View Full Version : Travails in Suzail - IC

2015-09-11, 02:25 PM
It should have been an easy job. Slip in through the window, grab the chest, scarper. Dozing guards, shadowed alleyways... an idiot could have done it. Blindfolded.

So there were extra guards posted? Nothing a few sturdy coshes can't sort out. So the chest was nailed down? That's what crowbars are for. So a bunch of vagabonds stormed the place looking for the very same gold... wait, what? That was unexpected - and problematic, given the company of Purple Dragons chasing them. Time to bail!

Col's last words to you were: "head fer the docks, ya should be able to lose 'em there. I'll try an' draw 'em off. Go!"

You look around quickly and take stock of the situation. You are standing outside of the custom house, at a four-way crossing. People are running in all directions, and Col is creating a loud distraction. Up the avenue (North), you see a band of Purple Dragon knights marching, double-time. Down the avenue (South; the direction of the docks), you see a crowd of what look like peasants, beggars and general rabble filling the road. An East-West street cuts across the avenue here. You can't see much in either direction... to the West there looks to be a large tavern overhanging the street, and to the East the way is lined with boxes and barrels.

What do you want to do?

2015-09-12, 04:07 AM
Elly hisses quietly and flicks her head towards the street full of barrels and boxes for the benefit of Eric, indicating that she would be travelling this way. She left the decision of whether to travel together or separately to the docks up to his judgement. Both had merits and drawbacks, as they both well knew.

Eyeing the boxes and barrels, she tried to use her best judgement as to whether there would be time and sufficient hiding places to hide, or whether she'd need to keep running.

OOC: Assuming I'm not classed as in combat, I'll use City Secrets to travel twice as fast if I don't end up hiding.

2015-09-12, 04:36 AM
You judge that it would take too long to rearrange the boxes to make them into a hiding place, and the knights can see you where you are at the moment, so you wouldn't be very well hidden anyway. However, they do look pretty unstable. If you want to attempt to knock them over, please make a Strength check.

Voice of the DM: you are not in combat, but this is a 'skill challenge' that is kind of similar to combat from a mechanical perspective. Movement is not being measured in time, distance and speed at the moment, only the gap between you and your pursuers. Really, City Secrets is the only reason you've got a chance of escaping in the first place, so it's kind of already been taken into account.

2015-09-12, 10:13 AM
Eric was hesitant about heading east, wanting to ultimately go towards the docks in the southwest. However, he followed closely behind Elly, trusting in her knowledge of the city. Besides, if they could get out of sight and change direction, it could buy a lot of time.

Eyeing the boxes and barrels, she tried to use her best judgement as to whether there would be time and sufficient hiding places to hide, or whether she'd need to keep running.

Noticing as Elly eyed the barrels, Eric prepared to assist in pushing them over if Elly went for them. Until then, he kept moving, looking for a useful alley on the South side of the street.

OOC: I'll try to give advantage on the strength check, if Elly makes one.

2015-09-12, 11:31 AM
Indicating a shove to the barrels would be a good idea, Elly got herself into position as quickly as she could, as the half-elf moved to assist her. Giving a quick shove, and hoping for the best, Elly watched only briefly for the results of her handiwork, before continuing to flee from the guards.

OOC: Str modifier is +0, so [roll0]
And if I get Advantage: [roll1].
(If Lucky applies: [roll2]).

2015-09-12, 12:18 PM
Elly gives the boxes a shove, and Eric gives them a kick, but they only rock back and forth, refusing to fall down. Behind you, half a dozen knights break off and follow you, keeping you well within their line of sight.

You are now in a side-street off the main avenue, lined with shops and money-changers. It seems like a fairly nice place; the street is wide and relatively clean, though there is still a lot of stuff stored on the street. The shops are closed for the night, but some of the doors look to be open. As you run, you spot a ladder propped up against a pile of crates. At the end of the street, you see a temple of some kind, its white walls standing out brightly against the gathering night.

2015-09-12, 05:24 PM
Confined spaces are a good way to lose a crowd... Eric mused to himself. also a good way to trap yourself...

Ellie, get the ladder! He grunted, giving one last heave to the boxes. There would be more buildings to escape through later if it came to that.

After shoving the boxes, Eric turned to stay on Elly's heels.

Strength check to push the boxes: [roll0]
If Elly goes up the ladder, Eric will attempt to pull it up behind them. Otherwise, he is following her.

2015-09-12, 10:46 PM
Nodding vigourously, Elly grabs the ladder, looking for a likely rooftop on the south side of the street. Better to head in the general direction of the docks, after all. The temple looked interesting, not to mention possibly lucrative, but they would have to shake off their pursuit first. Perhaps another time. Once she found a good rooftop to climb up to, she intended to place the ladder and climb up as quickly as possible.

Shaking her head, she ruefully wished she had purchased caltrops the last time she had picked up equipment.

2015-09-13, 04:42 AM
You both scramble up the ladder onto the roof of a shop. Piles of stored materials go clattering down in the street, forcing the knights to smash a path through... which they manage to do pretty quickly, though it does buy you time to pull up the ladder.

On top of the roof, things look a lot clearer - this building's roof is tidy and uncluttered. You can see around you fairly well, though there are taller buildings than yours preventing you from seeing too far. The way south looks the most open, though there is a gap between the buildings not far ahead that you'll have to negotiate somehow if you go that way. Alternatively, you could run to the East, where you think you can see a more residential area, or climb up another two storeys onto the building immediately West of you.


2015-09-13, 02:28 PM
Eric couldn't believe his luck as he hefted the ladder under his arm, and ran south. Then again, if he really had good luck, they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

Elly, ya think it strange Col had us on this job? Eric asked rhetorically. Given the circumstances, he wasn't even certain she would respond.

As he approached the opening between buildings, he considered his much lighter partner. Ladies first he quipped, bridging the gap with his ladder.

2015-09-13, 03:48 PM
Attempting to cross the gap on an unstable ladder requires a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If one of you wants to hold the ladder for the other, you can gain advantage on the check, but taking that much care will take longer than just running for it.

2015-09-14, 01:52 AM
Elly nods sourly as she scampers over the roof. "I was wondering the same thing myself. Only one way to find out, right?"

Stepping over to the ladder, Elly mutters a prayer to Brandobaris as she gingerly tries to walk over to the other side.

