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Caligstro Smith
2014-12-18, 12:32 PM
*sigh...* Yes, I do. My belt, but I have to be able to touch him. We should fly down and pick him up to get back up here before we heal him though.

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-18, 07:48 PM
"Ah, but she didn't? Glad you're safe.

Is this special? Yes actually. Maha only makes one of these a year and I get it every year. You'll also get your reward.

But more importantly, I have a question for you Cherryboy.

A man is on a boat in the ocean, clear skies. Suddenly storms come, the boat rocks and the man fears for his life. For forty days and forty nights storms come, every night the man fears for his life. His boat, nearly capsizes each morning, and each night lightning nearly strikes his mast. Despite all his fears, the mast remains firms, the ropes tight and strong, and the man stands through his fear. Now, after these many days of storms which do you think the man would rather see?

Ropes in the middle of the waves? Somehow extra ropes which can replace his should they break?
A floating log? With which he can make a new mast if lightning strikes his old one?

No. The man wants to see light and clear skies once again, even if he knows storms might come again the day after.

You see boy, even if this pie weren't special, even if your friend nearly died for it, there are many of us, the ropes and the masts keeping this nation safe, the scared sailors on the boat, who do die. Maybe you had the pleasure of seeing a burial as you approached here, maybe not.

One day the Chiite's will kill me like they killed so many other Minkans; and on that day do you really want to say 'we regret giving him the only damn thing he had left to look forward to?'

Sad is the forgotten Minkan who never got a slice of life at any point of their time here."

"I got it"

Harnor moves down... invisibly of course so Windgale can't actually see him. Windgale then see's the pale dwarf floating up the shaft until he is gently placed on the ground. The dwarf is murmuring in Terran.

"Um, 'you shouldn't have come down here, it's dangerous...' he's still asleep but it seems like he half woke up... Alright, all you Windgale. Falcon, you still good?"

Sophia hears a "tac" on her window shortly into reading Omi's book. Right outside, waving, is a common person she never met before (Commoner Jot).

(Sense motive: 21, she thinks there is a good chance the individual is Joy/Girelda/Waldrick)

Caligstro Smith
2014-12-19, 01:14 AM
Okay. Pick me up and fly us away from him the moment I heal him, okay?

When they're ready, Torma reaches down to touch the sash of his robe before then touching the pale dwarven councilor.

2 Charges Used: [roll0]
Wow, what an amazing roll.

And now we see what he does.

Incidentally, how far down was the pale dwarf off the edge of the walkway? Or put another way, how far is the fall he took?

2014-12-19, 12:24 PM
Fife blinks and stares at Greywatch for a moment, thinking of possible come backs to this man's incredibly depressing analogies and realities and upon realizing that Fife had been defeated in at all possible comeback points, Fife merely sat back, looked at the pie, and said, "I got nothin! I mean, how am I supposed to respond to that? Be a jerk and be all like 'I risked my life for pie' or 'oh you should probably get over the fact that tons of you friends died without getting pie'. No!!! First of all, that second hypothetical would just make it sound like you guild worked for pie, but that's ridiculous. Secondly, I'm not a terrible person! So, my answer to the whole of your glorious rant is eat the damn pie! Just do it! You win! I don't have any witty comeback for people with 'dead comrade stories' cause let me tell you, I've got like.....fifty of them in my back pocket that suddenly just sort of burst out of me! Like the time that Schmit the Flute Player, full name actually, decided that he would go and pick wild mushrooms. This was something he did basically everywhere. Never any consequences to this. He ate one and he stomach blew up? Wanna know why? Cause I don't know. I mean, allergic reactions? No, too severe. My guess is that somebody enchanted those mushrooms with some explosion spell to get rid of something lurking around the farmland, which just happened to enjoy mushrooms like Schmit the Flute Player. My point is, you win, I lose, be merry and eat pie!"

2014-12-19, 05:56 PM
I can barely drag the bodies, in all likelihood. I do know one of them remains alive though unconscious, so I'll leave that one for the time being. If I drag the bodies, I may make a great deal of noise, though it's the best idea I have apart from simply destroying the corpses and hoping their absence goes unnoticed long enough for us to gather information and escape.

Ioriston looks around at the warforged on the ground, and attempts to move one into his room.

We could perhaps mask their absence with an illusion...though there is only so far we can take bold-faced lying, it didn't quite work out for me up here and I worry that had I not engaged, we would likely have been found out, as I could only cover us up to a certain extent...


Caligstro Smith
2014-12-19, 10:04 PM
Wha-? NO! Please don't destroy the bodies too!

2014-12-20, 03:19 PM
Chistara bows her head slightly at Greywatch's story. At Fife's crazy diatribe she stares at him incredulously and when he is finished she assumes and expression of quiet dignity and addresses Greywatch. "T'was an honor ta bring yeh such a treat. Minka does, indeed, preform a great service fer Xil. I'm glad we could bring yeh some measure of happiness. And, as yeh said, I am safe now and 'nearly dead' is verra little like actual death."

2014-12-20, 09:18 PM
Sophia hears a "tac" on her window shortly into reading Omi's book. Right outside, waving, is a common person she never met before (Commoner Jot).

(Sense motive: 21, she thinks there is a good chance the individual is Joy/Girelda/Waldrick)

At the window, Sophia signals with her hand for Commoner Jot to hold on. She then proceeds out of the room.

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-20, 09:33 PM
As Sophia walks out the servant addresses her.
"Do you need anything my lady? Or may I escort you somewhere?"

Greywatch looks at the two Cherry Homers, pausing for a moment, before bursting into a rough laughter.

"I'm glad the two of you understand! I am sorry you had a rough ride though. Now I have TWO rewards for you."

He walks over to the desk and withdraws two short parcels... more like cloth that is tied with a thing rope. He hands one to Fife and the other to Chistara.

"In Minka, upon induction we normally present a special blade to each new member. Now, I am not going to give you one of those honorary blades of course, but these are close, a gift to members of a fellew guild working for the grand Xil."

Is a Masterwork Silvered Dagger.
Worth: 322 GP (DC15 to know this)
+1 to Hit (Masterwork)
1d4 - 1 dmg.
Ignores DR of certain creatures (ex. Devils, Lycanthropes. You need knowledge rolls to know this also ofc when you fight either of those things.)

"The second gift, much greater than these blades, is...

a slice of this pie."

He retrieves two small wooden plates from the desk and place a very small slice on each plate.

"Enjoy, Maha doesn't even make this for Cherry Homers."

(Um, good question, let me do some math... 100ft down)
The pale dwarf gets up and begins to look about. He speaks in common.
"H-h-hello? Who helped? Where are you? Would you hide from a blind old man? I wont bite."

Caligstro Smith
2014-12-20, 10:05 PM
And now we see what he does.

2014-12-21, 03:13 PM
Alright, I'll merely hide them for the time being. Bring the psicrystal in close to the councillor if you want to talk without fear of anyone hearing you.

2014-12-22, 12:10 AM
As Sophia walks out the servant addresses her.
"Do you need anything my lady? Or may I escort you somewhere?"

"Just going for a quick walk" replied Sophia.

2014-12-22, 01:30 PM

I assume this is the roll I would have to make for the silvered effect of the dagger.

Fife looks down at the pie for a moment, noticing how delicious it looks, and casts detect poison on it....

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-22, 08:11 PM
(Keeping the same roll, but it's actually Knowledge: The Planes for Outsiders, which devils are. With that Fife does know that Devils have DR overcome by silvered daggers.)

The pie is not poisonous.

(Sophia bluff: 13)
"Oh, ok, please be back soon..."

Ioriston hears nothing of import. (How are you going to hide the bodies? the room is completely featureless)
The pale dwarf continues to look about.
"V-v-very well. If you will not appear in front of a blind old man, perhaps you would appear before our warforged?"
The old dwarf hobbles towards the real Dkraten that Windgale just came from, moving as rapidly as his tiny old dwarf legs would carry him.

2014-12-22, 09:17 PM
(Sophia bluff: 13)
"Oh, ok, please be back soon..."

"Alright thanks" said Sophia.


Caligstro Smith
2014-12-23, 11:48 AM
I wonder what he might mean by that? We should follow though for a bit.

2014-12-23, 12:31 PM
Chistara looks admiringly at her dagger. "Tis a fine piece." She looks at the pie even more appraisingly. Thank ye, this is quite generous of ye!" She takes a small bite.

2014-12-23, 01:12 PM
Forgive my paranoia, but if we wish to establish ourselves as friendly we would do well to do so now rather than in the presence of his warforged. Lower the crystal and greet hin telepathically. You need only remain thirty feet away or so.

I'm going to drag the bodies all the way into our little room and close the door. Then I'm going to see how much those blankets cover.

Caligstro Smith
2014-12-23, 04:47 PM
I'm pretty sure that would be really creepy and not at all likely to make him more willing to trust us. If we wanted to reveal ourselves, I think we should simply do so fully. But we broke into a restricted area to get where we are right now, so I'm not sure we should let him know we're here at all. He might think he was saved by a shy elemental, or any number of other more esoteric things like a ghost of his ancestors or something. At the very least it would let us keep plausible deniability if we need it. I wasn't thinking we'd wait until he got to his warforged and then reveal ourselves, but rather we just stay hidden and watch what he does and says, and hope we can learn something from it.

If in the future, maybe later tonight or tomorrow while trying to deal with the mess we suddenly find on our plates, we think it will be worth it to reveal we were the ones who saved him, then we can then. But right now, while I think he would be grateful for our help, the trouble of also needing to explain our being here at all would not be worth it.

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-23, 08:15 PM
"At that same time, what if he remains in that city for days? The warforged might be found any time..."

Ioriston finds that he has 3 blankets, bed sized, more than enough with some positioning to cover 2 warforged bodies each.

With her first bite Chistara enjoys savory crispy sweetness which no DM or author anywhere could possibly describe.

For your one bite you get:
+1 Morale bonus to Saves, To-hit, and Damage rolls
+2 Morale bonues to any attribute (str, con, dex, etc)

For one hour.

The pie is so good it's basically a magic item.

(el Zilcho with that sense motive check)

2014-12-24, 12:14 AM
(el Zilcho with that sense motive check)

Sophia proceeds to meet Girelda.

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-24, 01:21 AM
Sophia walks out and back out around the house, which take a good minute. The plain commoner Jot waves to her.
"Got out? I went to see that Xiaolin Zhu. He was rather rude and odd."

2014-12-24, 02:38 AM
Sophia walks out and back out around the house, which take a good minute. The plain commoner Jot waves to her.
"Got out? I went to see that Xiaolin Zhu. He was rather rude and odd."

"Any information on the Chiite attack? His thoughts? Does he know anyone?" asked Sophia.

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-24, 06:38 PM
"He was unhelpful to say the least. He strongly urges no one in the town to join the guilds and I think he would stab you if he saw you were a guild member. He didn't know I was one though, so I got some info... apparently three people from the village have left to join Gilde at Omi's recommendation. One of them is Omi's son."

2014-12-24, 07:18 PM
Fife pulls forth one of his spoons and shovels some pie into his mouth. He immediately notes the fact that it is amazing that something so good didn't come with a back drop of impending death.

Teary-eyed from the fact that he won't be dead after he eats, Fife says, "You know, its funny, we could've used these on the way here. Some Outsiders tried to cook us in a burning building. It didn't work, but still. By the way Greywatch, would it be alright if I asked to purchase some materials to construct a light crossbow and some bolts. One of the Outsiders were flying...the imp...couldn't really touch him. I don't want to run into that problem again, lest I meet death before my god comes down and personally smites me."

2014-12-25, 01:40 PM
"He was unhelpful to say the least. He strongly urges no one in the town to join the guilds and I think he would stab you if he saw you were a guild member. He didn't know I was one though, so I got some info... apparently three people from the village have left to join Gilde at Omi's recommendation. One of them is Omi's son."

"I see. Well thank-you for the information. Try and see if you can dig up more Xiaolin Zhu from the townsfolk. I will go see him with an escort tomorrow" replied Sophia graciously.

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-25, 03:24 PM
(Merry Christmas! or Happy Holidays if you prefer. 500 holiday exp!)

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-26, 10:56 PM
"... I think you might want to watch out with Omi and your escort. I know I'm obviously biased since he kicked me out, but you think he'd have mentioned his son was in Gilde to you at some point. Or did you already know that?"

"Yes you can you big baby. How far away were you when this imp harassed you?"

2014-12-27, 03:03 PM
Sir, I'll have you know that I can be a very effective coward....and the attack was about a seven days ride out from here.

2014-12-30, 09:54 AM
Apologies on the minor delay, I've been having connectivity issues.

I suspect he will not remain within the internal city for days. After all, he's going to want to find out who his benefactors were. What worries me is how he will do that...

Caligstro Smith
2014-12-30, 10:40 AM
I wasn't thinking we'd follow him into the real city itself -- I don't know about magic much, but that comment about the arcane makes me worried about trying to sneak around in it. Plus our invisibility doesn't last very long. Trying to sneak in with a time limit like that just seems like a bad idea. Just seeing what he says and does before he enters, and seeing *how* he enters seems like enough for us for now, before we hurry back to deal with our other problems.

2014-12-30, 10:54 AM
Chistara tidily finishes her pie, savoring each delectable bite. "Aye, that twas a nuisance, ta be sure. T'wasn't as jolly as tha fight with tha bandits, though." She scrapes up the last few crumbs and drips of juice with a fingertip. Thank ye again, Greywatch-sir, fer some o' this lovely pie."

2014-12-30, 03:17 PM
"... I think you might want to watch out with Omi and your escort. I know I'm obviously biased since he kicked me out, but you think he'd have mentioned his son was in Gilde to you at some point. Or did you already know that?"

