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2016-06-28, 10:30 PM
"Because I didn't ditch you like she did?" Lilian asks trembling slightly.

Tachi smiled once more. "I never said she ditched me. Samantha Manton's wealth is very hard to argue with. If Ophelia wants style over substance then that's her choice."

Tachi shivers slightly himself. "Weird, someone at school must be talking about me. Hate when that happens."

2016-06-28, 10:32 PM
Alice giggled at that. It was so much fun that she could still have that kind of effect on her friend so easily sometimes. "So... is that your way of voting for an all-girls party tonight? Or no party at all?" Alice asked with a raised eyebrow. "I mean, I still like the idea of inviting Tachi and a couple others, but..." she trailed off, waiting to hear Julia's answer.

"I'm okay with non shy boys." Jewel replies honestly. "Although if it was a girl's only, I'd be okay with that too."

2016-06-29, 07:20 AM
"I'm okay with non shy boys." Jewel replies honestly. "Although if it was a girl's only, I'd be okay with that too."
"Well, I'm pretty sure Tachi isn't shy. And we know the others aren't," Alice answered with a smirk. "How about I give him a call, then send a text to our other friends once we know if he's coming?"

7th son of sons
2016-06-29, 07:48 AM
As long as she promises to warn me before scrying! Ophelia replies.

A small price to pay to secure your visitation, Yulianna replied genuinely. She knew of this Samantha. Among the lowborn, she was something of an anomaly. She had some personal connection to the government in some way or another. She had power, or at least, what could be construed as power among the mongrels. She was good company for Ophelia, at least. I will from this point forward give you due warning whenever I attempt to scry with you, klyanus'.

2016-06-29, 11:29 AM
"Well, I'm pretty sure Tachi isn't shy. And we know the others aren't," Alice answered with a smirk. "How about I give him a call, then send a text to our other friends once we know if he's coming?"

"Sure you can give him a shot." Juila replied.

A small price to pay to secure your visitation, Yulianna replied genuinely. She knew of this Samantha. Among the lowborn, she was something of an anomaly. She had some personal connection to the government in some way or another. She had power, or at least, what could be construed as power among the mongrels. She was good company for Ophelia, at least. I will from this point forward give you due warning whenever I attempt to scry with you, klyanus'.

Thank you. Ophelia relented.

2016-06-29, 12:12 PM
A small price to pay to secure your visitation, Yulianna replied genuinely. She knew of this Samantha. Among the lowborn, she was something of an anomaly. She had some personal connection to the government in some way or another. She had power, or at least, what could be construed as power among the mongrels. She was good company for Ophelia, at least. I will from this point forward give you due warning whenever I attempt to scry with you, klyanus'.

"Did you know, Miss Orwell, about this marvelous innovation called a cell phone? It has all the communication functionality of a scrying ritual without any of the privacy invading issues! Everyone that isn't more than 200 years behind the times has one! Heck, even Tachi has one!" Jeanne cheerfully calls from the limo.

7th son of sons
2016-06-29, 02:58 PM
"Did you know, Miss Orwell, about this marvelous innovation called a cell phone? It has all the communication functionality of a scrying ritual without any of the privacy invading issues! Everyone that isn't more than 200 years behind the times has one! Heck, even Tachi has one!" Jeanne cheerfully calls from the limo.

Tiani, not Orwell :P

"Of course I know of Cellphones, Mo- Jeanne. I own one myself. I just find it absollutely mundane to rely on the creations of humans when one could so much easier rely upon divinity. But if it would make things easier, then you may have own phone number, Ophelia, Yulianna replied.

2016-06-29, 04:01 PM
Tiani, not Orwell :P

"Of course I know of Cellphones, Mo- Jeanne. I own one myself. I just find it absollutely mundane to rely on the creations of humans when one could so much easier rely upon divinity. But if it would make things easier, then you may have own phone number, Ophelia, Yulianna replied.

Yes, yes. :smalltongue: The Orwell was an oblique reference to a privacy-disregarding Orwellian dystopia, as Big Brother was not entirely gender appropriate, and Big Sister lacks the connotation without more of the quote.
Dammit, I should have used "Big Sister Is Watching You". Oh well :smalltongue:

Dammit, Jeanne should have used "Big Sister Is Watching You". That would have been much more punchy. Ow. Oh well, druids probably don't use books and wouldn't know 1984 if it came up and gave them a paper-cut.

"The creations of humans, eh? What, like cooked food, central heating, cars, soap, that sort of thing? I suppose that would explain a lot...."

2016-06-29, 05:18 PM
Will you two stop fighting? Ophelia requested with a sigh rolling her eyes.

7th son of sons
2016-06-29, 05:46 PM
Will you two stop fighting? Ophelia requested with a sigh rolling her eyes.

Not at all a problem, Yulianna replied. I'm sure the young lady was actually curious. Druidity is about seperation from the standard mortal view of wealth. You'll see more of what I mean when you arrive at my homefront.

2016-06-30, 01:46 AM
Will you two stop fighting? Ophelia requested with a sigh rolling her eyes.

"Aw, but friendly banter's all the fun! Besides, it kills time while the rest of the study group arrive. Speaking of which - HURRY UP, SAMANTHA! I DON'T CARE HOW HEAVY THAT TEXTBOOK IS, IT'S NOT GOING TO STUDY ITSELF! GET IN THE CAR, YOU MISERABLE EXCUSE FOR A HISTORY STUDENT! - Sorry about that, sometimes you need a firm hand to keep these people on task."

Jeanne demonstrates exactly how she helps the study group focus. By yelling at them. :smalltongue:

2016-06-30, 12:06 PM
Not at all a problem, Yulianna replied. I'm sure the young lady was actually curious. Druidity is about seperation from the standard mortal view of wealth. You'll see more of what I mean when you arrive at my homefront.

"When" I arrive? Ophelia questions with a raised eyebrow.

"Aw, but friendly banter's all the fun! Besides, it kills time while the rest of the study group arrive. Speaking of which - HURRY UP, SAMANTHA! I DON'T CARE HOW HEAVY THAT TEXTBOOK IS, IT'S NOT GOING TO STUDY ITSELF! GET IN THE CAR, YOU MISERABLE EXCUSE FOR A HISTORY STUDENT! - Sorry about that, sometimes you need a firm hand to keep these people on task."

Jeanne demonstrates exactly how she helps the study group focus. By yelling at them. :smalltongue:

Sam, you okay out there? Ophelia yells over.

2016-06-30, 02:10 PM
"Aw, but friendly banter's all the fun! Besides, it kills time while the rest of the study group arrive. Speaking of which - HURRY UP, SAMANTHA! I DON'T CARE HOW HEAVY THAT TEXTBOOK IS, IT'S NOT GOING TO STUDY ITSELF! GET IN THE CAR, YOU MISERABLE EXCUSE FOR A HISTORY STUDENT! - Sorry about that, sometimes you need a firm hand to keep these people on task."

Jeanne demonstrates exactly how she helps the study group focus. By yelling at them. :smalltongue:

Sam, you okay out there? Ophelia yells over.

Sam, annoyed by Jeanne and bemused by Ophelia, is still standing right next to the both of them. "There's no need to yell, ladies. I'm right here, and I'm doing just fine. If your conversation with Yulianna is done, Ophelia, we really should be going."

2016-06-30, 02:18 PM
Sam, annoyed by Jeanne and bemused by Ophelia, is still standing right next to the both of them. "There's no need to yell, ladies. I'm right here, and I'm doing just fine. If your conversation with Yulianna is done, Ophelia, we really should be going."

Are we done, Yulianna!? Ophelia yells to the sky.

7th son of sons
2016-06-30, 03:05 PM
Are we done, Yulianna!? Ophelia yells to the sky.

Unless you have reason to speak with me further. Well, beyond personal enjoyment of course. She replied with a smile. Skoro uvidimsya she finished with a small wave, before closing off the scrying pool.

2016-07-02, 08:02 PM
Episode 1 Scene 5

Ophelia's been in school a week. She seems to be acclimating quite well. She goes to all of her classes, seems able to keep up. But really, something seems missing. It took you a couple of days, but you all realized what it needed.

A heartfelt gift from you, to Ophelia to welcome her into Sandstone High.

Skill =d6 Happen to guess at what the fledgling Ophelia likes. +2 VP

Conflict =d5 It was very heavy whatever you got. Impress Ophelia with your strength. +1 VP

Luck =d8 Your parents showed you love for once! You can re-gift it to Ophelia! +3 VP

2016-07-05, 04:13 PM
Alright! Things seem to have been going well so far. Ow. The lovely Miss Dawn seems to have mostly risen above the perverted clutches of certain fellow classmates. Ow. Still...things could be improved upon. What sort of thing is supposed to bring a relationship to the next step? A gift, maybe? Sure but-ow- but what kind of gift.


Ah. A football! That'd be ideal! It has what's really important in a gift, a promise of good times to come, an incentive to spend it with your friends, and if she doesn't like it that much it can be somewhat casually played off!

"Hey, Ophelia, catch." After school, Jeanne tosses Ophelia a football.

Strong Skill (+1), Athletic (Football) (+2)=+3 bonus

7th son of sons
2016-07-05, 05:01 PM
Ophelia had been doing well for herself, it seemed. Drawing more than a few admirers (none of whom worried Yulianna, of course), and making herself a decent amount of friends. It was really quite sweet. But she was still missing... something. Something Yulianna knew all too well. Ophelia lacked any nobility! Her bloodline was pure, of that Yulianna was sure, but she had no mark of her nobility. So, instead, Yulianna put it on herself to equip Ophelia with an ensemble worthy of her perceived royalty.

And by "put it on herself", Yulianna of course meant she put a large set of resources into the costuming department, buying out their talent into making a beautiful gown for her friend. And if it's sex appeal was a bit higher than Ophelia's usual outfit, well, that was a happy accident.

Ophelia, darling! Yulianna called before draping her arms around Ophelia and holding the dress up against the front of her body. Now, Bud' chesten so mnoy, what do you think? She asked earnestly.

Classy Lady (+2), School Queen (+2) = +4

2016-07-05, 08:08 PM
Alice had been pretty happy the past week - the party with Tachi had been great, especially after he summoned his smoking hot friend (Julia had been really happy she'd invited him after that), plus she'd gotten to see Ophelia more throughout the week. She just wished she could get her to ditch that stuck-up Russian b**** already, she was always annoying.

So hey, how better to get a girl's attention on her and away from other people than with a present? And over the weekend, her parents had taken her to some kind of weird hippie crafts show, and she'd picked out a neat looking beaded necklace with... some kind of Indian symbol hanging from it, she thought? Eh, whatever, she might not get that part, but it was pretty and would definitely stand out, so if Ophelia liked it, she'd have something to constantly remind her of Alice, which was perfect!

"Hey Ophelia!" she said cheerily and loudly when she spotted the other girl, and dashed towards her - which quickly took the usual turn as she tripped over a "Wet Floor" sign (ironically, the floor wasn't actually wet, the janitor had just left the sign out longer than he needed to). She tumbled towards the object of her desires, fortunately not knocking anyone else over - but unfortunately having enough momentum to hit Ophelia's legs and knock her over. And it didn't even lead to either of them get a face full of the other's chest, either! "Uhhhhh.... present for you?" Alice said awkwardly, holding up the necklace as they both got their bearings back. Well, maybe it would help make up for that, at least...

Strong Luck +1, Accident-Prone +2 = +3 total.

Can't figure out a way to use Peeping Tom that's not too contrived to make sense, but I think a 1-in-3 of 3 VP is worth a shot over failing the skill roll to charge Loveable Klutz.

2016-07-05, 09:00 PM
Samantha made her way through the school, a smile on her face and a present under her arm. The study session had been a smashing success, and Jeanne hadn't even been particularly obnoxious! They'd even had a pleasant little tea party at Yulianna's, exposing Ophelia to some more sophisticated culture.

In the weeks since then, Samantha had kept her ear to the ground, asking students and teachers alike about Ophelia whenever a good opportunity presented itself. As luck would haveit, she had happened upon an interesting trend: Ophelia had a tendency to doodle away during class at times that a number of people had noticed...and she wasn't entirely unskilled at drawing, either. Still, pe cils and notebook paper were hardly the best tools, so Samantha had liberated an untcouched sketchbook and aprofessional quality set of coloured pencils from her older brothers collection of hobbies that never geld interest for more than a few days (flighty, wasteful man that he was).

Strong Skill +1, Connections +2, School Queen +2, total +5.

2016-07-05, 09:50 PM
Alright! Things seem to have been going well so far. Ow. The lovely Miss Dawn seems to have mostly risen above the perverted clutches of certain fellow classmates. Ow. Still...things could be improved upon. What sort of thing is supposed to bring a relationship to the next step? A gift, maybe? Sure but-ow- but what kind of gift.


Ah. A football! That'd be ideal! It has what's really important in a gift, a promise of good times to come, an incentive to spend it with your friends, and if she doesn't like it that much it can be somewhat casually played off!

"Hey, Ophelia, catch." After school, Jeanne tosses Ophelia a football.

Strong Skill (+1), Athletic (Football) (+2)=+3 bonus

Oh hey Jeanne! Ophelia says managing to catch the football.

Hey, I've been meaning to ask you. How long have you been playing football for?

Ophelia had been doing well for herself, it seemed. Drawing more than a few admirers (none of whom worried Yulianna, of course), and making herself a decent amount of friends. It was really quite sweet. But she was still missing... something. Something Yulianna knew all too well. Ophelia lacked any nobility! Her bloodline was pure, of that Yulianna was sure, but she had no mark of her nobility. So, instead, Yulianna put it on herself to equip Ophelia with an ensemble worthy of her perceived royalty.

And by "put it on herself", Yulianna of course meant she put a large set of resources into the costuming department, buying out their talent into making a beautiful gown for her friend. And if it's sex appeal was a bit higher than Ophelia's usual outfit, well, that was a happy accident.

Ophelia, darling! Yulianna called before draping her arms around Ophelia and holding the dress up against the front of her body. Now, Bud' chesten so mnoy, what do you think? She asked earnestly.

Classy Lady (+2), School Queen (+2) = +4

Chesten is right... Ophelia mutters at the low cut of the dress. Is the outfit for me? She asks raising an eyebrow.

Samantha made her way through the school, a smile on her face and a present under her arm. The study session had been a smashing success, and Jeanne hadn't even been particularly obnoxious! They'd even had a pleasant little tea party at Yulianna's, exposing Ophelia to some more sophisticated culture.

In the weeks since then, Samantha had kept her ear to the ground, asking students and teachers alike about Ophelia whenever a good opportunity presented itself. As luck would haveit, she had happened upon an interesting trend: Ophelia had a tendency to doodle away during class at times that a number of people had noticed...and she wasn't entirely unskilled at drawing, either. Still, pe cils and notebook paper were hardly the best tools, so Samantha had liberated an untcouched sketchbook and aprofessional quality set of coloured pencils from her older brothers collection of hobbies that never geld interest for more than a few days (flighty, wasteful man that he was).

Strong Skill +1, Connections +2, School Queen +2, total +5.

Huh. Oh... Wow.... Everyone's been giving me gifts... It's.... Is Sandstone high always this nice with new students? Ophelia grinned.

Alice had been pretty happy the past week - the party with Tachi had been great, especially after he summoned his smoking hot friend (Julia had been really happy she'd invited him after that), plus she'd gotten to see Ophelia more throughout the week. She just wished she could get her to ditch that stuck-up Russian b**** already, she was always annoying.

So hey, how better to get a girl's attention on her and away from other people than with a present? And over the weekend, her parents had taken her to some kind of weird hippie crafts show, and she'd picked out a neat looking beaded necklace with... some kind of Indian symbol hanging from it, she thought? Eh, whatever, she might not get that part, but it was pretty and would definitely stand out, so if Ophelia liked it, she'd have something to constantly remind her of Alice, which was perfect!

"Hey Ophelia!" she said cheerily and loudly when she spotted the other girl, and dashed towards her - which quickly took the usual turn as she tripped over a "Wet Floor" sign (ironically, the floor wasn't actually wet, the janitor had just left the sign out longer than he needed to). She tumbled towards the object of her desires, fortunately not knocking anyone else over - but unfortunately having enough momentum to hit Ophelia's legs and knock her over. And it didn't even lead to either of them get a face full of the other's chest, either! "Uhhhhh.... present for you?" Alice said awkwardly, holding up the necklace as they both got their bearings back. Well, maybe it would help make up for that, at least...

Strong Luck +1, Accident-Prone +2 = +3 total.

