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2022-09-28, 10:05 AM
R1T14: Ernak's face contorts in disgust. "Otyugh: sewage-eaters. Best leave them be, if they're not harming anyone. Just move nice and slowly before they get any ideas."

Putting his hands out before him in a "easy there" posture, Ernak shuffles north to place himself directly to the east of Jacintha.

R1T13: Vivino, what do you do?

Runa+Diva: 23.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri.
Otyugh (Blue): 16. (66:66).
Otyugh (Red): 15. (66:66).
Ernak: 14.
Vivno: 13.
Dane: 9.
Otyugh (Green): 3. (66:66).

2022-09-28, 08:03 PM
R1T13: Vivino eyes Ernak warily and says, "Better start saying some of those pretty words or whatever one does to pacify those things. He moves up a little and readies his scythe in a defensive position.

R1T9: Dane, what do you do?

Green on deck, Runa/Diva in the hole ...

Runa+Diva: 23.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri.
Otyugh (Blue): 16. (66:66).
Otyugh (Red): 15. (66:66).
Ernak: 14.
Vivno: 13. TD!
Dane: 9.
Otyugh (Green): 3. (66:66).

2022-09-29, 11:42 AM
R1T9: Hammer in hand Dane whispers to his group, "If were going we better do it now before the beasts come at us."

R1T3: The last of the three otyughs lumbers out and closes on the party, and with a big, wet, clumsy command of Taldane it speaks with that big central maw. "Name Steve. You look tasty. You join our mouth?"

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: Runa/Diva, what do you do?

Jacintha on deck, otyughs in the hole, Dane with a readied action ...

Runa+Diva: 23.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri.
Otyugh (Blue): 16. (66:66).
Otyugh (Red): 15. (66:66).
Ernak: 14.
Vivno: 13. TD!
Dane: 9. READIED action to "move with the party if they leave or attack."
Otyugh (Green): 3. (66:66).

2022-09-30, 12:37 AM
R2T23: "Ah, uh... Maybe some other time, we've got a prior obligation at the moment," Runa says, a touch confused at being politely asked to get in its mouth.

R2T17: Jacintha, what do you do?

Otyughs on deck and in the hole ...

Runa+Diva: 23.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri.
Otyugh (Blue): 16. (66:66).
Otyugh (Red): 15. (66:66).
Ernak: 14.
Vivno: 13. TD!
Dane: 9. READIED action to "move with the party if they leave or attack."
Otyugh (Green): 3. (66:66).

2022-09-30, 01:31 PM
R2T17: Jacintha, for once, hesitates - a dangerous thing to do, normally. Even so, she shuffles a little bit to the side, bringing her blades up in a defensive stance before adding to the conversation: "Yeah! We're not food!"

R2T16: Red moves along the pier and then up on the mud, getting closer to Jacintha. "We taste you, 'kay? See if you taste foody," as from 10' away it undulates its disgusting body to pop out its hip to bite at Jacintha from 10' away. Jacintha easy dodges the attempt. Frustrated, it bellows, "Hey! Let us taste you!"

R2T15: Blue doesn't even move, but whips a tentacle at Jacintha from a surprising distance. Even with her parrying blades, only her acrobatic skill is enough for her to avoid that wretched limb.

R2T14: Ernak, what do you do?

Vivino on deck, Dane in the hole ....

Runa+Diva: 23.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. TD!
Otyugh (Red): 16. (66:66).
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (66:66).
Ernak: 14.
Vivno: 13. TD!
Dane: 9. READIED action to "move with the party if they leave or attack."
Otyugh (Green, Steve): 3. (66:66).

2022-10-02, 08:00 PM
R2T14: "You wouldn't like us: we taste too spicy," Ernak says with a shrug to the three otyughs, "Even our smell can sting the eyes."

Ernak then begins to spin a sorrowful tale about how various monsters have tried eating the party before, only to spit them out again once their harsh peppery flavor was discovered brilliantly acting out his monologue. But Ernak discovers a lesson in the matter of line of effect as he can't form a spell inside of a monster (but could have gone over it, which he didn't do). The glitterdust effect goes off as soon as the magic hits the otyugh and erupts in a poofing cloud of goldne particles that cover everything. The monster is quiet angry as it bellows from being blinded. The cloud does cover Jacintha, but at least she isn't blinded by the effect.

R2T13: Vivino, you were evoking Total Defense. What do you do?

Dane on deck, Steve (Green) in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Runa+Diva: 23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. TD!
Otyugh (Red): 16. (66:66). BLINDED by glitterdust (Will DC 17 each round to remove)!!!
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (66:66).
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14.
Vivno: 13. TD!
Dane: 9. READIED action to "move with the party if they leave or attack."
Otyugh (Green, Steve): 3. (66:66).

2022-10-02, 10:17 PM
R2T13: "It doesn't seem like they are taking the hints," Vivino comments. "Might be time to discourage them directly."

Vivino tumbles up to green and strikes powerfully down with his scythe for 31, but he takes 3 himself.

R2T12: At nearly the same time, Dane "moves with the party" and was going to move forward 10' as Vivino, but he stops short as he realizes the area of the pier he was heading to has a hole in it that he likely would've gone through.

R2T3: Steve (Green) bites Vivino with his massive maw, the bulk of it striking Vivino in the neck for only 4 mod. One tentacle misses Vivino, and the other bounces off of Dane's armor.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T23: Runa, you are currently mounted on Diva, who is standing on the pier. No weapon is out, and you are feeling as described in the Discord DM. What do you do?

Jacintha on deck, otyughs in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Runa+Diva: 23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. TD!
Otyugh (Red): 16. (66:66). BLINDED by glitterdust (Will DC 17 each round to remove)!!!
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (66:66).
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14.
Vivno: 13. TD!
Dane: 12.
Laori Vaus: 9.
Otyugh (Green, Steve): 3. (35:66).

2022-10-05, 12:08 AM
R3T23: "Well... Can't say we didn't try," Runa says, hopping off Diva with alacrity. "Flank 'em, Diva," she adds, pointing at the one in front of Vivino and Dane as she raises her holy symbol to cast a spell, intoning primal words of power to Gozreh. A wash of visible, aquamarine energy washes over all of the current participants, filling the heroes with a sense that they can overcome any obstacle.

R3T22: Diva dips to the south and around to try and stay out of tentacle range for as long as possible before committing to the command given, avoiding a tentacle slap from Steve.

R3T17: Jacintha, you are currently using total defense. What do you do?

Otyughs on deck and in the hole ...

MIXED: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
* HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Runa: 23. Prayer til R10T23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Diva: 22.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. TD!
Otyugh (Red): 16. (66:66). BLINDED by glitterdust (Will DC 17 each round to remove)!!!
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (66:66).
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14.
Vivno: 13. TD!
Dane: 12.
Laori Vaus: 9.
Otyugh (Green, Steve): 3. (35:66). AOO used.

2022-10-05, 04:51 PM
R3T17: Seeing Diva get into a good flanking position, Jacintha nimbly steps around the pier, looking to get into a flanking position herself. As she moves, she does her best to avoid the enemy's tentacles, dodging and weaving in unpredictable ways. Her first set is a brilliant acrobatic jump down from the pier to the mud. Then, she sort of confuses herself as she was going to go south, but the otyugh is there, causing her to stall out. She thinks to go southwest, but that is blocked as well. It is possible some gold flakes from the glitterdust spell got in her eye and threw her off. No matter, for here is an enemy (two, in fact), and she swings hard overhead at her target. Though the otyugh's hide is almost rock-like in thickness, it is large and clumsy and she manages to cut through for 31 + disoriented. She might not be flanking, but her target is blind!

R3T16: Red manages to clear its eyes and its eyestalk tentacle and attacks Jacintha with bite and tentacles.

R3T15: Blue moves south and attacks Diva .... clearly failing.

R3T14: Ernak, do you continue to inspire courage? What do you do?

Vivino on deck, Dane in the hole ...

MIXED: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
* HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Runa: 23. Prayer til R10T23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Diva: 22.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. RS.
Otyugh (Red): 16. (66:66).
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (66:66).
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
Vivno: 13.
Dane: 12.
Laori Vaus: 9.
Otyugh (Green, Steve): 3. (4:66). AOO used. DISORIENTED til R4T17 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Jacintha).

2022-10-07, 05:19 PM
R3T14: Ernak's saga of the party's bad taste evolves into a tale about how their prickly defenses also make them unappetizing. He regales the party and otyughs alike about how--just last night--big red bugs attempted to devour them, only to be smashed into a pulp.

He then takes a deep breath of relatively clean air and flexes his muscles for the muddy, disgusting journey ahead. Ernak On his way, the now sighted Red swings his tentacle at Ernak. it hits Ernak in the knee for 4 ... definitely an accidental strike than a dedicated one; had Ernak been closer, it might have been an opening for him to instantly grab at the monster. Ernak does a hop down into the mud into a position to better surround the creatures. He finds that the hop down and the mud keeps him out of reach, so he closes as intended, but Blue manages a tentacle smack against him at a great distance that slams against the side of Ernak's neck for 8.

R3T13: Vivino, what do you do?

Dane on deck, Green in the hole ...

MIXED: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
* HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Runa: 23. Prayer til R10T23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Diva: 22.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. RS.
Otyugh (Red): 16. (66:66). AOO used.
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (66:66). AOO used.
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Primal warrior stance: +1 size if helpful for CMB/CMD/resisting special attacks; +2 size for melee weapon damage.
Vivno: 13.
Dane: 12.
Laori Vaus: 9.
Otyugh (Green, Steve): 3. (4:66). AOO used. DISORIENTED til R4T17 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Jacintha).

2022-10-09, 09:02 PM
R3T13: Vivino nods thanks to Diva and then proceeds bring down two powerful strikes against green. Both strikes hit, and completely tear apart the otyugh, with Vivino taking a total of 5 from his weapon.

R3T12: Dane, what do you do?

MIXED: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
* HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Runa: 23. Prayer til R10T23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Diva: 22.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. RS.
Otyugh (Red): 16. (66:66). AOO used.
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (66:66). AOO used.
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Primal warrior stance: +1 size if helpful for CMB/CMD/resisting special attacks; +2 size for melee weapon damage.
Vivno: 13.
Dane: 12.
Laori Vaus: 9.

Otyugh (1).

2022-10-10, 09:49 PM
R3T12: Dane moves up to the creature and swings his hammer over Vivino's head at the beast, calling out, "Duck, Vivinno!" as he connects for 31.

R3T9: The door to Salvator Scream's alleged studio swings open, right by where Ernak was standing a minute ago! An elven woman stands there ... tall even for an elven female at 6' 5", but surely not weighing more than 120 lbs. Here eyes appear pitch black, as does her hair. She moves to the western edge of the pier and jumps down into the mud. Though Dane was flanking with Ernak, it seems that she is definitely threatening the otyugh with her spiked chain and not the party, so he has flank with her as well (and she with him). She calls out, "Hi, everyone! I'm Laori Vaus! Quite a scrum you have going here, eh?"

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T23: Runa, what do you do?

Diva on deck, Jacintha in the hole ...

MIXED: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
* HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Runa: 23. Prayer til R10T23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Diva: 22.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. RS.
Otyugh (Red): 16. (35:66). AOO used.
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (66:66). AOO used.
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Primal warrior stance: +1 size if helpful for CMB/CMD/resisting special attacks; +2 size for melee weapon damage.
Vivno: 13.
Dane: 12. RS.
Laori Vaus: 9.

Otyugh (1).

2022-10-13, 03:32 AM
R4T23: Things are a touch crowded on the front, so Runa opts to hang back for the time being and leave it to Diva. "Nice work. Onto the next one! Keep flanking them, Diva!" she says, taking aim at Blue! She quietly concentrates on a prayer to Gozreh and a micro-stormfront appears above Blue to buffet it with static bursts of lightning and rock it with high winds for 12 NL.

R4T22: Diva has to navigate a fallen otyugh to get to Blue, but does so and snaps at her target to hit it for 13.

R4T17: Jacintha, what do you do?

Otyughs on deck and in the hole ...

MIXED: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
* HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Runa: 23. Prayer til R10T23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Diva: 22.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. RS.
Otyugh (Red): 16. (35:66). AOO used.
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (53:66, 12 NL). AOO used.
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Primal warrior stance: +1 size if helpful for CMB/CMD/resisting special attacks; +2 size for melee weapon damage.
Vivno: 13.
Dane: 12. RS.
Laori Vaus: 9.

Otyugh (1).

2022-10-13, 02:53 PM
R4T17: Jacintha finds herself in an unenviable position - she's not flanking her foe, and can't get to a flanking position without exposing herself to danger. However, they seem to have the upper hand, so she accepts this indignity and slashes at Red with both kukris, prizing damage over accuracy, both kukri striking for 32.

R4T16-15: Red bites at the newcomer, but she slams the chain hard against its melon so that it is dazed by the impact. Blue attacks the big bird with a bite and both tentacles, failing to land a blow.

R4T14: Ernak, what do you do?

Vivino on deck, Dane in the hole ...

MIXED: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
* HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Runa: 23. Prayer til R10T23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Diva: 22.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. RS.
Otyugh (Red): 16. (3:66). DAZED til R5T16!!!
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (53:66, 12 NL).
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Primal warrior stance: +1 size if helpful for CMB/CMD/resisting special attacks; +2 size for melee weapon damage.
Vivno: 13.
Dane: 12. RS.
Laori Vaus: 9.

Otyugh (1).

2022-10-13, 03:37 PM
R4T14: Ernak concludes his tale of the party's victories over all creatures who attempt to eat them with a resounding roar of triumph. He then drives his earthbreaker twice at the nearest otyugh, working himself into an offensive rhythm, killing it completely.

R4T13: Vivino, what do you do?

Dane on deck, Newcomer in the hole ...

MIXED: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
* HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage - ENDS R6T14!!!
* HEROES: +2 to morale to attack/damage for 1 round to allies w/in 30 feet til R5T14!!!
Runa: 23. Prayer til R10T23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Diva: 22.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. RS.
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (53:66, 12 NL).
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14.
* Primal warrior stance: +1 size if helpful for CMB/CMD/resisting special attacks; +2 size for melee weapon damage.
Vivno: 13.
Dane: 12. RS.
Laori Vaus: 9.

Otyugh (2).

2022-10-13, 08:58 PM
R4T13: "Welcome to the party new friend! Now it might be time to get a bit messy...er," Vivino announces. Then he makes his way through the dead creature in order to help flank with Diva, but with the slippery mud and everything, he doesn't get far before a tentacle slams against his armor. These things have already proven their lethargy, though, so Vivino stops trying to move delicately and continues with purpose, though having tried to be acrobatic, jumping down off the pier, and then moving past the corpse of the dead otyugh means he loses steam once he gets to the enemy/

R4T12: Dane, what do you do?

Laori on deck, Runa in the hole ...

MIXED: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
* HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage - ENDS R6T14!!!
* HEROES: +2 to morale to attack/damage for 1 round to allies w/in 30 feet til R5T14!!!
Runa: 23. Prayer til R10T23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Diva: 22.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. RS.
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (53:66, 12 NL).
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14.
* Primal warrior stance: +1 size if helpful for CMB/CMD/resisting special attacks; +2 size for melee weapon damage.
Vivno: 13.
Dane: 12. RS.
Laori Vaus: 9.

Otyugh (2).

2022-10-17, 06:11 AM
R4T12: Dane tries to navigate on or around the fallen otyugh to get to the last active one, even as it snaps at him with its massive maw. Once in position, he gives a mighty swing of his earth breaker to hit it for 35.

R4T9: Laori scrambles over the other fallen otyugh to get in position to strike the last otyugh, but it took a lot out of her just to go that small amount.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T23: Runa, what do you do?

Diva on deck, Jacintha in the hole ...

MIXED: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
* HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage - ENDS R6T14!!!
* HEROES: +2 to morale to attack/damage for 1 round to allies w/in 30 feet til R5T14!!!
Runa: 23. Prayer til R10T23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Diva: 22.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. RS.
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (18:66, 12 NL). AOO used.
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14.
* Primal warrior stance: +1 size if helpful for CMB/CMD/resisting special attacks; +2 size for melee weapon damage.
Vivno: 13.
Dane: 12. RS.
Laori Vaus: 9.

Otyugh (2).

2022-10-20, 04:23 AM
R5T23: "Once more!" Runa says, keeping up the assault on Blue, pelting it with a mini-storm for another 13 NL. As luck and skill would have it, that knocks the otyugh unconscious.

Combat Ends!

Do you kill the unconscious otyugh, or what do you do?

MIXED: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
* HEROES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage - ENDS R6T14!!!
* HEROES: +2 to morale to attack/damage for 1 round to allies w/in 30 feet til R5T14!!!
Runa: 23. Prayer til R10T23.
* Foreign Trader Harrow Card (Runa only): +2 INT-based checks.
Diva: 22.
Jacintha: 17. Psionic + mithral kukri. RS.
Otyugh (Blue): 15. (18:66, 25 NL). AOO used.
Ernak: 14. Glitterdust lasts til R9T14.
* Primal warrior stance: +1 size if helpful for CMB/CMD/resisting special attacks; +2 size for melee weapon damage.
Vivno: 13.
Dane: 12. RS.
Laori Vaus: 9.

Otyugh (2).

2023-01-03, 11:57 AM
The Shinglesnipes take the field to much fanfare. The Emperor flips a coin, and it must have come up heads, as a frightened pig is raised up from the cage below on the PCs' side, right next to Vivino. Vivino looks ready to pounce, but the Emperor waits a full round before he finally cries, "Go get your pig!"

Begin Round One ...

R1T29: Jacintha, you are the first to go. What do you do? Vivino has yet to "get his pig."

Jacintha: 29.
Dane: 23.
Green: 22.
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17.
Laori: 16.
Brown Thug: 15. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 7. (80:80).
Purple Thug: 10. (80:80).
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80).
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80).
Red Thug: 7. (80:80).
Ernak: 2.

2023-01-06, 03:16 AM
R1T29: Jacintha, without a better idea as to what to do, decides to go for some interference. She moves up to one of the enemy team and directs a punch their way. She should have gotten him, but she learns that this is a skilled athlete who is on the ball. He manages to move at just the last minute so that Jacintha's ends up impacting neglibly against his studded leather armor.

R1T23: Dane, what do you do?

Jacintha: 29.
Dane: 23.
Green: 22.
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17.
Laori: 16.
Brown Thug: 15. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 7. (80:80).
Purple Thug: 10. (80:80).
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80).
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80).
Red Thug: 7. (80:80).
Ernak: 2.

2023-01-07, 02:37 AM
R1T23: Dane readies himself at the goal for the pig.

R1T22-20: Green charges Ernak with a bull rush, pushing him back 10'. Blue hustles right up to Vivino.

R1T17: Vivino, what do you do?

Jacintha: 29.
Dane: 23. READIED to knock the pig away (towards an ally if close) if it comes within reach!!!
Green: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17.
Laori: 16.
Brown Thug: 15. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 7. (80:80).
Purple Thug: 10. (80:80).
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80).
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80).
Red Thug: 7. (80:80).
Ernak: 2.

2023-01-08, 11:43 AM
R1T17: Vivino lets out a howl of rage as he takes on an animalistic appearance. He reaches in to grab the pig as Blue fails miserably in trying to trip him. With the squirming pig in hand, Vivino jukes the incompetent Blue and darts to the south.

R1T16: Laori gets into some type of spooky pose and then hustles deep into the enemy field.

R1T15-7: Brown charges Vivino to try and steal the pig. Yellow intercepts Laori and intimidates her. Purple comes up and steals the pig out of Vivino's hands! Red-Blue takes the pit (goal), escorted by Pink. Red shifts position to now be flanking with Purple and tries to elbow Jacintha, but she deftly moves out of the way.

R1T2: Ernak, what do you do? The opposition now has the pig (Purple).

Dane on deck, Green in the hole ...

Jacintha: 29.
Dane: 23. READIED to knock the pig away (towards an ally if close) if it comes within reach!!!
Green: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17. RAGING!!!
Laori: 16. SHAKEN til R2T12!!!
Brown Thug: 15. (80:80). Charged!
Yellow Thug: 12. (80:80).
Purple Thug: 11. (80:80). HOLDING PIG!!!
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80).
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80).
Red Thug: 7. (80:80).
Ernak: 2.

2023-01-09, 01:29 PM
R1T2: Ernak grits his teeth and squares his stance in response to the bullrush before yelling out to his teammates, "Don't let 'em rest! Keep pushing!" He then sweeps the legs of the man to his left as he pushes past him to the southwest.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T29: Jacintha, what do you do?

Dane on deck, Green in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 competence weapon attk/ damage. +2 morale vs. charm/ fear.
Jacintha: 29.
Dane: 23. READIED to knock the pig away (towards an ally if close) if it comes within reach!!!
Green: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17. RAGING!!!
Laori: 16. SHAKEN til R2T12!!!
Brown Thug: 15. (80:80). Charged!
Yellow Thug: 12. (80:80).
Purple Thug: 11. (80:80). HOLDING PIG!!!
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80).
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80).
Red Thug: 7. (80:80).
Ernak: 2. Primal warrior stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Attacks of Opportunity: Ernak will reserve his AoO to use against any opponent who moves near him while holding the pig. He will use a trip attack for that AoO.

2023-01-10, 02:30 PM
R2T29: Jacintha moves to flank the pig-carrying enemy team member, but in doing so she completely opens herself up. Purple misses with a kick, but Red strikes Jacintha in a nerve point in her arm for 14 NL + bewildered. Brown tries to trip her but fails. Jacintha gets to where she was going and delivers a quick jab to Purple's lower leg for 13 NL + hampered to hopefully hinder him enough so that he won't be able to carry the pig as far.

R2T23: Dane, as you observe the goings-on, you realize that as long as you are next to the pit, and as long as the pig has to cross within your reach to get to the pit, you don't have to "ready" an action as such, but take an AOO to block (even w/o Unarmed Combatant). What do you do?

Other team on deck and in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 competence weapon attk/ damage. +2 morale vs. charm/ fear.
Jacintha: 29. BEWILDERED (-2 AC, -4 vs. Red) til R3T29!!!
Dane: 23. READIED to knock the pig away (towards an ally if close) if it comes within reach!!!
Green: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17. RAGING!!!
Laori: 16. SHAKEN til R2T12!!!
Brown Thug: 15. (80:80). Charged! AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 12. (80:80).
Purple Thug: 11. (80:80, 14 NL). HOLDING PIG!!! AOO used. HAMPERED til R3T29.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80).
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80).
Red Thug: 7. (80:80). AOO used.
Ernak: 2. Primal warrior stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Attacks of Opportunity: Ernak will reserve his AoO to use against any opponent who moves near him while holding the pig. He will use a trip attack for that AoO.

2023-01-14, 04:39 PM
R2T23: Dane does the only thing he really can do for now. He delays ...

R2T22-20: With Ernak isolated, Green sidesteps to flank with the prone Blue. He knees Ernak in the groin for 22 NL + disoriented. Ernak is focused on the pig-holder, so Blue stands without worry, and kicks Ernak in a vulnerable spot in his upper right arm for 18 NL + disoriented.

R2T17: Vivino, what do you do? Purple has the pig.

Laori on deck, Shinglesnipes in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 competence weapon attk/ damage. +2 morale vs. charm/ fear.
Jacintha: 29. BEWILDERED (-2 AC, -4 vs. Red) til R3T29!!!
Green: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17. RAGING!!!
Laori: 16. SHAKEN til R2T12!!!
Brown Thug: 15. (80:80). Charged! AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 12. (80:80).
Purple Thug: 11. (80:80, 14 NL). HOLDING PIG!!! AOO used. HAMPERED til R3T29.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80).
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80).
Red Thug: 7. (80:80). AOO used.
Ernak: 2. Primal warrior stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Disoriented til R4T22 (-2 attack rolls, -4 vs. Green/ Blue).
* Attacks of Opportunity: Ernak will reserve his AoO to use against any opponent who moves near him while holding the pig. He will use a trip attack for that AoO.

Dane: 23. DELAYING!!!

2023-01-17, 12:54 AM
R2T17: Vivino growls at Purple. Then swipes at the pig, snatching it up easily, before taking a bite out of the man's cheek for 23! The man cries in pain, blood streaming down from his face, and for a moment the crowd hushes before they erupt into a new cheer (they've been cheering every major hit so far) and a renewed bloodlust. The Shinglesnipes, who until now have been playing dirty but not playing deadly, suddenly all shout in anger themselves.

R2T16: "Wait!" shouts Laori, still a little unnerved from one of the opponents, "we're allowed to kill them!? Why didn't I think of that!"

She gets a gleeful smile on her face, and begins to hum a cheerful tune, as she tries to sidestep her opponent. She doesn't so well, but he doesn't trip her, either as she moves up to be in reach of two Shinglesnipes. She attacks her former opponent using some type of bizarre martial arts maneuver with her armor spikes. Despite Ernak's prowess, her own nervousness catches up with her, and her desire to use more power than necessary, as the man's armor barely stops the spine.

R2T15-7: Brown recovers from his charge and strips the pig out of Vivino's grasp. He then tries to get out of Vivino's reach, but the big man lashes out with a claw to hit Brown along his upper left leg for 7, but Brown is finally free. Meanwhile, having been attacked by a deadly weapon Yellow takes out a battle axe and steps to flanking, but his axe tings against her elven chain. Though hampered, Purple withdraws away from Vivino and Jacintha. The enemy goalie (red-blue) takes out an axe as well against the one that used a real weapon, but Laori dances out of the way. Pink moves downfield carefully in a hustle. Red moves downfield and takes the pig from Brown. Red shouts to Ernak as he orates, "Hey, tell your animal and crazy lady to put weapons away, and we'll do the same here. We didn't start with trying death and lasting injuries like your lot!"

R2T2: Ernak, you are currently inspiring courage, though also a bit disoriented. What do you do?

Jacintha on deck, Shinglesnipes in the hole, Dane delaying ....

HEROES: +2 competence weapon attk/ damage. +2 morale vs. charm/ fear.
Jacintha: 29. BEWILDERED (-2 AC, -4 vs. Red) til R3T29!!!
Green: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17. RAGING!!!
Laori: 16. Stance: Touch of the witch. Cursed Razor Style. SHAKEN til R2T12!!! RS.
Brown Thug: 15. (63:80).
Yellow Thug: 12. (80:80). Battle axe. RS.
Purple Thug: 11. (57:80, 14 NL). HAMPERED til R3T29.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80). Battle axe.
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80).
Red Thug: 7. (80:80). HOLDING PIG!!!
Ernak: 2. Primal warrior stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Disoriented til R4T22 (-2 attack rolls, -4 vs. Green/ Blue).
* Attacks of Opportunity: Ernak will reserve his AoO to use against any opponent who moves near him while holding the pig. He will use a trip attack for that AoO.

Dane: 23. DELAYING!!!

2023-01-19, 02:51 AM
R2T2: Ernak calls out to his teammates, "Stay nonlethal, team!"

Taking the opportunity, however, he jukes southwest before slamming Green to the floor for 20 NL. Ernak then moves southeast and south toward the pig-carrier; as he does so Blue and Green fails their AOOs vs. him.

From this new position, he yells, "Steal it, Jacintha!"

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T29: Jacintha, you are no longer bewildered. What do you do?

Green on deck (literally), Blue in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 competence weapon attk/ damage. +2 morale vs. charm/ fear.
Jacintha: 29.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 20 NL). PRONE!!! 1 AOO used.
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80). 1 AOO used.
Vivino: 17. RAGING!!!
Laori: 16. Stance: Touch of the witch. Cursed Razor Style. SHAKEN til R2T12!!! RS.
Brown Thug: 15. (63:80).
Yellow Thug: 12. (80:80). Battle axe. RS.
Purple Thug: 11. (57:80, 14 NL). HAMPERED til R3T29.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80). Battle axe.
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80).
Red Thug: 7. (80:80). HOLDING PIG!!!
Ernak: 2. Primal warrior stance. INSPIRE COURAGE (Lingering Performance til R4T2! Disoriented til R4T22 (-2 attack rolls, -4 vs. Green/ Blue).
* Rallying Presence (Ex): +5 [CHA] morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* AoOs (if triggered): depending on how this turn and Jacintha's turn go...

If Jacintha is able to steal the pig and use that extra move action from Ernak to move away with it, Trip as AoO on any opponent who attempts to chase after her
If that is not the case for any reason, Trip as AoO on any opponent with the pig who tries to move past Ernak

Dane: 23. DELAYING!!!

2023-01-20, 12:32 AM
R3T29: Having been given a clear direction, Jacintha springs into action, skirting around various combatants before attempting to swipe the pig from Red. It is one hell of a tussle, but in the end, Jacintha sees that at least this guy is trained to stop exactly what she attempted to do, and he maintains the piggy.

R3T22-20: Green gets to their feet and sidesteps and throws a punch at Ernak, mainly to keep his attention. Blue jukes around, past Dane, and to the west of Ernak to flank him and while Ernak is focused on Green, Blue punches Ernak in the jaw for 14 NL + disoriented.

R3T17: Vivino, you are raging. Team coach just said "no lethal." Red has the pig in your field. What do you do?

Laori on deck, Brown in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 competence weapon attk/ damage. +2 morale vs. charm/ fear.
Jacintha: 29.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 20 NL).
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17. RAGING!!!
Laori: 16. Stance: Touch of the witch. Cursed Razor Style. SHAKEN til R2T12!!! RS.
Brown Thug: 15. (63:80).
Yellow Thug: 12. (80:80). Battle axe. RS.
Purple Thug: 11. (57:80, 14 NL). HAMPERED til R3T29.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80). Battle axe.
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80).
Red Thug: 7. (80:80). HOLDING PIG!!!
Ernak: 2. Primal warrior stance. INSPIRE COURAGE (Lingering Performance til R4T2! Disoriented til R5T20 (-2 attack rolls, -4 vs. Green/ Blue).
* Rallying Presence (Ex): +5 [CHA] morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* AoOs (if triggered): depending on how this turn and Jacintha's turn go...

If Jacintha is able to steal the pig and use that extra move action from Ernak to move away with it, Trip as AoO on any opponent who attempts to chase after her
If that is not the case for any reason, Trip as AoO on any opponent with the pig who tries to move past Ernak

Dane: 23. DELAYING!!!

2023-01-22, 09:27 PM
R3T17: Vivino answers Ernak by growling in frustration before he moves up to Red and goes for the pig. Brown and Red both fail to trip him. Vivino briefly gets ahold of the pig in a tussle with Red, but Red finally is able to wrench free with the pig.

R3T16: Laori, who managed to get over her momentary nervousness from one of the players, listens to Ernak and gives her two aggressors a coquettish smile, "Oh, pooh. No fun. Oh, well. The hard way it is."

She sidesteps to get out of flank and then leaps up to come slamming down on Yellow with some type of weird body drop for 13 NL (+4 NL bleed). To his credit, Yellow isn't knocked down, but both he and the goalie look like they feel .... weird.

R3T15-7: Brown tries to knock down Jacintha but fails. Yellow takes 4 NL bleed, likely not understanding what is happening to him; he fakes out Laori but his strike impacts against her armor. Purple, no longer hampered, hooks around on the field to try to shove Jacintha, who dodges. Red-Blue puts away their axe, steps up to Laori, and fails to trip her. Pink does an awful job of joining the dogpile on Ernak, and gets himself turned around, unable to threaten. Red does a lateral handoff of the pig to Green, who now has the pig.

