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2016-04-11, 02:51 PM
Into the Dragon's Lair

Thunder rumbles across the cloudy sky as you walk up the back alleys of Biscal. The stench of man and animal mingles unpleasantly in your nostrils as you make your way towards your destination. You can see it now, up ahead. A crooked little building, if one could even call it that, with a half-repaired roof and sagging walls, looking almost like they could collapse at any moment. A pitiful little sign hangs above the door. The Tempest's Eye, it proclaims, with a small carving of a local storm goddess beneath the words, hardly recognizable beneath a layer of mold that grows over the wood in the humid air.

At this hour of the morning - just after dawn - not much seems to stir in the streets. However, should you walk inside, you shall find the one patron who dares the morning mist. C, he called himself. A half-orc with a large gut counterpoint to his thinning hair, he still seems to be rubbing sleep out of his eyes. Even this early in the morning, he grasps a large mug of ale, already half-emptied into his cavernous throat. Squinting, he turns to examine you.

"Ah. You ya came, eh?"

2016-04-11, 02:57 PM
Harley Marshall

"Well it would be quite rude if we didn't." Harley says with a smile. "Are you the owner of this... establishment?" He gestures to the building.

2016-04-11, 03:01 PM
"Wha, me? Nah. But they make good ale here. More than makes up for the 'atmosphere'." Chuckling, C took another swig of his ale. "'Sides, the fact it looks like it's gonna fall over any sec keeps some of the more... troublesome fold away from here."

2016-04-11, 03:29 PM
Harley Marshall

"Ah, I see." Harley puts on hand on his hip. "Shall we go inside? I believe we have business to discuss."

2016-04-11, 03:30 PM

The pale young woman with blue hair and wings is sipping at a mug. She seems to be bringing an oppressive darkness with her, which doesn't lighten the grimy tavern in any way and makes it difficult to see. "It's true, this place is a cesspool," Bladi says, swirling her ale. "Of course, whether or not this swill makes up for it is moot," she finishes dumping the remainder on the floor. "I'm a busy (and beautiful) young woman. I hope you have what what I'm looking for." She stares at C with her blank, mirror like eyes.

2016-04-11, 03:56 PM

Lilith walks in the tavern having come up the alley with a man at her side.

You can just walk in you know, like that young woman just did. She turns to Harley, flashing him a smile as she enters into the grimy tavern.

Hesitating she grimaces as she sits down on a nearby stool seeming to want to touch it with as little skirt as possible.

What's your interest, in what the note details? Lilith asks with far more less creepiness in her gaze then the other woman. However it doesn't seem fully focused on this C fellow.

What does mindsight pick up.

2016-04-11, 04:10 PM
Harley Marshall

Harley walks inside along with Lilith. "Of course." before she can sit down, Harley will cast prestidigitation on her chair, cleaning it thoroughly. "Please, miss." He gestures to the now clean chair. He will shoot Bladi a sideways glance, attempting to place her in his memory. She looked really familiar.

I misread the OP. I thought he was daring the mist outside, not daring it so he could go into the tavern haha.

Fun Fact: Prestidigitation is LP's favorite arcane spell.

2016-04-11, 04:18 PM

Lilith opens her mouth in surprise, before turning and curtsying to Harvey. Thank you, kind sir.

Lilith notes the sideways glance and looks at Bladi herself. Do you know her? She whispers to the sorcerer.

2016-04-11, 04:39 PM
Harley Marshall

Harley's attention snaps back to Lilith. "To be determined, I'm afraid."

2016-04-11, 04:45 PM
Jun Qing

Jun Qing strides casually and easily beside Lilith to the tavern. He is wearing his standard, loose clothing, and his headband makes his normally deathly-pale skin look much more living. He calmly sweeps his gaze around as they walk, assessing the area and alert for the very few dangers that Lilith could not detect.

Well, I have certainly seen better places, Qing comments as they approach the Tempest's Eye. He holds open the door for Lilith before entering himself. Qing nods curtly to the half-orc, presumably C, before taking a seat next to Lilith and sweeping the inside of the tavern with his senses. It seems that quite a few people had been given similar letters, and Qing waits for everyone to assemble so they can discuss business.

1) What is Qing picking up with Lifesight, and 2) wwat are all of the exits in this place that Qing can see?

2016-04-11, 05:06 PM
C takes another long swig. "Not to worry, not to worry. Once everyone's here, I'm gonna explain everything, a'right?" He nods as a small gnome comes out from a room behind the counter, receiving a nod back.

Mindsight and Lifesense are both picking up two creatures (aside from the PC's): C, who definitely a humanoid (with higher than average intelligence, actually - around 14 Int), and the gnome (who is obviously a barkeep with average (11) intelligence).

There's only one obvious exit - the way you came in. Howver, there are a couple of windows around that could serve as a hasty exit, and there might be a backdoor you can't see.

Mando Knight
2016-04-11, 06:07 PM
Vorel steps into the tavern, and her eyes quickly settle on the gathering of perhaps the only beings in the city as visually conspicuous as herself. She lowers the hood of her cloak (revealing her draconic face) and steps toward the group. "Then let us hope that we will be gathered and ready before the dragon's spies are."

2016-04-11, 07:50 PM

Bladi noted the other minds in the area. It's importan to keep track after all.

"Harley is an old flame of mine. Though I suspect he never did get over his old feelings for me," Bladi says, possibly projecting. "Harley darling, who is this maggot infested homely little trollop?"

2016-04-11, 10:09 PM
Elixa walks through Biscal alone, headed toward The Tempest's Eye. She has no reason to distrust C, so she's looking forward to meeting him. Especially since she heard he may have reached out to some other individuals of similar interest.

When she arrives, she recognizes C, but not any of the other individuals in the room. Anyone who takes note of her notices a very pretty girl wearing and carrying many tell-tale items of the adventuring trade. She wears a nice breastplate, but carries no visible weapon. She looks kind but also hardened in the way only a seasoned adventurer can. When walking around in public like this, Elixa folds her feathery wings against her back and covers them with her billowy cloak. She nods politely at anyone who looks her way, but eventually speaks to C.

"I'm glad I found you here and I hope your information is as good as it has been in the past."

If it seems like C is still waiting for others, she will wait quietly while observing the other individuals in the room.

2016-04-12, 01:08 AM
Harley Marshall

Harley squints his eyes at Bladi, "Wait a second." His eyes open wide. "No no no no no. This is a very bad thing. Do you have any idea how long it took me to clean the blood off of these pants?!"

2016-04-12, 01:18 AM

Lilith doesn't even seem to comprehend that the maggot comment was aimed at her.

Does your friend have special senses? The angel just walked in, and she seems lovely enough. Lilith whispers to Harley.

2016-04-12, 01:44 AM

Bladi laughs. "Callista was a parasite. She learned her lesson. After all, we had a very good teacher." Bladi gives a knowing grin. "Lessons may have to continue until you come to your senses and a remember that you have standards. It's really that simple," she says jovially. She may be glancing at Lillith, but it's difficult to tell when she has those eyes that reflect images so well, but have no image of their own.

2016-04-12, 10:03 AM
Jun Qing

Qing nods to the two newcomers, then turns to the blue-haired woman and calmly says, We have been gathered to discuss a hidden way into Valisa, and you are busy making jabs at and threatening the people you might soon be working with. It is nice to know that you have your priorities straight.

Any chance Qing can use Sense Motive to detect some influence behind Bladi's jealousy and general hatred of other women? Rolling just in case the answer is yes: [roll0]

2016-04-12, 10:54 AM
Harley Marshall

A grimace flashes across Harley's face. "You're clinically insane." He steps to the opposite side of the table as Bladi. "And just because someone isn't you, doesn't make them lesser." He pauses for a second. "Also, our goldfish died and you didn't even stop by."

2016-04-12, 11:24 AM

Jun notices that Bladi behavior does seem a little off kilter. Maybe it's a subtle twitch of her cheek when she speaks, or how she always seems to be listening to someone else when she isn't. It's like her attention is being constantly divided by some unseen actor. She does certainly seems earnest, though.

"You fool. You presume to know me? You don't even know what you don't know!" Bladi may be looking at either Harley or Jun when she says this. Again, it can be hard to tell with er eyes being what they are. "Oh, and Pongo died? That's unfortunate. He was in the top 1% of goldfish." Bladi frowns.

Billy, I think you can make a knowledge check to determine the vestiges by their signs.

2016-04-12, 01:22 PM
Ignoring the bickering between Harley and Bladi, C grinned up at Elixa. "Looks like we're all finally here, then..." Clearing his throat, the half-orc stood up, nodding to the barkeep, who took his cue and left the room. "Okay. Stop fighting, everyone. Ladies, gents... Bladi... It's time to get down to business. This is, if you want to get into Valisa alive."

2016-04-12, 01:56 PM
Harley Marshall

"Of course, my apologies." Harley refocuses on C and bows humbly. "Please, continue."

2016-04-12, 01:56 PM

Lilith drops her attention from Bladi and Harley and focuses solely on the half-orc, pulling out some paper and a quill.

Okay. What do we need to know? She asks the half orc.

2016-04-12, 03:24 PM
Jun Qing

Qing turns to the half-orc. Yes. But perhaps we should not have this conversation out loud.

2016-04-12, 06:27 PM

"Hrk!" Bladi is startled, expresses her disapproval at being singled out. It's not that she doesn't like be held apart, it's just that she doesn't feel like it's because C recognizes her for the naturally superior and amazingly talented young incantatrix that she is.

"I can do you one better. I can be having this whole conversation in my HEAD. IT'S QUITE SIMPLE REALLY. Don't ask me to explain it, you wouldn't understand."

2016-04-12, 06:45 PM
Jun Qing

Qing glances at the blue-haired girl...Bladi...and says, Perhaps you would prefer to demonstrate.

2016-04-12, 07:39 PM
Harley Marshall

Harley raises an eyebrow at Bladi. "This is neither the time, nor the place." Tilting his head and looking at Qing he adds. "Don't encourage her schizophrenic tenancies." He rubs his temples. "Please continue, C."

2016-04-12, 09:38 PM

"Schizophrenic?! Your schizophrenic if you think THAT I can be schizophrenic! I CAN'T be schizophrenic!" Bladi imparts to the party, using her telepathic abilities that she acquired from her binding. The thoughts are overlaid with what sounds like the noise nails make when grinding against a chalkboard, and the murmurings of at least 3 other people. It is not pleasant.

2016-04-12, 10:01 PM

I'm pretty confident thinking someone has a mental disorder, does not in fact require you to have said disorder. Lilith pipes up using her own telepathy to broadcast to the party, as she drummed her fingers on the table in annoyance.

Mando Knight
2016-04-12, 11:09 PM
"May we please focus our thoughts back on the task at hand?" Vorel has quickly realized that keeping these bickering children on-topic may be nearly as great a challenge as killing the dragon himself, and that she probably lacked the presence and authority to knock some sense into them.

2016-04-14, 01:09 PM
"Anyays..." C cleared his throat. "As all of ya are aware, the Iron Wall is very heavily guarded, and warded so that one cannot magically travel past it. In general, the only way past this is to be invited into the kingdom - at least, the only way if ya don't want the dragon's army at your necks. However, I've been doing a little diggin'..." C looked around. "Good thing these walls are warded themselves... Okay, listen close." The half-orc leaned in closer.

"About a half a day's journey's to the west of here, I stumbled across a cavern. Old thing, very well hidden. It's unlikely Valixuuntal even knows - or cares - about it. However, based on my research with some old maps and charts... I believe this cavern as a second entrance. On the other side of the Iron Wall."

"Now, that's not saying that it's gonna be easy. Not by any means. I didn't make it far into the cave myself, ya see. Something else is in there, some big nasty that decided to make itself at home. Or maybe there's a few of 'em. I dunno. Either way, I didn't want to risk getting eaten or somethin'. However, if ya don't mind risking life and limb against whatever moved in - and based on what I know, that fits the six of ya to a 'T' - you may be able to get in without the wyrm or any of his goons finding out."

2016-04-14, 01:22 PM
Harley Marshall

Listening to C's words closely, Harley nods. "Well, it's the best shot we've got." Crossing his arms. "I just wish it wasn't in a cave. We're definitely going to need torches."

2016-04-14, 02:00 PM
Jun Qing

Qing purses his lips. "This creature. How do you know that it is not working with the wyrm, that Valixuuntal is not using it to guard that entrance?

2016-04-14, 02:09 PM

Even if it is Jun, unless the creature is in constant communication with Valixuuntal it won't be too large an issue. A group of unknown assailants slaughtered the beasties, they'll be on high guard, but they won't be looking specifically for us. Lilith replies in telepathy to the group.

2016-04-14, 02:11 PM

"Torches won't work. I perpetually emit darkness, so light levels around me can't improve past dim. Besides, I can see in the dark, as well as spot any creatures near us with my telepathy." Bladi wraps herself around Harley's arm, her long black nails digging into his flesh, and her wings draping themselves around his shoulders. She looks up at him earnestly, almost hopefully. "It looks like you'll have to rely on me, darling. Stick close to me, and you won't find yourself lost. Leave, however..." She lets her words drift off menacingly. Like most things in her life, the unknown is the most dangerous.

Mando Knight
2016-04-14, 02:17 PM

"Light shouldn't be a problem. Is this cave half a day's journey by foot or by horse?"

2016-04-14, 02:35 PM
Harley Marshall

Harley places his free hand over his face and sighs. "Whatever it takes to get the job done." He looks through his fingers and at Bladi. "True love isn't supposed to hurt, B."

2016-04-14, 02:39 PM

Lilith catching onto Harley's distaste, sends a private link to him.

Could stick close to me, I have the same talent.

