View Full Version : Optimization Sorcerer Villain Handbook: TIER 1 NIGHTMARE

2016-03-11, 10:31 AM
Hello Guys,

Many DMs have serious problems against a tier 1 group.
So , I prepared a villain who can help them to have a challenge the height of an optimized group.

The sorcerer is considered tier 2 , then it will be optimized for defeat rather easily the most powerful Wizards , clerics and druids, Archivists.

This villain was created by minimum rules for a viable game:
1) Limited Contingency Spells
2) Limited Summons
3) Gestalt Disallowed
4) No Infinite Loops ( Infinite Feat, Manipulate Form, etc )
5) Leadership allowed, but the cohort or minion can't be optimized
6) Epic feat, item and class Disallowed

Lord of the Chains

"The son of a vampire dragon was killed by treachery of the old wizards and trapped by chains.
to hell to die with great suffering.
Kidnapped as a child by a group of assassins to develop their skills and be used as a slave.
By his great power of persuasion was trained to command large troops of assassins .
A powerful Erudite found the origins of the leader , thus offering major challenges outside the fortress , which just so we could show the real magic.
During his adventure the erudite said about his father's death , there were people who usurp the magic."

"Lately the academies of magic and great divine centers are being destroyed , it is for PLAYERS discover the reason for the massacre."

The villain hunting targets preparing spells and magic are not inherent in his soul and blood.
For the villain they learn the magic , are weak and usurp the magic of true arcana .
dread Necromancers
Favored Souls
and all spontaneous spellcasters can survive if they are legion allies.

" You learn magic, weak. I am the magic. "



Lord of the Chains

Race: Hellbred
Subtype: Dragonblood , Evil
Aligment: Neutral Evil
Template: Magic Blooded/Unseelie Fey
Bloodline: Necromantic
Level Substituion: Sorcerer Dragonblood level 1 and level 4
Stalwart Sorcerer

Class progression:

Tainted Scholar
Tainted Scholar
Tainted Scholar
Shadow Adept

Initial Atribute:

STR: 5

DEX: 5

CON: 6

INT: 15

WIS: 18

CHR: 20

:After Race Atribute/wishes/level increase/magic-blood/Draconic Bloodline/Unseelie Fey

:After Vererable

STR: 4

DEX: 5

CON: 3

INT: 25



:LeShay Body: True, Mindswift Power(details on the last page)

STR: 24 +5 wish= 29

DEX: 45 +5 wish= 50

CON: 37 +5 wish=42




:After Buffs(details of the last page)

STR: 34

DEX: 72

CON: 46

INT: 32

WIS: 57

CHAR: 55 < 80 with Power Leech

125 Corruption Score

Spell DC checks:

DC spells: 118 + level spell

DC with irrestible Spell: 128 + level spell

DC with Limited Wish debuff: 135 + level spell

HP: 8+19d6 +360+100+20+10=455

AC:148( 191 with improve combat expertise feat )

Touch AC: 114(140 with improve combat expertise feat )

10+ 31 DEX + 36 Deflection Charisma+11 untype

+ 20 insight ( LeShay ) +3 eye of Oracle


1d20+ 31 DEX+ 35 CHAR(Death Giant bonus)+ 10 Itens + 5 Primal Instinct + 35 CHAR circumstance + 2 Agressive

210ft fly speed ( details on the last page )



Fort: 8 + 18+ 1=27

Reflex: 6+ 29 +1=36

Will: 14 +22+1=37

:Persisted Applying Ruins Delver's spells and protect magic

Fort: 62 (70 against spells)

Reflex: 71 (79 Against Spells)

Will: 72 (80 against spells)

:Death, Giant Bonus:

Fort: 97 (107 against spells)

Reflex: 106 (114)

Will: 107(115)

:With Transcend Mortality: +10 saves

Fort: 107 (117)

Reflex: 116 (124)

Will: 117 (125)

Melee attack roll

Heroic spell: Power Attack, Quick Draw, Combat Expertise, Improve Combate Expertise
Surge of Fortune Spell: Natural 20 on d20
Dolorous Blow Spell: Autoconfirm crit hit
Smiting Spell feat + Imprisonment: Save 137 or Imprison
Smiting Spell feat + Death by thorn: Incapacited or Died
Wraithstrike: Touch attack

Weapon: Vorpal Spellstoring Inteligent GreaterSword

Attack Roll (Touch Attack):1d20+112 (132 and slain your head)

+20 BBA ( Divine Power ) + 12 STR + 5 Enchanment +4 morale + 8 Minute Form + 22 Ferocity + 20 Arcane Strike + 20 True strike +1 Haste Spell


Whirling Blade spell + True Strike ( Touch Attack )+ Arcane Strike + Ferocity of Sanguine Rage: 1d20+135(155 and slain your head. If Improvisation spell: 1d20+161(181 and slain your head)

+20 BBA + 35 CHA + 5 Enchanment + 20 True Strike + 20 Arcane Strike+ 22 Ferocity+ 4 morable + 8 Minute Form
+ 1Haste +26 lucky (If Improvisation spell)

Damage Weapon

Greater Mighty Wallop Spell: Increase Weapon Damage
Arcane Strike feat: Increase damage based on your spell level used
Ferocity of Sanguine Rage:

6d8 ( Greater Mighty Wallop )+9d4 ( Arcane Strike ) + 52 ( Charisma damage ) +5 Enchanment + 22 Ferocity of Sanguine Rage + 60 Maximized Vampiric Touch(Storing Spell)

=183 Damage

If Power Attack: 203 damage[

Crit Hit: 17-20x3
Crit Hit = 609 Damage

18 level = 7 feats
Feat bonus ( Leshay Body )= 5 feats
Marshal Bonus=1 feat bonus
Hellbred Bonus=1 feat bonus
Incantatrix Bonus=4 feat bonus
Draconic Bloodline bonus = 2 feat bonus
Flaws: 2 bonus
7 Site locations( Othy Hole, Metamagic Storm and others ): 7 bonus feat
Familiar=1 bonus feat
Elder Evil fighting = 5 bonus feat
Shadow Adept=3 bonus feat
Planar touchstone(domination domain)= 1 bonus feat
Tainted= 2 Bonus feat
Tainted Knowledge=1 bonus feat
Symbiotic Creature= Free Empowered Spell
Stalwart= 2 bonus feat

Spell Embrace the Dark Chaos and Shun the Dark Chaos changing my useless feat.
Retraining Feats( PHBII )
Psychic Reformation Power

Feat adjusted:

