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2016-03-05, 06:39 PM
When you came into the free city of Zhengar, you hoped to start anew - hoped for fresh start, new chance, opportunity to build your fortune.

However, from the time you entered the city, you were followed by the same looks - cold stares full of distrust, fear-filled quick glances at your weapons and your armour followed by faster strides to get away from you, awed looks of the kids, followed by their mothers calling them in, calculating gazes of guards - whether you will be their work tonight or the next night... and the stares full of direct hatred - only some, and only well-hidden.

You immediately knew, that your hopes were futile. You don't belong. These were merchants, guardsmen, women with children. You were... an outsider. Outcast. Someone they at best distrust, and at worst they hate. You wandered the side streets until you reached the same tavern that everyone, who is not a welcome guest sooner or later finds and enters.

The tavern "Happy Guest" has seen better days. It was small, two-story ramshackle building, with the bar covering the whole ground floor. With a smoking fireplace that made your eyes itch, few tables with benches and few without, greasy barman and dirty glasses, the place obviously attracted only the worst clientele. You could finger-draw into the dirt on the table if you wanted, the drinks were watered down, and you could hear and feel the draft coming through cracks in walls. The few patrons that were sitting around mostly drank their beer or spirits silently.

You glanced around the table, taking a moment to look into eyes of each of your companions, trying to look deep into their hearts. They were not meant to work the land, to sow and reap, to have families. They were bladeslingers. Swordsmen. Soldiers. Mercenaries. They were not a nice bunch, but you knew you can trust them - because you were and are one of them. And you all know only one line of work.

You found each other - as one outcast you recognized the others. You didn't fit in. You stood out and they did too. You ended up sitting at the same table beside the fire because no one else would sit with any of you. You shared some stories, but ultimately you knew what brought you together. It's better to sit with someone who understands that you don't want to share your life story - you want to change it. And then the lady suggested to create a group. To swear an oath.

The other tavern guests ignored you - trying not to upset you. And it was wise.

You all had nothing to lose, so you swore that day. To put past grievances away. To put your skills to good use - and to make a good life out of it. You nodded, looking at the pouch in the middle of table. It contained only measly amount of coins - the small amount which you all put together, most of it coming from a single source.
You swore to work together. To try to make living, or die.
Because no one should die alone.

You sit around the table, in the tavern. The fire provides pleasant warmth - the spring wind coming from the sea is still too crisp and while it lacks the winter's bite, you are still glad you don't have to sit outside. There is a faint smell of smoke and stew in the air.

The greasy tavernkeeper comes to your table, starts to pick up the cups.
"You - order 'nother round or git lost. And don't even think about stayin'ere. No free rooms." He suddenly smiles, showing you the blackened teeth. "Try the Red Cassle at the New Market or Lone Fox inn, just down the street be'ind the cement'ry, they's always empty."

As one man, you stand up and walk out.

As you exit the tavern, you squint as your eyes attempt to adjust to the light. While the wind still reminded you of winter, the sun attempted to provide the warmth of spring. If it wasn't for the wind, it would be a very pleasant day, with only few clouds on the sky, driven fast by the wind, and the sun slowly moving over the horizon, just over the rooftops, which slowly begun its graceful descent about two hours ago. Yet the sidestreet in which the tavern stands, is bustling with activity. Dock labourers, sailors and traders - they all move around you, trying to finish their chores before the sunset. Dogs chase cats, carts roll through the street and kids play in this chaos.Few steps away from you, two women talk, glancing to you as if to decide whether they should take their private conversation inside, denying themselves the pleasant sun.

Up the streets you see several shops, leading to a crossroad with larger street - one that winds up the hills to the Fortress. The cliff upon which the fortress stands, towers around you and the only thing that equals its height are the spires of Cathedral of the Vigilant Guardian.

A man in rich-looking, but worn trader's clothes stands in front of a run-down warehouse, with a pouch in his hand, just opposite the tavern. He looks at you quizzically and approaches your small group.

"Say, wouldn't you be interested in easy possibility of profit?" His voice sounds hopeful and concerned.

You look at each other, surprised at how fast a job presented itself. Kate looks at everyone else in the group and steps up, asking about the job.

The others watch the street for a while, not trying to disturb Kate, who seems to be doing good job extracting information from the trader. After few minutes, she returns to the group, informing them about the job.

The man says he is a trader has a staff shortage. He needs you to transport a wagon full of goods to trading post inside the Darkwood forest. It should take less than week of travel - should you successfully drive the wagon there, your reward after returning shall be 3 silver coins per head, which would provide you with comfortable living for at least a week. On top of this the trader promised that you will be provided food and money for lodging - there should be inns on the road.

The Darkwood forest, according to Nazir's knowledge, are vast and there are still some unexplored parts, lots of ruins, and roads that lead to nowhere. The bandits also roam the area. However, he should be able to shorten the time.

Kate explained the job details, looked around and stated: "I say we accept. This is good honest work, for a reasonable wage. It'll also give us a chance to practice working as a group, before the more serious jobs arrive. We shouldn't be courting serious mercenary work until we've got a feel for one another's styles."

Ruark looked at Urukubarr. The half-orc was watching the trader, and didn't respond, however, Ruark knew their situation and voted for yes. The coin provided would cover basic needs like food and shelter. He saw this as a cake-walk assignment with minimal risk rewarding good money on success. It would be a good start towards building a reputation among the merchant class, which should be helpful if they ever decided to find more lucrative work for anyone in that circle.

"This job sounds good enough, yes? But before accepting we'll have to hear how much he'll be willing to pay. Plus we'll need some coinage up front for supplies, or maybe we could get him to supply us some for a discount on the price of the job," Kafar offers his opinion to the group in a hushed tone so as to not let the merchant hear him.

After short discussion, Kate approached the trader with good news - and he was happy. He introduced as Kotrban Shakchir, and told them they would be bringing a shipment of iron bars, hides and few barrels of smoked fish, the wagon awaiting them outside the city. He was more than happy to pay them three silver coins as advance payment. As they were leaving, a boy approached the trader, who whispered to him few quick sentences. The boy immediately jumped on a horse and left.

They got basic supplies from the bazaar and in an hour they stood outside the city walls. A wagon pulled by two work horses was waiting for them, along with enough food for a week, as the trader promised, and another silver piece. The man who guarded the wagon looked more like a horse thief than steward, but he recognized them and provided also advice - to stop by the old Gray Tankard Inn along the road.

As they were leaving the city, Nazir looked to the sky and warned everyone about the possible weather change. There were dark clouds coming from the west. Since he was the one who knew the area, he took the point, stating that they will have to follow the main road for a day, then turn north at the crossroads near the carved stone.

Their travel started. And in front of them, a solitary figure of boy on a horse was slowly diminishing...

That was three days ago.

The rain started during the night they left Zhengar. Torrents of rain whipped them as the wind swept the raindrops agains their faces. Gray clouds rolled on the sky, lightnings lashed the ground, and the wind swung the branches of the trees, bending them to one side and then to the other. You have not seen sun since you left Zhengar, and met no one on this part of the road...

...except when you found the body of a young boy, maybe 16, lying in a ditch near the road. He was dead - it was obvious that fall killed him - he has fallen down from a horse, directly on a stone. You found the horse about mile from the body. You watched Urukubarr calm the creature down, approaching it slowly, talking to it the whole time in slow, guttural language.

You lost an hour digging a shallow grave for the boy. But you lost more because of the shipment - the wagon was slowing you down due to bad quality of road. And if it weren't for Nazir's eyesight and Urukubarr's amazing orientation skills, you would have missed the carved stone and crossroads yesterday. At least it seems that you have the correct way now.

But still no sight of any inns. And the rain shows no signs of weakening. It's getting dark and you can see only few meters ahead...

And suddenly, there it is. Right in front of you, out of the darkness, a two-story building appears, crammed between the trees of the forest, right beside the road. A thatched roof. A stone walls, with timber construction. Seven windows on the lower floor, three on the higher. And a large door in the middle, right next to the post for horses.

While you move forward, you recognize a rock cliff, around 8 yards high, right behind the building, and stables, around 10 yards to the side. The main building is around 16 yards across, and the stables are also quite large.

You notice the sign - and it seems to be a rough painting of tankard.

But something is wrong. The place - it seems abandoned. Lower windows, all seven of them that you can see, are nailed shut, and while the upper ones still have some glass in them, there is no light inside.

...and so the adventure begins.

Traditional GM question: what do you do? And start with - where were you and what were you doing when you noticed the tavern.

The wagon has a sheet that protects the cargo and those who ride on it from rain (2 places due to the load). I assume Nazir was currently there, since he wasn't scouting ahead.
One of you also gets the free work horse from the boy. One point there - the funeral took only hour, which is - I assume - the time that would be acceptable for everybody. If someone wants to address this part, or anything in the text above, write in OOC - I'll add it to this introduction.

2016-03-05, 08:39 PM
Gerric rested a few stones on top of the boy, and brushed some sweat from his brow when the funeral was over. So far, the trip had been fairly dull, but that was fine, he liked dull. Dull meant he was being paid to do nothing.

Getting back on his horse he looked at his companions, he had learned to be wary of orcs and their kind from his home, but he had to admit Urukubarr had been useful. These southern lands were so different from his mountainous home. The trees, the smells, it was all so much more vibrant. There was a beauty to it, even in a place called Darkwood.

When they finally found their way to the inn the hairs on the back of his head stood on end. A sight he'd seen before, nailed up windows and empty buildings. Usually, he saw it after he left a town, rather than before he entered.

"Raiders, likely," he said as they got close. "Might want to check for supplies," he paused as he got off his horse. "And survivors," he added.

Heading toward the inn, he had his axe and shield already at the ready as he checked if the door was nailed shut as well.

2016-03-05, 09:25 PM
Ruark felt like he was back at sea driving through all this mud and rain, he was almost a Captain of mud. In fact he had repeated so several times during the trip since the rain started and he seemed more amused by his own joke each time he told it, letting out a loud hearty laughter whenever he finished entirely unconcerned about how amusing the joke was to the rest of the group. Ruark truly was happy for the rain, the heat in this land was stifling to him and being wet had offered a temporary reprieve from it. He did however look forward to drying up and the building coming up in the distance seemed promising as far as shelters went. He remarked that it was strange there were no lights coming from the windows, and when they came close he realized why.

He had been chatting with Gerric, talking about what life was like in the North, about home and about everything under the sun. Now he joined Gerric as he got off his horse and approached the inn.

"That's some mighty polite raiders Gerric, nailing up the owners' windows like this", he quipped as they got closer. "Would be nice to get out of the rain and have a chance to dry up tonight as well." His tone was light but the fact that he spoke in a careful whisper revealed that he was as worried as anyone.

He slid his shield from its shoulder strap and and gripped it securely, keeping a hand on his sword still in its scabbard. As Gerric tried the door Ruark tried to peek in through a window, if they weren't all nailed completely shut.

2016-03-05, 09:57 PM
Nazir was practical minded. Having lived alone so for long and being imprisoned, his humor was long buried in cobwebs.

The rain was annoying but there were benefits from it and he did enlighten the others, reminding them again if spirits got low. The rain would keep bandits from hearing us coming. Keep them from attacking us from range with a volley of arrows. Bandits would have to ambush from close by, giving Nazir the advantage with his better night sight. Being delayed by their slow progress was an acceptable trade-off.

As the party stops in front of the building Nazir interrupts the others heading forward. "Hold up. Let me check for tracks before you step all over them." From up on the wagon Nazir looks all around with his infravision for any signs of others around while he draws his sword. He then gets off the wagon and makes his way up to the front door checking the ground for tracks. Any tracks probably wouldn't last too long but there was a chance that the tree coverage would help keep any tracks from washing away.

If there are no signs of tracks, Nazir waves the others forward as he approaches the door to listen and see if there are any cracks he can look through.

I have Tracking 8, Search 7, and Perception 7. Do you want us to roll for such stuff or leave the rolling to you as with combat?

2016-03-06, 06:59 AM
"Brother horse, I come to you in peace. Under the pact that runs deeper than blood, binding our very souls granted to us by First Father in the sky, I shall care for you as you shall care for me. Stand with me and be my brother."

Urukubarr was happy to finally do something beyond pounding mud, the horse had been distrought over the death of his rider and knew not what to do. These "domesticated" animals sometimes lacked certain basic instincts. Urukubarr offered a short prayer to the improvised grave of the boy. In any event, he was happy to have a new companion.

He had sensed the Gerric did not appreciate his presence at first, but at least he was not hostile by any measure. Ruark didn't seem worries, and so Urukubarr was not. Urukubarr learned long ago that outsider did not mean enemy, not anymore. Sometimes people needed a chance to become comrades.

Upon arriving to the broken down inn, Urukubarr frowned and crossed his arms in his usual stance. The soaked clothes over his body revealed his tensed muscles, he did not like how this place felt. Missing the feeling of heavy plate on his body, he reminded himself that he first learned to fight this way, unarmored. He jumped down with his greatsword in one hand and slowly approached the door, staring at it intently.

Urukubarr approaches the door, waiting on the side for the other to give some sort of signal.

2016-03-06, 07:18 AM
At times, being well-equipped could have its downsides. Katherine (or 'Kate', as people usually called her) was lucky enough to have her own horse: Which meant that she couldn't sit in the covered wagon. She was also clad from head to toe in thick metal armour: Which now resonated with the impact of countless raindrops. After three days of that annoying *plink* noise, she was almost ready to just ride in her regular clothes. But such petty worries vanished when they found the boy. Such a shame. It made Kate remember that, all things considered, her new life was off to a good start. She looked around at her five companions: Fully aware of how lucky she'd been to find them.

When the inn came into view, Kate breathed a sigh of relief. At last she could get warm and dry again. Alas, no such luck. She dismounted, and drew her sword and shield. At Nazir's prompting, she stayed back while he checked for tracks. What had happened to this place?

2016-03-06, 11:07 AM
Digging the grave wasn't the easiest thing in the mud when it stuck to every shovel full, but it was a far sight easier than digging a hole in the dusty ground in The Scorch when the land would just fill the dust you just moved away. Kafar hadn't expected to see death so soon in this verdant land. Here there was life everywhere you looked. It seemed like an eternal well spring. But he reasoned soon after seeing the unfortunate boy, that with life comes death.

Coming out from under the tarp, Kafar looks around and almost immediately felt as if something wasn't right here. It wasn't the fact that this driving rain would have surely driven even the mad indoors, but it was how deserted this all felt. He took in the boarded windows on the ground floor and broken glass in the windows above. Wait, he says quietly, yet urgently, to those within earshot. Thinking to himself, this feels like nothing but a big trap... He signals with this hands that he wants to check out what's around the building before entering the inn.

He'll try sneaking around, which shouldn't be too difficult in the driving rain, but I don't know how well he'll be able to spot(6) anything of any danger as his search(7) skill aren't the best.

2016-03-06, 11:42 AM
Nazir is right in sync with Kafar wanting to scout around the outside first. He speaks just loud enough for the group to hear, knowing the rain would keep his voice from traveling too far. "We should pair off. Kate's group with the wagon, Kafar to the left and me to the right by the stable? Care to join me Gerric?"

2016-03-06, 12:43 PM
Kate nodded. Heavily armoured soldiers like her weren't suited for scouting. She'd be better off guarding the wagon.

"Agreed. So, who shall my partner be?"

2016-03-06, 01:17 PM
Urukubarr grows deeply, "If is trap, maybe know we here now. Wagon not quiet, maybe rain help. I scout or wait, not caring." Urukubarr continues to wait for a consensus.

2016-03-06, 04:32 PM

Gerric approached the door, taking careful but firm steps. He avoided the largest puddles of rainwater as he passed the half-rotten post with several iron rings for binding of horses.

The door was closed. It was a heavy wooden door, with iron fittings. It seemed a bit crooked, but it wasn't nailed down. By the corner of his eye he saw Ruark approaching a window carefully. He stepped closer and tried to look through the cracks in the wood. At first he saw only darkness inside - but then a lightning struck and for a moment he saw some tables and benches. It was just a moment, but he saw no people inside and the room seemed to be in desolate state.

He took a step back from the door, looking at Ruark. In the same moment he realized that Urukubarr moved next to him. Either the half-orc was so silent in movement, or the thunder covered his steps.


The windows were boarded up, but it has been done in very shoddy way - the gaps between the boards were wide enough for him to see inside of the inn, however there was no light inside and he could hardly make out the outlines of few tables and benches.

And then the lightning struck.

The bright flash allowed him - for a moment - to see the room well-lit. He noticed several door, stairs, a large fireplace, and a bar with several barrels on the wall. There were no people in the room, and no signs of them - but he had only a moment to see it...and then it was dark again.

He looked at Gerric and noticed that Urukubarr moved also near the door.

I assumed that you moved next to Gerric, to the first window. However, no idea whether left or right from him. The description still stands, however.


It took a moment to adjust his vision, but slowly he started noticing the reddish aura that surrounded both men and animals, which the fey could see. He looked around, and noticed that the forest was quite alive - birds, small animals...he even noticed a deer, moving behind some of the trees. However, no living men around, except for his group.

He didn't even try to pierce the building's walls, windows or doors with the sight - the months spent in prison taught him, that this was impossible for his eyes.

It took him while to walk to the inn while looking for tracks - but the rain has done its work properly. He was able to find tracks that belonged to animals, from which he took note of the two wolves and the deer. He managed to find exactly one footprint of a man - directly in front of the door. He was sure it did not belong to any of his companions, for it was a footprint of a bare foot. But it could have been several days old, being protected by the roof.

He gave signal to the others and tried to listen at the door, however, the sound of rain hitting on trees drowned any sounds from the inside. While he listened, Gerric looked through the cracks of the door. And then the lightning struck and thunder overwhelmed his hearing.


Urukubarr's horse let out a little neigh when he dismounted. It was a stout, large working horse, but it was a loyal companion. Urukubarr was sure the horse wouldn't leave him if he fell down from it.

He waited for a signal from Nazir, and when he waved at them, he slowly walked towards the door, standing next to Gerric, between him and Ruark.

Urukubarr felt his nostrils enlarge with every breath he took. He smelled trouble - and while he felt uneasy from the overall look of the tavern and the atmosphere, he would invite a fight. He never feared a man, but knew there were worse things out there than men.

He didn't know whether it was only his mind playing tricks on him, but he felt like there was a faint trace of blood in the air, subtle, almost indiscernible, to which his animalistic side reacted.

And he was almost sure that the horse felt it too.


Kate watched the surroundings for any movement. She observed her companions move ahead, slowly scouting the area. While they were not as coordinated and single-minded as the professional soldiers she knew, it was immediately recognizable that each of them was a warrior in his soul. They were prepared for a fight.

It was up to her to help them discover their full potential.

While this went inside her mind, she subconsciously watched Nazir look for tracks, Ruark observe the indoors through the window, while Gerric and Nazir checked the door. Neither one of them tensed up, which most probably meant they discovered no enemies. That was both good and bad. She felt that they were looking forward to someone to vent their frustration on and enemy would be the best choice.

If you want to organize/coordinate the others, rolls for Tactics and Leadership could help.


Kafar waited for Nazir's signal and started moving to the left. While the scout was obviously looking for possible trouble, he looked for possible gain.

At first he went in a wider circle around the building. While he didn't really try to sneak - the rain provided good cover - he tried to watch both the building and the surroundings for possible danger.

But after few steps, he started noticing the windows, possible entry points... the windows were boarded-up from the inside, but it seemed like a hurried work, not very hard to overcome. The second floor could be scaled easily even when wet, and some of the windows already had broken glass, which would mean entry without sound. However, that would mean he would have to enter the building alone... on the other hand, the entry door looked a bit crooked, which could mean they would have to break it down...

I took the liberty of "asessing" the building entry-wise. Courtesy of the PER/Breaking & Entering skill. Don't forget, you are the party "thief"... :smallsmile:
[roll0] TN 6 = 2 successes

2016-03-06, 05:00 PM
Urukubarr's nostrils flared, even in the rain he could smell blood - a smell he or any blooded warrior could never mistake. Urukubarr fell into a fighting stance, half-swording as he figured once they entered, there may or may not be room to manuever his hefty sword. "Ruark..." Urukubarr spoke softly but urgently, the hairs on his neck raised, his eyes widened, pulse quickened; the half-orc who was calm and collected a moment ago now resembled a riled up animal. "Blood, Ruark. Not strong outside, coming from inside."

2016-03-06, 10:47 PM
"Found one footprint at the door. Man, barefoot. Can't tell how old it is." Nazir moves off toward the stable, moving quietly with sword in hand.

Perception [roll0]
Also checking between the building and stable as I go by there. Looking for foot prints and unusual heat signatures. Yes, the squad of bandits hiding in the stable or up on the cliff does count as unusual :)

2016-03-07, 02:58 AM
Ruark nodded at Urrukubarr to let him know he understood and drew his sword despite the pouring rain, something he had been hesitant to do when there was no immediate danger. He never seized to be amazed by how animalistic these orcs could be at times. Their heightened senses seemed almost unnatural to him, though deep down he knew they were as natural as humans could ever be.

He was also impressed by these southern soldiers, it was obvious to him now what the difference between a soldier and a warrior was. Even at this rudimentary level the benefits of organization was clear. Though he did prefer to play it safe, the independent Northerner in him was becoming restless, there was after all such a thing as being too cautious and he began to look anxious about standing around for too long. "We should move inside then Nazir, on a count of three the three of us, me, Urrukubarr and Gerric first. If we have the favor of the gods we'll find nothing but empty space and a wounded man."

2016-03-07, 08:54 AM
Nazir heads toward the barn but as he looks back to the group he sees half the party about to bust in the door. So much for checking our flanks first. He drops to a knee at the corner of the building, blending in with the darkness and the wall. For now he keeps watch from where is he, able to see back to the party, over towards the stable, and an occasional peek around the corner for the side of the building and up to the cliff.

Perception [roll0]
Sneak [roll1]

2016-03-07, 11:08 AM
Kafar looks at the windows and almost immediately lets his greedy imagination get the better of him. As he starts climbing to the open windows he notes that even though the side of the building is wet, and he's chilled from the rain, there's still some fairly decent hand holds. As he gets a few feet off the ground Kafar thinks twice about going in alone without at least notifying the others what he intended. He works his way down and back to Kate. "I didn't see anything, but I could make my way up to the broken windows..." he left his unasked question hanging.

2016-03-07, 12:19 PM
Urukubarr was ready to break through the door at a moments notice, he only waited for the command to do so. Long ago during his training with Ruark's people, he learned the value of teamwork and the dangers of the individual working outside the team's efforts. They tried to have him work out his animalistic agression, but that was a gift from Mother Gaia and was a part of his soul. Instead, he learned to think through and control the rage.

Even so, the druid-knight was becoming impatient, a low growl emanates from his throat. He stands ready.

2016-03-07, 03:07 PM
Gerric nods to Ruark's idea and brings his axe and shield up in preparation for a fight. He did not expect many healthy opponent's on the other side of the door, if they were they were being inhumanely quiet. But it was better safe than sorry, and he'd been a part of stranger ambushes before.

"On three then."

2016-03-07, 03:43 PM
Urukubarr takes up a half-swording stance, prepared to barge into the door.

"... One..."

2016-03-07, 03:51 PM

Even the pouring rain and the descending darkness couldn't extinguish the flames in Urukubarr's soul.

The whiff of blood, the promise of fight, the threat of unknown forces behind the door sent Urukubarr's heart racing. He breathed in deeply, to calm down, to collect himself - he didn't want to lose himself in the deadly dance that was supposed to begin.

And then he heard Gerric's cold, determined voice.
"On three then."
He felt exhilaration. He was among warriors, among his own kind. He smelled steel, felt his blood boiling. He was prepared...


Nazir watched the area from the corner of the building. For a moment he watched the cliff over the inn, expecting bandits to appear on it, but nobody did. And still he felt uneasy, as if he overlooked something.

He looked at the sky, trying to guess when the raining will stop, but he saw only more gray clouds. The Darkwood welcomed them with its own kind of hospitality.

Once again he focused on the aura of his companions, who were now whispering to each other something around the door. He could hear only hushed fragments, but he understood the words "blood" and "on three".

He nodded. It will begin soon. He surveyed the area for someone else, but except for the denizens of the forest, he saw no one. He calmed down a bit, because for now, he was sure about one thing - outside there were no enemies. And he also saw no auras of horses inside the barn - the gaps were wide enough for him to see at least some outlines.


Ruark weighed the sword in his hand. It was different from the ones his brothers wielded in Savaxen, the blade was wider and more accustomed to thrusting, the guard was wider, protected his hand better. The metal in his hands always calmed him down for a moment - on one hand, he was sure that there is a foe who will defeat him and send him to Wodan's fortress, to sit at the table with his ancestors...but he was also strangely sure, that it will happen on a different day. Not today, he told himself.

He looked around and saw that Urukubarr is clenching his fists, Gerric tightening his grip on his axe and behind him, Nazir, watching them from the corner of the building. Behind him stood Kafar and Kate, whispering to themselves. And then he heard Gerric's words, spoken in the kind of tense and excited voice men have before they start killing. "On three then."

Kafar and Kate

While Kafar climbed down, he peeked into one of the downstairs windows on the left side of the building and his eyes saw shelves and boxes. Some sort of storage, perhaps...

Kafar found Kate near the wagon. They had a good view of the others - Gerric and Ruark were preparing for fight, brandishing their weapons, preparing their shields. Next to them stood Urukubarr, higher then both of them, whose muscles could not be concealed under his clothes - to them he looked like an ancient god of war in the battered armour, with the greatsword on his back. The trio was watched also by Nazir from the corner of the building.


Gerric's hand found the handle of his axe almost instanteously. He watched Urukubarr and Ruark as they prepared for the fight ahead. The quietness on the other side of the door unnerved him slightly - he would welcome a charging horde more than this tension. At least he will have warriors on his side this time and he will be the one who attacks...

He felt that the preparation for the battle cleansed his mind of thoughts on vengeance. Last few days were peaceful, and while he still woke up at nights, the feeling of pursuit he felt ever since he had to leave his village was gone - at least for the moment. It was replaced by the feeling that came from the axe in hand, from the shield and from the upcoming fight.

He welcomed it.

2016-03-07, 04:11 PM
Kate shook her head at Kafar's plan. The group's strategy was too fragmented already, without adding another on top. She looked over at her comrades by the inn, who were still hesitating at the entrance. Each of them was a skilled warrior in their own right; But they came from completely different backgrounds. None of them was sure where they stood in relation to the others. Who was in charge? Who was following whom? Well, maybe they just needed someone to step up and give an order. Decision made, Kate spoke to Kafar in in her best officer voice.

"No; Go and support Nazir. We shouldn't be focusing all our attention on the front of the inn. Keep an eye out for any surprises coming our way."

She then caught the others' attention. Through some quick simple gestures and mouthed words, she communicated a plan of action to them: Which was basically just a stealthier version of Ruark's plan. Enter on the count of three, quietly. It didn't matter that she was just slightly modifying someone else's suggestion. All she wanted to do was to turn that suggestion into an order. Then everyone could stop hesitating, and start doing.

2016-03-07, 05:57 PM
Urukubarr nodded in understanding to the new and revised plan of just walking in. He had to admit, he didn't want to break the door anyway since it would let the heat out when they tried to settle in later.

"... Two... Three!"

Urukubarr places his hand on the door, keeping his sword on guard - and attempts to open it to walk inside quickly, yet quietly.

2016-03-08, 04:52 AM
Ruark simply follows Urrukubarr inside if and when the door opens, while internally contemplating whether they agreed to go on three, or after.

2016-03-08, 06:34 AM
The door should have opened, Urukubarr grunts softly, "Stuck..?"

The door does not budge, so he leans into his hand attempting to open the stubborn door as silently as possible. He gradually applies more and more force as can be seen by the slow tensing of his corded muscles...

[roll0] TN8

2016-03-08, 07:25 AM
Nazir looks back and sees Urukubarr trying to force the door. He subtly shakes his head and whispers to himself. Always know what you are getting into given the chance. Three days of this rain though. Can't really blame them. He moves back a bit, to the window on the far right and looks in.

Perception [roll0]
Plus infravision.

2016-03-08, 02:46 PM
Kate & Kafar

Kate watched the rest of the group - Nazir took position near a window on the far right side of the building, while Urukubarr tried to open the door. She watched as he pushed the door, which finally gave way, and disappeared inside, followed by Ruark and Gerric, nearly without sound and almost as they were practicing it for a long time.

She felt quite proud of the group - and it seemed that they worked well together. However, the true test of their prowess was yet to come.

Urukubarr, Ruark, Gerric

Urukubarr pushed the door with his large hand and it didn't budge at first. After few seconds it seemed to give way and the door swung open with only the sound of one iron hinge falling off to the ground.

Urukubarr quickly yet silently entered, leading way. Ruark followed, with Gerric close behind him, axe ready.

The room was dark, but a lightning struck as they enter, giving them a picture of its former glory. The inn must have been quite successful in its time - the room was large and spacy - it occupied both floors, with the upper floor consisting of a walkway supported by beams.

There saw no people inside. As their eyes adapted to the darkness, they saw more of the room.

The floor of the main room was covered with hardwood, there were candleholders on the walls, and in the center of the opposite wall was a large fireplace with enough space for a pig on a spit. Several tables with benches still stood on their places, two already broken. On the right side there was a bar - part of it was already demolished - with few kegs on stand.

On the left side, directly on wall, there was a staircase, leading to upper floor. Behind the staircase a door was visible on the back wall. Next to it stood the fireplace with a large shelf, over which a large emblem of tankard was painted.

Between the fireplace and the bar there was another door. The bar itself had one door behind it - this one was slightly ajar. On the right side, there was an arch, covered by rotting curtain.

Near the staircase they saw a stain on the floor. It seemed like a puddle of water - they heard dripping of water.

There was a draft, since they opened the door, but that was welcomed as the air was still and it contained both the sweetish odor of decay, the smell of weathered wood and a tinge of blood in the air. They could all now smell it - just a suggestion, but definitely it was there.

There was also something eerie in the atmosphere - it seemed like the inn was abandoned for long time, yet when they entered, they had the feeling they heard something - like a gasp of breath, the surprised silence that usually comes when you enter unexpected, and a movement - but they more felt it than heard it.

And the most unnerving thing were the shiny eyes that watched them from under the stairs. Yellow and mirror-like, they seemed not to move at all...

Four door (behind staircase, on the opposite side, behind bar, to the right), one staircase up.
Eyes under the stairs.


Nazir stared into the dark room, as the lightning struck. He could see, through the gaps in boards, a large table and several benches covered by something that looked like furs. There was an arch on the left wall, covered by something that looked like an old piece of fabric.

He glanced at the rest of his group, and noticed that they already entered the door - but they were in a different room...

Then the thunder came, and he was deafened by the blow for a moment...

2016-03-08, 03:49 PM
Gerric moved forward toward the staircase and the doors.

"One at a time," he whispered to his companions as he pointed at each of the doors. "And someone should stay in the back to watch the stairs, make sure no one comes down." He reached for the first door, though he waited to open it to see if anyone else had a better idea.

2016-03-08, 04:04 PM
Kate was glad to see the three members of the vanguard getting off to such a good start. It made her wish that she was in there with them. But of course, everyone had their own parts to play. Along with Kafar and Nazir, her job was to cover the other angles. Someone had to keep an eye on the other buildings; Had to watch the flanks; And had to guard the supplies. You couldn't always be on the front lines. Still, she watched carefully for any sign of commotion from the inn. Should her comrades have need of her, she'd be there for them.

2016-03-08, 04:09 PM
Urukubarr took note of all the entryways, but is most interested in the eyes. He doubts they belong to anything, lifeless as they are. The half-orc moves carefully, aware of his surroundings, toward the eyes to investigate.

2016-03-08, 04:13 PM
"No!", Ruark exclaimed loudly enough to be heard even by those close to the building outside, all pretense of whispering forgotten, protesting Gerric's suggestion. His gaze was fixated on the staircase and the yellow eyes beneath it. "We should be worried about that thing coming coming out from under the stairs, not someone coming down them." He used his sword to point towards whatever was hiding there. As dull as it was it at least seemed to offer him some sense of security. He puffed his chest out and took half a step forward, "You there Demon!" he spoke with an awestruck tone of voice, revealing his superstitious tendencies, "Show yourself and prove you mean no harm!"

2016-03-08, 04:51 PM
Kafar can hear Ruark saying something about a demon. "You hear that?", he looks nervously at Nazir. Signaling Kate to see if they, meaning he and Nazir, should go support the group in the inn or if they should stay put, he continues speaking to Nazir, "Tell me that I'm not the only one that thinks this feels wrong somehow".

2016-03-08, 07:38 PM
Kate had heard a voice as well. She was too far away to make out the words; But it was definitely louder than it should have been. When Kafar signalled, she signalled back: 'Go take a look in from outside. Nazir and I will stay put.'

2016-03-09, 02:46 AM
Gerric, Ruark, Urukubarr

The eyes, fixated at them, suddenly blinked. They more sensed then saw the movement, as a quick, small shadow, moved across the room, from under the stairs. As another lightning struck and thunder echoed through the building, they saw a cat - a large, black one, in the middle of the room. As the lightning struck, it stood, eyes fixated at them, and then ran towards the door that were ajar, disappearing from their sight.

They breathed out in relief. They heard of demons, and each country had stories of them, even if they disregarded them. The faint trace of blood still lingered in the place...


Kate felt her hands getting sweaty. Something was wrong - demons? She remained at her place, though she was torn between going in, to help combat the mystical threat, and to stay in open, to be able to decide the best course possible.


Kafar watched Kate's hand move, as she signalled him to go check the window. He understood her, but his lands were full of lore about demons...it was said, a single powerful demon devastated the lands when set free by a mad sorceror - and that previously the Scorched lands were full of life. A cold bead of sweat rolled down his back...

2016-03-09, 04:54 AM
Ruark's whole body slumped in relief and suddenly he seemed 5 inches shorter. He let out a long, drawn out breath of gratitude that eventually turned into a hearty laugh. "By the gods...I was certain all the stories I'd been told were true for a moment there. Alright, alright let's check out these doors, I'll keep my eyes on these stairs."

He let his shield and sword drop down to a more relaxed position again, and positioned himself a good 10 feet away from the bottom of the stairs. Now ready for the two others to check the other doors.

2016-03-09, 08:16 AM
Gerric tries to hold back a laugh, but a few strangled noises escape his mouth anyway. He gives Ruark a grin, while he shakes his head and mutters "Demon," under his breath.

Once he's able to control himself, he nods to Ruark and Urukubarr and waits for the half-orc to get into a good position, before he swings the door open.

2016-03-09, 12:26 PM
Urukubarr tries his best to contain his laughter, he had thought the eyes belonged to a house-cat, or at worst a stuffed animal as some were inclined to furnish these places with. He slapped his hand over his mouth and stifled the laugh as best he could, his torso spasmed with the contained laughter. The snorting resulting from the contained laugh, however, was inevitable. His stoic demeanor melted away, his eyes lightened. He bumped Ruark with his elbow in jest.

After regaining his composure he moved into position, "Beware, maybe more demons?"

Oh mighty band of warriors, giggling like schoolgirls.

2016-03-09, 12:47 PM
Despite her misgivings, Kate stayed where she was. She'd already sent an extra scout to check on those inside. It wouldn't be wise to focus everyone's attention on one point.

2016-03-09, 01:06 PM
Urukubarr, Ruark, Gerric

They laughed, but the laughter died soon. There was a commotion below them - movement, rushed sounds. They even heard few words - they couldn't hear what was said, but it was definitely an order. They heard screeching of wood against stone and then - everything was silent again.

Kate, Kafar, Nazir

For a moment they thought they heard laughter from the inside. Suddenly there was silence. And then, in few moments, a sound of horn - as if it were coming from behind the cliff. The sound was short and the rain muffled it.

2016-03-09, 01:47 PM
Kafar started across the space toward the inn when he sees the "demon" run off into the night. He snorts a quick laugh, but it's cut off by a horn blast from over the cliff. He runs to the corner of the inn and draws his rapier just waiting for the attack. He looks to Kate, waving her over, "Get to some cover". With his back against the inn he faces Nazir and signals with his free hand if Nazir heard the horn.

2016-03-09, 05:32 PM
In a trice, Kate was standing beside Kafar. She could feel the back of her armour pressing lightly against the inn wall. Her mind raced as she analysed the limited data available. The decisions made in these early minutes were often the difference between life and death.

"Inside, now! Before any archers arrive!"

Matching actions to words, she rushed around the corner and into the building. As soon as she reached her comrades within, she started speaking rapidly.

"The enemy must have only just become aware of us. If they'd already been lying in wait, then there'd be no need to waste their advantage of surprise by sounding that horn. We should prepare now, while they're still moving into position. Retreat isn't an option with that wagon slowing us down: So we'll have to make a stand."

2016-03-09, 08:35 PM
The rage swelled in his breast, muscles tensed, he gripped his sword and spat orcish curses. "Ambush!!" Urukubarr kicks open the door the three had prepared to break through moments earlier and charges through, scanning the area for enemies rapidly.

2016-03-09, 08:55 PM
Nazir shakes his head. This was what he was concerned about. He darts over to the group and speaks quickly. "We can't leave the wagon out here as a gift to whoever it is. I'd suggest Ruark and Gerric drive the wagon right into the stable then come back here fast. I can see about covering the stable entrance from inside the inn through a window. They probably know some back ways into the inn too. "

Let's see how using tactics/strategy skills will help here. Analyzing the area with their probable attack routes and our possible defensive positions. Not sure which attribute to use, so I'll roll dice and Laco can just take the first x dice as applicable.
Strategy: [roll0]
Tactics: [roll1]
Perception: [roll2]
Wow those are a lot of high dice. I think I just channeled one of Sun Tzu's relatives! Is there something about when rolling a 10 or is that just to try to reach a TN over 10?

2016-03-10, 05:26 AM
Ruark was a little slower to react than everyone else, he didn't spring into cover anywhere or make any fancy hand gestures in military speak. He simply remained in his position by the end of the stairs looking up them even though they had heard no sound from upstairs yet. He put his back against the wall in the south-west corner of the room however, between the stairs and the first window. From there he'd be able to assist should any secret trapdoors appear with enemies springing from all locations.

2016-03-10, 05:58 AM
Nazir paused after giving his recommendation and that's when he noticed the others having noticed sounds from below. A lesson from Captain Aldarman popped into his head and he thought it through quickly.

"They are down there already? They really know the area then. A horn blew outside so whoever it is is well organized and has reinforcements coming. Barricading ourselves into one room or floor for who knows how long with our supplies out on the wagon is a losing situation against their advantages. Best bet is to move forward and meet them before they are ready. At least some of them are downstairs? Let's go deal with them first before more arrive." Nazir looks at the others for their thoughts, primarily at Kate.

PbP gives us advantages, but in this case a disadvantage as I acted before getting the results of my skill rolls.
EDIT: I misunderstood my skill results, sorry.

2016-03-10, 06:56 AM
Ruark kept his eyes on the stairs as he replied to Nazir, "They could also just be regular people, hiding in their own cellar from armed and dangerous looking travelers like ourselves. Let's find out before we get into more trouble."

2016-03-10, 08:20 AM
Nazir nodded. "Very true. I just don't want to find out too late that they are bandits, which are well known to frequent these woods. The wagon would be a chest of gold for them. Normally I'd disappear into the woods and watch them to find out. Too late for that."

2016-03-10, 02:06 PM
Nazir shakes his head. This was what he was concerned about. He darts over to the group and speaks quickly. "We can't leave the wagon out here as a gift to whoever it is. I'd suggest Ruark and Gerric drive the wagon right into the stable then come back here fast. I can see about covering the stable entrance from inside the inn through a window. They probably know some back ways into the inn too. "

Kate noticed that Nazir seemed to be looking to her for a decision. Had she unwittingly become the leader here? She paused briefly, to see if anyone else wanted to take command of this situation. When nobody did, she mentally shrugged, and started giving orders again.

"Good point. Gerric, Ruark: Get the wagon. Nazir: Keep watch for any incoming surprises. The rest of us will deal with whoever's in the cellar."

Wasting no time, Kate lead the way down into the cellar. Hopefully her armour and shield would protect her (and the allies behind her) from any arrows that might fly from the darkness. Her sword stood ready, but restrained. She wouldn't swing it until the people below were definitely confirmed to be enemies. The thought of accidentally slaying an innocent was too horrible to contemplate.

2016-03-10, 02:52 PM
Urukubarr grunted in acknowledgement to Kate's orders and followed closely behind her, sword at the ready to thrust over or around her if she was assaulted from the darkness; he'd learned how to fight with shield-bearers well enough.He took care though, as his heritage had seen more than one "innocent" react poorly to him, attacking without provocation. He also hated the idea of fighting in a basement, as there were many disadvantages. Greatest of which, you're fighting in a damn basement.

2016-03-10, 03:52 PM
"That's probably a good idea if we're expecting trouble. I'll move it into the stables and unhitch the horses, should take 'em some time to move the wagon then." Ruark sheathed his sword but kept the shield in hand as he ran outside in the rain and moved the horses into the stables. He kept the shield raised high, a make-shift umbrella against the rain. He tried not to rush the horses, in his experience if you ever tried to rush horses that weren't used to you they were as likely to stand still as to move an inch for you. When he gets the wagon into the stable he'll start unhitching the horses from the wagon.

2016-03-10, 05:43 PM
This could be terrible, Gerric grimly thought as he followed Ruark. Getting the wagon inside could just as easily split them up and get them all separated, depending on how close the outer forces are. If it's a full raid, and Ruark and him get caught still dealing with horses, they're dead. And on the other side, if Uruk and Kate end up finding 3 or so enemies in the basement, well, that orc could handle himself, but it'd still be a problem.

He hoped it was just a bunch of frightened townsfolk who Kate could talk down. That'd be the best scenario. Still left him and Ruark with their asses out though.

But without comment, Gerric followed Ruark and helped move the wagon inside and deal with the animals.

2016-03-11, 04:18 AM

Kafar stood outside, just next to the door, to be sure he could enter as soon as he saw anyone appear out of the forests, or as his presence was required. While before he reveled in the rain, as it provided him refreshment he so much lacked in the hot and arid lands of his birth, he now cursed it - it obscured his vision, dulled his hearing and tested his patience. The only positive thing was the fact, that it did the same to his opponents.

He heard Kate giving orders - which included him. The thought of fighting in the cellar was quite enjoyable for him - when compared with the rain outside, it was pleasing, and he was quite sure that the close quarters inside will not hinder him, as the thrusting techniques he was taught were not hindered by the need for open space as when swinging a sword. As he entered the inn, Ruark passed beside him and he saw Gerric standing in the doorway of the door behind the stairs. Kate walked towards Gerric, so he followed. In a moment, Urukubarr appeared in the door, and Gerric started walking towards the exit - it seemed that the room was empty. As he was passing the table that lay on the ground, destroyed most possibly in some tavern brawl which are so popular in the northern lands, he heard loud cracking coming from Gerric's direction - and as he turned around, he saw Gerric disappearing in a gaping hole in the floor...