2016-04-14, 02:57 PM
Jun Qing

Qing responds to Lilith via her telepathy. "True. Admittedly it is our best option, even if it is not ideal. Unfortunately, though I am quite confident in working with you and your capabilities, I know very little about what the rest of these assembled can do, their loyalties, their names, or even if they will all consent to working together."

At this last remark Qing looks pointedly at Bladi.

2016-04-14, 03:25 PM

"Life is pain, your highness. What's LIFE without it? " Bladi rants. "Everything is relative, darling. No thing can be determined without having something to compare it against. How do you know you're alive without PAIN? People can be free to feel the way they feel because they know deep down inside, there's always a way they SHOULD NOT! Would you be akin the lifeless husk of an undead?" Bladi bites her tongue, wincing as she does. "No... I'd rather be in pain and know I am still here, rather than wandering and wondering what I know. I'M ALIVE, where many others are now DEAD." There's a vague sadness to her words, despite her exuberance, like it's herself she's speaking to rather than Harley.

2016-04-14, 03:39 PM
Lilith looks at Bladi with pure malevolence, her fingers clutching on the edge of the table till her knuckles turn white.

2016-04-14, 04:28 PM
Harley Marshall

Harley responds telepathically to Lilith. {It's alright, mademoiselle. She'll get really cranky if I don't at least humor her for the time being... And that would be ugly.} Disappointment rings in his 'voice'. He then mouths to Lilith "Sorry".

Looking at Bladi squarely in the eyes. "Now is not the time for your hysterics, okay? Keep it together, B."

I'm using the {} style brackets for telepathy.

2016-04-14, 05:36 PM

"Huh what," Bladi says flatly, a blank expression on her face. "HEY! I don't-" Bladi stops herself, and sighs. "Yeah sure, whatever," she mumbles.

2016-04-14, 11:03 PM
Elixa also listens to C's info, then some of the responses of the group. No doubt there are some "big personalities" (or maybe just one) in the group, but she has worked with a pretty wide variety of adventures over the years and so far nothing indicates too big a problem with this group. Some of them are already asking good follow up questions, to which she asks her own.

I'm glad we have a potential way to cross the border, but honestly that's just the first step. If we can't handle whatever is in the cave, I doubt we'll last too long on the other side anyway. That part worries me more, C. Do you have any contacts on the other side? There's no telling how long this mission may take.

2016-04-15, 07:42 PM
"It's only a half day's journey by foot, and I doubt that whatever is livin' in the cave is smart enough to be workin' for the wyrm. Unless Valixuuntal put it there on purpose, but from what I know of him, he's not the tyoe to rely on mindless critters." C frowns. "I do have a contact on the other side. However, she's not exactly the... easiest person to deal with. Be careful around her." Reaching into his back pocket, C pulls out a slip of paper and hands it to Elixa. "Her name's Ellinette. I know she runs some sort of business in the city ya should come out closest to, but she never spilled on what exactly it is. However, she mentioned frequenting a bar called... Er, I don't remember, somethin' about bugs or... Eh, shouldn't be that hard to find. Give her this, so she'll know that all of ya were sent by me. Oh, and try not to draw any attention in the city. They find out outsiders got in, and they'll have ya heads off faster than ya can say 'oops'."

2016-04-15, 08:05 PM
Lilith pipes up

So. Lilith pipes up. We have to find a bar, without any sort of ability to ask the citizenry, in case we draw attention to ourselves.

2016-04-15, 08:06 PM
C rolls his eyes. "There's a difference between asking for directions and drawin' attention to yaselves. I just meant that ya shouldn't try and cause a scene."

2016-04-15, 08:22 PM

Oh... That makes alot more sense then. Lilith admits.

In what way is Ellinette difficult to deal with? Lilith replies.

2016-04-15, 08:42 PM

Bladi stretches her arms, and her wings as well. "Well, first things first, getting there is the initial hurdle." Her wings clip one of the hanging lights, and Bladi blushes a little as she retracts them. "However, I should probably do something about the twins here, if I'm going to be avoiding attention. They're far to large for most cloaks. Darling, do you have a good suggestion on how to hide them? Hopefully I can figure out a method that's not too gauche..." She examines the length of her wings carefully.

2016-04-15, 10:46 PM
Jun Qing

Qing looks at Bladi and the draconic woman. "Do not draw attention. That could be difficult. Hmm. C, how good is the illusion detection in the city? I know of some fairly common magical headware that could disguise some of the more conspicuous members of the group, assuming we can find a vendor.

Also, tell us everything you know about the tunnels and the creatures guarding it. You say you do not think they are smart enough to work with Valixuuntal. How smart or cunning do you think it is?

2016-04-15, 11:32 PM
Harley Marshall

Nodding his head and looking Bladi over intently, Harley adds. "I could disguise you. Not incredibly well, but better than most." He shrugs. "I can definitely find and get us into a bar." He smiles and winks at Lilith. "After all, I am the great Harley Marshall and every bar needs a performer."

2016-04-15, 11:48 PM

To Harley Wouldn't your fame be a hindrance though. Lilith points out.

2016-04-16, 12:00 AM
Harley Marshall

"I'm probably not all that well known inside the wall." Harley pouts.

2016-04-16, 11:51 AM
C sighs. "Ellinette is... hard to describe. Ya'll see when ya meet her. On the bright side, she may just be more conspicuous than ya guys. Trust me, ya'll know her when ya see her. And even if ya don't, I'm pretty sure the barkeep can point her out easily."

"As for the illusion detection, I think that once ya are inside the wall, it's not gonna be all that heavy. Just avoid any of the 'Peaceguards', the wyrm's goons, and ya should be good."

"Now, for the tunnels... Based on what I saw, which wasn't much, the critter's big and animalistic. There weren't many remains near the front of the cavern, though. I'd say that whatever it is eats it's prey whole. That's all I know."

2016-04-16, 12:35 PM

Bladi points to her bindi. "A magic hat? That won't do at all, Darling. This bindi is special to me and very important." She shrugs. "I might just conjure an illusion to hide them."

"I'm ready to leave when you are. I don't think any monster in the cave will be a match for me."

2016-04-16, 01:01 PM
Jun Qing

Qing shrugs. "You can one that does not go on the head if you are willing to spend a bit more money. Though, if you can shroud yourself by your own abilities it is unnecessary. This brings up one more issue to clear up before we depart. Some of us have preexisting connections to each other, but it seems that most of us do not know our own group. If we are going to work together to defeat Valixuuntal I would like to know what everyone is capable of. As a show of trust, I will go first."

Qing stands up and drops the illusion. His skin returns to its deathly pale color. "I am Jun Qing, one of the last surviving member of the monastic Order of the Shadow Sun since Valixuuntal attacked us. I am well versed in unarmed martial combat, particularly emphasizing stealth and mobility. I am also unliving. It is similar to undeath, but unlike undeath I am supported by a balance of positive and negative energy, allowing me to heal friends and hurt foes. I will heal just as well from a paladin's touch as a necromancer's touch. My unliving state allows me to survive without need of sustenance or sleep, and I can survive many things that the living cannot. I have also learned to sense the aura of living creatures, allowing me "see" them as if they were holding a torch."

Qing resumes the illusion, his skin assuming a more living texture, and sits down again. "Who is next?"

2016-04-16, 01:32 PM
Harley Marshall

Harley smiles. "My name, is Harley Marshall and I will be your sorcerous companion on this journey. While I'm mostly specialized in enchantment magic, I am also capable of some utility spells and spells that would reduce someone to nothing more than ash."

Flicking his head to the side, allowing his hair to cascade in that direction, he adds. "I'm also highly adept to social situations and am more than capable of being the 'face man'." Placing a hand on his hip he finishes. "I'm also a warrior of love, so Valixuuntal's reign of terror must come to an end. I will not allow his flames of destruction to burn away at the branches of the tree of love any longer!"

2016-04-16, 01:56 PM

I'm Lilith. I'm similar to a sorceress as well. Lilith starts. I just happen to specialize in necromancy. She adds gesturing to Jun. I'm able to lie, and in addition to attacking my foes with the .... "dark" arts, I can also sense the brain waves intelligent beings give off.

2016-04-16, 02:10 PM

Bladi returns her wings to their folded position, and flicks her blue hair into place. "I'm Bladi. I am but a simple, estranged cleric. What you see is what you get." Seeing that no one agrees with what she considers helpful, she continues. "I can work with various powers that be, in order to subvert and obstacle in my path." A duplicate of Bladi appears next to her as she shrugs playfully. "Look, I am exceedingly powerful. Suffice it to say, I can do anything this fetid swine can do, but better," the duplicate says as it points at Lilith. Another duplicate appears. "I am the master of the supernatural. I use my powers in helpful and interesting ways," says this second duplicate, stealing a mug of mead, tasting it, and then tossing it on the ground in disgust. "You said it, Bladi. Everything makes a lot of sense coming from you," says the first duplicate. "Of course, my cactus honey already knew this," what is probably the real Bladi finishes, wrapping a wing around Harley again.
Trickery Devotion, then Trickery Devotion again for 3 turning attempts.

2016-04-16, 02:17 PM

Lilith seems more confused and concerned then offended at Bladi calling her a fetid swine.

Are your eyes working right?

2016-04-16, 02:23 PM

"Hrk!" One of the duplicates looks at her hand with her reflective eyes, and then waves it at her face. "Pshaw, no. You should how everything looks to us*. You would die of fright**."

"We can still smell your lich loving carcass just fine, though!" says the 'rational' one that has been destroying perfectly good mead.

The actual Bladi just nods in agreement.
*= That's a fact. You all looks like monsters in her peripheral vision.
**= this is probably not true. ;p

Mando Knight
2016-04-16, 03:29 PM

"I am Vorelaraek ux Iotharyte, Paladin of Bahamut. This tiathar destroyed my life and family for the sake of his vile tyranny, and I have been given a new life with the strength to repay him in kind."

Dragonborn names are generally pulled from the Draconic language. "Vorelaraek ux Iotharyte" roughly translates to "Beautiful weapon, platinum, Holy war."

"Tiathar" means "Spawn of Tiamat."

2016-04-16, 04:57 PM
Elixa is pleased the conversation has turned to discussing the groups capabilities and thus how they will work together. She holds out her right hand and simultaneously a magnificent bow appears in it as her angelic wings unfurl from beneath her cloak.

I'm Elixa and this is my bow, Heartpiercer. I'm very effective with it when need be, but my preferred contribution is to bolster those around me.

You notice the bow does not have a conventional string, but rather a series of them, which Elixa fingers with a practiced grace, resulting in pleseant music and a feeling that you can strike more accurately and harder than you could before.

Besides my music, I can also cast spells in an extremely efficient manner so that they can affect you all. With your consent of course, I can form a weave between us and even store spells in it so that they can be deployed on all of us very rapidly should we find ourselves in a situation that demands it.

The spells I can use in this fashion are somewhat limited, but mostly offer some sort of increased combat capability. Though if we sustain injuries, I can also provide some healing through my weave once a fight is over. Actually, if there are no objections, I can add each of you to the weave now, just in case.

If indeed no one objects, she will begin the act of weaving them all together, doing what looks like a mix of graceful dancing and elaborate hand gestures.

2016-04-16, 05:03 PM
Harley Marshall

When Elixa states the name of her bow, Harley quips. "Heartpiercer, huh? Well, I'm a Heartwarder. There may be a conflict of interest there."

2016-04-16, 05:06 PM

You dance well Lady Elixa. I'm humbled by your skill in the arts. Lilith comments.

2016-04-16, 05:08 PM
Elixa responds as she continues her weave.

Don't worry, the name comes as much from the music I make with it as it does from the arrows it fires. And if the latter are needed, well hopefully you won't be warding the hearts of our enemies.

She says the last playfully, obviously trying to joke with Harley.

2016-04-16, 06:27 PM

Bladi's first duplicate, seeing that she was being ignored, blurts out "we can play the lyre!" She leans up to Vorel, to make friends with the other seeming pariah. "Isn't that awesome?"

2016-04-16, 08:48 PM
With a chuckle and a grin, C turned. "Glad to see ya getting along, but I can't stay. Places to be, ya know. Ya should head out soon. With luck, ya can get inside the city before sundown, find a place to stay. Don't die, okay?" And with that, the half-orc walked out of the tavern.

2016-04-17, 12:01 AM

The real Bladi drags Harley outside. "Come, honey. We have an adventure to attend to. We'll depart immediately, if we have any objections. If anything, I'll be able to examine the cave ahead of time before we begin the quest proper. " She starts heading for the cave.

2016-04-17, 06:08 PM
Jun Qing

As Bladi drags Harley away, Qing stands up and says. "If we are all agreed to this quest and have no more business here, I suggest we depart for the cavern."

Mando Knight
2016-04-17, 06:42 PM

Vorel turns toward the un-living monk. "You had mentioned a disguising hat? Perhaps while Bladi does... whatever she's up to, we could look and see what shops may be open at this hour?"

2016-04-18, 12:34 AM
Jun Qing

Qing contemplates Vorel's suggestion for a moment, then says, "These disguising hats are essentially illusion spells that do not require talent in magic to use. Bladi has recently demonstrated significant illusionary abilities. This does not necessarily means she can use the specific illusions to alter her own appearance. Still, though I question her stability, I would like to ask her if she has the capability to disguise herself before purchasing a custom disguising hat for her that does not go on her head.

Speaking of, how are you planning to disguise yourself? I doubt Valixuuntal allows many so visibly blessed by Bahamut within his realm. The standard hats of disguise cost a little less than two thousand gold pieces, but if you would like, you can use mine. I only use my hat to make my skin look more living, and it would be far easier to disguise that by mundane means than to hide Bahamut's favor on you. Perhaps Harley has some experience with mundane disguises and can assist me."