Extend Spell
Transdimension Spell
Heightain Spell
Persistend Spell
Practical Metamagic-Maximize Spell
Twin Spell
Practical Metamagic-Twin Spell
Craft Contingent Spell
Arcane Thesis – Greater Arcane Fusion
Rapid Spell
Easy Metamagic-Twin Spell
Arcane Thesis – Hail of Stone
Daley Spell
Selective Spell
Sculpt Spell
Spell Thematic ( Spells with Chain Shape )
Still Spell
Innate Spell ( Mordenkainen's Disjunction )
Innate Spell ( Truename Dispell )
Smiting Spell
Fell Drain Spell
Supernatural Transformation ( Truename Dispell )
Truename Training
Mother Cyst
Necromantic Bloodline
Shadow Weaver Magic
Corrupt Arcane
Sanctum Spell
Arcane Thesis (Antimagic Field)
Obtain Familiar
Iron Will
Corpse Craft
Nimble Bones
Improved Drain
Spell Drain
Innate Spell ( Energy Drain )
Supernatural ( Energy Drain )
Arcane Strike
Arcane Thesis-Whirling Blade
Deceptive Spell


Hide +171 (+187 Shadesteel Golem form )

Move in Silent +66

Bluff +104

Diplomacy +80

Gather Information +62

Disguise +79 ( using with shapechange and mundane cloth)

Spellscraft +32

Use magic device +35

Use Power device +35

Ride +59

Spot +126

Truename +36

Skill check detail: Improvisation Spell: +26 skill check
“You gain access to a floating "pool" of luck, which manifests as bonus points you can use as desired to improve your odds of success at various tasks. This bonus pool consists of 2 points per caster level, which you can spend as you like to improve attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks, although no single check can receive a bonus greater than one-half your caster level. You must declare any bonus point usage before the appropriate roll is made. Used points disappear from the pool, and any points remaining when the spell ends are wasted. These points count as luck bonuses for the purpose of stacking.

For example, a 14th-level bard pauses while chasing a pickpocket to cast improvisation. At any time during the next 14 rounds, he could use the points to provide himself a +7 luck bonus on a Spot check, a +7 luck bonus on a Climb check, and a +7 luck bonus on two of his attacks.”

Special Quality:

Motivate Dexterity

Dragonshape Wings

Blood Component

Tainted Spellcasting

Taint Supression
Secrets: Blooded Metamagic, Taint Knowledge


Metamagic Effect

Instant Metamagic

Snatch Spell

Improve Metamagic

Shadow Feats

Seize Concentration

Winter Chill


Limited Wish for > Psychick Reformation

Limited Wish for > Favor of the Martyr

Limited wish for> Powerleech = +30 charisma

Persisting Spells Ritual:

[DC for metamagic effect

18x(3x level of the magic adjusted with metamagic)

Persist spell increase 6 slots, but, with incantator, decrease for 6-1=5

DC max for persist magic level 9 incantator skill metamagic effect


Getting DC

23 rank of spellcraft+ 12 int+ 2 sinergy= +37 spellcraft

37 spellcraft +20 Wand of Guidance of Avatar+ 6 heroism, great

32 + 20 +6= 1d20 +63 spellcraft bonus

persisted all magics.

Spells: Sorcerer can learn any spell: But, he need a scroll or a grimoire

1: True Strike - True Casting -Hail of stone - Eyes of the Avoral** - Sanctuary** - Strengh of True Form**-Improvisation**

2: Wings of Cover - Heroic**x3 - Gust of wind - Wraithstrike**, Whirling Blade - Chamaleon - Suffer to Flesh**- Bladeweave**- Shadow phase

3: Vision of the Omniscient Eye** - That Art Thou**- haste** - Light Day - ferocity of sanguine rage**- Mighty Wallop, greater - Dolorous Blow**-Nauseating Breath-Antecipate Teleport**

4: Celerity - Ray of Deflection** - Orb of Force - Ruin Delver's fortune** - Creepin Darkness - Divine Power** - Voice of the Dragon - Otiluke's Supressing Field - Deower Transference

5: Arcane Fusion - Owl Insight - Teleport - Blink, great** - Surge of Fortune** – Telekinesis – Baleful Polymorph, Divine Agility, Dragonsight

6: Mental Pinnacle - Antimagic Field – Eye of Oracle

7: Arcane Spellsurge** - limited wish - Body ouside Body -
Death by thorn

8: Greater Arcane Fusion - Mystic Shield** - Invisibility, Superior**- Truename Dispell -Veil of Undeath**- Minute Form**

9: Stop Time - Mage Disjunction - Shapechange** - Imprisonment - Transcend Mortality** - Wish - Monstruous Thrall, Invoke Magic

** Persisted
Non wizard/sorcerer list: Transcend Mortality-Minute Form, Body outside Bod-Surge of Fortune-Creeping Darkness, Divine Power-That Art thou-Sanctuary-Improvisation

Shapechange: Lilitu(Fiendish Codex I)=Cleric Spell Acess
Greater, Planar Binding:
Planetar, Formian Queen, Elemental Weird and others useful binding
They cast spells inside Rings of Theurgy
Now the prince have acess to any spell
Useful Rings of Theurgy Spells:
Greater Visage deity, Monstruous Thrall, Divine Power, Storm rage, Consumptive Field

Spell-like Abilities: Wings of Cover, Celerity, Truename Dispel, Mordenkainen Disjunction
Supernatural Abilitie: Truename dispell

Necromantic Bloodline Spell Bonus

1st—Causefear 2nd—Ghoul touch 3rd—Vampiric touch 4th—Contagion 5th—Dominate person 6th—Eyebite 7th—Control undead 8th—Trap the soul 9th—Wail of the bansh

Mother Cyst Spell Bonus

1st— necrotic awareness; 2nd— necrotic cyst , necrotic scrying ; 3rd— necrotic bloat ; 4th— necrotic domination ; 5th— necrotic burst ; 6th— necrotic eruption ; 7th— necrotic tumor ; 8th— necrotic empowerment ; 9th— necrotic termination.

Draconic Heritage spell bonus:
Deep Dragon:
1st-Alter Self, 4th-Freedom of Movement, 6th- True Seeing

PS: PLAYERHANDBOOK II Pag 192, retraining spells:

The prince can replace your spells know.

