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2016-09-07, 11:39 AM
Kendra to Vas; Yes, thank you, I am feeling much better. The Whispering Way? I've heard the name, but only just... I don't know more about them. She pauses; looking puzzled. This is all overwhelming. I mean, father's research seemed to be so academic. I had no idea he was looking into this group...of undead worshipers. As for Harrowstone, where father's body was found. It's a ruined prison. There was a fire there some time ago, way before I was born. Everyone died but a few guards, even the warden and his wife were trapped inside. That's the story as I've heard it. I'm sure there's more detail in the records at town hall. I can get you in there if you'd like?

Kendra to Toby; Hi Toby, I'm much better, thank you.

Kendra to Vas; Dr. Krupa? Father mentioned him on several occasions. There's always been a tension, especially in the academic community between Ustalavians and Chelaxians. Father didn't trust anyone from Cheliax, especially one practicing modern medicine. I am not aware of any gift father received from Dr. Krupa. I wasn't surprised to see him attend the funeral. Father had not mentioned his name in quite some time so I assumed they came to terms.

Now, you mentioned the Restlands? If Father was going there to look for something specific, that means he'd already completed all of the research he needed. He was very thorough. That should be our next move. What was he looking for? Kendra seems quite anxious. One of you should fetch Lukas and arrange for a coach. We should arrive before dawn.

2016-09-07, 11:10 PM
A gravewatch pendant typically provides some defensive bonuses to the wearer versus undead.
Harrowstone is a ruined prison—partially destroyed by a fire in 4661, the building has stood vacant ever since. The fire that killed all of the prisoners and most of the guards destroyed a large portion of the prison’s underground eastern wing, but left most of the stone structure above relatively intact. The prison’s warden perished in the fire, along with his wife, although no one knows why she was in the prison when the fire occurred. A statue commemorating the warden and the guards who lost their lives was built in the months after the tragedy—that statue still stands on the riverbank just outside of town.
No other knowledge was gained in your research.
Ariselde was also looking through the professor's tomes.

Merely a recipe for your tincture was found among the professor's notes. Nothing more.

2016-09-08, 01:20 AM
Ariselde follows Tess upstairs and dumps her pack in the same room and sighs deeply.

"Thank you, Tess," she says, before lowering her voice. "I... I might need to... to wear my beast shape tonight. It's been... itching to get out. If you're not comfortable sharing the room with me like that, I'll... I'll go for a midnight run. Or something."

Tessara's eyes are concerned above her black veil as she envelops her friend in a steel-clad embrace. "Oh, Ari, your beast form doesn't frighten me. I have every faith in your alchemical skills. Go right ahead and shift shape here. It wouldn't do for one of the locals to spot you." This far out in the Ustalav countryside, a farmer or wise woman might well know how to tell the difference between an ordinary wolf and a werewolf. The prospect of sleeping in the same room as wolf-Ari is mildly disturbing, but losing her friend would be far worse.

After removing her armor and taking a quick bath, the oracle heads for the library to research undead, particularly those native to this area. Will they encounter vampires? Ghosts? Zombies? Desna help them, a lich? Do the followers of Urgathoa work with the Whispering Way, or are they completely separate entities?

Later on

Tessara is still a bit tired- rest would have been nice- but a chance to get clean and get out of her armor were much appreciated. She continues leafing through a book as Kendra speaks to the others, looking up as Kendra's voice rises in agitation. "Wait, we're going to the Restlands now?" Pause. "I suppose it makes sense to go gather evidence as soon as possible. Bother, now I have to go put on dirty armor. What I wouldn't give to be able to cast prestidigitation..."

Knowledge (religion) check on local undead, the followers of Urgathoa and the Whispering Way: [roll0]

2016-09-08, 06:32 AM
The Whispering Way is a sinister organization of necromancers that has been active in the Inner Sea region for thousands of years. Agents of the Whispering Way often seek alliances with undead creatures, or are themselves undead. The Whispering Way’s most notorious member was Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant, although the society itself has existed much longer than even that mighty necromancer.

Kendra to Tess; Am I being rash? Perhaps we should wait? I don't know. It's become clear to me that father's death was no accident. It frustrates me to sit idle while his students toil on mine and his behalf. I need to... I just need to know.

Sleepy Shade
2016-09-08, 03:01 PM
Toby yawns feeling pretty tired after his little history binge. He gets up and walks past the others mostly all involved with there own inquiries and problems. He goes into the bathroom once more brushes his teeth and goes to bed exhausted from the days events. He decides to tell them all what he discovered tomorrow over breakfast for now sleep.

2016-09-08, 05:20 PM
Vas listens intently as Kendra speaks, and nods at her when she mentions calling for Lukas. "Lukas mentioned that you know where he lives. Can you give me directions? I'll go and fetch him."

2016-09-08, 10:14 PM
Kendra to Vas; Sure. Go north toward town. It's the second home on the right. The brown house with the large stable out back.

2016-09-09, 03:31 AM
Vas nods to Kendra, and leaves the house to fetch Lukas.

Space Lawyer
2016-09-09, 08:17 AM
Lani comes into the library, yawning but looking considerably freshened-up. It seems a short nap had done her good. She goes over to Tess and Kendra. "Well now, what are we doing here? A fun night in the library?" She leans over and takes a look at the books. "Undead?" She gives a bit of a shudder. "Horrible creatures. No mind, no creativity. The absolute antithesis of everything I hold dear."

Not 100% on everyone's location, so I've made my best guess.

2016-09-09, 12:00 PM
Vas reaches Lukas' home to find it locked and his horse gone from the stable.

2016-09-09, 07:49 PM
Not seeing any sign of Lukas, Vas decides to wait for the man, but looks around the house to see if he can find a window to peek inside while waiting.

2016-09-09, 07:59 PM
Not seeing any sign of Lukas, Vas decides to wait for the man, but looks around the house to see if he can find a window to peek inside while waiting.Odd, window open. Even, window closed. [roll0]

2016-09-09, 08:03 PM
Kendra to Lani and Tess; What should we do? How can I help?

2016-09-09, 10:39 PM
"Hmm, what was I going to ask... oh, I know!" Tessara gets up and fetches the books locked together. "Do you happen to have a key that fits this?" She shows the lock to Kendra. "This was in the trunk your father left for us, but there was no key."

2016-09-10, 01:14 PM
Kendra looks at the lock; I'm sorry, Tess, I have no idea where that key would be.

2016-09-11, 01:41 AM
Seeing the open window, Vas contemplates what to do. After a few moments, he takes a deep breath, and decides that his paranoia is running out of control. He'll wait up to an hour to see if Lukas comes back. If not, then he'll go in, just to find a piece of paper to leave a note, of course.

Space Lawyer
2016-09-11, 10:36 AM
"Well, Kendra, if you know anyone at Pharasma's temple and could introduce us, I think that would be of great help. They seem to be involved in all of this, at least tangentially, and will probably be able to shed a great deal of light."

2016-09-11, 11:40 AM
"Well, Kendra, if you know anyone at Pharasma's temple and could introduce us, I think that would be of great help. They seem to be involved in all of this, at least tangentially, and will probably be able to shed a great deal of light."Sure, I can do that.

2016-09-11, 11:41 AM
An hour or more passes and Lukas has yet to return to home.

2016-09-11, 05:49 PM
Vas begins tapping his thigh nervously. This was getting inconvenient. Well, he'd have to leave a note, surely, so a quick jump in and out should do. Walking back to the window, Vas yells into the house "Lukas?" He begins climbing in before even waiting for an answer.

He'll investigate the house just to see if anyone's home, so he'll check every room, and make sure to leave everything as is (e.g. leave the doors the way they were before he opens them to check if anyone is home). Basically he's making sure that Lukas hadn't been killed while at home. If nothing seems amiss, he'll go back to Kendra's house.

2016-09-12, 01:09 AM
Tessara nods to Lani, smiling behind her veil. "Good idea, Lani. If nothing else we can probably buy holy water from them."

2016-09-12, 10:20 AM
Once inside Lukas' residence, you spot a well-worn messenger bag. It looks familiar to you. Branded on the front flap is the name Lorrimor. Then it occurs to you as a vision passes through your mind's eye. You can visualize the professor carrying this same bag to every class, every lecture, every lab. The bag isn't empty either. There are numerous loose papers, correspondence, and notebooks within.

Space Lawyer
2016-09-12, 10:26 AM
"No time like the present, I suppose. Lets head out there now." Supposing a general agreement with this, Lani more properly equips herself for potential violence. The locals seemed rather riled, and it wouldn't be smart to be walking around without taking that into account. She then waits by the front for the others.

2016-09-12, 11:23 AM
Ariselde leaves the library and joins the others once the sound of conversation and its.content becomes unmistakable. She stays quiet for the most part, but nods along in agreement with Lani's statement.

"Indeed. We need to arm ourselves before facing the professor's murderers. Primarily with knowledge, but the holy water probably won't go amiss either."

2016-09-12, 07:24 PM
Vas mutters a string of expletives under his breath as his paranoia seems well-founded. He takes the bag and quickly checks each room to make sure it's empty.

2016-09-12, 09:35 PM
Vas mutters a string of expletives under his breath as his paranoia seems well-founded. He takes the bag and quickly checks each room to make sure it's empty.The home is otherwise empty.

2016-09-13, 02:03 AM
Satisfied with the empty home, Vas makes a quick exit through the open window and back to the Lorrimor estate. Time to ask Kendra some more info about Lukas, and figure out just what the man has been doing with the professor's work bag. If Lukas had anything to do with the professor's death, Vas would personally choke him until his life escaped.

2016-09-13, 09:51 PM
Vas returns to the Lorrimor residence late afternoon where Lani, Ariselde, and Tessara discuss going to the Temple of Pharasma with Kendra. Toby slumbers upstairs. Kendra replies; Well then, should we go? Vas, is Lukas bringing the coach around?

2016-09-13, 11:29 PM
Vas's anger softened as he looked at Kendra's face, regretting the words he'll utter even as he needs to say them. "Unfortunately Lukas wasn't at home. I waited for an hour for him, and when he didn't show up, I thought to look for a piece of paper to leave a note for him. His window was open, so naturally I climbed in. That's when I found this," He holds up the late professor's bag. "I'm not sure what we'll find inside, but it's not looking good for Lukas. Let's see what we see..."

Vas opens the bag and carefully begins pulling out the contents.

2016-09-13, 11:33 PM
"He had the Professor's bag?" Tessara narrows her eyes. "Oh, that's not suspicious at all."

2016-09-13, 11:36 PM
Toby awakes from a horrific dream;
The rain falls upon your hat like the pitter-patter of light steps climbing a spiral staircase. It's rhythmic pattern nearly tranquilizes your soul into a morbid slumber. You shake your head bringing your hand upward to wipe the water from your face. You must stay alert. The Cutter is nearby. Somehow you freed yourself from his fetter. You're not certain how. It's darker now than before with shadows cast where no light should create them. The bridge draws closer with each step. Why are you looking for the Cutter you ask. You mind is twisted, like white wisteria upon a pergola. A memory shared with a former lover beneath a gentle rain. The pitter-patter brings you back to the present; now a stampede, a pouring or rain. You can see his shape, the form of the black knight. He beckons you. No its someone else. A gorgeous maiden pulling at her dress. It sticks to her body in the rain, constricting her movement. Light shines upon her face as she tries hopelessly to tear the dress away from her body. You move faster, one foot, then the next, your boots sinking deep into the mud. You must help this young woman. She moves backward, into the darkness, the shadow of the bridge. You move faster now, reaching out to save her. Instead, you're back under the pergola with your lover. She touches your face and her nose begins to bleed. You watch the blood run across her crimson lips, down her chin and drip upon her generous cleavage. You are paralysed. You reach the bridge in time to save the young woman. You can free her from the demonic arms that drag her into the ground as she struggles. The black knight has you by the throat in the midst of a never-ending corn field. The moon is red as he beguiles your soul away like a puff of smoke taking flight from a chimney on a fall afternoon.
You awake. You're at the Lorrimor residence. You're heart races, nearly audible to your own ears. You are alone.

