View Full Version : Dragondoom IC Thread - Group 1

2016-12-17, 10:26 PM
You all approach the table and have a seat, unsure of the old mans intentions but curious about the reward he is offering. As you get closer you see that he looks aged beyond anything you would have expected for someone who walked into the tavern. His skin while somewhat pale is very fragile looking, he takes a moment before he speaks.

"Oh, tha's a bit odd looking group aren't ya?" He looks at each of you in turn, unsure of who to focus on before finally focusing on Morortok, though if it is due to his immense size or at random... who could say.

"So there's a book of mine, and it was taken by a servant of Macroo, the tribal leader of a nearby kobold clan. This book has some important stories in it and they think it is a holy book... of course thats just rubbish!" he adds quickly as he sees some of you take increased interest.

"Macroo and his group have been trying to get the book from me for quite some time but I was able to keep them away, but looks as though Macroo wizened up and got a local to turn against me, my old friend Jangor who used to help me with small odds and ends took it and I assume collected a handsome payment from that lizard bastard." He ends with a sidways glance at Sebi as though her small size connect her in someway to the kobolds.

He drops the bag he had been shaking earlier and it lands with a solid weight to it and you hear the delightful sound of coins bouncing off one another.

" I have 1800 gold for you to paid with the return of my book. I figure they only have one book there, kobolds are'n known to be real book reading types. But you can't miss it, it has a large 8 pointed interconnected star on the back, and it is bound in dragonhide. Fetch me this book, and the reward will be yours." Faster than you would have expected he swipes the bag back into the folds of his old cloak and waits for your response.

Here is a picture of what the book looks like. http://img11.deviantart.net/9b60/i/2012/339/3/d/leather_book_by_studiogruhnj-d5n4v0j.jpg

Any OOC chat should be in spoilers either at the appropriate part of your post or at the end as convenient and please roll in spoilers as well.

2016-12-17, 11:11 PM
Morortok scratched his chin thoughtfully. He had already decided to accept the offer, but in his experience those who seemed too eager usually got ripped off. So you just want this here book of yours? Nothing else? If you don't mind me asking, what's actually in it? The Half-Orc kept his face level, gesturing somewhat dismissively. As if he didn't really care.

2016-12-18, 12:34 AM
Manjo holds up his hand, signaling for a barmaid to bring him an ale. I trust this book is not bound in the hide of a good dragon? So it's just guarded by some kobolds? Should be pretty simple. Walk in put the kobolds in their place and take the book. As long as its not guarded by something big and nasty.

2016-12-18, 12:51 AM
Nelsi tilts her head back as the ale goes down her throat. It had been a peaceful couple of months in Hoarwood. Or at least... it would have peaceful, had she been almost anyone else. The duchess was kind in taking her in, but she hadn't been assigned an actual job since she got here, and she's starting to feel like another jewel in the duchess's crown, so to speak. An interesting oddity that the duchess could delight in having at her beck and call, but not actually important enough to be trusted with anything, and thus sitting around doing nothing. Queen Elvanna would have had her working on something important by now, not wandering aimlessly around the land hounding illegal loggers just to feel even a little useful.

She's still not sure why the queen suddenly decided to send her away. Was she not good enough anymore? But no, that had never mattered to the queen - she had taken her in when she was a little girl who couldn't do anything. Did she upset the queen somehow? Again, that didn't seem right either. The day before her dismissal, she had just returned from a successful job. The queen had clearly still trusted her then; she even let Nelsi go into her quarters to retrieve her things.

So then why?

Nelsi's thoughts are interrupted when she, like many others, looks up as the man declares his request. Well, I can be of use to someone, at least. Besides, Duchess Anelisha told me to report anything suspicious to her guard. Perhaps this will lead to something? The duchess's order had felt tossed at her as an afterthought more than as a genuine request, but Nelsi was surely going to put forth her best effort in following it. Rising from her table, she remembers to take her glass with her just before she steps towards the man.

She takes notice of the man's old age immediately. It must be hard to get much done in that state. Glancing around at the others who had gathered around the man's table, she concurs with the his remark. No surprise there. Irrisen is home to many creatures, after all. And a pile of gold will entice many who would otherwise be unwilling to help. Hopefully, we'll be able to work together.

The request is also nothing too out of the ordinary, though if the kobolds are getting so brazen as to openly interfere with people, it is surely time for a message to be sent.

Nelsi nods slightly at the Half-Orc's question, admitting to herself that she's curious too, but not intending to press him. People aren't usually so keen to give up their secrets, in any case. She adds to the questions, however, inquiring, "And do you know where this kobold clan is?"

2016-12-18, 01:10 AM

For now Alastair listens to the other talk and focuses on the man offering them the job. He looked for the subtle clues of lying or of holding things back.