Acrobatics: [roll0]

2015-09-14, 04:07 AM
Stepping over to the ladder, Elly mutters a prayer to Brandobaris as she gingerly tries to walk over to the other side.

A look distaste briefly crosses Eric's face as Elly mutters a prayer. It's not the God's that'll be helping me tonight Eric had to force his thoughts away from the topic as he followed after Elly. He couldn't risk losing his concentration here.

Acrobatics: [roll0]

2015-09-14, 04:19 AM
Elly slips while trying to cross the ladder! Make a Dexterity saving throw!

2015-09-14, 07:19 AM
When he sees Elly stumble, Eric leaps forward to catch her - but stops short when he sees what happens next. The nimble halfling, obviously used to this kind of situation, manages to grab the edge of the ladder as she falls, then swing herself back up and onto the next roof.

Eric crosses after her, keeping his balance with ease.

Behind you, three of the knights gain the roof you were just on, apparently having used grappling hooks to climb up. You cannot tell what happened to the other knights. Ahead, you see that there is a stack of firewood up against the side of this building that you could use to climb down into a back alley, quickly and safely. Alternatively, you could keep going straight South, which stretches out invitingly before you, on this roof or veer off to the Southeast, where a cluster of ramshackle garrets might give you an opportunity to hide from your pursuers.

2015-09-14, 08:50 AM
When he sees Elly stumble, Eric leaps forward to catch her - but stops short when he sees what happens next. The nimble halfling, obviously used to this kind of situation, manages to grab the edge of the ladder as she falls, then swing herself back up and onto the next roof.

You're playing a dangerous game, Elly Eric chuckles.

Well, lead on Eric eyed his makeshift bridge as he followed Elly. He didn't care to leave such a valuable tool behind, but it was weighing him down. Maybe he could still use it to his advantage, though he was concerned about how Elly would respond to his idea.

...and don't look back, I'll be right behind you. We just need to MOVE! Hopefully that would be enough. Surely, Eric would have a lot of explaining to do later, but for now, he didn't want Elly to see what was coming.

Just steps behind Elly, Eric prepared a blast of arcane energy. If those guards tried to cross the ladder, they would quickly find that their bridge turned to splinters.

Eldritch Blast, attack (60ft range): 1d20+5

2015-09-15, 11:44 PM
Not wanting to let on that her near-fall had shaken her a little, Elly ran as casually as she could under the circumstances toward the woodpile - and the safety of the ground. Best not to tempt fate too much.

Feeling rather than seeing something strange occurring behind her, Elly wondered briefly what her friend had done. Shaking her head to clear it, she figured he had just provided some alchemical distraction. Though it was strange that he didn't wish her to see what had occurred...

2015-09-16, 01:16 AM
Eric moves forward slowly, preparing to blast away the ladder. When the knights get to the ladder, however, two of them leap athletically across the gap... one landing uncomfortably close to you, the other misjudging the jump and crashing down into the street below! Only the third, a dwarf, attempts the ladder - at which point Eric unleashes his spell... to no effect! The bolt of arcane energy hits the ladder but does no damage to it. The dwarf, though, is startled and struggles to keep her balance...

Knight 1 athletics check: [roll0]
Knight 2 athletics check: [roll1]
Knight 3 acrobatics check: [roll2]
Disadvantage: [roll3]

...but ultimately making it across.

He's a spellcaster! Get Zippy! She shouts down into the alleyway where her comrade fell. The other knight is looking at you closely, possibly trying to memorise your face.

Meanwhile, Elly sees none of this; she runs ahead and chambers down into another alley. It's pretty dark down here, as light from the street struggles to reach you.

Elly must make a Wisdom (Perception) check to discover her options. Eric has essentially the same options Elly had last turn.

2015-09-16, 07:42 AM
He's a spellcaster! Get Zippy! She shouts down into the alleyway where her comrade fell.

Great, just great...Of course, they would have a solution. The Purple Dragons were one of the best armies in the known world, but Eric hadn't had time to account for that in his plans.

And now they were gaining on Eric and Elly. A change of scenery might be what they need to escape, and Eric wasn't yet willing to give up his biggest advantage in navigating the city, Elly. Eric runs down the woodpile after her, and quickly tries to take stock of his surroundings.


2015-09-16, 08:23 AM
Edit: posted to wrong thread.

2015-09-16, 08:45 PM
Elly looks around wildly in the alleyway. Her night vision was never that good.


2015-09-17, 03:28 AM
you cannot see much at all down here. Only the light coming from streets at either end of the alley. The one to the West sounds louder and brighter, but you can't make out anything specific in the noise.

Looks like you'll either have to take a shot in the dark, or wait for Eric and his elven eyes.

2015-09-17, 07:57 PM
Hesitating only for a moment, Elly decided not to wait for Eric to describe what he saw. There simply was no time. She began running west, hoping that would avoid them being cornered.

2015-09-18, 06:03 AM
You dash off to the West, rejoining the main avenue and being confronted immediately by a seething crowd of people. They are shouting slogans, mainly against the trading companies that operate in the docks. They seem angry but you aren't sure why.

The crowd is moving North and most of it has passed your current location already. Further down the avenue, you can see a few buildings with lights in the windows; clearly they are open for business. One appears to be a tavern or inn (judging by its sign, which is a stack of wine barrels), but the other has no sign at all. Still further down, huge brick warehouses loom darkly.
In the alleyway, you see the two ends very clearly: the Western end leads to the main avenue - that is the way Elly went - and the Eastern end appears to be a smaller street. You see three Purple Dragons emerge from it. Above you, two more of them reach the edge of the building and look down into the alleyway.

Human knight perception [roll0]
Dwarven knight insight [roll1]

"He's down there, you dolt!" Says the dwarf.
"Let's surround him! Jump down on that side, I'll go this way!" Says the human, pointing first to your West, then East.

You look around you and see two doors, one on either side of the alley. They look like the back doors of commercial premises and your common sense tells you that they will be locked. You also see a cellar-hatchway on the South side of the alley. There is an unfastened lock hanging from the handle.

((Okay, I'm done editing. I think.))

2015-09-18, 06:58 AM
Looks like this may be the end of the race for me... but Elly still has her chance. Eric thought as he entered the alley.