R3T2: Ernak, you are still disoriented and your lingering performance is still going as you are in PWS (Primal Warrior Stance). Green now has the pig. What do you do?

Jacintha on deck, Green in the hole, Dane delaying ...

HEROES: +2 competence weapon attk/ damage. +2 morale vs. charm/ fear.
Jacintha: 29.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 20 NL). HOLDING PIG!!!
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17. RAGING!!!
Laori: 16. Stance: Touch of the witch. Cursed Razor Style. RS.
Brown Thug: 15. (63:80).
Yellow Thug: 12. (80:80, 17 NL). Battle axe. RS. CURSED til R8T16!!! 4 BLEED!
Purple Thug: 11. (57:80, 14 NL).
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80). CURSED til R8T16!!!
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80). THREATEN NO SQUARES til R5T8!!!
Red Thug: 7. (80:80).
Ernak: 2. Primal warrior stance. INSPIRE COURAGE (Lingering Performance) til R4T2! Disoriented til R5T20 (-2 attack rolls, -4 vs. Green/ Blue).
* Rallying Presence (Ex): +5 [CHA] morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* AoOs (if triggered): depending on how this turn and Jacintha's turn go...

If Jacintha is able to steal the pig and use that extra move action from Ernak to move away with it, Trip as AoO on any opponent who attempts to chase after her
If that is not the case for any reason, Trip as AoO on any opponent with the pig who tries to move past Ernak

Dane: 23. DELAYING!!!


2023-01-25, 09:39 PM
R3T3: Dane moves up to flank Green and throws a plated punch at Green's back. Green attempts a poor counterattack and still gets hit in the back for 14 NL. "Sorry guys, was thinkin' about somethin."

R3T2: With Dane charging into the fray, Ernak takes the opportunity to attempt to steal the pig from Green, and hands it out to Jacintha, yelling "Go, go, go!"
Stealing a Pig: A character can grab a pig out of another person’s hands with a successful disarm combat maneuver check.
Passing a Pig: A character can pass a pig to a teammate as a SA if she is within reach of a teammate.
The pig gives a hearty squeal at three squeal-barks like Ernak gave in his shout, and the crowd gives a rousing cheer.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T29: Jacintha, Ernak is holding the pig out to you. What do you do?

Green/Blue on deck and in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 competence weapon attk/ damage. +2 morale vs. charm/ fear.
Jacintha: 29.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 34 NL). AOO used.
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17. RAGING!!!
Laori: 16. Stance: Touch of the witch. Cursed Razor Style. RS.
Brown Thug: 15. (63:80).
Yellow Thug: 12. (80:80, 17 NL). Battle axe. RS. CURSED til R8T16!!! 4 BLEED!
Purple Thug: 11. (57:80, 14 NL).
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80). CURSED til R8T16!!!
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80). THREATEN NO SQUARES til R5T8!!!
Red Thug: 7. (80:80).
Dane: 3. RS/NL.
Ernak: 2. Primal warrior stance. INSPIRE COURAGE (Lingering Performance) til R4T2! Disoriented til R5T20 (-2 attack rolls, -4 vs. Green/ Blue). HOLDING PIG!!!
* Rallying Presence (Ex): +5 [CHA] morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* AoOs (if triggered): if Ernak is able to get the pig over to Jacintha and she is able to get away, trip AoO on any opponent running after her for as long as she has the pig OR trip AoO on any opponent holding the pig attempting to move near Ernak (whichever trigger applies first)


2023-01-29, 03:03 AM
R4T29: Needing no further prompting, Jacintha takes the pig from Ernak (who lets her), and the pig lets out a terrified squeal to the roar of the crowd. She does her best to weave around the three attempts to take the pig from her by the enemy teammates; strangely, Pink was daydreaming and missed their chance. Jacintha makes her way south until she reaches Laori, and signals to her to take the pig. The crowd totally loves the sudden turnaround, especially Jacintha's incredibly squirelliness at getting out of a tight spot.

R4T22-20: It is still a scrum upfield, though, as Green jumps up to knee Ernak in the neck while holding the back of his head, striking ... not the windpipe or the four main blood passages ... but right in something important there in his neck nonetheless for 18 NL + disoriented. Ernak feels funny, and has a strange taste in his mouth. At the same time, Blue makes a left cross to Ernak in his right tricep for 20 NL + disoriented.

R4T17: Vivino, what do you do? The action is up here, but the pig is down south.

Laori on deck, Brown in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 competence weapon attk/ damage. +2 morale vs. charm/ fear.
Jacintha: 29. HOLDING PIG!!!
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 34 NL).
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17. RAGING!!!
Laori: 16. Stance: Touch of the witch. Cursed Razor Style. RS.
Brown Thug: 15. (63:80). AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 12. (80:80, 17 NL). Battle axe. RS. CURSED til R8T16!!! 4 BLEED!
Purple Thug: 11. (57:80, 14 NL). AOO used.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80). CURSED til R8T16!!!
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80). THREATEN NO SQUARES til R5T8!!!
Red Thug: 7. (80:80). AOO used.
Dane: 3. RS/NL.
Ernak: 2. BLEED 1d2 (see below).
* Ruptured Organ: 1d2 bleed; can only be healed by magic. DC 20 Heal save will halve the effect.
* Primal warrior stance. INSPIRE COURAGE (Lingering Performance) til R4T2! Disoriented til R6T20 (-2 attack rolls, -4 vs. Green/ Blue).
* Rallying Presence (Ex): +5 [CHA] morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.


2023-01-30, 03:39 PM
R4T17: "Let's get some points on the board," Vivino says as he tumbles away. In doing so, he realizes that Brown and Purple weren't really focused on him anyway, as their efforts had been on stopping Jacintha. Vivino moves down to acrobatically flank Red and gives a mighty slap! Yellow tries to block, but Vivino stings Yellow's hand for 9 NL. He growls, "Now, get that pit in the basket!"

R4T16: Vivino and Jacintha notice that when they both got down here, Laori was in some type of bizarre fighting stance. She reaches to take the pig from Jacintha, and Yellow makes an incredibly valiant effort to trip Laori, only to fail. Red-Blue just goes for the brute approach and swings but Laori simply ducks away. She grabs the squaling pig which then just slumps in her hand and moves up to the pit, tossing it in.

The pig, once thrown into a pit, suffers a violent and noisy, yet swift death—all part of the macabre entertainment for the emperor.

The newcomers score a point!

Initiaitive Ends! Point One for ..... ???

Each team has a full minute to get itself resituated, and to tend to any medical emergencies it may have. Magic is allowed for recovery of health. Your team discovers that Ernak is suffering from a ruptured organ in his neck, and by the time he realizes and goes to Dane, he took another total 3 NL from bleed (yes, you can have NL bleed).

Okay, what do you do? Also, someone comes out and asks .... what do you call your team?

HEROES: +2 competence weapon attk/ damage. +2 morale vs. charm/ fear.
Jacintha: 29. HOLDING PIG!!!
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 34 NL).
Blue Thug: 20. (80:80).
Vivino: 17. RAGING!!!
Laori: 16. Stance: Touch of the witch. Cursed Razor Style.
Brown Thug: 15. (63:80). AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 12. (80:80, 26 NL). Battle axe. RS. CURSED til R8T16!!! 4 BLEED!
Purple Thug: 11. (57:80, 14 NL). AOO used.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 10. (80:80). CURSED til R8T16!!!
Pink Thug: 8. (80:80). THREATEN NO SQUARES til R5T8!!!
Red Thug: 7. (80:80). AOO used.
Dane: 3. RS/NL.
Ernak: 2. BLEED 1d2 (see below).
* Ruptured Organ: 1d2 bleed; can only be healed by magic. DC 20 Heal save will halve the effect.
* Primal warrior stance. INSPIRE COURAGE (Lingering Performance) til R4T2! Disoriented til R6T20 (-2 attack rolls, -4 vs. Green/ Blue).
* Rallying Presence (Ex): +5 [CHA] morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.


2023-02-03, 11:20 PM
The pig appears in the enemy's pen downfield!

Begin Round One!

R1T26: Green runs all the way downfield to the hero's pit!

R1T24: Vivino, what do you do?

Green Thug: 26. (80:80).
Vivino: 24.
Jacintha: 23.
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Dane: 20.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80).
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80).
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80).
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80).
Ernak: 5.
* Rallying Presence (Ex): +5 [CHA] morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.


2023-02-05, 04:23 PM
R1T24: Vivino cracks his neck, and then runs over to the wall looking to drive a fist into Green's throat, but as Green blocks it he makes a quick jab right to Vivino's nose. It connects but Vivino doesn't feel it.

To Green Vivino says, "Thank you for volunteering. Isn't that kind, Laori?" He gives Green a bestial grin while the rage takes effect and the man looks shocked that his defensive jab had no effect.

R1T23: Jacintha, what do you do?

Green Thug: 26. (80:80).
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Jacintha: 23.
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Dane: 20.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80).
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80).
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80).
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80).
Ernak: 5.
* Rallying Presence (Ex): +5 [CHA] morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.


2023-02-05, 05:09 PM
R1T23: Jacintha moves a little downfield, but not so far that the enemy team could easily reach her, positioning herself between her team's pit and the pig.

R1T22-21: Instead of the two at the cage, Yellow does a crossfield hook and then picks up the pig. Blue hustles deep into party territory.

R1T20: Dane, what do you do?

Green Thug: 26. (80:80).
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Jacintha: 23. READIED to trip the next enemy team member to come into range!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Dane: 20.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80).
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80).
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80).
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80).
Ernak: 5.
* Rallying Presence (Ex): +5 [CHA] morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.


2023-02-07, 01:45 AM
R1T20: Dane smacks his chest with his gauntlet and shouts at the man in front of him, "You're in my way!"He rushes head first towards the man in his way, pushing him back only a few feet while he follows.

R1T19-18: The enemy goalie (Red-Blue) gets ready for any tricky counteraction while Red cuts east and moves downfield.

R1T17: Laori gets into that weird stance again and throws her body at the man to smash him against the wall behind him for 13 NL, nearly knocking him down. She then steps back by the pit.

R1T16-7: Pink cuts all the way across and downfield to the west. Brown charges Jacintha, who was waiting for him to come in as she trips him to the ground. Purple hustles downfield to be right by Vivino.

R1T5: Ernak, what do you do? No presence or stance is current (everything drops at initiative).

Green on deck, Vivino in the hole ...

Green Thug: 26. (80:80, 13 NL). CURSED by Laori til R6T17!
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGIE!!!
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Dane: 20. Charged.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80).
Jacintha: 23.
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80). PRONE!!! Charged.
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80).
Ernak: 5.
* Rallying Presence (Ex): +5 [CHA] morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.


2023-02-07, 06:24 PM
R1T5: Ernak takes a defensive, cautious stance with his head on a swivel as the match starts. He encourages his allies, yelling, "Hat trick time!"

Then he calls out, "Laori, incoming!" to warn her and her neighbors as Green advances.

R1T0: There is a snarling sound, and a paw reaches out of the pit, trying to swipe at Laori's ankle. Laori sees this, assumes that is what Ernka meant, and yells, "Thanks!"

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T26: Green tries to trip Laori, but fails.

R2T24: Vivino, what do you do?

Yellow on deck, Blue in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/damage rolls.
*** ALL HEROES: +2 AC til R2T5!!!
Green Thug: 26. (80:80, 13 NL). CURSED by Laori til R6T17!
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGIE!!!
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Dane: 20. Charged.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80).
Jacintha: 23.
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80). PRONE!!! Charged.
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80).
Ernak: 5. Circular Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Indomitable Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_(Ex)) (grants allies within 30 feet Diehard (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Diehard) and +5 morale to saves vs death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects)


2023-02-09, 02:17 AM
R2T24: Knowing that Laori must have a good if not devious plan in mind, Vivino makes his way past the lines and provide some flank as well. Starting out is a problem, though, as Green fails to trip him but as Vivino easily dips past him he goes sprawling courtesy of Purple. Being down doesn't help, though, so he grunts in frustration and hops back up onto his feet.

R2T22-21: The pig begins kicking in Yellow's hands, but the player manages to hold onto the pigskin and shoots down the field, right up to Jacintha. Blue steps aside of Dane to flank Jacintha and throws a punch.

R2T20: Dane, you recover from your charge. What do you do?

Red on deck, Laori in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/damage rolls.
*** ALL HEROES: +2 AC til R2T5!!!
Green Thug: 26. (80:80, 13 NL). CURSED by Laori til R6T17! AOO used.
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGIE!!!
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Dane: 20.
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80).
Jacintha: 23.
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80). PRONE!!! Charged.
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80). AOO used.
Ernak: 5. Circular Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Indomitable Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_(Ex)) (grants allies within 30 feet Diehard (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Diehard) and +5 morale to saves vs death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects).

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-02-09, 06:45 PM
R2T20: Dane moves with the swiftness of a dwarf in plate armor towards the pig. Blue tries to trip him and fails. Brown kicks out at Dane and actually succeeds in slamming his foot into the hobnailed boot but not doing damage (sunder attempt). Dane gets to Yellow and reaches out his plated hands, growling, "Give it here!"

He wrenches the pig out of the carrier's hands. The pig continues kicking in Dane's hands and that has Dane drop the pig as it lands on its feet on the field!

R2T18: Red cuts across the field and picks up the pig as it tries to bite him.

R2T17: Laori adjusts her fighting stance, not losing one but blending multiple forms. She then gives a brutal knee strike to Green, slamming him against the wall for 30 NL (+ 4 NL bleed). It was so devastating that she looks at Purple, who now also feels .... uncomfortable.

R2T16: Pink does a J-hook and takes the pig from Red.

R2T15: Jacintha, what do you do?

Brown/Purple on deck/ in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/damage rolls.
*** ALL HEROES: +2 AC til R2T5!!!
Green Thug: 26. (80:80, 43 NL). CURSED by Laori til R7T17! AOO used.
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80). AOO used.
Dane: 20.
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch. Cursed razor style.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGIE!!!
Jacintha: 15.
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80). PRONE!!! Charged. AOO used.
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80). CURSED by Laori til R7T17! AOO used. 4 NL BLEED!!!
Ernak: 5. Circular Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Indomitable Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_(Ex)) (grants allies within 30 feet Diehard (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Diehard) and +5 morale to saves vs death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects).
Pig: 0.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-02-10, 02:34 AM
R2T15: Jacintha takes a look at the foes surrounding her and grimaces. Deciding to just inflict some damage on the enemy team, she strikes at the enemy she's flanking with Dane, aka brown. She fights defensively, but draws on some of her psychic power to aid her strikes, but not before Yellow tries and fails to trip her. She kicks him in the shoulder for 12 NL + bewildered, and then kicks him in the head for 16 NL + hampered. He hampering kick means that his pain takes his mind off his bewilderment.

R2T9-7: Brown gets to their feet and then hobbles to the east. Purple takes 4 NL bleed but ducks away from Vivino's claws to change position to now flank him, throwing out a jab must missing the rager.

R2T5: Ernak, what do you do?

Green on deck, Vivino in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/damage rolls.
*** ALL HEROES: +2 AC til R2T5!!!
Green Thug: 26. (80:80, 43 NL). CURSED by Laori til R7T17! AOO used.
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). AOO used.
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80). AOO used.
Dane: 20.
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch. Cursed razor style.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGIE!!!
Jacintha: 15. Arcane Accuracy (+5 insight attack rolls) until R3T15. Defensive Stance.
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80, 28 NL). PRONE!!! Charged. AOO used. HAMPERED til R3T15.
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80, 30 NL). CURSED by Laori til R7T17!
Ernak: 5. Circular Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Indomitable Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_(Ex)) (grants allies within 30 feet Diehard (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Diehard) and +5 morale to saves vs death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects).

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-02-11, 08:01 AM
R2T5: "Don't get boxed in, badgers! Push through 'em!" Ernak urges to his teammates. Spying a possible opening in the offensive line, he attempts to zip south before hooking around to confront the pig-carrier from the southeast and steals the pig! The pig squeals with the transfer, and the crowd cheers.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T26: Green takes 4 NL bleed. He sidesteps and knees Vivino in the stomach. It seems to have no impact on the broad-hatted juggernaut!

R3T24: Vivino, what do you do?

Yellow on deck, Blue in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/damage rolls.
*** ALL HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R3T5!!!
Green Thug: 26. (80:80, 47 NL). CURSED by Laori til R7T17! NL BLEED 4!!!
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). AOO used.
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80). AOO used.
Dane: 20.
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch. Cursed razor style.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGIE!!!
Jacintha: 15. Arcane Accuracy (+5 insight attack rolls) until R3T15. Defensive Stance.
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80, 28 NL). PRONE!!! Charged. AOO used. HAMPERED til R3T15.
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80, 30 NL). CURSED by Laori til R7T17!
Ernak: 5. Circular Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Indomitable Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_(Ex)) (grants allies within 30 feet Diehard (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Diehard) and +5 morale to saves vs death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects).

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-02-13, 02:11 AM
R3T24: Vivino slaps Green twice (not before an abortive attempt by Green to trip Vivino) for a total of 31 NL before he steps a few feet away to the southwest.

R3T22-21: Yellow rushes down and steals the piggie! The piggie tries to bite him but fails. Blue tries to sucker punch Jacintha but fails, and then breaks south.

R3T20: Dane, what do you do?

Red on deck, Laori in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/damage rolls.
*** ALL HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R3T5!!!
Green Thug: 26. (80:80, 78 NL). CURSED by Laori til R7T17! NL BLEED 4!!!
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGIE!!!
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Dane: 20.
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch. Cursed razor style.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80).
Jacintha: 15. Arcane Accuracy (+5 insight attack rolls) until R3T15. Defensive Stance.
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80, 28 NL). PRONE!!! Charged. AOO used. HAMPERED til R3T15.
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80, 30 NL). CURSED by Laori til R7T17!
Ernak: 5. Circular Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Indomitable Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_(Ex)) (grants allies within 30 feet Diehard (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Diehard) and +5 morale to saves vs death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects).

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-02-13, 11:14 AM
R3T20: Dane moves to get the pig (Red misses him with an AOO), "Give it back!" but the Shinglesnipe keeps ahold of the piggie.

R3T18: Red adjusts to flank and fail a sucker punch at Ernak.

R3T17: Showing off insane levels of acrobatic skill, Laori foolishly leaves her post at the goal to move downfield slightly, getting next to Jacintha. She opens herself up as she punches Green, but Green and Purple both fail their counters while she tags Green for 9 NL. As Green falls, she seems to be heartened by this and chops Purple in the neck for 7 NL.

R3T16: Pink adjusts to the east to flank Ernak and kicks him in the tailbone for 18 NL + disoriented.

R3T15: Jacintha, your arcane accuracy ends. You were in defensive stance. What do you do?

Brown on deck, Purple in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/damage rolls.
*** ALL HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R3T5!!!
Green Thug: 26. (80:80, 86 NL). CURSED by Laori til R8T17! NL BLEED 4!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGIE!!!
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Dane: 20.
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch. Cursed razor style.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80).
Jacintha: 15. Arcane Accuracy (+5 insight attack rolls) until R3T15. Defensive Stance.
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80, 28 NL). PRONE!!! Charged. AOO used. HAMPERED til R3T15.
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80, 37 NL). CURSED by Laori til R8T17! AOO used.
Ernak: 5. Circular Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!!! DISORIENTED (Pink) til R4T16.
* Indomitable Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_(Ex)) (grants allies within 30 feet Diehard (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Diehard) and +5 morale to saves vs death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects).

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-02-14, 02:22 AM
R3T15: Seeing that she's in a flanking position around Purple, Jacintha continues her offensive, this time on Purple. She delivers a couple jabs, not bothering to play defensively this time. She hits him in the chest and arm for a total of 29 NL + bewildered(2).

R3T9-7: Brown is no longer hampered and recovers from his charge. He hustles in and elbows Jacintha right on the top of her head for 17 + bewildered. Purple spins to face Laori, but fails to land a blow.

R3T5: Ernak, what do you do?

Vivino on deck, Yellow in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/damage rolls.
*** ALL HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R3T5!!!
Green Thug: 26. (80:80, 86 NL). CURSED by Laori til R8T17! NL BLEED 4!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGIE!!!
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Dane: 20.
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch. Cursed razor style.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80).
Jacintha: 15. Arcane Accuracy (+5 insight attack rolls) until R4T15. BEWILDERED til R4T9 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Brown).
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80, 28 NL).
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80, 66 NL). CURSED by Laori til R8T17! BEWILDERED til R5T15 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Jacintha).
Ernak: 5. Circular Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!!!
* Indomitable Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_(Ex)) (grants allies within 30 feet Diehard (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Diehard) and +5 morale to saves vs death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects).

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-02-15, 03:41 PM
R3T5: Ernak tries to work with Dane to carefully steal the pig back. He snatches the piggie, which seems to slump, and weaves around Yellow to end up next to Dane. As he makes a hand-off and the piggie squeals balefully to the crowd's delight, he says, "The pig's yours, friend!"

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T26: Green takes 4 NL bleed.

R4T24: Vivino, what do you do?

Yellow on deck, Blue in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/damage rolls.
*** ALL HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R3T5!!!
Green Thug: 26. (70:80, 80 NL). CURSED by Laori til R8T17! NL BLEED 4!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch. Cursed razor style.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80).
Jacintha: 15. Arcane Accuracy (+5 insight attack rolls) until R4T15. BEWILDERED til R4T9 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Brown).
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80, 28 NL).
Purple Thug: 7. (80:80, 66 NL). CURSED by Laori til R8T17! BEWILDERED til R5T15 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Jacintha).
Ernak: 5. Circular Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE's LINGERING PERFORMANCE til R5T5!!! DS (+2 dodge AC).
* Indomitable Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_(Ex)) (grants allies within 30 feet Diehard (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Diehard) and +5 morale to saves vs death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects).

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-02-16, 04:14 PM
R4T24: Vivino eyes the poor trapped opponent eagerly. Then he swipes twice quickly at Purple. His first claw slams into Purple's knee for 16 NL but Vivino didn't expect the man to fall just with the first and his second claw comes back to smack himself, but otherwise not do any damage. He then moves to the south a few feet to assist the pig handlers.

R4T22-21: Yellow and Blue quickly break south to help cover the goal.

R4T20: Dane, the piggie futilely tries to bite you as you hold it. What do you do?

Red on deck, Laori in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/damage rolls.
*** ALL HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R3T5!!!
Green Thug: 26. (70:80, 80 NL). CURSED by Laori til R8T17! NL BLEED 4!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch. Cursed razor style.
Pink Thug: 16. (80:80).
Jacintha: 15. Arcane Accuracy (+5 insight attack rolls) until R4T15. BEWILDERED til R4T9 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Brown).
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80, 28 NL).
Ernak: 5. Circular Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE's LINGERING PERFORMANCE til R5T5!!! DS (+2 dodge AC).
* Indomitable Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_(Ex)) (grants allies within 30 feet Diehard (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Diehard) and +5 morale to saves vs death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects).

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!

Purple Thug: 7. (78:80, 80 NL). CURSED by Laori til R8T17! BEWILDERED til R5T15 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Jacintha). UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-02-16, 11:29 PM
R4T20: Dane grips the pig tightly and rushes towards the goal, but Blue stops him cold, and the pig drops out of his hands! Dane is so incensed and his ego bruised that he can think of nothing right now but attacking Blue, and all sense of tactics is out the window.

R4T19-18: The enemy goalie picks up the pig and throws it to Pink. Red dashes deep to the Badger's infield.

R4T17: Laori dodges away from Brown back to her goal pit, and then drags Green over part of the pit and releases him, his limp body partially obscuring the pit.

R4T16: The piggie crits Pink for 1, which he stoically ignores. He double moves between enemy and ally to the end, getting right up onto the pit and dropping it into the pit.

The carnage as the wolverine in the pit splatters blood everywhere helps the Shinglewolf pull his beleaguered teammate away, and a stretcher comes to carry him away to be quickly healed.

Initiative Ends!

Bloody Badgers.....1

Dane was able to immediately recover from his bruised ego, and both teams separate. One thing that the Badgers recognize is that anyone that was hurt is pulled off and replaced with Shinglewolves that are waiting on the bench. It seems that is the way it was before as well.

What do you do in the two minute break?

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/damage rolls.
*** ALL HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R3T5!!!
Green Thug: 26. (70:80, 80 NL). CURSED by Laori til R8T17! NL BLEED 4!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!
Vivino: 24. RAGING!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 21. (80:80).
Dane: 20. His bruised ego will go away on his next turn.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80).
Red Thug: 18. (80:80).
Laori: 17. Touch of the witch. Cursed razor style.
Pink Thug: 16. (79:80).
Jacintha: 15. Arcane Accuracy (+5 insight attack rolls) until R4T15. BEWILDERED til R4T9 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Brown).
Brown Thug: 9. (80:80, 28 NL).
Ernak: 5. Circular Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE's LINGERING PERFORMANCE til R5T5!!! DS (+2 dodge AC).
* Indomitable Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_(Ex)) (grants allies within 30 feet Diehard (https://www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Diehard) and +5 morale to saves vs death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects).
Pit Wolvies: 0.

Purple Thug: 7. (78:80, 80 NL). CURSED by Laori til R8T17! BEWILDERED til R5T15 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Jacintha). UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-02-23, 05:17 AM
Setup Round: The pig appears on the Badgers' side!

Begin Round One!

R1T25-13: The ENTIRE enemy field moves, or at least is ready, before ANY of the PCs. Green, Pink, and Blue run deep into PC territory. Brown charges Ernak, slamming him in the chest with a flying elbow drop for 13 NL + bewildered. Yellow charges Jacintha but she stops it cold. Vivino one ups her as Purple charges him and almost trips him (but doesn't). Red charges Laori but she deflects the drop kick.

R1T12: Jacintha, what do you do?

Green Thug: 25. (80:80).
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). Charged.
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). Charged.
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80). Charged.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80).
Red Thug: 14. (80:80). Charged.
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80).
Jacintha: 12.
Dane: 11.
Ernak: 10. BEWILDERED vs. Brown til R2T23!
Vivino: 7.
Laori: 6.


2023-02-25, 05:23 PM
R1T12: Jacintha makes a jab at Yellow's legs in order to trip him, but no joy. She turns around to move to the pig cage, but Purple kicks her in the back of the shoulder for 16 NL + hampered. Yellow misses their AOO, though Red does a painful jab to the inside of her elbow with a light crit for 19 + hampered. She manages to escape the gauntlet, though, and get to the pig cage.

R1T11: Dane, what do you do?

Green Thug: 25. (80:80).
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). Charged.
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80).
Red Thug: 14. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80).
Jacintha: 12. HAMPERED til R3T12!!!
Dane: 11.
Ernak: 10. BEWILDERED vs. Brown til R2T23!
Vivino: 7.
Laori: 6.


2023-02-27, 08:13 PM
R1T11: Dane shuffles over and grabs the pig. As soon as he does so, the piggie squeal balefully, energizing the crowd.

R1T10: Ernak, you are currently bewildered, with particular trouble tracking Brown. What do you do?

Green Thug: 25. (80:80).
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). Charged.
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80).
Red Thug: 14. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80).
Jacintha: 12. HAMPERED til R3T12!!!
Ernak: 10. BEWILDERED vs. Brown til R2T23!
Vivino: 7.
Laori: 6.


2023-03-01, 01:34 AM
R1T10: Ernak attempts to trip Blue, but draws counterattacks from Green, Brown, and Blue first. Green misses; Brown elbows him in the neck for 7 NL; but Blue counters Ernak very painfully with a crunching kick to his shoulder for 9 NL + sickened. Painful as it was, though, that leaves Blue one leg to stand on that Ernak brilliant disconnects from the ground as the Shinglewolf drops into the mud. He then shifts backwards and westwards closer to Dane, which in turn gets Pink to pound on him as well for 5 NL, at which point Ernak yells, "Don't get surrounded! Break on through!"

Dane, you instantly get a tactical burst of speed. You may make a movement up to your speed. What do you do?

HEROES: Grant all allies w/in 60' a +4 morale bonus to AC til R2T10!
Green Thug: 25. (80:80). AOO used.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). Charged.
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80). AOO used.
Red Thug: 14. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80). AOO used. PRONE!!!
Jacintha: 12. HAMPERED til R3T12!!!
Ernak: 10. BEWILDERED vs. Brown til R2T23! DS. SICKENED til R3T10!!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Vivino: 7.
Laori: 6.


2023-03-01, 02:38 PM
R1T10 (Cont'd): Pig in hand, Dane moves with determination towards the goal.

R1T7: Vivino, what do you do?

Laori on deck, Shinglewolves in the hole ...

HEROES: Grant all allies w/in 60' a +4 morale bonus to AC til R2T10!
Green Thug: 25. (80:80). AOO used.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). Charged.
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80). AOO used.
Red Thug: 14. (80:80). Charged. AOO used.
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80). AOO used. PRONE!!!
Jacintha: 12. HAMPERED til R3T12!!!
Ernak: 10. BEWILDERED vs. Brown til R2T23! DS. SICKENED til R3T10!!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Vivino: 7.
Laori: 6.


2023-03-02, 04:49 PM
R1T7: Vivino lets out a howl of exultation and then executes two swift kicks at two Shinglewolves who had over-committed in their charge and were focused elsewhere, and knocks them both down.

R1T6: Laori gets into a different fighting stance than before, and then just jumps at Red for 17 NL + prone. Green seems to be somehow affected by this, probably just by morale.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25-13: Green steps astride Dane and takes a swing. Brown, Yellow, Purple, and Red all recover from their charges. Brown steps down to try to swipe the pig. Yellow tries to stand and Vivino claps him on the side of the ears with his claws with a thunder strike for 13 NL + deafened. He steps away from Vivino and fails to swipe the pig from Dane. Purple also stands while Vivino is preoccupied; he also fails to grab the pig, but then steps in front of Dane. Pink closes to flank Dane and fails to grab the pig. Red stands and moves to block Dane in. Blue steps down, swipes the piggie, causing it to kick wildly, and Blue then drops the pig!

R2T12: Jacintha, you are still hampered (1/2 speed, no 5' step). The pig is uncontrolled on the field. What do you do?

Dane on deck, Ernak (no longer bewildered) in the hole ...

HEROES: Grant all allies w/in 60' a +4 morale bonus to AC til R2T10!
Green Thug: 25. (80:80). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80, 13 NL). DEAFENED til R3T22.
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80). AOO used.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!!!
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80).
Red Thug: 14. (80:80, 17 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80). AOO used. PRONE!!!
Jacintha: 12. HAMPERED til R3T12!!!
Dane: 11.
Ernak: 10. DS. SICKENED til R3T10!!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Vivino: 7.
Laori: 6.
Piggie: 0.


2023-03-03, 05:57 PM
R2T12: Jacintha, hindered as she is, moves towards the pig. At the last instant, she maintains her speed - which is really difficult to do while avoiding blows - and then snatches up the piggie deftly. The piggie - who had just tasted freedom - is having none of this and goes into a full-blow panic. It squeals (to the delight of the crowd), bite at Jacintha, and then squirms out of her grasp so that it drops back down to the ground again ... with even more cheers from the crowd.