10 Rings of Theurgy=30 spells know stored

Scroll: Creat a great tatoo, Moment of Prescience, Ice Assassin, Hide Life, Wish, Gate, MindBlank

Wand: Guidance of Avatar, Forestfold, Battlefield Perception, Heroc

Drake Helm1: Imprisonment, Transcend Mortality, Wish, Polymorph Any Object

Drake Helm2: Veil of Undeath, Monstruous Thrall

PS: Every morning, preparing his daily ritual, increasing their level of caster and persisting spells

Caster Level: 60 Caster Level

Bead of karma: +4 caster

Suffer to flesh: +5

Arcane Gloves: +2

Tatoo: +1

Greater Consuptive Field: Variable

+9 Aid Spellcaster

Contingency condition:

When i attack, Cast Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion

When i attacked, Cast Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion

When the enemy cast time stop, Cast Maximized Time Stop


3 Summons: 3 Ice Assassin of Myself: Mindrape trick
+ Cohort Erudite level 18

Sorcerer Combo: Greater Arcane Fusion + Arcane Spellsurge:

The Prince can cast 3 Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion per round and move each standard action ( Flyby Attack feat )

5 move actions per round.

Greater Arcane Fusion

Combo 1)

Hail of Stone Bypass antimagic field, Area spell, no SR, no Save, untype damage. Hail of Stone is full round cast. The Prince use rapid spell+ Arcane Spellsurge= Stardard Action

Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion(Slot 7 and 4)

Slot 7: Sanctum Widen Sculpt(Line or Cone) Antimagic Field

Slot 4: Sanctum Arcane Fusion ( Slot 4 and 1 )

Slot 4: Twinned Maximized empowered transdimensional Heightein(level 7 spell)Sculpt(Line or Cone) Widen Fell Drain Hail of Stone ( 60 damage )

Slot 1: Twinned Maximized empowered Transdimensional Heightein(level 3 spell)Sculpt(Line or Cone) Widen Fell Drain Hail of Stone ( 60 damage )

180 untype, no save, no sr, no antimagic field, area spell and 4 negative level

Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion = 360 damage and 8 negative level

Combo 2)

Greater Arcane Fusion

Limited Wish to gain extra actions: Duplicate Celerity

Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion( Slot 7 and 4 )

Slot 7: Twinned Sanctum Limited Wish:
Duplicating Celerity effects: 2 extra actions.
Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion= 4 Extras Stardard Actions

Slot 4: Sanctum Arcane Fusion(Slot 4 and 1)

Slot 4: Twinned Maximized empowered transdimensional Heightein(level 7 spell)Sculpt(Line or Cone) Widen Fell Drain Hail of Stone ( 60 damage )

Slot 1: Twinned Maximized empowered Transdimensional Heightein(level 3 spell)Sculpt(Line or Cone) Widen Fell Drain Hail of Stone ( 60 damage )

Combo 3)

Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion(Slot 7 and slot 4)

Slot7: Twinned Arcane Fusion (Slot 4 and 1)

Slot4: Creeping Darkness( you are considered blinded, so you lose your DEX bonus, you cant cast spells with verbal component )

Slot 4: Twinned Transdimentional Sculpt Fell drain Whirling Blade( +180 Attack roll).
Slot 1: True Strike

PS: Discharging Imprisonment and Death by thorn Spell: 94 and 92 DC and 8 Negative level:
Surge of Fortune: I choose natural 20 on d20 and you lose your head.

Combo 4)

Breaking enemie defenses and confusing them
“Cage Duplicate” Naruto!

Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion:

Slot 7: Sanctum Twinned Body outside Body: 44 duplicates of myself:
They cast “Celerity Spell-like”
They cast Spell-like “Wings of Cover” Share to everything around them.
They cast Spell-like Mordenkainen Disjunction
they cast SUPERNATURAL Truename Dispell(WTF It over 9000! )

Slot 4: Sanctum Arcane Fusion(Slot 4 and 1)

Slot 4: Twinned Maximized empowered transdimensional Heightein(level 7 spell)Sculpt(Line or Cone) Widen Fell Drain Hail of Stone ( 60 damage )

Slot 1: Twinned Maximized empowered Transdimensional Heightein(level 3 spell)Sculpt(Line or Cone) Widen Fell Drain Hail of Stone ( 60 damage )

Detail About Leshay Body:

The prince use:
1)The Erudite cohort cast Metafaculty power, Find one Leshay.
2) Control him
3)Mental Pinnacle spell+ Psychic Cirurgy= True Mindswift avaiable
4)Change the body with Leshay.


Enlisting in the legion of the chains of evil.
All those who wish to join the legion, can never get near the villain and should go through the ritual :
All must undergo magic :
Necrotic tumor ( Chain Shaped )

In Exemplar of Evil , describes the villains have 1 to 3 loyal minions , as the character is very strong and charismatic , he easily recruit legions .


The aim of the prisoners is to suport magic and serve:
The main spells to imprison , is necrotic tumor , therefore , they can not escape and not react.
You will order his prisoners to cast spells in Theurgy Ring , so the villain has access to your spells.
1) Abeil, Queen = Druid Spells Acess
2) Solars / Planejars = Cleric and domains acess
3) Ethergaunt, Black = Wizard Spell acess
4) Everyone controled by Necrotic Tumor can be a Prisoner.



This villain and his minions serve Elder Evil , you can enter the elder evil in your adventure , and may directly or indirectly attack or disrupt the Tier 1 plans

Spontaneous Caster Recruting:
The main reason spellcasters spontaneos is to have access to the Rings of Theurgy , with easy access to any spell. they always capture more prisoners to have more power

2016-03-11, 03:12 PM
Is the challenge to kill it? How does it deal with a supernatural holy word with the caster level boosted up to I don't know, 40 or so?

2016-03-11, 03:24 PM
Welcome back.

2016-03-11, 03:30 PM
This vaguely reminds me of a character some guy made a year or two ago, positing that his sorcerer was unbeatable, due to Arcane Fusion shenanigans.

2016-03-11, 03:32 PM
Incantatrix. It's Incantatrix, not Incantatar.

2016-03-11, 03:37 PM
Incantatrix. It's Incantatrix, not Incantatar.

Incantatrix is a Female adjective, Incantatar is the Male version.

2016-03-11, 03:39 PM
Incantatrix is a Female adjective, Incantatar is the Male version.

Huh. Never knew that.

Nevermind, then, you go on spelling it Incantatar.

2016-03-11, 03:52 PM
Is the challenge to kill it? How does it deal with a supernatural holy word with the caster level boosted up to I don't know, 40 or so?
Hellow :smallredface:

I do not think that is a big problem , The villain have level 60 CL ,
Transcend Mortality Spell
Evil Weather spell can be a great problem here .
there are many resources out of this villain .
There are also many features , including activating the contigency condition .