Elly, double back to the west! They wont find you at our safehouse! Eric shouted at the top of his lungs. While he shouted, Elly felt different words seep into her mind. *Elly, that was just a ruse. This is where we split ways... meet me in the docks.*

At that, Eric took the lock from the cellar door, and he dove in, desperately hoping there was another way out.

Deception (to draw some of the guards off Elly's trail):[roll0]
OOC: Eric takes the lock. If he can lock the door from the inside, he does. Otherwise, he immediately looks for a way out or hiding places.
Perception if necessary: [roll1]

2015-09-19, 03:12 AM
Elly didn't like this job. She didn't like it one bit. First it had gone all wrong, and it was possible they had been double-crossed. Now Eric seemed to be doing...magic? Not that magic was bad. She had picked up one or two spells from a hedge wizard friend, they could come in handy in emergencies. But why hadn't he told her he was studying magic? And how was he able to put words in her head? That seemed like powerful magic.

Elly looked around for someone toward the back of the crowd who seemed a little more reasonable than the rest, and tried to get some information out of them. "Hey, comrade. What's happening? Are we finally kicking those damn merchants out of the city?"

Just in case this was more trouble, though, she got ready to continue running toward the south.

2015-09-19, 03:45 AM
You find a pair of humans who aren't carrying torches or improvised weapons. One is old and grey, while the other is much younger. The older one says Aye, we're marching on the guildhall. We won't let those bastards get away with this!
You dart into the cellar, swapping the lock to the inside. You hear two heavy thuds outside, and then pounding on the door-hatch.

You are in a small, dark stairwell. You see a heavyset tiefling at the bottom, cradling a cudgel.

Tryin' to sneak in the back way, are we? He says, shaking his head. You gotta pay, just like the rest. Two silver, or you're goin' back where you came from, knave.

2015-09-19, 06:25 AM
Elly was getting impatient to be off again, but she risked one last question before setting off again. "But what is it they've done, friend?"

2015-09-19, 10:37 AM
Tryin' to sneak in the back way, are we? He says, shaking his head. You gotta pay, just like the rest. Two silver, or you're goin' back where you came from, knave.

Eric smiles at the Tiefling Ah, but where are my manners. Of course all pay!. He pulls out five silver as he continues, Perhaps you could quickly show me the way?

I included all that might be relevant.

If advantage (from coins):[roll1]

To determine what he is talking about or what this is a back way to:

2015-09-19, 12:08 PM
You mean you don't know? They're trying to put us all out of work! Five hundred dockers, stevedores and longshoremen, all cast adrift! He scowls. Those fools think they can force half the people to do twice the work! My daughter here already works a hundred hours a tenday... It just ain't right.

Suddenly, you notice the crowd swarm and lurch - mostly away from you. A few seconds later, you realise that some of the knights are coming this way. It looks like they've spotted you again!
He flashes you a cruel-looking smile.

Thank you, sir. Right this way. He unlatches a door behind him and waves you in.

Inside is a brightly-lit and gaudily-painted hallway, lined with cubicles, each one enclosed with bright silk curtains. Outside some of the cubicles stand young men and women wearing lots of make-up and very few clothes. Perfumes and squeals fill your nose and ears. Indeed, dropping into the middle of a brothel is a disconcerting sensory barrage.

Some of the workers move to offer you their services - the going rate appears to be one gold piece per half-hour. However, you are only inside for a few seconds before you hear a deafening crash coming from the way you came in.

Moments later, another tiefling in blue silk robes strides into the hallway and commands: everyone upstairs, quickly now! I'll deal with this.

People in various stages of undress start filing down the hall, away from the back entrance.

2015-09-19, 11:03 PM
Eric could barely stifle a laugh as he walked into the brothel. It seemed that fate insisted on giving him another opportunity to escape.

Eric muttered a few eldritch words under his breath as he turned his attention to the Tiefling in the blue. Won't you help a client? Tell them that I am hiding in the booths.

As he ran towards the stairs, Eric scooped up a discarded cloak and threw it around his shoulders. As a last touch to his hasty disguise, he threw his cap among the many other cloths littering the brothel and entered the stairway.

Eric casts friend giving him social advantage against the Tiefling.
Persuasion: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]

Let me know if I need to roll anything for the quick disguise. It isn't meant to be a full blown disguise, but perhaps it will help me escape detection (especially with all these other people trying to run away like me).

2015-09-20, 09:50 PM
Elly continues running to the south, towards the inn. The warehouses would probably be more useful as a hiding place, but they would probably be locked.

2015-09-21, 03:33 AM
You run towards the inn, which bears the name The Salty Pedlar. It sounds raucous inside, and ruddy firelight spills from the frosted panes of its windows. Before you climb up the wooden stairs to the door, you check behind you and see that some Purple Dragons are chasing you, but that you have a good head start.

Inside the inn, you are struck first by the sound, which is a fearsome din, and secondly by the smell, which is dominated by the thin, acrid scents of beer and ammonia. You also detect faint notes of wet dogs, sweat, tar and... seaweed?

HALFLING! Roars a muscular woman with tattoos all over her arms. Wanna play some dice? She indicates a tiny round table, wedged improbably between about eight people.

You assume there's a lot of other things going on in here, but can't really see anything else due to the crowd of bodies that is surrounding you.
Consider it done, sir. He says as he glides past.

Up a cramped spiral staircase, you emerge into what is clearly an above-ground cellar. It is filled with stacks of barrels and smells strongly of wood and tar. The people from the brothel mill around anxiously, while a young girl closes a trapdoor over the staircase and covers it with a rug. You think you spot a nondescript wooden door on another side of the room.

2015-09-21, 10:02 AM
Alien whispers crept into Eric's mind as he tried to get a bearing on his surroundings. The room seemed to spin and melt around him.

Eric thought back to the promise he was given with his power. He was told he would gain an even greater gift. He would would receive the gift of freedom from the chains of sanity. How terrifying that promise sounded then... And how exciting it sounds now! Eric forgot the fear of his situation, as a crazed look came over his eyes. Ah, but the game hasn't ended. Let's see what these guards will do next.

Turning to the panicked crowd Eric spoke. Somebody push barrels over that trapdoor... Or do you all want to be caught? As for me, I am running. My wife would be devestated if she discovered I was here!

With that Eric ran through the door, certain that others would follow suit.

