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2014-11-13, 04:52 PM
CTP Presents:
Jade Regent
Chapter 1: The Brinewall Legacy
Part One: Fires Over Brinestump

Moonday, Lamashan 1st, 4712 AR; Evening


A brazier of glowing coals adds welcome warmth to the confines of Koya Mvashti's tent. Even though she inherited her late mother's house in Sandpoint, the old Varisian woman seems to prefer her nomadic quarters in Sandru's caravan. Strings of multicolored beads hand from the fabric ceiling, many of them terminating in ornate glass butterflies, the symbol of the deity Koya honors above all others. The soothing scent of incense fills the air as she pours over yet another spread of Harrow cards.

Arra sits on a thick mat on the floor of the tent, waiting for her adoptive mother to speak. They did not need to converse to enjoy each others' company; many an hour they had passed in pleasant silence, or perhaps accompanied by faint music from somewhere else in the caravan. But Koya had called Arra to her tent to discuss her portents and omens, and based on the exact wording of the summons, Arra knew the divination would not be a trifling one.

At last, Koya opens her eyes, still sparkling with wit and life, two orbs of youth within a time-weathered face.
"Arra, child, I see much in the cards. I see a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, vulnerable to the world. You must spread your wings, child, and allow them to dry. But when they do, oh! they will be beautiful, and all the world shall see your dance. But there is darkness on the horizon. The wheels of destiny are turning, turning, and we are all wrapped up in its complex loom. The cards keep pointing to fire and water, to restless bones, to secrets. You must go south before going north, they say."
She pauses, breathing deep. Then she smiles, a warm, familiar sight you've come to love.
"Why don't you head into town tonight? Sandru went down to the Rusty Dragon to relax and make merry. You won't lack for familiar company there. I think fate wants you there, child. You've nothing to fear, dear."

The Rusty Dragon

In the northwest part of Sandpoint stands the Rusty Dragon Inn, a favorite spot for locals and adventurers passing through town. Owned and operated by the lovely-as-she-is-witty Ameiko Kaijitsu, strong drink, lively music, and spicy food are all available at reasonable prices.

It's a relatively slow night at the Dragon. A few fishermen sit at the bar, brooding into their cups. A smattering of regulars pass the time with card games. Sandru Vhiski the caravan owner is there, which is somewhat rare, even when he's in town. He plays dice with a pair of Varisian men in a corner, his back to the rest of the common room.

The talk of the town seems to be goblins; the Licktoad tribe's acquisition of fireworks has many people worried, and just as many vaguely bemused. Never taking a goblin threat sitting down, the beautiful and mysterious Shalelu Andosana has supposedly disappeared into Brinestump Marsh, and just three days ago a band of adventurers from Magnimar did just the same. No word has left the swamp since then, and people are starting to speculate...

As luck would have it, a number of Sandpoint's more talented, gifted, or at the very least intimidating residents (or sporadic visitors, in some cases) are at the Rusty Dragon, with a variety of goals in their minds. Perhaps what Koya said about destiny in her Harrow cards is particularly accurate tonight.

Okay, I leave the floor open to you beautiful Player Characters. Get some introductions going; physical description, all that good stuff. We won't tarry long here (unless you have an unusually large amount of entertainment in an opening bar scene).

2014-11-15, 04:24 AM
His tongue sticking out as he draws, Laine Phillip sits at the bar drawing on a sheet of parchment. "I am drawing this from memory, mind you, but the creature looked something...like...this..." he says, holding up a rough charcoal drawing of a six-legged cat with two tentacles sprouting off its back. "Shalelu explained that it was a pretty dangerous predator, not something worth encountering up close, but I thought it was strangely beautiful in its own way," he continues talking to the pretty barmaid looking over his shoulder.

Laine smiles broadly at the young woman, his silvering hair at odds with his youthful features. She shrugs and hands him a drink, smiling back pleasantly before she walks away to continue her rounds. When the woodsman sees Arra walk in he waves good naturedly and gestures at the empty seat next to him. He then takes a long pull from his drink and puts the parchment and charcoal pencil in the pack at his feet before waiting to see if she joins him.

2014-11-15, 04:22 PM

Erik walks into the Rusty Dragon, ducking his head slightly so as to not hit the top of the door. His long blonde hair unable to hide his bright blue eyes that scanned the Inn for Ameiko. His almost ever present grin faded only the slightest not seeing her. The northern giant then looked for anyone else he might share a drink with.

2014-11-15, 11:18 PM
Sitting comfortably across the tent from Koya, Arra listens to the words of her adopted mother. She shifts nervously when the cleric mentions her going to the tavern. The Rusty Dragon sees visitors of all races and walks of life, but it could also be home to the occasional brawl and she could attract the wrong kind of attention. The quiet life with Koya was much more to her liking. Still, Sandru's presence there might serve as a bit of an anchor, a safety line, that might help if things start to get out of control. Arra does not know him that well, but she recognizes that he cares deeply for Koya.

The thought of Koya's sad face if she refused is enough to make the decision for her. Arra leans forward, gently wrapping all four of her arms around her beloved mother. "I will be back soon. I promise."

The Rusty Dragon

As Arra tries to quietly make her way into the tavern, it appears as if she were a shadow that became corporeal in the light. Her light purple skin blends into the darkness outside, but sticks out like a bruised thumb in the lit confines of the tavern. She is tall for a female, or so Koya has told her, and her lithe frame does not appear to have an ounce of spare flesh. Her attire is a visually interesting mix of strategically placed leather straps and dancer's cloth. A veil covers the lower half of her face, obscuring nose and mouth, while golden eyes cautiously take in the atmosphere beneath a bald scalp. A scimitar hangs from the left side of her hip, while a bonded pair of butterfly swords dangle on her right. Arra does not normally wear her weapons outside, but she feels the need to put on a confident face in the Rusty Dragon.

She is surprised by a silver-haired man noticing her and waving her over to an empty chair. Cautiously optimistic, Arra saunters over and takes the offered seat. She then waits patiently for the man to speak.

2014-11-16, 09:28 PM

Xun was not happy.

She couldn't even really explain why she wasn't happy, but there was something niggling away beneath her skin that would not let her comfortably go about her daily business. There were reports of goblins freshly armed with fireworks in Brinestump Marsh but that situation would be well in hand, it always was when it came to the goblin attacks once people got their feet under them. It was something...else. It felt like dozens of insects were crawling beneath her skin until she itched and wanted to scratch, but a careful eye ensured it was not actual insects.

That was why the exotic, white-haired Tien young woman was in the Rusty Dragon that night at the bar close to Laine, chewing anxiously on a her index finger with a petulant look on her face. Her blue-and-green eyes just barely flicker over towards the drawing of a displacer beast that the later has drawn, mostly at the mention of Shalelu's name.

"The thing is an infamous beast that is quite capable of slaying even experienced travelers, she was right," she replies almost off-hand and intruding into Laine's attempts to flirt without invitation, mostly due to ignorance of his attempts to woo the barmaid. Figures that Ameiko would hire such a girl to sell drinks. Why couldn't she sit still?

...Oh right, Shalelu had gone into the swamp after the goblins and hadn't returned. They were certainly well within her capabilities to deal with mind...but she shouldn't have been gone for so long. The other adventurers should have returned by now. The situation should have been simple but was instead proving to be quite...complex.

"Why were you even examining such a beast? Its an ill-omen."

2014-11-17, 10:00 AM
Laine takes a moment to look with some curiosity at Arra's extra limbs, trying not to stare too uncomfortably, before turning to Xun and saying, "We came upon the creature by chance, and luckily from some distance. It seems to have moved on without causing any problems, but it was amazing to see, even if only from a distance!" He takes the rough drawing, folds it up, and places it in a pocket. Smiling at Arra he says, "It isn't every species that has six appendages, but there are some truly awesome creatures that do - dragons, for example! I imagine that it can be rather...handy..." The woodsman finishes his joke with a goofy smile, it clear he means no offense at the horrible pun.

He takes another deep pull of his drink before hailing a server for a bite to eat and asks, "So, what brings all of you to the Rusty Dragon tonight?"

2014-11-18, 12:10 PM
Despite Laine's good-natured grin, Arra disapprovingly folds her arms across her chest. It is an impressive feat for four limbs. An quiet, airy voice says in reply, "'Handy'? Do you think yourself clever? You are not the first to make such a joke, but I doubt that you will be the last.

Koya said that something in her Harrow deck said that I should come here. Something about going south... or was it north?" Arra cups her obscured chin in one hand as she tries to remember exactly what Koya had said.

2014-11-18, 02:40 PM
A savory aroma begins to waft from the kitchens of the Rusty Dragon. The two Varisian men playing cards with Sandru look towards the bar with anticipation, and in a few moments Ameiko enters the common room, carrying two plates on one arm. She brings the food to Sandru’s table: sautéd cabbage and egg yakimono, and broiled cod with sesame seeds and soy sauce. Ameiko and Sandru exchange a smile and a nod, but she quickly makes her way to the bar.

A shock of white hair frames Ameiko’s pretty face, which sports a bemused smirk as she observes the odd company assembled at the bar.
”Evening, folks. What’ll it be? The special’s cod tonight, and I got some nice new wines in from Magnimar this morning: a red and a white.”

She overhears the tail end of Arra’s mention of Koya’s divinations. Leaning on the bar, she idly wipes the lacquered surface with a rag.
”Never put much stock in fortune-telling. We’re living in the Age of Lost Omens, remember? Make your own future, that’s what I say.”

2014-11-18, 07:46 PM

Eric's smile broadens considerably when Ameiko enters the room.

"What would you recomend?"

2014-11-18, 09:39 PM
Ameiko arches an eyebrow as she considers the massive Ulfen man.
"I'll put you down for the special with the yakimono. Growing boys need their meat and eggs, right?"

The Varisian men seem to be enjoying Ameiko's cooking. One of them shouts a compliment in his native tongue, to which Ameiko bows slightly in his direction.
"Keeps your eyes on the cards, Vasily." says Sandru.

2014-11-18, 09:53 PM
Arra lays her hands on the bar counter and replies disapprovingly,

"You may have no respect for Koya's skill with the tarot, but I cannot tell you the number of times that my mother has foreseen some calamity or miracle. If she says I am meant to be here, I will trust her with my life."

2014-11-18, 10:14 PM

Erik nods and smiles. "You know me well."

2014-11-19, 05:40 AM
Laine shrugs and purses his lips a moment at Arra's rebuttal before smiling and returning to his food. When Ameiko offers more he gestures to his plate and says, "The fish is quite good. I would eat another, if there is more, Ameiko." He makes the request nearly a challenge with his tone of voice, his eyes dancing at some unspoken joke.

"Though my earlier attempt at humor may not be well received, I can vouch for our lovely, violet companion - in the hands of the unskilled reading fortunes is pointless, but there are those with power who can read portents. Miss Koya is rumored to be one such person, and I can see the value in taking her readings into account," the woodsman says before taking a large bite. "I cannot imagine what we will see here of such significance, but it could be interesting!"

2014-11-20, 03:05 PM
Seeing Arra's conviction, Ameiko beats a retreat to the kitchen to fill the food orders. As if drawn to the raised voices, Sandru approaches the bar, a broad smile on his face.

Sandru is a handsome Varisian man in his mid thirties, broad-shouldered, his skin tanned and supple as soft leather from a life on the road. He moves with surprising grace for a man his age.
"Arra, if Koya told you it was your destiny to be here, well... I think that was just her way of saying you need to get out more!"
He gives her a friendly pat on the shoulder.
"Say, Laine, is it? I heard you're friends with ol'Shalelu. I know she's often gone for weeks at a time without a word, but if the goblin problem down south is as bad as folks are saying... well, I was curious if you were getting worried at all. It'll let me know if I should be worried, at least."

2014-11-20, 04:58 PM
"Worried? Not really...If anyone knows how to avoid the worst goblins can throw it is Shalelu. She will go to ground and disappear before she lets them catch her," Laine says confidently. He smiles and asks, "Why? Have you heard something that should concern Sandpoint? If Shalelu was unable to get back here safely she may not be in danger herself, but that doesn't mean others aren't..."

Pausing his meal, he looks around at the other patrons in the bar with a brief furrowing of his brows in concern. "She taught me to watch out for people - if there are problems and she cannot help, I would be willing to go in her place."

2014-11-20, 05:11 PM
Leaning against the bar, Sandru shrugs in response to Laine's question.
"You're probably right. Still, Brinestump Marsh has never been fully mapped. It's not very big, but it's dense. I'm curious where these goblins have been getting fireworks, for that matter; they usually steal garbage. Fireworks are pretty rare around here. My caravan's transported some from time to time: they're usually imported from Tian Xia, on the other side of the world. Something just doesn't add up. Where would goblins get Tian fireworks? There haven't been any caravans or shipments of fireworks along the Lost Coast this year, as far as I know. Why, if I was ten years younger I'd be halfway tempted to put on some galoshes and go investigate myself..."

2014-11-20, 07:15 PM
Arra is surprised by Sandru's hand on her shoulder. She wasn't used to being touched, but it was nice for someone to be intimate with her other than her mother. As the others voice their concerns about the problems in the south, she is struck by a crazy notion.

"Maybe... we could..." Arra halts mid-sentence, embarrassed by the idea that she is about to propose. No, she thinks to herself. Koya sent you here for a reason. Maybe this is it. Be brave.

"Perhaps we could go investigate? What if Shalelu needs our help?"

2014-11-20, 07:30 PM

"Shalelu needs our help as much as Ameiko needs cooking lessons," Xun snapped out vitrioically before common sense caught up with her and the white-haired young woman realizes how harsh she had come off. She brushes ivory hair behind on ear before sheepishly clearing her throat. Despite her knee-jerk response to the idea of the talented ranger being in danger, the seed of worry remained and continued to leave her feeling...itchy. "But...you might be on to something."

Well...it was sorta like an apology, but not that her mind was churning over alternatives there wasn't time to stop and puzzle them out fully...not with that social faux-pas to smooth over. "Like I said, Shalelu is likely fine but the previous band of adventurers who searched out the goblins...well...we all say the glimmer of flashing lights and pops coming from the swamp with no word or sign of the intrepid travelers. Did anyone even know them? Might be that they made a mis-step and were left in a vulnerable position when the greenskins came upon them and need assistance. If nothing else we could discover what has happened to them and put the minds of the townsfolk at ease about what is going on in the swamp. Between everyone here at there must surely be a few individuals with the right skills to investigate the matter...

2014-11-20, 08:40 PM

"Well lets go look! The right skill is simply courage. Who is with me?"

2014-11-21, 12:27 PM
Laine shrugs. "You all will need someone who knows himself on the trails. I'll go with you. When do we start?" he asks, taking another bite and smiling. "You all should eat up before we leave - odds are good you won't eat as well on the trail!"

2014-11-21, 05:22 PM
Arra is surprise by Xun's outburst, but she hears enough of the same indignation that she herself had felt moments before that Arra lets it slide. Perhaps she is a little worried... Marching into what could be a goblin's lair is hardly Arra's first idea of adventure, but fate has dealt her a clear hand.

"I propose that we leave at dawn tomorrow. Despite how much I love the moon, traveling at night is not a good idea in the woods. Besides, I must tell Koya that I am going. I don't her to worry about me running off without a word."

2014-11-21, 07:13 PM
Sandru has a strange sort of smile on his face... nostalgic, perhaps?
"Ameiko! Ameiko, could you come here?"

Ameiko leans out of the kitchen, an apron around her waist, still clutching a knife. Her eyebrows are arched expectantly, her expression hovering between annoyance and mild amusement.

"Uncork a bottle of the red, Ameiko. I'm buying. I'd like to toast our friends here. I think they've just put together an adventuring party!"

Ameiko and Sandru exchange a meaningful look. She gets out four glasses, uncorks a bottle of wine with great finesse, and pours Arra, Laine, Erik, and Xun a glass. She pours two more glasses for Sandru and herself, then waits expectantly.

Sandru is all smiles. "It's a proud tradition to begin a venture such as this at a tavern. A toast: to your health and good fortune as you explore the mysteries of Brinestump Marsh!"

Ameiko closes her eyes hard and takes a long pull, unbecoming of a lady. "I'll drink to that. The Rusty Dragon is honored to bear witness."

You get the feeling that Sandru and Ameiko are roughly half sarcastic, and half sincere. The moment is laden with a strange meaningfulness and awkwardness.

2014-11-21, 08:03 PM

Erik raises his cup of mead. "To beginnings."

