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2017-04-21, 09:26 PM
The Equinox Wars

The world of Dalgonia is a land of ancient lore, epic wars, wild frontiers, cities that buzz with magic, and tribal humanoids who survive brutal environments. The nations via for political power and, like all nations, rise and fall overtime. Life, ranges from the brutal experiences of a beaten slave to high nobility that has everything at their disposal. Death, for all, is permanent. The God's intervene with their mortal worshippers and Druids preserve nature they so revere.

However all these events is but a backdrop. For every two thousand years a celestial equinox occurs - where light and darkness, life and nothingness, come into balance. It is during this time that one side can usurp the other for power. That time is upon us once more. For on the 22nd day in the month of The Dwarf, the celestial equinox has begun. Already the darkness plots its first move....


Only an hour earlier had you and your kin woken up and began descending down the tunnels when the attack had begun. There was some dispute about turning back, but your main mission was to defend the supply caravans. So for about ten minutes the echoes of distant warfare and minor shock waves was listened to at high alert.

With no warning a tremendous shockwave went through the earth that was so powerful it knocked you to your knees. Panic spread through the horses and ponies that made up the supply caravan. The shouting of dwarves to try to calm and control the animals proved futile. You narrowly avoided being run over by an out of control wagon when you heard the sound of rumbling water. Something above you had broken. Your mind raced momentarily to try to figure out what it could be. There was only the White Rage River.... You took a moment to survey your surroundings ignoring the gnawing sense of fear.

It wasn’t just the horses that were panicking – now it was everyone. You scrambled out of the path of the stampede and climbed up to a ledge in the hopes that the flood would be low enough to keep you safe. You had just reached the ledge before the roaring water entered your darkvision. It was floor to ceiling and moving with the full force of the river. You looked down at your armored body and said a prayer, nay for yourself but for your kin and their families.

The impact of the cold White Rage River should have knocked you out from the force alone. But somehow your tenacity to survive kept you conscious. A wooden door floated by under the water and you clung to it despite it being caught in the current and of no use. As you looked through the water you caught the sight of a horse’s body and the last thing you saw was his hoof. With a detached feeling of one barely clinging to consciousness you felt your body impacting the floor, the walls, repeatedly over and over again before finally being caught, perhaps pinned, by a stalagmite. As the last of your air left you, you waited for the water to recede. A wait that would prove too long for you. Your last thought is for some reason of your father and for a brief moment you felt his hand on your shoulder as if he were welcoming you.

Eons passed. You felt a burning sensation near your birthmark and then a wrenching pain in your heart. You feel a sense of dislocation, giddiness, a feeling of flying rapidly through space, and, what you assume to be, your soul passing to the afterlife. Suddenly your feet hit solid ground and a force unknown to you causes you to cough up water. As you cough, an unbelievable amount of pain cuts sharply through the fog in your mind. You have a broken rib and you find that your shield arm is useless. You touch your nose with your other hand and feel where the horses hoof broke your nose. You pull your hand away from your face and find it shaking violently and covered in blood. Blood poured freely down your face. The weight of your soaking wet gear is an assault on your senses and you fall to one knee. The afterlife strikes you as being cold and painful. Perhaps you are being punished.

What you can see before you is as clouded and vague as the contents of your mind. There seems to be nothing but mist, swirling in eddies around you, with a suggestion of huge shapes briefly glimpsed through it. The mist is cold on your face and with a start you realize that this is real. You are here physically. You are alive. There is wet grass beneath your feet. You look down at your armored body once more with confusion wondering if you somehow got dumped onto the surface. But that doesn’t feel right. You died. You’re sure of it. No one could survive that.

Dolgrin is conscious and disabled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#disabled). He currently has -9 hit points. He's wearing masterwork Banded Mail (3 hp remaining) and a set of clothing. You had your masterwork light steel shield tied to your backpack and it's dented pretty badly (it has 1 hp remaining). Your sword is missing from it's scabbard as is the throwing axes on your belt. Tied to your backpack is a dwarven waraxe. In your soaked backpack is a lot of ruined food stuffs, a lot of ruined supply documents, ruined torches, a bag with 100 steel coins in it, a steel flask of dwarven liquor, a soaked bedroll. Water is pouring out of your armor, you're drenched.


It’s been a long grueling day so far in the thin air, high upon the peaks of Vashanna. The price of admission had been very high. And yet, a part of you feels like the price should have been higher.

You’ve been here for a mere three weeks in the training of S’vash’na’anna a Master of Nine – so called because they had mastery of all nine schools – and already your technique had improved greatly. You also felt greatly humbled at how pathetic your previous training had really been in comparison.

S’vash’na’anna, in your opinion, was quiet possibly the most capable warrior you had ever seen. He was at least 90. He could punch through an adamantine bar, disappear through the shadows, heal with a single well placed hit and kill from across the room with a whisper.

Drenched in sweat you wore simple training clothing and currently armed with a long spear. A simple weapon, but one that you’d been doing well with. Until now. With a simple side step, he dodged your spear thrust, kicked your feet out from underneath you, and threw you into a room entirely filled with pillows. You had wondered what the room had been for when you first entered the temple but now you knew. That room was sixty feet from where you had stood. You took a moment to lay underneath the pile, catching your breath. After a minute had gone by, you began to wonder why he had not come for you. Never had he let you rest this long. Crawling out of the pillows you slowly approached your master.

He was standing at the wall containing real weapons and armor. And without really saying much he grabbed a heavy pick and a wooden shield and handed them to you. Then he grabbed a helmet. "I apologize that I don't have time to fit you for armor, but this should work." He said grabbing a chain shirt and handing it to you.

You stared at him in confusion. You had not been training in armor.

“I’m afraid our training cannot be completed.” He said to you handing you a bag of coin. Your bag. The coin you had given him to train you he was returning.

“What? Why?” You said, really confused.

“You’re leaving." He said wisely, "Have faith in your training. You know more than you know.”

Suddenly you forgot who you were. Or even that you are you, and the old man faded from your view with a bow.

It felt amazing to fly through the air and you feel yourself laughing drunk to yourself. The experience was unreal and you feel a detachment from everything. Somehow you become everything all at once. You forget who you were, where you were and what you were doing. You are not sure if you were knocked senseless or hallucinating. The experience begins to fade and you stop laughing and blink a couple of times. The feeling of blinking seems familiar to you, like you've done it before. A moment passes and you become aware that you exist and you are somewhere. You wonder where you are and what just happened. One thing is for certain, you think, you are in a strange place and you do not remember how you came here.

What you see before you is as clouded and vague as the contents of your mind. There seems to be nothing but mist swirling in eddies around you, with a suggestion of huge shapes briefly glimpsed through it. The mist is cold on your face and with a start you realize that you're not dreaming and you're not in the temple high on a mountain. You breathe and enjoy the oxygen in the air. You're at sea level - you can tell immediately. There is wet grass beneath your feet. Your sweat soaked shirt is not providing you any comfort against the cold breeze. You're not sure if this is one of your master's abilities or what happened.

Your arms are full with a heavy pick, a helmet, a chain shirt, and a heavy wooden shield and your coin (50 platinum coins).


G’noosh you sat quietly with your wolf animal companion, Gauntlet. Preferring to avoid Trinity, you had been travelling through the mountainous region of Murdukland Apal to get to Sillinodeal, home of the wood elves and hopefully a druidic society that would improve your training and knowledge of the ways of nature. Sitting in the sun and resting, you had been hiking up the side of a mountain for most of the day and was resting quietly while cooking a rabbit. Gauntlet waited patiently for some meat.

You sat just doing what you loved best: enjoying nature and life. Things had been simple lately, considering your rocky life, and you reflect how much better life was when you didn't have to deal with others. No cut-throat competitions with your orcish siblings, no distrustful looks from your human side. Just quiet serenity and trying to survive; one with nature.

Suddenly Gauntlet started growling. Not in fear or anger, but confusion. You looked at Gauntlet to see what he was growling about and found yourself looking at a wolf. Part of you felt somewhat scared of such a wild creature and you let yourself be pulled away. However whatever part of you that was still you, remained, and you felt yourself spiritually reaching out to your wolf although you didn’t really know why.

You soared above the mountains as a hawk, diving for a fish that had just lept out of the river. A large spider had caught it in its web, or perhaps it had caught you in it's web. Curious you reached out for the spider. You spent the season as that spider learning how to weave a web and the intricate details of its life. Although none of this really happened. You laughed at how ridiculous you were being and returned to the stars. Home. But the wolf followed you.

As you walked through your domain you continued to find yourself irritated at a wolf that was following you around. It wasn’t supposed to be here. You knew that, spiders began to crawl over the wolf. You became the spiders and the stars and for a brief moment you became the wolf too.

Suddenly you blinked. You were standing in wet grass; you’re not sure how long you’ve been standing here. Cold sea mist hit you in the face and some part of you thinks you might have been standing here for quite some time but you have no memory of how you got here or what you were just doing. A wolf was sleeping next to you although you felt no fear of it wrapped around your legs as if protecting you.

You have +2 inherent bonus to your intelligence as if you had read a tome of clear though +2 (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#tomeofClearThought). You gain four skill points and can speak and read celestial (although your character would be surprised to find this out as you don't remember learning it). Similarly you won't know where the four skill points came from either.

Backpack, 7 days homemade trail rations, Waterskin, homemade bedroll, homemade winter blanket, quarterstaff, leather armor, 5 gp.

Some of your orc master's belongings that you fled with: Deer Antler "holy" symbol, satchel with geographic map of local area, orcish knowledge on nature, scroll of snake's swiftness, scroll of lesser vigor, scroll of spider hand


Gunther as you slowly walked down the trail two kender annoying chattered away at your heels. They had figured out you were a wizard and decided to follow you. Knowing that not much would stop them until they grew bored you didn’t pay much attention to them other than to try to keep them away from your spell component pouch (or any of your pouches).
You had a five year plan although you had been stalling as of late. You were beginning to feel like that unless you were seriously tested you would never improve fast enough. Mending clothes was woman’s work and the mercenary work you had done hadn’t been anything even remotely interesting or challenging (let alone life threatening). So you had set off to towards war to fight against the Dark Knights hoping the experience as a warmage would prove beneficial.

But you would never make it. You were being teleported against your will. Was it against your will, you wonder to yourself? No, you let yourself go. The spell was conjuration – but so much more. You marveled at its… no… at your magnificence. You soared above the heavens, a mighty dragon. The mightiest dragon overlooking all that was and is. You saw the growing darkness on the world and you knew that your time had come once more – to do battle against your greatest foe. You had missed the last war, but not this one you smiled gleefully and let loose a mighty blast of dragonfire. You reveled in it, your lust for blood and combat was the greatest amongst the celestial bodies. You looked over your allies and nodded with approval.

You wake with a start and realize that you had been hallucinating. Or dreaming? You’re not sure what was just going on and you struggle to remember anything about yourself. Your hands indicated you were human which for some reason struck you as a good thing. But nothing else was coming to you.

Starting Equipment: Clothing (your choice), 50 feet silk rope, personal effects, Backpack, Bedroll, Spellbook, Spell Components Pouch, Club x5, Heavy Crossbow, 30 bolts, Quarterstaff, Torches x5, Hooded Lantern, Flint and Steel, Candle x5, Scroll Case, Ink (4 oz vial), Inkpen, Paper 30 sheets, Belt Pouch, 7 days trail rations, Waterskin, Tent, 50 steel pieces.