Eric is trying to motivate some into pushing the barrels and intimidate/motivate others into fleeing. Whether one, both, or neither of those actions happens, he doesn't really care.
Persuasion (barrels): [roll0]
Intimidation (flee): [roll1]

2015-09-21, 10:27 AM
Elly gave the woman a rueful smile as she pushed into the crowd, looking for another exit from the room. It might be an interesting hiding spot, at the gambling table, but if the Knights were in the mood to look closely at the patrons of the bar, she'd be wedged in tight with nowhere to go.

2015-09-21, 01:09 PM
Squeezing through the tight spaces in this room might be difficult for larger creatures, but it comes naturally to you, and you are able to get a pretty good feel for its layout after a little exploration.

The room has only one door; the one you came in through. Opposite the door is the bar, which you can access using a set of well-worn steps - clearly this place is accommodating to small folk. Three humans, all with beer-stained clothes and booming voices, serve the inn's patrons. Behind them, you see a staircase down. On the South side of the room is a wide staircase leading up.

Some of the people respond to your suggestion by starting to move some barrels, but the little girl by the trapdoor orders them to stop, kicking them in the shins until they do. Most of the others just look at you in confusion, though you note that some appear to be drifting towards one end of the room. You follow and locate the door, only to discover that it is locked.

You are now by the door at the top of the image.

2015-09-21, 08:43 PM
Having failed to open the first door, Eric moves to the doors under the stairway. While trying to keep the brothel crowd close by, he edges the doors open, and peeks out.

If the double doors are locked, he then goes up the stairs. If they aren't locked, he tries to open them gently. He doesn't want the doors opening to be too noticeable to passerbys, but he want's to get a good view.
Perception (if I get the doors open): [roll0]

If there are any guards outside, I would like to make a stealth roll to either close the door without notice, or look like a random commoner (depending on the situation of course).

2015-09-21, 08:47 PM
Elly pushes toward the stairs leading up. Perhaps there would be an exit to to the rooftops, or a good hiding place. Or even just an opportunity to put the costumes and disguises she had packed away to good use...

2015-09-22, 02:47 AM
It is quieter upstairs, but there are still people about. A quick spot of exploration reveals that this is the top floor; there are no stairs up. It is arranged around a central corridor with several rooms on either side, many of which turn out to be locked. Only X, Y and Z are open (all of them are occupied).

The double doors under the staircase look like they are used to move barrels into and out of the cellar. They are barred from the inside, but you open them and peek outside.

They open onto an alleyway you don't recognise. It is wide, as alleys go, and you see a few shady-looking characters hanging around in it.

2015-09-22, 09:39 AM
Eric didn't see any sign of guards in the alley, so he takes off to his right. He wasn't in the clear yet though. And on a night as interesting as this one, who knew what could happen next. In fact, Eric might even be disappointed if the chase ended now. In his current mania, Eric was beginning to very much enjoy the wildness of this night.

However, Eric's mind began to clear itself as he thought of his companion. Elly... I can't forget Elly. I told her to meet me by the docks... Somehow, Elly always seemed to be able to ease Eric's growing madness. He was thankful for this even if she had no idea.

2015-09-22, 07:40 PM
Sighing and rolling her eyes at the situation, Elly finds as private a corner as she can manage in the hallway, and begins changing into a musician's costume. She would just have to try and pass herself off as a performer looking to work at the tavern. Provided there was enough time, she also applies a disguise of sorts; lightening her skin, applying makeup, to make herself appear respectable (but not respectable, of course).

2015-09-24, 04:22 AM
You get your bearings fairly quickly. The way you are running tilts downhill slightly, and you are soon among the anonymous brick warehouses that surround the docks. You don't see Elly anywhere, but you also seem to have lost the knights, at least for now.

You gain 50XP for escaping the Purple Dragon knights!

2015-09-28, 03:17 PM
Eric spends the night among the warehouses, sleeping in a makeshift fortress made of long-forgotten crates, barrels and sailcloth, nestled in a tangle of alleyways that clearly hasn't been used for legitimate business in decades. There aren't even that many rats, owing to the large number of stray cats that are living here. You wake up almost buried in warm fur and coiling tails.

You note that you are feeling hungry; you used a lot of energy last night and would be well advised to eat something today. More important though, is finding Elly and Col, so you head to some of the nearby haunts - wherever you think they might have gone to look for you. Fairly quickly, you are able to track down Col, who is skulking in the corner of The New Vagabond Tavern... well technically it's a tavern, but to call it that is an insult to disreputable dives the world over. The Vagabond's walls and roof are literally crumbling to dust and most of the furniture is cobbled together from rotting naval detritus and assorted other objects that you don't really want to look too closely at.

Col is sitting on a bit of driftwood, locked in a quiet but heated discussion with someone you can't quite see - the capstan that serves as a table is blocking your view. As you approach, you hear a snippet of conversation:

I told you, I don't know where she is! They were supposed to... You get closer and see that the other person is a female halfling. At first, you think it is Elly, but her hair is too light. It's someone else. Oh, hey, look what the cats dragged in. Where have you been, Eric? And where in the Hells is Elly?

2015-09-28, 11:45 PM
Ah, Elly there you are... Eris said, trailing off as he noticed his mistake. What do you mean "where is Elly"? She came to the docks. You have to have seen her by now... Col they were right behind me! I split ways from her just so she could make it. She has to be here!

Eric's face slumps into his hands as he sits at the table. He hadn't before considered that Elly might not make it. Col, what happened out there? he asked in exasperation.

Suddenly remembering that there is a stranger in the group, Eric seems to regain his composure. And who is this? He says, seeming almost charming despite smelling of dirt and cat urine.

2015-09-29, 04:12 AM
The halfling is clearly furious with Col, and she looks about ready to explode on her when Eric arrives. Shelistens attentively and raises an eyebrow when she watches Eric go from relief to breakdown, then back to something close to sociable. She wrinkles her nose when the stench hits her right in the face - she's smelt worse, but not much worse.

The girl gauges the man in front of her for a brief moment and then she speaks, still annoyed. "The name's Fela. I'm a friend of Elly. We were supposed to meet up this morning."

Fela leans back on a piece of driftwood and crosses her arms. She looks at the two humans inquisitively. "Now, from what little she told me about this job, it was supposed to be as easy as catching the clap from a two-copper brothel. Who dropped the ball?"