Urukubarr's kick shattered the door and the wood, weakened by rot and time, broke off the hinges. The door flew down to the ground, splinters flying off them. The room behind was dark, but his eyes already adjusted to the shady atmosphere of the inn, so he could recognize the shelf in front of him, which blocked his view, as well as the crates on the right side. The room was silent, dusty and while there were several items on the shelves, he did not pay attention to them - he was a hunter and was looking for prey, not trinkets. He leapt forward, behind the shelf, but his eyes couldn't pierce the darkness in the far corners - he was sure he saw some other boxes, some shelves, an old armoire, but other than that the room was empty. No enemies here.

The smell of blood still lingered, but it was weaker here. And he saw no movement inside - and then Kate stated her orders, and he slowly calmed down, his heart went from racing to beating, and he saw, that this was a storage of some kind. He returned, expecting Kate to lead the way.

And then he heard the cracking of wood and saw Gerric disappear to the floor...


Wasting no time, Kate lead the way down into the cellar. Hopefully her armour and shield would protect her (and the allies behind her) from any arrows that might fly from the darkness. Her sword stood ready, but restrained. She wouldn't swing it until the people below were definitely confirmed to be enemies. The thought of accidentally slaying an innocent was too horrible to contemplate.[/QUOTE]

The decision made and the command stated, she felt the weight fall down off her shoulders. While commanding others was difficult, leading them was relatively easy - she just had to be sure she went the right way. While Ruark left his vantage point at bottom of the stairs, she exchanged her place with Gerric - she walked to the door Urukubarr kicked in, where Gerric stood, ready to fend off any attackers from the room Urukubarr entered. Then he turned to her, with a grim but determined expression, and walked around her to fulfill her command. He chose the way across the stairs.

She reached the back of the stairs, expecting to see the stairs leading to the basement. But defying her expectations, there were no stairs that would lead to the cellar. And then it struck her. Kitchen. The innkeeper wouldn't like guests coming down to the cellar, where the wine and ale was stored. They had to find kitchen.

Before she could state this to the others, she heard cracking - she turned to see Gerric disappear into the floor.


Nazir's eyes quickly scanned the room. He breathed in - while Ruark's observation was correct, the situation seemed too tense for him to be calm and he expected bandits to come calling at any second now. He moved to the window near the room he observed from outside - from there he could see both the barn and both sides of the road - and the gaps between the planks were a bit larger than at the one Ruark was standing at.

Still, for shooting this would be bad - he needed space for the arrows. His sword still in his hand, he put his left on one of the planks just to see if he could pull it off. Just as he wanted to pull, he heard a cracking sound on his right - he turned around to see Gerric disappear into the floor.


As Ruark's eyes adjusted again to the darkness in the tavern, he saw that the stairway is rotten - some of the steps were in such bad shape, he was sure they would break under the weight of someone. On the other hand, there were four doors on the walkway upstairs - and a large wardrobe in between the first and second door. It seemed to be quite heavy and also well-built. He watched the stairway, just to be sure they have covered every angle, and answered Nazir calmly, as if his focus was elsewhere. That kid was a smart one.

The sound of door shattered made him move a bit sideways to see what happened. But no sounds of fight came - and he was sure Urukubarr wouldn't be a silent one in fight, so he calmed down again.

As Kate spoke, he shifted his attention towards her. The girl seemed young, but she gave commands clearly, with the calm determination he has already seen in veteran warriors. While she lacked the experience, she had the common sense and the willpower necessary. He decided to accept her command for the present time - and immediately left. The rain attacked him as soon as he left the building, not even the shield helped. The sounds from inside, so clear, were already muffled. As he jumped on the driver's seat and took the reins, he heard a loud cracking sound from the inside.

Urukubarr's opening more door...? He asked himself. He decided to listen for few moments, just to be sure...


Gerric stood guard as Urukubarr shattered the door with only one mighty kick. While he assumed the half-orc being strong, he never thought of him being so strong - while Gerric was sure he himself could break down the door, it wouldn't be so fast and he considered himself a mountain man. For a moment he was glad the half-orc was on their side.

He followed Urukubarr inside the dark room, just in case he needed cover - but as soon as he entered, he recognized the place's purpose. Shelves, crates and the smell of conservation - storage room. Right in front of him stood a shelf with several small trinkets - he saw empty bottles, few jugs and a piece of rope. On the right he saw crates stacked on each other, forming a small pyramid. Urukubarr moved to see the rest of the room, concealed by the shelf, and returned with calmer expression on his face - obviously the room was empty.

Gerric thought for a moment about the items in the room and the thought of pillage made his heart beat a bit faster, in expectation of opening those crates and seeing what they contain...but then he shook his head. He left that life behind. He heard Kate's order and moved outside the room.

As he walked through the inn, to get outside, he reflected on the choice he made. It would be difficult to leave his former life behind, but he had good companions now. They would help. He let Kate and Kafar walk through the middle of the room, while he chose to walk near the stairs. Ruark was already outside, wasting no time. Gerric decided to move a bit faster.

The wooden floor under his feet creaked as he approached the puddle on the ground. He wanted to avoid it - and so jumped over it.

The floor gave way as he landed. The rotten planks cracked under his weight and he felt that his footing was unstable. The floor begun to sunk in, into the cellar, into the darkness. He only had a split second to react, but he didn't want to lose his weapon, so he just tried to land - and while the fall made him go down on his one knee, he sprung to his feet as soon as he was on the ground. The fall wasn't long - the cellar was not too deep. While his arms and face received few splinters, he felt no pain as he jumped up from the ground. He felt his heart pumping, and quickly surveyed the surroundings.

It was dark inside - the small amount of light coming from above didn't help - he couldn't see nearly anything, just few strange shapes around him - some of these seemed quite sharp. He more felt than saw that there is something moving around - something quite large. He heard metal creaking, which reminded him of the chained battle dogs he once saw - chained so they wouldn't attack anyone, their chains stretched as the dogs tried to escape. The sickeningly sweet smell of decay, death and blood was so strong around here, he felt like he was bathing in it. It made him gag, but he swallowed the lump in his throat - there was no time for this.

The timeline is a bit crooked, due to the various response times. So, the timeline as I see it:

Sounds of rushing from below, voices.
Urukubarr's kick. Gerric follows into the room.
Few seconds pass. The sound of horn.
Kate rushes inside, gives commands.
Ruark obeys immediately, running outside. He meets Kafar in the door.
Gerric comes out from the room, also accepts command and goes outside. He passes Kate and Kafar.
The Fall.

As for now, things will get a bit hectic maybe. So, state what you will be doing for next few rounds (let's say in 10-30 seconds time intervals).

2016-03-11, 05:12 AM
Ruark couldn't be sure what all the commotion was inside so he decided to do what he had come out here to do in the first place, the less time he spent waiting the better. He placed his shield between his legs and squeezed, to hold it here within easy reach. He snapped the reins and drove the horses towards the stable, hoping to get it done before anything too exciting happened.

OOC: These will be my actions:
Drive carriage into stable.
Unhitch horses from carriage.
Go back inside if I hear combat.

2016-03-11, 01:23 PM

The horses were tired, but they obeyed his command to move towards the barn - he had some time to assess their qualities and while as riding horses they would be terrible, they were used to drawing heavy loads such as the wagon.

Ruark drove the wagon to the barn, oblivious to the sounds from the inn - they were drowned by the rain and thunders. He wanted to get back in, but he was a warrior and as such wanted to act on his orders. He found some peace in that - and if there was more time, he would surely reflect on this aspect of his own personality.

He assumed Gerric would help him open the barn door, but since he did not come, he jumped down from the wagon and opened them by himself. The barn floor was covered in straw, there were few columns with hooks to bind horses, mangers with water, and few hay bales. In the middle, a chopping block, with a hatchet stuck in it. He nodded, satisfied and ran back to the wagon.

It took him only few seconds to lead the horses inside, and from then on it was only matter of separating them from the wagon and binding them to one of the columns. Luckily, there was a manger, already full of rainwater, but he knew they would need some food - and soon. But the safety was more important.

As he walked around the wagon, he noticed something. While he drove it inside, one of the barrels with smoked fish - as they have been told - fell down and opened. There were few fish inside, but most of the barrel was filled with stones. He quickly inspected the iron they should have been transporting - and he found the same arrangement - few iron bars on top, then only rocks, covered so they would see only the former if they peeked under.

It smelled of betrayal. He did not like it.

AGI/teamster [roll0] TN6
This whole took him around two minutes.

2016-03-11, 01:40 PM

Kate rushed over to the newly created hole in the floor. Though anxious, she forced herself to move carefully: Lest she fall through another hole of her own. She looked down, and saw only vague shapes below. Damn it, her torches were on the wagon! With no means to create light, she couldn't help Gerric to see his surroundings; And if she joined him down there, she'd be just as blind.

She jumped anyway. A dangerous move, to be sure; But it was the fastest way to reinforce her comrade. Kate paused only to find Gerric's outline in the darkness: So that she could avoid landing on top of him...

2016-03-11, 01:58 PM
"GERRIC!!" The half-orc bellowed,as be moved towards the edge of the hole, looking into it. "Hurt? Need aid? Speak!" Urukubarr shouted down into the hole, trying to make out shadows as best he could while waiting for a response. Kate however, would not wait and jumped right in. Urukubarr felt shame for a moment for not jumping first, "Reckless one! Make room for Urukubarr!" The half-orc jumped down into the hole after the two, ready to lash out at any threat.

Unfortuantely, the large half-orc botched the landing, the fall was bad. He landed on something in the darkness and fell forward. He spread his hands to slow down fall, but it was too late; he hit his hip when he fell, felt his sword hit his ribs and then he remembers only stars as he hit the floor with his head. For a moment he felt like he was falling even further... 8 seconds later...

The proud warrior, further embarrassed, jumped to his feet feeling sick to his stomach. He moved to put his back to his comrades first, forming the only kind of defense possible here.

The chains, the shapes in the darkness... The smell... If these are beasts, they may be corrupted, insane even. It was his duty, however, to attempt contact first. Urukubarr postured himself as a dominant and aggressive animal. His eyes bulged, he flexed his considerable muscle mass to make himself look as large as possible; he bared his teeth and unlike humans he possessed large sharp, protruding canines, and his under-bite helped in bringing them all to bare. He then roared as loudly as his lungs could manage in an attempt to dominate the creatures. At worst, he would scare some imprisoned souls.

Animal kin gives 3 bonus dice towards this action

2016-03-11, 03:02 PM
"I'm fine," Gerric snarled. He felt his blood begin to grow hot, and the anger that dominated most of his life threatened to break loose. "Though something's down here with me. Don't come-" he began to say, but it was too late, he felt more than saw two bodies fall beside him.

Fine, if the horn meant raiders from outside then it'll be up to whoever was left up top to get them out of here. He certainly couldn't see a way out. Maybe the Orc could see in darkness? He didn't know, he'd have to ask Uruk about it later.

"I was going to say," he said as his companions got back to their feet. "There was rope in the storage room." He clanged his axe and shield together, hoping that whatever he was facing would take the sound and head for him. He couldn't see what they were facing, but if he keeps the enemy focused on him, Urukubarr would likely be strong enough to kill them. "Alright, we know you're there, if you can talk, say something!" He commanded the monsters he couldn't see.

There had to be at least 2, since he heard some sort of command earlier, but he hoped there weren't any more.

As of now, Gerric will be getting ready for a fight. If he can see enough in the darkness to make out a wall that doesn't have a monster on it, then he'd try and back up toward that, bringing his allies with him if able. He does not want to get surrounded.

2016-03-11, 03:38 PM
Kate landed gracefully and unharmed in the cellar. From the sounds of it, though, Urukubarr hadn't been so lucky. She hoped he was okay, because she didn't have time (or enough light) to really check. Kate heard Gerric speak to whoever was in the darkness. When he'd finished, she added a few words of her own.

"Know that we are not allies of whomever attacked this place! We're a band of mercenaries who stopped here in search of rest! If you are innocents, rest assured that we will not harm you."

She hoped that her obviously upper class accent would help reassure people. Not many bandits invested in elocution lessons.

2016-03-11, 04:20 PM
Nazir immediately took a few steps toward the falling Gerric but stopped himself before creating more of a problem. Before he could stop them Kate and Urukubarr went down the hole too, one way or another. He got closer to the hole, feeling with his feet the safety of the floor he was on and looked down from his position using his fey eyesight "Hey! Are you all ok? What's down there?" Nazir heard someone say rope. Nazir's eyes swept around the room. He grabbed the rope, checked its length and usability, then started looking for an anchor. "Hang on, looking for somewhere to tie off the rope up here.

Where is the hole? In the room past the door behind the stairs?

I thought about tying a knot on one end of the knot then slip the rope under the door, but I do believe that door was obliterated. :smallannoyed:

They might have to make a mini-pyramid to help Kate up while I also pull.

2016-03-11, 04:33 PM
Ruark had left most of his belongings in the wagon before they left town. His backpack with all his things stayed there with the rest of the merchants wares as he walked back outside, wearing only his armor and cloak, carrying only his shield and his sword.

With an angry slam he closed the barn doors, of course getting a job wouldn't have been as easy as it had been if there wasn't a backside. Zhengar, the city of fresh starts, free trade, liars and thieves. He made his way back to the inn muttering curses and foul language the whole way. He didn't even bother to attempt to shelter from the rain, it was already everywhere and he was soaking. Ruark pushed the door to the inn open and strode inside, ready to let everyone know what he had discovered.

OOC: I know I am way a head of everyone know so I'm going to hold off on explaining what I found out until everyone else have caught up. Would you mind just giving me a quick heads up when they do?

2016-03-12, 11:10 AM
Kafar watched as Gerric disappeared into the inky blackness of the cellar unable to do anything about it. Then he saw Kate and Urukubarr leap down into the unknown as well, not knowing if it was a trap, and not knowing what all could be down there. He walks over to the hole to try and get some idea of what he'd be working against, but all he could see was the deep shadows. Torches, they'll need light, he thought. He moved to the store room to see if there was anything they could use as torches, and a fire starter of some kind however unlikely.

2016-03-13, 05:10 PM

Gerric tried to reach his companions, lead them to a wall, to get at least one side protected. He reached Kate in few moments, and they stood back-to-back. Suddenly he heard snarling and growling - but soon he discovered it was Urukubarr. While it calmed him down a bit, his body shook - the puddle of water went down the hole with him and it was quite cold down there. He was a mountain man, used to winter, but he still disliked being wet - and in cold cellar. He exchanged few short, silent words with his companions and the three of them slowly moved to a wall.

While feeling around, Gerric was able to catch one of the moving things - it seemed like a piece of meat hanging on a hook - chained to the ceiling. It wasn't really fresh.

Both Gerric's challenge and Kate's calm addendum received no response in the time it took them to get to the wall. For a moment they were silent - waiting for anyone to announce themselves. It seemed that they are alone. Gerric heard some sounds of movement from the above - most probably Nazir or Kafar. Maybe even Ruark.

He was readying himself for a fight - but it seemed that there were no opponents. At that moment he noticed a light coming from above - only small, flickering light, but a source of light nevertheless. More sounds of movement above. And then he heard a sound that made all the hair on his neck raise - slowly opened wooden door. And a voice - a low, silent whisper, with certain slimy quality. Who are you...?


Kate heard Gerric moving around - trying to find her and Urukubarr. When she announced herself, she expected an answer, but when there was none, she joined Gerric and moved back until she felt cold stone against her back. Urukubarr was already with them - he announced his presence with a long, deep growling - for a moment she thought there was an animal...

She felt around her a bit, while she moved towards the wall, and she was sure the moving things around her were not alive - quite the opposite. Dead meat. Some broken wood. According to the sounds, this room wasn't really large. She heard some sounds of movement from the above - most probably Nazir, she heard him announce that he had some rope. She didn't answer directly, as she didn't want to give away their position. While Kate was expecting someone in need of a help, her careful nature made her grip the sword handle a bit stonger. For a moment, she was more unnerved by the fact that there were no enemies - while she would prefer bloodless solution, she would prefer a foe before waiting. At that moment he noticed a light coming from above - only small, flickering light, but a source of light nevertheless. There were some more sounds of movement above. And then she heard a sound that made all the hair on his neck raise - slowly opened wooden door. And a voice - a low, silent whisper, with certain slimy quality. Who are you...?


When Urukubarr came back to himself, it was all dark around. His head spun a bit, and he felt uneasy - and he heard someone moving around. He decided to attempt contact - and it was unsuccessful. There were no animals down there - he was quite sure of that.

But what about the blood...? He grabbed one of the moving shapes and when it didn't fight back, he smelled it. Meat. He was quite sure about it - it was few days old, at least, and some blood was dried on it. He threw it back and listened - his companions were moving around. He joined them, and they reached a wall in few moments.

There were sounds of movement coming from above - and while his eyes already adjusted to the darkness, it seemed that it's getting brighter around - a faint source of light from the hole above - and while he welcomed the return of his sight, he asked himself if he really wanted to see what is hidden in the darkness.

The meat... it doesn't smell as any animal you have hunted down.


There was movement in the hole below, but no signs nor sounds of struggle. Kafar turned away, to seek a source of light to offer them a chance to fight away the darkness which descended. On the way to the storage room he turned to look outside - but it was already getting dark here. He was really far from his home, where the sunsets linger for long time...

He entered the storage room - and saw Nazir rummaging through the first shelf. He also begun his search for a source of light. Luckily, he remembered he had his flint & steel in his satchel, so he did need only something to light up with it.

And in few moments he was rewarded. His keen eyes spotted a torso of lamp on the boxes and near these was a small container - he opened it to find a dozen of candles, bound together. He was also lucky - he found a small, wax-enclosed jar. When he smelled it, a strong odour of oil assaulted his senses. He only had to choose whether to use the lamp or the candles. He collected some makeshift tinder from his surroundings - lint from his satchel, small piece of cloth from the ground, few chips from the boxes - that all served him to produce a small flame - he then only provided a knot and a light was born.

He slowly moved to the main room of the inn - with a light in his hands, he approached the hole. Nazir was already there, rope bound to the column at the base of the stairs, but he was staring to the hole.

Let me know which one he lit - the lamp or the candle. Or both?


While Gerric's answer calmed him, he didn't hesitate and hurried to get the rope. He entered the storage room, and begun his methodical search at the first shelf. Few seconds after him Kafar entered the room - they exchanged glances, and Kafar moved further down the room, to the darker corner.

Nazir's first thought was that he was lucky - he found several pieces of rope. He only needed to bind them together. He looked a bit further just to be sure, but he found only few rags, handful of nails, a copper piece and -inside a bucked - a wax-sealed jar with red, thick substance. He decided not to risk further delay and started binding the pieces of rope together. Soon, he had about 5 meters of rope in his hands, bound well - he decided it should be enough.

As he was leaving the room, he noticed Kafar found a lamp and was already trying to light up some tinder with the flint & steel. Nazir walked back to the hole, saw the three of his companions at one side, and sowent to bind the rope to the column at the base of the staircase. He approached the hole again, to inform his companions - and then he saw it. Fourth aura - a man, in the cellar, opposite the trio. He just entered the room, and was moving slowly, carefully.

His thoughts raced, so he barely noticed both Kafar and Ruark entering the room...

For positioning, please check the map link from OOC - the hole is near the base of stairs in the main room, the door to storage room is few meters away from it. I assumed that Nazir would go straight for the storage room to search for some rope.


The inn was silent, and the first thing he saw was Nazir's silhouette, bent over a hole in the floor near the stairs - where the puddle of water originally was. Second thing was a source of light - in Kafar's hands, on the opposite side of the room. He entered through the door Urukubarr kicked in...

There was no sign of Urukubarr, Kate or Gerric. While he wasn't really worried for Urukubarr - he saw him in battle and the half-orc was as dangerous with his fists as most of his clanmen with swords - he didn't like the situation at all. It all smelled of...blood.

The water that dripped off him did not in any way cool his anger and aggression, but the sight of missing three persons made his heart drop and stopped him for a moment. He regained his composure nearly immediately and marched in, ready to deal with this new threat.

2016-03-13, 05:34 PM
That voice didn't particularly endear itself to Kate. Nonetheless, she replied in as calm and reassuring a tone as she could manage.

"My name is Katherine. I and my companions are passing through this area on an errand. If your intentions are peaceful, then you have no need to fear us. Regardless, we can't afford to waste much time here. This place is almost certainly about to be attacked."

As she talked, she tried to discern some details about the mysterious figure. Where were they? What did they look like? Such details might help to bring this encounter to a quick resolution; One way or the other...

2016-03-14, 04:33 AM
The voice belonged to a man - but that was all Kate was able to discern. He was moving smoothly and both darkness and the hanging pieces of meat were masking his position. She couldn't notice anything else.

OOC:0 successes on PER roll

Gerric was sure that it was a man. He even spotted a figure, moving smoothly across the room, but the swinging pieces of meat obscured man's movements.

OOC: 1 success on PER roll

The man moved smoothly - staying with his back at the opposite wall. He was at least 4 meters away from Urukubarr. Thanks to the small light from above Urukubarr was able to notice that he is quite thin, but tall. When he moved, he touched the meats and swung them, obscuring him even more.

But Urukubarr's eyes pierced the darkness and gave him another necessary information - when he moved, there was a gleam of metal from his hand - he held a weapon of some kind.

OOC:3 successes on PER roll

2016-03-14, 10:59 AM
Finding everything he needed in the storeroom was a godsend. He must've pleased some gods in a past life for this turn of luck, although he'd never admit to such a thing. Kafar takes the lamp to the lip of the hole and bends down hopeful to give some light to the black pit. Here, he suggests to any one of the three to take the lamp off his hands so they could better use the light source.

I figure Kafar would give the lit lamp to the three in the dark, and keep the candles unlit, for upstairs, just in case...

2016-03-14, 01:53 PM
Ruark tried to shake off as much of the rain as he could before he entered but despite his best efforts a small puddle quickly gathered where he stood. "We've been had lads, had as a maid on spring festival...", he said before his sentence was cut short when he noticed the small number of people present. He realized everyone must have ventured down into the basement through its new permanent access point. He approached Nazir and Kafar and tried to get a better understanding of what was going on from there, but stayed a few feet away from the actual hole in case the floor couldn't handle the weight of everyone huddled together in the same spot.

"Do you need more people down there, I can try to find the door." He tried to look for a door that would lead down into the basement, perhaps somewhere around the stairs.

2016-03-14, 03:00 PM
Nazir keeps his eyes on the 4th figure as he readies his bow. "Kate, Gerric, and Urukubarr are down there, along with someone else who isn't very talkative. "

Not sure how long it takes to string the bow. Perception check to try to figure out what he is doing and if he is armed/armored, all with infravision
Perception: [roll0]

2016-03-14, 05:11 PM
Whole party

As Kafar's lamp appeared, they all saw that the room below was around 5 yards long and 5 yards wide, and looked like a butcher's shop. The meat hanging on the hooks, a large chopping table...and at the back of the room, near a door, stood a thin, tall man in rough leather apron stained of blood. He was bald, had several scars on his head, face and arms, and a large earring in his left ear. In his right hand he wielded a large dagger, and there were several more hanging on his apron and belt. As he saw the light appear, he growled, a wild, almost animal-like expression appeared on his face.

He moved, quickly as attacking snake and a silvery blur appeared in the air, the knife, thrown at the lamp in Kafar's hand, and then turned around and ran to the door. As Kafar dodged the knife, the lamp swung with him, putting the room below into a semi-darkness - and making the shadows on the walls dance...

We are switching to combat rounds now - so no long plans. If you want to do something that will take more time, I will use your plan until first "disturbance" and will PM you.
If there are any SA which you think should be applicable, let me know. I will give my suggestions since this is first game, but I won't always keep them in my head :smallsmile:


The knife cut through the air towards Kafar. He reacted with the speed of desert rat, which hunts snakes, dodging out of harm's way. Kafar's reaction saved him - the knife ended stuck at the wooden column behind him, at the staircase. His movement made the lamp swing around a bit, throwing shadows everywhere, but the man was unable to hit him.

He immediately looked down, but he only saw the man's back in the door...

REF/TN7 [roll0] = 2 successes
The TN in this case is based on the rule - 7 means you know about the opponent, but didn't really expect him to attack at that moment/are not in ideal conditions to defend/dodge.
Butcher's Throw: [roll1] TN 8 = 1 success
1 net success for Kafar, the knife missed.


Near the stairs there was no door except for the one from which Nazir and Kafar came - and while he didn't think they searched the whole room, they possibly could not miss a stairway to the cellar. So he looked around to again consider possible way to get downstairs.

There was the door between fireplace and bar...one behind bar, where the cat ran, slightly ajar, and the one covered by some old rug or something. He stood, deciding where to go, when he saw, by a corner of his eye, Nazir's movement, heard the swishing of thrown dagger - and he immediately recognized that there has been an attack.

And then it hit him - the kitchen. It should be near the bar - the door ajar behind the bar would be good place for kitchen. And while the guests had no possibility to enter it without innkeeper's consent, he would have everything near...

Remeber, you can use your skills to help you - in this case, a roll of stewardship will allow you to remember certain fact about inns/taverns...
Roll MA/Stewardship [roll2] TN8 = 2 successes, more than enough!

Also, you are dealing with a person (or persons) that want to attack/kill/maim Urukubarr - the Passion SA should be kicking in at the moment. Anytime you put yourself in a danger to prevent harm to come to him you gain a point...and you can add the dice to each round of combat.
You can also help others with their SA (I included a list to the first OOC page). E.g. challenge Nazir so he can prove himself, or tell Gerric about the oathbreakers...


Nazir took the bow down from his back, reaching for the bowstring. Luckily it didn't get wet, so he immediately started pulling it to make his favourite weapon working again. He suspected that the butcher wasn't alone in this building...

He noticed that the butcher focused on Kafar's light source - he could draw it even with closed eyes, but if there was no light, he would be slowed down and would have to resort to use of the sword - and while he felt confident about his practice, he liked the bow best...

He quickly hooked the bowstring on the bottom part of the bow, and his fingers worked as if he stood at a target practice. In a moment the bow was complete - a weapon for archer, he thought. He looked down, but the man attempted to run away, and was already at the door where he came from...

It will take you 1 round to get the bow from your back (if you carry it the usual style) and around 2 rounds to get it operational (I will roll AGI/battle to see if the conditions make you slower - each success after the first shortens the time by 1 round (maximum of 1).

AGI/battle: [roll3] TN 6 = 4 successes, the bow is ready right after you start pulling the string.

As for PER - see OOC.

One advice would be - attempt to activate your SAs by getting into situations where these apply. And - help others activate theirs (like telling Ruark that Urukubarr is in danger, or Katherine that she should lead by example).

2016-03-14, 05:15 PM
Kate set off in hot pursuit. As before, her aim was to be a shield for her comrades behind: In case the enemy had the urge to throw any more sharp objects.

2016-03-14, 09:50 PM
Nazir quickly strung his bow. He had done it hundreds of times while hunting and he could do it blind. He sees the stranger moving like a hunter, with something in his hand. The archer calls out. "Look out! He's armed and trying to sneak up on you!" He's too late, the lantern had changed the course of events down below and the stranger's dagger flew through the air. Nazir was still reaching for his arrows when the stranger bolted. "He's headed back out the door. He's got more daggers! Don't let him get away Kate or he'll bring back friends! "

If my timing is off and I can actually get a shot off, I will. The stranger is actively trying to hurt the party (Passion SA) and a quick draw/shot/kill on an escaping enemy that would bring more danger to the group (Drive - bragging rights- who else could string/draw/fire that fast?)

2016-03-14, 11:11 PM
"Abdallos' ****," Gerric swore as the man threw the dagger. Without a second's hesitation he charged at the man's fleeing back and swung down with his axe.

2016-03-15, 02:59 PM
Ruark drew his sword again and made for what he assumed was the kitchen door. There was no time for caution if whoever was downstairs was a decent fighter, he could cut through everyone down there before anyone upstairs had time to help. So he ran and made much noise as he pushed chairs and broken tables out of his way to get there. Once at the kitchen door he threw it open and hoped that he would be met with a way downstairs and not the swordpoint of an enemy.

2016-03-15, 06:44 PM
Horrified is what most would be right about now, but Urukubarr was mostly disgusted at first. What corrupted flesh was this? He shuddered to think of the meat coming from other humanoids, such meat was not fit for consumption and forbidden by the laws he bound himself to. Any who partake in such meat are of truly evil heart and soul and must be purged.

When the creature, as it resembled no man Urukubarr had ever seen, threw it's dagger - the rage started to set in. Combined with the questionable and corrupted meat and now the attack on his comrades, this was enough to fly into battle with reckless abandon. Urukubarr bellowed a warcry in orcish, "I AM YOUR DEATH!!!" He then charged toward the vile thing, in pursuit, greatsword at the ready for a thrust through its emaciated torso once he reached it, mindful that Kate was in front of him.

2016-03-16, 04:16 AM

Kate heard Nazir's voice above her "Look out! He's armed and trying to sneak up on you!" right before she saw the stranger throw the knife.

She decided to follow him at any cost immediately. As she dodged the swinging chains with meat, she heard Nazir again - "He's headed back out the door. He's got more daggers! Don't let him get away Kate or he'll bring back friends! " - as she tried to run after the man. A step behind her, both Gerric and Urukubarr shouted something intelligible - but most probably very indecend - in their native language. She saved her breath - and held her shield in front of her in case he tried to throw another dagger. The man just started for the door as soon as the first dagger flew from his hand - he was fast, but not faster than Kate - however, she felt the armour slowing her down a bit. He lost a precious second when he shut the door from the outside, and she saw his expression for a split second - a strange, creepy smile, full of teeth, as if he looked forward to meeting them on the other side. The smile changed to a pain-twisted expression, as she heard Nazir's arrow swish through the air and saw as it hit the stranger just under the ribs. And then the door shut in front of her, denying her from view...

Both Gerric and Urukubarr ran with her, but Urukubarr reached the door first, his legs carried him faster than anyone else. He ran with greatsword in his hands...


The creature turned its cowardly back to Urukubarr, and ran for the door. He heard Nazir's voice - he was shouting something about the man being armed, but as his blood was boiling, he disregarded it. He released the warcry, which mixed with Gerric's shout - and while Urukubarr did not understand the language, he primally understood that it was a curse. It must have scared the creature to death.

He launched forward, sword ready to pierce through the creature's foul heart, and covered the distance in two seconds - however, the creature had time to run through the door and shut it from the other side, but he wasn't fast enough for Nazir - Urukubarr heard the arrow whizz through the air and heard the thump as it bore into creature's body. However, the door shut before he could see where or how the creature was hit. Urukubarr overcame Kate, slowed by her heavy armour, as he approached the door with his long steps...

Do you want to run through the door or will you stop in front of it?
If the former, roll ST/TN7.
If you roll glitch, you will hit Gerric instead.


Nazir nocked the arrow and in one fluid movement drew the bowstring, following the stranger with his eyes. He focused all his mastery of the bow into this shot - he knew he didn't have the time to spare to aim precisely - and released the arrow just as the stranger ran through the door in the cellar.

The arrow sped through the air and hit the stranger as he was shutting the door, right under the ribs. The door swung closed, so Nazir couldn't see the full effect the shot had on his enemy.

However, he heard a commotion from the side - and as he glanced above, he saw Ruark in the door frame, light behind him and a large figure with a sledgehammer. They were coming up...

You are not consciously putting yourself into danger for the party and he's running away - so no, passion is off. The drive however will be added (and you hit, you get a +1 to Drive):
Nazir's shot [roll0] TN 7 = 3 successes
Stranger's REF [roll1] TN9 = 1 successes
2 net successes for Nazir
Hit zone: pelvis, moved to chest for accuracy; final hit - under the ribs
Damage: 7 + 2 for successes, piercing
Damage resistance: 5
Level 4 wound.


Gerric heard Nazir's warning from above - and hoped that the archer will not kill the man before his axe reaches him - while he disliked the situation, his heart beat in his chest with the same intensity as during raids and he longed for a fight.

His curse mixed with Urukubarr's warcry, forming an interesting, yet unintelligible cacophony of threatening sounds - and the knife-throwing rat ran for it. He did not blame him, the trio must have been fearsome to behold. He ran towards the man, and saw that while he is faster, he will not reach him before he reaches and closes the door. The starting distance was too unfavourable and the man had a head start. Still, he wasn't fast enough for Nazir - Gerric heard the arrow whizz through the air and heard the thump as it bore into stranger's body. However, the door shut in front of him.

As he approached the closed door, running, he made a decision in a split second...

The choice is - do you break through the door, stop in front of it, hit it with the axe? Or something different?
If you want to break through, it's ST/TN7 test. If you glitch, you will hit Urukubarr instead.
If the axe is your choice, attack with full CP +2 for the charge. It may break through, the door has AV 5 due to thickness.


Ruark drew his sword again and made for what he assumed was the kitchen door. There was no time for caution if whoever was downstairs was a decent fighter, he could cut through everyone down there before anyone upstairs had time to help. So he ran and made much noise as he pushed chairs and broken tables out of his way to get there. Once at the kitchen door he threw it open and hoped that he would be met with a way downstairs and not the swordpoint of an enemy.

Ruark ran towards the bar and leapt over it. He welcomed the opportunity to release the tension from the last two days of travelling and was looking forward to visiting some rightful anger on whoever was down there - his heart was still full of rage for the lies and betrayal.

Behind him, he heard Nazir shout words of warning -"Look out! He's armed and trying to sneak up on you!" - but he was quite sure these were meant for the companions down below. He pushed himself to the limit, knowing that his friend was in danger. He heard a "thunk" of a dagger hitting wood, and was glad that no screams of pain followed it. He did not risk a glance back, because he knew he needed to reach the kitchen as soon as possible.

As he opened the door, he heard Nazir shout again. "He's headed back out the door. He's got more daggers! Don't let him get away Kate or he'll bring back friends! ". While on the one hand he welcomed the sight of a big cutting block, a table, large stove, because he knew he was in correct place, he also saw the trapdoor on the floor, leading to a pitch black darkness below. He felt his stomach tighten - there was a candleholder with three lit candles on the table, the trapdoor was open and in the middle of the room stood a hulking man - he was standing between Ruark and the trapdoor - and another man was climbing up the ladder from the cellar, half of his body already out.

The hulking wielded a sledgehammer in his hands - he was taller than Ruark and while he had a simpleton's look, the muscles on his arms showed promise of good fight. He wore only a linen shirt, and trousers made of hide, his feet covered in ragged feet wraps. He noticed Ruark and flames from the and shouted at the man behind "Richan, hurry, they'be comin'!" as he moved forward to meet Ruark, the sledgehammer readied on his shoulder to strike.

Aggressive stance (+2 dice for attack for first round, +2 activation cost for defensive manuevers).


2016-03-16, 06:11 AM
"Someone's trying to escape through the kitchen!" It was all Ruark managed to shout before he had to raise his shield to meet the sledgehammer of the brutish man in front of him. If he was quick now he could bolt after the man running away, the one he now knew to be Richan. "I'd like to know your name before I cut you down Giant. I am Ruark, son of Ruark from Savaxen and I am going to be your death!" Ruark hoped his boast would unsettle the man but considering the way he swung that hammer he found it unlikely.

OOC: Initiative, I throw down WHITE! Neutral Stance.
I defend with Block Open and Strike for 11 dice, +2 for the activation cost (Tot: 13 CP)
Edit: I realized I should wait and see what sort of dice he throws into his attack before declaring my defensive dice.

2016-03-16, 08:07 AM
Gerric slams his axe onto the door, using his momentum to carry through the blow.

Full CP+2
Successes on 7 or higher.

Axe deals Str+2 or 8 damage, and also ignores 1 hard armor if the AV 5 of the door counts.

2016-03-16, 10:36 AM

It seemed that the brute had a one-track mind, and didn't really care about introductions. As he closed in, Ruark was able to notice that he was more beefy than muscular, and moved with slow determination of a mountain boulder - once he moved certain way, he did not stop for anyone...

And now he was coming at Ruark -and his hammer swung in wide arch, coming at Ruark from the above. "I will smash you like a bug!"

Initiative: RED!
Vertical overhead swing for 7 dice. Your defence?

Still, the block open & strike is good opening move for defence.

Oh and BTW, Richan, the man behind, is climbing up the ladder. Next round he is up, the round after it he joins combat.

2016-03-16, 10:54 AM
Ruark simply grunted in response, he knew that the pain that was coming even if he managed to block the swing would be intense. He hoped it would not break his arm as he raised his shield to meet it.

Block Open and Strike for 11 dice, +2 for the activation cost (Tot: 13 CP)
On the next initiative, if I am still alive, I will attack with my remaining 1 dice + whatever I get for the success margine. A vertical cut against his head.

2016-03-16, 01:56 PM
It was a quick draw and fire at a moving target and it hit. "Shingazuuk!"! Noise behind Nazir caught his attention. He turned to see Ruark facing off with someone. He called down to those in the basement. "They're coming from behind the bar. We'll fight them here. See if you can find a way back up. The rope is still an option." Nazir reached for arrows from his quiver as be began moving toward the bar.

Shingazuuk = Fey for something along the lines of: One shot one hit / perfect shot / One with Nature.

Moving to the filled in block on the map to the left of the bar (a post?). Should keep me out of melee weapon reach from someone on the other side of the bar.

2016-03-16, 02:06 PM
Kate reluctantly made way for Urukubarr. He was the team's best door smasher, after all. But if he ended up being hit by a knife that should have been meant for her, she was going to feel so guilty.

2016-03-16, 07:05 PM
The door slammed shut before Urukubarr could get to it; but no matter, doors have a bad track record against him. Before he could ask everyone to stand back for him to destroy the door, Gerric's axe flew downward into the door. Gerric was no stranger to battle and good with his axe, but one slip up would have buried the axe into Urukubarr instead. Had the situation not been dire, he would have objected to the unnecessary risk, but in this case he appreciated the urgency the man displayed, so he said nothing. Instead, he stood ready to either aid in the further destruction of the door, or charge through it after their prey.

Nazir's warning rang in Urukubarr's ears, they already had enemies to contend with and now the freakish man may be joining them along with who knows how many more from outside. Any moment now, Ruark and Nazir would be outnumbered by the unidentified enemy. The half-orc's blood boils over.

If the door is destroyed by Gerric, Urukubarr will charge through. If not, Urukubarr will still attempt to charge through the door to get to Ruark's side, killing all in his path. I call to activate my passion 2

2016-03-17, 05:58 AM

Gerric's axe smashed into the door - the hit was powerful, and it broke through the central crosspiece, basically cutting the door in half. As soon as he drew his axe back, Urukubarr finished the destruction by running into the still-hanging part and smashing it with his shoulder against the wall - he ran through the remains of the door inside the room.

Gerric saw that the room behind the door was more spacious - around 8 yards across - but also more cluttered. In the middle of the room stood a barrel, with some items on it, surrounded by four chairs. Most walls were lined with barrels, some shelves with bottles, and he saw that there were two door - one on the opposite wall, opened and showing another room - with a ladder - and one on the left, below a arched column, just next to a old and large wardrobe.

There were two candleholders on the walls, with the candles lit, providing just enough light for Gerric to see the man Nazir shot sprawled on the floor, trying to pull himself back from the door, an arrow sticking from his chest. Another man, tall, looking old and haggard, but still quite muscular, was standing at the opposite door, with a woodsman hatchet in his hands.

The enemy was waiting for him. He felt his grip tighten with anticipation of blood, his heart quickened its beating and he felt the same mix of excitement and shiver down his spine as he expected the dance with the death...


Gerric's axe smashed into the door - the hit was powerful, and it broke through the door as if it were paper, cutting the door in half. As soon as he drew his axe back, Urukubarr decided that this was sufficient for him to pass through - and he finished the destruction of the door by running into the still-hanging part and smashing it with his shoulder against the wall - he ran through the remains of the door inside the room.

The room was larger, smelled of urine and decaying grapes, and the light was sparse - provided by two candleholders on the walls, with the candles lit. The room was also more cluttered - the walls were lined with barrels, shelves, and in the middle of the room there was a barrel and some chairs. There were two door - one on the opposite wall, opened and showing another room - with a ladder - and one on the left, below a arched column, just next to a old and large wardrobe.

But that did not impress Urukubarr - he was more interested in the bloody creature, lying on the floor, with an arrow sticking from its chest - it tried to back away, pushing itself with its arm, while the second tried to stop the bleeding. It had a strange expression - a mixture of fear and hatred, together with excitement, on its face. It was already dead - it was only a matter of time, so he focused on the way forward, to help Ruark. And he saw his target - another man, tall, looking old and haggard, but still quite muscular, was standing at the opposite door, with a woodsman hatchet in his hands. Behind him he saw legs of some man on the ladder. He knew he needed to get there as soon as possible, without delays - his friend was in danger. He heard sounds of combat from above and he knew he couldn't waste any time...

Passion activated!


Kate breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the man lying on the floor, sprawled, trying to escape while clutching at his wound - the arrow was sticking from under his ribs, his apron wet with blood. Gerric's axe smashed the door in half and Urukubarr finished the destruction by rushing through it, but her main concern was the enemy who liked throwing the daggers so much. As her companions destroyed the door, she saw him, and she immediately knew he would not harm Urukubarr - at least not now.

The relief was only temporary, as she saw the room behind - a typical cellar, while quite spacious at around 8 yards across, it was full of barrels, shelves and even a makeshift gambling table made of barrel. Two candleholders on the walls provided enough light for her to see the two door leading out of the room - one on the opposite wall, opened and showing another room - with a ladder - and one on the left, below a arched column, just next to a old and large wardrobe, which looked quite out of place here. She noticed a movement from the room behind, but she focused her sight on the man on the floor and his companion - a tall man, looking old and haggard, but still quite muscular, was standing at the opposite door, with a woodsman hatchet in his hands. He seemed determined to stand in their path.


While the man was not as large as Urukubarr, he hit hard. However, when the sledgehammer hit the shield, Ruark was able to skilfully deflect the hammerhead to the side, so he felt almost no shock from the impact - and he also pushed the sledgehammer to the side, throwing the opponent from balance and gaining enough momentum to strike from the above with his sword. His opponent tried to dodge the blow, moving aside from the door frame.

He was too slow - and while the slash Ruark threw at him was purely a matter of reflexes, it connected - and cut the man's cheek. It wasn't deep, but few drops of blood hit the floor.

The man didn't seem to even notice it. He turned to Ruark, his bloodshot eyes full of hatred and raised the sledgehammer, roaring "COME ON!"...

Round 1, exchange 1.
Giant's smash: [roll0] TN 8 = 1 success
Ruark's block open and strike: [roll1] TN 6 = 5 successes
4 net successes, Ruark gains initiative and 4 dice for his next attack, which he immediately uses to throw a quick slash for 5 dice overhead vertical!
The giant tries partial evasion with 3 dice.

Roll for attack were done in rolling thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20551157&postcount=40)since I don't want to doublepost.

Round 1, exchange 2:
Ruark's 5-dice attack: 2 successes
Giant's evasion: 1 success
1 net success for Ruark
Damage: 5 + 1 net success
Damage resistance: TO 7
Level 0 damage = scratch.

New round, new dice!
Ruark still has initiative. Your attack?


Nazir's fingers found and grabbed nocks of three arrows, pulling them from the quiver. On one hand he was exhilarated by the successful hit, on the other he was infuriated that he did not think about preparing more arrows - he immediately mentally lectured himself over this as he reached the column to gain some cover. He watched Ruark combat the large man - he received a blow he blocked with a shield and cut his opponent, drawing first blood, but not doing significant damage - and noticed that the man on the ladder hesitated - as if he was deciding between going up and down...

