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2017-01-04, 05:50 PM
The weather leaves much to be desired. Despite spring having begun, the sky remains covered in clouds, a constant drizzle coming down onto the city for the third day in a row. Still, despite their hopes for better weather being dashed, most of Burghafen's people are out and about. It is market day, after all, which means various wares on display, protected from the rain by tarps whenever possible. Goods from all corners of Citopa are on display, Vostochnoyan pelts alongside Cittastan jewelry and Isidoran wine, mundane reminders of the Karelische Liga's vast trade empire. The sound of the rain is all but covered up by the constant noise, merchants advertising their wares, parents calling to children, all adding to the din of the city. Here and there one of the unlucky men and women chosen for guard duty stands, their armor cleaned, weapon sharp and expression dour. Those who have just finished, or are soon to begin, their duties are visibly more cheerful, often warmed by drinks from the many taverns near the market squares.

Another day in Burghafen, unremarkable and perhaps a tad dull, compared to the recent weeks. No war is announced, no news of upheaval comes to the city. Only rain, and the daily crowds streaming through the gates. But not for everyone. Your day isn't unremarkable. Not quite.

Lunata Kroze

Things have not been going too well today. The past few days you've made good progress, finding a boy who helped you convince a woman to share what she knew of the Ruggen's activities, but that information hasn't gotten you much further. The best lead you had turned into something useful, but far less than you had hoped - you managed to arrive at a run-down building near the docks just in time to see a dozen men leave, carrying boxes and various small valuables. All of them were armed, and rather than try to tangle with them you took the opportunity to see where they were going. The answer was "three different places, one of which turned out to be a warehouse"; the building they had left was apparently still important enough to guard with three men, and rather than try your luck you withdrew.

Now you've learned the second location - a ship that left port earlier today. The Meklodka; according to the woman you spoke to, some of the Ruggen were bringing boxes of smuggled goods to the ship. The third location will hopefully be Manfried Rugge's lair, though you've had no luck in finding information on it. Your latest line of questioning brought you to the home of a man said to be an old enemy of the Ruggen, a grizzled old sailor with one ear and little patience. You knocked, waited, knocked again, waited...No one passing you paid much attention, apparently too busy hurrying through the rain to take notice, though one does eventually approach you, as you prepare to knock on the old wood again. He's fairly rude, but after demanding to know why you're standing around knocking on the door he tells you a disheartening fact: the man you're looking for died of an illness, only a few weeks ago.

With your leads exhausted, you return to the inn. It's only afternoon, but after eating and reconsidering your options, you aren't sure how to continue. It's at this moment that there's a knock at your door. One of the serving girls, who thrusts a messily-rolled-up piece of paper into your hands, explaining that it was delivered by a "nice, strange-looking man in too many clothes". The paper, manhandled as it was and with several wet spots from the rain, bears a rough map of a market square with a small red blotch in one corner, below which is a brief message: 'I apologize if this is somewhat unexpected, but I would like to give you my aid in resolving your feud with a certain Manfried'. Beneath the primitive drawing and message are three letters, which you notice are in a different, less practiced handwriting: M C B

A question to the inn's owner answers quickly the riddle of what it depicts. The Rolusplatz, he explains, pointing to a large shape on one corner of the map and a malformed square somewhere near the middle as if they were a nametag. The name is familiar, and after he's named it, you realize that the drawing is meant to portray.

Mozzy Yeltsin

Burghafen is a large city. It's easy to imagine that you know this better than many who have lived here their entire lives. After all, they don't need to trudge from one end of the city to the other, through rain, every day. You, on the other hand, find yourself going from place to place. The trail you follow began to feel like a web not too long after you found it, leading you to various men at the edges of the city. None of them give you much more than a hint or two, often a name or location that leads to a similar encounter. After quite a bit of work - most of it simply walking through the crowded center of the city to get to the cramped dens of crime on the other side, she finds four talkative thugs in only two days. They paint a picture of Manfried Rugge's latest activities; apparently he's been focused on moving goods into, and later out of, a single small building somewhere near the northeastern docks. One of them claims to have seen Manfried himself go into the building several times, but not in the last few days.

Only yesterday you were given another interesting detail: according to a man who decided he preferred his neck free of sharp objects, the Ruggen have been busy moving things around. Smuggled goods, going to warehouses, a ship...and one batch apparently directly to Manfried himself, though he was unable to say where exactly this was. The thug you met today was unfortunately less helpful, though he did at least seem to be more loyal than the last. Just outside the newly-vacated shack, you find yourself face to face with a young boy, who holds out a somewhat mangled piece of paper to you. Stammering something about "the coughing man said to give this", he's quite eager to leave and has little more information on the 'coughing man' apart from the fact that he's apparently clad head to toe in old, worn-out clothes.

The paper, manhandled as it was and with several wet spots from the rain, bears bears a rough map of a market square with a small red blotch in one corner, below which is a brief message: 'I apologize if this is somewhat unexpected, but I would like to give you my aid in resolving your feud with a certain Manfried'. Beneath the primitive drawing and message are three letters, which you notice are in a different, less practiced handwriting: M C B

It doesn't take long for you to find out, one way or another, where the crudely-drawn map is meant to lead you. The Rolusplatz, you're told very quickly, the easiest place for a Burghafener to recognize.

Karina Weiss

It's a surprisingly slow afternoon. After a hectic morning in which three people all asked for the same rare mixture you only had one of. The end result was a great deal, with one man paying almost double the normal price and the other two commissioning their own, but it was still a stressful hour and a half. Since then, you've had a few customers, all luckily much easier to deal with, but no one has come in since lunch. Several times you consider closing up, either to sequester yourself in the lab without having to keep an ear out for customers or to go out and continue your investigation, but each time someone passes by, coming just close enough to entering the shop that you decide to stay open...maybe just a bit longer. It is a market day, after all, and if you got another sale like the one this morning you could probably spend at least a few days closed to focus on other things.

Eventually, the tedium comes to an end. A curious exchange happens outside, though you can't quite see what, before a young man comes in. He gives you a somewhat embarrassed look, a few awkward pleasantries falling from his lips before he begins to say something of substance. "There was, well, there was a sick-sounding man outside. He...asked me to give you this, I'm not really sure why he didn't do it himself," he explains, before handing over a hastily-folded piece of paper, a single wet spot marking where a raindrop had struck it while it was exposed.

The paper has little on it, even for its size; it rests easily on your palm when fully unfolded and bears a rough map of a market square with a small red blotch in one corner, below which is a brief message: 'I apologize if this is somewhat unexpected, but I would like to give you my aid in resolving your feud with a certain Manfried'. Beneath the primitive drawing and message are three letters, which you notice are in a different, less practiced handwriting: M C B

You recognize the location depicted quickly. Anyone would, if they'd grown up in Burghafen, be able to tell it was the Rolusplatz. Even if it looked like it was drawn by someone who still had to grow up.


The market is loud. Loud, and crowded - often it feels more like you're trying to wade through a fast-flowing river than walking across wet cobblestone. Still, it has proved quite the fruitful venture. Ignoring the chill and the rain, you've managed to learn quite a bit about the state of Burghafen and its people. The war you've heard about is apparently a matter of rebellious subjects, Princes of the Empire refusing to heed their overlord's commands. The city is preparing to send its aid, assembling thousands to march off to the south; though the man who told you seemed insistent on repeating "Unless this rain keeps up, in which case we'll have a bunch of angry First Families and overjoyed barkeeps! Ha!" even after you made it clear that you understood. Another local tells you stories of the square you're in, pointing out the statue rising above the crowd around it, which keeps a respectful few paces away from its edges. Rolus zu Burghafen, apparently a saint in the Istan religion, is the divine patron of the city, protecting its people, even as they journey to all parts of Citopa on their ships. He is also a symbol for the independence of the city from the Church; any questions about how a divine patron represents the secular rule of a city lead nowhere.

The subject of Rugge is one about which you find little. Few know the name (disregarding the man who is sure he knows it, if you would only give him a few moments to think it over...) and those who do generally grimace, saying little more than that the man is scum of the dangerous sort. It's afternoon when you notice it - someone tracing your steps. It isn't particularly subtle, though you only see it so clearly due to coincidence, but someone covered head to toe in dark, tattered clothes approaches several people after you speak to them. Each time, there's a strained air to the covered one's movements, and they pause frequently to cough. Perhaps twenty minutes after this begins, the figure finally approaches you after an exchange that apparently goes poorly, judging by the shaking head and annoyed expression of the woman being addressed.

You are silently presented with a carefully folded paper. One painful-sounding cough later, "Come...soon", immediately followed by a fit of coughs and a swift retreat. Apparently, despite the apparent violence in each labored cough, the figure picked the perfect moment to slip away, as following is made impossible by a row of men carrying a large pole through the crowd. Looking at the paper itself, you find it dominated by a beautifully detailed graphite sketch of a wagon, looking large enough to serve as a small dwelling, with a tiny chimney protruding from the top, along with a single sentence, written by what seems to have been a shaking hand: 'Please come to meet, we will discuss Ruggen'. Whether by asking others or looking yourself, finding the wagon the drawing is based is exceptionally easy, as it rests at the edge of the square, out of sight of the majority of the square due to its position behind two similar carts that are both being used as storefronts.

The rain begins to ease up slightly as you approach the cluster of wagons near the edge of the square. The crowd thins out, and once you maneuver past the wagon houses hosting loud merchants, you find yourself in what feels like the quietest part of the square, the sounds of the market muffled by the wagons behind you. Not much space is left, perhaps ten paces to the wagon that corresponds to the drawing on the odd paper you were given, which sits near the street that separates the market square from a row of buildings.

2017-01-04, 06:16 PM
Just Mozzy

Mozzy looks over the letter briefly, tucks it into her boot, then heads straight to Karina. If it's relevant to her task, Karina needs to know about it. A few hundred feet away from the apothecary, she takes to the alleys, skulking about and generally attempting to not be seen. She slips in through the back door, thankfully without leaving wet footsteps all over the lab, and listens carefully through the door to the shop. When it becomes clear that nobody else is there, she peeps her head round, knocks on the wood, and gestures for Karina to come to her.

"Somebody gave me this." Mozzy produces her letter and, once it becomes evident that they were both invited, tucks it away. "We should scout." She says, and turns to leave.


When it comes time to scout, Mozzy follows her usual patterns. There's no water available, so she sticks to what she knows - rooftops, shadows, and alcoves. When she has to pass through a crowd,s he shifts her outfit into one that might help her blend in a little more, although the attempt is often futile. Once she's sure of the circumstances, she meets in the agreed-upon spot with Karina, and shares what she's learned.

"I'll be in the shops. North." It's close enough to the wagon that she'll be able to intervene, should things go wrong, and hear just about everything. With their plan of attack organized (Her in the shadows, Karina approaching in disguise), she takes position.

2017-01-04, 06:55 PM
Lunata's stay at the inn had been quite quiet -- she hadn't spoken more than a few words to the innkeeper, and less so everyone else. She had to spend extra to ensure that Elena, the Croze's family horse, had a stable and a roof to stay under for the time being as well. With all of the possible leads to the Ruggen exhausted for now, it had really dawned upon Lunata that she was somewhat exhausted herself and hungry; she sat at the common room and had a meagre meal, preferring simple unleavened bread and dried fruit. She didn't touch any meat, and hadn't in her life -- the Vaalea did not believe in consuming the meat of beasts or fish, for doing so would taint their own souls with blood.

She blinked when the waitress handed her the note, and stared towards it. M C B ... just who is this person? She had no other leads to go off off, and time was not on her side. She finished her meal, then rose to her feet as she removed the last of the scuff from her boots and headed to the innkeeper.

"Here..." she slid him an extra gold coin. "... for Elena." A pause. "Feed her well. If I don't return in a week... set her free to the plains."

She strode out to the stable and placed a hand over her horse's cheek, drawing her head down. "Elena, I must go again," she spoke softly to her companion. "I will find father. You will be cared for here. Run to the winds, if you do not find me."

She closed her eyes and let herself gaze outward into the horse's spirit, communing with it for a moment. She liked the presence of animal spirits more than she did humanoids -- they were pure, instinctual, unfettered by the burden of knowledge and vices.

Then the white-haired girl headed off and disappeared into the crowds.

The Rolusplatz. Now that the innkeeper reminded her, she recalled meeting some clients of her father a year back or thereabouts -- people liked to use it as a landmark for meeting. But everything about this felt suspicious; there was very little reason for others to know, and if they did know, it was because they were watching her in her inquiries over the last 24 hours. So everything pointed to it being a trap as much as a promising lead.

Lunata climbed over the barrels and over a water drain, leaping over to one of the rooftops and perched herself low. She secured a vantage point for herself, the Reiterpallasch set beside her, locked and loaded. Perhaps she might see a fellow rooftop dweller, or Mozzy might see her in turn?

2017-01-04, 07:16 PM
Impossible...! Karina's eyes widen as they glance over the note, and she looks up to try and ask the young man about the person who sent him on this errand... only to find that he has already flown out the door. Well, that doesn't help matters.

A cold feeling settles in the pit of her stomach as she begins trying to imagine how this situation could even happen. I don't understand. How would anyone know to send me this? Surely I've been too careful to allow anyone to discover my plans concerning Rugge. Indeed, any investigation concerning Rugge has been done under careful disguise and make-up. Karina's made sure of that, not even taking full advantage of her connections to the impoverished population of the city. While dropping hints to them in the hopes that they would mention something interesting was not the most efficient of methods, it was undoubtedly safer than being too straightforward, especially while wearing her own face. Rugge already had one of the Sworn under his thumb; the less of a trail that Karina leaves for him to trace, the better.

Thus, no one knows of the true reason she has returned. No one except...

The Sworn. They know that I'm looking for Rugge, of course, and it's through them that I got back in touch with Mozzy. But they would never give me away.

So what exactly is going on here?

It's as Karina is thinking this that she hears a quiet knock, and sees Mozzy there. Now why would she be here at a time like this?


A short time later, Karina stands in the Rolusplatz. Heavy cosmetics coat her face, adding light laugh lines and crow's feet, giving her the appearance of a middle-aged woman with narrow eyes, adorned by a pair of spectacles. A powder covers her hair to give it a lighter tone. Though, of course, the downpour would wreak havoc on her hard work, and thus a heavy cloak adorns her shoulders and covers her head, raindrops sliding off harmlessly. For a while, she stays in the crowd, forcing herself to hold back her worry. She seemingly peers at the wares of the merchants and exchanges pleasantries with the guards while keeping the wagon marked on the map visible through her peripheral vision. While she can't see Mozzy, she doesn't need to to know that she is there, hiding somewhere in the shadows, keeping watch should anything go wrong.

After a while, though, nothing happens. The area around the wagon looks as clear as ever, and Karina finally decides to make a somewhat riskier move. She approaches the three guards in the corner and speaks to them, making her voice an octave deeper than it normally is, with a hint of gravel.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen." Karina smiles pleasantly, before her eyes become wide with concern. "I hope you don't mind me bothering you. I just heard about an accident that happened earlier this week with one of the shops," she murmurs softly, remembering the Arms store that exploded. Come to think of it, the owner had come in recently, hadn't she? In fact, she had asked about the same criminal as the one Karina was searching for. It was a shame that Karina had to turn her away, claiming she didn't know anything or even who this Rugge character was at all, but she couldn't risk jeopardizing her own safety. Not when she had no information to offer anyways.

"I was wondering exactly what happened. Is there anything dangerous going on that one should be worried about?" she asks, keeping the wagon in the background of her vision, to see if anyone appears there.

2017-01-05, 01:17 AM
The rain kept pouring for yet another day. Greeting like a gentle knock on the window in the morning, obscuring all sights and other sounds during the midday and lulling to sleep in the evening, it erased the sense of time, making hours pass by unnoticed and days feel one like another. Back at home, daily life was properly measured, the routine of exercises and prayers rhythmically flowing to the tune of bells and chants. In this land, she had to be her own belltower and her own abbess, at once a servant and a taskmaster. Maintaining a rigorous schedule turned out to be an interesting challenge in itself, but it was only a distraction from her mission. She was not sent so far away to learn how to handle herself. Her attention should had been given to the world around her.

Sister Chionia shrugged, throwing off the burden of idle thoughts and returning herself to reality. There was no use to think about home right now. This city was different. Even its weather so far was only a distraction. Unlike violent storms and harsh winters that forged and tempered her character, this drizzle so far only made her endure countless idle conversations. Nodding and smiling to yet another comment about the weather these days, she cast it out of her memory along with brushing one more handful of droplets from her kerchief. Small talk like that was worthless. Stories of religious nature caught her interest better; it was pleasant to see citizens respect their patron, even though she could not quite piece it together just what so worthy of respect had he done. But it was still too little.

Her own footsteps dissolving in the crowd and the rain, Chionia kept walking, keeping her eyes and ears open. Simply by listening to conversations she had already learned about all sorts of curious things. If only it could be as easy to learn the things themselves, rather than the rumours of their existence. She had to keep her enquiries to a minimum, lest they get too much attention; and any actual answers were just as scarce. Worse, she did not succeed even at staying unnoticed. Somebody was obviously following her for some time now, and Chionia doubted that he only wanted to request a blessing. And even if it was only her garb of myrian monk that earned such recognition, tending to physically ill was not among her ways to serve. Perhaps it was easier - and safer, if need be to make such distinctions - to ask the man himself what he wanted, there and now; and so she took one more turn on the street crossroad without breaking her stride and then waited, letting the man lose her or pass right next to her.

Instead, he confronted her directly - if oddly. A couple of words, a passed message... and a quick disappearance. How fortuitously convenient for the ill man to escape any attempts at pursuit after making his presence so obvious in the first place. It was too good to be true; somebody wanted her to know that she was watched, and if they could pass her a piece of paper on the crowded street, it was probably no more difficult to pass her a blade in some dark alley. Wondering into what did she get involved and just how much over her head she now was, Chionia studied the note. The drawing was nice - too nice to be made by a coughing man running down the street to chase a young maiden. It had to be prepared in advance, just like - as she was more and more certain - the entire scene was. And it was not designed to make her feel particularly safe or welcome.

Still, it was an invitation. So far, her questions did her little good; it was somebody else's attention to her that was doing any progress in her work. And if they meant her any harm, she had already considered just how easy they could inflict it. She had to accept; and, a short trip later, she was now approaching a curious scene. Guards around were plentiful enough to make this part of the city appear safe; but the wagon itself had some privacy. There had to be better ways to have a meeting in a trustworthy place; but somebody wanted his privacy more than he wanted her trust. Well, sister Chionia was no fool; she had precautions of her own to take.

First she circled around the place, consulting her drawn map and eyeing her surroundings with a clear look of a foreigner in an alien city, but at the same time paying attention to any ways in and out. After giving anyone watching enough time to confirm that she was there because of the drawing, she hid it into a pocket and carefully wiped her hands on her own clothes; with damp garments it had to take some time too, which was just enough to check her armour and weapons concealed between the layers. Stretching and flexing her fingers to prepare her body and silently praying to likewise concentrate her mind, she then finally approached the wagon itself, ready to knock on the door.

Politeness, after all, was the main weapon and virtue for a lone damsel in a foreign land.

Implanting Vanish Arrrow trick into herself - 4/5 daily usages left.

2017-01-05, 05:37 AM
While investigating the wagon, you notice something - fairly subtle symbols worked into the design, repeated often enough and with an identical distance between them that makes it clear that it isn't merely a coincidence. Whether up close, from a rooftop or a few looks from a safe distance, you manage to spot what you can identify as symbols of the Myrrite faith. They aren't hidden all that well, though they are worked into the decoration of the wagon and harder to find for one not trained in recognizing such symbols.

The wagon has a single window, a look through which reveals the flickering light of a controlled fire and an old-looking man sitting at a table. He seems to be speaking, but his voice is inaudible, and it's impossible to find an angle in which someone else is visible.


It's easy to find a place where you can linger, watching the wagon easily from the edge of a tavern and not especially obvious; you're completely out of sight from the visible window on the wagon, and the constant movement of people around the entrance you stand near serves to at least somewhat camouflage you. Once you've positioned yourself, Karina enters the quiet portion of the square's edge as well, hood shielding her disguise from the rain as she approaches the group of guards who were talking amongst themselves. Not far from her, another woman enters the square, her attire one you haven't seen since coming west - the traditional garments of a Sestra of the Order. She seems to examine the wagon for some time, a piece of paper in her hands, before eventually going to the entrance itself.


The rooftops offer a spectacular view over the market, its stalls and people all visible from your high vantage point. The cathedral's height is perhaps even more prominent from your current position - rising up even as you look down on the square and all doing their business on it. But you aren't here to admire the view, finding a good vantage point to keep both eyes on the wagon and the area around it. The guards are more or less unmoving, apart from the group of three that discuss trivial matters with such energy that you can hear snippets of their conversation where you're positioned. Eventually another figure approaches them, a quick glance showing that it's a middle-aged woman underneath the hood, and not long after you see another woman near the wagon, taking what looks like a piece of paper and examining the wagon. Eventually she approaches the wagon itself...


Your approach goes smoothly, though it is a bother to have to be so vigilant about keeping the rain from your face. Luckily, your experience has given you the tricks of the trade needed to preserve the disguise you so carefully applied, and as you approach the group of guards they don't seem the least bit suspicious. Out of the corner of your eye, the wagon remains in sight, its colorful decoration somewhat out of place in the dreary rain and cobblestones surrounding it. Your question elicits a chuckle from one of the guards, a young man who turns to the woman of the group and shows seven fingers, though she doesn't pay the gesture much attention, merely rolling her eyes and stepping the slightest bit forwards to speak.

"It's nothing to be worried about. Some men broke into a gunsmith's shop and were fool enough to run around with open flames. Not much left of the guilty parties, so they at least managed to avoid the noose. But it's nothing to worry about, unless you keep a few barrels of black powder with your herring," she says, before the man who chuckled earlier speaks as well.

"Don't worry ma'am, with me on guard duty you won't need to worry about any hooligans-" he begins, before being immediately cut off by the woman.

"Oh, stop it. We're supposed to reassure her, not make her fear for her life," she says, giving him a prod with an elbow.

As the guards continue their exchange, seeming eager to lightheartedly bicker as long as you don't interrupt them, a figure enters your peripheral vision. A woman, dressed in clothes that mark her as obviously foreign, examines the wagon with a paper in her hand before eventually approaching the door, going onto the steps to raise her fist to the wood.


No one approaches you during your assessment of the wagon and its surroundings, though your attention is briefly grabbed by the sound of a boisterous exchange between several guards speaking to a middle-aged woman nearby. As you step up to the wagon's door, no one greets you and after a few moments you knock. It doesn't take more than a few moments for muffled footsteps to approach, accompanied by a few muffled words, sounding like 'get up' spoken in Laukazodi. As the door's handle turns down, you hear what sounds like someone standing - off the floor, judging by the sounds of boots hitting wood. Finally the door opens, revealing an elderly looking man dressed in bright clothes. His eyebrows are white, and the thin hair he has around the sides of his head is of similar color, a few solitary strands holding a dark brown color. His blue eyes have something of a tired look to them, and you notice that his face appears...strange, somehow. Still, he smiles as he sees you.

"Good afternoon, miss," he says, Niederteusch accented in a way somewhat similar to your own. "I believe you received a note, yes? My apologies for the delivery, it was the best we could manage given the current state of affairs," he says, before stopping. "Oh, my apologies! I've forgotten my manners in all this excitement. My name is Rikárd Járóka," the man gives a slight bow, before stepping aside, simultaneously offering you entry and revealing the inside of the wagon. It's somewhere between cozy and cramped; at one end a pair of beds dominate, closer to you is a wider portion with a small table and bench carved into the wall, adorned with a window. A large, thick book wrapped in leather and a single thin metal chain lies on the table, as well as a few pieces of paper and an inkwell. Across from the table is a fireplace with a small stack of wood to one side. Several shelves take up the walls between these sections, and the raspy-voiced figure from before stands between the 'living room' section and the beds near the back, shuffling to turn away from you just as the door opens, raising a mug to drink.

2017-01-05, 06:08 AM
There. As Karina listens to the guards' reassurances with a concerned look plastered on her face, the woman takes out a slip of paper. Ahh... so she's in the same boat we are. Well, perhaps this will let us find out more about our mysterious note-sender.

Out loud, she lets out a sigh of relief audible enough for the guards to hear, and a small smile replaces her concerned expression. With a slight chuckle, she remarks, "Well, I'll do my best to keep gunpowder away from my house," as though such a thing would never happen in the first place. "Thank you, good day."

Having excused herself, Karina wanders a little closer to the wagon. You're just a visitor of this fine city, taking in the sights, she tells herself internally. With curious eyes, she takes sweeping glances of her surroundings, giving her a convenient way to look more openly at what's going on at the wagon without looking too focused on it.

This being the first time she's actually scrutinized the thing, though, she notices something she hadn't before. Myrrite symbols... hmm. Perhaps that says something about the inhabitant? Her budding thought trails off, however, as the woman who is in front of the wagon knocks on the door. Her face betrays no shock when the door opens, but inwardly she is somewhat surprised that a person even answered.

The man seems friendly enough, though anyone who could have figured out her true goal in coming back here has to be more than meets the eye. Karina dares not get too close, but waits for the door to close so that she can wander closer to a window and hear whatever conversation the two will have.

2017-01-05, 09:07 AM
Mozzy keeps her head low and continues to listen, even as a stranger in Myrrite garb attending a Myrrite wagon catches her interest. There's no easy explanation for both of them being there. The woman must have been invited - else she wouldn't have knocked. But the stranger who invited her couldn't be gathering Myrrites, because Karina isn't one of them. She doesn't know enough to be confident about anything, nor that she'll be able to hear the conversation through the window.

Karina is already ducking behind it, but she needs to hear, especially if the two people in the wagon start talking Otslovo. She stalks up to the wagon, beneath the window where Karina is, then stands closely and places a hand on the alchemist's waist. She gives her a look, made only moderately creepy by being all-black in the low-light, that says "Gotta be inconspicuous so shhh".

2017-01-05, 02:47 PM
Karina saunters over to the window. The roof hangs over the edge of the wagon, and she pretends to use it as a reprieve from the rain, leaning gently (and quietly) against the wagon. Mozzy's arrival startles her a bit, and she rolls her eyes a bit and smiles at the look on Mozzy's face, which she'll hopefully interpret as, "Yes, yes, I know what I'm doing." Others hopefully see two women meeting with each other, taking shelter from the rain, and one giving the other a look expressing, "Ohh you, don't startle me like that!"

2017-01-05, 03:35 PM
Those women... were they also invited? Lunata thought to herself as she flattened herself and kept a low profile on the rooftop that she'd chosen for her stakeout. The drizzle continued to pour down over her hood and jacket, thankfully lightly treated to be resistant to water, but she was used to such conditions. The woman in the foreign garb had entered, and two more had moved close to the wagon, though she could not discern their purpose. It was best to lay low and see how the situation played out, at this point.

2017-01-05, 04:02 PM
The wagon turned out to contain a surprise before she as much as approached it. Of all the things to await for her at this mysterious meeting, myrran symbols were certainly not what Chionia was expecting. It was a reassuring discovery, promising a better welcome than what she could be fearing and explaining how did she attract the inhabitants' attention. Still, was it enough to really trust them? She had to remain careful. Relaxing her posture more for the show than out of true relief, she stopped before the door and knocked, preparing an excuse in case of something going wrong.

She did not need it. After only a small commotion, hinting at the presence of at least two men and at their origin, she was greeted by another unexpected sight. It could make sense that an old man would stay at home and have somebody younger running his errands, but was it a sufficient reason to have somebody ostensibly ill do it in this weather? Maybe the elder of the two had reasons beyond his age to remain hidden from public eye. He did seem strange, somehow... Still, she was taught to respect her seniors. And she could be polite and wary at the same time.

"Good afternoon." Chionia waited until the man finished talking before returning the short bow and adding, stepping over the threshold: "And blessing to this... house." She had to pause for a moment, considering the applicability of her choice of words. For a home far away from the homeland, it was not bad - making her wonder just what kind of life were those two living that required a house that has wheels. And, apparently, sending out mysterious invitations to strangers. Speaking of strangers... "My name is Chionia," - she added belatedly, leaning against the wall next to the exit. The name had to suffice alone; it was entirely up to her hosts to decide whether they were going to address her in some more formal manner, and she used her surname so rarely that she did not mind not trying to share it in a foreign language across two accents.

"Yes, I received your... invitation. Although I have to wonder what made you send it to me - and what is there for us to discuss. You know far more about this than I do, I fear. If you would be so kind to enlighten me?"

Perception: [roll0].

2017-01-05, 05:03 PM

Rikárd closes the door behind you, a brief shiver going through him as the colder outside air comes into the wagon, which is quite warm. Almost uncomfortably so, especially for someone dressed in thick, layered clothing.

"Feel free to sit down," Rikárd says, as he himself returns to a position at the window, easing onto a cushion on the wooden bank near the book and paper. "The matter is...somewhat complicated," he begins, tapping his fingers against the table as the other inhabitant approaches the table. It's an awkward movement, the wrapped-up figure clearly moving to make sure you can't see what's beneath the hood that remains up despite being out of the rain. Rikárd gives you a slightly apologetic look. "She's quite shy around strangers, please excuse her. As for the reason for your invitation, it requires some additional explanation I would prefer to do later; you see, I've sent out a total of four messages. Ideally, at least one or two of the others will come, and I can give the details then.

I do not have an exceptionally personal reason to want to see Manfried Rugge be punished for his crimes; his actions have caused misfortune for several people I know, though none have been seriously injured or killed. I have reason to believe he is involved in something dangerous, moreso than simple murder and robbery. A threat to the entire city, and through it a great deal of others. My conscience will not allow me to sit by and watch," the man explains.

Mozzy and Karina

Outside the wagon, the rain continues its light pattering on the cobblestones. The guards' conversation grows somewhat less animated, which makes the task of listening to the muffled words from within the wagon that much easier. You can feel, almost as much as hear, the footsteps on the wood, and the man's voice becomes somewhat clearer as he seats himself, head just on the other side of the window. Luckily, both of you are in position to see what Chionia is not able to - the face of the messenger. It's clear why she's working to hide it - several jagged scars cross the dark, almost reddish skin, and strange patterns run across it. Raised skin, almost like something had been slid under it, in the form of braids of chains of some sort, running down from her forehead where raised skin in the shape of a ring rests. Her eyes seem to be missing their irises, consisting only of black and white.

Due to your clever positioning around the window, none of the wagon's occupants have a chance to notice you, allowing you to continue your listening in peace. Not for too long, however - as the old man reaches the end of his explanation, you spot two of the three guards approaching. The woman and one of the men, the third member of the trio going off in another direction. They head along the street, the woman on the side further towards the buildings, and after a brief exchange of gestures between the two, the man changes his course, heading towards the two of you.

2017-01-05, 05:04 PM
Mozzy spots the guards out of the corner of her eyes and wonders how best to make the pair of them seem inconspicuous. There aren't many excuses for standing tucked away on a rainy day, and if they get too close, there's no doubt that they'll recognize her strange appearance. Combined with snooping, it would at least interrupt their current task. But then, she realizes that there's something that very few people are interested in getting between.

Before the guard can get close, Mozzy adjusts her hand on Karina's waist and tries to pull her into a kiss.

2017-01-05, 05:21 PM
Lunata frowned quietly as some time passed -- and no particular signs of ambush made itself known. She was still uncertain, but given that her father may very well have limited time, she had to take a risk. There were no other leads she had which she could follow.

She slipped away from the rooftop and dropped back down lightly onto the barrel she climbed on, and then tucked her hood a little lower over her head. She paced gently towards the wagon, her rifle slung underneath her coat as she didn't want to get it particularly wet. She held out the piece of parchment she had as she approached, glancing towards the other two -- k-kissing women, and glanced away out of politeness, before knocking on the door gently.

2017-01-05, 05:24 PM
Karina manages a quick glimpse inside the wagon, seeing the woman, and barely holds back a flash of sympathy from appearing on her visage. Goodness... what on earth happened to result in that? It must have happened long ago. I certainly wouldn't be able to do anything to help that, if she ever appeared at the apothecary.

With that, she leans on her back against the wood once more, regarding her surroundings openly, content to listen while Mozzy observes what's going on inside. The man is speaking once more, the man whom she saw open the door. His mention that Rugge has more nefarious plans underway isn't that surprising, and it seems that nothing bad has happened (yet) to the other woman who already went inside, which is good. Though Karina's not yet fully convinced - not when this guy has managed to uncover her own plans a mere week after she returned.

As the guard starts heading towards them, Karina's about to pull out her formulae book and an excuse about the rain being terrible, just terrible! for parchment, and tuck Mozzy behind her. But it seems that Mozzy has plans of her own, and while the part of her that remains romantic and naive has a few objections to her actions, her brain agrees that it is probably the quickest way to get him off their backs.