You were tired but it was worth it. You hadn’t even gotten into you room yet, determined to feel the chilly air and the sea mist on your face. You stood on the ship’s deck feeling cold and nauseous. The experience of feeling miserable that you so rarely had, ironically, was making you happy. The tonic for seasickness was in your room, as was a small fire elemental bound heater. But instead here you stood, first watching the sun set and then the stars rise above your head. The sea gate was an achievement of your people and you felt proud and sad at the same time upon viewing it. Once your people had strove to dominate the world, bring civility to the lesser races and master the elements. And once they had accomplished this, it seemed, there was nothing left to do but enjoy utopia. And so they stopped reaching and striving for greatness and withdrew.

As you went through the Seagate you could sense the powerful magic that the greatest artificers and mages had created. The sixty degree temperature swing caught you off-guard but with a moment’s thought you shift your clothing into something more weather appropriate without really thinking about it. Then you catch yourself – and wonder just how dependent are you on magical accommodations.

Given that it’ll be about four hours until the ship is ready for the passengers to depart you begin making your way to your room for your trance. As you step through the door you feel a sudden lurch and for a second you feel like you’re falling through the ship. As you become totally submerged in the warm comfortable water your mind wonders on what kind of wonderful spell this is. You had heard of magical spells that cause altered states of consciousness and that’s what this feels like. You float through the world. You laugh at the high. Perhaps you were poisoned you wonder.

Suddenly you’re amongst the stars. You are home, it feels nice. You look down at the world and notice a growing darkness and you frown with anger although, oddly you feel like you don’t have a mouth to frown with. You can feel your presence spread out across the night’s sky represented by several bright stars in the shape of a rose. But that feeling doesn’t last and you find yourself with no real memories save for the present. You’re not sure who you are or what is going on. You don’t seem to be worried about this lack of knowledge and just sort of enjoy the present. You’re standing on wet grass surrounded by fog. The cold mist of the sea hits you in the face. You stare dumbly through the fog trying to remember where you just came from, who you are, and how you got here. Something looms behind you but it’s not alive. Perhaps a statue or stone.

Starting Equipment: Shiftweave x3, Masterwork Thieves Picks with failsafe 5% (5% of the time if you think you've disabled the device, but you are wrong, the thieves picks alert you by glowing red), +1 Composite Longbow, +1 Arrow (50) (Every Arrow emits Light as defined in DMG, "Light Generation: Fully 30% of magic weapons shed light equivalent to a light spell (bright light in a 20-foot radius, shadowy light in a 40-foot radius). These glowing weapons are quite obviously magical. Such a weapon can’t be concealed when drawn, nor can its light be shut off.") , 2 days food (fresh), spell component pouch, Heward’s Handy Haversack

2017-04-25, 08:14 PM
You stand alone in the mist for a minute. You wonder why you do not feel afraid. The place you stand creates a sense of déjà vu. Instead of struggling to try to remember how you know this place, you feel comforted by it, much like a childhood memory.

The mist slowly begins to clear and in the faint light of a new day you see a huge megalith towering behind you. The place is achingly familiar to you, yet you have never been here before.

As you turn around you see that the megaliths form a circle and in front of several of them stands strangers. By the look of their faces they are as surprised to find themselves here as you are. Two humans, a Gray Elf, a Dwarf, and a Half-Orc with a sleeping wolf at her ankles.

As you all look at each other, your memories come back to you.

Feel free to describe what the other characters see, as well as any actions you take.

You still cannot see outside the stone circles at this time.

2017-04-25, 09:33 PM
Gwynevere considered herself an educated, intelligent individual; hardly an unusual opinion for a grey elf. As such, she tended to turn to logic in times of uncertainty. This was, if nothing else, a very uncertain moment in her life.

She's a slender elf, and barely taller than the dwarf in the clearing, but Gwynevere holds herself with confidence as she begins to pace around the circle. "Alright, I am going to assume you all speak Common. We need to make sure that we're out of immediate danger, then we need to figure out if we're trapped here, and then we should find out what brought us here. I'm going to cast Detect Magic on these standing stones; if I collapse due to an overwhelming magical aura, please wake me up."

Edicts delivered, she turns to 'her' monolith and waves her hand in a sharp gesture, speaking a few simple words of power. She then concentrates on the object; once she's gotten an understanding of it, she'll sweep her spell over the rest of the clearing.

Casts Detect Magic.

Winter Road
2017-04-25, 10:06 PM
Aidan slowly rises to his feet and tries to take measure of the situation, his eyes glance around to these new strangers.
What sort of witchery is....?
No, wait. Whatever is going on right now my master seemed to know of it. Could this really be his doing? I'm not sure...not sure of anything, but these folk seem like..
Aidan turns and looks to the towering megalith behind him, and then to the formations behind those of each stranger.
I can only assume these folk have been summoned here for whatever reasons I have...or perhaps they are guardians of something.
Aidan looks to the heavy pick and shield gripped tightly in his hands.
If we are all strangers I must demonstrate that I mean no harm.
His grip on his weapons starts to relax, and he slowly sets them on the ground beside him.
Aidan gestures, opening his arms as if about to speak, then to his surprise, the gray elf speaks. Aidan listens.
My, this one seems quite proactive indeed! Strange woman, or is she really? She seems familiar in a way..in the same way they all do.
Aidan watches as she casts her spell, he looks for any noticeable effects, and studies the elf's reaction.

Drops equipped weapon and shield.

2017-04-26, 10:06 AM
Gunther looks around with a look of curious interest, studying the others in the circle closely.

"How very odd.."he murmurs softly.

As the elf speaks, he watches her intently, making sure she is casting what she claims.

Perhaps I should cast detect magic as well, he thinks, although he makes no move to do so. I'm unclear what actions this social situation dictates... introductions I suppose.

Gunther turns to the individual nearest him, and walks forward briskly.

"Greetings!" he says to the half-orc maiden nearest him (much more loudly than is necessary) "I am Gunther Huma du Morgath. I believe I was brought here through a conjuration spell, although it remains largely unclear to me. Do you know what is happening? Where are we? What's your name? Nice wolf!"

Realizing he is "doing it again" he abruptly stops speaking, blushing furiously while looking at his feet.

He thinks back to his old tutor Dag, and his constant reminders on how to interact with others; "Give others time to talk, don't ask so many questions, speak slowly and at a reasonable volume."

Spellcraft check - Skill Mod 7.

2017-04-26, 07:38 PM
Dolrgin while kneeling and half slummed over lets out a low bass toned grunt and grimace from the variety of pains that are flooding his body.

He seems to be soaked and dripping from a watery mix of mud and blood, as a stream of blood trickles unbidden from a large laceration on the bridge of his now crooked broken nose. The blood covers the lower part of his face and runs down until absorbed into his thick beard which is now stained various shades of crimson. His left arm hangs limp and swollen at his side while he uses his right hand to steady himself on the soft grassy ground.

He continue kneel and with a slow agonizing movement he uses his right arm to remove his heavy pack and places it in front of him. The simple removal seems excruciating to him and his breathing is now strained with a deep wet raspy wheezing sound to it. With the support of his pack now for balance he tries to focus his pain induced blurred vision on his unexpected new surroundings and the other new figures revealed from the mist.
He places his unsteady shaky hand on the handle of Thalornthork, his Dwarven Axe, which is still bound to his pack.

Too weak ta fight any of dis lot. would be Dead fer sure..if I aint already. Probably best ta see what dare all about ‘n if any of da bunch got a clue where in da nines I be.

Dolgrin exhausted leans heavily on his now ground pack and tries to observe these new strangers.

Move Action:
Take off Pack

King Tius
2017-04-26, 09:38 PM
The half-orc woman surveys the scene before her with a calmness that boarders on boredom. She crouches down to pet the wolf sleeping at her feet, parting the large cape the conceals most of her body as she does so. Underneath she sports practical looking clothing made of animal hides and simple woven fabrics that indicate her Vast heritage. Her bare arms display corded muscles and numerous scars, though none of them seem recent. She smiles serenely up at Gunther and stands up to offer her hand in a firm handshake. As she stops petting the wolf, it wakes and stares up at the man, though it does not move other than lifting its head. Her voice is deep and calm, every bit as methodical and peaceful as Gunther is energetic and loud.

"Hello Gunther, I am G'Noosh. I do not know how we got here, but I know it is far away from where I was. I woke this morning upon a mountain, but now it seems I will sleep by the sea."

G'Noosh looks around at the twelve monoliths, intoning the names of the constellations depicted upon them respectfully. She looks back to Gunther and bows slightly.

"A spider would be wise to cower in the presence of a dragon, but even a dragon can be brought low by the right sting. I hope we may prove more amiable than our birthrights might imply."

While making pleasantries with Gunther, G'Noosh regards the others present and nods to them in acknowledgement. Seeing that the dwarf appears to be injured, G'Noosh motions for Gunther to follow her as she approaches the dwarf.

"You appear to be injured, Spectre. May I tend to your wounds?"

OOC: Jop, if I'm presuming/assuming too much let me know and I'll reword whatever.

2017-04-26, 09:49 PM
Gunther: Spellcraft [roll0] vs DC 15. Yes she cast detect magic.

Ragged, the first round you detect the presence of magic. There are 12 of them. Each monolith glows with Strong Magic.

The half orc lady has 3 different magical aura's on her person.

Winter Road
2017-04-27, 02:52 AM
While waiting to judge the elf's reaction to the spell, Aidan's attention is then diverted to the talking human mage and half-orc. Then, idly scanning around he realizes the dwarf seems very much injured.
By Shinare's blessing! Greetings there, dwarf! Are you grievously injured?
He approaches the dwarf within 5ft, and begins to inspect his wounds.
Are you in need of a healer, friend? I know not the art myself but surely...
Aidan trails off and scans back across the other strangers.

2017-04-27, 08:40 AM
"Pleased to meet you G'Noosh."

Gunther smiles shyly at G'Noosh, evidently relieved that he hadn't offended her with his barrage of questions. Listening intently to her talk about spiders and dragons, he brightens noticeably. After bowing low in return, he looks again at the monoliths. Slowly following G'Noosh as she walks towards the injured dwarf, he begins mumbling quietly to himself.

"Constellations, birthrights... Birthmarks! Hmm..."

Gunther pulls his map case off his back, absentmindedly looking through the pockets in his white caped robe. Finding a pen, he digs through his backpack and pulls out an ink vial, and begins scrawling furiously on a sheet of parchment.

"G'Noosh is the Spider, and a healer! I'm the Dragon..."

Gunther ponders his "journey" here, remembering vividly how he "took flight." You soared above the heavens, a mighty dragon. The mightiest dragon overlooking all that was and is. You saw the growing darkness on the world and you knew that your time had come once more – to do battle against your greatest foe.

Shaking his head to clear it, Gunther continues taking notes.

"The injured Dwarven warrior is the Spectre, the Elven maiden is the Rose... she seems to be a leader, is that typical of a rose? Perhaps... a rose is beautiful, but it does have thorns..."

Gunther chuckles quietly to himself.