Round 1, exchange 1+2.
Still drawing the arrows.

2016-03-17, 06:49 AM
Gerric's axe had done it, whatever was left gave way to his bulk as he passed through the door. Urukubarr briefly observes then passes over the disgusting twisted ones, his companions would decide their fate. He had more pressing matters to attend to. His nostrils flared as he expelled the foul odor from his lungs. What corruption this place held, he thought. Urukubarr decided to burn this place to the ground upon their departure, it was an affront to everything decent in the world.

He heard the sounds of battle coming from above, none would stop him from joining Ruark in battle. The old man looked like he had some fight in him, but not enough. "I am your death, evil one," is all the half-orc says before charging at the man with his greatsword poised for a thrust!

Red Dice!
8 dice for a thrust while charging

2016-03-17, 09:33 AM
Ruark couldn't help but feel sorry for this man, a moment ago he had been waiting here for whatever reason and now he was caught in a deadly exchange with someone he never knew and never would. As the stranger roared Ruark pulled his sword back from the partially successful cut he had performed previously and struck again, same trick. Careful not to get his sword stuck in the doorway, he performed another vertical cut at his opponents unarmored face.

OOC: Vertical cut at face. 10 dice.

2016-03-17, 10:57 AM
Kate rushed into the room only a step behind Urukubarr. Her sword joined his in striking at the man with the hatchet. She didn't completely focus on him, though. Part of her attention stayed on the man who'd started this chase: Lest this wounded rat try to strike while his foes were distracted.

Red dice.
6 dice spent on a cut to the arms.

2016-03-17, 03:46 PM
Gerric saw Kate and Urukubarr rush past him to confront the new enemy. He trusted the two of them together could handle one man. Especially with Uruk's strength. But a dead man, couldn't tell them what the hell was going on.

Instead he walked to the fallen man, and placed the edge of his axe on his neck. "If I were you, I'd be staying still, and thinking o' all the reasons someone wouldn't want me dead, despite throwing a knife at 'em." To emphasize his point, he stepped on the man, forcing the toe of his boot just under where the arrow had bitten into his flesh.

Keeping one eye on the man, he tried his best to make sure that his allies were handling themselves well with the other. If they needed him, he'd be ready to jump in.

2016-03-18, 03:21 PM

The old man had some fight left in him - his eyes widened when he saw the muscular orc and the armored woman charge him, but he did not flee - instead, his face acquired the determined look of a man who knows he is going to die and is ready to do so, but not without leaving a reminder to the foe who takes him down. He swung his axe in a half-circle to get it over his head and stepped forward, waiting for precise moment when to struck.

Urukubarr lunged forward, his body following his blade in a powerful thrust aimed at old man's chest.

The old man watched the orc approach, and a single tear ran down his cheek, as he again stepped forward and delivered a mighty swing aimed at Urukubarr's head. At last moment he saw by the corner of his eye that Kate swung her sword upwards, to meet the man's arms.

Urukubarr noticed that his opponent's swing was both powerful and fast. He instinctively knew that both his blade and old man's axe will hit at the same time. As he prepared for the impact, he noticed that Kate, while running slowly, was faster than him - and her blade cut the forearm of the old man.

His scream was terrible and blood gushed from the stump where his hand was few moments ago - Kate's sword cut the hand at forearm clearly. But there was no time for admiring her skill - as his blade plunged into the man's heart and the scream died on his lips. His eyes turned up, and he fell to the ground, dead.

At that moment Urukubarr saw movement in the room behind. Another man jumped down from the ladder - a young-looking one, in a peasant clothes, armed with a staff.

RED die! Attack for 8 dice, overhead vertical (+added 1 die for additional damage).
Round 1, exchange 1 (turn 2)
Urukubarr's thrust: [roll0] TN6 = 4 successes
Old man's swing: [roll1] TN7 = 5 successes
Kate's cut: 6d10 / TN6 = 4 successes

Kate's cut struck forearm. Damage 6 cut + 4 successes, resisted 5 with TO = level 5 wound. This removed all old man's successes (and his hand).
Urukubarr's thrust struck chest. Damage 10 thrust + 4 successes, resisted 5 with TO = level 5 wound.
Old man would have struck Urukubarr's shoulder. Damage 8 cut + 4 successes + 1 added damage, resisted 6 with TO + 3 with armour = level 3 wound. Lucky he didn't get it thanks to Kate (results would be: BL 5, Shock 6, Pain 1).

Which will hit first? A contest of REF against the ATN of weapon will decide
Urukubarr's REF [roll2] TN6 = 2 successes
Old man's REF: [roll3] TN7 = 2 successes
Kate's REF: 6d10 / TN6 = 4 successes

Kate hits first, reducing old man's dice pool for attack. Then Urukubarr... & theoretically Old man (if he had any dice and two hands).

The old man was obviously ready to die - he did not back up, even if he was overwhelmed, and chose to at least attempt to kill at least one of his opponents. As Kate ran forward, trying to keep pace with Urukubarr, but keeping reserves just to be sure she could defend in case he chose her,

The man stood there, axe poised above his head, prepared to kill or die. He had the determined look of a man who stands at the Death's door and Kate for a moment felt sympathy for him. He was going to die and yet he shown such courage against the odds. Then she remembered that he was an enemy.

Urukubarr lunged forward, his body following his blade in a powerful thrust aimed at old man's chest. Kate aligned her step and swung her sword upwards, to catch the man's hands as he swung the axe at Urukubarr's head with all the power he could muster. Kate then noticed a single tear ran down his cheek, but she wasn't able to stop her attack...

...and she was both horrified and glad. As she watched the old man swing the axe, she knew that Urukubarr and him were both as fast as the other - and she saw that they will hit each other at the same time. She moved forward, giving the strike all the speed she had left - and suddenly she felt impact as her blade cut the forearm of the old man - and she felt as if there was no resistance - her strike was strong enough to clearly cut through the old man's wrist and she watched, both horrified and glad, as his hand was separated from the rest of his arm, still clutching the axe, which missed Urukubarr and fell to the ground.

His scream was terrible and blood gushed from the stump where his hand was few moments ago - Kate's sword cut the hand at forearm clearly. Luckily, he did not scream for long, as Urukubarr's greatsword plunged into the man's heart, the scream died on his lips. His eyes turned up, and he fell to the ground, dead.

At that moment she saw movement in the room behind. Another man jumped down from the ladder - a young-looking one, with long brown hair, in simple peasant clothes, armed with a staff. He had the look deer usually has when cornered by hunters...

RED die! Attack for 8 dice, overhead vertical (+added 1 die for additional damage).
See Urukubarr's OOC for details.

Round 1, exchange 1 (turn 2)
Kate's cut at arms: [roll4] TN6 = 4 successes
Damage: 6 for weapon + 4 for successes
Damage resistance: 5 for TO
Level 5 wound to the forearm.

Which will hit first? A contest of REF against the ATN of weapon will decide
Kate's REF[roll5] TN6 = 4 successes
Kate hits first. Luckily.

The man howled in pain as Gerric pushed his toe near the wound, and coughed blood. His voice was weak, but it carried the slimy quality and even the pain couldn't wipe out the smirk out of his face. "I'd surrender, but I've seen enuff deaths. I'll be gone soon." He focused his eyes on Gerric. "I'll die happy. You scum..." he breathes heavily, producing some a bubbly sound "will follow me soon. Mad dog must have heard the horn. He'll come. You'll die. Heh..." His eyes close, but he still breathes - but his breath is fast, shallow.

There was a large puddle of blood under the man's body - and it grew larger and larger. The arrow must have gone through and hit a vessel or worse. Gerric knew the man's life was counted in seconds now.

By the corner of the eye he watched his two companions fighting with the axeman. Suddenly he saw movement in the room behind him.

At that moment he heard a thunder roar outside, so loudly it made his ears ring - it must have struck somewhere close...

He is unable to move - too high pain, too low pain tolerance. And he's bleeding to death.

Bald man's HT roll against bleeding.
Blood Loss is 13 = TN is 13. I have to roll 10 and then 3+. Each round. If I fail, he'll lose a point of HT. At 1 HT he's near death. At 0 HT he dies because of blood loss.
He is already bleeding for 2nd round. I'll roll twice.
First 3 dice of the roll are for HT. If one of the dices rolls 10, I'll use the dies no. 4 -6.
First HT roll: [roll6] TN13 = 0 successes, lost 1 HT
Second HT roll: [roll7] TN13 = 0 successes, lost 1 HT. He's at the death's door. One more HT down and he's dead. Last questions?

The man already tasted Ruark's sword and while it didn't kill him, he didn't like the feeling of steel on his skin, which he obviously valued as he bent down in an effort to dodge the weapon, turning around and tried to make a run for it to the room with the ladder down to the cellar - at least to get behind the door frame.

His companion saw him coming and obviously had the same idea - he let the ladder go and disappeared in the hole.

As he moved forward to deliver a deadly strike to the large man, he thought he heard a loud crash from the outside, as a lightning struck and thunder roared, followed by shouting and movement behind him - Kafar shouted something, but he couldn't hear it well since the thunder made his ears ring.

Ruark's blade passed through air - missing the man's head by inches, as he ducked. He fought to regain balance, but the opportunity was gone - the man slipped away, into the kitchen.

Round 2, exchange 1 (turn 2)
The giant uses Full Evasion - 5 dice.
Ruark's vertical cut: [roll8] TN7 = 4 successes
Giant's full evasion: [roll9] TN4 = 5 successes
1 net success for giant.
He dodges and moves to the kitchen.

New round, new dice. Initiative? Will you follow into the kitchen, or wait for his attack?


Kafar made sure his companions made it safely to the other door. He then placed the lamp on the table, drew his rapier and readied himself for a fight. Then the lightning struck - and thunder boomed outside.

His ears ringing, he looked outside to see their horses run, pulling behind them remains of the column they were bound to. He only had moment to decide - and he looked around. Ruark already struck his opponent, who seemed to back up, and Nazir was readying another of his deadly arrows. He shouted "Horses! Damn horses!" at Nazir - and bolted for the door - knowing that the startled animals may be their way out of this, sheating his rapier and attempting to catch them, he ran outside, to the thunderstorm...

Nazir finally pulled the three arrows in his hand, out of the quiver. As he struggled to keep two of them between his fingers, so he could nock the third one, the lightning struck - and thunder boomed outside.

The sound was deafening. He was sure he would be deaf, but after a second he heard Kafar shout something about horses, and he saw him run for the door - behind the windows, he could see the horses run, pulling a column behind them.

He had no time to think about it - his companion was in trouble. He looked back at the scene, only to see the brawny man escape Ruark's blade, dodging his strike and running off to the kitchen.
The other man was gone - he must have either jumped inside the hole in the floor, or is hiding somewhere...

He twirled the arrows between his fingers to find the correct position - and then he had it. Two arrows in his left, on the bow, one arrow in his right, ready to be nocked.

He knew what to do now.

Round 2, exchange 1+2.
Arrows drawn, commencing nocking.

2016-03-18, 05:01 PM
This wasn't the first life that Kate had taken. She was all too familiar with the sight of death. But this time it felt somehow...different. She'd had no choice but to strike down the man who'd threatened her comrade; And yet, that tear had planted a seed of unease within her. The feeling grew considerably when she saw the boy. What was such a youth doing in this terrible place? He looked so scared. Was he really an ally of the two who'd just attacked her? Well, even if he was, she had no intention of cutting him down. So for the second time in as many minutes, Kate attempted to talk her way out of creating a corpse.

"Please don't do anything rash. Even if your veins burn with hatred right now, I urge you to face the facts: You stand no chance in a fight against us. Attacking now would just throw your life away. If you surrender, I promise that you won't be harmed. We're not raiders, bandits or thugs. We're just travelling mercenaries, who came to this inn looking for rest. We have no idea what happened here, or why people keep trying to kill us. For your sake and ours, please just drop your weapon and talk to us."

2016-03-18, 06:12 PM
Urukubarr was surprised at the old man's speed and strength. The axe could have spelt his death easily were it not for Kate's intervention. He was thankful, and would thank her when he could, but first he had to face that they had made a grave error. The old man was strong and fast, willing to throw away his life in defense of this young man, this granted him the strength to oppose Urukubarr the way he did. Evil creatures did not act as such. His heart sunk in his chest, they may have murdered an innocent man.

"A grave error..." Urukubarr grumbles. While Kate speaks, he attempts to appear non-aggresive toward the young man. "Listen to her, boy. All of this is mistake, we thinking you are bad." The half-orc's voice was filled with lament, the realization that this boy may attack them dawned on him. They had ruined his life forever, he had every right to.

Urukubarr knelt over the old man's body and spoke the final farewell in orcish, "Your fight is over," he placed the axe in his hands, over his chest in a dignified position. He muttered a short prayer as he stood.

2016-03-18, 09:32 PM
Ruark followed his prey into the kitchen with his shield raised high, sword poised to attack just behind it. He stops just before reaching the trapdoor however, reluctant to put it at his back. He moves along the wall at his right side if possible so that anyone who tries to flank him would face his shield.

If Richan is still climbing out of the trapdoor then Ruark attacks him. If he is out of the trapdoor then Ruark still attacks Richan. If the brute is between Ruark and Richan, then Ruark will attack the brute instead.

Ruark throws RED! Attacking with a horizontal cut towards his targets face. 10 dice.

2016-03-18, 11:51 PM
"Scum? Yer the one that came tah this village an' killed everyone." Gerric said to the dying man. Something about the man's tone made him think that this wasn't what happened, but dying in anger can sometimes reveal more than those who are trying not to help those that killed them. And if this was a misunderstanding an innocent being blamed of murder was sure to shout his innocence.

2016-03-19, 05:18 AM

The man once again opened his eyes, and Gerric could see the flames of rage and maddness inside.

"Village? You fool, I have killed... hundreds. More than you could... he coughed more blood, his life fading quickly... "could imagine. Merchants, caravans. He sent... I harvested. They sold, for money, for jewels, steel. But for me... their screams...fear... all mine... pain... mine." He closed eyes, mumbling words that would haunt even Gerric's dreams.

An abbyss opened in front of Gerric. The man's mad rambling... and then came the worst part.

He opened his eyes again, his eyes focused on Gerric. A whisper, strong enough for Gerric to hear. Fear and awe mixed in the man's mad look.

"Dark Ones. They feasted. On. Their. Souls. Dark..."

The man's eyes stayed open, but he was gone with the last word.

HT roll: [roll0] TN 13 (first 3 valid, latter for reroll) = 0 successes. He's dead.


Kate's voice was clear and the urgency with which she spoke seemed to wake the boy from his thoughts. He looked at her, and then looked back at the half-orc doing the last service for the old man. A small smile flashed through his lips, and then he raised the staff in front of him and threw it down, as obvious gesture for surrender.

Boy's voice was shaking as he replied.
"I am Richan of Varadinn, son of Arawan. I will talk to you if you promise you will set me free. I want nothing but to leave this place - but not the way you set free old Timon." he gestured towards the old man on the floor. So if you let me go, I swear to not attack any of you.

Kate knew the duchy of Varadinn, she passed through it on her way to Zhendar. While she liked the town, she disliked the citizens - while they spoke about being the most honest people, valuing their promises and swears over anything, she often heard that the Varadinni could betray you as easily as the other person. She thought about his reply in detail, looking for possible loops he could use.

On the other hand, he seemed to be glad for them to stop fighting and did not mind the deaths of his companions.

From above she still heard sounds of fighting and a deep man's voice shouting. "Fight! Die like a man!"


Upon hearing Kate's voice, so clear and calm, and the urgency with which she spoke, he looked up from the old man's body. Her words seemed to wake the boy from his thoughts. He looked at her, and then looked back at Urukubarr praying for the old man. A strange small smile flashed through his lips, and then he raised the staff in front of him and threw it down, as obvious gesture for surrender.

The room seemed a bit lighter, as if the one act of surrender cleared the atmosphere a bit.

Boy's voice was shaking as he replied to Kate.
"I am Richan of Varadinn, son of Arawan. I will talk to you if you promise you will set me free. I want nothing but to leave this place - but not the way you set free old Timon." he gestured towards the old man on the floor. So if you let me go, I swear to not attack any of you. He seemed to be glad for them to stop fighting and did not mind the deaths of his companions.

Urukubarr felt as if a large boulder fell from his heart. He could breathe again, freely - the man wasn't his father. He quickly finished his prayer and looked at the old man. His life took a hard toll on him - he was wrinkled, his body beaten and scarred. However, his face had a strangely peaceful look - as if he found peace in death and could move away from this world.

Urukubarr felt he needed some time to meditate on this, to find the meaning - he was still not completely calm. But this was not the time - he realized he still heard the sounds of fighting from above and also a deep man's voice shouting. "Fight! Die like a man!"
He suddenly remembered why he acted with such haste, why he rushed so much. His friend was in danger. The flames of rage flared once again in his heart.


The large man with sledgehammer was alone in the kitchen, his companion must have jumped down the hole. For a moment he seemed lost, as if he longed for someone to tell him what to do. The boy, Richan, wouldn't Ruark could hear him surrender - and the man heard it too.

His face red with rage, he shouted "Fight! Die like a man!" towards the hole in the ground. He stopped backing up from Ruark - he already had his back to a wall, but the surrendering of his companion seemed to give him the decision he needed. He raised his hammer, ready to strike.

As Ruark leapt forward to end the fight, so did his opponent - swinging the hammer in wide half-circle, from above his head. Ruark's blade struck first, burying itself deep, right under the collarbone. He heard cracking, and saw the man's look of utter horror as the pain surged through his body. "Aaargh, you swine..." he reeled back, propping himself against the wall, blood gushing from the horribly-looking wound.

RED die! Vertical swing for 9 dice.
Ruark's cut [roll1] TN 6 = 5 successes
Giant's swing [roll2] TN 8 = 2 successes

Ruark's damage: 6 for weapon, 5 for successes:
Giant's resistance: TO 7
Level 4 wound on chest

Giant's damage: 7 for weapon, 2 for successes
Ruark's resistance: TO 5, no helmet
Level 4 wound on head

Who will hit first?
Ruark's REF/ATN [roll3] TN6 = 2 successes
Giant's REF/ATN [roll4] TN8 = 1 success

Ruark hit first.

Second exchange - Ruark has initiative! Your attack?

OOC advice - for these cases I would suggest giving only the initiative, or instructions for cases he throws red also (e.g. simultaneous block & strike to be sure you don't get hit... if you were, he could have smashed your skull in).


Nazir nocked the arrow with one smooth motion, but noticed that there were suddenly no targets in his field of vision. The boy on the ladder jumped down and the brawny one moved away from the door, deeper into the kitchen, disappearing from his sight. He caught Ruark entering the kitchen, so he knew which way they moved.

Round 3, Exchange 1
Now to draw and you can shoot. Do you want to follow them into the kitchen?

2016-03-19, 06:58 AM
The pressure in Kate's mind became considerably lighter. No, she hadn't just orphaned an innocent boy. From the sounds of it, innocence didn't dwell within these walls. She more or less ignored the boy's Richan's promises. Words as empty as the wind. When next she spoke, her voice was colder than before.

"You're in no position to be dictating terms. Surrendering has bought you your life; Nothing more. Your freedom is in our hands. So for your sake, I'd advise-"

She was interrupted by the shout from above. Kate could waste no more time here.

"Gerric, make sure this boy doesn't escape! We're going on ahead!"

So saying, she ran off to support her other comrades.

2016-03-19, 08:22 AM
Ruark's eyes widened when he saw the hammer fly towards his own fragile skull. He also couldn't shake the feeling that he had let the brute goad him into a foolish attack. Now he was overjoyed that his own blow had stopped the brutes attack in its tracks. He simply pulled back from the exchange, seemingly content to let the brute bleed out, oblivious to everything else going on in the house.

Initiative: I defend this exchange, pacing a little back and forth waiting for the brute to either counter-attack me or do something else. If he does attack I'll defend with a simple block for all of my 4 remaining dice.

2016-03-19, 02:08 PM

The man dropped the sledgehammer on the ground, trying to stop the blood with one hand. He looked around, as if he searched for different weapon - clearly, he would not give up, but at least he wouldn't use the hammer.

Ruark welcomed the break in fight, since it gave him several seconds to breathe - he paced around, weapon in hand, he breathed deep, realizing the tension in his muscles, the fatigue from the excitement he felt during combat, his heartbeat and sweat.

His enemy did not make a move to attack him, but his eyes wander around him, searching for a possible weapon. At last it stopped - on a large meat cleaver, stuck in the board next to him.

Round 2, exchange 2: No attack, he's trying to gain strength (= offset the shock).

HT roll for bleeding: [roll0] TN9 = 2 successes; bleeds but does not lose HT. Still alive.

New round, new initiative.

BTW, think about the SA you have - if you are sure about the vengeance being the way you want to go, it would make a good Drive.


Nazir heard a painful scream, so he stepped to the side, going around the bar to gain better vantage point. Through the door he saw Ruark, pacing around, weapons ready - not harmed, at least from what he saw. Opposite him there stood the brawny man, sledgehammer at his feet, holding with one hand a wound on his chest, near collar bone - but it was visible he was bleeding a lot.

His eyes were wandering around the room, either to find an escape route or a weapon - Nazir did not know which one. But then his eyes stopped - on a large meat cleaver, stuck in a board next to him...

Nazir drew the bowstring, and as it touched his cheek, he was already breathing slowly and deeply, ready to release the flying death...

Round 2, exchange 2, hope you don't mind the moving - no risk will come out of it, but you can shoot on next exchange if you want.

New round, new dice.
Round 3: exchange 1 - you gain Proficiency in dice to your missile pool.
Question is: white die (aiming) or red die (shoot)?

BTW, consider SA you have - specifically Oath could be applicable.


"Gerric, make sure this boy doesn't escape! We're going on ahead!"

He heard the words, as if through a veil. He shook the feeling off and looked around the room.

At first he noticed the boy - Kate ran around him, but gave him a good push. The boy stumbled a bit, but he gained his footing.

But the look on his face when he followed Kate with his eyes was one of pure hatred. The look disappeared in a moment, but Gerric was sure this was not going to end with a friendly goodbyes.

He looked around, trying to examine it quickly - and mainly its contents. Most of the barrels were already open - and he assumed empty, but he was sure not all of them were. In the middle of the room stood the barrel with chairs around - and on the barrel, a pack of cards - a game was underway. There were some coins, a small stone and a sausage in the bank.

Behind the barrel was a small sack, the contents unknown - it was closed.

A satchel was hung upon a hook near the door with the ladder.

The boy turned to him, now with a apologetic smile on his face. He tried to ignore Urukubarr and stay out of his way as much as possible.

"Gerric, eh? The girl's in command around here? Or just likes to order people around...?


Kate ran forward, to the ladder. The boy Richan stood in her way, but she did not mind pushing him away a bit - just to let him know that he was still considered an enemy. It wasn't a strong push, just a reminder and warning.

The room was mostly empty save for the ladder, but she noticed a small well near the farther corner on the left, shelves on the wall with mostly empty bottles and few stacks of wood for the fireplace.

Can't really say if you reach the ladder first or second - Urukubarr is faster than you and I will wait for XIII's reply to estimate that. Or - if you want to go any other way, just let me know.

You get 1 SA point - choose either Drive or Conscience - for defusing the situation with Richan. Let me know which one you want to increase.

2016-03-19, 04:09 PM
Ruark turned out to be a patient man, he continued to pace back and forth watching the man in front of him bleed out. He held his sword low now, almost casually and perpendicular to the ground. He looked like a cat playing with a mouse. He knew that eventually the brute would have to attack or give up or he would bleed out and die. Ruark also knew that he had allies, whatever was going on in the basement had quieted down and he hadn't heard Urrukubarr roar in a death rattle so that would indicate he was still alive. Whoever had survived downstairs and upstairs would come to his aid eventually and this fight would be over.

Ruark will defend until the brute attacks or he is dead because Nazir has released his arrow. When the brute does attack, Ruark defends with Block Open and Strike, 13 dice.

2016-03-19, 05:51 PM
The somber atmosphere diffused quickly when he remembered his purpose, adrenaline flooded his veins again! Urukubarr moves as quickly as he could manage, shoving the boy if need be and moving up the ladder. Going up a ladder into a fight was probably one of the best ways to literally lose your head, but Ruark was up there and the situation was unclear all around. He would do his best to keep his head, so to speak, but there was no other choice here. He prepared to step into a fight.

2016-03-19, 08:57 PM
Nazir follows Ruark into the kitchen. Bow drawn, he aims at Ruark's foe, ready to release. "Don't move or I'll shoot. Surrender and I can bandage that wound."

Sorry, had company this week. Tomorrow I'll be back to normal.

Not sure I can ready a shot like that in this game. If he makes a move to attack or get the weapon. I'll shoot, right into the chest. Using Passion (team member under threat) for +2. I don't have any points in the Oath yet but if I do shoot it will be for the quick kill.

2016-03-20, 12:02 AM
"Just hundreds? I have you beat then," Gerric said as the man died. I've burned cities. Shouldn't be usin' that as a point in my preference though. And shouldn't be advertisin' that around, not like I've told my companions all that I've done.

Kate gave her order then ran past. So he was just going to stay babysitting while his allies are off killing? That didn't seem right, more like a waste of what little talent he has.

As they ran off the boy spoke.

"Just likes orderin' folk about. Some bastards are born that way, I think, always gotta feel like folk are scramblin' around for their benefit. If they're not idiots some times you just go with what they say." Euric's face swam before his eyes. Now there's a comparison Gerric didn't want to make.

He walked up to the boy and leaned against the wall. After everyone had left he pointed his axe at the boy. "But don't worry about her, none. If I hear too much commotion for that orc to handle, I'm just goin' to cut off your leg and go killin'." He looked around the room once more, seeing if he would get a better look at what's in the barrels. "Don't worry though, I've met a fair few folk who lived long full lives with missin' legs, missin' arms, an' so on. They just usually don't make trouble for awhile after losin' it. And if you die, I'll just tell the girl ya struggled." He shrugged, "Hopefully it won't come to that though. I haven't gone cuttin' into a boy for a few years. Be a shame to start up again."

2016-03-20, 01:03 AM
Kate advanced to the next room as cautiously as she could without slowing down. She didn't have the luxury of moving slowly.

2016-03-20, 02:27 PM

Ruark more sensed than heard Nazir move into the room. He heard his voice, with the strange soft accent.

"Don't move or I'll shoot. Surrender and I can bandage that wound."

He sounded calm, but there was certain tension in his voice. The brute eyed Ruark for few moments - and when just as he Ruark was turning around, showing his back to his opponent to show him that he is not afraid of his attack, he finally decided - and went for the cleaver.

He was pitifully slow - so Ruark was ready for his attack, his shield ready to receive. He also heard the menacing sound of arrow flying through the air - he hoped Nazir was aiming well.

Nazir aimed well. He hit the brute right above the collarbone - and the arrow stuck into man's meat. A splash of hot blood hit Ruark's shield together with the cleaver, but Ruark was ready - and he struck the weapon with his shield, getting it completely out of line, gaining enough power to strike at the enemy.

Brute's attack: [roll0] TN 6 = 0 successes.
Ruark's block open & strike [roll1] TN 6 = 7 successes
7 net successes for Ruark.
He gains initiative and has a free attack for 2nd exchange for 7 dice... your attack?


When Nazir entered the kitchen, he saw that Ruark was in no direct danger - but he seemed to play with the brute, to invite his attack. Each turn he did was longer than the previous one, slower, more open. He seemed to toy with the man, to provoke him.

After he stated his challenge, the man looked at him. To Nazir it seemed that he gained some decisiveness again - he eyed Ruark for few moments - and when just as he Ruark was turning around, taking his sweet time just to show him he could kill him at any time, he finally decided - and went for the cleaver.

It was more a matter of reflex. He was ready for the movement, his aim aligned with his breathing and suddenly the arrow has been released, flying towards his target. He hit him just above the collarbone, at the point where throat meets shoulders - the arrow went deep, and stuck in the tissue. The man wanted to shout, but he had no air left in him and no strength to draw a breath.

At the same moment Ruark smashed his shield against brute's cleaver, pushing it aside, and his sword hand turned into a blur...

And then Nazir noticed a Urukubarr's head emerge from the cellar.

No problem - I'm glad you're back :smallsmile:.

Technically, you should state at the beginning of a round - together with the others - your initiative. Archers are the only ones who throw initiative every exchange :smallsmile:.
However, due to him being wounded and slowing down, I would assume you can shoot before he attacks.

Nazir's shot: [roll2] TN7 = 2 successes
Hit zone (if applicable) [roll3] = head
Hit location [roll4] = throat
Damage: 7 + 2
Damage resistance: TO 7
Level 2 wound: BL 6, S 7, P 6-WP


Urukubarr ran as his long legs allowed him - he overtook Kate just after she cautiously entered the next room - he knew he risked an attack, but he did not think clearly.

On the ladder he took two steps at a time - hurrying himself to get up. Just as he was emerging, he heard the ominious sound of arrow flying through the air and a sound of iron on wood. Combat seemed to continue - and he decided to just go for it.

As he emerged from the hole he saw, that he had nothing to rush for - the combat was practically over. The man had an arrow stuck in his neck, near the collarbone and Ruark was readying to finish him...


Kate held her shield ready for attack, but no attack came. The room was empty - save for her and Urukubarr. Urukubarr wasn't as cautious as she - he leapt on the ladder and climbed it so fast she for a moment worried if the ladder will survive.

While the sounds from above - a zipping of arrow, sound of iron striking wood - told her it was not really over, but as soon as Urukubarr climbed up to have clear look of the kitchen, the tension from his body was gone.

It was over. She felt a drop of sweat rolling down her back, her hand gripping the sword too strong, already feeling a cramp coming over. The stress washed down from her and for first time since she entered the inn she felt relief and breathed freely.


His thoughts dark, he looked at the boy again. For a moment he had a feeling that the boy was almost happy with his responses.

"So, why let her order you around - you have the look of a killer. You should order people - not the other way around, 'amirite?" Boy's smirk wasn't very nice and it brought the worst from Gerric's buried feelings to the surface of his mind.

As he walked up, the boy gulped - but he seemed to attempt not to move away or show his feelings. But what he told him must have shaken him - he was pale when Gerric finished. Pale and silent. And he watched Gerric's axe.

Obviously he valued his legs.

Gerric's eyes however jumped from one barrel to the others. The four barrels were neither opened, nor cracked - three of these were kegs - one of them smaller, most probably for wine, while the two others looked like they could be used for beer.

The fourth one was larger then each of those and stood separately. He had no idea what could be inside.

You have a moment alone with the boy until Kate returns. He seems to be holding back.
And - do you think the fact that Gerric did not kill him was an act of conscience?

2016-03-20, 04:08 PM
Ruark felt goosebumps raise on his neck when he heard Nazir's bowstring send its arrow flying. Everything seemed to happen very fast now and after pushing the cleaver out of the way he swung his sword horizontally, from left to right attempting to cut open the Brute's throat in one clean cut. It was a shame that this man had not surrendered, hopefully there other people alive who could talk about what was going on here.

I'll cut horizontally at his head and invest my remaining 1 die and the 7 extra for a total of 8. I tried to roll in the rolling thread for fun but I am not sure what to roll for hit location, I know it's a D6 but I can't find how to determine what the results would be. Anyway here are the roll results: (8d10)[10][3][1][9][5][1][7][2](38) TN 6. Three successes.

2016-03-20, 06:25 PM
Kate finally allowed herself to relax. For the moment at least, there were apparently no more enemies to vanquish. Hopefully the other half of the team were as unscathed as Gerric, Urukubarr and herself. Kate's voice called out to them from below.

"Is everyone all right? Any injuries? Any prisoners?"

2016-03-21, 07:58 AM
Nazir was a bit unhappy with having the man refusing to surrender, and surprised the arrow to the throat area didn't finish him. Ruark completed the task. He heard Kate from below so the fight must be over down there. Nazir was already drawing another arrow from his quiver even with the 2 arrows in his bow hand as he spoke quickly. "The horses bolted and Kafar went after them. Need to go help him." He turned and made for the front door, nocking an arrow as he went.

2016-03-21, 10:13 AM
This fight was over. Urukubarr relaxed, letting the tension leave his body. He nodded to and pat Ruark on the shoulder with his heavy hand, relieved to see his comrade alive and well. He didn't doubt Ruark could fight his way through almost anything while slinging creative insults, it's just that they've already lost so much... Ruark was the only family he had left.

The moment was short lived, they still had pressing matters to attend to. "The boy holds answers, maybe more questions. I check upstairs for more." Urukubarr, greatsword in hand, started to move up the stairs carefully. He didn't wish to have to fall any more today, nor be caught by surprise. The half-orc searched his mind for a cleansing ritual to remove the taint from this place. It stunk of blood, hate, fear, and worse; it would attract bad spirits left unchecked.

Urukubarr would have left any belongings on the carriage. If he needs material components for any ritual, he will have to wait or find them here. Do I need a roll? Ritual Magic/Druidic Knowledge for such a ritual?

2016-03-21, 10:20 AM

Ruark's sword caught the man's temple. A loud cracking sound was heard, and the man collapsed to the ground - a fresh batch of blood painted the wall behind him as he fell.

While he breathed and remained awake, it was clear that he will die soon from all the blood loss. Ruark watched him, to be sure that he would harm no-one.

He heard Nazir respond to Kate's question. After a moment, Urukubarr came out of the hole in the ground, patted him on his shoulder. "The boy holds answers, maybe more questions. I check upstairs for more." He then walked outside the kitchen.

Beside him, the candles flickered as he felt a strong draft - someone must have opened the main door.

For damage location you use the damage tables at the back of the book (appendice I).
Usually it's 1d6, compared to the table for specific zone you attack. It's sometimes quite interesting to pinpoint the zone (I was thinking about expanding the damage tables, but have no time or willpower to do so).

I rolled 6 for damage location - that's upper head in zone IV (diagonal, which gives 4 as "neck") or arms in zone III (horizontal).
Since you wanted to cut his throat, zone IV is better candidate.

3 net successes:
Damage: 6 from weapon + 3 successes (+1 for power attack)
Damage resistance: 7 TO
Level 3 wound to head: BL 4, S 10, P 12-WP
KO roll: [roll0] TN 8


From above came Nazir's response.

"The horses bolted and Kafar went after them. Need to go help him."

She heard him take off for the main door - now that the sounds of combat were gone, she could hear the movements from above quite well.

And while he did not answer her question directly, the indirect answer was enough - Ruark and Nazir were fine, but Kafar was missing. And no prisoners. She wondered if that was a good sign or not.

But she knew they had at least one. As she turned around, she felt a strong draft - someone, most probably Nazir - must have opened the door.


Nazir ran to the main door, but as soon as he left the kitchen, alight with candles, he saw that the main room has gotten quite dark. The sun was setting fast and the clouds and rain didn't help - it was getting dark outside. And pretty fast.

He slowed down to walk, to ensure that he did not stumble while nocking the arrow. As he opened the door, the blast of wind from the outside nearly made him step back. The storm was raging outside - and while his half-elven sight helped him pierce through the veil of rain and wind, he barely could see past the barn.

He noticed that the door of the barn were opened - from the inside, and while the tracks of the wagon were visible even from where he stood, he was unsure if it was wise to follow them until the storm calms down.

I will wait for Venom to post/return. The thing with horses running away was done mainly to ensure that if Venom returns with Kafar, he will be able to continue without needing to track back - he will just return with the horses and continue. So no need to track him down - but if you want, feel free.


Urukubarr walked out of the kitchen. It was already dark here - he saw Nazir slow down in front of him - even his half-elven sight did not do much, since the night was falling and it was falling fast.

He carefully walked around the hole in the ground - the one which started this. He could hear Gerric downstairs.

As he stood at the base of the stairs, he was quite sure that he needed some light - he couldn't see the second floor and it was getting darker and darker...

Since you took the prisoner's package, I would say that he has some coloured sand (maybe a handful), few sticks of incense, a handful of dried healing leaves and half of candle in his backpack.
For the ritual: MA (you try to remember) against Ritual Magic would be most appropriate at this moment. Based on the result of the roll, I will give you hints what you need to find (more successes = better hints). Do you agree?

Sorry to not including this in the original answer - you must have posted it together with me.

2016-03-21, 10:30 AM
"Heh, I remember bein' young, thinkin' I could talk or fight my way outta anythin'." Gerric said, showing off his missing teeth and crooked jaw in a wide smile. "Thinkin' all adults were fools. Now, I don't blame you for trying to sow discord in your enemy, but you're bein' far too obvious 'bout it for it to work. And you're actually startin' to annoy me." Absently, he started tapping his axe on the side of his leg, just so the boy would remember what's at stake.

"But, I'm goin' to take this as a time for you to learn, and maybe as an opportunity to save your own neck. You have to be realistic 'bout life, and there's only two ways this is going to go for you. Either my friends'll win, then if I say you've been downright cooperative we won't feed you to the orc, or my friends'll lose. If that happens I'm killin' you the instant someone I don't like comes down that ladder."

"So, in the hope you'll be cooperatin', open that barrel there, the big one. And tell me 'bout this Dark One and why your kin think it's right to go feedin' souls to it."

Just not killing him, probably not. But not killing him after the boy's obviously trying to make him do something against his interest, maybe. I'm not sure how fast you're supposed to get points in this game.

2016-03-21, 10:40 AM
Kate left Nazir to his own devices. From the sounds of it, everyone was doing just fine up there. They had their business, and she had hers. The young Knight descended once more into the room containing their prisoner. She nodded to Gerric as she entered.

"It's over. As far as we know, they're all dead."

Those words were as much for Richan's benefit as Gerric's. She wanted him to know just how deep a hole he was in. Cruel? She didn't think so. This boy was a willing ally of murderers and thieves. Nothing she'd seen of him so far had done anything to dispel that assumption. All her doubts about him were gone now. When her eyes looked into his this time, they were steady and calm.

"So, Mr Richan, I suppose we have time for a proper talk now. Why don't you start from the beginning?"

2016-03-21, 11:36 AM
Urukubarr grunted, he was going to need light. Normally, he'd think twice about it but if anyone was coming to attack them, it is because they already know they were there. He searched the main floor for everything he would need: wood, kindling, and something to create the spark. At worst, he could fashion a crude wood slide. During his search, he ponders on the ritual and the materials he needs.

When he passes by Ruark or any other, he states his purpose of "Making fire, need light, stay dry."

Perception [6] for searching?

Ritual Magic [10]

2016-03-21, 11:50 AM
"Wait Nazir! Hold on everyone, there's something you should know. When I was putting away the horses and the wagon, I had a good look at what we're actually delivering. It's stones. Barrels and barrels of stones and lies. Seems our benefactor had us work a wagon full of nothing here for some purpose, led us to an ambush most likely. Does that fit with what you found downstairs?" He didn't wait for a reply before he approached the brute, kicked his cleaver out of his reach and started rifling through his pockets. When he finished he joined Urrukubarr in trying to light a fire. Using pieces of broken furniture and old rags as kindling it shouldn't be too difficult to get the fireplace roaring. "I'm glad everyone's ok Urrukubarr, if it weren't for the rain and our hurry there's a good chance these people could have caught us by surprise and cut us down before we knew what was going on."

2016-03-21, 12:00 PM
"More betrayal?" Urukubarr snorted, "Then we take vengeance, First Father demands justice." Urukubarr referenced the old tradition to Ruark. The Ahvori, while promoting peace, were a hard people. Betrayal of any kind was punished by being bound to a post and ritually stabbed to death by the betrayed. More than one person being betrayed meant more knives stabbing in unison. "Why betray us? This confuses me."

I've never said it clearly, but italic speech for me will be in orcish. So there may be times the speech is mixed for words and such that don't translate properly. Or when he just doesn't know a word.

2016-03-21, 02:36 PM
Nazir is buffeted by the storm at the door. He heard Ruark's message. "I'll secure the barn then come back." More aware of the storm's strength, he hugs the outside wall of the building all the way to the corner closest to the barn. Stopping there, he looks all around for signs of anything alive. If the coast is clear, he hurries over to the barn door in a gait typical of an archer with an arrow still nocked. At the barn door he peers inside.

If I see something pertinent from the corner of the bldg I'll edit the last part of the above. If nothing is around there nor in the barn (besides horses), I'll quickly grab what personal gear and food I can carry, close the barn door, then head back.

Perception [roll0]
Sneak (AG) [roll1]
Perception [roll2]

2016-03-21, 03:49 PM

Gerric watched as the boy got even paler - he has seen dead bodies with more colour. He at first obeyed - moving to the barrel, mechanically as if his thoughts were elsewhere. "The dark ones, eh? Never met 'm. I was the second to last to get to this band - the old one, he nodded towards the body of the old man with hatchet lying on the floor, was last. But even the mad dog - the leader of this group - fears them. But they pay well for meat. But it has to be...fresh. The old one didn't like that, no, he didn't. I think he wanted to kill the mad dog, but didn't get his chance... he rambles on.

As he opened the barrel, Gerric catched a smell of smoked fish. The boy continued, talking about his life story, but Gerric did not listen. He studied the boy - while he acted friendly, from the looks he shot at Gerric when he thought he wasn't looking, it was obvious that he did not like that Gerric was able to read him so easily - and so seems even glad that the woman in armour returns.

Gerric smiled to himself as he saw Kate return - she nodded to him - he expected the boy to attempt to save his life again... when the first attempt failed, he counted on his charm getting him out of this mess.

But seeing Kate's cold eyes and hearing her voice say "It's over. As far as we know, they're all dead.", he knew he could only cooperate.

At first Gerric felt a bit disappointed and torn - on one hand, he wanted to stop killing - on the other, it was one of the things he did well and he found pleasure in victories on the battlefield. But then he remembered that the bald one mentioned "Mad dog". He seemed to remember hearing stories about a man with that name. Barrain? Brahan? He did not remember the name, but what he knew was - the man was known as a slaver, smuggler and relentless killer. A worthy opponent, unlike this boy.

He turned so he could watch the boy closely. He still did not trust him. Kate started sharply. "So, Mr Richan, I suppose we have time for a proper talk now. Why don't you start from the beginning?"[/QUOTE]

The boy turned to her, with the most pitiful face he could muster. Gerric almost chuckled.

Fair enough, lady knight. But first - how should I address you? I'm just a town boy, not used to meeting royalty - and you must be a royal, a lady in high standing... and where should I start? With how these terrible people found me and made me work for them?

For Gerric it was almost like theatre. The boy tried so hard it was almost pathetic. He was no peasant boy - not with the way he talked. And he is also hiding something about the dark ones... the way he declined any knowledge of them... it was too fast.

He then heard Ruark from above: "Wait Nazir! Hold on everyone, there's something you should know. When I was putting away the horses and the wagon, I had a good look at what we're actually delivering. It's stones. Barrels and barrels of stones and lies. Seems our benefactor had us work a wagon full of nothing here for some purpose, led us to an ambush most likely. Does that fit with what you found downstairs?"

No roll necessary for the seduction (it's aimed at Kate).
PER/sincerity for additional facts [roll0] TN 6 = 3 successes. Edited in with italics :smallsmile:

It depends - I have had a player who got around 12 points per one game. He just arranged the SAs well and played the character to a hilt. But 2-3 points per session (in our case this counts as a session) is not bad.
I will also start giving "drama" points. Something like luck, but weaker, and can be used for character improvement.