2014-11-22, 03:40 AM
Laine raises his glass high and smiles as he samples the wine. His eyes light up at the taste and he enjoys several long pulls as he finishes it quickly. "Tomorrow sounds good to me. Goblins don't usually like the daylight as much as the night, so it might be marginally safer," he says in response to Arra's suggestion. "We can meet at the town square and go from there. Bring extra supplies - getting lost in swamps is easy even with an experienced tracker, so come prepared for anything!"

1.) What's the plan? To help you figure this out, feel free to make me some Knowledge (local) / (geography) / (nature) / (history) checks, or any other sorts of skill checks you think might be helpful for planning, preparing, or making a course of action (Survival, perhaps, etc.)
Knowledge (Geography) [roll0] + [roll1] (Inspiration - free on trained knowledge checks)
Knowledge (History) [roll2] + [roll3] (Inspiration - free on trained knowledge checks)
Knowledge (Local) [roll4] + [roll5] (Inspiration - free on trained knowledge checks)
Knowledge (Nature) [roll6] + [roll7] (Inspiration - free on trained knowledge checks)
Survival [roll8] + [roll9] (Inspiration - 1/4 uses today)

If there is a location where Laine can go and look at maps or other documents (like a library) tonight, Laine would go there after dinner to try and get a bonus on these checks. In spite of his flippant personality, he wants to look skilled/knowledgeable in front of others and would do his homework...

If there are no such resources available, he would take the time tonight to try and get a head start on tracking the other party. He won't enter the swamp but would try to discover where they entered the swamp. At the first sign of suspected danger Laine would retreat back to town (and safety). If there is time before midnight to Take 20 on Survival to do this (for a 26+Inspiration), he would do so. Laine has low-light vision.

2.) What will be your 'marching order?'
Lain will walk beside Erik with shortbow drawn as he tracks and fall behind him at the beginning of combat.

2014-11-23, 08:03 PM
Toilday, Lamashan 2nd, 4712 AR; Morning

The newly-forged adventuring party agrees to leave early the following morning. They say goodbye to their friends at the Rusty Dragon and get as well a night's sleep as they can manage. In the chilly morning mist, they set off south from Sandpoint along the Lost Coast Road.

The hour-long walk to the borders of Brinestump Marsh is cold and uneventful. The waters of the Varisian Gulf churn slate-gray, the whitecaps breaking against stark cliffs and lending the air a salty tang. Eventually, the cliffs dip into a wide bowl, the bottom of which is clogged with scraggly black trees and steaming yellow-green fens: Brinestump Marsh.

You know of three main paths leading down into the swamp: New Fish Trail, Old Fish Trail, and the Witch Walk. A few of you are aware that Walthus Proudstump, a reclusive halfling snake wrangler, lives somwhere along the New Fish Trail, and Laine can confirm that the previous band of adventurers went down said trail three days ago. However, it's rumored that the Licktoad goblins live somewhere near the Old Fish Trail.

A forlorn bird calls out across the swamp, which is otherwise eerily silent.

What's the plan? You have essentially four options:

1.) Take the New Fish Trail
2.) Take the Old Fish Trail
3.) Take the Witch Walk
4.) Ignore the extant paths and begin cutting your own way through the swamp.

2014-11-24, 05:01 AM
Thanks to Laine’s expeditions into the hinterlands of Sandpoint, he knows a great deal of useful information.

Geography: You know that the Brinestump Marsh is a relatively small, but dense area of wetlands. It is surrounded by cliffs, containing the swamp near sea level. It forms the borders of Sog’s Bay, a neglected stretch of the Lost Coast; the land was never solid enough to allow a more permanent community to form. The marsh is about 2 miles wide at its longest dimension (from the southwest corner to the northeast, diagonally across).

Even though the marsh is largely unmapped and trackless, there are three paths that wind through the swamp. The New Fish Trail sees the most traffic; despite the swamps sinister reputation, many local fishermen swear by the fine fishing in the swamp. The New Fish Trail also leads to the self-appointed ‘swamp warden’ Walthus Proudstump’s home. An eccentric, snake-wrangling halfling, Walthus might be a useful source of information, or even a guide.

The Old Fish Trail used to be the main trail used by local fisherman, but since the Licktoad goblins moved in, the trail has been largely abandoned.

The third path is called Witch’s Walk, which bears a somewhat dark stigma: locals believe it leads directly to the home of Old Megus the Swamp Witch. Old Megus hasn’t been seen around Sandpoint for several months, however.

Aside from the local goblins, the biggest dangers of Brinestump are the local wildlife: alligators and venomous snakes. There are also rumors of a creature sighted near the marsh, dubbed the Soggy River Monster. A pale, vaguely-humanoid creature, over the past year five disappearances have been laid at the Soggy River Monster’s feet. No one has identified what the creature is, or even officially confirmed that it’s real, but local fishermen have been reporting sightings for the past three years.

After leaving the Rusty Dragon, you decide to do a bit of late-night scouting, to see if you can pick up the trail of the missing adventurers. Despite the darkness and the passage of three days’ time, you identify the trail of three medium humanoids entering the swamp near the entrance of the New Fish Trail.
"We should head down the New Fish Trail. Last night I did some looking around and found the tracks of the other company entering the marsh that way. Keep an eye on where you walk - there are several species of poisonous snakes that make their home in the swamp and some of the "logs" are in fact alligators. Otherwise, keep your eyes peeled for goblins and the Soggy River Monster, a pale humanoid thing.

If we get to Walthus Proudstump's home we may ask for his help. He knows the swamp as well as just about anyone. Old Megus might help too, though I would rather we not run into the old witch..." Laine rambles as he leads the party towards the swamp path. As they walk he scans the ground for tracks and the surrounding swamp for signs of danger.

If "Taking 10" is allowed, I have a 16 Survival and a 14 Perception. Otherwise those rolls are [roll0] for Survival and [roll1] for Perception.

2014-11-24, 02:24 PM
Laine’s voice echoes off the cliffside as you descend a rough dirt path down into the swamp, along the New Fish Trail. As you enter the marsh proper, sound seems to be muffled by the dense vegetation. Even in the middle of autumn, the trees here cling to their leaves: willows, eucalyptus, and a few moss-covered oaks primarily. Not far off the path, the grass glistens with stagnant water; a ripe, fecund scent fills the air, barely masked by a salty mist that hangs just below your knees.

You cross three rickety bridges over deeper, slow-moving streams as you walk the trail. Every sound seems significant: a soft plop as something living slides into the water, strange bird calls, a rustling of reeds. Thankfully, it’s chilly enough that no insect pests bother you.

Laine has trouble picking up the trail of the missing adventurers, but following the path is easy enough. After about ten minutes walking the New Fish Trail, the muddy path terminates in a swampy lagoon. The open ocean is visible just beyond these shallow waters, while an old two-story building, its walls soggy with moss and its roof sagging with age, sits on the lagoon’s eastern shore. This must be the home of Walthus Proudstump. Although there are no signs of the halfling’s infamous snakes, you see evidence of their presence: the dried husks of their shed skins litter the ground around the shack.

2014-11-24, 03:13 PM

"Old Megus will be of no help to us or anyone else if the rumors are true," the young woman comments as she follows along behind Lain and Eric with her arms folded across her chest as if to bundle in the warmth before it is leeched away by the cool winds coming in off the Varisian Gulf. "The people say that she has changed herself into a flesh-eating monster that steals away children to fill her rusted iron cauldron, to praise some devious patron of evil. Those last bits are my own embellishments but I believe that they add something to the story."

However she keeps to herself for much of the journey down New Fish Trail until they reach the lagoon where the halfling was supposed to live and her almond shaped eyes narrow as she looks at the ancient home. Briefly she stoops over to pick up a small handful of mud and rubs it between her fingers. There was something about the situation that was setting her nerves on edge, though she couldn't really explain what about the situation was aggravating her.

"...Has anyone visited Walthus before? Does he normally leave the snakeskins just laying around his property? It just seems...remarkably messy," she finally says as she brushes the dirt off her hands and straightens up. "Feels the same as leaving your clothes laying everywhere..."

2014-11-24, 06:56 PM

Erik smiles at Xun's embellishments. "I have found that rumours grow like fish caught by fishermen, not to mention the ones that got away."

2014-11-24, 09:38 PM
As they walk along the trail, one thing becomes clear to Arra: she hates the swamp. The muffled sound, the darkness of the tree cover, the smell of decay, the cold wind... She is beginning to have second thoughts about coming out this way. Well, too late to turn back now.

Hesitantly, she asks, "Shouldn't we knock or something? I don't think this Walthus would like people sneaking around his house."

2014-11-25, 06:08 AM

Erik walks up to the house and knocks loudly on the door.

2014-11-25, 01:35 PM
Smiling Laine says, "I don't know much about the witch, but I also don't hold much stock in rumors without real evidence. Either way, we won't find Megus here." He steps forward with Erik to the door, peering closely at the porch and doorway, confident that his heavy leather boots will prevent any snake bites from lurking serpents.

Perception [roll0]
Knowledge (Local) [roll1] to remember details on either Megus or Walthus

2014-11-25, 01:37 PM
Used (for free) on Knowledge (Local) check +[roll0]

2014-11-25, 02:21 PM
Little is really known about Walthus Proudstump. He is a recluse, and has lived alone in the marsh for around five years. There is a rumor, however, that he is an escaped slave from Cheliax; that might explain why he is so secretive.

Erik knocks on the rather flimsy wooden door. After a moment or two some shuffling is heard from within. The door opens a crack, and peeking out is a disheveled male halfling, barely three feet tall. He has dirty brown hair and dark brown eyes, and he stares up at you with suspicion. An unpleasant smell wafts out of the house.
"Who's there? I'm not seeing visitors."

2014-11-26, 04:56 AM
"Mr. Proudstump? We are from Sandpoint. Several days ago three adventurers entered the swamp and got lost. They were trying to deal with some goblins who have been harassing some caravans recently. Shalelu may also be here in the swamp, but we haven't seen her yet. Is there anything you can do to help us?" Laine says, taking his hat in his hand respectfully.

2014-11-26, 09:05 PM
Walthus stares at Laine, his brow furrowed in an effort to comprehend his words. His face is dirty, and speckled with beads of sweat.
"...I don't really know much about that. The house is a mess, you see... I need to clean things up. Lots of work to be done. Sorry."

He keeps a firm hand on the door, as if he can't wait to close it again.

2014-11-27, 05:56 AM
"Well, perhaps we can help you out and you can help us in return. What do you need done? After we are done you can help us by guiding us around the marsh...?" Laine says to the halfling while he looks at the rest of his party for confirmation.

2014-11-27, 06:05 AM

Erik shrugs suppressing a laugh and looking around. "Do you need any wood chopped?"

2014-11-27, 01:50 PM
Walthus slumps a bit, and opens the door wider, motioning for you to come in.
"...Well, come in, then. Sorry about the mess."
He leads you to a cluttered kitchen. Fat flies buzz through the air, which is cloying and thick with an unpleasant stink. Now that you can see the halfling in his entirety, you note that his movements are pained, and there is dried blood on his skin and clothing in sporadic patches.
Walthus begins fidgeting around with dirty pots and pans.
"You mentioned something about goblins?"

2014-11-27, 05:55 PM
"Mr. Proudstump! You look injured, are you alright? And yes, we did say something about goblins. There have been some rumors about caravans and travelers being waylaid by them. The other adventurers were apparently looking into it when they left several days ago. We are trying to help as well. Did the goblins do this to you and your home?" Laine asks, concern apparent in his voice. As he speaks he begins moving to help with the dishes and put to right anything he can tell is out of place.

2014-11-27, 07:02 PM

"And they have fireworks."

2014-11-27, 08:17 PM
It's apparent that the building was originally designed for human-sized occupants, but Walthus has transferred all of his child-sized kitchen utensils to the lowest possible shelves; assisting him is an awkward endeavor.
"Oh, no, the goblins haven't bothered me. I had to see a particularly large snake off the property. Got in a bit of a tussle. If you're looking for goblins, you won't find any here. Best if you look to the southeast of here, near the Old Fish Trail."

2014-11-28, 05:14 AM
A confused look crosses Laine's face. "I tracked the other company into the swamp - they entered the New Fish Trail. Have you seen anyone come this way in the last several days? If not they must have gone offtrack sometime before your home..." he says while crouching to help tidying up. "Are there any hidden cross-trails connecting the Old and New Fish Trails?"

2014-11-28, 03:32 PM
"No, I don't think so. Even so, it's not far through the marsh. I haven't seen anyone else out here, which is fine by me."
Walthus distractedly grabs some old, stale crackers and a few scraps of beef jerky. It's clear he has little in the way of decent food; he's just going through the motions of hospitality.
"East by southeast of here, there's plenty of goblins. Why don't you go take care of them? I'm sure you can handle it."

2014-12-01, 04:13 PM
Arra is not sure how to interact with this hermit, so she instead looks around at her surroundings to try to get a sense of what was bothering the halfling.

2014-12-01, 07:53 PM

Erik grins and shifts his grip on his bearded axe. "I am for taking care of the goblins. Maybe we will find some clues there."

2014-12-02, 02:14 PM
Walthus nods eagerly at Erik.
"Yes, yes, that's a great idea. The day is young. Go take care of those goblins."
The dirty halfling looks up at you expectantly, his half-finished meal of stale food sitting forgotten on a nearby rickety table.

Unless anyone has any more business with Walthus, we can proceed with further exploration into the swamp. A Survival check accompanied with the halfling's directions can put you on the trail of the Licktoad goblins.

2014-12-03, 06:15 AM
Laine scratches his head quizzically before smiling. "Well then, let's go! I hope you have a nice day Mr. Proudstump, and if you see Shalelu or any other adventurers, please let them know we are looking for them."

He turns and steps outside to look around the swamp and get his bearings.

Survival [roll0] with the directions provided by Walthus.

If the results of the skill check are less than 15 but more than 12 Laine will use Inspiration for +[roll1] on the skill check.

Edit: Well, that is clearly not needed. Natural 20s for the win!

2014-12-03, 01:49 PM
You say farewell to the strange halfling, who seems only too happy that you're leaving. You retrace your steps a bit on the New Fish Trail, before you reach the southeastern-most point on the trail. According to Walthus, the most direct route to the Licktoads is through the untracked marsh itself. You steel yourselves, and begin the slow, wet, unpleasant trek through the soggy undergrowth.

The muddy ground sucks at your feet as you push through wet reeds, duck under dripping branches, and shield your noses against the ripe smells of rotting vegetation. The terrain is treacherous, and it would be fiendishly easy for one to become lost, but Laine is a skilled outdoorsman. Thanks to his expertise, you stay the course, cutting as efficient a path through the marsh as possible.

After about 25 minutes or so of walking, you come to the edge of one of Brinestump's numerous streams, all tributaries of the Soggy River. This obstacle will require you to swim if you seek to cross here, unless you want to follow the stream bank back to a bridge on the New Fish Trail. However, the main thing you notice is a large, unnatural shape looming in the distance, barely visible through the mist: the dark silhouette of what appears to be a wall or palisade of some sort. Perhaps 10 feet tall, you estimate it to be some 100 yards away, on the opposite side of the stream. You'll have to get across somehow if you want to take a closer look.

You've found what must be the Licktoad village, but you'll need to cross the stream to get closer. You can retrace your steps up the stream and work your way back down after crossing a bridge, or you can attempt to swim across. The waters are calm, and only a DC 10 swim check; you can certainly take 10 on such a check if you've got some Strength or a decent Swim bonus. For those of you weighed down by armor or lacking in Strength, you may not be able to take 10; a more creative solution may be needed to help such characters across.

Due to the (very minor) chance of drowning, I'm not going to allow taking 20 in this instance.

2014-12-03, 02:55 PM
If Arra was offended by the swamp's presence before, she is now positively miserable as they slog across the wet ground.

Still, when they see the walls of some sort of settlement, Arra offers, "I can swim across and try to learn what I can. Hopefully, no one will notice. Or should we all stick together?"

2014-12-03, 08:39 PM

Xun wisely kept her mouth shut when talking to Walthus, though her almond shaped eyes narrow at something she has seen that has aroused her suspicions about the encounter. Still, her personality caused enough problems for her when she picked up on things that were innocuous or benign without her going out of her way to cause more incidents. So instead she trek through the swamp with nary a complaint and just glad that she wasn't entirely unused to trekking through the swamp. Surely it wasn't one of her favored hobbies, but the soil was just right for a specific strain of tea leaves that she enjoyed and that made it worth the quick trips along the edges of Brinestump.

If anything, Xun seems to be in better spirits by the time that they reach the river, practically luxuriating in the abundance of life that most people would find aggravating. Nothing seemed capable of dampening her spirits and the river merely brings a little smile to her face as if presented with a new problem to solve rather then a detriment.