"No, I did not know that" replied Sophia with a wrinkled brow in thought, "But, of course, we are new recently new members so that may not be an issue at all, since it is only natural that we won't know everyone. Do you think you can keep snooping around?". Sophia awaits his response now seating herself in thought.

Oko and Qailee
2014-12-31, 12:08 AM
"It's no problem. Cherish it. A portion as big as what I'm going to eat brings happiness for an entire year. Now, I suggest you two get back about your business, or spend the night, I don't care either way. I'll send some Minkan's to head down the road to search for the foul imp.

"I was just surprised about the fact that he didn't mention it. I don't trust him. Who should I snoop? I can try to find out whose related to the other two Gilde members from this town. If you don't have anything else to add I'll depart for now."

(If you have nothing else Waldrick will leave to go do more snooping, in which case just specify what you do next.)

"Alright, following the old man it is!"

Torma and Harnor continue to follow the pale old dwarf as he "runs" all the way back to the large doors and several small doors from before. The warforged from before eyes him curiously as he approaches. He immediately begins pleading loudly at the warforged in subterranean. A short conversation continues between the two.

"Um, there are people in the tunnel. He's asking for entry into Dkraten, the warforged is saying no, he asked why, warforged said...

not until they ship the weapons...

dwarf said someone might know about the weapons by now and that a search party for the tunnel must be arranged. Since we didn't reveal ourselves to him, he's assuming we're hostile spies.

Well, we technically are spies right now, though I wouldn't say hostile."
Ioriston hears a knock at his door once again. A voice comes from it, certainly not the voice of a warforged.
"Hello? Guild member? May we come in for a moment? We've come to warn you about an attempt on you and your friends life by one of the small council members."

2014-12-31, 12:37 AM
"Staying the night couldn't hurt. What do you think Chistara? While we're here we could see if we can't help with anything. No rush to be back at the guild hall."

2014-12-31, 05:19 PM
"I was just surprised about the fact that he didn't mention it. I don't trust him. Who should I snoop? I can try to find out whose related to the other two Gilde members from this town. If you don't have anything else to add I'll depart for now."

(If you have nothing else Waldrick will leave to go do more snooping, in which case just specify what you do next.)

"Yes, if you may, finding out about the other two Gilde members would be excellent" replied Sophia, "For now, I will return to Omi's". When the conversation is over, Sophia heads back to Omi's.

2015-01-02, 05:04 PM
More trouble. Time to attempt to talk my way out of it.

"Your concern is unwarranted. We are more than capable of dispatching any would-be assailants. More to the point, we would prefer not to be bothered. The human in particular needs his... "beauty sleep"... Please leave any packages at the door and return to whatever business you normally attend to."

2015-01-03, 08:40 PM
Chistara nods in agreement"T'would be well with me. I'd ta spend a night 'neath a roof."

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-04, 09:30 PM
(sorry for lack of update, we now return to your regular Xil schedule.)

Sophia makes her way back into the house. Upon entering the front door the servant greets her.

"How was your walk?"

(Waiting on Torma I think)
"Wait, so are all three of you in there?..... Can you really dispatch any assailants? What if they're magical and stuff?"

"Alrighty then."

Greywatch slams his fist on the desk, immediately the door the two Cherry Homers came is swung open from a guard on the other side.

"Show these Cherry Homers to the barracks, they'll be spending the night. Show them where the blacksmith is on the way."
"Yes sir. If you two will follow me."

The guard leads the Cherry Homers back down the stairs and out of the tower, he rather quickly points out a shoddy stone building with a column that spout thick black smoke out as the smithy. He also points out a bunch of other buildings such as a stable ("where we took your horses"), mess hall, training facility, etc. He finally takes the two Cherry Homers to a very large dull gray brick building, that lay on a stone foundation, elevating it above the mud.

"There are a few empty cots in there, both men and women sleep in here, though there are separate loo's. Can I help you two with anything else?"

2015-01-05, 02:31 AM
(sorry for lack of update, we now return to your regular Xil schedule.)

Sophia makes her way back into the house. Upon entering the front door the servant greets her.

"How was your walk?"

"A little long" replied Sophia, "By the way, will you accompany to Xiaolin's tomorrow?"

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-05, 08:42 AM
Hm... A search party would definitely be problematic. Kind of strange that he'd assume it's hostile spies in the area though... why would hostile spies save him?

Anyway, I think we should probably head back in just a bit. See what the warforged says in response first, but unless it's game changing I think we should head back after -- we have other pixies in our pantry right now. When we get close to our place, can you teleport us back inside our room and still have enough magic sauce left to get us back to Cherry Home if we need it?

What's going on over there Falcon?

2015-01-06, 08:37 PM
"Thanks, but that'll be all. Chistara, if you need me, I'll be in the smithy. Oh, if you'd like I can make you a ranged weapon as well. Got a preference?"

(Fife will head to the blacksmith regardless of the answer. I'll roll a craft check for my crossbow in the mean time.)


2015-01-07, 09:30 AM
Someone at the door claiming we are at risk of being assassinated. I suspect it is a ruse. I have yet to open the door. It's not a warforged, that much I can tell.

Ioriston responds to the inquisitor with a straight face. "Magic, you say? Interesting. We had not considered that a city built within a massive dome and full of living constructs would be liable to produce assassins or other individuals capable of effective magic use. It does not trouble us."

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-07, 12:35 PM
"Uh, absolutely... though I must warn you, he is odd and a bit rude. He also despises guild members."

"Uh, lets see. I have two teleports... factoring in Ioristons mule.... no. Also, Ioriston, will you check behind those doors?"
"And, uh, are all three of you in there?"

(Cost of a Light Crossbow = 3500 copper pieces. It costs you 11 gold in materials It cost you nothing in materials because you're a guild member and I'll give you another +2 from Aid Other (the Minkan blacksmith). With an 18 you make 18*15 = 270 copper pieces that day. 3230 copper pieces left to complete the crossbow).)

Fife manages to get an ok start to his crossbow.

2015-01-07, 01:34 PM
I believe we've been caught. Prepare to teleport back on my mark. Nonetheless... Ioriston attempts to scry beyond the doors.

"I'm sorry, I believe I answered that question already. I do not care to repeat myself. If you were inattentive that is your fault."

2015-01-07, 11:06 PM
"Uh, absolutely... though I must warn you, he is odd and a bit rude. He also despises guild members."

"Thank you for the warning," replied Sophia before heading to bed, "That is why I would like you to accompany me".

Sense motive for his previous answer ("uh absolutely..."): [roll0]
Sense motive for his next answer: [roll1]

2015-01-08, 12:02 PM
"Where might I find yer mess? Case'n I need a bite ta eat later?" She smiles in a friendly way.

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-08, 04:12 PM
Chistara and Fife: Summer 1:18 (Afternoon)
Team Gilde: Summer 1:9 (Morning)
Ioriston and Torma: (????? No easy way to tell in DKRATEN! ?????)

The mans voice continues as Ioriston manifests clairvoyant sense. At the same time Harnor takes a hold of Torma and teleports.

"All aboard the apprentice shadowmage express!"
"Uh, sorry, but can ya remind me again?"

Ioriston sees a large room behind the door, well lit with oil lanterns. There is another stairway further down in the room, but it is well lit. There are three dozen large wagons with odd scorpion like beasts at the front of them.
(Ioriston: Knowledge roll of 18, does not identify them, you can use collector of stories if you want)

Several dwarves and warforged are about, all dressed in odd clothing. Very clean and Victorian in nature, but with mechanical add-ons such as gears. None of the dwarves seem to know the proper function of a belt, as all of them wear half to a full dozen belts in locations that have nothing to do with holding up ones trousers.

They are currently loading up weapons into the wagons, mostly swords, but some armor, arrows, bows, shields, etc. All of them appear to be masterwork, some made of valuable materials. More than enough to arm a very large army.

As Ioriston is witnessing all of this. Harnor and Torma pop into existence back in the room.
"Hope you didn't miss us to much.... or ki-"
"Kill anyone else while we were gone. Ok, where's the current trouble?"

The man points out a larger building next to the barracks.

"There... keep from the beer though. Every night there one or two who need it. A few of the new ones died lately. Wild folk getting more violent lately and magical beasts are springing up more than usual."

(Only one sense motive necessary, I took your first one)
The servant seems more than sincere and a bit worried at your mention of visiting Xiaolin.
"Good Night!"

Sophia sleeps just fine and wakes up the next morning refreshed.

2015-01-08, 05:45 PM
In the name of Xil...

"Yes. There are three of us in this room. Please do try and pay more attention to what people say, or you'll wind up spending the rest of your life in whatever miserable job you currently possess."

Two problems. The gentleman outside, and the wagons full of weapons I've just discovered which are pulled by of all things domesticated Stonesingers...

2015-01-08, 10:58 PM
Chistara and Fife: Summer 1:18 (Afternoon)
Team Gilde: Summer 1:9 (Morning)
Ioriston and Torma: (????? No easy way to tell in DKRATEN! ?????)

(Only one sense motive necessary, I took your first one)
The servant seems more than sincere and a bit worried at your mention of visiting Xiaolin.
"Good Night!"

Sophia sleeps just fine and wakes up the next morning refreshed.

Sophia awakes and goes down for breakfast.

2015-01-09, 02:14 PM
"Clearly those people could use a good spooning.....and by that I mean I play spoons....to cheer people up..."

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-09, 04:23 PM
Sophia leaves her room, interestingly, the servant isn't there to greet her. Once she enters the dining room she finds him... as well as Omi, in the dining room. The servant is standing politely behind Omi and smiles upon seeing Sophia.

Omi greets her upon entry.
"Good morning. You did quite a job cleaning up those spiders, we found a few more egg sacks left, but nothing quite as grand as the dead one we saw. Come, have a seat, tell me how goes the investigation and how close you draw to t's completion."

"Eh, sorry sir..."

Ioriston hears a bunch of shuffling behind the door as Harnor replies.

"Stonesingers? Those things are dangerous... not really what I'd choose to pull wagons, but I guess you don't find horses underground. Alright, we got info for the major guilds, there's not much else we can do given that we're at risk of being found out for murder. I'm going to sleep right now then re-prepare spells, then we're taking the warforged with us... I'll bring back lately."

He goes to sleep

Roll a Fortitude Save.

"Ehm... we do have some minstrels and stuff, you're welcome to play for us as well if you like, though honestly, nothing cures loss quite like the drink."

2015-01-09, 06:04 PM
"Sir, I am fully aware of the lose of comrades and if I can do my part to gladen some of our Minkans then it would be my pleasure to do so. My spoons and I shall let loose upon this world........I was trying to think of an epic joyful word....I got nothing."

2015-01-10, 09:29 AM
Chistara looks at their guide solomnly, "I am sorry for the loss of your comrades, friend. If you've need of an extra hand in patrolling, or whatnot, I would be glad to assist you. I need only two hours of sleep in order to refresh myself."

2015-01-10, 01:44 PM
Sophia leaves her room, interestingly, the servant isn't there to greet her. Once she enters the dining room she finds him... as well as Omi, in the dining room. The servant is standing politely behind Omi and smiles upon seeing Sophia.

Omi greets her upon entry.
"Good morning. You did quite a job cleaning up those spiders, we found a few more egg sacks left, but nothing quite as grand as the dead one we saw. Come, have a seat, tell me how goes the investigation and how close you draw to t's completion."

"Certainly," says Sophia taking a seat, "From what I have gathered, the only person who might've had involvement is Xiaolin whom I intend to visit today".

Sense motive on Omi's request: [roll0]
Spot Check for anything out of the ordinary: [roll1]

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-10, 08:15 PM
"Um, you don't need to apologize to me. I haven't lost anyone I cared about lately and I don't get close to new members... you know, because they tend to.... uh, die more often. You're welcome to watch the wall if you want, though nothing really happens here."

"Huh? I wouldn't recommend visiting him. He will not treat you nicely in the least. It would be better to send my servant or someone else to speak with him on your behalf. I also sincerely doubt he would know anything about the recent events... as hateful as a man he is, he likely has nothing to do with your investigations."

2015-01-11, 09:47 AM
"Thanks," Chistara takes herself to the barracks and sleeps for two hours. After she wakes she heads up to the wall.

2015-01-11, 07:58 PM
Fife, insisting on playing for those who have lost friends, turns to the Minkan and shouts, "WHERE ARE THE REST OF THE BARDS!!!! I MUST SPREAD MY CHEER TO THE WOEFUL!!!! Assuming they won't kill me for trying....they won't try to kill me right?"

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-12, 10:21 AM
*mental sigh...* It has been a long day, and we'll need to be ready for tomorrow. Ioriston, I'll take first watch? You can get your brief 'not-sleep' in first, and then I can take a nap before it's time to get moving again when Harnor's ready. Okay?

2015-01-12, 10:44 AM
That sounds acceptable. Keep my psicrystal with you if you like. Perhaps next time we engage in a diplomatic mission, we ought to bring along a more trained diplomat...

Ioriston lies down and prepares to enter trance.

2015-01-12, 05:11 PM
"Huh? I wouldn't recommend visiting him. He will not treat you nicely in the least. It would be better to send my servant or someone else to speak with him on your behalf. I also sincerely doubt he would know anything about the recent events... as hateful as a man he is, he likely has nothing to do with your investigations."

"I see", replied Sophia, "Would both you and your servant accompany me?"


Oko and Qailee
2015-01-12, 05:11 PM
(ok, the timing of how everything is going down makes no sense. Fife made a craft check, spent hours working on a crossbow, came back, continues a conversation, then Chistara went to sleep, and Fife is still there talking to the guy?

I'm going to say this happened:
-Chistara leaves to go to sleep, Fife just shouted at the guy as Chistara left, to which he says: "Eh, they're around, I don't know"
-Fife goes to blacksmith and works there as Chistara sleeps and goes to the wall

makes sense?)