Since the "no kill" policy is new to Gerric, I will give you the point - you gave him the advice and chance to keep his life. For next one it won't be so easy :smallsmile:


Kate heard part of the boy's speech before she entered. "The dark ones, eh? Never met 'm. I was the second to last to get to this band - the old one, he nodded towards the body of the old man with hatchet lying on the floor, was last. But even the mad dog - the leader of this group - fears them. But they pay well for meat. But it has to be...fresh. The old one didn't like that, no, he didn't. I think he wanted to kill the mad dog, but didn't get his chance... he continued to ramble on as she entered. She knew that he lied - he knew something about the dark ones. And he knew something about the meat - the way he paused before saying it had to be fresh...made her shiver.

The smell of smoked fish assaulted her nostrils when she entered. As she spoke, the boy turned to her, with the most pitiful face he could muster. Behind him, Gerric almost chuckled.

"Fair enough, lady knight. But first - how should I address you? I'm just a peasant boy, not used to meeting royalty - and you must be a royal, a lady in high standing... and where should I start? With how these terrible people found me and made me work for them?"

She prepared to answer, umoved by his attempts at flattery - she heard better in her days at court. And she was also sure he lied - they didn't make him work for them. But Ruark's voice sounded first.
"Wait Nazir! Hold on everyone, there's something you should know. When I was putting away the horses and the wagon, I had a good look at what we're actually delivering. It's stones. Barrels and barrels of stones and lies. Seems our benefactor had us work a wagon full of nothing here for some purpose, led us to an ambush most likely. Does that fit with what you found downstairs?"

He's attempting to soften the "target".
Richan's attempt to "seduce" - [roll1] TN8 = 1 success
Kate's attempt to see through his lies: [roll2] TN 6 (will provide additional information, edited in with italics) = 1 success
Kate's Willpower - resistance to compliments: [roll3] TN6 (may change her perception of him) = 3 successes. She was not moved by his attempts.


There was enough wood around. Smashed table, chair legs, cracked basket under the stairs - it was easy to collect these. And he also remembered there was dry firewood stacked in the basement, in the room with the ladder. But he has already collected enough wood for a small fire.

He also found a pack of cards on the fireplace, few pieces of pottery behind the bar and noticed, that the third and fifth stair were rotten - these would break under his weight if he went on them.

He thought about Ruark's words. If they were betrayed... but why? He also tried to remember the ancient verse about cleansing ritual.

A holy number of lights around,
a symbol of sun painted on ground,
the smell of clean, the smell of wine,
a piece of luck placed in the brine,
and the evil spirit goes away.

Or was it smell of wine, luck placed in brine? He was not sure about that part.

Since he knew that at least one of his companions has a tinderbox, or a flint with steel, fire was only a matter of time. Ruark joined him as he was preparing the hearth and soon they enjoyed the warmth and light of a fire.

He stood up. Why wasn't important. Who was. And he would have his answers - and revenge. The decision burned within him and made him feel warmer than the fire.

The roll would be MA (3) with TN equal to arcane theory (9).
[roll4] = 1 success

It's a silly rhyme, but here are hints:
- decide what is the holy number for Ahvori,
- paint a symbol of sun (roll AGI with TN equal to symbol drawing skill),
- "the smell of clean" = you need something clean, ideally cleaned by yourself.
The others I leave to you to find out.

Is this fine for you?

I like the idea with italics. If you want, you can also use "orcish" words for flavour. I also like discovering the orcish traditions from your ideas :smallsmile:.


Ruark quickly searched the dying man. He acknowledged Nazir's shout only with a nod. The man was still breathing, but not for long. The brute had a large tatoo of some spider on his left arm, and his pouch contained only flint and steel, five copper coins with image of horse, one silver with image of fist and 3 copper bits. When he rummaged through it, he found also a small stone with a hole in it - it was smooth, gray with green lines in it.

He immediately recognized it as luck stone - it was said to bring luck to anyone who receives it as a gift. He once received one from a certain girl, but he lost it... and he lost the girl too. For a moment he stood there, lost in memories. And then he returned to present and left the man to die alone.

He joined Urukubarr as he was preparing the fire in fireplace. Using the flint & steel found in brute's pouch, he helped him start a fire. Urukubarr seemed surprised - "More betrayal?" he snorted, "Then we take vengeance, First Father demands justice. Why betray us? This confuses me." he stated after a brief pause.

I rolled folk lore in the roll thread. Added information in italics.


The surrounding area was abandoned. Nazir looked around, searching for auras of living things, but even the birds and animals found safe places to hide from the raging nature. He felt that he needed to move as fast as possible - otherwise his bow might get wet and he still had no time to make a new one.

He peered inside the barn - and he saw that the horses must have - attacked by the fear of the storm - torn the rotten central column off. There was a large hole in the roof, producing a sort of waterfall with rainwater pouring down from the roof.

The barn floor was covered in straw and there was a large puddle of water in the middle. There were few columns with hooks to bind horses, mangers with water, and few hay bales. In the middle, a chopping block, with a hatchet stuck in it. Near it he noticed a single horseshoe.

Their wagon stood there, without horses. Luckily, Ruark unhinged these and Nazir saw all their backpacks at the back of the wagon. At least their belongings, however lacking in luxury, were safe.

2016-03-21, 04:07 PM
Gerric doesn't even try to hold in his laughter. "Pick your role, if your gonna try bein' a charmer at least make sure the one you tried to convince to betray her is out of earshot." Shaking his head he walked to the barrel of fish and sniffed it to make sure nothing was wrong with it. Unlikely and ridiculous that anyone would poison an entire barrel of fish in their own cellar. But Gerric was getting a little edgy around the concept of soul devouring monsters. Though tempting he decided against grabbing one. Maybe when he had time to cook it a bit.

"Here, Kate," he said when Ruark started calling. "You deal with little Richan here, I'll sort the details with the others. But keep a knife on him, he's just fool enough to try somethin' when his piss poor attempts at bein' clever all fail."

Alright thank you, lacco

But I do want to point out Gerric doesn't have a no-kill code, exactly. It's just earlier he was a downright murderer, willing to slaughter innocents for little reason. He's going to try to stick with killing other warriors or in self defense.

2016-03-21, 05:19 PM
Ruark was satisfied when the fire starting spreading some light and warmth through out the room. He brought the luck stone out of his pocket to examine it again, using it as a spyglass to examine the room for his own amusement. He intended to make it a gift for someone, it wouldn't work for himself after all since he had taken it by force when he killed the brute. "This is a luck stone Urrukubarr, remember those? Either this a broken one or the brute had stolen it, cause it certainly didn't work for him."

2016-03-21, 05:20 PM
Unlike Gerric, Kate wasn't amused by the clumsy attempt to manipulate her. Just how low was this youth's opinion of his captors? She nodded to her comrade as he passed: Leaving her and Richan with only each other's company. The unwavering sword, ready to gut this boy at a moment's notice, made Kate's opinion of him crystal clear.

"For the record, the correct title for a 'lady knight' is 'dame'. Not that you care in the slightest. I'm sure the nobles you slaughtered received no more courtesy than the commoners. Everyone who passes through here is just more...meat to you. So please, stop pretending to be some poor abused innocent. You're a worthless criminal, alone in a den of angry enemies. For the sake of your future, I suggest that you start proving yourself useful."

2016-03-21, 07:45 PM
Building the fire with less still would have been easy, no worries here. Urukubarr worked towards fashioning a torch, he thought surely there was some suitable oil in the kitchen. But then again, the state of this place would argue otherwise. Trying hard to remember the rhyme;

A holy number of lights around,
a symbol of sun painted on ground,
the smell of clean, the smell of wine,
a piece of luck placed in the brine,
and the evil spirit goes away.

Or was it smell of wine, luck placed in brine? The lessons were so long ago, not to mention he hasn't been using these often. Urukubarr internally scolded himself for his forgetfulness. Ruark rumaged through the dead man's pockets and came away with something of interest, "This is a luck stone Urrukubarr, remember those? Either this a broken one or the brute had stolen it, cause it certainly didn't work for him." "Probably stolen, bad luck unless gift. For us, very lucky! Need for cleansing ritual, you know this?" Urukubarr went on to explain and recite the ritual as he remembered it and that he needed 16 candles, red wine, a pot of rain water, a lot of salt, and charred wood. Some of these were easy, Urukubarr worried about finding that many candles, but it was an inn, after all.

-16 candles to represent First Father and his children
-Powerful rituals call for blood, but for the basics, wine will suffice
-Rainwater was the purest gift of Gaia to all of her children
-The luck stone dropped into a mixture of rainwater and salt, making it a brine; Normally, seawater would be used
-Charred wood for drawing the symbol of the sun

2016-03-21, 08:35 PM
Ruark hovered in the background as Urrukubarr began his ritual, "Well I've seen it a few times but I couldn't replicate it on my own."

When Gerric joined the rest of them upstairs he asked, "Did you hear what I said earlier? Wagon, stones, betrayal" he said to give a quick recap. "Did you find anything downstairs to shed some light on why we might have been led here?"

2016-03-21, 08:51 PM
Nazir saw the pile of the party's gear. He put his bow away to keep it from being ruined and to better deal with the load he was about to carry. Turning back to the barn door he closed it most of the way, leaving room for him to get back out. He grabbed the horseshoe, hatchet, and food they brought and put them in the packs. It was probably going to be a heavy load but he threw as many packs as he could over his shoulder. He left the barn, finished closing the barn door, then headed back to the main building. With the mud and the load he was not mostly as swiftly as normal.

Nazir himself didn't have a pack and some others came poor so combined with ST 5 I can probably grab it all in one trip unless Kate should have had her own wagon for gear. This foray took a few minutes so I'm probably ahead of the group at this point.

2016-03-21, 08:55 PM
"I heard, would like to see for myself," Gerric grumbled as he climbed up the ladder. "Nothing below but a kid that's likely to force Kate to gut him, and some salted fish. But there could be more besides, I just didn't see."

"Kid said some interestin' gibberish, 'bout Old Ones and sacrificing folk to whatever an Old One is. If we're lucky it'll be just some cult o' moon-yellers outside their minds. If we're unlucky it's some sort of black magic. What about you, find anythin' and what the hell is Uruk rummagin' around for?"

2016-03-22, 04:08 AM
Nazir, Gerric, Urukubarr, Ruark

The fireplace turned the inn into more pleasant place - the warmth and light provided by the hearth did not chase away all the shadows, but after two days of slogging through rain and mud they felt glad for it.

Urukubarr walked into the store for a moment and came back with the flask of oil and few rags. He started to produce a torch of some kind, mumbling something about candles. Ruark and Gerric stood near the bar. Ruark's stomach made a rumbling noise. He and Gerric looked at each other at the moment, realizing it's been few hours since they ate...and this was first occassion where they had fire and some time on their hands. Maybe there were some supplies in the inn...

The inn door opened, producing again a draft of cold wind. Nazir walked inside, breathing heavily under the weight of their backpacks, muttering something in elven language.

Please state what are your plans - e.g. if you want to search any room or gather some resources. You will need a source of light if you want to go searching - but your backpacks should help a bit in that. In spoilers below you have additional information - for some of you as well as for rooms you already encountered.
I don't know if I'll have time for more IC posts today. Expect update to the map tomorrow.

Whoever goes to the kitchen, he sees a big cutting block, a table, a smaller hearth with a spit and cauldron, as well as a poker nearby, the trapdoor on the floor. There are some shelves on the wall with door leading to the bar - containing some boxes. There is a candleholder with three lit candles on the table. It also contains a puddle of blood and body of the brute.

Shelves, crates and the smell of conservation - storage room. Right in front of entry door stands a shelf with several small trinkets - empty bottles, few jugs and a piece of rope. On the right crates stacked on each other, forming a small pyramid. One of those is open and empty. The rest of the room contains a set of shelves, a broom, small pile of wood chips, small pile of nails on one shelf and several pieces of pottery (dishes, jugs).

A small well near the corner. Pile of firewood. Shelves on the wall with mostly empty bottles.

It's a larger room, smells of urine and decaying grapes, and the light is sparse - provided by two candleholders on the walls, with the candles lit. The room is cluttered - the walls are lined with barrels, shelves, and in the middle of the room there is a barrel and some chairs around. On the barrel, a pack of cards, some coins, a small stone and a sausage in the bank. Behind the barrel is a small sack, the contents unknown - it is closed. A satchel is hung upon a hook near the door with the ladder.Most of the barrels were already open - and assumed empty, one contains smoked fish and three other are still closed.
There is one closed door - below a arched column, just next to a old and large wardrobe.
And of course - the boy and Kate.

Perception: [roll0] The fish smelled fine. He was sure these were still edible and no harm would come out of consuming them...except if you ate too much. And he felt his stomach rumble too - and just then he realized he was hungry and felt tired.

As for the no-kill code - yes, that was an overstatement on my part :smallsmile:. I still consider it an act of conscience - not killing him when he surrendered.

Ruark's arms ached - in the good way. It was few days since he last swung his sword and he felt it. The travel wasn't really comfortable and as he stood near the fireplace, he felt the pleasure of warm fire, and realized the emptiness in his stomach.

The large half-orc went around for his business. He knew he couldn't really rest here with all the blood and pain. But he felt himself slowing down - he was getting tired. And hungry...

Luck stone dilemma: if you keep it as a gift, it will provide you with 1 point of luck. If you use it in the ritual, it will not give you the point of luck. But maybe you'll find something else to use in the ritual... your decision?

As for the torch - you have some rags, there is some oil in the storage room. Roll AGI/Scrounging (dice = AGI, TN = scrounging), one success gives you makeshift torch that will burn for half hour, each additional adds 30 minutes.

Since you don't have the candles, no use starting the ritual yet.

Wet, huffing and tired from all the running around and from the travel, he welcomed the sight of fire. If he were alone, he would have thrown all the backpacks to the ground and lounge in front of the fire for a moment. But a soldier once...
Nevertheless, he felt his whole body aching from the travel and felt that he could use some rest. And food. Definitely. Maybe even warm food... porridge? As he thought of meat porridge, he felt a shiver down his spine as he remembered the meat hanging on the hooks. Yet he couldn't help - he was hungry and his stomach protested against the emptiness it felt.


"Very well, 'dame', so how can I be of use?" he barely even masked the hatred in his voice now.

2016-03-22, 05:28 AM
"By helping us catch someone more important than you. I want to know everything you do about this operation. Who are your co-conspirators? Where does the (*ugh*) meat go once you've gathered it? Who fences all the stolen goods?"

2016-03-22, 06:26 AM
"By helping us catch someone more important than you. I want to know everything you do about this operation. Who are your co-conspirators? Where does the (*ugh*) meat go once you've gathered it? Who fences all the stolen goods?"


He looks down to the ground before he speaks. He's a bad liar...but the story he weaves fascinates Kate in the sickening sense. She can't help but listen.

The man who runs this place is Korax, but they call him "Mad Dog". He used to be a slaver and then thought robbing people would be easier. He chuckles. Usually he travels with an interesting entourage....

He proceeds to describe his companions.

An old army archer - Orrik. He describes him as calm, generally a nice person - a mercenary. A mute crossbowman, called Bolt, who got hit in his head and does not do anything else than follow Mad Dog's orders ever since. A dandy thief called Ramir, good with rapier. And usually two or three hired thugs - who get...harvested if they lack enough meat. She knows that there will be more than two or three.

As for the meat... well, once per week or so the merchant in the city sends us a boy - he tells us that a caravan will come. Mad dog and his boys are usually at the opposite valley, trying to catch someone who passes through there. We sound the horn, they come, we hit the caravan. Nobody other really uses this road, but if somebody comes, we hide until they leave.

He looks at her, and then quickly down. There is something here he's not telling her.

He swallows. A really bad part must be coming since he pales again. Tarin... he looks at the body that lies on the ground ...he... well... he harvests the bodies. Some of them even alive. He likes them screaming. The merchant then sends another wagon - but I don't know where it goes. He takes also the loot and meat and with next wagon the money come.

He's not directly lying, but he has an idea where the meat goes. As he finishes the tale, she considers killing him - right where he is standing. She knows he's not telling her everything. He's holding back, as if he hoped that the thing he's not telling her will get them all killed and he'll be free...

On the other hand, it has been a long day. She could continue prying information from the boy, but she felt her muscles ache from all the running. She was hungry, she felt sweat and dirt all over her. The dirt was the worst part. She longed for a tub full of hot water, bar of soap and few hours of rest. As she stood in the cellar, she realized it was getting dark - the night has fallen.

PER/sincerity [roll0] TN 6 (spotting lies, bonus 2 die - she already assumes he will be lying) = 1 success
SOC/Persuasion [roll1] TN 8 (intimidation from before worked into description already - this will be additional details) = 2 successes

Boy's sincerity [roll2] TN 9 = 1 success

EDITed in the last paragraph. Felt it appropriate.

2016-03-22, 08:21 AM
Kate's patience was almost completely gone now. This boy was wasting the precious few hours of free time that she'd been given. She needed to eat, relax, sleep and (most importantly) wash. Her next attempt to persuade him would be the last.

"Richan, how many times must I repeat myself? I said everything. I want to know the real extent of Korax' forces; And the real destination of that meat."

SOC/Persuasion {TN8}: [roll0]

2016-03-22, 08:37 AM
Kate could now directly see the hatred in his eyes. She knew she would have to watch her back around him from now on - he was close to reaching a breaking point.

"He left a day and half ago. We were... out of thugs. So he went to recruit some people. You can always find some of the right kind in the villages to the north. So no - I don't know how many there will be. But I know it will be enough to break the small band of yours." He almost spat the words. Then his face twisted into a grin "And when that happens... you'll see. And the meat? I think it ends in Zhengar - the wagon usually comes after the same time as it would take to travel there."

2016-03-22, 09:15 AM
"Thank you for your cooperation."

Kate certainly didn't sound very thankful. With a weary sigh, she called one of the others down to relieve her of guard duty. Maybe they could tie this brat up, or lock him in a secure room. Kate trudged up to the area where her comrades had gathered. The Knight told them of what she'd learnt, while she set about removing her armour (along with the scarf that had been covering her face). Ah, it felt good to be free of that heavy box and stifling mask. But that alone wasn't enough to let her relax. She could feel the day's accumulated grime infesting her skin and hair. She needed to get clean.

"I don't suppose any of you have come across a bathtub? Or maybe a basin? There's got to be something like that around here..."

If nobody volunteered anything, Kate would wander off to search the place herself.

2016-03-22, 09:34 AM
"That's very helpful Nazir, thanks. I regretted leaving my things outside the moment I stepped back in here, I'm glad I didn't have to go back outside for it."

Ruark went to grab his things, particularly the oil rag he uses to clean his sword. He left the Luck-stone with Urrukubarr when he heard Kate calling and went down to take over as baby sitter. "I think there might be some water in the kitchen but I don't know, I didn't see a pump in there, or a well outside. I'll head downstairs to see if I can find something to eat in one of those barrels." He came downstairs and sat down on one of the barrels to relieve Kate. He sat his shield down to rest against the barrel and started cleaning his sword while looking around the room. "There's got to be something worth eating here boy, where did you keep your food? Find me some, make yourself useful."

2016-03-22, 12:29 PM
"I didn't go out for the gear. Kafar took off after the horses. I checked, all of the horses are gone as is Kafar. I hope he has good suvival skills. I closed the barn door. One less easy place for attackers to take cover."

"So more of their gang is probably on their way here right now and we're stuck here? We need to prepare. At least we can have the element of surprise. They won't expect us knowing they are coming. We can make it look like all is normal, as if the original crew was hiding down below, and surprise them when and where we want. They have ambushed, tortured, and killed many. They are hard core predators and are looking to make us their prey. No mercy here for them. We need to get to know all of the ins and outs of this building. Then we can make a solid plan."

Nazir was wet and hungry, but not becoming meat for others took priority.

Plan is to use Search then Perception/Tactics to come up with a plan, assuming everyone buys into preparing. A Seven Samurai type setup? Sweet.

2016-03-22, 01:09 PM
"Old ones? Never heard of." Urukubarr continued his search for the many things he needed, "Need things, help and I make food too. Not to forget, enemy is coming for us still."

The half-orc rolled the stone between his fingers, it would be a shame to use up this gift, but no choice may be given. Urukubarr lights the kitchen hearth to prepare food they may find, he puts the cauldron outside to collect rainwater. He briefly searches for any usable herbs in the kitchen. Moving about the house as if doing simple chores, Urukubarr starts humming a working tune. He checks the boxes at the bar for anything useful. Blowing out the three candles, he sets them aside. In the storage room, he will set aside up to 6 jugs he finds outside to collect water. He rummages through the trinkets, looking for anything of use. He also grabs the broom, the places they would be staying in need tidying up. In the cellar, he takes everything off the barrel and searches the rest, including the satchel.

He ignores the boy while passing by, jump scaring him when he gets the closest by suddenly roaring in his face and raising his arms. Classic. "When you done, I need candles, Kate." He gestures to the lit candles here.

Torch in hand and sword now in the other, he moves to search the upper floors.

If Urukubarr can find an empty box or something to collect his findings, he will do so; especially food. In the meantime, he leaves them on the kitchen table.

Need to get all of this done fast so he could clean his own gear.

Making torch, searching for supplies, making food.
AGI Roll - I don't have scrounging [roll0] woo!
Herbalist - 9

2016-03-22, 01:56 PM
Gerric walks back into the main building after he looked at what they had been hired to cart to this trap. He quietly fumed as he walked to Kate and Uruk. This was ridiculous, all of it. Hiring people to be sacrificed to some damn fool creature. He hated dealing with lunatics. When I get out of this stinkin' death trap, I'm goin' to find that ****in' merchant and I'll string him up like I was back home.

"Don't see much the point of that," Gerric said as Kate mentioned her desire for a bath. "We're goin' to need to be killin' again soon enough, I reckon. Best to prepare a meal so we're not too weak, and other than that, we should make this place as much a fortress as we can."

He was about to go below to bring up the fish for a good meal, but then turned back to look at Kate. "The kid didn't say anything about anyone we killed bein' important to Mad Dog's group, did he? If they're smart and we don't have anyone worth keepin' alive, they're just gonna burn us out. And let me tell you, I've no intention dying by gaspin' for breath in the smoke. I've seen how that goes."

2016-03-22, 03:33 PM
"When you done, I need candles, Kate." He gestures to the lit candles here.

"I'll keep an eye out for some."

"Don't see much the point of that," Gerric said as Kate mentioned her desire for a bath. "We're goin' to need to be killin' again soon enough, I reckon. Best to prepare a meal so we're not too weak, and other than that, we should make this place as much a fortress as we can."

Kate shrugged awkwardly. Rationally, she knew that Gerric's words made perfect sense. Sometimes, though, rationality just wasn't your master.

"I know, I know. But this is something that I have to do. I grew up in a world where poor hygiene is a capital offence. A speck of dirt would be lucky to last five minutes in my home, without being hunted down and executed by the cleaning staff. I'm used to freshly laundered clothes, scented soaps, and baths large enough to drown a horse. Cleanliness has become a compulsion for me. If I don't at least make an attempt to wash away all this dirt, my concentration will go to pieces."

2016-03-22, 04:15 PM
Gerric just looks at Kate as though she were speaking a foreign language. His eyes quickly dart between her and the dingy bloodstained room they were standing in, before he shrugs and goes back to looking around the room for something useful.

Under his breath she can just hear him mutter "Southerners," in an exasperated tone.

2016-03-22, 11:10 PM
Nazir speaks quietly with Kate. "Can you find out how long they usually take to get here after the horn is blown? The storm will slow them down and make them mostly blind, especially if we don't have anything lit except in the basement. Where is the horn and who blew it- maybe someone else is still around? How did they get out? We have the rope, want the kid tied up in the basement? We don't want him backstabbing us while attacked." Nazir is very practical minded. "Oh- if you want to wash off some just step outside briefly without your armor on."

He addresses the rest of the group. Burning us down concerns me too. I'm hoping we draw them inside so they won't. The rain outside will make it hard to light something and to get the walls to start building. Some jugs of water in case of fire would help."

"We need to secure all doors and windows on this floor and the basement. Leave just the front door unlocked so they don't expect an ambush. That leaves the upstairs we'll have to take a look at. Without looking around more, let them into the main room, I take one out from above then the rest attack? That should limit their bowmen from shooting at us at range and they'll be my priority target. I'll look around."

Nazir wasn't winded from the fight so he was totally focused on preparing an ambush. He'd tie up the kid if Kate wanted it but hopefully she'd get some more information out of him first. In the mean time he went down the ladder to search the cellars first, collecting his arrows as he did. First priority was searching for any ways in or out of the building from down there.

Perception cellar with hole: [roll0] Search TN 8
Perception cellar with ladder: [roll1] Search TN 8

2016-03-23, 05:00 AM
Nazir speaks quietly with Kate. "Can you find out how long they usually take to get here after the horn is blown?"

"The usual timing might not apply here. Richan said that Mad Dog left on an errand, about a day and a half ago. We have no way of knowing how far away he is now. If we're lucky, he might not have been around to hear the horn at all."

"Where is the horn and who blew it- maybe someone else is still around? How did they get out?"

"Good point. We'd better check to see if that horn is near any of the bodies."

"We have the rope, want the kid tied up in the basement? We don't want him backstabbing us while attacked."

"Absolutely. That worm should be bound, gagged, and possibly knocked unconscious."

Nazir is very practical minded. "Oh- if you want to wash off some just step outside briefly without your armor on."

Kate suppressed a shudder. It might actually come to that, if she couldn't find another source of water. When Nazir widened his focus to address the whole group, Kate left them to discuss amongst themselves. She'd given more than enough orders already. After all, nobody had actually declared her the leader or anything. She didn't want to overstep her bounds.

2016-03-23, 09:45 AM
"Alright, I'm just goin' to say this. Why don't we just help Kafar find our horses, ditch the wagon that was slowin' us down and ride back to that sack of **** that gave us this job and butcher him? We could try to stay and fight but we have no idea how big Mad Dog's force is goin' to be, or when they're gettin' here."

2016-03-23, 01:12 PM
As soon as Nazir has tied up Richan then Ruark will also join the searching of the cellar, primarily looking for food and anything else that might be useful like.

2016-03-23, 04:43 PM

Gerric's words were met with a short silence. He turned to leave,satisfied that he told them what was on his mind, hoping they will probably at least consider his opinion, and thought already about food - as a warrior he knew that if he won't eat, he'll get weak. And weak are easy prey. He knew that too well. He saw Urukubarr exit the storage room and move up the stairs. For some reason the half-orc skipped third and fifth step on his way up. He held the handmade torch and his large sword - he would have looked fearsome if he did not lug around a sack over his back, already including few items.

As he wanted to move away, something caught his eyes - a door, near the fireplace. Everyone was standing near, but nobody checked that room. He moved cautiously forward, his hand on the grip of his axe.

Kate caught his eyes and he nodded towards the room, as if to ask her whether she checked it. She responded without words, just turning her head. So - nobody looked in. He moved towards the room, cautiously, hoping that it will contain an enemy to fight - he longed for a fight to work out his aggression on someone, and he detested having to wait for enemy.

Kate moved right behind him, stopping at her backpack - she quickly picked an oil lamp from it and lightly shook it. In a moment she set it alight with a piece of burning wood. The lamp gave just enough light to show them a room of a similar size to the storage room. This one however contained only two large wooden tubs, few buckets, a cracked large standing mirror and a small cabinet near the mirror. Lines for drying of clothes hung between the walls.

The light also showed that one corner - the one opposite the door, where the lines hung, was covered in mold. Otherwise it was empty - there were no enemies. Gerric sighed, a bit disappointed and returned to the main inn room.

As he knew that Urukubarr looked through storage room and was looting upstairs, he went to a kitchen. He got no fight, he would at least get some food.

The hearth in the kitchen was already alight with fire - Urukubarr kept himself busy - and there was also a cauldron full of water hung over it. An onion, old, but usable garlic, red and black pepper and small sack of salt lay on table. Next to them lay - a result of Urukubarr's looting - a
sleeping back, some dirty clothes, a fork, a flint, few leather straps, an empty satchel, a thread and needle, a small bird skull, a small key on a leather strap, a knitted cap and piece of old cheese.

On the ground sat the dead man, near him a butcher's cleaver.


Kate, relieved by Ruark from the guard duty, left the cellar. The fireplace in the inn main room was crackling with fire - she felt the warmth and welcomed it.

She chatted with Nazir, when Gerric entered. He was obviously in a sour mood - and she felt he wished for some blood as payment for what they have underwent. When he spoke about leaving, she considered it for a moment - but she knew her duty was to end the threat. At first she responded to Gerric's words with silence. Gerric turned to leave.

As he wanted to move away, something obviously caught his eyes - a door, near the fireplace. Everyone was standing near, but she remembered that nobody checked that room. Gerric moved cautiously forward, his hand on the grip of his axe.

Kate caught his eyes and he nodded towards the room. She understood - and responded without words, just turning her head. Nobody looked in. She moved right behind him, but also figured they will need light - luckily Nazir took also her large backpack - she moved aside the bar of soap and quickly picked an oil lamp from the backpack. She shook it to discern if there was still some oil inside - and felt relieved that there was. She set it alight with a piece of burning wood to provide enough light.

The light showed them a room of a similar size to the storage room. This one however contained only two large wooden tubs, few buckets, a cracked large standing mirror and a small cabinet near the mirror. Lines for drying of clothes hung between the walls - some contained old and moldy pieces of cloth.

The light also showed that one corner - the one opposite the door, where the lines hung, was covered in mold. Otherwise it was empty - there were no enemies.

Kate heard Gerric sigh and move away from the room. She, on the other hand, did not move, thinking about the possibility of a hot bath. She decided to at least take a look at what the room contained.

One of the tubs was clean - the other was quite moldy. The clean tub must have been used lately - it has been scrubbed clean.

She walked to the cabinet, slowly opening it. The only contents were few old bars of soap and three wooden combs. Still, after the last days, the dirt, mud, rain... she felt exhilarated, as if she entered the private bath of her mother.

Her mother...

Her thoughts escaped to her family. Her mother would never bathe in a wooden tub. And would be horrified if she knew her daughter did...

A smile appeared on Kate's lips.

If you removed the armour, I will assume you still have an aketon (padded armour, AV 1, usually worn under plate so it doesn't..chafe). However, if Gerric's words worked and you stopped removing the armour, let me know.


Ruark was glad Urukubarr accepted the luck stone. And as he climbed down the ladder to the cellar, he saw a well in the corner of the room with the ladder. He however did not know whether it was drinking water.

At first the boy seemed relieved that Kate and Gerric left him - he must have thought it a blessing that they sent someone else he could attempt to talk to. But Ruark's first words persuaded him about the opposite. He spat and growled through closed teeth "I am no servant. And even if I was, I would not serve a dirty Savaxen!"

As he finished the sentence, and before Ruark could respond with a good retort, Urukubarr entered the room. The boy went pale and silent - and Ruark hoped Urukubarr did not hear him - his friend was quite touchy and never could have understood the bantering with enemies. But Urukubarr seemed lost in his own mind, just took the sack from the floor and put all from the table inside, followed by the satchel from the hook near the door. It seemed that he will just pass the boy on his way out. The boy breathed relief, but then the half-orc shouted right in his face, raising hands as if he wanted to attack him - and the boy fell backwards, over one of the empty barrels, hitting his head on a wall. Urukubarr laughed with the nasal laugh Ruark knew well and left the room.

Ruark moved closer, watching him, to be sure he was alive - but the boy seemed to breathe. Just unconscious. Good - at least he could clean his sword in peace.

Then Nazir came, with a piece of rope. He noticed the boy on the ground and looked at Ruark. Ruark shrugged, with a smile, holding back laughter. Nazir shrugged too, and started tying the boy, while Ruark held sword to his throat in case he got any smart ideas. Nazir did a thorough job - the boy could hardly move - and he even put a gag made of old rag in his mouth.

Satisfied, Ruark walked around the cellar. He could smell the smoked fish even from where he sat, so he pinpointed the correct barrel easily. He also checked the others - just to be sure, and found at least three barrels which had something in them - two smelled like beer and one...wine.

Feeling happy about his discovery he opened the door. The room was small, and contained only barrels - it was a dead end. But he was sure there was no wine there. The smell of rotten meat felt like a punch to his gut - and he closed the door immediately.

He saved the the wardrobe as the last place to look - it seemed out of place. As he opened it, he felt a small draft. Inside there were only few hooks with furs hung on them. However, he was quite sure something did not add up. He banged his fist on the back wall of the wardrobe and the sound was hollow. He searched around a bit and found a small hook - he unclasped it, pushed the back side and there it was.

The cellar continued there - and it lead into a cave-like corridor, turning left after few meters...

Ruark's PER for searching [roll0] = TN for the secret passage was 9. Lucky you :smallsmile:
Oh, you get 1 point of Passion-Friendship since you gave away a luckstone to Urukubarr.


Nazir saw Urukubarr disappear in the cellar. He left the conversation at the fireplace and went downstairs, taking with him a piece of rope. When he entered the cellar, he noticed that the boy was sprawled on the floor, near the wall. His eyes were closed, but he was breathing.

He looked at Ruark, who was sitting on a nearby barrel, cleaning his sword. Ruark smiled and shrugged - and Nazir did not waste time. Ruark stepped near, to guard Richan by putting a blade against his throat, as Nazir bound him. He made a good job ensuring the boy couldn't easily escape - but he was still unconscious when he finished.

Ruark seemed to be interested in searching the cellar too, so he went to the part of the cellar with ladder. At first he smelled the well - and then tasted the water. It smelled fresh - and tasted well. He then moved to the firewood, inspecting it to ensure no nasty surprises - and he discovered a pair of rough leather gloves stuck between two pieces of wood.

On the other hand, he found only few empty bottles in the shelves.

He went to the room with hole in its ceiling - the one with all the meat. Revolting smell of meat assaulted his nostrils and his stomach rolled over. For a moment he thought he would have to leave, but he forced himself to stay in the room to search it.

It was cold and empty, save for the...things...hanging on the hooks and chains.

He left as fast as he could. He needed a breathe of fresh air - and so he went upstairs, to one of the windows. After few moments of fresh air he felt fine again. And since he had some time to watch the clouds roll, he noticed few stars - the storm was breaking. In few hours, maybe even before dawn, it would be over.

Weather sense: PER [roll1] TN 7


Urukubarr occupied himself with easy tasks, to get the smell of blood and need for revenge out of his mind. While the others talked, he searched the bar - and found one half-full bottle full of reddish fluid. He took it and went to the kitchen. He noticed the kitchen hearth had the wood ready, and he had his torch, so lighting it took only few seconds. In few moments he rummaged through the shelves and found onion, old, but usable garlic, red and black pepper and small sack of salt.

He collected these on the table, and remembered that he saw a large sack with strap in the basement - just lying on the floor. He climbed down the ladder, noticed the well, and went directly for the sack. The strap fit his shoulders quite well - and he found a sleeping back, some dirty clothes, a fork, a flint and few leather straps inside. He went to the satchel, taking it off the hook, he rummaged through it - picking out a thread and needle, a small bird skull, a small key on a leather strap, a knitted cap and piece of old cheese. He put it all into the sack, together with the satchel.

For a moment it seemed that he will just pass the boy on his way out. The boy breathed relief, but then, when he shouted right in his face, raising hands as if he wanted to attack him - the boy fell backwards, over one of the empty barrels, hitting his head on a wall. Urukubarr laughed with the nasal laugh and heard Ruark snicker too.

He went upstairs and emptied the sack on the table. There was time for splitting loot and time for looking for it. Since they had a well downstairs, he went to fill the cauldron there. And went to the storage room.

As he left it, he noticed Gerric entered the kitchen. He decided to search the upper floor. Stepping carefully over the third and fifth rotten step, he reached the balcony safely.

The first room contained a window. There was only a bed, a chest, two candleholders - one on the wall, one on the table, and a jug for water. He quickly opened the chest - but it contained only few dead roaches.

The wardrobe between the doors outside held only furs - but the smell of rot was too strong for him to even consider wearing these.
Third room was more interesting - a large four-poster bed, a tapestry on the wall. Large chest in front of the bed. He felt intrigued, and he entered the room grinning in anticipation of good loot.

The chest was also empty - already looted by someone else, he thought. As he stood up, however, he noticed something shiny under the bed.

It was a small copper ring. As he lay on the ground to reach it, he noticed one of the planks did not really fit - it protruded, as if there was something under it. He took a closer look and saw there was something. He pulled at it, his strength allowing him to do it without any tools and he found a small brown strongbox with a lock. After few attempts to open it he gave up - it was well-done and he did not want to risk his blade. He continued his search.

The third room had two beds - each stood in opposite corner, one of them was broken. There were some furs nailed to the walls, but otherwise he found only a sack with few iron balls in the chest in this room.

Last room was a dormitory - there the poor ones sleept, he thought. Given only few piles of straw to sleep on, a broken chair in the corner. He looked quickly around, to see if the poor ones left him something. They did - few copper coins, a single horseshoe and old comb.

He went downstairs, with the loot in the sack over his shoulder.

Hope you don't mind I changed the order a bit.

PER/search [roll2]

The torch will last just enough for you to search all rooms upstairs. I assumed fast search - if you will want to search any room in detail, feel free to return there.

There are 3 copper coins, quite old but could be used, in the dormitory.

Let me know which items you take with you downstairs.

Oof, that took a while to write.
So, it's after nightfall. You all estimate at least 12 hours before dawn. I would suggest you to discuss any plans and then let me know what you will be doing. Normal activities (cooking meal, cleaning weapons) can be done while discussing.

2016-03-23, 05:31 PM
Just looking at that tub restored some of Kate's lost energy. Yes, this would do just fine. With building anticipation, she set about preparing for her bath. Water was gathered and boiled; Towels and soaps were set in their proper place; And her spare clothes were neatly folded and ready to wear. All was as it should be. The final task, though, was the most important of all: Ensuring that nobody would barge into the bathroom until she'd finished. Kate had no idea what views on modesty her comrades held: But she made absolutely sure that they knew hers. This accomplished, she walked inside, closed the door, and had her bath. The others were free to talk with her while she was in there: So long as the door remained firmly shut.

2016-03-23, 08:12 PM
They weren't leaving, apparently. Gerric knew it was the smart move, the logical move, but no one was going to go for it. Apparently, they'd be staying here.

"Alright," he says after the discovery of the baths. "Whilst 'Dame Katherine' scrubs away at the muck that comes from dwellin' with us low folk, what are we goin' to do? Personally, I'd suggest fortifyin' entry points we don't want them to take, tear apart that cart if we need to, an' maybe make a patch of that hole in the ground, see if we can get some of them to fall in it. The other idea I have is we don't stay in here at all. We light some of them candles to make it look like we're in here, hide ourselves away outside an' watch for 'em. If we're lucky, they'll divide themselves up, some enter, others attended horses, or whatever they're doin', and we can pick 'em off that way. If we're unlucky, and they stick together, we still have the option to ride off if there's too many to handle."

2016-03-24, 12:22 AM
Kate overlooked Gerric's comments at her expense. Those who conduct strategy meetings in the bath must expect such things. Her own contributions to the discussion filtered out from behind the door: Intermixed with the occasional splash.

"Though Mad Dog's group may have the advantage of numbers, he probably can't say the same about their discipline. Aside from the three lieutenants, Richan claims that they're just hired thugs. Not the sort of people who'll fight to the death for their commander. If we present ourselves as being too much risk for too little reward, then they might well decide to scatter. Cheap sellswords are infamous for that kind of cowardice."

2016-03-24, 01:15 AM
Ruark was glad Urrukubarr had scared the little brat half to death. If he hadn't Ruark would have had to shown him the back of his hand for such an insult. After discovering the secret passage a smirk spread wide across his face, "Well ain't this place just a little box of surprises...I have to admire their set up, it's quite clever." He went upstairs and said loudly enough so everyone could hear that, "There's a secret passage down here! A tunnel that leads who know's where, I'll go have a look." He grabbed whatever source of light was closest and walked a few steps into the tunnel, pushing the furs out of his way as he went. Light in his left hand and sword in the right he peeked around the corner to see if he could see further into the tunnel, trying to judge how far it went.

He walked a bit into it, exploring as far as he felt it was safe without getting too far away from his companions.

2016-03-24, 10:02 AM
The chores brought Urukubarr peace. Memories of his youth among the Ahvori flashed in his mind; peaceful days of gathering food and supplies given freely by Gaia. The Ahvori lived in harmony with nature, never taking more than they needed or taking life needlessly. The animals they hunted were killed quick, for a painful or sloppy death was dishonorable to Proud Hunter in the Stars. Memories of praying thanks to various animals' spirits after the kill flashed in his mind.

One memory in particular was brought to the front of his mind, he chuckled to himself. He remembered the sinking feeling in his stomach the day it happened, he was so angry with the entire world that day. Had he known what truly awaited him, he would not have resisted so. Images of a younger Urukubarr and Ruark being exchanged flooded his mind, the scowl on both their faces. He wasn't immediately accepted by the Savaxen people, there were... Adjustments to be made. Eventually he was accepted though, even being put up as a knight-errant. He was just as much Savaxen as Ahvori.

Urukubarr shook his head suddenly as if awakening from a bad dream, bringing him back to reality. A deep depression sank his heart, they were all dead. He watched them die until he was the only one left, holding back the Dark Ones for at least some to escape. He fought until he could no longer lift his own hands, and then they took him... No, no more memories; It was all gone now; Ruark was the only family he had left.

Back to the task at hand, the peace was shattered, the hard scowl returned to his face. Urukubarr retrieved the strongbox, 3 copper coins, and copper ring. Still not enough materials... He figured he could cut candles in half to make more, but he would need more fires. Maybe he could fashion something out of furniture pieces. Anything that will stand upright and burn while not killing them all in a blaze would work.

Hearing Ruark's intention to explore the tunnel, Urukubarr shouted back, "Be wary!"

Downstairs, he retrieved the jugs of water outside; all but one was for drinking. He placed them on the table in front of the fireplace along with the strongbox, "Drink water, try to open little box" he spoke aloud to Gerric, Kate, and anyone else within earshot, obviously more stern than he was a few minutes ago. He moved with a purpose, consolidating all the loot on the table in front of the fire. He picked up the cleaver, washed it well, and quickly rinsed and chopped up the vegetables and added them to the pot of boiling water along with some smoked fish, a cup of wine, and a pinch of salt. A simple meal, but it will do; he could always add more if he found more. He filled some empty bottles with wine and placed those on the main table as well with whatever cups he can find. At most one for each of them.

And now, for the ritual...

-strip down to breech cloth
-Moving the table back a bit
-He stoked the fireplace with fresh firewood first, making the fire grow
-Taking a piece of charred wood from the fire, he drew the sun symbol on his chest
-Placing water and wine cups on the ground
-Holding the luck stone
-Trying to fashion some improvised torch/candle things out of broken furniture or split firewood. I have 3 candles, split in thirds makes 9, need 6 more sources of fire, fireplace counts as 1.

Rolls may be involved, I await my good-to-go from lacco before the chanting and weirdness begins

2016-03-24, 02:12 PM
Nazir breathed in the fresher air from the storm outside as he studied the sky. "Looks like we may be done with this storm by morning!" He hoped the news would raise the spirits of the others too.

Urukubarr worked on cooking some food. Nazir happily took a small amount with thanks to hold himself over for now. He watched as Urukubarr began gathering items. Nazir recognized it might have have been preparations for a ritual. Back home he had seen some from a distance but knew few details of any.