"I do not know about you others, but swimming was never my forte and there is no telling what could be swimming beneath the surface. With a location in mind, I think it might be best to trek up to the bridge and come back down, but that may give Walthus more time to continue his nefarious scheming...Thoughts?"

2014-12-03, 09:28 PM

Erik seems less offended by the swamp than most. "I think we need to stay together, so I guess we are heading to a bridge."

2014-12-03, 09:57 PM
Deciding not to risk a swim, you back track up the New Fish Trail and cross a bridge. Frustratingly, you discover another stream blocking the way to where the Licktoad village is.

You repeat the process of bridge-crossing and stream-finding several times, learning very well the infuriating nature of the maze-like network of streams that run through the marsh. By the time you find a workable path, an hour has passed. It is nearly noon, but finally you find yourself approaching the goblin village from the north.

You can make out what appears to be several ramshackle wooden huts on stilts, surrounded by a 10-foot-tall palisade of sharpened logs. The wall is broken in the northeast by a large, algae-filled pond. There only seems to be one gate through the palisade, but it appears to be destroyed: its timbers lay scattered on the ground, with nothing blocking access in or out. You see nor hear no signs of life from within the village; all is eerily quiet.

What's the plan, folks? You've reached the goblin village, and the way seems open before you.

2014-12-04, 07:29 AM
As the party approaches the apparently deserted village Laine signals for everyone to stop. "While not as tricky as kobolds, goblins can lay traps and set ambushes too. Let me go in first - I will signal for you if the way is safe," he says quietly before moving to the edge of the trail and doing his best to disappear into the trees.

Perception [roll0] to find signs of danger (especially traps or hidden goblins) or what may have happened in the village (+[roll1] (Inspiration) if the result is from 14-17)
Survival [roll2] to find tracks or other signs left behind by the goblins
Stealth [roll3] to avoid being seen or heard by anything before Laine detects it (edit: DAMN natural "1"s. They always happen on rolls you really hope will work...)
Knowledge (Nature) [roll4]+[roll5] (free Inspiration) to remember anything that might be dangerous about the immediate swamp that could give a hint at what has happened
Knowledge (Local) [roll6]+[roll7] (free Inspiration) to remember anything about the Licktoad Goblins that could give a hint at their tactics and what traps or ambush tactics they might use
Acrobatics [roll8] to move through the rough(er) terrain off the path in the swamp (if needed)

2014-12-04, 12:15 PM
Laine makes his way toward the destroyed gate of the palisade. He knows that the Licktoads, like most goblins, hate dogs and fear horses. As for tactics, goblins are infamous for their spontaneous, erratic decisions in battle, often with fatal results for themselves as well as their victims. The fact that the Licktoads are supposedly armed with fireworks plays to this stereotype: they are probably just as likely to blow themselves up as injure someone else with pyrotechnics.

As he reaches the gate, he can see the inside of the village more clearly. There are a dozen or so rickety shacks on stilts, connected by a series of nebulously-safe catwalks, all roughly five feet off the muddy ground. Just beyond the gate is a large pit, inside of which a horrific, burnt smell emanates, along with a few weak wisps of smoke. One of the shacks has completely collapsed: all that remains are blackened logs and cold ash. In the southeast corner of the village is a much larger structure, roughly three times bigger than any other building in the village.

There are no signs of goblins, but Laine spies several goblinoid footprints going to and fro the gate. More interesting, however, are numerous non-goblin footprints approaching the gate. Most of them seem to stop at the gate, before turning around and heading towards the pond. They are human-sized, and while some of them seem to be wearing boots or shoes, more of them are disconcertingly skeletal, as if several bony feet were recently plodding through the marsh.

2014-12-04, 08:12 PM

Erik watches Laine carefully as he scouts ahead. Oddly this seems to be when Erik has been most nervous, the least jovial.

Perception [roll0]

2014-12-05, 09:55 AM
Laine calls back to the party, "I think something else is going on here! There is no sign of the goblins, but something else has been here and walked towards that pool." He makes himself visible and waves them over as he begins to follow the unusual tracks towards the water.

Perception [roll0] for dangers
Survival [roll1] to follow tracks

2014-12-05, 02:05 PM
Laine follows the gruesome footprints to the pond, which is only a few yards away from the destroyed gate. The pond is still and slime-green, covered in a thick film of algae. If there's anything hiding in the waters, it would be impossible to see through the opaque layer of plant matter. The myriad skeletal footprints march straight into the pond... and a few feet away they leave, heading out into the swamp. Whether they emerged on the other side of the pond to enter the goblin village is difficult to say, since it's hard to make out details on the other side of the pond from where you stand, but it seems a likely leap in logic.

2014-12-05, 02:24 PM
Laine relays his findings to the rest of the company and asks, "What do you think is going on here? If the Licktoad Goblins have been wiped out, it may be a good thing, but that depends on what did it..." He turns back from the pool and walks towards the gate to the apparently abandoned village. "Shall we look closer?"

2014-12-05, 08:46 PM

"It may have just chased the goblins off rather than killed them all. Whatever it is could be a grave threat thought. Can you track it?"

2014-12-06, 04:34 AM
Laine shrugs, not taking his eyes off the tracks. "I can try..."

2014-12-08, 01:19 PM
The skeletal footprints in the mud are disconcerting to Arra. Are the restless dead wandering the marsh? It would not surprise me in such a forsaken place. She racks her brain trying to remember if Koya had said anything about undead in the area.

2014-12-08, 07:50 PM

Erik grips his long axe tightly in his hand. "Well whatever it is scared the goblins off. It could be very dangerous, so stay close."

2014-12-09, 01:38 PM
Curious if there are any clues within the apparently deserted goblin village, the party cautiously enters through the broken gate.

As you slog across the muddy ground, you see that the smoking pit near the gate is filled with charred goblin corpses, eliciting an unpleasant smell. The tiny bodies are blackened, many of them little more than charred bone, so it's impossible to tell how they died.

You make your way further into the village, near the elevated shacks. By chance, Arra and Erik notice something out of the corner of their eyes: a single goblin peeking over a window, its green skin and beady, red eyes unmistakable. As soon as it notices the group, it ducks down out of sight again. Erik and Arra are quick to point this out to their companions; it would seem the village is not entirely abandoned.

What do you do? You'll have to climb up on the catwalks if you want to enter the building where you saw the goblin; fortunately, there are several crude ladders you can use to climb up.

2014-12-09, 03:23 PM

Erik makes a somewhat disappointed face. "I think we need to speak with the goblin. Knowing what happened here could be invaluable. Some group killed a lot of goblins and that could be very dangerous to us."

2014-12-09, 03:25 PM
Wishing to be useful, and be away from this deathly place, Arra asks, "Do you want me to sneak up on it? There might be more hiding."

2014-12-09, 03:34 PM

Erik leans on his axe. "I think someone should try to talk to him ... her? Goblins are notoriously hard to find once spooked.
I suggest someone other than me. Some people have a way with words...I have a way with an axe."

2014-12-09, 03:53 PM
Laine pipes up and calls up to the green-skinned balloon-headed creature in its own tongue:

"You there! We aren't here to hurt you! If you come down, speak with us, and tell us what has happened here we can help you get to safety. I have some spare rations as well if you are hungry! Please come down, or at least into view so we may speak!"
Diplomacy [roll0] (+[roll1] Inspiration if the result of the check is 13-17
Edit: It looks like my result is a 10.)
Sense Motive (in regards to the goblin's reaction) [roll2]

2014-12-09, 05:44 PM
Laine calls out in the goblin's native tongue, but there is no response. The eerie silence persists.

2014-12-10, 07:02 AM
"They say you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, but it didn't seem to want to come down when I offered it food and safety. Anyone got a better idea, or a net?" Lain asks, shrugging.

2014-12-10, 07:31 PM

Erik shrugs. "I imagine it is scared." He gestures to the pile of corpses.

2014-12-10, 07:36 PM
Gesturing for silence, Arra begins creeping toward the shack. She had no real idea of what she would do, but it couldn't be worse than standing in the middle of the sacked village and waiting for something bad to happen.
Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2014-12-11, 01:45 AM
"Erik, head up that ladder there," Laine says quietly, pointing to a ladder on one side of the goblin, "and I will go up the other side. If we surround it we might be able to convince it to talk to us..." He then moves to one of the nearby ladders to try and get a PC on both sides of the goblin before saying,

"Hey, we aren't like whatever did this to your village - we just want to know what has happened and find some of the people from Sandpoint that entered the swamp several days ago. They didn't do this, did they?"

2014-12-11, 06:19 AM

Erik heads up the ladder.

2014-12-11, 12:19 PM
Erik, Arra, and Laine climb up rickety wooden ladders to the creaky catwalk above the muddy ground, while Xun waits down below. At the same time, Erik and Laine open the doors to the elevated shack where they spotted the goblin hiding.

Inside is a dark, cluttered space that smells unpleasantly of bodily fluids. Within, three dirty goblins huddle in the shadows. As the light enters the shack from the doors, and the goblins see you standing at the threshold, they visibly flinch in terror, before drawing rusty blades and screaming in terrified anger. The goblins rush toward you, a mixture of panic and bloodlust guiding their crude knives.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n223/CockroachTeaParty/ScreenShot2014-12-11at91303AM_zps85a3a051.png (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/CockroachTeaParty/media/ScreenShot2014-12-11at91303AM_zps85a3a051.png.html)

The goblins are attacking! Initiative order:

Laine: 14
Goblins: 13
Arra: 12
Erik: 9
Xun: 5

I'll need a post from Laine first, then the goblins will go, and then everyone can begin combat posts.

2014-12-11, 04:25 PM

While the others climbed above to investigate a goblin that had been spied, Xun looks around in the mud underneath of the huts with some interest and a bit of disgust. Goblins weren't exactly the most cleanly of creatures after all and most of her attention is drawn to the pit of charred corpses, covering her nose with one hand as she peers over the edge. Could fireworks really blast a person down to their bones like that? Even as small as goblins are that didn't seem entirely likely and there might be a clue buried beneath the bones.

At the screams though, Xun whirls back around and darts towards the ramp leading up to the source of the noise, "What happened?!"

2014-12-12, 05:58 AM
Round 1

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 (1d6, 20/x3), 20 Arrows
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition None
Laine cries out,

"Hold! We aren't here to hurt you!"
and steps back to draw his rapier and dagger.

Free action to talk to the goblins.
Move action to move out of melee (or 5-ft step if too close to otherwise avoid AoOs)
Standard action to draw rapier and dagger

2014-12-12, 08:21 AM
Laine slides down the ladder back to the ground, drawing his weapons as he approaches Xun. The goblins seem incapable of heeding his words, however, and rush forward with their rusty weapons. One of them jumps off the ladder Laine just retreated down, but in its crazed state lands face-first in the mud. The other two goblins rush Erik, slashing and stabbing with their knives (which some of you may know are called 'dogslicers'). However, the Ulfen warrior finds it easy to defend against them, as the goblins' stature is comparable to that of particularly vicious children.

The map is largely unchanged from the one above, except goblins 1 & 2 are now next to Erik, Laine is back on the ground next to Xun, and goblin 3 is prone on the ground near Laine.

Everyone can now post; the order doesn't matter, as I'll be compiling the rounds' results in a single post.

2014-12-13, 11:16 AM

Erik avoids the goblins attacks as best he can and raises his axe. "Stop attacking us, we don't want to kill you!"

Inimidate [roll0]

2014-12-13, 12:27 PM
Towering over the goblins with a mighty axe, Erik appears quite intimidating to the goblins. His four-armed, alien companion standing behind him makes the situation even more frightening. The goblins shriek and scramble away, doing their best to flee. They leap from the exit opposite the Ulfen man and dash for the collapsed gateway, fleeing into the marsh.

Down below on the ground, Xun and Laine attempt to knock the prone goblin out with nonlethal strikes, but the cagey creature proves surprisingly nimble and avoids their attacks. Standing up, the muddy goblin slashes at Xun, his sword grazing her leg, tearing fabric and drawing a little blood.

I had Arra also make an Intimidate check; goblins 1 & 2 were already shaken, so their fear upgrades to frightened; they attempt to flee on their turn. Erik can make an attack of opportunity against one if he wishes (and could take a -4 penalty to deal nonlethal damage if he chooses); otherwise they jump out of the shack and flee through the gate into the swamp. For all intents and purposes they are out of the combat for now.

Xun and Laine attempted to knock the other goblin out, but failed to do so. Instead, the crazed goblin managed to deal 1 damage to Xun with his dogslicer.

For the new round, Erik and Arra are still up on the catwalk, but can get down to where Xun and Laine are with ease. Only one goblin remains.

Don't forget that since you're all bigger than the goblins, you get a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks.

2014-12-13, 01:39 PM
Round 2

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 (1d6, 20/x3), 20 Arrows
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition None
Anger sounding in his voice, Laine says,

"Now stop that! I know you can understand me, we aren't here to hurt you! If you stop fighting this will go easier!"
as he strikes with the rapier.

Free action to talk to the goblins.
Move action to move to melee (flanking if possible without incurring AoOs)
Standard action attack with the rapier
Rapier [roll0] attack, [roll1] (18-20/x2), [roll2] damage

2014-12-13, 11:20 PM
Jumping down gracefully from the catwalk while drawing her scimitar and splitting the butterfly sword in two, Arra lands and swipes with the scimitar. She is hoping to catch the goblin with the pommel and spare it the blade.
-4 attack to deal nonlethal damage
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

2014-12-14, 01:06 PM
Arra and Erik jump back down to the ground, where the last goblin is making his final stand. The foolish creature is surrounded: Laine, Arra, and Erik beset him on all sides. However, in their attempts to injure the creature in a non-lethal manner, they waste too much time on accuracy or using their weapons in awkward ways. The goblin is nimble and a small target, and dodges away from the attacks. He lashes out at Laine with his dogslicer, but is panicked enough that the slash is wild and easily dodged. The creature is too stupid and too afraid to realize the situation it's in, and seems determined to fight on.

Laine and Arra are now flanking the goblin, with Erik also within melee range. Nobody landed anything last round; that -4 penalty for fighting non lethally is taking its toll. I might suggest other methods of submission if you're intent on taking the goblin alive: grappling, for instance.

2014-12-14, 04:30 PM

Erik moves forward swinging the heel of his axe athe goblin.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-12-14, 04:57 PM
Round 3

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 (1d6, 20/x3), 20 Arrows
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition None
Laine's smile returns as he sees all his allies arrive and stabs at the goblin with his rapier, foregoing any effort to attack nonlethally at all.

Standard action attack with the rapier
Rapier [roll0] attack, [roll1] (18-20/x2), [roll2] damage
5-ft step to enable Erik to flank

2014-12-14, 06:09 PM
Still not wanting to kill the goblin, Arra switches to a concentrated offense as her blades whirl through the air.
Still taking -4 to attack to do nonlethal
Scimitar: [roll0]
Scimitar damage: [roll1]
Scim crit: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]
Butterfly 1: [roll4]
B1 damage: [roll5]
B1 crit: [roll6]
Crit damage: [roll7]
B2: [roll8]
B2 damage: [roll9]
B2 crit: [roll10]
Crit damage: [roll11]

2014-12-15, 11:03 AM
For a rather embarrassing amount of time, the lone goblin fends off attacks from every angle, largely through dumb luck. Here it deflects Arra's butterfly sword with a well-timed parry, there it stumbles in the mud slightly causing it to duck under Erik's axe. However, finally Erik manages to smack the creature with the flat of his axe's blade, knocking it unconscious. The goblin collapses like a sack of bricks in the mud.

However, you can hear noise from further in the village: excited shrieks, giggles, and epithets in Goblin. More of the green-skinned menaces are emerging from their ramshackle huts; one of them seems to be armed with something that is smoking and emitting colored sparks. It looks like they will be upon you in a matter of moments.

I auto-rolled another round of combat, finally ending with Erik landing a non-lethal hit.

However, the danger is not over. I'm giving you one round to prepare.

The goblins are all on the catwalks to the south, closing fast. You can reposition yourself, perhaps by climbing up to the catwalks or entering the now-abandoned shack you just cleared; you could also take cover by the collapsed gate of the palisade.

You can also cast spells or make a ranged attack against the goblins.

2014-12-15, 11:39 AM
They truly mean to kill us. So be it. Guessing that the smoking thing in the goblin's hand is a firework, Arra quickly ascends to the catwalk and shoots a small icicle at the potential bomber.
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2014-12-15, 11:50 AM
"Um, as defensible as that spot might be, I would have suggested retreating..." Laine says, confusion crossing his face. "but here we go!" He quickly climbs the ladder and readies his bow before crying out at the goblins,

"We didn't kill your kin! All we want to know is what happened here! If one of you will talk with us peacefully no one needs to get hurt, or worse!"
[roll0] if Laine has enough time to effectively try and parlay

2014-12-15, 08:56 PM

Erik climbs up to higher level and tries to position himself between the goblins and the rest of the group.

