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2015-07-06, 09:45 AM
The undead are dispatched without any troubles.

With the Fogcutting Lenses Bladicorn can better orientate herself. This is one of the smaller village squares, or circles in this case. The route to Fishmonger's house is now rather easy now and within a couple of minutes you are standing for a small commoner's house. The door is half opened and it seems nobody is home. A closer inspection reveals that Fishmonger must have left in a hurry in the morning. The bed is still unmade and you can find the beginning of breakfast scattered about. Also the fishing poles were still there, hanging on the wall, indicating he hadn't left for work yet.

If someone is inclined, perception to search the house more.

2015-07-07, 09:40 AM
"Good work, you two."
"Not the nicest ol' goat, eh Honeydust?" Flamestrike lets out a deep laugh at the filly's impression.
Flamestrike will wait with Honeydust until the party emerges from the building. Then he will follow the people who can see.

2015-07-09, 03:17 AM
It's most important that I don't panic. Fishmonger is an adult. He can handle himself. I just don't know if I can handle that. What I was I thinking when I went on this trip. He did say he needed my help, but everything around here seems pretty much fine.

Oh, right I didn't really spend a lot of time talking to people, so of course I wouldn't notice the fact that everyone is missing and that I have to kill a random goat. Ugh, goats. What pitiable creatures. They have horns, but no innate magic to go with them. I may have acted too quickly when I slew that odious necromancer. I might have gotten some information out of him.

Did Fishmonger leave some clue to his whereabouts?

Perception to search: [roll0] + 12

Extra Anchovies
2015-07-09, 03:53 AM
Upon seeing Mindy enter the house and begin looking around, Windchaser will do the same.

Reallocate essence: 3 in the Eyes, 3 in the Helm, 2 in the Army (Spinnerets with Entero and Flamestrike).

Windchaser will open doors and containers but will not move or rearrange items (the exception being things that block access to a door or container, which are moved temporarily and then replaced after the container or door has been opened and its contents or the adjoining room inspected). He will also not rearrange or alter the contents of containers; if a container has multiple layers of stuff in it he will only inspect the first layer of things. In short, he's trying to leave the house mostly as is.


2015-07-09, 09:22 AM
"Ya see anything important in here, Sparkles?" Flamestrike lifts some things with his paws half-heartedly. He was starting to feel like this house wasn't very important to his mission.

I'm slightly disappointed that Phoenix Wolves don't get scent.

2015-07-09, 03:00 PM
Dents in the floor and prints in the dust seems to imply they have been a lot of visitors recently, most likely at the same time. You guess at least 6+ hoofed creatures were, which would barely fit in the tiny house. As a result you see that many furniture has been moved away and then back again. You can follow the hoof prints till outside, they seem to go to the village center.

In the tiny bedroom there seems to be a small writing table, oddly fitted between the bed and a closet, preventing the small closet from opening proper. You can get the door ajar to look into it and, if you would want to, take the clothes inside. It is clear the writing table wasn't here before and it seems rather new compared to the other furniture. On it there is a letter that is started but never finished. All it states is "They are coming. You must return."
The bed and the ground have a couple of crumbled letters lying around.

2015-07-09, 06:13 PM
"We're headed to the town square." I pocket the new letter. Finally, I may be able to end this. "We should proceed with caution. I think they may have hostages. Visibility is poor, but we should do our best to scout the area ahead of time."

2015-07-14, 09:18 AM
The group continues their way to the town square. They quickly end on one the main road, large enough to have two carts between each other. They also feel that pulling again, like when they were standing on the wall. However it feels stronger now, but still not strong enough to move anything against it's will. There is also a hint of something else, but you can't put your hoof (or paw) on it, it's a tingle that feels like something is messing with your mind yet is failing to do anything.

It's Mindy, and Honeydust, that see it first. The square is still a quite distance away but you can already see the large town center. Normally bustling with life, it is almost empty, but what draws your eyes is a strange black thing hanging above the square. The only words you can find for it is that it looks like a crack, the kind you see in a busted dish or stone that fell on the ground. But its strangely and unnaturally black. You heard rumors about this, but you never expected it to be true.

As the group gets closer Windchaser also gets a good look of it, and even the ones what can't pierce the mist still see a darker shade of mist up ahead.

The square itself is empty except a few empty stalls and a single cart. You also spot a few more of those robed fellows. Three pacing around aimlessly and two standing more back and looking. So far they haven't noticed you.

2015-07-14, 10:51 AM
Five more enemies, huh? I don't want to start up another fight, especially if they have fishmonger hostage. Maybe I should try a more diplomatic method.

"I think I'll go talk to them," Bladie whispers.

2015-07-20, 10:21 PM
Ultrapony looks towards the five guys. "There are five guys there. I think we should have them make us burgers. That is just what five guys do. I don't actually need to eat... I just like the feeling of flesh in between my teeth.