R2T11: Dane, what do you do?

Ernak on deck, Vivino in the hole ...

HEROES: Grant all allies w/in 60' a +4 morale bonus to AC til R2T10!
Green Thug: 25. (80:80). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80, 13 NL). DEAFENED til R3T22.
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80). AOO used.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!!!
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80).
Red Thug: 14. (80:80, 17 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80). AOO used. PRONE!!!
Jacintha: 12. HAMPERED til R3T12!!!
Dane: 11.
Ernak: 10. DS. SICKENED til R3T10!!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Vivino: 7.
Laori: 6.
Piggie: 0.


2023-03-06, 11:14 PM
R2T11: Dane throws a punch towards the rival player to his east, giving a low upper hook to his groin for 14 NL. At the same time, Green and a whole bunch of others try beating on Dane for his perfidy, his armor easily shielding the dwarf.

R2T10: Ernak, you are sickened. What do you do?

Vivino on deck, Laori in the hole ...

HEROES: Grant all allies w/in 60' a +4 morale bonus to AC til R2T10!
Green Thug: 25. (80:80, 14 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!! AOO used.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80, 13 NL). DEAFENED til R3T22. AOO used.
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80). AOO used.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!!!
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80). AOO used.
Red Thug: 14. (80:80, 17 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!! AOO used.
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80). AOO used. PRONE!!! AOO used.
Jacintha: 12. HAMPERED til R3T12!!!
Dane: 11.
Ernak: 10. DS. SICKENED til R3T10!!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Vivino: 7.
Laori: 6.
Piggie: 0.


2023-03-10, 04:56 AM
R2T10: Ernak adopts a defensive posture and calls out to the team, "They're boxed in! You've got this!" He then shifts southeast nearer to Jacintha, and swinging down with his fists he knocks Blue in the head for 14 NL, pummeling Blue to the ground.

R2T7: Vivino, what do you do?

Laori on deck, Piggy in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear; +2 competence weapon attack/ damage rolls.
Green Thug: 25. (80:80, 14 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!! AOO used.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80, 13 NL). DEAFENED til R3T22. AOO used.
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80). AOO used.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!!!
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80). AOO used.
Red Thug: 14. (80:80, 17 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!! AOO used.
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80). PRONE!!! AOO used.
Jacintha: 12. HAMPERED til R3T12!!!
Dane: 11.
Ernak: 10. DS. SICKENED til R3T10!!! Circular Stance (can't be flanked). INSPIRE COURAGE!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Vivino: 7.
Laori: 6.
Piggie: 0.


2023-03-10, 06:52 PM
R2T7: Vivino growls in frustration and moves around the crowd with the aim of grabbing the pig, but with his initial acrobatics and zig-zagging about, he doesn't quite have the energy to do so once he gets there.

R2T6: Laori delays ...

R2T0: The piggy withdraws, trying to get away from everyone!

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T25-13: Green withdraws from the scrum and heads towards the piggy. Brown goes down and picks up the piggy. Yellow strikes at Dane before breaking off. Purple does a drop knee to Dane's big ol' dwarven knee for 19 NL + bewildered. Pink fails to strike Dane, and then breaks off, as does Red. Blue stands, steps to the side, and strikes at Dane, getting nothing but hard armor.

R3T12: Jacintha, your hampered condition goes away, and your mobility is back to normal. What do you do?

Dane on deck, Ernak in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear; +2 competence weapon attack/ damage rolls.
Green Thug: 25. (80:80, 14 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGY!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80, 13 NL).
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80).
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80).
Red Thug: 14. (80:80, 17 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80).
Jacintha: 12. HAMPERED til R3T12!!!
Dane: 11. BEWILDERED til R4T20!!!
Ernak: 10. DS. SICKENED til R3T10!!! Circular Stance (can't be flanked). INSPIRE COURAGE!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Vivino: 7.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!!!
Laori: 6. DELAYING!!!


2023-03-13, 10:53 PM
R3T12: Jacintha moves around the mini-melee happening near her, positioning herself between Laori and the bulk of the enemy team.

R3T11: Dane, you are still bewildered (affects AC). What do you do?

Ernak on deck, Vivino in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear; +2 competence weapon attack/ damage rolls.
Green Thug: 25. (80:80, 14 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGY!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80, 13 NL).
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80).
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80).
Red Thug: 14. (80:80, 17 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80).
Jacintha: 12. READIED to trip first enemy in threat range!!!
Dane: 11. BEWILDERED til R4T20!!!
Ernak: 10. DS. SICKENED til R3T10!!! Circular Stance (can't be flanked). INSPIRE COURAGE!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Vivino: 7.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!!!
Laori: 6. DELAYING!!!


2023-03-15, 12:52 PM
R3T11: Dane gets into position to try to steal the pig back.

R3T10: Ernak, you manage to just overcome that sickened feeling you had. Do you maintain bardic performance? What do you do?

Vivino on deck, Shinglewolves in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear; +2 competence weapon attack/ damage rolls.
Green Thug: 25. (80:80, 14 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGY!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80, 13 NL).
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80).
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80).
Red Thug: 14. (80:80, 17 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80).
Jacintha: 12. READIED to trip first enemy in threat range!!!
Dane: 11. BEWILDERED til R4T20!!! READIED to steal pig if carrier gets in range!
Ernak: 10. Circular Stance (can't be flanked). INSPIRE COURAGE!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Vivino: 7.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!!!
Laori: 6. DELAYING!!!


2023-03-16, 11:09 AM
R3T10: Ernak shifts westward, but unable to reach the pig, he elects to continue his grudge match against Blue by throwing more attacks at him. He knocks Blue off balance and then punches Blue's shoulder for 10 NL even as Blue punches Ernak in the stomach for 4 NL.

To his fellow Bloody Badgers, Ernak calls out, "Nice defense, badgers! Here they come again!"

R3T7: Vivino, what do you do?

Shinglewolves on deck and in the hole ....

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear; +2 competence weapon attack/ damage rolls.
Green Thug: 25. (80:80, 14 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGY!!!
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80, 13 NL).
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80).
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80).
Red Thug: 14. (80:80, 17 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80, 10 NL). PRONE!!!
Jacintha: 12. READIED to trip first enemy in threat range!!!
Dane: 11. BEWILDERED til R4T20!!! READIED to steal pig if carrier gets in range!
Ernak: 10. Circular Stance (can't be flanked). INSPIRE COURAGE!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Vivino: 7.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!!!
Laori: 6. DELAYING!!!


2023-03-18, 07:20 AM
R3T7: Vivino moves into position to help block and takes a strong backhand down at Blue, smashing his foot for 16 NL.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T25: Green moves into the heroes' area and Jacintha trips him. He still tries to kick at her from the ground.

R4T23-13: Brown shoots across and downfield and laterals the piggy to Purple, and the piggy just slumps in his hands. Yellow hustles into the "end zone." Purple bolts around Ernak and then towards the end zone .... and throws the piggy into the hole, where it is torn apart by the wolverine within!

Period of Play Ended. Begin 2-Minute Break ...

Shinglewolves 2
Bloody Badgers 1

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saves vs. charm/fear; +2 competence weapon attack/ damage rolls.
Jacintha: 26.
Green Thug: 25. (80:80, 14 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!! PRONE!!!
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 22. (80:80, 13 NL).
Purple Thug: 20. (80:80). HOLDING PIGGY!!!
Pink Thug: 15. (80:80).
Red Thug: 14. (80:80, 17 NL). CURSED til R6T6!!!
Blue Thug: 13. (80:80, 26 NL). PRONE!!!
Dane: 11. BEWILDERED til R4T20!!! READIED to steal pig if carrier gets in range!
Ernak: 10. Circular Stance (can't be flanked). INSPIRE COURAGE!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Vivino: 7.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 16. (80:80). DELAYING!!!
Laori: 6. DELAYING!!!


2023-03-31, 12:16 AM
And as bad luck would have it, the Shinglewolves start off with the pig for this round! The Emperor of Korvosa screams for work the play to begin!

Begin Round One ...

R1T22: Jacintha, what do you do?

Jacintha: 22.
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80).
Red Thug: 20. (80:80).
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80).
Ernak: 18.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80).
Dane: 13.
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 11. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80).
Green Thug: 9. (80:80).
Vivino: 8.
Laori: 7.


2023-04-03, 02:40 AM
R1T22: Jacintha starts off by moving downfield, before reading herself to trip the next Shinglewolf that moves into range of her fists.

R1T21-19: Purple falls back and picks up the pig from the cage. Red hustles into the Badgers' territory. Their goalie doesn't move, but is alert and ready.

R1T18: Ernak, what do you do?

Jacintha: 22. READIED to trip the next enemy that comes into range!!!
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80). PIGGY!!!
Red Thug: 20. (80:80).
Ernak: 18.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80).
Dane: 13.
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 11. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80).
Green Thug: 9. (80:80).
Vivino: 8.
Laori: 7.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-04-04, 11:44 PM
R1T18: Ernak adopts his usual defensive posture before calling out encouragements to the team.

R1T17: Brown hustles into Badgers' territory.

R1T13: Dane, what do you do?

HEROES: +1 morale vs. charm/fear, +2 competence weapon attk/ damage rolls.
HEROES (til R9T18): Outflank feat.
Jacintha: 22. READIED to trip the next enemy that comes into range!!!
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80). PIGGY!!!
Red Thug: 20. (80:80).
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80).
Dane: 13.
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 11. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80).
Green Thug: 9. (80:80).
Vivino: 8.
Laori: 7.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-04-07, 06:48 PM
R1T13: Dane moves south to deliver an uppercut to the enemy team. While he is unable to affect the entire team, Red does miss his AOO as Dane gives a shovel hook to dig right in the man's upper arm for 21 ... note 21 ... not 21 NL. There's a gasp from the crowd.

R1T12-9: Pink looks on incredulously as the dwarf on the opposing team just did serious lethal injury to one of his own with a gauntleted fist that wasn't pulled despite the agreement the two teams had. He then charges downfield towards the vacuous Laori ... taking out a finely crafted battle axe as he does so to hit her in her upper arm for 11 as he does so. The crowd then cheers at this sudden, bloody turnaround. Yellow does the same type of axe charge to Dane, but his strike is deflected by armor for his trouble. Blue sees Jacintha waiting for him, so he rushes her way while drawing a much smaller axe but stops before he's in reach and chucks the throwing axe at her, clipping the side of her throat for 12. Cuts across the field a little, but also throws an axe that hits Jacintha in the stomach for 9.

R1T8: Vivino, what do you do?

Laori on deck, Jacintha in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 morale vs. charm/fear, +2 competence weapon attk/ damage rolls.
HEROES (til R9T18): Outflank feat.
Jacintha: 22. READIED to trip the next enemy that comes into range!!!
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80). PIGGY!!!
Red Thug: 20. (61:80).
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80).
Dane: 13.
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80). Battle axe. Charged.
Yellow Thug: 11. (80:80). Battle axe. Charged.
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5.
Green Thug: 9. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5.
Vivino: 8.
Laori: 7.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-04-10, 04:37 PM
R1T8: Vivino grins as the blood-shedding begins anew. He howls in excitement and moves into position behind Pink. His clawed hand seeks to remove a kidney, but catches an elbow instead for 18, and realizing that since Laori wasn't quite ready yet he wasn't flanking. He says, though without shouting it doesn't carry too far, "Grab any weapons they drop."

R1T7: Laori now snaps to awareness, and for her part, she doesn't "rage" so much as she seethes and plants her feet solidly on the ground while combining a stance that is at once spooky and implacable. She dog-piles Pink with her armor spikes for 33 and knocking Pink prone and destroying his battle axe. This freaks out not only Pink, but Yellow and Red as well.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: Jacintha, your readied action didn't happen. What do you do?

Shinglewolves on deck and in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/fear, +2 competence weapon attk/ damage rolls.
HEROES (til R9T18): Outflank feat.
Jacintha: 22.
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80). PIGGY!!!
Red Thug: 20. (61:80). CURSED til R6T7!!!
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80).
Dane: 13.
Pink Thug: 12. (29:80). Battle axe destroyed! Charged. CURSED til R6T7!!!
Yellow Thug: 11. (80:80). Battle axe. Charged. CURSED til R6T7!!!
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5.
Green Thug: 9. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5.
Vivino: 8. RAGING!!!
Laori: 7. RS.
* DEFENSIVE STANCE!!! (+4 morale STR & CON, +2 morale Will saves, +2 dodge bonus to AC). Immune to sickened/ nauseated.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-04-13, 04:55 PM
R2T22: Jacintha simply reaches down and picks up both throwing axes that had hit her before stepping upfield to engage the clump fighting Dane.

R2T21-20: Purple moves downfield and laterals the piggy to Blue. Blue catches it, but the piggy kicks and Blue can't hold on as the piggy now drops. Red steps back, fails to fake out Jacintha, and strikes hard against her mithral chain.

R2T18: Ernak, you are currently inspiring courage. What do you do?

Brown on deck, Dane in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/fear, +2 competence weapon attk/ damage rolls.
HEROES (til R9T18): Outflank feat.
Jacintha: 22. (2) throwing axes (one belongs to Blue, the other to Green).
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80).
Red Thug: 20. (61:80). CURSED til R6T7!!!
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80).
Dane: 13.
Pink Thug: 12. (29:80). Battle axe destroyed! Charged. CURSED til R6T7!!!
Yellow Thug: 11. (80:80). Battle axe. Charged. CURSED til R6T7!!!
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5.
Green Thug: 9. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5.
Vivino: 8. RAGING!!!
Laori: 7. RS.
* DEFENSIVE STANCE!!! (+4 morale STR & CON, +2 morale Will saves, +2 dodge bonus to AC). Immune to sickened/ nauseated.
Piggy: 0.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-04-15, 10:45 PM
R2T18: Spying the brawl to his west, Ernak cautiously calls out, "Watch yourselves now!"

He then charges south, throwing himself at Blue as hard as he can. Blue goes to punch him but Ernak is faster and Blue jams his fist painfully at the charging body. He would've pushed him back, were it not for an excellent stance from Purple, so Blue maintains his spot.

R2T17: Brown doubles back while taking out a battleaxe and he picks up the piggy!

R2T13: Dane, what do you do?

Shinglewolves on deck/ in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/fear, +2 competence weapon attk/ damage rolls.
>>> HEROES (til R9T18): Outflank feat.
>>> HEROES til R3T18: +4 morale bonus to AC.
Jacintha: 22. (2) throwing axes (one belongs to Blue, the other to Green).
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80).
Red Thug: 20. (61:80). CURSED til R6T7!!!
Ernak: 18. INSPIRE COURAGE! Charged.
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80). Battleaxe. HOLDING PIGGY!
Dane: 13.
Pink Thug: 12. (29:80). Battle axe destroyed! Charged. CURSED til R6T7!!!
Yellow Thug: 11. (80:80). Battle axe. Charged. CURSED til R6T7!!!
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5.
* -1 penalty on attack rolls until he scores a critical hit!
Green Thug: 9. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5.
Vivino: 8. RAGING!!!
Laori: 7. RS.
* DEFENSIVE STANCE!!! (+4 morale STR & CON, +2 morale Will saves, +2 dodge bonus to AC). Immune to sickened/ nauseated.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-04-18, 12:50 AM
R2T13: Dane looks to his companions embarrassed. "Sorry, gang. Lost my temper, but I guess it's too late now." He throws two jabs at the foe before him, but not before Yellow hits Dane in the left shoulder with his battle axe for 10. Dane's first jab is a crumpling blow; it should have dropped him to the ground but to the Shinglewolf's credit he manages to keep his feet, but suffers 25 for his efforts. The second jab is right to the man's chest for 14.

R2T12-9: Pink takes out a throwing axe and swings at Laori, but it seems to have been deflected. Yellow steps away from Dane and right to Vivino and tries to attack him but Vivino ducks. Blue sidesteps Ernak, takes out his battle axe and swings at a ducking Ernak.

R2T8: Vivino, you are raging. What do you do?

Laori on deck, Jacintha in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/fear, +2 competence weapon attk/ damage rolls.
>>> HEROES (til R9T18): Outflank feat.
>>> HEROES til R3T18: +4 morale bonus to AC.
Jacintha: 22. (2) throwing axes (one belongs to Blue, the other to Green).
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80).
Red Thug: 20. (61:80). CURSED til R6T7!!!
Ernak: 18. INSPIRE COURAGE! Charged.
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80). Battleaxe. HOLDING PIGGY!
Dane: 13.
Pink Thug: 12. (29:80). Throwing axe. Battle axe destroyed! CURSED til R6T7!!! PRONE!!!
Yellow Thug: 11. (41:80). Battle axe. Charged. CURSED til R6T7!!!
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80). Battle axe. Throwing axes: 4/5.
* -1 penalty on attack rolls until he scores a critical hit!
Green Thug: 9. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5.
Vivino: 8. RAGING!!!
Laori: 7. RS.
* DEFENSIVE STANCE!!! (+4 morale STR & CON, +2 morale Will saves, +2 dodge bonus to AC). Immune to sickened/ nauseated.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!


2023-04-18, 03:24 PM
R2T8: Now that Laori is primed, Vivino gives her a toothy grin. He turns into a blur of motion as he strikes out with claws and teeth. His first claw slashes along the biceps and inner shoulder of Pink for 37. The man doesn't even have time to go limp when the other claw gets the same upper arm and elbow on the man's other side. Then, Vivino's jaws close over the man's jaw and face and close, crushing the lower skull horrifically. The crowd not so much cheers but loses their mind at the bloodlust and savagery that they've never seen before.

When Vivino's blood-soaked face pulls away, bits of brain trail away with it. Meanwhile, Vivino can't help but have to deal with chewing bits of bone, skin, flesh, tongue, nasal passages, ear, and brain.

R2T7: Laori delays ...

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T22: Jacintha, you have a throwing axe in each hand. What do you do?

Shinglewolves on deck and in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/fear, +2 competence weapon attk/ damage rolls.
>>> HEROES (til R9T18): Outflank feat.
>>> HEROES til R3T18: +4 morale bonus to AC.
Jacintha: 22. (2) throwing axes (one belongs to Blue, the other to Green).
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80).
Red Thug: 20. (61:80). CURSED til R6T7!!!
Ernak: 18. INSPIRE COURAGE! Charged.
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80). Battleaxe. HOLDING PIGGY!
Dane: 13.
Yellow Thug: 11. (41:80). Battle axe. Charged. CURSED til R6T7!!!
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80). Battle axe. Throwing axes: 4/5.
* -1 penalty on attack rolls until he scores a critical hit!
Green Thug: 9. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5.
Vivino: 8. RAGING!!!
Laori: 7. RS. DELAYING!!!
* DEFENSIVE STANCE!!! (+4 morale STR & CON, +2 morale Will saves, +2 dodge bonus to AC). Immune to sickened/ nauseated.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!

Pink (1).

2023-04-22, 06:37 PM
R3T22: "Ah, hell," Jacintha says, warily watching the carnage erupt around her. She decides to not add to it for the moment, and instead moves towards where the pig is being carried, carefully avoiding Red's attacks. Once she reaches Brown, she drops one of the axes and snatches the pig away from him. The pig kicks wildly, but Jacintha just barely manages to keep it in her grip.

R3T21-20: Purple comes along the side and takes the piggy right back - which has no time to react - before handing it off to Brown. Red comes up and swings at Jacintha with his battleaxe.

R3T18: Ernak, you recover from your charge as the boon you gave the party's defense wanes. Do you maintain your performance? What do you do?

Brown on deck, Dane in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/fear, +2 competence weapon attk/ damage rolls.
>>> HEROES (til R9T18): Outflank feat.
Jacintha: 22. (1) throwing axe (belongs to Blue).
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80).
Red Thug: 20. (61:80). CURSED til R6T7!!!
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80). Battleaxe. HOLDING PIGGY!
Dane: 13.
Yellow Thug: 11. (41:80). Battle axe. Charged. CURSED til R6T7!!!
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80). Battle axe. Throwing axes: 4/5.
* -1 penalty on attack rolls until he scores a critical hit!
Green Thug: 9. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5. A throwing axe is on the ground.
Vivino: 8. RAGING!!!
Laori: 7. RS. DELAYING!!!
* DEFENSIVE STANCE!!! (+4 morale STR & CON, +2 morale Will saves, +2 dodge bonus to AC). Immune to sickened/ nauseated.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!

Pink (1).

2023-04-23, 06:50 PM
R3T18: Ernak jukes around Blue, but in so doing Purple throws out a leg that misses while Ernak shouts down Blue's attack. Ernak moves around Blue to attack Brown from behind, trying to knock the pig-carrier down with a leg sweep that misses wildly. "A little help here?" he calls out to the Vivino and Dane.

R3T17: Brown passes off the piggy to Blue before stepping North.

R3T13: Dane, what do you do?

Shinglewolves on deck and in the hole ...

HEROES til R5T18: +2 morale vs. charm/fear, +2 competence weapon attk/ damage rolls.
>>> HEROES (til R9T18): Outflank feat.
Jacintha: 22. (1) throwing axe (belongs to Blue).
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80). AOO used.
Red Thug: 20. (61:80). CURSED til R6T7!!!
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80). Battleaxe.
Dane: 13.
Yellow Thug: 11. (41:80). Battle axe. Charged. CURSED til R6T7!!!
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80). Battle axe. Throwing axes: 4/5. HOLDING PIGGY!
* -1 penalty on attack rolls until he scores a critical hit!
Green Thug: 9. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5. A throwing axe is on the ground.
Vivino: 8. RAGING!!!
Laori: 7. RS. DELAYING!!!
* DEFENSIVE STANCE!!! (+4 morale STR & CON, +2 morale Will saves, +2 dodge bonus to AC). Immune to sickened/ nauseated.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!

Pink (1).

2023-04-25, 03:31 PM
R3T13: Dane shuffles over and throws two punches at the mid section of his foe. Red tries to counter but it is too late as Dane punches that same countering fist with a savage blow, shouting, "Fall!"

There is a loud crunching sound as Dane's mailed fist hits the man's unprotected one for 21 (lethal) + 21 NL. The man doesn't fall but ducks clear out of the way of a second such seeming gauntlet of doom. But what he didn't expect was that same vicious strike opened another one, as Jacintha hits him in the back of his left shoulder with an axe for 20 + bewildered + staggered!

R3T11-9: Yellow does some fancy wrist work to fake out Vivino, and then strikes him in the chest. For once, Vivino's nearly impossibly-well protected vital organs are not so protected as the axe bites deep for 22 mod + bewildered.

Meanwhile, Blue moves past Ernak and right up the wall, then cuts across the field and right for the goal. Laori hits him along the neck with her armor spikes for 11 as he goes by but it doesn't stop him and he drops the piggy into the hole ... which has the normal amount of blood spattered upwards.

The gong is heard.

Period of Play Ended. Begin 2-Minute Break ...

Shinglewolves 3
Bloody Badgers 1

What do you do during this period?

HEROES til R5T18: +2 morale vs. charm/fear, +2 competence weapon attk/ damage rolls.
>>> HEROES (til R9T18): Outflank feat.
Jacintha: 22. (1) throwing axe (belongs to Blue). 1 AOO used.
Purple Thug: 21. (80:80). AOO used.
Red Thug: 20. (21:80, 21 NL). CURSED til R6T7!!! AOO used. STAGGERED! BEWILDERED til R4T13!
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Brown Thug: 17. (80:80). Battleaxe.
Dane: 13.
Yellow Thug: 11. (41:80). Battle axe. CURSED til R6T7!!!
Blue Thug: 10. (80:80). Battle axe. Throwing axes: 4/5. HOLDING PIGGY!
* -1 penalty on attack rolls until he scores a critical hit!
Green Thug: 9. (80:80). Throwing axes: 4/5. A throwing axe is on the ground.
Vivino: 8. RAGING!!! BEWILDERED (vs. Yellow) til R4T11!!!
Laori: 7. RS. DELAYING!!!
* DEFENSIVE STANCE!!! (+4 morale STR & CON, +2 morale Will saves, +2 dodge bonus to AC). Immune to sickened/ nauseated.

Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 19. (80:80). DELAYING!!!

Pink (1).

2023-05-21, 05:33 AM
The gong is sounding, and finally, the piggy is on the Badgers' side!

Begin Round One ...

R1T28: Jacintha, what do you do?

Jacintha: 28.
Dane: 27.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80).
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80).
Green Thug: 22. (80:80).
Ernak: 20.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80).
Linzi: 15.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80).
Pink: 12.
Red Thug: 11. (80:80).
Laori: 10.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.


2023-05-24, 05:57 AM
R1T28: Not knowing what else to do, Jacintha goes for "shock and awe." She races downfield to charge Yellow, drop kicking him in the leg as hard as she can for 5 NL.

R1T27: Dane, Piggy in the netted section next to you. What do you do?

Jacintha: 28. Charged.
Dane: 27.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80).
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80).
Green Thug: 22. (80:80).
Ernak: 20.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80).
Pink: 12.
Red Thug: 11. (80:80).
Laori: 10.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.


2023-05-26, 04:25 AM
R1T27: Dane grabs the piglet, which seems to just slump in his hands the move south next to Vivino. "Cover me and let's get this pig to the goal!"

R1T26: Blue exits the pig-delivery area on his side and rolls up on Jacintha. He doesn't physically attack but does say, "Doesn't look good for your side if you lose, does it?"

The reality of losing the next point jars Jacintha (shaken).

R1T25: The new half-orc looks around confused, but did see the physical exchange with Jacintha's charge. He follows her lead and charges Blue with a flying dropkick to hit Blue's knee for 14 NL.

R1T23-22: Brown charges Vivino with a leaping elbow to the big man's neck with a powerful blow ... that doesn't hurt the big man at all. Brown's eyes go wide. Meanwhile, Green charges the winged rock-dwarf-like woman to strike her in the knee for 8 NL.

R1T20: Ernak, what do you do?

Jacintha: 28. Charged. SHAKEN til R4T26.
Dane: 27.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL).
Roshgog: 25. Charged.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). Charged.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80). Charged.
Ernak: 20.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80).
Pink: 12.
Red Thug: 11. (80:80).
Laori: 10.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.


2023-05-28, 06:43 PM
R1T20: Ernak adopts his usual defensive posture before calling out encouragements to the team. "Alright, newcomers! Let's clear Dane's way!"

The half-orc man calls out, confused, "Who is Dane!?"

R1T18-16: Purple moves up to attack Jacintha. Yellow fakes out Jacintha before kicking her in the lower arm in a sensitive area for 18 NL + hampered.

R1T15: Linzi moves up to Ernak and Dane. "What are we supposed to be doing? What's going on? We weren't told anything."

R1T13: The enemy goalie readies for the charge.

R1T12-11: Ducking past the swinging half-orc as he goes by, Pink charges from the backfield entry cage towards Dane. A valiant charge, but he his kick had little chance of penetrating Dane's armor. Red likewise charges the half-orc from the same point, but a deflection field throws off his aim.

R1T10: Laori readies herself for a turnover that might come her way.

R1T9: Vivino, what do you do?

Winged-rock-dwarf-lady on deck, Jacintha in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage.
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Jacintha: 28. Charged. SHAKEN til R4T26. Hampered til R2T16!!!
Dane: 27.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL).
Roshgog: 25. Charged.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). Charged.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80). Charged.
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Warleader (outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt.
Pink Thug: 12. Charged.
Red Thug: 11. (80:80). Charged.
Laori: 10.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.


2023-05-30, 01:56 PM
R1T9: "Dane is the one with the pig!" Vivino shouts to the newcomers. Vivino aims low with a couple quick kicks to trip Pink. Pink counters with his own trip attempt and misses, while his charge also put him off balance and he falls. Vivino tries the same against Brown; the two of them have a tussle, but neither trips the other.

R1T8: "I don't understand what's happening!" says the dwarf-rock-lady, but she takes a page out of Vivino's book and she expertly plants both Green and Brown with some type of fancy unarmed maneuvers before sidestepping downfield.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T28: Jacintha, you recover from your initial charge, but you are still hampered (1/2 move, no 5' step). What do you do?

Dane on deck, Blue in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage.
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Jacintha: 28. Charged. SHAKEN til R4T26. Hampered til R2T16!!!
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL).
Roshgog: 25. Charged.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). Charged. AOO used. PRONE!!!
Green Thug: 22. (80:80). Charged. PRONE!!!
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Warleader (outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt.
Pink Thug: 12. Charged. AOO used. PRONE!!!
Red Thug: 11. (80:80). Charged.
Laori: 10.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.


2023-06-02, 03:46 PM
R2T28: Well, this isn't a great situation to be in. Jacintha jabs at blue, but her focus is on defending herself, not bringing him down. With her first strike against her target, Yellow and Purple fail to trip her, but Purple knocks Jacintha to the ground ... hard. Jacintha's head smacks against the ground and she is stunned.

R2T27: Dane, you are holding the piggy, which remains slumped in your grip. What do you do?

Blue on deck, Half-orc in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage.
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Jacintha: 28. Charged. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! STUNNED til R3T28!!!
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). AOO used.
Roshgog: 25. Charged.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). Charged. AOO used. PRONE!!!
Green Thug: 22. (80:80). Charged. PRONE!!!
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Warleader (outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80). AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL). AOO used.
Linzi: 15.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt.
Pink Thug: 12. Charged. AOO used. PRONE!!!
Red Thug: 11. (80:80). Charged.
Laori: 10.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.


2023-06-04, 11:09 AM
R2T27: Pig in hand, Dane moves towards the goal, reminding himself as much as anyone else, "Gotta be careful about bein' surrounded."

R2T26: Blue tries to curb stomp Jacintha, but her armor protects her. Failing that, he steps back.

R2T25: The half-orc recovers from his charge. With Blue having just moved, The half-orc moves back a little, and then drags Jacintha out of the way behind him.

R2T23-22: Brown and Green both recover from their previous charges. Brown gets to his feet safely and then bolts downfield to cut off Dane. Green also gets to their feet, but not before the winged lady socks him in the jaw for 11 NL. Green then also follows Brown downfield to begin hemming in Dane.

R2T20: Ernak, what do you do?

Opposition on deck and in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage.
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Jacintha: 28. Charged. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! STUNNED til R3T28!!!
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). RS.
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80).
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL).
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80). AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL). AOO used.
Linzi: 15.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt.
Pink Thug: 12. Charged. AOO used. PRONE!!!
Red Thug: 11. (80:80). Charged.
Laori: 10.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.


2023-06-05, 02:56 PM
R2T20: Ernak zips down the field past Jacintha and the half-orc, throwing a trip on Yellow as he skids to a halt at the line of scrimmage and Yellow falls to the ground.

To Dane and the half-orc, Ernak yells, "Half-orc's got an opening to drop the pig into their pit!"

Dane, Ernak's leadership and tactics give you a single MA which you may take for movement (ONLY, not "move-equivalent MAs"). What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage.
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Jacintha: 28. Charged. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! STUNNED til R3T28!!!
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). RS.
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80).
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL).
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80). AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL). AOO used. PRONE!!!
Linzi: 15.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt.
Pink Thug: 12. Charged. AOO used. PRONE!!!
Red Thug: 11. (80:80). Charged.
Laori: 10.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.