2015-09-29, 04:43 AM
Best as I can figure, we wasn't the only ones what knew about the tax money in the custom house. Someone else must've 'ad the same idea, like. She raises her hands in a gesture of innocence. An' how was I supposed to know there was gonna be a riot?

I'm just as worried about Elly as you are. If she's not with Eric, she's either nicked, or she's out there on 'er own. Where did ya see 'er last?

2015-09-29, 08:32 AM
We only made it a few blocks south before we had to split. Elly had a lead and guards were on my hills so we split up. She ran toward the crowd and I went through some buildings.

Seemed like most of the guards stuck to me. Ya think she could have just hid away for the night like I did?

2015-09-29, 08:54 AM
The crowd? Ya mean the dockers? Perhaps one of them saw where she went. I seen a few knockin' around this mornin'...

2015-09-29, 09:41 AM
"She knows the city better'n all of the Purple Dragon Clutzes put together. Don't see her gettin' caught." Fela replies assuredly, but she can't help but look a little worried. Idly, she plays with a little clay bead that hangs from a bracelet on her left wrist, and mutters a few words under her breath. Then she stands up straight. "That doesn't sound like a great lead, Col, but it's something. One of you two should probably stick around in case she comes looking for you."

2015-09-29, 09:49 AM
Yeah, it couldn't hurt to ask around. Col you ought to wait. She will turn up here eventually

Turning to Fara, Eric asks So, what were you meeting Elly for?

2015-09-29, 09:57 AM
I can stick around here for a while, but I gotta be movin' on at some point. I got things to do as well, ya know! She takes a sip from her mug. There is another place you could try - if she 'as been nicked, you could find out at the Vault. It's worth a look, at least.

2015-09-29, 10:18 AM
Fela frowns. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. I don't care much for that place. Then she shrugs. But if she is there, we'll get her.

As she and Eric make their way for the exit, Fela looks him up and down again, trying to estimate his character. How well d'you know Elly?

2015-09-29, 12:11 PM
As Fela steps away from the table, Eric leans into Col and whispers Any chance you have another job? I'm sure Elly would like to put last night behind us

As Eric turned to leave, he smiled warmly at Fela as he responded. Oh, Elly and I? We are just... Colleagues. But colleagues need to look out for each other don't they?

Eric walked on with a casual demeanor. If he was even aware of his recent breakdown, he didn't show it.

2015-09-29, 12:35 PM
Another job? There's always more jobs - we still got to eat, right? Meet me at The Figurehead t'night an' I'll line you up some tasty marks.

2015-09-29, 04:18 PM
Fela nods. "I figured. Then Elly probably wouldn't like it if I talked about our business. It's all rather personal, involves some of her past." A short pause, then the short woman flashes a grin. "Pretty impressive ditching those Purple goons though. How'd you manage that?" she aks, a little excitement shimmering through her voice.
As they near the docks, Fela seems to warm up a bit.

2015-09-30, 12:01 AM
Well that was the easy part. I just led them through a brothel! I suppose they found something more interesting than me. On the way to the docks, Eric told of the previous night's events with heavy embellishment. His voice was filled with excitement, but his heart was consumed with worry. As engaged as he seemed, Eric hardly even noticed his own conversation.

As the pair approached the docks, Eric let his focus return to the task at hand. Right, lets start asking around. Somebody has to know where Elly went of to

2015-09-30, 02:47 AM
The docks are busy this morning, as usual, but it does seem that they are undermanned. Young dockers hurry around, many of them carrying loads that were clearly intended to be two-man lifts. You happen to notice that a security guard's hut is vacant.

Meanwhile, dozens of idle folks are scratching around on the periphery. A few sit on a wall, chatting about something. Another is going around the warehouses looking for work. One is playing a lute for a small crowd.

There is a congregation of older dockworkers having an animated discussion in a small tavern on a nearby street corner. Some of them look tired or worn-out, as if they had a long night...

2015-09-30, 07:29 AM
Eric's story elicits a fit of laughter from his companion. "They usually look like they could use a lay!

At the docks, Fela purses her lips and places her hands on her hips as she looks at all the peoplestanding around. Like a needle in a haystack... She's not really looking forward to questioning the entire docks like a girl who's lost her cat. Then the guard's hut catches her eyes. "You ask around, I'll be right there. Gonna check something out." With that, she casually walks over to the hut, throwing a passing glance inside to make sure there's no one there before stepping inside to take a closer look.

[roll0] - Perception check to see if Fela notices anyone or anything around/in the hut.
If there's nothing out of the ordinary,
[roll1] - Investigation check to find any leads. (or something to nick)

2015-09-30, 07:49 AM
You poke your head into the hut to make sure there is no one inside. It is vacant, filled only with piles of... stuff. You go in through the (unlocked) door and start sifting. You find:

Like four different blankets.
Lots of paperwork, mostly copies of licenses, ID papers and access permits. Nothing has today's date on it. There is also a candle, a heavy iron candlestick, a bottle of black ink and a quill.
A locked chest.
A half-full mug with what looks like tea in it.
A set of (closed) manacles. You don't see the key to them.

2015-09-30, 03:07 PM
An empty guardhouse means opportunity, but it seemed Fela already had her own ideas in mind.

Eric instead made his way to the group of older dockworkers. Hey fellas, I'm sorry to bother but I ran into an old friend last night. She's a halfling, but she was in a big hurry. I'm afraid she might be in some kind of trouble, and I thought I'd try to find her.

Anybody see a halfling in a big hurry last night? I think she was involved in the riot and may have done something dumb in her anger at the Merchant Guild.

2015-09-30, 04:02 PM
Good morning, friend, says one of the idlers. A halfling girl? I don't think I saw her... He looks around, wordlessly opening the question up to his companions. Most of them furrow their brows and shake their heads, but one says:

Yeah, I seen an halfling girl last night. In a right 'urry she was, too. He sratches his head. I think she went in The Salty Pedlar on Wharf Avenue.

2015-09-30, 05:33 PM
Eric recognized the Salty Pedlar as being near where he split from Elly. He promptly thanked the dockers for their help a headed toward the guard hut to talk to Fela.

I think Elly may have gone through the Salty Pedlar. She wouldn't have stopped there with the guards so close behind, but we may be able to find out more there.