2014-12-16, 09:04 PM

Xun's head lifts up in alarm to peer around at all of the other huts that goblins begin to stream out of, quickly backing up towards the hut that her compatriots had first entered into to find that first goblin.

"I can't help but think that any chance at diplomacy has already gone out the window," she comments aloud as retreats out of the mud. One hand reaches out to pull the pin out of her long white hair, keeping close to the way up beside Erik as the goblins draw closer. Once she spots one of them with the sparking and smoking object in it's hands though, her eyes narrow and she begin to speaks quickly under her breath...

I'm not sure if the goblin with the firework is close enough or not, but if it is then Xun will attempt to cast Charm Person on him/her (DC 14). If said goblin is too far away she'll simply ready an action to attack the first goblin to attempt coming up to the high ground.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirmation if needed: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]

2014-12-17, 01:06 AM
Seeing more goblins approaching, the party falls back to the now-empty elevated shack. The range is too far, and the intervening catwalks too cluttered, to afford Arra or Xun much success with their magic; Xun decides to wait until the goblins close the distance before attempting a charm, while Arra's ray of frost harmlessly strikes a moss-covered post. Erik puts himself in front of the only door leading to the shack from the catwalks, while Laine attempts to parlay with the borderline insane goblins to little effect.

Three goblins arrive on the edge of the catwalk across from the party's chosen shack. Two of them watch intently as the one wielding the firework flourishes the improvised weapon with great gusto; it is clear the creature thinks itself invincible with the power it wields. The firework appears to be a thick paper tube, from one end of which smoke and pink sparks spill. Suddenly, a bright orb of sparkling fire launches from the tube into the air with a shrill shriek.

The goblins cackle with delight. The firework continues to smoke and sputter; apparently there are multiple munitions contained inside it.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n223/CockroachTeaParty/ScreenShot2014-12-16at95457PM_zps74103e86.png (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/CockroachTeaParty/media/ScreenShot2014-12-16at95457PM_zps74103e86.png.html)

New initiative order:
Arra: 15
Erik: 14
Goblins: 11
Laine: 10
Xun: 9

I'll need actions from Arra and Erik, then we'll proceed with the combat as before. Everyone is on the 5 ft. elevated catwalks, including the goblins. Goblin #1 is the one wielding the firework. A Knowledge (local) or (geography) check can reveal more information about the firework.

2014-12-17, 08:52 PM
Not wanting to be caught out in the open, Arra darts past Erik into a nearby hovel and positions herself near the door. The next goblin to step through would quickly find cold steel waiting for him.
Moving to top-right corner of H4. Readying an action to attack whichever goblin comes through first.

2014-12-17, 10:02 PM

Erik Holds his position waiting.

2014-12-18, 03:20 PM
Seizing the initiative, Arra decides to take the fight to the goblins. Exiting the shack, she moves past Erik along the catwalk, shouldering through the flimsy door of another ramshackle stilt-hut. The network of catwalks is deceiving, however; expecting to find an exit to the catwalk where the goblins are gathered, she instead finds a solid wall. There is another exit from the shack, but it leads to the south; there are no windows in that direction, so she is not certain where it leads.

Erik takes a defensive stance near the entrance of the shack where the rest of the party stands, ready for anything.

The firework-wielding goblin takes aim at the Ulfen man. Another bright munition explodes from the device and rockets toward Erik... only to fly high over his head.
A trail of green sparks is left in its wake. The other two goblins stand transfixed as they watch the pyrotechnics, before giggling with glee.

The goblins either waste time watching the fireworks, or else miss horrifically with the improvised ranged weapon.

The map above is largely unchanged, except that Arra is in the shack south of the one where most of the party is holed up.

Everyone is free to post actions.

2014-12-19, 04:11 AM
Round 1

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 (1d6, 20/x3), 20 Arrows
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition None
"At least they're typical goblin-idiots," Laine mutters with a sardonic grin. He takes his bow and aims, releasing an arrow at the fireworks-wielding cretin.

Move action to ready shortbow and arrow
Standard action to attack the firework-wielding goblin
Shortbow [roll0] attack, [roll1] (20/x3), [roll2] damage

2014-12-19, 11:30 PM
Laine fires a fine shot indeed; his arrow flies straight and true. He punches a hole clean through the firework-wielding goblin's large, floppy ear. The wound begins to bleed copiously, leaving half his face a shiny sheet of fresh blood. However, it seems the intoxicating effect of the firework is enough to keep the goblin on his feet.

Just posting the results of Laine's attack. Everyone else is still clear to post some new actions.

2014-12-20, 12:21 PM
Surprised and foiled by a layout that was different than the one pictured in her head, Arra makes her way to the south door and peeks toward the east to solidify the path in her mind.
Move action to go to the door.
Rolls, if necessary:
Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2014-12-23, 02:00 PM
The injured goblin fires another sparkling projectile at Laine in retaliation, but the firework harmlessly impacts the side of the shack. As if Laine's arrow broke the spell of the pyrotechnics, the other two goblins brandish their dogslicers and leap down from the catwalk. They climb the ladder just south of Erik, who takes the opportunity to behead the first one up the ladder with his longaxe. The second goblin giggles as he sees his friend's headless torso fall past him, before ducking under the haft of Erik's weapon and closing the gap to melee range.

I don't have access to my map right now (updating on my ipad); Goblin 1 remains on the catwalk, while goblin 3 is adjacent to Erik from the south. Arra can see him behind her.

Everyone is good to post up some new actions.

2014-12-23, 05:36 PM
Round 2

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 (1d6, 20/x3), 20 Arrows
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition None
Laine smiles at his hit and takes aim again at the fireworks-wielding goblin.

Move action to avoid melee
Standard action to attack the fireworks-using goblin
Shortbow [roll0] attack, [roll1] (20/x3), [roll2]

2014-12-23, 05:44 PM
Seizing the opportunity, Arra charges toward the firework-wielding goblin and slices with her scimitar.
Attack, +2 attack, -2 AC
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

2014-12-26, 10:16 AM

Erik takes a step back and roars at the goblin near him as he swings with his longaxe.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-12-26, 12:46 PM
Aisling (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1081526)

The witch shifts her gaze to the lone goblin that had not closed the distance, her hand swiftly reaches down and pulls out a piece of wool from a pouch. With a single snap of her fingers and a sharp word the wool fades away.

She makes no effort to move anywhere else, her gaze locked on the long goblin.

Aisling casts Daze on Goblin 1 for a DC 14 Will Save.

She doesn't move anywhere else, preferring to stay where she is at the moment.

0 - Daze [INFINITE]
0 - Guidance [INFINITE]
0 - Stabilize [INFINITE]

1 - Ill Omen [1 casting left]
1 - Mage Armor [1 casting left]

2014-12-26, 03:12 PM
Laine's shot is too wide this time, and he misses his mark. However, Aisling works her witchery upon the firework-wielding goblin, who stands there with a dazed expression, a trickle of drool escaping his lips.

Arra charges into the goblin attacking Erik, slashing away with her scimitar. The goblin turns to try and parry, but just winds up getting his sword-arm slashed deep. Erik takes a step back into the shack, but the intervening door frame gets in the way of his polearm, and his mighty swing merely takes a chunk out of the rickety plank floor.

For his part, the goblin caught between Erik and Arra grimaces and fights on. He makes a grab for Arra's scimitar, but she easily foils the attempt by chopping off the goblin's hand. For a moment the creature screams as he stares at the bloody stump, before Arra finishes the maimed goblin off, lopping off the top of his head with a single clean stroke.

The dazed goblin stands immobile, but his firework continues to spark and fizzle. Another munition rockets from the tube, impacting the floor at his feet. It seems the firework has finally expended itself; nothing but smoke pours from the device now.

More commotion is heard from the shack from which Arra just vacated. Clambering up on the roof, two more goblins can be seen, hooting and hollering. Through the doorways of the southern shack, Arra spies another goblin, armed with another sparkling firework. The cackling creature levels the tube at Arra as a sparkling bolt screams toward her, but it harmlessly spirals into an intervening wall. The goblins seems nonetheless entertained.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n223/CockroachTeaParty/ScreenShot2014-12-26at102935AM_zpsdbddf6ed.png (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/CockroachTeaParty/media/ScreenShot2014-12-26at102935AM_zpsdbddf6ed.png.html)

Only Arra can currently see goblin 6, and goblins 4 & 5 are on the roof of the shack, requiring either ranged attacks, a reach weapon, or a DC 15 Climb check to reach them.

Everybody is free to post some new actions.

2014-12-26, 04:01 PM
Round 3

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 (1d6, 20/x3), 20 Arrows
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition None
Pursing his lips, Laine takes aim again, this time at the goblins on the roof of the neighboring hut.

Move action to avoid melee if necessary
Standard action to attack a goblin on the neighboring hut
Shortbow [roll0] attack, [roll1] (20/x3), [roll2] damage

2014-12-26, 06:22 PM

Erik moves up behind Arra and attacks past her at the goblins.


2014-12-26, 10:39 PM
Slightly sick at the feeling of slicing the goblin's hand off and listening to his screams, Arra is forced to put the thought from her mind as she charges the newest threat.
Charging new firework goblin, +2 attack, -2 AC
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

2014-12-27, 09:58 AM
Aisling (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1081526)

She frowns while wondering where best to place her twisted power, ultimately deciding that if you wanted something done, best do it yourself. Her wrist rotates as another word of power is uttered and her eyes scan the battlefield to make sure there were no other surprises in store.

Standard Action to cast Guidance on myself to increase a Skill Check, using it for a Perception check across the battlefield.

Move Action to take a look over the battlefield and listen for signs of other inhabitants.

[roll0] (Usually a +2, but +1 extra from Guidance)

Annnnd I roll a 4! :smalltongue:

0 - Daze [INFINITE]
0 - Guidance [INFINITE]
0 - Stabilize [INFINITE]

1 - Ill Omen [1 casting left]
1 - Mage Armor [1 casting left]

2014-12-27, 10:38 PM
Laine fires at one of the goblins on the roof of the shack near Erik and Arra. His arrow flies true, and punctures through the goblin's shoulder. The spry little monster remains on its feet, however.

Arra charges toward the new firework-wielder, slashing him across the face with her scimitar. The creature attempts to shove the lit firework into her torso, but she opens its throat with an opportunistic slash before it can bring the improvised weapon to bear. The firework continues to spark and fire screeching fireballs, but without someone aiming it it is largely harmless.

Erik attempts to engage the goblins on top of the shack, but can't get a good angle with his longaxe. The goblins giggle as they leap down on top of the Ulfen warrior, but they lack skill or grace, and merely thump off of him like so many sacks of potatoes. The goblins crawl out from under his legs, flanking him, although they are both relatively exposed on the floor.

The original fireworks-wielder, badly wounded and without munitions, draws a dogslicer and leaps down from the catwalk. With startling speed he clambers up into the shack where Aisling and Laine are, clearly intent on revenge. His face is a ghastly mask of slick blood, and his murderous eyes glare up at Laine.

Aisling can definitely hear commotion from further in the village; there are likely more active goblins on the move. However, the proximity of the badly wounded one is more immediately alarming!

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n223/CockroachTeaParty/ScreenShot2014-12-26at102935AM_zps50fda32a.png (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/CockroachTeaParty/media/ScreenShot2014-12-26at102935AM_zps50fda32a.png.html)

Goblins 5 and 6 are prone, and melee attacks gain a +4 bonus against them. You can also stand in their space without difficulty.

2014-12-27, 11:10 PM
Aisling (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1081526)

"There's more comin' our way!" She shouts in common, her ears just managing to pick up the din.

The sudden arrival of the bleeding goblin leaves the witch with only one course of action, bash the idiot's face in before Laine has a bad bit of luck. The quarterstaff strapped to her back is easily retrieved and swung with a sharp cry!

Move action to draw a weapon with no AOO.

Standard Action to SMACK HIM IN THE FACE.

[roll0] to attack. [roll1] damage.

[roll2] for Crit Confirmation. [roll3] crit damage.

2014-12-28, 04:02 AM
Round 4

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 (1d6, 20/x3), 20 Arrows
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition None
"Well, this is inconvenient..." Laine mutters as he steps back and aims at the goblin in melee. "Can someone more capable in melee lend a hand here, please?"

Move action to avoid melee if possible followed by
Standard action to shoot the goblin if it is possible to move out of melee first
Shortbow [roll0] attack, [roll1] (20/x3), [roll2] damage

If Laine cannot move out of melee without incurring an Attack of Opportunity he instead drops his bow (free action), draws his rapier (move action), and attacks with it (use the above roll but -1 for his modifier to the d20. The damage is the same.

2014-12-28, 11:26 AM
Hearing Laine's call for aid, Arra has no time to consider her good luck. Hustling past Erik and the prone goblin, Arra slices at the goblin harassing the other two.
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

2014-12-28, 01:20 PM

Erik steps back and brings his longaxe down on the fall fallen goblin. "We need to stay in a group and fight together."

Moves to on top of goblin 5 and hits goblin 4.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Damage [roll3]

2014-12-28, 02:42 PM
Neither Aisling nor Laine are particularly skilled when it comes to close-quarters combat, and it shows. They both fail to land blows on the injured goblin harassing them. However, Arra is quick to the rescue, moving around Erik and the prone goblins and entering the other shack with a blood-slick scimitar. She lops off the goblin's remaining ear, and he promptly passes out from blood loss.

Erik takes advantage of the goblins' prone state to aim a particularly devastating overhead chop on one of them, nearly bisecting it down the middle. The other goblin, realizing the predicament it's in, stands up from between Erik's legs, but Arra takes the opportunity to land a wicked slash upon it. The creature staggers, clutching at its severed neck arteries, before falling off the catwalk into the mud below.

A group of three more goblins, seeing the general devastation of their comrades, decide now is the time to flee. They run out of the main entrance, screaming and shouting in dismay, before disappearing in the undergrowth.

The goblin town is now littered with several small green bodies, their dark red blood staining the shacks and catwalks where you fought. You know that at least one of them down on the ground is merely unconscious, but as the goblins retreat into the swamp the previous eerie silence settles over the village once more.

We're out of combat now. It seems to me you have some options:

You can pursue the fleeing goblins.
You can try to rouse the unconscious goblin and interrogate him.
You can complete your exploration of the goblin village.
You can follow the mysterious skeletal tracks into the swamp.

Of course, you're welcome to come up with your own plans of action as well.

2014-12-28, 03:58 PM

Erik holds his bearded axe and scans the area around them. "Lets get the one who is just out and bring him up here. Lets not wast that effort. Is anyone hurt?"

Perception [roll0]

2014-12-29, 08:37 AM
"I will cover you. Get him up here off the ground where we have at least some advantage over attacks and I will speak with him once he returns to consciousness," Laine says, scanning the remainder of the goblin village for incoming threats.

Low light vision (if it matters) and Perception [roll0]

2014-12-29, 11:20 AM
Taking an opportunity to distance herself from the blood staining the woodwork around her, Arra silently hustles off to complete a house-to-house search of the village to make sure that there are no more surprises.

2014-12-29, 12:41 PM
The unconscious goblin doesn't weigh more than 50 lbs., and is easy to get up to the shack. A massive purple bruise mars the back of its head; without magical aid, you guess the creature will be unconscious for several more hours.

Arra makes a pretty thorough sweep of the rest of the village, finding most of the buildings abandoned and cluttered with bits of repurposed junk the goblins use as tools. However, in the southeastern corner of the village stands a much larger shack than all the others. This building's only entrance is a pair of double doors, but they seem thoroughly locked or barred from the inside. Arra can swear she hears a whimper of fear as she tries to open them.

2014-12-29, 12:50 PM
Arra is surprised by the locked door and the whimpering behind it. Gently, she asks, "Hello? Who is in there? I don't mean you harm. If you were worried about the goblins, you are safe now."

2014-12-29, 04:08 PM
"I c-c-can proba-ba-bly wake him, 'less you wanna st-stay here a few hours." She manages to stammer out while scribbling into her journal, a quick glance would be a working tally of total goblins, an amateur sketch of the current area. "T-tho-though I doubt she's here at all."

2014-12-29, 05:26 PM
"It's probably more goblins, scared of us!" Laine yells at Arra as he continues to watch for signs of enemies approaching. "If you want me to try and speak with them I will, but let's take care of one thing at a time, alright?"

Turning towards the unconscious goblin he says to his companions in the hut, "Well, I am not interested enough in what happened here to wait hours in a hostile goblin village while he wakes up. Either do something to bring him to consciousness or let's try to figure this out some other way."