Can't figure out a way to use Peeping Tom that's not too contrived to make sense, but I think a 1-in-3 of 3 VP is worth a shot over failing the skill roll to charge Loveable Klutz.

Owww.... Ophelia replied more from shock, then actual injury... Why did you tackle me?... She teases, knowing full well how clumsy Alice is by this point.

7th son of sons
2016-07-05, 10:14 PM
Chesten is right... Ophelia mutters at the low cut of the dress. Is the outfit for me? She asks raising an eyebrow.

Of course it is, silly girl! she replies with a wide smile.

2016-07-05, 10:36 PM
Of course it is, silly girl! she replies with a wide smile.

It um.... Kinda shows off my chest. Ophelia replies blushing.

2016-07-05, 11:06 PM
Owww.... Ophelia replied more from shock, then actual injury... Why did you tackle me?... She teases, knowing full well how clumsy Alice is by this point.
"Uhhh... I'm thinking of trying out for the football team," Alice jokes back, happy to hear Ophelia responding like that. "I mean, who wouldn't want all those cheerleaders rooting for you every day, right? Not to mention doing gymnastics in mini-skirts..." she said, trailing off for a moment before shaking her head to bring herself back to the present.

"But, really, this is for you," she said again more seriously, holding out the necklace.

7th son of sons
2016-07-05, 11:17 PM
It um.... Kinda shows off my chest. Ophelia replies blushing.

kogda vy upominayete, I suppose it does. And it looks like it shows off your legs as well. All your curves, now that I really look at it. I hadn't noticed, she lied, eyeing up the dress. It's the COLOUR that drew me in, really. It's just so... you! Green is definitely your colour.

2016-07-05, 11:21 PM
"Uhhh... I'm thinking of trying out for the football team," Alice jokes back, happy to hear Ophelia responding like that. "I mean, who wouldn't want all those cheerleaders rooting for you every day, right? Not to mention doing gymnastics in mini-skirts..." she said, trailing off for a moment before shaking her head to bring herself back to the present.

"But, really, this is for you," she said again more seriously, holding out the necklace.

"Oh, nice!" Ophelia replies. "Is this writing Indian?" She says point to the lettering.

kogda vy upominayete, I suppose it does. And it looks like it shows off your legs as well. All your curves, now that I really look at it. I hadn't noticed, she lied, eyeing up the dress. It's the COLOUR that drew me in, really. It's just so... you! Green is definitely your colour.

[Give me a opposed allure or skill check]

Really, I would think Blue was more my color Ophelia comments.

7th son of sons
2016-07-05, 11:39 PM
Really, I would think Blue was more my color Ophelia comments.

I'm sure you would look radiant in any colour, she replied, before pressing the dress a bit closer. But Green is the colour of Life! Of the world we know! Of Harmony, Healing, and Protection! It's the colour for you, my dear!

Druid's Garb (+2), Strong Allure (+1) = +3

2016-07-06, 12:07 AM
I'm sure you would look radiant in any colour, she replied, before pressing the dress a bit closer. But Green is the colour of Life! Of the world we know! Of Harmony, Healing, and Protection! It's the colour for you, my dear!

Druid's Garb (+2), Strong Allure (+1) = +3

[She believes you about the revealingness of the dress.]

Green seems more like the color for you. Ophelia says seeming to lean on the wall.

2016-07-06, 02:55 PM
Tachi sighed into his hand. Everyone had gotten Ophelia a gift, he had put it off long enough that it was now too late. His own birthday was six months from now and Amanda Price was many things but a fool wasn't one of them. And he had proven that creation was not his strong suit.

He settled for a rather pathetic look in Ophelia's direction as she received her presents. There was an idea. When was Ophelia's birthday?

[Is there any way to find out Ophelia's birthday IC without asking her?]

2016-07-06, 03:06 PM
Huh. Oh... Wow.... Everyone's been giving me gifts... It's.... Is Sandstone high always this nice with new students? Ophelia grinned.

"Must be a coincidence," Samantha replied with a shrug, although inwardly she was curious who it was vying for Ophelia's favor. "I just noticed your tendency to doodle when your mind wanders and thought you might have some use for some more professional quality materials."

2016-07-06, 03:06 PM
Tachi sighed into his hand. Everyone had gotten Ophelia a gift, he had put it off long enough that it was now too late. His own birthday was six months from now and Amanda Price was many things but a fool wasn't one of them. And he had proven that creation was not his strong suit.

He settled for a rather pathetic look in Ophelia's direction as she received her presents. There was an idea. When was Ophelia's birthday?

[Is there any way to find out Ophelia's birthday IC without asking her?]

[It's possible, tell me how you intend to go about it.]

2016-07-06, 04:45 PM
"Must be a coincidence," Samantha replied with a shrug, although inwardly she was curious who it was vying for Ophelia's favor. "I just noticed your tendency to doodle when your mind wanders and thought you might have some use for some more professional quality materials."

But still, it must be quite expensive.... Ophelia comments looking at them indepth.

7th son of sons
2016-07-06, 04:47 PM
[She believes you about the revealingness of the dress.]

Green seems more like the color for you. Ophelia says seeming to lean on the wall.

Why yes, Actually, Green is MY Colour as well! Ekatrina beamed. I see you, too, have the eye for fashion. Brava, Ophelia.

2016-07-06, 04:55 PM
But still, it must be quite expensive.... Ophelia comments looking at them indepth.

Samantha nodded. "In a sense, but it's not what you're thinking. My brother...well, he's a bit of a dabbler, and has picked up a lot of hobbies over the years, some of which stuck, and some of which didn't. Drawing was one that fell on the wayside, and while it was a present he received awhile back, he hadn't used it, and he agreed that regifting it to somebody who would better appreciate it would be better for all involved." she hesitated. "I mean...I, uh...you like it, don't you?" she asked haltingly, fumbling for words following her babbling explanation.

2016-07-06, 05:02 PM
Why yes, Actually, Green is MY Colour as well! Ekatrina beamed. I see you, too, have the eye for fashion. Brava, Ophelia.

I'll... think about trying it. Ophelia replies, still eyeing the low cut of the dress.

Samantha nodded. "In a sense, but it's not what you're thinking. My brother...well, he's a bit of a dabbler, and has picked up a lot of hobbies over the years, some of which stuck, and some of which didn't. Drawing was one that fell on the wayside, and while it was a present he received awhile back, he hadn't used it, and he agreed that regifting it to somebody who would better appreciate it would be better for all involved." she hesitated. "I mean...I, uh...you like it, don't you?" she asked haltingly, fumbling for words following her babbling explanation.

Oh oh okay! Ophelia replied much more comfortable. I thought you just went out and blew like a hundred dollars. I would have felt bad. She explained.

2016-07-06, 05:11 PM
Oh oh okay! Ophelia replied much more comfortable. I thought you just went out and blew like a hundred dollars. I would have felt bad. She explained.

"It wasn't necessary, but I probably would've done so if I hadn't had a set on hand already. Giving you an opportunity to explore this part of yourself is a goal worthy of the cost. I must admit, I'm curious: you say others have been giving gifts as well?" Samantha asked.

2016-07-06, 05:17 PM
"It wasn't necessary, but I probably would've done so if I hadn't had a set on hand already. Giving you an opportunity to explore this part of yourself is a goal worthy of the cost. I must admit, I'm curious: you say others have been giving gifts as well?" Samantha asked.

Yeah, Yulianna gave me this really low cut dress, Alice gave me this necklace with indian writing on it, Jeanne gave me a football. Ophelia explained.

7th son of sons
2016-07-06, 05:41 PM
I'll... think about trying it. Ophelia replies, still eyeing the low cut of the dress.

Well, do let me know if you choose to do so. I would so love to see you in it. Or out of it, she finished with a wink.

2016-07-06, 05:54 PM
Yeah, Yulianna gave me this really low cut dress, Alice gave me this necklace with indian writing on it, Jeanne gave me a football. Ophelia explained.

"Alice attempted to expand Ophelia's exposure to other cultures, while Yulianna attempted to satisfy her own desires? Truly interesting occurrences..." Samantha thought to herself. Aloud, she replied: "Interesting choices...in any case, it's good to see that you're making friends."

2016-07-06, 06:32 PM
Well, do let me know if you choose to do so. I would so love to see you in it. Or out of it, she finished with a wink.

But you're already seeing me out of it? Ophelia questions the innuendo flying over her head.

"Alice attempted to expand Ophelia's exposure to other cultures, while Yulianna attempted to satisfy her own desires? Truly interesting occurrences..." Samantha thought to herself. Aloud, she replied: "Interesting choices...in any case, it's good to see that you're making friends."

Yeah, my parents were kinda nervous about sending me to school so quickly... Ophelia admits.

2016-07-06, 06:45 PM
"Oh, nice!" Ophelia replies. "Is this writing Indian?" She says point to the lettering.
"Uh... probably, I think," Alice said, peering at it. "I got it at this crafts show my parents took me to over the weekend, and thought it was pretty and kind of exotic, but I don't really know what the symbol's supposed to be or what that writing means," she admitted.

2016-07-06, 06:46 PM
Yeah, my parents were kinda nervous about sending me to school so quickly... Ophelia admits.

"I'm glad they ended up allowing it; socialization and self-discovery is important at this stage of development. I mean, even normally, not just because...you're...anyway, uh..." she stalls for a second, not sure what to say. "...you said Alice got you a necklace?"

2016-07-06, 07:10 PM
"Uh... probably, I think," Alice said, peering at it. "I got it at this crafts show my parents took me to over the weekend, and thought it was pretty and kind of exotic, but I don't really know what the symbol's supposed to be or what that writing means," she admitted.

Maybe it's a protection charm. Ophelia grinned in jest.

"I'm glad they ended up allowing it; socialization and self-discovery is important at this stage of development. I mean, even normally, not just because...you're...anyway, uh..." she stalls for a second, not sure what to say. "...you said Alice got you a necklace?"

Yeah, look. Ophelia replied pulling it out. Pretty exotic huh.

2016-07-06, 07:36 PM
Maybe it's a protection charm. Ophelia grinned in jest.
"Could be," Alice said, missing that Ophelia had been joking. "Or a memory charm, or a fertility charm, or a strength charm - or a love charm," she added with a sideways glance and a grin. Now she kind of wished she'd thought to ask her parents if any of the trinkets at that show had been love charms, that would've been perfect!

"But whatever it is, it should look gorgeous on you, don't you think?" she asked.

7th son of sons
2016-07-06, 07:42 PM
But you're already seeing me out of it? Ophelia questions the innuendo flying over her head.

Yulianna's groove was thrown off by a missed innuendo, but she pressed on regardless. Da, I am. And you know what? I love seeing you even now!

2016-07-06, 07:48 PM
"Could be," Alice said, missing that Ophelia had been joking. "Or a memory charm, or a fertility charm, or a strength charm - or a love charm," she added with a sideways glance and a grin. Now she kind of wished she'd thought to ask her parents if any of the trinkets at that show had been love charms, that would've been perfect!

"But whatever it is, it should look gorgeous on you, don't you think?" she asked.

Yes it does. Ophelia admits, putting it on. How does it look? She asks the bottom of the necklace lining up with her chest.

Yulianna's groove was thrown off by a missed innuendo, but she pressed on regardless. Da, I am. And you know what? I love seeing you even now!

Ah! Ophelia replies. I appreciate the gift. She smiles warmly.

2016-07-06, 08:29 PM
Yes it does. Ophelia admits, putting it on. How does it look? She asks the bottom of the necklace lining up with her chest.
"Pretty," Alice responds, eyes dropping. "Really goes with your eyes," she said while blatantly not looking at Ophelia's eyes.

2016-07-06, 08:52 PM
"Pretty," Alice responds, eyes dropping. "Really goes with your eyes," she said while blatantly not looking at Ophelia's eyes.

And I guess it's just coincidence that this necklace happens to level with my chest? Ophelia grins clearly somewhat amused.

2016-07-06, 09:16 PM
And I guess it's just coincidence that this necklace happens to level with my chest? Ophelia grins clearly somewhat amused.
"A very happy one," Alice said, returning the grin. "That just makes it even more perfect! It highlights you in all the best ways."

2016-07-06, 09:20 PM
"A very happy one," Alice said, returning the grin. "That just makes it even more perfect! It highlights you in all the best ways."

Are my boobs really that amazing? She asks looking down at them and poking them.

2016-07-06, 11:15 PM
Are my boobs really that amazing? She asks looking down at them and poking them.
Alice laughed at that. "Are you kidding? I mean, you're only one of the hottest girls in school! You've got all the right curves, girl," she said with a smirk.

"And I mean, you said you like girls too, right? Haven't you seen a rack or two around school you like?" she asked with a look that was a combination of mischievous and curious. And unconsciously pushed her own chest - highlighted today by the tight tube top she was wearing - out a bit more while she did.

2016-07-06, 11:39 PM
Alice laughed at that. "Are you kidding? I mean, you're only one of the hottest girls in school! You've got all the right curves, girl," she said with a smirk.

"And I mean, you said you like girls too, right? Haven't you seen a rack or two around school you like?" she asked with a look that was a combination of mischievous and curious. And unconsciously pushed her own chest - highlighted today by the tight tube top she was wearing - out a bit more while she did.

[Roll a DC 6 allure check]

7th son of sons
2016-07-06, 11:57 PM
Ah! Ophelia replies. I appreciate the gift. She smiles warmly.

Of course, of course. Just a way to welcome you, or should I say, to celebrate your return to the world!

2016-07-07, 12:03 AM
Of course, of course. Just a way to welcome you, or should I say, to celebrate your return to the world!

So was this custom made? Ophelia questioned looking at the detail stitching.

7th son of sons
2016-07-07, 12:59 AM
So was this custom made? Ophelia questioned looking at the detail stitching.

V samom dele, it was, Yulianna said proudly. Hand sewn from my finest grown silks. The color is a mixture of natural dyes and the powders of emeralds. And, of course, the actual thread used in the stitching is spider silk. Maratus Personatus, or the peacock spider. His name is Anton and he is just the cu- er, uhm... tha-that's it for the specifics... Yulianna finished, a bit flustered and surprisied at her own excitement.

2016-07-07, 01:09 AM
V samom dele, it was, Yulianna said proudly. Hand sewn from my finest grown silks. The color is a mixture of natural dyes and the powders of emeralds. And, of course, the actual thread used in the stitching is spider silk. Maratus Personatus, or the peacock spider. His name is Anton and he is just the cu- er, uhm... tha-that's it for the specifics... Yulianna finished, a bit flustered and surprisied at her own excitement.

The powders of emeralds! Ophelia replied stunning. How expensive is this!

7th son of sons
2016-07-07, 01:15 AM
The powders of emeralds! Ophelia replied stunning. How expensive is this!

I could not tell you exactly, Yulianna admitted. All parts of the dress were developed, grown, raised, and processed by yours truly. I suppose it would be... 200,000 of your American dollars?

2016-07-07, 01:17 AM
I could not tell you exactly, Yulianna admitted. All parts of the dress were developed, grown, raised, and processed by yours truly. I suppose it would be... 200,000 of your American dollars?

Jesus Christ. Ophelia says not refusing to touch it. It's way too expensive!

7th son of sons
2016-07-07, 06:17 AM
Jesus Christ. Ophelia says not refusing to touch it. It's way too expensive!

How very cute, Yulianna cooed, her face unchanging as she held the dress up still. That's not the way to think of such thing, my friend. The value of the dress should not be in how much I could get if it were sold, silly girl. I have no intentions of selling it, and I would very much hope you did not either. It is a gift, from me to you, and that's where the Value is. Understanding that makes the gift so much more than simple money

2016-07-07, 02:05 PM
Alice laughed at that. "Are you kidding? I mean, you're only one of the hottest girls in school! You've got all the right curves, girl," she said with a smirk.

"And I mean, you said you like girls too, right? Haven't you seen a rack or two around school you like?" she asked with a look that was a combination of mischievous and curious. And unconsciously pushed her own chest - highlighted today by the tight tube top she was wearing - out a bit more while she did.

Maybe one or two. Ophelia grinned noticeably not looking at your own chest.

How very cute, Yulianna cooed, her face unchanging as she held the dress up still. That's not the way to think of such thing, my friend. The value of the dress should not be in how much I could get if it were sold, silly girl. I have no intentions of selling it, and I would very much hope you did not either. It is a gift, from me to you, and that's where the Value is. Understanding that makes the gift so much more than simple money

That is. But I.... Thank you... How can I repay you? Ophelia questions

7th son of sons
2016-07-07, 02:31 PM
That is. But I.... Thank you... How can I repay you? Ophelia questions

Thank me? Durogoy, this is a Gift! I give it to you with no intention of repayment or recompense... However, if you really wanted to repay me, she continued, never one to miss an opportunity. You need only be sure that I am there when first you wear it. I would love to how mine and Anton's work on it's intended model.