2016-04-20, 10:26 AM
Harley Marshall

Being dragged from the building, Harley protests. "I am perfectly capable of making my own movement decisions!" He turns to the party pleadingly. "What say we make for the cave?"

Mando Knight
2016-04-20, 10:56 PM

The dragonborn turns toward the door, and the singer standing at it. "Shortly, sir Marshall. I need to pick up an item to make our infiltration easier and call Rasvim to accompany us. I think the west gate will make for a suitable meeting place before our departure."

2016-04-20, 11:57 PM

"Of course you can, darling. That's why you're asking everyone else to make that decision," says the first duplicate, who is kind of an ass.

"We'll be at the gate, then," says the real Bladi, now dragging Harley behind her. "Ah, this brings back memories. Do you remember this from when were together?"

2016-04-21, 09:38 AM
Harley Marshall

Harley's eyes plead slightly with Vorel for haste before he affixes them on Bladi. "The deep seated feeling of terror? Oh yes, I remember that quite vividly." Harley will then adjust his stride to look more like he's intentionally walking with Bladi, not being forced to.


2016-04-21, 12:36 PM
A few hours later...

It doesn't take you very long to finish up with your shopping, and afterwards, you all head out for the cavern. Travelling over the plain, almost desert-like terrain, the hours almost seem to blend together. However, you eventually make it to the area where the cavern is. Upon finding it, you find out that the term "cavern" seems like a generous description for a rather large hole in the ground, just hidden enough that the casual observer wouldn't notice it. A rather steep slope into the cave leads down into the darkness below.

Those of you with Mindsight and Lifesense cannot sense any intelligent life within the range of your senses - at least, aside from your fellow party members.

2016-04-21, 12:46 PM

Bladi remakes the first duplicate. "I'll scout this out. This way we can know what we are up against."

Swift action to see through the duplicate. 100 ft Mindsight.

It has a fly speed of 120, and lasts for 15 minutes.

2016-04-21, 01:27 PM
Jun Qing

Qing turns to Bladi. "How are your phantoms at avoiding detection? I have training and equipment to scout unseen. If they are adept at stealth, I should scout with them. Together we can cover more distance and observe more."

At this Qing turns back to the hole. Nearby shadows swirl around him, then he fades from sight and slips into the hole.

Fly speed 80 ft, darkvision 60 ft, darkhidden, darkstalker, lifesense, standard undead immunities. Initiating Cloak of Deception before going down, then looking for both anything of interest and a place to hide within 160 ft. Taking 10 on hide (38), move silently (38), spot (31), and listen (31). Numbers listed are the checks, not the skill mods.

2016-04-21, 01:54 PM

"Hmph?" Bladi says to Jun through her telepathy, as horrible as it is. "The duplicates know nothing of stealth. My plan is merely see the the thread, just to find a way around it.'

Duplicate uses Flicker via the Empty Vessel (Su)

2016-04-21, 02:13 PM

At the cave entrance Lilith is now seated on the royal mount. A five headed skeleltal hydra.

Another ten headed one moves in front of her, giving you menacing looks, but a wave of Lilith's hand relaxes it.

Muttering over a necklace, her body pulses with dark energy leading to the necklace.

Using Peript of the sullen sea to case freedom of movement.

2016-04-21, 02:23 PM
Bladi's duplicate and Jun Qing both move down into the cave.

Your duplicate runs right up to the edge of a pool of frigid water about 250 feet into the cavern. You watch as three figures, who were previously resting at various locations around the fairly shallow pool, all rise up and turn towards you. The first thing you notice is that each of them have several necks twisting from their bodies. The two closest to you have about nine each, while the oddly-contorted one farther away has twelve. Each of these creatures seem to be reptilian in nature, and the one in the back also has a pair of wings and horns jutting from each of its heads.

Your Mindsight is close enough to detect all three. The two closest to you seem to be bestial (Int 2) Magical Beasts, while the one in the back, while similar, is not only a Dragon of some sort, but is also far more intelligent (Int 6). You don't have ranks in the appropriate Knowledge skill to figure out what these are IC, sorry!

You make your way carefully down the cavern, only to witness Bladi's duplicate run up to a pool of water, not even bothering to hide or move quietly. As such, you witness three reptilian creatures - ones you had already noticed just a second ago - rise up from the pool and turn to face her. Or, at least, that's what you assume, but each of these creatures has several heads writhing around their bodies - the two closer two you seem to possess nine each, while the one farther away has around twelve, along with a pair of wings and noticeable horns on each head. Luckily, none of them seemed to have noticed you - all three seemed too focused on Bladi.

Each of these creatures, to you, is giving off a 240-foot radius of light - you may wonder why you didn't notice this light prior to entering the cavern. You may attempt a Knowledge (Arcana) check to determine what exactly these creatures are.

2016-04-21, 02:54 PM
Harley Marshall

Harley looks at the two women who are accompanying him. "Sense anything down there, B? How about you, Lil'?"

With no special senses, Harley is forced to wait until he is given instructions.

2016-04-21, 03:06 PM

Nothing so far. Lilith admits.

2016-04-21, 03:10 PM
Jun Qing

Qing silently watches as all of the hydras rise and turn to Bladi's duplicate, relaying everything he sees to his teammates through the telepathy. If he hears Harley speak he also sends, Try to be quiet. Hydra's have fairly keen senses. Use telepathy to communicate.

He recollects his training to determine the best techniques to counter them while simultaneously observing the cavern for anything interesting.

Using Adaptive style. My seven readied maneuvers are Burning Blade, Cloak of Deception, Counter Charge, Distracting Ember, Shadow Blink, Stalker in the Night, and Strength Draining Strike

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Not moving so don't need a move silently check, and I think I'm pretty much immune to all of its other senses.

2016-04-21, 03:17 PM

Bladi describes the beasts to the others in person via telepathy, while the duplicate summons some distractions, and backs aways from the hydras. 4 Leskylors, large, tigerlike creatures appear and attack the hydras. As they pounce, they explode into a mess of eyes, distending teeth, and nascent flash.

Summon Alien VII
[roll0] Pseudonatural Leskylor (Book of Exalted Deeds 190)

Leskylors use their demoralizing alternate form! Blerhurfgr!
Leskylors Pounce! +1 Attack for charge.

Claw [roll1] Attack [roll2] Damage
Claw [roll3] Attack [roll4] Damage
Bite [roll5] Attack [roll6] Damage
Rake [roll7] melee Attack [roll8] Damage
Rake [roll9] Attack [roll10] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll11] Dex primary, [roll12] secondary.

Claw [roll13] Attack [roll14] Damage
Claw [roll15] Attack [roll16] Damage
Bite [roll17] Attack [roll18] Damage
Rake [roll19] melee Attack [roll20] Damage
Rake [roll21] Attack [roll22] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll23] Dex primary, [roll24] secondary.

Claw [roll25] Attack [roll26] Damage
Claw [roll27] Attack [roll28] Damage
Bite [roll29] Attack [roll30] Damage
Rake [roll31] melee Attack [roll32] Damage
Rake [roll33] Attack [roll34] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll35] Dex primary, [roll36] secondary.

Claw [roll37] Attack [roll38] Damage
Claw [roll39] Attack [roll40] Damage
Bite [roll41] Attack [roll42] Damage
Rake [roll43] melee Attack [roll44] Damage
Rake [roll45] Attack [roll46] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll47] Dex primary, [roll48] secondary.

Claw [roll49] Attack [roll50] Damage
Claw [roll51] Attack [roll52] Damage
Bite [roll53] Attack [roll54] Damage
Rake [roll55] melee Attack [roll56] Damage
Rake [roll57] Attack [roll58] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll59] Dex primary, [roll60] secondary.

Swift Action Chaos Devotion
Odd= Attack rolls
Even= AC

2016-04-21, 03:37 PM
Hydra 1: 3 Fort Saves [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
Hydra 2: 2 Fort Saves [roll3] [roll4]
D. Hydra: 1 Fort Save [roll5]

The right-most hydra squeals in pain as one of the Leskylor mauls it up, while the left-most Hydra fends off a second. The strange hydra in the back faces the other two, having only taken a single hit from one.

Combat has been initiated! Please roll initiative if you wish to join.
Hydra 1: [roll6]
Hydra 2: [roll7]
D. Hydra: [roll8]

Map to be found here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xvvfnxyx_gnR2d9L0fWRF5ZN-NsyttTz--T67ucXFsg/edit?usp=sharing)!

2016-04-21, 04:09 PM
Jun Qing

Qing glides forward, the nearby shadows shrouding him as he moves. As he approaches the pool the shadows leap up and he vanishes, reappearing next to a hydra and delivering a double roundhouse kick to its foreleg.

Move to E13, then Shadow Blink to C10 to attack Hy2 and flanking with Les 1. Initiating Strength Draining Strike and using snap kick for an extra attack, Fort 16 or take 4 strength damage. Each attack that hits deals an automatically does 1 con damage, and an extra 1 con damage on a crit.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]+1 con
Crit Confirm 1: [roll2]
Crit Damage 1: [roll3]+1 con

Attack 2: [roll4]
Damage 2: [roll5]+1 con
Crit Confirm 2: [roll6]
Crit Damage 2: [roll7]+1 con

2016-04-21, 04:22 PM

"Oh no! You poor darling!" Bladi says in Draconian, her words likely alien to those around her. "Those critters are attacking you and yours! We should become friends! I can make them go away for you!"

The Lesks continue their assault.

She isn't bluffing, but Bluff [roll0]
Diplo, if needed [roll1]

Claw [roll2] Attack [roll3] Damage
Claw [roll4] Attack [roll5] Damage
Bite [roll6] Attack [roll7] Damage
Rake [roll8] melee Attack [roll9] Damage
Rake [roll10] Attack [roll11] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll12] Dex primary, [roll13] secondary.

Claw [roll14] Attack [roll15] Damage
Claw [roll16] Attack [roll17] Damage
Bite [roll18] Attack [roll19] Damage
Rake [roll20] melee Attack [roll21] Damage
Rake [roll22] Attack [roll23] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll24] Dex primary, [roll25] secondary.

Claw [roll26] Attack [roll27] Damage
Claw [roll28] Attack [roll29] Damage
Bite [roll30] Attack [roll31] Damage
Rake [roll32] melee Attack [roll33] Damage
Rake [roll34] Attack [roll35] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll36] Dex primary, [roll37] secondary.

Claw [roll38] Attack [roll39] Damage
Claw [roll40] Attack [roll41] Damage
Bite [roll42] Attack [roll43] Damage
Rake [roll44] melee Attack [roll45] Damage
Rake [roll46] Attack [roll47] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll48] Dex primary, [roll49] secondary.

2016-04-21, 04:56 PM
With a pitiful wail, the hydra attacked by Jun and the first summoned Leskylor falls over lifelessly. The wail is drowned out with a screech as the other nine-headed hydra attacks the Leskylor fighting it.

Hy1 full-attacking Les4

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: +[roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Crit Confirm: [roll6]
Crit Damage: +[roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
Crit Confirm: [roll10]
Crit Damage: +[roll11]

Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]
Crit Confirm: [roll14]
Crit Damage: +[roll15]

Attack: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]
Crit Confirm: [roll18]
Crit Damage: +[roll19]

Attack: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21]
Crit Confirm: [roll22]
Crit Damage: +[roll23]

Attack: [roll24]
Damage: [roll25]
Crit Confirm: [roll26]
Crit Damage: +[roll27]

Attack: [roll28]
Damage: [roll29]
Crit Confirm: [roll30]
Crit Damage: +[roll31]

Attack: [roll32]
Damage: [roll33]
Crit Confirm: [roll34]
Crit Damage: +[roll35]

2016-04-21, 05:00 PM
The fourth Leskylor take several blow, roaring in pain.

The Leskylor take 30 damage.

unless the attack is magic, in which case that ignores the DR 5/Magic, and it take 55 and poofs.

2016-04-21, 08:29 PM
Lilith takes off from the Royal mount flying swiftly though the cave system ending up at F49, with both hydra's trailing her.

The royal mount moves to F66.

The attack dog moves to F58.

2016-04-22, 07:34 PM
The twelve-headed hydra lets out and angry screech, then dives under the deeper water behind it and swims further into the cavern.

D. Hydra takes a full-round action to withdraw from combat!

2016-04-22, 10:13 PM
Elixa follows along silently as the group approaches the cave. She is taken aback when Bladi decides to do "recon by fire," especially given she has the ability to make the whole party invisible for such scouting missions. Still she waits until the fighting in the cave breaks out, then when she has a chance to act, she casts a spell into her weave that makes all the targets in her weave invisible. While I'm sure Jun can handle himself, perhaps we should join him? She moves forward into the cave.

Elixa casts Improved Invisibility on everyone in her weave, lasting for the next 14 minutes.

She then moves forward into the cave. I think she's able to move in 60', but could be wrong.

Mando Knight
2016-04-24, 03:15 PM
"Into the breach, then." Bringing one hand up to her holy symbol, Vorel invokes a word of blessing and her scales begin to shine like the sun. With her body fading into invisibility through Elixa's spell, the brilliant glow appears as a disembodied light above Vorel's drakkensteed.

Encouraging her mount to fly into the cave, Vorel readies her axe and with another word commands the weapon to return to its original form, a knightly lance.

Guide With Knees is an auto-success (+26 Ride vs DC 5). Rasvim will fly 70' forward.

With Battle Blessing, activating Righteous Aura is a Swift Action. Vorel's Charisma is increased to 26, and she begins emitting bright light as per Daylight (60' radius bright, another 60' dim).