2023-06-05, 03:34 PM
R2T20 (Cont'd): Dane turns quickly taking advantage of the new opening. He starts to move east, but Green, Brown, and Red all try to knock him down. Brown wasn't close; Dane and Green are in a brief tussle, and as that happens, Red manages to successfully trip Dane, halting his intended movement!

R2T18-16: Purple then sidesteps northeast and then elbows Ernak low in the back of his upper leg for 14 NL + bewildered. Meanwhile, Yellow gets back up on their feet and fails to trip Ernak.

R2T15: Linzi withdraws back to the friendly goal, now that she has a sense of what is happening.

R2T12-11: Pink gets back on their feet and runs forward to curb stomp Jacintha, but somehow fails. Red sidesteps to flank Ernak with Yellow, planting a knee firmly in the small of Ernak's back for 20 NL + bewildered.

R2T9: Vivino, what do you do?

Winged lady on deck, Jacintha in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage.
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Jacintha: 28. Charged. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! STUNNED til R3T28!!!
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). RS.
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). AOO used.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL). AOO used.
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20. BEWILDERED til R4T18 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Purple + Red)!!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt.
Pink Thug: 12.
Red Thug: 11. (80:80).
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.


2023-06-06, 01:18 AM
R2T9: Vivino hustles into position and shouts, "I'm open, throw me the pig!"

R2T8: The winged dwarf-like lady follows right along with Vivino, though ends up more in position to catch a pig as she is in front of Vivino now.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T28: Jacintha recovers from being stunned. Focusing on defense, she tries to stand. Despite that, Pink still elbows her in the stomach for 8 NL and Red and Jacintha smack their heads against each other. Red is stunned, but Jacintha falls unconscious.

R3T27: Dane, you are prone. The piggy has been slumping, but now it kicks wildly, but you easily hang onto it. What do you do?

Blue on deck, Half-orc in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage.
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). RS.
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). AOO used.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL). AOO used.
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20. BEWILDERED til R4T18 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Purple + Red)!!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt.
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80). AOO used.
Red Thug: 11. (80:80). AOO used. STUNNED til R4T28!!!
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.

Jacintha: 28. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-06-08, 01:04 AM
R3T27: Dane stands up, unmolested as the Shinglewolves around them are spent. Pig in hand, he tries to move past the gap of the enemy players. "Don't got a clear shot!"

R3T26: Blue tries to step in Dane's way, failing to take the piggy.

R3T25: The half-orc tries to juke out of danger, succeeding as Purple fails to trip him. He closes on the goalie and tries to grab him. It's a miserable attempt, but does show that he at least has enough training at trying so as not to get beaned for his troubles.

R3T23-22: Brown and Green both move south, and Green manages to rip the piggy from Dane's grasp!

R3T20: Ernak, what do you do? You are a bit bewildered right now, especially as it befits Purple and Red.

Shinglewolves on deck and in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage.
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Dane: 27.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). RS.
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80).
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL). HOLDING PIGGY!
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20. BEWILDERED til R4T18 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Purple + Red)!!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80). AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt.
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80). AOO used.
Red Thug: 11. (80:80). AOO used. STUNNED til R4T28!!!
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.

Jacintha: 28. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-06-11, 07:40 PM
R3T20: "Nice footwork!" Ernak calls out to the teammates coalescing around Dane. He then shifts closer to the dwarf and steals the pig back from Green. The pig futilely tries to bite Ernak, and Ernak gestures to Dane, but spent too much energy in getting the pig in the first place. Still, he advises, "Hand it down the line!"

R3T18-16: Purple closes on Ernak and fails to steal the pig, as does Yellow.

R3T15: Linzi is with Laori in being ready to block a goal attempt.

R3T12-11: Pink closes and fails to grab the piggy. Red is stunned.

R3T9: Vivino, what do you do?

Winged rock-dwarf lady on deck, Dane in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage.
HEROES: Gain +4 morale bonus to AC til R4T20!!!
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Dane: 27.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). RS.
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80).
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL).
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE dropped, but Lingering Performance til R5T20. HOLDING PIGGY!
* Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20. BEWILDERED til R4T18 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Purple + Red)!!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt.
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Red Thug: 11. (80:80). AOO used. STUNNED til R4T28!!!
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8.

Jacintha: 28. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-06-14, 01:37 AM
R3T9: "Time to either throw or pass that piggy along," Vivino suggests the obvious. "Will try to clear some space."

Vivino steps more into the scrum. He and Green have a tussle, and Green almost trips Vivino, but it is Brown who manages to work with his fellow to drop Vivino. Once on the ground, Vivino still is struggling, and with Ernak's song still in his mind, manages to pull down Green as well.

R3T8: Despite this min drama, while that is happening the wing-dwarf-lady grapples the goalie (Red-Blue) to keep him from protecting the goal! Vivino's violent suicide-trip and this tackle is enough for the crowd to cheer.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T27: Dane, what do you do?

Blue on deck, Half-orc in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage.
HEROES: Gain +4 morale bonus to AC til R4T20!!!
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Dane: 27.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). RS.
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). AOO used.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL). AOO used.
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE dropped, but Lingering Performance til R5T20. HOLDING PIGGY!
* Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20. BEWILDERED til R4T18 (-2 AC, -4 vs. Purple + Red)!!!
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt. GRAPPLED by Bryngiel!!!
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Red Thug: 11. (80:80). AOO used. STUNNED til R4T28!!!
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Vivino: 9. PRONE!!!
Bryngiel: 8. Grapple Red-Blue!!!

Jacintha: 28. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-06-14, 06:49 PM
R4T27: Dane shoves the enemy player nearby. It's a lackluster attempt, and yet with his specialized training and Ernak's recent histrionics still stirring his heart, Yellow gets pushed back 5'. "I'll try to push them away."

There is then a thrumming of power underneath Dane as the ground shakes ever so slightly.

R4T26: Blue tries to grab the piggy from Ernak, but plows into the big man's armor and breaks his own tooth.

R4T25: The half-orc adjusts position and then opens up with two fists on the held goalie. Unfortunately, in diving low to the ground in the grapple, he headbutts the dwarven-like, winged lady and stuns himself.

R4T23-22: Brown adjusts and then begins trying to curb stomp Vivino, but for Vivino's armor. At the same time, Green successfully rips the piggy from Ernak's grasp. The piggy tries to squirm in his grasp to no avail, and Green takes off downfield.

R4T20: Ernak, you are no longer bewildered and your oration is still strong in the air. What do you do?

Shinglewolves on deck and in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage.
HEROES: Gain +4 morale bonus to AC til R4T20!!!
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Dane: 27.
* Boots of the earth activated, so as long as he keeps it going, he gains FH1 and +4 CMD vs. bull rush, reposition, & trip.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). -2 attacks for 1d6 min. (broken tooth, Heal DC 20).
Roshgog: 25. STUNNED til R5T25!!!
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). RS.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL). HOLDING PIGGY!
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE dropped, but Lingering Performance til R5T20.
* Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt. GRAPPLED by Bryngiel!!!
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Red Thug: 11. (80:80). AOO used. STUNNED til R4T28!!!
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Vivino: 9. PRONE!!!
Bryngiel: 8. Grapple Red-Blue!!!

Jacintha: 28. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-06-18, 02:58 AM
R4T20: Ernak frowns as the pig is finally ripped away from him and gives chase after Green. As Pink goes to attack him, Ernak shouts him down. Purple tries to trip him and almost succeeds, were it not for Ernak's own skill at avoiding such a thing. Blue throws a punch and misses. He then steals the pig back from Green, and the piggy simply slumps in his grasp.

R4T18-16: Purple and Yellow both move forward and fail to grab the piggy from Ernak.

R4T13: The goalie fails to get out of the female's grasp.

R4T12-11: Pink moves forward and attacks Ernak. Red recovers from his stun and closes and fails to grab the piggy.

R4T9: Vivino, you are prone. What do you do?

Ally-female on deck, Dane in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage (ends R5T20).
HEROES: Gain +4 morale bonus to AC til R4T20!!!
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Dane: 27.
* Boots of the earth activated, so as long as he keeps it going, he gains FH1 and +4 CMD vs. bull rush, reposition, & trip.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). -2 attacks for 1d6 min. (broken tooth, Heal DC 20).
Roshgog: 25. STUNNED til R5T25!!!
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). RS.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL).
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE dropped, but Lingering Performance til R5T20. HOLDING PIGGY! Used SwA.
* Immediate (if triggered): Ernak will use Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) to protect himself against attacks of opportunity during his move

If Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) is not triggered during Ernak's turn, he will instead use it to protect the next person on his team who is attacked

* Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80). READIED to block a goal attempt. GRAPPLED by Bryngiel!!!
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Red Thug: 11. (80:80).
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Vivino: 9. PRONE!!!
Bryngiel: 8. Grapple Red-Blue!!!

Jacintha: 28. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-06-20, 08:45 PM
R4T9: "So close...." Vivino growls. He rolls to the northwest, finding it much more effort to do some from his prone position than before, and crawling isn't acrobatic no matter what you do. He realizes this as Brown and Blue both kick him in the head and back (no damage). Vivino stands back up.

R4T8: Winglady continues to grapple the goalie for 12 NL.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T27: Dane, what do you do?

Blue on deck, Half-orc in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack & damage (ends R5T20).
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Dane: 27.
* Boots of the earth activated, so as long as he keeps it going, he gains FH1 and +4 CMD vs. bull rush, reposition, & trip.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). -2 attacks for 1d6 min. (broken tooth, Heal DC 20).
Roshgog: 25. STUNNED til R5T25!!!
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). RS. AOO used.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL).
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE dropped, but Lingering Performance til R5T20. HOLDING PIGGY! Used SwA.
* Immediate (if triggered): Ernak will use Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) to protect himself against attacks of opportunity during his move

If Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) is not triggered during Ernak's turn, he will instead use it to protect the next person on his team who is attacked

* Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80, 12 NL). READIED to block a goal attempt. GRAPPLED by Bryngiel!!!
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Red Thug: 11. (80:80).
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Vivino: 9. PRONE!!!
Bryngiel: 8. Grapple Red-Blue!!!

Jacintha: 28. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-06-22, 09:25 PM
R5T27: Dane gets FH1 from his boots before they deactivate as he moves up to try to make way for his teammate. "Outta' the way!"

Blue, Pink, Purple, & Yellow each fail their AOOs, and Purple is moved pulled out of the way.

R5T26: Blue J-hooks around to cut off Ernak.

R5T25: The half-orc clears his head and gives chase, failing to trip Yellow.

R5T23-22: Brown stays away from Vivino and closes to cut off Ernak. Green fails to grab the piggy from him.

R5T20: Ernak, your lingering performance has ended, and you have the piggy. What do you do?

Shinglewolves on deck and in the hole ...

HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Dane: 27.
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). -2 attacks for 1d6 min. (broken tooth, Heal DC 20).
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). RS.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL).
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE dropped, but Lingering Performance til R5T20. HOLDING PIGGY! Used SwA.
* Immediate (if triggered): Ernak will use Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) to protect himself against attacks of opportunity during his move

If Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) is not triggered during Ernak's turn, he will instead use it to protect the next person on his team who is attacked

* Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80). AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL). AOO used.
Linzi: 15. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80, 12 NL). READIED to block a goal attempt. GRAPPLED by Bryngiel!!!
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80). AOO used.
Red Thug: 11. (80:80).
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Vivino: 9. PRONE!!!
Bryngiel: 8. Grapple Red-Blue!!!

Jacintha: 28. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-06-25, 09:39 AM
R5T20: Ernak shifts southward and passes the pig over to Dane. He calls out, "Pig's ours again, team: run it in!"

With that out of his hands, Ernak begins a stirring oration again.

R5T18-11: Purple and Yellow both fail to grab the pig, and Yellow adjusts slightly. The goalie tries to punch his grappler. Pink fails to grab the pig. Red steps down and also fails to grab the pig.

R5T9: Vivino, what do you do?

Winged lady on deck, Dane in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Dane: 27. HOLDING PIGGY!!!
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). -2 attacks for 1d6 min. (broken tooth, Heal DC 20).
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). RS.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL).
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE dropped, but Lingering Performance til R5T20.
* Immediate (if triggered): Ernak will use Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) to protect himself against attacks of opportunity during his move

If Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) is not triggered during Ernak's turn, he will instead use it to protect the next person on his team who is attacked

* Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80, 12 NL). GRAPPLED by Bryngiel!!!
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Red Thug: 11. (80:80).
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Vivino: 9.
Bryngiel: 8. Grapple Red-Blue!!!

Jacintha: 28. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-06-27, 06:29 PM
R5T9: "I'm ready, toss me the pig!" Vivino exclaims.

R5T8: The winged lady loses hold of the goalie, so she steps north of him.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T27: Dane, you are holding the piggy. What do you do?

Blue on deck, Half-orc in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Dane: 27. HOLDING PIGGY!!!
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). -2 attacks for 1d6 min. (broken tooth, Heal DC 20).
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). RS.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL).
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE dropped, but Lingering Performance til R5T20.
* Immediate (if triggered): Ernak will use Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) to protect himself against attacks of opportunity during his move

If Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) is not triggered during Ernak's turn, he will instead use it to protect the next person on his team who is attacked

* Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80).
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL).
Linzi: 15. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80, 12 NL). GRAPPLED by Bryngiel!!!
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Red Thug: 11. (80:80).
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Vivino: 9. READIED action - once he has pig, move 2 sq S, 2 sq E, and drop pig into hole!!!
Bryngiel: 8. Grapple Red-Blue!!!

Jacintha: 28. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-07-04, 11:25 AM
R6T27: Dane tries to muscle his way south to Vivino, nearly losing the piggy to Purple; elbowing Yellow in the nose so that Yellow has to sneeze (dazed); and brushes past Red's grasping hands. He makes it to Vivino and puts the piggy in the massive man's hands.

R6T26.9: Vivino sets off south then east and drops the pig into the pit.

The gong sounds as the piggy is torn to shreds by the wolverine therein!

Period of Play Ended. Begin 2-Minute Break ...

Shinglewolves 3
Bloody Badgers 2

What do you do during this period? Note that Jacintha is unconscious on the field right now.

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear; +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
HEROES: Outflank TW Feat - Whenever he & an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, his flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4.
* Whenever he scores a critical hit vs. the flanked creature, it provokes an AOO from her ally.
Dane: 27. HOLDING PIGGY!!!
Vivino: 26.9. READIED action - once he has pig, move 2 sq S, 2 sq E, and drop pig into hole!!!
Blue Thug: 26. (80:80, 14 NL). -2 attacks for 1d6 min. (broken tooth, Heal DC 20).
Roshgog: 25.
Brown Thug: 23. (80:80). RS.
Green Thug: 22. (80:80, 11 NL).
Ernak: 20. Circular stance. INSPIRE COURAGE dropped, but Lingering Performance til R5T20.
* Immediate (if triggered): Ernak will use Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) to protect himself against attacks of opportunity during his move

If Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) is not triggered during Ernak's turn, he will instead use it to protect the next person on his team who is attacked

* Warleader (Outflank) til R9T20.
* Indomitable Presence (Ex): All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Purple Thug: 18. (80:80). AOO used.
Yellow Thug: 16. (80:80, 5 NL). AOO used. DAZED til R7T27!!!
Linzi: 15. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 13. (80:80, 12 NL). GRAPPLED by Bryngiel!!!
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Red Thug: 11. (80:80). AOO used.
Laori: 10. READIED to block a goal attempt.
Bryngiel: 8. Grapple Red-Blue!!!

Jacintha: 28. SHAKEN til R4T26. PRONE!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-07-23, 01:43 PM
The Shinglewolves, currently enjoying a 3-2 advantage, take the field.

The gong sounds, and the piggy shows up .... on the Bloody Badgers' side!

Begin Round One ...

R1T23-22: Red bolts right down the western side of the field, getting astride Jacintha. Meanwhile, Green charges Bryngiel, who manages to block the attack with an almost sixth sense awareness of danger.

R1T21: Dane, the piggy is right there! What do you do?

Red Thug: 23. (80:80).
Green Thug: 22. (80:80). RS. Charged.
Dane: 21.
Yellow Thug: 20. (80:80).
Roshgog: 19.
Vivino: 17.
Laori: 16.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 15. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 14. (80:80).
Jacintha: 13.
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Linzi: 11.
Ernak: 10. Purple Thug: 9. (80:80).
Brown Thug: 8. (80:80).
Bryngiel: 5.


2023-07-24, 03:00 PM
R1T21:Dane ignores the pig and turns to face the "emperor." He speaks his words of power. " I grow tired of your games, return our weapons and the man we came for or face the wrath of a Caydenite inquisitor's inquisition!"

The Emperor, though very visible .... is 85' away, elevated, and there is significant crowd noise for this sporting event. What is obvious, however, is that magic was definitely used just now ... and the gong is sounded.

The crowd now quiets as the Emperor calls out, his shrill voice piercing the now quiet arena, "One point to the Shinglewolves, as the Badgers have attempted some type of magic. The score is now Shinglewolves, 4; Bloody Badgers, 2. Two minute break to reset the field!"

The crowd now erupts into a flurry of even greater noise as they know that the next point the Shinglewolves make will spell doom for the Bloody Badgers.

Initiative Ends!

Red Thug: 23. (80:80).
Green Thug: 22. (80:80). RS. Charged.
Dane: 21.
Yellow Thug: 20. (80:80).
Roshgog: 19.
Vivino: 17.
Laori: 16.
Red-Blue Thug (Goalie): 15. (80:80).
Blue Thug: 14. (80:80).
Jacintha: 13.
Pink Thug: 12. (80:80).
Linzi: 11.
Ernak: 10. Purple Thug: 9. (80:80).
Brown Thug: 8. (80:80).
Bryngiel: 5.


2023-07-28, 06:44 PM
Surprise Round ...

Dane casts divine favor on himself than shouts at the top of his lungs: "I HEREBY DECLARE ...!"

But just the seconds of casting and the few words he has shouted so far and already the canny Emperor of Old Korvosa, Pilts Swastel, is on his feet and shouts, "Minions, Attack!"

As soon as he calls for an attack, he begins to joke about the many shortcomings of the foolish dwarf and the foolish upstarts. He is actually incredibly insightful, and his insults seem to buoy all that see him, meanwhile, the crowd quiets down because they aren't sure what is happening.

Begin Round One ...

R1T29: Sensing that it is "on" Jacintha tears down the field and cuts west to the stairs that lead up to the emperor's area, stopping just short of climbing the stairs. She casts a spell, and a burst of cold is seen leaving her hands, but her target up the stairs is unseen.


R1T27: Roshgog delays, waiting for the signal, and respecting a good "F-U" speech.


He looks to Roshgog."FIRE!"

Dane, do you still wish to take your actions for the round (no more speech), or end your turn to allow Roshgog to do his action? Because your speech took more than three words into your turn, you cannot delay.

Jacintha: 29.
Roshgog: 27. DELAYING!!!
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24.
Jabbyr: 24.
Green Emperor's Thug: 23. (80:80).
Purple Emperor's Thug: 22. (80:80).
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18.
Brown Emperor's Thug: 17. (80:80).
Blue Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80).
Red Emperor's Thug: 15. (78:80).
Pink Emperor's Thug: 14. (80:80).
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Inspire Courage +2!
Ernak: 12.
Linzi: 9.
Vivino: 7.


2023-07-31, 03:42 PM
R1T24: Dane clenches his fist, praying, "Cayden Cailean grant me destruction and justice but hide my movements!"

He casts a spell upon himself and disappears from view, and then looks around trying to spot where their weapons are stowed.

R1T27: As Dane is looking around, Roshgog moves to midfield and casts his spell. He swirls his arms together to create a small red ball and then lets it loose to fly up to make a low airburst right above the Emperor and his goons. Red takes 38 fire and one of his throwing axes on his belt is destroyed. The other three thugs protecting the emperor dive safely out of the way. Pilts tried to get out of the way - and that scraggly boy can move - but still takes 21 fire for his trouble. Still, his comical jibes continue, unabated.

It is after Dane looks and admires with a broad smile that fireball that the smile begins to fade ... because it suddenly comes to his memory that the last place the party saw their weapons - was on the grandstand with the Emperor!! :smalleek:

It should be noted that there were other people hanging around ... people who were impressed into service in various ways ... and they are completely burned, their death screams on their lips as they fall down to wide-mouthed charred bodies littering the grandstand (not difficult terrain).

R1T22: As the fire clears, the crowd screams and begins to clear as quickly as they can. This includes the Shinglewolves. While capable unarmed warriors, they are really more high-end athletes that don't want to tangle with fireballs. In a stands there is a near stampede, and several people get trampled. One person who was far enough back on the grandstand to be unaffected is the weird little executioner. A wordless, strangled cry erupts from his throat. With small-sized greataxe raised, the little guy moves north along the grandstand until no longer seen.

R1T21-20: Green-1 pushes Jacintha away from the stairs and farther out on the field. Meanwhile, Purple-1 charges down the "stadium" seats to east (northern section) to charge Linzi. The battle axe strikes her hip while she is unaware, and she takes 28 + disoriented.

R1T19: Bryngiel makes a call to Gorum for war as she casts a spell and then steps forward to touch Purple-1 on the chest. The dark energies jump onto the thug and goes to his eyes, but he manages to resist the effect.

R1T18: Laori gets into a creepy fight stance and closes on Purple-1, ramming her mithral armor spikes into his head with some type of special maneuver for 22.

R1T17-14: Brown-1 leaves the grandstand to skirt around Jacintha and close on Roshgog. Blue-1 closes on Jacintha and crits her along the body for 22 + armor broken. Red-1 closes on Jacintha and strikes her in the left lower arm for 15. Pink-1 charges from the southern stands to have some mild magical force deflect his axe.

R1T13: Continuing his unique comic stylings, the Emperor springs down from the stands in an impressive jump and moves forward while drawing what looks like a very nice straight razor. He calls out to something called "Sifkesh" to purify his soldiers for battle.

R1T12: Ernak, what do you do?

ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Jacintha: 29.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 27.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Purple-1 Emperor's Thug: 20. (58:80). CHARGED!
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Aura of shared misery.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Red-1 Emperor's Thug: 15. (78:80). One of his throwing axes are destroyed. +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pink-1 Emperor's Thug: 14. (80:80). CHARGED! +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Inspire Courage +2!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
Ernak: 12.
Linzi: 9. DISORIENTED til R2T20!!!
Vivino: 7.


2023-08-03, 04:02 PM
R1T12: Ernak adopts a more aggressive stance this time. He then fakes moving northward before actually shifting to the southeast. Dropping his coach persona at long last, Ernak instead simply cries out, "Arise, arise, blooded of Badgers! Fell deeds awake, fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered! A sword-day, a red day, ere the Bloody Pig rises!" "Fight as one! Fight for freedom!"

Ernak then casts glitterdust down the field, attempting to cover a clump of enemies while avoiding Jacintha and Roshgog. While the Emperor seems fine, Blue-1 seems to have been blinded.

R1T9: Disoriented as she is, Linzi steps away from the bad man. She casts a spell on herself, and seems to be inhabited by the essence of many halfling heroes who have gone before her at this moment.

R1T7: Vivino, what do you do?

Jacintha on deck, Dane in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Jacintha: 29.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 27.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Purple-1 Emperor's Thug: 20. (58:80). CHARGED!
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Aura of shared misery.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. BLINDED by glitterdust.
Red-1 Emperor's Thug: 15. (78:80). One of his throwing axes are destroyed. +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pink-1 Emperor's Thug: 14. (80:80). CHARGED! +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Inspire Courage +2!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance.
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
Linzi: 9. DISORIENTED til R2T20!!!
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7.


2023-08-03, 10:54 PM
R1T7: As Vivino walks his form shifts. He gets larger, gangly, and the arms lengthen. In a high pitched voice, he says to the Emperor, "You're just a big meany!"

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T29: Despite being surrounded, Jacintha struggles to focus but succeeds in psychically creating a warping shield of force around her that turns invisible as soon as it is made. She then rapidly manifests an energy kukri, and steps back by Roshgog.

R2T24: Dane, you are currently invisible. What do you do?

Roshgog on deck, enemies in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Jacintha: 29. Shield (8 min).
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 27.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Purple-1 Emperor's Thug: 20. (58:80). CHARGED!
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Aura of shared misery.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. BLINDED by glitterdust.
Red-1 Emperor's Thug: 15. (78:80). One of his throwing axes are destroyed. +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pink-1 Emperor's Thug: 14. (80:80). CHARGED! +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Inspire Courage +2!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance.
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
Linzi: 9. DISORIENTED til R2T20!!!
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7.


2023-08-04, 12:01 AM
R2T24: Dane lumbers his way towards the stairs with the grace of a stuffed pig. He doesn't get quite as far as he had hoped since he had to begin going up stairs. Of course, he almost bumped into the gnome executioner on the way up as well.

R2T23: Roshgog steps back and away from Pink and casts a spell at Red. "Hey, my friend, go see to the safety of the Emperor's subjects. I think some got hurt in the stands."

Red looks like he is waging a tough war, but finally the aid the Emperor gives him wins out, and the half-orc's simple ploy to remove an enemy from the field has failed.

R2T23-20: Just then, the frothing gnome executioner comes into view from the stairs. Though obviously raging, this gnome does so like a smaller animal that instinctively understands that aggression must be tempered with defense. His greataxe bites into Jacintha's right leg for 26. Green repositions and attacks, but Jacintha deflects the axe. Purple overcomes his charge, and sees that he is terribly outnumbered. Still, he steps after Linzi, nicking her belly with his axe for 14.

R2T19: Bryngiel steps back from Purple, and casts a spell on Linzi for 8 healing.

R2T18: Laori's face becomes resolute and she settles into a low crouch and changes stance. She pushes forward to impale Purple with her armor spikes, mainly puncturing his upper right arm for 52.

R2T17-14: Brown steps away from Vivino to flank Jacintha. He sneak attacks her in the lower back for 26; his blow continues past her to whizz right past Roshgog. Blue goes into total defense, continuing to be blinded. Red closes on Vivino but misses. Pink recovers from their charge and adjusts to flank Vivino; he swings and clips Vivino's head but his training helps him keep the damage just to 11 mod.

R2T13: The Emperor of Korvosa continues his jaunty jokes at the heroes' expense, and its effects on the field have been intense so far. He casts a spell, but aims it far downfield, accepting that one of his own might eat it. Everyone to the north - hero and thug alike - resists the emperor's magic. He then moves to the northeast behind Jabbyr.

R2T12: Ernak, what do you do?

Linzi on deck, Vivino in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Jacintha: 29. Shield (8 min).
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 23.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Purple-1 Emperor's Thug: 20. (6:80). RS. CURSED til R7T18.
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Aura of shared misery. Defensive Stance, Rd 1. RS.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. Great cleave (-2 AC).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. BLINDED by glitterdust.
Red-1 Emperor's Thug: 15. (78:80). One of his throwing axes are destroyed. +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pink-1 Emperor's Thug: 14. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Inspire Courage +2!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance.
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
Linzi: 9.
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7.


2023-08-04, 06:57 PM
R2T12: Ernak keeps encouraging the party, attempting to drown out the emperor's jests with his good-faith exhortations, though sadly it doesn't work that way ... the heroes gain from Ernak, the other guys gain from the Emperor. Ernak then zips south and then southwest to gain a flanking position on Pink with Vivino.

He then easily wrestles Pink's battle axe out of his hands and calls out to his teammates, "Anyone want a free axe?"

R2T9: Linzi desperately keeps stepping away from her pursuer, but this time sings a little song and gains 6 healing.

R2T7: Vivino, what do you do?Whatever abilities you use, please be sure to properly name and spell them. It took me a bit last round to realize you were using Mutation to get free benefits of your mutagen.
Jacintha on deck, Dane in the hole ...

ALL HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC til R3T12!!!
HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Jacintha: 29. Shield (8 min).
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 23.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Purple-1 Emperor's Thug: 20. (6:80). RS. CURSED til R7T18.
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Aura of shared misery. Defensive Stance, Rd 1. RS.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. Great cleave (-2 AC).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. BLINDED by glitterdust.
Red-1 Emperor's Thug: 15. (78:80). One of his throwing axes are destroyed. +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pink-1 Emperor's Thug: 14. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. Empty weapon hand, missing battle axe.
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Inspire Courage +2!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. Holding Pink's battle axe.
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* AoOs (if triggered): If Ernak successfully disarms Pink and picks up their weapon, he takes the first AoO he can against an enemy. Since I don't know the weapons stats, I'm not sure how to roll its attack/damage in advance and will leave it to you, Rusty.
* If any ally does try to take the axe from Ernak, he lets them take it.
Linzi: 9.
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7.


2023-08-04, 11:42 PM
R2T7: "Weapons will be useful soon..." Vivino says in a high pitched voice. "But for now, this bad people deserve a personal touch."

The voice drops into a deeper growl as "her" voice extends into muzzle and hands elongate into claws and breaking into a delighted ... squeal? S/he stabs Pink in the back of the chest for 37. Pink shrieks in pain, turning and getting clawed in their upper right arm for 39. Vivino finally bites Pink in the left shoulder for 29, completing cracking through the shoulder bone and into the top of their lung. They drop, and now Vivino has a frothy blood in their mouth before stepping up to menace Brown.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T29: Jacintha forms a second psychic kukri, despite her primary one diminishing in luminosity a little. Despite the terrifying little gnome, she isn't about to give up a tactical advantage, courtesy of creepy Vivino. Her first attack strikes hard against Brown's fine studded leather and into the chest for 30 + disoriented, followed up by her offhand for 19 + disoriented. Her primary re-attack is deflected.

R3T24: Dane, what do you do?

Roshgog on deck, Jabbyr in the hole ...

ALL HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC til R3T12!!!
HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Jacintha: 29. Shield (8 min). Two
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 23.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Purple-1 Emperor's Thug: 20. (6:80). RS. CURSED til R7T18.
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Aura of shared misery. Defensive Stance, Rd 1. RS.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (31:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. Great cleave (-2 AC). DISORIENTED til R5T29 (-2 attack rolls, -4 vs. Jacintha)!!!
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. BLINDED by glitterdust.
Red-1 Emperor's Thug: 15. (78:80). One of his throwing axes are destroyed. +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Inspire Courage +2!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. Holding Pink's battle axe.
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* AoOs (if triggered): If Ernak successfully disarms Pink and picks up their weapon, he takes the first AoO he can against an enemy. Since I don't know the weapons stats, I'm not sure how to roll its attack/damage in advance and will leave it to you, Rusty.
* If any ally does try to take the axe from Ernak, he lets them take it.
Linzi: 9.
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7.

Emperor's Thugs (1).

2023-08-06, 03:56 PM
R3T24: Dane has to continue up stairs and then - without really looking too far - he sees a smoldering heap of weapons in what used to be a couple burlap sacks that were burned away. He moves up to the pile, but doesn't yet have time to really take stock of it. However, it looks like that fireball that Roshgog set out really did a number.

R3T23: Roshgog steps back next to Ernak and gives a powerful half-orc war cry while demonstrating what must surely be a terrifyingly effective unarmed fighting style. It is breathtaking and awful to behold, and every enemy (except the blinded one) - from the Emperor to the lowly thug - feels that fear in their bones.

R3T22: Despite the fear felt, the raging gnome sinks his axe into Jacintha's left thigh for 30, dropping her ... and then follows up with another axe to arm and chest that stops everyone's heart - not just her own - with his savagery. Jacintha is no more, and her psychic kukri dissipate. Jabbyr then steps forward to engage the object of its fear ... the firebug, Roshgog.