"And then we have the human warrior..."

Gunther listens to the human man, nodding his head as he speaks.

"The Kraken, worships Shinare, NOT a healer but he seems concerned..."

Gunther becomes lost in his own thoughts, standing near the middle of the circle of monoliths and continuing to scribble notes, the wounded Dwarf momentarily forgotten.

2017-04-27, 10:10 AM
Gwynevere ignores the rest of the group for the moment, concentrating on the monoliths. She isn't sure what to expect from their auras, but any information will be more than she currently has.

She'll make a Spellcraft check with a +7 modifier for each monolith she can catch in her spell's cone.

2017-04-27, 11:14 AM
Gwynevere Spellcraft: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7], [roll8], [roll9], [roll10],[roll11]

The stones are aligned in such a way that each one points to its patron star on Midsummer’s Day. This place is evidently a stellar observatory or calendar of some sort.

The stones radiate with universal magic, although oddly so. It seems raw or primal.

the stones are aligned in such a way that each one points to its patron star on Midsummer’s Day. This place is evidently a stellar observatory or calendar of some sort – and more you'd speculate.

There is only one known area in Ansalon with an arrangement of stones like this. No known culture or religious order is known to have constructed them that's native to Ansalon.

2017-04-27, 12:06 PM
Dolgrin's attention pulls away from the elven caster and overly talkative human as he carefully watches as the approaching half breed and human. After they both speak and he realizes they are a not
an immediate threat he relaxes the shaky grip he had on his axe's handle. His bleary blood shot eyes briefly scan the half breed women.

What in Reorx's beard is dat creature? I ain't ever...

His thoughts were abruptly​ cut off by a wave of pain from his broken rib when he shifted his weight. He winced and gritted his teeth before regaining what he could of his composure to speak to the two.
He first addressed the half breed healer women.

Aye, if ye nae mind to takin a look. Me side and nose be kill'n me. Plus my arm about as worth less as a Kender's attention span. Ye said your called G'moosh?
I be Dolgrin Stoneforge o Clan Hylar.

And who ye be fella? he said as he uncomfortable shifted to address Aiden

Either o you know where we be?

2017-04-27, 01:37 PM
Gwynevere is silent for about half a minute, concentrating on her divination. Her neutral expression turns into a frown as the divination goes on; whatever the results, they clearly aren't what she was expecting.

Once her spell has run its course she walks over to the injured dwarf and the half-orc shaman. Her frown turns into a smile, and she nods politely to the gathering group. "I apologize for not introducing myself sooner; my name is Gwynevere, and I hail from Mysadell."

She draws back the hood of her robe, carefully adjusting her hair as she does. "The magic of these pillars is of the Universal school; I'm sure I needn't explain why that's odd. Furthermore, I got a feeling from them that suggests they're extremely old, and possibly naturally occurring. Whatever brought us here, it seems like it was more than a simple Conjuration."

She pauses, then pulls her hair aside to reveal the back of her neck. Just below her hairline and is the top of what appears to be the tattoo of a rose. "I've had this mark as long as I can remember, and I woke up under the monolith corresponding to the rose. Are the rest of you similarly marked?"

Winter Road
2017-04-27, 06:13 PM
Aidan seems relieved to see the half-orc tending to the dwarf's wounds.
What a motely band this is, but they seem like pretty decent folk.
Pleasure to meet you Dolgrin, Gwynevere, G'noosh, and uhh...
Aidan looks toward the robed human scribbling notes.
What was his name? Dragon? My name is Aidan, and I have not a clue where we are or what magicks spirited us to this den of mists. I have no understanding of why 'universal' magic would be more odd than any other variety, nor do I really understand these 'marks' you speak of.
It has been a long time since Aidan gave any thought at all to his birthmark, and is a bit too jarred by this sudden situation to make any sort of connection.

2017-04-28, 04:40 PM
For those close to the dwarf (and with ranks in heal, so, only you G'noosh) you realize immediately that wherever the dwarf came from, he was nearly dead or dying. His helmet suffered serious bludgeoning damage and is smashed into his nose which is clearly broken. His armor is smashed up pretty badly and at the mention that his left armor is useless you notice that bloody water is flowing out of his gauntlet. Probably an open fracture and with the way his whole arm is hanging there, a dislocated shoulder. His breathing is labored so you suspect broken ribs and with it, almost certainly, internal bleeding. His pale skin and dilated pupils indicates he's probably in hypovolemic shock from the blood loss and trauma. You recall hearing him coughing up water through the mists, so he was also probably drowning. You're guess is that he was plucked serendipitously from a damn bursting, a tsunami, or something else involving fast moving water with things to collide with.

You find it absurd that he's conscious in his condition let alone standing.

2017-05-01, 09:56 AM
Gwynevere gives the big, armored human a smile, her eyes sweeping over him with curiosity. It's almost as if she's barely seen any humans before. "Aiden, you said you name was? Pleased to meet you, and I'd be happy to explain the situation further."

She taps the back of her own neck, indicating the mark there. "I have a mark in the shape of the astrological Rose. I've never been able to determine what it means or if it has any special significant, and my home city is arguably the greatest center of knowledge and scholarship in the world. But clearly, our group of five has some kind of magical connection to the star signs. G'noosh seems to have come to the same conclusion, though perhaps via different information."

She paces a bit, gesturing to the ring of standing stones. "And these stones radiate Universal magic, which is a rather rare kind of magic. It's associated with a small number of especially powerful spells like Wish and Permanency. What it means is hard to say, but this kind of raw, primordial Universal magic could do anything."

Winter Road
2017-05-01, 02:26 PM
"Ah, pleased to meet you as well." Aidan replies, beginning to blush at the elf maiden's attention.
He takes a moment to ponder her words.
"A dragon, a rose...I guess I'm a squid?" He mumbles, lifting his sleeve and comparing the exposed reaching tentacles to those depicted on his megalith of origin.
He stands silent for the moment, engrossed in thought.


2017-05-01, 03:03 PM
Scribbling furiously, Gunther stops suddenly and shouts, "Of course!"

Gunther looks around, and upon seeing the others grouped together around the injured Dwarf, he rushes over, smiling slightly.

"Well I think I have it figured out..." he states energetically, paying scant attention to the conversation the others are having. Noticing them deep in conversation and pointing out the birthmarks on their bodies, he quiets quickly. Taking off his robe and shirt, he holds up his left arm, where there is a dragon shaped birthmark on the inside of his upper arm.

"Forgive me for not coming right over... I was thinking through some things." Gunther says quietly.

Looking at the injured Dwarf, he nods and says in Dwarven "I hope you will recover quickly, Master Dwarf."

Turning towards the group as a whole, Gunther takes a deep breath and begins speaking quickly. "My name is Gunther Huma du Morgath. It seems that the constellations, of which we are marked, line up in the sky with their representative stones on Midsummer's day. I would certainly expect the stones are magical, especially given our recent experience. I know there is one stellar observatory of this sort on Ansalon, but I'm unsure if this is it or not."

As he begins pulling his clothing back on, Gunther looks around at the group expectantly. With his eyebrows raised in expectation and ink stains on his hands and face, he is a slightly comical looking figure.

Winter Road
2017-05-01, 03:19 PM
"Ansalon you say? Hmm, I have not been there for many years...or should I say here? Either way, pleased to meet your Sir Morgath."
Aidan returns to pondering about the puzzling nature of universal magic, and how exactly these magically inclined folk perceive the difference in variety.
Could it be a taste? Like the taste of a wine, by age and flavor? Could it be a visual phenomenon to them, like some roiling gas, imperceivable to the common eye?

King Tius
2017-05-03, 09:42 PM
G'Noosh gives the dwarf a thorough looking-over, though she makes no move to touch him. "Judging by the looks of you, a spectre you may soon be. I have only a small amount of healing magic prepared, but if we rest here for a night I can tend to your wounds and apply more potent magics upon the dawn."

As a show of her good intentions, the half-orc woman murmurs a quick spell and places her hand lightly upon the dwarf's shoulder.

G'Noosh casts Cure Minor Wounds on Dolgrin

G'noosh smiles politely to the others and nods when asked her name.

"If we are connected by the heavens, then we should be knit together on the earth. What better way to forge this bond than over food? My legs have plenty of stride left in them, but it seems I have traveled far this day. Perhaps we should rest beneath these sacred stones, tell our tales, and let this dwarf regain his vigor."

2017-05-04, 12:41 PM
Gwynevere has been staring out at the stars as the others speak, her brows knitted in concentration. She finally turns her gaze back to the group when G'Noosh makes her proposal, though her eyes remain distant. "Resting doesn't sound like the worst idea, but I feel like we should test something first: are we free to leave this circle? Will anything happen if we do? Give me a few minutes to inspect the circle for signs of a magical trap, and then I want to try and leave."

She then goes to the nearest standing stone, observing it and the ground around it without touching them or crossing outside of the circle. If she finds nothing, she will take a cautious step outside of the circle.

Taking 20 on Search for a 29. If anyone wants to assist, she'll accept.

If I missed the fact that people have been going in and out of the circle, let me know and I'll change this.

2017-05-04, 07:49 PM
In his weak and drained state Dolgrin strains to focus and listen as the Elven women named Gwynevere speaks about the magic stones and universal schools, none of which makes much sense to him, but he tries his best to listen for anything of worth. His attention wanes in and out as the pain of his rended bones and weaken respiratory wash over him in waves. As she finishes speaking his mangled ears pick up the familiar tones of the Dwarven language. Dolgrin turns toward the source and a slight look of surprise crosses his swollen broken face as he realizes the voice was coming from the nervously energic rambling tall’n named Gunther. Dolgrin gave the slightest of nods and politely replied back to the him in Dwarven.


Bleary eyed and in a dire messy sanguineous state Dolgrin musters his strength and gives a meek bloodstained grim smile and a deep nod of appreciate to G’Noosh as she offers to mend his wounds and begins to lay her hands on him for healing. He shuttered slightly as the minuscule wave of healing flowed through his wrecked body.

“Ye haf me Thanks G’moosh. May Reorx guide yer steel. Now as much as I do appreciate yer gift o healin. I still be feelin like a piece o slag after a good smeltin. Whitever healin gift ye used it was nae enough."

He listened as G'Noosh and Gwynevere discussed if they should camp or not.

"Ye all can do whit ye need ta, but I aint really got a choice here. I got ta rest bit if I’m going ta be worth a spit o ale ta anybody. O’Course I nae hold it against any one o ye if ye want ta move on with out me. "

Dolgrins glances over to Gwynevere as she inspects the stones for traps.

“Careful lass…hate ta see ye be look’n like me.“

"Gunther, Did ye say ye be from Ansalon? Where ye in da tunnels help’n da pointy ears too? O ye from elsewhere? .

Winter Road
2017-05-05, 08:09 AM
Aidan stands quietly with a face of obvious confusion and discomfort.
This dwarf is in a bad way, that's for sure. But whatever summoned us here, I doubt it was for the purpose of taking a nap. We need to discover the manner of this place. I think the elf has the right idea here.
Aidan goes over and assists Gwynevere in searching about the mist.

assists Gwynevere's search check

2017-05-05, 09:02 AM
Behind the megalith is a wall of mists that swirl around and the unmistakable sound of a beach nearby. Gwynevere and Aidan begin searching one of the large stones for traps or magical triggers.