2015-07-21, 09:22 AM
"I can't see a darned thing around here! Flyboy! Keep an eye on that unicorn woman."
"Be careful, keep yer wits about ya." Flamestrike growls.

2015-07-21, 12:33 PM
I canter up to the figures. "Hello, young gentlemen. You can call me Mindy, because friends call me Mindy. 'The only way to have a friend is to be one,' after all." I giggle in my most amicable manner. The trick is to infiltrate these men in order to find out about Fishmonger.

Sense Hostility (if it's not up. THat puts me down to 20 PP.)
Concentration to hide it: [roll0]

Diplomacy [roll1]

2015-07-21, 01:24 PM
The three cloaked figures that are pacing instantly detect as hostile, but before you can do something one of the figures in the back runs forwards. "Calm guys, it's just a civilian." They seem to react and walk a bit back, but the aggression remains. The either figure walks to them and walks with them. The first one turns his attention to Bladicorn and removes his cloak from his head, revealing a rather plain looking brown pony with a dark brown mane. He has the kind of face that you see one of in every crowd. "Welcome Mindy, my name is Mort for friends. Mortimer if you like long names. Don't mind my friends, long story, but they are rather unfriendly until after you get to know them. It seems you missed the village meeting, or are you just late on purpose? Shall I escort you to the rest of your villagers?" He asks friendly

2015-07-25, 06:51 PM
"Oh, you know... I'm very scattered brained and all over the place. What's on the agenda for today? Where is everybody?" Information is probably the most important thing right now. If I can get these ponies to get me where I need to be and quick, I may be able to find out what Fishmonger knows and solve this little conundrum.

Extra Anchovies
2015-07-26, 12:08 AM
Windchaser lands and focuses for a moment. The shadows wreathing his hooves grow darker, and he creeps forwards until he can see Mindy and the pony she's speaking with.

Reallocate essence; 3 in Eyes of the Hawkguard, 2 in Stalker's Tabi, 3 in Sentinel's Helm. Vision range is 45 feet.

Stealth to remain unseen:
Sense Motive to interpret both parties' speech and body languages:

2015-07-27, 12:08 PM
"Well, not sure how much you missed, but your friends are safely in the magic portal." The plain looking brown pony frowns. "You are lucky you found us before you we starting purging the city." "Eh, we would have started with the forest first." The other one shouts. "Yeah, you were in no risk." He winks friendly. "But well, if you follow me I can bring you to safety and the other villagers." He jovially points with his hoof to strange dark pattern in the dark, like it was some vehicle to a vacation destiny.

The two talking, Mindy and the pony that took off his cloak, both seem to smile a lot. But you note they are both acting more friendly then they want to be. Espcially the strange with the cloak seems impatient.

You can also make out the other 4. Three of them seem hostile and almost like hungry dogs waiting for their master to command them to hunt. The fourth keeps them in check but seems uncertain and nervous.

You also note that when the one guarding the three others talks to the unhooded pony, it seems reversed. A sort of act they practiced a lot, but it's still not natural body language.

2015-07-27, 12:23 PM
"Gimme the sit-rep, Flyboy. What's goin' on 'round here."
Flamestrike sits at a comfortable distance, still not able to see. A deep rumbling growl can be heard from him. Definitely wary of danger.

2015-07-27, 12:30 PM
"Oh, I missed a whole lot. I'm always lost in my own thoughts. Like if I left the oven on. What's this deal with the purge again?" This is bad. Mass movement of people and purges don't go together well. I'll have to figure out how to stop the process. That must be what Fishmonger was warning me about.

Bluff: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2015-07-28, 12:15 PM
"You know, getting rid of the beasties that threaten your little town. Queens orders." He smiles polity, but subtlety tries to nudge Mindy along, towards the center of the square. "The ghosts, the monsters, the shadows, the things that eat ponies." The other one adds, and then whispers. "We should hurry though." "Yeah, I am sorry. You seem lovely but we got a job to do. Your friends can explain everything, in the safety of the our magic."

The gentle smile and nice demeanor of the unhooded pony seems to crack as he seemingly gets more and more impatience. And you are pretty sure they don't got orders from the queen. Why else would that group of soldiers you traveled with be here?

The other one that talks seems wary, but you are not sure if that is because of you, or the other cloaked ponies threes that are hostile towards you.

2015-07-28, 12:37 PM
Well, that won't do at all. It seems that the Queen wouldn't have the guts to pull something like this off. Not that I would have complied under her orders.

"Oh, neat! I can't wait! What are you doing to get that done? Do you have some kind of machine? Tell me everything!"

This is taking too long.

concentration to conceal Empathic Connection, targeting the first guy. DC 18 will or be charmed, and telepathically connected to Blady for seven minutes.

Sense Motive 1d20+12

Extra Anchovies
2015-07-28, 01:26 PM
Mindy's found some locals and is trying to figure out what's going on. Something about purging the area of threats - like those shadow ponies in the forest - and something about the townsfolk hiding in a magic portal.

