head up to the common room and see Thoreal and Bolvar sitting there.

Finn - You follow the woman into the bar, she smiles but her boss frowns at her presence with you. After a wonderful hour of buying her drinks she smiles to you and whispers into your ear, "Where can I meet you tonight for another drink." After telling her where you are staying you head off back to the inn. You see Thoreal sitting there in the common room (you spent 1 gold wowing her)

Chu - Your bath feels wonderfully refreshing. After you are done bathing, you head back upstairs. You see Calthoric, Bolvar, and Thoreal sitting in the common room.


Everyone - you all gain one level.

2007-04-24, 03:27 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 5 | CG |MED
hp: 47/47 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +8 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Wil +1|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 6 spot[(1d20) = 2[/table]

Bolvar moves over to Thoreal. "Well, this day just got much better. So, do we have the pummel? I do not want to stay in this town for very long. It feels like our mere prescence indangers every one here. When we get it, we should be on our way."

2007-04-24, 04:01 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 5|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+1 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+4 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +2|Ref +3|Will +4|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]


0 - (DC 13)|1 - (DC 14)|2 - DC 15|3 - DC 16

Detect Magic |Animate Rope|Knock |Extended Invisibility
Detect Magic |Mount |Knock|Extended Invisibility
Message |Mount |Hideous Laughter
Prestidigitation|Ray of Enfeeblement
Gilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Thorael glances over to Blovar, and kicks his foot up on the table. Clasping his hands together he sets them lightly on his head. With an almost inconsequential look, one that you would give discussing the weather, or the color of the guards new uniforms, he kinda shrugs and nods his head. "Thats a good question. You should ask our ace negotiator. Better question might be what happened to the rod... and will the tale rate an 'i told you so'."


2007-04-24, 09:03 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|6 LVL|LG|M
hp: 44/44|Init +0|Spd 20|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+8 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+4 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +6|Ref +5|Will +7|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light, purify food and drink | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status | 5 | 1 | 6 | 1
3 (DC: 15)| PENDING[/table]

Rasellia walks down the stairs, hand on the hilt of her sword. "You'll find your fears to be quite unfounded, Thorael. I can take care of myself, though I don't expect any amount of proofs or contradictions will convince youo therwise. Regardless..." She sits at the table, keeping her voice lower now. "It's safe, for now. Though there's something odd going on in this city... I WAS attacked, though the ringleader didn't seem like much of a priest to me... and he was willing to kill his followers in order to get what he wanted."

2007-04-24, 11:15 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 6|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+2 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+5 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +3|Ref +4|Will +5|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]

Arcane Spells Readied
(4)Cantrips [DC 13] - Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Message, Prestidigitation
(4)Level 1 [DC 14] - Animate Rope, Mount, Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement
(4)Level 2 [DC 15] - Knock, Knock, Invisibility, Invisibility
(3)Level 3 [DC 16] - Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic, Ray of ExhaustionGilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Once again the mage finds himself slack jawed, glancing around the room in disbelief. "If by <BIG AIR QUOTES>unfounded</BIG AIR QUOTES> you mean "exactly what i expected" then yeah,... you're right. Getting attacked if you took..." Hushing his voice a bit more "was exactly what i said would happen. We'll at least you seem relatively unscathed, and no one seriously hurt. Plus as an added bonus you managed to retain possession of our friend. And you're right, that priest was casting Arcane magic. More wizard than abbot would be my guess. I would question if he were a priest at all. How did you manage to escape pursuit. Do you think you may have been followed here? What about you Cal... i see you managed to return to us with all parts intact. How did you make out?"


2007-04-25, 08:09 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 5 | CN |MED
hp: 37/37 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+4 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+7 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +4 | Ref +8 | Wil +1||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12[/table]

Calthoric flashes a lopsided grin to Thoreal. "I got what i went after. Let's just say that the red tower is going to be busy for awhile, probably the house of Nord as well." His face then hardens as he looks to the group. "As of right now this petty bickering and measuring of one metal ceases now. We were all assigned a task or accepted a task to help someone for the betterment of many. That means all our skills will be required in order to accomplish this whether you approve of them or not if a person in this party makes a play we back the play without question. We all have our skills and abilities and we'll use those strengths when the situation calls for it. If you disapprove of it, too bad, bite your tongue and bring it up later when privacy presents itself. We become a functioning unit as of now. No more petty bickering. No more looking down to one another. No more fighting amongst ourselves." Calthorics face lightens greatly as he looks to Rasellia. "Lady Rasellia if i can have what you are carrying please and then all of us travel to our room. Calthoric stands and heads to their rented room.