(Interesting note, trancing only takes 4 hours of time... also, does this count as a "rules dysfunction", raw specifically says wizards sleep to regain spells, elves don't sleep.

Also, Windgale, I fivegot, get 300 exp for tunnel fun times.)

"Alright, we're going to have to do a lot of teleporting and stuff tomorrow. Night guys, don't kill anyone unless they're really asking for it."
Harnor goes to sleep and Ioriston trances. The room becomes very quite.

A few minute in Torma smells something odd, a very faint smell of.... cooked mushrooms? He coughs, as he wipes his face he notes some blood came out of his nose. (1 Con dmg) Harnor gives a light cough in his sleep.

"Does something smell... odd?"

He continues dozing off.

(can Psycrystals smell?)

"I supposed... he certainly wont harm you in front of me. Come let us go."
Sophia, Omi, and the servant walk out. Shortly after leaving the house Omi stops completely and begins to eye someone approaching from the opposite side of town as the once Sophia and Waldrick entered.
"Another Gilde member? You coworker wasn't lying when he said more would come..."

The elf approaching is indeed wearing a Gilde armband and he looks like <Insert Nightwolf description here>.

2015-01-12, 05:23 PM
"I supposed... he certainly wont harm you in front of me. Come let us go."
Sophia, Omi, and the servant walk out. Shortly after leaving the house Omi stops completely and begins to eye someone approaching from the opposite side of town as the once Sophia and Waldrick entered.
"Another Gilde member? You coworker wasn't lying when he said more would come..."

The elf approaching is indeed wearing a Gilde armband and he looks like <Insert Nightwolf description here>.

"Well things just got interesting, certainly" said Sophia who tries to figure out Nightwolf's intentions.
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2015-01-12, 07:05 PM
"I supposed... he certainly wont harm you in front of me. Come let us go."
Sophia, Omi, and the servant walk out. Shortly after leaving the house Omi stops completely and begins to eye someone approaching from the opposite side of town as the once Sophia and Waldrick entered.
"Another Gilde member? You coworker wasn't lying when he said more would come..."

The elf approaching is indeed wearing a Gilde armband and he looks like <Insert Nightwolf description here>.

Walking up from the road is a fairly tall, scrawny elf, dressed in simple studded leather, but has a large, overly elaborate sword slung over his shoulder. A severed head of a dead orc is in the elf's free off-hand, swinging back and forth as he walks. When he absentmindedly approaches the group, he notices the 3 pairs of eyes staring at him.

Can I... help you?

Oh, another Gilde member. Greetings, young one. I don't believe I have yet to meet you in the guild. I am Tsung Tien.

Am I to assume you are on a mission?

Yep, I am claiming that weird-ass brown-ish red color. Bite me. Just kidding.

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-13, 05:31 PM
Before Sophia responds, Omi speaks up.

An old man with white hair and beard. He is dressed in a fine blue and gold garb that looks like a mix between robes and nobles vestments.

A man with a shaved head, dressed completely in white accompanies him.

"Excuse me? I am here as well and is quite rude to ignore actual denizens of the town you're walking through. You should introduce yourself and perhaps put away the abhorrence that is that mutilated beast you are swinging about. I am correct in assuming, based of your question to your comrade, that you are unaware of who Waldrick is?"

(@Nightwolf, are you trying to hide any intentions vs Sophia? (ex, aggression, etc))

2015-01-13, 07:02 PM
Before Sophia responds, Omi speaks up.

An old man with white hair and beard. He is dressed in a fine blue and gold garb that looks like a mix between robes and nobles vestments.

A man with a shaved head, dressed completely in white accompanies him.

"Excuse me? I am here as well and is quite rude to ignore actual denizens of the town you're walking through. You should introduce yourself and perhaps put away the abhorrence that is that mutilated beast you are swinging about. I am correct in assuming, based of your question to your comrade, that you are unaware of who Waldrick is?"

(@Nightwolf, are you trying to hide any intentions vs Sophia? (ex, aggression, etc))

Hmm? Ah. Well, first, my apologies. I am a bit tired, after having recently escaped from too much explosions and falling buildings. Second, unfortunately no, I can't put this abhorrence away. I must lug around this ugly orc filth until I finish my job. Unless you are willing to buy this off me in compensation for my mission rewards, that is. Third, apologies again, I have not the faintest sodding clue who or what Waldrick is.

As Tsung Tien chats with what seems like the village elder, he exudes not a shred of aggression, only drowsiness.

2015-01-13, 10:06 PM
Hmm? Ah. Well, first, my apologies. I am a bit tired, after having recently escaped from too much explosions and falling buildings. Second, unfortunately no, I can't put this abhorrence away. I must lug around this ugly orc filth until I finish my job. Unless you are willing to buy this off me in compensation for my mission rewards, that is. Third, apologies again, I have not the faintest sodding clue who or what Waldrick is.

As Tsung Tien chats with what seems like the village elder, he exudes not a shred of aggression, only drowsiness.

"Waldrick is a fellow partner of mine while we are staying here. Regrettably, he was rather rude and offended my host Omi, who has been very kind" replied Sophia who pushes gracefully some hair behind her right ear, "Furthermore, I warn you not to cross my gracious host. Lastly, I should be wrapping this mission up soon. I would like some company back to Gilde if you can wait."

2015-01-14, 12:03 AM
"Waldrick is a fellow partner of mine while we are staying here. Regrettably, he was rather rude and offended my host Omi, who has been very kind" replied Sophia who pushes gracefully some hair behind her right ear, "Furthermore, I warn you not to cross my gracious host. Lastly, I should be wrapping this mission up soon. I would like some company back to Gilde if you can wait."

I'll be more than happy to wait for a fellow guildmate. Less chance of me falling asleep on the side of the road.

Tsung Tien eyes the probably slightly offended old man for a bit before he speaks again

Diplomacy to get a free piece of leather and rope:

If you wouldn't mind sparing a piece of crude leather and rope, I would be more than happy to bound this mangled mess of a visage up. It's starting to smell as well...

2015-01-14, 01:28 PM
(Oh! Yes, that makes sense. Sorry!)

2015-01-14, 01:59 PM
(Oh! Yes, that makes sense. Sorry!)

(Sounds good to me too. Sorry for the confusion!)

(Also, what time of day is it?)

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-14, 03:30 PM
(Ok, so that happens.)
Chistara enters the barracks as Fife goes to the blacksmith to spend some time working on his crossbow and get materials to start working on it (you can work on it on the road also when you leave since it's mostly wood).

The barracks is largely empty at this time, only a few Minkans, both male and female, are resting. The room is dark and largely featureless. With wooden floors and rows of plain white beds. A chest is at the front of each bed and tableside drawer to the left of each bed. A single oil lamp sits at each tableside drawer. Several of the bed posts have names on them, some have no names, and others have "guest" written on them. It is very quiet though a person or two waves.

Fife finds the blacksmith fairly busy, with a dozen men clanging on iron and steel. They are more than helpful to Fife with giving him materials to begin his bow. The people in here seem much more cheery than the people walking outside in the mud and the rain.

As Fife clangs away, after Chistara finishes her nap she makes her way to the wall. An elf at the stairway up nods and smile upon noticing her armband.
"Stay out of trouble young one."

The wall is a fortified sight. Several Minkans are patrolling the roof, a few are laughing in cheerful conversation. The view from the wall has distinct contrast depending on the direction Chistara watches. To the east all the tree's have been cut for a mile out, afterward there is nothing but thick forest and a few mountains in the distance The other directions show less forestation and the obvious road that Fife and Chistara traveled on earlier. From the wall Chistara can better see the amount of graves, hundreds, and they lie even out of view of the road in the foresting nearby.

The old man eyes Tsung back before sighing.

"The apology was sufficient and you show willingness to get along with me. Yu, fetch our new guest his request."

The male dressed in white (who will be called servant now) immediately heads back into the house that Omi and Sophia appeared from as Omi continues.

"Sophia has been a polite guest. If you wish you may also stay in my house."

Shortly after the servant reappears, carrying a rope and a violet bag, though not of exceptional quality, could hardly be called "crude leather."

"Now, me and Sophia were planning on a visit to a... neighbor of sorts. You are free to accompany us, otherwise I will see to it that Yu sets you up with a nice room to stay in."

2015-01-14, 05:38 PM
After Fife is done working on the Crossbow, he takes his leave to the barracks for the evening and goes to sleep for the regular 8 hours.

2015-01-14, 07:05 PM
The old man eyes Tsung back before sighing.

"The apology was sufficient and you show willingness to get along with me. Yu, fetch our new guest his request."

The male dressed in white (who will be called servant now) immediately heads back into the house that Omi and Sophia appeared from as Omi continues.

"Sophia has been a polite guest. If you wish you may also stay in my house."

Shortly after the servant reappears, carrying a rope and a violet bag, though not of exceptional quality, could hardly be called "crude leather."

"Now, me and Sophia were planning on a visit to a... neighbor of sorts. You are free to accompany us, otherwise I will see to it that Yu sets you up with a nice room to stay in."

Tsung accepts the rope and bag without questions, and bound up the orc head in one swift motion.

Hmm, it would be my pleasure to accompany you and Sophia on this little trip. What kind of "visit" would this be? The simple, diplomatic sort, or the loud and dangerous sort?

2015-01-14, 07:18 PM
Tsung accepts the rope and bag without questions, and bound up the orc head in one swift motion.

Hmm, it would be my pleasure to accompany you and Sophia on this little trip. What kind of "visit" would this be? The simple, diplomatic sort, or the loud and dangerous sort?

"Diplomatic" responds Sophia curtly. She then awaits patiently for Omi to lead the way.

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-16, 09:06 AM
Torma considers for a moment before he steps between the sleeping forms of Harnor and Ioriston, and he begins to twirl his staff, a large hemispherical barrier of wind whipping up in a 10' radius around the three of them to keep anything more from reaching them.

Base DC: 30. Take 10 + 20 = 30 BC.
"You create a whirling, rushing barrier of wind around yourself or another creature, provided that the subject is small enough to fit within the diameter of the sphere."

@Qailee: I don't recall exactly the modifications we made to this seed, in terms of HP, but the idea is to keep any air from coming in through it.

Then holding his staff with one hand he uses the other to shake Ioriston awake.

Something smells a bit off, and I just coughed up a bit of blood. I think some poisonous gas is being pumped into our room. We need Harnor to get enough sleep to get those teleports for us as soon as he can, but I wanted to be sure you were awake before I opened the door to confront whoever's out there. DO NOT attack them unless they take a further hostile action. If we can just tell them we've detected the poison, are not amused, and get them to leave since their plan failed, we should.

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-16, 11:32 AM
Chistara and Fife: Summer 1:18 (Night)
Team Gilde: Summer 1:9 (Morning)
Ioriston and Torma: (????? No easy way to tell in DKRATEN! ?????)

As Fife gets a good afternoons sleep, Chistara makes a good amount of small talk with the Minkans on the wall. She finds that despite the constant rain and dreary demeanor of the "guild hall" most of the Minkans on the wall behave quite cheery, though the newer members behave less so. She meets an odd elf that seems to have aphasia of some sort. Certainly the Minkans seem to be pretty welcome to her. Though every once in a while one slips and says something along the lines of...
"Oh, you're from Tra- er, Cherry Home."

Fife gets a good sleep (healing 1hp/level regain spells etc). As he wakes up several weary Minkans enter to get a nights rest. Only two stand out, a woman with light brown hair and jade green eyes and rather plain man with messy brown hair and a plain brown eyes. They head to a back corner in the barracks. One Minkan passing Fife is the dwarf, Firescythe, that he met at the Guild festival.
"Oye boy! Ya made it in ta a guild! Proud of ya, sorry we didn' take ya! I'm off ta sleep, got back from a long mission and a newbie died. Ah well... Lucky I wasn't cap'n on that one though."

"Absolutely. Now then, let us depart. I will give you some warnings as we go." Omi begins to lead the way across the very small town. More people are out and about now, many look grumpily at the two group traveling.
They become grumpy after seeing your armbands, but they lighten up as soon as they realize Omi is with you.
"Alright, Xioalin is an odd fellow and he will speak in oddities, but he becomes angry for silly reasons. He is the second highest Calavar here, meaning he expects respect, give it to him just to avoid confrontation. I doubt you follow the Law of Chi, but here it and the town laws are nearly one in the same, meaning he is the second most powerful man in town. Do not seem confused about his way of speaking or his oddities, if you do not understand what he says, just accept it as he gets angry if people don't understand him. Do not insult him, do not ask about his family as his wife is recently deceased. Finally, what are you going to ask him? I would like to approve it before you ask him since he is quick to anger."

The group arrives at a mansion.

A mansion painted in an odd combination of black and white, lots of triangles and hard cornered lines, from the front alone you can't determine if there is a pattern. Three stories of windows can be made out all of them with blinds closed. Each blind shutter is alternating in color between purple and gold. At the front of the house there are two individuals dressed compeltely in white gardening, a man and a woman, both with shaved heads. The entire front lawn of the house is an array of red, pink, and blue flowers, with a single stone walkway leading up to the building. Colorful would hardly describe the sight as it's more of a color explosion.

A bright crimson painted wooden sign is posted.
"For business, please knock, don't disturb those working if you have business with me."
The text is in lapis.

(Waiting on Ioristons response I think)

2015-01-16, 12:59 PM
Ah, I forgot to ask. Sophia, what mission are you on specifically? Who knows, I might be of some assistance if I know the details.

Tsung remembers at the last second, checking his bag of head to make sure it isn't... leaking.

2015-01-16, 01:58 PM
Ioriston nods. I doubt somewhat our mere displeasure will cause them to leave... Nonetheless, I shall not make the first strike.