2016-09-14, 01:41 PM
Opening the messenger bag belonging to the professor you first find a journal detail on the comings and goings of Professor Stone Krupa, a half-elf of Chelaxian origin, the doctor spends as much time in Ravengro as he does the University, the journal details. There's not much in the way of substance mainly dates and timing during the day. One name that reoccurs within the entries as a person Dr. Krupa met with; Gibs Hephenus, the man responsible for rousing an angry mob to try to prevent the burial of Professor Lorrimor. Further papers within the bag delve into the topics of lycanthropy and its various mutations.

2016-09-14, 02:18 PM
Ariselde all but snarls as Vas shares his news, before noticing the texts that spill out of the bag.

"Give me those," she says, picking them up and immediately rifling through them in search of clues. "My field of speciality. I should understand it more clearly."

Sleepy Shade
2016-09-14, 02:31 PM
Toby gets out of bed and stretches for a moment. He thinks about the dream as best he can even as it slowly fades from memory.The dream felt like memories but not truly his own but as if they were being shared. Either way he needed clear his head. Toby gets out of bed and leaves the room heading down stairs in a pair of pants and a shirt. He gets a glass of water to clam his nerves and starts heading back up stairs when he see's the others looking at the bag. Toby innate curiosity gets the better of him.
"What's that you got did you find more stuff from the professor?"

late afternoon?
I thought it was around 10pm or something. What time is it currently?

2016-09-14, 09:01 PM
"Well well well, looks like our friend Lukas was detailing the comings and goings of our other friend Dr. Krupas. Being in the professor's bag seems to indicate that it was done for the professor. Looks like Krupas had a friendly chat with the rabble rouser Gibs. Shall we go find Krupas, or were you about to head out somewhere alerady?" Vas pauses as he asks the group, before continuing to look into the contents of the bag.

Anything else of note from the bag?

2016-09-14, 10:04 PM
Anything else of note from the bag?Nothing else of note in the bag.

2016-09-15, 12:59 AM
"Oh dear. I hope Lukas is all right!" Tessara reaches up to toy with the painted wooden symbol of Desna hanging around her neck. "Yes, it might be a good idea to see what Krupa is up to. I don't suppose any of you have experience in tracking? It would be handy if we could tell who has recently come and gone from Lukas' house."

2016-09-15, 05:28 PM
"Wouldn't hurt to pay him a visit now. Might be that he's taken Lukas captive."

Space Lawyer
2016-09-16, 07:32 AM
"Lets get going then. Seems we have a full day of errands."

2016-09-16, 12:28 PM
Kendra is certainly distraught at the notion that Dr. Krupa met with Gibs and was involved in any way with the mob that attempted to halt the funeral or further, that he could have been involved in her father's murder. These thoughts and emotions soon turn to anger and adding to them the fact that Lukas might be in trouble fuels her anger; Dr. Krupa is likely back at the University. He does let a room in town when he is here and Lukas often visits the tavern. I hope he's okay. The sun is low, perhaps an hour from the horizon as you prepare to leave the residence.

2016-09-16, 08:36 PM
"Let's go to visit his room first since that's closer by. If he's not there, then we can try to head to the university, though the sun is getting low."

Sleepy Shade
2016-09-16, 09:01 PM
Toby sighs exasperated he had been hoping to write to his father and explain the situation. But this took precedence.
"Sounds like Lukas might have more than skeletons in his closet these days." He smirks a bit "But I do agree we need to find Lukas. However the way he said he had to leave I'm thinking he either left straight for that crypt or to talk someone much more powerful than him. And I'm not sure which has me more worried. I'll go put on my traveling clothes and we can go."
A few minuets later Toby walks downs stairs in some leather armor and some traveling clothes. He still wears the hood you all saw him wearing at the funeral his face cast in shadow.
"By the way while were riding I'll tell you all what I found out about that Prison Harrowstone. Place had a pretty grim history attached to it but I think the person they were looking for was a prisoner of that place."

2016-09-16, 09:28 PM
Kendra changes out of the gown in which she slept into cognac-colored leather pants, a tunic-style tan blouse, a thick brown leather belt with a silver buckle and a short sword slung low in a white leather sheath with ornate silver decoration. Her brunette hair is pulled back in a pony tail. She grabs a heavy cotton, green cloak of Elvish make as she stands at the door ready to depart.

2016-09-16, 10:57 PM
"Ari, would you help me put my armor back on? I can do it myself, but it goes faster with two." Tessara heads back upstairs to armor up. She returns a few minutes later kitted out for battle, backpack and all. (After all, she might need her medical supplies.)

2016-09-17, 01:50 AM
Still enveloped in his eidolon, Vas waits for everyone to get prepared. Once everyone's ready, Vas begins to go. "Kendra, which way do we go to get to Krupa's place in town?"

2016-09-17, 01:57 AM
Ariselde grits her teeth to stop from snarling again as the contents of the books elude her. When Tess asks for her help, she nods.

When she comes back down with the oracle, Ariselde is dressed in worn armour, a crossbow slung on her back and several additional vials held in her bandoleer.

2016-09-19, 05:33 PM
Leaving the Lorrimor residence, Kendra carefully locks the front door behind everyone, then hands Lani a spare key; Keep this in case you need it. Making your way north toward the town, you get just beyond the home of Lukas when you see the man himself slumped over his horse and heading south. The horse moves at a very slow walking pace, as under its own accord.

Sleepy Shade
2016-09-19, 09:08 PM
Toby grimaced as the horse slowly approached. "This looks bad where ever he went it didn't end well."Toby walks over to the animal and tries to grab the reins to hurry it along to the house and the others.
He had been expecting to have to go find Lukas. Lucas's return however made him worry.

Can I take ten to grab the reins of the horse and hurry it along?
If not I'll roll
Charisma Check:[roll0]

2016-09-19, 09:21 PM
Seeing Lukas's slumped form, Vas runs ahead to catch up and inspect the man.

2016-09-19, 09:32 PM
Toby reaches the reigns of the horse as Vas approaches the side of the horse. Blood drips from his side, down his leg, staining the saddle and his horse. Lukas has lost a lot of blood. He looks toward Vas, straining to speak...Krupa is gone...The Restlands, get to the Restlands.

2016-09-19, 11:52 PM
"MEDIC!" Val calls back towards the group. "Anyone have healing potions, or able to cast curing spells?"

Reaching up to grab Lukas, Vas tries to help ease the man off of the horse.

2016-09-20, 01:09 AM
"Sweet Desna!" Tessara runs toward the horse and touches Lukas' shoulder. "Soveshti." The bleeding stops, but he's still in bad shape. "Get him down from there so I can look at his wounds. I've stabilized him for the moment, but I need to know whether bandages will suffice now or whether he really needs one of my healing spells."

Ordinarily she would fire off a cure light wounds right away, but if they're going into a crypt full of undead right now, one of those spells might mean the difference between life and death. Instead Tessara swings her pack off her back and digs out her healing kit.

Heal check to diagnose just how badly off Lukas is and bandage him up if it'll do any good: [roll0] (+2 from healer's kit included)

Space Lawyer
2016-09-20, 11:22 AM
Lani tucks the key in a pocket. It would certainly be helpful to the group - they wouldn't have to rely on Kendra to come and go.

When Vas calls for healing magic, Lani looks a bit dejected. "I'm sorry, but I have nothing. I . . . didn't learn the right spell for that yet." It seemed that was a foolish mistake though. Whatever was going on here, it was certainly more dangerous than she had originally anticipated. She grips her sword hilt, and keeps a watch while Tess tends to Lukas.

2016-09-20, 04:08 PM
It takes both Vas and Toby to ease Lukas to the ground at the edge of his own property. Tessara is able to stablize Lukas. Kendra rushes over to cradle his head from the ground; He stinks of whiskey and piss.

2016-09-20, 11:38 PM
Vas lets out a sharp breath in disgust. "My paranoia got the better of me. Looks like he's just drunk. Though those ominous words he spoke seems strange..."

2016-09-21, 12:33 AM
"It's probably a good thing that he's drunk, he won't mind the stitches so much that way. Given time and proper care, he should make a full recovery." Tessara efficiently cleans Lukas' wounds, stitches the ones that need it, and bandages him up. Yes, he smells, but she has smelled much worse.

She packs her healing kit again and gets to her feet, turning toward Kendra. "I think Lukas will be safest in your house, given the fact that we know Krupa has been conspiring with some of the locals. One would hope that the priests of Pharasma would be above such things... but there's no way to know for sure. Would you be willing to stay and watch him?"

Sleepy Shade
2016-09-21, 08:01 AM
"Good grog what in the world happened to him. He looks like he was beaten into a inch of his life." Toby leads the horse away from the group and towards the house looking for a stable or something to put it in for now.
After that Toby comes back and asks "So are we taking him along or are we going to leave him here?"

2016-09-21, 09:37 AM
Kendra agrees that Lukas can recover at her home and that she will also stay with him, as Tessara suggested. The group may carry on toward the Restlands, knowing that both Kendra and Lukas are safe for now.

Space Lawyer
2016-09-21, 01:16 PM
"I'm beginning to take a distinct dislike for this town," Lani mutters as the group continues to the Restlands. "At some point, we need to talk to the local leaders about just what kind of place they are running."

2016-09-21, 05:32 PM
Vas wasn't happy with the idea of leaving Kendra unprotected at home, but there was no going around it. Lukas needed looking after, the drunk idiot, and she could extract some information from him. Still, the thought made him feel uncomfortable for her safety.

"Let's find Krupa and get this over with."

2016-09-21, 10:34 PM
Tessara swings her pack up and settles it onto her back. "Off we go, then."

2016-09-21, 11:51 PM
The Outward Inn is a two-story board and breakfast that's bright white even at dusk. A young man sits on the edge of a rocking chair near the front door playing a cittern with an upbeat tempo. He's dressed in the clothes of a traveler. His hat sits top down, gathering coppers from anyone who enjoys the tune. This is the location Kendra mentioned. When Krupa stays in Ravengro, he boards at the Outward.

2016-09-22, 03:59 AM
Finally arriving at the Outward Inn, Vas regroups with his companions. "Time to prepare for a possible confrontation."

Space Lawyer
2016-09-23, 11:20 AM
"I would suggest we continue on to the Restlands. There is little for us to gain here."

Sleepy Shade
2016-09-23, 07:21 PM
"From what Lucas told us Krupa moved on we should get going he's probably going to the Restlands. However I would have liked to come back here later maybe we can find out what happened before we ask Lucas."

2016-09-23, 09:24 PM
"Since we're already here, may as well spend a few moments to see if Krupa's in. If you're keen to move on, everyone can venture ahead, and I can catch up. How's that sound?"