Ruark's news of a secret passage caught Nazir's attention. "I'll join you down there if you don't mind." Before entering the passage the halfling draws his old and somewhat rusty bastard sword. Ruark found the passage so Nazir felt it appropriate to allow him to enter first, even if using the torch gave away their approach and hindered his fey sight.

Perception [roll0]

2016-03-28, 04:25 PM

Kate enjoyed the pleasant feeling of cleanliness - water was hot, she had some soap she bought along the way, and she let go for a moment, just enjoying her first bath in what felt like a long week. She closed her eyes, letting water to relax her body and mind. The bath was very pleasant and it had the added value of knowing how much her mother would react if she knew that her daughter was enjoying something as low. But she knew she wouldn't exchange this wooden tub and the freedom it represented for the whole Jakkari baths her mother owned - as she remembered the joy she felt when she entered the tub, it easily surpassed to the joy she felt when she secretly entered her mother's personal baths at home.

She opened her eyes for a moment and saw her sword lying right next to her arm – a safety precaution. She knew that her time to enjoy the bath was limited. There were matters at hand she needed to attend to - by issuing orders she took on herself the proverbial burden of command and since her companions listened to her, she felt responsible for them, for their fate and fortune.

She heard Nazir’s voice through the door. "Looks like we may be done with this storm by morning!". Those were some pleasant news. She hastened with the scrubbing and after few minutes left the tub. When she was leaving it, she heard Ruark’s voice but couldn’t make all the words – only something about a passage. She looked at the tub longingly, but immediately steeled her resolve, promising herself a long bath after this whole matter was over.

As she donned her clothes and aketon, she found herself listening. She heard some sounds similar to chanting – and she was sure it was in Urukubarr’s deep voice.

She opened the door to the main room and noticed Gerric sitting with his back to her at the long table, watching the door, his hand on his axe. In front of him, on the table were five jugs, all filled with water, two bottles of what looked like a wine, six full cups and small pile of items.

Coming closer, she noticed a small wooden strongbox, a fork, flint, few leather straps, thread and needle, small bird skull, small key on leather strap, knitted cap, something that looked like a piece of old cheese, sausage, two packs of cards – one that seemed a bit worn, and the second she recognized – it was for some Zhengarian game, a small stone – presumably a lazurite, two silver groschen, eight copper kreutzer, two copper coins she did not recognize and a small copper ring. At first she did not understand, but then she remembered hearing about mercenary bands collecting all loot at one place and then picking up what each one wanted. She also heard about the fights that usually broke over the more precious stuff...

Then she remebered the chanting and turned to the kitchen. She saw Urukubarr standing in the middle of kitchen, his muscled body naked except for the waistcloth, with a symbol drawn on his chest, resembling the ancient rune for sun, chanting and gesturing with his hands.

Feel free to interpret the "Jakkari baths" part - and let me know how you imagine those, mostly for me to get a feeling for the country your mother comes from. It may become important in the future.

When he let his companions know his opinion, he felt a bit satisfied. At least they considered it. And while he could leave, he decided it would be better for them if he stays – and at least there will be some combat and loot.
Loot. Gerric thought of going to look for some. But that would mean leaving Kate alone in the bath, while the others ran around, performing duties they selected. After a while a smell of fish soup started to come from kitchen – and Gerric’s stomach rumbled. But he was a hardened warrior, and while he enjoyed the finer things life offered, he gave himself a task. And he wasn’t the kind to let his stomach rule his reason. The task he gave to himself was simple – to kill anyone who entered via the entry door, save for Kafar, and to protect Kate who was – quite foolishly, if anyone had asked him – unprotected in her bath. He could hear the splashing inside, but refrained on commenting.

He put his hand on his axe, his shield nearby. He watched Urukubarr enter the room, going for the upstairs – and considered him for a moment. He was a fine warrior, but also a fine cook, always using some strange herbs to prepare the food. He heard him rummaging upstairs, but decided not to join him. If the enemy was coming, at least he himself would stand in his path. He waited.

Nazir suddenly came running to the front door – no, front window. He looked pale. The boy was all right – for a scout – but needed experience in combat, badly. Urukubarr came downstairs after some time – as Nazir turned away from the window. He looked himself again as he stated "Looks like we may be done with this storm by morning!". Good news? Gerric thought about it. On one hand, it would let them leave. On the other, it would make it easier for whoever was coming after them to track them...

He did not like the situation. Lost in his thoughts, he continued watching the front door – and did not respond to neither Nazir’s statement, nor Ruark’s more exciting news. "There's a secret passage down here! A tunnel that leads who know's where, I'll go have a look."
So the northerner found a passage. Gerric assumed beforehand that there had to be more to this place as it seemed – and knew there had to be at least two different points of entry which needed guarding. He remained sitting, although the secret passage evoked in him visions of caves filled with all the treasures these bandits could hoard.

Then he remembered how poorly they looked like. No, no gemstones or fancy stuff will be down there. As he thought about it, Urukubarr approached him – and started putting all the loot he found on the table. A small wooden strongbox, a fork, flint, few leather straps, thread and needle, small bird skull, small key on leather strap, knitted cap, something that looked like a piece of old cheese, sausage, two packs of cards – one for Zhengar pairs, a game he liked to play since it offered possibility to strip someone of all his possessions, but required a considerable entry sum when played properly and second for Witpar, with standard four-element cards. The Witpar set seemed a bit worn. There was also a small stone, two silver groschen, eight copper kreutzer, two copper turtas – old coins from south – he once traded them. These were worth more than the kreutzer, since they were „harder“ currency. Last one was a small copper ring. He then brought cups, jugs with water, and even some wine bottles. "Drink water, try to open little box" he said.

Urukubarr finished putting all things on the table and went to a kitchen – Nazir, on the other hand, went downstairs to help Ruark explore. Gerric was left alone, and suddenly he realized he did not hear any splashing sounds. However, he heard ominous chanting from the kitchen, but when he looked there he saw Urukubarr, stripped to his waistcloth, with something scrawled on his breast. More tomfoolery or dark magics? He was unsure, and this group tested his resolve – but again, he reminded himself of his oath to them. He was no oathbreaker.
Behind him he heard Kate finally leave the bath room – this basically meant he was relieved of his self-imposed guard duty.

Let me know – does Gerric prefer wine or beer? Or spirits?

As he came downstairs, he saw Gerric at the table, and Nazir at the window. The news from Nazir – about the end of the storm shown promise. Maybe the First Father decided to provide them with good fortune.
He set everything he collected and what he thought could be of some value to anyone on the table in front of Gerric. To him the loot seemed sufficient. A small wooden strongbox, a fork, flint, few leather straps, thread and needle, small bird skull, small key on leather strap, knitted cap, piece of old cheese, sausage, two packs of cards – one with symbols and colours and one with pictures of four elements, a small bluish stone, two silver coins and ten copper ones. As he finished, his eyes met Gerric’s - the mountain man looked like he expected enemies to enter at any time through the front door – and he was right to do so. Still, Urukubarr was prepared. While Gerric held his weapon at his hand, Urukubarr’s hands were his weapons.

He went to the kitchen, and as soon as he was ready, he commenced with the ritual. He knew he lacked light sources – he saw that Ruark took his makeshift torch to explore the passage, but hoped the powers-that-are will listen to him anyways – he did the best he could do to prepare effigies from tinder to burn in the kitchen instead of candles.

He tried to focus, to remember the verses of his forefathers. He began chanting to cleanse his mind of any distractions, closing his eyes, losing for a moment grip on the reality.

Nice work! Commence the ritual, you have green to go! You will need to roll three rolls:
AGI/Symbol Drawing
MA/Ritual Magic
The first two will add dice equal to successes to the last one. The last one will be the important one. Feel free to add Faith dice to one of these rolls (I would suggest the last one) and Destiny to each of these.
If you succeed in the last one, you will gain 1 destiny and 1 faith SA point. If you succeed at least in two rolls, you will get 1 Faith point.
Roll the additional dice in the roller thread (LINK (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?479994-RoSRoller)) and copy the result into OOC part. I will narrate the results.

Ruark and Nazir

Ruark grabbed the makeshift torch Urukubarr created and climbed downstairs, followed by Nazir. As they entered the cave, there was a slight draft – the flames on the torch flickered, but it still provided enough light for them to see the turn in more details. They both heard Urukubarr’s warning and intended to be wary as they entered the dark tunnel.

The walls consisted of roughly hewn stone where they entered, but the further they went the rougher and more cave-like they became. In front of them, at the turn, was a hook in the wall, and they saw a glint of metal on the on the ground below it. When they came closer, they saw it was a horn – most probably the one they heard before. The horn was decorated with steel mouthpiece and had a leather strap on its back.

They turned around the corner, to find that the passage widened. Here it looked almost like a cave, with some fungus on the side. At the end there was something that looked like a doorway – an arch, covered by furs. They continued forward – and reached the arch. The furs were not very old, and they came from wolves. They heard a faint sound of water dripping behind it.

Nazir drew the furs aside to allow Ruark to go through as fast as he could, with his shield ready to receive any attack.

No attack came.

They were alone. The grotto behind the doorway was large – almost 10 yards across – and circular. Ruark's torch flickered and their shadows danced on the walls. On the ceiling there was an opening – around one yard across. The rain was coming through there, feeding a large pool in the middle of the grotto. There was a faint steam coming from the pool surface, and the whole grotto felt warmer than the inn.

They saw two small campfires on the ground – one closer to their point of entry, still smouldering, and one on the other side of the grotto, already burned out. There were three bedrolls on the ground around the closer campfire, one with a small backpack next to it.

On the right side, near the wall, stood a crate with a sack on it.

On the far side there was another, larger opening – an arch like the one they came through. That one seemed to be covered by bear’s fur.

Backpack contained a sling, a small wooden symbol (a bird holding a hammer), small whetstone, few feathers, a cracked axe head, pouch of seeds and carved bone whistle.
Crate contained hardtack. Few days’ worth.
Sack contained only few dried apples and one cabbage.

The horn was a northerner's work. He was sure about it - and the horn came from a bull.

The grotto pool – he saw few of those in his homeland. Whole temples were built around them, since they brought to the surface the warmth of the earth. It was said that they had healing properties – and also they warmed their surroundings. If he had a choice of sleeping here or in the inn, he would pick this place.
He counted the bedrolls. Three here, one up. That added up – the ones who slept here and the one who had the bedroll up were dead.

The ground was limestone with some growth, so the tracking was quite easy. There was one really recent set of footprints – the one that originated near the entrance to the passage, came to the horn and back to the inn. There were at least 12 sets of footprints in the grotto – but only four of these were fairly recent (within 12 hours) – and he was quite sure they belonged to the men they killed. The others were more complicated – he found place where three of them were killed – the second campfire. There were three puddles of something that could be old dried blood. Four people left the cavern through the other exit.

The last one confused him. It looked like it was really old set of footprints, it slept near the crates and left through the inn – but it was really old, like a week or so.

The night fell, completely covering the surroundings of the inn in darkness. The wind howled, but now the sound was almost hollow, as if the storm spent too much of its strength before and now used its last reserves. But still, the rain attacked the roof and the walls of the inn with intensity and chill of the night wind crept inside through the cracks in the walls and the barred windows.

The night begun its rule - and the break of the day was still far away.

Still something over 11 hours till dawn.

2016-03-28, 06:12 PM
Kate entered the room much cleaner and happier than when she'd left it. A few leftover droplets fell from her long hair (now allowed to flow freely) onto the wooden floor. Upon seeing Gerric, she opened her mouth to greet him; Then thought better of it. 'Dame Katherine' wasn't exactly his favourite person right now. But that was okay. With this diverse a group, culture clash was bound to happen now and then. They just had to learn to live with one another's eccentricit-

GAH! Why was Urukubarr standing almost naked in the kitchen?! Kate hurriedly averted her eyes. Okay okay, don't overreact. there must be a reasonable explanation. Judging by the chanting and gesticulating, he was probably performing a ritual. If so, it'd be the height of hypocrisy for her to object. Just as she deserved her personal quirks, so too did the others deserve theirs. Calm once more, Kate walked casually across the room, sat down, and started examining the loot: While very pointedly not examining the kitchen.

2016-03-28, 08:26 PM
The preparations were complete, or as complete as hecould make them. Proper preparation was how one showed respect to the forcesinvoked. The actual invoking was a matter of power, discipline, faith, andcause. First Father and his fifteen children in the sky were no fools and wouldnot lend power to an unworthy cause; in fact, they punished it.

Taking a deep breath, Urukubarr began the ritual. At first the chanting was slowand smooth, barely a whisper. Clearing his mind of all else, he envisioned onlyhimself in a room of lights, with the symbol burning bright on his chest. Thewine and water glowed softly at his feet, the stone emitting vibrations allaround, bouncing off everything it touched. He left reality as most know it,and entered something greater.

In the kitchen, any who observe the muscle-bound half-orc would at first findhim swaying and gesturing, mumbling in orcish. Gradually the movements becamemore erratic, yet somehow very deliberate. From the original soft gestures andmumbles, Urukubarr was now convulsing violently; the chanting became more song-likethe louder he became.

For a bit offlavor (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kszLwBaC4Sw) - I imagine the druidic chanting/dancing to be something like whatyou see here at 1:45, 2:21, and 3:34

AGI/SymbolDrawing (8d10)[8][7][9][9][6][3][9][2](53)
WIL/Meditation (7d10)[6][7][2][10][7][7][4](43)
MA/Ritual Magic (6d10)[7][1][8][2][1][8](27) / (6d10)[1][8][7][3][1][9](29)

Symbol Draw - 7
Meditation - 8
Ritual Magic - 10

2016-03-28, 09:35 PM
"****in' finally," Gerric muttered as Kate got out of her little bath. With nothing else to do, Gerric walked to the front door. The orc was off doing, whatever that was, and the others were looking through some sort of passage. They had no way of knowing when they would be attacked, and no scouts to perhaps see the enemy coming before it was too late. But, they did have this building, and maybe he could do something to at least make it difficult to attack. Find a way to barricade an entrance properly, either the front door or the secret tunnel. Either way he'd need material, and he went looking for some.

2016-03-28, 11:06 PM
Nazir grabs the horn and slings it. Might come in useful at some point. Out in the grotto he comments to Ruark.

"Nice play to stay but there would be little room to move or me to shoot. They'd be on us with no warning. If it wasn't for this rain I'd climb to the top of the inn and watch from there."

"I see 12 sets of tracks. 4 of those we found inside. 3 were killed over by that fire. 4 left through the bear skin. The last set are very old and seem to go back inside."

"If they come back the same way it would be through here. If we block the secret entrance we can better control where we fight inside, or at least give us plenty of warning while they try bashing through. Let's bring in the sack, crate, and pack and let the others know our findings? Leaving the bedrolls here might keep the enemy from suspecting too much."

2016-03-29, 04:39 AM
"That's a good plan for now, let's let everyone know what we've found here and then come back to scout out where this next part leads. I wouldn't mind spending the night here actually, would be good to get a few hours of rest before the bandits come. Kate might even want to have a second bath, hah." he said and gestured towards the heated pool of water.

Ruark stretched and yawned lazily, proving that he was indeed starting to feel a little tired. He looked around for some firewood that he threw on the smoldering fire, reluctant to let an already lit fire burn out. On his way back up he grabbed the dried apples from the backpack and devoured them quickly. As he walked back upstairs with Nazir he mentioned a few thoughts, "Perhaps blocking off the entrance to that tunnel back there might be a bad idea, they'd know something was up and just leave. If we let them walk inside we can try to block it off afterwards, trapping them inside. Either blocking it off with something from the outside, roll a few barrels of stone down the cliff. Or perhaps you hiding out there with your bow, shoot a few arrows at them as they're about to enter and chase them inside. I know that if I knew there was a hidden archer out there I wouldn't leave, I'd go further into the cave I was familiar with."

When they finally got back upstairs to join everyone, Ruark waited for Urrukubarr to finish his ritual before he told everyone what they'd found. A cave where the bandits spent their nights, cozy and warm with a passage leading to the other side of the cliff that they still hadn't explored.

2016-03-29, 07:47 AM

As they spoke, Ruark gave Nazir the torch, grabbed a mouthful of dried apples from the sack and stuffed them in his mouth. He sheated his sword and grabbed the crate.

And it was good that they went, for the torch Urukubarr prepared slowly diminished. They checked on the boy in the cellar - he was still unconscious it seemed. And the rope still held him.

As he entered the main room of the inn, he felt his eyes sting a bit. He was using his fey sight to discover anything, and he overtaxed also his human eyes. The warm cozy fireplace crackled and lit the room - it was a pleasant sight, accompanied by the smell of soup - he smelled fish and black pepper. There they were - Gerric putting some nails on the ruined table, preparing for some barricading it seemed, Ruark, telling his companions about the underground passage, grotto, and their findings, Urukubarr, all sweaty from the ritual he had done in the kitchen. Kate, sitting at the long table, thinking about something. He threw the dying torch into the fireplace.

He felt as if his worries were taken a bit away. The bandits... no, they were no simple bandits. The monsters that lived here were gone for this time. It was safe to rest, but they should prepare. He thought about the outside - and felt he wanted to check the passage to its end.

But he also needed some rest. His stomach rumbled - he didn't eat since... morning?

He watched the others, thinking about their next move.


Ruark sheated his sword, strapped his shield to his forearm and gave the torch to Nazir. He grabbed the crate with hardtack - and while it was half-empty, it was quite unwieldy. He considered putting the hardtack to the sack, but he didn't mind some practice.

And it was good that they went, for the torch Urukubarr prepared slowly diminished. They checked on the boy in the cellar - he was still unconscious it seemed. And the rope still held him.

As he entered the main room of the inn, his muscles ached a bit and he felt the need for sleep even more. The warm cozy fireplace welcomed him and the smell of soup lured his senses. He saw Urukubarr enter the main room. There they were - Urukubarr, all sweaty from the ritual, but with calmness he perceived in him only sometimes, Gerric putting some nails on the ruined table, preparing for some barricading it seemed, Nazir, putting away the remains of the torch into the fireplace, and Kate, sitting at the long table, with loot in front of her, bottles of wine, filled cups and some water.

He felt at peace for a moment. He knew the men would come and there would be blood shed at this place, but at this time, and at this place - he felt like at home. For a moment he imagined he heard a skald sing a song about valorous Jarl Ragnar, tasted a mead on the tip of his tongue...

The moment passed, but the peace in him stayed. He was prepared. Let them come.

But at first, he wanted to sate his hunger, to ease his muscles. But still, there was work to do.


As Gerric wandered off in search of whatever he thought he needed, Kate surveyed the "loot" with skepticism. If this was all that this life offered, it wasn't much. Still, the strongbox caught her eye and she examined it. Fine worksmanship, it offered no crevices for prying it open, only a small lock on the front side.

Her sight wandered around the table, and then she noticed it. The small key - it was made of steel, high quality steel - she was sure, because it showed no signs of wear. She was sure it would fit in the keyhole. She wanted to question Urukubarr where he found these, since they did not fit in the big picture she had in her head for the group that inhabited the inn...

She heard Urukubarr finish his ritual in the kitchen - he fell silent and she heard him put on his clothes. The smell of soup almost made her disregard her precaution and venture to the kitchen, but she dared not disturb him. As Urukubarr entered the room, Ruark came inside from the cellar - she listened to him telling them about the grotto inside the cliff, about the hot spring and the bedrolls. Nazir added more information - the tracks shown that they have been sufficient in wiping the inhabitants of this inn as far as there were at the moment.

But at least four of them were somewhere outside. And could come at any time. They needed a plan, they needed some guards. And looking around, they definitely needed some rest and food.

For a moment she considered her companions. The strong Urukubarr, all sweaty, with muscles rolling under his garments, the eagle-eyed Nazir, throwing the dying torch into the fireplace, proud warrior Ruark, who explained their findings, wild fighter Gerric, who just begun to prepare some barricades...

She felt calmer now, her nerves soothed by both the bath and something else. They were safe for this moment - and that counted. While there was still work to do, it could wait for a moment...


Gerric ventured to the storage room - there had to be something he could use. He already thought about using the barrels and chains from the basement - but he had to fix them with something. Maybe rope?

As he walked amongst the mostly-empty shelves, he found the pile of nails. These were the large kind - the same as the ones that held the wood that blocked the windows. They could be of some use.

There was also the demolished table - and few chairs he could use for wood if he needed. Now only if he had the right tools...

He then remembered the hatched Nazir talked about. Fetching it was just a matter of seconds. He didn't want to use his own axe - while it was old and not the best one he ever wielded, it was a weapon for battle, not tool for work. The hatchet, nails, chains, rope and wood they had here would be sufficient for some barricading.

He got back right in time, to hear Ruark tell them of the underground passage, the grotto and their findings. Nazir was there also - he carried some sort of a sack with some food in. Urukubarr finished with his druid mumbo-jumbo, and even Kate seemed to be thinking about their next steps.

He stood up, cracking his hands. He felt tired, yes, and will soon need rest, but they couldn't sleep now. Not all of them. He stifled a yawn, hiding it with a false cough.

On the other hand, they were a fine band. Kate could swing the sword fine for a woman. Ruark was a savaxen warrior - and that meant something. Urukubarr's hands meant death to his foes if he couldn't cut them apart with his greatsword and Nazir - the boy could shoot a fly with that piece of wood. It was pity they lost Kafar, but he still had some hope for the southerner.

He felt a bit calmer. Yes, they needed to get ready. To post guards, place traps, prepare ambush. And then they needed to just rest until they came. And kill them.

He smiled. He often hunted in the mountains. He knew the smell fear when the prey enters the trap...

PER/Scrounging [roll0] TN 6 to find tools = 1 success
When you find tools, roll AG, WIT or ST/Scrounging. Each success will fix one entry point partially (upper or lower part of doors or whole window). The barricades can be strengthened with more successes.
You can also build makeshift traps with this skill. PER/Hunting & trapping could give you some hints about potential actions of the "prey".


For a moment, Urukubarr felt as if he was ascending. The feeling was sublime, and he lost his internal vision of room filled with light, and imagined he saw a starry sky, a long grassy steppe lined with mountains in the distance, and heard drums of his people, song of wolves and wind. It felt like home and didn't at the same time.

He immediately knew the ritual was successful - he saw a movement in the sky - and saw the magnificent silhouette of the perfect hunter embodied in animal form. The Proud Hunter in the Stars blessed him from above.

The sight was gone after a split second, but as his consciousness returned, it seemed that the lights in the room were brighter and the darkness less threatening. He felt the hunter inside him awakening - the smell of blood awakened him and he knew the place needs to be cleansed - a tax must be paid for all the prey they hunted - a tax in lives, a tax in blood.

Roaring in his heart the spirit of the hunter wanted vengeance for this was no fair hunt. Urukubarr, calmer than before, walked into the main inn room. He felt awake, but fatigued. He knew the blessing will work at the time when it is needed, and this was not the time. He heard his friend telling them about the passage, about the grotto and their findings.

He needed rest, he was hungry. And he knew that he needed to be prepared when they come. There could be no peace with these people - the spirit of this place longed for their blood. And they would give it to them - with Ruark's sword, Kate's shield, Gerric's axe and Nazir's bow at his side, they were unstoppable. They were not the prey.

2016-03-29, 10:46 AM
Nazir dug into the fish soup. After days of travel in the rain just being this dry was a comfort. Eating such a meal was almost extravagant. His body busy, his mind went into overdrive on the many possibilities. Let them into this room and attack from different angles. Meet them in the basement as they exited the tunnel. Fight in the grotto. Attack them from the outside as they entered the building. Ambush them outside before they know something is wrong. He preferred the first and last options. This room if the bandits could be all drawn into here through the front door but that was unlikely since they knew of the back entrance. To ambush them outside would require to know which way they were coming from. He thought more about the bandits making their way here. The newly hired thugs would not know the area. One of the main group would be leading the way. The bandits knew the area but with this rain they would take the path they knew best and still need light. Maybe he could make out their light at a distance from up on the roof. From there he could gain access to the grotto roof and then over onto the cliff. Yes. Find their most used trail and ambush there, if he could find it.

"The soup is great, thanks! Barricading this area is a good fallback option. I think I should see about getting on the roof. They will probably be using light to get here and I may get lucky with seeing it. From up there I should be able to get atop the cliff too. If I can find the trail they are using we can ambush them on it before they are even aware we are around. The rain will hinder their bowmen and my eyesight will give me an advantage. I have the horn if there is an emergency. Hmm, once we are ready we could try the horn to try to get them to hurry into our trap."

2016-03-29, 10:57 AM
While Kate waited for Urukubarr to finish, she picked up the key and opened the strongbox. Might as well see what was in there. Once the kitchen was free of shirtless ritualists, however, she rushed in to get some soup. She was starving. Kate would also fetch a helping for anyone else who wanted one. The others probably wouldn't appreciate the full meaning of that gesture. Where she came from, serving food to someone else was a sign of great deference.

She devoured the meal with gusto. Just about anything would taste good right now. Meanwhile, the room became increasingly crowded. She looked around at all her comrades (minus Kafar), gathered together in one place. This was a good opportunity. Nazir, thinking along the same lines, had already started discussing strategy. Good man. But first, there was an important issue they all needed to settle. Wiping some leftover soup from her mouth, Kate got everyone's attention.

"Before we go any further, there's something we need to discuss: Choosing a leader. Everyone here is an experienced fighter, who can work alone if the need arises. But none of us are alone any more; And hopefully, we never will be again. This is a gathering of equals, who've vowed to fight and live side by side. None of us stand above the other...

...But as we all know, battles don't work like that. In the heat of combat, there's no time to hold a vote and discuss things as equals. Someone needs to be in charge. So, let's settle the question while we still have time: Who leads this group?"

2016-03-29, 11:05 AM
"I think you did a fine job back there Kate, as short an affair as it was. Of course I only heard what the others said about what happened downstairs in the cellar. I'll say you should do the job, until someone else decides he could do a better job. I know I couldn't"

Speaking in between mouthfuls of soup Ruark managed to comment as best he could, "According to the boy at least two of them will have a bow of some sort. You'll be taking a risk being up there if they spot you, but it's worth taking Nazir." He slurped in a soggy bit of fish and got soup running down his beard, though he either didn't notice or didn't care.

"I'll explore the rest of the passage when I'm done eating. Everyone looks like you're doing a good job barricading things up here though. I think we'll do fine when they come, I am not worried. Of course, I already know when I will die and it's not here. I can't say the same for any of you." Urrukubarr knew what Ruark was referring to, a vision Ruark had recieved while high or drunk out of his mind before they were chased out of their homeland. He had refused to say exactly what the vision entailed, but that it involved Ruark's death he knew. To everyone else it sounded like Savaxen superstition.

Ruark wiped away the spilled soup with his sleeve and went to clean out the bowl he had been out of with some water. Then he grabbed his weapon and shield and went down into the cellar once more, intending to check out the rest of the passage. He would walk through it until he found out where it came out.

2016-03-29, 12:10 PM
Nazir smiles. "If they are human they'll be focused more on where they step. If they are using torches that will kill their night sight. With the rain and darkness on top of that it would be quite the feat to see me at all, especially before I see them. A small risk, well worth keeping us all alive and catching our prey unaware."

"Kate, you've taken charge when needed. That's a good thing. I'd rather gather the information and come up with the options."

2016-03-29, 12:40 PM
Gerric started fixing up the entrances as best he could with what he found, as he overheard the others talking.

"If it's just the battles, I'll put my name forward to lead. I've led raids and fights for most of my life. But I want it known, I mean just the battles. If we are pickin' a leader for all things, such as where we go, who we make deals with, and that sort of nonsense, I want no part in it. Things tend to get bloody when I do that, and I don't have the temperament for dealin' with your southern customs. That should be Kate." Then Gerric stopped for a moment as if realizing something and then shrugged. "Even if technically she did just lead us straight into this mess, she's still our best bet on that account, I figure."

As he grabbed a bowl of the soup he continued to talk while he ate. "If we can, it'd be a decent idea if we can get a bit more information from our captive. Like where they usually enter from, the front door or that passage you find. We also might like to find why he's still alive. He told us that when they were short they killed those they hired. Makes me wonder why they didn't gut him. He's just a boy, not much use to him. If he's related to Mad Dog or somethin' we could be able to use that to our advantage. Mmm, good soup by the by."

Agility check to fix the locations, I think you said each success is one location. I'm going with the door first, then the windows, if I get multiple successes.

AG: [roll0]

2016-03-29, 07:34 PM
Completing the ritual, his conciousness slammed back into his body. He breathed hard, processing all that had happened. After cleaning up and retrieving his belongings, Urukubarr checked the stew. It had to be done by now.

Pleased and more relaxed than he'd been since the journey started, Urukubarr served bowls of fish stew to everyone. The compliments on the food had Urukubarr smiling widely, displaying his large jutting teeth "Gratitude!! I try to make best." The compliments on his food combined with the fact that he'd just completed the ritual put Urukubarr in a jolly mood. He poured wine or water for those with empty cups. In the past, Urukubarr would gladly work for his food, drink, and bed at local inns and the like. People would come in just to be served by the massive half-orc. With a properly stocked kitchen, Urukubarr could work wonders.

Completing the ritual meant a lot to him. He had felt distanced from his druidic roots before now. Now that it was over, his path was clear. Blood would answer blood, there was no other way. "Great spirits favor us, we must spill blood of Mad Dog and his ilk. It is demanded of me, of we great hunters. The boy, he must pay too... After he help us."

2016-03-30, 06:46 AM

The soup was indeed tasty and Gerric wondered for a moment how would a proper meal taste when prepared by Urukubarr. He enjoyed the talking around the table - it was like the old times, before a raid. Except here he didn't have to watch his mouth or back so much.

And didn't have to smell the soup for poison or drugs, he thought, his face gloomy for a moment. There was always someone who wanted to get his bounty. And while they never succeeded, it felt...almost nice to know he was safe for this moment. But only for this moment.

Kate opened the strongbox - the key Urukubarr found somewhere fit the lock. As she opened it, Gerric saw the gleam of gold, glint of silver and the faint glow that reflected from copper. He leaned over to see better. The box was almost full - the large golden ring with some inscription caught his attention first, but there was also thin silver chain, three copper rings, two copper bracelets, a brass pendant with image of eagle and a small book bound in red leather at the bottom. Finally some good loot was added to the loot pile. He expected to earn a good part of it during next few hours or days.

As he finished his soup and cup, he went back to work. Urukubarr brought him another cup - and he appreciated it with a nod, while hammering the nails into the wooden planks. He wanted to be finished as soon as possible. And in half hour he succeeded in completely barring the front door and one of the windows - and he still had a handful of nails and quite enough wood. He did not sweat much during this work, but he felt his arms slow down a bit - it was a long day.

Three successes, the door is barred basically, the window completely (it was boarded up from the outside already). Want to continue?


Nazir's mind raced through possibilities, so he almost did not notice his cup got a refill from the friendly half-orc. But the stew was tasty and the wine warmed him from the inside and soon he finished both. In the meantime, Kate managed to open the strongbox - the key was in the pile of loot. He glanced inside and saw a large golden signet ring, a thin silver chain, three copper rings, two copper bracelets, a brass pendant with image of eagle and a small book bound in red leather at the bottom. These were added to the loot pile.

As he was getting the last few spoonfuls from his bowl, he watched Gerric stand up, walk to the destroyed table and prepare to board-up the door. On the other side of the table, Ruark stood up, taking his weapon and shield, walking towards his backpack to retrieve a torch - readying to explore what lies behind the grotto.

They had to secure the inn now that they decided to stay. And he was the scout - so he had to use mostly his eyes. He knew that if he tires himself too much, he will be useless, but he longed for some activity...

Gerric started barricading door. Most windows on the lower floor are already boarded-up, so it's either going upstairs and climbing out of window, going outside before Gerric boards-up the door or finding a third option (e.g. remove some of the boards on one of the windows) if you want to get to the roof.
If you want to go downstairs to check the other side, it's completely irrelevant at the moment.
Just let me know which plan is valid for now.


The stew was both filling and tasty. Urukubarr enjoyed the good mood that set up on the company at the table and wanted to enjoy it - but the hunter called to him. If the hunt was successful, they could feast all they wanted - but it wasn't over.

Kate somehow managed to open the strongbox - Urukubarr glanced curiously inside and saw a large golden ring, a thin silver chain, three copper rings, two copper bracelets, a brass pendant with image of eagle and a small book bound in red leather at the bottom. Kate added those to the loot pile.

He watched Gerric stand up, walk to the destroyed table and prepare to board-up the door - he filled his cup and brought it to him, as a friendly gesture - Gerric showed his appreciation with a nod, focused on his work. On the other side of the table, Ruark stood up, taking his weapon and shield, walking towards his backpack to retrieve one of his torches - readying to explore what lies behind the grotto.

Nazir was also looking like he was deciding whether to get on the roof now or later.

Urukubarr will need either scrounging (a.k.a. improvised cooking) or craft (gourmet cook) skill soon :smallsmile:.

One point - it seems you forgot to cast the vote for the leader. If it was deliberate, no problem, but if you just forgot, there is still time and I think Anyr will appreciate if it's all stated.

Also, since you succeeded in first two rolls, you get +1 to Faith SA.


The stew was delicious and the wine tasty. Ruark listened to the others - the mood was almost pleasant, and the thought of his own death and the nightmare that showed him the death did slowly fade to the background. As he ate, Kate managed to open the strongbox - the key was in the pile of loot. He glanced inside and saw a large golden signet ring, a thin silver chain, three copper rings, two copper bracelets, a brass pendant with image of eagle and a small book bound in red leather at the bottom. These were added to the loot pile by Kate.

Gerric finished his meal before him, stood up and went back to the barricading. As Ruark finished, he stood up, rummaged in his backpack to take out one of his torches, and set it alight in the fireplace. It would provide him with light he needed. He then took his sword and shield, and descended to the cellar. The boy was still there, lying on his back, eyes closed. Ruark paid him no attention and entered the passage.

He approached the grotto cautiously, but it was still empty. He walked through it, to the passage behind the bear hide. His torch provided him enough light to see a cavernous passage, wide enough for one man comfortably, or two men cramped. The walls consisted of both stone and soil now, were full of growth - he saw some mushrooms, but also roots stick out of it. He carried on - and it seemed that the passage winded for more than fifty steps. The temperature fell and he smelled fresh air and water. At its end was a small cavern-like opening, which lead outside - to the darkness.

He peeked outside, but even with the torch he couldn't see far due to the rain - and while the storm had lost much of its strength, the wind still nearly managed to put his torch off. The lightning that struck allowed him to see only that he was in some kind of valley lined by rocky hills, which consisted of small meadow and few trees. He noticed an burned-out hearth nearby, as well as one of the trees near the cave entrance has been trimmed and few hooks for horses were attached to it to hold the horses. He looked above and saw the cliffside - it was steep, and even higher from this side. The valley was well-hidden and a good hiding place, because he saw only one crevice, which could be used by horses, at the far side, bit to the left.

I assumed Ruark will take the lantern from his backpack before going to the grotto. I don't know if you chose that one or 1d3 torches - let me know, so I can fix the narration afterwards.
Roll for the torches please :smallsmile:


The vote seemed unilateral - only Urukubarr did not cast his vote in directly, but his actions hinted that he would not take the lead and would not challenge her for command - his spiritual side, so recently discovered by her, indicated that he will be more of a moral support...and siege weapon, she thought with a soft smile, remembering the kick that shattered the door.

She also thought about giving more freedom or even partial command to Gerric due to his previous experience. Could he lead her companions in battle? Maybe, and time could show that easily.

As she opened the strongbox, her eyes widened a bit. It was crammed with jewelry - not the best one, not even coming close to the jewels that even the lowliest member of the court in her country wore, but still - she did not expect this at any rate.

Inside lay a large golden signet ring, as well as thin silver chain, three copper rings, two copper bracelets, a brass pendant with image of eagle and a small book bound in red leather at the bottom. She took each out, gave it a quick look to appraise its value and put it to the loot pile. The signet ring was inscribed with bear holding a fish - her heraldry classes paid off, as she remembered that this sigil belonged to the house Virin of Caer Darnell - a rich house, which specialized in shipping of merchandise. The copper rings were mostly worthless - only simple copper bands. She estimated their value at best at 6 coppers each, give or take. The copper bracelets were different - they were paired and each had a picture of snake devouring its own tail inscribed on it. These would be worth at least one silver grosch. The silver chain was simple, but seemed to be made of pure silver, which would put its price at around 2 silver groschen if they found a fair merchant. The brass pendant showed nice workmanship, but otherwise it wasn't very valuable. The book...

She opened the book and found that it contained verses, however done by someone with shaky handwriting. Delighted at first, she read few and found out that it was a private collection of bawdy verses, and not only the penmanship was shaky - the verses were badly done, although some of them had some entertainment value.

Putting the book and other things to the pile, she was happy that they found something of value, on the other hand she was afraid that when it came to loot distribution, she would have to try to assess who deserves what. And that was always a hard task to do.

As the meal was finished, she watched Gerric stand up, walk to the destroyed table and prepare to board-up the door - Urukubarr filled his cup and brought it to him, as a friendly gesture - Gerric showed his appreciation with a nod, focused on his work. On the other side of the table, Ruark stood up, taking his weapon and shield, walking towards his backpack to retrieve his torch- readying to explore what lies behind the grotto. Nazir sat at the table, still lost in his thoughts - and she knew he was thinking whether the roof was a viable option or if he should scout the other side of the passage.

Now that she was voted a leader, she knew she had the final word - however, she had to consider their own strengths and weaknesses, and motivation. It was going to be a long night.

MA/Heraldry to recognize the signet: [roll0] TN 6 = 2 successes
MA/Appraisal to assess the value: [roll1] TN 8 = 2 successes
Good rolls :smallsmile:. Edited in the text above.

Ruark is going to explore the passage behind the grotto, Gerric is barricading the door & windows in the main room. I will need the actions of the others.

The stomachs full, you will now feel the consequence of the hard day you have behind you.
Roll EN at TN 6 - if you succeed, you can still continue without penalties. If you fail, you get 1 point of fatigue, fumbles mean 2 points.
For the rest of the evening - each hour of "hard work" will require this roll. Each consecutive hour (without any rest) will give you +1 to roll difficulty, which means that if you work for 3 hours without rest, you get to roll EN at TN 6 and first 2 successes are ignored.

Each half hour of rest will give you opportunity to roll EN/TN6 - each success removes one point of fatigue. Resting means relaxing, doing tasks that are not physically or mentally tiring (e.g. playing games, reading something for fun, watching sky, drinking beer, taking bath) or just plainly taking a nap/sleeping. The point is - guarding is not relaxing. While not physically tiring, if you do it properly, it's mentally tiring.

If you sleep less than 4 hours per day, you automatically gain 1 point of fatigue. Each subsequent day without more than 5 hours of sleep will give additional +1 point (meaning the first night gives you 1 point, second 2, third 3 - if you don't sleep for 4 days, you get fatigue 7 - which is applied to ALL your rolls (mental and physical, usually KOing you immediately).

For information: since there are no specific rules for fatigue outside combat, this is mostly houseruled. Houserules are in italics.
I have another houserule which I use at my games, but that one's kinda harsh (but realistic), so we'll vote on its use in OOC thread.

2016-03-30, 07:57 AM
Ruark was careful not to step too far out into the storm making an attempt at staying as dry as possible. At least now he knew where the passage led and what it looked like, an excellent spot for an ambush. He returned to the grotto satisfied that he had explored all that he needed to for now. He did not feel exhaustion set in quite yet, but he knew it was coming. An exhausted fighter usually meant a dead fighter and he decided that getting some rest was more important than further barricades at this point.

He returned to the main room of the inn and proposed a watch-order, so that they could see the bandits coming. "I suggest we keep watch for an hour each, while we all get some rest. I can take the first hour, I'm not sleepy yet and I've spent enough time at sea to not let the rain be too much of a hindrance to my eyesight. Nazir's got better eye's than I ever will but he can't stay awake for all of us."

(7d10)[2][10][3][8][3][8][2](36) TN 6, he is not fatigued yet.

2016-03-30, 08:50 AM
"Gerric, if you do the window facing the barn, it'd be good to leave some room to see out to the barn, and some loose boards so I can pull them and shoot through if need be. Doubtful they'll check each board on each window."

"The front door looks well barred. Even if they insist on coming that way we'll have plenty of warning. That leaves the back for their main approach. Taking turns on watch is good but I'm not tired yet so I'm going to find my way up onto the roof."

Nazir strung his bow then headed upstairs, managing not to trip on the weak stairs. "Third and fifth stairs are weak. Could be useful against an enemy."

He knew Urukubarr had checked the 2nd floor already but Nazir wanted to explore and get to know the area for himself. He checked inside the wardrobe in the hall then looked down at the view form above. He carefully pulled it over on the side then walked it forward to the railing with the doors on the hall side so they could still be opened. That would give him cover to shoot from later if needed.

Nazir looks up in the hallway to see if there was access to an attic, then checks each of the upstairs rooms for anything of interest and the best access to the roof.

From OOC:
EN/TN6: (5d10)[2][3][10][4][1](20) 1 success

From Roller thread:
Perception check for weak stairs (not sure if someone actually pointed it out)
(7d10)[1][8][2][4][1][9][3](28) Assuming the 9 gives me a success, will rewrite if not.

Perception check for best way up onto the roof

If there is attic access I'll search there, then use the best way to get onto the roof. Out there, get a 360 review of the area then focus toward the back.

Fatigue check for the end of the hour of searching the upstairs and being out on the roof. Plan is to rest after the scouting and reporting back.

2016-03-30, 04:57 PM
So, the others really were fine with Kate taking the lead. It had certainly seemed that way earlier; But she'd wanted to be sure. It wouldn't do for the group's only noble to just assume that she was in command. That had all sorts of bad implications.

Kate's eyes strayed to the newly revealed strongbox contents. They lingered especially on the signet ring. She subconsciously touched the finger that had, until recently, worn a similar ring: One bearing the twin ravens of House Sendrick. She'd deliberately left it on her pillow back home, as a message. The owner of the one in front of her probably hadn't parted with theirs so willingly. Kate wondered if there was any way to get it back to the Virins: To give them some sort of closure for...Who? Ha, she didn't know a thing about the owner. Woman or man? Loved or hated? There was no way to tell. It was just a ring. She sighed, and stood up. There was work to be done.

First, she donned her armour again. Then she went downstairs to check on Richan. No doubt he'd exploit any opportunity for escape. She thus made certain that no such opportunity existed: No loose ropes, no sharp objects he could use to cut himself free, etc. If there was a way to lock him inside a secure room, then she'd do so. Kate also took the opportunity to ask him a few more questions: About the inn's remaining secret, Mad Dog's fighting style, and the likely manner that his cronies would use to enter the inn.

After that, she'd take first watch. And then, sleep; Blessed sleep...

Soc/Persuasion roll: [roll0]

2016-03-31, 10:22 AM
Sorry, it seems a missed a few points of dialouge

Urukubarr knew of Ruark's vision, and it unsettled him. He didn't like to think about it, especially since he fully believed him. When he brought it up, Urukubarr clicked his tongue and turned his head from Ruark. Ruark knew, this was a Ahvori colloquialism; Urukubarr was showing displeasure at the subject. "I stand with my brother, we following Kate until we cannot." With that, Urukubarr began to clear the table. He would sweep and tidy up the main room with the fire, as well as sweet and tidy up the kitchen a bit. He refilled the wine and water, leaving it on the table next to the freshly cut up sausages. And now for the body... It couldn't stay here like this, especially where they may prepare food again. Urukubarr attempts to drop the body down the ladder. Next step would be bringing the boy upstairs so they could keep a close eye on him.