Move: ready the +2 Morphing/Mighty Smiting greataxe

Standard: activate the axe's Morphing quality, changing it to a lance.

2016-04-24, 05:18 PM
Jun Qing

Qing notices the lifelight of the hydra he attacked fade, and focuses on the hydra that is still in the fight. He slides through the darkness towards the hydra and delivers two quick jabs timed to coincide with the Leskylor's attacks. As he strikes, a searing light erupts from his fists and fades almost as quickly. He uses the light as a distraction while he shifts to the hydra's flank.

Full round action to initiate Stalker in the Darkness. Moving to M7 and using snap kick to attack twice while flanking with Leskylor 4. If hydra doesn't beat my previous hide and move silently checks, it still doesn't know that I'm here. Also using Light within Darkness; all enemies within 60 ft must make a DC 20 fort save or be blinded for 1 round.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]+1 con
Crit Confirm 1: [roll2]
Crit Damage 1: [roll3]+1 con

Attack 2: [roll4]
Damage 2: [roll5]+1 con
Crit Confirm 2: [roll6]
Crit Damage 2: [roll7]+1 con

2016-04-26, 10:26 PM
The final nine-headed hydra lets out a gurgling squeal as it, too, falls over lifelessly. Silence now rules the cavern.

D. Hydra: [roll0]

As D. Hydra withdrew, combat has now (technically) ended!

2016-04-26, 10:38 PM

[The following post, assumes that we are incapable of giving chase to D.Hydra]

Lilith with her much faster fly speed rushes up to the scene of the recent battlefield. Giving her "little bro" a warm hug she exclaims.

Don't scare me like that, wait for the rest of the group to move up before you provoke hydras. She exclaims.

Giving him a squeeze, she then flies to one of the corpses.

So much potential wasted. Lilith mutters to herself, as she touches the corpse with one hand it seems to rear up again, skeleton ripping from the muscle with barely a conscious thought from Lilith. The other hand pulls out a gem of black onyx, and parts of it seem to char and flake off from the meat of the gym. Arise, my child, arise. You shall be granted a second chance to serve the cause of good.

Casting animate dead on both corpses to reanimate them as skeletons

2016-04-27, 12:30 AM

Bladi's duplicate and the Leskylors give chase!

"Excuse me, but that dragon hydra creature has dismissed my offer of friendship. It is intelligent, albeit barely, so I want to make sure it doesn't report what has happen to anyone. Jun, proceed to destroy it with my Leskyors," Bladi imparts telepathically.

The Duplicate will use it's default "it kind of just moves" mode of movement. 30 feet.

Claw [roll0] Attack [roll1] Damage
Claw [roll2] Attack [roll3] Damage
Bite [roll4] Attack [roll5] Damage
Rake [roll6] melee Attack [roll7] Damage
Rake [roll8] Attack [roll9] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll10] Dex primary, [roll11] secondary.

Claw [roll12] Attack [roll13] Damage
Claw [roll14] Attack [roll15] Damage
Bite [roll16] Attack [roll17] Damage
Rake [roll18] melee Attack [roll19] Damage
Rake [roll20] Attack [roll21] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll22] Dex primary, [roll23] secondary.

Claw [roll24] Attack [roll25] Damage
Claw [roll26] Attack [roll27] Damage
Bite [roll28] Attack [roll29] Damage
Rake [roll30] melee Attack [roll31] Damage
Rake [roll32] Attack [roll33] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll34] Dex primary, [roll35] secondary.

Claw [roll36] Attack [roll37] Damage
Claw [roll38] Attack [roll39] Damage
Bite [roll40] Attack [roll41] Damage
Rake [roll42] melee Attack [roll43] Damage
Rake [roll44] Attack [roll45] Damage
Each hit, roll fort. if it is 1, touch of golden ice does [roll46] Dex primary, [roll47] secondary.

2016-04-27, 06:37 AM
Jun Qing

Qing takes a moment to settle his thoughts as he slowly hovers towards the last hydra. Through the telepathic link he sends, "The 12 headed, intelligent hydra is attempting to retreat. It appears to have some dragon blood in it. Whether it has connections to Valixuuntal is unknown, but it is best to ensure that it does not alert anyone. Bladi and I will pursue. I will try to avoid direct combat and lure it back into the cavern. Be ready."
10 ft step to L5. Full round action to use Adaptive Style. Selected Maneuvers: Burning Blade, Counter Charge, Mirrored Pursuit, Shadow Blink, Stalker in the Night, Strength Draining Strike.

Mando Knight
2016-04-29, 12:21 PM

Vorel urges Rasvim forward to try to catch up with the others, and waits for further word from Qing.

2016-05-04, 10:52 PM
A sudden wave of cold rushes through the water as you stand in it, causing frost to form on the surface near the underwater exit.

You can see the light from the hydra fade, as if a translucent barrier was suddenly erected between it and you. It appears as if the water in the area was rapidly frozen, blocking off the exit behind the hydra.

2016-05-09, 09:35 AM

"Okay, I do feel a tiny iota of regret," Bladi admits telepathically. She fires a ray of crackling energy, reducing the ice to its constituent particulars. "This poor, pathetic creature isn't our enemy. It's just misunderstood. I'll try talking again." The Leskylors run out of the cave.

The duplicate Bladi proceeds onward, helpfully calling for the dragon hydra telepathically.

Casting Disintegrate

2016-05-12, 08:03 PM
Jun Qing

Qing sends to Bladi, Perhaps I should be the one who follows the hydra. I seem to be slightly more adept at stealth. I will see where it goes as well as scouting the tunnel. Send to the others to regroup in here. I will return momentarily.

Qing then descends into the water and slides through the tunnel.

Moving 80 ft into the tunnel.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

Do I detect anything with lifesight, and what does the tunnel look like (specifically dimensions)

2016-05-15, 12:05 PM
As Wing scouts, Elixa takes the chance to make some preparations in case the party ends up in combat again.

"Don't mind me," she says, "I'm just going to take the chance to store some spells in my weave in case we need them on short notice."

She casts Greater Heroism, Freedom of Movement, Displacement, and Insight of Good Fortune into her Eldritch tapestry.

"Also," she adds, "if it turns out the underwater tunnel is longer than we could normally swim, I could modify all of our forms with a single casting of polymorph in order to help."

2016-05-28, 04:00 PM
Silence fills the cavern as Bladi and Jun make their way towards the underwater passageway.

The light from your Lifesight reveals that the tunnel continues for about another 30 feet ahead of you, then splits into three different paths. One goes straight forward, one curves up and to the left, and one on the right seems to go straight down. It is from the leftmost one that the quickly fading light given off by the hydra seems to be emanating from.

2016-05-28, 09:58 PM

The duplicate hangs back a bit from Jun, grumbling at him telepathically.

2016-05-28, 10:44 PM
Jun Qing

Qing relays what he sees to Bladi through her telepathic link, then drifts toward the light. He keeps a respectable distance while monitoring where the hydra goes.

Double moving 160 ft after the hydra. Qing will not approach closer than 65 ft to the hydra. I don't think hide will be needed, assuming the passage is dark and Qing has a ring of darkhidden, but I'll post it anyway just in case. Note that the move silently check factors in the -5 penalty for moving full speed:

Hide: [roll0]
Move silently: [roll1]

2016-05-31, 06:32 PM
The passage that the hydra took seems to go on for a little more than 200 feet before exiting into another cavern. The cave is above the water level, so little to no details can be made out yet. The hydra is just barely exiting into the cavern.

2016-06-01, 11:55 AM
Jun Qing

Qing slows his approach to the exit, barely making a single ripple in the water. He waits for the hydra to get a move a ways out of the water, then moves to the surface. The shadows wrap around him as he raises his head just out of the water and looks around.

If my math is right, Qing the first tunnel (30 ft) and this one (200 ft) have a total distance of 230 ft, Qing moves 160 ft the first round, so there is now 70 ft between him and the exit.
First round moving Using a move action to move 30 ft and using a standard action to ready an action: if the hydra indicates that it might be aware of Qing's presence, initiate Shadow Blink to move back in cave 50 ft.
If the hydra exits without ever indicating that it saw Qing, on the next round initiate Cloak of Deception and move 40 ft and peak head just over the water's surface. If there is a source of light in the cave use a standard action to move 10 ft back before the end of my turn. If not, bob there for that round and observe what's going on.
Since Qing isn't being distracted, the hydra isn't threatening him or even aware of his presence, and he's carefully moving at 1/2 speed, could he take 10 on his move silently check? If so I'd like to do that, but I'll roll just in case you say no. If he takes 10 he would get 38 on his check. If he rolls he would get [roll0]. When he gets pokes his head above the water and looks around:
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

2016-06-08, 02:51 PM
You can see the hydra moving away from the waterline, about halfway through the cavern on the other side. The center of the cave's roof has a large hole, about fifty feet up, through which you can see sunlight. The hydra's various heads all glance around the cavern, not seeming to notice you, then extends a pair of wings from either side of its body. It seems that it is trying to escape.

2016-06-08, 10:10 PM
Jun Qing

After descending back into the water, Qing fade through the shadows and reappears farther down the tunnel, then quickly doubles back into the tunnel. As soon as he reaches Bladi's telepathic range again he sends, "Relay this to the others: the tunnel continues thirty feet, then splits into three different paths: one goes straight forward, one curves up and to the left, and one on the right goes straight down. The hydra took the leftmost one, which continues another two hundred feet before exiting into a cavern above water level. The cavern's roof is fifty feet up; there is a hole in the center through which sunlight streams. When I left six seconds ago, the hydra was just spreading its wings as if about to fly through. I do not believe it spotted me, nor did I attack it."

Last turn I bobbed back under water before Cloak of Deception wore off, so I was already underwater at the beginning of this turn. Are there any penalties to a creature above water listening to a creature under it, and vice versa? Swift action to initiate Shadow Blink and move 50ft down the tunnel, then double moving another 160 ft. This should put me in range of dupliBladi's telepathy.
Move Silently: [roll0]

2016-06-15, 02:39 PM

The real Bladi tells the other about the paths. "It looks like the Hydra has stopped moving." She shrugs. "So how have the days been treating you, Harley? Contract anything lately?" Bladi asks Harely, being awful once more. It seems her patience worn thin with the recent turn of events and failures caused by her own haste and desire to impress her new teammates.

2016-06-20, 08:01 PM
[Contingent on the rest of the party deciding not to do anything about the hydra]

Jun Qing

Jun Qing takes a moment to refocus himself, then sends via Bladi's telepathic link, "I will explore the other passages and see if there is anything else of interest, for good or ill. I will report back what I find."

He turns back to the split in the tunnels. He silently drifts through the water, exploring each corridor to see what secrets they hold.

Full round action Adaptive style: Burning Blade, Cloak of Deception, Counter Charge, Mountain Hammer, Shadow Blink, Stalker in the Dark, and Strength Draining Strike.

Double moving through the tunnels sneaky like and checking them out. Taking 10 on hide and move silently checks, as well as spot and listen. If I see any interesting babbles that I can carry in my sack, I'll pick them up and put them in there. If it looks like there might be something interesting obstructed by an obstacle, initiate Mountain Hammer to take care of it. If something charges me, initiate Counter Charge. If otherwise attacked, Shadow Blink 50 ft away. If I encounter any creatures and they do not see me, try to quietly avoid them while still exploring. Rolling knowledge: checks to identify stuff. After exploring is done, return to the group and report back on what I find.

Hide: Take 10 for 38
Move silently: Take 10 for 38
Spot: Take 10 for 31
Listen: Take 10 for 31
Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Knowledge History: [roll1]
Knowledge Local: [roll2]

2016-07-01, 06:44 PM
The rightmost passage drops down into an underwater cavern, empty save for a few small, blind, white fish floating along aimlessly, feasting upon the flotsam. However, there is a half-rotted chest at the other end other cavern. The left passage, meanwhile, goes up for a couple feet, then levels out and follows a half-submerged trail before exiting into a small marsh, barely on the other side of the Iron Wall. However, it seems to be fairly secluded. You can see the slowly shrinking figure of the winged hydra close by, apparently having flown out from the hole in its cavern.

2016-07-01, 08:54 PM
Jun Qing

Jun Qing opens the chest and takes everything that is inside it that he can carry. He is careful to use both the water and the sack to not directly touch anything in the chest. Qing then heads back to the main cavern and shows his findings to the rest of the group.

Qing then says, "The leftmost passage leads to a half-submerged trail and exits to a marsh on the other side of the wall. It seems C's information was good. Roughly 25* feet of the passage is underwater. I suggest we traverse it with the utmost haste. The guards on the Iron Wall might have seen the hydra fly out. They may be able to retrace its path and find this cave. It would be best if we were far away should they investigate."

*How much of the left passage is underwater? thanks
Also, what's in the chest?

2016-07-01, 09:35 PM
Only about 25 feet of the left passage is underwater.

Within the chest, you find two sacks and a algae-covered short sword in a sheath. Within the first sack, six tarnished silver rings sit. In the second, there is a locked iron box of some sort, with carvings of strange creatures covering it. Despite obviously being in the water for a while, it's strangely free of rust.

2016-07-02, 12:39 PM

"Alright, it appears that there is a way through. I'll be going in," Bladi says, going into the cave to follow Jun.

2016-07-02, 01:35 PM

Wait! Lilith intoned shooting out a hand.

Can I take the time to restore them? She states shaking her head in the dead hydra's direction.

2016-07-02, 01:45 PM

"No. They're my kills. If any time will be spent on them, it will be given for proper rights," Bladi says sorrowfully. Her attack was made for selfish reasons, so benefiting from the deaths of these creatures would be a definite evil.

2016-07-02, 01:47 PM

But there's so much potential for good left unused.