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-16, 02:02 PM
Torma then gestures with his free hand, and air alone first turns the deadbolt of the door, and then the door's handle, before slamming the door open.

2015-01-16, 04:50 PM
Chistara enjoys her time on the wall with the Minkans. She does take a quiet moment to give silent respects to the graves of the fallen and spends most of her time facing the more heavily forrested areas. After about six hours (when Fife wakes up?) she heads downstairs to the mess hall for some breakfast.

2015-01-17, 09:08 AM
I'm sorry your friend passed. Cherry Home work is taking good care of me as far as I can tell. Wasn't at the guild hall for more than a few hours before me and Chistara left. I'll have to poke around there when I get back....check for things that have the potential to murder me...

2015-01-17, 02:52 PM
Chistara and Fife: Summer 1:18 (Night)
Team Gilde: Summer 1:9 (Morning)
Ioriston and Torma: (????? No easy way to tell in DKRATEN! ?????)

"Absolutely. Now then, let us depart. I will give you some warnings as we go." Omi begins to lead the way across the very small town. More people are out and about now, many look grumpily at the two group traveling.
They become grumpy after seeing your armbands, but they lighten up as soon as they realize Omi is with you.
"Alright, Xioalin is an odd fellow and he will speak in oddities, but he becomes angry for silly reasons. He is the second highest Calavar here, meaning he expects respect, give it to him just to avoid confrontation. I doubt you follow the Law of Chi, but here it and the town laws are nearly one in the same, meaning he is the second most powerful man in town. Do not seem confused about his way of speaking or his oddities, if you do not understand what he says, just accept it as he gets angry if people don't understand him. Do not insult him, do not ask about his family as his wife is recently deceased. Finally, what are you going to ask him? I would like to approve it before you ask him since he is quick to anger."

The group arrives at a mansion.

A mansion painted in an odd combination of black and white, lots of triangles and hard cornered lines, from the front alone you can't determine if there is a pattern. Three stories of windows can be made out all of them with blinds closed. Each blind shutter is alternating in color between purple and gold. At the front of the house there are two individuals dressed compeltely in white gardening, a man and a woman, both with shaved heads. The entire front lawn of the house is an array of red, pink, and blue flowers, with a single stone walkway leading up to the building. Colorful would hardly describe the sight as it's more of a color explosion.

A bright crimson painted wooden sign is posted.
"For business, please knock, don't disturb those working if you have business with me."
The text is in lapis.

Ah, I forgot to ask. Sophia, what mission are you on specifically? Who knows, I might be of some assistance if I know the details.

Tsung remembers at the last second, checking his bag of head to make sure it isn't... leaking.

Sophia nods to show that she understood Omi. She then turns to Tsung saying, "It's an investigation job". She then pauses and turns back to Omi stating, "As for Xiaolin, I will humor him and assume that he is innocent. I will also add that I may share similar opinions about guilds to him all the while asking him whether or not he knows who might have conducted the attacks or if he knows any grunts involved".

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-17, 05:57 PM
(Added a Songs Section in the OOC)

"Oye! I hardly knew'er so I cannae say she was my friend. Ta be honest I cannae say I am anymore sad than another hearin a stranger died. There ain't naught that's gonna kill ya here."


Chistara makes her way down the wall towards the mess hall, but it's night time and no breakfast will be found there, she does hear singing as she nears the mess hall. Entering the doorway she see's a large room filled with 4 very long tables. Several men and women are seated at them, many have tin mugs filled with beer. There are large barrels with spouts along the shelves on the walls of the room. Two open doorways face the opposite end of the room, from which a Minkan comes through every moment or so with bread or a piece of meat.

There is singing in the room.

Old Forest and Gale
Fire and Hail
Spear and Reed
Ignoble Deed
None stopped the Minkan
Greywatch, more than any man
A thousand Silver Blades behind
Mighty Spells Twined
A million Steel Blades in front
One Trillion arrows, none blunt
None stopped the Minkan
Greywatch, more than any man

One million competed
One million defeated
None stopped the Minkan
Greywatch, more than any man

As the song ends there is a cheer, though not even half as loud as a Klanen one, before some light clinking of glasses and the quiet.

The door doesn't quite swing open so much as it slowly drags open as if something were holding it. Two tubes of rubber were underneath the door. With the door open, Windgale and Falcon can see the tubes running to a metal box, one tube inserts into the top of the box and the other to the bottom.

A halfling is standing 15 feet a way from the door, a bow in his hand.
"Oh ****, you weren't asleep? You can go back to sleep, the box has, uh, fairy mist in it... it uh gives you pleasanter dreams."

"Ok, sounds alright. I will not enter his private study since he dislikes me so. I will wait right around the corner, if he should try to harm either of you two in any way I will immediately step in and quell is madness. Now let us enter. Oh and one more thing, he hates having time wasted, so be brief in argument."

Omi leads the way into the house, just walking in without knocking. There is a large entry foyer, the exact same design as Omi's. Omi then takes a door on the left at the first floor, which leads to another room also completely empty and has a single door on the right. Omi opens it but makes sure to stay out of the doorway and gestures to the group to enter.

Inside is a mess. Piles of papers and books litter the room making entering it next to impossible to move far into the room or see anything. A single oak desk can barely be made out in the center of the room as it too is blanketed in books. A voice comes from behind the desk.
"Rapid desires, tell me? What?"

2015-01-17, 11:27 PM
(Added a Songs Section in the OOC)

"Ok, sounds alright. I will not enter his private study since he dislikes me so. I will wait right around the corner, if he should try to harm either of you two in any way I will immediately step in and quell is madness. Now let us enter. Oh and one more thing, he hates having time wasted, so be brief in argument."

Omi leads the way into the house, just walking in without knocking. There is a large entry foyer, the exact same design as Omi's. Omi then takes a door on the left at the first floor, which leads to another room also completely empty and has a single door on the right. Omi opens it but makes sure to stay out of the doorway and gestures to the group to enter.

Inside is a mess. Piles of papers and books litter the room making entering it next to impossible to move far into the room or see anything. A single oak desk can barely be made out in the center of the room as it too is blanketed in books. A voice comes from behind the desk.
"Rapid desires, tell me? What?"

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Spell: Detect Magic

"Thank-you for seeing me" replied Sophia quickly with a bow. She then quickly adds, "I would like to ask you a couple of things from a knowledgeable man such as yourself. That is if you have the time".

2015-01-18, 12:14 AM
Still a shame though, about your new recruit. What sort of mission was it?

2015-01-18, 01:04 AM
Investigation for...? Ah well. Matters not. I'll find out sooner or late.

As Tsung passes Omi into the room, he uses detect evil by the force of habit.

2015-01-18, 10:01 AM
Chistara leans against the wall to listen to the song, clapping politely when the song reaches its conclusion. She then sidles around the room towards the open doors in hopes that they lead to the kitchen.

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-18, 09:53 PM
The voice behind the desk seems somewhat irate.
"Cast one more spell and red rivers will flow. Rudeness, rudeness. Ask your questions, you should open with questions not explaining that questions are questions that your questions."

Detect magic shows that a decent amount of books in the room are spellbooks. Tsung does not detect any evil in the room.

"Ey, were tryin ta get close ta Chi and also stop by ta elves on the way. Ya know, what with all the arena disaster and the like. Things been wild out in ta wild lately."


The doors do lead to a kitchen! Chistara finds a room that looks like a medieval equivalent of a high school cafeteria without a glass wall separating the three portly dwarven cooks from the "line". There are a few bins with food in them (which the dwarves are slowly adding more to). There seems to be beef, chicken, bread, more bread, carrots, cabbages, brussel sprouts, squash, etc.
(sorry for the lazy post)

2015-01-19, 01:21 AM
"What do you know of the Chiite attack?" asked Sophia not wanting to waste Xiaolin's time, "Would you happen to have any leads?"


2015-01-19, 01:50 AM
Ioriston looks at the halfling somewhat skeptically, tilting his head slightly.

"Oh really? Fairy...mist? I see. So, if any of us were to destroy the box," Ioriston lifts an arm, pointing it towards the odd machine, "It would spread fairy mist across the room? And what, pray tell, would the consequences of that be?"

Any sort of knowledge check I can attempt on the box? Also, is this the same guy who was talking to me through the door?

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-19, 10:08 AM
"Dreadwright yesterday, told in truth. Same ilk you are. Perhaps Omi Xiaolong's son ask you should. Two others haven't returned, so for this town questioning not present. I Know of the Chiite attack what your friend told me yesterday. Beautiful tragedy, glad to hear your common folk died, though something to do with it, not I. Consider a Gilde not Gilde member but said a Gilde member."

(Sophia thinks part of the addressing of Omi's son is a serious accusation and part of it is the gay having disdain for Omi Xiaolong. He seems sincere about not knowing about the Chiite attack until he was recently told of it as well as his joy at people dying because of it.)

"Ahm, we would all have pleasanter dreams if we were asleep. I think I explained that one, weren't ya listening?

Ha...ha...ha. Get it? It's what you said to me earlier. Funny right?"

2015-01-19, 03:18 PM
"I see," Fife said, pulling out his spoons. He begins to play a little something for himself on his knees.


"So, what's there to do around Minka? I mean, what do you do for fun? I need something to do so I'm not just being useless. The Queen of Death isn't going to personally smite a follower that idles."

2015-01-19, 10:44 PM
"Dreadwright yesterday, told in truth. Same ilk you are. Perhaps Omi Xiaolong's son ask you should. Two others haven't returned, so for this town questioning not present. I Know of the Chiite attack what your friend told me yesterday. Beautiful tragedy, glad to hear your common folk died, though something to do with it, not I. Consider a Gilde not Gilde member but said a Gilde member."

(Sophia thinks part of the addressing of Omi's son is a serious accusation and part of it is the gay having disdain for Omi Xiaolong. He seems sincere about not knowing about the Chiite attack until he was recently told of it as well as his joy at people dying because of it.)

"Who has not returned?" replied Sophia, "With whom were these two acquainted?"


2015-01-20, 12:13 PM
"Fairy mist is a fictitious substance. I suspect that the current contents of the box are fungi that upon being cooked emit poisonous vapors. It would be advantageous for all parties involved if you would simply deactivate the machine and forget about tonight's events entirely."

2015-01-20, 12:56 PM
While Sophia and Xiaolin are talking, Tsung took notice of all the books and began looking at the covers and titles without touching anything.

Knowledge (Arcana)

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-20, 07:45 PM
Sadly, Tsung can't read any of the books, being unable to read Arcane (nor can Sophia).

"Three left from Qui, Aki Xiaolong, An Cho, and Hideo Miyazaki all to join Gilde, I have not seen the other two in long. Aki was a former Cavar of mine, he listened to the trash Xiaolong to join filth, as did An whose mother passed. A lack of parents is like a heart with no arteries. Sometimes the sun rises exactly where you expect it and other times it rises in the east."

The halflings voice comes out very surprised.
"Wait? Uh, that's fine with me. You can even keep the box... you just gotta put out the fire inside, the top comes off."

"Drinkin', singin', sport, ridin into a small lil town southwest o here to **** some loose women. Unless ya the odd fellow who don't fancy himself a good one every now n' then. Minka's a rough job mate."

2015-01-21, 01:42 AM
"Unfortunately, none of those are really my thing right now. I prefer my women to be not so loose honestly. Guess I'm the kind of classy guy who like to date a girl and then when the time comes to make merry in bed, politely cast detect poison on just to be sure that I'm not going to die. I suppose I could find Chistara and see what she's up to. In fact, Imll do just that. See ya later Firescythe!"

Fire packs up his spoons and makes his way out of the barracks in search of Chistara.

2015-01-21, 09:20 AM
Ioriston continues, meandering on without attempting to sound threatening. "Thing is, though, presumably that wouldn't work out very well for either of us. You've undoubtably got a supervisor who would be quite agitated if you simply allowed us to escape unimpeded, and presumably we'd face that person's wrath as well. Am I at all correct?"

2015-01-21, 08:55 PM
Sadly, Tsung can't read any of the books, being unable to read Arcane (nor can Sophia).

"Three left from Qui, Aki Xiaolong, An Cho, and Hideo Miyazaki all to join Gilde, I have not seen the other two in long. Aki was a former Cavar of mine, he listened to the trash Xiaolong to join filth, as did An whose mother passed. A lack of parents is like a heart with no arteries. Sometimes the sun rises exactly where you expect it and other times it rises in the east."

"Tell me a little more about these three men" asked Sophia.


Oko and Qailee
2015-01-21, 09:00 PM
(Team Gilde, I messed up.... Hideo is the former Cavar of Xiaolin Zhu..... Aki is Omi Xiaolongs son. I messed up)

2015-01-22, 12:48 AM
While Sophia and Xiaolin are talking, Tsung attempts to steal out of the room quietly...

Move Silently Check

...to find and speak with Omi outside the room about the current goings-on. Tsugn whispers, remembering that Xiaolin does not enjoy the sight of the old man.

Omi, kind sir. I will be frank and admit that I have no clue on Sophia's mission or any of the current events, as I missed the last Guild Festival hunting down raiders. He points to the violet bag in hand. May I ask what happened that warrants an investigation so far out of Xil?

2015-01-22, 10:20 AM
Chistara fills a plate, nodding her thanks to the workers, before heading back out to the mess hall. She chooses a seat at table that is occupied with people but doesn't sit directly next to anyone. As she eats she looks around her interestedly. Minka is the home of the daring (or suicidal) and she appreciates that every person in the room would be willing to fling themselves headlong at the enemy in order to protect their home country.

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-22, 06:58 PM
'Agitated yes! But I wouldn't be dead or anything, we'd just try again or something tomorrow. Where did the warforged guards go anyway? Lets just call it a night ok? You already said you'd forget everything, so I think we should do that."