2016-03-31, 02:53 PM

With her armour on and sword by her side she felt ready to talk to the boy Richan. She went downstairs, passing Urukubarr who was cleaning kitchen - he looked like he was in a bit worse mood. Something at the table must have upset him a bit. Or it was just the body in the kitchen?

Entering the cellar she saw that her companions left Richan in the middle of the cellar, lying tied. He was already awake and looked quite angry - she couldn't blame him. He must have heard the laughter from above - and smelled the soup.

This was a question she had to answer for herself. She knew her mother would have gutted the boy after he told the Silent Brothers everything he knew...and would deny him food and sleep. But she wasn't her mother... at least she wished not to be like the woman.

She approached him carefully, checking the ropes that bound him. She was cold, aloof, but tried to be civil with him.

The boy did not respond for the first few minutes, but when she asked him about Mad Dog, he started talking - almost as if he were proud to be in his band.

"Mad Dog is vicious. He fights like an animal - doesn't seem to feel any pain. He once killed a man by biting off his throat. He uses a large axe or short sword - he can gut you with any of these."

The look in his eyes was revolting - a mixture of fear and fascination, as if he enjoyed Mad Dog's brutality.

"But wait for the others. The fat knight is worse - he's a real killer, even if he fights fair. Hates dirty tricks and if you cross his path, he will take you down easily with his longsword or spear."

She was almost sure of his motivation to stay with this group.

"He'll most likely go to few taverns and villages, find some thugs, outlaws and hired blades - and bring them here. No more than we can handle in case there are not enough... passerbys."

As he says the last word, he looks at her. The glint in his eyes, the hungry look. Kate now understands him. He doesn't just like killing. He loves the feeling of power that comes from it. A sick, depraved mind. She met people like those. Silent Brothers were similar - they only practiced their... "Art" as her uncle called it. She unconsciously shivered. The boy must have recognized it.

"You are afraid of them, aren't you? You should be. They'll come and..."

His tirade was interrupted by a loud sound - as if someone threw a body down the opening in kitchen. She turned around to see, that it was indeed it - Urukubarr was just going down the ladder, under which lied the crumpled body of the burly man from kitchen.

She turned to the boy, with a smile on her lips.

Seeing the smile and approaching half-orc, the boy immediately decided to be more helpful, his tongue tied from fear.

"They sh'd enter via the back. Y'know - the-the-the...passage. If they heard the horn they would've been here already, so they prob'bly won't... y'know, expect you here. The Mad Dog will expect at least one of us down, in the grotto, b'cause we should stay there - he forbid us from staying in the inn, but sitting on limestone gets old, y'know?"

His eyes jumped from Kate to Urukubarr, who moved closer, dragging the body of the poor sod from kitchen by his leg. Kate looked at Urukubarr's face - and while his expression was one of pure bloodlust, she saw a glint of laughter in his eyes - he was enjoying the theater and the boy's reaction...

While Geneve conventions were not in place at that time, your prisoner may be hungry... :smallcool:

This is the information you got out of him - and you know it's true. He said also other stuff - mostly about how terrible they are and how you are going to die.

The question is - where are you going to lock him. You can either put him into one of the rooms on the upper floor - without windows - and barricade the door, or the bath room (it has no windows), hang him on one of the chains in the meat room, or use the meat storage room in basement (door next to the wardrobe, full of barrels with meat) - and barricade the door.

Or you and Urukubarr can put him upstairs and bind him to one of the columns.

Also - where should everybody sleep?

Lots of questions.


The wardrobe upstairs moved slowly, scratching the wooden floor. He found nothing except old hides and furs inside. And few dead moths.

But at least it will give him some cover upstairs in case the enemy gets to the main room.

He quickly checked the rooms, but he found only few steel balls usable with sling in one chest, and two furs hung on one of the walls, which looked better preserved than the others - these could be used as material or even as comfortable substitute for bedroll.

He then walked to one of the windows at the side of the room, checking for best way to reach the cliff. It was difficult to see through the rain, but his elven heritage again provided him with advantage. The back side of the inn was a part of the cliff.

Nazir leaned out of window to check the walls of the inn. They were slippery due to the rain, but there were enough openings for him to put his fingers in. He wasn't the best climber - and the rain and wind wouldn't help him.

On the other way, the cliff was even worse. There were only few places he could definitely use for support. The easiest way would be to climb to the roof and attempt to climb up the rest of the cliff - that would be the worst part indeed.

He walked back to the room and looked up - the roof was a bit leaky already and there was enough furniture for him to get up... at least one part of the climb would be behind him.

There are 15 balls for sling in the chest. They can be also thrown.
As for the rope, I think Kate and Ruark have some.


Ruark took his waterskin and the small whetstone with him and ventured to the cave entrance. He passed Urukubarr, cleaning the kitchen, and Kate, trying to get the boy to talk.

He had spent some time guarding the warcamps and had the patience. He found a place to sit, still covered by the cave, comfortable enough for him not ache after two hours, but not enough to lure him to sleep and took out the whetstone. With long, patient and calm movements he begun sharpening his blade, preparing himself both physically and mentally for the combat, while still watching the valley for any movement.

For first half hour, he noticed nothing, except for a deer in the distance and some birds.

As he was ready to stop sharpening, he heard some movement from behind, from the cave...


Urukubarr felt uncomfortable - Ruark reminded him of the Dark Ones and their attack. He did not like the feelings of powerlessness he experienced in their hands and while he longed for revenge, he was sure it wasn't time for it now. They were not ready for an enemy like that.

He decided to get busy - if his hands worked, his mind would focus on the work - and not on...

The work went well. The main room was cleaned in no time - and Gerric even accepted third offering of wine. Kate went downstairs - he heard her patiently talking to the boy.

He looked at the body in the kitchen and decided, that if he's cleaning up, he'll clean up rigorously.

The body was heavy - and wet of blood. Urukubarr lifted it and brought it to the hole... he thought about slowly lowering it down, but then his hands slipped on the blood and he only heard a thump and shocked gasp from the cellar.

He descended and saw Kate looking at him quizzically, and the boy watching him with fear. He decided to help Kate and put on his most terrible grimace - while taking the leg of the man and pulling him towards the boy, towards the meat room. The boy went from nervous to frightened and started spilling his guts. Urukubarr smiled inside. Sometimes the bad reputation worked in his favour...

The same as with Kate - she wants to lock him somewhere:
The question is - where are you going to lock him. You can either put him into one of the rooms on the upper floor - without windows - and barricade the door, or the bath room (it has no windows), hang him on one of the chains in the meat room, or use the meat storage room in basement (door next to the wardrobe, full of barrels with meat) - and barricade the door.

Or you and Kate can put him upstairs and bind him to one of the columns. Kate has some rope.


Gerric watched Urukubarr clean up - sweeping the floor, cleaning the table, as he continued with the barricades. He could have used the half-orc, but he did not know if he had any skill with hammer and nails.

When the half-orc offered him another cup of wine, he nodded, and placed it next to him. He wanted to be finished as soon as possible.

When he put the last nail in the boards at the last window in the main room, he looked around - Urukubarr was going downstairs, to the cellar. It was strange - the room suddenly felt too empty compared to the dinner. He was used to being alone - but it was almost pleasant being a part of a group which worked together, where you did not need to instill fear in others.

He stretched his arms, cracked his fingers. He was still awake, ready to work.

Let me know your next plans :smallsmile:

2016-03-31, 06:42 PM
Satisfied with his work at the front, Gerric takes the ladder down to the lower level to see for himself the secret tunnel. At the very least they will have fair warning should anyone try to get through that direction.

He passes Kate and the prisoner, "He bein' cooperative?" he asks. "I figure when the bastards get here he's goin' to be hollerin' to them. If you want, I can cut out his tongue once we learned what we want from him. It'd be no trouble at all."

2016-03-31, 10:01 PM
Nazir took notice of the windows on the top floor and what fields of view they gave for shooting. He grabbed the metal sling balls to bring downstairs. Starting to come down the stairs the dripping water caused him to look up and realize that was his way to the roof. He dropped the sling balls into the loot pile. No one is around but he hears them down in the cellar. He goes down the ladder and reports what he found upstairs.

"No easy way onto the roof in this rain, but if I get some help we can pile furniture so I can reach the hole in the roof. There will still be a climb up onto the top of the cliff and in this rain that will be challenging. From the windows I didn't see where Mad Dog would be coming from. Ruark went back down the tunnel right? I should go take another look that way."

Up to this point Nazir had purposefully not looked towards Richan. While listening to any response he turns and stares at the boy, making sure the boy sees his inhuman bright green eyes. Unless otherwise directed Nazir heads back towards/through the grotto with sword in hand until he finds Ruark.

Nazir doesn't know yet about the outdoor clearing/crevice/cave entrance from Ruark yet, but did he see it from one of the windows? If yes the that becomes his focus and he speaks to my comments in OOC for ambushing in the clearing. If not, he asks for help moving furniture to reach the hole in the roof, grabbing the hatchet to make the hole bigger if need be, leave his sword at the bottom, bring the unstrung bow and dagger.

If/when I pass by the boy again, time for some halfling intimidation fun :smallcool: Another question for the boy I thought of was what types of armor do they wear? We should compile what we know about them in OOC.

2016-04-01, 05:39 AM
The sound put Ruark on edge, he slowly and as silently as possible put down the whetstone. He got up from his seated position and instead went down on one knee, to make himself as small as possible. And as quietly as possible he waited for the source of the sound to reveal itself.

I'm not sure if the sound is coming from where the bandits would be arriving from, or from further inside the cave where my companions are.

2016-04-01, 06:51 AM

His words were the final friendly shove that pushed the boy over the edge - he began sobbing and broke down completely. But he was already on his way into the tunnel - he passed the hook where the horn originally hung - at least according to Ruark's report - and entered the grotto through the wolf-fur-covered arch.

The grotto was too warm for him. He was a man of mountains and while he liked a bit of summer, this was too much for him. Once he heard about lands at deep south, where the sun can cook you and you can die out of heatstroke. Some people lay the strangest claims when drunk...

As he continued forward, through the bear-hide-covered passage, it got colder around him. He welcomed the smell of fresh air, wet from rain and for a moment he longed for the springs in the mountains.

He walked forward, only to notice a movement at the end of the tunnel - he recognized Ruark, sword in his hands. He did not want to startle him, nor address him - he did not know how far his voice could be heard and he expected enemies to be close - it was always better to expect them.

Ruark must have recognized him as he closed in, because his arms relaxed and he lowered his sword. And then he was tense again - and Gerric knew why.

He heard it too - the sound that made him feel as if someone held his heart and pumped it forcefully - he felt every vein pulse and was feeling as alive as never.

Horse neigh. The enemy was even closer than he expected.

His hand slid to the handle of his axe almost unconsciously - his and Ruark's eyes met and he saw that Ruark was smiling. Savaxen were known as fierce warriors who welcomed the possibility to cheat death, to fight for their lives. He felt, that he was also smiling - the dance with death was his favourite one...

Ok, round-by-round again, at least for you and Ruark. It's gonna get fast now. You don't see them yet.


The sound came from the cave behind him. The storm was slowly diminishing - leaving the area, so he could hear the footsteps. He was quite sure it was one of his companions, but it could have been the boy - if he broke free.

The silhouette was one of a man. He thought he can recognize the gait, but the man did not address him, even if he must have seen him. As the figure moved forward, his eyes recognized Gerric - and he relaxed for a moment. But only for a moment - since he heard a sound that made him feel as if someone poured the icy waters of Sea of Raiders into his veins.

A horse whinny.

He felt his neck hair stand up. Too soon, he thought. But then his savaxen heart woke up and there was suddenly a smile on his face. It's never too soon. His and Gerric's eyes met. The grim mountain man didn't show his smile often, but now he did. Savaxen men valued skill with weapon and courage - and Gerric seemed to have both. Soon it would be shown for sure...

Ok, round-by-round again, at least for you and Gerric. It's gonna get fast now. You don't see them yet.


Gerric passed them, as they stood over the boy together with Urukubarr. He joined on the "fun" of harassing the boy. "He bein' cooperative?" he asked. "I figure when the bastards get here he's goin' to be hollerin' to them. If you want, I can cut out his tongue once we learned what we want from him. It'd be no trouble at all.".

That was the last drop the boy needed. Richan began sobbing and broke down completely - the boy who just few moments ago tried to intimidate her, was now only a boy, crying because he was afraid.

There was no chance she would get anything out of him now. She looked at Gerric, but he did not even look at the boy - only entered the secret passage.

Her eyes itched. She longed for sleep, but there was still work to do. She heard Nazir behind her - she didn't hear him climb down the ladder...

"No easy way onto the roof in this rain, but if I get some help we can pile furniture so I can reach the hole in the roof. There will still be a climb up onto the top of the cliff and in this rain that will be challenging. From the windows I didn't see where Mad Dog would be coming from. Ruark went back down the tunnel right? I should go take another look that way."


Gerric passed them, as they stood over the boy together with Kate. "He bein' cooperative?" he asked. "I figure when the bastards get here he's goin' to be hollerin' to them. If you want, I can cut out his tongue once we learned what we want from him. It'd be no trouble at all.".

That was the last drop the boy needed - he began sobbing and broke down completely - the boy who just few moments ago tried to intimidate Kate with strong talk, was now only a boy, crying because he was afraid. Urukubarr felt sick - he disliked this kind of "heroics". You either held your word or you were no man.

The Savaxen had long tradition of boasting - they would one-up each other with strange and silly boasts, but the men were tough - they wouldn't back off from fight, or their promise. He could value that - and that was one thing he learned from them.

Kate looked at Gerric, but he did not even look at the boy - only entered the secret passage. Urukubarr thought about locking the boy inside the back room.

Suddenly he heard Nazir's voice behind him. That half-elf had to climb down to cellar while they focused on the boy.

"No easy way onto the roof in this rain, but if I get some help we can pile furniture so I can reach the hole in the roof. There will still be a climb up onto the top of the cliff and in this rain that will be challenging. From the windows I didn't see where Mad Dog would be coming from. Ruark went back down the tunnel right? I should go take another look that way."


The main room was empty - everybody left. The backpacks were still there, as well as the loot. He dropped the balls into the loot pile and thought of his next move. He heard Gerric's voice from below, and he thought he could report to Kate - she wanted to interrogate the prisoner more. His acute hearing told him also that Urukubarr was down there.

He climbed down the ladder, approaching Kate. She was standing near to the boy, Urukubarr at her side. He did not see Gerric anywhere, but heard someone move inside the secret passage. His mind set on climbing to the roof - and he was ready to ask for their help moving furniture to reach the hole in the roof. As he closed in, with the intention to intimidate the boy a bit further, he saw that there was no need for that...

The boy was weakly sobbing, lying on the ground shivering.

He thought about going to the passage immediately - the situation was now quite unpleasant, but wanted to wait if Kate had any other ideas.

2016-04-01, 11:28 AM
Kate still felt no sympathy for the cowering boy. Such a wretch was lucky to be alive at all. Come to think of it, she was probably more likely to kill him than her mother would have been. Now there was a sobering thought. Nazir's arrival provided a welcome distraction from such things.

"Apparently Mad Dog usually enters via the passageway. He doesn't expect anyone to be within the inn itself.

As for the furniture, I'll give you a hand. I'm done with this boy, in more ways than one."

She really shouldn't have volunteered for that. Staying awake during first watch was already going to be difficult; Without making her tired body lift heavy objects first.

2016-04-01, 12:03 PM
Ruark knew that whoever had led their horses to the tunnel entrance would have them tied and secured in no time, there wouldn't be time for preparation, or sleep. He gestured for Gerric to go get the others by waving his swordarm at him in the direction of Kate who was presumably still interrogating Richan, and mouthing the words "Kate, others" as quietly as possible.That only took a second or two and regardless of Gerrics actions, Ruark took up position on the side of the tunnel, ready to ambush whoever came through the bear furs.

2016-04-01, 12:06 PM
Gerric squatted next to the boy, a scowl of barely contained rage covered his face as the child started blubbering. Grabbing the boy under the chin he forced him to look him in the eyes.

"Now listen, whelp. You wanted to be a hard man? A raider like me or Mad Dog? This is part of it." He shoved his other hand in front of Richan's eyes, showing the two joints of his fingers that were bitten off in his duel with Fulk the Hammerblessed, and turning so the kid could see the scars that lined his face and the ear that was cut off when Euric betrayed him. "When killin' is your life, one day you're goin' to be on the wrong end of a blade. If you aren't man enough to deal with that, you are never goin' to be anything but this worthless craven you are now. Be grateful it's just your tongue, if it was up to me, you'd be gutted already." Letting go of the boy Gerric stood up and walked off, muttering "****in' southerners."

As he walked into the grotto, Gerric tugged at the front of his shirt, hoping to get some cool air on his skin. It didn't help much, but he'd take any little bit, now that his blood was already hot from telling Richan off. He gave Ruark a nod as he drew near. Then he heard the horse.

Damn, he'd been hoping he'd have time to rig something on this entrance as well. No such luck.

Rushing toward somewhere that would keep him out of sight, he quickly scanned his surroundings trying to think of something that could give them the advantage.

Tactics check: [roll0] TN 6

Holy crap.

2016-04-02, 05:53 AM
Seeing that Gerric chose to asses the tactical advantages of the grotto Ruark instead found it prudent to get the others. He knew that Kate should still be interrogating Richan and made his way towards her, "Things are about to get real active down here" he said. He also noticed that by a miracle above all miracles, everyone else was also in the cellar. "I heard a horse, someone's coming. Hurry up, get in here with us."

He hustled back to join Gerric at the entrance of the tunnel to see if he had come up with any tactical brilliance. His sword was sharp, his companions were nearby and it was time to bring justice down on the Mad Dog.

2016-04-02, 08:16 AM
While Urukubarr was pleased with the successful intimidation of the pest, he was equally sickened by his lack of a spine. Such cowardice was greatly looked down upon, even in children among the Savaxen and Ahvori alike. He spat in the boy's direction in an attempt to get the bad taste out of his mouth. "Take him upstairs? Bind and silence him? He knows of signals for Mad Dog? Signals for safe or danger when he arrives?" But before any of Urukubarr's plans or questions could be addressed, Ruark appeared, "Things are about to get real active down here" he said, looking around. He seemed relieved that everyone was present, and Urukubarr would know why with his next statement, "I heard a horse, someone's coming. Hurry up, get in here with us."

Oh, the hunt called to him again! Before anything, the boy would have to be gagged or knocked unconscious so he doesn't interfere with their ambush. Urukubarr once learned from a old druid that being unconscious was bad for one's health, oh well. If he could not find a gag quickly, the boy would have a worse headache when he woke up.

Once that is over with, Urukubarr moves as quietly as he can to the other's position, ready to stage an ambush.

Roll for Battle, Strategy, Tactics, or Sneak??

2016-04-02, 12:55 PM
Kate looked up at Gerric in surprise. The enemy was here already? Damn. The preparations were far from complete. Ah well, they'd just have to make do with what they had. With sword and shield in hand, she followed Gerric down the tunnel.

2016-04-02, 03:06 PM
Gerric, the Demon of the Dragontooth Mountains

Gerric's mind raced with possibilities as he looked around him at the grotto. He decided to go peek once more outside - just to see a bit of the enemy.

A lightning flashed, showing him the whole valley. He noticed three men on horses, first one having a lantern, with several other men on foot behind them. They seemed tired, and walked slowly. Gerric counted five men on feet - two of them had lanterns. Another lightning showed him that one of the men on horses surely had a plate armour of some sorts - the reflection told him that. He did not want to loiter there since there was always a chance they will notice him and so he returned inside.

From tactical point the grotto wasn't their best choice, but it was feasible. They had some time - maybe a minute or two until the enemy arrived, if he went directly inside. There were some empty barrels which could be used as improvised cover for their archer, but other than that, no cover.

He thought about retreating to the inn cellar - the passage entrance was even more uncomfortable for the enemy to enter, since they had to climb through the wardrobe... and there were enough possible hiding places. The only question was, whether the enemy would find out they were here... and he was quite sure he wouldn't.

He stood next to the entrance with his back to the wall, listening for the enemy, with his axe ready to strike. Then he saw Ruark return - and with him all his companions.

In his mind, he saw the first enemy dead, struck by his axe or Urukubarr's blade. The half-orc would be the best choice for first attack - his strength itself would ensure a swift demise. He saw Ruark stand beside Urukubarr, to cover him in case the enemy countered his attack. Kate would in the same way cover him... the only free way for the enemy would be forward, to the pool... and that's where Nazir's arrows would kill them. He was hoping that the man with the plate armour falls to the pool - that sight would surely be entertaining. Maybe if the enemy runs inside and they have rope...

But no time for that. Nazir's place would be on the other side of pool, behind a barrel, peppering the enemy with arrows, keeping them at bay... for that he needed the bear pelt down, but only after their tactic was known to the enemy.

They needed light to fight, but Nazir did not need light to shoot - at least he told them so. The fire that Ruark stoked was again on the verge of dying, and Gerric's eyes were getting used to the darkness... and the men had lanterns, so that's another advantage. However, Ruark carried a torch - and that could be both boon and liability.

Gerric felt his lips split in a smile - this will be a good fight. And they will win. He gestured for the others to come near him as fast as possible.

Perception [roll0] - additional information to be provided in case of successes

As for the tactics roll - holy crap indeed.... :smallsmile:

Katherine Sendrick

So much for my rest, she thought. But then, as they moved down the passage, she noticed that the fatigue disappeared, replaced by the usual tenseness she felt before combat. She remembered her instructor of swordfighting, who used to tell her that it's normal to tense, but if you keep it up for too long, it may also prove to be fatal.

As she entered the grotto, she surveyed her surroundings. The campfire that the bandits set was slowly dying and it provided only little light. Luckily, Ruark's torch provided enough light for them to see.

Gerric was standing near the opening covered by bear pelt. He was signalling them to come closer. By the corner of her eye she noticed Nazir was preparing his bow - he had unstrung it when he thought the enemy was far...

So much for plans and preparations. Hopefully Gerric had some good news - he was smiling.

As she moved towards Gerric, eyes still on the opening, she adjusted the straps on her shield, checked her armour and drew her sword. She felt less tense now - and ready for battle.

Ruark, son of Ruark, son of Ruark

As Ruark entered the grotto, he saw Gerric at the entrance - prepared to strike. The fire he stoked up was slowly dying and provided only small light, but his torch was sufficient in providing light to the area.

He saw Gerric at the entrance. So they were in time and the bandits were not yet there. He whispered a quick prayer to Wodan - he felt as if the gods were watching them at this moment, giving them small advantage and felt he needed to prove his worth for this gift.

Ruark felt his heartbeat quicken. He was ready for a fight and did not care that the enemy came before they slept... he knew that he will sleep soundly after they defeat the Mad Dog, and if not, Wodan's halls would welcome his son. Death in battle was something every Savaxen wanted - dying in bed was for southerners.

He seized the handle of his sword and in his mind longed for Wodan's Icewrath, the legendary nordic sword that belonged to his ancient ancestors, whose blade could cut armour as warm knife carves butter. Any nordic sword would be acceptable at the moment, however, he felt that he needed to earn one. Maybe when this is over and the golden ring is sold, he can afford a proper weapon for Savaxen warrior...

But there was no time for daydreaming. He quickly, but silently approached Gerric, one eye kept on the entrance. No movement or sounds yet. Maybe they had still some time...

Urukubarr of Ahvori

Urukubarr felt his heartbeat quicken and he knew the hunt begun. He felt the spirits inside him ask for revenge - at this moment it was just whispering, but they would get louder before the dawn breaks...

The boy was bound already, and Kate had the gag - a simple piece of cloth - in her hands. Urukubarr pulled it gently out of her hands as she hurried off after Ruark and put it inside boy's mouth. He did not even struggle. Pathetic...

He sighed and then inhaled deeply - his lungs filled with air again and he knew that he had to be elsewhere.

When he entered the grotto for the first time, his eyes skipped from the pool with warm water - a sign of nature that they were favoured by it - to the empty barrels, to the bedrolls on the ground and finally to Gerric - he was standing near something that looked like an entrance - it was something like an arch covered by bear pelt, his axe in his hand. He gestured for them to come closer.

Urukubarr unsheathed his sword. Kate moved in front of him, adjusting her armour, and he saw Nazir attempt to string his bow. And his friend, Ruark, with sword and torch in his hands, stood already near Gerric. It was time to fight. He mumbled a short prayer to the First Father. This little grotto looked like a good spot for ambush. And they had a place to retreat to if everything fell apart...

He walked around the small campfire, which was already dying. The boy in the cellar was forgotten for the moment, as the inn, the merchant and everything. He focused only on one thought - the fight that will happen at this small grotto.

Strategy can't be really used for small-scale combats. It's for large engagements - movements of armies, logistics, etc.
Tactics could be used. Feel free to roll WIT/Tactics if you want.
Sneak - not necessary. They are not close enough to hear you yet.

Nazir of Silverleaf Forest

Nazir entered the grotto - and saw that it was getting darker, the campfire was already dying. Only Ruark's torch lighted the area. He already could see the auras of his companions in front of him.

He thought they were already engaged by the enemy, but it seemed that there was still time, so he immediately sheathed his sword and begun to string his bow, while surveying the area for something to hide behind. There were two empty barrels nearby...and a place where the ground was soft enough to provide a place to stick reserve arrows in...

Sorry for delay, map of the grotto will be posted tomorrow (no time today).
You have still few moments before the enemy enters. They at the moment don't know about you - Gerric is sure about it.
Assume 30-second rounds now until the combat starts. Write your plans and - if you know what to roll, feel free to roll it.
If you extinguish Ruark's torch, you'll fight in "dim" conditions, -1 to CP. If you keep it, everything will be lit sufficiently.

As for Nazir, I'll try to run him according to Cavir's wishes - Anyr can set any targets in case it's necessary ("shout" in IC).

I'll do a small OOC post today, but it's off to bed for me - I'm a bit ill, nothing serious, but still uncomfortable.

2016-04-02, 06:33 PM
Kate obeyed Gerric's instruction to come closer. He seemed to have a better grasp of the situation than her. She'd let him take the lead here. As she waited for the first enemy to arrive, her mind was at peace. There were no thorny moral questions to tackle here. She could cut down Mad Dog and his subordinates with a clean conscience; And a bloody blade.

2016-04-02, 09:46 PM
As Kate walked closer to him he flashed her one of his more wild grins. He felt it now, that blood rush, the pumping in his veins. The thirst to smash someone's teeth in. By Leitha and Abdallos he missed the feeling of just before one of his traps was sprung.

"Eight men," Gerric whispered. "Still takin' care of the horses, we have 'bout a minute, maybe a little longer. Five came walkin' they're tired, the three on horse will be the trouble, probably Mad Dog is one, one of 'em is wearin' a plate harness, don't know who the last one on horse was, probably one of the archers.

They're goin' to come through here. Way I figure, you and I stay on this side of the entrance, put Uruk and Ruark on the other, since they're used to fightin' together." He pointed at the barrels, "we move 'em together on the other side of the pool to give Nazir cover to shoot at 'em from. Two of the bastards are carryin' lanterns, meanin' they don't have their hands on their weapons, or at least not ready. We wait on this side of the bearskin, if the first person that enters is carryin' a lantern Uruk and I attack him. If he isn't we may be able to wait for the second and we can kill two of 'em before they know what is happenin'. But no matter how we do it, as soon as we deliver the first blow, we tear down that bearskin to give Nazir an openin' to shoot from. He can see 'em in the dark, but if we get rid of our lights they won't see us. He gets to attack anyone who tries to get in, and we will still be at position to attack anyone tryin' to enter.

If we're lucky we can get maybe 3 or 4 dead before they get their heads about them. Nazir can see what they're doin', if they split up, that means they're goin' to try and pin us by goin' through the front door, which they'll find locked up, might leave an openin' for us to attack half the remainder and outnumber them for once. If they don't split up," Gerric shrugged and somehow his grin grew even wilder. "If they don't split up we got ourselves a standoff. Things could get fun."

2016-04-02, 10:24 PM
Nazir thought for a second about his firing point. Directly across, cover, low light. All good for him. He drew his sword and laid it on top of one of the barrels for easy access. He then grabbed half his arrows and laid them on top of the other barrel, spread out for easy grabbing. Grabbing three more arrows from his quiver he holds two in his bow hand and nocks the third.

"The best we're getting it seems. it may be challenging for some but protect yourselves and let me create the openings for you. I'll need extra time to line up a shot against the heavy armor."

The halfling focuses on his listening for noises coming from beyond the hanging fur.

Peception [roll0] with +2 for Passion

2016-04-03, 12:31 AM
Ruark took his place at Urrukubarrs side and whispered his prayer, "Lo there do I see my father, Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers, Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning. They do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Wodan, where the brave may live forever."

This wasn't the best place for their fight, but it would do. Soon they would bloody their swords together for the first time properly!

2016-04-03, 09:02 AM
Urukubarr gave Ruark a nod when he took his position next to him. He'd heard the old prayer before, said by the men and women of Savaxen before a fight. He admitted to himself that he missed the war songs too. Urukubarr could still feel the symbol on his chest, reminding him of the debt to be paid. "Blood must answer blood..." he muttered to himself, as the beast within welled up in his chest. He would keep himself under control until proper moment to strike. He would be as the snake, and with his brother by his side, he could not fail.

Prepared to avenge the spirits of this house. Passion activated?

2016-04-03, 04:35 PM

Each one of them listened to the sounds coming from outside. At first nothing came - thirty seconds passed. Then another thirty seconds. They stopped counting, for a moment thinking if the men were just imagined or only a caravan passing by.

The storm did not rage outside anymore, but the rain masked any sounds. Was that a neigh of a horse? A stomp of a hoove? Or clanking of armour? Nobody was sure. They looked one at another - awaiting the enemy, their senses strained to the maximum.

For a moment they thought the enemy has avoided them - they almost expected enemy enter to sneak inside, to hear movement from the inn above, or even behind them. Or to wait behind the bear fur until they move, waiting for their mistake.

Behind them, the campfire crackled, dying, only few moments of light remaining, providing the only sound. They felt as if their breathing was as loud as roaring of storm hours moments ago, their every movement exactly as noisy as movement of army.

It was almost anti-climatic when they heard the voice.

"Welcome home, boys. Bolt - take care of horses. Orrik - cover our tracks, you have the first watch outside. You - boy, help him down from horse and inside.

The voice sounded raspy, spoke fast with the wind of authority - as if the person was used to giving orders. It also contained something else - like a naked blade, they heard barely-contained anger in the voice.

There was a short break, with sounds of movement. Then another voice responded - deep, with a whiff of pomp, slow - as if the response was calculated precisely.

"Commander... I wish to take care of my own steed. So I shall take the first watch - with your consent."

"Agreed, ser Gared. I will send one of those lazy bastards to relieve you as soon as I find them. Hope they are not sleeping - or we'll need to recruit more people.
And why are you lot standing around like this? Can't find your way? Follow him..."

The anger was less contained by the last sentence.

And then it came. The bear pelt moved - and they saw a smaller elderly man, with gray beard and hair, wielding a lantern in one hand, clad in a overcoat made of hides, pull aside the pelt. They saw movement and at least one more source of light behind him...

I rolled REF/Battle for each combatant in the rolling thread to see if any of you "froze" in the first round. Luckily, your characters are seasoned warriors, so everybody can react.

We are switching to combat rounds, so write down your actions for round 1, exchange 1.

Gerric removed the hatchet from his belt and put down the pouch he filled with nails - there were only two or three nails left. When he heard the first voice, he was sure it was the Mad Dog. That was a voice of bandit leader - and a good one. Few months ago, he would try to recruit him.

However, now he only gripped his axe stronger. It was time to kill - and time to see if his plan was a good one. The pelt moved.

The first voice had to be Mad Dog. But the second voice... cultured. She recognized the style of talking and even Mad Dog titled him "ser". That could mean only one thing - a knight.
And Gerric said one of the men was wearing armour...
...a fallen knight. The Nemethians called them "raubritters" - robber knights. They were the worst sort. And that voice of his... she shivered, unconsciously.
She took a deep breath, prepared for fight. Her arm gripped her sword handle, and she felt the weight of armour, distributed well around her body. It would protect her... and also him.
She readied herself. It was time - the pelt moved.

The bear pelt was too thick. He should have asked his companions to remove it - his fey sight could not pierce it. But as soon as he saw the light flicker behind it, he knew the first one was coming with a source of light, so he could aim true.

He had the arrow nocked, so he only drew the bow as soon as the skin started moving and as soon as it touched his cheek, he begun aiming at the entrance.

Behind the old man he saw someone with a halberd and two men - one burly and tall, supporting the other one. He had a clear shot on the old man, the others were covered by his wide cloak.

He had to decide - shoot or wait for the others to drop him?

1st round, 1st exchange. MP = proficiency dice.
As for Passion - it's not in play yet. The team is not under direct attack, so not yet.
As soon as the combat starts and you protect them from enemy - it activates.

Ruark's prayer finished, he felt ready to meet his enemy. He had his brother-in-arms at his side, awaited the first opponent. When he heard that they were outnumbered, he smiled - what more could a man ask from life?

He only wished the gods were looking at them - they need not help now, just watch as they test their mettle against worthy opponents, bloody their swords and maybe earn a place at their table...

As the battle joins, Urukubarr will be in danger - meaning, your passion activates.

In his mind he heard chanting of the spirits - they howled for blood now. He could also hear sound of drums - the drums of his people - and songs of the Savaxen. His blood boiled, his chest pulsated and he wanted to throw himself to action. When the pelt moved, he felt as if the spirits pulled him forward...

As the battle joins, Ruark will be in danger - meaning, your passion activates.
Thanks to the hunter's spirit I will offer one free reroll to everyone, except Urukubarr - his prize lies elsewhere.

2016-04-03, 07:40 PM
Kate restrained herself for the moment. According to Gerric, the first strike belonged to Urukubarr and himself. Her turn would come later.

2016-04-03, 09:57 PM
First one had a lantern, pity, trap will have to be done quickly then.

Raising his axe above his head he cuts downward toward the man's head as he comes into his sight. Hoping that Uruk strikes as well.

[roll0] TN 7, 8 damage, Major Gift Accuracy: I can move my Hit Location roll up or down 3. I will move it to wherever is most likely to get me a kill.

2016-04-03, 10:00 PM
Sorry other rolls and info
Hit Location: [roll0]
Doing a Cut to Zone V

2016-04-03, 10:46 PM
Nazir waited for the enemy to show themselves. As the voices came close he slowly started to stretch out the bow. Should have loosened the pelt to fall easily. Too late for that. The halfling began his breathing exercises- steady full breaths so that his coming shots would be clean. The question of which to kill first came to mind. It'd probably be a lackey up front, better to hit someone further back.

The pelt was pulled back and Nazir quickly analyzed the various targets. The old man in front was unarmed and an easy kill for the others. Halberd wielder behind him. Big guy holding up another behind the halberd. Yes, the big one. Drop him and his buddy falls too. He holds his shot until the way is clearer as a hunter waiting on his prey for the better shot.

Throwing white, waiting on second exchange.

2016-04-04, 03:52 AM
Ruark knew his job would be to watch the defense of Urrukubarr but it was difficult to resist the urge to attack the old man. After Gerric and Urrukubarr had swung their own weapons Ruark threw an attack of his own.

Ruark throws RED die and attacks.
Aggressive stance: +2 die
Passion: +3 die
Total attack die: 5 die +6 extra. Cut aimed at arms (+1). ATN cut 6, damage ST +1 (from sharpened blade)


With his large weapon raised high and muscled relaxed and ready he dropped his sword in a blur of deadly strength. His face was a menacing grin of orc teeth.

Urrukubarr throws RED die and attacks.
Aggressive stance: +2 die
Passion: +2 die
Total attack die: 9 die +4 extra, Cut aimed at Head. ATN cut 6, damage ST +2

2016-04-04, 01:30 PM

Urukubarr did not wait for anyone's signal - he saw the enemy, and even if it was an old man, he felt the call of the spirits.

He swung his mighty blade downwards from his shoulder - the old man's eyes noticed him in the last moment, before he could do anything.

Urukubarr's greatsword aimed well, but the old man moved a bit, as if by reflex - to back off from the terrible smiling half-orc - and thus he did not kill him. Nevertheless, the weapon hit his shoulder and managed to cut it cleanly - and his arm, searching for the hatchet on his belt, fell down on the limestone.

His scream of pain was muted immediately after - Gerric's axe entered his head with a terrible cracking sound and if that wasn't enough, Ruark's sword half-cut off and half-torn off his other hand at elbow.

The old man fell backwards to the tunnel, with his head cracked open and armless, his blood flooding the ground and painting the bear pelt red. Cleansing the place, in a sense.

Behind him, in tunnel, he saw movement. The first was a burly man in thick black cloak and some sort of armour underneath. He wore a helmet on his head, sported a wild-looking black beard, and held a large backpack in his left hand, and a polearm in his right, leaning against his arm. On his belt hung a large mace and he seemed to have a shield hung over his shoulder.

Behind him stood a tall, large and well-build boy of in simple peasant clothes, leaning on a quarterstaff, who seemed to assist another young man, wearing a heavy fur cloak - he seemed to be wounded. He saw also at least one other man and heard a gasp and the rasp of a drawn sword in the back.

It seemed they will have company soon - the man with black cloak shouted "It's an ambush!".

R1 E1
Urukubarr's vertical swing: [roll0] TN 6 = 4 successes
Damage: 9 + 2 + 4 net successes
Damage resistance: 4 TO
Hit zone: [roll1] = shoulder
Level 5 wound = cut off shoulder

Second exchange?


Gerric saw Urukubarr move - in one fluid movement his sword flew at the man. He launched his attack a quarter of second later - and noticed he was not alone. Ruark swung his blade at the old man's arm holding the lantern.

He did not hesitate and stepped forward to deliver a deadly blow with his axe - and he hit the man's head.

The old man did not stand any chances, attacked from each side - at first Urukubarr cut off his arm at shoulder before he could even draw the hatchet he wore behind his belt, then Ruark managed to tear off his arm at elbow with his cut. The old man could not even scream for help - Gerric's axe entered his skull with a sickening crack and spilled its contents around, painting the bear pelt in red. Gerric saw movement in the tunnel behind - and saw at least four men.

The first was a man in thick black cloak, underneath which shone an old and beaten scale mail. He wore a simple pot helmet on his head, which sported a wild-looking black beard, and held a large backpack in his left hand, and a halberd in his right, leaning against his arm. On his belt hung a large flanged mace and he seemed to have a shield hung over his shoulder.

Behind him stood a tall, large and well-build boy of maybe 17 winters in simple peasant clothes, leaning on a quarterstaff, who seemed to assist another young man, wearing a heavy fur cloak - he seemed to be either wounded or deadly tired. He saw also at least one other man and heard the rasp of a drawn sword in the back.

It seemed they will have company soon - the man with black cloak shouted "It's an ambush!".

R1 E1
Gerric's vertical swing: 5 successes
Damage: 8 + 5 net successes
Damage resistance: 4 TO
Hit zone: 2 - upper head

Second exchange?


Ruark's heart beat wildly as he joined the fray. He decided to ensure that the lantern did not show how many men were there in the room and swung his sword in nearly a vertical line - and he saw Urukubarr's blade swing towards the old man's head and Gerric's axe join it a heartbeat later.

It was a massacre. Urukubarr hit first, cleaving off the old man's arm at shoulder. His cut managed to sever his arm at elbow, and before the man could scream, Gerric's axe messily finished their work, when it cracked open his skull, killing him. He fell backwards to the tunnel - Ruark followed his fall and saw in the light of the lamp which was held by the cut off hand that there stood a man in thick black cloak, underneath which shone an old and beaten scale mail. He wore a simple pot helmet on his head, which sported a wild-looking black beard, and held a large backpack in his left hand, and a halberd in his right, leaning against his arm. On his belt hung a large flanged mace and he seemed to have a shield hung over his shoulder. The man radiated an aura of command.

Behind him stood a tall, large and well-build boy of maybe 17 winters in simple peasant clothes, with a surprised look on his face, leaning on a quarterstaff, who seemed to assist another young man, wearing a heavy fur cloak - he seemed to be either wounded or deadly tired. He saw also at least one other man and heard a sound that made his heart beat even faster - the rasp of a drawn sword in the back.

It seemed the silent attack was over - the man with black cloak shouted "It's an ambush!".

R1 E1
Aggressive stance: +2 die
Passion: +3 die Urukubarr is not in danger...yet.
Total attack die: 5 die +6 +3 extra. Cut aimed at arms (+1). ATN cut 6, damage ST +1 (from sharpened blade)
Ruark's cut to arms: [roll2] TN 6
Damage: 5 + 1 + net successes
Damage resistance: 4 TO
Hit zone: [roll3] = elbow
Level 5 wound = torn off at elbow

Second exchange?


Kate's discipline was tested when she saw that all three attacked - at first Urukubarr launched his cut - and it was a sight to behold, since his muscles allowed the greatsword the speed of lighter swords - and gracefully lopped the old man's arm off.

For a moment she hoped that he was not a slave - but then she reminded herself he was armed. However, there was no difference, she could not stop them now.

Ruark came short second with his cut - and managed to tear off the man's arm at elbow. The lantern fell to the ground - still held by his hand and undamaged.

Gerric finished the old man - his axe bore deep into his skull and he fell backwards.

She noticed movement in the tunnel and saw a man in thick black cloak, underneath which shone an old and beaten scale mail. He wore a simple pot helmet on his head, which sported a wild-looking black beard, and held a large backpack in his left hand, and a halberd in his right, leaning against his arm. On his belt hung a large flanged mace and he seemed to have a shield hung over his shoulder. The man radiated an aura of command - and she was sure his voice was the raspy one, the one that belonged to Mad Dog. She felt her anger rise. This man was the reason for all the evil here... he needed to die.

Behind him stood a tall, large and well-build boy of maybe 17 winters in simple peasant clothes, with a surprised look on his face, leaning on a quarterstaff, who seemed to assist another young man, wearing a heavy fur cloak - he seemed to be either wounded or deadly tired, since his face was pale - the type of pale you get by leeching or getting your belly punctured by a blade. She saw also at least one other man and heard a gasp and rasp of a drawn sword in the back - the man behind seemed to move forward.

Their plan worked until this point. And then the man with black cloak shouted "It's an ambush!". She was now sure...

Second exchange? I assumed you threw white dice and did no manuevers since nobody attacked.


Nazir did not focus on his companions, but the men behind, in the passage. He saw the old man fall down - one arm lopped off at shoulder by the lightning-fast strike from Urukubarr's greatsword, another one - the one he held the lantern with - chopped off by Ruark's sword.

But what killed the old man was Gerric's axe - aimed precisely at the center of his skull, it bore deep and provided merciful release.

Now it was his turn. He saw five auras in the tunnel behind - and could pinpoint only four due to the lantern's light.