2016-07-07, 05:08 PM
Maybe one or two. Ophelia grinned noticeably not looking at your own chest.
Alice got a noticeably disappointed look on her face for a moment, as her eyes shot between Ophelia's gaze and her own chest. But she perked up quickly enough. Well, if Ophelia hadn't noticed how hot her tits were yet, she'd just have to find a way to make sure she did! Hm, she might know an outfit or two that should do the trick...

In the meantime though, she said, "Right? So you totally get it, don't pretend you don't," she said with a wink. "So, who're you eyeing up?" she asked. Might as well find out whose rack she did think looked good while she was it, after all.

2016-07-07, 06:00 PM
Thank me? Durogoy, this is a Gift! I give it to you with no intention of repayment or recompense... However, if you really wanted to repay me, she continued, never one to miss an opportunity. You need only be sure that I am there when first you wear it. I would love to how mine and Anton's work on it's intended model.

I will do so. Ophelia replied.

Alice got a noticeably disappointed look on her face for a moment, as her eyes shot between Ophelia's gaze and her own chest. But she perked up quickly enough. Well, if Ophelia hadn't noticed how hot her tits were yet, she'd just have to find a way to make sure she did! Hm, she might know an outfit or two that should do the trick...

In the meantime though, she said, "Right? So you totally get it, don't pretend you don't," she said with a wink. "So, who're you eyeing up?" she asked. Might as well find out whose rack she did think looked good while she was it, after all.

I believe that's private. Ophelia said a faint blush appearing ob her cheeks.

2016-07-07, 07:36 PM
I believe that's private. Ophelia said a faint blush appearing ob her cheeks.
"I guess, if you really want to keep it to yourself..." Alice said with a little pout. "Don't know why, though. It's nothing to be ashamed of - I mean, it's not like I'm going to judge you for it. Heck, I'll tell anyone who I think is hot; it's fun!" she said with a wide smile.

2016-07-07, 08:13 PM
"I guess, if you really want to keep it to yourself..." Alice said with a little pout. "Don't know why, though. It's nothing to be ashamed of - I mean, it's not like I'm going to judge you for it. Heck, I'll tell anyone who I think is hot; it's fun!" she said with a wide smile.

Oh, who? Ophelia asked with a grin.

2016-07-07, 09:16 PM
Oh, who? Ophelia asked with a grin.
"You," Alice said immediately, pointedly looking the other girl up and down with a grin on her face.

And then she begins to go off in her own little world. "Oh, and Tachi's pretty hot, too - and he has this Succubus friend named Darla who's got just the perfect figure, and a rack that you wouldn't believe. Ooo, and that reminds me, there's that tall girl with the huge knockers in the other class - Heather, I think? - I was surprised she wasn't a Succubus. And there's David from the football team, total beefcake. Actually, like half of the football team's not bad, which I guess makes sense. Oh, and Trish from the swim team - she might not have the greatest tits around, but that a** is so nice. Too bad she's dating Andy, he's way too plain to deserve her. Can't believe she didn't go for Keith instead, I mean, she sees him shirtless every day at practice, how could she not? And oh, definitely the captain of the varsity cheerleaders, Miranda - I walked in on her making out with her boyfriend in the locker room after gym the other day, wearing nothing but the skirt of her uniform, and wow, he is like the luckiest guy in the school. Pretty hot himself, too - I think he plays soccer or something? - but nowhere near her level."

"Oh, and..." Alice stopped, just then noticing the look she was getting. "Well, I guess that's enough for now."

2016-07-07, 09:20 PM
"You," Alice said immediately, pointedly looking the other girl up and down with a grin on her face.

And then she begins to go off in her own little world. "Oh, and Tachi's pretty hot, too - and he has this Succubus friend named Darla who's got just the perfect figure, and a rack that you wouldn't believe. Ooo, and that reminds me, there's that tall girl with the huge knockers in the other class - Heather, I think? - I was surprised she wasn't a Succubus. And there's David from the football team, total beefcake. Actually, like half of the football team's not bad, which I guess makes sense. Oh, and Trish from the swim team - she might not have the greatest tits around, but that a** is so nice. Too bad she's dating Andy, he's way too plain to deserve her. Can't believe she didn't go for Keith instead, I mean, she sees him shirtless every day at practice, how could she not? And oh, definitely the captain of the varsity cheerleaders, Miranda - I walked in on her making out with her boyfriend in the locker room after gym the other day, wearing nothing but the skirt of her uniform, and wow, he is like the luckiest guy in the school. Pretty hot himself, too - I think he plays soccer or something? - but nowhere near her level."

"Oh, and..." Alice stopped, just then noticing the look she was getting. "Well, I guess that's enough for now."

It's fine, it's fine. Ophelia said waving away the stares.

[Give me a luck check DC 4. If you succeed you can state whether or not any of them heard you.]

2016-07-07, 09:51 PM
"You," Alice said immediately, pointedly looking the other girl up and down with a grin on her face.

And then she begins to go off in her own little world. "Oh, and Tachi's pretty hot, too - and he has this Succubus friend named Darla who's got just the perfect figure, and a rack that you wouldn't believe. Ooo, and that reminds me, there's that tall girl with the huge knockers in the other class - Heather, I think? - I was surprised she wasn't a Succubus. And there's David from the football team, total beefcake. Actually, like half of the football team's not bad, which I guess makes sense. Oh, and Trish from the swim team - she might not have the greatest tits around, but that a** is so nice. Too bad she's dating Andy, he's way too plain to deserve her. Can't believe she didn't go for Keith instead, I mean, she sees him shirtless every day at practice, how could she not? And oh, definitely the captain of the varsity cheerleaders, Miranda - I walked in on her making out with her boyfriend in the locker room after gym the other day, wearing nothing but the skirt of her uniform, and wow, he is like the luckiest guy in the school. Pretty hot himself, too - I think he plays soccer or something? - but nowhere near her level."

"Oh, and..." Alice stopped, just then noticing the look she was getting. "Well, I guess that's enough for now."

"**** you!" Trish shouts from the seat over. "Andy's great!" She shouts out angrily.

2016-07-07, 11:52 PM
Yeah, look. Ophelia replied pulling it out. Pretty exotic huh.

Samantha, with Ophelia's permission, took the amulet to observe it more closely. "It's very nice, but I'm afraid I'm not sure what the inscription is either. It's possible it could be magical, but it'd be best to do some research into it to make sure. Odds are, it's simply a less than common language or something, but it's worth looking into." Samantha decided that she'd research it herself, to make sure that Alice hadn't accidentally purchased some cursed amulet by mistake; it was probably nothing to worry about, but just in case... "Alice has a good eye for quality and beauty; I'm sure she's already told you this, but it looks very nice on you," Samantha concluded, handing the amulet back while giving Ophelia her best warm smile.

2016-07-08, 12:10 AM
Samantha, with Ophelia's permission, took the amulet to observe it more closely. "It's very nice, but I'm afraid I'm not sure what the inscription is either. It's possible it could be magical, but it'd be best to do some research into it to make sure. Odds are, it's simply a less than common language or something, but it's worth looking into." Samantha decided that she'd research it herself, to make sure that Alice hadn't accidentally purchased some cursed amulet by mistake; it was probably nothing to worry about, but just in case... "Alice has a good eye for quality and beauty; I'm sure she's already told you this, but it looks very nice on you," Samantha concluded, handing the amulet back while giving Ophelia her best warm smile.

If you had to guess, what do you think the magic of it would be? Ophelia questioned.

2016-07-08, 12:50 AM
If you had to guess, what do you think the magic of it would be? Ophelia questioned.

"My understanding is that magic amulets generally possess some kind of protective quality, such as increasing your ability to fight off diseases, or shielding your mind from mental influence, or even slightly altering the world around to result in fewer and less significant injuries. Mind you, I'm hardly an expert; it's entirely possible that this could have any kind of enchantment, for all I know. Why? Did Alice say it was enchanted?"

2016-07-08, 01:02 AM
"My understanding is that magic amulets generally possess some kind of protective quality, such as increasing your ability to fight off diseases, or shielding your mind from mental influence, or even slightly altering the world around to result in fewer and less significant injuries. Mind you, I'm hardly an expert; it's entirely possible that this could have any kind of enchantment, for all I know. Why? Did Alice say it was enchanted?"

I don't believe she did. Ophelia replied thinking.

2016-07-08, 01:21 AM
I don't believe she did. Ophelia replied thinking.

"Then it likely isn't...although if it is, I imagine it would certainly be useful."

2016-07-08, 01:54 AM
"Then it likely isn't...although if it is, I imagine it would certainly be useful."

Maybe your searches will uncover something. Ophelia replies.

2016-07-08, 09:49 AM
"**** you!" Trish shouts from the seat over. "Andy's great!" She shouts out angrily.
Alice gave an unconcerned shrug. "Hey, I'm just saying, if you're going to limit yourself to one guy, a hottie like you could do way better than a stick figure Catboy like him. I mean, even if you're just really into the furry guys, there's some much hotter ones around. Like, have you seen the legs on Liam? You can tell that boy gets a real good workout at soccer practice."

2016-07-08, 11:36 AM
Alice gave an unconcerned shrug. "Hey, I'm just saying, if you're going to limit yourself to one guy, a hottie like you could do way better than a stick figure Catboy like him. I mean, even if you're just really into the furry guys, there's some much hotter ones around. Like, have you seen the legs on Liam? You can tell that boy gets a real good workout at soccer practice."

"Maybe I get along better with Andy then with Liam!" Trish shouts out.

2016-07-08, 04:48 PM
"Maybe I get along better with Andy then with Liam!" Trish shouts out.
"Okay, okay, calm down, no need to shout," Alice said with a defensive gesture. "I mean, I was just saying you're totally hot with a great a** and could get a way hotter guy no problem if you wanted to. It's a compliment, geez."

2016-07-08, 06:46 PM
"Okay, okay, calm down, no need to shout," Alice said with a defensive gesture. "I mean, I was just saying you're totally hot with a great a** and could get a way hotter guy no problem if you wanted to. It's a compliment, geez."

Trish grumbles but stays silent.

Uh.... Sorry about my part in that. Ophelia admits.

2016-07-08, 06:54 PM
Trish grumbles but stays silent.

Uh.... Sorry about my part in that. Ophelia admits.
"Don't be. Not your fault she's touchy. ...and not in the good way," Alice remarked.

"So, how about you? Who's hot around here from where you're sitting?" she asked, getting back to what they'd been talking about before.

2016-07-08, 07:25 PM
"Don't be. Not your fault she's touchy. ...and not in the good way," Alice remarked.

"So, how about you? Who's hot around here from where you're sitting?" she asked, getting back to what they'd been talking about before.

You'll have to puzzle it out from me. Ophelia teases being coy.

2016-07-10, 01:02 AM
Episode 1 Scene 6

After the first couple of weeks of school, it's time for the homecoming game! Sandstone high against Cloudsky high school. A rivalry that will burn for as long as the stars light up the night sky. (The rivalry is of course canceled in the event of rain.)

How are you going to get Ophelia to go to the homecoming game with you.

Allure =Simple. Ask her out. +3 VP

Conflict =Tell Ophelia she's going with you. +3 VP (Evil)

Luck= Ophelia asks you out, because she didn't realize the significance. +3 VP

2016-07-10, 03:22 PM
Alice was heading to her locker near the end of the day with a smile on her face. This had been a really good day. Nothing in her classes had been too hard, she'd gotten a good, long make-out session with Tina at lunch, none of the teachers had complained about her short shorts, a couple of the guys in class had flirted with her a bit - all in all, just about everything she could want to make her happy had happened.

And she was about to have one more. As was entirely commonplace for her, she had an accident - though today it involved slipping on an actual banana peel, which was rare (it had only happened to her maybe three other times in her whole life!) - and found herself tumbling into a small, secluded, dark corner between some lockers and the wall of the building. As she got her bearings and rubbed her sore butt, though, she unexpectedly heard the vague sound of masculine laughter somehow echoing a bit somewhere nearby, but too faintly to be in the hall with her. She glanced around a minute, obsessed with finding where that was coming from, until she spotted a small hole in the stones of the wall right near where it met the lockers. It wasn't large, but was just barely big enough to peer through with one eye, and on the other side was... the boy's locker room? Currently filled with guys changing clothes! Hot!

Oh, right, there was that sports game going on after school today - coming home or something like that. They were probably getting ready for it. Alice had half a mind to just stay there watching as long as she could, but something made her want to share this discovery, so she glanced around to see if anyone she knew was around, and spotted... "Oh, hey, Ophelia!" she called, waving to the other girl and quickly heading over. "Come check this out!" she said, leading her to the peep-hole and gesturing to her to look in. Once she does, Alice remarks, "Nice, right? I totally forgot they had that game after school today. I'm going to need to remember this is here..."

Strong Luck +1, +2 Accident-Prone, +2 Peeping Tom = +5.

Basically, this is giving Ophelia an opportunity to decide to ask Alice to the game, since she can't really directly influence her to do so and still have it be a luck roll for Ophelia to decide to do that herself.

7th son of sons
2016-07-11, 08:16 AM
Yulianna hadn't intended to ask Ophelia to the game. In fact, she hadn't planned to attend. She was hardly one for sports activities, let alone ones so crowded. But one morning, before school, she saw Ophelia, radiant as ever. And a thought occured to her. The homecoming game would be the perfect place for her! It was crowded, and a new experience, and a school tradition and all those other things a new student would love! And with all those people, Yulianna would love to be the one to take her, to show that she could be the one to capture the mystery girls attentions. With a wide smile, she made her way to Ophelia.

Davno ne videlis, Ophelia! She called, the school yards grass blooming into beautiful flowers as she walked. I was so hoping to see you quickly. I have been meaning to, how do you say, sprosit' vas? Would you be at all interested in attending the upcoming game for coming home? And if you were, would it be acceptable for your escort that evening to be myself? She finished, a proud smile on her face.

Strong Roll (+1), Quaint Greeting (+1), Druid's Garb (+2), Elemental Affinity (+2) = +6

2016-07-11, 02:17 PM
Tachi had been horribly distracted. His one true soulmate was slipping through his fingers. All his usual tricks weren't working. What was wrong with him? Well, sometimes the direct approach worked.

He waited until lunch started. Unbuttoning another shirt button he started. "Ophelia dear, I'm sure you have a bunch of other invitations. But, I'll ask anyway, would you care to join me for the homecoming game? We can sit together, I'll even bring some pita and hummus?"

Strong Roll +1, Shameless +2; +3 Total

2016-07-12, 05:31 PM
With homecoming approaching, Samantha was once more conflicted: she wished to give Ophelia room to grow, but at the same time, she wished to prevent less trustworthy individuals from pushing their ideas onto her forming long-term memories. Samantha decided that she would have to just make sure she was present to ward off any low-down attempts at influence. Putting her resources to work, she spent a week arranging favors, paying off the school band director, and petitioning teachers for their assistance; surely they would agree that Samantha was preferable to the delinquents that had been eyeing Ophelia since she joined the school, right?

So with the teachers subtly building Samantha up when Ophelia was around to hear, students all around school spreading rumors about the other 'friends' Ophelia was making, and the school band practicing some sweeter music outside "for a small break from all those competitive sports songs", she was ready to make her move. As Samantha and Ophelia walked through the school garden as a shortcut, light musical chords drifting over the grounds, Samantha asked: "Ophelia, I don't know if you were aware, but the homecoming game is approaching. It's quite fun watching the game, especially when you know your team well enough to be invested in their victory, and going with friends just makes the whole experience even better. If you were thinking of attending, perhaps we could go together? I promise it'll be quite enjoyable, assuming it doesn't get rained out...and even if it does, I'll find a way to make up for it. What do you say?"

School Queen +2 (boosting relative reputation), Connections +2 (boosting personal reputation); total +4. Dazzling Display from paying off the band director and calling in favors.

2016-07-13, 01:05 PM
Alice was heading to her locker near the end of the day with a smile on her face. This had been a really good day. Nothing in her classes had been too hard, she'd gotten a good, long make-out session with Tina at lunch, none of the teachers had complained about her short shorts, a couple of the guys in class had flirted with her a bit - all in all, just about everything she could want to make her happy had happened.