Almost immediately after Dolgrin addressed Gunther, out of nowhere, a feminine voice speaks to you. It is faint but perfectly clear. As it speaks, the stones thrum with a strange vibration as if they were amplifying the voice somehow (which was momentarily terrifying for Gwynevere because at first she thought she triggered something).

"The Time of the Equinox has come. Children, my children... I am sorry. I have done what I must. I.. the answers you seek... I am far right now... too far from you. You must learn who you are. The land and people are yours."

The speaker seems to be under great strain, as if speaking to you was exhausting her.

"This place is sacred to you, sacred to the stars that you are. When people remembered they built other sites like this one. Heed me: if one of you should fall, bear his flesh to the stones and the soul will enter the flesh. But make haste, for flesh that is spoiled can never be returned."

There is a silence again and after five or so seconds of it you begin to believe that she has finished, but then the voice speaks once more, faint as a dying echo:

"Know this. There is a force against you. It gathers and senses you have returned. Seek the armor of Charles Starkweather.... it lies near, waiting to be claimed... when that is found, you may begin to understand, to remember."

The voice falls silent again. You're left alone in the circle of stone, as the light of a new day begins to be clearly seen through the fading mists.

Over the course of the next five minutes, the mists vanish altogether.

2017-05-05, 12:44 PM
Dolgrin quickly scans the expressions of the other group members faces to see if they are reacting to the feminine voice or if he was the only one to hear it. After confirming it wasn’t just him, he says

“Dat Voice aint no body I knows o remember. Any of ye recognize it or even know what dat was all about? And who dis Charles Starkweather fella be? ”

As the mist dissipates, Dolgrin briefly scans the surrounding area beyond the stones and tries to gather any information to where they are and what type of terrain they are in.

2017-05-05, 01:04 PM
As Gunther makes ready to respond to Dolgrin, the strange voice begins to speak and he forgets that he was asked a question. After the voice fades away, Gunther's brow creases in thought. "Time of the equinox... her children... land is ours..." he mutters quietly.

Looking up when Dolgrin speaks, Gunther slowly shakes his head. "I have no idea what is going on. What did she mean there is a force against us? And did she say if we fall the stones will bring us back to life?" Gunther shrugs, frowning unhappily.

"I wonder if we should look for Charles Starkweather's armor, or..." Gunther looks to Dolgrin and G'noosh. He is clearly indecisive and awaiting direction.

King Tius
2017-05-05, 07:07 PM
As the mists clear and dawn begins to break, the half-orc woman smiles. "You are in luck, master dwarf. I learn my spells from dawn's light glinting through the morning dew. I should have you knitted together soon enough. However...from what our mother just said, if I slit your throat instead, these stones might do the work for me. Perhaps an experiment for another time."

G'Noosh looks to the others. "If our mother wanted us dead, she wouldn't have brought us here. Anything strong enough to pull us across the world could snuff out our flames with but a sigh. I will obey her for now, if only for answers. What benefit would she gain by lying about the stones?"

Winter Road
2017-05-05, 11:35 PM
"Pffft." Aidan scoffs. "My mother was the blessed Shinare, and I think she'd have the courtesy to give fair warning before recklessly yanking me across the realm. I'm not saying this is demon magicks of a foul nature, but this voice did make it clear we now have enemies and trials that before we had not. I know naught of how summoning magicks work, but I've seen them practiced in the Fire Opal lands. Perhaps this voice is an archmage from far away Xendrick, and she summoned us here to do her bidding of sorts. Retrieve some armor for her convenience and then be spirited back whence we came..."
Aidan pauses, and begins rolling over thoughts of everyone's birthmarks, Gwynevere's words of this being strange 'universal' magic, and the fact that his master seemed to be calmly aware that all this would transpire. The synchronicity of it all.
"Actually I'm...not sure what to think right now."

2017-05-19, 02:07 PM
Gwynevere takes stock of the area around the stones as the mist clears, listening to the others deliberate as she does. After they finish, she turns back to the group, her hands clasped primly behind her. "I think it is in our best interested to cautiously accept that the voice we just heard was speaking the truth. As G'Noosh has rightly noted, anything capable of transporting a large group across the length and breadth of the world would be able to just kill us if they had that intention."

She gestures to Aidan. "And I don't think you need to overly concern yourself that we have been summoned at the behest of an archmage. As far as I'm aware, such spells are almost exclusively tuned to creatures from the outer planes. I'm not a conjurer, mind you, but I still think it may be worth our while to seek out this armor and see where things lead."

She pauses a moment, and then a smile breaks through her stoic facade. "And, you must admit, isn't this exciting?"

2017-05-25, 10:26 PM
There is a brief moment of silence after Gwynevere speaks. Perhaps you found yourself wondering if the word "exciting" means the same thing in elvish as it does in common. Perhaps you simply were watching the sun rise, waiting for the suns rays to dissipate the morning mist. Regardless your moment of respite is cut short by a wolf's low growl. Even for those unfamiliar with animals the volume and intensity of Gauntlet's growl quickly intensifies and he bolts into the mist. The sounds of a wolf snarling and biting at something is met by nothing but silence by it's opponent.

You glance around and begin to make out a beach to your north west and the wolf's figure begins to be seen through the mist engaged with an opponent that seems to be made of darkness itself. Others like him, seemingly rise straight out from the ground. Their features vaguely resemble goblinoids and yet they seem almost like a solid shadow.

Aiden: [roll0]
Dolgrin: [roll1]
Gunther: [roll2]
Gwynevere: [roll3]
G'noosh: [roll4]
Shadow Goblin 1: [roll5]
Shadow Goblin 2: [roll6]
Shadow Goblin 3: [roll7]
Shadow Goblin 4: [roll8]
Shadow Goblin 5: [roll9]



Shadow Goblin 3


Disabled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#disabled)

Shadow Goblin 2
Unconscious (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#unconscious)

Shadow Goblin 4


Shadow Goblin 1

Shadow Goblin 5



Aiden - Unless you object, you walked over and picked up your weapon at the first sign of danger. Anyone else is free to do something during the surprise round.

(1d5)[2] and [roll10] - Charging Minotaur and Crusader's Strike.


2017-05-26, 06:31 PM
Gunther looks up when Gwynevere mentions conjuration, and opens his mouth as if he is about to speak. But the moment passes as the wolf howls and bounds outside the circle. A fierce expression darkens Gunther's features, and he moves quickly to stand in between two of the megaliths. Once he is in position, Gunther speaks an incantation while moving his hands and arms with surprising precision and agility. A vivid cone of clashing colors springs forth from his hand.

Move to I9, cast targeting G7 and F8.

Casts Color Spray.

2017-05-26, 06:34 PM
Saving Throws: [roll0] and [roll1] vs DC 14.

The Goblin in F8 is unconscious, blinded, and stunned

2017-05-26, 06:47 PM
One of the shadow goblins was still rising out of the ground when the color spray blasted it. It immediately slumped onto the ground, shadow rising off it's body like smoke. The other, fully formed out of the ground, it's shadowy details clear in the morning sunlight. It didn't seem to even react to the color spray, quickly forming a club out of shadows and moving as if to attack Gunther. However it stops right outside the boundry of the megalithe and hisses as if repeled. Wasting no time it chucks the club across the boundry at Gunther. As it leaves it's hand thick shadowy wisps seem to come off it.

Shadow Goblin 3: Moves from G7 to H8 and throws a club at Gunther in I9. Gunther has cover from megalithes.

Club [roll0] vs AC 17+3 dex +4 cover Gunther for [roll1] points of damage.

Gunther takes the club in the head, blood begins flowing freely down his face. The club seems to evaporate into shadow before it hits the ground.

Winter Road
2017-05-26, 07:45 PM
Aidan scans the field whispering to himself, "Shinare protect us.." His master's teachings flow through him as he enters his stance; pushing back fear and enhancing his attention to his companions. With his armaments now firmly in hand, Aidan moves to aid the bloodied mage. He inhales sharply and swings his pick at the darkling beast. "Back, wretch!", he growls through his teeth as he strikes.

Aidan enters Iron Guard's Glare stance, moves to I-8 and swings on the hostile in H-8 attempting Crusader's Strike

2017-05-26, 08:42 PM
Aiden Heavy Pick [roll0] vs AC ?? Shadow Goblin for [roll1]. Aiden successfully strikes the Shadow Goblin. Gunther heals for [roll2] points of damage.

Maneuver Granted at end of round: [roll3] - Stone Bones

Dolgrin's turn.

Gunther for a moment you feel faint as if you are about to fall. As Aiden moves past you, you see his weapon glow ever briefly with divine energy and, as he strikes the goblin, you find your footing and feel a strange energy wash over you.

2017-05-26, 08:54 PM
Dolgrin musters as much strength as he can and untethers his shield and Thalornthork from his pack as he mutters curses under his pained labored breath

“Weel burn me beard'n call me steel dull if dare couldn't be more worst time fer battle."

He readies his axe and shield as best he can and Tries to steady his weak wobbly legs so he is prepared for any enemy that tries Close in and engage him in battle.

Move action: draws his axe and shield

2017-05-26, 09:05 PM
Goblin 2 is unconscious for [roll0] rounds. Not that you know that.

Goblin 4 (in J5) forms a dwarven war axe out of shadow, five foot steps to K5 and attacks Gauntlet.

Shadow Goblin Dwarven War Axe [roll]1d20+1[roll] [3] vs AC 14 Gauntlet for [roll1]. Gauntlet might need to make a fortitude save [roll2] vs DC ???.

Shadow Goblin misses.

One of the goblin seems to stare at Dolgrin with an angry hiss before quickly forming a large waraxe out of shadow and moving in to swing at the wolf. His attack misses badly as Gauntlet easily dodges out of the way.

Winter Road
2017-05-27, 12:24 PM
Aidan darts a glance over to Dolgrin. "I sense the power of the circle repels them! You need not gambit the fray unless it is your desire!"

2017-05-27, 09:29 PM
Dolgrins eyes stay locked on the goblin shaped shadows as he nods toward Aiden and his observation

"good. i Ain't planning to da dance steel unless I need to save one o yer arses"

2017-05-27, 10:13 PM
Gwynevere moves her hands in a short, sharp motion, and speaks a single word. Pure white light blazes into being around her, and it rapidly expands to fill the entirety of the circle. The light within the circle vanishes, leaving a solid cylinder of light outlining the area inside the columns. Beams of light momentarily reach out from the column to touch everyone outside of it before receding back into the cylinder.

Gwynevere then calmly draws her bow, knocking an arrow as she does. She considers the situation for a moment, then takes a step toward the center of the circle, where she focuses on her illusion.

Silent image, area is 50 cubic feet. She'll surround as much of the circle with an image of solid white light as possible (should be the whole thing), making the entire circumference opaque. She'll keep it entirely within the circle, so the shadow creatures shouldn't be able to physically touch it to get a Will save.

She'll have the cylinder of light touch each member of the party with a thin beam. This is to give them a point of physical contact, so they can make Will saves. The DC is 14. After making contact, the light will move back to the cylinder, to avoid letting anything else touch it.

Then she takes a move action to draw her longbow, and shifts up and right.