He saw a man in thick black cloak, underneath which shone an old and beaten scale mail. He wore a simple pot helmet on his head, which sported a wild-looking black beard, and held a large backpack in his left hand, and a halberd in his right, leaning against his arm. On his belt hung a large flanged mace and he seemed to have a shield hung over his shoulder. The man radiated an aura of command.

Behind him stood a tall, large and well-build boy - a boy indeed, as he seemed very young - in simple peasant clothes, with a surprised look on his face, leaning on a quarterstaff, who seemed to assist another young man, wearing a heavy fur cloak - he seemed to be either wounded or deadly tired. Nazir's eyes noticed also a sword hung under the cloak.

He saw also at least two other men - the first one seemed to be drawing a sword and the other... there was another aura behind him, but it did not move at the moment...

Suddenly the man with black cloak shouted "It's an ambush!". He had a deep, raspy voice.

Nazir sighed. So much for silent ambush...

R1 E2: your action?[/QUOTE]

2016-04-04, 02:54 PM
Ruark and Urrukubarr stood side by side like they had done many times before, although rarely in a similar situation. They both waited for the enemy to make the next move now. Hopefully it would not be backwards.

Ruark and Urrukubarr both throw WHITE die and defend this exchange.

2016-04-04, 10:52 PM
Nazir had seen combat before but he was surprised at how devastatingly thorough the opening strikes were on the lead man. Nazir had been aiming just over the old man's head to hit the bigger targets behind him. Now that the old man had fallen the halfling was able to make out just how much armor the halberd wielder had on. The man's confidence labelled him a threat. Nazir lowered his aim a few inches down to target him. He needed to be extra accurate with all that armor else the arrow may barely penetrate, giving the target a chance to be a significant threat to the party.

The trap was sprung. No need for silence anymore. "Five still in there. Front man has scale and is well armed."

Nazir called out to the enemy, his fey accent embraced. "Drop your weapons and lay down. Any still standing face the wrath of the fey!"

White die.
Intimidation [roll0] (Both WP and SOC are 3 so it doesn't matter) TN8.
+2 for Bad Rep
+1 Conscience (giving them a chance to surrender)
Hopefully their lead man being slaughtered instantly helps their decision to lay down.

2016-04-05, 12:14 AM
Normally, Kate was a cautious fighter. She preferred to carefully feel out her opponents. Not this time, though. This time, fortune favoured the bold. Mad Dog was right in front of her. No minions stood between her and the enemy leader. What's more, his armaments were in disarray: Halberd unready, shield stowed behind him, and only a backpack in his off-hand. Now was the time to strike. Kate stepped forward, and swung with all the force she could muster. If she could slay this loathsome man before he had time to react, then his subordinates would (hopefully) be thrown into confusion.

Kate takes an aggressive stance, and throws RED. Since this is the second exchange, there seems no point in holding back any dice. So she'll spend all 13 of them on an Overhead cut.

2016-04-05, 02:31 AM
He felt his axe slice into the man's skull, it felt good to be fighting again. Like he was finally doing what he was always meant to be doing.

But that was only the first part of his plan. Stepping aside for Kate he pulled at the bearskin, and had his axe raised to cut it, if that proved necessary. Give Nazir the opening he needs, and they'll have the enemy in a bind. None of them had a shield raised, and the path was tight. They either rush forward to their death or run back having Nazir fire at them the whole time.

Tearing down the bearskin, using the axe to cut a tear if it's too strong.

I don't know what to roll for that.

2016-04-05, 08:31 AM

Gerric felt few drops of blood landed on his cheek - he wiped them with the back of his hand and then remembered Nazir's request. He tried to catch and pull down the fur, but it slipped out of his hands - the corner he grabbed was wet and slippery with old man's blood.

Angered by this inconvenience and hurrying to preserve what was left of his plan, he swung his axe one, two, three times and the pelt fell down to the ground, just in time for him to see Kate strike the man in the black cloak in the shoulder. But he also saw, that she was in a bad spot - she now stood against both the man she struck and the peasant boy.

He gritted his teeth - she stood in a narrow part of the tunnel...

But her enemy did too - and it seemed that both the boy with staff and the man with black cloak are not going to back down form the fight...

Round 2, exchange 1. Actions?
If you wish to join combat, roll initiative.


Kate focused all her senses on the man in front of her. She felt blood pulsing in her temples and her field of vision narrowed as she swung her sword, putting into it all the anger she had inside.

But he wasn't waiting for the blow to land - he threw the bag down, stepped back, ducking, tried to save his life by getting behind the boy who stood behind him.

But Kate was faster - her blade struck him in shoulder, when he tried to duck, and she saw him gnash his teeth from pain - her blade was able to find a chink in his armour and he dropped the halberd. He turned back, pushing the wounded boy away, his other hand on the mace which hung on his belt.

The fog of war lifted and she saw that now the situation was worse - she stood in a tunnel with both the Mad Dog and the peasant boy, both of whom looked like they are going on offensive. And behind them she saw three other men - and was sure that the farthest one of them was reloading a crossbow...

Kate's attack: [roll0] TN 6 = 7 successes (good roll!)
Mad dog's full evasion: [roll1] TN 4 = 3 successes
Mad dog's terrain roll (avoiding the boy behind him; if he fails, they both fall to the ground): [roll2] TN 7 ... he does not fall to the ground. Not yet.
Damage: 5 + 1 + 4 net successes
Damage resistance: 6 + AV 3
Hit location: (1d6)[1] shoulder
Level 1 wound to the shoulder, first blood drawn!

New round, new dice. Kate has the initiative against the mad dog if you choose to pursue him.
If not, roll initiative. I will throw a die for the peasant boy (he is just joining the combat).


Nazir focused on his breathing. Now that Kate stood in his way, he had to be extra careful - while her armour was thick, he believed that his arrows could maybe pierce it and that was something he feared.

He saw Kate swing her sword at his target, who did his best to avoid it and almost succeeded - if her strike was just a tad stronger and her aim a few inches up, the battle could have been over.

He knew she counted on him and did not expect to fail now - it was time to show them the anger of fey!

R2E1: Nazir gets AIM dice to his pool. Initiative?


Ruark saw Kate enter the passage and wished it were wide enough for two, because he longed to engage the enemy. Old man's life snuffed so quickly that it did not offer him to show his mastery of the sword.

But there was still time - he looked inside the tunnel and saw that at least two people were drawing their swords - the young man in fur cloak and the man behind him.

The peasant boy looked a bit baffled and Ruark could hear him repeat last words of Nazir's challenge "Fey...?" with fearful voice.

He also saw Kate strike the shoulder of the man she attacked - and saw that she was alone against two fighters now. The problem was she stood in the narrowest part of the tunnel and anyone who would join her would present a problem - the same as for the enemy, who stood crowded there...

Round 2, exchange 1. Actions?
If you wish to join combat, roll initiative.


Urukubarr knew that Kate was not supposed to enter the passage, but he saw the look in her eyes. The hunting spirits howling for vengeance must have entered her mind, because he was sure he saw in her expression pure hatred and vengeance written in her eyes.

Her armour also offered advantage in defence - and if she had to step back, they were ready to cover her...

Round 2, exchange 1. Actions?
If you wish to join combat, roll initiative.

2016-04-05, 10:17 AM
Nazir's fey sight showed him that Kate landed a solid hit on the halberd wielder but the armor absorbed most of the blow. The challenge now was that Kate blocked most of the figure from his vantage point, while she also faced off against their whole group. This had to be the perfect shot. Nazir aimed for the bandit's exposed face, breathed in, breathed out halfway, then released his arrow. Before the arrow reached his target, Nazir was already reaching for the next arrow without looking.

Red Die
Target former-Halberd guy
MP= 12 dice
Passion = +2 (This guy is the biggest threat to the party at this point)
Drive = +3 (Bandit covered in armor had one location uncovered, his face, and I'm aiming for it while he is in melee)
Oath = +0 (Quickest way to the kill, going for the face)
Use 2 pts of Luck
Range? Point blank is <15 for +1.

19-20 dice total
-3 for shooting into melee
-10 for Zone Accuracy (Head Shot Zone XIII)
Accuracy Gift for +-2 on Location (Face Shot)
6-7 dice to attack with
DR 7

Will use the Spirit's reroll if I miss.

EDIT: If Kate is backing away that might remove the -3 for shooting into melee. Still aiming for the face.

2016-04-05, 10:27 AM
Ruark was surprised that Kate was the one to rush forward, he was expecting her to be the more level headed person of the group. But he liked what he saw, the unbridled fury she was showing against these bandits would surely please the Gods if they were watching. He remained at his position however, hoping to let Nazir get a clean shot. He spent his time pulling the corpse of the old man out of the way, behind himself and Urrukubarr ensuring that Kate would have a clean path of retreat should she have to.


"Haha! CUT THEM DOWN!" Urrukubarr exclaimed as he saw Kate charge into the meat grinder the tunnel was sure to turn into. His eyes had gone wide and adrenaline was surging through his muscles. He also bent down and lent his prodigious strength to Ruark with pulling the old man's corpse out of the way and behind them.

2016-04-05, 04:03 PM
Kate would have dearly loved to take a second swing at Mad Dog. The blow she'd dealt him was far less than he deserved. However, her common sense managed to win against her anger. Even a complete novice could see that staying here would be foolish. So reluctantly, Kate withdrew to the relative safety of the grotto. No doubt there'd be other opportunities, soon enough.

Kate throws WHITE. If possible, she'll get back behind cover now.

2016-04-06, 11:04 AM
Dammit Kate, take a few steps back. Gerric thought as he noticed there was no way he could get in to help her. Thinking quickly, Gerric grabbed the bear hide he had just torn down and tossed it over Kate's head toward the boy with the staff.

As soon as the skin was thrown he stepped back and readied his axe. As soon as anyone that wasn't Kate walked in his range he would kill them, like he had with the first man.

Toss at the peasant boy.

2016-04-06, 04:36 PM

Gerric heard an arrow whiz through the air and heard someone begin to shout "At...".

But he was focused on the peasant boy, who attacked Kate. His throw was successful - the bear pelt hit the boy in face, and while he continued with his attack, it was much more difficult for him to hit Kate with the bloodied piece of fur in his eyes. If he had time for it, he would laugh at it.

He also saw Kate artfully dodge the swing and step back to join their ranks - and for that moment he had to admire her discipline - he would have fought until the bitter end.

As he readied his axe to help Kate dispatch the man in black cloak, he saw him fall back, with an arrow with pheasant feathers sticking out of his eye. Two down, six to go he thought. Another voice sounded in the passage - a young voice, barely deep enough to be called man's voice. "He shot Mad dog! He's dead!" There came a quick reply - a cold voice with familiar accent replied from the depth of the passage "Press on! Kill the archer!"

He prepared to receive another enemy - and saw a man emerge from the tunnel and he felt the hair on his neck stand up. He recognized him from his past life - the scarrification on his face and the accent told him that he was a Goligai slaver - and it seemed that the man recognized Gerric too, as he stopped for a moment, but then raised his sword.

His voice was cold and his eyes shone with hatred. "Gerric the Traitor. I know someone who will pay for your head..."

Behind him he saw the wounded boy emerge from the tunnel - it seemed he was going to attack Urukubarr... and the peasant boy, resolved to follow Kate...

R3E1 - Goligai slaver has defensive stance. Peasant boy charged Kate.
New round, new dice. Your initiative?


Nazir's eyes aligned with the arrowhead and his target. He held his breath and released the bowstring with move he practiced thousand times. He watched his target - the man's face and time seemed to slow down for him as the arrow flew through the air, missing the bear pelt that flew through the air, missing Kate who moved back from the boy's slow attack, but hitting the man directly ito his right eye - just as he started to shout "At...".

It was a precise hit and he could be proud of it... but then he noticed that the man still stood, arrow sticking from his eye, blood flowing from the wound as if a reddish flower blossomed on his face.

Only after a moment he started falling backwards, to the ground.

He then heard another voice come from the passage - a young voice, barely deep enough to be called man's voice. "He shot Mad dog! He's dead!" There came a quick reply - a cold voice with strange accent replied from the depth of the passage "Press on! Kill the archer!" - and a man emerged from the tunnel, with ugly scars on his face - and it seemed that the man recognized Gerric, as he stopped for a moment, but then raised his sword.

His voice was cold and full of hatred. "Gerric the Traitor. I know someone who will pay for your head..."

The peasant boy also left the passage, following Kate, his staff readied for a swing, and on the other side the wounded boy stood in front of Urukubarr, weakly raising his sword...

Rolled in roll thread: 5 successes
No defence (he doesn't know he's being shot at) = 5 net successes
Hit zone: rolled 8, moved to 2 - head
Hit location: 3 - face
Damage: 7 + 5 net successes
Damage resistance: 6 TO (no armour)
Level 5 wound to the face: death

R3E1: New round. Actions?


Kate saw the bear pelt fly over her head as she easily dodged out of way of the boy's slow swing - and then saw that someone threw the bloodied pelt to boy's face.

Mad dog began to shout "At..." but heard an arrow whiz through the air and his voice was cut off. She turned around and saw him fall back, with an arrow with pheasant feathers sticking out of his eye. She stepped back to her original position and heard another voice come from the passage - a young voice, a boy's voice. "He shot Mad dog! He's dead!" It sounded a bit desperate. There came a quick reply - a cold voice with accent similar to Gerric's and yet different - "Press on! Kill the archer!"

She readied herself - raised again her shield and sword - and saw a man emerge from the tunnel, with scarred face, wearing a traveller's cloak and leather vest underneath. But she was more interested in the piece of metal in his hands - it was a sword used usually by the northerners. It seemed that the man recognized Gerric too, as he stopped for a moment, but then raised his sword.

His voice was cold and his eyes shone with hatred. "Gerric the Traitor. I know someone who will pay for your head..."

Behind him the peasant boy emerged from the tunnel, following her, his staff raised to attack. To the other side came the wounded one, barely holding his sword. He looked strange, standing in front of Urukubarr and Ruark...

Boy lost 2 dice from the pelt-to-face attack.
Boy's diagonal swing: [roll0] TN7
Kate's full evasion: [roll1] TN4

R3E1, new round, new dice.
Gerric's opponent assumed a defensive stance.
Peasant boy charges her.


As he was pulling the old man's armless body behind them, Urukubarr mumbled a short prayer to the hunter. The hunt seemed to be coming well and until now they spilled only enemy's blood. His keen hearing caught the whizz of an arrow and he stood up to see the man in black cloak fall down with an arrow with pheasant feathers sticking from his eye.

There was a commotion inside the passage. A young voice sounded from the passage: "He shot Mad dog! He's dead!" There came a quick reply - a cold voice replied from the depth of the passage "Press on! Kill the archer!" - and the enemies came pouring out of the entrance.

First one was clad in dirty cloak, with a leather vest underneath and a savaxen sword. But the man was no savaxen if he could spot one. The man turned to Gerric and said something to him, something about a price on his head.

Second one was the peasant boy, who was resolved to kill Kate - obviously. He followed her, the staff ready to strike her. But she seemed to expect the attack and Urukubarr would have been amused if this wasn't a fight to the death.

The third one turned to Urukubarr. It was a boy - maybe 17 winters passed in his life - and he was wounded. He barely held his sword and moved with the cautious movements of someone who feels quite a pain.

R3E1: Initiative?
Boy has a neutral stance.


An arrow whizzed through the air and he saw Gerric throw the bear pelt to the passage - unfortunately he could not see if the pelt hit, but he was sure the arrow did - and did well, considering it downed the burly man with just one hit - a great hit, right through the left eye. He tried to shout some orders, but the arrow sticking from his eye stopped him. In his mind he cheered for Nazir, but he saved his breath. A young voice, barely deep enough to be called man's voice, sounded from the passage: "He shot Mad dog! He's dead!" There came a quick reply - a cold voice with strange accent replied from the depth of the passage "Press on! Kill the archer!" - and the enemies came pouring out of the passage.

First one was clad in traveller's cloak, with a leather vest underneath and - he for a moment thought he did not see well, but it was indeed a savaxen sword. But the man was no savaxen, what could mean only two things - either he stole it or bought it. He couldn't have earned it.

He turned to Gerric and said something to him, but Ruark did not hear him - he did not listen.

Second one was the peasant boy, who was resolved to kill Kate - obviously. He followed her, the staff ready to strike her. But she seemed to expect the attack.

The third one turned to Urukubarr. It was a boy - maybe 17 winters passed in his life - and he was wounded. Barely held his sword.

Round 3, exchange 1: initiative?
The boy has a neutral stance.

2016-04-06, 05:17 PM
Kate probably shouldn't have taken such pleasure in the sight of Mad Dog's death. Such sentiments weren't very knightly. Nonetheless, she silently cheered Nazir for his excellent shot. She'd be sure to thank him, once all this was over. Now that the object of her enmity was dead, her customary caution returned. She faced down the charging peasant with a far calmer stance than before. She'd let his own recklessness defeat him.

Kate throws WHITE.

2016-04-06, 05:36 PM
Gerric smiled at the slaver. "You know who I am. You should be runnin' by now." He looked at the man with the superior disdain he had carried himself with on his countless raids. But inside he was on fire. Is that what my people think of me? Is that what lies Euric has spread? Will I be remembered in the halls of my forefathers as an oathbreaker?

No. Distraction. Pointless. There was the fight, only the fight.

The Goligai was focused on me. He'd be open to be attacked from the back by Ruark and Uruk. But the boy was attacking Kate. He would need to be dealt with.

Axe Zone V[roll0] TN 7
Damage: 8
Hit location: [roll1] Accuracy to move it closer to fatal.

2016-04-06, 06:18 PM
The poor bastards didn't know they had just entered a kill box where they'd be attacked from all sides. This would be a shorter affair than Ruark had feared. He waited for Urukubarr to perform his maneuver as they had practiced before but never had the chance to try out in a real fight. Then he leapt forward with an attack of his own, cutting at the boys arms. He swung his sword a second time aimed at the man attacking Gerric.

Initiative: Red
Stance: Aggressive
Attack: Cut aimed at arms. 9 die invested +1 for arms, +2 from stance. ATN 6. Damage ST (5) +1 for sharpened sword.
Attack: Cut aimed at arms. 2 die invested +1 for arms, +2 from stance. ATN 6. Damage ST (5) +1 for sharpened sword. I'll use the Reroll on this attack.

I don't know if this counts as danger for Urukubarr so I'll just list the dice I invest myself and then if you could be helpful and add whatever SAs activate for this attack? Possibly hubris for multiple attacks, most likely just passion?


In the dim light of the grotto it was difficult to make out details, but Urrukubarr's shiny white teeth were clearly visible as he bared them like a wild animal. He lunged forward to attack the young boy but stopped short in a feint.

Initiative: RED
Stance: Aggressive
Attack: Stop Short maneuver with 3 dice invested. WP for Urukubarr is 6.

2016-04-07, 12:35 AM
The arrow flew and hit perfectly. One shot one kill, and apparently it was Mad Dog himself while trying to hide behind one of his men!

"My Fey-blessed arrow went right through Mad Dog's eye. I don't see anyone laying down on their own. Last chance, my next eye plucker is coming right up!"

Nazir suffered from the bad rep of being half-fey, so why not make best use of it?

He nocks an arrow from the top of the barrel while his eyes are focused down the tunnel, looking for any signs of some kind of bowmen.

One round to nock an arrow. Proficiency (5) in MP next round. Perception to see who/what is down the tunnel and looking for signs of a bow or crossbow.
[roll0] +2 for Passion- we are all vulnerable to a bow down there. Hopefully it is a crossbow that takes forever to wind up.
Intimidate [roll1] +2 for Bad Rep, +2 for Passion: Getting any to give up the fight makes things safer for the group.

We have the numbers advantage in melee right now. My priority at this point is any bowmen.

2016-04-07, 03:04 AM

The boy swung his staff in a wide circle, diagonally from his right shoulder, but while the strike seemed quite powerful, it was still predictable, and he left his other side completely open.

Diagonal swing for 9 dice. Kate's defence?


The Goligai watched his every move with his burning eyes. He seemed to anticipate his movement as he moved in to counter his attack with the savaxen blade - he caught the axe with his blade, deflected it aside and using its momentum swung his sword upwards, aiming at the opening at Gerric's lower left side - at his thighs.

Behind them he saw Ruark and Urukubarr bait-and-switch the boy, but had no time to enjoy the fine show. He only noticed further enemies enter through the passage - someone who looked like a city cutpurse and a fat man clad in plate armour, who turned to Ruark and shouted with a pompously-sounding voice. "Face me in a single combat, you cowards and die!". After he announced his presence, he stepped towards Ruark and Uruk.

WHITE die!
PER/Body language: [roll0] TN 7, activation cost 2 = 1 success, adds first die
Counter for 7 dice + dice from successes of body language roll:
Goligai's counter: [roll1] TN 6 = 4 successes + 1 from bonus roll for body language
(additional roll for bonus dice - if they apply [roll2]
In case of success: roll for next attack: [roll3] = slash at upper legs

R3E2: Goligai has initiative
Attacks with a slash to upper legs for 5 dice (3 remaining, 2 from counter - Gerric's successes)
Gerric's defence?

Urukubarr and Ruark

They have been in this situation few times - and they both knew how to deal with their opponent - it was the way the northern wolves hunt - one baits the deer, the second goes for its neck.

Urukubarr lunged forward, feinting an attack - the boy raised his saber to defend and stepped back, intimidated by the sudden movement, but the attack did not came from Urukubarr. It was Ruark who, as the second wolf, swung his weapon with the intention of hitting the boy while he expected the attack to come from the other side - which cost him the split-second he needed to parry properly. He moved his blade in an attempt to catch Ruark's blade.

He succeeded - but was too weak to deflect the blade properly and Ruark's sword hit the basket of the saber and boy's hand with a loud clanging sound. Boy's saber fell to the ground, and he grasped the bleeding stub that used to be his hand - Ruark managed to cut it neatly off, using the handle of saber as cutting block. The boy went pale and held his consciousness only with the power of his will - but stumbled backwards, kneeling down - he was out of combat for that moment, as pain surged through his body.

And then he saw more men emerge from the tunnel - one of them was thin, clad in worn balandre with a hood over his head. He held a short sword in his right hand and a broad dagger in his left and looked nervously around. He seemed to be quite unhappy to leave the safety of the tunnel - and Ruark understood why he left it.

Behind him strode a obese man clad in shiny, but battered plate armour with an open bascinet, an arming sword in his hand and heather shield in the other. His face was full of warts and scarred with acne, but he skilfully surveyed the battlefield with his small eyes and when he saw the boy faced two combatants, his voice thundered. "Face me in a single combat, you cowards and die!" and he stepped forward to meet Ruark, his sword raised to perform a knightly salute to his opponent.

Urukubarr's stop short (WIL/opponent's PER): [roll4] TN 5 = 4 successes
Boy's resist roll: [roll5] TN 10 = 2 successes

Boy loses 2 dice

Ruark's cut at arms: [roll6] TN 6 = 6 successes
Boy's weak parry for 5 3 dice was rolled in rolling thread = 1 success
Damage: 6 + 5 net successes
Damage resistance: TO 4 + AV 2 from hilt
Damage level: 5
Hit zone: [roll7] = hand

The ironclad man is the "Ser" who talked to Mad Dog sooner. He'll meet Ruark at the start of the next round.

Now, R3E2: second exchange, Urukubarr and Ruark have initiative: actions?


Nazir grabbed the first arrow from the barrel, not even looking at it. In his mind he rejoiced - maybe now the bandits will lie down their arms when their leader is dead! And if not, more target practice for him.

As he was nocking it, he watched the battlefield - Gerric's opponent managed to block his cut and was threatening him with a counter from below, and Ruark and Uruk managed to assist each other - and the boy was on his knees, unable to continue fighting. Then he noticed two men enter - and movement behind them. The first man to enter was thin, looked physically weak, but moved with a grace and he gripped with his long fingers a short sword and broad dagger. He was clad in old and worn balandre with a hood over his head - and he seemed to be pushed out of the tunnel by the second man.

This one seemed to be worse news. It was an obese man clad in shiny, but battered plate armour with an open bascinet, an arming sword in his hand and heather shield in the other. His face was full of warts and scarred with acne, but he skilfully surveyed the battlefield with his small eyes and when he saw the boy faced two combatants, his voice thundered. "Face me in a single combat, you cowards and die!" and he stepped forward to meet Ruark, his sword raised to perform a knightly salute to his opponent.

But what caught Nazir's attention was the movement behind. Another man - tall and lanky, was nocking a bolt on a crossbow, and seemed to be finished with it. Nazir couldn't see if the crossbow was already drawn and ready to shoot, but the bolt was at its place as he drawn bowstring and the pheasant feathers touched his cheek.

Spent 1 full round nocking and drawing. Initiative for round 4?

2016-04-07, 03:19 AM
Kate would need to commit a lot of focus to counter such a blow. But if she could time it just right, the boy's own momentum would turn against him.

Kate Counters with 8 dice (spending an additional 3 for the activation cost)

2016-04-07, 03:27 AM

Kate turned the sword downwards, and let it drop few inches down to invite the attack - and when the boy swung the staff, she raised her sword, engaged the haft of the staff and displaced it to the side, gaining enough momentum for a quick thrust as a riposte.

Peasantboy's diagonal swing: [roll0] TN 7 = 5 successes
Kate's counter: [roll1] TN 6 = 4 successes (spirit reroll gave her 3 additional successes)
If Kate succeeds, roll for counter: [roll2] if not, roll for hit location: [roll3]

I calculated the damage if he hit - the hit location being lower head - face - it would hurt a lot, stun her for next round and maybe even KO her completely. So I assumed she uses the spirit reroll (rolled in rolling thread).

Kate's counter-attack: thrust to body
Select whether it will be chest or belly, Kate gains initiative and 5 additional dice for the attack.

R3E2: Kate's actions?

2016-04-07, 04:17 AM
The flow of battle could play strange tricks on your senses. For a moment there, Kate had been certain that her counter would fail. But as quickly as the thought arrived, it was replaced by a sense of confidence. Of course she hadn't missed the timing. Her sword would easily deflect the incoming attack, and then stab at the peasant's chest. Why had she ever thought otherwise? Odd.

Kate uses her newly acquired five dice to thrust at the peasant's chest.

2016-04-07, 05:22 AM

Kate felt her blade pierce the chest of the boy - the tip scraped across bone a bit and the boy screamed of pain, stepping back holding the wound with his hand and trying to stop the bleeding.

She knew that it was not a fatal wound - and once the shock from being wounded subsided, he would be able to come after her. By the corner of her eye she noticed that Gerric's opponent parried his blow and answered with a low cut, saw Ruark and Urukubarr's opponent kneeling before them - but what made her worry were the two men who entered the grotto via the passage.

The attire of the first one reminded her of cutpurses from the markets at her home country. He was armed with a short sword and broad dagger - and while he was thin and looked almost unwilling to engage in fight, she saw his movements - he moved fluidly and his eyes quickly surveyed the room. The other one was a fat man clad in plate armour - obviously the one who was addressed by Mad Dog as "ser" - she saw an old crest almost scratched off from he shield. He turned to Ruark and shouted with a pompously-sounding voice. "Face me in a single combat, you cowards and die!".

Kate's thrust to chest: [roll0] TN 7 = 3 successes
No defence = 3 net successes
Hit location (if applicable): [roll1] = chest
Damage = 5 + 3 from net successes
Resist = 6 TO
Level 2 chest puncture wound

R4E1: Kate has initiative - your actions?

2016-04-07, 06:01 AM
New enemies. Kate needed to finish this one quickly, so that she could reinforce her comrades.

Kate swings diagonally with 8 dice.

2016-04-07, 09:18 AM
Ruark felt the ground with his feet and found a steady stance, "Come then" he said to the knight as a grin spread across his face. He would stand here and face the heavily armored knight. A kind of opponent he had never fought before, it would be a worthy challenge but a deadly one.

Initiative: White Die.
Stance: Defensive.


It was difficult for Urukkubarr to hold the line with Ruark, his nature wanted him to attack, to slash and hack and destroy these bandits for what they had done to travelers in this place. He found peace in the fact that as soon as the two newcomers closed the distance he would become a vengeful spirit, his druidic nature would guide his sword to strike true.

Initiative: White Die.
Stance: Defensive.

2016-04-07, 11:35 AM
Gerric's lips curled back into a snarl as his axe was deflected by his fellow northman. Kate would have to be deal with the boy herself. Euric's catspaw would be his to kill. The man's swung his blade low, and Gerric maneuvered his shield to meet it.

Block 7 dice: [roll0] TN 6

2016-04-07, 01:55 PM

Kate continued to attack the staff-wielding peasant - she saw him sweating, as he tried to parry the blow. He had fear written in his face. But this was more than self-preservation. Her companions were in danger - and if Gerric's count was right, there was still one man somewhere outside.

Kate heard a cracking sound as her blade struck the peasant's head. His eyes turned up, and he let the staff fall down to the ground and grasped his head - blood was running from the deep gash on his head - and fell to his knees and down to the ground, still grasping his head as if he wanted to hold his brains inside.

Kate looked around quickly - Gerric successfully blocked the blow below his waist and was prepared to riposte - and Ruark was waiting to receive the knight's first attack. Urukubarr and the boy were watching each other, waiting for first one to move. She looked at Nazir - and he was aiming at the passage.

The situation looked better than at the start, but it was still not over.

Kate's diagonal swing: [roll0] TN 6 = 4 successes
Boy's parry: [rollv]3d10[rollv] TN 6
Hit location (if applicable): [rollv]1d6[rollv]
Messed up the rolls, copied from rolling thread:
Boy's parry: (3d10)[1][6][4](11) TN 6 = 1 success
Hit location (if applicable): (1d6)[6](6) = upper head
Damage = 6 + 3 from net successes
Resist = 6 TO
Level 3 cut to upper head

R4 E1 - Kate has initiative against the peasant. If you want to cross the battlefield, it will require terrain roll. Assisting Gerric is for free - you are close to him at the moment. Your actions?

Ruark left the boy alone - he was bleeding and missing half hand - he was no danger. But the knight was a different story.

As he approached him he closed his helmet - it gave him more protection, but Ruark saw also an advantage. His sight would not help him so much and his hearing would be also distorted. He heard his heavy breathing through the helmet and knew that he was more mobile, more agile and less tired than the fat man.

He smiled, knowing the fat man will be slowed down by his own protection.

When the fat man got into distance, he quickly stepped in, surprising him with his speed - he must have gotten used to the armour in the years, Ruark reflected - and swinging his sword, in attempt to beat aside Ruark's shield.

RED! Beat for 7 dice!


Urukubarr watched the fearful man - he was thin, but held the short sword and dagger firmly, prepared to fend off any Urukubarr's attack. Urukubarr stepped aside, the thin man did the same - like a mirror image.

They danced this dance for few seconds - watching each other, eyeing the other's movements, looking for advantage.

Round 5, new dice, new round. Initiative?
The thin man has defensive stance.


"Dirty wretch!" the man shouted as he swung his blade - but to no avail, Gerric's shield softened the blow and the sword slid to the side.

Gerric was ready to pay the favour back to the stranger... with his axe...

Goligai's counter to upper legs [rollv]5d10[rollv] TN 6
Gerric's block: 4 successes
Hit location (if applicable): [rollv]1d6[rollv]

Copy from rolling thread:
Goligai's counter to upper legs (5d10)[2][9][9][7][2](29) TN 6
Gerric's block: 4 successes
Hit location (if applicable): (1d6)[3](3)

New round, new dice. Gerric has initiative.
R4E1: State your action.

2016-04-07, 03:16 PM
Putting his weight and strength behind his shield Ruark hoped to stop the man's attack short. He planted his feet firmly and pushed against the attack, holding onto his shield for dear life.

Ruark takes a Defensive Stance and defends with a Block Open and Strike for 9 dice, +2 for stance, activation cost 2.
His CP is then at 11/14


Finally the small man had come close enough to die! Urukkubarr grinned widely and attacked though he couldn't shake the feeling he was being baited by this seemingly fearful opponent.

Initiative: RED
Urukkubarr takes a Neutral stance.
Attack: Cut at arms for 4 die, +1 for Arms.

2016-04-07, 06:33 PM
Kate left the peasant behind. He was already out of the fight. Taking a few steps across the indoor battlefield, she moved to reinforce one of her comrades. Gerric's opponent would soon find himself flanked by an armoured figure. Kate actually felt a little awkward intruding on this duel. These two clearly had some personal grudge to settle. But the sooner they were done with it, the sooner she and Gerric could go and help the others.

"Mind if I join you?"

Kate throws RED, and cuts at the enemy's arms with 5 dice (plus one from the location)

2016-04-07, 09:50 PM
Nazir saw the crossbowman down the tunnel and knew he was the only one that could deal with that threat. "Crossbowman down the tunnel. Cover yourselves while I take care of him."

There wasn't time for lining up the perfect spot. The target could change the tide of the battle so he had to hit. Nazir quick aims and fires at the enemy bowman.

Red Die
MP = 5
+5 from SAs

Accuracy Gift: 1 for Zone, 1 for location
Targets: Head (face), then torso (XII-ribs / XI-Lower Ab / X-Groin), then upper leg (hip/knee)

If desperate, I still have 2 Luck unspent for dodging.

2016-04-07, 11:45 PM
Gerric blocked the man's attack with a swift ease. The man was baiting him to talk, to distract himself. But it was the insults of a desperate man, and very likely, a dead man.

He swung his axe down towards the swordsman's arm.

[roll0] TN 7
8 damage +damage to shock
[roll1] move up or down 3, move to either Hand or Upper Arm and Shoulder depending on which it can actually get to.

Well balls. Come to my rescue Kate.

2016-04-08, 12:17 PM

Knight's sword struck Ruark's shield, and he felt the power of the blow, but his will and his muscles were stronger than knight's determination - and he pushed his sword away, gaining enough momentum to strike back at him...

Knight's beat [roll0] TN 6 = 2 successes
Ruark's block open [roll1] TN 6 = 4 successes

Ruark adds 2 successes to his next attack.

R4 E2 - Ruark has initiative. Your attack?


The thin man moved with the speed of a snake, ducking to avoid the blade and then forward - he ducked under the sword, but his left feet slipped on the blood and he wasn't able to move into his optimal attack angle.

As he stood up, Urukubarr was ready to strike again...

Initiative: white, neutral stance
Duck & weave for 7 dice
Urukubarr's cut at arms: [roll2] TN 6 = 0 successes
Boy's duck&weave: [roll3] TN 9 = 0 successes
Hit location: [roll4]

R5 E2: Urukubarr has initiative. Attack?

Gerric and Kate

The slaver focused his eyes on Gerric and so did not notice Kate until she spoke and swung her weapon. He attempted to parry Gerric's axe, already setting-up his next attack, but Kate's blade struck first and hit his shoulder. He recoiled from pain and his counter lost much of it's precision - and that proved sufficient for Gerric.

His axe crushed slaver's forearm and they could hear bones cracking - his forearm showed a deep gash, where the white of the bones shined among the flowing blood.

Slaver howled, his voice full of pain "Dirty dogs!" and dropped his sword to the ground.

The slaver uses 2 CP to roll body language and counters for 8 dice + whatever comes up from the body language roll.

Goligai's PER/body language [roll5] TN 7 = 1 success
Additional dice roll for counter:[roll6] TN 6 = no additional successes

Gerric's swing at arms:(9d10)[9][5][5][4][6][3][4][6][2](44) TN 7 = 1 success
Gerric's spirit reroll: (8d10)[2][7][1][10][10][8][1][5](44) = 4 successes

Kate's cut at arms: [roll7] TN 6 = 1 success
Goligai's counter: [roll8] TN 6 = 3 successes reduced to 1 success due to Kate's successful attack.

Kate's reflex: [roll9] TN 6 = 2 successes
Gerric's reflex: [roll10] TN 7 = 1 success

Kate's hit location: [roll11] = shoulder
Damage: 6 + 1 net success
Resist: 5 TO
Level 2 wound to the shoulder

Gerric's hit location:[roll12]
Damage: 8 + 4
Resist: 5 TO
Level 5 wound to the forearm

....waiting for Dienekes's reroll..... :smallsmile:
R4 E2 - your actions?


His breath slowed down again and he felt the feathers glued to arrowshaft tickle his cheek. He did not have time to line-up a perfect shot, or to enjoy the calm feeling when he aimed at target. He had to shoot fast and deadly.

He released the bowstring and the arrow flew through the air...

...and while he was sure it must have hit, no sound came from the passage, only more movement.

Crossbowman defends with REF/9
Nazir's shot: [roll13] TN 7 = 2 successes
Crossbowman's dodge: [roll14] TN 9 = 1 success
Hit zone: [roll15] = upper legs
Hit location:[roll16] = thigh

Damage: 7 + 1
Resist: TO 6
Lvl 2 puncture wound at thigh

Accuracy Gift: 1 for Zone, 1 for location
Targets: Head (face), then torso (XII-ribs / XI-Lower Ab / X-Groin), then upper leg (hip/knee)

2016-04-08, 02:48 PM
"You are fat and slow old man, you'll die here in that box of iron you call armor!" Ruark pushed the knight's sword aside and cut at the arms that held his weapon, if he could break a few fingers he hoped the knight would have to yield. He threw a glance at Kate and Gerric and knew that soon they would come and ruin his fun! He would have to end this fight before the others claimed his glory!

Attack: Cut at arms, 5 die invested, +1 for arms, -2 activation cost for defensive stance +2 for previous successes. (total 6 die on the attack)


"Stand still and die!" he shouted at the little worm who squirmed before him. He swung his sword again, quick as lightning and just as deadly.

Attack: Cut at arms, 6 die invested +1 for arms. Total of 7 die on the attack.

2016-04-08, 09:47 PM
The enemy was as good as dead. The remaining seconds of this fight were mere formalities. Kate's sword swung once again, like an executioner's blade.

Kate spends her remaining 6 dice on a diagonal cut.

2016-04-08, 10:51 PM
"I warned you, you shoulda run.," Gerric smiled as the man grabbed at his mangled arm. He'd be in no condition to fight, Kate can deal with him, if she wasn't feeling merciful she'll be done in a second anyway. Gerric turned back to look at the others. The steel clad bastard was likely the biggest threat.

Raising his axe, Gerric charged at the knight while he was facing Ruark.

6 die, +2 for charging, for a total of 8, swing toward IV.
8 damage, 1 armor penetration
Major Accuracy (can modify 3 points away from accuracy roll, will make it go to Upper Head, if that is not possible to Neck, which I should be able to do with any roll.

2016-04-10, 11:52 AM

Knight awaited Ruark's attack with his sword pointing to the ground, looking like he had no power to lift it. Ruark swung his blade downwards...

...and the knight swungs his sword upwards, in last moment, attempting to meet Ruark's arms. Ruark's blade screeched on the knight's pauldrons - but he did not manage to find an opening. And then he felt sharp pain in his shoulder - nothing that he couldn't handle, but he knew knight's attack struck true and has drawn first blood.

The eyes behind the face guard were full of disdain. "And you fight like a peasant - attacking without thought."

With these words the knight attacked with a slow diagonal cut...

Knight goes from defensive to offensive, attack for 2 dice at arms (+1 die)
His strike will connect second, in case of damage done by Ruark he will lose dice from his pool.

Ruark's cut at arms [roll0] TN 6 = 2 successes

Knight's cut at arms [roll1] TN 6 = 1 success

Hit location (Ruark):[roll2] = shoulder
Damage: 5 + 2 successes
Resist: 5 TO + 4 AV
Level 0 wound = scratch

Hit location (Knight): [roll3] = shoulder
Damage: 7 + 1 success
Resist: 5 TO + 2 AV
Level 1 wound to shoulder
Blood loss: 0
Shock: 4 - WP
Pain: 4 - WP

R5E1: New round, new dice!

Knight has initiative, having wounded Ruark (although without any significant results).

Diagonal cut for 3 dice!


The thin man jumps to the side again, trying at once to avoid the blade, the half-orc, the pool of water - and get to Urukubarr's other side - towards the inn, so his back is protected.

"Go to hell, half-breed!" he shouts back as he dodges the blade by a foot or more, and jumps back. Now Urukubarr is between him and Ruark...

Urukubarr's cut [roll4] TN 6
Thin man's full evasion [roll5] TN 4
Hit location: [roll6]

New round, new dice!

R6E1: Initiative?


The man clutched his destroyed arm with his other and bled all over the cavern floor. It was time to end it.

Her blade hit the man's brow and cut deep. Fresh blood splattered the ground as he knelt, and fell forward, with empty eyes.

Kate took a deep breath, first in few moments, and looked around. Gerric started for the ironclad enemy. Urukubarr was attempting to hit the thin man, albeit without any success yet. And Nazir...

...she looked at Nazir, whom she saw firing an arrow into a tunnel. He was just grabbing an arrow watching the tunnel he fired into...

Kate's cut [roll7] TN 6 = 3 successes
+1 power (AC 1)

I took the liberty of assigning "power attack" here. You can spend 1 die to gain +1 damage, it's especially useful in these cases where you need damage more than additional success.

No defence (no dice left)
Hit location: [roll8] = upper head

Damage: 6 + 1 (power attack) + 3 net success
Resist: 5 TO
Level 5 wound


The slaver did not respond - he only held his mangled arm, and Gerric saw tears in his eyes and blood from his mouth - the pain must have made him bite his own tongue.

Few yards to the forward from them Gerric saw that Ruark had some trouble with the knight and so decided to help him out. Just in time...

It's your second exchange - not enough time to run around the slaver and attack. At the start of next round you can charge the ironclad son of a ... for full CP if you want :smallsmile:


Nazir did not waste any time - the man in the tunnel was still standing and if he had the crossbow loaded, it was only a matter of time until he was ready to shoot.

He grabbed another arrow and nocked it, as fast as he could, drawing the bowstring in one fluid motion, placing it at his cheek...

Nock, draw and hope he's not ready to shoot. Full round.

2016-04-10, 01:00 PM
"Maybe I do fight like a peasant, but a SAVAXEN PEASANT!", Ruark roared in response to the Knight. He was never insulted when anyone pointed out his low status, he was proud of it. However for some reason the Knight's insult stung a little all the same. He moved backwards slightly into a more neutral stance and anticipated the Knight to feint into a more deadly attack. Perhaps eager to show this older and experienced Knight that he was no mere peasant after all, Ruark attempted a flashy maneuver. Throwing a block and an attack at the same time he cut at the Knight's armored face, his words had hurt so Ruark determined to hurt with swords in return.

Initiative: RED, attack!
Stance: Neutral.
Attack: Simultaneous Block/Strike for 12 dice invested. 8 Block, 4 Strike. Vertical Cut to the face. I'll use my reroll here then. If I have to choose between Block or Strike I'll use the reroll on the Strike, although if he feints I will have to use the reroll on the Block instead.


He felt good here, defending a friend. He had no need for words against this foe anymore, he would let him tire himself out jumping around like a fool as he chased him around until help arrived. Urukkubarr continued to swing his giant sword in great arcs, incredibly fast thanks to his great strength.

Initiative: Attack
Stance: Neutral
Attack: Cut at arms for 6 die, +1 for arms.

2016-04-10, 02:12 PM
Seeing Gerric charge off towards the Knight, Kate took the path less travelled. Soon enough, she was by Urukkubarr's side. This slippery opponent would have a lot more trouble evading two swords!

Kate cuts diagonally with 6 dice.