"Take care lad."

A man sits down next to Chistara, handsome to say the least. He has defined cheekbones and dark black hair. His eyes are a choclately brown. He looks like he hasn't shaved in a few weeks and he sits down with a tray of food as well.
He begins eating.
Fife wanders about for a bit before finding Chistara in the mess hall. It is quite full of Minkans at the moment, with much singing going about brave warriors fighting not brave Chiite's or Minkans. Chistara is seated at a table eating food.

"Little I told you more that I know.... your friend is rude. Not a word nor a goodbye. I thought Ageless Races were supposed to be noble. Manners are like a white crest upon a wave, so little to the sea below."

Omi replies to Tsung.
"There was some 'Chiite attack' in Pamelon (Gilde's town) a few days back. Gilde thinks we might know something since the predominant faith of this town is Chiite. It is folly of course."
(Qui is actually in the Nation of Xil btw. It's not on the map OOC because its a small unimportant town)

2015-01-23, 12:31 AM
"Little I told you more that I know.... your friend is rude. Not a word nor a goodbye. I thought Ageless Races were supposed to be noble. Manners are like a white crest upon a wave, so little to the sea below."

Omi replies to Tsung.
"There was some 'Chiite attack' in Pamelon (Gilde's town) a few days back. Gilde thinks we might know something since the predominant faith of this town is Chiite. It is folly of course."
(Qui is actually in the Nation of Xil btw. It's not on the map OOC because its a small unimportant town)

Hmm. A Chiite attack during the Guild Festival? Daring, and doomed to fail... Yet it seems our nation's leaders are merely scrambling for scrambling's sake. Out of sheer curiosity, Omi. If you were the one investigating such a foolhardy attack, where and how would you direct your effort?

2015-01-23, 09:27 AM
"Is that what I said, now? I'm sorry, I must have forgotten. I am curious, now, though, and my curiosity is unfortunately quite dangerous for you...why are you so interested in ending our lives?"

Ioriston places a hand on his chin as he says this, meanwhile using his psicrystal to relay a message to Torma.

Shall we restrain him?

2015-01-23, 04:29 PM

Unfortunately, Fife has forgotten how to be subtle again....or maybe he just wanted to embarrass his teammate....


2015-01-23, 10:11 PM
"Little I told you more that I know.... your friend is rude. Not a word nor a goodbye. I thought Ageless Races were supposed to be noble. Manners are like a white crest upon a wave, so little to the sea below."

Omi replies to Tsung.
"There was some 'Chiite attack' in Pamelon (Gilde's town) a few days back. Gilde thinks we might know something since the predominant faith of this town is Chiite. It is folly of course."
(Qui is actually in the Nation of Xil btw. It's not on the map OOC because its a small unimportant town)

"I see" replied Sophia, "Now, let me ask", Sophia's voice grows quiet, "the wolves, who attacked, are disguised as sheep, right?"

2015-01-24, 06:38 PM
Chistara eyes Fife with raised brows before turning slightly in her chair to give her tablemate a look. She grins, "Aye, he is handsome eno', at that. I'm sure he's flattered to head how verra enamored of him ye must be, ta go laudin' his attributes so vociferously and all." Still grinning she reapplies herself to her food and, after a few more bites, addresses Handsome, "So, Handsome, how are ye this eve?"

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-25, 12:48 AM
"I'd like to know that as well... among some other things... Depending on what you have to say, there could yet be a possibility of just letting you go. But we can't even get to that possibility without you first disarming quietly, turning off that machine, and answering our questions."

Torma continues to maintain his barrier around himself and his two guildmates as he says this, and prepares himself to blast a funnel of wind straight down on top of the halfling at the first sign of any trickery, hostile action, or intent to flee.

Be ready to act if he tries to attack or run, but if we can get information out of him peacefully, that would be our best course. Especially since he apparently doesn't know about your "fun and games" with the guards earlier tonight. I'd just say nothing in response to his question about them for now, and focus on keeping the questions pointed all in his direction.

We want to capture this guy though if AT ALL possible, especially if he doesn't just spill the beans to us first and tries to run or fight, so stick to non-lethal if you could? Otherwise we won't get anything out of him and instead will just have ANOTHER body to deal with in the morning.

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-25, 02:52 PM
Omi replies to Tsung.
"Scrambling for scramblings sake? I believe you don't understand the brilliance of your guild system. There was a Chiite attack, instead they have the numbers to investigate every suspicious nook and cranny regardless of how small. You should read my book, perhaps you will better understand why your guild system is so effective. I would do the same as your guilds. Start with those suspicious and likely to be responsible. It may seem like a small attack, but when all the food in Pamelon disappears because all the farmers were killed, would you still say the attack was ineffective? We Chiite's are masters of striking the places Xil under values most."

Xiaolins voice returns equally quiet.
"Not quite a sheep, but yes. Nor the sheep itself, but its own. Careful as each man defends his own."

"You did! I thought you did..... Anyway, I get paid to end lives, so I usually end them. Who wants you dead? I don't know."

He begins inching towards the door.

"Now, uh, I'ma go now."

The man holds back a quick chuckle. He directs his reply at Fife though he doesn't look up from eating.
"Sorry, not interested. You're not my type for obvious reasons. I've been out, so I would say tonight is the first good night in a while. I saw you on the road, where did you come from?"

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-25, 03:22 PM
Torma gestures behind the hobbit and creates a 5'x5'x20' vortex of wind blocking the door he's inching towards.

"I think we were clear that we would like to talk first. Don't make this hard. I would guess that it's been nice and refreshing so far, to have this kind of peaceful and understanding interaction with your knowing targets of assassination. Don't mistake our courtesy for weakness. It would be an unfortunate mistake. "

2015-01-25, 07:40 PM
"Cherry Home; we were guardin' a caravan on our way ta bring a special package ta Greywatch. First night back, eh? Where have ye been?" She shoots a small, good-spirited smirk at Fife before addressing Handsome.

2015-01-25, 09:37 PM
"My friend is a great deal more gentle than I, and he is merely threatening to fling your body away from the door should you attempt to leave. I, however, will not waste our precious time with any more threats."

Ioriston attempts to stick the halfling to the floor with ectoplasm.

Entangling Ectoplasm

2015-01-25, 09:58 PM
Omi replies to Tsung.
"Scrambling for scramblings sake? I believe you don't understand the brilliance of your guild system. There was a Chiite attack, instead they have the numbers to investigate every suspicious nook and cranny regardless of how small. You should read my book, perhaps you will better understand why your guild system is so effective. I would do the same as your guilds. Start with those suspicious and likely to be responsible. It may seem like a small attack, but when all the food in Pamelon disappears because all the farmers were killed, would you still say the attack was ineffective? We Chiite's are masters of striking the places Xil under values most."

Xiaolins voice returns equally quiet.
"Not quite a sheep, but yes. Nor the sheep itself, but its own. Careful as each man defends his own."

Again in a quite voice Sophia asks, "And where should I look to find evidence corroborating about our sheep?"

2015-01-26, 01:20 AM
[SPOILER=Team GIlde]
Omi replies to Tsung.
"Scrambling for scramblings sake? I believe you don't understand the brilliance of your guild system. There was a Chiite attack, instead they have the numbers to investigate every suspicious nook and cranny regardless of how small. You should read my book, perhaps you will better understand why your guild system is so effective. I would do the same as your guilds. Start with those suspicious and likely to be responsible. It may seem like a small attack, but when all the food in Pamelon disappears because all the farmers were killed, would you still say the attack was ineffective? We Chiite's are masters of striking the places Xil under values most."

There is truth in your words, Omi Xiaolong. Granted Xil and Chii have never had a amiable relation. Now, the question to ask may be, who might have the fanaticism, dedication, and resources to conduct such an attack? I do not mean any offense, but can you think of any such group?

Rolling for Knowledges (Religion) to discern potential religious groups that might conduct such an attack:

Diplomacy to get answers from Omi without offending him:

2015-01-26, 11:12 AM
"Believe me, you'd know if I was into you, cause I would've already detected poison you."

"Cherry Home; we were guardin' a caravan on our way ta bring a special package ta Greywatch. First night back, eh? Where have ye been?" She shoots a small, good-spirited smirk at Fife before addressing Handsome.

"Clearly his mission was to wo the Chite women into defecting!"

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-26, 07:39 PM
Ioriston fires at the hobbit, but he manages to do a flip in the air avoiding the ectoplasm. He draws a brass bottle from his cloak with a wooden stopper.

"Bah! I tried!"

He opens the bottle and a thick black smoke begins to pour out of it and begins filling up the room very quickly.

(Torma, you can choose if you still want to do the funnel)

"In that which writes on paper permanently."


"Certainly Chiites, though the distance means this attack would have been a long time coming. The dwarves of Dkraten are a mysterious bunch but are allied to Xil. Members of the Temple of dragon as well maybe? They are a rowdy and violent bunch, though working together for coordinated attacks isn't their style."

In Tsung's recollection, it does seem like Chiite's are the most likely given their opposition. Though as far as religious groups go, the House of Death, Temple of Dragons, and even Solenus/Lunaris can't be ruled out, though it's unlikely. The faith of The Divine One is usually very peaceful (sanctity of life and stuff) and their numbers are tiny in Xil so they're unlikely, though possible. You don't think there's an atheistic group with the potential to topple Xil either. Finally, the cult of the Chaotic god of Cats, Pauli Fwiskers, is much too small, though they would love to destroy Xil for the fun of it.

"Not even close. We were trying to scout near Chi, we had to return due to our captains incompetence."

2015-01-26, 07:57 PM
"In that which writes on paper permanently."


"Certainly Chiites, though the distance means this attack would have been a long time coming. The dwarves of Dkraten are a mysterious bunch but are allied to Xil. Members of the Temple of dragon as well maybe? They are a rowdy and violent bunch, though working together for coordinated attacks isn't their style."

In Tsung's recollection, it does seem like Chiite's are the most likely given their opposition. Though as far as religious groups go, the House of Death, Temple of Dragons, and even Solenus/Lunaris can't be ruled out, though it's unlikely. The faith of The Divine One is usually very peaceful (sanctity of life and stuff) and their numbers are tiny in Xil so they're unlikely, though possible. You don't think there's an atheistic group with the potential to topple Xil either. Finally, the cult of the Chaotic god of Cats, Pauli Fwiskers, is much too small, though they would love to destroy Xil for the fun of it.

"Well thank you for your time" said Sophia earnestly as she bows before leaving. She then heads out of the room and awaits fro tsung and Omi to finish their conversation.

2015-01-26, 08:47 PM
Thank you for your time, kind sir. Tsung turns around and sees Sophia ready to leave. It seems it is time to go. Now, I am very out of touch, young lady. If you know the next step for your mission and would like company, let me know, because I have not the faintest clue what is going on. Also, thank you for your time, Xiaolin.

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-27, 09:52 AM
"My time is valuable. Thank you for the information Sophia."
"Did you find what you wanted to know? A queer fellow that Xiaolin Zhu, doubtless he talked poorly of me. Shall I escort you back to m residence?"

2015-01-27, 01:03 PM
"Firescythe mentioned that to me in the barracks. So, who was leading this scouting mission?"

2015-01-27, 04:53 PM
"My time is valuable. Thank you for the information Sophia."
"Did you find what you wanted to know? A queer fellow that Xiaolin Zhu, doubtless he talked poorly of me. Shall I escort you back to m residence?"

"I didn't seem to find much. That Xiaolin is an eccentric man. As to your final question, that would be wonderful" replied Sophia earnestly to Omi, "Once again, thank you for your hospitality, Omi". She then turns to Tsung, "If Omi takes you in, I will update you tonight".

Caligstro Smith
2015-01-28, 12:20 AM
As the hobbit tries to run, Torma blasts a funnel of air down from directly above him, attempting to pin him to the floor and subdue him.

Bending Check DC 28: 20 Base +4x2 for +1d6 damage augment each. Take 10 + 20 bonus = BC 30.

DC 18 save vs reflex for the hobbit.

If he fails he takes non-lethal bludgeoning damage: [roll0]

And he is affected by a bull rush: [roll1]. He is pushed back 5' for failing, and +5' for each 5 by which they failed the check (back = left on the map). If he fails by 10 or more, he is knocked prone. If he is unable to be pushed back due to a wall or similar (in this case the floor), he is considered checked against movement in any direction (basically he's stuck).

If he makes the reflex save, he moves 5' into an unoccupied adjacent square.


Oko and Qailee
2015-01-28, 12:38 PM
"Captain Ashelyn"

(No opposed Str vs the bullrush?)
The hobbit manages to leap away from the funnel, proving he is quiet the dexterous sort. The room then fills with a thick black smoke in every square save the center of the room where Torma's funnel remains. The hobbit is completely concealed.

(The room you guys are in isn't filled with smoke, but the entire other room is.)

(Ioristons turn and stuff)

"Xiaolin behaves eccentrically but his actions speak louder than his words and you better believe if you were not my guests he'd see you hanged in the morning. Regardless, I'd love to allow Tsung to stay the night, I try not to deny guests, especially those with Chiite names. Odd that you don't have a proper elven name, but I approve nonetheless."

He leads the two Gilde members back to his mansion before stopping at the front door.
"I am off to check my crops and some business. Tsung, your room is right next to Sophias, it was previously prepared for someone who didn't stay with us. If you need anything feel free to ask my servant."
He gestures the the man dressed in all white with a shaved head.

2015-01-28, 03:39 PM
"Ashlyn, eh? Does this usually happen when she leads?"

2015-01-28, 04:47 PM
That name... has a history, and my birth name is now irrelevant. Nonetheless, I appreciate your kindness and hospitality. I am glad that we can find friends in you and your town even in this trying time.