And she was about to have one more. As was entirely commonplace for her, she had an accident - though today it involved slipping on an actual banana peel, which was rare (it had only happened to her maybe three other times in her whole life!) - and found herself tumbling into a small, secluded, dark corner between some lockers and the wall of the building. As she got her bearings and rubbed her sore butt, though, she unexpectedly heard the vague sound of masculine laughter somehow echoing a bit somewhere nearby, but too faintly to be in the hall with her. She glanced around a minute, obsessed with finding where that was coming from, until she spotted a small hole in the stones of the wall right near where it met the lockers. It wasn't large, but was just barely big enough to peer through with one eye, and on the other side was... the boy's locker room? Currently filled with guys changing clothes! Hot!

Oh, right, there was that sports game going on after school today - coming home or something like that. They were probably getting ready for it. Alice had half a mind to just stay there watching as long as she could, but something made her want to share this discovery, so she glanced around to see if anyone she knew was around, and spotted... "Oh, hey, Ophelia!" she called, waving to the other girl and quickly heading over. "Come check this out!" she said, leading her to the peep-hole and gesturing to her to look in. Once she does, Alice remarks, "Nice, right? I totally forgot they had that game after school today. I'm going to need to remember this is here..."

Strong Luck +1, +2 Accident-Prone, +2 Peeping Tom = +5.

Basically, this is giving Ophelia an opportunity to decide to ask Alice to the game, since she can't really directly influence her to do so and still have it be a luck roll for Ophelia to decide to do that herself.

I.... Can't help but feel this is a bad idea.... What if they manage to find us. Ophelia comments starting to edge out of the space.

Yulianna hadn't intended to ask Ophelia to the game. In fact, she hadn't planned to attend. She was hardly one for sports activities, let alone ones so crowded. But one morning, before school, she saw Ophelia, radiant as ever. And a thought occured to her. The homecoming game would be the perfect place for her! It was crowded, and a new experience, and a school tradition and all those other things a new student would love! And with all those people, Yulianna would love to be the one to take her, to show that she could be the one to capture the mystery girls attentions. With a wide smile, she made her way to Ophelia.

Davno ne videlis, Ophelia! She called, the school yards grass blooming into beautiful flowers as she walked. I was so hoping to see you quickly. I have been meaning to, how do you say, sprosit' vas? Would you be at all interested in attending the upcoming game for coming home? And if you were, would it be acceptable for your escort that evening to be myself? She finished, a proud smile on her face.

Strong Roll (+1), Quaint Greeting (+1), Druid's Garb (+2), Elemental Affinity (+2) = +6

Uh, yeah. I mean I'm a bit surprised. I didn't think you one much for football, but if you want to go.... Ophelia comments.

With homecoming approaching, Samantha was once more conflicted: she wished to give Ophelia room to grow, but at the same time, she wished to prevent less trustworthy individuals from pushing their ideas onto her forming long-term memories. Samantha decided that she would have to just make sure she was present to ward off any low-down attempts at influence. Putting her resources to work, she spent a week arranging favors, paying off the school band director, and petitioning teachers for their assistance; surely they would agree that Samantha was preferable to the delinquents that had been eyeing Ophelia since she joined the school, right?

So with the teachers subtly building Samantha up when Ophelia was around to hear, students all around school spreading rumors about the other 'friends' Ophelia was making, and the school band practicing some sweeter music outside "for a small break from all those competitive sports songs", she was ready to make her move. As Samantha and Ophelia walked through the school garden as a shortcut, light musical chords drifting over the grounds, Samantha asked: "Ophelia, I don't know if you were aware, but the homecoming game is approaching. It's quite fun watching the game, especially when you know your team well enough to be invested in their victory, and going with friends just makes the whole experience even better. If you were thinking of attending, perhaps we could go together? I promise it'll be quite enjoyable, assuming it doesn't get rained out...and even if it does, I'll find a way to make up for it. What do you say?"

School Queen +2 (boosting relative reputation), Connections +2 (boosting personal reputation); total +4. Dazzling Display from paying off the band director and calling in favors.

I'm sorry, I already promised Yulianna I would go, I didn't think she'd want to, but she ended up asking me earlier today, you understand right?

Tachi had been horribly distracted. His one true soulmate was slipping through his fingers. All his usual tricks weren't working. What was wrong with him? Well, sometimes the direct approach worked.

He waited until lunch started. Unbuttoning another shirt button he started. "Ophelia dear, I'm sure you have a bunch of other invitations. But, I'll ask anyway, would you care to join me for the homecoming game? We can sit together, I'll even bring some pita and hummus?"

Strong Roll +1, Shameless +2; +3 Total

Oh um.... That's sweet, but I already promised someone else. Ophelia replied. And you know, it feels rude to stand her up.

2016-07-13, 07:24 PM
I.... Can't help but feel this is a bad idea.... What if they manage to find us. Ophelia comments starting to edge out of the space.
Alice seems completely unconcerned. "As long as we don't start shouting or anything, they won't. I mean, if they could see the hole from in there, someone would've covered or plugged it up." She said confidently. And then she suddenly gets a surprised look on her face at her own thought, and adds, "...unless they want people looking. That would be so hot..."

2016-07-13, 07:49 PM
Alice seems completely unconcerned. "As long as we don't start shouting or anything, they won't. I mean, if they could see the hole from in there, someone would've covered or plugged it up." She said confidently. And then she suddenly gets a surprised look on her face at her own thought, and adds, "...unless they want people looking. That would be so hot..."

That.... Do you think that's true? Ophelia replied relaxing a little.

2016-07-13, 08:41 PM
That.... Do you think that's true? Ophelia replied relaxing a little.
Alice shrugged. "Don't know, it just crossed my mind. And would be totally hot," she answered. "And I mean, it's not like anybody down there's got anything to be ashamed of. Why not show off a little?"

"Speaking of... see anything in particular you like down there?" she asked with a teasing grin.

2016-07-13, 09:24 PM
Alice shrugged. "Don't know, it just crossed my mind. And would be totally hot," she answered. "And I mean, it's not like anybody down there's got anything to be ashamed of. Why not show off a little?"

"Speaking of... see anything in particular you like down there?" she asked with a teasing grin.

[Give me an allure DC 7 check]

2016-07-13, 09:41 PM
Oh um.... That's sweet, but I already promised someone else. Ophelia replied. And you know, it feels rude to stand her up.

Tachi's smile wavers once more. "Well, we wouldn't want you to be rude, now would we? May, I ask whom is the delightful doll that has captured your heart?"

So I can sick a hundred imps on them!

2016-07-13, 09:46 PM
Tachi's smile wavers once more. "Well we wouldn't want you to be rude, now would we? May I ask whom is the delightful doll that has captured your heart?"

So I can sic a hundred imps on them!

Captured my heart.... That's a strong word for it. Yulianna's just my friend. Ophelia replies.

2016-07-13, 10:30 PM
Captured my heart.... That's a strong word for it. Yulianna's just my friend. Ophelia replies.

Tachi's smile returns. Of course, the one person with wards.

"Darling, I'm pretty sure Yulianna doesn't see it that way. Also, you do know that most couples at the game will be staying that way. For the rest of the year, at least. I was hoping that by inviting you myself, I could spare you from being pressured into something you weren't ready for."

[I'll make any roll you want to make sure that is true]

2016-07-13, 10:51 PM
Tachi's smile returns. Of course, the one person with wards.

"Darling, I'm pretty sure Yulianna doesn't see it that way. Also, you do know that most couples at the game will be staying that way. For the rest of the year, at least. I was hoping that by inviting you myself, I could spare you from being pressured into something you weren't ready for."

[I'll make any roll you want to make sure that is true]

You wanted me to be free of the pressure of dating, by taking an incubus? Ophelia questioned.

2016-07-14, 01:57 PM
You wanted me to be free of the pressure of dating, by taking an incubus? Ophelia questioned.

"Of course!"

Tachi leans on his hands and smiles wistfully at Ophelia. "I've never had a girl give me so much trouble before. You know, you're the only one I've never been able to explain myself to properly."

"There's a school tradition, more like a superstition really. It says that whoever you take to the homecoming game is the person you'll date for the rest of the year. Everyone knows I'm a flighty little fruit bat, so if we never date again it's just 'Oh that rotten incubus, taking advantage of the poor amnesiac.' But with someone else, who knows?"

7th son of sons
2016-07-14, 02:34 PM
Uh, yeah. I mean I'm a bit surprised. I didn't think you one much for football, but if you want to go.... Ophelia comments.

Football? ... Oh, I see! The homecoming game is a game of Football! How excellent! How Exciting! Yulianna replied, her face one of genuine excitement. Only made all the more exciting and excellent that you will be my companion for that evening! Oh, I've never been to a sporting game! Yulianna pasued, recomposing herself, before continuing. Not... not that I would usually have any interest in the sports of mongrels...

2016-07-14, 03:20 PM
"Of course!"

Tachi leans on his hands and smiles wistfully at Ophelia. "I've never had a girl give me so much trouble before. You know, you're the only one I've never been able to explain myself to properly."

"There's a school tradition, more like a superstition really. It says that whoever you take to the homecoming game is the person you'll date for the rest of the year. Everyone knows I'm a flighty little fruit bat, so if we never date again it's just 'Oh that rotten incubus, taking advantage of the poor amnesiac.' But with someone else, who knows?"

But if I take Yulianna and we don't date, people will assume it's my fault? Ophelia questions not understanding what you're getting at.

2016-07-14, 03:21 PM
Football? ... Oh, I see! The homecoming game is a game of Football! How excellent! How Exciting! Yulianna replied, her face one of genuine excitement. Only made all the more exciting and excellent that you will be my companion for that evening! Oh, I've never been to a sporting game! Yulianna pasued, recomposing herself, before continuing. Not... not that I would usually have any interest in the sports of mongrels...

I.... You're not interested in football in the slightest are you? Ophelia comments.

2016-07-14, 03:54 PM
Alice shrugged. "Don't know, it just crossed my mind. And would be totally hot," she answered. "And I mean, it's not like anybody down there's got anything to be ashamed of. Why not show off a little?"

"Speaking of... see anything in particular you like down there?" she asked with a teasing grin.

Eh, big beefy guys aren't really my thing I don't think. Ophelia admits.

7th son of sons
2016-07-14, 04:24 PM
I.... You're not interested in football in the slightest are you? Ophelia comments.

Yulianna peered about, ensuring no one was within ear shot before pulling herself close to Ophelia. Dear Ophelia, can I tell you a secret? One you swear to keep?

2016-07-14, 04:40 PM
Yulianna peered about, ensuring no one was within ear shot before pulling herself close to Ophelia. Dear Ophelia, can I tell you a secret? One you swear to keep?

Of course. Ophelia replied with a solemn nod.

2016-07-14, 04:41 PM
I'm sorry, I already promised Yulianna I would go, I didn't think she'd want to, but she ended up asking me earlier today, you understand right?

Samantha smiled broadly; she wasn't the only one with Ophelia's best interests in mind, it would seem. "of course I understand, darling; no need to apologize, it's just how things go. Who knows, maybe we'll all see each other at the game regardless. Truth be told, though..." she hesitated, as if uncomfortable gossiping. "I must confess, I didn't take Yulianna for the type to be particularly interested in sports. Perhaps I've misjudged her..."

2016-07-14, 04:49 PM
Samantha smiled broadly; she wasn't the only one with Ophelia's best interests in mind, it would seem. "of course I understand, darling; no need to apologize, it's just how things go. Who knows, maybe we'll all see each other at the game regardless. Truth be told, though..." she hesitated, as if uncomfortable gossiping. "I must confess, I didn't take Yulianna for the type to be particularly interested in sports. Perhaps I've misjudged her..."

I don't really think she is, I think she just wants to hang out with me. Ophelia replies.

7th son of sons
2016-07-14, 05:04 PM
Of course. Ophelia replied with a solemn nod.

I'm more excited in this sportivnaya igra than you can imagine! She squeeled quietly. In a way, you're my excuse to finally go to one! Not that I think of your presence as an excuse or anything of the sort, I do so want to spend more time with you, but it's a very pleasant addition.

2016-07-14, 05:24 PM
I'm more excited in this sportivnaya igra than you can imagine! She squeeled quietly. In a way, you're my excuse to finally go to one! Not that I think of your presence as an excuse or anything of the sort, I do so want to spend more time with you, but it's a very pleasant addition.

Really. Well why haven't you gone before then? Ophelia questions clearly confused.

7th son of sons
2016-07-14, 06:40 PM
It doesn't fit my image, Yulianna replied with a shrug.

2016-07-14, 06:46 PM
It doesn't fit my image, Yulianna replied with a shrug.

Ah... I wonder what my image was.... Before all this.... Ophelia replies starting to muse.

2016-07-14, 08:08 PM
Eh, big beefy guys aren't really my thing I don't think. Ophelia admits.
"Really?" Alice asked, tilting her head a bit. "So, what kind of boys do you like? More athletic and lean instead, like the track team? They're pretty cute, and they've at least got some muscle, so I wouldn't blame you there. Or more androgynous, maybe?"

2016-07-14, 08:26 PM
"Really?" Alice asked, tilting her head a bit. "So, what kind of boys do you like? More athletic and lean instead, like the track team? They're pretty cute, and they've at least got some muscle, so I wouldn't blame you there. Or more androgynous, maybe?"

Track team, I would think. Ophelia replies musing

2016-07-14, 08:28 PM
But if I take Yulianna and we don't date, people will assume it's my fault? Ophelia questions not understanding what you're getting at.

Tachi shakes his head and smiles at the girl. "See! You always have new questions!"

He sighs dramatically and continues "I've been on earth for a very, very long time. One thing I've learned is that I like this age the best. I'll probably stop aging around sixteen and stay that way for awhile. I have more freedom that way. But, and here's the point. Teenagers are cruel. We're vicious, nasty backstabbing little monsters. We want nothing more than to tear someone else down. If someone can hurt you, they will. I'm not sure what people will assume. But, I hope you're ready if they assume the worst of you."

Tachi leans back in his chair and sighs overdramatically again. "But I'm just a grumpy demon who didn't get his way. What do I know?

2016-07-14, 08:40 PM
Track team, I would think. Ophelia replies musing
Alice nods. "Yeah, like I said, can't blame you, they're not bad at all. I do like my slabs of beefcake, though," she said, licking her lips and sneaking another look through the peephole, a few idle fantasies flitting through her head as she watched them.

"Sooo, what kind of girls do you like, then?" Alice asked over her shoulder, still keeping her attention half on the peephole to try and give the appearance that the question was more casual than it really was.

2016-07-14, 08:45 PM
Tachi shakes his head and smiles at the girl. "See! You always have new questions!"

He sighs dramatically and continues "I've been on earth for a very, very long time. One thing I've learned is that I like this age the best. I'll probably stop aging around sixteen and stay that way for awhile. I have more freedom that way. But, and here's the point. Teenagers are cruel. We're vicious, nasty backstabbing little monsters. We want nothing more than to tear someone else down. If someone can hurt you, they will. I'm not sure what people will assume. But, I hope you're ready if they assume the worst of you."

Tachi leans back in his chair and sighs overdramatically again. "But I'm just a grumpy demon who didn't get his way. What do I know?

[Give me an allure check DC 7]

2016-07-14, 08:47 PM
Alice nods. "Yeah, like I said, can't blame you, they're not bad at all. I do like my slabs of beefcake, though," she said, licking her lips and sneaking another look through the peephole, a few idle fantasies flitting through her head as she watched them.

"Sooo, what kind of girls do you like, then?" Alice asked over her shoulder, still keeping her attention half on the peephole to try and give the appearance that the question was more casual than it really was.

That.... I don't think I've found a preference yet. Ophelia admits.

2016-07-14, 08:55 PM
That.... I don't think I've found a preference yet. Ophelia admits.
"So, all of them, then?" Alice said, looking back at the other girl with a teasing smirk.

2016-07-14, 09:03 PM
"So, all of them, then?" Alice said, looking back at the other girl with a teasing smirk.

Not quite, but close. Ophelia replies with a hint of a smile.

2016-07-14, 09:12 PM
Not quite, but close. Ophelia replies with a hint of a smile.
Alice smiled back and said, "I know what you mean! It's so hard to pick. I mean, there's the smoking hotties like the cheerleaders, the athletic types - especially the swim team - the cute shy types, the ones that are a little nerdy and dress up in those crazy outfits, the goths, the amazing succubus girls, the catgirls. Heck, even the rich girls can be pretty gorgeous sometimes, it's just a shame they tend to be such a snobs."