She cooperates with the motion, locking lips with the strange woman whom she has come to consider a friend.

2017-01-05, 05:57 PM
Mozzy and Karina

The approaching guard stops in his tracks, uttering a brief noise of surprise before being sharply elbowed by the woman. "Give them some privacy, eh?" She says, and he quickly breaks off his approach, joining her on the other side of the street as another cloaked woman crosses, passing the guards seemingly unnoticed. As they pass by, the woman launches into a story of similar experiences, saying 'it takes an expert's eye to avoid that sort of awkwardness' as the two eventually go out of sight, turning towards the market to relieve their comrades.

As the guards leave, the sound of a soft knock comes from the wagon.


You pass two guards who are, similarly to yourself, averting their gaze from the public display of affection at the wagon's side. They don't seem to notice you at all, actually, seemingly caught up in a story the woman is weaving about liplocked citizens and awkwardly pacing guards. You reach the door and, with a quick knock, announce your presence. You hear a muffled chuckle, and a few moments later an elderly man opens the door. His eyebrows are white, and the thin hair he has around the sides of his head is of similar color, a few solitary strands holding a dark brown color. His blue eyes have something of a tired look to them, and you notice that his face appears...strange, somehow. Still, he smiles as he sees you.

"Good afternoon! If you're here because of a strange map on a piece of paper, you're at the right place," the man says, words accented but still easy to understand. "My name is Rikárd Járóka. Feel free to come inside - it's much warmer in here," he continues, stepping to the side to reveal the inside of the house wagon. In the back, a figure covered in tattered, dark robes awkwardly sits on one of the two beds, turned away from the door and tugging a hood over their face. Standing not far inside is another woman - the one you saw enter before.


Before you can reply, there's a knock at the door. Rikárd chuckles, murmuring something about 'just as I sit down' before standing, going to open the door with a smile. As he moves, the one in tattered robes quickly retreats to the back of the wagon and sits down. Outside stands another young woman, with white hair.

2017-01-05, 06:36 PM
Once she's sure that the guards have left them well alone, Mozzy breaks the (relatively chaste) kiss. "Sorry." She says, flatly, then turns her attention back to processing the goings-on inside the wagon. The fact that they're the missing pair is obvious, assuming the man speaks true. The question, then, is when they should announce their presence with a knock on the door. She give the wagon a once-over and then rests her ear near the window.

2017-01-05, 10:31 PM
As they break, Karina is about to murmur that it's perfectly fine - until she sees a small smudge of color on Mozzy's lip. She points it out to Mozzy, and then brings her mirror out of her pocket, examining her reflection and realizing that the dull rose color covering her lips has been smudged. Thankfully Mozzy reached for her waist and not her face, or there might have been more damage done. As it is, it's not a big deal if Karina's lips aren't an "older" color. Still had to do something about that smudge though. Rather than make a fuss out of digging cosmetics out of her bag, Karina merely takes out a handkerchief and carefully wipes her lips clean, leaving the surrounding skin still relatively covered.

With that settled, Karina nudges Mozzy and points to the wagon, pantomiming a knock but raising a skeptical eyebrow, still uncertain as to whether or not they should go in.

2017-01-06, 12:05 AM
Lunata wrung some of the excess moisture away from her clothes, but kept her eyes squarely on the man as he spoke... then nodded as she climbed inside, brushing the wetness from her jacket as she entered. Her eyes scanned the area, more out of habit than suspicion, first laying on the woman she saw earlier, in the foreign clothes, then the dark-cloaked one. "By what means do you know that I seek the Ruggen?" she asked. Her accent would place her as not a native, certainly.

Perception is... [roll0]

2017-01-06, 05:05 AM
Lunata and Chionia

Rikárd closes the door with a soft 'hmph'. "Straight to the point, I see," he says, sitting down again, one hand resting on the book in front of him. "I wouldn't say I discovered that you were searching for Rugge. That implies that I began with knowing you, and then learned that fact. It's the opposite, actually. Using magic, I searched for a number and series of places, to send messages for those who oppose him," he explains. "I found information on the Ruggen first. Unfortunately, my ability to act on this information is greatly limited by the price I paid for the power I used to acquire it. So then I searched for those who could help me."

Nothing of note happens outside, and you can still hear the conversation.

2017-01-06, 06:35 AM
Lunata shifted uncomfortably, listening to the man for a moment longer as he explained himself -- before blinking to lower her head. "... I see. I apologise. I am..." A pause, as she glanced aside. "Our shop was burnt down by Rugge's men, and my father is missing. I had to make sure this was not another Ruggen ambush." A pause, as she steeled her voice, tightening the grip on her free hand. "My name is Lunata Croze. If you truly mean to oppose Manfried Rugge, then I would help you."

2017-01-06, 07:19 AM
Mozzy licks the smudged makeup off of her lips and focuses on the woman who's just entered. The fact that a shop was recently burned down isn't news to her, but if it's the one that she knows, that means the girl inside the wagon is related to that particular shopkeep. Before she has a chance to process the fact that many people related to her have been invited to the wagon, and not via the method that most people might be connected to her*, Karina suggests their going in. She holds up three fingers and starts counting down, to make their way around the wagon. They'll get sufficient information by the time they reach the door.

*Beating the crap out of them.

2017-01-06, 07:33 AM
Despite the invitation to sit, Chionia remained standing where she was. There was no reason to trail water any further into the wagon, and it was warm enough without getting any closer to the fireplace. Besides, she probably should not had been bothering the figure in the back by insisting on approaching her. "Her"? That was what Rikard said, making his guest take another look at his companion. She did not pick any femininity in the voice before, but their encounter was quite brief. And shyness around strangers certainly was a convenient excuse for many oddities... And, apparently, there was not a lot of trust going one or another way between them. It did not help that there were allegedly supposed to be several more guests present - and yet she was the only one so far.

That last problem, at least, did not persist for long. While Rikard was answering another knock at the door, Chionia, still standing in the corner, took the opportunity to give another look to the unintroduced figure. If she really was that wary of strangers, was it that wise to use her as a messenger? It was a miracle anybody got the notes from her at all. And speaking of the recipients... She turned her head back again just in time to lock eyes with the newcomer. Her manner of dress was strange, but that was to be expected in the main trade port of northern seas; her overall lack of manners had no such excuse. Frowning, Chionia listened to the exchange between the two. What she heard was not particularly relieving.

"Magic". A single word preemptively dismissing any objections. How did he know how to find them? Magic. How did he even need any help then? More magic. No matter what she could ask, the answer was going to be the same. Rikard arranged this meeting, and he probably planned exactly what he was going to say; prying for anything else right now could be useless. She could as well listen to what he actually wanted to say.

At least he knew how to make his listeners interested. "Threat to entire city and others" certainly got her attention, and by the sound of it the whitehaired guest had a personal stake in the matter. Chionia only shortly nodded to her, not bothering to interrupt their host with repeated introduction. If he arranged for them to come together, he could deal with the formalities as he saw fit - or simply get to the point. For all the conveniences of alleged magic, the other two were not there - and did he really expect four persons to simply happen to arrive at the same time?

2017-01-06, 08:59 AM
Chionia and Lunata

Rikárd nods solemnly as Lunata explains her situation. "I'm sorry for your loss; though it may not be obvious, I know the pain of losing a home as well. All the years of work, the happy memories..." he sighs. "But hopefully we can bring down Manfried before he causes more harm," the man continues, his fingers tapping against the book in front of him. "I think it may be time for my to explain in more detail. I hope you won't mind hearing the same things later, once any others arrive.

My magical ability was minor, until I discovered this book. It describes a technique for better understand magic, as a whole, and for using it oneself. Using this knowledge, I have been able to develop my abilities from minor tricks to...well, to things like this. Finding others, finding powerful forces, and omens of the future. There was a price, though. A price I continue to pay. My body is weakened; it may seem unlikely, but I am actually only forty years old, though I seem to grow older every month. Perhaps even worse, I cannot leave this wagon for more than an hour a day. My spirit has grown and with it I can peer over the entire city, but the threads holding it to my body are weaker than they have ever been before."

For a few moments, the man is silent. "When I arrived here, I looked over the city and found that I was not alone. Another presence rests in it, and I see omens of a dark future clustered around Manfried Rugge. I fear that if his actions do not end soon, kidnapping and arson will be the least the city has to-"

Then there's a knock at the door.

Mozzy and Karina

It doesn't take long for the door to open, and you come face-to-face with the man whose voice and head you've become acquainted with. He smiles. "Good afternoon, you two," he says, face devoid of the even the slightest shock at Mozzy's appearance. "If you're here because of an odd map, you've come to the right place. My name is Rikárd Járóka. Feel free to come inside - it's much warmer in here," he says, opening the door to allow you two to enter.

Just as before, he returns to his seat (if the two come inside and the door is closed), though this time he nods to the others.

"These are the other two recipients. Chionia, and Lunata Croze. In the back is..." the man's voice trails off for a moment, and he shares a look with the cloak-wrapped figure before nodding. "Mask," he says, a hint of a sigh in the word.

Taking a moment to collect himself, Rikárd proceeds to repeat his explanation to the new arrivals, unless someone objects.

2017-01-06, 01:29 PM
At the description of how Rikárd found out about all of them, Karina feels some relief. She hadn't slipped up or given herself away. Though, this gives rise to more questions. Just how much do they know about us? Names? Locations? Did he find out about the apothecary through magic, or simply asking around about a 'Karina Weiss?' Do they know our appearances? Do they simply know that we seek Rugge, or do they even know as much as why?

She feels her relief slip away further as another thought occurs to her. If this man could find us out through this "magic" simply through our desire to find Rugge, then does that mean that Rugge might possess the means to do the same?

If that was so, then the situation was far more urgent than Karina had previously thought. It seems that the time for extreme caution has passed. If this is the way things are, we might not even have that luxury anymore.

The introduction of the woman who just entered stirs Karina out of her reverie, as she realizes that she's heard that voice before, and she knows that name. Well, of course she would be here. Alright. This will be an interesting introduction," she thinks to herself as she raises her hand to the door and gently knocks.

The man - Rikárd Járóka, as he said - doesn't seem to react to her disguise, which is reassuring. So they don't know everything. She looks around cautiously, searching for any sign of a trap and locating possible exits, but does so while remarking, "Goodness! It's a bit cramped in here," in a surprised, but not ill-intentioned, tone. As though she is merely surprised, not... calculating. Indeed, it is cramped. Which may be an issue if she and Mozzy need to get away. With that in mind, she stays near the door as it closes; it's not as though there is much room for her to move about anyways.

As introductions are made, Karina smiles pleasantly at everyone. "Good to meet you. So you know our names already? Well, are you planning to make our introductions for us as well?" she asks good-naturedly. Might as well find out just how much he doesn't know. This should tell us whether he knew their names before they told him, or if he just found out. And I can always play it off if it's the latter.

The repeated explanation is unneeded, but Karina makes no move to interrupt. Going through these motions are necessary, lest they tip Rikárd off about their eavesdropping.

Bluff, if needed: [roll0] Using INT in place of CHA since she's technically trying to convince him of something that isn't true.

2017-01-06, 03:23 PM
Was that what Lunata felt before? The ebb of his spirit, while not dark like those of the Sielutta, was... brighter, more vibrant. But speaking of the cost that it extracted upon his body made her frown. This was no price to pay for power. Lunata glanced towards the other two that had entered -- the ones that were kissing outside, she'd noted; she bowed her head gently, though not making much more of a gesture.

"Good... to meet you," she found herself reminded to say, as if thinking of what her father would chide her to do.

2017-01-06, 08:03 PM
"Hello." Mozzy greets in return, though without matching Karina's smile. She absorbs her new point of view into the wagon and stays tucked up near the door, her lanky form easily fitting into the space. Her eyes shift in the new light, irises contracting to thin slits surrounded by blue, but her mind is elsewhere - on the scars that "Mask" has.

To try to identify Mask's scars.


2017-01-06, 08:11 PM
Rikárd shakes his head at Karina's question. "Using my sight, I found opposition to Manfried and his plans, as well as the places and times to make contact at. I must admit, as much as it may seem that I am in control, I had no idea of what people I would find coming here. I must admit, it is a pleasant surprise to see that you are all of the reasonable, law-abiding sort. Mask would have informed me if you possessed a nefarious nature, so to some extent you have her approval as well," he says, glancing over to the robed figure who is in the process of picking a pale while mask out of a drawer next to the bed they sit on, still turned away from you all.

"At least you young ladies will have someone with a bit more experience to help you out," Rikárd says with a nod towards Karina. "As much as youthful enthusiasm can do, if it isn't tempered by wisdom it can cause trouble. Ah, not to say you aren't wise, of course," he continues, waving a hand as if to dispel the potential slight.

The larger scars on her face look like they were caused by shallow, large cuts - the sort of mark left by fighting in exceptionally close quarters. The smaller ones around it are much more common, simple lines showing where a blade of some sort opened her flesh.

Barely visible was the upper portion of a very unusual scar. Less of a single scar and more of a patch of scarred skin, it resembles marks left by hasty magical healing of gaping, otherwise-fatal wounds. When the injury remains and is only made not entirely lethal by the healing, such large areas of scarred skin can form.

2017-01-06, 08:56 PM
Mozzy bears a small, silent amusement at the law-abiding part of Rikard's words. But has nothing to say.

2017-01-07, 12:10 AM
Once again, Chionia had to reevaluate her estimation of the situation. Through Rikard's explanation of his magic, its source and its price she was only solemny nodding, her gaze shifting between the man's face and the book in question. It made sense, after all. Nothing could be gained without making its toil and paying its toll. If his soul truly could look over entire city and perform the feats that he described, the burden on his body had to be... Chionia found herself holding her hands raised to her chest in a pose of prayer, her fingers tightly interlocked. And if all that he was saying was true, she indeed could only pray for him. Perhaps she had to believe his visions. Trustworthy or not, the portents were too dire to safely ignore them.

Relaxing the grip on her own hands, Chionia turned to yet another confirmation of Rikard's abilities coming in the form of almost timely arrival of the so far missing guests. Proper manners were still in order... She only nodded shortly at being introduced, not trusting foreign ears to match the two names to appearances, and said nothing, silently scrutinising the newcomers. She likewise let slide the remark about her age, more interested in the recommendation given to all assembled - especially because those two were not making the best first impression on their own either. She had seen humans and had seen monsters, but somebody with blue skin was a rare sight. And again not keen on introductions. Was it so common in these lands? Chionia's eyes turned expectantly to the older woman, hoping for at least some semblance of normality.

2017-01-07, 04:09 AM
"I see." Places and times... so he doesn't even know that the apothecary belongs to me. He just knows that whomever he was searching for was there. The thought is a huge burden off of her shoulders, and her smile grows warmer. "Well, Luise Richter, at your service." Karina bows her head slightly in respect. She then looks to Mozzy and lightly nudges her with her elbow.

She does chuckle a bit at Rikárd's comments on wisdom, though it is likely perceived differently by the two parties. Yes, yes, old and wise indeed. "If it's Rugge we're all after, then I can only hope that my experience will serve us all well.

"So, what all do we have so far? I'm sorry to say that I bear little to contribute in the way of information, but I only just arrived in the city a short time ago." Karina directs this question mostly to their gracious host, but also in part to the others, glancing at them as she does so. She keeps herself from lingering too long on the white-haired girl; if Karina could recognize her, there was a chance she could recognize Karina, and she didn't need that right now. The downside to denying knowledge of Rugge to her was not learning anything she might have found out. But if we're all openly sharing, perhaps she knows something...?

Bluff: [roll0]
Possibly a Disguise? If Lunata (or anyone else) suspects anything at this point: [roll1] +2 from using Disguise kit included.

2017-01-07, 05:33 AM
Lunata watched Chionia as she murmured a prayer, wondering for a moment what kind of faith the woman followed. It reminded her of the Vaalea, though they were not dedicated to prayer and more a spiritual commune... but, it was close enough. "There is a warehouse at the docks," she spoke up, "One Rugge found important enough to guard with at least three men. Earlier today, a dozen armed men left with valuables and crates, leading me to believe that it is at the very least one storage for their operations. I was not confident of my chances alone... of course, I cannot guarantee if there will be a fruitful lead there, but that was all I had left to investigate before I came here."

Sense Motive was 15!

2017-01-07, 08:11 AM
Mozzy feels Karina nudge at her side and, unsure as to quite what that means, nudges her in return. She also adjusts her grip on her staff, which has been suspiciously unmentionable up to this point.

"What are you going to do with the book, Herr?" She asks abruptly.

2017-01-07, 04:34 PM
Karina lets out an tiny, internal sigh. While we don't want to give too much away, if we give them nothing at all, that will only make them suspicious of us. "Ohh, don't be shy, dear. If we might be working together with others, we should introduce ourselves, no?" She turns to the others with an apologetic look. "This is Mozzy. Sorry, she's not good with strangers. They usually tend to give her some grief over her appearance," she explains, which isn't untrue, though that alone isn't why Mozzy hasn't extended the courtesy of an introduction.

2017-01-07, 05:08 PM
Chionia still remained silent, watching the belated introductions and mustering her discipline to not roll her eyes at the scene. For all the graveness of the matter at hand, these women were taking it nowhere as seriously as it deserved to be treated. How could appearance be of any importance right now? How was any excuse, whether acceptable or not, even relevant? Clearly, the alleged wisdom left much to be desired. They were straying from the topic of the conversation; at least Lunata tried to contribute something of value, but the older woman seemed more interested in her companion than in an aswer to her own question.

"I am a foreigner to this land myself," - Chionia tersely interjected before the discussion could digress any further, glaring at Luise with narrowed eyes. - "Before you arrived, our good host was speaking of his revelations. If we all would allow him to continue?" At least this time there were supposed to be no more guests coming. Maybe on the third try Rikard could finally explain everything that she was trying to hear from the very beginning - at least, everything that he wanted to share. Which probably was more than all of the women in the room could supply together anyway.

2017-01-07, 05:36 PM
Karina appraises Chionia with a measuring glance, before her face relaxes into a neutral expression. Straight to business with this one, then? "My apologies. Etiquette was always considered an important thing in my household." Before he was gone... "I don't mean to detract from the matter at hand, of course; that's why I posed the question. The warehouse, then? Does that fall in line with any information you have, Mr. Rikárd?"

2017-01-07, 06:14 PM
"I have also heard of a warehouse." Mozzy states. "From Ruggen's men. With goods delivered to strange places."

2017-01-08, 06:11 AM
Rikárd nods at Karina's introduction, seeming entirely taken by the deception. He turns to Mozzy and seems surprised by her question, though he does answer after a moment's delay. "Nothing I haven't done before. Reading this is what gave me the knowledge to find the threats to this city and those to aid in fighting it. I will continue to look, in order to aid you once we all begin in earnest," he explains. The man falls silent during the next exchange, looking between those who have spoken before eventually turning back to Mozzy, nodding at her comment.

"The northern dock area, three clusters of darkness connected to Rugge. Deceit, worry and malice hang over them," Rikárd begins. "Given what Mozzy has said, I think these may be some sort of...bases, for Rugge's plans. Especially since the dark tidings surrounding him have been at each," he continues, taking a folded-up piece of paper from his pocket. Opening it, he reveals a map that resembles Burghafen, though only a small portion of the city in in any detail, the rest left as broad strokes that imply the city's shape. Three locations are marked, all near the water. Lunata recognizes two as places she's been during her search, the guarded building and the warehouse.

"It may be best to investigate the places you have already seen first, if you know you can approach safely. Mask will be accompanying you, if you don't mind her coming, but she won't be saying much."

You recognize the locations - the warehouse was the destination for several deliveries of food and other supplies, including metal pieces as well as gunpowder.

Both the other locations received food regularly for the past few days, and according to one man you interrogated, there have been deliveries of "the real good stuff, the kind of food Rugge likes", which he normally gets himself.

Rikárd's description seems to be similar to that of a branch of arcane magic known as Egoism. Egoists (originally the term was used as an insult, being the same word as "selfish person", but has been used by practitioners of Egoism) use knowledge from old texts to expand their selves and empower their magic. It's primary teaching is that the self is indistinguishable from one's magic and that acknowledgement of this fact will empower both the former and the latter.

Despite the fact that Egoism is based on the use of scraps of knowledge pieced together from old texts, it was only 'founded' relatively recently. About 150 years ago, the tome 'Pentra Magica' was penned and spread through some portions of the magical community, causing the formation of small groups who studied its theories and put them to practical use.

2017-01-08, 04:15 PM
Lunata considered what Rikárd just said, and wondered for a moment if the man could gaze into the darkness of the soul much like she perceived things. Deceit. Worry. Malice. She moved forward to inspect the roughly drawn map and nodded, saying, "Two of these places are those that I have staked out before..."

She paused as Rikárd spoke of Mask joining them, glancing towards the woman again. Did he do it out of a sense of trust, or because he wanted her to keep an eye on them? Whatever the case may be, extra hands were certainly not something she was going to turn down immediately...

"It seems likely this guarded building is of the highest importance. It may be prudent to eliminate their reinforcements by striking at the warehouse first."

2017-01-08, 07:22 PM
Mozzy having heard of the warehouse is a small surprise for Karina, and she stops herself from looking over at her friend in surprise. Must've happened earlier today? While Karina doesn't approve of the risks Mozzy likely took to get that information, she tucks her disapproval away, knowing it would change nothing.

Rikárd's description of his power sounds similar to something she once heard about during her time in Cittasta. A small group of practitioners of magic resided there, who used old texts to empower themselves and their magic. Though, it certainly doesn't seem to be empowering Rikárd's physical state. At Rikárd's ease in declaring that he would continue using his power, despite the expense of his own health, Karina feels a pang of concern for the man. Before we came in, he said something about how it takes a toll on him. It takes a strong man to go so far as to sacrifice his own well-being for the sake of others. She looks at him as he continues, with new respect in her eyes. More and more, it seems that the note senders' intentions might actually be legitimate.

Or, he could be setting them up to go to a warehouse where the Ruggen stood by, ready to ambush them.

But if he wanted to set up an ambush, surely this would have been it?

[roll0] on Rikárd.

Karina is certainly NOT okay with Mask coming. These other two might be a bit silent, but she at least believes that they are probably in the same boat as she and Mozzy - invited here without any preamble, in the hopes of finding hints to where their target was. While she feels sympathy for Mask and rage at whoever did such a thing to her, that's not the same as trust.

Alas, to say as much would only look odd, and place suspicion on herself, for she cannot deny that having extra help - especially if the woman knew something and could handle herself - will benefit their cause.

The details, however unspecific they might be, shed a bit of light on Sven's situation (which, darn the man, he refused to talk about). Is this what Rugge dragged Sven into? Rikárd makes it sound as though there's something much more sinister going on than smuggled goods. Ohh Sven... what have you gotten yourself into?

There was one thing, though. Rikárd had yet to tell them any of these grander schemes, instead giving vague explanations of a... darkness that hung over Rugge. And while he could just not know, that raised some important questions.

"Excuse me for interrupting... again," Karina relented. "But, do we know exactly what we should be looking for once we get there, and how they would connect to whatever it is Rugge is planning? Shady goods delivered to strange places sounds... well, suspicious, but that doesn't seem to have the gravity that you're implying." She looks at Rikárd with a concerned expression. "You speak as though there is a lot more at stake than a bit of contraband. As though you have an inkling as to what his plans really entail."

2017-01-09, 06:26 PM
Rikárd seems completely sincere, in everything he's saying.

"I'm afraid an inkling is all I have. A sense of spreading darkness, of malicious ambition waiting to be unleashed..." Rikárd replies with a shake of his head, worry entering his gaze. "In the past, it's never been this difficult for me to see more. I fear that some sort of dark magic is involved, though I have been able to determine that there isn't a direct link between it and these locations. I was just resting after my most recent attempt to track it down when Mask returned, in fact."

2017-01-10, 02:23 AM
Was interrupting others who are trying to speak also considered an important part of the etiquette in her household? Mannerisms of this land never ceased to bewilder Chionia. Still, it was better to set the argument aside and listen to something that actually mattered. Not that they heard all that much added. "Deceit, worry and malice" did not sound particularly specific, and any references to dark magic were not helping much either. And yet, other women in the room seemed to find in it something worthy of great attention. And that "other women", apparently, was supposed to include the mysterious Mask too. What a way to start working together - if that was what they were trying to do at all...

""Eliminate their reinforcements"..." - Chionia repeated, shaking her head. - "You talk about it as if this is a war. As if you intend to go thither and kill any enemy whom you would find... I admit that I know little about your city and even less about these places, but it is hard to miss that guards are quite plentiful here. I can only imagine how they would react to fighting on the streets that would look no different from common murder. And this brings another point: we are talking about a criminal. Perhaps we all do have our reasons to oppose him. But what purpose would it serve? What do you think we can do? With all respect to your revelations, whichever knowledge they provide, would not it be put to better use if given to those who should be dealing with crime, instead of trusting complete strangers?"

She paused, considering the strangers in question. Their host could have his magic ensuring him that they were those whom he sought, but she had only his word on it. And even then, the least trustworthy of them was... Eyeing the silent figure in the back, Chionia continued: "Of course, you ask us to accompany somebody whom you do trust. But it is not a matter of us "minding". It is the same question: why? What is there for her to do there that requires... present company? You say that she is shy around strangers, yet you would have her deliver your messages to them and accompany them into danger. If we are to trust her and you, an explanation would help it much more than vague warnings would." And she was hoping for that explanation to come from Mask herself. It was still a long way for most in the room to trust each other, and the earlier building that trust could be started, the better.

2017-01-10, 02:32 AM
"If the guard were motivated and armed enough to act against Rugge, then they would already have done so," Lunata murmured, glancing out the house-wagon's window. "Even if they were convinced, by that time it would be too late, I suspect... ..."

A pause, as she placed a hand near her heart for a moment, lowering her head to murmur to herself. "Rugge and his men have deigned it fit to burn our workshop down, and I must assume they are involved in father's disappearance as well. If they are truly involved in dark magics, then it is only the more reason to act. This is war for me." She narrowed her eyes. "To those that would aid and abet in such a thing... I will eliminate those obstacles."

2017-01-10, 04:19 AM
"The guards have no interest in risking their lives, and the ones who could command them to are both beyond my reach. I worry that any request for their aid would be worthless, especially with the city going to war," Rikárd explains. "Perhaps I could convince some wealthy merchant to use his influence to sway the others, but they would wait for an opportunity, likely when the city's forces return. Which means months in which Manfried and his men will have time to put their plans into motion," he says, before pausing.

"Regarding Mask, it's a matter of-" Rikárd begins, before being cut off as the woman stands. "Are you sure?" He asks her, before she nods swiftly.

Taller than all of you but Mozzy, she steps forwards from the beds and reaches up to her face, undoing its straps before pulling it off, pushing her hood down with one gloved hand. Her face sports several jagged scars crossing her dark, almost reddish skin, and strange patterns run across it. Raised skin, almost like something had been slid under it, in the form of braids or chains of some sort, running down from her forehead where raised skin in the shape of a ring rests. Her eyes seem to be missing their irises, consisting only of black and white, lending her gaze further intensity as she looks at each of you. Her gaze lingers for a moment, Mask looking into your eyes for perhaps a moment too long before moving on.

After a moment of silence, she pulls down the rough fabric around her neck, revealing what seems to be a single, massive scar in the center of her throat and a glint of steel beneath the outer layer of her odd attire. Then she turns towards Rikárd and gives him a nod, which he responds to with his own, before his attention returns to you all. "Speaking is quite painful for her, so I hope you can accept it if I speak on her behalf regarding your question, Miss Chionia. Mask is primarily a warrior, though she possesses a great aptitude for the healing arts and has a gift for seeing into the hearts of others. She could not hope to investigate or overcome Manfried's lackeys alone, but should be able to provide valuable assistance if, or perhaps when, if you plan on ending Manfried's plot permanently, it comes to a violent encounter."

As Rikárd speaks, Mask steps a bit closer to Lunata, placing a hand to her own chest and giving her a solemn nod.

2017-01-10, 04:32 AM
Rikárd's continued lack of specificity is discouraging. Karina supposes there's no helping it, but it certainly isn't ideal to make such plans without knowing exactly what one is getting into. At the least, they have a location and a vague idea of what they're up against, but what if these smuggled goods were something they couldn't take back? What if this supposed "dark magic" was something that Rugge could use against them? And they haven't the faintest idea what it could be.

Well, dark magic or no, it isn't like Karina's task has changed. She knows her purpose: Find Rugge, and silence him by whatever means necessary.

"Hmm. I ask because... well, you are not the first I have heard of with the abilities of which you speak. Though I confess, I had hoped that such abilities might be able to provide more information as to what sorts of forces we might be up against. As it is, that stands as another unknown. And in whatever action we try to take, such as targeting this warehouse, that unknown may be a disadvantage."

At Chionia's interjection, she makes a little "Hn" sound, thinking to herself. Well, the thing about the guards is... you're not punished if you don't get caught. Unfortunately, that seems to go for Rugge as well. Lunata's response borders on recklessness and perhaps foolishness, but Karina supposes she herself is not much different, though a little less eager. The suggestion of bringing it to the guard is, in theory, not a bad one. Though in the end, Karina can't help but be a little glad that Rikárd chose the more dubious path of recruiting strangers. At least, if that group of strangers included her. Better to end Rugge myself than rely on somebody else to do it. Especially when the reality is that the guard is perforated with the privileged, who probably wouldn't really put forth their best effort. How else would the Ruggen evade the law so easily?

It's good that Chionia has raised the same concerns about Mask that Karina had, but didn't want to draw attention to herself by mentioning. She keeps her face neutral, though her eyes reveal mild curiosity as she turns to the woman in question.

Pleasantly surprised though she might be as Mask removes her hood, she still has to stifle a gasp at Mask's appearance, even when seeing it for the second time. Whatever her intentions might be... no one deserves to suffer like that. I wish... I wish there was something I could do for her. Perhaps ending Rugge will be it. It's the same as before... one person who has ruined many lives. If this turn-out is any indication. Hearing that Mask's talents lie in healing comes across as tragically ironic to Karina. A healer who could not hope to heal her own wounds? Karina feels her sympathy grow greater, thanking her lucky stars that she herself has never run into that situation.

Karina's decision is mostly made, though she wants to hear the answer to one more question, gently inquiring, "If you don't mind me asking, Mask... for what reason are you in on this?"

2017-01-10, 07:15 AM
Mozzy decides that, since everyone else is busy with their questionings and their unusual social interactions, she'll investigate the wagon further. Standing absolutely still doesn't lend itself well to that goal, but...

For anything weird, I don't know. [roll0]

2017-01-10, 02:30 PM
Chionia winced at Rikard's answer, as if she was hearing a terrible joke. Guards who would not put themselves at risk? What could even be the purpose of having them? And yet somehow this city willingly went to fight in a war which had little to do with it. In a word, it could only be called madness. What hope did she have to understand the thinking of this people? But, whether she could agree with the reasoning itself or not, the final result had to be accepted. This city was not going to take care of its own problems before it could become too late. And the problem in question was too big to leave it rotting.

Her eyes still locked on Mask, Chionia watched her demonstration with full attention. Her fingers tightened on the thin strip of leather coiling around her waist, but her face bewrayed no emotion, and she did not blink or flinch, meeting the gaze of strange eyes for as long as they were willing to look into hers. Scars themselves mattered little; she could feel compassion, but she was too inured to similar sights to be truly moved by them. Revealing them like this, on the other hand... She relaxed her grip, for a moment painfully reminded of her own scars hiding beneath layers of clothing. She had to accept it as a gesture of trust. And if there was anything that she could do to relieve and soothe the suffering of that woman, she had to do it. True, the arts of healing remained beyond her reach... But sister Chionia learned long ago that scars went far further than into mere flesh.

And so it was even more hurtful to do what she had to do next. But that newfound seed of trust only commanded greater obligation, and some harsh words had to be said, if they could prevent more painful mistake. Seeing Mask approach Lunata, Chionia hesitated only for a brief moment, giving them time to exchange looks, and then shifted closer to the two herself. "You misunderstood me," - she spoke gently, lowering both her voice to keep it soft and her gaze to try meeting Lunata's eyes. - "Far be it from me to dissuade you from doing what is just and right. But doing justice is heavy burden. A soldier in battle is right to trust those wearing the same colours and to kill those standing under different banner. You would have no such ease. Would you kill all guilty of being where you believe your enemy to hide? Can you judge good from evil and righteousness from sin and eliminate only those who should be slain? Would you be so rash as to start a fight with no care for consequences and end being seen a criminal yourself, seized and hanged before achieving your goal? Make no mistake; even in service to the righteous purpose, foes and friends alike are hard to determine. You do not have the luxury of being at war."