Sense Motive [roll0]

2016-12-18, 08:34 AM
"Why would it matter whose hide the book was bound in?" asked the 'child'. While her cap could make her look like one, Sebi wasn't nearly good enough as an actress to sound like one. It's one of the reasons she usually kept quiet during her travels. "What would you do if it was a Good Dragon's hide - let the Kobolds keep it?" The half-orc's question - about it's contents - was, she thought, far more relevant. 1800GP for a book was somewhat excessive - most writings that expensive had arcane spells in them...

...Though that might be a touch of wishful thinking on her part.

Still, if everyone accepted, she could look forwards to 300 GP for making up the numbers while the others fought. That'd get her most of the way to the border, surely...

2016-12-18, 08:53 AM
Cori looked with amusement at the man. The jovb looked quite simple to him, kobolds weren't the most hardy foes, and the employer gathered quite a fearsome group. - "So" - he asked impatiently. - "Where are these kobolds?"

2016-12-18, 01:37 PM
"Whats in the book is of no concern. I'm not asking you to read it... In fact, don't read it. Its of my concern, I need you's to fetch it. Tha's all.

You say the book is'n bound in "good" dragonskin, but whos to say what "good" really is. Is all a matter of perspective I say!

The Macroo clan stays about 3 hours north-west of here, deeper in the forest. I don know what kind of beasties they have guarding their place though I will say Macroo is a devious little bastard!"

He again waves off the serving girl who comes by to offer more drink and sausage to the table, and stares intently at each of you in turn.

"Is easy offer. Go find Macroo, take my book back, don't read it. Bring it back. Get paid. Are you's in or no?"

You sense that the man is telling the truth of where he believes his book to be, and that he is indeed offering that amount of gold for its safe return.

2016-12-18, 01:47 PM
Morortok arched an eyebrow, but kept the rest of his face nonreactive. Fine. I'll get ya book. Anyone else who wants to help can come. Just don't get yer self killed.

2016-12-18, 01:49 PM
I am in. When do we leave?

2016-12-18, 02:06 PM

Alastair was unconvinced the book belonged to the man, but if the others were going then so would he. "Then I am in as well." Alastair looks deeply at the man. "Where did you say you acquired this book?"

Sense motive to try and get a feel if the man owned the book. [roll0]

2016-12-18, 02:38 PM
Nelsi waits as the others finish getting their questions hopefully answered. While she'd like to know more, she's not sure the man will answer them that easily. It might be easier to try to find that out ourselves. Though the kobolds will likely be just as tight-lipped, if not more.

"Well, I'm ready to leave whenever you all are."

2016-12-18, 02:56 PM
Manjo strokes his beard and finishes his drink. Maybe we should introduce ourselves since we are going to be working together. I am Manjo Fawaz.

2016-12-18, 03:06 PM
Nelsi glances downward nonchalantly at the dwarf. Right, people who aren't working directly for the crown usually expect pleasantries. "I am called Nelsi."

2016-12-18, 03:18 PM
Cori - the shadow-dweller nodded to the group. - Looking forward to working with you - he added in his hushed voice.

2016-12-18, 03:47 PM
Morortok stood suddenly, turning dramatically towards the door. Morortok. C'mon. No need to wait, get up and hustle if you don't wanna be left behind. he growled. He hadn't worked with anyone in a few years and he was determined to not lead them to disaster. Mainly, by being emotionally distant.

2016-12-18, 04:58 PM
Quietly: "What with all your long, long legs, I had a suspicion 'hustling' would be coming up in my immediate future..."

Morortok's haste to get out the door had robbed her of her chance to either assent or or introduce herself to the group, but she was happy enough with that situation. She'd rather handle her introduction later, once they were outside the town and she would be free to cancel the illusion and show the others she wasn't actually a small child... small, yes, child, no.

2016-12-18, 05:08 PM
Nelsi nods at the half-orc - Morortok's - conclusion and heads after him. The names aren't really a concern for her; she has worked with numerous creatures before, and they're not always so keen on making nice with introductions. Relieved to have something to do again, even if that something was just chasing down kobolds, she breathes a small sigh of relief. "Right, we had best get a move on. I know the forests quite well, so I should be able to lead us northwest."

Nelsi has been around Hoarwood for the past couple of months, wandering around trying to find things to keep her occupied. So I hope she would know where she's going after all of that, but just in case:

Knowledge (Local): [roll0]

2016-12-18, 06:53 PM

"I am Sir Alastair Dawn." Alastair rises chuckling. "I doubt you could leave me and Rook behind."

2016-12-18, 10:01 PM
At Alastair's question of where the book came from, "I did'n say where I got the book. Its my book, not made for anyone elses eyes. If you're to take this job you have to agree not to read it either." The old man says with an air of finality.

You all leave the Red Pine and take a moment to look around at the town that was carved into the trunk of this massive tree, one of the few respites from the biting cold whirling about outside, as is the norm for Irrsen.