2016-09-23, 09:32 PM
Darkness settles in like a heavy blanket and with it more rain and a cool wind from the west. Reaching the Restlands you can see a pair of gravediggers off to the south, your far right. This is not unusual behavior as so many funerals take place just before dusk and the diggers must stay late to complete their work. In general, being in the Restlands at night is frowned upon by local tradition, Lukas and Kendra mentioned as much. You'll want to remain unseen if possible. Relying on the notes in Professor Lorrimor's journal you identify the junction of the paths known as Eversleep and the Black Path. The crypt itself is a freestanding granite mausoleum, the roof of which is decorated with a pair of leering gargoyle statues.

2016-09-23, 09:54 PM
Tessara frowns behind her veil at the sight of the gravediggers. "I had hoped that the place would be empty. This might complicate things... I am not exactly stealthy." She jingles an armored arm for emphasis. And there's no way she's going to enter a crypt that is possibly infested with undead without her armor. The oracle doesn't see well enough to use ranged weapons effectively, she has to either use her spells (which she prefers to save for healing) or get up close.

Sleepy Shade
2016-09-23, 10:55 PM
Toby looked over at Terressa and just smiled.
"Don't worry this shouldn't take long biggest thing we have to worry about is anyone seeing us before we see them." and he though privately there shouldn't be any undead in a church's storehouse. At the worse some rats and Drain Spiders might be calling the place home. And if their is an sort of magical protection any undead shouldn't have invaded the place. He takes a few steps towards the door of the crypt and checks it for any sort of forced entry or traps that might be in place.

Perception on the door

2016-09-23, 11:43 PM
The mausoleum's south facade has a single stone door with a rusty-looking lock. Toby notices that the lock is broken, its clasp melted by acid and then put back into place so that to casual observation the lock appears intact.

Sleepy Shade
2016-09-24, 12:47 AM
Toby picks up the broken lock and shows it to the others. " I'm guessing he's already came and gone. And unless he had a partner he did this only after he was done here. We might as well look around for anything we can use" after showing it to them he tosses it to the side.

2016-09-24, 12:09 PM
"At this rate, Krupa will be lucky if I don't tear his throat out for meddling once we're done with him," Ariselde snarls as Toby makes his comment, before stopping suddenly. What was coming over her? No point lying to herself. She knows what's coming over her, and it makes her shudder and begin scrambling for her tincture.

Space Lawyer
2016-09-24, 04:54 PM
Lani says quietly, "Perhaps we should get the cooperation of the town before simply breaking into the mausoleum. The townspeople already seem on edge, and doing just what their ignorant minds would imagine necromancers to be doing is likely not the wisest course of action."

2016-09-25, 12:08 AM
Tessara shoots a concerned look at her friend, but this really isn't the time to ask if Ariselde is all right. Clearly she isn't, and there's nothing she can do about it right now. "Who knows what Krupa is up to down there, though? It might be time-sensitive. And what if the townsfolk say 'No, you can't go down there'? It's always easier to ask forgiveness than permission." She pauses, thinking. "Well, the priests of Pharasma might understand... but then they might not. We know that Krupa has been colluding with at least some of the locals."

2016-09-25, 03:28 AM
Vas steps into the inn as the others went ahead to the Restland. Hopefully he'll only be a few minutes behind at most. Walking in, he goes straight to see if a bartender or innkeeper is around to ask about Krupa's whereabouts.

2016-09-25, 08:09 PM
Vas is greeted just inside the door by the Inn's caretaker, Sarianna, who sits behind an ornate desk.
I'm sorry sir, we don't provide information about our guests.

2016-09-26, 04:00 PM
Vas responds before the caretaker could finish her sentence, his voice low and calm to keep the patrons from overhearing, but the urgency is easily read in his eyes. "It's a matter of life and death, not just his own, but it could affect your establishment here, perhaps the entire town, or even worse..." He let the sentence hang and waits her reaction.

Bluff: [roll0]

2016-09-26, 05:49 PM
Sarianna continues; Well ... in that case, Dr. Krupa is not here this evening. He left late this afternoon for the University.

2016-09-27, 01:37 AM
Sarianna continues; Well ... in that case, Dr. Krupa is not here this evening. He left late this afternoon for the University.

Looking visibly distressed at missing Krupa, Vas hesitates for a moment before speaking. "By any chance, did he happen to mention where in the University he was going, or what business he had there? Would you mind opening up the room? You and your guards can accompany me if you'd like. As I mentioned, this is a dire matter, and every small clue may help save numerous lives."

2016-09-27, 11:05 AM
Sarianna responds; my servant girl has cleaned the room already. It's no longer available for rent. Would you like another room?

2016-09-27, 02:19 PM
Vas lets out an exasperated breath, glaring at the caretaker for a moment, before turning his back to leave. Time to catch up to his companions. If the caretaker's words are to be trusted, Krupa won't be at the Restlands, but with everyone at the Restlands, he'll just have to wait. Hopefully Krupa doesn't make a move to take out Kendra in the mean time.

Sleepy Shade
2016-09-27, 06:03 PM
"Either way we need to investigate. The professor said in his notes their might be tools to combat the ghosts at Harrowstone and maybe the name of who the Whispering Way is searching for. Besides nothing ventured nothing gained" Toby walks over to the door and opens it slowly. He peers into the darkness.

I have darkvision.

2016-09-27, 08:10 PM
Opening the door of the mausoleum Toby observes a flight of stone steps leading down into the cold earth to a large crypt lined with empty niches. Through his skills of perception, Toby is able to see boot tracks in the dust and dirt of the stone floor. The tracks lead to a stone door on the right side of the rear wall. There is a door to the left as well.

2016-09-28, 12:00 AM
"Let's wait for the others, Toby... Toby?" Evidently the half-orc was feeling impatient. Tessara sighs and steps into the door. She may not see well at a distance anymore, but she can see in the dark as well as any dwarf. "Toby, I am not going in there without the rest of the group. Adventurer, remember? Splitting the party is just asking for trouble."

2016-09-28, 05:35 PM
Making haste towards the group, Vas was glad to catch up without incident. He sees Toby open a door to the crypt, stalling just at the threshold with Tessara. Vas glides over to Tessara, and peers into the darkness, letting his eyes adjust. "What do we have here?" He asks the group even as he begins to enter and move forward, speaking as he walked. "The innkeeper said Krupa was on his way to the University, but with Lukas warning us to head here, I figured this was the better bet."

Perception (Vas has both Darkvision and Low-Light vision): [roll0]
Too bad his Perception skill sucks though.

Sleepy Shade
2016-09-28, 10:28 PM
Toby comes back up and see's Vas " Oh Vas finally joining us? well I have good news their were some tracks in the dust and they enter the right door near the back of the wall. I'm pretty sure that's where Kruma I mean Krupa went."
He looks over at Tessara " Yeah I heard you Tess I wasn't going to go any father than the entrance" He puts his hands behind his head clearly annoyed and feeling like a child that had been told not to wander off from his parents.
"So who's going first?"

2016-09-28, 11:38 PM
Once Toby points out the tracks, Vas is able to see them. It further appears that no dead are interned in this chamber.

2016-09-29, 04:27 AM
"Anyone with trapfinding skills should probably lead. I can be right behind, I'm used to slinking around, what with my shadowy looks and all, I've had to avoid detection aplenty. If there's no trapfinder, I can take point."

2016-09-29, 03:02 PM
Ariselde mostly doesn't hear what the others around her say as she desperately paws the tincture from her bandoleer. She barely even notices Vas' arrival. The alchemist stares at the vial for a good few moments, blood pounding in her head. She uncorks the small vial, brings it to her lips... and hesitates. She closes her eyes, breathes deep, and sips. Her face twitches, the muscle tremors quickly passing through her whole body, which just as suddenly goes very still. The drumming heartbeat slowly subsides.

She exhales, and opens her eyes.

"Ahh," she says, her breathing steadier. "Oh, Vas. Welcome back. Are all ready now, then?"

2016-09-30, 12:07 AM
Oh good, it looks like Ariselde's tincture is working its magic. Tessara relaxes slightly. She's never seen her friend have this much trouble suppressing the wolf. Then again, she's never seen Ariselde under this level of stress either. "I'm no trapfinder, sorry."

Space Lawyer
2016-09-30, 11:12 AM
Lani comes up behind Ari and Vas. "Nor am I. My classes covered rhetoric and academic knowledge, not how to invade a tomb. The best I can offer is where any traps should be based on architectural theory." It was fast becoming apparent that Lani had not seen as much of the world, nor was as familiar with it, as she had come to believe herself.

Knowledge (Engineering):[roll0]

2016-09-30, 11:19 AM
After following the tracks to the door on the right, Vas discovers that its locking mechanism has been eaten away by some form of acid.

2016-10-01, 04:13 AM
Ensuring that everyone is ready, Vas looks over them all to make sure they look prepared. Then he opens the door.

2016-10-01, 10:12 PM
Tessara nods to Vas and draws her morningstar, moving up behind him.

2016-10-02, 02:42 PM
After opening the door, Vas can see a single large sarcophagus that sits in the deepest part of the crypt. Small, gargoyle-like statues sit upon 4-foot columns flanking each corner of the sarcophagus.

2016-10-02, 03:57 PM
Vas points to the sarcophagus. "Must be a stairway down. And possibly trapped. This might hurt a bit, stay back here."

Vas walks over and fidgets with the gargoyle figures, hoping for some secret method to open the lid. If it doesn't work, he'll attempt to move the sarcophagus lid by force.

Sleepy Shade
2016-10-02, 09:24 PM
Toby walked in to the room and immediately noticed the gargoyles.Something about them made him feel uneasy. He draws his sword and walks around the Crypt trying to spot the foot prints Krupa left behind and if their was any pattern or purpose to the foot prints.

Perception check to spot and follow the tracks.
Perception: [roll0]

2016-10-02, 09:33 PM
Tessara moves to guard Vas' back. In a possibly haunted crypt with an enemy somewhere ahead of them, there's really no such thing as too many precautions.

2016-10-03, 10:44 AM
Ariselde steps into the tomb after Tess, retrieving a short rod from her pack as she does so.

"I have some sunrods if we need light," she says, "Also, what do people think our chances of serious combat are? Because I may need to take... preparatory steps."

2016-10-03, 11:35 AM
Lani's knowledge neither helps nor hurts the company as they move forward into the crypt. Vas does some fiddling with the miniature gargoyles but with little success. Trying to move the lid of the sarcophagus proves to be a similar vain effort. The breakthrough comes when Toby notices the same boot tracks from earlier leading to the right-hand gargoyle. Toby further discovers that the figure is dusty except for its curled tail. Someone had recently removed the dust from this area of the statue.

Sleepy Shade
2016-10-03, 02:57 PM
Toby calls over the other "Hey looks like he did something with this gargoyle here." he then tries activating the statue by turning the tail.

2016-10-03, 04:52 PM
As Toby turns the tail of the gargoyle, you hear a sliding sound at the back of the sarcophagus. Upon inspection, you realize that the sarcophagus is a false crypt. It appears that some of the items from this cache have been removed, but some remain: 12 silver arrows, 4 sun rods, 5 flasks of holy water, 10 +1 arrows, 8 +1 ghost touch arrows, 4 +1 undead bane arrows, 7 potions of cure light wounds, 3 potions of lesser restoration, a scroll of detect undead, 2 scrolls of hide from undead, a scroll of protection from foe, and a thin darkwood case decorated with an image of a scarab with a single eye glaring from its back—the same design that appears on the cover of one of the Manuals among the tomes in the professor’s collection.