By last two sentences, Chionia's tone turned even more solemn. She could yet talk at length still, but decided to hold her tongue before unsolicited lecture could grow into a full sermon. Those last words should have sufficed; they certainly did when they were the last advice that she was given before undertaking her journey. By now, she thought, she understood its meaning. It was so much easier to know what to protect, whom to trust and whither to shot. But life was never meant to be easy.

2017-01-10, 03:19 PM
Lunata closed her eyes and turned away after Chionia's sermon and lecture at her ended, and all she spoke in turn was, "The luxury of which you speak of is nothing more than an illusion. Eliminate those who have come to eliminate me. That is the best moral compass a soldier can hope to cling onto. Those who wear the colours of Rugge and fight in his service... those that have come to kill us will be our enemy. And if death is the price that I must pay to save my father, then at least it would be an even trade, for he has already saved mine."

She glanced over to Mask again, lowering her head, and then towards Rikárd. "I'd like to get moving as soon as possible, in order to scout and conduct surveillance, so if there's nothing else..."

2017-01-10, 05:56 PM
Mozzy finds nothing exceptionally odd, though there is a large stockpile of some sort of herb on what looks to be a spice rack or similar, including a small clump held in what looks like an enclosed tea strainer.

Mask looks back at Karina for a few moments, before kneeling down at the edge of the table; Rikárd pushes a paper and quill to her, which she takes in an uncertain hand. She scratches out the letters slowly, gloved fingers changing their grip after each movement, and it quickly becomes apparent that she is the source of the signature-like letters at the bottom of the papers. Eventually, her message is complete, each letter meticulously made from short strokes. She stands, looking down at the paper for a moment as the ink dries, before presenting it to Karina. Only two words adorn the page: A G A I N S T E D A R K.

"I think I've said everything, yes," Rikárd says, with a nod. Mask nods as well, and he gives her a brief look before she turns back to the end of the wagon, retrieving a pair of objects. "...And so has Mask. I bid you good fortune, and will continue to search for any more information here."

Outside is just as it was before. Raining softly, a fully gray sky overhead, the din of the market muffled but much more audible as you leave the wagon. The way northeast from the city's center is an easy route to follow for all of you (except perhaps Chionia, who would only recognize a portion of the path). Mask's mask has returned to her face, her hood once again up, a large steel shield on her back under her cloak, a sword at her hip as she wordlessly moves with the group.

2017-01-10, 06:13 PM
Karina looks down at the paper gifted to her, and then back at the woman who gave it to her. The depth of Mask's eyes and how she holds herself seem to suggest that this is not a surface distaste of dark magic. Rather, it seems quite personal. "Okay. Thank you."

As Rikárd bids them farewell, Karina nods in return. "I suppose this warehouse is where we will start, then. Good day." As they turn to leave, however, Karina suddenly stops to say one more thing: "Finding more information is all good and well, but don't push yourself too hard. Please, take care of yourself. Health is not so easily restored once lost." She then lifts her hood back over her head, and exits the wagon.

Outside, Karina starts off towards the northern dock, keeping close to the others. She knows the general direction, after all, having lived in Burghafen for so much of her life. And there's little point in keeping up this facade any longer. Not while they're going to be working so closely together. She then speaks up quietly in her light, airy voice, barely audible over the pitter-patter of falling raindrops. "Well, now I suppose it's time for some explanations. Starting with this: this isn't what I actually look like, my name is not Luise Richter, and I will continue to operate under this disguise while we search for Rugge.

"I'm sorry for the deception, but I had no way of knowing what kind of meeting this was going to be. It seemed too good to be true when I received the note, and I immediately suspected some kind of trap." She pauses to cast an especially apologetic glance towards Mask, for she basically just implied that she suspected her at first. "I work with very... vulnerable people in my profession. And so I didn't want to put them, or myself, at risk."

2017-01-10, 06:50 PM
Lunata threw her jacket back on and pulled the hood up over her head, to better protect herself from the rain; as they walked, she glanced towards Karina as she spoke. She, too, knew the way, given that she'd once staked out the warehouse before. "I, too, suspected that it may be a Rugge trap... given that I had no more means to advance my investigation on my own merit, I was ready to accept them on his terms." A pause, then she answered in regards to her name, "Whether or not Luise Richter is your true name or not is immaterial to me," she answered the disguised woman in turn. "It will do. You've no fear that I need to know more."

She lowered her head and began recounting the facts as she knew them, once they were clearer of busier streets: "The warehouse is boarded up, and no windows remain vulnerable to entry. There were three sentries at the front. The only other means of intrusion is a chimney too small for most people to fit through, and a hole that serves as a skylight. I would first recommend observation from above, though I do not believe it would grant us a complete vantage. The sum of their numbers, their threat level, and other threats within remain unknown to me."

2017-01-11, 03:12 PM
"You do not understand..." Chionia sighed, stepping away from Lunata again. "But here and now is not the place and the time for a debate. I would only say this: I know little about the habits of criminals, but I would be surprised if they all would conveniently wear the same colours." She stayed silent since, giving only a curt "Farewell" to Rikard as they were leaving. Dealing with somebody who would disagree with her was one thing; it was only the matter of finding the proper arguments to express the right thoughts. Dealing with somebody who would miss the entire point completely, though... She did not know how it could be done. The ordeal kept proving more and more challenging with every day.

At least, some things still worked the same everywhere. Seeing Mask with her sword and shield, Chionia once again checked her own weaponry. As far as she had seen yet, it would not stand out in this city even would she wear a blade more openly; perhaps it was prudent to be ready. Reaching between the layers of her clothing, she unstrapped the small sheath and reattached it to her belt, ensuring that the dagger was easy to reach. She did not know what to expect from this venture, but the day was not too keen on meeting her expectations anyway.

Not knowing the ways around the city as well as the others did, Chionia followed at the rear of the group. Conveniently, it allowed her to observe them while staying out of their sight. At the moment, drawing any more attention to herself was something that she wanted the least; what little trust she could build was already strained by speaking so openly about suspicions and differences. And it was not the place and the time to make any apologies; at least, so Chionia thought, but once again the locals had different opinions. She met Luise's confession with narrowed eyes, scrutinising the woman once more, but still said nothing. All the things that she could say could only make it even worse.

At least, somebody in that group had their goal in mind - however vague that goal could be, discussing its pursuit was far better than sharing any personal matters. Listening to Lunata's description, Chionia nodded, trying to picture it in mind. Her own experience lay more in protecting the fortifications than in infiltrating them; but, perhaps, the different perspective could be useful. "If it can serve as an entrance, would not it be watched as well?" - she asked, as Lunata mentioned observing through a hole in the roof. - "Besides, how would we reach it? Surely, those sentries would not ignore somebody trying to storm their walls..."

2017-01-11, 03:29 PM
At Karina's confession, Mozzy lets out a feigned gasp that somehow managed to not sound all that dramatic nonetheless. "My aching heart." She drones. Now that there's no need for the disguise that will let her blend in with the crowd, she strips the illusion of her outfit and goes back to her regular Vostochnoya Zemlya militia outfit. For the moment, she listens to the others plan their infiltration of the warehouse.

2017-01-11, 03:59 PM
Karina responds to Mozzy's sarcasm with only a shake of her head and a slight smile before continuing to discuss their plans. The mention of only a few guards - from the outside at least - contradicts what she knows, but makes sense from a contextual standpoint.

"Rugge probably wouldn't have many guards outside - it would attract too much attention that even the city guard could not ignore. But I've heard that the Ruggen have been expanding their numbers lately. Taking advantage of those who have no other means of work and putting them at various menial tasks, guard duty included. So perhaps we should expect far greater numbers inside." Indeed, Sven's confession that he was just one of many roped in by Rugge had proven true, at least according to what Karina had heard since arriving. Some of her own past clients had even known someone who had joined their ranks, or done so themselves, desperate for hot meals and warm beds. While she felt for their plight, if any of Rikard's predictions regarding what the Ruggen were getting mixed up in came to be true, they might find themselves in worse situations.

"The hole in the roof sounds like a place to start, at least. Though if trying to observe through it would attract too much attention, we can always figure something else out."

2017-01-11, 04:20 PM
Maybe Lunata didn't understand. She wasn't about to claim that she understood everything; meeting Odjn and learning about the world outside of the plains certainly showed that she didn't. And in a less tense and hurried time, she probably would sit down with Chionia to speak further about the matter, but... right now, it was the mission that was close at her mind.

"I've the means to spirit myself upwards," she offered, "If detection is a concern, I can scout ahead alone so that we are not all caught should something amiss happen. But, aside from the hole, the only other means of entry I've discovered are the sentries, which would be a more difficult task to overcome..."

A pause, then she said, "We will have to see when we get there. It is entirely possible things have changed since I last spied upon the place."

2017-01-11, 05:11 PM
The rain continues, a monotonous drizzle punctuated only by the sounds of water running across rooftops and splashing down from the edges of larger buildings. The way northeast takes you away from the busier sections of the city, the streets quickly growing empty as you leave the market squares behind. Passing through the old northern wall, now deep within the city it once was the edge of, you continue along an increasingly winding path, heading away from the river and towards the poor area between the northern docks and the riverfront. Before long, the few people you see out are noticeably different in apparent mood, giving you a wide berth rather than shuffling past as if you weren't there. Eventually, you reach it; a run-down building with two floors, flanked by empty lots littered with garbage and occasional pieces of scrap.

The building itself seems abandoned, no guards in front or around it. A single door leads in, from the front. What were once windows are now boarded up from the outside, the wood visibly newer than that of the building itself. The roof is of questionable sturdiness, one area in particular sagging downwards, several wooden shingles seeming ready to fall off into the hole that leads into the building. The entire building has an air of insecurity to it, rotting wood visible in several places as well as decades-old remnants of attempts to reinforce decaying portions, presumably from before it was abandoned.

As you arrive, Mask looks over the building before turning to you all, still out of sight from anyone who might be inside, or watching from one of the nearby homes. There are enough alleyways to easily approach from any angle, though some are less than pleasant to pass through due to accumulated debris. The alleyways are dark, as the building promises to be, a slow shift towards darkness beginning, as muted as the effect is due to the thick cloud cover. You estimate another hour, perhaps two, before the sun sets and night arrives.

2017-01-11, 05:28 PM
"The guards have gone... is it a change in shift, or...?" Lunata murmured, half to herself and half to the group, before nodding to gesture towards some nearby walls and footholds. She closed her eyes in concentration for a moment, letting the spiritual motion shift around her as she attunes herself to the very air around her. As silently as she can manage, she takes hold of a supporting beam, peers upward towards the roof, then lets herself be taken in by the ebb of unseen spirits--

--and reappears up at the top of the roof, keeping herself low. A vestigial scattering of air-spirits silently exude outward from where she finished her movements. Once she can make relatively certain she's secure, she starts to lower a rope for the others, intent on assisting them upward, then secures it to a part of the exposed wooden frame, tugging on it to ensure that it's going to hold.

I'm setting my elemental affinity to Air and using Fading Strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/veiled-moon-maneuvers#TOC-Fading-Strike) and foregoing the attack, teleporting up to the roof and lowering a rope.

2017-01-11, 05:49 PM
As they continue northeast, Karina falls silent while their surroundings grow more desolate, not wanting anyone to overhear what she might otherwise say.

The building being completely dark as it is, Karina's makes a frustrated noise at the mild inconvenience. How much will we be able to see with the building being so dark, but we can try? And the place seems dead quiet, but of course there could still be guards inside. She pays special attention to the windows, even boarded, and cracks in the structure, for any signs of life. "I don't see any light at all, but that doesn't necessarily mean there's no one inside, of course. We'll have to be careful about poking around," she murmurs. It seems that Lunata has a plan for getting up onto the roof, and the shortly lowered rope is much appreciated. Carefully gripping the rope with one hand, she tucks her hood more securely up over her face before mounting herself up over the wall, eyes forward at all times.

2017-01-12, 05:15 AM
Mysteries and revelations only continued. The weirdly named and even weirder looking woman displaying an outfit that seemed so familiar certainly caught Chionia's eyes. It was not a common sight in this city; of course, none of them were all that common in any meaningful way. Still, it could mean something - something that did not match the strange name. Perhaps it, too, was fake; apparently, there was no shortage of deceit at their meeting. They really were not making it any easier to trust each other... Dismissing the thought for now, she tried to concentrate on listening to something that actually mattered.

"Spirit herself upwards"? At first Chionia thought that she misheard something, or misinterpreted some word in vernacular tongue. But yet another demonstration of something unexpected proved that for once trusting what was said was the correct choice. But, impressive as it was, she doubted that it was wise. Storming a keep without knowing what could await inside rarely ended well for attackers; even if the rotting building was no masterpiece of fortification, it seeming defencelessness did not match the increase in numbers mentioned before. But if there was nobody guarding it, then there was no reason to worry; and if somebody actually was inside, then it was too late to voice any objections in hearing range of the warehouse.

Scaling the walls was one more thing that she never expected to have to do. Even with helpful rope clutched in her thin fingers, she had to advance carefully, pausing at every foothold to search for next one. It did not get much safer on the roof itself; wetted by the incessant rain, it looked too easy to slip on it. Chionia did not like the sound it was making either; trying the wood ahead before stepping away from the rope to free the place, she sent questioning glances at Lunata and Luise, wondering whether there was any next part to the plan beyond simply walking to the hole.

Taking 10 on Climb and, if possible, on Stealth.

2017-01-12, 02:27 PM
Once everyone is up on the roof, Karina glances around, searching for the aforementioned hole. With her voice barely above a whisper, she suggests, "Perhaps we can try getting a look into the room through the hole first, and see what that tells us. Though I'm not sure how much light we'll get with this cloud-cover. I doubt they'll leave much to be found in such an accessible room, but no point in taking more risks than we need to... yet."

2017-01-12, 02:46 PM
The roof evens out slightly, as the downward curve in one direction meets the inward slump into the hole, offering a position to look into it that is somewhat less precarious than those closer to the drop. Inside is a room that seems empty, apart from a few fallen shingles and other pieces of wood that can be attributed to the degradation of the roof above it. A few puddles are visible, water dropping from portions of the roof that have become permeable without opening up into holes of their own. Not much is visible away from the center where the dim daylight passes into the building, the edges of the room only faintly recognizable.

Further inside the room, away from the light, you see the remnants of a door, seemingly damaged by violence rather than age, and through the large hole in it you faintly see what looks like the top of a staircase.

2017-01-12, 03:35 PM
Lunata furrowed her brow softly as she leaned in to inspect what they could see, which was... not much. That much, at least, was expected... "You're right... we aren't finding much here." If it were just her, she'd just slip straight in, but she glanced back towards her new companions first. "I don't believe we'll make much progress through the front... this is likely still our best way inwards."

2017-01-12, 03:40 PM
Karina lets out an irritated sigh. "You know, I'm almost sad that those guards you mentioned aren't here anymore. I wonder if we would have been able to get any information out of them. As it is... you're probably right. We won't accomplish anything by just standing around."

Perhaps from being out of contact with Mozzy for so long prior to the past week, Karina remembers belatedly that her unique heritage has granted her far better eyes than her own for seeing things in these sorts of conditions. "Mozzy... can you make out anything going on in this room?"

2017-01-13, 02:35 PM
"A broken door, leading to stairs." Mozzy reports. "Little else." In the back of her mind, she wonders whether the owners were tipped off somehow, about people coming to investigate. Something has to have been here at some point, and the fact that none is doesn't bode well.

2017-01-13, 03:35 PM
Lunata looked to Mozzy, then nodded quietly as she said, "We would need to head further in to investigate..." She frowned. "I do not like that the guards have suddenly been displaced. But we may have little choice here."

She lowered herself slowly, so that she could hang along the side of the hole and drop down without too much noise, then slipped in towards the shadows. Moving closer towards the door, she gazed down the stairs as best she could...

2017-01-13, 10:09 PM
Before dropping into the building, Mozzy makes sure to pull up the rope that Lunata first lowered, and hide it on the roof, so that it will be hidden from sight, but easy to lower should they need it again. Then she secures some of her own rope to another sturdy part of the rooftop and lowers it through the hole, to make climbing to the floor of the warehouse easier.

Relatively confident about the group's chances, she reaches into the pocket of her coat and pulls out the butt of a weapon - a smooth, bone-like point. Then she starts pulling out her hand, wrapped around a long scaled shaft that, the more she pulls out, the less likely it seems able to have fit into her coat pocket. More and more is pulled out, until it reaches the head of what now seems to be a spear About three quarters of the way up, the scaled body of the spear turns into pale bone, with a pair of fangs pointing out to forma kind of crossguard. The blade of the spear, the entirety of which stands about as tall as her, seems to be a single fang sharpened on both sides, with a particularly devastating prick.

Her weapon now comfortably in her hands, Mozzy leaves the spear low and poised at her side, and joins Lunata in peering down the stairs.

Isaak's staff is now strapped to her back.

This spear is Mozzy's standard Mind Blade appearance, and she usually retrieves them by "pulling" them out of her pocket. If Karina has seen her fight, she's probably familiar with this.

2017-01-14, 01:22 AM
Nodding her thanks to Mozzy, Karina follows suit and lowers herself down the rope into the hole. Landing lightly on her feet, she carefully unsheathes her swords before taking a look around. The blade might be a tool that is a hundred times simpler than any of my concoctions... but, in cases like these, they're still more effective.. Since Mozzy and Lunata are looking out the door, Karina takes this time to prepare ahead. As quietly as she can, she pulls out her formulae book and slips out a vial from her bandolier and takes off the top. She adds a powder, then dissolves it in solvent, and adds another before sprinkling in a few tiny, narrow leaves. After capping it and giving it a mild shake, she taps Mozzy on the shoulder and holds it out to her.

"Drink this," she whispers. "To see even better."

Mozzy has probably heard these words before. The extract is one of Heightened Awareness. +2 Perception and trained Knowledge checks, and lasts for 30 minutes. If we get into combat, you can dismiss the spell immediately for a +4 to Initiative.

2017-01-14, 07:25 AM
Among everything (and everyone) in this land in general, this city and this particular venture that sister Chionia could not trust, this roof had to take a special place. And, of course, it also happened to have place right under her feet. Being in no hurry to rush across the holey and rotten wood, she approached the hole slowly, watching it from different sides and angles to no particular avail and waiting for any sign of planning from her companions with results not any better. If the only intent was to rush headlong inside and deal with anything as it happens, she heard better plans before. Still, others looked like they knew what they were doing, or at least believed that they did; she could only wait and see how their believes hold in practice.

Somebody capable of simply appearing back on the roof again going first to check the room below made sense. Chionia was ready to wait until Lunata would give at least some sign that it was safe there, if not return to speak in more details, but in this land patience probably was yet another forgotten virtue. Of course, she could understand that somebody sharpeyed would also be amid first to go into darkness; but the list of things that could not be trusted grew yet another entry as she considered the lowered rope. Scaling a wall was one thing, but this... Not seeing too well in the dark, she could not be sure that in an emergency it would make an easy way to retreat. Turning to Luise to ask her opinion, she found the supposedly wisest of them joining the others as well. At least, she did not rush ahead, preparing... something. And all the things that were happening below made Chionia wonder just how many more surprises this day had for her.

Perhaps it was time to take more direct approach and for a start contribute something to this affair herself. Deeds of others were hard to miss, at least as long as she was there to witness them; by contrast, Chionia was going less to attract attention and more to pay it. Still looking worriedly down the rope and shaking her head, she closed her eyes for a moment. There was no need to consult any books or perform convoluted ceremonies. It was only a matter of discipline that tightly held her body and soul, heart and mind alike. Her eyelids rose, blood momentarily pulsing in tiny vessels underneath them; and steel of her eyes cut a window into sight beyond sight. Past the coil waiting on her own waist. Past any appearance that her companions below might bear when seen thus. Further, as far as her vantagepoint could allow her to reach.

Still, it was only a temporary overview, and from the unreliable roof to boot. Satisfied with her first glance of the warehouse, Chionia finally followed others down the rope - where, while Luise was still doing her work, she looked around again, watching past the two at the front as well as towards other sides.

While Karina takes time to make an extract, using detect magic - first from above the hole, concentrating for three rounds in general direction of down, then in the room, starting with three rounds towards the stairs as Lunata and Mozzy look and continuing with scanning around until everyone else is ready to proceed further.

2017-01-14, 08:31 AM
Mozzy downs Karina's potion and holds the container back out to her.

2017-01-16, 12:35 PM
(Sorry for the late response to this, I thought I'd given information in Discord but it turns out I never did.)

You don't detect any magical auras within the area, in any direction, apart from any attached to the other party members.

Since no one has said they'd rather me not do so, I'll go ahead and move things along to the next interesting point in the house.

A hallway extends to the right from the room exit, opening into several other similarly empty rooms. Going down the stairs, careful not to make noise that might reveal your presence to potentially hidden guards, you all find the lower floor visibly more maintained. The stairs terminate in a kitchen - somewhat crude in nature, but featuring a small array of knives, bowls, as well as a blackened pot over the ashen remnants of a fire. A few chairs and a table sit here, a coil of rope resting on the one further from the staircase. On a counter rests a worn wooden cutting board, a third of a loaf of dark bread resting atop it, cut side on the wood to keep it from drying out. The room is free of dust, apart from the ash near the fireplace. Apart from the stairs, two doors exit the room, one leading to a pantry with a small stockpile of wood and some salted meat, the other to a room that appears to be directly inside the front entrance.

Entering this next room, the door on your left, you all spot the additions to the back of the room - chains, attached to two metal plates secured to the wall about ten feet from each other. The floor is clear closer to the door, where a simple coat hanger and chair rest on either side of the entrance, but towards the chains it grows more cluttered. A few filthy rugs, defined as much by the holes in them as by the portions that remain, offer a bed for the four lengths of rope that lie atop them, joined by a wooden tray that carries a pair of wooden cups, bowls and a few scraps of bread. Closer examination reveals specks of darkened blood on the wall beneath one of the metal plates, though the other is clean. A doorway, to the left of both metal plates, leads to a back room that houses what seem to be rudimentary sleeping accommodations for two people - straw and fabric forming something like a mattress, a stool sitting between the two.

The table bears several marks on it that are fairly clearly made by knives, stuck into the wood. They're all clustered around the part of the table close to the chair with rope on it.
You spot what seems to be a small piece of paper, wedged under a portion of the rug next to the un-bloodied metal plate. It was clearly crumpled into a vaguely tubelike shape with great haste, and small bits were ripped when it was shoved under the rug. It bears clear signs of carrying a message, as well as a thick line where a heavily-inked quill must have been dragged across it roughly.

If you open it, it reads: Lunata: I hope you are not reading this because they have managed to capture you. If the man who took me keeps his word, I will be treated well, which I hope offers you some relief. I warn you, if you are coming to find me, do it with great care. This man is clearly , ending suddenly, with the streak of ink just to the right of the final word.

2017-01-16, 12:37 PM
Mozzy wordlessly passes the paper she's found to Lunata.

2017-01-16, 04:36 PM
Lunata took her time to inch down and investigate, though much like the others, she couldn't really find any presence of people in the scene... had they just recently abandoned it? If so, was it because they were tipped off, or had she made a mistake? She thought she'd covered her tracks well enough, but...

Well, there's very little to go on but speculation at that point.

"Judging from that door and the knife marks on this table..." Lunata murmured, "There have been signs of a struggle here... judging from how they left food on the kitchen counter, I am inclined to think that they did not plan to leave this warehouse so suddenly..."

She blinked when Mozzy handed her a piece of paper, glancing down towards it -- her eyes widened for a moment when she realises it's addressed to her. "This is father's handwriting..." A pause, as she hesitated. "Treated... well...?" Certainly, it was some relief to hear that her father won't be mistreated -- but that didn't line up with the scene here, with the rug and the manacles and the metal plates.

2017-01-17, 01:28 AM
After pocketing the vial, Karina quietly follows the group. The sight and the state of the kitchen are slightly perplexing, as is the makeshift bedchamber. Well, this certainly doesn't seem like your standard storage warehouse. In fact, it looks less like a warehouse and more like someone's... living quarters. She's about to say as much when Lunata sees the note, and at the words she murmurs, Karina raises an eyebrow. Eyeing the blood on the wall, she quietly thinks, Whoever's blood that is definitely wasn't "treated well." Hopefully the man who was writing that note truly is alright.

"... This doesn't seem like your typical warehouse. It looks less like a building for storage and more like... they wanted to do whatever required the use of that--" Karina gestures at the chains "--out of the public eye. "And if the beds are any indication, someone might have been staying here and sleeping here regularly. Which means it's even stranger that we haven't seen anyone here," she murmurs.

2017-01-17, 02:18 AM
Lunata looked back to Karina and said, "I assume that this is both a kind of safehouse for their crimes, and simultaneously a place to temporarily store prisoners... has been for some time, judging from how those metal plates are affixed."

She sighed and held up the note again, saying, "This was father's handwriting. I must assume that he was detained here-- but the writing stops abruptly, which likely indicates that he had to hurriedly hide the note before he was removed from the scene." She frowned and expressed a look of worry for a moment, before forcing it down. "I hope that it does not coincide with the signs of struggle; the lack of forced entry at the front door suggests that an assault did not happen here, however."

2017-01-17, 05:45 AM
Chionia silently followed the group, watching others just as much as the building that they were inspecting. For once she did not have to worry about this day defying her expectations yet again - by the dint of not knowing at all what to expect from the criminals' warehouse in the first place. If comments of the locals were any indication, certainly not what they found. Simple food, crude furniture, nothing excessive... it almost felt like home. But, surely, the inhabitants of this place did not turn to the path of crime for the sake of ascetic lifestyle. And chains and bloodstains did not quite fit the idyllic picture either.

Of course, she could not rely solely on the words of others without seeing for herself. Having no scruples regarding blood, Chionia carefully checked the stains; perhaps it was still possible to tell how old or fresh they were. Next the same examination was performed on bread, both scraps on the tray and the loaf on the table. That brought her back to the kitchen; and there was something not as easy to inspect with bare fingers. Drawing her own dagger, Chionia put it against the scratches on the table, trying to estimate the angles and possible ways of making those marks, as well as whether they were left by kitchen knifes or by some blades more substantial.

""Struggle"?.." - Chionia voiced her doubt, sheathing her weapon and returning to speak with others. - "Unless they struggled to cut the bread, it is hardly the case - or somebody was careful to remove all other signs of it. And there is too much furniture for there to have been only "someone". Captives kept tied on rugs or chained to walls and fed with scraps. Guards sleeping on proper beddings and eating at a proper table. And it takes several guards to sleep and keep watch at the same time. Stockpile of supplies, too. This place is inhabited - or should be. They left, but how long ago? And... when do they intend to return? If you saw guards around this place, or others coming or leaving, when was it?"

Chionia eyed the note in Lunata's hands, not prying into its contents, and then turned her attention to the place where it was discovered. She did not spot it at first, but now it deserved a detailed examination. "Places for two captives here," - she continued recapitulating, nodding towards the metal plates, - "one bloodied and one not. And the bloodless had a note... perhaps it passes as "being treated well". But... writing stops abruptly, you say? So he thought that he would be able to have his message somehow delivered - or to leave it to be found. But he was interrupted, and the building is abandoned now. Did he know that the place would be vacated, so that he could leave the note for anyone coming hither afterwards? Or it was sudden, and he had to hide it in a hurry in the first place that he could reach? If he was a captive here, how was he able to write at all? We do not know enough to divine what happened here. And can we trust that message to be genuine?"

2017-01-17, 03:45 PM
"The guards were present..." Lunata stopped to consider, "A day ago. That was when I spotted a dozen men carrying valuables out from this warehouse and towards the other locations, which included a ship. The Meklodka. It's set sail by now, unfortunately..."

She nodded at Chionia and admitted, "You are right in that there may not have been a struggle -- I was going by the slash marks, but it may have well been before its time, given the state of the warehouse. Judging from the large-scale movement of items, I can only assume that the prisoners were moved as part of the relocation... perhaps as a safety measure."

On the topic of the letter, she looked down again with a sigh. "I can... attest the handwriting is genuine, but whether or not he was coerced to write it... I do not know. But... I will choose to trust father for the time being. 'If the man who took me keeps his word, I will be treated well', it reads... I more fear what kind of bargain father struck with them..."

2017-01-18, 05:01 PM
If the building were still fully intact, you likely wouldn't have heard it so soon. The same gaps that let the chill of the outside in and fill the room with the sound of barely-muffled rainfall allow another sound to come through; this one is louder, and of more immediate importance. Words, loud and boisterous, coming from outside near the door. There's a pause before the reply, which comes from another voice, less excited but audibly closer to the door, making it clear that two men are approaching. Judging by the volume, they'll reach it within half a minute. The words being spoken make it clear that they aren't aware of your presence, or are at least putting on a show of not knowing, the two loudly discussing what seem to be recent events and the actions of several people. You can make out "Fräulein Lidande" and a mention of whips before their voices grow more clear.

"...but really, do you think it's true?" The first, the more enthusiastic, voice asks.

"Obviously not. Do you believe everything you hear? There's no way the Fräulein would do that," the second replies, audibly dismissive and hardly closer than when the question was asked. "And don't talk about it like that. They'll drop you as fast as they picked you up, and then you'll be back on the street."

It seems likely that their own noise, and the rain, will likely distract them from noise coming from the inside, and both the wall and door are free of any holes that could reveal you to the two as they approach.

2017-01-18, 08:20 PM
Lunata was nearly stuck in her reverie, but she heard the voices talking outside clear enough. She flashed a look to the rest of the group, then drew the Reiterpallasch to hand and gestured towards the door, before hurrying towards the back of the room and up the set of stairs again to get herself a vantage point to snipe or at least gain leverage for her rifle. She couldn't just take these people down, whoever they are... their intel would be more valuable than their corpses.

The Fräulein Lidande... who is that...?

She nodded towards the group and dropped to a low position, using the cover of the broken door to prop her weapon up.

Lunata is going to head up the stairs and use the broken door as cover to stealth herself for the encounter.

Taking 10 for Stealth, unless you'd like me to roll it.

Lunata is also using Spirit-Sensing Stance and will read their emotion auras when they arrive.

2017-01-18, 10:34 PM
The sound of voices sends a jolt through Karina, and she laments to herself that this sort of infiltration does not involve the hiding in plain sight that she is used to. She slips off her sleeves and then slides them back on, this time having them form a cloak of dark fabric without the water-resistant sheen from before. As she does this, she ducks into the pantry, hiding herself in the space between the door and the wall, and slowly unsheathes one of her twin blades, taking care not to do so too quickly so as to prevent the incoming men from hearing the scraping metal.

The way that the description of the pantry was worded, it sounded like the door swings into the pantry rather than into the kitchen. If this is incorrect, please let me know.

Taking 10 on stealth.

2017-01-19, 12:12 AM
Mozzy stalks over to the space behind where the door will swing once opened. As she walks, her spear shifts in the blink of an eye. Where once there was an ornate spear, there is now a long bony shaft topped with a wicked wyvern's sting, hooked at the end.

Taking 10 on Stealth, shifting Mind Blade to a Fauchard.

I'm guessing we'll take a Surprise Round once those guards enter?

2017-01-19, 04:11 AM
Chionia arched an eyebrow at Lunata's explanation. She was about to say something in response, but another voice interrupted her thoughts. Two voices, even; and neither, both being unmistakably male, belonged to anyone in the room. They were coming from outside, and more importantly, they were actually coming. She was wondering when the building's occupants were planning to return, but this was not the manner in which she hoped to learn the answer. But, even if one hope vanished, there now was another: perhaps, if they would keep talking, they would actually say something relevant... or, maybe, they could be actively persuaded to change the topic.

But none of it would matter, if they would find uninvited visitors and raise an alarm. And, as helpful as it was for eavesdropping, the building's ruined state did not provide a lot of useful hideouts. Hastily glancing around, Chionia took note of her companions' quick movements; she could only follow their example, once again trusting that they knew what they were doing. What she could not trust was the weapon in Lunata's hands; if what she heard from Luise not so long ago and from the men themselves right now was true, they could be guilty of nothing more than being hired porters. Of course, they just as well could be well aware of everything and willing to defend their new employer's interests with lethal force, in which case it would be only prudent to have the gun ready - and such weapons probably needed support. Fortunately, there was a way to deal with both possibilities at once.

And there was no time to think of something better. Following Lunata upstairs, Chionia briefly nodded to her, appreciating the view of the room below. And, likewise taking cover, grasped the handle of her own weapon. The leather coil around her waist unwound, another end of the long and thin strip safely held in her other hand to keep it for now silent. Both blessed lash and its wielder tensed, ready to spring into action, but disciplined enough to stay put and wait.

Sister Chionia knew very little about the rumours of this land, but she knew many things a devout fraulein could do with a whip.

Taking 10 on Stealth too.

2017-01-19, 04:25 PM
As the last of you get into your positions, one last exchange comes through the door, accompanied by the sound of a key going into a lock.