You sense he is being truthful when he says it is his book, but you aren't sure if he wrote it or may have simply owned it a long time, OR he just truly considers it his regardless if someone else might disagree with him on that point.

You think about the local area and where a group of kobolds might hunker down out in the cold wilderness of the Hoarwood, and there are a few places that spring to mind but only one Northwest. It is about a mile off the trail, where there is a small depression against an old tree that has fallen down, it is a well known spot to break away from the cold winds blowing from the north if you stay on the south side of the fallen wood.

2016-12-18, 10:27 PM
The once-over of the town that Nelsi takes is quite short, her full attention being given to the task at hand. While the huge tree trunk protecting the city keeps out the worst of the winter winds, it does not eliminate the pervading chill. For some reason, Nelsi has never had the (very useful) tolerance for the cold that her family has, and a slight shiver goes through her as they step out of the Red Pine into the frosty air. Just more proof that I could never be one of the Jadwiga, not truly. Or so Princess Cassisoche would say, she thinks glumly.

"So, I do remember a place in the forest similar to the one the man described. We'll have to venture a ways off the trail eventually, though. Shall we?" she asks, already starting off in the direction of the fallen tree.

2016-12-18, 11:57 PM

Alastair heads out, readies Rook and easily catches up with the others. He seems quite comfortable riding along into the woods. The big horses hoofs kicking up snow that rises and mixes with his feathers.

"So, I do remember a place in the forest similar to the one the man described. We'll have to venture a ways off the trail eventually, though. Shall we?"

"Sounds good to me."

2016-12-19, 12:47 AM
Glad I took time to meditate this morning. I hope we get to smash a lot of kobold heads today.

2016-12-19, 02:42 AM
Morortok nodded curtly, deferring to the woman who seem to know the area. Please, Ms. Nelsi. Lead the way. Morortok positioned himself just behind the woman, taking position at the fore of their little group.

2016-12-19, 04:55 AM
Cori packed silently. Well, "packed" was a strong word - his backpack was here, nice and ready - he didn't need much.

2016-12-19, 10:40 PM
For Sebi, sadly, 'catching up' isn't as easy as it is for Alastair. Still, she doesn't lose sight of the group - mainly because she's moving at a jog to keep up with the others at a walk.

Once they're outside town, she's got a few things to do. First: "Wait up, everyone!" With (hopefully) their attention drawn to her, Sebi fiddles with her cap and the illusion of a human child disappears. "So, couple of bits I didn't like to mention in town: First... well, ratfolk, as you can see. Second, while it's kinda obvious what a lot of you bring to the party, what does the rat bring you, other than a much shorter stride? Well, I'm a wizard. Not a terribly powerful one, not yet anyway, but I am a wizard, and what magic I do have is at your disposal. And, finally..." She walks over to Alastair, pokes his leg, and makes the closest you can get to puppy-dog-eyes when you're a giant anthropomorphic rat. Which, truthfully, probably puts her a lot closer to having a dog-like face than a human would... "...I don't suppose I could join you on the horse, could I? We're never going to get anywhere if the rest of you have to keep waiting up for me..."

2016-12-19, 10:51 PM

Alastair looks down at Sebi and grins. He reaches down, takes her arm and pulls her up. "His name is Rook and I doubt he would notice much."

2016-12-19, 11:02 PM
I need to invest in a horse. And a cart. My ultimate goal is to become more like the Dragons that raised me. So the god I worship will recognize me as a follower

2016-12-19, 11:22 PM
Nelsi's eyebrow goes up as the illusion fades, leaving behind the small form of the ratfolk, though she doesn't say a word So she's of that sort. Why the deception to begin with, though? I'll have to watch that one closely. Always have to be careful dealing with creatures, after all - Nelsi can think of more than a few times where they had tried to pull the wool over her eyes.

Just as well that the ratfolk will be traveling with the man on his horse. At least I don't have to watch my pockets quite so closely, hopefully.

2016-12-19, 11:28 PM
Morortok's distant facade cracked as the illusion fell. After a moment, he realized he was gaping and quickly closed his mouth. Uh, better you tell us now, than later then. He mentally cursed himself for not even suspecting a child, a human child, as an odd member of their little band.

2016-12-20, 03:21 AM
You all are able to gather necessary supplies to ward against the frigid wind blowing especially strong from the east, as you head out it is around mid afternoon, Nelsi is able to take the lead where she believes the kobolds may be staying.

The ride is not as hard as you would thought, the ground is hard packed but well traveled for this area and you don't see any other people on the road.

As you approach the point where Nelsi indicates to leave the trail the wind and snow pick up and visibility drops to around 35-40 ft ahead.

Can you make a knowledge local or survival check to verify youre going in the right spot, it would be easy to get turned around if you aren't focused.