2015-10-01, 11:38 AM
Fela jumps and turns at the unannounced voice behind her. "By the Scamp's loaded dice, don't sneak up on a girl like that." Recovering herself, she shows an appreciative nod and a wink to Eric. "Quick work though." She looks back over her shoulder at the locked chest. In clear daylight, hmmm... She reaches once more for the prayer bead hanging from her wrist. If one takes a closer look, it's a sandy color, with a small footprint etched into it. Fela whispers a short prayer into it."My life's adventure has taken me here, if only I were not to be seen it might become a fine story to tell."

"Stay on the lookout, this should only take a moment." Fela recovers two long metal tools from under her clothes, crouches down in front of the chest and slids them into the lock.

2015-10-01, 12:16 PM
Fela, please make a Dexterity (Thieves' Tools) check.

2015-10-01, 12:20 PM
[roll0] - Thieves' tool check.

2015-10-01, 12:25 PM

Eric watches the people on the docks, but none seem to be looking your way at the moment. However, the lock is harder than it first appeared. You might have to spend a little while down here. Do you want to:

a) try to pick it quickly (roll again),
b) take your time (passive check), or
c) give up?

2015-10-01, 12:43 PM
"Ugh..." Fela takes the tools out of the lock and gives them a stern look as if it's all their fault. "Just a few more seconds !" she whispers to Eric.

A. I like my odds. :smallamused:

Edit: Curses!

2015-10-01, 12:49 PM

You feel a sudden snap as your pick breaks. Luckily, you have a few spares that ought to fit this type of lock...

((I'll say you've got two more picks in this size.))

Also, Eric spots someone coming this way. They'll be close enough to see into the hut in about 6 seconds.

2015-10-01, 02:45 PM
Eric could barely stifle a laugh when he found Fela trying to pick a lock. Apparently she was as eager to get back into the game as he was. Looking around the hut, he slid a few of the identification documents into his bag when he heard Fela's pick break. Having problems? Well I've found my treasure at least.

Moments later, he noticed somebody approaching the guard's hut. Looks like we have some trouble coming. I should be able to handle it though

Eric walked towards the newcomer, hoping to stop them before they could see Fela. Excuse me! I'm looking for the guard. It is rather urgent. Could you help me out?

2015-10-02, 03:04 AM
He stops to talk to Eric. You want the guard? Hah, good luck! I 'eard she got collared at the march last night - pro'lly coolin' in the Vault as we speak. What sort of 'elp do ya need? I'm busy man... ...and indeed, he looks it.

If Fela wants to take a third shot at the lock, she'll also need to roll a Dexterity (Stealth) check to make sure she isn't heard. She would have advantage due to being out of sight and the docker being distracted.

2015-10-02, 05:00 AM
Fela curses under her breath. She takes out another pick and tries one last time.

[roll0] - Thieves' Tools
[roll1] [roll2] - Stealth

2015-10-02, 05:14 AM

The docker doesn't seem to have noticed what Fela is doing.
The lock opens. Inside the chest, you find the following:

a dagger,
[roll1] gold pieces and [roll2] silver pieces,
a map of the warehouses,
a set of folded-up traveller's clothes,
a small painting of a middle-aged man and
a steel mirror.
Would you like to take anything?

2015-10-02, 05:44 AM
Fela's felt her heart racing in her chest as she fidgeted with the lock. She lets out a sigh of relief as it springs open with a satisfying click. Opening the chest with a wide grin, she looks upon her prize. "Jackpot."
She hastily pockets the dagger and the coins and she pushes the map down her pants. The painting takes a bit longer for Fela to appraise. Finally, she decides she likes it, slides it under her vest and buttons it shut. Not the best way to transport this, but it's workable. She gently closes the chest and gets up. Then she waits for an opportune moment to get out of the cabin.

2015-10-02, 09:44 AM
We had some other dockworkers helping us load up a shipment, but somehow a few of the boxes ended up on the wrong boat. I know the workload is heavy around here, but this is just ridiculous. If it doesn't get fixed now, there will be even more workers on the chopping block.

If you can't help out, can you go find somebody who can?

As Eric speaks to the man, he motions to a couple of boats as if to show where the mix up happened.

2015-10-02, 09:55 AM
Aye, tha's what 'appens when yer rushin' round. Who're ya workin' for?

2015-10-02, 11:03 AM
I'm with Seven Sons Eric replied. Now can you help me load a few boxes? If you are too busy, at least could you grab me your supervisor? Mine seems to have disappeared, but this needs to be taken care of now. At least if I can talk to yours, I may be able to get a few hands to help out.

2015-10-02, 11:56 AM
He sucks in air through his teeth and says: again? Didn't we get you guys out the muck last week? Look, yer gonna have to ask my gaffer. He's up on the Umberlee's Lament, I think. Anyway, I got to keep moving. See ya around, yeah?

He hurries off.

2015-10-02, 01:44 PM
Fela saunters out with a wide grin plastered on her face. "We're cuttin' it a bit close, huh?'' she says to Eric, clearly very pleased with herself. She passes him a gold piece and the two pieces of silver, then pats her vest. The painting underneath it gives off dull knocks. "Show you the rest later. "

"At the Salty Peddler, perhaps?"

2015-10-02, 03:29 PM
Yes, we should go. Though it is a shame to leave when there's no guard. Eric said as they headed off.

2015-10-03, 07:27 AM
You head up The Salty Pedlar and enter its common room (on the first floor). It is busy, as always, but the atmosphere is relaxed - a lot of the people here are drinking alone, probably waiting to meet someone or just whiling away the hours until such a time as they need to be somewhere. The inkeeper serves a flagon of ale to a well-dressed human, then looks at the two of you.

Welcome to the Pedlar, she says, how can I help you this morning?

2015-10-03, 09:12 AM
Eric pulls up a chair next to the well-dressed human that the innkeeper was serving. Well I'd certainly like a bite to eat if you have anything good.

I'm also interested in a rumor I heard. I was told the Purple Dragons chased somebody through here last night. Is there anything to that rumor?

2015-10-03, 09:52 AM
If it's food you're after, you've come to the right place! She tells you what is available, as listed below. Regarding those... rumours, yes, the Dragons did come in here looking for someone. I am proud to report, though, that they did not find their quarry here. The Salty Pedlar does not harbour fugitives!