"...So, what about the Gunpowder Man?" The first voice asks, the last word followed by an immediate pause in the opening of the door.

"No. You're not going to ask me about every single rumor, are you?" Replies the second, before the door swings open. A young, bearded man walks in, dressed in somewhat shabby-looking clothing with plates of leather woven into the front. A rough 'R' is carved into the largest plate on the chest. He steps inside, turning to the man who follows him - a somewhat younger looking man wearing a visibly nicer set of light leather armor. The R on his armor is embroidered, and has a much smoother look to it. Neither seems to notice any of you, the door remaining open for a moment before the second man swings it closed.

"But you have to believe what they say about the Blood Witch, right? I have an aunt who saw her, in person!" The younger man insists as the door closes again.

Neither of the two men is aware of you yet, so you can take a Surprise Round here. Act in any order here.

2017-01-19, 04:37 PM
The 'Gunpowder Man'... could he be referring to father?

Lunata didn't really want to risk killing them before they could cough out the information -- she also thought that her companion may have objections to it; she glanced briefly as Chionia took position next to her, wondering what kind of skills the foreign woman had with what looked like the whip. It just came to her mind that they hadn't spent the time to discuss how they would function if an engagement broke out, but she, at the least, trusted them to be skilled at the moment.

She focused her attention back to their conversation, and keened her sight on the two, looking closely towards any sheathed weapons. A faint wisp of spiritual flame started to seep onto the chamber of the Reiterpallasch, and an animus bullet silently came into form, primed and ready.

Using a point of animus to create a bullet. Lunata is going to ready an action to use Disarming Shot to disarm either of the two men if they draw their weapon and attack -- but otherwise letting the two on ground floor take the lead on the surprise.

2017-01-19, 05:28 PM
From out of the shadows, Mozzy sweeps her fauchard twice at the legs of the guards - once each, and then a third blow follows.

Flurry Strike, to make two Trip attempts. Fauchard is a Reach weapon, so they wouldn't get AoOs if they're somehow armed.

[roll0] vs CMD
[roll1] vs CMD

If either of the Trip Attempts fails, Mozzy will use Minute Hand to make another Trip attempt. If they both succeed, she'll save the maneuver.

[roll2] vs CMD

2017-01-20, 11:09 AM
Whichever skills Chionia could have with her weapon, she was in no hurry to actually demonstrate them. Idly intertwining the end of too long lash with her fingers and coiling its length around her wrist and sleeve to keep it out of the way of Lunata's firearm, she watched the newcomers' entrance. They were still talking about rumours - and that was equally expected and unhelpful. They were wearing what probably passed for an uniform - and that was the opposite. They were not carrying anything or doing anything of note - and she did not know how to interpret that. If the place was emptied this very day, bringing something else into it was unlikely - but there was probably nothing to take away either. Were they here only to guard the seemingly useless building? Were there more to come, to bring the sentries back to the old number or to put the place to some use? Perhaps, observing and listening for some more could provide some answers.

It did not get a chance to happen. Several rapid swings of a polearm cut down any plans she could have, both for keeping watch and for actually doing something in battle. Still silent, Chionia lowered her hands with her weapon. The men's bodies could be handled without her - but that still left tending to their souls. Attacked, they could do something rash; and that, in turn, could prompt an equally rash bullet to take somebody's life. It was too late to stop the fighting itself, but she could keep somebody from escalating it - and it was probably not the best idea to do it to somebody on her own side.

Turning away from the whitehaired gunner, Chionia considered the two men below. The second of them had just closed the door, and it was better to keep him from throwing it open and running away. He was younger, too, and maybe more likely to act quickly and carelessly. With an aim set in her mind, she concentrated. For a moment her body ceased even breathing, its soul concerned with matters lying beyond her mortal coil. She reached past it, towards the young spirit beneath her. At first, it was a mere touch, akin to an intangible tendril longer than any lash, gently caressing the other soul like a blind man trying to measure his surroundings and find his way - but it was not she who was blind to the other's presence. And then it struck - like a serpent from its hideout in tall grass, like a chain binding its captive, like a blindingly bright flash in the darkness. A heartbeat later, sister Chionia once again could feel her own flesh and blood - and now see whether the souls of this people were just as susceptible to the sacred touch.

Swift action: Hypnotic Stare at the second man (-2 to Will saving throws).
Standard action: daze on him (Will DC 14).

2017-01-20, 03:05 PM
As Mozzy knocks the men over, Karina moves from her position, pointing her blade at the first man who is now on the floor. "Shhhhh," she murmurs. When she speaks again, it is in the gravelly alto of Luise Richter. "We'd just like to talk. Take into account that you don't know how many of us are here, or what we're capable of, before you do something no one wants. We'd appreciate it if you took out any weapons you might have and slid them away, and then maybe this conversation can take place peacefully. Does that sound alright?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2017-01-20, 04:01 PM
In a brief, violent surge of motion, two men slam into the wooden floorboards, interrupting the beginnings of a startled sound from the younger man, whose eyes stare blankly upwards as his mouth opens and closes soundlessly. The other begins to speak, but stops quickly as another woman emerges, weapon at the ready. For a few moments, silence and stillness return to the decrepit building again.

"Alright," the older man says, raising his arms up away from him - and Karina, in a clear effort to avoid provocation. "Daggers, at our belts," he says, gesturing with his head to a cleverly-positioned blade at his hip. Difficult to see among the layers he wears, the lengthier portion hidden under leather armoring, the weapon would be difficult to spot without a close inspection or information as to its location. The other man slowly recovers from his shock, a soft clatter coming a moment later as he unceremoniously dumps his own weapon on the floor.

"Please, don't kill me. I - I just started. I haven't done anything..." the younger man pleads, looking between Mozzy and Karina, clearly looking to the latter for a sign of mercy as he subtly tried to push himself away from Mozzy.

"Don't grovel, Rudolph," the older man grumbles, clearly either much less afraid than his companion or much more able to disguise it.

Alright, first kinda-combat done!

Also, I think I'll give XP either in chunks after several encounters / obstacles, or just announce level-ups. I just realized I never mentioned what method I was going to use, and it seems at least somewhat appropriate here.

2017-01-20, 04:30 PM
Lunata had felt a slight disturbance as Chionia used her power -- she wasn't familiar with what kind of prowess the foreign woman had, but she could feel a ... spiritual extension, lashing out at the older man's spirit ... she was aware of others who were far more proficient and keenly tuned to the spirits, of course, but to see it now, after so long, felt like a new experience all over again. Still, it looked like Mozzy and Karina had the situation well in hand, thinking to herself how well they worked together.

She kept her rifle trained in case of trouble, and also kept her eye out for further issue.

2017-01-20, 04:52 PM
Mozzy keeps her weapon at the ready and decides that Karina has negotiations well in hand.

Full-Round action to recover maneuvers and then Standard regain Psionic Focus, assuming talking lasts longer than six seconds.

2017-01-20, 05:25 PM
The so-called groveling nearly produces a flash of sympathy, but Karina swallows the emotion, reminding herself that there are bigger stakes. I'll avoid hurting them, but hopefully the threat will be enough to keep them in line for now.

"Thank you for your cooperation," she says, producing something that could almost be a smile. "Now then. From the looks of things, it seems like you two have been very busy here," she continues, gesturing with her head towards the bloodied chains. "I should mention that what we've found so far doesn't look very good for you--" she takes a moment to glance at the symbols on their clothing "--nor does your uniform, so think twice before trying to lie. Just what have you been up to here? And why?" she finishes, scrutinizing their faces and composure as she does so.

Additional checks if needed.

Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]
Perception: [roll2]
Sense Motive: [roll3]

2017-01-20, 06:28 PM
"Our job was to keep an eye on the prisoners - " the older one begins, before the younger interrupts.

"I was - I was just doing what they said!" The younger man interjects, earning a scowl from his companion.

"The Fräulein gave us the orders, directly, so they must have been important. One of them looked fancy, like some kind of rich family's son. Kept promising to pay us if we let him go. Had to shut him up a few times. The other one was older, and pretty quiet. We weren't supposed to hit him, and he never gave us a reason to. We kept them here, with a few crates, for a while. Then the stuff was carried off. Then the prisoners," the older man continues after a moment. He looks over to the younger man, who turns towards Karina.

"The rich one, we - we brought him to a place not too far from here. Half on the water, we call it the Floathouse. If you're out looking for him, that'll be where he is."

A moment of silence passes, before the older man looks to Karina, clearing his throat. "If you're going after him, I...I'd like to ask you to let us go. Or at least not keep us here. If it's too much trouble, leave me, but - please, at least take him."

You get the feeling that both are speaking truth.

There's also an odd sense of urgency in the older man's request. He's motivated by fear, and probably not of you.

2017-01-20, 06:38 PM
It hurts her to see them so afraid - especially the younger one, who seems to have lost his nerve a bit in the face of a threat. I'll have to have a few serious words with them when we finally let them go.

However, Karina makes no mention of this for the moment, nor does she let down her guard, not until they have all of the information they need. "Slow down - who's this Fräulein? Where was the other prisoner taken to? What was in the crates? How well guarded is the place holding the young man?" she asks levelly.

Diplomacy: [roll0] I'm determined for one of these to work out.

2017-01-20, 08:10 PM
Lunata kept silent as the two spoke, but she attuned herself to her spiritual senses and reached out, keeping in tune with the state of their emotions. Does the dark soul rest within them... she had to think to herself, though there was very little sense in killing them here. It seemed admirable that the old one wanted to protect the younger, but it changed little, in her view. They were still complicit in a crime, no matter the circumstances.

Lunata is using Empath to gaze into their emotion auras.

2017-01-21, 05:27 AM
Both men sport a strong gray aura, the edges stronger in the aftermath of their shock, showing their fear. Almost invisible, both have something quite odd - their auras sport a slight ripple around their bodies. You've never seen it before.

The younger man's aura is an almost constant color, his mind clearly still focused on the possibility of death at the hands of those before him.

The older man's aura grows more subtle as you look closer at him - the surge of fear a few moments ago producing something like a halo of the sickly gray color, which tapers down to a much more controlled emotion as you look to what his current feelings are. Mixed in with the more subtle gray of his fear are spots of scarlet and a growing darkening of several parts of his aura towards the dark gray of melancholy; he seems to be having feelings of affection or selfless intent, mixed with a growing resignation.

"F-Fräulein Lidande," the younger man stammers. "She's Herr Rugge's second in command. Whenever she shows her face, it's for something of great importance, and she's...she's..." he shivers, stumbling over his words before the older man cuts in, voice steady.

"She doesn't take kindly to failure. If she finds out we gave you assistance, any at all, she'll imprison and kill us both," he explains. "And not the easy way. The older man, he was brought off to a larger storage place, I think. A warehouse that sees a lot of use by smugglers. I heard a rumor that they managed to get a Liga storeroom, and put him there for some reason," the man continues, before pausing.

"We didn't look into the crates, but I know one had metal parts of some kind, and the other was closed up like gunpowder barrels, completely waterproof..." he looks to the younger man, who realizes with a start that he's to speak again.

"The Floathouse? Maybe...maybe four? I remember them grumbling about long shifts, so I don't think there are others to relieve them...I think Herr Rugge is there sometimes, too, I - I brought food, a few times. And some of his favorites were always on the list, but no one there said he was in when I came."

A Liga storeroom is a section of a warehouse that is kept for use by Liga families only. Under constant guard by well-trained men provided by the Merchant Council and always well-built, they're coveted for their near impregnability by thieves or vermin. They also offer a great deal of privacy - the men at the door are under holy oath to speak nothing of what they see while on duty if it involves those who can produce the proper papers to prove that they have been granted permission to use the storeroom.

The only exception is for investigations into forgery of said documents, which is punished with death and the seizure of assets. This can and does lead to families becoming destitute after one member is discovered to have forged such papers.

Some Liga storerooms are more than simple storage spaces, though only the exceptionally wealthy (relative to the others) Liga families can afford to keep such a space for something other than storing high-value trade goods. Rumors circulate that one or two First Families have their own secret storeroom filled with food, water and fortified against fire and arms for them to flee to if they need to abandon their homes.

2017-01-21, 06:19 AM
Lunata blinked a few times, and -- squinted her eyes, rubbing at the bridge of her nose. No... what was that...? Their aura -- there was a strange flickering there...

She hesitated, but then turned her head quietly to Chionia, speaking in a very low voice to the whip-wielding woman. "I sense a strange presence in their emotions... their aura... ripples, as if unstable. If you've the means to, can you see it as well?" She wasn't familiar with the exact depths of Chionia's own spirit power, but it was worth double-checking.

2017-01-21, 07:59 AM
Still silent, Chionia freed her arm of the lash's grasp, coil by coil unwrapping it and once again winding it around her waist. Entire length of the whip turned into a resemblance of a sash, she flexed her fingers, brushing off the tight tension. With the fight thankfully ended as quickly as it was started, her body no longer mattered; it was for her soul alone to keep watch and maintain its fighting stance. Even though warring for souls was usually done with words and somebody else was doing the talking right now, she could still participate in that battle. And even though nobody was going to notice her efforts, it did not matter what the others thought. In the life of thankless battles, gratitude was never the purpose to pursuit.

Nonetheless, the eyes and ears of her flesh were still open, and she was not going to ignore others just because she expected to be ignored herself. After all, her expectations bore mostly rotten fruits this day, and she did not know her companions well enough to make any better predictions. Yet another revelation from Lunata was barely any surprise by this point; of course, it still raised a plethora of questions, but none that warranted being voiced immediately.

""See"?.." - Chionia repeated, her eyebrow slightly raised towards the gunner while her eyes still stared at the scene below. Her fingers twitched, reaching towards a small satchel on her sash, but stopped before touching it. - "No. Not now. What of it?" - keeping her replies terse and succinct more for the sake of staying concealed than out of any need for complete absence of distractions, she nonetheless kept her attention at the men. For now, it was only the regular eyesight; but at Lunata's strange question she could only wonder what appearance could those two have to a gaze less limited by flesh. Wonder - and keep herself alert, steel of her narrowed eyes ready to be unsheathed.

Shifting Hypnotic Stare to the older man for Susceptibility's bonuses.
KLocal: [roll0].

2017-01-21, 05:12 PM
A Liga storeroom? I didn't know Rugge had access to those kinds of resources. That's definitely something we'll have to talk about. And possibly a direct lead to Rugge? I suppose the only question now is what we want to tackle first.

Well, though I already know which one I'm voting for.

"Do you have any ideas where the warehouse holding the older man might be?" Karina finishes with her last question, though she glances at Mozzy briefly as she does so, unsure if there's anything she has thought of asking that Karina has missed.

2017-01-22, 03:03 AM
"I know roughly where you can go to find it," the older man says after a brief pause, nodding. "Only one place that matches what people were saying, so it should be right," he continues, before launching into a set of directions to get there. He uses a variety of landmarks, mostly odd buildings nearby, and you're confident that you can find the place he's describing based on what he's said. For a moment, silence returns, before the younger man speaks.

"So, you're just going there? Can - will you let us go, then? We can go off, off in the other direction, so we won't be telling anyone," he says, a bit of hope in his voice.

2017-01-22, 04:48 PM
Lunata nodded quietly to Chionia; perhaps she'd expected too much, or perhaps now was not the time, but... she couldn't get that ripple out of her head. It should've been something that was trivial, but it nagged at her as something off, if only because she'd never seen it before.

She listened intently as the man described where the warehouse the older prisoner had been sent to. Judging from the descriptions, that warehouse would be the easier one to tackle first... and Lunata couldn't really wait to save her father, though the others may have differing opinions about it.

2017-01-22, 05:41 PM
The location is more than Karina had hoped for, to be honest - she had worried that they would supply her with overheard rumors, nothing more. They certainly have enough information now to decide on their next step. Though, one more possible question does cross her mind... and out of kindness for a certain young lady hiding upstairs, she voices it before letting the two men go.

"Did you happen to overhear the prisoners being interrogated or spoken to by anyone?"

After they answer this question, Karina finally allows her face to soften and moves her blade to a less threatening position, though she keeps it nearby in her left hand. "I know that wasn't easy for you. I also have no desire for either of you to come to harm by helping us, so..." She breaks off to pull a sheet of parchment and an inkpen out of her bag. It's been over six months since I last had contact with the Fischers, but hopefully they still remember me. Indeed, they are not likely to ever forget her. After their littlest one suddenly collapsed, unconscious, in the square, Karina had been the nearest person with any experience in medicines. While limited to first aid and the concoctions she had on hand, Karina was able to rouse the child successfully while the father ran to fetch an actual healer. It turned out to be part of a more serious condition, and while the child might have been alright with or without her help, the family insisted that she should come to them at any time, if she needed anything.

"I have a contact who shouldn't mind letting you stay with them for some time. It'd be an opportunity for you to stay out of Rugge's eye. Of course, I will expect that you behave like gracious guests - these people are very kind and deserve nothing less." As she speaks, she scrawls a note to the aforementioned contact, printing quickly but neatly over the blank sheet:

To the Fischers,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. How is little Dennis doing? It has been a while since I've seen any of you, though that's mostly my own fault, as I was out of town for quite some time.

Hopefully you do not mind what I am about to ask, but a situation has come up and, to be honest, I immediately thought of you. The two men whom I sent to deliver this letter are in need of your help. I (and they) would greatly appreciate it if you would take them under your roof for a little while. I've already told them to behave like gentlemen. I realize it's a lot, but I wouldn't ask unless I felt it was truly necessary.

Thank You,


After initialing the letter, she folds it into thirds and holds it out to the older man. "The choice is yours, of course. For all I know you might have somewhere else in mind. But I hope that you'll take this as an opportunity to get out of your involvement with the Ruggen. Make a new start - find something to do that builds up others, instead of tearing them down."

2017-01-23, 03:20 AM
Both men shake their head.

"I haven't been near either of them," the older man says, the younger man nodding quickly.

"We weren't involved, a-after they left here," the younger man adds.

As Karina reveals the end of their interrogation, the two are visibly relieved, shifting from their lying positions to sitting ones. They watch the letter being written, and the older man takes it with a nod.

"Of course," he promises. "We won't cause any trouble. I...I have to thank you, for this," he continues, giving a brief bow as he and the younger man stand.

"Thank you for your mercy!" The younger man says, giving his own bow. The two turn to leave, not moving to pick up the weapons they left on the floor earlier. The younger man opens the door and the older man pauses in the doorway.

"I wish you good luck, in whatever it is you've set out to do," he says, before going back out info the light rain, followed by the younger man who murmurs something similar.

At the top of the stairs, Chionia and Lunata hear a soft metal clinking behind them, finding Mask approaching them to give a somewhat quizzical gesture towards the bared firearm.

2017-01-23, 04:52 PM
After the two departed, Lunata set her firearm down quietly and retracted her senses. She looked back at Mask, and beckoned as she treaded lightly on the stairs down, looking towards Karina and Mozzy.

She lowered her head to say, "Thank you, for inquiring," to Karina. "It seems that two paths are now open to us -- this Liga storeroom where the older man is held, and the Floathouse where the other prisoner is held." She paused, trying not to betray her eagerness to simply say, 'I want to go to the warehouse', and then glanced to the table. "Four guards for the Floathouse, along with whatever resistance they might offer inside... I am uncertain as to what the storeroom's resistance will be, however."

2017-01-23, 07:09 PM
Karina dips her head in response. "It was the least I could do." Truly, not even that, as I didn't tell you my own findings prior to meeting up in the wagon...

As they begin to discuss their new findings, though, Karina gently puts a pause on the conversation in the interest of prudence. "Wait - I think we should leave this place before we discuss any further. We have no guarantee that those men aren't on their way to alert Rugge of what just happened," she cautions. "Or if their associates might stop by to check in on them." Despite their supposed honesty, and her own personal hope that they have taken the out she offered, it was better to be safe than sorry. "Shall we?"

Karina slides off her sleeves once more, putting them back on as the water-resistant sheen returns to her cloak. She cracks open the door to make sure no one is watching, then slips out the door if no one is.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-01-23, 07:21 PM
Lunata nodded, agreeing with the assessment, then said, "I will retrace our steps and retrieve the rope." She turned up and pulled her jacket hood further as she headed back up the steps and climbed on the rope Mozzy had helpfully lowered for them, untying it and carefully climbing back onto the roof. She lowered herself and moved towards where she tied the original piece of rope as well, eventually ending with another brief spirit-aided jaunt back towards the ground floor to catch up with the rest of the team.

She handed Mozzy her piece of rope, rolled into a loop, and said, "I have an inn room if we need a place to speak... or, do you prefer the wagon again?"

2017-01-23, 11:33 PM
Karina ponders for a moment before replying, "We might as well return to the wagon and update Rikárd on the situation... and see if he found out anything new as well. Who knows, maybe that will influence what we do next."

2017-01-24, 03:09 AM
"Is something the matter?" - Chionia glanced at Mask, not sure how to interpret her gesture. Could there be somebody else approaching outside? The masked woman did not join them when it was only two men - could there be something more dangerous this time that could require the gun ready, or she was puzzled by the sight of a weapon in the first place? Of course, Chionia did not expect a verbose answer - and Lunata seemed fo agree that it was not the place and the time to discuss theology. But there were more mundane topics in dire need of attention.

By the time she joined others downstairs, the most important matters were mentioned already. Chionia only nodded to Luise's cautionary suggestion - although it was difficult to hold back the words that were ready to slip from her tongue. Still, there was proper place and time for everything; and for arguing, it was not here and not now. For now, she had to stay silent and wait, leaving others to once again take the lead through their city.

2017-01-24, 04:12 PM
Mask's intent seems to have been questioning - presumably, the reason for Lunata's position, firearm at the ready behind the door.

With the group in agreement, you exit the run-down building discreetly, reentering the rain and turning back the way you came. By the time you're back at the market square, the city's streets have emptied noticeably as the day grows darker. Even market day isn't able to keep crowds on the streets when chilly rain continues to fall at sundown, it seems. The market square is still busy, but it's clear that the majority of the business has been done; many stalls lack much of what they were selling earlier, several merchants are even beginning to pack up again despite the early hour. Apart from these mundane occurrences, nothing of note happens during your trip back to Rikárd's wagon, the wheeled home still standing at its location at the corner of the square. Approaching the wagon, Mask quickens her pace, pulling a key from her thick clothing as she goes up the final stairs.

With a quick motion, Mask unlocks the door and enters the wagon, leaving the door open with a quick glance to assure herself that you're all close behind. As before, she goes to the back of the wagon, this time sitting on the floor rather than the bed, though she stops to give a silent greeting to Rikárd. He replies warmly, obvious affection in the words none of you can understand. The table is devoid of much of its former decoration, now bearing only a piece of paper covered in scribbled notes; the book is nowhere to be seen. As he turns to you all, he's smiling, despite appearing visibly tired.

"Welcome back! I hope everything went well," he says, looking over you all briefly. "You don't seem hurt, good. I was somewhat worried that things would go badly when...ah, I'm getting ahead of myself. Sit down, if you like - you have just gone quite a way on foot. What did you find?" Rikárd asks with clear curiosity. "I would offer refreshment as well, but the weather will likely have provided for that."

2017-01-24, 04:17 PM
Lunata kept a brisk pace on their way back, head lowered and with a lot on her mind; she tried to recount all the information she knew about the storehouse, but it was still likely that she wouldn't be able to penetrate the place on her own. Once they were back at the wagon, she watched Mask and Rikárd exchange greetings, moving to a place near one of the windows as she slacks her jacket off, leaving her in the white dress underneath as she brushed off some of the excess moisture from her armsleeves.

"When...?" Lunata asked, curious about what Rikárd was about to say. "Was there something that you were anticipating would happen...?"

2017-01-24, 05:10 PM
"I looked for Rugge and the darkness again," Rikárd explains after a moment's pause. "What I saw was...worrying. This darkness clustered around Rugge seems to have spread, or rather, some of it has coalesced around another. A dark intent, omens of great future pain, swirl around this person. Worse, I felt a connection, the sort that forms around potential meetings, between her and you all. It seems that you narrowly missed them at some point during your trip."

2017-01-24, 05:16 PM
Lunata wrapped her arms around herself gently. The darkness... Sielutta...

"I sensed something strange in the aura of the two men we interrogated... a ripple, unlike anything I've seen," Lunata confessed, though she knew she wasn't explaining it from the start. "But... their souls were not dark. It is not the darkness I am used to seeing in those truly twisted."

A pause, as she looked towards Luise and the others, knowing that was a tangent. "We headed to the warehouse by the docks and entered, but it was empty. There were signs of prisoners being held there for a time, but they'd been moved to other places. We interrogated two of Rugge's men, but they were not deep in connection with him. A Liga storehouse, and a place called the Floathouse... those seem like the two plausible moves that we have at the moment."

She drifted off after that, but then added, "It seems likely that my father was brought to the Liga storehouse, but another prisoner was taken to the Floathouse."

2017-01-24, 05:20 PM
Karina nods in greeting to Rikárd, murmuring a "Good evening," in the voice of Luise Richter and pulling down her hood once more, before recounting the information that the two men had shared with them. She listens intently for his response to Lunata's question, trying to draw parallels between his new information and what they found out earlier.

"Those men mentioned a 'Fräulein Lidande,' Rugge's supposed second-in-command. Perhaps that was the person you sensed?" Narrowly missed her... does that mean she showed up at that house after we left? Or even worse, before? The ripple that Lunata mentions is bizarre, but Karina doesn't have any insights to add to that.

Meanwhile, Karina also tries to sort through all of the information. "Alright. So this Floathouse has a prisoner whom none of us know, along with a possibility of Rugge himself being there. While Lunata's father is in a warehouse... which might be a Liga warehouse, of all things." She frowns at this, for among all of the information that those two men gave, that is the bit that worries her the most. If Rugge's using a Liga warehouse, that means he either has very, very good connections... or a very good forger. The former would be truly worrying - it would mean that we're going up against someone who wields that kind of power already. "And, for whatever reason, both are apparently high-priority for the Ruggen, since Rugge's second-in-command gave the orders.

"Looking at the situation on paper... it sounds like this Floathouse would be the easiest target. Around four guards, bored from sitting around all day... that doesn't exactly scream 'secure.' Not to mention, if Rugge really is there, catching the leader would be a major blow to the Ruggen," she starts. Her face grows more grim as she considers the other option. "In contrast, a Liga warehouse is a tough nut to crack - it'll be under constant guard, and by the Merchant Council's men, meaning that'd we'd have to tangle with legitimate authorities. You can't even get access to one unless you belong to one of the Liga families. They are infamous for being almost impossible to break into... the complete opposite of those two mens' house. That was a complete cakewalk compared to what this would be." Karina takes a deep breath. As she said, it sounded like Rugge was an accessible target right now... if they went after him, there was no chance he'd come quietly, and she could win his silence through his death as he inevitably resisted.

But... Lunata's father had possibly been thrust into a Liga warehouse, meaning that he must be vital to whatever the Ruggen are planning. He was in their direct clutches, and subjecting him to a longer sentence with them wasn't something Karina felt comfortable doing. Sven can hold on for a little while longer, she told herself. As long as he cooperates with them, he'll be fine. Lunata's father, on the other hand... we don't know enough about what they're planning to do with him.

"That being said... your father is in there, Lunata, and if we know where he is, then we should work to get him out as soon as possible," Karina murmurs, glancing at the pale-haired, stoic woman as she does. "So... I think we should examine this warehouse," she finishes.

2017-01-24, 06:32 PM
Lunata had her eyes closed, but it was clear that she was listening. She had no idea that the Liga storehouse were so well-defended, it was worse than the anticipations she had before. She just wanted to say 'yes', and go headlong and rush in there and try to save her father, but his words echoed over her mind. To temper herself, to be not so hasty. Back when they were just tending the store, she had little reason to be hasty, but now that it came to this situation, it became clearer how she was acting.

"Father's note suggests that he won't be harmed as long as he cooperates..." Lunata spoke in turn, before frowning softly, opening her eyes. "It is strange. Why would Rugge himself be in the lightly guarded location, of all places...? I would expect that he would surround himself with the highest security, unless he is confident of his own self-defence abilities in another manner."

She visibly hesitated a little, and then suggested, "From what you say, it seems folly to attempt to physically assault the Liga storehouse. Is there another way to gain access to the storehouse, such as -- um, deception?" She didn't really know much of the world of official documents and forgeries, but from how Karina described the process of 'being one of the Liga families', it seemed like trying something crafty may get them further than fighting a truly uphill battle.

2017-01-24, 09:16 PM
Karina gives a somewhat relieved smile as Lunata expresses willingness to go for the Floathouse first. Truth be told, she was not looking forward to the idea of breaking into a Liga storehouse. Being so strictly regulated, it wouldn't just be difficult to pull off - it would be difficult not to get caught.

And... if Rugge really was at the Floathouse, all the better for her to finish him.

"That's probably the most logical choice. As long as you're truly alright with waiting until we have more information, it would allow us to get a better picture of what we're up against. I don't know why Rugge would be in the Floathouse... and I half suspect him not to be there anymore. But at the least, we can find more information there.

"As for deception... to be honest, I can't think of much at the moment. I could try to disguise some of us as guards, but the guards are sworn not to invade the privacy of their clients. And the penalty for being caught for a forgery is... severe. Punishable by death."

2017-01-25, 08:30 AM
Mozzy stands comfortably in her wet clothes and has nothing to add to the conversation. All that can be recounted, has been, and she has little to offer in the field of getting groups into anywhere. IF she had her way, they would find out where Rugge spends his nights and kill him there. Attacking people in their stronghold rather defeats the purpose of stealth.

2017-01-26, 11:43 AM
Chionia kept to herself and stayed silent, still walking behind the others and glaring at their backs. Darkening sky and incessant rain felt only fitting for her gloomy mood, erasing every last vestige of desire to talk. There were things to be said, but, once again, speaking her mind could only make everything worse. That, probably, was going to happen again and again many times more. But she did not mind quietude - and she still hoped for a later opportunity to ask the questions that she was not going to let out of her mind as easily as she kept them off her tongue.

But for now, it was time to let others speak. Somebody else could exchange greetings - she only allowed herself a short nod, once again choosing to stand against the wall. Somebody else could summarise their little progress and ask necessary questions - Chionia only listened, learning more about this land as the explanation went into the details of Liga's ways of doing its business. Somebody else could probably know better what to do next... But she probably had to say at least something. One mute person in the room was more than enough already.

"I do not presume to know about the defences of Liga's storehouses," - she started, an attempt to join the conversation made not as smoothly as she hoped, - "but if they are as you say, it would be too difficult to storm or to infiltrate. Nor can I guess at Rugge's own motives behind his movements - and none of us are any wiser on this point. Again, we do not know enough, and we cannot act blindly. We would not be able to do anything "as soon as possible" without learning the limits of possible first. If you think that we can get more information, then it is probably our best option. By examining that warehouse or by trying the less secure place first... What, you think, would help us more?"

For now, she still had much to learn about this land. And in practical manners like this deferring to the experience of locals only made sense. If only the rest of her worries were as easy to dismiss by deciding that others know what they are doing...

2017-01-26, 12:07 PM
Your host nods at the description of Fräulein Lidande. "Someone with a close connection to Rugge and the dark plans he is tied together with...a second in command seems likely," he says, quieting as the discussion continues.

"This other prisoner - did you learn anything specific about them?" Rikárd asks after a moment of silence. "This is mostly speculation, but perhaps they are the key to Rugge's access to the Liga storehouse? Perhaps Rugge is holding a hostage in exchange for use of the facility?"

2017-01-26, 02:49 PM
"That's a good point. Rugge would need someone in high places to get access to a Liga warehouse. The men mentioned that the other prisoner behaved like a member of the nobility," Karina murmurs. "If that prisoner is how he got access, and perhaps if we can get him to revoke Rugge's access, we can get Lunata's father out. That would be a much cleaner, safer method... if it worked out that way."

2017-01-26, 03:23 PM
Lunata nodded in turn, as she looked towards the group. "The Floathouse seems a likely place for us to find some information about the connections between Rugge and this Fräulein Lidande, and how they have access to the storehouse..."

2017-01-27, 01:31 AM
The remaining discussion is brief, a few details being clarified and conclusions reached before you all prepare to leave again. Rikárd briefly speaks to Mask, who nods once before patting the sword at her side. He bids you all to be careful one last time before the wagon's door closes, leaving you once again in the rain. It seems to be tapering off, however, with the drops falling less frequently than before. The sound of rain falling is all but drowned out by the sound of water slowing along metal, stone and falling from buildings into puddles and onto stone. The streets are inhabited mostly by those leaving the market, which seems to finally be coming to an end as the daylight fades. The remainder of the day's light is gone by the time you all reach the area the Floathouse is in; the run-down buildings near a section of the docks that has lost much of its relevance and, with it, its wealth. Every hundred feet along the main road a single metal post extends up from the ground, metal protecting a shining rod in its center that sheds light on the street around it.