2014-12-31, 03:00 PM
Laine's words are enough to make Arra reconsider slightly. She sneaks around the shack, looking for a window to peer through.

2014-12-31, 03:10 PM

"I think we should all come down there and try to talk to those ones. They are awake and we have no idea how long this one will be out. We could even give him back as a bargaining chip." Erik picks up the goblin and heads down towards Arra.

2014-12-31, 03:39 PM
Arra makes a thorough circuit of the large building, which seems to be three separate shacks that were combined into a single structure. She hasn't seen any glass windows in the village, although some of the buildings had empty window frames. The large building seems to be made with more of a sense of privacy or security than the other shacks, however; there are no obvious windows or means of entry aside from the locked double doors. There is a thin rectangular 'window' or ventilation opening in the southern side, but it is only a foot wide and would be a challenge to fit through. Perhaps more unusual, however, is a ladder propped up against the side of the building, which leads from the muddy ground to the wall, but isn't long enough to reach the roof.

2014-12-31, 03:42 PM
Seeing the opening in the southern side, Arra tries to peek into the building to see its occupants.

2014-12-31, 04:03 PM
"An-any rope t'bi-bind it's hands and feet? I can wo-work magic after that." She looks like a bundle of nerves and is nervously chewing her lip. The place is far too off for Aisling, even when pouring over books and scrolls there would be the rustle of paper, the voices and movements of the town.

Too still. Too quiet.

Her hand grips the staff tightly while the other slips into a pocket to absently pet her familiar.

2014-12-31, 08:40 PM
Arra has to grab the lip of the window and pull herself up to get a view of what's inside. The dim light filtering through the window reveals a five-walled room with two exits, both shoddy wooden doors closed. The air inside is ripe and unpleasant. As her eyes adjust, she can make out a pile of ratty blankets, moldy hay, and moss that must serve as a bed of some kind. The walls are decorated with gruesome, poorly-preserved trophies: a few dog heads, and one horse head mounted on boards with little taxidermy skill. A few improvised furniture pieces round out the decor: repurposed barrels as chairs, a broken chest for a desk, and small animal skulls for candle holders.

2014-12-31, 09:02 PM

Erik approaches the hut as quietly as he can, the goblin slung over his shoulder and bearded axe in hand.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2015-01-01, 06:56 AM
Laine heads down to the hut and makes his way to the door. Once there he loudly addresses the inhabitants in the goblin tongue,

"We have one of your villagers here - he is hurt but should wake up shortly. If you will tell us what happened here we will leave him with you and go away. Please just talk to us!"
Diplomacy [roll0]
Sense Motive [roll1]

2015-01-01, 01:14 PM
There is no response to Laine's plea for several moments. Then, just barely audible through the closed doors, the response: a fart.
You then hear a suppressed snicker, and then nothing but silence.

2015-01-01, 01:22 PM
"Little cretins," mutters Laine, a sardonic smile on his face. "Though that's a funny response to perform on cue. Shall we try a different tactic and threaten them? I prefer to avoid that kind of thing, personally, so perhaps Erik should try? I can tell you what to say and try to translate..."

2015-01-01, 01:30 PM

"Try the opposite. We are after what did this to them. They can have their friend back, we just want any information on what attacked them."

2015-01-01, 01:34 PM
"That's what I iust did. They don't appear to respond to reason very well. Do you have any other ideas? If not, let's leave the other one here and go track those skeletal footprints," Laine says with a pout on his smirking lips.

2015-01-01, 01:58 PM
Wanting to get a better look at the goblins, as Laine has clearly identified them, Arra drops down from the window to pick up a rock. After muttering briefly and passing a hand over the rock, Arra is able to make the rock glow. Climbing back to the window, Arra throws the rock inside the shack and waits to see what the light reveals.
Arra casts Light on a rock.

2015-01-01, 02:28 PM
Arra's light spell reveals little more than she's already seen, except the unpleasant furnishings can be seen in better detail and coloration. Truth be told, the room looked better in the poor lighting; a cluster of glistening maggots in the empty eye socket of the mounted horse head is a sight to turn even the strongest stomach.

2015-01-01, 05:49 PM
Laine shrugs and turns to return to the entrance of the village. Finding the tracks again he starts following them, taking his time and watching carefully for new threats from the surrounding swamp.

If allowed Laine will take 10 or 20 on these checks - to speed up our game play here in the PbP venue. If that isn't an option on his skill checks are:

Perception [roll0]
Survival (to track) [roll1]

2015-01-03, 01:35 PM
Noticing that Laine is heading off into the swamp alone, Arra forgets the taunting goblins and heads after him. Jogging up beside him, she whispers, "No one should be alone in this terrible place."

2015-01-03, 07:22 PM
Returning to the mossy pond on the outskirts of the village, Laine picks up the strange trail with relative ease, due to the sheer number of apparently skeletal assailants. However, to his frustration, the trail leads directly south of the village, to a tributary of the Soggy River. The footprints seem to march directly into the water, then of course all trace of them is lost. At least 300 ft. of water lies between the party and the opposite side, where the trail might pick up again.

Did you leave the captive goblin behind, or take him with you?

Also, you'll need to swim the Soggy River to pick up the trail again, requiring a new Survival check. It's easy enough to take 10 on the swim check... I think with Aisling replacing Xun, everyone is capable of swimming across now without too much hassle, since Aisling doesn't have a STR penalty.

2015-01-04, 11:01 AM

Erik puts down the unconscious goblin and heads after Laine as well.

2015-01-04, 12:04 PM
Aisling takes a moment to heal the goblin then rushes off towards the group. Hopefully her bit of charity won't become a mistake in the future.

Aisling uses her Healing Hex

[roll0] damage healed. Goblin can't be affected by this hex for another 24 hours. +1 for Caster Level, +2 from Rescued Trait.

And yeah, Aisling can swim just fine with a 10 :smallbiggrin:

At the river

Aisling takes the time to make sure all of her journals and ink are properly stored along with her glasses so they won't get ruined or lost while swimming. She then reaches into a pocket and places a squeaking rat on her head, squinting towards the opposite shore. "Ju-just point in the direct-ection I need."

The rat is a better swimmer than all of us. Natural +10 to it! :smallannoyed:

2015-01-04, 12:12 PM
Laine places a small pile of brush at the edge of the river, arranging them so that they should be able to be seen from the opposite shore, at the point where the skeletal footprints enter the water. "Look carefully at the water first. Many swamp creatures hunt in such waters, and fighting them in their natural habitat is not a good idea. Then make your way to the point directly opposite this pile, but please watch where you step as you exit the river - we don't want to muddy up the tracks I might find there," he says, before preparing to make the quick swim also. He then looks carefully in the water for signs of dangerous swamp life before stepping into the water.

Low light vision (if it matters) and taking several seconds to peer at the water, utilizing other skills to direct his attention to potential dangers -
Knowledge (Nature) [roll0]+[roll1] (free inspiration roll)
Survival [roll2]
Perception (five separate checks) [roll3], [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7]
Swim (take 10) for a 20 if nothing is seen that might be dangerous

2015-01-05, 03:18 AM
It takes a good two minutes to swim the Soggy, a cold, wet, unnerving affair; it's impossible to see anything lurking beneath the surface in the sluggish, muddy water, and every log that floats by you half mistake for an alligator.

You emerge on the other side soaked to the bone, but Laine is able to pick up the trail. Thus begins a long, wet, grueling slog through untracked marshland, following signs of the mysterious skeletal band that apparently assaulted the Licktoads. The chilly air does nothing to help the wetness of your clothes, and your legs remain perpetually caked in mud and mossy water from the knees down the entire time. You can't help but feel a bit on edge; every sound, every faint motion half-glimpsed through the dense underbrush causes your pulse to quicken, or catches your breath in your throat.

After an hour of this hellish wandering through the swamp, you find yourself along the southern cliffs bordering the marsh. The trail leads you to a tidal cave yawning at the base of the cliffs, resembling a dripping mouth filled with unwelcoming blackness. It is from here your quarry originally came, and where they apparently returned...

2015-01-05, 01:25 PM
"Well, this looks inviting," Laine says, smiling sardonically. "The tracks lead there. Who's first? I will look for traps, but I would appreciate having someone beside me..."

2015-01-05, 01:59 PM
Arra is still shaking slightly from the ordeal of crossing the murky water. "I'll come with you. I can be quiet."

2015-01-05, 03:32 PM
Aisling had not enjoyed the swim across, nor had her companions possibly enjoyed her stuttered protests as she marched and waded through the muck with her face half in the pack checking on her books. Things had looked in order so the witch eventually mellowed out.

When they came to the cave her eyes narrowed, a hand unconsciously adjusting her glasses to make sure she was seeing right. "C-com. Completely inviting." Is the mumbled reply to Laine's little joke.

"I'll t-take the middle. Do-don't fancy the rearguard." How much of it was her usual stutter and how much was from shivering was up to the listener.

2015-01-05, 08:31 PM

"I will stand beside you." He grins. "I do have a way with the axe.

2015-01-06, 07:14 AM
"Alright, then. Let's go!" Laine says, cheerfully, as he cautiously makes his way into the cave.

Low light vision, Perception [roll0] (or take 10 for a 14 if allowed), Survival [roll1] (or take 10 for a 16 if allowed)

Laine is specifically looking for threats, either traps or signs of enemies, and following the tracks.

2015-01-06, 12:11 PM
It does not take Laine long to find a danger of a sort: hanging over the mouth of the cavern is a curtain of nettles. While not a threat to life and limb, they are nevertheless mildly poisonous. Erik takes a few moments to cut them down with his axe before you continue inside. The dim light filtering in from outside quickly gives way to darkness, but you can clearly see that the cave forks down two different paths: one heads to the east and seems to follow the tidal waters, as there are numerous still pools of water along the floor. The other passage heads west, and seems a bit drier. The air inside the cavern is dank and wet, with highlights of brackish brine and rot. The acoustics within make every sound echo, amplified and bizarre.

Looks like it's time to pick a path; left (east) or right (west) effectively (you're facing south).

Also, what illumination will you choose to use? I'll assume a light spell unless otherwise noted.

2015-01-06, 07:47 PM

"Anyone have a torch?"

2015-01-07, 08:48 AM
"Nope, but we can probably make one from brush out in the swamp. The trick will be finding dry enough material," Laine answers, his attention still tuned forward into the tunnels as he probes both passageways with his eyes and ears. "As for the two routes, I suggest we take the damp option while the tide is out - we may have no choice later."

2015-01-07, 01:12 PM
Arra picks up a small pebble from the ground and weaves her fingers over it while muttering an brief incantation. Soon, the stone has a soft glow. "I don't want to rely on a torch in such a wet cave. This will not go out so easily."

2015-01-07, 01:55 PM
"Oh, that's a handy little trick!" Laine says, taking the stone in hand and holding it up over his head. Looking down the tunnel he starts to take the left fork. He then turns back and says, "I don't need this much light, and it might give us away to something dangerous. Hold it high and stay back enough that I am in the light but only partially." He then turns and walks quietly down the tunnel, keeping his eyes peeled.

Low light vision and Perception [roll0]
Stealth Modifier +5
Laine's low light vision enables him to see in dim light as if it were full light. I would like to have Laine at the edge of the full light provided by the Light spell and looking into the dim light. If this gives Erik difficulty, then either he should be ready to charge forward quickly or trust Laine to see what is coming.

2015-01-07, 09:16 PM
By the light of Arra’s ensorcelled pebble, the group cautiously makes their way further into the cave, following the more waterlogged path. Laine mans the vanguard, relying on his draconic blood to see through the gloom. The floor is slippery, more often than not submerged in a few inches of brackish water, and slimy moss covers the treacherous limestone footing.

While the tidal cavern continues further into darkness, after several yards another branch can be seen on your right. While the tidal cavern is between fifteen and twenty feet wide, this new side passage is closer to five feet wide, and progresses only a few feet before splitting yet again in a T intersection. Laine guesses that the rightmost passage of this junction loops back around toward the entrance, likely making up the drier path you chose not to take. The left passage goes south, like the tidal cavern, into places dark and places strange.

Feel free to make an Acrobatics check as you navigate the tidal cavern; if you fail a DC 14 check, at some point you fall prone, causing a good splash and re-soaking your armor and clothes.

You’ve got another fork in the road:
A.) Proceed deeper into the wider tidal cavern.
B.) Take the new side passage and loop around toward the entrance.
C.) Take the new side passage and delve further to the south.

2015-01-08, 04:12 AM
Laine has Draconic blood, not Elven. He has low light vision from his Blood of Dragons (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/race-traits/blood-of-dragons) trait.
Laine says, "I say we keep to the side most likely to get flooded out at high tide. Once it is explored, we can check the rest," before quietly starting down the path farthest to the East.

Low light vision, Perception [roll0] to see traps or signs of enemies
Stealth [roll1] to avoid being detected by hostile creatures further down the tunnel

2015-01-08, 02:53 PM
Keeping to the course, the party follows Laine deeper into the tidal cavern. The cave widens out, revealing a large natural chamber that stretches around to the west, curving northward at the far end to an even deeper section.

However, of more immediate interest are multiple human skeletons scattered around the cave floor. Four of them are strewn out on the mossy stone, and Laine and Arra are quick to notice two more submerged in shallow pools of water. They wear scraps of ancient armor, almost completely disintegrated from rust and decay. From what little remains, Laine believes the armor to be of Tien origin, based on the distinctive helms and the vague suggestion of what used to be iron lamellar cuirasses.

Considering the nature of the tracks you followed through the marsh, these skeletal remains hold an undeniable sense of menace. However, they remain motionless, ancient remains as you approach, indifferent to your presence.

Feel free to investigate in whatever manner you deem fitting; there is a cavern further along this large cavern as well.

2015-01-08, 03:06 PM
Laine holds up his hands in a silent gesture to stop and be still. With a finger to his lips he motions for everyone to back up a bit before saying, just loud enough to be heard, "The footprints looked like those of skeletons or something similar. Do you think those could be the attackers of the goblin village?"

2015-01-08, 06:01 PM
The sight of the skeletons is enough to make Arra's skin crawl. Laine's question is enough to make her question their presence here. She tries to recall anything Koya might have said about undead in the area.


2015-01-08, 06:26 PM

Eric moves back slowly keeping himself between the skeletons and the group. "Could be ... I doubt they are up to any good."

2015-01-10, 05:38 AM
Looking back at the skeletons, Laine says, "I am not the best in melee, but will be beside you as best I can." He looks at Erik hopefully and draws his club, holding it in one hand.

2015-01-10, 11:25 AM
"The-they'd usually be assaulting b-by now, right?" She mumbles more to her rat than to the others while making her way towards the other cavern. "B-better to look than be kept in the dark."

"Checking further in."

Taking a look at the other cavern if I can, going to walk over there while keeping a good distance from me and the skeletons. Perception rolls are for if I make it there, disregard them if the skeletons suddenly decide to make crossing over a hassle. :P

Aisling Perception Roll: [roll0] Alertness feat granted by Aegis the Rat.

Aegis Perception Roll: [roll1] Aegis also has the scent ability and low-light vision. Empathetic Link with a 6 Int Rat! :D

2015-01-10, 12:53 PM
Aisling proceeds further into the cavern, gingerly stepping over and around the skeletons splayed about. As she rounds the bend in the northern wall, she can see another, smaller cavern branching off the main one. The rest of the party follows, and by Arra's light they can see inside it more clearly. In the middle of the cave sits a fine, if weather-worn, chest, with detailing in what seems to be jade. Propped up on top of the chest sits yet another skeleton, this one in slightly more intact armor: heavily rusted chainmail, with a Tien-style helm, and some manner of short sword sheathed at its hip.

Neither this gruesome sentinel nor the skeletons in the larger cavern react, move, or display any other properties other than being long deceased humanoids.

2015-01-10, 12:58 PM

Erik grins and hefts his long axe. "I got melee and I am sure you will do just fine."

2015-01-10, 01:05 PM
Arra's nerves grow increasingly on-edge as they make their way through the cavern. When they finally spot the skeleton on top of the chest, she is seized by the obsession of having to know. Making a pass with her hand, Arra sends a small line of frost at the skeleton, hoping to knock it off the chest.
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] cold

2015-01-11, 05:48 AM
Liane watches Aisling move with concern apparent on his face, but when the skeletons remain inert he smiles again and follows her into the deeper cavern. When Arra casts her cantrip he starts, but steadies himself again afterwards, his club drawn and ready the entire time.

"Unusual arms and armament...be careful with that chest, it could be trapped. Better let me take a look," he says, moving cautiously forward.