Vegetable Soup - 6cp
Bread & Cheese - 3sp
Clam Chowder - 5sp
Steamed Lobster - 2gp

Beers (by the mug):
Bitter Black - 4cp
Kneecracker - 3cp
Old One Eye - 4cp
Suzale - 3cp

Wines (by the glass):
Arabellan Dry - 4sp
Berduskan Dark - 4gp
White Clarry - 2cp

2015-10-04, 01:57 PM
Well I'm glad that there was no trouble. Is there anybody around that was here last night or that might know more? I'd love to hear that there is one less criminal on our streets.

And I would be glad to have some of your clam chowder. Bring some Arabellan Dry for my friend and I as well!

As the Innkeeper walks off, a wave of relief washes over Eric. As he watches the innkeeper walk off, Fela feels a strange voice in her head. Well we still need to find Elly, but it is looking like she gave guards the slip. Are you up for a celebratory game?

Take whatever you can in this building. Whoever walks out with the most will get the bigger portion of the earnings. We can split it 70/30. Just don't get caught.

If Eric has to pay in advance, he watches the innkeeper leave to determine where the money is put

2015-10-04, 04:11 PM
She pours out two glasses of delicate red wine, then opens a hatch in the floor and calls for a bowl of chowder. That'll be one-and-three, thank you. The coins go into a pouch on her waistband. She leans towards the man next to you and asks: hey, Mister Tafford, you were here last night, weren't you?

Yes, but I was in my room when all that commotion was going on. I don't know if I'll be able to help all that much.

She turns back to you. Hmm. I think I saw those guys in last night, as well. A group of common-looking folk are sitting at a table in the middle of the room. It looks like they're playing some kind of game.

2015-10-05, 11:06 AM
Fela had been content with letting her companion do most of the talking as she sits a bit uncomfortably on the large chair - her feet just barely scratch the ground. She gives a brisk nod to the innkeeper when she fill the big glass in front of her. She takes a sip. Hmm, this i-
Fela almost drops the glass when she hears a voice in her head. She curiously looks around for a second or two before finally finding Eric's eyes. A curious eyebrow is raised, but finally she winks back at him.

Fela tries to get a glimps of the game that's being played. "D'you wanna join those folks over there?" She asks Eric in a casual tone.

2015-10-05, 10:18 PM
In truth, Eric was only testing Fela. He was pleased to see that she was confident enough to take a few risks. It almost felt like he was working with Elly.

The voice invades Fela's mind again. A fine idea. Maybe we should forget the contest and work together then. Eric was somewhat shocked at himself. Yesterday he was hesitant to even let Elly know of his power. Now he was showing off to somebody he had met only hours earlier. And yet he was strangely unconcerned.

Walking over to the group around the table, Marus chimes in with a mirthful voice.So, whats the game? It feels like a lucky night!

Persuasion to get himself and Fela accepted into the game

After receiving a response, Eric's voice gains a twinge of sadness as he continues Ah, I'm afraid that's not my game. I may just sit here and watch a bit. My friend may yet play though. Eric pulls up a chair behind whoever seems to be in the lead.

2015-10-06, 12:44 PM
The players look bleary-eyed and hung over. They tell you that they're playing 'cards', by which they clearly mean some kind of basic, trick-taking game where tactical thinking and card-counting can help, but most of the result is determined by luck of the draw.

They stare at Fela skeptically, but will allow her to join in if she wishes.

2015-10-06, 01:34 PM
The halfling smirks and winks at the players. She walks over to the table, places her glass on the table and lifts herself with both hands on an empty stool.
"What are we playing? Any stakes?" Fela asks. "I'm not any good at these card games, but I like playin'em! She declares innocently.

When she gets passed her first hand, she casually mentions the ruccus from yesterday. "Did you folks hear about that?"

2015-10-07, 10:53 AM
You are (eventually, after a few dropped cards) dealt a hand of seven cards.

's just tarot, you know. Major Arcana is trumps. Clockwise from the dealer. Explains a human with shaggy, brown hair.

A dark-haired woman chips in: we're just doin' 1 copper an 'and, with draws rollin' over to the next 'and. You note that 4 copper pieces sit in the middle of the table. Just a bit o' fun, ya know?

Ruckus? Yeah, we saw the Dragons come in. Cleared the place out, they did. Why do you ask?

2015-10-07, 04:00 PM
A few moments pass before Fela can think of an answer. "Just don't get it, seems a bit much to send in the Dragons over a bunch'a dockers making a mess. Did they collar anyone or what?" She tries to keep her voice as calm and casual as possible, but her eyes are directed exclusively at the cards - away from the other players - as she shifts them nervously between her fingers.

Fela plays a slow game, always taking a second or two to put a card down, looking very pensive.

2015-10-09, 04:44 AM
Not as far as I saw. I figure whoever it was gave 'em the slip. It were proper crowded... he muses.

Yeah, I reckon a bright pink troll could 'ave hidden in 'ere last night without being seen. The woman counts out some coppers and stacks them on the table.

The game is played in 5-hand rubbers. Fela: please make five Luck checks, with advantage.


2015-10-09, 06:45 AM
1 - [roll0] [roll1]
2 - [roll2] [roll3]
3 - [roll4] [roll5]
4 - [roll6] [roll7]
5 - [roll8] [roll9]

2015-10-09, 11:33 AM
As the man, whose name is Tanlon, plays his cards, he looks closely at Fela. So why are ya so innerested in this guy? I ain't seen ya 'roun here afore... Y'aren't workin' fer the Dragon's, are ya?

The woman, who is called Calla, wraps up the rubber by winning the rollover pot. Hah, want to keep going? She shuffles the cards.

Overall, Fela gains 1cp during that rubber.

2015-10-10, 11:35 AM
No, no we aren't with the dragons Eric said laughing. If I can be candid, we are worried about one of Fela's family members. She has been missing since last night, and she has a history of making bad decisions. She is still family though, and I just want to help Fela make sure her family is ok.

Our problem is probably unrelated to last night's events, but we heard that the Purple Dragons were chasing a halfling. We want to learn more to put our minds at ease

2015-10-11, 10:43 AM
Fela was getting a little nervous with all the questions being asked of her, hesitating to answer, when Eric -thankfully- stepped in. She nods repeatedly as he fabricates a story, but lets him do the talking here.
She tosses the same copper piece she won back in the pot. "Sure." she says to Calla, taking another sip from her glass. "I feel like I'm getting the hang of this."