So I would say it would be very difficult the cleric act first and to identify their real enemy .
Detail: Epic Bluff, you cant know the vilain true alignment.

2016-03-11, 04:03 PM
Hellow :smallredface:

I do not think that is a big problem , The villain have level 60 CL ,
Transcend Mortality Spell
Evil Spell Weather can be a great problem here .
there are many resources out of this villain .
There are also many features , including activating the condigency condition .

Holy word isn't a death effect and it being supernatural means that it ignores spell resistance. Also ignores counter spells and dispel magic. If your hit dice is far enough below the caster level, you die. No save, no spell resistance, no attack roll.

2016-03-11, 04:09 PM
Yep, definitely sounding familiar, from this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?414050-Who-is-better-Optimized-Wizard-or-Optimized-Sorcerer-Yes-Sorcerer-is-a-GOD), by LordDrako...

I'm assuming that's where the:

Welcome back.
came from, yes?

2016-03-11, 04:09 PM
Holy word isn't a death effect and it being supernatural means that it ignores spell resistance. Also ignores counter spells and dispel magic. If your hit dice is far enough below the caster level, you die. No save, no spell resistance, no attack roll.

Hellow again,

I know.

Transcendy Mortality = The Vilain is Unkillable
Evil Weather Spell = No divine casting or buffs
Contingency Spell actived= Greater Arcane fusion, possible teleport
Not easy the cleric act first.
Why u will use holy word againt good character? epic bluff.

I wanted to know how increase a supernatural ability caster level?

2016-03-11, 04:18 PM
I'm assuming that's where the:

came from, yes?

Indeed. About the only thing Vampire's OP doesn't have that Lord Drako's had was pictures of male casters showing off their sick abs.

2016-03-11, 04:21 PM
Yeah, confirmed =)
It's different now , I'm just helping DMs

2016-03-11, 04:23 PM
Indeed. About the only thing Vampire's OP doesn't have that Lord Drako's had was pictures of male casters showing off their sick abs.


Yeah, confirmed =)
It's different now , I'm just helping DMs

Wait, is this admittance of him having a second account? Isn't having multiple accounts on the forums against the ToS? Especially if your other account was banned?

2016-03-11, 04:25 PM
Yeah, confirmed =)
It's different now , I'm just helping DMs

...confirmed? Um...I mean, I already figured it was you, LD, but having admitted confirmation...

Forum Rules (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1)

...and here I was hoping the charade could go on a bit longer.

2016-03-11, 04:26 PM
Wait, is this admittance of him having a second account? Isn't having multiple accounts on the forums against the ToS? Especially if your other account was banned?

Seems to be the case.

Multiple/Alternate Accounts
Each individual user may maintain one active account on the Giant in the Playground forums. Registering more than one account, including the use of identified alternate accounts, is not allowed. Likewise, shared or group accounts are not permitted. Though there are several legitimate advantages to such accounts, particularly in the role-play environment, these accounts are too easily abused and allow rule violators too many additional options to avoid the repercussions of their actions to be allowed.

If a user is found to have multiple accounts, all but the main account (the one with the most posts) will be closed, and any Infractions earned under the alternate accounts will be transferred to the main. Deliberate and/or malicious violations of this rule could result in an infraction or ban.

Previously Banned Users
Any user found to have been banned while using a different account will have his or her new account banned as well. If it is found that another user is allowing a previously banned user to post using his or her account, or is posting on behalf of a previously banned user, the account of that user will also be banned.

EDIT: Also, allow me to say this before the thread gets locked: this villain's backstory is incredibly cliched and trite.

2016-03-11, 04:26 PM
Shhh, please don't kill the fun so early. We haven't even reached page 2 5.

2016-03-11, 04:28 PM
Also, for the lulz

Why u will use holy word againt good character? epic bluff.

I would assume because you specifically titled this thread as a Villain? Which are predominately evil? And also,

Lord of the Chains

Race: Hellbred
Subtype: Dragonblood , Evil
Aligment: Neutral Evil
Template: Magic Blooded/Unseelie Fey
Bloodline: Necromantic
Level Substituion: Sorcerer Dragonblood level 1 and level 4
Stalwart Sorcerer

You know, the part where you wrote his alignment as Neutral Evil...

2016-03-11, 04:29 PM
If the guys want, I go out, but if I were you not worried about someone who is here to help DMs = )

2016-03-11, 04:29 PM

I know right? Here I was all geared up to watch the fireworks under the guise of plausible deniability, and then...

Wait, is this admittance of him having a second account? Isn't having multiple accounts on the forums against the ToS? Especially if your other account was banned?

...that happened. What you're looking for is "Previously Banned Users", under "Bannable Offenses". Oh, someone's beat me to the actual posting of the rule, awesome.

Shhh, please don't kill the fun so early. We haven't even reached page 2 5.

No can do, sorry. Before, we at least had plausible deniability (we couldn't know for sure it was LD posting from a new account), but now...well, he admitted it. Nothing to it but to report it.

2016-03-11, 04:30 PM
Also, for the lulz

I would assume because you specifically titled this thread as a Villain? Which are predominately evil? And also,

A epic bluff use a false alignment. So, inside the game is impossible know your true alignment.

2016-03-11, 04:33 PM
A epic bluff use a false alignment. So, inside the game is impossible know your true alignment.

Yeah, sure, fine, whatever. But I've played a Warlock who just spams Detect Magic every time I enter a room, as well as a Paladin who spammed Detect Evil. Might be I'm playing a particularly virtuous Cleric who sees necromantic unseelie fey looking hellbred, and decided he needed a good Smiting?

2016-03-11, 04:33 PM
Hellow again,

I know.

Transcendy Mortality = The Vilain is Unkillable
Evil Weather Spell = No divine casting or buffs
Contingency Spell actived= Greater Arcane fusion, possible teleport
Not easy the cleric act first.
Why u will use holy word againt good character? epic bluff.

I wanted to know how increase a supernatural ability caster level?

I'm afb and not familiar with evil spell weather. It's not hard for a cleric to cast in an anti magic field though. Does it specifically go through those?

For going first, I'd just get immunity to daze and use celerity. Throw on a few contingencies that are keyed to random words like omgwtfbbq. Pretty sure you run out of immediate actions before I'd run out of contingencies.

I also don't see why alignment matters. Can just get a cohort/mindraped minion to cast a similar blasphemy.