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+14
Disable Device|1d20+12|Deplomacy|1d20+6

2007-04-25, 12:18 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|6 LVL|LG|M
hp: 44/44|Init +0|Spd 20|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+8 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+4 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +6|Ref +5|Will +7|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light, purify food and drink | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status, lesser restoration | 5 | 1 | 6 | 1
3 (DC: 15)| cure serious wounds, mass resist energy, searing light | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0[/table]

"Calthoric, you speak with a wisdom that's unheard of in this party... it's comforting." She gives a somewhat forced smile, hesitating at the suggestion of handing Solace over. Nodding after a moment, she hands the pouch over to Calthoric. "I expect it back, right...?"

2007-04-25, 01:12 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 6|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+2 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+5 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +3|Ref +4|Will +5|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]

Arcane Spells Readied
(4)Cantrips [DC 13] - Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Message, Prestidigitation
(4)Level 1 [DC 14] - Animate Rope, Mount, Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement
(4)Level 2 [DC 15] - Knock, Knock, Invisibility, Invisibility
(3)Level 3 [DC 16] - Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic, Ray of ExhaustionGilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Thorael follows the group up to their common room. "There is little doubt that my wisdom has gone unheeded, if not unheard so such a concept would come as a quite a revelation. If it is the will of the group that i bite my tongue, i will acquiesce, regardless of how improvident the plan, how pococurante the idea. I do, however, hold my skin in high regard. But enough of that... lets see them together."


2007-04-25, 02:35 PM
Calthoric grabs a hold of both parts of the rod and fits them together. Like a two pieces of broken metal they do fit together but they do not stay together.

"You idiots, don't you think that you should ask me, for help? First of all, that is my pummel. However, a large amount of energy is needed to reforge me back together and you seem to be missing several parts. However, there is a way to reconnect me to my pummel. The pummel allows me to talk without without fear of being overheard. However, until that is attached, we run the risk of being found. I am not sure if you Thoreal or Rasellia wants to let me use your magical energy to set the pieces together. I am old magic, therefore, this might be a painful experience for you. If a acolyte wizard tries this he could die, just to warn you. If you are unwilling to do it, then we must find a wizard or priest that you trust to set the pieces. Later a reforge will have to be done."

Knowledge Arcana DC 25 - Old Magic - Old magic refers to magic that drew upon life energy to fuel the magic. All magic uses life energy, however in recent times it has not effected spell casters or items as it once did. The scholars are uncertian as to why.

2007-04-25, 02:43 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 6|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+2 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+5 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +3|Ref +4|Will +5|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]

Arcane Spells Readied
(4)Cantrips [DC 13] - Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Message, Prestidigitation
(4)Level 1 [DC 14] - Animate Rope, Mount, Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement
(4)Level 2 [DC 15] - Knock, Knock, Invisibility, Invisibility
(3)Level 3 [DC 16] - Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic, Ray of ExhaustionGilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
"I know not of this old magic of what you speak, but take of me what you will. I do not fear a bit of pain..." With wide eyes, Thorael takes the pieces from Calthoric, and holds them together. "What now?"

2007-04-25, 02:51 PM
As Thoreal presses the pieces together, he feels a surge of energy coursing through him, there is a bright blue flash as the pieces touch. You feel your spell energy leaving you through this process (it is like you cast 10 spelllevels of spells all at once). Then in a moment, the rod is one and thoreal falls back and lays upon the floor. A few more gray hairs can be seen in his hair and a few wrinkles on his face.

It is like you cast your three third level spells and a first level spell. You aged 20 years, took 10 damage and have to roll a DC 20 Fort save to remain conscious.

"It is alright, he should wake up soon."

2007-04-25, 02:55 PM
Thorael of Baelsgreen
{table]Thorael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1980190&postcount=2)|Elf|Wizard|LVL 6|LN|MED
Melee Atk|+2 Longsword|dmg: 1d8-1|Ranged Atk|+5 Lt XBow|dmg: 1d8
SV|Fort +3|Ref +4|Will +5|
STR 8|DEX 15|CON 12|INT 16|WIS 10|CHA 12[/table]