R3T21-20: Green steps up to Vivino and feints him before using a power strike into Vivino's right elbow. It hits Vivino right in the sweet spot that his internal disciplines do not protect, and the axe does 25 mod + bewildered. Purple continues to skirt around the scary elf in her blackened mithral armor to chase after smaller prey. He successfully feints Linzi and axes her right hand for 30 + hampered!

R3T19: Bryngiel calls out to Gorum to give Laori the power to destroy their shared enemies. She then tries to reposition and starts out fine, but towards the end of her loop ends up attracting an AOO which she deflects with a wing.

R318: With Bryngiel having boosted her and now in flanking position, Laori digs low to have her armor spikes dig into the man's groin for 21, both castrating and killing him outright. Laori focuses her attentions to the south now.

R3T17-15: Despite her death, Jacintha's infliction of pain still plagues Brown; he fails to fake out Vivino and misses wildly with his axe. Blues stumbles around to the south, but finally ends up clearing his vision. Red steps up to Vivino and likewise fails to feint or land a blow against the monstrosity before him.

R3T13: The Emperor continues his jokes for the sake of his remaining and shaken "soldiers," and then casts a spell upon himself - not a bardic cure spell, mind you, but one calling upon "Sifkesh" - with that prayer being answered with 14 healing. He takes out his scepter of rule.

R3T12: Ernak, you are now holding a battle axe. Do you continue storytelling? What do you do?I put your current stance-given bonuses w/ the masterwork battle axe in "Statistics Block" of p 4 of your character sheet.
Linzi on deck, Vivino in the hole ...

ALL HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC til R3T12!!!
HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Jacintha: 29. Shield (8 min). Two psychic kukri manifested.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 23.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. SHAKEN til R6T23!!!
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!!
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Aura of shared misery. Defensive Stance, Rd 1. RS.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (31:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. Great cleave (-2 AC). DISORIENTED til R5T29 (-2 attack rolls)!!! SHAKEN til R8T23!!!
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Red-1 Emperor's Thug: 15. (78:80). One of his throwing axes are destroyed. +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!!
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance.
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* AoOs (if triggered): If Ernak successfully disarms Pink and picks up their weapon, he takes the first AoO he can against an enemy. Since I don't know the weapons stats, I'm not sure how to roll its attack/damage in advance and will leave it to you, Rusty.
* If any ally does try to take the axe from Ernak, he lets them take it.
Linzi: 9. HAMPERED til R4T20!!!
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7. BEWILDERED (-2 AC, -4 vs. Green) til R4T21!!!

Emperor's Thugs (2). Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-06, 07:38 PM
R3T12: Ernak circles around the pack surrounding Vivino, adopting a flanking position with him on Red. Calling out, "I've got your back!" Ernak tries to pound Red into the ground with a massive two-handed blow to Red's lower back for 20. The Shoanti keeps a distant eye on the gnomish executioner, however, wary of another deadly assault by the tiny man against another friend.

R3T9: Linzi takes out a wand and touches it to herself for 17 healing. "I can either stay back and heal a little more, or I can take some more healing from someone, if they'll give it," she says meekly to the two women around her.

R3T7: Vivino, you are bewildered, especially where Green is concerned. What do you do?

Dane on deck, Roshgog in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 23.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. SHAKEN til R6T23!!!
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!!
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Aura of shared misery. Defensive Stance, Rd 1. RS.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (31:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. Great cleave (-2 AC). DISORIENTED til R5T29 (-2 attack rolls)!!! SHAKEN til R8T23!!!
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Red-1 Emperor's Thug: 15. (58:80). One of his throwing axes are destroyed. +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!!
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance.
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) vs first attack the gnome executioner makes on any ally.
Linzi: 9. HAMPERED til R4T20!!! Wand of CMW in hand.
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7. BEWILDERED (-2 AC, -4 vs. Green) til R4T21!!!

Emperor's Thugs (2). Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-07, 05:50 PM
R3T7: Vivino lets out a high pitch scream and the eyes take on a dangerous tint with the aim of seeing what else is inside of these bad people! His first claw tears into Red's right thigh for 27 as his other claw tears into his chest for 32, dropping him. He then the fallen thug's head for 32, biting off his head at the ear-nose-upper jawline. Spitting out skull and brain, Vivina says, "I wonder what you naughty peoples' blood tastes like."

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T24: Dane, do you spend a FRA to take stock of the weapons?

Roshgog on deck, Jabbyr in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 23.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. SHAKEN til R6T23!!!
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!!
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Aura of shared misery. Defensive Stance, Rd 1. RS.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (31:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. Great cleave (-2 AC). DISORIENTED til R5T29 (-2 attack rolls)!!! SHAKEN til R8T23!!!
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance.
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) vs first attack the gnome executioner makes on any ally.
Linzi: 9. HAMPERED til R4T20!!! Wand of CMW in hand.
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7. BEWILDERED (-2 AC, -4 vs. Green) til R4T21!!!

Emperor's Thugs (3); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-07, 11:16 PM
R4T24: Dane's sees fiery death and destruction having come to this stop. He moves slag and carbon and splintered wood to find that both of his earth breakers survived ... barely. Both are badly damaged and considered broken. Your round was spent going through the weapons, not picking any up or moving. You'll be able to grab one next round.
R4T23: "You wanna piece of me, gnome! Come get some!" challenges Roshgog to Jabbyr. He looks out to his allies. "Everyone else stay away! This squirt is mine to kill!"

Roshgog then begins his unarmed assault with as much power as he can muster. He basically uses a type of TWF, but unarmed; yet in this case he is so focused on his goal that he doesn't suffer from the normal accuracy loss associated with TWF. He even throws in a bite for good measure. Still, for all that, Jabbyr's guarded stance keeps any strike from being more than an impact an armor.

R4T22: Jabbyr is only too happy to oblige the foolish half-orc, but the Emperor points to Vivino. "Kill that thing!"

Jabbyr smiles wickedly and nods and simply moves away from Roshgog, who in turn kicks the little guy in the rump for 13 mod. He takes a really jaunty path while studying Vivino like a predator before zooming in and swinging high to hit Vivina in the head. It was on the side of the head where (s)he had worked to create fat deposits to protect him, but the greataxe still does a respectable 26 mod. Ernak tried to distract the gnome with a shout, but failed. Jabbyr is already moving away before Vivina can even counter, but Ernak scores a hit on Jabbyr's left thigh as he moves away for 24 mod. A little distance away, Jabbyr spins and snarls at Ernak.

R4T21: Green sidesteps and fails to feint Vivina, but still strikes her in the left claw for 13 mod.

R4T19: Bryngiel respects a fellow warrior enough to know that when they ask for help, they mean it. She repositions downfield before giving Linzi 19 healing.

R4T18: Laori remains in her defensive stance, holding position in the backfield from the combat, and yet she modifies this with a martial stance to be even more defensive. She then casts a spell upon herself.

R4T17-16: Brown sidles to the north and feints Vivina, but the poor attack pongs off of her armor. Blue continues to head south along the wall, trying to clear their vision.

R4T13: The Emperor heads southwards while still telling insulting jokes about the PCs and their new friends, and then casts a spell on himself, a shimmering field about him promising protection.

R4T12: Ernak, what do you do? Do you maintain oration?

Linzi on deck, Vivino in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 23.
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. SHAKEN til R6T23!!! ST vs. Vivino (+3 attk/ damage).
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! RS.
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (2 rds). Round one fallow.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (31:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. DISORIENTED til R5T29 (-2 attack rolls)!!! SHAKEN til R8T23!!!
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. TD!
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) vs first attack the gnome executioner makes on any ally.
Linzi: 9. HAMPERED til R4T20!!! Wand of CMW in hand.
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7. BEWILDERED (-2 AC, -4 vs. Green) til R4T21!!!

Emperor's Thugs (3); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-09, 03:58 AM
R4T12: Ernak advances toward the gnome while maintaining his oration and giving a little more volume to his words to rally his friends. He then attempts to batter the gnome to the floor, but after two attempts, Ernak finds he is unable to drop the little monster.

The Emperor calls to Jabbyr, pointing to his aggressor, "Target him instead."

R4T20: Linzi checks in with herself to find she is no longer hampered. She uses the wand on herself for 11 healing as she steps south a little.

R4T7: Vivino, you are no longer bewildered. What do you do?

Dane on deck, Roshgog in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 23.
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. SHAKEN til R6T23!!! ST vs. Vivino (+3 attk/ damage).
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! RS.
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (2 rds). Round one fallow.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (31:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. DISORIENTED til R5T29 (-2 attack rolls)!!! SHAKEN til R8T23!!!
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. TD!
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand.
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7.

Emperor's Thugs (3); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-09, 02:49 PM
R4T7: "Owie! That hurt, you mean little man!" Vivina pouts as some of the wounds heal up (FH5). They then turn into a flurry of teeth and claws. Their first claw comes up from below on Brown with a low blow for 23 + sickened as the man barely keeps his feet after getting clawed in the nards. It's actually that very reflexive crumping action that saves him, because Vivina didn't expect him to go into a crouch and her next claw misses. They almost fall from overcompensating but just lean into the spin and land a bite along Green's belly for 20.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T24: Dane, what do you do? You can now grab one of your earth breakers (a MA).

Roshgog on deck, Jabbyr in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
Roshgog: 23.
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. SHAKEN til R6T23!!! ST vs. Vivino (+3 attk/ damage).
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (60:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! RS.
Bryngiel: 19.
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (2 rds). Round one fallow.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (8:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. DISORIENTED til R5T29 (-2 attack rolls)!!! SHAKEN til R8T23!!! SICKENED til R5T7!!!
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. TD!
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand.
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7. RS.

Emperor's Thugs (3); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-09, 05:03 PM
R5T24: Dane grabs his earthbreaker holding it up triumphantly and begins heading towards the arena.

R5T23: Roshgog forms a pair of golden brown claws to mirror Vivino's own. He slashes with each claw at Brown, but Brown somehow finds the energy to dodge after having been stabbed in the groin. What he doesn't jump away from, however, are Roshgog's razor sharp tusks biting into his upper left arm for 9, enough with his recent injury to finally fall. Roshgog adjusts downfield.

R5T22: Jabbyr switches his focus to the enemy leader mirroring his liege's own increase, though still is mindful of Vivino. Jabbyr strikes Ernak's right hand for 29, following up his upper arm for another 28. He then steps back.

R5T21: Green adjusts slightly, brilliantly feints Vivino, but then fails to deliver when he makes a wild swing.

R5T19: Evoking a warpriest's fervor, Bryngiel casts a battle spell on herself, before casting a defensive spell on herself, a glowing aura around her mimicking the emperor's own. She advances slowly.

R5T18: Laori is just fine staying in the backfield, but now she casts what seems to be an offensive spell at the Emperor, but he easily resists the magic.

R5T16: Blue moves forward now that he can see, and tosses a throwing axe at Roshgog.

R5T13: The Emperor continues his taunting, even though so many of his men lay bloody on the field. He then juggles a couple small brown pieces of something as he casts a spell as part of his bardic performance, and tosses them by Vivino and Roshgog. Brilliant colors and a dazzling display form with a strange strobe effect that covers Roshgog, Ernak, Vivino (and Green)!

Ernak and Vivino, roll Will saves.... Roll them here. Please do not roll them in Discord.
HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
* Bane: Humans (+2 attack/ damage, +2d6 damage).
Roshgog: 23.
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. SHAKEN til R6T23!!! ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage).
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (60:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! RS.
Bryngiel: 19. Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl).
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (3 rds). Round two fallow.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). Shield. No weapon in hand. (1:2) throwing axes. +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand.
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7. RS.

Emperor's Thugs (3); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (-1:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! SICKENED til R5T7!!! STABLE!!!

2023-08-10, 03:55 PM
R5T13: In addition to the visual distraction, waves of energy wash over the minds in the affected area, but all three of the heroes easily resist.

R5T12: Ernak, do you continue your oration? What do you do?

Linzi on deck, Vivina in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
* Bane: Humans (+2 attack/ damage, +2d6 damage).
Roshgog: 23.
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. SHAKEN til R6T23!!! ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage).
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (60:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! RS. CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl).
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (3 rds). Round two fallow.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). Shield. No weapon in hand. (1:2) throwing axes. +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand.
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivino: 7. RS.

Emperor's Thugs (3); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (-1:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! SICKENED til R5T7!!! STABLE!!!

2023-08-11, 01:22 PM
R5T12: Ernak backs up next to Vivina and casts a spell on as many of his allies as he can. He then urges Vivina and the others onto victory, pointing at Green and telling them, "Only one goon left!"
Moving NW entered the square of a body ... difficult terrain. So that was your MA, and you didn't have actions remaining for tactical assistance.
R5T9: Linzi casts a spell on Bryngiel and then bolts to the south. She acrobatically avoids Blue, but even with haste doesn't have the steam to continue up the stairs ... putting her right next to the second of the supposedly only one goon remaining.

R5T7: Vivina, the world has slowed down around you. What do you do?

Dane on deck, Roshgog in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
* Bane: Humans (+2 attack/ damage, +2d6 damage).
Roshgog: 23. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. SHAKEN til R6T23!!! ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage).
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (60:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! RS. CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl). Heroism (60 min.).
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (3 rds). Round two fallow.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). Shield. No weapon in hand. (1:2) throwing axes. +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. RS. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (3); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.
Brown-1 Emperor's Thug: 17. (-1:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! SICKENED til R5T7!!! STABLE!!!

2023-08-12, 01:34 AM
R5T7: "You should have run," Vivina (FH5) says to Green. They then turn to Orange Brown and completely obliterate the already defeated (and stable) man. Body parts and gore fly everywhere.

Strangely, Vivina had surely meant to terrify Green with this display of savagery, and yet Green seems to have checked out mentally. Very possibly, the terror was so heavy that Green just couldn't deal with the gruesome barbarism that the mutant monster next to him just displayed, and had a psychotic break as a result?

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T24: Dane, what do you do?

Roshgog on deck, Jabbyr in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24. Divine favor til R10T24. Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage). Invisible.
* Bane: Humans (+2 attack/ damage, +2d6 damage).
Roshgog: 23. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. SHAKEN til R6T23!!! ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage).
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (60:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! RS. CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl). Heroism (60 min.).
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (3 rds). Round two fallow.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (80:80). Shield. No weapon in hand. (1:2) throwing axes. +2 profane vs. all saves.
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. RS. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (4); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-12, 03:55 AM
R6T24: Dane moves towards his foe, yelling, "Get back!" as a warning for Linzi. He brings his hammer around to a straight shot into the man's chest for 46.

As Dane materializes he turns to Linzi. "You okay?"

She shakes her head. "No! I am ..."

R6T23: "Don't attack that guy, unless he attacks you first!" calls Roshgog to those on the field, pointing to Green. "He's confused. Just focus on the real problem."

He moves forward to close on Blue and drop kicks the man's shield to do 7 mod to the protective device.

R6T22: Jabbyr darts west then northeast to close and hit Vivina in the belly with his greataxe for 23 mod. Before Vivina can even respond, Jabbyr has already ducked out of reach to the southwest.

R6T21: Green strikes himself with his own axe for 9.

R6T19: Bryngiel cuts across and downfield to get to Ernak and Vivina, and casts a spell on Vivina for 22 healing.

R6T18: Laori calls upon The Midnight Lord to expunge the field of filth. A searing column of flame strikes down from the sky to land directly on Jabbyr and all around him. The flame rolls out to hit Blue for 40 fire, and he falls screaming to the ground before he is quiet. At ground zero, Jabbyr took more at 44 fire, likewise screaming - but not falling. Only the Emperor farther downfield raises a profane shield to just barely protect him where his reflexes fail him, and he only takes 22 fire.

R6T13: The Emperor continues his dark comedy, if even just for himself and Jabbyr now, and Green should he snap out of it. He moves forward several feet, walking right into the area with all of the golden flakes on the ground. Where he tells himself and his bodyguard a good joke, for his enemies there is nothing but vitriol coming out of his mouth. Ernak's rallying presence does much to help diminish this magical effect married to the biting wit of Pilts Swaste. Linzi and Ernak himself feel the bite fiercely, seeing someone use such brilliant performance to such dark ends. None feel it as deeply, however, as Vivino/Vivina, as it strikes a chord with the domineering way of Gaedran Lamm. Bryngiel takes 4 fire; Ernak takes 1 fire; Vivina takes 3 fire; but poor Linzi takes 10 fire ... all are shaken. Roshgog takes no damage, but is still shaken. Only the combination of Dane's dwarven stoicism and Ernak's leadership keeps the dwarf from feeling the emperor's bite.

R6T12: Ernak, what do you do?

Linzi on deck, Vivina in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24.
* Bane ACTIVE: Humans (+2 attack/ damage, +2d6 damage). Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage).
* Divine favor til R10T24.
Roshgog: 23. SHAKEN til R7T13!!!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage). RS.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (51:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. SHAKEN til R8T13!!
* Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl). Heroism (60 min.).
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (3 rds). Round two fallow.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (-7:80). Shield (8:15 hp). No weapon in hand. (1:2) throwing axes. +2 profane vs. all saves. DYING!!!
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! SHAKEN til R10T13!!!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. SHAKEN til R10T13!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. RS. SHAKEN til R11T13!!!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (4); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-13, 09:55 PM
R6T12: Ernak fakes toward Green but then clicks his heels together, rocketing him south and around the emperor's position. He then kicks the emperor's legs out from under him and follows up that effort with two-handed swipes from his stolen axe. The first hits the emperor in his right shoulder for 22, and the second on the other shoulder for 21. Keeping up his performance, Ernak says to the emperor, "One professional to another, comedy ages poorly. Find some new material."

R6T9: Linzi says some words to those friendly to Shelyn (which includes Caydenites) and touches Dane for 11 healing - fully healing his injuries while mostly removing his bruising. She looks at his dubious earthbreaker. "You haven't seen my weapons have you, boss?"

R6T7: Vivina, what do you do?

Dane on deck, Roshgog in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24.
* Bane ACTIVE: Humans (+2 attack/ damage, +2d6 damage). Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage).
* Divine favor til R10T24.
Roshgog: 23. SHAKEN til R7T13!!!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage). RS.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (51:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. SHAKEN til R8T13!!
* Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl). Heroism (60 min.).
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (3 rds). Round two fallow.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (-7:80). Shield (8:15 hp). No weapon in hand. (1:2) throwing axes. +2 profane vs. all saves. DYING!!!
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!! PRONE!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! SHAKEN til R10T13!!!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. SHAKEN til R10T13!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. RS. SHAKEN til R11T13!!!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (4); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-14, 06:47 PM
R6T7: Vivina drinks an vial and grows in size to become even larger. "That was yummy like strawberry," is oddly uttered. Then the large person tries to tumble through and over Green. Green fails to strike Vivina, but Vivina also failed to tumble through him as well.

"Pardon me Mr. Roshgog, could I have your spot," Vivina gestures to the south.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T24: Dane the Human Bane, what do you do?

Roshgog on deck, Enemies in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24.
* Bane ACTIVE: Humans (+2 attack/ damage, +2d6 damage). Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage).
* Divine favor til R10T24.
Roshgog: 23. SHAKEN til R7T13!!!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage). RS.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (51:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. SHAKEN til R8T13!!
* Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl). Heroism (60 min.).
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (3 rds). Round two fallow.
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (-7:80). Shield (8:15 hp). No weapon in hand. (1:2) throwing axes. +2 profane vs. all saves. DYING!!!
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!! PRONE!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! SHAKEN til R10T13!!!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. SHAKEN til R10T13!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. RS. SHAKEN til R11T13!!! Enlarge person til R76T7!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (4); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-14, 07:52 PM
R7T24: Dane - releasing the energy that makes him a man-killer - reaches over and places his hand on her head. "Cayden protect this one and mend her wounds," calls out before casting a spell that grants completely heals her injuries at the cost of enervating Dane, for he is now depleted of all of his most powerful magic. He then looks down at her, "I'm not sure what condition it is in as Roshgog's fireball did a number but the gear they took from us is next to the throne where I just came from." He than stomps towards the battle and engages Jabbyr.

R7T23: Roshgog casts a spell upon himself and flies straight up 30' and some distance south.

R7T22: Jabbyr steps up to Vivina and hits her in the gut with his axe for 25 mod, for though knocked off his feet, the emperor still aids what few allies he can with his dark humor. Jabbyr's second axe strike is deflected by Vivina's breastplate.

R7T21: In existential crisis for having struck himself with an axe, Green begins to babble woefully.

R7T19: Bryngiel calls up to Vivina, "Hey, Big Girl! Got some protection coming your way, courtesy of the God of War! Don't hit me while I cast or dodge my spell."

She casts a spell and touches Vivina, and a faint glowing nimbus surrounds Vivina now.

R7T18: Laori begins casting a spell...

R7T13: Pilts Swastel continues his jokes, now at Ernak's expense. "You're the one telling olden tales of savage men, where my jokes are just as effective, and yet extempore!"

And at the last word, the ruler's scepter in his hand lights up, and the Emperor continues his jibes, but he says Ernak means to say ... and does so even when Ernak tries to say something different.

R7T12: Ernak, what do you do?

Linzi on deck, Vivina in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
* ENEMIES WHO CATCH EMPEROR'S PERFORMANCE: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24.
* Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage).
* Divine favor til R10T24.
Roshgog: 23. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
* Fly til R87T23.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage). RS.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (51:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. SHAKEN til R8T13!!
* Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl, 80 min.). Heroism (60 min.).
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (4 rds). CASTING SM5!
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (-8:80). Shield (8:15 hp). No weapon in hand. (1:2) throwing axes. +2 profane vs. all saves. DYING!!!
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!! PRONE!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. INSPIRE COURAGE! SHAKEN til R10T13!!!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. SHAKEN til R10T13!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. RS. SHAKEN til R11T13!!! Enlarge person til R76T7!
* Shield of faith (+3 defl).
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (4); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-14, 11:13 PM
R7T12: Ernak glares at Pilts and says coolly, being preempted by the Emperor, "Fine, a brand new epic..""...new epic..."

The big Shoanti then shifts to one side, begins reciting his still-work-in-progress poem ... which word for word is pre-empted by the Emperor (but, but 3 words! ...) ... directly to the emperor, and starts swinging the axe wildly at him. "Tesh, Tesh, Tesh, Tesh, Tesh-OW!, Tesh Zobberdin, Zobberdin / The The only only one-Ha! one left left of of his his family family and-OOoof! and kin..." Faint tears appear in the edges of Ernak's eyes by the end of the salvo of strikes ... the first hitting the Emperor in the head for 26, with no seeming lingering effect of Ernak's performance, so completely has the emperor spoilt and corrupted it! The second attack bounces off of the Emperor's royal shirt, which curious is far more protective than expected. But the follow-up hits the Emperor in the groin for 31.

R7T9: Linzi speeds over to the weapons pile. "Are you kidding me?! That was my Aldori dueling sword and favorite crossbow!"

Meanwhile, the Emperor is doubled over in pain from that last groin hit, and crumbles, calling out, "I surrender! Please!"

R7T7: Vivina, what do you do?

Dane on deck, Roshgog in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): ENEMIES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24.
* Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage).
* Divine favor til R10T24.
Roshgog: 23. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
* Fly til R87T23.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage). RS.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (51:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. SHAKEN til R8T13!!
* Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl, 80 min.). Heroism (60 min.).
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (4 rds). CASTING SM5!
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (-8:80). Shield (8:15 hp). No weapon in hand. (1:2) throwing axes. +2 profane vs. all saves. DYING!!!
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!! PRONE!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. SHAKEN til R10T13!!! RS.
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. SHAKEN til R10T13!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. RS. SHAKEN til R11T13!!! Enlarge person til R76T7!
* Shield of faith (+3 defl).
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (4); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-14, 11:41 PM
R7T7: Vivina giggles as the spell from Bryngiel washes over her. "Ernak, I don't think that emperor is a very nice man."

With her elongated claws and bite begins to dig into the now flanked emperor ... completely turning him into shredded insides to the outsides. Then, looking at the destruction wrought and feeling overwhelmed to do more, with great speed she hits the Emperor-Pile (because it's not one item anymore) and flicks/smacks it into the eastern wall. The good thing is that it is spread out enough that the Emperor is no longer difficult terrain. Blood and viscera now cover Jabbyr, Ernak, and Vivina.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T24: Dane, what do you do?

Roshgog on deck, Jabbyr in the hole ...

HEROES (Inspire Courage): ENEMIES: +2 vs. charm/ fear, +2 weapon attack/ damage.
Dane: 24.
* Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage).
* Divine favor til R10T24.
Roshgog: 23. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
* Fly til R87T23.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage). RS.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (51:80). +2 profane vs. all saves. SHAKEN til R8T23!!! CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. SHAKEN til R8T13!!
* Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl, 80 min.). Heroism (60 min.).
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (4 rds). CASTING SM5!
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Blue-1 Emperor's Thug: 16. (-8:80). Shield (8:15 hp). No weapon in hand. (1:2) throwing axes. +2 profane vs. all saves. DYING!!!
Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa: 13. Rod of wonder in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE +2! SHAKEN til R7T23!!! PRONE!!!
* Divine Invocation til R11T13: Purify (+2 profane to all saves), likewise granted to those noted above.
* Shield of faith (7 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. SHAKEN til R10T13!!! RS.
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. SHAKEN til R10T13!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. RS. SHAKEN til R11T13!!! Enlarge person til R76T7!
* Shield of faith (+3 defl).
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (4); one masterwork handaxe stolen; one throwing axe destroyed. Jacintha Felix.

2023-08-16, 03:40 PM
R8T24: Dane sees the emperor fall and nods his head in approval than moves to Roshgog .... despite Roshgog now being 30' in the air. "Do you need healing?"

R8T23: "Thanks, ya sauced pebble!" he calls down to Dane, beaming, "but I ain't been hurt yet. Not a scratch."

From his elevated position he sends down a fireball that blasts Jabbyr and nobody else (living). Even with rolling out of the way, Jabbyr still takes 26 fire.

R8T22: Though partially dodging the fireball, and still enraged, yet Jabbyr stares in shock at the death of Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Korvosa.

R8T21: Green is no longer afraid, and now resolutely cuts himself with his axe for 6 ... the emperor is dead, and his jibes are gone, but still extant is the damage he caused.

R8T19: Bryngiel casts a spell on herself incredibly quickly, and now her rock-like hide seems more like metal. She then take the normal amount of time to cast a spell and touch Vivina for 20 healing.

R8T18: Laori finishes casting her spell. Three vaguely humanoid creatures made of pure darkness form on the field - two near Green, and one near Jabbyr. Laori shouts out commands in an unknown language. One of the bogeys passes its hand through Green for 3 STR, though Green dodges the other's baleful touch. Jabbyr easily dodges the dark-man. Laori then concentrates, not casting a spell, but a loud report hits near Green (2 sonic) and Jabbyr (3 sonic).

R8T12: Ernak, you realize that the emperor's dying ability - tied to that rod - was to mimic and frustrate you so that your bardic performance shut down, and not even lingering performance helps. What do you do?

Linzi on deck, Vivina in the hole ...

Dane: 24.
* Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage).
* Divine favor til R10T24.
Roshgog: 23. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
* Fly til R87T23. 30' altitude.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage). RS.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (43:80, 13/16 STR). +2 profane vs. all saves. CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. SHAKEN til R8T13!!
* Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Ironskin (8 min).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl, 80 min.). Heroism (60 min.).
Shadows (3): 18.1. Last until R19T18.1.
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (5 rds).
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. SHAKEN til R10T13!!! RS.
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. SHAKEN til R10T13!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. RS. SHAKEN til R11T13!!! Enlarge person til R76T7!
* Shield of faith (+3 defl).
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (5); one masterwork handaxe stolen; two throwing axes destroyed. Jacintha Felix. Pilts Swastel.

2023-08-17, 12:06 AM
R8T12: Ernak gapes at Vivina as the gore of the now-dead emperor clinging to his bald head. Composing himself, Ernak then turns to Green and Jabbyr and yells, "Please, surrender! It's over! Pilt's gone!"

R8T9: Linzi comes off the grandstand and almost all the way down the stairs. From her pouch she takes a tiny object and a feather and casts a spell at Jabbyr, but the gnome is too much in shock to notice.

R8T7: Vivina, what do you do?

Dane on deck, Roshgog (30' altitude) in the hole ...

Dane: 24.
* Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage).
* Divine favor til R10T24.
Roshgog: 23. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
* Fly til R87T23. 30' altitude.
Jabbyr: 22. RAGING!!! +2 profane vs. all saves. Guarded stance. ST vs. Ernak & Vivino (+3 attk/ damage). RS.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (43:80, 13/16 STR). +2 profane vs. all saves. CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. SHAKEN til R8T13!!
* Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Ironskin (8 min).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl, 80 min.). Heroism (60 min.).
Shadows (3): 18.1. Last until R19T18.1.
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (5 rds).
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. SHAKEN til R10T13!!! RS.
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. SHAKEN til R10T13!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. RS. SHAKEN til R11T13!!! Enlarge person til R76T7!
* Shield of faith (+3 defl).
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (5); one masterwork handaxe stolen; two throwing axes destroyed. Jacintha Felix. Pilts Swastel.

2023-08-17, 08:17 PM
R8T7: "You may be small, but you make up for it by being a bad baddie," Vivina says to Jabbyr. Then takes advantage of the flank provided by the dark creature by rending the gnome. Good thing, too, because that first claw just barely penetrates the hardened leather chestpiece for 31 mod; the next claw tears into his upper right arm for 31 mod while the first claw again strikes lower on the arm for 34 mod, which completely shreds and tears the arm off in a rend. As Jabbyr falls to the ground, Vivina bites the gnome in the neck and tears his head off.

Laori shouts a correction to the flanking dark-man.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T24: Dane, what do you do? Only Green is left, and Green seemed to have suffered a self-harming psychotic break from a previous spell by the emperor.

Roshgog on deck, Green in the hole ...

Dane: 24.
* Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage).
* Divine favor til R10T24.
Roshgog: 23. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Challenge Jabbyr (+4 damage, increase to +6 if he's the only one threatening Jabbyr; doesn't take TWF penalties vs. Jabbyr. -2 AC vs. all others.
* Fly til R87T23. 30' altitude.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (43:80, 13/16 STR). +2 profane vs. all saves. CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19. SHAKEN til R8T13!!
* Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Ironskin (8 min).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl, 80 min.). Heroism (60 min.).
Shadows (3): 18.1. Last until R19T18.1.
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). Defensive Stance (5 rds).
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. SHAKEN til R10T13!!! RS.
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. SHAKEN til R10T13!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. SHAKEN til R11T13!!! Enlarge person til R76T7! RS.
* Shield of faith (+3 defl).
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (5); one masterwork handaxe stolen; two throwing axes destroyed. Jacintha Felix. Pilts Swastel. Jabbyr.

2023-08-19, 11:25 PM
R9T24: Dane turns and moves to aid in finishing the last of the emperor's cronies. "Best we finish this all now."

R9T23: Roshgog just surveys from the air....

R9T21: Having been attacked by one of the dark creatures, Green's pychosis turns to a murderous mania and he swings his axe, but with no body weight to slow it down the creature just glides to the side of the clumsy attack.