2016-07-14, 09:17 PM
Alice smiled back and said, "I know what you mean! It's so hard to pick. I mean, there's the smoking hotties like the cheerleaders, the athletic types - especially the swim team - the cute shy types, the ones that are a little nerdy and dress up in those crazy outfits, the goths, the amazing succubus girls, the catgirls. Heck, even the rich girls can be pretty gorgeous sometimes, it's just a shame they tend to be such a snobs."

At the succubus girls, you see Ophelia's mind wander as she blushes.

Huh. What... Oh. um, sorry.

2016-07-14, 09:31 PM
At the succubus girls, you see Ophelia's mind wander as she blushes.

Huh. What... Oh. um, sorry.
Alice grinned. "Don't be. So you like the succubus girls? I know, they're great. I so wish I was lucky enough to be one," she said whistfully. "I mean, some of my friends say I've got the figure for it, and I guess I've got some of it, but damn, there's no comparing to the real deal. I mean, I'm pretty sure I drooled on the carpets when Tachi brought that friend of his over to my party..." Alice said, her own mind starting to wander after that.

2016-07-14, 09:48 PM
Alice grinned. "Don't be. So you like the succubus girls? I know, they're great. I so wish I was lucky enough to be one," she said whistfully. "I mean, some of my friends say I've got the figure for it, and I guess I've got some of it, but damn, there's no comparing to the real deal. I mean, I'm pretty sure I drooled on the carpets when Tachi brought that friend of his over to my party..." Alice said, her own mind starting to wander after that.

What's she like at a party!? Ophelia asks eager for details.

7th son of sons
2016-07-14, 09:53 PM
Ah... I wonder what my image was.... Before all this.... Ophelia replies starting to muse.

I'm sure you were a perfectly reputable sorceress, if not one of even nobler blood still, Yulianna answered with confidence. It's in the way you carry yourself. Even amnesia can't wipe muscle memory, dear Ophelia.

2016-07-14, 10:03 PM
I'm sure you were a perfectly reputable sorceress, if not one of even nobler blood still, Yulianna answered with confidence. It's in the way you carry yourself. Even amnesia can't wipe muscle memory, dear Ophelia.

Is my posture that good? Ophelia asks.

2016-07-15, 01:57 AM
Tachi shakes his head and smiles at the girl. "See! You always have new questions!"

He sighs dramatically and continues "I've been on earth for a very, very long time. One thing I've learned is that I like this age the best. I'll probably stop aging around sixteen and stay that way for awhile. I have more freedom that way. But, and here's the point. Teenagers are cruel. We're vicious, nasty backstabbing little monsters. We want nothing more than to tear someone else down. If someone can hurt you, they will. I'm not sure what people will assume. But, I hope you're ready if they assume the worst of you."

Tachi leans back in his chair and sighs overdramatically again. "But I'm just a grumpy demon who didn't get his way. What do I know?

Are... Are most teenagers really that horrible? Ophelia asks worried.

7th son of sons
2016-07-15, 11:58 AM
Is my posture that good? Ophelia asks.

Not just your posture, darling. The way you carry yourself is about how you walk, how you talk. Why else do you think so many of our school are immediately attracted to you? They see in you what I see in you, even if they don't know it.

2016-07-15, 12:10 PM
Are... Are most teenagers really that horrible? Ophelia asks worried.

Tachi notices Ophelia's worried tone and expression. "Oh sweetie! Some teenagers are just nasty. But most are apple pie. I didn't mean to scare you. Go to the game with Yulianna. Have fun! Don't worry about what everyone else thinks or says."

2016-07-15, 01:17 PM
Not just your posture, darling. The way you carry yourself is about how you walk, how you talk. Why else do you think so many of our school are immediately attracted to you? They see in you what I see in you, even if they don't know it.

... Because I have nice boobs. Ophelia pointed out.

Tachi notices Ophelia's worried tone and expression. "Oh sweetie! Some teenagers are just nasty. But most are apple pie. I didn't mean to scare you. Go to the game with Yulianna. Have fun! Don't worry about what everyone else thinks or says."

.... Apple pie? Ophelia replies pulling out a book on 20's slang.

2016-07-15, 01:29 PM
I don't really think she is, I think she just wants to hang out with me. Ophelia replies.

"Ah..." Samantha nodded sagely. "She's taking an opportunity to try something new while also spending time with a friend. It's good that shecs expanding her horizons like this. Who knows, maybe she'll even be up for taking part in the afterparty as well...

7th son of sons
2016-07-15, 01:32 PM
... Because I have nice boobs. Ophelia pointed out.

I assure you, they are fantastic. All parts of you are. Another factor for how I know of your korolevskaya manera povedeniya. Where it comes from I cannot say, but it fascinates me that you possess it.

2016-07-15, 02:54 PM
"Ah..." Samantha nodded sagely. "She's taking an opportunity to try something new while also spending time with a friend. It's good that shecs expanding her horizons like this. Who knows, maybe she'll even be up for taking part in the afterparty as well...

I might need some help convincing her though. Ophelia replies earnestly.

I assure you, they are fantastic. All parts of you are. Another factor for how I know of your korolevskaya manera povedeniya. Where it comes from I cannot say, but it fascinates me that you possess it.

It fascinates you that I possess nice boobs? Ophelia asked.

2016-07-15, 03:07 PM
.... Apple pie? Ophelia replies pulling out a book on 20's slang.

Tachi's smile crinkles to new heights when he sees the book. "Well, dang your heart for trying, dear! But, that's not going to be in the book. That's a personal expression. Apple pie is my favorite dessert. Just so you know. The usual expression would be bee's knees."

2016-07-15, 03:15 PM
Tachi's smile crinkles to new heights when he sees the book. "Well, dang your heart for trying, dear! But, that's not going to be in the book. That's a personal expression. Apple pie is my favorite dessert. Just so you know. The usual expression would be bee's knees."

I'm going to make my own slang and confuse you too! Ophelia kids.

7th son of sons
2016-07-15, 03:22 PM
It fascinates you that I possess nice boobs? Ophelia asked.

No, no, your chest does not fascinate me, Yulianna replied patiently. It does elicit certain emotional responses, but fascination is not one of them. No, what fascinates me is your elegant demeanor. Where does it come from, I wonder. It's more than just magic...

2016-07-15, 03:32 PM
No, no, your chest does not fascinate me, Yulianna replied patiently. It does elicit certain emotional responses, but fascination is not one of them. No, what fascinates me is your elegant demeanor. Where does it come from, I wonder. It's more than just magic...

I don't think my demeanor is that elegant. Ophelia protests.

2016-07-15, 06:13 PM
What's she like at a party!? Ophelia asks eager for details.
"Hot," Alice said emphatically, a daydreaming look in her eyes for a moment. "She's a great tease, and doesn't mind at all if you stare or even grope her some. And I'm pretty sure nobody looked at anything else for the like, ten minutes she had her top off. At least, I sure didn't, and I'm sure Jewels and Jeff wouldn't, and I'd be surprised if the rest did."

"Oh, and we got her to play Spin the Bottle with us once - she's an amazing kisser, great with her tongue" Alice added with a wistful sigh. "I mean, I still haven't decided what I want my first time to be like, but I was this close to just saying 'take me now' after that."

7th son of sons
2016-07-15, 06:44 PM
I don't think my demeanor is that elegant. Ophelia protests.

It's cute that you're so humble, Dorogoy, but I can see, just under the surface, a proud and strong sorceress with talent beyond talent! And, it is for that reason, as well as many others, that I would like to ask you a question.

2016-07-15, 07:16 PM
It's cute that you're so humble, Dorogoy, but I can see, just under the surface, a proud and strong sorceress with talent beyond talent! And, it is for that reason, as well as many others, that I would like to ask you a question.

Besides going to the homecoming game? Sure what is it?

2016-07-15, 07:52 PM
"Hot," Alice said emphatically, a daydreaming look in her eyes for a moment. "She's a great tease, and doesn't mind at all if you stare or even grope her some. And I'm pretty sure nobody looked at anything else for the like, ten minutes she had her top off. At least, I sure didn't, and I'm sure Jewels and Jeff wouldn't, and I'd be surprised if the rest did."

"Oh, and we got her to play Spin the Bottle with us once - she's an amazing kisser, great with her tongue" Alice added with a wistful sigh. "I mean, I still haven't decided what I want my first time to be like, but I was this close to just saying 'take me now' after that."

Ophelia swoons at the thought of all that, before blushing and coughing in embarrassment.

7th son of sons
2016-07-15, 07:59 PM
Besides going to the homecoming game? Sure what is it?

Yulianna took one of Ophelia's hands in her own, holding it close to her heart, are normally vibrant green druids cloth turning all the colors of autumn. I know this is very sudden, and perhaps you're not ready to take this step but... will you, Ophelia, be my friend?

2016-07-15, 08:02 PM
Yulianna took one of Ophelia's hands in her own, holding it close to her heart, are normally vibrant green druids cloth turning all the colors of autumn. I know this is very sudden, and perhaps you're not ready to take this step but... will you, Ophelia, be my friend?

Of course we're friends silly! Ophelia replied throwing you into a large hug.

2016-07-15, 08:20 PM
Ophelia swoons at the thought of all that, before blushing and coughing in embarrassment.
Alice just grinned eagerly at that. Ophelia had a pervy side after all - perfect! If only she could find a way to direct it at herself, instead of just Succubi. "Sooo... I'm guessing I should invite you next time I do anything like that?" she asked teasingly.

2016-07-15, 08:32 PM
Alice just grinned eagerly at that. Ophelia had a pervy side after all - perfect! If only she could find a way to direct it at herself, instead of just Succubi. "Sooo... I'm guessing I should invite you next time I do anything like that?" she asked teasingly.

Oh.. oh god... That... might be a little overstimulating... Ophelia admits while red as a apple.

2016-07-15, 08:36 PM
I'm going to make my own slang and confuse you too! Ophelia kids.

Tachi laughs. 'That would serve me right wouldn't it? Go ahead, feel free."

Tachi spends the rest of lunch chatting with Ophelia, happy for the moment to just spend time with Sandstone High's newest transfer student.

7th son of sons
2016-07-15, 08:52 PM
Of course we're friends silly! Ophelia replied throwing you into a large hug.

Ura Ura, Yulianna cheered, embracing her new friend.

2016-07-15, 09:01 PM
Ura Ura, Yulianna cheered, embracing her new friend.

Ura? Ophelia questioned confused.

2016-07-15, 09:04 PM
Oh.. oh god... That... might be a little overstimulating... Ophelia admits while red as a apple.
At that, Alice got a little bolder - she's used to someone she's talking to looking like that if they're interested in her, after all, not someone else she was talking about - and stepped in close to the buxom blonde, gently pushed part of her hair away from one ear, then leaned in close to whisper seductively, "No such thing." Doing so caused her chest to brush against the other girl's side - an unavoidable effect of getting that close, but definitely not one she minded.

She stepped back, sly smile on her face, and added in a more normally cheery voice, "I'll shoot you and Tachi a text next time I can get a party at my place going - and I'll be sure to tell him Darla's welcome to come."

7th son of sons
2016-07-15, 09:05 PM
Ura? Ophelia questioned confused.

It is.... kak ty skazhesh', Hooray? A sound for cheering?

2016-07-15, 11:54 PM
I might need some help convincing her though. Ophelia replies earnestly.

"I'm sure between the two of us, we could convince her to come. It would be good for her to socialize a bit more.

2016-07-16, 12:08 AM
It is.... kak ty skazhesh', Hooray? A sound for cheering?

Russia doesn't say hooray? Ophelia asked.

"I'm sure between the two of us, we could convince her to come. It would be good for her to socialize a bit more.

Let's do it. Ophelia replied firmly.

7th son of sons
2016-07-16, 03:06 PM
Russia doesn't say hooray? Ophelia asked.

No, No hooray's from the homeland. Only Uras. They are meaning the same thing.

2016-07-16, 03:26 PM
No, No hooray's from the homeland. Only Uras. They are meaning the same thing.

I... I thought... Huh... Ophelia piped up.

7th son of sons
2016-07-16, 03:35 PM
I... I thought... Huh... Ophelia piped up.

What did you think, my friend? Yulianna inquired

2016-07-16, 03:46 PM
What did you think, my friend? Yulianna inquired

That they said it the same way... Small minded huh. Ophelia admits with shame.

7th son of sons
2016-07-18, 08:58 AM
That they said it the same way... Small minded huh. Ophelia admits with shame.

Yulianna smiled, running her hands through Ophelia's hair. Silly girl, you simply did not know. Hooray is universally understood, like smiles. Ura is just a russian way.

2016-07-18, 01:27 PM
Episode 1 Scene 7

And with the fair of trumpets and loud applause it's time for the homecoming game! Yulianna has Ophelia on her arm, but hope is not yet lost. Ophelia seems not to realize the romantic magic in the air. How will you be gaining her attention.

Allure =d6 Wear your best outfit to pry Ophelia's eyes. (Chaotic for anyone not Yulianna). + 2 VP

Skill =d4 Show your skill on the field before game. (Lawful) +1 VP

Conflict =d6 The nerds are being attacked by some ruffed up jocks. Protect them! (Good) +2 VP

2016-07-19, 03:18 PM
Samantha glared at the pushy jocks, acutely aware of her own inability to force them out of their intended confrontation. Jeanne might help out, if she noticed, but Samantha had no idea where the girl was in the crowd, assuming she was even present. No, Samantha would have to figure something else out. She began texting up a storm, contacting friends and friends of friends, as she made her way over to one of the teacher's present at the game. She might not be any more physically imposing than the nerds getting picked on, but there was strength in numbers.

"Mrs Norris, there's an altercation taking place between several students over in section 4C; I have some friends trying to stall things, but I'm not sure how long they can keep that up. Could "

Conflict roll. Connections +2, School Queen +2, total +4.

Wasn't sure whether to specify the nature of the conflict myself, or leave it at the current "jocks vs nerds" description to be specified later.

7th son of sons
2016-07-19, 04:38 PM
Yulianna's smile was as wide as it had ever been as her charioteer stopped her and her companion for the evening in front of the school stadium. She wasn't exactly sure what one typically wore to these events, but as the homecoming seemed to be a time of celebration, she wore her finest party attire. A dress spun from threads of gold, an intricate layering of small Diamonds adorning the dresses plunging V-Neck. Her hair was done up nicely, making a brilliant display of her white hair, now inlaid with vibrant red roses. She offered her hand to help Ophelia down from the archaic, noble transportation, and did not think to release it as she practically bounced with joy.

Segodnya zamechatel'nyy den', Ophelia, she began, her excitement causing her to forget much of her grasp of the english language. I get to attend this Vozvrashcheniye domoy igra, I am attending with you, moy yedinstvennyy drug. And my outfit it, if I may say so myself, sokrovishche dostoyny nebes. She said, her smile widening as she clasped her friends hand and made her way to the arena. Are you not excited beyond words? We must hurry, we do not want to miss the game!

Strong Roll (+1), Quaint Greeting (+1), Graceful (4) = 6

2016-07-20, 05:46 PM
Tachi had spent almost the entire morning primping, waxing and styling. He was wearing his favorite open silk shirt, and pants. He was his most perfect tempting self. This would not fail. He could not let it fail. Ophelia would swoon, she would be his.

He stood just behind Yulianna and Ophelia. "Ladies, always a pleasure to see you. Allow me to do you a small service and escort you. Two lovely ladies such as yourselves should not attend this function alone."

Strong Roll +1, Temptation +2, Shameless +2, + 5 Total

2016-07-21, 08:40 PM
After peeping on the football players and talking with Ophelia in the hall, Alice had rather abruptly decided that going to the homecoming game sounded fun. She didn't really like sports, but hey, she'd get to watch hot guys run around getting all sweaty. And she could probably bring a friend to watch it with - but who? Jewels had probably gone home by now, Chris wasn't a football guy, Tina was out sick today... hm what about Lissa? She still hadn't taken her up on her offer about gym. Maybe it was time to remind her what she was missing out on.

So she had tracked the shorter girl down and asked her to join her at the game, and she'd said yes! Which Alice was pretty sure it had something do with the change of clothes she'd done first - because hey, class was out and most of the teachers probably wouldn't be at the game, so why not wear something more fun? So now, while she was still wearing the short shorts she'd worn all day, she'd replaced her tank top with a fishnet top that left left her midriff totally bare and more or less exposed her strapless bra for all to see. She loved showing off in an outfit like this - she was hot and she knew it, so why shouldn't she? And given how much Lissa, and some of the others around, had been staring at her chest, it sure seemed to be working, and she was just grinning and enjoying the attention. Part of her was hoping Ophelia would see and notice, too, since she was still disappointed that she hadn't seemed interested in her chest when she talked to her about it.