2016-07-02, 02:08 PM
Jun Qing

Qing looks at the dead hydra's for a moment, then turns to Bladi. "Hmm. If I understand correctly, you do not want them raised because you feel you killed them needlessly, and in haste. It is an understandable sentiment, but I fear you are letting it cloud your judgement. In life those hydras were noble guardians of this pass, bravely facing down trespassers. They died honorably, sacrificing themselves so their friend could escape. Alas, they perished in their effort, but they faced their end with dignity. What would you have done to their bodies? Would you have them lay to rot, to be picked apart by scavengers? Would you burn them or disintegrate them, effectively erasing the last physical evidence of their existence from the world? Or would you have their death be as their life, risen and bringing their great battle prowess to bear for their new comrades. Bladi, it would be a great insult to their legacy to let them lie here when Lilith can raise them up as warriors once again."

Mando Knight
2016-07-02, 04:07 PM

"Regardless of our feelings about reanimating corpses, we do have to consider the time. With the hydra escaping by air, we may find ourselves entangled with enemy scouts shortly. Will the additional hydras be more of an advantage to us than the head start on making it to the next shelter?" Truth be told, she wasn't particularly fond of the idea of creating even more undead, even if they were under the control of an ally, but Vorel honestly did consider the strategic trade-off as the greater concern of the moment.

2016-07-02, 04:23 PM
Jun Qing

Qing nods. "A valid point, Vorel. Still, I believe it to be to our advantage. From what I have seen Lilith can perform a simple animation such as this in around six seconds. Their speed should not slow us down, since we are limited to Lilith's current hydra's speed as it is now, and they would gain us significant power for future conflicts. Regardless, you are correct that we must decide quickly."

2016-07-02, 11:27 PM

Bladi looks at Jun without blinking, allowing his own reflection do the staring. "Obviously, have them burnt or disintegrated and scattered to the waters. Assuming that this is their natural habitat, creatures of the lake should be returned to the lake. Any low level acolyte could tell you that," Bladi says, as if she is speaking to a child. "As for our speed, if we're limited to the speed of the undead, would that imply that we can hide or store them in any way? Having any of them would be imprudent considering that we are going to be infiltrating a city.''

2016-07-05, 01:15 AM
Jun Qing

Qing bows his head slightly, then turns to the hydra. "I am sorry, noble creature."

To Bladi he says, "Time is of the essence; we cannot argue any longer, and there will always be more dead. Let us be off. I will perform a cursory scout around the exit while the rest of you make your way through the tunnel."

With that, Qing heads back under the water to the exit, and silently checks the nearby area for anything of interest.

I'm pretty sure everyone in the party who doesn't have freedom of movement can take 10 to get through the tunnel without problem. Speaking of taking 10, taking 10 on:
Hide: 38
Move Silently: 38
Spot: 31
Listen: 31

Not going far, just checking the area around the exit while the rest of the party gets through.

2016-07-06, 09:54 AM

Ignoring Bladi's comment about contracting something, Harley agrees with Jun. "Jun is right. Time is of the essence and we should leave." He steps a small bit away from Bladi, hoping she doesn't notice.

Sorry for the delay, I was celebrating my independence with style.

2016-07-07, 06:18 PM
Before long, the six of you have made your way out of the caverns and away from the Iron Wall. You travel roughly northeast for about half an hour before coming upon an empty, but well-maintained road, with a three-way crossroads before you. A sign stands nearby.

South: Southern Gate

East: Dragon's Reach

Northwest: Zerksis City

Mando Knight
2016-07-07, 07:05 PM

"Hm, our next contact is probably in Zerksis City." As an extra precaution, as they met the road, Vorel casts another spell on herself, though this one has no visual signs like the brilliant aura of light still shining from her body.

Casting Undetectable Alignment. Can't have pesky interior patrols casting Detect Good on her and seeing her Overwhelming-level Aura of Good, now can we?

Is Zerksis the "old name" for the city, and/or would Vorel be able to get any kind of vague notion of their location, based on how the region was before the dragon's rule?

2016-07-07, 10:46 PM

Bladi steps closer to Harley, thinking that she isn't giving him enough attention. "Very well, then. Harley, what do you think? Your opinion is sooo important." She stresses that someone might listen to him... maybe.

Bladi will use the Wristband of Disguise to make her wings less apparent.

2016-07-07, 11:53 PM
Jun Qing

"Agreed, Vorel. I too believe we should go to Zerksis."

Qing nods as Vorel and Bladi take steps to disguise their true nature. "It would be best if we did not draw attention to ourselves. Lilith, would you mind putting these rings, the sword, and the box that I found in your bag of holding? I do not have extra-dimensional storage myself, and I would prefer not to carry these in a sack hung in plain sight. It would also be prudent for us to devise a cover story, should we be asked who we are, where we come from, and what we are doing."

Qing closes his eyes for a moment, then opens them again."There is also the matter of the mounts. Vorel, I assume your Drakkensteed can be dismissed and called again at a later time, so it should not be a problem. Lilith...though it pains me to say it, your hydras would draw considerable unwanted attention. It might be best if they were not seen by others until their services are needed in open combat. Perhaps they should be hidden in the marsh we came from. Few would question dead hydras in their natural habitat, and the crossroads would provide a good landmark when they need to be retrieved."

I'm assuming Vorel has already used her hat of disguise to look less like a dragonborn, ie a holy servant of bahahut dedicated to the overthrow of evil dragons. Is that correct?

2016-07-08, 12:09 AM
Yeah..... Lilith admits glumly crossing her arms.

You're probably right about the undue attention... She adds gesturing to her hydras, as she gets off the royal mount, directing them into nearby marshes she checks if it's deep enough to obscure them.

2016-07-08, 12:23 AM

Bladi perks up a bit. "Of course, Bladi was right all along, Jun means to say. 'Let's not tote around huge creatures,' I said. Did anyone listen to me? Yes! You did, just now!" She is very pleases with the small amount of power her insight and wisdom have brought her.

2016-07-08, 09:47 AM

"I agree with Jun, again." Harley nods. "All good points, especially on the hydras." Seeing Lilith's dismay, he adds "I'm sorry, Lil, but know it's only temporary." He then shakes his head. "I'm not the world's greatest at disguise... It's hard to contain all of this." He motions to his body and then widens his eyes when he realizes Bladi has moved in on him again. "But I'll give it a shot."

Oh boy, disguise checks haha.


Mando Knight
2016-07-08, 10:42 AM

I'm assuming Vorel has already used her hat of disguise to look less like a dragonborn, ie a holy servant of bahahut dedicated to the overthrow of evil dragons. Is that correct?

That would be accurate, though I'd forgotten to make mention of it.

Vorel finished adjusting her magical hat, concealing her scaled features under a mask of Human flesh, and now appearing more as a grizzled mercenary than a holy warrior. Nodding at Qing's suggestion, she sent a mental whisper to Rasvim, sending him back to Celestia. "We will not have his services the rest of the day, I'm afraid. And for the sake of the disguise, please call me... Minerva."

Since Dragonborn count as Human for the purposes of effects regarding race, the Disguise check shouldn't take any penalties, right?

And before anyone asks, yes, go ahead and picture her Human disguise as looking somewhat like Brienne of Tarth.

2016-07-08, 12:41 PM
The name Zerksis City doesn't ring any bells, but it seems the most likely choice out of the three. And yeah, I'll allow Vorel to count as human for magic-based Disguise checks.

2016-07-08, 08:02 PM
Jun Qing

"For this disguise, call me Liu Rong." Qing's own flesh still has the illusion of life in it. He had never dispelled it since assuming it at the tavern; there had been no point. He still wears the simple, loose clothes that he normally does.

Qing studies Vorel's disguise for a long moment, then says, "I confess that I am no expert on assumed identities; most of my infiltration work relied on never being seen in the first place. Your cover looks at first glance to be a mercenary. While that would be quite appropriate in most places, I question how prevalent hired arms are here, and the general attitude toward them. Valixuuntal does not seem like the type to rely on soldiers of fortune, and I doubt he takes kindly to people who live to fight independently of his authority. Though perhaps I assume the dragon has a tighter grip in the area than he does. Still, it is something to consider. As to a reason why we six travel together, I am frankly at a loss. As I said, this is not my area of expertise, and I never was overly familiar with the norms of this region. Does anyone else have a good alibi?"

Mando Knight
2016-07-08, 10:10 PM

Vorel shrugs. "A mercenary is easier to pass off than a Paladin, and the beast's protection does not extend beyond his Wall, so those traveling from outside it would need to provide their own guards. Naturally, then, I'm that muscle for us."

2016-07-08, 11:49 PM
Jun Qing

"Ah, guards for outsider merchants. I did not consider that angle. Good idea. Actually, merchants might be a good cover for the rest of us. Of course, there is the problem that we have no wares; perhaps we were recently robbed and our previous hired arms were incapacitated. We then pooled our remaining funds to hire Minerva. It would explain why five merchants only have a single guard, however formidable she may be. We are looking for Ellinette because she is an old contact who may be able to assist us."

Qing pauses, then looks over his garbs. "Actually, four merchants. I believe I could play the part of a servant more easily than I could a businessman. Perhaps a personal servant to Lilith." If Qing must play a servant, it would be preferable that his master be someone he trusted. It was also preferable that a companion of questionable sanity not be able to order him around with impunity. *cough* Bladi

2016-08-01, 03:25 PM
After you have all finished making decisions on your various disguises, you proceed onward to Zerksis City. It takes you only a couple of hours until you can see the city itself. It seems for be a fairly mid-sized city, built much like a hub for traders and merchants. At this point, you begin encountering others on the road - though they don't seem to pay much attention to you. The guards at the city's entrance spare you only a passing glance before letting you inside.

The first sight that draws your eyes is a statue in the center of a crossroads, and though you've never seen him yourself, you have no doubts that is it made in Valixuuntal's likeness, a monument to the serpent's vanity. Other sights soon catch your attention as well. While many of the civilians seem fairly relaxed and normal, a noticeable amount seem unnerved, glancing at the guards and up at the skies. Occasionally, a winged draconic figure, a wyvern, passes overhead carrying an armored rider on its back. Based on the reactions of the people, this would be a normal occurance if not for the frequency of which it seems to be happening. Overall, there is a subtle tension lingering in the air of the city.

2016-08-01, 03:46 PM
Lilith would mind speak to her comrades.

-Should one of us ask the civilians why the patrols seem to be on high alert?-

2016-08-01, 04:14 PM
Harley Marshall

Harley shrugs. It might seem suspicious, but I'll give it my best.

Harley walks up to any lone female civilian he can find, preferably one that looks poorer and less educated. "Hello there, gorgeous. I'm new around here and could use a few pointers. You see, my friends and I were recently put into a bind that had us dropped off near here against our will." Harley does his very best to be convincing and appear as though he's been through many hardships. "I'd very much like to know the laws of the land and any cultural faux pas I should avoid. In fact, the guard looks incredibly tense as is... any particular reason?"

Necessary rolls:



Gather Information

2016-08-01, 07:44 PM
Jun Qing

Qing calmly trails behind Lilith with his head slightly bowed. He notices some civilians seem to be relaxed while others seem obviously nervous. Curious. Qing spares glances at the different people, trying to detect patterns in the people who are worried and those who are not.

When Harley walks up to a woman for information, Qing subtly observes both her and any nearby guards, observant for anything out of the norm.

Sense motive for woman: [roll0]
Sense motive for guards: [roll1]

I have absolutely no idea what, if any skill checks I would need to look for patterns in the type of people. Just in case, I'll roll spot and sense motive (only doing one roll, since the both have the same modifier): [roll2]

2016-08-01, 10:12 PM

Bladi prances up to Harley, wrapping herself around his arm. "Hahahah! Very funny, darling."

"It's best you don't ask any weird questions. We don't want to tip anyone off that we are from the outside," she imparts to the team.

BLuff [roll0]

2016-08-02, 09:38 AM
Harley Marshall

Doing his best not to look annoyed that Bladi is blowing his cover, he attempts to recover. "I'm sorry for her outburst, miss." He looks away, tears welling in his eyes. "My sister hasn't been the same since... the event." He looks down with agony in his eyes. "She believes she's a past lover of mine and she's quite unstable. If you could just help us out... we'll be on our way." His eyes plead with her.

Blowing my perfectly good cover. Let me be the best at what I do.


2016-08-02, 11:23 AM

Bladi resists the urge to bite Harley's head off. "Enough of this nonsense. Dominate this tramp to get the information you need. All of these stories will only make us easier to remember," Bladi continues telepathically.

2016-08-09, 11:11 PM
The young half-elven woman Harley went up to blushes a little at his compliments, although Bladi's actions towards him do elicit a strange look. "Oh, well... I suppose I can give you some advice. Really, though, there's not much to it. Just don't break any laws and the guards should leave you be. Though, of course, they are on rather high alert..." She glances around. "If you're new to this area of the kingdom, I suppose that would mean you haven't heard? I guess that a couple of royal merchant groups have fallen prey to some local bandits that have reemerged. Vali... I mean, the Azure Emperor has taken notice, as these are among the first bandits we've had in years. Although..." She drops her voice and begins to whisper conspiratorially. "Some of us think it's the Loyalists to the old kingdom. You know, the ones that tried to rebel back when this all started? They might be making a comeback. But, uh... Don't spread that around, okay? The guards here don't take kindly to people who mention them, and it's just a rumor."

There don't seem to be any particular patterns to the tension among the populace. From what you can tell of the woman Harley is talking to, she seems like a bit of a gossip, though at least intelligent enough to make sure there were no guards around before she began her spiel.

2016-08-10, 12:04 AM

Bladi gives a dithering laugh and a broad smile as she pulls Harley around to face the rest of the group. Not that the woman cannot see her face, Bladi is visibly annoyed and grinding her teeth.