R9T19: Bryngiel recovers from her inflicted terror. She casts a spell on herself to get rid of all injuries and bruises.

R9T18.1: The dark creatures mob the last crony. One passes a shadowy hand through his stomach for 4 STR. Another caresses his left hand for 3 STR. The last moves forward and touches his right lower arm for 5 STR. The man is in terror, screaming with every attack. The final one has him collapse under the weight of his gear, but he is still conscious.

R9T18: Before the creatures actually finish him off, and create problems for the party in doing so, Laori dismisses them, and they disappear in a swirl of darkness. The man lies there in tormented screams. She stops whatever that power stance is that she was in, and doing so seems to take a lot out of her. She walks calmly down field up to the screaming man, his eyes wide with eternal terror and visions of darkness. "You should put him out of his misery."

R9T12: Right then, all the golden flakes floating around in the air and laying on the ground disappear. Ernak, what do you do?

Linzi on deck, Vivina in the hole ...

Dane: 24.
* Destruction/ Justice judgments (+2 attack, +3 damage).
* Divine favor til R10T24.
Roshgog: 23. Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Fly til R87T23. 30' altitude.
Green-1 Emperor's Thug: 21. (43:80, 1/16 STR). CONFUSED til R16T13!!!
Bryngiel: 19.
* Divine favor til R15T19 (+3 luck attack/ damage). Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Ironskin (8 min).
* Shield of faith (+3 defl, 80 min.). Heroism (60 min.).
Shadows (3): 18.1. Last until R19T18.1.
Laori: 18. Leaping spirit (+2 dodge AC & +2 Ref saves). FATIGUED FOR 10 ROUNDS!!!
* Destruction blessing: +4 morale bonus to damage rolls til R13T19.
* Spell Resistance (SR 23; 11 min.).
Ernak: 12. Primal Warrior Stance. SHAKEN til R10T13!!! RS.
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Masterwork Battle Axe (PWS): +16/ +11, 3d6+7/+10 [+13/ +8, 3d6+13/+19]
* Glitterdust will last til R9T12.
* Rallying Presence: +5 morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
* Immediate (if ever triggered): If an ally ever fails a saving throw from a spell cast by the Emperor, Ernak immediately casts Saving Finale (https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Saving%20Finale). If multiple allies fail, Ernak favors Vivino and Dane over the others.

If Ernak is the only one targeted by a spell cast by the Emperor, he instead uses Sanguine Perseverance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sanguine_Perseverance) to protect himself.

> AoO (if ever triggered): two-handed attack with axe; attack roll (1d20+16)[25]; damage roll (3d6+10)[19] (no bonuses from bardic inspiration, etc included)
> If any ally tries to take the axe from Ernak, he will still let them take it.
Linzi: 9. Wand of CMW in hand. SHAKEN til R10T13!
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).
* Heroism til R61T9. Yet to add +2 to attack rolls, saves, & all skill checks).
Vivina: 7. SHAKEN til R11T13!!! Enlarge person til R76T7! RS.
* Shield of faith (+3 defl).
* Haste til R13T12 (+1 dodge AC, +1 Ref, +30' enhancement speed, additional attack in FAA, +1 attack roll).

Emperor's Thugs (5); one masterwork handaxe stolen; two throwing axes destroyed. Jacintha Felix. Pilts Swastel. Jabbyr.

2023-09-03, 05:07 PM
Admin Tracking ...

Dane: 24.
Roshgog: 23.
Bryngiel: 19.
* Heroism (50 min.).
Laori: 18.
Ernak: 12. Linzi: 9. Rod of wonder in hand. * Heroism (50 min.)
Vivina: 7. Holding scythe.
* Mutation current (60 min.).


2023-11-13, 03:28 PM
The party has to go all the way around to get to the first rope bridge. The air in this vast grotto is cool. An iron-framed flight of spiral stairs winds up through a hole in the ceiling in the northwest section of the room from the top of a semicircular ledge. The ledge winds down along the cavern’s inner wall to a series of rope bridges that descend even lower from ledge to ledge. The upper ledge is breathtaking and strangely beautiful—a tableau of all manner of odd-colored fungi, lichens, and molds. The fungi have been cultivated, shaped into symmetrical patterns normally not seen in nature, transforming the ledge into a sort of underground fungal garden. Here and there,flickering torches burn in sconces above the fungi, while from somewhere in the darkness below comes the soft splash of water against an unseen shore.

From when you came in, it was a 100' drop to the water below, but the cavern's downwards winding means that by the time you get to the first rope bridge, it is only 50' to the drop below.

Surprise Round ...

S23/15: As the three main folk are checking over the first rope bridge, Dane and Ernak both feel something very powerful pull them bodily off the ledge where the rope bridge begins! They each fall 50' to the waters below. Ernak takes 12 NL + 9, and Dane takes 6 NL + 8 ... a combination of hitting the water and then the surface underneath the water as they hit with heavy splashes far below.

Hovering over the ledge as if no need for ground are two floating, armored humanoids. They weren't there a split-second ago.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

R1T25: Roshgog, seeing that he can reach one of the new dance partners, moves to the north and defensively casts a spell, but loses it in his rushed pace.

R1T24: Down below, Dane is "off-balance" (aquatic version of prone) and actually literally prone on a rocky floor underwater. From the surprise of the attack, and confusion of the fall, and hitting the water so hard, he was unable to get a full breath of air. He does notice something speeding towards him quickly underwater. A massive claw strikes him in the right knee for 13 + 5 mod poison. More of whatever he is fighting - which is significantly larger than himself wraps around and constricts him for 19.

R1T23: Above, one of these unknown assailants effortlessly floats away from Roshgog and closer to Linzi, and incidentally stands inches off of the ground. There is a sort of cloud that expresses from it, causing everyone still on the ledge above to choke and cough and try to expel out whatever they just breathed in. Bryngiel takes 2 mod poison, and Linzi and Roshgog takes 3 mod poison, and while Vivino doesn't take immediate damage, like everyone else his body will have to be fighting off poison spores.

R1T22: Vivino, you are in a cloud of poison spores. Roll a Fort save vs. poison.

You are holding your scythe. These suddenly-appearing creatures appear as little more than masses of fungus that have grown over and throughout the bodies of their long-dead hosts, appearing as fungus-encrusted skeletons with gelid ooze and tufts of mold in place of flesh, wielding scimitars, wearing chainmail, and bearing light steel shields ... all of very fine Vudran make. What do you do?

Roshgog: 25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (263:263). CHARGED! GRABBING Dane!
Blue Garden Guardian: 23. (99:99). Poison cloud in existence til R11T23.
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe.
Bryngiel: 21.
Dane: 20. Check for reefclaw POISON at top of round! GRABBED by enormous Reefclaw.
* 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (18).
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (99:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (16).
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow.


2023-11-14, 09:35 PM
R1T22: Vivino chooses not to breath in the spores and strikes at blue viciously twice with his scythe. The first attempt is blocked by Blue's shield, and the second attempt skims off of its quality chainmail.

R1T21: Bryngiel takes 2 mod poison, but otherwise fights off what is in her system for now. She also holds her breath, taking a cue from Vivino, even though that breath is befouled. Studying her target, she gets into a fighting stance. With a ferocious jumping leap she knees Blue in the head for 19. She growls at it as she does so, but the monster seems nonplussed by her aggression.

R1T20: Dane, you are off-balance (prone in water) and submerged at an unknown depth, grabbed by something immense and strong, and have half of your available held breath starting out.

Roll a Fort save vs. poison. What do you do?

Roshgog: 25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (263:263). CHARGED! GRABBING Dane!
Blue Garden Guardian: 23. (80:99). Poison cloud in existence til R11T23.
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (178).
* He made one save vs. poison.
Bryngiel: 21. Holding breath (32). Dragon Style.
* She made one save vs. poison.
Dane: 20. Check for reefclaw POISON at top of round! GRABBED by enormous Reefclaw.
* 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (18).
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (99:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (16).
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow.


2023-11-14, 11:31 PM
R1T20: Dane's dwarven body easily fights against whatever poison is attempting to harm him now. Realizing the dire situation, he tries to maintain some sense of calm given his situation than struggles to break the creatures hold of him, only to find that his less-then stellar attempt doesn't even have the thing budge.

R1T15: Red floats a few feet south. It strikes Vivino's groin with its scimitar for 8 mod, and then his head for 3 mod.

R1T14: Ernak, you are on the rocky bottom of some pool or the like, completely submerged and with half the air you would have liked to have had when you got it knocked out of you from the fall. Right next to you, Dane is being held by some enormous creature. What do you do?

Roshgog: 25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (263:263). CHARGED! GRABBING Dane!
Blue Garden Guardian: 23. (80:99). Poison cloud in existence til R11T23.
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (178).
* He made one save vs. poison.
Bryngiel: 21. Holding breath (32). Dragon Style.
* She made one save vs. poison.
Dane: 20. Check for reefclaw POISON at top of round! GRABBED by enormous Reefclaw.
* 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (16).
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (99:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (16).
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow.


2023-11-18, 09:40 AM
R1T14: Ernak prepares himself for another fight, adopting an aura of endurance and then finding he has to get on balance before anything else. Once on his feet on the bottom underwater, he realizes that while he can put his body in the position for his stances, he is not used to the water resistance in this alien environment and is unable to adopt his stance for martial benefit. He then casts a spell on himself and Dane, but the act of getting balanced and casting the spell keeps him from having the time to swim upwards.

R1T10: Linzi takes 3 poison from the cloud but resists what is in her system already. She tries to scramble away, but not before Blue attacks, with her ducking under the blade. Once some distance away, she begins an oration of stories to help her friends.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: Roshgog resists what is in his system, but takes 3 poison from being in the cloud as it continuously poisons him. He exits the cloud of poison spores and casts a defensive spell, as a magical shield forms faintly before him.

R2T24: In the water below, the massive whatsit settles in on its prey after having charged to get to it. It crushes Dane while still injecting venom for 40 + 5 mod poison.

R2T23: Blue floats into flank against Vivino, nicking the back of his left calf for 3 mod and then clipping his left shoulder for 3 mod.

R2T22: Vivino, despite holding your breath, and despite the spores not doing damage initially, your defense isn't perfect, though your body is doing its best to fight off the poison, courtesy of your internal alchemy. What do you do?

Bryngiel on deck, Dane in the hole ...

HEROES (except Dane and Ernak): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.).
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (263:263). GRABBING Dane! Constricting!
Blue Garden Guardian: 23. (80:99). Poison cloud in existence til R11T23.
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (178).
* He made one save vs. poison.
Bryngiel: 21. Holding breath (32). Dragon Style.
* She made one save vs. poison.
Dane: 20. Check for reefclaw POISON at top of round! GRABBED by enormous Reefclaw.
* 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (16).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (99:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (14).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. POISONED .... she must make saves vs. the fungal cloud (2 more) @ DC 17.


2023-11-21, 08:30 PM
R2T22: Vivino continues to hold his breath and swings against Blue twice - the first striking the creature's shield forearm for 29 (and 1 to himself), but the second being blocked by its shield. He then steps away to allow himself to fall so he can help Dane. The step away keeps him safe from Blue, but the beginning of the fall doesn't keep him safe from Red, who succeeds in getting past Vivino's hardened organs with a light crit to his back for 8 mod. Vivino falls the 50' to the water below, taking only 4 mod from the impact as he balls himself up and lands on the bottom off-balance/prone. So solid is his art, that he only expended the breath expected for 6 seconds of full activity and no more.

R2T21: Despite holding her breath, some of the spores get through and Bryngiel takes 2 mod poison, though she continues to resist any further effects so far. She steps southeast to try to screen the others. She does a quickened blessing on herself, studies Blue, then jumps up to cup Blue's left shoulder from behind while jamming her knee into the should from the front for 21.

R2T20: Dane, something just rocketed into the water and to the bottom next to you. Though most of all you see is cavitation from the impact, you are pretty sure you can espy Vivino's cappellano Romano (his big hat) through the bubbles. What do you do?

Dane, roll a save vs. poison!

Red on deck, Ernak in the hole ...

HEROES (except Dane and Ernak): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.).
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (263:263). GRABBING Dane! Constricting!
Blue Garden Guardian: 23. (30:99). Poison cloud in existence til R11T23.
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (176). Off-balance/ prone!!!
* He made one save vs. poison.
Bryngiel: 21. Holding breath (32). Dragon Style. Blessing of destruction on self til R12T21. ST: Blue (+2).
* She made one save vs. poison.
Dane: 20. Check for reefclaw POISON at top of round! GRABBED by enormous Reefclaw.
* 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (16).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (99:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (14).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. POISONED .... she must make saves vs. the fungal cloud (2 more) @ DC 17.


2023-11-24, 01:03 PM
R2T20: Despite his dwarven hardiness, the massive creature's poison begins to affect the desperate hero as he is now weakened. Ever stalwart, Dane continues his struggle to break free, but with his strength leeching out of him, he is finding he can't make the creature's tentacles budge.Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.Still, Ernak's haste spell gives him a burst of speed that surprises his captor with a much better second attempt ... but still not enough.

R2T15: Red floats forward and slashes Bryngiel in the belly for 8, then light crits her in the chest for 12.

R2T14: Ernak, now you are on your feet on the bottom, holding your partial breath as you are. Even with your presence, it seems that Dane is still enervating in the grasp of this monster. Meanwhile, as the bubbles clear, through the silt you think you see Vivino prone on the bottom now a little past Dane. Now that you are hasted, what do you do?

Linzi on deck, Roshgog in the hole ...

HEROES (except Dane, Ernak, & Vivino): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.).
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (263:263). GRABBING Dane! Constricting!
Blue Garden Guardian: 23. (30:99). Poison cloud in existence til R11T23.
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (176). Off-balance/ prone!!!
* He made one save vs. poison.
Bryngiel: 21. Holding breath (32). Dragon Style. Blessing of destruction on self til R12T21. ST: Blue (+2).
* She made one save vs. poison.
Dane: 20. Check for reefclaw POISON at top of round through beginning of R6T20!!! GRABBED by enormous Reefclaw.

Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

* 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (14).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (99:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (14).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. POISONED .... she must make saves vs. the fungal cloud (2 more) @ DC 17.


2023-11-24, 07:44 PM
R2T14: Ernak squints at the beast through the water, trying to understand what this creature is, but is stymied. He swims upwards as fast as he can, takes a second on the surface to full breath of air, and then swims back down and to the north to aid Dane and Vivino, and ducking around a collapsed pier as he does so, end ending back up with his feet on the bottom. Underwater is not lit like above is, so it is dim lighting down here.

R2T10: ...

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T25: ...

R3T24: The water monster continues to constrict Dane for 30 + 13 mod poison.

R3T23: ...

R3T22: Vivino, you are currently off-balance (prone), underwater, and on the rocky surface of the deck below. Roll a Fort save vs. poison. What do you do?

Bryngiel on deck, Dane in the hole ...

HEROES (except Dane, Ernak, & Vivino): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). POISONED .... he must make saves vs. the fungal cloud (1 more) @ DC 17.
* Fire breath active (3 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (263:263). GRABBING Dane! Constricting!
Blue Garden Guardian: 23. (30:99). Poison cloud in existence til R11T23.
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (176). Off-balance/ prone!!!
* He made one save vs. poison.
Bryngiel: 21. Holding breath (32). Dragon Style. Blessing of destruction on self til R12T21. ST: Blue (+2).
* She made one save vs. poison.
Dane: 20. Check for reefclaw POISON at top of round through beginning of R6T20!!! GRABBED by enormous Reefclaw.

Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

* 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (14).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (99:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (14).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. POISONED .... she must make saves vs. the fungal cloud (1 more) @ DC 17.


2023-11-25, 09:01 PM
R3T22: Vivino resists the last bits of poison from the fungal spores that were still in his system. He makes out the dire situation and rights himself while keeping an eye out for trickery from the creature before making a savage slash against the creature in the hope that it frees his new(???) friend. While diminished in mobility, the monster is not defenseless as he had hoped. With Ernak likely harrying it from the far side, the monster is distracted enough, though, for Vivino to strike it for 15 mod while he takes 4 himself. Despite Ernak's distraction, the dim lighting below keeps Vivino from seeing a specific enough spot on the creature to enjoy a precision attack, and swinging his scythe underwater took a lot of his power out of the swing.

R3T21: Bryngiel takes 2 poison from the spore cloud, despite holding her breath, but continues to fight off the poison in her system. She misses her first but then stomps on Blue's foot for 17 before moving to the outer edge of the spore cloud.

R3T20: Dane, roll a Fort save vs. the monster's poison. What do you do?

Red Garden Guardian on deck, Ernak in the hole ...

HEROES (except Dane, Ernak, & Vivino): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). POISONED .... he must make saves vs. the fungal cloud (1 more) @ DC 17.
* Fire breath active (3 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (248:263). GRABBING Dane! Constricting!
Blue Garden Guardian: 23. (13:99). Poison cloud in existence til R11T23.
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (174). Standing on bottom.
Bryngiel: 21. Holding breath (32). Dragon Style. Blessing of destruction on self til R12T21. ST: Blue (+2).
* Making poison saves (DC 19).
Dane: 20. Check for reefclaw POISON at top of round through beginning of R6T20!!! GRABBED by enormous Reefclaw.

Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

* 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (14).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (99:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (14).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. POISONED .... she must make saves vs. the fungal cloud (1 more) @ DC 17.


2023-11-28, 12:02 AM
R3T20: Once more Dane struggles to free himself from the creatures grasp and fight the poison, but both struggles are half-hearted and to no avail as Dane sees the writing on the wall as he is now impaired.Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.
R3T15: Red slashes Bryngiel in the hip for 11, but she deflects the next attack.

R3T14: Ernak, you are on the bottom - 15' below the surface (10' above your head to surface) - and it seems that Vivino is distracting this thing from the other side. What do you do?

Linzi on deck, Roshgog in the hole ...

HEROES (except Dane, Ernak, & Vivino): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). POISONED .... he must make saves vs. the fungal cloud (1 more) @ DC 17.
* Fire breath active (3 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (248:263). GRABBING Dane! Constricting!
Blue Garden Guardian: 23. (13:99). Poison cloud in existence til R11T23.
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (174). Standing on bottom.
Bryngiel: 21. Holding breath (32). Dragon Style. Blessing of destruction on self til R12T21. ST: Blue (+2).
* Making poison saves (DC 19).
Dane: 20. Check for reefclaw POISON at top of round through beginning of R6T20!!! GRABBED by enormous Reefclaw.

Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

* 15' deep (on bottom), off-balance. Air Remaining (12).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (99:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (31).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. POISONED .... she must make saves vs. the fungal cloud (1 more) @ DC 17.


2023-11-29, 10:23 PM
R3T14: Ernak tries to cast another spell underwater, aiming it at Dane's armor. He then draws the earthbreaker, and readies himself for to fight.

R3T10: Linzi shakes off the last remnants of the spores in her system and keeps up her music. She casts a spell on herself and disappears, and her oratory - though echoing off the walls - seems to move northwards.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T25: Roshgog also fights off the last of the poison cloud. He casts a spell on himself and then flies out over the gaping hole in the ground.

R4T24: Despite the protective coating put on Dane's armor, the monster seems to sense the slipperiness and much more carefully spreads surface area of tendrils and body to continue to compress Dane in a crumpling blow that the mighty dwarf desperately attempts to do something against. Ernak shouts in the water, but his attempt is too distorted and it obviously fails as Dane is so completely wrecked as to practically implode, and blood is belched in the water from the lifeless body of Ernak's friend. :smalleek:

It just lets Dane's inert body go from its grasp.

R4T23-22.5: Blue steps down from flight, advancing on Bryngiel, striking her hip for 10 and then a soft-crit on her left shin for 12.

R4T22: Vivino, you are holding your scythe on the bottom and you know Ernak is on the other side of you. It is dim lighting down here as you hold your breath, standing on the bottom, though now that this thing no longer is focused on Dane, it does move around more so you (and Ernak) get a better look at it. What do you do?

Bryngiel on deck, enemies in the hole ...

HEROES (except Dane, Ernak, & Vivino): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.).
* Fire breath active (3 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (248:263). GRABBING Dane! Constricting!
Blue Garden Guardian: 23. (13:99). Poison cloud in existence til R11T23.
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (99:99). Invisible.
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (174). Standing on bottom.
Bryngiel: 21. Holding breath (32). Dragon Style. Blessing of destruction on self til R12T21. ST: Blue (+2).
* Making poison saves (DC 19).
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (99:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (99:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (29). Blessing in hand.
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
* Immediate (if triggered): Warning Roar (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warning_Roar) to protect the target of this monster's next attack.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Vanish til R8T10.


2023-12-01, 03:29 AM
R4T22: Seeing this creature a little better, Vivino aims his strikes with renewed focus and anger towards what his fellow seemed to have suffered. Though both blows land, the dim light keeps him from enjoying scoring precision strikes, as he does a total 33 mod to it, and only taking 5 himself.

R4T21: Bryngiel's breath holding keeps her from suffering any more from the poison. She touches herself in prayer for 7 healing and is now defensive. With a flurry of blows she misses twice and then soft-crits Blue in the head for 22 before she then steps back out of the cloud. Blue crumples to the ground from the blow.

R4T17-15: Red steps down onto the ground and strikes Bryngiel across the belly for 11, though she deflects the next attack.

R4T14: Ernak, what do you do?

Linzi on deck, Roshgog in the hole ...

HEROES (except Dane, Ernak, & Vivino): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.).
* Fire breath active (3 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (215:263).
Blue Garden Guardian: 23. (-9:99). Poison cloud in existence til R11T23. DYING!!!
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (99:99). Invisible.
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (172). Standing on bottom.
Bryngiel: 21. Holding breath (32). Dragon Style. Blessing of destruction on self til R12T21. ST: Blue (+2). DS.
* Making poison saves (DC 19).
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (99:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (99:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (29). Blessing in hand.
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Vanish til R8T10.


2023-12-02, 07:30 PM
R4T14: Ernak fakes a lunge at the monster and then awkwardly swings the hammer at the creature with all his might, trying to cave in its chest. While every ounce of his special martial training is useless underwater, it seems his power and experience are enough to land a somewhat solid strike in its chest for 15 mod, as half of the force is ablated by the water.

R4T10: Linzi maintains her oration and studies Red.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T25: Roshgog flies to the edge of the spore cloud and lets loose a gout of flame from his mouth that barely keeps from hitting Bryngiel. Red fails to duck in time and gets hit (as does the prone Blue) for 14 mod fire, destroying Blue. "They have pretty good fire resistance," he says to the others.

R5T24: Having just gotten its attention, the big monster turns on Ernak. One claw slashes Ernak's left upper arm for 16 even as another claw cuts his right shin and calf for 13. Though there is a burning effect to tell Ernak that there is poison, it isn't enough to feel that initial pain while he has adopted his proud demeanor. The downside is that he is now scooped in and grappled by the monster! :smalleek:

R5T22.5: Yet another unseen garden guardian appears after having struck Bryngiel in the chest, swinging through her for 17.

R5T22: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES (except Dane, Ernak, & Vivino): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.).
* Fire breath active (3 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (200:263). GRABBING Ernak!
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (99:99).
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (172). Standing on bottom.
Bryngiel: 21. Holding breath (32). Dragon Style. Blessing of destruction on self til R12T21. ST: Blue (+2). DS.
* Making poison saves (DC 19).
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (99:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (85:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (28). Blessing in hand. GRABBED! SAVE VS. REEFCLAW through R9T24 (Fort DC 25).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Vanish til R8T10. Studied Target: Red (+1).

Dane. Garden Guardian (1).

2023-12-04, 04:48 PM
R5T22: Vivino blows a minute's worth of air to unleash a controlled howl underwater and he unleashes against the beast. The first strike hits for a total of 11 mod + 9 (5 to Vivino), but the second attack clumsily misses.

R5T21: Bryngiel asks Gorum for a quick blessing, but only gets 6 healing. She studies Red, and then botches her desperate attempt to cast a healing spell on herself. She takes a short step west, and prepares for the end.

R5T17-15: She gets struck in the belly for 11 from the south, where yet a fourth garden guardian appears, but she deflects the next attack. Flanking her now, Red cuts open her upper left arm with arterial spray for 12, dropping her, and striking her as she falls to finish her off.

R5T14: Ernak, roll a save vs. poison! You are grappled by the monster. All attempts to utilize any maneuvers or stances underwater have (and will continue) to fail in this alien environment. It is dim lighting. What do you do?

HEROES (except Dane, Ernak, & Vivino): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.).
* Fire breath active (3 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (180:263). GRABBING Ernak!
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (99:99).
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (160). Standing on bottom. RAGING! RS.
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (99:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (85:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (28). Blessing in hand. GRABBED! SAVE VS. REEFCLAW through R9T24 (Fort DC 25).
* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Vanish til R8T10. Studied Target: Red (+1).

Bryngiel. Dane. Garden Guardian (1).

2023-12-06, 04:24 AM
R5T14: Ernak fights to overcome the creature's poison but fails spectacularly and is now weakened, which in turn keeps him from breaking free.

R5T10: Linzi maintains her bardic performance, refusing to let despair take her. She takes aim and shoots. Her bolt hits Red in the lower right arm for 16. She reloads and fires, but surprise is lost and it just hits its tough hide. Now she is visible again.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T25: Roshgog ducks out of there as Red misses him, heads east and then hooks around south and west and breathes fire again. All three are prepared this time even as the breath is significantly less powerful than before, doing no damage to any of them.

R6T24: The monster continues to constrict Ernak for 37 + 2 mod poison.

R6T22.5: Brown spins around with a swing that Roshgog dodges so deftly that the scimitar comes back around to score a light crit against Brown himself for 12. The second attack almost returns the favor but not for Roshgog's brilliant defense.

R6T22: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES (except Dane, Ernak, & Vivino): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.).
* Fire breath active (2 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (180:263). GRABBING Ernak!
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (99:99).
Vivino: 22. Holding scythe. Holding breath (160). Standing on bottom. RAGING! RS.
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (99:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (69:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (26). Blessing in hand. GRABBED! SAVE VS. REEFCLAW through R10T24 (Fort DC 25).

* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). RS.

Bryngiel. Dane. Garden Guardian (1).

2023-12-08, 01:24 AM
R6T22: Frustrated with its speed in the water, Vivino regretfully drops his scythe. He keeps an eye on it for a moment to perhaps grab later. He then looks to disembowel this creature grappling his new friend. He tears into it with bite and a claw (one claw noped by dim light) for a total of 37 even with those two strikes, lots of blood spilling into the water to make things even murkier.

R6T17-15: Green steps out of the little alcove it was against and lets loose with a spore cloud even as the other was dissipating. Roshgog takes 3 poison. Meanwhile, Brown floats to the side and slashes Roshgog's brow for 20 + (1 bleed). A follow-up cut is just barely blocked.

R6T14: Ernak, what do you do?

HEROES (except Dane, Ernak, & Vivino): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). Will need to save vs. spore cloud poison every round until out. BLEED 1!!!
* Fire breath active (2 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (143:263). GRABBING Ernak!
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (99:99).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. Holding breath (160). Standing on bottom. RAGING! RS.
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (99:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (69:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Air Remaining (26). Blessing in hand. GRABBED! SAVE VS. REEFCLAW through R10T24 (Fort DC 25).

* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Indomitable Presence: +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects. Benefits of Diehard feat.
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). RS.

Bryngiel. Dane. Garden Guardian (1).

2023-12-11, 02:06 AM
R6T14: The poison continues to wear at Ernak's strength despite his attempt to sense the danger - but the effort isn't enough - even as he again fights to escape the creature grappling him.Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.
Ever enervated, Ernak makes eye contact with Varia and shakes his head side-to-side weakly at the barbarian.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T25: Roshgog takes 1 bleed. His breath holding keeps him from the spore cloud's effect right now. He tries to fly acrobatically and fails as Brown is ready with a crit to the leg for 19. Luckily, Roshgog is flying and hooks out of there to across the cavern, whereupon he sails a fireball right into the mass of guardians there. While all three save, Roshgog has enough nerve now to put the full power of his training into the incendiary spell to do 8 mod fire to Brown, 14 mod fire to Green, and 15 mod fire to Red.

The bright burst of flame far above, though brief, is noticed by those in the water.

R7T24: The monster holding Ernak continues to squeeze, despite Varia's powerful onslaught, doing 32 + 2 mod poison, Ernak goes limp and his air is breathed out. The monster senses the defeated food and releases him as Ernak slowly falls prone to the bottom floor, turning its hateful and unknowable gaze upon the feral lady in the big hat. With Ernak falling out, he no longer helps Varia to feel indomitable.

R7T22.5: Brown steps down and moves to hook around on Linzi. They have a brief tussle, but Linzi gets pushed off the ledge, taking 6 as she only fell 15' to a rope bridge landing below her. Her skill and feistiness is apparent as she continues her oration even then.

R7T22: Varia, you are raging on the bottom, with incredible breath control. Ernak has fallen, and now the monster has turned its attention upon you. What do you do?

HEROES (only self & Roshgog): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). BLEED 1!!!
* Fire breath active (2 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (143:263). GRABBING Ernak!
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).
Varia: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. Holding breath (160). Standing on bottom. RAGING! RS.
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Blessing dropped. SAVE VS. REEFCLAW through R11T24 (Fort DC 25). Must save vs. suffocation.

* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). RS.

Bryngiel. Dane. Garden Guardian (1).

2023-12-13, 01:49 AM
R7T22: With a mouthless scream of frustration, even that using more air than he should, Vivino attempt to move away from the creature quickly. Someone is looking out for him, because in the murk and blood of the water, the creature lashes out a tendril at him, but Dane's armor is sticking up just enough to slice part of that tendril lengthwise so the monster does harm (1d6 bleed) to itself. He finds, however, that trying to walk underwater is not as quick as on land, and his failed attempt (though possibly a godsend for that) and dealing with the under-pier means just that ... he ends up under the pier, still on the bottom.

R7T17-15: Green turns invisible and begins to slowly float out over the rift. Brown hustles north to get to Roshgog.

R7T14: Ernak, roll a two Fort saves: the first is against the continued poison, and the next is round one of your body trying to keep you from suffocating.

HEROES (only self & Roshgog): +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). BLEED 1!!!
* Fire breath active (2 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (143:263). 1d6 BLEED (DC 20 to heal).
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. Holding breath (150). Standing on bottom. RAGING! RS.
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Blessing dropped. SAVE VS. REEFCLAW through R11T24 (Fort DC 25). Must save vs. suffocation.

* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). RS.

Bryngiel. Dane. Garden Guardian (1).

2023-12-15, 04:13 AM
R7T14: Ernak's body fails to fight the poison, and he begins to suffocate (falls to 0 hp).

R7T10: Linzi's oration ends as she stands, says a quick word, and disappears from view.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T25: Roshgog takes 1 bleed. He flies as far west as he can while taking out a wand. He taps it to himself for 6 healing, which also stops his bleeding.

R8T24: The aquatic monster suffers 2 bleed as it moves south to engage Vivino. A claw tendril lashes at Vivino's lower back for 9 mod + grabbed, but it doesn't entirely close on him - a loose grapple. The next tendril strikes his left foot for 13 mod; then his left foot for 12 mod; and, finally, his lower left arm for 10 mod. With the final tendril it scoops him up into a full grab, and from all four tendrils, the alchemist also takes a total of 16 mod poison.