2017-05-30, 06:46 PM
Not everything that Ragged depicted actually happened. I'll try to display it from each of your point of views.

Aiden: You had just finished saying, "Back Wench" after connecting your blow when you catch light out of the corner of your eye. A solid dome has blocked you out of the circle. With the solid wall of the monolithe on the right and left and the shadow goblin still standing in front of you, you're trapped.

Gunther: As your head began to clear you watched as the Elf began casting Silent Image but before you had time to think of what she'd do with that spell, the circle must have enacted some type of defense mechanism. Light began shooting out from a point near you in a cylindar forming a solid barrier between you and your opponents. Unfortunately Aiden was caught on the other side of the wall. Only half the circle seemed affected so it's not much of a barrier.

G'Noosh: You barely had time to react to it all before a cylindar beam of light had blown through the area - forming a wall ten feet high between you and Gauntlet. Oddly the wall ended pretty much right next to you and it wouldn't be that inconvenient to just walk around.

Dolgrin, Gauntlet do not get a saving throw as they were not able to interact with the illusion just yet.

2017-05-30, 06:52 PM
Shadow Goblin 1: Forms a bow out of shadow and moves to G8. He readies an action.

Shadow Goblin 5: Forms a quarterstaff out of shadow, five foot steps to M5 and attacks Gauntlet [roll0] for [roll1] points of damage. Gauntlet might need to make a fortitude save [roll2] vs DC ??.

King Tius
2017-06-02, 06:06 PM
G'Noosh is much slower to react than her lupine companion. The wolf launches itself into the mist to attack the shadow goblins before the half orc woman even notices. Before she can move to join Gauntlet, the wall of light springs up in front of her. This doesn't seem to perturb the druid one bit. With a quick flourish she holds her quarterstaff out in front of her and mutters a brief incantation, causing the simple wooden staff to pulse once with a bright light before dimming considerably. She exits the circle quickly, howling as she goes.

G'Noosh casts Shillelagh and moves to N5 to flank with Guantlet

Let me know if you want me to roll for Gauntlet

2017-06-02, 09:56 PM
Gauntlet Bites [roll0] vs Shadow Goblin in M5 AC ?? for [roll1] points of damage.

Possible trip Gauntlet [roll2] vs Shadow Goblin [roll3]
Gauntlet five foot steps to L6

2017-06-03, 12:10 PM
Aiden you felt a presence within you as you picked up your heavy pick and found yourself whispering a prayer, "Shinare Protect us...""

“Weel burn me beard'n call me steel dull if dare couldn't be more worst time fer battle." Dolgrin could be heard saying as he struggled to get his shield untied from his bag. His movements were labored and sluggish. He was near death and it showed.

As you turned to face your foe, you found yourself instinctually entering into a combat stance that was more psychological than physical. You glared at your opponent as if daring him to attack those you would protect. As you moved across these grounds you felt your connection to the divine grow. You could feel Shinare's blessing upon you and for a brief second you saw your master perform a maneuver that you know you've never seen before. Before you got to the goblin, Gunther's blast of color hit two of them full force. The one behind your target fell onto the ground - solid wisps of shadow rising from him like smoke. However the one you were swinging at did not fall. He had approached the edge of the megalithes and hissed as if repelled. With a snarl he threw a shadow formed into a club at Gunther. You heard the impact of his weapon but you were occupied more with your counterattack. "Back, Wentch", You growled through clenched teeth. His throw left him out of position to dodge your attack, and with your weapon sheathed in divine energy you hit the small shadowy form in the ribs. Black blood pooled out of it's body but it's black eyes stared at Gunther with hatred and already he began forming another club.

Almost immediately after landing your blow a brilliant light caught your eye and you found yourself cut off from your allies by an opaque wall of light ten feet tall and circling the perimeter of the megalithes. In front of you, forming another club stood the one you struck. And moving from the south, another with a longbow formed from shadows. The snarling of a wolf fighting can be heard around the corner.

2017-06-03, 12:17 PM
Round 2

Given the illusion making it not possible for Aidan to dart a glance at Dolgrin and time constraints and that it wouldn't seem relevant now due to the illusion, going to rule that this did not happen: Aidan darts a glance over to Dolgrin. "I sense the power of the circle repels them! You need not gambit the fray unless it is your desire!" and Dolgrins eyes stay locked on the goblin shaped shadows as he nods toward Aiden and his observation

"good. i Ain't planning to da dance steel unless I need to save one o yer arses"

Dolgrin you spent your full round simply removing your shield from your back. It's NOT equipped yet (a move action). Your weapon is still on your bag too.


3/6 Hit Points

Shadow Goblin 3
AliveDamage Taken: 7


Disabled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#disabled)

Shadow Goblin 2
Unconscious (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#unconscious)

Shadow Goblin 4


Shadow Goblin 1

Shadow Goblin 5




2017-06-04, 12:48 PM
Momentarily stunned by the vicious head wound he received, Gunther takes a look at the wall of light with a vague, puzzled expression.

"Hmm, perhaps..." he murmurs softly, his words slightly slurred.

His head wound darkening his long light hair with blood, Gunther leans forward dizzily, attempting to pass his head and arms through the shining barrier. Calling upon the power of the arcane, he speaks an incantation and reaches out to touch Aiden lightly on the back, in the hopes of surrounding his exposed comrade in an invisible but tangible field of force.

Maintain current position at I9. Cast (touch) I8.

Make Will save to disbelieve illusion. Attempt to lean outside of wall of light as a move action. Use +2 AC for 1 round (from birthmark) as a free action. Cast Mage Armor on Aiden.

2017-06-04, 01:15 PM
Gunther - Move Action: Attempt to disbelieve [roll0] vs DC 14

Shadow Goblin 3 - Move Action: Study Wall attempt to disbelieve [roll1] vs DC 14

2017-06-04, 02:28 PM
The shadow creature's eyes squint suspiciously at the dome when Gunther sticks his torso through the wall. Never taking his eyes off of Gunther he swings, somewhat blindly at Aiden before shifting to the north.

Shadow Goblin 3 Club [roll0] vs AC 15+4 Mage Armor, +1 Dex for [roll1] points of damage.
Five foot steps to G7

2017-06-04, 03:05 PM
Aidan with your back against the wall you don't have that much space to maneuver and with the shock of seeing Gunther reach through it you're out of position to dodge the goblin's club which hits you in your kneecap solidly. Yet despite that, the attack seems to have embolden you, and for a moment you don't feel any pain. The shadow from the club swirls around your form, encircling you before wrapping around your eyes.

Aidan makes a fortitude save: [roll0] vs DC 12.
Aidan fails his fortitude save. All creatures have concealment (20% miss chance) due to the murky shadow across your eyes.
Aidan has 5 points of damage in his delayed damage pool.

FYI: The Goblin in G8 has a long bow, the goblin in G7 has a club.

Winter Road
2017-06-05, 04:29 PM
Undaunted, Aidan steps up to two of the creatures and swings at their somewhat concealed shapes. He mutters something to himself about a test.

Maintaining his stance, Aidan takes a five foot step to H-8 and swings on G-7 attempting to use stone bones

2017-06-05, 04:53 PM
Dolgrin weakly glance toward the newly formed wall of light. He then took a deep raspy breath so he could gather his strength and push through his pain and exhaustion as he ​ continue to prepare for any foe that would try to engage him in combat.

Move Action: Dolgrin equips his shield to his arm.

2017-06-05, 05:39 PM
Aiden: heavy pick [roll0] and with miss chance 20% [roll1] for [roll2] points of damage. At the end of your turn you take 5 points of damage from your delayed damage pool.

Shadow Goblin 4: Moves to O4 and attacks Dwarven War Axe [roll3] vs AC 11 G'Noosh for [roll4] points of damage.

Gwynevere's turn

2017-06-05, 09:09 PM
Gwynevere is rather intelligent, but it still takes her a few moments to remember that her allies can't see through her illusions as easily as she can. To her credit, she's not used to having allies in combat. Or, for that matter, being in combat. "The magic wall will allow my allies to pass through it! My allies can also see through it, if they concentrate."

Move to M8. Maintain concentration.

I might drop it next round if it doesn't seem to be helping, and if people keep failing their will saves.

2017-06-06, 03:58 AM
Aiden at the end of your turn you're granted the maneuver [roll0] - Mighty Throw

Shadow Goblin 1
Five foot step to F8
Longbow [roll1] vs AC 15 Aiden for [roll2] points of damage

Shadow Goblin 5
Quarterstaff [roll3] vs AC 11 G'Noosh for [roll]1d4[/roll+1] points of damage

five foot step to L5
Bite [roll4] vs AC ?? for [roll5] points of damage and possible trip [roll6] vs Goblin [roll7]

2017-06-06, 04:00 AM
G'noosh takes [roll0] points of damage.
Gauntlet misses.

G'noosh's turn

King Tius
2017-06-06, 02:20 PM
G'Noosh brings her enchanted quarterstaff down on the shadow goblin between her and Gauntlet, taking advantage of their superior positioning. If she manages to bring the goblin down, she will step back just a bit to help Gauntlet attack her other assailant. Otherwise she stays put.

2-Handed Quarterstaff Attack on Shadow Goblin in M5: [roll0] (+1 from Shillelagh, +2 Flanking) Damage: [roll1]

2017-06-06, 02:54 PM
G'Noosh [roll0] spell craft vs DC 16 to identify the illusion spell as it's being cast (forgot to roll for you).
G'Noosh [roll1] to disbelieve the illusion (as a move action).

2017-06-06, 03:06 PM
Gwynevere you concentrate with pride at your illusion and watch the goblin's eyes to make sure they all fall for it - they do. They were not bashful at staring down their targets and they began to scan around the wall looking for a way in.

But too late do you realize that your allies all fall for it as well. Gunther began sticking his head and body awkwardly through the illusion to cast a spell on Aiden. He remained in that position after the spell ended as if to watch what occurred on the other side. G'noosh had run around it and Aiden was hit because he looked pinned in a corner by it.

"The magic wall will allow my allies to pass through it! My allies can also see through it, if they concentrate" You announced in common while concentrating on the spell.

Hopefully they figure it out you thought as the fight raged on around you. Aiden's began swinging blindly at the goblin, his vision obscured by some supernatural shadow wrapped around his head. The small goblin fired a longbow at him but the arrow bounced off of him as if it had been deflected by armor.

G'noosh and her wolf had one of the goblin's flanked and you watched with interest as her quarterstaff smashed through the smaller goblin's quarterstaff and landed a seemingly lethal blow. The goblin reacted as a living creature would have, at first, black blood began pouring from it's head. But like everything else, his body began to burn in the sunlight and fade away like smoke.

2017-06-06, 03:17 PM
Round 3


3/6 Hit Points

Shadow Goblin 3
AliveDamage Taken: 7


Disabled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#disabled)

Shadow Goblin 2
Unconscious (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#unconscious)

Shadow Goblin 4


Shadow Goblin 1




2017-06-06, 08:10 PM
After hearing Gwynevere call out, Gunther finally realizes what's happening. "Of course the wall is an illusion!" Gunther shouts, entirely too loudly. As soon as the words leave his mouth, he realizes he may have alerted the goblins, and shakes his head in embarrassment. "Well nothing for it..." he mutters sheepishly, and begins loading his heavy crossbow quickly and dexterously. Taking a step backwards, he ducks behind the "wall", hoping the enemies won't take advantage of his vulnerability.