2015-07-28, 01:32 PM
"If there's somethin' I've learned in all my time. It's always look a gift horse in the mouth. I can't see a darned thing here. But you bet yer hooves I'll crash through that wall if'n I need ta."
Flamestrike keeps his tone low and says in a deep rumble. "Entero, if things get ugly, let's give em hell."

Sorry gang, the tank's only as useful as his vision.

2015-07-29, 01:31 PM
He reacts to Mindy's powers without any hesitation. "Well, we got a few more moments. I am afraid it's nothing that fancy, it's basically a summon a ritual. To summon..." Before he can finish you hear a loud "clang" and a "swoosh". Suddenly you notice a bolt in the back of the unhooded pony. A crossbow is hovering in front of the other pony, who now looks extremely worried and confused. "You.. you traitor? Whatever, crazies attack!" The other three growl and snarl and below the edge of the hood you can see hungry eyes staring at Mindy.

Suddenly, combat. Roll initiative. I am not sure if I can get a map up tomorrow but the terrain is not that challenging. The party is about 30-45 feet behind Mindy. (Watleast Windchaser is at 30 feet or else he cant see everything) Mindy is standing next to the unhooded pony. The paranoid pony is standing 15 feet away from them, with the 3 crazies.

Extra Anchovies
2015-07-29, 11:27 PM
Yee-hah, fightan time.


2015-07-31, 02:08 PM
"Eh! why did you shoot me?" The unhooded pony seems rather casual about having a bolt in the back of his head.
"You... you went off sc-sc-script!" The other stammers, seemingly still confused and fearsull.
"Hm, this lady is messing with my head." His gaze turns to Mindy. "Sorry, but we are in a hurry." He apologizes as he suddenly jumps on Mindy, trying to grab her.

The other one stamps on the ground and mumbles strange words. Suddenly a wind starts blowing and the mist seemingly gets sucked in the crack. Everypony notices the flow in the mist and slowly the mist gets thinner, increasing sight.

Everypony can now see 15 feet trough the mist.

Grapple attempt at Bladicorn. [roll0]
Edit: Seems like an successful grapple unless Bladicorn does her teleport thingy.

Still waiting for some initiatives, but Bladicorn and Windchaser can act freely.

2015-08-01, 09:08 AM
Time to fight.

2015-08-04, 01:16 PM
"Well, I can't say this isn't an unfortunate turn of events. I'd like to point out that I wasn't the one who shot you."

I loathe the ever loving **** out of PF's grappling rules, BTW.

Grapple CMB to escape: [roll0]

2015-08-08, 01:59 AM
Bladicorn struggles valiantly and almost escapes, but her captor seems well trained in holding struggling people and keeps his grasp firm. "I know, calm down, I am trying to save you." He shushes.

Meanwhile the three silent ones encircle the struggling pair. "Stay back." The unhooded pony shouts to them. They still snarl and search for weaknesses, but seem to withhold from attacking.

The other pony groans annoyed. "Ignore him, attack them!" And then continues his chanting. The wind picks up as more mists gets sucked in the strange crack. The sound of a thunder is heard.

Meanwhile the unhooded pony drags Mindy away from the tear in the sky. As the mist clears more visibility is gained and he notices the rest of the group. "More? What is going on."

What the party sees is that the mist is suddenly clearing and out of the mist comes a pony wearing a cloak, struggling to keep Mindy down and dragging her along.

Well, for easiness sake, everyone is up.

Map. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K787aeZveuM9I18UA_eCwrWUWj5xcsVXVI2fqGKiy5w/edit#gid=0)

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-08, 10:42 AM
"Three hostiles. The one who's got Mindy doesn't seem to be with them, at least not anymore. Shall I open fire, sir?"

2015-08-08, 02:53 PM
"Three hostiles. The one who's got Mindy doesn't seem to be with them, at least not anymore. Shall I open fire, sir?"
"Give em hell, son!"

Flamestrike doesn't have lots of movement speed. So he will run to impede the guy who has Bladie.

Reminder: Flamestrike has Stance of the Iron Shell active, for a total of 28 AC.

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-08, 11:29 PM
Windchaser steps forwards and gladly carries out his commander's orders.

5-foot step towards the nearest enemy pony who isn't grappling Mindy, swift action to reallocate essence (3 in Hand Cannons, 3 in Chakra Targeting, 2 in Eyes of the Hawkguard), full attack the nearest enemy pony. If it drops, target the next closest, and so on.

Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]
Crit Confirm 1 [roll2]
Crit Damage 1 [roll3]

Attack 2 [roll4]
Damage 2 [roll5]
Crit Confirm 2 [roll6]
Crit Damage 2 [roll7]

Attack 3 [roll8]
Damage 3 [roll9]
Crit Confirm 3 [roll10]
Crit Damage 3 [roll11]