The homes nearby are lit dimly by candles, and the earlier advantage of those inside is turned on its head, with you now being difficult to spot by those inside while you can with relative ease see those who shuffle past their windows. Following the directions and what you know from your last trip to this area, you easily find the Floathouse, though you don't approach close enough to be spotted by anyone guarding it. Once again, you look from a nearby corner, the sight similar to that which you saw earlier - a dilapidated building, this one slumping more than the other and with a seemingly hollowed-out second floor. It's fairly small, you doubt there are more than three or four rooms in what's left of it, and in the front you see a pair of men illuminated by a torch attached to the wall. Neither seems especially vigilant, speaking to the other and throwing a bored look out at the street before them.

The inside of the building is lit up, but the windows are shuttered - you can tell there is a lit space to the right and left of the door, but no other details are visible from your current vantage point.

The 'streetlamps' are known as Heiligenlichter (Saints-Lights), though they're often called "Ha-el" in regular speech. They are Church property but leased to the city for periods of 89 years, and decorated with religious imagery. Tampering with one is a severe crime, generally punished with the loss of a hand, heavy fine (enough to be unpayable or completely ruin a common man) or a period of restitutive service to the Church, generally five years.

2017-01-27, 11:06 AM
Karina takes one look at the wall and groans inwardly at the thought of more climbing. But, seeing the two men with their bored expressions gives her an idea. She slips off her sleeves, the rain only getting a few drops onto her now-absorbent hood before she slips them on again. Instantly, the waterproof quality of her cloak returns, but her armor now bears a carved R on its surface, much like that of the men they interrogated earlier.

"I could probably try to convince them that I'm a guard coming to take over the night shift. Those men said that they don't get relieved often, so they might be a bit suspicious, but they also look like they'd love a reason to be able to leave," Karina suggests.

"Of course, that only takes care of the guards on the outside... but it might thin their numbers. Someone could try entering from the roof as well - either to try and observe what we're up against, or for a two-front assault."

2017-01-27, 02:17 PM
"A "hostage"?.." - Chionia muttered quietly, tasting the word on her tongue. It felt weird; she was expecting it to be "captive", or, at least, "prisoner", if that was what others preferred to use. She was about to ask what the strange word actually meant, but half forgotten memory of her lessons finally came to mind once she heard the following exchange. To others, the concept made sense in the context; from that, she could derive the meaning. To her, it only felt even more ridiculous. How could... No, it was not the time to think such thoughts, and most certainly not the place to ask such questions. For now she only made a mental note to return to the matter later, if there was going to be any "later" after their next endeavour.

By now she was getting used to walking around the city following the locals. Too used, perhaps; she had to remind herself to keep her gaze on the road and try to get some understanding of their route. She could not forever rely on the experience of others, if she was intending to achieve any success on her own quest. But for now, being their silent shadow suited her well. Until the start of the real work, there was no need to say anything more; she only observed, taking in the sights of the city, keeping an eye on the demeanours of her companions and looking out for the appearance of the enemies. When the former came to a stop at their destination and the latter two started to blend, she finally felt it proper to raise her voice at least to a quiet whisper.

"At night, a single guard to relieve the two? In their place, I would have doubted it. But if somebody would go with you... Perhaps leaving others to seek another way in, or simply to wait..." Chionia paused, her eyes shifting over the rest of her companions. One proved most skilled in finding her way to the rooftops, another was not bad at it either, but also apparently had some experience working together with Luise, about the third she barely knew anything - and how much did she really know about any of them? Deciding to not presume to speak for anyone else, Chionia nonetheless continued: "Either way, it would probably be better to fake two guards. Although... In your land, would they find it suspicious to be relieved by two women? I can bear or give a guise of a man, if need be - but "he" would need to stay silent while you deceive them, lest the voice bewray the truth..." - her voice trailed off as she considered some ways to continue the sentence, but felt no need to say them yet. Perhaps her suggestion was not going to be to the others' liking no matter the fine details.

KLocal: [roll0].

2017-01-27, 02:38 PM
Karina allows herself a small chuckle at Chionia's concerns regarding their gender. "I have something that can give me the appearance of a man. And I'm not too bad at faking the voice, either," she explains, as her voice dips down to a low baritone. "You're right, though, ideally we would send two to the front. If you can manage a good disguise for yourself, that would be helpful; I can take care of the talking. Unfortunately, I already made all of the extracts that I can today, so I can't help you there," she admits, thinking to the vial hidden in her wrist sheath and the vial in her bandolier that she now takes out and hands to Mozzy. "To make you even more of a giant," she quips, looking up at the woman who's over a head taller than she is.

In mechanical terms - the vial she hands to Mozzy contains an extract of Enlarge Person.

2017-01-27, 08:03 PM
Lunata nodded towards the two as she peered from the vantage point, herself. She wasn't of very much help with disguises, and even less when it came to acting -- she knew that all too well. "I can, of course, take the roof. I can try a silent approach as well," as she glanced to her firearm for a moment, which was bladed along the length of the barrel. "If you wanted me to try helping in taking out the remaining two."

2017-01-28, 05:12 AM
Despite the relative darkness, a slight blush touched Chionia's pale cheeks for a moment. Did she say something particularly amusing for that woman? She was warned that in the vast world beyond the borders she would be seen differently than within the monastery's walls or on the forts' battlements; it seemed only right to assume that common criminals would be just the same as any others in that regard. Were her worries misplaced? But the short demonstration of Luise's range of voice seemed to imply otherwise. Confused, the foreigner tried to avoid the subject, latching onto another raised point instead: "For myself, or for whomever you would prefer to rather have at your side," - she looked at the others, not too keen on volunteering their acting skills for the task, - "but if you would trust me in this, I need no help."

After waiting several more moments for somebody else to interrupt with a better plan, she closed her eyes and concentrated. Her body was only a mortal vessel for the soul; it was to be clad, masked and used however that soul would see fit. Eyes of others were only orbs of flesh in want of a light; they would have seen whatever their own souls would believe them to see. It was only a matter of faith transcending the limits of mundane world. The only miracle lay in the simple question: how to make others share the faith of her own soul? It was not always as easy to answer, but sometimes it could be done in a blink of an eye.

Taking a step into the shadows, Chionia froze on her tiptoes for a moment and twirled in place - once, twice, trice. The long braid lashed behind her head, unable to keep up, seemingly coming undone - into a mop of hair too short to ever be braided, covered by a simple hat where her kerchief used to be. Her black clothes melted with the darkness and came into sight again - a messy garb not unlike those worn by the guards around the building, covered by armour with the same "R" insignia. The sheath on her belt stretched, now more fit for the guards' longer blades. Stopping and stepping back to her companions, the damsel opened her eyes again - but the same piercing stare now belonged to the face of a rugged youth, his posture slouching under the drizzle.

"Would this suffice?" - he spoke, not even trying to disguise the same soft feminine voice. - "If they would bother to ask, I suppose you can tell them that I do not speak Niederteusch. Or that I understand it, but am mute from birth. Or perhaps that herr Rugge had my tongue torn out for asking too many questions, maybe that would quench any curiosity..." - the young man grinned, his smile missing several teeth, and silenced his unbecoming voice.

Ending the previous trick and implanting Fearsome Guise - 3/5 daily usages left.

2017-01-29, 11:22 AM
Karina looks over Chionia's transformation approvingly, clearly impressed. "That'll work. We'll go with you being mute, in case either of them happen to be bilingual." Working on her own disguise next, Karina pulls out another empty vial and mixes an extract, downing the potion. Her visage molds into to that of a middle-aged man, with an angled jawbone and hardened cheeks, while her hair takes on a color closer to black and shortens considerably until it is merely half an inch long. Her dueling swords shape themselves into the less conspicuous form of the guards' shortswords, sheathed at her belt. "Well, don't I feel a bit silly, wearing a disguise over a disguise," she quips in that same mellow baritone. "Anyways, shall we?" Presuming Chionia follows her, Karina steps up towards the two guards with a strong gait.

"Good evening, gentlemen - we had orders from above to take over for you two," she announces, stepping closer to the door so that the light of the torch illuminates the R featured on her armor.

Karina makes an extract of Disguise Self, and drinks it. +10 to a disguise check.
+5 for being a voice that is not mine, but also not that of a distinct individual.
-2 for being a voice of a different gender
-2 for different age group

Disguise: [roll0]

2017-01-29, 12:06 PM
Mozzy decides to attach Karina's potion to her belt and slink around in the darkness for another entrance to the building, while Karina tries to trick the guards. She draws her Mind Blade as she sneaks, just in case, and takes full advantage of her eyes' ability to pierce the shadows.

Taking 10 on everything, if I can.

2017-01-29, 02:30 PM
Lunata moved with Mozzy as the two went off to distract the guards with their plan, looking towards the rooftops as agreed. She focused, and broke into billowing clouds of spirit as she reappeared ontop, keeping a low profile as she checked for any breaks on the rooftop as before.

Taking 10 on Stealth and Perception, and using Fading Strike to get onto the rooftop again.

2017-01-29, 04:06 PM
Lunata and Mozzy are able to pass undetected through the dark, the guards' attentions firmly on the two 'men' approaching them. As Karina speaks, voice disguised just as her face is, they perk up. One of them grins, turning to his companion.

"Finally!" He says. "I told you Johann would convince them to send us another shift," the man turns back to the two disguised woman and nods. "Not much to it. Just stay awake! Hah!" He laughs briefly, giving Karina a hearty smack on the shoulder before him and his compatriot head off down the street at a walk so quick it's almost a jog. The one who hadn't spoken to the newcomers seems to mutter something about time for one or two rounds, before picking up the pace.

Lunata finds this roof without any truly safe portions - it curves sharply downwards, and the fact that the back half of the building seems to slump down by several feel has created an uneven slope, with small piles of roof tiles forming where the shifting has pushed them out of position. Unlike the other roof, this one is in a better condition as far as unbroken surface is concerned, with no good place to tie off a rope. She can, with some acrobatics, hang off the edge and swing herself into the hollowed-out second floor, which sports open holes in several places.

2017-01-30, 07:04 PM
It wouldn't do to enter before everyone else... Lunata frowned quietly as she found the roof without much of a means to progress further into the roof, though she quietly moved to the other side to keep an eye on the other two guards.

2017-01-31, 12:00 PM
Karina almost blinks in surprise at their willingness to leave. They're really not going to question this? Looks like I overestimated their tenacity. She chuckles lightly and replies, "Will do," before taking up a position where one of the guards was previously standing.

She waits until they're out of sight before wandering a little farther away from the building to try and see where Lunata and Mozzy are at. If they're inside, we might as well take a peek ourselves. But better not to poke our heads inside before we're all prepared...

2017-01-31, 03:31 PM
Chionia silently followed the disguised woman, remembering her own role and keeping her head down. Nonetheless, her lowered eyes still darted up from time to time, stealing a glance at the guards and the building and hiding from meeting gaze with anyone again. She did not need to attract any attention to herself; her part in their ploy was little more than a piece of scenery. But every little detail was important, and she was determined to play her role to the best of her abilities; her soul, already working to cloak her flesh in a faked image, reached out, lulling the guard to believe anything that he was about to be told. Not that her companions could knew it, but so far such silent assistance was probably the most that she had done for their shared goals.

And this time, her involvement once again stayed unnoticed - and, for all she knew, possibly unnecessary too. Shifting a step aside lest one of the guards would decide to get too close with her too, Chionia watched them leave and then took the freed post, looking questioningly at her leader - as much out of maintaining the ruse as for any actual initiative in their endeavour. Just in case somebody could be listening from inside the building, she so far decided to stay silent. She could not express it, nor know it in the first place, but her mind was occupied with the same thought: how were the others doing? Last time they went together, but now... At least, thinking about the last time gave her an idea.

Her back pressed against the wall, Chionia ran her fingers over the building's surface. Small and dilapidated, it, perhaps, could be as good as transparent to a knowing gaze - unless there was more than meets the eye, what would have been quite curoius to learn too. And as it happened, last time she already had an opportunity to see her companions with more than the sight of the flesh - and if they were nearby, she could try to recognise their appearances. Giving a short wave to Luise to attract her attention, the fake youth raised two fingers, pointing at his eyes, then at the building behind him - and turned around to face it. Once again letting her soul stare beyond the mundane world, she stood still, seemingly staring up and down the wall.

Detect magic at the building's direction, possibly looking for the positions of Lunata's and Mozzy's auras, as well as anything else that would come up.

2017-02-02, 04:46 PM
Looking into the building, you detect a faint magical aura about forty feet into the building, low to the ground. It's an active spell without any particular school of magic attached to it. Looking up, you find the auras belonging to Lunata's items on the roof, and Mozzy's off to the side of the building, out of sight but not on the roof.

As Karina moves to a better vantage point, she sees Mozzy off to the side of the building, coming into view from a hiding spot but remaining out of sight of anyone else coming down the street. On the roof, Lunata is barely visible, at a vantage point that gives her a good view of the front of the building. From inside, the somewhat muffled sounds of a conversation spill out of the building, picked up by the entire group's keen hearing. Clearly, the Floathouse is not hiding thick brick walls behind a wooden exterior, as the words come up to the roof and out to the alleyway beside it as well.

"I'm just saying...why us?" One voice, a young man, says.

"What do you mean why us? Why not us?" Another young man replies.

"Well, after that incident with the fish..." the first man begins, before being cut off.

"Exactly! This is our chance to make it up to them! Didn't you listen?" The question comes in a tone that indicates the man clearly believes the answer to be 'no'.

"I guess. I just think...why not the Redguard, right? Isn't that their...thing?" The first man responds after a few moments of quiet.

"The Redguard? For making sure some well-fed silver spooner doesn't run off? What's he going to do, complain when we serve him fancy dinners?" The second says. "Just stop talking, alright? Focus on cleaning the dishes and I'll get us another round."

2017-02-02, 11:27 PM
Redguard? Who do they mean... another branch of Rugge's men, or...

Lunata shifted just a bit closer, keeping an eye on their activities while not moving to intrude. There was no sense in giving away the element of surprise, and Karina and Chionia had more control over the situation with their disguises.

2017-02-08, 02:22 AM
As it seems that everyone is in position, Karina ponders to herself for a moment. Now how should we do this... Storming the Floathouse was certainly an option, especially since there truly seemed to be only 2 guards inside. On the other hand, there could be more who hadn't spoken, not to mention the possibility of Rugge being in there... though Karina finds it unlikely with them discussing as they are.

Finally, she seems to settle on a course of action. After pantomiming a knock to indicate to Chionia that she is about to initiate contact with those inside, Karina quietly unsheathes a sword and knocks for real this time. "You doing alright in there? You're getting awfully chatty... and loud," she yells, in her best impression of the guard who they just fooled into leaving.

"Anyways, if you have time to chat, I think one of you should come out and see this. Some guy over there keeps eyeing this place, then whispering to his buddy. It'd probably be a good idea to have more people out here in case they try anything," Karina suggests with an edge of caution in her voice, still mimicking one of the men who just left. She takes a firmer stance on the other side of the door from Chionia, prepared to strike should one of the guards take the bait and come outside...

So, I realize that sheets exploded, but in the interest of attempting to initiate combat and because Karina thought up a plan to split them up and get flanking bonuses....

Disguise: 26 - 5 = 21 now since Karina's now mimicking the voice of a specific person, whom these men have probably heard before. However, that may not matter if the guy buys the bluff...

Karina readies a swing of her sword should one of the men come outside (and maybe provoke an AoO if he's moving too fast... :D)

Bluff: [roll0]

2017-02-08, 02:01 PM
Her eyes narrowing, Chionia glared through the wall for several seconds before eventually shaking her head and turning away. There was only so much that she could see without actually seeing anything, and to get a better view would have meant to go inside the building, which, ultimately, did not help to solve the problem of getting into it in the first place. At least, she could see others apparently moving as expected - but the initiative was not for them to take. Nor was it for her; and so her gaze once again turned to Luise's disguised form.

The pantomimed knocking could, perhaps, be understood in various ways, but drawn blade was quite unambiguous. With a nod, Chionia placed her hand on the hilt and unsheathed her own dagger - his own sword, she reminded herself, at least as far as any observers-to-be would be concerned. In the worst case, she could still need that appearance; but if everything was going to go according to Luise's plan, there was no need to worry. Of course, she could only assume what that plan was; but she still could adjust accordingly.

The sword in his hand at first raised in the stance mirroring that of his companion, fake youth then lowered it, blade pointing to the ground between them, and stepped back along the wall. His empty hand grasped a handle, pulling long lash off his waist, and with a flick of a wrist let it coil again, winding around his own legs. Another short movement later, the whip was free once more, hanging deceptively loose from her hand - but ready to strike at any moment.

2017-02-08, 06:18 PM
For a moment, the building is quiet. Then, a voice comes from inside.

"What? There's...there's no way anyone would - " says one of the men, before the other interrupts him.

"Don't you start. Just keep at those dishes, I'll handle it," he says, the words followed by a few loud footsteps towards the door. The handle turns shortly thereafter, before the door opens inwards and a young man steps out, holding a sheathed dagger in one hand and a half-filled mug in the other. He has a somewhat off-center piece of hardened leather slung over his clothes, the same R on it as was on the last two, though it's clearly the only piece of protective gear he's bothered to keep on. His posture is relaxed, and his first motion after the door is out of the way is to raise his mug as he steps forwards, giving those around him no heed whatsoever.

2017-02-08, 09:58 PM
As the man steps out, Karina needs to make a choice - there's a chance that these men are in the same situation as the two from earlier, in a situation with no out. But Karina can't afford to give away their element of surprise, nor risk their safety, and she's not going to fool herself into thinking that she can just knock over people like Mozzy did earlier. Worst comes to worst... accept their surrender if they eventually give it, or fight them until they're too tired to move and then help them afterwards. The words pass through her mind as she thinks to a certain vial hidden in her wrist sheath.

Thus, her blade swings out towards the man in full force, holding nothing back.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit? [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

An initiative roll if needed, though she should move ahead of this guy at least (I think), since she readied an action.

Initiative: [roll3]

2017-02-09, 01:15 PM
And, apparently, the trick worked. Once her eyes took measure of the man now standing between them, Chionia tensed herself, watching less the enemy caught in their trap and more the blade in Luise's hand. Was that indeed what the woman expected and planned? Was she ready to strike him at once, or there was more on her mind? Chionia had already made the decision to go along with the unspoken intent, but there was any number of exact ways to execute it. She waited, ready for some signal, for some command to take her place and make her move - and the answer came in the form of the swinging blade. Perhaps she was expecting too much cooperation. Perhaps she was too used to carefully planned battles and strict military discipline. At the moment, it did not matter; all that mattered was the whip in her hands, lashing out to race against the sword and bring their target down, and her own movement, following her weapon into proper position.

Timing here might be unclear, and with Karina's rolls most of this probably would not even make any difference, but these actions are supposed to be chosen before hers are rolled.
Swift: Hypnotic Stare.
Standard: trip: [roll0] (assuming flanking). Ideally, this was supposed to be a readied action to be triggered by Karina making an attack (and thus resolved before hers), but works out either way.
Five feet step: ideally now adjacent to the man and opposite of Karina, providing her flanking bonus as well.
Painful Stare: +1 damage to Karina's attack, if it hits.

If needed, initiative: [roll1].

2017-02-09, 03:26 PM
Technically, you can't Ready an action before combat. In practice, it generally means you get a Surprise Round, which is a Standard or Move action before normal combat begins.

In this case it doesn't really make a difference, though.

Karina's weapon finds an easy target. A man, barely protected against the attack by the thickened leather and layers of clothing, is completely unaware until the steel bites into his flesh. A cry of surprised pain begins in his throat, but the drink already in his mouth rushes in to choke off his cry, turning the shout into a gurgle that swiftly ends as he falls, stumbling backwards as both mug and dagger fall from his now-limp hands. In a moment, he's on the floor, his falling body pushing the door back into the building, blood staining the sliced-open clothing on his stomach. His head slumps to one side, a few coughs expelling his drink - the man is alive, but unconscious.

"K-Karl?" The other man's voice comes from inside, clearly worried. "Is...did something happen? Friedrich, what's going on?!" He continues, the question followed by the clatter of plates and fast-approaching footsteps.

2017-02-09, 04:01 PM
Lunata took this moment to slip inside, lowering and throwing herself down through the hole on the second floor to roll into the building; she kept her momentum going as she scurried over through the attic. Unfortunately, as she did so, her foot lands down on one of the rotten boards and crashes through, and her eyes widen as she falls over and trips onto the floor with a wince. Clumsy of me...!

Actions as necessary:
Acrobatics [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]
Intimidate? [roll2]

2017-02-09, 04:17 PM
Whoops. Sorry, I'm pretty fuzzy on surprise rounds/readied actions/actions before combat starts in general. My rl groups never usually find ourselves to take advantage of that sort of thing.

It seems that holding nothing back produces a more lethal blow than Karina had anticipated, though as the footsteps of the other guard draw nearer, she figures this could probably work to their benefit. From the way the two of them were chatting earlier, they might be friends... or at the least, they've probably worked together before.

From the lack of voices coming from inside the building, it seems that the others haven't yet made it inside... meaning that Chionia and Karina will probably have a second guard to deal with very soon. Fortunately, they now also have a (hopefully) very easy way to ensure his cooperation. Carefully gripping the fallen guard - "Karl" - by the foot, Karina drags him slightly further away from the door. "Hope you don't mind playing along," she murmurs to Chionia, while pointing her blade at the fallen body. Best get the difficult part over with.

As the other guard makes it through the door, Karina speaks. "Good, so you've made it out here," she starts, still in the voice of the guard she is mimicking. Perhaps he'll be more reluctant to harm me if I look like a friend he recognizes. There are spells to mentally affect someone, yea? "Now, don't do anything you'll regret - your friend here went down after one blow, and he's not doing so well. I can patch him up, but if you try anything funny--" She motions her blade at the guard. "We can just as easily end him and you instead."

"Drop any weapons you have by the door, and go on back inside, if you'd please. We'll be right behind you."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2017-02-09, 04:36 PM
As Karina pushes forwards, she comes face-to-face with a young man clutching a dagger, wearing a somewhat dirty tunic and trousers - not even a part of his armor. His eyes widen as he sees his compatriot on the floor, and the two armed 'men' before him. Karina's words seem to confuse him, and he looks from her to Chionia to the bleeding man for a moment before nodding, dropping the dagger and turning around.

"What...what's happening? This - this isn't supposed to be happening. Why me? Why when I'm here?" He says, the words seeming directed at himself rather than anyone in particular. Going back into the room he came from - visibly a makeshift kitchen now, dominated by a small 'table' of nailed-together wood that holds a few cheap metal plates and a small pot of water with a dirty mug and bowl in it - the man stops suddenly, looking up towards the ceiling before breaking into uncontrolled laughter. Only a moment later, the mirthless laughing stops, replaced by mixed sobbing and breathless chuckles as he sinks to the floor, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Hello? Is someone there? Please, help me!" Says a muffled male voice from another room.

2017-02-09, 04:43 PM
Karina drags the body into the room, possibly with some help from Chionia, and quickly gets to binding his limbs together with rope, taking care not to arrange him in a too-uncomfortable position. "We had better tie up the other one, too, just in case." Seeing the other young man break into hysterics makes her inwardly sigh. Probably another person who got roped into this for just wanting to get by. In an effort to calm him, and because she really doesn't want the other one to fade on them, Karina clicks a switch on her wrist sheath. A vial pops into her hand, which she administers to the unconscious guard. "As promised... your friend will be just fine."

The vial is an extract of Cure Light Wounds. Man heals [roll0] HP.

2017-02-09, 04:45 PM
Lunata picked herself up and more carefully descended as it sounded, from the conversation, that Karina had it under control. She did keep the Reiterpallasch out, however, if nothing else just as a show of force to dissuade them from trying anything foolish. Her attention was drawn to the muffled voice coming from the other room, however, and as Karina worked to both secure the guards and prevent the loss of life, she took a glance around to examine the source of the voice -- and open the door, if required, still having her gun readied.

2017-02-09, 05:41 PM
Lunata's investigation brings her to a slumping hall that leads to a door. Once opened, she finds an all but unlit (the only light is coming from far-off outside lights and the room behind her) room. This seems to be the part of the building that gives the Floathouse its name, as the entire floor apart from a small section neat the door is just above slowly waving black water. The floor is in a sorry state, the majority of the wooden boards sodden and rotting, with a new (new being relative) section leading to the back of the room, where a finely-dressed man sits on what looks almost like a small wooden raft placed on top of the weak floor. His arms are free, but his legs are tied together by a rope that leads down into the water, seemingly being tugged down by a significant weight.

The man's clothes are clearly of high quality and the man himself well-fed, but both are dirtied; the clothes bear several rips and areas muddied or stained. Their owner seems tired, a few old scratches visible on his face and hands, but seems otherwise healthy. His dark green eyes light up as he sees Lunata, his posture straightening as he shakes his head somewhat, getting a stray strand of brown hair out of the way.

"By the Gem's shine, I'm saved! Please, help me - if you can cut this rope, I can walk," he says, gripping the thick rope with one hand. "I promise, you'll be rewarded, these people kidnapped me. My father, I'm sure you know him, Horst Siemers, he can get you almost anything you want," the man continues, an air of desperation in his words. He watches Lunata closely for her response.

The man coughs again just after Karina administers the potion, shifting with a groan before his eyes open again. Snapping his eyes fully open, he struggles against the ropes for a moment before stopping, the pain of his still-large wound stopping him.

"I...I give up," he pants, reopening his eyes again. "Please...I don't have much on me, t-take anything you want!"

In the other room, the man turns to look at the scene, nodding along silently, an occasional whisper emerging from his still-moving lips, generally one of the words he said before his bout of laughter.

2017-02-09, 05:58 PM
As the now-conscious guard opens his eyes and starts to give his frantic surrender, Karina lets out a real sigh this time. If they both start sputtering drivel hysterically, even my patience might be put to the test. Dealing with customers who were generally in a sorry state, either from suffering from some sort of affliction or knowing someone who was, had taught her early on in her career that it was necessary to remain calm in the face of others' panic. But at the moment, it is somewhat frustrating given that they have a bigger goal here.

Nevertheless, Karina forces herself to speak with calm. "We're not here for you," she starts, speaking to the man who has just awoken, as it seems he's not as lost as his fellow guard. Truly, it is fortunate that they woke him, and thus have someone who can probably give them information. "Or for your money, or whatever you have." Pausing, she looks curiously at the man who seems to still be lost in his own fragmented state of mind. "Now, if you could answer some questions... I suppose we could start with, what's eating your friend over there? I get that you two were just attacked," she muses, "And, granted, that can be pretty scary," she admits, in an ever so slightly sheepish tone. "But generally, once the hitting stops, shouldn't one, ahh... stop babbling like that? Why would he still react that way?"

2017-02-09, 06:27 PM
"You...you're not?" The man asks, visibly relieved, falling quiet as Karina continues.

The man looks over to his companion, and gives the closest he can to a shrug, wincing slightly. "I...I don't know. He's always been a bit odd. I'd just let him calm down, hopefully he'll stop when you...leave," he stops, frowning. "What...what is it you're here for, then?"

2017-02-09, 06:43 PM
Karina allows herself to relax a smidgen as the man, thankfully, speaks normally. The answer he gives is an encouraging one, too - Karina would have been tempted to chalk the hysterics up to a death threat from their superiors, since that was what history suggested. But if this one was keeping his head, at least for the moment, and not reacting with too much hostility (even though Karina's pretty sure that sword wound will scar), then maybe they're dealing with a different situation here.

As such, she decides to respond with some degree of honesty. The man has been cooperative so far, and while they will likely get the most helpful information out of the captive being held here (Lunata has disappeared, and Karina hopes that she's looking for that person at this moment), perhaps this one knows something more that might be helpful. "We're looking for information on Rugge's prisoner that he's holding here," she starts. "Why was he taken captive? And, well, any information as to where Rugge himself might be."

2017-02-09, 06:50 PM
Lunata lowered her gaze and examined the rope knots, before looking back out towards Karina. This is one of the two prisoners mentioned earlier, I assume...

She took a moment to extend her spiritual senses out, gazing into the man's soul -- primarily in search of deception and the unlikely case that he bore the darkness within. She dithered, but it was fairly in line with what she'd expect, though the unusual nature of the aura bothered her. "Hold still," she murmured, as she reached forward and used the blade of the Reiterpallasch to quickly cut through the rope, working quickly so as to not rock the unsteady planks of wood on the Floathouse's eponymous room, then extended a hand to him.

2017-02-09, 07:37 PM
The man looks down at Karina's question, seeming almost embarrassed. "If you're here for information...we don't have any. We're...not very high on the ladder," he says. "We both botched a job last week, and were told to guard him. We give him good food, and he says he's the son of a Grand Burgher, but we were just told to keep him here. If you want to know where Rugge is, ask Fräulein Lidande. She's the highest up person I've seen."

As Lunata approaches, the man nods, opening his mouth to speak again before quickly closing it again, grabbing his legs to keep himself completely still as Lunata swiftly cuts the rope - which is immediately pulled down into the water by whatever weight it was attached to. A steady stream of thanks comes from him as Lunata helps him up. "Thank you, truly. Oh - my apologies, I've forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Maximilian Mustermann Siemers," he says, steadying himself before offering a bow.

"Were you sent by my father?" Maximilian asks after a few moments, seeming to only just now take a real look at Lunata. "Can you escort me back home? I promise you, my father and I will ensure that you're properly rewarded for all your efforts."

2017-02-10, 01:46 AM
The lash cracked in the air and came back, passing over its already fallen target. Too slow; too late. Did she not make her intention clear enough? It all worked out in the end, but that was no reason to overlook the poor tactical choice. If they were going to work through this ordeal together, some proper mutual understanding could be quite helpful. Or some actual planning before acting. Or at least some choice of disguise that would not prevent her from speaking... Sighing to herself, Chionia let her whip coil in its resting position again and followed Karina inside, lazily twirling her dagger with all ostensible carelessness that could be expected from her current appearance. She did not need to say anything, not even to reach out towards the second guard's soul; his will to fight was weak enough to fail for completely mundane reasons. That was good enough, but the following utter breakdown was something else.

With another sigh, the youth sheathed his sword and helped his companion to drag the body inside. Luise, apparently, was prepared to take care of the unconscious enemy; at least there was some planning involved, even if never mentioned out loud. There was still too little trust between them, and what could be done about it? With a careless shrug, fake youth leaned against the doorway, his eyes at first rolled in a genuine reaction to the absurdity of the scene, but soon his gaze was once again clutching onto everybody, one target after another. These were the supposed criminals? The men of somebody involved with matters most grave, guarding a place of obscure, but obviously high importance? It did not feel right. It seemed too easy. Was something missing? Or were criminals always like this, and she was assuming too much from her oblivious foreign perspective? She watched Luise deal with questioning, but she still could not talk herself; and there was very little she could do other than keeping watch.

Very little, perhaps; but it was still not the same as nothing at all, and keeping watch could be done in more than one way. Now that she was inside, she could return to the thought that she had to postpone outdoors. Vague feelings of dread that Rikard could get from the previous place were invisible to Chionia's eyes; but here was something that she could perceive. And now that she was not trying to stare through a wall, she could take another look at it. Once more letting the mundane world continue as it would, she opened her eyes to something else and slowly turned her head around, trying to recall where exactly was that strange sight. If both guards now were, in one or another manner, immobilised, she could even leave her post at the doors and go looking for it, would it be hiding in another room still beyond the direct vision.

Detect magic once again. If the source is within line of sight now, identifying it: KArcana - [roll0], Spellcraft - [roll1].

2017-02-10, 02:20 AM
Ahh. Well, nothing is perfect. The lack of information on Rugge is disappointing, as is the fact that these two men are clearly not great security, and were chosen for this job in spite of that. Perhaps this captive isn't as important as we thought? But Karina focuses on the other tidbit that might lead to Rugge. "I see. Any idea where this Fraulein Lidande might be?"

2017-02-10, 02:52 AM
Lunata looked directly towards Maximillian in return, stepping back to say, "No... I was not sent by your father, but I would..." She glanced to Karina for a moment, before stepping back and gesturing. "It would not be a problem to escort you home, no." At the very least, an idea was formulating in her mind. If he was who he said he was, he could not mind doing them a favour and having him concoct a way into the Liga storehouse... would he?

2017-02-10, 06:54 AM
The Front Room

Karina's question elicits a worried look from the man. "You...want to find the Fräulein?" He asks, seemingly stunned for a few moments before he collects himself again. "Uhm. I don't know exactly where she lives, but I've heard rumors it's always guarded by five of her Redguard. But she isn't there often, though...people say she's on the move a lot, making sure Herr Rugge's orders are being followed," he continues, stopping for a moment before nodding again. "Oh, there's another thing! I heard a rumor, that she visits the Smoke regularly. Someone there might know more than I do?"