2016-12-20, 04:05 AM
Nelsi does no additional packing, her bags already containing everything she thinks she'll need. Instead, she tags along with the others as they gather what they need, keeping an especially close eye on the ratfolk.

As they set off, Nelsi is rather optimistic, as if knowing the direction they should go (she hopes) somehow helps her know what direction her life is going. In any case, it feels good to have something to focus on. She can feel her mind resettling into its familiar mindset, as the chilling breeze stops being important enough to bother her and her eyes search carefully as they continue along the path. She takes careful note of familiar trees and other greenery. After a bit more trudging, Nelsi spots a familiar-looking part of the path. At least, she recalls seeing something similar when she was returning from a hike from the very part of the woods they are looking for. She pulls her hood up and tucks her scarf tighter around her neck and face as the swirling gales pick up.

"I believe the place we're looking for is this way!" she yells over the wind, as she begins veering off in the direction she thinks is right.


2016-12-20, 06:44 AM
When Sebi introduced herself in her new, improved guise, Cori was somewhat excited - and it was shown on the face of the shadow dweller. Not much because of his companion was a ratfolk - there were plenty of strange creatures in his life. But her area of expertise...
- A wizard? Really? Say, maybe we could compare notes at the travel rest? Maybe trade a bit. I have mostly things, I can use with my bow in my notes, but who knows, maybe, you'll find something interesting - he shot out quickly. - Oh, I've shoud've told it before, yes? I know a bit of magic too - truly, a fetchling in a chain shirt wielding a bow is not the most wizard-ish figure to see.

When Nelsi started looking around for some landmarks, Cori asked her. - What's you looking for, maybe I can help?

Kn. Local: [roll0]

2016-12-20, 11:06 AM
Are you sure this is the way? I think I should get my hammer and shield out.

Perception roll [roll0]

2016-12-20, 08:31 PM
Nelsi glances sideways at the shadowy person trying to help. "There should be a hollow tree somewhere near us. I remember passing by it on my way back."

I hope it's okay for me to bs this hollow tree. :D

2016-12-20, 08:41 PM

Alastair rises in his stirrups and looks around for a hollow tree. "How big is this tree?"


2016-12-20, 09:03 PM
Through your combined searching of the area you locate the fallen tree, and it is quite a sight. When it stood it towered over two hundred feet tall, nearly 25 ft across it was quite massive, you see no other tree near its size in the area. Under the tree you see a depression in the earth which appears to lead into a cave or underground. The snow at the entrance is much lighter so it may indicate some heat coming from the area.

You realize that no one has alerted Manjo who is staring off the other direction intent that is the correct way to go.

You are able to notice several tracks leading to and from the depression ranging from 1-5 hours old, though the snowfall has increased in the last 2 hours and it could make some of them appear older than they are.

2016-12-20, 09:08 PM
Morortok motions for the others to stay still for a moment. He bends down, examining the footprints carefully. These tracks are fairly fresh. No more than 5 hours old. I'd say whoever made them are probably inside still.

K: Local to ID tracks [roll0] If this counts as a Monster Identification, that's another +1.

2016-12-20, 09:19 PM
Nelsi's eyes narrow at the sight of the depression. She hadn't seen it before, but then again, she hadn't a reason to look. "If that's so, then it would seem that the kobolds may indeed be here." She wanders around the tree, searching for other possible entrances (or exits).


2016-12-20, 10:02 PM
Manjo readies his hammer and shield. Gail wants to taste some kobold blood. Lets get in there and smash some skulls

2016-12-20, 10:23 PM
Looping back around the tree to the depression, regardless of the potential presence of others like it around the tree, Nelsi returns to the others. "The nice thing about this kind of hideout for a group of creatures like these is that the entrances are easy to guard." She unsheathes her short swords. "We may run into traps along the way, if not actual resistance from the kobolds themselves. We'd best proceed with caution." Peering down into the cavity, she adds, "I have torches with me, but I wouldn't want to risk lighting the tree on fire, even with this heavy snow. Anyone have another source of light?"

2016-12-20, 10:30 PM

Alastair hops off Rook and then helps Sebi down. "I have no desire to kill kobolds, but if they attacks us then that is another matter." He pats Rook's neck and stokes his hair.

After hearing Nelsi's warning he shrugs and pulls out his longsword.

2016-12-20, 10:57 PM
Manjo points to the Light circling his head. I have an old ioun stone my adoptive family gave me that acts as a torch.

2016-12-21, 03:05 AM
Morortok reached up, grabbing cracked Ioun Stone floating lazily around his head. He pressed it to his holy symbol, uttering aloud the incantation. Cayden, brighten the darkness like a welcoming tavern. The stone began to glow and Morortok let it float around him unaided. With a smirk, Morortok looked at the dwarf. As does mine, so it seems.