Dweomerkeeper is an easy way to get a supernatural ability at whatever caster level you want.

2016-03-11, 04:40 PM
A epic bluff use a false alignment. So, inside the game is impossible know your true alignment.

Firstly, Epic Bluff can only prevent alignment detection, not spells that directly affect people of a certain alignment; using Epic Bluff to pretend to be good doesn't let you ignore the damage from a Smite Evil.

Secondly, Epic Bluff can be combatted by epic Sense Motive.

Thirdly, even if Epic Bluff effectively changes your alignment in regards to spells that affect creatures of a certain alignment, there's spells that target multiple such alignments, and you can't block all of them at the same time (since even Epic Bluff only lets you mimic one fake alignment at a time), so just somebody tossing both Holy Word and Blasphemy at you will do the trick.

2016-03-11, 04:50 PM
If the guys want, I go out, but if I were you not worried about someone who is here to help DMs = )
You keep using this as a defense, but isn't a very good one. Before, you were "helping" players. How is this different?

Bobby Baratheon
2016-03-11, 04:57 PM
Also, allow me to say this before the thread gets locked: this villain's backstory is incredibly cliched and trite.

I'll second that. Oh boy, another brooding emo with a mysterious past and childhood pains that drove him/her to evil. That's about as original as a dual wielding, repentant dark elf.

EDIT: Also, how exactly is this a handbook? It's just a build. There's no substantive advice on how to run a "Nightmare" villain for Tier Ones (which would be an admittedly cool handbook) beyond "look at this kool trick", and even that's just included as part of the build.

2016-03-11, 05:00 PM
I'll second that. Oh boy, another brooding emo with a mysterious past and childhood pains that drove him/her to evil. That's about as original as a dual wielding, repentant dark elf.

Is it too soon to say "wtb brooding emo sorcerer pics"??

Or do we not want to go there?

2016-03-11, 05:04 PM
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQCDn_f8MkLxtdOssmlIhKvV_ejT9PZH 3IXbMyBZarL_7Hk3Bf_

you guys. my pain... is forever...

2016-03-11, 05:05 PM
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQCDn_f8MkLxtdOssmlIhKvV_ejT9PZH 3IXbMyBZarL_7Hk3Bf_

you guys. my pain... is forever...

Alas, I have no picture of Severus Snape's sick abs to share, or I would.

2016-03-11, 05:07 PM
:In the voice from the beginning of every Fable game:

"And so it begins..."

2016-03-11, 05:10 PM
I'm afb and not familiar with evil spell weather. It's not hard for a cleric to cast in an anti magic field though. Does it specifically go through those?

For going first, I'd just get immunity to daze and use celerity. Throw on a few contingencies that are keyed to random words like omgwtfbbq. Pretty sure you run out of immediate actions before I'd run out of contingencies.

I also don't see why alignment matters. Can just get a cohort/mindraped minion to cast a similar blasphemy.

Dweomerkeeper is an easy way to get a supernatural ability at whatever caster level you want.


So, Transcend Mortality is enough to Holy Word does not work.

Evil Weather is enough too.

Another way to fight is shapechance to Aspect of Sertrous (Elder Evil)
Using Impervious to the Divine (Su) :
Malefic Properties. Now divine spells are useless.
No Holy Word or AMF

About Celerity,

Contingency action: Twin Greater Arcane Fusion
Slot 7: Sanctun Twin Limited Wish < Celerity
Slot 4: Dimension Door

So, 4 celerity with one contingency condition.

2016-03-11, 05:17 PM
I'm curious though... You say you are breaking the forum rules in order to help DMs, but how exactly does this amalgamation actually help a DM? It isn't the DM's job to try to kill the players, but instead to lead them on a quest for them to kill your characters. Maybe not easily, but definitely not so hard that there isn't a 4th wall breaking, meta-gamed retroactive answer to any and everything a PC could come up with.

Bobby Baratheon
2016-03-11, 05:17 PM
That picture makes me want to ingest a sphere of annihilation, or spray on some meat perfume and go for a swim in a shark tank.


2016-03-11, 05:22 PM
That picture makes me want to ingest a sphere of annihilation, or spray on some meat perfume and go for a swim in a shark tank.


I think you need a file type to get the picture to actually appear. Fortunately, the picture you were trying to post is pretty popular, so it shouldn't be hard to find a JPG version.

2016-03-11, 05:25 PM
I will also describe the legion of villains and all the drama that can help DMs to create a good drama. And not only a direct duel.
I am still editing.

2016-03-11, 05:25 PM
You guys. I think we should take a moment and thank Vampire. He obviously has spent... a lot of time... perhaps too much time.... perfecting this ultimate sorcerer JUST to help us with our games. I mean, seriously... wu-jen spells, book of eternal darkness candy, elder evils.... he has plundered the dark crannies and secret meat-folds of the game to find for us this impressive pile of... awesome.

I think we should give him a hand.

Thank you Vampire.

Now I think we should show our appreciation. Perhaps we could each use the Lord of Chains as a bad guy in a game with our players and then, when he is handedly defeated over and over and over again, like beating a mule, we can email Vampire stories of each of his humbling and inevitable defeats. He could catalog them and cherish them, content in the help he so thanklessly provided.

2016-03-11, 05:28 PM
Now I think we should show our appreciation. Perhaps we could each use the Lord of Chains as a bad guy in a game with our players and then, when he is handedly defeated over and over and over again, like beating a mule, we can email Vampire stories of each of his humbling and inevitable defeats. He could catalog them and cherish them, content in the help he so thanklessly provided.

Paging Red Fel. Red Fel? Are you there Red Fel?

2016-03-11, 05:29 PM
You guys. I think we should take a moment and thank Vampire. He obviously has spent... a lot of time... perhaps too much time.... perfecting this ultimate sorcerer JUST to help us with our games. I mean, seriously... wu-jen spells, book of eternal darkness candy, elder evils.... he has plundered the dark crannies and secret meat-folds of the game to find for us this impressive pile of... awesome.

I think we should give him a hand.

Thank you Vampire.

Now I think we should show our appreciation. Perhaps we could each use the Lord of Chains as a bad guy in a game with our players and then, when he is handedly defeated over and over and over again, like beating a mule, we can email Vampire stories of each of his humbling and inevitable defeats. He could catalog them and cherish them, content in the help he so thanklessly provided.
The Name is Tier 1 nighmare =O

Book of Vile Darkness, Elder Evil and Exemplar of Evil are natural choice from villains.

2016-03-11, 05:48 PM
Oh gods, I'm already having PTSD-esque flashbacks...