Perception [roll0] to find traps on the chest or skeleton sitting on it
Disable Device [roll1] to disable any traps found

This is assuming the skeleton does not animate at Arra's attack.

2015-01-12, 12:19 PM
Not unlike a child prodding a snake with a stick to see if it’s alive, Arra fires a ray of frosty magic at the inert skeleton atop the chest. The cantrip rimes a small section of the skeleton’s armor in frost, but elicits no reaction.

More concerned with the ornate chest itself, Laine takes a step forward, but just as he gets within a few paces of the treasure, the event the party had been dreading all the while finally takes place.

Tiny pinpricks of ghostly green flame appear in the skeleton’s empty eye sockets as it rattles to horrific life. Despite its lack of lungs, a hollow, otherworldly scream of rage emanates from its mouth as it draws its short sword, a finely-crafted, wickedly sharp looking blade.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n223/CockroachTeaParty/ScreenShot2015-01-12at90941AM_zps5df8840f.png (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/CockroachTeaParty/media/ScreenShot2015-01-12at90941AM_zps5df8840f.png.html)

Initiative order:
Aisling: 20
Laine: 20
Skeleton: 16
Arra: 16
Erik: 7

Aisling and Laine are able to react before the skeleton, so I'll need actions from them; then I'll post for the skeleton, and everybody can post a new set of actions.

2015-01-12, 03:00 PM
Round 1

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 (1d6, 20/x3), 20 Arrows
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition None
"Whoa! This one's not all dead, yet! A little help here?" cries Laine as he tries to bring his club down on the exposed bone of the skeleton before stepping back out of reach.

Standard action to attack with the club
Club [roll0] attack, [roll1] (20/x2), [roll2] bludgeoning damage
5-ft step out of melee with the skeleton (presumably to the left and back, nearer to Aisling.

2015-01-12, 03:36 PM
"L-lets give Erik a spot of luck then, to fix the situation, Aegis!" She stutters out, fixing Erik with a wide-eyed stare before she dissolves into high-pitched giggles. The laugh and the stare feel strange and disjointed, but there's a spark of a force in Erik's mind now, an urge that he can do anything.

Standard Action to Hex Erik with Fortune, roll twice for Attacks, Ability Checks, Saving Throws, and Skill Checks. Must decide to use it before rolling the first one and can only benefit once a turn. Lasts 1 turn.

Move Action to use my Cackle Hex, which increases the Fortune by another round.

Erik has this round and another round of a reroll, unless I cackle some more! :smallbiggrin:

Trying to figure out how to make it seem like she's actually pulling some mojo, but can't quite get a good idea for it. Current idea is that it just puts an urge or feeling into someone's head... but that sounds sort of god-mode-ish, any other ideas?

2015-01-12, 04:53 PM
Laine attempts an ineffectual swing at the skeleton before putting some distance between himself and the furious undead. Aisling works a strange luck-charm upon Erik, her witchery bending the laws of probability in his favor.

The skeleton levels the point of his sword at Erik, and surprisingly the creature speaks, its voice reverberating as if heard from deep within a chasm.
”Ulfen warrior, I shall defeat thee in honorable combat! Know that Tsutamu, wielder of Whispering Shrike, shall be thy end!”

The skeleton, apparently called Tsutamu in a former life, steps forward to make good his claim. He makes a wide horizontal chop with his sword, but perhaps Aisling’s magic is already working in Erik’s favor, for the blow merely grazes the Ulfen man’s armor. For a moment, Tsutamu over extends himself, exposed to retaliation.

The map is largely unchanged; Laine moved 1 square SW, while the skeleton moved 1 square south.

Everyone is now free to post actions.

2015-01-12, 05:22 PM
Seeing the skeleton move almost comes as a relief to Arra. Hearing its voice, however, almost makes Arra want to reason with it. It used to be a person... Why is he down here?

A whisper at the back of her mind, however, says that there is only one way for this to end for all parties involved. Gripping her blades tightly, Arra sees the undead leave itself open. A strange sense of righteousness ignites within her, and her eyes begin to glow with a white light.

"I shall bring you rest," she promises. Her voice echoes strangely, like soft bells in the distance. Her arms are a whirlwind of blades and flexing fingers firing magical frost.

Burning 1 point from Eldritch Pool to enter mystical focus. Lasts for two rounds. All attacks considered good-aligned. Using spell combat.
Scimitar: [roll0]
Sdamage: [roll1] slashing
Butterfly sword 1: [roll2]
B1damage: [roll3] slashing
B2: [roll4]
B2damage: [roll5] slashing
Ray of frost: [roll6]
ROF damage: [roll7] cold

2015-01-12, 06:18 PM
Round 2

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 (1d6, 20/x3), 20 Arrows
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition None
Laine smiles broadly, relief evident in his features. "It can tell which of us is the dangerous warrior, at least!" he exclaims as he looks for an opening.

If a 5-ft step will give Laine flanking with someone he will take it first, if not...
Standard action to attack with the club followed by a 5-ft to better enable a flank with either Erik or Arra next round
Club [roll0] attack (roll does not include flanking bonuses if any are provided), [roll1] (20/x2), [roll2] damage

2015-01-12, 08:07 PM

Erik roars as he swings his bearded axe at the skeleton.

Attack roll 1 [roll0]
Attack roll 2 [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2015-01-13, 02:45 PM
"You don't think there'd be more of them coming towards us now, Aegis?" Aisling mutters to Aegis, the rat currently rustling through one pocket or another, while giggling up a storm. The laughter fades while she peers towards the cavern they had already traveled through.

Move Action to Cackle again, add another round to Erik's Fortune!

Move Action to make a Perception check to both look and listen for signs of the other skeletons from the previous cavern.

Aisling Perception Roll: [roll0]

Aegis Perception Roll: [roll1] Scent and Low Light Vision along with the mind link :smallbiggrin:

2015-01-13, 03:15 PM
Seeing the drop in Tsutamu’s defenses, Arra unleashes the full fury her four arms affords her. She lashes out with her blades, but they largely glance off the skeletal warrior’s rusty chainmail, or else bounce off unyielding bone. The final attack in the sequence is a daring point-blank blast of cold magic, but the attempt is risky, and her foe seizes the opportunity. Before she can complete the spell, he lashes out with his razor-sharp blade, landing a deadly slash across her abdomen. She loses a staggering amount of blood, barely able to stay on her feet.
"That is the price for interfering with a samurai's challenge! Stand aside!" Tsutamu croaks, his hideous voice like an amplified death rattle.

Unable to bring his bearded axe to bear in the close quarters of the cavern, Erik drops his favored weapon and pulls out his trusty longsword. His mighty swing is met by his opponent, and not even Aisling’s luck-altering magic can help the Ulfen warrior breach Tsutamu’s puissant defenses.

Perhaps distracted by Erik, Laine is able to take advantage of a brief drop in the skeleton’s guard, and connects a solid blow with his club, rattling the creature’s ribcage. Such a strike would surely fell a lesser foe, but Tsutamu continues to fight with otherworldly determination.

Aisling maintains her beneficial hex on Erik, but her familiar relays an urgent message through their empathic link: danger! The sound of clacking bones can be heard from the southern cavern; the other skeletons must be on the move, no doubt on their way to reinforce their embattled commander.

Tsutamu presses the attack, attempting another wide slash with his sword, but Erik’s armor holds true; the pair continue to clash blades, locked in mortal combat.

The map is again unchanged from the previous post.

Arra suffered an attack of opportunity during her full attack, and was struck for 9 damage. She is at 0 hp, staggered and disabled.

2015-01-13, 03:32 PM
Aisling dives into the water and places a hand on Arra with maddeningly wide eyes.

Move action to get close to Arra.

Standard Action for Healing Hex! [roll0] And extra +2 due to Rescued trait!

2015-01-13, 05:50 PM
Round 3

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 (1d6, 20/x3), 20 Arrows
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition None
Laine's eyes bug out of his head a bit both at Arra's use of her many limbs with the meshing of a magic spell and the devastating blow from their opponent. "That reminds me to avoid that sort of thing..." he says as he steps back and drinks an extract from his bag while looking around.

Take a 5-ft step if possible to leave melee and drink a Shield (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/shield.html#shield) extract.
Perception [roll0]

Last round I wanted to begin inching around to set up a flank. Was there a reason that didn't happen, like perhaps the terrain is too rough or something? Either way I am good, I just wanted to be sure I understood the terrain.

2015-01-13, 06:19 PM
As painful as her uselessness is, despite her best efforts, the stinging from the slash was much worse. Arra felt herself go dizzy, until Aisling's healing restored her to full strength.

She takes a step back, hoping that the viking will prove a better match. The water quickly grows deep around her.
Delaying until after Aisling.
Taking a 5 foot step to withdraw one square south.

2015-01-13, 06:57 PM

Even though he had missed Erik felt he was unstoppable, like that swing was just to distract. Holding his longsword in two hands he swings at the creature. "Die!"

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Damage [roll3]

2015-01-13, 09:28 PM
Marching up from the tidal cavern single-file, the reanimated skeletons arrive, eerily silent. Unarmed, their skeletal fingers serve as wicked claws as one of them lashes out at Aisling, tearing at her clothing but leaving her unharmed.

Focused on his foe, Erik swings a mighty two-handed blow with his longsword, smashing undead bone with bitter steel. The lack of muscles or vital organs robs the attack of much of its power, and although he still cracks bone, the blow lacks a great deal of the power it otherwise should have delivered.
"Is that the best you can do?" mocks Tsutamu.

Laine retreats into a nearby nook in the cave wall, hastily drinking a special alchemical concoction. An invisible disc of force appears in front of him to shield him from harm.

Aisling ducks away from the grasping claws of the newly arrived skeletons, using her witchcraft to staunch bleeding and knit flesh as she heals the worst of Arra’s wounds. Thankful for the aid, Arra backs away from the skeletal samurai, joining Aisling in the slimy water.

Tsutamu recovers from Erik’s attack and presses the advantage, sidestepping around his defenses and delivering a brutal slash with his bloody blade. He chops into the flesh between neck and shoulder, steel grating against Erik’s collarbone and drawing out a torrent of blood. Amazingly, he remains standing, a testament to his sheer toughness, but he can only barely maintain his footing.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n223/CockroachTeaParty/ScreenShot2015-01-13at51948PM_zpsddcc793a.png (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/CockroachTeaParty/media/ScreenShot2015-01-13at51948PM_zpsddcc793a.png.html)

Updated initiative:

Erik took a nasty hit from Tsutamu for 13 damage, leaving him at 0 hp, disabled.
You know the drill folks: post up them actions!

2015-01-14, 04:17 AM
Round 4

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 17, Touch 11, Flat-footed 16, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Leather Armor, Shield (Extract) (+2 Armor, +4 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition Shield
Seeing the incoming undead Laine cries out, "We got company! The others were animated too!" as he moves to prevent them from flanking Erik.

Take a 5-ft step to intercept the incoming skeleton line, preferring to prevent any from getting past and preferring to only fight one at a time and then attack the lead one
Club [roll0] attack, [roll1] (20/x2), [roll2] damage

If any skeletons incur an AoO (for moving past Laine or through his threatened areas) here is a set of rolls for that too
Club [roll3] attack, [roll4] (20/x2), [roll5] damage

2015-01-16, 06:34 PM

Erik roars and the wound, ignores the pain and swings his longsword in two hands and then collapses on the ground.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Drops to -1 hp

2015-01-16, 06:35 PM
Moving past Aisling, Arra makes her way through the slimy water and slices at the nearest skeleton to help Laine.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-01-16, 06:56 PM
Aisling moves up to Erik to try and heal him!

Move action to get over to Erik, will take the AOO if I have to, will also take the long way around if I could.

Standard Action to use Healing Hex. [roll0]

2015-01-16, 07:54 PM
The party finds themselves in dire straights. The column of animated skeletons pours through the southern entrance to the cavern. Laine and Arra are beset upon by their merciless claws, their defenses bested as their blood is drawn by sharpened skeletal fingers.

Just as it looks like all hope is lost, Erik roars his defiance, swinging one last titanic blow with his sword. Tsutamu brings about his blade to block the slash, but moves too slow: Erik smashes through radius and ulna, cleaves through ribs, and utterly shatters Tsutamu’s skeletal form into a pile of jumbled bones.

As soon as Tsutamu is vanquished, the six other skeletons collapse like marionettes with cut strings. The chaotic sounds of battle are replaced with deathly silence. Aisling quickly moves to Erik’s side, her witchcraft bringing him back from the brink.

The party is battered and bleeding, but alive, and the unknown treasures within the chest await. Amongst Tsutamu’s various possessions is a bronze key on a loop around his neck…

From the brink of doom, you guys emerge victorious! Take a moment to gather yourselves, and feel free to roll some Perception checks as you search Tsutamu and the chest…

Laine is at 4/10 hp, Arra at 2/9, and Erik at 6/13 after Aisling heals him.

2015-01-16, 08:28 PM

Erik stands and nods. "Thank you Aisling. It seems the big fellow was what kept the other skeletons 'alive'."
He yanks the key on the loop off Tsutamu's neck and walks over to the chest. "Think it is safe?"

2015-01-16, 08:32 PM
Exhausted and bleeding, but thankful to be alive, Arra beckons to stop Erik from moving forward.

"Let me take a look at it first." She cautiously approaches it. No sense in being surprised twice.


2015-01-16, 09:49 PM
Arra gives the chest a thorough examination, and does not find anything overtly suspicious. The chest itself is very fine, despite the damp conditions of the cave: lacquered cherrywood, with jade and bronze detailing. With a good cleaning, it would probably be worth some money. Much like the armaments of the recently defeated skeletons, the chest has a distinctly Tien-style appearance.

The bronze key fits the lock perfectly, and opens the chest with ease. Inside is an incredible wealth of treasure; despite the dangers you faced, you are now wealthier than most people in Sandpoint. While it is clear that much of the chest’s original contents have been removed, there is still enough here to quicken the heartbeat of even the least greedy soul. Filling the bottom of the chest is a pile of coins: thousands of silver, and several hundred lustrous gold. The coins themselves are of a foreign mint, with Tien characters and small etchings of dragons, lotus flowers, and cherry blossoms. There are also numerous pieces of fine jewelry, largely in jade: delicate silver chains, brass earnings with mother of pearl peacocks, a jade and topaz anklet and matching torque, and a handful of gem-encrusted rings.

A separate compartment holds a pair of fine armaments: a masterfully made chain shirt, and an equally fine Tien-style short sword, similar to the one Tsutamu was wielding. The blade has the dark, smokey appearance of cold iron, folded upon itself many times.

The last two compartments are the ones that were previously looted or emptied out, as there are numerous blank spaces in the lined velvet slots. One section at one point carried numerous fireworks, although several still remain: eleven of the small munitions the goblins were wielding, and four larger stick-mounted rockets. The other section contains ten small stoppered glass vials with various colors of liquid suspended within them, and a slender, six-inch-long wand of polished yew.

While the scraps of armor the six lesser skeletons possess are worthless, you add Tsutamu’s gear to the treasure haul. His chainmail, while damaged, could be restored with some work. If the rust was scoured away and some missing links were replaced, it would serve as a masterwork example of the armor. Tsutamu’s sword, which he called ‘Whispering Shrike,’ is another example of exemplary Tien craftsmanship. The blade is etched with an image of seven shrikes perched upon a curling branch, and the light dances upon the bade strangely, giving it an eldritch blue tinge. The hilt and pommel of the sword have rotted, however, giving it a loose grip; the weapon will need to be repaired before it is fully fit for battle. The fact that Tsutamu was able to wield it as deftly as he had despite this handicap speaks to his formidable skill.

As Arra examines Whispering Shrike, she discovers a hidden compartment: apparently, the pommel is hollow on the inside. The secret compartment contains a small mithral scroll tube, itself a treasure. Inside the scroll tube is a small paper scroll, apparently a note written in Tien. Nobody present can read it, but conceivably Ameiko back in Sandpoint could.

If anyone uses Detect Magic on these treasures, the ten vials, the wand, Tsutamu’s sword, and one of the rings radiate magic. The ring is a simple leather cord tied in a loop wide enough to slip over a finger, easily mistaken for junk, but apparently it has magical properties.

2015-01-16, 09:58 PM

Erik whistles as they go through the contents. His eyes are more drawn to the weapons and armour than the silver and gold. "Those are wonderfully made."

2015-01-16, 10:10 PM
Arra's breath catches in her throat as she examines the treasures. Weaving her hands in simple arcane passes, she is able to identify several pieces as magic. When she discovers the hidden scroll, she secures it on her person.

In each of her hands, she holds up a piece of jewelry as she considers the wealth before them.