2016-12-21, 03:27 PM
You only see the one main entrance. You hear conversation just barely over the light wind and sounds of your group moving about. It sounds like a striking language but you can't quite place it.

You recognize many sets of tracks some look like booted feet and other small clawed feet.

2016-12-21, 03:49 PM
Quietly, Sebi mutters to herself: "Poor things... eyes ruined by growing up in so much sunlight."

At a regular 'hushed' volume, she continues: "I was going to offer to turn one of you invisible so you could take a look inside, but it won't work so well if you're all carrying lights at the time. I can go in without a light, but I'm hopeless as a scout, so that won't help much. I could turn Master Manjo invisible instead? Dwarves should be able to see in the dark as well, after all. Would you be any good at scouting if you put the ioun stone away, Master Manjo?"

2016-12-21, 07:03 PM
Nelsi nods at Manjo's ioun stone. "That will do." To Sebi, she suggests, "It may be better for Morortok to scout ahead, invisible. Er, no offense, Manjo." She glances briefly at the dwarf, seeming like she was going to add to that but then deciding against it. In any case, at this point, the half-orc seems like the more reliable of the two. "The rest of us can follow behind, with the light. I did hear some voices as I was circling around the tree... the creatures we're searching for may be closer than we think.

"I will take up the rear. If you run into any traps, let me know." She takes a pack of tools out of her bag, and moves it to her belt pouch.

This may be for the best, in any case... I can keep an eye on all of them while listening for any signs of danger behind us.

2016-12-21, 07:04 PM
The Half-Orc turned towards the Ratfolk. Why not use myself? I can see in the dark just fine. I can dispel this light easily. I think I can handle my on my own if I'm found out better than our dwarven friend.

2016-12-22, 02:37 PM
"Alright. Quick run over the rules: I've only got one Invisibility readied today. Duration's around 3 minutes, so you won't have long for your scouting run. Invisibility does not make you inaudible; cause enough noise and even kobolds will probably realise you're there. Invisibility ends if you attack anyone, so you can't kill sentries and keep on sneaking. Environmental interactions - moving obstructions, opening doors and the like - won't break invisibility, however. Lastly, I have to speak while casting, so it's probably best to do it outside their tunnels to keep them from overhearing me.

Now, whenever you're ready..."

As and when Morortok indicates being ready, Sebi will cast her Invisibility on him.

2016-12-22, 07:43 PM
Morortok grabbed his pendant, muttering words of encouragement. He grabbed a coin from his pocket, re-casting the Light spell onto the coin, then pocketing it. Then he offered his free hand to the Ratfolk, uttering another spell. Cayden free spirit hasten's my steps.

As the spell's took their effect, he accustomed himself to the lack of visual feedback. Gripping his pendant tightly, he drew his falchion, moving towards the entrance cautiously. He kept his eyes peeled for kobolds or anythign that looked fishy.

Cast Guidance, +1 to Attack, Save or Skill check within 1 minute.
Cast Expeditious Retreat, simultaneously with Invisibility. Since both have 3 min duration, they'll end simultaneously (assuming I don't break Invis first).
Taking 10 on both Perception and Stealth, applying Guidance to Perception
Perception 19
Stealth 32

2016-12-28, 12:33 AM
Here is a map to a *I THINK* editable battlestyle map. Please only select your character (represented by the fancy circles with your chat color I made) to move. and please Only move it where each square represents 5' of movement.
Kobold Lair Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dGb_-E7PO2KNWCruoHdR7w0X_6xgOxRgM0vU7WUNVTM/edit?usp=sharing)

Anyone who is outside please make another perception check.

You approach the cave entrance taking careful effort to remain quiet and keep your eyes peeled for any potential danger. As you approach the mouth of the cave you spot a poorly hidden trip wire and step over it easily.

You squeeze through the walkway as the roof continues to angle downward and now youhave to hunch over and bend your knees to navigate the passageways as they are no more than 5ft tall. The walls here have been cut from the ground in a very rough pattern but don't seem to be really freshly dug. The smell of the cave hits you hard as you get through the first squeeze point, it smells as a mix of smoke, blood, and a reptilian molt smell you can't quite place.

You hear a voice up ahead and pause for a moment to listen.

"haha batobot pothoc munthrek confn mrith turasjir, jaci tuor bensvelk xikin de macroo shar instead jaci ergriff itrewic svabol rasvim macroo tepoha nadot malrak."

Which you understand as draconic, "Haha that stupid human come with book, he want good pay from Macroo but instead he only get what treasure Macroo have plan for him."

When you round the corner you see two kobolds sitting around a small fire cooking what look to be feet of a humanoid of sorts.

Do you wish to continue searching the cave system while you are extra stealthy or do you wish to dispatch with these beasts?

2016-12-28, 01:14 AM
Manjo looks around again just outside the hollow tree.