R8T22.5: Brown turns invisible and moves west along the northern edge.

R8T22: Vivino, you are currently raging, but also grabbed by the monstrosity. What do you do?

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). Wand of CLW in hand.
* Fire breath active (2 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (141:263). 1d6 BLEED (DC 20 to heal). GRABBING VIVINO!!!
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. Holding breath (150). Standing on bottom. RAGING! GRABBED BY REEFCLAW!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99).
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Blessing dropped. SAVE VS. REEFCLAW through R11T24 (Fort DC 25). Must save vs. suffocation (next DC is 11).

* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.
Staggered: A character staggered (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Staggered) by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) is so weakened that she suffers the effects of the staggered (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Staggered) condition (except she can take a full-round action (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Full-Round-Actions) if it is purely mental).

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). RS. Vanish til R12T10.

Bryngiel. Dane. Garden Guardian (1).

2023-12-15, 09:23 PM
R8T22: Seeing no escape, Vivino aims to destroy the creature first. His bite doesn't land, but both claws tear into the beast for a combined 33.

R8T14: To his odd credit, Ernak - though drowning - is successful for the first time against the poison.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T25: Roshgog double moves downwards, landing on the northernmost landing down below.

R9T24: The monster takes 5 bleed. It then constricts Vivino for 24 mod + 3 mod poison.

R9T22: Vivino, roll a Fort save vs. poison. What do you do?

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). Wand of CLW in hand.
* Fire breath active (2 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (103:263). 1d6 BLEED (DC 20 to heal). GRABBING VIVINO!!!
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. Holding breath (150). Standing on bottom. RAGING! GRABBED BY REEFCLAW!!! Must make save vs. poison til R15T10.
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Ernak: 14. 15' deep (on bottom). Blessing dropped. SAVE VS. REEFCLAW through R11T24 (Fort DC 25). Failed second round of suffocation.

* Haste til R9T14 (extra attack in FAA, +1 dodge, +1 Ref save, +1 attack rolls, +30').
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.
Staggered: A character staggered (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Staggered) by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) is so weakened that she suffers the effects of the staggered (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Staggered) condition (except she can take a full-round action (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Full-Round-Actions) if it is purely mental).

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). RS. Vanish til R12T10.

Bryngiel. Dane. Garden Guardian (1).

2023-12-16, 03:07 AM
R9T22: Vivino rages in desperation as he tries to kill this thing before him, his body working overtime to fight off the poison. One of the tendrils is wrapped around his neck, keeping him from biting effectively, but his claws tear into it for 34, even as his spontaneous healing helps him for 5 healing.

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T25: A salvo of impacts is heard as the monster shudders from taking damage from something above and behind it, but where Vivino is he can't see what that was, or how much. Then there is a splash above, as Roshgog is now in the water, 5' below the surface.

R1024: The monster takes 1 bleed. It continues to crush Vivino for 19 mod + 3 poison mod.

R10T22: Vivino, roll a Fort save vs. poison. What do you do?

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). Wand of CLW in hand. Held breath (32 rounds).
* Fire breath active (2 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (52:263). 1d6 BLEED (DC 20 to heal). GRABBING VIVINO!!!
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. Holding breath (146). Standing on bottom. RAGING! GRABBED BY REEFCLAW!!! Must make save vs. poison til R15T10 (made 1 save).
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). RS. Vanish til R12T10.

Bryngiel. Dane. Ernak. Garden Guardian (1).

2023-12-17, 06:40 AM
R10T22: Vivino feels a bit of hope mixed in the rage. Must...kill...this...thing. He tears into it either his claws and tries to bite the tendril around his neck. He continues to fight off the poison being constantly injected into him. His first claw is thrown off by the dim lighting, but his second claw and bite rip into it for 35.

R10T10: There is something magical happening several feet above on the pier, magical emanation of something at the monster, but nothing happens, though now there is the shadow of a small person standing on the pier where there wasn't before.

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T25: Roshgog lets himself sink several feet while he fishes out a scroll and then tries to read it underwater. Despite the aqueous water on the ancient parchment, the blood and murk in the water, and despite the difficulties of trying to carefully intone a scroll underwater, Roshgog succeeds and touches Vivino with 110 healing!

In fact, so powerful is this scroll that the issues Vivino had ever since he got hit with the ungol dust trap in the underground temple of Urgathoa in last adventure that robbed him of his sense of self, ALSO goes away and is perfectly healed. It also flushes the current poison in Vivino's system.

R11T24: The monster doesn't even know what happened as it takes 6 bleed. Still, it does continue to savage Vivino in its clutches for 29 mod + 3 mod poison.

R11T22: Vivino, poisoned anew, roll a Fort save vs. poison. What do you do?

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). Wand of CLW in hand. Held breath (30 rounds).
* Fire breath active (2 uses) til R11T25.
Enormous Reefclaw: 24. (11:263). 1d6 BLEED (DC 20 to heal). GRABBING VIVINO!!!
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. Holding breath (144). Standing on bottom. RAGING! GRABBED BY REEFCLAW!!! Must make save vs. poison til R17T10 (made 0 save).
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1).

Bryngiel. Dane. Ernak. Garden Guardian (1).

2023-12-18, 05:58 AM
R11T22: Feeling the best that he has in a long while, he gives a thankful nod to Roshgog, even as he winces from the pain from the poison starting to weaken him at last.Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load. Vivino then continues to carve his way through this creature. His first claw digs in deep for 18, and the monster releases its grasp, but Vivino turns on the dying monster and continues to tear it apart, making sure it is dead.

Roshgog taps him and points upwards, though to be fair, there is a pier directly above to contend with so when he can move, Vivino needs to move south away from the monster's bulk.

R11T10: That smaller shadow on the pier above Vivino suddenly disappears.

End Round 11, Begin Round 12 ...

R12T25: Meanwhile, Roshgog continues to sink down to the bottom, tapping himself with a wand he already had in hand and getting 9 healing. He seems to be hunkering down as if hiding from something above.

R12T22.5: Vivino, the monster might be dead, but you are still fighting off its poison. Roll a Fort save vs. poison. Do you continue to rage? What do you do?

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). Wand of CLW in hand. Held breath (30 rounds).
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. Holding breath (142). Standing on bottom. RAGING! Must make save vs. poison til R17T10 (made 0 save).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). Wand of invisibility in hand. Invisible.

Bryngiel. Dane. Ernak. Garden Guardian (1). Enormous reefclaw.

2023-12-18, 11:15 AM
R12T22.5: Vivino gives Roshgog a thumbs up, but then doubles over briefly as the poison continues to ravage him and he is now impaired.Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.
Vivino stomps around, looking for his companions. He gets out from under the pier and makes it to Dane's body. As weak as Vivino feels, he is weighed down and slowed down. There is some worry if he could even get the burly dwarf in his heavy armor and gear above.

End Round 12, Begin Round 13 ...

R13T25: A flash of magic as Roshgog uses his wand on himself again for 6 healing.

R13T22: Vivino, what do you do?

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). Wand of CLW in hand. Held breath (29 rounds).
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. Holding breath (140). Standing on bottom. RAGING! Must make save vs. poison til R17T10 (made 0 save).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.

Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). Invisible. Wand of CMW in hand.

Bryngiel. Dane. Ernak. Garden Guardian (1). Enormous reefclaw.

2023-12-19, 01:27 AM
R13T22: Vivino's body rallies in fighting the poison, finally ending any further threat from the dead monster. He looks at the dwarf quickly, uttering the word, "Splinter." He cloak wraps around himself and transforms into a rat. Then this angry rat swims over the pier and swim-climbs up the pier, but finds that he is too enervated even in the form of a natural climber to hang onto the underside, so he is just out of water (breath refreshed) and hanging onto a pier pylon.

That is when Vivino realizes ... there was a very faint luminescence from the monster that allowed that glow, but even that doesn't exist now, and all is dark. Without Dane or Ernak to provide magical light, there may yet be severe issues. It went from extremely dim light ... to pitch black.

R13T10: Vivino catches the flash of localized positive energy (like a cure spell) in .... a direction just level with the pier, but no longer on it, so perhaps the landing connected to the pier.

End Round 13, Begin Round 14 ...

R14T25: Just below Vivino-rat, a similar flash in the water - as Roshgog is likely using that healing wand again, but trying not to draw attention to himself.

R14T22: Vivino-rat, what do you do? You aren't strong enough to T10 the dry part of the pylon to get to the top of the pier. Also, you didn't really give yourself time to listen for danger (i.e., a Perception check as rolled by me, MA, doesn't provoke).

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). Wand of CLW in hand. Held breath (29 rounds).
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. RAGING! Form of a dire rat!

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.

Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). Invisible. Wand of CMW in hand.

Bryngiel. Dane. Ernak. Garden Guardian (1). Enormous reefclaw.

2023-12-19, 06:59 PM
R14T22: Vivino-rat pauses to listen and then sneaks towards the glowing light flash that he saw on level ground. He knows that in the dark and with his little rat legs and trying to be stealthy, he isn't getting very far.Only 5' of actual movement, as a MA was spent to get your bearings and move towards what was a past-tense, temporary glow.
R14T10: Another glow from the direction Vivino is heading.

End Round 14, Begin Round 15 ...

R15T25: Another underwater flash, and IF that is also stationary (assuming the last flash was also stationary), then it seems he is getting closer to his destination, albeit very slowly.

R15T22: Vivino, what do you do? The alternating flashes (on land, underwater) are a way of position-tracking in the otherwise complete darkness, so you don't have to do a Perception check, but you do still move half-speed.

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). Wand of CLW in hand. Held breath (27 rounds).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. RAGING! Form of a dire rat!
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). Invisible. Wand of CMW in hand.

Delaying ...
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).

Bryngiel. Dane. Ernak. Garden Guardian (1). Enormous reefclaw.

2023-12-19, 08:25 PM
R15T22: Vivino dismisses the rat form and crouches in place without moving while underneath the pier.

R15T10: Linzi puts her wand of CMW in her belt and carefully climbs into the water.

End Round 15, Begin Round 16 ...

R16T25: Faint flash from below.

R16T22: Vivino, what do you do?

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). Wand of CLW in hand. Held breath (25 rounds).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. RAGING!

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). Invisible. Wand of CMW in hand.

Delaying ...
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).

Bryngiel. Dane. Ernak. Garden Guardian (1). Enormous reefclaw.

2023-12-19, 11:38 PM
R16T22: Vivino drinks an extract and then moves quietly towards the last position he saw the light ground level. Too weak now to trust himself swimming in armor, especially with trying to be quiet, he less swims and more carefully moves arm over arm along the pylons of the pier.

R16T10: "Roshgog, it's Linzi," comes Linzi's voice as soft as she dares make it, seemingly from right in front of Vivino (and possibly giving him a start). "Please tell me that's you swimming towards me?"

End Round 16, Begin Round 17 ...

R17T25: Vivino barely notices what seems to be a distant flash under the murk of the blood and sediment underwater and on the other side of the pier and several feet down.

R17T22: Vivino, what do you do?

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). Wand of CLW in hand. Held breath (25 rounds).
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. RAGING!!! Displacement til R23T22.

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). Invisible. Wand of CMW in hand.

Delaying ...
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).

Bryngiel. Dane. Ernak. Garden Guardian (1). Enormous reefclaw.

2023-12-20, 12:34 AM
R17T22: "Well met, Linzi," Vivino says as he pulls out his light coin and pulls himself along the pier to get to the edge of the wall leading to a ledge, but Linzi is nowhere to be seen. "Roshgog had saved me in the water. Last I saw of him he was using a wand on himself and seemed afraid of something above.

R17T10: Linzi says, "I'm invisible right now," and she says this while she is in the water next to Vivino and not on land. She either is not fooled by the displacement or otherwise lucky, for she successfully touches Vivino for 14 healing. "Two garden guardians dead, but another three are out there somewhere."

"Which I had..." continues Vivino, running right over Linzi.

End Round 17, Begin Round 18 ...

R18T25: "...thought was you..."

R18T22: Vivino, you continue from before ... "but I just saw some flash of light in the water over there; not where I had last seen Roshgug." Points to where just saw the light. "Do you have a way to signal him to come up?"

Vivino says all this with terrifying teeth and an intense demeanor, and struggles to pull himself up onto the ledge and then come to a standing position. He has a chance to look around now. At the bottom of the vast cavern, a wooden pier extends out into a gently sloshing pool of blue seawater. A shallow draft barge is docked at the pier, an unlit lantern hanging from its bow. Supporting timbers and brickwork line parts of the lower edge of the immense cavern to both the west and south, showing where the original sea cave has been artificially expanded. To the north, a twenty-five-foot-wide waterway provides an aquatic exit from the cavern—the distant, muted sounds of the surf and sloshing water echo down from that direction.

R18T10: The sounds of a person coming out of the water, even a bit of a silhouette of a halfling female. But once she steps out and the water drips for several seconds the water that clings to her disappears as well.

"Two of our..." Vivino continues.

End Round 18, Begin Round 19 ...

R19T25: At this point, Roshgog - likely having seen the light from Vivino's light coin - comes topside and clambers onto the pier, though prone from the effort, and taking in air greedily.

R19T22: Vivino continues his rage and speech until he is finished what he had to say, "...friends are in the water but I fear the worst. I'm feeling a bit weak but not sure if we are clear yet."

Vivino, do you continue to rage?

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). PRONE!!!
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. RAGING!!! Displacement til R23T22. Bear's endurance extract (7 min).

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). Invisible. Wand of CMW in hand.

Delaying ...
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).

Bryngiel. Dane. Ernak. Garden Guardian (1). Enormous reefclaw.

2023-12-20, 01:02 AM
Post-Battle ...

Seeing at least two friendly faces, Vivino slumps a bit in fatigue. He drinks an extract and says, "Do we know where those other things are?"

He looks around with newly enhanced senses, but sees nothing.

Linzi's voice is heard next to him, "I don't know. The last we saw they were above. I don't know if they turned invisible to give chase or not. We know they can fly, but we don't know if they are limited on where they can operate. They killed Bryngiel, and they put a hurting on me and Roshgog. He flew down here quickly with a fly spell, while I turned invisible. I got tossed off a ledge onto a smaller ledge first, but then came down by the wooden bridges."

"I'm good now," says Roshgog walking over to Vivino and Linzi's voice. "Used one of my two heal scrolls to keep Big V in the game once I saw the dwarf and the Shoanti were done for. Then, I hid underwater as best I could, and used several charges of a healing wand for myself. With Vivino's light burning as long as it has been, I'm sure them guardians above don't care about us or they surely woulda' attacked by now."

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). PRONE!!!
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. Displacement til R16T22. Bear's endurance extract (6:12 min). FATIGUED (0:18 min).
* See invisibility (70 min).

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). Invisible. Wand of CMW in hand.

Delaying ...
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).

Bryngiel. Dane. Ernak. Garden Guardian (1). Enormous reefclaw.

2023-12-27, 09:15 PM
Admin Tracking ....

Roshgog: 25. Shield (8 min.). Fly (8 min.). PRONE!!!
Vivino: 22. Scythe dropped, claws formed. Displacement til R16T22. Bear's endurance extract (6:12 min). FATIGUED (0:18 min).
* See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* Impaired: A character impaired by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.

Linzi: 10. Light Crossbow. Studied Target: Red (+1). Invisible. Wand of CMW in hand.

Delaying ...
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (85:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 15. (54:99). Invisible.
Brown Garden Guardian: 22.5 (91:99).

Bryngiel. Dane. Ernak. Garden Guardian (1). Enormous reefclaw.

2024-01-29, 10:59 AM
Begin Round One ...

R1T26: The humanoid, who appears human but for a tiger's head and tiger-like features on part of his upper torso, laughs loudly and cruelly. "Go, my pets. Feed on fresh meat!"

He then casts a spell upon himself, using bits of hardened snake molting as some type of component before darting to the northeast near an alcove while pulling out a kukri.

R1T22: One of the big nope-ropes surges forward to charge Linzi, biting her in the knee for 19 + 3 poison.

R1T21: The poison works quickly on Linzi as she is now weakened (Con). She immediately grits her teeth through the pain and begins telling a marvelous story - more to help her two friends then herself, and she steps back out of the way.

R1T14: Vivino, you have nothing in hand as you were doing safety checks on a door. There is a big snek in front of you right now, though it is slightly overcommitted from a charge against Linzi. You have a red light on your hat. What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Avidexu: 26. (160:160). Mage armor. Kukri.
Emperor Cobra (Blue): 22. (72:72). CHARGED!
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow. POISONED til R7T22 (DC 17)!!! INSPIRE COURAGE!!!

* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Vivino: 14.

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Emperor Cobra (Red): 12. (72:72).
Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!!


2024-01-31, 01:52 PM
R1T14: Vivino lets out a howl of frustration and growls, "We just wanted to leave this place and you had to go and hurt my friend!"

He drops into a stance as he claws and muzzle grow and begin to drip frost. Then aims a vicious swipe at the snake, but misses.

R1T13: Roshgog concentrates on a spell and casts on Linzi to provide her with 11 healing.

R1T12: The other big snake moves forward.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T26: The tiger-man falls back to the stairs of the dais and casts another spell, this one you can see him casting on himself, and a broad field of force temporarily appears in front of him when the spell is triggered.

R2T22: The lead cobra recovers from its charge and then bites Vivino in the head for 16 mod + poisoned. The bite is enough to completely take away the fortification he gets from raging, and though he feels no pain, Vivino feels the tingle of poison having been injected into his bloodstream.

R2T21: Linzi fights off part of the poison, but still takes 3 poison. She continues her epic storytelling. She steps off to the side, takes out a tiny vial of antitoxin, and downs it.

R2T14: Vivino, roll a Fort save vs. poison. What do you do?

Roshgog, Red Snake ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Avidexu: 26. (160:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
Emperor Cobra (Blue): 22. (72:72).
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow. POISONED til R7T22 (DC 17)!!! INSPIRE COURAGE!!! One save vs. poison made. Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).

* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Vivino: 14. POISONED til R8T22 (DC 17)!!!
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!!
Emperor Cobra (Red): 12. (72:72).


2024-03-05, 07:04 PM
R2T14: "That actually hurt!" Vivino exclaims in a surprised bit of anger, feeling his body fight off the poison, even though it is still working on his system. He then aims to see what this snakes insides look like. His first claw lands for 17 + 5 cold, his second claw completely misses, and his bite lands hard for 16 + 2 cold.

R2T13: Roshgog steps to the side and begins playing the drums at his side before then defensively casting a spell. His eyes burn like hot goals as he glares at the lead cobra, but it resists him.

R2T12: Behind the lead, Red begins to sway warily.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T26: The tiger-man way back in the temple, continues backing up to the south, getting to the top of the dais. He casts a spell, and four bolts of arcane energy slam into Vivino for 12 force.

R3T22: The lead cobra bites Vivino in his left knee for 9 mod, and though his internal training helps to mitigate the raw burning of poison, he realizes that a new dose was introduced.

R3T21: Linzi's tonic must be helping as she heroically fights off the rest of the poison in her system. She then adds something to her oration so Vivino, Roshgog, and herself are all filled with hope.

R3T14: Vivino, roll a Fort save vs. poison. Your are currently raging, and Linzi is giving you some pretty powerful buffs from magic and her song. What do you do?

Roshgog on deck, Red on deck ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (160:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
Emperor Cobra (Blue): 22. (32:72).
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow. INSPIRE COURAGE!!! Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).
* Good hope (6 min).

* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.Vivino: 14. POISONED til R9T22 (DC 17)!!!

Vivino: 14. POISONED til R8T22 (DC 17)!!!

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Playing goblin fire drum. Burning gaze (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/burning-gaze/) til R10T13.
Emperor Cobra (Red): 12. (72:72). TD!


2024-03-07, 12:11 AM
R3T14: Vivino proceeds to viciously and methodically disembowel the snake while undergoing a mutation. With a bite and claw he drops - though not necessarily disemboweling - the big snake!

R3T13: Roshgog takes a 5' step to be see the other cobra, continues playing his drums, and stares at the other big snake for no apparent effect.

R3T12: Red (snake) slithers over its fallen sibling and snaps at Vivino, catching him in his left shoulder for 8 mod + poison.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T26: The caster hits Vivino with the same spell for 11 force.

R4T21: Linzi maintains her oration, maintaining her pace with Roshgog, and then carefully casts a spell and intermixed with her oration are jarring sounds directed at the big snake. It seems to work, as the snake seems to be severely vexed (nauseated)! Seeing her success, Linzi calls out, "The snake is going to be tweaked for the next half-minute. If it withdraws in distress, just leave it and bum rush the caster!"

R4T14: Vivino, you are raging and mutated. Roll a Fort save. What do you do?

Roshgog on deck, Red on deck ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (160:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
Emperor Cobra (Blue): 22. (-9:72). DYING!!!
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow. INSPIRE COURAGE!!! Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Vivino: 14. RAGING!!! POISONED til R9T22 (DC 17)!!! Mutagen in effect (accidental)!

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Playing goblin fire drum. Burning gaze (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/burning-gaze/) til R10T13.
Emperor Cobra (Red): 12. (72:72). NAUSEATED by cacophonous call til R10T21!!!


2024-03-08, 02:30 AM
R4T14: Vivino nods at Linzi in acknowledgement and drinks an extract while he directs his body to fight the poison. He then flexes his claws as he fidgets in place waiting for the snake to move while the classic temporary flare of a shield effect in place is exhibited.

R4T13: Impatient and not wasting more time on a spell that is too weak for his prey, Roshgog casts a spell upon himself. He flies past the bulk of the snake that is too much in distress to control its area and beyond, and then a little bit up (15' off the ground).

R4T12: The cobra is in physical distress.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T26: The caster enchants a spell and fires a powerful bolt of lightning at Roshgog. The half-orc spins partly out of the way, but still takes 8 electricity.

R5T21: Linzi pushes past the big snake to go inside, and with her oration she adds. "Actually, finish that thing off, would you? Yeah, it can't fight back, but that doesn't mean it won't be pissed when my spell ends."

R5T14: Vivino, roll a Fort save to get rid of the last bit of poison in your system. You are raging and mutated with a shield active, but also weakened, despite buoyed by several of Linzi's effects. What do you do?

Roshgog on deck, Snake in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (160:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
Emperor Cobra (Blue): 22. (-9:72). DYING!!!
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow. INSPIRE COURAGE!!! Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). TD!
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Vivino: 14. RAGING!!! POISONED til R9T22 (DC 17), 1 save made!!! Mutagen in effect (accidental)! Shield (7 min).

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Playing goblin fire drum. Burning gaze (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/burning-gaze/) til R10T13.
Emperor Cobra (Red): 12. (72:72). NAUSEATED by cacophonous call til R10T21!!!


2024-03-09, 09:06 PM
R5T14: Vivino begins to dissect the snake quickly and viciously, even as he fights off the last vestiges of the poison in his system. His first claws strikes for 19 + 6 cold. The second misses, but his bite crushes into the snake with a tiring blow for 21 + 1 cold + fatigued.

R5T13: Roshgog hovers and glares at the spellcaster, but as with the snakes, he resists.

R5T12: In terrible pain, fatigued, and nauseated, the snake withdraws to the southwest corner of the room.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T26: The caster sends several arcane bolts up at Roshgog, hitting him squarely for 16 force. He then adjusts to the eastern wall of the raised section.

R6T21: Linzi continues her oration. She casts a spell on herself for 6 healing before moving to the southeast and hiding from the caster as best she can despite her voice carrying her poetry throughout the cathedral-like area.

R6T14: Vivino, what do you do? Note that the body of the first snake is difficult terrain.

Roshgog on deck, retreating snake in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale vs. charm/ fear, +2 competence weapon attack/ damage.
HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (160:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow. INSPIRE COURAGE!!! Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Stealth!
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Vivino: 14. RAGING!!! Mutagen in effect (accidental)! Shield (7 min).

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Burning gaze (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/burning-gaze/) til R10T13.
Emperor Cobra (Red): 12. (25:72). NAUSEATED by cacophonous call til R10T21!!! FATIGUED!

Emperor Cobra (Blue): 22. (-9:72). STABLE!!!

2024-03-10, 11:36 AM
R6T14: Vivino growls under his breath and moves into the room, but moves too far over a difficult megasnake's body to take the extract he had hoped to take.

R6T13: Roshgog maintains his position in the air, and casts shield upon himself to protect himself from any other incoming magic missiles.

R6T12: Red (snake) is still inoffensive...

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T26: From his position on the dais, the tiger-headed man casts a spell Vivino's way and says, "You'll find that exiting the labyrinth the way you came will bring victory."

R7T21: Linzi continues her oration, but casts a spell upon herself.

R7T14: Vivino, roll a Will save! What do you do you intend to do, if you maintain possession of your faculties?

Roshgog on deck, nauseated snake on deck ...

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (160:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow. INSPIRE COURAGE!!! Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Stealth! Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)!
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Vivino: 14. RAGING!!! Mutagen in effect (accidental)! Shield (7 min). HE MUST SAVE VS. AVIDEXU'S SUGGESTION!

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Burning gaze (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/burning-gaze/) til R10T13. Shield (8 min).
Emperor Cobra (Red): 12. (25:72). NAUSEATED by cacophonous call til R10T21!!! FATIGUED!

Emperor Cobra (Blue): 22. (-9:72). STABLE!!!

2024-03-11, 11:12 PM
R7T14: With a long climb ahead of him, Vivino breathes out, and lets post-rage fatigue take him, his teeth and nails retracting for now. At least his mutation kicked in when it needed to. He gets outside and picks up his scythe.

R7T13: Roshgog hovers in position and sends a fireball towards the snake to incinerate it and put it out of its misery. "Linzi, stay with me and keep pressure on the caster now that his meat shields are done. Vivino is whammied. I don't know what to tell you, other than I think he's heading backup."

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T26: The casters steps out from the corner, but doesn't see Linzi hiding despite hearing her oration. Instead, he casts a spell to send a lightning bolt at Roshgog. The half-orc was distracted from his destruction of the snake, and is totally lit up by the lightning arc, taking 23 electricity, which burns up the scroll he had his belt. "Heal scroll's gone!" laments Roshgog.

R8T21: Linzi continues her oration and takes a single focused shot that reveals her position even as her bolt is deflected. She calls out while hoofing it north, "Retreat to cover Vivino with me!"

R8T14: Vivino does hear Roshgog's lament. Though focused on victory above, he now knows that Roshgog no longer has another powerful healing scroll for him. Victory will definitely come at a price. He takes an extract for 13 healing and hops onto the first plank bridge heading up.

R8T13: Roshgog repositions and glares at the caster ineffectually.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T26: The caster ignores him, snarls, and charges Linzi, slashing her upper left arm with his kukri for 11.

R9T21: Linzi stops her oration now. She simply withdraws, moving outside and jumping onto the bridge.

R9T14: Vivino continues his upwards ascent, hustling upwards.

R9T13: Roshgog can be heard roaring out what seems like a challenge or something from below, followed by him casting and what sounds like the whoosh of another fireball.

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T26: The caster's voice is heard casting.

R10T21: Linzi takes out a wand and taps herself, turning invisible.

R10T14: Vivino takes his other extract for 6 healing and stops on the next landing to catch his breath.

R10T13: ...

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (138:160). Kukri. CHARGED!
* Mage armor. Shield.
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of invisibility in hand.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Vivino: 14. FATIGUED til R17T14. Mutagen in effect (accidental)! Shield (7 min). Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!

* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand.FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Acid arrow to affect Roshgog til R12T26.

Emperor Cobra (Blue): 22. (-9:72). STABLE!!!
Emperor Cobra.

2024-03-12, 04:02 AM
End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T26: Distant voice of the caster echoing in the temple below.

R11T21: A short flash of positive energy on the lowest plank bridge below, but no visible person attached to that, nor any words of casting.

R11T14: Vivino takes an extract of CMW for 13 healing, and now he only has the faintest scratch remaining as he begins cautiously across the next plank bridge.

R11T13: Down at the very bottom on the far western wall by the water is another short burst of positive energy. Given position, that must be Roshgog using a healing wand while flying, and the other must be Linzi. You don't see either only because of the limit of your darkvision, simply guessing the position of the far western wall and first rope bridge because of the brightness of the positive energy discharges.

End Round 11, Begin Round 12 ...

R12T26: The caster's voice is heard - more clearly this time and without the echo of the underground cathedral. A bolt of lightning flares up below Vivino, a bit south of him, and going from roughly east to west.

R12T21: A flash of positive energy right next to where the lightning bolt began.

R12T14: Vivino wishes those below well, as he closes on victory. He was fooled by the invisible guardians before. He won't fall for their trick a second time if any are back at their posts as he takes an extract of see invisibility and continues to the next landing. And there, just at the top of the next and final bridge, he sees one ... maybe two of those guardians as before, waiting right at the edge and terminus of that bridge.

R12T13: More healing burst below in the darkness.

End Round 12, Begin Round 13 ...

R13T26: Another tear of a lightning bolt down below.

R13T21: Another flash of positive energy below.

R13T14: "You'll find that exiting the labyrinth the way you came will bring victory." But without any special movement, you are going to have to go through these garden guardians again. At least this time, you can see them. Vivino, you are currently fatigued (and unable to rage). Shield and see invisibility are active and your continual light coin is exposed, bathing the area in a red glow. You suffered from weakness from the snake's poison that is still with you, and your mutagen is in effect. (And, of course, so is the suggestion.) What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (138:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Vivino: 14. FATIGUED til R17T14. Mutagen in effect (accidental)! Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Acid arrow to affect Roshgog til R12T26.

Emperor Cobra (Blue): 22. (-9:72). STABLE!!!
Emperor Cobra.

2024-03-15, 08:33 AM
R13T14: Not wanting to get into another combat in his current state, Vivino changes into a dire rat. He changes form from a buff, broad human into a rodent of unusual size. In doing so, his light coin melds into his form, extinguishing the light, and his armor does the same, no longer offering protection. The smells of the fungus of the garden become far more piquant to Vivino's new rat nose. He then proceeds to sneak around the guardians by climbing up the cliff face. He finds in doing so that it is more difficult than expected ... attempting to sneak in the darkness while his polymorphed form is still weakened, making the rock face harder to climb than expected. Still, he manages to crawl 5' carefully upwards.

R13T13: A flash far below of positive energy.

End Round 13, Begin Round 14 ...

R14T26-26: Vivino-rat suddenly finds himself engulfed in a cloud of poison. Even in rat form he has superb control of his body so as not to take corrosive damage to his lungs, but he will have to attempt poison transmutation using his internal alchemy.

R14T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (138:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Green Garden Guardian: 20. (94:99). Invisible.
Red Garden Guardian: 18. (63:99). Invisible.
Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible.
Vivino: 14. FATIGUED til R17T14. Mutagen in effect (accidental)! Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Cloak of the scuttling rat active til R23T14 (LLV, scent, Small; +2 DEX; climb 20' - +8 racial, T10).
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Acid arrow to affect Roshgog til R12T26.

Emperor Cobra (Blue): 22. (-9:72). STABLE!!!
Emperor Cobra.

2024-03-15, 09:16 AM
R14T14: The little rat fights the poison still in its system and continues to try to scurry up the cliff, but can't seem to make any forward progress.

R14T13: A flash far below.