2016-03-11, 05:50 PM
Oh gods, I'm already having PTSD-esque flashbacks...

Hey man !

2016-03-11, 05:55 PM
Hey man !

PTSD-esque. That's not good.

2016-03-11, 06:01 PM
Tomorrow I will end, Villain Fortness, the drama, minions, monsters controlled by Necrotic Tumor

If DMs just balance and not a direct fight.

2016-03-11, 06:01 PM
Another way to fight is shapechance to Aspect of Sertrous (Elder Evil)
Using Impervious to the Divine (Su) :
Malefic Properties. Now divine spells are useless.
No Holy Word or AMF

Can you actually shapechange into a aspect?

2016-03-11, 06:02 PM
Yeah, the villain can, The Villain serves the Elder Evil too.

2016-03-11, 06:06 PM
so just convert it to an arcane spell, using one of the feats that do that.

2016-03-11, 06:07 PM
so just convert it to an arcane spell, using one of the feats that do that.
Dragon Magazine.

Knowstones allowed?

2016-03-11, 06:13 PM
Dragon Magazine.

Knowstones allowed?

dragon magazine wasn't on your list of banned items, so i don't see why that matters. transcend mortality doesn't protect against the holy word either since it isn't a death effect, so still get hit with it.

2016-03-11, 06:16 PM
Sorry, I forgot.

Transcend mortality was created as a last-ditch effort, a spell to use when all other options have failed. For the duration of the spell, you are all but indestructible. You gain the following benefits:
Damage reduction 30/epic.
Spell resistance equal to 21 + you caster level.
Acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic resistance 50.
Immunity to ability damage, disease, energy drain, poison, and death effects.
+10 enhancement bonus on all saving throws.
You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.

Although this spell makes you effectively unkillable for the duration, that comes at a horrific price. You gain these benefits by using up all your remaining life force. When the spell ends, you are instantly slain and reduced to a pile of dust (as disintegrate). This effect allows no save and can't be prevented by any means, though you can be resurrected normally afterward.

2016-03-11, 06:21 PM
Sorry, I forgot.

Transcend mortality was created as a last-ditch effort, a spell to use when all other options have failed. For the duration of the spell, you are all but indestructible. You gain the following benefits:
Damage reduction 30/epic.
Spell resistance equal to 21 + you caster level.
Acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic resistance 50.
Immunity to ability damage, disease, energy drain, poison, and death effects.
+10 enhancement bonus on all saving throws.
You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.

Although this spell makes you effectively unkillable for the duration, that comes at a horrific price. You gain these benefits by using up all your remaining life force. When the spell ends, you are instantly slain and reduced to a pile of dust (as disintegrate). This effect allows no save and can't be prevented by any means, though you can be resurrected normally afterward.

these are the benefits of the spell.
Damage reduction 30/epic.
Spell resistance equal to 21 + you caster level.
Acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic resistance 50.
Immunity to ability damage, disease, energy drain, poison, and death effects.
+10 enhancement bonus on all saving throws.
You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.

supernatural holy word bypasses all of those.

2016-03-11, 06:28 PM
these are the benefits of the spell.
Damage reduction 30/epic.
Spell resistance equal to 21 + you caster level.
Acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic resistance 50.
Immunity to ability damage, disease, energy drain, poison, and death effects.
+10 enhancement bonus on all saving throws.
You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.

supernatural holy word bypasses all of those.

It's okay if you ignore all description . How you will deal with Evil Weather Spell and Malefic Properties?
Or Greater Arcane Fusion contigency
And I'm sure never cleric would win the initiative.

So , Hide Life spell is also a problem .
Blink, Greater is problem too.

2016-03-11, 06:50 PM
i assume you mean this effect?

Violet Rain: Always accompanied by a terrible thunderstorm
filled with lightning, violet rain brings portents of
great evil. Once violet rain begins to fall, all connection
with divine agencies is severed for 24 hours. Divine spellcasters
have no access to spells, divine spell effects are suppressed,
and divinely infused magic items cease to function.
When violet rain comes, leaders of temples often hire
extra help to safeguard the temple while they are bereft of
magic. Because violet rain is so disruptive, religious leaders
sometimes use divinations and prophecies to gain as much
warning as they can.

this is a supernatural holy word. it's a supernatural ability and not a spell. so it works. ignoring that, casting it as an arcane spell from one of those feats works.

once you cast greater arcane fusion, you pick all of the spells you want to cast at once. they don't get stored to be used later, so you don't get to use celerity 4 times from it after i've used celerity. you'd be interrupting your own actions.

2016-03-11, 06:59 PM
i assume you mean this effect?

Violet Rain: Always accompanied by a terrible thunderstorm
filled with lightning, violet rain brings portents of
great evil. Once violet rain begins to fall, all connection
with divine agencies is severed for 24 hours. Divine spellcasters
have no access to spells, divine spell effects are suppressed,
and divinely infused magic items cease to function.
When violet rain comes, leaders of temples often hire
extra help to safeguard the temple while they are bereft of
magic. Because violet rain is so disruptive, religious leaders
sometimes use divinations and prophecies to gain as much
warning as they can.

this is a supernatural holy word. it's a supernatural ability and not a spell. so it works. ignoring that, casting it as an arcane spell from one of those feats works.

once you cast greater arcane fusion, you pick all of the spells you want to cast at once. they don't get stored to be used later, so you don't get to use celerity 4 times from it after i've used celerity. you'd be interrupting your own actions.

No buff, No spells, No high caster level

Vulnerable, Surprised??
+171 hide check, the Vilain use Superior, Invisibility

Twin Greater Arcane Fusion:
Slot 7: Sculpt Antimagic Field ( Cone )
Slot 4: Sanctum Arcane Fusion

Slot 4: Maximized Empowered Twinned Transdimentional Frell drain Sculpt ( Cone ) Hail of Stone
Slot 1: Maximized Empowered Twinned Transdimentional Frell Drain Sculpt( Ball ) Hail of Stone

800 damage + 16 negative level damage,
The Vilain drain your spells ( Drain spell Feat )
The vilain gain +16 bonus attack, save, skill check.

Craft Contigency Spell: Greater Arcane Fusion=Stupid Versatility


Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion(Slot 7 and slot 4)

Slot7: Twinned Arcane Fusion (Slot 4 and 1)

Slot4: Creeping Darkness( you are considered blinded, so you lose your DEX bonus, you cant cast spells with verbal component )

Slot 4: Twinned Transdimentional Sculpt Fell drain Whirling Blade( +180 Attack roll).
Slot 1: True Strike

PS: Discharging Imprisonment and Death by thorn Spell: 94 and 92 DC and 8 Negative level:
Surge of Fortune: I choose natural 20 on d20 and you lose your head.