It's clear from the way the man mentions 'the Smoke' that he expects you to know precisely what and where it is.

"The Smoke" is local slang for a brothel; in polite conversation it isn't used, and only those in the less well-off parts of the city use the term regularly. It's one of the 'tells' that a person of low status needs to shake off before integrating into 'proper' society when they have the money to.

The Smoke is also the name of a nearby brothel, known for having a strictly-split house of business; one side serves sailors and other clients while the other is reserved for those with a heavier coinpouch. Supposedly it's also used for back room deals and even a few members of Burghafen's merchant class come to discuss secret business deals or similar, all behind the veil of secrecy.

The Smoke is unusual for another reason - it is a staunchly independent establishment, with something of an odd history. In the past, it was one of the first houses of prostitution in the city to be given Church recognition (as a 'necessary evil to protect the fair maidens of Burghafen from sailors and traveling merchants' who can instead go to the brothels; it's also a significant source of income for the city, though many prefer to ignore that aspect of it) and more recently it remains one of the only places with no ties to any other group. Supposedly its leadership, a half-elf woman by the name of Anja Rudel and a human man known as 'der Pfosten' (literally 'the (fence)post', based on his large size and lack of intelligence) have been sending away Rugge's messengers for weeks now.

The Smoke is the sight of many backroom deals, which is both cause and effect for its independence. With the money it has, the establishment can afford to protect itself without allowing groups like the Ruggen to gain influence over them, and this neutrality is what allows it to act as a safe meeting place. Within the Smoke's walls, the business' enforcers have a monopoly on violence, making backstabbing or spying a non-issue for those wishing to discreetly meet with long-time enemies to find a peaceful resolution to things without damaging their reputation.

The Back Room

"Oh, thank you! This nightmare is finally going to be over!" Maximilian says, following Lunata across the relatively stable portion of the room. As the two reach the door, Chionia arrives, her gazing past the mundane world bringing her forwards.

Closing in on the aura, you see that it is emanating from small, glowing characters carved into what appears to be a locket, under Maximilian's shirt. MAX SIE is spelled out, in letters that glow through the mundane material - but only to you. The spell is easily recognized as Arcane Mark, which explains the curiously vague aura it had, as the spell is one of the few that lies outside of any school of magic.

2017-02-10, 05:53 PM
The Smoke? This information opens up a multitude of possibilities as to what the Ruggen could be planning, though unfortunately, all Karina can do at this point is speculate... which, is sadly not very productive. The news of the numbers surrounding the Fraulein is bothersome as well - assuming the Fraulein could fight (and people rarely got to the top of an organization such as the Ruggen without having a stiff backbone and a quick blade), their little hodgepodge group would be outnumbered. They had relied on trickery and diversion to keep the odds in their favor thus far, but something tells Karina that it might not be that easy when dealing with the second-in-command's personal guard.

In any case, the man in front of her is probably expecting some kind of response, and so Karina nods her head and murmurs, "Thank you, that gives us something to go on at least."

It is then that Lunata returns, with a stranger in tow who can only be the captive they came here for. Looking up from the guard, Karina scrutinizes him with an unreadable expression on her face that her male appearance acts to accentuate, adding hard features to the touch of coldness in her eyes. He definitely looks the part of a noble. I wonder which family he's from. Knowing nothing about him at the moment and keeping in mind that they need something from him, she decides not to make any snap judgements, instead giving him the benefit of the doubt. She blinks, and the coldness vanishes. If this noble was like all of the others, hopefully he'd respond well to respect and pandering. "So this is the captive? Good evening. What might your name be, sir? And what can we do to help you best?"

Diplomacy if needed: [roll0]

2017-02-10, 07:03 PM
Quick note: The Grand Burghers of Burghafen are not nobility; though in many ways they're similar, they take pride in not being nobles.

The man straightens under Karina's gaze, seemingly doing his best to stand tall and proud despite the circumstances. "Maximilian Mustermann Siemers," he says, with a nod. "If you can bring me back to my home, I will ensure that you receive a just reward for rescuing me from these men," Maximilian continues, looking down with disdain at the two guards. "I am in your debt - and any merchant will tell you it is best to pay one's debts quickly, lest they accrue interest," he adds with a brief smile.

2017-02-10, 07:37 PM
Lunata shot Karina a longer gaze that seemed to ask the older woman if she had any misgivings of her own, given how inexperienced she could be with dealing with people... but at the very least, the fact that she was escorting him out probably meant that she'd done her own checks. "When were you kidnapped...?" A pause. "And why, if you know?"

2017-02-10, 08:08 PM
"It wasn't too long, thankfully," Maximilian replies to Lunata's question. "Three days ago. As for why...probably to try and get ransom from my family, or to force them into doing something," he says.

2017-02-12, 05:09 PM
Lunata tilted her head and furrowed her brow in thought. "I don't suppose you overheard them speaking about anything you think may be important...? Did you ever meet someone called Fräulein Lidande?"

2017-02-13, 05:30 PM
Maximilian furrows his brow. "The Fräulein did come earlier today, to ask me about some things - all of it related to how much money my family has. These two didn't ask anything," he says after some thought.

2017-02-13, 05:41 PM
Karina listens thoughtfully to the noble, before turning to address the lucid guard once more. "As much as I know that we're putting you in a tight spot, I'm afraid all I can offer is this advice: If you suspect your lives are in danger from this little gathering, hide yourselves. You need not get caught up in the Ruggen's crimes..."

2017-02-13, 06:53 PM
"Oh...I think our lives are in less danger now that you aren't pointing swords at us," the injured man says, as the other sits on one of the chairs, pointedly avoiding the group assembled in the room. Maximilian is eager to go and, before long, the group stands outside again, Mozzy and Mask joining. The noble seems to mostly recovered from his captivity before long, after some shuffling about with his legs and several complaints about tingling sensations in his feet, taking up a frontal position in the group to lead them to the Siemers estate. While he seems somewhat nervous in the dark, Maximilian is able to find the way, the spread-out lights growing more numerous as the transition from the slums to the more well-off areas of the city becomes visible. During the trip, the members of the group who were outside of the Floathouse are brought up to speed on the events that occurred within it.

It's roughly an hour and a half later that the estate (http://i.imgur.com/uqNbSCx.jpg?1) is before you. Maximilian demands entry from a pair of confused guards who grow much less grumpy when they realize that they are indeed speaking to the missing noble son, rushing to open gates and doors for you all to pass through. The estate itself is unusual, seeming to consist of an outer wall with walkways under portions of it, with a large courtyard in the center and several towers at the corners of the complex. Maximilian pays the surroundings little heed, apart from when he suddenly barks an order at a passing servant, seeming instantly at home in the brick walls of the estate. Refreshment, in the form of water, beer and wine are all offered, but the wait is short - only ten minutes after you pass through the gates, you're speaking to the father of the man you rescued.

Maximilian goes ahead, greeting his father with joy audible from outside where you wait, but it's only a few minutes later that he emerges to usher you in, inviting you to join him and his father. Out of the chill of the now-darkened night.

The room is quite large, dominated by a table almost fifteen feet in length. Large, expensive windows would offer a view onto the streets, were they not covered by curtains. A large fireplace houses a steadily-burning flame, although it's obvious that quite a bit of wood was recently thrown on - likely due to your arrival. The night's chill isn't present, at least, which is immediately noticeable as you enter. Maximilian's father, Grand Burgher Horst Siemers, sits next to his son, across the table from the five chairs set out for your group. Again, servants appear with sturdy-looking mugs and fine-looking glasses, offering beer, wine or water to any who take it before departing. Maximilian is quiet, as is his father for a few moments as you all get situated.

"You've done a great deed today," Horst begins with clear emotion, looking over you all with a nod for each. "Rescuing my son from these criminals - I shudder at what would have happened had you not taken action," he continues, taking a deep drink before continuing. "You are owed a debt of gratitude by my family, though the hour is late and I will not be able to act on your request immediately. I offer you my hospitality for the night, if you would have it.

If you have any requests, speak them freely, and I shall do my best to see that it is done."

The Siemers estate is an old Handelskontor, a fortified base from which the merchants of the Liga do their business. With room for a few dozen merchants, their families, various servants and workers and - of course - place for business dealings as well as storage of goods, they are rather versatile buildings.

2017-02-13, 08:58 PM
Lunata was already not the tallest of people, but she felt excessively tiny in the space of these large halls and larger manor still. She followed curtly, tucking her head slightly down; she knew she was rather dirty and wet from all of the adventuring that they'd gone through in the entire day, but perhaps the same could be said of Maximillian after his ordeal. She sat down and accepted a cup of water, but made no motion for anything finer or stouter -- Odjn, perhaps, had teased her out of trying alcoholic drinks already.

She looked to the others, but then spoke earnestly as she said: "I seek to rescue my father, who has also been kidnapped by the same group of criminals like your son has. His name is Odjn Croze, if you are familiar." A pause, and then she spoke, "The obstacle before us is that we have tracked his last known location to a Liga storehouse, and we do not have the permit to enter, nor the strength to force entry..."

A pause, realising she's already halfway in deep already. "I would ask if you please have any pull to acquire us a permit, using your clout and influence."

It's a lot more bare-faced and honest than she probably would have liked it, and perhaps Luise or the others in the group, but the Grand Burgher already knows from Maximillian that they are embroiled in a battle with Rugge.

2017-02-13, 11:05 PM
Karina smiles rather sheepishly at the injured guard's incredibly accurate statement. "I wish I could do more than offer apologies, but sadly that is not the case. I wish you two the best of luck." She then follows Maximilian out the door, falling in just behind him as they start the trek towards the Siemers Estate.

After a short amount of time, Karina dismisses the appearance of a Ruggen Guard, leaving behind Luise Richter in his place. It's during this walk that Karina finally has time to process what they've just learned. Learning that the captive they had set out to rescue was not a noble, but a member of a Grand Burgher family had been mildly surprising. It makes Karina faintly wonder how the Ruggen managed to get their hands such an individual, as the Siemers must have money to spare on security. In any case, Karina doubts that the Ruggen would be able to pull it off a second time, now.

Karina knows of the Siemers name, of course, though the last time she was in Burghafen, Lord Horst Siemers was still aiming to get his family back to Grand Burgher status. He finally did just that not long before Karina returned, something to do with helping to purify a cache of blood gems. Not a bad legacy to have. Karina can certainly think of worse ways to attain notoriety and wealth; Grand Burgher Siemers is an okay person in her book.

Hopefully, his son will turn out to be the same way.

As they approach the steps of the Siemers Estate, Karina looks up at the elegant, marble-white facade, the tall, imposing statues - none of which is entirely new to her, though such things never really fail to make an impression. Nor do they fail to make her stomach do a tiny flip as she steps inside the luxurious estate, regardless of the fact that today, she's here for an entirely respectable reason. She gratefully accepts the glass of water offered to her, and drinks deeply while swallowing down the tiny but noticeable feeling in her stomach.

How odd that the time I'm feeling nervous is now, of all times, she weakly chuckles inwardly. Perhaps it's because I know I'm guilty of... something. Yet, while the statement isn't false, Karina knows it's not that. Still, she can't put her finger on it.

Finally, a servant sends for them all, and Karina loses her train of thought while stepping through the gates. After Maximilian beckons to them to join him and his father, she quietly seats herself at the table.

This looks a little more familiar... making nice and discussing things at the table. The thought runs through her head subtly, but Karina can feel her ease returning as she accepts another glass of water from a servant, nodding her thanks.

As they had hoped, Grand Burgher Siemers offers his thanks and more - an opportunity to make requests of one of the wealthiest patriarchs of the city - and it is here that Karina unwillingly imagines all of the things that she could ask for with someone that powerful as her patron. Potion components... a nicer lab... funding for assistants... imagine what I could do with that. How much I could help people... But, all of this cannot be - Karina will not risk her identity nor the well-being of Lunata's father, who is depending on what they accomplish here. And so, she stays silent while Lunata capitalizes on the offer.

Karina will probably only accept the offer to stay overnight if no one else/only Mozzy does, which seems unlikely to me, so I think she'll probably be heading home.

Also, would Karina know things like proper etiquette in the higher circles and how to address nobility? I feel like this is possible based on her background, but I will roll just in case.

Knowledge (Nobility): [roll0] + [roll1]

Knowledge (Local): [roll2] + [roll3] for the structure of the estate.

2017-02-14, 05:33 PM
Her presence apparently ignored by everybody too involved in their own conversations, Chionia stood in silence, keeping watch over the enemies and the entrance. Others were quick to talk and, perhaps, quick to trust that what they were hearing. One of these abilities was at the moment beyond her reach, unaccessible due to her own recent excessive carefulness with minor details of ultimately little significance. Another was by years and years of education erased from her mind forever, reliably replaced with meticulous carefulness that never, never, never could be excessive in anything. Taking the word of the enemy for truth she could understand - there was little that they could do at the moment to verify it or ensure their honesty, and nothing that could be done quickly enough. But trusting them? The word, even unspoken, started leaving odd taste on her tongue. She was thinking it too much - far more often than she expected to turn to it in this foreign land. But, at the moment, that tongue was tied. And, still silent, she kept watching.

It ended about as well as she could by now already expect. And it was not her place to intervene. Leaving the enemies behind with only a parting glance to each of them, she once again walked behind everybody, following their new guide whitherever being in this company was going to take her. And, secure in knowledge that nobody was going to look back at her, she waited until the house behind was out of sight and hearing - even if not out of her mind for a long, long time yet to pass - and brushed her hands over her face, tucking a stray hair under her kerchief and wiping away the fake appearance that she was wearing. For once the familiar rain of this city was not there to just as easily wash away the mark of her thoughts and quench the fire of her emotions, but far more familiar and welcome chill seeped to Chionia's heart and froze it just fine - and her mind she needed still working, no matter how unpleasant the work was. "Now and here is not the time and the place for it", - she whispered to Luise, catching up with her stride, - "but... I might have questions later, frau Richter." Walking along her in silence for a moment to give the woman time for equally terse answer, she then glanced at their guide and added louder, now that she could use her voice: "And good day to you, herr," - almost as an afterthought before falling to the back of the group once again.

She knew very little about the bourgeoisie in general, but the estate before them was undeniably impressive. Almost a small fortress in its own right, with walls and towers that would look more belonging in some wilderness teeming with monsters. Of course, in a city like this security had to be a concern for somebody with riches to protect - but then how was a heir to those riches not a subject to the same protection? The difference between rotting hideouts of criminals and the seat of their targets was staggering. Of course, she heard Lunata asking when was Maximilian kidnapped, but she did not hear anyone wonder whence or how - and by now it was too late to distract him from his homecoming. Leaving the man to his understandable hurry to be reunited with his family, she patiently waited, observing the sights in the estate. Idle curiosity was hardly appropriate, but there was little else to do - and the wait did not turn out to be too long.

The room chosen by their host for their meeting was, perhaps, just as impressive as the building itself, but its indoors appearance did not really interest her beyond a momentary distraction. Far more of note was the man himself - a man of quite high importance in the city, as Chionia was led to believe. Her solemn foreign appearance was a poor fit for this place, but she met his gaze with her own, locking eyes with no hesitation. For a moment she considered looking beyond flesh and giving the man an impression stronger than this momentary glance - but this time she could speak for herself, and there was little need to assist requests of others when he already appeared amenable within reasonable bounds. Leaving herr Siemers to nod to her and move to the next in row, Chionia only took a small sip out of gratefully accepted glass of water and listened. Being able to speak was still far from needing to speak, and Lunata seemed eager to accept his offer of help. And as for his offer of hospitality... it was sacred tradition, of course, but she still hesitated, looking at others. Walking the city at night could be dangerous, and if Mask needed to return to Rikard, she felt responsible and obliged to stick together in this foreign land - not to mention locals, who could have their own concerns as well, and probably knew better whether the burgher's offer was sincere or only an empty formality that should had been politely declined.

KLocal: [roll0].

2017-02-15, 03:54 PM
Mozzy starts flipping a coin from one of her pouches to pass the time. She bears an aura of disinterest in this man and his problems.

2017-02-15, 06:09 PM
Mask, remaining silent as usual, shakes her head at the Grand Burgher's offer of hospitality. He barely notices, however, as Lunata's words incite an immediate response.

"What? Criminals, in a Liga - the audacity!" Horst grits his teeth, fists clenched on the table. "Absolutely unacceptable. I can give you a paper allowing entry tomorrow morning," he says, nodding. "If your goal is to rescue another victim of these vile men, you have my support for that alone. The document will allow you to enter for 70 hours after it is signed, which should be enough time, I hope." The man sighs, rubbing his temples before turning towards one of the servants, who gives a half-bow and swiftly walks away, prompting a lightening of Horst's mood. "Quick as ever," he mutters, before turning back to the group.

"If it's acceptable for you all, I would have the paper signed at two hours before noon, so you can pick it up at the gate shortly thereafter and have the entire duration," Horst says. Unless anyone in the group has something to say, he seems content to finish his drink before standing; thanking you all once again for the rescue of his son (a thanks which said son echoes himself) before the two retire. The remaining servants usher you through the estate until you're once again outside it, the cool of the night returning though the rains seem to have remained gone.

The streets are empty, the sky dark, light coming only from the lights along the sides of the street, the so-called Saints-Lights.

Nothing of note happens next, so feel free to discuss things you were pushing back.

I'm assuming the group will go towards the city center for a while before eventually splitting up, so Mask will remain with the group until then.

2017-02-15, 06:19 PM
Mozzy picks up two of the nearby bottles of wine and tucks them into her pack as the group gets ready to depart. Before she turns to walk away, she pauses, looks at the copper in her hand, and flicks it over to Horst. As they're on the way out of the estate proper, she grabs one of the hats off of a nearby hatrack and puts it on.

When they reach the Saints-Lights, she looks over the rest of the group and adjusts her grip on her staff. "One of us should watch this estate. For messengers."

2017-02-16, 05:47 PM
Lunata stepped out with a bow of her head and a very curt, "Thank you for your understanding and generosity," though it almost sounded like it was a phrase that Odjn taught her rather than something she constructed herself.

Once they were outside and by the lights, she stood by and listened to Mozzy, drawing her arms to herself. "You mean for any potential collusion between either Maximillian or the Grand Burgher himself and Rugge... or the Fraulein? I don't think I sensed anything amiss from his son, though I would not rule that out myself..."

She sighed gently in thought, but then resolved herself to say, "I can take the first watch."

2017-02-16, 05:52 PM
"No, thank you, Grand Burgher Siemers." Karina nods politely before exiting the estate.

"If that's the case, then I volunteer for first or last shift - sorry, but if I don't get a good night's sleep, my potions get a little strange to make." Karina furrows her brow before adding, "Though messengers for what, exactly?"

"And, as for tomorrow..." She recounts the information told to her by the guard at the Floathouse, and gives a brief description of what the Smoke is for those who do not know. "If we don't find any leads at the Liga warehouse, seems to me like the Smoke may be our best bet," she mutters. "We still have no idea where Rugge is, since he didn't show up at the Floathouse."

Karina's question elicits a worried look from the man. "You...want to find the Fräulein?" He asks, seemingly stunned for a few moments before he collects himself again. "Uhm. I don't know exactly where she lives, but I've heard rumors it's always guarded by five of her Redguard. But she isn't there often, though...people say she's on the move a lot, making sure Herr Rugge's orders are being followed," he continues, stopping for a moment before nodding again. "Oh, there's another thing! I heard a rumor, that she visits the Smoke regularly. Someone there might know more than I do?"

Karina nods her head and murmurs, "Thank you, that gives us something to go on at least."

The Smoke is the name of a nearby brothel, known for having a strictly-split house of business; one side serves sailors and other clients while the other is reserved for those with a heavier coinpouch. Supposedly it's also used for back room deals and even a few members of Burghafen's merchant class come to discuss secret business deals or similar, all behind the veil of secrecy. Supposedly its leadership, a half-elf woman by the name of Anja Rudel and a human man known as 'der Pfosten' (literally 'the (fence)post', based on his large size and lack of intelligence) have been sending away Rugge's messengers for weeks now.

The Smoke is the sight of many backroom deals, which is both cause and effect for its independence. With the money it has, the establishment can afford to protect itself without allowing groups like the Ruggen to gain influence over them, and this neutrality is what allows it to act as a safe meeting place. Within the Smoke's walls, the business' enforcers have a monopoly on violence, making backstabbing or spying a non-issue for those wishing to discreetly meet with long-time enemies to find a peaceful resolution to things without damaging their reputation.

2017-02-16, 07:08 PM
Characteristically silent, Chionia let others handle the expressions of gratitude and politeness - although she did give the Grand Burgher a short bow before leaving. Outside, she was just as willing to remain in silence and follow the group until it would split - but what she heard made her turn around and look over the estate, wondering whether she should question her eyes, her ears, or her common sense. And she was not quite certain which of them that "her" meant.

"One of us," - Chionia repeated, turning back to Mozzy and gesturing towards the building behind them. - "Should watch this." After a short pause for the futile hope that her words would sink in without any further explanation, she sighed and continued: "It takes one sentinel to spot an army in an open field. But it would take another army to find one man among it. How many messengers walk through the gates of a house of merchants so rich every day? How many entrances and exits would a fortress of this size have? What would a single lookout ever achieve, other than being spotted by our benefactor's own sentries and making him question our true intentions?"

2017-02-16, 07:17 PM
"We'd get diffuse information." Mozzy looks to Chionia. "Which is worth the price of half a night of sleep." She quietly notes that parchment and something to mark it with is all it takes to have a record of the estate's activities, immediately following their meeting.

2017-02-19, 01:09 AM
Lunata looked between the two, and glanced down the street again. "If they are in collusion, I would expect that this is news that has to be delivered immediately, not wait for the morning. I imagine they'd have to send a messenger immediately under cover of night... at least, if they do not have magical means." She sighed.

2017-02-19, 02:08 AM

Her opinion expressed in a single word, Chionia at first considered it a sufficient, even if succinct, remark. But there were two "ifs" raising hypotheses with which she could not agree - and those disagreements, however similar, were for quite different reasons that probably required some explanations. At least, if she was still hoping to achieve some mutual understanding and proper planning instead of acting on instant whims. Sighing, she tried again: "Your city lives and thrives on trade, and houses like this belong to richest merchants there are. And no trader becomes rich by underestimating the value of information and communication. Do you expect them to trust their secrets to messengers on foot, walking out onto the streets through the front door? How many other ways can there be to pass a message in this city?"

Chionia made a pause - long enough to indicate that it was not entirely a rhetorical question. For all her theorising at the sight of the fortified estate, it could be just a relic of some bygone time when such bases were truly needed. Perhaps her foreign perspective was making her see anything in terms of usage for war; maybe the locals really knew better and saw her caution as overly paranoid wariness. But was it truly hers alone? "Do you think that they are in collusion?" - she turned to Lunata, trying to catch her gaze. The words that the whitehaired gunner said to her earlier were still fresh in her mind. What could those eyes see that hers could not? - "You saw the man we... escorted. You saw his father. Do you think that they would work with... that man? What do you fear from them enough to watch their home?"

Was that what being for once the most trusting person around is like? Chionia did not like the feeling. But liking anything was far from her mind at the moment.

2017-02-19, 03:16 AM
Lunata furrowed her brow and closed her eyes in deep thought for a moment, before admitting, "Other than that oddity I sensed in Maximillian's aura, he bore no unusual emotion... I think he was genuinely grateful to be rescued, not like how someone in a staged kidnapping that had just been foiled might feel." A pause, as she put a finger to her lip further, then suggested, "And the Grand Burgher himself... he also had a similar aura to how he acted in front of us -- in other words, he was not so much acting. He had a passionate, righteous anger... a strong sense of faith -- and love for his son."

She glanced aside to say, "I would off-handedly agree it does not seem likely collusion is happening, and as Chionia said, it would not be hard for a man of his stature to have supernatural means to spirit messages forward beyond our capability."

She draped her arms to her side, hugging herself. "... I don't have a fear of them enough to watch their home, admittedly..."

2017-02-19, 03:52 AM
Karina glances at Lunata with intrigued eyes as she describes his aura. "Well, that goes a long way towards reassuring me, personally. If that's how it is, then I suppose it seems more likely that nothing's going on. As for the possibility of the Ruggen trying again... I'm sure Grand Burgher Siemers would already take extra precautions, considering the situation. I'm okay with forgoing the watch, then." Though, I'll need to see what Mozzy does before I leave... if she decides to try and stay here by herself, she'd better think again. There's no way I can let her do that alone, she needs rest too.

2017-02-19, 06:40 AM
Mozzy adjusts her new hat and looks between the three members of their impromptu group. "There are more than two people in that estate. There are spies, and it will be helpful to know what happens on the night of a saved son. While the Grand Burgher sleeps."

2017-02-20, 10:36 AM
"What an astute observation," - Chionia nodded, still not bothering to look directly at Mozzy even as she was replying to her. - "It would have been even more relevant, be it made in a conversation with somebody in a position to actually deal with it somehow. Yes, there might be enemy agents in this house. Perhaps even agents of our enemy. And the Grand Burgher would probably have been delighted to hear any advice regarding finding them. But what good would trying to spy onto them do now? If they avoid detection inside, what would a single external observer achieve? Or do you intend to infiltrate the estate to watch their activities now?"

Although Chionia gave a short nod to Lunata's words, her eyes did not move. There was more to be said between them, but it was unrelated to the matter at hand and could wait. And speaking of that matter... "If you are concerned about what our enemy might learn," - her gaze lashed out, stinging Luise and Mozzy one after another, - "then why..." She sighed and interrupted herself, shaking her head. Yes, it was relevant to the discussion - but it still was wrong place and wrong time to have it. One way or another, anything that she could say could only make things worse. It was going to need more time; and she needed the virtue of patience. Not bothering to keep arguing, she glanced to quiet as always Mask for her opinion, and then back to the rest of the group - or at least to those who did not plan to spend the night keeping watch.

2017-02-20, 11:04 AM
"If you do not want to watch, don't." Mozzy replies. "But I will be."

2017-02-20, 01:55 PM
As the two of them continue debating, Karina watches on with a strange expression on her face, hesitant to just let Mozzy completely go at this alone but also knowing that Chionia wasn't wrong either, and Lunata had at least reassured them of the Grand Burgher's allegiances. The pointed looks her way are somewhat perplexing, as Karina has just expressed that she's leaning towards keeping watch not being worth it anyways, but if the woman wanted to be ornery, so be it.

It turns out not to matter much anyways, as Mozzy expresses that she is keeping watch, no matter what. And there's just no way she can do that alone and be ready to go tomorrow. "Look... don't worry about it. If you don't feel it's worth it, we certainly won't force you. I don't think we even can," Karina adds.

"Go home, get some rest, be here at 10 am sharp."

2017-02-20, 04:19 PM
Lunata is silent for a moment longer, before opening her eyes and nodding to Karina. She really didn't have a lot of experience with dealing with arguments or disputes between people, so she was happy for the older woman to draw the line between them. She glanced back at Chionia, then to Karina -- Luise again. "Here's the address of the inn I'm staying at," she spoke as she handed her a slip of paper. "In case anything happens overnight."

She lowered her head and said, "Good night to you all. ... and thank you, for your help. I would not have been able to get this far on my own... on my father's behalf, thank you." Her voice hitched a little at the end there, sounding a bit more -- genuine, and more her age, perhaps, than the tough, aloof demeanor she'd been trying to put on. The young girl turned to slip away into the night afterwards.

Once she was back at the inn, she checked in with the innkeeper for any untoward news that had happened, and then stopped by the stables to check on the family horse, Elena. She quietly stroked at her mane and chin, feeding her a bit of hay and watched her drink from the trough. "Elena..." she quietly murmured, "We're going to get father back. ... I-- I'm very glad. ... I want to go back to... running the shop and-- and-- everything... I want to go back to living with you and father..."

Elena drew her head down and nuzzled her head against Lunata's gently, as the girl began to sob to herself, rubbing at her eyes. She leaned down and settled on her knees for a moment as she sniffled, gasping for air. "I want to go back to that... I do."

She centred herself for a moment, rubbing at her eyes with her sleeve again, and nodded to herself. "Be good, Elena," she said, affectionately patting the horse on the head, then heading back to the inn to get a restful night of sleep. Tomorrow was a big day, and no less filled with potential problems and violence.

2017-02-22, 09:40 AM
The estate quiets down again quickly after the others leave. After a few hours, the remaining lights go dim, and only the guards seem to be awake. This quiet continues until morning when, perhaps an hour or so before dawn, several windows begin to shed light again. As a few servants begin to go about their duties, it becomes clear why they've awoken - they're beginning the process of preparing the morning's bread. Eventually, the sun comes up, revealing a significantly less cloudy day than the one before, with most of the heavens clear except far off to the south, where the tail end of yesterday's cloud cover remains. Apart from the mundane details of a wealthy merchant's household slowly waking, nothing more results from the observation.

Mask, though she doesn't speak, is able to communicate an eagerness to return home with her posture, pressing through the night as quickly as her armored legs will go, giving any who came with her a simple wave as she enters the candle-lit wagon. The square is empty in the night, the other wagons all dark, the city asleep apart from the occasional individual seen quickly moving along a street, likely eager to return home. Those who go back to their places of resting have an uneventful journey, the various inns and home of the city presenting only the slight challenge of being sure to not rouse those already asleep. The sun rises and the sky is clear - a few clouds remain in the south, but otherwise the heavens are bared, only the slight moisture on the wind and the puddles in the streets remaining as reminders of yesterday's constant rain. The city is early to rise, many already awake by the time the sun climbs into the sky.

The Siemers estate is in full motion as the light finally reaches past its towers, servants and aids rushing to complete a seemingly endless number of tasks. Guards once again stand at the gates, though now they're busied as well, opening metal entrances to allow passage every few minutes rather than simply standing and looking out at the streets. As the appointed time nears, Mask arrives, sticking out more today due to the lack of cloaks and hoods on the other pedestrians.

2017-02-22, 04:37 PM
As Mozzy refuses to sleep first, Karina accepts the opportunity to be the first to rest. She pulls out a scarf and rubs the make-up off of her face, and pulls off the spectacles, placing them safely in her bandolier. "Wake me up when it's my turn - I mean it, Mozzy." Then, she slips on her sleeves to have them form a large, wool coat and covers herself with it, rests her head on her bag, and drifts off to sleep in the tree's leafy branches.

When Mozzy eventually wakes her, she yawns sleepily but sits up from her position. The sleeves come off, go back on, and the coat is gone. From then on, she keeps watch over the Siemers Estate as they had agreed. Once daylight comes, she pulls out a small, steel mirror. It's a pity that I couldn't make it back home to disguise myself properly... but, good thing I kept some of the quality stuff with me for emergencies. Working slowly but diligently in the hours before 10:00 AM, she reapplies the face of Luise Richter to the best of her ability.

Disguise: [roll0]
Used Disguise Kit, 9/10 remaining.

Finally, once others start appearing, Karina wakes Mozzy. "Rise and shine - we've got another long day ahead of us," she mutters.

2017-02-22, 04:43 PM
Lunata woke early as she always did, though it was a bit stunning to her to still digest that this was her new reality now. Today, she would possibly face death again; not much can be expected for what one can find in a Liga storehouse, let alone with this kind of conspiracy. She whispered a silent prayer to no god in particular, that her father could be safe. She got dressed, headed down to feed Elena, and then headed off to the manor about a half-hour early.

2017-02-23, 02:58 AM
"How reassuring," - Chionia nodded, turning away from Luise. - "I shall sleep in peace, knowing that what prevents you from forcing others to do what you consider right is your inability to do so." Her tone did not suggest any joke in those words, and her eyes for once did not focus on somebody in particular, staring far and wide into the horizon instead. Even if unexpected, that was an interesting observation to hear; and it warranted long pondering during some time of her own. This ordeal in the foreign land was yielding most curious results, even if not quite related to her quest itself. And, after giving her goodbyes, - a symbolic bow to the two staying to keep vigil, a blessing gesture to Mask at the wagon, a short nod and a lingering gaze to Lunata when they parted ways, - she finally could tend to her own affairs.

She did not have anyone in need of her care in the city, and she herself did not need to wake up anybody on her way. Quietly returning to her room and locking the door to the outside world, at last Chionia was left alone with herself. Untied kerchief was spread on a small table, and undoing the knot of tight braid set her hair just as free. The clothes of the day soon followed, but the whip remained in her hand, tense as ever. Her fingers traced its length like prayer beads, and soon the garments of faraway land were cleansed of any stains left on them by this city. No matter how dirty the work was, it had to be done; but the propriety was still to be preserved, or it all was going to be for naught. And failures could not be tolerated.