Sleepy Shade
2016-10-03, 06:59 PM
Toby walked over to the now opened sarcophagus and looks in. "looks like who ever stocked this place was planning for archers and mages more than anything" He picks up that dark wood case more interested in it than most of the other items.
Toby looks the case over and looks inside.

Appraise to determine the value of the case and the Item inside
Case :[roll0]
Any item inside the case: [roll1]

2016-10-04, 12:57 AM
"Oh, very nice!" Tessara has no use for the arrows, with her eyesight as it is, but she can definitely make use of the divine scrolls. "I think we should split up the holy water and potions as evenly as possible. Can anyone else here use the detect undead, hide from undead, or protection from foe scrolls?"

2016-10-04, 05:03 AM
"I can't use the scrolls, though I've never heard of Protection from Foe. I can use any of those holy bombs though."

Space Lawyer
2016-10-04, 09:34 AM
"I have some idea of the theory behind scroll use, though admittedly no practical experience." That was quick becoming a theme, it seemed. Lani would have to devote some time in the coming weeks to actually applying what she knew.

"However, I don't think we should look to keep all of this for ourselves. We should really go talk to the temple and let them know what we found. If they know these things are here, and we take them, we're just thieves."

2016-10-04, 04:23 PM
"If they're part of some nefarious plot, we can give these items back, and more."

2016-10-04, 11:53 PM
Tessara nods in agreement with Vas. "Let's find out what Krupa is up to first, then go to the priests. If we don't need these things to survive down here, we can give them to the temple." There, that's a good compromise. Obviously Lani hasn't done much fieldwork; it didn't take long for Tessara to learn that a scroll or potion might be the difference between life and death. She'll figure it out sooner or later.

2016-10-05, 11:01 AM
As Toby inspects the case, he estimates the darkwood case to be worth approximately 50 gp. The case contains three objects of interest—a spirit board with a brass spirit planchette (ouija spirit board), and four iron and glass vials containing tiny, churning clouds of vapor. The vials sit in velvet-lined indentations to the left of the spirit board and planchette, along with six empty indention — once occupied by similar vials.

Sleepy Shade
2016-10-07, 09:28 AM
Toby looks at the bottles unsure of what they were but having a bad feeling all the same. The board he had seen before mostly as a curiosity still he didn't really know much about them.
Well looks like we found what he was looking for. Not sure what they are any of you have a clue?

2016-10-07, 11:09 AM
As Ariselde inspects the vials she recalls one of the professors lectures and an illustration upon his chalkboard. These vials are valuable magic items called haunt siphons. These glass vials are held within stylized cold-iron casings etched with strange runes and eldritch markings. Within the vial roils a small wisp of white vapor, churning as if caught in a miniature vortex of air. Ariselde further remembers; To capture a haunt’s energies within a haunt siphon, you need only twist the metal casing to open the vial in the same round that the haunt manifests—this can be before or after the haunt has acted. You must be within the haunt’s area of influence to use a haunt siphon.

2016-10-08, 04:25 AM
"Hmm. Haunt siphons," Ariselde says curiously, as she looks the vials over. "A means of capturing and containing the energies of a haunt. It's as simple as opening a vial within six seconds or so of the haunt manifesting. Well, at least we know at least one form of danger would otherwise be encountering."

2016-10-08, 11:28 PM
"Fascinating. Although this does make me wonder just what one does with a captured haunt. Set it loose on annoying people you can't simply fight?" Ooh, this is giving Tessara all sorts of wicked ideas for that rabble-rouser who dared to interrupt Professor Lorrimor's funeral! Mischief gleams in her eyes.

2016-10-10, 06:53 PM
In the direction of the front entrance, you hear a loud clanging sound, like rows of chain landing on the floor all at once.

Sleepy Shade
2016-10-11, 11:32 AM
"Looks like we have company." Toby puts the strange case and jars into his back pack to be examined later. He also grabs two of the cure light wound potions for later. Finally he gets behind the pillar closest to the door.

2016-10-11, 03:58 PM
Vas turns his head to the sound of the chains clanging. He flexes his claws as he moves towards the entrance, leaning his head to peek outwards.

2016-10-11, 04:51 PM
Looking into the entrance chamber, noting is immediately visible.

2016-10-11, 06:31 PM
Not seeing anything of note, Vas slowly moves into the chamber to see what could possibly have made the sound.

2016-10-12, 02:53 PM
Reaching the first chamber, near the unlocked entrance, there is no obvious source of the clanging chains, but Vas does find an unnerving discovery; dust on the floor in one area has been moved away in a chaotic manner with no further sign of humanoid or animal tracks.

2016-10-12, 08:35 PM
Vas crouches down, motioning for the others behind him to follow, as he inspects the dust on the floor, careful not to touch any of it, but looking at it to see if he can deduct what was there, and why it's now empty.

Perception: [roll0]

2016-10-12, 10:28 PM
"All right... this is ominous." Tessara shifts uncomfortably, adjusting her grip on her morningstar. She joins Vas in looking for clues as to the disturbance. Her distance vision might be shot, but up close her eyes work just fine. As do her ears.

Aid Another attempt for Vas: [roll0]

2016-10-13, 10:23 AM
"Quite," Ariselde says in a breathy whisper, as she wracks her brain for any information regarding haunts. "If you'd like, and the group isn't adverse to a... slightly untoward methodology, I can examine the scene with a less orthodox sense."

Knowledge (arcana) to try and learn more about haunts, especially if one could be the cause of the dust's disturbance: [roll0]

2016-10-13, 01:51 PM
Vas turns to Arisdele. "I'm blanketed in shadow. You'll get no objections from me for unorthodox methods. Let's see what you can do."

2016-10-13, 03:25 PM
There are no direct signs that point to a clear conclusion but its seem probable that the clanging sound or chains and the disturbed area of dust on the floor are related. Your consensus as a group is that it is not a haunt. Perhaps a spirit of another kind or something extraplanar?

Sleepy Shade
2016-10-13, 08:47 PM
Toby finally walks out an looks at every one searching however he thinks of something else.
"Are we sure it came from outside and was coming in or inside going out out? Some one should check to make sure our wagon and cart are still outside and not stolen or eaten."
Milo checks the other door in the crypt to make sure it didn't just open and something crawled out.

Checking to see if the door was opened recently
Perception: [roll0]

2016-10-14, 01:11 PM
The left-hand door has not been opened in 10's of years.

2016-10-15, 02:56 PM
Ariselde takes a deep breath, and then reaches for one of the vials on her bandolier, one the others have not seen her even touch yet in their presence. The contents appears to be a thick liquid the colour of congealing blood. She holds it up in front of her face, pauses, and then uncorks the vial and takes a sip, hastily returning the vial to her bandolier.

Almost immediately, she begins shiver and sweating, clutching at her stomach and doubling over in apparent pain. Dark fur begins sprouting from her skin, her face extending into a fanged, lupine muzzle as her nails extend into dangerously curved claws. The alchemist takes a deep breath, and shakes the now-shaggy mane of hair on her head. She's used to this feeling... wrong. But now, it feels like coming home, and the notion horrifies her slightly.

"Step back," she growls, crouching down near the disturbed area of dust. "This will probably be... undignified."

She kneels down and begins sniffing at the area.

Standard action to Change Shape with the bite and claws bestial features.I genuinely thought scent was an option, hence the above attempt, but turns out it isn't. Oh well! I do get a Wis bonus while shifted, so may as well give it a go.

Perception: [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2016-10-15, 06:19 PM
Lani looks on at Ariselde's transformation with obvious surprise. "Oh, my, yes, that is certainly unusual. Fascinating though, if I might say." She considers the possibility of a spiritual presence being the cause of the noise.

Knowledge (Arcana):[roll0]

2016-10-15, 07:30 PM
Ariselde shifts into wolf form and after sniffing around it appears that she has no further lock on the disturbance than previously. Lani reaches deep into her past memories and knowledge but does not pinpoint the genesis of the current situation.

Sleepy Shade
2016-10-15, 07:38 PM
Toby blinks in surprise at Ariselde's transformation dumfounded "That's different.... When were you going to tell us you could do that?!"
Toby walks past everyone and up the stairs he draws his sword as he walks up. If he makes it up without incident he opens the door oft he tomb and walks outside.

2016-10-15, 07:59 PM
Frustrated at what seems to be a dead end, Vas looks back at his companions. "Who has all the items from the tomb? Maybe we can inspect them closer to see if we can get some other clue from them."

2016-10-16, 03:18 PM
Tessara arches an eyebrow at Ariselde, but otherwise appears unsurprised. It's a little hard to tell with the veil, though. "Nothing, hmm? Well, let's see if I can find any magical auras." She concentrates, drawing on the well of tainted power within her. "Evelo min."

Derp, we totally forgot to detect magic! Doing that now.

2016-10-18, 07:01 PM
Toby walks outside into the brisk night air of the Restlands. The gravediggers appear to be making the outside loop around the Restlands and could be at your position within 8-10 minutes, which is a quick guess, as their torch light floats through the darkness. Inside, Tessara attempts in vain to detect a magical aura on the floor.

2016-10-19, 02:20 AM
"I don't detect any magic." Tessara sighs, veil fluttering. "Anyone have any bright ideas?"

2016-10-19, 02:10 PM
"Who's got the items from the tomb?" Vas asks again. "We might gain some clues from them."

Sleepy Shade
2016-10-19, 03:59 PM
Toby walks back to the door of the tomb and see's everyone trying to find the mysterious source of the sound seeming oblivious to what was going on outside.
"Hey either grab what you want or what we need. The Grave diggers are coming around we don't need to explain why we are tomb robbing right now."

2016-10-21, 11:17 AM
"We have two options," Ariselde growls, pacing back and forth across the chamber. "We can wait here until the gravediggers are done and examine the objects here, or attempt to sneak past them and examine them in more comfortable surroundings."

We could always just remove them from the equation more directly...

Sleepy Shade
2016-10-22, 03:10 PM
"Well I think they'll notice a broken lock and a cart pretty quickly. So let's move I've got the board and vials just grab what ever you guys need and let's book it." What in the world were they trying to investigate Toby wondered these places always had weird sounds but at the moment their time was short.

2016-10-22, 09:17 PM
Vas scrunches his face. "Afraid of a bunch of gravediggers?" He shrugs and begins to move out.

2016-10-23, 12:10 AM
"There has got to be a way to get deeper into this tomb. Krupa managed, after all!" Tessara sounds quite frustrated. "Unless he left already... or perhaps these aren't his footprints at all. We know Professor Lorrimor was down here recently, they could belong to him. In which case we should probably leave and look for Krupa elsewhere."

2016-10-24, 10:37 PM
Moving outside, the group notices that the gravediggers are not too far away at this point. Judging distance from their torch light, there is still plenty of time to move ahead of them or wait until they pass and then move on to your next stop. Then comes the pitter patter of rain once again. It's a steady drizzle with a bit of fog moving in from the west.

2016-10-25, 03:41 PM
Frustrated at the slow progress, Vas moves ahead, not wanting to waste any more precious time. "Lets head out and find a place to examine those items in more detail. If we can't find any more clues, we can always head to the Pharasmin temple."

2016-10-25, 04:02 PM
As they make to leave, Ariselde takes a sniff from another vial of what looks like smelling salts, her lupine shape shuddering and rapidly contorting back into her human form.

"Wouldn't do for us to start a werewolf hunt. Let's get moving."

2016-10-26, 12:41 AM
Tessara hurries after Vas and Ariselde, silently praying that they don't hear her armor. "Back to Professor Lorrimor's house, perhaps?"