With that, Tsung heads to his room and begins to rummage through it to see what accommodation there is.

Search roll:

Having had a moment to himself, Tsung goes to find his human companion to discuss the next step.

Now, Sophia. This is your mission and you are the more informed one. What would be our next step?

dude... Am I glad that this was not a combat-related check...

2015-01-28, 07:02 PM
That name... has a history, and my birth name is now irrelevant. Nonetheless, I appreciate your kindness and hospitality. I am glad that we can find friends in you and your town even in this trying time.

With that, Tsung heads to his room and begins to rummage through it to see what accommodation there is.

Search roll:

Having had a moment to himself, Tsung goes to find his human companion to discuss the next step.

Now, Sophia. This is your mission and you are the more informed one. What would be our next step?

dude... Am I glad that this was not a combat-related check...

Upon entering Omi's house, Sophia goes to her room as Tsung goes to his. She sits herself on her bed and tries to relax a bit before meeting with Tsung. She then invites Tsung to enter.

Sophia sits herself back on her bed and awaits Tsung to make himself comfortable while pushing a strand of hair behind her right ear. After Tsung speaks, she replies in a low voice:

"The next step is to search this house. The Chiite attack was a massive and coordinated effort. Thus, it would require people who know the workings and schedules of Gilde. Xiaolin is too open in his aggression. However, Omi does have a son and some acquaintances of his in Gilde. We should find correspondence between Omi and his associates. However, we have a fundamental problem: the servants. Any ideas?"

2015-01-29, 12:12 AM
Ioriston looks at the smoke, and tries to identify what might have caused it.

"Clever. Unfortunately, assuming you're still conscious, a bit of fog won't save you. You see, there are two of us, and while the nimblest person on the face of Xil might be able to dodge another widespread concussive blast of wind while hidden..."

Ioriston steps forward to the edge of the fog, then slowly closes and reopens his eyes, feeling what exists in the world without needing to see it.

"...my sight is not merely my vision."

Touchsight, and moving to the edge of the fog since it has a 60ft radius. Also, what check would it be to identify the smoke?

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-29, 09:58 AM
(as far as I am aware there is no relevant check to identify this smoke. It is similar in appearance to a spell but the effect is different...)
Ioriston can tell the location of the halfling as he runs up the staircase to N7. (Since he is behind the staircase wall, he would have partial cover from your current locations if the smoke were dispelled.)
"What are you talking about?"

2015-01-29, 10:47 AM
"What sort of incompetence are we talkin' about 'ere?"

Oko and Qailee
2015-01-29, 06:23 PM
"This was my first mission. She abandoned us and we got ambushed, Firescythe was left in charge and a new chick died. We have interesting policies here, the captain buries anyone who died for example. Another is that, if you feel a death was the cause of the captain, you can choose to brand them with a tally mark so they never forget. Both of them took place today, so I'm sure she wont forget again why a captain doesn't do the job of a scout."

(as far as I am aware there is no relevant check to identify this smoke. It is similar in appearance to a spell but the effect is different...)
Ioriston can tell the location of the halfling as he runs up the staircase to N7. (Since he is behind the staircase wall, he would have partial cover from your current locations if the smoke were dispelled.)
"What are you talking about?"

(It is Torma's turn)

(In conversation)

2015-01-29, 06:50 PM
Upon entering Omi's house, Sophia goes to her room as Tsung goes to his. She sits herself on her bed and tries to relax a bit before meeting with Tsung. She then invites Tsung to enter.

Sophia sits herself back on her bed and awaits Tsung to make himself comfortable while pushing a strand of hair behind her right ear. After Tsung speaks, she replies in a low voice:

"The next step is to search this house. The Chiite attack was a massive and coordinated effort. Thus, it would require people who know the workings and schedules of Gilde. Xiaolin is too open in his aggression. However, Omi does have a son and some acquaintances of his in Gilde. We should find correspondence between Omi and his associates. However, we have a fundamental problem: the servants. Any ideas?"

Tsung enters Sophia's room and speaks with a soft voice.

Hmm... We have to convince the servants to leave where you want to search alone... If you are willing to be the one searching, I believe I can make sure to keep the servants away. Either that, or we can cause a commotion somehow...

Knowledge (Nature) for ways to attract local pests to the house:

But it will depend on when and where you would want to search, I think.

2015-01-29, 07:00 PM
"He is attempting to flee up that staircase," Ioriston points directly at the halfling, "Knock him back down to the floor."

2015-01-29, 07:46 PM
"She sounds much like my old "first chair" horn player, Sylvia Rabbit-Fist. She never took charge of the horn section like she was supposed to. One day our orchestra was traveling one of the roads, then we were attacked by this giant roach creature. Anyway, while most of us had run away, as cowardly people do, Sylvia decided that her horn section should make a stand against the beast. Her plan was to get everyone up on the creature's back and stab at it. Problem was, every time they tried to they would get impaled by the monster. Sylvia used this opportunity to run away with the rest of us, while the horn section went to their doom like lemmings off a cliff. We never forgave Sylvia Rabbit-Fist, but we didn't have to loathe her very long. While we were running away, an incredibly large tree, maybe thirty feet in length, crashed down upon her, but just the tip....Odd how such a large tree only came down on one person....no less our ass of a horn player."

2015-01-29, 10:13 PM
Tsung enters Sophia's room and speaks with a soft voice.

Hmm... We have to convince the servants to leave where you want to search alone... If you are willing to be the one searching, I believe I can make sure to keep the servants away. Either that, or we can cause a commotion somehow...

Knowledge (Nature) for ways to attract local pests to the house:

But it will depend on when and where you would want to search, I think.

"Sure, I don't mind doing the searching if you can hold the servants at bay...and the sooner we can do this, the better" replied Sophia still keeping her voice low.

2015-01-31, 02:52 AM
"Sure, I don't mind doing the searching if you can hold the servants at bay...and the sooner we can do this, the better" replied Sophia still keeping her voice low.

Good. Bad things happen when I look for things... Now, where should we direct our search efforts? It would probably be too difficult to keep servants away from the entire house...

Unfortunately, I don't think we won't be able to cause enough commotion with pests. Just a thought.

Waiting on that knowledge check result to see if anything comes up.

Edit: lol nope.

2015-02-01, 07:36 PM
Good. Bad things happen when I look for things... Now, where should we direct our search efforts? It would probably be too difficult to keep servants away from the entire house...

Unfortunately, I don't think we won't be able to cause enough commotion with pests. Just a thought.

Waiting on that knowledge check result to see if anything comes up.

Edit: lol nope.

"Omi's study and bedroom should do as a start" replied Sophia

2015-02-02, 12:04 PM
"I'm true sorry for the loss o' yer compatriot and for yer frustration with yon captain. Tis good, I think, that she be reminded of her mistakes. So many try ta bury their mistakes in the past and walk away fro; them." She turns to Fife, "And ye, me fine bard-type friend, have led a verra interesting life..."

2015-02-02, 02:43 PM
"I'm true sorry for the loss o' yer compatriot and for yer frustration with yon captain. Tis good, I think, that she be reminded of her mistakes. So many try ta bury their mistakes in the past and walk away fro; them." She turns to Fife, "And ye, me fine bard-type friend, have led a verra interesting life..."

"You've only heard a fraction of the stories I have to tell. Just wait until you hear the one about how we replaced the horns section!"

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-02, 02:59 PM
(Still in convo, I'll forward as soon as you guys decide to do stuff, just making sure you now I'm not ignoring you or anything)

Torma continues to stare blankly, delaying his action for some reason (sorry dood, I did send a dozen reminders). The hobbit remains in place, waiting as the room continues to fill with smoke, squares M5, N5, M6, and N6 are now filled with smoke. The hobbit moves to M5, but Ioriston senses him.

(Whoever wants to act)

"I take it before the night is over we'll hear more? Maybe it's time for me to go to bed."

2015-02-02, 06:25 PM
"I doubt it. You'd have to say something in order to trigger my memory. Stories just sort of flow out of me if I'm reminded of something. Anyhow, what's the best thing to eat in here? I could go for something meaty."

2015-02-02, 09:52 PM
"Omi's study and bedroom should do as a start" replied Sophia

When should we go? Perhaps now is the best time. Omi is away right now, which only leaves the servants. We need to find a way to communicate discreetly, lest the old man should return while we are still searching.

2015-02-02, 10:53 PM
When should we go? Perhaps now is the best time. Omi is away right now, which only leaves the servants. We need to find a way to communicate discreetly, lest the old man should return while we are still searching.

"Let's go" said Sophia. She gets up and begins to head out the door.

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-02, 11:25 PM
(Ok, so describe your plan to me? Tsung is going to do <something> to distract all the servants and Sophia is going to search Omis room and stuff once its clear the servants are distracted?)

2015-02-03, 12:17 AM
(Ok, so describe your plan to me? Tsung is going to do <something> to distract all the servants and Sophia is going to search Omis room and stuff once its clear the servants are distracted?)

Basically. Tsung will go and see if there are servants in or around the study, leads them away. Then, he will remain around the area of the study (if he can), while Sophia searches in the study. If any servants approaches in the meantime, Tsung will try to lead them away.

2015-02-03, 07:58 PM
"Don't make this harder than it has to be. I know where you are. Escape is futile." Ioriston moves into the center of the larger room, then fires another shot of ectoplasm at the halfling.

Moving to O13, where I think I can get and he doesn't have cover.
Entangling Ectoplasm, vs ranged touch: [roll0]

2015-02-03, 09:05 PM
Basically. Tsung will go and see if there are servants in or around the study, leads them away. Then, he will remain around the area of the study (if he can), while Sophia searches in the study. If any servants approaches in the meantime, Tsung will try to lead them away.

^^^ pretty much

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-03, 10:10 PM
(So I'm going to progress to a rational point then.)
Tsung walks out the door first. Outside of Sophias room is the same bald servant who greets Tsung.
"Hello! May I help you with anything?"
(Not sure how you want to reply, but regardless)
Tsung then makes his way down the stairs and notes Omi's study to the right. Inside is another woman dressed completely in white, of fairs skin and also with her hair completely shaved off. She seems startled upon noticing Tsung.
"Oh, the guest!"
She quickly hops off a stool she was standing on to dust some shelves before rapidly bowing to Tsung.
"Can I serve you in anyway?"

(His own fog works against him now...)

The hobbit is firmly glued in place by Ioristons goo.
"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

Caligstro Smith
2015-02-03, 11:38 PM
Torma moves forward to N12 and creates another funnel directly above the halfling, blasting down against the floor where Ioriston indicated.

Bending Check DC 28: 20 Base +4x2 for +1d6 damage augment each. Take 10 + 20 bonus = BC 30.

DC 18 save vs reflex for the hobbit.

If he fails he takes non-lethal bludgeoning damage: [roll0]

And he is affected by a bull rush: [roll1]. He is pushed back 5' for failing, and +5' for each 5 by which they failed the check (back = left on the map). If he fails by 10 or more, he is knocked prone. If he is unable to be pushed back due to a wall or similar (in this case the floor), he is considered checked against movement in any direction (basically he's stuck).

If he makes the reflex save, he instead moves 5' into an unoccupied adjacent square.

2015-02-04, 12:49 AM
(So I'm going to progress to a rational point then.)
Tsung walks out the door first. Outside of Sophias room is the same bald servant who greets Tsung.
"Hello! May I help you with anything?"
(Not sure how you want to reply, but regardless)
Tsung then makes his way down the stairs and notes Omi's study to the right. Inside is another woman dressed completely in white, of fairs skin and also with her hair completely shaved off. She seems startled upon noticing Tsung.
"Oh, the guest!"
She quickly hops off a stool she was standing on to dust some shelves before rapidly bowing to Tsung.
"Can I serve you in anyway?"

Not right this moment, thank you. Tsung simply nodded to the first servant. In the study, Tsung approached the women, studying her for a moment. A monk? He thought to himself, can't be... probably.

Diplomacy Roll

Then he said to her, audibly now, Lady, I suddenly find myself in need of some nourishment. I have had a rough time chasing orcs before I chanced upon your village today. If you could show me to the kitchen and help me fix some food and delicacies, I would be most grateful.

Unfortunately, while he speaks, Tsung Tien couldn't help his eyes from wandering in the study, probably hurting his effort in getting the fair woman out of the room.

By the Divine One's shiny ass. The dice roller is just screwing with me lately. The only reason I'll pull this off is because I have +10 to diplomacy...

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-04, 07:30 PM
Torma forms a column of wind as the hobbit continues his cursing (did you drop your air sphere dealio?), though he can't see the end result, he can certainly hear the hobbit no longer talking. One round later the smoke is dispersed by the funnel and there is an unconscious hobbit on the ground, the bottle still smoking.


The woman marches out of the room and into the hallway until she reaches the foot of the stairs, she shouts at the bald male servant.
"You lout! You're supposed to be watching over our guests and attending to their needs! I already have enough to do without having to do your job."

Tsung and Sophia can both here the shouting as well as the man saying

"Get down here and see to this fine gentleman that he receives a proper meal."

The man runs down stairs and to Tsung, the woman scowls at him as he passes her.
"Huff... I'm so sorry! I thought you didn't need me for anything, I misheard! Come I will make you breakfast."

The woman returns to the study to continue dusting.

(So, sort of one down...)

The study is a large room with bookcases all around the wall, save for a space on the far wall from the doorway where there is a large gap in the bookcases with two windows and a rather large map of Xil and Chi, it is written in a language Tsung doesn't seem to know. There is a large desk towards the back with multiple sheets, quill pens, an ink pot, books, and an oil lamp on top of it. There are three chairs near the desk, one large violet fancy one which is obviously Omi's and two smaller ones in front of the desk, most likely for individuals meeting with Omi. On the wall left of entry way is several small trinkets hanging above the bookshelf. Tsung recognizes several of them as a Silver Holy Symbols of Chi (Know Religion 23).