Shaking off the dust and expelling the rainwater was easy; maintaining spiritual purity required more than a simple miracle. Ringing bells and singing chants belonged at home; in the sleeping foreign city Chionia had only her body and her soul, but that was enough. Gazing into the darkness under her closed eyelids, she flicked her wrist. Instead of peacefully coiling around her waist, the scourge found her skin, making a long wale - her mind reliving the sight of a similar wound being dealt by Luise's blade. If only she could be faster, or... But lamenting and regretting could not change anything. And could any words? Perhaps, if they were spoken in due time, - but she was too silent. The leather strip lashed out again, this time leaving its mark on her throat. She saw a scar like that this day, too; and even if she could not cure all pain of this world, she still could do her part in bearing its burden. Familiar sensation of the lining of her hairshirt again touching her skin, with that thought sister Chionia went to sleep.

By morning, the new scars were no more than stitches in the mesh of countless other marks of the years of mortification. The worries of the previous day were mere memories, making way for trials and tribulations yet to come. For the first time in this city she could see the bright sunlight - and with it, perhaps, hope. Of course, it had no effect on her appearance; solemn as ever, Chionia braided her hair and covered it with the kerchief just as meticulously as she arranged her weapons amid her clothing before making the first step out of the room. Allowing herself an ascetical breakfast of bread and water in the inn, she soon left towards the meeting with time to spare. Even if, in the absence of belltower calling to regular prayers, she could find some clock in this city to tell the current hour, she still needed to recall the right way to the estate - and, she promised herself as she started walking down the streets, she intended to do her best to not be late this day in anything.

2017-02-23, 07:37 AM
Mozzy pulls herself out of the river where she spent her six hours and returns to her normal outfit. "How do I look?" She asks Karina, as the silhouettes of her bones become visible through her gel-like flesh.

2017-02-23, 12:16 PM
Karina raises an eyebrow at the question as her lips start to quirk into a suppressed smile. "Shouldn't I be asking that question? I didn't forget anything when I did make-up this morning, did I?" She lets out a small chuckle before shaking her head and answering, "You look ready to continue this manhunt, which is good enough for me, personally. We should be off."

2017-02-25, 11:47 AM
Not long after the group gathers, one of the gates opens again, letting out a single servant who steps out past the guards, looking briefly around before spotting you all, the searching expression immediately leaving his face as he does so. Stepping forwards, he makes his way over to where you've gathered, carrying a small wooden scroll case that he handles gingerly.

"Good morning. The Grand Burgher asked me to tell you that he wishes you all luck, with your efforts today and beyond, in the apprehending of this criminal," he says, clearing his throat, before handing over the scroll case to whoever is closest. The young man tries, and fails, to ignore the unusual appearances of those around him, but manages to avoid staring. "Do, ah, do you have anything you'd like me to respond with? To Grand Burgher Siemers?" He asks after a moment, seeming to snap back to a more practiced routine.

Inside the scroll case is a single rolled-up piece of fine paper, bearing a fairly ornate but still legible declaration that the holders of this document may enter the rooms of a Liga Storehouse under the authority of Grand Burgher Siemers, starting at a time roughly ten minutes in the past, and lasting for seventy hours.

2017-02-25, 03:57 PM
Seeing no one else doing so, Karina steps forward to accept the permit. She does so with a slight bow of her head. "Please tell Grand Burgher Siemers that we appreciate this immensely. We wish him and his son well," she murmurs in Luise's somewhat gravelly alto.

2017-02-25, 06:05 PM
The man nods in response to the message, before giving a brief bow and - with one last look to make sure no one else is preparing to add anything - speaking as well. "Your reply will be delivered. Have a pleasant day," he says, then turns, quickly returning to the estate and vanishing from view into the structure itself.

2017-02-25, 07:23 PM
Lunata stood just behind Karina and nodded, quietly wrapping her arms around her elbows and concentrating into herself gently. "Yes, thank you..." she spoke, before the messenger left, "I appreciate it greatly, and on behalf of my father too."

She bit her lip, then said, "Shall we scope the storehouse...?"

2017-02-26, 07:36 AM
"Unless there's aught else, yes." Mozzy answers Lunata. Planning any further would have to wait until they got new information.

2017-02-26, 09:42 AM
"Good morning," - Chionia seemed sullen despite a pleasant day, giving only a single brief greeting once entire group had gathered and moving straight to the point. - "How was your watch?" However certain she could be that a good rest and other preparations were more useful than keeping a sleepless vigil could be, at least it was prudent to learn its fruits, if somebody had been determined to reap them anyway.

Keeping her other thoughts to herself for the moment, Chionia watched the servant in silence, letting somebody else handle the words - she was more interested in that what was left unspoken. If that was a reaction of somebody specifically instructed to find a group like theirs, she could only imagine how they looked for an unprepared eye. Criminals were one thing (whatever she could still think about the way they were handled...), but the official guards at the storehouse were going to remember them for sure. Still, there was little to be done about it yet - and, nodding to Lunata's question, she turned to Luise, waiting for the older woman to take lead once again.

2017-02-26, 12:48 PM
"Hmm? Ohh, the watch was fine. Nothing in particular to note, but I don't think we were seen, so nothing in particular to worry about either," Karina replies.

"And... yes, I suppose it is time to make our way to the Liga storehouse. Hopefully this will be a straightforward task. We should just have to show the permit to the guards, yes? Either way, I guess we'll find out when we get there." In truth, part of Karina can't help but worry that some complication will arise, even with their possession of the permit. But there is no use dwelling on that now, before they have even gotten there.

2017-02-26, 06:39 PM
Beginning the trip from the Siemers estate to the Liga storehouse, you find the streets to quickly grow significantly more crowded than they had been yesterday. Though there's no specific event drawing the people to the streets, the day's business must still be done, and today the weather offers no excuse. The way north is quite simple, as you follow a wide, straight street that leads directly towards the northern docks along the river, allowing you to make good progress under the rising sun's rays. The wind is ever-present, though it seems content to remain mild, blowing the cool morning air through the city's streets. Before long, the smells of the river and of salt are brought in by the breeze, shortly before the time comes to leave the straight street, continuing along another route that curves away from the now-unused old docks.

The entire trip takes roughly an hour and a half, during which the streets grow much more empty again, apart from the occasional wagonload of salted herring being brought further into the city, the wind quickly clearing the air of the salty smell in its wake. Eventually, you come to your destination - a large wooden structure, this one taking a low, flat shape. There are two entrances, one of which is a heavy wooden door, visibly reinforced by metal. The second resembles a fortified gatehouse more than a door to a storehouse, featuring a guard house just to one side, a pair of armed men standing on either side of the entrance, and a metal double-door barring further entry. As you approach, the men take notice, though they do nothing beyond glance in your direction yet.

2017-02-26, 10:09 PM
Lunata let out a sigh as she readied herself, concentrating deeper into her willpower, then nodded at Karina and the others as she strode forward to the guarded entrance and procured the permit acquired from the Grand Burgher. "We've business inside," she spoke tersely, while letting her mind emanate outward to glean into the aura of these men.

Taking 10 on Sense Motive for Empathy, unless you want me to roll.

2017-02-27, 05:48 PM
One of the men steps forwards, the other keeping his eyes trained on Lunata as his colleague inspects the paper she brings forwards.

The men both have rather muted auras. Hints of pride and faith are present, but neither are particularly strong.

"It's good," the man examining the paper says with a nod, returning it as the other turns to the doors, knocking a sequence into the metal. A moment later, the sound of various locks opening and bolts moving comes from the other side, before the doors open, swinging out to reveal a small entry way, with one man pressing a small darkwood wand against the doorway for a moment before a section of the floor just behind the now-open doors briefly pulses with light. "Feel free to enter," he says, before stepping to the side.

Inside the revealed room is what seems to be the inside of another building - made from notably different materials, however. A simple wooden door (albeit quite large) is built for entry, with a new-looking wall of wood around it. Coming closer, it becomes clear that it's been built inside the actual storehouse, the visible wall having been made as a division between the outermost room and whatever lies further inside. Beyond this next door is a space perhaps five feet in length, empty and mostly uninteresting, apart from its make. Padding is attached to both of the walls, along with a second layer of wood that keeps the material pressed against the walls. Even the doors have a layer of padding held by a wooden frame, with cutouts making the door handles reachable. In this room, a faint sound becomes audible, as you get closer to the far wall. It's barely loud enough to be heard, but it sounds like an exchange of words. A voice Lunata recognizes as Odjn's, and another, female.

As Lunata opens the door, a sight both familiar and unusual greets her. It's immediately apparent that the room has been made into a gunsmith's workshop, the smell of gunpowder, wood and metal filling the air. Perhaps twenty feet away, across a space mostly empty, with a few barrels to the left and right, is a raised platform of wood - perhaps two feet higher than the rest of the floor, dominated by a large table across which various tools are scattered. Papers, partially-assembled firearms and other miscellaneous objects of the craft litter the table as well, which sits next to several opened crates, three stools pulled up to it. It's at one of these that Odjn sits, looking over towards the door as it opens.

The man is not alone, however. The space between the door and the worktable holds a pair of armored warriors (http://i.imgur.com/NP7pL0J.jpg), who both turn towards Lunata as the door opens. Standing at the table Odjn is seated at is an elf woman (http://i.imgur.com/ELQMlSP.jpg?1) in significantly lighter armor - a simple chain shirt, glimmering in the orange light of the glowing rods providing the room's light. On one shoulder rests a small shield, a mace is at her hip and her hands are currently on a pistol. As Odjn's eyes widen, the elven woman's spark and she smiles, turning towards the door.

"Lunata! I thought you wouldn't be coming until - " the man begins, surprised joy in his voice, before the elf cuts him off with a quick motion of one arm, Odjn falling silent as she raises an arm as if to cut through his words.

"Lunata, what a pleasant surprise," she says, her joyless smile staying on her face as she looks from Lunata to any standing behind her - Mask is a few paces back, in the padded room. "I'm afraid we weren't expecting you yet. We should discuss this in the other room," she says, gesturing with the pistol in her hand towards the door.

2017-02-27, 06:01 PM
Lunata knew she was being rash, but thoughts about how unusual the building-inside-the-building barely registered to her head as she paused and listened in on the conversation and heard her father's voice. Instinct took over as she pushed her hand through and opened the door, her eyes widening as she stared at her father, the gunsmith's store that'd been created inside this space, and the elven woman.

"Expecting me-- yet?" Lunata sounded surprised. Was this all a setup, in the end? "W-who are you? ... are you Fraulein Lidande?"

2017-02-27, 06:37 PM
The elven woman's smile grows, a bit of real humor entering it. "Clever girl, aren't you? That's right, I am," she says.

"Fräulein, I'm sorry, but what's going on?" Odjn asks, clearly confused, standing. Lidande gives him a cold look, but the man continues. "Have you done something to her memory? Did you put her under some kind of spell?" His voice gains a node of anger as his questions continue.

"Odjn, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to sit down," Lidande replies. "Otherwise, you may be found in breach of our agreement. Which would mean I am no longer bound by my own promises..." she says, turning back to Lunata and aiming her pistol at her, a gesture that causes both of the armored warriors to draw their blades. The man sinks back to his seat, looking to Lunata with obvious concern.

"See? We don't have to have anything excessive happen," Lidande says, with another grim smile. "We have some things to catch up on, Lunata. Things it'd be best to not bother your father with," she continues, waving her pistol over Lunata's shoulder again.

Behind Lunata, Mask stands behind the wall, out of sight from the room, shield on one arm and her other ready to draw her weapon. Her gaze is trained on Lunata and any others in the room, waiting for a decision before making her own moves.

2017-02-27, 10:10 PM
Lunata herself looked shocked and confused when her father asked her if she'd fallen under some spell -- wondering if the same'd been done to him. When she sensed her father's anger arising, her empathic senses immediately reached out to those around her, including her father and Lidande.

She hesitated for a moment, but she knew she rushed ahead of the others in the group, and could only hope they could be in position if anything awry happened. At the very least, she should be the only one to pay for her own mistake. "A-all right. Just-- don't hurt my father," Lunata spoke in turn, insistently and urgently, slightly raising her hands to either side of her, stepping back to the room outside.

2017-02-28, 04:21 AM
Lidande nods, seeming pleased by Lunata's reply, and follows, giving the two warriors a gesture that causes them to relax, re-sheathing their weapons. As she comes to the door, she gives the next room a brief look, smiling before stepping in.

"I see you found friends," she says. "I'll have to ask you to stay out of that room, at least for the next few hours. There's a bit of story-telling going on, and you walking in makes it quite difficult to keep everything straight," she continues. "Can't have you coming in and asking questions when he already saw you telling him you were captured, now can we?"

As Lidande speaks, Mask quietly (quietly being relative, as the motion is accompanied by partially-muffled metal clinking) slips across the room, opening the other door and trying to get the attention of Mozzy and Karina with a hurried wave and gesture to come through the door.

2017-02-28, 04:59 PM
Chionia attentively watched as Lunata took the document from Luise and presented it to the guards. Security measures at this place certainly were impressive; at a better time, perhaps, she would not have minded stopping to examine them closer. At the moment, though, even the wand in the guard's hands got no more than a completely mundane glance of fleshy eyes. Personal interest could be dismissed until later; there were far more urgent matters at hand, and they awaited within the walls' interior, not in the walls themselves. Shrugging, she sent a questioning gaze to the pair tarrying outside and hurried along, catching up to Lunata as they proceeded further indoors.

And there Chionia had to reconsider her earlier thought regarding walls. The architecture at this place was quite peculiar. Or was it something to be commonly expected in a storehouse? For all she knew, it could be - but before she could even ask somebody local about it, she had to freeze and listen carefully. Despite all the reinforcement, some sounds still seeped through this strange structure - and they were enough to banish all thoughts of raising her own voice. After all, walls work both ways; whoever it could be inside, they seemingly did not yet notice the intrusion. It was only common sense that they should had stopped and listened before doing something hasty.

And, of course, common sense was just as uncommon as ever. Before she could discern a single overheard word, Lunata already was opening the door into the unknown. Before she could distinguish the revealed sights, a telltale smell filled the air - familiar scent of the battlefield and death. And before she could even think about chastising the whitehaired gunner for her recklessness, other words were thrown - words much graver than what she could muster. Some part of it, perhaps, was to be expected, but the events unfolded quicker than Chionia could foresee. Any glimmer of hope that she could have this morning was already gone; once more she was mentally berating herself for not speaking her mind few moments ago - or last day, for that matter. But, once more, no lamenting could actually help with anything.

Especially when weapons were drawn. Blades did not frighten her that much; if anything, this meeting turning into a fight, however dangerous it could be in itself, would at least have easily resolved a complicated matter or two that could go too many ways - some of them even more dangerous - when only words were involved. But a pistol... Chionia was not too versed in the proper usage of firearms, but she understood enough to know the meaning of that smell all too well. Her fingers tensed on the coils of the lash on her waist, her resolve strengthening just as tightly. And, still barehanded, she crossed her arms and stepped forward, exchanging places with Lunata and then following her back outside, carefully staying between her and Lidande's raised weapon.

"Surely, we all are wise enough to avoid doing anything rash," - Chionia spoke softly, not wasting a single gesture into Lunata's direction as her attention was concentrated on the elf in front of her. The woman's face was a rare sight for her - but, surely, her soul was just as any other. And no matter her intimidating reputation and mysterious rumours surrounding her in this world, she still was not above spiritual matters - just as nobody was. And as long as she was willing to talk, she could be reached. Giving a slight nod towards the door, Chionia continued: "So let us indeed not do anything excessive. There is no need for weapons, fraulein. If you wish to talk, perhaps you would sheathe your gun before it fires so close to good herr's work?"

Implanting Vanish Arrow into herself - 4/5 daily usages left.
Hypnotic Stare on Lidande.

2017-02-28, 05:12 PM
This sensation, is it... it's another trick, isn't it...? This woman is full of tricks, this is her art...

Lunata continued with a quiet nod, perhaps looking contrite to Chionia for drawing her into this, but she certainly wasn't acting rashly in the matter either, keeping her hands held to her sides as she followed Lidande to the other room. Mozzy and Karina would have to be the catalyst for their turnabout, but how could she communicate what she'd sensed...?

"... an image, an illusion," she finally decided to just speak up and challenge her. "You deceived my father with an illusion that conjured a story of my capture in order to force him to cooperate. I would not even be surprised if this," she gestured to the workshop within the storehouse, "was part of your fairy tale."

She was silent for a moment. "Even the person we speak to now with the gun is nothing more than a conjured illusion, isn't it? Show your true self, Fraulein Lidande!"

Lunata is using the Spirit Sensing Stance, which gives her scent to assist in pointing her out... I believe.

2017-02-28, 07:05 PM
After their brief exchange with the guards, Karina hangs back a bit as the others step forward. Having thought about what she is about to say for quite a bit of their walk here, she murmurs to them,
"I'm going to stand watch out here, I think. Wouldn't want the Ruggen sneaking up on us from behind while you're being reunited with your father." It takes some self-control for her not to waver at those last words, and rather than express the nature of her memories on her visage, she smiles in the face of it instead.
"Good luck."

And so, Chionia, Mask, and Lunata go in alone, while Karina and Mozzy remain outside. Karina's happy for Lunata, she really is. It's a relief that they found where her father is, and that even if their shop has been burned to the ground, at least they will still have each other. But, it also brings a reminder.
I suppose I'll never really get over the fact that I won't have that ever again. Thus, it's a bit of a relief to have an excuse not to have to watch the reunion, since Karina will never have the opportunity for her own.

When Mask of all people comes into the light to usher Mozzy and Karina in, the first Karina feels is puzzlement. Surely Lunata and her father are reuniting at this very moment, taking solace in each other's company? Yet Mask looks apprehensive somehow. With a prick of concern at the edge of her thoughts, Karina takes one last look around outside before doing as she asks, stepping into the Liga warehouse.

"What's wrong?" she whispers.

2017-03-01, 02:48 PM
Outside, Mask simply makes a gesture to follow again, then a vague shaking of her arms that could mean a number of things. Something was pulled off, someone touched something too hot, perhaps a firearm? Then she steps into the room, leaving the door open for Karina and allowing her to hear the exchange as it continues.

Lidande seems somewhat pleased (though the cold edge never leaves her expression) as the exchange moves into the other room, leaving the door ajar behind her and staying close to it. "This is his work," she replies to Chionia. "And if you're worried about an explosion, were I to fire...all the better to keep you in line, isn't it?" The elf asks, with a hint of amusement, looking back into Chionia's gaze before Lunata speaks, drawing her attention away.

"A bit of trickery was needed, since you weren't present to do the convincing yourself," Lidande says, before stopping suddenly, as Lunata points to her. "My...true self?" She chuckles. "You know, you're making it quite difficult for me to keep my word about not hurting you. Tell me, are you hiding yourself as well? Perhaps we have more in common than I'd thought?" She asks, her tone one of clear interest, almost devoid of the underlying hostility from before. Her weapon, however, remains at the ready, her other hand resting almost casually on the mace at her waist.

2017-03-01, 04:32 PM
Lunata looked uncertain about what Lidande meant with those words, frowning a little bit more softly. "I doubt that you'd really fire in here, even if you had a gun," she expressed firmly. "What you want from my father, such that you'd go to this extent to trick him, is valuable to you. You wouldn't carelessly throw away all of this meticulous planning..."

She lowered her head, murmuring, "And if you hurt me, would that not make achieving your objective more difficult?"

Lunata's keeping her Sense Motive up to see if she really could pull through with the threat of firing or whether it's a bluff. [roll0]

2017-03-01, 04:43 PM
Karina slowly makes her way through the door that Mask has left ajar, heading into the outermost room. Startled by the sound of a feminine voice that she doesn't recognize, she tries not to make a sound while she creeps closer to the next doorway to hear better, though she doesn't dare peek inside. We weren't expecting anyone else... right? I mean, I've never been inside one of these things, but I doubt it's just a place for people to hang around. Now able to make out the words, she stiffens as the voice carries with its implied threats.

I don't understand... was her father not in there? Feeling properly guilty now that she chose to stay behind while the others were walking into this lady's trap, Karina quickly tries to reassure herself. Well, the good thing is, this lady doesn't know I'm here yet. There must be something I can do... but what? The guards we faced earlier thankfully fell for all of my tricks. I don't know if this woman will be as easy to fool... she certainly sounds confident. And from the sounds of the veiled threats, she's probably with the Ruggen. Could even be the Fraulein herself... she certainly sounds like she's used to being in charge. Okay. Think... what would a self-confident woman who thinks she's got everything under control want to believe? Well, what's something coincidental that could draw her attention away? Maybe another noble coming in to use the Liga warehouse? Karina frowns. No, they must have chosen this warehouse for a reason. I doubt they'd be so careless as to take the chance that someone else could come along and disrupt the whole thing. Maybe a more direct approach? Her mind shifts to the recipe for a potion to help guide her bolts, but then she remembers... But she said something about her "true self." Perhaps that isn't the woman after all? Gah, there's too much I don't know here. Slightly frustrated by this odd situation, Karina decides to carry on listening, in case the lady lets something slip that can help her come up with a better plan. In the meantime, though... having that potion handy wouldn't hurt, and she carefully removes her kit of reagents to start preparing it.

Stealth: [roll0]
Taking 10 on Perception if possible

2017-03-01, 05:21 PM
"Oh, I am not worried," - Chionia shrugged, her eyes still locked at Lidande's, keeping the elf's weapon in sight, but focused on its wielder herself. - "After all, I am not she who is standing with her back to a room full of gunpowder. Or keeping a valuable captive in it. Or trusting his own work to threaten his own daughter. Or making any promises that are so difficult to keep. Wherefore would I be afraid that this weapon might be fired?" Cracking the slightest smile in response to the woman's amused voice, she then listened to the exchange of words about trickery. Something was afoot indeed; and despite her demeanour being quite calm for somebody standing directly in the line of a drawn pistol, she was worried - for another reason entirely. Words were far more dangerous than weapons could ever be - and keeping words sheathed only served to increase that potential danger. Venomous tongue could strike in any manner; seeing it at work could at least help in devising an antidote.

Once Lunata finished her own question, Chionia gave the elf a short pause for a quick answer and then continued, her voice still just as soft: "You do not need to hide behind your weapons, fraulein. If you wanted to talk for few hours, we are listening; but you are talking in riddles. You mentioned some storytelling at work; surely, you would not want somebody to accidentally ruin all your labour by simply not knowing the script? It would only help you, if you would deign to explain everything from the very beginning and in every detail. Of course, you can cut it short and put the dot in your story by firing your gun... but if that is the ending that you wanted, I think you would have done it already by now."

2017-03-01, 05:56 PM
Lidande is completely ready to follow through with her threat, though the threat itself doesn't seem to be legitimate...

There's an odd...tug, of sorts, like a mental force pulling you forwards, in Lidande's eyes. Her pupils seem to hold some kind of unusual power, but it isn't overt enough to truly interfere. It's a detail, like a warrior may notice a brick sinking slightly into the earth beneath an armored boot without being hindered.

As Chionia speaks, Lidande stares for a moment, one eye twitching briefly, before Lunata speaks again, and she sighs.

"And here I thought I'd found my happily-ever-after," Lidande says, with a disappointed frown. "You should've known better."

Then, she straightens the arm holding her pistol, steps backwards, and fires. In an instant, two things become clear - first, that there is no dry powder waiting to be ignited by the pistol and engulf the room in a blazing inferno; secondly, she has decided to fire on Mask, the pistol sending a lead bullet directly into the armored woman's chest, evoking a choked sound of pain from the woman, who nonetheless remains standing.

"It seems I overestimated you. Do you need more of a lesson? Lunata? The rest of you?" Lidande asks, tossing aside the emptied pistol with a smile, obvious joy in her expression as her eyes go over Chionia, Lunata and Mask - then, briefly, turn towards the door.

I've made a...provisional battlemap, for the time being, in case anyone is going to respond in kind.


At present, Lidande isn't about to grab her weapon and attack, so it's still possible to try and avoid combat. Not that I expect you to, just mentioning it's possible.

If we move into combat, I'd like everyone to roll initiative; we'll be using block initiative.

2017-03-01, 06:13 PM
Lunata's eyes narrowed with a cold expression as the shot rang out-- then widened as she exclaimed, "Mask!" and turned towards the woman, drawing the Reiterpallasch from the sling of her shoulder. She felt horrible, trying to call her out on her bluff and having it be proven wrong, but there was no time for regret.

"Lessons can only be granted to those who would listen," Lunata hissed in turn, "And I have no time or patience for your trickery any longer. I am taking my father back!"


2017-03-01, 06:34 PM
Mozzy, having heard the gunshot and the kerfuffle that's sure to emerge, sprints into the room with her gnarly bone-spear of a Mind Blade and gets all up in the gunner's business.

Basically, getting into an adjacent space so she'd be vulnerable to an AoO. Probably G-4?

2017-03-01, 06:39 PM
The sound of a gunshot startles Karina into tightening her grip on the vial in her hand. Thankfully, she picked out a sturdy vial made of iron rather than the brittle glass she uses for the more... volatile concoctions that are meant to be thrown, not ingested. Alright, so this Fraulein is not messing around. Dammit, who did she shoot at?! Hearing Lunata confirm that Mask was the victim and essentially declare that things were only going to get more violent from here, Karina drops the vial before picking up her sword, pulling out one of the aforementioned more volatile potions from her bandolier with her free hand and getting ready to move into position...

Initiative: [roll0]

2017-03-01, 07:07 PM
Lidande shouts as Lunata readies her weapon, barking a command that is followed by the sounds of armored footfalls, the way into the workshop opening to reveal both of the red-wearing warriors and a horrified-looking Odjn in the back. As they approach, and Mozzy rushes into the room, the elven woman grins. "Wonderful. All of you can taste your weakness at once!" She says, shifting an arm forwards to pull the metal shield from her shoulder into position and then spreading both arms. The gesture is immediately followed by a surge of blackness that rushes out from the elf, slamming into the walls and briefly shimmering on the wood before flying back to its source. Each passage brings an eruption of pain, as the darkness seems eager to tear at the very life force of all it touches - Lidande and her warriors included.

The warriors both swing at Lunata, taking visible care to avoid lethal strikes, but neither is able to land a hit.

Everyone but Karina is within the AoE, and takes 7 damage with a DC 14 Will save for half.


It's now the party's turn.

2017-03-01, 07:24 PM
Lunata's eyes flare with a spiritual prowess that was normally subdued, but had risen due to the anger emanating from within her. She grimaced as she staved off the Fraulein's negative emotions, exclaiming, "Be careful to not drown in your own ego, Fraulein Lidande!"

The guards' attacks appear stymied by a veil of spirits that suddenly bursts around Lunata's form, making her a little bit more difficult to ascertain. The flame spirit danced as a will-o-wisp would, seeping within the Reiterpallasch as she twisted and stabbed with a deft precision towards the nearest of the guards -- then drifting into an ethereal afterimage as she reappeared on the other side, the same trick she'd used to get up to the roof of the warehouse before. When she reappeared, however, she seemed blurry, surrounded by the veil of spirits that were still cascading about her form.

Will save - [roll0]

HP: 17/21

Swift Action: Activate Elemental Nimbus Stance - choosing Fire as my active element.
Move Action: Activate Shadow Clone with 1 ki point - creates [roll1] mirror images of Lunata in her space.
Standard Action: Attack the warrior at H3 with Fading Strike, then teleporting after the attack to L3.

Attack - [roll2] vs AC
Damage - [roll3]

Granted Manuever this round: [roll4]
1. Eldritch Shield
2. Dimensional Strike
3. Horizon Wind Lancet

2017-03-01, 10:11 PM
The bullet passed close - but not close enough. It missed her - because it never was meant for her in the first place. It found its target - and yet the world was still standing. There was no fire to consume her body, just like there was no divine punishment to claim her soul. Of course, she could chastise herself for failing to protect those standing behind her back even on her own. And, of course, it still was just as useless as standing there and trying to parlay without fighting. "Fraulein..." - Chionia nonetheless muttered a reply, still staring into Lidande's eyes. - "That was a loud dot indeed. But if you wanted to see the next chapter of your life, you should had brought enough dots for an ellipsis. This was too rash of you, fraulein." With the last words her gaze briefly lashed at Lunata already holding a gun of her own, passing over Mask before returning to its focus. But what was done was done, and that gun could be quite useful now - and, apparently, their scarred companion could survive getting one more scar. Words could wait until later.

Although the fraulein herself kept talking - and her next phrase was accompanied by a display more impressive than a mere gunshot. The elf was certainly worthy of her name. And yet, Chionia did not flinch, keeping her eyes locked with Lidande's. Was it some savage joy at the suffering of others in her gaze? An untamed strength of a wild beast? Or a challenge of somebody fully understanding what she was doing? In the end, it mattered little whether she was a monster or a sinner. A myrian knight could not abide either. And where debates failed, more direct means had to be employed - and the scent in the room was calling for such a mean, promising a refreshingly simple solution to this particular trial of her ordeal.

Maintaining unblinking eye contact, Chionia stepped back, now separated from Lidande by few carefully measured coils of a lash. It seemed easy to give imaginary units of distance a tangible form, unwinding her weapon and striking a blow; but this challenge was beyond mundane armaments alone, however blessed they could be. One hand brushing past tight whip, she drew a simple blade and raised it, sharp steel joining daggers that she was already staring at the elf. And, following the pointing edges in her stretched arm, sister Chionia's soul reached forth and smote, armed with a spiritual sword of her own. A temporal weapon could hack through flesh and separate limbs from bodies - but this blade could dismember the very soul of its target. It was a difficult strike, it promised a result uncertain and temporary at best; but if she could disarm her enemy of her dark tricks, it still could be a victory.

Will: [roll0] - 4 damage taken, 13/17 hitpoints left.
Five feet step to E4.
Move: drawing a dagger.
Standard: mental block (http://archivesofnethys.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Mental Block) at Lidande (Will DC 15, not counting stare's penalty) - 3/4 daily spells of first level left.
Painful Stare: if any attacks deal damage to Lidande this round, first attack to do so deals +1 precision damage.

2017-03-02, 09:22 PM
Mozzy, who has no time for this elven woman's crap, goes straight for her metaphorical throat with her Mind Blade. Once, twice, and a third time.

Will save: [roll0]

Using Swift Attack Maneuver and Two Attacks Maneuver. If this one goes down, she'll attack the other. Assuming elven woman is beside her, if not, she'll attack one of the ones beside her.

Attack: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
Attack: [roll3] Damage: [roll4]
Attack: [roll5] Damage: [roll6] (This is actually 14, 'cause the Swift Attack takes -2 to Attack.

2017-03-02, 09:41 PM
As Lidande goes down, Karina tosses the mixture in her hand, aiming at a spot just behind Lidande's men such that the glass shatters on impact, releasing its noxious contents.

Throwing the vial at the floor behind them, AC 9 due to cover.

Attack Roll: [roll0]

If successful, both bozos are sickened for a round.

2017-03-02, 11:07 PM

Party's turn, woo!

Whether Lidande's mind is clouded by Chionia's stare is unclear, as the woman's thought processes are quickly brought to an end by an abruptly appearing set of holes in her torso. Turning towards the armored warriors in the doorway, she manages half a choked syllable before collapsing into a pool of blood. The remaining warriors, having avoided harm so far, press on. Both are visibly slowed by the vile contents of Karina's flask, but press their assault anyways, one swinging at Mozzy and the other attacking Mask, who has moved into the opening left by Lunata.

Mask manages to deflect the blade coming for her with her shield, the attack sliding off of her armor. Mozzy manages to avoid the sword coming her way, the blade glancing off of her light armor. As the warriors go onto the defensive, Mask takes a half step back and turns to Mozzy for a moment, seeming to focus on her intently before turning her attention back to the fighting, though she doesn't have the time to make another attack of her own.

2017-03-04, 04:45 PM
Karina makes an irritated face when the two men do not back down. They're either much more loyal than those other Ruggen we faced yesterday, or they're much more foolish. Seeing the potion have an immediate effect on the men, though, Karina allows herself a brief flash of satisfaction before calling out to Mask. "On your right, Mask!" As the scarred woman shifts, Karina swings her blade at the man who is in front of her, and hopefully giving her all of his attention now.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit? [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Attacking the guy in H3.

2017-03-04, 04:51 PM

Lunata could feel her hands tremble a little, but she had to fight to get out of this. Her father was behind her in the workshop, and there was no way she was going to fall here. No way. Her eyes narrowed in focus, and her pupils dilated a little as she lifted the Reiterpallasch and took aim--

"--sniping the target's weapons--"

--with the hopes of just shooting the warrior's sword clean off his hand.

Using Disarming Shot on the warrior directly west of me.

[roll0] vs. the warrior's CMD, if it hits, he's Disarmed!