End Round 14, Begin Round 15 ...

R15T26-16: ...

R15T14: Vivino, roll a Fort save. What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (138:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Red Garden Guardian: 18. (63:99). Invisible.
Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible.
Vivino: 14. FATIGUED til R17T14. Mutagen in effect (accidental)! Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Cloak of the scuttling rat active til R23T14 (LLV, scent, Small; +2 DEX; climb 20' - +8 racial, T10).
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Acid arrow to affect Roshgog til R12T26.

Green Garden Guardian: 20. (94:99). Invisible. DELAYING ...

Emperor Cobra (Blue): 22. (-9:72). STABLE!!!
Emperor Cobra.

2024-03-16, 08:23 PM
R15T14: A simple rat named Vivino continues his scramble up the wall as quietly as possible. He manages to get 5' up the wall, but is still in the cloud.

R15T13: Another faint flash from far below.

End Round 15, Begin Round 16 ...

R16T14: Vivino, Roll a Fort save vs. poison. What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (138:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Red Garden Guardian: 18. (63:99). Invisible.
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (94:99). Invisible. DELAYING ...
Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible.
Vivino: 14. FATIGUED til R17T14. Mutagen in effect (accidental)! Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Cloak of the scuttling rat active til R23T14 (LLV, scent, Small; +2 DEX; climb 20' - +8 racial, T10).
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Acid arrow to affect Roshgog til R12T26.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-18, 02:16 AM
R16T14: The little rat does all that is knows to do and tries to climb, but still gagging quietly while overcoming the poison of the could it is still in, and not making any headway.

R16T13: Another faint flash.

End Round 16, Begin Round 17 ...

R17T26: Footsteps across a wooden bridge are heard, and then somewhere not far below Vivino.

R17T14: Vivino, roll a Fort save. Also, you may roll your own Climb check. What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (138:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
Red Garden Guardian: 18. (63:99). Invisible. READY to strike anything that tries to climb into his square!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 17. (94:99). Invisible. READY to strike anything that tries to climb into his square!!!
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R23T14!!!
Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible.
Vivino: 14. FATIGUED til R17T14. Mutagen in effect (accidental)! Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Cloak of the scuttling rat active til R23T14 (LLV, scent, Small; +2 DEX; climb 20' - +8 racial, T10).
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Acid arrow to affect Roshgog til R12T26.

Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-19, 12:26 AM
R17T14.2-.0: Lil' Vivi rallies and pushes right to the top of the cloud of poison, which just happens to be at the ledge. The small rat goes to move into that area, but accidentally bumps into something not stone. As soon as he blindly bumps into ... a moldy boot? ... something strikes into his hyper-thickened natural armor without cutting through, but the next cuts through, and he moves his organs just in time to keep from suffering a crit, though he still suffers 7 mod. Vivino-rat maintains his position on the ledge, finishing his movement under the feet of whatever just attacked him ... he thinks.

R17T13: You no longer see faint flash below.

End Round 17, Begin Round 18 ...

R18T26: Footsteps on wooden planks below moving away, including a lot of hearty coughing as whatever crossed from one set of planks to another must have gone through the poison cloud and is now suffering from it.

R18T14.2-.1: The area is suddenly flooded with what must be another poison cloud! Something stomping by Vivino, and then something getting deflected by his shield.

R18T14: Vivino, you are no longer fatigued! You are at the top on level ground and in a new poison cloud. Roll a Fort save. What do you do?You may not give end goals and leave it to me so "you don't have to." If you move, you have to tell me in which direction and how far. You are in pitch blackness still. Yes, the suggestion still has you, so you are not all the way back the way you came.

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (135:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!!
* Mage armor. Shield. POISONED!!! Must save vs. fungal spore cloud (DC 17) til R24T26.

* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible. READIED to strike anything that bumps into him that is not an ally!!!
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (63:99). Invisible.
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R28T14.1!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (94:99). Invisible.
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R23T14!!!
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental)! Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Cloak of the scuttling rat active til R23T14 (LLV, scent, Small; +2 DEX; climb 20' - +8 racial, T10).
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu!

Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand. DELAYING!!!
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-19, 10:41 PM
R18T14: The little rat scrambles to the northeast as far as possible - which is really only 5' - and then changes back into his own self.

End Round 18, Begin Round 19 ...

R19T14.2-.1: Vivino gets attacked in the darkness. Luckily, his form as Vivino helps as his armor now helps him. One strike hits him in the upper arm and he shifts his brachial artery in time to stop a crit and only takes 3 mod.

R19T14: Vivino, you are still in a poison cloud. Roll a Fort save. There appears to be a wall going roughly east-west to your north, and then two opponents - one east and one west. What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (132:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!! POISONED!!! Must save vs. fungal spore cloud (DC 17) til R24T26. 1 save made.
* Mage armor. Shield.

* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible. READIED to strike anything that bumps into him that is not an ally!!!
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (63:99). Invisible.
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R28T14.1!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (94:99). Invisible.
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R23T14!!!
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental)! Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu!

Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand. DELAYING!!!
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-20, 11:15 PM
R19T14: Vivino lets out a howl of rage. "I just want to get out of here!" he yells at these new threats. He arranges his stance to proper form and then attacks with a vicious claw that glows blue, but misses wildly.

End Round 19, Begin Round 20 ...

R20T14.2-.1: The two garden guardians attack. The one to the east catches Vivino with a soft crit to the back of his left calf for 8 mod that he couldn't shift, and nearly hit him again with the follow-up.

R20T14: Vivino, you are mutated and raging with elemental stance. You have shield and see invisibility extracts active. But, you are also weakened from previous poison exposure and are in a poison cloud even now. Your suggestion tells you victory is to be found the way you came, so you can do a "moving combat" but you can't just stand and fight. What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!!
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible. READIED to strike anything that bumps into him that is not an ally!!!
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (63:99). Invisible.
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R28T14.1!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (94:99). Invisible.
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R23T14!!!
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING, incl. Elemental Stance!!!
* Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu!

Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand. DELAYING!!!
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-23, 05:25 AM
R20T14: Vivino eyes them and steps aside before dropping his scythe and attacking viciously, but none of his attacks get past the guardian's armor.

End Round 20, Begin Round 21 ...

R21T26: The tiger man is on this level, moving quickly around from the south and east. He comes really close, but doesn't enter the poison cloud. Though he stands patiently with two kukri in his hand.

R21T16-14.1: Vivino's sixth sense protects him as he dodges out of the way - another guardian appearing after having charged and swung at him with his scimitar (Brown). Red steps down to flank and slash Vivino's left shoulder for 5 mod. When Red attempts the reattack, Vivino slams Red's scimitar to the side to score a light crit against Green for 12. Finally, Green throws himself at Vivino as the latter's claw slams against armor, failing to throw Vivino off the ledge.

R21T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!!
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Charged!
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (63:99). Invisible.
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R28T14.1!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (82:99).
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R23T14!!!
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING, incl. Elemental Stance!!!
* Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu!

Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand. DELAYING!!!
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-24, 02:02 PM
R21T14: Vivino moves to the opening and strikes at Green again. His first claw strikes the armor, allowing his second claw to find purchase for 8 + 5 cold, and then a bite on the guardian's left bicep for 9 + 4 cold. Vivino's bite discovers horrifically-tasting flesh; he doesn't take poison damage, but it is toxic and that's another thing he has to fight off.

End Round 21, Begin Round 22 ...

R22T16-14.1: Brown interposes himself against Vivino, flanking with Green. Vivino deflects the first attack, but the second catches him in the left knee, and Vivino moves his tendons in time enough to only take 5 mod. Red misses his first attack, and Vivino moves his lower brachial artery in his left forearm to only take 4 mod. Green swings upwards to Vivino's groin and he barely moves aside his bits and bobs to take 3 mod to his inguinal tendon, and then he blocks Green's follow-on attack.

R22T14: Vivino, roll two Fort saves - first against the poison cloud, second against having ingested poison blood. What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Charged!
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (63:99). Invisible.
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R28T14.1!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (56:99).
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R23T14!!!
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING, incl. Elemental Stance!!! He must save vs. poison each round vs. poison cloud! He must save vs. poison blood!
* Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu!

Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!! DELAYING...
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand. DELAYING!!!
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-25, 11:02 AM
R22T14: Vivino uses a brief, controlled peristalsis to spit out the poison before it affects him while masterfully using poison transmutation in his body to keep from being affected by the ever-present poison in the air. He wants to move to the northwest, but the northern wall keeps him from doing so. He starts his mauling action on Green, slashing across the belly for 10 + 1 cold. The second claw misses, but he bites Green in the left upper arm for 8 + 6 cold. The bitter tang hits him, and he knows he will be fighting off ingested poison again.

End Round 22, Begin Round 23 ...

R23T16-14.2: All three guardians begins their attack on Vivino. Red positions south of Vivino and strikes Vivino in the head, who in turn pulls more calcium to his skull to protect the impact strike to only take 5 mod, but he fails to protect against Red's second strike - a soft crit to his chest for 8 mod.

R23T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (63:99).
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R28T14.1!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (31:99).
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R23T14!!!
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING, incl. Elemental Stance!!! He must save vs. poison each round vs. poison cloud! He must save vs. poison blood!
* Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu!

Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!! DELAYING...
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Linzi: 21. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand. DELAYING!!!
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Sense vitals til R14T21 (+2d6 sneak attack)! Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-26, 05:29 PM
R23T14: Vivino barely resists the poison from the bite he had made. After several hits, Vivino looks to just get out of here and moves toward the stairs, but he is not as agile as he had hoped. Brown strikes him in the upper left arm, with Vivino managing to adjust his body to only take 7 mod. Green doesn't hit him. Red opens himself up as Vivino moves and slashes the guardian in the chest for 13 + 1 cold, but the reality of the guardian's tactic is revealed when Vivino gets knocked off his feet.

Vivino knows that staying on the deck is death, so tries to stand, getting ready to weather the blows. He is struck in the hip by Brown for 4 mod; in the left shoulder by Green for 8 mod; and in the lower back by Brown for 6 mod. But at least now he's back on his feet.

End Round 23, Begin Round 24 ...

R24T16-14.1: Brown slashes Vivino in the chest for 6 mod. Red sidesteps to block access to the west, and then slashes Vivino in the head for 8 mod. Green fails to land a blow.

R24T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (49:99).
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R28T14.1!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (31:99).
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R23T14!!!
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING, incl. Elemental Stance!!! He must save vs. poison each round vs. poison cloud! PRONE!!!
* Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu!
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (unloaded). Wand of CMW in hand.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!! DELAYING...
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-28, 01:58 PM
R24T14: Knowing that his time is limited and not being allowed through, Vivino lines up to shove Red out of the way (after self-healing 5), but not before the inevitable counter as such a maneuver is tantamount to throwing himself on his enemy's weapons. Brown and Green only catch armor, but Red's strike catches Vivino in a way he can't shift his organs to defend against, taking a soft-crit of 8 mod. Still, the insanely powerful man tosses the guardian off of the cliff, and seconds later a splash is heard far below. Vivino immediately begins moving, but gets struck by Brown for 8 mod as he gets past his aggressors. Unfortunately, because he moved into the space of Red during the attack, he has no more in him to continue moving west.

End Round 24, Begin Round 25 ...

R25T16-14.1: This time, it is Brown's turn to throw itself at Vivino, whose claw scratches powerfully against the rager's armor. Brown fails to throw Vivino off the ledge before adjusting west of Vivino. Green moves to flank and strikes Vivino's back for 7 mod, and then the back of his thigh for 7 mod.

R25T14: Vivino, here you are ... flanked again. Mutagen/ rage in effect (elemental stance). Still just inside the poison cloud, so another Fort save is required. What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL). PRONE in water (100' below)!!! Breath remaining: 30 rounds.
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R28T14.1!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (31:99).
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R23T14!!!
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING, incl. Elemental Stance!!! He must save vs. poison each round vs. poison cloud!
* Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. Healing wand in hand. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu!
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (unloaded).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!! DELAYING...
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-28, 11:20 PM
R25T14: Vivino tries once again to get around his foes watching them very carefully. Both of them hit very hard against his armor but his defensive focus saves him as he moves away and gets to the base of the stairs.

End Round 25, Begin Round 26 ...

R26T16-14.1: Brown charges Vivino, but misses. Green moves in and around and hits Vivino's armor.

R26T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). CHARGED!
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL). Swimming at surface.
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R28T14.1!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (31:99).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING, incl. Elemental Stance!!! He must save vs. poison each round vs. poison cloud!
* Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Fly (8 min) @ 60' altitude, Stealth.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (unloaded).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!! DELAYING...
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-29, 11:06 AM
R26T14: Vivino continues to watch carefully and defend himself to move up the stairs. Predictably, they both swing at him, but he moves up and away from them. He moves 30' up the stairs until stone blocks further movement.

End Round 26, Begin Round 27 ...

R27T14: Vivino, the guardians have not followed you up the stairs to the blockage. what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). CHARGED!
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL). Swimming at surface.
* Poisonous Cloud will last til R28T14.1!!!
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (31:99).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING, incl. Elemental Stance!!! He must save vs. poison each round vs. poison cloud!
* Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Fly (8 min) @ 90' altitude, Stealth.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (unloaded).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!! DELAYING...
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-29, 10:51 PM
R27T14: Seemingly cornered, Vivino drinks an extract for 12 healing and pushes against the stone blocking the stairs. It doesn't even begin to budge. He remembers the massive stone statue in the garden and it surely is far heavier than he can even remotely budge, especially now that he's weakened. Now that he's as close to the top as possible, he isn't sure that he found victory. It just might be that the tiger-headed man lied to him! The compulsion nagging at him to go higher and higher - while one he is free to explore on his own as he desires - is no longer present.

What does he do?

End Round 27, Begin Round 28 ...

R28T26: Vivino hears the sound of a man casting a spell, the echoes make it hard to tell how far it is.

R28T14: Vivino, now that your mind is yours again - albeit in the fog of rage - what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!!
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible (8 min).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (31:99). Invisible (8 min).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING, incl. Elemental Stance!!! He must save vs. poison each round vs. poison cloud!
* Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Fly (8 min) @ 90' altitude, Stealth.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (unloaded).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-03-31, 02:59 PM
R28T14: Vivino shakes head to clear it. Then he begins to calm down and drinks another extract for 21 healing, though he is now fatigued.

End Round 28, Begin Round 29 ...

R29T26: Creeping up the stairs with a kukri in his hand is the tiger-headed man. It seems he thinks that you can't see him, but when he casts a spell, unfortunately Vivino has no weapon to react even though he can see his invisible form. A lightning bolt zaps forth that Vivino doesn't evade and takes 25 electricity. At that point, the tiger-man is visible to the rest of the world.

R29T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!!
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible (8 min).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (31:99). Invisible (8 min).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING, incl. Elemental Stance!!! He must save vs. poison each round vs. poison cloud!
* Currently affected by Avidexu's suggestion!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Fly (8 min) @ 90' altitude, Stealth.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (unloaded).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-04-01, 12:49 PM
R29T14: "Why are you chasing me?" Vivino asks. "I will leave you alone if you leave me alone. I do owe you one for that lightning but past that is up to you."

Vivino unlimbers his axe and delivers a blow that gets past a strong deflection field, an outer layer of force, and barely penetrates a second layer of force before the lower tip of the axe brushes against its chest.

End Round 29, Begin Round 30 ...

R30T26: The tiger-headed man laughs. "No, for by seeing me, you know my family's secret ... we Arkona are rakshasa. Besides, the tiger does not submit to the water buffalo. The buffalo has mighty horns," and here he gestures to the axe, "but the buffalo is still prey."

Now it is his turn and he attacks. Vivino blocks the first kukri swing, but the second almost gets through his armor. He likewise fends the rakashasa's claw and bite.

R30T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!!
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible (8 min).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (31:99). Invisible (8 min).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). FATIGUED til R39T14!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Fly (8 min) @ 90' altitude, Stealth.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (unloaded).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-04-03, 07:26 PM
R30T14: "That is so funny," Vivino says, "for I would not have put those pieces of information together about your family if you had not just told me."

Then hoping to catch him off guard, he swings the axe twice with both hands, but the rakshasa easily deflects the first and then just moves a little to be completely missed by the second attack.

End Round 30, Begin Round 31 ...

R31T26: "I didn't give anything away foolishly, you are just a mere mortal who has never heard of the greatness of the rakshasa. Surely, someone you would recount this story to would know more than you ... and we can't have that, now can we?" and that last question is asked with a truly malicious leer that comes to close to Vivino's face. Of course, that wasn't the danger, as the rakshasa's curved kukri takes advantage of Vivino's focus on the face and pulls out Vivino's feet so that he is now prone.

R3T14: Vivino, you are now prone on the stairs and backed into a "vertical corner" if you will. What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!!
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible (8 min).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (31:99). Invisible (8 min).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). FATIGUED til R39T14!!! PRONE!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Fly (8 min) @ 90' altitude, Stealth.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (unloaded).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-04-05, 02:29 AM
R31T14: Vivino recoils from the breath, and attempts to drink an extract that might give a glimmer of hope, but not before the rakshasa slices his inguinal tendon with a soft crit that does 8 mod. Vivino takes the extract, and feels the strange, faint lurching sensation common to a displacement effect.

"Actually it's my sister who you should worry about," Vivino says as he taps his head as he stands.

End Round 31, Begin Round 32 ...

R32T26: "I am Avidexu, cousin to the lord. And what is the name of this brave morsel that has lasted so long?" he asks of Vivino, with all of his attacks failing to connect.

R32T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!!
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible (8 min).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (31:99). Invisible (8 min).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). FATIGUED til R39T14!!! Displacement til R11T14!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Fly (8 min) @ 90' altitude, Stealth.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-04-05, 07:01 PM
R32T14: "Vivino Dorso at your service," Vivino says with a slight flourish. As part of that maneuver, Vivino tries to hide taking out and drinking a potion. The ruse fails (mainly because he has to reach into and fish around in his handy haversack), and Avidexu looks like he's going to knock the vial out of his hand, but the displacement protects him. The warming fluid goes down the alchemist's throat to provide him with 12 healing. The rakshasa even gives a nod of admiration for effect, only now realizing what Vivino took the round before.

End Round 32, Begin Round 33 ....

R33T26: Avidexu fails to land a blow, and her bite tried to trip him.

R33T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!!
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99). Invisible (8 min).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Green Garden Guardian: 14.1. (31:99). Invisible (8 min).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). FATIGUED til R39T14!!! Displacement til R39T14!!!
* Shield (7 min). See invisibility (70 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Fly (8 min) @ 90' altitude, Stealth.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (6 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-04-05, 08:23 PM
R33T14: Vivino, pleased that the gambit work, goes to swing viciously at the tiger person twice, and matching Avidexu's success.

R33T13.1: A loud, gurgling cry of pain is heard relatively close down below, definitely from a male. A little more distant sounds a high-pitched female scream of horror.

R33T13: Roshgog's voice, which sounds like it is near the entrance to the stairwell calls out and is strained by severe pain, "Vivino, I hear your fight. I am slain by the last blow. Feronia watch over you, as I hope she watches over me."

R33T12: Linzi's voice is heard somewhere outside with echoes, telling stories of heroism. By the time it reaches Vivino's ears, however, there is too much echo and distortion to do him any good.

End Round 33, Begin Round 34 ...

R34T26: Again, Avidexu fails to land a blow, but he steps down a few feet away from Vivino. "Your friends will taste my blade, Vivino Dorso."

R34T14: Vivino, what do you do now that the rakshasa backed away?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. FATIGUED (not figured)!!!
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). FATIGUED til R39T14!!! Displacement til R39T14!!!
* Shield (4 min). See invisibility (67 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Green Garden Guardian: 13.1. (31:99).
Roshgog: 13. FATIGUED (hunger)!!! 1d6 CON bleed (DC 20 halves bleed, DC 30 ends it)!!!
* Shield (8 min). CHALLENGE vs. Avidexu! Fly (6 min) @ 90' altitude, Stealth.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded). INSPIRE COURAGE (+2 competence attack & dmg).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (3 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2).

2024-04-07, 01:00 AM
R34T14: "That explains why you are backing away," Vivino taunts. "You are failing to finish me off so you are seeking my already injured friends. Leaving so soon, coward?"

Then he drinks another vial ... he's still fatigued, but he definitely feels a bump of health.

R34T13.1: There is the sound of a weapon cutting into flesh, but then followed immediately by a metal weapon shattering against stone. Sounds of Roshgog casting almost maniacally ... before the sounds of a building spell fizzling out. "Nooooooo!"

End Round 34, Begin Round 35 ...

R35T26: Sounds of activity below, including heavy breathing from Avidexu, a tiger's snarl, and something biting savagely but weakly.

R35T16-14.2: Sword slash, sound of gurgling noise from a dying man, followed by another slash and the gurgling ends. Distant sounds of footsteps moving quickly over wood.

R35T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri. EXHAUSTION (not figured)!!! [Heal: Expend a full-round action to regain your wind, removing the exhausted condition.]
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (91:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). FATIGUED til R39T14!!! Displacement til R39T14!!!
* Shield (4 min). See invisibility (67 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Green Garden Guardian: 13.1. (31:99). Scimitar DESTROYED.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded). INSPIRE COURAGE (+2 competence attack & dmg).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison). Invisible (3 min).
* Good hope (3 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2). Roshgog.

2024-04-08, 02:34 AM
R35T14: Vivino cautiously moves down the stairs. At the bottom few stairs, he is blocked from getting to a downed Roshgog (status unknown) by a wall of the rakshasa and garden guardians. Behind them and next to Roshgog - invisible and yet giving - is Linzi. Avidexu sees Vivino comes down, and with Linzi's oration and the spell of good hope that is still there, Vivino shreds past Avidexu's hide and does .... nothing. Vivino pegged him hard, boosted by a spell of hope and Linzi's oration, and his own brawn ... and still didn't leave a scratch.

R35T13.1: Interestingly, Green is holding the hilt of a destroyed scimitar and drops it. Covered from Vivino by the stairwell, it moves west out of sight.

R35T12: Continuing her oration, Linzi gives enough of a breather to speak. "He's gone, Vi. Butchered by the tiger-man, a raksasa - a powerful native outsider."

Now that Linzi has Vivino's wan red light from his coin (she was in pitch black before, feeling around), she backs up several feet and shoots Brown in the back for 17. She loses her invisibility, and speed loads her crossbow.

End Round 35, Begin Round 36 ...

R36T26: Avidexu steps north and takes a breather, removing his exhaustion, but seemingly fatigued. "Kill her!"

R36T16-14.2: Brown charges Linzi and slashes her belly for 9.

R36T14: Vivino, what do you?

Green on deck, Linzi in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (74:99). CHARGED!
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). FATIGUED til R39T14!!! Displacement til R39T14!!!
* Shield (4 min). See invisibility (67 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Green Garden Guardian: 13.1. (31:99). Scimitar DESTROYED.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded). INSPIRE COURAGE (+2 competence attack & dmg). RS. ST: Brown (+1).
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).
* Good hope (3 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2). Roshgog.

2024-04-09, 10:15 PM
R36T14: "These people are heartless," Vivino begins. "Let's see what we can do about removing what they consider a heart."

Vivino moves out of the stairwell and as he goes Avidexu is to the north and misses a displaced as Vivino ignores the attack and rolls up on Brown and gets its attention with a two-handed swing.

R36T13.1: Green "runs" in his very slow form of flight to cross the chasm southwards.

R36T12: Linzi continues her oration. She steps back, takes out a wand and uses it on herself to disappear from view. "Oh, Vivino, I am glad to see you are still alive."

End Round 36, Begin Round 37 ...

R37T26: Avidexu closes on Vivino. While the big man is partly focused on Brown, Avidexu steals the light coin lanyard from Vivino. He closes his weird, backwards-facing palm of a left hand around the coin to snuff out the light. Linzi's voice shudders in terror, having only been giving just a few seconds of light.

R37T16: Two attacks come from where Brown was last seen, the second pinging Vivino in the head for 6 mod.

R37T14: Vivino, you are in darkness now. The enemy's evil cunning likely put the nail in the coffin by taking his light. What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (74:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). FATIGUED til R39T14!!! Displacement til R39T14!!!
* Shield (4 min). See invisibility (67 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Green Garden Guardian: 13.1. (31:99). Scimitar DESTROYED.
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded). Wand of invisibility. INSPIRE COURAGE (+2 competence attack & dmg). RS. ST: Brown (+1). Invisible.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).
* Good hope (3 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2). Roshgog.

2024-04-10, 04:24 PM
R37T14: "Good to see you too, Linzi," Vivino says. "See if you can get this lit."

He pulls out a torch, and in doing so he gets hit in the neck by a scimitar for 6 mod. With the torch in his hand he tries to toss it to where his proprioperception makes him think where Linzi last was. But his hands fumble. The torch is heard dropping on the stone ground and bouncing until the bouncing suddenly stops, followed by an impact sound farther away, followed several seconds later by a distant "sploosh."

R37T12: A faint gasp, but Linzi bravely continues her oration for Vivino for all the good that does, and it sounds like she is carefully moving away as well.

End Round 37, Begin Round 38 ...

R38T26-14.2: All enemies attack Vivino, but with his uncanny dodge and displacement, they all fail.

R38T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (74:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). FATIGUED til R39T14!!! Displacement til R39T14!!!
* Shield (4 min). See invisibility (67 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Green Garden Guardian: 13.1. (31:99). Blue's scimitar (own was destroyed).
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded). Wand of invisibility. INSPIRE COURAGE (+2 competence attack & dmg). RS. ST: Brown (+1). Invisible.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).
* Good hope (3 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2). Roshgog.

2024-04-10, 04:56 PM
R38T14: "One last try," Vivino says as he carefully draws and as he reaches to get another torch, Avidexu trips him, and then gets hit in the chest with a scimitar for 7 mod. Vivino finally gets that torch though, and defensively from the ground throws it blindly without having taken time to really listen for where she is. Of course, in doing so he is attacked, but his defensive spell and armor holds steady.

R38T12: Linzi continues her oration. A flash of positive energy.

End Round 38, Begin Round 39 ...

R39T26-14.2: Vivino gets nicked in the neck for 3 mod. That displacement doing more than its lack of weight in gold ...

R39T14: ... unfortunately, that displacement now dissipates, but at least it helped. Though that's gone, the good news is Vivino gets his breath back and is no longer fatigued, but he is prone. Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (74:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). FATIGUED til R39T14!!! PRONE!!!
* Shield (4 min). See invisibility (67 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Green Garden Guardian: 13.1. (31:99). Blue's scimitar (own was destroyed).
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded). Wand of CMW. INSPIRE COURAGE (+2 competence attack & dmg). RS. ST: Brown (+1). Invisible.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).
* Good hope (3 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2). Roshgog.

2024-04-12, 04:02 PM
R39T14: "Light the torch," Vivino says, finishing with a growl. "These cowards are afraid of fighting in the light."

He begins to get up and he is struck by a smaller blade in his left knee for 7 mod, though with his rage he barely feels the sting. Two other blades clang against his armor. Vivino gets on his feet and now armed with claws and a muzzle - dropping the battleaxe - he begins to go to work, missing his target.

R39T12: "What torch?" asks a frantic Linzi as she continues her oration. "Nothing landed near me."

End Round 39, Begin Round 40 ...

R40T26: Vivino is stung in the belly by a small blade for 7 mod, and then his armor is struck. Avidexu tries to use claw and fang to knock Vivino down again.

R40T16-14.2: Brown and Red continue to try to get through Vivino's raging thicket of natural weapons and armor.

R40T14: Vivino, you are raging (2 THP remain), and you still have a battleaxe in one hand. You are in darkness, weakened, but still mutagen active and shield spell holding firm. What do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (74:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING!!!
* Shield (3 min). See invisibility (66 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Green Garden Guardian: 13.1. (31:99). Blue's scimitar (own was destroyed).
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded). Wand of CMW. INSPIRE COURAGE (+2 competence attack & dmg). RS. ST: Brown (+1). Invisible.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).
* Good hope (2 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2). Roshgog.

2024-04-12, 11:43 PM
R40T14: "Where did it go?" Vivino asks in frustration before he swings twice and bites at Brown. His first attack whiffs, the second bounces off armor, and the bite is made low on the Brown's left knee for 12 + 0 poison. He knows that it might be a minute before ingested poison to affect him.

R40T13.1: Linzi keeps her oration going, but cries out in pain.

R40T12: Linzi's orating is trailing off to the south as she seems to be moving away, but in this larger room - despite echoes - still affects Vivino.

End Round 40, Begin Round 41 ...

R41T26: A claw once again tries to bring Vivino down to the ground and fails.

R41T16-14.2: Lots of blows against Vivino's armor.

R41T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (62:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING!!! Make DC 17 Fort save each minute til R100T14, starting with R50T14.
* Shield (3 min). See invisibility (66 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Green Garden Guardian: 13.1. (31:99). Blue's scimitar (own was destroyed).
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded). Wand of CMW. INSPIRE COURAGE (+2 competence attack & dmg). RS. ST: Brown (+1). Invisible.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).
* Good hope (2 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2). Roshgog.

2024-04-14, 09:27 PM
R41T14: "I wonder if tiger people can breathe under water," Vivino says in a quiet bit of anger, dropping his axe before grabbing for the body connected to the tripping claw. That same direction hits him in his thigh with a kukri for 3 mod, just feeling the sting. A sword hits him in his belly for 8 mod. Vivino briefly gets hols of the tiger man before losing his grip.

R41T13.1: ...

R41T12: Linzi continues her oration, now moving closer.

End Round 41, Begin Round 42 ...

R42T26: Now Vivino is hit in the other thigh with a kukri for 6 mod, and both claw and bite try to trip him.

R42T16-14.2: The guardians attack, all missing or hitting armor.

R42T14: Vivino, what do you do?

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (62:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING!!! Make DC 17 Fort save each minute til R100T14, starting with R50T14.
* Shield (3 min). See invisibility (66 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Green Garden Guardian: 13.1. (31:99). Blue's scimitar (own was destroyed). CHARGED!!!
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded). Wand of CMW. INSPIRE COURAGE (+2 competence attack & dmg). RS. ST: Brown (+1). Invisible.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).
* Good hope (2 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2). Roshgog.

2024-04-16, 11:54 AM
R42T14: Vivino grits his teeth in frustration. "Shame you don't like water, you could really use a bath," he says as he mimics fanning a smell from his nose. Then with a careful approach, he tries to stumble away - catching a scimitar in his back hip for 3 mod - and stumbles his way off the edge. It is unexpected as he was feeling his way in the darkness. He tries to find a way to right himself, but flailing in the black and unbalanced in his rage as he is, he falls what seems like an eternity as Linzi's voice trails off above.

And with that, Vivino proved his mastery over his enemies in defining the house of his death, and not they.

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (62:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING!!! Make DC 17 Fort save each minute til R100T14, starting with R50T14.
* Shield (3 min). See invisibility (66 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

Green Garden Guardian: 13.1. (31:99). Blue's scimitar (own was destroyed). CHARGED!!!
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded). Wand of CMW. INSPIRE COURAGE (+2 competence attack & dmg). RS. ST: Brown (+1). Invisible.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).
* Good hope (2 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) saves and Constitution (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) save against the poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison), whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2). Roshgog.