5 foot step back behind wall. Full round action to load crossbow.

2017-06-06, 08:59 PM
Shadow Goblin 3 five foot steps to G6 and throws his club [roll0] vs AC 17+3 Dex, +4 Cover Gunther for [roll1] points of damage.

Shadow Goblin forms a heavy crossbow out of shadow. It's already loaded because I cheat.

Aiden [roll2] Sense Motive.

Aiden you've noticed that both of these goblins are barely looking at you. The one who just threw a club at Gunther, is mostly staring at Gunther the entire time and is mostly viewing you like an obstacle. The other goblin has been scanning the area, not really caring that much about you.

Aiden's turn - the concealment wore off. Your vision is clear. After identifying that Gwen was casting Silent Image and then sticking his entire body through it and then being told it was an illusion, Gunther and only Gunther automatically disbelieves the illusion. As of right now Gunther, Gwen, and G'noosh, and apparently the shadow goblin in G6, sees that it's an illusion.

Winter Road
2017-06-07, 02:01 AM
The stinging pain in his knee is now ringing clear, and Aidan winces as he approaches the injured goblin. Eager to bring the fight to an end he strikes at his seemingly distracted foe.
takes a 5 foot step to G-7 and swings on the goblin in G-6

2017-06-07, 07:24 AM
Dolgrin tighens the strap of his shield on his forearm as he looks up to see and hear Gunther loudly proclaiming about the wall being a fake. Dolgrin grunts and gives a slight disapproving headshake as he mutters semi incorherently under his breath as he untethers his Axe from his pack.

“gah...beardless son of........head full of cotton...tallin gonna get himself killed..."

Move Action: Dolgrin removes his Axe from his pack.

2017-06-07, 11:29 AM
Aiden heavy pick [roll0] vs AC ?? Shadow Goblin for [roll1] points of damage.
Charging Minotaur maneuver is granted to you.

Shadow Goblin 4 five foot steps to P5 and seems to hiss towards Dolgrin.
Shadow Goblin 4 Dwarven War Axe [roll2] vs AC 13 G'Noosh for [roll3] points of damage.

Without really breaking eye contact with the dwarf he swings at G'noosh gashing a minor wound across the half-orc's thigh.

Gwynevere's Turn.

2017-06-07, 11:41 AM
Gwynevere decides that the field has been narrowed enough that she'll provide more assistance with her longbow than with her covering wall. She drops the illusion, which scatters into the air in a cloud of sparks. Taking a step forward, she shoots the only shadowy goblin not currently engaged in combat; she's not quite confident in her ability to shoot into melee.

Standard action attack with +1 Longbow at F8 (assuming it isn't in melee with anyone): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If it misses, chance the arrow is destroyed (low is bad, high is good): [roll2]

Shift down one square to M9

2017-06-07, 11:53 AM
The shadow goblin with the bow seems to have found what he was looking for and the arrow of light seems to get snuffed out when it hits his shadowy form. The arrow deflects and breaks off it's shoulder, a shot slightly to the right of his throat.

He hisses loudly at seeing the elf and immediately fires back.

Dolgrin you tried to use your shield to block the arrow for Gwwynevere, but your reaction time was just too slow and your injuries to your arm too great.

The arrow grazes across the side of your neck and while you begin bleeding, the wound is superficial.

Shadow Goblin long bow [roll0] vs AC 17+3 dex, +4 cover Gwynevere for [roll1] points of damage.

Shadow Goblin moves 40 feet to I14

2017-06-07, 11:58 AM
Gauntlet moves into flanking position with G'noosh and with the goblin not really even looking at the wolf, Gauntlet is able to bite savagely into his arm and drag him easily to the ground.

[roll0] vs AC ?? for [roll1] points of damage. Trip [roll2] vs Shadow Goblin [roll3].

King Tius
2017-06-07, 12:25 PM
G'Noosh smiles at the teamwork her pack mate is showing. She rams her magically-engorged quarterstaff down into the shadow goblin's face. Assuming this dispatches the goblin, she takes off towards the remaining goblins.

Quarterstaff Attack on Shadow Goblin in P5: [roll0] (+1 from Shillelagh, +2 Flanking) Damage: [roll1]
Move to I5

2017-06-07, 01:16 PM
Gunther as you loaded your heavy crossbow a club went sailing by you. It was a good six inches above your head but a solid reminder to keep alert. For whatever reason that goblin was taking crazy shots to try to hit you instead of attacking Aiden right in front of him. And now he had a heavy crossbow too. His, loaded with a bolt formed of shadow and his eyes bore deep into you.

You could hear the dwarf uttering a string of cuss words in common and the dying cry of a goblin from behind you. The quick shadowy form of a goblin ran in between the stones to the south before you lost sight of him. He was wielding a longbow. The fight was still in full force, yet there were only two remaining.

Round 4


Dying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#dying)

Shadow Goblin 3
AliveDamage Taken: 11


Disabled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#disabled)

Shadow Goblin 2
Unconscious (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#unconscious)

Shadow Goblin 4
AliveDamage Taken: 5





2017-06-07, 01:32 PM
Realizing he is exposed, and without a good shot, Gunther decides to play defense. Moving quickly to stand near Dolgrin and Gwyn, he uses yet another spell. A misty vapor arises around him and his closet companions.

Move to N9. Cast Obscuring Mist.

2017-06-07, 01:46 PM
Shadow goblin five foot steps to G7.

Aiden Attack of opportunity [roll0] vs Shadow Goblin for [roll1] points of damage. Aiden hits.

Shadow Goblin Heavy Crossbow [roll2] and [roll3] concealment (High hits) vs Gunther AC 17 for [roll4] points of damage.

2017-06-07, 01:53 PM
The small shadowy form ignored Aiden and the approaching engorged quarterstaff wielder and followed Gunther's movement across the circle with his crossbow. As the obscurring mist began to envelop the battlefield the goblin took Aiden's pick deep into his shoulder as he let the crossbow bolt fly.

The shadowy bolt disappeared into the mist and the sound of it striking someone can be heard.

Gwynevere, you felt the bolt's wind blow by you and the sound of a grunt behind you.

In the deep fog, Gunther's body was knocked backward from the impact and he lay on the circle ground, dying.

Aiden you watch as the small creature barely able to stand forms a heavy pick out of shadows and begins glaring at you.

Winter Road
2017-06-07, 08:52 PM
Aidan returns the goblin's glare with added ferocity. As if in a fit of anger, Aidan attempts to grab the beast.

Touch Attack [roll0] vs Goblin's touch AC. If successful opposed strength to resolve trip [roll1] vs Goblin.

If successful I'll throw him into square F-5, if successful I move to J-12

2017-06-07, 11:37 PM
Goblin opposed strength: [roll0]

Instead of swinging his weapon, Aiden reaches out to try to grab the incredibly damaged and weakened goblin with multiple serious injuries, bloodied with liquid shadow pouring out of his wounds, and breathing with a raspy and near death sound, however Aiden finds his grip too slippery due to all the serious almost life threatening wounds that had covered the goblin's body with his shadowy slippery blood.

The obviously near death goblin who is very weak right now (and if there was some way of descriptively explaining how close to death this creature was, say by some "point system" that represented how many hits one could take before dying, this goblin clearly would be one hit away) is thankful he didn't get tossed, playfully into the ocean, as it's known that shadow creatures, much like cats, hate the water (although no real negative effects would have affected said goblin from being thrown into the ocean except perhaps of being prone and making it easier for the next person to make a touch attack to throw him further into the ocean).

2017-06-08, 05:55 PM
Dolgrin grinds his teeth slightly from the flash of pain as he suddenly readjust and tightens his grip on his shield and axe as the thick fog engulfs around him. After the readjustment, he finishes his previous mumbles about the stupid tallin with a sarcastically toned "Great! Maybe one of ye would like ta make me deaf too." as he scans the fog for any danger He loudly says toward Gwynevee

“Lass ya'think ye can fix dat idiot befer he bleeds out. Unless o' course he be dead already."

2017-06-14, 08:33 AM
Gwynevere welcomes the cover, but she's also feeling more confident in her ability to actively affect the fight. She moves south, out of the mist, and shoots the first shadow-goblin she can see.

Move to N13.

Attack goblin standing near the circle: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Chance arrow is lost if it misses, 1 is bad: [roll2]

2017-06-19, 11:55 AM
Gwynevere Spot [roll0] vs Goblin in I14 Hide [roll1]

Gwynevere hits goblin he's still conscious and it's his turn.

She readies an action to fire at a goblin that she sees

Shadow Goblin Long Bow [roll2] vs Gwynevere for [roll3] points of damage. Goblin hits Gwyenvere.

Goblin is "sniping" hide [roll4] vs Gwynevere spot [roll5]

Gwynevere spots goblin and uses her readied action. Does 5 points of damage to goblin.

G'noosh's turn

King Tius
2017-06-20, 01:11 PM
G'Noosh splashes into the water to get a better angle on the next goblin, whistling for Gauntlet to come join her as she goes.

Move to F7
Quarterstaff Attack on Shadow Goblin in G7: [roll0] (+1 from Shillelagh, +2 Flanking) Damage: [roll1]

2017-06-20, 03:11 PM
Gauntlet double moves to F9. Gunther rolls to stabilize [roll0]. He succeeds. Lucky bastard.
The Shadow Goblin's eyes bore nothing but hatred as he focused on Gunther moving across the battlefield. With a shot that seemed uninterrupted by the blow it took to it's shoulder by Aiden the goblin finally turned his attention to the human. As the shadowy bolt disappeared into the obscuring mist spell Gunther felt the bolt slam dead center into his chest with a force that surprised him and the sound of him hitting the ground could be heard by all.

Aiden with your pick embedded in the goblin's shoulder you felt a flash of inspiration, a technique you'd seen your master perform, and you found yourself automatically moving into the style of the Setting Sun to throw the goblin's body away. As you reached to grab him, his slick injured body didn't give you much of a hold and for a second you two seemed to wrestle. After that second, G'noosh caved in the goblin's head with her clearly enhanced quarterstaff. For were it not enhanced, perhaps G'noosh would not have such vigor and stamina in Goblin banging.

Gwynevere as you exited the obscuring mist there was a moment of confusion as you found yourself looking at an empty area where the goblin had moments ago stood. An arrow flew out of the shadow created by the monolith and you quickly fired back at the shadowy outline of the goblin who's form seemed to have almost completely camouflaged itself with the shadow it stood in. Both arrows struck true as the last goblin standing formed another shadow arrow out of nothing.

Somewhere in the cloud, a dwarf talked to himself. Somewhere else on the battlefield, laying on it's back, a shadow goblin opened it's eyes.

Round 5


Stable (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#stable)


Disabled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#disabled)

Shadow Goblin 2
Blinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded), Stunned (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#stunned)

Shadow Goblin 4
AliveDamage Taken: 5





Winter Road
2017-06-26, 02:48 PM
Aidan starts making his way down toward where he spots returning arrow fire.

I then continue down in a straight path toward the bottom goblin until my movement is exhausted.