"So, Lissa, where do you want to sit?" she asked as the arrived at the base of the bleachers. She leaned in closer to the other girl, giving her a better view of her fishnet-covered-cleavage, and asked in a quieter, suggestive voice, "Maybe in the back, where we can have at least a little... privacy?"

Allure, +2 Shameless = +2 total.

Now I doubly wish that last scene had had skill as an option - a charge on Loveable Clutz here would be a big help. Oh well, just get to cross my fingers and go for the 50/50.

2016-07-22, 02:39 PM
Yulianna's smile was as wide as it had ever been as her charioteer stopped her and her companion for the evening in front of the school stadium. She wasn't exactly sure what one typically wore to these events, but as the homecoming seemed to be a time of celebration, she wore her finest party attire. A dress spun from threads of gold, an intricate layering of small Diamonds adorning the dresses plunging V-Neck. Her hair was done up nicely, making a brilliant display of her white hair, now inlaid with vibrant red roses. She offered her hand to help Ophelia down from the archaic, noble transportation, and did not think to release it as she practically bounced with joy.

Segodnya zamechatel'nyy den', Ophelia, she began, her excitement causing her to forget much of her grasp of the english language. I get to attend this Vozvrashcheniye domoy igra, I am attending with you, moy yedinstvennyy drug. And my outfit it, if I may say so myself, sokrovishche dostoyny nebes. She said, her smile widening as she clasped her friends hand and made her way to the arena. Are you not excited beyond words? We must hurry, we do not want to miss the game!

Strong Roll (+1), Quaint Greeting (+1), Graceful (4) = 6

I think we're still a bit early. Ophelia points out as her eyes keep wandering downwards.

Also.... Also I'm only able to understand every other word.

Tachi had spent almost the entire morning primping, waxing and styling. He was wearing his favorite open silk shirt, and pants. He was his most perfect tempting self. This would not fail. He could not let it fail. Ophelia would swoon, she would be his.

He stood just behind Yulianna and Ophelia. "Ladies, always a pleasure to see you. Allow me to do you a small service and escort you. Two lovely ladies such as yourselves should not attend this function alone."

Strong Roll +1, Temptation +2, Shameless +2, + 5 Total

Wouldn't be not be alone because... Ophelia comments before seeing your abs.

Uh, yeah... You can hang if you want..... Ophelia asked blushing.

Samantha glared at the pushy jocks, acutely aware of her own inability to force them out of their intended confrontation. Jeanne might help out, if she noticed, but Samantha had no idea where the girl was in the crowd, assuming she was even present. No, Samantha would have to figure something else out. She began texting up a storm, contacting friends and friends of friends, as she made her way over to one of the teacher's present at the game. She might not be any more physically imposing than the nerds getting picked on, but there was strength in numbers.

"Mrs Norris, there's an altercation taking place between several students over in section 4C; I have some friends trying to stall things, but I'm not sure how long they can keep that up. Could "

Conflict roll. Connections +2, School Queen +2, total +4.

Wasn't sure whether to specify the nature of the conflict myself, or leave it at the current "jocks vs nerds" description to be specified later.

Hey Sam, what's happening? Ophelia calls out to you, clearly worried.

After peeping on the football players and talking with Ophelia in the hall, Alice had rather abruptly decided that going to the homecoming game sounded fun. She didn't really like sports, but hey, she'd get to watch hot guys run around getting all sweaty. And she could probably bring a friend to watch it with - but who? Jewels had probably gone home by now, Chris wasn't a football guy, Tina was out sick today... hm what about Lissa? She still hadn't taken her up on her offer about gym. Maybe it was time to remind her what she was missing out on.

So she had tracked the shorter girl down and asked her to join her at the game, and she'd said yes! Which Alice was pretty sure it had something do with the change of clothes she'd done first - because hey, class was out and most of the teachers probably wouldn't be at the game, so why not wear something more fun? So now, while she was still wearing the short shorts she'd worn all day, she'd replaced her tank top with a fishnet top that left left her midriff totally bare and more or less exposed her strapless bra for all to see. She loved showing off in an outfit like this - she was hot and she knew it, so why shouldn't she? And given how much Lissa, and some of the others around, had been staring at her chest, it sure seemed to be working, and she was just grinning and enjoying the attention. Part of her was hoping Ophelia would see and notice, too, since she was still disappointed that she hadn't seemed interested in her chest when she talked to her about it.

"So, Lissa, where do you want to sit?" she asked as the arrived at the base of the bleachers. She leaned in closer to the other girl, giving her a better view of her fishnet-covered-cleavage, and asked in a quieter, suggestive voice, "Maybe in the back, where we can have at least a little... privacy?"

Allure, +2 Shameless = +2 total.

Now I doubly wish that last scene had had skill as an option - a charge on Loveable Clutz here would be a big help. Oh well, just get to cross my fingers and go for the 50/50.

Unfortunately Ophelia does not seem to notice.

Lissa's eyes are wide whenever you turn to her though.

"I... I don't think they'll be any privacy when anyone can just... just turn around."

7th son of sons
2016-07-22, 04:12 PM
I think we're still a bit early. Ophelia points out as her eyes keep wandering downwards.

Also.... Also I'm only able to understand every other word.

Prosti, Prosti, Yulianna replied, her tone taking an apolagetic turn. I'm just so excited for being her with you! she cheered.

Wouldn't be not be alone because... Ophelia comments before seeing your abs.

Uh, yeah... You can hang if you want..... Ophelia asked blushing.

Yulianna's eyebrow twitched ever so slightly at the appearance of her fellow student. Ah, gryaz' obitatel' reveals himself. I had not seen you when I arrived. Please, feel free to vtorgat'sya upon our evening...

2016-07-22, 04:23 PM
Prosti, Prosti, Yulianna replied, her tone taking an apolagetic turn. I'm just so excited for being her with you! she cheered.

Yulianna's eyebrow twitched ever so slightly at the appearance of her fellow student. Ah, gryaz' obitatel' reveals himself. I had not seen you when I arrived. Please, feel free to vtorgat'sya upon our evening...

You okay, Yulianna? Ophelia asked noticing a twitch but not what twitched.

2016-07-22, 05:29 PM
Unfortunately Ophelia does not seem to notice.

Lissa's eyes are wide whenever you turn to her though.

"I... I don't think they'll be any privacy when anyone can just... just turn around."
Alice just smirked at that. "Why would they, when they're here to watch the game?" she asked. Leaning in a bit closer to speak too quietly to be heard over the noise of the crowd, she said, "Besides, we can be subtle. You'd be surprised what you can get away with in public with no one noticing if you do it right."

With an arched eyebrow, she added, "Unless you'd rather not be subtle? We could always go behind and underneath the bleachers for that."

2016-07-22, 06:30 PM
Alice just smirked at that. "Why would they, when they're here to watch the game?" she asked. Leaning in a bit closer to speak too quietly to be heard over the noise of the crowd, she said, "Besides, we can be subtle. You'd be surprised what you can get away with in public with no one noticing if you do it right."

With an arched eyebrow, she added, "Unless you'd rather not be subtle? We could always go behind and underneath the bleachers for that."

"What could we even do subtly?" Lissa replied shooting you a disbelieving look.

2016-07-22, 06:47 PM
"What could we even do subtly?" Lissa replied shooting you a disbelieving look.
"Well, as long as you keep your eyes on the game, who's going to notice if your hand that's next to me anyway is exploring a little?" Alice asked, continuing to speak quietly because she knew Lissa was still shy about her interest in girls. "You couldn't go for my chest of course, but anything waist level or below..." She secretly hoped Lissa might let her do a little of that, too - the other girl had a nice a** - but she knew she needed to take it slower with her than she would with her other friends.

2016-07-22, 07:03 PM
"Well, as long as you keep your eyes on the game, who's going to notice if your hand that's next to me anyway is exploring a little?" Alice asked, continuing to speak quietly because she knew Lissa was still shy about her interest in girls. "You couldn't go for my chest of course, but anything waist level or below..." She secretly hoped Lissa might let her do a little of that, too - the other girl had a nice a** - but she knew she needed to take it slower with her than she would with her other friends.

"Anyone who notices that my hand isn't in view." Lissa replies.

7th son of sons
2016-07-22, 07:07 PM
You okay, Yulianna? Ophelia asked noticing a twitch but not what twitched.

What? Of course I'm okay, dear Ophelia, the russian replied, her mannerisms returning to normal. Merely surprised at the arrival of... Gospodin Tachi... Rarely do I have the vozmozhnost' to interact with the student body outside of classes...

2016-07-22, 07:18 PM
What? Of course I'm okay, dear Ophelia, the russian replied, her mannerisms returning to normal. Merely surprised at the arrival of... Gospodin Tachi... Rarely do I have the vozmozhnost' to interact with the student body outside of classes...

Is Gospodin his last name? Ophelia asked confused.

7th son of sons
2016-07-22, 07:25 PM
Is Gospodin his last name? Ophelia asked confused.

A simple title, my dear, Yulianna replied patiently. I believe american equivalent is "Mister"?

2016-07-22, 07:51 PM
A simple title, my dear, Yulianna replied patiently. I believe american equivalent is "Mister"?

Oh.... That makes a lot more sense. Ophelia admitted.

2016-07-22, 08:16 PM
"Anyone who notices that my hand isn't in view." Lissa replies.
"And who's going to be looking for that? Especially if we're in the back, with nobody behind us," Alice asks. "And it's not like people don't rest their hands on the bleachers or put them in their pockets, so it wouldn't even be weird if they did notice that, right?"

2016-07-22, 08:28 PM
"And who's going to be looking for that? Especially if we're in the back, with nobody behind us," Alice asks. "And it's not like people don't rest their hands on the bleachers or put them in their pockets, so it wouldn't even be weird if they did notice that, right?"

"It's... It's not going to work..." Lissa pipes up.

2016-07-22, 08:58 PM
"It's... It's not going to work..." Lissa pipes up.
Alice sighed. Well, maybe she should've seen that coming, with Lissa being as shy about her bisexuality as she was. "Okay, I get it. So, we just watch the game, and maaaaybe find someplace really private for you to 'play' after?" she asked.

2016-07-22, 09:03 PM
Alice sighed. Well, maybe she should've seen that coming, with Lissa being as shy about her bisexuality as she was. "Okay, I get it. So, we just watch the game, and maaaaybe find someplace really private for you to 'play' after?" she asked.

"I... I would like that...." Alice heard herself say, before clamping her mouth shut.

2016-07-22, 10:27 PM
"I... I would like that...." Alice heard herself say, before clamping her mouth shut.
Alice smirked, very happy to hear that response. Something about Lissa's combination of shyness and eagerness about this was just so cute - and actually kind of a turn-on. "Yes, you will," she said teasingly, before turning around to look for a seat. They did have a game to watch, after all, even if Alice didn't know how much of it Lissa would actually watch and how much she'd spend staring at her chest.

2016-07-22, 10:36 PM
Alice smirked, very happy to hear that response. Something about Lissa's combination of shyness and eagerness about this was just so cute - and actually kind of a turn-on. "Yes, you will," she said teasingly, before turning around to look for a seat. They did have a game to watch, after all, even if Alice didn't know how much of it Lissa would actually watch and how much she'd spend staring at her chest.

[Give me an allure for that.]

7th son of sons
2016-07-22, 10:44 PM
Oh.... That makes a lot more sense. Ophelia admitted.

Yulianna smiled at her friends naivety. One word at a time, Ophelia, and I'll make a proper Russan of you yet, she teased.

2016-07-22, 10:50 PM
Alice smirked, very happy to hear that response. Something about Lissa's combination of shyness and eagerness about this was just so cute - and actually kind of a turn-on. "Yes, you will," she said teasingly, before turning around to look for a seat. They did have a game to watch, after all, even if Alice didn't know how much of it Lissa would actually watch and how much she'd spend staring at her chest.

Lissa instead terrified by any people seeing spends no time staring at your chest.

Yulianna smiled at her friends naivety. One word at a time, Ophelia, and I'll make a proper Russan of you yet, she teased.

What if I'm not Russian? Ophelia points out.

7th son of sons
2016-07-22, 10:54 PM
What if I'm not Russian? Ophelia points out.

Well then I guess you'll just have to marry in, she replied with a mock sigh.

2016-07-22, 11:11 PM
Well then I guess you'll just have to marry in, she replied with a mock sigh.

With who? Ophelia asked eyebrow raised.

7th son of sons
2016-07-22, 11:19 PM
With who? Ophelia asked eyebrow raised.

Well if you're ever in need of a bride, my wedding dress has been with me since birth, and I would prefer the ceramony in winter, Yulianna flirted.

2016-07-22, 11:48 PM
Well if you're ever in need of a bride, my wedding dress has been with me since birth, and I would prefer the ceramony in winter, Yulianna flirted.

How would you know if it fit you? Ophelia commented.

2016-07-23, 01:04 PM
Also.... Also I'm only able to understand every other word.

"That's news how?"

Wouldn't we not be alone because... Ophelia comments before seeing your abs.

Tachi's smile is radiant. "Darling, recall when I grew up. Well, the first time at least. You won't be the first deb I've escorted."

Uh, yeah... You can hang if you want..... Ophelia asked blushing.

Tachi laughs. "Well dearest Ophelia. I do believe we can establish that you were an American teenager. Or a very quick learner."

2016-07-23, 01:13 PM
Yulianna's eyebrow twitched ever so slightly at the appearance of her fellow student. Ah, gryaz' obitatel' reveals himself. I had not seen you when I arrived. Please, feel free to vtorgat'sya upon our evening...

Tachi glances coolly at Yulianna. "You know Yulianna, I've never understood your objections to me, I'm hardly a bies, or a koschei, in fact I'm not even sure Russian has a word for incubus."

2016-07-23, 01:31 PM
Lissa instead terrified by any people seeing spends no time staring at your chest.
Alice somehow managed to find a seat for them without tripping into anybody, which was probably a minor miracle - or a little disappointing, depending on how look at it. Once she was seated, she was quickly reminded why she hadn't been planning to come to the game: wow, was football boring! People only actually did anything for a few seconds, and then everybody stopped and reset for some reason - she didn't know the rules. And between the distance and the heavy padded uniforms the players wore, she couldn't actually see much to enjoy how hot the guys were, either.

What's more, Lissa was keeping her eyes studiously on the game, suddenly not giving Alice her attention, so even her date wasn't making things better right now. And she couldn't even really start flirting with or touching her to change that, since Lissa had made it pretty clear she wanted to wait until they got some real privacy first. She frowned, and looked around to see if anybody she knew was near - and spotted Ophelia, hanging out with Yuliana, Samantha, and Tachi. Well, shoot, she didn't seem to have noticed Alice either, with those three crowded around her. And just why did she want to spend time Yuliana and Samantha anyway? They were snobs!

She sighed in frustration, suddenly feeling like the only good part of this was going to be when she got Lissa alone after the game.

7th son of sons
2016-07-23, 01:35 PM
Tachi glances coolly at Yulianna. "You know Yulianna, I've never understood your objections to me, I'm hardly a bies, or a koschei, in fact I'm not even sure Russian has a word for incubus."

Well, I believe the word we may use in the motherland may be something akin to izverg? Yulianna replied just as cold. Although perhaps nimfomanka may be more appropriate?

2016-07-23, 01:50 PM
Tachi glances coolly at Yulianna. "You know Yulianna, I've never understood your objections to me, I'm hardly a bies, or a koschei, in fact I'm not even sure Russian has a word for incubus."

Alice somehow managed to find a seat for them without tripping into anybody, which was probably a minor miracle - or a little disappointing, depending on how look at it. Once she was seated, she was quickly reminded why she hadn't been planning to come to the game: wow, was football boring! People only actually did anything for a few seconds, and then everybody stopped and reset for some reason - she didn't know the rules. And between the distance and the heavy padded uniforms the players wore, she couldn't actually see much to enjoy how hot the guys were, either.

What's more, Lissa was keeping her eyes studiously on the game, suddenly not giving Alice her attention, so even her date wasn't making things better right now. And she couldn't even really start flirting with or touching her to change that, since Lissa had made it pretty clear she wanted to wait until they got some real privacy first. She frowned, and looked around to see if anybody she knew was near - and spotted Ophelia, hanging out with Yuliana, Samantha, and Tachi. Well, shoot, she didn't seem to have noticed Alice either, with those three crowded around her. And just why did she want to spend time Yuliana and Samantha anyway? They were snobs!