Still, she cannot help but wonder... "Why is this here? Why are they here? So far away from their homeland..." Arra considers some of the jewelry, wondering if Koya would like anything from here.

"Would anyone mind if I held onto the ring and the wand until we get back to Sandpoint? I'm sorry to say that I don't know what they do.

As for you, Laine, I think you would enjoy those potions very much." Arra sounds very chipper for someone who was literally facing death mere moments ago.

2015-01-16, 10:32 PM
While the rest are busy with the trinkets, blade, and armor, Aisling takes the time to roughly sketch out the silver and gold coin before pocketing a few. "Sh-should we carry this with us, or leave the chest for now? W-we still have a task to atte-tend to and it may slow us down."

"Th-there's also your wounds. I can fix Laine up a little now, but it'll take me most of the day to do any more for you both." She does seem concerned for the three of them and takes the time to look them over. "And having you keel over in the swamp would be burdensome."

Rolling Heal checks to see how injured the lot of them are, I can tell from an OOC perspective, but Aisling can't. If I need to roll something different then I will.

[roll0] Heal check for Arra
[roll1] Heal check for Erik
[roll2] Heal check for Laine

2015-01-17, 12:36 PM
As the skeletons' claws cut into Laine he grins defiantly, doing his best to stoically take the wounds without crying out. When they suddenly fall inanimate he sighs in relief, turning to watch the rest of the party silently.

He watches the party approach the chest, mumbling, "There wouldn't be any need to trap the chest with the guardian right there, anyway..." He nodds appreciatively at the fine quality of the chest itself and admires the wealth inside. As the individual pieces are considered he takes a piece of chalk and starts noting his estimates of their values on a dry spot of rock.

+8 Modifier - There wasn't a specific list, so I don't know how many rolls I might need. I have 4 uses of Inspiration, let's say that I use it only once at the most on a check that is a 17-19 for an additional +1d6 (if needed)
Seeing the potions he nods and takes them, carefully examining them each to try and identify their properties.

Ten Alchemy checks to determine the potions, DC 15+Caster Level: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7]
"Well, this is sure a nice discovery!" exclaims Laine, smiling. "How do you think we should secure this and get it back to town? We still need to try and find that other group of adventurers and Shalelu, if we can..."

2015-01-17, 01:06 PM
By Laine's estimation, the chest itself could be worth 250 gold. The assorted pieces of jewelry together could fetch as much as 560 gold. The coinage will need to be counted, a procedure best saved for town. Laine is uncertain what the mithral scroll tube might be worth, but it is surely valuable.

He also takes several minutes examining the potions, smelling them, taking small tastes, and using his alchemical expertise to guess at their properties. Most of the potions are duplicates, which makes his job somewhat easier. By his approximation, there are five potions of Cure Light Wounds, two potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, and three potions of Lesser Restoration.

The chest and all of the treasure recovered weighs a rather hefty amount, close to two hundred pounds. It will be awkward and arduous to transport it out of the swamp, but surely the wealth within will make it worth the struggle.

Laine used one point of inspiration during his appraisal.

There remains a few unexplored passages in the cave for the curious. However, your actions from here are up to you.

2015-01-17, 02:58 PM

Taking his eyes from the arms and armour, Erik looks around the area looking for signs of how the chest came to be here and where the skeletons come from.

perception [roll0]

Erik looks down at himself and the others. "We are a bit worse for wear and pushing deeper right now, would seem ill advised. I suggest we take this back to town." Gesturing at the chest. "Have some drinks to celebrate, tell a few tales and head out as soon as we are ready."

2015-01-17, 03:49 PM
"All of these potions have healing properties of some kind or another - if we wished to continue exploring we could perhaps use them to sustain us longer. Otherwise, I agree, we should make our way back to safety and recover before we invest more time here." Laine says by way of explaining his findings regarding the potions. "If I am able to benefit from your healing powers, Aisling, I would appreciate your efforts. Otherwise, I have this," he holds up an extract, "which I have been saving till I could benefit from its healing properties."

As he speaks he takes the time to look around the cave areas for tracks and signs of what happened here. "It seems likely that the goblins have been here, stolen some fireworks - though how they survived Tsutamu I don't know - and then the skeletons tracked them back to their village. But how such a chest and undead warriors came to be here is very intriguing, indeed..." he says, speaking his thoughts out loud unconsciously.

Perception [roll0]
Survival [roll1] to see signs in the sand regarding what happened here before we all arrived...
"I really wish we could find some sign of Shalelu and that other party, though. They may be in trouble, still."

2015-01-17, 03:54 PM
Arra has had enough adventure for one day. The warmth of a fire calls her, as does Koya's warm embrace.

But... Shalelu... she could still need our help. If they turned back now, and that cost the elf her life...

"Let us continue," Arra says reluctantly. "The potions can keep us going, and we must find Shalelu. She's helped the town so much. We must keep going if we can. The treasure is not going anywhere."

2015-01-17, 04:09 PM

Erik's smile fades. "Sorry, I forgot. Of course we keep going."

2015-01-19, 01:46 PM
After taking inventory of the fabulous treasure, Aisling heals Laine with her medicinal witchcraft, restoring him to good as new. Arra and Erik remain significantly bloodied (although the numerous healing potions you’ve recovered look refreshing).

Curious about what remains in the unexplored segments of the cavern, you poke your head in one of the side passages. By the light of Arra’s cantrip, you can make out a small ‘island’ in the middle of a pool of murky water, covered in glittering crystal formations.

I went ahead and rolled some healing for Laine with Aisling’s healing hex; Laine is back to full health. Any further resource expenditure is up to you.

There is this crystal formation room to examine, and one last wing of the tidal cavern to explore as well. Otherwise, the greater marsh beckons.

2015-01-19, 02:36 PM
Downing one of the potions, Arra feels strength return to her limbs. She feels strangely drawn to investigate the crystals on the island.

Turning to the others, she asks "Would anyone mind if I took a quick look? I have never seen such a thing before."

Rolling Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]

2015-01-19, 05:06 PM
Laine shakes his head encouragingly, his eyes never leaving the murky pool. "That won't bother me, but be careful - I don't like the looks of that pool," he says, his bow drawn as he stares intently at the muck.

2015-01-19, 07:58 PM

Erik Slings his shield on his back and sheaths his sword and picks up his long axe. "I'll come with you. We need to be careful. It seems that damngers abound."

2015-01-19, 09:12 PM
As you approach the pool, you notice something moving along the top of the water, like a film of dirty slime. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust, but it appears some sort of living matter occupies the pool surrounding the crystals. A dark nucleus can be seen, and small bits of matter suspended in its gelatinous body.

A knowledge (dungeoneering) or (nature) check can reveal more information about this creature. You are all at least 10 ft. away from the water and the ooze-like entity, and it has not reacted to your presence.

I went ahead and rolled some knowledge checks. Laine and Aisling recognize it as a giant amoeba, a type of carnivorous, mindless ooze. It digests prey with acidic enzymes.

2015-01-19, 09:45 PM

Erik raises his axe. "What the hell is that?"

2015-01-20, 10:07 AM
"That is an ooze of some kind, likely with highly acidic effects on anything that touches it. Before anyone risks themselves, let's try something..." Laine says, drawing back and arrow and shooting it lightly into the pool to see the effect on the projectile.

2015-01-20, 02:43 PM
Laine's arrow splashes into the pool, immediately causing the giant amoeba to reflexively grab at it with a translucent pseudopod. As the arrow snaps in its gooey grip, the creature appears clearly agitated, sloshing the water about into foam as it begins to slither forward...

The amoeba is now angry! Everyone is free to take a full turn of actions against it, since it's going on initiative count 1 and there's no way anybody will go after it. Fight it, or run away, or do something else! Gorf!

I'm not bothering with a map for this one: you're all at least 10-15 ft. away from the amoeba and the pool, in rather tight quarters; the caves here can really only accommodate folks in single file.

2015-01-20, 06:01 PM
Round 1

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 16, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +1 (1d6, 20/x3)
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition 1/4 Inspiration Used
As he backs away Laine shoots another arrow at the ooze, saying, "Aren't you glad that wasn't you?"

Move action to stay well out of melee
Standard Action to shoot at it, preferring to fire before any allies get in melee
Shortbow [roll0] attack, [roll1] (20/x3), [roll2] damage

2015-01-20, 07:36 PM

Erik shrugs and chuckles. "Well that was something." He takes a step back gripping his axe. "What will this acidic effect do to weapons?"

Holds his standard action. Ready to withdraw if it gets to close or attack it if someone is about to get hurt.

2015-01-21, 02:40 PM
Aisling moves behind Erik and simply places a quick hand on his shoulder with some whispered encouragement.

Move action to get behind Erik
Standard Action to Cast Guidance on Erik! +1 to an Attack Roll, Saving Throw or Skill Check! Must decide if using the bonus before rolling the dice.

2015-01-21, 02:47 PM
Terrified by this new menace, and not wishing to approach it any further, Arra fires a ray of frost from her fingertips at the creature.
Ranged touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] cold

2015-01-22, 02:51 PM
Laine and Arra land ranged attacks against the giant amoeba. The arrow pierces its film-like outer skin, which leaks a runny, translucent fluid. The spell rimes a small area of its body in frost, which causes it to reflexively jerk away from the cold. Being mindless and silent, it otherwise shows no signs of pain, or even fear. Instead, it slithers out of the pool, extending a pseudopod at what it perceives to be prey.

Unwilling to stand by and let his companions be attacked, Erik heaves his axe at the creature, the blade slamming through primitive proto-flesh. The axe bursts the creature like a ruptured waterskin; weird organs and fluid drains out of the sticky thing until it is little more than an unpleasant stain on the cave floor.

The danger passed, examining the crystals reveals them to be largely worthless gypsum, worth a small sum to a curious collector but unlikely to impress merchants like a true precious stone.

There's one last area to explore in the cavern, and you also have the option to head back out into the marsh. What's it gonna be?

2015-01-22, 03:08 PM
Laine nods and smiles. "Nicely done, everyone! Shall we check the last branch of the cave? There still haven't been any signs of Shalelu, but maybe third time's the charm...?" he says, leading the way and watching carefully for signs of danger as he does.

Low Light Vision and [roll0] Perception

Stealth [roll1] - Laine stays at the edge of the party's light so that he can take advantage of the low light vision and stay far enough in the front to not have the light reveal him

2015-01-23, 02:38 PM
Disappointed by the crystals' common nature, Arra follows along after Laine. Her eyes are peeled for yet more potential trouble.

2015-01-24, 04:43 PM
Blessed with low-light vision, Laine scouts ahead of the party; those without special eyesight quickly lose him in the shadows. The narrow cavern Laine scouts opens up into a larger cavern, nearly lost to darkness even with his keen eyes. There are soft sheets of webbing along the floor, walls, and ceiling, and Laine gets the distinct feeling that he is being watched. Then, before he has a chance to react, a flurry of furry legs and gnashing fangs explodes out of the darkness towards him.

A monstrous spider, the size of a pony, attacks Laine in eery silence. Its enormous fangs sink deep into the meat of his thigh, pumping a burning venom into the wounds. Although Laine manages to fight through the poison through sheer toughness, the damage inflicted is still horrendous.

His companions hear his shout of pain from further down the cavern. Clearly, Laine has run into trouble!

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n223/CockroachTeaParty/Screen%20Shot%202015-01-24%20at%201.44.19%20PM_zpszmlqaixj.png (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/CockroachTeaParty/media/Screen%20Shot%202015-01-24%20at%201.44.19%20PM_zpszmlqaixj.png.html)

Arra: 22
Erik: 13
Spider: 8
Aisling: 7
Laine: 6

Laine took 5 damage as the spider surprised him, and he is at 5/10 hp.

I'll need actions from Arra and Erik, then the spider will go, and then everyone can post.

I'll post a map shortly.

2015-01-24, 05:16 PM

Oblivious to the darkness Erik moves as fast as he can towards the shout of Laine coming up behind him. "Bring some light!"

He will strike past her with his axe, as soon as he can see the spider.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2015-01-24, 08:25 PM
Upon hearing Laine's shout, Arra surges forward, glowing rock in her spare hand.

She moves past Laine as Erik comes up behind her and she slices at the spider with her scimitar.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2015-01-24, 08:53 PM
Aisling rushes up towards the group with her dagger, ready to throw it at a moments notice.

Move action to make way towards the group.

Standard action to ready an action. Will throw dagger if that spider so much as twitches! :smallfurious:

[roll0] to throw dagger with ally in melee.
[roll1] for confirmation
[roll2] for damage
[roll3] for crit damage

2015-01-25, 07:50 PM
Arra rushes forward to help Laine. She can just make out the horrible, hairy spider as she rounds the corner of the passage. In her attempt to get past Laine into the larger cavern, however, she leaves the spider a split-second opening, which it takes advantage of, biting her waist and lower abdomen. The pain is blinding, and she quickly loses consciousness, collapsing on the wet stone floor.

Erik is right behind her, but finds himself once again in conditions too cramped to effectively fight with his pole axe, especially with Laine blocking the way. His swing scrapes against rock instead of giant spider carapace.

The spider turns its attentions back to Laine, but he manages to twist away from the hungry fangs of the hideous creature. Aisling's dagger flies ineffectually into the cavern, clanging impotently on the floor.

My computer is pooping its pants right now, so no map this round.

Laine and the spider are in the same spot in the previous map. Arra's body is one square north of Laine, while Erik is one square south of Laine, with Aisling right behind him.

Arra took 6 damage from an AOO, and is at -2 hp and dying. She managed to fight off the poison, however.

New actions from everybody capable of making them, if you would be so kind!

I might suggest Erik swap out for his sword again, unless he wants to risk an AOO maneuvering around the spider to get the proper range with his axe.

2015-01-25, 08:09 PM

Erik, fustrated with his inability to get at the spider, drops his axe and shouts "You need to move so we can help."

Erik holds his actions until Laine moves.
He will draw his sword, shift 5 feet and attack with the sword in two hands..

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2015-01-26, 08:10 AM
Round 1

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 5/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 16, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition 1/4 Inspiration Used
"I would love to make room," Laine quips as he steps back and draws an extract from his belt. "Watch yourself - it has a nasty bite!"

5-ft step out of melee
Draw CLW extract
Drink CLW Extract to heal for [roll0] HPs

2015-01-26, 01:42 PM
It's an instinctive reaction for Aisling as her arm fluidly shifts through the positions needed, fingers performing the motions, without even really realizing it. It isn't until the words of power slip out of her mouth that Aisling really registers the fact there wasn't one single stutter in the casting at all.

"Get the spider away from her!" She shouts while whipping out her quarterstaff.

Standard action to cast Stabilize. It's a close range spell, so Arra's not dying anymore!

Move action to draw her quarterstaff!

2015-01-26, 10:34 PM
Erik and Laine swap places. Taking cover against the cobwebbed cavern wall, Laine hastily quaffs a special healing extract, restoring himself to perfect condition.

Erik brings his sword to bear, but has trouble hitting the twitchy, swift spider. In retaliation, the spider bites Erik in turn, inflicting grievous harm as it punctures his left forearm with a venom-coated fang. The tough Ulfen remains standing, but the poison pumped into this bloodstream burns at his muscles, weakening him greatly.

Aisling uses a minor spell to stabilize Arra from a distance; her wounds no longer bleed freely, and while still in delicate shape, she should be safe for the moment.

I think my home computer is about to pass into the afterlife, so I'll have to do this from work or on my tablet. Maps might be a bit of a challenge for a while, sorry.

Everyone is in roughly the same position from last turn, except that Laine and Erik swapped places.

The spider is rolling hot, though, and bit Erik for 5 damage, dropping him down to 1 hp. Worse, he failed his first Fort. save against the poison, and took 2 Strength damage, dropping his Strength down to 16. His attack and damage rolls will suffer accordingly.

Everyone who is conscious is up for a new round of actions.

2015-01-26, 10:49 PM

Erik shifts away from the entrance to the cave as he does his best to shake off the effect of the poison and dons his shield. He roars in defiance and swings his longsword at the beast.

5 foot step away from the entrance to clear the way for someone else.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2015-01-27, 06:29 AM
Round 2

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 16, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition 2/4 Inspiration Used
Laine does his best to dance and the spider to flank with Erik, avoiding the worst of the webbing and the spider'so mandibles as he does.