2017-06-26, 03:57 PM
Aiden double moves to H14 and spot [roll0] vs DC 6.

Aiden you round the megalith and are momentarily confused - you don't see anything. Your first instinct is that Gwynevere had killed the goblin with her arrow and it's already faded away like the rest. One look at Gwynevere dispels that, her body is still tense, she's pulling out another arrow, and she appears to be reacting to something near you.

Dolgrin's turn.

2017-06-26, 06:54 PM
Dolgrin glances in the direction he heard Gunther fall. He grunts from the pain as he shifts his weight to walk, and mutters under his breath as he slowly makes his way toward the place he heard Gunther go down. All the while scanning the fog, anxiously expecting some attacking threat to emerge.

Takes 5 foot Step to M9

2017-06-26, 09:04 PM
Shadow Goblin Long Bow [roll0] vs Gwynevere for [roll1] points of damage. Goblin hits, Gwyen is at 1 hp.
Goblin is "sniping" hide [roll2] vs Aiden's spot [roll3]. Aiden successfully spots goblin after it's shot.

Gwynevere's turn. Posting at work, no fluffiful descriptions of Ragged's plight.

2017-06-27, 08:19 AM
Gwynevere is abruptly in the most pain of her life, with a shadowy arrow protruding from her side. "It occurs to me," she mutters as she draws her own bow, "that I should probably be wearing armor."

She fires back, then darts into the mist, not willing to get turning into a pincushion any more than necessary.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move to O8.

2017-06-30, 09:23 PM

Ragged misses.

G'noosh's turn.

2017-07-09, 09:47 AM
G'noosh [roll0] vs AC 6-2 blinded, -2 stunned, -4 prone, +3 armor, +1 size for [roll1] points of damage.
Goblin appears to still be alive and bloodied. Very bloodied.

Gauntlet moves to H15 and bite [roll2] vs goblin for [roll3]and trip [roll4] vs [roll5]
Goblin is tripped by wolf. Goblin lays prone.

Round 6


Stable (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#stable)


Disabled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#disabled)

Shadow Goblin 2
Blinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded), Stunned (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#stunned)Damage Taken: 10

Shadow Goblin 4
AliveDamage Taken: 9




Charging Minotaur, Leading the Attack, Mighty Throw are available for Aiden. Aiden's turn.

Winter Road
2017-07-09, 12:51 PM
Aidan attempts to grab the little thing and chuck it into the circle.

Touch Attack [roll0] vs Goblin's touch AC. If successful opposed strength to resolve trip [roll1] vs Goblin.

If successful I'll throw him into square J-13

2017-07-09, 01:22 PM
Goblin Opposed Strength: [roll0]
Goblin Color Spray: [roll1]

2017-07-09, 01:52 PM
Aidan ignored the goblin who lay on the ground and moved quickly to the south where he assumed the goblin with the bow would be. Confusion bore on his face, he found himself looking at an empty space.

Then the shadow near him moved and fired once more at Gwynevere with uncanny accuracy. With the second arrow having struck her leg, she found yourself unable to dodge the third arrow which took her in the chest. Perhaps through adrenaline, she found herself still in control of her facilities and as the arrow from her chest faded away like the rest she still was able to fire her arrow. But the shot was a poor one and it missed to the left. [roll0] (1 is bad)

"It occurs to me," Gwynevere had muttered as she draws her own arrow, "that I should probably be wearing armor." With that she darted back into the obscuring mist holding the hole in her chest but finding herself able to breathe freely despite the taste of blood in her mouth.

Aidan found himself joined by Gauntlet which bit deeply into the goblin's leg and dragged it to the ground. With the elegance of a dancer, Aidan you grabbed the goblin's arm and used it's own attempt at standing up to help him do so. Flinging the creature as if it weighed nothing past the megalith that forms the circle. It scrambled wildly as it tried to claw it's way out but within seconds it faded away leaving nothing behind.

The sound of G'noosh smashing the last goblin repeatedly until it faded away ended the fight.

2017-07-10, 08:58 PM
Gwynevere looks around cautiously. If the coast looks clear, she'll let out a rather undignified sigh of relief. "That was miserable. And I'm bleeding. Rather a lot, actually. Does anyone have any more of that healing we were talking about earlier? I'm feeling a bit lightheaded."

2017-07-19, 05:26 PM
As the obscuring mist faded away, you realize suddenly that the morning fog has completely gone away as the morning sun has fully crested the horizon.

You're on a scraggy, almost featureless island a quarter of a mile across, with nothing by way of landscape other than grass and rock. The stone circle is the only sign that anyone has ever been here. To the south, a causeway of stone connects the island to the mainland that can clearly be seen stretching away in either direction.


The druid went over to Gunther's body and began checking his body in various locations. "We need to move off this island. The tide is coming in and it'll trap us here."

She pulled out a scroll written on tree bark and began chanting in druidic before touching Gunther. Slowly his wounds began to heal, the color returned to his skin, and after about thirty seconds he opened his eyes.

"Once we make it to the beach, if you give me an hour I'll be able to heal the rest of you." She said.

Gunther heals for 11 hit points over 11 rounds

Winter Road
2017-07-19, 06:57 PM
As the fog clears, revealing a dazzling sunrise, Aidan is a bit surprised to find himself not suddenly waking up in bed.
"I suppose this is no dream." He finds himself suddenly quite cognizant of the stinging pain in his knee.

Making his way back to the party he witnesses Gunther's miraculous recovery, and notes the newly injured elf.
"Yeah, let's maybe not stay here," Aidan says, in agreement with G'noosh.

2017-07-20, 06:30 AM
Dolgrin gives weak wet raspy exhale of relief as the threat of the goblins is gone and the fog clears. As the adrenaline leaves his body, he lowers and flips his axe around and tries to use it to steady himself like one would with a cane. He watches as G’noosh pulls a scroll she had the whole time and cast it on Guther’s limp body. As Gunther’s wounds start to rapidly heal Dolgrin gives a slight head shake of disbelief and softly mutters under his breath "figures”

Dolgrin starts to scan across the coastline looking for any threats or suitable places for the group to take cover
"Aye, I had me fill of drown’n. Gett’n ta solid dry ground sounds like a fine idea. So now dat da cursed fog be gone, Any o ya recognize what shoreline dat be o where we are?” .

2017-07-20, 10:03 AM
As Gunther opens his eyes, he looks around slowly and sees Dolgrin.

"Is everyone alright?" he asks the dwarf, grunting in pain.

He begins to slowly make his way to his feet.

"How in the seven hells was I hit?" he mumbles to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. "Luckiest shot I've ever seen. It's almost as if the gods conspired to allow that goblin to make an impossible shot."

2017-07-20, 10:42 AM
Dolgrin briefly addresses Gunther’s question as he leans heavily for support on the pommel of his now upside down axe. All the while never letting his bloodshot eyes break from scanning and searching the near by shoreline.
"Aye, goblins gone, and we’re still breathing. A victory....but I would nae be crackin open any Bock or salted pork barrels ta celebrate just yet. Ye able ta walk lad? Cause we were just talk'n about headin towards inland."

2017-07-20, 05:16 PM
Gwynevere takes a long moment to survey the small island and the ocean beyond it. She's hurt, tired, and dirty. Despite it all, her expression radiates satisfaction. She's still watching the sea when the others begin to pack up and get ready to leave; this finally shakes her out of her reverie. "Right, yes, the tide and all. We'll get to the mainland and then find a place to rest, yes? As much as I'm enjoying this adventure, I feel that without a good four hour's of trace I might just keel over."

2017-07-20, 05:57 PM
Dolgrin you scan the coast for anything of interest - the country is hilly and barren. You make out flint walls that look to divide up the fields. A good sign. Although the few sheep you can see from the island look starved. To the west, on the horizon along the coast, you can make out some buildings and a dock (a small coastal town perhaps).

The hills to the south you can see some rotten looking buildings and what looks like an above-ground old mining complex. Alone on a hill to the east, overlooking the ocean, is a windmill. The sails are motionless. You can't tell if it's still in use.

You all make your way along the causeway and reach a stony beach. None of you have a clue where in the world you are at. It doesn't look like anyone is in the immediate vicinity. G'noosh sits down on the sandy and rocky beach, facing the morning sun, and simply closes her eyes, sitting quietly.

Dolgrin, to add to your misery, the short walk already has you chafing with your wet clothes and boots.

Here is what the area looks like when the tide rolls in, your land bridge is completely covered.

2017-07-21, 06:15 AM
Gwynevere takes another look around, then turns to face the group. She's still in good spirits, somehow. "So, once G'Noosh is done preparing her spells and we're not all bleeding out of various holes, which way do we want to go? The windmill, that old town, or the bigger town way down the coast? I figure the first step is to find out where in the world we are, and we can work from there."

2017-07-21, 07:26 AM
Although he is now uninjured, Gunther looks tired as sits down on the beach, pulling out his wine skin and taking a long drink. "I need to sleep. I'm nearly spent, and I need time to study my spellbook." Taking a bite of an unappetizing piece of hard tack, he smiles up at the others. "The town seems the safest bet. We can find someone to talk to, and figure out just where we are. Although it seems quite a long way from here. I suppose we could find shelter in the windmill..." He shrugs, looking to the others to make a decision. "Beautiful country, though, isn't it? Although the livestock look rather poorly cared for."

2017-07-21, 08:23 AM
Dolgrins nods in agreement with Gwynevere and listens to Gunther before saying.
"Aye, after G’moosh gets us mended up a bit I’m all fer headin ta dat larger town ta haf a look o two and ask some questions”

Dolgrin pauses a very brief second in thought then gives a mumbled
"Burn me Beard.”

Dolgrin lets out a slight disheartening grunt then says
"Da lass makes a gud point doe saying We need ta figure out where we be. Because reet now da lot o us doesnt have a clue where we are o whit rules dees lands. So even doe I would trade me mother’s Anvil fer some dry clothes, a warm bed, a Mug o Double Bock and a hot meal it be fool beardless fer us ta romp inta dat unknown town in an unknown land wid out have’n da slightest ta who or what be living dare. We might be blindly walk’n straight into da forge fire, and nae even know it until it’s too late.

Da windmill on da udder hand might give us a place ta over look da landscape and see where we be or whit be around us. Anudder option is dat ol’ mining town. It looked mighty rundown which could mean it’s abandon. It might even haf some left behind supplies and at da very least it would be a grand spot fer us ta shelter up a bit and git some proper rest. Den after we back to full whit’n health we could regroup, plan and go from dare. Although da mine might just look abandon but aint...so dares always dat too. Suppose dare always a bit o risk in any o da choices. What's all yer thoughts on it? “

2017-07-29, 07:06 PM

Dolgrin you look between the members of the group to see who will respond. Aidan is either uninterested or deep in thought, you can't tell. The elf lass doesn't respond either and you find yourself struggling to understand why she sounds so happy despite being covered in her own blood. The elves you knew were all stressed from war. Happiness seemed like such a distant emotion to them. Thinking back to what seems like an eternity ago (but perhaps was as little as an hour) you find yourself suddenly overcome with exhaustion. You think to your dwarven brothers. Dageath, Beldrin, and Soldin... Your brothers, surely perished, like you should have. A sudden wave of guilt washes over you. It isn't fair that you survived when they didn't.