She sighed in frustration, suddenly feeling like the only good part of this was going to be when she got Lissa alone after the game.

"Can you explain the rules to me?" Lissa asked still not looking at you.

Well, I believe the word we may use in the motherland may be something akin to izverg? Yulianna replied just as cold. Although perhaps nimfomanka may be more appropriate?

Isn't Nymphomania for girls? Ophelia comments.

2016-07-24, 10:56 AM
Well, I believe the word we may use in the motherland may be something akin to izverg? Yulianna replied just as cold. Although perhaps nimfomanka may be more appropriate?

Tachi's eternal smile barely moves. "Really, Darling, I'm a unnatural monster? Day and night, light and dark, fire and water, law and chaos. I would think a noble druid would know the cycles better than I. But, life is short I suppose."

Isn't Nymphomania for girls? Ophelia comments.

Tachi turns a sad smile to Ophelia. "Bluenoses often use the word to frame those of us who are freer with our libido. Pure horsefeathers, really. They're all wet. As I said dear Ophelia, this is part of what I was hoping to protect you from. Sad, really, especially coming from a friend."

7th son of sons
2016-07-24, 01:13 PM
Tachi's eternal smile barely moves. "Really, Darling, I'm a unnatural monster? Day and night, light and dark, fire and water, law and chaos. I would think a noble druid would know the cycles better than I. But, life is short I suppose."

Tachi turns a sad smile to Ophelia. "Bluenoses often use the word to frame those of us who are freer with our libido. Pure horsefeathers, really. They're all wet. As I said dear Ophelia, this is part of what I was hoping to protect you from. Sad, really, especially coming from a friend."

Now see here, Predatel, Yulianna interjected, physically stepping between Tachi and Ophelia. That I would want to warn Ophelia of some... legkomyslennaya mertsatel'nyy porozhdeniye ada is perfectly within reason. We as Druid's are bound to nature, and you, my neschastnyy odnoklassnik, are anything but natural. If anyone is protecting Ophelia from the other, I'm afraid you have to roles reversed, mutt.

2016-07-24, 01:36 PM
Hey Sam, what's happening? Ophelia calls out to you, clearly worried.

Samantha twitched, but managed a smile. "There's some ruffians taking an issue with the presence of some of their fellow students. Not to worry, though, they'll be getting their just desserts shortly."

2016-07-24, 02:13 PM
Now see here, Predatel, Yulianna interjected, physically stepping between Tachi and Ophelia. That I would want to warn Ophelia of some... legkomyslennaya mertsatel'nyy porozhdeniye ada is perfectly within reason. We as Druid's are bound to nature, and you, my neschastnyy odnoklassnik, are anything but natural. If anyone is protecting Ophelia from the other, I'm afraid you have to roles reversed, mutt.

Hey! Don't call my friend unnatural. Ophelia insisted grabbing your upper arm hard for attention.

Samantha twitched, but managed a smile. "There's some ruffians taking an issue with the presence of some of their fellow students. Not to worry, though, they'll be getting their just desserts shortly."

Oh, can I help in any way? Ophelia asks concerned.

7th son of sons
2016-07-24, 03:06 PM
Hey! Don't call my friend unnatural. Ophelia insisted grabbing your upper arm hard for attention.

Yulianna looked at Ophelia, her expression instantly softening. She paused for a moment, before sighing, and finally speaking. You are right, Konechno, Now is not the time for such things.

2016-07-24, 03:36 PM
Hey! Don't call my friend unnatural. Ophelia insisted grabbing your upper arm hard for attention.

Oh, can I help in any way? Ophelia asks concerned.

Samantha doesn't comment on the argument over Tachi, preferring to focus on the issue at hand. "If the three of you could come with me for a few minutes, I think it would do some good. I'm not sure how long it'll take the teacher to get over there, so your assistance in providing some solidarity in numbers to the downtrodden would be appreciated."

2016-07-24, 03:57 PM
Yulianna looked at Ophelia, her expression instantly softening. She paused for a moment, before sighing, and finally speaking. You are right, Konechno, Now is not the time for such things.

Thank you. Now apologize.

2016-07-24, 03:59 PM
Samantha doesn't comment on the argument over Tachi, preferring to focus on the issue at hand. "If the three of you could come with me for a few minutes, I think it would do some good. I'm not sure how long it'll take the teacher to get over there, so your assistance in providing some solidarity in numbers to the downtrodden would be appreciated."

You two okay with that? Ophelia asks Yulianna and Tachi.

7th son of sons
2016-07-24, 04:09 PM
You two okay with that? Ophelia asks Yulianna and Tachi.

Naturally, Yulianna replied, intentionally missing Ophelia's demands for ammends. Balance keeper, day saver, that's my profession.

2016-07-24, 04:15 PM
You two okay with that? Ophelia asks Yulianna and Tachi.

Tachi's now slightly pale complexion returns to normal. "I am an eternal champion of love and freedom! Onwards bold sorceress! To glory let us go!"

He crooks his arm for the blonde.

2016-07-24, 04:33 PM
Naturally, Yulianna replied, intentionally missing Ophelia's demands for ammends. Balance keeper, day saver, that's my profession.

Let's go. Ophelia replied noticeably not taking Tachi's arm.

2016-07-25, 02:19 PM
Let's go. Ophelia replied noticeably not taking Tachi's arm.

Tachi shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets as he follows after the girls.

2016-07-27, 02:20 AM
Episode 1 scene 8

It is an early September morning in Mrs.Weil's history class, you are going over the Babylons when suddenly that joyous ear piercing sound breaks out. A fire drill! You no longer have to be here!

Oh wait, Ophelia probably doesn't know what to do.

How are you going to help?

Allure. = A song and dance number will lead Ophelia to safety. Listen to the blaring of the fire alarms. They're an instrument right? +3 VP

Skill. = Keep an eye on Ophelia so she doesn't get trampled. +3 VP.

Luck. = End up with your face in her chest. +3 VP.

2016-07-27, 03:35 AM
Ugh, the routine. Everyone move in a calm, single file line while simultaneously pretending that the building is burning, an event that is both remote in and of itself, and furthermore unlikely to escalate to such a degree that evacuation is necessary. Nevertheless, the imbeciles around her were unable to resist acting like it was a big deal... Which would actually be a danger to the more fragile Ophelia, if someone jostled her to the point that her balance was thrown off and she was knocked to the floor. There was risk that what little she was recovering would be lost if her head hit one of the walls at a bad angle.

But she would prevent that, subtly. By carefully moving around the girl at points of high risk (corners, after several seconds in a long corridor where walking paces pick up and movement of students becomes like that of laminar to turbulent flow of fluid through a pipe), she can discourage clustering around her. People tended to avoid her anyways, but the amnesiac had no idea who she was, so it would work perfectly, creating a sort of safe zone around Ophelia while being practically unnoticed by the girl.
Skill (+1), Honor Student (+2)

Foresight: Odd
Contingency Plan

7th son of sons
2016-07-29, 06:43 AM
Ah, fantastika, the fire drill. Yulianna had already decided to skip the rest of her class, but now she was afforded an excuse to do so! Truly, fortune favored the foreign mage. But... was there something she was forgetting? ... Oh yes, Ophelia!

Of course Ophelia was without any sense of what was going on. This was the first drill since her arrival, and the poor girl seemed scared to death. Naturally, Yulianna gravitated towards her, Are you feeling alright, Uvazhayemyye? She inquired, holding out a hand to the girl, her voice carrying well despite the sirens. If you are frightened, my babushka had a song that would calm me when I was afraid. It's not as charming in english, mind you, but I take it that's alright with you?

Strong Roll (+1), Quaint Greeting (+1), Druid's Garb (+2) = +4

2016-07-29, 02:17 PM
Tachi groaned at the fire drill. Some things never change

He got up from his seat and made his way through the halls. Who was that just ahead of him? Yulianna and Ophelia! Wonderful!

"Ladies what a charming surprise! May I escort you to the door?"

Luck, Speak of the Devil +2, I should still have +1 from my Temptation last roll.

2016-07-29, 06:39 PM
Samantha did her best to use her presence as a shield for Ophelia, drawing the teacher into a conversation on the way out of the building in the hopes that students would do their best to avoid jostling the alluring amnesiac in front of a teacher and a popular girl. Maybe she could even get somebody else to help out...

Strong Skill +1, Connections +2, School Queen +2; total +5.

Just As Planned.

2016-07-29, 11:52 PM
Alice immediately sat up at her desk, a smile finding its way to her face as the fire drill rang out. Yes, finally, something to make this day less boring – maybe even fun!

Not that fire drills themselves were fun of course. But why actually go along with the fire drill? The teachers couldn’t watch everyone when the whole school was piling into the halls – it was the perfect time to slip away to that small old classroom and get some “alone time” with one of her friends.

She slipped into the crowded hall eagerly, crossing her fingers that she’d get lucky and make it to the room without causing any big accidents. It was a near thing when, halfway to her destination, she felt somebody grope her ass, and spun around a little too quick to try and figure out who it was (and invite them to come along, of course), but she just managed to catch herself before she toppled into anyone. Unable to guess who had done it, she just wound shrugging disappointedly and moving the rest of the way to the old room.

She opened the door and walked into the room, hand already in her pocket to get her phone out and text someone to join her – when she realized someone was already here. Her friend Tina, in fact, was over by the other wall – making out with and slipping her hand under the shirt of a pretty blonde cheerleader. Fortunately, it looked like the cheerleader was thoroughly distracted by that; unfortunately, Tina must have heard the door open, because after a second she pulled back, spun her head around, scowled at Alice, and growled angrily, “Alice, leave. Now.”

Alice put her hands up – she knew better than to not listen to Tina, she was scary when she got mad – and quickly backed up into the hall and took off in another direction… until she crashed into somebody a few seconds later. Figures.

Strong Luck +1, Accident-Prone +2, Peeping Tom +2 = +5 total.

2016-07-30, 01:21 AM
Ugh, the routine. Everyone move in a calm, single file line while simultaneously pretending that the building is burning, an event that is both remote in and of itself, and furthermore unlikely to escalate to such a degree that evacuation is necessary. Nevertheless, the imbeciles around her were unable to resist acting like it was a big deal... Which would actually be a danger to the more fragile Ophelia, if someone jostled her to the point that her balance was thrown off and she was knocked to the floor. There was risk that what little she was recovering would be lost if her head hit one of the walls at a bad angle.

But she would prevent that, subtly. By carefully moving around the girl at points of high risk (corners, after several seconds in a long corridor where walking paces pick up and movement of students becomes like that of laminar to turbulent flow of fluid through a pipe), she can discourage clustering around her. People tended to avoid her anyways, but the amnesiac had no idea who she was, so it would work perfectly, creating a sort of safe zone around Ophelia while being practically unnoticed by the girl.
Skill (+1), Honor Student (+2)

Foresight: Odd
Contingency Plan

Unfortunately Athena's master plan fails to compensate for the fact that she is small, and is thus easily thrown against the walls of the metaphorical pipe.

As you feel the wind leave you. You see one of the classmates, his name is Michel help you wordlessly to the outside.

What do you do?

Ah, fantastika, the fire drill. Yulianna had already decided to skip the rest of her class, but now she was afforded an excuse to do so! Truly, fortune favored the foreign mage. But... was there something she was forgetting? ... Oh yes, Ophelia!

Of course Ophelia was without any sense of what was going on. This was the first drill since her arrival, and the poor girl seemed scared to death. Naturally, Yulianna gravitated towards her, Are you feeling alright, Uvazhayemyye? She inquired, holding out a hand to the girl, her voice carrying well despite the sirens. If you are frightened, my babushka had a song that would calm me when I was afraid. It's not as charming in english, mind you, but I take it that's alright with you?

Strong Roll (+1), Quaint Greeting (+1), Druid's Garb (+2) = +4

Unfortunately you don't get any words piped out before Mrs.Weil shouts out

"Yulianna, outside!"

Tachi groaned at the fire drill. Some things never change

He got up from his seat and made his way through the halls. Who was that just ahead of him? Yulianna and Ophelia! Wonderful!

"Ladies what a charming surprise! May I escort you to the door?"

Luck, Speak of the Devil +2, I should still have +1 from my Temptation last roll.

It's not Yulianna and Ophelia. Strange. It's Yulianna and some other blonde girl....

Alice immediately sat up at her desk, a smile finding its way to her face as the fire drill rang out. Yes, finally, something to make this day less boring – maybe even fun!

Not that fire drills themselves were fun of course. But why actually go along with the fire drill? The teachers couldn’t watch everyone when the whole school was piling into the halls – it was the perfect time to slip away to that small old classroom and get some “alone time” with one of her friends.

She slipped into the crowded hall eagerly, crossing her fingers that she’d get lucky and make it to the room without causing any big accidents. It was a near thing when, halfway to her destination, she felt somebody grope her ass, and spun around a little too quick to try and figure out who it was (and invite them to come along, of course), but she just managed to catch herself before she toppled into anyone. Unable to guess who had done it, she just wound shrugging disappointedly and moving the rest of the way to the old room.

She opened the door and walked into the room, hand already in her pocket to get her phone out and text someone to join her – when she realized someone was already here. Her friend Tina, in fact, was over by the other wall – making out with and slipping her hand under the shirt of a pretty blonde cheerleader. Fortunately, it looked like the cheerleader was thoroughly distracted by that; unfortunately, Tina must have heard the door open, because after a second she pulled back, spun her head around, scowled at Alice, and growled angrily, “Alice, leave. Now.”

Alice put her hands up – she knew better than to not listen to Tina, she was scary when she got mad – and quickly backed up into the hall and took off in another direction… until she crashed into somebody a few seconds later. Figures.

Strong Luck +1, Accident-Prone +2, Peeping Tom +2 = +5 total.

That's when you feel yourself crash into something squishy.

"What the hell! Alice you pervert!" You hear the voice of Miranda shout out.

Samantha did her best to use her presence as a shield for Ophelia, drawing the teacher into a conversation on the way out of the building in the hopes that students would do their best to avoid jostling the alluring amnesiac in front of a teacher and a popular girl. Maybe she could even get somebody else to help out...

Strong Skill +1, Connections +2, School Queen +2; total +5.

Just As Planned.

Your plans do work as the stressed amesnic girl stumbles to the outside holding her head.

I picked the worst day to have a headache huh? Ophelia snarks to you.

2016-07-30, 02:03 AM
"Idiots..." Athena mumbles as the boy helps her up. "Reckless idiots not paying attention to anything...


2016-07-30, 02:16 AM
"Idiots..." Athena mumbles as the boy helps her up. "Reckless idiots not paying attention to anything...


"Are you okay? What's your name." The boy replies starting to look you over for signs of injury.

2016-07-30, 09:29 AM
"Athena. Near as I can tell, I am uninjured."

2016-07-30, 12:22 PM
That's when you feel yourself crash into something squishy.

"What the hell! Alice you pervert!" You hear the voice of Miranda shout out.
Alice blinked in surprise - not that it changed much, since right now she couldn't see anything besides the fabric of Miranda's blouse. Of all the people to run into. She thought for a second about just staying where she was - Miranda was really hot, very soft, and she probably wasn't ever going to get another chance to touch her. But she was also a couple of years older than Alice, bigger than her, and a lot more athletic than her, so yeah, probably a bad idea.

"You say that like it was a bad thing," she said, her voice muffled by the cheerleader captain's bosom, before reluctantly removing herself from it. "Or like you aren't at least a little pervy too. But yep, that's me. What's up?" she said casually.

2016-07-30, 02:13 PM
"Athena. Near as I can tell, I am uninjured."

"Same." The boy replies. "Michael." He adds extending a hand for you to shake. "Shall I aid you outside so you don't get thrown into the wall again?" He offers.

Alice blinked in surprise - not that it changed much, since right now she couldn't see anything besides the fabric of Miranda's blouse. Of all the people to run into. She thought for a second about just staying where she was - Miranda was really hot, very soft, and she probably wasn't ever going to get another chance to touch her. But she was also a couple of years older than Alice, bigger than her, and a lot more athletic than her, so yeah, probably a bad idea.

"You say that like it was a bad thing," she said, her voice muffled by the cheerleader captain's bosom, before reluctantly removing herself from it. "Or like you aren't at least a little pervy too. But yep, that's me. What's up?" she said casually.

"That better have been a accident Alice!" Miranda replies crossing her arms over her bust.

2016-07-30, 02:17 PM
"If you think it necessary," Athena replies, ignoring the outstretched hand and heading in the indicated direction.