Sleepy Shade
2016-10-26, 03:19 PM
Toby hops onto the wagon putting away his sword "Better go back to the professor's I mean Kendra's place we need to talk to Lucas he should be awake by now."

2016-11-01, 12:29 PM
The group takes the fork to the right past the homes of the council member’s and away from the center of Ravengro on the way back to Kendra's home to find Lucas lucid and well.

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-01, 06:59 PM
Toby gets out of the wagon the thought of the strange box they got from the cache ate at him. He wanted to know it's purpose and why it was there amongst the undead slaying gear.However that was quickly driven from his mind when he saw Lucas awake and in much better shape than when they left. He blurted out the first thought in his head unconcisouly.
"What in Bilk's Beer happened to you?!"

2016-11-02, 11:54 AM
Lucas takes a sip of wine as he lounges in one of the parlor chairs, I'll provide all of the details in a moment. Did you run into Krupa? What did you find in the crypt?

2016-11-02, 02:50 PM
"No sign of Krupa," Ariselde says with an air of irritation, running a hand through her hair. "As for what we found in the crypt... well, a small cache. Mostly items efficacious against the undead. Holy water, specialised spell scrolls, objects of that sort."

2016-11-02, 04:02 PM
Vas looks at Lucas with contempt. The man was just getting better, and already in the cup. "Say something useful," he demanded of Lucas.

2016-11-03, 12:56 AM
"What Ariselde said." Tessara carefully sits down on the sturdiest seat she can find. "Do you think he might have gone to the old prison? Because it looked like the last person in the crypt was Professor Lorrimor."

2016-11-03, 01:49 PM
Lucas sets his glass of wine on the side table. The professor hired me as his valet & driver years ago, even helped me start my business here in Ravengro. ... A loan I repaid, by the way. ... Then, one day, he confided in me about the Whispering Way and his suspicions about Krupa. Petros had one request, gave me one job, one; to keep tabs on Krupa and I ... I failed.

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-03, 02:30 PM
Toby takes a seat and starts digging around in his back pack. "Still doesn't explain why you came back drunk and unconscious"
Finally find the box with the board and vials he places it on the table. "Either way it's done. Now Krupa or the proffesor were the last people in that place when we came along. I think he was looking for this" Toby opens the box and points to the missing vials "any idea why he would want these?".

2016-11-03, 08:59 PM
Lucas reclines in his seat and takes another sip of wine. I followed Krupa to the inn, watched him and had a few drinks. When I followed him out, two of his thugs, or cultists, whatever ... they jumped me, knifed me in the ribs as we fought. I got away and they did not pursue. You all found me on my way home. ... I'm certain the ginger is dead by now. He left with my dirk in his back.

2016-11-04, 11:56 PM
Tessara scowls behind her veil. "At least that's one less of his lackeys to fight." She looks at the rest of the motley group. "I see two options here. One, we can check Harrowstone, the other location mentioned in the Professor's journal. Two, we can go consult the Pharasmin priests and hope they don't forbid us from taking action against Krupa. What do you think?"

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-05, 07:44 PM
Toby addresses Tessera "That will be a pleasant conversation. Excuse me dear priest we believe Dr Krupa entered one of you vaults and stole something. How did we know this? Why we entered the vault as well. After they thank us they'll probably charges us for grave robbing' Toby sets aside the jars and puzzles over the Board for a moment. "Though unless we want to face Kupa blind I think they'll also be our best bet. As long as Mr Drunk over their can vouch for us." He gestures over at Lucas.

2016-11-06, 07:53 PM
"One option's as good as the other. I imagine we'll end up visiting both places. I'm ready."

2016-11-07, 01:30 AM
Lucas speaks up; I'm not drunk. This is wine. I'm thirsty. ... I have no friends with Pharasma. Kendra then interjects; I know one of the younger initiates. I can introduce you in the morning. At this point, Kendra excuses herself to sleep upstairs. You have reached a late hour of the evening.

2016-11-07, 05:05 PM
"Pharasma it is, then," Vas nods to himself. "Guess we'll go first thing tomorrow."

2016-11-08, 12:48 AM
"A good night's sleep definitely won't go amiss." Tessara really hopes that Lani's silver tongue can talk the Pharasmins around to their side, or carrying out the Professor's last wishes will be much more complicated. "Good night, everyone."

2016-11-08, 04:46 AM
"I suppose I ought to go with," Ariselde says as as Tess heads up to bed. "Don't want to wake you by crashing late."

The alchemist actually has a smile on her face, and seems to be in a much better mood ever since she took her transformation elixir.

"Good night, all," she adds as she follows the oracle upstairs.

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-08, 11:35 AM
"All right we all need a good nights sleep after all that has happened today. But Kendra before you go can you tell me what this board is? I've seen them before but I don't really know what they are for."
Toby shows her the board they found in the tomb.

2016-11-08, 06:10 PM
Waking the next morning everyone feels refreshed and passionate about getting to the core of the Professor's death and what might be at play beyond Professor Krupa's likely involvement. Kendra is up early and as prepared fresh fruit and wine for breakfast. Kendra is prepared to introduce you to Camille A'ton, a young diviner within the Pharasma clergy. Lucas was gone at first light but left a wagon with two horses for the group to use.

You wake noticing fresh, black dirt under both your finger nails and toe nails. There are also a few dried leaves within your hair and then you are aware that instead of the usual bland, morning taste in your mouth, the taste is quite salty. You had no dreams you remember or no other memory than that of a restful sleep.

2016-11-08, 06:28 PM
Ariselde wakes early, and content... until she notices one or two things she cannot explain. The alchemist gets washes and dressed as hurriedly as she can without waking Tess, before heading downstairs, fastidiously scrubbing under her nails with a cloth. The sight of the fresh fruit on the table makes her stomach turn, and her face is pale as she continues to scrub at her nails almost obsessively. As she hears the others start coming downstairs, Ariselde attempts to continue her attempt at cleaning on the sly.

"Ah, Kendra... did you hear any noises in the night?"

Untrained Sleight of Hand to try and hide her scrubbing: [roll0]

2016-11-08, 08:10 PM
Vas wakes up and sees Kendra preparing fresh fruit and wine for breakfast. With a heavy sigh, he walks over, plucks a handful of fruits, and addresses Kendra. "Well. I'm ready to go."

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-08, 08:25 PM
Toby walks down yawning still feeling as if he didn't get a full nights sleep. When he see's the fruit he takes a apple and starts on it." Hey Kendra got any eggs? I can make every one some eggs if you've got any"

2016-11-08, 09:50 PM
Kendra replies; No Ariselde, I slept well and didn't hear any noises, why do you ask?
Hi, Vas. I'm ready to go when you all are. How's the fruit?
Good morning Toby, I'm so sorry. I have no eggs at the moment, just the fruit. She looks a bit disappointed, frowning slightly.

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-08, 11:16 PM
"Well that's no good we're going to have to go stock up soon then." Toby takes another bite of the apple "I wonder (munch munch) what those cult guys and Krupa are searching for at that old prison." He takes another bite of the apple "I mean it should be easy to get a list of the prisoners if that's what their looking for.(Munch munch) Or did all the paper work go up in flames as well?" He tosses the core of the apple in the trash. "Though I wonder what that dragon was all about could they be working with it?"

2016-11-09, 01:14 AM
Tessara sleeps surprisingly well; apparently there's something to be said for emotional exhaustion when it comes to a good night's sleep. Ariselde is already dressed and downstairs by the time she gets up. The oracle puts on her armor by herself; it takes longer than it would with help, but Tessara is used to armoring up alone. Veil firmly in place, she makes her way downstairs.

"Good morning, everyone." Hmm. Eating something as juicy and messy as fresh fruit in front of others without getting it on her veil is going to be... problematic. Tessara pokes around the offerings until she finds a bunch of grapes. Perfect! "Is there fresh water in the kitchen, Kendra? I'd like to keep a clear head. My tolerance for wine is, ah, not the best."

Perception to notice Ariselde's nail cleaning: [roll0]

2016-11-09, 11:02 AM
Kendra replies; Toby, perhaps you can do more research on Harrowstone at the Ravengro Town Hall or The Unfurling Scroll. There is a lot to learn about the prison. More than I can recall.

Hi Tess, I do have some fresh water. Kendra produces two quart jars of water from the counter.

2016-11-09, 12:06 PM
"Oh, no real reason, Kendra. Just thought I heard something go bump in the night," the alchemist says, trying to look a little sheepish. "Morning, all. So, what's our plan of campaign for today? Meet the Pharasmin clergy and take it from there?"

2016-11-09, 09:46 PM
Vas grunts acknowledgment at the alchemist. "Meet crazy priests. Bash some heads. Let's go."

2016-11-10, 11:20 PM
It is a short ride to the Temple of Pharasma. This temple is Ravengro’s only religious structure, the temple is also the town’s most elaborate building. Its eastern facade displays an intricate stained-glass mural depicting a stern Pharasma judging Count Andachi, one of Tamrivena’s most infamous previous rulers. Vauran Grimburrow is officially in charge of the temple, but the day-to-day tending of the flock and maintenance of the temple and the Restlands are largely seen to by a dozen acolytes, clerics and diviners.

Walking inside the temple, Kendra motions to the font of holy water and instructs everyone to pay respects to Pharasma. There are four acolytes currently working in the temple. Camille strolls up to greet her friend, she is a petite human with raven hair and sienna-colored eyes, she is also gentle and devout, but not shy. They exchange a simple hello, when Kendra motions for everyone to step outside to the surrounding gardens. Camille is introduced to the group and then she asks; It's great to meet Kendra's friends from abroad. How can I help?

2016-11-14, 09:00 PM
Vas greets Camille with a smile, or some sort of foreign twitch across his face. "We're partly here to learn more about the Whispering Way. What could you tell us about it?"

2016-11-15, 12:56 AM
Ugh, why can't Lani speak up for this? Tessara is no good with people, she knows full well that her appearance puts them off. "We believe that... unsavory elements may be active in this area. The last note we have from the Professor indicates that he was going to investigate them. After that, nothing."

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-15, 01:43 AM
Toby shuffles a bit unsure of what to say. He then remembers the pendent from the chest he sets down his back pack and pulls the necklace out. "Hey could you take a look at this I want to use this but I'm not sure if it's been altered in some way. Can you or the head priest have a look at it?"

2016-11-15, 07:43 PM
Camille and Kendra agree to walk through the gardens of the Temple, speaking along the way in order to draw less attention to these topics. The group finds Camille to be very helpful; The Whispering Way is a sinister organization of necromancers that has been active in the Inner Sea region for thousands of years. Agents of the Whispering Way often seek alliances with undead creatures, or are themselves undead. The Whispering Way’s most notorious member was Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant, although the society itself has existed much longer than even that mighty necromancer. We know that they are active in Ravengro. To date, however, nothing nefarious has commanded our attention. What is your suspicion in this matter?

I don't know about your necklace, Toby. You might have to seek someone with more arcane knowledge perhaps? My focus here at the Temple is more historical in nature.

2016-11-15, 08:56 PM
Vas speaks bluntly. "Got plenty of suspicion. The late Dr. Krupa's death may not have been accidental, may or may not be related to the Whispering Way, which may or may not be connected to some members the Pharasmin church."

2016-11-17, 01:52 PM
Camille responds; And who within the church do you implicate in Professor Lorrimor's death?

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-17, 06:03 PM
Toby thanks Camille and puts the pendent away.