"A resistance cell? Very interesting. We'll have to find a way to come into contact with them. The easiest way is a honeypot. By looking like valuable targets, we can bait and bring them to us. Of course, we would have to gain their trust after that," she continues in the minds of the party. "Of course, the worst that can happen is that they don't show up."

2016-08-10, 12:48 AM
Jun Qing

Jun Qing answers Bladi telepathically, "An interesting proposal. Before we act on it though, I would like to see if we can contact Ellinette first. Information is power, after all. Harley, would you ask her where these raids have occurred, ostensibly to avoid them, then ask about local bars where we weary folk can rest? C said Ellinnette frequented a bar with a name that had something to do with bugs."

Mando Knight
2016-08-10, 06:45 AM

Vorel continues to stand back a bit, looking gruff for appearance's sake. Making use of the telepathic link, she "voices" concerns of her own where the half-elf can't hear. "Loyalists would be nice to have, but it would have been quite a trick for them to lie low for decades... and curiously convenient for them to begin acting now."

2016-08-10, 12:54 PM
Harley Marshall

Resisting Bladi's attempt to pull him from the conversation, he smiles and continues, noting his party's telepathic requests of him. "How dreadful." Harley nods knowingly. "Where did these attacks take place? Was anyone harmed?" He feigns concern.

"Not to brush off another's troubles. But do you know of any bars or inns where us weary folk might rest?" Harley sighs with exhaustion. "We are ever so tired." He pushes the last words of his sentence a little harder, almost magically.

Casting Charm Person on the half-elf. She must make a DC 25 or regard me as her trusted friend and ally (treat the target’s attitude as friendly). Duration is 15 hours.



Gather Information

Sense Motive

2016-08-10, 02:18 PM
Her countenance seems to brighten at Harley's words. "No, no one was hurt, but quite a bit was stolen. And the attack only took place a few miles from here, if you can believe it!"

"As for a place to rest..." The woman looks thoughtful for a moment. "If you want a place out of the way, you could try The Spider's Nest... It's a bit shady, but it would keep you out of the guard's attention. It's not too far from here either, just down the street, then to the right."

2016-08-10, 02:35 PM
Harley Marshall

Smiling charmingly, he questions. "A few miles? In which direction?"

Harley bows and kisses her hand, looking up to wink at her. "You've been so wonderful, dear. Please..." He slips a few gold coins into her hand. "Have yourself a wonderful dinner on me. My only regret is that I cannot have it with you." Wheeling smoothly, he looks at Bladi. "Come, sister. We've got business to attend to."

Telepathically, Harley says: Mmmm. A shame really. She was so nice I should like to spend more ti- Oh. Yes! Right. Mission. Ahem. We have a destination and some extra goodies to toy around with. Shall we head to the Spider's Nest? Creepy.

2016-08-10, 05:37 PM

Lilith links up with her comrades as she mind sends.

That sounds creepy, Why are we headed there? She asks.

2016-08-10, 06:12 PM

"Oh yes, well have business together, darling," Bladi says, making sure she is properly tangled onto Harley's arm, while glaring at the woman.

"Because it'll keep the heat off of our collective tails, like that tramp said. Ooh, should I throw in an insult at her? I've got to keep my cover," Bladi imparts.

2016-08-10, 08:48 PM
Jun Qing

Qing responds to Lilith, "Remember, C said he had a contact on the inside named Ellinnete who frequented a bar with a name referencing bugs. The Spider's Nest is the most likely establishment where we can find her. And Bladi, you wisely pointed out earlier that we do not want to be easily remembered. You have not openly demeaned her yet, and if you do so your...creativity with insults will most likely be well remembered by her. Perhaps you should heed your own advice."

To any who may have forgotten, link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20670647&postcount=45) to Elinnette.

2016-08-12, 12:30 AM
"I'm afraid I can't quite remember the exact location. I'm so sorry..." She looked rather disappointed about not knowing before brightening up at Harley's farewell gift. "Oh, wow... Th-thank you, sir!" She beams at the party for a moment, then as you begin to leave, scurries off, hardly daring to believe her good fortune.

2016-08-13, 12:39 AM
Jun Qing

Qing gives a casual glance around to see if anyone else is giving the group undue attention*. He sends to the others, "If no one has any objections, I believe we should make our way to the Spider's Nest. Be on the lookout for C's contact."

*Spot: [roll0]

2016-08-21, 11:57 PM
You soon find yourself find yourself in front of a relatively small tavern, in what is obviously the seedier area of town. A cobweb-shaped sign hanging above the entrance proclaimed this to the location of The Spider's Nest.Unlike when you first entered town, very few guards seem to be around. In fact, very few people at all seem to be around.

Should you enter the tavern, you find yourselves in a slightly dingy open room, with very few patrons about. The tavernkeeper is currently sitting behind the bar cleaning mugs, while a pair of kobolds seem to be having a squabble at a nearby table. A goliath mercenary sits at the bar, looking very drunk and half-asleep. Finally, at the far corner, there seems to be a cloaked figure knitting something at their table.

2016-08-22, 09:51 AM

Bladi detaches herself from Harley and walks up to the cloaked figure. She leans in, glaring at it obtrusively with her mirrored eyes.

2016-08-22, 10:48 AM
Jun Qing

Qing's left eye twitches, a shocking display of emotion from the monk. He sends to her, "Do not forget; we are trying to keep a low profile. Please do not act rashly."

Playing the part of the "merchant" group's servant, he walks up to the bartender and says, "Six mugs of ale, please."

Once he has the beverages, he pays the cost and ferries the drinks back to the rest of the group two at a time, preferring not to let on about this "servant's" unusually high dexterity. He sets two drinks in front of Bladi and the cloak figure last, not needing any drinks himself. Qing then returns to Lilith's side, though he keeps a subtle eye on the kobolds and the half-giant. If this was C's contact, it was possible she might be known and kept under observation. The drunken goliath and the kobolds would be good spies, beneath suspicion of ordinary people. But of course Jun Qing is no ordinary person.

I love being in a group with telepathy :smallbiggrin:

Sense Motive (Goliath): [roll0]
Sense Motive (Kobold 1): [roll1]
Sense Motive (Kobold 2): [roll2]
Knowledge (Local): [roll3] How are kobolds treated here since Valixuuntal took over?

2016-08-22, 11:20 AM

Trying not to look suspicious by following up to Bladi's gruff approach, Harley sits down at an empty table and motions for the rest of his party to join him. Crossing one leg over another, he speaks with a false accent to Jun. "Ah yes, Archibald. Good lad, my mouth was quite dry."


2016-08-22, 01:24 PM

Bladi sits down across from the hooded figure, brushing her hair out of her eyes pompously. She takes her mug of mead and starts downing it, her glare constantly on the figure. She gesture for another drink as she places the emptied mug on the table.

2016-08-22, 01:25 PM

While sipping at her coffee, the dread necromancer uses her unusual talent, to seem to sense the minds of everyone in the room.

Mando Knight
2016-08-23, 05:35 AM

"Minerva" refrains from sitting, though she stands by Harley's table, in a position that lets her view as much of the room as possible. The sight of the Goliath merc is a bit of a comfort to her... the presence of other sellswords in the city reinforces the group's alibi, her own in particular. When Qing brings her a drink, she waves him off: the disguise is but an illusion, after all, and she'd rather do what she could to avoid calling its veracity into question.

Unlikely to catch anything that Qing misses, but I might as well roll some perception-y skills for Vorel playing at her role:

Sense Motive on the Goliath: [roll0]
Sense Motive on the Kobold 1: [roll1]
Sense Motive on the Kobold 2: [roll2]
Sense Motive on the tavern keeper: [roll3]

Spot: [roll4]
Listen: [roll5]

2016-08-23, 09:40 AM
Harley Marshall

Harley sizes up everyone in the room, hoping to get a good read on the situation.

Sense Motive
Cloaked Figure: [roll0]
Goliath: [roll1]
Kobold 1: [roll2]
Kobold 2: [roll3]
Tavern Keeper: [roll4]

2016-08-25, 11:18 PM
The cloaked figure stays silent for a moments before speaking to Bladi, without glancing up. "It's rude to stare, you know." The voice seems to be female, and seems to draw out the pronunciation of her "S" syllables. "Give me a moment to finish with this pattern, then we can talk."

Okay, so the tavernkeeper and the mercenary both seem to be minding their own business. But the two kobolds seem to be "covertly" paying attention to you guys. They're not very good at being subtle about it, though.

Jun knows that kobolds are generally treated the same as any other normal humanoid race, with the exceptions of Dragonwroughts, who are treated noticeably better.

2016-08-26, 12:14 AM
Jun Qing

Qing brings the drink he had bought for Vorel to Bladi, then returns to Lilith's side. He sends to the others, "The barkeep and the goliath seem to be minding their own business, but the kobolds are attempting to discreetly watch us. Kobolds are treated roughly the same as other humanoids now, though dragonwroughts are treated quite a bit better. I suspect the kobolds are either Peaceguards or work for Ellinette. If the former, it means the dragon is likely already aware of Ellinette and has placed her under observation. We must be cautious. Also, remember that C said Ellinette was quite distinct, even to a group such as ours. It is quite possible she is of a species with strong innate ability. Please try to avoid unnecessarily provoking her."

Qing speaks draconic. Did he hear what the kobolds are/were squabbling about?

Is lifesight detecting anything besides our crew, the kobolds, the mercenary, the barkeep, and the yuan-ti* mysterious cloaked figure?

*Ok, I know I was (thankfully) completely off about my Big T prediction, but I'm feeling pretty good about this one. I mean, she wears a full cloak and draws out her S; how much more proof do we need?

Since it was said almost four months ago, link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20672563&postcount=54) to C's not-very-helpful description of Ellinette.

2016-08-26, 12:35 AM

"Oh, I shouldn't provoke her? That's good you told me because I was about to ask her if that was a scarf to cover up her whore mouth," Bladi transmits to Jun, taking the drink meant for Vorel. It's hard to tell if she's being facetious over telepathy. "As for the kobolds, dominate them, and if they're spies force them to take a long walk off of a short pier."

"May I ask what you are knitting?" Bladi inquires politely. She finishes her second drink.

2016-08-26, 12:45 AM
She's quite smart you know. And is a monstrous humanoid. I recommend some level of caution. Lilith warns with telepathy to the entire group.

2016-08-26, 11:08 AM

Anyone else getting a ssssssinking feeling? Harley mimics with his mind. I can't help but feel there might be a ssssssnake in the grasssss. He crosses one leg over the other and sips form his mug again.

Mando Knight
2016-08-26, 10:18 PM

"Minerva" watches Bladi sternly. While they likely are simply the blue lizard's sycophants and spies, using spells to dispose of them would draw attention... which would be disastrous for both us and our informant.

2016-08-26, 10:19 PM
Jun Qing

"She needs a reason to cooperate with us, and I doubt attempting to enchant her will end well for any of us. Now would be a good time to show her C's note. After we do something about the kobolds, though; she seems reluctant to talk with them watching." sends Qing.

Mando Knight
2016-09-01, 06:55 AM

"Minerva" waits a beat as she thinks of an excuse to get away from the kobolds without risking unwanted attention from their handlers, then walks over to the innkeeper. "My group is weary from today's travels. Do you have any rooms available for the night?"

2016-09-08, 10:02 PM
Qing sends to the group, "The kobolds might find it odd if we immediately and only take interest in our contact. Bladi is the only one who has shown an interest in her; perhaps one of us should apologize to the contact for Bladi's "eccentric behavior". Maybe make small talk with the some of the others patrons to throw them off."

Qing pauses, then amends, "'We' might be the wrong word. I confess that small talk and casual conversation were not skills emphasized in the monastery."

2016-09-08, 10:19 PM
The innkeeper looks up at "Minerva" with a dull expression. "Two copper a room, or one silver if you want the good rooms. We only got two of 'em, though. The other eight are normal."

The cloaked figure hardly looks up at Bladi's question. "Socks," she finally replies after a few minutes.

2016-09-12, 04:40 PM

Bladi rolls her eyes, which is an entirely imperceptible motion due to their mirrored sheen. "Fascinating," she says dully. "I'll be back in a second."

Bladi gets up and stumbles her way to the innkeeper. "I'd like one of the good rooms, please. I'll be housing my brother their for the evening. Oh, and do you have anything stiffer than ale?" She slaps a gp on to the counter.

2016-09-12, 04:44 PM
The inkeeper looks down at the gold piece for a moment before snatching it up and walking into a back room. He comes out with a bottle of some sort of dark liquid and pours Bladi a mug, passing it down to her along with a room key.

2016-09-12, 04:47 PM

I'll handle our reptilian friends. Harley walks about 5 feet from the kobolds. "Excuse me, my fine dapper fellows. Would you like to join us for some drinks! It's hardly apt to drink alone and we've been only in each other's company for too long." He bows grandly. If we get them tipsy, I bet I can extract some helpful information from them... in a non-violent way, Bladi.

Here I go again.



2016-09-12, 04:50 PM

Bladi chugs the last drink, telling "Minverva" that "I will try again, this time with more courage." She hiccups and makes her way back to the knitting woman, waving the room key in Harley's face along the way before pocketing it.

"Get wh owaht nao?" Bladi imparts to Harley. "I got use teh key. Later."

"Now where were we?" Bladi asks the knitting woman before flopping back into her chair. "Oh wow. Throat feels like it's fire. Ow."

2016-09-12, 04:51 PM
The kobolds look up warily at Harley. "Heh," the one closer to him snickers. "All right, smoothskin, we'll join you for some drinking. My buddy and I here were getting dry mouths anyways."