7th son of sons
2016-07-30, 03:13 PM
Unfortunately you don't get any words piped out before Mrs.Weil shouts out

"Yulianna, outside!"

It's not Yulianna and Ophelia. Strange. It's Yulianna and some other blonde girl....

Yulianna's scowl was twice-fold, once at the interrupting school teacher, and once at the arrival of... him. Zamechatel'no, it is you, she replied dryly to his appearance, taking the blondes hand, forgetting (or perhaps not noticing) that she is not Ophelia. Come along, dearest, I know of the easiest means by which to avoid this tiresome exercise.

2016-07-30, 03:19 PM
"If you think it necessary," Athena replies, ignoring the outstretched hand and heading in the indicated direction.

"So Athena. Are you the ones the teachers constantly praise?" Michael asks rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Yulianna's scowl was twice-fold, once at the interrupting school teacher, and once at the arrival of... him. Zamechatel'no, it is you, she replied dryly to his appearance, taking the blondes hand, forgetting (or perhaps not noticing) that she is not Ophelia. Come along, dearest, I know of the easiest means by which to avoid this tiresome exercise.

"Of course.... Doesn't everyone? It's listed on all the signs... Well some of the signs. The important ones anyway." The girl replies cocking her head.

7th son of sons
2016-07-30, 03:43 PM
"Of course.... Doesn't everyone? It's listed on all the signs... Well some of the signs. The important ones anyway." The girl replies cocking her head.

Yulianna jerked her hand back as most girls were to find themselves touching a spider. Klyanus' Bogom! she exclaimed. Who are you, bewitcher? She questioned harshly.

2016-07-30, 03:47 PM
Yulianna jerked her hand back as most girls were to find themselves touching a spider. Klyanus' Bogom! she exclaimed. Who are you, bewitcher? She questioned harshly.

"Lindsey. Yourself?" She asked eyes wide.

7th son of sons
2016-07-30, 03:49 PM
"Lindsey. Yourself?" She asked eyes wide.

Yulianna was more taken aback by the girls.... just her existence, really. ... Yulianna...

2016-07-30, 04:01 PM
Yulianna was more taken aback by the girls.... just her existence, really. ... Yulianna...

"How long have you been holding my hand Yulianna? Are we an item now?" She asks dreamily.

2016-07-30, 04:01 PM
"That better have been a accident Alice!" Miranda replies crossing her arms over her bust.
...damn, Miranda looked hot in that pose. Granted, she looked hot all the time, but still, that was a good pose. Oh, right, she'd said something. "Well, yeah, duh. I was running away from the room back there, and you were just way closer than I thought anyone would be, with the fire drill and all," she replied. "I mean, don't get me wrong, if any of my friends had tits like yours and were okay with it, I'd run into them all the time, but we haven't even really talked before, so I wouldn't do it on purpose with you no matter how amazingly hot you are," she said matter-of-factly, as if it should've been obvious.

2016-07-30, 04:04 PM
"Most likely - I've yet to recieve a grade below 95 on any assignment that actually mattered, and am consistently the person called on when nobody else is able to solve a problem. Most teachers like to have a student like that.

Why do you ask?"

7th son of sons
2016-07-30, 04:08 PM
"How long have you been holding my hand Yulianna? Are we an item now?" She asks dreamily.

No, no, we are not an Item. I don't even know who you are. I'm not even sure if I would want to. She replied as though it were a perfectly normal thing to openly insult someone.

2016-07-30, 04:19 PM
...damn, Miranda looked hot in that pose. Granted, she looked hot all the time, but still, that was a good pose. Oh, right, she'd said something. "Well, yeah, duh. I was running away from the room back there, and you were just way closer than I thought anyone would be, with the fire drill and all," she replied. "I mean, don't get me wrong, if any of my friends had tits like yours and were okay with it, I'd run into them all the time, but we haven't even really talked before, so I wouldn't do it on purpose with you no matter how amazingly hot you are," she said matter-of-factly, as if it should've been obvious.

"Perv. We should get outside before we get in trouble." Miranda replied beckoning you to follow.

"Most likely - I've yet to recieve a grade below 95 on any assignment that actually mattered, and am consistently the person called on when nobody else is able to solve a problem. Most teachers like to have a student like that.

Why do you ask?"

"That actually mattered? What assignments don't matter?" Michael asked.

No, no, we are not an Item. I don't even know who you are. I'm not even sure if I would want to. She replied as though it were a perfectly normal thing to openly insult someone.

Surprisingly Lindsey doesn't seem to take offence.

"Then why are you still holding my hand?" She asks raising them to your eye level confused.

7th son of sons
2016-07-30, 04:27 PM
Surprisingly Lindsey doesn't seem to take offence.

"Then why are you still holding my hand?" She asks raising them to your eye level confused.

Yulianna pulled her hand from Lindsey's. I merely forgot I was at all holding it.

2016-07-30, 04:46 PM
Yulianna pulled her hand from Lindsey's. I merely forgot I was at all holding it.

"You should be careful. Otherwise people will think we're together, and you're true love won't ask you out." Lindsey replied.

7th son of sons
2016-07-30, 04:48 PM
"You should be careful. Otherwise people will think we're together, and you're true love won't ask you out." Lindsey replied.

Are you threatening me, little girl... Or merely warning me... she questioned, looking her over. What are you?

2016-07-30, 05:01 PM
Your plans do work as the stressed amesnic girl stumbles to the outside holding her head.

I picked the worst day to have a headache huh? Ophelia snarks to you.

Samantha gave her a sympathetic smile. "It can get rather grating, I'll admit. Hopefully it's an actual drill, rather than some punk pulling the alarm to get out of a test. If you'd prefer, we could try and swing by the nurse to get some headache medicine," she offered.

2016-07-30, 05:01 PM
Are you threatening me, little girl... Or merely warning me... she questioned, looking her over. What are you?

"Warning.... I don't believe dating me would be awful enough to qualify as a threat." Lindsey replied cocking her head.

2016-07-30, 05:05 PM
"Perv. We should get outside before we get in trouble." Miranda replied beckoning you to follow.
Alice rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, it's not like you've never done anything naughty at school before. ...actually, why aren't you outside already? I mean I was going to stick around with a friend for make-outs and groping, until I found out Tina already took the room I use for that, otherwise I'd already be outside with everyone else."

2016-07-30, 05:17 PM
Samantha gave her a sympathetic smile. "It can get rather grating, I'll admit. Hopefully it's an actual drill, rather than some punk pulling the alarm to get out of a test. If you'd prefer, we could try and swing by the nurse to get some headache medicine," she offered.

Don't they need permission from my parents to give me medicine? Ophelia replies leaning on you.

Alice rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, it's not like you've never done anything naughty at school before. ...actually, why aren't you outside already? I mean I was going to stick around with a friend for make-outs and groping, until I found out Tina already took the room I use for that, otherwise I'd already be outside with everyone else."

"For reasons!" Miranda replies starting to blush slightly.

2016-07-30, 05:23 PM
Don't they need permission from my parents to give me medicine? Ophelia replies leaning on you.

Samantha nodded. Indeed, although a quick call wouldn't go amiss, if the problem warrants it. I imagine a large part of it is to make sure there's not anything you might have a bad biochemical reaction to...or any other kind of bad reaction, I suppose."

7th son of sons
2016-07-30, 05:30 PM
"Warning.... I don't believe dating me would be awful enough to qualify as a threat." Lindsey replied cocking her head.

I suppose it doesn't, no, Yulianna reasoned. Though that doesn't answer my second question

2016-07-30, 05:35 PM
"For reasons!" Miranda replies starting to blush slightly.
Alice got a sly grin on her face. "Right, 'reasons.' Like... a rendevous with your boyfriend? Or - ooo, let me guess, did you follow that cheerleader Tina's with? She seemed too young to be varsity with you, but still, she's pretty, totally wouldn't blame you if you wanted to peep on her," she said.

2016-07-30, 05:52 PM
Samantha nodded. Indeed, although a quick call wouldn't go amiss, if the problem warrants it. I imagine a large part of it is to make sure there's not anything you might have a bad biochemical reaction to...or any other kind of bad reaction, I suppose."

Oh yeah, it's completely justified. I just never filled out any of those forms. Ophelia comments.

I suppose it doesn't, no, Yulianna reasoned. Though that doesn't answer my second question

"Your girlfriend. Bye bae." Lindsey replied pecking her full on the lips before retreating into the crowd. A few guys now checking you out.

Alice got a sly grin on her face. "Right, 'reasons.' Like... a rendevous with your boyfriend? Or - ooo, let me guess, did you follow that cheerleader Tina's with? She seemed too young to be varsity with you, but still, she's pretty, totally wouldn't blame you if you wanted to peep on her," she said.

[Give me a luck DC 7 check. Partial success at 5]

2016-07-30, 06:19 PM
"That actually mattered? What assignments don't matter?"

Athena rolls her eyes as though the answer was obvious. "Art, English, those courses that simply fill in the gaps between mathematics, science, and history. Even then, they aren't hard, just not worth the effort to aim for an A+."

2016-07-30, 06:29 PM
Alice got a sly grin on her face. "Right, 'reasons.' Like... a rendevous with your boyfriend? Or - ooo, let me guess, did you follow that cheerleader Tina's with? She seemed too young to be varsity with you, but still, she's pretty, totally wouldn't blame you if you wanted to peep on her," she said.

"I might have been with my boyfriend." Miranda sighs seemingly annoyed that she had to say even that.

Athena rolls her eyes as though the answer was obvious. "Art, English, those courses that simply fill in the gaps between mathematics, science, and history. Even then, they aren't hard, just not worth the effort to aim for an A+."

"Aren't alot of scientific journals hard to read though?" Michael replied. "Like I understand how do you don't think you need alliteration and all of that stuff. But the entire class?"

2016-07-30, 06:36 PM
Oh yeah, it's completely justified. I just never filled out any of those forms. Ophelia comments.

"Something to deal with later, then. Personal health is important, after all."

7th son of sons
2016-07-30, 06:39 PM
"Your girlfriend. Bye bae." Lindsey replied pecking her full on the lips before retreating into the crowd. A few guys now checking you out.

Yulianna's eyes widened in shock at the display, before glaring hatefully at the boys in question. Vy besporodnykh YAzychniki byli luchshe vsego zabyt' vse, chto vy witnessesed ili vy budete bit' , kak nasekomyye , kotoryye ya vizhu vas kak! She shouted at them angrily

2016-07-30, 06:43 PM
Yulianna's eyes widened in shock at the display, before glaring hatefully at the boys in question. Vy besporodnykh YAzychniki byli luchshe vsego zabyt' vse, chto vy witnessesed ili vy budete bit' , kak nasekomyye , kotoryye ya vizhu vas kak! She shouted at them angrily

"What she's such a good kisser she's got you speaking in tongues!" One of the boys jeered.

2016-07-30, 06:44 PM
"Something to deal with later, then. Personal health is important, after all."

I don't suppose you've got any you can give me? Ophelia replies.

2016-07-30, 06:48 PM
"I might have been with my boyfriend." Miranda sighs seemingly annoyed that she had to say even that.
Alice's smirk remains at that, sure that Miranda wasn't tell the whole truth. "'Might have been?' You must not have been doing much if you're done already," she observed. "And something tells me you wouldn't be breaking the rules and sticking around during a Fire Drill just to share a quick peck on the lips..."

2016-07-30, 06:49 PM
I don't suppose you've got any you can give me? Ophelia replies.

"Hmm...maybe? I keep a bottle of aspirin in my purse sometimes; maybe today's a lucky day?" she asked as she began rummaging.

2016-07-30, 06:53 PM
"Aren't alot of scientific journals hard to read though?" Michael replied. "Like I understand how do you don't think you need alliteration and all of that stuff. But the entire class?"

Oh dear, and here she thought he would be intelligent. Athena sighs deeply. "There's nothing symbolic about the transformation of an electron to an electron neutrino, nor is there hidden meaning behind the color of gluon bonds, nor do gravity waves conceal a message about our own society – all of these things simply are, and it is human pareidolia that causes us to insist that there must always be hidden meanings and codes where there are none. While this may have been a useful trait before organized society, by and large its distracting tendencies hold us back. No good scientist hides deeper meanings in a publication, because clear communication is key to being understood. The vocabulary is fairly specialized and likely incomprehensible to those outside of the intended audience, but that's a matter of specialty, not linguistic ability, and I've long since reached the standard of English necessary to communicate my thoughts to others. Beyond that is superfluous and wasteful. After elementary school, English becomes less about mastering the language and more about analysis of the writings of dead people that other dead people said were good."

2016-07-30, 07:12 PM
Alice's smirk remains at that, sure that Miranda wasn't tell the whole truth. "'Might have been?' You must not have been doing much if you're done already," she observed. "And something tells me you wouldn't be breaking the rules and sticking around during a Fire Drill just to share a quick peck on the lips..."

"That's none of your business!" Miranda replied angrily.

"Hmm...maybe? I keep a bottle of aspirin in my purse sometimes; maybe today's a lucky day?" she asked as she began rummaging.

[Roll Luck check. DC 4]

Oh dear, and here she thought he would be intelligent. Athena sighs deeply. "There's nothing symbolic about the transformation of an electron to an electron neutrino, nor is there hidden meaning behind the color of gluon bonds, nor do gravity waves conceal a message about our own society – all of these things simply are, and it is human pareidolia that causes us to insist that there must always be hidden meanings and codes where there are none. While this may have been a useful trait before organized society, by and large its distracting tendencies hold us back. No good scientist hides deeper meanings in a publication, because clear communication is key to being understood. The vocabulary is fairly specialized and likely incomprehensible to those outside of the intended audience, but that's a matter of specialty, not linguistic ability, and I've long since reached the standard of English necessary to communicate my thoughts to others. Beyond that is superfluous and wasteful. After elementary school, English becomes less about mastering the language and more about analysis of the writings of dead people that other dead people said were good."

"That's... You think more people would celebrate science if it were easier to understand." Michael replies confused.

7th son of sons
2016-07-30, 07:13 PM
"What she's such a good kisser she's got you speaking in tongues!" One of the boys jeered.

Yulianna through her hands in the air, a visual sign of giving up, before stomping off past Tachi. I know this is your fault, hellborne...

2016-07-30, 07:21 PM
Athena grits her teeth, looking up as though asking for strength. "They would appreciate it if they were more intelligent. Nobody bothers to think of the technology that makes their very lives possible. This fire alarm, for example: do you know how it would detect if there were a fire?"

2016-07-30, 07:26 PM
Samantha made a displeased noise. "I'm sorry, it doesn't look like I have any, I suppose."

2016-07-30, 07:33 PM
Athena grits her teeth, looking up as though asking for strength. "They would appreciate it if they were more intelligent. Nobody bothers to think of the technology that makes their very lives possible. This fire alarm, for example: do you know how it would detect if there were a fire?"

"It senses smoke?" Michael asks now seeming very unsure.

Samantha made a displeased noise. "I'm sorry, it doesn't look like I have any, I suppose."

It's okay. I'll just suffer in silence. Ophelia comments with an amused grin.

2016-07-30, 07:37 PM
"That's none of your business!" Miranda replied angrily.
"Oh, come on, you've obviously heard what I'm like. If you've still got something you want to do, I'm not going to stop you, or tell anyone you don't want told. I mean, why would I want you to not have fun?" Alice asked with a smile.

2016-07-30, 07:46 PM
"Oh, come on, you've obviously heard what I'm like. If you've still got something you want to do, I'm not going to stop you, or tell anyone you don't want told. I mean, why would I want you to not have fun?" Alice asked with a smile.

"I wouldn't believe that last part, loose lips." Miranda replies with a scowl.

2016-07-30, 07:51 PM
It's okay. I'll just suffer in silence. Ophelia comments with an amused grin.

Samantha shot her back a grin of her own. "I'll just have to make it up to you later, somehow. I really should be better prepared."

2016-07-30, 07:57 PM
"I wouldn't believe that last part, loose lips." Miranda replies with a scowl.
"Hey, I've only got 'loose lips' when it comes to people wanting to kiss me," Alice protested, actually a little hurt by that one. "I can keep secrets - especially fun ones."

2016-07-30, 08:02 PM
Samantha shot her back a grin of her own. "I'll just have to make it up to you later, somehow. I really should be better prepared."

It's fine. So should I, frankly. Ophelia replied.

"Hey, I've only got 'loose lips' when it comes to people wanting to kiss me," Alice protested, actually a little hurt by that one. "I can keep secrets - especially fun ones."

[Give me an allure check DC 5]