Camille responds; And who within the church do you implicate in Professor Lorrimor's death?

Umm Dr Krupa actually we have some suspicions that he may be part of the Whispering Way. But people specifically in the church. We don't really know. But, however we might know what they are planning they seemed very interested in the Old prison Harrowstone. We think they might be looking for someone or something in the ruins of that place. Do you have a list of everyone that was in the prison? prisoners and guards?

2016-11-17, 06:32 PM
Vas nods and grunts at Toby, and waits to see how Camille responds.

2016-11-18, 10:30 PM
Camille responds to Toby; I think your indictment is very interesting. I shall take it seriously. As for information regarding Harrowstone, I'd recommend the resources of the Town Hall. Everything you're looking for should be contained in their records. As for Dr. Krupa; we are acquainted but not close. He has not visited here in many weeks.

With that response, Camille's time with you has ended as your finish the loop around the Temple gardens. Kendra bids her farewell with a hug and a kiss and asks that the group stops by her home before going to the Town Hall or some other destination.

2016-11-19, 01:39 AM
Tessara turns to her comrades once the priestesses leave. "Back to Kendra's house, then? I wonder what she has to say that she didn't want to say here..."

2016-11-19, 05:55 AM
Vas bites his tongue at yet more delay. They really should head straight for Harrowstone at this point. Alas, he can't say no to the late professor's daughter.

Vas grumbles under his breath the entire journey back home.

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-19, 06:00 AM
Toby raised an eyebrow at the request but decided to go along with it. "I guess you guys can look through the archives. I'll need to go down to the market and stock up on food and drink."

2016-11-19, 04:36 PM
"My guess?" Ariselde says to Tess. "A list of people at the Town Hall that she feels can't be trusted. Maybe. Perhaps. I'm not good at reading people."

2016-11-19, 05:24 PM
Having dropped Kendra off at her home, the group takes the wagon and heads toward Ravengro. Coming into town, you spot a group of five little Varisian girls dressed in shawls and dresses are playing a skipping rope game at the side of the road. Each of the girls takes turns jumping in the rope while singing two lines of a rather disturbing song, then skips out of the rope to let the next girl take up the next two lines. The way in which the girls switch from skipping to passing the ends of the rope to each other to keep the whole thing going is strikingly well timed and well choreographed—and the verse itself is rather disturbing. The five repeating verses are as follows:
Put her body on the bed.

Take a knife and lop her head.
Watch the blood come out the pipe.

Feeds the stirge, so nice and ripe.
Drops of red so sparkly bright.

Splatters spell her name just right.
With a hammer killed his wife.

Now he wants to claim your life.
Tricksy father tells a lie.

Listen close or you will die.

2016-11-20, 02:50 AM
Tessara's brows shoot up as they pass the girls, but she makes no comment. Children can be surprisingly morbid in their songs and stories; likely because they don't fully appreciate the impact of death yet. And their skill at the intricate rope-skipping is likely just practice, it's not like there's much in the way of age-appropriate entertainment in a village this size.

Still... something about it prickles the back of her neck.

2016-11-20, 03:14 AM
Of all the things Vas has faced, nothing has creepily caressed his bones quite like the children singing that dirge. Undoubtedly he'll have nightmares about it.

What we doing in Ravengro? Thought the next destination was Harrowstone? Or is that in Ravengro? My geography is terrible.

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-20, 06:22 PM
Toby got a slight shiver as the girls repeated the grisly line. Back when he and the others had roamed the streets they would sing little morbid ditties like that mostly at night to spook the grownups. Back then he never really though about the rhymes or what they had meant. The little girls song however put many of those memories in sharp contrast now.
Toby's stomach growled and he remember that he hadn't eaten a good breakfast yet. He would have to find something to eat as the others looked through the archive.

2016-11-20, 07:38 PM
The group continues on, passing the girls, and coming to a halt at the Town Hall for research on Harrowstone. A group of residents stand in a huddle discussing something of importance.

2016-11-21, 01:57 AM
Vas's curiosity was piqued by the residents huddling together. Feigning looking at his surroundings while walking around, Vas tries to overhear their conversation.

Perception: [roll0]

2016-11-21, 02:54 PM
"Godsdamned creepy tykes..." Ariselde mutters to herself, before noticing the crowd outside the Town Hall and continuing in a low voice to the others. "Bets that the gravediggers saw someone sneaking around last night and it's got everyone in an uproar?"

2016-11-22, 05:38 PM
Vas was unable to overhear what the crowd was talking about. They stand for a few moments then disperse.
Will your group continue into the Town Hall or pursue one or more of the crowd?

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-22, 07:10 PM
Toby Get out of the cart while curious about what the gossiping group he decides to head inside the town hall maybe if they were quick enough he could have the others go grocery shopping with him. He pulls the hood over his head a bit. He always felt like the people of the area where staring at him. He didn't put it past them with so much danger in the area with the undead they would naturally start being suspicious of every thing.

2016-11-22, 09:10 PM
As Toby enters the Town Hall, he is greeted by a kind and pleasant middle-aged human woman wearing a tan-colored dress with her salt-n-pepper hair in a bun atop her head. Her blue eyes were bright with anticipation of a visitor on this day. Hello, I am Viv, you must be new in town. I don't believe we have met.

2016-11-23, 04:07 PM
Vas looks towards his group, and nods towards the departing crowd, deciding to trail one at random, possibly one that looks suspicious in any way. "I'll meet you back here in a couple hours at most. This might only take a few moments and turn out to be nothing."

2016-11-23, 11:27 PM
Vas is able to catch up with a farmer stopping to light a smoke.

2016-11-24, 05:41 PM
Vas quietly walks up to the farmer. "Hello, friend. I was up at the Town Hall investigating strange occurences around town, and what do I see, but a group of folks, you included, muttering up something strange. Wanna tell me what that's about, or should I go and get more folks to come down, trample all over this place, and after we're done, then we'll do it all official like?"

Bluff: [roll0]

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-25, 01:51 AM
"Umm no sorry I guess I am new in town. I only got here recently and wasn't planing on stay to long but circumstances came up." Toby unsure of how to continue looked around the town hall welcoming center for a second before continuing.
"You see me and some .. Associates of mine we were hoping to look up a file if it's not to much trouble." He hoped one of the others would walk in and save him from this awkward conversation.

2016-11-26, 02:46 AM
Tessara follows Toby into the Town Hall, a bit slower than the half-orc due to her armor. She nods politely to the clerk and offers a smile, only visible by the crinkling of her eyes above her veil. "Yes, we would like to know more about Harrowstone. The history of the place, perhaps any maps you might have?"

2016-11-26, 02:16 PM
Farmer to Vas: Why, we wuz just talk'n 'bout Harrowstone memorial jus there a'tha edge o' town. Some'n descrat'd it with blud an' did some carv'n on it. Ain't right. Dem gards done died keep'n dem prizners from 'scapin. Jus a'shame.

Viv to Toby and Tessara: Why yes, we have records on the prison, follow me. Viv takes you to a side door that leads to a set of stairs. Going downward, you are now in the basement of the town hall, a simple space lined with wooden shelves that hold box after box of files. Viv lights a hooded lantern in a corner that rests on a small table. She then points out four boxes that hold information on the prison. Here you go. Take as much time as you need and please turn the lantern off when you leave.

2016-11-26, 03:43 PM
Ariselde follows Tess and Toby, letting them do the talking with Viv. Last night has her feeling... unfit for social interaction. But when they reach the filing room, she cracks her knuckles. Research? This she knows. This, she can do.

"Alright, do we want to take a box each, and whoever finishes theirs first starts scouring the last one?"

2016-11-26, 07:40 PM
Vas narrowed his eyes at the farmer, trying to figure out what to believe. After a moment, he spoke again, his voice gruff. "Yeah, I'm gonna need more than that." Taking out a cigar and chewing on it, he glares at the farmer and speaks from the side of his mouth. "When did this happen? What kind of carving was it? And what prisoners escaped? How many?"

2016-11-28, 04:43 PM
Vas narrowed his eyes at the farmer, trying to figure out what to believe. After a moment, he spoke again, his voice gruff. "Yeah, I'm gonna need more than that." Taking out a cigar and chewing on it, he glares at the farmer and speaks from the side of his mouth. "When did this happen? What kind of carving was it? And what prisoners escaped? How many?"Ha-haw! Yewz a wee bit push'yun ain't ya. Tellyahwat fella. How'bout ya walk yonder (pointing toward Harrowstone), 'bout 300 steps an'a see fur ya'self. The farmer turns to walk away, taking a long draw on his smoke. Coming around the corner, Vas sees a familiar face, the cleric Celia Fogg. Her hair waves through the air as she walks with purpose.

Toby, Tess, and Ariselde spend nearly two hours in the basement of the Ravengro Town Hall, going through memos, articles, notes and assorted reports on Harrowstone. Only once did Viv come down to check on you, bringing some hot Caliphas tea. Below is a summary of the information that was gathered:

Harrowstone is a ruined prison—partially destroyed by a fire in 4661, the building has stood vacant ever since. The locals suspect that it’s haunted, and don’t enjoy speaking of the place.
Harrowstone was built in 4594. Ravengro was founded at the same time as a place where guards and their families could live and that would produce food and other supplies used by the prison. The fire that killed all of the prisoners and most of the guards destroyed a large portion of the prison’s underground eastern wing, but left most of the stone structure above relatively intact. The prison’s warden perished in the fire, along with his wife, although no one knows why she was in the prison when the fire occurred. A statue commemorating the warden and the guards who lost their lives was built in the months after the traged —that statue still stands on the riverbank just outside of town.
Most of the hardened criminals sent to Harrowstone spent only a few months imprisoned, for it was here that most of Ustalav’s executions during that era were carried out. The fire that caused the tragedy was, in fact, a blessing in disguise, for the prisoners had rioted and gained control of the prison’s dungeons immediately prior to the conflagration. It was only through the self sacrifice of Warden Hawkran and 23 of his guards that the prisoners were prevented from escaping—the guards gave their lives to save the town of Ravengro.
At the time Harrowstone burned, five particularly notorious criminals had recently arrived at the prison. While the commonly held belief is that the tragic fire began accidentally after the riot began, in fact the prisoners had already seized control of the dungeon and had been in command of the lower level for several hours before the fire. Warden Hawkran triggered a deadfall to seal the rioting prisoners in the lower level, but in so doing trapped himself and nearly two dozen guards. The prisoners were in the process of escaping when the panicked guards accidentally started the fire in a desperate attempt to end the riot.

2016-11-28, 05:09 PM
Stunned by the farmer's response, Vas took a moment, and grunted to himself in satisfaction. He was about to head back to the group when he recognized a familiar face. He knew so few people, and was always surprised when he recognized someone in public.

Vas lit his cigar as Celia walked towards him, squinting his eyes and nodding at her as a greeting.

2016-11-28, 05:31 PM
Ariselde's face turns grim (or grimmer, depending on your perspective) as the history of Harrowstone becomes apparent.

"Well, undeath isn't my speciality... but a tragedy on that scale strikes me as a ripe breeding ground for haunts. That alone would make it of interest to the Whispering Way."