Assuming nothing intervenes. :smallsmile:
1 - [roll0] [roll1]
2 - [roll2] [roll3]
3 - [roll4] [roll5]
4 - [roll6] [roll7]
5 - [roll8] [roll9]

2015-10-12, 08:19 AM
Calla replies to Eric: lookin' out for family? I can respect that. I hope she shows up somewhere.

As you play the next rubber, Tanlon muses, hmm... if this gal did come in here, p'rhaps she went upstairs? It'd be even easier to hide up there, with all the rooms and beds and cupboards and what-have-you.

Aye. My head's kinda fuzzy still, but I can't remember if the Dragons even looked upstairs...


Fela gains 4cp this time around.

2015-10-12, 10:00 AM
Fela's so concentrated on the game and Eric's information passing through her head that Tanlon and Calla's words only register at the end of that hand. She perks her head up. "Now we're talkin', that's a good idea." She turns to Eric. "Let's go up to have a look."
When the rubber ends Fela gets up. "Thanks for the help, fellas." She slides her winnings off the table into the palm of her open hand. "And thanks for the game. Maybe I'll have time for another rubber or two later." She winks.

Lowering herself off the stool, she walks over to Eric and surreptitiously passes 3 copper pieces to him. "Neat trick." she tells him when they're out of the table's earshot. Gotta ask him about that later.
"D'you think they'd mind if we took a look upstairs?"

2015-10-14, 02:13 PM
It transpires that the innkeeper won't let you go upstairs unless you pay for a room. A little girl (the same one Eric encountered in the barrel room) stands at the top of the staircase. She throws you the cutest scowls whenever you look at the doors behind her.

If you would like to pay for a room, there are three sizes available: small, medium and large. The prices (per night) are 5sp, 8sp and 2gp respectively.

2015-10-18, 01:35 PM
Eric lets his frustration show as he responds to the innkeeper We can't simply look around? Fine, well I am still waiting for my change from the 2 gold I gave you. The meal was one and three, so there should be more than enough left for a small room.

Deception to convince the innkeeper that Eric had actually paid 2 gold.

2015-10-18, 01:48 PM
She looks flustered. Oh, of course! My apologies, sir... She hands you two silver falcons and a key to a room. To the girl, she shouts: let 'em in, Tink!

2015-10-20, 11:59 AM
Well Fela, let's hope we find something or I just wasted five silver. Eric said, with the slightest hint of a smug grin.

As Eric reaches the top of the stairs, Eric speaks to the girl in hushed tones So Tink. You know anything about what happened last night?

OOC: Eric intentionally avoids details in his question. He is asking about Elly, but he is also testing to see if the girl recognizes him. The question could apply either way.

2015-10-21, 02:35 PM
No. She pouts. The tiefling-man won't tell me anythin'. He won't even pay me proper money! I spend all night workin' that rotten door for all the funny-smellin' folks, an' all I get is these stinkin' toals*! She grabs a fistful of square tokens from a pocket in the front of her dress.

Oh, wait. He did say somethin' actually. What was it... oh right. I was 'sposed to look out for a half-elf wit' dirty blonde hair. Hey, you look kinda elfy...


...maybe you know the guy. Oh well, 's probably not that important. She lets you past into the bedchambers.

Your room is small, maybe 10 feet by 15, with two old and battered beds, some other basic furnishings and one little window. As you go in, however, you hear noises in the room next door... it sounds like someone is putting on some boots and a coat, making ready to leave.

Toals are brass coins minted in Waterdeep, a city almost a thousand miles away. They have no value outside of Waterdeep.

2015-10-22, 08:42 AM
As Eric notices the sound in the next room, he whispers to Fela. I'm going to need you to keep a lookout for our neighbor. It sounds like they are about to leave. If they are a Teifling, just let them go. Otherwise, I want to talk to them about last night.

After his request, Eric tries to find a space of the room where he can't be seen from the hallway.

2015-10-22, 09:09 AM
There is a space against the wall, next to the door, where you cannot be seen from the hallway. There is currently a wooden chair in this space.

2015-10-22, 09:19 AM
There is a space against the wall, next to the door, where you cannot be seen from the hallway. There is currently a wooden chair in this space.

Eric sits in the chair a listens through the wall while he waits for a signal from Fela.

2015-10-22, 01:52 PM
Fela shoots him a puzzled look but does as Eric asks. Silently, she mimes knocking twice on the door, then leaves the room to stand on lookout.

2015-10-23, 07:50 AM
You aren't waiting for long before a pair of dark-skinned humans emerge from the room, in sturdy boots and cloaks. From their appearances, you guess that one is a merchant - he wears exotic red and orange silk robes under his cloak and you notice a fine scimitar on his belt - and that the other is a mercenary in his employ.

The merchant moves to walk past Fela while his guard glares at the halfling.

2015-10-24, 04:10 AM
Fela gives them both a gentle smile. The thought of 'stumbling' into the merchant to get an idea of the depth of his pockets enters her mind, but the hireling's scimitar makes her think twice.
Discreetly, she knocks twice on the door.

2015-10-25, 12:36 PM
Eric stepped out the door, acting as if he was mid conversation with Fela. I'm telling you, I just don't see anything here! Are you sure she was here yesterday? Eric turned towards the merchant and his eyes lit up. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice anybody else was up here.

Actually, you may be able to help us. Were you here last night? We are looking for a friend who was around here Eric's voice was full of warmth, and his eyes were held on the merchant's (not straying towards his valuables). Even Fela may have felt that Eric was incapable of malintent if not for the voice in her head Don't get too excited. Elly comes first. Afterward, we may look into something more lucrative

2015-10-25, 01:12 PM
The merchant turns around and takes a moment to size Eric up.


Yes... I was here last night. Who is this friend of yours?

2015-10-25, 01:42 PM
Well she is a halfling, and tall as far as her people go. She has short black hair that she usually has pulled back. I am fairly certain that she was up here at some point last night.

2015-10-25, 02:02 PM
Oh, that sounds like that Elly girl. Yes, she was here. She, um, she signed on as a caravan guard with some other merchants that were staying here... They left for Tilverton this morning - you could probably catch them if you hurried.

2015-11-01, 06:15 AM
Well, I really must be going. Good luck finding your friend.

They head down the stairs and out of the building.