"Say," says the other, "I ain't seen you 'round here before. What's your name, stranger?"

2016-09-12, 05:04 PM

"Oh wonderful." He smiles and signals the barkeep. "Good sir, two of your largest ales for these fine gentlemen!" Looking back to them, he works out a story on the fly. "The name is Percival E. Goodsmith, I'm a traveling storyteller and through some unfortunate circumstances, my party has found itself here."


2016-09-12, 05:14 PM
The kobolds glance at each other, a mental shrug seeming to pass between them. "A'right, Per-see-val. You're a storyteller? How about regaling us with a tale?"

The cloaked woman chuckles a little. "I see you decided to try some of Randy's specialty? That stuff could get a dwarf plastered with one sip."

2016-09-12, 05:20 PM
Harley Marshall

Harley stares Bladi down when she waves the key in front of him. "Of course I'll tuck you in, sister." He smiles, mischievously. There is a time and place, Bladi. This is neither of those. He adds, telepathically.

"But of course!" Harley makes sure they receive their ale in a timely manner, before beginning his tale. "I'll admit that I am but a novice, so forgive me if it is not to your liking." Harley will spin an epic yarn about a man who fell in love with the moon, but had to do battle with the sun for her affection. After all, love is his specialty.

Perform (Oratory) Untrained

2016-09-12, 08:11 PM

Bladi squints at woman knitting socks. "Randy? Who's Randy," she slurs. That last drink wasn't her first. She may have visited more than one inn this day, and maybe stole one too many drinks. "And what's this about dwarves? I can take any dwarf that questions my power, no problem."

She then starts giggling uncontrollable at Harley's response.

2016-09-12, 08:19 PM
Jun Qing

Qing is fairly impressed by Harley's story, but only pays half-a-mind to it; his focus is on other matters. He sends to Elixa, "The kobolds are distracted. Perhaps now would be a good time to slip our contact C's note."

To Bladi he sends, "Do not forget that you can connect telepathically with those outside of the party. If you are willing to reveal your ability to the contact, the two of you can securely converse while keeping your physical conversation perfectly mundane and beneath suspicion."

Mando Knight
2016-09-13, 08:50 AM

"Minerva" notices Bladi zip through and claim one of the "good" rooms immediately, then pulls out another silver piece in exchange for the key to the other "good room". Moving back toward the group, she puts a hand on Qing's shoulder, speaking aloud to avoid the unnerving and suspicious silence of telepathic communication. "I'm going to take a look at the accommodations. Keep an eye on B, she's going through alcohol at an alarming rate."

2016-09-14, 10:59 PM
Jun Qing

Qing gives "Minerva" a slight bow in acknowledgement, grateful that as a "mere servant" staying disturbingly silent was completely expected of him. "Tread carefully, friend. The kobolds are the most obvious watchers, but they may not be the only ones."

2016-09-16, 02:42 PM
The kobolds become engrossed with Harley's story against their will, listening intently as he layers on twist after twist in an increasingly epic tale.

"Randy is the barkeep, my dear," the cloaked woman responds to Bladi's drunken inquiry. When Elixa silently offered up the note, she took it without hesitation - no one else seemed to pay you any mind - and quickly read it before scribbling something on the back and returning it. Elixa quickly relays the response.

Meet me upstairs in five minutes. We'll talk more there.

2016-09-16, 02:46 PM
What room? Lilith mind sent to Elixa.

2016-09-17, 12:28 AM
Jun Qing

Qing sends to the others, "The kobolds might become suspicious if all of us left to speak with the contact. Perhaps we should split up; Elixa, would you mind taking over distracting the kobolds? It may be wise to leave one of our more social party members here for distraction and surveillance, while our other more social member handles conversing with the contact. Vorel has already gone up, the rest of us can follow over the course of a few minutes. As long as we stay close enough for telepathic contact, or at least close enough for Bladi's duplicates and Lilith to form a telepathic relay, we should be alright. Elixa, please let us know if anyone else comes in or if the kobolds become agitated."

Qing then uses Lilith's telepathy to ask her to share a private telepathic communication that only she and Elixa can hear. If Lilith does, Qing sends Elixa, "I am sorry to sideline you for the moment, but we need one person with extraordinary social skills to distract the kobolds and deal with any other unexpected players. I fear if Harley stays down here, Bladi will demand to stay as well, and I do not trust Bladi to behave well even--no, especially--when only Harley is the only one there to watch her."

2016-09-19, 12:26 PM

"Randy's a dumb name," Bladi mumbles. "So, where does a person find things like you," Bladi asks more loudly, asking Ms. Knits Socks where's she's from and what she is. She sumps onto the table lazily.

2016-09-19, 01:15 PM

Continuing a conversation with the kobolds, Harley will speak mentally to the party. Don't worry. If anyone can keep an entire tavern busy, it's Harley Marshall. Go on without me and keep me updated.

2016-09-22, 07:40 PM
Jun Qing

Qing sends an acknowledgement to Harley, then sends to Elixa, "In that case, it may be best if you come with us. We will likely need your social aptitude when dealing with the contact."

2016-09-22, 11:25 PM

Bladi gets up abruptly. "I'll see you later, sock knitter. I've got to talk to my brother," she says. "He's a very special person," she whispers, wiggling her finger in loops next to her head. She stumbles over to the kobolds and Harley.

"Brother, how fareth thee?"

2016-09-22, 11:46 PM

Harley smiles and pretends like he's having a nice conversation with the Kobolds, but when Bladi walks over, he frowns and his face pales. "Suddenly unwell, sister. Might you escort me to my room?" He stands and wobbles weakly, an act. "You fine gentleman have been a pleasure. Please, bartender, another round on me for them. My associate Glenda will gladly keep you company..." He motions to Elxia and then drapes himself pathetically around Bladi.



2016-09-23, 12:02 AM

Bladi crumbles slightly under the weight of her "brother." She drags him along to the stairs. "It's alright brother. Perhaps it's best we both turn in," she says before hiccuping. "Come now, I reserved us a room." Bladi takes Barley to the nicer rooms that she paid for.

2016-09-23, 10:02 AM

Once Harley and Bladi are out of sight, he will stand upright and brush himself off. Okay, team. Where are we meeting our contact? He will lean against a wall in the room, patiently waiting and humming a tune.

Does humming fall under Perform (Sing)?

Perform (Sing)

2016-09-23, 11:14 AM

Bladi pouts, and tries to tug Harley to their room. "I don't wanna meet with the sock knitter," she imparts.

2016-09-23, 11:46 AM

"Isn't that the entire reason we're in this town?" Harley toughens his facial expression and crosses his arms. "Eyes on the prize, Bla- Hey! Eyes up here!" He'll massage his temples. "How have things been, Bladi?" Doing his best not to be too harsh on Bladi, since he knows she can't entirely help it.

2016-09-23, 12:03 PM

Bladi pauses for a moment, her expression blank, before laughing self consciously.
"Don't tell me that you're worried about me!" She says, smiling almost too broadly. "I just can't be responsible for my actions if we are left around her for too long. Wouldn't it be a shame if I killed her in a fit of jealously? I've been know to have a bit of a vindictive streak."

2016-09-23, 12:09 PM

Harley looks into her eyes, despite them being mirrored, as if they were completely normal. "Bladi. No fooling around. I need you to be serious right now." He scolds, with a knowing tone.

2016-09-23, 01:10 PM
After Harley and Bladi leave the main floor, Elixa offers to play some music to entertain the barkeep and customers. The barkeep accepts the offer, and soon, Elixa's sweet music flows through the tavern. The kobolds in particular seem rather... fascinated by it.

2016-09-23, 02:27 PM

Bladi blinks back at Harley. Those Windows of the soul had become mirrors. Does this mean she acts unhealthy only as a reflection of what she sees as an ill world? "What makes you think I'm not being serious right now? Don't you think there is a legitimate possibility?" She crosses her arms and turns around. "So I take it that this time about me. Of course Im only the matter when I'm inconvenient to you."

2016-09-23, 02:48 PM

Shaking his head, knowing he was about to make a mistake, Harley shut the door. "Bladi." He walked slowly up behind her, knowing full well that he didn't need magic right now. "C'mon." He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "Control your urges... for me?" He breathed warmly into her ear.

2016-09-23, 04:17 PM
Jun Qing

As Elixa starts her tune, Qing turns to Lilith and says aloud, "My lady, the journey has been long. Perhaps you too should get some rest."

Telepathically he sends, "With Elixa distracting the kobolds, now is the time for us to speak privately with the contact. You should lead; it would seem improper for the 'servant' to direct the 'master.'"

If Lilith goes upstairs, Jun Qing will follow her.

2016-09-23, 04:53 PM

Bladi futilely tries to wiggles away from Harley before giving up. "Oh yeah, there you go again with that ambiguous phrasing. Am I supposed to control my urges for you or am I supposed control my urges for you?!" Her arms slump to her side. "Stop treating me like some simple bar maid. I'm way more intelligent than that, and I refuse to be so easily tricked."

2016-09-23, 05:04 PM

Harley smiles, truly amused. "I didn't want to do this, Bladi. But you know you've left me no choice!" Harley exclaims, with a little playfulness in his voice. "Omph!" He will then (nicely) bite her on the ear.

Don't make me use my class features, Snow. It gets worse than an ear nibble! This class was made for this.


2016-09-23, 05:06 PM

Yes. It has certainly been a long day. Lilith agreed. Let's retire now, so that we don't sleep through half the day tomorrow. She replied starting to head upstairs.

2016-09-23, 06:05 PM

Bladi giggles. It would be a nice giggle, but coming from Bladi it sounds almost malicious. "Stop," she says. "You can't make me go. I'm better off up here, where I can make sure I don't get in the way..."

Bladi is immune to [Mind-Affecting], making her the scariest thing ever for Harley... as woman he has to be genuine with. :smalleek:

2016-09-23, 06:42 PM

"I don't intend on making you go. I intend on you choosing to go and choosing to behave." He says honestly and turning her around. "I'll make you a deal, our standard 'djinn' agreement. Three wishes, all within the realm of my capability. They must all be fulfillable within 24 hours, last no longer than 24 hours after the wish is made, and bring no harm to my professional reputation, my established personal life, or to my ideals. Failure to comply results in all ongoing wish effects and future wishes being terminated." He'll then hover a little less than an inch away from Bladi's face. "A kiss to seal the deal?"

If Bladi accepts both the kiss and deal, here is the charisma check for this kiss. As I feel Harley is entitled to it.

Charisma Check

Nailed it... at least Harley is great at what he does.

2016-09-23, 06:50 PM

Bladi scowls. "Do you think we would sell ourselves out? Don't insult us. I have no need for your contracts or your manufactured affection. I live only for myself, only by my rules, and only with my own will." Bladi phases through Harley's arms and walks over to her bed. She sits on it, facing away from Harley. "Do what you will. I'll be here when you return." She snaps her wings against the bed, scattering several feathers around the room.

2016-09-23, 09:51 PM

Harley looks to the sky. You're testing me, aren't you, Sune? He turns around and heads to the door. "Well, have it your way, Bladi." A little sadness in his voice, maybe from a broken heart, maybe from rejection. Harley looks down, opens the door, and walks out. He will patiently wait outside Bladi's door for the party to arrive, with a little less spring in his step.

2016-10-02, 12:07 PM
Within a short time, everyone (save Elixa) has gathered in one of the two good rooms upstairs. A few minutes pass before you hear a knock on the door. It opens on the hooded figure from downstairs.

"So, you wished to talk?"

2016-10-03, 10:06 AM
Harley Marshall

Harley motions to figure. "Please, come in first." When she does come in, he'll shut the door behind her. "We do indeed wish to talk, however, we were hoping you'd have some scoop for us." Harley shrugs. "The letter from C. seemed to hold some weight, judging by your initial reaction."

Oh boy am I glad for Harley's mad face modifiers.


Gather Information

2016-10-04, 10:59 AM

In the other good room, Bladi is having a tea party.

"Ohohoho, indeed, Sir Pimpington. I was thinking the same thing myself. Of course, it would be a bit conspicuous given our current situation." She takes a sip of tea, and pours some onto another place at the table. It splashes on the surface and drips onto the floor. "Now, we could disguise ourselves, but I don't think tipping off that more powerful forces are at work here would make a surreptitious operation like this one."

Bladi slams her tea cup onto the saucer with a tiny klink. "Ms. McGee, behave yourself. Remember, we're working here. Try to be professional. Then again, I didn't expect anything from a hussy that grew up in Southern Faerun. Wastrels, the lot of you!"

She frowns. "No, no, you're quite right Mr. Jones. I'll await the others patiently. Perhaps we'll find out that we have more support than we were expecting, which was far more than I am used to."

2016-10-04, 09:30 PM
Jun Qing

Qing nods and says, "Perhaps we should start with the obvious question. Those kobolds seemed to be observing you. Why? What have you done to merit such limited surveillance and not a harsher or more lenient response?"

Just in case...
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2016-10-04, 10:58 PM
While you still cannot see her face, you get the impression that Ellinette is smiling under her hood. "Oh, those pesky kobolds are simply low-level thugs that some of the city guard hired to keep an eye on me. I've garnered a bit of a reputation, you see, but I haven't actually done anything illegal, so they cannot arrest me."

"As for the letter, well... I haven't heard from C in a long time. It surprised me that he was still alive, actually. Still, even if it is about a job, it's good to hear from him."

Mando Knight
2016-10-07, 07:45 AM

Still in disguise, Vorel stands toward the back of the room, near the window. "This job will change everything, if it succeeds. C pointed us to you because he said you could help us complete it."