Knowledge (arcana) to see if Ariselde knows of anything mystical or undead such an event could lead to: [roll0]

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-28, 05:51 PM
Toby thanks Vivi for the tea as he goes over the old files. He sighs thinking how could so many small time hoodlums could be forced into one small place. He puts the file on the pile and grabs another.
Finally after two hours he groans exhausted as he puts the last file back.This had taken so much longer than he had anticipated. He finishes of his last cup of tea and looks at the others Tess and Ariselde. They had peen looking over some of the more important files they had found. Toby took a seat and pulled out a list of groceries he had been planning to buy when they got to the market. Looking it over he asks the other two.
"Hey when we're done here I'm gonna see if I can catch any market stalls we need something a little more substantial than fruit for breakfast. Also are you guys getting hungry?"

2016-11-28, 06:46 PM
Stunned by the farmer's response, Vas took a moment, and grunted to himself in satisfaction. He was about to head back to the group when he recognized a familiar face. He knew so few people, and was always surprised when he recognized someone in public.

Vas lit his cigar as Celia walked towards him, squinting his eyes and nodding at her as a greeting.

Celia stops her determined walk, obviously surprised by the sudden sight of a familiar face. "Oh, hey there. If that isn't a familiar face from Lepidstadt... It's Vas, right?" She smiles a friendly smile. If she dislikes him or his behavior, she doesn't show it. She wears a dark coat on top of her clothes, held together at the neck by a bands of leather and a wooden brooch with carved in spiral -- the symbol of Pharasma. "Did you also come here due to Professor Lorrimor's demise?" The way she speaks of death is the typical one found by clerics of Pharasma: There is no exaggerated bitterness in her voice when she mentions it. After all, death was part of the eternal circle.

Celia is in some sense the stereotypical changeling: Tall, slender, pale, odd-eyed (green/blue) and dark haired. She is not very muscular, not even particularly graceful. Her glance tends to be somehow "knowing" and perceptive, and she is quick to trust even though her beauty is somewhat otherworldly. Maybe it is because she is a good listener. In the university, she is used to wear simple, comfortable robes. On field trips, she dons more practical clothes, two crossed bandoliers, an a thick coat on top of it. If she expects danger, she dons a heavy wooden shield. Beside Pharasma's favored weapon (dagger), she wears a light mace on her belt.

2016-11-28, 07:45 PM
Vas raises an eyebrow at Celia. "The professor's demise?" He sounds amused, not offended. "Sure, I came because the old man croaked. Ran his last race. Went to room temperature. Paid his last bill. What about you? You come by because the professor finally went all stiff?" Vas smirked.

Like many of his fetchling brethren, Vas has pupilless eyes that glow with a luminescent shade of yellow. He's enveloped in a suit of swirling living shadow, a creature bound to do his bidding against its will. His face can be seen through the hazy translucent smoke-like shadow. He carries a scythe across his back.

2016-11-29, 02:02 AM
Ariselde's face turns grim (or grimmer, depending on your perspective) as the history of Harrowstone becomes apparent.

"Well, undeath isn't my speciality... but a tragedy on that scale strikes me as a ripe breeding ground for haunts. That alone would make it of interest to the Whispering Way."

Tessara grimaces at a particularly graphic passage detailing the condition of the bodies recovered. "Quite so. Violent, painful death and death on a large scale are both circumstances in which haunts, ghosts, and other undead might naturally occur. Both of them together? I would be astonished if Harrowstone wasn't haunted."

Knowledge (religion) check, just in case: [roll0]

2016-11-29, 05:15 PM
Familiar faces indeed as the cleric Celia met Vas near the Outward Inn, just north of the Town Hall, while in the basement of the Town Hall Ariselde attempted to recall if some force of arcane power could have caused the fire or prompted the riot. This is possible, but is not what the record reflects. Tessara used her knowledge of religion to assess whether Harrowstone might be haunted. Her conclusion; more physical or incorporeal proof is needed. Toby was patient going through the mountain of evidence, but his concerns were more base at the moment; food. The General Store was only two buildings north. He was tired of fruit for breakfast. Vas was still thinking about the desecrated moment and how it might tie into this escalating mystery.

2016-11-29, 05:49 PM
Vas raises an eyebrow at Celia. "The professor's demise?" He sounds amused, not offended. "Sure, I came because the old man croaked. Ran his last race. Went to room temperature. Paid his last bill. What about you? You come by because the professor finally went all stiff?" Vas smirked.

Like many of his fetchling brethren, Vas has pupilless eyes that glow with a luminescent shade of yellow. He's enveloped in a suit of swirling living shadow, a creature bound to do his bidding against its will. His face can be seen through the hazy translucent smoke-like shadow. He carries a scythe across his back.

For a moment, Celia looks really tired hearing the bad joke. So it is true what I was hearing. Hiding all your grief and desparation behind the mask of a cynist - or that of a jackass." She shrugs. "Wanted to attend the funeral, couldn't make it in time though. So, where are you headed? I wanted to check out the prison ruins, if I'm here anyway. For whatever reason, I've never visited them."

2016-11-29, 06:13 PM
Vas paused for a moment, but then flashed a genuine smile at Celia. "I've been investigating things possibly related to the professor's death, and it may have something to do with the prison ruins. Got some folks back at the Town Hall doing research, and I'm out here to check out the ruins. Could always use a healer. Farmer said it was, and I quote, 'yonder, 'bout 300 steps'." That last bit Vas spoke with an exaggerated accent as he pointed the direction.

And off he went.

2016-11-29, 06:53 PM
Celia slightly shook her head, but then decided to keep in step with him. "An investigation? Care to tell your 'healer' what we're dealing with?" She suggests.

2016-11-30, 02:44 AM
"I'm not sure exactly what we're dealing with," Vas tells Celia. "The professor was researching into a group called the Whispering Way, some sort of sinister secret cult of necromancers that's been active in the Inner Sea region for thousands of years. They deal with undeads, and they're active in Ravengro, and the professor's diary seems to hint that something nefarious is happening here. Then there's Dr. Krupa, ever heard of him? The prof had suspicions of him, as well as..." Vas clears his throat. "As well as some connection to the Pharasmin church. There's a lot of questions, and almost no answers right now, what with the professor dead, so a bunch of us former students of his are gathering what info we can. The professor also hinted that the Whispering Way might be interested in Harrowstone, something to do with the old prison, and that's where we're headed now. The old man was digging deep, and perhaps dug his own grave."

2016-11-30, 02:51 AM
Despite the sheer volume of material here, there isn't much more that Tessara didn't already know. The oracle closes her book and stretches, rolling her shoulders to try and work out the kinks. "I haven't found anything else of note. What about you two? Shall we go find the others, maybe buy something a little more substantial to eat while we compare notes?"

2016-11-30, 04:22 AM
Why buy when we can hunt?

The thought plays across the back of Ariselde's mind, but she quashes it as soon as she realises it's there.

"Let's," she says, nodding in agreement with Tess. "I skipped breakfast, and now I'm paying the price."

2016-11-30, 05:06 PM
"I'm not sure exactly what we're dealing with," Vas tells Celia. "The professor was researching into a group called the Whispering Way, some sort of sinister secret cult of necromancers that's been active in the Inner Sea region for thousands of years. They deal with undeads, and they're active in Ravengro, and the professor's diary seems to hint that something nefarious is happening here. Then there's Dr. Krupa, ever heard of him? The prof had suspicions of him, as well as..." Vas clears his throat. "As well as some connection to the Pharasmin church. There's a lot of questions, and almost no answers right now, what with the professor dead, so a bunch of us former students of his are gathering what info we can. The professor also hinted that the Whispering Way might be interested in Harrowstone, something to do with the old prison, and that's where we're headed now. The old man was digging deep, and perhaps dug his own grave."

Celia raises an eyebrow while listening to the story, trying to remember if she had ever heard of this Dr. Krupa.

2016-11-30, 08:33 PM
As Toby, Tessara, and Ariselde leave the Town Hall, Viv bids them a good day. Turning north the trio reconnects with Vas speaking with a young woman, Ariselde recognizes her as a former classmate, Celia Fogg. After comparing notes, perhaps investigating the desecrated monument is the next move, that and getting some solid food from the General Store.

2016-11-30, 08:41 PM
Vas grumbled some more all the way while picking up food. "A sinister cult awaits, the undead lurks below, the mystery of our professor's death remains uncovered — adventure calls! But let's pick up some food instead of using rations."

Sleepy Shade
2016-11-30, 11:10 PM
Toby looked through the vegetables picking them up and looking them over. However his irritation is peeked by Vas and with no real food for breakfast his temper is a bit short.
"Noted Vas. I too would love to delve into a tomb full of undead waiting to pick their bones with my teeth. But after eating trail rations my entire way here and only getting some fruit for breakfast. Please humor me and let me at least pick up some some actual food so we don't live like rats scrounging up whatever in that house. Besides you'll thank me once you have some real food after getting back."
He picks up some tomatoes onions and a few other vegetables and pays the merchant.
"Or you could look around and prepare for whatever we're going to face. Unless you think we have everything we need."
Toby moves on to the meat stall the flies buzzing around the stall but kept away with some simple spells. Toby's mouth is watering as he looks at the various cuts of meat.

2016-12-01, 03:08 AM
Right when Celia wanted to answer Vas, the others approached. "Ariselde! You are here too, it's good to see you. Wish it were under different circumstances." Celia is apparently happy to see her (somewhat former) friend, and then she goes for whatever they were usually exchanging for greeting each other - be it friendly waves, handshakes, hugs or air kisses. Then, to the rest: "My name is Celia Fogg, 's a pleasure to meet you. I am a researcher at the University of Lepidstadt, and as you see, a servant of the Lady of the Graves. Vas told me a bit about your investigation, and I would be delighted to contribute to it. I have just arrived though, so it would be best if you brought me up to speed." She will offer a handshake to everyone who's interested in it.

... after the comparison of notes ...

"The chance of stocking up on food sounds tempting." She sometimes forgot to eat during field trips and research, and then, suddenly would be overwhelmed by great hunger. At least she had breakfast today.

Celia is in some sense the stereotypical changeling: Tall, slender, pale, odd-eyed (green/blue) and dark haired. She is not very muscular, not even particularly graceful. Her glance tends to be somehow "knowing" and perceptive, and she is quick to trust even though her beauty is somewhat otherworldly. Maybe it is because she is a good listener. In the university, she is used to wear simple, comfortable robes. On field trips, she dons more practical clothes, two crossed bandoliers, an a thick coat on top of it. If she expects danger, she dons a heavy wooden shield. Beside Pharasma's favored weapon (dagger), she wears a light mace on her belt.

2016-12-01, 05:34 PM
The group moves into the Ravengro General Store, as their conversation continues Vas expresses his displeasure in this decision as Toby admits he doesn't care. Within the store, goods of all kinds can be procured, especially tools and everyday items such as pots and pans. Luthko and Marta Avanaki (male and female human commoners) run the store with their five girls. While the store caters to local needs for meat, produce and dairy, the Avanakis keep in stock most adventuring gear, tools, and skill kits one could desire. While they do not normally carry weapons, armor, or magic items, the Avanakis might agree to sell a display suit of masterwork full plate that stands guard in the back of the store.

All pricing are the same as those listed in the SRD

2016-12-01, 08:16 PM
Vas makes his purchases quietly and efficiently, purchasing rations over normal food out of spite.

- Pitons x10 (1gp)
- Summoner's Kit (a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin) (8gp)
- Trail Rations x20 (10gp)

2016-12-02, 03:21 AM

Tessara bows slightly to Celia and shakes her offered hand. "I'm Tessara Erevel, oracle and alumna of the University. Pleased to meet you, although I wish it were under better circumstances."