2016-04-10, 02:38 PM
Gerric finished his charge and swung his axe down toward the knight's neck.

8 die, +2 for charging, for a total of 10, swing toward IV from behind the knight if that matters.
8 damage, 1 armor penetration
Major Accuracy (can modify 3 points away from accuracy roll, will make it go to Upper Head, if that is not possible to Neck, which I should be able to do with any roll.

2016-04-11, 08:58 AM
Nazir was surprised at the crossbowman's lack of reaction to being hit and that he wasn't ready to fire yet. Need to make sure he goes down and stays down. Nazir takes careful aim at his target's upper center while staying relaxed enough to notice his target's movements and anyone else coming into the tunnel.

White Die. If he does fire, will full evade.

2016-04-11, 01:57 PM

Maybe he had a reply to his boast, maybe not. The knight launched his attack, but changed direction right after Ruark started moving his shield. Anticipating this, Ruark followed his opponent's movement - knight's sword was now aimed at Ruark's sword arm, and Ruark hoped he could be fast enough - or he would lose some fingers...

In his peripheral vision he noticed Gerric, charging the knight from the back, his axe raised, ready to attack...

Knight's sword hit Ruark's shield with a thump, and he managed to block the attack, throwing the knight's sword aside - his own attack managed to hit the knight's pauldron with strong force, but it seemed that he only managed to dent and bend the pauldron a bit.

Ruark cursed inside his head, and prepared for counter-attack, but instead he saw Gerric swing his axe, hit the knight right between the helmet and neck guard.

There was a cracking sound, and he saw the bloodied axe pass through knight's neck. He gurgled, his eyes rolled back and his head fell few feet from his body.

Ruark looked up from the body and heard a scream from behind. He turned around to see Urukubarr's opponent fall to the ground, his right arm cut cleanly off at elbow by Uruk, his left almost torn off at shoulder by Kate.

The fight was over... or was it? He saw Nazir still aiming his bow at the passage...

Knight adds 1 die for zone (cut to arms), 3 dice from his CP, discards 3 dice and additional 1 for AC of feint.

Knight's feint-to-cut-at-arms: [roll0] TN 6 = 2 successes
Ruark's block: [roll1] TN 6 = 3 successes
Ruark's attack: [roll2] TN 6 = 4 successes
In case knight's attack succeeds, shock will come off Ruark's attack.

Hit location (Knight) [roll3]
Hit location (Ruark) [roll4] = shoulder
Damage: 5 + 4 for successes
Resist: TO 5 + AV 4

Knight's REF roll (who will strike first?) [roll5] TN 6


Gerric saw the knight attempt a feint, but it seemed Ruark did not fall for it - he managed to block the attack and land a blow on knight's pauldron. Gerric was rushing forward, his axe ready to end knight's life. Just one more step...

...a powerful swing...

...and the axe bore into the opening just between the helmet and neck guard...

...a gurgling sound...

...and the ironclad knight fell to the ground, his helmet, including head, rolling few feet from his body.

The fight over, Gerric enjoyed the sight of Urukubarr cleaving the thin man's elbow while Kate destroyed his shoulder with a quick slash of her longsword. He turned to comment it to the last man - Nazir - but he saw that Nazir was standing in archer's stance, bow drawn, arrow nocked, aiming still at the passage...

Gerric's attack [roll6] TN 7 = 5 successes
Damage: 8 + 5 successes
Resist: TO 5 + AV 4 - 1 armor penetration

Gerric's REF roll (who will strike first?) [roll7] TN 7 = 1 success, knight struck first
Hit location (Gerric) [roll8] = neck
Level 5 wound to neck = decapitation!

Major Accuracy (can modify 3 points away from accuracy roll, will make it go to Upper Head, if that is not possible to Neck, which I should be able to do with any roll.


Urukubarr still felt the calling of the hunt, but it seemed the spirits were getting satiated by the bood they already spilt in the cellar. He was ready to end the combat, but the thin man angered him with his foolish attempts to dodge his blade. He had little patience for the games of cave lion and bat...

The thin man seemed to notice someone else coming at him - it was Kate, with her sword ready to strike the man down.

He screamed "I did not sign up for this...!" as Urukubarr swung the sword once again. His blade met his elbow, and went cleanly through - his short sword fell to the ground, still grasped by his hand. Kate's blade also struck him - and she nearly destroyed his shoulder. His dagger fell from his numb hand and the man followed it, unconscious before he touched the ground - the pain was just too much for his mind.

Urukubarr looked around and saw that Gerric and Ruark just finished their opponent too - Gerric was able to cut his head off his shoulders...

Only Nazir was still aiming at the passage...

Urukubarr's cut at arms [roll9] TN 6 = 3 successes
Hit location [roll10] = elbow
REF roll [roll11] TN 6 = 3 successes
Damage: too high to count
Resist: 3, totally patethic attempt
Level 5 wound to elbow


Kate joined forces with Urukubarr. The armour was getting heavy and she felt she was sweating again - and so attempted to finish this fight.

Her opponent noticed her as she swung her sword. He had time to scream "I did not sign up for this...!"

He made no effort in dodging the two swords - the thought itself seemed to stop him for fleeing and Kate struck his shoulder, her blade cutting deep into it, cracking bones and splitting veins. Urukubarr's greatsword cut the man's arm at elbow - as cleanly as a greatsword can at the same time she hit him.

He fell down to the ground, unconscious. His short sword was still grasped by his hand, when he fell, but the dagger just fell off his numb hand.

Kate looked at Gerric and Ruark - they dispatched their opponent, and his helmet...no, his head... was placed few feet from his body.

Only Nazir was still standing still, aiming his drawn bow at the passage...

Kate's diagonal cut [roll12] TN 6 = 1 success
Hit location [roll13] = shoulder
REF roll [roll14] TN 6 = 3 successes
Damage: 6 + 1 success
Resist: TO 3
Level 4 wound to shoulder


Nazir attempted to breathe calmly, but his heart raced in his chest. He wanted the shot to be precise, to hit his target and finish this before his target finishes him.

His eye focused on the target. He saw him moving in the darkness, hurriedly, and his aim steadied - and at that moment his target suddenly stopped moving his arms erratically and stood up, taking his crossbow to his cheek.

Nazir knew he had only a split second to shoot - his target succeeded in nocking and drawing the crossbow and now aimed at him.

Nazir aimed, gains AIM dice. His MP is full. Previous modifiers still apply.
Once you shoot, you can't evade. Once you evade, you evade from MP = you'll have lower MP in second exchange and you have to use partial evasion (in full evasion you lose focus and start aiming in next round).

To make you fully realize the situation you are in, let me ask you...

...is Nazir sure he can hit the man before the man hits him?
...is Nazir sure he can kill the man with one shot before he is able to pull off the shot?
...is it worth dying?

2016-04-11, 03:12 PM
Gerric was breathing heavily as his axe cut through the knight's neck. The head bounced and rolled on the ground as the rest of the body quickly followed, making a metallic crash echo through the room. That was it. They'd killed everyone, but he wanted more. How many where there dead in the room?

He started to pace back and forth, making sure he was out of the line of sight of that crossbowman in the tunnel. He felt so alive, he'd done what he had been born to do, coming up with plans to kill anyone who got in his way. There was blood splattered on his hands, arms, and he felt it on his face. By the gods he missed this.

But as he paced he thought, there was something not exactly right. Six dead at his feet, the crossbowman in the tunnel. There should be eight. Someone was still alive.

Quickly he looked at his companions, to Urukubarr and Ruark specifically, and whispered. "Any chance one of you can check the front door and the prisoner quick? We're still missing one."

Still pacing and trying to control his breathing he called out. "Bowman, every friend of yours in here is dead, and we're still all standin'. Now, I don't know a lot 'bout those flat-bow-things you southerners use, but they don't seem to be able to shoot all too fast. Way I see it, you get one shot before we hack you to pieces. Now, you might get lucky, might shoot one of us. Hell, might even kill one of us. But no matter, you'll still be dead soon after. Unless you put down the bow now. And this I promise you, if you do shoot one of us, even just a scratch, I'll make sure you die slow. But if you put the bow down, well, I promise I won't kill you. You have the word of The Demon of the Dragontooth Mountains."

Intimidation check, which Gerric normally has 2 charisma for, but gets +2 if the guy knows who Gerric is. Supposedly an MA TN/7 roll.

2016-04-11, 04:49 PM
As soon as Kate's latest opponent fell, she sought out the next one: Only to find that the room was clear. Mad Dog's formerly numerous horde now consisted of just one or two stragglers. Hopefully the bowman outside would see sense and surrender. Though he was no match for the group, he might still manage to wound (or even kill) one of them before being taken down. They'd have to be careful. It'd be foolish to (for example) stand directly in the line of fire, and challenge the archer to a speed contest: Which was exactly why Kate's eyes widened when she saw Nazir.

"Nazir, take cover! It's not worth it!"

2016-04-11, 06:16 PM
Ruark breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Gerric sever the Knight's head from the rest of his body. If he had been alone with the man Ruark doubted he would have survived. He dropped his shield for a moment and clutched his shoulder and it came away a little bloodied. Luckily it was just a scratch, his first scratch in a while but certainly not the last he would ever receive.

"Whew, I'll go" he responded to Gerric's request. "And thank you, I'm not sure I'd have made it much longer against that man. As for the rest, hances are they're running as fast as their legs can carry them." He picked his shield back up and flexed his muscles. They ached at this point, it had been an exceedingly long day and Ruark could go to sleep like a rock at this point. He hustled to the room where they kept their prisoner to check on his condition.

2016-04-11, 09:45 PM
Nazir held his ground and aim. First he gave orders to the party. "Everyone stay clear of the tunnel. He's mine!"

He then directed his voice to the bowman down the tunnel. "I am Fey. You will miss me and I will skewer your eye and brain like I did Mad Dog. Drop your weapon."

White die. If he fires I'll gracefully use full evade and use the spirit reroll if he is going to hit. The full evade with full MP should be lopsided vs his quick aim. Plan is to fire 2nd exchange if he hasn't fired nor dropped the crossbow.

Intimidation [roll0] TN 8

2016-04-12, 02:20 PM

Everyone seemed to obey his request - Ruark seemed uninterested, Gerric ready to charge the crossbowman if he attacks Nazir and Kate looked like she wanted to stand in front of Nazir, taking a crossbow bolt instead of him.

And then, suddenly, came the response from the tunnel.

A "thunk" of a crossbow and a bolt flying towards Nazir.

RED die.
Attack for 5 dice.
Nazir's defence?

Keep in mind, if you use full evasion, it "pauses combat" = you will start with nocked arrow, but will have to draw to shoot (=empty CP).

Gerric and Kate

In the silence they heard the "thwap" of crossbow being fired and the swish of a bolt flying towards Nazir...


Ruark heard the crossbow shot, but did not turn back. Instead, he hurried forward, past the wolf-pelt covered arch, into the passage, to check on the prisoner.

2016-04-12, 02:44 PM
With how long it takes to reload a crossbow, Nazir knew he had the advantage and could be patient. He deftly takes a step to the side avoiding the bolt and then resumes aiming back. "That was your turn. Now it's mine."

Full evasion. Use spirit reroll for a bad enough roll for him to actually hit me. As long as he doesn't run there's plenty of time for 2+ shots while he reloads. Next round- I can't say white die to keep aiming unless he tries to run, right?

Drive (3): Proving he's a better shot by giving the enemy a chance to shoot before finishing him off.
Passion (2): If he hits me he becomes a sniper threat later for the others.

2016-04-12, 04:17 PM
Gerric growls as he hears the crossbow fire. "Alive!" he shouts, as he turns the corner into the tunnel. "I gave this bastard a promise, I intend to keep."

He moves toward the crossbowman, with his shield up, either the man was an idiot, or he had a plan. Gerric prayed for the former.

Moving toward the crossbowman, not charging. Shield up, ready to evade or block, depending on what the crossbowman does.

2016-04-12, 08:09 PM
Ruark ached to turn back but knew that the tunnel would soon be too crowded for him to be of much aid at all so he carried on. He rushed into the room with their prisoner to check on his condition, there was always a chance he was trying to break free of his constraints to aid his enemies and Ruark would have none of it. If he was still Ruark would go back to his companions, but if he was trying to wriggle free he would raise his sword to threaten the boy with swift justice.

2016-04-13, 06:20 AM
Kate advanced along with Gerric. She raised her shield high, to protect her unarmored face. Nazir's plea for noninterference was ignored. This wasn't some official duel in a tournament: It was a fight for their lives. Nazir's desire to show off was going to get him killed one day.

2016-04-13, 04:35 PM
The spirits spoke in whispers inside of his mind, Urukubarr felt... Drunk? The stench of blood filled his senses, it sang to him. It was enough to make a man sick, but instead filled him with satisfaction. The hunt was nearly over, only a few more lives to take.

His large form would only impede his comrade's struggle, so he decided to back up Ruark in case one or two slipped in from above. He thought about how he would kill their prisoner, searching his mind for a ritual execution to end the hunt properly.

Feels good to be back!

2016-04-13, 04:45 PM

The bolt missed him - a hasty shot, indeed, since it flew too high. Nazir saw Gerric and Kate enter the passage and he knew that his shot had to be precise - not only he would regret hitting his companions, but he also felt the need to prove himself. So he focused on the one spot he wanted to hit - the man's eye...

He held his breath and let the arrow fly. It only took one heartbeat for it to fly the distance, and he heard the soft "thud" as it hit the target.

And he again did not hear any scream of pain, only the crossbow falling on ground, followed by the body. In the darkness he couldn't see where he hit his target, so he went to see for himself.

The man lay on the ground, dead. Nazir felt satisfied as he saw two arrows sticking from his body - the first one from his upper thigh, the second from the eye. He pulled both out, but the latter one was ruined - broken off at the arrowhead. He salvaged at least the iron arrowhead, as he has long ago learned how to skilfully craft arrows.

As he stood up from the dead man, he felt elated, yet a bit tired. He felt that he could push his body on, but sooner or later he needed rest. But there was still so much to do...

His bow drawn, he followed Kate outside - to check if there was nobody else. Outside, the storm was slowly losing its strength - but it was still raining. Yet he checked the footprints in the mud at the light of the lantern from cave, just to be sure. His eyes noticed the pattern and trained mind did the rest - they were safe for now. The enemy was no more, at least for now. They could rest safely.

Three horses stood outside, protected against the wind by the cliff, against the wind by the tree. There was a spotted one, with short legs, a light brown one, larger, more robust, with hair around its hooves, and a light gray one - large, almost warlike horse. They were all unbridled, but still had saddles and saddlebags on. Kate went to remove these, and Nazir helped her carry the saddlebags inside, accompanied by Ruark, to be added to the pile of loot. They would see what was inside tomorrow. On his way in, he stopped to remove the third arrow - the one that killed Mad Dog. The shaft was ruined - it broke off when Mad Dog fell on the ground. But still, he decided to keep it.

On the way inside he saw that they no longer had a prisoner. The boy must have broken the pieces of rope that tied him - and then armed himself. It seemed it did not help him - he lay dead, in a pool of his own blood.

When he carried the bags inside, he yawned. It was a long day and his watch would come soon. He took one of the bedrolls and went upstairs, to the main inn room. Gerric was already there, as well as Urukubarr. The former was just adding some wood to the fireplace, while the latter seemed to be praying. Nazir put down his bedroll and went to sleep...


Ruark, deep in thought, still looking over his shoulder, listening, just to be sure he would hear if the others needed him, turned around the corner - and he saw that the entrance to cellar was dark.

Vordømmar! I should have brought some light with me... the candles must have finished burning... he thought, as he climbed through the wardrobe. The fireplace upstairs provided some light through the hole, reflected from the walls.

And then it hit him. He saw the candles when he was in the cellar and they were half-burned, so there should be enough light...

...he noticed the movement in the last moment. As if something in the back of his mind warned him, by pure reflex he managed to block the blow aimed at his head with his shield - and he swung his sword and hit something soft. He heard someone inhale sharply, but did not stop - he recognized an attack and did not give the attacker any chances. Pulling his arm back, he thrusted and hit again - sliding the swords into the insides of the attacker, he made sure that whoever it was, he died.

As soon as the person stopped moving, he looked around for some light. He found the candleholder and lit the candles with his flint, still watching the unmoving body.

He only hoped that it was not Kafar.

The light of the candles soon shone through the darknes and he breathed out, glad to see that it was just Richan. That stupid kid must have thought that he was on the winning side...or that they were so tired from the fight he could just smash their heads.

Gerric entered the cellar, followed by Urukubarr. They carried the bags the bandits dropped at the entrance. They were both looking quizzically at the dead body, so Ruark, still a bit shaken, just shrugged - and then explained what happened. He knew they would understand - and they did. As it was still his watch, Ruark went upstairs, just to take a look outside. The door and the windows were barricaded, and both Gerric and Urukubarr started preparing their bedrolls, placing them near to the fireplace.

Ruark returned to the cave entrance, just in time to see Kate and Nazir carry the saddlebags. He helped Nazir carry them to the inn and then returned, to take his watch. After an hour, he was relieved from guard duty by Gerric. He went upstairs, looked with satisfaction of a northerner at the large pile of "spoils of war", took his backpack and went downstairs. The dead men already started smelling, their bodies decomposing quickly in the warmness of the cave, so he spent few minutes to pull them outside.

And then, as he lied down on his bedroll, the sleep embraced him. And for the first time in a month he slept soundly, without any dreams...


As soon as the bolt flew through the air, Kate entered the passage, her shield raised, decided to end the threat to her companions which the crossbowman presented.

She saw that he just started loading a new bolt onto the crossbow - and seemed not to care about the two people that entered. He mechanically continued reloading the crossbow, as if he did not care about anything.

Kate raised her sword, to quickly end him - she found no pleasure in killing, but this man would not stop - he did not react on any of their requests for his surrender, so he forfeited his life. With the corner of her eye she saw Gerric ready his axe. May a quick death be my gift to you... she thought, for if you were in -his- hands, you would have suffered....

Another step and she felt a small gust of wind. The man in front of her stopped moving, and fell backwards, an arrow with pheasant feathers sticking from his eye.

For a moment she felt like all the burdens of the world were placed on her shoulders...and then the feeling was gone, replaced by easiness, almost unnatural calm, followed by a zest - she was alive. They fought, they won - and her biggest victory was, that every one of her companions survived.

The moment passed, but the pleasant, warm feeling stayed with her. You lead them into their first combat, and you snatched a victory from death's hands. A clean victory.

She continued walking outside, into the rain. The storm was slowly dying, last thundersclaps could be heard in the distance. She saw three horses - a spotted one, with short legs, a light brown one, larger, more robust, with hair around its hooves, and a light gray one - large, almost warlike horse. They were all unbridled, bound to the tree, which protected them from the rain, while the cliff protected from wind, but still had saddles and saddlebags on. Kate decided to remove these, and Nazir, who followed her out, helped her carry the saddlebags inside, to be added to the pile of loot. As they entered the cave, Ruark came outside - to take his watch, explaining that the boy attempted to kill him, and so he returned the favour, albeit successfully - and that he'll continue with the watch.

Kate felt tired. She knew she had to wash down the grime, blood and sweat, and so asked Ruark to carry the saddlebags to the inn. And then, she finally removed her helmet, and let the rain cleanse her, just as someone jokingly suggested before. She stood in the rain for what seemed like eternity, her mind taking in the experiences she has been through.

And then, she heard Ruark approach her. She reminded herself that it was also her first watch, and so she waited there, with Ruark. After Ruark came Gerric, and then it was time for her finally to sleep. She woke up Urukubarr, washed quickly and unrolled her bedroll near the fireplace.

The sleep came quickly...


Urukubarr felt tired. The spirits were satisfied with their effort and they would rest peacefully...

...he yawned, sheathing his sword...

...when the spirits left, he felt elation, but could barely hold his eyes open. The ritual took much of his strength, and he could just follow Kate's order to bring up the backpacks of the bandits. He stepped over the boy's dead body in the cellar - Ruark explained that he attacked him. Urukubarr understood - he would have done the same, and was almost glad that he wasn't there, because he did not know what he would have done to the boy in his rage, when he knew he endangered his brother in arms...

Upstairs he placed his bedroll next to the fireplace, and lied down. He did not notice when Nazir entered - he just started praying, and right after he finished, he was pulled into the dreamlands, where he met the spirits once again - now peaceful, and happy.

Urukubarr was smiling from his sleep when Kate woke him so he could replace her at her watch... at first he wanted to tell her not to care, that they are safe... but he knew she would not rest.

He went outside, and watched the sky take lighter and lighter shades of blue, as the dawn slowly broke into a new day, which he welcomed with a small prayer.


Gerric entered the passage once more, to fulfill his oath. He saw Kate was with him, her shield beside his, and remembered fondly the time when he taught the young recruits the shield wall...

...but there was no time for reminiscing. The enemy stood in front of him, placing the short arrow into the strange flat bow. He knew how deadly these toys were. He had a scar that reminded him of that and he never forgot.

Gerric raised his axe, ready to cut off the arm of the crazy, but courageous man. He admired his courage, but this was too much - he kept reloading even when they moved towards him.

Just one more step... he thought. Kate will give you a quick death, but hopefully, you will fry in hell - tell them, who sent you...

And then it was over. He heard only a whizz of an arrow, felt a weak gust of wind, and the man fell to the ground, with Nazir's pheasant-feathered arrow sticking out of his eye.

He waited for Kate to check outside - she went with Nazir and when it was clear the combat was over, he exhaled, looking around.

It was over, the enemy was dead. If this fight showed how they fared as a group, he was satisfied. Everyone pulled their weight, and everyone fought bravely. They killed without hesitation, but offered the enemies to surrender - and not to enslave them. This was new. He had a lot to think about - this fight filled him with a new feeling - he was proud. Not proud that the whole floor was covered in blood, not proud of loot or of his headcount - he felt proud of their deed.

While he felt happiness before, this was a new flavour. It was not about loot, it was not for survival - it was for others to be safe.

He almost missed Kate's request - to move the backpacks that belonged to the enemy to the loot pile. He did as she requested, but the strange thing was, that he did not even think about the loot. Before he would be the first one to request that they divide spoils as soon as the battle was over - even before his wounds were bound. Now... it felt not so important.

He went upstairs, stepping over the body of the dead boy in the cellar - Ruark explained that he attacked him, and he believed him. Not that it would change anything... when he reached the inn main room, he unpacked his bedroll and placed it near the fireplace. He saw that the fire was burning out slowly, and so went to acquire some more firewood from the cellar.

He sat near the fireplace, warmed by the flames - it was quite comfortable. He reached for the rest of the wine Urukubarr poured him, and just enjoyed the moment, drinking slowly. He knew that in short time he will have to replace Ruark at watch, so he stayed awake and just let time pass.

Gerric knew that tomorrow a new day will come, with new challenges and he will be back to his old self, curious about the loot, ready to crack more heads. But for now, he felt only this strange, pleasant feeling.

He relieved Ruark, and after his watch was finished, he woke Nazir and went to his bedroll. As he closed his eyes, for the first time in years, he slept peacefully.

The night was eventless. The rain became drizzle, the drizzle became few drops... and then the moon peeked from behind the clouds for the first time. There was an unnatural calm in the valley, and they felt strangely safe.

Then the morning came - and with it, a sunrise. The sun shone brightly, turning the slight fog that hovered over the valley into molten gold, and while the clouds rolled over the sky, driven by wind as sheep are driven by their shepherd, the morning was warm.

They all felt refreshed by the night's sleep. One by another, they woke up...

Congratulations! Your first adventure is nearly over - and you all managed to survive without a scratch. So see the "adventure rewards" in OOC if you already didn't. I'll respond tomorrow.
Feel free to post IC anything for the night, and then the morning - your characters will wake up after dawn, well rested. Let me know what they do for the first hour or so. Those who were sleeping will wake up in the sequence you post :smallbiggrin:
I'll try to write down the loot list tomorrow, it's already too late and I'm too tired to think.

2016-04-13, 10:06 PM
Gerric growled as the man slunk to the ground an the arrow through his face. He kicked the corpse a few times to test if he was truly dead. He turned to look at whoever was closest and saw Kate first. "I gave him a promise," he said through clenched teeth, his hand gripped the handle of his axe tight until his knuckles turned white.

He needed to calm down, he knew that. He wasn't supposed to be this man anymore. But it was so hard not to fall back into what he once was. He threw his axe into the ground and walked back into cave opening. Passing Nazir he muttered "Good shot."

Later, after he calmed down he looked back at the fight, playing it over again and again as he sat on his watch. It felt good, his plan worked. And for once in his life he wasn't the one butchering those who just wanted to live their lives in peace. Maybe this group would be good for him, maybe with them he might be able to keep that other part of him under control.

The next day he woke early. First tempted to go grab some of those salted fish, he thought, maybe he'd wait for Uruk to wake up and see if he will cook something. Better than what he could make, certainly.

He walked outside to relieve himself, then glanced around to see if anything looked different in the light of day. There was much left to do. They'd do a once over of the building, then head back to kill that merchant. Better get that first part started. Heading back inside, he began to search Mad Dog's corpse for any scrap of paper or interesting item he might find. Then he'd move to the others, looting corpses, a time honored tradition of ever great raider.

2016-04-14, 05:07 AM
Ruark was not the first to wake up, and for a moment he feared that he had kept them all awake with his snoring. Luckily it was just Gerric that was an early bird this morning. He stretched like a cat for a quick moment, rolling from side to side before getting up from his bedroll and headed over to the pool of water to splash some water in the face. It was cold but he was no stranger to cold water, it jolted him out of the groggy morning haze and got him awake right quick. He started to get dressed in his leathers again having slept only in his regular clothes with only one of the borrowed blankets to pull over himself.

He chewed the remaining dried apples he had found in the grotto the day before for breakfast. However he also saw Gerric eyeing the salted fish with the look of a man who needed a large breakfast to function well in the day. "If you want to eat it you should start now, they take a while to prepare and I wouldn't wait for Urukkubarr. He'll sleep until we wake him if we let him."

Ruark yawned again, stretching to kill the morning grogg. After joining Gerric outside to relieve himself he went upstairs to start boiling some water for making breakfast. They didn't have much food so it looked like they'd have to make do until they had done some hunting. He started to soak some of the salted fish in the boiling water, laid out a big bowl of hardtack and went down to the barrel to steal the sausage from the card game bank as well as the small barrel of beer. It wouldn't be a varied breakfast but it would be filling. Everything was presented nicely on the table they had already eaten supper the day before, only this time they would have to eat in the order they woke up.

2016-04-14, 06:14 AM
Kate awoke refreshed and renewed. It was amazing what a good night's sleep could do. The stresses of yesterday had been washed away: Leaving only a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Kate pulled herself upright. From the sounds of it, some of her other comrades were already awake. Each of them was finally free to move at their own pace. There were no pressing tasks or looming threats: Just peace. As she set about preparing her morning bath, Kate started humming an old tune. This had all the makings of a good day.

2016-04-14, 10:36 AM
Nazir slept unusually soundly when he wasn't on watch. He usually enjoyed sleeping outside but the dry conditions and the safe feeling he felt was more than enough to totally relax. He eats what was around, even if it was just rations. His plan for dinner was fresh meet and fruit- before entering the inn he had seen a deer nearby. Now that the area was safe and lit it was time to clean up after last night and see what else had been hidden by the bandits, inside and out. He headed back through the secret passage out back, searching then dragging Richan's body with him to start a pile outside, away from the horses, which he also tended to. He saw Gerric searching the bodies. Nazir suggested moving them all out back- let the animals have them, or we can burn them later. He searched the area for anything of note before heading back into the tunnel and grotto. He had heard the enemy had an archer, so he checked the fallen for a bow to see if it was better than his old spare that he carried. Given time, he still wanted to work on making a much nicer bow for himself. He then searched the rest of the bodies in case Gerric had missed anything, then moved on to searching the inn, from the bottom up.

Once the group started discussing plans, he had several ideas.

2016-04-14, 11:18 AM
"I wouldn't burn any of 'em," Gerric said as he and Nazir talked over the corpses. "They're known criminals with a price on their head, we can head back and get paid for killin' 'em all. Speakin' of payment," Gerric grabbed at the mace in Mad Dog's belt. "Would you mind if I take this? It's your kill, so it's yours, I figure."

2016-04-14, 11:41 AM
"Then I guess leaving them out for the animals isn't a good idea either for now."

"They were our kills. Take what you want. I was thinking about it on my watch- they would have traveled light to get here. Their base camp is probably nicely supplied and poorly defended if at all. Between the trail and the horses knowing their way back we could probably find it. Shouldn't be that far away if they got here so fast."

"I was looking for any bows on them. Mine is an old bow that has seen better days. If I were to draw it fully it will probably crack. My sword is old and rusty too, but I'll look through what is left after everyone else has. I'd like to make a new bow of my own given time, which we may have now. Did you ever learn to use a bow?"

Nazir will bring Richan's body back inside.

2016-04-14, 11:52 AM
"Huh, I hadn't considered that, there might be a second camp. I like that idea Nazir. I'm not sure if we have enough food to make the trip back to the city without starving so we might have to spend some time hunting before we go back anyway, we might combine the search for their camp with that. I'm about useless with a bow but I've used it for hunting once or twice. I always preferred the ease of throwing a net out into the ocean and let the fish catch itself to chasing down a deer.

The crossbow there might be useful though, I'd be interesting in taking that. The knight might also have a decent chain mail and I thought I saw a Savaxen sword back there, those are the only things I'd be interesting so far but I haven't had a good look at everything."

2016-04-14, 12:11 PM
"Given time there is plenty of food outside. I saw deer in the woods on our way in last night. Fresh meat will be great. That gives us food and shelter here with no one to bother us. The only rush we have are if we want to return with the dead for bounties. We should try to find the horses while we hunt. Hopefully they'll find their way back here now that the storm is gone."

2016-04-14, 12:47 PM
Kate chimed in at this point, while carrying some water past the others.

"That hypothesis about a second camp sounds very plausible, Nazir. We should make at least a cursory attempt to find it. As for the loot, there's nothing I'd like to claim. Feel free to divide it amongst yourselves."

Kate was by far the most well-equipped member of the group: A fact that made her feel rather guilty. Until the others caught up, she intended to let them take the lion's share of any spoils.

2016-04-14, 01:10 PM
Yeah I think we could survive on it, it all just depends on the size of the crates. I just imagined they would be small enough for a man to be able to lift them while filled, which would make them rather on the small side.

2016-04-15, 09:40 AM
"So we finish searching here this morning, eat lunch, then head out for Mad Dog's camp? We should talk tactics before we find it, especially scouting. Ambushing is far better than being ambushed."

Weather Sense [roll0] TN 8

2016-04-15, 01:34 PM

Kate’s decision to take a bath was accepted without any hesitation. She knew that her companions are going to loot the bodies, and she took no pleasure in the thought, so she decided to enter her own personal sanctuary – the bathtub.

It took her some time to get enough water there, but Urukubarr helped her with the buckets and soon she enjoyed the warm water.

She still kept her sword nearby, just to be sure, but for this time she just wanted to get clean, to get off the grime and sweat from yesterday and to wash off the blood.

Kate scrubbed herself, listening to the sounds of her companions moving around the house. She smelled something delicious - was it Ruark's or Urukubarr's cooking? It seemed one of them was preparing another delicious meal for them and she felt her stomach growl in anticipation of the feast. She became sure that it was Uruk, because she heard Ruark, Gerric and Nazir moving around, carrying the loot they found. It seemed that the spoils of war were quite bountiful, as Ruark had to take the trip several times.

As she lied in the bathtub, enjoying the solitude, the peace, warm water and – mostly – the feeling of cleanliness, she heard Nazir’s voice. He had some interesting news.

The calm, peaceful and tranquil feeling was gone – replaced by the feeling of responsibility.She could have stayed in the bath, let them sort everything out. But it wouldn’t be her.

She left the bath and quickly dressed in her clothes. There was no time for donning the plate armour, and she left it outside, so the aketon hat to suffice. It felt coarse on her wet skin.

As she left the bathroom, she grabbed her sword and started to fasten her belt…

If you had something else with you, let me know.

Ruark, Gerric, Urukubarr and Nazir

They decided to wait for the breakfast – Ruark did start preparing them, but Urukubarr seemed to slowly awaken as they talked, and so each of them just took a small bite of hardtack, or dried apples that Ruark found in the grotto – they had to have something in their stomachs, but if they looted the bodies after, the smell of death could ruin the good feeling they derived from breakfast.

And they were all curious what would Urukubarr prepare this time.

Gerric appreciated Kate let them do the looting and keep most of the loot – he could not imagine how the young knight pries a loot from the paws of the dead. His heartbeat quickened again, with the vision of loot. In a few moments they had decided how to progress.

While Nazir searched the inn for anything of value, Gerric and Ruark decided to loot the bodies, true to the customs of their ancestors. As they descended to the grotto, they found out the bodies already started decomposing, the sickly sweet smell of death emanating from them. But they were not squeamish about it – they were clanmen, warriors and both have seen the face of Death in many of its shapes and forms.

They decided to work together – Gerric searched the bodies, being a raider he was more skilled and had much more experience than Ruark, who only usually took the weapons and jewelry. Ruark, on the other hand, carried everything they thought had any value to the table in the inn, sorting it to neat heaps.

In the meantime, Urukubarr helped Kate fill the bathtub, washed himself with the cold water from the well and started preparing generous breakfast. They still had some wine from yesterday and the barrel did not seem half-empty, and as they brought more food to the table, he had enough to do.

Ruark came to kitchen carrying first part of the loot. Mad dog’s backpack contained a linen shirt, two clay flasks, corked, smelling of alcohol, a pouch with 7 copper kreutzers, one broken silver grosch and a foreign coin of unknown origin. The coin was made of unknown material – it reminded them of steel, but was heavier and had a silvery gleam. It was had a hexagonal cut, inscribed with runes in a circle on the front, and a symbol of sword in the back.

Ruark also picked up the halberd he carried – and although the haft has been cracked, it felt like a formidable weapon.

Gerric took down Mad Dog’s scale armour – it was a sleeveless leather vest, with iron scales fitted to it. Some of these were a bit rusty, and it seemed that it has seen better days. His leather cap was greasy and smelled of sweat. Gerric pulled down a small copper ring etched with runes from his finger and took his flanged mace – he decided to try it out and swung it around – it felt a bit unwieldy, but he was sure it could crush skulls easily.

When he checked his saddle bags, he found out they contained a bottle of wine, small bottle of honey, few strips of jerky and few pieces of smoked ham.

The knight’s saddle bags contained a small glass vial, with milky white liquid that contained pieces of dry crushed herbs, a small cloth bag with dried herbs and a pouch of what looked like glass marbles, a small metal tin which seemed to contain some kind of salve, and an ornate iron key.

He tried to assess if the plate armour would fit someone of them – but it would be a bad fit. The knight was fat – and the armour he wore was adjusted to his weight. The neckguard was destroyed by Gerric’s attack and the helmet… well, if anyone wanted to pull the head out, he could, but the body already started smelling – badly.

The heather shield the knight wore was a bit banged, but still held together well. And his sword – was a knightly sword. The sword was old, but sharp – the knight took a good care of it. He handed the goods to Ruark and sent him upstairs. He noticed that Nazir came down, and knelt at the old man’s body.

Nazir noticed a bow that the old man carried, and was interested in seeing whether it would be useful for him. He turned the old archer’s body around and found it. It was a longbow – a yew longbow, 5 feet 8 inches long, with a firm bowstring, he immediately noticed. He examined it, pulling the bowstring. The draw was fluid and impressed him with the power it had. Although it wasn’t the best he ever saw, as it has been used for a long time – it was still better than his bow.

He also saw that the old man had an archer’s leather bracer. In the satchel he wore he discovered a small wooden flute, sack with some dried berries and a bag of pipeweed. His quiver had a dozen arrows inside. As he had more pressing business upstairs, he returned, taking his prize with him. He set his old bow on the table, and went to search the upstairs rooms. However, except for few coins lost between the cracks in the floor and

The goligai slaver had in his bag a wineskin, however with no wine – when Gerric opened it, a smell of honey tickled his nose. He knew the smell – it was honey mead. They made that one at his homeland. For a moment he remembered his childhood, when he first tasted it, on a winter solstice feast. It was a small feast, but his father always opened a bottle of honey mead and even the youngsters got to taste the sweet liquid that warmed their bodies and unbound their tongues.

He searched the bag further, fiding a fang of poisonous snake, two metal mugs and a frying pan. Then he picked up his sword.
It was a savaxen sword – he recognized the wide blade, the narrow guard and large pommel that the northerners so liked to decorate. He passed his thumb over the blade and grunted with satisfaction. While it seemed that it was in several battles, it still held a sharp edge. The pommel was fashioned as a face of some angry savaxen god and the sheath was made of fur. This would be a sword anyone would make use of and he had an idea who will be happy to keep it.

He moved to the farmboy’s body. He had no backpack – but it seemed he dragged a large sack, containing several items – he saw a curved dagger encrusted with several gems, wooden hair brush, a yew holy symbol of Barakan, the god of War, twelve small copper goblets, four of them inlaid with small cut topaz stones, five ferret pelts, a small agate charm with a bag of coins and storm clouds on the front, a small copper figure of a wolf, four loaves of bread, a small sack of grain, and half-wheel of hard cheese. It seemed that they made him carry their loot. Ruark came back, and so they quickly stripped the other dead bodies of anything valuable and brought all loot to the table.

Urukubarr grumbled a bit about not being able to put the breakfast on a table they dined on last night, but quickly decided they could eat at the second table – the one near window. Outside the sun shone already, slowly warming the air, fresh from the rain. If the door were not blocked, Urukubarr would have gone outside already, to enjoy the sun on his skin. But there were other things to do.

Ruark came again, this time carrying the other weapons they looted. He placed them on the table - there was a crossbow, a bit too heavy, a dull kriegsmesser, a saber with ornate brass guard, the broad dagger and short sword, 4 small daggers from the butcher, a sling, a pouch with 10 small stones for the sling, one hatchet, one heavy axe and a quarterstaff.

From their clothes they were able to salvage three pairs of leather boots, the old archer’s armor fashioned of hides, the crossbowman’s leather jacket, from the wounded boy a pair of leather vambraces, and a heavy fur cloak.

It seemed like a fortune.

Nazir came and added few iron bullets to the pouch that came with the sling, and few copper coins that seemed a bit oxidized, but still had their value. He also brought a handful of wild strawberries he picked outside, at the crevice, and some interesting news.

Gerric, Ruark and Urukubarr listened to him explain his findings, when suddenly he stopped, signalling them with his hand to keep silent.

At first they did not understand why, but then they heard the sound his fey hearing caught long before they could. A squeaking of a cart…

I’ll leave it to you to tell them your findings:
You are sure that this was their base of operations – or they rarely used one route to get there, because their footprints show no regular routes.
On the other hand, there is enough game around for hunting, and you are sure that there is something wrong with the fireplace – it’s front wall is too thick. But since the fire is burning, no chance to explore it.
You are also sure that there are several villages to northeast and north – going through the crevice – the bandits brought supplies from somewhere. As to getting horses to the front from the back, you found a shortcut, while you were out – you can do that in around 10 minutes.
You found 3 copper coins, 2 bits and 15 iron balls for sling in the rooms above.
Oh and the horse thing – you hear whistling – someone’s whistling a song and coming near on a cart.

I'll let Cavir tell you his findings in Nazir's voice. And now someone is coming near on a cart. And Nazir brought 3 copper coins, 2 bits.
If you did anything else I forgot, let me know in OOC.

2016-04-15, 09:14 PM
As Nazir was dropping off the latest of his findings he started looking at the pile of loot on the table. There was a lot, and that was what convinced him to bring up his thoughts from his searches. He gathered the others around.

"I didn't think they would be carrying all of their ill gained items with them. I thought they would have their own separate base, which I wanted to go find. All this they carried, and some other things I noticed while searching made me think more. I'm convinced now they were actually using this place as their main camp. Sorry, I was going off of what I had seen so far. If we do head through the crevice we'll probably find some villages. I don't know which way would be better for a bounty. The other villages might be friendly to Mad Dog and thus seek revenge on us. Or we might be heroes for them."

I did also notice the fireplace. The size seems weird. After we eat I think it useful to put the fire out and take a closer look. Maybe that is their main storage spot. Wait, do you hear that?"

Nazir heads to the barred windows and tries peaking through. "There's a cart coming. I wonder if that is the next set of victims coming. We should unbar the door and let Kate find out who they are, with us covering."

The halfling pulls out three arrows, preps his new found bow, and looks to Kate.

Loot- what about looting the bodies from the first fight. I think the butcher was mentioned as having several daggers, plus the sledgehammer from the kitchen fight, at least.

2016-04-15, 09:22 PM
"It was a good idea, you had me sold on it alre..." Ruark did not have time to finish replying to Nazir before the sound of the cart brought them all back to attention.

"Another good idea, you're just a font of them these days. Let's all stay inside while Kate gives them an introduction then."

2016-04-15, 10:11 PM
Kate listened to Nazir's report with quiet approval. As usual, his insight was impressive. He did seem a little self conscious about one of his less successful guesses, though. She was quick to reassure him about that.

"There's no need to apologise for making a reasonable suggestion. It could easily have yielded great rewards. By all means, continue to speak your mind. You tend to be right far more often than not."

She was about to comment on the fireplace, when Nazir shushed her. She followed him to the window, and peered out as well. A cart? Hmm. As Nazir said, it could easily have been lured here by the merchant. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. They'd soon find out. As the party 'face' (albeit a masked one), Kate would be the one to greet the newcomers. She quickly ran a brush through her hair, put on her concealing scarf, and otherwise made herself presentable. First impressions were important. Then, once the door had been unbarred, she stepped outside.

Though you couldn't tell by looking at her, Kate actually felt a bit nervous about stepping outside without her armour. The familiar weight of her sword was comforting; But it was no substitute for a suit of full plate. Thankfully, her comrades would be right behind her. If these people turned out to be hostile, backup would be immediately available. With as friendly a demeanour as she could manage, Kate awaited the cart's arrival.

2016-04-16, 12:33 PM
"Good, then we can stop wastin' our time here and go find that merchant and start hackin' his limbs off," Gerric says when Nazir says there's no other base. It would make sense, they could store what they wanted in these tunnels and quickly sell what they capture on the various wagons they would return to the merchant. It was a pretty slick set up, Mad Dog knew what he was about.

That was when the cart drew close enough to hear.

"Wait, do we really want to send Kate out? Better to play it safe isn't it? Just yell at them from the inside if we want to make contact at all. If we overhear them say anythin' about Mad Dog we kill 'em. At the very least I could go out with her. Better a shield to help if things go south."

2016-04-16, 05:22 PM
Kate paused at the door.

"Your concern is welcome; But there's such a thing as being too cautious. Shouting from behind a barricade is unlikely to make a good first impression. If these people are innocent travellers, then I'd very much like to avoid any misunderstandings. Remember, we're a group of heavily armed mercenaries. It won't take much for others to mistake us for bandits (or worse). I'll gladly risk meeting an enemy out there, for the sake of not creating one."

2016-04-16, 05:43 PM
"I agree, if I came upon a group looking like us I'd probably turn and run the other way. It's likely just another travelling merchant who is taking a chance on this road, but be careful Kate. Don't walk too far away from the door so we can come to you quickly if you need it, if Gerric joins you out there I don't see how it could do any harm.