Knowledge (Nature) [roll0]+[roll1] (free Inspiration) to identify the spider type and noteworthy things about it

Move action to get around to the back side and flank with Erik (as long as doing so wouldn't get me entangled in any obvious webs or incur AoOs - if they would, get as close to flanking as possible without doing either of those things) (Acrobatics [roll2]+[roll3] (Inspiration) vs. the spider's CMD to further avoid AoOs)
Standard action to attack with Rapier
Rapier [roll4] (not including +2 from flanking) attack, [roll5] (18-20/x2), [roll6] damage

2015-01-27, 03:54 PM
Things were not looking well at the moment, so for Aisling, the nervouse little wreck, there was only one choice. Piece of cured leather in one hand, staff of wood in the other, the witch charges towards the spider!

Standard Action to cast Mage Armor!

AC is now 16!

Move action to close distance with the spider, ready to fight with a wooden stick!

2015-01-27, 07:16 PM
Erik brings his shield to bear, one extra layer of defense against the voracious arachnid. However, the poison continues to sap away at his strength, and he struggles to land a hit on his foe.

Laine attempts some acrobatic daring to get around the spider and help Erik, but the creature is too quick, operating on spasmodic instinct in defense of its lair. It bites Laine as he tries to somersault pass the creature, and this time he fails to resist the poison; his muscles burn with a throbbing ache. Despite the injury, he manages to stab the spider in a vulnerable area near the join of one of its legs.

As the first person to actually injure the spider, the creature turns its attentions fully to Laine, biting him again on the arm. Laine is bloody and heavily poisoned; he can feel his vision starting to blur from the pain and effort to stay conscious.

Aisling erects a magical barrier of defense before joining the fray. The spider snaps at her angrily, but it bites only air. The creature is now surrounded, but in comparably better health than the majority of its assailants.

This was a painful turn. Erik failed his next Fort. save, dropping his Strength to 15.

Laine got bit by an AoO for flubbing the Acrobatics check, then got bit on the spider’s actual turn. He’s at 2/10 hp, and his Strength was dropped down to 9 from poison. He did inflict some damage, however.

Aisling ate the spider’s AoO for this round, so people should be able to maneuver freely. Laine in particular is a 5 ft. step away from a flank with Erik.

See if you can’t finish it off this round; otherwise, there’s a risk folks will start dropping!

2015-01-27, 07:22 PM

Erik grows frustrated at the beast, but more his inability to hit it and his draining strength. Again he roars and slices at it with his longsword.

Attack [roll0] +2 for flanking
Damage [roll1]

2015-01-27, 07:28 PM
She swings the quarterstaff with a grunt of effort!

Standard action to hit the spider!

[roll0] to hit! [roll1] for damage!
[roll2] crit confirmation
[roll3] crit damage

2015-01-28, 08:21 AM
Round 3

Laine Phillip (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1052468)
Male Chaotic Good Human Investigator, Level 1, Init +1, HP 2/10, Speed 30 ft.
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 16, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2, CMB +0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Club +0 (1d6, 20/x2)
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 13
Condition 2/4 Inspiration Used
Stepping around the spider to the other side Laine does his best to dispose of the arachnid, breathing heavily as he does.

5-ft step to flank the spider
Standard action to attack the spider
Rapier [roll0] attack, [roll]1d20+2[roll] (re-rolling in next post) (18-20/x2), [roll1] damage
Inspiration (costs double on attacks) +[roll2] on attack roll (Not using, rolled high enough)

2015-01-28, 01:03 PM
Gritting his teeth, Erik fights off the remainder of the venom in his veins, sweating profusely. He finally lands a solid blow on the giant spider, lopping off one of its pedipalps.

Moving into a flank with Erik, Laine stabs his rapier deep into the spider's abdomen, causing it to flip over on its back. Its legs curl up against its belly in its final death throes.

The poison continues to eat away at Laine's strength, but Aisling quickly applies her medical knowledge, applying a light tourniquet and applying the proper pressure to the poisoned flesh. The worst quickly passes.

Laine ends the fight at STR 8 before Aisling helps him with a heal check.

Good job! The caverns are officially fully explored. What's the plan? A healing potion could help Arra regain consciousness, among other things.

2015-01-28, 02:02 PM
"Stuff some of that potion down her throat while I stop Erik from being unable to deal with small children." She utters out, already ripping up some of her clothes and digging plants out of her spell-pouch. "Though, it might make them want to take up the role of a warrior." She seems almost snarky and cheeky with her words as she takes her time to dress and clean the wound.

A few words of power slip out before she dives into the work again.

She casts Guidance on herself for this, +1 bonus to Heal check.

Taking 10 for a total of 17. That should pass the DC and allow Erik a +4 competence bonus on a save.

2015-01-28, 03:44 PM

Erik slides to a sitting position, exhausted from the combination of fighting, wounds, old and new and strength draining venom. Erik grins none the less at Aisling's comments and nods.

2015-01-29, 06:02 AM
Panting heavily, Laine pulls a potion from his pack and gently works it into Arra's mouth.

Heals her for [roll0] HPs
As she returns to consciousness he sits for a moment to catch his breath and look around the gloom. "I had heard that spiders came that big sometimes, but I didn't every want to find out first hand like that. Thank you, everyone," he says, grinning sheepishly. "Someone light a torch - let's see if we can find anything hidden amongst all this webbing..."

If I need any saving throws to fight off the poison [roll1] (counting the +4 from Aisling's Heal check), and [roll2] without

Perception Take 20 for a 24 to search the spider's lair for signs of any remains from previous meals
Survival Take 20 for a 28 if there is anything to discern from tracks or such signs

2015-01-29, 01:57 PM
Although it takes him a great deal of effort in his weakened state, Laine surveys the spider's lair. Unfortunately, there is little of worth. The spider did not seem to be a major web-spinner, but rather a hunting spider that used what little webbing it produced for simple utilitarian tasks. The desiccated corpse of a giant gecko that the spider had been feeding on is the only thing of interest.

Aside from Aisling, everyone is badly injured, and in some cases suffering from the ache of muscle damage. The conundrum on how to move the heavy treasure chest becomes that much more daunting, but it is probably relatively secure for the time being; the only other party that might know of its location are the goblins, and their strength seems largely shattered.

Deciding to step out into (relatively) fresh air again, you take a moment and step outside the tidal cavern. As your eyes readjust to the daylight filtering in through the marshy haze, you detect motion at the edge of the scraggly underbrush. You ready your weapons, cold dread creeping up your spine as you reflect on your weakened state. Out of the mist steps a humanoid form, arrow nocked to a composite longbow... Shalelu!

In the strange fashion of elves, Shalelu seems oddly untouched by the marsh, despite the fact that she has been trudging around in the swamp for far longer than your party. While there is mud on her boots, and her hair is done up in a simple utilitarian ponytail, she is nevertheless beautiful. Clad in well-worn studded leather armor and a camouflage hunting cloak, her deep blue eyes fill with recognition as she lowers her bow and approaches.

"Apologies for approaching with weapon drawn; I knew you were no goblins, but I could not be sure... I am glad I found you."

As she steps closer, she notices the wounds you've suffered.
"You are injured... The marsh has not been kind to you. Did the goblins do this to you?"

2015-01-29, 04:43 PM
Relief washes over Laine's face as he finally sees his mentor. "No, most of the injury you see here came from undead and a giant spider. We bested both, and found quite the treasure further inside this cave, come look!" he exclaims, leading her back to the cavern in which they fought the undead and showing her their find. "We were hoping to find you and that other troop of adventurers before forced back to Sandpoint, and now we have accomplished half our goals and been well-rewarded for our efforts as well. Do you know anything about the others?"

2015-01-29, 04:58 PM

Erik smiles upon seeing Shalelu, but does not rise, he is content to rest quietly.

2015-01-29, 05:22 PM
Shalelu listens intently as you recount your recent adventures in the cave.
"I have not been idle while scouting the marsh. I was tracking the other group of adventurers, but fear something grave has happened to them. The last sign of them I found was a campsite, where some sort of battle took place. A singular creature attacked them, I would wager in the dead of night, and may have overpowered them. I was tracking their assailant when I came across your trail, and followed you here."

She produces a wand and a pair of potions. She uses the wand to heal the worst of your wounds, and encourages Laine and Erik to drink the potions; the minty fluid within soothes the ache in their muscles, restoring some of their strength.

"I did not supply this aid for free," she says, "I have a favor I would ask in payment. I scouted the Licktoad village, and found it largely deserted. I took down a few stragglers, one of which told me of a recent attack by 'longshanks.' I surmised that was your handiwork, but you didn't finish the job. Chief Gutwad is holed up in his 'palace.' I've never had a better opportunity to take him down for good, while most of his tribe is scattered or dead. If you would accompany me to the village, I will split the bounty with you, but I could use your support."

With Shalelu's help, here's where everyone stands:

Arra is at 7/9 hp
Erik is at 13/13 hp, with his STR at 16
Laine is at 8/10 hp, and his STR has been fully healed.

2015-01-29, 06:13 PM

Erik drinks the potion, grabs his axe and rises to his feet, a broad smile on his face. "Thank you Shalelu. I am almost good as new. I would be happy to fight by your side and take them down, favor or no."

2015-01-29, 06:22 PM
Arra is thankful for the help, but she bridles at Shalelu's mention of a debt. "We came to help you. The others were starting to get worried."

At her mention of the goblin Gutwad, Arra asks, "...His palace? I would not let a dog sleep in there, let alone be proud of it.

2015-01-29, 07:47 PM
Shalelu arches an eyebrow at Arra's seeming irritation, and shrugs.
"I required no assistance. The Sandpoint hinterlands might as well be my home. It was thoughtful that some might be concerned at my absence, but I was only gone a few days. I have spent far longer in the wilds, alone."

The elf nods at Erik, who seems ready to go.
"I realize you may be tired, but the day is still young, and I am eager to see Gutwad erased from this world."

2015-01-30, 08:30 AM
"I did not supply this aid for free," she says, "I have a favor I would ask in payment. I scouted the Licktoad village, and found it largely deserted. I took down a few stragglers, one of which told me of a recent attack by 'longshanks.' I surmised that was your handiwork, but you didn't finish the job. Chief Gutwad is holed up in his 'palace.' I've never had a better opportunity to take him down for good, while most of his tribe is scattered or dead. If you would accompany me to the village, I will split the bounty with you, but I could use your support."
Laine nods and smiles. "Let's go. We didn't press our advantage there before, even tried to reason with them to get a better idea of what happened to ruin the village so badly in the first place. But if they are such a blight you feel they should be eradicated, I am with you, boss," he says as he stretches his limbs and readies his bow.

2015-01-30, 01:10 PM
Shalelu manages a half-smile. "The words 'reason' and 'goblins' should never be used in the same sentence. We can return to recover this treasure you've found once our business with the Licktoads is done. Follow me; we're burning daylight."

The elf motions to follow her before moving back into the marsh with purpose. She moves swiftly and silently, deftly maneuvering over obstacles that previously gave you no end of trouble; clearly, she is at home in the wilderness. She takes you over a slightly different route than the one you took to reach the caverns, eventually crossing a wooden bridge over the Soggy river and returning to the outskirts of the goblin village. The journey still takes close to an hour, but Shalelu's presence lends a certain sense of security: having an experienced ranger accompany you bolsters your strength considerably.

At the ruined gate of the goblin palisade, Shalelu stops, and turns to you.
"Now is the time to make whatever preparations you might need. I plan on focusing on Chief Gutwad; if you could keep whatever defenders he might have at his side busy, that would be best. I prefer my bow in battle, but I can cross blades with the enemy if need be."

2015-01-30, 02:02 PM

Erik grabs the armor, blades and puts them in his backpack along with the jewlery. He has a feeling these will mean something to Ameiko and he does not want them to vanish. "I will feel less distracted with these in my pack. Lets go!"

2015-01-31, 07:15 AM
"Now is the time to make whatever preparations you might need. I plan on focusing on Chief Gutwad; if you could keep whatever defenders he might have at his side busy, that would be best. I prefer my bow in battle, but I can cross blades with the enemy if need be."
"Is this 'Gutwad' very dangerous? if so, it might be good to draw him out of his hut somehow and pepper him with arrows..." Laine suggests, a mixture of curiosity and concern in his voice.

2015-01-31, 02:51 PM
(Sorry for the wait, son has the flu!)

"W-we weren't able to ge-get them out the first time." Aisling stutters out as she works her magic on the group.

Aisling casts guidance on everyone! For the next minute everyone gets a +1 Competence Bonus to a single Attack Roll, Saving Throw or Skill Check! Need to decide on using it before rolling.

Just doing a quick post so I can try to catch up and be a part here :smalltongue:

2015-01-31, 07:15 PM
An idea occurs to Arra. While it is distasteful, it would help even the odds.

"Can we set fire to the palace? Surely not even goblins would stay inside of a burning building. It would help even the odds, just in case the building is trapped."

2015-01-31, 09:33 PM

Aisling put his hand on Aisling's shoulder and smiles. "Well, we stopped trying to kill them and tried to talk to them and as everyone knows, talking to a goblin is a no win situation."

2015-02-02, 04:16 PM
Shalelu strides into the largely desolate goblin village. She does not look at Laine as she answers him; rather, she looks around at the huts for any stray goblins.
"Goblins only respect strong leaders, so I imagine Gutwad will be a better fighter than your typical specimen. However, I have heard Gutwad has grown corpulent and slothful; he never leaves his throne, which the Licktoads call the 'teeter chair.' I don't plan on letting him live long enough to show us his skill in battle either way."

When Arra mentions using fire against them, the elf is quick to respond.
"The mists and fog rolling in off the bay makes wood difficult to burn at the best of times, here in Brinestump. I believe I can get us into Gutwad's palace regardless."

She draws her short sword and strides toward the double doors serving as the main entrance to the goblin chief's domain. She pauses, and looks over her shoulders at you, to confirm your preparedness.

Unless anyone has any preparations or further questions, Shalelu is ready to get this party started. You can communicate this OOC or IC.

2015-02-02, 04:40 PM
Laine nods thoughtfully as he stays close to Shalelu, his bow at the ready.

2015-02-02, 04:57 PM

Knowing they are likely fighting in an enclosed space Erik trades his axe for his longsword and shield and nods to Shalelu.

2015-02-02, 11:53 PM
Holding her hand up briefly to halt Shalelu, Arra makes a pass with her other hands before nodding her assent.
Renewing Mage Armor

2015-02-03, 02:10 PM
The group ascends the rickety catwalk that leads to Gutwad’s palace. The large double doors serving as the main entrance to the lair are clearly barred from the inside, but they are not of the most sound construction. The gap between the two doors is wide enough for Shalelu to stick the blade of her sword through. She slides the weapon in near the bottom of the doors, then shoves upward with all her might, hitting the bar roughly at shoulder height. It takes her a few tries, but eventually a loud thud can be heard from the other side as the bar is knocked loose. With that, the elf kicks the doors open, revealing Gutwad’s throne room on the other side.

The walls are decorated with numerous poorly preserved horse and dog heads, along with other trophies like broken weapons, brine- pickled bodies of brutally slaughtered furry animals, and other bits of grisly ephemera. Gutwad’s throne, the ‘teeter chair,’ resembles a shoddily made wood and wicker chair atop a scaffolding of ladders and stilts, allowing its occupant to sit nearly five feet off the ground. Ensconced upon it is none other than Chief Gutwad of the Licktoad tribe. Rotund for a goblin, his bulging belly is nearly as large as his oblong head. A crown of porcupine quills sits atop his noggin, and he squints at you with beady red eyes. In one hand he holds a small smoking twig, and across his lap sits a very large and impressive red laquered firework.
Below him, on the ground near his throne, are three goblins wielding dog slicers. Shalelu shouts a challenge in the goblin tongue, which only Laine understands amongst the party.

”Chief Gutwad! Make peace with your gods, for your end is nigh!”

She then sheathes her sword and draws her composite longbow.
The goblins guarding Gutwad scream their defiance as they rush forward, attempting to shove Shalelu and Erik off the catwalk. However, the attack might as well have come from a pair of enraged toddlers, for both warriors stand their ground. The third goblin lights a tinder twig on his rump before lighting one of the Tien firework tubes, which begins to smoke and spark.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n223/CockroachTeaParty/Screen%20Shot%202015-02-03%20at%2010.38.49%20AM_zpscxm2aulh.png (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/CockroachTeaParty/media/Screen%20Shot%202015-02-03%20at%2010.38.49%20AM_zpscxm2aulh.png.html)

Shalelu: 17
Goblins: 13
Erik: 9
Arra: 8
Aisling: 7
Gutwad: 5
Laine: 3

Due to the angle on the catwalk, Arra can only see the goblins and not Gutwad, and only Erik has an eye on every enemy. Everyone else will need to move closer to the fray, and the tight quarters might make that difficult.

Everyone is free to post up some actions.

2015-02-03, 07:17 PM

Eric swings his logsword as he shouts at the little beasts, recalling how he had trouble hitting them earlier.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]