2015-02-04, 10:32 PM
Chistara gestures at her plate. "Tis all well enough. And they donay skimp with the portions."

2015-02-05, 02:01 AM
"Took him long enough to get the message. We'll have to wake him up later and interrogate him... Anyway, Torma, you wouldn't perchance have some water and rope with you? Mine would be in my mule's saddlebag."

Where is my mule, anyway?

2015-02-05, 02:48 AM

The woman marches out of the room and into the hallway until she reaches the foot of the stairs, she shouts at the bald male servant.
"You lout! You're supposed to be watching over our guests and attending to their needs! I already have enough to do without having to do your job."

Tsung and Sophia can both here the shouting as well as the man saying

"Get down here and see to this fine gentleman that he receives a proper meal."

The man runs down stairs and to Tsung, the woman scowls at him as he passes her.
"Huff... I'm so sorry! I thought you didn't need me for anything, I misheard! Come I will make you breakfast."

The woman returns to the study to continue dusting.

(So, sort of one down...)

Ah, poor soul. Tsung though to himself. He also tries to recall as much about the Silver Holy Symbol of Chi before he speaks.

Knowledge: Religion

Ma'am. Please do not be angry towards him. I did not realize my pangs of hunger until moments before I ran into you. Now, sir, my apologies for bringing undeserved fury onto you. Would you be so kind as to fix some food for me? I would simply borrow your kitchen and wares, but I am not expert in the culinary arts.

Diplomacy to appease the man-servant anger and indignation (if needed)

(If the man-servant leaves, Tsung will turn back to speak with the women, as following)

Now, madam. Before having the meal, I would love to take a relaxing stroll around the house. Would you kindly accompany and speak with me about the history of this mansion and the village?

Diplomacy to convince her:

[S]Fingers crossed...

GOD. FREAKING... Ugh. Should have been an half-elf.

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-05, 10:00 AM
Er, um....

Your mule is obviously in mulespace, it's like hammerspace but a lot louder due to it being filled with mules.

@Nightwolf, lul those rolls

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-05, 01:21 PM
Eland gestures to the two openings on the far side of the room.
"Yeah, the food is back there."

Tsung knows that those holy symbols are used by clerics and the like as focus for divine spells and turning undead. Other than that there's nothing particularly special about the ones on the wall (though they are made of silver, which is nice).

The man seems a lot more cheerful at Tsungs explanation and he moves to the room across the entryway from the study.

"Of course! I will make you something promptly."

The woman glances at the study she was cleaning, then back at Tsung.

"Oh, alright."

She walks into the study and sets down her feather duster before walking back to Tsung. She walks towards the main door and opens it.
"After you sir."

And then walks out with him and closes the door.

(Sophia, you heard the shouting and the door close and essentially not much else)

2015-02-05, 06:27 PM
"Be right back," Fife says to Chistara, as he runs towards the food.

When he gets to the food line, Fife grabs himself a tray and begins scanning the food. He picks out only the finest pieces of whatever has been laid out regardless of what kind of food he may be grabbing. With a full tray, Fife immediately rush over to sit next to Chistara. He slammed himself down upon the bench. He glanced over at Chistara and said, "You realize how long its been since we had a meal that wasn't on the road? Days! That's how long. But anyhow, Eland, what else is there to do around here? Is there a training ground or anything? I mean, it would be good to get in some practice with some of our nation's finest while I'm here. Might be a good way to make acquaintances. Gods know that we made a whole lot of acquaintances in Klanen."

2015-02-05, 09:28 PM
Eland gestures to the two openings on the far side of the room.
"Yeah, the food is back there."

Tsung knows that those holy symbols are used by clerics and the like as focus for divine spells and turning undead. Other than that there's nothing particularly special about the ones on the wall (though they are made of silver, which is nice).

The man seems a lot more cheerful at Tsungs explanation and he moves to the room across the entryway from the study.

"Of course! I will make you something promptly."

The woman glances at the study she was cleaning, then back at Tsung.

"Oh, alright."

She walks into the study and sets down her feather duster before walking back to Tsung. She walks towards the main door and opens it.
"After you sir."

And then walks out with him and closes the door.

(Sophia, you heard the shouting and the door close and essentially not much else)

After Tsung has exited with the woman (Can I assume Sophia saw this happen?), Sophia quickly walks into the study room and starts searching for any correspondence between Omi and his sons and acquaintances. She also looks for any documents or any monetary transactions that Omi has done in the past several months.

Search: [roll0], Gather info: [roll1]

2015-02-05, 09:52 PM
Eland gestures to the two openings on the far side of the room.
"Yeah, the food is back there."

Tsung knows that those holy symbols are used by clerics and the like as focus for divine spells and turning undead. Other than that there's nothing particularly special about the ones on the wall (though they are made of silver, which is nice).

The man seems a lot more cheerful at Tsungs explanation and he moves to the room across the entryway from the study.

"Of course! I will make you something promptly."

The woman glances at the study she was cleaning, then back at Tsung.

"Oh, alright."

She walks into the study and sets down her feather duster before walking back to Tsung. She walks towards the main door and opens it.
"After you sir."

And then walks out with him and closes the door.

(Sophia, you heard the shouting and the door close and essentially not much else)

You have a beautiful grounds. Who maintains it? Can you tell me about Omi and yourself? Also, please forgive my curiosity; I would like to know the history of your town, such as how your people came to be here, far from your ancestral lands.

(DM, does Sophia have enough time to take 10 on his search check? Granted he's not interrupted, of course.)

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-05, 11:25 PM
I just assumed Sophia was still in the room (easier for Tsung to draw the servants away) but that she could hear most of what was going on.

Yes, she can take 10. She can even take 20, though that risks being caught.

2015-02-05, 11:39 PM
I just assumed Sophia was still in the room (easier for Tsung to draw the servants away) but that she could hear most of what was going on.

Yes, she can take 10. She can even take 20, though that risks being caught.

I am going to be conservative here and take 10.

Caligstro Smith
2015-02-06, 09:32 AM
After making sure that the hobbit is unconscious under the blast of the funnel Torma allows the vortex of wind to dissipate. He then gestures with his staff in hooking motion, and the hobbit is lifted up (assuming he+his gear weighs <= 65 lbs) and moved back all the way into the party's sleeping quarters with Harnor.

Torma walks back into their sleeping quarters, "I have a waterskin, and some sand that I can used as temporary restraints, though we'll want the real thing in the long run."

Torma pulls out a waterskin from under his cloak and tosses it to Ioriston, before gesturing vaguely with his staff. A current of wind moves across the pack on his back, and the central flap opens and a mask floats out of it and over to Ioriston as well.

"See if you can get that thing over there turned off? That mask should help keep you safe from the poison for the next hour or so, and if you have any antitoxin that will help even more. I can stand over here and keep the poison away from Harnor and myself while he sleeps. Try to keep it totally intact if you can? The less damage to this thing, the better evidence it will be. The water will probably put it out if you dump it, but it might make it harder to prove what was being burned in it too."

Torma then moves the hobbit to lay right next to Harnor, all three of them now contained within his wind barrier, and begins to concentrate. Slowly sand begins flowing out of the pack and moving over the hobbit, covering him. It seems to be forming into a sandstone, form-fitting shell over the hobbit's whole body from the neck down. When this finishes after a couple minutes, Torma then removes his rope belt from his robes, placing it between the hobbit's teeth and ties it tightly as a temporary gag.

2015-02-06, 11:50 AM
Ioriston carefully puts on the mask, then examines the device. "Most likely the box is burning a fungus that emit poisonous fumes when burnt. I'm going to douse the box, but slowly." Waterskin in hand, the elf attemps to trickle a bit of water into the box.

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-06, 12:24 PM
(Sophia, you can read the map on the wall of Omi's study, it is written in Illuv and it has both Xil and Chi mapped out upon it. I'll draw it out later.)

Sophia first makes a quick glance about the room and spots nothing of importance (You already rolled the Search 3) before she decides to do a careful search. Logic dictates to check the desk first and she rummages through the drawers. She finds several pages of papers detailing Omi's own personal funds, nothing out of the ordinary, Omi clearly owns a decent bit of farmland and nearly half of Qui, he seems to sell to Pamelon. Further down, below the stack however, she finds a few personal letters to Omi.

The first few are death threats to Omi from Xiaolin Zhu, though riddled, they express to Omi that he is a traitor to Chi and should be hanged. There is violations list from Gilde, detailing a list of things that Qui must take care of or be fined (ex. having clear roads to the main road, etc), several of them are checked off others have writing on them to the effect of "Complete by X date."

Finally there is a letter from Omi's son.
"Dad, I need a place to stay for a while. I will explain when I get there, I'm no longer in Gilde."


"Oh, we all work to maintain it. Omi directs us from time to time, but by now we all know exactly how the grounds should look. Most of us are not from Chi, we converted to the faith. Master Xiaolong's father came here as a spy, a fact master Xiaolong is not proud of. While he does believe in Chi as the one true faith, he strongly believes that we can win over Xil through active participation in their guild system. Victory through peace."

The water moves down the box and....

nothing really happens because the poison was odorless and not visible. The box is certainly cooler now. Harnor looks very pale though and both Torma and Ioriston take 1 Con dmg (Secondary save). The hobbit is bound by shapesand.

2015-02-06, 01:01 PM
(Sophia, you can read the map on the wall of Omi's study, it is written in Illuv and it has both Xil and Chi mapped out upon it. I'll draw it out later.)

Sophia first makes a quick glance about the room and spots nothing of importance (You already rolled the Search 3) before she decides to do a careful search. Logic dictates to check the desk first and she rummages through the drawers. She finds several pages of papers detailing Omi's own personal funds, nothing out of the ordinary, Omi clearly owns a decent bit of farmland and nearly half of Qui, he seems to sell to Pamelon. Further down, below the stack however, she finds a few personal letters to Omi.

The first few are death threats to Omi from Xiaolin Zhu, though riddled, they express to Omi that he is a traitor to Chi and should be hanged. There is violations list from Gilde, detailing a list of things that Qui must take care of or be fined (ex. having clear roads to the main road, etc), several of them are checked off others have writing on them to the effect of "Complete by X date."

Finally there is a letter from Omi's son.
"Dad, I need a place to stay for a while. I will explain when I get there, I'm no longer in Gilde."


"Oh, we all work to maintain it. Omi directs us from time to time, but by now we all know exactly how the grounds should look. Most of us are not from Chi, we converted to the faith. Master Xiaolong's father came here as a spy, a fact master Xiaolong is not proud of. While he does believe in Chi as the one true faith, he strongly believes that we can win over Xil through active participation in their guild system. Victory through peace."

Hmm, an admirable ideal. On that no... Ah, forgive my rudeness, ma'am. I haven't even introduced myself nor inquired your name. I am Tsung Tien, a member of Gilde. Might I have the honor of knowing your name, my kind lady?

Diplomacy Roll to suck up to her:

(I have not rolled above a 10 for my diplomacies, yet. Hehe. Assuming she responds...)

I was going to comment, how does a Chii spymaster become a successful member of a Xil village? There must be a story there. Also, I would like to know more about Omi's family. Did I hear correctly that his son is also in Gilde? I might have met him at one point.

2015-02-06, 03:04 PM
Ioriston briefly examines the box, looking for a way to open it and view its contents. "I should very much appreciate the opportunity to know what sort of fungi are used in this to create a poisonous vapor. Any such knowledge of Dkraten we could glean may prove quite valuable." He then turns to Torma. "I apologize, but I am by no means a skilled healer. Nonetheless, I should at the very least attempt to patch you up."

2015-02-07, 10:03 AM
Chistara swallows then laughs. "Aye, that we did. There's a passle o' rebel rousers as I ever did see." She surveys Elend speculatively, "A friendly bout t'would be a nice way ta stay sharp."

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-09, 10:10 AM
300 exp

Ioriston easily finds that the top of the box opens, it wasn't locked or anything of the sort. Inside is some, now wet, partially burnt mushrooms. They are a very dark brown color with red spots. There is a faint smell still in the box, but nothing that would threat Ioriston.

(Sophia Listen: 19)

Sophia hears the main hallway door open.
"Aldera, a pleasure to speak with you. Well, Gilde didn't know that Master Xiaolongs father was a spy, he passed away without making much accomplishment in his endeavors. Yes, Omi's son is in Gilde, his name is Zhao. He's been there for sometime now, he hasn't visited us in quite a while."

(You have not met anyone named Zhao)

"Huh? It's late, but I'll find someone to duel me with you if you want. Once your friend finishes eating of course."

2015-02-09, 02:41 PM
Fife unnaturally devours the food at an alarming rate. The utter consumption of the food viewed from another's perspective could be viewed as a war crime!

Once done, Fife says, "Alright, I'm ready for battle!"

Caligstro Smith
2015-02-09, 03:14 PM
The poison now doused, Torma finally lets his barrier of wind drop as he makes his way over to Iorison and the machine.

"Harnor will be fine for now. Let me take a look at whatever was burning in there - I might know something that could help mitigate some of its effects."


2015-02-09, 07:13 PM
300 exp

Ioriston easily finds that the top of the box opens, it wasn't locked or anything of the sort. Inside is some, now wet, partially burnt mushrooms. They are a very dark brown color with red spots. There is a faint smell still in the box, but nothing that would threat Ioriston.

(Sophia Listen: 19)

Sophia hears the main hallway door open.
"Aldera, a pleasure to speak with you. Well, Gilde didn't know that Master Xiaolongs father was a spy, he passed away without making much accomplishment in his endeavors. Yes, Omi's son is in Gilde, his name is Zhao. He's been there for sometime now, he hasn't visited us in quite a while."