2016-12-28, 03:34 AM
Cori stands guard, in case of anything springing out of the bushes

Perception: [roll0]
Also, it seems, the map shows blank sheet to me

2016-12-28, 08:02 AM

Alastair looks around, wondering if they would be ambushed while they decide how to proceed.

Perception [roll0]

2016-12-28, 11:19 AM
Morortok's ear's piqued up as he heard mention of the old man. He planned on trying to go further in, but the Kobold's conversation is likely far more useful. He inched closer to the two, holding his falchion close to his body but ready at hand. He waited, listening to their conversation and keeping check of the time that passed. Holding up his holy symbol with his spare hand, Morortok imbued his eyes with power, searching for Evil aura's on the Kobolds.

Take 10 on Stealth again (no Guidance this time) for 32
Taking 5-ft step (or regular move, if I can't 5-ft step out of combat) to AR-27
Using Detect Evil SLA on each Kobold, 3-rounds each to get an accurate reading. If either don't respond with Evil, I'll hit with Good. Do note this action is an SLA, and as such has no verbal component.
I'm going to listen to their conversation. If they are still chatting as the spell is wearing off, I'm going to attack one of them (will chose which at such time). If I beat the other in Init (and drop the first with my surprise round) I'm going to use my Hidden Diplomacy spell to get him to cooperate and spill more beans (or at least not start screaming his head off).

2016-12-28, 02:22 PM
Perception Check: [roll0]

2016-12-28, 03:11 PM
After briefly watching Morotok's form disappear into the darkness, Nelsi takes one last look around before the group heads down after him.


2016-12-28, 10:13 PM
As the group congregates outside the entrance to the lair, the snow begins to fall in earnest, and the temperature feels like it is dropping even more than usual.

You spot another set of much larger clawed footprints that look similar to the smaller kobold feet but end in massive claws.

You hear the kobolds go on further about some "human who was too dumb to know what was coming to him" and wondering why Macroo wanted the book so much.

As the feet continue to cook, the skin on them turning darker and darker, "[i]*In Draconic*I don't know why Macroo want this book anyway. He say that Daraxtrius want book for big treasure. But Macroo can't read book all the way. He says Daraxtrius is not giving enough time to learn all the book says. Lucky for us Macroo have good magic to get answer for this, before it hurts us all."

They then tap their feet together as a toast and dig in on the feet, making what you would assume are happy noises when the big toes pop off with an audible snap.

You have about 30 or so seconds remaining on the invisibility spell. If you want to attack you may do so at your leisure or you may go back to the group and report your findings.

2016-12-31, 01:56 AM
Sensing his time was running out, Morortok hefted his heavy blade, ready to strike the unsuspecting Kobolds. But he stayed his hand. Instead, he backed up slowly, retreating back the path he came through as he became visible again. Finding the others, he motioned for silence. He held up two fingers, pointing down the tunnel, indicating the 2 kobolds. He motioned for everyone to go forward.

2016-12-31, 02:08 AM
Nelsi briefly stops the group just before they venture inside. "Wait..." Kneeling to take a closer look at the tracks, she narrows her eyes at the pair of large, clawed footprints among numerous smaller, unclawed ones. Pointing to them, she mutters, "Those don't look quite like kobold tracks to me. It seems that there may be a bigger threat down there. Stay alert."

With that, she waits for everyone else to proceed into the tunnel ahead of her, following after them. When the group stops at Morortok's interception, she peers around the bodies in front of her at the half-orc's hand signals. Ahh, two enemies then? Shouldn't be a problem with a group as large as ours. She nods and continues following everyone.

Perception just in case: [roll0]

2016-12-31, 08:25 AM

Alastair gets his sword and shield ready and heads into the lair, alert for dangers and doing his best not to make too much noise.

Perception [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2016-12-31, 09:57 AM
Manjo readies his hammer and follows. Would anybody like a shield spell?

2016-12-31, 10:27 AM
Cori readied his bow as he prepared to descent into the dark (which was nice) cavern Larger footprints? Anyone knows, what creature could prey on kobolds?

2016-12-31, 10:45 AM
They could be dragon claw marks. Kobolds sometimes work WITH dragons of the chromatic variety

2016-12-31, 11:03 AM
Morortok brought a finger to his lips, barring his tusks. He pushed air through his gritted teeth, urging silence.

2016-12-31, 11:55 AM
You make your preparations and enter the cavern, being careful to step over the slightly obvious trip wire setup there. You round the first bend and enter the more open area where the two kobolds are sitting enjoying their small feast of feet.

"hey dirlanex, tir wux tepoha wer kiwiegir creolnali odd ui... vi urac?!?" One Kobold says to the other followed by raucous laughter which covers any sound of your approach.

"Hey Dirlanex, do you get the feeling something is... a foot?!?"

You see they have a crude spear with a rather dull looking stone tip and a somewhat better but still rusty short sword which has a rather large chip of it missing.