2016-10-07, 01:10 PM
"Indeed." Ellinette sighed. "But know that it will not be an easy task. Valixuuntal is a cunning wyrm, after all. Others have tried, and all have failed. Are you all sure you are ready for this?"

2016-10-07, 01:14 PM
Harley Marshall

"Please, darling." Harley waves. "I was born ready." His smile is enchantingly charming.

2016-10-07, 03:04 PM
Wait! You haven't done anything illegal so they haven't arrested you? Why does this land have a better legal system then my homeland. Lilith commented in shock.

2016-10-07, 04:05 PM
Jun Qing

Qing nods. "I am ready for the task at hand, and would appreciate any aid you can give towards the endeavor."

Qing turns to Lilith, the corners of his mouth slightly raising in the barest hint of a smile. "That is likely because Valixuuntal is far less popular than the leaders of your homeland. Unpopular tyrants must make a pretense at keeping to their laws, as their only claim to legitimacy is that the power they wield brings order and stability, not just oppression. The people may not like the tyrant, but they hope if they keep their heads down and follow the rules they can get on with their life as best they can. The tyrant may forge evidence or arrest on trumped up charges, but to bring down their wrath arbitrarily invites despair, soft rebellion and eventually revolt, for why need the people follow his rule when they will be punished regardless? Popular tyrants may do as they wish so long as they do not turn the people against them, for the people think their masters' actions are just and will accept them."

Mando Knight
2016-10-09, 07:01 AM

"I have been preparing myself for this mission since before the Iron Wall was erected. Regardless, now that we are within the Wall's confines, we aren't in a position to turn back." Vorel's posture and tone of stern defiance underscores her resolve, almost to the point of seeming insulted at the question of her readiness.

2016-10-12, 10:54 PM

Bladi continues her tea party. She places a round of biscuits one each of the places, which are currently overfilling with treats.

"Now, I understand that project has had cost overruns? I see that measures have been taken to get it on track," Bladi says, sipping her tea.

She suddenly slams it down again. "McGee, enough of your sophistry. Do you believe that funding grows on trees?"

"I've said it time and time again. The costs greatly increase if you try and cancel it. Now enough about work. Sir Pippington, how has your life been."

"Oh, your work is your pleasure. I forget. It's like they say, find a job doing what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life. That's why I am here, after all."

Bladi blinks. "Harley? He's a louse. He seems to think that just because he's handsome and had a good upbringing that he can have anything he wants. Spoiled rotten, I'd say." She throws her tea cup against the wall, which shatters with a clink. The pieces fall on top of many similiar parts. She extracts another identical tea cup and pours herself more tea. "Enough, McGee. Anyone want more tea." She pours some more tea over a couple piles of biscuits.

2016-10-20, 06:10 PM
You suddenly hear a knock at your door.

There are two humanoids with higher-than average (12-13) Int standing outside the door to Bladi's room.

2016-10-20, 06:34 PM

Bladi harumphs. "Uninvited guests. How rude."

She conjured an images of her brother sleeping in the bed, and goes to answer the door.

Major Image, thanks to Haures.

2016-10-20, 06:39 PM
As Bladi opens the door, she sees two human males dressed in city guard outfits standing before her. "Excuse us, ma'am, but you wouldn't have happened to encounter a woman going by the name of Ellinette, have you?" asks one of them.

2016-10-20, 06:53 PM
Lilith beams to her allies in the room.

-Their seems to be two humanoids slightly smarter then average right outside Bladi's room.- Lilith questioned.

-What should we do?-

2016-10-20, 06:58 PM

"They're looking for a woman named Ellinette. Sounds like a whore. Still, I got an illusion of Harley in my room, so he'll be accounted for. Hide him," Bladi sends to her team using telepathy.

"No, I'm afraid not. It's just me and my brother," Bladi says. "Would you care for some tea?"

The illusion mumbles in his sleep.

Bluff [roll0]
Diplo [roll1]

2016-10-20, 07:02 PM
Harley Marshall

Way to make the face useless. Harley mentally groans. Jun, maybe you can make them... go away? He's unsure exactly how Jun would do that, but hopefully that means they end up unconscious or otherwise incapacitated.

"Do you have any... enemies... miss?" Harley gestures to their becloaked friend.

2016-10-20, 07:36 PM
The two guards look at each other, unsure. "No, ma'am. But are you sure you haven't seen her? She often wears a cloak around and has been known to frequent this establishment." They look like they believe Bladi, but they also seem to be unwilling to leave.

* * * * *

"Besides the country?" Ellinette responds wryly. "Not that I know of. Why?"

2016-10-20, 08:18 PM

"A cloak?" Bladi mines putting on a hood. "I've been enjoying some 'revelry' this evening. Memories a bit spotty, and I get migraines if I sleep while less than sober. Well, if you're still here, the tea is more tempting than I thought. Sit for a spell. I promise to make the evening interesting" Bladi winks, which betrays her excessive eye shadow.

"They sounds scared to me. They are unwilling to leave. Either that or the fuzz is casing me," she sends to the team.

Sense motive [roll0]
Seduction (which is bluff, according to the Swashbuckler dead level rules) [roll1]

Mando Knight
2016-10-20, 11:05 PM

Moving closer to the door again, Vorel turns toward Bladi's room (leaving the door closed) and reaches for her Holy Symbol. "There's people at the other room." Speaking a word of power, she begins to scan the area for Evil.

Detect Evil penetrates 3 feet of wood, so unless these walls are lined with lead or an inch of other metal to block other divinations, Vorel should be able to get a reading on their grade of Evil.

2016-10-21, 05:51 AM
Jun Qing

Qing tilts his head slightly at Harley. "Useless? Do you not possess magic which can alter your appearance? As for making them go away, I suppose I could incapacitate them, but I worry that they have been specifically sent here and failing to report back to their superiors will simply raise alarms. It would be best if we can get them to leave of their own accord, or at least think they left of their own accord."

To Bladi he sends, "Perhaps you can use some of your...natural charm to convince them that they should leave. I am sure you can think of something."

Out loud he says quietly, "There are two men in the uniform of city guards who are inquiring about a cloaked woman who frequents this establishment. They are currently speaking to the woman who first sat across from you. I will go appraise the situation, see if the guards will stay with her when I arrive or if one or both will follow me. While I am out, do any of you desire a drink?"

Jun Qing exits the room quietly and slips down the hall, though as he walks he makes a deliberate effort to create some noise. He makes his way to Bladi's room, giving a curt nod to the guards but otherwise ignoring them. He peaks in and says, "Pardon me, my lady, is there anything you desire right now? More tea perhaps, or maybe something stronger?"

Qing says, "Not to my knowledge." He promptly turns back to Bladi without elaborating fur.
Qing lets a bit of annoyance slip into his voice, "I did see one such person playing music downstairs." He once again turns back to Bladi.

2016-10-21, 11:11 AM
They ping on your Detect Evil, but they don't seem to have a strong aura of it - more like a petty sort of evil., as opposed to Evil.

Ellinette frowned as Jun left the room. "If the city guard is looking for me, that may be cause for worry. I haven't done anything, but they can still detain me. And if they realize you're helping me, you could be in trouble."

Jun walks out in time to see the guards, now looking very uncomfortable, glancing at each other as they stood outside Bladi's room. When they notice him, they question him first if they've seen Ellinette, then clarifying the question with her description. They once again glance at each other after Jun's answers, but didn't voice any more questions. However, they still didn't seem willing to leave, either.

2016-10-21, 10:49 PM

Bladi frowns. "I'm quite fine, sir. But for this pair of strapping young lads, why are you still here? Which one of you is in charge?" Bladi asks. "Could you tell me if this person who are searching for is dangerous? Are you important enough to know?" she whispers, while cautiously looking down to each side of the hallway.

Truthfully, Bladi's patience was wearing. She was moments away from taking drastic measures to obtain information from these men.

2016-10-24, 05:46 PM
"We're just guardsmen, ma'am," one of the guards replies. "We only know what we're told, and what we were told is to arrest Miss Ellinette. However, we were also informed that she might not be alone..."

2016-10-24, 06:53 PM
Harley Marshall

"I'd say 'trouble is my middle name', but it isn't." Harley shrugs. "I could make them a smoking pair of boots, but I'm sure someone who would notice they were missing..." He focuses his eyes on Ellinette. "If we're crunched on time, it could be handy to know anything helpful... quickly."


2016-10-24, 08:41 PM

Bladi acts shocked. "And you are convinced that I had something to do with some harlot off of the streets? Little ol' me?" She touched her hand to her chest. "I protest! Look at my room! There is no other woman here! Just my brother and I!"

2016-10-26, 10:01 PM
One of the guards narrows his eyes. "Perhaps, but we have yet to actually search the room..."

"You handle this one. I believe there was one other room we have to check out." The other guard turns and begins walking over to the other door.

2016-10-26, 10:34 PM

Bladi Psionic Dominates the soldier not searcher her room, hoping to get the other guard to ignore his target and Harley.

"Come on in, darling," Bladi says while moving out of the way. Inside is the illusion Harley and the "tea party."

Psionic Dominate PLA, Will DC 25

2016-10-26, 11:55 PM
Jun Qing

Qing takes a harder focus on the tea party, as if noticing its oddity for the first time. He shakes his head and walks to the set, picking up and carrying away used dishes to the wash basin, cleaning some of the stains from when Bladi splashed the tea, serving "guests" that need more tea, and other such activities. Part of it is to maintain the appearence of a servant, but a larger part than Qing cared to admit is also because he could not stand the general mess and clutter. The monestary life was simple and orderly, and though he is used to unsanitary areas from his time in the field, he expects better habits for his team. Even Bladi.

Qing spares spares a brief glance to the guard. "Apologies sir. The lady can be a bit...eccentric. Tea?"

He then resumes work, while sending to the rest of the party, "One of the guards is investigating this room while the other is set to investigate yours. Bladi is trying to distract the one here. Harley, you had best get yourself and the contact situated before he opens the door. Do you have any magic that could help?"

All the while Qing coolly assesses the situation and prepares for the worst in case things become violent, cleaning and managing the tea set all the while.

Activating Shifting Defense stance as a swift action.

Ready an action: if either of the guards becomes hostile to the point of violence, such as beginning to draw weapons or other aggressive action, Qing will charge the one who initiated it within 80 feet, flying over any obstacles necessary to do so. Using snap kick to hit twice on the charge for a -2 penalty on both attacks (cancelling out the charge attack bonus):

Attack #1: [roll0]
Damage #1: [roll]3d10+12[/roll+1 con]
Crit Confirm #1: [roll1]
Crit Damage #1: [roll]3d10+12[/roll+1 con]

Attack #2: [roll2]
Damage #2: [roll]3d10+12[/roll+1 con]
Crit Confirm #2: [roll3]
Crit Damage #2: [roll]3d10+12[/roll+1 con]

Ideally, he would make his attacks while still holding items from the tea set and not spilling one drop. For coolness points, that's why :smallbiggrin:

2016-10-27, 12:00 PM
Harley Marshal

Of course I have a spell... Harley grumbles mentally. I just hate having to use it.

"Madam Elinette, it appears we are endangered. Would you please join me in the closet?" He smiles, but has no shame.

Assuming Elinette joins him in the closet for safety reasons, Harley will cast Silent Portal on the closet door and enter the closet, shutting it behind them.

He will then write a hasty note that says "I've got a feeble mind and need someone to cast 'Heal' on me."

Then he'll ready an action to cast Feeblemind on the guard if he opens the closet door. Unfortunately for the guard, Feeblemind has verbal components and thus he must make a will save of 29 or have his intelligence and charisma reduced to 1. If this happens, Harley will slip the note into a coat/pants/somewhere pocket. So he can later be restored. Reducing charisma permanently would just be such a shame.

2016-10-27, 03:22 PM
The guard Bladi was talking to moves inside silently. His eyes seem to be dulled and glazed over, and he hardly reacts at Jun's question. "Yes... Tea, thank you..."

The other guards quickly enters the room where the rest of you are. He glances around for a moment, then when no one seems to stop him, he goes to check the closet where Harley and Ellinette are hiding. However, the moment he opens the door, the spell robs him of his will, and he promptly falls over in a daze.

Congrats, both Bladi's and Harley's actions had DCs too high for them to make. I could've rolled anyways, in case they got a 20, but... I decided that, given the 95% chance this would happen anyways, I'd just let it happen. :smalltongue:

2016-10-27, 03:26 PM
Harley Marshal

"This poor fellow." Harley pouts, slipping the note into the man's pocket. "He'll be alright though, totally reversible." He shrugs at Elinette.

What's your status, Bladi and Jun? Harley questions. We're going to need to arrange transport for this one. He can still walk, most likely not in a straight line.

2016-10-27, 03:37 PM

"Oh yes, I would love some tea," Bladi says, sitting down at the table full of spilled tea and randomly placed biscuits. The guard follows suit.

"Everyone, this is Henry Willings, Dasha's little boy. Hasn't he grown? Help yourself to some biscuits and tea." Bladi forces the guard to partake.

"What?" Bladi replies to Harley's message sharply, "I'm having tea. Can't it wait?"

2016-10-27, 03:43 PM
Harley Marshal

We do have a mission, B. Harley chastises. Can't tea wait until later?

2016-10-27, 03:50 PM

Bladi forces a biscuit into the guard's mouth.

"Everything is fine over here. I'm letting the guard search the room. Once they finish searching they can be on their way as if nothing happened," Bladi sends back to Harley.

2016-10-27, 03:53 PM
Harley Marshall

Harley messages his temples and looks around at his present team. "Too much Bladi in your brain can give you a headache." He shrugs. "Elinette, now that we're 'safe', we should get back to information sharing. Before more people show up."

Jun, what's your sit-rep? He asks, attempting to undermine Bladi's unwillingness to productive.