In the store

No bread? No bread, that's probably at a bakery, and Tessara doesn't want to delay the investigation any longer by going to find one. The half-elf settles for a generous slice of cheese, cutting off bits with her dagger and discreetly slipping them under her veil with the ease of long practice. While the adventuring gear is tempting, it's also out of her budget for now.

2016-12-02, 09:32 AM
Tessara bows slightly to Celia and shakes her offered hand. "I'm Tessara Erevel, oracle and alumna of the University. Pleased to meet you, although I wish it were under better circumstances."

"The pleasure is mine. And yes, you are right." She smiles empathetically. While she had accepted death as a concept as important as life, she naturally also sometimes missed the living, even if she felt selfish for it: The afterlife was infinite and it offered the soul what they deserved. Who were one to deprive a good person from heaven, or wish to keep a rotten person away from hell?

2016-12-02, 05:05 PM

"Celia?" Ariselde asks, her brow furrowing in confusion and worry. Is every classmate she's ever gotten to know going to spring up out of the woodwork? "It's... good to see you too."

The alchemist's concern over another acquaintance possibly discovering her curse under the stressful circumstances doesn't show on her face, but her features are far paler and more drawn than the last time Celia saw her.

In the store

Ariselde sighs internally as she pours over the foodstuffs, and looks in her woefully slim purse. Her tincture's reagents were not cheap to keep in stock. She closes her eyes and sighs, before forking over enough silvers to the Avanakis to cobble together a basic ploughman's lunch.

Sleepy Shade
2016-12-02, 08:53 PM
Meeting Celia Fog
Toby is curious about her odd look but doesn't really say anything about it. Hi I'm Toby Abbott I wasn't planing to stay long but circumstances ya'know. He shakes her hand and explains the house they are in right now is in desperate need to be restocked an they where on their way to the general store.

Toby's hands are strong and very calloused it's apparent Toby is no stranger to hard labor.

Inside the shop
Toby just ignores Vas for the most part as he looks around the shop. To him Vas was acting like a child. He makes a little conversation with the owners asking about where they get there produce and if he could order certain items or weapons.
After that he buys most of what the house needs a cornucopia of vegetables, fruits and salted meat to prepare back at the house along with a number of spices. Toby also gets a bag of coffee and a coffee pot along with some cream and sugar to flavor it he was no stranger to how bitter it usually was.
Looking over the equipment he gets a wicked idea and buys a wooden shield and a bear trap. Just as he was about to pay he spies a barbed vest in the corner and carefully grabs it as well.

Appraise to get the most amount of food for as little as he can:[roll0]

Barbed vest 10 GP
Bear trap 2 GP
Light wooden shield 3 GP
coffee pot 3 GP
bag of coffee 1 Lb 2 CP
Food:20 GP

2016-12-03, 12:40 AM
Toby and Tessara are able to meet Celia as Ariselde worries that another acquaintance might learn of her struggle. The group was able to get some needed items at the General Store and Toby learned that all of the produce and meat was locally farmed. Using his appraisal skills, Toby maxed his coin for food.

Will the group now go back to Kendra's to drop off this food?

2016-12-06, 01:30 AM
As the group visits the monument to the brave souls who gave their lives preventing the prisoners from escaping and thus saved the village from a night of even worse violence. Three letters are painted in blood with various widths; V E S

2016-12-06, 01:53 AM
"Well, that's not ominous at all." Tessara eyes the bloody letters. "I do hope that whoever did this used their own blood." She'll be very surprised if that's the case.

2016-12-06, 05:24 PM
Vas takes in his surroundings with meticulous detail, though the desecration seemed a bit distracting. "Huh. I'm a letter away from being implicated."

Perception: [roll0]

Based on what Vas can see, how big is this prison?

2016-12-06, 05:28 PM
Celia had looked at the statue and the bloody desecration for a moment, trying to keep her cool but worrying arising inside of her.

"I've got to admit, I am happy to hear that. Let's hope whoever didn't just misspell your name..." (implying she also did not know how to write it)

2016-12-06, 05:52 PM
Upon seeing the bloody writing, Ariselde immediately begins theorising out loud. It helps her quash how tantalising the blood looks to her, and the simultaneous nausea the feeling engenders in her.

"Hmm. V, E, S. An acronym? An incomplete word? A word in a different language?"

On the off-chance, is "ves" a word in Varisian, Draconic or Elven that Ariselde might recognise, given that those are the non-Common languages she speaks?

2016-12-07, 02:22 AM
As Vas looks around, all that he can see in the distance is the tall wall surrounding the prison. With careful consideration of the monument, there's no discerning acronym or message. The group does notice that the letters are at various stages of drying and that each letter is drawn with a different instrument, possibly even different types of blood.

2016-12-07, 07:49 PM
Vas shrugs at Celia, as if to say it didn't matter either way. "So, there should be some sort of entrance somewhere around here. Anyone remember if the professor mentioned anything about it in his diary?" Vas asks as he begins to cautiously walk about the area.

2016-12-08, 01:29 AM
"I'm not sure, Vas. Let's see if there's any magic here." Tessara focuses on the monument, calling up a bit of the dark, cold power that lurks within her. "Evelo min!"

Cast detect magic on the monument.

2016-12-08, 03:44 PM
After casting detect magic on the monument, Tessara detects no auras. Vas roams about looking to head toward the prison, with Celia, Ariselde, and Toby continuing to inspect the blood.

You hear the hooves of horses approaching from the north, two male humans on horseback, both are dressed in a similar fashion with green-hued leather armor, composite long bows, and longswords. The forward rider is of average height with gray hair and a full grey beard and a face stern, chiseled by time. The second is a bit younger with long brown hair and clean shaven, a scar across his left eye down to his cheek. Hi there folks. I'm Sheriff Benjan Caeller, this gent to my right is Deputy Sheriff Max Winter. I heard about the monument get'n messed up. Sorta surprised to see the five of you here. Do me a favor, stop moving and keep your hands where I can see them.

The Sheriff dismounts, as the Deputy stays in the saddle, and walks up to the monument. V-E-N. Well, that mean anything to you folks?

2016-12-08, 08:06 PM
Vas grits his teeth. This was the last thing he needed. Slowly raising his arm, he glares at the Sheriff as he dismounts and asks them an inane question.

"Sure does. Means you know your letters. Was rather hoping the Sheriff of this here fine town would know a bit more than that."

Sleepy Shade
2016-12-08, 08:29 PM
Toby face palms unable to process what just happened. He had gotten out of the wagon walked over to look at the vandalism and was now under suspicion.
"No officer" he responds with a touch of annoyance putting his hands up to show he was unarmed. Though he wonders has he encountered these letters before?
He tries to think back did all of the prisoners die or did some escape.
Hey Ariselde do you remember who those 5 big name prisoners were? Maybe it's linked to them.

Trying to remember the names of the 5 big prisoners and if their bodies were found:Local: [roll0]

2016-12-09, 02:45 AM
"There's no magic that I can sense, at least that's something..." Tessara pauses at the sound of hoofbeats approaching. "Ugh, what is it now?" She turns around to see the sheriff and his flunky. Gods, just what we needed.

Times like these are when Tessara is grateful for the veil that usually annoys her. She can scowl all she wants as long as her hat is shadowing her eyes. Clasping her hands in front of her, the oracle shrugs. "It doesn't ring a bell, no."

2016-12-09, 02:27 PM
Celia slightly shakes her head and offers the two lawkeepers a smile. "No sir, we were wondering what it could mean ourselves, actually. As the three letters appear to be written separately from each other, one might suspect that those were actually three different culprits." She shrugs. "But this is where my capabilities of deduction end, to be honest, as it is rather your area of expertise than mine." Her voice is without mocking, and rather factual.

2016-12-09, 10:33 PM
The Sheriff puts his hands on his hips as Vas comments. The Sheriff cuts his eyes over toward Vas, spits phlegm onto the ground, then looks back at the monument and chuckles. This monument means a lot to this town. Those men and women who died were brave souls. So, I take it rather serious when someone desecrates it with blood. ... Now, I know who you are, that is to say, I know you were here for the professor's funeral. What I need to know is why you're here now, at this monument? I'm not saying you had a hand in it, but most visitors to this town spend time taking in other sites. ... The Sheriff looks over at Celia, So, you say this was done by three different folk?

Toby recalls that there were five notorious prisoners involved in the fire, but he only recalls the name of one of them; the Lopper.

2016-12-10, 06:42 PM
Celia looks right at the Sheriff as she is talking. "Sure, Sheriff, you have every right to ask. I can assure you though that we did not have our hands in it. I am a student of all that is alive, dead and captured in between..." She motions in a circling hand motion at her openly carried holy symbol of Pharasma. "... and am as such easily drawn to all places that remind one of murder or martyrdom. In a sense we are all students, and as such curious by nature." She shortly pauses. "Regarding the hypothesis that more than one criminal was involved, I am sorry that I cannot provide more insight. As I said, for me the letters look different in the way they are assembled, and as such, I would rather conclude that it was more than one individual. At the same time, Sheriff, this is more your domain of expertise than mine, and I would be glad to know the task of solving this riddle in your hands, rather than mine." She smiles and looks at him from below, trying to give him a clear feeling of supremacy. It was a skill that she nowadays used regularly, and that she had learned it in her many years on the campus. Most of the professors, even the genuinely nice ones, usually preferred to hear about their respective strengths.

Sleepy Shade
2016-12-11, 03:19 AM
Toby takes a few steps back from the statue and sits down. Try as he might he can't really think of any connection with the 3 letters and the statue. Did they connect to guards, the prisoners, or something else?

You mentioned that the 3 letters were written with different implements can we figure out what they were?

2016-12-11, 04:17 PM
"I'm not convinced the professor's death was an accident," Vas says openly to the sheriff. "I'm following in his last known footsteps so to speak. This place had something to do with it. Do you know if people ever go exploring inside this prison?"

2016-12-11, 10:19 PM
Celia converses with the Sheriff concerning the possible number of those involved with the desecration of the monument. From his demeanor and body language, the Sheriff is impressed with Celia's opinion on the subject.

Toby gives the monument another look. He can tell that the first letter, "V" was painted on by a brush. The strokes are unmistakable, even to the untrained eye. The second letter, "E" looks as if the blood was scratched on by a blunt object, maybe a stick, limb, or weapon handle. The third letter, "S" has the appearance of a hand-painted letter as there are definite finger prints left clearly in the streaks of blood.

Vas admits that he's investigating the professor's death and that the trail had led to this monument. He also inquires about the prison.

Sheriff Caeller replies to Celia, then Vas. I tell ya what, there's been a couple of strange occurrences here of late. Max and I currently have our hands full with some sorta dire wolf in the area; farmers son was killed the other night. ... I've spoken to Kendra about y'all. Look into this monument incident for me and for your own investigation into the professor's death and let me know what you learn. As for Harrowstone; let it be. No one is allowed to venture within. The professor knew that. The Sheriff begins to walk back to his horse. Perhaps he'd be alive today if that place was left alone. It's a plough'n mass grave. The Sheriff mounts his horse and pauses, as if waiting for a response from the group.

Sleepy Shade
2016-12-12, 12:00 AM
"I'm pretty sure everyone would like to let that place rest." Toby sighs and gets up. Sadly I don't think we can let it rest he thought.
"Still somethings going on just not sure what" We'll need to go tonight after we eat.

2016-12-12, 04:05 AM
Ariselde, who has been rather quiet as she wracks her brain for any relevant information, goes very quiet and very, very still when the sheriff mentions the dire wolf.

"Oh no," she says in a muted whisper.