Granted Manuever: [roll1]
1. Eldritch Shield
2. Dimensional Strike
3. Horizon Wind Lancet

2017-03-06, 09:33 AM
Chionia blinked, readjusting herself to fleshy perception. However draining it could be to perform such feats of zeal, it always felt uplifting at the same time. What could a mere mortal body do that could even be compared to it? Not much - in her case, at least. But, as she carefully watched Lidande's every movement, trying to determine whether her strike really had any effect, she almost missed something else coming into her sight - and quickly was corrected on her earlier thoughts. Well... That certainly could do something, of course. A lot of something. Her own efforts hardly mattered in comparison to something like that... But there was better time for selfloathing. For now, she simply had to turn her attention elsewhither.

And yet, she did not. Stepping closer to the fallen elf, Chionia lowered her dagger into the direction of the prone body. Strike again? Resolve it now, putting the end to any more suffering that Lidande could inflict upon this world? It was a tempting thought. But she knew a lot that could be useful - and even if she was not willing to talk earlier, Chionia still had her doubts. Staying her hand, she turned towards the armoured warriors. This was not a fight where her own little blade could do a lot of good, and trying to continue her spiritual battle meant taking attention off Lidande - who, even if her fall was not a trick, did not leave Chionia's thoughts as easy as she was taken out of fighting. She doubted herself again; at least, this time the doubt was easily resolved by a gunshot. That was a good idea; perhaps there was a way out without any further bloodshed. And so, her free hand snatching the whip's handle and pulling it off her waist, Chionia reached out in the mundane world, trying to replicate the feat that she just witnessed.

Five feet step to F4.
Move: drawing the whip.
Standard: [roll0] - disarm at H4.

2017-03-06, 01:34 PM
With the combined crack of whip and gun, Mozzy silently makes a note to ask Lunata about her unusual weapon, and intuits that this fight is soon to come to an end. She uses her spear to flick one of the disarmed swords towards her, then catches each of them in the air. Her spear, now released, briefly turns to a cluster of raindrops before dissipating entirely. She rests each of the swords against her padded shoulders and waits for the guards to surrender.

Using both actions to grab their weapons. Free action to drop her Mind Blade, which disappears automatically.

2017-03-06, 01:45 PM
Disarmed and surrounded, the guards pause, exchanging a brief glance before both raising their arms in surrender. They both send looks towards the unconscious Lidande, and shuffle to their knees on the floor, hands still raised. Mask returns her shield to its place on her back, but keeps her blade ready, directing one of the surrendered warriors to the side, so the doorway is unblocked, pausing as if to catch her breath and giving a look around the group. It's clear that she's rather injured, and she steps off to the side, pulling off one of her thick gloves and pressing her hand against her wounds, taking care to try and keep it out of sight. After a few moments, she turns, glove back on her hand and seeming significantly rejuvenated.

At the back of the larger room, Odjn stares on in shock, having not yet gathered his wits enough to speak.

You regain five hit points.

2017-03-06, 02:02 PM
Lunata's hands trembled as she kept her grip on the gun. The sensation of auras that exploded when one was in combat was intense, almost overwhelming -- the sensation of pain and anger and grief, mixed in with the extremely sharp despair of one plunging into their potential death. But then the guards raised their hands in surrender, as Mozzy pulled their weapons away from them. "F--F--father," she turned and frantically hurried to her side, throwing her arms around him, dropping her gun. "Father!"

2017-03-06, 05:26 PM
Odjn grows less dazed as Lunata rushes to him, and he stands just as she arrives, returning her hug. "Lunata, it's so good to see you again," he says. When he eventually pulls away, he wipes at a few tears that are just about to leave his eyes. "I...where were you? A few days ago, that woman brought you...or, well, someone I thought was you, and the fake-you told me they'd captured you, and would treat you well as long as I cooperated. But I guess you escaped?" He asks, a soft note of pride entering the question.

2017-03-06, 05:49 PM
Lunata let out a sniffle that she couldn't suppress, and found herself in tears. "I was-- I was never captured," she advised her father, inbetween choking sobs. "That woman tricked you, with her powers. But it's-- it's okay now. These people all helped," she rubbed her eyes, gesturing. "Luise, and Mozzy, and Mask, and Chionia, they helped me get you out. It's-- it's going to be okay now," she said, sounding like she's more reassuring herself than anyone else. "Right...?"

2017-03-06, 09:08 PM
"Thank you." Mozzy says to Mask, as she takes to binding the surrendered guards with rope. If Mask hasn't stabilized the bleeding Lidande, she gives a curt nod in her direction and makes sure she has been before tying her up as well. Her eyes linger on the bound guards as she takes the sheathes of their swords and attaches them to her back, along with the swords themselves. She decides they might need cheering up. "It's not all bad." She peers past them, to make sure Lunata hasn't been attacked suddenly. "You could be dead."

2017-03-06, 11:11 PM
The tearful embrace is... a lot to look at, though Karina smiles as the peace that comes with the reunion far outweighs the expected regret she feels. "We should focus on getting your father to a safe location," she says. Hesitant as she is to end this moment, practicality takes over before her emotions get too wild. "And... even though it might not do much good, let those guards know who's been in here," she mutters, with an edge to voice. "And what - or rather, whom - has been kept here."

2017-03-07, 02:57 AM
Odjn seems to be a bit overwhelmed, but nods. "Yes. Everything is going to be fine, now," he says, before turning towards the others. "Thank you, for coming together to help my daughter and myself," he says, before turning back to the workbench. "I'd just like to grab a few things, before going - I'm not sure if our shop is safe? I was told it was damaged and would need refurbishing, so these people could probably find me there..."

Mask kneels next to Lidande and sets a hand on the unconscious elf's shoulder, closing some of her wounds - not quite enough to wake her.

As Mozzy speaks to the warriors, one responds, speaking for the first time. "Dying might have been better," she says. "What are you going to do with the Fraulein?"

2017-03-07, 11:06 AM
Chionia watched the burst of activity all around, making no haste to join it. Her unused blade quickly returned to its sheath, she took her time meticulously winding the whip back into its usual shape, mentally reciting a short prayer with every coil. Both the blessed weapon under her fingers and her hands themselves somehow remained clean through the battle; but she could still feel the toll of Lidande's dark doing, and ending the fight with no bloodshed was not the same as withdrawing from entire conflict. Nothing was over yet - and although her skill at matters of battle could leave much to be desired, it now was time for an ordeal of a different kind.

After taking note that nobody was in immediate need of any assistance and that the surrendered enemies were already being given necessary care, she turned to watch something beyond the battlefield: the reunion between a daughter and a father. Was it supposed to be heartwarming to observe? Should she had been envious at the sight? Sister Chionia never could hope to understand these feelings. But something was still gnawing her mind; a thought, not some useless emotion. She already witnessed a half of an answer to the questions that she did not have a chance to ask, but she still wondered what Lunata was thinking. Once all of it was going to be over, that thought could be given voice - but everything was still far from ending.

Besides, there was another question that she did not ask last day; and she did not want a reason to start pondering its exact repetition again. But this time Luise seemed more interested in talking to the rescued man - and, never too keen on interrupting her elders, Chionia instead went to watch over Mozzy tying their captives. That was an interesting discussion too. "It can be granted," - she nodded to the person who answered, trying to conceal her surprise at the sound of the voice behind an expressionless tone. - "But do you believe that you are in any position to make requests or ask questions? What do you have to say for yourselves?" Looking down at the kneeling warrior, she reached to her and tried to take off the helmet, locking her gaze with the pair of eyes hiding underneath it.

Shifting Hypnotic Stare to the speaker.

2017-03-07, 11:24 AM
After some effort in removing the straps and similar keeping the helmet on, Chionia is able to pull it off, revealing a young woman's face. Her brown eyes betray hints of fear and sorrow, her brown hair is cut close to her head and her left cheek bears a jagged scar. "What do I have to say for myself?" She repeats, gritting her teeth. "Don't talk to me like I'm some kind of unruly child. I don't have to justify myself to you."

2017-03-08, 10:57 AM
"Unruly children can, perhaps, still be educated," - Chionia shrugged, stepping back from the woman and turning away from her. - "But I suppose it is a sign of adulthood to spit into the face of your own salvation. You are right on one matter, at least; you do not have to justify anything. You are too unjust to even try." Throwing the woman's helmet under her knees, she repeated the earlier procedure with another, leaving it on the floor as well. Her fingers now felt more at ease with complicated design of foreign armour; and yet, her soul could only lament the experience that brought that familiarity. "Perhaps you have something else to say?" - she asked, locking her eyes with yet another gaze once it was revealed too, but she did not expect it to go any better.

And it only strengthened her worries. Sister Chionia harboured no illusions regarding her proselytising abilities; one way or another, somebody was probably going to disagree with what she was ready to do. She was not afraid of yet another attempt at debating; that was only expected on her quest. Alas... Her current companions were far from fond of reasoning and persuasion. It was one thing to let them do as they desired that night and depart for her own preparations; somehow she doubted that she could expect a similar courtesy back on a matter like this.

Finding Mask's silent figure, she tried to catch her eyes for a moment, wondering what was going on through her mind, - and, seeing that others were still involved in their conversation, stepped to a side and leaned against the wall. She could wait. In truth, she could use a moment to gather her thoughts and prepare her words. Closing her eyes, Chionia let her gaze wander through darkness and dissolve into nothingness - until opening them again and watching the scene around her through another sight. At least images that it could reveal were easier to comprehend than thoughts of others.

Shifting the stare once again, removing it if the answer is just as unproductive.
Detect magic around the room.

2017-03-08, 12:25 PM
The second warrior is also a woman, looking perhaps a year or two older, with several small scars rather than one large one, though her hair is similarly short. As Chionia removes her helmet, she shrinks back slightly, before speaking. "Are...what are you going to do with us?" She asks.

As Chionia approaches, Mask gives her a silent look, tilting her head slightly to one side in a somewhat questioning manner.

Assuming you still Detect Magic:

The warriors, and the room, bear no magical auras. Lidande carries several pieces of magical equipment - her armor is enhanced, and bears a faint transmutation aura. Her shield is also magical, and there's another magical aura around the pendant she wears, though it's one you can't tell more of, apart from it being clearly more powerful.

2017-03-08, 01:46 PM
Lunata's expression died down a little, as she rubbed the tears away from her eyes. "Um-- the workshop, it's..." A pause. "Rugge's men destroyed it... they set it on fire, and the gunpowder stores-- it caused it to explode. Our home is..." She bit her lip and sniffled again. "Elena is fine, she's at an inn, at least."

2017-03-08, 02:26 PM
Odjn pauses for a moment, stunned by the news, before shaking his head, as if to physically cast off the shock. "That's...well," he smiles weakly. "It isn't the first time I've had to find a new home. And as long as the family's together, we can always rebuild."

2017-03-08, 05:32 PM
Heavy presence of Lidande was difficult to ignore even when the woman herself was unconscious and temporarily harmless. But Chionia forced herself to look away. Other problems needed to be solved too; this one could wait. And even if nothing else came in sight to catch her enhanced attention, it was still an answer - and that answer simultaneously made things easier and harder. Lunata's understandable worries aside, her father was not under any bewitchment that she could sense. That was the hard part; she had to tread carefully, estimating the thinness of ice first. Neither were Lidande's warriors. That was the easy part; and, if properly handled, it could be a decent measuring stick.

"I am not sure whether you noticed it, fraulein..." - Chionia turned her head to the voice's general direction, not bothering to shift her seemingly relaxed posture and staring into the distance over the surrendered enemy's head. - "So if you need a reminder: not so long ago, you were quite insistently trying to kill us. Now, I still cannot understand what makes you think that you deserve any answers to your questions, you do not desire to answer any of mine, the rest of us, as you can see, are not interested in you at all..." - saying this, she turned away from the captives once again, her eyes stopping at Luise. - "So I suppose that there is only one question left, which, perhaps, somebody would answer for once..."

A short sigh was followed by a deep breath. Her fingers brushed past the sheathed dagger and hid behind her back, intertwining over the coils of her whip. Her eyes glared once more at one captive after another, rested for a second at Mask in search of support, passed over everybody else in the room and finally lashed at Luise again. Quietly, but firmly, Chionia concluded: "Tell me. Why would we do anything but killing?"

2017-03-08, 06:06 PM
Karina drags her eyes and thoughts away from the father and daughter in front of her, briefly surprised to hear such a question come out of Chionia's mouth, and seemingly directed at her. "I'm surprised you even need to ask that question," she comments, a neutral look on her face that reflects the lack of hostility and sarcasm in her voice. "I believe some of your first words to Lunata were about this very subject, were they not? Either you are aware of what you are suggesting and still concluding that it is the best option, which also implies that you would have preferred a much more drastic action to the one we took yesterday, or you have taken a very conflicting position to what you preached just yesterday." She glances to the women on the floor briefly before continuing. "In any case, I can't speak for anyone else, but of course I would do anything but killing, if I could avoid it. The men from yesterday... I've seen their type before. Pigeonholed into disreputable occupations just because that's the lot they've been dealt in life. Did they deserve to die for trying to make a life, any kind of life, for themselves? Of course not. I don't think that, and I doubt you think that, though you seem to be suggesting that that is less important than the fact that those goals happened to counteract our goals and safety. They seemed like they knew that what they were doing wasn't the right path for them, and they were willing and wanting to make a better life for themselves, so I offered them an out. Certain kinds of people do, in fact, respond honorably to mercy. Now," she takes a breath before narrowing her eyes at the women on the floor. "As for these two... I'm not sure what the personal guards of Lidande would be hoping to accomplish by sticking with her, and their reluctance to even speak with us is disheartening at best. Whether I would turn to offing them remains to be seen."

2017-03-08, 07:30 PM
Lunata nodded again, just a bit weakly and numbly, then picked the Reiterpallasch back up and clung it gently and carefully to her hands. "I... did not kill anyone, father," she responded, knowing that whether or not she regressed to the teachings of her former clan was always a sensitive topic among them. That she'd gone for this long without killing anyone was something her father was proud of, and by extension, she was proud of. "We were able to just subdue and... interrogate Rugge's men."

She paused as she turned towards the conversation outside, then back at Odjn. "Take as long as you need to recover, I'll -- I'll see what's going on." She padded out gently, and then peered between Chionia and Luise.

"My father would be able to testify that he was kidnapped, and the evidence of what happened here should make the judgement turn in our favor," she tried adding, glancing towards the two women with... well, not exactly steel, but a bit of curiosity and pity, perhaps.

2017-03-08, 09:19 PM
"Frau, you have not yet heard me preaching."

Separating herself from the wall and folding her arms, Chionia crossed the room in few quick steps. The steps had to be long, as was only befitting for walking on the ice so thin; but the burden on her shoulders was far heavier than any water, and the consequences of a misstep could be far worse than merely falling ill. And yet, her soul now was stronger than her body had even been. Casting aside too colourful metaphors and happy childhood memories, she concentrated on the lessons taken from all those years. For one, being rash was dangerous; and the first response coming to her tongue she had to leave unspoken. Finally phrasing the same thought in more appropriate words, she looked down at Luise with the same disinterested gaze that she several moments ago was giving to their enemies and just as calmly spoke: "But I assure you, I have no custom of contradicting myself."

For several moments she let the words sink in, herself far less keen on sinking. As another lesson, she knew to look carefully before making any precarious steps. Her eyes now firmly locked with Luise's, Chionia closely watched the older woman's reactions as she continued: ""Cannot speak for anyone else"? I find it hard to believe, considering the... action that we - that you - took yesterday. Here is still not the right place to discuss it," - without breaking eye contact, she managed to make a small nod into direction of their captives, - "and I already said that I have questions about it. But if you are asking, I have answers too. Alas, you ask the wrong question. Death is not something that can be deserved. But ask yourself: did they deserve to live? I, too, have seen their "type", as you call it, before. Nobody is... "pigeonholed" into being a sinner. No matter the birth, nobody is denied an opportunity to live a righteous life. And yet, when they choose to live for themselves, you laud them? You offer them a better chance to live - for themselves again? Speak not of honour and mercy, frau, when all that you offer is more suffering that they would inflict on the world."

On a less metaphorical note, remembering to breathe was yet another useful lesson. Her fingers tightly gripping her sleeves, Chionia tried to relax her posture, but her body was too disciplined to allow her any moments of weakness in time like this. A heart too warm could be hurt and broken; itself cold as ice persevered. And, with that in mind, once more she could calmly continue: "And I suppose that you were so surprised by my question that you could not even answer it. I was not asking you specifically, but now I should: why would you let them live, if your sight is not yet clean and you expect more to be seen?" Her own sight picking a new target, she then turned to Lunata: "And you speak of testimony and judgement. How swift you are to trust the law once your own goal is already accomplished... Alas, here and now is not the place and the time to discuss it. But while you stand here, consider: would a word of what happened within these walls have any weight and faith before the lawmen? Here, in your city of merchants, who go to lengths so great to keep their goods and secrets safe, - when somebody allowed these... women to use that safety?"

2017-03-08, 09:47 PM
"I don't recall you, or anyone else, objecting to what I did yesterday," Karina mentions. The response isn't what she had expected, but it changes little, if anything. "And have you really? Do you truly claim that you can understand their situation, and all of the nuances that come with choice and privilege, especially on the level of an individual? So they made a bad choice. So they 'sinned,' as you have put it. That does not mean they do not deserve to live. That does not mean they cannot make a different choice, especially if they are willing. You seem to be mistaking 'lauding' with 'attempting to understand.' If you aim to rid to the world of every person who has ever lived in vice, then you will find that there will not be many remaining afterwards," she says wryly.

"In any case, if you do not want to discuss something because it is not the right 'moment' or 'place,' then do not bring it up. Yet another apparent contradiction," Karina mutters. "And yet I cannot help but notice that, while you pick apart our opinions, you have yet to offer any solutions. What, then, would you have us do? Leave behind blood in our wake, wherever we went? Renounce the city for its shortcomings?"

2017-03-08, 09:59 PM
Lunata blinked, not having expected the argument between Luise and Chionia to have gotten so heated. She felt a little bit uneasy, the emotional auras pinging off off them and into her and influencing how she felt as well. "... Father took me from a life of sin and taught me how to live a good life," she muttered. "I'd know how someone can be forced to live cruelly, to be denied the opportunity to be a good person. It exists."

She looked back towards her father, then said, more to Luise than Chionia, "... even if we don't tell the guard, I think the Grand Burgher would not leave this matter alone. He may be a better person to report this to."

2017-03-08, 10:07 PM
Karina's aura is... complicated. I don't know what the colors mean! So I'll just sum it up in words. She's not exactly angry, though you can see a bit of conflict within herself as well, muted and dull though it is. More than anything, you sense a slight strand of bewilderment.

Karina nods in response to Lunata's suggestion. "It's worth a shot, at least. He'd be able to better address it than us, or the guards. I don't know how good of an idea it is to tell him right now, though. To be honest, I'd rather be searching for Rugge... but then again, we might be out of leads here," she admits with a disappointed tone. "That guard from yesterday said that Lidande pays visits to the Smoke, not Rugge. Though perhaps it's still worth a visit?"

2017-03-09, 08:32 AM
"And I do not recall you asking for anybody's opinions on the matter," - Chionia shrugged, clenching her teeth and holding back yet another hasty remark. On one occasion she was too far to intervene anyway. On another... Still glaring straight into Luise's eyes, she spared a slightest momentary tilt of her head to catch their captives in a corner of her sight. If that was a normal occurrence among local criminals... maybe her yesterday worries were in vain, after all. She could not had known any better; she could only have trusted the word of the locals. And she still remembered Luise's reaction to her doubts: mocking laughter, but no correction. Did the woman honestly think that it was a prudent precaution? Or was it merely convenient to have any possible objections silenced in advance by a guise of her own making? Again, she could not know; and this time she had no reason to blindly trust anything.

"And it is exactly what it means," - saving the new set of doubts for later consideration, she once again was paying full attention to the older woman. - "Willing or not, nobody can turn time backwards and make a different choice. What done is done. There are no nuances to it; there is only staying on the righteous path or straying into the life of sin. Something yet pure can be stained in the future; what once was stained can never be made always pure. What more is there to understand? A rotten limb must be removed to save the body from dying. If only what you suggest was as simple to do as it is to say... What a beautiful and pure world would then remain standing. What bliss would it be to be born into the world without sin. What longevity would the world itself achieve once it is no longer being torn apart..."

Her eyes stayed closed slightly longer than a blink should had taken. Her voice started trailing off, for once displaying gentle notes more appropriate for her youth. Her imagination was overtaken by a vision too beautiful to bear - an empty idea, if nothing was going to bring it to life. Shaking her head, sister Chionia continued with renewed harshness: "And I did not bring yesterday events into this discussion. You did, frau. For all that you say about not speaking for anybody else, you are quick to ascribe your own ideas to me. You want to spill blood when it is needed? You want to renounce the shortcomings of this sinful world? I did not suggest that, but I am glad if these are your thoughts. Alas, you keep accusing me of contradictions that I did not commit and saying that I offer nothing. I started this by suggesting the simplest solution to the matter at hand - nothing more. You replied with accusations and with involving unrelated earlier events, but I am yet to hear a simple answer: why should we let them live?"

"And no such thing exists," - taking a deep breath, she turned to Lunata again. - "In any situation, there is the option that is the least of all evil. Yes, it might appear wrong to external observer. Is that not what I told you before? Did you not hear me offering them a chance to confess and justify themselves right now? In dire circumstances many cruelties can be justified. But it does not lead to forgiving the actual sins. Accepting cruelty of others, do not forget to be cruel yourself."

2017-03-09, 11:41 AM
"'Unrelated?' I brought them up because what you asked concerns my actions yesterday as well. I brought them up because you specifically directed that question to me, of all people, and I'm not daft as to why. Why should we let them live? Why did we let the men from yesterday live? Because a bad choice does not mean that they do not deserve to live, as I've already said. Because some people are capable of recognizing when they're done wrong, and acting differently in the future. Because I am not yet convinced that these two over here aren't in the same boat, though I'll admit that their silence thus far says otherwise, and that I'd probably arrive at the same solution as you in the end, for this case. Because, like it or not - and apparently, you do not, which I will duly note for the future," Karina finally glares at Chionia, for while hesitation at letting their enemies live is forgivable, wanting to purge the world by whatever means necessary, including eliminating a mass of mostly innocent victims, is not. "You cannot 'cleanse the world' of everyone who has done wrong in their lives, and quite frankly, I'm appalled you wish to do such a thing. A 'rotten limb?' Really? You can't compare a person to that, and I truly thought before that you would know better, but apparently I was wrong," she mutters with an edge of steel in her voice. "I did not bring that up because it was something to actually consider. I mentioned it to make you realize that it's impossible, and not because of the impracticality involved. Everyone has done something wrong in their life, save for perhaps the smallest infant. I have yet to meet someone who has not, you included. You would have to purge the world of everyone. Continue on with your vision that everything is black and white when it pertains to you and your own morality if you must, but if you're going to let others suffer for it without even trying to understand their situation first, then you're nothing like the beautiful and pure world you seek." She pauses and takes a deep breath. If Chionia has lived this long believing what she does, Karina doubts she can change her mind, honestly. She knows she will not accomplish much by speaking now. And yet, surely this woman is not daft enough to essentially say to their faces that none of them deserve to live? "You speak of turning back time and changing the choices of the past, yet I speak of influencing the choices made in the future. You mistakenly think that I have some secret desire to act according to the position you've articulated, even though my actions and my words have clearly indicated otherwise. If killing these two without a second thought is truly what you wish to do, and if you are so eager to try and find fault with me - then to be honest, I want no part of it. I don't regret my actions yesterday, and now knowing that I made them in the presence of someone who sees killing them as the simplest solution, I'm relieved that I did what I did."

2017-03-09, 01:34 PM
The bound women exchange several glances as Karina and Chionia speak, seeming to communicate enough that each goes through a series of facial expressions - pleading, shocked, angry, sullenly accepting - before one of them speaks. "We owe everything to her," she says, nodding towards the prone form of Lidande. "She took us in. Trained us, made us strong. We follow her word as law, swore to do so until we die or she does. That is all the justification we needed."

Mask silently approaches Lunata once she's stepped away from her father, who seems to be alternating between gathering materials from the workbench and following the discussion with a grim look. Mask utters a brief syllable Lunata doesn't understand, then briefly brings a gloved hand onto her shoulder - which brings a surge of energy through her, sealing the wounds inflicted by Lidande's attack. Not long after, she approaches Chionia, speaking the same sounds, voice already sounding quite hoarse, and giving her the same restorative touch.

Finally, Mask kneels next to Lidande, pulling away her shield and weapon before turning back to you all. Wiggling her fingers, she indicates the unconscious elf with a nod. "Wake?" She asks, pausing to cough twice as she finishes.

2017-03-09, 02:14 PM
Lunata frowned a bit deeper, but then glanced away to turn her attention towards Mask. She didn't really understand this woman, Chionia, and she was a little hesitant to think she might never either. "A-ah, thank you, Mask," she sounded earnest, her expression lightening. She looked towards Lidande, then shook her head. "It probably is better if we interrogate her somewhere more secure, like the Grand Burgher's residence..."

2017-03-09, 04:07 PM
"Unrelated," - Chionia nodded, her voice full of confidence. - "The fate of these two concerns only these two. Any other problems, no matter how similar they might be, are irrelevant; each judgement should be meted according solely to the nature of the case at hand. And I did not direct that question at you at first; I was talking to the frauleins while you were already occupied. But I have to say, frau..." - She sighed, taking a small step back and rubbing her temples. - "I have to admit that your language is alien to me and I do not speak it with native perfection. It might even be that you hear some contradictions where, I assure you, none are intended or devised. But you twist my words far beyond the extent that I am willing to accept as brought by my own mistranslations."

"For instance," - she began slowly reciting, steepling her hands together as she started her way down some imaginary list, - "I am quite certain that I repeatedly asked exactly what I meant to ask and what you do not answer. I did not ask you wherefore should they live. It is a wild beast who can live simply because it was born. A human has a soul and a mind that can ask "why". And a human whose answer is to live for himself is nothing but a sinner. And as I have already said, it means exactly that such human does not deserve to live. No choices made in the future - not even entire remaining lifetime of righteousness - would ever atone even a single misdeed; for how is it any better than the same righteous life without committing any such sins in the first place? Only some purpose greater than living the rest of life per se can justify it - and to this end I ask: why? What do you seek to achieve by letting sinners live and torment innocent?"

"And I would not deny this either. I cannot cleanse the entire world with my own hands," - despite a tear starting to form in a corner of her eye, Chionia met Luise's glare with her own without any hesitation. She could not read any thoughts that the older woman could possibly imagine in her words, but spoken replies were more than enough. - "But I can do my best to fulfill my duty to keep it as clean as possible. And I admit that my metaphor could be too excessive; after all, a human body has only so many limbs. How should I say it: "a tainted hair"?.. I suppose I can compare a person to that. As long as the world still stands, there would be more of those infants being born. But we have only one world to leave to our descendants; and if we would let those who want to place themselves or some other single human above the greater good tear it apart, there would be no more world and no more humankind."

"And once again I am left to wonder how can you say that you cannot speak for anyone else when you are willing to accuse me of so many words that I never spoke," - Chionia sighed, her intertwined fingers tapping each other in silent recounting. - "But you might want to keep your voice down, frau, and to speak for yourself. Maybe you consider yourself a sinner. Maybe you even consider that everybody has to be no better than you are. But I heard that in this land saints are held in quite high esteem." She had to pause at that thought. There were many other things that she had also heard. At least these years having a discussion like this was not going to end for her with a stake and fire. Probably. Hopefully. She was not too certain about the details.

But she went too far to stop now, and some accusations could not be overlooked - and so sister Chionia continued: "You presume to know what I - mistakenly or not - think, based on what I said about your own words. Yet I spoke only in questions and hypothetical situations, asking whether you truly thought so and expressing my opinion for the possibility of a confirmation. You yourself hypothesise that I might be having no second thoughs and willing to act on my own conclusions, despite me standing here and asking for your opinion even though you did not care for that of anybody yesterday. You suppose that I might be eager to try finding faults in you, when I only attempt to talk about our enemies - while you turn this into a personal argument. I assure you that all these hypotheses are wrong; and I intend to say no more of it here and now. If you truly presume to judge whether I am anything like or unlike the greater good, you can tell me your opinion at a time and place without more urgent matters and uninvolved witnesses."

Her hands shaking, Chionia wiped her tear and grasped the first support that she could find - which turned out to be Mask's touch on her shoulder. With a grateful smile, she turned away from Luise and tried to catch the gaze of masked eyes, herself not knowing whether she expected to see approval or condemnation. But the scarred woman had somebody else to take into her care, and the sight reminded that the argunent was not over yet - even if she had tried to dismiss the unexpected tangent of it. "Not yet," - Chionia shook her head at Mask's question and turned to Luise again. - "I only said that it is the simplest solution. I never implied that it is, whether always or only now, the best, as you might presume that I did. But now that you heard their answer, tell me: do you still need to wait for anything more before passing your judgement?"

2017-03-09, 05:54 PM
As expected, Chionia doesn't yield, though the expectation doesn't make it any less disappointing. Still, quick as she might be to ignore it, she's right in that they have more pressing matters. Karina lets out a sad sigh, merely ending with, "If you truly believe that everything exists in an empty, distinct space and what came before and after are irrelevant, then I'm genuinely shocked that the real world hasn't given you a rude awakening there yet. Again, you looked towards me for an answer. That happened for a reason. And you insist that everything, down to the words I say, should exist in a vacuum? That yours do as well? That's not how the world works. You want to talk about our enemies? Well now you've got my opinion on them and an answer, even if it wasn't the one you wanted. In any case, I find the little regard you give to human life wholly repugnant and I thank the gods that, indeed, you cannot cleanse this world. That you cannot tear this world apart." She straightens and slowly paces over to Lidande, whom she frisks to the best of her ability without actually undressing the woman. "Were it not for the fact that a good friend of mine is relying on me finding Rugge, I would not be so quick to let this drop. But as it is, you have said at least one thing that rings true - I have more important things to do than argue with some lady who is so transfixed on her way to purify the world that she can't see how her methods would take it in the opposite direction entirely. I can only hope that she doesn't act on that will once we, thankfully, part ways - something that I'm not even sure if I should wait for. Regardless, we're here now, and we might as well find out what information we can get here." Assuming that she has found and removed any weapons hiding on Lidande's person, she nods to Mask. "We might as well get this over with. The sooner I get away from Little Miss "Righteous" over here, the better. I don't know how receptive the Grand Burgher would be to having us interrogate a criminal in his home," she murmurs to Lunata. "And moving an unconscious body would draw some attention. I think we're going to have to do it here. As for you two," Karina shifts her attention back to the guards. "Are you really so certain that her path is the only one for you to walk? Of all of things you could do with your life, this is the only way?"

Perception: [roll0]

2017-03-13, 05:07 AM
Perhaps surprisingly, Lidande has no hidden weapons. Aside from her armor and clothes, there's only a small pendant which seems to consist of polished stone (http://i.imgur.com/SO64DOE.jpg) carved into an odd shape around a perfectly spherical, pitch-black stone in the center, as well as several pouches attached to her belt.

One contains money (13 GP and 7 SP), the rest all contain individual snips of paper with a single word written on them in Befallordet.

"All the things we could do?" The more talkative woman asks. "Do you think we're hiding an apprenticeship's worth of skills and a guild membership in our armor?" She shuffles to the side, coming a half-step closer to Karina after some awkward movement. "Because we're not. We were nothing before, and now - now we can fight. We're stronger, but that's what we can do. Tell me, if you had the choice, to be some no-name mercenary or guard for some rich bastard who you know doesn't care about you, or to work for the person who gave you everything, what would you do? Because to me it's obvious who I'd rather live my life for."

The one who has yet to speak takes the silence immediately after her comrade's words to add her own. "It's best if you talk to the Fraulein," she says quietly. "She told us to do this, to stop fighting, if it would save us. That she'd get us out, if...if we needed it."

Mask, having stood aside for Karina to search Lidande, nods, speaking the now-hoarse syllable again and laying a hand on the fallen elf, who almost immediately groans. For a moment, her eyes are closed, and she seems about to speak, before they open with a start and she begins to sit up - only to be stopped by the sight of Mask's readied weapon, and take a slower look around. Visibly relieved at the sight of her armored companions, she offers them a soft smile before turning back to Karina and Mask.

"Looks like I lost," she says, with a hint of mirth, before looking to Mozzy and giving her a nod. "And that I'm at your mercy, now. I take it you want something from me?"

2017-03-13, 05:20 AM
Lunata fidgeted for a moment, still looking uncomfortable... really, she understood too well how Lidande's underlings felt. She was... the exact same way with her father. She'd give her life and everything, as she was ready to at this moment, to save him. She knew how loyalty like that was formed, and she knew that it was difficult to turn away. She was only grateful her father was a good man who wanted to protect her from a bad life, as well.

"Why did you kidnap my father?" Lunata asked her, slowly. Her voice wavered a bit, but it wasn't angry like before. She was a little unsettled from the wave of emotions around. A bit ill, even. "What did you want from him?"