Finding yourself safe for a second, and with no one responding to you, you find yourself getting comfortable in the sand, against a warm rock. Sleep quickly finds you.
You feel the damn bursting again, what seems like only a second later, and the water hits you igniting your body on fire. You wake suddenly from your slumber to the feeling of your whole body on fire. With a panicked look, you begin to struggle but the half-human holds you for a second and comforts you. Her healing magic flows threw your body. When it's done about a minute later you find yourself still in a lot of pain but compared to what you were enduring earlier it's nothing. All of the muscles in your body ache deeply, much like as if you had spent a hard day in labor after doing nothing all winter. Nothing feels broken... just weak.

The half-human woman raises an eyebrow at you. The looks on the faces of the Humans and the Elf also look somewhat unimpressed. She begins speaking softly in druidic over you. She lays her hand on your face and your body ignites once more. By the time it's done you are fully healed, nay a scratch on your body. Even the chafing is gone from walking in wet clothes. Relief washes over the groups faces.

G'Noosh walks over to the Elf lass and begins speaking in druidic while holding her as well.

When G'Noosh lays her hands on the dwarf the first time, none of his external wounds seem to heal. However, the second time the bruising and broken nose his cut hands, etc.. all heal.

Dolgrin heals for 22 hit points. He's at 14/14
Gwynevere heals for 3 hit points. She's at 4/7

2017-08-04, 04:58 PM
A lazy cloud drifts across the beautiful blue sky. A family of snow crabs, so named for their white appearance that helps them blend into snowy beaches, scurry along the shore.

2017-08-05, 01:37 AM
"by Reoyx's Beard! I ain't felt this good in ages. Sure a Lil mud and dried blood in me beard but Nae a bump, bruise, or scratch on me. Ye have me deepest thanks G'moosh" Dolgrin says to G'Noosh happily with a large thankful smile as his peripheral vision catche the movement of the white crabs on the beach. Dolgrin turns his attention over to watching the crabs a moment before saying

"Hmm...Only thing dat might make dis better would be a quick rinse and some food in me gut, but me rations are soaked and ruined"
Dolgrin does not take his eyes off the crabs when he quietly calls over Gwyenevere
" Lass, Ye think ye could pluck one o'two of dose buggers off with yer bow? I heard traders and merchants always yapping about how dey love eat'n dem ugly lookin seabugs. At dis point I'm hungry enough ta try anything, even dose filthy lil'buggers. I would give it a go myself but I lost me throwing axes."

Winter Road
2017-08-05, 10:08 AM
Aidan verbally echoes the party's sentiments that the nearby town might be the best place for a first stop. He begins to walk off, just assuming the group will follow in tow...but then he hears Dolgrin's remark about snow crabs. Good trade you say....snow crabs. Yes yes! A fine idea! If they are quite rare then we might not get another opportunity for ready coin, and to be honest, I'm pretty famished as well. Aidan turns an excited gaze to Gwyn. "Do you think you could land us a few? Please be careful not to damage the shells too much. It might adversely effect the price, or, we could just eat the ones too banged up!"

King Tius
2017-09-08, 02:44 PM
G'Noosh gives Dolgrin a warm smile for his thanks as she moves to administer aid to Gwyn. After muttering her incantations and delivering her healing magics, she sits back on her heals and holds her hands out, palms up. "Even the mighty eagle must stop and rest his wings, and that's all the healing I can offer for now. With some more rest I'll be able to finish stitching you back together." Gauntlet trots up and drops the crabs into G'Noosh's outstretched hands. She lets out a joyous laugh in surprise and quickly tosses them into her backpack, motioning back towards the beach. "Again, brother! Bring back more food for us mewling pups who can't catch our own." Regardless of how many more crabs Gauntlet manages to catch, G'Noosh stands up, dusts herself off, and nods towards the town. "Let's go." She starts to stride towards the town but pauses, a confused look on her face. "Perhaps....one of you should take the lead. My kin are not often looked upon kindly."

2017-09-20, 09:36 PM
Dolgrin gives a wry grin as watches as the wolf snatches up the skittering pale crabs and causally brings them back to G'Noosh "Well done Hound! Aint no messin about wid ol'Gauntlet. "

Dolgrin pauses a moment in thought as G’Noosh ask for someone else to take the lead then says

"G’Moosh, ya say dat yer kin aint looked on in a good way and since we all be head’n ta town togedder it probably best if we all knows …well..uh…just in case we needs ta known dat…err"
Dolgrin pauses very briefly to stroke his beard once while trying to figure out how to word his question properly and finally just ends up blurting it out

“Well aint no reason ta beat on an anvil wid no steel on it…what mix o'bits and pieces o'races do ye be?”

2017-10-01, 12:38 PM
Seeing that the party is heading towards the town, Gunther stands up and gets his things together. As the others speak back and forth, he brandishes his quill and parchment, making a quick sketch of the snow crabs, while mumbling quietly to himself. "A creature like that would only exist in a generally cold climate. I wonder if they are toxic... probably not, but perhaps I will stick with my rations..." The dwarf's awkward question makes Gunther look up abrubtly, and he looks to the half orc and awaits her answer, his eybrows arched comically.

King Tius
2017-10-04, 09:37 AM
G'Noosh gives Dolgrin a wide smile, letting him see just how pronounced her tusk are. "I am half human, half orc. My mother decided to raise me, despite being a constant reminder of the raid that all but killed her. When the raiders came again, they finished the job and kept me as a trophy."

2017-10-07, 10:19 PM
Dolgrin's one eye brow curiously raises up when G'Noosh says she is a half orc.
"Lass, I ain't trying ta be insultin ya. but what in da nines is an Orc? I Ain't ever heard of dat."

Dolgrin glances around to see if anyone else looks puzzled at G'Noosh's heritage declaration of this unknown New Race

King Tius
2017-10-11, 07:26 AM
G'Noosh smiles and her eyes unfocus. "It seems I've traveled even further than I thought." She shakes her head to clear her thoughts and addresses Dolgrin again. "They...we...are a barbaric and warlike people. We raid the human settlements and nomads around us, taking what they are too weak to defend. Our leaders rule by might and our shamans by fear. I was able to escape my tribe, but in a way I can never leave them."

2017-10-13, 10:13 AM
Dolgrin Strokes his beard a bit as he ponders over G'Noosh's words.
"By da sounds of your kin I suppose I'm lucky dat my first experience with any Orc ish type was with you. Since ye ain't been nothing but kind...a bit odd, but kind for sure. Well I suppose with dat settled, we should be getting a move on"

2017-10-25, 12:15 PM
22nd day in the month of the Dwarf

The party begins their hike towards the settlement they see. It's not a long walk, about an hour and a half. Along the way they walk along the beach when they can but the cliffs and hills force the party to move away from the shore somewhat.

As you get closer to the town, you can clearly see this little settlement has seen better days. Many of the wooden buildings seem to have partly collapsed. Where a town square would be there is little more than an open muddy space, cut with the ruts of wagon wheels, with a crumbling stone well in the middle. Off to one side is the largest building in the vicinity - a tavern or perhaps an inn, whose sign proclaims it to be the Golden Nugget. Opposite the inn is an open shop with a basket of dry goods set out front. An aged human woman sits by the basket and as your group gets closer she narrows her eyes suspiciously at you all.

2017-10-25, 06:54 PM
Dolgrin has his shield strapped to his arm yet he allows it to causally swing at his side with his natural gait as he tries not to look suspicious or nervous. He walks toward the old women
"Good day Miss, How ye be? What ye be selling on dis fine day?" Dolgrin glances over the basket quickly seeing if there is anything of use to the party.

2017-10-25, 09:33 PM
Gwynevere stays near the back of the group, taking in the small group of buildings with wide eyes. Her attention goes from the construction of the buildings to the woman, and from the woman to her goods. Her brow furrowed she takes G'Noosh's arm, murmuring in the druid's ear. "This can't be a... permanent settlement, can it? Is this how these people live, in this kind of squalor?"

King Tius
2017-10-26, 12:49 PM
G'Noosh lets loose a hearty laugh at Gwynevere's question. It is a deep, warm, and unembarrassed laugh. "The life has left this town, but it is far from squalor. These buildings are works of stone and wood. There are merchants here, even if they are simple. Living in a cave covered in your own filth, gnawing on bones, that is living in squalor."

2017-10-26, 01:41 PM
An open shop, somewhere

The old human lady eyes the dwarf suspiciously until he mentions what she's selling then she smiles, "'Ello there dwarf. Aven't seen much of your people in a spell or two. I sell 'ardware and provisions for the townfolk and those tendin' the land nearby. If ya don't mind me askin', I ain't seen the sorts of an elf, a dwarf, and an orc travellin' together in... never as I can reckon. Ya'll not attackin' me so ya missionaries or somethin'? We ain't lookin' to conver to that Marianism they preach in the southern lands. 'Onest gods fearin' folk 'ere."

2017-10-26, 08:34 PM
Dolgrin continues to look over her goods as he says
"We ain't no missionaries. Just some travelers passing through. Mind me asking, what town dis be?" Dolgrin says in the friendliest voice he can manage Without sounding too friendly.

2017-11-01, 01:45 PM
An Old Lady, somewhere in the world

She raises an eye at the dwarf suspiciously, then seems to smile and wave at two younger human men who also eye the party suspiciously. They don't wave back as they walk into the tavern across the road.

"This is the town of Bronce..." She says before trailing off. When it becomes clear that none of you know where Bronce is she continues slowly, as if it should be obvious, "Bronce is west of Saragost.... Again when none of your faces seem to know where even that is, she finishes, "Lucington. Ya'll lost or somthin'?"


2017-11-01, 01:51 PM
Gwynevere steps forward, doing her best to keep her patience. It's been a long day for her, and her adventure was not going as planned. "I apologize for our lack of knowledge. We were all recently teleported without our consent to an islet near here. We have very little conception of where we are. Let's start with our current country, and we'll work from there."

2017-11-01, 02:03 PM
An Old Lady - Bronce, Lucington

"I don't know nothin' 'bout is-lets and teleportin'. Ya'll are onna island called Lucington. We're an independint country off of the coast of Applecrown Land."


2017-11-01, 07:53 PM
Dolgrin Says nothing but nods tries to study the faces of his party to see if any flashes of recognition cross their faces since he is unaware of the lands this is old lady speaks of.

King Tius
2017-11-03, 07:34 AM
G'Noosh nods in understanding to the old woman, her face impassive. She reaches down to give Gauntlet a scratch behind the ear. "I am from Vask, your eastern neighbor. It is many days flying from here, so I am glad we did not walk. Why is Bronce here? All towns exist for a reason."

2017-11-04, 01:09 PM
The old lady gives G'noosh a look of disgust. It's a look that G'noosh is all too familiar with. Still the old lady, perhaps driven by curiosity, answers your question.

"Bronce was a prosperous mining town in my youth. About twenty years ago we ran outta ore. Now, nothing' left in the earth except ghosts and flooded ruins. We get by though, those oove stayed here."

2017-11-07, 02:45 PM
Dolgrin still uncertain where they are, gives a friendly smile to the old lady and then politely backs away while Gywn and G'Noosh are still talking to her. He looks around and slowly starts to walk across the street to investigate the Golden Nugget more closely.