(You have not met anyone named Zhao)

"Huh? It's late, but I'll find someone to duel me with you if you want. Once your friend finishes eating of course."

Sophia listens until the coast is clear. When it is, she makes a beeline for her room.

She of course also makes sure to make a mental note of the continuing conversation if there is one.

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-09, 08:00 PM
Torma knows the mushrooms as being an odd and rare fungus venenum terra. They are actually safe for consumption when raw. However, when burned they become toxic to anyone who inhales the fumes. They are not known for growing in Xil, but rather the wilds between Xil and Chi, though closer to Chi. The specifically grow off the roots of certain trees, the type of which Torma cannot recall.

Sophia listens... and she hears the footsteps going up the stairs. She makes a beeline for her room safely. (Do you do anything before leaving the room?)


""Ok, lets go."
Eland leads the two Cherry Homers away from the mess hall and across the "guild hall" to where there's an enclosed wooden gated area. Inside are several training dummys, archery targets, weapon racks, and a decent amount of space. A bulky pale man with dark hair is the only one currently there, he is whacking one of the training dummies.
The man doesn't reply, he simply turns around. A good look at his face shows that he has some scarring and he seems to have an angry look frozen on his face.
"We have some people here who'd like to do some two on two sparring. Will you join us?"
Eland turns towards the two Cherry Homers once again.
"Alright, there are weapons there, including safe wooden ones. How about for teams we mix it up, the "fine bard-type friend" and Dwayme versus us two?"

2015-02-09, 10:53 PM
Torma knows the mushrooms as being an odd and rare fungus venenum terra. They are actually safe for consumption when raw. However, when burned they become toxic to anyone who inhales the fumes. They are not known for growing in Xil, but rather the wilds between Xil and Chi, though closer to Chi. The specifically grow off the roots of certain trees, the type of which Torma cannot recall.

Sophia listens... and she hears the footsteps going up the stairs. She makes a beeline for her room safely. (Do you do anything before leaving the room?)


""Ok, lets go."
Eland leads the two Cherry Homers away from the mess hall and across the "guild hall" to where there's an enclosed wooden gated area. Inside are several training dummys, archery targets, weapon racks, and a decent amount of space. A bulky pale man with dark hair is the only one currently there, he is whacking one of the training dummies.
The man doesn't reply, he simply turns around. A good look at his face shows that he has some scarring and he seems to have an angry look frozen on his face.
"We have some people here who'd like to do some two on two sparring. Will you join us?"
Eland turns towards the two Cherry Homers once again.
"Alright, there are weapons there, including safe wooden ones. How about for teams we mix it up, the "fine bard-type friend" and Dwayme versus us two?"

Just a quick note about what I read on Omi's son. Then, I just shove everything back in their place as I found it and then leave

2015-02-10, 02:19 AM
"Sounds fair to me. Chistara, you mind the arrangements?"

Caligstro Smith
2015-02-10, 08:24 AM
Torma looks at Ioriston and then Harnor thoughtfully, "Hm... Well, I'm not sure there's much more for us to do right now. I can resume watch while you finish your meditation, and then you can join me for the last four hours while Harnor finishes his own beauty sleep and prepares for our teleport home? I can take a single night without sleep if I need to, and having both of us awake for the last stretch when clearly someone's after us might be best."

2015-02-10, 09:57 AM
"If you're certain you don't need the sleep, that will be acceptable. I would prefer not to take any strenuous activity for the four hours I am awake, as doing such is counterproductive if my powers are necessary tomorrow." Ioriston glances over at the unconscious prisoner. "We will need to interrogate him, but that can wait. I believe we know enough that we can leave and begin exploring other avenues to prove that the dwarves are supplying weapons to Chi."

The elf then settles down and begins trancing.

Caligstro Smith
2015-02-10, 10:36 AM
Torma considers saying more, but checks himself, deciding it would be better to table further discussion until his companions to finish resting first.

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-10, 11:41 AM
Torma's watch is quiet and nothing further disturbs the rest of the group. Ioriston finishes trancing and the "night" goes without further interruption. Harnor wakes up a bit later than exactly 8 hours with a large yawn.

"Morning... Did you stay up all night?"

He waits for a response before pulling out and reading through a book.

"I only need an hour... good job on the halfling by the way guys.... man I hate mornings."

(Need actions)

(waiting on Chistara)

2015-02-10, 05:03 PM
After eight hours of trancing and meditation, Ioriston concentrates for a moment, then opens his eyes and stands up.

"Strictly speaking I do not sleep. More to the point, are you feeling well?"

2015-02-10, 05:43 PM
Tsung cannot recall ever meeting anyone named Zhao in Gilde, and puts it out of his mind for the time being. He continues to walk on the premise leisurely, making small talk for the moment, until he decided to check on Sophia's situation.

Aldera, please excuse me for a moment, I just might have forgotten to take care of a certain grisly item in my possession. I shall return momentarily.

It was not entiely a lie. Tsung cannot remember whether he tied the bag with te orc head well enough, in case it... leaks. In any case, he hurries back towards the study, checking for anyone in the way.

Listen and spot

(Not using color because I am on mobile Back and fixed.)

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-11, 10:15 AM
""I'm feeling a bit sick. I'd go back to sleep but we have stuff to do. Anyway, we have some stuff to report and some warforged to take care of. You guys ready to go?"

"Oh, I'll wait here then?"

Tsung makes his way back and wasn't followed as far as he could tell nor does he see anyone of import on his way there. Upon arriving at the study he finds it empty of individuals.

Caligstro Smith
2015-02-11, 11:25 AM
"Yes, I was keeping watch for any more unfriendly overnight visitors, to give the two of you as much opportunity to regain your casting as possible."

"I'm feeling a bit sick. I'd go back to sleep but we have stuff to do. Anyway, we have some stuff to report and some warforged to take care of. You guys ready to go?"

"I certainly am. The sooner we can get this taken care of the happier I'll be."

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-11, 02:03 PM
Chistara and Fife: Summer 1:18 (Night)
Team Gilde: Summer 1:10 (Afternoon)
Ioriston and Torma: 1:9 (Morning)

"Same. I think we can largely fix this warforged issue, but I think we wont be getting anything nice from Twitch for a while. I'm going to teleport outside the guild hall with the halfling, the alive warforged, and two other warforged, and then I'll be back for the rest."

As he explains all this he carries two of the warforged over to the two alive prisoners. He, the warforged, and the halfling all disappear in a puff of shadow. A minute passes, then five, then about half an hour before Harnor returns again.

"Alrighty, so, one final teleport and we're back home. I can't say I'm going to miss this place given the lack of a comfy bed."

The rest of the group teleports.

You arrive at a small clearing with multiple trees, which Torma and Iroiston both recognize as being part of the grove outside the guild, though the position of the trees makes the location pretty well hidden. It is very clearly early morning and very cold out (which ofc doesn't bother Torma in the least).

"I miss my bed. Ok, we have to do some things. I'm going to sending to someone... Ioriston, since you saw all the weapons, can you find Qailee and tell her to send to our Major guild contact? Torma, can you find Charlie, tell him that Ioriston is already getting the reporting done, give him a quick summary of what happened and tell him I need to talk to him? And pleeeease don't let anyone else know... except Snow probably already knows, but Trindia doesn't... and I'd like to keep my spine intact as long as humanly possible."

2015-02-11, 03:43 PM
"Oh, I'll wait here then?"

Tsung makes his way back and wasn't followed as far as he could tell nor does he see anyone of import on his way there. Upon arriving at the study he finds it empty of individuals.

Upon finding no one nearby, Tsung leaves the study for his own bedroom, trusting Sophia to have done her part. He runs back into the room to check on the leather bag of orc head, making sure it isn't leaking, before rushing back to Aldera where he left her.

Thank you for your patience, Aldera. Tsung take a deep breath. Now that has whetted up my appetite. Would you like to join me for a bit of luncheon?

2015-02-12, 04:09 PM
Ioriston nods silently, then exits the grove and walks towards the entrance to the guild building, covering his mouth and nose with his bandana.

Caligstro Smith
2015-02-12, 04:32 PM
"Sure Harnor. I'll be back with Charlie in just a bit."

Torma gives him a slight nod and walks off through the garden in search of Charlie.

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-12, 07:03 PM
She looks surprised at the request.
"Uh.... ok?" (Back to Omi's? or somewhere else?)

The two Cherry homers enter the guildhall... and find the teashop pretty vacant. Charlie sits at one table with a bunch of papers spread all about. Roman is at another, reading a book, but looking extremely bored. As soon as he notices Torma and Ioriston he leaps on the table.

"Whoooooaaa! FINALLY you guys are back! How was the trip? Did you guys get to fight some cool earth monsters? Harnor probably crushed all of them! Oh man, you guys have got to tell me what I missed!!!"

2015-02-12, 09:34 PM
Sophia having left the room with the note she made about the letter of Omi's son. She makes her way to find an attendant for food, since she was hungry.

2015-02-12, 09:37 PM
Lowering his bandana upon his entrance to the teashop, Ioriston replies to Roman's inquiry. "The city of Dkraten contains many architectural and arcane marvels. Unfortunately for our discussion I must go see Qailee immediately to relate the finer points of some of these...wonders. Perhaps I shall share some of these wonders with you in due time. Anyway, it is quite fortuitous," Ioriston says, turning to Charlie, "That I find you here. Before I visit Qailee, may I inquire as to your progress with the wolf trap?"

2015-02-12, 10:01 PM
She looks surprised at the request.
"Uh.... ok?" (Back to Omi's? or somewhere else?)

Then please lead the way to the dining room. Perchance the old man has finished preparing something enough for the both of us.

With a courteous nod, Tsung waits for Aldera to go back to the mansion.

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-12, 10:30 PM
(Guys, we are nearing that 50 page mark that means we will make a new thread. Just a heads up)

Roman slouches and returns to his seated position, a bit upset that he didn't get to hear anything new just yet.

Charlie looks up, not having seen Ioriston.
"Oh! Elf! You're back! And Torma too! Oh boy, that wolf trap... So Twitch made a bit of a mess at first, but after some more overseeing and explicit directions he finished in no time. The little gnome ended up making a wall o' electricity, it doesn't kill a small child, let alone a wolf, but it works well to deter them. Erm, lets see..."

He fidgets about for a moment until he draws out a small brown bag, very poorly made.
"This is from Isis, as a gift to you."
5 gp

"Oh, and, elf, Qailee is likely in the garden or the little chapel.... Where's the pretty boy?

Aldera gives a smile.
"He's not that old. Right this way Mister Tsien."
She begins to lead the way back to Omi's.
Sophia makes her way to the dining room where the bald male servant is currently laying out some fine plates, white with a golden trim, on the table. He sees Sopia, and though he does seem more than cheerful enough, he raises an eyebrow.

"Was that you running about earlier? It's not a big deal, but it's odd... uh... well I'm currently preparing a lunch for Mister Tsung. I was actually going to set a plate for you as well." ------

Shortly after saying this Sophia hears the front door open and in walks Tsung with a female servant that Sophia has not met. She is also shaved and dressed completely in white.

"Ah! I will now fetch the meal!"

He retreats into the door on the far side of the room and returns back into the room with a silver platter. He repeats the process a few times, each time bringing something new. By the time he is finished there is quiet a lot of food set out. Bread, butter, some fish, a mix of roasted greens and a thick white creamy gravy type of sauce.

The man stands there, grinning and obviously proud of the food.

2015-02-13, 10:58 AM
Ioriston glances briefly inside the pouch before putting it away. "I shall have to pay a visit to Isis to both express my gratitude and ask her to keep us updated on the efficiency of the trap. As for Harnor's location, we diverged at the grove outside the building, though where he went from there I am unsure. He was looking to speak with you, though. Before I leave, thank you for supervising Twitch and getting the trap built." Ioriston goes to the garden in search of Qailee.

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-13, 11:40 AM
"Aye, elf."

It takes a good moment for Ioriston to search about the garden, as it is extremely large and filled with annoyance such as trees, bushes, and all sorts of things that block vision. At least once or twice Ioriston finds a dead end in the garden. Finally he finds the aassimar in a small clearing, her back against a cherry blossom tree, reading a book. As she notices Ioriston she gives a small smile.

"Oh, hi Ioriston. Is Harnor back too?"

2015-02-13, 12:09 PM
(Waah! Sorry! Dad stuff going on!)

Chistara going to select a wooden GreatAxe, "Aye, these arrangements work well fer me." Grinning, she spins her axe once. "Twill be a merry bout."

2015-02-13, 01:34 PM
"He is, though at the moment he is meeting with Charlie. He sent me to you to ask you to Send to our Major Guild contact. Dkraten is in fact smuggling weapons, most likely to Chi. They took some pains to let us know we were not welcome there, culminating in a haphazard attempt on our lives, though it is worth noting that there is a good deal of dissent within the small councilmof Dkraten. Nonetheless, everything they have done in regards to our visit and everything we have seen and heard indicates that there is a great deal they do not wish us to know."

2015-02-13, 03:05 PM
(Waah! Sorry! Dad stuff going on!)

Chistara going to select a wooden GreatAxe, "Aye, these arrangements work well fer me." Grinning, she spins her axe once. "Twill be a merry bout."

"Great," Fife says as he goes to pick out a wooden sickle, "Used to spare with the old band director before he croked. He was one of the only people with combat experience prior to our unending mishaps.....anyway I'm ready whenever you are."

Oko and Qailee
2015-02-13, 03:15 PM
We are moving to a new IC thread! Post for it is already up, and Team Gilde's post has been re posted there. I will be ignoring this one soon(tm).

New IC Thread here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?398487-The-8(7)-Guilds-of-Xil-Second-Job&p=18816749#post18816749)