2016-12-31, 10:43 PM
And there they are. Nelsi observes her surroundings, seeing how the cavity narrows back into a tunnel leading away from the kobolds. We need to block off their escape. She dares to release a hissed whisper as the kobolds chuckle among themselves, to get the group's attention. Using her hands, she points down at where the group is standing with one, points at the others with the other hand, and draws it away from the first in a semi-circular manner.

More Perception: [roll0] +1 if traps

2016-12-31, 11:08 PM
Take out one and leave the other alive. We can get info out of him. Morortok whispered. He readied to charge into the room.
[roll0] lets get this started! Also, funny that pun translates so well from Draconic.

2017-01-01, 01:18 PM
Sebi waits until the others are in position to move on the pair, before revealing that she was, in fact, one of the party's (now two) draconic speakers.

"Throdenilt loupon wux vucot. Sjek wux relgr ihk letoclo, nomenoi xiekivi geou svent wux."

"More than you know. If you call for help, these people will kill you."

Of course, the time she was spending to warn the Kobolds was also spent training her light crossbow on one of them...

2017-01-02, 03:22 PM
As Sebi warns the kobolds, one of them freezes and doesn't move an inch, while the other throws his stick with what is now about half an ankle left on it at Sebi and reaches for his short sword.

The grease coating his hands makes his attempt to grab his sword go horribly wrong and as he swings the sword back in a motion to attack, it flies from his hand and clatters back toward the entrance and where the rest of the group is waiting.

"si iaco, batobot relgrir ekik ihk letoclo ui vi tisvelk ulhyrr jaka. svabol tir wux tuor thurirli?" he says with a wide smile showing his dirty fangs and the peices of flesh still stuck within.

"I agree, that calling out for help is a bad idea now. What do you want friends?"

2017-01-02, 03:31 PM
Morortok stepped forward, bearing his blade towards the one who 'threw' his short sword. Svaklar ui Macroo vur jacida turasjir? vur svabol tir wux vucot arcaniss di Macroo? svaust ui Daraxtrius? anyui hesi visidarkic vur wux shilta jaseve tenpiswo mrith dout ternocki shafaer dout houpe.

Where is Macroo and his book? And what do you know magic of Macroo? Who is Daraxtrius? Answer our questions and you can leave here with your scales on your hide.
[roll0] I get a +4 bonus since I'm a size category larger.

2017-01-04, 10:40 AM
"macroo ui spical mobi mrith daraxtrius, jaciri vi turalisj thurirl di macroo vur tuor wer turasjir. macroo tepohaic turalisj arcaniss. zi versvesh." he finishes with a smile happy to give you the answers you want to escape with his life.

"Macroo is back there with Daraxtrius, hes a big friend of Macroo and want the book. Macroo has big magic. Very strong. "

2017-01-08, 11:45 AM
Osvith. Tir ti confn spical sjek wux hefoc waphir. Morotok nudged the end of his blade at the kobold's side. Just enough to slice the skin, but not enough to do any real harm.

After the Kobold's had fled We should go ahead cautiously. I didn't get a chance to explore further before the spell ran its course. He motioned further into the cave, taking a fighting stance and moving forward cautiously.

Scram. Don't come back if you like living.

2017-01-08, 06:56 PM
Nelsi nods in response to Morortok. "Alright. Proceed carefully from here on out then." She continues bringing up the rear.

[roll0] +1 if traps

2017-01-08, 07:34 PM

Alastair starts moving forward cautiously.


2017-01-09, 12:10 AM

Yes lets go find some evil dragon lackeys to smash.

Manjo follows with the group. Keeping an eye out for danger.


2017-01-09, 02:29 AM
Let's just hope, we don't find an actual evil dragon. - Cori, quietly as falling snow added his opinion to the group conversation

Perception roll just in case

2017-01-10, 01:59 AM
You move past those two and arrive at a crossed path, one branch leading left, another right. You are able to spot and avoid 2 more rather poorly constructed traps, one a deadmans fall which was held up with beams made of small branches, barely even hidden, another a slightly better hidden pitfall trap which opened into a 10 ft by 10 ft pit, after skirting along those you arrive at the path. Looking left you notice a multitude of sounds and smells, many voices of other kobolds drift down that path, but the large prints noticed earlier seem to be heading down the right parth.

2017-01-10, 02:18 AM
Morortok points down the right path, indicating the large prints. He slams his fist against the flat of his blade lightly, indicating his hostile intentions.

Lets go down the right path and kill whatever's there. Probably.

2017-01-10, 06:33 AM

Alastair gestures to his eyes and towards the left tunnel to Nelsi, indicating she should keep extra attention to the rear to avoid being sandwiched by kobolds and whatever they are heading towards.