Surprise attack:

Greater Arcane Fusion:

Slot 7: Necrotic Tumor DC ( 94 )

Slot 4: Necrotic Cyst DC (91)

The enemie is controlled, new minion

2016-03-11, 07:19 PM
Sorry, I forgot.

Transcend mortality was created as a last-ditch effort, a spell to use when all other options have failed. For the duration of the spell, you are all but indestructible. You gain the following benefits:
Damage reduction 30/epic.
Spell resistance equal to 21 + you caster level.
Acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic resistance 50.
Immunity to ability damage, disease, energy drain, poison, and death effects.
+10 enhancement bonus on all saving throws.
You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.

Although this spell makes you effectively unkillable for the duration, that comes at a horrific price. You gain these benefits by using up all your remaining life force. When the spell ends, you are instantly slain and reduced to a pile of dust (as disintegrate). This effect allows no save and can't be prevented by any means, though you can be resurrected normally afterward.
Key Word: "effectively"

2016-03-11, 07:25 PM
Picture isn't grimdark enough. I shoot him with my bolter and he dies.

Red Fel
2016-03-11, 10:37 PM
Paging Red Fel. Red Fel? Are you there Red Fel?


Seriously, you summon me to a thread you know will be locked down, given that the OP has already admitted to a ToS violation? What possible reason could I-


... villain handbook. VILLAIN HANDBOOK.

No. No you did not.

Chief, get in the car, daddy's gotta take you to school.

See, I get that you're trying to help DMs everywhere. I did that too. Back when I wrote an actual villain handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?448542-Compliance-Will-Be-Rewarded-A-Guide-to-Lawful-Evil). You know, a handbook about how to play a villain.

I have credentials.

Thing is... This? This ain't that. Not at all. This isn't about how to play a villain. It's not even about how to play a BBEG. It's not even about how to design such things.

This is a macaroni painting.

I'm not saying it's bad, mind you. High art transcends the medium. I'm saying it's the sort of thing you take home to your parents, not because it's necessarily good or bad, but because you simply want it to be admired.

There's no question here. At least, not one that you want answered. There's no real conversation. It's all, "Look, I made a hat." It's a very nice hat you made, sure. But that's it - you made a hat.

A handbook isn't about showing people this one thing you made. It's about teaching people how to make a thing. You could make a handbook and provide this as an example, sure. Don't, by the way, because it's a rubbish illustration if your best defense is "the DM can do what he wants." But the point is, that's not a handbook.

It's not really a thread, either. A thread, by its nature, should invite conversation. "Help me refine my thing," is an example of conversation. "What is wrong with what I'm doing?" is another conversation. "Look, I made a hat," is not a conversation; it is a Stephen Sondheim lyric. And I love those, but that's a lyric, not a thread.

I'm going to withdraw now, because my rage is boiling over and I just polished the countertops, and because I have no desire to be here when the mods arrive. Self-preservation instinct, you know.

Oh, and Weasel, do try to summon me onto a surface that can support me, next time. As opposed to one that's about to collapse.

2016-03-11, 11:00 PM
Maybe one of our forumites could meet Vampire over Skype or something so that they can have a rational discussion in "person"? Vampire might just be bad at internet arguments, and perfectly reasonable in face-to-face ones.

2016-03-11, 11:03 PM
Maybe one of our forumites could meet Vampire over Skype or something so that they can have a rational discussion in "person"? Vampire might just be bad at internet arguments, and perfectly reasonable in face-to-face ones.

In fact , I speak three languages, but not always perfectly.
If you want to know how I am personally look on facebook, Hygor Haas

Perhaps a problem in the understanding of non-literal phrase

2016-03-11, 11:05 PM
Red Fel, is it? I like you.

2016-03-11, 11:16 PM
Red Fel, is it? I like you.

That's a pretty common side-effect of his mind control font.

2016-03-12, 03:13 AM
In fact , I speak three languages, but not always perfectly.
If you want to know how I am personally look on facebook, Hygor Haas

Perhaps a problem in the understanding of non-literal phrase

A small piece of advice; you may not want to post your actual, real-life facebook information here.

Also, I can't believe no one has locked this thread yet. Maybe Vampire is divine retribution sent to punish us for our sins of optimizing that can't be stopped by mortal men?

Bobby Baratheon
2016-03-12, 04:07 AM
I think you need a file type to get the picture to actually appear. Fortunately, the picture you were trying to post is pretty popular, so it shouldn't be hard to find a JPG version.

At the risk of sounding like an idiot . . . how? I tried (in the preview post window) with a jpg and it didn't work.

2016-03-12, 04:53 AM
At the risk of sounding like an idiot . . . how? I tried (in the preview post window) with a jpg and it didn't work.

Taking into account that I myself am not particularly technically inclined, I'll see if I can explain my usual process: I usually press the "Insert Image" button and copy-paste the link into the box that appears. Assuming you did this, and it still didn't work, it's possible that the image you were trying to load as a jpg was larger than the site likes, in which case you'll need to place the image within a spoiler as well.

If you're still having problems at that point, it's beyond my personal ability to troubleshoot, at which point it might be best to go check the Board Issues section for help.

2016-03-12, 05:04 AM
Vampire, you seem very insistent that Evil Weather will render you completely immune to all divine casters. Have you considered that spending an hour casting a spell that will be effective for 3d6 minutes is a pretty good way to waste your time? I don't see anything in your build that allows you to cast spells faster than normal.

A wizard would just use Uncanny Forethought and cast it as a full-round action. Now that might be a problem for clerics.

2016-03-12, 05:27 AM
Vampire, you seem very insistent that Evil Weather will render you completely immune to all divine casters. Have you considered that spending an hour casting a spell that will be effective for 3d6 minutes is a pretty good way to waste your time? I don't see anything in your build that allows you to cast spells faster than normal.

A wizard would just use Uncanny Forethought and cast it as a full-round action. Now that might be a problem for clerics.