Arcane Spells Readied
(4)Cantrips [DC 13] - Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Message, Prestidigitation
(4)Level 1 [DC 14] - Animate Rope, Mount, Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement
(4)Level 2 [DC 15] - Knock, Knock, Invisibility, Invisibility
(3)Level 3 [DC 16] - Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic, Ray of ExhaustionGilly{table]Gilly (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm)|Goblin|-|-|-|Small
hp:5/5|Init+1|Spd30|AC/T/FF|15/12/14|Leather Armor
Melee Atk|+2 Morning Star|dmg: 1d6|Ranged Atk|+3 Javelin|dmg: 1d4
SV|Fort +3|Ref +1|Will -1|
STR 11|DEX 13|CON 12|INT 10|WIS 9|CHA 6[/table]
Head smoking, eyes rolling into the back of his head Thorael defies gravity for a moment. "Owwwwwwuuuaahh...". The smoking wizard collapses on the spot.


2007-04-25, 02:59 PM
Thoreal - you will wake up in a [roll0] minutes.

2007-04-25, 04:55 PM
{table]Bolvar| Human | Barbarian | LVL 6 | CG |MED
hp: 47/52 | Init +1 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 16/11/15 | Breastplate
Melee Atk | +9 Greatsword | dmg: 2d6+2 | Ranged Atk | -| -
SV | Fort +8 | Ref +3 | Wil +2|
STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 16 | INT 8 | WIS 10 | CHA 12
{table] Listen(1d20) = 6 spot[(1d20) = 2[/table]

Bolvar jumps over to check to see if Thorael is even still alive. When he sees the new time damage, Bolvar gasps. He then starts laughing very loudly. "Behold, the might of magic. It will kick the crap out of you, and then make you look like you are thirty years older."

2007-04-25, 07:30 PM
{table]Rasellia Greenleaf|Half-elf|Favoured Soul|6 LVL|LG|M
hp: 44/44|Init +0|Spd 20|AC/T/FF|16/10/16|Light
Melee Atk |+8 longsword|dmg: 1d8+2|Ranged Atk|+4 light crossbow|dmg: 1d8|
SV|Fort +6|Ref +5|Will +7|
STR 14|DEX 10|CON 12|INT 8|WIS 15| CHA 14[/table]Spells:
{table]Level | Known | Per day | Bonus | Total | Used
0 (DC:12)| detect magic, cure minor wounds, create water, mending, detect poison, light, purify food and drink | 6 | - | 6 | 1
1 (DC:13)| cure light wounds, shield of faith +2, bless, divine favour, obscuring mist | 6 | 1 | 7 | 1
2 (DC:14)| cure moderate wounds, shield other, status, lesser restoration | 5 | 1 | 6 | 1
3 (DC: 15)| cure serious wounds, mass resist energy, searing light | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0[/table]

Rasellia frowns at Solace's wording. Um... if you hadn't noticed, I've been constantly asking you for help... and all you ever give is cryptic, vague answers...
As Thorael takes hold of the rod and POMMEL (not pummel XD), she steps forward as if to stop him. "Wait Thorael, we should try toge-...!!" Her eyes go wide as he topples over. "H-hey!!"
Kneeling over the toppled mage, she lays her hands on his chest, trying out her new searing light spell healing the wounds that had appeared on his skin, then attempting, however futile, to reverse some of the aging.

Casting cure light wounds
[roll0] HP healed.

Casting lesser restoration. (3-round casting time)
I know it's not gonna do anything, but hey... it's the thought that counts

2007-04-26, 07:48 AM
{table] Calthoric Wintersbane (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=10771) | Human| Rogue| LVL 6 | CN |MED
hp: 37/37 | Init +3 | Spd 30 | AC/T/FF | 13/13/10 | Nobles Cloths
Melee Atk |+4 Short Sword | dmg: 1d6 | Ranged Atk |+7 Short Bow | dmg: 1d6
SV | Fort +4 | Ref +8 | Wil +1||Arrows:60
STR 10 | DEX 16 | CON 14 | INT 13 | WIS 8 | CHA 12[/table]

Calthoric watches Thoreal go down and cannot help but to snicker at Bolvar's comments. He waits for Thoreal to gain consciousness then looks to the group. "So no where? I have a few leads dealing with the house of Nord and a guard the might help with more information about the house but I do not know how productive it will be. There is also a matter of the captain bounty hunter who gave us a ride here thinking he has the wrong man. The condemned man also offered aid in return for ours. If neither of the courses of action are acceptable then I am at a loss on where to go next."

Hide|1d20+11|Move Silently|1d20+11
Bluff|1d20+9|Open Lock|1d20+14
Disable Device|1d20+12|Deplomacy|1d20+6