Perception [roll0]

2017-01-12, 02:22 PM
Nodding in response to Alastair, Nelsi stays alert as they continue along the right path.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth?: [roll1]

2017-01-13, 11:51 AM
Down that path about 70 or so feet the tunnel continues to slope downward and to the right so that you can only see about 20 feet ahead.

You notice other crudely set traps but are able to easily maneuver around them and avoid setting them off.

It appears that the light level is increasing as you aprroach something and you hear voices up ahead.

"thric daraxtrius wux cant filki tepoha wer turasjir. si filki itrewica coi3 keari ago vur tepoha ti tepohada tairais sjerit ekess decipher coita irthosi. sjek nomeno turasjir ui svabol si jikahshi coi ui hak coi shilta qe vin amazing tool ihk udoka trian, shar yth tepoha ekess tawura ulnaus ekess itrewic wer vis nezcaubol. qe xiesin. shio geou xkhat vucat ekess udoka persvek tairais.

Another voice much lower in pitch but louder replies and also sounds as if they are eating, "svabol di darvinaran, sjek jaci confnic vorqir ihk wer turasjir, ghent shio jaci vucata wux ornla xoal ekess clax coi. jaci geou tuor coi spical..."

No Daraxtrius you cant just have the book. I just got it 3 days ago and have not had time yet to decipher its secrets. If this book is what I believe it is then it can be an amazing tool for us both, but we have to work together to get the true benefit. Be Patient. All will become known to us in time.

What of Darvinaran, if he comes looking for the book, after all he knew you would try to take it. He will want it back...

2017-01-14, 05:15 PM
Morortok moves down the tunnel, Falchion at the ready.

Init: [roll0]

If the area allows, an Enlarge Person on Morortok or Alistair is probably the best opening buffs we can use.

2017-01-14, 05:41 PM

Alastair moves up with Morortok, sword and shield in his hands.

2017-01-15, 05:31 AM
Cori keeps his distance (10 ft or so) from the group, bow ready

2017-01-17, 05:49 AM

"I've got a spell to use on Alistair, " Sebi whispers to the group as they move into position. "I can't cast it quietly, so be ready to go when I start. But Alistair, try not to run off until I'm finished, it takes a couple of seconds."

Basically, asking Alistair not to move away before she's buffed him if he beats her initiative in the surprise/first round.

Sebi followed Alistair until the others were all in position. She'll then cast Enlarge Person on him, hopefully in the surprise round if we've gotten one.

2017-01-17, 01:21 PM

Alastair nods.

2017-01-18, 01:22 AM
And I have one for Mortock. he says quietly.

2017-01-18, 02:40 AM
You hear more conversation but seems to be along the same track, risking a glance around the final corner you see after about another 15 feet the tunnel opens into a larger cavern, this one appears to be half natural and half rough hewn stone and maybe was made larger. This area is about 70ft deep from the opening and about 45 ft wide.

You spot a kobold who must be Macroo, he is rather large compared to the others you have seen and is wearing... extravagant clothing to say the least. He is dark scaled and has a rather large dragon skull helmet and a raggedy looking cloak. You don't see a book in his possession at the moment. Standing further in the back of cave is a two-legged dragon with dull blue scales tinged with bright blue ice. A freezing mist issues from between its powerful jaws as he continues to complain to Macroo.

2017-01-18, 02:50 AM
Morortok holds his holy symbol to his breast, intone a prayer to Cayden. Grant me the courage of a drunk and the clarity of a abstinent. A brief radiance surrounds the half-orc, before dieing down.

Cast Divine Favor. In tandem with Fortune's Favor, I get +2 to hit and damage for non-spell attacks.

2017-01-18, 10:31 PM
Grant me the skin of dragons. I bring the battle to your chromatic enemies.

Cast ironskin for +4 natural armor bonus

2017-01-24, 07:59 AM
As Morortok and Manjo break the silence, Sebi begins her own intonation, the little hand pressed into Alistair's back only appearing to shrink further as he, himself, grew to double his regular size...

2017-01-26, 02:18 AM
The sight of the dragon is a bit breathtaking, and not in a good way. Can we fight that thing? Nevertheless, the rest of the group is preparing to strike, and if nothing else, they can disappear back down the tunnel. A dragon squeeze into those tight spaces? Nelsi wouldn't bet on it succeeding.

Of course, there were probably ways for a dragon to catch up to them anyways... but the thought puts at least some idea of comfort in her mind, albeit a false one. Well, sometimes you need false comfort, or you'll never be brave enough to jump, she tries to reassure herself. Still, she moves her scarf over her face, leaving just her eyes uncovered. The thought of the dragon not getting the full picture of her visage is another small reassurance. Nelsi points at the kobald, indicating that she'll be going for him.

Moving swiftly towards the kobold, without a word, she aims a swing of her short sword at him.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit? [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage? [roll3]

Sneak Attack Damage: [roll4]