That's just one way to win , of course , that in addition to the Evil Weather and Malefic Properties ( Impervious of the Divine ) .
The cleric will never act first .
Even if act , a simple contingency spell counter- Greater Arcane Fusion .
And I have my doubts whether it can detect the villain , I think unlikely.
Still have Hide Life and Blink, Greater

Detail: The vilain can cast Holyword/Blasphemy
Not only he can use it within the Greater Arcane Fusion .
Slot 7: Blasfemy ( caster level 60 )
Slot 4: Twin Fell drain Sculpt Transdimentional Whriling Blade ( +181 attack roll touch)
601 damage
Save 131 or imprisoned
Save 128 or Plane Swift

Dr. Azkur
2016-03-12, 08:08 AM

That red fel guy's a real crack on the dictionary, huh? Handbook and Thread, who would've thought we would learn TWO new words tonight? Poor vampire taking such a beating, though...

2016-03-12, 11:05 AM
Guys, wait! We're all forgetting something! Turns out this build is unbeatable!

After all, the sorcerer... will have surprise attack.

2016-03-12, 12:34 PM
Okay, so, T1 solution. Contingent (Celerity) to cast Time Stop. Cast Delayed Blast Fireball a few times, then Plane Shift to your Demiplane that has accelerated time. Take a nap. Cast Time Stop again, Plane Shift back, cast Delayed Blast Fireball again a few more times.

Repeat ad nauseum, using nested Time Stops to get infinite Delayed Blast Fireballs.

Then, once that's done, Plane Shift back to your demiplane, Scry the event, and watch it in slo-mo, thanks to your accelerated time.

2016-03-12, 12:46 PM
Okay, so, T1 solution. Contingent (Celerity) to cast Time Stop. Cast Delayed Blast Fireball a few times, then Plane Shift to your Demiplane that has accelerated time. Take a nap. Cast Time Stop again, Plane Shift back, cast Delayed Blast Fireball again a few more times.

Repeat ad nauseum, using nested Time Stops to get infinite Delayed Blast Fireballs.

Then, once that's done, Plane Shift back to your demiplane, Scry the event, and watch it in slo-mo, thanks to your accelerated time.

Hey man =), nice argument.

Look my contigency condition:

When the villain attack, cast Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion
When the enemie cast Time Stop, Cast Maximized Time Stop
When the villain is attacked, cast Twinned Greater Arcane Fusion

When the wizard teleport back, Antecipate Teleport get him.

The villain is immune to Divination , either by Mind Blank or Ex - Vecna ​​Blooded.

My friends , these " combos " are common and will not work easily, this character was made ​​to give counter.
Holyword optimization and Time stop it is so common. :smalleek:

2016-03-12, 12:52 PM
I'm not sure casting time stop actually works when time stop has already been cast. Also, I thought you could only have one contingency at a time.

2016-03-12, 12:55 PM
I'm not sure casting time stop actually works when time stop has already been cast. Also, I thought you could only have one contingency at a time.

1. It does. Time Stop isn't you stopping time, it's you speeding up. If you still think time stops can't be chained, ready an action to re-cast it the moment the time stop ends.

2. You can have multiple with the Craft Contingency feat.

2016-03-12, 12:57 PM
Craft Contigency spell feat:

No, active contingency immediately when the condition is made , we would be fighting at high speed. ( both inside time stop )

Contigency:Twin Greater Arcane Fusion:

Slot 7: Sanctum Twin Limited Wish < Celerity

Slor 4: Opened

4 Celerity, 4 stardart action
The vilain will be first.

This vilain have a stupid versatility:
1) Get Rings of Theurgy
2) Get slayers/binding
3) acess to all spells.
All spontaneous caster inside the legion can acess any spell.

2016-03-12, 01:13 PM
Y'all are doing contingencies wrong. Try this:

1. Contingent Twinned wish (created via XP free wish), set to wish for whatever the highest contingency on this list that is not active is.
2. Contingent mindrape or programmed amnesia, set to cause you to fall in love with the most dangerous living creature that can be damaged by love's pain is.
3. Contingent love's pain targeting yourself, set to trigger constantly.

Presumably you could sprinkle in contingencies to strip defenses that stop love's pain from killing people.

2016-03-12, 01:16 PM
First point of order, two people casting "Time Stop" does not put them both within the same stopped time (letting them duke it out at relative speeds): whoever casts it first completes their Time Stop before the other person casts theirs.

Second point of order, contingencies interrupt the action that triggers them, meaning that they precede it; thus, having a Contingency ready to let you cast Time Stop when someone else casts Time Stop means that your Contingency goes off before their Time Stop is complete.

Third point of order, contingencies cease to exist once they're activated.

Fourth point of order, the wording on contingencies is important; your Time Stop contingency is set to activate when an "enemy" casts Time Stop; what counts as an enemy makes it difficult to actually use this against other characters, at least without metagaming.

Fifth point of order, what's to stop someone from having a Contingent Time Stop of their own?

EDIT: To be clear, this is a response to Vampire on contingencies in general, not to Cosi's suggested Contingency plan, which looks fairly solid.

2016-03-12, 01:20 PM
Y'all are doing contingencies wrong. Try this:

1. Contingent Twinned wish (created via XP free wish), set to wish for whatever the highest contingency on this list that is not active is.
2. Contingent mindrape or programmed amnesia, set to cause you to fall in love with the most dangerous living creature that can be damaged by love's pain is.
3. Contingent love's pain targeting yourself, set to trigger constantly.

Presumably you could sprinkle in contingencies to strip defenses that stop love's pain from killing people.

Mindrape and Programmed amnesia are mind-affecting and target spell:
Mind Blank or Veil of the undead = mind-affecting immunitie.
Dangeous, reflect or Rod of Absorvition.
Love pain are mind-affecting too.
With twin wish, 50.000 xp and only 2 celerity,

2016-03-12, 01:23 PM
Mindrape and Programmed amnesia are mind-affecting and target spell:
Mind Blank or Veil of the undead = mind-affecting immunitie.
Dangeous, reflect or Rod of Absorvition.
Love pain are mind-affecting too.

You're casting mind rape on yourself so that you love whoever your enemies happen to be. You are subsequently casting love's pain on yourself so that your enemies (who you love) take damage. It does require you to leave yourself vulnerable to mind-effecting spells, but it also kills every enemy that can take damage instantly. So you win some, you lose some.

2016-03-12, 02:18 PM
There is one problem with the Love's Pain plan though- eventually, YOU will become the greatest threat to yourself, and you'll accidentally kill yourself. You'll need to have a Contingency that stops the chain with an Antimagic Field when it starts to target you.

Roland St. Jude
2016-03-12, 02:29 PM
Sheriff: Thread closed for obvious Forum Rules violations. Please report suspected returned banned posters so that they can be investigated promptly.